#i would do the former if i wasn't too shy to ask . . .
rosedom · 2 months
Can I make a fanart of one of your fics?
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HEKWNDOJWD YOU WOULD DO THAT ??? of COURSE u can ! (only if i get a peak of it tho ><)
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mangostarjam · 2 months
taking care — wind breaker, aged up sakura haruka x f!reader, established relationship, "brat" as a petname, smut towards the end, 4.4k words
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"Aren't you too old for this?"
Sakura Haruka grimaces and shoves his bruised hands into his pockets. You raise an unimpressed eyebrow. There's dirt smudged along his cheekbone and the end of his sleeve is ripped.
"They were tryin' to hit on a girl." It comes out mumbled. Haruka's two toned gaze is averted to the top of your head. It was always difficult to get him to meet your eye in your high school years, but ever since he hit his growth spurt and graduated you feel like it's gotten worse.
"Haruka-kun," you sigh, "c'mere."
You grab his arm and tug, taking advantage of his brief moment of surprise to drag him into the back of the bakery. Your coworkers wave and smile at the former school captain but otherwise leave the two of you alone.
"Y-you…! What're you doing?"
The back office of Saboten is neat and clean and thankfully empty. You shove Haruka into a chair and grab his chin, ignoring the flare of heat beneath your fingers as he turns bright red.
"Did you get hit on the face?" you ask, leaning closer to look. The dirt smudging his cheek is loose, brushing away easily when you stroke the smooth skin there. You probe gently at the strong bone beneath and ignore the way his chest seizes with a held breath.
"No," he mumbles, "it's just dirt."
Your attention is drawn — as always — to his eyes. A muted, stormy gray blue and a bright, shimmering gold meet your unabashed gaze as your thumb strokes along his cheekbone again.
"I'm glad you didn't get hurt." You allow yourself a tiny grin as he scrunches his nose at you. "You could've let the new Bofurin kids handle it… but those guys will definitely think twice about messing with anyone from our neighborhood now."
"'Course," Haruka sniffs. You wonder if he knows he's leaning into your palm. "It was a quick fight, anyway. Only losers are late."
"I told you, you don't have to pick me up from work. I can handle myself." You giggle as he scoffs. You slide into a crouch, propping up your elbows on his knees for balance. "Give me your hands, Haruka-kun."
Your boyfriend hesitates for a short moment before releasing a breath. His hands are rough, but he flips them over obligingly and doesn't flinch when you curl your fingers around his wrists. "You've bruised your knuckles again," you tsk. "I'll go grab the first aid kit."
"W-wait." Haruka's entire face is charmingly pink, the gentle hue sweeping along his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. "You don't… I mean, I don't need you to —"
"I know," you hum, tugging his hands up to brush a gentle kiss along his skin. "But I want to."
Haruka stays quiet as you fetch the first aid kit and get to work disinfecting the tiny cuts on his hands. You're used to the comfortable silence, basking in the familiarity of tending to his battle wounds in the back of the bakery where you first met.
You never would've guessed that part of your job duties at the bakery would include taking care of the new out-of-towner all those years ago, though it wasn't like he went along with it quietly. Your boss at the time was adamant that the Bofurin boys deserved all the freebies the bakery could afford to give, and she never minded when you'd pop off to the back alley to administer first aid.
Nirei was the one who knew you were handy with a medical kit, but it was Suo who eventually tricked their first year captain into coming to you. Haruka was a lot pricklier back then, shying away from casual human contact like everyone was out to get him but diving into fights like nobody's business.
Luckily for you, in spite of his speed and reflexes, Haruka definitely wasn't used to girls who were willing to literally sit on him to force him to stay still for first aid. After enough times shoving freshly baked bread into his hands and making him into your first aid practice dummy, he started to show up outside the bakery's back door on his own, often looking like a disgruntled street cat.
Little by little, you learned which breads he preferred and you begged Kotoha to teach you how to make omurice the way Haruka liked it. Little by little, he stopped flinching away from your touch and even let you lean against him when you needed a short break from work or studying, propping your head up against his shoulder and staying still enough that sometimes you'd fall asleep.
Little by little, the two of you fell in love.
Haruka doesn't say anything as you finish smoothing the tape holding his new wrappings together, but he flips his hands to hold onto you as you rise from your knees. You smile. "Do you wanna get dinner at Cafe Pothos? Kotoha-chan might make fun of you, though."
"She'll make fun of me no matter what," he grumbles. You snicker as he ducks his head. From this angle, you can only see the pale white eyelashes of his left side pressing against his skin as he takes a deep breath. "Don'tcha need to finish your shift? I'll be outside."
"Aw, are you worried about me?"
"Shaddup" Haruka huffs. "As if I care."
You grin as he rises to his full height, still steadily avoiding eye contact as you squeeze his hands. After all these years, it's cute how flustered he still gets when you tease him. "Haruka-kun? You can let me go now."
"Oh?" you raise an eyebrow and tilt your head to catch his eye. He scowls. "If you just loosen your fingers—"
"Sh-shut up." You watch patiently as your boyfriend takes a deep breath. It's quiet in this back office, though a wall is shared with the employee locker room and you can hear a few of your coworkers laughing and chatting indistinctly. The smell of rising dough and freshly baked bread permeates the room, cut through with the sharp tang of antiseptic cream.
Haruka's ears are still red. You catch a glimpse of them through his black and white hair and squeeze his hands again. So cute. "Haruka," you say.
You rise up on tiptoes to kiss him, holding onto his hands for balance as you rock forward. Haruka predictably freezes before making a rough sound and kissing you back, letting you take the lead as you lean into him. His heartbeat jumps beneath your lips as you move to kiss at the soft spot below his jaw, earning another strangled noise that makes you smile into his skin.
It's warm. You think maybe your own ears are red enough to match his, but you don't give him a chance to notice, pressing another quick kiss to his lips and disentangling yourself. "I've gotta get back to work. I'll see you in a bit, 'kay?"
You leave him in the back office, knowing he'll find his way to the alleyway behind the bakery to wait for you, as always. Your coworkers don't mention how long you were missing, but you take over the mopping and cleaning duties as a thank you anyway.
Haruka doesn't take your hand when you meet him after your shift, but he walks close enough that your shoulders brush with every step. The gentle ringing of the wind chimes strung up below the shopping district sign follows the two of you on your walk towards home.
"What should we have for dinner, since you don't wanna endure Kotoha's teasing?" you ask, grinning lopsidedly when Haruka snorts in response. The street lamps cast a glow along his black and white hair, haloing him in a light gold that pales in comparison to his golden eye.
He glances sideways at you as you pause at a crosswalk. You catch a flash of gold and blue before he faces forward again. "You're comin' over?"
"Yes, or else you'll eat instant noodles again and die of malnutrition," you say. The two of you step into the street, though he steps slightly ahead of you to make sure it's clear. "Unless you don't want me to."
"Let's have curry."
"Did you get ingredients for curry, mister?" you ask, bumping your shoulder into his arm teasingly. "Or will we need to stop by a konbini again for emergency supplies?"
"That was just one time," Haruka grumbles, but he glances back at you fondly as you laugh. "And I went shopping earlier, brat."
He lets you hold onto his sleeve as you enter his studio apartment and stays steady as you toe your shoes off in the genkan. The place is vastly improved from the first time you stepped foot in it all those years ago, when you were delivering food for a sick Haruka.
Gone are the creaky hinges and peeling paint — the walls are smooth and clean, the cabinet doors are all securely attached, and there are actual curtains hanging over the balcony doors. He still sleeps on a futon, but he also got a low table and cushions for guests after you complained about eating on top of cardboard boxes, and he got a dresser to store his clothing after you took him shopping so he'd stop wandering around town always wearing his high school uniform.
Making dinner is always fun, with Haruka, because even though he's grown and learned a lot, you still get to tease him about his bulk stack of instant noodle packages and he still turns bright red when you lean over the table to offer him a spoonful from your plate.
He's more relaxed here, more willing to close the gap between you when you reach out to him. It used to worry you in the beginning — would you always be the one to make the first move? Did he actually like you, or was he just going along with your flirting because he didn't know any better?
Then he does something like swiping his thumb along your lips and sticking the digit in his mouth, laughing at your surprised gasp and gathering up the dishes before you can form a coherent thought. He asks about your day and listens as you tell him about the cute little kid who came into the shop asking for curry bread because "that's Sakura-taicho's favorite, and I wanna be like him when I grow up!"
You bask happily in the furious blush that paints his skin, grinning to yourself as he stammers and jerks his face away.
"Did you get new towels?" you ask, handing him a soapy plate to rinse off. Your boyfriend takes it, huffing an amused snort when you yawn widely. It's nearing your bedtime, and your sated appetite is making you even sleepier.
"Yeah," Haruka says, "since you were complainin' last time that mine're scratchy."
"Oh, nice," you say, rinsing the suds off your hands and moving to stand behind him. You shove your face into his shoulder blades before he can move, wrapping your arms around his middle as he tenses beneath you. It's been ages since he was an active fighter defending the town, but you can still feel the power and strength of his densely packed muscles twitching under your hold. "Mm, I'm sleepy…"
"Gwah! What are ya, an octopus?!" Haruka sets the clean plate on the drying rack and settles his hands on top of yours, but he doesn't move you. He could easily overpower you, though you're hugging him pretty firmly, pressing your entire body up against his as you take a deep breath. "The hell're you doin'?"
"Hugging you," you say. Haruka's fingers tighten around your wrists, but he still doesn't move you.
"I got that, genius."
"I'm just recharging before I have to head home," you mumble into his shirt. You're saving both of you from embarrassment, here, hugging him from behind like this, so really he should be grateful that you're so considerate of his feelings.
"It's late."
"I know," you whine, squeezing him just a little bit harder. "I don't wanna think about it."
"You have a toothbrush here."
Oh. "I don't have clothes here."
"You can borrow mine." Haruka stiffens even more as your hands clench the front of his shirt. "I-It's not like I'm tryna get you to stay over! It's just that it's late and you've gotta get up e-early tomorrow! I'm not some kinda pervert!"
You giggle into his back and nuzzle your forehead into the strong muscle there as he finally relaxes. "I'd be kinda upset if you didn't think about it a little bit, Haruka-kun. I am your girlfriend, after all."
Haruka lets out a huge sigh and moves to brace his hands on the counter. "You can take a bath first. Lemme go heat up the water."
"Are you trying to be a gentleman again?"
"Wuh — what're you talkin' about? I already told you I'm not a pervert!"
You laugh. "Last time you went to heat up the water for me, you didn't come out for a solid twenty minutes. I thought you passed out in there."
"That was just — I was just —!" Haruka hangs his head and you press your cheek against his back. You can feel his heartbeat pounding in double time. "I was tryin' to calm down."
"You don't have to, y'know," you say softly, patting at his firm chest with a sigh. "I wanna do it too."
Haruka chokes on his spit. Or at least, you think that's what happens, because he lapses into a coughing fit and gently pushes you towards the bathroom with a red face. He refuses to answer your concerned questions, only shoving a pair of shorts and a t-shirt into your arms before shutting the bathroom door on your amused face.
You shower and bathe on your own, humming a nonsensical tune as you lather up with his shampoo and body wash. It's a minor miracle and mostly a testament to your relationship that he has amenities at all, the clean smelling soaps clearly picked out with a thought towards your possible use of them. It makes your heart stutter in your chest when you notice that he's stocked your favorite brand of lotion on the counter and even left a clean face towel and headband for you to use while washing your face, as if he knew you'd need them eventually.
His clothes are a little too big on you, but you cinch the waistband of his shorts and hope for the best as you step out of the bathroom. Haruka is sitting stiffly at the low table, glaring down at his phone as the screen lights up with texts.
"Is everything okay?" you ask.
Haruka looks up and freezes. You pause in the act of adjusting his shirt on your shoulders, blinking at your boyfriend as he seems to go through five stages of something before he turns a bright cherry red and slams his eyes shut. You snort.
"You've seen me naked before, Haruka-kun."
"S-shaddup! T-that's different!"
You get on your knees in front of him and cup his face in your hands. Haruka doesn't flinch, but he cracks open one stormy blue eye like he's worried about what he might see. You roll your eyes at him. "Are you good? Why do you look so pissed at your phone?"
"Oh," Haruka blinks and glances sideways at the offending item. His face is warm in your hands. "The guys found out you're staying over."
"Are they giving you advice on how to get laid again?" you ask, giggling. "I love you, but please don't listen to Umemiya-san. I promise I don't get turned on by plant based pickup lines."
"I'm gonna shower!" Haruka stands abruptly and shuffles past you, but he pauses at the door. "You can read it, if ya want. The chat thread."
You raise an eyebrow and pick up his phone as he shuts the bathroom door behind him. A generic wallpaper greets you as you swipe it open, but you notice a star emoji next to your name in his message history, which makes you smile.
The chat thread with Haruka's former classmates is at the top, filling with more unread notifications as you watch. Scrolling through, you grin to yourself as the boys send teasing and shy stickers, interspersed with their own complaints of struggling to find partners for themselves and throwaway comments about "that lucky bastard Sakura" snagging "the cutest girl on Tonbu street".
"What're ya laughin' at?" You blink as Haruka crouches in front of you, a towel hanging around his neck. He's shirtless, and you watch with interest as a gentle pink flush deepens and spreads along his skin. "Quit starin'!"
"Y-you're the one who came out shirtless," you squeak, setting his phone aside and reaching out for him. Haruka chews on his lip but lets you touch him. "That's so unfair!"
You trail your hands down his bare sides and smile as he tries to suppress a shiver. Then you reach for his hands. "The first aid kit is here," Haruka says, stretching out to grab it from its shelf. The movement puts his hard muscles on full display, though you have a feeling it's unintentional. Regardless, you can't quite tear your eyes away from his chest and stomach, watching as the muscles of his abs flex when he returns to his crouch.
"You're so stupidly hot," you mutter, accepting the kit and snapping it open. "I can't believe you just walk around looking like this."
"H-huh?" Haruka's eyes widen in surprise. You grab his hands to keep him from running away, but he stays still as you reapply ointment and bandages to his knuckles.
"I know you find it hard to believe, since people used to give you shit about your looks, but you are…" you pause and glance up at him, taking in his smooth skin, his beautiful gray blue and golden eyes, his fluffy black and white hair, "stupidly hot."
Your boyfriend sighs and places a hand on your hip. You set the first aid kit aside and grin up at his pleasantly pink face. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
Haruka kisses you slowly, tentatively. It's a little precarious, leaning up as he crouches in front of you, so you drag him to the futon and pull him over you, tugging him close by the ends of his towel. "You're so warm," he mutters, shifting his weight on his elbows and doing his best to keep from crushing you.
You sigh into the next kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him down, huffing a laugh when he grunts and smacks his hand against the floor in surprise. "You're so far from me, how can you even tell?" you tease.
"You're always warm," Haruka grumbles. He noses along your cheek, smiling against the smooth skin there as you giggle. "And soft."
"Are you callin' me weak?" you ask, tilting your head to kiss him again. He breaks the kiss with a pant, nipping at the exposed skin of your collar as your shirt shifts. "Ah — hey!"
Haruka groans, one of his hands going down to grip at the soft give of your waist, holding you still as he grinds down into the cradle of your thighs. You moan as his hard length drags against you, wiggling your hips into the friction as something pulses in your core. "I should've given you another shirt."
"A-another shirt? What's wrong with t-this one?" You gasp as he rolls his hips again, arching into the touch as his free hand slips beneath your borrowed shirt to brush against the swell of your chest. You grab at his shoulders and back, dragging your blunt nails along his skin as you pant. "I l-like this shirt!"
"I like it too," he admits, hiding his face in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. His hand slides up to cup one of your tits, tugging and pinching as he sucks a bruise into your neck. "Y'look damn good in it."
You whine, throwing your head back as he shoves the shirt halfway up, snagging on the bottom of your breasts before he yanks it off of you entirely. He drapes himself back over you almost right away, kissing you breathless until you lick into his mouth to earn a strangled groan.
Haruka seems content to keep kissing you, and normally you wouldn't mind, but your borrowed shorts are getting uncomfortably damp and he keeps rolling his hips mindlessly and it's driving you a little insane.
"Haruka, touch me already," you plead. Your boyfriend pulls apart a few scant centimeters, two toned eyes scanning your face wildly until you grab one of his hands and shove it down your shorts. "O-oh, yes, please right there —!"
"Fuck," he bites out. "You're so wet."
"Haruka, you need to stretch me out," you say breathlessly, squirming as his fingers slide and press against the wetness along your lips. "Y-you're too big to go right away, you've gotta ngh —"
He dips one finger into your clenching pussy and freezes above you. It would be almost comical except for how much hotter it makes you, forcing you to buck into his hand as he pants. "S-stop squirmin' or I'll come in my fucking pants," Haruka grunts, forcing himself to begin fingering you in earnest.
He grits his teeth when you whine at another added finger, scissoring them immediately to hurry this up. He doesn't want to hurt you, but when you're laid out like this right in front of him, looking so pretty and perfect, it's taking everything he has not to rut into you like an animal.
"I'm ready, 'm ready," you breathe. You wrestle the two of you out of your bottoms and giggle when he sends one pair of shorts flying into the wall, but your attention is immediately drawn to the trail of black and white strands leading down to your boyfriend's cock. "Can I?"
"Fuck no," Haruka says, positioning himself between your legs again. "D'you want me to die?"
That makes you laugh. You reach out for him as he spreads your legs apart with rough fingers, his easy, overwhelming strength making something throb in your gut. Your sex life is actually pretty healthy, considering your respective jobs and commitments and Haruka's healing trauma. He's always been careful and attentive to your needs as you learned about desire together. It's not like you're deprived of it, or anything.
