#i wont be sleepy for another hour or two but any of my games will keep me up for at least two and idek what kind of creative task id do
princeanxious · 4 years
Games, or sleep?
Creative task or sleep?
Games or crea-
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violetarks · 4 years
Hello!! I saw you were asking for fictif requests and was wondering if you haven't already, may I have some general fluffy headcanons for Felix? I hope you have a wonderful day💕
General Fluff Headcanons
Game: Fictif
Character: Felix Iskander Escellun
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Most definitely craves physical contact
But its that kind of thing where he thinks the more he desires it and stares at you, the more of a chance the universe will tell you to walk over and hug him
It takes you a while until you turn your head, bc you feel like someone is burning holes into your head :))
But all you see is felix flipping the page of his book
Felix: "is something wrong?"
You: "do you... need something?"
Felix: "pardon? no, i dont need anything."
But you know better
He's blushing, embarrassed that you caught him or nearly did
And you can see it as he adjusts his glasses, clearing his throat
Anyway, you do hold his hand, hug and kiss him if he feels comfortable
You hold his hand through portals and in market, bc he doesnt want to be separated from you
Kissing him in public is fORBiddEN bc he'll get all flustered and not be able to function right, resulting in glaring your way and pouting
Hugging him is okay, as long as you dont see his face, so youre usually hugging from behind or digging your face into his shoulder
Speaking if which, it takes a while for him to get used to it all
The first time you grabbed his hand out of the blue, he jolted and squeezed your hand really hard, making you pull away
He apologised over and over again as anisa looked over your hand to check for any injuries (none)
Anisa only did that bc of how much felix was overreacting
He felt so bad that he avoided you for some time
After that, you walked up to him and held his hand again, just casually and this time he didnt freak out, just staring at you
Love :)))
Calls you darling or dear, bc he's old timey like that
But that only happens every once in a while
He'll be distracted or so relaxed that he doesn't notice, but everyone else does
First time, went like
Felix: "love, are you finished with my spellbook?"
You: "i... uh..."
Anisa: "what did you say, felix?"
Felix: "hm? I asked about the spellbook y/n borrowed from me."
Sage: "oh my goodness, you're so bold, felix. i supposed youre different behind closed doors, huh?"
He's so confused??
And you just hand him the book and dont talk about it until after dinner
He's blushing wildly before announcing his return to bed and hiding under the covers
His sarcasm is limited to sage and anisa, and only sometimes you
Bc he usually uses his sarcasm to show how annoyed he was
But with you, its more or a joking matter
Sage gets sad bc you get some privileges over him :((
You two do get up to some mischief tho
Like you both go ahead and make felix blush owo
But sage once convinced you to steal felix's giant coat, and you two ran around the building just playing around
Anisa and felix found you two on top of on of the highest balconies, trying to see if sage's spell for making objects levitate would work on just felix's jacket
Felix: "what do you think you two are doing???"
You, standing on top of the railing as Sage is about to push you off with only Felix's coat above your head like a blanket: "nothing"
Felix then cast a spell where sage becomes invisible to you and you cohldnt hear him at all
Anisa told felix to rake the spell away since sage was weeping in the corner
Sleepy felix :(((
He's at his desk and doing stuff when he falls asleep
You either drag him to bed or pull up a chair to sleep next to him
Although he is a night owl, he goes three days without sleeping and passes out for nine hours
Felix likes to sit next to you at dinner
Sometimes you use your magic to prank or tease felix
But it really never works since he's taught you all you know
He'll be looking for his spellbook and then sigh,, looking your way and just raising a brow
Felix: "drop it this instant, my darling."
You: "fiiiiiine..."
The book drops from the ceiling, right into his palm
Another thing
Felix feels the need to return the gestures
So he will kiss you on your forehead when you get giddy for completing your spell just right
And then look away hastily
Or he'll grab your hand and pull you away when youre about to bump into something
And he just wont let go
Sleeps next to you and once he knows youre asleep for sure, he kisses your palm or kisses your cheek
There are times when he doesnt know what to do
Like when youre upset
Maybe you felt extra sad this morning, or you were feeling homesick, or just not that great at all
Felix does not know how to deal with other people's emotions
The best you'll get is
Felix: "are you feeling well, my dear?"
You: "oh, yeah. i'm fine, felix."
Felix: "alright."
And he's screaming inside bc he cant ask you again now, he's embarrassed to
He knows for sure that something is dead wrong when you go to bed
Maybe your grip on him is too loose, or youre not holding him at all
And he's just thinking about what he can do
Sometimes you start crying and felix cant take it anymore
He turns around and digs his face into your shoulder, arms around your torso and pulling you close
He's holding you so tight that he thinks you'll break if he lets go
You slowly hug him back, crying into his hair
Felix: "... i dont know of what has happened, but you are free to tell me whatever it is that is bothering you, my darling. i... i can help, in some way..."
You: "thanks, felix. i appreciate it."
N e way :))
The most common thing to happen between you two is probably for felix to brush against you a lot
He's trying not to be suspicious so you dont see it, but its when he doesnt watch where he's going that he messed up
Felix, hitting his hip on the corner of the table in an attempt to step closer to you: "my lord, oh my goodness..."
You: "felix, you can just ask me to stand next to you."
Felix: "... i dont know what youre talking about."
Out of everyone in the group, he probably trusts anisa to take care of you the best when he's away
Sage and you almost always get into trouble and he can not handle the energy you two bring out to open
Anisa keeps you contained and helps felix feel at ease bc she can definitely beat a bitch or two
Felix likes having your head on his lap when he's reading
Its one of the only ways you can be close together like this once someone is busy
He's running fingers through your hair and up and down your arm, other hand holding his book as he reads through it
Felix: "are you already asleep, my darling?"
When you don't respond
Felix: "I love you..."
You: "I love you too, Felix"
Felix: "i knew it"
You play with his glasses sometimes
He'll be looking for another book or something and you steal his glasses from his desk and just play with them
Or if they're around his neck and you're sitting in front of him
You'll tug him from the chain of his glasses to give him a quick kiss
He burns red and then pulls his glasses on to continue reading
Wrapping your arms around his torso makes him putty in your hands
He immediately leans into you
Kiss him when he's annoyed
Just a quick smooch on his cheek
He' calm down and just dig his head into his hands
You're so warm and so kind to him
He feels like he doesnt deserve it but you assure him that he does, he deserves the world :))
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a good day. And we probably have a new president and things are great!!! I have had two nose bleeds and weird headaches so I am probably dying but its also probably just stress. 
I slept alright. I had trouble falling asleep and then when James woke me up I was so tired I was dizzy. I felt bad sleeping while Jess was up, but I couldnt do it. So I slept until 930 and still didnt feel great but washing my face and stuff helped. 
I got dressed and felt good. Jess trimmed my hair last night and she did such a good job. I felt super cute. We had been up, me, her and James, real late hanging out and laughing and working on store stuff. It was just a lot of fun. And today was fun too. 
I had a churro while Jess finished her makeup and then we all went and piled in the car to go to the park. 
It was a nice drive. And we got out to Loch Raven and it was beautiful today. The leaves were all changed and they had closed the main road so we could walk and the pine needles had piled up and I loved walking on those. They remind me of when I was a kid and we had two pine trees in the front yard. I always liked that texture under my shoes. 
We walked to the little beach and took pictures and enjoyed the water and the geese. I climbed a tree. It was lovely. 
I sort of wanted to go in the woods but Jess was hungry so we headed out. We ordered food from James's restaurant. And that worked out great because we were dropping him off there to go in early. Because the other two expo people quit. So he is again the only expo. Cool!!! Not. 
