#i woke up feeling like i got hit by a bus but i’ll check through everyone’s rules / cards before i follow back later !! /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
vessuna · 9 months
oooo i got some new followers hi thereee
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claraswritings · 2 years
Stay For Now, I Love You Forever
Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader (a tiny bit of Marc Spector x Reader- pining)
Summary: Steven meets a girl. Steven falls for her. Marc falls too.
Warning: Some angst. Set mostly pre-series. (Also for the sake of the fic, Marc is already divorced). First time writing Steven/Marc/Moon Knight system. This is not spell checked as I’m posting at nearly 2AM lol.
A/N: Meant to finish this sooner but I got Covid :( Tagged @marvelenthusiast10 )
“Okay Steven…what’s your symptoms.”
The man before you shifted in the chair, drumming his fingers on his jeans, eyes flickering over the walls. It looked like he was battling the urge to run away. It was obvious that he felt awkward, and you couldn’t blame him. It was pretty bizarre having to explain your sleep symptoms to a total stranger.
“Right…” Steve started then trailed off “Sorry Uhh…” he hesitated once more as he looked away from you and rested his gaze on the view from the window. where he could see I t had started to snow heavily.
“Huh…it’s snowing.” He commented “Didnt know it was going to snow? Did you?…Do you think the buses will be running?”
Sensing his rambling was a outburst of nerves, something to distract himself, you attempted to placate him “I didn’t…but I like the snow… I’m sure the buses will be fine but I’ll check the TfL website for you before you go. Do you need a drink?”
Steven brought his dark eyed gaze back to you. “Right sorry, sorry…” he muttered, scratching his jaw… “I’ll get to the point and stop rambling…”
“It’s okay…take your time…” you reassured him. “I have lots of time”
He hesitated, once more before he took a breath for composure
“Okay, so sometimes, yeah, I wake up… and…I‘ve lost… hours or even sometimes days at a time…like couple of weeks ago… I went to bed on Friday…” he gestured, with one hand, the sleeve of his over sized jacket sliding up as he did “but I woke up on Sunday…but I’m still tired…Fell asleep on the bus…” he trailed off for only long enough to rake a hand through his wavy dark hair “Feel like I’ve been hit by one too.”
He gave you a muted smile, as he pulled the long sleeves of his blue jacket back down.
Your lips lifted at corner as a response to his joke, and you nodded slowly, writing down what he was saying.
“That’s not normal is it? Losing days…” He frowned a little, his gaze on you, as you could feel him almost crying out for help “I feel like I’m losing my bloody mind.” He mumbled, his voice quiet.
“No Steven, you’re not, a lack of sleep can do all sorts of things to our bodies, that’s why I’m here. Sleep is a very difficult thing to get right… but we can help you…once we work out what might be causing whatever is happening…do you have any other symptoms? Do you ever sleep walk?”
“See… I thought maybe I did, cause I’d wake up and be like coming back through the door…” Steven leant forward, uncrossing his arms to draw a circle in the air “But like the sand circle would still be yknow in a circle, right? So I can’t be?” He spoke as if he was offering a suggesting, shoulders moving up and down in a shrug that did not look as nonchalant as he had clearly hoped
Now he’d lost you.
“Sand circle?”
“Oh god I’m gonna sound like a right weirdo…” he flopped back in the seat. “I put the sand circle around my bed…, yeah, cause if I was sleep walking I’d shuffle and ruin it.” Steven explained with a wave of his hand. “Wouldn’t I?”
You had to admit it, it was clever, if a little unconventional. “Yeah, that’s actually quite a good idea… never heard that one but I like it.” You nodded encouragingly. As the years you’d spent helping set up various sleep studies, you’d heard all the classics-no caffeine, no cheese, lavender oil, hot baths, white noise, black out curtains… but you’d never heard of using a sand circle to test if you were sleeping walking.
“That and the restraint on the bed.” Steven tacked on then instantly realised what he clicked your eyebrows shooting upwards “Not like that...I’m not like…” He muttered, a red creeping up over his face, as his hand crept up to itch the back of his neck. “Don’t really get the chance for anything like that with the…funny sleeping stuff and that…” he trailed off.
stoptalking stoptalking stoptalking stoptalking. He told himself internally and shook his head, trying not to visibly shudder at his own awkward comment. How he’d just told you, the prettiest woman he’d seen in…god knows how long, that he had a restraint on his bed. God Steven, way to show off your glaring red flag.
“You…you have a restraint?” you paused, trying not to smile at the flustered man before you, as he now was staring directly at the spot where your desk met carpet. “To prevent the sleepwalking of course.”
The comment about not having the chance stuck out to you. Must mean he’s single.
“Yeah, uh..I have tape too for the… for the door. So I can’t get out and bother anyone…Tried to keep myself up aswell, listened to a podcast and did the stuff it said… puzzles, reading books, all that…didn’t work though…”
His eyes shot back to you as hand ran through his thick wavy hair again Everything about him was a bundle of nerves from the fidgeting to the eyes looking from you to the window and back to the tangents, now on top of that, he was worried his sleep issue would bother anyone. You couldn’t help but feel for him.
“And how long have you been using these… techniques for?”
“Oh god…” he blew out a long exhale “I don’t actually know…to be quite honest…ages now…Doctor”
“It’s okay Steven, anything that can help you is worth trying…and I’m not a doctor… I’m a sleep…tech…” you held your hands up. “I just check you in and help with results.”
“Oh..sorry…” he faltered, a little embarrassed , trying to find the words “…Ms. Sleep… Tech…Technician?… Technologist?”
He cringed inwardly at his own sentence only seconds after the words had left his mouth and for the… he’d lost count… time since he’d entered the room.
Once again, you weren’t pulling back, recoiling or phased by his awkwardness. You were, much to his surprise, smiling at him. Not the weird passive smile Donna gave him when asking, or rather telling him, to stay late. Not the fake nicety smile exhausted tourists usually gave him, you were actually smiling at him like you thought he was funny. The smile you were giving him was so genuine and warm, he felt himself relax under your eyes.
“You must always be well rested. Must be nice.” Steven attempted to extend the conversation, hoping his attempt wasn’t too ungraceful.
“Ah. You’d be surprised,” There was a smile toying at the corner of your mouth “I’m better at giving advice than I am at following it.”
“Suppose It’s like chefs innit…they come home and probably just Deliveroo themselves a Nando’s or KFC or something?”
You laughed “Yeah, exactly what I mean…Now look…I know this is going to sound cliche but…problems with sleep, it’s more common than you think.” Pausing, you put your notebook down, and leant in, elbows planted on the desk. “But basically in your deepest stage of sleep… your brain switches off the muscles… so you won’t be acting out your dreams or anything crazy. If you are in that stage, you won’t go anywhere, Steven.”
You turned one of your folders over and pushed a case plan towards him, and pointing out the diagrams with the end of your pen.
“We’ll chart your brainwaves whilst you’re asleep… then we can use them to work out what’s going on.”
“And that’ll help me?” He sounded hopeful as his gaze ran over the notes, following your make shift pointer.
“Yeah I hope so, i mean it might not stop the processes but it’ll help us understand what’s going on.”
“You must think I’m a right weirdo…but it’s nice…to talk to someone that isn’t my fish…or the living statue bloke,” Steven turned back to you, giving you a thankful look. “Or my boss.” He pulled a face.
“I don’t think you’re weird, Steven… I want to help you. I’ll listen for as long as you need me to”
You hadn’t automatically assumed he was some weirdo which was a relief. He felt comfortable with you like you actually wanted to help him rather than judging him.
There was a moments silence, then your eyes flicked down to the notebook that lay between you and back to Steven.
“Do you drink tea…or coffee?”
“Oh… um, just tea with soy milk and one sugar. Sometimes a hot chocolate? Although that’s not caffeine is it? I wouldn’t mind one of those flavoured ones, Think they do them that cafe around the corner if you’d like?” He grinned somewhat awkwardly “they do refills…which you know in London, gotta get your moneys worth… it’s expensive.”
You felt a heat creep up your face “Erm…it’s for the questionnaire? I need to know how much caffeine you’re drinking?”
“Oh..oh god I’m sorry, I’ve just put my foot in it havent I?… I thought you were…and now I’m rambling, I do that…”
“But…yes Steven. I’d love to have any hot drink with you…”
“Wait. Really?” Steven faltered, surprised.
“Of course. I finish at half five. I’ll meet you there.”
And when you’d walked into the cafe, saw him already waiting there, drink gently steaming on the table and book in hand, reading glasses on, you’d slid in beside him and had never looked back.
When Steven offered to meet you at your flat to go for dinner two days later, you agreed. It was suggestion, that had it come from any of the fuck boys in your Tinder matches would have had you hitting the un match button…but with Steven…you knew he was being sweet.
You knew he wasn’t just asking to try get into your place and into your underwear, although you wouldn’t have minded. He was asking because he didn’t want you to walk to the Tube station alone in the dark.
Steven had wrapped up in a winter coat, and worn a dark blue scarf and matching gloves. He brought chocolate and a dozen pink roses, which as he’d handed over, he’d told you that he noticed your notebook had been pink and thought it was a safe bet for the colour. Before you could say thank you he’d already apologised for the chocolates incase you hated them or incase he’d got the colour wrong.
You’d kissed him on the cheek, told them they were perfect and that you’d share the chocolates with him, before linking your gloved hands together and starting your walk to your favourite Asian restaurant in Camden, where he’d had a tofu version of a curry and you’d had chicken teriyaki skewers. It was closing time before you’d left arm in arm, giggling as you walked together.
As you made your way back to the Tube station, Steven had excitedly wanted to try a bubble waffle, so you’d opted for a shared vegan friendly version and ate it with two forks. You’d hugged him outside the station then met him outside his work two days later…and before long you’d fallen into an easy pattern of dating.
The first time he hadn’t called when he said he would, was one month into dating and he was eight hours late. Steven had saw the voicemails left from you and panicked, fully expecting the “you’re an arsehole, never talk to me again” but no, you’d called him to check he was okay, came by his place and even posted a card through his letterbox telling him you were thinking of him and you hoped he was okay.
You were worried.
Steven kept that card in the top drawer of his beside table alongside a napkin from your first date, one of the gratuity sweets from your second, the first note you’d ever wrote to him, a puzzle you’d bought to do together and a model pyramid you’d saw online and thought of him. You’d said you just saw it on Amazon, but it wasn’t one you could just buy. Steven knew from the model that you’d have had to buy it from a specific retailer. You’d never tell him you googled it specifically but he loved that you did.
He knew he loved you then and there
“Hey babe.” You stuck your head around the entrance to the gift shop and grinned at him.
Steven, at the sight of you, dropped the plush back into a box and ran to you, squeezing you tight.
“Hiya love, I’m just finishing up here. Won’t be five minutes and I’ll be over to you” he kept his hands on your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck and kissed him before reaching up and straightening the collar of his patterned shirt
“Okay, babe. I’ll just wander around. We can go to that new bakery if you like. I’ve checked the menu, they do have vegan options.”
His lips curled into a smile and he squeezed your hand by way of thanking you before you headed off to wait for him.
“That sounds brilliant. Really good!”
“Stevie!” A call rang out from across the room and Steven rolled his eyes
“Oh fuck Donna.”
“Stevie! I told you the answers no. So just stop talking to guests…alright? Leave it to the real tour guides…”She turned to you, not giving him the chance to reply “Is he bothering you?”
“Actually…” you wrapped your arm around Steven. “He’s not. I’m…”
“Oh…Stevie’s girlfriend.” Donna pointed at you “Gunna be honest, thought he’d made you up. Kept saying you were dead pretty and let him talk. Didn’t actually think you were real.” She laughed mirthlessly. “Thought he was bothering the guests again!”
“Well Steven is a wealth of information, and I want my info from the best source” you gave her as friendly of a smile as you could muster.
“Best source is a tour guide” she smiled “but I’m glad he has someone to listen to his weird rambling.”
“I’d rather hear about it from someone with a passion for it”
“I’m sure our guides are plenty passionate.” She turned on her heel to face Steven. “Clock off please. I’m not paying you to chat to your girlfriend.”
“Sure, Donna. Pleasure as always.” He gave a curt wave, however she had already stalked off before she could return the acknowledgment. “Back in a sec, love.” He leant in and pecked your lips before disappearing off to clock out.
When he returned a few minutes later you linked you arm through his, and noticing he looked slightly dejected, attempted to offer him some comfort.
“She doesn’t know what she’s missing out on. I’ve done a few of these tours and I’ve learnt more from listening to you at home than I have from any of them”
“Really?” He perked up “Cause we have this new exhibit, it’s basically like the super group of Egyptian gods and it’s really interesting…the posters only show seven but there’s nine and…” Steven was suddenly conscious he was babbling but when he looked at you, he was still holding your attention.
“Tell me about it?” You asked him.
“About the super group?” Steven was quick to check, excited at the chance to discuss his passion before stopping. “I don’t want to bore you, love”
“You won’t.” You gave his arm a reassuring squeeze through
Steven could never bore you, everything about him was captivating. He was so excited and so passionate about Egyptian mythology that you couldn’t help but be drawn in by his wide eyed enthusiasm. You liked it when he went off on a tangent. It was cute.
“I love you, you know. And not just because you let me go on about Egyptology or that, I just really do love you, and I never thought I’d get that.”
“I love you too Steven.” You kissed him. “Now tell me about these super gods, I wanna know about the missing ones…”
***a few weeks later***
Marc froze. You were half asleep-half awake, the lights from the window, casting bright lights through the window of Stevens flat. You looked angelic, the slopes of your face, the curves of your body as you pulled the duvet tighter.
He’d watched from the background as you and Steven had fallen for each other over the past few months and Marc had, having seen how you were to Steven, had fallen for you too.
He’d realised it when he saw how gentle you were with Steven, after he’d woken one night when you’d been staying the night. He’d stumbled back to bed, a struggle to keep control of the body and barely collapsed into a half slumber before Steven had woke with a jolt around fifteen minutes later, pulling hard at the restraint and checking around him.
“Hey hey, it’s me babe, you’re okay…” you, on instinct, sat up next to Steven. He was checking the restraint, pulling at it hard to make sure it was in place. “…Steven, babe. You’re here, I’m with you, it’s okay.”
You reached for him slowly not making contact until Steven turned to meet your eyes. He was breathing heavy, chest heaving and shoulders tight, brow furrowed as you wrapped one arm around him and held his hand with the other.
“Steven. You haven’t had anything like this in a while.”
It was the first time you’d been there when it had happened. Usually, if Steven had a rough night, he’d call you and you’d talk and you’d stay with him listening.
“Im here babe.” You whispered
“Youre here.” His voice sounded so small and lost and such a far cry from how you’d ever heard him. A part of your heart broke seeing your usual bubbly, chatty Steven such a wreck. “I thought you’d left.”
“No. No.” You pulled him into you, lying back with his head on your shoulder as you carefully carded your hand through his curls. “I’m not leaving.…” You reached for his hand and pressed a kiss to the back of his knuckles. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Please stay for now”
“Of course, for as long as you need me.”
Marc had felt so guilty that night that he’d resolved that he wouldn’t go far when you were staying the night. Steven deserved some happiness, a sense of peace, some chance to be normal so tonight he’d kept it short, a quick hour before returning back to you.
Marc wondered if he’d met you first…rather than Steven, would you have fallen in love with him? Would you be stroking circles on his back and whispering sweet nothings to him when he woke in the dead of the night, freaked out and panicking.
He doubted it. Everything you loved was so rooted in Steven. Sweet, endearingly quirky, good-natured, warm hearted, clever Steven, who was nothing like Marc.
You were always staring at Steven, looking in his big wide eyes, playing with the fluffy curls that Marc usually slicked back, sliding your hands under Steven’s oversized clothes that Marc hated, asking him questions about the book Steven was reading that Marc didn’t know anything about, offering suggestions for whatever puzzle Steven was looking at that Marc didn’t care for, you cooked Steven vegan versions of your own lunches where Marc would have preferred the meat, you left cute notes for Steven to find. You called him Babe all the time.
Steven deserved the world but, god how Marc was jealous. He wanted you to look at him the way you looked at Steven. He could feel it heavy on his shoulders as he breathed and like an open wound in his chest.
“Steven?” He froze in the spot where he was, you turned over in the bed, voice half asleep. “Come back to bed. It’s cold.” You muttered
“Shhh, back to sleep.” He had hoped you wouldn’t notice the change from London to American as he whispered approaching the bed.
“Babe you’re talking different.” you muttered.
The second of silence that passed felt like an age to Marc, the only sound was his hammering heart rate, before you filled the room with a sleepy laugh “You’re so funny…I love you Steven.”
And like that you were back to sleep, leaving Marc alone with his own racing heart.