But when Haruka slowly pushes his way inside you, the muscles along his jaw ticking with restraint, the feeling of being filled by him makes something snap in your core and you cum with a breathless cry.
Haruka freezes immediately, hands slamming down on either side of your head as you clench and squeeze his cock unrelentingly. He barely manages a shallow thrust before he has to freeze again, hot breaths puffing on your face.
"Did you just…?"
"Uh huh."
"Does that always happen??"
"Your dick isn't magical, Haruka-kun," you giggle, looping your arms around his shoulders and wiggling your hips a little. "This isn't going to happen all the time, so don't get used to it."
"I wasn't sayin' that!"
Haruka pouts into your next kiss, but you lick into his mouth and manage to draw out a low groan and an aborted thrust. The ache in your gut hasn't lessened much. If anything, the pressure of his thick cock nestled inside you is making you tingle all over, and the way sweat starts to bead along his hairline makes you want to make him cry.
"You can move, please," you breathe, "you don't have to hold back."
"Don't wanna h-hurt you," Haruka grunts, pulling out slowly only to thrust back in with a force that makes your tits sway. He screws his two colored eyes shut, brows furrowing in concentration. "Fuck, you feel so good."
"You feel good, too," you sigh. "You can let go, I promise."
Haruka's next thrust makes you moan, and something in him seems to snap. He fucks you into the futon relentlessly, propping your ankles up on his shoulders, his dick hitting that spot inside that makes you see stars fuzzing along the edges of your vision. The angle presses your clit against his skin with every thrust, sending you quickly spiraling into another orgasm as you cry out his name.
"Hah, oh fuck I'm gonna —!"
Haruka groans a strangled garble of your name as he reaches his peak, thrusting into you deeply as his cock throbs and releases thick gobs of sticky cum inside you. He lets go of your legs immediately, pressing firmly into the muscles there to ease the strain of being stretched like that for so long, but he hides his face in your neck as the two of you catch your breath.
"Should I call in sick for work tomorrow?" you mutter absently, somewhat desperately grasping for some semblance of sanity. "I dunno if I'll be able to walk."
"Shit, did I hurt you?" Haruka asks, lifting his head and wincing at the pull of sweaty skin. He's glowing, bright and handsome above you, his hair damp with sweat. His two colored eyes are a little watery, his eyelashes sticking together in clumps with unshed tears from how hard he came. The sight makes something squirm in your gut.
You reach up to push his bangs out of his face and snicker as the strands stick up. "You didn't hurt me, you just fucked the strength out of my limbs. We'll need another shower."
Haruka blushes hotly, an impressive feat considering he's still solid and hard inside you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm not hurt," you promise. You cradle his face in your hands and he leans into the touch. His hips roll slowly against you and he bites on his bottom lip as you gasp. "Haruka?"
"Maybe you should call in sick for work tomorrow."
Haruka nods, still blushing hard. "I swear I'm not a pervert, but you…"
You gape at him. "Are you calling me a pervert?"
"N-no!" You don't give him a chance to continue, leaning up to kiss him. You're both smiling when you pull away. "Who knew doing this stuff would feel better than fighting?"
You laugh out loud at that and flop back into the futon. "Are you seriously comparing the two things? Why're you thinking about fighting right now?"
"Can't help it," Haruka says, shrugging. "I could die when you make me feel so good. And fighting's what got me the cutest girl on Tonbu street."
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hannieehaee · 3 months
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!chan, afab reader, smut, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 1420
a/n: my favorite chan is back<33
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
loser!chan who was now thoroughly and utterly addicted to you to the point where he couldn't function unless he had his daily dosage of you.
ever since that first encounter, chan knew that he would never get enough of you, but it wasn't until that fated day in which you finally took his virginity that chan knew that he was thoroughly fucked.
he couldn't think of anything but you. during any lulls in class, his mind would go straight to you and all the things the two of you could do together. when he woke up in the middle of the night, it was in a cold sweat as he awoke from a filthy dream about you. even in the moments you were in front of him, in the most innocent of circumstances, his mind would go straight to the gutter.
you had ruined former chan.
after that first time experiencing what it felt like to be with a pretty girl like you, chan had become instantly addicted to the feeling, now constantly seeking you out as much as possible.
he had become a bit of a pervert, in short terms.
instead of you seeking him out, knowing chan was too shy to do it on his own, the dynamic had shifted. now chan would text you asking to come over every other night. he'd occasionally beg you for nudes any time he you were too busy to see him. and the best worst of all had been a few days ago, when you'd caught him sniffing your panties after the two of you had slept together.
chan couldn't lie. he did become a depraved version of himself through the months in which he'd been fooling around with you. it had all just hit a peak when you took his virginity. he now understood why everyone around him was so obsessed with sex. and he believed himself to be insane for not having lost his virginity sooner. except he was thankful he hadn't, because that meant that he now had the most gorgeous girl to please and to please him in return.
at first you seemed surprised by the change, gasping whenever chan would try and take charge and jump you as soon as you stepped into the threshold of his dorm room. but you clearly seemed to enjoy it, feeding into it by teasing him or enticing him into fucking you faster and harder. you'd even left behind a few pairs of panties after having noticed that first missing pair.
"m-more, fuck. please ... p-push it back, i need it," he mumbled against your cunt, lazily licking at it from behind.
his arms were holding onto your hips, dragging them against his face as he ate you out.
this was yet another thing chan had recently grown infatuated with – eating you out.
whether it was day or night, chan would take any possible opportunity to get himself between your legs or bend you over in order to get his mouth on your cunt. these escapades would always result in the two of you fucking like animals on the bed, but nowadays chan always insisted in eating you out beforehand.
it was always quite a filthy sight, the way in which he'd still whine and beg for you, even when he didn't get any gratification from the act. crying against your cunt, he'd get more desperate by the minute, forcing you to arch your back more so he could get an even better angle to lick and suckle at you.
like now, as he manhandled you to his desired position in the same fashion of a petulant child, demanding things go his way. you aided him, grinding against his face, only causing him to groan against you yet again.
"cum for me?", he mumbled against you, "wanna taste it so bad ..." he pulled away for a moment, simply staring at your cunt, "its so pretty ... fuck, your cunt's so fucking good to me," he moaned before going back at it even more intensely this time.
it didn't take long for you to cum for him. with the combination of praise and his messy way of eating you out, it was impossible for you to hold back. the worst part was how he moaned and thanked you as he licked every drop of arousal coming out of you. the combination of praise and pleasure made the experience entirely blinding, eventually forcing you to drop on the bed in exhaustion.
he climbed over you, giving you a nasty kiss so you could taste yourself on his tongue.
after months of seeing each other, chan had perfected the art of those messy, wet kisses he loved to share with you so much. sometimes he'd even have to hold back from giving you short and sweet kisses while in public, knowing that his tongue might sneak into your mouth and create a scene of public indecency.
equally as depraved as him, you grabbed onto his hair and pushed his face against your own, moaning as you suckled on his tongue. you made out and felt each other up for some minutes until chan's hands grew too greedy, attempting to flip you over so that he could fuck you from behind.
this was yet another new development in your relationship.
having taken his virginity only some months back, you had shown chan every position you could think of, teaching him the ins and outs in order to optimize his pleasure. as time passed, he became more confident in his ability to fuck you, now often opting to fuck you rather than have you take full control (though he still went crazy any time you manhandled him and rode him all the way to oblivion)
positioning you, he ignored the thought of a condom altogether, having been informed by you that you had a iud and did not feel the need to ever use one with him. chan was yet to know what it was like to fuck with one, and he didn't ever want to find out.
he also learned that he enjoyed teasing you. this would usually take form in him rubbing the tip of his cock against your folds, making you whine and push back against him to get him to slide in.
rubbing himself against you, he hissed at the warmth he felt at barely dipping his tip in a tiny bit. you were always so wet and warm for him. only him. the thought made him push in with no warning, needing to feel the physical manifestation of how much you were his.
groaning at the feeling, he leaned forward, pressing up against your back as he fucked into you. the feeling of naked skin against naked skin was one of his favorite things. he couldn't help but fall in love with the intimacy of it.
"how do you feel s-so fucking good?" he groaned, pace of his hips going crazy against your ass.
"you, channie ... you do this to me. so good. such a good boy," you sighed.
even when he was in control, you managed to take it right back with just your words. your claims of ownership over him along with your praise were things he could no longer live without. he loved that you had been the only person to claim him. he was enamored with the fact.
"y-yeah? i think its you. you gorgeous, gorgeous girl. im yours? y'know what?", he leaned as close to your ear as he could, "you're all mine too."
whining at this, you tightened around him, making him lose his composure yet again. this had been the first time he had rebutted at your usual mumbles of him being your good boy. and he loved it. he loved knowing that even as he was your good boy, you were his pretty girl. his and no one could ever have you again.
continuing to hump against each other like wild animals in heat, your highs came to you at an almost equal speed, optimizing your orgasms all the better.
chan fell limp on the bed, being immediately dragged by you so you could lay by his side and cuddle him like you always did. your aftercare of him always made him cry inside. you took care of him so well, giving him all the affection a boy like him could ever hope for.
the usual i love you's were shared, falling into your slumber without having enough energy to even clean up.
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kqiscr · 9 months
a pretty angel like you would look better on his thigh
warnings: corruption, thigh riding, hints of degradation + praise, kaiser is a warning by himself, use of fem pet names/afab anatomy, i know zero german, i haven't wrote smut in a hot minute so give me a chance
w/c: 2.7k
i am not responsible for any minors who interact | not proofread. ktober mtl
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"is there something wrong, mein liebling?" kaiser snapped his fingers in front of your face, his lips upturned in amusement as you jumped in surprise.
"huh? nothing's wrong," you quickly shook your head, embarrassed to have been caught red-handed.
not like it was your fault— he has to know about how distracting his gray sweatpants were. no matter where you tried to force your gaze, it always led back to the noticeable bulge in his pants.
although you've been dating kaiser for a few months now, things have never escalated past a few feathery touches as his fingers skimmed under your shirt while making out— or maybe a little grind from you here and there.
you wanted to see what he was hiding under that fabric, but you were too shy to. every time you would even remotely try to ask, it always led to your face heating up and you scurrying away, or you would drop the question last minute. he always teased you for being so "innocent".
he gave you a knowing look, obviously not believing your terribly said lie, but still reverted his attention back to the book he was reading.
knowing that he had the faintest idea of why you kept glancing his way, you decided to busy yourself on your phone— which also wasn't much help to distract you from how kaiser kept shuffling around, every movement making his dick print more prominent.
he had to be doing it on purpose at this point. every so often he would spread his legs a bit wider, place a hand on his thigh, and adjust his sweats. every single movement and rustle would cause you to peer at him through the corner of your eyes— not only in curiosity of what he was doing, but to see how the new angle would make the bulge look.
the more you thought about what was in his pants, the more you pressed your thighs together. your thoughts trailed off, the desperation of months of wanting him to bend you over something—anything— finally getting to you.
would he be mean and cocky, degrading you and mocking you at every chance he gets?
or would he be slow and caring, given the fact it would be your first time with him? would he praise you and give you what you would plead and beg for?
knowing him, you went with the former. not like you were complaining— you wanted him so bad you'd let him fuck you on the kitchen counter at this point. maybe even the floor.
"i'm starting to think you're a bit distracted," kaiser rasped. you were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice how he inched closer to you, his breath against your ear causing you to have goosebumps.
"am not!" you attempted to save yourself, hiding your face behind your phone and opening and closing random apps. maybe having the weather app open looking at the weather of a different country across the world didn't help your case.
"look at me, schatz." he placed his fingers under your jaw and angled your head to meet his piercing eyes.
you fidgeted with your hands, anticipating what he was going to say. but he didn't say anything, simply wrapped his hands around your waist and effortlessly placing you on his lap. you subconsciously throw your arms around his neck as you waited for him to say something.
"is there something you want from me?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side. you were still too awkward to answer his question, so you simply focused on the tattoo that was peeking out of his shirt's neckline, shaking your head slightly.
"are you going to answer me with words? or will i just have to force it out of you?" your eyes widened at the implications of his statement.
"what do you mean by that?" you soon found out, because he lifted you up slightly and placed you back down on one of his thighs, making sure that your legs were on either side of it,
"do you think i'm stupid, liebling? you think i wouldn't notice you staring like you wanted my pants off?" he could feel the way your thighs clenched around him at his statement as he smirked.
"i wasn't!" you were adamant on beating these allegations, although it would be nearly impossible. you were not only a terrible liar, but you were trying so hard not to move an inch. the pressure of his thigh on your cunt was getting unbearable, and you wanted him to do anything to relieve the heat that was building up.
he shuffled a little bit, bouncing his thigh in the process, leading a whine to escape your mouth. he froze for a moment before chuckling.
"pretty girl wants to get off my thigh, hm?" he raised an eyebrow as his voice lowered an octave. the sudden pitch change in his voice made your pussy throb.
hesitantly, you nodded. "please— want it so bad."
"that wasn't so hard to do, was it?" he slipped his hands under the waistband of your shorts. "now take these off."
you hurriedly took the pair of shorts off, and kaiser's eyes widened as he saw the lingerie you were wearing.
"and you weren't going to show me this, schatz?" he admired the way the shade of blue— the same color as the tips of his hair and tattoo— looked on your skin. "how mean."
before you could open your mouth to respond, he had already put you back on his muscular thigh, which was still covered by the gray fabric of his sweatpants.
his grip on your waist was sure to have you bruising as he slowly began to guide you to rock back and forth on his thigh. the friction wasn't much, but you don't remember the last time you had even bothered to touch yourself— paired with the fact that you were currently on top your insanely attractive boyfriend— his thigh felt like heaven.
you let out little whimpers and short moans that kaiser found cute. "feels good, yeah?" he asked as you began to put your hands on his shoulders and pick up the pace, trying to chase your high.
"so gooood," you moaned out, the way your cunt rubbed against the lingerie and the rough surface of his leg along with the occasional bounce of his thigh and encouragement he'd whisper into your ear.
"you look so good like this, i don't know why i didn't do this earlier," he frowned, watching the way you arched your back and leaned your head forward to meet the crook of his neck to muffle your sounds.
kaiser had always thought you were a relatively pure girl, not once hearing you say anything remotely dirty or insinuate having sex with him. for fucks sake, even the makeouts were tame enough. but having you on his thigh, not a thought behind those eyes except of how good it feels— he wanted to absolutely ruin you.
"never thought a pretty angel like you would want to drool all over my thigh." if you were in the right state of mind, you would've been mortified over the patch of wetness that was growing on his sweatpants, but right now it was the least of your worries.
he focused his attention on your neck, nibbling and biting until little blossoms of purple appeared all over, trailing down to your collarbone. his hands snuck under your shirt, unclasping your bra, earning a gasp from you. the cold from his hands made shivers run down your spine even as he toyed with your hardened nipples.
"wanna cum," you moaned out, feeling yourself get tired from doing all the work yourself. "help meee."
he felt his dick twitch in his pants as soon as you looked up at him with glossy, half-lidded eyes. he's dreamed of seeing you like this, and now that he had you like this right in front of him, he wasn't going to miss this opportunity.
"help with what? you can use your words." you only responded with a whine, mind still not foggy enough for you to shamelessly beg for him.
"p-please," you stammered, hoping that would be enough to satisfy him.
"please what? i still don't know what you need help with." you nearly scowled, trembling as he pressed his thigh harder against your covered cunt.
"i wanna cum so bad, kaiser pleaseee— wan' your help."
"now that wasn't so hard, was it schatz? of course i'll let a dirty girl like you get off on me." him putting it that way had you whining, but soon he had you moaning out his name, clawing at his clothed back.
"oh f-fuckfuckfuck, m' close!" you cried out.
"gonna make a mess for me angel? go ahead."
he watched as your hips spasmed and a drawn-out moan left your lips, helping you ride your climax out as eventually you slowed to a stop.
you look down, peering at how uncomfortable his pants seemed to be on him.
"mmm, jus' want you inside." you pleaded, a hand reaching over to palm him. he let out a hiss and looked conflicted— he was deciding if he should just fuck you right here on the couch or if he should take a moment to bring you to the bed.
deciding on the latter, he carried you bridal style to your bedroom. he let you lie on the bed as he took off his sweatpants, his boxers quickly following. you gaped at his sheer size.
"it won't fit," you complained. you, weren't exactly complaining, but you had no idea how he was even going to get past the tip.
"i just need to get you ready for me. it'll fit." he wasn't gonna lie, you whining about his size out of all things made his ego get even bigger than it already was. you nodded, trusting him.
"sloppy fucking cunt is so wet for me," he cooed as he pulled your panties to the side and slid a slender finger in. you squirmed as he began to curl his finger, adding another finger and picking up the pace. the lewd squelches echoed throughout the room.
he was prodding everywhere but your g-spot— it was on purpose, his enjoyment of not giving you what you wanted clearly written all over his face. maybe he'd make you beg for it again.
"nghh... gonna cum again," you mewled.
"you're not gonna fucking cum until i say so," he narrowed his eyes, blond and blue hair framing his face.
"wh-what?" you wailed as he pulled his fingers out, hands shooting out to stop him. "why'd you stoppp."
your slick covered his fingers, which he quickly lapped up in front of you. your face felt hot, the scene in front of you as obscene as he could make it. without a care in the world, he let out slurping sounds and snickered when he saw your flustered face.
"be patient," he glowered as he slapped his tip against your clit, teasing you as you whined. you furrowed your eyebrows, done with all his teasing.
your mouth shaped into an o-shape as you felt him slide himself in.
