#i wonder if my energy will run out on the references for the rest of the bounty gang?
tovarischgrazhdanin · 2 months
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i made 1 OC for the one piece, and then i thought of a fan-story for her, and then i imagined it to be "movie-length", and then i made more OCs for the fan "movie-story"... and now im giving you a small look into what i've made so far
im planning to make an artbook instead of a comic or fanfiction, since the comic would be too ambitious of a project, and i cant write stories in text-form at all.
the events take place between the wano and egghead arcs, because I want to fit everyone in the story.
SYNOPSIS: The Straw Hat Pirates accidentally come to a new island during a high tide and run aground. The locals give them a warm welcome, while a famous gang of bounty hunters watch their every move. Their goal is to kidnap Usopp and hand him over to the Navy. The leader's right-hand man gives him a choice: either he surrenders without a fight or surrenders Nico Robin to marines, otherwise she will make the identity of Nico Robin known to everyone...
(everything marked with an asterisk, if you haven't seen the post-timeskip one piece - don't google it! just a spoilers warning).
i only have 5 out of 9 (10?) final designs at the moment, I'll finish the others later.
1) Munlee R.
- a charismatic person, who the other members of the gang follow much more readily than their leader;
- has info on a lot of infamous wanted men;
- never tells a lie and reminds everyone of that constantly;
- has no powers, but seemingly can make her enemies drop dead;
- a crook, a sniper and a thief - quite a dishonest person in general.
the rest are on the third picture, and we'll go from left to right:
2) Matricaria:
- hypersexual in nature;
- likes to yap about the secrety secrets of her team;
- laughs at any mention of taboo topics;
- has the ability of “random stain effects”: if a person steps on a stain that Matrcaria has placed, they can be paralyzed/blown up/etc. depending on what color the stain is;
- she is kind but overly talkative.
3) Сhasseuse:
- anger issues;
- hunts pirates to rid the world of "universal" evil;
- eager to help anyone who asks for it;
- has Zoan's ability to turn into a large vulture.
4) Gespenst:
- melancholic in nature;
- spends more time on land than in the water, in order to feel the "pain of being";
- often follows the other members of the gang, as she doesn't want to go anywhere alone, at the same time she is bored of sitting still;
- she has the ability of Fish Karate* and is good at wielding her kopis.
5) Lotus:
- a good-natured person;
- half her body is covered with burns, so she covers herself from the sun with a shawl;
- like many of the island's inhabitants, she was banished here by crooked people, but thanks to the kindness and care of her team she was able to mentally heal and move on with life;
- the most normal member of the gang;
- she has the ability of Observation Haku*, is good at hand-to-hand combat, also wears poison spiked bracelets on her arms and legs.
whoever read this - good on ya, you are no longer under the influence of the one-piece-OC-project curse
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lou-struck · 4 months
Made With Love Part 3
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OM Brothers & Datables x reader pt.3
Featuring Special parts with Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Part 1 Here
~Now that you know how to nullify the Love Potion's effects, you wander the castle in search of your loved ones. But as you venture through these darkened halls you feel like you are being hunted.
WC: 7.1k
Warnings: Love Potion based personality changes, obsessive behaviors, mention of suggestive behavior, lots of teasing, kissing, touching, etc, Reader is implied to be smaller than Beel.
Asmodeus’ part alludes to past experiences of SA (not with the reader). If that topic makes you uncomfortable please skip it.
a/n:  sorry for the wait my friends. I know so many of you have been looking forward to this part so I hope you like it!
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The air in Solomon's lab smells both burnt and strangely damp as Luke pushes his way inside. His little heart is pounding furiously as the door shuts behind him. Bits of dried herbs from experiments past litter the ground and crunch under the angel's feet. 
Running from the palace has left him winded, and the stress from the situation makes his heart beat furiously in his chest, but he can't rest. 
How could he after what he did? 
Guiltily, he pulls out his DDD and taps on the darkened screen. It glows to life at his touch, illuminating the sweet photo of you and him working behind the counter at the RAD bake sale; one look at your kind smile sends him plunging into the deep dark sea of guilt as he is reminded once again that he is the one responsible for sending you into the lion's den to save everyone. Although he knows that none of his friends would ever hurt you, he worries that their love potion induced obsession may unintentionally cause them to act carelessly. Nervously, he checks his notifications and sees that he has no new messages from you. Which at least means that everything on your end is turning out alright. 
All he has to do is find the recipe book that Solomon used to make the mysterious Potion and somehow use the knowledge from his Devildom Alchemy 101 class to reverse engineer the antidote before his unpredictable, love-sick friends try to do something stupid. 
Seems simple enough…
But as Luke's eyes scan the cluttered countertops and bookshelves, he wonders if there is any order in this cluttered chaos. Books are everywhere, they overflow the shelves, lean precariously over the tables, and some are dangerously close to the enchanted burners. 
"How am I supposed to find the book Solomon used in this mess?" He cries aloud. The lab does not answer back and Luke is met with the last thing he needs right now; silence.
Right now, you need a hero, a guardian angel. And Luke will do whatever he has to do to save your special day and free everyone from the effects of the Love Potion.
He takes a deep breath and looks determinedly at his reflection in an old mirror that Solomon keeps around so he can see the physical effects his mystery potions have, "I got this." he says, placing his hands on his hips and striking something that Asmodeus refers to as a power pose. 
This confident posture fills him with hope as the little angel rolls up his sleeves and begins to get to work.
"Man, my head is killin' me." Mammon groans, tossing his white hair back onto the back of one of the banquet room's many velvet armchairs. "That damn potion gave me one helluva hangover."
Sprawled on a sofa across the room lies Lucifer, who holds a cold rag to his forehead as he flinches in annoyance at every word from his younger brother. "Silence, Mammon," He murmurs in a murderously low tone. Dark tendrils of energy flare up from around him, darkening the already dimly lit room. "If you continue to run your mouth, I promise you I will string you up till you turn purple."
Mammon's eyes widen in fear, "Right… Noise… Headache… Sorry." he gulps nervously as the dark flames die down. "I'll be quiet."
"Thank you," his brother says, rubbing his temple. "I'm glad we have reached an understanding."
Mammon sinks deeper into his seat as an uncomfortable silence befalls the room. He just can't believe that the afternoon has turned into this period. He was supposed to be having a great time with you and stealing every second of your time that he could. Now, he's confined to the banquet hall, feeling like he just got run over by a pack of HellHounds. 
His head is practically throbbing with discomfort, and all he wants to do is go home and lie down in a dark room with you in his arms. 
'Why did that damn Chihuahua have to go and ruin everything?' he thinks to himself, too worried to speak aloud after Lucifer's threat. If he hadn't eaten that damn cookie, he probably would've been able to steal you away and remind you why he is your First Demon.
He continues to wallow in his self-pity and potion-induced hangover until the door to the banquet hall opens slowly. Levi takes small steps with his squeaky shoes, leaving a puddle of pool water behind him in his wake.
Intrigued by his brother's drenched appearance, Lucifer sits up a bit in his chair, and his cold rag falls off of his forehead. "do I even want to know what happened?"
Levi's eyes widen, and a deep red blush creeps up his neck. "I don't wanna talk about it." He mumbles shyly.
"Why are ya all wet?" Mammon asks from his spot; although he's curious, he keeps his voice low so as not to invoke the Wrath of Lucifer. "Did Mc see how ya were actin' like a jerk and toss ya in?"
"No…" he mumbles, looking down at his dripping shoelaces. "I pulled them in."
Both brothers jolt upwards and look at each other in alarm.  "Oi, what do ya mean ya pulled em in? Didn't ya know humans are fragile? They can't grow gills like ya can, idiot." Mammon spews worriedly. 
Lucifer, on the other hand, has fallen murderously silent, his hands gripping the arm of his sofa until the enchanted wood begins to crack under his palms. "
"I-it's not like I wanted to do it." Levi stutters, trying to defend himself. "I-it was the potion, it made me want t-to keep them someplace only I could get to."
"And do what?" Mammon asks, rolling up his sleeves as if his fist is about to make contact with the Otaku's face. "Drown 'em?"
Levi opens his mouth, but no sound escapes him. His poor brain is too busy trying to process the whirlwind of emotions swimming around in his fandom-filled brain. Guilt, Exhaustion, Lust…Lucifer clears his throat. "Clearly, you are going to have to make it up to Mc after this whole nightmare is over." he pauses for a moment as a bit of shame flashes in his crimson gaze. His features fall as he recalls his previous behavior. "We all do."
"Not me," Mammon adds unhelpfully. This partially true statement earns him a death glare from both his brothers. 
"Come on, come one, come on," you mumble as you hold the power button to your waterlogged DDD in vain. But the screen doesn't even humor you with a weak flicker or a hum.
"Shit," you mutter, sliding the dead weight into your still-damp pockets. "Damn it Levi."
Deep down, you know it's wrong to blame the Avatar of Envy for this. After all, it was only because of the Love Potion that compelled him to lure you into the water like some kind of demonic siren and unintentionally destroying your clothes and your device.
But every squeaky step in your still-wet shoes has you wanting to send him the bill for your replacement DDD. 
Knowing how embarrassed he felt when you broke the spell on him, he probably would give you double what you asked for.
With a shrug, you shove the destroyed tech into your soaked pocket and continue your search for the others. 
Although this wasn't the day you had planned for, you have to say this lovey-dovey scavenger hunt of yours is definitely amusing to you. Getting to see the Brothers and apparently everyone else acting completely different is nothing short of entertaining. 
But as you continue to search, your wet clothes feel uncomfortable on your body; if you are going to find everyone before the end of the day, you'll need to get changed into something else. Something dry. Something more comfortable.
As you turn the corner you realize that you have been in this part of the castle before. The familiarity of this hall comforts you as you follow the path to the spare room Diavolo had gifted you for the nights you choose to stay over. Where your dresser of your spare clothing awaits you.
You step into the room as the door shuts behind you a bit louder than you expected it to. Now alone in your safe place, you take a moment for yourself and grab a set of loungewear to throw on; the soft fabric feels much better against your skin than the wet, scratchy garments of minutes past. 
Glancing down at the pile of your wet clothes on the floor, you grimace and take them to your spacious private bathroom to dry over the tub. It only takes a moment, but when you come back into the bedroom, you notice the hallway door is open.
'That's odd,' you say aloud, "I thought that door shut when I came in."
Before fear can begin to simmer in your gut, you are ambushed from behind by a warm figure. You let out a yelp as you lose your balance and fall over onto the carefully made bed with your attacker. 
You squirm, trying to twist out of the firm grip around your waist with no success. When you feel the unnatural warmth radiating from your attacker's skin, you pause and notice the familiar blond head of hair that nuzzles into the nape of your neck. Relief crashes into you like you're a bird in a window cleaner commercial, and you stop fighting. "Satan?"
Upon hearing his name, the Demon perks up and pulls away to get a look at you. And aside from the hearts where his pupils should be, the usually intelligent avatar of Wrath appears to not have a single thought behind his eyes.
"Cutie pie." He hums, reaching up and pinching your cheek. "I missed you so much."
"You missed me?" You tease, a smile curling up on your lips in amusement. You ruffle his layered blonde hair, and he seems to lean into your touch like an eager puppy. His usual cat-like nature is completely gone, thanks to the effects of the strange love potion.
"Soooo much," he whines. "I haven't seen you in forever."
"Oh really?" you hum. "So, what have you been doing up here?" 
"Was looking for you…" hu murmurs, "But then I got lost and didn't know how to find you; I got worried I would never see you again, and I got really sad."
"It's only been four hours." You remind him gently. 
He furrows his brow and cocks his head in confusion. "Oh. How long is that again?"
"Not long at all," you say, taking your hand away from his head. When the Demon no longer feels the heavenly sensation of your touch, he looks up at you with big eyes full of hurt. You feel unbelievably guilty as you place your hand back atop his head and once again return to playing with his hair.
That lovesick smile returns to his face, and you are sure that if he was in his demon form, his tail would be wagging like crazy. His heart-shaped pups seem to come in and out of focus as he looks at you. "You're the goodest ever." he smiles.
"Guess what? You're even better," you respond.
One simple compliment seems to be what drives him over the top. His blush deepens as he tosses his head back and laughs. He giggly kicks his feet on the side of his bed as he wraps his arms around you again.
"Noooooo, you're the bestest." He says stubbornly.
All right then, you win." You relent. "Do you want to know what you win as a prize?"
"What do I get?" he says eagerly, crunching his hands into fists. As cute as he is acting, you really need to break the spell. Cute puppy love is entertaining, but you know that the real Satan would hate the way he's acting now.
Gently, you take your hand and cup his cheek. He's all smiles and adoration as you lean in to claim his lips.
The moment your lips touch his, you feel his body tense up with realization, his posture straightens, and he seems to be recovering his sense of self. 
By the time you open your eyes, the Satan you know and love is back. 
"The details of how I got here may be blurry," he says softly, gently stroking the side of your face. "But ending up here with you certainly was worth it."
Now you're the one blushing.
"How are you feeling?" You ask, taking a step backward to give the Demon his space. "What do you remember?"
"He concentrates for a minute as if he is mentally tracing his steps. When embarrassment takes over his features, you know he has figured it out. "It was the cookies, wasn't it?"
"Yep," you respond, relieved that Satan is back to his usual inquisitive self.  "Luke used a bowl from Solomon's lab, and it had some weird personality-changing love potion in it."
He grimaces, no doubt recalling his behavior. "Mc, words cannot begin to express how ashamed I am of my actions, but I'm relieved that you were the only one present to witness my behavior. If I made you feel uncomfortable in any way, please accept my sincerest apologies."
"It's all good cutie pie." You say, mimicking his lovely dovey attitude from before. 
He freezes and looks at you with a dull seriousness in his green eyes. "What do I have to do to make you forget this ever happened?"
"Hmmm, I don't know if I want to forget about this," you tease him, stepping closer to you to the point you are chest to chest. 
"What If I gave you a real kiss?" he smirks, cupping your face gently. "Nothing like that pathetic excuse for one I gave you earlier."
"Are you bribing me?" You ask, endeared amusement lacing your voice as you look up at the avatar of Wrath.
"Perhaps," he grins. "I've read that kisses are an acceptable payment between lovers."
"Well then, I guess we're doing it by the book." You say, gladly accepting his payment. He kisses you desperately. Seemingly devouring your very soul as if it were the newest edition of his favorite series. But behind the genuine passion and adoration, he moves with a certain intelligence, knowing just what he has to do to take your breath away. 
By the time you are able to breathe your own air again, you notice that Satan is beginning to feel the fatigue from the Potion's effects. His skin looks pale, and you can tell he is trying to fight off the impending headache. "Are you okay?" you ask, keeping your voice soft so as not to cause him any more discomfort as his hangover-esque symptoms begin. 
"Yes, I'm alright," he murmurs. 
"No, you're not. The others were like this too; you should go back to the banquet hall and lay down."
"But what about you?" The concern in his voice touches you, but you know you have to find the others alone. "I don't remember much about the others, but they won't be acting like themselves."
"I'll be fine," you reassure him. "From what I understand about the Potion, they won't harm me. I promise, if I need help, I will let you know."
"Okay, I believe in you." He nods but still looks worried. "But just know, if anyone attempts to cause you harm, I will burn this place to the ground and stomp on its ashes until I am satisfied."
His words send a flurry of butterflies aflutter in your stomach as he disappears around the corner, his footsteps echoing menacingly through the hallway. You have a feeling that his warning wasn't so much as given to you for reassurance rather than set aloud in the hopes that everyone else would hear it. 
Alone again, you step into your guest bathroom to splash some cold water on your face to refresh yourself. 
You definitely need it.
You feel like you're being hunted. Every single time you turn a blind corner or step past a darkened doorway, you feel like another one of your cursed loved ones is going to reach out and grab you. 
