#i wish i had saved this as an animation file oh well
casinocircus · 2 years
it's another fraggle
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piccolos-bigtoe · 7 months
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POV you're a betta fish in an already shitty tank and some annoying asshole is trying to get your attention
Short little cute little Scout animation WIP I am working on....... Perchance I am enjoying animating, mayhaps... I had to do a whole project for my class and make an animation (I'm a studio art major, so liek I am just somewhat tech skilled and can use photoshop jussstttt well enough but I know little to nothing, the most animation experience I have was me at 14 making frames one by one in CSP and throwing them into EZgif one at a time LOL) and it was liek super frustrating at first but after seeing the final result I was actually like "you know what.... perchance this is cool..." So hes gonna have a little talking textbox visual novel moment. I also wanted to animate because I watched Quazzies Lil' Pootis FINALLY and it has my whole heart mannnn
OH also I LITERALLY accidentally deleted the fucking file for the Scount one because of COURSE I did, BUT I saved all the initial frames so not all is lost!!! Sobbing tho, my lief is soooooo hard...
I am still working on that comic from forever ago, and I actually plan to make it into a screen print given I have enough time and bookbind it into a physical comic LOL.
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If anyone is curious... This is the animation I was working on for my class. The actual lineart wasn't an issue, it's just that my dumbass didn't clean the keys enough and like it worked as a sketch but not as an outline, and I was lazy and didn't want to redo them (but I did eventually w.e.) This is my character Joey Hottdog..... He hates his dad and he is a sigma loner emo in a normie world... I always wanted a cartoon of him and so I made a Cartoon network style TV bumper... I used Clip Studio Paint to make all the frames, and then Opentoonz (free animation software, it's zupah cool) to put it all together.
I hope that people enjoy my little rambles, tbh it's really fun to ramble I wish more people did it becoz I look at my mutuals (or just anyones) stuff and I liek love it all and I wanna hear people talk about their stuff or maybe I am cray-zee
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milkman-zahhak · 2 months
Shane drawing + written fic to accompany it
Hello, enjoy another drawing of Shane based off of some in-game dialogue.
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Idk if this is base-game, part of one of the many dialogue mods I have installed, or one of the lines I added into the game's code myself to practice modding and to get used to editing dialogue files. I'd say the latter but I don't remember ever typing this so.. idk. Just assuming it's canon for now lol.
Anyways here's the drawing:
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+ a short lame-ass gif attempt
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I know it's terrible, I wish I could blur it or something so you could choose whether to see it or not, but oh well. Here's what you're probably all looking for, sorry again if my writing is bad, I haven't proofread it or anything, otherwise I would see what I wrote, and decide not to post it ever! So as usual this is all getting posted RAW and UNCUT!!1! That's why I post both the drawing and the writing- so that if one sucks, maybe the other will impress you and save the poor failure of a post. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Shane sat back on the worn couch in their cozy farmhouse living room, licking the last bit of greasy residue from his fingers with a satisfied sigh. The empty plate in front of him was a testament to the gluttony that had taken hold of him, scattered with crumbs of one of his favorite snacks, pepper poppers. The farmer always made sure to keep the fridge stocked with them in case Shane got hungry while his husband was too busy to cook for him, since Shane's culinary skill peaked at reheating pre-existing meals in a microwave. Shane usually tries to be a bigger help around the farm when he can, doing what he knows best and caring for all of the animals (mostly the chickens) while his husband tended to the crops and went out foraging. All that hardworking farmer stuff. But today was rainy and stormy, the kind of day Shane liked to spend inside the house. He'd went out to the barn and the coop that morning and made sure the animals were okay, but that was about as much physical activity he had since waking up. Meanwhile, despite Shane's concerns and warnings to him, his husband insisted that he go out and fish in the storm, saying "Certain kinds of fish only come out in this weather, Shane. Besides, the rain means I don't need to water the crops today, I can get other chores done!"
So here he was, sitting on his ass in the house watching TV, the entire stock of pepper poppers he'd saved up for a day like this in front of him, or rather, the remainders of it. He had lost count of how many he had consumed, but it was undoubtedly more than he could handle. A warm, uncomfortable pressure began to build in his stomach, causing it to swell noticeably beneath his shirt. He looked down at his belly, which now protruded like a beach ball, and couldn't help but chuckle softly. The spicy treat had become somewhat of a weakness for him, and his husband knew it all too well.
"Oh, oh wow.. The farmer's gonna be home soon, and I'm such a mess", Shane thought, running a hand over his distended stomach. The heavy sensation of fullness and the audible rumbles signaling an incoming tummy ache were worrying, but he couldn't deny the strange satisfaction that came with it. He shifted his position, attempting to alleviate some of the discomfort, only to feel a loud gurgle reverberate throughout his torso. The sound made him blush, and he glanced around the room, hoping that no one else had heard it before remembering that he was home alone. Even if he wasn't, he had a hunch that his husband wouldn't mind seeing him like this anyways. Another gurgle echoed through his intestines, followed by an unmistakable sensation of gas brewing inside of him. Shane leaned to the side, carefully straining as a short, quick puff rushed out from behind him into his seat. "nhfh.." He grunted, holding back a cough as the scent of digesting pepper poppers lingered in the air.
With a groan, Shane shifted his weight on the couch, the couch creaking underneath him as he tried to sit up straight but ultimately slouched back down, regretting trying to preserve his dignity. His stomach gave another loud growl, followed by a series of smaller rumbles that made him cringe. "Pepper poppers, why do you have to taste so good but hurt me so bad?" Shane muttered to himself, rubbing his belly tenderly.
He knew all too well that they didn't agree with him sometimes. They'd make him feel bloated, gassy, and sometimes even give him heartburn and indigestion depending on how much he decided to pig out, but damn if they weren't worth it. He glanced over at the clock on the wall, realizing that his husband would be home soon.
"I should probably clean up this mess before he gets back", Shane thought, looking at the empty plates and greasy napkins littering the coffee table. He slowly pushed himself off the couch, letting out a small burp as he did so. He paused for a moment, waiting for any more gas to escape before he began to gather up the remnants of his indulgent day. His insides were churning up a storm but nothing else seemed to come out just yet. As he bent over to collect some of the napkins that fell on the floor, another gurgle sounded from his stomach, followed by a sharp pain that made him wince.
"Fuck," Shane cursed under his breath, clutching at his swollen midsection. He straightened up carefully, trying to ignore the discomfort as he made his way to the kitchen. Each step he took sent small tremors through his body, making him hyper-aware of every little movement in his stomach.
When he finally reached the kitchen, he deposited the plate into the sink and napkins in the trash can and took a deep breath, leaning against the counter for support. He couldn't help but feel self-conscious about his bloated appearance. He knew his husband loved him no matter what, but Shane couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.
At this moment, the doorknob jiggled and he heard the front door creak open. It's as if the universe was reading his mind and taunting him. "Hey honey, I'm back! I caught a bunch of neat fish today! I think we might need more Wild Bait though because…" The farmer's words trailed off as he caught sight of Shane in the kitchen, his eyes drifting downwards onto the poor man's swollen belly. Shane could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as his husband's gaze swept over him, taking in the sight of his distress.
"Shane? Are you alright? You look…" the farmer trailed off, concern evident in his voice.
Shane forced a sheepish smile, taking his hand off of his belly, trying to play it cool despite the discomfort. "Urgh.. Y-Yeah, honey, I'm fine, just… *hic* ate too many pepper poppers…" he admitted, quickly going back to rubbing at his stomach again. He could feel the gas building up inside him, threatening to escape at any moment. He hoped that the farmer wouldn't notice, but the man had always been perceptive.
The farmer's eyes narrowed, and Shane knew that he wasn't fooling him one bit. "How many did you have? I mean, I have a whole chest of ingredients in the shed so I can always make you more, but I really thought this time I'd made you enough." he asked, a hint of amusement lacing his tone.
Shane shrugged noncommittally, not wanting to admit the truth. "You did, you made more than enough, sweetie…" Shane paused to let out a belch, only for it to get caught in his throat, the moment passing uncomfortably. "I just… I wasn't paying attention, and I ate more than enough." he mumbled, looking away. No point in feigning innocence now, not if he wanted any help with his developing bellyache.
The farmer chuckled, crossing the room to stand behind him. He wrapped his arms around Shane's waist, pulling him close so that his back was pressed against the farmer's own body. Shane let out a small squeak of surprise, followed by a louder gurgle from his stomach. The farmer's laughter grew louder at the sound, and Shane couldn't help but join in, despite the embarrassment.
"You know they always do this to you, snack-food is supposed to be eaten in moderation, y'know." the farmer said, kissing the back of Shane's neck.
Shane nodded, wincing slightly as another rumble echoed through the kitchen, the cause of which staying irritatingly trapped inside his stomach "Yeah, I know," he replied. "But I couldn't resist. ugh.. They taste so much better after being microwaved." The farmer's hand slid up to rub circles on Shane's distended belly, "Mmhmm, and I bet it's so easy to just keep eating without even thinking about it when they're all… soft and squishy.."
Shane rolled his eyes, the irony of such a description was not lost on him. The farmer couldn't resist teasing Shane some more, rubbing his hands over the swollen belly and giving it a few gentle pats. Shane's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as the movement caused more gas bubbles to form and shift. "You're adorable, you look like you're pregnant, haha! " the farmer laughed, his fingers tracing patterns on the taut flesh "Kidding, haha. Swallowing seems to be your strong-suit no matter the situation, huh?"
Shane tried to play it off, swatting at the farmer's hand weakly. "Stop!" he said between giggles and groans, "It's not funny!" But deep down, he knew that his husband's touch was helping him relax, even if it made things worse temporarily. The farmer was always so attentive, always knowing just what to do to make him feel better. And just what to say to get under his skin and make him squirm.
Just then, Shane's stomach gave a particularly loud growl, followed by a deep, low burp, like a warning signal. "*bhrrruurup*… uh, 'scuse me.." The farmer's grin faltered slightly, his eyes flickering to Shane's face as he felt the tension return to his husband's body. "Oooohohooohhhh… " Shane moaned, clutching at his belly "f-fuck, they're really doing a number on me". The gas was building up inside him, pressing against his insides like a balloon ready to burst. He could feel the pressure increasing by the second.