"shit... this pussy was made for me."
"wait-ah...you're too biggg..." you felt yourself getting dizzy over the feeling of him stretching you out, biting your bottom lip to prevent yourself from drooling all over the pillow.
"doing s'good for me." he bottomed out, and he had to physically stop himself from immediately pounding into you with the way you literally sucked him in and enveloped him. slowly he began to thrust into you, you gripping the sheets. the sheer length and girth of him was nothing like you've ever experienced before.
"ha-harder— faster...please," you trailed off as he sped up upon your request, not able to hold himself back from messing up your insides.
although it was your first time having sex with him, it was like he could just tell what made you feel good, what spots made you see stars upon stars, and what made you mind simply go blank.
kaiser was probably saying something to you, but you weren't able to understand anything, your brain dumb and unable to do anything but feel the dick that was burying into you.
"k-kaiserrr, feels too good," you felt tears pool at the corner of your eyes. "no more, no mo'"
"'no more, no more"' he mocked your moans. "you say that, but you're the one who keeps grinding back on my cock like the whore you are. didn't you just tell me to go faster?"
you didn't even notice how you were trying to move your hips back onto him— not like it would've changed anything. you would've lost it if he had actually heeded your pleas and stopped moving.
he suddenly flipped you over, making you face him as he threw your legs over his shoulders, nearly bending you in half. you looked up at him questioningly, meeting his darkened and dilated eyes.
without warning, he went back to his usual brutal pace, every thrust ending with a whine from you or a soft grunt from him. then he hit that spongey spot in you that had your vision go white. you let out an unusually loud moan that bordered a scream, and thats when kaiser knew he found what he was looking for.
"right here," he whispered under his breath as he began to bully his cock right into your g-spot, leaving you breathless and burying your head into your hands to muffle your moans. he used one of his hands to grab your wrists and pin them above your head.
"i want to hear those pretty moans of yours, liebling." you didn't even have the mind to be self-conscious anymore, you just wanted him to finally cum inside you.
oh, he loved the way that he made you dumber and dumber by the minute. he loved the way your gummy walls clenched around him. he loved the way his sweet little girl was crying and bumbling right under him. he loved everything about you.
he brought his head down to give you a quick kiss, feeling you try to get your hands out of his grasp.
"wanna feel you so bad," you pleaded, and he decided to let go, your glistening doe eyes convincing him. you immediately began to tug on his hair and then forced him down into another kiss— this time much more deeper and longer. he felt you bite on his lips, tongue brushing everywhere as the kiss was reduced to you just wanting to get as close as you can to kaiser, wanting to feel and taste as much as him as you could.
he pulled away to give you some air, a string of saliva connecting the two of you as you cried out.
"i t-think im gonna—"
"cum for me princess." his coaxing voice paired with the way he played with your clit finally brought you over the edge.
the way you almost sang his name when you came almost had him following right after you, but he wanted this to last as long as possible, even with the thick white ring that was making its way to the base of his cock.
the overstimulation was too much for you to handle, to the point where it was like you were silently screaming. it hurt, but it was too good.
"where should i cum, liebling?" his thrusts were becoming frantic and the pace was uneven, as if he was going feral. you could even swear you heard a whimper or two the closer he got to his climax.
"inside! insideinsideinside—" you babbled, wanting to finally feel him fill you up.
"f-fuck," his voice cracked as he rammed his hips into yours one last time, bringing you close as he hid his head into your chest to suppress any other sounds. you could swear that he skimmed your cervix.
after your cunt had finished milking him dry, both of you were breathing heavily, not saying a word. you assumed that kaiser was simply calming down before pulling out, but a nearly a minute passed and he never did.
"k-kaiser?" you quipped. your thighs were still trembling, and you could feel the mix of your fluids trailing out of your pussy. "are you gonna pull out?"
"did i ever say i was done?"
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sorry lol i actually hate this one
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
After The End
Pairing: Bucky x Reader/former Steve x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: idk... there's lots of arguing and resentment
Genre: mostly angst some fluff here and there
Summary: It took you ages to put yourself back together when Steve chose to stay in the 40s, what happens when he comes back two years after
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Life after Thanos was hard. Watching some of your closest friends disappear was not something you would ever be able to forget. Especially with those of you that were left scattered around trying to patch up what could be saved. Those five years were hard, but harder still was having almost everyone you loved return only to lose others. If you had known that beating Thanos would mean losing your boyfriend you might not have tried so hard. It's selfish to think that way, you know it is but you had a whole life planned with Steve, and being heroes you knew there was a chance you wouldn't get to see it through but losing him like this was- almost too much to bare. All he had to do was return the stupid stones to where you'd gotten them from to save the universe. It was supposed to be simple and there was something soul shattering about him choosing not to return to the team, to you. He took the stones back and then he stayed. Chose a life with Peggy that was never his rather than the life with you that he already had. It was agony, for months you were heartbroken. But you got through it. You mourned that life you envisioned, you mourned him, and while you'll probably always love him, you refused to let his choice destroy you. And you considered yourself lucky because Bucky was there for you through it all. On nights that were really bad, Bucky would stay with you even if you were up all night.
You aren't entirely sure when it happened, even now, looking back on it you can't pinpoint the moment late night conversations and afternoons completing chores became... more than that. You guess in spending so much time together you started to see Bucky in a different light. You'd always cared for him but what happened with Steve seems to have created a level of closeness you didn't expect. That first night that you kissed him was unexpected even to you. You'd been talking about nothing of consequence, he was lying on the floor of your room while you were in your bed, both of you staring at your ceiling for the most part. There was a lull in the conversation so you said the thing that had only clicked for you the week before at that point.
"I can't believe I let myself feel inadequate for so long." You sighed. You'd convinced yourself, for weeks, that Steve leaving was because you weren't enough, and only now were you coming to your senses about it.
"I'm sorry." Bucky had whispered it so quietly you almost thought he wasn't talking to you.
"You're sorry? For what? You didn't make him leave." You scoffed at him.
"For letting you feel less than perfect."
"Come on Buck, that's not on you." You'd rotated onto your stomach with a chuckle at his words. He'd cracked one eye open to look at you when he realized you were staring at him. Before you let yourself think about it too hard, you had leaned over the edge of your bed and kissed Bucky. It was quick and a bit awkward because of the angle but you made sure not to shy away from his surprised stare after.
"Did you just-" Bucky didn't even finish the question.
"Yeah. I guess I did." You'd smiled slowly watching a slight pink warm Bucky's cheeks.
You wish you could simply say 'and the rest is history' but that makes it seem like things were way easier than they were. It wasn't a smooth transition by any means. That night neither of you spoke for far too long, and when you could muster up something to say it wasn't to address the rapidly growing elephant in the room- it was to dispell the tension. You and Bucky spent two weeks dancing around the subject before he finally asked you if you were even ready for another relationship after Steve. That's when it clicked, why he'd been avoiding it in the first place, he was considering the possibility you were rebounding. Understandable concern but nope. It had been months, almost a year actually, since Steven had left. You knew you were in a place to begin again and you wanted to do it with Bucky.
Now the rest is history. You've been together ever since. About a year and a half at this point and you can't remember the last time you were this happy. The two of you meshed so well you can't believe there was a time you thought your future was with another man. You smile to yourself as you think about it while working on a painting. There's a knock at the front door that you almost don't hear.
"Y/n can you get the door? I'm in the bathroom!" Bucky shouts.
"Oh shit, of course!" You put down your brush and head to the door. You can't describe the shock that gripped you when you open the door.
"Steven." You blink at him.
"Hey. Nat- told me you'd moved. Luckily she uh, had your new address so-" He trails off with a shrug.
"Look not to- sound rude or anything, like I'm glad to see you, I think but, what are you doing here?" You ask.
"I thought- I thought I knew what I wanted but I got it wrong. I got it so wrong. My life- my happiness, it's here. With you." Steve steps towards you and you instinctively step back, placing a hand up gently to indicate your boundary.
"Hang on a second Steve. Just because your plan didn't work out doesn't mean you can just waltz back into my life like nothing's changed."
"Y/n! Who's at the door?" Bucky's voice calls from inside.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." You call back.
"I- didn't realize you'd have company." Steve mutters.
"Oh I don't. That's-" Before you can explain, Bucky's asking something, now walking over to join you at the front door.
"So who's this unbelievable surprise guest of-" Bucky's hands drop from where they were just about to settle on your waist when he finally glances out your door. "Steve." He says stepping back.
"Told you, you wouldn't believe me." You toss over your shoulder.
"Hey pal. Long time no see." Steve says. You can't tell if he's totally put it together yet but the strain in his voice tells you he at least knows something's changed between you and his best friend.
"I'll say. What happened to growing old with Carter?" Bucky asks, stepping around you to half hug Steve and offer a shoulder pat.
"I realized that- wasn't the life I wanted. I mean it was once upon a time but, not anymore. Things have changed." Steve shrugs.
"I see." Bucky nods.
"Well, Steve you're welcome to stay here with us while you- get back on your feet in the 21st century! Right Buck? Or I can send you over to Sam, he's back in Louisiana with family right now but I'm sure he'd love to see you too." You say.
"Oh, yeah, we can set him up in the extra room although- your art stuff is in there, did you want me to move it into my office or should I put it in your room?" Bucky hums.
"Do you have space in your office? Cuz I definitely can set it up in my room-"
"There's tons of space in my office." Bucky shrugs before you can finish. Steve clears his throat and you turn your attention back to him.
"Sorry to interrupt your- logistical discussion about all this, I j- I didn't realize you two were living together." Steve says.
"It's been two years. Like you said, things have changed." You say.
"You haven't told him?" Bucky looks at you.
"Well in my defense I was about to when you walked over here and the conversation kinda pivoted." You say.
"Okay well, do you want to do it or should I?" Bucky asks.
"I mean I don't want to but- it should be me, yeah." You mutter.
"Okay, can we stop doing this sidebar thing you guys are doing? Tell me- what exactly?" Steve asks. Bucky's hand settles comfortingly against your back, it's out of Steve's line of sight and you appreciate it greatly.
"Bucky- Bucky's my partner." You say.
"In the- you go on missions together sense or the 'my girlfriend is dating my best friend' sense?" Steve asks.
"It's been two years Steve-"
"So you replace me with my closest friend?"
"No. I moved on and yeah it was with Bucky but that was by chance it wasn't about you at all. Don't make it personal."
"You just happen to move on with my best bud? It feels pretty personal." He scoffs.
"Okay! Let's settle down. Steve, if you're gonna take our offer to stay I will show you to your room. Nat has some of your things at her place, the rest of it is in a storage unit. I'll take you down after." Bucky interrupts the would-be argument by changing the subject. You step out of the doorway to let Steve walk in as Bucky tugs him along.
"Why are my things at Nat's?" Steve asks.
"Well some of the more valuable things y/n held onto for a while but when she didn't want to keep them around here anymore we gave them to Nat to look after until we came up with a better plan since we didn't wanna leave them in a storage unit we'd barely go to." Bucky explains as the pair walk further into the house. You can't hear Steve's reply as you walk into the kitchen to regroup. Letting him stay here is going to make shit so weird. You sigh to yourself, with any luck he'll get on his feet pretty quickly and this will only last a couple of months. You can do a couple of months.
The first few weeks are, tense. You're not sure if Bucky is as aware of it as you are but your house is awkward and quiet most hours since Steve showed up. It's like most of your routines have been disrupted and you're not sure which ones are best left for after he's gone. Right now you're on your balcony with a cup of tea. When you glance over the ledge, you see Steve trudging into view. You watch curiously to figure out what he's doing, not even realizing Bucky's snuck up behind you until his arms settle around your waist.
"Penny for your thoughts my darling?" Bucky asks.
"Things are weird. Maybe I shouldn't have offered to let him stay here." You frown.
"Don't be silly. You wouldn't be you if you hadn't offered." Bucky chuckles.
"Sure but- now I'm worried I've put us- put you in an uncomfortable situation." Bucky spins you around to face him. His hand comes up to the side of your face, fingers grazing your cheek softly.
"I'm fine. Are you uncomfortable with him being here? Because I can suggest he spend some time checking in with the others if you'd-"
"No, I don't want to kick him out. I just- I don't want you to lose him because of me." You say taking his hand in yours kiss his knuckles.
"If 70 years and Russian brainwashing couldn't destroy our friendship I think we can make it past this." Bucky winks at you. You glance over the balcony again in time to see Steve toss some wood at a growing pile.
"What is he doing? Why is he piling wood?" Your eyebrows scrunch up.
"You can just ask him you know." Bucky muses.
"It's not harming anyone. I don't need to know." You shake your head.
"You wanna ask don't you?"
"It's just strange." You say fighting a smile.
"Just ask." Bucky laughs leaving you to your tea on the balcony. A moment later you let your curiosity get the better of you and lean against the metal railing of the balcony.
"Steve hon, what on earth are you doing?" You ask him.
"A tree fell, so- I'm breaking it down into firewood."
"Stevie it's August, we're not using the fireplace." You shake your head with a laugh.
"Better safe than sorry." He shrugs.
"You must be incredibly bored." You muse.
"No, I just like to be prepared." He says. "Alright, I'm a little bored." He adds with a sigh after a moment.
"Well if you need something to do- I was catching up with Nat the other day, she said a couple of the tenants in her building moved out for whatever reason, you should talk to her about applying." You tell him.
"I'll give her a call." He squints up at you.
"Good." You nod heading back into the apartment. That's honestly the longest conversation you've had since the day he moved in. Usually, you spend all day avoiding him- or he spends all day avoiding you- you're not sure but you don't speak really, except you make a point to ask him about dinner, if he has plans, or if he'd like to join you and Bucky. You're a good host, but you don't talk to each other much. Not that you expect any different, you were together for six years and he up and left but he's back now- and things are not what he thought they'd be. What else could be said honestly?
You actually don't mind the silence between you two, because the day Steve decides to break that pattern brings forth the worst conversation. The type you've been dreading since the moment he appeared at your door. You're cleaning around the apartment and Steve offered to help, first you worked in silence, just the music from your speaker filling the air until a particular song came on. One you played for Steve once that he immediately fell in love with. It became your song. You only recently stopped associating the song with him but you forgot it was in this playlist otherwise you would've picked another one.
"You still listen to this song?" Steve asks. You keep your back turned to him as you wipe down the coffee table.
"Of course I do. I knew the song before- it was, ours." You say.
"This is the first time I've heard it in a while." He muses.
"Duh the song didn't exist until the 2010s." You scoff.
"Yeah I guess that's- that's true. It's strange though, that awareness of what's to come."
"Yeah that's why most of sci fi warns you not to go time jumping."
"You clean with different products now." Steve points out. You're not sure what he's trying to do here but you are in no mood to dance around awkwardness with him.
"Scented products are easier for Bucky. He says plain bleach  smells too sterile." You mutter. It's Bucky that buys most of the cleaning products anyway, but he always buys citrus stuff.
"It's not easy, you know, seeing my best friend with the love of my life every day." Steve says after a stretch of silence. At this, you turn to face him, trying to stifle that frustration bubbling inside you.
"You left me. Left us. Not the other way around Steve. You don't get to complain about us having picked up the pieces." You tell him.
"I still love you, that's not something I can just pretend isn't there." He says.
"And I love Bucky." You shrug.
"Not me?"
"It doesn't matter." You shake your head.
"It does."
"If it mattered to you at all you would've never left." You grit out.
"So say it." He says quietly.
"Tell me you don't love me."
"Say it. If what we had is truly all in the past for you tell me you don't love me. That there's no place in your heart for me and- I'll move on."
"This isn't fair." You shake your head.
"No! You got the life with Peggy that you thought you wanted. You abandoned me. Now you're asking me to choose you when you didn't choose me. How can you expect me to do that?"
"I'm choosing you now!"
"And I've chosen Bucky. I wanted the world with you. All you had to do was come back to me. And you didn't. It's too late now Steve. You needed to choose me two years ago."
"You still haven't said-"
"I don't love you. That's what you want to hear? You lost me the day you chose not to come back. I shouldn't have to spell it out for you. I chose Bucky, yes. But you-" Deep breath. "If you can't handle me and Bucky together in our home then- maybe you should go stay with Sam or Natasha." You say. You're not going to argue with him.
"Are you kicking me out?"
"I'm offering you an alternative- because, I will not be choosing you. Not now, not ever again, you had your chance and if you can't come to terms with that, if it's too difficult to be around reminders that you fucked up and I kept living life without you then by all means don't destroy your mental health staying here. You have other friends."
"How can you expect me to just- pretend what we had means nothing? How can you pretend it means nothing?"
"I'm not asking you to pretend shit. I also am not pretending it means nothing I'm just aware of the reality that it's over and that's something you need to come to terms with because you left and Bucky made me feel alive again when your leaving nearly killed me. It's been two years, did you think I would simply be waiting indefinitely for you to decide I was worth something to you again?"
"Wait a second you have always been worth something to me. You've always been worth everything." Steve frowns.
"You don't get to say that! You don't abandon people that are 'worth everything' to you. You chose someone else and that's a choice you have to live with." You say, your finger practically in his face. The sound of the apartment door opening disrupts your anger enough that you step back.
"Hey guys- did I miss something?" Bucky frowns looking between you two even though you've already stopped back over to the coffee table. Bucky's quick to come to your side, scanning your face for any clues as to what's going on, although he heard the last bit of what you said as he was coming down the hall. "Baby?" He coaxes gently, his fingers stroking against your side.
"I'm gonna go to Sam's for a little while." Steve grits out.
