#i will protect that bundle of sunshine
aieevee16 · 9 months
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I will protect Sunshine with my life.
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Yandere King Naga // Part 1
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Thinking about living in the forest once you’ve transmigrated to another world. Instead of getting caught up in some romance plot or adventure you decide to just live in a little cottage. Where you catch and cook your own food, making some passive income when you do venture into the town. On your way back from one of these trips you happen upon a little bundle crying on the dirt path.
“Oh my, who forgot you little sunshine?”
You smile when their crying ceases when you lightly rock them, beginning to notice a few odd-looking patches on their cheek. Then when those tiny eyes finally open little slits look back up at you while their mouth with little budding incisors open to coo at you. All of it leads to you opening up the bundled wrappings around them to find a wiggly and stubby little snake’s tail. It is then you make the perilous decision to raise this little naga in secret. 
In this world, you could tell it wasn’t advanced enough to accept monsters or anything not human into the community. That you might be branded a monster as well just for caring for the creature. Nonetheless, you rationalize that this is perfect for your forest life–where you’re more likely to meet other monsters than humans. Thus your life with this little one begins and you thank his naga-biology that he grows up fast. 
“I caught a mouse! Are you proud of me!”
“Yup, I’m real proud! Now come on you need a bath.”
But not too fast. Life is good for a while while you tend to the house your little one—Nox ventures to the perimeter of the forest to play before returning to you. He is still a child. Things go on normally until he comes slithering to you with snot in his nose, tears in his eyes, and babbling through tears. Hugging and holding him you check for injuries and when you find none you try to convince him to talk to you.
“What’s wrong, Nox?”
“I-I-There’s a guy out there! A-a-and he keeps following me! Look!”
Hiding behind you and clutching your pants, following his finger to the underbrush of the forest around you harden your stance. Thinking about the knife in your pocket and your other hand holding onto Nox, keeping him behind you. Watching the leaves and branches rustle with movement you prepared yourself for a fight. 
“Are you this child’s guardian?”
It’s another Naga, standing tall on a tail adorned with patches of gold in his white tail. Hiding further in the brush you can tell there are black rings around the tip of their tail which seems to be coiled a lot closer. He’s lean but muscular and his golden eyes are glaring at you. 
“I am. Why?”
He hisses, “To think a human would take in a hatchling purely out of goodheartedness is ridiculous. I’m going to take this child home where he belongs.”
“He’s my kid and if you want to fight for him I will do that.”
With a final pat on Nox’s head, you tell him to stay near the house. You goad the naga man into a place near the forest saying you’d rather not do this in front of Nox before taking off running. You know he’s following as you hear him angrily hiss and slither through the wood. Bringing him to a desired spot you turn keeping your knife behind you as he launches his tail in your direction. Expecting it, you dodge finally revealing your knife and aiming it at his tail creating a gash that has him hissing. 
“Haaaa Insolent Human! How dare you!?”
Usually, with a knife like yours, you never would have broken the protection of the scales but taking care of Nox offered some invaluable insight. You tried to dodge again but failed as his tail coiled around you in the blink of an eye. Squeezing immediately it took you a moment to turn your knife around to stab at what scales you could. He grunted but seemingly had settled for the stab at the expense of strangling you. 
“I’m going to enjoy watching the life leave from you, human! Your kind makes me sick.”
The pressure was unbearable but your adrenaline was high and with the simple gesture of bringing you closer to spit in your face you took a leap of faith. Abandoning your knife for some wiggle room you launched forward clamping onto his neck your only weapon left—your teeth. 
That seemed to catch him off guard his tail unraveling enough to let the rest of your body go. Now allowed to pin him down, using your feet and hands to pin down his own as you continued to bite into his neck you didn’t stop until you heard him moan.
“Aaaa~! Wait no, please! You’ve got to let aah~!
In your peripheral, you could see his alabaster tail twirl and twist oddly. From your position, you couldn’t see his face but you could imagine what his expression was. Considering you could feel the connection of his hips bucking against your own. The final nail in the coffin other than his constant streams of wonton moans you could hear the familiar worried slither of your son coming through the wood. 
He was calling for you. Hopefully, so loud he would miss the Naga continuing to make the loud moans despite you standing over him and wiping your teeth of his blood. Finally, looking at him you could see the darkened tips of their ears and cheeks as they continued to oddly curl on themselves. You didn’t bother trying to stop him, not wanting to trigger another fight you just ran scooping Nox up and barricading you both in your home. Hopefully, by the time the Naga man comes to his senses, he will have accepted his loss by then and leave. 
Unbeknownst to you that Naga would spend all night shifting and rolling in their ground replaying the fight. All the while moaning and groaning, driving all the smartest predators far away. This would continue until daybreak when he finally stopped but the heat in his cheeks was far from gone.
“That–that human is perfect…a human…who would’ve guessed.”
After a day you venture out, Nox sticking close to you while you undo the locks of the door with a knife in hand. Looking out you hoped you’d find no one in the clearing near your home—that was not the case.
“Hello human!”
Slamming the door on his face, you replay the expression and the closeness that they were standing outside the door. If only to sate your curiosity you opened the door again. 
“How are–”
When he seems to stay in that same place the whole rest of the day, you eventually encourage Nox to keep his nose down and help you with your chores.  Ignoring the smiley Naga who was oddly no longer hostile.
“What are you doing? Hanging your human clothes? How cute can I help?
“Is this how humans catch their food? How human-like so clever I would’ve never thought a net would be how you do that!”
“You are such a good parent to your little one? Would you like to have some more?”
Once you're able to shoo the intrigued Nox away, you decide to hose this guy down for answers. Good thing he’s happy to provide them. He finally introduces himself as a King of Naga who was coming to pass judgment on a Naga child living with a human from the smaller snakes of the forest. You hold your complaints about his presumptuous assessment, to ask why he’s still here assuming the fight said that you were capable enough to raise Nox.
“Yes well, now I’m courting you!”
“Excuse me?”
“You not only bested me in battle, you also did the most submitting action and claiming that a Naga could do. You…bit me~”
“Even so…I’m not a Naga.”
“Well usually that’d matter but I am the King of all Naga once my neck has been bitten and claimed there can be no others that is until you die.”
“Can’t you just pretend I died in the battle?”
“Preposterous your my destined mate! No other will do!”
Thus your days are spent trying to explain to Nox why the Naga you fought with was hanging around so often. On top of that the King Naga whose real name was Shian, had begun to ramp up his advances. No longer happy to just wave at you behind trees or happily follow you with your chores. He gets closer, testing your boundaries and breaking them as he intends to instigate some kind of reciprocation.
He is a King, And he’ll get what he wants....eventually.
Part 2: Here
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
A Series of Firsts
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: You and Miguel are ready to become parents and you must now go through a series of firsts together.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
No warnings. Just pure fluff. Mentions of pregnancy. Dad girl Miguel. Protective dad Miguel.
First Kick
“What colour should we have on the walls?” Miguel asked one day.
“Too much.”
“Red and blue?”
“That’s too… spidey.”
You giggled at his remark. “We’ll just pick a neutral one and let her decide as she grows up.”
“That’s settled, then,” he murmured, resting the side of his head on your baby bump as both of you lay comfortably on the bed.
“Fingers crossed for a zebra pattern in purple and green,” you teased.
“She can have whatever she wants,” he said simply and you knew he meant it.
Warmth spread in your heart, realising Miguel would give her anything she’d ask for. Even the moon.
As you rolled a single strand of his hair around your finger, you gasped abruptly and halted.
Miguel shot up straight in full alert mode. “What is it? Are you okay?”
You nodded, running both hands along your belly, waiting to feel it once more.
He immediately picked up on the meaning of your sudden silence and placed a splattered hand next to yours.
It didn’t take long for a second kick to be felt and you watched his face awe. “Does it hurt?”
“No,” you whispered adoringly at his concern.
He paused briefly. “That was a strong kick.”
You placed your hand atop his. “She’ll take after you, then.”
First Time Meeting
Jessica placed the little bundle of joy into his arms as soon as the spider-nurses were done checking the vitals and dressing her.
“What is this?” Miguel asked with a light scowl, shifting to have the sleeping baby face you.
Even through your post-labour exhaustion you managed to giggle.
She was dressed in a red and blue suit-like onesie that had Peter’s face printed onto the fabric as rainbow coloured words read ‘my 1st spider suit’.
“Remind again me why we let him choose.”
“You know how Peter is,” you said softly. “It’s a very cute gift.”
Miguel didn’t seem all that convinced, but brought her back against his chest protectively.
You watched as Miguel’s hardened face immediately softened in adoration and, for a couple of minutes, he just stood there, rocking her lightly in his arms.
“She’s… tiny,” he concluded, fingers probing around her hand. “She’s perfect.”
He raised her slowly up to his face and he planted a soft kiss to her forehead, earning a sudden yawn.
“Welcome home,” he whispered to her, completely transfixed. “I’ll always protect you.”
Something inside you stirred. This big grumpy man with volatile moods had just been disarmed by a tiny baby.
That was definitely a sight to behold.
First Sleepless Night
“We’re not having another baby.”
Miguel let out a measured sigh in agreement. “Ever.”
The two of you lay sprawled across the large bed, facing the ceiling as the first rays of sunshine began to lit up the room.
