#i wrote a lot. made an entire album that im still working on
How did you move on from your relationships so fast? Its been a hot minute since my break up and im still over here struggling
My first one is complicated, since it technically ended in October when he found his current gf, and our friendship fully ended in february/march. That one was the one I had to come to terms with the fact I was being abused the entire time, so by the time march hit I was done.
My second one I got over because we both pretty much came to the conclusion we aren't ready for a committed relationship with anyone as we are now. Them for personal reasons, mine because of trauma reasons. We actually went to a BBQ and got to joke about it too, which was funny.
So I'm not really the person to ask. The relationship that took me months to get over was the one where I got over it by realizing I was abused, and the second one ended on such good terms I couldn't really dwell on those emotions too long.
Although, some advice. Getting out of a relationship sucks. If you feel like you're still holding on to that grief (bc it is grief, you're grieving), spend time with friends. Go outside. Find a new band. Write bad poetry. Throw cheap paint on a rock. Go to a concert. Sing loudly to your music. Read a book from your childhood. Eat your favorite ice cream. And during or between that, think about what you had, why you lost it, and that it's okay. You're here, living (even if you have to make yourself), and no other relationship matters more than the one with yourself.
And remember that someone there loves you.
Or, if love isn't your thing, deeply appreciates you.
ALSO! That feeling? It's grief. Let yourself have space to grieve sometimes. Mourn a bit. And with every mourning and grieving, let a little more go. It's not forever, but it also doesn't have to be nonexistent.
Tl;dr I'm not the most qualified to speak on this, but at the end of it all just live every day and do things that make you smile
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yunogf · 25 days
lmao i asked bc, as you said in your tags, there was a certain way that it comes across as with how you’re talking about it, so i genuinely wondered bc i was gonna listen to it as well. i’ve been reading plenty of comments about it as well that mostly just lean on “aoty” “soty” “best album ever” and i get that these are (hopefully) exaggerated claims by stans, but i was seriously yet to see a decent comment about its musicality. it’s either about his face in the mv or his voice or the aesthetic of the mv. nothing on the lyricism or the instrumentations or its creativity or depth, so i was hesitant. i get liking it, but i doubt its being “the best”, so when i saw that your comments were the same, i began to wonder if this is another case of exaggerated praises and it’s just... meh at best. nothing new and all that. i am still gonna listen to it on my own ofc but, i guess, since i’m not really his fan, i’m not all excited. amazing debuts usually create tractions of their own, and i don’t hear much for this, but i ain’t judging based on that ofc. anyway, no need to feel attacked. as i said, i was genuinely curious so i asked. i’m well aware that i have ears. i was just genuinely curious about what you actually thought about it, what with your unhinged tags and whatnot. that’s all.
hard to gain traction when ur company announces ur album 2 weeks before it drops!
i was thrown by your wording and i still kind of am but i don't listen to music i don't enjoy and that's across the board for any artist bc....why would i do that lol and maybe ur not in the right circle being a casual fan/non-fan bc I've seen most ppl talk abt the musicality along with everything else 🤔
ik u said u were genuinely asking and i appreciate the explanation but im picking up on an overall unimpressed tone ("hopefully exaggerated" "doubt it being the best" ?) and it feels like u've made up ur mind about jaehyun and his music and ur asking me to give u a reason to change ur mind/care/be impressed but that's not my job ur free to make ur own opinion to me it seems ur going in with a half formed one already but it's music so like it or leave it either way is okay! ur under no obligation!
I'm sorry if being a kpop stan (im assuming...?) has made u feel disillusioned by solo releases tho i understand bc ppl are often overhyped by fans but jaehyun is a music enjoyer who did his homework and worked with artists he himself is a fan of and the payoff is really good music
overall ur ask is very uninformed which if ur not a fan is understandable but as a native english speaker myself listening to an album that is almost entirely in english from a nonnative speaker i have to say the lyrics are very well done they make sense create good metaphor and aren't superficially about balling or making a lot of money (i loathe to hear this often in eng versions of kpop songs lol) and jaehyun is credited as a lyricist on almost every song afaik
the production value is solid "can't get you" has an entire band accompaniment (the trumpet >>>>>) he wrote/worked on "flamin hot lemon" with emotional oranges (one of my fave artists actually <3) so that one is Excellent in every regard esp for a song inspired by cheetos lmao I've said numerous times that none of the songs sound like they were created with the intent of 30 secs going viral on tiktok (a very important differentiation for me) and one of my favorites parts about the title track "smoke" is the outro it's soooo good there's an unexpected bit of piano that he adlibs along with >>>> and the ballad "completely" has a Gorgeous piano backing to it (the lyrics on this one are also so beautiful)
my excitement about the release may have overwhelmed me so i might not have broken down each song beat by beat but rest assured i'm not wasting time on music i don't enjoy
in summation the album is good and on a separate unrelated note he just happens to be really hot ❤️
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
thoughts on i can fix him (no really i can)
sorry this isn’t abt the fic i have no more questions but your responses are so great 😭
DONT APOLOGIZE AT ALL I LOVE LOVE LOVE TALKING ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT like i honestly get worried that i talk about her too much a lot bc irl im always told i need to know how to have conversations about things OTHER than her so like knowing that y'all wanna know my opinions on these things is actually the coolest thing ever and i love it <333
first of all, i LOVE the vibes of it. i choose to try not to think about the source material of these things (i've never been the hugest fans of connecting songs to the actual artist who wrote them, idk it just feels invasive) so the entire time i was thinking abt lucy gray baird/coriolanus bc of a post that rachel zegler made months ago for tom blyth's bday with a tee-shirt that said "I can fix him" like idk i just KNEW the song was gonna be snowbaird coded AND I WAS CORRECT
the vibes seemed so cowboy like me like i was genuinely surprised?? the whole thing seemed like it was very taken out of modern society, and like, fugitive au, and i was recently just reading this 1870s small town au (had just finished it like the day before ttpd i think) and so i was SO HERE FOR THAT KIND OF VIBE
overall i just loveeeed the imagery in these lyrics. it's one of those songs where the production just matches the content so well and taylor is truly incredible at that!!
one of my FAVORITE lyrics (most def my fav of the song, possibly one of my favorites of the album was
They shake their heads sayin', "God, help her" When I tell 'em he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
idk why but the way she said it, the lyrics, the "good lord doesnt need to lift a finger" like GOD it just scratched an itch in my brain so perfectly (the entire album, i felt like she was singing it perfectly, there were so many little moments where i was just like GOD THIS WAS SUNG EXACTLY AS IT NEEDED TO BE SUNG)
just reread the lyrics for this bc i wanna make a worthy response (if y'all EVER want an opinion on ANY taylor swift song or any other artist i've mentioned before like PLEASE feel free lyrical analysis is my entire life)
and like
i seriously have to stop with au ideas
bc just the mention of texas has me thinking OMG FUGITIVE NICO X COWBOY WILL SOLACE AU and im like STFU BRAIN YOU ALREADY HAVE TOO MUCH YOU'RE WORKING ON but like i mean its TEXAS
The dopamine races through his brain On a six-lane Texas highway His hand so calloused from his pistol Softly traces hearts on my face
and the way it just ends so suddenly with "woah maybe i can't" is just😭😭i cackled at that it was hilarious
conclusion: i haven't really re-listened to it bc it wasn't one of those songs that stood out to me in the first listen (i've been listening to the album on loop since it came out bc im still trying to process all the songs, but there were definitely some that i repeated over and over again bc they were my favorite). i don't really like ratings because i feel like every song has so much potential, and i just haven't understood it yet? like, particularly with taylor songs, i actually didn't like the folklore or evermore albums when i first listened to them. then when i did again, they become two of my favorite albums holding some of my favorite songs. so all i can say right now is that it isn't one of my favorites off the album, but i do love certain aspects of it!
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anthraxplus · 8 months
I don't know enough about music to ask interesting interview questions, but would you want to like explain your artistic process for how you have made your albums? Like how long did they take to make, what's your starting point? this is a totally optional ask I just thought it would be interesting to hear about something you're interested in
ty for the ask! i feel like the answers to these questions are sorta hard for me to answer tbh because i really did just stumble into this, at least thats how it seems to me.
for baatmoia, id say it took me roughly 9 months to make from beginning to end, but i dont know when i really consciously started working on it. the concept of "making an album" was something i was essentially challenging myself to do, seeing as ive been making music for a long time and only sparsely released a smidgen of it under a different project. they were also the first songs of mine i ever wrote and recorded lyrics/vocals for, which was another challenge for me. as for the construction of it (continuous mix) thats just something i like doing with mixes - my favorite albums have A Flow to them, and i liked making it so that you couldnt have clean delineations between when songs began and ended. thats also part of my mindset behind obscuring my vocals so much, which in turn is just an expression of wanting to make an album that felt dreamy, hazy, ethereal, formless. thats also what i did for baatlnoyl, but for a different reason. i operated a lot on "vibes" for both albums since i didnt really have any other metric (and i still dont), which tbh i like because i think it helps add a very personal feeling to everything.
baatlnoyl is inspired by a dream i had, also took about 9 months(ish), and was directionless for a long time until i was a monthish away from my self imposed deadline. in this dream, i fell in love with a character of that dream and i woke up before i could really tell them. and after trying to use that dream for inspiration for one song in particular, i realized the idea fit with a sort of "call and response" i had noticed with everything else i had written (a lot of repeating motifs). so like, after 8 months of working on this, the album turned into a sort of nonlinear story about that kind of experience and what it would feel like for both people after the dream ended. i wanted this one to be noisier and harsher, but also more expansive in genre (the shoegaze/etc focus on baatmoia was also a self imposed challenge). technically speaking, a couple songs on here have been on my backburner for years, but they finally found a home here (most of it is still brand new material though). i still feel like this one isnt fully complete - i skidded into that deadline and i think it shows. im planning on fixing it up soon to hopefully actually make it the way id like to keep it.
im so sorry if these answers are like disjointed and rambling, its hard for me to explain because so much of the entire nature of these albums was "intuitive," doing something because i Simply Wanted To, because It Felt Right. if i tried to explain every component, i think itd very quickly turn into incoherent babbling. but thank you for the interest in how i make these!!
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cooloddball · 3 years
Someone submitted something in my inbox and they wanted to remain anonymous. Since this is an extremely long essay, I will put it under the cut. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
xxx submitted: hey, i was the one who ask what do you think of Misha and Jensen's current relationship First off all thank you for your answear it means much to me cause im easy to be convice and this person who keep telling me that they are no longer friends can be so convicing, so I'm actully trying to forget what she said 😅 so I'm just writing a few. she said that since they no longer work together, they will forget about each other, and do their common things like the gay jokes, face touches ect. With other people, and neglect each other, don't talk to each other, and then meet new people who will replace the other. And and she talked about the gish thing, she said she sure they didn't talk since the end of the series, because Jensen didn't know where Misha was and Misha didn't know about the Radio Company vol 2 (but i saw people say that, they were just pretending, because Misha liked something about Radio Company Vol 2, before the gish live, so in theory he already knew then or something like that) and She said Misha wrote a poem about Darius not Jensen and now I will write down what she sent me : I saw a post about Jensen's current activities on social media, and I've come to the conclusion the only person he doesn't interact with is mish. Sadly this makes my break up theory even stronger. I feel like this is a goodbye to one of the biggest parts of my life. They've moved on from "uk what I haven't told you today? That i love u"+ from "miss my only jensen" from "i love u misha i mean it from the bottom of my heart" from "jensen has no flaws" from "misha is the funniest thing ever happened to me" from all that love and affection from everything they developed together and now they're apart leaving their lives like nothing happened and call me a dramatic but they both have the same energy now as someone has after a big break up. and Jensen comments on almost every of his friend’s post except Misha’s"+ Jenmish is genuinely the best thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I owe them literally everything. They're the reason i hold on. Unfortunately on this essay i have to start using past tense verbs for them, and i have to continue on that. I don't know for how long y'all been in spn fandom. But even if u joined one year before the show ended you'd know how close and intimate jensen and misha were. Everything about them was unmatched.+ The chemistry and how they just fit eachother. They had always been all over eachother. Like they were holding on eachother for dear life. They completed eachother and were like world's most powerful thing. They were the definition of soulmatism. No matter where, they ALWAYS kept interacting with eachother. Each possible tweet or insta post. On cons that the other wasn't there, the other one would bring up the othere's name for no absolute reason. +The looks and repeated love confessions. How invested they were both into eachother. The family they had built together cuz we know how close dee and mish are (look all the charity work they've been doing together recently). There are youtube videos to proof everything I've said so far.When i say break up, my real intention is that they've grown apart. Everything started in the the third or forth month of pandemic. Before than jensen used to interact +(comment mostly) on almost all of misha's posts. But after a while everything just stopped. At first personally didn't care that much. Bcuz I believed too much in them that I thought not even the gods above could separate them. I told myself maybe they spend long hours chatting or video calling and that's why online public interactions are gone. But as it passed it almost diminished to zero. Except some likes from jackles and eventual ones from misha there weren't anything else.+ We got absolutely no content and the show went off too. We were helpless and were sticking to everything we had Dee had a big social media shot down, so as jensen. Misha was busy with the election. We got some interviews for it with all of them. But we didn't get much.except remember both of them pulling a bff
move. and texted eachother during an online con where everyone else were dead-serious about politics? That flickered something in me. That showed me that+ they can't ever possibly let eachother go. And the times everyone else were talking and these too would just talk random things together (the one jackels had a white hat on with stacy abraham).And then Misha posted that for jensen's bday We really overlooked it. That shit was too intimate. To close. Fav march baby? U just don't go around and called ur bestie baby and when u mean it deeply. Especially not when ur friend is jensen ackles the "I suffered form internalized homophobia my whole life+ but fuck my wife's an angel and i have an angel bf too and another angel which is his wife but I'd rather die than come out cuz my asshole dad pulled a John winchester on me". It doesn't work like that. But uk how mish is. Carefree and open. I believe they got into a fight bcuz of this. He didn't even like the post. AND that was when the tiny bit of interactions we had was gone too. For a while jensen didn't even liked his posts. After a month it started again.What made me finally believe in that they had grown too+ far: I still remember the night misha posted that he and jensen were going to have a con for gish together. I remember how hard I cried. Lile the whole world was given to me. But deep down in my heart I knew that something would definitely happen. It didn't sit right with me and unfortunately my senses never lie to me. Jensen showed up at the wrong time bcuz of misunderstanding the time zones (this was HILARIOUS). That's not even my point.+ I've seen that interview 3 times so far. It always reminds me of when i saw my ex at a party and we were both so thrilled to see eachother and we still loved the other dearly, but we just couldn't work it out. Jensen and Misha's expressions were EXACTLY the same. The genuine smiles and longs pauses were they just stared at eachother. I'm so happy that it was online cuz if they actually gave that looks to eachother standing right next to the other one I would've collapsed. Misha didn't know that jensen's album+ was out. And he got so embarrassed when he found it out. He didn't know that jensen was on set and hadn't been home for 8weeks. Jensen had no idea where misha was. And this means that they hadn't talked in a long long time.When you're that close with someone for more than a decade, i mean THAT close, even if u're separated from eachother you'd at least check on the once a week, or at least once in two weeks. But it was vividly clear that they hadn't. I hate how this world works. They would always be in my heart.+ I would be thankful from them for everything. It hurts, and it won't stop and im so sure I'd be carrying this pain for a long time. They mean too much to a lot of us. Sometimes I think to myself that god i love them so much. Remember in 2019 when we used to get SO many jenmishdee interactions? That was LIT. It was THEE year for us. I hope they're doing good. I really do. I hope we don't get more proofs and I won't have to update this thread. Cuz my heart won't be taking it very+ well.Something i gotta add U may say that Jensen's busy and that's why he doesn't comment. But he comments on a lot of jared and his new costar's posts. So that's no excuse. So yeah that's it. I don't know what am I supposed to think. english isn't my native language, so sorry for the mistakes
Here is my response:
I don't know who this person who has been talking to is but I have to say they seem to be project their previous relationship experience on cockles.
I believe Jensen and Misha are okay and are together. Social media likes and comments don't mean anything. I mean it's not like Jensen or Misha used to comment on each other's posts before. Jensen didn't even wish Dee Happy Mother's Day this year, does that mean they are not together anymore? Nope. He has other best friends he has known for over 20 years like Jason Manns, Steve Carlson etc that he doesn't wish happy birthday, does that mean they are not friends anymore.
Please let's not put value on social media likes. I don't even follow my own family on sm and I don't always like or comment on my bf's or bff's posts on sm. So it doesn't mean anything.
