#i will not stand for on eun yu hate!!!
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It makes me so sad that eun yu gets so much hate. I feel like people don't give her the grace they give the other characters, which is so unfair because she's also just a teenager! She's traumatized and trying to make sense of her reality and past just like the rest of them, but because she hides behind a bubbly and easygoing facade people are way too willing to call her annoying (there's also the fact that she's similar to yichan in some ways, and yichan makes TONS of stupid mistakes as well but doesn't get treated the same way).
I for one have a special spot in my heart for characters that are depressed and struggling but shine so, so brightly for their friends. Yes, when she's unaware of something she gets in the way of 'plot' but she's also a supportive friend? I can never understand why people complain about characters acting like the person they're set up to be, just because it doesn't go along with the 'plot' they want to happen.
She's blunt, confident, a bit cheeky, but she also has so many insecurities and flaws. She's not perfect, and I love her for that. We need more female characters that are messy and complex and not just the typical personality types we usually see. Her and eungyeol clearly come from very different upbringings and have different worldviews so seeing them collide was such a delight. Seeing them completely fluster and challenge each other and then grow from that is why their romance really worked for me.
I wish we had more female leads like eun yu!!! She's such a sweetheart!!! I need more female leads that are sources of chaos!!!!
#twinkling watermelon#rambles#seol in ah#on eun yu#kdrama#i love her!!!#i will not stand for on eun yu hate!!!#like let's be real yichan (who i love don't get me wrong) also did plenty of stupid shit but people only seemed to get mad at eun yu#she's also just a kid!! they're all kids let them be stupid and make mistakes from time to time!#i thought the message of the show was literally about learning to enjoy your youth!!!
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Drowning Without You By My Side
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Sweet Home Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
Pairing(s): Cha Hyun-su x Fem!Reader Summary: Ever since losing everything, you felt like you were drowning. Trying to end it all wasn't successful when an unknown and unnatural force was hell-bent on stopping you, but when a near-death experience - unintended this time - causes you to tempt Death's grasp, you finally meet the force keeping you bound to the world. Warnings: Season 2 spoilers (slightly)! Slight panic attack, drowning, explicit detail of attempted suicide on the reader's part (The National Suicide and Crisis Hotline is 988. There are so many people who care about you and would love to help you. You are not alone), cutting and bleeding (during the roll calls), Ah-yi being too cute for her own good, and Hyun-su being a fond little cinnamon roll and a great big brother (even if it's only for a scene), no use of (y/n). Word Count: 6,163
You woke up with a start, sweat slickening your skin and causing the slightly ripped t-shirt to stick to your back. It was designed with a band of which you'd never heard the likes of before the apocalypse started. Your breathing was quickened intensely and you wiped your hands over your face, pushing your palms into your eye sockets as you fruitlessly tried to calm your heart rate. It took several minutes of doing every method you knew to stop a panic attack before you were finally able to take a deep breath without it stuttering in your lungs. You swung your legs over the edge of the hammock you had designated as your bed since you first arrived at the stadium all those months ago. To know that you hadn’t seen the boy you once called home in over half a year was a hard pill to swallow. You hated yourself for letting him go.
Hated that you didn’t try harder to follow after him.
Hated that you let the group force you onto the truck with them and head to the safety camp.
It was a never-ending cycle of self-loathing since you’d arrived at the stadium. When you’d found the secret exit leading out of the stuffy concrete walls you were trapped in, you found yourself leaving whenever possible. You couldn't handle the pitiful stares of your fellow Green Home survivors and the eyes of the citizens in the stadium who disliked the woman that protected the “murderer” of the chief’s husband. Although Eun-yoo and you did not really have any sort of relationship in terms of friendship, you had an unspoken agreement to protect and stand up for each other. If not each other, you had no one. The people you each had viewed as the closest to you of anyone had gone missing or even passed on to the next life. You both refused to admit that last thought out loud, though.
Every morning, you would wake up and attend the morning roll call before getting dressed and leaving for the day until you returned just in time for the evening roll call.
Today would be no different.
You dropped your bare feet onto the frigid concrete floor and walked towards the bathroom, suppressing a shiver. The entrance to the bathroom had been taken off after an incident inside of the stadium. It involved none other than yourself and the elder brother of one of the boys who bullied Yeong-su when the two of you got into a fight. You can remember the exact words he had spoken to you after you talked to him about the boy’s behavior.
“The little shit deserves it. Being the little brother of a murderer and the devil’s advocate,” he’d said, referring to Eun-yu and yourself. “I hope he ends up becoming a monster. I even hope I’ll be the one to have the honor of killing him.”
You remember punching him square in the nose as soon as the words left his mouth. He’d flown backward and slammed into the bathroom door, successfully knocking it off the hinges and breaking the flimsy wood in half. You were positively seething at the absolute audacity the man had. Not being satisfied with how he’d fallen, you jumped on top of him and started pounding your fist into his face. You hit him over and over again, undeterred by the few hits he managed to get in, until you were pulled off of him. You started thrashing around violently when you felt hands wrapping around you to pull you off of him until you realized it was Park Chan-young, the young soldier who had been an alibi and friend to you and the rest of the Green Home survivors since you’d first gotten on that truck. A small crowd had gathered around after hearing the commotion and yells coming from the two of you before they all parted to allow Chief Ji in. When she saw you, her confused stare deepened to a glare but she ignored you in favor of transporting the brother you had just fought to the medical room. That was a hell of a day.
The inside of the bathroom was a regular locker room. Not surprising considering it was originally used for the players of the baseball team. The only difference was one of the walls was poorly rebuilt with rocks and bricks by Chief Ji and some of the stadium's residents after it was impacted by the missiles.
Before you had started heading over to the bathroom, you had grabbed your small compact bag of hygiene supplies and brought it with you. Although toothpaste was hard to come by and you had to share the rations the soldiers found with your neighbors, you were able to find some on one of your days out. You brushed your teeth dry, not wanting to use any of the limited water on something like brushing your teeth. This had become something you were used to.
Finally returning to your sleeping space, you didn’t bother changing out of the clothes you slept in and just decided to continue wearing them. The outfit was comfortable yet simple: a pair of oversized off-white sweatpants you had to manually make a drawstring for using a shoestring, and a short-sleeved dark blue shirt. Your shoes were the same ones you wore the first day this monsterization started. They were originally a pristine white you had tried your hardest not to taint, but now they were stained beyond repair from your adventures. You consider yourself lucky you had only bought them a week before the outbreak. They held up well throughout the year you’d spent with them as your sole pair of shoes.
The morning announcement calling for roll call sounded through the silent air of the little enclosed unit you were lucky enough to be given.
Although luck may not have been the true cause. So many people were reluctant to be near you when they slept and complained enough times to the chief that she eventually just set you apart from the rest. Although it was lonely at times, you were thankful for the shred of privacy you had been granted.
Once your shoes had been put on along with your sweater, you calmly walked down the hall toward the place where your assigned group met for roll calls. You arrived just in time to see Yeong-su slap away Jin-ok’s hand when she tried to pull him back from a soldier who was grinning meanly at him. You could see the built-up tears in the boy’s eyes that he desperately was trying to push away and rushed forward. Seeing the reasoning behind his tears, despite the consequences that you knew would ensue, you roughly pushed against the soldier’s back which sent him tumbling forward and his face met the ground floor with a sickening sound. You risked a glance to look back at Yeong-su and Jin-ok. Yeong-su’s arm was bleeding rapidly, seeming obvious that the soldier who cut him too deeply hit an artery. Hopefully, it wasn't a major one. The boy’s lip was quivering as he held back his tears. You could see all the emotions in his eyes: anger, frustration, helplessness, but mainly relief. Relief from you coming in to defend him. You quickly sent a look to Jin-ok and she immediately knew what you meant. She gently took Yeong-su’s hand and this time he didn’t resist as she led them both away from the scene and to their living quarters.
You barely had time to let out a relieved smile before a fist was sent flying into your left cheek, sending your head snapping to the right and you falling back, only barely and painfully catching yourself with your elbows. You looked up at your assailant to see the officer who was tormenting Yeong-su standing above you. His nose was bleeding heavily and if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was beginning the transition period to a monster. He wiped at his nose to no avail and sent you a heavy glare. He leaned down and roughly grabbed your arm, hauling you to your feet and pulling out his knife. You held eye contact even when the blade roughly slashed across your forearm, right over an already existing cut. You praised yourself internally on how you kept your face entirely neutral and how the soldier looked angry and disappointed at your lack of reaction.
You gave him a slight smirk as you held up your bleeding arm for his view, the blood gushing down and covering your bruised elbow. “Happy?” You questioned tauntingly and your smirk grew as you saw the man seething. Despite his intimidating height, you couldn’t help but think he looked like a cartoon character with the way you were sure steam would be bursting out of his ears at any second. When he made no further move to continue the fight, you swiftly turned around and walked out of the room, smiling when you heard him yell in frustration and throw something to the floor. The knife, you presumed.