"Feel free to stay there." You clip before you can stop yourself. Steve's footfalls pause for a moment at your words but he doesn't respond before eventually he trudges out the front door.
"Feel free to stay there?! What... happened while I was out?" Bucky asks with a disbelieving chuckle.
"He has... a lot of nerve." You force out through clenched teeth.
"You're gonna have to give me more details than that so I can understand what's wrong doll."
"He just told me how hard it is to watch his best friend with the 'love of his life' every day. The love of his life that he left to be with a woman that lived and died without him. He asked me to choose him. Because after two years I'm supposed to still love the man that left me. Because it's not enough that he almost destroyed me the last time. Because for some reason he thinks I'd rather be picked two years too late."
"He's hurting."
"Yeah well, so was I. Two years ago. He'll live. I did." You shrug. Bucky pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head as he gently sways you both back and forth. You lived through hell that day you realized Steve chose a life with Peggy. You'd be damned if you ever let that happen again.
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exhaslo · 6 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch16
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13, Ch14, Ch15
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, torture, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, praise, shower sex, aftercare
The sky was cloudy as snow started to fall heavily upon the city. A sudden chill ran up your spine as you tried to cover yourself up in the blanket some more. The heat was on, but you still felt the cold from outside.
Your body felt weak and exhausted from yesterday. While there was the relief of Eddie never bothering you again, just seeing him still brought you down in the dumps. He always made you feel sick to your stomach. At least Miguel was here to ease your worries.
Reaching out to your loving boyfriend, you let out a whimper. You felt congested and dizzy. Snuggling into Miguel, you coughed and closed your eyes again. He felt so warm and comforting. Perfect to go back to sleep too.
"Hn, (Y/N)? You don't sound too well," Miguel muttered as he started to wake up. You coughed again,
"I'm...fine...just need...some more...rest," You whispered tiredly, "Long...day yes...terday..."
Miguel sat up, stroking your head as you started to drift back into a deep slumber. He let out a soft sigh, knowing that this was partly his fault. Miguel was worried that taking you yesterday would push you too far and it did. The stress of it all had gotten you sick. So today was probably not going to be the best for you either.
"Baby, I have to head out, but I promise to be back early and to bring you some medicine, okay?" Miguel whispered as he kissed your head.
"Mhmm," You lazily replied in your sleep.
As Miguel scooted off the bed, he heard your whine and chuckled. You were reaching out for him, how tempting. If Miguel were to get back into the bed, then he might take advantage of your cute sickly body.
As painful as it was, Miguel got ready for another day of work. He would rather stay by your side, but what he was doing today was for you. Calling Lyla, Miguel did make sure that someone would be here for you if you need help.
He wasn't going to let his future wife be lonely.
Once Lyla arrived, Miguel made his way out. His phone was blowing up with messages from Peter, and Miguel knew why. A clear smirk was on his face as Miguel had all of the pieces start to stick together. This was going to be a glorious puzzle once completed.
This was personal. Miguel made sure to keep his guests waiting. Entering the supermarket with Hobie and Ben behind him, Miguel approached the deli. He glanced over at your former Supervisor and just gave a simple nod.
"Attention customers, due to a spill in the cleaning aisle, we must ask that everyone leave the store. Again, please exit the store in a timely fashion. We apologize for any inconvenience." The supervisor spoke over the loud speaker.
Miguel glanced as one of the workers 'accidently' spilled two chemicals that were definitely not supposed to mix. As he entered the third freezer, Miguel just smirked towards the loud yelling and bickering coming from inside.
"This is NOT what we signed up for!!!!" Your mother screamed at the top of her lungs.
"We've been waiting here for hours!! You had my wife sleep on some shitty ass apartment floor! NOT A HOTEL! Where is your boss?!" Your father added.
"Right here," Miguel said calmly as he appeared before the two, "Was there something wrong with your accommodations?"
"Something wrong?! Everything was wrong!! Your lackey-"
"Ow," Peter whispered childishly.
"Told us that we were going to be treated like royalty! Given a five star hotel for the night and all inclusive dinner and breakfast! We received non of that! He threw us in a disgusting apartment building and we had to sleep on the floor!!! Are you going to compensate for our back pain?!" You father screamed. Your mother huffed and pitched in,
"We were given no dinner! No breakfast! Then you have us wait in this accursed place!"
"Oh? So if the apartment was not fitting for you, then why was it good enough for your daughter?" Miguel questioned before snapping his fingers, "As for food, I did bring you something."
"Pfft, daughter? What do you know about (Y/N)?" Your father asked with a scoff and saw a table being brought out.
"What I know, is that I plan to make your daughter my wife-"
"Haha! She's already engaged. You may have bought our supermarket, but what do you have to offer for our daughter's hand in marriage despite shitty service?" Your mother huffed and sat down in the seats that were given to them, "Besides, she will be marrying a fine young man soon. It's too late."
Miguel felt his smirk disappear as his anger started to show. Your parents were truly evil. It was for the best that you weren't here. You may have stood up to Eddie, but parents were another thing. Hell, not even Miguel could really stand up to his own mother.
"Do you mean Eddie?" Miguel asked as Hobie set two covered plates in front of your parents. Your father seemed to have beamed at the name,
"You know of him? Good!"
"Yes, I know of him. He's made quite a name for himself here in the city, but enough about that for now. You two must be starving. Enjoy your meal."
Miguel's smile returned as he watched your parents uncover their dishes and nearly cheered at the sight. Miguel was calm as he watched your parents stuff their faces while his men had to resist their laughter.
"At least the food is up to par with our standards. I've never tasted something so delicious! What is the main meat for this dish?" Your father asked. Miguel chuckled darkly,
"For you, I believe that would be Eddie's balls...for your wife, his dick."
Within the second, both started to cough and spit their food out. The two looked at their plate in horror. Miguel leaned back in his seat,
"As I mentioned, Eddie did make quite a name for himself here. So much so that I had to put a stop to him. To think that you would let such a horrible influence get near your daughter in the first place, disgusts me." Miguel slammed his fist against the table, "The pain that you two brought her. The pain that you ignored? The two of you are insects to me."
"You can make as many threats as you want-"
"Threats?" Miguel chuckled once more as Jessica dropped some pictures, "As you can see, Eddie is just barely breathing. I made sure he suffered just as much as (Y/N) and some. Do you really think I brought you two here for small talk?"
"W-Who-" You mother nearly froze in fear as she started to understand the situation they were in, "W-What do you want from us?"
"What I want is to have you skinned and killed, but (Y/N) will cry if I do such a thing to her parents. She resents you, but still cares. Isn't that nice? Your daughter still has a heart for demons like yourself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have to know about this."
"As if we won't tell-"
"Tell her what?" Miguel pushed your father down and pressed a gun to his head, "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me right now to not pull this trigger?"
"Please! Please don't kill him!" Your mother cried, "We'll do anything! Please!"
"Finish your meal. I want to see that plate spotless." Miguel waited until the two of them started to eat again, "Don't puke. You still have plenty more meals after this. Can't let anyone find Eddie's body now, can we?"
Miguel slowly returned to his seat, watching your parents cry as they forced themselves to eat. Now, Miguel had never done anything this cruel before and of course, he wasn't actually planning on feeding Eddie to your parents.
Just his junk.
But the fear in their eyes was enough for now. Eddie's use was finally done, so Miguel could finish him off and dump his body in the river. Once the plates were clean, Miguel slid a document over to your parents.
"Read and sign. You will never contact (Y/N) again. She will make that decision on her own. You will nullify the marriage for I will be taking (Y/N) as my wife. If you mention anything about this, then you'll be joining Eddie. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes." They both said in unison.
Miguel watched as your parents quickly signed the contract. Once the deed was done, Miguel removed himself from the room and told everyone to do what they pleased. Your parents were quick to cry for help, begging for their lives.
They weren't going to die, but they will wish they did.
You sniffed and cried into your pillow, complaining about not being able to breathe and missing Miguel. Lyla found it both cute and slightly annoying. The fact that you loved Miguel so much despite him being such a brute was the annoying part.
"It's okay, he'll be back soon. The vampire doesn't like his sun," Lyla teased.
"Stop calling me that," Miguel said with a heavy sigh as he placed some medicine and a bag down.
"M-Miguel!" You sobbed, reaching out for him. Miguel chuckled as he dismissed Lyla, "M-Miggy! I missed you."
"I missed you too, baby." Miguel hummed as he picked you up. Your arms wrapped around him immediately, "Let's get you washed up."
You hummed happily, resting your head against his shoulder. Miguel undressed the both of you and filled the tub. His warm embrace, keeping you at ease. Miguel kept you between his legs once the bath was filled.
"I brought you some Pho, thought you could use something hot to ease your throat." Miguel kissed your head as his hands roamed your body. You muffled a quiet moan,
"T-Thank you, Miggy," You cooed, his hands groping your breasts, "H-How...was...y-your day?" You asked.
Miguel kissed your neck, making your already fuzzy brain even more rattled. Your breathing got heavier as Miguel's hands kept teasing your body. You turned to face Miguel, burying your head against his neck as you whimpered and moan.
"Accomplished," Miguel replied as his hands started to rub your clit, "I was able to get everything I wanted done."
Your arms snaked around his neck as you started to move your hips to his hands. Your body was already burning up and weak, causing you to reach your orgasm quicker than usual. Miguel must have found this amusing since he chuckled.
"Awe, is my good girl a little more sensitive today?" He teased, his finger now inside you, curling against your gummy walls, "Don't worry, I won't tease you for long. Gotta wash you up,"
"M-Miggy~" You moaned with a cough.
Your vision was blurry enough as it was, but you could still see Miguel's loving expression. You cried out as Miguel slid his cock into your folds, starting his rough charade of thrusts. Your grip was tighter against his neck as you cried and moaned his name.
"Such a good girl, taking me in so well," Miguel grunted as he held your waist, "I'm going to take such good care of you from now on,"
"Ah~ Hah~ M-Mig~" You shivered, clenching against his dick as you cam once more. Miguel pulled you in for a kiss before giving you a load of his seed,
"You don't have anything to worry about now, (Y/N)" He said with a grunt, pressing your back against the wall as he turned the shower on now, "You're safe with me,"
"Mhm~ Y-Yes....I-I am~" You agreed, barely able to hold onto him.
Miguel realized that he was getting carried away and decided to just give you one more load of him. He grunted as he held you in place, enjoying the last of your sickly moans and whimpers. With a heavy sigh as he felt you suck his dick in, Miguel waited for him to finish cumming before pulling out.
"Shh, can't waste all you're energy, baby. You still need to eat and take your medicine," Miguel said with a chuckle as he cleaned you up.
You squirmed slightly in place, muffling small whines as Miguel washed your body. His hands were still so hot compared to your burning skin. Feeling yourself being lifted, you leaned against Miguel as he carried you out of the shower.
"Don't fall asleep yet," Miguel whispered as he dried you.
"Shirt..." You pleaded.
Miguel complied and gave you one of his shirts to wear. He dressed himself once he finished with you and carried you back to the bedroom. Sitting you in his lap, Miguel helped fed you the soup and gave you the medicine.
"Get a good's night rest, (Y/N). I have a lot to tell you tomorrow." Miguel whispered as he kissed your head.
next chapter (final)
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline @vvampir3s @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @secretadmirerisnowonline @jadeloverxd @bunnibitez @oharasfilipinawife @randomgoosegame @lilbanas @daisy-artfield @axi-moore @mimiemie @darkfairy102190 @jazzyj1011 @mcmiracles @innercreationflower @spoderssimp @thel0velykey190 @moonvoidpng @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @scaleniusrm @love4saturn @nyxgoddessofchaos13 @slutty-chronicles @ghstypaint @migueloharastruelove @brainmatterdump @a060403 @trendyharold @yannauauau @kimivixen @angel-xx-1 @nxrdamp @miguelzslvtz @lynxslokley @wafflefries786 @pochapo @what-the-jams @flaps200 @ii-angelsrolltheireyes-ii @nakimushiohime @tojishugetiddies @aya-world @supercowgirl04 @mysteris-things @daisy-artfield @mcmiracles @alexa4040 @llama--drama @kpopscoups17130000 @havkjhdecs @ruexvn @tojishugetiddi @openup-yourmind @black-swan-blog27 @xstarsdiary @kiddisquacking @gachagator @yujyujj @emmyrxx @blackteamint @sockears @black-swan-blog27 @soraya-daydreams @byjessicalotufo @nanoinn @bunnibitez @aockskcw @l3laze @dimitri-needs-therapy
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belit0 · 9 months
ahh, i just found out tobirama was about 40 when he became hokage! which makes him even hotter🤭. can you do a hokage tobirama and his young pregnant shy wife meeting his family and like people around the village
I need to EXPLICTLYYYY know where you got that information from bc confirming that he was a daddy brings a different flavor to his character🫠❤️‍🩹
For clarification purposes: Madara is blind in this piece. Hashirama healed Izuna before he died, under Madara's acceptance of peace, and Aniki never took his younger brother's eyes, preferring to go blind rather than steal his sight.
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No one dares to look him in the eye, let alone question the possessive hand that won't let go of (Y/N)'s hips. Her belly is too prominent to deny the situation, but no one is used to seeing the current Hokage with his wife.
Senju Tobirama devoted himself to hiding the woman he promised as a bride, unable to tolerate stares at her and unfortunate comments. Both men and women would send lust and desire toward her, and he would have no way to stop them all. What better remedy than to shelter (Y/N) until his ownership is undeniable?
Tobirama can be quite capricious.
The man even went as far as not allowing his own older brother to meet her, Hashirama himself excluded from the equation. To think that the former Hokage could betray his younger brother like that was ridiculous to everyone, but it wasn't about lust with him. No.
Tobirama hid (Y/N) because he refused to lose the one ray of light in his life (after Anija's solar shower, of course). His past is made up of death and disappointment, built as an unfeeling weapon of war by his father, robbed of the ability to empathize with anyone until the creation of Konoha.
His wife brought a peace he didn't know he needed into his life, a breath of fresh air even as nations struggled to not cooperate with peace, freedom among so much horror and suffering. (Y/N) showed him that life could be spent out of survival mode, that he could relax for sleep and accept another person into his bed without danger.
Having found what he always sought without knowing it, Tobirama could not afford to lose it.
Keeping her away from everything and everyone (beyond his possible jealousy) was also composed by the need to protect her, to remove her from the spotlight that inevitably comes with being the Hokage's future wife, to prevent her from being used against him. The albino's attitudes were based on affection, but now that (Y/N) is round with his creation, full of him, he can't help but proudly display her.
He strolls through the market streets with his head held high and his wife tightly in his grip, shooting hostile glances at anyone who looks at them for more than five minutes at a time. Of course he expects people to be surprised, but he doesn't want her to end up with the evil eye either.
"Hokage-Sama! Here, here!" shouts a little old lady from his favorite food stall. He can't ignore people from his village, those who trust him, and comes up to her stall to give her a smile unbecoming of Tobirama. "You look very happy, Hokage-Sama!"
"Ah... how could a man not be, having such a beautiful woman by his side?" And (Y/N) blushes, waving slightly at the little old lady and trying to hide the redness of her cheeks behind the sleeve of her yukata.
The elderly woman smiles, and hands them both a small package of food without accepting anything in return, "here, here, take this, enjoy life!" She practically pushes them out of her stall, and they resume walking to the point they agreed on with Hashirama.
People stare and stare at them, some even dare to congratulate the Hokage, give him blessings, ask if he could feel how many children are there. Some inquiries make him uncomfortable, and with just a blunt look he gets rid of those prying eyes.
They receive more gifts along the way, offerings of love and respect, food and decorations, townspeople declaring their eagerness to meet the Hokage's offspring. Tobirama would not expect to have interacted with so many people in such a short distance, and his social battery is noticeably drained, squeezing (Y/N) more and more protectively against his body.
By the time they reach Hashirama's house, the Hokage no longer wants anything to do with anyone.
"Ayoooooo! Tobi! You made it!" his older brother waits for them sitting at the door, like a little kid waiting for his dad to come home from work. The problem is, Hashirama is not a child, and not little one either. He pounces on the two, wrapping his arms around them and pressing their faces to his chest, invasive and effusive as always but enhanced by (Y/N)'s presence.
"Aaaa! (Y/N)! Finally released from your confinement! It's so beautiful to finally meet you!" Anija lets go of him, only to squeeze her separately, give her kisses on the crown of her head and clench her cheeks like a grandmother. Yes, Hashirama could be compared to a grandmother. "Have you looked... I mean, in there? See what's in there? We could ask Izuna to-"
"No. It's a surprise." Tobirama pulls (Y/N) out of his arms, and hugging her enters the house he knows by heart. He heads straight for the courtyard, where he knows Hashirama (who comes behind him with his head down and feigning sadness) enjoys afternoons of tea.
Of course, he does not expect the surprise his brother has prepared for him there.
The whole clan, the whole damn family is gathered around a huge table, different from the one Anija prefers for his solitary lunches. Sitting in the two main seats, the Uchiha brothers, who have no business in a Senju house, full of Senju men and women.
Is this what peace looks like? Graphically represented? Tobirama wants to vomit.
"TOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" He is greeted by his entire family as a whole, and the elders soon hover over both of them. Females kidnap (Y/N) to shower her with questions and love, all a carbon copy of how Hashirama behaves but boosted to the tenth.
The albino is also abducted, but by the young men and his older brother, who seems to have regained his cheerfulness. They sit him down in front of the Uchiha brothers, and it's like sending a cow to the slaughter.
"Tobi Tobes... I didn't know your family called you like that, neither that your wife was SO pregnant... He hides too many things from us, right Aniki?" Izuna starts, as usual, not missing a chance to poke him with whatever comes in front of him.