Despite a few hiccups on the road, breaking the spell on the first four of the brothers has been pretty easy so far. 
All of them have practically jumped into your arms and insisted on the Potion-breaking kiss within moments of seeing you.
Movement at the end of the hallway catches your eye, and you freeze. It's too far away to tell who it is, but you have found someone. You can tell from the way they stop in their tracks that they see you, too. 
Although you do not hate the feeling of getting pounced on and smothered in affection from the beings you love the most, today has you feeling a bit jumpier than normal. The longer you stare at what is most likely a demon at the end of the hallway, the more nervous you get. 
You don't know what to do. Should you run? Should you hide? Your brain can't decide on what to do so you brace yourself for them to lunge at you, but the embrace never comes. 
"Hello?" you call out. The nervous tremor in your voice bouncing off the walls. 
To your surprise, the person at the end of the hallway dashes away, leaving you confused and just a bit scorned. 
"Wait, please," you call, running after them and into the statue gallery. Where you are surrounded by dozens of elegantly carved statues. The darkened room full of figures should make you afraid, but you get a smug sense of satisfaction from being the one doing the chasing this time.
You stop in the center of the room under the skylight. The cool moonlight shines down on you, and you can feel a pair of eyes on you somewhere in the room. "Hey, it's okay. Please come out. I just want to talk to you." you say between huffs. 
 Through the darkness, you hear a small, shy, shuffling sound as the one you were pursuing forward into the light.
Asmodeus steps forward timidly; his steps are clumsy and off-balanced, most likely due to one of the potions' many side effects. His pretty peach-colored eyes were big and sparkling. The heart-shaped pupils and light blush on his face look so fitting on him that you just stare at him in awestruck silence, taking in his beauty.
Instead of basking in your undivided attention like he usually does, The Avatar of Lust shies away from your gaze of admiration and looks down at the floor.
"Asmo," you say gently, noting this difference in his personality. "It's just me; why do you look so nervous?" You give him your friendliest, most encouraging smile and extend your hand out to him.
Just that simple gesture of love and kindness turns his cheeks a furious red, and he takes a quick step back, nearly knocking over a black marble statue of a Demoness with hair made out of pearls.
"Holding hands with you?" he asks in a soft whisper. "I-I don't know if I am ready for that?"
The Asmo you know loves PDA. 
You shake that thought out of your head; this isn't the Asmo, you know. If he's not comfortable with that, you need to make sure that he feels safe with you. Love Potion or not.
"No worries," you say with a kind smile, sitting on one of the carefully carved benches in the gallery. "How about we sit down and talk? Would you be okay with that?"
He nods his head slowly and sits down on the very edge of the bench. 
The two of you sit in silence for what seems like a decade. In that time, he doesn't meet your gaze once, but whenever you don't appear to be looking at him, his eyes are on you like he has an innocent schoolyard crush.
Finally, you decide to break the silence. "how are you feeling?"
"F-fine," he says in a small voice. He shuts his mouth quickly as if he doesn't trust his words around you.
"I'm glad to hear that you're doing well," you say, noticing the subtle change in his body language. He doesn't look like he is about to run off at any moment. "Why did you decide to run from me?"
He nervously picks at his perfectly painted nails, chipping the dual-colored polish and letting the colorful strips flutter onto the patterned stone floor. "I ran because I was nervous. The others are just so bold, and I thought you would want to be with someone more confident and sexy like Simeon."
'Simeon?' you think to yourself. "That's the second time someone mentioned the Angel's uncharacteristic behavior today." Although your curiosity is fighting to the forefront of your mind, you cannot deprive Asmodeus of the attention he craves. 
"Right now, Asmo, I want to spend time with you." you say, "I want to make sure you know how much I care about you, even if you're not as confident as you usually are right now."
His eyes widen with hope as his furious blush creeps up to the tips of his slightly pointed ears. But he is too tongue-tied to utter anything. He goes to shyly cover his face with his hands but you stop him. 
His skin is hot on contact, but you pretend not to notice. You can tell there is something he wants to say. "Asmo, you know you can tell me anything. Right?"
"I can?" he whispers softly.
"Of course you can."
He takes a deep breath and clenches his fist as if he's gathering the courage to force the words from his pretty lips. "Can I kiss you?" He spits it out so quickly that you almost miss his request.
Your smile is victorious, "Of course you can."
"C-close your eyes, please," he stutters, "It's better that way."
You oblige, letting your eyelids shut. You feel him lean in close, his nervous breaths hitting your skin as the spellbound Demon gathers the courage to kiss you.
You don't dare move; this kiss has to be done on his terms, even if it takes all day. 
His breath hitches, and he goes for it, giving you the smallest, quickest peck on the cheek. Before he slides over to the other side of the bench. A melancholy feeling blooms in your gut as you begin to wonder if that little kiss would really be enough to break the spell he is under.
But to your surprise,  Asmodeus' laughter fills the room, and when you open your eyes, you see the Demon's heavy blush and unconfident posture subsiding. 
The Avatar of Lust pounces on you, wrapping his arms around you tightly and nuzzling his face into your neck. "You are just too cute, Hon." he squeals, very much back to normal. 
One thing you noticed is that he does not look anywhere near as tired as the others did after the spell is broken. Is it his concealer or is it something else?
He notices the way you are looking at him and gives you a dazzling smile. "It will take a bit more than a silly Love Potion to bring me down." he winks. 
"You remember everything?"
"Mostly," he giggles. "I know there was something in the cookies and then I just started feeling strange. I felt like I was watching some kind of bad reality TV show. If I wanted to do something, it was like my body did the opposite." His features soften just a bit, and he looks at you with sincerity. "Still, thank you for looking out for me, Mc. Even if the real me would want to do more with you than just a cute little peck on the cheek, you waited for the cursed version of me to feel comfortable enough to initiate something, and that doesn't really happen a lot." His eyes turn glassy as he grabs your hand. "When you are as beautiful as me and used to having demons, witches, and everything else throw themselves at your feet, you find that people tend to take every inch they can get."
This time, you are the one who can't speak. The meaning behind the Demon's words causes you to hold his hand just a bit tighter as he blinks away his unfallen tears rapidly. This moment between the two of you may not need anything else right now. When words fail, you can rely on something as simple as silence.
"I should go lay down," he says at last, furrowing his brow. "You have a day to save, and I feel like I just drank a whole thing of Devil's Drink."
"Do I even want to know what that is?" you ask with a voice that seems to scream 'tell me.'
He tosses his head back in laughter. "Ohhh, you are so cute. Devil's Drink is a punch that consists of whatever types of demonus someone has on hand. It gets the party started, but afterward, you have the worst hangover ever. 
"Oh my," you shudder, realizing that you and Lucifer are probably going to need to have a talk with him about drinking responsibly later on. "You should lay down then; the others are in the Banquet hall recovering as well."
He turns and starts to walk away before pausing in the corridor and giving you a sly wink. "Don't you worry, Hon; once this whole thing is over with, I promise you I will give you a proper thank you slash makeup Valentine's Date. Kay?" He puts his fingers to his lips and blows you a kiss before leaving you alone in the statue gallery. 
"I'll hold you to it," you smile catching the kiss he blows your way as the carved figures around you send you encouraging smiles to continue your quest. 
All of this walking in silence makes you feel as if you are playing some weird backroom-esque game; you feel hyper-aware of your surroundings, listening for even the smallest sound that could lead you to find another one of your cursed men. 
The bottoms of your feet feel slightly fatigued but you are spurred on by the fact you have managed to find at least half of the guys so far. At this rate, you'll probably be able to find everyone by dinner time. 
Passing by a large window, the bright moonlight blinds you momentarily. You squint and step slightly out of the light, taking a glimpse of the miles and miles of dark forest that lies beyond the glass. 
You take this moment to appreciate that so far, everyone is confined to the walls of the castle. This Love Potion has changed their demeanors so much that if they were to get out into the world, they would make quite the spectacle.
Suddenly, a cool breeze hits your skin, and you stop. The two large glass front drawers to one of the back balconies of the palace are wide open, and the sheer curtains are twisting violently in the breeze.
Knowing Barbatos would never allow this door to remain open for such a long period of time, you come to the conclusion that the door was opened fairly recently.
You begin to panic, your heart thrums wildly in your chest, and you worry that you're going to have a heart attack. You rush outside thinking that someone escaped and is out in the Devildom without their wits.
The cold air embraces you as you glance frantically around. Stepping up to the ledge of the balcony, you look down into the giant hedge maze below. It's only known to few if someone were to stumble out in there. It would take a long time to find them.
Swearing under your breath, you wonder if you are really going to have to go searching in the middle of the maze.
Before you can move to climb down the steps, a thin white flower pedal flies past your face, briefly pooping your nose. This little distraction has you turning your head, and you see a massive figure hunched over on a small-looking stone bench just on the other side of the balcony.
You are with a full sense of relief as you make your way over to them more and more flower petals seem to float to the ground. As you get closer you hear that they are mumbling to themselves.
"They love me. They love me not. They Love me. They love me not." You recognize that voice anywhere.
"Beel?" you say as the Avatar of Gluttony turns eagerly toward you and lets out the happiest little squeal of delight. You've never heard him make such an adorable sound before, and it fills your heart.
He springs from his tiny chair and lumbers over to you eagerly. His inhumanly strong arms wrap around you in a bear hunt that is so tight you can hardly breathe. 
"Can't. Breathe." You out topping his arm to get his attention. He pouts but lets you down gently; even though you're out of his arms, he still has a firm grip on your hand.
"Sorry, Mc, I just love you so much I didn't wanna let you go. I've been wanting to be held by you the entire day."
"That's all right, Beel." You spot a flower petal Stuck in his hair, and you gently take your hand up to his face to remove it. He leans into your touch and lets out a happy little giggle.
"I knew you would come for me." He says enthusiastically. "but it took you so long I thought you forgot all about me. So I started picking the flowers so they could tell me if you loved me or not."
Glancing down briefly, you see flowers he was plucking earlier. You recall from a Devildom botany class they are called eternal daisies. No matter how many one plus a pedal from it, grow back after a few seconds. For the Demon to have amassed such a large pile of petals, he must have been doing this for a while.
"And what did the flowers tell you?" You tease, ruffling his hair; his violet eyes follow your hands as if they are about to show him the world's secrets. Your simple touch makes his heart-shaped pupils grow larger by the second.
"Flowers?" He sighs dreamily, unable to think of anything else but you. Curiously, you decide to let go of the gentle giant to see what he would do if you weren't touching him for a second.
His face falls, and he looks at you like you had just told him Hell's Kitchen shut down for good. 
His kicked puppy persona hurts your heart so bad you immediately grab his hand, and the look of pure bliss returns to his features. 
"You're so cute, Mc," he murmurs softly. 
"Wanna know something? You're even cuter." 
He lets out a delighted squeal and excitedly holds you again. The unnatural warmth radiating from his body makes you realize how cold you are out here on the balcony. 
"Beel, would you like to go inside, and we can get you something to eat?" you ask, hoping to tempt him with food. But he shakes his head adamantly. 
"M' not hungry."
You pinch yourself just to make sure you are not dreaming of Beel denying you a chance to eat.
"Isn't it a little cold out here?" you ask teasingly, trying to take his hand and guide the larger Demon backward, but he stubbornly digs his feet into the ground and shakes his head stubbornly.
 "No, If we go back inside, the others are gonna find you and take you away from me, and I won't get to hold you anymore."
"What will it take to get you to come inside with me?" you sigh. Normally, you don't barter with demons, but you are exhausted and just want to get inside.
"Could you carry me?" he asks, his heart-shaped pupils full of hope.
"Carry you?" you repeat.
"Yeah," he nods, swaying slightly, "like a piggyback ride. I am always the one giving them it would be nice to be carried around for a bit."
"That's true," you nod, glancing back at the door; it's only a few steps. "I guess I could try."
You crouch down slightly so the much larger, much heavier Demon can climb on your back. Thankfully, he goes slow so as to not throw you off balance, but you have to reach deep inside yourself to find the strength to move the Demon made of solid muscle who clings to your back.
No amount of strength training could've prepared you for this.
Beel nuzzles his face into your neck as you take step after agonizing step toward the door. When you finally let him down on the ground, your legs feel like jelly but the look of joy on his handsome features alleviates some of your back pain. 
"That was so fun," he laughs, leaning in and kissing you eagerly as a form of payment. Although you are sore from this unexpected powerlifting session, you accept his kiss happily. It starts off tame and innocent, but he begins to lose himself. 
His gluttony breaks through the spell, and he begins to devour your lips like he hasn't eaten in days. 
When he is satisfied, you pull back and are relieved to see that he has returned to normal. "Mc, I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't believe I made you carry me." he frowns, holding his hands together so tightly it looks painful. 
"It's okay, Beel, I'm fine," you reply, ignoring the slight pain in your back.
"Are you sure?" he asks worriedly. There is so much concern in his gaze you find yourself immediately reassuring him.
"Still, you shouldn't have to carry me. You need it, I will carry you around.-"cut off by the loud growling of his stomach. "M' hungry"
"I bet you are, "you say. His current state of hunger is overpowering the headache the others are suffering from right now. "you should go into the banquet hall; there's still lots of food left over from the party."
"Are you sure you don't wanna come with me?" He asks, "Food tastes so much much better when I'm with you."
"I wish I could, but I have to find Belphie and the others. But I promise I'll be back soon."
You can tell from the look on his face that he wishes he could carry you back to the banquet hall with him, but he leaves. As he disappears out of sight, you hope that all the cursed cookies are hidden away by the time he reaches the banquet hall so he doesn't accidentally eat any more of them.
There is an uncomfortable knot in your back as you walk; giving Beel a piggyback ride certainly was not what you expected you would have to do today. 
The sound of broken glass reaches your ears, causing you to flinch slightly at the noise. 
What was that sound?
Where did it come from?
Is someone hurt?
Briskly, you walk towards the corridor where you heard the sound, your head on a constant swivel for any kind of danger or lone shard of glass until you reach a small staircase.
You don't think you've ever seen it before; the dark wood looks old but well tended by the Butler's expert hand.
Taking hold of a railing, you begin your descent into the darkened room; you feel along the wall for a light switch until you land on it and flick it upwards.
You find yourself standing in the middle of a massive wine cellar with thousands of unique bottles of Demonus. Surround you and you find yourself mesmerized by all the dancing colors of glass.
In the back corner of the room, you find the source of the earlier crash. Belpheghor kneels over a broken bottle of miscellaneous liquor. Shards of glass sprinkled the pool of deep purple liquid-like islands on the sea. 
The youngest avatar of sin moves quickly, cleaning up the mess with a speed you have not seen from him before. He is so focused on the task at hand he doesn't notice you coming up behind him until you utter his name.
"Belphie, I heard the crash. Is everything all right?
His head snaps toward you, and he beams at you, his whole body seemingly abuzz with excitement as he scoops you into his arms. "Careful, there might be some glass still on the floor, I should hold you until it's safe."
"I hope that bottle wasn't too expensive," you shudder, looking at the remains of the bottle that is most likely older than your family tree.
"Nah, that one was only 500 years old. I thought you would like it since it's not too sweet," he mutters, brushing your cheek with his thumb. " I just read the tasting card and thought you would like it more than all those dusty old bottles."
"Five. Hundred. Years?" you breathe, swallowing nervously. 
"Yeah, that's nothing." he laughs. "I am so glad you're here, Mc. I am so bored. Let's do something fun together." He is overflowing with this excitable golden retriever energy, and you can't help but be infected by it.
"Oh yeah? What do you want to do?" you tease, playing along with him. Although you still have to break the spell on him, you may as well have a bit of fun with this energetic version of Belphie while you can. 
"Let's go hiking," he says at once. "It's too boring here, but someone once told me about a great spot for a hike. I have never wanted to go on it before since I would've rather been sleeping, but I think we could have a lot of fun."