Your daughter had finally fallen asleep after hours of fighting against it, nearly driving both of you crazy in the process.
As you readied yourself to slide off the mattress, you felt Miguel’s hold on your wrist stilling you.
“Don’t move,” he whispered. “Please.”
You groaned inwardly. “I need to go pee, Miguel.”
Sleepy and bloodshot eyes met yours. “It took us hours to drain her energy… hold it in for a while,” now that was a desperate tone if you’d ever heard one from him.
You heaved a long and heavy sigh, feeling his thumb gently rubbing at your pulse point in sheer gratitude.
“Yup. No more babies, O’Hara.”
“Maybe one more?”
You shot him a death glare and he swallowed hard.
“… or not.”
First Scare
You paced around the apartment, having already lost count of the amount of baby monitors that Miguel had spread all over the place.
“This is a bit too much, no?”
Miguel was checking on the sleeping baby through the orange-tinted screen of his dimensional travel watch when he turned to glare at you like you had just said the most abominable thing ever.
“You can never be too careful,” he said in disbelief.
It was to be expected, really. Miguel was always obsessed with security no matter the context, so you couldn’t really say this surprised you.
“Even the watch?” you asked in awe.
“Of course. It’s a looped system that transmits directly to both our watches,” he said with a nod. “Any alteration in her bedroom trigers an alarm.”
Ever the scientist.
His eyes dropped to the hologram on his wrist and he let out a gasp.
“She’s gone!”
Your heart nearly collapsed as a feral Miguel immediately set himself on all fours towards her bedroom, clawing at floor.
“Miguel!” you called after him in a hurry.
Once you reached the open door, you were presented with Peter holding your daughter as Mayday chuckled happily, seated on his shoulder.
“Peter!” Miguel growled, yanking your daughter from his hold and bringing her close to his chest defensively.
“Miguel! We were just paying a visit,” he chuckled. “Cute baby, by the way,” he turned to you with a smile and a flick of his fingers.
But Miguel was having none of that. “Out!”
Mayday stuck out her tongue at him right away, a habit she had yet to let gonof whenever Miguel was around.
“Lyla, why wasn’t the alarm triggered?”
The AI appeared by his shoulder at once, filing her nails. “You forgot to activate the security system, boss.”
First Word
“Pa~pá! Say it. Paaa~pá!”
“Cheater!” you exploded as you entered the kitchen in large steps.
Miguel turned to face you as your daughter giggled.
“We promised to let it be something spontaneous,” you lifted an accusing finger at him. “Cheater!”
He lifted both hands defensively. “I’m just giving her some help.”
In truth, you weren’t upset with him in the slightest. He had been such a constanr presence in his daughter’s life even through an exhausting amount of work around Nueva York.
You feigned indignation crossing your arms across your chest.
Miguel picked her out of the baby chair and walked towards you with a tentative smile.
“I’m sorry.”
Your front broke right away as he leaned to nudge his forehead against yours. “You’re still a cheater,” you accused, not able prevent your lips from curling into a smirk.
“I’ll make it up to you.”
Your daughter started clapping enthusiastically. “Petaah~” and then burst into laughter.
Miguel looked down at her in shock. “What?”
It was almost comedic irony that the first word your daughter said was Peter, which had Miguel sulk for a couple of days.
First Steps
You missed kissing Miguel with no interruptions. Having some alone time in between taking care of your daughter was not easy to come by.
So whenever there was an opening, you’d both make it count.
He had your back pressed against the cold surface of the bedroom wall in no time, framing your face with both hands to deepen the searing kiss.
You melted into his touch right away, yearning for more.
Miguel broke the kiss momentarily to check his watch, panting lightly. “She’s still in the living room.”
You sighed in relief as he took your lips in his once more, hungrier this time. Both of your hands were resting on his firm chest, enjoying the way his muscles rippled under your touch.
Miguel hummed into you, swallowing your gasps and moans.
Your eyes were about to flutter shut when you detected movement out of the corner of your eye.
Panic took over and you immediately pushed Miguel away with a yelp.
Standing by the door was your daughter, gripping the frame with tiny hands, barely able to keep her balance.
Miguel offered her a kind smile. “Hey, you… come here.”
Your heart was hammering hard in your chest as you struggled to even your breathing.
She broke into an amused chuckle, wobbling in Miguel’s direction as he dropped to one knee. “Come here,” he encouraged.
But she would only take a couple of steps before her legs gave out under her to have her sit on the floor.
This was evidently very amusing as she kept trying to mimic her first attempt in between laughter
Miguel exchanged a proud smile with you and, for the first time in a long, you didn’t mind being interrupted.
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wintergreenoreo · 7 months
I saw a take on Twitter so bad i needed to put my foot down and make this 😤:
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Explanations under cut.
Oscar is a Mark/Fernando spawn: Oscar was a FA Kart kid and was mentored by him when they were in purgatory (Alpine). Mark was with him his entire karting career and is currently his manager. Fernando and Mark are literally husbands. Enough said.
Carlos is a Fernando spawn: Pretty common knowledge.
Stoffel is a Fernando/Jenson spawn: Was the bundle of sunshine that Fernando and Jenson carried around when they were going through the trenches (McHonda).
Logan is a Jenson adoptee: Jenson literally said “if you need a shoulder to cry on i’ll be here” like a dad consoling his son after a bad football game.
Lando is a Fernando/Lewis spawn: Ok this one has potential to be funny as hell. Dysfunctional family. Fernando and Lewis divorced but still try to take turns with Lando. Lando prefers Nando because he lets him do whatever he wants and Lewis thinks Fernando is bad influence on him. Fernando doesn’t care. Also Lando got into F1 because of 2007 so 😬.
George is a Lewis/Nico spawn: British and also exhibits the exotic cuntiness of a high class wine auntie. Literally best of both worlds.
Charles is a Lewis/Seb spawn: Sebastian’s pride and joy. Little golden sunshine. Seb and Lewis are literally husbands. Lewis is the dad that stepped up for Charles when Seb retired. Now since they’re gonna be teammates it’ll be much easier 😌.
Mick is a Seb adoptee: It is Seb’s duty to protect his hero’s little lion cub. Most dad shaped when it comes to Mick.
Had to get this off my chest 😮‍💨
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Baby! Spider Socorro HCs (good parent Jake and Neytiri edition)
Called Jake “Mr. Silly” for the first 3 years of his life; That’s his name on all medical files, now. Mo’at calls him that when he’s being an idiot.
Often wondered through the jungle by himself. Max and Norm were often too engrossed in their work to notice the little bundle of energy and sunshine was gone, and that’s how Jake appointed himself as babysitter.
Pretended not to know trivial information just to have Spider explain it to him, and pretended to be impressed/shocked all the time. “Ikrans can fly?! No way!” “Pandora has stars at night? I didn’t know that!”
Contrary to popular belief, — Na’vi kids and teens love Spider; They play chase, hide and seek, make sure he doesn’t fall off trees, and give him jelly fish snacks when they see him.
After all, they can smell their Toruk Makto on him; It only makes sense.
All these gifts are taken straight to Neytiri. That baby is obsessed with her. He’s so shy and red cheeks and hides behind Jake’s legs when he hands her these presents.
To her frustration, it’s very adorable.
“Tiri? I brought you bebbies.”
She takes a very slow breath. “Berries.”
“And fishies.”
“ yah ^^ they’re sweet ^^ from the pond ^^”
Slow breath in. Slow breath out. “…thank you.”
Jake brings Spider for dinner once. Then twice. Then once a week. Then, everyday. It’s become a pattern.
“Sweet,” he says, pointing to the fish he caught for them, tiny little things roasting next to the actual dinner. Jake smiles, “Yeah, honey, it’s sweet.” “Ha-ne?”
“It’s a term of endearment you use for people you love. Isn’t that right, honey?” He asks Neytiri, who’s cleaning knives and fixing him with a sweet look.
Spider points to Jake, then to Neytiri, bright voice giggly, “Honey! Honey, honey honey.”
Someone get Jake a box of tissues that man is CRYING constantly. On his hands and knees begging Neytiri to let him keep Spider around. He’s so CUTE.
“He needs to be with his kind.”
“He HAS no kind. “
Baby Spider who’s barely bigger than Jake’s forearm, following him everywhere, trying to fish, hunt, fight, etc??? He so badly wants to be a mini Jake, gives that man baby fever fr fr
Refuses to get his hair cut; Everytime Norm brings it up, the little sunshine gets this unmoving look in his eyes. “I want to look like Mr. Silly.”
Drew his blue stripes himself; a powerful movement of compassion and strange affection hits Neytiri straight in the chest when she sees it. It’s then, she realizes, perhaps not all sky people earned her ire.
Made a shifty if not janky bow for himself. The string is too loose, the arrowheads are choppy, the wood too skinny. Neytiri takes it upon herself to fix it.
Fiercely protective Jake.
No, honestly, just turn yourself over to the RDA if you upset Spider in anyway. They’d be worlds kinder than him. Jake “try me bitch” Sully wouldn’t lay down belly up if his baby’s threatened
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unformula1 · 5 months
Lando proposing to you with “bless the broken roads”
bless the broken roads (LN4 x gn!Reader)
lando and you don’t think you’ll find someone. liar. w/c: 1237 masterlist(read more) a/n: I tried my best lol. I'm sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. Please correct me if you wanted something else!! TW: one use of y/n
There was a running joke between Lando’s friends. “Lando will never find true love.” 
