#i work full-time and have pet health issues so remember not everyone is a 16 year old with no responsibilities who can write 12h everyday
skerbbie · 8 months
hey sorry if you don't like if people ask these type of questions just know you don't have to answer this but are you still working on your horrorfarm fanfic on ao3 or is it cancelled.
hmm.... it's not that I don't like these types of questions? people just don't ask how I'm doing.
you'll get an update when I feel like writing again. nothing is cancelled. guilt trips do not motivate me.
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ollifree · 3 years
1. What are things they both find funny?
Pet antics. They share a morbid sense of humor about the plague that anyone else who lived in Vesuvia at the time would find abhorrent. They have different limits on it and know where each other’s is.
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
You’re gonna limit Lucio to one sentence? Lucio? He’s gotta talk about how smart Skylar is, how good he looks, his talent in magic, his thoughtfulness. Lucio’s favorite words for Skylar are, in order, “Pretty, precious, perfect.”
I’m taking Skylar’s from a prompt from last year.
“Should I start with his eccentricities or…? He’s loud, brash. More cunning than people give him credit for. He’ll have an absolute meltdown if he can’t get his makeup right and have himself convinced two seconds later he always gets it perfect. He wears white because he’s always covered in dog hair. He makes sure everyone knows what his opinion on something is, and will do everything within his power to fix something he deems wrong.”
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
Lucio makes a point of complimenting however Skylar looks, but it’s a rare day Lucio doesn’t praise Skylar’s intellect and dedication to his work.
Skylar’s go-to descriptor for Lucio is “handsome”. His favorite (non-extensive) list of things to compliment Lucio on are: how hard he tries, how brave he is, his confidence, how passionate he is when it comes to the things he cares about.
They each compliment each other’s ass at least ten times per day.
4. What would be their ship name?
Either "grind against your bones until our marrows mix", or "the awful edges where you end and i begin", both of which are lyrics from Ludo's The Horror of Our Love.
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
Favorite activities are lounging on each other, doting on the pets, and people watching. Skylar gets coaxed into doing magic (however mundane) so Lucio can compliment him. In modern verse they binge watch bad reality tv. Lucio will put up with being outside when it snows only because Skylar likes outdoor winter activities and only because Lucio knows he’s gonna get some hardcore snuggle time at the end of it.
6. What is/are their love language(s)?
Lucio’s are gift giving (showing) and words of affirmation (receiving). Skylar’s is quality time. Physical touch is mandatory for both of them.
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them.
This question is arophobic.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
I’m always down for some self-fic plugging [link].
Skylar couldn’t have had a better introduction to Lucio: Julian had brought Skylar to Vesuvia for the menagerie, and Skylar and Lucio immediately clicked over their shared love of animals. Lucio truly has a unique personality and Skylar was excited to meet a new kind of person. Add on Julian’s endorsement of the Count and it’s no small wonder Skylar wound up staying in Vesuvia long past when he would have left anywhere else.
9. Have they made each other cry?
Yes. Mostly via mutual vulnerability and happiness. Then the plague happened.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them.
This is a direct call out for me not writing my fic yet.
11. What causes them to fight?
Lucio’s Lucio-isms getting out of hand, or Salsa destroying something of Lucio’s. He can’t get mad at his fur babies so Skylar gets to take the brunt of it. Their biggest arguments happened over the coliseum and how to deal with the outbreak of the plague.
12. Do they have differing political opinions?
Before Lucio’s death Skylar didn’t invest himself enough in Vesuvian politics to give a concrete answer in that area. Insofar as Lucio’s views of being in a position of power? Yes they absolutely have different opinions.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
I was originally going to say “nothing”, then I remembered Lucio has one. So Skylar’s currently sitting at a “nothing” with an asterisk of “unless I remember something”.
Lucio’s is being around Skylar when Skylar’s sick. Lucio has a phobia of catching whatever’s going around after the plague and has to nope out of situations where he’s around illness. That being said he is hyper aware of Skylar’s health, as after leaving Vesuvia Skylar becomes more prone to colds and flues.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Skylar's dealbreaker almost happened, which is someone's wants getting in the way of / actively opposing another's needs. Lucio's would be unfaithfulness.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Nothing they outright dislike, but they do recognize the faults the other perceives in themselves and help them improve in that regard. For Skylar it’s his non-confrontational nature getting his needs and wants ignored. For Lucio it’s empathizing with others and taking responsibility for, and dealing with, the consequences of his actions.
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
How dare you.
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Never in anyone’s life would Lucio have expected to get an attachment to the smell of books yet here he is. The same goes for hot chocolate. Skylar walks into the makeup department and it’s just like walking past Lucio’s collection.
18. What would be their love motto?
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19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
This isn’t in the marriage vows because they have the awareness to go “if we say half the things we feel in front of anybody, concerns we are not equipped to address in an acceptable way will be raised.” After the ceremony, when they’re on their own, this exchange happens:
Lucio: “Love me. Until we’ve been dead so long our bones are dust.” Skylar: “Not good enough. It’ll have to be until the world is ash.”
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
Similar ones to what’s above. Trauma-induced codependency reinforced by magic ritual body trading meta sure is something.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
For the better: by helping one another with the issues listed in question fifteen. For the worse: they gain a lot of codependence for stated meta reasons, along with a very deep-seated fear of losing each other again.
In the end they do leave Vesuvia. Ultimately they are going the route of “this is a very important lesson we’ve learned about responsibility and the consequences of our actions. Now let’s get the fuck out of the city we’re responsible for and one of us nearly ruined with his actions.” They acknowledge the hypocrisy of this, and while in the end they’re better off outside Vesuvia it is there.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Because I’m a sucker for them the answer’s yes. They only hit the love stage to begin with because Lucio was able to put the work into unlearning and breaking the cycle of the worst parts of his tribe’s culture. I will say though that Lucio staying with the tribe would make it vastly more difficult for them to meet. Skylar still does his traveling, as his parents didn’t have any major expectations beyond “well-functioning adult” when raising him, but considering how infamous the warring tribes of the south are I don’t see travel into the steppes being easy or recommended.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
I honestly may come back to these but 300 words is a lot for my amount of spoons rn.
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
“Skylar has never done anything wrong in his life.” - Lucio Arcanagame
Salsa’s definitely destroyed a few things Lucio’s particular towards, and as it’s impossible for Lucio to be mad at any of his fur babies Skylar gets the brunt of it.
Along with Lucio getting snippy with him for Salsa mauling his good shirts, Skylar’s had to forgive Lucio for a lot. Mostly it’s Lucio-isms that make things get blown out of proportion. Then there’s the Coliseum. And Lucio’s deals. And the plague.
25. What moves do they know work on the other?
“Want to have sex?” / “Yes.”
If all else fails, Lucio knows he can get Skylar out of a book and back to real life by smoochin’ behind Skylar’s ears.
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
Sex is a cathartic extension of their shared love language, physical affection. The orgasms are an added bonus.
27. Do they have any kinks/fetishes that they share?
All of them. Like I say it as a joke but it’s just easier writing-wise to have them on the same level. Realistically it’s like 80-90%. Both of them want to please their partner and have a good time doing so. Their communication on that front is solid.
28. Write a ~300 fantasy one of them has about the other.
This question is acephobic.
29. What are each of their signature foreplay moves?
“Want to have sex?” / “Yes.”
30. Write a short exchange of dirty talk between them.
What up I’m Olli I’m almost 27 and I still haven’t learned how to write porn.
“Does puppy want me to fill him up?” “So precious…” “Look. Look at what I’m doing to you.” “Beg for it.” “Not yet. You piss when I tell you to.” “Do you like the taste of your cum that much?” “Good boy.”
“How you feeling, handsome?” “Are you ready to behave?” “What a mess you are.” “Fuck me so full I can’t move.” “You want to be good, don’t you?” “Master.” “Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck me, fuck me.”
31. What do they love to do after sex?
Shared baths.
32. Do they enjoy morning or night sex?
Why are we limiting when the sex happens? The time of day doesn’t affect their enjoyment of it. They’re exhibitionists with impunity there is literally no limit on when the sex can happen.
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
Full clear on OC asks for Sam! 💋
Thank you my dear... now lets gush about John’s first born and only son shall we???
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What’s their full name? - Samuel Joseph Seed 
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? -  Well he was going to be named Joseph, after his Uncle...The Father... but his mother was having none of that and switched out the birth certificate forms for the one she had filled out because there was no way in hell Mary Jane was about to let her precious baby boy be named after Joseph... though she allowed his middle name to be Joseph as a way to keep the peace. 
Do they have any nicknames? - SOOOO MANY! Sam - is the most common one and what most people call him. Sammie - What MJ still calls him even as an adult. Bubby - Ellie’s nickname for him as a child, Thing 1 - Sean’s nickname for him as kids. Cousin It - Finn’s nickname for him. Jesus - another Finn nickname. (because he looks like the only image of Jesus they had ever seen) Weasel - Mac gives him this as small child and sticks. 
How old are they? - At the time of New Dawn 24 almost 25 years old.
When’s their birthday? -  October 19th
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance?
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? - He’s a Seed... does that count? He has John’s “far too blue” eyes...so like... That could be considered super powers.... 
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? - If there was such thing as a Healer Mage class in the FC universe.. .that would probably be Sam’s class because he is exceptionally smart with a real focus in medicine and science/chemistry. If the Collapse wouldn’t have happened he would probably have gone to Med School to become a surgeon. 
What do they look like? - Same is the tallest of MJ and John’s kids standing just a hair taller than his father at 5′11. He has long dark brown hair and an impressive beard, both of which he has sported since he was 16 making him often be mistaken for much older than he is. He slight of build and looks to be in far better shape physically than he is actually is. 
Do they have a face claim? - Tom Payne - Specifically as Paul “Jesus” Rovia from TWD
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? -  He is a pretty standard guy. He isn’t fancy, mostly because this world doesn’t allow for it. He likes t-shirts, sweaters and jeans. He will wear an old button up shirt if he can find it and has several trench coats he has acquired over the years. His hair is usually down and one the rare occasion that he puts it up, Lily always glares at him and tells him to put his hair down before their mother sees... because with his hair up.. he looks a lot like a young Joseph. 
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? - Sam is a very self assured young man, bordering on the cockiness of John in his youth. He has been painfully aware that he was always one of the more intelligent people in the room from a young age and developed a bit of a superiority complex because of it. He tends to stand with his shoulders back and hands at his side or in his pockets. He is an observer, rarely the person leading the conversation but always watching and passing his judgment.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? - Sam is the only one of MJ and John’s kids to have been born with health issues. He had a medium sized hole in his heart when he was born that eventually required surgery. Though since that surgery had very little issue besides a heart mummer. This however left MJ way over protective of him well into adulthood. 
What’s their alignment? Lawful Neutral 
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? - INTP
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? - Sam loves music, he plays piano and guitar. He is much more of a classical music person and as a child spent hours practicing. His favorite books are Animal Farm and Frankenstein. His favorite food as a child was pizza and pasta, as an adult he is happy with whatever he can get but still loves carbs. His favorite item from his childhood he was able to keep was a model plane that John and him made when he was 6. It’s of John’s plane. 
What are they bad at? - Dealing with intense emotions, both their own and other people’s. He never knows how to react and often seems to ‘over react’ with his own emotions. He also can not shoot to save his life. 
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? - Unnecessary cruelty. Onions, Fish and split pea soup.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? - Well... lets just start with he has a lot of childhood trauma... which defiantly manifests it’s self in some pretty well hidden anxiety and depression. He also comes from a long line of people who suffer with various addictions and I could see Sam having again...a very well hidden...drinking problem. Particularly post-ND events. 
What are their goals and motivations? - Their end goal is not peace, as much as an agreement that would allow everyone to function as they need to with in a certain set of rules... IE... he wants to re-establish a ruling body of government on a very small scale in Hope County that would allow for the communities to work together when needed but function independently as they wish as long as they cause no harm to the other communities. This is motivated by his study of history and his belief that because he has studied so much, he has found fault in the old systems and what he will build will be better. 
What are their manners like? Any habits? - He has an odd stillness about him, even as small child. He was the quite one, the better behaved of the twins (easily the most well behaved of all MJ and John’s children). He tends to crack his knuckles when he is nervous or clear his throat when he feels the conversation is getting off topic. 
What are they most afraid of? - Not being able to do enough. He sees what happened because of his father, his family.. his mother’s family. Sam feels (like all the kids do in some way) responsible for fixing the mess that the Seeds created in Hope County. 
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? - He was born with his sister Lilith at the birthing center in Hope County (but both he and Lily were sent to a much bigger hospital shortly after they were born because the small hospital couldn’t handle them being 8 weeks early). Their childhood before the collapse was filled with pockets of really happy times mixed with stretches of chaos. Both he and Lily vividly remember The Project at Eden’s Gate and the events of the Reaping. Both he and Lily were present for the attempted arrest of Joseph. After the collapse it was still difficult in the bunker as both his parents struggled with believed loss of Jacob, Ellie and worst of all Grace. Once they left the bunker things settled into a new normal. He is very close with Lily and Rose, as well as his Uncle Mac. He is close with both of his parents but is resentful on some level of their preoccupation with losing Grace.  
What’s their family like? - A hot mess... but the core they are very tight knit. Sam is more ready to trust a member of his immediate family than anyone else. 
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? - He and Lily were called “The First of the Children of New Eden” within the Project as small children and as an adult he holds the role of the “doctor” in the community John calls “Redemption” but really Sam is main intelligence gatherer as people are very disarmed by him because of his ability to help the sick. 
How do they fit into their “story”? - Sam is Ethan’s foil for lack of a better way of putting. Ethan is grasping for power, while Sam wants nothing do with holding an position at all within New Eden. He has no desire to fulfill any of the role that The Father saw him. He is easily the one most suited to lead, but has no desire what so ever to lead anyone or be any manner of spiritual leader to people. 
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
How do they eventually die? - He dies of a sudden heart attack while speaking to a group of people gathered in New Eden (preaching basically) at the age of 36. He dies before both his parents and all three of his sisters. 
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? - His best friend is easily Lily, because they are twins. Their relationship is just on a different level than other peoples. They understand each other often with just glances and small changes in expression. He also becomes close with Finn, both sharing a bit of a sarcastic and witty sense of humor. 
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids? - Well.. not really. He spends most of his time with his sisters during the story and I never really thought of him in romantic terms...at all. I could see him having kids one day, either “adopting” or by natural means... either or. 
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? - Really the person Sam looks up to the most is Mac. He respects Mac’s ability to pragmatic about difficult choices and always put the others before his own benefit. Mac had a big hand in raising Sam, so this really comes as no surprise. As far as people he trusts, he trusts his family... his sisters (including Grace), his uncles, Rachel/Faith, Ellie,... pretty much everyone but Joseph and Ethan that share DNA with him. 