As for the Gish Panel, I have talked about it before, the time Jensen was slotted to attend the panel, he was meant to answer fan questions. I honestly believe they decided to not do it at that time because they knew the questions would be about Destiel and not their new projects. If you watched that panel, Misha knew that Jensen's album was out as I pointed out. He was just trying to promote the album and soldier boy. He knew Jensen had also buffed out. It was all to promote Jensen. Anything else you hear is trolls and antis just being loud. Also don't forget Jensen called him "babe".
If Jensen and Misha weren't okay, he wouldn't have attended or participated all those panels Misha organized especially for Gish. Danneel also posts a lot about RA and likes Misha's posts. I am 100% Misha visited the Ackles when he went to Colorado last month.
Stop listening to trolls and/or antis or just people who are projecting and look at facts.
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omegalomania · 3 years
I think tumblr ate my ask or it just didn't sent but what are your favorite Bastille songs / what are some songs you recommend?
i did NOT get this ask im very sorry anon.
it's genuinely hard for me to narrow down cause bastille is pretty up there in terms of favorite artists. i love all their shit, but a special mention goes out to their second studio album wild world since it's the one that made me a Fan
uh so here's a primer i guess i spent too much time on this lmao.
if you wanna listen to their big hits:
flaws - their first single in the uk. if you ever listened to ship playlists on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 then you've probably heard this song or a variant on it at some point.
pompeii - this is the song that really put them on the map and you definitely know it. it dominated the charts all over the place.
happier - the marshmello song that you've definitely heard before too. i think bastille wrote this for justin bieber or some shit but then decided they liked it too much to give it to him? lmao. anyway if you're not digging the version you hear on the radio all the time i recommend trying the stripped down version
good grief - their big hit off their second album. big in the uk, didn't really make as many waves elsewhere, but it's a really solid song anyway. one of those "upbeat tunes that's actually really fucking sad" ones
things we lost in the fire - another one off their first album. if you live in a wildfire area this might not be one to turn to. or maybe you'll find it cathartic idk i certainly do!!
quarter past midnight - a song about escapism, as was fitting when it was released in 2018 and equally fitting now. running away for a night of fucking around with friends, craving any kind of brief departure from the chaos of the modern world
skulls - this one was not a hit or a single and is technically a bonus track but i'm including it because once again if you ever clicked on a ship playlist on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 you've heard this one. and you know what that was justified this one is also good
if you wanna feel existentially depressed:
their whole discography. i mean i kid but i also don't. that's just kind of how bastille does it. BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS ones that hit me in particular would beeee
two evils - kind of a grim, haunting one introspecting about morality of the self.
oblivion - musing about the afterlife, love, and how time changes all of us.
those nights - contemplating what it is we seek when we plunge into reckless escapism, and the inherent loneliness of it; how even when surrounded by people there's still the pressure of the world outside, continuously coming to pieces
the draw - this one was written about the pull of pursuing a career in music vs. staying home with family and friends. in a broader sense, it can apply to a lot of things. i always felt it resonated with feelings of paranoia and displacement
winter of our youth - discusses childhood, nostalgia, and regret. if it feels like everything's slipping away, is it easier to relive the past, especially if the past is tinted rose?
sleepsong - loneliness, desperation, and the cyclical, abyss-like nature of all it encapsulates
if you want discussion of serious topics:
final hour - a bonus track off their second album that also became a bonus track off their third album? anyway this song talks about climate change and gun control. happy stuff
doom days - this one talks about, uh, everything! doomscrolling, political divides, escalating national tensions, climate change again, etc.
the currents - a song centered on political rhetoric and the power that figureheads have over the masses, the way they can orchestrate hate. basically it's not so subtly aimed at donald trump lmao, dan's literally sung it as much in a few live settings
WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? - social media addiction and the way capitalism and corporate interests have annexed our online experiences, fighting desperately for our attention as they seek to monetize every available aspect of our lives
four walls (the ballad of perry smith) - well this one is about uh. perry smith. who was charged with the death penalty for killing 4 people in the late 50's. but it's less directly about him and more a discussion of the morality of the death penalty and capital punishment
snakes - burgeoning anxieties and the impulse to turn to easy outs, like ignorance or alcoholism, to escape the world's global problems
if you want some pop culture sprinkled on top:
icarus - greek mythology. i like this one because it addresses something that i feel isn't addressed enough in discussions of this myth, which is that icarus is a very young lad. less about the pride of the fall, and more about the inherent tragedy of that.
laura palmer - the whole song is a david lynch shoutout. i've never seen twin peaks myself but the song still slaps.
daniel in the den - christian mythology. discusses the biblical tale of daniel in the lion's den and links that up to themes of betrayal and family.
poet - this one's a double feature, referencing both william shakespeare's sonnet 18 and edmund spencer's sonnet 75. also one of my favorites.
send them off! - this is another one of my favorites of theirs. it's also been described by dan as "othello meets the exorcist" and it very much delivers there
if you want something uplifting:
joy - while bastille (understandably) has a bit of reputation as a band that makes sad music about sad things, they've definitely got some happier songs in their catalogue. pun intended cha ching. this one's one of their more straightforwardly happy tunes
survivin' - this was a song they wrote while they were touring and then felt weird about releasing once the panini hit because it felt a bit on the nose. they ended up releasing it anyway and i am so glad they did cause it's a mood
act of kindness - the "happy" part here is debatable but i'm gonna include it anyway. it’s when someone does something nice for you and that impulse Changes you way down deep you know???
warmth - one of those "the world's going to shit but at least we have each other" kinds of tunes
the anchor - one of those "the world's going to shit but you're the one fucking thing that's still keeping me here" kinds of tunes
give me the future - their latest single as of this writing and one of the more optimistic tracks in their catalogue imo! it's yearning, but it's also with a genuine hope for the future.
and LASTLY. because im going to take every chance i can to plug this band. im going to throw some collabs and covers at you because there's one thing this band does SUPER well and it's collabs and covers.
of the night - this is the big one. it mashes up rhythm of the night by corona and rhythm is a dancer by SNAP! and it's so good they still do this one live and it goes off every time.
no angels - a mashup of "no scrubs" by TLC and "angels" by the xx, poured into a strangely mournful tune with clips from the hitchcock movie psycho. doesn't sound like it should work but it does. kinda really does.
torn apart - with GRADES and lizzo no less!!! it's got two parts but they're both excellent listen to them both
weapon - collab with angel haze, dan priddy, and F*U*G*Z and one of my absolute favorites
remains - remix of their song "skulls" but featuring rag'n'bone man and skunk anansie that adds an entire new dimension to the song, really fucking excellent
old town road mashup - lil nas x's old town road meets lizzo's good as hell meets radiohead's talk show host meets talking heads' road to nowhere meets the osmond's crazy horse. "what the fuck that shouldn't work" i KNOW and yet here it is!! BLATANTLY BANGING!!!
we can't stop - one of the few times dan smith subtly changes the lyrics of the song he's covering (most of the time he opts to keep the original pronouns and the like, which is very nice to see). anyway this one mixes miley cyrus's we can't stop with eminem's lose yourself and billy ray cyrus's achy breaky heart. and also the lion king's i just can't wait to be king is there. yes i know it sounds batshit especially because the whole thing is surprisingly melodic and heartfelt and you know what it works.
anyone but me x nightmares - mashing up joy crookes' anyone but me with easy life's nightmares and absolutely one of my favorites.
bad guy mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "bad" in the title? we've got bad guy (billie eilish), bad decisions (bastille), bad romance (lady gaga), and bad blood (taylor swift). bastille even has a song called bad blood and they didnt use it. they used taylor swift's version. also the distinctive guitar riff from dick dale's misirlou is there.
somebody mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "some" in the title? someone like you (adele), somebody told me (the killers), somebody to love (queen), use somebody (kings of leon), and someone you loved (lewis capaldi). seriously these guys take mashups to a new level.
final song - this is a cover of MØ's final song. it also adds in craig david's 7 days and, impossibly enough, europe's final countdown. how does it work. how.
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You said not to ask so please ignore this if you don't want to explain, but could you elaborate on your March 19th / May 1st theory? thanks!
ahfkafhksfh yeah no problem. its not a theory its just ... brain worms that have taken a specific shape but thats not new this is just the latest form. under a cut because i hate like. getting peoples hopes up over something ive entirely made up
greentext format but make it wordy
> i think frank has been like. suspicious lately. i dont know how to explain it beyond that. he’s done a LOT of press-but-not-press in the last month or so. sure, he’s definitely bored and stuck in his house like the rest of us, and he had a new EP come out, and the EP is technically the reason for the press. but it also ... isnt. like the bulk of it has been AFTER the EP came out, and none of it has been wholly focused on the EP. and to me, at least, it feels like, i dont know, easing the band back into public consciousness thru a press circuit without the band ACTUALLY doing a press circuit because MCR been pretty hard and fast about the ‘we dont need or want ur press’ when it comes to the reunion. 
> continuing off the last one, in the ... jim ward interview he did, i think? one of the more recent ones, at least - he got asked about his writing process and mentioned working with gerard in present tense. very very likely it meant nothing at all, but also like ... i dont trust him LOL part of me thinks it was on purpose. Im just suspicious of him after the broken clock thing. 
> not only did frank mention working with gerard in the present tense, for Months now, but especially during his recent mini press tour, frank has been really vague but consistent in talking about working with people on music remotely. id have to go looking for it and i dont feel like it, but it’s been something along the lines of ‘working with new people And people you know’. suspitcheous. 
> ONTO GERARD. Gerard like never uses social media. but then a couple days ago he pops up to mention franks EP (which is sweet) and makes sure to sign it so its like, obviously not something his social media manager wrote up for him. and in that post he mentions being down in the lab. and LORD KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS besides the fact that he’s working on something. but hey, its gerard, when isnt he. 
> But Gerard’s also doing that charity stream on the 2nd. and we havent seen gerard in MONTHS. since august, maybe? and he’s not just speaking, hes PERFORMING. besides the shrine show, the last time he performed was for the muppet charity thing with ray in 2016, and before that, it was the last hes alien leg in 2015. None of us even expected him to perform when it got announced - it had to be confirmed by the event organizers. and that just ... pings something in my brain, same as franks little press tour. It’s gerard emerging from his cave, Being A Musician, you know? 
> SPEAKING of the last time we saw gerard, he teased us back in the summer by mentioning that he has something he’s been working on thats not comic book related that he cant talk about. maybe its a fucking line of hot sauces or a tripp collaboration. 
> Or maybe its music. 
> this is where we depart from reality a little bit more: 
> this has been trotted out again and again on here as a talking point, and i dither between agreeing with it or not, but: MCR spent two years planning their return. they had a plan, for whatever the fuck was supposed to happen - even if all that was supposed to happen was the tour. 
> and their plan got pissed on, doused in gasoline, set on fire, extinguished, and thrown into the mouth of a lion. But They Had A Plan. And theyve been fucking radio silent except the hipdot collab, and before that, rescheduling shows. I ASSUME their almost-year of silence has been them, in part, reformulating their plan. Changing whatever it was going to be to fit the new timeline, or making a back up plan in case things get worse. 
> But the original plan had them all free - as far as we know - after november of 2020. so they wouldnt have had active MCR stuff happening for the national anthem comic book release, the electric century album + comic release, the you look like death tua comic release. But those things still happened, because they didnt require having to be in the real world where the plague is. 
> so, what the worms hinge on, is that whatever the New Plan Is, Whatever They Are Doing Now, it involves waiting until all their obligations and projects that SHOULDNT have interfered with MCR stuff - but had to the potential to because of covid - ended. 
> and thats now. thats the next couple weeks. you look like death just finished up, mikeys album and comic are out, and national anthem finishes up in like a week in a half. 
> and then theres nothing (that we know of) until the rescheduled shows happen, or *knocks thrice on wood* they have to reschedule again. 
> and this is where we really enter crazy town:
> so i was thinking about all of these things, and the imagery / themeing for the return (what little we got of it) and how a year ago everybody was pulling out the wheel of the year trying to figure out what they would do next, and when. 
> and March 20th (i know i said march 19th originally, i’ll get into that) is Ostara. 
> if youre not vaguely witchy, its basically a festival for the spring equinox. light and dark are in balance, yadda yadda yadda. and i could go into full on insane depth about the black and white aspects of the return, the witchiness of an offering + a summoning but i wont. it boils down to: its the closest festival to when all of MCR’s calendars are clear as far as we know, and its almost a year to date of when they had to reschedule the shows. 
> and March 19th is a Friday. which is new music release day. Ostara / the equinox are technically on saturday, but its at 5am on saturday morning so ... technicalities. 
> so the worms in my brain say new single on march 19th. or Something on march 19th. or 20th. one of those days. 
> and the worms in my brain also say MCR are a bunch of cruel little shits, and theyre gonna make us wait before they give us anything substantial. 
> so we move to May 1st. 
> May 1st is also known as May Day, also known as Beltane. (We’re back to the wheel of the year for this one) Its the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. And its a Saturday. which is NOT new music release day - but hey, its close enough. 
> may day is also like, similar to halloween / samhain in that the veil is supposed to be thinner on those days, and i think theres a connection the imagery and over-all plan wise between coming back on halloween, and possibly doing something on mayday. i dont think they just came back on halloween as a birthday present to frank. 
> so second single on may day, or album? or announcement that theres gonna BE an album? maybe they wont give us a single on ostara but just tease us with something. i dont know. but i think theres something here. 
> im aware this was a lot of words and i basically gave you nothing, but i can only give you what the worms give to me. 
> sorry for being the way i am. hope this helped. 
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anchorandrope · 4 years
larry songs on walls
!!! | i’m not going to include the complete lyrics of all the songs so for a better understanding, look for them. all the songs were written by louis and other composers.
harry is the habit that louis can’t break
“i always said that i’d mess up eventually i told you that, so what did you expect from me? it shouldn’t come as no surprise anymore i know you said that you'd give me another chance but you and i knew the truth of it in advance that mentally you were already out the door”
the first part talks about how louis always thought he was going to ruin everything and that he didn’t know what harry expected of him, harry tells him that it doesn’t matter if he makes a mistake or they fight, he will give him more opportunities, they both knew that in the end, they were going to apologize but first they were probably going to have a fight where one of them leaves to not continue fighting (by leaving i mean literally going out the door and going somewhere else to calm the mind to not say things that they will regret later, i don’t mean to break up).
“i took some time ‘cause i’ve ran out of energy of playing someone i heard i’m supposed to be but honestly, i don’t have to choose anymore”
here he literally says that he got tired of pretending to be someone he is not, which refers to the role of straight image they put on him.
“and it's been ages, different stages come so far from princess park i’ll always need ya in front of me, in front of me”
this is the clearest reference to harry in the entire album as it mentions princess park, the first place harry and louis lived together. it basically says that he always need him, at every moment, at every stage.
bonus: stages is a wordplay because louis and harry literally went from stage to stage together singing and through stages of life.
“you gave me the time and the space, i was out of control and i’m sorry, i let you down guess that i know what i already knew, i was better with you, and i miss you now”
this part talks about a fight. they fought and as the beginning said, the one who “walked through the door” was harry, he left time and space for both of them to think. louis regrets it and feels that he disappointed him because even though he knows harry is going to forgive him, he feels responsible for everything. “i guess i know what i already knew” he talks about how every time a fight ends he realizes again that harry is the one, it’s something that he always knew and will know, but every time they fight is a thought that reinforces. the last part talks about the fear of losing him after fighting and how he only wants to see him to fix things, how the minutes for him are hours and that all he thinks about is him.
it was always harry
“i went to amsterdam without you and all i could do was think about you” (...) “drink after drink but i still felt alone, i should’ve known”
the first part is iconic because louis went to amsterdam with eleanor in mid-2017 (x) and shortly afterwards he wrote the song. the second part talks about how lonely he feels when he isn’t with harry and how he drowns his absence in alcohol.
“walked through my door but it felt nothing like home ‘cause you're not home waiting to wrap your legs around me”
here is a word that describes louis and harry's relationship: home. the lyrics talk about how louis gets home when harry isn’t there (because he's traveling, he's giving a show, etc) and he doesn't feel like home because his home is harry, not a house.
they were too young to realize everything
“we were too young to know we had everything” (...) “i wish i could’ve seen it all along i’m sorry that I hurt you, darling”
the first lyric talks about two things: how at the beginning of their relationship (until the end of 2011) they, even though they couldn't make it official, had few limitations for certain things such as tweets, flirting, hints, etc. and about what they lived together in one direction in general, they sang and traveled around the world together and at that moment they hadn’t realized how beautiful it was to be able to spend so much time together. in the second part louis blames himself for not having been able to see everything that was going to happen to them from the beginning (which is crazy because they were kids when everything started, so he should never blame himself for anything because the closeting is not his fault) and apologizes to harry for letting other people hurt him so much.
