#i woke up and chose chaos i guess today
eponastory · 2 months
I guess the Zutara Antis woke up and chose violence today...
Well... I woke up and chose destruction and chaos.
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
Fine you can have some butter chicken>:) Daily Hobie HC! Disclaimer- I am aware that the medusa sticker on Hobie's guitar is just a little thing representing one of his favourite bands (Pretty sure its canon?), but sometimes I do think if it meant what medusa meant now. Hobie had never really processed that you hadn't seen the delicate tattoo on his upper shoulder, matching with the sticker on his guitar. He knew you were aware of the semi-colon lotus tattoo, and how lovingly calm you were. Hobie knew you loved him so matter what he went through, and he always made sure you knew the same, which is why that specific memory never really crossed his mind with you. You made him happy. You were the peace amongst the chaos of his mind, and his heart swelled with pure affection for you every time he saw you. Hobie had you currently pinned to the bed underneath him, his hands holding onto your shoulders as he bounced you against the bed, feigning annoyance at how you had stolen one of the watermelon slices that he was going to use to make ice lollies. His heart undoubtedly melted at the sound of your devious giggling, rolling his eyes fondly and dramatically announcing your punishment for doing a 'frivolous' thing. He flopped on top of you, holding your body close as he practically crushes you with his own. Your eyes drift down to Hobie's content face, before you notice the medusa tattoo on his arm. Sympathy floods your heart as you slowly and tentatively touch the tattoo, wincing at what this lovable dork had gone through. He didn't deserve any of it, and you knew it. And although he didn't, you were determined to show him that he didn't deserve that. Hobie lifts his head up immediately as he feels you touch his tattoo, his expression looking slightly solemn and numb as he reassures you that everything's okay now. You know it isn't. As the silence extended, Hobie looked away, his gaze distant. The moment you feel his weight leave, you wrap your arms around him and pull him down, letting his weight press onto you like a blanket. Cupping his cheek with one hand, while the other simply just rested below the tattoo, Hobie's eyes widened slightly as he hears about how you still, and always will love him regardless of what he believes should stop you from loving him. Hobie's heart beats loudly in his chest as he hears you say about how he's the one for you, and will always be in every universe. He hears about how he is clean, with the hands of his assaulter having been washed away down the drains years ago. You recognize that although it may be a bit difficult for Hobie to move on, you let him now that you'll always be by his side throughout the entire thing. Hobie is speechless, not being able to say anything apart from simply just tear up a little and pull you closer as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. His way of hiding from the world, but never from you. (Too bad one of them dies- JOKES..JOKE..AHAHA......) -🐦‍⬛
Yay! Butter chimkin!! 😋
Daily Hobie HC!!
DANGGGG YOU WOKE UP AND CHOSE VIOLENCE TODAY HUH? I guess I deserve it after the last chapter 😔
I'd buy so many fruits for his ice lollies bc he deserves all that ice lollies!!! Also a nice warm meal after and maybe a snuggle or two 🥰
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minorheroics · 6 months
redactors of russian online mass medias woke up today and chose chaos, i guess, bc why the fuck did I just read a bunch of news of king charles death when he's not even dead. do they know something that we don't
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Hi Sarah. Happy Friday! How are you? How’s life? I wanted to let you know today I woke up and chose chaos by making the music video version of ATW10 my chosen version moving forward. It’s SO dramatic and beautiful, and it’s the 11-minute version. So I guess it’s ATW11. Sarah, this song, I just ugh ❤️
I must admit I haven’t watched the video since release. But! I love this so much.
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protokirby · 4 months
Had some kind of unusual dream. I think-- in the dream, instead of myself I looked like some kind of fusion of Drayton and Leon but wearing a white gown for some reason,
Also it took place in a school that was on an island type of thing. Like- not really the usual kind of island. It was a tall piece of land in the middle of a crater. It had a flat top and that's where the school was. There was a bridge to what I think was either mainland or another island of similar nature but instead of being flat, this other island had lush greenery and raised land with plenty of smaller flat pieces of land randomly placed on the walls of this raised land. The walls were otherwise just completely steep and unable to be climbed unless you had video-game-like jumping abilities to get up by the flat places. At a certain height, the flat pieces of land were much further apart but there were cave systems to reach the higher ones from that point and pretty flowers grew in them.
Anyway the only enjoyable part of the dream was the location and probably the character fusion (it looked cool)(but like. despite being a fusion of two of my favorite characters, the vibes of the location were much more appealing. dunno why. just. i think if there was a video game with a location exactly like what was in my dream i would play it with no questions asked)
The dream itself was riddled with horrors.
First of all, it was school. Biggest horror right there. A huge stain on an otherwise beautiful location. Hate how pseudo-hell still shows up in my dreams even though I graduated all the way back in 2020.
Second, there were bullies at the school. Those are the creatures that made me want to forego existing privileges so many times every single day back then. But I wasn't the target in this dream. Some small person who looked like he wasn't born yet was. Also his eyes were on the side of his head like a prey animal and his head was very tall. And he had teeth just like a piranha's.
Those bullies were going hard on the poor little dude and he snapped at like- everyone except for me. There was some dude who had the personality of broken glass covered in loud noises that just got on the little dude's last nerve and because teachers do literally nothing, little dude with the piranha teeth just started ripping the bully limb from limb. Soon it was a mess of blood (couldn't even tell there was a person there) and guess what. The teacher chose now of all times to pay attention to the little dude except in favor of the guy who's been harassing little piranha dude extensively. I'm super against violence but in the state of things, I didn't blame little piranha dude from destroying the teacher next. The entire time I was just like- blankly staring as this chaos was going on.
Soon the whole classroom was ravaged and I was spared. I remember little piranha dude, before he left, turning to me saying "You were the only one who was ever nice to me. Thank you" and that is giving me the feels. Poor little piranha dude.
Also at some point during this dream I fell off a cliff and the cramps I was dealing with irl that made it hard to fall asleep before all this worked themselves into the dream and it hurt to fall off the cliff and I was like "oh that's what falling off a cliff feels like" but the shock of falling didn't wake me up. I "respawned(?)" at the top of the tall place on the other island. I did wake up soon after that but not by falling off another cliff. What actually woke me up was a mysterious smoke smell and I called mom to deal with it before going back to sleep. Crisis averted I think. I don't know how serious anything actually was but mom did somethin, smoke smell left, and I went back to sleep afterward and my perception of time became even more blurred than it usually is because I was so so sleepy but had difficulty sleeping from cramps.
All in all, I'm not in the best of moods today. I think fantasy social interaction would fix me rn does anyone want to send some silly anon messages to my roleplay blog?
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dearcraziness · 1 year
Chapter 1.
It was quiet, not a sound was heard in the whole studio. However, there will be lots of funny noises, as usual. The rooms and corridor were not very brightly lit, but this didn't prevent Bendy and his friends from having very interesting time together. The surroundings seemed dark and gloomy. It was only in the interior of the rooms, nothing more. If a stranger had entered and seen the gray-yellow walls, the dull wooden floor, they would certainly have thought that they were in the most depressing place in the world, which was far from the truth. The creatures living here, called "ink creatures" or "monsters", had a great time every day, enjoying singing songs or drawing pictures. Often the word "monster" causes negative impressions, for example, fear or contempt. But black and white cartoon characters were created as such, and they chose kindness and sincerity instead of rage and urge to destroy. They didn't want to create chaos at all, because they knew that they already had the most important in their whole existence - each other. Nevertheless, terrible things were meant to appear... People who have drawn the characters and brought them to life have done terrible things...
One fine day, Bendy discovered something new in the recording studio. In general, the imp found reasons to have fun every day. He was constantly illuminated by new grandiose plans and ideas, which he shared with Boris and Lara. Today was no exception.
"Guys, let's go quickly!" he exclaimed with impatience. "I have to show you something!"
"I hope I didn't wake up at five o'clock in the morning in vain." Boris remarked sleepily.
"Don't even doubt it!" Bendy confirmed. - You will definitely like it!"
They went down the wide wooden steps. The friends approached the vocal room, isolated from the rest of the room by the additional wall. This is where friends used to record their voices.
"Here, take a look," showed Bendy. "The device located opposite the microphone can not only record sounds, but also add different effects! For example, I can record a song in reverse form or make a montage, and also remake our tracks or combine them together."
"So you woke us up to show what you were going to do?" mechanic emphasized the penultimate verb.
"Exactly." Bendy confirmed, ignoring his friend's reproach.
"Oh, it would be great to hear the sound of one of our songs in reverse," Laura said. "Quite an interesting device."
"Have you also noticed what an amazing range for creativity it expands?" the musician smiled. "We'll definitely experiment with the sound overlays."
"What I'm more interested in is how did all this come before us?" the girl asked quietly.
"If it appeared, then it was necessary for someone. Why guess?" Boris asked. "I'm much more concerned about where my gloves are. I'm going to look for them."
Then he left the recording studio, looking under each chair and pulling gears and tools out of boxes - what if the loss is there?
"Hmm, aren't they on the table in his room?" Lara thought.
Bendy chuckled.
"Let him remember. He'll find them anyway." he smiled.
The girl smiled back at him.
"You know, Bendy, I have to tell you something..."
Bendy froze.
"I think I wanted to tell you something too..." he said and immediately blushed.
"Remember when I said I didn't have my own songs? Actually, I've written a couple of tunes, but I can't show them yet. I hope you'll understand..."
Bendy immediately came to his senses.
"Oh, of course, you can keep your creative ideas secret and share them only when you feel ready! Just know that I will support any of your endeavors." he replied good-naturedly.
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Well, see you soon then..."
"See you at lunch..."
Before leaving the room, Lara turned around and smiled at the young man. Bendy waved after her.
Mixed feelings of joy, sadness, embarrassment, and dreaminess crowded into his heart. But he knew one thing for sure - there was a lot of good events ahead of them... After all, their world is especially noticeably sparkling with magic and miracles.
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kyousei-a · 2 years
genya: (sees a pretty person)
genya: palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti
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ventihonklightice · 3 years
Clingy || Wilbur Soot
word count: 3.5k
Y/N had been lounging around the flat all day as her boyfriend filmed videos with his fellow Minecraft friends. Wilbur had currently been recording with Tommy and Quackity, another one of their wild Minecraft mod videos. She knew her love was busy and had his responsibilities with his own videos alongside the ones made with his friends, but she had been scrolling through Twitter and saw that he had just gotten verified. There was no way he knew about the news as he had been busy all day doing his job.
A smile grew on her face as she rushed to his bedroom door to share the great news, however she paused as she heard the nature of his current discussion with his friends.
“- but she’s been good. We’ve been really good,” Y/N smiled at his words, seemingly knowing it was about her. That smile quickly disappeared at the words her boyfriend was about to spew. “Just, she’s been kind of needy and clingy or something,” Wilbur shook his head not fully understanding his own words, looking at the wall behind his monitor too lost in his thoughts. He couldn’t quite understand his own thoughts half of the time, especially today as all he has done was played Minecraft. Slowly, the hate he has been receiving has been catching up to him, forcing him into this pit he’d never thought he’d be in which added to the stress that fueled his words. “Like she thinks she always has to be with me. Right now even, she’s at the flat.” Wilbur ran his fingers through his messy brown hair as he proceeded to explain his relationship. “I love her, I do, but I can’t even be with her right now so I don’t understand why she has to be here,” he confessed, mind clouded with tiredness masked by the wine he downed in an attempt to calm his nerves.
Y/N furrowed her brows leaning forward to listen further. “Well, she loves you, so what do you expect her to do? Not want to be with you?” She heard an American accent, likely belonging to Quackity.
“I-I don’t know. It’s just- I’m not used to this. It’s been a while since I’ve seriously been with a girl like this before. I just need space, but she wants to be around me constantly. It’s annoying.” The anger, the annoyance, and the frustration were all evident in his voice, making Y/N second guess a lot of her choices the past few days. She looked down at her hands, the mustard sleeves reaching past her palms belonging to the man behind the door she leaned on.
She closed her eyes in an attempt to push back her tears before she walked away, not being able to listen to him any further. Her eyes began to water more and more as bothering him was the very last thing she had ever wished to do. She sat on the couch before pulling the jumper off of her body, folding it neatly in her hands before pulling on her shoes.
Fanning her face quickly to reduce any possible puffiness or redness, Y/N timidly knocked on the door to Wilbur’s room. “Hold on guys,” he spoke to his friends, muting himself on discord. “Yeah?” She heard his deep voice call from the other side, taking it as her cue to push the door open. His hair fluffed about as he turned to face her. “Hey what’s up?” He asked with a soft smile.
“I uh think I’m gonna head home, got an early shift tomorrow and all,” she spoke softly while avoiding his gaze. Y/N wasn’t one to lie so she felt guilty for doing so but she didn’t know what else to do.
He furrowed his brows, confused at her words. She almost always stays the night, especially when she works early because he lives closer to her job.
“You sure? You’re more than welcome to stay the night. Y-You always do,” he muttered with slight concern in his words as he took his headset off.
She shook her head lightly, “nah it’s alright. Gotta water the plants,“ Y/N fiddled with the door handle as her other hand traced the sweater, knowing full well she doesn’t have any plants.
“Alright, I’ll walk you out,” he stood up, adjusting the chair in order to do so. Y/N reached out to him, his jumper resting in her hand, “where’d you like me to put this?”
He stood up, increasingly getting confused at her actions because he knew that she loved wearing his clothes and stealing them any chance she got. “I-I’ll um, just toss it on the bed,” he pointed to the made bed, slipping on his shoes to walk her out.
She felt his form loom over her as he walked with her out of the flat and to her car. They walked in silence, uncharacteristically. Wilburs’s hands were stuffed in the pockets of his pants lost in his thoughts as he heard her car alarm He walked to the driver’s side, lost in his thoughts while he opened the door for her.
