#i would've been so disappointed
luvmequmi · 8 months
I’m gonna become a girl whose only personality is being in love with a sweet boy
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seriouslyaliens · 2 years
if there’s one thing they got right it’s never putting 13 in a dress. 
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bloodsbane · 1 year
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crying and sobbing bc like. i guess it was never the 'proper' or 'official' translation of this line, so i get why it's different, but ;lkajsfdlkj NOTHING is ever going to top the way this line was originally delivered to me:
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let genya say fuck im begging you
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
going insane over all of tom's little mannerisms while greg leads into telling him about shiv cheating. and btw i hold without a doubt that tom did NOT know that that's what greg was going to say
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like this is the rapid nod of someone absolutely anticipating a love confession...... tom's little hop is irrelevant i just thought it was cute
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
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they should probably have a tea party together methinks
[click the images for better quality i beg of thee]
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actinganimagus · 2 months
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Are they wildly different universes. Yes.
Has Matt Reeves specifically said he's not interested in doing a cinematic universe? Yes.
Are these takes on the characters stark differences of each other? Yes.
Do these two still fit together perfectly, and their differences are exactly what they SHOULD BE for a "the Worlds Finest" team up? YES.
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rookflower · 2 months
ok yeah I finished the graphic novel and while I agree there's some pacing issues in here (starting around once they go to fight brokenstar) honestly they did such a fantastic job with what they had. I think basically all of my issues are with the original series or the inevitable pains of adaptation/presumed series mandates and limited page count
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 6 months
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ok i totally get if like, a massive area that's too much work needs to be cut but boy it went from this to tadpole information dump speedrun which is ahahaha a choice (x)
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mintypsii · 1 month
minty please take pictures if you go to the requiem cafe <3
ofc ^_^ unfortunately the kitchen was closed (strange that they didn't announce this on their socials or website other than their insta story) so we weren't able to get anything off the menu :( but the cafe was still cool and i got some stuff
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item shop had a bunch of omori merch too including a special requiem x omori t shirt
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also thank you so much to @/floppiestdisc and @/piyo0 (instagram) who were handing out these adorable prints!!!!!! I love them so much!!!!
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i realllyyy wish i could've tried the menu items but oh well. i did grab myself a jawsum shirt, though! it was a cool cafe all in all
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the-stray-liger · 1 month
God I love horror. It makes me so happy
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mira-likes · 2 months
Hearing Lin Gong say confidently:
“I’ll kill Fan Xian! Let him come into my courtyard, and then my guards will ambush him! Don’t worry, I can bear the responsibility!”
… makes it so clear how at this point, none of these people know who Fan Xian is. Can even the Prime Minister’s son bear the responsibility for killing a secret prince and the apple of Chen Pingping’s murderous eye? This is all way above his pay grade. If Lin Gong had succeeded in killing Fan Xian, he would likely have doomed himself and his whole family, and he has absolutely no idea
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kikizoshi · 1 year
I feel like the best way to see the difference between the old Godos fandom and the new Godos fandom is to watch lemorgo's Bernadette animation, then watch Creantzy's. They're vastly different in ways that I feel reflect the fandom's change as a whole.
When lemorgo made theirs, there were a lot more of the Godos childhood origin fics. It was a time of Darke_Eco_Freak, Seven Sins to Hell (Seven Steps to Heaven), Rattus Rattus. It was Godos smoking on chilly rooftops and lounging around in old mansions. We used Goncharov and Pushkin.
And now we have new fics. We have Buckadeer, intense religious journeys, more psychological perspectives on Godos' relationship, and so, so many 'Nikolai kills Fyodor' fics. We have Creantzy's comics and Elis' analyses. We use Sigma and Fukuchi.
And while all of these changes could be written about and noticed in-depth, I feel that simply watching the two animatics side-to-side really encapsulates the changes in a way that words just never can.
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lulubeanie · 4 months
Watching the psychodyssey documentary really makes you appreciate all the work that went into the game.. it's so beautiful and there's so many details and things that went into it..
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i'll forever wish that hsmtmts was one of those shows that got 22 episodes a season so every character and plotline could've been given the proper treatment they deserved. like yeah it's a lot for the premise it had, but more episodes would've meant delving more into their backgrounds or giving more development into friendships and relationships of the show. i'm also still kind of mad that the season that was arguably their weakest ended up with the most episodes, while their stronger seasons had a limited number of episodes.
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If Ted and Rebecca were never meant to be, then I want to know why Jason made the choices he did with certain things. Because they ended up pointing towards them. We didn't just make this up.
How on earth did he not think that we would think something was there, with Ted pulling out the green matchbook that connects to Rebecca's psychic prediction and Rebecca pulling out the green army man out of the green matchbook... Surely he had to know how that would look? I know he had to. He went out of his way to do a fake out scene at the beginning, that was the first thing we got after that the truth bomb ending. Plus, Rebecca's prediction plot still had to finish. There was only one ep left. How are we ridiculous for thinking that was where it was going? Plus, Rebecca was heartbroken about him leaving! She wanted him to stay and was thinking of solutions for him to stay.
They gave boatman barely 20 minutes of screen time with Rebecca, have Rebecca mention him once next ep, then nothing... Then he shows up last minute and that's it. We have to find out his freaking name from the credits.
Don't get me wrong, I loved that he made her laugh and so happy, but they could've brought him up more than just have him show up half way through and not have him show up until the end, to complete Rebecca's plot. It felt rushed. Combine that with what they did that made us think it was Ted, it just felt not as satisfying all round. I would've loved that ending if they'd actually done more and not had me hoping for Ted and Rebecca at the same time.
I don't know, there was so much potential for an outcome of either if they'd done it right..
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dangerous-disposition · 9 months
As much as I loved writing my fic for the fic exchange, I don't think I'm gonna partake in any other events like it bc damn that was disappointing not getting a fic at the end of it all...
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