"Come on," the farmer said, taking Shane by the hand and leading him back to the couch, "Let's get you comfortable."
The farmer sat Shane back down on the couch, his belly jiggling slightly from the effort it took to move. He sat down next to him and began rubbing his hand gently over his stomach, trying to ease the discomfort. Shane leaned back, letting out a couple of hiccups. "Fuck, that hurts," he muttered, trying relax himself. The farmer chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth and amusement as he continued to rub circles around Shane's navel. "Relax, dear. You know the drill by now." He was right, Shane had experienced this kind of thing many times before after indulging in his favorite foods. His stomach was just sensitive.
Or maybe his favorite foods being greasy, cheesy pizza, soda, peppers, and spicy pepper poppers was the culprit behind his frequent tummy troubles- but as he's said before, he'd rather die before abstaining from any of those foods.
As the farmer's hands kneaded gently into the surface of Shane's aching belly, they loosened up a few air bubbles that were previously trapped. Shane's gasps and groans were interrupted by airy little burps. "There we go~" the farmer cooed, enjoying the little moans that followed almost every time his husband burped. For as much relief as they brought him in the moment, more gas was building inside of him rapidly as his stomach tried to digest everything. Shane knew this was only the beginning of what was bound to be a long night. The farmer leaned down, pressing his ear against Shane's stomach, listening to the symphony of sounds emanating from within. "Sounds like your stomach's waging a war on you in there." he joked, his breath tickling Shane's skin. Shane groaned in embarrassment, but couldn't help but laugh a little, too. The farmer always knew how to lighten the mood. But as his nimble fingers dug into the sensitive flesh of his lower belly, Shane's laughter turned into moans of both pleasure and discomfort. He couldn't deny that there was something erotic about this situation, even though he knew it shouldn't be. "*hic-uuurp.. uuurp*... ughhh, feels… so tight.." He whined.
Shane flinched as his intestines let out a sickly rumble, he knew his husband could feel and hear it from the outside. "Just let it out, it's gotta happen at some point" the farmer whispered, his hand now firmly kneading Shane's lower stomach. Shane nodded, biting his lip. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let go. A loud, long fart echoed inside the room, making them both laugh uncontrollably.
The tension dissipated as the gas escaped, and Shane slumped back onto the couch, relieved for a moment "oh fuck, finally.." he sighed. As the minutes passed, Shane's burps became more frequent and less forceful - small puffs of air escaping his lips like a steam engine letting off steam. He shifted on the couch, farting once more. "Buhhhh.. I don't feel good.."
He was a burpy mess. He struggled to speak between them "I'm so *uuurp* bloated" he whined, looking down at himself with disgust. His stomach was round and hard, protruding against his shirt. He felt each gurgle and bubble as his stomach contents churned like a pot of boiling soup- if the soup was made entirely of pepper poppers and grease. He couldn't believe how much he'd eaten - it felt like he'd never be able to move again. *hic…… hic….*
"oh no, f- *hic* fuck.." Shane moaned. each hiccup jostled his already sensitive belly. He put both his hands on the sides of his poor bloated belly, trying to keep it steady while his husband rubbed it. Suddenly, another hiccup shook Shane's frame, only this time it was accompanied by air being forced out after being sucked in by the initial hiccup. His entire body tensed up and he let out a painful groan. "*hic-uuurp* fuck, that h- *hic-uoorrrp* guh… hurts.." The farmer's hand paused mid-rub, looking down at his husband with a mix of concern and arousal "Aw, you poor thing. I can't stop hiccups.. um, just…. Try not to swallow too much air?" Shane whimpered in response "*hic* can't.. help it.. *hic-uuurp* ow… oooohhh.. *hic-uurlp* ow…" "Just hang in there," the farmer reassured him, rubbing his back now. they were both a bit less talkative for a few minutes as Shane groaned in pain. Eventually his hiccups became less frequent, replaced instead by deeper and wetter belches. but the whole ordeal of uncontrollable hiccups still left Shane exhausted. "*buuuuurp* ugggh… so gurgly… *buuuu-ulp* oooh.." Shane managed to say through clenched teeth.
The farmer nodded sympathetically, rubbing Shane's back with slow, comforting circles. He couldn't help but admire the way his husband's belly moved with every burp, the firmness of it beneath his hands. It was fascinating, in a weird sort of way. The farmer moved in closer next to Shane, resuming his gentle massages on his husband's stomach. His hands moved in slow, deliberate circles, trying to coax any remaining gas out gently.
Shane's breathing was deep and labored, his chest rising and falling with each exhale. "ngh… ohhhhh.. *frrrrrt pffffrr-brrpt* ah.." Shane trembled as he felt pressure building near his backside, unable to hold anything back. After a small toot, realizing it was only another fart, Shane actively pushed a little bit, forcing the air out. "Better?" the farmer asked.
The farmer's touch was soothing, his concern evident as he continued to massage Shane's belly. Shane couldn't deny the strange mix of embarrassment and arousal he was feeling - it wasn't everyday someone else got to see him in such a state. But something about his husband's tender massages made him feel cared for and safe. He nodded weakly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Y-yeah.. thank you." He murmured, leaning into the farmer's touch.
The farmer smiled, his thumb pressing against Shane's belly button as he worked his way around the taut surface. The pressure built again, and Shane even try to hold anything in. He let out a long, wet fart, followed almost immediately by a hefty burp. The farmer laughed softly under his breath. "Good boy." He praised, leaning in to plant a kiss on Shane's cheek. Shane's face reddened at the praise, but he couldn't help but feel a spark of arousal at the gentle dominance in his husband's tone. He bit his lip, trying to contain himself as the farmer's hands continued to work their magic. His belly felt a tiny bit lighter now, the gas slowly leaving his body. The farmer's hands moved lower, accidentally brushing against Shane's crotch. He let out a small yelp at the sudden contact, his erection straining against the fabric of his pants almost as much as his belly strained against his waistband.
"Sorry," He mumbled, turning his face away and burying it in his hands. "It's just… you know.. *uuurp* mmph, you.. You're touching me so much.. a-and rubbing me…" he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. The farmer chuckled again, his hand resting lightly on Shane's hip. "It's okay, sweetheart." He said softly, giving Shane's side a gentle squeeze. "We've been married for years, I know how your body works." He paused, his eyes meeting Shane's briefly before looking away. "And honestly, it's adorable."
The farmer's words sent another wave of heat through Shane, his embarrassment giving way to full-fledged arousal. He shifted slightly, trying to adjust himself without drawing too much attention. But it was no use - every movement seemed to shake his overstuffed belly, reminding him of his predicament. He could feel the farmer's eyes on him, taking in every detail.
"W-why are you looking at me like that?" Shane stammered, trying to sound playful but failing miserably. The farmer's gaze softened as he reached out and cupped Shane's cheek, turning his face towards him. "Because I find you incredibly sexy right now," he admitted, his voice low and husky. Shane's eyes widened in shock before a small smile tugged at his lips. He couldn't believe it - he felt like such a mess, but the farmer found him attractive?
Shane's smile grew wider, a sense of warmth spreading throughout his body. He couldn't believe that his husband found him attractive even in such an unflattering state. He leaned into the touch, nuzzling against the farmer's palm like a content cat. The farmer's thumb traced circles on his cheek as they sat there in silence for a few moments, enjoying the simple intimacy between them.
However, the peace didn't last long. With a loud groan, Shane's stomach protested again, reminding them both that he still had quite a bit of digesting to do. He winced, his hand flying to his belly as it spasmed painfully. The farmer's expression shifted back to concern, his hand moving from Shane's cheek to his stomach to comfort him. "Do you need anything else?" He asked gently. Shane shook his head, biting his lip to stifle another burp. He didn't want to ruin the moment, but he couldn't deny the discomfort he was still in.
"Nah.." He said finally, "Just.. *urp* need to let my belly settle.. whoof…" He took a deep breath, trying to calm his stomach. The farmer nodded, his hand continuing to rub soothing circles on Shane's belly. They sat like that for a while longer, Shane burping and farting helplessly. The farmer secretly hoped that the storm outside would continue through the night and into tomorrow. Not for the fishing opportunities, but because maybe he did need a good rainy day off at home.
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wamtorical · 1 year
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Credits to @antiquatedplumbobs for the Antiquated Brindleton Bay save file! It's beautiful - all npc characters (Neighbours etc.) belong to her (Except one infant I added). On another note, my characters are based in England and having researched I realised non wooden paneling didn't and still rarely exists here so we'll consider that the only semi-unrealistic aspect since I really didn't want to remove it.
April 1890
Dearest Charlotte,
I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Elmer and I are doing splendidly, and we hope the same for you. Is the house quieter without me? Do tell us any news.
With the generous sum we've loaned, we have been able to purchase not only the farm but also some farm animals. You must come see. They were all rather expensive but still worth every penny. Our cow we've named Bluebell, and our chickens - well, I simply can't keep track! Two of them are so alike, but our distinct and boisterous rooster has been named Willy by Elmer. It is such a relief to have a steady supply of milk and eggs. No longer do we need to worry about procuring them - do come over so I can lend you a batch.
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The pace of life is delightfully slow, and I must say, I find it quite refreshing. I wake early to prepare breakfast and Elmer sets off to work. Meanwhile, I attend to our farm and animals, relishing in the peacefulness of the countryside. Later on I take a little time for myself, of course, before Elmer returns for dinner, after which we retire for the night. It's the married life I've forever longed for. Brindleton Bay is much different to Windenburg, though I'm sure you've formed an established impression on it from the glimpse of it you saw during the wedding. The streets are tranquil and overrun with more cats and dogs than people, mostly sad-looking strays putting on a face for scraps. The fresh, salty air from the sea is invigorating, I tell you - it is the nicest air I've ever had the luxury of breathing! We have settled into our new home with ease and pleasure.
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Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, Elmer is training as a nurse at our local hospital. It came as quite a surprise to me, after all I've only ever seen female nurses. He says that the training is not as rigorous as that of his female colleagues. Nevertheless, I trust that he knows what he is doing. The money is slowly but surely coming in and the loan should be paid off soon enough.
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In the greener areas I spotted many quaint looking cabins fit for individuals seeking a quiet, solitary life - remind you of someone? Specifically, there's an abandoned one in the very heart of the forest that I believe you would adore. I wish for you to come and see it soon, it's in a great need of renovation and I know you like a good challenge. I miss you so, Char, it's odd being here without you. You're like my other half. Should you could move there, we could see eachother much more frequently.