She approached the door, getting ready to sit in the driver’s seat before turning to Wilbur to bid goodbye. He leaned down to kiss her, standard for all of their farewells, but she turned her head at the last second, his lips crashing onto her cheek. His heart dropped at the odd situation he was placed in, wondering why this was happening.
“I-I’ll see you later,” she smiled softly before sitting down and preparing to drive.
He could let her go like this. He had to know if things were good, okay even. Before he shut the door, he leaned down a bit to get closer to her. “Is everything okay? You seem a bit off, darling.”
“Y-yeah I’m just really tired,” she chuckled humorlessly, placing a hand on her forehead. “Sorry, it’s just been a weird day.”
“If you’re that tired you could stay here,” his voice practically pleaded, assuring her once more that she always had a place there.
“I-I’ll be fine, I promise.” Her words were soft along with her eyes, but she just wanted to give him what he desired; space.
“You sure?” He asked once more, extremely concerned, but what answer was he really expecting? Y/N nodded her head, “positive.”
“Alright, text me when you get home,” he leaned back, preparing to shut the door for her. She nodded her head, pushing her keys into the ignition. “I love you,” he spoke sincerely, bending down so that she’d be able to see him better once more. There was an emotion in YN’s eyes that he couldn’t recognize, but the smile on her face was sad. “I-you too, I’ll see you later,” she fiddled with her keys before meeting his gaze.
His heart shattered at the words. You too? What the hell is that suppose to mean?
He gave a tight smile before shutting the door for her. You too, the words echoed in his mind as he began walking back to the front door, pausing his steps on the pavement to watch her pull out of the driveway. He sighed before turning back to his path home. Upon returning, the place felt dimmer without her presence and he quickly took note of that.
Letting out a huge sigh, he plopped down at his desk, unmuting himself on Discord. “Sorry bout that, I’m back. J-Just walking Y/N out,” he spoke, taking the only opportunity his friends quieted down to speak.
“Wilbur!” Tommy yelled as the rest of the VC, which now had Niki, Jack and Fundy, errupted in chaos. “W-What? What the fuck happened?”
“Dude you got verified on Twitter,” Quackity shouted. His eyes went wide, opening the light blue app to see if it was true. Sure enough, a small check mark emphasized his name. He beamed at the sight of it, rushing to make a tweet about how grateful he was.
He went back to his feed, noticing that Y/N had made a tweet about ten or so minutes prior.
y/n✨| @yourusername
so proud of my favorite boy getting verified <3 love you @WilburSoot !!
His heart clenched at the tweet, being drawn back to the events that occurred moments beforehand. He liked and retweeted it, watching his fans swoon at the couple’s interaction without knowing what was happening behind closed doors, before getting back to his friends being completely distracted by thoughts on the girl he loves.
Y/N never texted him to tell him that she was home. She woke up late that morning seeing a few texts from him about twitter, how his stream went and so on.
As she looked at the time on her phone, realizing the lie she told him about working early and chose not to answer quite yet.
She spent the rest of her day around the house, cleaning, cooking or watching TV. She wasn’t in any mood to go on social media, not wanting to interact with Wilbur quite yet. Y/N sighed thinking about yesterday, thinking that it would be a better idea to just give him some space.
And so she did, for several days before Wilbur’s worry consumed him.
He sat on Discord with his friends, days after his last interaction with his girlfriend. “It’s just weird because she’s never like this. She always calls or texts me whenever she gets the chance regardless of whether or not I ask,” he expressed to his friends as they were fucking around on their own Minecraft world. He wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing in the game, just aimlessly pressing buttons and moving his mouse as he thought of Y/N.
Tommy chuckled shortly, “now look whos being needy.”
“Shut up Tommy,” Wilbur explained, running a hand across his chin, fingertips gracing his incredibly overgrown stubble. “Look I’m just saying,” the blond furthered, “there’s no need for you to say she’s clingy or whatever when your freaking out over a text! Like you saw her less than what, two, three ago?”
Wilbur shook his head, fuming now, “Oh my god, shut the fuck up Tommy! How would you, a literal child, know anything about what’s going on? You’ve barely hit puberty!” His outburst caused his friends to quiet down, them not being used to anger being directed in such a way.
“Wilbur,” Tommy started once again, becoming more serious, “I know you. You worrying over a few short days almost disproves everything you said the other day. I think you don’t know how to handle affection well, not that she’s clingy or whatever.” Hearing Tommy acting serious and not childish for this one second made something snap within Wilbur, knowing that the child was right.
He sighed, “I-I’m sorry for snapping at you. Everything is happening at once in my life right now and Y/N not talking to me has me worried. This isn’t what’s normal between us. It’s strange.”
“But isn’t this what you wanted? She isn’t being as ‘needy’ now. You got your wish, didn’t you?” George chimed in, hoping to help even though his own experiences with relationships hasn’t always been the best.
“Yeah, and I fucking hate it, I don’t know why I even said that. I don’t mean it. I love when she’s around, I hate when she isn’t,” Wilbur went on, his thoughts focusing on the good memories he has with his girlfriend.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Dream spoke ominously, feeling as if now was the most appropriate time to speak.
“I-I’m gonna call her,” the distressed twenty year old expressed, whipping out his phone to go to her number. As the phone rang, he became more and more nervous.
“What if she got in an accident? Or someone kidnapped her or something?”He rushed before him and his friends heard “please leave a message for 3-“
“Wilbur, she’s probably fine. She probably had a long day at work or something,” Niki spoke, hoping to add a small but of optimism to the situation.
“Yeah but she would’ve told me that. She would’ve called me to rant about her day, and tell me how much she wanted to see me, but she didn’t.” He leaned back in his chair, getting more and more stressed out over this.
“I-I think I’m gonna head to her flat.”
The drive was long as his anxiety slowly but surely began to increase with every green light. He pulled into her complex, parking and building up the courage to confront her.
“It’ll be fine. Things are fine,” he muttered to himself as he walked up the steps to the familiar doormat.
He knocked on the door, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. After a minute, there was no response so he knocked again with more ergency.
“Just a minute,” he heard her soft voice yell out, flooding him with relief. The voice wasn’t as warm as it typically was, only increasing his nervousness.
Before he knew it, Y/N opened the door, eyes meeting his chest before trickling to his eyes. “Wilbur? What are you doing here?”
He froze, shocked at the situation that he forced upon himself without realizing it. “I-You weren’t answering any calls or texts. I was worried,” he mumbled, immediately taking note of her puffy eyes.
“Have you been crying?” He stepped closer to her with concern lacing his voice. He reached out to hold her waist, caress her cheek, anything, but she stepped away slighted. Y/N blinked, “y-yeah, it’s just allergies.”
“You don’t have allergies like that Y/N. May I please come in?” Wilbur knew her better than that, probably even better than she knew herself. She nodded shortly opening the door wider for him to enter, looking down at her sock clad feet.
He entered the tiny flat, taking not that the once welcoming space has become littered with turmoil. The tissues by the sofa didn’t go unnoticed and neither did the pile of dishes in the sink. “What’s been going on? These past few days you’ve been acting strange,” he asked sincerely.
Y/N looked around, finding something and pretending to be busy with it. “I’ve just been busy,” she mumbled looking over the pile of mail she refused to actually look through. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, would you like some tea?” She asked, realizing her manners.
“Y/N,” he spoke defeated, “come on talk to me, please.” He practically begged as he followed her steps into the kitchen to start the kettle, even though he didn’t give her an answer.
“Everything’s fine, Wilbur,” she replied absentmindedly as she searched for her various teas. “We got chai tea, black tea, Engli-“
“Y/N, I dont fucking want tea right now I want you to talk to me,” he shouted, approaching her in the kitchen and forcing her to face him by pulling her waist gently. She gasped at the loudness of his words, not used to him yelling at her.
“Wilbur,” Y/N whispered, her hands on his chest as he looked down into her eyes. Desperation was clear in his before being mimicked in his words, “this is the longest you’ve gone without calling me Wil. Come on Y/N, please.” His voice cracked towards the end, the shakiness not leaving.
She closed her eyes tightly before she pulled herself out of his arms, turning to grab two mugs out of the cupboard, “you’re getting chai tea.”
“Love, I just want us to be okay,” he spoke passionately, pleading for things to be right.
“We are okay Wilbu- Wil,” she corrected, more so forcing the nickname to combat his complaint. As she prepared each cup, putting Wilbur’s desired amount of sugar into his cup and respectively her own.
He shook his head, not believing her words as his own eyes began to turn red, “there’s something wrong and I can tell. Please just-please Y/N.” His voice was completely broken and she knew she had to express her concerns. She paused her motions, staring at the jar of sugar she just placed onto the counter.
“I-I didn’t want to bother you,” she muttered softly, examining the mugs before her.
The man sniffed, confusion growing within him. “W-What do you mean? You could never bother me Y/N,” his voice soft, approaching her once again.
She shook her head, moving to put sugar in each cup, forgetting that she already did so, “but that’s not true. We both know that.” The water remained on the stove while copious amount of sugar occupied each cup. Wilbur gently grabbed the hand holding the spoon that shoveled the sugar into the mugs, making her stop her own actions.
“Yes it is, love.” Wilbur whispered softly as she put the spoon into the jar, coming back to reality. Y/N let out a shaky breath, facing the counter while Wilbur occupied her side, facing her.
“So why’d you tell all of your friends that I’ve been clingy and needy and overbearing and everything under the sun?” She whispered as her voice wobbled, indicating that tears would soon come falling down.
Wilbur furrowed his brows, confused at the words she expressed. He scavenged his mind, not understanding what she was stating. “What are yo-“ he cut himself off, taking his hand from hers as he remembered that conversation.
Guilt washed over his soul as he realized the greater impact of his words. She thought she had to change....for those idiotic meaningless words expressed in a fit of stress and exhaustion. He shook his head lightly, refusing to look at her, refusing to look at the damage he’s caused.
“I didn’t mean it Y/N. I just-there was a lot on my plate and I just had to complain about something. A-And you were there to complain about.” He spoke honestly, knowing that it doesn’t excuse his behavior. The sound of the kettle went off, the whistle tones attacking his ears while Y/N ignored it to focus on the conversation at hand.
“I just didn’t want to be a burden,” she muttered with a wobbling bounce that made the tall idiotic man pull her into his arms.
“No,no,no don’t ever ever think that again. You are not a burden. You never were Y/N. This is on me, I shouldn’t have said what I had said,” he muttered into her hair, repeating apologies like a mantra while kissing her hairline.
She let go, allowing her pent up feelings from the past few day flow out through tears while in the comfort of his arms, “my biggest fear is bothering people. I-I didn’t want to upset you.”
“You didn’t,” he pulled away to hold her tear stained cheeks in his hands, regret prominent in his gaze, “you have been nothing but patient with me these past few months and that is something I don’t even have the words to express, love.”
“You, Y/N L/N, are not a burden, not now, not ever,” he whispered lovingly. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m sorry I even said it. I didn’t mean it, but fuck I shouldn’t have. Look at what I’ve done to you,” his voice wavered as he pulled away to assess the damage. “Fuck,” he shook his head as a sob escaped his lips before he could pull her into his arms again.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, holding her tight while the whistle pierced his ears. She leaned back slightly, pressing her forehead against his while closing her eyes, “I know, I know. It’s okay. I know you. I know you wouldn’t mean it.”
“I love you,” he whispered, holding her head in one of his hands. “I love you too, Wil,” she whispered back, pulling his lips onto hers, sealing their words with this actions.
As much as he loved the feeling of her soft lips on his once again, he pulled away. “Okay, okay, as much as I don’t want this to stop, that damn kettle is driving me mad,” he expressed, making Y/N chuckle before kissing him on the cheek and going to turn off the stove.
He watched fondly as she was about to pour the water into the mugs, stoping to see the plethora of sugar in each. “Oh shit,” she paused, laughing at the mess she had made. Wilbur snapped out of his gaze, examining the scene that caused her words.
He shook his head lightly, grabbing the kettle from her hands before placing it back onto the stovetop. “You,” he turned to face her, poking her cheek, “go to bed, get all comfy and put on a film. I will finish the tea and bring it to you.” His eyes got soft towards the end of his statement as he went to assess the mug situation.
“Then,” he spoke gently, grabbing her waist once again, littering her face with kisses that trailed down her neck, “I’ll spend the whole day making it up to you.”
Y/N laughed, running her fingers through his soft hair, “can’t wait.” His lips stayed pressed onto her neck, before they made their way back to her own.
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Nemesis: Retribution (2)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: MENTIONS OF SMUT FOR THIS CHAPTER. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS. (18+ ONLY), polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, mentions of illnesses, momentary fluff, bit of angst care of Bucky, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, rejection, bullying, heartbreak, character death
A/N: I couldn’t resist not posting this early. Here you go. Next ones will probably take a while coz I have to be an actual adult for a bit. 
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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1:2 Dark Chocolate
A few days of rest was required to recover from a super soldier's punch. The doctors had said that you were lucky Steve hadn't punched you with full strength or else you would probably have a whole cracked rib cage. You were anxious to jump back in to training, not used to being idle for very long.
You were given some painkillers at the clinic and ordered to stay there for the rest of the afternoon for monitoring. When you woke up, it was early evening and a blonde super soldier was napping on a steel chair next to your bed. He jumped when you moved to sit up, his heightened senses alarmed and disoriented for a second before he quickly switched to repeatedly apologizing to you. You laughed out loud. It was just a little ridiculous to you to see such a commanding presence in the field so charmingly boyish and adorably embarrassed.
