turianosauruswrex · 6 years
Oh! And for Ginny and Levi - Signature colors? And go-to convenience store food?
Ginny is mostly pastels with cream and pale gold, or faded earth tones with a little bit of faded red. Levi is PURPLE, black and gold as well!
Their go-to convenience store food lord they’d fucking love the roller foods like taquitos and corn dogs and those weird chicken things. They eat horribly and I love them.
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dragonie · 7 years
How about Nai’a Shepard?
Full Name: Nai'a ShepardGender and Sexuality: Bi womanPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Hawai'ian humanBirthplace and Birthdate: April 11, 2154, a spaceshipGuilty Pleasures: Fornax uh i mean what none what are you talking about maybe Blasto but that’s it yepPhobias: Terrified of being spaced… againWhat They Would Be Famous For: First Human Spectre, Saviour of the Galaxy Like Six Times By NowWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Her driving skillsOC You Ship Them With: idekOC Most Likely To Murder Them: see aboveFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Surprisingly cheesy romance, downright silly action, ancient sci-fi for how hilariously off-base it isLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: She nitpicks the fuck out of unrealistic action scenes in movies it’s very annoying to anyone trying to watch with her even though she enjoys itTalents and/or Powers: Brain-CipherWhy Someone Might Love Them: Chill lady shaved-head space marine action heroWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Pretty much any ending Shepard chooses is bound to have someone who absolutely hates it soHow They Change: She gets put through the wringer many times, is technically and legally dead for a couple years, and her idealism is severely challenged throughout the seriesWhy You Love Them: Spacefighter daughter… send a human into space punch a Reaper in the face
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jarnes · 7 years
3 & 10 please!
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react? James likes listening to anything and everything. Music is new to him so he finds it so, so wonderful. James listens to the music genre while Danse starts to sigh and acts annoyed whenever James is listening to swing or fast jazz. 
10. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them? They both have a tendency to stare at each other’s booty. Though Danse is more to stare. When James notices Danse staring James will smile and start to wag his butt a little. Danse will start blushing. He was caught being inappropriate and this is no way that a soldier should act. Though later on, when they grow more together, Danse will smirk and bring James closer to him.  
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17, 30, and 33 for any OC!
17. Would steal penguin from the zooAris and Joseph
30. Will send memes in the group chatJohn and Aris
33. Can’t sleep without something specialCyrillus and Kazuto
Thanks for the ask!
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nuclearmu5hroom · 7 years
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@raythrill and @itsmesaberaltered asked me more about my shit children so here we go   (thank you for asking :) )
  1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Michelle 'Chell' Elizabeth Holoway (don't judge she's named after me cause I'm not original, only the last name is different). She was named after her grandmother (cause I will be in my upper 80s in 2077)
Drake Michael Fenring. The middle name was his fathers but the first name was taken from his family's crest.
 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
 Both of them hold Doctorates; Drake's has a PhD in Biology and Psychology and Chell holds one in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Both attended CIT. 
 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Chell's favorite memories are of New Years Eve and her Oma would let her drink and she taught her all the good German drinking songs. Worst memories include being assaulted in elementary school by the other kids
Drake can barely remember anything from childhood, but he remembers his first 'invisible man' model which fascinated him when he was 4 or 5. His worst memory was when he was invited to a classmate's birthday party and they got cooler toys than he had which caused panic attacks.
 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Chell didn't really have any problems with her parents. She clashed with her Mother when she got older but got along well with her Dad. They would go to Maine to visit family from time to time and went camping that whole schtick.
Drake had a very impersonal relationship with his folks but you wouldn't really know it since he hid it so well. He just didn't really have the capability to care beyond the things that he needed or wanted. His parents were very home-centered and didn't go places or take him to do things most of the time.
  5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Chell had an older sister, Erin, who left to study abroad in France and ended up staying there permanently. She was very close with her and the fact that she never got to say goodbye to her dear sister is a huge weight for her.
Drake is an only child and if he wasn't he absorbed his twin in utero.
 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Chell was kinda shit at school; got in trouble a lot for talking back, minor acts of vandalism, truancy but in the subjects she did like she was leagues ahead. Her favorite subjects were English Lit, Sociology, Life Sciences, Small Engine Repair/Metal Shop, and History. Hated Gym/Health and the sheer amount of homework that her Math teachers gave her.
Drake was Valedictorian, High Honors, NHS kinda kid. Excelled in most of his subjects but particularly enjoyed Biology and Science, Math, and Sociology. Disliked Gym, Study Halls and Lunch.
