#i would drop dead right then and there
shepscapades · 2 months
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eddis-not-eeddis · 7 months
Can I get some emergency prayers. A childhood friend was just rushed into surgery. They found a tumor in his head, and they say the only hope is if it isn’t attached to the brain. He’s in surgery right now.
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fruity-pontmercy · 3 months
Modern french student Enjolras is 100% the kind of guy who rolls his own cigarettes ("because it's less expensive" but it's partly because it does objectively make you exponentially cooler). He definitely rolls them while he's talking to you and he blows smoke in your face and contributes to the gigantic cloud of cigarette smoke that fills the air above the Sorbonne courtyard during lunchtime
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samsspambox · 10 months
so uh,,, vyn has a stepbro huh
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fritterbat · 5 months
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I have thought about nothing but Holmes/Watson for the past week sooo uh here's a whole miscellany of Sherlock Holmes fanart featuring: study/redraw of a Sidney Paget illustration (this one), Sad Hug, Happy Kiss (old man edition), and Holmes in women's clothes
still haven't worked out my headcanon of how I want to draw these guys' faces tbh
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senselessalchemist · 6 months
On one of my usual walking routes there's a pair of mannequin legs out in the front garden of one house and today they were standing in and topped with snow
There's nothing else to this really but I do enjoy someone having a pair of very shapely mannequin legs that cut off at the lower torso out in all elements. If no one else got me the mannequin legs on [redacted street name] got me
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
seeing info only about the kiryu and majima statuettes but absolute radio silence on the ichi one is utterly sending me. Theyre hiding the fact theyre gonna make ichi pale as a cracker again
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jungwookjins · 1 year
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[230118] seOul cOllectiOn
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only good thing abt the vous situation is that it lets me experience tecteun calling 13 the child that im 100% convinced she actually would bc shes the only one who uses tu for her
#what language do you think theyre actually speaking#bc like on top of all the other um disconcerting stuff abt the whole situation on that spaceship for 13#iamgine walking into that tree room and refinding that woman there and then she starts talking to you in like. this ancient gallifreyan#like old high gallifreyan hours#a language you only kinda learnt at school a couple millennia ago#im a big believer of the doctor and the master speaking gallifreyan when theyre alone i have fun with that in fic#(i dont think they speak entirely the same native language i think gallifryan is a diglossia but not the point)#but neither of them Speak old high like thats a dead language#i think 13 would drop into gallifreyan after opening in english#'hello im the doctor' in you know good old sheffield english#and then tecteun responds with 'i know' but in like....fucking latin#latin is probably not the best analogy but i dont know the history of english#old english i gues but we dont really learn that in school#anyway imagine how disconcerting#and i imagine she'd switch to gallifreyan sure but like. her modern mountain gallifreyan from lungbarrow right?#that vs tecteuns fucking classical dead textbook gallifreyan#or thats how it would feel to the doctor bc tecteun is pre-timelord. this is just her language#or....her language would be what would later become old high#so maybe she speaks to her Child as she used to actual eons ago#and to the doctor the closest this sounds like is old high gallifreyan bc she doesnt remember this language any more than tecteuns eyes#it's close-enough-sorta-dead-gallifreyan-???#so she switches to the closest shes got. which is just. lungbarrowian#tecteun trying to rewrite history and the doctor not-entirely-on-purpose re-establishing the one she has/knows/remembers#holding on to her actual history#which tecteun tries to rewrite/unwrite/dig out from under known history with this old old gallifreyan#anyway. more language thoughts of this evening
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goldkirk · 4 months
#the thing that just keeps nagging me is that there's no way i was the only one right#i can't imagine he went his whole life and only got inappropriate with me after he was already a grandpa and everything#and i doubt he stopped after he lost easy access to me and dropped me like i never mattered at all#i keep thinking i should report it so at least its on record for someone else if they report too#or if someone else already reported than maybe me saying my experience could make that person be believed#but the thing is#(also remember this man is now dead anyway)#he was an officer and detective and then police chief for years before he ever became mayor#and he was so corrupt#and the city is an entagled nightmare of corruption and stuff#like we legitimately got multiple threatening phone calls and answering machine recordings from this man and his minions more than once ove#the years for various city council things and when my parent ran for election again years later and he didn't like that#anyway#the point is that the guy who was elected mayor after him was buddies with him anyway and ran the city the same way but with less#outward narcissism visibly#and the guy that got elected mayor after HIM a few years ago...you'll never believe this...#was also a police officer and then police chief for years and then got elected mayor...and THE FORMER MAYOR'S SON (the one who hurt me)#so while I would like to report it#i am. very nervous about how safe the police department is and how entwined it still is with the mayor's office#bc back in the day MY mayor had like. complete interconnections with the police still the whole way through. wayyyyy sketch#i don't know this new mayor#i know what his father did and i know what his father and his father's ideal people he surrounded himself with were like#and the city hasn't addressed or fixed any of its past corruption and stuff except in small department-upwards movements here and there#so i'm like. i don't live there anymore and i'd need to make a phone call to do any reporting#i have to go through them instead of the county police that i'd feel much safer with (relatively#they're still police obvs)#i'm like...i really want this on record. for the sake of the community and anyone else like me in case they're out there too.#and as an acknowledgment of my own belief in myself and a way to make it so even if i get scared i can never hide the secret again and#but like................is it safe for me to even tell that police department
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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I love this scene because even after everything, the first thing Naesala does when he gets into the room is react in panic about Reyson and Leanne being unconscious. In that short moment, he just reacted on the instinct that he's always cared about them, despite how shaky things had gotten with Reyson a few years ago and how he was forced to do the things he did (including with the Laguz Alliance in RD).
