#i would love YOU very dearly if you also loved them very dearly 👀
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animeyanderelover · 3 months ago
Hi! For my 2nd request can I please request Yandere hcs for Narusaku , Nalu and Yato (naruto , fairy tail and Noragami ) , Luffy and Ace (one piece ) , Maka and black star (soul eater ) with a female darling that escapes and has a child with someone else👀 please (if that’s to many you can get rid of of soul eater ones sorry about that ^^) 
please 🙏 also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water !! 💗
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, guilt-tripping, manipulation, threats
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @cachamata
Darling escapes and has a child with someone else
Uzumaki Naruto & Haruno Sakura
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🍜​🌸​Escaping those two would be quite a difficult achievement considering that Naruto is the Hokage and Sakura helps him quite a lot considering that she has experience assissting the leader of a village as her mentor used to be the Fifth Hokage. As the darling of those two there is obviously going to be some security involved as neither of those two would be careless enough to assume that even with the dawn of a more peaceful era everything will be safe for you. They aren't as oppressing as some other characters would be though which leaves some holes and cracks that their darling can potentially exploit to plot her escape. Both have their busy days working after all which is arguably going to be your best shot to flee. News still reach their ears very fast though. For Sakura reality settles in faster than for Naruto though as he is much more delusional than she is. The Seventh Hokage is vehemently denying reality as he tries to argue with the Anbu who delivered the news to him that they must have overlooked something. You wouldn't leave Sakura and him behind. You love both of them after all. This-this was supposed to be the beginning of a new era where you could be happy with him and her.
🍜​🌸​Over and over again he denies their words even as tears start evading his vision. It's Sakura who finally puts the dagger through his heart as she cannot bear to watch one of her oldest friends going through such desperate denial. Her voice is stern and firm as sh cuts Naruto off, only the slightest shiver in her breath betraying her composure as she tells him that you have run away on your own accord. It's the shimmer of hurt in her own green eyes that finally end in Naruto breaking out in tears and seeing him in this state results in Sakura dismissing all the other Anbu in the room. She ends up staying with him for the entirety of his emotional breakdown, her own defenses weakening until she too starts crying now that there is no reason for her to pretend to be alright anymore. The question of why you ran away and what he and Sakura could have done better to make you stay haunt Naruto as he searches for you the following years. He works tirelessly each day, desperately hoping to find you with each new dawn and ask you himself what he needs to do to fix this situation. Sakura scolds him for neglecting his health but truth is that she herself isn't holding up to her lectures either.
🍜​🌸​As soon as you are found Naruto insists that Sakura and him should be the ones talking to you. He wants answers. He needs answers. For the first time in years though he feels a semblance of happiness again with the prospect that you have finally been found and with a new determination to repair the situation between you three so that things can return the way he always perceived them within his mind. That smile of relief and joy crumbles though when he spots you with the child and its father whilst Sakura can only stare, feeling hurt and betrayed. Yes, she knows that sometimes her and Naruto can be too much but that doesn't change the fact that both of them love you dearly. Naruto ends up shedding silent tears this time though, unable to deny this situation right in front of him. Instead he asks you with a heartbroken look in his eyes if Sakura and him weren't enough for you and if they could have done anything differently so that this all never would have happened. His blue eyes only fill with some semblance of rage when they meet the gaze of the father of your child. After all in his mind there is no one who could love you as much as Sakura and him could.
🍜​🌸​There is some part within both of their hearts that considers for one short moment to take you and the child and leave the man behind. However, neither of those two is able to do that. Sakura has seen enough orphaned children after the war to know how they feel when losing a parent and Naruto himself grew up without any parents to begin with. So begrudgingly he decides to take the unfamiliar man with him though he ignores him the entire time when he talks to you, wanting to tell you about all the advances that were made during your absence. Whilst the father of your child isn't murdered as neither of them would be that cold-hearted, pressure is on and Naruto and Sakura subtly fuel that. After all in the eyes of every citizen an ordinary guy could harldy compare to two heroes from the Leaf Village. Your partner is constantly judged which takes its toll on him over time. Additionally Sakura suggests to keep him busy with work so that Naruto and her can inser themselves into your life as well as the life of your child more. That child has never been hated after all as both just decide wordlessly to love them as their own child and both of them are terrifyingly good with your kid.
Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia
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🔥​🗝️​There is a higher degree of freedom involved with those two unless it is an absolute emergency. Natsu and Lucy are much more harmless in comparison to some other options within the Fairy Tail cast. That doesn't mean by any means that it is an easy walk to escape those two. Natsu's enhanced smell which allows him to track you down, Happy who can fly through the skies to search for you, all their friends who would tell them if you were gone and the fact that both of them very rarely leave you alone. Natsu in particular is very clingy and loves spending time with you and Lucy whilst Lucy at the very least understands the need for privacy, aware that her friend can be very clingy. Still, with a little bit of planning and begging you will find a way to slip away, to be left alone long enough for you to get away from their love which can be a bit too smothering at times. When they realise that you're gone they panic but decide to search for you first with a lot of other guild members helping them. They search and search for hours, their hopes fading with every tick of the clock. Lucy is the first one who starts crying. Natsu attempts to cheer her up, to stay positive but his own tears betray him.
🔥​🗝️​Still, both of them try to never lose hope to find you one day again. They start going on missions in different regions to search for you, both of them sometimes gone for weeks in their tireless quest to find you and bring you back. Optimism sometimes gives away to despair when all gets too much. Truth is that neither one of those two fully understands why you felt the need to escape from them. Lucy may bear some small semblance of understanding as she is half-lucid at least but she knows that Natsu and her always loved you with all their hearts and always only ever treated you with their best. Natsu on the other hand feels the need to be strong whenever he sees someone so incredibly close to his heart faltering, trying to stay strong and positive whilst reassuring Lucy that surely there is an explanation and that everything will turn back to the way it used to be as soon as they have found you. The more time passes though the more taxing it becomes for them as well as their emotions. The usual liveliness that normally surrounds them slowly gets sucked out as Natsu even loses his usual energy to brawl with Gray and Gajell, an alarming sign for the rest of the guild.
🔥​🗝️​The moment they receive a clue about your possible whereabouts they drop everything immediately and travel to the place where you are supposed to live. Lucy is a tad bit more anxious than Natsu is as she fears that you'll reject them the moment you see both of them, Natsu attempts to remain positive like he has always done those last few years. Even within all of his optimism that things will turn out alright between the three of you, the moment he catches a whiff of your scent he already knows what has happened long before the man appears behind you with the small child in his arms. In that moment even he is unable to come up with a light-hearted spin to the sight in front of him all whilst Lucy does her best to swallow back her tears as this sight indirectly confirms her fear of you having moved on from both of them. Ultimately you as well as your lover and the baby are taken back to the guild and the whole way back Natsu doesn't know how to feel nor to act. The scent of someone else clings to you and every whiff he takes renews that pain within his heart. He confesses his inner conflict to Lucy with clenched teeth and a trembling voice who does her best to comfort him.
🔥​🗝️​Peer pressure is very likely in this scenario as well though to a lesser degree. Still, for the entire guild it is a shocking truth dropped on them when they find out that you have had a child with someone else during the years you were gone and there are some whispered words behind your back, some salty slander against the man you chose. The child is almost immediately welcomed though, even by Natsu and Lucy. In fact the kiddo is so often whisked away by someone within the guild that at one point you don't even know where they are until they return giggling with some of the mages of the guild. They grow very quickly attached to the people within the guild which is a nightmare to you, especially Lucy and Natsu spend a lot of time with your kid. You have a hard time explaining to your kid why you do not wish for them to be too close to those two because even you realise that Natsu and Lucy aren't neccessarily bad people, wondering how much your child would understand even if you were to explain everything to them. Natsu never fully learns how to act around the father either, weirdly more possessive and most likely a lot more reckless around that man without injuring him.
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🪙Perhaps it is quite amusing that there is a literal God obsessing over you yet you still have a realistic chance to escape him. Yato isn’t like other gods, he doesn’t have a big palace in the other realm where he could keep you. He needs to earn his money and for that he takes every job offered to him. The poor man is struggling and that is the main reason why you have a shot at escaping him. If you remember to do so that is as you often tend to forget Yato if he’s gone for too long until he returns and the subconscious memories return. Yato, painfully aware of this fact, is all the more clingy as a result. He hates being forgotten, it could literally kill him to be forgotten. But if there is one person he wishes to remember him forever then it would be you, his darling. You plan everything though. A new phone, a suitcase, a ticket to fly abroad as you fear that as a deity of Japan you’d never be free as long as you live here. Then you’re gone. And Yato is left alone as not even the words of Hiyori and Yukine can comfort him. Instead he wishes to be by himself, is gone for days without anyone knowing where he is. He wanders through the city, searching for you as he feels like withering away.
