#i wont be able to figure it out for at least a little while
moonshine-nightlight · 3 months
Would you ever release signed copies of Don't Shoot the Messenger?
the short answer is: yes, i'd love to do signed copies of 'Don't Shoot the Messenger'!
the long answer is: logistics are hard lol. in order for me to hav copies to sign, i'd hav to order author copies from amazon (paying for them in advance personally), sign them, and then mail them to ppl myself. this is definitely doable, but the mechanism for selling since it wouldn't b through amazon itself and actually collecting payment/mailing info would hav to be worked out.
a vague plan that i hav in mind now would be either to just do a limited run where people can essentially pre-order paperbacks via not amazon for lik a month that they were available and then i'd know how much to get and sign etc. i dont hav a patreon so i think i would try to do it through kofi where if u pay a set amount and say its for a signed copy i would then be able to send a signed book to u, after i messaged back for your address to mail it. this would obviously only work small scale but would likely more than suffice for now.
or if i decide to add a hardcover version, i could offer signed hardcovers as a promotion for a similar limited time and via a similar process as above. i'll probably do a poll at some point to see if anyone would even want a hardcover. same for dale
when will i hav the time to look deeper into all this and put it in action? no idea. life's been extremely busy, but its definitely been on my radar and i will try to make it happen in the next coming years.
i suppose if i ever did some sort of in-person book/author event after Dale is out, i might be able to offer signed books in person, but that'd likely b hard to reach for most ppl lol
until then, only one person has a signed copy - one of my beta readers who i thanked in my acknowledgements for being so wonderfully supportive!
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be-good-to-bugs · 5 months
why must i have teeth that hurt so much
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sardonic-the-writer · 8 months
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𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐲𝐠𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐎𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: something for your m.i.n.d— superorganism
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• Everyone's seen how he acted around Kristen before you started frequenting the GCPD
• To most of the precinct, Edward's a fidgety, overzealous guy, with a smile border lining on creepy. He's not the best at socializing, and his lack of understanding boundaries leave him with nearly zero friends
• So when you showed up with that sharp gaze of yours, at least attempting to supply him with the answer to one of his riddles, he knew he had to have you
• As a friend, of course. What else could he possibly mean by that.
• Whether you work at the precinct with him, or just happen to show up there more than considered normal, Ed can't help but hault his day just to talk to you. And he always opens with a riddle. One that he cooked up laying in his bed at night especially for you
• "My life is measured in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?" He smiles at you over the rim of his glasses, wringing his hands expectantly
• "Hey to you too, Nygma." You don't even have to look up to know that he's smiling
• "Please. Call me Ed. Do you give up?"
• "As if. Hit me with it again, would you?"
• I'm begging you. Do some kintec type puzzles with him. You will literally win his love and affection on the spot. Even if it's just a mini rubic's cube attached to a key ring; Ed is absolutely enamored with you the moment you pull it out
• It takes him a while to fully realize that he has developed sort of a thing for you. It most likely takes the help of his alter ego to flip the switch in his brain once and for all; something he doesn't appreciate. Especially considering the lack of filter he has when it comes to Ed's romance life
• After all a few months ago, the only one he had eyes for made fun of him in her spare time. Now that he has someone who genuinely wants to know about his day? It's all over for the poor guy
• If Ed ever finds out that you talk about him to other people—in a positive light, of course—he wont stop smiling for days. It gets to a point where even Jim notices and shakes his head, glad to see that forensics scientist is looking happy
• Leaves more than just verbal riddles for you to solve. That odd shaped box that you don't remember putting in your bag? That slip of paper written in a coded message? Edwards by your side the next time you show up, asking if you were able to solve it
• Lee probably knows about his crush on this mysterious figure. She can't help but notice that Edward's a little happier than he should be while digging through a dead guys sternum for a bullet
• Definitely unleashes a soft interrogation on him, only stopping once his ears are a flaming red and he cant look her in the eyes
• When she finally meets you for the first time, she can't help but smile at you knowingly while Ed sweats bullets in the background
• "So you're Nygma's friend huh? He talks about you a lot."
• "Ed?" You draw his name out and raise an eyebrow slowly, leaning to the left to peer over Lee's shoulder quizzically
• "I've suddenly recalled, uh, a uhm, experiment that I uh. Yeah. Bye."
• "Sigh. And he didn't even give me a riddle this time."
• "Oh you two really are just perfect."
• "I have no idea what your talking about."
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umm how dark are u willing to go? I'm thinking abt turning to a life of prostitution and the ghoul being your first ever client and he's not very gentle about it, (plus you're scared bc he's a ghoul ffs) in fact he's very smug bc he's the first client, probably buys you for the night :) mwah xoxo
Working Girl
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Sex Worker Female Reader
Word Count: 5,411
Warnings: smut (18+), sex for pay, rough sex, knife play, cannibalistic threats (he's joking...kinda), spitting, hair pulling, humiliation, rope play, dacryphilia, face and throat fucking, cum facial, some dubcon elements, soft-ish ending (I cannot help myself).
Notes: My answer to that question is "darker than this", anon. I suppose I should probably put together some sort of "wills-and-wonts" pinned post, though, honestly, there aren't many of the latter. With smut and romance content, I think it's important to keep an open mind and broaden your horizons. We are cool with sex work and sex workers in this house, by the way.
I had to let this one stew a bit to decide what direction I wanted to go with it. I'm obsessed with the idea of Cooper menacing around in New Vegas, so I hope you're alright with that. I am also obsessed with the outfits the sex workers outside the casinos wear. I went a little crazy with the length on this one, but I'm super happy with how it turned out. Hope you like it! XOXO
The uniform you'd been given for your new job was absolutely humiliating.
Sure, you looked...nice. They'd fed you, for once you'd had plenty of water, got the first chance to bathe that you'd had in weeks, maybe months. You'd even been able to wash your hair, a rare, rare thing that still had you trying to smell the silky strands as they blew by your face. Initially, you'd felt quite confident, actually; the cropped top even had sleeves, the tight black skirt and heels making your legs look quite nice, even if they were uncomfortable to walk and stand in.
However, your confidence had diminished a bit when they'd given you the black leather collar to wear around your neck, reducing to basically zero when you actually stepped outside to begin your work.
Okay, you had technically done this before, traded sex for medicine or repair work or a place to stay. Honestly, at this point, you thought you'd had more sex for trade than sex for pleasure, the latter hard to come by for someone as picky about actual dating as you. But it felt like one thing to have someone offer it in the moment, when you were truly desperate and a spur-of-the-moment decision was distastefully easy to make. This, standing along the New Vegas Strip and advertising yourself for it, felt like another. A late evening breeze blew across the road, stirring up some dust and making you shiver.
If you were honest with yourself, you got off easy. You weren't sure what the guys and girls with the chains around their bodies and their nipples exposed had done, right or wrong, to earn that uniform, but you weren't eager to find out.
There was a man across the way, leaning against the wall in the shadows outside the tram station, a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his hand. You couldn't see his face, obscured by a dingy, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, his figure hidden as well by a long, dark duster that was incredibly ratty at the ends. He'd been there a while; you weren't sure how long, but you were fairly certain he'd been checking you out. His smokes were lasting an awfully long time.
You'd been told that oftentimes johns were too nervous to initiate the transaction themselves, that you needed to be fun and flirty and try to hook them in yourself if you wanted any business. It didn't help that you, too, were nervous to initiate, but you wanted this to work out, at least for now, and no one else had been interested so far.
"Hey there, handsome. Are you looking to party?" you called out to him, waving as playfully as possible.
That got him, the burning red cherry at the end of his smoke glowing brightly for a few seconds before he tossed it to the ground, exhaling a big cloud of smoke as he stubbed it out with the toe of his boot.
"Handsome, huh? It's been a hot, hot minute since anyone called me that, darlin'." he drawled, his voice actually quite nice. His footsteps gave off a funny little jingle you couldn't place, and you calmly took him in as he approached. But then he came close enough that you could see his face, see the pits and the sunken eye sockets and the gaping hole in the middle of his face where a nose was supposed to be.
A ghoul. Holy shit, he was a ghoul.
Now, you didn't have anything against ghouls, per se, not like some people certainly seemed to. You didn't like the idea of anyone being barred from towns and outposts or harassed just because of what they were, to no fault of their own. You still gave pause at the idea of sleeping with one. Couldn't it make you sick? Didn't some ghouls eat people? Or was that just the feral ones? No, that was stupid. There were people who ate people in this world. Of course a ghoul could possibly eat you.
"Busy the rest of the night?" he asked as if it were automatically the response he'd receive.
You tried your best to giggle playfully, desperate to no longer have to stand outside and solicit for a while, even if it meant your first trick was a doozy.
"Not if you've got the caps." you replied, clenching your shaking hands behind your back.
"Oh, I've got 'em, sweetheart. So." he asked, looking you blatantly up and down. "Are we gonna party or what?"
The two of you made your way into the casino, the bright lights throwing intriguing shadows across your new friend's gaunt face. You left him at the front desk and told him where could meet you after he relinquished all of his weapons, including the big gun strapped to his back. You'd be happy to see that go.
After you left him, you went to the back to check in and described the john you were going back with. When you said he was a ghoul, you expected some sort of reaction or concern, but all the older woman behind the counter did was produce a Rad-X from a half-empty bottle and push it across the counter at you along with a room key.
"Room three. He paid for the night." she said flatly, barely looking your way. "You're gonna wanna take that now, not later."
You picked it up and turned to walk towards the back rooms where the dates happened. You were a little floored he'd paid for that much time; you'd been anticipating an hour, maybe two. But all night? Did turning into a ghoul give you some sort of super stamina? Or did he have other plans for you?
As you passed by the doorway to the gambling floor, you could see him still standing at the counter emptying his pockets.
Just how many weapons did one person need?
Hesitating a moment, you waited to catch his eye, holding up your hand and flashing him three fingers. He gave you a slight nod, and you continued on, unlocking the third door down the adjacent, isolated hall. The rooms weren't much but the basics; a dingy but functional bed, a chair and side table with a jug of water and a few glasses in the corner. A lamp with a stained shade. A clock to keep track of the time. That was about it. You poured yourself a small glass of water from the jug and swallowed the Rad-X down, a bitter taste coating the inside of your mouth. Pulling a face, you took a fidgety seat at the foot of the bed to wait for your companion for the night to arrive, leaving your uncomfortable heels on.
Don't take off the shoes before the john gets in there, you'd been told. Some guys like to take everything off themselves.
You were pulled from your ruminations by the sound of the door creaking open, making you startle ever-so-slightly as he entered.
The people at the front desk had almost certainly offered to take his hat and coat, but it seemed he had declined. Maybe he had some particular personal attachment to them, you thought as he shucked the dirty duster, hanging it by the door. The hat remained on as he turned and appraised you, sitting straight on the bed, your hands daintily in your lap. He still wore a few layers, but you took comfort in knowing that he'd had his pockets emptied. They'd let him keep the lasso he'd been wearing, though, and you eyed it cautiously as it hung from his hip.
The ghoul didn't say anything to you as he crossed the room, pouring himself a tall glass of water and sitting in the chair, drinking it down as he stared at you. That sent you squirming ever so slightly, uncertain of how you were supposed to react.
"So, how long have you been in town?" you asked, eager to fill the silence. He didn't answer for an unsettlingly long time, finishing the first glass of water and pouring another.