"How many children do you have there? 3? She's... prominent!"
"Get my wife out of your mouth before I make you remember why the war existed in the first place." It's a blunt threat, and the young men around him tense up. Peace is old at this point, but the habits of a life that no longer exists are hard to forget.
"He's joking! Yes, yes, he's kidding! No tobi?" Hashirama tries to disperse the waters, and it works, at least with those who don't know them inside out. Madara knows what's coming, and so does he somehow.
"You want me to see how many are there? With the Sharingan, I mean... it's not like I actually want to get inside-"
"Izuna. Enough." Aniki tries, and succeeds until the albino glares at his little brother.
"Madara... you're blind, but if only could you see the size of that woman's belly..."
"IZUNA!" This time it's Hashirama, who gets indignant every time the Uchiha speaks so lightly about his brother's eye condition. Maybe it's the way they both have of cooperating with the situation, but it's still terrible in his ears.
The Uchiha leader chuckles under his breath, and it's all the validation Izuna needs to go on.
"So, what do you say, Tobi Tobes, want to check it out?" and before he can activate his Dōjutsu, two huge branches stop them both. Tobirama, who was in the process of pulling out a kunai and jumping to his throat, is imprisoned in his seat. Izuna, about to reveal the mystery the couple wanted to keep, has a huge trunk wrapped around his head in the eye area.
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"Fuck all of you guys." And everyone turns around in surprise, because this time it's (Y/N) doing the talking. She puts a hand on her husband's shoulder, dodging the wood on him, and gives a pleasant smile to the Uchiha brothers. "We'll find out how many children are here at the time of delivery, for the time being, I appreciate your efforts, Lord Izuna."
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vhsgoghs · 2 months
bodyguard pt 1 (Simon Riley one shot)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x female reader
Summary: (Y/N) decides to open up to her bodyguard for the first time. word count: 1780 note: English isn't my first language but i have done my best, sorry for any mistakes.
★ part 2 here ★ masterlist here ★ spanish ver on wattpad (vhsgoghs)
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She wasn't one of the typical spoiled girls who loved shopping and hated everyone. She love shopping, but she was kind and usually shy.
Or at least that was before, before that girl named Molly crossed in her life.
Molly was one of the new girls at school, but for some reason she had gained popularity too quickly and (Y/N) was just trying to fit in, no matter that it meant going out to parties with people she didn't really like at all.
But it happened again, sitting on the sofa in the living room, after having received a scolding from her bodyguard when trying to escape from home at night.
Oh yes, her bodyguard. Simon Riley, a former military man who was now in charge of taking care of children of millionaire people, or at least that was what she always said as a form of mockery, her father had been in charge of hiring the best bodyguard for his daughter.
It was annoying have a bodyguard next to you all the time, in the past she had managed to live with that feeling of having someone next to her all the time, but Simon was different, he was more like a babysitter who didn't leave her house even on his days off, especially now that her father was not at home and travel more than usual.
Simon spent all his time with her and neither of them seemed to want to become friends, but they managed to get along well, Simon did his job and (Y/N) accepted that he was only there to do his job, even if it meant ruining her social life.
And that's why she was there now, with her frown on her face, sitting on the living room couch after Simon had forbidden her from going to that party Molly organized, it was important, or at least that's what she thought. The whole school would be there and it was her chance to have some social life. In that school, having money did not mean being popular.
"Can I go to my room?" she asked dazedly. It had been almost ten minutes since Simon had been mentioning the dangers of going out alone at night and she was starting to get tired. If she wasn't going to attend to the party, she would at least go to bed early.
"No! I won't let you try to escape again."
"I'm not going to escape, jumping out of my bedroom window is so dangerous," she responded as if it were not obvious. Of course she didn't mention the part where she had already tried it before and only ended up getting hurt.
Simon narrowed his eyes, feeling a little guilty when he noticed the look of disappointment in her eyes, but letting her out at night was against his job and he was only there to obey her father's orders.
"Okay, you can go."
She nodded and didn't wait a second to leave her place on the couch and start walking towards the stairs. She had her heels in one of her hands and the dress had chosen made her uncomfortable when walking.
When she closed the door to her room, she had mixed feelings. She didn't feel upset and she didn't feel any resentment towards Simon for ruining her plans. After all, he was just doing his job, actually, she felt a strange mix of relief, she didn't even want to go to that party in the first place.
In recent weeks she had done too many things due social pressure: wearing clothes she didn't like and try to get along with people who she didn't like, a few of many.
(Y/N) sighed in frustration and changed her clothes into something much more comfortable. It was around nine at night; she still had too much time before sleep began to overcome her, maybe she would have some dinner and watch a movie before going to sleep.
She had completely forgotten to eat something and was planning to attend the party that way, where she would surely end up drinking alcohol and be much more drunk than she was supposed to. Clearly, she hadn't had her best ideas that day.
When she went down the stairs to the kitchen, she saw him again, Simon was taking some pills that she didn't know what they were for. She frowned in confusion because she had no idea that he was taking any kind of medication, after all, he was the one who took care of her, and, although she didn't like to admit it, she certainly felt somewhat safer with him at home.
"What's that?" she asked, walking up to him.
Simon forced himself to swallow the pill in the middle of his throat and looked at her. He liked to see her in certainly normal clothes; he felt like it was like saw a real part of her. (Y/N) had never treated him badly, but she didn't talk to him much. After all, he was there to take care of her, not be her best friend.
"It helps me sleep," he answered honestly.
"Do you have trouble sleeping?" she asked again, she had no idea about it and suddenly became curious about him.
"Try being a soldier most of your life and tell me if you can sleep." He tried to joke, something that seemed to work, as a small smile formed on the girl's lips, which quickly disappeared.
"I'm sorry…"
"Why?" Simon looked at her for a few seconds and turned to put the glass he had used next to the rest of the dishes.
"For you went through." She shrugged, she knew how stupid that sounded, but she couldn't help but feel guilty, empathy probably.
Simon giggled and for a second she felt like a fool. It wasn't the first time she'd tried to start a conversation with him, but she just didn't know how to approach Simon.
"Now are you interested in me?" He turned to look at her again, the situation seemed to have changed and he found it amusing.
"I have never treated you badly."
It was true, maybe they weren't the best of friends, but she had never given him any reason to hate her or at least see her as a girl he couldn't tolerate. In fact, he had tried to get along with her many times, but (Y/N) seemed to be too closed girl.
Simon wondered if she at least had a friend to talk to when she needed it, it was something he would have liked at his age.
"So, why do you insist on leaving the house at night?" he asked. Simon leaned over the bar to look at her carefully, it was something she hated.
Simon didn't seem to mind the eye contact, while for her it was the opposite, she hated eye contact and it made her feel nervous, but no matter how she looked away, she could feel his eyes on her.
"I'm just trying to fit in." She answered honestly, for the first time since Simon had become her bodyguard.
"And that justifies you getting into trouble?"
She looked up at him and shook her head. It was true, anyone else in her place would simply accept not getting permission to go out and return to her room, but not her, she had done the impossible for fear of being judged and her new friends not accepting her in their small group.
"What am I supposed to do? I don't want to spend the rest of the years without friends."
"Listen, those people will never be your friends if they don't accept you as you are." Simon sighed. He was beginning to feel like a true counselor and he was partly grateful that she wasn't refusing to listen to him.
"And what am I supposed to do?"
He thought about it for a few seconds. During his adolescence he had not been a really sociable person, he was not the right person to give tips about how to make friends.
"I will be your friend." He joked, but there was something in his tone of voice that told her it wasn't entirely a lie. "Think about it, we spend most of our time together."
She giggled and for a second it seemed like a good idea. It was the first time they had talked that way and it was actually starting to feel fun not to be fighting every second.
"I'll think about it the next time someone invites me to a party." She smiled and looked down.
The idea of sharing time with him crossed her mind and it actually didn't seem like a bad idea. Now there was only one problem: how could she ask him to spend time with her if they had never really spent time together outside of his work orders?
Not to mention that her father would go crazy when he found out that Simon had become her friend. The only reason why her father went on trips with complete peace of mind was knowing that nothing could ever happen between them, not even a friendship.
Was a simple friendship that bad?
"Okay, I'll go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow" Simon said, smiling slightly in an attempt not to break that calm atmosphere between them.
Her mind began to work too hard, her heart pounded and she thought of any way to stop him from going to his room. She didn't want to be alone, she wasn't sleepy yet and she had actually liked having a normal conversation with the man who had been living with her for several months and was in charge of her safety.
"Wait!" And although she couldn't see it, Simon smiled. He stopped and waited a few seconds until his smile faded, before finally turning around and looking at her again. "I'm not sleepy yet, do you want to watch a movie?"
It was a stupid idea. The words had come out of her mouth without thinking, Simon had taken those pills and he would surely end up falling asleep at any moment.
Simon smiled slightly. Something stirred inside him, for the first time, he looked at her like a vulnerable person and suddenly he felt a strange need to take care of her, not as an obligation because his work, he really felt the need to protect her.
"Sure, let's go."
She nodded and something calmed in her chest. She took several steps until she was next to him to walk with him to the main room.
Maybe it was the beginning of a true friendship.
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hellisharchive · 4 months
・﹒・ fish out of water
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Summary: Vox was getting fed up with how Val keeps ignoring him for Angel Dust and needs an outlet to vent his frustrations on. Luckily, his assistant can help him with that
Warnings: 18+, first time blow-job, dub-con
Notes: Vox's assistant's name is Lee
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“GOD FUCKING DAMNIT” Vox threw his mug of freshly brewed coffee on a monitor, completely breaking it, causing hot liquid and sharp glass to spill everywhere in his office. He watched as Valentino was fucking Angel into oblivion again, that pimp knows Vox is watching. Was this some kind of game to him? A way to make Vox jealous? He didn't know and didn't care. All he knew is that he needed to fuck someone and now.
“Lee, come to the broadcasting ASAP” He hung up the phone and waited for his glorified pet to arrive. Breathing heavily, he pulled up a feed and found his fish traversing the halls with a nervous expression. He always was timid and shy, it makes them easier to control without excessive force and constant hypnosis. Vox tapped his foot on the floor as it took Lee one minute and ten seconds to arrive. The sinner knew not to make Vox wait. Swiveling around in his chair, he watched as he leaned back on the chair, screen resting on his hand as the large door opened up.
And there he was. His little errand boy. His little assistant to make all his schedules and appointments and shit he didn't want to deal with. Lee looked up nervously and adjusted his glasses as he walked across the very long and narrow walkway. One slip-up, and He was toast. He quickly made his way closer to Vox, gulping as the fish could sense that he wasn't in a good mood.
“What did you uh…need sir?” Lee asked in that nasally voice, his nervousness becoming even more apparent. Vox sighed from exasperation and pointed in front of him on the floor.
“Kneel” The television man watched as Lee's eyes went wide, very shocked at the command. Leaning forward, he watched and listened to the very confused man stumble over his words with a worried expression on his face.
“Wh-why do I have to kneel?” He gripped his clipboard as Vox stood up with a fuming face, easily towering over the former, now using the clipboard as a sort of shield. Without speaking, the Overlord grabbed ahold of his head and dragged him closer to the seat before shoving him to the ground. He wasn't hurt majorly, but his knees took a good brunt on the fall. Looking up with fear, he knew what his boss wanted, and that brought a smile to Vox's face.
“I want you to suck my dick. Now do it or you're fired” Lee made a choking sound as he shook his head rapidly, not wanting to make his boss mad as he gently set his clipboard down on the floor. Vox watched as the man was still very hesitant about this, being far too slow for his liking as Lee carefully grabbed onto the top of his pants. Growling, the overlord grabbed his hands, which made him yelp, and forced him to quickly undo his belt and zipper. The walking television screen shrugged off his pants and underwear with ease. His electric blue cock stood at full mast, hard and throbbing as he stared down at his assistant with an impatient face.
“What are you waiting for? I don't have all day” Lee inhaled as he shakily got closer to his boss, gripping Vox's thighs as he figured out what to do. He's a virgin, Vox knows this. Vox also knows that he's watched porn occasionally when he thinks he's alone and doesn't last. He knows how to suck a dick even if he's never done it personally. 
Vox watched as he gave a small lick on the tip, a kitten lick really, and then he gave another. The assistant gulped as he looked up the one who does his paychecks. Lee knew this was an abuse of power, but he would never admit that he had sexual fantasies with this man. But he wanted to stay working for Vox, however this scenario was not one he ever imagined. As he was starting to give another small lick- Vox pushed his head into his dick, causing his employee to choke on the length as his mouth was shoved around the member. 
“There ya go. Gonna have to train you but that's ok. Now go on, suck” Lee felt tears prick his eyes as he gripped onto lean thighs, trying to adjust for the size that now penetrated his mouth. Staring up at the screen, he thought about how this was kind of hot, being dominated by someone higher in power than him. Struggling to breath, he started to slowly bob his head back and forth, trying to recall how the women did it in Val's films. Slowly but surely- Lee was gaining a good rhythm, too focused on making sure he was pleasing his boss, he didn't see how Vox's face was slipping into one of sinful relaxation.
“Mmm fuck…” The Overlord breathed out, hand drifting to his employee's hair as he tugged on it a little, signaling Lee that he was doing a good job. Vox was starting to slowly enjoy this as his assistance got a little faster, but not fast enough. Gripping his hair, Vox pumped his head back and forth, shoving his face fully up to his pelvis and back. After a few pumps, the man let go as Lee understood that he wanted to be rougher, so he adjusted and started going faster. The fish felt his cock growing hard himself, pre-cum leaking onto his boxers as he continued to suck on his boss.
“Yeah that’s it you whore” Vox moaned as his back started to arch, he could feel himself getting closer and closer to release as pre-cum dripped down Lee’s throat. Hand never leaving the fluffy hair, he felt himself building up before a wave of electricity sparked from his body, electrified cum spurting into his assistant’s mouth as he rode his orgasm, closing his eyes in the process.
“FUCK” He yelled as he was coming down from his high, breathing slowing down as Lee pulled off of the cock, neon blue cum spilling all over his face as he looked up at Vox, breathing heavy with doe eyes. Vox opened his eyes and looked down at his pet, his pet now turned sexual fuck toy whenever Val wasn’t paying attention to him. That pimp has Angel Dust? Well- Vox has him. Leaning down, he gently grabbed the man’s chin and lifted it up, wiping off the excess cum as he looked down with a smirk.
“Something tells me you enjoy sucking on your boss’ dick” Vox taunted, causing Lee to shake his head in denial as he stumbled back, hands supporting him. His employer stood up and put back his underwear and pants back on. Sitting back down in his chair, he swiveled back to the wall of monitors as he pulled one down and opened up a schedule of his television shows. Lee just watched, not sure what to do.
“Get the fuck up and leave, I’ll call you tonight and do not be late” The fish said nothing as he gathered his bearings, cradling his clipboard as he shakily stood up and hurriedly existed the broadcast room.
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hello-nichya-here · 9 months
Yes, Buffy loved Spike
The way people act like that was in anyway left up to discussion by the show is legit hilarious/infuriating.
James Marsters (Spike) has said in an interview that, when Joss Whedon let him know that Spike was gonna fall in love with Buffy in season five, he had assumed it would one-sided - only for Whedon to correct him with a "Oh no, she's gonna fall in love with you too."
And the show wasn't shy about it either. Through seasons six and seven, we are shown Buffy repeatedly denying that she loves Spike - and then immediatelly contradicting herself either through actions or her own words (and even in season five she had already kissed him once after he did not give away her sister's identiy to Glory even after being tortured).
After Buffy comes back from the dead - from heaven - and is dragged to the literal hellmouth, having to crawl out of her grave, she sees the Buffy-bot being torn from limb by a bunch of demons. Naturally, this fucks with her head a bit. She manages to save her friends, but she is still very shaken, and looking like she's not really fully back to her senses as her sister is speaking to her. It really does look like something is very wrong and that she is not at all the same girl we once knew.
Then she hears Spike's voice and goes to see him. Only when she sees HIM, when HE starts trying to talk to her, when HE is the one taking care of her, does she start to properly respond. And, of course, out of all the people there - all of whom are worried about her and that she supposedly trusts way more than she trusts this "fully evil" vampire - Spike is the one to whom she reveals what actually happened to her.
During the musical episode, we see her sing "I touch the fire and it freezes me, I look into it and it's black. Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peal - I want the fire back" confirming to us that her depression after being taken from heaven was not just a temporary consequence of the shock of it all, and has left her completely disconnected from the people she loved, and from life itself, and that she does not know if it can ever be fixed.
But at the end of the episode, after Spike stops her from basically commiting suicide (because remember, he stopped BUFFY. not the bad guy) she sings to Spike "This isn't real, but I just wanna feel" right before they kiss. And Spike's own song says "I died so many years ago. You can make me feel like it isn't so."
It is very clear that what convinced Buffy to keep on living wasn't just because Spike loved her - she already knew that, and she also her friends and this has not done anything to make her less depressed. What makes her not give up is realizing that SHE can still connect to others, SHE still can have feelings for someone. Only it is with her former mortal enemy instead of her friends and family (she had even said in an earlier episode that he was the only person she could stand to be around) and the kiss makes it obvious that this new bond she has with Spike is NOT platonic.
And the following episode when she tries to pretend it means nothing? It has her acting all flirty with Spike while they're both dealing with the amnesia spell, and once their memories return the episode ends with her kissing him AGAIN.
And during ALL of the episodes she's claming she is totally disgusted by him? She's having sex with him all the time. And when Tara finds out about it, Buffy does admit she's using him, but she refuses to give an answer when Tara asks "Do you love him?"