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You'll be pleased to hear our neighbours are quite friendly as well. I've yet to meet them, but I've heard nothing but good from Elmer. They reside across the street from us and possess a farm that is quite grand in size, fitting for a family of their stature. Their brood is extremely sizable, with several children ranging in ages from infancy to adulthood. You wouldn't believe! It's bizarre. As for myself, starting a family has not crossed my mind. If I were to have children, I fear I would spoil them endlessly. However, Charlotte, you and I know the dangers that it risks. I simply cannot bring myself to face those dangers and Elmer thankfully understands.
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I await your letter with bated breath. Continue praying for me as I pray for you. And Charlotte, please venture out and befriend some of the locals, I'd hate for you to be lonely - or perhaps, as I mentioned earlier, you could move here! it would be a considerable amount of work but you wouldn't need to go through the hassle of taking out a loan. Kindly convey my love and regards to our dear friends back home.
📜 next / previous / first
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I seek romance with my favorite scrimblos. Can I see some general relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki?
Your Wish Is My Command (You have no Idea how happy getting a request made me but I probably went Waaaaaay over board on this)
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Ibuki Mioda
Okay first things first, confession time. Ibuki is one of my favorite Characters, Hell she’d probably be in my top five if Mukuro or Celestia didn't exist (You can take Mikan, Toko, and Jack out of my cold dead hands).
Now, let’s start with the basics
The two of you probably met at some Ma and Pop coffee shop, or Cafe.
It started out just as two people chilling while waiting for their coffee to be made.
But luckily it was a very busy day at rush hour
“Sooooo, what are ya in for?” Ibuki asked you as she hopped her leg in place.
You pocketed your phone and looked her directly in the eye’s before saying with the most serious face imaginable “Manslaughter.”
Ibuki and you went quiet for a moment before you started laughing and said in between chuckles “Calm down miss I’m just messing with you!” 
Ibuki soon joined in on the laughter as well
After that you and her would have little meetups every so often.
During one of these meetups the two of you started talking about what you liked 
And Ibuki had one of her “Happy Freakouts” 
You honest to good thought she was having a seizure because you asked what her favorite genre of music was only to be blasted with more information on metal music than there is on Wikipedia
It was a little shocking honestly
Then she asked you what your favorite genre of music was (Personally I enjoy Desert Rock, and Alternative Indie Rock, Think Queens Of The Stone Age and Arctic Monkeys)
Ibuki then filed that little tidbit of information away for a later date
After this little meetup Ibuki decided that she was going to ask you out soon
And you decided you were going to ask Ibuki out soon too
You know what that means!
“Hey I’ve got something I want to ask you!” You both said to the other at once.
“Oh, sure you go first!” The two of you once more said to each other at once.
You both went quiet before narrowing you both narrowed your eyes and shouted out your favorite Ice Cream flavor at the exact same time.
“Phew, I’m glad we aren’t sayin- OH GOD DAMN IT!!!” You both shouted as you once more began saying the same things.
“Okay on 3 we say the things we wanted to ask each other, I mean we can’t be asking the same thing right!?” You both exclaimed.
“WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME!!!... WAIT WHAAAAAT!!!” You both shouted to each other at the same time as the owners of the Coffee shop shouted “FINALLY!” and Ibuki had another one of her “Happy Freakouts”
But now that the set up out of the way let’s get to those headcanons
Ibuki to me seems like someone who would value emotional openness and affection over physical but only slightly
She gives wonderful hugs
Very respectful of your boundaries, preferences, and limits
That said I hope you don’t mind loud noises and early mornings
This girl loves music almost as much as she loves you and right now she’s working on something to blow you away one day
She likes giving and receiving small cutesy gifts like little animals that go on your keychain or little stickers you could put on your phone case.
She also likes more symbolic things, words of love, acts of service, things that can bond the two of you together.
You are the very first person she will ever let hear her new music (Save for one song but only because it’s something she wants to be perfect)
Her screen saver is a picture of the two of you doing something fun but relaxing together
Ibuki is very respectful of your boundaries and limits, ready to stop something IMMEDIATELY if you ask her to
Her favorite thing to do with you (That isn’t cuddling) Is slow dancing with each other (Which is surprising due to her constant Manic energy)
In summaryIbuki is lady with a very pure definition of love based on mutual respect of boundaries and of the other person in the relationship
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Mahiru Koizumi
You and Mahiru probably met completely by accident 
Either by literally running into each other or because the two of you got shoved together while doing something
 At first neither of you really knew what to say to the other
So one of you decided to blurt out a really shitty joke that the other one completely understood
It snowballed from there into Mahiru asking you if you wanted to grab some food sometime
You opened the door of an old hole in the wall restaurant that looked like it was here before the invention of the car and walked in.
An elderly woman looked up at you before smiling and saying “I assume you are here with Koizumi-Chan correct?”
“O-oh yes I am.” You responded to the elderly woman.
“Well it’s about time that girl got herself someone good for her” The woman said before standing up from her chair and gesturing for you to follow her.
As you followed the lady through the hall leading to what you could only assume was the dining area you noticed that both of the walls were covered in framed photographs that dated back decades
But one picture in particular caught your attention
It was a relatively new photo when compared to the others 
It showed the woman you were following except a decade or so younger
Next to her stood an elderly man which you could only assume was her husband
And on her otherside was what you could only assume was a much younger Mahiru
When you asked her about the photos the woman explained that her family and Mahiru’s mother’s family have been friends going back generations
However before you could ask her to elaborate she shooed you into the dining area where Mahiru was fidgeting
“Mahiru-Chan, your date is her!” The elderly woman exclaimed before turning around and walking back to the front of the restaurant
Mahiru let out a strangled noise before you sat down
This poor girl is about ready to hurl
She is a nervous reck
This is her first time doing anything like this
Please calm her down
Ask her about her hobbies and passions
Or something
After asking her about her hobbies and calming her down things start going well
The two of you really hit it off
Enough to get Mahiru to ask you on another one
So now with the set up done let’s get to the headcanons
To begin with things started off slow
Handholding, little dates and outings, the small things that build a strong foundation to a relationship
When she hugged you for the first time it was a big shock
She nearly killed you
Lazy and Late mornings everyday
This is probably due to the fact she has absolutely no sleep schedule
She loves taking photos of you and the places the two of you visit while she’s at work
She gives you very well thought out and useful gifts
She uses you kind of as a test group on her photos and new styles she’s experimenting with
Her screen saver is actually a pretty clever photo
Her’s shows you holding on half of a heart while yours shows her doing the same
Together your screen savers make a full photo
Her favorite memory of the two of you is when both of you had the same day off and were able to stay in bead nearly all day
In summary Mahiru is the type of person who takes things slow but that's because she wants to make sure everything is perfect with the two of you
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted!-Cosmic
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catesartworks · 1 year
Answering Asks about Isekai Maid! Pt.2
Asks are down below under the cut, and there are a bunch! Some of these are a bit old, sorry I couldn’t get to them in time. ( T w  T  )
Warning, I’m going to talk about topics like stalking, sui//cide, slavery, and domestic abuse. There’s also some swearing in the asks as well. 
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Someone else does it, I have no presence on TVtropes. :P
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Thank you! Yes, I really enjoyed making Phantom in the Mirror, it actually helped me a lot and without it I wouldn’t have a lot of the building blocks to make Isekai Maid.
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I liked Melissa a lot, Yona and Yuri. Wish Yuri/Melissa were endgame, honestly, but I do like Nine too!
As for dislikes, I feel like Nine’s brother was a bit underdeveloped and I wanted them to really dive deep into his character and why he is the way he is. We get some of it in the side stories, but I really feel like there is something missing about him to make him whole...!
I want an anime dang it!
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I think it’s a matter of framing. So much of Otome Isekai in general is about reframing certain scenarios and looking at other character’s points of view. I’m sure that if we were following these characters in a comic/novel, we would be conditioned to accept whatever they do, even if it seems cruel because in this genre many protagonists believe that the ends justify the means as long as they have the excuse of “I need to survive at any cost.”
So Otome Isekai protagonists can justify having servants/commoners dragged away and executed/punished because they “didn’t know their place.” They can excuse things like slavery because “oh well, it’s the world I live in can’t stop it!,” and freely indulge in buying people. And there will be readers who don’t look past the in universe justifications and accept it at face value.
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Yes, Phoebe wanted to make sure that Clara didn’t have any allies. Interestingly enough, the original book that Phoebe and Clara were isekai’d into, “Flowers Thrive in Autumn,” was poorly received by audiences because of the tragedy elements and the ultimate fate of the original Phoebe (dying from domestic abuse) and Clara was one of the most hated characters in the book.
Helen, the reincarnator, was one of the readers who couldn’t stand her and thought that Clara didn’t deserve to have a happy ending because she felt it was at the expense of Phoebe. She was also a fan of the prince character, who was a minor character and she wanted to use him for protection. Phoebe reasoned that if Clara had any help or allies whatsoever that it would cause a butterfly effect and the story would make Phoebe die once again.
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One week. I work a lot of hours, it’s difficult to keep track because it can vary a lot.
I do 15 hours to do sketching, resketching based on the 3D model where I draw over the rendered image and lineart/flats.
6 hours to render the backgrounds in Blender (I have a specific process where I keep the model and size reference and lineart separated and have to save 3 files at a time).
Roughly it takes about 9 hours to add shadows, textures, and effects (5 hours if I book it!).
2-3 hours for writing dialogue, and about an hour and a half before launching the comic online to check for spelling errors.  And that doesn’t count when I have to reupload chapters after the fact when I notice errors, which can extend my schedule by one day or so.
Sometimes it’s more, since my schedule slips up and I don’t pull all nighters anymore (too tiring!).
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Yes, Phoebe is aware that Joshua’s death is an accident. But she felt that Phoebe took most of the brunt of the blame and thinks that Clara should take most of it.
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I think that there are so many things in the world that are normal, like demons being such a real threat where they have to alter funeral practices to keep them from spreading, to magic schools and teleportation, that the idea of reincarnation isn’t too far fetched.
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Thanks! Unfortunately, I have had the displeasure of watching that film for a film class. It wouldn’t surprise me if readers who justify slavery in stories like Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess, would look at Scarlett O’Hara and think of her as an inspiration.