We got our food, Dropped James off. I got a very good hug. And then we drove home. Had a really nice brunch. And after we cleaned up off we went again. 
I wanted to go to second avenue and somehow we ended up at not the one I have been to before. But it was gigantic. Just the largest thrift store. I had a great time but it was pretty overwhelming at first. Jess had driven us there in her new car and that was nice. 
We picked up a lot of stuff. Not so much clothes. Just things. Jess got a telephone table  which is wooden and very sturdy. I got a beautiful mini quilt that is white and blue. I also got another Cheezer beanie baby. Very exciting. 
Clothes wasnt as successful but thats okay. I got a poncho blanket thing. I ended up giving up on clothes when I was in the aisle looking at skirts and two women had their masks pulled down and I was just super annoyed So I went and told Jess that people are stupid and soon we went to get in the line.
The cashier was kind of the worst (whispersing, annoyed with us for no reason, charged us for a bag when we said we didnt want one) and we think she might have double charged us. But its whatever. 
We headed out. Had to figure out how to put Jess's backseats down. Once that was done we looked up the next closest thrift store and it was a goodwill a mile away so off we went. 
But it ended up being a bust. Just a bad lay out, very expensive goodwill. And the parking lot sucked. But whatever. 
We left there and went over to the craft store to look for felting needles but didnt have any luck. And then next to there was a Marshals so we went there too. I got a face serum and she got a game and off we went. 
When we got to the car I opened instagram and thats when I learned they were calling the election. Omg. Jess didnt 100% believe it until we got back. And honestly I dont blame her. I have been avoiding it so much I had a lot of things to catch up on. And like. I am still convinced Trump wont peacefully conceded. Because he's a classless gremlin of a man. But I can be excited at least a little. As a treat. 
We got back here and caught up on so much election. Hung out in the living room. Went and played a little animal crossing. But then I started not feeling so good. And it was decided we would take a nap for an hour. 
I laid in bed. Texted with my brother for a little while. And slept for about 45 minutes. 
When I woke up I still didnt feel great, but Jess felt very bad. So we hung out drinking water and trying to shake off the bad feeling. I had a little snack and that helped me. And we decided to order poke. We went with the place in R house and it was such a good plan. 
We got out there and I forgot how much I like that neighnorhood. We got our food and also got ice cream. Jess got a dairy free roasted strawberry and I got a peppermint piece and chocolate cookie nonsense that is amazing. A great day. 
We got back and my food was slightly wrong. It had all the pieces but was supposed to be a burrito not a bowl. But thats okay because it was honestly so good. I will be getting that again! 
We hung out and ate and weve basically been chilling on the couch all night. I did have that wild series of nose bleeds but like. I dont feel to bad. And now James just walked in. Thats great. Im feeling good but also very sleepy. 
Tomorrow we have some plans to stop at a few places but Jess is going to leave early so she can get back home before the sun goes down. That will give me time to work on the first aid class so I dont have to try to do it all at once. 
I am going to go wash my face and get ready to go to bed. I hope you are all still taking care of yourselves. Goodnight everyone. 
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leila1 · 4 years
OS: Midnight Madness
The room suddenly felt hot. It was more warm than he liked. It was as if he had suddenly been transported to the Sahara desert.
Arnav opened his eyes as beads of sweat trickled down the back of his neck.
What the!
Who on earth covered him in this grey duvet? Who in their right mind would mess with him?
Right'only she had the guts
Waking up in exhaustion he spread his arm just to find the empty space beside him.  Where is she?
He removed the duvet as the heat was getting to him.
"What the?" he muttered under his breath as he saw her staring at his laptop's screen and watching something with full concentration, at this unearthly hour.
Arnav rolled his eyes as it was always the wrong things that caught her attention. It was hard to believe that lame Yash Chopra's was his competition.
"Khushi what are you doing?"  
He spoke in a half sleepy voice.
"Sshh" she shushed him as she continued to listen Rahul's description of Maya.
"what th-" he almost said out of habit, but on realizing it hadn't done any good so far he shook his head and walked towards her.
"Khushi, you need to fix your messed up sleeping patterns" the annoying voice of her husband interrupted her again when she was so mesmerized with Pooja's beauty.
"coming from a guy whose life is a mess?" laced with sarcasm she said clicking the pause button and removing her headphones while she raised her eyebrow at him.
"how dare you? "  He took another step towards her.
"I just did" she said letting out a chuckle at her husband's defeat that was just around the corner.
"well my life was beautiful until you popped in"
He raised his eyebrows, now fully awake.
"I wasn't the one begging you to marry me"
She spoke looking at her freshly painted nails, while putting her leg on the other, in pride.
"like I would beg YOU out of all the people to marry me"
He said looking to his side in disbelief, rolling his eyes.
What did she think of herself?
Arnav sat on the edge of the bed, clearly no one was going to sleep anytime soon.
what a loser trying to save the lost game
Her husband was far more entertaining than a Bollywood movie at times.
"well in that case I wont take a minute to call Arun to give him the good news"
If there was one thing Khushi loved, it was mock threatening her husband. It gave her sheer pleasure.
This was an old strategy, she would always tell her beloved husband about her imaginary childhood friend who had a crush on her. So any attitude from Arnav's side would simply result in their happily ever after, which wouldn't be so happy for Arnav.
"and you keep trying to live in this mumbo jumbo of yours you call life"
"its called discipline for your kind information"
"you mean a life of a walking talking robot who has countless technical difficulties"
oh she did not!
Making fun of her husband was her most favorite activity, the image of him fuming was worth it. Only she had the honors to mess with him.
"unbelievable" like always he replied with his limited vocabulary.
"even my two year old nephew has a bigger vocab" she said putting a popcorn in her mouth, pride displayed on her face.
"obviously he has to after all he is the mini chatter box of his motor mouth mausi"
take that darling wife
"Arnav just go to sleep I know you brain doesn't work at unearthly hours no need to prove it"
She said rolling her eyes while adjusting her position on the recliner.
"I curse the day I married you" he said, yes he said it. He always wanted to try that not that he meant it but just to see her reaction
"and I just cant contain the excitement" she couldn't care less, she was having too much fun right now, even if he meant what he said who cares he would be the one to apologize once she started crying.
oh yes those tears were always handy
"I mean how many girls get to marry a guy who should have been in a museum?" adding another layer of sarcasm garnished with her serious expression.
Oh she was so on a roll today
"you-" he tried to protest but failed as usual
"I know'I know Arnav, you are just too happy to express" she said while putting her hand on his shoulder
oh damn this is more fun than watching Dil To Pagal Hai
"I know..i know..just let it go"  she plastered an innocent smile.
oh that face of hers! That evil evil face!
"Khu-" yet again he was silenced by the mad woman also known as his wife.
"I knoww Arnav how many times u have to tell me?? I get it you feel very lucky to have me"
She said in mock innocence, and those puppy eyes that no longer fooled him
"You know that never works!" saying she fell into a fit of laughter.
He maybe Arnav Singh Raizada for the world, but for her he was her sweet little, no big comfy bear that she would mess around at any given chance.
Secretly he loved it too, and she knew it.
"urghhh" he covered his face under the duvet in frustration that had vanished as soon as it appeared and smiled lightly to his wife's antics and her midnight madness.
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insertdisc5 · 6 years
Yet Another Zelda Roleswap (the masterpost)
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✨what's this AU?
Check THIS POST I DID that started it all and also the AU’s tag
✨in this au, the previous legends about the triforce are the same, aka “zeldas are princesses links are heroes and ganon/ganondorf is always the same guy and the big bad”! BUT THIS TIME DESTINY DID AN OOPSIE and ganondorf forgot all about his previous lives while link is the one who remembers them all!!! zelda just wants to travel and read cool legends and didnt expect to be part of one
-trans girl, found the name zelda in very very very old royal records
-she's like 16 or something
-seventh heir to the throne who wants to prove herself, so she goes on an adventure to save the world!!!!