🪙It is likely that some other deities offer him their help. Kofuku volunteers to help in the search for you as she is a very close friend of Yato. Hiyori asks around your neighborhood if anyone is any information about your current whereabouts. Even Kazuma and Bishamon decide to give their helping hands and keep their eyes open for you. Hiyori is the most successful of them all yet the news she delivers are only fuel to the growing pit in his stomach. You’ve gone abroad. You’re no longer in Japan and as a deity created in this land Yato is bound to it. He cannot follow you to the place that you went. He falls into another depressive hole after the news, doesn’t feel motivated to earn his coins as he just spends his time silently drowning in his heartbreak. Deep down he understands why you decided to escape from him, at least partially. Both of you are of completely different worlds and he knows how overbearing he tends to be. But can you blame him? Always, without a fail, he is the one left behind in the past, damned to be forgotten. He just didn’t want you, the one person his heart has learned to love, to erase him from your mind. But now that you’re gone it’ll inevitably happen. Truly, his fate is one marked with misery.
🪙Sometimes he feels like giving in to his defeatism. To just wait until he too evaporates like some other deities before him did. However, it isn’t within his character to give up. His friends wouldn’t let him get tempted by his sorrow either as they drag him out, push him forward so he doesn’t stay behind. So Yato tries to move on yet a forever existence entails that the pain will forever live in his heart, heavy chains around his soul that steal the liveliness of his personality. It is hard for him to keep dreaming about millions of followers and a big shrine as the core of his dreams has disappeared just like that. Each year that passes reminds him of your fleeting human life, of your lifespan burning away like a candle. Until you one day return. A few years older yet still beautiful. It could have been a truly magical moment if it wouldn’t have been for the man next to you and the little child clinging to you. A bitter taste rots on his tongue, a wave of jealous despair washes over him as he gazes at the child you have with this man and it isn’t until Yukine points it out to him that Yato realizes that he has started crying. Hot tears spill down his pale cheeks, the betrayal stinging so terribly as he suddenly rushes over to you.
🪙The confused glimmer in your eyes almost threatens to break him as he begs for you to remember him. It takes you a minute of sheer agony that threatens to tip him over the edge until suddenly your eyes widen. There’s panic and horror but at least you now recognise him. That’s enough. For now at least. However, things have only just begun. In the years you have been gone you have birth to a child, a visible reminder of the passage of time. To Yato a human life burns away like a firework, gone in the blink of an eye. Fearful to lose you to your own mortality as well, he’s decided to search for ways to bind your lifespan to his own so that you may never wither away like a flower in fall. However, your child and your lover will not receive such a gift from him. Yato won’t harm them simply because he understands that they will pass away within the next few decades whilst you will remain by his side. Both of them will naturally leave your side so there is no reason for him to speed things up. Sometimes he does feel like threatening your lover out of jealousy and insecurity but he holds back. He feels sorry for the child though, he quite likes the kid even though he isn’t the father. However, unfortunately he can only tie his life to one other person.
Maka Albarn
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💚​Maka is of a sharp mind and filled with the quiet determination to be someone better than her father who never was a loyal husband to her mother. As strong as she may appear, she carries lots of insecurities but refuses to let everyone in on it as she wishes to prove herself. It's precisely because she knows that you do not think well of her that she keeps all of her own thoughts to herself as she understands that you wouldn't want to hear about her thoughts and feelings in your current dilemma. There's is the feeling of an invisible cliff between the two of you, one that silently torments you yet you are far too fearful to tell Maka who manages to intimidate her with her closed-off behavior. Maka does none of it by a malicious intention though as she instead assumes that perhaps giving you more time to get adjusted to her feelings for you and allowing herself to digest the fact that you actually figured her out will result in a slightly more positive outcome than what the both of you are currently facing. When something is troubling her she tends to throw herself into training, meaning that poor Soul has to endure rigorous hours of training with her as she attempts to focus on something else.
💚​It is the methods she uses to deal with her own problems that gives you the optimal chance to escape. Maka is left feeling like a fool when she has to accept the truth that you fled from her. She knows that her feelings aren't within the norm and she herself is more ashamed than anyone else could ever be of that fact. Yet at the very least she believes that she has never treated you cruelly or neglected you so terribly for others like her own father did to her mother. Still you left and leaves her mind reeling as she wonders if there is something that she has done, something so terrible that you felt the need to sneak away during her absence. For weeks on end she goes through every little interaction between the two of you that she is able to recall as she desperately tries to figure out what it is that repulsed you so much to the point where you left without leaving any trace behind. Her own mental fortress receives great shots, greatly damaged by the end of it yet still stable enough to hold itself together one way or another. That bitter and slimy feeling of failure is embedded within her heart though as she can't shake the thought off that in a way she has exactly become like her father.
💚​Maka deals with her troubles and her own pain the same way she has always done though, by throwing herself into attempting to improve herself and become a better person. Yet no matter what she achieves from that day on it never feels like it is enough to her as the thought of her being a failure that scared you away is forever engraved into her soul. Deep down she craves an explanation from you to know what it is that she should have done better so that she can improve. So that she doesn't end up like her father. But she doesn't know where you are. No one does which only leaves the little maggots of insecurities to blossom within her heart, filling every crevice of her body. When she spots you one day again in the company of a man and a little child she just freezes, her eyes staring at you. Her face remains stoic but her own heart starts racing within her just as much as her mind as so many emotions threaten to spill out that she doesn't even know where to begin and where to stop. The yearning to hear your explanation, to understand exactly why you ran away fills her but at the sight of the family you created she immediately closes her heart.
💚​Immaturity is something she would much rather have to be associated with her father and not herself but she has to admit that it is incredibly difficult to hold back her own bitterness. She knows that you never loved her, that you never promised her anything which is why she can't possibly consider this as cheating. A broken heart is rarely soothed by such logical explanations though. Her tone is arctic, her eyes are sharp and her entire demeanor is harsh whenever she is left alone with your lover. Green eyes are constantly inspecting him with a piercing glance, desperately wanting to figure out what it is about this man that made you fall in love with him as it is what she seems to lack. To your kid she is still quite nice though she stirs somewhat away as she feels awkward and uncomfortable whenever it hits her that this child is the result of your love for another person. At the very least she is mature enough to not show any hostility towards the kid though but this is hardly something she feels like she can be proud of. Part of her heart aches to question you why she isn't enough for you but another part of her is terrified to reveal such neediness and vulnerability to you.
Black Star
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⭐​To Black Star the idea of you running away from him is something he is either going to laugh about as a bad joke or get in a brawl over if he is in a bad mood that day. As someone who is quite heavily on the delusional side it is not hard to see why he would never consider such a thing though. In his mind he is after all the only one capable of loving you and protecting you and he is very fierce with this conviction. That is exactly the problem that you have with him though. He is far too much for you, suffocating and smothering with his behavior all because he wishes to impress you and prove to you that he is the only one for you. You've been planning to escape for quite a while already but it is kind of hard due to Black Star's clinginess as he insists that as your hero he should always be with you as dangers may lurk around every corner. As bad as it makes you feel, you realise that you will have to use Tsubaki for your plans if you wish to flee as she is always the one who pulls him away from you and allows you to breathe whenever his clinginess gets too much for you. So you grit your teeth and endure everything for a bit longer until you sense your chance when Tsubaki wants to do you a favor.
⭐​It honestly doesn't even cross his mind at first that you fled. Instead he instantly assumes that you were abducted during his absence and instantly starts rummaging through your house, leaving more chaos behind than the supposed abductor of yours. It is Tsubaki who points out that your clothes are gone, that your hygiene products are nowhere to be found and that a suitcase of yours is gone. She has already figured out what has most likely happened but it is Black Star who stays in vehement denial. You'd never run away from him after all. He is after all your personal hero who will always protect you and keep you safe. So Tsubaki forces herself to stay quiet even if only out of empathy as she follows him around as he runs through the entire village and questions everyone. When more and more answers pile up hinting at your leave by free will his rejection and denial of their words get more serious. Maybe you were blackmailed and that person forced you to leave! Maybe there was an urgent emergency that happened spontanously whic forced you to leave abruptly! All of it are excuses to deny the reality so that he has some lie he can cling to. When Tsubaki tries to stop him from his tireless search he actually snaps at her to not touch him.
⭐​Without a doubt he would break down if he were forced to face the reality that you never once viewed him as your hero that he always wanted to be for you. His whole world would shatter and would leave him questioning who he even is supposed to be. That cannot happen which is why even throughout the years following after your years he always believes that something must have happened to you, that someone took you away from him. The ninja travels far and wide all in his desperation to find you and rescue you. When he eventually finds you in company with a man his brain immediately jumps to the conclusion that this is the person who must have been keeping you forcefully all those years. With a flashy and loud introduction that is so typical for him he announces to the villain that he is now here and that he will rescue you from the man's evil clutches. Only that Tsubaki refuses to transform, shaking her head as Black Star tells her to turn into a weapon so that he can save you. So caught up in his own fantasy of finally rescuing you and receiving your gratitude and love in return has he been up to that point that he notices the child far too late.