"Oh, that would be fun," you smile, leaning your head against his shoulder, "Maybe we should go on a warmer day. That wind is really cold outside, and it will be hard to look at the stars with all the clouds."
His eyes fill with confusion as he looks at you with his unnerving heart-shaped pupils. "Why would I want to look at some dumb stars when you are right in front of me? You are so amazing I don't think I ever want to stop looking at you." Although he isn't going anywhere, his body can't seem to sit still. It's like he is hooked up to an IV full of Red Bull. 
Nervous laughter leaves your lips, and you reach up to play with his hair. "That's really sweet, but wouldn't you get tired?"
"No," he says plainly. "If I close my eyes, then I won't be able to look at you until I open them again."
"Oh really?" A little plan is formulated in your head. "You mean to tell me you will never close your eyes ever again?"
He smiles innocently and shakes his head. "Never again."
"Not even to blink?" you ask, looking up at him with big eyes. With your head cradled in his chest, you notice that even his heartbeat is accelerated. Is this another one of the Potion's side effects? You make a mental note to remember as much information as you can so you can tell Solomon all about this once everything is over and done with. 
"Not even to blink," he says confidently. 
"Prove it. Staring contest right now." 
The prospect of a challenge intrigues the Demon, and he gently sets you down on top of one of the cellar's many kegs. "What do I get if I win?"
"let's see," you hum, holding your chin in consideration. "if you win, we get to go on that hike right now."
"go hiking! Let's do it." he leans him close, never taking his eyes off of you for a second.
"Ready? Go!" You open your eyes wide and meet his gaze. Now that he is face-to-face with you it makes it a lot easier to steal a kiss from him.
Demon is ruptured in the competition at hand to even think that you're going in for the Bell breaking kiss until your lips are on his. And surprise and lets his eyes close, leaving you victorious.
As he comes back to his senses, Belphie relaxes greatly. His movements are lazy, as is his kiss. It's slow and comforting but perfect, nevertheless.
By the time you pull away, you see how heavy his eyelids are drooping.
"Are you tired now, Belphie?" You ask as he rests his head against your shoulder.
"Mmmmmhmmm," he groans. "How'd I get here? What happened to the party?" 
"There was a potion accidentally mixed into the cookies," you explain. "I promise you I'll tell you everything later, but for now, you should go back to the banquet hall and get some sleep; your other brothers are back there waiting for you."
"Is Beel okay?" he murmurs.
"Yes, He's fine now."
"That's good." he sighs, dragging his feet toward the door. "Thank you for helping with all this. Why do we keep dragging you into these messes?"
"To keep me on my toes, I guess." you laugh, basking in the warmth of the Demon's gaze. 
He smiles at your comment, but then a look of realization crosses his features, and he looks at you seriously. 
"Mc, please be careful," he says suddenly, his left hand rubbing his temple as his headache grows. "I don't know why, but I feel like you should really watch yourself around Simeon."
"Don't worry," you reply softly, trying your best to sound reassuring. "I promise I've got this handled. We will all be back together soon…"
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~Thank you for reading!
Part 4 coming soon...
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
@solomiracle @randomdutchgirl @dn4su @downinbedrockck @yuuvis32 @exrellian @cuddlybelphie  @yeet-skeet-nifty-neat @romaissa @littlesliceofcheese @the-panda-queen @enoe-of-noen @marvelous-maniac @irllydontcare69 @im-in-love-with-fairytales @snowthatareblack @stressed-cryptid @miracl3d @eussstasss @ishouldreallykillmyself @unixilian11032 @soupieoopieisloopie @ourfinalisation @daveyserket @fenfourks @laffytaffyspoon @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @beezgobuzzbuzz @darkflowerav @bethleeham @fangirlinindia @eternallyanxiousandstressed @the-sassiest-toaster @nanamisbigassschlong @tak3yourpill @uhnanix @anjodedesgostoeerros @orikuu @lykunsstuff
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azrielwingspan · 7 months
A/N: I've wanted to write a series based on a dark , mystery themed vibe for so long and I thought this would be a good way to start it off. I get to write about my favourite characters and transform it into something a bit darker and mystery fuelled. So I'm hoping you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed imagining it.
!! The image below does not belong to the author !!
Genre: Suspense thriller, Romance
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Summary : The Prophecy. A band of words that incited terror in people but you had long since learnt that the fear of the unknown strikes deeper.
The prophecy was just the beginning of the end.
Warnings : Mentions of violence
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"You would be a fool to not involve your cousin, Rhysand." Amren said coldly for the umpteenth time that night. "There is a reason the prophecy refers to the both of you. Don't try to change the course of fate boy. Not even a Lord of the Night can cross the Mother."
"I would be a fool to lead her into the arms of a certain death. If ignoring a prophecy is what must be done to keep her safe, I will do it." Rhys was growing more agitated as the conversation turned south.
"Saving one girl is worth the lives of millions?"
Silence prevailed at Amren's question. The office in the River House enclosed a dark and gloomy atmosphere as if detecting the undertone of the conversation and the issue at hand. The faelights flickered casting deep shadows across the Fae and Illyrians that had gathered in the room.
Hands clenched on the table, Rhysand took in deep breaths appearing to fight an internal battle. He had too much to lose. Too many to fight for. What was the purpose of being the most powerful high lord the world had ever seen if he couldn't keep his own family safe? He was tired of losing people, tired of fighting, tired of wondering if tomorrow would be someone's last.
"I promised her that no harm would come to her as long as I live." He said softly, seeming to speak to himself. "I made sure she was safe from Amarantha, from Hybern and mostly from myself. If it were to become public knowledge that we are related, they will hunt her down. They will torture her, use her and kill her mercilessly."
Amren's eyes softened at the agony in his voice. "The world is a cruel place, Rhysand. We do not have say in the destiny that has been chosen for us. We must simply walk, trudge and crawl along the path."
He let out scornful laugh, running his hands through his hair agitatedly. "It has been especially cruel to us I think."
Feyre's eyes lined with tears at her mate's heartache. She'd known about the things he had done to keep his cousin far away even if it hurt him. To see him unravel now because of a Cauldron damned prophecy was distressing to watch.
"Rhys." Cassian spoke into the silence that had claimed the room yet again. "I promise you, I'll keep her safe. No matter what comes her way."
"So will I." Azriel stepped up, his shadows stirring over his shoulders.
"All of us will." Feyre declared, her hand coming to rest on her mates shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Her touch seemed to relax Rhysand immediately, his shoulders drooping underneath her hand.
Placing his head in his hands, Rhysand took in a deep breath, the battle within his mind coming to a conclusion. Feyre's grip tightened lightly, giving him the energy to push through yet another decision that would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life.
"I'll go visit her myself. Explain the situation. The Prophecy. All of it. Whether she comes or not , is upto her." The others nodded in agreement.
"That is the least I can do for her. Give her a choice..... live or die."
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A/N : Comment below if you want to be added to the tag list !
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
You know I had to do another one! 💙🥂
From the 5 word list, #16 - “Please stay with me tonight.” - with John or Tommy (that's up to you!)
(2 of 2)
Thanks for sending this one in also, Bri! I went with John on it so that I could break to the little Tommy steak that was going on before this! I also may be bending canon a little bit here, but oh well. And I couldn’t resist the silly title. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
Gangsters Have Feelings…?
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, smoking, one sexual reference
Word Count: 1017
Summary: John calls on (Y/N) when he’s having trouble coping with the decisions of his brother, Tommy. (Y/N)’s quite honestly surprised to see this side of him.
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(Y/N) took the moment of pause in the conversation she was having to wonder just how in the hell she’d wound up in this position. She never could have expected that her on the fly befriending of John Shelby one evening at the Eden Club would have led to showing up at his hotel room because he needed someone to talk to.
Hell, this brought on a whole new question…gangsters have feelings?
She hadn’t thought of it before, but it was becoming clear that they did…or this one did at least.
From the second she entered the suite, she knew that John was upset. She felt it. The usual energy that he exuded whenever she was around him was missing, and he wasn’t paying much care to his appearance at the moment. His usual three-piece suit had been exchanged for a pair of slacks and a messily tucked in undershirt.
The reason for his calling became apparent the second she asked him what had been going on. A simple question opened the floodgates of complaints of how his brother had been running the business; putting a much younger cousin in a more respectable position while he and his other brother were expected to keep up with the unmentionable side of things.
“You know I never had any ambition to sit in an office and jerk around over some fucking papers, but it’s just that…that’s me own fucking brother making the calls. I mean…it’s gotta count for something, right?” John started talking again, making (Y/N) focus back in on the conversation.
“It should,” she offered a comment, letting him know that she was actively listening to his plight.
John sighed and carded his fingers through the longer parts of his hair before bringing the cigar he’d been smoking up to his lips. He took a deep drag and blew the smoke out in a steady stream as he peered through the window. “And now Michael’s in the office and Arthur’s in charge of London, and I ain’t got nothin’. Tommy doesn’t care though because all I am is some fuckin’ yes man who takes care of errands for him.”
“I…” (Y/N) stopped herself before she could continue. She didn’t really know what to say. Talking hadn’t been placed that high on the agenda of their previous visits. (Y/N) didn’t really know anything about John Shelby…other than he most certainly knew what to do in bed. So she wasn’t sure what type of can of worms she could open by giving improper advice. She could tell that he was looking for it though; advice. “I’m sure that Tommy cares about you, John. You’re his brother,” she started off with a vague statement.
“That’s about all I am,” John mumbled as he shook his head, his eyes focused on the floor.
(Y/N) sighed as she stood from the chair she’d been sitting on. She silently moved over to the window sill he’d been sitting on and took a seat on the corner of it that had been left open. “Look, John…” she paused again, trying to come up with how she was going to finish the rest of her statement. She hated that she didn’t know exactly what to say. “I don’t know much detail about the area of business that you and your family work in, but I do know the man that you are. I know that you care, that you give your all to what you’re doing, and that you’re damn good at it.” She didn’t take his eyes off of him after she finished speaking, watching for any little movement he might make.
Instead of saying anything, John just shook his head. It didn’t seem as though he was shaking off her statement, but rather shaking his head at the situation in general.
“John,” she spoke his name like a breath, hoping that he’d at least look at her. She was really struggling with what more she could add in to help the situation. There had to be some reason he called her to come over, right?
Thankfully, her attempt worked, and he lifted his downtrodden eyes up to match hers. The hopeless expression that was etched into his features made her frown, and she couldn’t stop from reaching out and cupping his cheek with her hand. She brushed her thumb against his skin while keeping eye contact, hoping that her comforting actions would make up for the fact that she had no clue of what to say.
Some time - (Y/N) wasn’t even sure how much - passed before she spoke again. “John, I’m sorry…I want to help, but I’m struggling with what more I should add,” she finally came clean, explaining her internal dilemma before she sent a sympathetic look his way.
“You comin’ here is help enough, love,” he answered her, leaning into her touch. His statement made the smallest smile form on (Y/N)’s face, and that alone helped him start to forget about his woes.
“I…um…” she stuttered over her words as she tired to think of what to say next.
“Please stay with me tonight,” John - thankfully - cut her off. The sentence, which was usually asked as a question, was spoken by the Birmingham gangster as a statement.
“You want me to?” she checked before giving her answer.
“I need you to,” he answered with a reworded version of her statement.
(Y/N) thought for a moment. This question - that John had been asked her many times before - sounded different now. He needed her in a way that he hadn’t before. The thought of that made her heart start to beat faster.
“Will you?” he asked after a few beats had passed.
“I will,” she nodded, sending him a smile.
“Thank you,” he breathed, taking her by surprise as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She didn’t pull back from it though, immediately kissing him back. “Thank you, (Y/N),” he pulled away just enough to say before his lips were on hers again.
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**taglists are added in the reblogs!
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sungvrhs · 8 months
something which includes playing with Heesung's hair at 3 in the morning and we both can't sleep. its just physical affection
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respectfully he is a macaron
Genre: Fluff | Heeseung!male x reader!female word count: 1.3K
Tossing hereby against the chilly sheets of your bed, the moonlight cascaded against the windowpane, the shimmering dust colliding with the light, reflecting like sparkles in the dim room, your gaze went up to stare at the ceiling, the fan rotating in a never ending cycle as the wind blew down to your face, hair strands drifting away from your forehead. A deep sigh left your lips as your gaze went to look at your boyfriend next to you, sound asleep. One thing that you always wanted to do was the stargaze in the midst of night, but for now, your favorite sight seemed to be lost in his dreamland for a while. You take support of your elbow as you move to face him, your eyes tracing to capture his facial features; taking in each and every detail of his facial outlines as if you were the artist who was taking motion capture for the reference painting before your hands start to work on the canvas.
His damson locks rested against his forehead as his lips rested in a pout while his cheeks sunk deep in the pillow, his arms resting underneath it. The peaceful expressions that he unknowingly wore somewhat gave you peace as a small smile lingered against your lips. The clock struck three as your phone on the nightstand lit up with the notification. A sigh escaped your lips as your gaze went to drift back to him, wondering on how to sleep. Sunday morning was to arrive in a few hours and you had planned to duck under the duvets earlier on Saturday night just to be more productive for the following day…but what you didn’t look forward to was having your sleep taking a mere break in the middle of the night. “Can’t sleep?” His husky voice rings through your ears as you feel his arms snaking around your waist, tugging you close whilst his eyes remain close. “Sorry, did I wake you up?” You question softly, your hands rushing softly to run through his messy locks as you sit up, letting him snuggle against your waist. “No you didn’t. I was up already, trying to figure out how to oversleep.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips, following yours, lighting up the room with sounds of laughter. Your hand ran through his locks softly, his eyes fluttering open for a short while as he looked up to meet your eyes, the soft gaze lingering about yours as you smiled. “What are you looking at?” You spoke, your eyes disappearing at your wide smile which you didn't even recognize had lingered on your lips as the latter let out a chuckle.
“Looking at the world that resides in your orbs.” You threw your head back softly. “My eyes almost disappear when I smile like that.” You grin, your head dipping down to close the distance between the two of you as he shook his head sideways. “Doesn’t stop me from stargazing my whole galaxy.” Your hand made a way to push back your loose hair strands, covering your face with your free hand. “Hee it’s literally 3 in the morning and you're being extra cheesy.” You heard him chuckling as he rested his head on your lap, finally able to meet your gaze in a comfortable position whilst your other hand continued to ruffle against his locks, sending small exasperated sighs escaping his lips frequently along with the rhythmic breathing. “The hour brings in a new energy in me.” He spoke, the grin never leaving his lips as you rolled your eyes playfully at him. A moment of silence engulfs the two of you, with only the soft gales knocking against the window pane and the low whizzing of the fan, following the soft breaths of the two of you. Even in the dark, the shine of his eyes never failed to vanish, his eyes reflected the same enthusiasm that he had in the morning. “Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have crossed paths with you.” He shifted his face to the right as he spoke, “What makes you think that?” he questioned, causing you to lift your head up to ponder over it as your lips unzipped, letting out all those words that were imprinted in your brain. “Like, the thought alone makes me wonder that this all is a dream and I might wake up from this mid reality one day. And that the perfection you reside in makes me want you to give you the best you deserve.” You let the words sink in your surroundings as you turn to face him, catching him staring at you as he speaks. “But darling, I’m not that perfect. No human is. And The best that I deserve is having you by my side. I don’t ask for anything else.” “What are you talking about? You’re the most perfect man I’ve ever seen.” The words escaped your mouth as you were surprised at how he wasn’t yet sure about himself. He? Not being perfect? The universe must be blind. His gaze met yours, adoration coating his orbs. “Like I fail to find the right words everytime when it comes to you.” He grinned at your words, moving his head up closer to you as he spoke, “Oh so you mean that I do make you stutter.” Cheeks flushing on the crimson shades as you throw your head back, suppressing your shy smile. “You always do that when I try to make a nice, decent conversation!” He turns to face the photoframe of the two of you posing on the beach, clicked and framed from the memories made 7 months ago.  Your gaze went to follow his, past memories of you meeting him for the very first time in the university library reflected across your eyes. “Sometimes I wonder what if I skipped university that day.” A laughter escaped his lips as he spoke, “Well, for your information, I had you and your name branded on my smile since the very first day I saw you.” You turn to look at him, playfully shocked at his words. “No way.” You spoke as he nodded, a giggle escaping your lips as he spoke. “I thank the professor for letting me switch classes, otherwise I would have fought my way to swap them.” He spoke, chuckling at your reaction. “You’re unbelievable Hee.” You were way more than amused at the new tea that he was spilling. “You never told me that though.” You spoke, eyeing him down as your hands continued to stroke his hair, his facial expressions falling loose at the content. “Well, some teas are meant to be spilled at different times.”
