#i wish you LUCK
kedreeva · 1 year
Spent the morning revising the original peafowl genetics spreadsheet to be a little easier to read on mobile (and maybe a little easier on some computers, too... larger fonts for one).
Now it's time to clean some things, so reblog with your chore of the day and then go do it so we're all keeping each other company Doing Things. C'mon, up and at 'em! Thursday sucks, let's do one thing to make future you happier with the state of your living space.
I'm starting with Dishes.
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amereslare · 9 months
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Twitter Request Fill 07: Crowley and Aziraphale teach Muriel how to blend in with humans
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cunning-matriarch · 2 months
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Oh. there is a looming over the boys now. Looming with teeth.
@sixba @musemelodies @indomitablespirits
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smile-files · 2 years
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i'm not great / good things should only happen to you
angels don't fade / unless they are fake / then their wings shake
my fall will not break / i am god's only mistake
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you very much, dear anon, I always appreciate your support. I wish you all the best too, thank you ;)
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You Demagogue!
You wasted funds on a fools expedition to Sicily!
Look upon it, for it has failed.
I raise the spectre of Ostracism unto thee!
So, what say ye now?
- A concerned member of the Steering Committee of the Boule.
(to stop the joke, I have an exam on this, I hope I used these correctly)
I say it’s high time to fuck my out of this.
…You in?
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 5 months
Been thinking about the ending to 98 and how Vash spared Knives out of love and forgiveness and how I wish it were explored more in fanfic because I’ve read too many where Vash is oddly sadistic or angry at a recovering Knives. I want one where Vash actually rehabilitates him and doesn’t harm him or will only use it as a last resort if he falls back into bad habits of hurting people. No more Vashes that seemingly regret not killing him for no reason or hurt him so easily.
well I’d like to think that my Vash portrayals are reasonably sadistic but anon, I must point out that I write a lot of sadist vash fics where he regrets not killing knives and you’re better off sending this to a different writer, respectfully. my versions of knives tend to be into hardcore painplay and near death experiences (sexual) that my versions of vash are gagging to provide (flavored with sexual and religious guilt)
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Confession? I cannot stop lying. Ive wired myseld to mask the way I behave and change who I am depending on who I'm talking to. Not your average lying either. New people with convoluted and well thought out backstories are born. With complicated inner lives and sufferings. And I do not feel guilt about it. I am broken. I need to stop. It's so hard to not lie. It's so hard to be fully myself. But I need to stop. I'm about 3 months "clean" from this habit.
But the mistakes and choices of my past haunt me. It hurts. Phyeically hurts to think that I did all of that. It will not stop hurting until I get closure. And I never will. Because I am not confessing. The people I lied to, I let them off as easy as I could. Strung along my story and character to a happy end. They're all ok. I am the only one burdened by my mistakes and it has to remain that way.
Hell man, I myself used to be like that. Glad you're starting to come clean. If it helps, try and focus on your identity. That's what pulled me out of the loop.
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average-joseph · 1 year
i started learning chopin’s raindrop prelude today i’m so excited omg
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LOL. Rise Raph is currently in the lead!
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i-am-a-fan · 9 months
Speck. Speck how do ou find the inspo for Lmk art?? Pls speck I am in the art blocks
I call upon the ancient power-source!!!
I take a nap and take a break
sometimes you can’t really power through artblocks and that’s okay.
I’m also really mentally ill about these characters and they live in my head. So i’ll be like. Oh! How would mk react to Wukong not listening to him, and then watch the sitcom play in my head.
Also!! Sometimes i just sketch things out and not do much else. If i feel in an outlining mood later on, i’ll dig up the sketch and finish it :D! Like a coloring book
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I wish nice things happens to you. I wish luck, love, and laughter is in your life. I want you to know that good things will happen to you and that you don't lose hope in your dreams. I wish you strength my friend and that you'll be blessed with weightlessness for the burdens you've carried for too long. 🙏 🧡🐈
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hexenwrites · 1 year
Please go check out @descendentsthenewway they just started there blog dedicate to re-write the descendents franchise (more indepth, angstyer, more targeted at an older audience) they have a Google form you can fill out to help them get started and they are looking for people the help in any way possible (you could also reblog there post if you feel generous)
Thank you Anon ❤️
I'm always happy to try and help out.
While I don't read fanfiction in the fandom any longer, I would gladly do so for those who ask me to. I'll take a peak and fill out the form here in a minute.
Stay safe out there, and good luck!
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justanacorn · 2 years
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The things ppl do for nitro 🤕
Ba da bim boom bet da dim dem dadadada
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smile-files · 2 years
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ohhh the juxtaposition between nickel and clover throughout ii3...
nickel has always been frustrated by clover's luck, ever since day 1, even before the "box killer" incident - he spoke of "ending her lucky streak" constantly, seeing her good fortune as something that could and would cease. he wasted an entire challenge just trying to get that to happen to no avail, which just frustrated him further.
of course, when box died because of clover's luck, he antagonized it and clover themselves even more. nickel was not only upset over box's death because of his attachment to him, but also because it was a reason in itself to validate his cynical view on the world.
nickel has been shown to be incredibly negative regarding his peers, putting down everyone he doesn't like - especially those he thinks are already bad. he was unwilling to accept balloon in ii2 because he couldn't believe that a bad person could get better; such was the extent of his cynicism and lack of faith in his fellow objects. nickel has consistently seen the worst in everything and everyone.
so what did he do when he came face to face with someone who was so thoroughly good? who was so nice and happy and fortunate, no matter what? it just felt wrong to him. nickel thought clover's luck would have to sour over time, perhaps by running dry - or perhaps by indirectly killing somebody.
as we have seen, nickel has grown a lot this season - particularly in his friendship with balloon. he's still mean and sarcastic, though less scathingly than before, and continues to doubt the good in people he isn't familiar with. a more thoughtful side opens up, and he starts regarding people's feelings, but he continues to put down clover's luck as bad.
but here? now? in her elimination? clover wants to give that luck to him.
at this point it's dawning on nickel that clover is a good person. she wants him to be happy, and she wants everyone else to be happy; she isn't perfect, but she's unabashedly trying her best to be better, and she's willing to give up so much for that. nickel is still insistent that their luck is a curse, but clover is sure he'll come around eventually, and "learn to share the wealth"... nickel has been learning how to accept goodness, and one day, he'll learn how to uplift it. clover has faith in her fellow objects that they will all use their fortune to help others instead of hurting them; clover has faith in nickel.
i'm not sure if anybody's really had faith in him before.
out of everyone, including clover's closest friends, nickel is the most shaken by their elimination. somebody believes in him now. and that person is gone. what will he do now that he's been exposed to a brighter world...?
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Finally six weeks of my last summer holidays before I graduate and even tho it's a little sad I'm ready to write, have fun and just life....oh and in my hometown is a fair (every year for a few days) and maybe I bump into The Lost Boys who knows.
Everyone I wish you all a great day
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