You didn’t bother visiting the doctor to help you treat your wounds as you wrapped a strap of clothing around it and called it a day. Any respect you had for him instantly flew down the drain when you caught him drinking the rubbing alcohol meant for treating wounds and acting immaturely all the time. You walked in the direction of the exit, making sure to not be spotted by any soldiers as you did. When you finally got there and pushed the door open, you let out a breath of relief. The moment you stepped out the door and into the clean air of the outdoors, you felt yourself relax a little more than before. You found it odd how you felt more relaxed outside of the safe haven the stadium provided but you couldn’t help yourself. In the outdoors, you felt free. You could think without hindrance and allow yourself to feel an emotion that wasn't complete and utter despair.
The ground crunched below your feet as you walked across the gravel towards the green grass fields. You had no objective or destination in mind for today, you just wanted to escape the oppressive hands of your 'superiors.'
Walking on light feet, still making sure to keep your head focused on the area around you in case a monster appeared, you found yourself standing in front of a building. There was nothing special about this building. Half of it wasn't even attached as it lay broken in shambles around the structure. The ladder leading to the roof was rusted and had some of the metal bars sticking out awkwardly. The building in total was relatively normal and in good shape compared to those around it.
The only special thing about this building was the memories that it spurred within your head.
You climbed up the ladder, tears blocking your vision as they collected on your waterline despite your deepest efforts. You lost everyone. You lost Hyun-su; the boy you called home; the boy you called your soulmate; the boy you loved more than anyone or anything else. You lost Ji-su, the girl you decided you could call your best friend after spending so much time with her on the first floor of Green Home for those days at the beginning of this mess. You even lost Su-yeong, the little girl you’d grown so protective over… gone without a second thought. You never truly had Eun-yu so it wouldn’t hurt as much whether or not she had died. The only person you truly felt you had left was Yeong-su. You hated yourself for doing this to him but only having him wasn’t enough to stay anymore.
You felt like you were drowning. You were unable to handle the constant feeling of your emotions overpowering you. You’d heard so many times that it got easier as time went on but you never thought you would be able to overcome this. Although it might have been fitting to end your life by drowning, you just wanted a quick and painless death.
Falling solved that for you.
When you finally climbed the ladder to the roof of the building, you couldn’t help the sobs that wracked your body. You hopped up onto the edge of the building and looked up. The sky seemed to perfectly oppose how you were feeling. Soft, puffy white clouds were fluttering through the atmosphere and forming different shapes you could just barely make out. The tears slipped down the side of your face as you tried to gain some sort of peace before you followed through with your decision.
The wind was a gentle, cool breeze across your damp cheeks as you stood and glanced across the beautiful terrain below you. The grass had just barely begun to grow out of its perfect and well-maintained state, but it was still a wonderful sight to see. There were flower gardens surrounding the tall building, some crushed brutally by the falling of the walls but most were left perfectly untouched and thriving in the new world. The sight made your body calm down, the tears cascading waterfalls of sorrow down your cheeks slowly coming to a stop. You’ve heard of the acceptance of death people have when they know they’re about to die. You’d never thought you would have to face that kind of acceptance, never really thought the way you’d die would be because the world had been cruel and gave you too much pain for you to handle. You never thought that yet there you were.
There you were, standing on the edge of the tallest building you could find, one foot raised and hovering over the edge and you giving one last smile to the world before having your other foot join it.
The wind screamed in your ears and you swear you could hear voices within it. Voices calling your name. Voices that sounded too similar to one you’d lost. You let your eyes fall shut as memories flashed through your mind. Memories of reading to Su-yeong and Yeong-su; memories of playing the guitar and singing with Ji-su, laughter interrupting each word because you couldn’t take yourselves seriously; memories of Hyun-su.
Memories of shaking his hand when you first met him after he moved in across the hall from you in Green Home.
Memories of him coming to you crying for the first time and confessing how he couldn’t stand being alive anymore.
Memories of losing yourself in his eyes when he smiled at you.
Memories of his touch against your cheeks when he leaned in to leave a kiss against your forehead.
Memories of him.
A single tear drop fell from your eye and you smiled at the thought of meeting him again, whether that be in your next life or the one that comes after death. There was no doubt in your mind that he was gone, and that thought alone was more than half of your reasons for wanting to end it all.
Just as you were sure you were about to hit the bottom, a strong yet lean arm wrapped around your body and gently set you down on the ground before retreating just as quickly as it had appeared. You shot your eyes open only to be left with the blue sky above you and the intense wind that breezed over your body as whatever it was that saved you disappeared. For a few moments, you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t move, couldn’t blink, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything except stare in perplexment at the sky. As you sat up, you still couldn’t think straight and allowed your body to work on autopilot as it walked you home.
It took a full week until you were finally able to come to terms with the fact that either you had imagined the whole thing or something - someone - had saved you.
A month after your first attempt, you tried again. You couldn’t handle the stares of disdain and hatred towards you after you had defended Eun-yu as others criticized her about her apparent murder of Chief Ji’s husband. Yet, just like the last time, you were saved miraculously last minute by that same strange force.
You tried a dozen more times, all ending with the same result. It was so frustrating and you could barely handle the pain knowing you couldn’t even control your death, let alone your life.
The tears streamed down your face violently as you knelt and smacked your fists angrily against the wet, coarse dirt of where you were, once again, gently placed down after another failed attempt to end your life. The shredded noose hung limp around your neck and you ripped it off aggressively. You let out an agonizing scream from the deepest part of your lungs and it ended with more sobs as you let yourself fall onto your side with your knees pulled into your chest. Your loud sobs slowly quieted down but the tears never stopped falling. You stood up from the wet ground, your hair and clothes both stained by the mud below. Water rained down from the heavens, soaking your shirt and making it cling to your chest. Your tears blurred with the raindrops that splashed against you and slowly made their way down your face, disappearing down your neck and into the collar of your shirt.
“Why are you doing this?” You yelled into the open air, receiving no answer. “Why? Why do you keep doing this? Why won’t you just let me die?” You choked on a sob at that last question and yet you still received no answer. Defeated, you decided to retreat back to the stadium and get cleaned up. When you returned, Jin-ok was the first to notice the bruising around your neck and your tired, puffy eyes. When she asked, you played dumb but you could tell she saw right through you. Luckily, she left it alone.
You ended up curled up in your hammock for hours as you sobbed your heart out.
Although the stadium might have been a better place to follow through with your plan, you refused to put your few remaining friends - if you could even really call them that - through that. Put them through the pain of seeing your dead body and knowing they might have been able to stop it. Even though you would be dead by then, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself. The only way you would allow yourself to follow through was outside of the stadium.
But a certain someone, or something, wouldn’t allow that to happen.
That was the last time you tried to end your life.
You’d had many dangerous encounters since then but every time they would be cleared out by your guardian angel before you could even really call them a threat. It got to the point where you felt more safe outside the stadium compared to within its concrete walls.
Sighing, you averted your eyes from the building and walked around it, focusing instead on the plants that were just starting to bloom in the early spring. The breeze was a welcome chill that rose goosebumps along your arms. As you continued to walk, your mind blank and your feet destinationless as you wandered, you came across a large pool of water.
And a girl.
She was young, and couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. It was such a shock to see her there, especially all by herself, that you didn’t realize she was sinking until it was almost too late. Without a second of hesitation, you jumped right into the lake and swam as fast as you could towards her. Grabbing a hold of her hand, you pulled her along as you swam back up to the surface. You dragged her towards the edge of the earth where the stable ground met the water and laid her down. Lowering your head to her mouth, you tried to listen to her breathing but instead, you got a headbutt to the ear. She shot up and started coughing up water. You ignored how your ear stung at that moment and instead rubbed along her back while she breathed heavily.
“Are you okay?” You asked her and she suddenly snapped her head towards you, like she didn’t recognize your presence until you spoke.
Slowly, she nodded. “Yes,” she hesitated before quietly asking, “Did you save me?”
You smiled at her shy mannerisms as she played with the hem of her wet and dirtied dress. “Yeah, I did.”
She looked up at you, almost surprised with your confession, and gave you a shy smile back. “Thank you,” she whispered before averting her eyes again.
You couldn’t stop the smile growing even brighter on your face at her adorableness. You looked around, seeing nobody else in sight. Your eyebrows furrowed as you began to worry about who she was and why nobody was taking care of her. “Are you alo-”
Just as you started to speak, a wet and slimy tentacle-like appendage wrapped itself around your torso and yanked you back into the lake. You thrashed around but couldn’t unravel yourself from the monster’s grip. You saw your knife float away and sink further down the dark abyss that was the bottom of the lake. With it, the last of your newfound hope to live followed. Just as you lost the last of the reserved air in your lungs, a sudden figure dove into the water and wrapped its arm around you. Just before your eyes fluttered shut, you swore you saw the blurry face of the same boy who haunted your dreams. The boy who haunted your nightmares.
The same boy who haunted your mind as you stuttered between the line separating life and death after surrendering to the lack of oxygen.
You screamed as you saw the military take him away. You lay helplessly against the side of the crumbling Green Home building as the pain of moving around too much from your wounds caused you to be dead-weight in your spot.