After years of being single or chasing someone to no avail, Lando’s almost beginning to accept his curse. However, as much as he joked about it, he really wanted someone. He needed someone.
It was a death cycle. Lando would find someone, they’d lead him on, then down bad Lando would take over, then he’d take his chance and fail. Then after all that work, he would be pushed back onto his broken road.
He was beginning to accept that he was really never going to find someone.
But he never gave up. He kept searching.
You don’t know how long it was since you felt someone loved you romantically. You missed that feeling. Spending forever just finding someone who would love you back and then getting absolutely no fruit was tiring, it was exhausting.
You know when you finally find someone, you’d give them the world and shower them with all the love you had in you. You constantly tell yourself how there’s one grand plan for you to find the one person you’ve been longing for and all you have to do is wait.
Waiting for years isn’t easy. 
You’re losing hope, walking along a broken road.
Lando and you met some time ago, but you two hit it off almost instantly. Both of you were made for each other, the chemistry was through the roof.
Lando never failed to make you laugh. Even on your darkest days Lando was like a beacon of light, a bundle of sunshine. He smiled a lot, which you admired whenever you could.
You never failed to make Lando feel appreciated, which Lando would never admit no matter what, but deep down you knew Lando loved that. You made time for Lando, and you stayed with him come hell or high water.
Life wasn’t easy for you. There were countless nights where you cried in his arms, you cried your eyes out with him, and you felt safe. You felt safe with Lando. There were sleepless nights where everything just got too much and right next to you was Lando, holding your hand, and that was all you needed. You felt safe with Lando. 
Life wasn’t easy for Lando either. Sometimes his busy life got a little too hectic and chaotic, he’d come find you. Lando felt protected by you, although he’d never say. Sometimes people got too far and everything felt like a crumbling mess, he’d come find you. Lando felt protected. He wanted to be next to you, whenever, wherever you were.
Then one day, everything fell together, sort of. Lando asked you to be his “other half”. Long story short, you said yes and kissed him in the sunset.
It had become a common occurrence for you and Lando to lie down on empty grass fields or the rooftops and look up into the skies, to talk about your lives.
You open the door to the rooftop. Lando doesn’t usually do these a night before the race. A cold blast of wind blows against you as you walk out. Lando is just standing there, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, as he looks out into the city.
You walk over to Lando and slide your hand around his waist and he giggles as you do so.
“I like the sky tonight.” You say and Lando hums an approving ‘hm’.
“I like it too. Starry night.” Lando replies, shifting on the spot slightly.
“You know in the wilderness, people would use stars to guide them.” You say, pointing at some random stars.
Lando hums.
“Especially the North Star, because it lies above Earth’s North. So they used it to guide them.” You smile while saying it.
“Everyone else before you was like a North Star.” Lando speaks.
You turn to Lando, cocking up an eyebrow.
“They guided me to find you.” Lando clears his throat, smiling widely as he looks up into the sky while speaking.
“You’re adorable.” You reply which earns you an honest chuckle from Lando.
You shift closer to Lando and he does so too. Both of you stand next to each other, bodies touching. His warm hands slide out of his pockets and around your shoulder, it makes you feel comfortable despite the cold winds blowing against you.
“I used to dream of days like these.” Lando admits, his voice is soft and just for you to hear, “Never thought they’d come true.”
“I did too.” You chuckle.
“I thought they were lost dreams.” Lando continues, “But yet here you are.”
“Yea…” You take a deep breath, “Here we are… you’re the love of my life.”
Lando shifts even closer to you, pulling you into his embrace. The hug is tight and it lasts for a while, you hear Lando’s soft sobbing which he usually doesn’t do publicly.
“Are you okay?” You ask, voice laced with concern.
Lando takes a deep breath, clearing his throat, “There have been many people I’ve tried to love before you.”
You nod.
“None of them have been as good as you. I never thought I’d meet someone who understood me, but you came.” Lando takes another deep breath, “I honestly never thought there’d be someone for me…”
“Neither did I, honestly.” You chuckle as you place your hands on Lando’s shoulder.
“When I asked you to be the love of my life, I didn’t think you’d say yes.” Lando shuffles his feet and sniffles a little, “But you did and I could not be more grateful.”
You smile at Lando and he smiles a little too.
“My entire life has been like a broken road, filled with pitfalls and traps, loss and despair. All my life I’ve wanted to just be for someone, and now I have.” Lando takes a step back.
He reaches into his pocket before getting down on one knee. The backdrop of car honking and people chattering suddenly fades into silence and the stars shine brighter than ever. All the lights shine at him and you two are in the spotlight.
“I never want to live without you again. Will you marry me?”
The world around you freezes, all you see is Lando, on one knee, holding a ring in his hand, his eyes filled with tears. 
“Yes.” You say softly.
“YES!” You repeat but louder, and admittedly, more cheerfully.
He slides the ring onto your ring finger and gets up. You take no time to rush into him, your arms swinging around him and pulling him in. 
“I’ll make you the happiest person ever, I promise, all those years of finding love, I’ll give it to you and only you.” Lando says as he lifts you off the ground, planting a kiss on your lips.
It feels like forever on the rooftop before both of you walk back down to Lando’s room, holding each other’s hands.
It was nothing special, just both of you on a silent rooftop. To you, it was everything. Every single attempt to find someone who would love you back, every lost road that both of you set on, every heartbreak you two went through, all culminating in that few seconds.
You loved Lando. Lando loved you.
Both of your broken roads, leading right into each other’s.
Bless the broken roads that let both of you to each other’s arms.
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chihoshisai · 6 months
Life Purpose
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Nanami x Reader
cw : established relationship, heavy on loving feelings and fluff ♡ // wc : 637
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After only six months of dating, Nanami had moved heavens, earth and even hell to prevent the innocent grin on your face from faltering.   
It was undoubtedly his first relationship, which could serve as an explanation for his excessive actions, and yet deep down he knew it would be his only one. That you would be the only one he would purposefully go through such length for. Despite still living in your respective places, he made it a point to drive you to work every morning, diligently waiting as you struggled through your disorganized morning routine. Whenever his schedule would allow it, he patiently waited near your office for your shift to end, leaning against his car as he held your favorite drink in his hand. And at the sight of your cheerful hand wave accompanied with the persistent smile that decorated your features, the intoxicating sight would make him smile so broadly, filling him with warmth and leaving anyone who witnessed the two of you seething with envy and jealousy as you leaped in his arms. 
His stoic, aloof personality had no place by your side — being replaced by great adoration, as his voice took on a kinder, soft tone; the words spoken with such lightness that he would send shivers down your spine as he lovingly breathed fondness against the nape of your neck. Being filled with the radiating sunshine of your presence, Nanami found himself smiling more, heartily laughing and appreciating life as he held you close, seemingly afraid that reality would make you slip away from his grasp like it once did before.   
Even when his unserious white haired coworker showed up uninvited during one of your dates — shamelessly taking off his shoes to sit between the two of you on the picnic blanket, he simply sighed at the disturbance and introduced you as the purpose of his life. 
“If you have a purpose, something to protect,” Gojo began with a smug grin at the look of the red apple color that appeared on your cheeks, “does that mean you’ll be willing to take on the work I came to offer you today?” he finished, well aware that regardless of the answer, he would enforce the task upon Nanami.
“I’m afraid it will have to wait,” Nanami placidly replied, suppressing the annoyance he felt towards Gojo. What followed was a series of exchanges between the two, as you watched the foreign sight of this stiff Nanami, discerning a hint of exhaustion as he discussed business. As he further pleaded his case, unwilling to cut his time with you short, he and Gojo came to the compromise that the task would be carried out the next day, as the latter left with a bitter sulk on his face.  
“Sorry about that love,” he apologetically smiled in your direction, whilst his shoulder relaxed at the sight of your comprehensive nod.    
It was the first time you had witnessed him choose you over work, and a hunch told you that it probably wasn’t the first nor the last time. You had come to realize that through the tender way he looked at you and the preferential treatment he gave you, the man that currently stroked your hair as though he handled jewels was without a doubt completely smitten by the modest accumulations that brought forth your existence. 
And as the pleasant blanket of the afternoon sun warped the atmosphere, you leaped in Nanami’s arms, being aware that letting such a man walk away from your life would be the biggest mistake you could ever make. So you held him tight, as he warmly welcomed you in his embrace, depositing a shower of kisses upon your head, before his lips went to find yours and enrapt you in the euphoric bundle of emotions he felt towards you.    
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thatacotargirl · 4 months
The Daughter of Day (1)
My third and final active fanfiction is here! This is The Daughter of Day, a series exploring a new Court and a triad, because why not!
I hope you enjoy this introductory chapter - and keep your eyes peeled for the next instalment 🌟
This story is set after A Court of Silver Flames.
My inbox remains open for oneshot/imagine requests.
A Reader x Feysand Fanfiction
🎶 "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine - you make me happy, when skies are grey - you'll never know, dear, how much I love you - please don't take, my sunshine, away" 🎶
Helion held his newborn daughter, bundled in his arms in a yellow blanket, as he swayed gently around the nursery. He had had no intentions of becoming a father anytime soon, but when the baby's mother arrived at his doorsteps, he had fallen in love on the spot - those chubby cheeks and shining round eyes that peered out at him had captured his heart and soul.