We already have a lot of slavery isekai (which, honestly...why.), and while it breaks my heart that people justify and gush over slaveowners like Penelope and Scarlett O’Hara, it’s nothing new and is a sign that these kinds of stories are doing harm in how we depict human suffering in slavery.
Even back when the movie was released, people thought of Scarlett as a role model, even when she was the face of the exploitation and gleefully participated in the cruelest forms of human trafficking and suffering. As long as it convenient for the protagonist to do so, people will just about justify anything they do.
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Thank you! I find most of my designs from Dover Books, such as “Victorian Fashions: A Pictorial Archive, 965 Illustrations (Dover Pictorial Archive)“ and “Victorian and Edwardian Fashions from "La Mode Illustrée" (Dover Fashion and Costumes)“ You can find them on Amazon or online
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Erica did regret it, and she did try to call it off, but it was too late. Erica at one point, truly did love Clara and thought of her as the daughter she never had, but she was also very subconsciously jealous of her older half sister, Misty (Clara’s mom) and took it out on Clara.
Erica and Misty were half sisters on their mother’s side. Their mother had slept with one of her Limpetta butlers, a man named Calvin, when she was an unmarried woman, and gave birth to Misty, who she adored. But her father forced her to give up Misty to Calvin and had them hidden away.
Her mother was then made to marry a much older man who was very wealthy. She gave birth to Erica, and while she showed her love but it was always underwhelming. When her husband died from old age, her mother wasted no time in finding Clavin again and marrying him, forgoing any inheritance she may have gotten as his wife and instead giving it to Erica.
Erica felt forgotten and familyless, but tried to maintain a relationship with Misty and be friendly with her. They were close, but there was always a lingering estrangement because Erica could tell that her mother loved Misty more than her.
When Misty got married and had Clara, Erica was given the chance to name her. Erica was touched and remained close to Clara. But the resentment still remained, and came again to the surface after she lost her son. She felt that Clara belonged to her more than Misty, and was the last remnant of her son but hated that she was alive while her son was dead.
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I’ve watched both! ( T 7  T   ) Sorry, but I always watch Otome Isekai when it gets an anime adaptation.
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Callisto...🤢🤮 Can’t stand slaveowner characters....I’ll take your word for it, I didn’t like him honestly!
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Yep! She survived the Three Week Riot, her name is Tabitha Nguyen.
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Sorry this answer came so late, but as soon I saw this message (back when the episode was posted) I updated the content warning!
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Pretty much. Clara said in passing to Phoebe that she had other lives, but never elaborated much. Phoebe kind of just assumed that she was also a reader who coincidentally read the same book.
Prince Dimitri’s reason (or justification by the original author) for acting the way he is is due to his mother’s death. As a child, he lived the first eight years of his life as a commoner with his mother, a noblewoman. He was the king of Kolt’s son, and his mother wanted to raise him away from the palace life.
He asked where is dad was, and why he wasn’t with them. While searching for his dad, he accidentally revealed to someone in his village information about his noble mother’s whereabouts and they told the king. This lead to the king tracking them down and forcibly making his mother come back to the palace with him.
In most scenarios like this is Otome Isekai stories, the mother is able to repair her relationship with the king as he will be a good father to his son and she doesn’t have a choice either way (so, yeah, kidnapping and gaslighting). But this story took a deadly turn, as the king threatened to execute her for hiding an heir from him (he thought he was infertile and never took a wife).
He applied so much pressure on her that she broke psychologically. She took her own life. Dimitri felt immense guilt and felt that his want for a father lead to his mother’s death.
As a result of his own guilt, the king allowed him to get away with practically anything, even killing people. But Dimitri later kills his father, and there is a coup within the aristocracy that tries to execute the prince, which is how he is almost killed by assassins and meets Clara, or Phoebe depending on the timeline.
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The thing is, Phoebe did have feelings for Dimitri, but she wasn’t sure his feelings for her were real, or that he was even a real person. Even years into the marriage she felt like this. Phoebe doesn’t think that the people around her as as real as her, think as deeply as her, or have true autonomy. She thinks that she lives in a world fully of puppets.
To her, all she did was be in the same place as Clara and say the same things as her. On one hand, it could mean that Prince Dimitri is his own person who chooses to be with someone different this timeline. But on the other hand, because she did what Clara did, it also means that he could swayed not by the individual actions person who saves him, but falls in love due to someone fulfilling a role and might as well just be a piece of code going through the motions.
To Phoebe, Prince Dimtri, unlike her father, was faithful and that was good enough for her. She wanted an attack dog that could protect her from her bad ending.
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Nope, she’s a different character.
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fae-iii · 9 months
Vaporeon Timelapse (Sort of)
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I saved what I had of my Vaporeon timelapse from the recycle bin and I managed to get it to work! I gave up on using the script at some point because it didn't seem like it was working and I didn't have much faith that I could get it to work, so instead of "Vaporeon Postmortem" this is more "Vaporeon Autopsy." (synonyms, but a little more visceral sounding, imo).
So, what happened?:
my palette is always 4 colors with no transparent because the Gameboy could not do transparency and we're being ✨authentic✨ and ✨professional✨.
white is treated as the "transparent" color.
no layer can have that color.
except the background.
the aseprite-record script flattens all layers to a single layer for export.
there is no longer a background layer.
everything that should be white appears transparent.
I just had to add back that background layer and it automatically applies to all existing animation cells. Also, white was removed from the palette all together, so I just had to switch back to my normal palettes that use white as transparent.
also any other palettes used in the timelapse had to be changed to one of my normal palettes (automatically changing all cells in that palette) and any cells that used other palettes also had to be changed (which would have fixed my Mienfoo animation, I might go back and fix that, maybe)
So there's some things I think are cool in this timelapse:
The head took forever to get done and I remember the body (except for the spine) came together much faster, so you're not really missing much here. I usually spend the longest on the head (or some small detail that's difficult to get right) cuz that's da moneymaker :3, imo.
Example: I draw the tail here and it looks so good that it keeps that shape even when the entire pose changed course.
Man, I wish I had the patience to figure this out earlier. It would've been cool to see my stuff from Vaporeon forward come together after this esp. the Halloween piece. Oh well, best time to plant a tree was yesterday and such.
The pose was originally standing. I didn't have a strong vision, but I knew I wanted to be able to swap it out for the Dissy alt head, so somewhat sleepy, but not asleep for the default Vaporeon so I ultimately settled on a sitting pose. That was my logic at least, I think maybe any pose would've worked, lol.
You kinda see the head pop in after I try to get it right and that's cuz I started working on it in a different file and then cut/pasted it into the main piece cuz I wasn't comfortable focusing on a piece at a time and it didn't occur to me that you can just turn off certain layers (like you see me doing in the Mienfoo timelapse).
Here's me workshopping the neck ruff and spine on a couple "scratchsheets" and you can see I was too sentimental to get rid of the rotated head fin that was ultimately scrapped in the final piece:
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Actually, the head popping in might just be some steps I forgot to record because I think it's missing a lot of stuff from making the head fins as well and I remember forgetting to record some stuff, but idk where.
Idk, is this interesting to anybody, lol, or is this just kinda rambly? Maybe both! It's interesting stuff to me, but I really oughta be working on my next piece for Wednesday and sorting out… other stuff. So goodbye for now!
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rottenbrainstuff · 7 months
BG3 playthrough - chugging through Baldur’s Gate
Mild spoilers below the cut
A million side quests in my journal, slowly chugging through them all… Act 3 is huge and the random little quests all over the place are kind of… like… look it’s a huge amount of content, it’s amazing, but I do prefer act 1, where yes we had less things, but those less things were all integrated better and flowed together. That being said, what’s neat about act 3 is that there’s so many little surprises here and there that I’m finding things I didn’t manage to spoil for myself: like the identity of the Stone Lord, and finding Ethel again.
So first of all… I seem to be having a RANDOM BLOODSTAIN CURSE???
A little while ago I found a large random bloodstain on the ground in town and I was trying to figure out what happened. I assumed maybe it tied back in with the murder trail I was following. When that didn’t seem to be it, I thought maybe I had missed an important event, so I backtracked through my save files and pinpointed when the bloodstain appeared. I still don’t know what happened here though. So I found the spot… in one of my save files in between me talking to the book seller in Sorcerous Sundries, and me going through the portal up to Rolan’s tower, a non-interacting NPC (a refugee) about a block away was standing over the bloodstain with one missing hit point. There’s nothing there in the area that should have caused that. There’s no event, no fight, no interaction, no dangerous thing, it’s so weird.
Then more recently, the very first night I went to sleep in my brand new room at the Elfsong, I woke up to a massive bloodstain all over one of the beds!! Before bed - nothing. Morning - massive bloodstain. What in the heck is going on?
Gale can now summon a deva courtesy of the amazing books in Ramezith’s vault. I like having it out the same time as Wyll’s cambian: my devil dude and his angel pal. Or maybe they hate each other. They were both summoned here while they were trying to eat their lunch and now they’re wordlessly glaring at each other, like two siblings who don’t get along. I love it.
I love all the cats in this game, someone on the dev team loves cats - but also remember to sometimes try interacting with them without using “speak with animals”. I tried petting Malta without it and got kind of a funny narration where they said the cat was pretending to act like they didn’t care, and failing. I have read online that if Baelen isn’t with Derryth in act 3 - either because you didn’t save him from the bibberbang field, or because you gave him the noblestalk mushroom and Derryth left him - you are able to get Derryth to take Malta to live with her??? Between this and finding the letter in her house about how much Derryth wished she married this other guy, I’m feeling pretty sad about saving him, wish instead I had either left him in the bibberbang field or gave Derryth a push to finally leave him. Oh well.