He let out a scream of agony that ended with your name and you felt your heart shatter. He was surrounded by multiple people; doctors, scientists, and soldiers alike. Each person’s face was surrounded by a strange darkness. The only thing you could make out of their faces were their evil, wide smiles, and their eyes tainted a demonic red. The sight made you feel even more helpless and despair-ridden than before.
You could do nothing but watch as the love of your life was taken from you without a second thought.
Hyun-su gathered you in his human-form arm while the other, extended in his monstrous form, swung back and forth through the water to slice at the monstrous being that dared to harm you. He didn’t waste much more time under the water to fight the beast as he noticed your eyes had slipped shut and you weren’t releasing any more air bubbles. He surged upwards, his wing doing most of the work as he darted through the surface of the water and onto the solid ground near the same little girl you had saved before.
Lying you down on the ground gently, he lowered his head to your mouth to hear if you were breathing, cursing quietly when he realized you weren’t. It was at times like these that he thanked whatever deity existed that he allowed himself to be persuaded by his parents to be a lifeguard for a summer. That way, he learned and was certified in CPR.
Plugging your nose, he administered two breaths into your mouth before pressing his - now both fully human - hands to your chest. Just as he prepared for the first chest compression, you suddenly started coughing and turned onto your side as you continued to cough up the water from your lungs. He was so thankful there wasn’t enough water in your lungs that he would’ve had to break your ribs giving you CPR.
But he would choose broken ribs over a body that wasn’t breathing any day.
After coughing your lungs dry, you fell onto your back with your eyes closed as you took many deep breaths. Suddenly, you remembered the face you clearly remember saving you and shot up into a sitting position, your eyes wide and surprised. Your gaze immediately fell upon him.
You held your breath as your eyes met and you stared at each other for a few moments. Your hand hesitantly raised to reach out for him. His gaze didn’t stray from your own as you brought your hand to his face, a mix between a sigh and a sob leaving your throat as you felt the soft skin of his cheek touch your fingertips. He was wet and cold, but he was alive. A smile grew onto your face but it dropped just as Hyun-su’s began to form. You yanked your hand away as if his skin suddenly burned you, and it might as well have. You could see the hurt expression taking over his face but the feeling of the anger, betrayal, and grief flooding through your veins overpowered any feelings of remorse you might have felt. Taking a quick moment to look around for the child you saved, you let out a small sigh of relief when you saw her innocently watching the interaction between you and Hyun-su, breathing normally and sitting safe and sound on the grass.
“Take care of her for me, will you?” You asked him coldly, not waiting for an answer as you stood up and started speed walking in the opposite direction.
“No, wa- wait!” He scrambled to stand up, calling after you as you ignored his advances. “Stop!” He finally caught up to you and wrapped his hand around your bicep gently, turning you around to face him.
“What? What the fuck is so important that you finally feel the need to talk to me?” You let out a sob of a laugh as you ripped your arm away from him. You could slowly see the realization of why you were acting so angry and upset dawn on his face as guilt settled into his eyes. “You’ve gone this entire time being just fine as you save my life just to leave me there, alone, time and time again. So please - please - explain to me what is now so important you feel the need to reveal yourself to me.”
You looked at him expectantly as his mouth opened and closed, looking for an answer. He seemed to find it as he finally said, “I just… I really thought you died this time. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You looked at him, frustrated, for a moment before harshly scrubbing your palms over your eyes which were tearing up against your will. “So… what, after all the times you saved me, now you want to check on my safety?” Taking a deep breath, you forced your face to look calm, masking your anger for his sake so you could get out of this situation with as little hindrance as possible. You dropped your hands to your sides, your tears smeared across your face leaving it in a shiny glow. “Well thank you, Hyun-su, for your consideration,” you spoke the last word with bitterness lacing your tone that you could tell he caught as he winced softly. “But I am fine.”
You turned around, fully intent on heading back to the stadium when his hand wrapped around your bicep again. “What?” You asked angrily and turned around only to be pulled into a tight hug. You didn’t waste time in fighting his grip but he was relentless. “Let me go!” You screamed at him, although it was muffled by his shirt. “You’re such an asshole! I fucking mourned for you! I built a fucking memorial and brought a flower every single week without fail and yet you were never fucking dead! Why did you keep letting me think you were dead?” You were now pounding your fists into his chest, no longer resisting his embrace but expressing the built-up anger, sadness, grief, and self-loathing you felt every single day. It all stemmed solely from the way you hated yourself for not trying harder to save him. Not trying harder to resist Eun-hyuk when he told you and Eun-yu he would bring him back. “Was it you? Was it you every time I was stopped? Every time I was in danger, it was you who saved me, wasn’t it? What gave you the fucking right?” The crying started again. In turn, your hits became less and less powerful with each strike along with your screams gradually quieting. “Why did you have to leave me?” You sobbed out and let your head fall onto his chest as he buried his face in your hair. Your hands clutched onto his t-shirt as if trying to anchor him to you, scared that if you let him go, he would disappear again. Your knees gave out, exhausted by the emotional turmoil washing over you from the last five minutes. And so soon after death caressed you on the cheek too. Hyun-su caught you and slowly lowered the two of you to the ground, never once breaking the embrace.
You sat in silence, only broken by the sound of your sobs as they slowly subsided. When you settled down, you spoke once more.
“Did you know I was in love with you?” You didn’t feel any physical reaction from him that would express what he was feeling in that moment so you continued. “I never stopped. Loving you, I mean. I don’t think I ever will, but god, I hate you so much right now.”
There were a few silent beats where the only sound you could hear was the sound of his heartbeat against your ear until he spoke.
“I didn’t think I would be able to handle seeing you again and find you with this exact reaction. By the time I left the military’s grasp, I tried to find you but then I saw you on that ledge.”
It surprised you and calmed your nerves all the same.
“I knew I was just being a coward but I thought too much time had passed for me to just show up. Today was just a bit different.” He leaned back a bit to look at you and you did the same. He gave a small smile when he saw you again, with your wet eyes and glistening cheeks you looked wonderful. Even after sobbing your heart out, you were still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. “My love, I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you, and I never stopped either,” he leaned in slowly so your foreheads rested against each other and your noses brushed. “And if you need time to stop hating me, I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
You looked into his radiating brown eyes as the last tear slipped from your own before bringing a hand up to cup his cheek once again. You let out a small laugh which he returned with an adoring smile. Leaning in, you pressed your lips against his in a soft, unhurried kiss. He slid a hand up from where it was pulling you into his embrace to rest against the back of your neck as he held you against him. When the both of you were smiling too much to continue the kiss, you leaned back just enough to stare into each other’s eyes. The adoration and love you had for each other would be clear for anyone to see from the way you gazed at each other.
You suddenly pushed forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close and hugging him once more. He sat still for a moment as he processed what you did only to wrap his arms around your waist. He hugged you just as tight and with just as much desperation as you did.
“God, I missed you so much,” you whispered into his ear and he sighed shakily into the spot where his face was buried in your neck.
“I missed you too, so much. I’m so sorry for not coming back sooner.”
“Well, you’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me,” you reassured him and he physically relaxed, his shoulders untensing and him falling further into your embrace.
The sound of the soft pattering of footsteps interrupted the moment you two were sharing. However, it was entirely welcome when you saw the little girl you had saved before standing beside you. You pulled away from Hyun-su, but not too far as he grabbed onto one of your hands. You smiled at him slightly, he was obviously just as starved of your touch as you were his.
“Hi there,” you told her gently when you turned back to her, not wanting to scare her in any way. “What’s your name?”
She looked down shyly, not answering until Hyun-su reached out to her with his hand. “It’s okay, she’s a good one,” he reassured her as he brushed some stray wet strands of her pin-straight black hair out of her face when her small hands were unable to. He took her hand and gently pulled her closer to the two of you. It made you smile as you saw them interact. The caring and soft way Hyun-su acted with her reminded you so much of a father interacting with his daughter.
It just made you love him even more.
He gave her one more nod of reassurance before she timidly introduced herself.
“M-my name is Ah-yi,” she stuttered out and you silently cooed at her adorable little shy smile. “Thank you for saving me, Miss.”
“Of course, Ah-yi, you are very welcome,” you gave her your own smile and some of her shyness seemed to fade away. You then gave her your name and she visibly brightened up.
“You’re the princess!” You gave her a confused smile with a small laugh as she then began to explain. “Oppa’s told me stories about you! How you’re the princess of the big green castle and how he was a knight in shining armor who was saved by you, the warrior princess!” She talked animatedly with her hands swinging around wildly and her chest puffing out at the end to make her seem stronger. Your lips formed a big smile as you looked over at Hyun-su to see him lightly glaring at Ah-yi with a big blush coating his cheeks.
“Ah, so you’ve told stories about me, have you?” You teased him and he looked at you before rolling his eyes.
“Shut up,” he mumbled and you yelped as he yanked on your hand, sending you falling onto his chest with a loud laugh.