Steve was a comforting presence but to be honest you were hoping to see Bucky. You didn't get a chance to thank him since he left immediately after the doctors had ushered you into the examination room. Once you were cleared to return to training, you caught sight of his long brunette hair and the bright smile on your face couldn't be stopped. It was the glare he pinned you with that made you halt your approach.
He was back to his disapproval of your very existence.
You had to admit that it stung. You thought that you were getting somewhere with him after he helped you. At least somewhere outside of the realm of outward disdain. And maybe you were hoping just a little bit that it could lead down the road to him feeling the same about you.
The timing was perfect when you were assigned to your first official mission with the Avengers. It was a chance to prove your worth to the team and to Bucky in particular. A chance to maybe make him see you as more than just a troublesome recruit.
You came back from the mission with your head held high and absolutely glowing with confidence at the kudos from Sam and Natasha. The great Natasha Romanoff had complimented your sniping skills, picking off enemies in her area even before she could aim her own gun at them.
The first thing you wanted to do after getting back to the Compound was to tell Bucky. You wanted to brag a little bit and maybe even thank him for the mentoring. If he hadn’t been so hard on you then you wouldn’t have pushed yourself to be at this level. You were skipping down the halls of the Compound in search for him, clutching the bullet casing from your first official Avenger kill.
FRIDAY had informed you that he was in the training area and you were bouncing on your feet with excitement. As you entered though the place was empty, the rest of the agents having retired to the mess halls. You ventured further in, trusting FRIDAY’s intel until you heard some noises coming from the adjacent armory. You smiled, he must be cleaning his guns again.
As you got closer, the noise began to get louder until you could make out what was undeniably pleasured moaning, one low and gravelly while the other more high pitched. You should have turned away, if only for the privacy of the couple who was wrapped up in their passion, but your curiosity pushed you to come closer and peak through the small crack in the door.
The brief image that you saw made you instantly draw back, a shaking hand pressed to your mouth to silence the shocked gasp. You backed away slowly, your mind struggling to process what you had just seen, then your flight response kicked in and you ran like hell out of there. The scene was burning a hole in your brain and caused your skin to grow cold. Sergeant Barnes rutting hard against a woman wrapped around his waist, his glinting eyes locked with yours, and a cocky sneer on his face.
You didn’t go to dinner that night or to the team celebration for a successful first mission. You chose instead to lay in your bunk with tears burning in your eyes and trying to erase the memory of your discovery. Of course he was already dating someone. A man of his caliber was sure to have a line-up of gorgeous eager women at his disposal. He probably had no interest in boring recruits like yourself. The woman he was throwing into bliss must be some supermodel or high ranking spy. How did you even end up deluding yourself that you could possibly catch his eye?
The rest of your roommates filtered in after a few hours, chatting away noisily about the party. Anna had come to sit on the edge of your bed and ran a comforting hand along your arm, concern clearly etched on her face.
“I’m fine. Just tired. The mission really wore me out,” you muttered with a small smile. You weren't ready to talk about it yet.
“Personally I think I had better success today than all of you,” Kim’s shrill voice cut through the good natured conversations in the room.
She wasn’t part of the group taken on the mission, claiming beforehand that she was ill. A chorus of curious why’s rang out through the group and she preened at once again being the center of attention.
“Well I just had the fuck of a lifetime from none other than Sergeant James Barnes.”
The room of women burst into chaos; squeals of disbelief, rapid fire questions on how big he was and how good of a lay was he, were they dating now or was this a fuck buddy situation. Of course Kim was more than happy to entertain each question.
You tuned all of it out, the noise turning into an annoying ringing in your ear. You turned around to face the wall as the silent tears that refused to be contained any longer fell to wet your pillow. You barely registered Anna squeezing your shoulder or the words that Kim threw your way.
“Sorry, Y/N. I guess I was just more Bucky’s type.”
You curled yourself into a tighter ball as the pain in your chest radiated across your whole body. You had assumed wrong about Bucky. It seemed that he wasn’t opposed to dating new recruits.
He was just opposed to you.
The taunting from Kim continued on and you just couldn't take it any longer. You brushed the tears away, grabbed your sweater, and marched yourself to the door. You needed to get some air. You needed to get away. Anywhere but there. You wrenched open the door and almost came crashing straight toward a solid chest. Your eyes travelled up to lock with the kind blue gaze of Captain America. You wondered why Steve was standing at the doors of your bunkers holding a pack of beer in his hand.
"Good evening, ladies," he said to the room of now suddenly speechless females. "I'm just going to borrow Y/N for a bit."
The crowd remained in shocked silence while you stared at him in confusion as he smiled sweetly down at you. He had gone looking for you when he didn't see you at the celebration after Natasha and Sam had sang your praises to him at your performance. He wanted to congratulate you and bring you a drink for a job well done.
"Come on. I know a good spot," he said, placing a hand on your back and guiding you out.
Steve brought you to the top of an observatory in the Compound. It was quiet, peaceful, and offered a great view. He cracked open a bottle for you and the conversation just flowed naturally. He kept making you laugh until your sides hurt with stories about his time as a performer in the military and all the unfortunate videos that came with it. You were crying with pure joy when he relented and re-enacted his buy military bonds act, your earlier darkened mood forgotten for the moment.
Steve felt like he did something right when your glassy eyes and defeated expression was replaced with clear amusement. Even if it was at his expense. He wouldn't ask what the reason was, but he felt happy he made you feel better.
"Thank you, Steve," you muttered before you parted ways. Somehow both of you understood that it was more than just for the drink.
You promised yourself then that you would give yourself tonight to weep over your unfortunate romantic feelings. Only for tonight. Come morning you would focus all your energy on what you actually came here to do; become an Avenger. You slept fitfully that night, the shell casing from your first mission still gripped in your hand.
You made a conscious effort after that day to limit your interactions with Bucky and Kim to polite clipped conversations. At first Bucky had been surprised at your change in attitude, your blank expression and sparse words causing a momentary guilt to flash in his eyes. You had chosen instead to spend more time with Steve and the twins, your mood obviously brighter around them.
You were sitting now in a large conference room for a briefing on the next mission with a handful of other recruits when Sam Wilson sent you out to fetch the rest of the Avengers who were running late and not responding.
"Can you get them for me, sweetheart?" he chuckled, knowing that you blushed uncontrollably each time he used a nickname on you.
FRIDAY had directed you to the private common room exclusive for their use. You were about to knock on the door when you heard your name in the middle of what sounded like a heated argument. Against your better judgement, you leaned in closer.
"I don't think Y/N's cut out to be part of this team."
Your heart dropped. The conviction in Bucky's voice was clear. It was one thing for your infatuation with him to be forcefully thrown back at your face, but for him to explicitly state to a set of people that you held at such high esteem that you were not good enough was a whole other vicious heartbreak.
Lily was wrong. This time you should have known when to quit.
You forced yourself to crack the door wider and step inside, clearing your throat to announce your presence. You didn't see the startled look on their faces or the guilty one that followed when they realized that you had heard. One look at your sad glistening eyes that refused to look up confirmed it. Natasha and Steve both threw Bucky a deadly glare.
"Sam wants you all at a briefing. I was sent to come get you."
Your voice was so small and unsteady, none of the easy happiness and optimistic determination that it usually carried. Bucky felt the shame burn through him, the guilt drowning him in an instant. You weren't supposed to hear that. He took a step towards you, instinct driving him to do anything to wipe that defeated look off your face, but a threatening look from the twins pinned him in place.
"We'll walk back with you, little star," Pietro said softly, appearing beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Wanda came on the other side, looping your arm with hers.
For the rest of the briefing, you strained with the effort of focusing on Sam while blatantly ignoring Bucky. You knew he was staring a hole at the back of your head, but you couldn't allow yourself to give him any satisfaction by looking back. You were soon assigned your tasks, you being placed on sniper duty again having performed well the last time.
It was supposed to be a run of the mill mission for intel and taking out a criminal base, but with the expectation of more hostiles so a slightly bigger team was necessary. You practically flew out of the room when you were dismissed, not giving anyone a chance to talk to you. A decision was solid in your mind now for when you got back.
This would be your last mission.
The ride on the jet to the location was spent with you cleaning your gear and checking your weapons. You were sliding a few knives in place when Bucky came in front of you holding out another set of knives for you to take.
"You know if you tilt the hilt to the left you can fit more in one holster," he said.
It was odd hearing him with almost warmth in his tone toward you. If it had happened yesterday, you probably would be celebrating this fact. You nodded at him, but didn't say a word.
"Remember to keep your head low and stay on your post. Okay, doll?"
You nodded wordlessly again. Because you made a point not to look at his face, you missed the way he was struggling to say more to you and the disheartened look when you obviously weren't going to answer him. You ignored him for the rest of the ride, choosing to focus on reviewing the intel.
As far as bad intel could go, this had to be the worst. You were perched up on a densely covered hill a good distance away from the base that the rest of the team were storming. You were picking off as many hostiles coming out of the base as quick as your hands would allow. Your fingers were starting to ache from the constant reloading, your eyes stung from the gunpowder, and your lip was already bleeding from biting down on it.
The noise in the comms was pure mayhem. Each team member trying to ask for help, for backup, for a plan. You had all come expecting a fight but not an army prepared to defend. You were certainly not expecting HYDRA.
"They have Bucky."
Three words spoken that sent a cold dread to wash over all of you. HYDRA couldn't be allowed to take Bucky. You abandoned your post without a second thought and sprinted down toward the base, pistols at the ready for anyone coming your way.
"Last location," you asked urgently as you slipped into the building shooting down two agents immediately.
"West wing. Near the last corridor," Steve grunted, clearly having a hard time on his end. "Y/N, do not engage!"
"I'm the closest one, Cap."
"I'm close too. Just a little busy," Natasha huffed. "I'll follow, Y/N. Steve, we need to get the hell out of here."
Steve had reluctantly agreed, seeing that there was no other choice. He quickly barked orders and commanded you to keep safe. You nodded although he couldn't see it as you wove through the corridors at full speed in search of your teammate. The moment you barged into that last room, your eyes found an unconscious Bucky immediately.
Seeing him in that chair horrified you; shirt ripped, bleeding in several areas, skin pale and cold with sweat, chest rising and falling far too rapidly, and eyes that were unresponsive. You were so distracted by the jarring image that you failed to notice the operatives across the room until the bullets were burning through your soft flesh.
You screamed from the pain, but raised your gun and fired back until you heard their bodies thud heavily on the floor. You clutched at your side, the amount of wet blood pouring out was alarming. You pushed your own welfare aside and hurriedly undid Bucky's restraints. It was a struggle to sit up a semi-conscious super soldier and when you took his weight on your shoulders, you collapsed to the floor at the intense pain in your arm. You hadn't realized that you had multiple shots there too.
You gritted your teeth and groaned at the effort of lifting you both up, your blood soaking through your gear as well as Bucky's. You huffed painfully with each step but you just had to get him out of there. You could have kissed Natasha square in the mouth when you saw her come barreling towards you.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N!" she winced at your state before taking Bucky's other side. Apparently you looked as bad as you felt. "We gotta move fast. I hear more of them coming up this way. This path is clear."
Having Natasha's help in carrying Bucky alleviated some of the burden from you and made you all move faster, but the blood loss was already starting to make your vision blurry and the adrenaline was wearing off. Through the haze, you could also hear the rapidly approaching footsteps. Soon you would be basically useless and you knew there was no way Natasha could carry you both out while fighting off a hoard of enemies.
"Natasha," you said quietly, your steps faltering.
"No. Keep going goddamn it!" Natasha cried.
She knew what you were thinking. She had assessed the situation too and come to the same miserable conclusion. You smiled sadly at her angry eyes and shaking head as you let go of your hold on Bucky. Her eyes widened further as you limped toward the doors behind you and locked them tight before raising your guns to aim right at anyone who would come through them.
She didn't miss how your hands were shaking and your shot arm could barely hold up, the way you scowled deeper in pain with each movement, or how your uniform was soaked in your own blood and slowly forming a pool at your feet. Ghastly as you looked, you turned your head and tossed her another gentle smile. You were basically going to use yourself as a human shield for them and yet you were comforting her. You were reassuring her.
"Check on my sister for me, yeah?"
Natasha wanted to insist on another plan. Anything other than leave you behind to hold off the nearing enemy units. Shouting and gunfire from the other side of the door forced her to make a decision. She cursed sharply under her breath and dragged Bucky away with her, the regret heavy on her heart for having to leave you behind.
You stepped further back and supported your weak body against the wall after Natasha had thankfully left. The enemy was trying their hardest to barge through the door, ramming into it and shooting their guns at the locks. It wouldn't be long now before they manage to breach it.
You took a moment to spare a thought for your sister. A part of you was saddened to think of her grief after she finds out that you had done the most heroic thing anyone could ever do.
Another part of you was relieved knowing that she had Jill and she wouldn't be alone in that grief. When you decided this morning that this would be your last mission, you didn't necessarily expect it to be in this way.
"I'm sorry, Lily."
Natasha managed to get Bucky back to the jet where the rest of the team were all converging, still fighting off operatives chasing after them. There just didn't seem to be any end to them.
"I'm going back for Y/N!" she yelled to the team as she dropped Bucky on the floor of the jet. There was no time to be gentle, she had to hurry back to help you out.
"What do you mean? Where the hell is Y/N, Nat?" Steve shouted as he grabbed her arm.
"She stayed behind to hold off the ones chasing us so we could get out. I have to go back!"
"I will go. I can get her out," Pietro volunteered at once but he doubled over immediately from the extensive wounds on his torso.
Natasha was already sprinting back into the compound, not willing to waste another minute. She made it only a few feet before the entire facility exploded into a fiery inferno that quickly ravaged it and threw her farther back.