Now, he couldn't imagine life without her.
Placing his daughter into her bassinet, watching her sweet eyes grow heavy and blinking, he set her floating celestial mobile to turn and tucked her in. Stroking her cheek as he watched her slowly fall asleep, he vowed to love and protect her for always. She would want for nothing in this life, he would make sure of that.
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25 years later - Reader POV
"Y/n, are you ready?"
You can hear your father calling out to you, interrupting your reading. Grumbling, you grab your bookmark and note the page, before setting it down on the coffee table. The middle of a chapter. The worst place to stop reading.
"Yes, yes, I'm coming".
As you exit the sitting room and join your father's side, you see the look he gives you in response to your attitude. His eyebrow still raised, he stays silent as he opens the front door and gestures for you to leave the palace. You walk ahead of him and towards Xalan, your pegasus. Your father had gifted you Xalan on your 10th birthday and the pair of you were thick as thieves; much to his horror. You had Xalan wrapped around your little finger and often got yourselves into all sorts of trouble that Helion would have to rescue you both from. One time, you'd ended up in Thesan's bedroom in the middle of the night - and nearly gave the High Lord a heart attack before Helion was able to arrive and scoop you away, profusely apologising. He still apologises every time he sees Thesan for the embarrassment.
You mount Xalan and wait for your father to join with Meallan. Once you are both comfortable, he gestures for you both to take flight.
"This is a diplomatic meeting, y/n, so you have to be on your best behaviour. You are the heir to the Day Court, which means you represent the Court and me".
You don't reply. There's no need to, really. You will sit demurely and smile, speak when spoken to, and daydream otherwise of what life could offer you if you could just break free.
You had everything you could possibly want at the Day Court, your father made sure of that. But it didn't quench the desire in you to explore and see new horizons. 25 years in the confines of Day, only being able to satisfy your curiosity of Prythian by reading historical literature, was really taking its toll. You didn't mean to start acting out, but the boredom was driving you insane.
As you begin your descent into Velaris, the Night Court's City of Starlight, you can't help but notice the colours. The Sidra, the river running through the city, looked like it contained iridescent starlight. Flowers bloomed in deep blues and purples in people's front gardens. The mountain ranges in the distance seem to sparkle even in the daytime. You can hear people bustling about the streets, happy chatting and laughter fill the air.
Landing with a gentle thud before a riverfront house, you carefully guide Xalan to a stop and follow your father to a grassy sideline where the pair can graze happily. Once both pegasus' are settled, you watch your father round to the door and knock heavily.
"Helion, welcome!" comes a booming voice as the door swings wide open.
"A pleasure as always, Rhysand".
You see your father embrace the High Lord of Night as you stand behind, awkwardly. As Rhysand pulls away, he looks behind Helion to see you standing there. Helion notices Rhysand's wide eyes and turns to introduce you.
"Rhysand, this is my daughter, y/n. I thought it was time she learn the ways of the business, since she will one day take over from me after all", he laughs, guiding me to stand in front of him. Rhysand kindly takes my hand in his, shaking it gently.
"Welcome to Velaris, y/n". He smiles at you with kind eyes, which you return, before shyly pulling your hand away and tucking it behind your back.
"Helion, I had no idea you had a daughter?"
"Yes, well, I tried to keep her out of the spotlight to let her have a normal childhood; but she was getting restless in Day".
So he had noticed.
"Do come in, both of you".
Rhysand opened the door wider and moved, allowing you both passage into his home. You noticed the paintings that adorned the hallway, stopping at one in particular. It was one of your father, in the midst of the war 45 years ago, wielding his Spell-Cleaving powers with Hybern's army visibly falling in the distance. You had read about your father's role in the war, but only through reading the history books in his library. He never spoke of it, no matter how often you asked.
"Remarkable, isn't it? Feyre, my mate, painted this from a memory of your father during the war. He was a force to be reckoned with, took down nearly half the army on his own".
You turned to Rhysand with a gasp.
He looked at you, his face shrouded with confusion.
"He was formidable, y/n. Really, Prythian wouldn't be standing if it wasn't for him".
You turn back to gaze at the portrait, lost in thought. If your father had powers strong enough to single-handedly take down half an army, what could yours do with the right training? Helion was reluctant to let you do more than basic healing spells, worried that you would accidentally hurt yourself with your powers if left to your own devices. You could feel the power in you, strumming through your fingertips, begging to be wielded.
You turn and see your father standing in the doorway, silently beckoning for you to join him in the office. You sigh, thoughts of powers ebbing away, as you join him to discuss peace-making treaties with the mortal lands.
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After you had been introduced to the rest of the Night Court, and they had gotten over the shock of Helion's 25-year-old daughter making a sudden appearance, the meeting carried on as normal. You mind wandered often, to the streets outside of the house, to the painting of your father and the power you could feel exuding from it, and you could feel yourself getting restless.
When the meeting was finally finished and you and your father had began the flight home, you couldn't help but wonder what your life would be like if you left the nest of the Day Court. And, as you watched Xalan in flight, his wings outspread through the sky - you realised it was time to spread your own.
"Yes, sunshine?"
"I'd like to take a trip".
"Where would you like to go, my love? We could visit the continent, if you'd like?".
"A trip on my own, dad".
You can feel your father's gaze piercing you, but you refused to look up and meet his eyes.
"On your own?"
"I'm suffocating, dad. I need to live a little. Please. Just for a few weeks, just some distance from Day, so I can learn and explore and have fun like any other 25-year-old".
"But you're not any other 25-year-old, you're heir to the Day Court. You are a target".
"Then let me go somewhere where I'm not a target, where I can be protected. Please, dad".
You can feel your eyes pricking with tears, and not from the blowing wind. Your head is still bowed, but you know your father can sense them, can sense your heartache. He remains silent for a few minutes.
"I can, perhaps, ask Rhysand if he would grant you permission to stay in Velaris for a short while".
"Please, dad. Anything".
You meet his gaze and can see the pain in his face. His heart torn between keep you safe, but keeping his promise to you to want for nothing. And, it was becoming more obvious to him now, that what you wanted was to leave.
"Ok. I hear you. I will send a request to Rhysand when we are home".
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mamieishere · 7 months
disclaimer : cnc, protected sex, spooning, cockwarning, rough sex, no name mentioned, implied curvy reader
- "Baby... Baby wake up", he whispered in your ears that morning.
You were already mild awake but lazy enough to get up from the bed warmth. A little ray of sunshine had getting through the shutter and there were some birds singing. Yeah, there was absolutely no reason for you to get up. Bundled up in the sheets, you layed beautifully on your left side, one leg out, because too hot in the bed and too cold outside.
This moment was perfect. Until you left some weight on your back. One hand had passed the ourlet of your pajama and rested on your boob. This was unusual. Both of you were used to sleep back-to-back.
- "Y/N-nie I know you're not sleeping", haaa it was almost impossible to fool him. He told you "It's easy to know when you're sleeping, your breathing is a little heavier than usual. And now, you're making no noise."
He spooned you and oh! Oh okay, you get it. You felt against your thighs the pressing and obvious reason of all of this. His hand started to move gently and delicately rub your nipple between his digits.
- "Honey, be a good girl and grab some lube and a condom please.", you reached your drawer and pick the random needs. "I just want to be in you, don't move okay ?". Even if you wanted to speak, you were unable to form words. Was it the laziness? Or because you were still half sleeping?
A mumbling moan left your lips as he spreaded the cold lube on your very wet pussy. He liked it very messy so you left him doing it. He glued you and spreaded your thighs.
- "Fuck baby, you're so warm", he engulfed this throbbing covered cock between your walls. "Let's stay for a little while like this, hmm?", he said in a smiling voice.
Being the good girl you always were, you didn't move a inch, relaxed and if you wanted, you could go back to sleep. His nose in the little of your neck, his breathe on your skin made you tighten you up against his torso. Your mouvement made him touched this sensitive part and you moaned. You wanted more. You needed more. So, you started to roll yours hips, slowly. Each time the target was touched, a little spark crackled down your spine. You were living the time of your life. It was delicious.
- " So, my needy girl couldn't wait for me?", you froze. "You know what needy girl deserves, huh?"
He grabbed your hips with force and built a pace. It was rough, merciless and so good. Each trust made him go deeper until his length met the gummy spot of yours.
It was the end of you, mouth wide open, curling toes and your hands griping on his muscular arm.
A light, pretty, cute and colorful. You wanted to touch it. You've gotten closer. It was little, certainly but warm and welcoming. You curled up your body around it and finally pointed a finger to put it on. The light turned into black.
- "Let it go", you screamed. "Baby, hey hey, it's okay". Your boyfriend held you in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in your ears. "You did so well. It was a big one isn't it? Ooooh my baby did so well to me."
You progressively landed. Wet. Everything under you was absolutely nothing but drenched.
- "FUCK", you panicked but he prevented any movement.
- "You squirted baby and it was so hot...".