You talked a bit more with Ah-yi, somehow ending with her laying her head in your lap as you leaned against Hyun-su with your back to his chest. The three of you watched the clouds, pointing out any shapes you could find and making up stories that Ah-yi seemed to love. Every time you looked over at Hyun-su, you could see all of his attention focused on you and how you interacted with the small child.
Time seemed to fly as eventually, the sun started to fade into the distance, only leaving splotches of light shining through the leaves of the tall trees surrounding you. All three of you stood up and you glanced in the direction of the stadium with sad eyes. You couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Hyun-su yet. Even the thought of leaving the small girl you had grown strongly attached to in the past few hours broke your heart. Hyun-su seemed to sense your hesitation as he grabbed your hand.
You looked back at him and he looked at you so fondly you felt like your heart might burst. With his thumb gently caressing your knuckles, he looked you in the eyes and said, “Stay. Stay with me. With us. You don’t have to go yet.”
He seemed just as desperate to make up for lost time with you as you were with him. His eyes widened and that smile you loved so dearly formed on his face when you nodded with little thought put into the decision. Pulling you closer with his arm circling your shoulders and one of yours circling his waist while the other hand reached out for Ah-yi to grab. She practically leaped at the opportunity.
“You ready, princess?” Hyun-su asked you in a soft teasing voice and you looked up at him with the same passionate smile gracing your lips.
“Lead the way, my shining knight.”
Pt 2: Floating Above Those Dark Skies :)
#sweet home#sweet home hyun su#sweet home imagines#sweet home 2#hyun su#hyun su would make such a good dad omg#cha hyun su#cha hyunsu#eun-yoo#lee eun yoo#eun-yu#lee eun-yu#sweet home x reader#cha hyun su x reader#hyun-su x reader#hyun soo#cha hyun soo#cha hyunsoo#cha hyunsoo x reader#cha hyun soo x reader
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Helloo! I was wondering if you could do a hysun su smut (I love him so much😔) one where we are eun hyuk’s sister and we are secretly with hysun su and the others don’t know cause eun hyuk is and eun yoo are very protective of us since we are the little sister? Very specific sorry LMAOO😭
Cha Hyun Su x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warning ⚠️: Vaginal sex , Fingering , rough sex, Sneaky sex , name calling
Small summary : You met Hyun su when you were heading up to the roof , not paying much attention as you were to busy texting your big sister Eun yu , she told you to come up to hang with her since she didn’t hang with Eun Hyuk , as you were walking you ended up bumping into a tall male figure , catching your phone before it could hit to ground , as you quickly give the guy a quick sorry , your body soon becoming stiff as your eyes become mesmerized , soon after you and Hyun su started to hang out which lead to you soon dating , during the apocalypse you would seek off to see Hyun su when everyone was asleep
It was around midnight or so , you didn’t really know but you knew that everyone would be asleep , slowly getting out of your sleeping mat as you quickly but quietly stand to your feet , turning your head left and right as your eyes scan around the quiet room
Everyone was asleep, letting out a small sigh of relief as you slowly crept past both your brother and sister sleeping figures , your body coming to a complete stop as you see Eun Hyuk turn over to his side back now facing you as you let a small shaky breath , slowly reaching under his pillow as you grab a hold of the keys from beneath it as you quickly head towards the door
Taking the last few steps towards the rooms door as you quickly open the door closing it silently behind you , turning down the hall as you quickly head towards the room your brother kept Hyun su in
You hated to see him locked up , you didn’t like how your brother , Eun Hyuk would treat him as if he were a animal, always keeping him caged up unless him wanted to use him for something
Then there was your sister , Eun Yu , since no one knew about your relationship, she had her moments where she would stare at him without him noticing , how she would become nervous when ever he had a mission, Hyun su may have never noticed but you .. YOU DID , and it pissed you off at times
Shaking the thought out of your head as you let out a small sigh turning down the hall as you walk towards the end of the hall coming to a complete stop as you turn to your left as you come face to face with a caged door
Using the key that you held in your hand as you make sure to check your surroundings before putting the key in the lock turning it slightly to the right as you hear a slight clicking noise , making sure the coast was clear once more before slowly pushing open the door as you head inside the room closing the door behind you
Once you closed the door as you face inside the dark room , the moon light peeking through the dirty window as it had small smudges that allowed the moon light through
Stepping further into the dark room as your eyes start to slowly adjust to the darkness , coming to a stop once you were in the middle of the room , looking around the large room as you didn’t notice Hyun Su’s figure
Opening your mouth to call out for Hyun su but before you could say anything you feel a presence behind you causing your breathe to be caught in your throat as you feel a slight shiver run down your spine
In seconds you feel strong arms wrap around your waist as you soon become relaxed realizing the familiar scent as Hyun Su’s as you slowly turn to face Hyun su as you stare in his brown eyes, becoming confused as you see his eyes filled with lust
Letting out a small gasp as you feel his strong arms pick up your small figure within seconds, slowly walking for his small make shift bed as his places you down eyes never leaving yours , slowly leaning in as his lips slowly connect with yours
Lips slowly moving in sync as he removes a hand from your legs slowly running it up your bare legs as his hand moves up your school skirt , stoping at your slight soaked panties as Hyun su lets out a soft groan in the kiss
Using one of his fingers to move your soaked panties to the side causing you to let out a muffled moan as you feel the cold air come in contact with your soaked and bare cunt , using his same finger as he starts to play with your wet fluids for a few seconds before pushing his finger past your wet fluid’s slowly entering your needing hole , pulling away from the kiss as you let out a loud gasp eyes locked on Hyun su
“So wet for us” Hyun su says as he looks down at your soaked pussy
Watching as Hyun su slowly looks up at you causing your body to shiver as you feel your cunt tighten around Hyun Su’s fingers .. his eyes were pitch black as he looked at you with a crazied look
Without giving you enough time to process what was going on as Hyun su’s finger starts to move in and out of your soaked pussy at a fast pace causing you to let out a moan as you keep your eyes locked on his only causing him at add another finger as he picks up his pace
“H-Hyun su” you moan out loud quickly covering your mouth with one of your hands as the other grips at Hyun su’s small blanket , eyes never leaving Hyun Su’s
Watching Hyun Su’s head slowly moves to your thigh licking a long trail up your bare thigh stoping once he was at your inner thigh as he slowly moves to your cunt , as he smiles with amusement
Slowly moving his head towards your dripping pussy as he start to give your clit slow and soft kitty licks as you let out a gasp hand never moving your mouth as your back arch’s off the bed
After a few licks he violently starts to suck at your clit as you let out a moan , your free hand moving towards Hyun su’s hair as you grip tightened slightly pulling him closer as you feel the vibrations of his laugh against your clit causing your mind to go a bit fuzzy
As you tried your hardest not to make much noise to afraid your brother and sister would hear , as Hyu su continues to suck at your clit as his finger violently attack your soaked pussy as you soon start to feel a knot form in the pit of your stomach, using all your strength as you try to push Hyun su away only causing him to hold on your hip tightly with his free hand
After a few seconds you feel your self cum over Hyun Su’s fingers as he slowly pulls away from your soaked cunt , his lower face now covered in your juices as he shows off a insane smile , as you try to come down from your high not noticing as Hyun su quickly pulls down his sweat pants along with his boxers
His cock standing tall as he grabs your thighs pulling your body closer as he climbs on top of you , looking deep in your eyes as you let put a gasp
Letting out a soft moan as you feel Hyun su push his harden cock in side your soaked pussy , once Hyun su was inside your soles cunt he quickly starts to go at a fast past causing you to let out a loud moan
Completely forgetting that your brother or sister may hear you since Hyun su room wasn’t far from the sleeping are for the others , as you feel Hyun su thrust become deeper causing your mind to become fuzzy as your eyes starts to roll to the back of your head
“Shh, you don’t want to wake your brother or sister right..” Hyun su says in a taunting voice as he lets out a low groan as he feels you tighten around his cock
“Oh you like that idea you dirty whore” Hyun su says as he starts to pick up his pace going at a inhuman speed as you feel a knot forming in your stomach for the second time
“C-c-cummin” you managed to moan out as your arms wrap around Hyun su pulling his body closer to yours as his thrust became deeper than before
After a few more deep strokes your felt the knot in your stomach snap as feel your self cream over Hyun Su’s hardened cock but Hyun su didn’t stop causing you to let out a loud moan
As Hyun su unwraps your arms from his neck putting them over your head as he holds them in place with one hand causing your eyes to widen a bit as you try to get your arms loose , letting out a deep chuckle as Hyun su starts to pick up his pace as you start to scratch at his hand as your eyes start to water hot tears running down your cheeks
“N-no m-more H-Hyun su” You moan out as your back arch’s off the bed
“Just take it , yah” Hyun su groans out as his pitch black eyes stare down at your crying face letting out a soft chuckle
After a few more violent strokes you felt the familiar feeling in your stomach as you feel Hyun su cock twitch inside your soaked cunt causing you to tighten around his cock , after a few more thrust your both came as you let out a loud moan
“Seriously, my baby sister”
As hYun su quickly gets off you, you quickly grabbing the blanket to hold up to shield both you and Hyun su half naked forms , as your both look towards the door
…It was a angry Eun Hyuk
#black reader#fem reader#female reader#sweet home#sweet home 2#sweet home imagines#smut#x reader#sweet home x reader#cha hyun soo#cha hyun su x reader#cha hyunsu#sweethomefanfic#sweet home fanfic#netflix
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What Did I Watch: #39
Since last May, I finished watching:
Lovely Runner
What a show. I'm trying to be objective but well, it's so hard. Maybe I'm biased towards a show that makes a good used of time. Where time can shine and one of the main driving force in a motion pictures. How time not only act as a plot but also the main character. Lee Si-Eun chakkanim knew how to bend time, folding it, and tucked inside her other two leading characters.