 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Chell tried. She was goofy as fuck when she was growing up and it didn't work out so well for her. She had difficulties making lasting relationships.
Drake pretended to be friendly and well liked but only when he knew he could use it to advance. In any regard, he worked/studied too hard to even really want any friends.
 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Chell had cats when she lived with her parents, but opted out since keeping pets was expensive as a college student. Post War though she has Dogmeat and Daisy whom she bought from Gene.
Drake finds their insides fascinating.
  9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Chell’s got this weird drunken Snow White vibe with the animals of the Commonwealth going on. She loves and protects Radstags and will usually keep some corn or razorgrain on her just to feed them if she ever comes across them. Hates the bugs though, Christ they got big and ugly....
Drake would rather prefer to stay away from them if it can be helped unless he needs to use them.
 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Chell never really wanted to be a parent, she kinda got knocked up accidentally but she embraced it and she wanted to be a good mom. When Shaun was abducted she thought her life was over. When she found out who her son turned out to be it changed her pretty profoundly. Then when Synth!Shaun came around she was really unprepared but tried to make the best of it. Shaun has his own room back in Sanctuary all decked out with all kinds of toys and posters. She’s a pretty absent parent though unfortunately. Being General means that she’s Mother to all 400,000 settlements. She asked Preston and Curie to be Shaun’s godparents/foster parents and she just comes blowing in every now and then like the drunk aunt.
Drake doesn't want kids but I think we can all guess that by now.
 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope. Although if you get canned meat anywhere near Drake you’re gonna end up wearing it.
 12. What is their favourite food? 
As previously mentioned in the last ask, Chell’s favorite food is razorgrain oatmeal with tarberry or mutfruit. Something about its very comforting to her and it lasts a long time. She also makes great Radstag stew (its rare she ever makes it though since she won’t kill them unless they’re suffering)
Drake has an affinity for meat, the rarer the better. He won't touch anything other than Brahmin or Radstag though.
 13. What is their least favourite food?
Both of them are completely disgusted by anything that comes off the gigantic fucking bugs in the Commonwealth. Chell will at least attempt to if she's absolutely starving life or death, but will most likely throw up. Drake won't even look at it. He also hates Cram, Salisbury Steak or the Potted Meat that's available too.
 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Nate used to take Chell out frequently before the War; they were regulars at the Drumlin Diner for a few months after she came home from Anchorage.
Drake was a member of the Boylston Club and most likely would've drank the poisoned wine had he not been in taken as a POW when the bomb fell.
 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Chell is an excellent cook and is even better when she's really high. If she's at the Castle or Sanctuary she will often offer to cook for everyone all night if she can.
Drake is also not terrible, although he prefers to have someone else make his food for him.
 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Chell can't seem to let go of the notion that she still needs prewar money so she'll snag every dollar she can. Turns out that its worth more than caps anyway so she'll spend it just like she used to. She also will snag any and all toys to bring back to Shaun (and maybe keep one or two for herself)
Drake collects....parts...of people...
 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Neither of them are very comfortable in front of a camera although Chell could be convinced if you ask her nicely and she's not feeling as insecure.
 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Chell loves comic books, sci fi, fantasy stuff. Even though she didn't think so at the time, her issue of Gronak that was still on her counter at home in Sanctuary was a major comfort to her. Musical tastes vary but she's really into Swing and Rockabilly. She didn't really watch much TV but fuck if she doesn't jam on Zeta Invaders every night.
Drake goes for classical literature and pours himself into anatomy books (they're like porn to him).  Most conventional media disinterests him, but sometimes enjoys classical music (Wagner is probably his favorite if he had one)
   19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Chell hates pop country music. Drake has too many to list but its mostly everything. He particularly despises romance or love songs.
 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Chell actually gets kind of uncomfortable with musicals in a second hand embarrassment kind of way, but she loves music, cant live without music and has an extensive library of music that was loaded onto a holotape that fortunately survived throughout the years. She doesn't hesitate to dance when her jam comes on and often blasts music while she's fighting to keep her from focusing too much on the fact that she's killing people.
Drake would never admit to it but he does admire most musical actors. Music is often played while hes researching and he finds it stimulating.
 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Chell's patient with most people, but loses it around the BOS pretty quickly. She's slow to anger but once the switch is flipped she won't really hesitate to put a bullet in your head for the inconvenience. I'd say you could ask the people in Covenant but they're all dead so...