**a few weeks later**
Steven had been gone for five days. You’d spent most of your mornings leaving early for work to drop in on him and see if he’d shown up, your lunch breaks scouring the local news to see if an anonymous man had shown up in any hospitals, you’d called almost every hospital and police station within a ten mile radius. The police had told you they’d “note his name and description” and let you know. By Wednesday you’d even went to his work twice only for Donna to tell you Steven doesn’t work here.
You’d began to wonder you should be going back to the police to tell them the missing person you’d reported still had not shown up when you heard a knocking at your door
“Gimme a minute,” You called out as pulled yourself off the sofa and headed to the door. Hauling it open you half expected to see your neighbour or the postman. What you were not expecting to see was your boyfriend, in a baggy navy jumper, hair sticking up at all angles and looking like he’d come off a 72 hour all nighter.
He wouldn’t have of course, Steven barely drank so you couldn’t process exactly how or what the fuck had happened until he spoke.
“Hi.” He managed to get out “I’m sorry I didn’t call you.”
“Steven…You‘ve been gone for days…where the fuck where you?” Your mouth formed the words, quieter, more concerned than angry.
Instead of saying a word, you felt him slump into your arms, exhausted.
“Fucking hell Steven, what happened?” You repeated yourself with a mutter as you looped an arm around his waist and the other you used to support him and helped him to the couch, where he flopped down. Your heart ached just looking at him.
“Don’t go.” He murmured, “Stay here.”
“I’m just getting you a blanket and a cuppa, babe… okay?” You brushed some of his curls back as he nodded. “I’ll be back in two minutes… I promise.”
You kissed his head and exactly two minutes later, you returned a steaming mug of tea and your favourite sage green blanket. You’d bought it in the Dunlem sale and it never left your bed until it made its way to Stevens. You’d wrapped him in it once when he’d fallen asleep at his desk and he’d looked so adorable you’d insisted he kept it.
“Are you okay? Should I be calling an ambulance or the police or something?”
His hands knotted around the edges as you draped it over him and sat the mug in front of him. You sat in silence beside him until he’d had a few large gulps. Steven shook his head
“I’m okay…no ambulance. no police needed. It’s alright..”
“Steven. You have to tell me where you were.” You tried “Please. I thought you were missing or dead, I kept expecting to see your picture on the news as a fucking body found.”
“You wouldn’t believe me…” he let out a tiny impression of a laugh “I mean not just you… no one would and I don’t blame them.”
“I will…I promise.”
“It sounds made up”
“Babe, not that long ago Spider-Man had a fight on Tower Bridge, and before that half the world disappeared and came back and before that Thor had a fight with that…alien thing in Greenwich and before that if you’d asked me, I’d say that shit only happens in New York but I’m three out of three of mad things that have happened to me so nothing you say is going to freak me out… but saying nothing is…” You pressed your head to his. “Please…please tell me where you were.”
Steven sighed, you looked so desperate to help, so worried and he could hear Marc, telling him to be honest with you, not being honest with Layla had cost him his relationship, and although they were still friends, he didn’t want the same to happen to you.
“Yeah okay…” he started “but you got to let me tell you the whole thing, alright? No matter how mental it sounds.”
You smiled. “Of course.”
And for the whole time, you kept your attention on him, nodding, asking questions and squeezing his hand”
“Suppose that’s it all.” He said with a finish “I’ll understand if you don’t want to go out with me anymore…”
“Steven.” You pulled him into a hug, hands reaching up to rub his back. “I believe you and I love you and of course I still want to go out with you.”
“But all I do is cause problems for everyone…I don’t want to mess up your-.”
“You could never be a problem. Not for me.”
“I will eventually.”
“Steven, there is no problem you could cause that would be too big. You were never a problem to me.” Your head shook vehemently “and you never will be. Not now, not ever. You and me always.”
“I love you…” he muttered leaning in and pressing his head to yours so softly “forever”
“…I love you so much.”
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me…us.” He paused, as you tilted your head with a smile “Marc won’t come forward now but he cares for you. A lot.”
“Steven, you will always be enough for me…but one day I’d like to meet him…Marc…if that’s okay with both of you…when he’s ready.”
Steven nodded. “I think he’d like that too.”
The relief lifted a weigh off his shoulders and he felt himself settle back into the sofa. You joined him, and slipped your arms around him, pulling the blanket around you both.
“I’ve missed you.” You muttered quietly.
“I missed you too.”
Steven kissed you softly and started to apologise before you planted another kiss on his lips, softly and gently.
“Shhh, you have nothing to apologise for. I’m just glad I have my boyfriend back.” You gave him an easy smile and he leant in.
.“I’m glad I’m back too…love. To the rest of our lives Eh?” He leant in to you as you repeated his sentiment.
“To the rest of our lives”
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nostalgic-woodwind · 23 days
WIP Wednesday - Period Pains
Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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TW: Period blood, mention of nausea, mention of Valentino, drugs, and alcohol
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Plot: Crymini gets her period in the middle of the night and regresses.
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Crymini woke up at around two in the morning, and her body felt like it was instantly struck by a double… no, triple… wait, scratch that. Her body felt like the aftermath of being hit by a quadruple-decker bus. Her stomach and legs were in immense pain. She felt like she was going to throw up, and her head was throbbing. She wanted to get up, but her body was in so much agony that it felt like it was anchored to the mattress. That’s when Crymini’s headspace slipped. She wanted her mommy and papa to comfort her, and she did the only thing that she could physically do: cry.
Husk was sleeping when he woke up to Crymini’s crying through the baby monitor that rested on his nightstand.
“Crymini?” Husk muttered, his voice lingered with tiredness and concern. He got up out of his bed and walked over down the hallway. He then spotted Angel heading to Crymini’s door.
“You heard her crying, too?”
“Yeah, I can check to see if she’s okay,” Angel offered, yawning.
“Val kept you up for the past few nights, you need sleep,” Husk said.
“I know, but I really like helping you out with Crymini when’s she little.”
Husk knew Angel was right. He loved looking after little Crymini. It helped him get his mind off of drinking, taking drugs, and his boss at work. Plus, the hyena really enjoyed her mama’s company whenever she was tiny, a stark contrast to whenever she was big.
“Well, okay,” Husk smiled a bit. “I’ll get the nursery ready for her while you check out what’s wrong.”
“Thanks, Whiskers,” Angel smiled back.
Husk walked back to his room while Angel gave a couple of soft knocks on Crymini’s door.
“Mini, what’s wrong, baby?” Angel asked. He opened the door and his heart dropped when he saw Crymini upset. “What’s wrong, baby? Did you have a bad dream?”
The hyena’s sobs simmered down as Angel walked over to her and helped her out of bed. When he did, he saw that her sheets were stained with blood.
“Aw, baby, are you on your time of the month?”
Crymini whined tearfully, trying her hardest not to cry again. She didn’t mean to have an accident, especially during the middle of the night.
“Shhh, princess, it’s okay,” Angel soothed as he gave Crymini a hug. “Mama’s not mad at you. Periods happen when you least expect it. We’ll get you and your sheets cleaned up, and you can sleep in Papa’s room.”
Angel removed the sheets from Crymini’s bed and put them in the hamper. He then guided her to the bathroom and washed his hands while she sadly fussed from the pain she was sustaining.
“I know, Mini, I know,” the spider cooed as he kissed Crymini’s forehead and gently rubbed her hands.
“I’m sorry,” Crymini hiccuped.
“What are you sorry for?”
“Making a mess an’ wa’in’ you up.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetie. Everybody makes messes and mistakes from time to time. That doesn’t make me and Papa love you any less.”
Angel gave Crymini another forehead kiss.
“I’m just gonna give Papa a text so he can help us out.”
“I’m in t’ouble?” Crymini sniffled.
“No, baby, of course not,” Angel reassured. “He’s just gonna help me make you feel all better.”
Angel began texting Husk.
🩷🕷️: “Mini’s on her period”
❤️🐈‍⬛: "Damn, that’s gotta suck :("
🩷🕷️: "She had an accident, so I’m gonna give her a bath. Can you get the changing station ready?”
❤️🐈‍⬛: “Yeah, I’ll get everything ready for the baby.”
❤️🐈‍⬛️: "I can get her some pain relieving medicine and make a bottle for her if you want me to. And my door's open so you can change her after her bath."
🩷🕷️: “Thanks, Husk! She would love a bottle! Love you ^3^”
❤️🐈‍⬛: "Love you, too, honey"
Angel turned on the bath and adjusted the knobs so warm water will fill the tub up. Once he tested the temperature of said water, he got Crymini undressed and gently placed her in the tub. He gently scrubbed her body as he hummed and planted gentle forehead kisses every now and then. Crymini felt a lot more calm as Angel bathed her. She felt her tears dry and she began taking deep breaths.
“There we go, Mini. You’re doing a good job at calming down, I’m proud of you,” Angel praised.
After Crymini was bathed, Angel helped her out of the tub and dried her off with a fluffy, warm towel. He wrapped it around her and carried her to Husk’s room.
“Where’s Papa?” The hyena asked.
“He’s getting you some medicine and something to drink,” Angel said as he laid Crymini down on the changing pad that rested on top of Husk’s dresser. He changed her into a diaper and a pair of fuzzy pajamas with an anglerfish design on the shirt.
“There you go,” Angel said as he picked Crymini up and wrapped her in a hug. “You feelin’ better, sweet girl?”
Crymini nodded, but groaned once her legs and stomach started hurting again. Angel kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back, shushing her softly. Husk arrived on cue with two Midol pills and a baby bottle filled with chocolate milk.
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Not so fun fact from the author: I get leg cramps every time I get my period. Why? Because God hates me /hj
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foretnoires · 1 year
ayahina drabble | airplane [TG week: Day 6]
warning: lowercase
note: y/n’s pov - which is boz (boss), english is not my first language, i’m trying my best, enjoy 🤗 
p/s: not me finally came up with an idea after @weektg​ had ended like, days ago 💀 for a person who actually came to new york city and found that the vibes hit different, especially at night, so i think ayahina will be a good choice for this 😝
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❝ love comes incidentally. ❞ 
dear diary,
1. my husband and i couldn’t sit together on the flight, i was so sad. all because of staying up late last night and the late arrival at the airport this morning, so we couldn't check-in in time. luckily, when i got on the plane, i changed seats with another girl, and i got to sit with my husband!!!
2. i had to admit that the girl was kind and pretty. she had such a cute smile, i asked her name only to find out that her name was hinami fueguchi, going back to new york to continue her studies.
3. after about two hours of flying, i was so bored, the movie i was watching with my husband sucked, but he was still watching it intently, so i decided to sleep, but before i slept, i saw a very romantic scene, just like in a movie! the girl hinami i just met was sleeping with her head on the shoulder of the person next to her. he seemed confused at first, but he probably didn't have the heart to wake her up so he continued to sit like that. oh so romantic.
4. when hinami woke up, she realized what happened and hurriedly apologized to the person next to her. he said it was okay, but he smiled brightly. so i overheard their conversation. i dragged my husband in to listen to it too.
5. the boy next to her was ayato kirishima, also a japanese exchange student. the two of them talked a lot, mainly about their hobbies and studying etc. heh, i could feel love budding. was it because of boz me here to match you two? kkkk.
6. my husband told me i was crazy, i didn’t care. so unromantic of him. i continued to observe the two sitting above. the distance between the two was getting closer and closer. their elbows touched.
7. ayato started showing hinami pictures on his phone. i didn't know which picture they were talking about? family photos? ayato's picture? i was so curious.
8. wow i've never seen a love story as sweet as this. i remember the time when i went through so many ups and downs with my husband to get married. at first, we were like cats and dogs. but these two, just on one flight, already matched well. maybe they should get married tomorrow 😂 ah, ayato told hinami to sleep, and let hinami rest on his shoulder to sleep.
9. i couldn’t sleep because i was afraid of missing 0.1 seconds of this sweet couple. when hinami was sleeping, ayato even covered her with a blanket. haha reminds me of a few times my husband did the same to me. only 1 hour left until the arrival, would the story end well or not?
10. FINALLY THE PLANE LANDED, AYATO AND HINAMI GOT OFF THE PLANE THEN WENT INSIDE THE AIRPORT TOGETHER. THEY EVEN HELD HANDS. my husband and i were like two stalkers who cling to them. the two of them took the bus together. so boz, the matchmaker, finally succeeded! HINAMI FUEGUCHI IS AYATO KIRISHIMA’S.
10(+1). my husband kept saying that i don't care about him at all. it's also because he's not as cute as the other two. well, i'll love him more when we reached our hotel.
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takecareluv · 2 years
can I request were the reader is sick (not covid) and vinnie takes care of her and he reads a book for her to fall asleep thank you :)
a.n. someone being all soft and caring for you when you’re sick 🥺 adorable. && reading a book to help you fall asleep 🥺🥺 my heart!
sick day || vinnie hacker x reader
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you woke up this morning feeling as if you’d been hit by a bus.
your throat was super dry and scratchy, your nose stuffed and your head was pounding. let’s just say you felt like absolute shit.
you rolled over to see that vinnie was already awake. “morning, sleepyhead. about time you woke up, you don’t usually sleep this late.”
“yeah, i’m not feeling too great right now.” you rasped, the words coming out as more of a whisper.
“awe you don’t sound too good, sweet girl.” he reached out to press his hand to your forehead, checking if you had a fever. “you feel hot too. let’s get you some medicine.”
he walked into the bathroom, searching through the cabinet for some cold medicine. once he spotted it, he snatched the box and was back by your side in no time. “here take two of these,” he dropped the tablets in your hand, “do you need more water?”
“i’m good, i still got some. thank you, bub.” you took a swig of water before popping the pills into your mouth as he stood in front of you.
“good girl.”
“are you hungry? you want anything to eat?”
“pastina, please!” whenever you were sick growing up, your grandma would always make you pastina and it stuck with you ever since.
“coming right up.”
about twenty minutes later, vinnie walked back into your bedroom with a bowl of buttery pastina in one hand and a cup of green tea in the other.
“here you go baby. the tea will help soothe your throat.”
he was about to leave the room again but you called out for him before he could. “wait, where are you going? i want you to stay,” you pouted.
“don’t worry, baby, i’m not leaving you. i just going to get my bowl from the kitchen. i’ll be right back.” he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, and left the room.
he was back in bed with you before you knew it and you cuddled up to his side. “movie day?” he questioned. you nodded with a small smile on your face. you always loved when you guys spent all day in bed, and being sick, so even though it sucked, was the perfect excuse to do so. “what do you wanna watch?” he hummed.
“aquamarine! i loved that movie as a kid.”
he pressed play on the movie at your request and brought you closer to him. it always made him sad to see you sick. you were always so happy and full of energy, so to see you so unlike yourself was something he did not enjoy.
once your bowl of pasta was empty, he took it from you to place it on the bedside table next to him. you laid your head in his lap as he played with your hair.
you felt yourself relaxing, but you couldn’t quite fall asleep.
you managed to watch all of aquamarine, and whole other movie before vinnie suggested you get some rest. “you should try to take a nap, sweetheart. you seem tired.”
“i can’t fall asleep,” you whined, now feeling frustrated.
he thought for a second before an idea popped into his head. “reading always helps you fall asleep, why don’t we try that.” he grabbed the book sitting on the table beside him and opened it to your bookmarked page.
he began softly reading the words to you while also continuing to run his fingers through your hair, hoping this would help you relax completely.
he got through a chapter before looking down to see your eyes shut and mouth slightly parted open. he could definitely tell how stuffed your nose was by the way you were breathing.
he figured while you were sleeping, he would run to the store to pick up cough drops, nasal spray, some soup for later, and a pint of ice cream to calm your throat.
he tried to move out from under you as slowly and carefully as possible so he didn’t wake you, but to his luck your body shifted and eyes fluttered open. “where you going?” you mumbled.
“i just going to get you some more medicine and some soup for dinner. i’ll be right back, baby. go back to sleep, okay? get some rest.”
he stayed sat next to you for a few extra minutes, wanting to make sure you fell back asleep before he left.
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dunnswrld · 2 years
hey hey hey!! i love your writing and just wanted to request something cute and sweet with my love, chris pontius <333 I’ll give you creative freedom, because I’m not good at ideas haha. she/her pronouns please, and just make it fluffy! i’m not picky lol
i love your work and hope you’re doing well!! :))
Bad Day
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a/n: Thank you! I'm so sorry that this is so short and not the best..
prompt: You haven't had the best day on the set of Wildboyz, and when something happens that causes you to finally snap Chris is the first to try and help you feel better!
warnings: Just fluff, fem!reader
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Today just didn't seem to be your day on the set of Wildboyz. Firstly your camera settings were fucked up which was something you didn't realize till after the boys shot their whole opener, earning a rather mean talk from Rick.
Secondly you dropped your morning coffee and were already to far out in the forest to go back and grab another which meant zero energy due to your lack of sleep last night.
Thirdly Jeff thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of water on you, on any other day you probably would've laugh but today it was the last thing you needed.
And for the cherry on top your landlord is evicting you because he said it's "suspicious" that your never home, even after you explained your job to him he didn't budge.