The entire team watched in horror as the explosions continued on several parts of the structure. The area was quickly getting engulfed by the flames and smoke. Steve had to force everyone onto the jet and bodily carry a shell shocked Natasha.
No one could have possibly survived that.
Natasha steadied her breath as she quietly landed on a perch high above in the rafters of a seedy warehouse. Wanda joined her seconds later, weaving her magic to better cloak them. The other twin was running a lap around the perimeter and would join them later.
She was assigned weird missions all the time. Missions that had very little to doubtful intel was common. This mission though was by far the strangest she's ever gotten. There was a very small list of vague things that were told to them; the time and location, not to intervene, to remain unseen until the target was ready, bring the target to the Compound.
She was slightly annoyed, but she complied anyway. She was curious too as the mission was given in secret to only the three of them. A million questions was speeding through her mind as she observed the activity below. It looked like a regular run of the mill drug den filled with busy workers and roving guards.
"How many, Wanda?" Natasha whispered.
"I sense more than 25 of them. All armed, but with much fear."
A gust of wind signaled the return of the other twin. He had a frown on his face and a concerned look in his eyes. "There is another one, but this one does not seem to be with them."
Natasha was starting to sincerely doubt this mission when a fast movement from the shadows caught her eye. By the way the twins perked up too, they surely had seen it. They followed the figure as it slipped through the darkness, almost losing track if they hadn't noticed that the guards were quickly dwindling in number. Natasha was growing worried, this was surely a highly skilled group of assassins. Pietro must have been mistaken. They were clean and efficient too.
All of a sudden a gunfight broke out below them. A figure completely clad in black, strolled casually out from the shadows with a pistol in each hand firing precisely at their targets. They confidently charged closer, unfazed as they greeted the gunfire. They continued to tear viciously through the crowd with a deadly mix of combat, bullets, and blades. 
The workers had drawn their weapons by now as well, but they were quickly killed off with barbaric aggression. It did not take long for the floor below to become a sea of blood and lifeless bodies. One person remained barely alive, hanging on to his middle to keep his internal organs from spilling out from the wide gash. The attacker came to him, nonchalantly stepping over decimated bodies. They couldn't hear what was exchanged from this distance, only the choked scream that followed as he was stabbed straight through the throat. His blood spurting out like a broken faucet.
Natasha had been in this profession for a while, but she has never seen this level of unrestrained violence.
One person.
One single person had cleared out a base of approximately 30 people. Natasha was growing more and more worried. Clearly this person was at the very least an enhanced and even with the twins with her, they were not prepared to face someone powered.
What kind of bloodthirsty lunatic does this?
"You can come down now."
All three of them froze in place. Looking down, the attacker was staring right at them with cloaked eyes. Reluctantly and very slowly, Wanda used her powers to float them down carefully keeping a good distance from this murderer.
From this close they could now see that they were in full military tactical gear in what was originally all matte black, but now had an explosion of dripping red. Combat boots, fitted cargo pants, a long sleeved shirt underneath a tight bulletproof vest, gloves, a loose hood over their head, and a cloth mask around the lower half of their face.
"Should have known something was up when my team mentioned seeing a really fast man."
The shivers that travelled through every expanse of skin on Natasha, was a reaction to that voice. It sounded strangely familiar yet unknown, but something in her mind was denying her from piecing it together. The moment the hood was dropped to reveal their eyes was when she spiraled into a complete icy shock. They were eyes that had haunted her for the past ten years. Haunted all of them. The only difference was that the eyes in her memories were smiling warmly.
The bloodied face mask was lowered to reveal a face they mourned, unmistakable and yet completely different. White raised scars branched out like weaving vines from the right side of the neck to just above the jaw and the ears. They were obviously old and healed but still raised and prominent, adding an even more dangerous edge to the menacing look on their face.
Your face.
"Hello, Natasha. Pietro. Wanda."
10 years after they had watched you tragically perish in a burning HYDRA facility, you stood before three of a group of people you had unknowingly tormented all these years.
The earpiece you wore crackled to life. "Blackbird to Hedwig. I have a visual. Should I shoot them?"
You smirked. There was no need for that. At least not right now.
"Hey, Blackbird. Tell Raven I'll be late for dinner. I have a reunion to get to."
A/N: Tell me which pairing or combination in this harem you’re most looking forward to. Smut or otherwise. I’m still rearranging scenes and working out smut. There is a long list of kinks. I need help.
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Graveyard Siblings (6)
Class revenge. And mention of suicide.
(Part 1)(Part 5)
Normal class day and most of the class was still together. This is set after the class’s trip to Gotham.
Alix and Chloe had transferred to another class or a different school. There were a few new students but they transferred out within a week, when they all had tried to point out Lila’s lies and the class picked on them on Lila’s behalf.
Class is still taught by Mme. Bustier.
She rolled-calls and somehow Marinette’s name was on there and she just absentmindedly read it.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng”
“Present.” A cheery voice said.
Goes to the next name before everyone froze and looked at the source of the voice which was where they exiled Marinette to before her ‘suicide’.
There she was. An older-looking Marinette who would look the same age as them as if she was still alive, her longer hair was in a high ponytail and her clothes were switched out from her usual pink to red and black and had a more mature look that was stylish instead of cute.
She wore her signature bright grin but the sight of it brought chills down everyone’s spines.
Lila thought that it was her curse kicking in and since she hadn't seen Marinette until then, fainted on the spot, thinking she was finally going to be killed.
“M-ma-marinette. What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean?” Older Marinette said with a confused face. “Oh. You mean why am I not late? First time for everything, I guess. I am not late today so Yay for me.” She giggles but everyone else thinks that it sounds terrifying.
“But this is impossible. You simply can’t be here.” Max said, “Odds of you still alive are zero.”
“Can’t I? I mean I woke up early and got here on time. What is impossible about me being early? I would normally be a zombie during the morning, Max but nice one.”
Some students checked their phones for akumas. Hawkmoth had mysteriously disappeared around Marinette’s death making a few rumours about Marinette being Hawkmoth floating around. (Lila was the first to suggest that as a theory.)
Mme Bustier cleared her throat, terrified out of her mind and scared that if she provoked the ‘ghost’ of her former star student, there would be consequences like the horror movies. But she was not going to let it hurt any of her students.
“Marinette, there must have been a misunderstanding. You should be home.”
“Because um...you are... you are sick and you don’t want to infect your fellow classmates, right?”
“Hm..I feel fine but now that you mention it, I feel a little dizzy. I think I am going to take the day off.”
The rest of the class murmured in agreement, scared not to offend the ‘ghost’. A few of the girls like Mylene had tears running down their cheeks. Horror movies logic dictates that you should not remind the ghost that they are dead or make them angry.
Juleka was half-scared out of her mind for Rose who was also crying and herself and also half-excited, even though Marinette might be a vengeful ghost, there is still a ghost in their classroom.
Mme Bustier started muttering prayers under her breath.
Marinette packed up her things and was out of her seat when Adrien came into the class.
He was held up because he started sneezing non-stop this morning. Turns out Natalie had some black feathers on her.
He sees Marinette in the back row.
“Ma-Marinette! How are you here?!” to which everyone in the class sans Lila who was still passed out, shushed at him.
Ignoring them, he blurted out, “You are dead.”
The word echoed through the classroom. It was silent for a moment and you could hear a pin drop.
“Dead? What do you mean dead?” Marinette took a step down the stairs, the perfect picture of confusion but her eyes seemed a little crazed and Adrien took a step back, the word ‘Traitor’ carved into his back started burning.
Everyone in their seats shifted slightly away from her. Some considered making a run for the door but they didn’t want to draw attention and face the ghost’s wrath. They all mimed at Adrien to stop.
Realizing what he said, he covered his mouth, hoping it would somehow fix the damage he had done.
Marinette smirked. The picture of innocence gone.
It took a moment for what Adrien’s outburst meant to register in their heads.
Adrien, in an attempt to get back into their good graces, had once claimed to be Chat Noir, the ‘hero’ of Paris. They had brushed him off. If what he had said was correct then that meant that they drove Marinette who was Ladybug to kill herself. Horrible realization sets in as it meant that Hawkmoth won.
Lila chose that moment to came back to the land of the living to scream bloody murder once she saw Marinette again.
The scream brought everyone out of their trance from their shock and started screaming or yelling.
The windows slammed open and the wind whipped. The doors of the classroom closed shut with a loud bang. The clouds were dark outside and there were some flashes of lighting and thunder. (Thank you Longg.)
Marinette’s hair was undone and whipped around her. Her eyes were glowing blue. As she started laughing at the chaos she had unleashed, the class and Mme Bustier ducked for cover and hid under their desks. Except for Adrien and Lila.
Lila, fueled by anger, pounced at the ravenette but was thrown against the classroom wall before she even had a chance to lay a hand. Fell down and appeared to be knocked out. Alya made a move to check up on her.
Adrien was thrown back against the floor when the strong winds started. The scars on his back were burning with a lot of intensity now and it was a miracle that he still hasn’t passed out from the pain.
Unknown to him, the words were glowing red and seen through his shirt. Mme Bustier, Nino, Sabrina and Nathaniel were the few that saw the bright red letters spelling out ‘TRAITOR’ on Adrien’s back as he got back up.
“Marinette, this isn’t you. Milady, please.”
“Shut up.” She flicked her wrist, sending Adrien against the teacher’s desk. He hit it hard and was knocked out like Lila.
Alya after making sure that Lila was fine. “Marinette, stop this. I know that you are probably mad at Adrien for killing you but we never did anything to you.”
“Never did anything?! Never did anything? Hah. What about the time that you slapped me in the face in front of the entire school and said our friendship was over? You called me names. You said that I deserve every bruise you gave me. The rest of you weren’t any better.” She turned around and with the flick of her wrist, the heavy desks were in the air, robbing anyone of a hiding place.
“You stood by and allowed it to happen. You destroyed my stuff, claiming I deserve it. My sketchbook, filled with commissions, torn and stepped on like trash. You all crossed a line that Chloe didn’t even dare and you call it the right thing to do. Hypocrites all of you. Some of you have known me since l'école primaire. What was it about me that you believed her over me?! ”
What happened next was all a blur to everyone, there was a lot of screaming involved, some blood, lightning and thunder everywhere and then, black.
Nino opened his eyes to see Alya peacefully sleeping on her desk. What happened?...Oh Crap I fell asleep. The last thing I remember was….MARINETTE!
Nino snapped his head up. And saw the rest of the class and Mme. Bustier asleep in their respective places.
But there was a sense of wrongness. Something was off... and he can’t pinpoint on what.
The bell rang, startling everyone awake. Nino checked the time. And crap did they all sleep through the first period?! Turning towards his now-awake girlfriend, “Hey Alya, Alya, what do you remember?”
He was surprised to see red eyes like she had been crying. “I- I- I had the weirdest dream. Marinette was there, like she never died and she… why are you looking at me like that?”
“Don’t freak out but I don’t think it was a dream.”
On the rooftop, above the classroom, a red clad figure lounged at the edge with her airpods in and chuckling to herself.
Marinette didn’t torture them. Scared the hell out of them, sure but it was harmless. Mostly. She left carved words on everyone’s wrists which no one else but the class can see. (This one is more mental than anything.)
The scars are unique depending on how close they were to Marinette before she died. Most of the class had the word ‘friend’ crossed out. FRIEND
Nino and Kim had Childhood friends. It serves as a painful reminder of how long they had known the girl.
Alya was a special case with BEST FRIEND and ‘A good reporter always checks her sources’ underneath it. She remembers saying those words to Marinette a long time ago, back when she thought she knew Marinette.
Mme Busitier had Best Teacher and when she was in the comfort of her own home, saw ‘Bully Enabler’ on her other wrist.
Adrien and Lila were questioned as they weren’t the only ones with scars on their wrists. (Although Lila had LIAR written in big letters across her forehead with a sharpie and a drawn-on-moustache of a cartoon villain.)
Nino managed to get the class to back off on Adrien and later to pull him aside to explain about the scars on his back and why did Ladybug (who was apparently Marinette this whole time and she was dead... he thinks.) called him ‘Traitor’?
Adrien told Nino everything. The curse didn’t interfere so for the first time in months, Adrien was able to say the truth.
That was also the day that Lila’s reign finally ended.
The class had suspected for a while about her lies and false promises. There were a few inconsistencies in the beginning that were overlooked and brushed off as Lila’s memory problems.
They all had for the first two years had defended Lila against anyone (mainly Marinette) who thought she was a liar. Lila herself made sure that her lies were believable, actually putting in research for once in her life and planting evidence here and there about her achievements with a few faked articles. They staunchly believed her lies until Marinette’s death.
With her main enemy finally down and everyone else who opposed her, lost their morale along with their ally, Lila stopped putting in the efforts to make her lies seem real and then the cracks of her kingdom began forming.
At first, the students of Mme Bustier class believed them but the stories soon seemed like bragging but they were too polite to point it out to their ‘nice’ and ‘shy’ classmates.
Lila began making mistakes from her lack of research and a few of them later pointed out the few inconsistencies but they were brushed off as memory lapses.
More and more of these ‘memory lapses’ happened more often and soon, most of the class had their suspicion of Lila.
They were just in denial of Lila lying to them.
A few like Max, Nathaniel, Juleka and Sabrina who finally find out that Lila was lying and confront her about it were threatened and they were too afraid to do anything.
After all, Marinette had tried to disprove them and look where she is now. Six feet under.
And the ‘ghost attack’ from Marinette was the final straw.
The class tried to help Lila get rid of the sharpie, especially the one on her forehead and Alya made a comment how it was so typical of Marinette despite being dead and some half-heartedly agreeing.