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? - Joseph, mostly because he puts the full blame on what happened with the collapse and the events the happened in his life right before squarely on Joseph’s shoulders. This by proxy extends to Ethan...
Do they have any pets? - As a child he had several, Boomer and Salem even made it to the bunker with them (thank you Sean and Faith) but since then he never really kept bets.
Are they good with kids? Animals? - Yes to both.
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? - The Dutiful Son , Looks Like Jesus/Hippie Jesus  (that one goes without saying right?), The Spymaster & Big Brother Instinct 
Do they play any instruments? Sports? - He plays Piano and he was never much for sports. 
What are some items they always carry?- A knife, a small black notebook and a pen.
Do they collect anything? - Books.
What position do they sleep in? - On his stomach mostly with the pillow over his head rather than under his head.
Which emoji would they use the most? - The eyes emoji
What languages do they speak? - English
What’s their favorite expletive? - Fuck
What’s their favorite candle scent? - Probably like Pine...
What songs remind you of them? - Loosing My Religion - R.E.M
Which animal would you say represents them? - The Raven
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? - The Weird kids that don’t fit in with any other group who is kinda metal head looking but gets straight A’s. 
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? - Bumper Cars (he actually gets to go once as a child)
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? - For someone who grew up in such a superstitious home, if Sam doesn’t have evidence for it... he doesn’t believe. 
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? - Again, for someone who grew up in such an intensely religious home, he lost all connection to PEG or even conventional Christian beliefs by the time he is an adult he declares he is in Atheist. He does preach about keeping a very personal set of morals that you should adhere to but, not the belief there is an all knowing deity. 
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? - Pride 
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? - The Hierphant 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. How has covid affected you? Fortunately, so far neither myself nor anyone close to me has had it. My parents have been able to keep their jobs. My brother was out of work briefly when his job closed, but thankfully he was able to get another job a few months later with the same company. I’m able to stay home with the exception of my once a month doctor appointment, so I’ve been able to quarantine. I am very thankful we haven’t been affected terribly. However, it certainly has caused a lot of stress and anxiety to say the least. It makes scared. And sad. Everyday I’m afraid to read the news. I worry a lot about my family who like I said has been working this whole time during this, so they’re out there around other people all the time. I worry about people not taking the necessary precautions and not taking it seriously. I know people are tired of it so they’re started loosening up. I’m afraid there’s no end in sight to this anytime soon. :/ It’s also made me even more of a homebody than I already was since like I said I only ever leave the house once a month for a doctor appointment. Which, by the way, makes me very anxious. I’ve been in this house for most of this year, afraid to go anywhere or do anything. I don’t when I’ll feel safe to do anything.  2. What is a comfort show of yours ? Probably shows like The Golden Girls, Roseanne, The Gilmore Girls, Full House, Boy Meets World...stuff that makes me feel nostalgic.  3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I’m pretty open in these surveys that’s for sure. I’m more closed off in person. 4. Favourite fast food joint? It changes. Lately, I’ve been into chicken tenders, fries, and cheesecake from Carl’s Jr. 5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? Yes.
6. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Nothing. 7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? Too many of the same basic questions like about your relationship status and exes and who you last kissed.  8. What were you doing 10 years ago? Wow, I was 21 years old. I was attending community college. I had friends and a social life. I wasn’t without some of my health issues, but it wasn’t like it is now that’s for sure. 9. Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier? No. 10. Animal crossing , yay or nay? Yay. I love New Horizons. It’s the only Animal Crossing game I’ve played, but I’ve been enjoying it since I started playing back in like April. 11. Why do you like to do surveys? They’re like my diary entries. I’m able to express how I’m feeling and vent and ramble when needed. There’s questions that prompt and allow me to get stuff off my chest. They give me something to do, something to distract myself with, stuff to think about. And like diaries, I’m able to look back and see how things have changed and what was going on at different times.  12. Did you ever have a MySpace ? Yep. I was super into Myspace back in the day. It’s crazy how one day everyone seemed to just leave and migrate over to Facebook and that ended up becoming the popular thing and Myspace and was seen as lame.  13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I wouldn’t say they’re toxic.  14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no , would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have an account, but that’s so I can subscribe, favorite, add videos to be watched later, and comment if I feel the need to do so. I’m not a YouTube creator. 15. Are you a math person? Nooo. 16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? Hm. 17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? No. 18. Would you ever date someone online? No. 19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? Yes, I have. And I’ve ghosted. :/ 20. When do you think things will be normal again? I don’t know. :/ I mean, I don’t think things will ever be exactly how they were pre-covid. Things are and will be different, we’ll have a new normal going forward. I just pray for the day we have it under control and better managed and it’s not this major threat and looming fear over us. That we’ll be able to go out and not have a high chance of catching something potentially life threatening or deadly. We’ll always be mindful of it and I think we should keep our precautions in place as our new normal, but things will be safer and not as strict. 21. Do you watch anime? No. 22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over ? Just get through it. 23. How old did/do you turn this year ? I turned 31. 24. Do you like tiktok? Yeah. I end up spending a lot of time on there.  25. Do you ever miss vine? I went on Vine and there are the classic funny vines that people still remember, but I’m honestly into TikTok a lot more. I spend more time on there and there’s people I follow who I’ve really taken an interest in and keep up with. There’s the funny side of TikTok and people tend to just think of the dance trends on there, but honestly there’s a really wholesome side to it that I really enjoy as well. 26. How are you doing, seriously? ”Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.” 27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? Not at the moment. 28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Yeah.  29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? Yes.  30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? No, I don’t think so. 31. Long or short surveys? Long. 32. If ur in school , are you doing it on zoom or in class? I’m glad I’m done with school and don’t have to do the zoom thing.  33. Would you ever have a pet rat? Noooooo. 34. Favourite memory with your best friend? I have countless favorite memories. 35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? ASMR, vloggers, lifestyle. 36. Are you allergic to anything serious? Nothing serious, no. I am allergic to tangerines, but it’s not life threatening. 37. Dream job? I don’t have one. :/
38. Do you think dreams mean anything? Sometimes. 39. Fav clothing brand? Is Hot Topic and Boxlunch a brand cause I get majority of my graphic tees from them. Oh, I also love Adidas. 40. Do you miss anyone? My loved ones who have passed away.
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ellaintrigue · 4 years
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I need my peace.
I've struggled with PMS on and off for years, and let me tell you, PMS mixed with PTSD is so rough. I've heard of women getting murderous with that type of shit but I can still rationalize, fortunately. The first day of it I'm mad, the second day I'm emotional, the next day mad, etc., and it lasts about 5 days until I bleed.
My mother tells me to not discuss health issues in blogs or when I talk to men. She tells me to be less emotional, and not cry, especially in front of people. I've never wanted to cry in front of people, and in fact, I barely cry at all, but during PMS + high levels of stress it does happen. And sometimes I just cry and let it out and feel better. When my grandmother lay dying in hospice I got choked up and my mom turned to me and snapped, "DON'T START THAT" and I felt so trapped and miserable. My grandmother was doped up with her eyes rolling up in her head and gasping breaths from her heart failing and it was very hard to watch. And I may be a coward but I honestly would have felt better if I could have just cried a little. Not sobs but just some tears. After I left that day I bawled my ass off in my Oldsmobile. She'd never tell me to stop.
I hate censorship. I hate people saying racist things, gay-bashing, and calling women bitches and hoes, but when it comes to raw emotion and expression, where is the harm? Am I hurting someone that reads this, in admitting that I cry? In admitting I have period problems? In showing my body? I'm just... a human. A messy, scarred up, bubbly, angry, happy, sad, fucked up human. I can't write about happy beautiful things every day because that's not realistic and I don't want to.
Yesterday was eventful and also full of emotion, but not a negative day. I stayed up until 10 PM which is rare for me, and didn't eat. I last ate at 1 PM and woke up this morning starved and weak.
I definitely have some PMS still, and, any day, I want to lay in bed for 15 minutes after I wake up, either with my eyes closed or while listening to some music. I seriously need that little pause before I start my day, but some days IT IS. SO. HARD. TO GET.
I woke up shortly after 5:30 this morning, stretched, and did some thinking over the events of yesterday. I was in a good mood. Then I hear FaceBook messenger go off twice. Okay, whatever. I should turn the notifications off for the night but it's just too much to remember and fuck with somehow. I wish people would just not message me between 9 PM and 7 AM lol. But I do enjoy talking to my cousin, and let her know I had to go soon because I hadn't eaten in 16 hours.
Then the cats start slamming at my bedroom door, my dad texts me, my friend Trent dings messenger, and I'm just like, holy shit. Then my cousin mentions this gentleman she keeps saying I should talk to. I said if he wants to say hi, he can. She initially marketed it as the guy worked a lot and needed friends. You know, whatever. She first brought it up two months ago, then brought it up again today.
I'm not judging, not trying to complain about my cousin trying to be nice to me, but I talk to a loooottt of people. If someone wants to say hi to me, they can, but regardless of whether this guy wanted a friend or someone to date, I'm going to be more focused on people my own age. I know so many people over 40 that I really just want people under that and he appeared to be 50. For a while I had trouble finding friends so I participated in a social site outside of FaceBook and now talk to whoever from wherever. I also find men to talk to sometimes, to see if there's a dateable connection, but that isn't something I put much pressure on at this time.
I was involved with someone amazing mid-pandemic and am capable of getting men, it's just not something I'm going to write about or tell everyone. I think people have the misconception that because I'm a survivor of violence and a feminist that I have trouble dating but that's more my own pickiness. When I whine about dating scene things I'm just blurbing and blowing off steam, not exuding desperation. It would be lame to blog about who I'm actually talking to at the moment and spoil things. I do not need people making connections for me. 🤷‍♀️
I finally excuse myself from my talk with her, close off my computer, and leave my phone upstairs to do chores. Put my two male cats in their kennel while I clean their box, clean the old cat's box, and she whirls around my legs. She's become increasingly manic after developing a skin allergy to dry cat food. She's fine now physically but just constantly underfoot, trying to bite me all the time and generally being annoying as fuck. She has always had severe behavioral issues but this takes the cake. She wants the dry food so I try to give her a little bit throughout the week but yesterday she just woofed it down, puked it up then begged for more. That night she tried to bite my legs repeatedly. This morning she didn't want the vet-recommended wet food and tried to trip me and bite me the whole time I was trying to do chores.
I hurt my left foot so I'm having trouble moving it and I have to juggle that to avoid her, then I go outside and the black cat walks in front of me and stops and tries to sit on my feet over and over. Oh my God, I love all of them but I honestly don't know how people have kids and shit, they drive me fucking crazy. My ex's dog even drove me crazy, I hate noise in the morning, being tripped in the morning, my phone going off in the morning, people in the morning. It all drives me batshit crazy.
This is my own making since I have 4 cats because I had so many pets with my ex, and as I've mentioned before, I won't have more than 2 animals at a time after these eventually age and pass over the rainbow bridge. Anyway, this is my blurb for the week. I haven't had time to blog photos or do anything I want to do in days, it's all been work, family drama, and tons else.
Maybe one day I'll have a nice morning without noise, bullshit, and two-legged and four-legged creatures getting on my fucking nerves. Lol!
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toxoiddiamond · 4 years
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T H E B A S I C S Given Name: Joel Porter Nycroft Nicknames: No nicknames, but he goes by the name Joel Winters professionally. Age: 40 Birthday: May 25th Zodiac Sign: Gemini Birthplace: Liverpool, England Current Location: He is constantly touring, but he has two homes– one just outside of London, and one in LA. His London-ish (as he calls it) home is where he spends his time off, and his LA home (which is a condo) is where he lives while the band works on recording new albums, since that is where their current label is based. Speaks: English and French (not fluently, but decently well). Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Education: High school dropout, never bothered to get his GED or anything since he never really needed to. No college education, obviously. He is very smart though, and reasonably well-educated. Occupation: Lead singer and guitarist of internationally famous band No Rest for the Londoners, often shortened to simply The Londoners. Vehicle: It’s been a very long time since he’s had to drive himself anywhere– and that’s probably for the best, given the fact that he is under the influence more often than not. He has drivers that take him anywhere he needs to go, or, if the place is within walking distance, he’ll just walk over. Worldly Possessions: Though he’s quite wealthy, he doesn’t live too ostentatiously. He does tend to buy expensive/high quality things that will last him a long time, especially if it’s an instrument or anything to do with music, but he doesn’t spend excessively. He has some artwork on his walls that he splurged on, a shelf for his various awards (which he keeps hidden in a closet in his home studio because he feels weird having them out on display for all to see), nice (but not ridiculously expensive) clothes and bedding and such, furniture he had custom made by a local carpenter, etc. Then he has all his instruments and music equipment, which make up the majority of his possessions. Pet(s): He can barely take care of himself, so he has never even considered owning a pet, but he does like animals a lot. In the future, once he has his shit together, he would be totally open to having pets.
A P P E A R A N C E Height: 6’0” Hair: Dark with a few flecks of grey. Long-ish and usually a bit of a mess unless he’s going somewhere fancy, in which case he will slick it back. Facial Hair: He usually keeps his beard quite full. He trims it now and then, but it’s rare for him to actually shave it all off. Eye Colour: Brown Skin Tone: He doesn’t spend a lot of time outdoors, so he’s pasty. Clothing: For the most part, he looks pulled together– jeans and t-shirts, the occasional cardigan, peacoats in colder weather, classic black suits when he attends special events. He doesn’t exactly dress like a “rock star” and has never cared to try and be edgy or fit a certain persona. Distinguishing Marks: Faded track marks on both his arms from his past heroin abuse– he makes no effort to hide or cover them, since he figures everyone knows about his drug problem anyway. Face Claim: Jim Sturgess
H E A L T H Physical Health: It could be better. What with the fact that he’s constantly high or drunk (or both), his health is not great. He is constantly exhausted, often feels sick, has a weak immune system, and is pretty much just a mess. There’s been more than one occasion throughout his career when he’s passed out from sheer exhaustion, or had to reschedule shows due to illness (though he considers that a last resort). Physical Abilities/Limitations: Joel is an extremely talented musician. On top of the fact that he has a lovely singing voice, he can play guitar, piano, drums, and bass. He can’t read music at all, but has a knack for playing by ear, which drives the rest of his band absolutely nuts because anytime they try to ask Joel what key he’s singing/playing in, he just shrugs. Addictions: It would be faster to list the things he’s not addicted to. But mainly, he’s addicted to alcohol and cocaine. He used to have a serious heroin addiction, but hasn’t touched heroin since his late twenties. He also abuses Xanax, though he doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing– he figures that since his doctor prescribed it, it’s fine to use it on a regular basis, but it’s really doing more harm than good. Allergies: None Mental Health: Terrible. Like, catastrophically bad. Joel is pretty much always on the verge of a mental breakdown– he has had several over the past few years, but has not gotten the help he so desperately needs in order to get his mental health back in order. He has gone to rehab many times, but wasn’t really given much help in the mental health department; he was just told he needed to relax and that once he was off the drugs he would feel much better. Turned out that wasn’t true, so he has always gone back to the drugs after leaving rehab. He is constantly considering suicide, and has attempted it twice; once when he was fourteen, and once when he was thirty-two. The second attempt was passed off as an accidental drug overdose to the media, though it was not accidental at all.