You didn't know why you were having such a bad day today, maybe you were about to start your period? Or you simply just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
But either way you couldn't wait till your watch hit 6:30pm so you could return back to your hotel room and order room service cause you thought you deserved it.
You walked in the crew that followed Jeff, Chris, and Steve-o going to lead everyone god knows where. Usually you might've been right up front talking to the three boys but today just didn't feel like the day.
As you walked you checked the buttons on your camera, making sure all the settings were right so you didn't get called a "fucking amateur" by Rick again.
But while you focused on the many buttons on your camera your left foot hit something hard causing the left side of your body to freeze as the right kept moving causing your body to fall forward. Your camera seemed to fly out of your own hands as your body hit the ground hard.
The whole crew in front of you stopped walking when they heard the sound of something hitting the ground, when they turned they saw you pushing yourself up off the ground. The whole front of your body covered in mud as you sat on your knees.
You looked at everyone looking at you then down at your body and saw yourself covered in mud. It was silent as you looked down at yourself covered in mud until various crew members began to laugh.
"Please tell me someone got that!" Jeff laughed. You looked up at the crew seeing them all laughing. Tears built up in your eyes as you tried looking away from the crew to focus on something else but what you happened to focus on was your camera that was sat almost too perfectly in a puddle of mud.
Your eyes widened as you reached over and snagged it off the ground, the mic at the top of your camera completely falling off when you did so.
As you held the now broken camera in your hands as you and the camera were covered in mud you couldn't help but finally burst into tears after holding them in all day.
The laughing of your crew members seemed to go silent as they all realized you were now sobbing. None of them moved, no one until Chris pushed through them and placed a hand out for you to grab as he gently placed a hand on your back. You took his hand, holding your broken camera in the other as you rose to your feet.
"Don't cry it's ok, lets go back to the van and clean you up ok?" Chris said gently. "Bu-but you have to sh-shoot." You said while crying. "It's fine Steve can do it on his own." Chris said as he wrapped an arm around you. Chris turned his head and looked at Jeff.
"I'm gonna take her back to the van, Steve-o can do this on his own right?" Chris spoke. "Yeah dude I can do this on my own it's fine." Steve-o said as he waved Chris and you off seeing how upset you were. Chris mouthed a thank you to his best friend and began walking you in the direction of the van, trying his best to avoid any possible tripping hazards.
"I'm sorry." You said while you still cried. "Hey don't apologize we all trip, you're ok no one's mad." "But I broke my camera." Your own sentence made you cry even harder as you said allowed what you did, it was like pouring salt in an open wound. "Like MTV can't buy a new one for you, don't stress about it." "But Rick-"
"Who gives a flying fuck what Rick has to say?" Chris spoke quickly. You looked up at Chris who was looking head on down the trail. You didn't reply to him instead just kept walking with his arm around your shoulders.
You two completed the walk back to the van in silence, nothing uncomfortable though. Once you two hit the van Chris unwrapped his arm from your shoulders and walked towards the back of the van where he opened the two back doors.
"Take a seat here yeah?" Chris said as he tapped the edge of the van. You nodded as you walked to the edge of the van and sat down, your legs dangling off the edge. Chris jumped into the van once you sat down and began digging through bags.
Chris found some water, a towel and one of his clean shirts so you didn't have to sit in a muddy shirt for the rest of the time you were here. Chris held everything in his arms as he took a seat next to you, setting everything in his lap.
"Here let me see that camera." You handed your now broken camera to him and watched as he turned and threw it in the van. "Chris!" You said as you turned your back to try and find your camera he just threw. "What? It's already broken." Chris said with a light laugh. You smiled and chuckled at his joke before turning forward again.
"Ok so I got you a towel, some water and one of my shirts so you don't have to be muddy anymore." Chris handed you the towel and shirt and set the water down next to you. You took the towel and the shirt with a soft smile. "Thanks Chris." All Chris did was nod at your words.
You set the shirt he gave you on your lap and used the towel and wiped your face off of any mud that might've been on your face still. Once you were done with the towel you threw it behind you in the van, you turned around and lift your shirt above half your stomach to only pause and turn your head towards Chris.
"Cover those eyes Pontius." You said with a small laughed. Chris's eyes widened as he placed his hands over his eyes, "Sorry." You only chuckled at his response and lifted your shirt fully over your head, dropping it to the side of you and picking up the new shirt Chris gave you and throwing it over your body.
"You can look now." Chris took his hands off his eyes and looked at you. "No more mud." He chuckled. "Oh shut up. I really hope no one got me falling." You nervously chuckled. "If they did I'll break their camera." Chris smiled, causing you to laugh.
As your laughter died down you and Chris sat next to one another in silence. Chris's head filled with possible things that could be effecting your mood, he wanted to help you but he just didn't know how to help you.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" You turned your head towards Chris bring your full attention to the boy. "Well of course I do." You responded. "Then talk to me, what's been bugging you?" You sighed as you rubbed your hand down your face. "Well today just isn't my day and it doesn't help that when I get back home I'm going to be evicted from my apartment." "Evicted? You out of everyone here is getting evicted?"
"Yep. My landlord said it's suspicious how I'm never home even though I told him I film for a TV show." "Isn't that a good thing? Like you won't be causing problems like Steve-o if you aren't there. See this is exactly why I just live in my car." You laughed at Chris's words. "Yeah maybe I should just live in my car." You chuckled.
"How about you just try and not think of that till you get home? I'll help you figure it out when we get back and even help you pack your stuff and whatever but for now just enjoy being on basically a vacation you didn't have to pay for."
"Thanks Chris." You smiled softly. Chris nodded at you with a smile, both of you gently looking at one another in silence until you quickly leaned forward and pecked his cheek. Chris's cheeks began to heat up with a shade of pink.
"Are you blushing Pontius?" You teased with a smile. "No I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder, Chris hesitantly wrapped a arm around your waist to pull you closer.
You two both looked at the sky that was changing color from the sun that was only just beginning to set, and for the first time today you felt calm and relaxed. Not worried about anything even getting evicted.
"Thanks again, Chris."
"It's what I'm here for."
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bnhatrashcanons · 4 years
they hurt your feelings
w/ bakugou and kirishima
genre: angst to fluff
a.n. i have seen so many people in different fandoms tackle this prompt and now its my turn so suffer along with me <3
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you knew going into this that katsuki was a little rough around the edges. this was more than fine for you
to make up for his prickly edges you decided to overwhelm him with love and affection, surprise hugs and face kisses all the while you scrounged for any affections you could get from him
he never told you it bothered him, though you should have guessed
you just loved him so much and you wanted to show it
clearly that desire for affection was going to come and bite you in the ass.
you sat with your arms wrapped around his waist, head nuzzled into his back. you peppered soft kisses to the clothed muscle every once in a while. he had been working at his homework which was fine with you. you didn’t mind the silence as long as you got to hold him. but he had been at it for an hour and a half. he deserved a break. you pressed a kiss onto his shoulder before speaking for the first time this evening. 
“hey bubs?” you whispered and were just met with a soft grunt from your boyfriend, sounds of pencil scratching onto the paper louder after you spoke. “bubby?” you asked one more time after a few moments. 
“jesus fucking christ, what, y/n?” he snapped, running his hands down his face with a groan of frustration. you jumped a little bit at the sudden harshness of his tone. you swallowed thickly, unsure if you wanted to answer him now. “you’ve already interrupted my train of thought you wanna fucking talk to me now?”
“i was just gonna suggest that you take a break,” you meekly whispered. “i just think you deserve one. you’ve been at this for so long and i just. i could rub the tension out of your shoulders.” 
“no.” he snapped. wow. okay. shut down so quickly. 
“okay baby, i just-”
“can you shut the fuck up for five minutes?” he pried your arms off him and scooted away. “you’re so fucking annoying jesus christ. i have never met anyone more clingy and annoying in my life. do me a favor and fucking leave i’m busy.” you blinked at him, tears pricking in your eyes. did he really just say that? were you that annoying. instead of putting up a fight and risking more of your feelings getting hurt you nodded and exited his dorm, heading back to yours to cry your eyes out. when you collapsed onto your bed, putting his notifications on mute so you didn’t have to talk to him. if you were clingy then keeping your distance was the best option in keeping your relationship alive.
on katsuki’s end, after an hour of cooling down he began to flood your phone with texts apologizing. nothing big or meaningful just a few ‘sorry. didn’t mean it’ type messages. not that you read them, which was confusing for him. you usually responded within 3 minutes. he set his phone down. you’d answer him in the morning. he tried falling asleep but dreams were replaced with the darkest of nightmares. he woke up feeling like he couldn’t breathe. like there was someone pressing onto his chest trying to get into his lungs and rip them out. he hated this feeling. he hated the memories masquerading as dreams. where were you? you always calmed him down. getting up he scrambled to grab his phone and call you. biting his knuckles he kept calling and calling but you didn’t pick up. 4 times. what the fuck? his heart continued to pound. he couldn’t do this. he wouldn’t be able to get back to bed. slipping on some form of shoe he walked down to your dorm and banged on the door. the nightmare kept replaying in his head and he felt like screaming. you still weren’t answering.
“y/n,” he spoke voice raspy. “i know you’re in there open the door please.” he knocked again. nothing. he knocked one last time. “y/n please i need you open the door i can’t.” after a few moments of you not opening the door, he was going to walk away. but then you opened the door. “y/n.”
“bakugou go to bed,” you demanded with your arms crossed. 
“first its katsuki to you,” his voice was shaky. “and i can’t sleep.”
“not my problem,” you snorted ready to close the door on him but he held it open. 
“please. just let me in,” he begged. you sighed and moved out of the way to let him in. he sat down on the bed and pulled his knees to his chest. he was terrible at asking for this, usually you just caved and gave him the hugs and cuddles he needed but instead you just stood there. he looked up at you. he looked so tired. you wanted to hug him but after that outburst you didn’t think you should. “y/n?” he asked after a moment.
“i’m sorry. for what i said earlier. you aren’t clingy. i mean you are but it’s not a bad thing. you keep me sane. i’m sorry.” 
“thanks for the apology but-”
“hold me please? i’m not good at this but i need it.”
you crossed your arms. “do you really think i’m that annoying? i’m sorry for it i just want to show you how much i love you but-”
“i don’t. i’m sorry. i’m sorry i’m making you question how you show me your love but please damn it. i know it’s gonna make you uncomfortable but i need a hug. please?” you nodded and sat next to him and held him tightly.
“we’ll get through this katsuki. tell me about your dream. talk it out.”
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you never in your wildest dreams believed that loving doting eijiro kirishima would make you feel insecure.
he loved you so much and not showing it wasn’t manly, according to him
but with the more dates he skipped out in favor of bakusquad hangouts
you weren’t so sure you were enough for him anymore
this was the third date this month kirishima missed. he stood you up and you were starting to think that the restaurant was going to stop letting you come back if you kept getting stood up. you texted him only for him to leave you on delivered. you texted sero asking about kirishima’s whereabouts for him to respond that they all went out to dinner. you were aghast. you really weren’t enough for him anymore, were you? the moment you got back to the dorm you got into bed, pulling the sheets close to your chest. he would rather be with anyone else but you, huh? you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. you were so wracked with sobs that they eventually rocked you to sleep. 
you woke up the next morning to your alarm for class. groaning you picked up your phone to turn the alarm off. you looked idly at your notifications. 23 texts and 4 missed calls from eijiro. you didn’t listen to the voicemails and all his texts were empty apologies. you didn’t bother opening them. instead you got ready for class and to join the rest of your classmates downstairs for breakfast. he sat next to you at the table as you silently ate your rice. it was quiet between you before he smiled at you brightly.
“so i know i missed our date last night, but i was thinking you and i could check out that botanical garden tonight? to make up for it, you love flowers-” you felt bad cutting off kirishima’s happy, excited proposition but you got up in the middle of his sentence.
“no thanks. i’m busy tonight.” you commented shortly. he blinked, smile faltering a little bit before returning.
“no worries! what about tomorrow? we have the day off from school and maybe we-”
“no. busy tomorrow too.” you cut him off again, cleaning your bowl despite momo’s objections that she would do it herself.
“seriously?” his tone was filled with dejection, his tall frame faltering a bit at that. you just nodded.
“ask bakugou,” you snorted, gathering your materials for class. 
“bakugou wouldn’t want to go. i asked you.”
“then ask kaminari,” you gave him a venom filled smile.
“hell yeah let’s go eijiro!” kaminari beamed. kirishima didn’t even fight to continue the plans. he just accepted that kaminari would be his new hangout buddy. fuming you left the dorm. kaminari winced. “what’s their problem?”
“they’re pissed because kirishima has been ditching them for us,” bakugou snapped, sipping his tea. kirishima’s brows furrowed.
“what? no they’d tell me.” kirishima wanted to shrug it off but something about bakugou’s accusation sat heavily on his chest.
“then why did they say no and tell you to go with kaminari? face it dumbass they think you don’t want them anymore.” that hit kiri like a bus. no. of course he wanted you! and only you! swallowing thickly he got up and ran to catch up to you. you couldn’t have gotten too far to campus. all he had to do was run. he caught up to you and called your name loudly. against your better judgement you sighed and stopped walking. he finally reached you and panted, wanting to speak but his windlessness prevented him from doing so.
“go-go out with me tonight please,” he begged through jagged breaths. 
“i told you i’m busy. besides you have more fun with your friends anyway,” you rolled your eyes and he grabbed your hands and squeezed them tightly.
“i don’t want them i want you! i’m sorry i’m sorry i made you think that i wanted to spend more time with them than you i’ll be on my best behavior from now on! just don’t leave me don’t i don’t know what i’ll do whatever you ask i-”
“shut up,” you smiled and hugged him. 
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koobunno · 3 years
Would it be alright if I pulled you closer?
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smut, angst, sociopath!taehyung, dad!taehyung, husband!taehyung
A/N: This fic might be triggering to some, I'm sorry, I just wanted to cry a bit. :((
T/Ws: sex abuse, fingering, abusive husband/partner, oral sex, mild physical abuse
Word Count: 1,733 words
Taehyung kissed your neck as he draped his arms around you. “Taehyung” you mumbled as you closed your eyes, confused if you're pleased or scared about what’s about to happen. He turned you to face him and cupped your cheeks while looking at your lips. “Hmm? Don’t tell me you’re tired” he smirked as if he knew what you’re just going to say. “No, it’s just, our son might hear us” you made up an excuse to get through this, well at least you tried. “No, he won’t” replied to you still smirking.
He then rapidly caught your lips with his, still analyzing what’s happening you didn’t get to respond to his kisses not until he squeezed your sides. It was not a gentle one and it made you wince a bit. You just closed your eyes and responded to his kisses as you always would whenever your husband feels needy.
The kiss went on to be wilder, needier and lustful. Still holding your eyes shut you felt how his hands travelled throughout your body. You felt it squeezing and spanking your ass multiple times, then went to your breasts to massage and play with your clothed nipples. You whined because of the unwanted pleasure he’s giving you.
His fingers went to your shoulders and pulled down the strap of your nightgown. At this point you’ll just be compliant, as he labeled how you should be. It exposed your breasts directly for you are not wearing a bra. He cupped your breasts and pressed them together. He put his mouth on your left bosom and ate it like a needy infant. He has bitten it and it made you scream because of the ache he gave.
“Stand up, face the wall” he authoritatively told you. You stood up as you didn’t want any more fuss to happen. While you’re facing the cold wall you can hear his clothes drop to the ground. Closing your eyes, you felt his hands trace your waist, he collected your hair after and asked you to give him the band on your wrist. You gave him the hairband and he tied your hair neatly.
After that, his hands went to the waistband of your underwear. Pulling it slowly as if he is seeing a sight. Still with your eyes shut, you felt how his long fingers slid to your pussy, inserting a finger inside you, and withdrawing it to spread your juices around. “Shit” you mewled as he massaged your now-wet clit, and went on fingering you again. Pinning you against the wall, you can feel his dick touching your back as he plays with your pussy with his digits.
When you think he got bored of what he’s doing, you felt the tip of his penis at your entrance, your body jolted as you felt the sensation. “Stay still” he whispered into your ear and bit it afterwards. You nodded as he turned you over and pushed you down to kneel. You knew what to do, you licked your lips and held on his shaft as you put it in your mouth. Taehyung moaned as you played with your tongue. He went hard by grinding his hips more causing you to gag.
Not wanting to stop there, Taehyung and you went to the bed again, he made you sit on his face as his tongue wiggled around you, holding your breasts tightly, you don't know what to feel, really. If it’s pleasure or despair as you let your husband use you for pleasure again.
Taehyung then pushed you back to the bed, harshly. Sipped and bit your neck, leaving marks as you feel his tongue against it.
You’re just startled when you felt him into you and started to grind fast. Hearing those sloppy and wet strokes, you just closed your eyes and let out a moan. Taehyung, still pounding you while eating out your breasts simultaneously.