Max, frustrated that his friends still can’t see it that Lila is a liar and they were the ones who drove Marinette to death that she is now haunting them and it was all their fault, took out his detailed research to disprove Lila’s lies. Nathaniel, Sabrina and Juleka spoke up and brought out their own research. The seeds of doubts which had been planted the past years were finally sprouting
A while later, the entire class was in chaos, everyone was shouting at Lila, some of them were shouting at Adrien, Alya being in complete denial and Mme. Bustier trying to maintain the peace.
Unknown to them, the camera in the classroom was being live streamed to a screen in a room in Le Grand Paris, complete with audio as a group of teenagers watched the chaos unfold.
“You know.” Chloe said, “I thought it was hilarious when you went all bloody mary on them but this shit is way more entertaining.”
Maria smiled, satisfaction on her face as she snatched some popcorn from Alix. “Oh, I had fun. Took years but Lila is finally getting what is coming to her. In about an hour, Signora Rossi is going to come through the door with the police.”
“What did you do, M?”
“Let’s just say the Italian Embassy and the French Police got an anonymous tip this morning about Lila Rossi and the incidents following her around the schools she had attended in the past couple of years.”
“No..” Alix gasped.
Maria just smirked.
Gabriel was freaking out when Adrien came home and told him about what happened to his class.
He did not need another ghost attack on top of everything else.
First, Afterlife had managed to steal some (read: a lot) of Gabriel’s investors and Gabriel’s shares were plummeting.
Secondly, there were a few important documents leaked onto the internet, showing a few suspicious purchases which had the brand and himself under scrutiny.
Third, Natalie told him about her recent condition which occurs during the night and raised a few suspicious glances from Emilie when there was a raven in the house while Gabriel wanted to see proof of this transformation.
Lastly, Emilie had been poking around about the years she was in her coma and it was sheer luck that she hadn't found out about Hawkmoth and connected the dots.
He called up John again to complain that it didn’t work and asked for a refund or face a lawsuit. John pointed out that the spell only worked in the house and kept ghosts out of it and other places were free game.
Needless to say, Gabriel pulled Adrien out of school to be homeschooled again and made sure Emilie stayed inside, no matter what.
The longer Natalie stayed as a raven, the whiter Gabriel’s head of hair became and he was beginning to lose hair at a very fast rate.
(Part 7)
I swear I didn't mean to forget tagging you guys.
Taglist: @local-witch-of-mn, @ladyqnoirr, @lolieg, @istoleyourcookies
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enmufanclubandco · 3 years
Serpent around your heart. (Reader x Obanai/ Giyuu x Reader angst)
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Warnings: Angst and mentions of blood I believe... ^-^ Extreme manga spoilers under the line (Chapter 200) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You ball up your fists your stomach turning over several times but you don't let it stop you. Today you would confess to your long-time crush Iguro. It had been so long that you seemed to be getting closer you decided now was the time. You began your walk turning the corner of the mansion. You held your hands to your chest with hope but once you lifted your gaze you saw them together. Maybe you had known it all along and chose to ignore it but you couldn't ignore it any longer. You watched on as Iguro held Mitsuri's hands in his on the only bench under the blossoms. It was a look no one could mistake. You quickly back away back behind the building. Maybe you were hiding from the embarrassment of seeing something you shouldn't or maybe the fact that the love of your life had eyes for someone else. Whatever it was it was clearly enough to flood your face with heat and tears to bubble up in your eyes. You looked once more and now her head was on his shoulder. You couldn't believe what your eyes were seeing but you had to believe it. There's no way he could love you when he loves her.
Victory almost stared you in your face as the battle went on the chaos surrounding you but there was one thing you couldn't help but notice. To the side wasting away you watched as Iguro held Mitsuri's injured body in his arms. And although you know you should be focusing on the fight you couldn't help but feel torn up inside. You bet that they were saying their last 'I love yous' and promising to love each other in the next life. And as much as you wished that could be you, you were meters away bleeding out but still standing on your two feet covered with dirt and sweat. Was now a time to be jealous? You felt so many things right now but all you could do was cry, stuck in place so much pain evident on your features.
Would it be selfish of you to give up and collapse here? To give up and perhaps leave it up to the odds that you would live or die when you woke up? Your bones ached but you weren't sure what you were still standing for. Sure, you didn't want this to be in vain but what if they could just make it without you? You were sure the rest could and maybe they wouldn't mind if you just laid there for a bit. As you sink to the ground eyes still on the two whose place you wish you could be in you began to be swarmed. Medics you guessed began patching you up and as much as you mentally protested not a single word came up. Your vision clouded and as many times as you thought 'are you honestly giving up right now?' you couldn't find the strength to continue. You muttered something as a tear streaked your face. "Sorry...I couldn't be...better....stronger...."
Little did you know someone had the same eyes for you that you had for Iguro. And as he looked on to your limp, surrounded body a great pain seemed to consume his chest. Giyuu looked on, a feeling so familiar but a feeling he couldn't describe wrapping around his heart. He looked between you and Tanjiro. Not only had he failed to protect one, but all of the people he cared for. He had been the one to survive again.
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syuga-s · 3 years
destined to be strangers | when you met them
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w.c 3.3k
pairing. Minghao x gn!reader
genre. coming of age, fluff, a dash of angst
a/n. it's finally the official first chapter of my svt series <3 it'll be so messy istg,, nonetheless I hope you get to find some comfort in this fic, maybe you found it when you're missing someone, maybe your heart is hurting rn, maybe you feel like you're exploding with love, maybe you're ready to find love, and I don't want to fall in the cliché but you're not alone (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I want you to enjoy this journey w me so whatever pops into your mind just let me know!!
(I hope there are no t/w but if i missed some pls tell me)
Minghao was the first one in the group that you officially met. You held hands once and according to him, you were breathtaking. He felt an immense amount of peace just by holding your hand and convinced himself that he would never want to let go of you ever again.
6 years ago
Seventeen feels like the perfect age. Not naive like sixteen. You still don’t feel the pressure of daunting adulthood like when you're eighteen. Just plain and simple, seventeen.
Dani and Sara have been your best friends since you were 13 years old. You’ve gone through everything together, and now it’s time that you enjoy being teenagers. You’ve already gone out a few times, mostly to house parties with high school friends, but now you were invited to Wonwoo’s birthday party. Sara’s older brother.
Of course, you knew Wonwoo. Well, you’ve never been in the same place as him, but you obviously knew your best friend had an older brother. Sara has always told you how cool he is, by that you always imagined they had to have the perfect brother and sister relationship. Doing the math you guess he’s in college. You also knew he had a girlfriend. But that was about it.
The party was in the girlfriend's house, and you were somewhat excited cause this is the first time you’re going to hang out with college guys but baby steps, you need to get ready first.
While you were looking through your closet you got a text from Chan.
And it’s not like you’re annoyed but, weren’t we already done with this?
When you met him, you were going through your ""first heartbreak"" and he changed a lot of things for you. He made you want to be happier again. We could give him some actual credit because he achieved it. He got you laughing again and you started to feel like you could be yourself once again.
There’s just one little problem. He didn’t make you feel butterflies. That’s when you got scared that he would want something else when you were only looking for a friend. Scared that eventually, he’d stop talking to you. But maybe, just maybe you’ve considered dating him.
To be honest, being with Chan was difficult. You were positive that you didn’t want anything with him since the start. You were in the process of forgetting the boy who broke your heart. But boys never want to be “just friends”. You were still in love with Seungkwan at that time. And when Chan came into your life, he made you go through a lot of stuff, and not in a good way.
You still care for him, he’s still someone important in your life, but his efforts were never the ones that made you fall in love with him. You know he cares deeply about you, and you’re thankful for this. But we know that’s not enough for a relationship.
The last time he made you cry was on your birthday. To say that you were stressed about his behavior is an understatement. He chose chaos since he woke up, and you didn’t have the time nor the energy to talk through his feelings this specific day. You were busy getting everything ready for your party. Plus it was your birthday. Why is he getting mad at you on your birthday? You remember well that it was 1:00 pm when he texted you,
“I won’t be coming to your party” Wow, okay then.
Why did he feel that he had the right to be upset today? At the end of his tantrum, he ended showing up at your front door. He brought a bunch of his friends and immediately started drinking as if getting blind drunk was the only reason he was at your house.
It was entertaining to look at him from afar. Seeing him talk to everyone but you and even telling your friends that you didn’t love him back. Now suddenly everyone in your party knew what a 'bitch' you were to him.
And the funny thing about alcohol is that it betrays you really fast cause now he was there in front of you begging to talk to you.
You took him out to the balcony to get some air to see if he would sober up, sat him right next to you, and gave him your cup of water. You kept your hands in your lap while lost in thought, trying to keep calm and appreciate the night sky, but now your hands started to feel watery,
Well, now we have one Chan crying in your hands, and you didn’t know what to do. “Hey, hey it’s okay, you don’t need to cry” you tried to reassure him while rubbing his back.
It was frustrating. You also felt like it was all your fault. But this isn't the time to be thinking about all this. The guy in your lap won’t stop crying and this isn't the worst part yet because while you're thinking what to do next… he threw up on you. Yes, on you.
Now all you could do was to quietly scream to his friends and tell them to take care of him and just leave.
You told everyone to leave.
How did this happen? No one was there for you, Dani and Sara had left at some point to another party, never knew why.
Not even Jeonghan, your best friend, could be there for you. But happy birthday, I guess.
The next day you were honestly tired of everything, tired of his apologies, of listening “y/n I love you” “you’re so different from everyone else” “I’m always here for you” “why can’t you love me the way I love you?” over and over again.
You seriously can’t expect that everyone will love you the exact way you want them to, and certainly not at this age where we're dumb and know absolutely nothing about relationships. Yet, it doesn’t mean that they don’t love you. Why has that always been so hard for Chan to understand?
“You make me feel like I can’t do anything right for you. As if I’m not enough. The thing is you’re not for me, and I’m not for you. There’s someone out there that won’t be hard to love, that won’t feel like a challenge, and will simply make love seem easier. Chan, you know that with me, it’s not like that”.
At least that’s what you wanted to tell him.
That you didn’t want to be in a relationship just for him to make you cry when he feels like being rude to you, that he never understood what you meant that one time you told him that he hurts you with his actions. That you didn’t want to feel insecure every time you'll want to talk about your feelings because of fear of how he’ll react. That’s not healthy.
So, Chan and you came to an end. sUre, Something that hadn’t even started in the first place. But yeah, there are days you miss him. Today you hate him.
And his text wasn’t even an important one, it just said “Hey”. I don’t have time for this now, you thought.
Finally, after overthinking every single detail of your outfit, you got ready to go and went to the location Sara’s brother had sent you. Yes, Wonwoo himself sent you the address. don't be weird about it The location marked 30 minutes away, something you considered quite far, but tonight something like that didn't matter, this would be a different night. But how could you ignore the fact that when you got there, the neighborhood felt kinda sketchy? You quietly mumbled, “Thank god I don't have a car”.
You called Sara, so she would come outside to get you. Because as expected, you didn't know a single person in there and Dani was running late. But right, here's the fun of it all, getting to know people while you're here, also alcohol.
I mean you're only seventeen once, you might as well act like it. Tonight you get to be free of the anxious, stressed, overly responsible version of you.
Tonight you're just.. you.
After an hour Dani finally got there and brought her half-sister, you ran to hug them and started talking about what took them so long. They were in a café and ran late. You pouted “why didn't you take me??? I could've used a latte before I got here you so-called best friend.” Dani only laughed because she didn't want to say anything in front of her sister and Sara. Minutes later she hugged you again and whispered in your ear “You know that when we go out it's better if it's just you and me so shut up.”
And you giggled because it's true. Even though it's always been the three of you, Dani’s the kind of friend that’s always been there for you, she gives you the best advice, she makes you laugh all the time. You’ve always supported her through everything, the both of you have stayed with the other after all the bad times. She’s your main person.
It's not like Sara's not your best friend, but there was one time that she told you –totally out of the blue– that it seemed that you were a two-faced person. (what?) To be honest, you could never forget that.
Yet after all these years and after growing up together, you can safely say you love her very much when you're together, you have so much fun, you’re awed by how she’s able to make friends so easily. When you talk about life you both feel understood, being friends with her feels natural. Plus you’ve always had the same taste in music.
The party was getting crowded and now Sara wanted to play beer pong. You never understood how both Dani and Sara were always crazy to play that at every. single. party. Of course, it's because they were extremely good at it.
In your opinion, that game wasn't a big deal, but maybe that's because you weren't that good. But yeah, this time you got to play with Sara, and you're going to brag cause you were playing kinda good tonight. If the three wins in a row couldn't tell, I don't know what else would.
At this point, everything was exciting because you had started to talk with Wonwoo's friends, thanks to Sara being the baby sister and the ace at beer pong. All the guys you've played against said they let you both win all the rounds so you “two babies” wouldn't get drunk. right
That’s when Minghao came around.
This tall, cute dude. “He’s so cool oh my god. He's the coolest guy we’ve ever seen. DON’T STARE. BUT KEEP LOOKING” was all your head was saying. And now he was approaching you. Please no. “Terrible moment to be this person who can’t do small talk” Now your mind can't shut up. You’re gonna malfunction in front of him any second now.
But he turned out to be the nicest guy you’ve met. You didn’t expect this. His energy was so fun but at the same time quiet. You two just started talking about how you knew Sara, and him being one of Wonwoo's best friends, told you that she was also like a little sister to him.
He had already met Dani before and now wondered how he didn't get to meet you before. So, that's what he did, try to get to know you now that he had the chance.
Minutes passed, and now he was showing you his beer pong tricks. And it was so endearing, watching him get all focused on his throws, with the excuse of “properly teaching you his technique”. By now, you weren't even drinking, you two got wrapped in your world, getting to know each other. But that didn't last long.