Got to the infamous squiddy romance. Nope, not for me in the end. I mean obviously I TRIED it, just to SEE, of COURSE I did, and got the achievement of shame lmao, but in my actual save game I am not having that. First of all: vanilla and garlic? Uff no thanks. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how the game has described the specific smells of a few different characters (Astarion, Raphael, Mizora, now this), and how every description includes some unpleasant undertone. (well maybe not Mizora who just sounds all around unpleasant lol) But second of all…. My specific tav just is not buying any of this. I’ve been very very wary ever since the big reveal, and this whole little side event just feels to me like more Emperor manipulation bullshit. Oh let’s go to my old room because there’s some equipment there that can help you. Oh wait would you look at that… it’s my old doggy’s collar. And a recipe for my favourite soup. And a present from my mommy. See look at all these things, look at how much humanity I have, oh yeah I guess there’s a weapon and some armor there too. Phew what a great chat, now we trust each other COMPLETELY, right? Oh hey btw I’m totally sexually attracted to you - see just another way we can be intimate, right? What great sex! You trust me completely now right? Ok back to business.
No thanks, not for my tav.
You have the option to ask the Emperor to change back into the old Guardian form… it was nice to see mine one last time, he’s so pretty! If you go this route, the next morning is pretty hilarious. You wake up next to the untransformed mindflayer Emperor with an “ew gross what did I do” face, I took screenshots, I was laughing so hard.
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The face of regret.
I tried going to get Minsc last night but I wasn’t expecting how big the counting house was going to be… I’m leaving it for now and I’ll take a crack at it later. Instead I went and found the hag support group. KLED. Augh Kled, what a sweetheart, why is no one talking about him and why is there no fan art??? I gave Mayrina the wand to resurrect her husband’s corpse way back in act 1 and now I’m wondering if that was a mistake as well… she’s still dragging the body around with her, and poor old Kled says Mayrina is too kind and too pretty for the likes of him. AUGH BABE. I wonder, after I fight Ethel and finish the quest, if Mayrina and Kled might have a chance? Mayrina mentioned that lately she feels like she doesn’t see that little spark of what used to be her husband there in the corpse anymore… I think eventually she’s going to move on and hopefully appreciate this lovely lovely guy who’s there for her without any expectation and things will be great and amazing. Yep, that’s what I’m going with.
I really like the personality the game has put into the “monster” races, the goblins, the bugbears, the hobgoblins. I love how they’re more than just “rarg ebbil”, they’re fun to talk to, they have their own cultures, it makes me sad to kill them quite honestly because under different circumstances I think we could have had fun hanging out.
I love Kled, big and handsome and kind, and the fact that I don’t seem to be able to find a single thing with him on AO3 is a crime and you should all be ashamed.
I've been thinking a lot about post-Cazador Astarion. He's changed so much. Like. Yes ok he's still kind of a loveable bastard, he's still grumbling at me when I give beggars money, wouldn't want it any other way, but he's so honest now, he can be sweet, he can be soft. His pre-spawn backstory is not currently fleshed out. I know there were development ideas that he used to be a corrupt magistrate, and I am honestly ok with that, in fact perhaps I even prefer it. But the actual canon is a blank slate and I find myself wondering about Astarion's softness and honesty, if this is his old personality that Cazador couldn't torture away, growing back like the first hints of green after a forest fire... or if this is something totally new for him, not just healing from Cazador, but that all of the suffering he's overcome and this adventure he's been somewhat unwillingly dragged through have made him a better person than he ever was. Either possibility is neat, I think. I like to think about it. Man I really... I mean I've had this game so thoroughly spoiled for me, and yet I still find things that surprise me - I was really unprepared for act 3 Astarion and what a beautiful personality he has. Man I am so proud of him. My Star. Makes me wanna cry. This game.
Patch 6 still hasn’t been released for Mac… *whine* come on Larian, I want all my fancy kisses before I get to the end of the game…
EDIT: omg I think it was literally JUST RELEASED??? Aaah when’s my next work break, I wanna check it out…
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infinitelyelvish · 11 months
I found a Notes file from my descent into emotional turmoil as I watched the last four episodes of The Clone Wars. Enjoy
But why is the logo red. It's supposed to be yellow 😰
Ashoka's talking to Anakin for the first time since walking away 😭
Anakin's having a whole mental break down over seeing her again.
The graphics this season and episode are amazing. The best visuals for the worst to come.
They're all back together 😭😭
R2 is so excited to see her, poor little guy.
Not Bo Katan pulling the Satine card on Obi-Wan.
The whole 501st standing to attention for Ashoka with her colors and markings on their helmets. Is this the last time they're all not affected by the chips?!
HER LIGHTSABERS?! Is Anakin about to give her her lightsabers?!?!
Commander Rex. He deserved that being more than an on the flu decision.
He did give her her lightsabers back 😭
"I took care of them, they're good as new. Maybe a little better" 😭
"Anakin. Good luck." Is that the last time? I'm so nauseous with the impending last time he'll be Anakin and his first time he'll become Vader to her.
I cannot get over how good the animation is. This is so unfair. They need to go back and redo the entire series.
Rex and Ashoka having moments before battle together. I'm unwell. 
Badass landing!!! Let's go!
"Beat you." I swear if Rex dies or becomes a soulless drone😭
the lack of music during the opening sequence and credits is foreboding.
I wonder if the moment may be upon us.
I’m going to be sick
Dooku is dead. It’s coming.
Tell Anakin. Did he? Did he??? 
I keep having tears well up. I’m unprepared. 18 years and I’m unprepared.
They have Jesse. 
At this point is it a mercy of the clone dies before order 66? That way they still have their own faculties?
If anyone had asked me during season one if I thought I’d become attached to the clones the answer was a resounding no. But now I just want to gather them all to me and hide them like they’re all little ducklings who need protecting. 
Why did Maul want Obi-Wan /and/ Anakin?
What was the dream?!
Maul trying to team up with Ahsoka was extremely unexpected!
She’s going to help him?!
He is the key to everything. To destroy.
She knows. She knows. She knows.
I know Anakin. 😭
It’s looks so real it’s feels like live action
She’s become so strong.
We’re all going to die. You don’t know what they’re doing.
Why is it that the site are telling the truth and no one was ever listening to hear it?
2nd to last episode. This is it. I’m already crying.
I wish I was good at something other than war.
Mace Windu over here pissing me off. Ahsoka knows more!!! Get off your high horse and listen to her!!! 
I’ll tell him myself when I see him. 
Rex is a real one  for not sharing what Ahsoka didn’t with the council.
Saying deserved to see her planet be free.
What ever happened to Korkie??? Did he die and I don’t remember it happening?
Is this box actually force user proof?
Rex and Ahsoka traveling through space, one last time.
She’s saluting him.
Is that the last time? Did I just lose Rex as I’ve known him?
It’s happening. 
He’s trying to fight it
He’s gone. He’s sending them to find her.
The droids are so upset, their people aren’t acting right.
Fives!!! She’s looking up what Fives found, FINALLY!!! 
Stupid Kaminoans. Rex told Padme 🥲
Is it now that the troopers have lost their ability to aim?
Tazing Rex, gotta love droids.
Is she going to be able to save him? Can she save him after the order has been given?
It’s not there 😭
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
They found jt!!!
He’s back!
Oh my god he’s back.
He’s the only one. How many can she save? Can she save more?
Last episode.
Not the monk singing 
Victory and death.
What victory 😭
They’re only stunning. I love my 501st commanders.
The clones are starting to appear in their white uniforms.
Why is Maul destroying the hyper drive? Now they’re just sitting ducks.
If they weren’t trying to kill us I’d be proud. 
What moon are they by? 
There’s no way. There’s no way they’re getting to a shuttle.
There are too many. Besides I don’t want to hurt them.
Loyal Ahsoka.
Rex is crying!!! I can’t. Please. I can’t. 
I love her so much.
They may be willing to die,  but I’m not willing to kill them.
I love these droids so much.
Mail was an interesting villain but if he’s going to steal this shuttle without Ahsoka and Rex on it then I hope he gets forced choked out.
That was a cool move with the force and double lightsabers.
Not the droids popcorning the clones.the droids!!!!
They’re all gone. The entire 501st. 
It’s just Rex now.
They buried them all of them. Their helmets 😭😭😭
She left her lightsaber. I guess they’re not the same since Anakin was the one to return them.
Who are these droids? Why are they in their Hoth gear? 
He found the wreck.
When is this?
He found her lightsaber. Oh my god he knows she’s alive.
Does she know Obi-wan and yoga are still alive??? Does she know that Padme died? Does she know about the twins? I have questions!
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nukenai · 1 year
Well it’s 1am but I absolutely have to finally write one of these posts, don’t read if you don’t wanna be teleported to a sad 1am post of mine from 5 years ago or be consumed by gigacringe (this post is not sad but cw for some as-expected negative mental health stuff/actions I’ll be mentioning, from my past.)
I really don’t think I can even begin to articulate how important Super Mario RPG is to me. When I was a kid - like I’m talking 2006-ish - my Thing(tm) was Earthbound. We didn’t say “fandom” back then. Besides Pokemon and Zelda, it became my THING and I fell so in love with it. A weird part of internet Earthbound culture back then was that you were mad at Super Mario RPG for making Earthbound sell poorly. I know, it’s insane, I was 15 cut me a fucking break.
So yeah that was all intrinsically linked with Smash, obviously. I was online during the pre-release of Brawl days, browsing places like /v/, and there was all this talk of this guy Geno. I didn’t know who Geno was! One time I did a Deviantart Journal “quiz” thing, and one question was, “Who is a video game character you hate?” My response was “I dunno, that Geno guy”. A friend of mine at the time was like “??? Like SMRPG Geno? How could you hate him?” and me being a teenager, I was like well, I’m annoyed that everyone talks about him.
Stuff got weird pretty quickly. An artist I had a goofy little crush on drew Geno. And I went, huh. Okay.
Then Brawl came out. I won’t even get into all of that because this is about SMRPG, but people ripped data off the disks and found unused stuff. Like unused music. I was mad about the unused Earthbound music, and the Ballad of the Wind Fish. Boo!
But then someone made a fun little album, called “Brawl - The Lost Tracks”. They got together “as official as possible” versions of the songs that had gone unused and only existed as text files on the disk. This included Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms (I’ve made angry posts before about how wrong the Cutting Room Floor page is about this track NOT being BTFM - ask me about it sometime and I’ll start screaming)
So one day I downloaded this little album. And I remember exactly where I was sitting, I listened to a couple of the EB songs like yeah, alright. Then there was a nice remix of the ballad of the wind fish. Then I saw beware the forest’s mushrooms and I thought, well. Why not. It’s a song. I like music.