He inserted two fingers on your mouth, as the push and pull doesn’t stop. He then halted for a while, made you stand on all fours, entering you from the back. Holding your hips to ensure the pace he wants. You pushed your face on a pillow for you don’t want to scream too loud. Spanking your butt, Taehyung didn’t let his speed down. “Ahhhh-shit” you heard him mewl as he pushed himself deeper.
“Ahhhhhhh-fucking shit” he shouts as you felt his cum wash your inside walls. You shut your eyes tightly again as if you’re thanking all the odds that it’s done, at last. Taehyung pulled out of you and went directly to the bathroom, maybe to wash himself. You’re still lying on the bed covering your body with the blanket, tired from what happened. The switch went off and you felt your clothes being thrown at you. He’s going out somewhere again, after using you.
“Taehyung” you called for him. “Yes?” he answered while he’s putting on his watch. “Please don’t forget your son’s Award Ceremony tomorrow” you told him like you were begging, knowing he’ll be out for the night again, you just wanted to remind him. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” he told you as he was leaving you in the cold room, putting your clothes on.
You’re trying to sleep but you shifted on the other side of your body as you felt an uncomfortable ache at your waist, you stood up and went in front of the mirror to check. It displayed a big red mark because of the way Taehyung squeezed your waist earlier. You just grabbed a compress to put on it while you’re trying to sleep alone in a big bed.
Barely getting any sleep, at 5:00 am you heard the doors unlock, because of your husband who isn’t that drunk but reeks of alcohol. You went there to check and he just rolled his eyes on you, as expected. He went up straight to your bed and slept as if he’s tired and weary. You just went back to bed to get a hold of sleep even for a short time.
Hours later you woke up just in time to help your son prepare for school. “Mommy, I’ll see you and daddy later at school okay? You promised.” he assured you. “Yes, baby, you’ll see us later” you nodded and kissed him before he ran towards the school bus waiting outside.
Checking on Taehyung who is still in a deep slumber, you prepared yourself for work. As you sat in front of the vanity mirror, you saw noticeable marks on your neck that’s why you made an effort to cover those visible ones.
You left a note at the door reminding Taehyung again for your son’s event later that day before leaving. You swung on your bag and it hit your waist, you flinched as you felt it hurt, knowing it’s now progressed to being a bruise. You let the idea go and went straight to work.
“Uhm, we don’t have any meetings scheduled this afternoon right?” you asked your secretary, ensuring you don’t compromise work to attend to your child. “None so far, ma’am.” she told you as you told her that you’ll take an early-out for your son.
You arrived at your child’s school and went to the hall, your son greeted you and immediately asked about his father, who wasn't visible by the time. “He'll be here soon, now go back to your seat, I’ll be sitting here at the back” you told him as he ran off back to his seat. You called Taehyung and after 5 missed calls he answered. “What do you need?” he said over the line. “Uh, when will you go here? Your son asks about you.” you told him honestly. You heard him sigh deep and told you he’s coming. He forgot once again, if only you hadn’t called him, you’ll deal with your child crying for the rest of the day again.
Taehyung arrived at the venue minutes later, just in time because your son’s preparing to go up the stage with his classmates, Taehyung held his hand before you did so you just went back to your seat. The ceremony started and your son received the prestigious award, still holding his father’s hand. They went down the stage and he showed you his gold medal and a plaque. You smiled at him and kissed his cheeks, Taehyung looking at him, smiling.
Taehyung suggested treating his son. You counted yourself out because you can feel Taehyung’s sharp glare at you. “I still have something to do for work, baby bear.” You made an excuse because your son isn't happy about it but you can’t stand him seeing you and Taehyung fight over nonsense matters while he’s on the treat. “Enjoy with daddy, first hmm?” you told him before you went to your car and drove home.
Arriving at your house, you went to your room and changed clothes, a thin flimsy white shirt and a short. You decided to change the sheets and clean the room. After, you went for a nap. Hours later, you woke up to a noise coming from the main door. It’s definitely your husband and your son. You saw your child carrying loads of toys, his father took him to a spree again. You just smiled at the sight of him being so happy to spend time with Taehyung. “Come on, show mommy what you got earlier.” Taehyung told your child and the little one excitedly pulled out everything his father bought for him. While Taehyung grabbed your waist, slightly squeezing it, you silently squirmed as your side ached once again. “Bedroom in 20 minutes, hmm?’ Taehyung whispered in your ear, making you shiver. “Isn’t this cool, mommy?” Taehyung sarcastically told you while holding one of the toys he bought for your son. You faked a smile as you nodded and answered with a yes. Your son giggling because of excitement for all of his new toys.
You just put out a lethargic smile because you decided to endure everything for your son, even if it’s an exchange for your well-being. It’s for your son after all, he’s happy whenever his dad's around, even if it’s the complete opposite for you.
You’ll still pull Taehyung closer despite the stinging pain you feel.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
A Much Needed Break
You’re feeling burnt out on tour and Rook is there to help you feel better
Request: “Could you do a rook one where the reader is on tour with the guys and she doesn’t go out to party with them after a show bc she doesn’t feel good and rook stays with you on the bus and when the guys come back they see you cuddling and sleeping on the couch”
Rook x reader
Word Count: 1063
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The energy backstage was always exciting. The guys were hyped to go on stage and the noise from the fans trickled in, making everything seem electric. You were at your spot side stage with Ashleigh, watching the show and making sure everything was going according to plan. You had the perfect view of your favorite drummer, his eyes catching yours during the show and sending you a wink or a funny face.
Nothing seemed different than any other show, but for some reason your body felt like it was on fire, and not in a good way. Maybe it was the lack of sleep catching up to you, or the fact that you hadn’t eaten real food in too long. Your hands were shaking wildly, your heart was racing, and you felt like your knees may give out at any moment.  
This wasn’t a completely unfamiliar feeling, but familiarity didn’t make it any more enjoyable. You tried to tough it out through the show, but eventually Ashleigh caught sight of you and immediately sent you to the bus. “Y/N, I can handle this, you need to handle your health. Take the night off.”
You reluctantly agreed, finding it hard to argue with the woman when loud music was blaring from speakers all around you. Grabbing your things from the greenroom, you made your way out to the bus, hoping some peace and quiet would help you relax before whatever shenanigans the boys had plans.
Peace and quiet was far from what you got, as a small group of fans and reporters surrounded the bus, probably saving a spot for when the band inevitably filed onto the bus. The fans screamed questions at you, which rang in your dazed head 10x louder than they actually were. “Where’s the band?” ”When will Kells come out?” If that weren’t bad enough, the reporters were asking about upcoming music, shows, and most annoyingly, who you were. “Are you MGK’s new girlfriend?” “Are you dating a member of the band?”
You pushed past all of them with a small “excuse me.” The amount of people crowding around you as you unlocked the bus, your bus, seemed to worsen your already bad anxiety. But once you’d closed and locked the door behind you, you felt safe from the outside world.
After making your way to the back of the bus, you crashed onto the couch, your knees pulled tightly to your chest. You turned the TV on to a Disney movie, hoping the simplicity of it would calm you down. Your breaths were heavy, the aftershocks of panic settling over you.
You laid there until the show ended and you heard rustling in the bus. You prepared for the chaos that came with the boys’ arrival, only to find that the only person to come on the bus was Rook.
“There you are.” He breathed a sigh of relief, “all of a sudden I couldn’t see you from the stage and I got worried. Then Ash told me you were here so I came to check on you.”
You were sat up at this point, the movie paused. “Thanks,” you tried to keep your voice stable, “just wasn’t feeling too good. It’s nothing.”
He nodded, taking a seat on the same couch as you. “Tangled? Really?” He laughed as you blushed, defending your choice of movie.
“It’s simple, helps my brain to defog.” He raised an eyebrow at your response but didn’t say anything more on the subject. “Aren’t you going out? I thought you guys wanted to check out that club down the street.”
Rook gave a simple shrug, “the guys all went, I wanted to make sure you were okay first.”
“I’m fine, you should go.” You pushed his chest lightly, trying to shoo him out of the bus. He stayed in his spot, studying you. “What?” You asked, fidgeting under his gaze.
He spoke gently, “are you sure you’re good? You’ve been… off the last few days.”
You tried not to grin too much at his caring nature, but a small smile slipped onto your face, nevertheless. “I’ve just been overwhelmed, but I’m all good. I probably just need some sleep.”
Rook scooted closer to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders, and pulling you into him. Your body seemed to give in under his touch, slumping into his side automatically. “You can talk to me, you know?”
You sighed, staring at the still-paused TV, “I know. There’s not much to talk about. I just needed a break.”
His fingers started drumming softly on your shoulder, “you know we all really appreciate you, right?”
You let out a flustered giggle, “I know you guys do, it’s not that. I just haven’t stopped to breathe in like, 3 months. It all caught up to me. And then the fans and reporters outside didn’t help.”
Rook hummed before responding, “next time I’ll come out with you and kick their asses.” You laughed, shaking your head against his shoulder. “If you want me to give you your space, I can. I know what it’s like to need to breathe.”
You wrapped your arms around his middle, face buried into his abdomen, “I don’t mind if you stay.” Your voice was muffled into his shirt, but he got the message. “But you should go out with the guys,” you spoke, sitting up and removing yourself from the man as you realized the position you’d found yourself in.
He chuckled, laying horizontally on the couch with his arms outstretched and his chest facing upwards, “I’d rather stay here with you.” You hesitated for a moment before realizing you’d be an idiot not to take him up on his offer. You moved slowly, gently resting yourself against his firm body. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you in to properly hold you.
He hit play on the movie, letting the adventure come back to life. Your arm lay across his stomach, fingers lightly tracing the tattoos on his exposed forearm. Sooner than you expected, you felt yourself drifting to sleep.
When the boys got back to the bus to find your entanglement of limbs, their first instinct was to cause trouble. But, after a firm yet quiet scolding from Ashleigh and Irv to leave you both alone, they settled for taking pictures and promising to tease you endlessly when you woke up.
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cjtheghost-14 · 3 years
Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans - Pidge Gunderson x Reader
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Requests: None (but please give me some)
Notes: This came to me while I was eating chocolate covered espresso beans at 3:42 am last night, why do you ask?
Summary:  Your the White Paladin on team Voltron, and you also happen to be dating the little gremlin piloting the Green Lion. Pidge Gunderson. Lately, you haven’t been able to have much alone time, what, with saving the Universe and all. The only downtime the two of you have is at night, and the castle has run out of coffee. Your body can’t handle it, and you pass out as soon as you get in bed with your girlfriend. Pidge, on the other hand, doesn’t need coffee to stay awake. It’s not like she has a choice, anyhow. She’s always up late working on upgrades for the castle. You’ve been upset about the lack of contact the two of you have been having lately, and mad at yourself for always falling asleep. What are you meant to do without coffee? Then you remember something you smuggled aboard when you left Earth.
Warnings: Some good old fluff, being sleep deprived, stress, caffeine over load,  swearing
(sorry this took so long, blame my hectic life!)
Is it 11:00 pm already? How could that be right? You check your watch again, your vision beginning to blur from exhaustion. You take a sharp breath in, being able to just make out the time. It was, in fact, 11:00 pm. You rub your eyes in an attempt to just simply wipe the sleepiness away. Today was an unusually long day for the whole team. Zarkon apparently didn't know the meaning of sleep since his attacks have been relentless. Just today the team saved two planets. Although afterwards, the castle had been so severely damaged that we spent the rest of the day trying to fix it. Coran only let you stop a few minutes ago. He could’ve kept you longer, if not for that fact that you were practically falling asleep while re adjusting the teludav. You didn’t know if your girlfriend, Pidge, was even going to be in her room but you drag your feet in it’s direction anyway. She was always the busiest when it came to castle repairs, leaving you alone with your thoughts. After leaving your family, maybe some quality time with your depressing brain wasn’t the best idea. You have never felt more alone. Loneliness was corrosive, eating away at your heart until it left only a shell of a human. It could arguably be the worst feeling someone could feel. And ever since you left earth to become a paladin, that very feeling has taken over your already fragile mind. You depended on Pidge to pull you through, but you’ve barely been able to see her lately. Now, of course, you had the rest of the team beside you. You loved cooking with Hunk, listening to Coran’s weird stories and Allura’s beautiful ones. You loved spending time with Lance, he was your best friend after all, and you grew up with Shiro and Keith. Shiro was like a Dad to you, as Keith was like your brother. You loved them all with your whole heart. But those bonds paled in comparison to your feelings for Pidge. Your heart ached thinking about her. All you wanted to do was hold her in your arms. The thought made you walk faster, rounding the corner and not hesitating to barrel into Pidge’s messy room. You stumble over a box of electronics, your eyes landing on Pidge sitting on her bed, fiddling with something glowing. Your face breaks into a huge grin as you see her sitting there, her face bathed in blue light, glasses askew on her nose, pictures of you and her stuck on the wall behind her.
“Pidge!” You exclaim, surprised that she was actually here.
Her head shoots up, the lazy smile you love making its way onto her face. “Y/N!”
You run over to her, jumping on the bad, grabbing her face and slamming your lips onto hers. She laughs, pulling away slightly to look at you. “As much as I loved that, Y/N, I have work I need to do.”
“But I haven't seen you in days!” You say, your hopes sinking like lead.
“I know, love, but I really can’t relax now. Coran needs this by tomorrow morning. Just give me a few minutes, I’m almost done.” She says, turning her attention back to whatever she was working on.
You sigh, laying down. You can feel all of the anxiety from the past month weighing on your chest, crushing you with no hope of escape. You had hoped to talk to Pidge about it, but she was too busy, yet again. It wasn’t her fault, of course. It was Zarkons. But it didn't matter, you just needed someone to talk to. You knew that wasn't going to happen tonight though. When Pidge says she only needs a few minutes, she means she needs a few hours. Yet you decide to try to stay awake anyway, her presence was enough to make you feel better. But before you get to have any say in the matter, sleep grabs you by its claws, dragging you under.
You peel your eyes open, only to be met by complete darkness. You blink once, twice, trying to understand what happened. Then you realize, you fell asleep. You sit up suddenly, slamming your hand down on the mattress.
You bring your watch up to your face, squinting, reading with difficulty the numbers 5:33 AM. Not again! How did you fall asleep again? Every rare time Pidge is actually in her room when you are, you end up falling asleep before you can talk to her. In a rush of adrenaline you bolt out of bed, maneuvering through the dark and into the hallway. Your footsteps echo through the castle as you round a corner into Lance’s room. You power off his white noise machine with a slam of your hands as you shout, “Lance!”
He bolts up, his eye mask sliding off of his face as he cries out in alarm. “I remember our bonding moment!” His head whips over to you, eyes widening. “O-oh! Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” He asks, voice rising an octave in embarrassment.
“I fell asleep!” You shout, throwing your hands in the air as you plop down on the bed next to him.
“That's why you woke me up?” He yells in exasperation, laying back down. “Go back to bed you freaking maniac” He says, kicking you off the bed with his foot. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“Too late for that.” You say sarcastically, standing up and grabbing his pillow from under his head, hitting him. “Get up!”
He yells out, bolting up, grabbing the pillow out of your hands. “I will shoot you!”
“Noted. But Lance, I fell asleep again. Now who knows when I’m going to even see Pidge again. Weeks? Months?” You sigh, sitting back down on the bed, staring at your hands.
Lance’s expression softens at the tone of your voice, resting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry Y/N, I know it's been tough. But don't we have coffee in the kitchen? I swear Hunk smuggled some in.”
“We’re out.” You say sadly, shaking your head. “I have no way to stay awake, bu-” Your eyes widen suddenly, an idea forming in your head. “Wait, Lance, you're a genius!”
“I know.” He says triumphantly, crossing his arms with a smug smile. “Wait, why am I a genius?”
You chuckle, getting up, beginning to walk out of the room as you explain your idea. “The coffee Hunk smuggled in might be gone, but I totally forgot about what I smuggled in. Chocolate covered espresso beans, my mom made them. God, it's perfect! Thanks for the idea Lance!”
“Anytime. And, oh, Y/N?” He calls out after you.
You stop before you reach the door, turning around. “Yeah?”
“About what I said… I absolutely do not remember Keith and I’s bonding moment that didn't even happen.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Keith you remember, he’ll be happy to hear.” You smirk, running out of the room.
“Y/N! I said I don't remember! Y/N come back!” Lance shouts, sticking his head out of the door. “Y/N!”
A Day Later
You skip into Pidge’s room, a new sense of energy engulfing you. To your delight, you find Pidge sitting on her bed.
“Hey, lovely.” You say, plopping down next to her.
“Hi, (Y/N)” She says, looking up momentarily from her project to kiss you on the cheek. “Sorry to do this again, but I’m gonna be busy for a while” She explains, frowning slightly, her nose scrunching up in the way that you adore.
“It's alright, I’ll be waiting.” You say, leaning back on the bed to watch her work. She smiles softly before turning her attention away. You watch her slim fingers for a moment, fiddling with another glowing object before you decide to pull out your small packet of chocolate covered espresso beans. Pidge stops for a moment, turning to look at you.