“i’ve been looking back a lot lately me and you is all i’ve ever known it’s hard to think you could ever hate me but everything’s feeling different now”
at one point louis came to think that harry hated him for all the damage that he “allowed” to be done to him (clearly not literal hate but he refers to anger/sadness) but now he looks back at those moments where he thought that and he knows it wasn’t that way, and now that he is older, he realizes that it was never his fault and he no longer feels that harry "hates" him for everything they happened. (it should be clarified that louis thought that harry was mad with him for that, that doesn’t mean that harry really felt that way, maybe it was only a perception of louis).
“oh, i can’t believe i gave into the pressure when they said a love like this would never last so i cut you off ‘cause i didn’t know no better now i realise yeah, i realise”
he talks about how at one point he believed what they told him about being with harry, when the closeting just started, surely before putting beards on them and everything, they talked to them to convince them to not be together because they weren't going to make it, louis really believed that it was something wrong with loving harry and that they weren’t going to make it, that's why he told him that maybe wasn’t a good idea to have a relationship, harry clearly made him see reason and that’s why at the end he says “now i realize”, which means that louis can't believe he thought it was wrong to be with harry and he can't believe he actually talked to him about it.
“face to face at the kitchen table this is everything i waited for now we can finally have the conversation that i wish we could’ve had before”
the first part talks about them being at home (“kitchen table” they also use it to refer to “home”) and they sat down to talk about all the shit they were going through, with “that conversation” he doesn’t refer to a discussion where they wondered if they loved each other or not, in that conversation they shared pain and frustration and both gave each other support.
they made it, together
“‘cause we made it, underestimated and always underrated” (...) “knew that we would be alright, from the first time” (...) “never coming down with your hand in mine”
here there is a connection with too young: in too young he talks about how they were told they were never going to make it and here he talks about how they did it despite everything they were told, while they are together, nothing can bring them down.
“we were only kids, just tryna work it out wonder what they'd think if they could see us now”
another connection with too young: they were just kids trying to deal with closeting, they made it and now they wonder what those who told them they were never going to make it think.
bonus: “if they could see us now” eleanor and louis are a public couple, everyone can see and know about them...
“don’t know why they put this all on us when we’re so young done a pretty good job, dealing with it all when you’re here don’t need to say no more nothing in the world that i would change it for”
another reference to too young: he doesn’t understand why they put so much pressure and responsibility on them when they were so young. then he talks about how when he is with harry he handles the situation very well and that even though he has a horrible time in the industry, he would choose a thousand times to go through it just to be with him.
harry love, you will always be perfect for me
to begin with, i want to say that its the only song with pronouns on walls, this data is not minor since it means that he intentionally wanted to highlight the feminine gender (he could have made it neutral as well but no, he decided to use feminine pronouns). harry gave us plenty of proof that he also uses feminine pronouns and louis was not far behind.
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in my opinion the lyrics are quite obvious, they talk about harry’s insecurities and how louis tells her to not stop being who she is and that everything about her is perfect.
he talks about the clothes, about how maybe harry, no matter how open she seems, is still afraid to dress as she would like when she is with friends/family; he talks about the fear she has of doing things she loves, like dancing; he talks about she not wanting to attract attention, wanting to hide, etc.
its a beautiful love song, we can see how in love louis is and that he doesnt care about the pronouns or the clothes, he will always love her and he will be there to help her in her insecurities. (x) (x)
im defenceless, i got so much to lose
“i come runnin’ to you like a moth into a flame you tell me, “take it easy”, but it’s easier to say “wish i didn’t need so much of you” i hate to say, but i do we’re sleepin’ on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams we wake up early morning and they’re still under the sheets i’m lost in my head, i’m spinnin’ again tryna find what to say to you”
this song literally talks about closeting. first he talks about how when louis gets angry about something they have to do (for the stunts) harry tells him to take it easy to which louis responds that its easier if he told him that he wishes he didn’t love him so much. he hates to say that it would be easier if they didn't love each other, but he knows that its true. then he speaks in the plural (this is important because he remarks that its a problem that both of them go through) saying that they both sleep waiting to get up and seeing that everything is solved. and finally, he talks about how louis is constantly thinking of solutions and consolations for both of them.
“been up all night, all night, runnin’ all my lines but it’s only the truth been up all night, not sure how to say this right got so much to lose”
“never been so defenceless (oh-oh) never been so defenceless (ooh-ooh) you just keep on buildin’up your fences (oh-oh) but i’ve never been so defenceless (ooh-ooh) [...]”
he spent the whole night going over everything he has to solve, everything he has to say to pretend; he doesn’t know how to say it because he knows that if he says it he has so much to lose. (this is literally a lyric about coming out of the closet, no explanation needed) he says he feels defenceless despite seeing harry building his way to the end, that no matter that he sees the light at the end of the tunnel, he feels vulnerable.
“no, you don’t have to keep on being strong for me and you acting like you feel no pain, you know i know you do and i can’t get inside when you’re lost in your pride but you don’t have a thing to prove”
he tells harry to stop pretending that nothing affects him because he knows that he suffered as much as he does, he told him to open up so he can help him and not let his pride win.
“i hope that i’m not asking too much just wanna be loved by you (don’t you be so defensive) and i’m too tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you”
does this need explanation? it’s louis telling harry that he doesn’t care about anything anymore and he just wants to be loved by him.
louis in love has to be brave
this song doesn’t talk about harry, it talks about louis’ sexuality but it seemed right to include it since i see the importance and relationship to his relationship with him.
“pour mercy, mercy on me set fire to history i’m breaking my own rules i’m crying like a fool tall stories on the page short glories on the fade i’ve been close enough to touch but i never cared for love”
“pour mercy, mercy on me” “i’m breaking my own rules” and “i’m crying like a fool” refer to the fact that louis suffered a lot when he discovered his sexuality and had a stage of self-denial, not everyone accepts themselves at first. “set fire history” and “tall stories on the page” talks of how historically homosexuality was not accepted. “shot glories on the fade i’ve been close enough to touch” talks about the times he felt close to coming out but never ending happening. “but i never cared for love” he never cared about loving the way he was taught: heterosexual.
“it’s a church of burnt romances and i’m too far gone to pray it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave”
first he talks about the church (we already know the church's opinion on homosexuality) the phrase “burnt romances” talks about all gay couples who couldn’t be together because society prohibited them (it was also very normal in ancient times to burn homosexuals at the stake and you can refer to that too, it’s a sensitive theme but it makes sense). “i’m too far gone to pray” talks about being far from what the church expects and feels that god wouldn’t listen to you. “it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave” is a song for people who, even though they feel lonely, are brave.
to clarify: heterosexual people don’t have to be brave to love, heterosexuals are accepted throughout the world and they don’t have laws that harm them or millions of people who think they are sick. saying that heterosexuals also have to be brave to love is homophobic.
“if the truth tell darling, you feel like there ain’t enough dying stars in your sky it’s a tall tale and it’s only hello, hello, no goodbye (goodbye)”
the first part talks about how by saying your true orientation you lose many people, the “dying stars” are the people who leaves you and “your sky” is your life. the second part talks about the homophobic “arguments” that people say when you show yourself as you are and that no matter what they tell you, you are still who you are. (tall tale=very exaggerated story)
“pour mercy, mercy on me i’ll fall upon my knees and they’ll say, “i told you so” come on, when you know, you know”
at the moment that he can’t take it anymore and “fall to his knees” (come out of the closet) and lose many people, there will be someone who will say “i told you that you shouldn’t say it”, he knows it was the right thing to do, but he also knows that they are partly right, they told him and he still decided to be free.
“all the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave”
you are who you are from the moment you are born until you die, is a song for people who, even though they feel lonely, are brave.
clearly this is just my interpretation, their interpretations are also equally valid (as long as they can be justified obviously) there is no correct interpretation so if they interpret it differently it’s also fine
canciones larry en walls
!!! | no voy a incluir las letras completas de todas las canciones asi que para una mejor compresión busquenlas ustedes. todas las canciones fueron escritas por louis y otros compositores.
harry es el hábito que louis no puede romper
“i always said that i’d mess up eventually i told you that, so what did you expect from me? it shouldn’t come as no surprise anymore i know you said that you'd give me another chance but you and i knew the truth of it in advance that mentally you were already out the door”
“siempre dije que eventualmente yo me equivocaría te lo dije, ¿qué esperabas de mí? ya no debería ser una sorpresa sé que dijiste que me darías otra oportunidad pero tú y yo sabíamos la verdad de antemano que mentalmente tú ya estabas fuera de la puerta”
la primera parte habla de que louis siempre pensó que iba a arruinar todo y que no sabía lo que harry esperaba de el, harry le dice que no importa si se equivoca o pelean, el va a darle mas oportunidades, ambos sabían que al fin y al cabo iban a disculparse pero antes probablemente iban a tener una pelea donde uno de los dos se va para no seguir peleando (con irse me refiero a literal salir por la puerta e ir a otro lado a calmar la mente para no decir cosas que no queres, no me refiero a terminar).
“i took some time ‘cause i’ve ran out of energy of playing someone i heard i’m supposed to be but honestly, i don’t have to choose anymore”
“me tomé un tiempo porque me quedé sin energía de interpretar a alguien que escuché que se supone que soy pero honestamente, ya no tengo que elegir”
aca literalmente dice que se cansó de fingir ser alguien que no es, lo cual hace referencia al papel de hetero que le pusieron.
“and it's been ages, different stages come so far from princess park i’ll always need ya in front of me, in front of me”
“y han pasado años, diferentes etapas ven tan lejos desde princess park siempre te necesitaré delante de mí, delante de mí”
esta es la referencia a harry mas clara en todo el álbum ya que menciona a princess park, el primer lugar donde harry y louis vivieron juntos. básicamente dice que siempre lo necesitó, en cada momento, en cada etapa.
bonus: “stages” puede ser etapas o escenarios, por el contexto es etapas pero es un juego de palabras porque louis y harry literalmente fueron de escenario en escenario juntos a traves de los años.
“you gave me the time and the space, i was out of control and i’m sorry, i let you down guess that i know what i already knew, i was better with you, and i miss you now”
“me diste el tiempo y el espacio, estaba fuera de control y lo siento, te decepcioné supongo que sé lo que ya sabía, estaba mejor contigo, y te extraño ahora”
esta parte habla de una pelea. se pelearon y como dijo el principio, el que “camino a traves de la puerta” fue harry, el le dejó tiempo y espacio para que ambos piensen. louis se arrepiente y siente que lo desepcionó porque por mas de que sabe que harry va a perdonarlo, se siente responsable de todo. “supongo que se lo que ya sabía” habla de que cada vez que termina una pelea se da cuenta otra vez de que harry es el indicado, es algo que siempre lo supo y lo va a saber, pero cada vez que pelean es un pensamiento que refuerza. la ultima parte habla del miedo de perderlo despues de pelear y de como solo quiere verlo para arreglar las cosas, de como los minutos para el son horas y de que en lo único que piensa es en el.
siempre fue harry
“i went to amsterdam without you and all i could do was think about you” (...) “drink after drink but i still felt alone, i should’ve known”
“fui a amsterdam sin ti y todo lo que pude hacer fue pensar en ti” (...) “bebida tras bebida, pero todavía me sentía solo, debería haberlo sabido”
la primera parte es iconica porque louis fue a amsterdam con eleanor a mediados de 2017 (x) y poco tiempo después escribió la canción. la segunda parte habla de lo solo que se siente cuando no esta con harry y de como ahoga su ausencia en alcohol.
“walked through my door but it felt nothing like home ‘cause you're not home waiting to wrap your legs around me”
“atravesé mi puerta pero no me sentí como en casa porque no estás en casa esperando para envolver tus piernas a mi alrededor”
aca se menciona una palabra que describe la relación de louis y harry: home. los lyrics hablan de como louis llega a su casa cuando harry no esta (ya se porque esta de viaje, esta dando un show, etc) y no lo siente como su hogar porque su hogar es harry no una casa.
eran muy chicos para darse cuenta de todo
“we were too young to know we had everything” (...) “i wish i could’ve seen it all along i’m sorry that I hurt you, darling”
“éramos muy jóvenes para saber que teníamos todo” (...) “desearía haberlo visto todo el tiempo lamento haberte herido, cariño”
el primer lyric habla de dos cosas: de como al principio de su relación (hasta fines del 2011) ellos por mas de que no podían hacerlo oficial, tenían pocas limitaciones para ciertas cosas como por ejemplo tweets, coqueteo, indirectas, etc. y sobre lo que vivieron juntos en one direction en general, ellos cantaron y viajaron por el mundo juntos y en ese momento no se habían dado cuenta de lo hermoso que era poder estar tanto tiempo juntos. en la segunda parte louis se culpa por no haber podido ver todo lo que les iba a pasar desde el principio (cosa que es una locura porque eran nenes cuando emepezó todo, asi que no debería culparse de nada nunca porque el closeting no es su culpa) y le pide perdon a harry por haber dejado que otras personas lo lastimen tanto.
“i’ve been looking back a lot lately me and you is all i’ve ever known it’s hard to think you could ever hate me but everything’s feeling different now”
“he estado mirando mucho atrás últimamente tú y yo es todo lo que he conocido, es difícil pensar que alguna vez puedas odiarme pero todo se siente diferente ahora”
en un punto louis llegó a pensar que harry lo odiaba por todo el daño que el “permitió” que le hicieran (claramente no odiar literal pero se refiere a enojo/trsiteza) pero ahora mira hacía esos momentos donde pensaba eso y sabe que no es asi y ahora que es mas grande, se da cuenta que nunca fue su culpa y ya no siente que harry lo “odia” por todo lo que pasaron. (cabe aclarar que louis pensaba que harry esta mal con el por eso, eso no quiere decir que harry verdaderamentese haya sentido asi, por ahi era solo una percepción de louis).
“oh, i can’t believe i gave into the pressure when they said a love like this would never last so i cut you off ‘cause i didn’t know no better now i realise yeah, i realise”
“oh, no puedo creer que haya cedido a la presión cuando dijeron que un amor como este nunca duraría así que te interrumpí porque no sabía nada mejor, ahora me doy cuenta sí, me doy cuenta”
habla de que en un momento creyó lo que le dijeron sobre estar con harry, cuando recien empezó el closeting de hierro seguramente antes de ponerles barbas y todo, hablaron con ellos para convencerlos de que no esten juntos porque no iban a dudar, louis realmente creyó que había algo malo en amar a harry y que no iban a lograrlo por eso le dijo que por ahí no era una buena idea tener una relación, harry claramente lo hizo entrar en razon y por eso al final dice “ahora me doy cuenta”, que significa que louis no puede creer que el pensó que estaba mal estar con harry y no puede creer que realmente habló con el sobre eso.
“face to face at the kitchen table this is everything i waited for now we can finally have the conversation that i wish we could’ve had before”
“cara a cara en la mesa de la cocina esto es todo lo que esperaba ahora finalmente podemos tener la conversación que desearía haber tenido antes”
la primera parte habla de que estaban en casa (“kitchen table” tambíen lo usan para referirse a “home”) y se sentaron a hablar de toda la mierda por la que pasaban, con “esa conversación” no se refiere a una discusión donde se preguntaban si se amaban o no, en esa conversación se desahogaban, compartían el dolor y la frustración y ambos se dieron apoyo mutuo.
lo hicieron, juntos
“‘cause we made it, underestimated and always underrated” (...) “knew that we would be alright, from the first time” (...) “never coming down with your hand in mine”
“porque lo logramos, menospreciados y siempre subestimados” (...) “sabía que ibamos a estar bien, desde la primera vez” (...) “nunca me derrumbaré con tu mano en la mía”
aca hay una conexión con too young: en too young habla de como les dijeron que nunca iban a lograrlo y aca habla de como lo lograron a pesar de todo lo que les dijeron, mientras esten juntos, nada puede derrumbarlos.
“we were only kids, just tryna work it out wonder what they'd think if they could see us now”
“nosotros sólo éramos niños, sólo intentando resolverlo me pregunto qué pensarían ellos si pudieran vernos ahora”
otra conexión con too young: solo eran niños intentando lidiar con el closeting, lo lograron y ahora se preguntan que piensan los que les dijeron que nunca iban a lograrlo.
bonus: “si pudieran vernos ahora” eleanor y louis son una pareja pública, todos los pueden ver y saber de ellos...