Drake's temper is short. He's mostly irritated all the time as it is but once he's proper angry there is one of two reactions. One being in his rage he'll stab you as many times as he possibly can, the other being so angry that he freezes and leaves but this might be worse because he'll find someone who can't defend themselves to take it out on.
 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
This is a hard question to answer really because context is important. Drake constantly insults everyone he thinks is dumber than he is (which in his eyes is actually everyone). His insults are personal, hand selected daggers that tend to cut to the deeper insecurities of a person.  Chell would like to know who glued pubes to Elder Maxson's face and buy them a beer. She'll also use 'babyface', 'kid', 'Junior', 'Micro Maxson', 'limp dick', 'shit heel' etc, etc, etc....  
 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
The drawback of doing so many chems is that Chell's short term memory is kinda shit. She's still having a hard time adjusting to life in the Commonwealth so she can go faceblind occasionally unless there is something very particular about you that she can make note of.
Drake has an excellent memory however this is limited only to after his incident in Russia. He has a difficulties remembering parts of his life before the event. 
 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Both wake up frequently with nightmares although Chell's gets better if she's romanced. She carries her own sleeping bag for the road and prefers to sleep as far away from ground level as she can. If she got really drunk the night before she tends to snore a little haha. It doesn't matter what surface if she's tired enough, which is all the time.
Drake's a primadonna when it comes to the surface on which he sleeps. If there's no bed he just won't. He only ever really sleeps for 2 or 3 hours at a time anyway.
 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Chell's pretty entertaining I'd say. She tends to pull her personality from whomever she's with at the time in order to fit in better so if she's around Deacon or Hancock (or Elijah ^-^) there's an abnormal amount of asshattery going around. She teases Nick and Preston relentlessly but its in good humor. Piper and Mac don't quite get her humor really since she makes a hell of a lot of references to old world things. She has a lot of snark for Danse.
Drake finds humiliating people great fun. He enjoys watching them become uncomfortable and waits for them to start stumbling over their words before he becomes mean. When tables are turned though hes a spoiled sport and will sulk or lash out at whoever's trying to joke with him.
 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Chell does all of the above. Sing, dance, generally silly. She's affectionate as heck and hugs and kisses everyone.
Drake is the one that hides as much as he can.
 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Chell is an emotional creature and cries when warranted. She doesn't like to display this in front of people though and withdraws. She will lie to you if you ask her if she's ok.
Drake doesn't have much empathy towards others but he despairs if he finds himself in a position where he has no control over any aspect of a situation. When he's afraid, he will cry, and he cries ugly.
 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Chell's fear is losing everyone she loves again. If her companion falls in combat she often acts very stupidly to rush to them and save them.
Drake's fear is humiliation and failure. If hes confronted by someone stronger willed than he is hes filled with dread and will find any excuse to leave their presence. If he cant, he panics and cries.
 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Chell is definitely protective of this information and only teases Deacon and his fear of heights.
Drake will actively try to find out what those fears are so he can exploit you and get you to do something you normally wouldn't.  
 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Basically living post war is an endurance challenge in and of itself so there's no real need for either of them to exercise, however Chell can go for hours under the sheets ;)
 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Chell's drunk like maybe a 3rd of her waking life. She's pretty high functioning and its a whole lot of fun whether or not she's drunk. She gets pretty handsy more so than normal so *grabby grabby*
Drake prefers to abstain completely.
   32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Pre war, Chell went for comfortable; jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and usually had her hair pulled back out of her face. Post war, she sticks with practical and light, outfits that can afford her the most dexterity. Bedtime is usually just a tank top and undies (or nothing). No make up ever.
Pre war Drake preferred higher end made garments, often custom tailored. Post war, he is severely disappointed in the variety (?) of choices so he tends to stick with either his SRB uniform or just a simple lab coat. Drake doesn't feel comfortable enough above ground to change into other clothes. 
 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Chell WISHES she had more exciting undies but she's just thankful she has the ratty ass bra and panties she found at Fallon's. Sometimes if
Drake wears black boxers.
 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Chell is 5'4" thin but not unhealthy. She has no problems with the size of her body but she's self conscious of the scar on her face.
Drake is 5'7" and lean due to a high metabolism and preference for proteins over carbs.  He hates his physical form and really just can't wait to get it over with.
 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
 Chell definitely feels guilty about the amount of chems she does. She knows its destroying her but they feel good and she cant get busted by the fuzz anymore. Her unguilty pleasure though is probably her sexual appetite which she has no shame in whatsoever.