⭐​With so much evidence one would think that he would finally falt, that he would finally understand that you were never taken away against your will but left because you didn't love him and wanted to escape his tight grasp. Black Star is far too gone within his own delusions to ever accept such a reality though where he would lose a purpose he has always thought was designed specifically for him when it came to you. So instead he starts believing that the man must have manipulated and hypnotised you as there can be no other explanation to why you wouldn't rush into his arms and express how relieved you are that he has finally found you. It is this delusion that fuels him with an anger that you have never seen before in him as he suddenly challenges the man to a life-or-death match. Tsubaki is horrified, you are horrified but Black Star refuses to back down. He will have his revenge, he will save you from the clutches of this man who has done something to your mind and heart. And after he has done that he will take the kid and you back with him and help you to return to your old self. The child deserves a father who isn't a bad person and who would be better suited than him for that?
Monkey D. Luffy
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🍖​Luffy is going to be surprisingly difficult to escape from for two reasons. The first reason is his insane clinginess as he so rarely leaves you alone. For Luffy there is no joy greater than spending time together with the people that he loves, especially when it is you that he spends time with. Every waking and sleeping hour he is pretty much glued to your hips and this slowly takes its toll on you as you just wish to be left alone for one fucking day which seems to be about impossible for Luffy do. Wherever he goes he drags you with him with the rare exception of when there is something dangerous happening. The second reason of why it is going to be so difficult to escape him is because of his crew. Whilst it is to some members of the Strawhat crew obvious that Luffy's feelings aren't exactly within the acceptable bounty the fact remains that all of them are loyal to Luffy which makes you extremely cautious to choose any allies out of fear that they'd stop you or tell Luffy. The most ironic of it all is that Luffy is surprisingly emotionally intelligent. He realises that there is something that eats you up alive on the inside but he is too delusional to recognise that he is the cause.
🍖​The situation presents itself spontanously to you, the circumstances somewhat low which does cause you to be mildly ashamed. It is during a rather ferocious fight that you decide to sneak away and leave the crew behind as everyone is busy with their opponent. Everyone is too preoccupied with their respective fight to notice your absence. It is only once the worst is over that the crew starts noticing that you are missing. When Luffy finally returns with a grin on his face, wanting to smooch you after that difficult battle he is only met with the guilty faces of the others. Initial confusion is pretty soon met with a very bad feeling crawling up his throat as he realises that amongst his crewmates you aren't present. His mind instantly jumps to the worst conclusions of you either being killed or kidnapped. There is no time for those who most likely have the inkling suspicion already to tell him what has most likely happened as he instantly begs them to help him to search for you, to find you. What if you're hurt?? They spend days searching for you on the island and once it is concluded that you're no longer on the island Luffy starts to openly sob. Where are you?
🍖​On every island they stop he keeps searching for you in hopes of finding you, still in firm belief that someone must have taken you. This belief of his makes every day that passes so much more painful to him. If they took you why aren't they trying to get in contact with him and his crew? What is it that they want? Robin, Nami and even Sanji attempt to softly deliver their own suspicions to him but Luffy refuses to listen. After all he remembers your amazement whenever you explored a new island or the laughter you shared with the crew so clearly. Your joy wasn't fake! He isn't even sure if he still wants to find the One Piece as it wouldn't feel right if you aren't there with him. It takes a long couple of years before his crew finally finds you through a tip of another pirate crew, on a secluded island. Luffy lands on the island already mentally prepared to fight someone, to rescue you together with his crew after years of being stolen away from him. Instead he finds you laughing, spinning around a little kid in your arms with a man by your side. It is only when you spot him that he notices the clear fear on your face, his hands suddenly starting to shake. Why are you scared...? It's him...
🍖​It's the usage of a Devil Fruit, right? That's why you're acting so scared of him. Without him even realising it he starts letting his Conqueror Haki slip out, your husband and child instantly fainting all whilst you start feeling dizzy. It takes Zoro to pretty much bark at him to stop what he is doing to snap him out of it, catching you just in time as you fall down as you have just lost all strength in your knees. The last thing you remember is the feeling of his tears on your face as he promises you with a shaky voice that he will find out what happened to you before you too succumb to your unconsciousness. When you wake up you instantly realise that you're on the Thousand Sunny, the feeling of a warm hand clutching you tightly smacking reality into your face. When you weakly turn your head around you notice Luffy sitting next to you, giving you a weak grin as he asks you how you're feeling. You instantly want to know where your child and your husband are, noticing the hurt in Luffy's eyes before he nods and leads you outside. Your child is currently climbing up Franky's robotic body, their eyes filled with amazement whilst your husband sits with Robin, casting you a fearful glance when he notices you...
Portgas D. Ace
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❤️‍🔥​Ace is a little bit better off than his younger brother is in regards to his delusional tendencies but that doesn't mean by a long shot that he is completely lucid. He's somewhere in the middle of the spectrum as he is half-half when it comes to the question of how delusional he is. One thing he definitely shares with Luffy though is his suffocating clinginess that becomes more and more apparent the more he falls into his obsession. The reason for it is very different though. Whilst Luffy spends so much time with you because he just loves being together with you, Ace's motives root more from his deep-rooted desperation to find a meaning to his life. As the son of Roger from the youngest age he has always perceived himself as someone the world doesn't want to exist and throughout his whole life he has always struggled to find a reason for why he has the right to live, for why he deserves to be here. One way or another you are made a scapegoat of those insecurities as Ace pours his heart out to you, clings to you as if you can provide him with answers by staying with him and loving him. It's taxing on your own mentality which is why you decide to escape as long as he hasn't introduced you to Whitebeard yet.
❤️‍🔥​You know that as soon as he would introduce you to one of the Four Emperors you would have no chance to flee so as long as you are still living on your island you decide to use the chance, secretly spiking his drink and watching with a mild amount of guilt as he falls asleep. Ace panics as soon as he wakes up and doesn't feel your warmth next to him, his body instantly jolting awake, his heart already throbbing with cold terror. He spends the next few minutes frantically sprinting through every room, calling your name with more and more desperation only to be greeted with a haunting silence. Eventually he slides down against the wall, his vision blurry and his breaths quick and short as he gasps desperately for air. His hands start trembling uncontrollably, hot tears start cascading down his face and heartbroken sobs tear through the oppressing silence, his heart palpations echoing loudly within his own head as he feels like he's about to die. He needs thirty minutes before he feels like he has enough strength again to stand up, slowly returning to your room and rummaging through your shelves before he breaks out into a fresh set of tears when he realises that your clothes are gone.
❤️‍🔥​You left him. Of course you did. What was he even thinking, believing that someone as wonderful as you would ever find it in your heart to love someone as unwanted as him? A part of Ace believes that it is justified. After all he is still capable enough to realise that his love for you has always been very obsessive so perhaps he was just never good enough for you to begin with. None of that quells the wriggly desperation and longing for you though. The truth is that he is in misery without you and everyone notices that. Every time something reminds him of you he is right back into the throes of a panic attack, his mind not under his control as he confesses in between sobs to Marco one day what is tormenting him so much. That's how Whitebeard finds out, that's how the Whitebeard Pirates get involved. And that is how you are found eventually. Ace, as impulsive as ever, instantly hops on his Striker to sail to the island where you have apparently been living for a few years, not even letting Marco finish his explanation. Perhaps he should have just stayed still and listened for once. Maybe then he wouldn't have felt like dying when seeing you in the arms of another man.
❤️‍🔥​Anger. Hot, burning anger just like the flames that he wields. Fire starts erupting from his skin, coating his fists in searing flames as his chest is heaving. For one terrifying moment it looks like he is about to attack the man, already taking the first steps to charge at him until you appear right in front of him, pushing him away. Ace stumbles back, eyes wide and shocked as he gazes at you. Then his eyes finally land on the child, eyes just like yours staring back at him. The tears welling up in their eyes as they look at him finally completely push him over the edge. In the next moment he's down on his knees, clutching at your clothes as he starts sobbing. Every time you attempt to push him away he lets out a hoarse whine, only resulting in his hold on you tightening. Meanwhile the other man has seemed to have gathered enough courage to approach Ace, wanting to defend you only to stagger back in terror when he notices the tattoo on his back. That's when a sudden realisation occurs to Ace. You never told him with whom you were together in the past. He could threaten this man to stay away from you unless he wants to deal with Whitebeard. He could just take you. And the child.