If he was thinking logically and had a moment to process the situation, he might've stood back and pretended to care less than he actually did, as is usual for him. In this case he didn't hesitate to react and ran to them as soon as he walked in, because it was a knee jerk reaction.
If he sat back and thought about it, he would've known Tibarn was going to start making threats and trying to pick a fight, but his genuine desires overcame logic for just a second long enough for him fear for Reyson and Leanne. As long as the two of them are alive and well, he can continue putting on that mask and faking his way through it. If there's any chance they're in life threatening danger, he'll change course to make sure they're safe (such as refusing to fight Reyson when he was in service to the Crimean army, even at his own expense).
Since Naesala wasn't aware how badly the herons were being affected by the medallion, he wasn't aware in advance that they were in any danger. He doesn't know what happened here, so he walks in and suddenly sees them unconscious on the floor. For all he knew, it could've been life threatening - hence his instant response that didn't wait for his brain to register that he's supposed to be playing the bad guy. I think the only reason he could calm down and conclude it wasn't is because nobody else was panicking/grieving with the implication of a possible death.
(And fwiw, yes, he did have to technically sell Reyson to Oliver in PoR. If he didn't abide by something the senate wanted, Oliver could just make up some story to Lekain to get him to trigger the Blood Pact. Naesala knew he was being a snake to get the whole thing to happen, but he did technically have to go through with it the moment anyone from the senate wanted something from him)
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dimehun · 9 months
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Feeling insane abt this in particular
The shadow/batman
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hopelesslovebug · 2 years
Uh hi, could you draw Giorno and Fugo in masquerade style?
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sorry anon it's not colored but when you said masquerade my three braincells heat up at the spot
#also i'm tired#i like the designs and the idea i thought of..i will start working on it in the morning.i will also work on simplifying giorno's mask 'cuz#i made it way too complicated for noo reason at all. i also thought of like a quick plot#ok there is this masquerade (of course). i want you to imagine a fancier version of the mafia. the don invented almost all the mafia#into this masquerade with the promise that the one that would know his true identity will be the next don#but the catch that anyone getting way too close is probably going to be killed#weather diavolo doing it for shits and giggles or he is showing that he is truly worthy of the title don#is still up in debate in my mind. buccigang goes just because it's a fancy party (also because there is free food but shhhhhh)#giorno still didn't meet the buccigang yet in this au and he WILL become the new don#trish also still didn't meat the buccigang yet. she would go to one group to another dropping hints about her father identity#she really just wants him dead#she can't say his true identity out right or else she would be killed#and yeah#you know the most cliché murder mystery#it's just kyaaaaaa~ i love this plot since i was 6.i love it soo much. it makes me sad people don't do that often anymore#also put my fav kind of fugio. i mean yeah fugo fell but holy giorno is in a well#*fugo says the most strategic plan you could think of* gio:wow you're so smart darling can i kiss you now?#←didn't understand a single word from fugo#also i didn't say this but it's a masquerade no ones knows about the characters real identity#so they just go with there stands name.ok this is enough my mind is shutting down now#jjba#vento aureo#jjba part 5#pannacotta fugo#giorno giovanna#fugio#mine#my art#pt5
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mqonlighting · 5 months
real talk in the tags for a second because i have a crush on a girl and i. a hehe. ahehehe.