Drake doesn’t quite get the concept of personal guilt per se because that would mean he cares about what other people think about him. He is starting to recognize the fact that people and livestock have very similar cuts of meat.
 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Chells ok at singing, she does it for fun most of the time. She’s very good at cooking chems and makes some of the best in the Commonwealth.
Drake would probably be good at taxidermy if he applied himself but he feels most hobbies are a waste of time.
 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Chell likes to read but doesn't have much time for it to be honest. She sticks to comic books and the old covert manuals that she finds laying around. It doesn't take her long to get through a full sized novel though, she just wishes she could stay still long enough to pay attention.
Drake reads pretty regularly if he can; usually old text books if they’re still intact. His favorite Fiction is Dante’s Inferno and carries a copy with him during his down time. 
 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Chell admires people who see the value of being free to live the life they want, rather than how others want them to live it. 
Drake can admire someone who can be cruel with little or no effort. The more ruthless, the better 
 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Chell likes love letters cause she’s sappy and appreciates a handwritten thought.
Drake doesn't want anyone to communicate with him so none. 
 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Coffee for both; Chell HATES Nuka Cola but loves snack cakes and sweet rolls. Drake is the only one who can function without any kind of stimulant so he only drinks coffee if hes in the mood.
 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Chell’s bi/pan, not picky about looks considering she has her own self esteem issues. She’s attracted to kind people, people who like to cause trouble, and people who can hang out and indulge in mind altering substances
Drake is Gay/Aro. hes attracted to pretty men younger than he is. He tends to look for people who are naturally submissive but he abhors the idea of a relationship. Its too much baggage for him to care anything about.
 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Chell’s ultimate goal is to secure a place for people to live without having to worry if they’re going to die the next day and to rebuild her own life.
Drake’s is to replace all the incompetent idiots with higher functioning Synths but some dumb blonde bitch had to fuck it up.... 
 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Chell had studied the occult as a teenager since it ran in her family and she tried to learn as much as she could about other culture’s mythos. Nowadays though that faith is pretty shaken since the bombs and Shaun and all that.
Drake hates the idea of God. There is no salvation, there is no divine intervention. There is life, and death, and the pain in between.
 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
Both prefer it to be cooler. Hate the heat cause heat sucks and who wants to be sticky and sweaty all the time?
 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
Chell tries hard to get people to like her, she seeks validation often. She sometimes feels like she’s being annoying or bothers people too much. She would like to hope that others see her as a kind and loving person though.
Drake is a monster and he knows it and is completely unapologetic. He doesn't care what others think about him as long as they do what they’re told.
 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Chell can be awkward at first until she gets to know you and can match your personality better. Sometimes this doesn't translate well and she comes across as disingenuous or lacking in her own personality. If its your first time meeting her she will use her title as General to introduce herself (or codename depending if you have your Geiger counter or not)
Drake isn't friendly but he stays neutral so long as he doesn't have to interact with you too much. Its the most misleading thing about him since he can come across as “that nice guy from the office” all too well.
 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Chell gets real bored at fancy parties, preferring to tear it up with the dregs of society better. Rich people pay good money for chems though so she’ll sometimes try to squeeze a few more caps out of them to invest in her settlements.
Drake actually somewhat enjoys the status of attending high class events, believing himself to be amongst peers of his caliber. He still doesn't like interacting much though and will often stay by the sidelines and observe.
 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Chell throws the BEST parties. Most of the time they’re held in Goodneighbor but occasionally on major holidays the big settlements like Starlight, The Castle, and Sanctuary go all out too with open pit BBQ and lots of beer and liquor and music and dancing.
Drake sometimes wishes he could allow himself to feel that kind of revelry but dismisses that thought as soon as it forms. He has work to do and why on earth would he want to associate with the squabble?
 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Chell has a baby picture of Shaun that she keeps close to her as a reminder of what used to be. It might not have always been the best for her but the late nights being up with the baby were bittersweet and she knows she’ll never get that time back.
Drake keeps two teeth, an incisor and a molar, with him at all times but he’ll never show anyone. These came from his first test subject in Anchorage.
 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Chell takes her sleeping bag, her Deliverer, a change of clothes, some prewar money, a knife, 3 of each chem, a bottle of Whiskey, some left over steak and her headphones.
Drake takes his 10mm, a knife, a book or two, and some questionable looking meat.
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chris--daae · 7 years
Hey. I just want you to know that you're doing the best you can.
Thank you. I needed these words right now
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2, 7, and 22!
