#i wish the x files only had episodes like this one
fortycumber · 4 months
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so the x files back at it again with the weird episodes and honestly THANK YOU GOD!
the war of coprophages' angrier? sibling
scully the supermodel™
scully on DO NOT DISTURB MODE- gets disturbed anyway
scully, once again, entering a grocery store only to find people in some kind of a mass hysteria
mulder FINALLY getting a taste of his own medicine aka getting the phone hung up on him, tnx scully <3
anabelle™ terrorizing the shit out of scully's vacation
"you do the hokey pokey--" I honestly never liked the damn song anyway
that little girl hysterically saying: "MOMMY" every single minute
I WANT TO PLAY, gurl shut up.
mulder watching some weird porn on full volume AT WORK(I swear I could read Alien Porn on the case? What? Guy's committed gotta hand it to him)
mulder and his pencils: the love story, this summer, in theaters near you
that diabolically long lobster
stephen king co-wrote this with chris carter I read somewhere he initially planned to have mulder guide scully through this case, appearing to her in a literal psychotic vision?
"scully, marry me".
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
I have a Mark Sloan x female reader fanfic
Mark is the chief for a day his friends are a little bit confused and jealous that he is the chief for the day. Mark is together with Meredith grey’s big sister, and she is surprised when her boyfriend is the chief for the day.
Y/n is the head of cardio, everyone loves her and the guys think that she is the hottest attending at the hospital.
Y/n and Mark Sloan has a one year old daughter together.
Something based on the episode when Mark is the chief, and maybe that involves Mark with his daughter and his girlfriend
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mark sloan x grey, fem!reader
summary: mark is selected as chief for the day and everyone is shocked that he was chosen
You were dropping your daughter, Evie, off at daycare for the day as you were head of cardio at Seattle Grace and your boyfriend was head of plastics. “Bye, sweetheart. I’ll pick you up at four, okay?”, you said as you kissed her head. She waved you off and you waved back at her as you drove off.
As you arrived, you didn’t see your boyfriend anywhere. It was like you jinxed it: he came cheerfully strutting down the corridor. “Oh, hey, baby.”, he said seductively. “Did Evie miss not saying goodbye to me today?”, he asked. “You wish. She didn’t even notice.”, you teased. “So, what’s got you so cheery today, hmm?”, you asked. “Well, the chief is off today and they chose me to take over for the day.”, he stated confidently with a smirk on his face. “Oh, well done!”, you said as you rubbed his arm. You wouldn’t say it out loud but you were slightly jealous as Mark could be irresponsible at times but you knew he would still do a good job and you were proud of him.
“Thank you, I have to go and do my chiefly duties, I’ll see you later.”, he kissed your cheek before walking off. Once he had disappeared past the corner, Derek approached you. “What’s he so happy about?”, he asked confused. “He’s been chosen to be chief for today because the chief is off.”, you stated. “Him? Out of everyone?”, he questioned. “Derek, I know he can be annoying and immature sometimes but this is a good opportunity for him, I think he’ll do well at it.”, you said. “Hmm, I guess so. I just wish I’d have a chance to be chief of surgery.”, he replied honestly. “Derek, I’m sure you will. I bet one day you’ll even be chief of surgery.”, you responded.
“I’ve got to go and prepare for a surgery, see you Derek.”, you walked away. Almost by chance, your sister Meredith came walking around the corner and bumped into you. “Sorry, Y/N.”, she said genuinely. “I’ve just seen Mark strutting around like he owns the place, any reason for that? Well, he already acts like he owns the place but…”, she added. “Everyone keeps asking me this, you know you could just ask him yourself.”, you replied. “This way I get to talk to my sister and Mark can be a bit… unbearable sometimes.”, she stated amusedly.
“The chief is off today and selected him to fill in as chief.”, you said. “Oh! Well done to him. I’m shocked that the chief would have chosen him out of everyone though.”, she replied as she looked through her files. “So am I, to be honest. He doesn’t have the best reputation but I’m happy he has a chance to outdo his reputation.”, you shared with her. “Yeah.”, she agreed. As you were about to walk off to get ready for your surgery, Cristina and your half-sister Lexie walked over in your direction. “I bet they’re going to be asking me about Mark as well.”, you sighed frustratedly. Meredith laughed at your over dramatic action.
“Hey, Y/N.”, Lexie said. “Hi, Lex and Cristina.”, you welcomed the two of them. “Are you also here to ask why Mark is so happy today?”, you questioned. “No, actually, but why is he so happy today?”, Cristina reciprocated. “He’s been selected as chief for the day.”, you repeated for like the fifth time today and you’d only been here for half an hour. Cristina’s jaw dropped wide open. You laughed at her expression as did Lexie and Meredith. “If you have a problem with it ask the chief when he’s back in.”, you said to her. “Okay, I have to prepare for surgery, bye!”, you ran off as Cristina looked ready to kill you. Your sisters laughed at your antics whilst Cristina was fuming.
It was now quarter to four and so you were getting ready to leave to pick your daughter up. “Hey, baby.”, Mark whispered. “Where did you come from?”, you asked. “The chief is back so I was wondering if you want me to pick up Evie with you because I don’t have anymore surgeries or consultations to do.”, he stated as he smiled down at you. “Of course.”, you smiled as you reached up to him for a kiss.
Mark offered to drive and you gladly let him. Soon, you arrived at the daycare and the both of you went to meet Evie. “Daddy!”, she screamed as she noticed Mark smiling at her. She only knew a few words but obviously ‘daddy’ was one of them. She waddled towards him and he picked her up. “Hi, gorgeous.”, he said to her as she nuzzled into him for warmth. He let her rest on him as he took her to the car. He strapped her in the back carefully, making sure it was safe.
Once you had began driving off, you said to Mark: “You were such a good chief, honey.”
“But you’re an even better dad.”, you added as he smiled to himself.
“You’re an even better mum.”, he said as he looked over at you quickly before turning back to the road.
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my favorite scully and mulder moments from s3
mulder bursting into his apartment in episode 2 after actually returning from the dead, only to find scully and skinner holding each other at gunpoint. he immediately asks if she is okay and pulls HIS gun on skinner, too (yes, he WILL threaten to kill their boss for her, thank you very much)
(and then they have this moment where they reunite for real and she smiles at him- i thought they were going to kiss but they didn’t, but either way it was so precious and genuine it made me lose my mind)
this exchange in the disease center archives: “lots of files” “lots and lots of files” yeah <3
after they flee through the back exit of the archives escaping what seemed like the entire US military, they meet skinner at a little diner in maryland, with all things seemingly forgiven between them
how he holds her after she learns melissa passed away, and how they both agree that they need to get back to work in order to keep them from going mad with grief (they were both in mourning at the same time- his dad's death was still very recent- and it is so touching to me how they were there for each other at every step)
they way they glance at each other while the “psychic” stupendous yappi is making incredibly vague claims about the killer at the crime scene in episode 4 (omg... does anyone have this gif?)
(and when the psychic claims that mulder has “negative energy” and needs to leave the room, she leans in and says “i can’t take you anywhere)
later in the episode, he comes in with the news that the item at the crime scene was made of chantilly lace, and he says “you know how i like it” in reference to the song by the big bopper. she makes the FUNNIEST face!!! it's a momentary mixture of horror and disgust before she composes herself. it is hilarious, i’ll see if i can find it. then she slaps a file on his chest and wishes him good luck in observing bruckman.
also, he is nearly killed in that episode, and scully shoots his would-be murderer- then they have one of those “comforting each other on the floor after nearly dying moments” that are like catnip to me
“imagine if it were true, scully. imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. who would they be?” “i only get five?” “i remembered your birthday this year, didn’t i?” <3 (from episode 5)
in episode 7, scully noticed that mulder had been carrying dental x-ray plates throughout their whole investigation, but never bothered to ask why because they were at the point in their relationship where such things do not need to be discussed
scully learning in episode 9 that she is slowly dying from the tests they performed on her while she was taken, and breaking the news to mulder- how he softly says “but you’re fine, aren’t you scully?” because he cannot bear to lose her (AUGHHHHHHHH) (and she confesses that she doesn’t know if she really IS okay… why do they place so much sorrow on her shoulders?)
mulder trapped on a ticking time bomb of a train in episode 10, calling her to say “scully, let me tell you, you haven’t seen america til you’ve seen it from a train” “DAMN IT MULDER, WHAT HAPPENED?!” <- lmaooo he has this constant Need to diffuse tension with a quip
scully is going through A Lot of Emotions in episode 11, and when it is time for them to go, mulder holds out her jacket for her to put on <3 and then goes and does the statement by himself as per her request so she can go “run an errand” (confession for the first time in 6 years), which he obliges without question
so much of the episode 12 dialogue: “mulder, you’re not thinking about trespassing onto government property again, are you?” “it’s too late, i’m already inside” (incredibly deep scully sigh) “well, what’s going on? what do you see?” <- yeah that’s them. if you’re gonna break federal law, at least tell her about it in depth.
scully sleeping with her phone on her pillow, waiting for another of mulder’s calls. when it finally comes, he’s going on and on about bambi and she is clearly displeased. finally, he asks “scully, can i confess something to you?” and she VISIBLY winces, with pain in her voice, but pushes through and says “yeah sure, okay” (this one KILLED me because she did NOT want to hear about his love life but she wanted to be a good friend... scully is so kind)
(and all he had to say was that he hates insects lmao)
((and how the episode starts with the two of them making a planet of the apes reference, then ends with bambi and dr. ivanov flirting by making a different planet of the apes reference))
mulder is losing his damn mind in episode 14, hadn’t slept for days, and was sneaking out to a crime scene. scully is so worried she tells him to stay exactly where he is and that she will be there soon so they can “work this thing out together, okay?” trying to talk him back into being himself, making sure he is safe... that's partnership <3
in episode 16, mulder gets in a car crash, but wakes up to find scully next to him in the hospital. he has a bandage on his head looking all pathetic, and she greets him with a smile. i wanted to bottle this moment and drink it like fine champagne.
their drive to north dakota after scully confronted the man who shot skinner and her sister- how tense that ride had to have been. what did they say? anything at all? i need to know, i need 10 fics NOW
and their conversation at melissa’s grave- how they both bring flowers, how he touches her shoulder, the way she shares her father’s friend’s theory that the dead speak to you from beyond the grave, which is a conscious. and how he, the man who is always pondering the meanings of life and death and what comes between, says honestly “that’s interesting. i’ve never thought of it that way” 
her falling asleep on his shoulder during the stakeout in episode 17; how he lightly taps her face to wake her up and says “i think you drooled on me”, which prompts a very fast and very embarrassed apology (!!!!!!!!!)
(also, pusher kept calling mulder "g-man" over the phone, so when they hang up he turns to her and calls her "g-woman" <3)
their very excellent coordination between scully grabbing the fire extinguisher and mulder using his jacket to douse the flames that episode
(and all the times in pusher they lean their heads together to share a phone <3)
when mulder has to go into the hospital to catch the pusher, he leaves his gun behind so he won’t hurt anybody- and he’s terrified and so is scully, so they look into each other’s eyes while holding hands before he departs
how she runs into action when he is in danger in the hospital; how she interrupts his game of russian roulette with pusher, and how she SCREAMS when he puts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger; that visceral "damn it, mulder!" filled with so much emotion in just a few words
how he fights the pusher’s mind control to prevent shooting her harder than he fought the mind control that made him fire at himself (!!!)
and after mulder escaped, having fired every round into pusher so he knew he wouldn’t hurt anyone else ever again, he watches as he is on life support. scully grabs his hand, having seen how terrified he had become, and tells him not to let this man take up any more of his time.
in episode 20, they receive roky’s fantastical report on his men in black encounter, which mulder reads aloud while scully lies on the bed of their hotel room, looking baffled (it is so CUTE!!!)
waking up to mulder in her room soon after that, having been under some mind control influence the night before, wondering why he was in there, and mulder trying to explain no, she actually invited him in!!
walking into the bait shop together in episode 22, sharing an umbrella while she holds the dog's leash <3
mulder offering to join her walking her dog, but she smiles and lifts up her jacket to show her gun and says she’ll be fine 
the whole conversation on the rock, but some highlights include “hey scully, do you think you could ever cannibalize someone?” and how she compares him to ahab (they’re both “so consumed by your personal vengeance against life, whether it be its inherent cruelties or its mysteries, that everything takes on a warped significance to fit your megalomaniacal cosmology”, which he responds to with “scully, are you coming onto me?”)
but then he gets very serious, talking about how he wishes it were enough to just Persist Despite It All and be free of expectations, how he loathes that “you’re actually expected to make something of your life- achieve something, earn a raise, wear a necktie”, and he is the antithesis of ahab because he might be happier with a pegleg. and god, that one makes me emotional.