Okay, if that was the end of you. Pretty fucking please, you wanted it every time.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
imagine brothers force Michael to babysit Edna for a day. He obviously not a fan of this idea but then she placed into his arms. This little bundle of sunshine looks at him curiosly with her big eyes and makes cute baby noises, reaching out to him with her tiny hand and now he never wants to let her go. This baby is precious to him and he will protect her with his life! ❤️ ❤️
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He hated this, hated that he was forced to watch the offspring of Lucifer. Michael didn't quite understand the obsession Gabriel and now his father held for the child.
She was the child of two traitors after all, how can they trust her?!
And yet....
The moment you placed her in his arms with a tired yet grateful smile he couldn't help but understand the reason for the obsession because the moment the archangel looked into her eyes he saw nothing but love.
A bright smile plastered on his face as she reached for him. Her small hands placing themselves on his cheeks. When Michael looked into Edna's eye's he couldn't help but see Lucifer. Swallowing thickly, he blinked away the sudden tears as he then gave her a smile.
"How about I show you a spot that your father loved?!"
Edna's eyes went wide, though she couldn't help but let out an excited squeal.
Holding her tight, Michael gave her a smile as he started to walk off with the little girl in his arms, he decided now he would anything in his life to project this little girl. He knew the whispers from the elders, from Lute.
He'd keep her safe, no one would harm her.
No one.
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vinetae · 2 years
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Classified Nights - M
“Tell me what you want.” His chocolate eyes pleaded, but nothing escaped his breath. His lips flatten to a straight line, quivering outwards to give you some sort of hint to what he’d been playing at. 
“Ji-woo, tell me what you want to do. We’ve only got a little while before daddy gets home.” His arms across his chest, huffing in the way all three year olds do. When he doesn’t answer, you let out a deep sigh, lowering the set of choo-choo pajamas you’d originally planned for your son to sleep in. Once he was set on watching the rest of his Paw Patrol, you’d given up. Settling down into the comfort of your creme stained sofa, plopping down onto the soft material. Your son had almost calmed down, cuddling with the soft of his little teddy bear before the beep of your apartment’s door sounds, stirring the young child in his half sleep state. 
“Daddy!” He squeals, climbing off the front of the couch. Little onesie protected feet hit the floor, as Jungkook drops the tons of his light weight items to the floor, scooping the little child into his grip. 
“Ah, have you gotten bigger since this morning, Woo Woo?” A bright smile replaces the once dragging expression. Jungkook attacks the boy with cute little pecks all across the plains of his small face, sending Ji-woo into a fit of giggles. 
“I’m big!” He squeaks out, shimming his way out of his father’s embrace. Ji-woo’s arms come up to flex towards his dad, showing off his imaginary muscles. Jungkook’s lips roll out a cute little chuckle before gently holding out his fists in a fighting position on his knees. 
“Oh really? Come on, fight me!” The two let out their pent up energy between fake throws of fists and dramatic blows. Jungkook’s body plops to the floor, pulling his son into a bear hug, ending their cute little interaction. You let a sigh roll from your lips, pacing back over to take a seat on the couch’s edge, watching the two have their special moment. 
“Alright alright! You win!” Ji-woo had sat upon his father’s chest, throwing pouches left and right towards his old man. The young boy posed a beaming smile in victory, throwing his arms up. 
“I told you I’d win!” The two let out a few fits of giggles before Jungkook scoops him from the floor before Bam can lick his face for too long. “Ah, Bam, leave it. Down.” His hand extends down, patting his fourth family member in good behavior. 
Jungkook makes a bee-line towards you, holsting his son in one arm as he pulls you in with his other. A smile cracks your tired features, chuckling at his cute gesture. Twirling you around, as if it had been a ballroom dance rehearsal. 
“How’s my beautiful girl, hmm?” He teases, pulling the small of your body flush against his chest. The family group hug felt more than euphoric. Your son had been squished in the middle, giggling from all of the sudden affection. It’s not like you hadn’t given him any attention all day. Your whole life was your son. He was your pride and joy. You’d happily lay down your life for this little bundle of sunshine. 
“Feeling quite good, my dear.” You quirk back, raising on the front of your soles to press a kiss to his cheek. Ji-woo watches, smiling before doing the same. 
“Ah- Hey man. She was mine before yours.” Jungkook growls playfully, eskimo kissing the tip of your son’s nose. Ji-woo crosses his arms at the defense. 
“My mommy.” He reaches out towards you, latching onto your body in a second. His koala-like grip made a chuckle erupt from your chest, as you swayed in the imaginary music’s pattern while stroking the crown of his head. 
“Yes, baby. Your mommy~” Jungkook eyes the two of you huffing. He pulls your body closer, spinning you both around before landing in a tight back hug. 
“My mommy.” He kisses sweet pecks to the skin of your neck, nibbling on the lobe of your ear. You giggle, pulling away from his embrace. 
“Time for bed. Both of my boys.” 
You both let out a long breath, plopping down onto the sofa. Jungkook groans, rolling the joint of his ankle around as he unties the laces of his shoes. Your head cranes to the side, watching his motions, while reaching for the remote. Once he’s got both shoes off, he kicks back, enjoying the peace and quiet of your apartment. 
“How was he today?” He questions, snatching the remote from your grip to pick a movie himself. You chuckle, snuggling your head into the comfort of his shoulder. His tattooed forearm lifts, pulling you closer to the side of his chest as you both lay exhausted, sprawled out on the comfort of your sofa. 
“Well, we’ve been working on motor skills lately. He’s gotten the whole alphabet down so far.” He hums, clicking the remote before a cheesy rom-com flashes against the TV’s screen. The dimmed light illuminates a soft glow onto the both of you, making a little effort on pushing the atmosphere to be sprinkled with a hint of romance. 
“Korean or English?” 
“Both. We’re going to do flash cards tomorrow.” You comment, fidgeting in his arms before finding a less constricting position. One in which had your head resting on the dips of his shoulder, as his arm swoops around to hug you close. His chest rises and falls with a gentle rhythm. Soft glows from the city’s bright shines light up his face, as his eyes train on the little couple who’d been forced into getting married to keep both of their parents happy. It had been a classic trope as always. Jungkook had always been a sucker for these kinds of flicks. When you had been dating, he’d always turn up on movie night with the girls, holding either a romance or comedy, and some sheet masks in hand. All of your female friends loved him, but not as much as he had loved you. The last few days before college ended, he’d taken you to your favorite park in all of Incheon, got down on one knee, and popped the question faster than you could say ‘Chicken pot pie’. 
His lips part slightly, as the tips of his finger drag across your exposed skin, teasing the little hemmed shorts you’d decided to throw on before investing yourselves into some much needed quiet time. 
It was meant as an innocent act of love. As if sending flowers to your lover’s dorm room up until the next anniversary. (Yes, he’d done that as well. Junior year of grad school. You’ve got pictures to prove it.)
However, this had stirred a fire in the pit of your stomach that had been burning since you two last had a ‘different’ kind of alone time. Not as alone, and certainly not as quiet. 
In no time, you’d been able to swing the rest of your body over his, straddling his lap within mere seconds. The scene quickly changed from cute to sexy in the blink of an eye. (Much like his duality, you must admit.)
His hands almost instantly come to rest on the dips of your sides, bodies already in tune to what the both of you needed. What you craved.
“So, tell me about your day.” You quirk, lowering your body down onto the floor. His thighs instantly widening the distance so that your small frame could easily fit. 
“Some old stuff. We had a huge meeting this morning, talking about how the new project for our upcoming lin- oh fuck..” He groans, head falling back against the couch’s neck, as his lips part from the intense pleasure. Your hands had easily found themselves busy while unbuckling the lock of his trousers, slipping the thin material off in one go. His hips were to automatically lift, as his mouth kept babbling on. Well, that is until your lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Hand coiled around the base, as your head starts to motion in up and down patterns. 
You pop off with a certain sound, tongue swirling around his squishy tip. “Mmm, tell me more.” You tease, applying kitten-like licks to his length, watching as his chest stutters in motion before whining out a little answer. 
“Then Jimin and I went to sign some documents over for the company’s mar- Jesus fuck, Y/n..” His eyes flutter, straining to keep his thoughts in tact while you go down on him. This wasn’t usually how it was. However, the whole ‘mommy’ thing has given you an idea. 
His hand reaches outwards to grip at your roots, but you’re quick to swat it away. His head lifts in confusion, as a smirk presses your cheeks. 
“Did I say you could touch me?” His eyebrow raises, smirk curling his cornered lips at your sweet voice. 
“Is that really how you wanna play it tonight, babygirl?” Fuck. He knew all your weak spots. 
Of course he knew all your weak spots, Y/n. He’s your fucking husband. 
Your throat dries at his tone. You could’ve sworn the whole world just paused for a second. The chocolate swirls of his irises he’d passed down to your son had butterflies springing in the pit of your stomach. Even with your entire fucking body wrapped around his cock, he would be in control. 
And that turned you on more than you’d like to admit. 
The length of his index rubs against his bottom lip. A now calmed and situated expression and posture replaces his once confused and soft side. Your thighs clench at the sight, lips parting in awe at his sudden change in demeanor. 
Him and his fucking duality. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?” He leans forward, tilting his head. His greasy smirk teases your sights, as a playful expression brushes his features. “All fun and games ‘til someone puts you in your fucking place, isn’t it?” His eyes flick down, noticing how your grip on his hardened cock falters. His grin spreads wider, as do his thighs to give you more than enough workspace. 