You hadn't noticed that there was no one else in the yard anymore until Minghao pointed it out. So, you got inside the house and got welcomed to the weirdest vibe. Some guys were on a couch just watching everything unfold, others were trying to calm down the situation, while some were just eating. And then you noticed that Sara was having –what it seemed– like a serious conversation with her brother. When Minghao caught sight of this, he went straight to them.
Dani was just getting back inside the house cause her sister had to leave early, so you went to her and sat on the empty couch. “What happened here? Why does everything feel weird? And is Wonwoo okay?” you quietly asked your best friend, still glancing at your other best friend.
Dani started explaining. “I'm not sure, but I think I heard that something happened between Wonwoo's girlfriend and his best friend Jihoon” yikes.
You recognized the girlfriend because who else would be crying in the kitchen with her friends around her? Now Jihoon is someone that you had yet to identify, so naturally, you had to ask. You appreciated that Dani knew everyone in here. One of her many talents in life.
“So, who IS this Jihoon? He sounds awful” sorry but we need to know all the details in this drama
“He’s there on the couch with the other dude, Jihoon's the one with glasses that looks all gloomy, the other is Junhui and yeah, I really can't believe that someone would do that, poor Wonwoo, look at him” and you both discreetly turned to see his face.
Wonwoo looked pissed and hurt, with every right to be. In what world does your best friend even think about doing that to you? On your birthday? At your girlfriend’s house? WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???
You don't like this Jihoon. At all.
The party had officially died. You were bored and wanted to leave now. Everyone was drunk, weird or crying, just plain uncomfortable. You tried to get Sara’s attention but the apologetic stare she just gave you made you understand that she couldn't leave her brother’s side.
However, Minghao had caught a glimpse of this and decided this was his last chance to spend more time with you before you left. His plan was made in roughly 3 seconds.
Taking into account that you told him earlier where you lived, he was going to offer you a ride home. Well, not in his car, it was Jihoon’s car. So, now all that's left to do is to make some quick introductions.
It wasn’t as if Minghao was in the best state to keep his cool and friendly side, considering what had happened between his two best friends, but Jihoon was still his ride, he could be angry at him tomorrow or later but not while you’re here.
“Hey you two,” he said as he was sitting in the arm of the couch both Dani and you were on. “Are you already planning to go?”
“Yeah, actually we were just waiting to see if we could talk with Sara, but I guess that’s not going to happen” Dani answered and somehow ended up in an awkward laugh from all three of you. “Right erm… don’t leave yet, just give me 5 minutes, I just want you to meet my friends over there.”
Oh. no. You don’t want to meet these guys. Well, the tall one doesn’t seem so bad but still. Fuck. There’s nothing you can do now, you’re already there getting introduced to them, just smile, he said just 5 minutes, you can keep it cool. They’re cute up close, shit.
“So, Jihoon” –Minghao started to get his plan on track– “I think we should all go. It’s kinda late already”
god everyone is so tense
Jihoon hadn’t even made eye contact with you, but whatever it’s not like you care. And actually, Junhui’s very nice, he’s good at making small talk and his smile is so pretty.
Jihoon started speaking “Uhh- I guess let’s go then, it’s not like we’re doing anything anymore so…” his tone was ice-cold. Can’t figure if he’s just rude or drunk or something entirely different. “Nice meeting you both,” he said, looking straight at you for a second. He got up immediately and Junhui followed him. Minghao almost shouted at you, “Do you have a ride home?”
“Oh we’re gonna take a cab so no need to worry about it.” you smiled at him as you stood up.
Minghao turned to Jihoon “Hey can we take them to their homes? We all practically live next to each other.” Jihoon seemed hesitant but the look Minghao gave him, shortly had him saying “Sure, let’s go.” After all, it was his last chance to do something right tonight.
Dani and you waved and sent goodbye kisses to Sara. You figured you could talk about everything tomorrow. Wonwoo turned his head to see who Sara was waving to, and you waved him goodbye too with an “I’m sorry” smile, and he understood because he returned it with a “Don’t worry” one.
What a weird night.
Dani, you and Minghao got into the back seat of Jihoon’s car, in that order. Junhui was in the front, still making conversation about everything. You suppose he’s being a good friend, trying not to make everyone think about what happened a few hours ago.
And now you’re 100 percent sure Jihoon is beyond drunk because he’s driving erratically. how did they let him drive in this state? You started getting nervous.
It’s not crazy to say that Minghao had sensed that you were feeling anxious, and he didn’t hesitate to grab your hand for comfort. His comfort mostly. Or maybe he just found the perfect excuse to take your hand in his. You quickly turned to him, and he just flashed you a cute smile. Then you looked down to see how your hands were intertwined, and he just held you tighter. He made you feel like everything was going to be okay.
Now you had stopped at a red light and noticed you were getting closer to Dani’s home.
Only God knows what came over you, the fact that you were in the middle of the car wasn’t helping either.
You reached out to tap Jihoon’s shoulder and got closer just for him to hear “Are you okay? We’re not in a rush you know?” Finishing with a cute smile. He didn’t get a chance to answer you cause the light turned green, but he felt calmer now. No one saw how you made him smile with a simple question.
You finally got to Dani’s house and said goodbye to the guys. Just as you were getting out of the car, Jihoon asked you specifically “Aren’t we going to get you home too?” You grinned and said, “Oh no, I’m staying here tonight with Dani”. His tone was still cold, but his words made you think he was somewhat friendly towards you. ”Are you sure? I don’t mind taking you” It was amusing how everyone in the car was looking at you expectantly, “Yes I’m sureee it’s already late you should get home”
And like that you and Dani got inside, the clock marking 3:00 am. Oh, so it’s late late.
You hadn’t noticed how sleepy you were until you got in bed and collapsed, Dani didn’t even change, and you didn’t remove your makeup. You also didn’t get the chance to see how the four boys you met tonight had added you on Facebook and followed you on Instagram.
Soon life will start to seem entirely different, exciting, and worthwhile. You can begin to hope to get rid of this lost feeling you’ve had all your life.
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 3 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hola everyone, here is part 3 but not yet proof-read. I hope you will like it nevertheless...
Word Count: 2.7K
Liviana drove herself to office due to the driver’s message early in the morning that says he will be late because of an emergency. Upon arriving the buildings parking lot, instead of her driver, it was her assistant who was waiting with a worried look.
“Why the long face baby boy?” This is the thought that has been running through Liv’s mind when she saw her assistant, and this made her laugh. It took a while for her to compose herself so with a long face, she just remarks as she exits the car, “Why the sad face Jer?”
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“Why are you laughing though?” Jayceon asked with a growing grin, but Liv just dismissed it by saying ‘nothing’. So he continues to inform his boss, “It turns out that your driver for today had to rush her wife to hospital earlier so there won’t be anyone to drive you.”
“This won’t do, I have to get these cakes delivered and to check the situation in Paradigmia.” Liv said with worry written all over her face but then she suddenly smiles, “You do have a license, right?” She asked the young man who responses with a nod. “Then you’ll drive. I just have to get some materials in my office.”
Jayceon sees Liviana walking towards the car and anxious on how his driving should be. Because the only one who he was able to drive are his friends. Heck, his parents don’t even know that he can since he has always been provided with a driver and an assistant. It didn’t help either when Liv chose to seat beside him after she arranged the materials and cakes at the back seat. “Why are you sitting here instead of over there?” Jayceon nervously asked as he points to the back seat diagonal to the driver’s seat as where bosses should sit according to some according to etiquette.
“Well, I am not really used to passenger seat being vacant. Don’t worry Jer, this is perfectly normal and please just treat me more as your friend instead of your boss. It will be more comfortable that way.” Liv informed her assistant.
Jayceon smiles as he was happy hearing how humble his business partner is, so he proceeded saying, “Ok then Liv, buckle up and enjoy the ride!”
It was an internal chaos in Jayceons mind since he doesn’t really want to go to his habit of over speeding and to scare Liviana however his childhood acting lessons had paid off since he was able to act composed and relaxed while he’s driving his temporary boss. Okay, so if you’re wondering about Jayce’s early life, his mother well like all Asian mothers are, enrolled him in all extracurricular activities she could come across. Therefore, ever since in the age of 4 he had already experienced EVERYTHING, from sports to performing arts.
Upon arriving to the Academy’s main branch, Liv immediately went to her friend Anne’s office. “Annie! Been so long, I made you some cupcakes!” She enthusiastically greeted her friend.
Anne was a little bit puzzled by the sudden visit, “What’s up? Why the cupcakes?” She asked. However, Liv just gave her a questioning look as a response and it only dawned on her that it was their friend’s birthday. So, the look at her face was so funny as if she experienced horror while saying, “OH MY GOSH! How could I forget?”
“Don’t worry Anne. Just message her later or maybe give her a visit after your working hours. It’s just a 30-minute ride so… It’s up to you.”
“Well, if it is up to me, I will just take a half day off and go to her but yeah cannot do that because my boss would be mad.”
“Ha, I know what you’re trying to do, well just so y’know as your boss I would totally not mind however I know how keen you are with your work so I reckon that you will finish today’s job and just go to her later after working hours.” Liv said the last words with a tap on Anne’s shoulder then left her office.
As they left, Anne just snickered on how her long-time friend never failed to read her like an open book.
On their way to Paradigmia, they stopped at a gas station since Jayceon found the need to pee. So Liviana just waited in the car. Jayce always has the impulse to buy something since he finds this satisfying. When he was about to pay, only then he realised that he left his wallet in the car’s compartment that is in between the driver’s seat and passenger seat. So, he hurriedly opened Liv’s door side in a rush, and tried to open the compartment and reached it and however this fell on the backside and without thinking Jayce climbed on top of Liv and once he reached his wallet he exclaimed, “Yes! Finally got it!”
This woke Liv up and her eyes widened in surprise. Jayceon just froze and stared to her eyes, and he had the urge to gulp just to somehow slow the rapid beating of his heart. To snap him back to reality, Liv asked, “What are you doing?” in a concerned voice and was trying hard not to jump to conclusion since as far as she knows, the guy in front of her was gay.
Jayce or in Liv’s perspective, Jer stepped back to not cause any alarm and calmly said, “I was just trying to reach for my wallet,” showed the wallet in his hand, “because I have items waiting in the counter of that 7-Eleven.”  He pointed to the convenience store in the side of the car.
“Oh okay, but you know you could’ve used the other door, right?” Liv asked genuinely.
“I didn’t think of that earlier since I was in a rush. I am so sorry about that.” Jayce apologised. “I promise it won’t happened ever again!” He subconsciously emphasised as his eyes asked for forgiveness.
In Liv’s perspective, she cannot stay mad to this adorable guy in front of her. “Fine, just never ever do that again to me or to anyone ever again.” She informed her employee.
“Pinky swear! Brb just gonna pay for those food! Thank you, Liv!”
As Jayce ran back to the convenience store, Liv thought it was really odd for Jer to stare at her like that. However, she just dismisses this immediately and went back to her nap since she knows it will be a long day in Paradigmia.
“Hey,” Jayce said as he tapped Liv’s shoulder when he sat at the driver’s seat. “You want some peanuts? It’ll help to lessen your sleeping.”
Liv slowly opened her eyes and looked at the bag of peanut he was holding, “Yes, that would be great.”
As Jayce prepped himself to drive, he asked a last question, “What did you do last night that made you this tired today?”
“Well obviously the cake made me use all my remaining energy last night. I don’t know maybe I had a tiring dream.”
“You also believe that? Despite not remembering the dream?” He asked and she just nodded with a faint smile as a response. “So glad that I am not the only one.”
After few more minutes they finally arrived to the apartment of Julie. Liv asked Jayceon to grab the balloons she prepared at the backseat. “You had balloons? Why haven’t I seen it?” He asked in amusement. “Well, maybe I unintentionally intentionally hid it?” This just made the pair chuckle as the guy grabbed the balloons, the lady handled the cakes.
“After centuries you’re finally here!” Liv’s best friend, Julie exclaimed as she hugged her while holding the cakes.
“Careful! My masterpiece!” Liv yelled.
“Sorry but that will not even last a day in this household.” Julie rebuked. This resulted to the three of them laughing.
“Did Anne tell you she’ll be here later?” Liv asked her good friend.
“Yeah, she felt so guilty of almost forgetting and thanked God when you thought of leaving some of your wonderful cupcakes in her office and she has time to prepare.” Julie nonchalantly informed Liv.
“So, what do you prefer, stay here while we wait for her or let’s head now to the hotel I already booked for tonight?” Liv asked.
Julie replied after some thinking, “Well, I think my family will still visit here shortly to give cakes and such, so maybe wait for Anne in here.”
With Julie’s response, Liv faced her assistant and informed him, “So, if you want to take a rest you can go to the hotel first. I am sending you know the voucher for your room, and by just showing this to the reception, I think you’ll be assisted to your room immediately. Just leave the car and keys since we really do not plan to get wasted so I’ll just drive us there and I’ll just let you know once we arrived there. Is that okay?”
As Liviana is explaining her proposition, Jayceon cannot help but take notice on how she always has the tendency to worry about everyone around her ergo, planning everything tediously beforehand. He admires this but at the same time feel sorry for her since she has the kind of person who loves to smile despite the truth that deep inside, she is already drowning. He can see this because she tries so hard every single time as if it is always her life on the line. He wishes that somehow he can help her to loosen up a bit and be true of what she truly feels. (A/N: Jayceon has taken a lot of Psychology modules in undergrad as a hobby that made him enjoy analysing human behaviour and Liviana has been one of the most interesting person he has met.)  So after listening to Liv, he answered, “Yep, sure thing! That all sound great! So I guess, see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Jer see ya! Thank you for the help. Ooh I almost forgot, I also set aside these cupcakes for you.” Liviana said as she gave the 3 pieces cupcakes in a sealed tray.