His gaze never leaving yours whilst his lips parted a bit, drowning in your hazel orbs as the clock struck 4am, drifting both of you away from your trance to view the clock. “It’s 4 already?” You spoke, scratching your nape as Heeseung got up from your lap, his hands supporting him as he came closer to you. “What do you want to do?” He spoke, eyeing your hands as his made their way to interlock with yours, causing you to look at him with a surprised smile. “What? They looked lonely.” He sulked, swinging them softly as you chuckled. “Wanna eat ramen?” You suggested, causing the latter’s eyes to lit up with joy as he nodded. “Only if you cook.” He spoke, getting off the bed as he pushed away the duvet, causing you to chuckle at his actions. “I won’t leave the kitchen in your hands anyways.” You spoke, getting off the bed too as Heeseung dramatically gasped at your words. “Hey! I ain’t that bad at cooking.” He spoke, following you as you opened the door wide. “Not bad but not good.” You spoke, chuckles escaping from both of your ends. NOTE: This one came out short hehe. If there are any grammatical errors, please ignore because English is not my first language. Feel free to leave comments and re-blog <3
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genshin-scenarios · 8 months
Feel absolutely free to ignore this, but after the corrupt!xiao fic I’m curious: got any corrupt venti thoughts you’re willing to share?
Corrupt!Venti AU
DISCLAIMER: the rest of this is just an AU setting! not canon-compliant + may reference SPOILERS in general for the archon quests and genshinlore
"My dear warrior, have you come to devote your voice to me?
Don't worry now! I'll make sure to put it to good use. With my help, your story will never fade from the songs of time. That is what my love can promise you. Have I ever led you astray?"
I can see this being caused by the defiled statue the Traveler found a while ago! Along with some other attempts from the Abyss to weaken the Anemo Archon's power...
Perhaps in this AU, Venti tried going against the summoning of archons to Khaenri'ah, which led to a warning/consequence from Celestia; tying the entrance to Celestia somewhere on Mondstadt, so that if their enemies were to seek it out, he would be placed under the burden of protecting them, for if not, Mondstadt would too be run down (punishing a god for his kindness... things like that)
ANYWAYS, in this case, I think if the Abyss did manage to weaken him enough, he'd probably sense his own corrosion coming and put Mondstadt into a timeloop as a last means of keeping his people safe + keep out the Abyss?
It takes the last of his power and he leaves to the outskirts, where he hides away in a hidden domain to 'rest', but of course he can't stave away the corrosion forever, and it takes form.
You're within Mondstadt during this timeloop, and are eventually led to the hidden domain because you're the only one that can hear a mysterious song calling out to you
Cue corrupted!Venti luring you in, because by now, he's not exactly himself anymore - dark purple energy replacing his previous anemo teal powers and the shade of his eyes
But it's Venti, and even if he's forgotten about his nation by now (only that they're locked away to keep them safe, in the illusion of freedom and peace), he remembers you.
...Well, he remembers his attachment to you, and asks if you'd like to stay with him there, in that domain. If you lend him your voice, perhaps he can figure out a way to keep you with him forever too! (Read: do not, he is stealing your voice as a source of power to use)
But perhaps even this is because a part of himself deep down remembers how he loved to hear you calling his name, laughing with him, and the way you used to look at him with...
"Is that fear in your eyes?" Venti hums, circling around you with lightness in his steps. He's in his archon form, wings brushing against your shoulder. You try not to think about the last time he showed you this form - back when it was a secret between the both of you, under clear skies and teal feathers that made your heart soar. The purple that cuts into your gaze sobers you. "Would you prefer if our new home was more reminiscent of old times?"
New home, as if he's already decided you aren't leaving now that you've found your way to him again. You briefly wonder if there's any ounce of the old Venti still in there, and if he was perhaps keeping you close to stop him from doing all this.
...Or maybe, he was asking you to keep him company before the world falls down, knowing that once the timeloop could no longer be sustained, even with his corrupted powers, you'd have to step up as a hero once more. Slay the monsters, free the kingdom. Save your friends.
With a lilting giggle, Venti covers your eyes with his hands. And when he takes them away, the domain has turned into...
Windrise? No, some condensed version of it, with azure skies and calming wind trailing on for miles. The tree still sits there. You remember the first time Venti introduced you to the sight.
He calls your name, and before you is Venti, still in his archon form, but with his blue glow and green eyes again. He gives you a cheeky smile, and you feel your heart ache.
"Better?" Venti cups your cheeks, stepping closer to you to place his forehead against yours. It's gentle, but you feel a foreign energy that's seeping away at yours, like it's trying to steal more away.
Like he can no longer love the same, needing to take something as a keepsake, before this illusion ends.
Maybe doing so in this form is an act of mercy to you. Venti's always been one to make sacrifices that were lost to the wind.
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sequinsmile-x · 6 months
[ joo-buh-luhns ] Noun.
a feeling or expression of great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; gladness or exultation
In which Emily and Aaron are having a baby, and he immediately gives the game away because of his excellent mood.
Hi friends,
This was partially inspired by the opening of an episode of Bones. It felt very Hotchniss, and I couldn't resist. I needed to write something soft, silly and hopefully funny to keep my mind off of things, so here's some Sunday fluff for you all <3
As always, please let me know what you think <3
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: pregnancy, references to infertility/struggling to conceive
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily groans as the alarm goes off, pressing her face into her pillow as she hears a low chuckle behind her, the sound passing from her husband’s chest to hers from where he’s pressed up against her. 
“Turn it off,” she grumbles, and he laughs again, lifting his arm from her over her waist to reach behind him and turn off the alarm. She takes the opportunity to turn in his embrace, to press her face against his neck as she snuggles against him, relaxing into his embrace as he wraps his arms around her, “I hate mornings.” 
Aaron smiles and kisses the top of her head, running his hand up and down her back for a moment, but he stops because he knows it will lull her back to sleep. 
“I know you do, sweetheart,” he says, kissing her head again, “The boys will be up soon.” 
She groans, hearing what he hasn’t said, and she rests her chin on his chest to look up at him, “They get the early riser gene from you,” she says, frowning before she stamps a kiss against his lips. She sits up and stretches, her stomach lurching as soon as she’s upright, making her grimace,  “Lucas definitely doesn’t get it from me.” 
He chuckles at the mention of their two year old, his endless energy and love for his mother’s attention meant that Emily very rarely got lie-ins these days. He knows that despite her grumbling she wouldn’t change a thing. He’d often find her downstairs before he’d even got out of bed, Lucas on her hip and Jack helping her make breakfast, a tired smile on her face as their sons both talked at her. 
“Maybe this one will take after you,” he says, reaching out and placing his hand on her stomach, but she bats him away, standing up and furrowing her brows at him. 
“We don’t even know I’m definitely pregnant, honey,” she says, walking around the bed, her hands on her hips as she comes to a stop on his side, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” 
It was a feeling that had settled in three days ago, a level of tiredness she hadn’t felt since just before they found out she was pregnant with Lucas settling into her bones. Then nausea followed, something she had half convinced herself was psychosomatic, her desperation to have another baby making her body play a cruel trick on her. She’d told Aaron how she was feeling and she saw the immediate excitement that had flashed through his eyes before he could control it. They’d been trying since Lucas was a year old, an unspoken acknowledgement that if they wanted to grow their family they had a limited amount of time to do it lingering in every conversation. 
Emily had struggled as the months rolled on and they had no luck, and the disappointment only got sharper at Lucas’s recent second birthday, the knowledge that she’d been trying to have a baby for a whole year heavy on her shoulders as she tried to enjoy watching her little boy cover himself with cake. She and Aaron had agreed they’d go to the doctor after their son’s birthday if nothing had happened, and she was due to go next week, an appointment already booked for her with her OBGYN. 
Now she was wondering if she’d need the appointment for an entirely different reason than the one she’d booked it for, treacherous hope simmering under her skin even though she was the one consistently calming Aaron down. She’d made it clear she wasn’t going to take a test until she was late, not sure she could cope with the disappointment of looking at another negative test if she could avoid it, and he’d happily agreed, his smile soft and understanding as he leant forward and kissed her forehead. 
As of this morning, she was officially a day late. 
“I have a good feeling,” he says, reaching out and grabbing her hand, squeezing gently as he smiles at her, and she can’t help but smile back, love for him, for their family, warming her from the inside out. 
“Me too,” she says quietly, as if she was worried if she said it too loudly it would ruin everything, that the universe would snatch this from her before she even got to have it. She leans forward and stamps a kiss against his lips before she carries on walking towards the ensuite, “I’m going to go pee on a stick.” 
She blows out a steady breath as she closes the bathroom door behind her, giving herself a moment to centre herself before she carries on. She walks towards the medicine cabinet and pulls the box of tests from where she’d hidden them in the back, blocked by tampons and Motrin so she didn't have to look at them every time she opened the cabinet. She tears the packaging open and breathes slowly before she walks over to the toilet, pushing down the pair of Aaron’s boxers that she’d stolen to be her pjyamas as she sits down. Once she’s done, she clicks the lid on the test and places it on the counter, purposely ignoring it as she flushes the toilet and then washes her hands. She sets a timer on her phone and places it next to the test before she keeps herself busy, well aware from experience that a watched test never seemingly came up with a result. 
She washes her face, nerves and nausea rolling in her belly as she looks at herself in the mirror and dries her skin. She jumps when her phone alarm goes off, and she huffs out a breath, shaking her head at herself as she turns it off. She closes her eyes as she picks up the test, holding the plastic stick in her hand as she takes in a few shaky breaths, hope and pre-emptive grief swirling through her before she forces herself to open her eyes. 
It takes a moment for the small pink cross to register, the positive result bright and unmistakable as it stares up at her. 
She gasps, the sound shuddering through her as she covers her mouth with her hand, her gaze still fixed on the test as her vision goes blurry from the immediate tears that press at the back of her eyes. 
“Aaron!” She calls out, only aware of the desperation in her voice when he runs into the room like he’s on fire, in his boxers and his shirt for work, the buttons only partially done up as he looks at her with wide eyes. 
“Sweetheart?” He says as he approaches her, his face painted with sympathy as he mistakes her tears for sadness, his disappointment burning him as he pushes it down, her feelings always more important to him than his own. He steps towards her, his arms outstretched to pull her into a hug, and she chokes on a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh as she shakes her head, “Oh, Em-” 
“It’s positive,” she says, turning the test so he can look at it, and he freezes on the spot, his eyes wide as he takes the test from her, looking at it with the same level of concentration he would look at complicated case files, “I’m pregnant!”
There’s a moment of silence before he looks at her, his smile wide as his eyes shine too and he pulls her into a fierce hug, “You’re pregnant.” 
They both laugh, delighted and wet as the sound pushes past their happy tears. He pulls her impossibly closer, the positive test still clasped in his hands as he kisses her fiercely, everything he always told her and everything he’d never been able to put into words pressed against her lips. 
“I love you,” he says, barely pulling back to speak, “I love you so fucking much.” 
“I love you too,” she replies, resting her forehead against his, her chest aching with happiness. She places her head on his shoulder and angles her face so she’s looking at the test he’s still holding, the two of them staring at the result like it might disappear, “I can’t believe it,” she says, swallowing thickly, “I…I was half convinced I was imagining things.” 
He kisses her cheek and then her nose before turning her head with his hand on her cheek to capture her lips in another kiss, “We’re having another baby.” 
She nods, her lips pressed together as she tries to contain her happiness, still not used to feeling this way after all this time with him, “We’re having another baby.” 
They let themselves sit in it. They enjoy the moment they’d wanted for a year, one that she’d half convinced herself they’d never get. She knows there is still a long way to go, but she starts to imagine what their lives would be like with another kid, how much more beautifully chaotic their life would soon become. Their bubble bursts as they hear Lucas yell from his room, his voice carrying down the hall and through the door, 
They both chuckle and Emily kisses her husband one more time before she pulls away, “Duty calls.” 
She winks at him and leaves the room, a bounce to her step she hadn’t had earlier, happiness and joy and something close to relief flowing through her. She smiles as she enters her son’s room, smiling at how adorably rumbled he looks sat up in his bed as he rubs his eyes, his hair askew just like Aaron and Jack’s would always be.
“Morning, Lukey,” she says, smiling as she walks over and lifts him up into her arms, kissing the side of his head as she settles him on her hip, her mind already wondering what their baby would like, what they would be like, “Did you sleep okay?” 
He nods and smiles at her, “Pancakes?” 
She chuckles and starts to walk out of his room. Pancakes were usually a weekend food, but that never stopped either of her sons from asking for it during the week. 
“I have a feeling Daddy will make whatever you want for breakfast today, sweet boy.” 
He was so happy he could burst. 
He could feel it vibrating through him, his skin fizzing with the knowledge that they were going to extend their family. It was a feeling that was chased by relief. He’d seen how months and months of not getting pregnant were affecting Emily, how she’d started turning in on herself, blame that she turned inwards simmering in her eyes even though she’d never vocalised it. He was happy for them, happy that their family was growing, that his sons would have another sibling to grow up with, but he was also happy for his wife. She wanted this so much it made her ache, and she was such a good mother. She was the centre of their family, the glue that held them all together, and he already had images of a little girl who looked exactly like her floating through his mind, her face not entirely clear but her smile and her laugh a mirror image of her mother’s. 
Emily had taken the boys to school and daycare, leaving him with a kiss and a wink as she bundled their sons into her car and a promise that she’d see him at work. They’d decided they weren’t going to tell anyone about the baby, not for a few weeks. They’d done the same when they were having Lucas, both of them enjoying having a secret that was just for them. By the time Aaron gets to the office, he knows his wife won’t be far behind. He’d stopped off at her favourite coffee shop to get her some tea that had always settled her stomach when she was pregnant with Lucas. When he was there, overcome with happiness and his good mood, he’d the whole team coffee too, their orders permanently engrained in his mind after so many years working together. 
He walks through the glass doors and smiles as he spots the team all standing around Spencer’s desk and he puts down the coffee carriers on Emily’s desk. 
“Good morning,” he says, smiling at them as he starts to pick up the coffees whilst they all reply, reading the descriptions scrawled on the side by the barista, “that’s Emily’s tea,” he says, placing it on her desk, “And a black coffee for Reid, Morgan and Dave,” he says, passing them out, missing the way they team all looked at each other through the side of their eyes as he looks back down at the remaining drinks, “And a sugar-free vanilla latte for JJ, and a cold brew for Garcia.” He finally looks up and he furrows his brows when he sees them all staring at him, various stages of confusion painted across their faces, “What?” 
Derek speaks first, his coffee still in his hand as he narrows his eyes, “What’s put you in such a good mood?” 
Aaron clears his throat and slips his hands into his pants pockets, trying to play it cool, “What do you mean?” 
“The coffee,” Dave answers, holding his up before he points over to Aaron, “The smiling, it’s unsettling.” 
He rolls his eyes at his friend, “It’s not that rare.” 
“Spence,” JJ says as she narrows her eyes slightly, a wry smile on her face as she turns her attention to Spencer, “When was the last time Hotch bought us all coffee?” 