“don’t know why they put this all on us when we’re so young done a pretty good job, dealing with it all when you’re here don’t need to say no more nothing in the world that i would change it for”
“no sé por qué nos ponen todo esto cuando eramos tan jóvenes, he hecho un buen trabajo, manejándolo todo cuando tú estás aquí no necesito decir nada más no hay nada en el mundo por lo que cambiaría esto”
otra referencia a too young: no entiende porque les pusieron tanta presión y responsabilidad siendo tan chiquitos. despues habla de que cuando esta con harry maneja la situación muy bien y de que a pesar de que la pasó y la pasa horrible en la industria, eligiría una y mil veces pasar por ello con tal de estar con el.
harry amor, siempre vas a ser perfecta para mi
para empezar quiero decir que es la única canción con pronombres en walls, este dato no es menor ya que significa que intencionalmente quería remarcar el genero femenino (podría haberla hecho neutra también pero no, decidió usar pronombres femeninos). harry nos dió muchas pruebas de que también usa los pronombres femeninos y louis no se quedó atrás.
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la letra a mi parecer es bastante obvia, habla de las inseguridades de harry y de como louis le dice que no deje de ser quien es y que cada cosa de ella es perfecta.
habla de la ropa, de como tal vez harry por mas abierta que parezca, aun asi le da miedo vestirse tal y como le gustaría cuando esta con amigxs/familiares; habla del miedo a hacer cosas que ama, como bailar; habla de no querer llamar la atención, de querer esconderse, etc.
es una hermosa canción de amor, podemos ver lo enamorado que louis esta y de que no le importa los pronombres o la ropa, el siempre la va a amar y va a estar ahi para ayudarla en sus inseguridades. (x) (x)
estoy indefenso, tengo tanto que perder
“i come runnin’ to you like a moth into a flame you tell me, “take it easy”, but it’s easier to say “wish i didn’t need so much of you” i hate to say, but i do. we’re sleepin’ on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams we wake up early morning and they’re still under the sheets i’m lost in my head, i’m spinnin’ again tryna find what to say to you”
“vengo corriendo hacia ti como una polilla en llamas me dices, “tomalo con calma”, pero es mas facil decir “desearia no necesitar tanto de ti” yo odio decirlo, pero lo hago. estamos durmiendo en nuestros problemas como si los resolviéramos en nuestros sueños nos levantamos temprano en la mañana y todavía están debajo de las sábanas. estoy perdido en mi cabeza, estoy girando de nuevo intentando encontrar qué decirte”
esta canción literalmente habla del closeting. primero habla de que cuando louis se enoja por algo que tienen que hacer (para los stunts) harry le dice que se lo tome con calma al lo que louis responde que es mas facil si el le dijese que desearía no amarlo tanto. el odia decir que sería todo mas facil si no se amasen, pero sabe que es así. despues habla en plural (esto es importante porqje remarca que es un problema por el que pasan ambos) diciendo que ambos duermen esperando levantarse y que todo este solucionado. y por último habla de como louis esta constantemente pensando en soluciones y consuelos para ambos.
“been up all night, all night, runnin’ all my lines but it’s only the truth been up all night, not sure how to say this right got so much to lose”
“never been so defenceless (oh-oh) never been so defenceless (ooh-ooh) you just keep on buildin’up your fences (oh-oh) but i’ve never been so defenceless (ooh-ooh) [...]”
“he estado despierto toda la noche, toda la noche, corriendo todas mis líneas pero es sólo la verdad he estado despierto toda la noche, no estoy seguro de cómo decir esto bien tengo mucho que perder”
“nunca he estado tan indefenso (oh-oh) nunca he estado tan indefenso (ooh-ooh) sigues construyendo tus cercas (oh-oh) pero nunca he estado tan indefenso (ooh-ooh) [...]”
estuvo toda la noche repasando todo lo que tiene que solucionar, todo lo que tiene que decir para fingir; no sabe como decirlo porque sabe que si lo dice puede perder mucho. (esto es literalmente un lyric sobre salir del closet, no necesita explicacion) dice que se siente indefenso a pesar de ver a harry construyendo se camino hacia el final, que no importa que vea la luz al final del tunel, el se siente vulnerable.
“no, you don’t have to keep on being strong for me and you acting like you feel no pain, you know i know you do and i can’t get inside when you’re lost in your pride but you don’t have a thing to prove”
“no, no tienes que seguir siendo fuerte para mí y para ti actuando como si no sintieras dolor, sabes que sé que lo haces y no puedo entrar cuando estás perdido en tu orgullo pero no tienes nada que demostrar”
le dice a harry que se deje de hacer el que nada le afecta porque sabe que sufre tanto como el, que se abra asi el puede ayudarlo y que no se deje ganar por su orgullo.
“i hope that i’m not asking too much just wanna be loved by you (don’t you be so defensive) and i’m too tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you”
“espero no preguntar demasiado sólo quiero ser amado por ti (no estés tan a la defensiva) y estoy demasiado cansado para ser duro solo quiero ser amado por ti”
esto necesita explicacion? es louis diciendole a harry que ya no le importa nada y solo quiere ser amado por el.
louis en el amor tiene que ser valiente
esta canción no habla sobre harry, habla sobre la sexualidad de louis pero me pareció correcto incluirla ya que le veo importancia y relación a su relación con el.
“pour mercy, mercy on me set fire to history i’m breaking my own rules i’m crying like a fool tall stories on the page short glories on the fade i’ve been close enough to touch but i never cared for love”
“derrama misericordia, ten piedad de mí prende fuego a la historia estoy rompiendo mis propias reglas estoy llorando como un tonto historias altas en la página breves glorias en el desvanecimiento he estado lo suficientemente cerca como para tocar pero nunca me preocupé por el amor”
“ten piedad de mi” “estoy rompiendo mis propias reglas y “estoy llorando como un tonto” se refieren a que louis sufrió mucho cuando descubrió su sexualidad y tuvo una etapa de autonegación, no todxs se aceptan al principio. “prende fuego la historia” e “historias altas en la página” habla de como históricamente la homosexualidad no fue aceptada. “breves glorias en el desvanecimiento he estado lo suficientemente cerca como para tocar” habla de las veces que se sientió cerca de salir del closet pero nunca termina pasando. “pero nunca me preocupé por el amor” nunca se preocupó por amar en la forma que le enseñaron: heterosexualmente.
“it’s a church of burnt romances and i’m too far gone to pray it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave”
“es una iglesia de romances quemados y estoy demasiado lejos para rezar es una canción en solitario y es sólo para valientes”
primero habla de la iglesia (ya sabemos la opinión de la iglesia frente a la homosexualidad) la frase “romances quemados” habla de todas las parejas gay que no pudieron estar juntos porque la sociendad lo impedía (también era muy nornal en la antiguedad quemar a los homosexuales en la hoguera y también puede hacer referencia a eso, es un poco fuerte pero tiene sentido). “estoy demasiado lejos para rezar” habla de que esta muy lejos de ser lo que la iglesia espera y siente que dios no lo escucharía. “es una canción en solitario y es solo para los valientes” es una canción para la gente que a pesar de que se siente sola es valiente.
también hay que acalarar que las personas heterosexuales no tienen que ser valientes para amar, los heterosexuales son aceptados en todo el mundo y no tienen ni leyes que los perjudiquen ni millones de personas que piensan que son enfermos. decir que los heterosexuales también tienen que ser valientes para amar, es homofobico.
“if the truth tell darling, you feel like there ain’t enough dying stars in your sky it’s a tall tale and it’s only hello, hello, no goodbye (goodbye)”
“si la verdad dice cariño, tú sientes como si no hubiera suficientes estrellas moribundas en tu cielo es un cuento alto y es sólo hola, hola, no adiós (adiós)”
la primera parte habla de que al decir tu verdadera orientación perdes a muchas personas, las “estrellas moribundas” son las personas que te dejan y “tu cielo” es tu vida. la segunda parte habla de los “argumentos” homofobicos que la gente dice cuando te mostras como sos y de que no importa que te digan, vos seguís siendo como sos. (tall tale=historia muy exagerada)
“pour mercy, mercy on me i’ll fall upon my knees and they’ll say, “i told you so” come on, when you know, you know”
“derrama misericordia, ten piedad de mí, caeré de rodillas y ellos dirán: “te lo dije” vamos, cuando sabes, tú sabes”
en el momento que ya no pueda mas y “caiga de rodillas” (salga del closet) y pierda a muchas personas, va a haber alguien que le diga “viste, te dije que no debías decirlo”, el sabe que fue lo correcto, pero también sabe que en parte tienen razón, se lo dijeron y aún asi decidió ser libre.
“all the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave it’s a solo song and it’s only for the brave”
“todas las sombras solitarias bailan desde que nacen hasta que mueren es una canción en solitario y es sólo para valientes”
sos quien sos desde que naces hasta que te morís, es una canción para las personas que se sienten solitarias pero aun asi son valientes.
claramente esta es solo mi interpretación, sus interpretaciones también son igual de válidas (en cuanto las puedan justificar obvio) no hay una interpretación correcta así que si lo interpretan distinto también esta bien
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sleepyboisinc · 4 years
soo,,, the secret au huh?
its a band au. its a fucking band au. im posting this super impulsively, and it has no editing i think so if there are any mistakes,,,, fuck it idc
also this ends in a sort of cliffhanger i was gonan write more but i got tired of writing and never got the motivation to again im sorry lul
this au isnt just by me, theres other ppl involved in it too!! mainly bad timezone gang in technohive but others also helped :)
anywaysyysyshdhsh yea read if u want to ig
wilbur soot was discovered by a record label when he was 15 after he wrote the squid song. they didn't care that the lyrics were objectively bad, it was wilbur’s voice that grabbed their attention. they interviewed him and decided that they were gonna give him a chance. wilbur, who had always dreamed of being a singer, jumped at the opportunity. the interview went very well. they even asked him to sing a few songs and he nailed it. however, he wasn’t perfect. he still needed some vocal training. they spent an entire day discussing and signing paperwork. the label ended up arranging for wilbur to attend music classes to enhance his voice and get better at the guitar.
time-skip about 3 years. wilbur is 18 and is phenomenal at singing and the guitar. he starts going to uni and meets his roommate, an american student named technoblade who plays the violin. wilbur and techno quickly become friends, bonding over music and other mutual interests like video games. techno plays mini gigs on the street and at bars close to campus to make some money for himself. particularly at a little bar called “the harpy’s nest”
one day, wilbur gets bored sitting at home alone, so he goes to watch techno’s gig. he arrives halfway through the set and watches for about 5 minutes. after the gig is over, he watches as techno interacts with the bartender, a young man only slightly older looking than the two of them. techno notices wilbur and calls him over, introducing him to the bartender, philza. the two immediately hit it off and by the end of the night, they’ve exchanged numbers and a promise to meet up phil’s next shift.
over the next few months, the trio became best friends. wilbur learns that phil plays the drums and has several eps. one ep in particular, “hardcore2” blew up a bit in their general area and phil gained a bit of traction as a musician. the three boys spend most of their time hanging out at wilbur and techno’s dorm, or at phil’s bar. they stay up till ungodly hours playing video games and talking. their other friends dub them the sleepy boys, because of how tired they all are the next day. 
however, as the months fly by, the date wilbur is supposed to finish training and write his first songs draws closer. he worries he’s bitten more than he can chew and he wonders if he’s even ready for fame. a month later he is assigned a manager, pete. pete says that his training contract has expired, meaning that he's ready to start writing his album. wilbur says that he needs to think a bit before he starts. pete was about to tell him he can’t have extra time to think because he signed a contract, but seeing the look of stress on wilbur’s face, he allows him 2 days before he starts. wilbur goes on a walk to think. he curses himself for second-guessing himself now. he realizes he doesn’t wanna do this alone. then he thinks of techno and phil. 
what if they formed a band? that way he wouldn’t have to do this alone. he’s sure that they'd love to make a band together as well. he goes to them and… they agree. he goes to pete and asks him if they can be a three-piece band. pete says he needs to ask his higher-ups first. wilbur doesn’t hear from pete for 4 days and starts to worry. what if they won’t allow it? it wasn't part of the agreement so they have every right to turn him down. at the end of the fourth day, pete calls him and says that the higher-ups have agreed. they had to choose a group name by the end of 2 days. the trio was over the moon.
this was the start of sleepy bois inc.
their record label wasn’t massive, so the boys took to playing on the streets and in bars to gain some traction. they slowly started gaining recognition and grew faster when they made a youtube channel. they released several eps and a few albums, and gained a following over the next few years.
their first big break came 3 years after the band was formed. they had a decent following, about 50k subs on youtube and slightly less on other platforms. one day, jschlatt from lunch club, a massive boy band, got their music recommended to him on youtube. he’s intrigued and listened to it, and was surprised at how much he liked it. he liked it so much, that he decided to shout them out on twitter. 
sleepybois inc’s popularity skyrocketed, and the members of both bands grew close. when lunch club announced their next tour, they revealed that sleepybois inc would open for them. the fans freak out, and many iconic moments and inside jokes form from this tour. 
tommy innit was 19 years old and was preparing to become a musician. he was almost done with the 4 years of vocal and keyboard training provided by a record label and had to make a decision: be a solo artist, or join a band. if he chose the band, he has another 2 options: be assigned into a band that already exists under this label or make a new one with people that he knows. 
tommy is also a massive fan of lunch club, and sees that jschlatt shouted out a band called sleepybois inc. he likes them a lot and becomes a fan of their stuff too. what tommy didn’t know is that they were at the same label he was training at and were open for a 4th member. 
back on the music, tommy ended up going with band. he debated between making a band or being assigned one. after a while, he ended up going with being assigned. he was nervous about this because he'd have to integrate himself into their dynamic and feared that fans won’t like him, but he figured it’d be easier than making his friends all learn instruments.
being assigned a band is a process, so tommy had a couple of months free. during this time, lunch club was on tour with sleepybois inc and tommy got vip tickets to a show. so he went to the meet and greet and gave his number to sleepybois inc saying ”hmu if u need a keyboardist lul” as a joke (this is a very important detail i will include it f u)
so come around the day of tommy getting assigned. he has to do auditions for the bands that the record label selected for him to join. management has narrowed it down to the youngest 2 bands at their label who are open for a member: one of which is sleepybois inc. 
it had been a month since tommy interviewed for sleepybois inc. he did pretty well at it, and had been talking to the boys a lot since then. he still hadn’t had news on whether he joined though. 
it was 3 am. tommy had been working on school work for hours and had only just managed to finish up for the night. he settled into bed and was about to fall asleep when his phone rang. not bothering to look at who was calling, tommy picked it up
“who the fuck is calling me at 3 in the morning i swear to god-” tommy whispered angrily. 
“tommy?” wilbur’s voice rang out “wait shit- this is probably a really bad time im sorry. but we have something important to tell you.”
tommy’s eyes widened. 
“we’ve decided that you can join the band”
the band and their label spent a few weeks discussing how they would go about this. they boys decided they would need a name change too, and ended up settling on the name ‘purple pandas’. however, a new member and a name change would practically transform the band completely, so they had to go about announcing this the right way.
they ended up settling on posting a youtube video titled ‘making some changes’. seeing the announcement for this sent fans into a frenzy, frantically tweeting about what it could be. many rumours spread fast and it even got into a few news articles. conspiracies started floating around about what changes could possibly be taking place.
i cant write this shit no more bye
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A) hi how ya doing? B) I miss you C) can you analyze anything of Aragon? Thank you :)
Hey anon! I’m doing good ❤️❤️❤️ thanks so much for asking! I hope you’re doing well too!
Aragon is really interesting to me, because her song is kind of like the bohemian rhapsody of six. Very few people will say that it’s their favourite, but everyone will instantly sing along because it’s so catchy! Plus, it’s a great song to follow ex-wives with. It keeps the energy up and introduces the audience to the plot of the show.
I will say this until the day I die: while I would love if more songs were as scathing as say AYWD...you could never start with those songs. It’s too much too quickly. You need the more catchy, light-hearted songs of Ex-Wives, No Way and DLUH to start with because it helps get the audience invested in the show and the plot as a whole. Six, first and foremost, will always need to work dramatically. That’s why the old, more openly bitter No Way was changed to something a little more light-hearted.
