#i would drop dead right then and there
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mustfindcreativeusername · 3 months ago
Sometimes I remember he died, he was dead for real, but SO MANY people loved him SO MUCH that he was brought back to life and got to have so many more adventures and get old and eventually retire and yes it's a fictional character but sometimes I think about that and I have to lie down and have a cry about it. We love you Sherlock Holmes
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sometimes when Darry gets frustrated when he's arguin' with other adults about Pony or Soda (i.e. he feels like a teachers bein' unreasonable or an adult lookin down on them) he'll snap leave my fuckin' kids alone, yeah?
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sophiphi · 8 months ago
Guys. GUYS. listen to me- kate carter is a natural brunette. no i’m not just saying that because daisy edgar jones has brown hair naturally, there’s a picture of young kate and her mom that is shown in the scene where she comes back home. I caught it on my second rewatch. I mean ofc you could chalk up her darker roots to it just being a dirty blonde but no, she really is a brunette.
Which brings me to this thought- I wonder what Tyler’s reaction (along with the others ofc) would be when they see Kate with brown hair. Let’s say her blonde dye was growing out enough for her to decide to dye it back. Maybe she does it when she went back to NY for a bit before going back to Oklahoma. Will there be chaos? Definitely. Will Tyler Owens get a heart attack? Duh. Like, imagine the possibilities guys, hellooo
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shepscapades · 10 months ago
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 year ago
Can I get some emergency prayers. A childhood friend was just rushed into surgery. They found a tumor in his head, and they say the only hope is if it isn’t attached to the brain. He’s in surgery right now.
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indecisiveavocado · 2 months ago
being a progressive (but also zionist) jew:
me: oh a cool new site about overlooked history/indigenous land/etc them: yep! that's us. me: oh, great! them: also, we deny jewish indigenousness and link to websites that actively celebrated oct 7th. or maybe we glorify sinwar. and make it very very clear that, were you born in israel, we would celebrate your death me: again?
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months ago
i think fandom spaces would become much more enjoyable across the board if people stopped flipping their pancakes over other fans enjoying characters that they don't like. or, god forbid, like them but in 'the wrong way.'
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constelationprize · 1 month ago
actually there is something else I want to say. Bryson Wilshire when I FUCKING get you.
Like, for real. Getting your own 17yo grieving emotionally abused brother hooked on cocaine has got to be top 3 foulest things an AFTG character has ever done and I'm counting all the torture.
Because honest to God why the FUCK did he do that. What did he have to gain? Pocket money?
And then he gets to sit back for forever knowing that no one believes Jeremy's side of the story because Jeremy himself hasn't fully grasped what Bryson did to him. He recounts it to Jean as if Bryson was just being a bad influence, and sure, Jeremy was old enough to know better (that's the whole tragedy of his situation, that he could have made the right choices, and didn't) but it was also the most stressful time of his life and he trusted his brother. What guts me is that if this was just Bryson on a spiral dragging Jeremy down with him, why would he make Jeremy pay for the pills? The pills Bryson had access to for free. And there's a lot of subtext/text pointing to their finances being controlled by Mathilda even back then.
I think that there's something about this specific time frame between Jeremy's rebelious senior year and the scandal at the banquet that hasn't been revealed yet because Jeremy mentions that there's something he's only ever told William about, that he did it recently, and it can't have been that Bryson was his dealer because in their confrontation after the dinner Bryson references that Jeremy did indeed try to blame his addiction on Bryson and failed. I don't know if this could explain Bryson's motivations because right now I'm just inclined to believe that he is The Devil.
This feels like I've just found my absolute weirdest moral line but there's something about this situation I find legitimately unforgivable. And the fact that I can't even wrap my head around why he would fucking do that will drive me insane.
And I knoooow he'll get what's coming to him next book because after his growing vendetta against Jean he's skirting closer and closer to the line of main antagonist rather than just sticking to the Jeremy's Issues plotline and that truly will not end well for him. But I in fact need it to happen literally right now.