“Thank you Liv! Really appreciate it! Bye!” He remarked as he waved goodbye then got inside the taxi they messaged.
~Jayceon in the hotel~
Jayceon went to the counter which the receptionist immediately recognised him as his family being the co-owner of the hotel. In which he was greeted immediately with a bow and for the employee to immediately ring for the Executive Manager. Jayce then quickly tried to explain his stuation in the most discreet way possible. Telling him to stop his manager from coming because most probably him having prior commitments with his work. He just asked for the receptionist to give him the room stated in the voucher and instead to have Liviana Voss in the most expensive room available during her stay and charge her with only the amount the room she booked. So just like that, Jayce had his staff to put Liv in the Premium Suite Penthouse which is technically a room with rooms and a second floor that has a direct access to the rooftop.
Jayce was pretty proud with what he did especially on how smart he think it was. To have Liviana be one of the lucky winners in an online booking event that never existed. After feeling content, he took a nap to make sure he will not miss any updates from his “boss”. But didn’t miss the beat to take a taste of the cupcake after dinner. He can surely tell that it was made with love.
~Meanwhile in Julie’s Household~
“So, who was that guy? He looks so good! Do you have a thing with him?” Julie prompted with the question she has been holding until that guy left.
Liv answered with a grin, “I knew it! I can already sense your questions like once we both entered your house. And the answers would be: first us my assistant; second, yep he is but not interested with girls; and finally, I think no?”
“Omg, you do have! Spill!” Julie enthusiastically ordered.
“But it is your birthday! Why talk about me? We need to focus on you getting older!” Liv claimed.
Julie tried to explain, “Still, I am the birthday girl, so you need to let me use my power card for today of you to just share about this matter, please?”
“Fine! I love you so much that is why I am letting you use the card.” Liv gave in.
Julie was delighted with this by saying, “YAYYYY! BEST BDAY because of the BEST TEA!” But then suddenly interrupted with her family entering the house with their spare key. This made Liviana laugh so much that Julie’s family can see her almost rolling off the ground literally but thankfully she was able to stop herself. Julie’s family only stayed for like 2 hours since they also have some stuff already planned.
Once they left, Liv and Julie cleaned a little bit and wash the little number of dishes. Just right after they finished, Anne already arrived, and this made Julie happier since Liv can share the tea to the both of them at the same time. Liv’s narration went like this:
“Well, I was taking a nap since I was really exhausted with the baking and decorating so I really do hope you guys will love and like it. So, while napping I can feel that something is different, and I can see him staring at me adoringly? I guess, it was really weird because I felt something. It also feels like an eternity and still his position being on top of me didn’t change and remind you that the seat was declined so it was really awkward and I can also see his change in demeanour of somewhat being manly like more than so he normally is and he also gulped that really sent shivers to my spine. Just overall – WEIRD.”
Julie and Anne just looked at each other because they have the same idea. So Julie slowly proposed their idea, “Liviana, don’t you think it is time to consider that he is not gay? As we both can already sense with the vibes whenever the two of you are in a room, you guys act like high schoolers interacting with their first love like that is literally the aura the two of accentuates.”
Anne added, “Also this is nothing like the chemistry thingy back when we tried to ship you with someone in junior high instead this thingy right now is something that everyone can call sincere and genuine.”
Liv was really quiet with the insights her friends are telling her but all she managed to reply is a joke, “Okay guys, you two could really write a million-seller fiction right now.”
Anne just retorted as she and Julie are already used to their friend always being in denial which is the total hundred percent reason why she still never had any boyfriend, “Whatever Liv, just don’t tell us we didn’t inform you. I know that you know that there is a possibility with what Julie and I are saying. So please, don’t resist it anymore because you also need to find a partner too at some point.”
“Wow, our youngest just scolded me. Yes Ms. Annie, will do. So can we now finally celebrate Julie’s birthday?” Liv asked warily.
“YAYY!” The two girls exclaimed, and Julie shouted, “Movies and cupcakes!”
“Speaking of cupcakes, where did you put the cupcakes, I gave you Anne?” Liv asked.
Anne replied, “I have the half of them in my house and left some to my mother’s because you know how much she loves your cooking and baking!”
Liv responded, “Yes of course, I am glad she still does.” She asked, “Julie, what movie do you want?”
“Ugh please, let’s not do that, we will spend like an hour just looking for a movie, guys just pick a number up to 10.”
“Three!” Liv exclaimed.
“Five!” Anne yelled.
“Okay the Liv, just choose the eighth one while pressing the arrow down keys in the remote control.”
“We got, Force of Nature, a 2020 film. Is that okay?” Liv asked as she manages the TV.
“Yup!” Julie replied while she takes the cupcakes to a plate and placed the cake in her refrigerator.
“Sounds great!” Anne responded as she handled the flavoured drinks. They all agreed to get drunk once they arrived at the hotel.
After the movie, the cupcakes also ended. So they cleaned up and prepared their things for the second party in the hotel.
Re-blog for part four!
Lemme know what you think…
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whataboutmyfries · 3 years
sirius and remus waking up to sunlight and their cat taking up most of their bed somehow and just morning cuddles and good vibes :)
Well....they didn’t wake up to sunlight (i woke up today and chose chaos) but here you go! enjoy!
The last thing Remus could remember was waltzing through the clouds, his dance partner a particularly elegant rhinoceros when he was woken by the slam of his face against the floor. 
He blearily pushed himself onto his forearms, glaring at the floor through half-closed eyes. “Fucking rude.” 
He looked up to see Sirius sprawled on Remus’s side of the bed, messy hair sticking out in every which direction. Remus didn’t even give it a second thought before he flopped right onto his husband, his chest hitting Sirius’s sun warm back with a soft oomph as he tucked his head into the crook of the taller man’s neck. 
Sirius woke with a muffled grunt, tipping his head to the side to press a kiss to Remus’s curls. “You know I love you, but what in the world possessed you to wake me up by body slamming me into our mattress?” 
“I did not body slam you! Besides, you shoved me off the bed, so now we’re even.” 
“I did what?” Remus made a sound of affirmation somewhere in his throat and Sirius shrugged a shoulder, squishing Remus’s face against his neck. “I guess you’re right that does make us even.” 
“How d'you get all the way over on my side, anyway?” 
“Re, sweetheart, you might want to take a look to your right.” 
Remus did as he was told and found their cat sprawled over Sirius’s side of the bed, his black tail twitching against Sirius’s side. 
Remus grumbled, “Never given that cat such a pretentious name. King. Who could have a name like that and not think they own the place?” 
Sirius huffed a laugh, flipping around underneath Remus so that Remus was lying on his chest, their feet tangled together. 
“Well at least this gives us prime time to cuddle!”
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partywithgyu · 3 years
In The Pines.
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🌙Members: Kang Taehyun and Huening Kai.
🌙Genre: Horror. More like, spooky.
🌙Tag: One shot.
🌙W/C: 2300+
🌙Summary: Taehyun had a dream. It was a lucid dream or rather a lucid nightmare. Along with him was his friend, Kai. Stuck in a lucid nightmare he can't manipulate, Taehyun has to deal with the horrifyingly weird happenings. He could get stuck in the nightmare only for that night, right?
Taehyun woke up in a dimly lit room.
He looked down at himself, dressed in the silk sleepwear he wore to bed that night. So soft was the blanket he pushed away and his feet touched the ground. It was red but not a deep shade unlike the roses in the vase, on the white old fashioned dresser. Few steps towards it he took. Stopping at a distance, small, he looked into the mirror. He saw the reflection of the open window behind him, revealing the sky so enigmatic. No, he couldn't see his own self in the mirror for he was in a lucid dream. 
He did what one would if they were left to control a dream. He left to explore. His feet rushed past the tall bedroom door, down the stairs to the lower floor. He looked to the left then to the right. All around him were doors. No furniture, just doors. In the dimly lit room, he could see that the walls were of a pale shade. The doors were dark, with dull gold detailing. Confusion arose as he looked around. "Which door shall I go through?" The one straight ahead he chose. Opening it had consequences. Cold fingers wrapped around his wrist and he was dragged away. The face was familiar, but difficult to identify with the flashing lights. He could've looked over it for more time to try to recall the person's identity. If only there were blinding lights calling out for his gaze. 
Here and there he looked. Around him was chaos. Chaos was created by the people stomping around, screaming on top of their lungs, words he couldn't quite make out. They looked so dead. As if their eyes never once saw life. Holding in their hands, sources of colorful lights they pointed it around. Truly it was headache inducing. This was a lucid dream, he remembered. For it was lucid, he could control it. He believed he could manipulate it. So, he turned to face a wall. 
"Taehyun," called out a familiar voice making him feel relieved. He could recognize the voice to be of his best friend Huening Kai. He would turn to a different scene, he thought. No. He turned to see a familiar face in a scene growing more violent. He looked into his friend's worried eyes. Kai's eyebrows were furrowed, his cheeks stained with tear marks. "We have to get out of here," he said in a tone so pleading that Taehyun immediately held onto his hand. 
"Kai. Where do we go?" he asked, even more terrified as he noticed blood on the faces on the people. Now they held a weapon each in their hands once free. "Door. We have to get out of this mansion," replied Kai in a hushed tone. The last thing they needed was being charged at by the lifeless people. Twisting the knob, Kai opened the door. He dragged Taehyun out of there. 
Once again all around them were doors. They looked at each other. "How do we get out of here?," asked Taehyun. Breathing in and out, Kai looked around before looking at the shorter friend. "It has to be one of these doors right?," he said with a hint of nervousness in his tone. Taehyun nodded before hesitantly reaching for the other door. The door opened to reveal a mirror. Their reflection didn't exist. "Next door," said Kai before reaching out to the other door. He was rushing because the longer they stayed in the creepy mansion, the most afraid he was of whatever could happen next. Rather, whoever could come to them. 
The third door was pushed open by Taehyun. The young men narrowed their eyes, when bright light fell on them. It was a dimly lit room with a table at the centre. On the table was a cage and in the cage a very bright being. It looked like a fairy, that's what Kai thought at least. "Oh no. Has she trapped you two too?," asked the creature in a concerned tone. "Who?," the two of them asked at the same time. "The evil witch. The one who has caged me." They shared a look before shaking their heads, slowly. "We haven't met any evil--" "Oh good. You should escape before she returns." "How?" "I wish I knew. A window? Something. As long as you two escape to the pines, you're good." 
"The pines?," asked Kai. "Yes. Outside this mansion is a long road. At the end of the road are the pines. That's the only place she can't get you two," said the bright little creature. "As you walk down the road, do not talk to anyone else you come across. Do not believe anyone you come across." Taehyun gulped. The warning made him fearsome of what they would have to encounter on the walk. That's when they hear a small sound at the corner of the room. "Go! Go!" On hearing the fairy-like creature scream those words, Kai shut the door. It was for a split second that Taehyun felt guilty for not setting the creature free. However at times like that, one's own survival has to be prioritized. In this case, both their survival. Silently, he promised himself that he wouldn't leave behind Huening Kai no matter what. 
"Not again," they heard a scream from upstairs. Taehyun turned to the staircase. It sounded like a boy just like him. Someone, who seemed rather frustrated. "We should go," said the other boy before opening another door. Oddly to their convenience, the door led to the outside. "Outside?," he asked Kai who nodded at him before stepping out. Taehyun followed. 
The front yard looked ruined by chaos. Taehyun made the observation as the two young men walked to the main gate. The swings were broken. The merry-go-round was once painted with colors he could tell. Aesthetic, it would be to some. To Taehyun, it was chilling. To be present in a scene, under the purple sky, in a place unknown. He wanted to go back to the world he knew. He wanted to wake up. 
"You told me I would be able to control the dream," he said to Kai. 
"I told you it would take practice," reminded the accused man with a hint of nervousness in his tone. 
Kai was right. He was told that. But he didn't expect this to be the outcome. "Why am I lost in a nightmare?" The last thing he wanted to do was walk on the spooky road that they were walking on. At least there were streetlights. "It's alright. It'll get done today. It's only for tonight," muttered the taller guy, walking ahead. "Right. It's just for tonight. I'll wake up soon." He picked up the pace to catch up with the taller boy. He felt better about walking next to him. "How do I wake up?," he questioned. Kai looked at him. "Oh. It's easy. We just have to reach the pines. That'll be the end of the adventure, you see." 
Not knowing much about how lucid dreams work, Taehyun just nodded. That's all he could do anyway. Walking to the pines wouldn't be that difficult, he thought. Then, he saw someone sitting on the bench, at the bus stop. He noticed first the small golden ornaments hanging on the tip of a tall, pointed hat. It was a clown. A creepy smile was painted onto his face. The one that extended upto his cheeks. Taehyun clinged to Huening Kai. "Stop," he whispered. Huening Kai did as told. He turned to Taehyun with worry in his eyes.  "We'll be fine as long as we don't talk to him. He'll disappear if we do that. After all, this is a dream," he reminded softly. "I know." 
"Know what?," asked the clown in a high pitched voice. He was heading to them, on his hands, upside down. It was horrifying, his gaze. "Ignore." reminded Taehyun to Kai. A small nod from Kai, then they started walking ahead. It was going to be a long walk with a clown behind them. 
"Tell me. Tell me. I wanna know." 
"Oh! Let me guess! You know that you're headed the wrong way?" 
"My! My! The pines are the other way! Poor boys!" 
"You're so lost without your mom. Don't worry, children. I'll help you find them!" 
"Wow! Did she tell you to not talk to strangers?" 