IMHO, she's not trying to show the audiences about the typical story that is unfolding if we include time. That love suddenly bigger than the time itself. You still can't stop time washed all over you. But you can still stand and not let time drown you. By holding on to memories. That's makes time, limitless. Not bound by its numerical figure.
In a way, to tell us, yes you can define time and its preferences. It's up to us how to take advantage of it.
The Princess Royal
I just love when two people decide to rule the world together. I was enjoying every intrigues, schemes, and the romance is just felt like two adults trying at their best on their relationship. It's not perfect, not the fairy tale kind like every other Chinese dramas. And that's humbled me a lot. There are a lot of gems in chinese dramas, especially in romance genres. We just have to try them all and willingly to listen any other reviewers.
Serendipity's Embrace
Why can't every romcom just end on 8 episode? No. Because romcom is one of the drive that fulfill the life of korean dramas. But one thing that I appreciated from this drama. The mother-in-law surely do something that quite unexpected. I thought it was going to every makjang bullshit that used to happen, but turned out it wasn't.
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy
Yes. YESSSSSSS. THIS IS THE SHIT. Dunno why I cried on the last episode. Perhaps I've been on the similar situation like Fu Zhou. You know just want to see the world burn.
I know people went nuts with the ending. Maybe I'm the only person that actually doesn't mind it ended as if there were no conclusion what so ever. Because well the truth is nobody knows how the fuck their own life's ending. And also it's going to be someone's purpose of life to just write Miaomiao and Ziqi's story on AO3. Good fanfic comes from unresolved ending, you know.
Besides, we need third collaboration of Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi. Let's go, drama gods!!
Are You The One
I went insane for this scene. And Zhang Wanyi's voice.
My bad take for the show is just I kinda need to see they're on each other's throat. They hated one another, but I didn't see it, until that scene on top. And that's it. It just kinda fumbled the whole idea of loving the one that tries to kill you.
But cheers to lovers who manipulate each other and still stick together.
Currently watching:
The Story of Pearl Girl
I heard bad things about the ending. But gotta sail through for the sake of Liu Yuning.
#what did i watch#lovely runner#the princess royal#serendipity's embrace#love game in eastern fantasy#are you the one#the story of pearl girl
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~ Chapter 6. 04 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
I can't really remember when I fell asleep. Hyun-su and I talked for a long time, but I guess I was too tired to stay awake.
Maybe it was because the couch I was sitting on was soft and comfortable, which is totally the opposite of sleeping on the ground.
Usually, I would fight to stay awake because of the nightmares I had.
However, I didn't have one this time. For the first time in the few months I have lived here I had a peaceful sleep. I don't know how long I have slept, but when I woke up I felt less tired than before.
My eyes scanned the room seeing that we were still in the backroom. I almost jumped up when I felt something move underneath my head. I turned around quickly realizing I was lying on Hyun-su's lap with my head. I definitely don't remember falling asleep like this.
My eyes snapped to my waist when I felt some weight on it. A burning sensation quickly rises to my cheek when I notice Hyun-su's hand lying on it securely. Biting the inside of my cheek I look back up at him.
I was debating whether to wake him up, but then I remembered that he was exhausted and needed a good sleep. It looked like he was getting it.
His chest was rising up and down peacefully, while he lay with his head against the wall. It surprised me that nobody had come looking for me or to take over guard duty.
They either don't care or it hasn't been a long time since I was here. Maybe it was best to get up and go outside. I just know that they would react crazy if they saw me here inside.
Carefully I took Hyun-su's hand placing it on the seat before slowly lifting myself up from his lap. Finally standing up, I turned around to look at the sleeping boy.
A small smile came to my lips when I saw how peaceful and relaxed he was right now. I took the first aid kit from the ground before silently walking to the door. It was a hasel to open it without making a lot of noise, but I succeeded in not waking him while doing so.
Taking the lock and key I pause for a second looking at it. This still felt wrong. I should be in there as well. I hate that Eun-hyuk makes me keep it a secret.
Shaking my head I put the lock on it clicking it shut before walking away. This can't go on forever. What if more people turned and there were too many people to be locked up? For a moment I stop in my tracks when I hear people arguing behind the door.
It sounded like Eun-yu and Ji-su. Oh no this can only end badly. Swing the metal door open I saw Eun-hyuk was there as well. Maybe he can calm them down if I can't.
"You aren't even my real brother."
Ubruptly is stopped moving hearing her say that, but I didn't have time to fully think about it when a slapping sound echoed through the room.
Totally surprised and in shock I looked at the back Eun-hyuk after he just had slapped her. Quickly I shook the shock away and ran up to the two.
"Eun-hyuk!" I hist coming to a halt next to them.
A look of shame came on his face while trying to look at anything but his sister. Eun-yu looked right at him with so much hatred before speaking up.
"You're fucking unbelievable."
After that, she walked away not sparing any glance at us. I shook my head walking in front of him.
"For someone smart like you it surprises me that you stoop so low. You two should be happy that you still have each other. Some of us aren't as lucky as you two." A look of guilt washes over his face, but he doesn't speak.
Without looking at him again I turned around hoping to find Eun-yu somewhere. It honestly surprised me that he slapped her.
You would think Eun-yu would have done it a long time ago, but she has never laid her hands on him. Even if she was extremely angry.
It took me a while to find her, but when I did she was sitting against a wall at the entrance of the stairwell outside. Angrily she puffs out some smoke before angrily putting her cigarette back in her mouth and repeating the cycle.
Not saying a thing I took a seat on the opposite wall of her. I know if I would talk to her now she would just snap at me and build up those walls again, so it was better to let her calm down before I would open my mouth.
"He's a fucking idiot." She mutters out looking outside.
"I can't argue you with that," I said pulling my knees to my chest and leaning on it with my arms and chin.
"I hate him." I poke the inside of my cheek knowing she now hates him, but deep down she doesn't.
"I know," I whisper looking down.
A scoft left her lips at my answer.
"You're not going to tell me I'm wrong?"
I look up meeting her gaze shaking my head.
"Why would I? If you feel like that now. I can't tell you what you should be feeling."
Through squint eyes, she stared at me before shaking her head.
"I hate it! I hate everything that has happened in the past! Why did I have to beg and whine so that they would come to my ballet?! Why did they have to facking die?! Why did they have to adopt me!? I'm a horrible person! Ugh, why?!" She yelled out in frustration putting her hands in her hair after tosing her cigarette out.
"Eun-yu, you're not. You are just being you. The honest, not afraid to put people in their place, sarcastically, caring you. There is nothing horrible about that. If you were a horrible person you wouldn't have talked to me on the rooftop the first day we met. You were the first person in my life who treated me normally when we met." She pulled her hands away looking at me curiously.
I let out a sigh contemplating if I should tell this or not to her.
Fuck it.
"You're the first friend I have ever had in my life."
A shocked expression washes over her face.
"My upbringing wasn't like everyone else normally has."
I press my lips together looking down at the ground before continuing.
"I'm an orphan."
I was afraid to look up and see her reaction. She told me she was one, but I have never told her that I was one too. What if she is made that I kept it a secret?
Mustering up all my courage I moved my eyes up meeting hers eventually. She had her eyes focused on me, but I couldn't see if she was mad or anything really.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She eventually asks not taking her eyes off me.
I shrug my shoulders letting out a sigh.
"I didn't want you to be burdened with my problems when you had yours." Her eyes scanned me up and down before she leaned forward slapping one of my legs.
"Ow! What was that for!?" I asked her rubbing the spot she had hit.
"For thinking like that! God Mi-na! You can be so stubborn sometimes!" She rolled her eyes shaking her head.
"Sorry," I whisper with a small smile.
We were silent for a sec think about what we just had said before she spoke up again.
"But that's not all, isn't it?"
Pressing my lips together I shook my head.
"They weren't really the nicest people who ran the orphanage. I have seen a lot of bad and dark stuff in that place. I knew that at one point they wanted to get rid of me, so they sold me off to some man to get married. It came to a point that I just wanted out, so I ran when I was eighteen and could be free. I wanted to be as far as possible from that place. Just in case they would look for me"
"So you came here?" I nodded my head.
"I was so scared they would fine me even if I moved to a whole other continent." To be honest, I'm still scared, well I was until the whole ending of the world started.
They would be crazy if they still wanted to find me in this mess.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that stuff." I shrug my shoulders.