"Long enough. Just blowing through." he replied, brim over his eyes and glass over his mouth.
"Ah." you responded, unsure what else to say to that. Things were quiet again for a long time, several minutes passing as you watched him dig an inhaler out of his pocket and take a long drag. You weren't sure what it was; you'd recognize a Jet container. Lots of people used it.
"I was surprised you wanted me for the whole night." you confessed.
"That right?" he responded. "Not in this line of work long, eh?"
"Oh. Uh, I guess." you replied, taken aback by that. "It's just that all night's a long time."
You were trying to make your voice as sweet and seductive as possible, despite the tingle of worry creeping up your spine.
"It sure is." he replied, a glint in his eye that you couldn't read. It frightened you a little, but you told yourself you were overreacting. Another few minutes passed by, another puff of the inhaler, before he raised his hand, still wearing those thick gloves, and beckoned you over. You stood, somewhat shakily walked over to stand in front of him as he sat reclined in the chair, and waited for him to direct you.
"Alright," he said, voice calm as ever as he suddenly produced a long, slender blade from...somewhere. "let's get that outfit off."
This, of course, sent you screaming, turning quickly to flee towards the door. However, he quickly appeared behind you, a hand moving to cover your mouth with one of those filthy gloves as he yanked you back into his chest, making you stumble in those awful shoes. The smell of leather and gunpowder washed over you.
"Jesus Christ." he said, mild annoyance in his tone as he held you almost effortlessly with the one arm. "If you're already screamin' like this when we ain't even had any fun, maybe you ain't cut out for this, baby doll. Never seen a knife before?"
Your hollering choked down into a little cry as the strange-smelling glove muffled you, as you took in what he said. You desperately didn't want to fuck up this job on your literal first night, didn't want to lose a chance to have some stability, a roof over your head. But you couldn't stop the way your brain screamed at you to run. He brought the blade back up to your eye level, turning it to and fro, as if to show it off to you, the small silver blade glinting dangerously in the lamplight.
"You aren't supposed to have that." you whimpered between his fingers, trembling.
"Lotsa people do things they aren't supposed to in this world." was his reply as he slid the blade directly between your breasts, slicing through the crop top from hem to collar. You swore you felt the blade swipe your skin, and it made you gasp in fear, but when you looked, the skin was untouched.
His hands made quick work of the button and zipper of your skirt, dropping it around you feet and leaving you standing before him in nothing but your underwear and your uncomfortable shoes, your heart clamoring in your rib cage.
Looking you up and down once more, he stepped back and took in the whole scene before slinking back down into the chair in the corner, his hands moving down to undo his own belt and fly. He paused, however, to invite you forward again, urging you to close the few foot distance between you. You moved as instructed, still shaken as you stood a foot or so in front of him.
Carefully, you lowered yourself down onto the scuffed old floor, cool against your bare knees as you looked up at him.
From this angle, it was much easier to see his whole face, including his eyes, and they were gorgeous. You hadn't noticed before, between the nerves and the hat, that they were like pools of dark honey. They distracted you so much that you missed him actually tugging his cock free. When you looked down at it, you were pleasantly surprised at how normal it looked, save for the radiation-roughened texture of the skin. Save for that, all the normal parts were there in normal quantities. You let out a very soft sigh of relief.
"Well, go on." he said, brandishing the thing at you like a weapon. "If you're gonna be a whore, you gotta act like one."
You could feel yourself pouting at his statement, and you hated it, hated the way his words rang through your brain, but you felt some ease at finally getting into something you had experience with, at least. Promptly crawling forward the last foot or so, you let yourself sit a tad more comfortably, leaning forward and reaching out to wrap your fingers around him.
"Uh-uh." he corrected, stopping you in your tracks. "If you're any good at it, you shouldn't need your hands."
This gave you some pause, scanning him over as your palms came to rest on the bit of exposed chair between his legs. Slowly, you leaned forward and dragged your tongue along the underside of his erection, sending it twitching at the contact. The man sitting before you hummed in approval, fully reclining against the back of the chair to watch you closely as you cocked your head somewhat awkwardly to allow your lips to wrap around the tip. He tasted differently than you were accustomed to, you thought as you began to let your head bob up and down on the first few inches of him, your tongue running along the leaking slit; there was an almost metallic aftertaste to him, like licking a cap.
"There you go." he praised lowly as you slid down to take as much of him as you comfortably could, his right hand coming to softly fist in your hair. The movement made you vaguely suspicious, and rightly so, as a few moments later, his other hand joined the first, and together they held your head in place, his hips pistoning up to fuck your face. You tolerated it well, only gagging at the last few thrusts when it seemed he was trying to push deeper and deeper. When you did, the sensation made him pull your head back, his saliva-coated cock laying against his leather-clad stomach as he appraised you, his eyes largely obscured again, drool all over your lips and chin.
"Let's move over to the bed, shall we?" he said, already standing by the time he finished.
Awkwardly, you attempted to right yourself out of your kneeling posture, but before you could even try, he stooped and grabbed you around the waist, tossing you over his shoulder like you weighed absolutely nothing. He was so strong and it made you blush as an indignant sound left you.
"Hey!" you let out before you could stop yourself. You weren't supposed to complain, but it felt like he was almost antagonizing you.
"Allow me." he replied, shooting you a look over his shoulder.
He dropped you down back onto the foot of the bed rather unceremoniously, your hair falling in your face and eyes; when you moved it away again, the switchblade was back in his hand, and you screamed again, unable to stop yourself.
"Keep it comin', sweetheart. I doubt anyone's rushing in here to help you. Honestly, I think they'd respond quicker if you quit screamin' for too long." he said, mocking.
"Quit scaring me and I'll quit screaming!" you shot back, righting yourself so that you were at least properly sitting upright.
"Boy, you sure do love to run that filthy little cocksucking mouth of yours, don'tcha?" he sneered, grabbing your hair again and yanking you close. "Pretty sure I'm payin' you to put out, not to bitch."
The blade traced back down your cleavage to dig into the waistband of your black bra, quickly slicing through it as well and sending your breasts popping out, the now damaged garment hanging uselessly from your arms. The ghoul insistently urged you down onto your back by your hair, and you followed, your legs dangling over the foot of the bed past your knee. For a moment, he simply looked at you.
"Open your mouth." he demanded, leaning over you.
You did as you were told, the command not unusual, but then he puckered his lips and let a rather large gob of spit fall onto your tongue, sending you gagging and scrambling to sit up.
"Nope. Swallow it." he said, maintaining that painful grip against your scalp, keeping you on your back. "You need to remember where your place is right about now, girlie."
Incensed, you hesitated a moment before forcing yourself to do as he told you. Your face was burning bright red with humiliation. He was still leaning over you, bringing the sharp edge close to your skin again. You steeled yourself, calling his bluff despite how dangerous that felt, trying your best to keep your eyes on his, challenging him as he traced the point across your flesh.
"Such pretty, smooth skin." he muttered, watching your reaction closely. "Looks good enough to slice a piece off and eat..."
As he spoke, he let the sharpened edge dig fully into the side of your breast, and you let out a whimper, your stomach rolling at the feeling, at his words. You were certain he was about to really hurt you.
However, he stopped after a moment, pulling the thing away to reveal nothing more than a thin red dash the length of the blade. A kitten scratch. A joke. You looked to him rather incredulously, and he rolled his eyes, folding the edge back into its handle, showing you that it was fully closed before tossing it across the room, landing with a thud in the chair.
"Since you're so afraid of it." he taunted, putting his hands on your hips to flip you onto your stomach. "Hands and knees. Face down."
A frustrated huff escaped you at this newest little jape as you pulled yourself up into the proper position, watching him out of the corner of your eye, your face buried in the musty mattress. It was hard to focus your vision like this, but you watched him move up towards the head of the bed until you couldn't see him anymore. There was a sound you couldn't put your finger on, quick and quiet, but by the time you could even hazard a guess at what it was, he'd seized your right arm by the wrist and was wrapping the rope he'd been carrying around it, finishing it off with a knot. This was enough for you to risk a quick glimpse in his direction, only to see that he'd used the lasso to tie your arm to the head of the bed. Your heart raced as he gave the knot at the headboard a yank before disappearing behind you, tugging your collar loose and dropping it on the floor.
He left the heels on.
"It's funny that these fancy casinos think all these dirtbags and desert rats'll come in here and just give up every weapon they have willingly. That's not how things work out there, and it's still not how they work in here, no matter how much they pretend it is." he mused, his voice making it seem almost as if he were talking to himself and not you. His still-gloved hand petted at the round globe of your ass.
Now you were annoyed. Why was he fucking with you like this?
"Are you a dirtbag or a desert rat?" you muttered into the sheets, jumping when he suddenly grabbed you by your hair again in response, holding you tight in his grip as he forced you to look at him.
"I'm the first thing, darlin'. It'll be good for you to learn the difference." he said, actually smirking at you, at the pained look on your face as the feeling once more burned in your scalp, one of his hands slowly moving up the back of your thigh to stroke your mound over your underwear. Quickly, he pushed them aside, his longest finger tracing up and down your embarrassingly wet slit, and you bit your lips hard to muffle the moan you wanted to let out.
Soon, he was working that finger inside you, then another, and another, all in quick succession; this wasn't about making you feel good, it was about making sure you could take him properly. You could feel the head of his cock nudging against your bare ass cheek, leaking and throbbing. He was eager, no matter how cool and calm he seemed to be.
"Spread your legs more." he mumbled, knee pushing at your right leg to "help" you open yourself wider for him. You did as much as possible, feeling like you could fall at any moment. However, you tensed again when you felt the tip of him slip through your folds, collecting some of the wetness there before sliding down to press at your entrance. You held your breath.
It burned when he pushed inside, though whether that was because of the rough texture of his skin or because you weren't completely prepared, you didn't know. He didn't give you much time to adjust to his size, simply bracing one knee against the mattress as he began to fuck you. The sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the room, his blunt cock head slamming painfully against your cervix.
At one point, he shifted himself higher over you, seeking a way to be deeper inside. The change in angle caused the slick head of his cock to slip out of you for a moment, pressing against your taut asshole for just a split second, but it was enough to make you panic, squirming wildly beneath him. Pure fear shot up your spine. He only laughed sardonically, tugging your hair to make you look over your shoulder at him.
"You're lucky I ain't real mean, sweetheart." he murmured, slamming his cock back into your leaking, sore cunt. The way it hit hard against your already tender cervix made you whimper, but you were glad he didn't do what you'd thought he was gonna do. It was upsetting you that you weren't more upset, frankly. The whole thing made you wanna be sick, especially the part where you were insanely close to orgasm suddenly.
"The funniest part of all this is that you're still gettin' off on it." he called you out as if he could read your mind.
You desperately shook your head, silent tears beginning to run down your cheeks and tickle onto your chin. You weren't enjoying this, weren't enjoying the rough way he was using you. You certainly weren't enjoying those strangely captivating eyes pinning you as he held you down.
"Please." he scolded. "It's one thing to be a whore. It's another thing to be a liar."
That actually managed to draw an embarrassing little sniffle from you; not his taunts, but the fact that you were fluttering so enthusiastically around him at his words. The man on top of you tilted his head again at this, watching you teeter on the edge of something terribly amazing.
"Poor pretty thing." he cooed with fake sympathy, rubbing away an errant tear with his thumb. Your neck ached at the angle he was holding it at. "Open."