(and then they both quote a line from the book <3)
oh, and i could not finish this list without this banger from episode 23: “he’s lied to me from the beginning. he’s never trusted me” “scully, you are the ONLY one i trust”
(cue tears as scully collapses into her mother's arms) (cue tears at mulder's dogged persistence he could bring her back, but it took a mother's love instead) (and cue tears that such love had been extended to him by mrs. scully, so much so that she knew he would never, ever threaten her baby)
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missadangel · 1 month
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 2 -Kidnapped Again-
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Gifs by dinjarring - perotovar - djo
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
The days continued to pass in the same monotonous way, but finally something new had happened. You were now allowed to walk inside the building. To being a good girl, Javi said.
So what it really meant was that you didn't try to escape anymore.
Fucking asshole.
The building was like an old military guesthouse, 2 flat with high and wide hallways, probably having more than 20 rooms. Javi and the others staying in these rooms, but spending their most time in the common area. In this area there was a TV, radio, 3 seater couch, and lots of ashtrays. Cigarette smoke was everywhere, even from a distance you could smell it.
On instinct you thought more than once how you could escape from the building, but it was almost impossible. The soldiers were everywhere.
You were tired of even thinking about it, so just wanted to let it go for now.
One morning when you left the room and went downstairs, Chris and Daniel were discussing something, there were a lot of photos and folders in front of them. It was like the case files the cops were going through.
Your eyes looked for Javi and as you looked around, noticed that he was talking on the phone -that you tried to call your father couple times but failed- a little further away, he noticed you immediately, but he lift the phone receiver up making gesture like saying “hey”.
You responded with a half smile and then he turned around, oh you wished he hadn't, he looked much more attractive from behind.
The tight jeans he was wearing showed off his great ass. Suddenly you realized that you flushed and you turned around afraid to caught by him. This kinda thoughts were getting into your head a lot lately and you cursed yourself for not being able to control it.
You looked at the photo Daniel holding.
"This is my house," you said quickly.
Daniel and Chris looked at each other.
"Yes, senorita," Daniel said, "well we..."
"It's okay, I know you followed me, didn’t mean to interrupt you guys," you said, but again someone's face looked very familiar in the photos.
"It's Jorge," you said surprisingly, and this time your voice rang like a silver bell all of the hallway.
Daniel and Chris looked at you curiously.
"Do you know him?"
You slowly nodded your head yes, but you were also worried about Jorge, as far as you knew he was a good guy.
"Okay, keep me posted.” Javi said before he hung up the phone and hurried coming close to you.
"Jorge is a good guy why do you have his photo?" you asked almost mumbling.
"Y/N, how do you know him?" Javi crossed his arms and sat on the arm of the couch where Daniel was sitting on.
You looked up at him, his brown eyes looking at you piercingly, you felt a little like you were being interrogated by this former agent.
"He came to our house a few times, he was nice to me, but, my dad used to talk to him in private. I have no idea what they were talking about but you're not going to do anything to him are you?"
When Javi saw you tense up, he sit beside you. There was a strange excitement in his eyes, but his piercing gaze was back and torturing you again.
"Of course nothing will happen, he's important for us like Cali's KGB," the honesty in his voice was palpable. "He's actually contacted us, but we're not sure if we can trust him yet or not."
"You can, I don't think he would lie, but of course I can't be sure, no one can be trusted these days anymore."
The sarcasm in your voice made Javi roll his eyes, he stood up but eyes locked on you again thinking about something.
"We were supposed to meet him tomorrow," Chris said, "after Gilberto, sir, this might be our only chance to catch his brother."
"Okay, let's do it," Javi said, can't stop smiling at your stubborn attitude though.
Chris and Daniel walked outside in a hurry.
“By the way,” Javi put his hands on waist.
"I'm going to see your dad tomorrow," he finally said.
You were excited for a moment, but then feeling down again, knowing that you wouldn't be able to see him.
"If I asked you to take me with you, you wouldn't, would you?" you asked desperately.
Javi shook his head as no.
"But soon you’re gonna see him again, I promise."
"I hope you keep your promise, Javi," you said without looking at him.
"I believe that we can get along with him," he said sincerely.
As he was about to leave, he plucked a red rose from the ivy that grew from outside through the window.
"Just hang in there little bird, you’ll be free soon" gives you the rose, he winking at you and walked out with that wonderful smile of his.
“’lll try,” smelling the rose he gave you.
It was weird that you can't get mad at him anymore.
As soon as Javi left the minister's office, he went downstairs and lit a cigarette. He had just been rewarded for the successful capture of Gilberto Rodriguez. As he enjoyed his cigarette, happy with his victory, he thought of you. He was happy that he was going to keep his promise, but there was something he has to do first.
As he walked into the DEA building, everyone who saw him was congratulating and cheering.
Agent Javier Peña is back.
After getting his gun and badge, he stayed there for a while to celebrate with Chris and Daniel over a drink.
Then when everyone there insisted on going to the bar, he couldn't resist them. They were all quite happy, celebrating and laughing, but also aware that they were just getting started. Javi was close to getting drunk when he saw a familiar face. He was wellknown at this bar so he knew almost all the waitresses.
"Javi," one of the girls said, put her tray on the table and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Why don't we celebrate this together, like the old days," she smirked. "You haven't forgotten the wonderful moments we had, have you?"
When she reached up to kiss him, Javi stopped her and gently lifted her arms around his neck and pushed her away.
"Not tonight, sweetheart," he winked.
"Wow, normally you wouldn't say no to that, but whatever," she said and picked up the tray and move behind the bar, looking quite upset. All Javi could think about right now was you, and maybe this was the first time he'd ever missed an opportunity for sex.
By the time you were getting ready for bed, you wondered what was taking Javi so long, why he wouldn’t come, however you were tired of thinking and wanted to go to sleep.
When you pulled the cover of bed, you realized that a piece of paper had been pushed under the door. It was a letter.
With so many questions running through your head, your first thought was to open the door and look into the hallway. But no one was there.
You opened the letter in a hurry and curiously.
"You will see your father tonight, be ready."
Your heart raced, hands shaking. "What in the world,” you said to yourself.
Who could have sent it? Your first thought was Javi, but why would he write a letter?
No, it was probably someone else. But who. What if it was a trap? The possibilities were many, but time was short.
Who could you tell about this?
Finally you open the door slowly, looked down the corridor, the soldiers were still walking around. Was it one of them? You thought of calling Javi, but the soldiers were downstairs, watching over the phone specially because you had tried to call your father several times before.
You went back to the room and closed the door slowly, you body starting to shake. Was your father specially sending troops with the support of the army? Could it be?
"What should I do, what should I do,"  said to yourself as wondered if there was a traitor among the soldiers. Well, he or she wasn't a traitor to you, of course, but still, you couldn't trust anyone.
You get super impatient, opened the door of the room quietly again and looking around. It didn't feel right to wait quietly, so you wanted to try your best.
The soldiers were coming and going, two by two, counting how long it takes, and you had about 30 seconds to get yourself out somehow. Without thinking too much, you tiptoed down the corridor once the soldiers were on the other side. As soon as you heard the footsteps you hid behind the couch, and by the time they turned around for another round you had made it out. This was different from the last time you tried to escape. This time you didn't know what you were running from or where.
This was so stupid of you but you couldn't just sit and wait.
The soldiers outside were talking about something among themselves. This was good for you, first wanted to go to Don Berna who you believed was Javi's ally, can help you. Yes, he is the one who helped him to kidnap you too, but you had no choice, you trusted Javi, you trusted him to take you to your father one way or another.
It was just something doesn't right with that note.
You weren't sure where Don Berna was staying or even if he was here now, but you had to try. When you move forward you accidentally stepped on a piece of broken glass, fuck, then someone grabbed you from behind.
“What do we have here?”
A soldier grabbed your arm roughly, cocky smile on his face.
"I wasn't running away, really," you tried to convince him. "If you take me to Don Berna, I want to tell him--"
“Move,” he jerking your arm roughly heading to the dark green tent out front.
As soon as you entered the tent, you were shocked to see the commander pointing a gun at Don Berna's face. All the soldiers were also pointing their guns at the other men. You were confused, but this made you panicked even more.
"Ah, senorita, you couldn't wait, could you?" the commander laughed looking at you, without moving his hand.
"Fuckin motherfucker, I paid you generously, what the fuck is this? We had an agreement for fucks sake."
"I'm sorry Mr. Berna, but Miguel Rodriguez offered 5 times what you paid for this girl. So what could i do? we're mercenaries, right guys?"
All the soldiers nodded smirking.
"Yes, sir."
"And I have no faith in that fucking agent Peña to do what he promised," he added.
"Miguel Rodriguez? But note you sent to my room were saying im gonna see my father," you yelled at him.
"If only you had waited in your room like you were told, senorita, you wouldn't have seen this part and you would keep thinking you were going to see your father, but what the hell, you'll suffer the consequences. What the fuck are you waiting for? Get her on the fuckin helicopter now!" he ordered his soldiers.
"No, let go," you screamed with all your might, but you were dragged into the helicopter anyway.
It was the second time this happening, you were kidnapping again, but this time you were more afraid of where you were going. You wished you could lost your consciousness again.
As tears falling down your cheeks, thinking about Javi, you would rather he kidnaps you instead.
When Javi returned to the military base, he was so angry when he find out. He clenching his fists and banging them against the wall wanted to smash everything close.
He had never felt so angry and helpless. 
"We'll find her," Chris said, trying to calm him down.
Daniel added.
"So yes, you're officially an agent now, we can use all our powers to find her. Right?"
"Sure, lemme call the headquarters," Chris run towards to phone.
"We'll back you up," Don Berna said. "I'll do anything to end Cali. Motherfuckers. Miguel made a fool out of me, the fucking cartel king."
He spitting with anger while talking.
Javi walked inside without saying anything, all he could think about as he lit his cigarette was you, he had promised that you wouldn't get hurt, but how was he going to keep that promise now?
As the thoughts raced through his head looked at the red roses and promised to himself.
"I will find you and bring you back little bird, no matter what.”
It was around 3 a.m. when the helicopter approached the helicopter landing area of a large mansion.
Armed men were everywhere, all dressed in civilian clothes, unlike the soldiers, but they all had guns just like them.
As soon as the helicopter landed, the commander grabbed you by the arm and pulled you. He helped you step down and kept pulling you towards a tall man in a suit waiting in the courtyard of the mansion.
"Here, sir, I brought her."
He pushed you forward towards the man. Fucking bastard.
The man in the suit clapped his hands happily.
"Great, now pay the commander and his unit and send them on their way,”
He made hand gesture to his men. “And you,” he looked at you.
“You come with me honey," he said calmly but commanding.  
Unlike the commander, the man didn't grab your arm, he offered his hand for you to take.
"My hand waiting, honey," he said in a threatening tone.
You had to take this stranger's hand even if this disgusts you, but of course you had a guess. This must be the man they called Miguel.
He began to introduce himself as he escorted you inside.
"I'm Miguel, and this is my personal living space, it's a bit of an insult to call it home, you understand right," he laughed to himself.
He was promoting the house like a real estate agent which was super weird.
"And you, sweet Y/N, welcome. You know, your father and I are kind of close friends."
"Then take me to my father." your voice was louder than you wanted it to be.
Miguel stopped and looked at you and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Because this man was looking calm and very threatening at the same time.
"Sweet Y/N, you're going to have to stay here for a while, until we work things out with your father, do you understand? hm?"
"Besides," he continued as he opened a door with golden ornaments on it," whatever you wanti your needs, will be done here, don't worry."
"I've heard that before," you muttered.
He laughed at your reaction.
"One more thing," said Miguel raising his indexfinger just like trying to warn you.
Also with one hand he brushes your hair which was in mess because of the helicopter ride.
Man, this motherfucker likes to touch.
"If you try to betray me, intent to leave or sneak out and somehow get to your friends from DEA, then you no longer will be my friend's daughter, but instead, you will be the most worthless person in the world to me, okay?"
He put his hands on your shoulder now which disgusts you badly. Looks like he wants to be sure about you understand him clearly. You gulped and nodded.
"Great! Good girl," he clapped his hands again.
"Good night, sweetie."
When the door closed your body collapsed on the floor, feeling exhausted, this night consumed you badly.
"Jesus! What a nightmare!"