The first thing that always comes to mind when I think of Aragon is regal. She’s the queen who was married to Henry for 24 years and was a Spanish princess as well. She’s the refined, confident queen who knows her own worth and honestly? I get the vibe she just wants a little bit of respect from the other queens. While some people characterise Aragon as rather cold, I honestly don’t get that? The show portrays Aragon as a very loyal person despite all that Henry put her through, and she clearly cares for Mary and also, to a lesser extent, Parr as her god daughter (remember she calls Howard “the least relevant Katherine”...meaning she does see Parr as relevant.) and she often refers to other queens as “babe” even though she was just arguing with them five seconds earlier (harking on the idea of forgiveness, something I think Aragon is very good at in the show!). Plus, while there’s only one line referring to Mary, Aragon is always so protective of her and warm to her. In the album, Renee’s “aw, hi baby!” is the most adorable and heartwarming part of the song and it’s clear she adores her daughter, while the “oh, you don’t remember?” in the live versions is so protective of her baby. It’s honestly something we don’t discuss enough. Moreover, Aragon’s song is one of the most energetic, but she has her earnest moment of pleading as well, along with her undisputable strength of refusing to back down and accept Henry’s lies. She is also incredibly passionate when talking about something she loves or defending herself when she has to (which make sense! This was the woman who rode with an army wearing armour while pregnant. Aragon was not to be messed with!).
I personally disagree with people who try and claim that Toby and Lucy wrote Aragon as the “angry” queen because she never truly gets to the levels of boleyn or seymour (yes there’s the miscarriage argument where she does raise her voice but like...are we ignoring Seymour’s “boohoo Mary had the chickenpox” or the fact that Boleyn is also shouting in that argument??? And she usually goes louder than Aragon???) and yet she’s so often defined by that trait even though other queens share it and are even more extreme. And yes, Im fully aware of why certain people characterise aragon in this way and I’m so annoyed that even though we continually call out the fact that’s it’s problematic, it continues to happen. However Aragon does have flaws like every good character should. Aragon just won’t try and listen to the other queens. She refuses to accept that Boleyn or Seymour might have had a worse time than her. Now I personally never got the feeling that Aragon blames the other queens for anything. Her feelings are directed at Henry. Notice in now way she talks about how henry is “running around with some pretty young thing” and she refers to him having “one son with someone who don’t own a wedding ring”. Those people? They’re clearly supposed to be Boleyn and Bessie, two people who are actually on stage at the time. But Aragon doesn’t take an easy shot at either of them in her song. She doesn’t say their name or call them out or try and involve them in her song. Contrast this with DLUH where Boleyn grabs Aragon, forces her to be front and centre in this verse and then insults her constantly (“three in the bed” = airing Aragon’s and Henry’s ✨ intimate issues ✨ with the entire world while “Don’t be bitter, cause I’m fitter” and “he doesn’t want to bang you, somebody hang you” are both pretty self explanatory). I think it’s absolutely key that Aragon doesn’t blame Boleyn or Bessie or direct any misplaced feelings towards them in no way or the show. Her (very justified) feelings of anger and betrayal are (generally) directed at Henry. And that’s something so many people ignore! And I personally wish more people would be like Aragon in this regard in the real world. I don’t know if other people agree with me, but it’s your boyfriends/husbands job to not cheat on you, not someone else’s. I do know some people think that Aragon is slighting Boleyn and Bessie in that verse but if we’re sticking to tudor ideals, Aragon not mentioning them by name (in essence keeping their “dignity” and “honour” intact) would be the kinder thing to to. (Note I’m only saying this with Tudor ideals in mind. I also think Aragon fully knows that Bessie was 13 when Henry started making advances on her and again, refuses to blame Bessie for what happened because she knows she’s a victim).
However...Aragon doesn’t ever try and listen to other queens and will insult them if she has to. She (along with the other queens like Boleyn and Seymour) gets more and more defensive and petty as the show continues. However, she never gets to the same levels of hard hitting insults has say Boleyn. But I mean...Aragon was a queen who went through so much in her lifetime and never was able to really talk about it. Yes, she resisted Henry trying to get their marriage annulled, and she was one of the strongest women at the time, but she couldn’t deal with her emotions the same way that we can today. She never got to told Boleyn to go away or leave her alone. She never got to bad mouth Henry because he was the king. She was, first and foremost, a lady, and she was expected to act in a certain way all of her life. And now that she’s reincarnated in modern days, she doesn’t have to do all of those things. She can be annoyed and let it show, she can tell Boleyn all those things she wanted to do back in the day. Some actresses even lean into the idea that it’s sort of cathartic for Aragon to FINALLY just say what she wants to say without having to worry on how it would reflect on her as queen. Mind you, I still think that Aragon considers how her words would reflect on her (much more than any other queen) but she definitely has more wiggle room within the show than she did during her reign.
In addition, while the fandom also like to reduce Aragon to obsessed with her religion, I actually really like how her relationship with Catholicism is portrayed in the show. While I do concede that Aragon’s faith is sometimes reduced to the butt of the joke, that’s not always the case and I personally really enjoy how Aragon seems to gain a lot of strength from her religion, instead of it holding her back or hindering her. While I do understand why so many characters in media struggle with their religion or find it suffocating (my relationship with Catholicism is...fragile at the best of times), but I genuinely love this idea that Aragon’s faith is what guides her and gives her inner strength in times of need. I mean,,,when she’s pleading to Henry during now way, the music slows to something that sounds more like a gospel song, Aragon is kneeling with her hands clasped and there's bright white light around her (i also vaguely remember something that looks like a crucifix behind her as well? But I'm not 100 percent sure on that). At the time where Aragon is most vulnerable and needs to find inner strength and wants guidance...she turns to her religion and that's seen as a very positive thing!!! The same with Aragon's verse in Sox. Moving to a nunnery and finding friends there is something that's now postive and liberating instead of being stuffy and boring and restrictive like nunnery are often portrayed as in media. (yes I know that's also a play on Henry wanting to send Aragon into the nunnery after their divorce but I do think that there’s no malicious religion-basing in Six is a nice touch that’s often overlooked).
Finally, Aragon’s costume is quite important to her character. It is one of the more feminine outlines (especially the updated version on broadway) and I do think it’s an inadvertent issue that the queens with the more stereotypical feminine costumes are more catty whereas the more stereotypical androgynous or masculine outfits (aka Parr and Cleves) are often the voices of reason, but I don’t think that’s intentional or is intended to comment on anything. It’s just a coincidence. However, the gold of Aragon’s outfit obviously symbolises her love, courage and passion, along with indicating her status as a noble. While yes the rest of the queens were all noble in some way before they married Henry, Aragon was a Spanish princess and the daughter of two incredibly powerful monarchs. She was probably the highest standing out of any of the queens, and her costume reflects that. I also think that her wearing gold to flaunt her status could be her trying to make up for the years between her marriages to Arthur and Henry (where she didn’t have many provisions made for her as far as I know) and also the last few years of her life. (I’ve seen differing reports on how Aragon was provided for after Henry divorced her, with her claiming that she was living in poverty while others state she got 3000 pounds. If anyone has any confirmation then let me know). Either way, her wanting to flaunt her status after her reincarnation by wearing lots of bright gold makes total sense. I’ve also seen a few people say that the bust on Aragon’s costume is the most historically accurate but I can’t confirm that, although if it is then that’s a really nice touch.
Well this took ages, but it was fun to finally get to analyse stuff again AND do it on a queen who doesn’t get discussed very much!!! Aragon often gets reduced to “catholic” or “angry” within this fandom, even though she is just as complex as any other character within the show but she just expresses things in very different ways. And that’s okay! This whole show is about how women (and NB folk!) are different and do have different experiences and do express things differently and have different personalities and that’s okay! We should celebrate our differences.
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lakeside-handiwork · 3 years
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Hello again! Today I'm showing off the two fan-made cassette inserts I made this week for a couple of music artists I've enjoyed for a while. This first one is a somewhat basic edit I made for the bandcamp album "Jungle Bumble" by Harvey Rothman, musically known as Shufflehound! It was tough trying to fit all 33 songs onto both the cover art, but I feel like the sans serif font I chose really worked for it. I also redrew Jungle Bumble's word art out for the spine design and used a chalkboard-esque font to replicate how Harvey wrote his name out. I also got lucky with the back cover bit, as the subjects in it got cropped pretty well, well enough even to impress the man himself!
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So I'm pretty glad he approved of it, really. Maybe he'll even consider something like this if he ever makes his own tape version of this. I'm also glad that his more electronic and lighter sounding music sounded good on tape, even if there has been a lot of that sort of thing released on official tapes before.
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As for the second artist I made a tape of, I decided to put together an entire album compilation of She/Her/Hers's non-live discography (as of 2021). Composed of "Hopeful//Scared". "Grrrl Angst", "Kill the Boy Band", and the "Planet of Weeds" EP, I'm very surprised that I managed to fit every track onto a single 90 minute tape, given it's 4 whole albums. I even almost left out Hopeful//Scared in its entirety because I didn't even know it existed until I was done with the first draft of the insert! Thankfully it wasn't a terribly strenuous re-edit. Also it seems to have impressed the band lead herself, as she felt the need to quote tweet it onto her page, which I'm still glowing over.
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As for the tape's sound itself, the dub I did left some sound errors dispersed throughout the runtime, and im considering re-dubbing the whole thing because of it. But also considering I got lost in the wonderful folk-punky aura of the first half of the comp on a re-listen, I might not have to. I definitely recommend checking her official bandcamp out if you can, especially given most things are released for free on it!
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Things I’ve done in my life
I had a weird political activism phase when I was 12 and 13 . I’m about to turn 16 and feel frustrated with what Im doing right now cos I had thought I would do great things and that 16 was the middle of the beginning but I never tried. I just lived in my head. But I guess I just wanted to list  cool things I’ve done .
1. I had a weird Youtube channel where I would post video essays stylised as voiceovers aka me rambling while it would record me playing Stardew valley and Minecraft and no one knew about it 
2. I started making and publishing music at 13 and it kinda sucks but Im glad its out there
3. I won a speech competition for a speech I wrote in 3 minutes the night before I had to present it
4. I learnt how to code to learn how to create a programme that would find the appropriate colours for my synaesthesic experience of Sit Next to Me by Foster the People , trying to understand what a CNN is.
5. When I was 8 I recorded dialogues between me and some characters I made that a lot of people liked and I cherish that. 
6. When I was 12 I had this science competition I could've won If I actually studied for it again but I remember being the only person who got into both series of contest’s finales so I like that too 
7. I read a lot of philosophy and had an entire blog dedicated to Spinoza on Medium  
8. I made a mini solar panel and Solar Parker Probe model , I soldered the line sensor and microcomputer chip by myself and recycled old medical supplies to make the model .
9. I did a Kabuki inspired screenplay with my mom 
9. I once tried to make my own instrument using hollowed wood and a vibration motor from my old electricity kit and a rusted nail . It was not tuned at all.
10. I’ve had 2 essay blogs and 1 photography blog that I’ve deleted and then republished. 
11. I dont really try to do stuff so I’ve had opportunities pass by and when I could've achieved something Id rather not cos its hard for me to start ( I may have ADHD ) , but I did experiments related to how to attract more bees to come to our neighbourhood using hive samples and im pretty proud of that and im trying  to present it at school
12. I did a mini album with a friend
13. I made my own language up and spent hours on syntax back in 2015. 
14. I wrote something called the Potato Manifesto that is canonically penned by an ancient electromagnetic spider sea slug made of monoclinic opal   called Karl Marx Kondratiev Taqi Ghalib
15. I broke two thermometers and took out the mercury and ‘cleaned’ it and in a heinz bean can and made 2 mercury based light bulbs. One for my dog to wear on her collar and another for my cat ( I disposed of them shortly thereafter)
16. I translated Repeat Stuff by Bo Burnham into Urdu as best as I could 
17. Once wandered off to explore with my dog at midnight to check out a wasp hive I wanted to noted down info on , my dog ran away  and chased her down in an alleyway which was illuminated by her mercury lightbulb ( rip lightbulb)
18. Got a microscope and now I sometimes work at a lab and collect stuff and process it there
19. Started a weird journey of self reflection and missed Tumblr so I’ve signed up with a new account cos the people are so cool here
20. Sold compost for a while and earned the US equivalent of 3 dollars. 
21. Did an environmental awareness thing once at school and people began helping me and this one girl stopped buying palm oil based stuff at the cafeteria with me . My aunt also became more eco friendly so thats really nice. 
22. Did an entire presentation on how the major plot hole in all of the Star Trek series is how the entire federation follows only human systems of practically everything  ( how do they have clicks in space ? does this mean they found the centre of the universe, why does everyone follow GMT?) 
23. Missed my old Tumblr days and came back with a new account  to check up on  bootydiaries ( this is objectively cool)
24. I made rugs by weaving 
24. once ran out of brushes for splattering so i used old leaves and petals and made art using my spinning Minecraft hammer and a pack of pasta and pepsi cans 
24. when I was 11 I did fungus art by growing spores using an old chemistry kit and tested it with a slightly younger kit 
24. made a Minecraft hammer with a kid’s electric kit DC motor, old styrofoam packaging and an old wooden stick that was a part of a hut ,
24. i used to storyboard as a kid and remember making animals on paper with my older sister and we sold the cards  
25. I saved a hawk
25. once wandered around on a trip  and met a shaman for less than 5 minutes but that was cool
25. Learnt Im still very privileged and need to do something about it
26 (۲۶). I cherish my cat and my plant and a tardigrade i once saw on the microscope  and a cute macrophage chasing  a pesky e.coli on the microscope  and hugs and mi dog
26 (۲۶). love thy parents 
26 (۲۶). love thy siblings 
26 (۲۶). love grumpy old people who care about u and teach u stuff
26 (۲۶). started to actually CHERISH my friends, cos they deserve all the love
26 (۲۶). for the first time i had a crush ( which i didn't think possible) on this guy at robocamp who was the only one taller than me ( i was mad about that) who used to call loud boys that interrupted girls presentations “toxic” and asked me about my interests and had the cutest eye crinkle. ( i was too nervous  to ask about  his contact but I hope to see him again, also never saw his face we wore masks throughout so that was weird )
27. I  had a neoplatonist phase
27. realised im not that special and its ok to do stuff at your own pace and be an amateur 
28. I dont know what to say so once again *hugs*
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The Leppard Albums: A Summary
(inspired by Every Beatles Album)
Happy Saturday night everyone
The Def Leppard EP
Joe is 19 and just wants to ride a motorcycle okay
Groupie fantasy
Zeppelin lyrics meet Rush with an underappreciated bass line
On Though the Night
IT'S!!! ROCK!!! N ROLL!!! BABEY!!!
Joe is 20 and just really doesn't wanna work in a factory anymore okay
pls D; girl D; stop D; hiding D; your D; pain!!
another... groupie fantasy... I think? ...???
Leppard in Space
Joe is 20 and just wants to write something edgy okay leave him alone
STEVE 👏👏👏 FUCKING 👏👏👏 CLARK!!!! 👏👏🔥👏🔥👏👌👌
the original groupie fantasy but it's been re-recorded
girl?? make up?? your mind???
let's be mysteriously edgy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Zeppelin lyrics meets Rush but it's been re-recorded (but don't worry they still kept the underappreciated bass line)
High N Dry
everyone in this band is a slutty bottom and this is the song that proves it
we have Mutt Lange now and this is the song that proves it
betcha didn't think we could write a ballad, did ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STÊVË!!!!! 👏👏👏👏 FÜCKÎÑ!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏 C L Ã R K!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥👏👌👌🤙👏👌🔥👌🎉🎉
underappreciated and that's all there is to it
noooo don't go you're too mysterious and sexy hahhaha
oh god Dx oh god no Dx we don't sound like this anymore we swear Dx
betcha thought we stopped writing Beowulf-esque pop songs didn't ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
🚫🚫⛔👎🚫🙅‍♂️👎🚫⛔🙅‍♂️⛔ *Joe tearing his throat up for 2 solid minutes*
IT'S ROCK!!!!!! N ROLL!!!! BABEY!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!1!! AGAIN!!!!! 😆😆😆
the Classic Rock Fandom™ in a nutshell 😓
betcha thought we abandoned the idea of doing a ballad didn't ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Joe's back at it again with the edgy songs and is getting a lot better at it too
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ∆ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Gunter 🙃 Glieben 🙃 Glauchen 🙃 Globen
the most underappreciated song on this whole entire fucking list sorry I don't make the rules
Alright, WHO in this band wants to be in a porno >:C
Joe's back at it yet again with the edgy songs but it's even BETTER this time
🎸we!!! fucking!!! love!!!! glam rock!!!!!! and african drum rhythms!!!!!!!!!🥁
we're not furries we swear we're just kinky D: also fuck you DJs here's some false endings
we haven't made a ballad that HURTS yet so here we go (with an underappreciated bass line)
the song that invented "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" (AKA when you cram for a test the minute before and end up getting 100%)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)😏( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)😏( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
S T E V E 😭👏👏 F U C K I N 😭😭😭 C L A R K 👏👏👏😭👏😭
nooo don't shoot me you're too kinky hahaha
a song about rioting and being #punk, but the only crime the man singing it has ever committed was getting a speeding ticket when he was 19/20
oh. oh shit. oh god. holy shi- I can't believe... ...we just accidentally made the most perfect song to ever exist :o like seriously- people are achieving nirvana as we speak I'm not joking I think we went too far with the perfection this time guys
Don't 👏 give 👏 me 👏 love 👏
gkKLglldlflhlADKSLALLFLSS 😆😆😆
I fucking love my wife uWu
fkKMglgllsLLslgflephpGLDLPT 😆(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)😆
We're just gonna get extremely romantic and passionate for 4 minutes and 3 seconds if that's alright with you (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
this album was the most painful thing any of us have ever had to do, so here's the most serious song we've ever done to date. Steve ✊ Fucking ✊ Clark ✊ -n-
now that our mental breakdown is over, we're gonna get extremely passionate and romantic again but for a lil longer this time aiight 🤙
one of us has a protection/ownership kink but we're not gonna tell you who
you know what this album needs? a little bit more pain
we're layin down the line (and by that we mean we want sex)
we're layin down the line pt.2 (we still want sex btw)
Retro Active
Beowulf songs are back babey 🤙
I'll say that again if I have to^
we!!! still!!! fucking!!! love!!!! glam rock!!!!! we even covered something to prove it!!!!!!