"It's fine. It's not like I knew something else than that life. I have been living there since I was a baby. Not having a memory of my parents may have helped having less pain. I have seen kids suffer while still remembering their birth parents. It wasn't pretty and I don't know if they would ever get over that." There were a lot of nights were new kids would cry for their parents. It was awful to hear to pain in their cries.
"You don't have anything from your parents?" She asked curious.
"My name and a book. When I was found I was wrapped in a blanket with a book. It was Bram Stoker's Dracula. One of the characters' names was Mina and in that book, the name was underlined or circled a bunch of times, so they guessed my name was that. But they just gave me a first name. I only got a last name when they made sure I wasn't claimed afterward and was sent to the orphanage, but the moment it ran away from there I changed my last name to Yun seeing I would come here. I almost changed my first name too, but I just kept it. Seeing it was the only thing I got from my birth parents." I lost that book a few years ago. Well, Miss Ward had taken it and I hadn't seen it sens then.
"Besides the horrible stuff that happened to you, I'm happy you moved here. It made living here more bearable." She put her hand out for me to take it with a small smile on her face.
"I'm happy too," I answer before grabbing it.
The moment my skin touched her a shock of pain shot through me. Somehow I knew that it was her pain.
"You're in pain," I mumble out looking her up and down trying to see if she was hurt.
She pulled her hand from mine looking shocked before her cold face came back.
"No, how would you even know that?" I shook my head trying to grab her hand again, but she pulled away out of my reach.
If I couldn't see an injury on her then it had to be her ankle. Before she could do something I grabbed her ankle and pulled her sock down. Her already injured ankle looked worse than it normally does.
"When did this happen?" I asked holding her back from pulling away from me.
She let out a groan when she saw that I wasn't going to let her go.
"It doesn't matter." I press my lips tightly together before carefully putting my fingers on the injured ankle.
'Take it.'
'Take it, take the pain.'
I was so confused about what the voice meant, but for some reason, I knew what I needed to do.
I just thought about Eun-yu's injured ankle and the pain she was also in. Second later black veins appeared on the hand that was lying on her injury. I watch as it grows bigger quickly crawling up my arm underneath my sleeves.
The first thing I felt was cold, but it quickly changed to warmth the higher it got in my body. I could feel it spread through my veins, making my whole body warm.
I noticed that it gave me more energy. The feeling of tiredness and the ache of the headache I had been experiencing slowly went away.
"What the...." I snapped out of the trance when I heard Eun-yu mutter out loud.
Quickly I pulled my hand away scared she would run away or be scared of me.
"How.." She started but was cut off when Ji-su came running around the corner.
"Mi-na, we need you!"
I gave her a look of confusion, but that quickly vanished when she said the next words.
"It's Hyun-su. He's in trouble."
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
Hey guys, I'm back. The issue with not being able to edit my draft from my phone is still not fixed, so I'm updating from my dad's computer. I have contacted Tumblr and they told me that they are still working on the problem, so from now on I'm going to post from a computer if I can get my hands on one ^^. Let's all hope everything will go smooth when I post this. Thanks for you guys patience!
#sweet home#sweet home fanfic#fanfic#sweet home netflix#sweet home x oc#netflix sweet home#cha hyun su x oc#cha hyunsu#cha hyun su#cha hyunsoo#cha hyun soo#original character#oc#x oc#x original character#lee eunyu#lee eun yu#lee eunyoo#lee eun yoo#lee eunhyuk#lee eun hyuk#lee eunhyeok#lee eun hyeok#yoon jisu#yoon ji su#yoon jisoo#yoon ji soo#pyeon sangwook#pyeon sang wook#kdrama
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not to be a hater on main but good god is the sweet home drama bad. I'm probably not even going to be able to finish season 2 because it's just been so fucking boring and just nothing. an hour per episode and they've somehow managed to make it feel like absolutely nothing and far too much happens in each of them. and I just hate so many of the changes they made to the manhwa in season 1. I just don't like yi-kyung as a character; eun-yu and sang-wook function as just entirely separate characters— the thing is, I think eun-yu getting more focus and being more of a foil to hyun-su could've been a really good decision if they hadn't dropped the ball so hard. changing sang-wook how they did was such a boring and obvious decision, though, and I will stand by that; they completely gutted ji-su and hyun-su's relationship which undeniably made the show worse, thematically; they removed maria from the sky, which seems like a minor nitpick but that in turn hurts both hyun-su and eun-hyeok's relationship and their individual characterization. they're loser nerds. please for the love of god let them be loser nerds; they removed hyun-su's snark. he could be fucking MEAN sometimes, and just had a base level of pricklyness throughout the whole thing. it was endearing; they completely changed eun-hyeok's personality. I didn't put him with eun-yu and sang-wook because he still fulfills a lot of the same roles in the narrative in the drama as he did in the manhwa, unlike them, but I still feel like it hurts his character. where's his snark. where's his loser nerd interests. where's his rpg references while explaining his battle strategies. he was a troll and a cheerfully enigmatic bastard. he was like half of the comic relief (which feels a lot like it was a conscious decision he made, in-universe) he's so serious now. it's boring. also they made him older, which also seems like a minor nitpick, but him being a literal high schooler adds such a level to him choosing to step up as the leader, as the person who makes the hard decisions no one else wants to make, and these grown adults just letting him; I don't like that they added more romance to the drama. this is actually a problem I also have with the manhwa, though to a much lesser extent. I really, really liked the fact that ji-su and hyun-su's relationship was platonic, I felt (and still do) that it was much more meaningful than them being romantic, and the romance also felt really shoehorned in at the last minute besides. but the drama was shoving it in your face from their first meeting that hyun-su and eun-yu were romantic and they just really did not sell me on it; THEY CHANGED HYUN-SU'S MONSTER FORM. still so pissed about this. he was a knight!! because he was hanging onto just enough of his consciousness to be able to protect ji-su!!! they care about each other the most out of all of what remains of this unfair world!!!! the knife arm, one-winged angel-imagery bullshit in the drama was so boring and had no symbolic significance. objectively a downgrade. literally one of the only changes that I liked was what they did with jae-heon's backstory, that actually added so much to his character
#you know what actually i WILL tag this. look at my opinions boy#sweet home#sweet home manhwa#you can really tell what my priorities are from this. 1. eun-hyeok 2. hyun-su and ji-sus relationship 3. literally everything else
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The glory
Ha Do Young x reader
Part 2
Following this meeting with Ha Do Young, I purposely bumped into him two or three times. During our discussions, I slipped in the information that the clinic in which I worked specializes in genetic research and analysis. Chatting with this man is entertaining every time, but in order to follow through on Dong Eun's revenge and mine as well, I must pursue our plan.
Today, I was called to school or teacher Dong Eun to check if the children had not been contaminated by rubella, which unfortunately caught one of the little ones.
So I went to the school infirmary to examine the children one by one. During this, I was able to meet little Ye-sol. A cute little girl, but when you know who her mother is, you start to be suspicious. Appearances are very often deceiving and I know that better than anyone.
I had to reassure them about the disease they are all afraid of getting and she was no exception.
"Ma'am, you're sure we're not ill, are you?"
“After the results, I will know more about everyone's condition and what drugs to prescribe okay”
"But my mum says getting sick is ugly and only for the weak. If I'm sick does that mean I'm weak then? And my mum won't love me like she used to?"
Park yeon jin what is this sordid mentality you instill in such a young child
"Getting sick isn't a good thing in itself, but that doesn't mean you're weak or ugly. It happens to everyone at some point. And it's to avoid that that you owe a lot eat fruits and vegetables
What a lie. Even I hate vegetables, but at the time I didn't know what else to say
" Okay "
So I leave it to continue my work and once finished, I transfer the samples to the lab. I should have the results in two to three hours no more.
Ha Do Young pov
I came to pick up my daughter following a call from her school regarding the health of the children. I pace the corridors and live in his class and I knock. Once twice, still no answer, so I decide to enter.
"You have nothing to fear. The children are all in good health"
I did not expect to see these two people together.
"Miss Yu?" I said interrupting them.
"Mr. Ha, what are you doing here?"
"I can return the question to you. I came to pick up my daughter"
" Okay"
"With that, Miss Moon, I'm leaving you. I'm going to the hospital," she said to Miss Moon. She then slips away, leaving us alone
"Ye-sol isn't here. She's in the canteen with her classmates-"
"How do you know Miss Yu?"
"She came at the request of the director to make sure that the children had not been infected with chicken pox like one of their classmates. But you must already know that"
"Yes, I meant personally"
"Why do you think I would know her outside of work?"
"Perhaps because you are trying to destroy my wife?"
"Oh, please. Your wife is the navel of the world"
"From your world here" I say as I leave the room
Y/n pov
After returning to the clinic, I made my report and took my bag to my son Chin-eunji's hospital. My Sunshine . My only support other than Dong Eun. I hurry to walk because his exit time has passed by 10 minutes, he must be wondering where I am.
When I finally arrive, it starts to rain. Fortunately, I always have an umbrella and its raincoat on me. I have to work harder to be able to buy us a car. I see him standing in front of his class
"Mom" he said running towards me
"How was school today, baby?"