You obeyed, and he spat in your mouth again. It actually didn't have much taste, and you swallowed with no complaint, your brain foggy from the rough way he was fucking you. The feeling of humiliation was still there, creeping hot up your back, but it also made you clench hard around him.
"Fuck." he snarled, suddenly pulling back from you, standing beside the bed again, one hand jerking himself as he grabbed you up onto your knees once more, his fist in your hair as he rubbed and slapped his throbbing cock against your face.
"Open your fuckin' mouth." he growled, pushing himself as far back down your throat as he could go as soon as you did, both hands cupping the back of your head as he skull-fucked you with wild abandon. Your hands braced on his hips, your efforts to blunt his thrusts futile. You gagged and choked and drooled as he used your throat; embarrassingly, one of your hands appeared on your swollen, aching clit, rubbing it in tight circles as he began to throb.
"Shit, girlie, you're gonna make me cum." he panted, pulling himself back from you, leaving you sputtering for air as he resumed rubbing his cockhead on your lips and cheeks. His eyes were burning into yours. "Better keep your mouth closed."
You clenched your lips between your teeth just as the first jet of his release hit your cheek, much thicker and hotter than you'd anticipated, another and then another, seemingly an endless amount covering your entire lower face, dribbling from your lips and chin as he groaned and growled his way through it. Your hand was still rubbing furiously between your legs, and he must've noticed, slipping his fingers down in place of yours and rubbing those same circles, his rough touch just what you needed to fall over the edge as well, moaning loudly as your whole body seized.
Everything was eerily quiet and calm as you both let your breathing settle, one hand supporting his weight against the wall by the head of the bed for a moment, his eyes hidden by the hat once more. Surprisingly, he undid the knot at the headboard, then the one around your wrist, tossing the rope down onto the floor next to the bed as he went rummaging around in his pockets. You noticed that he was tucked back away into his pants. Suddenly, a dingy handkerchief was pressed into your palm; it took you a moment to realize that he intended for you to clean the mess from your face with it.
You set to it, the incredibly thick, almost gelatinous substance difficult to wipe away with the thin square of cloth, but you managed to make it happen. Mostly. As you tidied yourself, he pulled the inhaler from one pocket and a rumpled pack of cigarettes from another, taking a puff and jamming a cig between his thin, cracked lips. He paused to hold the pack out to you, and you shook your head.
"You can take a break, kid. We've got all night." he said, lighting the smoke and sitting down on the edge of the bed.
You supposed he was right; you were absolutely exhausted physically after that whole ordeal, and it was his time. If he was alright with you resting some, you'd rest some. Carefully, you crawled up and laid your head on one of the pillows, your side against his back as he sat there, smoking and righting his clothes. In the back of your head, a little bug nagged at you.
"How did you know?" you asked, voice almost timid.
"Hmm?" he replied, his focus seemingly on re-winding the lasso.
"How did you know that, uh, tonight's my first night on the job?"
This got him to turn to you, a mischievous, but not unkind gleam in his gaze.
"I watched you for a while. Just got off the tram when you came outside, wanted a smoke. Noticed you. Couldn't not notice you. You looked like a nervous little bunny out there, just waitin' for a hawk to come and snatch you up."
"So you decided to be the hawk?"
You were both quiet again at this, the perfectly coiled rope now sitting near your feet. Outside, you could hear the clinking of glasses, the drunken laughter of gamblers and bar patrons. Your eyelids were so heavy.
You'd sort of assumed that you would want to cry yourself to sleep after what you'd been through, between the roller coaster of emotions and the general humiliation of it all; oddly enough, you didn't. Instead, you drifted off into a brief, fitful rest, dreaming of disgusting leather gloves and radiation-pillaged skin.
The Strip at twilight was quite the sight, the neon and bright colors washed mute by the early morning hues. It would be nice to stop and admire if you weren't so desperate to get out of town.
As much as you were loathe to admit it, the ghoul you'd been with the night before was right; you absolutely weren't cut out for this. You'd hated every single second of trying to entice people to pay you for sex, the way people had looked and leered at you as they'd gone by. Besides, your employers gave you the impression that they didn't have your best interest at heart. They also gave you the creeps.
And if anyone in the future wanted to go further than he had, you now knew you wouldn't be able to handle it. Though, you'd be lying if you said that you hadn't learned some things about yourself.
An unidentifiable feeling passed over you as you thought of him.
You'd awoken, shocked you'd managed to sleep at all, with quite the start, eyes frantically jumping to the clock to find that only about half an hour had passed. To your genuine surprise, the ghoul was gone, several hours still left in the time he'd paid for. The jug of water on the table was empty. You'd waited dutifully, naked on the bed, for the remainder of his time slot. You'd even kept the heels on. At first, you'd wondered if he'd maybe gone to the bar for a drink. But after another hour passed, you were fairly certain he wasn't coming back. Despite yourself, you were strangely disappointed.
At the end of his paid time, the end of your shift, you checked back in at the desk, collected your pay, and immediately went upstairs to collect your things.
Your meager possessions were few enough to fit into a little drawstring; you'd cast a quick glimpse at the destroyed shirt the man had cut off of you, crumpled on the floor with the rest of your uniform after you'd changed back into your dingy street clothes, before tucking it away into the bag. You weren't sure why. After that, you'd tucked the bag up inside your jacket, calmly walked outside for a "smoke", and kept walking until you made it outside the walls of Freeside, feeling like there were eyes on you the whole way. It was only once you were past the border of the junk fences that you allowed yourself to pause and take a shaky breath.
"You made the right choice." came a familiar drawl from behind you.
The voice startled you, already on edge as you worried about being followed from the casino, sending you freezing in the middle of the decaying road. Through the dusty haze, you could make out his hat and coat, emerging from behind a barricade of concrete, smoke in hand. The big gun was back in its place, slung loosely across his broad shoulders.
"You scared me." you hissed, your hand resting on your flying heart.
He tilted his head at you, those hauntingly beautiful eyes scanning you. He gave a shrug, which was very apparently not an apology.
"Where you headed?" he asked.
"I dunno." you confessed flatly, trying your best to not fidget in place. "Not here."
He took a long, long drag off of his smoke before dropping it into the dirt, stubbing it out with the toe of his boot before looking up at you underneath the brim of that accursed hat. Everything felt very familiar, all of the sudden. Another transaction waiting to happen.
"Quite the coincidence. I'm also headed 'not here'." he replied, quietly assessing you as he leaned against the barricade, lighting another cig.
You hesitated for a moment before responding, considering some things. But eventually, you replied, tone teasing:
"Looking for some company, are you?"
He smirked at you, smoldering cigarette hanging loosely between those vicious teeth.
"Sure am. Interested?"
You crossed the rest of the way over to him, standing close. The smell of leather and gunpowder washed over you once more.
"If you've got the caps, handsome."
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thedivineflowers · 1 year
Wassup my little scrunkly poo's 😘😘😋
I think I missed someone but idk if I did please tell me but this is the mc addressing the NRC students by familial terms!
Let's go bitch 😤
Father figure students first😋
Middle schooler!Mc: Hey papa-
Riddle (hear me out-): he's so gentle with you and all the heartslaybul residents were kind of expecting it at some point and Riddle just short circuited while he's blushing and he's about to cry. He will come check up on you at least two times a week and will offer you to live in heartslaybul with him so you can always have help wether it be with homework or with studying, he will be there for you to help you through anything.
Trey: he seemed so nonchalant about it and even responded with "what's up?" But when your not around he's chuckling and shit and you've got a happy baker always giving you treats when he can and won't give you your treats until he knows you brushed your teeth that morning. Will let you have sleepovers in his room and will always cover for you if you happened to skip class or something and if you help him with baking he'll let you take some home with you for you to share with Grim.
Leona: this bitch didn't even notice you called him papa until like ten minutes later and he won't address you about it but don't be surprised when you get an offer from him to live at Savannaclaw and if you don't agree to live there he WILL bribe you until you move in. When you move in Leona will be able to watch over you easier and you won't have to complain to him about food and living expenses (EVEN THOUGH YOUR A FUCKING MIDDLE SCHOOL KID) and you get to sleep in his bed without him pushing you off.
Jack: his tail is wagging more than before and he's trying to stop it the best he can. You've got scary wolf privileges now, use it. He's now coming to spend more and more time around Ramshackle to make sure you're okay and well. He is also bringing you more snacks and water during different periods of the day so you stay energized. Will take you on his morning runs and won't mind you sleeping on his back while he runs and will be ecstatic if you join him.
Jade: he is smiling even more and he just chuckles it off. You now have a scary eel following you around everywhere and if you happen to have an interest in fungi he will be over the moon and will help you grow your own. You will join the mountain lover club. You two will go on hikes everywhere and will taste test random mushrooms because you two felt silly and wanted to see if it was poisonous. The school is afraid of the two of you and your will to eat anything. He and you have contests of who can identify the most mushrooms and he always wins. He'll let you have sleepovers in his room with him and Floyd but for the most part recommends you to sleep in their extra room and will let you leave your stuff in there over time and next thing you'll know the room is yours. (It's strange how it's right next to their room and you three have a door that can connect the two rooms so you can just hop in when you'd like-)
Jamil: he fucking sighs. You're basically another Kalim and he can hardly deal with Kalim himself. Still though he'll offer for you to move into his dorm because 'you get to spend more time with Kalim and wont have to worry about living expenses' he is right about the living part but he just wants to keep an eye on you and make sure you eat enough food and get enough sleep. If you look even the slightest bit hungry he is stopping what you're doing and will make you something to eat and you have to eat at least three bites before you go back to what you're doing.
Vil: he pauses what he's doing and will turn around slowly. He immediately stops you from apologizing. Next thing you know you have makeup on and new uniform with the Pomefiore vest and following Vil around like Rook and Epel. When you come back from school Vil already has a room set up with your things and some gifts and essentials that take up more then five boxes. You have a whole new wardrobe with SILK and a nice comfy bed and bathroom. Epel is praying for you because Vil will be on your ass about taking care of yourself and will make you sit down and put on your routinely make up of you forgot or messed up a part. You're not a little sweet potato now. You're the prettiest child in all the land >:D (he calls middle schooler!mc sweet potato, not potato)
Rook: he is laughing and giggling and hugging you. You now have a bodyguard that will spoil you to endless amounts you have to beg him to stop buying you things. He insists that you move into Pomefiore so you two can spend more time together and will say that we won't stop spending on you until you move in. He will stalk you more and more to watch your health and make sure you eat enough. If he sees that you are the slightest sad he will drown you in complements and praise while pampering you.
Lilia: he stops making his ravioli and turns around slowly. Wide eyed. He will slowly float towards you as you apologize. He will hug you gently at first then he will crush you as he is spinning in the air with you and squealing. He must tell the other three, he can't hold the news in. Go and put on your uniform. It's already in your room with all your other things next to his room and make sure to put on the makeup he gifted you. Get ready for dinner he is making his ravioli and cake as a celebration of you joining the family! He already has the adoption papers signed and is ready to change your last name to Vanrouge. You have a bat dad that is willing to stay up with you at three AM watching paranormal activity videos and playing horror games while you two chug energy drinks. He already moved your stuff into Diasomnia when you were sleeping with the help of Malleus who is buzzing in happiness. If Lilia sees that you feel down that day he is stopping everything he's doing and will pamper you while you just soak it in like a sponge. He is willing to do the weirdest shit with you because when he caught you trying to quietly make a battery acid drink he just gave you a shitload of sour stuff that he has stashed and made one of his own too.