----------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Creepy crawlies; Jack Kline x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is a cute little drabble/small fic requested to me just recently by an anon who wanted some Jack Kline fluff. Took me two days but I came to this idea in the end so I hope you enjoy it anon as well as the rest of my lovely readers.
Warnings: Fluff, bugs, mentions of SPN episode 1x08 BUGS (that episode STILL gives me the heebie-jeebies). 
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It was that time of year, well the first time we ever had to deal with something like this.  And of course Sam and Dean had to bail out on a ‘case’ but I knew my brothers just wanted to get out of doing the one thing that everyone does.
Spring cleaning.
Ever since we found the Bunker and decided to make it our permanent home, this place needed a serious scrub down and clean up. Cobwebs, dust, new bed sheets, incense (mainly for me) to be put up to get rid of the ancient smell.  So every spring, I try to ensure that this bunker doesn’t end up like it was when we first found it.
Of course that means my brothers always try to get out of it (mainly Dean I just think Sam prefers to do the minor cleaning instead of what I have in mind).  And Cass…..well he chooses to go up to heaven every time I say it’s time clean up the bunker. The only person kind enough to help out around here is my beau Jack.
Using my powers, the bookshelf glowed blue and I lifted it up allowing Jack to vacuum underneath it while I brought in a swifer to swipe off each and every book from any dust bunnies.
“I don’t see why my brothers and Cas always try to bail out on Spring cleaning. I’m the one doing the heavy lifting.”
“I’ve noticed a trend that most people don’t enjoy spring cleaning because it’s so boring to do. That unlike normal cleaning, there’s an expectation for things to be so clean, that you’re supposed to see yourself in the floor. Which I don’t get.” Jack told me as he continued his vacuuming.
“I maybe a neat freak but I’m not Danny Tanner level of tidiness. All I want is to make sure we don’t neglect this place and end up in a dust field again. Seriously Jack you cannot begin to understand just how quickly my allergies began to act up when the guys and I first found this place. Bedridden for over a week, and that was before I got these powers.”
“I’m sorry baby. Had I been born yet, I would’ve stayed at your side to take care of you.”
“And that’s why I love you soo much Jackie-bear. You’re too sweet.” After dusting off the last book and once Jack was done vacuuming, he moved out of the way and I set the bookshelf back in it’s place.  I turned and with a snap of my fingers and all the books, notes, files and even Dean’s plates he had left since breakfast all raised up into the air and went to their original places.
“You’re like Mary Poppins.” He said with a smile.
“Well if I am, then that makes you my Burt. Come on, let’s head for the kitchen. Lord knows Dean forgot to do the dishes, again.” He followed behind me and right as we got to the kitchen, there I saw dishes upon dishes stacked in the sink, frying pans still on the oven covered in left over eggs and grease.  “That man never learns.”
“Why does he leave his dishes out like that?”
“Cause he’s lazy. Do you mind stacking the dishwasher while I deal with the grease pans and the oven?”
“Not at all baby.” I pecked his cheek while I walked over and wish a twist of my wrist, the frying pans lifted off the oven while the cleaning supplies came out from the top shelf cabinet on the island counter.  
While the spray bottle filled with Clorox bleach squirted out a few good sprays and the rag did a throughout wipe down, I focused my attention on cleaning the frying pans of the oils and grease from the bacon and sausages Dean had made for breakfast and tossed the leftover egg crumbs into the trash.
“Do you know when the last time Sam took the trash out?” I asked Jack.
“I believe I saw him collect all the trash last night.”
“Well at least he can keep up with the chores. I swear maybe I could use these powers to control Dean and make him scrub all the toilets in this bunker.”
“As funny as that would be to see, I know you’d never use your powers against your brothers.” He said as he dried off one of my good cups with a towel and set it alongside the rack we had for the special dishware.
“Yeah, yeah. But for real, he should at least have the decency to at least rinse off his pans after breakfast. Grease that sits out for too long stains these types of pans, and it’s a hassle to clean up later.”
“I believe you (Y/n).”
“But at least I’m getting it done, otherwise it’d never—” I paused mid-sentence as my body completely froze.  My heart raced and my eyes widened as I stared directly at it. It’s many legs all splayed out making it look like a living dust bunny on pointy legs.
The pots and cleaning supplies fell to the ground with a loud bang and I let out a scream and levitated myself into the air trying to get as far away from the little demon as possible.
“What?! What is it (Y/n)? Are you okay!?”
“Kill it quick!” I yelled at Jack.
“Kill what? Where is it? Is it a demon?”
“Yes now quickly before it gets away!”
“Where is it?”
“Over there!” Jack’s eyes soon glowed and he turned to where I was pointing but as he raised his hand, his eyes went back to normal color as he looked around confused.
“Where did you say it was?”
“What are you blind babe!? I told you over there on top of the oven! Kill it with your powers! Torch it! Torture it I don’t care just get rid of it!” he looked around until he seemed to have found what it was. He walked closer to it and he reached out his finger toward it.
“You mean this? But it looks like a dust bunny or a…..” but quickly it began to move and I let out another scream as I shot myself against the corner of the kitchen.
“Don’t touch it! Those bastards are fast now kill it hurry!”
“What is it exactly?” he asked me.
“A house centipede! Jack I’m not playing anymore please just kill it hurry!” I watched as the demonic centipede stopped crawling and was now just short of reaching a hiding spot behind the fridge.  Jack looked between me and the house centipede and a smile came across his face before he started to laugh.
He was laughing. My own boyfriend was laughing at my own misery!?
“Jack Kline stop laughing!” I demanded.
“I’m sorry. Really I am but…..(Y/n), you have fought against real demons, archangels, werewolves, vampires, even my own grandfather. And you’re terrified of a tiny little thing like him?”
“Tiny? Tiny!? Do you see the legs on that monstrosity!? Now for the last time get rid of it before it touches me!”
“Okay, okay.” He went over to grab a cup as well as paper towel.
“What are you doing?!” I hissed.
“Getting rid of it like you asked.”
“Not like that! You can’t show mercy to those little bastards! Use your powers and kill the son of a bitch!” I hissed quietly.
“But you told me that all living creatures deserve a chance at life, didn’t you?” I groaned.
“Well yes but that doesn’t include bugs, arachnids, snakes, or any other kind of creepy crawlies!” Jack rolled his eyes and successfully captured the house centipede and he left the kitchen with it between the cup and paper towel.
A few minutes later he came back and he told me it was gone.
“You sure?”
“Yes, yes, I even took him away from the bunker before releasing him. Now can you please come down?” I let out a soft whimper but lowered myself back to the ground.  He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.  “I still can’t believe you’re scared of bugs. How did I not know of this?”
“Don’t mock me! Besides you weren’t even there when it happened.” I shuddered remembering that day all too well.
“When what happened?” I took in a shaky breath before telling him.
“A long time ago, long before we knew that angels and God were even real, my brothers and I took a case in some realtor development spot. A neighborhood was being built on sacred Native American grounds. Workers were being picked off one by one, at first we thought it was ghostly activity but it was far worse. The entire place was cursed, and the curse was affecting all the insects in the town. By night fall, a swarm of bees had surrounded the family that was responsible for building the neighborhood over the sacred lands. I—I had never seen so many bees in my life. We had no way of escaping, we were completely trapped and had to last the rest of the night being stung and swarmed by bees. Ever since that day, I even see the shape of an insect and I just go back to that day. A defenseless, frightened child being stung and swarmed by bees and no way of escaping.”
Jack listened intently at every word I had to say.  For months after that day, I had continuous nightmares of what happened. Even dreamt that it was other bugs attacking me from wasps, locusts, even spiders and ants.  Ever since then I’ve been absolutely terrified of any and every bug in the world.
“Wow, I—I had no idea. I’m so sorry that happened to you. And I’m sorry for teasing you about it. I promise I won’t ever bring it up again.”
“Thanks Jackie-babe.”
“Anything I can do to help you?”
“I could go for some ice cream with chocolate syrup and some cuddles on the couch while we watch the Princess Bride.”
“As you wish.” He said quoting the movie before giving me a peck on the nose.  I left the kitchen and brought out the blankets and changed my clothes to my comfy pjs while searching for the movie on one of the many streaming services we got.
When Jack came back with my ice cream, we cuddled up on the couch together, my back resting against his chest with his arms wrapped around my stomach and his head buried into my neck.  I ate the ice cream as the movie began, I even offered a couple of bites to Jack as we lay there and watched my favorite comfort movie.  Forgetting all about the demon-legged creature that traumatized me moments ago.
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justanotherdrfan · 7 months
I’m leaving this one open since you all skipped straight to this episode! (I waited and I don’t know how)😂
S6E9 (Three’s a Crowd)
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GIF by @arturleclerc
He’s already laughing (god I love him)
‘Alright, what’s up?, Daniel Ricardo, this is season six drive to survive, and yes I’m back’ (fangirling HARD)
WAIT HE WAS IN SYDNEY, HE WAS IN FUCKING SYDNEY (why did no one tell me I would have called sick at work)
Daniel and Blake I really wish you went ahead with that podcast because you two are poetic chaos together
Cue another Daniel montage (they have his whole discography on file don’t they?)
He looks so fucking tried though
Logan and Alex talking about DTS frothing at the mouth about Daniel returning is the most factually, correct thing I’ve ever heard 😂
Logan: ‘All I know is the most excited people when Danny Ricciardo came back was Netflix.’
Alex: ‘I literally think they had to change their pants three times. I know the episode already. Let…let me run it through. Ready? Here we have Danny Ricciardo watching on the sidelines. “Yeah, it hurts to not be racing.” Then all of a sudden, pans to Nyck de Vries. Lock up. [imitates brakes screeching]. Off the track. Crash. Oh shit! Boom. Fast-forward. Silverstone. Test. Daniel Ricciardo. Super quick. [laughs] Danny looking at it like…big smile on his face. “It is what it is. You know?” [man]“I never left” “I never left. I’m back,baby. Honey Badger. Don’t give a shit.” (Hire him now DTS because he nailed that)
Fuck why they got to follow that shit with Zandvoort though
Daniel whoring about in his Enchante tattoo thigh high shorts
“Feels right. Feels good” (It sure does Danny is sure does)
And they get him straight to a photoshoot to whore him out
THEY DID NOT USE HIM WINKING IN THE INTRO (da fuck you lot doing? Give the people what they want)
Yes Christian 2025 prospect (he’s a shoe in ahh? See what I did there) 😉👟🍾
FUCK YOU MICAHEL ITALIANO (why is he getting air time) I’m glad he’s left F1
Ohh they have his X-ray
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Clairey bear
Cue Liam Lawson (I do love you but I missed Danny terribly)
The others telling Liam to be prepared (this is very welcome to our toxic work environment)
‘She doesn’t even go here’ (a Danica story)
Liam out qualifies all the red bull drivers (yes kiddo)
DANNY BACKS (SCREWS AND ALL) for engineering purposes only
Umm why are you hurting him? DONT TOUCH HIM! (Look yes I know it’s physiotherapy and he needs it. But I’ve broken my hand before the left one as well and driving a normal road car caused me to cry in pain so when I say don’t touch him I mean it)
Checo clips Yuki and he’s out (he probably thought it was Daniel trying to take his seat. It’s his in 2025 mate there’s no fighting it)
Ohh look Alpine with reliability issues (things you continue to see)
Yes DTS let’s show Russel’s crash from another angle 😂
Are we positive he was in Sydney and not Perth?
Yuki GP time
Not Suzuka having Daniel, Yuki and Liam on all the banners
Poor Yuki being overwhelmed by the fans. I understand fans being excited but he’s cornered in the car and clearly doesn’t feel safe (and for Michael to be like it’s ok the fans are happy is actually the problem at hand. His and all the drivers safety has to come first and he point blank didn’t feel safe you arsehole Michael so it’s not okay)
Yuki honey it’s okay Liam not going to hit you
If we can’t have an Aussie a Kiwi will do
Liam finding out Daniel’s and Yuki are getting announced for 2024 🥺
Liam mate I’m sorry you deserve better
Yes yes your P10 in the constructors (just you wait, just you fucking wait)
Checo out before turn 1 (its AUSGP all over again)
Ohh look another McLaren/Alpha Tauri incident 😤
No McLaren the plan is not to attack Daniel (haven’t you fucking done enough?)
See your P8 now (told you to wait and see)
Yes Christian, Daniel did drive a good race (remember that and who didn’t)
Look at him and his little moustache
Will: ‘ I think this is only part one of a far wider story.’ (Yes 2024 season will be epic for Danny Ric)
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baizhoobies · 1 year
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Fukuzawa x f!Reader - Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Request: Hello, I was very happy to see that your favorite BSD characters included Fukuzawa, I wish there was more content of him. you can take a request? I would like something kinky, where the s/o had a meeting (+18) with the president where he revealed a slightly crooked side that he was unaware of. The s/o can be whatever genre you like. Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand my idea.