-adventurous and impulsive and naive
-main weapon is bows, she also knows magic and sheikah techniques
-has six siblings who dont really pay attention to her. shes probably the youngest
-her point of view is very black and white at first
-even when she gets in the middle of link and ganon’s story she still doesn’t believe she is The Zelda of legend
-how could she she’s just a zelda, one among many, just a kid playing at being a princess
-(she IS the zelda)
-she gets a bird AND a white horse!!!!
-if she sees a weird cave she WILL go into it 
-would probably eat moss if dared
-genderfluid, uses he/they
-hes in his early twenties
-a man zelda meets during her travels, who seems to know a lot about old legends
-he can see koroks and fairies, who can’t be seen by most people
-gets all his past lives' memories after he gets the master sword, over a period of a day or two
-maybe link does remember his past deaths along with his past lives, but past deaths are maybe more muted…. less like he experienced them and more like someone told him about it. still fucks him up tho
-i feel like he’d be pretty nice and sleepy all the time, until you mention something that has to do with his memories (aka, ganondorf, but also like “oh ive heard some hero in the legends went back to being a kid to save the world or whatever) and he’d get this super serious, focused look… something like that, little things that would make zelda go :^?
-he just really wants to kill ganondorf ya dig
-SO MANY BOSS FORMS probably one per main title (kinda like xant’s battle in TP) (strongest/hardest to fight is majora’s mask link), and final form is definitely some twisted looking fierce deity
-as for his past selves he has all of their memories and its kind of… they’re not him, he’s him, they’re just memories that he has, but when he is very very stressed its “memories become actual personalities for a sec” time. 99% of the time its just him and then ganondorf is there and its like WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP IM TRYING TO MAKE A MURDER HERE
-he’s not controlled by malice or anything because it would feel like a deus ex machina to me
-in the end he doesnt die and he gets redemption because he didnt hurt anyone he just tried to kill ganondorf a few times hes good, and also zelda is his friend and an heir to the throne he’s got immunity. poor guy just needs help processing all those lives and needs a cabin in the woods with some fairies!!!
-re: his past lives, oot link SUPER HATES ganondorf while ww link is more sympathetic. links who havent fought ganondorf are ambivalent about him
-endgame ship is either with ganondorf OR beedle. beedle is the secret ending
-will eat moss
-he's in his twenties i promise he just has resting old man face
-zelda’s old childhood friend
-doesn’t remember anything about his past lives
-gerudo king, very serious but fairly well loved
-lets not talk about malice it either doesnt exist/this ganondorf doesnt have any/this ganondorf knows how to control it. either way its not gonna affect the story
-”what are you wearing today king” “oh, just whatever” (its not whatever he spent hours finding the day’s outfit)
-found out about his past lives while reading a very very very old book, probably read it and stayed in his room for a week and then promised himself to never ever ever turn out like that
-genuinely a good person
-would never eat moss
-zelda and ganondorf actually knew each other as kids! Both being royalty and all. legends do talk about a hero a princess a beast or whatever but don’t use link or ganondorf’s names since it’s been so long- it takes zelda and ganondorf both finding old, old books on their own to be like “AH OOPS”!!! Ganondorf learns about his past lives much earlier than zelda, who finds out during her adventures, and she goes from seeing ganondorf as a dear friend to being like “…but what if he’s really bad though”
they’re old childhood friends, you know, the kind that were best friends before and then grew up and saw each other less often (different kingdoms and all) so they kinda grew apart, and then zelda starting her quest made them reconnect again! Ganondorf is a little older than zelda so he always saw her more as his little sister who just jumps into mud because she totally saw a sword there i promise, and zelda sees ganondorf as her cool older brother who actually pays attention to her, unlike her actual siblings
-when link and zelda meet, zelda’s like “weird dude but probably harmless” and link is like “weird girl but probably harmless” and then she’s like “oh my name is zelda” and link goes “ah just likeWAIT” and he kinda observes her to… gauge her abilities? My Zeldas Were Better kinda thing. i guess during their final battle he’s like “you’re really a zelda, after all” and its bittersweet
the second zelda figures out link is also part of those legends she goes full hero worship mode, which makes link’s fall from grace… really… hard on her. ive been admiring you and wanting to be a hero like you all this time, turns out you’re not a hero and also Not Okay
-re ganondorf and link, after everything that happened uuuh
human brain: it probably takes them both a long while to get used to each other, given that one was almost killed by the other and the other has vivid memories of having their world(s) destroyed by the one, but after a while they probably bond over their shared uuuuh memories i guess. link visits gerudo city once in a while and they catch up and become friends and
lizard brain: after 100k words they DATE
no i wont write how it happens you will NOT make me embarrass myself in front of everyone because i earnestly wrote about how link visits ganondorf every time he’s in gerudo country and at first link just passes by to give ganondorf news about how zelda is faring as queen and news about the world, and as time goes and years go by  they start talking about their lives and struggles and just taking walks across the desert together and having sand seal races and everyone in ganondorf’s court is like “so when’s that little voe coming back” and ganondorf is like “i neither know nor care that its been three months since his last visit” and everyone’s like (smirk) “okay” and when has he even started to look forward to link’s visits anyway how did this happen and then link comes back and smiles gently and shows ganondorf this cool rock he found that looks like ganondorf’s face and ganondorf is smitten
takes them both Y E A R S to realize their feelings and then date tho. slow burn or bust
-takes place in a time where the games’ adventures are only known as legends where they didnt even write down ganondorf’s and link’s names
-now that im thinking about it it wouldnt happen like THOUSANDS OF YEARS after any game because then ganon and link wouldnt be that worried about their destiny??? so maybe like 100-200 years after a game??? and the ppl writing down the legends were just terrible bookkeepers who couldnt even think write down link and ganon’s name
-(smash voice) EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!!!!! tingle and agitha the bug princess and sidon and especially groose who is uuuuum zelda’s rival who is totally not in love with her
-i think in botw its implied koroks are only seen by people like link and zelda??? so id say only people with uuuuh magical power??? can see them???? so koroks are just doin their thing, playing pranks, helping people without them knowing, and, in the case of makar, playing romantic music around couples
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seaswalllow · 6 years
Chase doesn’t remember what the nightmare is about. He only knows that he wakes up with his throat raw from the memory of screaming in an endless cycle of terror and oily tears slipping down his cheeks while he mourns for the memories of his family.
He had one, right? Before they were warped into beasts that rivalled Anti, before Jack was put into a coma, before, before, before.
They were real, right? Not the fabricated memories that Anti loved to conjure around his prey as he toyed with them? Wasn’t this all real? He swallows hard as he slowly gets out of bed, eyeing the shadows fearfully while he exits his room. He just needs a little reassurance, some guarantee that Anti won’t rip this away from him any moment.
The former vlogger doesn’t stop in front of Jameson’s door, and he slips past Jackie’s door after a moment of hesitation. Eventually, he stops in front of the lab door, and pushes it open gently. Past the cold steel, he can see the hunched form of the doctor, asleep at his desk.
They all escaped their demons separately, he supposed.
At the sound of the heavy door swinging open, though, Schneep starts and sits upright. It takes him only a moment to recognize that it’s Chase standing just inside the doorway, and something in the doctor’s expression softens as he pushes away from his desk.
‘Are you having trouble sleeping?’
Chase shakes his head as he awkwardly shuffles further into the room, whispering hoarsely ‘N-No. II’m sleepiing fiine. Falliing asleep, at least. I just- just let me look at you for a moment.’