Mc: yeah this is my brother-
Ace: he just smirks and ruffles your hair while agreeing. He will tease you so much but being serious his eyes might get a little watery. You MIGHT get some of his allowance. Maybe. But like y'all two are having so many sleepovers at Ramshackle and eating so much food at the ass crack of dawn
Deuce: he will give a very small smile and nod along but you will notice a change when he volunteers to get things for you and he will come to Ramshackle more and will drag Ace with him because two big brothers is better than one. If you need someone to jump someone else he is your guy because he will go ham if someone says the wrong thing to you.
Cater: You're fucking done. He's already got a room where you can sleep and is so taking pictures of and with you every where. He is willing to just laze around or go partying with you because he's fun like that and will def make an account with just you and will make sure that you'll eat your fair share of vitamin gummies for kids that he has (I hc he has vitamin gummies for middle schooler!mc and he will have EVERYTHING)
Ruggie: his tail is wagging like crazy and he will definitely include you in his to do list as he will buy whatever you want because he's got a shitload of money from Leona and if you buy him donuts he WILL wrestle you to the ground and will ask for anything you need help with cause man's desperate to pay you back and seem like a good brother to you. He will ask for you to move into Savannaclaw as Leona already agreed because Ruggie wouldn't stop bothering him about it. So now you've got a brother who will come and do anything for you as long as you keep on referring to him as your big brother.
Azul: his face turns blue (octopi have blue blood right?) as he looks at you like you committed mass murder. His eyes will then get watery as he is just silent. When you apologize a tentacle will pull you to him out of nowhere as he just coddles you. He will ask for you to work at Mostro Lounge but guess what? Your pay is higher but don't SNITCH to anyone or he's gonna be the scariest mf you've ever seen. He's got a room all for you and you get a goddamn water bed like what - and you can get free meals from there if you're grades are good.
Floyd: BIGGEST HUG HES EVERE GIVEN THAT IS NOT INTENDED TO MURDER SOMEONE. He's doing his little laugh and he's just jollying around like a happy camper. He's already got Jade that views you the same way. He's already got a room set up for you after he threatened some people and if you don't wanna sleep in it then you can sleep in his and jades! He's willing to let you sleep on his bed while he sleeps on the floor or you two can do like some weird ass ninja poses that feel oddly comfortable while sleeping. But he will do anything you want. You wanna go set a car on fire because you were hungry? He's already dragging you there and it seems to everyone that you two have the same thought process and which you two do but is the tiniest bit different
Kalim: he's squeezing you and jumping up and down and omfg- you have a whole ROOM AS BIG AS A HOUSE all for you. He wont hesitate to throw a party just for you. You got a passing grade in a test? Hooray the party is on Friday! 😘 But tbh you could just fucking smile and hes all over you gifting you shit and he prolly will take you to see his family because you will fit right in and if you happen to enjoy HIM pampering you then you will surely enjoy the way his family pampers you and they will see you as another child of the al asim family that deserves the extra bit of love.
Epel: shit, how tf is he gon' tell his momma this? But being honest he is letting his country accent go HAM while he's with you because he knows you won't snitch 😊 . He has a big ass bed he is willing to share it with you. Y'all do all kinds of shit like watching those weird ass documentaries or listening to the songs about tractors that he likes so much. If you happen to be sneaky he will def have you sneak into Pomefiore because Vil actually likes you and will not mind that much. But if epel has to suffer, you have to suffer if epel has to cake on his skin care stuff he's doing the same to you. He will cheer you on if you happen to get into a fight the minute he hears about it he is fucking sprinting across the school to either cheer you on or join you.
Idia: He is frozen. Shooketh. Flabbergasted. You? The talk of the school, view HIM as your big brother? Now it feels like those animes where the younger sibling is so much more popular than the older and the older is said to be an outcast and lonely and- he is short circuiting but he won't treat you differently than he does Ortho. Considering that you have a mind that can be put in the nearest mental hospital he will just vibe with you until you go drag him out and force him to grab a cluster of daddy long legs. He has a room made personally for you. Yeah. It even has all the cool computer stuff so you can feel smart whole thing and looking on different screens 😈🥸. He has it in your favorite color and has all your favorite things inside. He will send Ortho to go fetch you when he has something cool to show you and you and Ortho are attached at the hip 😎.
Ortho: bro makes sounds like mobby form imagine learning and he is lifting you in the air and you can feel the gears in his body shifting because of his excitement. He is already having a room ready for you with the help of his brother and is your personal emotional support buddy and best friend. He will literally find papers for you to sign to be his younger sibling. Don't ask how or why just sign. He's already got a room ready for you. He also has his own pod in there where he sleeps so if you're ever scared or lonely he can sleep in his pod in your room or he can just warm himself up and hug you while you fall asleep. You're cold? Dw big brothers got you he's already heating his body up and when he hugs you he feels so warm. You need a energy drink? He already has one stored. with his scientific fact robot brain he can and will back you up when someone tries messing with you because Ortho don't deal with someone disrespecting his younger sibling 🚨 and will become sassy. You two are never seen without each other and if you are, fucking run because you will literally go crazy if you can't find Ortho and he will do the same if he can't find you.
Malleus: He is a warm and happy dragon. He is just buzzing with happiness now. Either he is following you around or you are following him around. But either way if you guys are not seen without one another y'all are gonna be in the bitchiest mood ever. He will make it his personal duty to make sure that your pampered and treated like the royalty you are because he already has the papers for you to sign for you to be his sibling. If there are no rooms available for you in his dorm he will share his room with you and honestly he doesn't care what you say he already has your stuff packed and a bed is already ready for you to sleep on. Your cold? Dw he will use his magic to warm ya up. Someone bad mouthed you? The student is already begging on his knees for forgiveness the next day. You dont understand history class? He can help you because he was there during that time 🥸. It's kinda funny because you have a tall ass dragon prince brother that seems so calm and then the brother has a smaller younger sibling that goes batshit crazy over anything and y'all two even each other out definitely.
Silver: he won't register it prolly because he was dozing off but in his dream some how some way the memory will come back to him. He will be staring at you more gently than how he did before and he will convince his father to adopt you. He will share his room with you and is alright with it. Like I bet he prolly has a closet full of plushies that he or you could sleep in when it gets cold and the other one is hogging the bed. He will teach you how to use the sword and some special tricks he uses 😈. But I hc that middle schooler mc and Silver will be so alike. Like mc is sleeping through all the alarms just like silver and someone has to wake them up by hitting them with a pillow HARD. And still even after that they both will be so sleepy. And both of y'all would looove after school naps because waking up with a mouth dryer than the sunset savannah, sweating at your back, one sock missing and the other one halfway off your foot, and not knowing the time is how you two wake up from naps after school and maybe even in the morning when y'all forget to wake up :>.
Sebek: he is yelling about how inappropriate it is to address him like that but internally he is screeching and crying. He will lower his voice when he is around you and is more gentle when he is scolding you. He WILL teach you how to wield a sword and will spar with you every night to see how well you've improved. He will share his room with you if you want to move in with him and he will suggest it to help you with sword training, def not because he's worried about your living conditions 💀. He will brag about you and how your so smart and he won't brag about you as much as he does Malleus but he will brag about you because he's proud of you and your achievements must be acknowledged!
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boatcats · 6 months
My heart hurt when Ed got shackled to the rail in S2. I needed them to talk it through as a crew so fic happened.
Ed was not a master in the art of negotiation.
Or, well, that wasn't entirely true. He was great at aggressive negotiation. He was great at negotiation where there was a show of strength (or the illusion of strength) and an opponent forced to decide how much they wanted to risk. He was excellent at the old 'shot across the bow.' He wasn't great at the sort of negotiation where all you had was your earnest heart and a desire to go home.
He hadn't had much practice.
But he had his earnest heart and he wanted to go home so he was going to give it a try.
The crew had let him stay one more night. They'd even seemed chill about it. He really hadn't expected that. Now dawn light was creeping into the galley and in a few hours the crew was going to "figure this all out" as Oluwande had called it and Ed wanted to stay. He wanted to make it up to them. "Captain goes down with the ship" had always really meant "captain takes responsibility" and Ed wasn't captain anymore (was he? he felt a brief jolt of anxiety like a task left undone...no, probably not...). But he still wanted to take responsibility for what he could.
It was just....he had some stipulations.
"Stede," Ed whispered. "Stede wake up."
"Hmmph?" Stede rolled over and Ed was briefly stunned by his sleep tousled hair. God. "What is it, Ed? Are you hurting?" He looked so concerned. G o d.
"No," Ed said, "not really." Though he was hurting some - a mutiny would do that to you. "Not much... medium amount," he amended, trying to be truthful. "I just... the crew's gonna decide about me staying and I want to stay. But I don't want them to shackle me to the rail again." Ed fought down a surge of panic at the thought. "I don't like feeling trapped. It's fine if they want... I don't know, to get a few punches in. That's fair. But no surprise punches. They can do it to my face. I mean like ... they can face me about it... though I guess they can also punch my face. You know what I mean."
Ed was not going to feel trapped and he was not going to feel on edge. Everything else was fair game. But sometime during the night he'd realized he couldn't stay somewhere he didn't feel safe.
What he'd do he didn't know... but he couldn't stay. It was an awful negotiating position that boiled down to "please agree to these requirements or else I'll go back to the woods you banished me to in the first place."
Ed sighed. Then he glanced up and realized Stede looked heartbroken. Fuck.
"It's not you," Ed sighed. "I'd love to stay for you... it's just..." I might not be able to.
"It's not that," Stede said. "I just wish I hadn't. I wish they hadn't. I wish I'd protected you."
"You couldn't," Ed said. "Not exactly captain either, were you? A mutiny will do that. The whole thing about a mutiny is that it blurs who's in charge, blurs who makes decisions. And I knew what I was getting into. Not like I haven't had worse. I just..."
"You don't want it to happen again."
"It wont. No one's going to punch you either. To your face or otherwise."
Ed smiled. It felt a little wobbly. But he could smile at Stede now. Stede looked so certain. Ed was not at all certain. He was pretty sure he was at least going to get punched. But Stede's optimism had always been appealing (as well as wildly sexy) so what the hell.
When Ed heard the crew's stipulations he laughed. A cat bell! He supposed that was fair. He'd maybe played up the sneaking around over the past few months.
But it felt - it felt like like chance to start over. Captain goes down with the ship. Captain incites a mutiny and wears a sackcloth for a while as a promise that he won't hurt his crew again. Yeah, that was fair.
And Stede's face - Stede's face - when he said "they've agreed not to hurt you - no one's going to hurt you on this ship again. You're safe."
I'm here. You're safe.
Yeah, that was.... That was.... yeah, that was... That was a lot. But it was good. Ed was pretty sure it was good.
So it came as an awful surprise when Jim found Ed in the shady spot he'd claimed on deck and said "Hey, about shackling you to the rail..."
Because fuck. Fuck. Of course they'd reconsider. It made sense but Ed had trusted them. And the Revenge was kind of a ways from land and maybe they'd give him back the complimentary dinghy. Hopefully they'd give him back the complimentary dinghy. But so much for cohabiting with Stede... that is... if they even let him leave at all. What if...
Apparently all this showed on his face. Because the next thing Jim said was "I think maybe you need to breathe?"