Joe has now officially mastered ballads
I fucking love my wife part 2: she's a badass top
While Joe was off mastering ballads, Phil studied the blade
We covered something else bc again!!! we fucking!!! love!!! glam!!!
We rewrote Joe's motorcycle song bc we now realize it was cringe af (and it was an excuse for Joe to talk to Ian Hunter so that made him happy)
Joe has now officially mastered edgy/serious songs
it's a total bop but oh god. No. Please. No. Oh God. No. Don't. Please. No. Pls. No. Oh god. Don't.
This should've been on Adrenalize and you can Fight Me On That
Phil studies the blade (electric version)
Joe masters ballads (electric version)
Vault (there's only one new song on here so that's all I'm doing)
babe nooooo D';
Epic edgelords part 1
Epic edgelords part 2: Phil wrote it this time
everyone in this band is a slutty bottom and this is the song that proves it Volume 2: Electric Bugaloo
soft breakdown :'c
Phil's marriage isn't going too well
in fact, no one's marriages are going too well
severely underrated bop
We're still not over Steve's death and we never will be :c
Joe makes edgy ballads his bitch yet again 👏👏
severely underrated banger 🔥🔥🔥
Holy shit I didn't know Joe could hit a note that high
The 90s sucked for us but we'rE STILL HERE BICH 🖕
Can we pls give Sav more songwriting space on albums thx 😭💗
everyone in this band is a slutty bottom and this is the song that proves it Volume 3: Even Sluttier This Time 😏
totally different from everything we've ever done and WE 👏 MADE IT 👏 OUR 👏 EDGY 👏 BITCH
uwu but it's sad so it's actually umu
partying like it's 1999- oh wait, it actually is 1999
*hugs Viv and scREEEEEEEEAAAMMS*
Phil studied the blade and attacks you with it
*gets escorted into the back of a police car* IM GUILTY!! I'M GUILTY!!! I'M NOT INNOCENT!!! 😫😫😫
whatever edginess we couldn't fit into Paper Sun we put into this song instead
we're entering the new millennium as Kings and there's nothing you can do about it 👑🖕
X (Ten)
Stand on a balcony at sunset when you listen to this one
(insert Vizzini saying "INCONCEIVABLE" here)
the big UwU
I got ghosted and it’s actually a lot more dark and depressing than I thought also I wish I was never awake
soft and edgy and sad acoustic dads
F-U-C-K SPELLS F- I mean L-O-V-E spells love uWu
babe nOOOooO I'm sorry I suck so much DD;
this sounds like out if Work It Out and Day After Day had a kid
we're gonna have a Funky Good Time whether you like it or not 😎
E D G E L O R D S 2 0 0 2
we can't decide if we want this album to be edgy or uwu so we're gonna make it both
the same passion as Tonight but less sexy and more (you guessed it) uwu
E D G E L O R D S 2 0 0 2 P A R T 2
Betcha thought our emo phase was over didn't ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bops have been and will ALWAYS be something we have mastered- even if the song we're playing isn't ours
betcha thought we couldn't cover a Blondie song, did ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Phil's just getting nostalgic about London it's fine 👍
don't worry joe's still sCREAMIN
in which we make this song a million times better than the original
we're letting Joe have his moment ok just let him have this 👨‍🎤
yeah we like Free- so whAT??
okay NOW we're letting Joe have his real moment- he's been waiting for this moment ever since he was like 12 okay just. let him. have this just. this one time. pls.
in which we confuse literally everyone by making them think this is a song that we wrote
we just need ONE more bop, okay? Just ONE more we swear then we'll stop being fanboys (for now...)
we'll be right back, it's Bow Down To Thin Lizzy Hour
*Phil tearing up his throat for 4 and a half solid minutes*
Songs From The Sparkle Lounge
this one's actually kinda dark and heavy? :o
honky tonk time 🤠🤙
Phil's songs are severely underrated tho pls give them more attention
it's time for one (1) badass religious song and if you don't like it then you can Fuck Off kindly 🙃
This whole album is "Songs That Were Written By Phil and Viv and Sav" heaven
I think sometimes people forget that we, even as a band, are fans of the Classic Rock Fandom™ too, and we feel the same pain as the other fans :'^)🤙
Joe's three minutes of fame on this album
Joe's three minutes of fame on this album part 2
Viv's songs are severely underrated tho pls give them more attention
Mirror Ball (bonus tracks)
we grabbed fate by the balls and screamed fUCK YOU 🖕🖕
We are still Kings™ in case anyone was wondering 👑🖕
✨PHIL BELIEVES!!!! IN!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!! AND!!!!!!!!!! BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!✨
Def Leppard (Self Titled 2015)
Is this song about playing a live show? Probably. Is it also about having a fight? Is it also about angry sex? The world may never know.
Okay this one just absolutely SLAPS, periodt.
bootleg Another One Bites The Dust
being badass, That's The Power Of Love
don't worry, we still know how to be Poetically Edgy
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm *bump bump* hooked on a feeeeling
I've Got a Spiritual Romantic Boner
Can't Keep Away From The Flame edginess gets crossed with some Zeppelin charm and badassery
someone in this band is fucking piSSED 😠😠😠😠
we're gonna @ someone tonight fellas
what if we tried to cross newer Metallica with Nickelback 🤔
what if we turned this into We All Need Christmas three years from now... 🤔
Bonus: Personal Jesus/We All Need Christmas
Viv really wanted to cover ABBA but everyone said no so he settled for cowboy goth™ instead
What better man to write a warm and fuzzy Christmas song than the warm and fuzziest man alive (Sav)
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jeagerism · 4 years
wish you were here
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✒ word count : 4.2k
✒ characters : park jimin x reader
✒ warnings : sadness, like hella sadness im sorry, break up!au, reader just misses him lots, small amounts of fluff, cursing, seeing the person you love with someone new, first dates, moving on, crying
✒ summary : You're sitting in your bathtub eating marshmallows at 3 in the morning three weeks after the break up, and you're doing fine, you really are. But then, all of a sudden, you're crying and realising how much you miss him.
✒ author's note : as i wrote more and more i was like...hmmm. jimin. here is the completed fic im scared to post this didusissj but if i don't i might die so. hope u guys like dis one xoxo it's my first jimin imagine pls do not hurt me im trying :o
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It's 6 p.m. on a Saturday when it happens.
The curtains are open slightly in the living room, rays of golden sunlight reaching just past where your feet rest on the couch. You're typing up an essay when Jimin slips through the door, toeing his shoes off. Five-fifty, just like clockwork. The coat he wears everyday goes on the same hook - third from the left. He shuffles over to the couch and presses his lips to the crown of your head, just like always.
It's easy to fall into routine.
Another episode of Sex Education plays in the background, long forgotten after an hour of staring at the same screen. You're pretty sure your brain is fried. But you'd made a promise to yourself that you'd finish this essay today, so you make due. 
"Hey." The way your lips stretch into a smile is hard to control, even more so when he copies your actions. He falls onto the couch beside you, leaning into the cushions with a hum. He smells like the strawberries and honey body wash in the bathroom.
You let your eyes study him for a few seconds, then go back to typing, and it's quiet, just like always. It feels normal. Nothing's different. 
Until it is.
"I think we should break up."
Of the five years you've known Jimin, you've been through a lot. And while most of it had been dealing with things much bigger than yourselves, bigger than romance and first kisses, you'd had your fair share of relationship issues.
But things were good. He would come home every day, smiling, press that same kiss to your forehead. Sit right beside you, leaning into your side, his warmth seeping into you. Sometimes he'd play with your fingers, a thing that kept him occupied and calm. You knew Jimin, you knew all his habits, what made him tick, how he acted when he was sad, or happy, or angry.
"I can't", you breathe out, so softly it's barely audible. And you wonder if he can even hear you. If he can hear the way you're trying to gather up everything you're feeling right now and trying to shove it down, down, down. "I don't understand? I need, can you-" 
And as much as you know Jimin, he knows you all the same. He knows you're panicking, and normally, he'd grab your hands and help you breathe. In for three, out for three. In for three out for three. He doesn't do that this time. He doesn't even look at you.
"I'm just not...happy. I'm not happy and I don't think I make you happy anymore, either."
But you do. He does, Jimin makes you so happy that sometimes you forget how to breathe. He makes you so happy that you love everything about him, even the things that drive you insane sometimes. So happy that you pick up the clothes he leaves on the floor after his shower, or place his shoes back neatly, or cook his favorite food for him whenever he asks.
These are the things you want to tell him. You want to tell him it all and more, but the only thing that comes out is :
Because what else can you say? He's just said that he's not happy with you anymore, and he's so close but farther away than ever, and he's not even looking at you.
In for three, out for three. But you still can't breathe. And this time, as his words fall on near deaf ears - something about "my stuff" and "sometime later" and "you stay, I'll go" - and he slips his shoes and coat back on, and it's quiet, it's not because you're happy.
You can't breathe because it hurts. You're not sure of how long you stay on the couch, computer running hot on your lap, a "Are you still watching" message on the tv. But when you finally look up, it's dark. 
And you take a breath. Dragging yourself to Jimin and your bedroom - your bedroom - takes more of an effort than you'll admit, but you get there. The pillow is cool against your burning cheek. You allow your eyes to close tight, because his side of the bed is never this cold.
All you can do is breathe. In for three, out for three. Something you'd learned from him, with him. 
It's all you can do to keep yourself from breaking.
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He takes you on your first date in September.
It's bowling, which is a stereotypical first date, but it's him, so you don't really mind. 
Park Jimin is nervous. It's evident in the way he wipes his hands on his pants before he holds your hand. The way he gets quiet after laughing at one of your jokes, as if he's afraid of being too loud or happy.
"No fair!", you call, speaking through a pout. "You've got like, superhuman abilities or something. You're obviously gonna win." Crossing your arms, you shake your head. "I think we should label this as cheating."
Jimin chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not trying, though." 
You make a noise of protest. "That's even worse!" Leaning closer to him, a furrow in your eyebrows, you huff. "Are you saying I'm just plain ole bad at bowling, Park?"
"You said it, not me." It's the first joke he's made all night. You laugh, eyes closing just from the force. "I could, uh, I could help you? If you want. Since I'm so good and everything." The last part is said teasingly, and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You stand, ruffling his hair with a smile. "Teach me then." By the time you've grabbed the ball you've been using the entire time, he's right behind you. Sticking your fingers in the holes, you twist it around lightly. 
"I see why you're so bad now." You turn, opening your mouth to defend yourself. "You're not even holding the ball right, you know."
"Well, I'm sorry I was never taught bowling ball holding basics. I didn't even know you could hold one of these-"
He interrupts you with a hand on your waist, delicate and soft. His fingers rest just above the top of your jeans, brushing against soft skin. "Like this", he murmurs. Jimin's other hand adjusts your own. "And then this." He keeps his hand atop yours, and brings your arm back, helping you swing it forward. You're so focused on how close he is that you don't notice you still need to let go of the ball.
Lips brushing against the side of your cheek, Jimin hums. You shiver. "You know, this doesn't actually work unless you let go of the ball when you swing, pretty girl." 
You feel like you're going to combust. Park Jimin just called you pretty. Park Jimin, the boy you've had a crush on for months. Called you pretty. Blinking, you swing your arm back with him again, and let it go when it comes forward. Not caring if the ball hits the pins or not, you rotate, until you're face to face with him. All soft, silky hair and lips that look as soft as pillows. 
"What?" He raises an eyebrow, another pretty flush spreading over his cheeks. 
"Can I kiss you?"
The noise that comes from him mirrors the shock on his face that quickly morphs into timidness. "Like you even have to ask, Y/N." 
His lips feel even softer than they look. You've had a first kiss before, but this is the only one that's felt right. Something in you tells you that means something. When you pull away, you're smiling, breathless.
"Hey", Jimin whispers, nodding his head behind you. "You knocked down all the pins."
As he walks you home, he holds your hand.
"I'm glad we got to do this", Jimin says, and his eyes don't meet your own until you squeeze his hand tight. You think about how he'd wrapped you up in the extra sweater he'd been wearing when he'd noticed you were cold. How he'd pulled you closer when walking down the sidewalk because people were bumping into you, and had held you that way the entire way back.
"Me too." You grin, watching the pink on his cheeks spread to his ears and down his neck. His smile mirrors yours regardless. 
Jimin sighs. "I'm, um, sorry if it was lame. I know bowling is kinda...well, kinda bland for a first date-"
"It was perfect." You let your fingers detangle as you back up. "Best first date I've ever had." 
His cheeks swell with a big, boyish grin. "Next time I'll take you to the arcade downtown." A smirk. "Maybe that time you can beat me in something."
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You always thought that if Jimin ever left you, you'd cry.
Not that you thought of it often, but it still came up once or twice. Every time it did, he was always right there, with soothing words and soft lips pressed against the tip of your nose. 
So, the fact that you don't cry surprises you.
You don't cry, and a part of you thinks that, if you did, it would never stop. 
Your sadness turns into anger at every reminder of him around your apartment. There's traces of him everywhere, a forced memory no matter where you step. So you keep breathing. You take a breath. 
You take a breath when you see his lunchbox he took to work with him every day. When you visit your friends and they ask how plans for the yearly Halloween party you'd always throw with him are going. When you see a news article about him and the boy's album release. You breathe.
Because you are angry with him. Angry for making you waste your time, making you think that it was you and him. That he still loved you, and that you knew him.
Going back in your head, everything had seemed fine. The two of you hardly fought, you told each other I love you every morning and every night. You still had your weekly movie nights every Friday. You laughed together. 
Nothing had changed, right? You knew him, right?
A week after he's been gone, it hits you that you never knew him that well at all.
You didn't even know him well enough to tell that he was falling out of love with you.
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Two weeks after the breakup, and you no longer feel angry. You feel the dragging feeling of sadness creep up on you again. The anger probably would've stayed, but he'd come to get his stuff earlier in the week. 
He forgets a few things, but you don't say anything. Why don't you say anything?
Getting used to life without him is a process. You forget that you don't have to buy those off brand crackers he likes. You never wake up in the morning to his humming in the shower. Things...change.
The bed was never this big, was it? It always seemed small, small enough that the two of you always crowded together, legs tangled together, arms around waists.
Now, it's massive. You pull the blanket up to your chin, and even though you probably shouldn't, you press your cheek into his pillow. 
When you fall asleep, you dream of him.
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His skin is bathed in moonlight, pale and soft. The two of you sit in the big clawfoot bathtub, the one you both loved, empty and fully clothed. He's quiet, and anyone else would think that's because it's nearing three in the morning, but you know him. You recognize the subtle shaking of his hands, the sweat beading at his hairline even though it was freezing inside the apartment, the way he taps his fingers together in rhythm.
You know him.
"Hey." It's the first word spoken since you'd sat down. He's facing you, curls going every which way from attempting to sleep earlier. Holding up the bag you'd snagged before you'd followed him in here, you grin. "Want some marshmallows?"