When Spike brings a date to Xander's wedding , Buffy KNOWS is just to get her jealous and Spike even admits to it - and she admits that, even knowing all of that, it DOES bother her. She is unbelievably distraught after finding out he slept with Anya, and even says to his face "I have feelings for you, I do. But it's not love. I could never trust you enough for that" showing us that the thing stopping Buffy from truly giving Spike a chance is, understandably, the "You're a literal souless creature that needs to feed on people to survive" factor, not because their connection is not genuine or strong enough, or because of her past with Angel.
Not to mention, it makes perfect sense that, during the season she was clearly suicidal, she falls in love with the character that is representing the possibility of her death - their first time even happens after Spike reveals that, for some reason, the chip no longer causes him pain when he attacks her, and thus he actually poses a threat to her again.
Unhealthy? Absolutely. Scary? Fuck yes. Does she get over her "feelings that are totally not love" in the season finale, when she's crawling "out of her grave" again, this time triumphantly, in the sunlight, all brave and finally letting go of her self loathing? NOPE!
In season seven, when she's finally about to go out with a man that is not and has never been evil, her friends are all obviously wondering if this is a sign that she is over Spike - of if she's just pretending to. Buffy's response? THE biggest Freudian Slip she's ever had in the series.
"Why does everyone in this house think that I'm still in love with Spike?"
Still. In. Love.
Not "Why is everyone convinced that I fell in love with Spike? I told you guys I liked him, but didn't love him" but "Why do you guys think I'm not over those totally vague, definitively not deep 'feelings' I had and that were 100% not just a code for 'Yes, I am in love with him, but I'm scared it will blow up in my face'?"
And how does that date with that Not Evil guy, that was revealed to be the son of Slayer, go? Pretty well! It looks like this romance might actually have a chance of going somewhere.
At least until she goes "Look, I know Spike killed your mom when he was souless and all, but if you try to go after him to get revenge again, he will murder you, and I will let him." She also turns her back on her watcher, and father figure, when she finds out he was in on the plan to kill this vampire that is Totally-Not-Her-Boyfriend.
The episode even has Giles directly compare her codependent bond with Spike to what she had with Angel - which again, included her letting Angelus get away and kill people. Sure, Spike has a soul now, he let the dude live to tell the tale since killing his mom WAS an awful thing to do, and if he was attacked again and killed him it would be self-defense - but it's impossible not to notice the very clear "Buffy is protecting her man" tone of it all.
Not to mention, before that, Spike offers to leave Sunnydale since Buffy's potential new boyfriend clearly can help her find demons and thus she no longer needs him around - and she full on says that SHE IS NOT READY FOR HIM NOT TO BE THERE.
Then, of course, there's "Touched." The episode in which EVERYONE is going "We might die tomorrow, lets fuck to cope", and not only is Buffy clearly touched (Get it? Get it?) by Spike's speech about how much he loves her, she asks him to get in bed with her and hold her. And even though they are not having sex, the scenes of them cuddling are being framed as being just as intimate and romantic as the scenes of everyone else making love to their partners. Again, we had Giles full on state the obvious to Buffy: she and Spike might not be sleeping together anymore, but they are VERY clearly acting like they're still in a relationship, even if both are now hesitant to give it a try after literally everything went wrong for them.
The following day, Spike says that it was the happiest night of his life, and when he starts saying that he knows it obviously didn't mean as much for Buffy as it did to him, she corrects him and says it absolutely did. Spike even goes as far as trying to confirm it AGAIN by asking "Were you there with me?" to which Buffy says "I was", which is HUGE considering she had just admited to him the previous night that she had always cut herself off from everyone - Spike VERY much included - due to being the slayer.
"Oh, but what about the Bangel kiss in the finale?"
The one Joss Whedon explicitly refered to as "the show's way of servicing the Bangel fans" aka FANSERVICE? The one that came right out of nowhere as the signature of Bangel's "romantic chemistry" is angsty pining? The one that didn't hold a candle to one of the few Bangel scenes I say absolutely worked, aka the kiss after Angel comes back to Sunnydale to help Buffy deal with her grief over her mother and that only happened after they had spend HOURS together because, surprise surprise, it doesn't matter if they still have feelings for each other, they have NEVER had this dynamic of exes that just casually make out with each other the second they are in the same room together?
The one that happens right before Buffy says "Sorry, you won't be the vampire champion that will save the world, I'm chosing Spike for that role"? The one that is followed by an obviously jealous Angel making it very clear to Buffy that he is bitter she's "brushing him off for captain peroxide"? And then she asks if he'll react that way everytime she gets a BOYFRIEND?
When Angel points out that, again, she just let slip how she actually feels about Spike, Buffy has to deny it because Joss Whedon thought the ONLY way to make sure viewers didn't miss that Buffy is totally an independent woman that don't need no man was to tease both the possibility of a Bangel AND a Spuffy endgame just to go "Sorry, Buffy is gonna choose to be single."
HOWEVER, even the way she does that has changed significantly, as she says "He is not my boyfriend, but he is in my heart." Notice how, unlike all the previous times, Buffy is not trying to diminish what she has with Spike.
She went from "I slept with Spike/said I feelings for him BUT this totally means nothing and I could NEVER love him because he doesn't have a soul like Angel did" to "Look, Angel, I swear that Spike is totally not my boyfriend BUT I will treat him like he is because I absolutely do have feelings for him. Could you pretty, pretty please go back to L.A. now that the fanservice moment is over? I'll even end it with a 'sometimes I totally think of what could happen between us someday' so we can pretend our romance has not been officially pronounced 'impossible to ever be endgame' since season three of my show and season one of your show?"
And where does she immediatelly go to after this? To see Spike. Because she wants another night of cuddling with him. Then The First shows up in the middle of the night to torment her, he explicitly refers to Spike as Buffy's vampire LOVER.
Finally, the final battle is happening, and Spike is about to die saving the world, and Buffy, with tears in her eyes finally says that she loves him. Whedon had even said to Sarah "Be proud of him. Love him when saying it." We even see literal flames as they are holding hands - an obvious nod to the musical, with the "I want the fire (feeling) back", and Whedon basically confirmed it by saying it was a very deliberate choice to symbolize the feelings the characters have for each other. It is the visual representation of Buffy FINALLY accepting that she truly does love Spike.
"Oh, but he responds 'No, you don't, but thanks for saying it' implying Buffy was only trying to make sure he would die happy!"
Did you guys forget EVERYTHING ELSE I just mentioned in this post? Or the fact, at that point, Spike is still processing the guilt of all the monstruous things he did as a vampire now that he has a soul again? Did you forget him literally asking Buffy to kill him for what he did and telling her that the soul did not suddenly make him good - only for HER to be the one to say he fought back against the monster inside of him and that she believes in him?
Again, James Marsters gave us his insight on what he felt Spike meant by that line and how he played it: Spike was saying that Buffy COULDN'T love him. Not yet. Because he didn't feel he deserved it yet. It was not the right time for them. Yet.
"Oh, but in the late seasons of Angel, when Spike is brought back to life, he is told that Buffy never truly loved him!" Yeah, he is told that - BY ANGEL! In what world would he, Buffy's ex that has had problems with Spike since long before Buffy was even born and that had already admited that having her pick Spike over him "did not bring out the champion in him", not be extremely biased?
"But you're forgetting the Buffy comics in which she is basically told Angel is her soulmate and sleeps with him during some magical fuckery that made her go mad with power!"
Yeah, and in those same comics, even though it took forever and Whedon just HAS to force the "Buffy ends the story chosing to be single because she can either be a strong female character OR be in a happy relationship" AGAIN, she and Spike became a couple after all of that, with her explicitly telling him WHAT SHE HAD WITH ANGEL IS IN THE PAST, and the ending even suggests is only a matter of time before she and Spike get back together again, this time for good.
Claiming that it was up for debate if Buffy ever truly loved Spike is as ridiculous as if I said "I know we are both shown and told many times that Angel and Buffy slept together in season two, but I actually think it's up for the debate if they truly did" NO, IT ISN'T!
We are shown how Buffy's feelings for Spike grow over time, how her dynamic with him changes, how she is actively choosing him over everybody else after he gets his soul, and both the character and the people involved in making the show EXPLICITLY SAY she loves him.
You can dislike it, but don't expect everyone else to cover their ears and close their eyes to pretend it wasn't clear that Spike's love for Buffy has not been one-sided for a VERY long time.
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billthedrake · 8 months
"Wow, you went all out, Coach," I said as I helped him set out the food on the table.
He gave a grin and replied, "Just my bachelor holiday dinner... thanks for sharing it with me, Russ."
"My pleasure," I said.
Ed had in his hand a bigger sized bottle of beer, which he opened. "Feel like sharing my Christmas present?"
I nodded. "Just a half glass," I said. "Gotta drive back." I wasn't a big beer guy, but I didn't want to turn down Coach S's offer. "Who's the gift from?" I asked.
"Matt Reynolds," he replied as he poured my glass half full then set to give himself some. "He and I are both into beer." Coach Reynolds was the high school's head football coach.
I held up my glass. "It makes sense, but I guess I never thought of teachers hanging out together outside of school."
He held up his glass and gave a silent toast. Then he replied with a smirk, "I'll admit get along better with some of the teachers more than others. Matt's my closest friend." Ed got a little shy as he added, "He's the only one who I've come out to, actually."
"Coach Reynolds?" I responded, incredulously.
That made Ed laugh. "Um, yeah. You surprised?"
I nodded. "The guy's a total meathead. Yeah, I'm surprised."
My former teacher shrugged. God, he was so handsome and adorable. I was glad we'd gotten the sex out of the way, so I could actually carry on a conversation with the man. "People have a way of surprising you, Russ."
"Sometimes not for the better," I said. Then realizing I might have come across as snotty or cynical, I added. "Sorry... I guess I'm still a little bitter from the way Zach Martin treated me." Zach and I had been friends since 6th grade, but he stopped talking to me when I came out.
I saw a look of real empathy on Coach S's face. "Sorry, Russ," he said. "I didn't know the full story, but I know you went through a lot."
"You do learn who your real friends are," I said, my tone less bitter than my words now. "I realize now that Zach is just crazy insecure, and I just got caught up in that."
Ed nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised if Zach is gay himself."
I don't know why that didn't occur to me. "You think?"
He nodded. "Don't take it to the bank. It's just a hunch. But I know when I was that age, I was so freaked out someone would figure out... I may have been an asshole to a few guys just so I could fit in."
"Damn, Coach," I said.
He seemed embarrassed now. "I never had a friend come out to me, and I don't know what I would have done if I had. I'd like to think I'd do the right thing, but you never know." He took a sip. "I just know I was MAJORLY fucked up about the gay thing. Playing sports didn't help." I knew Ed Stanley was opening himself up to me, maybe in a way that wasn't easy for him. "I always admired how you handled things, Russ."
That surprised me. "In what way?"
He looked at his beer glass as he reflected on my question. "I don't know. You seemed confident in yourself." He looked back up at me. "Whatever... I know being a teenager isn't easy and probably wasn't for you either. Teachers don't know all that's going on, but we have more of an idea than our students realize."
I laugh. "Probably, yeah." Then, "truth be told, being an adult isn't always easy either."
That made Ed smile. I loved his smile. "You got that right," he said. "There's one big consolation prize, though," he said. "What we did just now," Ed added with an impish grin.
"You mean the fucking?" I clarified.
His blue eyes twinkled. "Yeah, the fucking. Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but that was the hottest sex of my life."
Damn, this man knew how to push my buttons. "I'm honored," I said. "So maybe I shouldn't admit it was the hottest sex of my life, too."
"Well, here's to hot sex," Ed toasted.
I laughed and matched his toast.
We talked a little less as we dug into the food. I don't think I realized how much the sex had worked up my appetite, and Ed seemed to be in the same boat.
But as our eating pace slowed, I had to ask the question on my mind. "So, Ed..." I started. "Why did you let this happen... You know, between us?"
He seemed to anticipate my question. "I got tired of putting my life on hold. I broke things off with Jessica two years ago," he explained about his former fiancee. "It was around the holidays, actually, and I guess I realize I'm still not happy." He gave me a little wince of a smile. "Seriously, having you keep me company has made my year."
My heart pounded. "Damn, Coach. I'm having a blast. Not only the sex, but all of it."
"You know, for a college kid, you're pretty damn mature."
"Hardly," I laughed. "I know this sounds cheesy, Coach, but for me, being gay... well, I just love other guys. Love spending time with them, in whatever way clicks." I found myself the one being embarrassed. "I guess I craved the male bonding I didn't always have."
"Remind me to punch Zach Martin's lights out next time I see him," Coach said. And it took me a second to realize he was joking.
I laughed. "Please do. The fucker."
Ed pushed his chair back. "Let me clear the dishes. I have some dessert if you have room."
"I have room," I said. "But I'm helping you."
I got up and started picking up out dinner plates. As I brought them into the kitchen, I could see out the window, into Ed Stanley's back yard.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
"What?" Ed asked, concerned.
"It's a blizzard out there," I said. I set down the dishes by the sink and walked over to the sliding glass door.
I was exaggerating, but it was really coming down now, and several inches of white stuff lay on the ground, the reflected light making the dusk seem less dim.
I felt his presence behind me, his hand touching my waist. It was a simple gesture, and a welcome. "Jesus," he said. "Is it supposed to let up?"
I laughed. "Man, I don't know." I turned to him. "I should check in with my folks."
He patted my side before stepping back. "Yeah," he said. Maybe a little disappointment in his face that I'd be leaving, but possibly I was flattering myself.
I pulled out my phone and indeed I had a couple of worried texts from my mom. She was staying over at her friend's and was concerned I'd be driving in the winter mess. I told her I could stay over at my friend's and that I'd check in with Dad.
My father isn't a big texter, so I called him.
"Hey," he said when he answered. "Some storm, huh?" Dad could get right to the point sometimes. I think I inherited that from him.
"Yeah, Mom's freaking out about me. I told her I could stay over at Jason's tonight."
"Sounds good, Russ," Dad said. Then with a quiet tone, asked. "You're not at Jason's are you?"
I paused, a little freaked out I was caught in a lie. Though knowing Dad, he hadn't actually caught me at anything. The man just had a good sixth sense. I figured I was 21 and had no reason to lie to my parents. "No, Dad, I'm not. Sorry."
"I'll cover for you with your mom. Just be safe, OK?"
"I will," I said. "Promise. And again, Sorry." I was feeling like a heel now.
"I was 21 once," Dad said. "You need your space. If you need anything, a ride or something, just me a call."
"Will do."
I shook my head after I hung up. Coach S was right. Sometimes people can surprise you, in a good way.
He was just finishing cleaning up when I walked back in. "Everything OK?" he asked.
"Yep," I said. "If I'm not imposing too much, Coach, could I crash here tonight? I can sleep on the couch or whatever." I didn't want to make it seem like I was just trying to be clingy with him. "My parents just don't want me driving."
He laughed. "I damn well hope you're not taking the couch, buddy," he said. Then with a worried hesitation, he added, "I mean if you do, I'll respect that... but I wouldn't mind a little bonus time with you."
"I wouldn't mind either, Coach."
That made him smile. He set down his towel and faced me fully. "You know, I never was your coach."
"You prefer Mr. Stanley?" I teased.
"No, not really," he laughed. He stepped up and wrapped up his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "You know, I didn't ever think I'd enjoy being with a taller guy," he said.
"Yeah?" I asked. I'd spent my teen years self conscious about my height but now enjoyed it. Ed Stanley was bigger and hunkier than me, but I was able to look down some at him as we stood toe to toe.
He nodded. "Guess I liked being the man."
"Ed, that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard," I said with a laugh.
"Yeah, it is. Guess I got some hang ups. But I like this," he said. "You're a tall drink of water, Russ." He now ran his hands up my back, over the fabric of my T-shirt. "When did you bulk up?"
"Started hitting the weights freshman year," I explained. "Guess I had hangups of my own, you know, about my body...."
"You got a porn body, stud," Stanley said with a sexy grin.
"Look who's talking," I said.
We kissed. It was gentle and magical. Just a hint of tongue and I could sense our breath was synching up.
"Hmmm, I like snow days," the man said in a low voice.
"I'm liking them now," I replied.
I felt his hands come around my friend, openly feeling up my chest. I was so into his ex-jock build that I was enjoying seeing him clearly turned on by me. His hands traveling lower until his left knuckle grazed the crotch of my jeans.
"You're hard," he said, as he looked up into my eyes.
"Pretty much. Yeah," I nodded.
We kissed again, and now I took the occasion to feel up Ed's body. I undid a couple of his shirt buttons and felt him moan into my mouth.
The man seemed to be keeping his self-control as he stepped back. I could tell he had a boner in his sweats now, and I was proud I'd given that to him. "OK if we just enjoy a little time in the living room before hitting the bedroom? We got all night, Russ."
"Sounds good."
"I'll light a fire in the fireplace," he said. "Sometimes it doesn't seem worth the bother just for myself."
"I wish I'd brought something more comfortable to wear," I said. Even in his button-down, Ed looked relaxed with his sweats on.
"Feel free to dig through my drawers to see if something will fit you." His eyes swept up my body. "Not sure if there will be."
"Thanks," I said. I went back to his bedroom and looked through his casual clothes, all folded neatly in his drawers. Indeed his sweatpants and pajama bottoms were way too short, but I decided on a pair of gym shorts with a drawstring that helped them hold to a waist that was two inches smaller than his size. I could have stuck with my T-shirt, but I saw an old shirt with a baseball team logo. Something about wearing Ed Stanley's clothes excited me, so I grabbed the shirt, too. I slipped the shorts on without anything on underneath, then tried on the shirt. It was loose, but it came down below my waist, which was good.