H I S T O R Y Summary: Joel was born and raised in Liverpool. His father left when he was just a baby, so Joel never knew him. Unfortunately, his mother was neglectful and uncaring– she was addicted to drugs and ran with a bad crowd, and her only real concern was where her next fix would come from. Joel was often left with neighbors or other family members for long periods of time before his mother would remember to come and get him. More than once, authorities were alerted to the fact that Joel’s mother was not taking care of him, but nothing ever really came of it. From an early age, Joel was interested in music, and began teaching himself to play guitar when he was ten years old. He always had a knack for playing by ear, so he never bothered to learn to read music. He spent a lot of time in a local music shop playing around with various instruments, and the staff let him hang around since he didn’t bother anyone and they kind of felt sorry for him. It was there that Joel taught himself to play both piano and bass. At the age of 14, Joel was pressured by some of his mom’s friends into getting high with them. Although Joel didn’t want to, he was made to feel that saying no wasn’t an option, so he did heroin with them. He doesn’t remember much of what happened that night– just that he went with them somewhere, Joel was absolutely scared out of his mind, and then he woke up the next morning on a park bench. From then on, Joel began to get high regularly, and did favors for his mom’s “friends,” mostly running drugs and bringing back money. It was around this time that he attempted suicide by purposely overdosing, but he woke up the next morning– still in his bedroom, intensely sick and much worse for wear, but alive. Joel dropped out of high school at 16– he would have failed his classes anyway since he’d been skipping school so much and his grades had plummeted. At 17, his friend Michael invited him to London– Michael was moving there and saw an opportunity to get Joel away from all the bad influences in his life. They moved in with Michael’s aunt for a while, and Joel took a job in a record shop to save up money. Eventually they struck out on their own and decided to put a band together, something they had talked about for years. After finding the perfect band members (something they still insist was fate), they began writing songs and recorded an EP in Joel and Michael’s basement. After playing a few local shows, word of mouth begin to spread, and before they knew it, they were approached by a manager offering them a contract with a major label. They took the deal, and the rest is history. Job History: His first “job” was as an errand boy for a shady group of drug dealers. He then worked in a record store for almost three years, and during that time, helped form the band and started playing the occasional show. Obviously that worked out because he is a very famous, successful musician now. Fondest Memories: His first rock concert when he was ten years old. Running away from Liverpool– he’ll never forget the feeling of freedom as they drove past the city limits. Performing in small venues and getting such an unexpectedly good response. And, of course, the first time they ever performed in a sold-out arena; the first time he heard the audience singing his own lyrics back at him, Joel almost cried. Worst Experiences: The majority of his childhood. And… a lot of his adulthood, actually.
C O M M U N I C A T I O N Speech Pace/Style: Though Joel can be very charming, he’s not exactly smooth. He’s kind of a dork, and most of his charm comes from the fact that people find it endearing how weird and awkward he can be. Depending on whatever drugs are in his system, he can either talk a mile a minute, or he might speak slowly, possibly slurring his words (though the slurring isn’t always noticeable with his accent). Accent: Very, very English with a distinctive Scouse accent. When he speaks, there is absolutely no doubt about where he’s from. Favorite Phrases or Words: He uses a lot of typical Scouse slang, such as “made up” for “happy,” or “cob on” for “bad mood.” His bandmates tease him about his weird accent/dialect all the time, though it’s all in good fun, of course. Usual Curse Words: Fuck, and any of its derivatives.
P E R S O N A L I T Y, M I N D S E T, A N D B E L I E F S Personality Type: ENFP-T Sense of Humor: Joel is charismatic and funny– he loves to make people laugh and can be quite a goofball when the mood strikes him. He often uses humor as a way to deflect or distract from his issues, so a lot of people who don’t know him well are surprised to find out that he’s as depressed as he is. When it comes to entertaining people, he will do just about anything to get a laugh, as long as it’s not offensive in some way– self-deprecating humor is his go-to, though. Habits: He tends to fidget a lot– wringing his hands, scratching at his arms, bouncing his leg when he’s sitting, especially during interviews or before a performance. Fears/Phobias: His biggest fear is ending up alone. He doesn’t even like being alone in his house, so the idea of being abandoned or rejected by the people he cares about is what really scares him. Loneliness is his worst enemy, and honestly, anytime when Joel is left alone with his own thoughts is just not going to end well. Strengths: Joel is a creative, kind, and thoughtful person who genuinely likes being around others and getting to know them. He loves doing nice things for people, making people laugh, and is charismatic as hell. People seem to naturally flock to him and enjoy his company– he’s kind of the life of the party. Joel always does his best to be kind to his fans as well, especially kids, and would never deny anyone a picture or autograph, even if he secretly would rather be doing anything else. Flaws: As lovely as Joel can be, when he’s deep under the influence of drugs, it’s like he’s a completely different person. Selfish, combative, and a chronic liar. When he starts spiralling into depression, it’s impossible for him to pull himself out of that tailspin, and that is how he’s ended up in this vicious cycle of getting depressed, doing drugs, getting more depressed, drinking the pain away, getting even more depressed, etc, etc. Hopes/Desires: He really, really wants to get clean and sober, but doesn’t know if it’s really possible for him. He hates that he’s so reliant on drugs and alcohol to even get through the day, but he’s felt so awful and depressed (more than usual) every time he’s gotten clean that he doesn’t see how he can live like that. Self-Esteem: It could not possibly be any lower. Joel considers himself to be a burden on everyone he knows and pretty much thinks he’s a waste of space. It would only take the tiniest nudge for him to attempt suicide (again). Religion: He doesn’t believe in any kind of god or higher power. In fact, he really hopes there isn’t any such thing, because he’s pretty sure that if there is a god or any kind of afterlife, he won’t end up going anywhere pleasant when he dies.
R A N D O M Sleeping Position: Curled up in a ball on his side. Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers Day or Night?: He doesn’t have a preference– it really just depends on whether he has something to do or not. Top or Bottom?: He can go either way. Partying or Relaxing?: Usually partying, unless he has someone to relax with.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S Closest Friend: He is close to all of his bandmates: Michael (Joe Anderson), Dawn (Sofia Boutella), Holly (Devon Aoki), and their newest/youngest bandmate who replaced their former rhythm guitarist, Ryan (Justin Nozuka). Out of all of them, he is definitely closest with Michael since they grew up together. Relationship History: Not a lot of long-term relationships. He briefly dated Dawn back when they first met, before the band blew up, but they quickly decided they weren’t compatible. He has dated around a bit, some men and some women, mostly people who are also in the public eye (actors, models, musicians, etc), but none of those relationships lasted longer than a few months. Sexual Partners: A lot. He was definitely promiscuous when he was younger, lots of flings and one-night stands. As he got older, he lost interest in having a new partner every night and started getting into more actual relationships, though none of them lasted longer than a year. Thoughts About Sex: He enjoys it. He especially enjoys it when his partner doesn’t leave immediately afterward. Joel really likes to cuddle after sex, so it’s always disappointing to him when it turns out his partner isn’t interested in cuddling.
P A R E N T S Name(s): Donna Nycroft Age(s): She died at the age of 57 Social Standing: Not good. She was widely known to be an addict, and ran with a shady crowd to help fuel her addiction. Occupation(s): Drug dealer, occasionally traded sex for drugs or money, occasionally took part-time jobs if she was really desperate, though she could never hold down a legitimate job for very long. Religion: Nope. Quality of Relationship With His Children: Horrible. She never cared much for Joel, and only kept him because she got child support money from his father every month. She paid as little attention to him as possible and didn’t care at all what he did or where he went. When he first got famous, she tried to sell her “story” to a bunch of tabloids and started trashing him in the media, but the drama died down quickly because Joel refused to address anything she said and pretended he didn’t know who she was. Joel was honestly not sad at all when he got the news about her death. He pretty much said “oh… okay” and moved on immediately. Living/Deceased: Dead
D A I L Y L I F E Living Arrangements: Joel has two homes– one moderately large home on the outskirts of London, and a condo in LA. His London home is a bit secluded and private, and is where he likes to go during his off times, as he can escape the press for the most part. His band mates will often come and stay with him as well, partly because they don’t want him to be alone, and partly because they all have a great time together, especially when there’s not the pressure of recording or a tour. His LA home is where he lives while they work on recording, since their label is based in LA. The house in London is fairly large, but not a mansion by any means– it has four bedrooms, one of which Joel has converted into a music studio where he can practice, write songs, mess around with instruments, etc. Two bedrooms are currently guest rooms, and then there is the master bedroom, of course. The place is decorated with custom furniture Joel had designed and made by a local carpenter, and it is all very nice-looking and comfortable. His condo is decorated in a very minimalist, functional way, which suits Joel just fine. Lots of open space and windows, furniture with clean, modern lines, a few splashes of color here and there, and not much else.
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wydmariana · 5 years
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well hellooooo beautiful people !!  my name’s dani, i’m one of the admins on the main! i’m 20, i’m from toronto & i also play the hailey fc alanna !! i’m so fkn excited to have wealthy back up & running and to bring my baby mariana back ! she’s the same old girl and if you don’t know anything about her...everything u need is under the read more ! i rly need all the connections rn so like this & i’ll hit you up for plots !!!!
❛ new york’s very own mariana cavello was spotted on broadway street in  christian louboutin’s. your resemblance to selena gomez is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty-third birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being reticent, but also quixotic. i guess being a gemini explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be fishnets, tequila shots, notebooks filled with lyrics. & ( cisfemale & she/her ) + ( dani, 20, she/her, est )
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛ STATISTICS :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari
age: twenty three
date of birth: june 4th
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: tanner hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 120lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart: gemini sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  BACKSTORY/CURRENT :
mariana was born to tanner cavello (famous hotel owner, entrepreneur, multimillionaire, been on forbes, think bart bass) & lilliana cavello (hispanic model/socialite)
her parents marriage was very much settling, the two of them cared about each other & were excited to start their life together in effort to please their parents and keep their images pristine
they were quick to fall out of love though, if you could say they were even ever in it
once mariana and her brother became teenagers, their dad started having affairs with his employes, the hot, young ones of course. & their mom found out, but confided in a 16 year old mariana about her father’s actions
( sexual abuse tw ) this infuriated mariana, especially considering the hours she would spend waiting outside her father’s office doing homework while his business partners molested her in the empty conference room starting at the age of 14
she never told anyone about it, although she knew her father had known the whole time, remembering how many times he’d interrupt it by summoning his partners for work or a meeting
mariana began absolutely hating her father, while still yearning for his approval, & this went on for 4 years until she turned 18 and got revenge by sleeping with one of her dad’s business partners & allowing his wife to find out
so his wife threatened to tell the media about this little scandal, unless mari’s dad paid them off, which is exactly what he did but not before taking his anger out on mariana & blaming her for the whole mess
she has barely talked to her dad since & moved out right as that whole situation went down. she does her best to avoid family gatherings, doesn’t visit the house to see her parents too often. she does have weekly phone calls with her mom & tries to see her as often as she can, no matter how much she resents her
she got into the party scene around 17/18 as well, and became new york’s resident “wild child rich kid/socialite” in her teen years, so she has that reputation in the media still to this day
her parents have been rich as fuck since the day she was born, so she’s definitely a spoiled brat, never worked a day in her life, had daddy’s credit card whenever she needed it
music had always been a passion of hers though, being her favorite class in school(on days when she would actually attend)
so when she was 20, she started getting back into writing, sold a couple of her songs to artists like zendaya, the weeknd, etc
when she turned 21 she released her first single & album within the same year, began touring, and got to the top of the charts almost right away & gained a huge fanbase, whom she loves
she’s now 23 and has two studio albums out !! she’s v successful and happy w her music <3 she releases things very sporadically & im probs gonna  release random selena songs along with other voice claims maybe IDKDKKD hope yall dont mind  my  messy ass kskffsk
she works hard though, & loves writing and releasing music now and never wants to stop. it’s truly the thing that makes her most happy in the entire world and keeps her sane
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  PERSONALITY  :
mariana can be a brat, to put it simply. she thinks she’s always right about everything & it’s rare you’re ever gonna get an apology from her when she’s done something wrong (unless she really cares about you which….)
she’s lowkey a softie, bc of her cancer moon tbh. she tends to get herself into relationships and then mess them up for the sake of it or because she stops trusting herself to be in the relationship at all
but when she loves someone, she LOVES them, like w every fibre in her body u know?
and she cares fiercely about people, it ends up being a problem for her a lot of the time
she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will, she bottles that shit up tight & doesn’t let anybody know it’s there. the only way she’s ever opening up is if she’s writing, cause she wants that shit to be real
but she’s still gonna hoe it up, catch her in the club trying to get some dick for the night, u know what i mean?
super depressed if we’re being real here. she’s sad, and she has abandonment issues because of her dad. so her mindset is- there’s no forming attachments, because everyone leaves me anyway
( drugs tw ) she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (but who isn’t in this city), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
she started popping pain pills on her 21st birthday, opioids occasionally & mostly xanax, stuff like that, is most definitely also addicted to those
we love a bitch who doesn’t care about her health!