“Did I tell you to stop, baby girl?” You shake your head. His lips roll off a slight chuckle before his hand grips the point of your chin, forcing your eyes to lock with his. 
“Put this mouth to work or I’ll do it for you.” You’re quick to wrap the plush of your lips around his tip, earning a low groan from his end of this war. Tattooed digits come to grip at your roots, enough to where he knows you like it. He’d always been very careful when it came to sex. Although, careful doesn’t mean gentle.
“That’s right, baby. Fuck- your mouth feels amazing. I never fucking last when you do shit like this, Y/n-” Your hand clasps around the length of his cock -what you couldn’t fit into your mouth anyways- bobbing your head at a ridiculous speed before his tip hits the back of your throat. You lift off slightly, cursing silently for forgetting how to give some good head. This had been so easy in your younger days. Now? Your ran out of breath more than you’d like to admit. However, Jungkook still had the stamina of a 17 year old boy. 
“Damn baby, you’re getting old.” He chuckles, leaning forwards to press a kiss to your lips. He sits up, pulling your body quickly onto his a one swift motion. He’s already on the challenge of removing your -his- White tee, slipping from your body. 
“Shut the hell up. I’m not fucking old.” You groan, pulling the stretch of your black panties to the side. That had been the good thing about being married. You didn’t really have to dress up all cute and shit for him. He knew how busy you’d been with your son, and he loved you for it. Actually, the last time -you quote- he said 'I don’t care if you wear grandma underwear. I’m still gonna tap that.' 
His words. Ah, romance. 
He giggles, lining the tip of his cock at your soaked hole. Your pause, resting your hands onto the broad of his chest. 
“Uh, condom much?” In one move, he forces your hips flush down against his, making a whine escape past your lips. 
“Nah. I don’t feel like getting up.” His hips rise to meet yours, slow thrusts up into your core had the tingling feeling in your stomach satisfied. Well, not quite. 
“And I don’t feel like getting pregnant. One’s already enough, Kook.” His hips stutter against yours, cursed and mumbles groans escape his lips that had been busy pressing soft kisses to the side of your neck as a gesture of telling you to shut the fuck up. 
Eh, you never listen anyways. 
“Just- fuck..” His teeth graze the skin along your neck, sucking purplish bruises into the thin flesh. “I’ll stop by and pick up your pills tomorrow..”  His hands rest on your side hips, moving your body in unison against his to pull you off this topic. 
Your wrap around his neck, nails digging into the flesh of his back from pleasure. One, coming up to grip at his naturally coal-charged roots, earning yourself an unexpected growl. 
“I can’t go on the pills. They fucked up my appetite, remember?” 
He groans, flipping the two of your over so that you’re propped against the couch’s back. Ass up and proud of his taking. You weren’t really worried about getting pregnant. You just loved seeing him angry. When he is pissed, he’s always at his most dominant. 
“Baby, I love you but please- If you don’t shut the fuck up I’m seriously gonna tie you to our dining table.” A chuckle rolls from your lips, as you twist around, pulling yourself from his grip. He gruffs, watching as you lay on your back under his large frame. 
Your arms reach out, pulling his body onto yours as he lines himself up with your core. His biceps trap your frail self underneath the shadows of his protectant figure, as you press your body flush against his, lifting your leg up to allow himself the privilege of bottoming out. 
His lips curve into a smirk at your cheeky grin. A hand smacks against your thigh, as he yells quietly at your little teases. 
“You little brat!” Your head lulls back playfully, exatrerated moans lift from your chest. 
“Oh, I’ve been so bad, sir!” His chuckle falters to a pushed groan, hips rutting against your core as his balls smack flush against your ass. 
“D-damn right- Fucking.. Oh my God, baby.” His knees plant to both sides of your body, as his hands cup the rounds of your breasts. Fingers pinching and pulling at the erect of your nipples, before his lips exchange sloppy kisses against yours. 
After a few moments of hushed groans and tight moans -for your son’s sake- he’d reached lower, circling fast motions against your throbbing clit. 
Your body lunges forward, mouth gaping at the sudden gesture. "OH fuck!-" Jungkook chuckles, using the palm of his warm hand to clasp over your lips, shutting you up in an instant. He lowers the weight of his body, head resting closer against your neck as soft whispers dance along your heated skin of your collarbone.
"See baby? See how much better I am? More than that little peice of s-shit you call your v.. fucking-"
Your back rises off from the couch, heavy moans and pants slip out a few giggles in between their big performance. Your voice teases back with as much playfulness as his had previous. "What's the matter, baby? Cat got your- fuck!" His movements are quick to chop your words off as he lifts up the weight of your legs, folding them into your chest to plunge his cock deeper past your velvety walls.
"N-no baby, seems like the cat's got your tongue." His weight full umber dripped, uncut bangs fall heavily onto your face, tickling the tip of your nose as his hips snap against yours. Your hands trail up the plains of his back, before reaching out to lock onto the damp toussels, gripping harshly. His lips part, a deep-whiney moan rolling from the depths of his heaving chest.
"F-fuck you're s-such a brat." His voice is raspy and weak, barely being able to slip a few words into his sinful melodic register. A frail smile curves the edges of your lips at his confession.
"You know you like it~" He groans out a soft chuckle, pressing soft, butterfly-like kisses to your jugular.
You take quick notice in how his demeanor has switched. From controlled and in charge to whiney and sporadic. His irises flicker with need, silently pleading for his release. Thighs trembling for how long he's held this position, cock throbbing as his hips start to receed from his once fastening pace. The tip of his finger circling faster motions than he's ever done before. Your body practically lifts off the couch. His free arm lowers, unbeding your leg from its trapped position, stretching the limb past his body. Your thigh shaking at an uncontrollable level. Any kind of snarky or sassy comment that you were planning to make went out the window. Your nails grip along his back, feeling a few drops of blood drip onto your fingers.
"Sh-shit baby- I ain't your fucking scratching post." He chesty laugh only aids in twisting the coil that had been burning in your stomach for the past five minutes.
"N-no- oh fuck, Koo- I- oh fuck!" Your words had no coherence. As if you'd been reaching into a jar full of hyrogliphics and trying to pronounce them.
Beads of sweat roll down the sides of his neck, as he takes mental notes of reminding you to trim your nails later on cause holy fuck does it hurt.
"You gonna cum baby? Look at you. So needy for my cock, huh? What's the magic word?~" You had no idea what you'd been agreeing to. As if all logic had gone out the window, and only chants of 'please' took over your thoughts.
"F-fuck you and your magic word!" You groan out, breaths puffing out like you're running a 6k.
Right before the coil in your stomach snaps, all pleasure receeds from your body. His finger against your clit stills, as well as his thrusts.
His eyes, glassy and fogged with lust. Voice sounding in control, but he felt anything other. However, this had always been his favorite part. Rileing you up so much that you'd do anything for him.
"I said fucking please!"
"That's not it, baby and you know it."
His greasy smirk boils anger in your body. Yet. You'd been too clouded from your edged orgasm to even care at this point. Your arms grip onto his biceps, yanking his hovering frame to press flush against your body completely.
"Fuck me or I'll throw away all of your shitty action figures."
His eyes blow wide, gasping at your threat. "Not Iron Man! Babe!" His voice, now whiney and drat. "You wouldn't dare."
Smirking you raise your head up, grazing the lobe of his ear with your incisors.
"Wanna bet?"
He takes a moment in consideration before resuming his motions. Your legs immidiently are sent back into quivers, as you feel the quick recur of your orgasm. In a matter of seconds, the hot spurts of cum paint your walls as your own release practically makes your body go completely limp. His large frame weighs ontop of you. The two of you quick in trying to catch your breaths.
After a few moments, Jungkook sits up, taking a look around the room.
"Smells like sex in here."
You chuckle, toying at his soft-defined abs with the tip of your toes. He flinched, pushing your feet away.
"Ew! Gross, babe. I don't want your nasty feet on me!"
"Well I didn't want your nasty sweat on me either!" You sit up. Meeting his height by judt a few inches. Arms folding across your chest in annoyance. He coos, placing the warmth of his palm onto your reddened cheeks.
"It's a joke, babe."
You huff, relaxing a bit into his embrace. He pulls your naked body onto his lap, trapping you in a warmth of cuddles. Chests rising and falling at slowed paces, as the room ticks still. The grandfather clock against the wall had been clocking by for the past few moments of silence. Hands, coming to play with the greasy strands of your hair, as his lips press soft kisses onto your exposed shoulder. You giggle.
"So, about the action figures-"
"You try touching my babies and I'll cut both of your hands off." You chuckle, nuzzling your nose into his side neck.
"It was a joke, babe." You tease, grazing your worn out lips over his cooling skin. His chest heaves out a chuckle, plopping you onto the couch to pin your wrists above your head.
"Good. You'd have to fight me for it anyways." His nose brushes along your cheek, making a familiar sensation bubble back up in the pit of your stomach. You glance down, seeing the prominent hardness of his cock poking at your core once again.
"Round two?" He questions, tilting his head to the side. An innocent yet sexy expression paints his features. Your voice lowers, mimicking the seriousness of a video game announcers.
"Ready? Fight!"