He was done fiddling with the fire when I walked in.
"You found my old team shirt," he observed, walking over to join me on the couch.
"The Captains?" I asked, referencing the logo.
"Yep, my minor league team. Played with them for two years before I called it quits." He seemed nostalgic.
"Is that when you decided to go into teaching?" I asked. I didn't really know how any of this worked.
"No, I got my Ed degree in college. I knew the majors was a long shot."
"Well, you're a great teacher," I said, then blushed as soon as I did. "I guess this is weird to talk about, huh?"
"A little," he admitted. "But you're really hot, Russ... you've become a really hot young man. So if I have to deal with the weirdness, it's worth it."
He placed his arm around my shoulder again, and I leaned into his warm build some. I knew if he started something sexual, I'd be ready for it, but our session earlier that afternoon had taken away the urgency.
"I know this isn't my place to say, Ed, but you deserve to be happy." I couldn't look at him as I said this, but after seeing a certain loneliness in the guy, I felt I had to speak to it.
"Thanks, Russ," he replied softly. Almost sadly. "Are you happy?"
"More or less," I said.
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"I dunno," I said. I realized no one but Ed Stanley had ever asked me that question. "I mean, I'm enjoying college, and I guess I've dated a couple of guys. But like, I don't know, part of me wants a real relationship, something serious, to see what that's like. I mean, I'm not gonna rush it or anything, you know?"
His hand squeezed my shoulder. "Yeah, I know, Russ," he said.
I turned to him and his eyes were on me. Coach Stanley wanted another kiss. I wanted to kiss him. This time, I did my best to copy the man's soft approach. Something about our connection made me rock hard now as I kiss him and he kissed me back.
We made out some, a lot even. But we weren't rushing anything. It was around 7 and it was Christmas and the snow was coming down. We could enjoy this.
"What about you, Ed?" I finally asked as we parted, goofy expression on our face. "Any boyfriends?"
He shook his head. "I've tried the app thing. And this may sound old fashioned, Russ, but... I don't know, I think I need some other connection than coming in and taking off my clothes."
I nodded. "In all fairness Ed, you look REALLY fucking good without your clothes on."
He smirked. "Thanks. But you know what I mean."
"Yeah, I do," I said. "I've done the hookup thing some, and I've enjoyed it. But... I don't know, earlier..."
I stopped mid sentence. Stanley picked up on it. "What?" he asked.
I gulped. "I'm afraid of saying something real stupid, Ed."
He put his hand beneath my chin and turned me toward him. "I want you to trust me, Russ. I may not agree with what you say but I'm not going to judge you. Promise."
I nodded. My body shook a little, which made me embarrassed because I knew Stanley could tell. "When you were in me earlier...."
"Yeah...?" he prompted.
"It felt incredible. It was incredible."
"It was incredible for me, too," he said.
"Yeah, but... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think for me half of it was I wanted to make you happy. Like, I wanted to give that experience to you."
"Oh buddy," he muttered, his eyes a little moist.
"Maybe you think that's fucked up, but I think that's what made the fuck so good for me."
He took a deep breath, like he was trying to choose his words carefully. "That's what sex is, giving as well as receiving pleasure."
"It's not always," I corrected. I thought back to some of my hookups. "At least not emotionally."
"Yeah, not always," he agreed.
We kissed again. A little more eagerly this time. Part of me wanted to talk more with Ed, but this felt better. Being held by him, him pull me down on top of him as we reclined on the couch. He was warm, and the fireplace was heating up the room, too. Maybe this wasn't too different from time with my boyfriends of the past, but Ed Stanley brought a seriousness that wore down my defenses.
Slowly we humped on the couch and explored each other's bodies as we made out. He had me take off his minor league T-shirt and I unbuttoned his dress shirt once more. Ed Stanley was hard once more, I could feel his boner against mine, even if we hadn't stripped from the waist down.
But as we kissed Ed ran his hands down my back and under the waist of my shorts, which were his shorts really. His broad palms felt nice and warm against my bare buns.
He grunted into my mouth as I pulled up.
"Think I could press my luck, Russ?" he asked, horny as he could be.
"I'd say I'm the lucky one, Coach... are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
He looked into my eyes, his blue eyes clearly hungry. "I'd love to fuck you again, buddy." He put a slight emphasis on the "fuck" making it sound more naughty. "Maybe try some different positions."
I grinned. "You liked the barebacking, didn't you?"
He bit his lips and nodded. "And how. But if you're not up for it..."
"Oh, I'm up for it," I assured him. "I should be a little more relaxed from earlier."
"Is that how it works?" Ed asked, his fingers now dipping deeper into my crack.
"Can't speak for other guys, but a good fuck stretches me open a little. It's a nice feeling actually."
His nostrils flared as he took that in. "Bedroom?" he asked hoarsely.
"Lead the way, Coach," I said, then slid up off his body before standing in his living room, an erection evident in the shorts, matching his own clear boner.
Things felt smoother and slower now that we were working up for our second round. Yet our eyes ate each other up as we stripped down completely and got in on opposite sides of Ed's bed.
"Damn," he hissed as I moved in to nestle up against his naked furry build. "I'm glad you're staying over, Russ."
I could feel his hard dick against mine. "Funny... all of this happened because I ran into you."
"Glad I got that Christmas tree," he said. "I almost didn't."
"Glad I had the guts to hit on you," I replied.
He smirked. "I knew you wanted to."
"Yeah, I know," I said.
We kissed again. I was starting to worry about whisker burn or chapped lips, but it was like neither of us could get enough. The more we did, the more Ed seemed to get worked up. I was, too, sure, but I think my normal MO was to be a horndog when I was with a guy, so it was like I was waiting for the signal from him to amp things up.
I now used the element of surprise to push him on his back while I got up on top. His hands were greedily gripping my ass muscle as we got into it.
"Damn, you have a great ass," Ed said in a soft low voice.
"I realized at some point tall guys have to hit leg day twice as hard," I said, joking but not entirely.
He laughed. "I hope you don't mind me focusing only on your body... you know I think more of you, Russ."
I didn't know what Coach thought of me, actually, beyond this strange chemistry that had erupted between this week. I leaned up, flexing my bod a little and showing off for the man, even as my own hands were on his strong pecs. "I'll let you in on a secret, Coach. It's kind of a kick when you treat me like a piece of meat. I didn't think that would ever happen."
"Noted, buddy," he said, his own hands coming up to touch my smoother build.
I reached over to where the lube was still out.
"You, um... ?" Coach started to ask.
I nodded, reaching back to slick up his boner. Ed Stanley was rock hard now and I enjoyed the broad grin on his face as I slicked him up then leaned back against his cock.
"Twice in one day... fuck," he muttered.
I misunderstood what he meant. "You want it, right?"
"God, yeah," he muttered. His eyes were on my body some but mostly watched my face as I sank back onto him. The penetration indeed was easier this time. I was horny and Ed's prior fuck had loosened me just enough.
"Amazing," my ex teacher grunted.
I sat further down in his lap. I felt full in a good way, but it was the psychological part of this mating that got me going. "I didn't ask... what's your favorite position?"
"I gotta choose?" he chuckled.
"No," I replied. "Just curious."
His hands now openly caressed my front, his eyes clearly excited. "I love it all. But maybe doggy."
I nodded. "Hot. But let me ride you like this, and you can pick the positions you wanna try."
"Sounds amazing, buddy," Ed grunted. I could tell he was still in thrall with the feeling of condom-less sex. "Only it should be good for you, too."
"It will be," I assured him. "Maybe let me cum missionary," I added. "Last time was crazy hot."
"Will do."
Ed watched me work up and down in his lap, his hands now gently gripping my waist to guide me. Then not so gently he held me steady while he pumped up into me. "Feel good, buddy?" he asked.
It wasn't a question, though. Stanley could read the pleasure in my face. "Fuck me, Ed."
He got an almost serious scowl on his face as he got into fuck mode, thrusting up deeper into me. "All right..." he finally urged. "Climb off."
I didn't know what he had in store, but as I knelt on the mattress, Coach S's thick body scrambled out from beneath me and moved to come from behind. I felt his hand on the middle of my back, pushing me forward. "All fours, buddy," he urged, a new horniness in his voice.
I felt his lube-slick prick nudge back into place and once again his hands gripped my waist to almost pull me back on to him.
The thrusts were urgent and hard now. Not rough, but I was being nailed by a very horny and very athletic man. "Tell me if it gets too rough," he instructed.
"Feels amazing," I replied. It did, too. I wouldn't say Ed Stanley was making me any less vers in my sexual inclination, but he was revealing to me that when I did bottom, I wanted a top like this. That girthy cock of his was riding hard and heavy over my prostate. I braced myself on the bed and felt my prick drip onto his bedsheets while my former teacher used my hole.
"Goddamn... my last load is frothing up on my cock," he said excitedly. Like he was living out some nasty porn video. Which in a way I guess we both were. "Fuuuuck!" His thursts jackhammered into me in rapid succession, until I felt them pause.
The hands on my waist now let go and ran up and down my sweaty back. "Don't wanna cum just yet," he said softly. Then he pulled out and gave my ass a light smack. "Why don't you lie on your stomach and pull one leg up."
I did as asked, turning back to look at his hungry eyes and sweaty body as I did. "You've been thinking a lot about this, haven't you."
His wet dick pulsed. "I have," he grunted. "I watch a hell of a lot of porn, and now I have my own Corbin Fisher guy in bed with me."
I pulled my left leg up toward my chest, feeling my ass crack and hole exposed to his gaze. "Just remember I'm not actually a professional at this, Coach."
He had an apologetic look on his face. "Got it," he said, then scooshed forward to line up his prick to my now-wet ring.
I was half turned on my side, half face down, in a scissor position. The entry was easier this time, aided by the limits the angle put on Coach's thrusts. He was taking it slow, too. Only I got to feel the extra depth of penetration as his cock bore deeper. All the while, those blue eyes were on me. Watching.
"I love seeing your hardon while I fuck you," he muttered.
"I told you, Coach... it's good for me, too."
It was like my words made him focus on me, and the pleasure I was getting from my insides. Slowly, he sawed in and out, eyes locked on me the whole time.
"I feel like I could come any minute," he said after a few minutes.
"Why don't you?" I asked. I was so turned on but also knew my relatively inexperienced ass would probably tire out within a couple more minutes of this.
"Don't want it to end," he said simply.
"You know I'm gonna let you fuck me again, Coach," I replied. "That is, if you want."
"Yeah?" he said a real sense of hope in his voice.
I nodded.
"Fuck... I'm so close, buddy," he said, now very slowly working in and out of me. "Ok if we try this on your stomach?"
I didn't reply. I just moved my legs down and stretched out on the bed. Coach Stanley stretched out on top of me, covering my back closely with his hairy bulk and his beard tickling the back of my neck. Already he was thrusting into me, not fast but hard, while his hands felt up my arms.
"This OK, Russ?" he asked.
"Feels great, Ed," I grunted. It did, too. I'd tried this with a couple of guys before, including my frat boy boyfriend, but Ed Stanley was bigger and furrier and meatier in his build. I loved the full contact and the weight of him on me. And I loved the thickness of his dick plowing me steadily. "You can go harder if you want."
I swear he growled, let out a real bear growl, when I said that. His hands now held my arms down and he just went for it. Hard deep shoves into my ass as he eagerly went for his nut.
"Oh my fuck..." he grunted. Then I heard a deep series of whimpers as the man came, deep in my ass for a second time, his body twitching and jerking on top of me. I didn't think I could come in this position, but I felt a pressure in my prostate that made me feel the urgent need. I reached down and touched my prick. I had enough lube left in my right palm to make it work. Just two strokes back and forth and I was entering my own deep orgasm.
"Oh shit," I hissed as I regained some consciousness. I'd never had a bottoming orgasm quite like that. My first with Coach Stanley had been about fantasy buttons and the way he pressed every one. This second nut was more purely physical, the way Coach's topping practically fucked the cum out of me.
Ed was already rolling off me and lying down to get face to face as I turned on my side. "I guess that was good for you, too, huh, Russ?" he asked.
"Jesus, Ed. I can barely think right now," I muttered, still catching my breath. "But yeah...."
His own chest was rising and falling and I could even sense his heart beat as he smiled at me. "I think you telling me I could do it again sometime... that was the trigger for me."
I looked down on the bedsheets, where my cum had soaked the fabric. "I'm afraid I left a big wet spot."
He smiled. "Well you gotta sleep in it... just kidding. We'll change the sheets," he said. "But I'm glad you liked that, because... goddamn...."
"Yeah," I agreed. I slid off the bed. "Can I get some water?" I asked.
"Help yourself in the kitchen," he replied.
I slid Ed's shorts back on and made my way to rehydrate. When I returned, he'd stripped the sheets and was putting on a new set. I helped him. He was bare chested in his sweat pants. If I hadn't just had two rounds of intensely incredible sex, I would have boned up just looking at him. As I watched him tuck one side in, he looked up, catching me staring. He winked, which made me blush.
He picked up the bundle of soiled sheets and turned back to. "Don't worry, Russ, I'm in the same boat," he said. "Like I said, it's like when I wanted to play with my new toy all Christmas day."
I laughed. "You mean I can't play with mine tomorrow morning?" I joked.
He smirked. "I didn't say that, buddy," he said. "I'll throw these in the wash. You feel like having another beer in front of the fire place? I have some scotch too, if that sounds better."
I'd never had scotch but I figured what the hell. This evening was about new experiences and getting to know Ed Stanley. "Scotch sounds good."
He nodded. "Put another log on the fire, if there's still embers. I'll tend to it in a minute."
"Yep," I said.
Coach S wasn't making a move to put a shirt on, so I didn't either. Maybe we'd need to fire to keep warm, but I enjoyed the half nakedness together.
Coach offered me a small glass filled with the brown liquor and went to get the fireplace roaring again. He settled back on the couch next to me. It was my turn to place my arm over his bare shoulder, feeling the hardness and the heat of his body.
He had a quiet content look on his face. "You know, Russ, I don't want this day to end."
My heart pounded. "It doesn't have to, Ed," I said. "Well, it does, but you know what I mean."
He nodded. "You're a special young man, Russ. You know that?"
I ran my fingers along his delt muscle. "You give me too much credit, Coach, but thanks." I tried to calm my breathing. It was just the sound of the fire and the snow had made everything outside dead quiet. "A while ago, you said I could say anything and you wouldn't just me." It was a question as much as a statement.
"I meant it, Russ."
I squeezed his shoulder. "I guess I'm pretty young still... but I've never felt things click with another guy like they have with you."
"Not even with your boyfriends?" Ed asked quietly.
"Not even with my boyfriends," I said. "Listen, I know that probably came off weird and clingy and..."
"Russ..." Ed interrupted me. "Will you go on a date with me?" I could hear the tension and anxiety in his voice and when he turned to me I could see it in his eyes, too. "Sometime this week, before you go back..."
"I don't want to get you in trouble, Ed," I said. "You know, with your job or anything."
"We'll figure that out," he said. "But you didn't answer my question."
I realized I'd been afraid not of my answer but how much I wanted to give it. "Yes, I'd love that, Ed."
"Good," he said, patting my leg.
We kissed, softly. I pushed my tongue into his mouth first this time.
When we parted we had goofy grins on our faces.
"You know..." Coach S said as he traced his hand up my pectoral muscle and over my neck. "Even if people do find out or there's any gossip... it'll be so fucking worth it."
I laughed, only to have Coach cut me off with another kiss, guiding me back down to a reclining position on his couch.
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Sweet girl || Jake Sully
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Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader
Summary: You miss your former home and find it difficult to make friends in the new clan, so your father Jake cheers you up when he sees you sad.
Note: Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, English is not my first language. <3
Daddy jake warms my heart, I love that side of him.
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You were sitting on one of the bridges of the reef with your feet dangling as you looked at the water, your eyes were teary from the abrupt change of life. It was hard for you to adjust to this home, you had all your memories with the Omaticaya clan, you had your friends there and your history in general.
Neytiri looked at you from afar hurting her heart for seeing you sad, knowing you needed a hug she was going to go with you when Tuk called her because she couldn't sleep.
"You go with Tuk, I'll go with her" Jake told her, and even though Neytiri wanted to go with you, she knew that talking to your dad would make you feel better.
"What's wrong my sweet girl?" he asked you as he sat down with you "Did something bad happen to you? "he asked again but only got a head shake.
"Talk to me please" He begged you, he hated seeing you like this, you were his sweet little girl, though of course not so little anymore since you were the same age as Lo'ak. "I miss home" You said softly "I miss the quiet and my former routine, I miss flying and being among the trees" Your voice became a whisper every time you spoke.
He missed it too, and he knew it was his fault that you were suffering, so he pulled you tighter against his body as he placed kisses on your head. "I'm having a hard time adjusting, Dad. I don't know how" It was complicated, you always had a more shy attitude than the others, it wasn't that you didn't have friends or anything, but it took you a little longer to have them.
"You know, when you were more of a child and started interacting with the other kids, you had a harder time than your siblings, we all noticed it, but we all knew you would make them the same because you have a charming personality that makes them want to be your friends, but they wait for you to come closer because they notice your shyness" He told you stroking your hair "Come closer without fear, they are waiting for you to step up"
Your teary eyes looked for the first time in the night at your father, freezing his heart, your wonderful eyes the same as his. "I know you'll be able to get used to it here, just take as much time as you need, my sweet girl."