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months ago
ateez as sharks
i have a passion for sharks🧍🏻‍♀️
park seonghwa - whale shark
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honestly they’re just gentle giants but beautiful gentle giants!! such sweet and kind 18 meter long babies…
they’re known to be one of the least aggressive fish in the sea and are incredibly un-territorial! it reminds me of how seonghwa just lets san invade his space all the time
kim hongjoong - pyjama shark
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tiny little guys who look so incredibly cunty!!!! i love them they’re so cool and fashionable just like hongjoong
they live in reefs which are incredibly lively environments just like i imagine the hj/wy/jh dorm must be
jeong yunho - wobbegong shark
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LOOK HOW SILLY!!!! just like our giant silly little guy yunho (they also grow surprisingly bigger than you expect! 3.2 metres for this guy is wild, he should be tiny)
they’re not considered dangerous to people but they’ve been known to attack a few!! just like how yunho is so calm but everyone agrees he’d be fucking dangerous if he got angry 👀
kang yeosang - zebra shark
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i was going to put a fun fact here but i’m going to quote my angel @vesvosmozhno and say that the fact that they’re zebra sharks but are spotty and not stripy is incredibly yeosang coded
choi san - greenland shark
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greenland sharks are just abnormally large, freaky little giant guys
they’re very slow and while they’re primarily scavengers and eat whatever comes along, they have been known to engage in stealth attacks, even taking down polar bears… just like san’s aggression on stage comes from FUCKING NOWHERE HES SO GENTLE OFF STAGE WTF HAPPENS
song mingi - saw shark
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look how cute this giant fucking creature is! they’re so silly and sweet and have to cutest little smile ever
saw sharks are kind of clumsy (you would be too if you had a giant saw on the end of your face) but they’re incredible (and aggressive) hunters! it’s like how mingi is a cutie patootie until he steps foot on stage and then… well🧍🏻‍♀️
jung wooyoung - nurse shark
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nurse sharks are so sleek and perfect oh my god (also my favourite type of shark, i just think they’re so incredibly pretty)
they have an impressive dorsal fin which most people would see as a sign of danger but they’re actually docile and sweet under their dangerous exterior!!!
choi jongho - thresher shark
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no thoughts, head empty; i love thresher sharks so dearly. just look at them and tell me it isn’t jongho? those massive fucking eyes god i love them
but despite how silly they might seem, they’re so fucking cool! their tails can grow to 3 meters long as is used as a weapon to stun their prey and make hunting a whole lot easier for them. they’re so impressive omg
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months ago
re: my tags about jgy and qin su in my reblog of that "does your blorbo have ptsd" tumblr poll, can we revisit that excruciating conversation in the jinlintai treasure room in cql? because one of my least favourite reads on jgy's expression and body language here is that he's being "creepy." and to be clear, i'm not trying to say you're wrong to draw those inferences here, because his behaviour is deeply, deeply unsettling, and i also find this scene hard to watch and to read in the novel. but i think if that's where your examination of him begins and ends here, you're doing yourself--and zhu zanjin's exquisite performance--a disservice.
so the 'creepy' bit is preceded by what jgy says to qin su while she has her back turned, and i find his words heartbreakingly sincere and very reflective of a man who has spent his life forced to feel shame and embarrassment over his mother, who he loves dearly and who he watched suffer right up until the moment of her death:
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there are a few more very poignant lines in there about his mother and the depth of his gratitude to qin su (these show up in the novel, too), but i think the above encapsulates the same message. then the atmosphere shifts, and so does jgy's expression when he talks about jin rusong and how his death would have been inevitable--essential, even. this is also where i most often see him described as acting like a creep, and i have two separate responses to this that i don't really have the time to get into right now, but which have both doylist and watsonian components to them so 👀 you can probably make some guesses about what my arguments would be. if there's enough interest, i might come back to this later and put together a separate post about it, idk. anyway, i'm not going to get into the 'is he a creep' argument here because tl;dr no, i don't think he is, and also--
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i find jgy's expressions here to be more indicative of a man who is, shall we say, Not His Best Self At The Moment 🫠 rather than a man who is intentionally trying to make a wife who, by her own admission, he has treated very well for the entirety of their marriage, uncomfortable. his attention isn't even on qin su or the hell that she is experiencing right now--because he is re-experiencing his own hell. because he, too, is traumatized by this knowledge! he's just had a decade and change to develop some deeply unhealthy coping mechanisms and masking techniques to hide it.
at this point qin su whips around and slaps him, which i know everyone likes to gif and fistbump and holler about in a positive way, but given there is no one in this scene who isn't enduring profound trauma in this moment, i, uh. you know. won't be doing that. i will focus on his face journey in the expressions that follow because they are just so
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/executive function switch is flipped in his superbly wrinkly brain, and then "qin su :) we still have so many guests to attend at the discussion conference :)"
a-yao? sir?? hello??? also i do not have the quote from the novel directly in front of me, but iirc he says something very similar here to what he does in the novel, which i'll have to paraphrase: that this revelation is only bothering qin su so much because she is actively thinking about it! it's only thoughts, you see! just don't think about it! haven't they actually been very happy all this time, while only one of them had to live with this knowledge and could not share it with anyone?
to which i can only respond with abject, horrified shock because, like. have you, jin guangyao? been happy and unperturbed by this devastating knowledge? because i think the answer is a pretty definitive no.
anyway i just wanted to quickly keymash my thoughts on this before they fled my brain completely but tl;dr yes, while jgy would not use this language to describe himself, he's absolutely got ptsd specifically around his marriage to his own half-sister, and their son.
this post has been added to my dreamwidth meta archive here: https://thatswhatsushewrote.dreamwidth.org/10607.html
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octonerd · 2 months ago
Ohhh this au seems really cool, I love seeing you do smth so different w the characters. (10/10 isa I want to kiss his little forehead).
Did he have any problems w working in the crime business? Morally or otherwise? Does his family know/ what do they think of it/how's his relationship w them? Any specifc reason he failed the exams?
Also poor Mira in that one drawing, only regular person in the group. I wonder if Odile has anything to do w that resistance group mentioned in the game? 👀
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Okay first! Did Isabeau have any problems with working in the crime business? Yes! He definitely did but thought it to be ignorable when first getting into the field as really needed the money and "it wasn't like HE was doing the crime itself" (first image). When he got into pit fighting he considered leaving but pit fighting usually had rules that barred severe injury that couldn't be healed by craft. So once more Isa excused it since no one was in actual harm's way, right?. Through a slow process of desensitization awful acts became excusable to him and that would lead to the event that made him drop and run (second image). I may make a comic depicting such in the future teehee!
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Did his family know/approve of his job? + what's their relationship like? So Isa's family has no idea, they were told that Isa works on a ship transporting goods and that's about it! Which Isabeau makes suspiciously large amounts of money from but insists that its because of the rough sea conditions that they pay well. His mother worries about him a lot despite the fact their relationship has always been sort of rocky, especially after Isabeau flunked his defender exams (lots of arguing and Isabeau stormed out). his relationship with his siblings (4 younger sibs/ ages: 6, 7, 11 and 17) couldn't be better though, as he loves them very dearly and always thinks of them when his job starts to get to him. They are definitely the reason Isabeau took to Bonnie as much as he did.
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Lastly, why did Isabeau fail his exams? Mainly its because of his capital C' change. This Isabeau was very insecure about his nerdy personality and so instead he dedicated way too much time to physical training and socializing as his new self. He passed the physical part of the exams but ended up flunking the written test. He needed to wait a year to reapply since he failed and during that odd period he fell into the whole crime thing and couldn't leave by that point.
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trendywaifus · 1 year ago
Hello hello!
How are you? :D
I have a request for my dear Furina! Honestly I feel like this girl is touch crave! So just some cuddling? 👀
(and MAYBE she start to get a lot more touchy and well... Smut. 👀)
Anyway I'm a simp for this shark woman... (yes I imagine her with shark teeths 🦈)
Bye ;) 🦈
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shark teeth. .honestly, i could see that given furina’s personality. she’ll look cute with em, I like your style dood. if you don’t mind, I’ll call you sharky, anon! also since my request box is closed, ill bend this into a thirst for yah.
“ i demand you to pay attention to me. .please?” furina whines, tightening her arms around your frame as she rests ontop of you. sighing, your hand skims down her back tenderly. “ rina’, i have been for the past hour, let’s sleep now. “ a soft whiny noise erupts from her chest, she nuzzles her nose into your cheek. cool lips kisses desperately at the plush skin, begging for your attention.
your breath hitches as furina kisses trails down your jaw, her nimble fingers plays with the hem of your shirt. “ when it comes to you, you know it’s never enough, my dearly beloved, “ her hand moves down to palm your clothed sex, causing you to gasp. her half—lidded heterochromatic eyes observes the red tainting your cheeks and the way your brows crunch with momentary pleasure.
“ not when you look so ravishing tonight. but if you truly do want to rest, i promise to satisfy you until i lure you into a very pleasant slumber, mon amour.” you can practically hear the anticipation in her voice. it was almost as if you would be the one satisfying her. she brings herself up to fully kiss your lips, her skillful tongue pries them open and explores your mouth. furina eagerly swallows your moans while she continues to palm you.
“ al-alright, fine, furina. “ you breathed, after gently pulling her back, leaving behind a thin line of saliva from your lips. her eyes lights up, exhilarated by your answer.
furina def made sure to keep the end of her promise. she loved how you’d throw your head back into the pillow, softly moaning her name as her warm tongue drags against your gummy walls. if you have a dick, she’s teasing the tip and slowly work her way down. her gaze never leaves your face, each little expression you make only fueled her drive to please you.
after all, you’re the star of her show. by the end of it, you’re boneless and fast asleep.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 1 year ago
@jegulus-microfic | feb 20 shiver | words: 864
yeah, so, someone said they would like a part 2 to this so i wrote it. i don’t know if it’s any good but here it is, hope y’all like it (also sorry for all the mistakes, english still isn’t my first language)
next part 👀
“He just stayed over for dinner, Sirius. It was a ‘thank you’ for helping me with Gigi” James repeated for what felt like a hundredth time.