A/N: Hei!!! Thank you for the request, Fukuzawa is a personal fave of mine for sure and I hope that translates in this fic 🫣 he needs more content out there fr. I am so sorry this took so long, I had a long depressive episode and writers block. BUT WE ARE BACK BAY BEE!
Warnings: abuse of power, harsh blow job, rough sex, overstim, maybe ooc? 18+
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Yukichi Fukuzawa was not a man that would often lose his composure, always calm and calculating with the upmost respect for his subordinates; the ideal leader for this kind of organisation.
He was not the type to let emotions get the better of him, but you were certainly testing him. He had never met someone so distracting whilst doing nothing more than be in his presence; and yet, he couldn't get enough. This was bad, you were a subordinate - the fact that you had this much of an effect on him gave him conflicted feelings, even considering firing you over it. No, he couldn't do that, it wasn't justified, the fault lies with him and his own unprofessional fantasies, you shouldn't get punished for it.
He needed to keep his distance, for his own sake. Instead of one-to-one, he’d purposefully arrange group meetings to talk to you, instead of handing you case files, he would get his clerk Haruno to give you them. There were however times where avoiding you was, well for lack of a better word unavoidable. Each time this happened, it had chipped away at his evasion, getting harder and harder to resist the temptation of only admiring you from afar.
"You called for me, sir?" You knocked on his office door nervously, breaking Fukuzawa away from his thoughts. Despite your sudden appearance, the president's face never changes; his stern eyes ghost over you almost apathetically with an air of authority. Memories of why you were brought to the office come flooding back, you were in trouble.
"Sit” was all he said, you obeyed and took the opposite seat from his desk. Although he was a man of few words, he was never like that with anyone lest they had done something wrong; something you recognised and became visibly wary of.
“You made an error with the reports"
"I'm sorry sir I-"
Your lips instantly shut, your entire being shook with embarrassment, like you were some naughty school girl getting a scolding. Subconsciously you bit your lip, admittedly out of nerves, but Fukuzawa noticed, he noticed everything about your demeanour. There was this sick pleasure within him that enjoyed the sight of you trembling. Despite the war of emotions that raged in his mind, he found it increasingly difficult to deny his urges.
"Do you take your job seriously?" He asks, you are taken aback by the question but nodded.
"Yes I do" you spoke bluntly, trying your best to sound professional.
“Perhaps not seriously enough” Fukuzawa went into what errors you made, the consequences of said errors, and he wasn’t holding back on the criticism. Although he is a stern man, his harshness towards you are more of a projection of his own sexual frustrations towards you. Maybe this is an excuse to be rid of you from the Agency, no more you, no more distractions.
Fearing for your job, there was only one thing that you thought to do, though it was risky, it was worth a shot.
“Then I have no choice but to-” Fukuzawa’s words lost him when he saw you unbuttoning your shirt. “What are you doing?”
Realising your mistake, you fumble to do the buttons back up “I’m so sorry sir I-”
Your hands stopped mid buttoning, he took this moment to watch your nervous expression, eyes falling to your cleavage. You swore if you looked hard enough you could see red flush his cheeks. Oh this triggered something nasty within him and after a few seconds of contemplation, Fukuzawa saw this as an opportunity to fulfil his fantasies. You didn’t even beg to stay before jumping straight to undressing and seducing him, could this be something you wanted too? Whatever the reason, it was enough for him to give in.
“You really wish to keep your job here with us…with me?”
“More than anything sir”
“Fine” Fukuzawa leans back in his chair and looks you dead in the eye “Paperwork is exhausting enough, but correcting an incompetent subordinate’s errors is even more tiresome. I will solve this issue… if you do this one thing”
You nod in response, knowing where this is leading to.
“Good, now come here” He pulls his chair out and points to the floor. You do as you’re told, legs buckling as you knelt down in front of him. There wasn't much desk space for you, but you did your best to crouch down and get into position, it became even more cramped as Fukuzawa propped his chair closer to you. The banging of the chair legs against the hard wooden floor rang your ears.
He stills when he comes unbearably close to you, a hand reaches for your cheeks, squeezing them a little and forcing you to look up at him. You can barely see his face until you allowed his hand to lead your face from under the desk, without looking, you could sense how close you were to his crotch, your stomach fluttered when you finally met his unyielding eyes.
"I hope you know I will not be gentle with you, though being a member of the agency, you should already be used to rough work”
All you could do was nod, or at least as much as you could considering his hand still gripping your face.
"Good. I will push you, and if you perform and withstand well enough, consider your mistake forgiven and forgotten. But first… unbutton your shirt completely"
You nod again, letting out a little agreeable hum all the while your doe eyes look up at him. Without facing away, your hands once again undo the buttons of your shirt, slipping it off to reveal a lace bra. The president exhales through his nose with satisfaction and his cock twitches.
"As much as I would enjoy the sight, I cannot have you pass out on me. If necessary, you must tap me three times and I will release you. But that is IF necessary, I will know if you aren't making the effort. Take that as a mercy and a warning, for it's the only one you will get. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir"
"Good, now proceed" he ordered, you obeyed. His gaze turns to your paperwork, acting as if you weren’t under his desk and slipping a shaken hand through his Yakata. Your fingers fumble nervously until you reach his his underwear, noticing the great tent that was his erection. He was larger than you had anticipated, not that you had expected any short than average but… that was ridiculous. You shuddered at the idea of taking his entire length in your mouth, but it was either suck his cock or get fired; and considering your year long infatuation with your boss, you weren't about to pass up on the opportunity. 
Fukuawa's breath hitches when you spring his cock from his boxers, slapping against his tummy as you do so. 8 inches at least, thick too with a prominent vein - it looked like one you would see in a porno. Your eyes widen as you marvel at it, it turned you on as much as it intimidated you. How were you supposed to take it all in? Your throat ached at the thought of it.
Swallowing your nerves, your hands move to grasp it at the base and experimentally tugged at it as you angle it towards your face. You hear a low rumble in your boss' chest, not quite enough for a moan but more a pleasurable acknowledgment. As much as he wishes to look down at you, to savour the sight, he was far too busy, at least until you took him into your mouth.
A gasp leaves his lips as you kiss his tip, licking from the banjo string and over his slit. You held back a smile upon hearing this, gaining the confidence to open your mouth and take the head in and start licking and sucking. Your tongue travels up and down the shaft, making sure to give every inch some well needed attention before taking more of his length into your mouth,but not quite down your throat in fear of gagging. Whatever inches you couldn’t take, you held with your hand, pumping it in hopes that it’s enough to please your boss.
As much as he was lightly moaning and enjoying you toying with his cock, you were being too soft, too gentle on him. No no, that wont do at all. Whilst one hand types away at the computer, his other digs into your scalp, lightly grasping at your hair and encouraging you to take more and more of him in. He wasn't aggressive about it (at least for now), but you took this as a strong hint for you to work for your forgiveness. Hollowing out your cheeks and clenching your fists, you take him gradually down your throat, tongue working the base of his shaft as you bob your head.
Fukuzawa was not one for being vocal, so any little groans, hums and grumbles only egged you on further, each time you pushed him deeper into your throat; it stung as it stretched you but you didn’t care, you were becoming more and more lost in the moment. As time went on, the president struggled to concentrate, your little distraction had made this paperwork ever so hard to edit. Since you had began he had hardly edited any of it, and yet there was so much to be corrected; he cursed you over and over in his mind, subconsciously gripping your head even harder. The way you took him in was intoxicating. He needed more, the darkness in his psyche had taken over, and he finally pushed your head down, fully sheathing himself into you. Your nose pressed harshly against his pubis, you could barely even breath let alone yelping out. He held you there, pushed down and unable to move, you couldn't even lift your head up even 0.1 of an inch, his grip was like a vice and unforgiving. All you could do was remain there, cock buried in your throat and your hands gripping his thighs. The president lets out a harsh yet satisfied sigh, bucking his hips into you as much as he can, feeling your tight throat so impossibly full of him.
It could have been moments, minutes even but he kept you there, your scalp felt sore from the immense grip he had on your hair as he continued to fix your corrections. You felt light headed, the lack of oxygen had sent you dizzy and losing grip on reality, you could have at any moment panicked and slapped his knee to remove yourself from him, however there was something in you that pushed you to persevere. In this frenzy, you had brought a hand down between your legs, under your skirt and circling furiously at your clothed pussy. You felt your wetness even through the fabric, as your fingers brushed against your clit you managed to let out a muffled moan, sending vibrations down your boss’ cock.
This pleased Fukuzawa greatly, not only did you feel godly on his cock, but he was impressed with the way you were holding up. Though this alone didn't completely satisfy his need to completely ruin you. He eventually let go of your head and allowed you to pull away, gasping desperately for air. As Fukuzawa looked down, he saw your fucked out face, it was a picture of pure euphoria. He was about to compliment your efforts until his eyes drifted south, seeing where your hand was.
His hand returns to your face, squeezing your cheeks to remain eye contact with him
“Go on then, finish”
Once more, you couldn’t move your face, his grasp on you made breaking free an impossibility. What made this whole situation worse was that you were caught and could not look away from his steel eyes.
Obeying him, you pushed your panties to the side and managed to press your fingers to your clit, desperately rubbing it. You were well aware that he had already lost patience with you, so your desires to cum were more than to chase your own satisfaction, but for you to quickly escape this incredibly intimate and intimidating stare down.
‘Come on, come on, come on’ you screamed in your mind, your circumstance was both anxiety inducing and stupidly arousing, your view was so hot; this was everything you wanted, his handsome, stoic face watching you as you bring yourself to release. But the moment your mind reminds itself of who you are with, how precarious this whole thing is, made your attempts to cum a struggle. You found yourself in a loop of constantly edging yourself until you managed to push out the logic from your mind and let go.
You were thankful that Fukuzawa was merciful and allowed you the time to finish. You mewed and cried into his hand as your cunt pulsated and twitched against your fingers. Despite your body shaking tremendously, you were still able to keep your eyes on Fukuzawa through each wave of pleasure.
“There’s a good girl” despite his low and husky voice, his eyes looked down at you affectionately, one could even say impressed. After wiping away your tears, Fukuzawa finally lets go of your face. He leans back in his chair and pulling away, he taps his desk. “On your hands and knees, now”
Without question or hesitation you obey, getting into position on his desk, you raise your hips up and your back arches to exaggerate your ass. The president hummed at the sight, stroking your flesh before giving it a wicked smack, and another and then another. Your pussy quivered at the sudden impact, especially when Fukuzawa removed your skirt and underwear; observing your bare cunt sent his mind into a spin. There you were, the object of his dreams in position and read for him.
“Do you still want this?” Your boss asks, circling his digits against your sopping folds. Your walls instinctively tighten as you feel him getting aquatinted with your pussy, its still so sensitive from your previous orgasm.
“I do…please…”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me, I need you” You turn to face him, he’s already in position to take you, your entire being trembles at the thought of taking him in completely.
“As you wish”
Before entering, Fukuzawa brushed the tip of his cock at your cunt, stroking along your folds as he lets out a pleasured exhale. You bit your lip in anticipation, for someone so hungry to ravish you, he was taking his sweet time to relish the feeling of your throbbing pussy. A few drawn out moments pass and the president finally inches into you, hissing as he fills you; you felt so warm and so wet for him.
He allowed you to adjust to his size, kissing your back almost in a manner of tenderness and care. Though this did not last long.
With one hand, the president reaches around and uncups your breast from your bra and harshly pinches it, you yelp out in response, followed by a louder shriek as your boss harshly ruts into your cunt at full speed and power.
“You-” Fukuzawa interrupted himself with a sharp groan “ You should really be thanking me for solving this mess for you"
"Y-yes sir, thank you sir" you could just make out as his cock stretched you out so deliciously at an unforgivable pace. After thanking him, he grasped onto your hair and pushed your head down to the desk and bringing your hips up even higher. The new angle was electric, almost painful; his cock abused your cervix, and you loved every minute of it.
This new position almost made him bust then and there, but he pushed on, he needed to force another orgasm out of you before he can have his own. From your breast, he moved his hand south and brushed the pads of his fingers over your extremely sensitive clit earning a chorus of high-pitched moans. Fukuzawa felt your walls tightening to the new sensation, he grunted with satisfaction as he continued to toy with your aching nub.