“Uh, whatcha got there?” She asks, peeking into the bag.
“Some chocolate covered espresso beans.” You say, smiling softly before popping one into your mouth.
“Oh.” She says, reaching a hand into the bag before stopping, looking up. “Can I have some?”
“Of course.”
She smiles brightly, taking a handful, popping a few in her mouth as well. “Ooh, these taste like the ones your mom makes. These will help me stay awake for this project, actually. Thanks love.”
“And these will also help me stay awake long enough to spend some time with you.” You say softly, your eyes drifting over her lips.
She smiles more, leaning forward and kissing you, sending an electric jolt through your body. This was just what you needed. You melt into the kiss, running your fingers through her soft hair. You were convinced this had to be what heaven felt like. And when you pull away, theres a lingering taste of chocolate covered espresso beans.
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vad-hander · 3 years
Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
Genre: Series | Eventual Smut | Angst | Fluff
Warnings: break up, cheating, strangers to lovers, mentions of drinking
Words: 2.9k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
As soon as the clock on your phone hit 5:00 PM, you got all of your belongings into your bag, subconsciously typing into your Uber search the address of the bar you spent your last Friday at. The estimated one and a half hours of the drive didn’t change your spontaneous decision.
You ran out of the building, noticing the car that was waiting for you, jumping into the backseat and greeting the driver. Your eyes focused on the view behind the window, not getting used to the quick change of the picture as the car drove through the city. You watched people get off work, running to their cars and taxis, walking with their coworkers to the bus stations, noticing in this craziness people, who were just walking through the city with a drink in their hand, enjoying the breeze of the evening, that was spreading over the city.
Your thoughts ran everywhere, but mostly they ran around the guy you spoke to last weekend. Your mind went back to him multiple times during work, you thought of him a couple of times when you watched TV and you remembered what he said when your boyfriend leaned in to kiss you on your date this Wednesday. The guy pissed you off with his words, made you furious with his silly assumptions, but regardless something inside of you was curious to see him once again. With vague memories of the night due to amount of drinks you consumed you were remembering vividly three things: how he called you pretty, how his eyes turned into moons when you joked with him and how he said he was a regular there. The last one haunted you through the whole week, making your mind up to go and try your luck to see him.
You didn’t change your mind though, you weren’t interested in him, but you liked the idea of talking to someone who’s not related to anyone you know at all. It was nice to talk to him, laugh with him and just be next to him even when he spoke nonsense and made you mad. He was a complete stranger and this fact made your insides tingle.
A loud ‘excuse me’ woke you up, letting you know that you somehow fell asleep and that you already arrived. You thanked the driver for the ride and for waking you up, quickly running across the street to get in front of the entrance to this bar-club place. You doubted for a slight second if it was a good idea to do so, when a small crowd pushed you towards the entrance, giving you no option to back off. At the end of the day, there was a chance that he just didn’t come here today, a chance of him not remembering that he spoke to you and a chance that he’d be with someone he wouldn’t want to give up to pay attention to you.
The place wasn’t completely packed, and now, when it was still pretty early in the evening it looked different from what you remembered. It seemed to you as if they had more tables out, but you weren’t too sure about it. You ran your eyes over the room, trying not to look as if you were looking for someone too much. Sitting down at the only empty spot at the bar that was in the furthest corner of it, you raised your arm when bartender turned his head towards your direction and he gave you a light nod signalling that he noticed you. The guy behind the bar was the same one as the one last weekend, and a silent question if he remembered you hung over you like a cloud.
“Rum and coke?” he asked on his way to you before you could even open your mouth.
He remembered your silent party for one, nice.
“No.” you smiled awkwardly “Just coke would be fine.”
“No problem.” he smiled kindheartedly, placing a glass in front of you.
“Thanks.” you sighed into the glass, taking a sip of the sparkling beverage.
Getting drunk tonight wasn’t your plan, you just went there to hang out and chill, you weren’t into drinking regularly and you weren’t into spending much money on that too. Your main goal was … what it actually was? You didn’t know what your goal was. You just went there to make a friend, maybe it sounded too childishly, but your inner you didn’t want to lose the person you talked to. Your inner you wanted to keep in contact with the guy for whatever reason there was, if there was any.
You fished your phone from your pocket, running your eyes through the messages that your coworkers sent in your chat.
The coke was quickly gone, and before you could even call the bartender, he was already in front of you.
“Add half a rum to that.” you said shyly and the bartender nodded knowingly.
“Just a second.” a glass landed in front of you.
“Thanks.” you smiled.
“Difficult week?” the voice you remembered clearly resonated behind your back. You swallowed heavily, taking a sip and turning your head towards him. You tried to look careless but when your, sober this time, mind landed on his face, it felt as if the air was punched from your lungs.
So he really was THAT handsome, you didn’t imagine it. The thought ran through your mind multiple times, before you could reply back to him.
“Kind of.” you shot him a smile and his features visibly eased. He looked around but all the seats around you were taken, making the both of you separately but at the same time sad. “You’re here alone?” the question left your mouth when his eyes met yours again. He smirked in reply and you scolded yourself internally for asking.
“No, my friend and his girlfriend are over there.” he quickly pointed somewhere behind your back. “Are you?” his eyes ran over the bar quickly.
“Yeah…” you coughed awkwardly expecting him to ask why you’re here alone, but he didn’t do it for some reason, dropping the topic.
“Want to go over there to my friends?”
“You remember I have a boyfriend, right?” you stuttered while asking and he laughed loudly, making the guy to your right turn his head towards you two.
“I thought you dumped that scum back right after I told you the truth.” he said carelessly making you immediately regret coming all the way here to see HIM.
“Why exactly would I listen to a rootless advice of a guy I met for the first time at a bar and still don’t know the name of?”
“You seem to be a smart girl, maybe that’s why I thought so.” he paused “And it’s Jaebeom, by the way.”
“Is that an insult or a compliment, I can’t figure it out.” you raised your brows at him with a smirk.
“It’s another invitation to hang out with me.” he smiled mysteriously, expanding a hand in front of you to take it. You doubted, wondering if it won’t be awkward, if it’s what you wanted, but then on the other hand you’ll just go back home because he’ll give up, and all this long way will be pointless.
“Okay.” your hand found your glass, getting up.
“You didn’t tell me your name.” he pointed when you stood up next to him.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Very nice to meet you again, Y/n.” he looked you deeply in the eyes, making you feel as if honey dripped off your ears when your name left his mouth.
He walked towards where his friends were. Now the both of you were standing and you could check out how tall and wide he was, you could see how long his legs were and how tiny his waist was in comparison to shoulders. You stared at his back, not noticing how he stopped walking, bumping into his back with your drink. His immediate reaction, before even turning to you or saying anything, was pulling the sweatshirt, that he was wearing, off his body immediately. Everything happened so quickly you didn’t say or do anything, you just froze, watching him take it off and turn to you. Your eyes noticed how his shirt crawled up his stomach, letting you know he had a happy trail. You tried to shove that information into the furthest drawer in your head but the more you tried the quicker the image flashed before your eyes.
He probably looked at you and your eyes slowly ran up to his face in fear.
“Now you owe me one.” he said calmly and you sighed in relief.
“Yeah… okay, I’m sorry. Things like that don’t usually happen to me.”
“Don’t mind, it’s fine.” his hand landed on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. “By the way, that’s my friend Jinyoung and his girlfriend Joohyun.” he turned half of his body towards them. The girl waved at you kindly, while Jinyoung’s eyes ran over you, judging.
“Hi.” he nodded in pout.
“Hi.” you replied.
“That’s the girl you said wa…?” he spoke, turning his gaze to Jaebeom.
“No. No, that’s not her. Shut up.” he cut him off quickly, making your curiosity eat you from inside out in a span of a second. He has someone else? The girl that was…? Was what…? The girl he dated? The girl he wanted to date? The girl that was what? Pretty? Your mind ran over Jinyoungs words from every way possible, before you stopped and asked yourself the main question - why did you care? You’re the one with the boyfriend. You made a mental note to train yourself to stop the curious person inside of you. You shouldn’t care, even if he does have a girl that was something worth talking about it, you shouldn’t care, because you’re the one who wanted to be friends, the one who weren’t interested in THAT way. “Here, sit.” he showed you with his hand to sit on a free couch across the table from his friends. “Want a new rum and coke?” he asked when you sat and you jumped up, protesting. Jinyoung and Joohyun looked confusedly at you and you shot them an awkward smile. “She’s afraid I’ll poison her and take advantage.” Jaebeom said beside you and you shook your head no vigorously.
“It’s not that… I just don’t like people paying for me.”
“Nice.” Jinyoung nodded approvingly.
“Let’s go back to the bar together?” Jaebeom asked again.
“If you’ll get me a bottle of water I’ll be endlessly thankful.” you smiled at him, sitting back down.
“Okay.” he nodded and left.
“So…” Jinyoung drew your attention to him “For how long have you known Jaebeom?”
“A week…”
“A week?” You nodded “So it’s your first date?” Joohyun asked.
“No, no. We met accidentally here, today and last week too. I just found out his name.” you chuckled.
“Maybe this is faith?” Joohyun said suddenly excited.
“I’m in a relationship.” you said shyly.
“That won’t be a problem for him.” Jinyoung said carelessly and you were on the verge of chocking on air.
“Jinyoung!” Joohyun exclaimed.
“What won’t be a problem for who?” Jaebeom asked from behind your back, making you jump.
“For you to charm anyone.” Joohyun said sweetly “Are you here from work?” she changed the topic, talking directly to you.
“You’re working somewhere nearby?”
“Kind of… not really… I just liked the place last week and wanted to hang over here again.” you moved your gaze from Joohyun to Jinyoung and then turned to meet Jaebeom’s eyes, who stared at you with a smile.
“I knew I’d see you again when you were leaving.” he kept smiling, resting his head on his palm. His eyes were looking at you warmly and you didn’t know what to do under his stare.
“I just knew.” his eyes ran over your face landing on your lips and going back up to your eyes. You watched him lick his lips, expecting him to speak afterwards, but he just stared. “Y/n…” he randomly said your name aloud, as if he was tasting it on his tongue. You turned away to see what his friends were doing meeting their gazes on you.
Joohyun stood up, expanding her hand to Jinyoung, inviting him to go. “We’ll go dance.” she smiled and Jaebeom nodded, resting his hand on the backrest of the couch. You felt his body move quicker and you got in instant panic, scared of what he could possibly do, if he’d do anything.
“Why did you come alone?” his face got closer to your ear, giving you an opportunity to know what he smells like “Is your boyfriend with his best friends sister again?”
Oh, boy, he smelled as good as he looked.
“I just came here after work, that’s it.”
“I’m glad you did.” you could feel him smile with your skin.
“Why?” you tried to face him but his head was too close to not touch faces.
“I told you you caught my eye. I like your company.” you kept quiet not knowing what to say. “Do you not like me even a little bit?” he sulked and you felt your insides cry in response.
“No, you’re fine. We could be friends.” you nodded joyfully, moving you body to sit further and finally look him in the eyes.
“I’ll be whatever you’ll call me.” he chuckled and pushed back, resting his back against the couch.
A weird vibration drew your attention to your back, making you realise a couple of seconds later your phone rang.
“Jenoyah” you picked up the call as soon as your eyes ran over the callers name. “Hi baby. I’m at the bar, you didn’t pick up so I went alone. Where were you?” he told you he just got off work. “No, I won’t come early tomorrow, no, it’s not because I’m drinking at the club without you.” you laughed “no, baby, you don’t have to be jealous.” you turned away under Jaebeom’s piercing gaze. “I have to get a part of your birthday gift on the other side of the city. I don’t think I’ll make it before 1pm. I’m sorry, I’ll try to come as early as possible, so don’t leave your home just in case.” you chuckled again. “Yes, I love you, see you tomorrow, birthday boy. Bye-bye.” you smiled to yourself, before turning back to face Jaebeom.
“Sweet.” he commented. “I thought you’re the type to get ready for events a month prior.”
“I am, I lied to surprise him. I’ll come in the morning with miyeok guk, I just didn’t want him to now.” you said excitedly but stopped yourself again, focusing your vision on his face.
“Can you make me a miyeok guk for my birthday?” he simply asked making you startled again.
“It depends.” you mumbled.
“I won’t let you forget about the promise.” he booped your nose with his finger and you lost everything you had in your mind.
“Is that going to count as the one I owed you?”
“No. You won’t get off that easily, you ruined my favourite sweatshirt, how am I going to pick up girls with the back of my shirt being soaked in coke.”
“Don’t you need to get rid of me to pick up girls first?” you genuinely wondered.
“I can always tell you’re my sister.” he laughed.
Your eyes ran over your phone, noticing the time on the Lock Screen. 9 pm, with keeping in mind you have to wake up early and had over an hour to go home, you were in need to leave now.
“Actually, I have to go.”
“I won’t pick up girls, it’s a joke.”
“No it’s not that, I really need to go, I need to get up early.” you excused yourself.
“Let me drive you home? Now you know me more or less, you know there’s nothing to be afraid of.” your mind ran over the possibility of all the conversations the both of you could have in this long drive, making up your mind to say no.
“I don’t want to bother you, have fun. Hope to see you again.” you stood up quicker than it was needed, knocking over the bottle that was standing on the table in front of you. “Fuck.” you sighed. “What is wrong with me today? I think you’re a bad influence for me.” you chuckled.
“Thank god the water bottle is sealed.” he laughed and stood up too.
He walked closer to you, making you stand in front of each other.
“Promise me you’ll come here again.”
“I can’t promise that.”
“Please do, I’ll come here everyday to not miss out on you.” Your silly mind thought for a slight second he leaned in to kiss you and even the thought of it gave you a whiplash. “I honestly will do that.” he leaned in more, whispering into your ear. You lost all your words in the way he spoke to you and your body malfunctioned. “I’ll hug you.” he whispered in your ear, pulling you in with both his hands, making you tuck your head in his chest with the way he hugged you. “Bye, Y/n.” his hands left you and now you weren’t too into leaving this place without him.
He had an effect on you you couldn’t explain.
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allmyspideys · 4 years
Underneath the Tree
Summary: All you wanted was a loud Christmas, but after Tom’s flight gets canceled, you’ll be spending Christmas alone… or so you thought
A/N: this isn’t one of my blurbs bc i didn’t work on christmas eve, but this is an idea that has been running through my head a lot. Tom has a big family and I just want a big loud christmas… so invite me into the fam? Anyway, if i could invite literally everyone who has ever felt alone at the holidays to my house I would bc i don’t want anyone feeling like that, so know I love you, and enjoy! Also based on this song! 
Warnings: fluff, cuss words, some angst but it won’t stay that way
Presents, what a beautiful sight. Don’t mean a thing if you ain’t holding me tight. 
You had been so excited for Christmas this year. You and Tom had decorated the entire house with Christmas decorations, all over Zoom, because he was away filming, but you still decorated together, nonetheless. You had enlisted Sam to help get a tree into your house and had planned on surprising Tom with a fully decorated tree and house when he got home. All the presents were wrapped and there were recipes printed and ready for baking on the counter. 
That’s when the bad weather hit. Tom had made it to New York before his flight to London was delayed. 
Delayed, you told yourself, just delayed. 
So you woke up, put on your fuzzy socks and began to bake all those Christmas cookies like you had planned. Eventually, Tom called you; it was unclear if you were keeping him company in the airport, or if he was keeping you company while you baked. It was so wonderful to hear his voice. Tom sounded kind of gravely, as if he was coming down with a cold, but it was still such a warming sound. Part of your heart broke to think about Tom’s only time at home with a cold, but then your thoughts quickly turned back to the idea of Tom being home. 
Tom had been filming for a few months at that point, but after so long of having him beside you every morning when you woke up and every night when you went to sleep, him being away for even a week felt strange. To say you missed him would be an understatement. You missed the way he smelled like cedar and sandalwood. You missed the color of his curls in the morning light, and if you closed your eyes hard enough you could almost see the stark contrast between his shiny brown hair and the white pillows. You missed feeling his muscles under his shirt as he held you tight in a hug. 
But then shit really hit the fan. You should have known in the way Tom’s voice was more apprehensive and tight than before. You could hear the bad news coming and yet you just didn’t expect it. 
“My flight was canceled. I won’t be home for Christmas.” 
You almost cried. 
It just wasn’t the same. Alone on Christmas day.
It was like your entire world was crumbling before your eyes. All of the decorations were for nothing. The cookies baking were for nothing. You would be totally alone on Christmas. To keep Tom’s spirits up, you just told him that it would be okay. 
“I’ll see you when I see you,” you told him, but really you were crushed. Tom told you that he’d ask Sam and Harry to come visit you on Christmas, but you knew they wouldn’t be able to. It was a two hour drive at least, without Christmas traffic (apparently brits think 2 hours is a long drive… not in america hun).