her management team frowns upon it, but she does smoke cigarettes pretty often, but mostly only when she’s stressed
mariana’s the type of bitch to call the paparazzi on herself, she loves attention. but with her music career now it’s been 10x harder for her to keep her life private, not that she cares. but at least she doesn’t have to call the paps on herself anymore lol
she thinks it’s important to treat people w kindness and respect, but no doubt she’ll be ready to fight a b*tch if she has to…
catch her at any protest that involves saying “fuck you trump”
her instagram is a big mix of stories of her cat, dumb selfies, ig model posts, her friends, career stuff & political posts. she’s very active on the gram & snapchat lol
honestly thank U for reading this trash if u didnt…i understand. catch her pinterest board for more here & i have a wanted connections page here ! ok bye i love u, plot w me <3
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cumulohimbus · 5 years
100 things I want to do in my lifetime
So, I had a really good conversation today with friends, and I opened up briefly about my stay in a psych ward a few years ago. It came up because I am acutely aware that I haven't been doing well, and am scared to return to a situation anything like my previous stay at said ward despite knowing that being hospitalized would probably be very beneficial at this time in my life. Talking about it did make me remember something though, something that gave me a lot of hope. While my experience with a psych ward was overwhelmingly negative, there was a part of treatment that really got through to me at the time. It especially helped with my suicidal ideation, which is something that's been really problematic for me again lately. Since I remembered it, I'm going to revisit the exercise, and I encourage anyone and everyone who also struggles with suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self harm, mental health issues, or even if you're just having a bad day, to give this a try. It's simple. Make a list of 100 things you want to do in your life. They can be as realistic or unrealistic as you want them to be. They can be big, long-term goals, or small, silly goals, and everything in between. The only rules are to write 100 things, and to avoid sarcastic or pessimistic things like saying one of your goals is to die or something like that. Save the list! Then someday you can go back and cross off things that you've accomplished or edit as you see necessary. Without further ado, here is my list:
1. I want to get my name legally changed to Larkspur Emmett so my dead name is no more
2. I want to get top surgery
3. I want to rekindle relationships within my family, especially with my cousins
4. I want to get scuba certified
5. I want to dive over the "sunken island" location on the lake my family had a cabin on that I visited frequently while growing up
6. I want to go diving in general, seeing a coral reef in person is an especially huge dream of mine
7. I want to rekindle my knowledge of the Spanish language and eventually become fluent
8. I want to continue learning American Sign Language
9. I want to learn more about my ancestry; I know I'm a vast mix of probably mostly European blood, but my family comes from so many different places and I'd like to know more about them
10. I want to finish the art commission I started for my close friend
11. I want to travel to places like Costa Rica, Japan, Chile, and Australia
12. I want to go on exotic travel adventures with a future romantic partner or close friend
13. I want to get my Bachelor's degree
14. I want to earn enough money to live comfortably, probably with pets
15. I want to adopt a pembroke welsh corgi
16. I want to beat my eating disorder(s) for good and be able to stop taking medication to help if at all possible
17. I want to go ziplining
18. I want to go skydiving
19. I want to hike through the Monteverde biological cloud forest reserve in Costa Rica
20. I want to develop a drag persona and perform as my persona on a regular basis
21. I want to make a fursuit (yes I said it, fite me)
22. I want to finish an entire animated music video
23. I want to learn more about plants and successfully keep one alive for longer than a year
24. I want to try my hand at raising an ant colony
25. I want to go swimming more often
26. I want to learn more martial arts
27. I want to learn to be a leader in my community
28. I want to work harder in my college classes
29. I want to learn to not fear loneliness and abandonment, and to appreciate my alone time
30. I want to get (many) more self-designed tattoos
31. I want to continue learning how to appreciate my body without caring about other people's opinions on what is considered "attractive"
32. I want to eat more whole foods both because they're healthy for me and taste far better than anything with chemicals in it
33. I want to meet a few famous people in person, can't think of many off the top of my head though, but I know there are a couple
34. I want to take dance classes again
35. I want to learn how to play a musical instrument (I mean, I took 7 years of piano and can kinda read music, but I wanna learn an instrument that's better suited for short fingers lolol, maybe french horn?)
36. I want to finish the paintings I've started
37. I want to learn how to digitally render things realistically
38. I want to finish the fanfiction piece I started a couple years ago
39. I want to become more patient and less envious
40. I want to heccing fly, okay?
41. I want to feel like relaxation is deserved and expected, and not a luxury only for those who can afford it
42. I want to reassemble an animal skeleton
43. I want to dig up a fossil (specifically of some sort of mesozoic creature, that'd be so cool)
44. I want to get back to using my planner
45. I want to play more (board, card, video, etc.) games with my friends
46. I want to disassociate less and be present in the real world more often
47. I want to be more informed about what is going on both in general, but especially in my more immediate environment
48. I want to take up better drawing habits (more life drawing, warm ups, breaks, etc.)
49. I want to try a real goddamn piña colada, bonus points if it's on the beach
50. I want to try existing in a portable living situation, like a renovated bus or van, for a while
51. I want to learn basic wilderness survival skills
52. I want to learn how to identify many different species of all types of organisms, especially plants and animals
53. I want to get my vehicle fixed up nice and maybe hand paint some things on it
54. I want to learn more about different cultures because they're fascinating and I want to be as respectful of all people as I possibly can be
55. I want to paint the waterfall jungle mural of my dreams in my future house
56. I want to gain better control of my emotions and my responses to them
57. I want to fabricate a working pair of wings for human beings
58. I want to learn/do more embroidery
59. I want to get a cerulean blue Corvette stingray
60. I want to get better about not procrastinating
61. I want to go to more events/be more involved wherever I am
62. I want to go for more walks to places I haven't been to before, bonus points if it's in the middle of the night and/or in the rain
63. I want to do things like play in inflatable obstacle courses and ride on roller coasters without caring about whether other people judge me for doing those things as an adult
64. I want to regain the physical strength I have lost from being sedentary while my mental health has been at its lowest
65. I want to spend more time laying in the sunshine, preferably with the bare minimum of clothes on because I enjoy the warmth on my skin
66. I want to cuddle more with others that feel comfortable enough to participate in that with me
67. I want to learn more about the fabrication of clothing and design/make some outfits for myself
68. I want to cosplay, maybe go to a convention sometime
69. I want to go skinny dipping >:3 (look, it's number 69 on the list, okay?)
70. I want to try all sorts of foods I've never had before
71. I want to see a butterfly leaving its cocoon in real life again
72. I want to read more of the books I own
73. I want to be kissed by someone again...it's been over 4 years...
74. I want to eliminate my habit of requiring a Youtube gaming playlist to be playing in order for me to fall asleep
75. I want to learn more about the history of the lgbtqia2s+ community
76. I want to learn how to cook for myself better, and like, actually use those skills on a regular basis
77. I want to learn how to take care of my vehicle better on my own, like how to change a tire and such
78. I want to learn to communicate better, and just, in general how to be the best friend I can be
79. I want to stop using all substances for the purpose of drowning out my surroundings and messing with my temporal senses, if I'm going to drink/smoke/get high/whatever, I want it to be because I want to for fun, not because I want the chemicals to take the edge off my mental illness(es)
80. I want to start taking better care of my dental hygiene
81. I want to learn more about my legal rights and finances and other "adult" stuff that doesn't really get taught to you unless you specifically go looking for it
82. You know the somewhat obnoxious game Bop It? Yeah, I want one of those again, keeps me entertained for a long time
83. I want to design more things in general, more characters and their outfits and personalities and the worlds they live in, I enjoy that
84. I want to spend more time outdoors with my friends, watch sunsets and collect miscellaneous objects from the universe and such
85. I want to teach someone something, sit down and maybe teach someone how I draw or about something that I am at least somewhat knowledgeable about
86. I want to go to more aquariums; if/when I travel more I want to go to every aquarium I come across
87. I want to start a legit collection of something and like, build it up over a long period of time so it gets pretty impressive
88. I want to get my eyes surgically corrected so I don't have to wear glasses or fiddle with contacts
89. I want to learn more about Greek and Latin roots and just words and symbolism in general
90. I want to lose the embarrassment I have about my hyperfixations because I deserve to not feel ashamed of the things that bring me satisfaction and joy, and it's okay if other people don't share my enthusiasm about such things, I just want to learn to not be embarrassed that I like stuff
91. I want to get over my fears/discomfort re: nudity, especially for life drawing classes; see, it's one thing to see someone nude and divert my eyes but for life drawing I'm kinda forced to look...
92. I want to understand myself better and learn to love me instead of the opposite; I want to be full of love for the beautiful people around me and I want to really solidify in my brain that I am one of those beautiful people
93. I want to do more things for others that are meaningful because that makes me happy, and I want to learn to do those things while also respecting everyone's, including my own, boundaries
94. I want to develop a sleep schedule that is healthy and appropriate, and that I'm able to maintain
95. I want to run in the rain more often and jump in puddles (edit: while typing this it started storming out and I had to run outside in my bunny pajama short-shorts, winter boots, and a sweatshirt, to grab my box of silly plant seed experiments before they blew away, so progress is already being made)
96. I want to get over my intense fear of making phone calls
97. I want to learn how to sing better with my new and improved deeper voice from being on Testosterone
98. I want to get my first tattoo fixed up and hopefully renew the meaning it had to me at the time that I got it -- I want to try to keep that promise
99. I want to spend more time actively working on improving my mental health
100. I want to see more, I want to learn more, I want to do more, I want to be the version of myself that is genuinely amazed and curious by all manner of things, and I know that part of me is still there
And now, once you've finished your list, you have 100 reasons to not give up, because there's no way of knowing what you're capable of doing if you don't exist to try.
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nuclearmu5hroom · 7 years
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@raythrill and @itsmesaberaltered asked me more about my shit children so here we go   (thank you for asking :) )
  1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Michelle 'Chell' Elizabeth Holoway (don't judge she's named after me cause I'm not original, only the last name is different). She was named after her grandmother (cause I will be in my upper 80s in 2077)
Drake Michael Fenring. The middle name was his fathers but the first name was taken from his family's crest.
 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
 Both of them hold Doctorates; Drake's has a PhD in Biology and Psychology and Chell holds one in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Both attended CIT. 
 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Chell's favorite memories are of New Years Eve and her Oma would let her drink and she taught her all the good German drinking songs. Worst memories include being assaulted in elementary school by the other kids
Drake can barely remember anything from childhood, but he remembers his first 'invisible man' model which fascinated him when he was 4 or 5. His worst memory was when he was invited to a classmate's birthday party and they got cooler toys than he had which caused panic attacks.
 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Chell didn't really have any problems with her parents. She clashed with her Mother when she got older but got along well with her Dad. They would go to Maine to visit family from time to time and went camping that whole schtick.
Drake had a very impersonal relationship with his folks but you wouldn't really know it since he hid it so well. He just didn't really have the capability to care beyond the things that he needed or wanted. His parents were very home-centered and didn't go places or take him to do things most of the time.
  5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Chell had an older sister, Erin, who left to study abroad in France and ended up staying there permanently. She was very close with her and the fact that she never got to say goodbye to her dear sister is a huge weight for her.
Drake is an only child and if he wasn't he absorbed his twin in utero.
 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Chell was kinda shit at school; got in trouble a lot for talking back, minor acts of vandalism, truancy but in the subjects she did like she was leagues ahead. Her favorite subjects were English Lit, Sociology, Life Sciences, Small Engine Repair/Metal Shop, and History. Hated Gym/Health and the sheer amount of homework that her Math teachers gave her.
Drake was Valedictorian, High Honors, NHS kinda kid. Excelled in most of his subjects but particularly enjoyed Biology and Science, Math, and Sociology. Disliked Gym, Study Halls and Lunch.
 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Chell tried. She was goofy as fuck when she was growing up and it didn't work out so well for her. She had difficulties making lasting relationships.
Drake pretended to be friendly and well liked but only when he knew he could use it to advance. In any regard, he worked/studied too hard to even really want any friends.
 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Chell had cats when she lived with her parents, but opted out since keeping pets was expensive as a college student. Post War though she has Dogmeat and Daisy whom she bought from Gene.
Drake finds their insides fascinating.
  9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Chell’s got this weird drunken Snow White vibe with the animals of the Commonwealth going on. She loves and protects Radstags and will usually keep some corn or razorgrain on her just to feed them if she ever comes across them. Hates the bugs though, Christ they got big and ugly....
Drake would rather prefer to stay away from them if it can be helped unless he needs to use them.
 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Chell never really wanted to be a parent, she kinda got knocked up accidentally but she embraced it and she wanted to be a good mom. When Shaun was abducted she thought her life was over. When she found out who her son turned out to be it changed her pretty profoundly. Then when Synth!Shaun came around she was really unprepared but tried to make the best of it. Shaun has his own room back in Sanctuary all decked out with all kinds of toys and posters. She’s a pretty absent parent though unfortunately. Being General means that she’s Mother to all 400,000 settlements. She asked Preston and Curie to be Shaun’s godparents/foster parents and she just comes blowing in every now and then like the drunk aunt.
Drake doesn't want kids but I think we can all guess that by now.
 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope. Although if you get canned meat anywhere near Drake you’re gonna end up wearing it.
 12. What is their favourite food? 
As previously mentioned in the last ask, Chell’s favorite food is razorgrain oatmeal with tarberry or mutfruit. Something about its very comforting to her and it lasts a long time. She also makes great Radstag stew (its rare she ever makes it though since she won’t kill them unless they’re suffering)
Drake has an affinity for meat, the rarer the better. He won't touch anything other than Brahmin or Radstag though.
 13. What is their least favourite food?
Both of them are completely disgusted by anything that comes off the gigantic fucking bugs in the Commonwealth. Chell will at least attempt to if she's absolutely starving life or death, but will most likely throw up. Drake won't even look at it. He also hates Cram, Salisbury Steak or the Potted Meat that's available too.
 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Nate used to take Chell out frequently before the War; they were regulars at the Drumlin Diner for a few months after she came home from Anchorage.
Drake was a member of the Boylston Club and most likely would've drank the poisoned wine had he not been in taken as a POW when the bomb fell.
 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Chell is an excellent cook and is even better when she's really high. If she's at the Castle or Sanctuary she will often offer to cook for everyone all night if she can.
Drake is also not terrible, although he prefers to have someone else make his food for him.
 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Chell can't seem to let go of the notion that she still needs prewar money so she'll snag every dollar she can. Turns out that its worth more than caps anyway so she'll spend it just like she used to. She also will snag any and all toys to bring back to Shaun (and maybe keep one or two for herself)
Drake collects....parts...of people...
 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Neither of them are very comfortable in front of a camera although Chell could be convinced if you ask her nicely and she's not feeling as insecure.
 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Chell loves comic books, sci fi, fantasy stuff. Even though she didn't think so at the time, her issue of Gronak that was still on her counter at home in Sanctuary was a major comfort to her. Musical tastes vary but she's really into Swing and Rockabilly. She didn't really watch much TV but fuck if she doesn't jam on Zeta Invaders every night.
Drake goes for classical literature and pours himself into anatomy books (they're like porn to him).  Most conventional media disinterests him, but sometimes enjoys classical music (Wagner is probably his favorite if he had one)
   19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Chell hates pop country music. Drake has too many to list but its mostly everything. He particularly despises romance or love songs.
 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Chell actually gets kind of uncomfortable with musicals in a second hand embarrassment kind of way, but she loves music, cant live without music and has an extensive library of music that was loaded onto a holotape that fortunately survived throughout the years. She doesn't hesitate to dance when her jam comes on and often blasts music while she's fighting to keep her from focusing too much on the fact that she's killing people.