"Do you think they want to be my friends?" You asked as you looked around at the other boys your age "Sure they do, I think some of them want to be more than your friends" He let you know as he raised his eyebrows making you guffaw.
"I'll try to get closer, thanks for listening to me, dad "You told him giving him a smile "Always for you, my sweet girl. You should have talked to me about this before if it was getting complicated for you, you know we always find a solution."
"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overwhelm you or mom, I know you guys are with other things on your mind."
"We are never busy for you guys, you are our priority" He said pulling you closer to his body. "For the other one come closer to some, sweet girl".
"Thank you, daddy."
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more trans remus au! trans remus would not even think about gender until he went to hogwarts,
Since he grew up sheltered with his parents who didn't force gender norms onto him he was overwhelmed with the very gender devided hogwarts and grew incredibly uncomfortable with it.
in year 2 he realized he much preferred the boys uniform when he and sirius swiched uniforms for fun, and sirius loved to annoy the shit out of reg with wearing a skirt, so they kept switching clothes until it one day hit remus he might be more than just a tomboy. he had been reading about the remus and romulus story in a mythology book and asked his friends to only refer to him as remus from now on, for fun at first because of the joke (wolf, wolf) but then it became habit for everyone to call him that, and remus even prefered it over his legal name.
in year 4 when puberty really started to hit he had gotten increaingly anxious over his body, already being hyper sensetive to losing control over himself due to his lycanthropy. he started binding and cut his hair, talking in a lower voice since the other marauders voices had already gone deep. he felt a rush of excitement and happiness everytime some of the younger students who thought he was a cis boy called him by he/him pronouns. he often talked about feeling like a boy with his friends and after some time they also started refering to remus by he/him pronouns.
it wasn't until a year after graduating hogwarts that he first heard of the term trans, but he instantly knew. when he told the other marauders about it they were all very suportive and it was obvious to everyone that remus was a man. remus legally changed his name to remus because why change it now after years of using it. he tried to get in contact with a muggle gender clinic (because he hadn't heard about gender clinics existing in the wizard world) but was constantly denied, for years.
not until long after the first war did he get a date for his first meeting with a clinic. but after doing some examinations the doctor explained he couldn't prescribe him hormones for medical/health reasons. remus put a lot of work into passing, he kept dying his peach fuzz, painting a moustache with cheap mascara, doing voice training. he some mostly passed while taking odd jobs, but he occasionally got misgendered but was too embarassed and shy to correct them. but when someone was purposfully transphobic he hexed them when no one was looking. he also worked as a barista because i say so.
when coming back to hogwarts as a teacher in defense agains the dark arts he was happily surprised how his former teachers and now colleagues respected and supported him, never once misgendering him.
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dwarvenchords · 5 months
one word prompt: kiss
This turned into a Landoscar teasing flirting kiss moment (which is really me living through Lando panicking internally about Oscar's recent bulk-up) so heres that:
Word count: 1386
No warnings!
cross posting on ao3 as well since it turned out a bit longer than i thought it would!
Lando was finding it hard to contain himself in this very moment.
Because apparently, while Lando was off galavanting through the streets of country after country throughout the winter break, someone had evidently chained Oscar to a benchpress, because…
…well, he’s huge.
But that is not supposed to be something Lando has feelings about. At least not these kinds of feelings. It wasn’t about having feelings about a man, no, but the fact that it’s Oscar. 
Like, Oscar, Oscar.
The same Oscar who he’d watched whine to Kim about every single workout last season. Who’s neck gained inches only because he had to. The Oscar who didnt really seem to be the type to bulk up at all, seemed satisfied with just having the amount he needed for racing.
And the current width of his back is definitely not needed for racing.
And don't even get Lando started on his arms.
Let’s just say that there was a reason he sat down while they were chatting on the trackside earlier today. 
Overall, Oscar was bigger, and Lando was into it.
He always had been, deep down, into Oscar, blame a guy, but this is a whole new level of just… wow.
As they sit in the little lounge in hospitality, which is unusually empty since it's only testing days, Lando is decidedly attempting to avoid looking at Oscar's body as much as possible. Because he can still see how much bigger Oscar looks through the hoodie he's wearing, for fucks sake.
"-But uh, yeah, overall, pretty boring break. Stayed at home for the time I wasn't in London for anything McLaren."
"-and evidently hit the gym." Lando adds, because apparently he can't keep his big fat mouth shut. He's internally kicking himself for being so dumb while Oscar lets out a breath of a laugh.
"I guess a bit, yeah, not much else to do." Oscar sums up. "At least there isn't when you don't travel to like six different places."
Lando lets out a snorted 'ha', before continuing.
"Well I found the time to keep up what I had but like, I'm shocked you can fit in the car with your wings right now, mate."
"Yeah? You checking me out, Norris?" Oscar raised a brow, teasingly.
And that was another change that Lando couldn't get past. The newfound confidence. Oscar has come far from the scared and shy little rookie Lando met a year ago at this point. This Oscar was confident and comfortable, and cheeky as hell.
"Don't get too full of yourself, Piastri," Lando replies, mockingly.
"I'd think you'd like it with your track record." Oscar comments, immediately following it with something Lando doesn't catch before he cuts him off.
"-What's that supposed to mean?!" Lando asks, voice pitching up in defense.
"I mean like," Oscar moves his hands around infront of himself like he's trying to find the answer in the air there, "I've seen Carlos before."
"I never should've told you about that." Lando groans, "Shut up."
That being Lando's embarrassing crush on his former teammate during their time together at McLaren, which he only admitted drunk and by omission once in a conversation about all of Lando's previous teammates.
"Nah mate, you can be into that all you want." Oscar puts his hands up like he's admitting defeat, "You liking the 'he could throw me around' look is not an issue with me."
Lando scoffs, "I did not say it like that."
"I'm pretty sure you said it exactly like that," Oscar defends, sitting up a bit straighter before learning into Lando's space, "if I remember correctly."
"Well, fine. Whatever." Lando stutters out, trying to ignore the fact that Oscar's movement meant his hoodie is now stretch taut around the width of his shoulders and chest. Lando can feel the flush of heat going over his face while he averted his gaze again, "When you're too wide to fit in the car when you're hot, don't come crying to me."
"Oh my god," Oscar laughs into the space between them, "Lando, do you, like it?"
"What? No- Shut up!" Lando stutters out. "I'm gonna go to my drivers room if you keep being an arse."
"Oh my god, you totally do, this is incredible." Oscar laughs, and Lando goes brighter red as he propels himself up off the couch. From behind him he hears the call of "No, Lando- Come back!"
"I will not tolerate this slander!" Lando jokes, flipping the bird at the air behind him as he walked towards him drivers room. Maybe Jon is around to work out the knot that Lando just created in his back.
Lando did his best for the rest of the day to stick to his side of the garage, actual testing needed to get done, and he wasn't going to distract himself any more today, thank you very much.
So when he walked back to his drivers room to change and head back to his hotel, he was too exhausted to worry when his door didn't shut completely, a small sliver of space left where he could see into the hallway. To where Oscar's door also stood ajar across from him.
One second Lando was sitting down to tie his shoes, well, then he checked and got enveloped in his phone, distracting himself for he's not sure how long, and the next second he was letting out a squawk when he saw the peek of Oscar pulling his shirt off and revealing the pale expanse of his pecs and abs, freckles evident dotting the skin even from this far away.
"Are you an exhibitionist or something, mate?!" Lando shrieks, "Close your door!"
Oscar jumps, which makes all of the muscles that are now on obnoxious display tense, which is not helpful in the slightest for Lando's problem, and put's his hand on his chest like he's had the wind knocked out of himself.
"Jesus Christ, I didn't know anyone was here," He defends, walking toward's Lando's room to push the door open wider, "Why didn't you leave with everyone else?"
"I don't know, I just didn't!" Lando's voice continues to come out shrill, "Jesus mate, are you George? Go put a shirt on."
Oscar doesn't say anything in return, just stands in the doorway and laughs, deeply. "God, you can't even look at me. Lando! It's okay! I don't care or anything, you know."
"No, Oscar- Just, go!" Lando lets his eyes trail to meet Oscar's, and not look at anything else, fearing the consequences.
"Look down mate." Oscar raises his brows, challenging him. Lando shakes his head, aggressively. "Maybe I just want an objective opinion, man to man."
"You're evil, you know that?" Lando threatens.
"Come on mate, don't make me come over there." Oscar threatens in return.
Lando continued to avert his gaze, and Oscar does follow through, coming closer to Lando, pulling him up to stand from the couch. At that, Lando puts his hands up in front of himself to attempt to balance, immediately hitting Oscar's warm skin as a consequence. He finally looks down to see what he's done, and sees nothing but sweeping shadows and toned skin, everywhere. He stutters out an attempt at a sentence, his hands sliding down towards his sides, just lightly grazing the skin of Oscar's stomach as he does, before he looks back up into his teammates eyes.
"So?" Oscar asks, a teasing brow lifted at Lando.
And Lando smashes their mouths together before he can stop himself, his hands coming up to cradle the sides of Oscar's face. The other boy meets his force with matched vigor, pushing further into Lando's space so their fronts are pressed together.
When they break apart, the usual pink of Oscar's mouth is a bit more flushed than before, and Lando can see a slight pull of blood from where he may have caught Oscar's lip a bit too tightly between his teeth. Oscar does nothing but look at him, chuckle a bit, and turn around, Lando's eyes sweeping the expanses of the revealed skin, trying to commit it to memory before it disappeared.
"I'll take that as a positive, then." Oscar jokes, pointing a finger into the air infront of himself, before slipping back into his room and shutting the door fully.
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drpoisonoaky · 6 months
But she is…soft and shy.
It was one of those nights when everyone gathered around a campfire. It was like our monthly family gathering.
In a moment of silence, Suki stared at Katara for a while. When Katara returned her gaze, Suki spoke.
"I have to ask," I knew from the tone alone that the question would be about Azula.
They always did. Katara didn't know if it was concern or morbid curiosity. She preferred to think it was the former. For her own sanity.
"About what?" Just because she knows doesn't mean she'll answer quickly. Pride, mostly.
"Azula." Hoping her surprised face was believab - "And you already knew that" Well, she had to try.
So she sighs and goes for it. “Sure” She has learned not to fight it.
"I can't imagine her showing any affection to anyone".
That's not a question. But as she was curious as to what Suki was getting at, she let it go.
Questions about Azula usually consisted of "Are you sure she doesn't treat you badly" or "If she's blackmailing you, blink twice". This one was unexpected.
Seeing Katara's confused face, Suki elaborated further on her question.
"It's just that she has this whole femme fatale aura about her. So I can't imagine her cuddling or saying I love you".
"Wait, that means if you've imagined it-" before Sokka could finish the sentence Suki covered his mouth with her hand. Considering Suki's strength, Katara thought it was a miracle that her brother still had all his teeth.
Seeing how Suki's question wasn't born out of hate, but out of pure curiosity. Katara decided to be honest.
"Although it may seem otherwise, Azula is quite shy when it comes to relationships. Everyone looked on, puzzled and confused.
Zuko was the first to speak. “Moving on from the images that Suki does in her brain about my sister. Azula shy? Is she teaching you to lie?”
“What? No! Well she has offered to ‘It’s a great skill Katara’ “said Katara, badly imitating Azula's voice. "But no, although she's more confident now which is...amazing."
While Katara was lost in thought, the rest of the group looked on in surprise.
Suki reached over and clicked her fingers in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance. "I think I speak for all of us, we need more details or context."
"NO MORE DETAILS OF WHAT SHE WAS THINKING," Sokka and Zuko said at the same time.
Suki shook her head as if to say 'well', Aang agreed and Toph said 'I wouldn't mind'.
At that moment, Katara became serious, looking at her friends one by one, and said, "What I am about to say is not going to leave here, and if Azula finds out, she will have my approval in the methods of revenge she wishes to use against you.”
They all nodded in agreement.
"I need a verbal response".
And then they all chanted in unison, "Yes, Master Katara, we promise".
After her friends' affirmation, Katara made herself comfortable in her seat and began to speak.
"At the beginning I also thought Azula would be all 'I know what I'm doing and I'm in charge' but at the very moment of our first kiss she asked me three times if she could kiss me and she stayed static until I was the one who did it".
"That's actually quite sweet," Suki said before Katara could continue.
"After that, she kept asking me if she could kiss me an average of 2 or 3 times at a time."
Before continuing Katara looked at Sokka and Zuko. "Cover your ears and hum a song loudly."
They did, but just to be sure, Katara said, "No, Suki, you can't take your clothes off right now," and when she saw that Sokka didn't react, and Zuko even less, she continued.
"Our first time was more Azula asking me if I was doing it right or if I really wanted to do it than actually doing anything. It was a fantastic experience, but also a bit peculiar.”
"I don't know why you didn't tell me to cover my ears too," Aang said, blushing.
"You are more mature emotionally and you are not a brother to either of us."
With that said Katara gestured to Zuko and Sokka that they could hear again. The two of them were not curious to know what they had missed.
"I think what struck me most about all of this is that it took Azula months to hug me without me asking her to, even though she clearly wanted to."
Katara looked up at the night sky which was full of stars as a soft smile came over her face.
“But now she does. When we are alone she is like this big koala. It’s amazing how fierce and prideful is most of the time and how she changes when she’s comfortable.”
“So yeah, she’s soft and shy but I really love that side of her. As much as I love her femme fatale aura.”
Sokka and Aang were crying. Suki was surprised, not to see these two cry - which they usually do quite a lot- but to have discovered this side of Azula.
“So the sex is mind-blowing now?” ask Toph not reading the room.
“WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW THAT” Zuko replied without giving Katara time to respond.
"Don't worry, the change in the beating of the sugar queen's heart answered for her".
"Oh Agni" Zuko complained.
"I don't know if this makes me see her in a different way, or if I still don't believe you, but thank you for sharing" Even if Suki is the most sceptical person about her relationship with Azula, she has always been a great support to Katara.
"Ok now I think we can talk about how Suki thinks of Azula being a femme fatale?" said Toph with a big grin on her face.
"NO!" shouted the two brothers of the southern water tribe and the Fire Lord.
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“Can I give you a hug?” asked Katara to Azula who was sitting next to her.
"Since when do you ask for it?" said Azula turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
“I want to be the soft and shy one sometimes”
“What are you implying? I am not like that”
"Sure, sure," Katara said as she wrapped her arms around her. "Hug first and then we'll argue about your self-denial."
And instead of arguing Azula settled into Katara's arms, grabbing her around the waist and buried her face on Katara's neck.
“I am not soft and shy”
So Katara kissed her temple and said "Sure".
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i know you crossed out First Time, but would you be opposed to writing sangyao's first kiss? No worries if not!!!
It wasn't as though he'd never imagined what it would be like to kiss Nie Huaisang.
After all, his young master wasn't shy about lavishing attention and affection on him, and that sweetness was as addicting as the cakes and pastries that had become a frequent gift.
He imagines that Nie Huaisang's kisses would taste much the same, heavy with honey and warm.
But while on one hand, he enjoyed the waves of earnest compliments and the sour expressions from others that he -lowly, unworthy Meng Yao- was the one to receive him, he had to be careful not to let himself swim out too far.
All it would take was one rumor that he was leveraging Nie Huaisang's affection to further improve his station -or that Nie Huaisang was taking advantage of him, however less likely to get started that rumor would be- and all of his hard work building his reputation would be destroyed.
So when Nie Huaisang, blushing and nervous, finally took the leap and leaned in, Meng Yao gently stopped him with fingertips pressed to his lips.
"I like you," he murmured, while Nie Huaisang was still caught off guard by the rejection, before the hurt could seep in. "I do. But we can't. Not now."
Nie Huaisang pulled back, mouth pressed thin and eyes shiny as if he were holding back tears, then he blinked several times and forced himself to nod. "Maybe... some time in the future?" he asked hopefully.
Meng Yao smiled. "When my father acknowledges me."
When I am no longer a servant, he doesn't say.
When we are closer to being equals, he doesn't say.
But whether Nie Huaisang hears any of that or not, he nods again, more decisively. "Okay," he says. "I'll wait."
His mouth tasted of blood as he slowly made his way out of the gates of the Unclean Realms, the sound of Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue arguing over his fate fading in the background behind him.
In the years that followed -as he hid Lan-zongzhu, as he worked his way into Wen Ruohan's confidence, as he helped end the war- the metallic tang in the back of his throat never truly went away.
In a way, he was glad it hadn't. With that taste coloring everything he ate or drank, he thought less of sweet things, of a sweet boy, of something he'd lost before he'd ever even gotten to try it.
After all, surely his former young master had found someone else to lavish all his attention and affection on in the past three years. Surely Nie Huaisang hadn't waited for him -lowly, unworthy, cast out Meng Yao- when there were other, more acceptable options closer at hand.
His father had finally acknowledged him.
That was all he needed.
That was all he needed.
And yet it sat sour and heavy in his stomach at the victory banquet, weighed down by the insults that had come with it.
When he turned and found a soft, worried gaze that was altogether alien -the face wearing it was older, sharper, losing the childish roundness he had carried later than his cohorts- and painfully familiar -he had last seen it as he stumbled from the meeting hall, wounded and damned to exile- his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Nie Huaisang had waited; it was written on his face in the depths of affection and concern in his gaze, and the realization robbed Jin Guangyao of the pretty words he had once imagined years ago that he would say in this moment.
Instead, he simply reached out, letting his fingertips brush along the other young man's jaw as he drew him in.
Nie Huaisang sank into him, warm and pliant and giving him complete control, and his mouth was as soft and sweet as he'd ever imagined.
And yet still, on the back of his tongue, lingered the tinge of blood.
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