“Two years and eight months ago,” he answers quickly, his smiles pressed together, “Around the time that Emily was-”
“Oh my god, is Peaches pregnant?” Penelope squeals, coming to the same conclusion and cutting over Spencer. 
Aaron doesn’t get a chance to react beyond his mouth falling open, a desperate attempt to say something failing him as the glass door opens again and Emily joins them, her smile wide as she walks over. 
“Good morning,” she says, the same air of happiness flowing off of her that was surrounding Aaron. Her smile slips slightly when she sees how everyone is staring at her, and she turns to look at her husband quickly before she looks back at her friends, “What’s going on?” 
Penelope pulls her into a tight hug, “You’re pregnant!”
Emily sighs and rolls her eyes as she steps back from the embrace, her eyes narrowing as she looks at her husband, irritation licking at her insides, “Really? You didn’t even last thirty minutes?” 
“I didn’t say anything!” He insists, his hands on his hips as he looks back and forth between everyone, and Dave just laughs. 
“He was in the best mood I have ever seen him in since you two told us you were having Lucas. It didn’t take much to connect the dots.”
Aaron frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, “It’s not that rare for me to be in a good mood.” 
Emily presses her lips together and shakes her head, placing her hand on his arm and squeezing as any irritation she’d felt melts away. She loved that he was serious, and she loved that their boys were too. Frowns that matched their father’s whenever they were sad or annoyed, an edge of sternness to them that she thinks a 9-year-old and a 2-year-old shouldn’t be capable of. She liked to gently make fun of Aaron for it sometimes, her tongue pressed up against the back of her teeth as she smiled when he was grumpy for no particular reason, but she always felt protective if someone else was to comment on it. Her love for him an armour she’d always use to keep him safe, even from well-meaning jokes from their friends. 
“It’s very sweet that you think that’s true, honey,” she says, before she turns back to her friends, sighing as she speaks again, “Yes, I am pregnant-” she’s cut off by Penelope squealing but she carries on, “- we just found out this morning, I haven’t even been to the doctor yet. So, please keep it to yourselves,” she looks at Penelope specifically, “And please don’t get carried away.” 
Penelope nods and clears her throat, her smile suppressed as she agrees, “Yes, of course.” 
Aaron clears his throat, “Now that’s out of the way, we probably should start work for the day.” 
Emily smiles as the team all nod and settle back at their desks, all offering soft congratulations. JJ sneaks in a quick hug and tells her how happy she is for her, the only person outside of Aaron to whom she’d confided her concerns about not getting pregnant again, Emily places her bag down on her desk and picks up the drink Aaron had left there. She shakes her head lovingly when she sees that it’s the tea she’d fallen in love with during her pregnancy with Lucas and she turns to look at him, her smile soft as their eyes meet. 
He nods towards his office and she follows him, ignoring how everyone watches them go, and as soon as they are in the room, the door closes behind them, he blows out a breath, clearly annoyed at himself as he rubs the bridge of his nose. 
“Sweetheart, I am so sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean to give it away.” 
“I know you didn’t,” She presses her lips together and steps closer to him, wrapping her arms around him and smiling when he looks at her, “And I can’t exactly be mad that you’re so happy you couldn’t hide it,” she says, shrugging slightly as her smile gets wider, “It’s sweet.” 
He raises his eyebrows, clearly having expected a different reaction, “Really?”
She nods and leans in to kiss him, a quick thing against his lips, “Really,” she says, kissing him again, “Besides, this is something I can embarrass her with when she’s older,” she says, dragging his hand to her flat stomach, “I can tell her all about the time her daddy was so excited she existed that he accidentally told everyone about her before he meant to.” 
He smiles, his cheeks aching with it as he leans forward to kiss the tip of her nose, “Her?” 
She feels her cheeks go pink, her skin flushing with happiness and something close to embarrassment as she shrugs again, “Yeah, her. It’s just a feeling.” 
He wraps his arms around her and hugs her close, “I have the same feeling too.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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scretladyspider · 9 months
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please don’t scroll; I really need your help to reach my gofundme goal of $3500 and not become homeless.
Im Elle, a queer, ace, disabled person with ADHD, depression, and two cats. In November, I lost my job without warning. I have no savings as the job already had me living to the last dollar of every paycheck. I was denied unemployment and food stamps. I cannot work away from home, a physical job, or something with strict hours due to some yet-to-be-diagnosed illness.
this is my story — what’s going on & how I got here. (Smaller text used because it’s a lot of information/a long post.)
In early 2018, I was doing regular walk/runs. In 2019, I stopped being able to run, so I went on walks. Running took hours, then days, to recover from. My body couldn’t produce energy to do it consistently, so, walks. In 2020, I kept going on walks and tried to do aerobics. I was not able to keep doing aerobics. My body took hours upon hours to recover, where before it hadn’t, I was alone for almost all of 2020, and never developed COVID symptoms; it was what happened with running all over again. In 2021, it started to take more time to recover from walks. Then I started to need to take a nap immediately after I clocked out from work— and it was a work from home job. In 2022, I began to go from my sitting desk job straight to my bed most days, laying down exhausted right after work, even sleeping through lunch to get some rest.
On New Year's Eve 2023, I spent 30 minutes cleaning, including vacuuming my living room. I had to rest the rest of the day.
In the last five years, I've gone from running to being exhausted for hours by taking my garbage to the curb.
Imagine you were someone who enjoyed recreational exercise. Now imagine doing 1/100th of that and feeling sick for days. Thats me.
There are other symptoms also. More vulnerability to infection and more trouble fighting infection. Shooting, sharp muscle pains in large muscles such as the thigh or forearm, like a pinched nerve, that come and go at random. Pulse rate that skyrockets upon standing, to go back to normal soon after. Stomach inflammation. Inflammation without major swelling. Headaches. Complete inability to tolerate heat, leading to excruciating migraines that only go away with things like cold showers, electrolytes, and hours of rest in the dark with ice. Muscles that literally don't feel like they're getting oxygen. Random rashes. Face flushing. Being much more easily out of breath, yawning over and over, like I can't get air correctly. Weight gain, no matter what I eat or don't eat.
And just being so, so tired.
In summer of 2018, something… stopped working in my body. I felt sick all the time. I had a low, unexplainable fever nearly every day. Shooting nerve pain would wake me up at night. The doctor said I had a cold. But months went by and I didn’t get better. When my blood work and thyroid hormone level was normal, I was referred to a rheumatologist.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after he made me wait 45 minutes, came in and asked “are you tired?", poked me hard, said I was tender, and left without running tests. This sort of “uhm the standard blood work came back normal, have you tried exercising more? I know you’re here because your body can’t recover from it but have you tried more of that? Also going to sleep at night?” has been the response over and over and over for five years. It got to the point where I even started to wonder if I was somehow making it up. I see a psych nurse. She thinks there's more than just depression, ADHD, and other things - though we both agree that managing those is vital too. She used to be a cardiologist, so this is reassuring. But when I have tried to see other doctors, it goes differently. Most of the time they see I have ADHD, a long history of depression, and hypermobile joints, and say that explains everything. I can't count how many times I've been told "well, you have depression” when the labs, if they even agreed to run them, came back normal. My standard blood work sometimes comes back with anemia, but I take an iron supplement. No improvement had come of it. I’ve had my thyroid hormone levels tested over and over, but never the antibodies. No imaging or referrals have happened, outside of one to a second rheumatologist. He ran no tests either; he just saw my joints are hypermobile and I was “sure taking a lot of mental health medications” (two at the time), and… that was that.
I had given up on actually even getting help until my SIL recommended a doctor she knew. For the first time in five years, when the standard blood work and TSH tests were normal, she told me we would keep looking. I actually cried with relief at that. It’s amazing to be believed after all this time.
Because of …. All of this, I'm trying to figure out how to either work for myself or find a work from home job that has flexible hours I can choose. I literally wouldn't be able to work a retail gig where I have to stand for eight hours, or even a 9-5 where I have to be there for those exact hours, because my body cannot do that right now. I want to get better but it's a long way off. First I need to know what's even wrong. I'm praying for a diagnosis soon. And treatment. At the least, management.
I have heard of EDS and I have been evaluated. I apparently don’t meet enough criteria, hence the diagnosis of JHS instead. It’s in the same family. I have also heard of POTS. I am pursuing testing. Same with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MCAS, fibromyalgia… yeah. The thing is nothing outside of the standard blood count and thyroid hormone level test, no other lab tests have been done. There are so many things this could be that have never been checked. Lyme disease, for example, is extremely common where I live (it’s actually just extremely common worldwide) and matches much of my experience, but 1) in the USA the initial Lyme test relies on a strain of bacteria cultured in the 80s 2) there are over 100 strains of Lyme disease in the USA 3) in spite of decades of research there are doctors who don’t believe chronic Lyme exists 4) no doctor has ever checked and I only recently learned anything about it so I never asked. But… there are a lot of things to check that I’ve never had checked is my point. Fingers crossed someone can help me get there.
I do not have a partner who can try to support me through this, and my family already supports me however they can. My severance (which was low as I found out I was being paid much less than the rest of the team later) paid only my January rent.
Since my ability to work is severely limited right now, and I've been denied unemployment and food stamps, and I would need a diagnosis and to be awarded disability benefits in court (which can take YEARS that I don’t have), I have nothing in savings because of years of underpaying jobs the cost of living and being disabled and going through prior periods of unemployment due to this and other factors, I am left in a tough spot without help. Without this help, this gofundme... I have nothing.
So... here I am. A queer nonbinary disabled neurodivergent writer, trying my best, living with some undiagnosed illness that's severely impacted my ability to function, who got fired without real reasons (in America they can just do that to you without even telling you why), asking for your help to pay my February rent and January bills so I don’t repeat the trauma of being homeless. Or for you to reblog this.
Thank you for reading all of this.
It’s been on my chest for a long time. Even if it wasn’t for the gofundme, it feels good to talk about and be honest about my health. It reminds me you’re not supposed to feel like this all the time when I tell other people and they tell me I should get help and deserve answers. It’s reassuring to see competent doctors who finally believe me. I hope we figure it out.
no donation is too small— they add up. If just 100 people gave $35, the goal would be met. Sharing is also giving— it means someone who can help is more likely to see it.
You can also help via my venmo — secretladyspider
CashApp — secretladyspider
or find PayPal in my tip jar in my linktree
Goal is $3500 or over. Funds needed ASAP. If it goes over, that’ll help with February.
Thank you for anything and everything.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
HIII ANGEL <3 can I request 'Hometown Glory' for the Adele music thing? I love that song so much overall so no specific lyric or anything for reference 🙈
Hello my darling! How have you been? 🥰 thank you so much for sending in this song as request!! As I started playing it over and over, I was playing different scenarios of how to make Tommy go back to his hometown. ✨
⚠️ There’s a bit angst but comfort after it
Lyrics and flashback in italics 😊 I hope you guys like this! Would love to hear your thoughts about it 💕
Song: Hometown Glory by Adele
Hometown Glory
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Tommy sighed loudly as they entered the Birmingham territory, he got tense immediately, his energy changed and the atmosphere as well.
Charlie was sleeping in the back of the car, he saw his son through the rear-view mirror.
I've been walking in the same way as I did
Missing out the cracks in the pavement
It had been a while since he came back, over the years he changed, both mentally and physically. Unlike him, everything in Birmingham was the same, but worse; the smoke irritated his eyes, he found more factories than he could remember, people on the streets, smoke clouding around.
He took a turn and found the old church where his mother would take them every Sunday, he hadn’t stepped in one in ages. In the corner he found the old building where he and his brothers used to go to school when they were little, it was now abandoned and falling into pieces, he saw broken windows and the door was replaced by blocks.
"Is there anything I can do for you dear?
Is there anyone I could call?"
"No and thank you, please Madam
I ain't lost, just wandering"
No matter how hard these people worked, they’d never be able to get out of Small Heath, they could only hope to repeat the same story of their parents. They were still digging, but instead of getting out of the hole, they were moving deeper and deeper.
Tommy looked to the side, finding the pub where his Dad used to send him and Ada to get a bucket of beer for him, he even remembered the one time when he and his sister decided to bet who could run faster and the spilled almost half of the bucket, when they got home his father got pissed for the missing booze and started raising his voice, then Tommy saw him taking of his belt. It was only natural to ask Ada to run and hide while he took the beating for her.
As the memories were too vivid for his own liking, Tommy had to shake his head to them brush away.
Somehow his heart felt at ease with the familiarity as he stopped his vehicle outside the Watery Lane house, the place held so many good moments.
'Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Taking Charlie’s sleepy body into his arms, Tommy had to hold his breath as he looked in the small space between two houses in the other side of the street.
“Tommy!” Y/N squealed as his hands pulled her body towards his. “Someone might see us!”
Y/N tried to push him away, but his hands were resting firmly on her waist.
He laughed and the sound echoed in the small corridor while her palms attempted to stop him, but there was no use because he had other intentions.
Leaning towards her face, Tommy captured her lips in a soft kiss.
Y/N gave in, not only to his kiss but her hands gave up and instead of trying to push him away, she moved them to the back of Tommy’s head.
Taking a few blind steps, and Tommy had her pressed between the wall and his body.
“Let them see.” He replied after pulling apart to have some air.
He always waited for her there, he knew the exact time where she would go out to buy some bread for dinner and they’d sneak around before it was time to walk her home.
End of flashback.
'Round my hometown
Ooh the people I've met
Are the wonders of my world
Tommy felt the heartache was unbearable, but as Charlie stirred in his arms, he hurried to open the door to the house where he was once happy.
Shifting his son’s weight to one arm, he carried his kid upstairs, into his old bedroom, the same bed where he and Y/N would lie together to watch the stars and the moon. Memories of the two of them making love right there, burning his skin.
Tucking Charlie in, he stared at his son for a few seconds, before turning around to walk out of his room.
“Mama?” Charlie called half sleep.
Charlie’s voice made him stop on his tracks abruptly. His son had only started calling Y/N Mama.
“She will be back very soon, sleep well my boy.” Tommy lied and his eyes filled with tears.
Charlie had already lost Grace, his Mum. He couldn’t let him lose Y/N too, she was now his Mama, the woman who tucked him in and read him bedtime stories, the one who kissed him better.
Exhausted, Tommy flopped on the couch, he was quiet but his mind was already working at speed to find a way to get Y/N back.
His enemies finally found a way to make him surrender, by taking Y/N he no longer cared about any business, deal or wealth. For the very first time he was powerless, he wasn’t ahead of everyone else like he used to, he didn’t see that coming.
I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque
Because one morning she was kissing him say goodbye by the door, talking about going out for lunch together since she would be in the city visiting the orphanage and the next thing he knew is that she never showed up to have lunch, she was barely ten minutes late and Tommy knew something was wrong, she was never late.
As if she knew someone would take her, she left Charlie at home that day since he was sleeping. He wouldn’t be able to keep going if they took Charlie too.
Staring into the flames he made a silent promise; he wouldn’t stop looking for Y/N. He would give anything those bastards wanted, anything to get her back.
Looking at her nephew, Polly rubbed her forehead. Dark circles under his eyes, lines of worry decorating his features.
Just like she did for her nephews and niece all those years ago, now she stepped in again to take care of Charlie, she had help him have a bath that morning, get him dressed and have breakfast, all while Tommy was still waiting for a phone call.
As she was wiping her hands with a small cloth, she heard the unmistakable sounds Charlie was making from the living room. The image broke her heart; Charlie was playing on the floor with a horse made out of wood and he was holding a small photograph of Y/N, making voices as if she was riding his horse, but what really hit her like a bucket of cold water, was Tommy’s lost stare, his eyes fixed on his son and the photograph, his cigarette hanging from his lips, still unlit.
She quickly moved with the lighter in her hand and the movement made Tommy snap out.