"Yes, it was nice"
"Okay, put on your sweater and raincoat so we can wait for the bus in front of the school"
" Yes mom"
While waiting for the bus, the small downpour began to turn into a storm. Park yeon jin even to predict the weather is not good at you. Anyway, I hope this bus arrives soon. At this time a car parks right at our feet and the driver lowers the window on the passenger side.
"Can I drop you off somewhere?"
" It's nice of you Mr Ha, but my son and I are waiting for the bus"
“Given the storm that is coming, it is not likely to happen”
No, my plans for him must in no way include chin
"I wouldn't want to bother you and make your daughter uncomfortable"
"You don't bother me at all" interrupted Ye-sol.
His father then leaves me a look of contentment. I look at my son who is clinging to my leg and shivering with cold.
"Okay" I get chin up in the back to the side of ye-sol and I get up in the front
" Where are we going ? "
I tell him the address and he starts the car. For a good 10 minutes, the only voices that resonate are those of the children. Ye-sol tries to make conversation with Chin who answers him as best he can. Not that he is snobby, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find his words in front of people he does not know. But I see he's making an effort not to look rude. My little chick.
"It's raining heavily...... Do you like the rain more or the good weather?"
"Wouldn't that be a failed attempt to strike up a conversation?"
"Might be fine. I didn't want to let the kids be the only ones talking."
"Hmm, you just.....I prefer dark, cloudy weather"
"Can I ask you why?"
Because my burn itches less
"It's always good for a little nap"
"I see, and uh, how long have you been, doctor?"
"For three years now"
"And you seem to like it a lot"
"You can't imagine how much. Being able to know what is going on in the human body is fascinating. How the blood circulates, how illness is set up and the healing process, doing the calculations necessary to know what dose the doctor should give for this specific patient and the-oh sorry, I went too far"
"No, don't worry. It's good to see that some people can still be happy talking about a job they've been doing for years."
"I find that your wife is just as much. Every day, she does her job with mice"
" Yes of course......."
"I didn't mean to talk about your married life. Excuse me"
"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose"
"Yeah, do I sometimes do that when I'm nervous?
"Because you're nervous? Will you make me feel uncomfortable?"
"Oh no, it's quite the opposite. I even think that you have a gift for putting people in trust because since we've been together there's been no awkwardness."
"Glad to hear that," he said, giving me a half-mouse-accompanied look. Y/n think revenge plan not q plan. Let's get out of here. Fast
"Uh, we've arrived, you can stop in front of the building"
Once out of the vehicle with my Son, I lower myself to the height of the car
"Thanks again for your help" I said giving her a smile.
"You're welcome. See you next time Miss Yu" and he left
"Mom, can we go home?"
"Yeah of course honey"

#the glory x reader#the glory#the glory kdrama#ha do young#Ha Do Young x reader#jeon jae joon#Park yeon jin#Moon Dong Eun#Ju Yeo-jeong
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Boo Seungkwan (idol x idol) Secret Love Story
Pairing: Idol SeungKwan X Idol Y/N
Summary: As an idol you're supposed to keep everything on the down low, but that's quite hard when your boyfriend is The Boo Seungkwan. You two are tested when you're both invited to an award show.
Warning: none, just sweet
Word Count: 920 words Based on the Little Mix track - Secret Love Song pt. II
"And the winner for best ballad is- 4ode- Secret Love Story! Congratulations!" The announcer's voice sounds, your eyes widen, looking around your 3 members and swallowing the tears as you raise to hug them. "We did it" you whisper, feeling their nods as they too try their best to keep their composure. You had debuted 2 years ago and had been pretty under the radar, but just recently your song, "Secret Love Story" had gone viral, earning you your first award.
As you walk up the stairs, helping your younger members you can't help but let your eyes wander around the crowd, eyes searching for that one person, his eyes already on you. You smile brightly, something that he does right back to you, making all the stress go away. You look back to your members quickly to try and avoid attention to the slight affection between you two and make your way to the center of the stage.
"Congratulations. Do say your speech" Lee Soo Hyuk congratulates you, shaking your hand before handing you the flowers, you thank him, ushering your members to go near the microphone, but they make sure to wait for you to speak out. "1, 2. Hello everyone, we are 4ode" you smile at the crowd, your fans cheering as you all gather closer. "Firstly, I want to thank all of our fans, we could never be here without your support, help and love. Thank you, so, so much to our Petals" You conclude your speech, passing the microphone to the second-oldest member, Yu Rim who goes on to thank the company and all the support from businesses.
You can see the eyes of your boyfriend, Seungkwan, looking at you, although far you could already see the stars shinning brightly in his eyes. You hated the fact that you couldn't thank him for all the support, as he'd been with you for just a little over a year, but due to the difference in the two groups, you were both nervous to expose the relationship because of backlash.
As you kept looking at him, a smile bright on your face, you couldn't help but dream of one day telling the world just how much you love the man. You were willing to wait, even a decade if needed to be able to hold him in the street, kiss him in public and announce to everyone just how he was yours. But you were quiet, eyes snapping back to your members and with a final cheer you began to sing the song, that you had written especially for your relationship.
Putting all of your passion to compose this song made you happier that you could express your feelings, although you had to be careful with the clues you gave out to your relationship.
At the end of the song, you could feel just how it affected you, a single tear falling down your cheek which you let fall as you end the song in a high note. Filled with smiles, you and your group mates all bow thanking everyone once again before heading back to your seats. "You okay, Y/N?" Na Ri, the youngest asks you concerned, you nod with a chuckle. "The song is just emotional, I'm okay" You smile, taking her hand in yours and squeezing it.
The night reaches the awards, and the cold settles, your dress, small to cover even your mid-thigh is now bothering you as the cold just keeps on rushing in, making it extremely hard to not shiver. The staff had given you a few blankets, but you had handed yours over to Yu Na who was especially known to be cold, so you were left with none. Eun Ji still tried her best to keep you warm by sharing hers. Nevertheless, you try to focus back as they now announce the Performance of the Year, and not to your surprise, Seventeen ends up winning.
You clap, holding back the cheers, and you turn to look behind you where the group sat, standing up to greet them as they passed by, SeungCheol winked to you whilst bowing to your group, and you smile as more of them continue to pass by, until you feel something soft hit your legs. Seungkwan had shoved a blanket on your legs, his hand rubbing the side of your hip, and just as quick as it was there, it was gone. "Cover yourself, darling"
He walked faster to catch up with the members ahead, the ones behind him just greeting you like normal and waving at the fans. The accepting speech was done rather quick, and they then performed their own song before going back to their seats, once more he played with fire, hand brushing with yours as he passed by you, a smirk on his lips as he watched from the corner of his eyes your shocked expression.
The rest of the award show went by without any issue, you kept the blanket until the end of the show, and at the end exited with your bandmates, happily chatting as you exit, ready to head to the dorms and celebrate with each other. You were all oblivious to the fact that you and Seungkwan's constant acts of puppy love made for a morning filled with gifs of him watching your performance, theories and just photos and videos of how beautiful the two of you looked that night and proof of how much of gentlemen seventeen were for handing you the blanket.
Published 6th November 2022
#seventeen x y/n#seventeenxreader#seventeen#seungkwan#boo seungkwan#seventeen x you#seventeen seungkwan#seventeen fanfic#seventeen fluff#seungkwan fluff#seungkwan imagine#seungkwan x y/n#seungkwan x reader#seungkwan x you#fluff#kpop imagines#kpop imagine#kpop fluff#Youtube
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Once a Leader, Always a Leader
FanFiction: Sweet Home (Netflix)
He raised his hands and observed them for a second and then laid them back on his thighs without a word.
"How do you feel?" Ji-Su asked and slowly stood up from the mattress. Eun-Hyuk looked at her in thought and simply said: "Still the same."
"Monster-same or human-same?" Eun-Yu added and watched him curiously. He looked at her and rose to his feet.
"Since my eyesight didn't get worse again, I'd say monster-same," he said and looked around, scratching the back of his head.
"We should make some food plan... and a plan in general. How to stay safe–" he said, not giving his change much attention but got interrupted by his sister.
"You destroy monsters by touch, right? So... if you stay sane, you are keeping us safe, no?"
He gave her a long look and gave out a quiet 'hm'.
"What? Am I wrong? And what do you do exactly to them? You said you're gonna tell me later."
"Uhm... Do you remember the first monster we encountered?" Eun-Hyuk asked.
"The lady monster with that nasty tounge?" Hye-In said.
"Yeah... she ate people, right? I... eat other monsters," he added quietly.
"You eat monsters? That's great! You're basically superior to them? With that scream and all," Eun-Yu said in excitement, sensing some sort of hope for them.
"Maybe... but I shouldn't eat them so much. It changes me."
"How?" Ji-Su wondered.
"I... I am not sure yet. But then again, that's the only way I know how to properly get rid off them and keep you safe," he said in a low voice.
"Maybe it's like a power boost? No? That would come in handy," Eun-Yu said.