Schneep gets it, then, and he stands, pulling a blanket out from by his desk as he moves over to sit on the bed instead.
‘Come here. Do you need some tea?’ Chase shakes his head again, and sits down by Schneep, who wraps the blanket around both of them. They sit in silence like that, until Chase whispers ‘Do you stiill- stiill have niightmares about hiim?’
Besides him, Schneep stiffens minutely, but then nods reluctantly; they both wince at the ill-timed grinding of the caudecus pieces against each other.
‘Not all the time. But he is very good at leaving the mark.’
Chase nods, and looks down, his next question stuck in his throat.
Schneep glances over after a moment, waiting patiently, as Chase adds quietly ‘Are you ever afraiid that thiis iisn’t real?’ Silence meets his question, and Chase feels his throat tighten at the far-away look in Schneep’s eyes.
‘Yes.’ A beat passes, then Schneep continues ‘It was favorite of his. He liked replaying old memories, thousand ways that situation could’ve been better resolved. He broke his own reality, so he wanted to break others’ realities too.’ Chase swallows hard. He knows exactly what Schneep is talking about, and something tells him Schneep knows he knows.
Schneep carefully wraps an arm around Chase, who sags into Schneep, muttering ‘It’s horrible. Absolutely horrible. I just want him and his fucking whispers out of my head. I want things back to normal-’ he can’t keep talking, and Schneep adjusts the blanket to be more snug around Chase, who realizes he’s shaking now too.
‘Take the breath, Chase. I know what you mean. It is unpleasant, but one day his tricks will run out. You are strong; you’ll make it there.’ Chase shakes his head but Schneep continues, perhaps a touch more aggressively ‘You made it past his games. You are strong, Brody. You survived your own struggles. It will be okay. We’re all here together, should you slip, and it will be okay.’
Schneep watches the former vlogger for a moment and his heart sinks at the unreadable, drawn expression. Chase gives a tiny nod, though, and Schneep relaxes a tad. Chase finally says quietly ‘Thanks, Schneep.’ He hesitates, before muttering ‘Do youu miind iif II stay for a biit?’ Schneep shakes his head, drawing another blanket around the two of them.
‘Of course not. Rest.’
Despite the fact they only have a few hours left, Chase does rest; and so does Schneep, thankfully enough. Jackie finds them in the morning, curled up together, and something softens in his expression before he closes the door, fending off a curious Marvin with a cryptic They’re resting.
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
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Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Peter Parker x reader (Boy Meets World AU) Summary: You’ve known Peter Parker since you were kids. You’ve gone through elementary school and middle school with him and his attached-at-the-hip best friend Ned Leeds. You and Peter always had an unspoken chemistry, you’d always considered him one of your best friends; but why did starting high school make you feel like there was something more there? Something the two of you felt like you couldn’t say out loud out of fear of shattering your friendship? Author’s Note: I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD AN AUTHORS NOTE LMAO SORRY I JUST BEEN REAL BUSY!! if u like it or would want to part of the taglist let me know!! :)) <3 Here’s my masterlist! Prologue Part 1 Prologue Part 3 Chapter 1
Prologue Part 2
You came back from your writing camp two weeks earlier than you had last year. You and your dad had agreed that this time he’d let you have at least a fraction of your summer to hang out with your friends. You were equal parts nervous and excited, before you left for camp Peter and Liz broke up and they didn’t end on the best terms. Peter kept yelling about how everything was moving too fast and he was too young to be tied down, but Liz told essentially the whole school that she never really liked him that much. You wanted to stay and comfort Peter but you were actually kind of looking forward to camp this year considering you weren’t going to be put in the “kids” section.
Your bus pulled into the parking lot and you could already see your dad standing next to Peter and Ned on their bikes. There was a third person there you couldn’t really recognize. You got off the bus, grabbed your duffel bag and ran to hug your dad.
“I missed ya big man!”
“I missed you too,” he said putting your bag into the trunk of the car. You walked over to Ned and hugged him. You pulled Peter into the hug as well.
“I missed you dorks.”
Your dad walked over and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll take your stuff home and leave it in your room. Don’t stay out to late and if you’re not coming home for dinner, call me okay? Love you.”
“Love you!” you said as your dad drove out of the parking lot.
“Y/N, this is Michelle.”
She finally stepped forward and smiled at you.
“My friends call me MJ.”
“Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N.”
“Yeah your nerds wouldn’t stop talking about you all summer.”
“I hope it was all good things.”
“I don’t think they’d be physically able to,” she said laughing.
“There’s nothing bad to say!” Peter said a little too quickly.
You all giggled and you tried to change the subject as you climbed onto your bike.
“So where are we headed?”
“There’s a carnival going on around my house, my cousin is working the ticket booth so she could sneak us some tickets,” MJ said shrugging.
“I love her already! We’ll follow you.”
“This guy already knows the way, we should probably follow him since he says his ‘shortcuts’ cut the time in half,” she said pointing to Peter.
“It’s also a lot safer since we’re not on busy streets!”
You bit the inside of your lip. You liked MJ, you really did but you could tell there was something more going on between them than they were willing to admit. You thought back to the letters sitting in your box in your closet. Would they have changed anything? Could that have possibly been you if you would’ve just given them to him? “Y/N?” Peter said tapping your shoulder.
“Huh? Sorry I was just thinking about whether I left anything at camp, don’t know why I suddenly got really worried,” you said trying to let out a genuine giggle.
“C’mon, I’ll lead the way.”
You all rode together for about 20 minutes and finally reached the carnival. MJ had managed to get a lot more tickets than the four of you suspected. After a few hours of going on all the rides at least twice, Ned and Peter went off to play one of the carnival games which gave you and MJ some alone time. You sat at a picnic table not too far from them.
“So what’s the deal with Peter?”
“What do you mean?” you said smiling and trying to hide the fact that your hands went almost instantly clammy.
“I’ll be honest with you because I like you Y/N, I like him. Like, like like him. But he wouldn’t shut up about you all summer so I totally get if you already called dibs on that. Just let me know so I know what to do.”
You turned to look at Peter who looked like he was having the time of his life playing the ring toss with Ned. You wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and just kiss him and hug him.
“No Peter’s just my best friend. He’s an amazing guy and I can already kind of tell there’s something there between you two so I say go for it girl.”
“Thank you thank you thank you,” she said pulling you into a hug.
Peter and Ned walked over to you guys. Peter placed a little teddy bear in front of you.
“For you,” he said smiling.
“Uh actually you should give it to MJ since she’s the reason we had tickets to even be here,” you said sliding it back to him as he sat across from you.
He gave you a confused look.
“Okay! Here you go MJ, thank you for hooking us up.”
MJ took the teddy bear and smiled at you, you tried your best to reciprocate it. “I’m gonna head home guys! Sitting on a bus for hours can really wear you down so I’m gonna catch up on some sleep.”
“Already?” Peter said standing all of a sudden.
“Yeah but please don’t let me stop you. I’m just sleepy and don’t want to make any of you deal with that ya know?”
“Y/N when she’s sleepy is probably the worst,” Ned whispered to MJ.
You pushed his arm and laughed.
“Stop scaring her please, I actually like her and I finally wont be the only girl!”
You hugged all three of them.
“I’ll call you as soon as I get home okay?” Peter whispered into your ear.
You smiled and nodded, before taking off on your bike. You got home quickly, your dad was sitting in the living room watching TV.
“There she is! Did you guys have fun? What did you guys do?”
“We went to a carnival! MJ has a cousin that snuck us some tickets and we got to go on everything like twice. She’s so cool.”
“You didn’t go have dinner at the Parkers?”
You shook your head quickly.
“Just want to unpack and take an actual warm shower for the first time all summer. Maybe sleep early.”