It was the official arrange from the arrangement album. Until Memoria it was 100% the most beautiful rendition of the song to ever exist. And I lost my goddamn mind. I had never heard a song so gorgeous and I was instantly so upset with myself for being such a stubborn dork about SMRPG for so long (imagine that, me, stubborn!!)
So it all kinda hit me like a truck. I remember the day I first saved a piece of Geno fanart, like a day after I heard the song, and I was GOT. I thought oh, maybe he’s kinda cute, and it all just spiraled into hell. When I was a kid I was all into people drawing him as a Cool Anime Bishounen, but now I’m extremely cool and am like “Doll only, please!” unless it’s the goofy cute human design I have for him. But really I prefer doll. ANYWAYS.
During my high school years my life was... uh, rough. I was dealing with domestic violence in my home and we were more than once kicked out of our house and had to scramble to find a place to stay temporarily. While I was still just going to classes. I wound up failing my 11th grade English class because I often didn’t have access to a computer with internet or a printer and couldn’t do my assignments. My teacher didn’t ask why I was suddenly not finishing assignments, she just failed me. I went to summer school and it wound up being one of the best experiences of my life though. So, you know.
Throughout all this bullshit I like, had Geno. I had a reason to look up at the starry sky and make wishes and track meteor showers. It was something to like, keep my going again. Unsurprisingly I was DEEPLY struggling with my mental health. I was self-harming, and was just in general doing Very Fucking Not Great and felt like I had nowhere to turn. To this day my family like, doesn’t let me talk about this situation, and I received no help or support from any of them during this. Things are better now, but holy fuck, man. It was just my mom and I dealing with domestic violence and homelessness and no one was helping us.
But I had him. I had the “will he be in Smash someday?” shit. I had the Smash speculation community. I had SMRPG fans who were all like-minded cool people who loved how much I loved Geno, because they loved him too! He was like a fucking life raft for me in one of the worst periods of my whole existence and always felt like an anchor when things were spiraling out of control.
And it feels so corny to talk about it, because oh Nuke, you’re always dramatic about characters. But damn, did it fucking hurt when “friends” were just straight up fucking mean to me about Smash stuff for years on end. Damn did it hurt when I tried to express how important this shit was to me, and it was written off as me being ridiculous about a Video Game, you know? Would therapy have been good? Maybe. I tried it as an adult after being pressured into it by my ex and it was an actual nightmare because the only therapist in my area with hours compatible with my job who took my insurance was like 24 years old and told me straight to my face she didn’t want to talk about things I liked because she didn’t understand them. So maybe not! But I had this something, something so important to me, and it felt like everyone around me was so fucking Tired of me caring so much about something. It felt like everyone was tired of ME. And I was tiring of myself too, and it fucking sucked! It really did.
A couple years ago I finally let go of all the rage and sorrow in my heart and I’ve been doing so, so well. I found myself so suddenly surrounded by people who fucking care about me, and who are like “Oh, I don’t know that character, tell me about them! You love them so much!”, and people who invite me over to their house to just sit and watch Transformers or build model kits. People tell me to my face “I don’t think you’re annoying” when I compare myself to Rodimus, and I get actively invited to things. Wow! It’s been so fucking NICE. It sucks to have such nightmares in my past to compare this all to, but man, the difference is insane.
So it’s like. I wanted this to happen years ago. I wanted them to announce a SMRPG remake, or something, a few years ago when I was at my worst, when people were treating me like shit, when friends of my SO were being huge assholes to me only for my SO to say “hmm I think you’re making that up because you’re dramatic”.
But it didn’t. And I got through everything with my own strength. And now I’m at my absolute best, and I get this now. I get it once I’ve moved past all those miserable negative people who treated me like garbage. I don’t have to rub it in their faces and be like “Look, I got this far, I’ve made it and I won over all the SHIT”. Because none of them are here anymore and they don’t matter to me.
I got so many messages across all my social medias, even from people who I haven’t actually spoken to in some time (but still exist in internet circles with, you know how online friendships are), so many people saying oh my god, Nuke, I’m so happy for you, holy shit congratulations, this is amazing I can’t believe it.
I love you all so fucking much, I love Super Mario RPG so fucking much, all of you and this game are so important to me I don’t even know if 4k more words of rambling nonsense can express it. I am at such a good place in my life now, I want to spread that positivity and do my best to be good to people and to the world that has been so good to me these past few years. Despite how this year started, it hasn’t felt like a negative shroud over me. Just another challenge to overcome, and I’ve overcome literally everything put in front of me so far. Nothing is phasing me anymore and I’m doing so GREAT.
I’m so happy the remake is happening at a time when I’m at my best. I didn’t need anyone to save me before, and now this will just lift me higher. And I can truly enjoy it, as a joyful gift, as opposed to hoping it will be a life raft getting me out of a flood. I can truly enjoy it for what it is and what it’s meant to be.
A beautiful, delightful, very funny little video game, about Mario and all his weird little friends.
I don’t think I’ll even mind having to say goodbye to Geno at the end, again. Because I know now, there’s nothing stopping him from coming back.
And hey, SMRPG’s not a very long game. I can always replay it. And Geno will always be there.
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papiliotao · 2 years
rei oh my god your writing is so beautiful 😭 I think I could read it over and over and never get bored because of the details and your way with words !! I look forward to your future works
I was looking at your carrd (which is so pretty btw with kokomi) and the about you post and PLEASE your interests >>
yttd <3 who's your favorite character in it if you could choose one? I want to play it again since I haven't played the most recent part but I forgot how to load a save file so 😰 I'm too lazy to restart 
I'm so jealous of you being a cat owner </3 they're so cute I can't trust people who don't like them without a genuine reason behind it, are there any other kinds of animals you have had/want to have as pets in the future?
okay I'll now head off to sleep !! have a wonderful day or night YEAHH I had a lot of fun talking with you today, and also no hard feelings if this ask takes a while to respond to, i understand that socializing can be draining so take your time <33
Fellow yttd enjoyer??? My favourite character would probably be Reko (she’s awesome) or Alice!! Honestly, I don’t know what it is about them, but I love both of them. Ranmaru is cool as well though (I have a bit of a bias for characters with white hair /hj)
ALSO YES CATS <333 even my friends who are allergic to cats love cats lmao (they wish they didn’t have allergies)
I’ve had hamsters and fish in the past, but this is my first time owning a cat! She’s so cute though 😭 she sleeps on my bed!!! In the future, I want MORE CATS!!!!!!
Anyway, thanks for enjoying my writing and being an amazing person in general <3 au revoir
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mainsstaff · 2 years
Backbreaker pc download
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#Backbreaker pc download how to#
#Backbreaker pc download license#
#Backbreaker pc download download#
The game process is broken into two modes: Revenges and Tackle Alley Mode.Īs well as the existing spin and juke moves, you can now jump and truck. You are waited for by new and realistic movements of players and fans, new maps for the game, some new modes and at last, convenient game management! Estimate how sometimes it is difficult to pass a ball to other player, seeing healthy fellows running on you! During the game there’re different awards for performance of certain actions. I think it might be pretty cheap soon, if it's not already on sale.Backbreaker 2: Vengeance – American soccer with improbably beautiful graphics, simple management and a dynamic gameplay. I probably shouldn't have bought it on release, as it was still $50, but oh well. Now that it looks like both are out there, I'm ready to get back into it and see if I can get my money's worth of the game.
#Backbreaker pc download download#
I was waiting to play more of it once I could download a save file that had all the NFL teams created, and that editor. So, did anyone else bother picking this game up? I haven't played a whole lot of it, but I enjoyed it. The forum over at Operation Sports for rosters:
#Backbreaker pc download how to#
The reason it's only for 360 so far is because of some process of signing/resigning save files to make them work in the game, and they haven't figured out how to do it for PS3 save files yet, or it isn't possible to get around the encryption? Something like that. In addition, someone has created a PC-based editor to manually change the number ratings for players, so you can fully customize players or teams as you wish. If you have the Xbox 360 version of the game, some fine fellows over at Operation Sports have taken it upon themselves to create edited save files that contain all 32 NFL teams already made and customized in Backbreaker. You can't edit team attributes specifically, like the number ratings and all that for individual players, but you can edit team tendencies, overall skill level, colors, logos, uniforms, and things like that. It's very similar to the livery editor in Forza Motorsport 2 and 3. One way around it in Backbreaker is that it features a pretty robust Team Editor.
#Backbreaker pc download license#
Now, not having the NFL license is pretty much a killer deal that stops most football games from being anywhere near as successful as Madden. It's even an iPhone game that maybe some of you have tried. Running with the ball is probably the most fun thing to do in the game, which is probably why they have that "Tackle Alley" game mode where all you do is avoid people trying to stop you from reaching the end zone. The camera does make it harder to pass, while the running game isn't drastically hampered. I think it takes away from the fun, though.ĭefense isn't impacted so much by the angle, since there is a lock-on button to make you focus on the ball. It makes it tough to see the field, but I guess it would be slightly more "realistic" in that way. It's like the Superstar camera from Madden or NCAA, where you are put more behind the player rather than high in the sky. One of the major issues I have with the game is the limiting camera angle that they put you in. It makes for a more realistic feel, even though the player models make everyone look kind of ridiculous, and the uniforms don't help. Tackles will happen according to how the physics engine determines it. This means there aren't any pre-canned things you'll see repeatedly and require players to teleport or move unnaturally to fit into the animation system. The defining characteristic of the game, of course, is that it is a physics-based game, unlike EA's football titles where it is mostly animation-based. However, for a first go around at penetrating the football market that is dominated by EA, I think NaturalMotion's got a nice idea in Backbreaker, even though it ultimately feels like the game is not much more than a glorified tech demo. These include the lack of NFL license, or any real-life players at all, the crappy unchangeable camera angle and just overall lack of polish compared to Madden, which isn't the best example of such a thing but it's the only real thing to compare to. I was going to create one a couple weeks ago when the game released, but I forgot to do it.Īnyway it's been out for a short while now, and I'm sure sales haven't been that great because of the flaws and limitations of the game. After creating the thread about NCAA 11 Football demo, I just realized there was no thread yet about Backbreaker yet.
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trustswitch · 2 years
Backbreaker pc download
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To run PS3 games on your computer, you need to install a PS3 emulator first.
To use and download PS3 ROM and iso, You can follow the following steps listed below. It is available for platforms like PC, android, and ios.