“Oh, I know your ‘thank yous’. Don’t try to fool me, I haven’t met you yesterday” Sirius laughed through the phone. James was surprised his best friend didn’t get mad at him for spending the evening with said friend’s brother.
He was expecting the man to throw a tantrum about it, that’s why he called Moony and asked for Sirius as soon as Regulus left his flat with the dog.
“You know, it’s kind of your fault. Why would you leave your phone to your brother? If you hadn’t done that nothing would have happened!”
“So, something did happen?” James heard the cheeky smile even though he couldn't see it and simply groaned at the response he received. Sirius could be his best friend, who James loved dearly, but he could also piss him off like nobody else.
“Don’t change the subject, just- why did he have your phone? I really was terrified with the whole situation and as if it wasn’t enough I almost got a heart attack because you really didn’t have your phone and I didn’t know who got my address, and if they wouldn’t ki-“
“Okay, James, breathe” he heard from the other side. He did just that. “Now, stop spiralling. He had my phone, because I left it there on my way to the venue. He was fucking with you, you know how he is” Sirius explained calmly and James felt a little better. But then “While we’re on the topic of fucking-“
“I’m hanging up” his bestie just barked a laugh at that.
“Yeah, Reggie’s here anyways, I have to pester him now. Bye, love ya” and with that Sirius ended the call.
James breathed heavily and slumped into the couch. Excluding the Gigi incident, the evening was really nice - he and Regulus prepared the butter chicken together (using tofu instead of chicken since Reg doesn’t eat meat). They laughed at what the vet said about them not being good uncles to the dog and talked about their lives. James knew from Sirius that Regulus went to art school but still listened eagerly as the younger man talked about his latest project.
“You should come to the opening. I think you’ll like it” Regulus said midway through his dish. He also smirked when James started choking on his rice. After a moment he calmed down, whipping his face with a napkin.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll try to make it. When is it exactly?” he asked, pretending like nothing happened just seconds ago. Regulus laughed at him, sounding so very sweet again, and James tried to hide the small smile and blush that appeared on his face.
“Next Friday at 8” the black-haired man replied simply, going back to his meal. He looked so soft and peaceful sitting at the table, the older man felt a need to squish him tightly, because what the fuck - how can someone look so pretty?
With James’ internal crisis and Regulus’ quiet chewing they fell into a comfortable silence. It was new to James - usually, while eating with his parents and friends, it was very loud, everyone talking and laughing all the time. But it was nice - to just sit and enjoy a dinner together.
When they were finished Regulus took Gigi and said he’ll drop her off at Sirius’. James just thanked him again, walking the other man down the hall. When Regulus was out, he turned over his shoulder and smiled warmly.
“See you next Friday” he said and walked to the elevator. James didn’t even have a chance to reply as the younger man disappeared behind the metal door.
He took another deep breath and went to his bathroom, taking a quick shower and preparing to go to sleep. He was halfway through his skincare routine when his phone beeped. As always, he didn’t bother checking it while he’s having his alone time, but as soon as he laid his head on the pillow he opened the unread message.
Sirius is fucking mad
Whatever he says to you - do NOT believe him
He’s delusional, I swear
It’s Regulus, by the way
James felt a pleasant shiver going down his spine. Regulus didn’t ask for his numer, but apparently took it from Sirius’ phone. Sneaky little thing he was.
didnt expect you to be not only a murderer but also a thief
and i know your brothers mad ive known him half my life
I’m not a thief, I’m THE thief
If I managed to steal your number maybe I’ll be able to steal some of your time ;)))
James laughed at that.
yeah sure
you can steal as much of my time as you want
The reply didn’t come right away. He could see the three dots appearing and disappearing every now and then, though. And when it finally came, James just smiled at it.
You’re being cheesy, please don’t act like that at the opening
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objection-zero · 5 months ago
What if I showed you guys my Hetalia OCs for the 50 states that I've been working on for the past 2 months?
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- Overly stressed all the time, he has a complex where he needs to feel important. So he opts to do work that would normally fall on the other 49 so he can seem important to them.
- He's the busyman of Delmarva, he gets everything squared away.
- He has the biggest, most effective puppy dog eyes in the world. They're just big and sad and it's hard to say no!
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- Very active, has a gym in her home for sure even though she prefers to go outside and work out.
- She and Delaware are very close, as the first two states they became good friends (and New Jersey!). She does her best to protect Delaware when she can.
- Very straightforward, she doesn't mess around. You always know what to expect from her.
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New Jersey:
- Loud. So very loud. Always wearing gaudy makeup and unappealing clothing.
- She's very loyal as a friend though–her and New York hang out constantly, with half of their time dedicated to debating something or other loud enough for everyone around them to hear.
- She and New York have been in a battle over the ownership of the Statue of Liberty for a long time. Since the statue is technically on an island that belongs to her, but New York will not give it up. She owns the gift shop.
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- One of my favorite states, I love her and her design very dearly.
- I like to think of her as a Mary Sue type, where she's always busy and has an overwhelming amount of work to handle, but she does it all so easily and so effectively that you'd never guess how much she does.
- Also, she owns a peach orchid absolutely.
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- "Um, actually—🤓👆" embodied.
- Everyone is sick of how entitled he is, because he acts like he's so much more intelligent than everyone.
- Which is funny because he is really really smart, but still not as smart as he pretends to act.
- He's one of the only states that's friends with Ohio.
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- Do not utter the word "revolution" around this man or he will go nuts.
- Very quick to act, very quick to anger. He likes to set things on fire—he always carries a lighter on him— and argue. If he ever came face to face with England, it would probably go very badly.
- He despises tea, to the point he physically cannot drink it.
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- The mediator of Delmarva, this man is the master of solving problems. He's the sweetest.
- Also, the best chef in the country aside from Louisiana and I cannot stress that enough. You know this man has a BIG kitchen in his house.
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South Carolina:
- The bimbo of the country okay.
- I just love the idea of her being so determined to be a farmer, but struggling so much because she's just not designed to be a farmer. But she won't give up even though she probably should.
- She's good friends with Georgia but her and North Carolina definitely have a rivalry going on.
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New Hampshire:
- Can this man calm down? Please?
- He basically bounces off the walls, definitely has ADHD, and always down to do somethint stupid.
- He spends a good portion of his time bugging Vermont because she's easy to annoy. New Hampshire and Vermont are very close though. The siblings ever.
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- I had to make one of them emo okay.
- She's the confident leader of Delmarva for sure. As the first state colonized, she's got a good heart for leadership. She's the state that works the closest with America directly.
- Despite being emo, she's very sweet.
Ahhh Image limit. Check repost for the other states!
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bandsandwristbands · 6 months ago
itsa me, shukaku of the moodboards, nosying about Dont Ask Smug Nart Face thank u
I am Actually Embarrassed about this one just a little bit 😭
SOOOOO it's basically a longwinded psuedo-swinger smut with Naruhina and Gaalee o/////o 👉👈
Okay so it's a bit more complicated than that but idk if I'll ever be brave enough to Commit but I like complicated relationship dynamics that blur platonic boundaries a lil bit
Overly Analytical Horny Rambling Abound
First! I think Naruto is the type to low key have a crush on all his friends and openly hit on them in a jokey jokey "Unless?..👀" kinda way.
And I know Nart is a bit naive but I think he def picked up a lot of info from hanging around Jiraiya so I think his conceptions of casual sex and monogamy would be pretty chill. So he's pervy but much more consensual and healthy about it, mans loves to communicate even if he can be a shithead about it. Also, he canonically gets a lot of opportunities to get around, (and there's that one movie where he straight up agrees to a proposition to give a priestess an heir???)
I also think Hinata is big voyeuristic like I think she's got a sense of curiosity about it, in general she likes observing people's differences and idiosyncrasies so when it comes to horny behavior I think it's an easy slippery slope and it goes with her kinda shy nature idk freak rights for hinata (i love her dearly)
Then there's Gaara and Lee who are always all over each other and sneaking off to fool around, esp at like party/club settings which is not A Lot but enough for Naruto to see sometimes and give them shit about it, but mostly he's "hmm hot lol if you guys are ever lookin for a third or somethin" *winkwink*
I only really have one part solidified in my brain. Basically Nart walks in on a partially obscured Gaalee and he's like "oop well don't stop on my account."