“Okay, goodnight honey. I got work tomorrow so I’m off to sleep too.”
“On a Saturday?”
“Yeah Mr.Delmar wants to promote me to manager so I’ve been picking up shifts to train.”
“Yay! That’s good right?”
“Of course sweetheart. I’m off to bed. Goodnight. I love you,” he said placing a kiss at the top of your head.
You went into your room and started unpacking things and putting them in their designated piles. After a while your room was fully clean and you were pulling out another small box of papers from your duffel bag. You took your box out and unlocked it, but froze as soon as you heard what sounded like your front door open and close. You jumped up and grabbed your bat, turning off the light in your room. You quietly opened the door and walked into the hallway. You walked through your kitchen and stood at the entrance of your living room which was connected to your front door. You creeped toward the window double checking to see if it was locked. You slowly walked to the door, noticing that the locks you were 100% sure you locked after coming home where unlocked.
“Y/N?” a voice said from behind you.
Without thinking you swung the bat behind you, just barely missing the guy in front of you.
You swung again. He was wearing what looked like a spandex suit but didn’t get to look at it too closely because he jumped onto your ceiling.
“What the fuck?!”
He quickly pulled his mask off and signaled you to keep quiet. It was Peter.
“Y/N let me explain!”
“Everything okay?” you heard your dad yell from his room.
Peter’s eyes widened as he kept signaling you to be quiet.
“Yeah just a freaky looking bug flying around but I killed it.”
“That’s my girl. Go to sleep Y/N.”
“Okay dad! Love you!”
Peter got back onto the floor and took the bat from you.
“Peter what the FUCK is this?” you said quietly.
“Can we go into your room so I can explain this to you?”
You nodded and followed him as he quietly walked to your room. About an hour later you sat on your bed in disbelief. Little tiny nerdy Peter Parker who you’d known your whole life, was now basically a superhuman?
“And Tony Stark made you that suit?”
“Yeah, he’s like my mentor you know?”
You nodded your head but didn’t say anything.
“Y/N I need you to believe me.”
“Oh I believe you. There’s no way you’d get six pack abs other than a radioactive spider biting you.”
“Okay fuck off.”
“Okay but what were you doing at my house?”
“There’d been a few robberies in the area recently. While you were gone I’d come and patrol the building just to make sure your dad was safe. I thought you’d be asleep so I just wanted to see if you were okay since you left really quickly today.”
“Yeah that’s not creepy at all,” you said laughing.
“Also I wanted to talk to you about something.”
You sat up, already sensing a difference in his body language.
“MJ tried to kiss me tonight.”
You bit the inside of your lip, it really was your worst habit.
“Yeah she told me she liked you and I told her to go for it. Boy did she go for it, I like her.”
He looked at you confused.
“You told her to go for it?”
“Yeah of course! She’s great, the two of you get along, both Ned and I actually like her, and she seems like a nerd. What’s not to love?”
“And you’re okay with this?”
“Why do you ask me that every time you like a girl Peter? I’m not supposed to approve them or something. If you like them, you like them. It has nothing to do with me.”
“I guess I just keep checking to see if your answer will ever change.”
You started fumbling with your nails, you didn’t want to look at him.
“Well I say you go for it. You guys seem to have already spent a lot of time together this summer so might as well see if something comes out of it.”
He nodded his head and stood up to go. He caught a glance of the box you kept hidden away from everyone and the letters that sat inside them. You panicked and closed the box.
“They’re from a guy at camp. He was sweet, but it was just a summer thing because he’s from California,” you said locking the box.
“Oh that sucks. Would’ve loved to meet him.”
“Yeah you’d like him. Cool guy.”
“Alright well I’m heading home. Thanks for the advice I guess. And please don’t tell MJ about this, I don’t want to overwhelm her already.”
“My lips are sealed,” you said as he opened your window.
“Why does it always seem like we can never get moments together, just the two of us?”
“If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. You can’t force it,” you said shrugging.
He smiled before putting on the mask and leaping out of your window. You shut the window and immediately hid your box away in your hidden spot. You went to bed wondering if things would’ve been different had you said all that you felt to him. You shook your head; you knew it was probably for the better this way.
Taglist: @tom-hollands-eyelash @colourful-fandoms-ruined-my-blog @hollandlovely @serpent-tea @lemirabitur @tomsspideysenses @spideycentral-1 @kalteneckr @skelkitt @jujurandy 
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theconcernedpotato · 6 years
Information overload
So today marks the first round of closed alpha tests. i am finally there. The feed back i got already was mostly good, some good points that were made along with some being completely irreverent. But i Get more into that later on within this blog. 
A ton of work has been done just in this last week, which generally means going to bed at four/five in the morning and up at seven for another round, all week long, so here it goes.
  Knocking out a basic Figma ui/ux flow, i set to work trying to get that within the game. For the most part it stayed quite close to what i had within Figma.
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After having to steer at a screen for so long, i darkened up the whole game so it was easier on my eyes. 
So the basic Home screen remain the same with only getting an icon swap since everyone understands what a play button is. (Which by the way, everything you see including icons are all placeholders). Here you will see Stan within his house/caravan with all items you have won displayed around his home. With future updates having items you can buy (using in game money made from your stunts) to customize your home and stunt items. 
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Both the Movie selection and stunt selection remain untouched from prototyping.
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The game screen again mainly remained the same, with small changes here and there. icons would get a a face lift with trying to keep to things people could identify and understand without words. 
The item selection on the right is no longer retractable, although i may add that back for anyone that wants to navigate the level with a much larger screen visible, i mean whats the harm, use it or not?
The pause button has been removed completely since it was just irreverent in a game like this. 
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The stunts budget and how much you currently have spent added  and also a working bin
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You may have noticed a new button.. Was meant to be highlighted and was within the giff tool but oh well. At the push of this button it it takes your finish point, then once released, returns you to your previous point. 
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Also you may have notice an increase in select-able items. i wont show case the crash mat since its just that. Stops Stan going splat. Currently you dont need it since i have yet to place in a payment system, but future updates will see you using them else Stan’s med bills will come directly out of his pay (med insurance can become expensive 😷😰).
The second item is a high powered fan. Self -explanatory really. Been having quite a bit of fun with this item.
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The option menu remains a sore point. As it is I think the current one lacks the looks the mock up one did. Unfortunately its not clear the back arrow takes you back to the stunt screen rather then the game. Hopefully i will find a pretty solution.  
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So once you finish the stunt, the man in charge looks over the sheet (figuratively speaking) and you are evaluated on how well it went. Now it may not have been clear but all those white dots are camera shots your producer really wanted to get for the movie. So you are evaluated on how many of those shots you got and how well you managed to keep under budget. 
At the end of the day there isn’t really a lose condition. As long as you get to the end point, you’ve completed the level, so its very possible to be way over budget and not get a single asked for shots, cause at the end of the day, no footage is wasted.
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Once all the stunts in the movie are complete its released out into the world to be judged, much like this game will D: 
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For reasons i wanted to go with having a rotten tomatoes score system within my game, mostly because i think it gives a better over all idea on how you went. You can totally boom the egg score but might kill on the Audience. leaving many options for rewards and different out comes depending on your own play style. 
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I decided to condense the reward screen and movie screen in one. Just made sense, plus i was rushed off my feet, so anything that saves me work (like making, setting up or coding another screen is a win in my book).
So what didn’t make it to alpha.. mainly the in game shop. Not only was I crazy rushed off my feet, but i had no items for people to buy for Stan, nor did i have his payment for doing the stunts set up.
This will differently be rectified come the second round of testing (third i guess since you guys weren’t in on the first).