Drake would never admit to it but he does admire most musical actors. Music is often played while hes researching and he finds it stimulating.
 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Chell's patient with most people, but loses it around the BOS pretty quickly. She's slow to anger but once the switch is flipped she won't really hesitate to put a bullet in your head for the inconvenience. I'd say you could ask the people in Covenant but they're all dead so...
Drake's temper is short. He's mostly irritated all the time as it is but once he's proper angry there is one of two reactions. One being in his rage he'll stab you as many times as he possibly can, the other being so angry that he freezes and leaves but this might be worse because he'll find someone who can't defend themselves to take it out on.
 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
This is a hard question to answer really because context is important. Drake constantly insults everyone he thinks is dumber than he is (which in his eyes is actually everyone). His insults are personal, hand selected daggers that tend to cut to the deeper insecurities of a person.  Chell would like to know who glued pubes to Elder Maxson's face and buy them a beer. She'll also use 'babyface', 'kid', 'Junior', 'Micro Maxson', 'limp dick', 'shit heel' etc, etc, etc....  
 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
The drawback of doing so many chems is that Chell's short term memory is kinda shit. She's still having a hard time adjusting to life in the Commonwealth so she can go faceblind occasionally unless there is something very particular about you that she can make note of.
Drake has an excellent memory however this is limited only to after his incident in Russia. He has a difficulties remembering parts of his life before the event. 
 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Both wake up frequently with nightmares although Chell's gets better if she's romanced. She carries her own sleeping bag for the road and prefers to sleep as far away from ground level as she can. If she got really drunk the night before she tends to snore a little haha. It doesn't matter what surface if she's tired enough, which is all the time.
Drake's a primadonna when it comes to the surface on which he sleeps. If there's no bed he just won't. He only ever really sleeps for 2 or 3 hours at a time anyway.
 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Chell's pretty entertaining I'd say. She tends to pull her personality from whomever she's with at the time in order to fit in better so if she's around Deacon or Hancock (or Elijah ^-^) there's an abnormal amount of asshattery going around. She teases Nick and Preston relentlessly but its in good humor. Piper and Mac don't quite get her humor really since she makes a hell of a lot of references to old world things. She has a lot of snark for Danse.
Drake finds humiliating people great fun. He enjoys watching them become uncomfortable and waits for them to start stumbling over their words before he becomes mean. When tables are turned though hes a spoiled sport and will sulk or lash out at whoever's trying to joke with him.
 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Chell does all of the above. Sing, dance, generally silly. She's affectionate as heck and hugs and kisses everyone.
Drake is the one that hides as much as he can.
 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Chell is an emotional creature and cries when warranted. She doesn't like to display this in front of people though and withdraws. She will lie to you if you ask her if she's ok.
Drake doesn't have much empathy towards others but he despairs if he finds himself in a position where he has no control over any aspect of a situation. When he's afraid, he will cry, and he cries ugly.
 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Chell's fear is losing everyone she loves again. If her companion falls in combat she often acts very stupidly to rush to them and save them.
Drake's fear is humiliation and failure. If hes confronted by someone stronger willed than he is hes filled with dread and will find any excuse to leave their presence. If he cant, he panics and cries.
 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Chell is definitely protective of this information and only teases Deacon and his fear of heights.
Drake will actively try to find out what those fears are so he can exploit you and get you to do something you normally wouldn't.  
 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Basically living post war is an endurance challenge in and of itself so there's no real need for either of them to exercise, however Chell can go for hours under the sheets ;)
 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Chell's drunk like maybe a 3rd of her waking life. She's pretty high functioning and its a whole lot of fun whether or not she's drunk. She gets pretty handsy more so than normal so *grabby grabby*
Drake prefers to abstain completely.
   32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Pre war, Chell went for comfortable; jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and usually had her hair pulled back out of her face. Post war, she sticks with practical and light, outfits that can afford her the most dexterity. Bedtime is usually just a tank top and undies (or nothing). No make up ever.
Pre war Drake preferred higher end made garments, often custom tailored. Post war, he is severely disappointed in the variety (?) of choices so he tends to stick with either his SRB uniform or just a simple lab coat. Drake doesn't feel comfortable enough above ground to change into other clothes. 
 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Chell WISHES she had more exciting undies but she's just thankful she has the ratty ass bra and panties she found at Fallon's. Sometimes if
Drake wears black boxers.
 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Chell is 5'4" thin but not unhealthy. She has no problems with the size of her body but she's self conscious of the scar on her face.
Drake is 5'7" and lean due to a high metabolism and preference for proteins over carbs.  He hates his physical form and really just can't wait to get it over with.
 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
 Chell definitely feels guilty about the amount of chems she does. She knows its destroying her but they feel good and she cant get busted by the fuzz anymore. Her unguilty pleasure though is probably her sexual appetite which she has no shame in whatsoever.
Drake doesn’t quite get the concept of personal guilt per se because that would mean he cares about what other people think about him. He is starting to recognize the fact that people and livestock have very similar cuts of meat.
 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Chells ok at singing, she does it for fun most of the time. She’s very good at cooking chems and makes some of the best in the Commonwealth.
Drake would probably be good at taxidermy if he applied himself but he feels most hobbies are a waste of time.
 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Chell likes to read but doesn't have much time for it to be honest. She sticks to comic books and the old covert manuals that she finds laying around. It doesn't take her long to get through a full sized novel though, she just wishes she could stay still long enough to pay attention.
Drake reads pretty regularly if he can; usually old text books if they’re still intact. His favorite Fiction is Dante’s Inferno and carries a copy with him during his down time. 
 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Chell admires people who see the value of being free to live the life they want, rather than how others want them to live it. 
Drake can admire someone who can be cruel with little or no effort. The more ruthless, the better 
 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Chell likes love letters cause she’s sappy and appreciates a handwritten thought.
Drake doesn't want anyone to communicate with him so none. 
 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Coffee for both; Chell HATES Nuka Cola but loves snack cakes and sweet rolls. Drake is the only one who can function without any kind of stimulant so he only drinks coffee if hes in the mood.
 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Chell’s bi/pan, not picky about looks considering she has her own self esteem issues. She’s attracted to kind people, people who like to cause trouble, and people who can hang out and indulge in mind altering substances
Drake is Gay/Aro. hes attracted to pretty men younger than he is. He tends to look for people who are naturally submissive but he abhors the idea of a relationship. Its too much baggage for him to care anything about.
 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Chell’s ultimate goal is to secure a place for people to live without having to worry if they’re going to die the next day and to rebuild her own life.
Drake’s is to replace all the incompetent idiots with higher functioning Synths but some dumb blonde bitch had to fuck it up.... 
 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Chell had studied the occult as a teenager since it ran in her family and she tried to learn as much as she could about other culture’s mythos. Nowadays though that faith is pretty shaken since the bombs and Shaun and all that.
Drake hates the idea of God. There is no salvation, there is no divine intervention. There is life, and death, and the pain in between.
 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
Both prefer it to be cooler. Hate the heat cause heat sucks and who wants to be sticky and sweaty all the time?
 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
Chell tries hard to get people to like her, she seeks validation often. She sometimes feels like she’s being annoying or bothers people too much. She would like to hope that others see her as a kind and loving person though.
Drake is a monster and he knows it and is completely unapologetic. He doesn't care what others think about him as long as they do what they’re told.
 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Chell can be awkward at first until she gets to know you and can match your personality better. Sometimes this doesn't translate well and she comes across as disingenuous or lacking in her own personality. If its your first time meeting her she will use her title as General to introduce herself (or codename depending if you have your Geiger counter or not)
Drake isn't friendly but he stays neutral so long as he doesn't have to interact with you too much. Its the most misleading thing about him since he can come across as “that nice guy from the office” all too well.
 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Chell gets real bored at fancy parties, preferring to tear it up with the dregs of society better. Rich people pay good money for chems though so she’ll sometimes try to squeeze a few more caps out of them to invest in her settlements.
Drake actually somewhat enjoys the status of attending high class events, believing himself to be amongst peers of his caliber. He still doesn't like interacting much though and will often stay by the sidelines and observe.
 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Chell throws the BEST parties. Most of the time they’re held in Goodneighbor but occasionally on major holidays the big settlements like Starlight, The Castle, and Sanctuary go all out too with open pit BBQ and lots of beer and liquor and music and dancing.
Drake sometimes wishes he could allow himself to feel that kind of revelry but dismisses that thought as soon as it forms. He has work to do and why on earth would he want to associate with the squabble?
 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Chell has a baby picture of Shaun that she keeps close to her as a reminder of what used to be. It might not have always been the best for her but the late nights being up with the baby were bittersweet and she knows she’ll never get that time back.
Drake keeps two teeth, an incisor and a molar, with him at all times but he’ll never show anyone. These came from his first test subject in Anchorage.
 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Chell takes her sleeping bag, her Deliverer, a change of clothes, some prewar money, a knife, 3 of each chem, a bottle of Whiskey, some left over steak and her headphones.
Drake takes his 10mm, a knife, a book or two, and some questionable looking meat.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
On MySpace, what was in the last bulletin you posted? Most likely it was a survey. Man, I wish I could still access those. 15/16 year old me survey answers... yikes.
When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? In room a few weeks ago.
Have you ever been scolded by a mall cop? Not scolded, but one told me to take my hoodie off once. ha. He was cool about it.
How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? I zone out a lot.
What’s your favorite thing to think about as you’re falling asleep? I don’t have much control over where my brain goes. It likes to go some weird, random, and sometimes dark places.
Is there anything that you want to do, but you won’t do because you’re too afraid? A lot of things.
Who was the last person to yell at you? Not sure. I don’t get yelled at, but like my parents and I have our disagreements and get frustrated with each other sometimes.
Who gets up the earliest in your household and what about the latest? My dad gets up the earliest everyday even on the weekends when he’s off work. The latest is me.
Have you ever had a pet walk across your keyboard while you were typing? No. My dogs have always been too big to do that.
Which political issues are you most passionate about? I don’t want to get into politics.
You’re going to your favorite foreign country, so what landmarks do you go see? I’d love to check out many places in Sweden.
What’s the longest amount of time that you’ve spent away from your home? A week.
Did the last movie you watched have any emotional affect on you? I just saw Glass on Saturday, which was pretty crazy. In a good way.
What motivates you to go to school? I’m done with school, thank goodness.
How much caffeine have you consumed in one day? I used to always have coffee first thing and then a can of soda later on. Sometimes more coffee later that night. I haven’t had soda; though, in over year. Well, minus the sip I take with my medicine (I have to crush my pills and soda is the only thing I can take it with). Now I’m just about the coffee, twice a day. Nice, warm, big, delicious cups of coffee.
Are you more hyper and up-tight or laid back and relaxed? Hyper and upright don’t seem to go together in the way you paired these things, but I’d say I actually come off laid back to people who don’t really know me and probably just cause I’m pretty quiet, but really I’m more tense and anxious.
When was the last time you heard someone talking about you? *shrug*
How did you pick out your last outfit? I just grabbed some leggings and a sweatshirt. Not much thought went into it.
Are you embarrassed to bring people into your bedroom? I would be now.
When was the last children’s birthday party you attended? It’s been a couple years.
Are you good at reading other people’s body language? I think so. I could be taking it the wrong way sometimes, though.
If you’re sick, do you go to school or do you stay home usually? It depended on how sick I was. Typically, I’d power through, but there were times where I just couldn’t. There were times in college before I had a pretty big surgery for something where I was sick a lot and went to school with a fever and chills. I’d have to pop some Tylenol before class, sometimes even during, and just push through. Weak me today can’t relate.
Does chicken noodle soup really make you feel any better? No.
What’s one meal that you like to eat whilst sick? Usually I’m not much into anything because my taste buds are all messed up and everything tastes bland. And then depending on what kind of sick I am, I may not want to eat anything, really. I have to force myself to eat toast or soup in times like that.
Thinking of the last survey you filled out, did you enjoy it? It was okay.
Have you ever fed bread to ducks or geese? Yeah, before I learned how terrible it is for them. <<<< Same. :X
Is it hard to imagine you were ever as small as a one or two-year-old? Yeah. Such a long time ago. D:
What set the tone for your mood today? It’s only 1:56AM. So far; though, I feel pretty crappy cause of this cough and cold thing I have going on.
Have you ever set out to ruin someone else’s day? No. I would never intentionally do that.
Have you ever felt like the whole world was against you? Just like life in general, ya know?
What was the name of the last video game you played? Life is Strange.
What was the name of the last board game that you played? I don’t remember, it’s been too long. I love board games.
What was the last thing that you told yourself? *shrug*
How many times a day do you wash your face? I actually don’t. I just apply moisturizer sometimes.
If someone throws hot coffee on you, how do you react? Uh, well, I’d react to something HOT being thrown at me and be like WTF? I’ve spilled hot coffee on myself on accident, so I know it’s not a pleasant feeling.
Is there a high school or college that you would rather be attending? I’m doneeee with school.
Have you ever lived in an apartment or duplex home? Duplex.
Has anyone ever commented on your weight? Yes. I get told how I’m “too skinny” all the time.
What’s a show from the ’90s that you miss? I mean, I still watch a lot of my favorites from that time.
Who provokes your sarcastic side the most? My brother and I sarcastically joke around all the time.
Have you ever thought about joining the military? No. I couldn’t anyway.
When you were little, did you ever stare at disabled or “different” people? I was/am disabled and am quite familiar with the stares.
Could the contents of your bedroom get you in any trouble? No...
Do weather patterns sometimes have an affect on your health? Rainy, cold weather can give me headaches and make me achy. Hot weather makes me just absolutely miserable.
If it snows a lot where you live, do you experience cabin fever? It doesn’t snow here. :(
When was the last time someone disapproved of something you were doing? I feel like my family disapproves of me not doing things I should be doing pertaining to my health. I know they get frustrated with me for that.
Do you consider yourself to be approachable? I’m not sure.
How do you respond to cheesy pick-up lines? Laugh. I’ve been asked the whole, “aye girl, what’s your sign?” before.
How was the service at the last restaurant you visited? Fine.
Are you ever jealous of happy couples? No. I may feel envious sometimes, but not jealous.
How would you describe a thought that’s sticking with you today? I’ve been thinking about how crappy I feel.
Lately, who has spent the most time on your mind? No one in particular.
In a car, air conditioning or roll the windows down? Air conditioning.
Is there a new song or band you’ve discovered? I’ve come across some new music recently. I don’t really listen to music a whole lot like I used to, so I went on Spotify the other day and checked out some new stuff to add to my playlist.
What teacher gives you the most homework?
What type of personality do you find most annoying? Cockiness and arrogance.
Are you punctual? Yes.
Have you ever howled at the full moon? ...No.