Ed took a shaky breath. "What about it?" he asked. He was pleased that his voice came out reasonably level.
"I'm really sorry we did that."
Wait. What?
"Wait. What?" Ed said.
Jim flushed. "You weren't... you were hurt and... you weren't going to hurt anyone. The rest of the stuff - not gonna apologize for that because it was fully self defense. But that... yeah."
"It's fine," Ed said. "Better to overreact than underestimate someone probably."
"It wasn't fine," Jim insisted. "It's not gonna happen again. We were... we were really jumpy. Roach made us a piñata and a cake and we nearly stabbed him. But still."
"A piñata?"
"Yeah, they wanted to like, blindfold us. To... reassure us we were safe and valued, I think?"
Ed blinked. This fucking crew.
"But yeah," Jim sighed. "You're safe and valued and shit, I guess. I don't have a piñata."
"That's okay," Ed said. "Don't need one."
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joviepog · 1 year
EEE HI JOVIE again i love love your writing and im so glad youve been enjoying my stuff!! anyway, sweet and simple request-- wilbur and reader having an at home dinner night :)) (if u wanna make it silly tommy could be their "waiter" LMAO)
much love !!
Lovely night
Who: Wilbur x f!reader
Warnings: i dont think there is anything but if there is just let me know!
Pronouns: She / they
Word count: I have no clue
Requests: @poraphia
Anything’s else: I actually liked how this turned out! thanks for the idea lovely requester!
This story is NOT proofread
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Listen to this while you read! <3
Both you and Wilbur aren’t the richest people around. For you, this was absolutely fine. But for Wilbur?
Well, Wilbur is just a bit disappointed about not being able to spoil you as much as he wants. Since you both have met, he’s been obsessed with getting you little gifts and taking you to cute dates. But what he really wants to do is to be able to take you to the fancy restaurant down the street from your guy’s apartment.
He’s told you about this little problem of his and you cant help but giggle every time he mentions it. The conversation always ends with a kiss on the cheek and the same six words. “Wil, i dont need all that!” But lately he wont stop talking about it. He’s been daydreaming about you in a fancy dress and him in a fancy tux. Not the old cheep one he has for all those dumb occasions. No, he wants to be able to give you a bouquet of roses and a ring that means forever. But most of all, he wants to make you happy.
You’ve noticed that this was starting to get to him. Every time you got home he would give you a kiss and a hug -per usual- then he would start talking about this dress he saw on twitter and how beautiful it would look on you. “And that dress would be perfect for that restaurant!” And every time you say that you dont need all that, he looks like a kid being rejected of a puppy.
And so, you set up a plan. While he was gone on tour, you saved up, took cooking classes, and learned how to do your best makeup possible. You called him up one night, “Hi Wil! Are you busy?” There was a slight pause and he spoke quietly, “No, i just have to be quiet.” You gave a soft laugh and spoke quietly. “I just wanted to make sure i have the right day for when your coming back.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Why?” You pouted, “Why? What, I can’t miss my boyfriend?”
He apologized at least 100 times before he woke Joe up. You said hi to Joe and hung up. “I love you Wil. See you soon?” You asked with a smile. “See you soon.” You hung up and silence fell on the room. You had 1 more week. You bought the dress he had mentioned 1,000 times, you made sure Tommy was free, and you made sure the house was clean. You were ready.
“I’m two hours away.” he spoke and you could hear the boys in the back teasing him.
you fake sighed, “I guess i’ll just wait here. all alone, and sad, and-“
he stopped you, “Yeah i’ll try to hurry up.”
“No take your time, darling.”
he sighed, “All i want to do is get home and hug you.”
“Aweeee.” you put another fake eyelash on, “I miss you too baby.”
“Wilbur! The taxy is here!”
you laughed and he scoffed, “I’ll see you soon darling.”
“See you soon.” you hung up and looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked amazing. you hair was fixed, and the dress fit nicely just like wilbur said it would. everything was perfect.
2 hours: Tommy got there with a suit and a tie that was ties badly
1 hour 30 minutes: You and tommy set the table and clean the house. you fail to figure out how to tie tommy’s tie
1 hour: you start dinner and Tommy calls phil to help him tie his tie.
30 mins: you finish up dinner and you get out wilbur’s favorite wine
20 mins: you double check everything for 10 minutes
10 mins: you wake up Tommy from his nap and cehck to make sure you look good.
5 mins: you triple check that you look okay and you serve the food.
1 minute: You light the candles
0 mins: You hear a knock.
“Is that him?!?” you say with a cheerful smile. Tommy smiles, “No it’s the mailman.” he jokes. you roll your eyes and open the door. Wilbur has the biggest smile on his face and he’s holding flowers. You close the door behind you, not wanting to ruin the surprise, and jump into his arms. he gives you small kisses all around your face and neck; your giggling at his touch. he finally lets you go and you were so excited to see his reaction.
His eyes widen at the sight of you in the dress and he begins to ask questions. “YN? Where did you-“ you stopped him and grabbed his arm, interlocking your arm in his. you yelled out to tommy, “Ready!” tommy opens the door and the smell of delicious food swept through the door.
The sight of warm lighting and wine glasses were shows on the small table. Warm jazz music was playing and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Wilbur. His mouth was agape and his eyes completely widened. He turned to look at Tommy, who had his hair slicked back and a napkin on his arm (still holding the door open he cleared his throat.) “Welcome Mr. Gold and Ms. LN. I have your table ready right over there. He nudged his head towards the table and you and Wilbur walked in. Tommy quickly close the door and pulled out the chairs for both you and Wilbur.
Wilbur sat down, still in shock, and looked at his plate. Tommy spoke up, “You see, we already served you food because your girlfriend here, preordered. Wilbur laughed and Tommy grabbed the wine glass. “Tell me when to stop.” He started to pour the wine and Wilbur told him to stop about halfway, you did the same.
“Anything else?” Tommy asked.
“That’ll be all. Thank you.” Tommy winked at you and nodded his head. As he walked away you turned back to Wilbur. “So?” His mouth is still slightly open but soon enough, his cheeky smile appeared back on his face.
“Well, i feel like I’m a bit underdressed.” You both laughed and spent the rest of the night talking while Tommy took photos of both of you.
What a lovely night.
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taintedtort · 2 years
hey hey hey~y guess who again?you made it perfectly clear with how happy you are and it makes me even happier that you reacted that way!ehe~e.
i promise i will wait for every one of your works, but i suddenly got an idea while reading one of your works!one about sleeping headcanons.and the idea is, maybe you will be interested to write how reader and characters do each others hairs?like, reader making a character some sort of hairstyle/adding accesory to them and character does so in return.hope my description makes any sense.and as for characters, with Aether, Albedo, Ayaka and Shenhe???
and if its hard to write this request for you, then dont worry!but can you imagine how nice it would be to braid Aether's hairs???and Ayaka being separeted from worlds simplest pleasures certainly deserves little "girl time".no???also i wish you goodest of lucks!
- 🦊 anon
prompt ✧ doing their hair
characters ✧ aether, shenhe, ayaka, xiao, kazuha, wanderer
warnings ✧ gn!reader, none!
a/n ✧ hello again! i added a few more characters if that’s alr? (i also saw your sweet words in my inbox, thank you) ALSO ALSO i’m writing a part 2 for them doing your hair so if you wanna look for that it’ll be up a few days after this
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✧ he loves letting you do his hair. honestly his arms get tired after a while because it’s so long, but when you do it he just gets to sit back and relax. he wont ask you to do it first, but if you insist you want to he‘ll let you. doesn’t mind going out of his usual hairstyle either, he just lets you play around with it. do whatever you want: high ponytail, claw clip, flowers, colorful clips, etc.
"you want to do my hair? sure, why not."
✧ her hair is very long and sometimes she doesn’t feel like managing it, so that’s where you come in. you gladly offer to brush out and rebraid her hair. she wouldn’t stray far from her original hairstyle, but she may let you do something different with it— no guarantee she‘ll wear it out though. not a fan of clips, her hair is too thick for them anyway. she does very much enjoy your fingers running across her scalp though.
"you’ll brush my hair for me? if you insist."
✧ she thought she wouldn’t like it at first because ayato used to do her hair when they were younger, but she soon figured out that was because he wasn’t gentle. your fingers carefully swept through her hair while pulling it up in her usual ponytail. she ended up closing her eyes without even realizing. when you finished you could tell she was disappointed, so you just continued to play with it. she sat there feeling like she was in heaven. you end up having to do her hair at least once a week.
"would you mind playing with my hair again? please."
✧ was reluctant at first. his hair is short so he doesn’t bother doing anything with it and he doesn’t understand why you would want to play with it. you’d have to explain that you think his hair is super soft and that’d it’d be relaxing for him before he agrees. once he feels your nails run across his scalp he’s down. instantly melts against you and might doze off. that gives you the chance to put cute clips in his hair that he’d normally never let you do.
"you think it’s soft? really?"
✧ he was happy you asked! he had no problem with you putting his hair in braids or adding colorful accessories, he was just glad you were having fun. he wouldn’t get embarrassed when you’d finish one hairstyle before pulling back and snickering a little before starting another. he liked that he was able to make you laugh, even if it was because he looked silly. he’d sit and talk to you, or listen to you talk, and it would overall just be a cute activity.
"having fun?"
✧ you’d have to time your approach right in order for him to let you anywhere near his hair. honestly it was better to not even ask, just run your fingers through his hair after he gets home and flops next to you with a huge, tired sigh. because he’s so tired, the sensation feels heavenly and he’d let himself indulge. if you started tugging at it like you were putting it in a ponytail, he’d pull your hand off, so you have to resist your urges. but i think if you beg enough while he’s in a good mood, he‘ll let you do something with it.
"fine! do as you please. archons, you’re so needy."
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sunohws · 8 months
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no rules - kang taehyun
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pairing: fwb!taehyun x m!reader
synopsis: you and Taehyun are fwb and in order to not spoil their friendship, Taehyun imposes some rules on the relationship . . . (there's actually no other way to describe this.)
word count: 0.8k
a/n: ssfw :3 . . . this is also very VERY cringey... beware. also this has been in my drafts for over 2 weeks. um.. i may or may not have forgetten about it when i was revamping my profile. LOL!
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Taehyun had four set rules when they first started out: first, no sex while they were on a busy schedule, i.e. at the time of performances, promotions, or tours; second, avoid unnecessary caresses; third, no kissing on the mouth; last but not least, no sleeping together, especially after sex.
These were four simple rules, but y/n hated them with all his heart. He knew that he could not break them, nor could he complain to have them eliminated, and finally he understood that Taehyun had them set for a reason. The Korean man had talked about something to do with the chemistry of human emotions and how not respecting them would cause a romantic attachment on the part of them, which would inevitably end their friendships.
Maybe Taehyun had exaggerated or been dramatic? you couldn’t tell, it was better not to risk it. And it’s not that you didn’t believe that, in fact, you didn’t care. Considering that you were already in love with Taehyun, nothing could make it worse. But you couldn’t tell his friend, or it might not only shake their friendship, but also with the group dynamic, more than the casual sex they had.
Which you thought was too little, considering everyone was busy with performances and touring for the last few months, a situation mentioned in Taehyun’s rules that left you with calluses on your hands, if you know what I mean.
You understood this, of course it was necessary to focus on work, to avoid distractions. However, in your humble opinion and perspective, even during work, they need to relax a little, even take some risks… And that is why you were in Taehyun’s room, lying half-naked on his bed, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom.