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Now i know I’ve been pretty bad at this blog thing on this project, mainly because so much is going on with in-work and out that it's kind of been pushed to the far side of the brain. 
 A few notes that I failed to mention, in my prior posts is i have been corresponding with a musician over discord, who I only no as Greg. 
Things started with a bang, with me having all these grand ideas of themed music for each stunt, and other areas of the game like within Stan’s home. Even ideas of tracks being able to be purchased if you wanted something different to listen to. What I didn't account for was this would increase the file size dramatically and being on mobile, contrary to what you have herd, size is everything.. 
Currently I have placeholder music within the game, one tract that plays throughout the entire game. Passing the bad news to Greg, he came back with a single track will hopefully find a home within my this game. 
Now lets take about development. What a week, had its ups and downs and even learnt some new dance moves this week- I call it pushing alpha. 
 Five forward, seven back, three forward, two back, two forward. Kind of sums up the state of affairs this week, but at least it's moving. 
 Friday I was on fire! Unfortunately in my sleepy slumber I forgot to check off or write down where I was at.. this bit me in the ass I decided to take my little's out into the world for the day, mostly because i needed to step away from work. This landed me laying on the beach half the day looking up at the sky. Later with mind cleared, tea done and little's down, i jumped back into it. 
Unfortunately a large part of Saturday night saw me retracing every job I had done Friday night to see if it was done, set up for, or half completed.. once thinking I knew where I was, I was off again making progress. 
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Before getting into the crazy stuff, i looked at the levels i had chucked together. Although not final levels as i had yet to design any, what i did through together needed reordering. turns out the second was way harder then the first four..
Along the way I started working on a job that gathered all the information of each level, then using that information, turned it into a usable score which would tell you how the movie was receive at the end of the last stunt. (Egg and Aud score) but It seemed I had actually wrote such a code the night before, but completely different to the one I had just done. Now I will fully admit I was on that next level shit and may have been possessed by the coding God when I wrote it, because as it stands, I have no idea how it works, but it does, so it's probably best I don't touch it and keep fully away from the Alien code. 
So with my eyes glowing red probably from Rad poisoning being on the computer for the last eight hours straight  #justjokingbutprobilynot, and Saturday resulting in nothing but net.. i went and did something stupid again. Last minute I break my game completely.. Half four and the kids will be up in a fe hours a head to bed in such a foul mood.
 Up a few hours later to make breakfast, as the little’s ate i jump back on. i in my state renamed one script somehow which saw the whole game destroyed.. on the plus side i found it, plus see that it needs to be more robust if one naming convention can do that.   
Wasn’t the first time. earlier in the week i spent two day looking for a bug that stopped play after you finished the first level, one that wasn't throwing up any warnings or stopping any other function. I had paused time at the end of the level and hadn’t turned it back on.. To be fair I’ve had about two hours of sleep every night for the last week. Don’t do it, its not good nor does it help in the long term. seems all these little mistakes caused from being over tied has pushed back the project rather then moved it forward.
Sunday nights I was up hitting all those notes till 5:20 this morning yet again, then up an hour later. Play test day.
So all that work came falling down in a heap on the floor in my time of need. Now i didn't ask for much but i figured when you put work in to something it should pay off.. Built out the game for the test phone i had and boom, I’m holding a seven week turd in my hands. Functions that worked before no longer did for some reason. Panning the camera, so placing items where you wanted them couldn't happen. the bin also no longer worked, nor the restart button. 
Deciding not to shit myself in front of a room full of people really to test the game (along with other dev games), coffee was needed.
So the game works well enough on the computer still which is good. Although not for the computer, i did at least have the functionality in there that aloud it to be tested to an extent, so i built out a computer version. Which is where some of the irreverent feed back comes in.. UI too big,  no exit button, no zoom in or out.. 
I wont go into it fully, as it made me realize a few thing like why not add functionality for the computer? Controls at least at the moment since a computer version will need more items and options etc. But as it stands, as annoyed as i am with a broken mobile game, its coming together. 
Hoping to fix those Mobile issues, and add some computer functionality, then push it out to the world on Wednesday. Till next time, Fingers crossed!
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gallantlio · 6 years
Im back at it again with the plotless promptis fics.
Bear with me, I havent had a lot of good ideas, but I think after this I might try a multi-chapter fic. (Probably wont stop me from writing this bs, because sometimes you just wanna write a oneshot, yknow?)
Sorry if it kinda sucks, I just wanted to write something to try to bring my motivation back.
Title: Sleepy Eyes Filled With Flashing Colors Rating: G Warnings: N/A Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14174535 Summary: Noctis and Prompto watch a horror movie together, and they act kinda gay in the process.
“C’mon Prom, this one’s not even that scary.”
“Says you. Horror movies don’t scare you at all.”
“But this one’s actually good. I think you’ll like it for the plot.”
“I’d rather watch it when I’m not going to sleep right after, and also preferably not when it’s already really dark out.”
“You’re no fun.”
Noctis proceeds to play the movie anyway. He knows Prompto has been interested in seeing the movie, but he also knows that he’ll never watch it unless he’s not alone. He sits down on the couch next to Prompto, shoving a bowl of popcorn in his lap. Prompto gives him a look that is dangerously close to a pout.
“What? You’ve been wanting to see it. If we don’t watch it now, then who knows how long it’ll be until you do.”
He sighs, “Why do you do this to me?”
Noct laughs. “Shh, it’s starting.”
The opening scene starts out seemingly harmless, but Prompto finds himself inching closer to Noctis from the anticipation.
The woman in the movie starts walking to the backroom to turn out the lights, and suddenly a black figure appears in the room with her.
“What the fuck?” Prompto says.
She turns the lights back on to check if anyone is there and doesn’t find anyone else in the room with her.
Prompto jumps and grabs Noct’s arm when she turns the lights back off and finds the dark figure standing closer to her than before. Noctis seems unaffected by the jump-scare, and instead just giggles at his boyfriend’s jumpiness.
“I hate you.”
Throughout the next scene, Prompto finds himself half hugging Noctis while hiding behind him, involuntarily jumping at certain parts.
“Holy shit, she just killed him…?”
“What the fuck even is she? How does she appear in the dark like that?”
“Just watch.”
Prompto relaxes against the couch, or really tries to. They just sit together silently watching the movie for a while, but because Noctis has seen it before, he starts to become less engaged in the story. He reaches for the bowl, still in Prompto’s lap, and starts boredly eating some popcorn. Prompto hasn’t really touched any yet, probably because he’s just that into the movie.
Noctis looks at him. He doesn’t seem to notice, which is unsurprising.
He has a funny look on his face, like he’s trying to focus on what’s happening on the screen, but at the same time seems almost afraid to. It’s almost one in the morning, so his eyes look tired. If he wasn’t watching a horror movie, Noctis is sure that Prompto would nearly be passed out by now.
He realizes that he should probably continue watching the movie, but he’d rather watch Prompto reacting to it. He just really likes his face; Prompto’s face is pleasing to look at, and he can’t help staring at him sometimes. Noctis especially loves his freckles. He could look at them for hours trying to find patterns in them, connecting them with an imaginary line using his mind’s eye.
His eyes scan over Prompto’s, which have become bloodshot from fatigue. If he catches himself staring at his eyes for long enough, he’ll notice the tiny reflection of the TV screen in them, multiple colors flashing shiny over a violet base.
Noctis suddenly feels like getting his attention. He takes a piece of popcorn and throws it in Prompto’s face, just slightly startling him. He glares at Noct.
“Want some popcorn?” Noctis smirks.
Prompto proceeds to grab a small handful of popcorn just to chuck it in the prince’s face.
Noct pouts.
“Yeah, I’ll have some.” He takes another handful of popcorn, and this time he actually
eats it. Noctis catches the pieces that don’t quite make it into his mouth.