Oh but gaalee are super possessive of each other no way, except that's kind of the appealing part for them! Lee kinda likes the idea of showing off what's his and the affect he has on Gaara and Gaara is not easily embrassed but for some reason the idea of being seen indisposed with Lee makes him feel very embarrassed (humiliation kink activated)
Anyway it'd cover a couple different once in awhile encounters with lots of trust building and healthy dom/sub dynamics etc etc
I unfortunately do not have a snippet for this because I get too embarrassed whenever I take an actual crack at it my smut game is intermediate at best these days 🫣🫣
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icanseethefuture333 · 1 year ago
hello! can you do stray kids hyunjin’s ideal type??? thankss
Hyunjin from Stray Kids' ideal type
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(channeled song: Cherry Bomb by NCT 127)
Hyunjin is attracted to someone who has big dreams and has the yearning desire to achieve them. Someone who has a burning passion for life and willpower to turn their dreams into reality. He also admires a person who has an abundant mindset and the innate sense of creativity. Hyunjin could enjoy dating someone who is also interested in the arts (acting, dancing, poet, singer, etc). It is important that they have a close relationship with their friends as well or has a group of friends that they bond with. Hyunjin in particular is someone who values his friendships dearly and has a strong attachment to them. So if he were to date someone who would betray their friends for an opportunity or ditches them just to spend time with a partner, Hyunjin would be turned off by this. He greatly appreciates someone who never goes back on their word and has friends that support one another. He could also judge someone by their said friend group "Birds of a feather flock together". Hyunjin cherishes his relationship with the other members of Stray Kids as well, so if his partner could get along with them. This would make him very happy
(channeled song: Wannabe by Spice Girls)
"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is"
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Hyunjin would love, not like, a partner who is confident and knows their self worth. He dislikes when people act like a "groupie" around him or a person who puts themselves down for a partner's approval. For example, if someone were to say "OMGEEE step on me daddy I'm nothing compared to you 😫" Hyunjin would just be like "...wtf? 💀". He finds it tasteless and believes it shows a lack of class. Hyunjin admires a person who shows self respect and has a sense of dignity. Although, he does not mind someone who is shy or nervous (he might actually like that oop 👀😏). Hyunjin enjoys teasing people he finds attractive and is enamored with their reactions. If someone were to actually hold eye contact with him and continue to engage with the conversation instead of pulling away, Hyunjin would fall head over heels for that person immediately ("I folded, I folded, I folded, I folded, I-"). The reason behind this is because it shows security and bravery despite being nervous or feeling under pressure. They would pass the test so to say in his book (I remembered the door test from A Bronx Tale so if you're unfamiliar with that movie go watch that specific scene). (channeled song: Romeo & Juliet by Tchaikovsky) I am getting a vision of him puckering his lips and I also heard kissy noises. So Hyunjin would become like Pepe Le Pew (minus the scandalous behavior 💀) with his partner if he were to experience this interaction. "Madam, j'taime 💋 *continues to profess love in french and repeatedly kiss their face*". Basically Hyunjin finds a person who is noble, charming, friendly, creative, secure within themselves, and "princess-like" (brat tamer?) to be his ideal type. Someone who is sweet but can also stand up for themselves when necessary. A little bit of enemies to lovers dynamic would add to the spice. Hyunjin is very dramatic tbh he is definitely a hopeless romantic.
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Physical traits
As I was shuffling I got this aroma of "bubble tea"? It was a sweet and milky scent. So I interpret this as Hyunjin being attracted to someone who seems to have an appearance that is sweet as well as their demeanor.
Dark long hair (he does not have a hair texture preference)
Hyunjin likes to play with his partner's hair or braid it
"Diamond in the rough"
Natural beauty, someone who appears to down to earth.
Soft and approachable
Someone who is unconventionally pretty
"Beauty is the eye of the beholder" their appearance could not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is special to Hyunjin
"I am in need of a muse" one that could inspire him to paint
"Phantom of The Opera", "Black Swan", "The Nutcracker" - Hyunjin could wish to be protective of his partner or be the "darker" counterpart to his lover. So someone who is the opposite of him and is accepting of his flaws. Could have a "pure" presence in comparison
Long eyelashes
Eyes that seem sleepy, melancholic, or pure (Shape or size does not matter, but the feeling behind them. "Eyes are the window to the soul")
Aysmmetrical features (I.E: One eye being bigger than the other)
Unique facial structure (their face shape could be wide, round, or oblong)
"Cheeks" I saw Hyunjin like kissing someone on their cheeks, so someone with round cheeks or chubbier face
Cherry 🍒, this is sensual 😳 so I was getting a visual of someone feeding a person cherries and admiring the way their lips take a bite. So Hyunjin could find someone with plump, darker lips very sexy. Their lip color could be a dark red, mauve, or even two toned.
"Texture" Hyunjin find someone's skin that is considered "dirty" in society's eyes beautiful. This could pertain to freckles, beauty marks, moles, blemishes, and fine lines/wrinkles, whatever it is he just likes it
Stretch marks, I honestly believe Hyunjin has not seen this that often but when he does he feels intrigued by it... ("I would like to see it") Respectfully would want to strip his partner just to see them
I do not believe he has a skintone preference, I am seeing that he is attracted to various shades (I see pale to dark brown but it is interesting because I see it all on one person's skin? So Hyunjin could be open to dating someone who has vitiligo as well)
"Girl next door" clothing style
Jewelry or accessories that have a special meaning (I.E: lockets)
Height is not important to him
Balanced body proportions
Average in weight
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type: Devery Jacobs, Emmy Rossum, Tsunaina Limbu, Theresa Hayes, Bae Yoon Young, Musette, Christina Nadin, analfaviu, Meltem Akçöl, Natalie Portman, Poppy Okotcha, jiaoze, Erika Blanc, & elibedy
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Fun fact: I felt compelled to listen to music, so throughout the duration of this reading I played classical music the whole time to connect with Hyunjin's energy 🎻
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novasintheroom · 2 months ago
👋😄 A little birb told me you also have a birb!
What birb you got? 👀🦜 (Sorry, know it's a pretty random ask! 😆 Absolutely 0 pressure to share 😄)
I would love to talk about my birbs!!!
I have 3 birds: Reno, Pearl, and Pickles. I'd show photos, but Tumblr isn't liking them for some reason 🤷‍♀️
Reno is my oldest bird - at least 17 years old this year! He's a cockatiel, and very, very grumpy and sleepy. He loves carrots, cheddar popcorn, and taking naps! He was rehomed a few times before he came to me, and he's in his forever home now <3
Miss Pearl is a cockatiel as well. She's at least 5 years old this year. My mom and I found her while we were taking a walk through our neighborhood during 2020, and I managed to catch her and take her in. No one legitimate ever came forward to claim her, so she's been stuck with us ever since :) She also loves cheddar popcorn, and looovveess to chew things up. She's shy around hands, so I don't really interact with her physically.
Lastly, we have the demon herself: Pickles. Pickles is a green-cheek conure, and is actually my sister's bird! She'll be 10 at the end of February. She is a little terror, going into cupboards and knocking things out of them just for the fun of it. She's very bossy too; she'll demand every bite of your meal, especially if it's "white stuff" (i.e. milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.). But, we love her, and her crazy personality. Wouldn't trade her for the world :)
Thank you for letting me ramble about my birds! I love them dearly, and love to talk about their funny personalities. <3
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ijjstlostthegame · 10 months ago
Do you have any Kuruk headcanons? Or Kuruk and Ummi headcanons?👀
Boy do I have some Kuruk headcanon
The fight with father glowworm scarred him so bad he started hallucinating like korra did post the fight and during his recovery
His right arm that he used to land his titanic strike on fgw was damaged so bad it was permanent, even after recovering his right arm kept shaking and it would cause him painful episodes every now and then, he no longer gif the ability to bend properly with it and had to adapt to using his left arm instead
Follow up to that, after he met Ummi, she noticed his arm and asked him about it, he dismissed it but she didn’t want to just leave it like that so she made him a compression sleeve that really helped out
He discovered he can waterbend at a very young age, five years old to be exact
He’s distantly related to korra
He’s the first guy ever to try air surfing (I know it’s shown that gyatso did it in the show but ut was never said that he’s the first guy to ever do that)
He’d go above and beyond for Ummi on their dates
He fell out of touch with his parents, despite them loving him dearly they kind of also had the same view the public had on him tho so it made their relationship freil
When Ummi introduced him to her parents Kuruk jumped off a cliff to prove his love for her, safe to say he got her dad’s blessing after that
The more he Slayed spirits the colder he permanently got which is why he’s a very touchy guy, the warmth of others brings him comfort
Following up to that, touch is his love language
On his very bad days where his sickness got to him, Ummi woukd climb with him in bed and they’d spend the rest of the day in each other’s arms
After ummi’s death he ended up cutting off his hair in an act of grief, nobody noticed tho cause he never took off his polar bear dog pelt outside
Kuruk and wan shi tong are good buddies surprisingly
Kuruk’s animal companion was a fox, specifically the same spirit fox he sent to Kyoshi at the end of her novel
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whimsicalcotton · 6 months ago
Hi it's me the mf with the polluted marrow brainrot, and I bring you semi-coherent rambles about Marrow Max that were brought on by a song I recently found that just fits her like a glove IMO.
(CW: mentions of suicide & suicidal ideation. Just to be safe.)
The other day I discovered a song called Gifts For The Earth by Deafheaven and idk if it's just me but it gives HEAVY marrow max vibes to me. It's a metal song & the vocals are VERY screechy, so I don't know if you'll like the song itself? Although I think the music itself is really good, but the vocals are still a bit distracting to me even after like 20 plays lmao
ANYWAY yeah my main point is the lyrics feel so fitting to Marrow Max's mental state at her lowest point. The song itself is basically about someone giving up their life and surrendering to death through suicide, depicting images of an angel of Death comforting them as they sink to the bottom of the ocean to become one with the Earth once more.