“Sir p-please I can’t” you cry, attempting to focus on your clenching fists to ground you, but you fear that its too late, too far gone for you to keep coherent thought. The build up in your tummy was hot and intense and the familiar light headedness returned.
“Yes. You. Can” using your hair, he pulls your head up and lean forward so his face comes close to your ear, your back is arched impossibly so and your face covered in sweat and tears. “One more, come on now”
As if on queue, your entire being tightened and released like a spring, a long pained whine left your lips as your walls clamped down onto his cock. The utter bliss you felt as this fingers remained on you, stringing you along through your orgasm.
“Good girl” he whispered before resuming his thrusts into you. He pushed your head back down and increased both pace and strength. If you weren’t only just coming down for your euphoric high, it would have probably hurt like hell. His fingers dug into your flesh, bruises were sure to form from them. The way your pussy was gripping onto his dick like a vice, sucking his dick back in was something he was determined to never forget.
After a few feral moments Fukuzawa lets out long drawn out groan from his chest as he pushed himself into you, balls deep and head kissing your cervix. He filled you to the brim with his seed, you could feel his cock twitch inside you.
Though gritted teeth, Fukuzawa pulled out of you with a hiss and watched his spent leak out of you before pushing it back in with his fingers. He mumbled something under his breath, something about how gorgeous your pussy looked whilst dribbling out his cum, but your consciousness wavered, being too fucked out to think or hear anything.
The president falls back into his chair, motioning you to come sit in his lap, which you somehow managed to do. You lay yourself across his chest as he holds you, one hand playing lazily with your breast as the both of you come down from your highs. Both of your eyes are closed, your breaths almost in sync as you just hold each other in the after glow.
The two of you now had an unspoken mutual understanding that this must be kept a secret, but that you should and will be doing this again.
“Does…does this mean I can stay?” You asked, your tone almost pained at the thought of being let off
“You are needed more than ever. Consider your mistakes forgotten”
“Till the next time?”
Fukuzawa opens an eye to look at you with a smirk before closing it, he lets out a small, amused chuckle.
“Yes but please, no more errors. I will not be so easily swayed to keep you”
“You sure about that?”
The only response you got was a tighter hug and a hum, it was all the answer you needed.
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discordantwords · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @khorazir and @raina-at. Thanks so much for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 47 (how is it that many?!) 29 for BBC Sherlock 18 for The X-Files
2. What's your total A03 word count? 897,533
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently only BBC Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea
White Knight
Incidents with Dogs, Curious and Otherwise
Another Auld Lang Syne
The Dead Detective
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I'm not always the best at keeping up, especially lately as my schedule has been erratic and I can only steal a few minutes here and there for fandom activities. But even when I don't have a chance to reply, I do read and treasure each and every comment.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess maybe The Pillar upon which England Rests has the saddest ending of anything that I've ever written, but I don't really consider it a sad story. It's set immediately post Reichenbach, told mostly through flashbacks as Mrs Hudson shares the story of how she met Sherlock with John. Sherlock is still "dead" when the story comes to a close, and John and Mrs Hudson are both grieving, though we as the reader know their loss is temporary.
I have a few shorter fics with ambiguous endings that lean in the angsty direction:
Nothing Happened in Belarus deals with accidental time travel, with grief-stricken S4 Sherlock finding himself briefly in the care of S1 John. Alas, the reprieve is a short one, as neither Sherlock nor John become aware of what is happening in time to take advantage of the opportunity.
At the end of Leaves Sherlock and John have either triumphed over the hallucinogenic vines that have invaded 221B… or they haven't. (I have my own theory, but you are free to interpret the ending however you choose.)
In EXECUTE John inadvertently deletes Mary from existence. He gets his happy ending, but has to live with the uncomfortable knowledge of the choices he's made.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have happy or at least hopeful endings. I like leaving the boys in a good place. I guess it depends on the flavor of happy you're looking for. But I'd say that these are probably the happiest:
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea
Inscrutable to the Last
White Knight
Another Auld Lang Syne
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully, no. A few weird comments here and there, but nothing too bad. The vast majority of my interaction with others in the fandom has been absolutely wonderful.
9. Do you write smut? Most of my sex scenes stay in R rated territory. But I tend to roll with whatever the plot demands of me.
10. Do you write crossovers? I've done quite a few fusion fics, but not crossovers. Crossovers aren't usually my cup of tea.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Once, sort of, but I don't believe it was done maliciously and I don't wish to call attention to it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I'm always flattered by requests to translate my writing.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? A friend and I used to write together quite a bit in high school, but nothing that has made it out into the world.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Sherlock & John and Mulder & Scully.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Crime Writer is a Sherlock/Knight Rider fusion that ran out of steam a while back (although it was intended to be episodic and IMO doesn't feel too horribly unresolved where it ends, so don't let the unfinished nature of it put you off if you're inclined to read it).
I'm still optimistic about most of the WIPs in my WIP folder, heh. I guess we'll see what next year brings.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm good at writing complicated people with complicated feelings that don't always resolve neatly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I don't think my smut is particularly inspired. And I have a very hard time writing fluff or domestic situations without having some angst to drive the plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I personally wouldn't attempt it. I'm not fluent in any other languages and there's far too much nuance to leave in the hands of Google Translate. :)
19. First fandom you wrote for? X-Files! (Unless you count unrefined and unposted scribblings from my younger years, I definitely went through a phase where I was trying to fix the Terminator time loop in a way that allowed Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese to live happily ever after.)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Oh, this is always such a hard question to answer. The Pillar upon Which England Rests is the first fic I wrote for the Sherlock fandom, so it has a special place in my heart. I'm really proud of the cases and complex plot in Out There. (Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea is the one that seems to resonate with the most people. And White Knight is the fic I'd most like to see turned into an episode of the show. :D
I'll tag @thetimemoves @insistentbass @lololollywrites @arwamachine @naefelldaurk @clueless-mp4 @totallysilvergirl and anyone else who would like to play along!
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Hi I'm dropping by to share an opinion that might be controversial, but might just as well be common and widespread among the 'loved this show as a child, rewatched as an adult' crowd. I'm not sure. I'm always out of the loop. All of the loops.
Recently I'd learned that my SO never watched the X-Files, the show that was my favorite when growing up (yes, I should not have been watching it, but oh well...frankly, I had much worse sources of childhood trauma in my life) and we decided to amend the fact.
Over the course of a few months, we went through approximately 85 to 90% of the episodes. We skipped a few insignificant ones. With insects.
Some short remarks first. One: all of my favorite episodes still hold up and some go twice as hard and Clyde Bruckman goes ten times as hard. Two: Mark Snow might have been in an abusive and mutually codependent relationship with an oboe. Three: "Everything Was Inspired By The X-Files" seriously, so much media in the last two decades has just been 'a person who watched the x-files when growing up is now writing stuff' and I'm not immune ... Four: this video essay that I found after we'd gotten to 'JS's from OS' and I was like "waaaaait I minute, this is... postpomo? in 1996? released around the time Infinite Jest was published? when metamodernism still was little more than a concept in DFW's head? what the heck?" and looked it up to see if my brain was wishful-hallucinating, and found this video essay. Five: when watching the show for the first time, I only knew three names: Anderson, Duchovny, Carter. Like, 'Hello yes this a cool scary TV program with The Anderson and The Duchovny as my Mom and Dad, and all of this show in its entirety is made by The Carter'. That was it. Because only those three names were translated in the credits.
And now I'm going to ask you to please don't kill me. Please. I'm going to die, I promise, I just don't want to be killed right now because of a possibly controversial X-files opinion. This is just a personal opinion. You are free to not share it, you are free to hate me, but could we please avoid conflict and arguments? I love you. I was drugged.
Anyway x 2.
Here's the most important thing I realized now that I'd rewatched the show in English as an adult who'd loved the X-Files as a minor (and watched it dubbed), and then went on to receive a university education that very specifically gives her a shmauthority to determine if a writer is actually a crap writer...
...Chris Carter is actually a crap writer.
He's uuuhm. He's bad at writing. Wait, no, that's unfair. He is what I like to call 'painfully mediocre'. Slightly paraphrasing a quote from my other favorite American show: he's every kid on the playground that didn't get picked on. He's a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. He's VH1, Robocop 2, and Back to the Future 3. He's the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. Vince Gilligan is the center slice of a square cheese pizza. He's Jim Belushi.
He's just so. painfully. mediocre as a writer. Some of his choices were BAFFLING. Not just bafflingly bad, but simply baffling in a 'how and why and why would anyone ever think this is a compelling idea' sense. Some moments made me wonder if there's zero self-awareness or minus self-awareness.
Chris Carter would hardly make you mad with how bad he is. He's seldom bad in a memorable way. He was cliche when those cliches weren't yet cliches. When the TV tropes website didn't exist. When metamodernism still was little more than a concept in one bandana-covered, troubled head.
He attempted three other shows. All of them were canceled. Two of them he had to wrap up in the X-Files, and he wrapped them up with as much poise as I wrap burritos when high. One was canceled before airing, but he put a piece of it into an X-Files episode: a minor character in the cold open watches and praises this show, so enraptured that he doesn't hear his daughter being kidnapped by a serial killer or abducted by aliens or neither or both, tbh I'm still not 100% sure what happened and what didn't happen, because that episode was written by Chris Carter. The highest rated episode out of all the episodes in all of the three canceled shows has Darin Morgan's writing credit, and it's a sequel of an X-Files episode. Where Jose Chung just goes 'you know what? this sucks' and dies.
Yes, I did enjoy The Lone Gunmen, but guess who has the most writing credit? Yes, Vince Gilligan. Perhaps, executives didn't really understand and didn't bother looking into why X-Files was such a popular and beloved show? And kept on greenlighting Carter's pet projects and then going: Wait, Where Money? Probably. That's how I imagine the reason. Thing is, the X-Files was so beloved and popular not because of Carter's obsession with Christian symbolism and conspiracies and apocalypse and ambiguity so vague and lazy and full of itself that I felt vicarious embarrassment, not because of his narcissism God complex that is manifested on screen in such a way that watching it feels exactly and very specifically like grinding your teeth while there's a bit of slightly wet sand on them, and not because people ached to learn how aliens would colonize Earth. Characters. We loved the characters. We loved the relationships in the show. And we loved the CRAZY and the over-the-top. And all of the Human, all the Silly, and the Funny, and the Tragically Funny.
Every single episode I remember loving the most, and every single episode that tops every single 'bestest X-Files episodes evah' list, has the writing credit of either Darin Morgan (Humbug, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Jose Chung's From Outer Space, War of the Coprophages), or Vince Gilligan (Soft Light, Pusher, Bad Blood, Small Potatoes, Paper Hearts, Meme— you know what, this is easier), or Glen Morgan + James Wong (Squeeze, The Field Where I Died, Never Again, Musings of the Cigarette-Smoking Man). Not Carter. Although according to a WaPo article I read, Carter was insanely controlling and everything had to go through him. Duh. :-\ Not to mention, his entire writing room was a sausage fest, apparently? And Gillian Anderson finally got to write an episode only in season seven, when the show was about to be foreclosed by Fox and turned into a movie franchise (never happened, alas), and around the 'f*ck it who cares anymore we're rich and uncancellable' time when Gilligan was allowed to write the episode where Mulder solved existential nihilism via freeing a genie? Not surprised.
Meanwhile, Carter himself had written the episodes I was looking forward to the least during this rewatch. And my SO would be like: wow, you're rolling your eyes so hard I'm worried about your vision, should we maybe skip this one..? And I'd be like: no-no imma just do some chores, I really wanna do some chores, I'll be nearby, yes please keep on watching babe, no need to pause, I'll keep the bathroom door open to hear everything while I do my favorite very entertaining things like clean the toilet and scrub the shower and wash the litterbox.
Hmmm? What's that? Post-modern Prometheus is highly rated? Hoo boy :-| Can we please not go there... Also, even without all of the problematic aspects of PMP: 1) even a broken clock can do postmodernism is right twice a day, 2) no, it is not a well written episode; it's loved because of its subtly familiar nostalgic visuals and because it attempts to imitate Darin Morgan's signature style with about as much success as I had while trying to imitate Lovecraft when my English was at ~C1 level and then I started crying and went to Postmodernism and told him 'please mister postmodernism sir, please save me by making it all into a long setup to a punchline'.
Anyway x 11:21.
This whole realization made me dislike the Auteur theory even more. My relationship with it was already so hostile that we've been sending each other death threats every month since I was seventeen.