“Don’t make a giant mess. We won’t wanna clean it.” He giggles.
The blonde boy just laughs, struggling to chew all of the popcorn. Noctis pulls him closer, plants a kiss on his boyfriend’s jaw, and lets him continue watching the movie.
After several calm minutes, Noctis feels himself getting tired.
They had reached a point where there were less scary scenes and more development of the actual plot. He wants to rest his head against Prompto’s shoulder, but considering how jumpy he is, it might not be as comfortable as he’d like. He decides to lie down next to Prompto instead. He rests his eyes, while still listening to the movie.
Once another scary scene commences, he doesn’t have to look at the screen or even bother listening to know, because he can feel Prompto’s involuntary jumps.
“You’re really jumpy.” He teases.
“Because it’s spooky, Noct. Stop attacking me.” He grabs Noct’s shirt, which indicates to Noctis that another part of the intense scene is happening.
He hears Prompto mutter curse words under his breath, and opens his eyes to glance at the TV. They finally got to the last big scene of the movie.
At this point, Noctis is almost falling asleep, with Prompto’s comments being the only thing keeping him somewhat aware of what’s going on in the movie.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck, was she in there with him the whole time?!? Holy shit!! ”
Noctis shifts a bit, glancing at the scene, and then closing his eyes again.
“Nooct…” Prompto whined.
“Hm?” Noctis, sleepily, responds.
“It’s scary. ”
Noctis would laugh at him, but he’s too tired for that.
“C’mere.” He reaches for his boyfriend’s shoulders and pulls him down to let him lie on his chest. Prompto repositions himself so he can comfortably see the screen.
Something happens on screen again, and he feels Prompto jump again from the loud noise, and possibly from something that popped up on the screen.
“What the fuck, I can’t believe he did that . Ohmygod, ohmygod. ” Prompto hides his face in Noct’s neck. “Is the movie almost done, yet?”
“Almost.” He shakes the shoulder Prompto is leaning against. “Watch it.”
As the movie comes to an end, Prompto becomes significantly calmer. Noctis actually feels the tension leave his body. The credits finally roll as he starts rubbing circles into Prompto’s back.
“What’d you think of it?”
“I guess I liked it. That was an interesting ending. I think I would have enjoyed it more if we watched it during the day, though.”
“You’re just a scaredy-cat.”
“You wanna fight me?” Prompto asks, with almost no emotion.
They lie there for a few minutes, ignoring the credits. Prompto moves to tuck his head under Noct’s neck and tangle their legs together. The taller boy feels along the couch for the remote, and turns the TV off.
“You should go take your contacts out.” Noctis comments.
“Too lazy.” He says, “I’m comfortable.”
“Too bad.” Noct sits up and Prompto groans in response. “You’re gonna end up falling asleep with them in.”
“But the hallway is dark.” He whines. “Come with me.”
“What? You afraid Diana’s gonna come out of the dark and get you?”
Prompto punches Noct’s shoulder.
“You know I hate the dark anyway.”
Noct pushes his boyfriend up off the couch, and follows him to the bathroom. Prompto feels the wall and quickly turns on the light when he finds the lightswitch. He washes his hands, opens his contact lense case, which he dropped off next to the sink earlier in the day, and he begins the process of taking his contacts out.
Noctis leans against the doorframe, and watches him expertly use two fingers to pinch the contact to take it out.
“How do you do that everyday?”
Prompto shrugs. “You get used to it.”
When he starts cleaning his contacts, Noctis remembers how tired he is. He goes into the bedroom and dives under the covers. He’s vaguely aware that he’s taking up most of the bed, but he figures Prompto can just move him when he comes in.
He’s almost asleep when he hears the door closing. The lamp on his desk gets turned off, leaving the nightlight, in the wall next to the bed, the only light source. Prompto climbs over his body to lie between him and the wall. He grabs Noct’s arm and wraps it around himself.
“I’m not gonna be able to fall asleep now, and it’s all your fault.” He whispers, already sounding on the verge of falling asleep.
“You’re silly.” Noct slurs. “Just go to sleep. I’ll keep you safe from the monsters.”
“You better.”
The arm around Prompto tightens as Noct shifts to get more comfortable, his head resting against his boyfriend’s shoulder.
He’s really tired, and he knows it’s the kind where you feel so exhausted that it’s almost difficult to fall asleep. They should have started the movie earlier, but he wanted to finish playing the new Assassin’s Creed game with Prompto first.
He unconsciously starts rubbing the edge of Prompto’s other shoulder with his thumb. When he finally thinks he’s about to fall asleep, he hears a whisper.
“Hey, Noct?”
“I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
He feels him kiss his forehead, which isn’t really a kiss because Prompto’s so tired that his lips are mostly slack against his skin. But it’s the thought that counts.
He passes out right when he begins to feel rhythmic breathing from the body next to him.
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junhuui · 7 years
3 or 10 for wonhui? -sosjun 💟💝💜💚💝💞💟💞💓💘💚💘💞💟💕💖💖❤❤💟💞💓💛💚💝💝💗💝💙💖❤💘💝💘
3. “Oh, I’m fine, thanks, no need to check on the personwith a giant head wound.”
“Seungcheol!” Jeonghan yelled, running over to his boyfriendwho was seated at the back of the ambulance, getting his arm checked over byone of the paramedics. Seungcheol looked up from the cut on his arm and wincedat the tightening of his pulled neck muscles.
“Are you okay? What happened? Well Minghao told me whathappened but oh my god, are you okay, baby?” Jeonghan asked, completelyignoring the paramedic who did nothing but sigh and finish wrapping up the now stitchedup cut before deciding it was just best to leave the couple alone.
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks, no need to check on the person with agiant head wound.” Wonwoo called from the stretcher that he was now beingwheeled away on.
Jeonghan half turned and looked at him for a solid second. “Youseem fine to me,” And with that, Jeonghan turned back to Seungcheol and wrappedan arm around him gently, continuing to coo sweet nonsense down at him.
“I’m bleeding from my head.” Wonwoo called backhalfheartedly as he was raised up into an ambulance. The two who had lifted himin went to get into the front while another one, the one who had been stitchingup Seungcheol, climbed up into the back with him before closing the doors.
When Wonwoo arrived at the hospital, STILL bleeding from hishead, and he was rolled into one of the waiting rooms since they had determinedhe wasn’t in any immediate danger of death and were going to find someone togive him a MRI, he let out a tired sigh.
This was all Mingyu’s fault!
“Wonwoo-shi,” a soft voice said his name, a tall figure enteringthe dark room. One of the flights flickered on and Wonwoo thought that he musthave actually died, because he swore he was looking at an angel. “My name isJunhui, and I’ll be your nurse while you’re stating with us in the E.R.” The nurse,Junhui told him. Wonwoo told himself he needed to remember that name because hewould be a dick if he didn’t remember the name of his future husband. “Hyungwon-hyungtold me they just applied a skin anesthetic, so I’m going to give you an IV forsome real pain medicine.” Junhui walked over to his side and winced at thesight of his head. “That must be so painful,” Junhui said sympathetically.
Wonwoo realized he was still staring at Junhui and he still hadn’tsaid anything and Junhui was now looking at him, waiting.
“Are you okay?” Junhui asked him, when he didn’t say a word.“You look a little out of it, maybe I should call Doctor Hong-“
“No, no, I’m okay.” Wonwoo said quickly. “I’m sorry, you’re…”Shut up Wonwoo you can’t say you’re justso beautiful, you creep. “You’re right, my head does hurt a bit.”