These metaphors make me think of Marrow!Max so much, like I can perfectly imagine her looking over the cliff during the storm at the start of the fic, feeling drawn to jump into the ocean, as Chloe had done once she found out about the time loops. Feeling beckoned to end it all just like her; to let the ocean waves take her in so she can finally stop the suffering.
(Hell, maybe she actually does in a nightmare she has later on, when she thinks she's gonna lose everything in the new reality… Of course she wakes up, and the terror she feels over losing everything might just make her realize how much she needs Rachel and Chloe, and it pushes her to stop running from them. Or maybe they find her and wake her up from her nightmare, as she sees a figure appear through the darkness of the ocean waves, and then Max wakes up, and realizing they're there, eyes filled with concern for *her*, she fully breaks down in sobs)
It could also be read as a metaphor for Max drowning under the weight of all the responsibility she's thrust onto herself, to save Chloe and the others. Plus the ending lines about the flesh disintegrating into consumption for the earth fits how she can no longer see any benefit to her existence beyond what she can do for others, and how she can save or help them. Completely divorced from any sense of self-worth, she gives herself entirely for the sake of others with no concern for her health.
There could also be a read of the song where it's about Max basically killing off/shedding any part of her that is irrelevant to saving Chloe & Rachel, as everything she once was is drowned in the ocean of her subconscious, letting her become single-minded in her purpose. I guess the angel of death in this case would be Chloe, whose safety she puts above everything else? This one is a hell of a stretch but I find it fascinating nonetheless sfhsdfjkshdl
Anyway uhh sorry about the rambly essay in your asks 😅 I just love this AU & fic and cannot stop thinking about it and wanted to share some of the brainrot with you while waiting for the next update; hopefully you enjoyed reading! & if you like the song too even better!
i see what you mean abt the vocals but i am Also a big enjoyer of good percussion/tonal whiplash music/songs that go on for a Really long time so i had a good time w this one actually! thanks for the rec ^^
also don't even worry about it i dearly dearly love reading ppl's rambly essays about this AU sjdkhfsjhfk <3 (that goes for anybody btw never worry abt being rambly in my inbox bc i am probably sitting here uncontrollably happy-stimming abt it)
👀👀👀 to all of these scenarios/readings also. good fucking food
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months ago
Ive been gone so long 😩😩😩
IM SICK AND TIRED OF AZRIEL. at this point he should have died oml. Reader should hook up with Helion or Eris and ditch his ass. She goes to him for help, what does he tell her? "Your sissy gwuna wunna help you too 😣" OKAY??? AND??? SHE WANTS YOUR HELP BITCH. HOW DO YOU SEE THIS CUTE LITTLE FEMALE AND BE LIKE "whoopsies, you're depressed now. Im gonna blackmail you about your powers and push you to the brink of insanity BUT IM STILL GONNA PLAY THE HERO" Im sick and tired. SICK. and. DAMN TIRED.
Hoe like or no life on this bitch. LEAVE THE NIGHT COURT AND DIDDLE HELION. IM SURE HES INTO THAT. This man better grovel. Beg. Buy her a house. After all the shit he put her through.
Anywho, Im getting all in my feels. Just wanted to say, you are creating the ATYD of the Azriel x Reader tag. Keep at it 😋
From a very distraught but proud,
‘IM SICK AND TIRED OF AZRIEL. at this point he should have died oml. Reader should hook up with Helion or Eris and ditch his ass.’
That is quite the whirlwind of emotions contained to just three sentences! Wow, okay I don’t even know where to begin with that 😭
I feel like having him pass away might be a bit of a harsh sentence, but I’ll leave that up for debate… The hooking up with either Helion or Eris…I dread to think what sort of drama that would land her in if she actually did either of them, but hey, it’s all fictional, why not theorise?
I think between the two of them (theoretically) Helion would be the better choice, since I don’t think Eris has allowed reader close enough that he’d be openly affectionate with her—which I think is some of what she needs, most of all 👀
Helion though, I think they would bond well, both with the scholar aspect and with Helion probably being much more open—I imagine it wouldn’t be too dissimilar from how her relationship was with Bas when they were still intimately sleeping together? And plus I think just reader getting to visit elsewhere is something she’d love to do after her trip to autumn and getting to see the different things 👀
This entire paragraph made me laugh—your impression of Azriel is spot on, I must say 😭
‘This man better grovel. Beg. Buy her a house. After all the shit he put her through.’
Babes you’re making me sad ☹️ poor Azzie 😢
‘I bet he eenie meenie minee moed it.’
Not sure if this will help or hinder your feelings on the earring subject, but I strongly headcanon that out of everyone who gave her a give, Azriel put the most thought into his 😶
Because he knew that reader was fond of him so didn’t want to get her something bespoke or precious in case that caused her to latch onto him more, but also couldn’t give her nothing because that would have been cruel, so spent ages just thinking about what would be a polite, cursory gift he could give that would suffice without being extreme 🫣
That’s just a headcanon though, feel free to think of it however you like 👀
‘Anywho, Im getting all in my feels. Just wanted to say, you are creating the ATYD of the Azriel x Reader tag. Keep at it 😋’
UM? I’m so sorry, I treasure you dearly but I actually physically cannot accept that compliment. I’m not a Harry potter girl—I had to look up what atyd stands for—but the fact it has pages written about it?? That feels like an iconic piece of fandom history and as much as I love cbmthy, and even if I haven’t personally read All The Young Dudes, I cannot allow them to be compared 😭 atyd sounds like it is miles and miles above anything I’ve written or ever will write, but I’m so incredibly flattered that it even crossed your mind to form a compliment like that ☹️🫂🫂
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neo-somnovem-thirst-account · 2 months ago
Okay I'm not current on CR at ALL (every time I have enough time try and catch-up I'll get through an a handful of episodes and then be inundated with time consuming tasks and have to set it down again, but one day I will catch up) but I'm hearing about some ™️Discourse happening so I'm just gonna say something, but I don't even know if it's at all relevant. (I think it might actually be anti-thetical to whatever is currently happening but I'm having thoughts) I guess let me know if I'm making a fool of myself due to lack of context, this is maybe more about CR in general though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
When in real play, TTRPGs aren't always going to flow smoothly or have characters make the smartest choices or even the choices that make sense for them as characters. It's just a fact of how weird the play space that role-playing games exist in can get, especially when it's done in formats geared towards an audience. Sometimes a player will just be in a weird place and it will blend into a session, or time between sessions might get stretched and suddenly you feel very differently about certain in games decisions. If you care a lot about making a perfect story that can be sold as a streamlined story, then it would be an issue, but if your just playing for fun then it doesn't really matter.
I feel like this is exacerbated by the fact that CR in my mind has always tried to be a game/player first situation over being a story/viewer first situation. What I mean by that is, in the game itself they don't always try and force a streamlined well thought-through story, though they definitely do try to make it more polished and well written. It's one of the things I always liked about CR, that the funky amorphous feeling of the role-playing heads pace is way more tangible in the campaign. Characters sometimes make wildly out-of-character decisions, or stories take weirdly convulated and unnecessary turns. It makes it feel more wobbly and imperfect and I love it dearly, as that just happens sometimes in role-playing, Shit gets weird when you let your friends into your brain.
That being said, when you're viewing it as a weekly show, that aspect can be so VERY frustrating because we're used to getting streamlined thought-out storylines from media. It can totally be enough to stop people from watching CR altogether if it bothers them enough. It's almost certainly the reason why people prefer other TTRPG shows like D20 or TAZ (refering entirely to the mini-seasons as ive never made it all the way through the big seasons of TAZ, so major grain of salt on this one), but it's also what makes CR feel different. D20 and TAZ and most other live play shows are usually short-form stories which allows/forces them to cut through the role-player brain fog and just focus on telling good stories.
Obviously CR does sometimes let the fact that the audience is watching 👀 affect their in game moments, and that's okay... because their role-playing, and role-playing is inherently imperfect. CR is more likely to experiences both ends of this dichotomy (being widely unstreamlined/convulated and being very streamlined/railroaded) because they are longer form and trying to capture that role-playing headspace, but they are ALSO a company who has based their careers around those organic (and imperfect) stories they tell, and how they are recieved by fans.
At the end of the day, I guess what I'm saying is, if you want CR but as a perfectly streamlined and well told story, but also maintaining some well-placed and intentional wobbliness, then the live campaign just isn't what you're looking for. Honestly in my mind that's what you'll get from the adaptations of the campaigns (Tlovm, TM9 show when it comes out, the comics, the books etc.) so I bet people who don't like the wonkiness of the campaign love those right!...right?
Obvs I'm not saying you can't be upset with whatever decision the Hells made (or didn't make) that has people fighting, but I also think that this decision they made being wrong, imperfect, or unsatisfying from a story perspective is just what can happen in TTRPGs. Capturing that is, to me, what CR is all about, and what endeared me to it so much before other liveplays. It captures the unique thing that happens during roleplay that is specifically experienced by the roleplayer and not the audience. Which can obvs be a little unsatisfying for the audience member sometimes if we're wanting it to feel like a show and not an experience.