Originally, Huening Kai was supposed to be sharing the room with Taehyun, but fortunately, with your wit and persuasion – and a bit of bribery - you managed to swap places with the maknae. When Taehyun finally emerged from the bathroom, his gaze wandered in surprise and confusion to see your figure on his bed. And to your delight, Taehyun’s gaze also showed interest.
“No.” he said seriously, interrupting you before you could even say anything, causing your smile to crumble. “We’ve talked about this, not during concerts and promotions.” He said slowly, making sure that the other understood. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come on.” You huffed, standing up and approaching Taehyun, wrapping your arms around his larger body. You smiled when your realize, Taehyun didn’t pull away. “You’re so tense…”
You just nibbled Taehyun’s ear in response, fiddling and messing up his hair and, damn, Taehyun was so hot. You already felt as hard as a stone to have him in his arms, clean and smelling good, wearing only a robe, since knowing him well, he probably wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“Are you an animal or what?” Taehyun gasped, failing to maintain a serious posture in front of the elder man, exposing his neck and giving you more room to act. You, who is no fool (ur super smart), immediately took advantage of this, leaving a trail of kisses on his skin as he ran his hands alonf the others body. A stronf and tasy body, just the way you likedit.
To be honest you still found it surreal the situation you were in, having a beneficial friendship relationship (im sorry wtf) with none other than Kang Taehyun, his crush…
“Y/N, seriously, we’re not even home…”
“But we are alone. And the reason why you don’t like to have sex with me when we are on tour or performing is because you’re afraid that you wont be able to dance the next day, but we don’t have a performance tomorrow.” You insisted, as you untied Taehyun’s robe a bit. And well, he didn’t stop you.
“pfft, I can’t believe you said that.” Taehyun laughed and patted your chest. You weren’t lying. “And look at you, as excited as I am.” You smiled, opening your robe. Taehyun narrowed his eyes and looked at you with an expression that should have been threatening but failed miserably.
“Well, just this once.” Agreed Taehyun.
You didn’t need anything else, you grabbed the boy by the thighs and lifted him while Taehyun whined and laughed. The tasty echoing laugh that made your heart warm up and squeeze. “Oh Y/N, you’re like an animal in heat, all impatient.” He scoffed, and you just smiled broadly as he threw him onto the bed, crawled over him and opened his robe.
“When it comes to you yes. And don’t pretend to be any less perverted than I am.” You added, whole nibbling and teasing one of his nipples. Sure, you would love to kiss Taehyun now, but you were already breaking a rule and maybe it was better to not push your luck… You didn’t want or need to think about that right now.
At that moment, it was just sex between friends with benefits. And while you were not so good at playing that role, you were certainly good at fucking Taehyun and making him forget everything.
And that’s what you did.
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im throwing up in a good way kind of. why is this so cringe. lord! um um yeah um yeah mhm, i think yep sorry for how cringey this was.
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livingdeadgirl777 · 6 months
need a man to find me outside the pub in the pouring rain. my little white babytee completely see-through, showing off my perky tits. my skirt (if you could even call it that with how short it is) riding up my plush thighs and sticking to my skin. you’d be able to see every inch of what a slut i actually am. from my mascara, running and ruined by both the rain and the night. my lipstick, smudged from what could only be the drinks i’d necked in an attempt to gain that dizzy buzz alcohol gives you.
the perfect victim.
i’d be waiting for a taxi to take me home, and how giddy would i be when you finally show up! or at least, what i think is the taxi. in my drunken haze i wont notice your piercing, violent gaze on my body. i’d follow you blindly to your car. not ever even bothering to check when you make the wrong turn. you take me to an abandoned building just outside of my town, “this is where i have to drop you off, doll.”. only now, the fear sinks in.
while i step out of the taxi, frightened and confused, you grab me from behind. groping me, squeezing at my ass, anywhere you could mark as yours for that night. it’s almost primal.
i’d scream, cry, beg for you to stop, kicking and flailing in your arms. but with my small figure and thin resolve, you knew i’d soon come around - after all. there really isn’t anything i can do.
you force your hands down my skirt and into my panties, and of course, my pussy is begging to be violated. with no warning and no inhibitions you force them down as i squirm. the rain and booze only heightening my senses, involuntarily leaning into your touch. you take your thick cock and force it inside of me, my tight pussy failing at its attempt to push you away. i break in that moment. no more fighting, no more reluctance. im yours for the taking.
we spend the whole night entangled in each-other, in a brutal act of hedonistic pleasure. and while i lie in your back seat, covered in your cum, bruises, bites and blood. you take me back to your house, force another vodka down my throat and then use the bottle to fuck me again.
a girl can dream
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #131
I tried to have a normal day today. And this time, it worked out quite nicely.
I brewed a nice tea today. This time, I combined my vanilla-rose black tea with the strawberry rooibos; of all the teas I have, I think you'd like these two the best. This one starts out a shade of amber:
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...You will also see Mogwai on the windowsill, being very cute, as Mogwai is wont to do.
I'm really glad that I was able to figure out how to photograph the subtle swirling in the water as the tea brews; I think it's a really neat effect, and I'm glad that it's one that I get to witness as a result of the glass mug:
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Once it brews for a while, both kinds of tea end up resolving into a shade of red:
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...And you'll see that by this time, Hoshi has taken Mogwai's place on the windowsill, as Hoshi is wont to do. It's nice outside, so the windows are open today.
From here, we add the honey and cream; the swirls made by the cream were particularly mesmerizing today, and I'm glad I was able to snap a good picture of it for you this time:
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...If nothing else, I really wish I could share this part of my day with you. I think you'd like it a lot if you could be here.
Once that was done, J and I took a short walk around where I live. I tried to take a few good pictures for you; it's not much - just some flowers and some ferns in various stages of sprouting, but I hope you'll like these:
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After this, J and I watched some Zeta Project together, and that was very nice. And then shortly after that, I went to meet with a friend and her little son at the local nature discovery center. I haven't really had an excuse to go there in a while, so I took some more pictures, just in case there might have been anything you might like...
This is a tree that they just... have. The whole thing and its whole root system is visible for all to see; one of these pictures has a tiny chipmunk statue, if you look hard enough:
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I also met two turtles. This one is a common musk turtle; it's very excited about something:
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...This one is a painted turtle. This one was perhaps slightly more chill:
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...I also found an adorable book full of owl stickers:
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...I love owls (especially barn owls!) a lot, but I did not get them. I did not get them, because I cannot be trusted with stickers. Even if I were to put them somewhere, the fact remains that I'm dyspraxic; I WILL put it on wrong, and I will be instantly filled with regret as a result, and then I will try to fix it, and end up destroying the sticker in the process (it's really very sad). And that's even if I make it far enough to the point where I can decide conclusively what I wanna put it on.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like stickers? Have you ever had stickers? If you had stickers, what would you get stickers of? And where would you put them? I wonder.
I did, however, get a cardinal plush that I found in the gift shop, in honor of our recently-passed feathered friend, as written about in yesterday's letter. If you squeeze this plush, it makes cardinal sounds:
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...Maybe, at least in spirit, the one that died in my hands can live at my house if he wants to, where he can sing to his heart's content without worrying about his safety. My house is a good house; I hope he'd be able to feel the love and joy that permeates this space.
Finally, after that, J and I went to the local food co-op in order to hang with Br. There's a lounge space there and tasty food; so Br was over there doing her homework. It was pretty neat to hang out! J got some kind of hibiscus drink that smelled kind of like cinnamon. For whatever reason, hibiscus and cinnamon are, so far, my least favorite food smells. I don't know why. I know I should like them. I wish I did like them. Alas.
So of course, this meant I had to try it. I'm a little weird like that; sometimes I'll try things that I know I won't like, just for the sake of having the experience, especially if it's a thing that most people enjoy. Or sometimes I'll try things I know I hate, just because I know that my tastes do occasionally change. J felt it necessary to record the whole thing, and it was pretty funny. So here, maybe this will make you laugh:
Oh right. From the co-op, I got all the ingredients I need to make an epic breakfast, and a bunch of other tasty treats, too. I didn't take pictures of it though, because I wanted to leave it as a surprise and make it for you tomorrow! So look forward to it, okay?
...The last bunch of days have been really weird. So today I tried to have a normal day, and I succeeded.
This is all I have for today. It's nothing inspiring or insightful or profound, and... I think I'm pretty relieved about that, actually.
I love you. I'll write all about a good breakfast tomorrow, so please stay safe so you can read about it, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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anklesoraus · 10 months
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request a BAU Team x Male reader
Where they get a strange case involving around an abandoned asylum as is someone is experimenting on the victims that have shown up dead.
What if unsub captures reader and does similar experiments on him only this time the unsub is taunting the BAU with fact he has one of the team by sending pic/videos of what he's doing.
(I was kinda thinking the Unsub is experimenting with old school psychiatric methods?)
The missing agent
A/n: Mmm my first request well actually second but the first one went poof and I hope this is to your liking at least? Sorry it took so long for me to reply to this, I’ve been busy getting ready for an upcoming exam and college has been punching me in the gut. Also I’m trying out new things with tumblr so my layouts will change a lot to see which I would like but besides that I hope you like this half assed story I wrote with little sleep and like 3 monsters, love ya and happy early thanksgiving <3
Warnings: BAU x male reader, mentions of kidnapping, not proofread, half assed
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The Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI was called to investigate a series of murders that had taken place in an abandoned asylum. The victims had shown up dead, and the killer had left no clues behind. The BAU was stumped, and they couldn't figure out who the killer was or what his motive was.
“Why did they give us this sicko to find” Penelope mumbled under her breath while trying to do some research.
As they were investigating the case, one of their own, Y/n, was kidnapped by the unsub. The unsub then was going to do similar experiments on Y/n as he had done on his previous victims.
“Let me go you sick bastard!” Y/n yelled, moving around as he was tied up to the bed and his eyes covered with a blindfold.
In the distance he heard a laugh. A sinister laugh it was low and grogy but it sounded so loud like he was everywhere, in every corner.
Y/n didn’t want to show weakness, no he’s too old for that. But for the first time in years he is feeling fear. He’s been in the BAU for around 6 years, all the ups and downs yet he’s never felt fear until now, when it’s him as the victim.
“What do you want from me?!” He shouted, with all the fear trying not to show.
The unsub could only laugh more, “you’re scared..I like that.” He had said in his groggy voice.
Y/n grimaced in disgust from the comment, so this man is a sadist he thought to himself. Clearly it makes since with all the crimes he’s done that’s involved causing people pain. All Y/n could do was lay there, thinking if his team will be able to save him.
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Four weeks. Y/n has been gone for four weeks. The BAU is scared for him and hopes he’s fine. The once joy and laughter that filled the office from Y/n’s jokes is now gone. All that is there is a gloomy and sad aura in the air. They wont give up, Y/n is family he will be saved and they wont give up.
The unsub liked to experiment with old school psychiatric methods, and he was using them on Y/n. The BAU was horrified when they received pictures and videos of the things that the unsub was doing to Y/n.
“He’s sick!” Yelled out Spencer. The BAU was angry at the unsub but glad to know Y/n is still alive.
The BAU knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to save Y/n’s life. They worked tirelessly to track down the unsub and rescue Y/n. They wouldn’t rest until they saved their friend, their member, their family.