For PS3 ROM download and PS3 iso download, you can use the download link provided on our website. In addition, the library of playable games has increased significantly too, providing downloaders with more options. Presently, various emulators run downloaded PS3 ROMs and PS3 iso smoothly. I think it might be pretty cheap soon, if it's not already on sale.Not long ago using PS3 ROM and PS3 iso to emulate games was an unthinkable process, but we have moved very far from that point. I probably shouldn't have bought it on release, as it was still $50, but oh well. Now that it looks like both are out there, I'm ready to get back into it and see if I can get my money's worth of the game. I was waiting to play more of it once I could download a save file that had all the NFL teams created, and that editor. So, did anyone else bother picking this game up? I haven't played a whole lot of it, but I enjoyed it. The forum over at Operation Sports for rosters:
The reason it's only for 360 so far is because of some process of signing/resigning save files to make them work in the game, and they haven't figured out how to do it for PS3 save files yet, or it isn't possible to get around the encryption? Something like that. In addition, someone has created a PC-based editor to manually change the number ratings for players, so you can fully customize players or teams as you wish. If you have the Xbox 360 version of the game, some fine fellows over at Operation Sports have taken it upon themselves to create edited save files that contain all 32 NFL teams already made and customized in Backbreaker. You can't edit team attributes specifically, like the number ratings and all that for individual players, but you can edit team tendencies, overall skill level, colors, logos, uniforms, and things like that. It's very similar to the livery editor in Forza Motorsport 2 and 3. One way around it in Backbreaker is that it features a pretty robust Team Editor.
Now, not having the NFL license is pretty much a killer deal that stops most football games from being anywhere near as successful as Madden. It's even an iPhone game that maybe some of you have tried. Running with the ball is probably the most fun thing to do in the game, which is probably why they have that "Tackle Alley" game mode where all you do is avoid people trying to stop you from reaching the end zone. The camera does make it harder to pass, while the running game isn't drastically hampered. I think it takes away from the fun, though.ĭefense isn't impacted so much by the angle, since there is a lock-on button to make you focus on the ball. It makes it tough to see the field, but I guess it would be slightly more "realistic" in that way. It's like the Superstar camera from Madden or NCAA, where you are put more behind the player rather than high in the sky. One of the major issues I have with the game is the limiting camera angle that they put you in. It makes for a more realistic feel, even though the player models make everyone look kind of ridiculous, and the uniforms don't help. Tackles will happen according to how the physics engine determines it. This means there aren't any pre-canned things you'll see repeatedly and require players to teleport or move unnaturally to fit into the animation system. The defining characteristic of the game, of course, is that it is a physics-based game, unlike EA's football titles where it is mostly animation-based. However, for a first go around at penetrating the football market that is dominated by EA, I think NaturalMotion's got a nice idea in Backbreaker, even though it ultimately feels like the game is not much more than a glorified tech demo. These include the lack of NFL license, or any real-life players at all, the crappy unchangeable camera angle and just overall lack of polish compared to Madden, which isn't the best example of such a thing but it's the only real thing to compare to. I was going to create one a couple weeks ago when the game released, but I forgot to do it.Īnyway it's been out for a short while now, and I'm sure sales haven't been that great because of the flaws and limitations of the game. After creating the thread about NCAA 11 Football demo, I just realized there was no thread yet about Backbreaker yet.
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skenpiel · 3 years
so fucking pissed. oh i am SO fucking pissed. im gonna go hold my big clown doll and have it sing to me so i wont be so pissed.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
hmmm can vampires get sick? maybe sick vampire chris thinking Jake is gonna pull out or file down his fangs? or just thinking Jake’s gonna hurt him?
CW: Sick whumpee, vampire whumpee, blood drinking, vague implications of past sadistic/creepy whumper, dehumanization, vague tooth/mouth whump (nothing direct, but aftermath)
Sort of a sequel to this piece, part of the Vampire Chris AU
"What hurts?" He keeps his voice low, and carefully doesn't hesitate before he lays a hand over the vampire's forehead. Of course it feels lukewarm, room temperature, but he still goes through the motions of feeling for a fever. It's muscle-memory, instinct, and he keeps forgetting Chris is dead.
He has been dead for a long time, if his occasional comments on what sounds like Prohibition are true.
"Bones," Chris whimpers, twisting where he lays in Jake's bed. There's a bright flush in his cheeks from the blood he'd drained from the two men who broke into the house. Those odd eyes glitter, overbright. "My... m'bones hurt, Jake."
His mouth opens, pulling air in over his tongue and down his throat in soft pants, and Jake is reminded that vampires don't sweat. Not the same way, anyway, although with enough blood they can, in thin sheens of pink-tinged liquid that are even more alarming than their tears.
His fangs are visible this way, razor-sharp canines that come down further than the rest of his teeth, a brighter white than all the others from being pulled and regrowing so many times.
Jake swallows against his nervousness, brushing hair away from the vampire's forehead. His slit pupils are dilated, taking up too much of the iris, and he tells himself that Chris is as scared as he is of the instincts that drive him, barely understands them.
Vampires aren't animals - but when they don't understand themselves, they act like it sometimes.
"Do you think maybe those guys were on something? Like, a drug maybe?" He pets through Chris's hair, fingercombing his hair, and watches Chris's eyes flutter closed.
It's hard not to feel more than a little reassured not having to look at them any longer. Which makes him feel guilty, considering this not-a-kid kid just beat up people for hurting him.
Killed them, his brain whispers. Killed them like he could kill you.
"May, maybe," Chris mumbles, and pants again.
His gums seem oddly dark, where normally they're pale, and Jake frowns. He wishes now he knew more about vampire physiology, that he'd paid more attention in class when they took the safety courses on how to avoid them.
There's not exactly a class on caring for one - not unless you can afford to purchase them outright.
"Well, when you were-... uh, before you found us... did you ever feel like this?"
Chris's eyes blink slowly back open and he nods. "Sometimes. My, my, my, my-... someone would, um, take something before, before the party, and I'd..." He groans and shudders. Jake can see the pain move through his body as he trembles nearly violently. "I'd feel like, like, like this after... for hours..."
"Okay. So... probably you just have to let this get worked out of your system, right? Or... is there a medicine?"
"No... just... just drink more." Chris looks up at him, eyes so wide and sad and scared and hurting, and grabs onto his wrist with one hand. Those cool fingers are never not a little startling, colder than the air around them, than the rest of his body.
Vampires have poor circulation, Jake knows, even when they're filled up on a fresh meal. He's seen Chris heal his own wounds before with his tongue, had him explain that they don't heal on their own with time if they're on hands or feet.
"You, you, you, you-... can, um, you can take my teeth after. You can. I'll hold still. I'll, I'll be good." Chris's plea is barely a whisper.
His nails, which must have been a little too long when he was killed and turned, dig painfully into Jake's wrist in his desperation.
"I'll be so, so, so so so so good, Jake. So good for you, and then, you can, you you you can take my teeth-... Sir always liked it, it makes me me me cry, we we cry blood, Sir liked to take photos of it-"
"Sssshhhh. Hush, Chris." Jake's mind races. There are others in the house, but-... he can't ask them to give up blood to Chris. They've already taken over cleaning the blood up from the hardwood floor. Nat's already dealt with talking to the cops and the EMTs and the coroner before the bodies were taken away. They already handled hiding Chris in a false-backed closet while Jake was interviewed by police officers who looked interested and excited,, not disturbed.
It's not every day you see a vampire attack, after all.
Mostly they're under control, kept on leashes and muzzled like dangerous dogs, the property of rich celebrities looking for novelty in a world where they already have everything. The few ferals are killed pretty fast.
Or so everyone says.
Jake is starting to wonder if there are more vampires out there than he knows about.
The cops had even insisted on checking the attic, as if Chris was a bat they might find hanging upside down. That had been ridiculous, but it's not like Jake could say he knew better without being asked how he knew so much about them in the first place.
Oh, because we keep one like a stray fucking puppy. That wouldn't go over well.
He feels a little woozy from the adrenaline crash, and still aches from the bruised ribs where he was kicked around. His mouth aches from the duct tape they'd put over it, and he'd got a hell of a rash starting around his wrists. He's so exhausted he might collapse.
But... Chris really did show up right on time, and maybe saved his life.
Chris pulls Jake's wrist to his face, nuzzles into the inside of it against the pale blue veins that show through the thin skin. Jake shudders at the feeling, swallowing back a low-level disgust.
He wonders how old the teenager really is - he wonders that all the time.
"You c-can have my teeth, after," Chris whispers, lips moving against Jake's skin. "You can keep them. Sir used to, to, to keep them in a box and show m-me. Just, please, please help me feel better, Jake, please... It won't hurt."
Jake closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "If it'll help... fine. But I'm not taking your teeth. They're yours."
"Thank you," Chris breathes out. "That's, that's, that's okay. I can still fix it for you. Thank you, Jake." His fangs slip back into Jake's skin as easily as a heated knife through warm butter.
The venom hits his bloodstream before the pain hits his nerves, and Jake feels himself slump over, head falling onto Chris's shoulder as all his limbs go dead.
It almost feels good, as his ribs stop aching, and the bruises stop throbbing on his skin. He can see why rich people love it as a party drug. You could drift in this place of perfect no-pain for a long, long time.
He feels only the wet movement of Chris's tongue, the shift of his fangs, the soft pressure of the other teeth pushing down. Chris purrs softly, drinking his blood like a kitten lapping milk.
It goes on and on, and for one terrifying second Jake thinks he's not going to stop until he's dead.
"Ch-... Chris-"
Those fangs slip suddenly out of his skin, the wet cool tongue licks rough over his wounds - closing them instantly.
The venom slowly fades, the aches and pains settling back into his body. Jake groans, feeling weak and exhausted.
Chris has to push him up off his shoulder, with unnatural strength moving him to lay on his side on the bed. Jake can barely keep his eyes open.
Chris, leaning over him, could rip his throat out and he couldn't even raise a hand to try and defend himself right now. Jake sees the body of the first dead robber behind his eyelids, the expression of horror written in eternal rictus in his expression, the blood down his shirt and puddled beneath him on the floor. The other man, fighting until he stopped, slumping until Chris had drained him to death.
"I feel better," Chris whispers, kneading at Jake's shirt briefly. "I, I, I feel so much better. Go to, um, go to sleep, Jake. I'll fix it so you're safe."