"I am not a stranger. Look at me. Don't you know me? Take a look. Take a look." 
"Look! Is that a shark in the sky?." 
"Ah! Fooled you!" 
"Don't act like you didn't fall for it."
"Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because it was a fun guy!" 
The clown wouldn't shut up. More than terrifying it was annoying. So, very annoying. It was shocking when the clown screamed for he had been hit. The two guys turned around to see another boy, about their age, with a baseball bat in his hand. The clown lay on the floor, with 'X' painted over his eyes. To their surprise he was beginning to fade away. Kai looked over at Taehyun who just watched the scene. The unknown guy smiled at them. "You're welcome." Taehyun opened his mouth to talk for it to be covered by Kai. "Don't talk to anyone," he was reminded. 
"Why not? You can talk to me. I am just another wanderer. I wouldn't have hit the clown for you otherwise." 
Taehyun was curious about the use of the term wanderer. What did it mean to be a wanderer?, he wanted to know. So, he stopped to hear what the wanderer had to say next. "What? Aren't you two wanderers too?" He was clueless of what it even meant to be a wanderer. Yet, he couldn't ask him. "This is a trap," whispered Kai into his ears. 
The wanderer's eyes lit up as he drew a conclusion. He looked over at Kai who only seemed to be wanting him to shut up. "I don't know what to do other than tell you to not go to the pines. Don't go. Wake up." 
The warning made Taehyun even more curious. What was the guy talking about? He looked so human. Like a boy killing time. The way he had been waiting for the clown almost. He must've picked the spot to hide because of the streetlight. He could see the clown clearly that way. He was so tempted to ask him. "Taehyun, we have to go to the pines to wake up, remember?" said Kai, gaining his attention. "Right." 
Once again, the two guys found themselves walking on the path. The pines, they could see far away. "What did he mean?" asked Taehyun to his friend. "How am I supposed to know?," replied Kai. He sighed as he looked at his friend. "Dreams don't always make sense, you know?," he said. "I keep forgetting this is a dream." "Right. You aren't even able to control it so that makes sense." Taehyun raised an eyebrow. "Can you?" "Hm?" "Can you control this dream? Are you really here? Are we sharing the same lucid dream?," questioned Taehyun, stopping in his tracks. Kai stopped too. "I can't control--" 
A fish hit Kai's face. It was a goldfish, he could see courtesy of the streetlights. A few more fell on the ground. Surprised, Taehyun looked up at the purple sky. It was raining fishes, just like he had once read about in a novel. "We better run," said Kai putting forth his hand. Taehyun held onto it before the two of them ran to the pines. He giggled, once they were covered by the trees. He turned back to see a lot more fishes fall from the sky. "That was silly," he said to Kai. "Free fishes," commented the other boy. 
"Anyway, let's go now. I want to wake up," said Taehyun. "Sure." 
 "Don't go," they heard a voice say. Another boy sat by a tree, sadness in his eyes. He looked as pale as one could with the darkness under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for months. "It's a trap. Don't go in," he told Taehyun. Particularly, him. "They're just like the clown, Tae." "He's right," defended another guy, from not so far. Few more guys headed closer. "Don't go in. He's trapping you." He sounded very assuring. That wasn't enough for Taehyun to believe them. Why would he believe the people of this nightmare? As they started getting closer, trying to convince him, Kai held onto his hand. "Let's run before they trap us. They don't want us to get in the pines." 
The two friends ran as fast as they could. So fast, that the few of the unknown guys who tried following them, gave up. They ran and ran until they saw a golden bench. In the middle of the pines, a golden bench, had to be there for a reason. "I think this is it. It has daylight around it. So sit," said Kai to Taehyun. Relieved, the guy sat on the bench. It was over. The nightmare was over, at least that's what he thought. "May I never have a nightmare again," he said only to notice the creeper growing up from the land, creeping around his leg. 
Golden was the light surrounding the trees. Familiar was the voice that spoke as though it didn't belong a person. The voice belonged perhaps to the trees or the wind. Maybe, it was the purple sky. "You were successful, wanderer. Just as told, you brought to me a sacrifice so you no longer stay cursed. You're free from the recurring nightmare. You shall now dream freely, no long wake up in the mansion. Be vary of wandering back into my nightmare world again." 
Eyes wide open, Taehyun looked at Kai. He looked so relieved for he had finally gotten rid of the curse. How could he not be? Not even once he would have to visit this nightmare again. He had to work hard for it of course. To even convince Taehyun to try to have a lucid dream was work. Every bait was a work of art. It took efforts but it was done. He was free to finally have a goodnight's sleep. He felt as happy as Taehyun felt betrayed. 
"As for you new boy. Every night you shall visit this nightmare. Every night, you shall suffer. As it gets brighter, you'll wake up to a bright morning but at night you'll wake up to the purple sky. If you wish to not do so, get along a friend in the pines." 
 To head to my masterlist click here.
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octopodeez · 4 years
Wasted Time (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)
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Based on this request:  Can I request a Elijah X reader where the reader is good friends with Elijah and Klaus teases her to be in Love with him, and she acts like Elijah knows and might forces him to play along, turning out they both have feelings for each other but didn't admit it? Klaus playing match maker
Your coven warned you to stay away from New Orleans, but you felt you had a pilgrimage to make. The entire city was known to be bursting at the seams with magic, and you’d dreamt of going since the moment you cast your first spell. You longed to tap into that energy. Maybe even pick the brains of some of the local witches to see what they could teach you.
You also admittedly had a curiosity about the very thing you were warned about: the war. Word spread fast about the city’s chaos once the original family made their return. Vampires and werewolves and witches were battling in the shadows, right under the noses of every tourist and townie. It was fascinating, and you figured a little quiet observation wouldn’t hurt anyone. Your naivety was laughable.
Not 24 hours into your trip did you end up becoming a pawn passed back and forth between the witches and the vampires. A wildcard for every side to use—new blood in the game. It ended with your coven alienating you. They wanted no part in any of it, especially when the original family was involved, and to offer you safe harbor was to bring the bloodshed to them. The witches of New Orleans gave you a similar answer when you desperately sought refuge with them, though, theirs ended with plans to execute you.  
And then there was Elijah. Elijah who found you labeled as a traitor, about to be sacrificed. Elijah who rescued you and gave you his word that he’d keep you safe.
The living situation wasn’t ideal, and you lost the ability to move freely about the city, but over time, you came to like it. Winning over his siblings wasn’t easy, especially Klaus, but after Elijah reminded him that he was the one to drag you into this, he softened slightly.
You did your best to earn your keep, though Elijah insisted you didn’t have to. You’d happily cast spells upon request, but mostly you found yourself cooking and cleaning. It irritated Rebekah to no end when she came around.
My brothers are over 1,000 years old, if they haven’t learned to pick up after themselves by now then they deserve to live in filth, she chided the first time you met. If you must do something, make it to be that you keep to yourself. The less involved with our family you are, the better. Trust me on that.
You nodded along for her benefit, and even took her advice for a bit while she was there. But the second she left again, you were back to making cookies and disposing of bodies.
Occasionally things would quiet down. Someone would propose a flimsy peace treaty, or a faction would be forced to withdraw as they licked their wounds. It was those times that Klaus was at his most dangerous. Without the distractions of war, he had time to turn his attentions to other things…namely your friendship with Elijah.  
At first, he was relatively quiet about it. He’d shoot smug, knowing glances and take the occasional vague jab in one of your directions. But as time went on and his boredom grew, he became far more vocal about what he’d suspected since day one: you and Elijah were in love.
He was half right. You had it bad for his elder brother, and everyone knew, save for Elijah himself. Or rather—he did know and simply chose not to acknowledge it. The latter was more likely. Few were more perceptive than Elijah, and there was absolutely no way he didn’t catch you staring at him as he read or lighting up whenever he walked within six feet of you. You’d come to terms with it quickly, and decided it was probably for the better he didn’t say anything. He’d quickly become your closest friend, and you’d rather have that than nothing at all.
Klaus decided otherwise.
“Your affections for my brother are exhausting, you know,” he said one day. He was leaning against your doorframe with his arms loosely crossed, watching you change your bedsheets.
You sighed and fiddled with a pillowcase. Ignoring him had never made him go away in the past, but you could sure as hell still try.
He remained persistent. “It’s no secret you fancy our dearest Elijah, and your longing stares after him are losing their humor.”
“So you’ve caught me looking at your brother a few times. What’s the big deal?” You snapped.
Klaus clicked his tongue after finally getting the reaction he wanted out of you.
“It seems I’ve struck a nerve, little witch.”
“No, I’m just tired of having this same conversation. I don’t know what you’re hoping to get out of it. Or are you just jealous?” There was venom in your voice and Klaus looked more delighted by the second.
“You’re not my type, love, but thank you for keeping me in your thoughts,” he replied. His sarcasm made your blood boil. “A quick word of advice—my brother seldom opens his heart to others. If you do choose to grow a spine and act upon your feelings…just know I’ll gladly reach down your throat and rip it right back out, should you ever hurt him.”
Klaus’s words stuck with you. They kept you up that night and well into the morning as they played in your mind over and over again. My brother seldom opens his heart to others. My brother seldom opens his heart to others. My brother seldom opens his heart to others. You knew better than to read into it. Hearts could open for friends just as much as for lovers…but could they really?
“You look conflicted.”
Elijah appeared in the kitchen with impeccable timing, as usual. You had just shoved a large spoonful of cereal in your mouth, and now your cheeks were swollen with Cheerios. A dribble of milk dripped down your chin and you nearly choked as you scrambled to wipe it away. He smiled and waited patiently for you to recover.
“What?” You finally managed. It was the first time you spoke since rolling out of bed and the sound was less than pleasant.
“You look conflicted,” he repeated, and then added “did you not sleep well?”
“Oh, no, I slept fine. Or, I guess I had a little trouble falling asleep…woke up a few times, too. But other than that, fine,” you stammered. Each word was clumsier than the next.
“Mm. Perhaps you should take it easy today. Maybe draw yourself a bath later on. You’re welcome to use the tub in my room. I expect it’s a bit nicer than yours.”
You nearly choked again. In all your fantasies and daydreams, you’d somehow never pictured him in the bath until now. Your mind’s eye was practically whirring with excitement as you envisioned him relaxed. Head leaned back. Eyes shut. Breathing deeply as one arm hung lazily over the porcelain’s edge. The other had its fingers wrapped delicately around the stem of a wine glass, filled with an unmistakable shade of deep red liquid. An empty blood bag lay crumpled and discarded on the floor. Nothing sexual. Nothing romantic. Just the wonderful idea of Elijah experiencing a rare moment of bliss.
He must have heard your heart skip a few beats. The clearing of his throat snapped you back to reality.
“Sorry! Maybe I’ll take you up on, uh, that. I’m not really feeling myself today.”
“You don’t say. What happened?”
“Nothing. I just didn’t sleep well.”
Elijah stayed quiet for a beat. He looked at you expectantly. Waiting for you to confirm what he already knew: you were full of shit. You pretended not to notice. You’d sit at this table, stubbornly eating the same bowl of Cheerios for an eternity before you willingly gave up the fact that he was the reason for yet another sleepless night.
“I noticed Niklaus coming from the direction of your room last night…so allow me to ask you again. What happened?” His voice was firm and his eyes were narrowed. Had you not known better, you would have almost thought he was jealous.
“Nothing! Klaus was just being Klaus, I don’t know! He stopped by, bugged me while I was trying to clean my room, then left. No conspiracies. No secret love affairs. Nothing new to report.” You chomped down on another spoonful of cereal. Everything came out harsher than you meant it to, but you had no intentions of apologizing.
“Is that so? Because if I recall the conversation I had with my brother last night as he left your room, the placement of your spine was threatened on my behalf…I suppose the question I should be asking isn’t what happened, but for how long?”
You spent so much time daydreaming about Elijah over the short course of your friendship. You pictured a life together. Maybe even an eternity, if he offered to grant it. You imagined what it would be like to feel him drink from you. The way he’d rest his hand on your waist as you drifted to sleep in a shared bed. The taste of his lips between sips of champagne on some far-off beach.
There was a part of you that felt terribly foolish. If something were to happen, it would have happened. He would have acted upon the tension he damn well knew was there. Your relationship was platonic because that was all he wanted it to be. But then there was another part of you. The same part of you that brought you down to New Orleans to begin with. That voice in the depths of your brain that kept whispering Klaus’s words: My brother seldom opens his heart to others.
“A while,” you finally confessed. It felt anticlimactic. Of the thousands of heartfelt speeches you’d planned over the months knowing him, all you could muster was two miserable words.
“I see. And you said nothing.”
Unable to look at him, you grabbed your empty bowl and moved towards the sink, but only made it halfway before he was in front of you, blocking your path.
The way he studied you made you feel small and exposed, a feeling you’d experienced many times in your life, but never to this degree. His body was close to yours. You could feel his breath lightly on your skin. It rippled over every nook and cranny of your being, making your hairs stand on end. If you wanted to, you could reach out and kiss him—and you did want to, badly--but you remined frozen in time, waiting for him to speak.
He never said a word.
His hand found its way to you neck, and he tangled his fingers in your hair as he kissed you. It was tender, but had an underlying fire to it that made your knees buckle. You wrapped your arms around him for support. To draw him in closer, closer, closer, closer, until you had to come up for air. He allowed you to take a breath, just enough to keep your heart pounding, before kissing you again, somehow with even more fervor than before.
When it was finally done, Elijah smiled and held you against his chest. He kissed the top of your head. The side of your neck. The shell of your ear.
There was so much wasted time to make up for.  
I’m not super crazy with how this one turned out, but matchmaker Klaus was a ton of fun to write! If you like what you see, check out my AO3 and master list :)
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