Tom could hear the sadness in your voice, as much as you tried to cover it up from the way your voice wavered, only for a second, but he heard it. He could tell that being alone on Christmas was really weighing on you. While you were dreaming of Tom’s eyes, he was dreaming of your hair. He couldn’t wait to be home to you either; it had only been a few months and you’d been separated for far longer before, but now he just couldn’t stand being away from you. 
He hated not waking up before you everyday and pretending to be asleep, so you thought that you woke him up, just because he knew you enjoyed waking him up with kisses. He hated that he could only see your hair through a screen, instead of running his fingers through your silky and soft hair.
And oh god did he miss you. He missed holding you tight as you cooked dinner and racing to the kitchen to get the other a dessert because currently you had 3 points on him, and frankly, you were just getting too cocky about it. He missed the way you’d crack a joke and slowly your whole face would break out into a smile. He missed the way your eyes would light up, but your face was confused, whenever he’d bring you flowers from the back yard. 
Oh no, Tom could not have you alone on Christmas, so he set out immediately to get home to you. All it took was taking a quick bus South and catching a red eye flight back to London. Tom also decided that this year they’d move Christmas, just two hours away from the normal place. 
You awoke with a start, rather a wet, slobbery start… Tessa was on top of you licking your face incessantly. It was a very pleasant surprise and only slowly dawned on you that if Tessa was with you, then Harry and Sam had to be too. Quickly you checked for yourself, only to be surprised by not just Harry and Sam, but the whole family. It may not have been Tom, but his family showed up for you, and that was more than enough for you. It was so heartwarming knowing that his family had accepted you into theirs. As you began to hug everyone, you noticed that they were all standing in front of the Christmas tree and refusing to move, but Dom and Nikki parted, and your eyes connected with the warm brown eyes you had grown to love so much.
“Tom!” You ran over to him and he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you around. Part of you just couldn’t believe that he was actually with you. Your mind raced with questions as to how he actually got back across the pond, but the other part of your brain couldn’t care less how he got there. You were just happy that he was back with you. 
As you settled into Tom’s side, face wide and eyes bright with a smile, you realized just how much you loved that boy and wanted to spend the rest of your life with. And as Tom looked around at his family laughing, teasing, and loving you, he confirmed his suspension that you were the one for him.
You’re all that I need, underneath the tree.
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Would you ever do a part 2 to Six Bodies In An Alley.
I'm gonna be honest, I never really had any intention of carrying on with this, but I went back and read it again and came up with this, so enjoy!😊💛
Six Bodies In An Alley. (Part Two)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: death, blood, being held captive
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"What should we do with her?" Dwayne's question sends yet another bolt of dread through me as he speaks, fear coursing through me like great torrents of ice. 
The four...creatures…stand before the sofa, looking down on me as if it's my own fault I'm here. At one time, I might've made a joke about the way they're standing, but now I doubt I'll ever be able to poke fun at them ever again, not after what I've seen, after what they've done. Tears threaten to spill out over my cheeks as I recall the gruesome images of the past hour, grief tearing at my heart at the memory of what happened to my brother. Cold sorrow washes over me and I have to fight back a sob, making a strangled sound that catches their attention. Under their gazes, I cower and feel yet more terror flood my system, as well as a hot flare of disgust: they haven't even cleaned the gore off of themselves. 
"Just let me go, please! Please! I won't tell anyone, I swear, just let me go! Don't hurt me, please!" I plead with them, my voice laced with the debilitating fear in my veins. 
"No, we can't risk that." David shakes his head, cold blue eyes fixed on me, "You're staying with us either way."
"No, please...I'll do anything! Just let me go!" I beg him, my heart racing as I try to reason with him.
"No, you're staying here." He snaps back firmly, his sharp tone drawing a whimper of fear from me.
Cold fear floods me as I think over what he is saying: I'm basically a prisoner. What're they going to do with me? 
I shudder as the answer comes to mind.
"Aw, come on, Doll, it ain't so bad." Paul grins lopsidedly at me, the expression not quite carrying the same warmth I used to love seeing on him. 
I look away, my hands clutching at each other in my lap, fingernails digging into my skin enough to break the skin. 
"Ok, but how are we gonna keep her here? She'll just escape as soon as the sun comes up." Marko says, gesturing to my trembling form.
The four stare down at me again, seemingly considering the question until Dwayne speaks again.
"Lets just tie her up to something. That should work well enough." 
His words send another bolt of ice through me, but there's something in what Marko said that strikes a chord within me - why did he bring up the sun? 
Instantly, it hits me, weak hope sparking to life within me at the knowledge. The boys are quite clearly vampires, and so they must have an aversion to the sun, just like the ones in the old books do. A plan starts to form in my head, and I start hoping they can't mind read as well, knowing it will give me away as Marko approaches me with a rope, a smirk on his face. I let him manhandle me into position, watching as he ties my wrist a nearby fallen beam, securing it tightly so I have very little room to move, but not so that my circulation is restricted. 
As he finishes the blonde vampire steps back and David comes forward, a stern look on his face. 
"You better still be here when we wake up." He growls threateningly at me, before he and the others turn and leave through a nearby tunnel.
An angry ring has appeared around my wrist as I rub at it, wincing from the burning sting of the rope I only just managed to force off of my arm, the area flushed and irritated. It had taken me far too long to work the ties off of me, but I had to be careful not to break the skin or draw blood, in case I woke up the boys. Now, I'm regretting not finding another way of freeing myself as my hand burbs, but I do my best to ignore it, shakily climbing up and out onto the top of the Bluff, glad to feel the strong rays of the sun on my face. I never thought it would be as reassuring as it is now, but the relentless light makes me feel somewhat safer. 
Sighing, I look around for a way to get to civilization, chewing my lip as I do so, not coming up with any ideas. That is, until I see the boys' bikes pushed behind a nearby tree. Immediately, I feel a shot of hope go through me, and I rush over to them, picking one out. I can't remember whose it is, but I have to fight back a cry of relief when the engine instantly starts up again, the bike ready to take me back into town. 
Kicking it into action, I try to remember how I've been taught this, shakily riding off along the line of the cliff, back to the tree line the boys so often come out of when they're racing along the beach. I instantly regret this as I find myself trying to navigate the tight spaces and convoluted area, practically having to hold back a cheer of relief when the trees break off to reveal the beach, which I quickly speed onto. Sand flies up around me as I thunder along the expanse of land, the motorcycle's tyres struggling to grip as it travels over the loose material. Gritting my teeth, I ride the vehicle right up to the Boardwalk, ignoring the shouts of protest from beach-goers. 
Upon reaching the Boardwalk, I gun the engine once more, going along the sidewalk at high-speed, nearly hitting a couple of holiday makers as I do so. Heart pumping, I take the bike directly to my home, breaking about eight different traffic laws as I go, uncaring of the consequences this will bring once I'm out of this mess. As I get to my house, I park the motorbike out the front and race inside, slamming the door behind me. 
My mind goes into survival-mode, and I run upstairs, pulling a rucksack from my wardrobe, which I start to stuff with clothes and essential items, throwing in personal items, too. I check the time as I go, panic flaring up in me as I notice that there's only a few hours left before sundown, meaning I don't have much time left to get as far away from here as possible. Taking as much stuff as I need, I swiftly go back downstairs, looking around the place one last time before I duck back outside, going to the bike. 
It's only now that I realise I took David's motorbike, a fact I barely register as I climb back onto it, starting up the engine again. 
This time, I stick to the laws of the road, not wanting to be pulled over by any traffic police, cursing to myself as I get caught in traffic, my time slowly starting to ebb away. It takes a long while, but eventually I manage to get here so need to be: the Santa Carla Bus and Train Station. 
I leave the bike at the front of the large building, uncaring of what happens to it now that I no longer need it, more worried about simply getting away now that the opportunity to do so is so close. People shout in protest as I push past them, but I just go right to the ticket desk, buying passage out of this town. The ticket terminates in Canada, a fact that reassures me, as it means I can get as far away as I like without needing to stop anywhere else. 
A couple of hours later, and I'm watching the last rays of sunlight disappear over the horizon, my paranoia creeping up on me again as I watch this happen. The bus never got out as quickly as I wanted it to, and now we're only just leaving Santa Carla, meaning there is ample time for my four captors to catch up to me.
Thankfully, nothing comes for a good hour or so, the bus chuntering away down the highway, the passengers (all five of them) keeping blissfully quiet, none of them aware of the panic I'm in. I can feel myself finally starting to relax again, just as the bus suddenly stops. 
Looking out of the window, I notice now that there aren't any other cars on the road outside, and that it's completely dark, making it impossible to see anything. The other passengers start to murmur to themselves, glancing around in as much confusion as I feel, only to cry out in surprise when the lights cut out. 
It feels as if I've blacked out, everything going horribly quiet until I hear the first scream of agony. It's the driver, his voice wailing in a blood-curdling manner until it's drowned out by another person's, the cry a definite female sound. Terror explodes inside me, and I immediately know what's happening, though I can't move, the fear freezing me in place as shrieks of pain, followed by sickeningly wet sounds fill the air, my breathing coming hard and fast as I try not to make much of a sound. 
The lights eventually come back on, and I have to fight not to throw up into my lap at the grim sight around me. Four figures stand amongst the gore, faces twisted into snarling sneers. 
"I thought we told you to stay put?' David growls at me.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH26- In Sickness And In Health
Summary: A bug hits the Adler household, and it isn’t pretty.
Warnings: Bad language, talks of puke and vomit (grim!)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 5.1k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 25
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Fliss woke in the middle of the night to Thor gently scratching at the bedroom door, little whines seeping from his mouth. She sat still, her ears craning for what had gotten him so agitated and then she heard soft crying from across the hall. She knew from the fact it wasn’t coming over the baby monitor it wasn’t Alex, which left one other person.
“Frank...” she nudged him with her elbow gently in his ribs, where he lay in his preferred sleeping position, on his stomach, arms folded under his pillow. “Babe, Mary’s crying.”
He grumbled something before his nose screwed up and he gave a sleepy questioning hum as Fliss flicked on the lamp and rose from the bed, locating her sleep wear which had been discarded the night before as they’d gotten a little frisky. He groaned again, blinking against the light before his sleepy brain suddenly registered what was going on and he sat up, frowning.
The door to their room opened as Fliss headed across the landing and Frank jumped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats that were discarded over the back of the chair by the vanity and followed. As soon as Fliss opened the door to Mary’s room the smell of vomit hit his nostrils and he sighed, instantly realising what was going on.
“Hey, hey...” Fliss stood on the bottom rung of the steps which led up to Mary’s bed, reaching over to brush her hair which was spattered with puke off her face. “Sweetheart, it’s ok.”
“I couldn’t get to the bathroom in time...” Mary sobbed. “I just woke up and...”
“Stack, calm down.” Frank soothed as he moved behind Fliss. “Does your tummy hurt?”
“Yeah.” She nodded and then without warning she pushed Fliss away, retched, and spewed up once more all over her bedspread, her sobbing growing louder. Frank grimaced, and in front of him Fliss gave a little, sudden half retch of her own- he knew she hated dealing with puke but it was testament to her mom instincts as she swallowed and reached out, rubbing Mary’s back.
“Okay, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up. Can you stand in the shower or do you want me to run you a bath?”
“Bath.” Mary stammered, retching again and Fliss nodded, turning to Frank. “I’ll go sort it, can you help her down?”
“Sure.” Frank nodded as Fliss dodged round him, heading to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry.” Mary whispered.
“What for?” Frank frowned.
“For barfing in my bed.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Frank soothed her. “Have I ever been mad at you for being sick?”
“Only when I ate all those marshmallows.”
“That was different, I told you to stop stuffing them into your mouth and you didn’t.” Frank chuckled, the back of his hand pressing to Mary’s forehead. She felt clammy, her cheeks tinged with pink. “You can’t help it if you’re ill, sweetheart.”
“But the bedcover is new.”
“Mary, it doesn’t matter.” He repeated. “It’ll wash. I’m more worried about you. Now come on, let’s get you in the bath okay?”
With a little clever manoeuvring, Frank helped Mary down from her bunk and she made her way slowly into the bathroom where Fliss as busy drawing her a bath.
“Okay, you want me to stay with you or you wanna be on your own?” Fliss asked Mary as she slumped ok the close toilet seat.
“Can you stay?”
“Sure.” Fliss smiled.
“I’ll go strip the bed and toss it all in the machine.” Frank gently ran his hand over the back of Mary’s head as Fliss handed her a glass of water. “You can get in with us for the rest of the night.”
Mary drained the glass and nodded, wiping her eyes. Frank straightened up and Fliss gave him a little smile before he turned and headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Half an hour or so later Mary was in a fresh set of pyjamas, had taken a dose of medicine and was settled in their bed. After an initial bit of another flap about her not wanting to be in the middle in case she needed to get out, Frank had assured her that if she moved he would wake and she was now settled in between him and Fliss, curled on her side and snuggled into his chest, her head tucked under his chin. His large arms cuddled her close, his left hand gently rubbing at her back as he gave Fliss a tired smile as she flicked off the light and settled down beside them having checked on Alex to make sure the noise hadn’t disturbed him.
“I’ll stay home with her.” He whispered as Fliss leaned over and pressed a kiss to the back of Mary’s head before she moved and placed a soft one on Frank’s mouth. “It’s easier for me to rearrange stuff than you, I can work here.”
“I can rearrange some stuff if needs be but, well, she’s always a daddy’s girl when she’s sick.” Fliss yawned.
Frank chuckled a little as he too gave a soft yawn. “Yeah, and I’d be lying if I said I ever wanted that to change.”
Mary was off colour for just over two days. Just as Fliss had stated, she’d been clingy to Frank, laying on the sofa by his side or on his knee, her head resting on his lap whilst she slept. Thankfully, by the time the third day rolled around she was back almost to her usual self although Frank insisted she stay home from summer camp for the rest of the week. The bad news was, however, the bug was seemed to have caught him now. He felt funny on the Monday morning and as he drove into work he had to pull his truck over so he could puke out of the door. With a groan he grabbed the bottle of water out of the holder and with a shaky hand drained half in one go before he pulled a u-turn and headed home. Fliss saw his truck arrive back onto their driveway and came into the house to find him rushing into the bathroom, throwing up violently into the toilet. With a sigh she gently rubbed his back and sent him to bed, fetching him some water and kissing his head, telling him to rest up. “Where’s dad?” Mary asked as she walked into her kitchen later that evening, having been picked up by Bill following a call from Fliss earlier that afternoon. “In bed, he’s caught your bug.” Fliss sighed. “Poor bugger.” Bill grimaced. “Yeah, he’s not well.” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “Just a case of it working through his system.” She smiled at Alex as she took him from her dad. “They behaved?” “Good as gold.” Bill smiled as Alex gave his momma a huge grin as she kissed his cheek. “Do you want us to pick them up again tomorrow evening?” “Would you?” Fliss sighed. “Frank won’t be up to it and I’ve got lessons until six.” “Sure, Mary can stay if she likes. We’ve got the twins so...” “Oh please Mom, can I?” Mary grinned and Fliss shrugged. “Sure, if you want.” “Yesss.” Mary gave Bill a hi-five before she excused herself and headed into her den. Bill had a cup of tea before he headed back home and Fliss got Alex ready for bed. Just as she was carrying him out of the nursery for his night bottle,  Frank emerged from their bedroom. He was pale, and looked absolutely drained. “Hey, how you feeling?” Fliss gave him a sympathetic smile and he shook his head, giving a little sigh. “Like I’ve been hit by a bus.” He grumbled as Alex gave a noise of excitement at seeing his dad. “Hey, buddy.” Frank gave him a smile and waggled his fingers, chuckling a little as the baby mimicked his actions. “Frankie, go back to bed.” Fliss coaxed and he sighed. “I can’t sleep, been awake for the last hour.” “You been sick again?” “Not yet. Although my stomach is killing me.” “Can you face anything to eat?” Frank shook his head. “Just need to get some water.” “I’ll get it, just go lie down and watch some TV or something.” “Is Mary okay?” He completely ignored her instructions and Fliss shot him a look. “Stop ignoring me. She’s fine. I’ll send her up to say hi, now go. Go on.” “Yes, Mom.” Frank grumbled before he turned and headed back into their room. As Fliss headed down the stairs she heard the vague sounds of him retching into the toilet in the en-suite. ***** The next morning, Fliss found herself with a sick fiancée and a sick eleven month old as Alex promptly woke her up at five am screaming, and proceeded to projectile vomit all over her as she lifted him out of his vomit spattered crib. With a sigh, she soothed him gently before she carried him into the main bathroom so as not to disturb Frank and stripped them both off, stepping into the shower with him in her arms to clean them both off. Being an expert at doing things one handed now thanks to usually having him on her hip, she managed to wash her hair and his before she stepped out, wrapped him in a little towel. She shrugged on her robe and carried him out of the room, dressing him in a clean romper before she wandered downstairs to make herself some breakfast. As soon as it was an acceptable hour, she called Joanne to have her cancel her lessons for the day before she then called her mum who assured her that her or Bill would collect Mary and drop her at summer camp so she didn’t have to. It was a little after ten when Frank headed downstairs to find Fliss gently rocking Alex to and fro as he griped in her arms, his little hands curled round the material of her t-shirt, his cheeks red as he rest one against her shoulder. “Oh he’s not got it as well?” Frank sighed and Fliss nodded. “Yup, I got a wonderful five am wake up call.” “Oh, Honey, I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” She looked at him, giving him a soft smile. “How you feeling today?” “A little better, not great but...” Frank shrugged as he ran a hand over Alex’s head. “Is he really bad?” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “He’s not been sick for an hour or so now but his diapers are grim.” She pulled a face. “I’m just worried about him not eating or drinking and getting dehydrated.” “Just offer him something plain to eat.” Frank looked at her, rubbing her arm. “Maybe some rye crackers or those little animal ones he likes and some diluted apple juice. If he’s like Mary then this will pass in a couple of days, don’t worry about it, it’s not like he’s a tiny baby now.” “Hmmm. Maybe I should ask Mum what I should do, I mean she’s done this before and...” At that Frank paused, his hand dropping to his side as he felt his temper flare. “Yeah, because it’s not like I have or anything is it, Fliss?” He knew he shouldn’t have said it, but he was tired, wasn’t feeling too great himself and her lack of faith in him had riled him to the point he’d blurted it out without thinking. And he immediately knew he’d pushed the wrong button when she stilled and turned to him, her eyes blazing. “You’re such a dick!” “I’m a dick?” He snapped back. “Jesus, you constantly second guess everything I suggest. I’ve done this before and Mary turned out just fine.” “I don’t second guess everything.” “You know what, just do what you want. I can’t have this argument now, I feel like crap. Maybe you should check with your mom what I should eat as well while you’re at it.” “Fuck off, Frank.” Fliss spat at him as she adjusted Alex in her arms and stormed out of the room, her feet heavy on the stairs as she made her way up them, Alex’s little cries growing quieter as she went before they died out completely as she shut the door to his nursery. With a groan Frank grabbed a bottle of water and followed her up the stairs where he headed back into the bedroom, climbed into bed and pulled the covers over his head. **** Thor alerted Fliss to someone’s presence and her head turned to see her mum enter through the back door holding a canvas shopping bag.