will be burying this in reblogs and never touching on it again
#so random disclaimer this girl is like a year older than me and in high school it’s like a nono for older and younger batch to like be#a thing so i know i generally have no chance but i like to live in my own insanity and the progression of my crush on her has been absolute#ly cuckoo bananas. so like it started out as ‘i wanna be your friend’ and progressed into ‘shit they’re really pretty’ to ‘wow ur so??’ to#‘fuck i like them’ and then it died down and then by all golly it came back but more of a hallway crush now which is bearable bc i’m#not really a part of their life?? like we know each other but we don’t wave and shit and we don’t like ever interact that much so i was lik#ok this is fine bc they literally never think of me so i’m just admiring from afar. and the FIRST inciting incident was i request them onig#and i expect to not get accepted because according to their friends they onyl accept close friends and i’m like k this is a bad idea probs#but the worst that could happen is i get left in their follow requests right?? RIGHT?? but then within like two hours of reqing. lord.#i got. ACCEPTED. and they requested back. and suddenly it’s +1 tangibility like ok?? maybe we’re not as strangers as i thought we were#i later discovered i was not that special for this but also?? cool?? anyways for a while it kind of laid dead and we never spoke at all eve#tho i was in their acc now (at this time they barely posted but whenever they did it was so?? funny like they would slap the randomest shit#on that acc) and it was still a hallway crush altho my friends r awful (/pos) people who would always make me pass their hallway and i#would run into them so often but at this point we only ever like exchanged glances and they would walk right past me like i wasnt even ther#but THEN the second incident happened which was basically we had to play instruments for this christmas event thing and bc they’re literall#y amazing they played for it and i was roped into it and. i was so gay the whole time. bc who wears a leather jacket to school and gets the#prettiest haircut ever right on the last day before a long break?? and the worst part is whenevr something confusing happened they would#turn to me and this one other person and we’d b laughing together. like we r friends. and they’re so fucking nice they were checking up on#us the whole time i was literally dying i kept dropping my pick and stealing looks AURURUGH and they’re so gen funny and interesting i just#and the first few days of holiday break i just couldn’t stop thinking abt them it was so bad? like that was the moment where i was genuinel#like is this more than a hallway crush… eventually it died back down until the next event we had to play together where they were being SO#SO much more comf w me? like exchanging knowing looks when smt funny happens and that stuff.. at this point i didnt even know what to like#think of my crush on them so i just let it be yk. atp they’re not even waving at me in the hallways at all still so maybe they’re just bein#nice! BUT NO. THAT IS UNTIL I AUDITIONED FOR A BAND (theyr in charge of accepting) AND THEY ACCEPTED ME WHICH COOL BUT LIKE A DAY LATER I#HEARD FROM OUR MUTUAL FRIEND THAT THEY SAID ‘yeaa im so happy i got (my name)’ AS IN IN THE BAND. LIKE. HELLO?? HI U THIUGHT ABT ME?? and#during the first band mtg where everyone’s all awk they kept making eye contact w me and asking if i was good and making sure i got to say#smt before anyone made a decision and it. murdered. me. i’m sorry maybe it’s the fanfic writer in me or this shit is literally nothing and#think they’re just nice to everyone but who cares bc it means they’re nice to ME too. and then last week happened. which was like the nail#in the coffin. INTERACTION ACTIVITY. I IMPULSIVELY ASK IF THEY WANNA B GROUPMATES AND THEY SAY YES. THEY ONLY TALK TO ME AND THEIR FRIENDS.#I ACT STUPID. THEY ALUGH AND TOUCH MY SHOULDER. I ASK ABT THEIR CAMERA AND THEY GO ON A LONG-ISH (cute) RANT ABT SMTH. THEY ASK WHY I HAVE#BIG ASS STACK OF POST ITS. WE TALK. THEY LAUGH AT MY JOKES. SUDDENLY. THEY SAY A FULL HELLO IN THE HALLS. THEY WAVE AT ME A DAY LATER. FUCK
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skimming through all of the dead text at the end of an old fic is so strange but weirdly satisfying and i could not even begin to explain why
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oedonchapeldweller · 2 months
i just cant get over that person saying that when they want to hear violent music they go listen to "screamo and thrash metal" that person HAS to be 14
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