Have you ever seen yourself on camera? Yes. EW. The most torturous thing ever was back when I for some reason took this “acting for the camera” class and we’d have to do monologues and skits that were filmed. The WORST part about that was the professor would play everyone’s tape in front of the class and we were to give constructive criticism. Omg it was horrible.
Do you give any consideration to what’s said in your horoscope? I don’t even read those anymore. Back when I used to, I was so opposite of how a Leo is always described. They’re always said to be confident and outgoing people and I’m just like, ahahahahah.
When was the last time you felt like you were being followed? Yikes. I used to feel that way sometimes whenever I had to go to the bus stop or was going home from the bus stop.
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hellooogaynow · 7 years
omg ok tbh i forgot that i reblogged that ask thing but thank u fren here u go
1. spotify, soundcloud, or pandora? 
2. is your room messy or clean?
um ok so my room at my mom’s is technically the office and just full of mine and everyone else’s storage so it isn’t really my room i guess and my room at my dad’s is nearly empty and i haven’t been there more than a couple times in a while and i’ve been crashing at friend’s and family’s houses and living out of a suitcase for weeks so i’m just gonna say i don’t really have a room
3. what color are your eyes?
dark brown
4. do you like your name? why?
alright well this is complicated because i hate the name emily and lately i’ve been going by emmitt for a while and it’s just weird because i feel so disconnected from emily and not super connected to emmitt either and i feel like i should just be a nameless person because i hate being referred to as anything tbh
5. what is your relationship status?
happily in a relationship with someone i really care about
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
a detached mess
7. what color hair do you have?
my natural dark brown color
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
ah it’s a purple mini van that’s rusting and dying
9. where do you shop?
target lol
10. how would you describe your style?
almost exclusively button ups and baseball shirts
11. favorite social media account?
tumblr probably i use this the most out of all of them
12. what size bed do you have?
13. any siblings?
i have 2 sisters
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
i honestly have no idea how to answer this question i don’t have a dream destination or anything
15. favorite snapchat filter?
omg probably the cute cat one that changes ur voice cuz my friends look so cute when they use it
16. favorite makeup brand(s)?
i don’t know anything about makeup
17. how many times a week do you shower?
every day sometimes multiple times a day
18. favorite tv show?
buffy the vampire slayer and dollhouse kill me
19. shoe size?
idk i’m pretty sure i’m a 6
20. how tall are you?
21. sandals or sneakers?
22. do you go to the gym?
no lol but i do plan to start going once i actually move in to my new place and get settled
23. describe your dream date
i want to spend a day in chicago with emily doing whatever we want just walking and wandering into stores and go to a zoo or a museum or navy pier or honestly just anything at this point i miss her so much i don’t care what we do as long as we’re together
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
25. what color socks are you wearing?
they’re both different variations of black white and light blue
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
at least 2
27. do you have a job? what do you do?
yeah i recently got a job in the mental health field and i work primarily with adults with various mental illnesses in a 24/7 supervised living area at the moment it’s mostly individuals dealing with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and borderline personality disorder and i help them with symptom management, building the skills they have chosen to work on in their treatment plans, and help them carry activities of daily living so they can become self-sufficient and can transition out and live on their own
28. how many friends do you have?
ah i mean i know i have a lot of friends but as far as really close friends i know i can count on and will most likely always have around i’d say i have about 8
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
ah fuck well i went through a really destructive phase in my recent past where i was just in a bad place and i withdrew and lashed out a lot and was super emotionally unstable and i hurt a lot of people and i regret it
30. whats your favorite candle scent?
omg i have no idea i usually just smell all the blue ones and go from there
31. 3 favorite boy names
elliot (this is my favorite name in the world probably)
32. 3 favorite girl names
33. favorite actor?
i thought about this for a solid 5 minutes and no one is coming to mind i’m gonna leave this blank
34. favorite actress?
eliza dushku and alyson hannigan kill me every time i watch dollhouse or buffy i’m in love with her
35. who is your celebrity crush?
amber liu
36. favorite movie?
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i used to read a lot when i was a kid and the music of dolphins by karen hesse has always stuck with me for some reason idk if it’s my favorite but when i was a kid i checked it out at least once a month on our elementary library visits and even now i always find myself thinking about it
38. money or brains?
well if u don’t have money u can’t survive in this capitalist society so i mean
but if this question is asking what i want in a person i’d want the smart
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
my family calls me mimi and tbh it’s the only thing i actually feel comfortable with weirdly
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
i’ve been to the hospital multiple times to visit people but i don’t remember actually needing to be there myself besides when i burned my hands as a child
41. top 10 favorite songs
this is def subject to change depending on my mood at any given moment but for right now:
hold me tight by bts
house of cards by bts
lie by bts
all mine by one ok rock
deeper deeper by one ok rock
we are by one ok rock
decision by one ok rock
clock strikes by one ok rock
como la flor by selena
moon river waltz by shinee
42. do you take any medications daily?
no i had issues with family and insurance so i had to stop seeing my psych and taking meds
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
44. what is your biggest fear?
my mom having anything else bad happen to her
45. how many kids do you want?
this is most likely not going to be my choice lol i don’t have a number in mind if i do have kids
46. whats your go to hair style?
short and whatever it wants to do when i get out of the shower
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
well i don’t really live in a house rn but my mom’s house is huge she just moved in and it’s crazy big i’m so happy for her also the house i’m gonna move into soon is p small but still cute
48. who is your role model?
idk probably my mom she’s been through a lot and is still going strong
49. what was the last compliment you received?
“you’re so sweet, you know that?” from a client
50. what was the last text you sent?
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
tbh i have no idea i was probably in elementary school
52. what is your dream car?
something that runs, is either blue or grey, and magically doesn’t cost me anything to drive it
53. opinion on smoking?
it smells terrible and i don’t like to be around people who smoke
54. do you go to college?
yeah i just graduated
55. what is your dream job?
i have no idea i don’t know what i want i haven’t really thought that far ahead but i love my job so far so i’m alright with where i’m at
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
i don’t really have a preference as long as i’m with and near people i care about
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
i don’t think i’ve ever personally done that
58. do you have freckles?
yeah i have a couple scattered around
59. do you smile for pictures?
i make this weird stupid half smile face and i can’t stop
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?
61. have you ever peed in the woods?
i have not
62. do you still watch cartoons?
i never want to not watch cartoons
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from wendy’s or mcdonalds?
i don’t like chicken nuggets from anywhere
64. favorite dipping sauce?
wait for what
i like soy sauce for potstickers
65. what do you wear to bed?
usually shorts and a t shirt
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?
no i’m terrible at spelling out loud
67. what are your hobbies?
i like to dance idk not much else tho i guess
68. can you draw?
69. do you play an instrument?
i played guitar once but i forgot everything smh
70. what was the last concert you saw?
the bts wings tour
71. tea or coffee?
72. starbucks or dunkin donuts?
dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?
e g
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?
i’ve thought about this actually and i’m mostly just hesitant about how difficult it would be to change my name on like all the legal paperwork and like bills and work things and it just sounds super complicated but i wish it could be easier because i hate where my last name comes from and if i married my current gf we would literally have the exact same name and we would be able to confuse people even more and i just think it would be funny
76. what color looks best on you?
black i think
77. do you miss anyone right now?
yes oh my god
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed always closed
79. do you believe in ghosts?
yeah i do
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
ok i get so mad when i go to a friend’s place who has long hair and i’m walking barefoot through their house or i’m sleeping over or i’m under a blanket or something and it just makes me so mad when i feel dumb long single strands of hair in my toes i hate it so much it makes me so mad idk man but this happened to me last night and i’ve been thinking about it ever since
81. last person you called?
ah well the last phone call that i was on was with the director of all the residential living things at my work
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
idk probably chocolate and vanilla with caramel
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?
regular oreos
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
no sprinkles pls
85. what shirt are you wearing?
black and grey v neck t shirt
86. what is your phone background?
a picture of my gf i took a while back of her from a distance with the river and sunset in the background
87. are you outgoing or shy?
shy with everyone besides my friends
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
only like a very specific like 2 people but when it’s anyone else i get really uncomfortable with being touched and you’d think that people wouldn’t just come up to you and start touching your hair and telling you how soft it is but it’s more common than you think and it makes me want to d ie
89. do you like your neighbors?
my nonexistent neighbors r gr8
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
i always wash it in the morning but sometimes i wash it at night too if i feel gross from the day
91. have you ever been high?
nope never
92. have you ever been drunk?
93. last thing you ate?
a blizzard from dairy queen with pieces of brownies in it
94. favorite lyrics right now
ok i’m gonna be honest and just say i’m not in a place to listen to music rn i’ve been listening to exclusively podcasts and i have not listened to a song and not zoned out completely during it in a very long time and no lyrics are coming to mind
95. summer or winter?
96. day or night?
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
ah milk or white i guess i’m not a super big fan tho
98. favorite month?
june cuz my birthday also gay
99. what is your zodiac sign
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?
my dad
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wydmariana · 6 years
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well hellooooo beautiful people !! i’m so freakin excited u don’t even know… anyway, i guess i should introduce maself. i’m dani, i’m 19 & i’m from canada aka the est tz. i’m also the ari mascot on the main !! i’m gonna put some info about my babygirl below so pls hmu or like this to plot :~)
a SELENA GOMEZ lookalike was strolling down broadway street in their louis vuitton’s. mariana cavello just had a birthday bash for her twenty second birthday. she has been living in new york city for her whole life. i hear she tends to be reticent at parties, but also kind of quixotic. ( cisfemale & she/her )
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛ STATISTICS :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari
age: twenty two
date of birth: june 4th, 1996
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: tanner hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 120lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart: gemini sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  BACKSTORY/CURRENT :
mariana was born to tanner cavello (famous hotel owner, entrepreneur, multimillionaire, been on forbes, think bart bass) & lilliana cavello (hispanic model/socialite)
her parents marriage was very much settling, the two of them cared about each other & were excited to start their life together in effort to please their parents and keep their images pristine
they were quick to fall out of love though, if you could say they were even ever in it
once mariana and her brother became teenagers, their dad started having affairs with his employes, the hot, young ones of course. & their mom found out, but confided in a 16 year old mariana about her father’s actions
( sexual abuse tw ) this infuriated mariana, especially considering the hours she would spend waiting outside her father’s office doing homework while his business partners molested her in the empty conference room starting at the age of 14
she never told anyone about it, although she knew her father had known the whole time, remembering how many times he’d interrupt it by summoning his partners for work or a meeting
mariana began absolutely hating her father, while still yearning for his approval, & this went on for 4 years until she turned 18 and got revenge by sleeping with one of her dad’s business partners & allowing his wife to find out
so his wife threatened to tell the media about this little scandal, unless mari’s dad paid them off, which is exactly what he did but not before taking his anger out on mariana & blaming her for the whole mess
she has barely talked to her dad since & moved out right as that whole situation went down. she does her best to avoid family gatherings, doesn’t visit the house to see her parents too often. she does have weekly phone calls with her mom & tries to see her as often as she can, no matter how much she resents her
she got into the party scene around 17/18 as well, and became new york’s resident “wild child rich kid/socialite” in her teen years, so she has that reputation in the media still to this day
her parents have been rich as fuck since the day she was born, so she’s definitely a spoiled brat, never worked a day in her life, had daddy’s credit card whenever she needed it
music had always been a passion of hers though, being her favorite class in school (on days when she would actually attend)
so when she was 20, she started getting back into writing, sold a couple of her songs to artists like zendaya, the weeknd, etc
when she turned 21 she released her first single & album within the same year, began touring, and got to the top of the charts almost right away & gained a huge fanbase, whom she loves
she works hard though, & loves writing and releasing music now and never wants to stop. it’s truly the thing that makes her most happy in the entire world and keeps her sane
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  PERSONALITY  :
mariana can be a brat, to put it simply. she thinks she’s always right about everything & it’s rare you’re ever gonna get an apology from her when she’s done something wrong (unless she really cares about you which….)
she’s lowkey a softie, bc of her cancer moon tbh. she tends to get herself into relationships and then mess them up for the sake of it or because she stops trusting herself to be in the relationship at all
but when she loves someone, she LOVES them, like w every fibre in her body u know?
and she cares fiercely about people, it ends up being a problem for her a lot of the time
she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will, she bottles that shit up tight & doesn’t let anybody know it’s there. the only way she’s ever opening up is if she’s writing, cause she wants that shit to be real
but she’s still gonna hoe it up, catch her in the club trying to get some dick for the night, u know what i mean?
super depressed if we’re being real here. she’s sad, and she has abandonment issues because of her dad. so her mindset is- there’s no forming attachments, because everyone leaves me anyway
( drugs tw ) she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (but who isn’t in this city), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
she started popping pain pills on her 21st birthday, opioids occasionally & mostly xanax, stuff like that, is most definitely also addicted to those
we love a bitch who doesn’t care about her health!
her management team frowns upon it, but she does smoke cigarettes pretty often, but mostly only when she’s stressed
mariana’s the type of bitch to call the paparazzi on herself, she loves attention. but with her music career now it’s been 10x harder for her to keep her life private, not that she cares. but at least she doesn’t have to call the paps on herself anymore lol
she thinks it’s important to treat people w kindness and respect, but no doubt she’ll be ready to fight a b*tch if she has to…
catch her at any protest that involves saying “fuck you trump”
her instagram is a big mix of stories of her cat, dumb selfies, ig model posts, her friends, career stuff & political posts. she’s very active on the gram & snapchat lol
honestly thank U for reading this trash if u didnt...i understand. catch her pinterest board for more here & i have a wanted connections page here ! ok bye i love u, plot w me <3
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New Moon 7 December 2018 – Immorality and Perversion
New Moon 7 December 2018 – Immorality and Perversion,
New Moon 7 December 2018 – Immorality and Perversion
By Astrology King
The New Moon on Friday December 7, 2018 falls at 15° Sagittarius. The New Moon December 2018 astrology is mainly influenced by the alignment of Mars and Neptune at 13° Pisces. The testing square aspect between the New Moon and Mars Neptune brings out the worst of this alignment. The December 2018 new moon has a sinister influence.
Major themes of the December 7 new moon include anger, fear, deception, confusion, immorality and perversion. At 16° Sagittarius, a fixed star in Hercules Constellation will cause irritation from women and a ruthless drive to gain power. The keys to avoiding loss and disappointment from new moon December 2018 are honesty and integrity.
New Moon Meaning
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
The effects of the December 7 new moon will last four weeks up to the Solar Eclipse on 5 January 2019. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from December 7 to the December 22 Full Moon.