Yes, I should be fair(er). Chris Carter's primary role is NOT that of a writer, but a producer and director and *cringes* shOwRuNnEr. He was the one who pitched the show to Fox, was rejected, and fought for it until they agreed. Without him, the X-Files would not have existed at all. And all bad jokes aside, this show helped me a lot when I had no one and nothing else to help me. I was indeed in a parasocial relationship with its leads. They were my TV parents. Thing is, everything you love about the X-Files' writing... like me, any other casual viewer might discover that all of these things were not done by Carter. Yet he was getting all of the credit.
This is a very important, and seemingly obvious but not really, factoid that applies to a lot of shows and movies. The person you give credit for a thing is often not the person who should be getting it. If you're rolling your eyes right now and calling me agent Obvious: may I remind you, I'm permanently out of the loop about everything. EVERYTHING.
I'm not going to devolve this into a rant about Auteur theory...Because then I'd be here all day or until I start foaming at the mouth. And I'm sure everything has been said without me and before me, anyway. I'm not even going to write a more detailed analysis to defend my views regarding the 'painfully average'. Shmviews.
I've said what I wanted to say.
This rewatch was an interesting experience.
"Skinner wants our report in one hour. What are you going to tell him?" — "What do you mean what am I going to tell him? I'm going to tell him exactly what I saw. What are you going to tell him?" — "I'll tell him exactly what I saw".
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that-left-turn · 4 months
Shipping is fun and it gets the fandom involved but when the fandom tries to force others to think their way or fights with the studios or the actors that’s the real cringefest. Us carylers need to stop creating friction and enemies by being negative with others who don’t agree with what we see. Or use slightly racist rhetoric which I take offense too as my adopted son and daughter are Vietnamese. No one thought my wife and I were a romantic fit but we were until we weren’t so no one had to see it or agree but us. that’s what my last anon ask was about. we make ourselves look stupid when we pick apart stuff like the big 3 thing. That’s meaningless bs that makes us look bitter and crazy and like canon is all that matter when we all know we may not ever get canon anyway. I’m an old x files shipper who knows how ridiculously fun but bad this can get especially if we let the bitter people who fight about everything that doesn’t match their vision for our ship make everyone hate us We can’t have nice things if we make everyone hate us including the actors and studios
I'm not the best person to speak on fandom politics because I don't really participate. (I post fic very occasionally and I have this blog.) It feels like a waste of time I don’t have—I’d rather be writing said fic than argue with strangers about something as subjective as what TV characters to like. I have posted about racism before and my short-version take on bigotry is: it's not okay, regardless of who happens to share their casual -isms with the crowd.
I have a huge issue with the recent interviews Norman did in Japan. It's problematic to say that, because “we” (what ‘we’ is that, Norman?) wanted to write a ‘real’ French show, the WOC showrunner got fired in favor of a white American man. I’m confused: what uniquely qualifies Zabel over Kang? 👀
In one of the after-episode snippets, Clémence said the show has “all the French cliches.” (I wish I could post a link, but I don't have time to search. If someone knows where to find it online, please let me know?) S1 has all the American jingoistic tropes and the French characters act culturally American. With streaming services offering a variety of European TV shows, anyone can do a comparison to see if DD feels more French/European (like Norman claims) or like prettied-up American network TV.
I'm aware of the “big 3” debacle and disliked the incendiary nature of Valhalla’s post. I also disliked that some fans went out of their way to replace Michonne because of course there can only be one girl who's important 🙄 There appears to be a lot of internalized misogyny in the fandom. Both women are vital to the franchise, and Gabriel's character development was amazing and brilliantly acted too, so why doesn't he make the big three? Rankings are useless because they're arbitrary and encourage division between fans. A fractured audience is not a good thing.
Studios don't hate anyone. It’s a business and the programming execs spend zero seconds pondering what fans say. That's a different department, but I’m not sure AMC employs qualified marketing strategists. The official SM accounts look like they’re run by interns with “on the job” training. Part of the (legacy) issue is that under a previous showrunner for the flagship show, this dog-eats-dog behavior was encouraged simply because it mirrored the bleak setting of TWD. It's not an ethical approach, nor is it a good ROI to scare away the people who’d pay for merchandise and provide good word-of-mouth for the show(s).
The DD EPs want to make a show they think looks cool/epic—it's all about the visual esthetic and some of them are so burnt out they don't even care about the plot at all. A fanfic author writes to please themselves, but a screenwriter has to please their audience. The viewership are paying customers, so they have the right to an opinion on what they're willing to buy. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea that women should be quiet and behave like good little girls, so the men in charge might reward us with “nice things.” I’ve seen that show before and there’s no treat awaiting the docile at the end.
Based on the latest slew of interviews, the buzzword du jour seems to have moved on from ‘cool’ and ‘epic’ (probably because they gained ridicule instead of traction) to ‘romantic.’ It's a hard sales pitch to the very audience Norman normally complains about. The ‘crazy and bitter’ women of the fandom are the proverbial hand that feeds him and he needs their approval, not the other way around.
I'm aware, though, that some fandom behavior has spiraled into a never-ending ship war. That's the environment AMC/TWDU has created by not encouraging an atmosphere where they lift up all their characters and by not writing female friendships into the show. Everyone's worst side is on display and nobody “wins.”
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lazystar · 1 year
Black Cat Energy
Himbo!Changbin x BlackCat!Reader
Office Spin Off
WC: 3.6K
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A/N: if you are of drinking age take a shot for every disney reference I make lmfao A MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you to @yourfavbinerdgf for being my beta reader and editor for all of my work ilysm bby! Our reader is v closed off and tbh a mood, we stan Bin
CW: Alcohol consumption, Reader is harassed whilst intoxicated, Iris is the name of Y/N from Jeongin’s fic!
Most people would characterize someone who worked as a receptionist or secretary to be bright and bubbly. Someone who had a similar personality to characters like Erin or Kelly from The Office. You however, were much more aloof, blunt, sometimes even standoffish. You focused on ensuring everyone had what they needed, that calls were transferred correctly, files were sent out to the right recipients, and your ever growing hatred for the copier for always jamming.
You often received the comparison to the black cat personality archetype. At first you were a bit confused as to how that fit you, until your friend Iris from sales explained the meme to you one night over wine. Her boyfriend Jeongin was out with friends so girls night was held at their shared apartment. As the two of you applied your clay face masks and sipped your zinfandels she went into heavy detail about how you perfectly embodied the classic “black cat gf” personality type.
“Come on Y/N! It perfectly sums you up, you’re antisocial except around people you care about, you can be very closed off when upset, you literally own a black cat, you are perpetually exhausted, you have trust issues, you—”
“Okay, okay, okay! Shit I didn’t expect you to read me like a fucking therapist!” You laughed and smacked her arm whilst she tried to keep expanding on how you were so like Raven from Teen Titans. “Also why did you bring my baby Byeol into this?!” she gave you a side eye stare in response. The two of you continued to joke around and finish your girls night skincare routines until the front door opened and the loud raucous laughs of the boys broke the ambiance of the living room. Piling in was Jeongin, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin. The four were clearly a little drunk and they locked eyes with you and Iris who had been sitting on the couch in your fluffy robes, adorned with matching Kuromi and My Melody headbands, sheet masks, and watching the latest episodes of some drama that one of the other girls in the office recommended with high praise for the male lead actor’s visuals and performance.
“WAITTT IT WAS GIRLS NIGHT AND SPA NIGHT?! WHY WASN’T I INVITED?!!!” Changbin whined and stomped over to you and Iris. You looked over at your dear friend with an eye roll, kiss to your teeth and an expression that read ‘who’s gonna tell him?’. She laughed and shooed him away with a ‘next time maybe okay?’ and this satisfied the brawny male. However her promise-not-promise stuck in his head more than you wish it did.
Being the marketing department’s receptionist-secretary, it unfortunately gave Changbin easy access to constantly harass you about girls night. It was almost comical how he begged and pleaded to know when he could waltz over to your apartment to sit in a fluffy robe, with his Sanrio headband, and sip a cocktail alongside you and Iris. He wanted to spend time with you and brighten the cloudy aura you carried, turn your cold expression into a smile. Which he surprisingly succeeded at several times before, only for you to catch yourself and return to your resting bitch face. Changbin found your icy personality insanely attractive, he liked how assertive you were, how you had this aloof air of ‘I could care less’ about you. He wanted to break your walls down and get to know you, but getting you to trust him would be a challenge. But Changbin loved a good challenge.
It started with him coming in early to leave a note on your desk. An anonymous compliment about your ability to keep the ship that was the marketing department afloat. Anonymous compliments about the way you took care of others, compliments regarding your emphasis on boundaries, compliments about how organized you were, silly little memes here and there, and as his confidence grew he started leaving clues in his notes that it was him.
“Oooo new note from your admirer? What does it say?!” Iris cooed as she walked with you to your desk, she had a meeting first thing with the marketing team handling one of her clients’ latest campaigns so she chose to hunker down with you until it began.
“Well it’s a longer one today and ooo they even left me a coffee and pastry. Ugh they really do get me! Hmm okay it says ‘Y/N, check some of the notes from the past few weeks! If you can match up the clues you might just figure out who I may be. If you need to find out where to start just follow your HEART, if it seems to lead you astray take a step back and look again for the KEY, good luck my dear and remember, you are brighter than any STAR in the sky.’ subtlety is definitely not mister admirer’s strong suit. Okay so ‘heart, key, star….” you had set aside all of the notes and had picked up on the patterns he had drawn on each of them. Sure enough you found the three notes he had indicated and on the back of them were the letters C H A… but when you looked at the other ones he had left there were no more letters on the back. You were stumped and honestly sad, you had hoped that it would reveal that the goofy, beefy, sweet, team lead who had basically given up on crashing girls night was your admirer. But, CHA could be honestly anyone, far too many names began with those three letters, but all you wanted it to be was Changbin. Changbin with his blatant flirting, adorable clumsiness, infectious laugh, face illuminating grin, and other qualities that had made you smile when nobody was watching, the man had started to win you over. He reminded you oddly enough of Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove. He was passionate about his hobbies, beefy, not always the brightest, but damn did he care for those he adored. You hoped he still adored you even though you kept up your icy facade, you didn’t like letting people in, it made you uncomfortable. Changbin however, he had made you feel a bit more comfortable with allowing yourself to be open.
You shook your head from your office crush filled thoughts and looked over at your partner in crime Iris as you two analyzed the clues.
“C…H…A…? Girl that could be anyone!” Iris looked over at you with a raised brow and matching ‘WTF’ expression. She noticed your sagging shoulders and longing gaze over at Changbin who was animatedly talking to the new girl on the team, sure your boss Chan was there supervising but Iris saw the way your gaze flitted to your black pumps and the pilling carpet. “It could be anyone but let me guess, you wish it was Gaston huh?” She said almost pityingly.
“Pffft no, and come on isn’t it obvious he’s so much more of a Kronk or Kristoff than a Gaston. I mean look at him, he would so give his pet their own voice any chance he could!” You gently elbowed her and smiled before quickly fixing your expression to your classic slight glare and nudged her out of your desk area. “Now shoo shoo your meeting is in 10 minutes and I have shit to do.” Iris laughed, covertly flipped you off and texted Jeongin a quick message about their operation to get their friends together. Jeongin was sick of Changbin’s pining after you, and Iris wanted you to be happy. So of course the couple just HAD to play Cupid, Changbin had been getting advice on his love notes to you from the pair and so far so good. That is until a few days later when you saw his excitement when talking with the new girl, a sweet, bubbly, young lady named Hana. She was the exact opposite of you, she matched Changbin’s energy perfectly, she was who you wish you were. She was like the sun, whereas you were like the moon and unfortunately you didn’t realize that Changbin preferred the gentler light the moon provided.
You began to just set aside the notes, not even bothering to solve the puzzle. You also pushed away the treats and gifts left for you on your desk. You began to close yourself off again, ignoring invitations to get drinks and meals after work, ignoring karaoke invitations. You would come in, work, then go home to be with Byeol. Changbin noticed the change the moment it began, he was confused, hurt,
and scared you were silently rejecting him. Hana, his new friend who had heard all about you from him, even said that you might just not know what to do with the information that he is your admirer. But Changbin knew you better than Hana,
something was wrong.
This revelation led Changbin to your front door. He was in his work clothes, carrying a tote bag holding a matching set of new robes, matching headbands, new skincare, and a lot of your favorite snacks. He anxiously rocked back and forth on his feet as he knocked on your door.
“UGH IRIS I SAID I DIDN'T WANT— Oh! Uh, hi? Changbin?” you laughed embarrassed at him hearing your annoyed shouting. You crossed your arms and popped your hip as you looked at him expectantly. Your quirked brow and questioning gaze conveyed your confusion at his presence. He sheepishly smiled at you and held up the shopping bags in his hands.