“Hey love, you sounded a little stressed on the phone so I thought I’d swing by.” She smiled. “How is he?”
“Who, Alex or the asshole upstairs?” Fliss rolled her eyes and Verity arched her brow.
“You two had an argument? I thought Frank was ill?”
“He is. Suffering from asshole-itis.”
“Okay.” Verity sighed as she placed the bag on the counter in the kitchen. “Well, I made you a lasagne and some chicken soup for when Frank feels like eating. Probably better on his stomach than a heap of meat and cheese.”
“Thanks.” Fliss gave her mum a smile as she stood up and headed over to the kitchen area of the large family room, checking on Alex who was sleeping in the pack and play in the corner of the room.
“Did he eat his crackers?”
“A few.” Fliss shrugged. “But he drank most of his apple juice and keeping him hydrated is the most important thing, right?”
"He’s not a new-born now, Fliss.” Verity smiled. “And this isn’t the first time he’s been off colour.”
“No, but it’s the first time he’s been puking up every hour or so.”
“Yes, but as long as he keeps drinking then there’s no need to worry about it.” Verity looked at her. “If he’s still bad in another twenty-four hours and you’re worried, call the doctor. But Frank was right with what he said. Diluted apple juice will make sure he gets water and a bit of sugar, and if he munches on a few crackers then at least he’s eating something. You could always offer him a piece of banana too. Full of vitamins and the potassium will be good for him, too.” At that Fliss pulled a face and Verity chuckled. “You’ve never liked bananas.”
“Frank and Mary love them as well as him, but the texture makes me want to hurl.”
“You eat avocado.” Verity rolled her eyes and Fliss shrugged as she filled a kettle. There was a moment’s silence as Fliss placed the kettle on to boil and her mum reached for two mugs. “So, you going to tell me why Frank’s an asshole?”
“Oh, just before.” Fliss shrugged, tossing teabags into the teapot. “He accused me of second guessing him when I said I wanted to call you about Alex.”
“Right.” Verity nodded, leaning back against the counter. “And you weren’t?”
“No, of course not.” Fliss looked at her mum and Verity shrugged.
“Okay,” she held her hands up, “but, try and see it from his point of view, sweetheart. He is his dad…”
“I know that…”
“…and he’s done this before. In fact he’s done this before the same amount of times I have.”
At that Fliss paused and took a deep breath as her mum continued.
“You and Steve are both my children, but don’t forget, I didn’t meet Steve until he was five. So my sum total experience of babies was from looking after you, which makes Frank as equally qualified as me, certainly from the six month mark anyway.”
Fliss hesitated, in all honesty she hadn’t thought about it that way. She let out a sigh as her eyes filled with tears and her mum gave her a small smile and gently touched her arm. “Hey, don’t get upset, come here…”
Fliss willingly stepped into her mums arms for a hug, sniffing a little as Verity gently stroked the back of her head. “Being a parent is stressful, and being a first time one is the scariest thing in the world, but I wish I’d had the support from someone like you get from Frank.”
“I know, and he’s great, he’s more than great he’s fantastic, sometimes I just,” Fliss sniffed and shrugged lamely as she pulled back a little, “you’re my mum, that’s all.”
“Yeah I was last time I checked.” Verity smiled and Fliss let out a soft chuckle as she stepped back. “But Frank is your fiancée, and Alex’s dad. I can understand why he got a little frustrated.”
“He’s never snapped at me before when I’ve called you for advice.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not feeling great is he?” Verity reasoned. “He’s most likely tired and a bit cranky and you just got the brunt, unfortunately. Isn’t that the way it works? You’re a snappy bitch with him often enough.”
“I know.” Fliss turned to the kettle. “Least he doesn’t beat me black and blue for it, huh?”
“Don’t.” Verity said sternly and Fliss poured the hot water into the tea pot.
“True though.” She sighed, before she shook her head. “Anyway, enough. What are you doing with the kids tonight?”
“Your Dad's pumping the inflatables up for the pool.” Verity took her tea with a thanks. “Then we’ve stocked up on sausages, burgers and enough soda and sweets to keep them wired for a week.”
“Standard night and Nanna and Granddad’s then.” Fliss smiled and Verity chuckled as the two of them made their way outside to sit in the garden.
“The twins are staying until the weekend.” Verity smiled. “Steve’s taking Sian off for a last little break before your wedding and the baby arrives. If you want to gather some more stuff for Mary, she can stay longer. We were going to take them to the waterpark on Thursday.”
“She’d love that. I’ll check with Frank as we’ve paid for summer camp, but I don’t think he’ll have an issue.”
“Issue with what?”
Both women looked up to see Frank stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes slightly. At the sight of him looking so tired and sick, Fliss felt all her earlier anger ebbing away and she took a deep breath.
“Oh, Mum was just saying, the twins are staying with her and dad until Friday, she suggested Mary might like to as well.”
“You don’t need to check with me.” Frank shook his head, his voice soft. “You’re her mom. If she wants to then, whatever.” Frank shrugged. “Not like we’re going to be doing anything at the moment, is it?”
“How are you feeling?” Verity looked at Frank and he gave a shrug.
“Crap.” He snorted, “How’s Bean?”
“He ate a few crackers and had some apple juice, he just seems tired.” Fliss shrugged.
To his credit, Frank didn’t mention the fact that she’d done exactly what he advised. Instead he nodded. “Good.”
“Do you want anything to eat?” Fliss offered. “Mum brought some chicken soup.”
“No, no offence V but my stomach isn’t quite ready for that.” He grimaced as Verity waved his apology off. “I just came for some air and to grab a drink.”
“Do you want me to make you a honey and ginger tea?” Fliss looked at him. “Might help.”
Frank gave her a soft smile, “sure, thanks.”
She stood up and passed him in the doorway, her hand softly brushing over his arm as she went. Once she’d gone, Frank stepped outside, taking in a breath as he let the sun warm his face. “You sure you don’t mind Mary staying for a few days?”
“Of course not.” Verity shook her head. “I was just saying to Fliss, we’re thinking of taking them all to the water park on Thursday.”
“She’ll love that.” Frank smiled, taking a deep breath as a wave of nausea washed over him.
“As long as it’s not an issue, Fliss said you’d already paid for camp.”
Frank shook his head. “It’s not expensive, plus you have to pay for the full summer up front, regardless. Just easier to make sure she has a place. As long as we tell them she won’t be there for the rest of the week it doesn’t matter.” He took a seat in one of the outside comfy chairs, and ran his hands over his face. “God, this is disgusting.”
Verity chuckled. “Yeah, it seems a pretty nasty bug. Make sure you rest up.”
“I’m bored of lying in bed.” He groaned.
“You’re just like Bill.” Verity looked at him, sternly. “Don’t be a stubborn bastard and rush around until you’re ready.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a salute and she narrowed her eyes playfully.
“And whilst we’re at it, I’ve spoken to Fliss about her being a snappy little madam.”
“What do you mean?”
“She told me you’d had an argument before, and yes, before you say anything I can see your point but I can also see hers.” She looked at him. “I gave her a gentle reminder that my experience with babies amounts to the same as yours so I’m by no means more qualified but I’m glad she feels she can call me. It’s a support network I didn’t have, nor did you for that matter. And I bet you wish you did.”
Frank took a deep breath. “I know, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I was just, well, a little frustrated, that’s all.”
“No, I know, I get it.” Verity assured him. “And so does she. Just maybe try not to be such a cranky little shit.”
At that Frank snorted and their conversation was cut off when Fliss appeared, placing a mug on the table in front of him.
“Thanks.” He smiled as she ran her hand through his hair affectionately. Reaching up, he caught her hand and pressed a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist.
“I’m sorry I snapped before.” He looked at her and she smiled back.
“It’s okay.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I don’t trust you something.”
“I should have pointed it out to you in a better way than I did.” Frank conceded, before his eyes playfully darted to Verity before they flicked back to Fliss’. “I was a cranky little shit.”
Verity chuckled and shook her head as Fliss smiled and moved to take her seat. Frank reached over for his drink and took a small sip, leaning back in his chair, happy to be outside the confines of the bedroom for a few moments, until his stomach gave a violent lurch, reminding him exactly why he hadn’t strayed far from the bathroom.
With a groan, he jumped up, almost falling over Thor in his haste and knowing full well he wasn’t going to make it to the toilet, he turned and violently spewed into the kitchen sink.
“Well,” Fliss sighed, standing up to go and help him out, “at least he’ll be bringing up nothing but water.” She pulled a face. “Don’t fancy fishing chunks out of the plug hole.”
Frank woke early the next morning, having slept so much over the last forty-eight hours and he was pleased to report he was feeling much better. It was still quite dark outside and he took care as he climbed out of bed not to make too much noises. He padded over to the spare room, Fliss having chosen to sleep in there along with Alex in the travel crib so as not to disturb him too much, and was happy to see the pair of them fast asleep when he poked his head through the door. Thor eyed him a little before he stood up, stretching and wandered over, yawning.
“Wanna go out, pal?” Frank reached out and scratched the large dog behind his ear as his tail wagged lazily, his mouth opening in a wide yawn. “Okay, come on.”
It was an hour or so later he heard Fliss shout down the stairs. It was a frantic, broken yell of his name and in a flash he sprinted up onto the landing in time to see her bursting into the bathroom where she emptied her stomach into the toilet.
“Oh, baby.” He sighed, walking towards her but she waved him away.
“Alex,” she spluttered, before she turned and puked again and Frank instantly understood. Heading into the spare room, he picked up the baby who had himself thrown up, but was surprisingly cheerful all things considered. There were no tears, no fuss, just a huge grin for his daddy as he sat peering up at him.
“Not quite sure what you find so amusing.” Frank arched his eyebrow and swept the baby up, turning him so that the front of his vomit spattered romper was facing outwards, one large arm supporting his butt.  He made his way back onto the landing to see Fliss now emerging, her face flushed and her eyes heavy.
“Go back to bed.” Frank nodded to their room, before he dropped a kiss to her forehead. “I got this.”
Without so much as a word of protest she headed into their bedroom, Thor following, and she closed the door behind her. Twenty minutes later, Alex was cleaned up and sat in his high chair next to Frank who was perched on a stool at the island, both of them munching on a banana. Alex’s appetite was back with gusto, but Frank was wary of overloading the tot’s stomach (and his own for that matter) so soon following their illness, so he had cut Alex’s banana into smaller pieces than normal in an attempt it would fool him into thinking he had eaten more. No such luck. As he finished the last piece he examined his now empty bowl and then looked at Frank, making a questioning noise.
“No more buddy, not yet.” Frank shook his head, chuckling as Alex reached for the one Frank had in his hand. “This is mine.” At that, Alex frowned and let out a loud noise of protest. Frank merely looked back at him again. “Complain all you want, it won’t get you anywhere.”
Once their breakfast was done, he carried him over to the play mat, watching him carefully as he entertained himself, crawling across the rug to get to some of his brightly coloured blocks. Frank played with him for a little while before he called both work and Joanne explaining the situation and that neither he nor Fliss would be in work that day. Once that was sorted, he then decided to take Alex out for some air into the garden, selecting a spot in the shade by the pool. By the time lunch time rolled around, neither of them had thrown up again, but there was no sign of Fliss. Frank set Alex down for a nap in his room, and headed over to check on her. She peered up at him from where she was led in bed, something playing on the TV and she gave him a weak smile.
“Hey.” He dropped onto the bed by her side, his hand running through her hair. “You need anything?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Is Bean okay?”
“He’s fine. He’s had a banana and some crackers for breakfast and a little more for lunch. So far so good, it hasn’t come back up.”
“Course I would have to get it too.” She grumbled and Frank chuckled, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Well, were you really expecting anything else?” He smiled and she rolled her eyes.
“No, suppose not.” She shifted and stretched, grimacing a little. “Fuck, my back is starting to go funny.”
“Lying down too much?” He asked gently, knowing she struggled with that sometimes if she was on it for too long, a consequence of her accident all those years ago.
“Yeah, that and I think I pulled it puking.”
“Well, how about I draw you a bath and then you can come downstairs and rest on the couch?” He offered, his hand cupping her cheek. “I got plenty of cuddles and sympathy in me, especially now I know I’ve had it and therefore immune.”
“Okay.”  She nodded.
It was little under half an hour later when Fliss made her way downstairs, dressed in a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy pony tail. Frank gave her a small smile and lifted his arm as she sat down next to him. He pressed a kiss to her temple as she cuddled up to him.
“You need anything?” Frank asked her softly and she shook her head, adjusting herself so she was comfy, snuggling into him a little further. Only it didn’t last long. Approximately five minutes later she gave a little whimper and shot up from the couch, running for the bathroom. Frank let out a sigh as he stood up and followed her, his large hand rubbing at her back as he knelt beside her whilst she puked into the downstairs toilet.
“Fuck this shit.” She groaned as she sat back, her face flushed, cheeks streaked with tears. “I don’t wanna be ill. I hate you.”
“Me?” Frank chuckled.
“Yes, you. You gave this to me.”
“Well, actually, I think I gave it to Alex. Who likely gave it to you.”
“Exactly, you infected him and he infected me.”
“If we’re playing the blame game, then Mary is totally ‘Patient Zero’.”
Fliss looked at him, swallowing, before she moved him out of the way and retched again, only this time nothing much came up on account of her stomach being empty.
“I need water.” She mumbled.
“Okay, you want me to fetch you some here or are you done?”
“I’m done, for the time being. I think.” She sighed and Frank stood, pulling her to her feet. He waited whilst she splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out before he gently scooped his arm round her as she slowly walked into the hallway, stumbling a little as she went. Not wanting her to fall and add a concussion to the mix, Frank easily swept her up into his arms, bridal style and she groaned.
“I’m not dying.”
“Well, you looked you were going to fall so, suck it up, Buttercup.” He shrugged, depositing her back on the couch before he made his way to the fridge. He came back with a bottle of water and unscrewed the lid before passing it to her. She took a large gulp, her face pale before she gave an exhausted sigh, the back of her forearm wiping at her forehead.
“Is it warm in here?” She frowned and Frank shook his head.
“The Air-Con is at normal temp. You’re running a slight fever, same as us.”
“Fantastic.” Fliss groaned, flopping down and stretching out beside him, laying her head in his lap.
 “Well in my eyes you’ve always been hot.” Frank joked lamely, as his fingers gently ran down her neck and back, the same way she’d comforted him the previous day. She shook her head, scoffing at his lame joke.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Calling it how I see it, Lissy.” He chuckled, his hand gently brushing down the side of her face. “Try and get some rest, Sweetheart. You’ll feel better when you’ve slept, I promise.”