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labyrinthofsphinx · 6 months ago
Dear Vox, I have a Few questions…
So Vox what happened at Christmas?
Did your brother pull crap on Alastor like he did with you? Did he have nearly every family member in on it?
I mean you and Al could have hunted him down and have Al eat him for dinner(wait that is weird but then again I am going to continue)…but then again Al doesn’t eat garbage 🗑️ or junk food 🌭…And that’s what your brother sounds like…
A garbage 🗑️ bastard than again the rest of your family except for aunt(your aunt sounds like a saint and sweetheart) sound like that especially your brother… wait those people aren’t your family because family doesn’t treat each other like that…
I think that Al and Drift are your brand new family now………and that you really don’t need that type of negativity in your life anymore……have you ever thought Vox of going low to no contact with them……
P.s. think about it
-sincerely your unnamed fan……
@crazyshipper67 asked: Can we see the Chrismas incident? 👀
@crazyshipper67 asked: why doesn't Vox spend Christmas with Al? Friends spend Christmas together all the time.
Your honor, asked and answered! XD But I guess a bit of retreading old grounds:
We'll get to the Christmas incident eventually, but it's kinda a plot point to be shown later, so I can't actually show you guys right now. But as both Vox has said and has been explained, the short of it is that Al met Vox's family over Christmas, and they were absolutely degenerates.
They didn't have a term for no-contact at the time, but Vox fully intended to cut them out of his life entirely afterwards...but Al wouldn't have it. He may not like them, but he values blood family ties too much to ever want to be 'the thing' that ended Vox's familial ties. What he doesn't know, or realize, is that Vox's family was basically dead to him for a while now, and it was all mostly for appearance, bragging rights, and his own attachment issues. But the Christmas incident, and, very specifically, the fact that they went after Al, gave Vox that last push he needed the decide he's had enough. All of them, save Aunt Edith, have been cut off, except to the extent that he has to look like he cares for the public (sending birthday presents to his nephews and whatnot).
The reason why Vox spends Christmas alone is because Al and Vox got into a fight over Vox cutting his family off. Al really, really values family from his mother and he didn't think the incident was bad enough for that reaction (it totally was, even in isolation of everything else they put Vox through over the years). Vox refused to even entertain the idea of allowing them back into his life after that. They were at a standstill, and Vox, reading the writing on the wall, proposed a solution: he'll have them over for Christmas. Only for Christmas. That's what they settled on...except that Vox was lying. Again, he just refuses to speak to them. So, every year, he heads back up to New York, dresses the house like he's going to have a party, then stays in the empty mansion by himself until New Years. Al stays in New Orleans and has Christmas over his house or Rosie's. The radio station hosts it's own party, which was kinda brought up here.
Vox would love to spend the holidays with people who actually care about him, and who he loves dearly, but because of that little 'understanding' he has with Al about it, he can't. So, it's just been Vox alone for some time.
...and, no, Al wouldn't hunt Vox's brother for sport. He's Vox's brother after all, and he has two kids. Also, so far as Al is concerned, he doesn't meet the qualifications for his 'list'.
Also, also, just because Vox doesn't want to see his family ever again doesn't mean they don't go out of their way to try see him. It's all just for the money, fame, and power though, not any attempt the rekindle anything. That ship has long since sailed. (Think of it this way, Vox hasn't disowned them yet on account of Al. He's not married and has no kids of his own. If anything should happen to him, his parents would get everything...then his brother and nephews. And Vox has a lot of money, property, and a giant corporation.)
Sooo yeah, sorry I can't show it yet, but I promise we'll get to it!
Thanks for the asks though!
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ohimsummer · 28 days ago
can i ask you about your self ships? i recognize satoru and suguru, but i was curious about some of the other characters i didn't recognize :3
(please, totally drop your favorite things/facts about every ship, they seem so cool!)
OKAY I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE!!! THANK U FOR UR ASK ANON!! I’m going to answer this so hard >:3
sumoru facts
• my great granny loves him. fed him all the time when we were kids/welcomed him for dinner :33 he was just another grandson to her <3 didn’t matter if he stayed over literally all day, as long as he wasn’t too much of a troublemaker (and even then I could get him out of it) then she didn’t mind :>
• one of the most annoying couples in the world. always giggling, always whispering funny remarks to each other like we’re gossiping about people, and hundreds of inside jokes. we don’t even have to say shit. like someone says something that reminds us of the joke and me n satoru just look at each other like 👀 and burst out laughing LOL
• matched costumes for Halloween for years. he’d usually go along with whatever because my ideas were more creative lmao and then also when we were younger, he had this big ass growth spurt so houses were skeptical on giving him candy when trick-or-treating because he looked years older than he was 😭
sugumer facts
• I’ve mentioned it before but it’s very important 2 me that you know me and suguru are CREATIVES…we love going on little artsy dates. claymaking. painting. looking up a crocheting video and just rawdogging the tutorial. also branches out into things like baking. have either of us ever piped a frosting design onto a cake before? no. is that gonna stop us from trying? also no :)
• the ultimate weighted blanket bf. except half the time I’ll just be laying there and then bam. he’s laying on top of me/across my back. rests his head either on my shoulder or against mine or in the center of my back. sometimes on my ass if he’s laying backwards. and he also WILL NOT get up until he gets ready, irritating ass but I love him dearly 💛
• he likes giving head massages just as much as he loves receiving. just runs his heavy hands through my hair and rubs over my scalp. grabs my head and lightly shakes it sometimes just to be annoying 😒 but sometimes also scratches it like you would a dog’s as a joke HDJDJ and it feels good so I fw it I fear <3
kirssum facts
kirssum = jean kirstein (aot) x summer :33 my mullet boyf 💛
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• loves giving me piggyback rides. okay and also…jean wants piggyback rides too but I fear the closest he’ll get is spooning me from behind because there’s no way I can get his 6’4 ass off the ground LOL. but like he’s a show off anyway and likes carrying me so he’s fine with giving them more than receiving :3
• doesn’t matter if we’ve been together ten days or ten years. he’s blushing wildly whenever I catch him off guard and kiss him. 0 composure, I kiss him in the middle of a sentence and he short circuits for a full minute before barely being able to stutter out a sentence. arguably worse than Satoru 🤨
• likes wearing my things but ofc they’re too small so he settles for maybe something like my hat or a bracelet that fits just snug around his wrist. no he doesn’t want matching ones. he wants to wear MINE specifically. possessive (?) in the same way he does one spritz of my perfume on his clothes when I’m not around :33
saisum facts
saisum = saitama (opm) x summer :3 💛
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• there was no like….official date we went on or whatever HDBFJD like sai just brought up how all our friends kept bugging us about getting together and it basically went:
sai: “ [genos/king/etc] keep saying we’d be good together or whatever”
s: “yeah…fubuki keeps saying that too. annoying asf, actually”
sai: “so, you wanna?”
s: “oh. yeah :D!”
and the rest is history <3
• expanding on that, the rs really didn’t change our dynamic that much originally. like we were already going grocery shopping together, cooking together, having dinner together, texting all the time and hanging out, etc etc. the main change was like uhhh? physical affection-wise. getting more used to cuddling and kissing and such. started out maybe brushing hands in public which became holding hands > linking arms > his arm around me (in his apartment. he saves most physical affection except holding hands for when we’re alone) sex probably didn’t come for like a year or so and even then it started as dryhumping HDBDJ
sumrei facts
sumrei = summer x reigen (mob psycho 100) fraud bf 🥴
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• so despite being in a relationship we both still kinda act like we hate eachother sometimes LOL like we both take great delight in constantly calling the other out on their bullshit and making snarky comments at one another just to fuck it out later at one of our places
• secretly soft for eachother though like yes even though reigen knows I’m a powerful esper he still got worried when it looked like I got sniped out of the air. yes he still brings up how I cried his name when I thought he got fucking crushed and the “stupid look on my face like I was gonna cry” when we were out exorcising a curse (he kissed me stupid in his bed later that night to ease my worries)….fuck him
• i carry him by the scruff like a bad dog sometimes. just snatch him up by the back of his collar and we go flying through the air (listen it’s funny and I’m not gonna drop him. also it’s way faster getting around this way than taking the sidewalk okay)
sumhan facts
sumhan = summer x hange (aot) :33
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• tosses me over their shoulder sometimes to show me something new they found out. even though I am just as curious to see as they are eager to show me so instead of a kidnapping vibe it’s like a stranger version of them dragging me by the arm to their office lolz
• hange has like SOMEEE potential to be my guard dog spouse but really it’s like a Pomeranian being protected by a golden retriever. like look at them. this is the most non-threatening duo ever. maybe an angry golden retriever is a little scary and out of place but it’s so weird to see and still hard to take seriously 🤨
• sneaking kisses all the time. if you can call watching one of us leaving the other’s office, being yanked back inside by the collar for a second longer only to re-emerge with a dopey grin on their face sneaky. 😏
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