New Moon December 2018 Astrology
The December 7 new moon at 15°07′ Sagittarius is square Mars and Neptune. Tempers are probably already frayed because the November 23 full moon was square Mars. I said that full moon had a nasty feel to it because of Moon square Mars by 3°40′ orb. New Moon December 2018 is square Mars by only 1°34′, so tempers are even more likely to boil over.
Mars conjunct Neptune adds a sinister, underhand influence to the aggression, sexuality and nastiness of Mars in hard aspect. On top of all this, the new moon joins a star in Hercules Constellation which acts like Mars on steroids.
New Moon December 2018 Astrology
Mars Conjunct Neptune
Mars conjunct Neptune is exact only 7 hours after the new moon on December 7, 2018. It is a very powerful influence on the new moon, making the testing square aspect by about 1°30′. While this conjunction can make you feel romantic and sensual, the challenging aspect to the new moon means you will more likely feel paranoid and delusional.
If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. Over idealization or gullibility would leave you open to deception, scandal or slander. Keep yourself grounded in the real world as much as possible. Your good intentions to help others could easily be taken advantage of. Some people might see your generosity as a weakness, and you could even subconsciously attract spiritual vampires.
Avoid negative environments where violence, crime and drugs are prevalent. Your body could be more susceptible to poisoning and infection. Use protection if sexually active. People in general are more likely to be sexually perverse and use trickery to get in your pants.
New Moon Square Mars
New Moon square Mars can lead to tests of character from your competitors or enemies. Superiors, authorities and men in general may be looking to assert their power, leading to ego conflicts. Remember you may already be irritable and impatience because of the full moon two weeks ago that was also square Mars. So you are more likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression, nastiness or revenge.
Not only people, but challenging events may force you to defend your goals or desires. A defensive position is best. New Moon December 2018 is likely to cause a buildup of anger, resentment or sexual frustration. Such potentially destructive energies need to be channeled constructively so they do not result in conflict, accidents, muscle pain or exhaustion.
Burning up this hot energy will also lower the risk of being subject to aggression and threats from other people who don’t handle this new moon energy so well. Exercise, hard work, sex or masturbation are preferred so long as you don’t push too hard and strain something. Working on a pet project you are passionate about is another good idea but is probably best done alone.
New Moon Square Neptune
New Moon square Neptune can have a weakening effect on your vitality and make you more susceptible to some psychological and health issues. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment, forcing you to battle against the odds. The December 7 new moon has the potential to make you feel insecure, guilty and apologetic. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse.
To counter the deceptive influence of this new moon you must be above-board in all of your dealings. This is not the best time for high stress competitive things like business dealings or negotiations. Predators will easily hone in on your soft side and you could be at greater risk of being taken advantage of.
Hypochondria is another issue you may have to deal with. Problems might be difficult to diagnose or there may be a misdiagnosis. You will also be more sensitive to drugs and alcohol, especially if you already have mental health issues such as paranoia or depression. Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover.
New Moon in Hercules
Fixed star Ras Algethi at 16 
 24 is in the Head of Hercules. In hard aspect, it causes much irritation, especially in relationships with women. Ras Algethi corresponds to boldness and a drive to gain power. [1] So the square to Mars Neptune is likely to make people very unethical and immoral in their quest for power. Constellation Hercules is said to give strength of character, tenacity and fixity of purpose, an ardent nature and dangerous passions. [2]
The following celebrities have Ras Algethi in their natal charts: Arsenio Hall (AC and North Node), Bob Hawke (Sun and Mars), John Ramsey (Sun), Jennifer Carpenter (Sun), Tom Waits (Sun), Brigitte Bardot (AC), Cindy Sherman (AC), Ellen DeGeneres (AC), Angela Merkel (AC), Robert Hand (Mercury), Liz Greene (South Node), Bill Cosby (North Node) and Rudy Giuliani (Part of Fortune). The USA Horoscope (Sibly Chart) also has Ras Algethi rising.
New Moon Summary
Mars in almost exact conjunction to Neptune is the main influence on the December 7 new moon. It is a sinister influence because it is square the new moon. Major themes of new moon December 2018 will be anger, fear, deception, confusion, treachery, scandal, revenge, immorality and perversion.
Fixed star Ras Algethi joins the new moon to cause irritation from women and a ruthless drive to gain power. The keys to avoiding loss, suffering and disappointment are honesty and integrity. The actions of others are likely to make you angry, mean and vengeful. The best option would be to ignore any provocation. If you must react then do so in a straight forward, direct and honest way. Don’t leave anything to the imagination.
In particular, the new moon square Mars Neptune increases the risk of being deceived by fraudsters, charlatans, cult leaders and sexual predators. Beware of charismatic people claiming to have the answers to your problems. Sexual abuse by priests is likely to make the news yet again.
However, new moon December 2018 will stimulate your creativity and imagination. So this a good moon phase for art, music, sculpture, dance and drama. Entertainment, charity work and fighting for social causes are excellent ways to use this ethereal energy safely.
The December 2018 new moon is the last new moon in the current eclipse phase which began with the July 2018 Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. It is a good time to look back over the last five months to check how well you have progressed with your personal goals. That lunar eclipse was at 4° Aquarius. You can look back to the August 2018 solar eclipse at 18° Leo which might apply more to your professional goals.
If the New Moon December 2018 astrology chart directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.
Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon 23 November 2018 Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 22 December 2018
New Moon December 2018 Times and Dates
Los Angeles, December 6 at 11:20 pm
New York, December 7 at 2:20 am
London, December 7 at 7:20 am
Delhi, December 7 at 12:50 pm
Sydney, December 7 at 6:20 pm
Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.68.
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.15.
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antique auto insurance quotes
"antique auto insurance quotes
antique auto insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I got a speeding ticket in Indiana, but I live in California?""
I plan on paying the ticket (Indiana court told me to send $138), but I want to know if I need to go to traffic school? If not, does a record go on my California license and my insurance would go up?""
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
Lowest insurance cars for 17 year old / first car?
i'm looking to buy my first car and wanna spend about 1000, does anyone know a good lads car around this price with comparatively low insurance for young drivers? thanks peoplee!""
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
Pay credit off or car insurance premium? ?
I just received my tax return. It wasnt a lot but i wamted to use it for something meaningful. Should i pay my credit card off(350.00) or car insurance premium for the last three months (365.00)? Just wanted to see what people thought
Should a person without children get life insurance?
Is life insurance important to a person without children? Could they just save enough in life to pay for the funeral costs and other expenses. I can see reasons like you have a disabled spouse, but in general do you think it is necessary or just a useless expense.""
How can I tax my car without insurance?
I am planning on selling my car, which doesn't have tax or insurance as I haven't passed my driving test yet. I have some interest in the car but as it isn't taxed, people ...show more""
I have Kansas Progressive Auto insurance. Will my insurance drop when I turn 25? And if so approx how much?
Any answers pertaining to age 25 &/or the state of KS is helpful. I can't find anything on Progressive relating to age & insurance rates. Thanks!
Will my insurance go up?
I got a failure to obey a traffic control device ticket because I cut through a parking lot to go on a road. I paid the ticket today, wondering if this gets turned into insurance? I am hearing mixed reviews on this from looking online. I would hate to see my insurance go up at all for something so petty. I'm with state farm. Im 25 and just had my insurance go down a few months ago. Never had an accident and havnt had any other tickets since I was 18.""
We have dog insurance on the brain!?
So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!""
How to terminate my insurance policy?
i've 2 policy insurance, life policy & investing policy. now i have finance problem, i really cannot afford the premium. so i want to terminate either one of these 2 policy. if i terminated it, can i get all back my premium that i've paid during this few years?""
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Best rate auto insurance?
i live in North york, On, CANADA i need best rate for auto insurance where i live""
Insurance help at 18 years old?
hello i am a 18 years old i am lucky enough to have a very good job so i can afford to spend alot of money for a 18 year old on a car i am looking to spend around 11k in all even tho the cheaper the better its not buying the car that is the problem its the insurance on the cars i want to buy all being around 4k for any half decent cars ?? any help would be grateful for some facts and figures .... cheers alex
How would I get insurance on a car being leased in someone else's name?
My sister and brother in law have the car financed at a bank in a small town. They gave the car to me as long as I made the payments on the car. We don't intend to refinance the car into my name, however how would I be able to obtain auto insurance if my name is not on the original title?""
Health insurance question?
Can anyone explain the difference between state, federal and private health insurance if you're unemployed?""
Car insurance for cars off the road...?
is there a type of insurancee I am able to get just to cover my car while it is not in use? I have purchased a car and I am currently waiting to take my driving test. So I was just wondering is there a type of insurance that will cover my car just while it is sitting on the path justin casee it is damaged or stolen?
125 motorbike insurance 19 year old?
hi, im 19 and have had a car driving licence for 2 years and clean. As my car insurance renewal is ?n a few months and because its a 2.3litre and all that talk of premiums of increasing, its my option to sell my car for a motorbike and a riding experience, so typically how much would insurance be for a 19 year old, With a new bike licence but been driving a car for 2 years (if that matters) 1000 pound 125cc motorbike stored in a garage, immobiliser, not for any sort of business and miles of maximum 2000 a year. im just asking because insurance webpages don't open on my computer today, but i roughly remember whats asked for insurance. thanks in advance""
Will adding factory bodykits affect your insurance costs?
Ok so i was just curious to know that if i buy the new Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in the SE trim level, with an insurance group of 3, if i was then to add a factory fitted bodykit from SEAT to replicate the Cupra model would this rise the insurance group and costs? This is what i was thinking of getting for it: http://seatepac.gedas.co.uk/productdetail.aspx?p_no=ZGB6J3071670""
Outraged by auto insurance companies?
I had an accident on may 8, 2009, It was not my fault and the woman I had the accident with accepted her fault. I got the information of the insurance company. The loss defined by an automotive company, but never paid until now. More than three months passed,I always call insurance company, but they are always saying lies and fudging, is there anyone faced with same situation? I do not know what to do.""
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
17 year old male car insurance? UK?
What is the cheapest anyone my age (17) has got their car insurance, what car and how did you get it cheap? The best quote I have got is 1200 for a 1.0 litre saxo, and 1700 for 1.0 litre polo's, corsa's and fiesta's""
How much would an individual health insurance plan cost for me?
Obviously I know it can vary but I just want an idea. I am a female in my 20s and I was wondering what a policy would cost if I didn't go through an employer for health insurance. Can someone provide a ballpark area for the cost? Thank you
How much will insurance co pay us?
i was 35 wks preg and had a car accident that was other drivers fault. had to stay overnight at hospital for pre term contractions and plancental tear from seatbelt injury. out of work for about a week befor being released from scrict bed rest. had to have someone else keep kids and all. im 37wks now and just got the ok to get chiropratic care. we both have geico and they have been really nice about everything. husband doesnt want to get a laywer yet wants to see what they offer first. just wanted to know a ballpark number to look or ask for if anyone knows.also suffered chest injury which cause me to loose my voice due to sudden onset of Gerds from seatbelt injury.still in pain and not back at work had plans on working till i had the baby but cant now.already suffer pregnancy now have pain from accident just feel terrible. help.
antique auto insurance quotes
antique auto insurance quotes
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
Can I add a motorcycle to my car insurance policy without them rechecking my points?
I want to buy a motorcycle and add it to my insurance but when I got insurance I only had 4 points. Now I unfortunately have 6 points (3 points come off in 10 months) and I probably cannot afford to pay for insurance that high. A few months ago I asked them if I could switch the car I drive now out for a different car and they said that was fine and that they would not recheck my points but would just give me a new, higher rate (since it was a better car) while only including the 4 points. So is it possible to just add a motorcycle to my existing policy while only continuing to pay for 4 points? Thank you very much. (I know I can call and ask the insurance company myself but I can't call them because I will be extremely busy for the next few days so I was hoping to get a quicker answer on here if anyone knows) thank you!! :)""
How do I get a nice car with decent insurance as an age 17 male?
For some time now, I had been looking at subaru imprezas, of which I love. However, each insurance quote I got from my parents was something like 3400 a year under my dad, and close to 8,000 a year under my own policy, with collision, so my parents wouldnt even consider it. The quote was for an 04, so if it is that insane I dont see how some kids own 03s, 04s, even a few 07s, as my parents arent poor by any means, and I know all the other kids do not have rich parents. Even an 02 accord with 80k miles was over 3000 a year under my dad with collision. Is there any possible way I can get a nice car, something like an 02 impreza is ideal, without paying so much insurance with collision? I am perfectly aware of the fact that if I get a 95 civic with no collision, insurance wont b a problem. However, I have some hard earned money to spend on a car, and I cant see how I am constantly heading towards the single path of a bucket without collision. Please help me""
Auto Insurance discount along with online traffic school course?
I got a traffic ticket, want to remove it. I heard some where that online traffic school course offers auto insurance discount along with traffic ticket dismissal. Can any one suggest me the source where I can get information on this?""
2-door and 4-door car insurance?
I'm considering about buying a new honda civic car . I heard somebody say that 2-door car's insurance is always more expensive than the 4-door one. is that right ? (remember that the 2-door car and the 4-door car have the same features,machines) And how they calculate the amount of my car insurance? What do they depend on?""
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
Do I need to be on the insurance to go to and from school in my friends car?
I am 16 years old and I have my drivers permit, is it legal to drive myself and my sister to and from school in my friends car without being on the insurance policy? its my friends dad car and I want to use it for school..""
Is there any free or cheap health insurance?
I need to join a tennis team in high school and they said i need an insurance. My family don't have enough money to get insurance, soooo I was wondering if there are any free or cheap insurance. HELP!!""
How much for a 17 year olds car insurance with a sports car?
Hi im 17 and im wondering about how much more would it cost if i went from a sedan to a sports car?
How to go about getting insurance for my husband?
He's 23 years old. Unemployed. HE needs insurance now, and can't be added to my insurance. For one, we'd have to wait until open enrollment in dec. and two, to be honest, it's too expensive to add him. im talking $300 each check. that's insane. I'm browsing the internet, but i am just so lost on where to look. I've heard of Medicaid, but don't know if he'd qualify, or can't find a website. Please. HELP!!!!!""
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 18 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance.""
Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?
I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?
Life insurance question?
lets say i want ten policy's worth 750,000 each why would this be a problem as long as u had the money to pay the Premium and you tell each company the truth.....""
Liability car insurance?
Im 18, never had a wreck or any tickets, i live in a small town/rural area in alabama, and i want to know about how much liability insurance would be for a... -2008 mustang -2010 mustang -2012 mustang""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?""
Does the insurance rate go up or more if I get my license?
Ok my mom and dad both have a car and they bought a car just for me. It already has insurance and license plate and everything. I'm planning on getting my license soon. So when I do would my dad have to pay for more money because of me driving it? I mean the insurance is on my dads name. Thx for replying.