“Jimmy McCavern called.” Tommy stated without an ounce of emotion.
“Charlie? Sweetheart go and find my shawl, it’s by the window in my old room.” She ushered the kid out of the living room, to then look back at her nephew. “So? What happened?”
“They want the racing licenses, the exportation permit, two pubs and Arrow House.”
“It’s the Billy boys Pol, they want everything or nothing at all.”
“But..” She tried to reason with him.
“They planted explosives in my property, they almost killed my boy!” Tommy exploded, his heart was beating like a drum, hammering his ribs, his head. “I’m not going to risk Y/N, I’m giving them what they want.” He explained with fear in his voice and eyes.
Then before Polly could do or say anything else, he stormed out of the room.
“Is my Dad mad at me, aunt Pol?” Charlie looked from the floor to her with sadness.
“Oh no my sweet boy, no…” she tried to stop the tears forming in her eyes as she hugged Charlie, “he’s worried about Mama, that’s all, he sent a letter and she hasn’t written back,”
“But she’s alright, she’s shopping.” He explained sure of himself.
“That’s right, but you know Dad right? He worries too much.” Bitting the inside of her cheek, she extended her hand to Charlie. “How about you help me bake a pie?”
Charlie nodded and rushed to the kitchen, allowing Polly to take a deep breath, she wasn’t sure how long they could keep lying to Charlie and if Y/N would come back from the Billy boys on one piece.
I like it in the city when two worlds collide
You get the people and the government
Everybody taking different sides
Tommy slammed the door, making Lizzie jump in the process.
“Do you have the papers I asked you?”
Lizzie looked away.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He was about to lose his patience.
“Lizzie give me the fucking papers!”
When she didn’t move, Tommy walked around her desk, took the keys from her skirt and after fumbling with the keys for several seconds, he finally opened the drawer. Rushing towards his office, he took the pen and signed the papers.
As he was about to go out, the ringing of his phone made him stop on his tracks.
“How’s the paperwork going Mr. Shelby?” Jimmy asked.
“I need to talk to Mrs. Shelby first.”
Jimmy groaned. “Fine, you can say hi to the wifey.”
The next thing Tommy heard was Y/N gasping and letting out a sound of pain.
“Tom… don’t believe anythi-”
“That’s enough bitch, now…” Jimmy tore off the phone from her ear and threw her to the floor.
“Don’t you dare to hurt her, prick!” Tommy yelled, feeling frustrated and useless.
“Oh, what are you gonna do about it tinker-boy?”
“I’ve the papers.” Tommy made a huge effort to control his emotions, he needed to think.
“That’s what I like about you Mr. Shelby you know how to make a deal.”
“I’ll have the rest of your demands by the end of the week.”
“Fabulous, meet me at the canal at five o’clock. And you can have the wifey back after you hand over the rest.”
“Charlie’s yard. But I need to see she’s alright.”
“Ha, that’s not going to happen, I need to have a little fun first.” Jimmy hang up before Tommy could say another word, and it only left him more agitated than he already was.
Bonnie was already dead and Aberama was injured badly, he couldn’t let Y/N get hurt.
Tommy wanted to throw away the phone but deep down he knew it wouldn’t change a thing. So he walked towards the bar, finding only another memory unlocked as he saw the decanter, Y/N bought it for him after his horse won a race. Just like the globe and the black horse figure, she also added an hourglass in one his shelves.
Everything, reminded him of Y/N. No matter where he looked at.
Taking the checkbook from his drawer he started filling the information on the cheque.
Let’s leave the wives out of this. Tommy had whispered to Jimmy before turning his back at him.
It required all of his strength to not kill Jimmy right there at Charlie’s yard, but his message was loud and clear.
Subtly, Tommy let slip a direct threat to Jimmy’s wife by handling him the £500 cheque. Then pointing at Isaiah patrolling around should’ve made clear that he wasn’t joking.
About a couple of hours later, Tommy got a phone call from the Midland Hotel, announcing Mrs. Shelby was dropped at front desk.
He couldn’t drive fast enough to the hotel, smoking frantically to release some stress. As he saw the building another memory hit him hard, as the big salon was the place Y/N chose for the wedding back in the day.
For an instant he was transported back in time to that day, watching her in her wedding gown walking towards him, with her big smile and eyes sparkling from the love they felt.
'Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Nothing prepared him for what he was about to see, surrounded by a sea of people carrying towels and a first aid kit. Tommy felt like his heart stopped beating as Y/N appeared in his eyesight, there was a deep bruise decorating her cheek, her chin scraped just like her palms, they were already putting some kind of ointment.
“Mr. Shelby I ran a quick checkup on your wife, but I’d like to run a few tes-”
But Tommy finally reacted and pushed past the Doctor to get to his wife. Kneeling in front of her, his hands trembling before caressing her face gently, he didn’t want to make her even flinch from the pain.
“Are you alright love?” He asked with fear in his voice, he was terrified to learn she was hurt.
Y/N threw herself in his arms, feeling relieved to finally see him. “Oh Tom!” Tears flew freely as she wrapped her arms around his neck, his came to rest behind her back, trying to convince himself that she was safe now.
Are the wonders of my world
Taking his gloves off, he took a deep breath.
“I’m hungry.” Y/N stated easing the tension, her statement made Tommy chuckle slightly feeling like he was getting his wife back.
“You heard Mrs. Shelby, she wants to eat something!” He cracked a small smile, leaning forward to catch her lips in a soft kiss, allowing her to give him back the part of his soul that was missing.
Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, Y/N arranged Tommy’s tie.
“So… I really need to leave all of this behind, I want to go home, have a bath and give Charlie a hug and then snuggle with you all night.”
“You know I can’t just look the other way around and pretend nothing happened, right?” He already had a plan to get to that prick and not lose anything in the process.
“I know,” her voice faded away as her hand squeezed Tommy’s. “Just let me have this moment, yes? I was terrified that I’d never see you again.”
Tommy swallowed hard as her voice broke. His hands rested at each side of her face, to make her look at him.
“What makes you think that you’d get rid of me so easily, ey?” Tommy asked with glossy eyes.
“Never.” Y/N moved her hand to the back of his head.
“Charlie has been asking for you a lot, Polly told him you were out of town, shopping.”
“Oh! Then we really need to get a few things, to keep the lie going.” Y/N joked, earning a scoff from Tommy.
“Everything reminded me of you… the house, the neighbors, places we’ve been together, this hotel, where we got married.”
Tommy motioned Y/N to stand up, his arm around her waist for support. Kissing her hair softly, he could only think of the memories they still have yet to create.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 9 months
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When he's far away at sea, Tom finds himself infinitely grateful that you found work at a photography studio.
Author's Note: This fic, two days late? Noooooo.... Also! I've inadvertently made all the Tommy B smuff fics connected, so this can either be read alone or as a sequel to "After the War"
Pairing: Tom Bennett x Reader (2nd person)
Warnings: masturbation (m), lingerie, references to oral sex (f receiving) and p in v sex
This work is a part of my 12 Days of Smuff event! Read the rest here.
My Masterlist
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Prompt: Letters & Lingerie
Tom lay in his bunk with a cocky smile on his lips. He cast his eyes around the rest of the room, finding only one or two other sailors, both asleep and far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear him.
This ritual was well worth skipping his mid-day meal.
He weighed the envelopes in his hands for a moment. It felt heavier than it usually did – that boded well for him. After taking a moment to inhale the perfume you had lovingly sprayed on the envelope, Tom dug into your letter.
Tom, my strapping husband,
You said in your last letter that your life in His Majesty’s Nave was ‘fucking boring.’ Shall I tell you how exciting my life back home is?
My uncle has changed the studio’s opening to eleven in the morning so he can get some sleep after staying up all night as an air raid warden. Which means I must find a way to fill that time, assuming I am not also sleeping as I often do after spending a night crammed into a shelter with every screaming and crying child in the whole goddamn neighborhood.
But when I am not sleeping, I often find myself doing the chores that Mum no longer has the energy to do. I swear, if I didn’t do the shopping and cooking, we’d all be eating nothing but bread. Since dad left, she just hasn’t been the same. I think him leaving again reminds her of the last war. He went missing for seven months, seven! I can’t imagine how awful it must have been for her.
Don’t you ever put me through that, Tom Bennett. Not even for a week. I swear I’d come to France myself to drag you back here by your ear.
Now that’s out of the way, I do have something somewhat exciting to tell you. My uncle’s been letting me use the camera a lot more than before he signed up to be a warden. I even got to do a family’s christening portrait all on my own! He wants me to be able to handle the studio on my own, should he ever get called up (not that we’re even slightly concerned about that, considering his age). Or – oh no. That’s not really why he’s doing it, is it? He wants me to be able to run it in case one day he doesn’t come back after the sirens go off, doesn’t he? I’m going to try not to think about that.
I brought it up because he’s allowed me to start using the portable camera rather than the big one in the studio. This way, I won’t always have to be nervous that he will walk in on me when I take pictures for you.
Speaking of, I think you’ll like what I enclosed today. I borrowed Mum’s, just as you asked.
Your adoring wife,
Tom stared at those two wonderful words. Husband. Wife.
He wished he’d been able to give you the ceremony you deserved. Not simply standing in the register office with all your parents looking on with half-hearted smiles before being rushed out almost immediately so the next couple could come in. You deserved so much more than that, roses and a band and a grand hall and all that shit. Once he was home, for good, he’d give it to you. All of it. Most of all, a big honeymoon. Not the one night in a shabby local hotel your parents, your uncle, and even his sister Lois had helped pitch in to get you. Only for him to have to leave again the next day.
The fact that he was leaving you as his wife instead of just as his best girl made it somehow so much harder.
But this helped.
He started by writing his reply to the actual content of your letter. If he started with the pictures, he knew he wouldn’t give a shit about whatever you’d written by the end.
My sweet darling wife,
I am so very sorry that you have things to do all day. Whenever I feel bad about sitting at the prow and staring at the endless ocean, I will remind myself that you are enduring such tortures as shopping and taking undoubtedly lovely family portraits. It will remind me that I should be eternally grateful that the king himself has sent me on the world’s most boring cruise.
Joking aside, I am very sorry you’re stressed. Give your mum my love and tell your uncle that I’m counting on him to look after you while I’m gone, and thank him for his good work (with the warden thing, not the photography). Please take care of yourself. I know you’re willing to stretch yourself thin for the people you love, but I love you too, and I’ll be pissed if I come home to a wife too exhausted to even fuck me.
I actually might not be bored for a few days. They’re sending us to do a job, even if I will be stuck in a rowboat for a day, maybe more. Ah well, at least I won’t be the one rowing, at least.
I’m very happy about you getting more responsibility at the studio. Of course, most of that is for selfish reasons, but I’m still proud of you, love. Can’t wait to see what you’ve enclosed. Oh and before I forget, I’d like to request something… red in your next letter.
Your proud husband,
Tom Bennett
He never wrote as much as you did, but he knew you didn’t mind. You didn’t want any details about the horrible, upsetting things he’d seen, it would only worry you too much. Besides, you knew what he really loved about your letters.
After taking another deep breath, Tom set the paper aside and finally allowed himself to look at your pictures.
“Oh, you gorgeous, gorgeous girl…”
The pearl necklace you wore was a little off-center, but Tom hardly noticed it. He was solely focused on what you were wearing—a full corset, in some kind of shiny, light-colored fabric. The top of it only held half of your perfect tits inside, allowing him to admire their smooth curves. What he wouldn’t give to hold them in his hands. Once he got home, he’d do just that for an hour at least.
Over your delightfully cinched waist, you’d worn a sheer petticoat with ruffles at the bottom – exactly like one you might have worn under your wedding dress, if you’d been able to wear one. He’d get you that, too. Even if only to go to your uncle’s studio to take pictures. Tom wouldn’t need to rent a morning coat, as he’d just wear his uniform, so he could spend extra getting you the perfect dress.
Maybe you could even redo the wedding night.
Tom surveyed the room again before lying back and sliding his hand below his waistband. He’d done this so many times that now, he got hard the instant he picked up the envelope, so he was still relatively proud of his restraint, and was sure you would be, too.
He started slowly, imagining slipping the petticoat off you. Imagine how you’d shiver as his finger ever so slightly brushed your skin. The sounds you’d make – sighs and little whimpers. He loved those little whimpers so much.
He let out his own soft sigh as he began to move his hand faster. Once the petticoat was down, he’d kneel in front of you and make quick work of your shoes, then take his sweet time unbuckling and lowering your stocking.
God, how he missed those legs, shapely and soft. He loved touching them, kissing them, laying between them. His hips kicked up as he imagined himself kissing his way up them when he got home, all the way up to that delightful place where your knickers dug into the little dip between your leg and your hips.
It was hard to hold back his moan at the thought.
He’d lower your knickers first, he decided. So he could bury himself in you until he was satisfied. Yours was a taste he craved as badly as he did for decent cigarettes. He sometimes woke from dreams of devouring you, thinking he could still taste you on his tongue.
Only when your legs were shaking would he stand, prowling behind you with his hands on your waist. He’d kiss your neck as he untied your corset. Or unhooked? He didn’t know, but he hoped it was untie – it was sexier.
The pearls would stay on the whole time as he kissed you, touched you, fucked you. He’d put them between your teeth to help you soften your cries and moans, then watch them fall back on your chest when you came. You always came with your mouth wide open as you screamed his name.
That memory of your voice and the way your nails would dig into his skin is what drove him over the edge, spilling himself into his hand.
Tom lay there, reliving his imaginings, until a bell rang, signaling it was time to get in the rowboats. He made sure to wipe his hand on the mattress of one of the rich cunts who mocked him and the other working-class boys before leaving, his own letter in hand.
He stopped by the room where they kept their post on his way to the rowboats, quickly folding his paper to stuff it into an envelope. A smile crept over his features as he addressed it to ‘Mrs. Tom Bennett,’ before filling out the rest. He was glad that you were living in your parent’s house, but he couldn’t wait until he could get a place just for the two of you.
Lastly, he wrote the date in the corner of the envelope, as you always liked to know when he received yours, so you could be sure to include all the relevant gossip he’d missed.
26 May, 1940
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zablife · 1 year
Let Me Be
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Alfie Solomons x gf reader
Summary: You aren't feeling well and want nothing more than to be left alone, but Alfie insists on trying to help where he's not wanted.
Author's Note: Exploring the idea of not wanting someone to take care of you when you're unwell.
Warnings: language, mention of illness (unspecified), reference to vomiting
You were pulled from the depths of your slumber by a sudden crash somewhere in the distance. You attempted to sit up, but the pounding inside your skull had you slumping over, clutching your head in your hands before you could move any further. To make matters worse you found the bedroom curtains open, spilling harsh morning light directly into your eyes. Another cacophony of metal hitting upon metal told you your boyfriend was busy in the kitchen and you groaned.
Falling back into the softness of your bed, you pulled the duvet up to your chin as you felt Cyril’s wet nose seek you out. He let out a whimper, followed by a huff as he rested his head on Alfie’s pillow, watching you carefully. “How does he have so much energy?” you asked your pet. “I feel like death.”
As you attempted to close your eyes, Alfie came bursting through the door with a tray of food. The door banged against the wall with what seemed to be thundering force, his footsteps reverberating loudly as he came closer.  His wide smile greeted you along with the overpowering smell of meat and you instantly felt yourself gag.
“Good morning, dove,” Alfie called to you in a cheery voice as he placed the tray next to you. 
“It’s not,” you said, covering your nose and mouth in hopes you could keep yourself from being sick. Cyril stirred beside you, taking the hint better than his master that it might be best to keep his distance. He jumped off the bed and ran, claws scratching against the wood floorboards as he beat a hasty retreat.
“What’s got into him? And why are you pulling a face at the food I made ya?” Alfie asked, furrowing his brow. Picking up the plate, he shoved the fry-up under your nose and you felt your stomach lurch uneasily. 