Jake can't even begin to understand what that means before he's already slid into something more like unconsciousness than actual sleep. The world around him simply goes black, and the last thing he feels is Chris pulling a blanket up to his chin.
The last thing he hears is those soft padding footsteps leaving the room.
When he wakes, he finds two fangs, pristine white with bloodied roots, sitting in a washcloth next to where his head lays on the pillow. he finds a pair of small pliers on the bathroom sink, with droplets of red around them.
The sun is shining outside the window, a bird singing loud enough to drive a drillbit into his head, and Chris is curled up asleep in the dark at the back of a closet, mouth slightly open.
Jake stares down at the empty spots where his fangs should be, and wonders if he's grateful, or horrified.
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband
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nat-20s · 3 years
for @jonmartinweek THE FINAL DAY prompt- Pining/Longing. This one takes place, well, you’ll see
A Study of Longing, Told in Six Parts
Part 1
Martin wonders if he’ll ever get to a point in his life where kindness doesn’t feel like a shock to the system. It’s already surprising enough when Tim and Sasha invite him for drinks in a genuine offer of friendship, but for that kindness to come from Jon? Martin has no idea what to do with being believed, let alone being protected.
And now here he is, blearily opening his eyes only to find himself staring at a mass of hair. As he sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes, the shape resolves into the form of one Jonathan Sims. He had apparently fallen asleep with his head cushioned on his arms, against the cot Martin was currently occupying. It’s not an image that Martin can fully process at the moment, so instead he debates whether or not to wake Jon up or quietly get off the cot to let him get some much needed sleep. He decides on the former, both thinking that it would be hell on his back to keep sleeping in that position, and that he would like an explanation.
Hand hovering above Jon’s shoulder, but not fully touching, Martin oh so quietly calls out, “Jon?”
That’s all it takes for Jon’s head to rush up with a gasp, glasses askew, and with the texture of his sleeves pressed in red marks on his face. It is a horribly endearing look. “Hrn?”
Martin opens his mouths, closes it, and waits for Jon to get his bearings. Jon smooths down his (frankly ridiculous) sweater-vest, adjusts his glasses, and slips back on his professional demeanor. “My apologies, Martin, I, ah, must have fallen asleep.”
Glancing to the crappy little digital clock resting on a file box next to him, Martin rolls his eyes. Only Jon could be quite so stuffy at 4:32 in the morning. “No apologies needed. Though, um, was there? Something you needed or..?”
Jon shakes his head and stands up, dusting off imaginary grime. “No, no, nothing like that. I had just, er. I had heard you cry out and I- I wanted to make sure nothing was going on. It appears that it simply a nightmare,so I will be.. taking my leave. Now.”
He doesn’t know what part of himself replies, “Oh! You don’t have to go!,” but he replies it anyway. Jon does that little thoughtful frown at him, which forces him to continue, “I mean, if you wanted the cot. For sleeping. I’ll probably be awake for the rest of the night, so, you know, no skin off my back .”
“Ah. No, that’s quite alright, Martin. Try to get some more sleep, there’s still a long work day ahead.”
Jon doesn’t even wait for a response before turning on his heel and leaving. Martin sort of hates how much he wanted him to stay.
Part 2
Jon is laughing. Jon is terrified, all the damn time, and yet, somehow, he’s laughing. Honestly, he was starting to wonder if he was still capable of it. Martin is gesticulating wildly with his fork, animated in a way that Jon’s only ever seen when in they’re in the middle of a rather silly debate. He thinks this lunch’s topic was something like whether or not snakes were cute? He lost the thread of conversation about half an hour ago, honestly. Covering his mouth, he lets the giggles run through his whole body, shaking his shoulders and heating his core. He feels light, heady, like he’s reminiscing with an old friend and they’re both on the edge of having had too much to drink.
He only wishes he could trust this feeling. He wishes that he could trust Martin, that they were normal coworkers having a normal lunch, that the previous person in Jon’s position had gone into an easy retirement instead of being violently murdered. He wishes he hadn’t read that letter telling him, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Martin, Martin, who took him to lunch and brought him tea and seemed so very warm in so very cold circumstances, was lying to him.
Jon stops laughing.
Part 3
Of course, the second his body hits the simultaneously stiff and weirdly lumpy motel mattress, his phone goes off. It may only be about 8 pm, but he’s tired, and he’s sore, and he’s had a persistent headcold for the past week for some unholy reason, the last thing he wants to do is talk. However, only about four people have the number to the burner cell, and they’re almost certainly have a purpose behind their call.
Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh that turns into more of a groan, he picks up on the 4th ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, Jon! It’s Martin, I’m not sure if you have my number programmed in that phone, or if it even has caller ID if you do. Anyway, it’s been about a week since I’ve heard anything, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t, y’know, dead or arrested or anything.”
His previously tense and aching muscles all relax, without him consciously deciding to relax them, and a sleepy smile spreads across his face, because some time in the past year he’s become a parody of himself. Yes, maybe he should be more affronted by how much Martin’s tinny voice brings him comfort, but he’s had a rather terrible time of things since...since he began work in the archives, really, and he’s worn down enough that he can admit he misses his friend.
Huh. Friends. They are, aren’t they? Wonder when that happened. (He can guess, something involving a fake CV admission, but he doesn’t feel like it right now.) “Martin, I recognize your voice, no need to introduce yourself.”
“Right! Yes, uh, ‘course..of course you can. Right. Sooo...I take it you’re not dead, then.”
“Correct. I haven’t been arrested, either.” It’s only sort of a comforting lie, so Jon thinks it can be forgiven.
“Good. Great! Yeah, that’s...that’s good.”
The conversation could probably end there. Jon could probably tell Martin good night, and they’d hang up, and Jon could get the sleep he had been so desperately craving not moments ago. Somehow, he thinks that neither of them want that. Scrambling for something to talk about, Jon replies, “Hang on, isn’t it something like 2am over there?”
“It...might be.”
“What! It’s not like you have a monopoly on bad sleeping habits. Besides, I was up anyway, and I just..”
“Just what?”
“I just missed your voice.”
Oh. Heat rushes to his cheeks, and tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes, and god. He had missed Martin’s voice too. “Really? I know you’ve had to listen to a fair number of tapes lately, thought you might be sick of it by now.”
“No. I mean, I am a bit tired of tapes, honestly, but even the ones that you recorded, that not really your voice, is it? I mean it is, but it doesn’t sound like you when you’re actually, um, you. I wanted..I wanted to hear you.”
Jon’s far too worn out to deal with that sentiment, and the way that it makes his heart clench. So instead  of addressing it, he says, “I am very close to being asleep.”
“Oh. Right, sorry, I’ll let you go-”
“No! No. Um. Would you mind staying on the line? Until I’m gone? I-I like hearing your voice. As well.”
“Oh! Sure, yeah, definitely. Anything in particular you want me to talk about?”
“Whatever you like. Something nice?”
“All right. I can do that. Um. Did I tell you about this little yarn shop I found the other day. It’s called ‘Puttin’ on the knitz’, and it’s…”
Jon peacefully drifts off, listening to the voice of the man who he can only admit in moments such as these, he wishes was in this bed, laying beside him.
Part 4
please come back please come back for the love of god come back I can’t believe you’re doing this do you have any idea how stupid this is come back to me come back come back come back
Part 5
There is plenty of things to long for in the apocalypse. A decent cuppa. The relief of actual sleep. Murdering Jonah Magnus. For there not to be a apocalypse. They are grateful, however, to not have to long for each other.
Part 6
Martin comes to without a knife in his hand, or bloodstains on his clothing. Those, under other circumstances, would be good things.
Martin comes to, laying in the grass, without anyone beside him. He barely has the moment to feel agony spike through him before he’s out once more.
There are no Jonathan Sims admitted to the hospital. As far as he can tell, no one was admitted into the hospital at the same time as him, and certainly no one with a stab wound.
There are thousands of ‘Jonathan Sims UK’, typed desperately into a library computer search bar, wielding mostly results about a sport manager and a romance novelist. None of the images are of the right person.
Sometimes Martin puts one foot in front of the other, carefully blank in heart and head. Surviving, even  during times that he’s not sure he wants to, is one of his greatest abilities.
Sometimes Martin despairs.
On the worst nights, he tries to call the Lonely back to him, tries to be swallowed whole. It never works. He’s not sure if it’s because the fears aren’t in the reality or if they’re not established enough to have any leverage or if his connection has simply been broken. (He doubts the last reason. He hasn’t been this alone since Tim’s funeral. Even then, Melanie had thrown a few stilted condolences towards him. No one is aware enough of him to give condolences now. He misses Melanie. He misses all of them. He misses Jon like a gaping, bleeding wound misses skin.)
Seven months later, and he has enough money saved and identity built that he moves on to Scotland. The little village they had been adjacent to exists in this reality. Daisy’s cottage does not.
On a whim, he enters the yarn shop. He’s not going to pick anything up, hobbies are the last thing he can focus on, but it’s nice to look. To feel the various textures, to take in the rich variance of colors, to, hopefully be present in his own body, if only for a moment.
Martin steps in. The bell chimes. He’s there. Standing in front of him. Whole. In a cry that’s closer to a gasp, he calls out, “JON!”
Jon turns, looks up at him, recognizes him even before he’s even fully seen him. It’s his Jon, he’s here he’s here he’s here. The callback of “MARTIN!” sounds like it was punched out of him, the start of a sob and a laugh all at once.
In a blink, they’re together, their embrace a tangle of limbs, a collision of lips, a mixture of tears. Martin can’t tell which of them is saying the litany of “thank god thank god thank god” and who’s repeating “it’s you it’s you it’s you.”
It’s Jon that’s telling him, “I knew you had to be here. I knew it, because I kept thinking. Surely. Surely this new universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to allow me to live, but to make me live without you.”
It’s Martin that replies, “I didn’t know. I thought it would be that cruel. Please don’t make me go through that again.”
Jon pulls him in tighter, eliminating the centimeter of space between them. Speaking into Martin’s neck, whispered in fierce devotion, Jon promises, “Never again. Never again. You and me. Together. For the rest of our lives.”
Barely discernible through his sobbing, Martin tells him, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
There are people that think that wanting is more worthwhile than having. Martin thinks, frankly, that those people have never been in love.
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