“Sorry, I’m no Iris and it’s not Friday but I thought maybe we could have our own girls night? You’ve seemed a bit down and I thought you could use a little cheer up!” His awkward smile made you internally sigh with admiration at him. He looked so handsome with the flush on his face, you couldn’t fight back a matching shy smile and gestured for him to come inside.
“Changbin you sweetheart I would love to have a girls night with you.” That sentence lead to where you are now, drunkenly cuddling up to your crush in matching fluffy robes and singing along to “Love is an Open Door.” from Frozen. “Binnie, you are such a Kristoff! You know that?” You giggled was the movie played on in the background, you couldn’t help but focus on his face as you leaned on his shoulder.
“Gee Y/N that’s such a compliment! He’s like the best character!”
“See that’s where you are wrong it’s obviously Olaf like helloooo he basically carries the story on his back!”
“I don’t think snowmen have backs?”
“You are so lucky you are cute because honey you surely aren’t serious right now.” You shushed his protests and gave him a look that told him not to argue with you. His breath caught in his chest as he was caught up in the sensation of you burrowing further into his hold as the movie played on.
Not even ten minutes later you look up at him, wine clouding your mind as you let another smile grace your face, “Bin? What Disney character am I most like?”
“Meg from Hercules, easily one of the best!” Without another prompt you both turned on the classic film’s soundtrack and sang your hearts out. As you both sang you pointed out his similarities to the namesake character and this oddly stuck with you, maybe your own Hunkules as the Muses would say was right in front of you? But like Meg you did not want to admit that you were in love, but come check the grin you are at least in the crushing stage.
As spring warmed into summer campaign season encroached like a tiger. This was when marketing and advertising was swamped with planning for the upcoming year, analyzing trends, looking at numbers. The office became everyone’s second home as the coffee machine was constantly being refilled with water and grounds, and the most busy people even brought sleeping mats to their desks. It was the chaos you found yourself thriving in, fielding calls, fixing printer jams, checking spreadsheets, you were at your prime in the fast paced rush of the workday. Busy seasons like the holidays and summers brought you some serenity as they were a distraction from your perpetual state of internal turmoil. You worked best under pressure as it cleansed your mind like a soft rain cleansed the earth.
One mild summer Friday you found yourself slumped over a bar counter, your third margarita of the night on its last dregs as you began to work yourself into another classic Y/N existential crisis. Iris as per usual by your side lamenting in her texts to Jeongin about how you needed to stop being so blind to the reality around you. A rough week of lost files, annoying clients, rude phone calls, etc. lead you two into the bar along with a few other coworkers. The rest of the crowd had left a bit ago to turn in for the night and your dear friend had sobered up and had turned into your babysitter as the alcohol turned off your usual cold front.
“Iris, I-UGH! I don’t know what to do, I like him genuinely but like he’s the complete opposite of me! There’s girls like Hana that make so much more sense. He’s gonna leave as soon as he realizes I’m a mess and I’m—”
“Y/N baby love with all due adoration and respect please shut the FUCK UP!” She bops you upside the head and laughs as you whine about how it hurt. “I gotta go gorgeous. I have brunch with my planner for Jeongin and I’s big day.” You pathetically nod and flag the bartender for another drink, then another, and one more until you’re cut off. Your drunk thoughts began to wander to how lucky your best friend was, she was engaged to her soulmate! Yet here you were drunkenly pining over a man who had gone out of his way to make you smile and laugh, but that’s just who he was; he was better suited for the more outgoing girl with fewer walls built around her heart.
A sigh left your lips as you stumbled toward the bar door, pulling out your phone to text the only person you knew wasn’t busy. Sadly for you it was the man you were lamenting over, Changbin.
Y/N: Binnnieeee mdrubk at thebrar! Can yougettmeeee!!!
BinBin: Oh God you’re wasted aren’t you? Send me your location princess. I'm on my way.
*Y/N began sharing location!*
Y/N: Thabj yuu BinBin lobe yoi!
In his apartment Changbin clutched his phone tighter to his chest. Lobe yoi filled his vision, he knew you meant to type “love you” which could be a platonic sign of affection but it could also mean you returned his feelings. As he gathered his keys with a new pep in his step and hope in his heart he hoped sober Y/N would admit the truth even if it broke his heart.
You slumped on a bench just outside the bar and waited for Changbin to pick you up. He has let you know he was about ten minutes away and to stay out under the street lamps so he could see you. You sat on your phone and had gotten comfortable on the bench, that was until a group of drunken twenty-somethings crossed your path and set their sights on you.
“Hey gorgeous! What’s ya name?” One called out as he swaggered towards you. You saw the soju bottle in his hands and glowered at his arrogant approach. You hated drunken entitled men more than you hated how the interns jammed the printers every day.
“What’s it to ya?” You spit out and looked at your phone, Changbin was about three minutes away according to his last text from a red light.
“Well my friends and I hate the idea of a beautiful lady such as yourself out here in these dangerous streets alone! Join us for some ramen honey!” He smirked and held his hand out towards you. You were growing more annoyed by the second and just flipped him off and told him to get lost. His smirk changed to a sneer as he grasped your wrist and tugged you upwards to stand in front of him. His friends began to circle in around you. “You really should be kinder to strangers sweetheart, you’re playing a dangerous game.” You sobered up and began to panic when you heard a car door slam shut behind you. Your worst fear of being kidnapped was about to come true, you scrambled for your phone and bag as the men grew closer. Your heart pounded with a roar of blood flow flooding your ears.
“Y/N! Baby I was so worried!” Changbin’s voice brought a wave of comfort over you as he wrenched your wrist from the other male’s grip. Your head whipped toward him and tears flooded your eyes. He wrapped his arms around you and placed a comforting kiss on your temple. “Play along.” He whispered into your hair. “Don’t run off like that again angel, you had me worried sick! I know the cat outside the bar was cute but we don’t just go off to pet it.” You glare at him with an expression that screamed “are you fucking kidding me?” but chose to stamp your foot and begin sadly playing along.You wanted to kick his shin and curse him out. Instead you acted like the ditzy girlfriend to the caring and cautious boyfriend Changbin portrayed to the group of leering drunk men. The group of men tried to make some derogatory remarks about you being out for the taking but Changbin subtly flexed as he grabbed your waist to hold you close as he played the role of comforting boyfriend. As soon as the group of men had wandered off he brought you to the car and made sure you were unharmed. He buckled you in, wiped the tears that had unknowingly fallen from your eyes. He reached across the console of the car and smiled at you as you put some music on the radio and sent him a thankful smile. It took several assurances that you were alright before he began to drive toward your apartment building.
“Y/Nnie, would you like some food before I get you home?” He asks over the music filling in as background noise to the ride home. You nod and demand the most comforting meal of all, McDonalds. Soon enough a bag is housed on the console between you both as you split nuggets, fries, and sodas. You start to sober up and feel a grin crossing your features as you look at him. You can’t help but notice how your heart thumps against your chest, how you smile every time he’s near, the curve of his jaw, his nose bridge, his petal shaped lips, his twinkling eyes, just how beautiful he is.
“Do I have french fry on my face?” He asked with genuine concern.
“Oh no! You’re just so pretty.” You slap a hand over your lips and he chuckles at your embarrassment. “I said that out loud didn’t I”
“You did beautiful girl, you did just say that outloud.” He waggled his eyebrows toward you trying to defuse the tension.
“Beautiful girl? Me? Huh?” You point to yourself and give him a look of astonishment and shake your head. “You sure you’re not the drunk one Bin?”
“I am as sober as ever. Now my angel, let's try this all again tomorrow when you are sober, if you mean what you said I’ll take you on the best date of your life.” He smiles and escorts you to your door, refusing to leave until you give him a playful glare filled kiss on the cheek.
The following morning you find yourself spending time on your daily routine, and spending more time on your makeup and hair than you usually would. One call from Changbin later and you are sitting at a table mimosa in hand, blushing at every single compliment he gives you. He cleans the whole secret admirer debacle and house and really just wanted a chance to get to know you beyond your mutual friendship with Iris and work environment. Soon enough brunch turns into lunch, turns into dinner, and it was only when your very irritated waiter informs you both that the restaurant is about to close that you finally leave. The two of you continue to go on similar dates where they seem to last forever. All the while Iris is delighted that you have finally found some sort of happiness. You and your resident Hercules become sort of a powerhouse couple among your coworkers, your scary glares work well to defend your work family from irrational clients and Changbin’s angelic smile does well to ease these clients into a proper meeting dynamic. Your dichotomy of your begrudging smiles and his over the top declarations of adoration make those around you chuckle. Iris and Jeongin couldn’t help but smile at the two of you, knowing their friends had found their perfect match. Unfortunately for your bosses though, Changbin was less apt to complete his work insisting he was now your assistant and was “helping” you but in reality he would lean over your shoulder and admire you as you worked.
But, for what it’s worth at least out loud you would say you were in love. Your hero didn’t need to slay a hydra to win your heart nor did he have to pull you from the River Styx he just had to be himself and help you break down your walls.
The End
A/N: if you made it this far and liked this piece consider giving me a follow! Please leave a comment on what you liked :) Tumblr’s algorithm runs off of reblogs so if you think more people should see this and give it a read please consider reblogging!!
Other information: SKZ and other idols I write about (future other groups to come as I get into their dynamics more) are not to be characterized by the personalities in the pieces I write nor should their actions in my works reflect any actions they may take IRL. Think of their names and likenesses being used as a face and name claim to a fictional character.
Please remember I do not want anything I write to be translated or posted onto other platforms! If you want to translate my work contact me directly for permission and give me credit.
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carefulfears · 1 year
Thoughts on the X Files Revelations episode and what it brought to the mulder x scully relationship?
okay i just rewatched this one so y'all are gonna get some exhausted bullet-point rambles from me <3 much love
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the first thing that i noticed while rewatching is that when mulder and scully are speaking with "saint owen" in the attic, mulder is standing with them and engaged in the conversation until it turns to scully's personal religion.
when owen points out her cross necklace, mulder turns to face the wall while they discuss it, only barely peeking back for his smartass church joke.
this almost reminds me of the way he tends to freeze and avert from loss (his mother's hospital room in herrenvolk, scully in the ICU in redux ii, emily's coffin, the little girl's body in paper hearts, etc); he often tries to avoid realities that he isn't prepared for, as though he's surprised and bowled over every time.
in this moment here with owen, he's being avoidant and catty, but it similarly appears that scully's faith is something he's taken aback by, even just in evasion.
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after owen is killed, scully begins the autopsy, and mulder continues his comedy routine/bible lecture.
when scully says that she believes in miracles, she believes that god's hand can be witnessed, mulder asks, "even if science can't explain them?"
this is really the core conflict of episodes like this, that center around faith or religion. neither of them know how to move forward outside of their roles, and so much of scully's position depends on only adhering to what science can prove. it's what she's told him so many times over the years in response to his own theories, and both of them waver in the loss of that absolutism.
a couple of episodes earlier, in nisei, she told him that believing is the easy part, that she needs proof, and he had responded, "you think believing is easy?"
part of what makes faith-centered cases difficult for them both is that mulder doesn't have it, and believing is easy for scully.
mulder spends his whole life wanting to believe in something that would allow the kind of comfort people find in faith. it isn't easy for him. it's hard to always be seeking.
he needs proof in order to believe too, but scully has her beliefs without the science that she holds him to, without the burden.
later, in gethsemane, she tells him that proving extraterrestrial life is not her dying wish. and he asks, what if you could prove the existence of god? wouldn't you try, like i try?
she says no. that god can't be proven or disproven, and it doesn't matter to her.
in revelations, he shuts down her claims of faith, and doesn't consider her point of view. when he leaves on another bad joke, the pause that she takes before returning to her work is so telling. this isn't how they interact with each other. something is different, with this case, with this topic.
the look on her face and the way she squares her jaw is almost of someone who's ashamed/afraid to speak up, who's biting her tongue. this isn't what she does, with him, either. and it has a different connotation on rewatch, with the things she says later in the series about authority.
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in conversation at the motel, things haven't changed. mulder is still a laugh-factory, dismissing any explanation with religious connotations. scully is still watching him and learning from him, as she has been since day one.
when she finally just snaps and asks, "how is it that you're willing to go out on a limb whenever you see a light in the sky, but you're unwilling to accept the possibility of a miracle?"
he responds instantly, "i wait for a miracle every day. but what i've seen here has only tested my patience, not my faith."
he waits for a miracle every day. it wasn't that long ago that we saw him weep in a church.