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Y/n is still tied on that god awful bed. He lost count of the experiments but he hated them. He didn’t know what was put in him or what it would do but he is scared. Today was the day he lost it.
“Hello Darling, I have something new for you and all you have to do is drink it.” The unsub said, walking towards Y/n as he heard the footsteps coming closer.
“No..please stop this.” Y/n said in a weak voice, it was almost like he was someone else. His color now all pale, his lips dry, and his body aching to where he wish he was shot instead.
The unsub can only laugh as he grabbed a hold of Y/n to force his mouth opened as he poured in the orange green liquid. Y/n squirmed as tears finally fell from his eyes behind the blindfold.
Burning. The liquid felt like it was burning his insides and like his head was close to exploding. Once all the liquid was finally gone the unsub released Y/n from his grasp and stepped back a bit to see the results.
The feeling made Y/n scream so loud and cry so hard that he just wanted to end it. All this pain he feels is on a whole different level and he hates it. He hates the feeling of being a lab rat, knowing he could die anytime now.
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After a long and grueling investigation, the BAU finally caught the unsub. Y/n heard gunshots as he jolts from a sleep he fell into. He wanted to speak or scream for help but his body was too weak for him to do anything. He just sat there feeling weak and useless for once in his life.
He hears the door being kicked opened and heard a voice that he can’t believe he would say he missed but he did.
“I found him agent Reid” he heard Derek say as the footsteps got closer. Y/n doesn’t know why but he tried to break out, scared that they would hurt him.
“He really fucked him up..” Derek muttered under his breath as he went to take off the blindfold and the rope that was holding Y/n.
Y/n kept his eyes closed scared, he was shaking trying to process everything. Y/n the once fearless and brave agent is scared and has fear bottled up. He couldn’t do nothing but tightly grab onto Derek and cry. He cried and cried with the strength he had left until he felt his eyes grow heavy.
The case was one of the most challenging that the BAU had ever faced, but they were able to overcome it with their expertise and determination. They were glad to finally have Y/n back but they hope he can go back to being his happy and funny self. One can only hope.
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be-good-to-bugs · 5 months
AAAAH forever stress is going to kill me one day
#the bin#i hate knowing why i feel so bad and not being able to do anything about it#im scared that ill never ever feel better. its been so long since i felt ok. im worried that ill make friends and still feel horrible all#the time and it wont matter. i cant keep doing this. im so tired of being all alone. im so tired of the constant inescapable dread#im going to figure something out. in a month ill be moved and i can start figuring everything out then#i hate not being able to focus on anything besides how bad i feel. i cant enjoy anything. theres so many shows i wanna watch but i cant#because im so distracted by this. theres so much manga i wanna read and i cant.#literally the ONLY thing that has been able to make me temporarily forget this for any amount of time is dungeon meshi#its so fucking good and it sparks so much joy that it does help but not enough. i get sad again really fast.#well. im trying really hard to manage my stress. i did the math on how much i should be getting. i know that i will have rent at least.#there are 2 weeks that i dont know what my hours will be but assuming i get 13 hours at least then i should have an ok amount for#moving. its possible theyll be worse and its possible theyll be better. im really hoping theyre better. my hours have been SO BAD recently#i dont know why. i know im not bad at my job or anything. i sont think my manager dislikes me either. he does this whenever someone#hasnt been feeling well and hell do it for a couple weeks and i think its him trying to be considerate but i have bills to pay man#technically there is a shift i could pickup but the store has a drive thru so im nervous to bc idk how that works and if im asked to do that#then ill have no idea so ive been avoiding taking any shifts like that#hopefully enough will pop up in the coming weeks and i can get some more hours. i know i can cover moving vehicle cost but idk how much#gas is gonna be so im suuuuper worried abt that. hhhh. hopefully my sister and her boyfriend can get me back the $300 they owe too#honestly idk how they werent able to afford rent but immediately after they were able to afford a 40 hour roadtrip and yimw off work#whatever. it doenst matter.#i wish i could deal with the other stuff messing me up rn but i cant fix the loneliness thing without not being alone and i cant fix that#it doesnt matter how much i tell myself ill make friends eventually or if i believe it or not. i feel bad because ive gone way too long#not hanging out with anyone and my brain cant handle it.#im gonna see if maybe i can play a game with my sister soon. or maybe i couod play smth with my younger sister even#i pkayed roblox with her for a little while. maybe she would want to again. i miss her :(
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skyechild · 1 year
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𖤐 pairing: Dokkaebi!Jeonghan x human!reader (m/f) 𖤐 genre: smut, fluff if you squint 𖤐 warnings: MDNI 𖤐 wc: 2k 𖤐trope/au: established r/s, lore au/god 𖤐kink(s): face fucking & panty kink (roleplay) 𖤐 summary: Theres something outside your house in the forest that always messes with you... 𖤐 notes: Oop. October 4th of kinktober and another fic for creature feature by @kwanisms i think Jeonghan fit this creature enough, these goblins are playful af and so is jeonghan. Im also going to start putting what each monster is. there was a specific pic i wanted to use of Jeonghan but his mic was in it and i realized that it looked a little too dark for a dokkaebi which is a supposed playful deity 𖤐Meaning: Dokkaebi, also known as Korean goblins are nature deities or spirits possessing extraordinary powers and abilities that are used to interact with humans, at times playing tricks on them and at times helping. 𖤐Tags: @cultofdionysusnet / @spooo00oky / @stravvberrymilksan
Youre getting annoyed with the thing outside your window that throws rocks at it. You huff and sit up, walking towards the back too and peeking your head out the door to look towards your window. Nothing. Again. But as your gaze passes the forest you stop. Theres a figure in the distance thats watching. Sometimes you see him, sometimes you dont, but never in broad daylight.
You have a feeling that its him fucking with you whenever youre in your room or take a walk in the forest. You narrows your eyes, barely managing to take in the males pretty features right before he disappears from your sight. "What the fuck?" You mumble. You swore you just saw him and barely got the time to see his face before he was gone. You huff before you step out of the house. Youre going to hunt this thing down.
You grabbed a jacket before you closed the door and stomped into the forest. "Where are you, you little shit." You yell, slipping your jacket on as you walked. You shouldve changed out of your skirt but you were too angry with this thing. Theres a gust of wind right as your able to hold down your skirt, you huff before walking further. For all you know this thing could be luring you out to kill you and you are walking straight into it.
You clench your fists in front of your skirt. "Youve got cute panties on." The voice is a whisper in your ear and you cant find the owner anywhere. You look around, cheeks pink at the words. You can almost feel the back of your skirt being lifted and you spin around, ready to confront him but you see nothing. "What is your name?" Its silent for a while and your half tempted to open your mouth to ask another question when the breeze comes by again, what feels like fingers touching the back of your thighs.
Again, you spin around ready to throw a punch only for nothing to be there. What the fuck is going on? You bite you lip, looking around, seeing a quick blur of movement and you jerk to run after it before you stop, what is this thing trying to do? Kill you? You narrow your eyes. At least if you go out, youll go out cute. You take off towards the spot you saw the dark blur.
Skidding to a stop you blink. You never knew there was a clearing. You hadnt stepped into the clearing yet. Your grandmother used to warn you about fairy rings. You look around before a small rock bounces off your head. "That wasnt very nice." You mumble, holding the spot, hearing giggles from in front of you. You eyes land on the boy in front of you. His ears are slightly pointed, his teeth are sharp, almost like what you think a monster would look like. You frown.
"Hi! Im surprised you followed me this far." You cross your arms. "You arent very nice, why did you throw a rock at me?" He shrugs and you huff. "It seemed fun." Your jaw drops a bit. "Fun?! You thought it seemed fun to throw a rock at me?!" You watch as he nods, a smirk on his lips. "Yeah, it kinda was to be honest." You clench your fist, his eyes flickering towards it before back at you. "
"Why wont you leave me alone?" He cocks his head to the side, the smirk changing into a fond grin. "Your reactions are entertaining. Theyre very cute actually." You roll your eyes and the smirk is back on his lips as he takes a few steps forward. "And i get to see all your pretty panties. Did you know you kinda strip in your sleep? You should close your curtains."
Your jaw drops again, pink covering your cheeks. "What the fuck?!" He waves his hand in a flippant gesture. "Not important. Anyways, my name is Jeonghan. You can call me Hannie if you want." You raise a brow. "I dont even know you and you want me to call you Hannie?" He nods, your arms fall to your side. You barely notice him closing the distance.
Your eyes dark around his face. Hes pretty. He has black hair thats pulled back and pinned with a hair pin, a round face and eyes that just scream mischief, if you ignored his pointed ears and the sharp teeth, he could pull off being human.
"So your name is Jeonghan." You ignore the whine of him wanting you to call him Hannie. "But what are you?" He nods. "Smart cookie." You frown. Your boyfriend says that sometimes. You cross your arms, leaning onto one leg, hip cocked out. "Im a dokkaebi." He smiles, a mocking bow following. "A dokkaebi? I thought those were only lore?" He motions to himself then grins. "Well im here, and you know its real with how you felt the rock."
You hate that you agree with him but then you remember something. "Panties?!" You have half the mind to take off your jacket it and wrap it around waist. "Yeah, they smell good too." Hes bold too. Its kind of attractive. You want to smack the small part of you that thinks that. "Excuse me? Are you stealing my panties??" He smiles and you notice it changes his whole face. He looks sweet and inviting, the smirk is haughty and cocky. And the grin makes him look very mischievous.
"Mayhaps." You frown. Is that where all my panties are disappearing too? "Do you still have them?" He nods, smiling innocently. "Ill return them soon." You bit your lip. Hes close enough to touch and his skin looks soft. You shake your head a bit, shaking the thought off at the same time. "What...what do you do with them?" He raises a brow, surprised at your sudden interest. He uses that time to trap you against the tree behind you. "Ya' really wanna know?" You nod unconsciously and he smiles.
"Well i start with putting one up to my face, you smell good." He comments off handedly. "Then i wrap another one around my cock, its even better when theyre wet." He purrs. "I use them to jerk off. Sometimes ill even suck off the wetness whenever you do something naughty." He hums the words against your neck and your head tilts back against the bark, eyes closed.
"You taste like heaven." He wraps an arm around your waist, trapping you between him and the tree, pulling your lower half to his. "My favorite is that blue satin pair." He chuckles. "The purple baby doll is a close second though. Its a good thing i can make cum stains disappear." Your cheeks flush and he laughs, a soft breath of laughter that fans across your neck.
"Smells like you have a problem." He hums, the arm not around your waist sliding to your ass, slipping under the skirt and groping the skin, a deep groan leaves his throat. "Youre wearing the blue pair arent you. This pair always sticks so easily to you when your wet." He hums, pressing his mouth against your ear. "Lets make a deal hm? Suck me off and ill help you." You nod as his fingers brush against the wet spot on your panties.
"Take them off." He coos, snapping the band. "Or ill rip them off." He means it, you notice. Your heads a bit fuzzy but you obey, slipping off the pair and Jeonghan snatches them from your hand and holds them up to his nose, pushing your shoulder down, you understand him, getting to your knees as a growl leaves his lips. "You taste and smell even better fresh."
Your eyes cant leave his face. The face hes making...its beautiful. His tongue darts out to lick the wet spot. "Continue." He snips, tangling his hand in your hair. You obey, licking your lips as you pull down his pants and underwear. The cold air feels weird but oddly good on your bare pussy. The breeze, courtesy of Jeonghan, flips your skirt up again as you wrap your hand around his cock.