They sat in silence, eyes trained on the TV and when Alex woke a short while later, Frank glanced down to see Fliss had fallen asleep. Reaching for a pillow he gently moved her head, propping it up on the cushion, a soft sigh escaping him. She’d spent pretty much the entire last week taking care of them, it was certainly time to repay the favour.
“You gonna be quiet so you don’t disturb Momma?” He spoke in a hushed voice to Alex once he’d changed his diaper and carried him back downstairs. Alex made a little noise in response, a garble of sounds that sounded a little like 'Mama' when Frank thought about it. He had no doubt in his mind that the baby would be speaking sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, Mama.” Frank nodded as he opened the door to the family room. Fliss was still fast asleep and thankfully, Alex seemed content once he’d seen her to be distracted by Fred, who sauntered over towards him as he sat on the rug, his tail swishing in Alex’s face making him laugh as he went to grab it. Fred scooted off and Frank spoke, his voice low.
“Alex, no. We don’t pull tails.”
Alex looked at him before he gave a giggle and spun quickly onto all fours and shot after the animal as fast as he could crawl.  With a roll of his eyes, Frank headed after him and grabbed the back of his t-shirt, lifting him up. Alex’s cackles rang around the room and despite himself, Frank chuckled as well as he spun the baby to face him, holding him at arm’s length.
“You’re a menace, you know that?” He arched his eyebrow as he brought him back down to press a kiss to his cheek, before he extended his arms again, once more bringing him back towards him, more giggles bursting from Alex’s mouth as he continued to repeat the playful motion. “Cute, but a total menace.”
When Frank held Alex above him for a fourth time, it wasn’t a giggle that burst from the tot’s mouth. It was a steady stream of banana and rye barf which hit Frank straight in the face.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.” Frank grimaced, wiping his face on his shoulder, before he turned to look at Alex who grinned at him. “Thanks a lot, pal.”
**** Chapter 27
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pricemarshfield · 3 years
moments like these
A Figayda angst/hurt/comfort fic. Requested by @sapphic-tuesday even though they only requested it because I love Figayda. (ily bestie) Read on AO3 here.
Prompt: Figayda, angst, hurt/comfort, “You don’t need to stay.” “I don’t need to. But I want to.”
The forest is dark and damp and the worst fucking place Fig has ever been, and she's running as fast as she can to get away from herself. She'd point out how it's way too on the nose if she had any breath left, but as it stands, it's all she can do to keep putting one foot in front of the other, slower and slower.
Eventually she has to just collapse into the nearest bush, hope somehow that's enough stealth even as the crack of the branches seems to echo out for miles and miles. There's a long, long beat, where she thinks, just for a second, that maybe she's done it. Maybe the other her isn't too perceptive, either.
She hears an oddly pitched laugh from right behind her ear, as though she isn't lying on the ground, and when did the branches tangle around her leg? Where'd her bass go? Why did none of her friends even seem to care that someone else took her place--
Fig wakes up with a start, sits up, hits her head against her ceiling which is, of course, the living room floor. Her horns scratch it a bit, but thankfully, her mom won't ever see it. Her crystal says it's 3 in the morning when she checks it, and fuck, she's gonna be stuck in here for awhile if she can't pass back out.
She could send a quick text to the Mordred group chat (the manorlings, despite Ragh vying for 'OWLBEAR HYPE HOUSE') and ask if anyone's up to let her out, but then there'll be questions about why she's up, so she just concentrates on mage hand until she nails the chord and the ceiling opens.
The house feels too empty with everyone asleep, too stifling when she can't make any noise, but there's not exactly anywhere else she can go. Her days of sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to concerts aren't nearly as fun now that she misses her friends the whole time. Also, now people recognize her for being one of Solace's biggest stars or whatever, and that's just kind of a hassle when she's not in the mood for attention.
The living room couch is an old, cracked leather thing, moved from Jawbone's apartment. It's not comfortable in any traditional sense, but there's a groove in it that fits her perfectly, and that's nice, in its own way. Sometimes she misses the couch in the old house. It got burned to hell in the attack on prom night, though, so. The whole house did, honestly; when she went home after everything, the window in her bedroom was shattered, glass all over her bed so that she had to pick up each piece, vacuum up what small pieces she couldn't see. She still woke up with a couple cuts on her legs that she didn't have before, but it was home, even if the posters and the pink wallpaper were both singed, even if the purple comforter she'd had since she was a kid didn't smell like it used to.
The old Faeth house never really felt like home after her horns, sure, but Mordred...
She does like it here. Loves it, when everyone's crowded around the table, Adaine arguing with Kristen about some minute difference in casting, Jawbone telling a wildly off-color story to a confused-but-interested Aelwyn, Sandra Lynn making sure Ayda has enough food on her plate while she blinks back fiery tears.
But it doesn't change the fact that she lived here for all of a day before spring break, and right now the hallways and secret passages and tall ceilings all feel ominous, not exciting anymore.
She turns on the light before her mage hand dissipates, scrolls through the games she has on her crystal. Most of them are things she's had on here back when she liked unicorns and glitter and all those girly things that she never got around to deleting.
It's something to do, at least.
The bright colors are nostalgic in just the wrong way, and she makes it through two minutes of matching pop rocks and cake slices before she's scrolling through the games again, on-edge for no goddamn reason.
Part of her relaxes against the couch before she's even finished processing the voice as Ayda. "Hey! I didn't think you were staying here tonight."
"I wasn't," Ayda says, looking at her with an expression she can't read at all. She's in a deep blue chemise, like she'd been sleeping before she walked through the enchanted door into Mordred. "I--may I sit?"
"Yeah, of course," Fig says, patting the spot next to her. "Always, babe."
Ayda cries a little as she sits, and Fig wipes the tears away. The first time she tried, when she was a normal tiefling and didn't wear the title of Archdevil, it stung a little, like stepping into a too-warm bath. Now, it feels just like the hint of warmth against her hand, uniquely Ayda and not at all painful. (Which is also uniquely Ayda, to never freak Fig out even when she's in this shitty mood.)
"So," Ayda says. "I was in Leviathan, as I needed to--well, still need to, I've merely decided the task isn't as important--I'm getting sidetracked."
"Yeah," Fig says, and when Ayda stiffens, says, "Not bad! Not a bad thing! It's cute."
"Oh," Ayda says. "I--sorry," and bursts into tears again. Fig wipes them away, kisses her cheek just 'cause she can, kisses the other one because she can feel Ayda's face get even warmer.
"No worries," Fig says, too late, because she's not--this is still new to her. "So what's going on?"
"As you know, I am a divination wizard, though not an Oracle like Adaine, our best friend." Fig nods. "But sometimes my dreams have--not prophecies, but looks into the present, or even occasionally the past."
"Okay," Fig says. "Is there, like, a slumbering demon lord underneath Mordred?"
"No," Ayda says. "I asked a ranger I know in Leviathan to check before he left on a journey to Sylvaire. Unrelated to the Nightmare King. I checked, just to be sure, because I am sure none of us want to deal with that again."
"Mmhm," Fig says, willing herself to keep breathing slow and easy and not tense up like she wants to. It's just Ayda talking about preventing further Nightmare King stuff. The Nightmare King doesn't even exist anymore, they're Cassandra, they're cool. "So, uh, what'd you see in your dream?"
"You," Ayda says. "That isn't uncommon. I dream of you often. You're in more of my dreams than not. Is that strange? Should I not have said that?"
"Not strange," Fig says, sure her cheeks are red rather than pink. "Just--I'm flustered, okay, give me a second."
Ayda nods at her, not smiling but face relaxed in a way that suggests the same feeling. Fig grabs her hand just to ground herself, squeezes it once. There's a moment before Ayda squeezes it back, like she's thinking about whether it's the right thing to do.
"Totally normal," Fig says, just in case.
"Good," Ayda says with one long exhale. "I was worried."
"You know, it doesn't matter to me if what you do is 'normal'," Fig says. "I like you whether what you do is normal or not!"
Ayda nods. "I want to finish my thought, but after that I want to kiss you. That was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
"You could kiss me and then finish the thought?"
"I would forget," Ayda says, like she doesn't remember everything, like Fig is enough to distract her. Fig can't quite meet her gaze, then, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. She squeezes her hand again. Ayda squeezes back immediately. "Um. I'm distracting myself. What was I talking about?"
"Your dream."
"Right. Thank you, Fig. I dreamed about you, and I think it may have been--it was as though I was standing at your bedside. I know it was a dream and not sleepwalking, because I can't actually stand in your room--it's too short and I don't want to set your house on fire. But you seemed upset, and while I don't know if that was real or a dream or not, I couldn't--I couldn't just sit in my room and Leviathan without checking."
"Oh," Fig says. "Um. I'm fine."
"Hm," Ayda says. "You know, you were the one who told me that if people say they're fine, it very rarely means they're fine. I don't understand the logic of it at all, but I trust your insight."
"It's stupid," Fig says, and then, in a twist, bursts into tears herself. "God. It's stupid, I don't even know why I'm upset? Like, it's literally nothing, nothing is going on, I'm just dumb--"
"You are not dumb," Ayda says, and Fig hates herself all the more for the panic she can hear in her voice. "You have taught me so much, and if it matters to you, then it's not stupid. Fig?"
"Yeah," Fig says, voice embarrassingly choked up. She clears her throat as best she can, which isn't very well, since she's still actively crying. "Yeah, I know."
"I don't know what you know," Ayda says. "But I know that when I cry, you wipe my tears away, and I'm going to do the same for you, unless you want to stop me, in which case I won't."
Fig doesn't move, lets Ayda wipe away her tears even though it makes her want to cry more, someone being nice to her right now. "Thanks."
"Any time," Ayda says with the weight of a promise and not at all like the platitude most people would mean. "Do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't. I often don't want to talk about the things I'm going through when I'm still going through them."
"I don't," Fig says, because the idea of explaining the nightmare and Mordred and her old house being destroyed and feeling so, so unmoored and stuck all at once makes her want to tear her own hair out. "I don't--you don't need to stay. I'll be okay. If I'm not--if I can't talk about it, you don't need to stay."
"I don't need to stay," Ayda says, carefully, and Fig grips her hand tighter without consciously meaning to. "But I'd like to. If I can."
"I meant it when I said always," Fig says, still not looking at Ayda because she can't.
"Do you want me to?"
"Yeah," Fig says. "I always want you to stay."
Jawbone walks into the room on his way into the kitchen, sees two teenagers holding hands and crying and slightly-burning his couch, and decides he can just get water from the bathroom instead of the kitchen. He's not one to interrupt a moment.
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jee-ns · 4 years
flowers on hongdae street
pairing : lisaxfem!reader
genre : fluff with a hint of angst
warnings : rejection lol
words : 1.4k
synopsis : going to the flower shop everyday buying flowers for your lovely sweatheart. only to find out she doesn’t like you back. bummed out, you avoid the flower shop. but the cute girl who would see you daily we’re having none of it
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"good morning!" you said while smilling cheerfully at the cashier. "hello y/n" lisa smiled at you and leaned over the counter, resting her head on her palm. "what can i get you today?" you pursed your lips out and took off your headphones. you swore you heard a small giggle. but you decided to ignore it.
you took a good look around the small overgrown flower shop. the walls were filled covered with the colour mint and overgrown flowers. it's a pretty pleasant sight. you could stay here for hours just looking around at the exterior. but you have to deliver your daily flowers to roseanne. you can't wait to see her face again when she opens her locker and smells the flowers looking so etheral. you don't even know how she does it. but you're happy you're her source of happiness. "today i want something different again"
you looked up at lisa with a big smile showing of your newly flossed teeth. lisa looks at you and cooed. "it's for the same person?" she said while going over to the tulips. her hands scheme over the flowers. "well..." you weren't ready to tell her that you didn't know what roseanne liked. it's so pathetic. "i don't really know what she likes" you said embarrassingly while scratching your nape.
lisa turned around and laughed while you huffed out a breath off annoyance. "you're such a lovesick fool it's amusing" you rolled your eyes, popping your earphones back in your ear and started heading to the counter. after a good 2 minutes she came back with a bouquet of lillies. you gasped when the flowers came into your sight. you've always loved lillies. everything about it was so graceful. it was just an all rounded flower. you opened your wallet and payed the usual amount for a bouquet. after bidding lisa goodbye you made your way to school. going through the heavy doors of the school you went straight to roseanne's locker to drop off her flowers. you smiled as you admired the patterns on the flower. it got cut off quick when you heard her laughter. you looked back at the metal doors and saw her laughing with her friends. in a hurry you ran to your locker which wasn't that far away from her so she wouldn't be suspicious on why you were at her locker looking at the flowers. you peeked your head out to look at her. you smiled as she smelled the flowers and reading your note. it was just a simple compliment. you hoped it would be enough for her to reciprocate the feelings you have for her.
after a few weeks of visiting the flower shop. today will be the last time you ever go there. today was a special day. you've finally gotten the courage to confess to roseanne. the flowers that you've gotten her always seemed to made her smile. so you expect her to fall inlove with your romantic doings.
"good morning lisa!" you said cheerfully. she was shocked by your sudden entrance. you've never walked in the shop like this. you were always calm and weren't the one to make a scene. so she was astonished to say the least. she greeted you back and ignored your happy state. thinking you woke up on the right side of the bed.
"today i want roses" you said leaning over the counter. lisa hummed and walked over to the pile of roses that was at the corner of the shop. "that seems oddly specific." she said in curiosity. you chuckled nervously and hesitated for a bit. "im going to confess today" you said. lisa's reaction caught you off guard. she was squealing while hitting you and jumping up and down. "finally! you've wasted so much in this shop. im getting sick of it." you chuckled at her words. you love lisa so much. she managed to calm you from your nerves and think about something else.
after paying and her giving you way too much encouragement. you started to make your way through the school gates.
"no. sorry"
your heart shattered. you're so confused. what have you done wrong? she seemed to like all your givings. so why was she denying you now? your cheeks starts to blush in embarrassment and your arms went limp. the roses looking dead as ever.
"oh okay then."
you accepted your defeat and walked away. dragging your feet in sadness. after your first heartbreak. you decided not to comeback to the flower shop because it reminds you of how dumb and naive you were. being near the shop always reminded you of the tragedy. so you'd always walk on the other side of the road when you walk pass that street eventhough walking near the flower shop takes less time then crossing the road just to avoid it.
"fuck sorry" you apologised while still trying to grab your bus card. once you got a hold of it you started picking up the flowers that you knocked over from the other person. you handed it to them and noticed that they were wearing the worned out white nike airforces that you knew to well. before you could make a run for it. "hey y/n!" you sighed and greeted her back and started walking off. "are you okay?" she pulled you back with worry in her eyes. you just gave her a sheepish smile. she frowned at that but you could see her eyes light up.
"it didn't work out?" she asked and you just nodded. she patted your back and gave you a rose. you were stunned. she wouldn't normally do this. if this was her she would've raised the price for you. you looked up to tell her that you're in a hurry and can't accept this. but she was already at the counter dealing with a customer. you shrugged and rushed your way over to the bus stop.
once you've settled down on the bus, you decided to take this relaxing time and sniffed the rose that Lisa gave. the smell felt so nostalgic. you were gazing at the rose when you noticed a small note tied up to it. how could i miss that? you thought. I'm really out of it this morning. the note was folded into.
' why have you been avoiding the shop? i don't know what are your reasons but everyday when you would walk pass the shop across the street, you look so sluggish and very grumpy. so my hypothesis is you got heartbroken. lol. i feel bad for the girl. she lost a romantic. if what im hypothesising is true, we could go on a date on friday 8pm at the flower shop just fixing up the flowers and adding some oil. how does that sound? you might be thinking that this is a way for me to avoid working and you are absolutely right. but keeping the flowers in check is fun. and it's really romantic and cheap. so why not come? i'll be waiting '
you chuckled at her note. you didn't notice the smile that was forming on your face. of course you're going. you've always loved flowers so why not spend an evening with a cute girl surrounded by flowers? sounds like heaven.
on friday night you got ready and just wore a simple tshirt with long wide black pants. you were estatic to see the lisa, you would be lying if you didn't had a thing for her. everything would be so different if you met lisa first and falling for her rather than roseanne. it would deffinitely spare you from a heartbrake since she likes you back.
upon arriving the small bell on too of the entrance rang. signalling someone has entered. you took a good look around the flower shop that you haven’t been to for months. nothing changed really. except for the flowers on the wall behind the counter had overgrown and the lady behind it looking stunning as ever.
she was fixing some of the flowers that was hanging from the ceiling. her apron was covered in dirt. it made you chuckle. you made your way behind her.
you were about to ask her what was she doing when she turned around and bumped into you. the bump was strong enough to make you both topple over. you landed on your back with lisa in your arms and you’re pretty sure it’ll be sore in the morning. you both exchanged looks and started bursting out in laughter. this was the night that you would surely move on.
-admin 🗣
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