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
his self esteem...he really doesnt believe in himself and does need approval from others. he does hide it well under a false bravery
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
it happens that he sing-song words while he talks, without even realising it!
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
answered! a flower tattoo with the name “Olivia” (his mother’s name) on his left shoulder
thank you!!!
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Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @kittinkanin! I’ve bolded my favorites:
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or unsweetened iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafes // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or Happy Hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen (neither, blah) // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or watercolor // fairy lights or candles
Tagging @solesurvivorkat, @avaleon, @itsmesaberaltered, @maxrev, @tess-etc, @gaeadene, @jeffersonismywintersoldier, @falsenostalgia-sundries, @lamorellenoire6, @tarenel and anyone else who would like to do this!
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tessetc · 6 years
10 characters meme
I was tagged by @fancyladssnacks to post my ten favourite characters from ten fandoms so here goes.
1. Fallout: Paladin Danse.
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It is so close with Maxson but ultimately Danse gets the win for getting me reading and writing fic.
2. Far Cry 5: Sharky Boshaw
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I wound up finding him very early in the game and he's been with me ever since. His presence is a major component of my experience with this game and I adore him.
3. Baahubali: the Queen Mother Sivigami Deva
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A badass mom, strategic, tough, and unquestioned as a ruler. And those eyes. Wow.
4. Doctor Who: Donna Noble
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She was hilarious, I identified with her, and her story was painfully tragic.
5. Outlander: Lord John Grey
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Jamie's Bff for decades, and so honestly good, kind, and amazing. And ripe for an OT3 if you ask me but my brain won't quite go there.
6. Uncharted: Nathan Drake
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Okay it's so close between him and Chloe but as my first ever Video Game Crush thed point goes to Nate.
7. The Last of Us: Ellie
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She kicks ass. The end.
8. MCU: Loki
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Don't get me wrong I adore Thor. But Loki is just too damn interesting.
What am I up to? Do I have any other fandoms?
9. Star Trek: Benjamin Sisko
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Oh my god so many great characters tk choose from this fandom. Shoutouts to Worf, Data, Picard, T'Pal, Seven of Nine, Uhura, Michael Burnham, Dr. Pulaski, Dax, Dr. Bashir, and Spock, but ultimately had to go with my favourite captain from my favourite series, the Emmisary to the Prophets, and Captain of Deep Space Nine.
10. Legend of Zelda: Midna
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Yeah, you know, she just constantly surprised me at every turn. And then the end? Wow. Beautiful and bittersweet. That's also my favourite Zelda game.
I made it!
I don't know who has done this so tagging:
@beckiboos @improbablyhighrn @jeffersonismywintersoldier @itsmesaberaltered @gaeadene @sharonaw @mojavejourneys
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turianosauruswrex · 6 years
Jules - Which Greek God/Goddess is she most like?
OOF you know it’d be really easy to go with Aphrodite or Ares lmao but it’s probably Eris, goddess of discord and strife!
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dragonie · 7 years
10 and 37 for Jane please!
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
She’s clever, and good at thinking on her feet. She probably leans more towards “street-smart” than “book-smart” since opportunities for formal education were… limited… after Twin Mothers, although she reads pretty voraciously and soaks up information like a sponge. She is genuinely smart, but her knowledge can sometimes be rather all over the place, depending on what she’s had the opportunity to learn.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Her memories are often bittersweet to genuinely upsetting so she tries not to dwell too much on them. She does sometimes wander into daydreams when travelling a safer, more familiar route; along more dangerous routes it’s of course too risky and along unfamiliar routes, regardless of the danger, she’s much too interested in the new things. I’m not sure how creative these daydreams would be, especially since trying to delve into the question of “would my OC have OCs and what kind of OCs would they be” makes my head start to spin. She’s not too much of a worrier (Arcade does her share of worrying for her tbh).
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@itsmesaberaltered replied to your post: On top of that my presentation did not go well...
You aren’t the only one having trouble with the public speaking as of late, so I feel you, honey.
The thing that troubles me is that I used to be so good at this. I'd rock in with all my notes and a good shield of fake confidence and give a brilliant presentation. But the last five or so I've done have been awful and I'm just getting more and more anxious over them, which isn't helping. I hope it gets better for you too soon!
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owlaholic68 · 6 years
OC Stats
I was tagged by @fantasmagoriam! 
I’m not sure who’s done this and who hasn’t, so I’ll just tag @flannelshirtandjeans, @itsmesaberaltered, @gaycalshepard, @datura-tea, @nukaworld!