A/n: Ahhhhh I wasn't planning on posting this so early but holy crap it just came to me and uhhh- I'm a sucker for DILF anybody. Like- guys it's an issue...
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theemporium · 1 year
can we pretty please get something with Daniel and Sunshine where Sunshine finds and rescues some type of fluffy animal. And we’ve seen recently that Daniel isn’t really animal person so he’s SUPER skeptical about it. And the of course they bond and Dan become a total pet parent.
thank you for requesting!
“What is that?”
Daniel had tried to persuade you to join him and Max at the bar they were going to that night, a bunch of other drivers and friends joining them for a little catch up amongst the winter break between seasons. 
You had appreciated the invitation but told both boys that you just wanted a simple night in. Daniel offered to stay in with you, but you waved him off and told him to go have fun with his friends. You pressed a kiss to his cheek and shooed them both out of the flat, telling them to give you a call if they needed you to pick them up before you shut the door. 
Around half an hour later, you had the strongest craving for ice cream and found yourself slipping on one of Daniel’s hoodies and some trainers, making your way towards the grocery store nearby before it shut. 
And that was when you found this little guy, alone in an alleyway on a cold, rainy winter night.
“It’s a cat, mate!” Max exclaimed, quickly moving away from Daniel’s side as he made his way over to the living room floor, where you were currently sat. “And it is adorable.” 
“He is,” you cooed as you gently stroked the head of the small black kitten you held in your arms. You had already bathed him and fed him some canned tuna you had stored in the kitchen somewhere. And now, he was fast asleep in your arms, purring away.
“Babe,” Daniel sighed, slightly exasperated.
“Danny, he’s a kitten!” you argued, already hearing the doubt in your boyfriend’s voice. “He was abandoned! Did you really expect me to leave him?”
“No but,” he let out a small huff. “I don’t know, you could have taken him to a shelter!”
“But I’ve already named him,” you said with a pout.
“What’s the little guy’s name?” Max whispered excitedly, smiling down at the small kitten you placed in his arms.
“Max, stop encouraging this,” Daniel grumbled.
“Shut up,” he muttered back in response, far too focused on the small bundle of fur in his arms.
“Salem,” you stated proudly. “Like the cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”
“This is ridiculous,” Daniel murmured, the three beers he had now just making him incredibly tired and done with the whole conversation. 
Daniel had tried to persuade you to take the cat to a shelter or even a vet in the morning, but both you and Max instantly disagreed. He had tried over the next few days, but the answer always remained the same, but the Aussie didn’t seem eager to accept his fate.
He always kept his distance from the little cat, letting you buy him what he wanted and caring for him. He watched your shared apartment slowly accumulate a number of cat toys he didn’t even know existed—most that you had bought, the others brought by Max himself. He pretended that he didn’t care, that he didn’t want the cat because he didn’t. 
At least, that was what he kept telling you.
You had gone out to grab a few necessities from the shops when you entered the flat a few hours later, dropping off the bags in the kitchen and heading through the rest of the flat to investigate the unusual silence. You could have sworn Daniel told you he was staying in today.
However, you fell short when you entered the living room, only to find Daniel fast asleep on the couch, the kitten he was so insistent on not keeping curled up next to him and he had a hand protectively on its back like he was scared it would slide down his chest.
You bit back your grin, taking a quick picture of the pair before you swiftly left the room, feeling all too victorious that the small kitten was starting to win Daniel over as you sent the picture to your accomplice.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Daryl Dixon Masterlist 1.0 [You are here]
Daryl Dixon Masterlist 2.0
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You better watch your mouth, sunshine
Always Coming Back
Shot in the Dark
To The End
Matchmaking Gone Wrong
Dog’s Favorite Person
I’m right here, sunshine
But I will be
Behind the Mask
I’m Lucky I Found You
I Found Yea, Bunny
The Stars Above
Safe Place
Stayin’ Put
Miss Me?
For Saving Me
Overwhelming Emotions
Vocalize What’s Inside
Taking Time
Welcome Home
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Maybe you don’t have to leave that. Maybe we stick around here for a while. They come back; we’ll just make it work. They may be nuts, but maybe it’ll be all right.
Note: Requests take their time and you’ll see me post sometimes apologizing over how long requests take. Please be respectful for I go into the grand detail into every fic I write and sometimes life throws something at me that needs to be taken care of in the moment. If something were to happen that a break needs to happen and the requests in the works need a longer pause than expected, there will be a public announcement on the matter. I will not leave you in the dark. Thank you
Found What was Lost
All Fun and Games…
Come With Me
Stick with me at all times
Hurting in Silence
Relax a Little
I've Gotchu Covered
Put Your Head on My Shoulder…
The Thrill of the Hunt
Anything for you, kid
I love you, please don’t push me away
Stubborn Beau
Change Your Mind
Just You
Anxious Habits
Tough Love
Fight for Yourself, Fight for Me
Knowing Enough for Her
That’s okay, I’m here
Loved in Different Ways
Have Never Been Useless
What Happens Next
Perfectly "Fine"
The Walking "Dead"
Heat of the Moment
I will follow you into the dark
Only for You
Protective of One Another
Take Your Time
It was worth it
My Sunshine
I meant it then, I mean it now
It Should’ve Been Me
Hard Exterior, Soft Interior
Sweet Child of Mine
Please, don’t leave
No need to be embarrassed, hun
Chaos in Threes
On the wrong side of him
You made it, dumbass
A moment alone with you
Bundle up next to me
You never saw me, til now
He’ll pay, sunshine. I’ll make sure he does.
The archer’s apprentice
A peaceful moment
You need to care for yourself too
Good things come unexpectedly
The father role tends to follow you
Don’t bite my head off, sunshine
Patching up the holes in your thoughts
Taking care of you
See One, Do One, Teach One
Returning home
Good Ol’ Dixon Advice
Caring for you, in my own way
Lost in the dark, look for the light
You’ll always be important to me
Handle with Care
Keeping an eye on what you love
Sharing is caring
From being alone…to having a family of your own
At least there’s no bears
They need me more
It goes away temporarily
It’s best to watch your mouth
In a past life it was yours, the present is mine
It’s the thought that counts
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Wanna run? Run. I know where I’m supposed to be. I won’t stop you this time
A Force of Nature; Part One | Part Two
It Takes a Village | It Takes Two
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I’m better on my own, I’ll be back before dark.
Falling for the archer
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writing-fanics · 8 months
his little sunflower
Casper x F!Reader
Casper sat at his desk typing away on his computer. Looking up gifts to get his Sunshine. But none of them seemed liked something she’d like. He didn’t notice the bedroom door being pushed open, and a tiny figure walking towards him.
“Boo!” shouted a tiny voice, causing him to look down. Seeing the beaming three year old little girl, Soleil. His little sunflower.
“Aren’t you supposed to be taking a nap?” He asked, looking down at her. And she pursed her lips folding her arms across her chest, “No tired.” She said, and turned back towards him and tried to climb onto his lap.
He smiled leaning down and picking her up. Placing her on his lap, “Azrael” She exclaimed, seeing the plush on his desk. She tried reaching over but her tiny arms, couldn’t. Casper rolled his eyes smiling, as he handed the plush to her. She giggled, hugging him close to her chest.
“Mama!” She exclaimed, seeing the picture on the computer of him and his wife. Casper smiled, “Yep, that’s mama my sunshine and guess who’s that in her arms?” He asked, pointing towards the bundle in her arms in the picture.
“Me!” She exclaimed. He smiled, wrapping his arms around his little girl planting a kiss on her forehead. She brought so much joy into his life as well happiness. Life for him in the beginning wasn’t sunshine and rainbows and life still isn’t that, but right now with his wife and daughter it was. He’d do anything to keep it that way, to protect what he has right now.
Soleil nibbled on Azrael, “N-No! Don’t eat him!” He exclaimed, taking the plush from her and looking at her. She looked up at him, with a mischievous grin. She curled up on his lap, letting out a tiny yawn before falling asleep her tiny head leaning against his chest. As she hugged the plush in her arms, he looked down at his daughter and smile softly. He couldn’t ask for anything better in his life.
a/n: sorry it’s so short I had to clean out my drafts and I was half asleep
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driaswrld · 10 months
(ii) the unconscious consciousness.
— satoru gojo and suguru geto. a tsr interlude.
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Satoru sits at the foot of the couch, cross-legged and nursing a ceramic mug in cupped palms.
From across the way, he sees you.
Having just sent the kids to bed, your eyes hung low with that thin lipped smile that falls when you finally shut the door and can truly feel the weight.
The weight of nothing, the weight of empty.
Satoru's tea is cold.
"Toru?" You whisper, fingers fiddling with the frayed ends of the t-shirt you're wearing, some idol group plastered at the front and the colors faded. His shirt.
"M' okay, don't worry about it." He mumbles, a lanky arm outstretched to receive you when you bend your knees to join him on the floor, his grip tightening just a bit when he inhales your entire being — but you don't smell like you anymore.
It's funny, that now he thinks about that thing Tsumiki said she had to write for school earlier.
"It's an interpretation thing," Tsumiki had explained, clutching her notebook close and pointing a guiding finger to Satoru, who didn't really understand a word of what the assignment was about. "An essay about what love is — like explaining what sunshine feels like."