USAA Insurance Questions?
I'm thinking about switching my auto insurance from GEICO to USAA, but had a few questions. And since it's the weekend, they're not open when I called. I purchased a used vehicle about 4 months, so my insurance went up, and have heard great things about USAA, so here goes,,,, Question #1 - From all of the research I've done on auto insurance, USAA is approximately $125.00 dollars cheaper for a 6 month premium than GEICO. This sounds too good to be true, but I did the free quote steps over and over again on the site, if you have have USAA auto insurance, does this sound right? Question #2 - I submitted a quote for property insurance as well, and that quote was $10.00 a month, does this sound about right? I did this quote with website assistance on how much my property is worth. Question #3 - My 6 month auto insurance premiums gets paid in 4 monthly installments in a 6 month window, does USAA do this as well, or do they do it by monthly deduction? Thanks to all in advance""
I'm 21! I'm getting kicked off my parents insurance here in a month? Whats the best place to go find insurance
I would go through my work but i'm leaving by the time i can get on. So i've looked on the net but i haven't found anything that great. I'm also and asmathic so i need medication every month. Any help?? :D
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
for a ford mondeo 1998. Thank you.
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
How much is your car insurance?
I don't want to sound personal but I am wondering what everyone pays in car insurance. I happen to live in Michigan which has the highest car insurances rates in the country. I am planning to move soon and was wondering how much people are paying across the country. Please don't feel a need to give me the exact number, a range is fine. Also, please tell me the car type because I know that matters. Again with car type you don't have to tell the car. Example if you drive a 911 Porsche you could say, 2 door, luxury sports car. Any other information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!""
What's a good homeowners insurance in California?
A friend of mine just bought a home for the first time. She wants to know if there's any recommended insurance for homes in California.. particularly Fresno, CA if anybody is familiar with any. Thanks in advance. Any suggestions or direction will do.""
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
antique auto insurance quotes
antique auto insurance quotes
Is a kia soul! too much fir a teenagers first car?
I want a Kia soul as my first car. Im trying to get a job and save up to buy it and to be able to pay for my insurance. But is this car 'too much' as a first car for a teenager? Because my grandpa has a 05 Toyota corolla that he said he would give to me. So its really either the car I want or a free car. What would you do or what do you think its the best thing for be to do?
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
Can you drive a car home you have just bought without insurance?
If i were to buy a car could i drive it straight home with no insurance, if i was going to sort it out when i got home. obviously don't want to sort out insurance for a car i haven't seen or payed for.""
What is best health insurance for a 43 yrs old male single ?
not to expensive health insurance .
How much to insure a 2003 BMW 325i in GA?
Iam Canadian living in the States for 6 month out of a year in ATL. I wonder how much will my ins would cost like basic insurance coverage.
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
""How much are you paying for car insurance, mine is...?""
Right now, I pay $74 a month on a 97 4 runner. Is that too much or am I over reacting?""
Auto insurance?
does someone know of a less expensive car insurance place in germany??
What do you pay for car insurance?
I have 3 cars and paid $1600/year. I had a speeding ticket 15 miles per over and now my insurance has been raised to $2600/yr. I've quoted other insurances and they are all about the same.
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
Will my license hike my parents insurance?
I live in Florida with my parents, and I'm 19. I don't have a permit and want to get my license, but I'm not sure if it'll raise my parents' insurance rates. I won't own a car for at least a month or so, and I probably won't be driving theirs frequently, if at all. Will it affect their Progressive insurance at all? Thanks so much.""
Insurance on a vehicle that's registered but not running?
I have a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited that's been at the garage for about 5 months now (ridiculous, I know). It is the only vehicle on my insurance policy and my insurance ...show more""
Do you find women only car insurance sexist?
Personally I do. For a start their buisiness is based around the idea that women are safer drivers even though what gender you are does not affect your driving, also all of the TV adverts for this insurance have sexist comments in them. If it had been the other way round and these car insurances were exclusive to men there would have been protests and accusations of sexism but because typically women are the victims of sexism it has gone unnoticed.""
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much would insurance cost for my car and is there discounts?
okay so is it better to take drivers ed will insurance be cheaper then?? i am 17 new to driving going to get permit have a job going to a cal state college this year. i want a 2010 nissa altima coupe 2.5s i dont want you saying it depends etc just estimated value or from experiences
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
Green card holders now have to have health insurance?
I've just noticed an Answer in someone else question that said laws have changed and Green card holders how have to have health insurance, is this right, is there a link to this ...show more""
Can an Auto Insurance company force you to use aftermarket parts for repair in Connecticut?
I had tire tread fly into my car on the highway. Tore the bumper and smashed the condenser. The insurance company has after market parts on the estimate, but I want to sell this car someday and want OEM. I'm pretty sure I am out of luck, but just wanted to make sure as this is my first time dealing with an incident. Thanks.""
""If my friend owns a car, can I have full insurance on it?""
If my friend owns a car and I am making payments to him to eventually own it, is there a way that it can be fully insured in my name?""
Auto insurance?
what is the best auto insurance out there and why
Maternity insurance in North Carolina is it worth it?
My husband and I want to have another baby. I had to have an emergency c-section with the first baby and my doctor told me if I had another baby I would have to have another c-section. I had Medicaid with the first child, and I am not sure of those cost for that baby. I have a basic individual insurance plan now. I do not qualify for my employer's health plan because I am a casual staff worker. So my question is would it be worth spending the extra for maternity insurance or better to ask for a payment plan at the doctor's office and hospital? I would be seeing a doctor in Greenville, NC.""
Cheap cars to get insured on in the UK on a provisonal license?
cheap cars for young drivers to get insured on? Ok so I am a provisonal driver - currently the cheapest insurance quote i have found is for a smart car @ 730. Has any other provisional drivers got or had insurance on any cars that give a real cheap insurance? I was kind of thjintking a cheap 150 quid car would have even cheaper insurance but it turned out to be more expensive (Im lookin at 3rd party cover, not inc theft and fire btw)""
Why are insurance companies under the Obama health care plan allowed to not cover existing medical problems?
How is this making health care affordable? My physician wrote a letter stating I have no complications, but the letter BC/BS sent me was that under the Obama health care plan they do not have to cover my thyroid or anything related to it. I am a widow, unemployed for 1 1/2 years and pay for my own health insurance. Will you do anything to change or eliminate this health care plan?""
Should I have my own insurance while using someone else's car?
The other person owns the car and has it insured in his name but is allowing me to use it until I can get another car. Should I or even can I have my own insurance policy on his car? I live in Michigan and my previous car was hit and totaled. Trying to buy/finance another car after only working full time again since Feb. is near impossible.
antique auto insurance quotes
antique auto insurance quotes
Color of the car for insurance purposes?
Does the color of the car have anything to do w/ the price you pay for your insurance? I have heard that bright colors make your insurance rates higher.
How much does insurance cost each month for a trolley/bus?
I was thinking of purchasing a trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
Mustang GT Insurance?
I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...)
What would be the best/cheapest place to get moped insurance through?
I live in Edmonton, Alberta and I just bought a little 50cc Honda Jazz to use to commute to work with. I can't seem to find online quotes so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a good place to go to for reasonably priced insurance for the moped. Also, would I have to pay for a whole year up front or could I pay month-to-month?""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for honda civic?
I'm 19 years old, i have had a license for a year and a half. i have had one speeding incident where i was going 100 miles per hour. Other than that i have no records of bad driving. i drive a honda civic sedan. what is the cheapest car insurance i can get so i can drive again?""
Can you be denied insurance coverage because of a PJC on your driving record thats more than 3 years old.?
My wife just got selected for a job in NC with our local paid EMS. They selected her but said there insurance company wouldn't cover her because of a PJC from 2003. PJC's go away every 3 years its been 4. Insurace companys cant use PJC's to raise rates and PJC are off your driving record at the DMV and insurance aftrer 3 years. So can they legally deny her coverage for that? Its on her permanent record like any one else with a PJC but its not a moving violation! Its just there for records thats it. The company driving policy she meets whats up with the insurance. I think this is illegal after 3 years. Does any one know?
""Any way I try, I can't seem to get Car insurance for less than 4000!?""
I passed my test last week on Thursday, found myself a VW polo yesterday, and cannot seem to get insured for less than 4000. I'm 17 years old, just passed, no previous problems or anything, full UK passport etc. The car is a 3 door, 1 litre hatchback. I've attempted to get quotes on other cars as well. I've also tried applying as a second driver, with my father as first. He has 9 years no claims discount and a perfect motoring record. The result is the same. Nothing for less than 4000. I don't understand why it is so much cheaper for others around me to get such cheap insurance! A girl i know got insured a few months ago on her old Citroen A3. She's also 17. The company she found quoted me 4103, whilst she is paying 1300! Where am I going wrong?""
Can daughter get Health Insurance if she has pre-existing such as asthma?
My 18 year old daughter who graduated in May, has moved to a nearby town and is working at Applebees. She wants to get certified as personal fitness trainer, and so she will be dropped off of my insurance, since this is not a full time student program. She was 18 in June, and lives in Texas. She is going to soon have to be dropped of of my health insurance. I do not think that Applebees provides any insurance for hourly employees. She also has asthma, although not real bad, but this is a pre-existing conditions. Will she be able to get any kind of affordable health insurance, or is she just going to have to be one of the millions who can't have health insurance?""
Has anyone used e-suarance for a car insurance quote. I called them a few hours ago & they gave me a good...?
quote but they Hadn't run my driving record yet. And they said they can use ur credit report but, Otha than seeing if u hav paid ur car insurance/bills on tym I Don't see Why they need That info, otha car insurance companies I called Didn't want to check my credit history & Every check on ur credit report can make ur credit score lower & my credit's not that gud rite now tho I pay my utilities, rent, my current credit card & my cell bill on tym & my auto insurance in the past was always paid on tym. (I haven't had car insurance for 3 1/2 yrs cuz I haven't had a car.) Also, they were telling me if I call back the quote mite not stay the same cuz I was tryin 2 get the quote number & No Other insurance companies said that, the otha 1's gave me a quote # so I can deal wit the quote later if I decided 2 go wit them. E-suarance (was tryin 2 get me 2 put a down payment down today & then the insurance would kick in automatically but I told them I want to pay for 6 months at once & I don't hav the money now cuz I hav 2 deposit it in the bank tomorrow, it's a postal money order & will clear Tues. & I Don't Need the insurance 'til Tues. &, then I'll need proof of insurance Tues. to take 2 the DMV wit the papers from the dealer 2 register the car & get the license plates. E-saurance said they could send an e-mail upon payment that I could use 2 show proof of insurance at the DMV or if I Can't print that out I could download their app & show them my proof of insurance thru their app. But that sounded fishy 2 me. Also the guy on the phone from e-suarance wanted a credit card # 2 run my driving record but I was like None of the Otha car insurance companies needed that 2 run my driving record. I Don't want 2 get charged for them 2 run my driving record or 4 any Otha charges. Which is making me suspicious now of the low rate or of paying by credit card ova the fone wit them. Since they're backed by Allstate can I go 2 an Allstate office 2 pay cash & get proof of insurance?""
Advice for Car Insurance?
Hi, I just been given a quote for a car insurance and it says Annual premium is 3000 and Total Excess is 1000. Does this mean, my total amount of car insurance is 4000. What is Annual Premium and Total Excess what does it really mean. Your advice is important to me, thanks""
Free health insurance for full time student?
My friend told that me since I am a full time student, I have 15 units, I would be able to qualify for free health insurance until i'm 26 or done with school. Is this true? Thanks""
Can I buy car insurance if the photo on my driving license needs renewing?
Hi. Ok I appreciate I am technically breaking the law on a number of fronts with this. I have bought a car, It is taxed and tested. It is parked on the road. However I don't have any insurance and the photograph on my license has expired. It is still possible for me to buy insurance (and therefore make the car itself fully legal) before I have received my new license? Reading the DVLA websites implies I can. The license is still valid it just needs renewing. I have no convictions, health issues, etc. Just wanted to make sure as I don't want to pick up a load of points just for a misunderstanding. Thanks!!""
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
Motor/Car Insurance Database.?
I have Bought my insurance with a company over the phone/online. I was just wondering how long it will take for the insurance deatails to get onto the MID As i need to tax the vehicle. Thank you!
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
Will state farm insurance pay for my rental car?
I am 20 years old and full coverage and i wrecked my car at my own fault today, and while its getting fixed i need a rental car, does state farm pay for it?""
Can i still be on mom's Car insurance?
So over a year my mom and I bought a car in her name when I graduated college. The car is registered in her name but I make the payments. Well my parents are divorced and I moved in with my dad due to the fact my ex lives down the street from my moms house and other family issues. I have live with him for almost a whole year, no problem. My billing address is still my moms house and my driver license has her address on it. My mail still goes to her house and it is the residence that I claim. Well now my mom is saying that unless I move back in I can't be on her car insurance. She says they are going to come out to the house and see if I actually live there. My mom hates my dad and hates that I live with him so she's been trying to get me to come live with her. I recently lost all 3 jobs that I was working so she's been really pushing moving in with here lately I just way to know if I can still be on her insurance legally. I can't get on my dads till October because of financial issues. I just turned 20 last week I live in CA I'm still under her health insurance She's changing car insurance which is why the subject has been brought up I'm not sure what company she's going to but we did have Horace Mann Thank you""
I am 17 and am going to buy a 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 abs. What will my insurance costs be?
What is a good name for insurance company?
Since Obama wants to make the health insurance mandatory. I thought that the only way to survive in the USA, is to start my own insurance company. Please help me to come up with the name.""
New teen driver insurance?
I just got my license about 2 hours ago. something just came up and I really need to drive somewhere. My parents have Statefarm insurance, but obviously haven't added me yet. Does statefarm have any type of temporary coverage? Can I leave now or do I have to wait until my parents can add me?""
""We're going to vegas and will be renting a car, should we get the insurance?""
I've heard that getting insurance when you rent a car is pointless because your regular auto insurance will cover you, because insurance covers the driver and not the car. If we were to get the car insurance for the rental car, it would add an extra $250. Obviously our regular insurance has to cover us, or else the car rental place wouldn't make this insurance optional. Am i right? Should we consider getting the insurance?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
""Do traffic schools, particularly in California, prevent an increase in auto insurance rates?
I just received my first traffic ticket :(
Cheap car insuarance for young drivers?
Im an 18 year old girl just passed my driving testr didnt think insurance would be so much. Iv checked most comparison sites does anyone know how to bring my insurance down or cheap deals:?
antique auto insurance quotes
antique auto insurance quotes
0 notes
northshoregadgets · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
from Dogster http://ift.tt/1HsJhbR via http://www.dogster.com
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buynewsoul · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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