This will be for my Sole Survivor Julia, since I think I’ve literally never talked about her. 
WEALTH  — $  financial:  //  wealthy  /  moderate  /  poor  /  in poverty ✚  medical:  // fit  /  moderate  /  sickly  /  disadvantaged  /  disabled  /  not applicable ✪  class:  //  upper /  middle-working /  poor  / slave  /  unsure ✔  education:  //  qualified  /  unqualified  /  studying  /  other ✖  criminal record:  //  yes, for major crimes  / yes, for minor crimes  /  no  /  has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet FAMILY  — ◒  children: //  has one or more children  /  has no children  /  wants children  /  verse dependent  /  doesn’t want to have children  /  can’t have children ◑  relationship with family: //  close with sibling(s)  /  not close with sibling(s)  /  has no sibling(s)  /  siblings are deceased ◔  affiliation: //  orphaned  /  adopted  /  disowned  / raised by birth parent(s)  /  not applicable / kidnapped TRAITS  + TENDENCIES  — ♦  extrovert // introvert // in between ♦  disorganized // organized // in between ♦  close-minded // open-minded // in between/contextual ♦  calm // anxious // in between ♦  disagreeable // agreeable // in between/contextual ♦  cautious  // reckless // in between/contextual ♦  patient // impatient // in between ♦  outspoken // reserved // in between ♦  leader // follower // in between ♦ empathetic //  indifferent  // in between ♦  optimistic // pessimistic // in between // realistic ♦  traditional // modern // in between ♦  hardworking // lazy // in between ♦  cultured // uncultured // in between ♦  loyal // disloyal // in between ♦ faithful // unfaithful // in between BELIEFS  — ★  faith:  // monotheist  / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated ☆  belief in ghosts or spirits: // yes / no / don’t know /  don’t care ✮  belief in an afterlife: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯  belief in reincarnation: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃  belief in aliens. // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / doesn’t apply ❀  philosophical. // yes / no / sometimes SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION  — > sexuality: / heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / questioning ❥  sex: // sex repulsed  / sex neutral / sex favorable ♥  romance: // romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ❣  sexually: // adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited ⚧  potential sexual partners: // male / female / other / none / all ⚧  potential romantic partners: // male / female / other / none / all ABILITIES  — ☠  combat skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡  literacy skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍  artistic skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂  technical skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none HABITS  — > drinking alcohol: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess > smoking: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / won’t say no if offered ✿  other narcotics: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / tried some > medicinal drugs: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / should take some ☻ indulgent in food:  // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess $  splurge spending: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ♣  gambling: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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17, 32, 33!
17. What do you love?Rock bands, video games, astronomy and other things
32. Favorite show?I rarely watch tv but my favorite tv show is probably Game of thrones or Fringe
33. Best day of your life?When i got my first dog, she was a chubby ball of hyper fluff! (still is lmao)
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purple-martin111 · 7 years
WIP Meme
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets - anything at all!
Tagged by @marvilus73 and @lothrilzul thanks guys!
Mainly I am working on Sacrifices.
Unable to see or think, consumed only by the madness within, Jackie slammed her fist against the desk. The sound echoed through the room, cleaving the silence with sharp reverberations that matched the stutter of her heart.
The voice of reason long since gone, she scrounged around until her hand brushed up against her pistol, abandoned from her earlier bout of insanity. Just like before her fingers caressed the metal, palmed the grip. It was her form of wasteland justice. Retribution would be paid.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard,” she snarled and groped along the edge of the room in search of the lights.
Finally her fingers found the switch and flicked on the light, illuminating the space. Next to the bed, Haylen groaned and shielded her eyes. She blinked, attempting to adjust to the sudden light, and stumbled towards Jackie with lumbering steps.
How much had she heard? All of it? None of it? Less than a second passed before Jackie decided, it didn’t matter. Whatever Haylen had or hadn’t heard didn’t change what Maxson had done. Swift condemnation would strike for his atrocities and there would be blood for his atonement, oh yes there would be blood.
Figured I'd post more than a sentence or just a paragraph since it's been awhile.
I've seen a lot of people do this but imma tag y'all again 😝 @beckiboos @failout4 @hoodieofthewaste @itsmesaberaltered @kickerwrites @lothrilzul @marvilus73 @maxrev @nonisartblog @ronqueesha @scorpio-skies @sharonaw @the-dubstep-strawberry @vkm11 @chernobyl907
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