Jimin's lips twitch into a smile, and even though it disappears as quickly as it came, it's something. Massive hand plunging into the bag, he grabs a handful and proceeds to shove a few in his mouth. You settle for popping them in one by one; the small, colorful bits melt on your tongue. 
The bag empties faster than expected, so soon you have nothing to occupy yourselves. As you start to suggest opening the other bag in the pantry, he speaks.
"It's happening again", his shoulders rise up to his ears. His hands rest in between his knees, tangled together, fidgeting.
With a heavy sigh, you lay a hand across his own. "I know." Jimin's eyes meet yours, honey colored and exhausted. The bags under his eyes are more prominent than they have been, and although it's not as bad as the last few times, it's still bad.
"I don't want it to happen again."
And well, you don't quite know what to say to that. Because you don't either. This feeling was always with him, always simmering underneath the surface. It never completely disappeared, but it did get easier to deal with. It was bearable, almost nonexistent at times.
You know it hurts him, and him hurting makes you hurt. He deserves so much good, he is too good, to have so much weight on his shoulders. To be plagued with so much anxiety and pain, and for what? You don't even know the answer.
No one is perfect, as living with him for this many years often reminds you. He's definitely not. He leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor. He forgets to replace the tissue when the roll runs out. He's never had a plant that's lasted more than a week, because he's either not here or just forgets. 
So no, he's not perfect. But you know damn well he's the closest thing to it you have.
"I'll be here." You swallow, fingers slotting in between his. "I am here. No matter what, rain or shine, you know that." Jimin lifts the side of his lips into a smile. "I love you."
Switching in his spot, he turns, leaning back against your chest, rejoining your hands soon after. "I know." He brushes his lips across your knuckles. "I love you, too."
Your other hand combs through his hair, twirling curls around your fingers like thread.
The two of you don't retire to your bed until the sun begins to peak over the horizon.
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You wake up with sweat beading at your hairline.
In for three, out for three.
You ignore the phantom taste of marshmallows on your tongue. A shaky hand pushes the blankets off of your body, and you're taking the familiar path to the kitchen before you can really think. There's a bag of mini marshmallows where they always are. You grab them, tearing a whole in the top as you walk towards the bathroom. 
When your back meets the familiar chill of the tub, you can feel the way your throat begins closing up. But you push it away with a hand full of marshmallows, which distracts you from the aching burn settled deep in your chest.
You've never done this alone. Every time you've sat in this exact same position, marshmallows in hand, he's been here. But there's always time for change. At least that's what you tell yourself.
You'd spent all your time in this tub with Jimin. There weren't any more of those times. No more late night baths where you just talked about your days. No more pic nics on the living room floor when you didn't feel like going out. No more hugs or I love you's or simply just seeing him across the room. 
And another. In for three, out for three. Focus on something else. Anything else but him. Your eyes switch from the wall to the bottle of soap on the ledge of the tub. Strawberries and honey. His favorite. Something else. The two towels hanging on the rack, one yellow and one red. You remember picking them out the night you moved in. It's getting harder to see with the tears in your eyes, but it's fine. It's fine.
Because you don't miss him. You can't, because the smell of strawberries and honey are fading from the pillow that's beside yours. The red towel hasn't been used in a month. There's never a box of off-brand crackers with his name on them in the cabinet anymore. And he's not here.
And you can't wish that he is. 
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September is different this time.
The streets are full of people, and you're filled with a happy sort of warmth as you wait outside of a coffee shop. Rubbing your hands together, you blow warm air on them to rid yourself of the numbness starting to creep in. It's the type of cold that sets in slowly. You nudge your nose against the scarf you're wearing with a shiver.
People around you pass by with smiles, arms full of bags or holding others hands. It's peaceful.
"You're going to drop them!"
Glancing up, your eyes dart around until they find the source of the noise. There's a part of you that wishes you hadn't. A part of you that wants to shove your nose back into the fabric around your neck. 
Seeing Park Jimin is...weird.
There's a certain type of irony in the way that you see him during your first September without him. It twists and tears at you with bleeding fists.
"Jimin, let me carry some!"
The girl next to him is pretty. She's more than pretty. Jealousy ebbs in your chest for a mere moment at the smile he gives her, the way his eyes sparkle. Remembering how he used to look at you like that pours salt onto the wound. 
His hair is blond now. He looks good. Jimin had always looked good, though. There's no doubt in your mind that he's one of the prettiest people you've ever met. But he looks good. He looks like he's glowing. He looks...happy.
I'm just not...happy anymore.
"I've got it", he laughs, leaning his head back with a smile. Turning, he regains his grip on the bags, switching his gaze over, over, over. "See, like…" His eyes are sparkling. He looks happy. Is this what he meant?
I'm not happy and I don't think I make you happy anymore, either.
You quickly avert your eyes, turning and stuffing your hands into your pockets with a huff of breath you can see in the cold air. For a second, you can hear his footsteps getting closer. Of all the ways you thought you'd bump into him, it was safe to say this wasn't on the list. Seeing him wasn't on the list at all. Avoiding the problem until it went away seemed like a good enough plan.
Just as you're ready to turn around and face him, even if you really do not want to, a hand lands on your shoulder. Gentle.
The endless run on thoughts of what you're going to say become muddled as you open your eyes. 
"Sorry it took so long. Since someone wanted peppermint hot chocolate, even though they were obviously going to be running out, I had to wait a little longer." The corner of his lips lift into a grin. "Didn't mind though. Anything for you, I suppose." 
You shake your head with a smile as he hands you the cup. "Thank you." The drink warms your hands, the numbness melting away. 
"Ready to go?"
Jimin's behind you. Jimin is behind you with a girl who may not even be his girlfriend, but a girl who makes him happy. Makes him smile. 
And you think you're a little okay with it. 
You don't really have a choice, but. It's easier to swallow than you'd expected. 
You've learned to live without him. And even though there's a piece of you screaming and throwing a fit like a child that just wants and wants, you don't break. 
"Yeah. I am."
Pivoting, you walk forward. He's still relatively far away, but close enough that you can see him in your peripheral vision. Close enough that you make eye contact once more as he readjusts the bags in his arms. Close enough that you see the sparkle in his eyes.
You take a breath as your shoulders pass, mere inches of space between you. He still feels far away.
In for three, out for three. Breathe in.
It smells like strawberries and honey.
You smack your lips together as you continue on.
You're craving marshmallows.
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Two Months Before
Park Jimin is scared.
Which isn't something he'd normally admit so easily. But, given the circumstances, he doesn't think too much of it.
Filling his cheeks with air, he gnaws on his bottom lip in thought. He's been chewing on it for so long he'll probably tear a whole in it, but he can't help it. Thinking back on the conversation he'd had hours before scares him. Leaves him with an unsettling feeling in his stomach. Anxious, deadly butterflies.
"How're things with Y/N?" Taehyung sits back, sipping from a stark white coffee mug. "Not that we don't see you guys every two weeks, but, you know."
Jimin laughs, shaking his head. "They're good. She's good, amazing." He's smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. 
"God, stop looking like a lovesick fool", his friend teases. He tilts his head, scoffing. "Propose already." Jimin must look as lost as he feels, because Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "You okay?"
He blinks, rolling his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good. I guess I just...never thought about it. Marriage and stuff. I mean, I have, I just…" He shrugs, eyebrows furrowed. "Never really thought about it too in detail." Why does his stomach feel like this?
"Do you want to marry her?"
"Yes." The answer is instant. Something hidden underneath, but something all known. 
Taehyung smiles. "That was pretty fast. Are you sure you've never thought about it?"
Jimin wets his lips, clearing his throat. "Guess it just...doesn't make sense with anyone else. It makes sense with her though. It feels right."
The blue haired male across from him smirks, huffing out a laugh. "Guess you'll need a ring then, huh?"
Marriage had always been a far away concept. Something to be worried about later down the line. It seemed like, without even realising it, down the line had come sooner than he expected. He's known Y/N for five years, and while every moment has been one he wouldn't give up, it's sped by so fast. 
But when he thinks about it, it doesn't make sense if it isn't her. Nothing makes sense if it's not her. If he closes his eyes and pictures his wedding day, no matter what, in every scenario, every way you look at it, she's the one walking down the aisle. Every time. It's her.
Jimin reaches into the dresser drawer beside the bed, feeling around until he finds what he's searching for. His fingers brush against the velvet box he'd shoved in there an hour earlier. When he brings it out, the butterflies in his stomach have friends. 
He wants to marry her. He wants to do it right. He wants to put this ring on her finger and watch her eyes light up. And plan the wedding with her and discuss color schemes and where to seat guests at the reception. Wants to kiss her in front of a room of people as his wife for the first time. He wants to adopt a dog and buy a house with a backyard.
Park Jimin wants to do all of this, and he wants it to feel right, and it only feels right with her.
But if she said no. If she didn't want him the way he wanted her. Park Jimin is terrifyingly in love with her. The type of love that makes him crazy. That makes him wake up early just to pull her back into his arms, because he knows how she likes being held. Because he knows her.
So if she didn't need him like he needed her, he doesn't think he'd be able to handle it. Because she may be able to walk away and find someone new, but he won't.
She's it for him. This is it for him. He doesn't think there's ever gonna be anyone else. 
He's loved her every day since the moment he met her.
The not wanting is what might tear him to pieces. Can nervous butterflies die?
The sound of keys turning in lock nab his attention, and he jumps to his feet, heart in his throat. Something in him aches. "Jimin? I'm home!"
Rubbing his thumb over the velvet box once more, he slips it back into the drawer, way in the back. He closes it, and breathes. In for three, out for three. Jimin looks up, and puts on a smile, even with this ache.
He loves her.
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✒ tags : @lysjeon @goldenlilyz @savageprince7
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wickymicky · 3 years
So it's not sorting members and biases, but how would you rank weki meki albums (by whatever criteria you feel like doing lol)?
ooooo hmmmmmm............. thats interesting..... okay i’ll try it haha
WeMe - i actually went into making this list thinking that Lucky would be number 1, but the more i think about it and look at the tracklist... actually i think it’s WeMe lol. IDLYG is such a unique debut song and i dont care what anyone else says lol, i adore that song. Stay With Me is pretty iconic too. it’s not necessarily one of my favorite bsides of theirs, but it’s good. Neverland is underrated though for sure, i really like that song. and then Fantastic is honestly a candidate for being my favorite Weki Meki bside haha that song is just so... i dont even know, lol. undercover. superlover.
Lucky - this is one of the most solid mini albums in kpop, imo. Lucky is a fantastic intro, La La La is such an underrated title track, Iron Boy and Metronome both slap... i like the album’s vibe a lot
Hide and Seek - Oopsy is great, and Dazzle Dazzle was included on the album too, and normally when previous non-album singles are included in a subsequent album i think it’s kind of a waste of a space, but in terms of making a list like this, i gotta factor in the fact that this album has two title tracks on it lol. in this instance that’s a good thing. but not just that, Moya Moya is another one of my favorite bsides from them. The Paradise is fantastic too, i really wanna see what other stuff Suyeon writes if this is what we can expect haha. honestly with how much i wrote about this one... maybe i even like it more than Lucky? i’ve been thinking that Lucky is their best or one of their best mini albums for basically the whole time that i’ve been into Weki Meki, so i’m gonna have to put more thought into this before i make a decision that drastic hahaha. for me, that’s a big deal lol, i dont wanna just declare Hide and Seek better than Lucky unless im 100% sure. i’ll ruminate on this
Lock End LOL/Week End LOL - okay, so, this single album is above their other remaining mini album. oops. normally i wouldnt ever put a single album above a mini album (and probably wouldnt put a mini album above a full album), but like... this one has PICKY PICKY and TIKI TAKA lmao... i’ve listened to Tiki Taka more than countless other songs from groups i also love, and i’ve probably listened to Picky Picky more than i’ve listened to some entire groups, lol. and Whatever U Want is ANOTHER favorite bside. Petal Fortune is nice, i like it, but it’s not something i listen to that often. but so those first three songs are incredible and they literally (not a joke) changed my life haha, Picky Picky is my favorite kpop song of all time... but the reason this album isn’t higher is just because tbh i would need another banger song, i think. at least one more. it has my favorite song on it, but it is just a single album, even with the Tiki Taka repackage. 
Kiss Kicks - okay now things are getting controversial. Crush isn’t my favorite title track and i’ve made no secret of that lol (but i do still love it, dont get me wrong), but i love True Valentine. ive been saying various bsides are “possibly my favorite”, but i think if i had to actually pick one (and only one) favorite bside right now, it’d probably be True Valentine. but so the controversial thing about this placement probably isnt the fact that Kiss Kicks is so low... because it’s only a single album with just three songs on it.... the controversial thing is that this album is above-
New Rules - sjdklmvldsfg,sf;lg. i LOVE Cool. it was my fifth favorite song last year, which is like super high praise from me lol, i put a LOT of thought into my top 10 list. being in my top 5 is like putting it in the S Tier lol. but uhhhhh idk... i’m just not feeling any of the bsides. Just Us, the one that the members wrote, is nice and it’s meaningful but it’s not something i’ve listened to very often. i dont even remember D-Day (that’s my bad, i should listen to it again). and Sweet Dreams... i know a lot of people like it, but... and this is gonna be a controversial opinion... i just can’t get into it. i could elaborate on that but i’ve written enough already lol... i don’t hate it, it just doesnt really work for me, it’s hard to explain.... well anyway lol. I do love Cool though
i could edit these to be more readable, it’s really clear that i’m just talking to myself in a stream of consciousness, but i’m not gonna proofread lmao this is just a tumblr post. i just like to ramble about the things i like haha, thank you for giving me an opportunity to do so hahaha. i already think about this kinda stuff on my own, without posting it lol
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grannygerd · 4 years
I’m Lynn from PVRIS! AMA
I’m Lynn from PVRIS. We just put out our new album Use Me which you can listen to HERE. This Saturday, we’re going to be playing our first album White Noise front to back in its entirety for the first time ever. You can get tickets for the live stream HERE.
Proof: https://imgur.com/9K4IgJf
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DieDunkleFritte: Hey Lynn, would you rather have really small hands or really small feet? Best regards from germany :D pvrisofficial: Feet!!! Need normal sized hands to play instruments! haha
Nikkiestables: Lynn!!! I was in the US for my exchange and was going to FINALLY see you in person but I couldn’t:( do you think in the future you would tour Asia? Which parts would you like to explore? (Please say Hong Kong) pvrisofficial: We'd love to tour Asia more! We've loved the places we've been in Japan, Singapore, & South Korea so far! Would love to add Hong Kong!
ShadeOfNothing: Hey Lynn! I’ve been a PVRIS fan Since White Noise and I’ve loved seeing the band’s sound evolve through the years. I know you’re a huge believer in astrology, past lives, and the paranormal, so I was wondering if there were any crazy experiences you had witnessed or drew inspiration from while writing/producing Use Me. Thanks so much! pvrisofficial: yessssssss I am a nut. I didnt make Use Me in a haunted church this time but i DO think I stayed at a haunted airbnb. Food kept disappearing and then one night a giant ghostly handprint was left on my guitar case and my hand was way too small to have created it.
hinterscape: Hi Lynn! I've been following you guys since ~2014, you're awesome and I look up to you. Do you see yourself making music forever or how long do you see it if not? pvrisofficial: FOR-E-VER! It might take different forms and go through different stages but i think i will always be creating music!
imaliveunfortunately: Hi Lynn! First of all I love you and the style of music you've put out recently. I saw you at Reading last year, and in Manchester in 2017 so I'm really happy to seeing PVRIS get the exposure it deserves :) So it's gotta be asked, I understand there's issues with the label, but what are the chances of Mvdonna and Blood On My Hands being released? Whether it be as singles, on a new EP, the next album, etc? They're just damn good tracks pvrisofficial: I want them to come out SO BAD too haha. I want to make sure the production is perfect so its now a matter of finding the right collaborator for them.
CookThePasta: Do you believe in life after love? pvrisofficial: yes
OldManMalekith: Hi Lynn! How did working with JT on Use Me differ from your previous experiences with producers? Everyone that I've seen or heard work with him puts it as a really positive experience, and he helps make great stuff! pvrisofficial: He is the BEST. He was very similar to Blake in the sense that he was incredibly nurturing and encouraging, dedicated to making sure it was 100% everything I wanted and always stood up for me if the label ever tried to change it. His production style is definitely different but its extremely diverse. It's a lot punchier and crisper and a bit more minimal than in the past but i think it almost makes things more impactful that way!
villanelleinsuits: Hi Lynn! You’re a creative genius, thanks for existing. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?? pvrisofficial: I would love to live in the UK countryside!!! Maybe Bath or something.