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fruity-pontmercy · 1 year ago
Modern french student Enjolras is 100% the kind of guy who rolls his own cigarettes ("because it's less expensive" but it's partly because it does objectively make you exponentially cooler). He definitely rolls them while he's talking to you and he blows smoke in your face and contributes to the gigantic cloud of cigarette smoke that fills the air above the Sorbonne courtyard during lunchtime
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samsspambox · 2 years ago
so uh,,, vyn has a stepbro huh
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deadbeandrop · 4 months ago
i can for sure imagine lumpus as being Old and it even feels more "right" to me but it also frustrates me a little bit while trying to figure stuff out... a few ramblings about this under the cut
there's genuinely just no way for me to make it work with stuff like him being childhood friends at camp with slinkman without making them AND jane (!) the same/similar old age... which i Could very well do! but i'd probably cap it at like 50 and i already have important dates organized and even designs made according to the timeline i already had, so it'd kind of overhaul... everything. i think it'd leave me with some stuff that actually makes more sense, and even more that makes less sense... but. i'd have to write things out and think about them. and the thing is that i can probably see slinkman being in his late 40's as well, but jane, on the other hand, not so much... and their history together is important to things to me too! so it's like i'm being tugged in a few directions and if i were to alter something at this point in time it would likely end in a sacrifice. so i would make lumpus a bit older if i could but all of this is the most important thing to me...
so, its really itching my brain right now just due to the Shape of my thoughts, which isn't a good way to go about things, but its sort of become apart of my process and i have to sort of just... deal with it. (most of the time it helps me decide on things and overall has me more satisfied with it, but at other times, it's really not based on anything and ends in situations like this...)
in a way, there's almost like two different versions of things i could go with:
1. lumpus and slinkman meet as adults, with lumpus being a good deal older than him, and lumpus is stuck working the job because nothing else will take him + weird power trip + he comes from a line of scoutmasters.
i can see myself thinking about this version of events too cus i do think it's perfectly solid on its own and fits the more casual tone of the actual show. i might even like how this one is "shaped" a bit more. if i wanted, i could have this be how i view the show's canon timeline (which would include a lot more of the episodes than i personally do) so i can at least have/explore those ideas somewhere as well...
(additionally, chris had some alternative ideas for how dead bean drop could still work with that, and i can imagine playing with that to some degree)
but then there's 2. my version of things in my own version of the show, where lumpus and slinkman (and jane!) attend camp as kids, and there isn't anything like lumpus' family history of scoutmasters.
i think this in itself sort of lends everything to be very character driven, where things like history over time and the characters' general psychology and motivation contribute to themes and more complexity in the stories that wouldn't work as well with the base source material. in my version of everything, i am aiming a bit higher than the average person, after all, to imagine something that's more than only building off of the source material. the main difference of what drives them all back to camp ends up more tied up in those sorts of things, where lumpus is mostly here of his own volition despite hating everything (+ the weird power trip stuff). there's a lot more there to dig into which is more interesting and fun to me personally, and his relationship and close with slinkman i feel almost hinges on this sort of set-up because of how everything ends up tying together, as discussed here. for what i'm doing, it all simply hits harder with the emotional backing if i have it like this, and because of how things are already set up, that means i do still have to make some decisions like the topic of today's post where lumpus is a bit younger than i'd imagine him to be as well
while the first option is perfectly suitable for the actual show, a lot of the elements just don't work for what i'm trying to accomplish, and that's okay. i gotta be okay with that! and to allow myself to do More than one thing if i want, because "canon" is being made subjective and malleable here anyway. we are all just playing around and i'm allowed to play around in multiple ways if i want to as well
end the end, i don't think i even use any lore from episodes like the bean tree in the first place, but, it is sort of crazy when you think about it that its equally as canon that we went from "teenagers at camp 15 years ago" in dead bean drop to slinkman implying lumpus is like way older in the bean tree, but i guess there's really something for everyone here depending on how you want to go about it
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hozierandrew · 3 months ago
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marietheran-archived · 4 months ago
honestly, it's said that it's not a good death, but I'd rather die suddenly than know in advance... it would feel so weird to be doing everything one does if you knew it was your last month, you know...?
can't imagine ranting on tumblr with "anyway it's not my problem anymore" at the back of my head (also I would)
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fritterbat · 1 year ago
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I have thought about nothing but Holmes/Watson for the past week sooo uh here's a whole miscellany of Sherlock Holmes fanart featuring: study/redraw of a Sidney Paget illustration (this one), Sad Hug, Happy Kiss (old man edition), and Holmes in women's clothes
still haven't worked out my headcanon of how I want to draw these guys' faces tbh
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senselessalchemist · 1 year ago
On one of my usual walking routes there's a pair of mannequin legs out in the front garden of one house and today they were standing in and topped with snow
There's nothing else to this really but I do enjoy someone having a pair of very shapely mannequin legs that cut off at the lower torso out in all elements. If no one else got me the mannequin legs on [redacted street name] got me
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
seeing info only about the kiryu and majima statuettes but absolute radio silence on the ichi one is utterly sending me. Theyre hiding the fact theyre gonna make ichi pale as a cracker again
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