"well, what about what i've seen?"
what about what she's seen? what about what she believes? what about her experience?
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in the end, mulder's being a sweetie, bringing her coat and asking if she's okay. it worries him when she's not being logical. when she's acting like him.
he says it, in all souls, another faith-based role reversal: "i’ve never seen you more vulnerable or susceptible or more easily manipulated and it scares me because i don’t know why."
i hate to see people call him hypocritical for this; they both do it. they adhere to their roles so strictly, and there's something uneasy for them that comes with watching the other stray from what they find solidity in, whether that's belief or rationalism.
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this scene captures the intent of the script so well, it is sad. this is a sad episode. she's watching him and learning from him and she knows that she cannot share this experience she's having with him.
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in one of the series' most affecting scenes, scully goes to confession for the first time in years. not to confess, but to confide. the language in this scene is so specific and emotional, as she tells the priest that normally she can talk to her friend about things but she cannot talk to him about this.
that's such an isolating place to be in, for your closest person and your most pressing struggle to be so at odds.
she tells the priest that she believes she saw things that helped her to save a life, but she wonders if she even saw them at all, because her partner didn't see them. he didn't believe. and usually he believes in everything.
that's such an isolating place to be in, for your hopeful seeker to turn a blind eye.
this isn't the last time that scully will be in this position, so alone in what she experiences, wondering if it's even real if mulder doesn't see it too.
and this scene sets the tone for so much of her character, as she confesses that she is afraid. that maybe god is speaking, and no one is listening.
i know this one is less thought-out than usual, if there's anything here y'all want to chat more about/go into deeper just shoot me an ask. kisses.
scully in this episode is something i've dabbled around with a bit in my writing before here.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Telltale Drip
I know Tolaris is a shitty person. I do. But he is also pretty. So, for this little drabble, we’re gonna all collectively agree that the Tolaris in this fic is a version of himself who didn’t do the creepy mind meld thing to T’Pol. Okay? Okay. So! In the episode he was in, he mentioned that he used to teach literature at the Shirkar Academy, which is a Vulcan university. This is a little drabble of an idea about why he really left, beyond all that “more to life than logic” reasoning that he gave.
Day 17: Precome
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tolaris (ST:ENT) x Vulcan!Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Teacher/student fantasy, sexual fantasy, one-sided attraction, masturbation, the heart and lok want what they can’t have, copious amounts of precome.
She was one of his most accomplished students. With two degrees to her name prior to enrolling in his literature class, Tolaris knew she was something special. It was illogical to dwell on her beauty since she did not attend his lectures for the purpose of pleasing others with her appearance, but he couldn’t help it.
Demure and proper yet opinionated, she’d challenged one of his assertions on the very first day of class, and Tolaris had to admit that she defended her position admirably. She would have a distinguished career and make many leaps forward in her research, he could tell. There were even rumors of the Vulcan Science Academy inviting her to join.
Her betrothed was indeed a fortunate man. They’d met on campus once when she needed to discuss some scheduling detail, and Tolaris wished nothing more than to take his place. In the recesses of the literature professor’s mind, he harbored a sort of fantasy - a daydream in which he challenged her betrothed and won her through the ritual combat. The thought of proving himself to her by killing the unworthy oaf to whom her parents had promised her sent a bolt of satisfaction through him.
He was very aware that by indulging such thoughts he was allowing his emotions to control the direction his mind took, but was there not more to life than duty and logic? Was there no room for the passion which he desired to shower upon her? Given the opportunity to do so, he would happily show her what a devoted mate could do for her.
As it was, he always made sure to give her his full attention when she spoke or asked a question - an extra hint of focus spiraled through his irises as his eyes focused on her, much like they had today. She had requested clarification about a thematic variation he’d discussed, and he had given her the most thorough answer he could possibly muster.
His heart had thrummed rapidly in his side at her gentle, murmured gratitude.
“Lesek, osu.” He’d managed a nod of acknowledgment, but he was forced to stand behind his desk as he continued his lecture. Tolaris had no choice. Until he could control his body’s reaction to her, he needed to hide the evidence of his arousal. He would have suspected that his pon farr was approaching had it not been for her repeated ability to draw such inappropriate reactions from him.
As soon as the lecture had ended and all the students had filed out, Tolaris went into his office and activated the appropriate privacy precautions. This was a weakness, but he needed release. He unwrapped his robes enough to get at the trousers and tunic he wore beneath, only to find a large damp spot over the bulging fabric.
His pre-ejaculate had always been rather prolific, so, truly, he should not have been surprised that his clothing had already been soiled. Thinking ahead, he carefully removed his outer robes and draped them over a chair to the side. Sitting behind his desk and removing his damp, leaking lok from the confines of his clothing, Tolaris moaned quietly at the visible evidence of what she did to him simply by existing.
He almost hoped that his pon farr had been knocked out of its cycle simply so that he could let out a little of the emotion that he’d been bottling up since this term started. This was beginning to become too much for him.
How shameful was he that he would feel the need to rut into his hand in broad daylight in his office? Anyone could catch him. Tolaris would be thrown out in disgrace, and a position at the Shirkar Academy was too good of an opportunity to be wasted.
...Or was it? Would it even be wasted if he allowed himself time to explore these persistent, building feelings? Surely such an endeavor would be dangerous. Most others who had attempted to do so ended up reverting to their primal natures - they became savage beasts so intent upon allowing passion to control their minds that they were practically feral.
A shiver ran up Tolaris’s spine when he allowed himself to consider what it might be like to allow himself to succumb to such urges. The hunger that he felt stirring beneath his normally calm surface would be displayed proudly and prominently on his face.
Would she like him better that way? Would it give her pleasure to see how desperate and lustful she rendered him with a simple glance? Oh, he would strip naked and crawl to her, if such an action pleased her!
His hips jutted upwards, forcing his lok through his palm’s tight grip at an even more rapid pace than before. Precome dripped over his fingers and down his wrist, dampening the sleeve of his tunic in a trail of damning desire. He would need to remain cautious when walking home this evening lest he unknowingly allow others to view the evidence of his momentary weakness.
His pleasure built more rapidly than he was expecting, and just when he had begun imagining what it would be like to mate with the object of his desire while in the throes of such savagery, the taut, delicate string of his arousal snapped throwing him into the strongest orgasm he’d had since his last Burning. With his mouth open in a silent shout, Tolaris covered the head of his lok with his other hand and caught his cum in his palm before he could make too big of a mess.
While he caught his breath, he laid his head back against his chair, trying to control his emotions once more. Perhaps it was time that he consider looking for others who were having the same difficulty that he was. Perhaps if he sought out the V’tosh ka’tur he could make a more informed decision about his future...and his options.
For now, though, he needed to clean himself up and head home to meditate.
Vulcan Words:
lesek = thank you
osu = sir
V’tosh ka’tur = Vulcans without logic
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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ambientsoundtrackfan · 7 months
The problem with true detective night country was that HBO clearly made Issa López turn her film script into a six episode continuation of one of their last interesting franchises' to recapture the (viewership) high of season 1. I'm really fed up with production companies creating unnecessary conflict with women/minority writers. It was so blatant this season they ran this season off spite which kind of colors it permanently for me. It does not work to try and replace a classic with a shitty amalgamation storyline thats "female" and "native". I actually really loved Kali Reis and her and Jodi carried that show but I'm sorry it was a mess. One, nothing about the story was unique, never attempted to use the actually mythology/literature of the Alaskan location it was based (very ironic the whole thing was filmed in Iceland..), the "crime storyline" was like an AI generated with prompts from Wind River, X-Files, Devil's Pass....
it was also personally annoying to trash season 1 for being "too male" and ok...but all the female characters were just as violent and crass. The show also lacked a real feminist intent or realism to life as women in very rural areas of america imo. I'm sorry but when Navarro was fighting all those drunk men it would have been way more violent, perhaps even sexually violent. Weirdly, even though violence against women has always been a theme in True Detective this season airbrushed these issues away? I actually think these themes would have been very interesting to fully tackle and explore, part of the ethos of the show is its nihilism and I wish López had actually been interested in exploring violence against women and women in native communities. I get what all the pieces of the story were trying to achieve but it just felt really sterile and didn't ground me in the location. There was very little atmosphere, there was very little mood and the only interesting storyline was Navarro.
I think I would have less of a problem with this season if it didn't try to aggressively pit itself as a legit reboot comparable to season 1. I don't even like all the seasons of true detective and I also have other critiques of the show but to pretend like night country was even tangentially on the level of season 1 is crazy to me. Also López (who solely wrote every ep) is white so idk why she's acting like the storyline cannot be understood from a "Eurocentric" perspective. Maybe commit to writing a female nihilist noir if you say you really want it.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 11 months
Wait have u seen what happens later?! Is it good?
yeah, i did see it, i saw it in theaters yesterday! i went with my mum and we had such a good time!
as for if it's good or not... oh boy. let me start with the disclaimer that i am the judgemental bitch of the universe, i can't turn it off, i am insufferable and i know this. also, i was squinting the whole time because i need new glasses. embarrassing.
SO. there are absolutely good things about it, i would say. there are several scenes that will be sticking like fucking glue in my brain for the indefinite future. the premise is hella cute and the acting was good overall (in my extremely uneducated opinion)... both meg ryan and david duchovny are so ruthlessly endearing it makes me want to actually scream, and together they cooked up a few really magical moments.
when dd's character got tears in his eyes talking about his daughter, i wanted to throw up. never let that man cry in front of me again, i can't take it!!!!!! and any time they spent laughing together was, like, electric to me. meg ryan has such a warmth to her that hasn't faded in her time away from filmmaking, and seeing her again just filled me with good happy feelings. (also, some parts of it gave me the good old au brain itch, which is always a sign i'm invested.)
however, i will also say that the movie is rather long and does occasionally feel long. mostly because the writing isn't, like, spectacular. not bad, just not quite as glittering as i would want for a film with only two actors in it. i don't want to get into the writing too much, because then i will start going on forever, because like i said, i'm insufferable.
also. okay. this is probably such an annoying nitpick, but damn this movie reused a lot of b-roll. like, they recycled this one establishing shot (which reminded me of the shot of the arctic base in the x-files episode 'ice', by the way) what felt like fifteen times. which is a bummer, because they kind of used exterior shots like paragraph breaks. since, you know, there were no other characters to fall back on. that sometimes made the pacing feel weird. it did add to the kind of liminal, claustrophobic vibe of being stuck in an airport with your ex, though.
i read an interview with them about how they didn't have time or budget for doing loads of takes or reshoots, and i think that constraint was both a blessing and a curse. they got a lot of really good, organic moments that felt very alive that way! but there were also moments that didn't quite hit, moments that should have had more time in the editing bay or time to be worked out on set. i also seriously wish someone had punched up the writing a tiny bit more.
on the whole, i would say that it's pretty good. if you go in with hallmark movie expectations, you are sufficiently parasocially attached to the actors, or you just love romcoms, you will probably have an excellent time. if you want to see david duchovny hit a blunt and then choke, like me, you will have an especially excellent time. the characters were flawed and occasionally frustratingly out of touch (on purpose?? i don't know, i am simply too young and silly 😌), but they also had moments of depth and warmth and sincerity.
i liked it, in spite of my rabid need to critique everything on god's green earth. i will probably watch it again not on the big screen and see if i prefer it that way (i suspect i will).
also did i mention they get drunk and flirty. because they get drunk and flirty and it's soooooo damn cute.
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lemonflavoredpepsi · 3 months
i really think that season 9 is at its best when the scully/mulder/william plot takes a backseat. i feel like the super-soldier element for william comes out of nowhere and really ruins their arc, which wrapped up really nicely in the season 8 finale.
i really wish that CC had just let that be, and really given a chance for reyes and doggett to learn how to take over the x-files. episodes where scully has more of a mentorship or even just friendship role in the story flow a lot nicer than the ones where they’re bending and warping her story, motivations and character to fit the overall plot. 4-D and john doe have been my favorite episodes this season because they really focus on john and monica, and their issues with taking over the x-files’ odd jobs, as well as the emotional toll they have, with scully only showing up to interject occasionally.
i really REALLY hated provenance/providence because i honestly could not give less of a fuck about the william story and how it relates to mulder and his not being there. i know that it must have probably been weird for audiences in the early 2000s to tune in to the show and to have mulder gone, but i really think they could have had a season 9 that worked better with and around his absence, rather than constantly reminding the viewers that he’s gonna come back at the end of the season. idk. that’s just me.
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