“Fuckin’ hell, Alf! Get that away from me,” you shouted, tossing the duvet from your legs as you suddenly felt far too warm, your palms sweating and your head spinning. 
“Yeah, alright,” he said, replacing the plate onto the tray and scratching his beard. “Not even gonna say thank you, Alfie. I love you, Alfie. You’re the most amazing boyfriend I’ve ever had,” he teased. 
Then he got a look at you in only his shirt and your lace underwear and he forgot all about breakfast. “Reckon when a woman looks as good as you, manners can be overlooked.” 
Reaching a hand to caress your ass, he grabbed at your ample flesh giving a good squeeze. Before you could shoot him a warning look, he realized how warm you felt beneath his large palm and pronounced with shock, “You’re sick, dove.”
You rolled your eyes, wondering how it had taken him so long to notice, but remained silent as another wave of nausea hit you and you took off running for the en suite, clutching your stomach. 
When you returned Alfie was loudly munching on toast, dropping crumbs into the sheets beside you as he ran a hand over your hair. “Tell ya what I’m going to do. I’m going to stay right by your side and take care of you all day. You don’t have to worry about a thing, love,” he said, sounding proud of himself.
You groaned into your pillow, looking over at him with a murderous glare. “Alfie, I love you, but if you don’t leave this house in the next ten minutes, I will use my dying breath to kill you.”
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jangtaerang · 2 months
I just saw your reply on that ask explaining further about Mean!Eunseok and his relationship dynamic with the reader. I just wondered what.. makes her stay with him? I get that he loves her and expresses it in a very different way than what you’d typically do. However when kindness is SO important to her won’t she want some sort of that love also given back to her? Can’t she see that Mean!Eunseok doesn’t bounce back the same energy and behavior back to her? Won’t she feel neglected or inferior and does Mean!Eunseok even take that into consideration? Since he loves her.. Idk man they are both complex characters! They have such an interesting story with so much depth into their characters. I apologize if you’ve already left this plot behind! You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to or maybe there isn’t an answer 😆 nonetheless I hope you know that your fic is BOMB and you made someone (me) want know the bts details of your thoughts on this amazing plot.
English isn’t my first language, hopefully I am understandable.
that drabble was just supposed to be a one shot so it was pretty surface level stuff but ig we're diving into reader and mean!eunseok's relationship 🙏
the short answer to why the reader stays with eunseok is just bc she loves him.
the long answer would be that the reader saw the goodness in mean!eunseok that no one else bothered to look for past his personality, and there's something special in knowing that you're one of the few people he's willing to let his guard down around and getting to witness an undiscovered side of him. you refer to him as a "hidden sweetheart" because while eunseok doesn't offer to hold your hand when you're walking down the sidewalk, he does pull you to the safer side of the road when you're too immersed in talking to realize the speedy vehicles nearing and doesn't let go, spending the rest of your walk with your hands joint anyways. he buys beverages he doesn't drink but he's aware you like them, and when you scold him to not waste it, he tells you, "i don't want to drink it." as he looks at his phone, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees you taking the drink with a sparkle in your eyes at getting to taste your favorite. he's always unfazed and uninterested when you rant to him about a necklace you saw at the mall, but you'll see it on the top of your dresser a week later with a piece of paper with a "for you." written on it.
i didn't intend to write eunseok as a toxic bf. as stated in the ask, he shows his affection differently, and the reader understands this. he likes making you cry because he also knows he's the one who can make it better, but if there comes a time where he makes you cry and you want to run off to someone else, he'll pull all the stops. he's in love with his pretty girl and his pretty girl only.
and i always picture the reader as someone strong, confident, and secure, so while you get sad when eunseok turns away from you, you wouldn't feel inferior or unloved, because when you come back to him later to lie on top of him with your head in his neck, his arm moving to wrap around you as he continues to use his phone, it's a silent confirmation and reassurance of i love you from him.
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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O really ?
"F-fuck, wait." I stutter out, trying to rub away from the overwhelming pleasure. I am sitting on the couch of the 1 million room, trying to cover my screams. "It's t-to much p-please. I'm sorry I'll be good." I try to get out though the words seem to be nothing but mumbling in a room full of moans. "You move again. I'll gonna make sure I spank that ass raw. Now, be quiet unless you want everyone hear to know how much of a slut you are for me." "I stare down at her sitting there in between my legs with the bottom half of her mouth soaked with my juices. I didn't even know I could get this wet. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to please her. "For y-you all for you." She smirks, coming up for a second with her finger still working on my insides, "yea, only for me, glad you finally remembered baby." I sit there in a daze trying to remember how I got here.
If you were wondering how I ended up in this position, we would have to backtrack a bit. Going back to when we were being called down to the fight zone. I was so excited holding hands with Kristen. We had both been a part of the royal family for a while, and when we heard about this opportunity, we were ecstatic. It was a Korean dance TV program, though, so I can say that unlike the rest of my team, I generally didn't expect us to win, well, the show that is. Though that didn't mean we would go easy and let people make a mockery of us. Never know what the future holds. This would be an experience.
I had learned that a certain someone would be here. By that, I entirely mean my wife Lia Kim. We had just recently got engaged 2 months ago, and even though we weren't officially married yet, Lia always referred to me as her wife. When she told me she was invited to bring her crew to SWF2, I questioned it as first, I mean, my girl had the qualifications to be a judge, but just my opinion. Though, I didn't tell her about Jam Republic being on the team, and she wouldn't know until we got there. I had a feeling she would be surprised and slightly angry at the same time.
We walked down the stairs amazed by the architecture of this place. "This is it girls we are here, so chin up and let the confidence run through you. We shall not be caught lacking." I told them, as I smiled and saw Kristen make a gesture for us to keep walking. We finally made it down, stepping into the center of the fight zone. Allowing everyone to get a good look at us. Making their little side remarks and comments. Until we heard the screen come on giving us our team evaluation. We stood there listening to all the absolute bullshit they were saying, I was already pissied with them called Kristen, a backup for Paris and Audrey, just a pretty face. What made me even more pissed was that my fiance said it with that irritating smirk on her face that I usually would love. Not this time. I then heard the comments about me.
Biggy - Didn't Amara create the choreography for Rihanna superbowl?
Halo - If there is anyone I have respect for, Amara, she started out in underground street battles. She managed to even become better than her teacher.
Lusher- It feels like she has lived multiple lives you know, like she has done so much for her age.
Redlic- She is nicknamed Hybe's princess with her being the main choreographer for them. She has created majority of there dances, I wanna see if it's true.
I smirk hearing that comment.
Lia- Jam Republic will be the first to go home, I don't see anything special.
Mina- She has amazing skills and good energy, and it looks like she is special. I'll give you that.
And just like that found my target, one thing about my wife is her ego is fucking huge. She will do anything and everything to prove she is the best. You see, I knew about her issue, and will Mina. So why not play into that? Besides, she literally said Jam Republic will be the first to go home. So payback is about to be a bitch. We sat, and the entire time, I could feel someone's eyes locked on me. I knew exactly who it was, so I leaned closer to Kristen, grabbing her arm and having us basically be hugging at this point. At first, Kristen looked at me a little confused. Now she is a touchy person and didn't mind, but she was trying to figure out why suddenly. Until she looked over and saw Lia glaring at us. Then she smiled, turning to look at me before whispering in my ear, "it seems your girl is quite possessive, huh?" I just smile laughing and nodding.
Now, to any other person, that reaction wasn't weird or considered flirting, but to Lia, it meant war. Eventually, we are told about the no-respect battles. "This will be sp fun." I tell my team while Ling sat there telling us how she is so down to battle. We all go in our respective rooms to change. While I'm on the way to the room, I could see Lia gesturing for us to talk, but I paid no mind. This is a competition, and I'm mad at her right now. We walk in and immediately start changing. I go put on my grey little tank with no bra and some baggy jeans with my thong slightly showing. Might as well leave in impression, Korean strict ass dress code and overall high ass morals be dammed.
We all make it back to the fight zone, and the battles start rolling in. I am simply sporting two stickers, waiting for my name to be called. Crazy how Kristen is a much better battler than me, yet no one thought of that because they were too busy calling her Paris number 2. Well, they will see. Every since I got down here, Lia couldn't take her eyes off me, though it seems neither could Mina. Well, this will be fun. After a while of battles, Kristen is called up with her picking Waackxxxy. I move to the sideline to get a better view of the battle and hype her up. Doing a little more than necessary to pisd off you know who. Then, when Kristen takes the win, I run up and hug her. Finally, I'm glad everyone can see her in her element.
More battles continue until I'm called by Mina. Of course, why didn't I gather she was gonna call me? That makes sense. I walk to the center, hearing Daniel ask for any words before the battle. "I just wanna share the stage with this beautiful woman." Mina states while winking at me, causing the crowd to go wild. I stare at her, giving the doe eye effect before stating, "Then I will make it worth your while." At this point, everyone is tuning into this battle. Mina starts off using a big of hip pop moves, making sure to let everyone be aware of her presence. She even got close to me multiple times, grabbing my grin. When it's my turn to battle, I hear nicki minaj blasting through the speakers. I start off my routine locking and then move into some hip-hop while hitting a split. Then, I get close to her body rolling a twerking until the battle is over, the judges vote in favor of me.
I move over to hug Mina, thanking her for battling me. She holds me close before thanking me as well. I move to put the win on our board and make my way over to Deepndapp, putting the loss sticker on there's. Not before Mina taps my butt on the way over. After I make it back to my team, they are congratulating me, with Kristen placing me on her lap and kissing my cheeks. After a while, more battles continued with me being called us to battle redlic, which was more so not a battle with the amount of hair flipping she did. I literally counted each flip. She made it to 11 before she ended her battle. We eventually make it to a break, with production calling for a commercial telling us to go gather our thoughts and prepare for the next segment. We ordered some food, more so me, because I'm the only one who can speak Korean. As I'm making my way outside to get the food I spot Lia, looking angry as shit. Starting to realize that I kinda went a bit overboard and now I'm low-key scared as fuck.
I grab the food practically trying to run into the Jam Republic room. Latrice opens the door, taking the food from me. Until she sees Lia, "you realize you can't avoid her forever, especially when you were wrong as fuck." I look at her before she tells me to go apologize. I hear Lia yelling, "Amara, get you ass over here." I try to make another run for it until she catches up with me. "Your ass is getting punished. Let's go." I try to apologize to her, hoping that would work, I know I'm far past acceptance. She gives me a look before pulling me in the towards 1 million rooms. Telling everyone to leave immediately and go to Jam Republic's room, they see the look on her face, some to scared to question their leader and others already knowing I'm in for it, and then they all file out. She pushes me on the couch and starts pacing around the room. "Don't fucking speak to me, I can't believe you. Completely walking around whoring yourself out. Knowing everyone in that room wants to be in my position but can't. Its OK, just gonna have to remind you how makes you feel like your in heaven, the only person that can make you cum. Let's get to work then, shall we?"
Well, that's how I ended up in this position. Legs are being held open pressed against my stomach, feeling extremely vulnerable in this position. Just how she likes it. I've lost count of how many times I've come. This break seems like it's been forever. My legs have cramped up so badly. "B-baby please I can't cum anymore." I try to beg her hoping she will have mercy on me. She claimed she accepted my apology after I came for the 3rd time in a row. But she just keeps going. "Yes, you can, my pretty flower. I know you can. Just one more." She says while placing 3 fingers back inside me all at once, the stretch feeling the like the first time. I start to cry and thrash around, causing her to grab my face soothing me. "Just one more time. I promise, ok? Do it for me. Make me proud."
With rhat I try my very best. Do lost in pleasing her. All I want to do is make her proud. And she knows this. She has broken me down, orgasm by orgasm to the point that all I can think about is her. She starts to move her fingers faster, moving her head back down in its previous position to suck on my abused clit. I scream out loud. "F-fuck, yes... please... right there." She hits that sweet spot inside of me again, smirking. "Right there, huh? I know baby just cum for me." My thighs clench tight around her head screaming out her name completely forgetting where we are. Though, I'm too fucked out to care. All I see is white, my limbs going slack on the couch. She stares up at me, her chin dripping with her shirt as well. I look confused until she says, "You squirted baby." She seems so happy and proud of herself. All I can do is throw my arms out, grabbing her. "My precious little flower, all mine." I hear her say will looking at me lovely. "All yours, only yours."And don't you ever forget it."
(Request brought to you by @thegayassbit-ch)
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herballwitch · 2 months
Home Cleansing 101
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
As today we are in the midst of the Waxing Gibbous moon cycle, where cleansing your space is extremely important, I thought i'd discuss some ways that I like to cleanse my home before doing rituals or just for a quick refresh!
NOTE: as I always say before these posts, these methods I will be discussing are simply methods that work for me. If you do not wish to use these methods that is okay! please do your research before committing to any decisions! thank you
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"What is cleansing?"
cleansing is the act of ridding something of previous energies (more often than not this refers specifically to negative energies, though that is not always the case). cleansing refreshes your space or objects energetically. 
"When should I cleanse my home?"
I believe answering this question is a great start to understanding home cleansing. When you decide to cleanse your home is going to be entirely up to you, as it is your space and you will have a better understanding then anyone as to when it may need cleansed. However, on a base level, most witches agree that your home should be cleansed when you first move in, when introducing new items to your altar or new tools to your craft, and before rituals, spells, or spirit work. As a lunar witch, I also cleanse my home during the Waxing Gibbous, the Full Moon, and the Waning Gibbous. However, whether or not you choose to abide by that is up to you!
"How do I cleanse my home?"
this is a fantastic question! there are a multitude of methods for cleansing your home - some that anyone with no recourses can do, and others that do involve a bit more work and product. as per usual with my blog, we will be discussing methods that new witches can do as well as methods that those of us who may have more materials can do! let's break down some steps you can take to cleanse your space:
methods that involve no supplies: (perfect for new or closeted witches)
open a window: this one, I believe, is actually one of the most affective methods on this list. opening your window and letting fresh air in to clear out the stale air from your space can do wonders! it gives space for positive energy to enter and negative energy to exit. (perfect for wind/air magic as well)
let sunlight into your space: the sun is a cleansing force that can do wonders for your room. if you are able, let some sunlight into your space. (perfect for fire magic as well)
visualization: cleansing an object or a space can be as simple as visualization, at times. simply close your eyes and imagine a white mist coming over your room or the items you are cleansing. imagine this mist completely covering the item/space and melting away all the energy on/in it. take a deep breath and then imagine the mist slowly disappearing, taking the energy with it.
run your item over water: if you are cleansing an item and not a space or room feel free to take that item (as long as it is safe to do so (I.E. you wouldn't want to do this with a tarot deck as it would ruin the cards)) and run that item under water. feel free to use the visualization method that we discussed above while doing this. simply imagine water instead of mist. (perfect for water magic)
let your item rest overnight in the moonlight: if it is a specific item you are wanting to cleanse, put it out in the moonlight overnight. this works best during a full moon, though it is not 100% necessary for it to work. (perfect for moon magic)
actually clean your home: getting out a dust rag and a broom can do so much! dedicate your cleaning to your Gods, deities, or spirits and to the cleansing of your items or space spiritually and get to cleaning! I usually do this before I start, as I find a clean space means a cleansed space.
make and/or recharge your sigils: this is a great moment to make some sigils to protect your home. and if you already have done this step, this is a great time to recharge those sigils! (check out my spells and sigils page (linked here) for more information on that)
methods that involve minimal supplies:
make a cleansing spray: find my recipe for this spell here! this is a perfect beginner spell and does wonders to your space when cleansing!
burn herbs, incense, or a candle: burning cleansing herbs like rosemary, lavender, sage or even incense or a candle and walking from room to room to disperse the smoke can cleanse a space quickly and safely. this is another method I take every single time I want to cleanse a space. (for incense and for candles I recommend blowing the flame out after a moment and using the smoke to cleanse the space.)
ring a bell or use a sound bowl: sound can cleanse your space! get a bell or use a sound bowl in or around the space or object you are wanting to cleanse. it can be as simple as ringing a bell over your tarot deck or altar tools. In some cultures, bells are even symbols of good luck.
leave a dish of flower water in your room: this is as simple as it sounds - if you have any sort of flower water (rose water, for example) you can leave a bowl of this out overnight to cleanse your space. it is tradition to add alcohol to this water, however it is not necessary if you do not have any or cannot attain any. you can also choose to do this method with hot water so that the steam can cleanse your space as well. if you do not have any flower water and need to make your own, check out this post here.
place your item in a bowl of salt and earth: if it is an item and not a room you are wanting to cleanse, you can make a bowl filled with dirt and salt and bury your item in that to cleanse overnight. if these items are not available to you, you can actually bury your item outside in the dirt as well
now, cleansing you home can get more complex than this. there are a plethora of spells out there that involve more supplies and are more time consuming. if you feel that your space is not properly cleansed enough, feel free to do some research on this or ask me for more information! however, nine times out of ten, I do not feel the need to do any sort of magic that is more complex than what is listed above. remember, when it comes to cleansing your space your intentions are more powerful than anything your spells will have to offer. be intentional with all you do when cleansing.