( to someone who's never felt it. )
"And you picked that prompt willingly?" Suguru chuckled, hunched over the kitchen counter, half asleep and preparing tea for when you finally woke up, Megumi's head stuffed into the fridge, the twins trying to climb over the small boy's shoulders to get a look too.
Sundays were always slow like this.
Soft conversations in the kitchen, helping the kids with whatever homework was left, maybe having sweets for dinner. . .
"It's romantic!" Tsumiki defended.
She never ended up writing the essay though.
Satoru and Suguru never got the chance to help her explain on paper what love feels like.
That same afternoon, Suguru had been called in for a mission. A simple one, not too far in the city.
You and Satoru bundled all the kids into their jackets to go get udon while you waited for Suguru to meet up with you, hoping to get some time to drop by that bakery down the street together. As a family.
Even after so much time it felt weird to say it in his head. Family.
Yet, most of tonight remains a blur in Satoru's mind.
What came back that night wasn't Suguru. You and Satoru knew the moment you looked at each other, in the middle of the crosswalk.
The air was thick, the energy was different.
They say the eyes are the window to the soul, the dead giveaway of any hidden emotion, but that thing looked like Suguru down to the flecks of gold in his irises, the twitch of his eyelids in the night air, the curl of each lash.
Often, eyes deceive.
Souls don't.
"Satoru, you need to sleep." It comes hushed, your hand under his shirt, palm to rib, pulse to flesh, flesh to bone, bone to exhaustion. "Please."
Satoru thinks about what he would've told Tsumiki.
What even is love?
He thinks about you, wearing his shirt and your hair tied up — smelling like incense and some french cologne. Nothing like you, but everything like them.
He thinks about the way he stays up, cerulean in his gaze pooled into a flood — it's already past midnight — his cursed energy burns, his veins have been throbbing ever since that thing wormed it's way into your lives and stole Suguru from you while he was right there.
Right in front of the kids.
Is love that fear pulling taut at his gut when a gust of wind wisps through the curtains ever so often?
Is love the tightness in his shoulders and the burn in his eyes when he looks at you, at what he has and what he's lost and what he failed to protect?
Is history repeating itself?
"I can't— I need. . ." He needs to stay awake. He needs to be right here, eyes wide open and waiting for whatever else will come because he knows it will. "I'm not tired, I swear."
Will it come for you next? Megumi? The girls?
Satoru's tea is cold.
The house is quiet.
He was just here. Just a few hours ago, wiping down the counter and sticking his tongue out at you, cheeks plastered with sanrio stickers and doodles in sharpie, scolding you and Satoru about what sweets not to buy.
Satoru's breaths can't keep up, your hair is falling loose and Suguru's not here to tie it.
Love is the awareness of all those gaps, the cracks in the spaces that were so full of him.
"Then I'm not tired either." You affirm, tucked into Satoru's side, the soft tick of the clock above the mantle echoes in the dim room, your heartbeat slows. "I'm staying with you."
Do you notice those gaps in between your consciousness, Suguru?
Do you feel the emptiness of a soul without a body?
Do you carry us in those threads of awareness, all the strands of us that fill you?
Will you fight that thing until we come for you?
"He's ours." It's never been a question. From limb to organ. "He's ours, and we'll get him back."
Love is the unconscious state we reside in, where it's only you, him and me.
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i had thoughts and this is purely stream of consciousness from my notes app ngl, but this is part of the “oh no kenny takes sugu’s body” canon event that’ll be expanded on
for now i leave tsr babes with this drabble <33
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline Part 3 ~
Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle
You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you... Warnings: frank discussion about sex & pregnancy, sorta nsfw
<----Part 1 Part 2 chapter map
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-You go to a natural pool in the back of the estate, the stones of the dam hand-laid by your ancestors generations ago. The moon is high, and no one else is here, too busy celebrating. “It’s beautiful,” says Paul, filled with wonder. “Everything here is so beautiful.” He is looking at you, when he says the last, and you don’t know what you’ve done to deserve the admiration in his eyes. 
You jump in head first, clothes and all. Everything needs a rinse. When you surface the moon is bright enough that you can see his earnest expression, his powerful body poised to plunge in after you to save you. You alarmed him. It’s so endearing, and you feel a little guilty. 
“It feels wonderful,” you say, holding out your hand to him. He relaxes a little, gives that boyish smile that ties your heartstrings up in knots. He kicks off his shoes first, before diving in. You are treading water, but he finds a rock with his long legs on which to stand. You cling to his shoulders, smiling like a fool. 
“I feel like I found a mermaid,” he says, holding you close. The water is cool, and the line of his body heat against yours is wonderful. 
“You’d better hope not,” you tease. “Don’t sirens try to drown sailors after luring them in?”
“Hmm.” He pulls you closer with that gentle smile. “You seem pretty sweet to me.”
You sigh at hearing that. “Oh Paul…” You kiss again, a slow, lingering press of lips that curls your toes, and makes you wrap your legs around him in the water. “Y/n?” 
“I wouldn’t mind, you know, if we really were married.” 
With a sigh you rest your chin in the bend of his neck. You feel like you can tell this man anything, and he won’t get mad, and yet part of you just wants to protect him. Most of all, from yourself. 
“You don’t want me. Not really.” 
“That’s news to me.” You can tell he’s smiling as he says this. It makes you smile too. 
“Maybe you want to make love to me.”
He laughs shyly; you feel like your bones are filled with sunshine. “Yes.” You can feel the evidence of this, his hard, large bulge poking against your center. It fills you with stupifying want all over again.
You kiss him behind the ear. “You can.” Another kiss, your lips dragging across his cheek. “Just…don’t finish inside me.” He laughs again, quieter, completely self-deprecating, as though you’ve suggested the impossible. 
“Sure. Says the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” 
“Riiight.” You roll your eyes, drawing back to look at him. He’s beautiful like this, his dark hair slicked back, water droplets silver on his eyelashes. 
“I mean it. You are, to me.”
“Paul…” You toy with the curls at the nape of his neck, your heart so full it physically aches.
“I would take care of you,” he tells you gently. “If…we made a baby.” 
You believe him, too. It moves you, every cell in your body straining for this man, and inexplicably that makes you angry, mostly at yourself. 
It sounds like such an easy thing, like baking a cake. Mix the ingredients, put it in the oven, pull out a sweet little bundle of joy. Make a baby. But you know it is truly a bloody and dangerous business, for a woman. You’ve seen it first hand. And bringing the thing into the world is only the start.
“I don’t want to be a mother, and I don’t want to be taken care of,” you tell him, knowing you sound petulant, unable to stop. You let go of him, pushing off to swim across the pool. Now the water feels unbearably cold, without him. 
However, somehow, he still isn’t angry. He just watches you across the water, with those sad soulful eyes. “What do you want, y/n?” 
You think he’s the only man who’s ever really asked you that. 
“I want…freedom,” you admit, and once you start you can’t stop. “I want to live on my own terms, rather than someone else’s. I want to just be responsible for myself, instead of having to run after children and men who act like children and constantly cleaning up someone else’s mess. I want a room of my own, with a window overlooking the Bay, with an Underwood typewriter. I want to write books. I want to travel. I want…” You look at him, smiling winsomely across the quicksilver waters at you, and your next words ball up in your throat. 
I want you.   
All the things you named before, seem stupid, utterly pointless, without that last keystone to hold it all together. 
You don’t know how to tell him that, without utterly signing yourself away to him.
He nods, to himself as much as you. “I hope you get those things, y/n. I hope you get everything you want.” 
“I hope you do too,” you say, and mean it. “I hope you get your house, your family, and your dog.” You can’t see how you fit anywhere in that picture. 
He shrugs, looking down at the water, making ripples beneath the surface with his big hands. “It was just…an abstract idea.”
“What do you mean?”
“The things we want can change, with the people we meet.” 
“What if…I just want you?”
“You don’t.”
“Yes I do.” He says it sweetly with a shrug, just so matter of fact. 
“I would hurt you.”
“Maybe. But maybe…it would be worth it, to try. I think I love you, y/n.” 
You freeze treading water, and almost choke on a mouthful as you sink. 
What have you done? 
 Before you can think of anything to say, or swim to him again to kiss him silly, a hair-raising scream splits the air in the distance. You know that sound, and your blood runs cold. 
“What the hell was that?”
“Gato monte.”
“A what?”
“Lion. Mountain lion. Time to go. Vamos!”
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Don Juan was a hunter, and he had a rug made of one in his den. Maybe you would show Paul–if you made it back to the house alive. You run back to the hacienda together soaking wet, hand in hand. He left his shoes behind in your haste. As soon as you make it back to the flood of torchlight by the house you feel safe. Only then do you laugh together, leaning on the stone wall. 
“The devil have you two been up to?” demands a familiar voice filled with disdain. 
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You gravitate into Paul’s arms without even looking. 
“Swimming, señor,” you answer, short of breath. We heard–a mountain lion.”
Don Juan emerges from the shadows, smirks, pleased for some reason, and you wonder if maybe the sound you heard was not the leon, but a man. 
“The two of you should be careful. So many bad fates could befall a man, out in the mountains.” 
He is looking at Paul as he says it, and your heart drops like a stone. You know that look from when you were children, and you're afraid don Juan is up to something bad.
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