“Aw,” Junhui said, sounding so genuinely bad for him that Wonwoonearly melted. “I’m sorry, I’ll be quick, okay?” Junhui prepared him for the IV,and Wonwoo clenched his jaw, getting ready of the sting of the needle.  
“Okay, all done!” Junhui said brightly and Wonwoo opened hiseyes and looked at his arm in disbelief, watching in amazing as Junhui securedthe IV into place.
Before Wonwoo could get another word in, Junhui was saying, “Thismight you feel a little sleepy,” and then in the next second, Wonwoo wassleeping.
“This is the best day of my entire life,” Wonwoo woke up toMingyu saying.
“Why the fuck is the tall gremlin in my home?” Wonwoo said.
“This is a hospital.”
“Still my room, so exit, begone demon.”
“I’m not a demon,” Mingyu pouted.
“You made me crack my head open you- “
“I wouldn’t swear if I was you, Wonwoo.” Mingyu saidsuddenly with a broad grin. “Your fiancée might walk in at any minute.”
“My what?” Wonwoo asked.
“That is going to scar so ugly,” Soonyoung said from besideMingyu. “Gonna have to use all the concelar on your wedding day.”
“Not it won’t, it’ll be fine.” Minghao said, rolling hiseyes.
Wonwoo looked at his one somewhat sane friend hopefully. “Whatthe fuck are they talking about?”
“To summarize, your drugs made you fall asleep, you woke upall loopy before the MRI, and then you asked your nurse to marry you, and you wouldn’tstop until he accepted. So, congrats, I’m going to give you a new smoothieblender for the wedding present.”
“Didn’t I just get you a smoothie blender?” Soonyoung askedMinghao.
“Okay, that’s enough,” That same sweet voice said. Wonwoo closedhis eyes and hoped with everything he had that Junhui wasn’t the one whom he hadasked to marry him. “My husband needs rest,” Junhui giggled and as Wonwooplanned his escape to South America his friends left the room all cackling.
Wonwoo opened his eyes when he heard Junhui walk to the sideof his bed and he peeked up at him, only to find him staring down at him with asmile.
“I’m so sorry I- “
“It’s okay,” Junhui said. “You were all drugged up, don’t worryabout it.”
They fell into silence as Junhui checked his IV. “The MRI came out clear, you have no internal bleeding or anything, you’ll probably even get to go home in just a few hours.”
A few hours, and then Wonwoo would never see Junhui ever again. Part of him was relieved because he wanted to die from embarrassment but part of him was sad, because Junhui was cute and sweet and well, Wonwoo would have loved to take him out.
Well, Wonwoo told himself. If you do get rejected you wont have to be in his presence for too long after. 
Hell, Wonwoo could have died today. 
Maybe he should take this chance. Wonwoo looked up at Junhui and his skin rose in goosebumps when his fingers brushed Wonwoo’s bare skin. 
“Would you- “
“I would love to,” Junhui said, so quickly Wonwoo wasn't even able to finish. Junhui blushed and the nervousness pooling in his stomach decreased, 
“Dinner tonight?” Wonwoo asked. 
“Tomorrow,” Junhui said. “You need to rest so you can take me out on a nice date, I mean, the end game is marriage, right?” 
They smiled at one another, shared childish giggles as they both blushed and Wonwoo was suddenly glad Mingyu had almost ran him over with Minghao’s motorcycle that day. 
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oh-god-theres-6 · 7 years
Part two of the Headcannons. Same day as part one. See, I’m not that lazy
*How many outfit can last me a month? One many outfit can last me a month. If he could he would never change, he would live in one outfit and be content with that, he doesn’t only because the rest of them force him into different ones. Mostly Totty
*Though he wont show it the safest he feels is when he’s with his brothers, and if in a crowd will always try and find them in order to feel better
*He has, soft hands, very soft hands, because of how often he has a cat in his arms he wants them to be constantly soft for the kitties, so if you touch his hand, oh boy they nice
*Speaking of soft things, this boy has probably the best hug out of everyone, if his S/O was ever sad or in need of support he couldn’t verbally give he’ll give really sweet hugs. It’s like being embraced by a cloud; light, airy and the fluffiest you’ll usually see him
*Can not sit normally. He always has to sit a different way every time he settles his ass down somewhere. Mostly he won’t even sit just lay, which is always when a chair is involved
*If he ever lived exclusively with his s/o I hope they like cats cause he will invite them in more than he will invite guests in and one morning they’ll wake up and BOOM no more living room space because, cats
*Loves, and I mean loves, having his hair pet, it is the fastest and easiest way to calm him down if he’s in a panic. It makes him feel loved and like someone actually cares for him. So pet his hair and make him happy
*Will give hugs from behind and wrap you in his arms until he falls alseel like that and you have to deal with a sleepy Ichi who won’t move. At all. Ever.
*Chub. Has it, can’t deny it, Boi won’t move off his ass and he has it and it’s cute. Fight me on this :3
*EVERY TIME IS BASEBALL TIME. But like seriously, be afraid if this kid can’t sleep cause he’ll most likely just leave and go to the park at three a.m... it’s happened so many times that he’s brothers no longer freak out when he slams the door open at 7 a.m., it’s just a Jyushi thing.
*Really likes fruit, anything with fruit in it he will eat because it’s healthy and sweet, and he likes to spit cherry seeds at people
*On the other hand veggies are a no no, he hates them. Bland and boring and eww. He’s the kid to over react when there’s any on his plate, and then throw the plate, most likely at his brothers, most likely Kara. Always Kara.
*He has the weirdest kissing pattern, he’ll start at your neck and then suddenly he has surrounded around your ankle and is biting that, and that in the matter of a few seconds, give him minutes and who knows where he’ll be. Probably gone and off to do something else if I’m honest
*DO NOT LET HIM DRIVE. Do you wish death? Do you want to play the game of how many red lights is too many red lights? This boy is way to excitable to be behind the wheel, because in his mind ‘The only good pedal is the go pedal,’ so you won’t be stopping till you’re out of gas or dead.
*Steals traffic cones from around his neighborhood. Has a pile in his house. His mom is scared cause no one knows he’s the one doing this. He admits to nothing.
*Will do anything to make the people around him smile, especially his s/o. We’ve all seen the lengths he’ll go to just to make one person smile, but how far he’ll go is limitless. He will do a n y t h i n g
*If you want to make him happy just sit with him at the baseball field and watch him for a bit, it’ll make him extremely happy just to know you’re there for him
*If he’s brothers wear any of his clothing, he will burn it, he will call a family meeting so they can watch him burn it. This is his warning to them to not touch his stuff
*Stole the one closet they all share and will not let the others use it. Their clothing is shoved in various places around the house because of him.
*But he can be sweet, if he tries, on days where one of them is really off, no matter who it is, Totty will make them breakfast that morning but will not say anything about it. If you ask him he’ll look at you like you’re on crack cause ‘why would I do that for someone like you? Ew no leave.’
*Has a weird amount of the same hat. No one knows why, but he has at least twenty of the same hat in that closest that he rotates every day.
*Is a cat guy, he likes dogs and though they are cute they’re way too hyper for him, so they’re days where he’ll go with Ichi to see them for an hour. No longer though cause alleyway gross eww my shoes will get DIRTY
*Isn’t the biggest fan of touchy people, he needs his space and even with his s/o he’s not a super cuddly guy, but in bed if you need it he’ll hold your hand or hug you for a bit, just not too long because it’ll make him uncomfortable. Not because of a lack of love, but because he’s just... not a touchy guy
*Jelous type. Very protective over his s/o to the point where if another person tries to talk to them and he feels like they’re making a pass he will purposefully invade the conversation just to make it clear that his s/o is taken
*Summer is best season and he flaunts it happily because, shorts, his favorite thing ever, and he got the legs to pull them off
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