Its just as pretty as him. He has more length than girth, you wonder if its possible to deep throat him. He tangles his free hand in your hair as well, gripping your hair tight once you suck on the tip. Your panties are still up in the air at his mouth. His eyes are still closed and you want him to crumble.
You spit onto his cock, making sure his dick is wet enough before you start wrapping your lips around his cock, bobbing your head a few times as he groans. You hum softly and the feeling makes his knees wobble for a second. "Fuck..." He mumbles, when you look up again hes looking down at you, eyes hoodied and blown with lust. "Im gonna fuck your face angel." You hum and relax your jaw and throat, hands resting on his thighs.
He gives an experimental thrust of his hips and groans as his tip hits the back of your throat. "Fuuuck." He whines, hips picking up speed once you give him another ok. His hips are moving quickly and his grip on your hair is borderline painful but it makes you whine around his cock. Tears form in your eyes from the abuse on your throat. "Almost there angel." He mumbles and you flatten your tongue against the underside of his cock and his hips stutter, a whine leaving his lips as he presses your nose against his pelvis, groaning deeply as he cums down your throat, pulling out and letting the remaining bits land on your face and on your tongue.
You cough when he pulls out but swallow. You giggle and stand up. "Im surprised you went with that Hannie." You smile at your boyfriend. He puts the under in his hand before helping you step back into them despite your complaint. Jeonghan didnt often get to relax and 'do his dokkaebi duties' hes said a few times. He laughs and presses a kiss on your forehead. "I feel more relaxed now too, been bottling it up for too long, was starting to get sick."
You frown, touching his cheeks, a smile spreads on your lips as he leans into your touch. "Thats not good love. Let me know next time before it gets too bad." He nods, eyes closing as he snuggles into your touch again, hugging you to his chest.
"I love you princess." He whispers into your palm and you smile. "I love you too Hannie." Jeonghan smiles against your hand, one of his covering your hand and sighing. "I forgot how much my powers can drain me." He refuses to let go of your hand and you chuckle. "Should we go lay down?" He's quiet for a moment before he nods. "I gotta get you off too." Your cheeks turn pink. "I uh...I already came. Youre really pretty when you cum...and i was touching myself..." You confess and his eyes open, half glaring before it breaks into a smile.
"Lets go then, get you in a new pair of panties and then i wanna lay on your chest." You chuckle, letting him lead you up to your shared room. His legs are still a bit wobbly and he takes that moment to also change into pajamas, pulling some out for you.
Jeonghan helps you change before he flops down on the bed, letting you get settled before pushing you legs apart so he can rest his head on your chest, his weight pressing you down into the bed. You take that moment to take the hair pin out, placing it on the table and pulling the blanket up both of you to rest under. "Take a nap Han, ill be here when you wake up...im kind of stuck anyways."
He nods against against your chest before he snuggles more into you, holding on of your hands and relaxing. Hes out within minutes, soft snores leaving his mouth as you stroke your fingers through his hair.
"Sleep well Hannie."
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jackalopescruff · 1 year
have you made a post or anything talking about being a therian and like, how you came to realize it and stuff? im questioning myself and was hoping maybe, as a longtime follower of yours, your experience (any amount of it really) could help me out. no need to push urself to explain or anything of course!! i appreciate you being open about it in general ❤️
I never made a generalized post about it really since I'm very much a private introspective person (usually bounce things off my wife and my closest friends) and of course sought out input from Therian pals to help unpack my feelings but! with the disclosure that I'm still relatively new to this whole thing, and am by no means an expert I can offer a little insight to some of the stuff but I'll be brief. (Other Therian folks who are following me feel free to reblog and add your own insight for anon I wont mind at all!)
My realization definitely stemmed a lot in part I believe from not only my own journey and struggle with my Trans identity which had its own ups and downs, how even after feeling comfortable in a certain gender expression and identity there was still some itching piece that was not falling into place. Because while I felt very happy with being a "woman of my own making" (pat on my back because that was my rawest line from my own gender journey while i was working my ass off in a warehouse talking to my wife on the sly on my earbuds) I knew something else was there nagging at me beyond being a Non Binary Trans Woman.
With having Autism there is already that feeling of out of place that you get with being separate from society and its standards as a whole and at first a lot of my feelings on non-humanism I chalked up to the dehumanizing that autistic folks face as part of society expecting us to mold to the standards they practice and demand so it went left unexplored for some time because I just figured "yeah I'm autistic of course I feel out of place in 'normal' society" (again the language here not implying its wrong to be me or autistic obviously) But once around friends and people I trusted who didn't other me for my transness or my autism that itch still persisted.
My being a furry helped me explore more animal mannerisms and behaviors just out of the fact that its furry community we get sillay. But the more I acted on certain things (barking, meowing, various other noises) as well as more referential to myself not as a human but as a Dragon, Bear, Dog etc just a change of language as part of the fun I started noticing those same warm feelings as I did when I started new pronouns or names, the social feelings of being referred to with things that otherwise I wouldn't normally experience. My fascination with nature, my love of the outdoors beyond just the joy of fresh air the actual genuine peace that I'd feel in the woods away from society as a large, listening to all the other animals in the trees feeling the sun and wind on my face how it deeply went into me in some spot inside me that I never really knew was there at least never knew how to acknowledge how it felt like each breath filled my body with this new life I hadn't known.
My wife knew she was Therian first, and through her I explored myself and began to realize that I probably was too. With insight from other pals who also were Therian and just a general fact that I am not afraid to just sit down and look myself in the mirror in a sense and unpack shit when I need to I really just had this sudden explosion of "oh wow this is what it was, this is that itchy piece" I am beyond happy with where the journey has already taken me and I do not feel shame to be that which I am. My wife, my friends, plenty of people around me encouraged, nurtured, and embraced who I was.
So now yeah, my wife and I spend a lot of time speaking with body language and make little barks and reh's and howls and noises at each other instead of words because its freeing to be able to talk with your body and eyes and be understood, especially with autism, being able to be non verbal but still communicate brought such peace and joy. Being able to escape life in society and build a bedroom den and hang vines up in our bathroom and build our own burrow with moss and leaves and just curl up and feel cozy and safe is so comforting and warm.
I know its not a thing everyone gets, and I know its a stigma because "you are bound by your flesh" but much like being trans the flesh is only a small part of what makes us, Us and our soul is much brighter and deeper than anything that our exterior can show. So I may be constrained by limited avenues of external physical expression but that shouldn't stop me from letting my soul soar and be as bright and passionate as it can be.
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
HELLLOOOOO LINNNN🥰🥰🥰🥰 how are you? i hope you are great!!! i am Not!!! there was a flash flood warning here and there is a LEAK in my room ceiling i am very Sad about it :( it's a bit of a big one too :( needed three buckets to catch all the lil drops :( so of course i have thought up something sweet around that because i need it rn 🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔
your apartment has Several leaks coming in :/ you're groaning as you go around putting down mugs and bowls and tupperwares and pots to catch all the water (you put some of your plants underneath some too because at least they'll benefit from it😔😔😔) and all the water is contained but not your apartment is nearly unliveable, half of your cookware is on the ground and knowing your clumsy self, you'll trip over even the biggest pot, and the repairmen wont be able to come in for another few days :/ so you pack a couples days worth of clothes and head over to the person on the team who lives closest to you... hotch!!!🥰 you hope he doesnt mind (knowing him, he won't mind and knowing little jack, he Definitely isn't opposed to having one of his daddy's friends over🤩) so you drive over, park and rush into the cover of the lobby away from the Pouring rain, you take the elevator up and prepare to knock when you hear silly giggles from behind the door and your heart gets all 🥰💞 at the mental image of hotch being the sweetestttttt dad <3 you knock and hear "daddy!!! i wanna see!!! lift me up!!! lift me up!!! >:) !!!" you hear aaron chuckle and then..... "miss (y/n) :D !!!!! daaaaaaddddyyyyy open the dooorrrrrrrr" the door unlocks quickly and soon, in your arms a giggly crazy jack bug🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 you juggle him and your go-bag gor a couple seconds before aaron steadies you by taking your bag and letting you in as you say your hellos🥰🥰 aaron asks what you're doing here and you tell him your situation as he listens so intently and his eyes so full of understanding while jack goes running to get you a snack in the form of cookies he and aaron made🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰💞 he offers you a place to stay and jack comes back right at that exact moment he's so excited he almost drops the cookies🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰 that first night is so amazing, aaron and jack are the best sleepover buddies ever ever everrrrr and your heart is beating like CRAZY as you snuggle in super close next to hotch in a blanket fort with a snoring jack on your lap 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 that night you're getting ready to sleep in the guest bedroom when you notice the AC doesnt work in that room and you go over to aaron's room to let him know you'll crash on the couch but he stops you and his head almost explodes at the sight of you in your lil pj shorts and shirt and he tells you he wont mind sharing his bed🥰🥰🥰🥰 you slide in bed and just Lay there as you fall asleep and in the morninggggggg you find yourself all snuggled up in aaron's armssssss🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞💞💞 the room is cold from his working AC so a shivers runs up your spine and sleepily snuggle closer as aaron's arms tightens around you in his sleep🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you've never been so happy about water leaks ever in your life as you are nowwww🥰🥰🥰🥰
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JESS-JESS 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 nooooooooo i’m sorry you’re dealing with leaky problems :(((((( i’m sending you pots, buckets, super absorbent towels for the lil drops and sooooooo many forehead smooches 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕
your building is kinda Old so you’re pretty used to little leaks here and there when it rains but this is a Very Big storm :( and your roof just cannot handle it :( so as soon as you get all your buckets and pots and pans and tupperwares all set up and ready to catch all the little droplets they can hold, you start packing up a bag and figuring out where to go so you can stop being Damp 😔😔😔💔💔💔 hehehe meanwhile aaron is at home baking and having a sweet lil night with his baby boy and glancing out at the storm like :/ because he Knows how leaky your roof is after you’ve talked about it at work a bunch :( but just as he’s picking up his phone to text you and make sure you’re alright, there’s a knock on the door!!!!!!!!!!! and jack is begging to be held up to the peep hole to check who it is 🤭 and he can’t help the way his poor heart beats a lil quicker when jack gasps that it’s You at the door hehehe 🥰💕🦋🥰💕🦋🥰💕🦋🥰💕🦋
when aaron tucks jack into bed that night after he dozed off in the living room blanket fort, jack giggles all sleepily that he’s sooooooo happy you’re there and aaron smiles as he smooches jacks head and hums “me too, buddy” because he really really is :( he loves knowing that when you needed help, you came to him First 🥺 and he comes out of the room to find you with your pillow in your hand wearing your cute little jammies (that make his head Explode 🤭) looking like 😕 and he knows he would do Anything to make that look leave your face 🥺 after you get all cozy in his bed, you lay there and bask in the fact that it smells like him and that this is all really happening while he brushes his teeth and gets all ready for bed (your head explodes seeing him in his cute jammies too 🤭) before he slides under the covers and rolls on his side to face you so he can say goodnight 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 after you wake up in the morning in his cozy cozy arms and snuggle in even deeper to keep warm, you drift back off to sleep because it’s just so nice to be Held hehe but a little later you wake back up and find aaron watching you with the softest smile in the world and when he sees your eyes flutter open he murmurs “good morning” and you’re Positive that this is how you want to wake up every morning for the rest of your life 🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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