Queenio01: How are you feeling today? pvrisofficial: Sleepy but EXCITED to rehearse!
dancorcoran: How often do you get recognised by fans in day to day life? pvrisofficial: Not too often! I usually get recognized at coffee shops and starbucks though? and Lush hahaha
jessica_pasta: Hi Lynn!!! Was wondering how do you make your synth patches? What synth sounds are your favorites? Thanks so much! Love PVRIS and all that you do ❤️❤️❤️❤️ pvrisofficial: I use Zebra a lot and also use a Prophet Rev2. One of my favorite things is to throw synths through different effects to get an entirely new sound!
ImadaPC: Hi Lynn, I got a question. What inspires you to make music and why? pvrisofficial: What inspires me is wanting to hear something I havent heard! I want to hear all my favorite artists and influences into one thing so that's usually how PVRIS stuff is inspired haha.
staceelogreen: What are your stand out albums of this year!:) pvrisofficial: Great Q! 070 Shake - Modus Vivendi Tinashe - Songs For You (technically 2019 but I've been jamming it all year) They. - The Amanda Tape KAYTRANADA - Bubba (2019 but it came out late 2019 so it counts as 2020 for me!) Howling - Colure
DH00338: What are you most excited about in terms of this new era of PVRIS? pvrisofficial: More writing!! and more collaborations!
creewitch: Hiya Lynn! I hope your morning is going well. When have you felt the proudest of yourself and why? ☺️ pvrisofficial: Oooo good Q! I always think there's room for improvement so it's hard to feel pride, but I am definitely grateful for my resilience through the crazy shit haha.
liky_gecko: Because you’re from the Boston area, what are your favorite spots to eat/hang out there? I may be going to school there pvrisofficial: Do itttt! My fav spots are a little outside of the city.... the Crane Estate, Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Maudslay State Park in Newburyport, Portsmouth NH, Shedd Park Cemetery in Lowell.
goszkv: Hi Lynn! Was wondering if you'll ever consider coming to Poland :( ofc post corona pvrisofficial: yes!
cecy_db_11: Hi Lynn! Can't wait to see you guys this Saturday. How do you feel once the songs you write (your personal feelings and thoughts) are available for the world to listen? Do you get used to that over time? pvrisofficial: Still getting used to that to be honest. Once songs are out, I weirdly stop listening to them. Prior to that I listen in the car a lot and drive around testing songs out haha.
musicfan1976: Do you think the spring 2020 shows will still happen or be rescheduled again due to Covid? Stay healthy and take care. pvrisofficial: I truly have no idea.... :( you take care too! <3
yikesmiles: Hey Lynn! I hope you’re well! I’ve always been curious, what was it that inspired you to make music? pvrisofficial: Good Q! WHen I write, I try to write music that I want to hear that hasn't crossed my path yet.
LeahLNurse: Is there any unreleased songs you wish made it onto White Noise? pvrisofficial: Nope!
JRuiz1775: Hey Lynn! I remember the first time I saw and heard you guys was when you opened for Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens. I was hooked and have tried to see you guys anytime you are in my area. My question for you is what is your favourite tour experience? What is your dream tour to be on? pvrisofficial: There's SO many favorite tour experiences. I love touring the UK and Europe a lot, exploring before shows is my favorite thing and has some of my favorite memories. Our UK/EU tour with BMTH was one of my favorites.
ac-36: hi lynn! i love your music so much, it means a lot to me. if you were to remake your past music now, how do you think it would be different, and what do you think the future direction of the band will be? pvrisofficial: I would definitely approach the drum production a bit different but keep it pretty similar with the other textures/instruments! Future direction can go anywhere! Definitely want to keep taking risks and trying new things, but still keeping it dark!
staceelogreen: If you could go back in time to give yourself advice, what would you say to your past self? pvrisofficial: Take it easy on yourself.
NouveauJacques: Hi Lynn, huge fan and I love the power behind your music. Do you ever write songs that are too emotional and feel conflicted about putting into an album? pvrisofficial: usually if they feel too emotional or heavy, I know they need to be released haha
Defiant-Strawberry37: Hi Lynn, hope everything's okay with you and the band. I'd like to ask you what PVRIS' era you think is the best and why? Hope I can see you guys someday soon acting in Portugal. Love you all! PS: why so Lynnda? *portuguese pun intended, beautiful = linda in portuguese* ly! pvrisofficial: Thanks! I love every era tbh but I'm definitely always the most excited on the present moment!
pvrisbae: youre the cutest little soul ily. whats ur fav song at the moment? pvrisofficial: Brian showed it to me! It's "Too Late" by Washed Out.
agnespvris: Hi Lynn!! Have you had any good laughter when you've been looking through the #pvrismemes ?? pvrisofficial: oh you betcha.
whothefuckisrvmi: ok so im not understanding shit about this app but im here for you pvrisofficial: thank u
vioIentbounce: hi lynn! what do you think will be your favorite song from use me to play live? pvrisofficial: I think.... Good To Be Alive or Gimme A Min
jaydenc30: hi lynn I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and everything you do! I hope you are doing well, what was the first song you wrote for use me? What’s does PVRIS’s future look like to you? pvrisofficial: First song for Use Me was Old Wounds! I wrote it before the second album even came out haha
IrlandaBDelao: Hi lynn, would you be down to open commisions for tattoos? If so, how much would you charge for a drawing? pvrisofficial: I wish! I do not have time to at the moment :( but if I have time in the future, you will be first to know so you can get first dibs!
CookThePasta: are you really looking at all of our memes?? pvrisofficial: trying OUR BEST!!
nonoplznowhy: why did your parents name you Lynn? pvrisofficial: Lyndsey* but they always call me Lynn or Lynds. I was named after my mom's childhood bestfriend named Lynn, she passed away when my mom was pretty young :(
golrip: What is your favourite song on awknohawnoh and why? That album literally changed my life and shaped me into the person I am today so I would really love knowing your opinion. also: what's your favourite the weeknd song/album? pvrisofficial: NOLA 1! It was my favorite to write and the memory around that time is magical. We wrote it in New Orleans and it's my favorite city.
bnizz95: Hey Lynn!! I saw you guys perform for the first time live in Cambridge last September and im so excited about the stream. I was wondering what your favorite song/songs off this album are? Also, do you still steal rosemary from your neighbors? Hahaha pvrisofficial: hahaha I have a little rosemary plant that I use now :)
vioIentbounce: are you still making collages? if not, have you taken up any new artistic hobbies lately?❤️ pvrisofficial: Little collaging here and there :) I've been researching a lot of interior design and fashion design lately!
fee-lixdawkins: Hey Lynn! Excited for the livestream! I know you’re an AFI fan. What is your favorite album and song(s) by them? Would you ever want to tour with them? I’d kill to see that happen! Take care! pvrisofficial: Brian is the bigger AFI fan! I cant pick a fave Im scared
ivykrvft: How does it feel to (kinda) be performing again as an entire band after all these months? pvrisofficial: Really good!! Definitely going to be weird without you guys in front of us!!
Ariana_0918: hi lynn <3 i wanted to know when you saw florence in concert what was your favorite song she performed live? pvrisofficial: Cosmic Love. She played it first and it was acoustic, I instantly cried hahahaha
TheSinger_Z: Hey Lynn! How old were you when you first started writing songs? What is the most memorable prank/joke that you have pulled or has been pulled on you while on tour? How many instruments do you play and what’s your favourite? I just want to say thank you, you’re my biggest inspiration when it comes to music (I sing and I’m learning to play guitar and hope to do it professionally when I’m older as I’m only 14 😬), and I’m really thankful for you guys. I got meet and greet tickets for November 30th for the White Noise stream, so see you then! pvrisofficial: i was in the 3rd grade. the songs were horrible. Its not really a prank but we love having our in ear monitor tech do the worm on stage sometimes. Extra points when he does it in costume. I can play 7 instruments! Looking to add more to the arsenal over time. I love piano a lot and drums. Keep it up, can't wait to see you be a star!!! ALso the livestream is the 21st! DOnt want you to miss it :)
CheezeGrenade: I missed out on a lot of concerts growing up and I couldn't make it to a concert out of state that I bought tickets to about a year ago. Will you guys play through Awkohawnoh again in anyway? Such as Half/Winter/No Mercy/Walk Alone. Litterally that album and the one before got me through alot of depressive phases in my life and Awk has really inspired alot of my writing for a series I want to create someday. pvrisofficial: I cant wait for you to start writing it! You got this! We will be playing through AWKOHAWNOH but the date is not announced yet :)
srankie: Are y'all Pats fans? Red Sox? Bruins? Cause if not the Eagles family will accept you with open arms pvrisofficial: NEW ENGLAND/BOSTON ALL DAY BABY!
macauley7: Could u please ask harry styles if u could tour with him? I need a pvris x harry watermelon sugar vibes thanks pvrisofficial: I'll call him right now.
brisbubbles: Hey, Lynn! Can’t wait for Saturday! I was wondering, how do you feel about singing old tracks from WN since you relearned how to sing? What has that experience been like? Wishing you and Brian the best! xzlinx: I am wondering about this as well. Maybe I am just nosey but I wonder about the process of retraining your voice and what exactlt happened. It must have been insanely difficult on her mental health but goddamn what a trooper bc Use Me is unbelievable! pvrisofficial: Great questions!!! Singing WN is definitely a little challenging to begin with because I'm older and my tone isn't the tone of 19 year old me anymore haha. A big thing was anxiety which caused me to choke up a lot and tense my chords. Then when i was being coached, out of fear of damaging something we had to rebuild and start small and light which we think caused the chords/muscles to atrophy, which set it back further haha. I eventually went to another coach who then was able to take my "retrained" voice and then strengthen it up and rebuild it back to where it was before!
ImOnlyHalfAlive: Hey Lynn! First, I can't express just how much PVRIS has meant to me over the last couple of years. Your music has helped me through so much, and I will forever be grateful. My question is: What's a life mantra you've always lived by? pvrisofficial: Life mantra (theres a lot but this one I always connect to when it comes to career): Patience and persistence is key.
Okosano: Hi Lynn and greeting from Germany! The one and only important question here : Whats your favorite comfort food? pvrisofficial: Favorite comfort food...... Indian food! My absolute favorite.
Ok-Personality1480: What’s your favorite tea pls 🤠 pvrisofficial: Throat coat for singing, housemade chai for joy.
CookThePasta: Do you know the muffin man? pvrisofficial: yes
LynnGvnnFvn: What were the creative differences between writing an album like White Noise or AWKOHAWNOH and Use Me? pvrisofficial: Age, time, locations, different producers and collaborators!
unit525: How are the submissions for the meme competition looking? Any front runners emerging? pvrisofficial: It's a CLOSE call for a lot of them...
LynXiger: Which song from your discography is your least favourite and why? pvrisofficial: I wont say incase it is anyone's favorite!! hahaha
lgbtiffany: do you have a tendency to incorporate spirituality into your creative processes? love the album and can’t wait for the stream ✨❤️ pvrisofficial: I think creating is spiritual in itself! You're channeling sound and melody and MAGICCC! So yes!
vessed1: hiii. I’d love to know who found the White Noise mirror ☺️ pvrisofficial: Me too
LynXiger: What is your favourite genre to listen to? And how has this changed over time? pvrisofficial: I'm a big sucker for hip hop and pop... really anything that's catchy and hits hard and has cool production!
nicthehic: Hey Lynn! Been a huge fan for a long long time and took up doing music professionally because I was inspired by you and the rest of Pvris’ rise and work ethic. I was wondering if there was anything you would do differently while recording your first album and any advice to new ish band working on their first professional project (in the midst of covid no less) and any tips to make our first album just as great and timeless as white noise Thank you! pvrisofficial: Awww this is awesome! I'm sure you're gonna crush it! I definitely would have wanted to make the production a little different but keep a lot of the same fundamental aspects/textures. Do what YOU feel you want to create and dont feel any outside pressures. Crush it! Cant wait for you to record!
minidudette106: Hey Lynn, Do you ever think its crazy that people get tattoos of your lyrics & ones inspired by your music? also wondering what your thoughts are on pineapple on pizza? lol pvrisofficial: I used to get freaked out bc I didnt think my lyrics were great but now I think its so cool! haha.
Hot-Lime3627: Hi Lynn, how is Opal and the other cat whom you took care of during quarantaine doing ? pvrisofficial: They are back with their owner! I truly miss them every single day... they were my little fluffy pals.
kelcea244: How do you keep your creative muscle flexed so you’re ready to create? And do you create every day? EDIT: Also really sad you guys weren’t able to make it over to the UK this month! We’ll be so psyched for you when you do come! pvrisofficial: We are sad too!!! We can't wait to get back whenever it is safe to play shows there. I miss it every day! I try to create every day even if it's just 5-10 minutes, always good to keep those muscles flexed!
socksgrowonbushes: first of all i just want to say how much i admire you, you’re amazing :) my question is what is your favourite song you have ever written? is it one that’s on an album? one that hasn’t even been released? i’m curious pvrisofficial: Use Me!
LadyEpicenter25: What the significance of playing in Arizona?! pvrisofficial: Resources to make the stream happen and rehearsals happen :)
bitchesonthephone: I have one question and one question only: When will we get Let’s Go Vertigo? pvrisofficial: NEVERRRRRR
Antique_Performer_45: Hi Lynn! I’ve been a big fan of PVRIS for a few years now. Which song from Use Me was your favorite to write? I love you guys! pvrisofficial: Use Me! or Good To Be Alive!
JadeAdelaideee: Hello!!! You’ve been a huge help with me realising I was gay, is there anyone who you would look up to when you were younger who sort of helped ease that journey? 💕✨ pvrisofficial: tbh i didnt have many. It was the scattered bits of magical gay representation on teen tv shows like Degrassi/Skins etc. haha
brandonjback: what song are you most proud of from AWKOHAWNOH? pvrisofficial: Anyone Else and NOLA 1!
DixieF: A question I've been waiting ages to ask. Why are you guys so awesome? pvrisofficial: We got awesome parents!!!
Emmahumphrees: Out of all yours songs what is your favourite lyric?? pvrisofficial: "On the porch the ceiling's painted baby blue dressed to the nines just like the sky in early afternoon 'cause it's midnight and the ghosts might be coming soon" Its a reference to a New Orleans superstition that the baby blue porch ceiling would ward off spirits in the night to trick them that it was the daytime sky.
lgbtiffany: what was the most difficult part of trying to regain your voice when you were having troubles with it? pvrisofficial: Definitely just getting on stage every night knowing it wasn't working and having to pretend it was... haha. Super embarrassing.
cnnrtower: Hi Lynn! MA fan here who first saw PVRIS open for A Skylit Drive at the Palladium in 2013. Super incredible to watch the journey for the band / yourself as an artist! What was the first gig/experience that made you stop and realize that PVRIS was going places? pvrisofficial: one of our first headline shows in CT back in 2015. Show was crazy!!
KimLC24: I was just wondering how you get your inspiration to do your art and music? because it can sometimes be hard to even get motivated let alone create pvrisofficial: Totally relate and understand! I won’t lie, the older I get, the more I need to hype myself up and set a tone to create, especially when there’s so much music swirling around us at all times (the internet/streaming/etc). I almost always have a moody or dreamy movie/show playing on my ipad next to me while I work so that way there’s an inspiring visual going.
deadweighttttt: Hi Lynn!!! What’s your all time favourite lyric from the album?! pvrisofficial: HII!! "Do you even notice how easy you've got this? Taking wings off a goddess if I'm being honest"
Pvffreis: Hi Lynn, I have no idea how to use this/reddit but great to see you here! Hope you're doing good? <3 Update: I figured out how to edit comments ayyy I just signed up to ask you this very important question: Red or green apples? pvrisofficial: Idk how either but I think I got it!! Red apples! W PB
dancingonslowsand: Hi Lynn!! Been following PVRIS for a while and I’ve loved seeing how your sound has evolved over the years. Do you have any idea of what direction you want the band to go in the future? Or are you just riding the wave and seeing what happens? Also what’s your fav bird pvrisofficial: Thanks so much! I definitely plan to just keep riding the wave… I feel like every album leaves some room for the direction to go anywhere so the next chapter never feels too restricted. I have been feeling pretty hyped and high energy lately so I feel like it may reflect that a bit! Fav bird is… PENGUINS (even though people debate that they are mammals.)
pvrisofficial: Okay my friends, I gotta head out and get to rehearsals! This was so much fun, sorry I couldn't get to every Q. Love yall! See you guys so soon! <3
November 18th, 2020
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