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That's all for home cleansing! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions and would be more than happy to go into more detail about spirit work!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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echo-exanimo · 1 year
a snippet from the fic im writing
speeding bullet content ahead!!
its a lil angsty but im havin fun with it hehe
for a touch of background, scout noticed snipers last name on an item earlier which is Why he knows that. just. for reference.
"Yeah, mate, not a problem. Let me start some tea."
A knock at his door woke Sniper with a start. It was dark outside, hardly time for anybody to be up and about. He slid from his bed, pistol in hand as he went to the door.
"Who's there?"
"...Snipes?" Came the quiet reply.
Sniper set down the gun on a nearby ledge, unlocking the door with a questioning look. "Roo? Why're you out here at this hour?"
"Uhhh," Scout scratched the back of his head. "Couldn't sleep. Ya mind if I-"
The two sat in silence as Sniper started a kettle and set aside a few mugs.
"Y'mind tellin' me why you're out here at..." He checked the clock. "4 in the bloody morning?"
"I told ya. Can't sleep." The easygoing smile he shot the Sniper didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Right." Sniper decided not to press it any further. They could talk over a few mugs of tea.
More silence. It felt stifling without Scout's near constant chatter, the way his presence didn't seem to take up the entire room and instead hardly took up the space of his body.
Sniper stirred a spoonful of honey into one of the mugs before turning and offering it to Scout. "Here. Chamomile." He tipped his head a bit at Scout. "My mother used to make it for me. Helps you ease up a bit."
"Sounds good." He took the mug, and Sniper was struck with how strange his hands looked when they weren't wrapped for work. He sat down across from Scout with a sigh, figuring if he didn't speak, the other man would eventually.
"You ever think about, uh, home?" His eyes darted to the ground before he looked back up. "Like... The people you miss? Wonder if they'd be proud?"
"Well, my mum and dad don't particularly appreciate my line of work..." He twiddled with the spoon in his mug, mixing even though the honey had long dissolved. "Didn't really have too many others."
Scout fell quiet again, sipping his tea thoughtfully.
"Well, I... I miss my ma. I worry about her, y'know?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been a while since I've been home, she doesn't know where I am... Been a while since we talked."
"Is that what's buggin' ya?"
Scout looked down. "No, not really."
Sniper placed down his mug and watched Scout carefully as he began to speak again.
"It's my brothers. They, uh... These dogtags, y'know?"
His words were scattered in a characteristically Scout way without any of the energy. It made sense, but for a second Sniper didn't quite catch it. The Scout didn't often talk about his background.
"I just can't imagine how worried my ma must be, the third of her sons to disappear into a war she can't know about. She doesn't know I die every single day, she doesn't know what I do, she doesn't know any of it."
Scout looked uncomfortable, scuffing his feet against the legs of the table. "I wanna go home for a bit. Just let her know I'm okay. She doesn't have to know it all, just know I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." His voice got progressively quieter as he spoke, a far cry from the Scout he'd been just a few hours ago, rowdy in the lounge with the rest of the guys, cards and booze and raucous laughter.
"Nah, nah, I- I know it's kinda dumb. Like. We all have people back home. I just worry for my ma. I should call her tomorrow." He took a long drink of the tea.
Another long silence, but this one felt a little less quiet.
"...If you'd like," Sniper winced at the sound of his own voice breaking through the quiet. "you can stay here for the night. If the company would help at all."
"...Yeah. Thanks."
"Not a problem." He nodded once and stretched. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Uh... Nah, I don't think so. Thanks, Mundy."
The Sniper stood still, having stood to start cleaning.
"Sorry. Shit. I can, uh-"
"No. No, it's fine, I'm just... Not used to hearing that name. Not anymore. But. It's Mick. Mick Mundy."
"..Jeremy Gallagher."
"Irish, mm?"
"Yeah. Irish."
The two were quiet for a moment longer before Sniper continued, empty mug in hand to place into the sink. "Blankets are in the drawer beside you."
"Alright. Yeah, thanks."
Sniper retreated to his bed, quietly groaning as he got settled. "Don't wake me up too early, now."
"No way. I'm tired enough as is."
This earned Scout a tired laugh. "Right then. I won't worry with the alarm. Five minutes to get ready work for you?"
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flowerandblood · 1 year
My Best Friend (13)
[modern! club owner • Aemond x fem!reader]    
[warnings: kissing, fluff, swearing, mention of illnes]
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[description: Aemond has his own club and often does business at the home of one of his business associates. There he often meets his younger sister, with whom he develops a deeper relationship through shared secrets. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist        
Aemond started preparing breakfast while Y/N was showering. Before running, he had thrown her dress in for a quick wash as promised. She was now drying on the balcony in the hot summer sun. They both realized she didn't have any clothes with her, so he gave her one of his T-shirts for the time being. He let her choose which one she wanted and she chose the one with the big "Deep Purple" logo on it. 
The butter in the frying pan was heating up and he was standing by, chopping the vegetables finely for the omelette he planned to make, deep in thought. After telling her about the dream, he felt relieved, though he still felt shame and anxiety. He wondered if he would always have such a broken, wounded mind.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening. Y/N left, placing the towel on the chair to dry. His T-shirt was way too big for her, reaching down to her mid-thighs. The sight of her in his clothes tickled his ego pleasantly and his desire to own her, which he was so ashamed of at the same time. She walked over to him smiling, her hair still damp, though you could see she'd been blow-drying it.
"Can I help?" She asked briskly, full of energy. The corner of his mouth curved into a lazy smile.
"Slice the pepper finely." He said calmly, moving a second board and a knife towards her. "Just watch your fingers."
"I can cut." She said impatiently, and got to work. They worked in silence for a while, a nice breeze of fresh summer air flowing into the kitchen through the half-open window.
When they were done, Aemond broke a few eggs, seasoned them, and added the rest of the toppings he chose. Y/N watched him sideways, surprised at how confident he was at cooking and that he obviously knew exactly what he was doing.
"Do you often make omelettes like this?" She asked curiously, leaning her side against the cupboard next to him.
"Very often. It's a nutritious breakfast, high in protein and low in calories." He replied calmly without looking at her, focused on his task. He flipped the whole thing over to the other side in one motion to let it be cut down by the raw side. It only took a minute and the dish was ready.
Aemond suggested that they could eat in the living room and watch something in the meantime. He set the plates on the coffee table while Y/N flicked through the movie database with the remote. Suddenly she jumped in excitement.
"Did you watch [Loving Vincent]?" She asked, her eyes sparkling. He had no idea what she was talking about. “This is an animation made of oil paintings painted by hundreds of artists, referring to the works of Vincent van Gogh, telling about his life. It looks amazing. If you don't like it, we can switch to something else."
Aemond thought it sounded very interesting. He had never seen a stop-motion film made of paintings alone. He wanted to see it just for the impression of what it looks like.
Y/N sat cross-legged on the couch, grabbing a piece of omelette that he had cut into triangles earlier. He was amazed at how quickly she adapted to new place. Thanks to her behavior, he himself felt as if she had been in his apartment more than once. They started watching.
From the very first minutes film made a huge impression on him. The music was wonderful and thoughtful, the image and characters moved in a bizarre and abstract way, as if the portraits and landscapes really came to life. Y/N watched his reaction, but saw that he was hooked. 
Once she'd had fill her stomach, she took one of the small pillows, placed it against his hip, and laid her head on it, getting comfortable and drawing her knees up slightly. Aemond involuntarily placed his hand on her back, stroking it steadily with his thumb, watching with interest.
He was surprised, but the story really drew him in. His drama, his cut off ear, and suffering somewhat matched his experience, but he was also delighted with how it was portrayed. The final scene made his chest tighten. He thought it was really good animation and was glad to see it.
"Did you like it? Was it too boring?” She asked, looking at him, her head still lying on a pillow.
He smiled slightly under his breath. "I liked it very much."
She cuddled up to him happily, knowing he wouldn't ever lie to please her. That's why she liked him so much. Few people, except maybe her brother and Marisa, were as direct and painfully honest with her as he was. She'd rather he didn't express his feelings to her than say something and then try to extricate himself from it by saying it wasn't that.
Aemond embraced her contentedly, took her by her arms, and set her on his lap. He didn't dare rub against her though, remembering that she was still feeling uncomfortable from their intense night. He stroked her buttocks steadily, looking her up and down.
"You look good in my Tshirt." He said and slapped her butt loudly. She jumped, squealing. "You should wear them more often."
She blushed at those words and smiled, leaning over him, resting her forehead against his. They stared at each other for a moment in silence, their eyes warm and lustful. She stroked his cheek gently, and he closed his eye, wanting to focus on her touch.
"You know you have to take me to class soon?" She asked quietly, a hint of regret in her tone. Aemond sighed.
"I know."
Luckily, the hot summer air made her dress dry in time. Aemond wasn't sure if this dress was a good college outfit, but Y/N said it was classy enough to wear, and she'd worn it more than once. He agreed with her, though he couldn't take his eyes off her thighs and was sure he wasn't the only one with this problem. They got into the car, talking lightly about the film and artists in general. 
Aemond was pleased to find that he really enjoyed debating with her. Even before they started sleeping together, when he came to Klaus' house, they would exchange thoughts on various topics. They were usually short exchanges, but it didn't escape his notice that she was very open minded and willing to listen to others and ask the right questions. He thought then that despite what Kate had told him in his dream, sex wasn't the only thing he wanted from her.
They arrived in front of her university on time. She unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at him smiling.
"Klaus will pick you up?" He asked, wanting to make sure he understood correctly.
"Probably him or Marcus." She said lightly, shrugging. She was checking to make sure she had everything in her bag, so she didn't notice the smirk on his face, which disappeared after a second. When she felt she was ready, she looked at him with satisfaction.
“Thank you very much for everything. I had a great time today.” She said with a wide smile, sincerity in her voice. To his surprise, she really was happy, despite what had happened in the night. He gently stroked her thigh with his hand.
"Me too." He said, looking at her gently. They both looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, debating whether to kiss or not. After a moment's thought, they leaned in at the same time and kissed passionately, their lips warm and moist. They looked at each other contentedly. 
Y/N got out of the car, giving him another quick glance from behind her. His heart was pounding, and he felt a pleasant warmth in his belly. He felt calm. After a while he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out quickly, thinking it was Y/N who might have forgotten something, but saw it was a message from an unknown number. He felt like a stone had settled in his throat as he read the message.
"She looks so good in that black dress. Does she fuck well?”
Aemond squeezed his eyes and mouth shut, his jaw clenched painfully.
"You son of a bitch." He said to himself.
Y/N finished class as planned. She left the main entrance, talking with her classmate, they were laughing at something genuinely. Y/N from a distance saw Marcus standing by the car, talking on the phone. Seeing her walking towards him, he waved his hand. Y/N said goodbye to her friend and headed towards him.
"We drive?" He asked with a smile and Y/N nodded. They headed towards her house, the radio playing in the background. Y/N stared out the window, it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.
"I see you're in a good mood." He said amused, looking at her expectantly. Y/N blushed and looked pleadingly at him.
"Though you don't torment me." She said helplessly. Marcus laughed heartily at those words, radiating the warmth she always liked about him. At least with her and Klaus, that's how he was. He was ruthless in the courtroom, and she knew he could be ruthless outside of it as well. Nevertheless, for as long as she could remember, she could always count on him. 
When she was afraid to tell her father or Klaus about something, she always went to him with her problem. And he was able to listen to her, advise her and, above all, he did not share what she said with others. After a moment, she pursed her lips as she looked at him. She wondered if she should ask the question.
"How is Laura?" She asked quietly, drawing in a breath, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. She saw that he was still smiling, but his eyes had turned cold. He was silent for a moment. They were just pulling into the driveway. He turned off the engine and looked at her.
“The doctors said she is already a vegetable. Her parents say they want her to go away in peace so that she doesn't suffer anymore. That if I love her, I should end her suffering and let them disconnect her from the life support." He said, and the fact that he smiled as he said it made her eyes well up with tears. “But I can't. I've always been selfish."
Her lips trembled, a tear rolled down her cheek as she took his hand.
"Marcus, I'm so sorry." It was all she could manage in a trembling voice. After Laura's car accident, everyone at first hoped she would make it out. However, it turned out that her injuries were more serious than originally thought. 
Marcus was looking at her and she could see that although his expression didn't show it, his eyes were empty. He wasn’t her husband, by the law her parents could do whatever they wanted. He laughed.
“You get involved too easily in other people's problems. But that's what makes you so easy to love." He said and kissed her hand warmly. There was no lust in his eyes. He was like her guardian. His good deeds for her made it easier for him to sleep after all the bad things he did at his job. 
She knew it had always been like this. He wanted so much to help her now, because no one could help Laura anymore. Her face was twitching, tears were dripping from her eyes. Laura was the only woman in his life that he truly loved.
They both unbuckled their seatbelts and Y/N got out of the car with her legs shaking.
"Oh, what a welcoming committee." Marcus said. Y/N looked up and saw that Klaus and Aemond were waiting on the porch. Aemond was smoking a cigarette, his eyes cool and cold. Her heart skipped a beat, figuring he'd seen their conversation in the car and she flushed red. Marcus didn't care though, and extended his hand to him in greeting. Aemond didn't shake her. Marcus laughed.
"Come on. It's not what you think." He said, taking out a cigarette and a lighter from his jacket, he also lit it. Klaus just rolled his eyes, impatient. Y/N was standing next to Marcus, all pale, looking at Aemond pleadingly, but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Marcus.
Marcus inhaled like he had all the time in the world and blew the smoke out his nose. After a moment he spoke.
“I was talking to Y/N about my beloved woman who will probably be taken off life support by her parents, because her brain is already dead. Maybe you have some advice for me?" He asked, taking another drag, saying the words so lightly that Aemond thought for a moment that he was making fun of him. 
Y/N sobbed loudly, saying only "Marcus...Please..." and grabbing his arm, but he didn't care anymore. 
After a while Aemond realized he wasn't joking. He turned scarlet. 
There was a terrible, awkward silence. Y/N sobbed loudly as Marcus wrapped one arm around her, looking the other way.
"Dont cry." He said lightly, exhaling smoke. "It's just life."
The four of them stood in silence. Y/N calmed down after a while. She looked at Aemond with eyes red from crying. He looked at her apologetically and dropped his gaze. He wanted to explain why he had come, but he was too embarrassed by his behavior to say anything. Klaus, seeing the situation, took pity on him, sighing heavily.
"Albert knows about you and Aemond."
If you want to be tagged, just leave a comment. ~
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I recommend everyone to see Loving Vincent, it's a great animation!
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