"Even if... even if it was like that... what if it comes with a cost? I don't want to lose my sanity," Eun-Hyuk admitted. Ji-Su stood up and approached him, touching his shoulder gently.
"I bet that if you stay with us... you can stay the way you are, huh? Like Cha Hyun-Su... he was also able to come back."
Eun-Hyuk looked her in the eyes without a smile but nodded, appreciating what she said.
"That's another thing... I need to find him. But I am not sure how."
"Let's do that together then. We have the van-" Eun-Yu said but stopped when she noticed her brother staring at her, "What?" she cried out angrily.
"He could be anywhere...," Hye-In said.
"Honestly, I don't know what's the best decision to make... we could be looking for him for a long time... can we really live in a small van?" Eun-Hyuk asked and looked at the children who have been silently sitting on the mattress and then looked down at his hands. I need to find out if I can control my turns. Why am I suddenly like this again?
Ji-Su noticed how Eun-Hyuk watched his hands curiously and asked: "Are you in control of the changes happening to you?"
He looked up at her and stayed silent for a bit before saying: "I... need to figure that out."
"Alright, so... let's have breakfast, pack and then figure out if you have it under control, alright?" Ji-Su said.
Everyone agreed with Ji-Su's suggestion, mainly because everyone was getting pretty hungry already. All of them also properly washed themselves since they haven't had the opportunity for a while and probably won't get one for the time being.
After all that, they got all their bags and supplies into the van, as well as the children and the dog.
"So... what now?" Hye-In asked, glancing at Eun-Hyuk who warily looked around.
"I think we aren't alone," he said quietly and his gaze stopped at the opposite house, "we should-"
Eun-Hyuk didn't finish his sentence because a very thin looking but quite tall monster jumped from behind the building and was now standing in front of them.
"Fuck!" Eun-Yu cursed and quickly jumped into the van, "Eun-Hyuk, get rid of him!"
However, he didn't know what was wrong, but he couldn't draw his claws out, let alone find the strength for his monster-scream.
"I... I think... we gotta just bounce. Get in! Quickly!" he commanded and ran to the van and sat down into the driver's seat, Ji-Su sitting down next to him. Eun-Hyuk quickly started the engine and stepped on the gas, driving away from the monster.
"So, you don't know how it works, then?" Ji-Su asked with an alarmed voice.
"Well," Eun-Hyuk said but a loud thud on the van's roof made him look up, "shit."
Something looking like a hand clawed its way through the roof and was now hanging in between Eun-Hyuk and Ji-Su, trying to reach at least something.
"You've got a weapon?" Eun-Hyuk asked and tried to shake off the monster by driving from side to side of the road.
"I... a knife in my backpack," she said and quickly opened her red backpack, looking for it. The monster's hand was jiggling around and came close to grabbing Eun-Hyuk's head.
Eun-Hyuk's first instinct was to bite into the palm agressively which made the monster give out a distorted cry. Ji-Su stared at it in disbelief, noticing that Eun-Hyuk's teeth didn't resemble anything a human would have in his mouth.
Eun-Hyuk quickly glanced at Ji-Su and then back at the road and tried to encourage her with a :"Cmmhn."
Ji-Su shook away the stupor an stabbed the monsters wrist, trying to cut through it, however the knife got stuck in the arm and didn't move at all.
"I can't cut it off!" Ji-Su cried out. Eun-Hyuk quickly grabbed her hand and put them onto the steering wheel and then got a tight grasp on that monster's arm. He felt that his jaws and teeth have changed and hoped that he could rely on them for now, biting deep into the monster's arm, ripping it off with ease. The arm fell down with an unpleasant squishy noice. Eun-Hyuk then grabbed the steering wheel and made an unexpected turn, shaking off the monster off the car.
Ji-Su watched Eun-Hyuk's focused eyes and his face which was now covered in the monster's goo-ish blood.
"What about the arm?" she asked weakly.
Eun-Hyuk's eyes landed on the monster's arm and picked it up with his right hand.
"Throw it out?" he suggested and handed it to Ji-Su who then opened the car door and with a fast movement, threw out the arm.
"So... do you know now how to change?" Ji-Su asked after a while and looked Eun-Hyuk.
"As you can see," he said, showing her his teeth which still were very inhuman, "not really, no. It's still somehow instinctual... and that sucks."
Ji-Su didn't answer and the silence was kept until Eun-Yu violently opened the blackened window that separated them and the back of the van.
"I want to see what is happening over here, jesus fucking christ. That was a monster, right?" she said and looked at Eun-Hyuk, noticing the slowly-drying goo on his face.
"Yeah, it was a monster," Ji-Su calmly answered and looked back at her.
"We should find a gas station and get some gas," Eun-Hyuk said as his eyes landed on the blinking gas symbol in front of him.
"You should probably clean off first, you look disgusting," Eun-Yu answered, relying on her attitude to cover how frightful she just felt from the whole situation.
"Yeah, that, too," he said and gave her a quick glance before returning his gaze to the road. "I have a bad feeling, though..."
"What feeling?" Ji-Su asked alarmed.
"I... I can't really explain it but I think we aren't that far from other monsters. Like a lot of them," Eun-Hyuk replied.
"So, turn the fucking van around!" Eun-Yu said angrily.
"That's no good, either. The monster that attacked us just before brought attention to us as well. What I am saying is that we'll just have to drive through somehow. We are basically surrounded."
"You better get that abysmal scream back, young man," Hye-In commented from the back as she nervously patted her dog. Meanwhile, Su-Yeong and Yeong-Su were clutching onto each other, sensing the gloomy atmosphere in the van. Eun-Hyuk did not answer, though, and only kept on driving.
It didn't take long for them to see multiple monsters ahead of them. A few of them seemed a bit agitated and tried to attack each other. Eun-Hyuk stopped the car and looked at Ji-Su.
"Take over the driving, I'll get their attention so you can pass them, alright?" Eun-Hyuk said, undoing his seatbelt. Eun-Yu quickly grabbed his shoulder and dug her nails into it which made her brother turn his around.
"Are you CRAZY? You aren't going anywhere!" she said loudly.
"Shh, Eun-Yu," he tried to get her hand off his shoulder but she would not let go of his t-shirt, "I will be fine," he added.
"You said that the last time!"
"And I am here, aren't I?" he said and opened the door a bit.
"If you leave, I'll really hate you then!" she exclaimed, not having enough time to think of a proper argument. She only received the smile he always gave her. The smile that meant that whatever she said to him, he did not take it personally and only saw the message in between the lines. He jumped out of the van and began jogging to the monsters.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Eun-Yu cried out, feeling her eyes tear up. Ji-Su climbed over to the driver's seat and watched Eun-Hyuk who already won the monsters' attention.
"Jesus, this doesn't look good," Ji-Su said under her breath, staring at Eun-Hyuk who now stood in front of the approaching monster and didn't seem to be turning into one to save himself. It didn't take long before one short but very bulky monster jumped Eun-Hyuk, pinning him underneath him. The other monsters seemed to copy the first one and tried to get to Eun-Hyuk as well.
Eun-Yu couldn't hold in her whimpers anymore and let the tears flow down her cheeks heavily. "It's so many of them," Eun-Yu whispered.
"We better get the hell out of here," Ji-Su said quietly, remembering that Eun-Hyuk said that the monsters are also behind them and stepped on the gas, driving fast pass the hoard of monsters, climbing on each other just to get to Eun-Hyuk. Hye-In watched the bloodcurdling scene they have been passing.
"Why are they so into getting him, though?" Hye-In asked in a weak voice as they finally passed the monsters. "Isn't that weird?"
"Who the fuck cares?!" Eun-Yu yelled at her and sat down next to Yeong-Su who started crying, too.
"I guess it is weird, yeah..." Ji-Su commented, not able to take her eyes off the road in front of her, feeling stunned from what had just happened. What would I give to hear that haunting shriek, again, Ji-Su thought.
In a few minutes, they have reached something that resembled a gas station and decided to stop there. "Eun-Hyuk said to get gas... would somebody come with me if they have any canisters left?" Ji-Su asked in a faint tone, looking back at the gang.
"I'll go with you," Eun-Yu said shortly and opened the back door, jumping out of the van. Ji-Su followed her outside as well. The gas station was pretty wrecked, but it seemed that inside the shop, there were still some supplies.
"We should get everything we can get our hands on," Ji-Su said. Eun-Yu started marching towards the shattered door but Ji-Su's hand stopped her. "Wait," she whispered, "let's be careful, monsters can be in there."
"I don't care," Eun-Yu shook off her hand and walked right into the store.
"Jesus," Ji-Su rolled her eyes and wrapped her fingers around the knife handle and went inside, too.
#sweet home#sweet home fanfiction#sweet home netflix#fanfiction#lee eun hyuk#lee eun yu#lee eun hyeok#lee eun yoo#ji-su#hye-in
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I have long debated whether or not I should write this, but @rain-hat convinced me that I should. So here I am, penning this diss meta about The King: The Enternal Monarch. Starting off with the disclaimer that I love this show. This is the show that introduced me to the wonderful Woo Do Hwan and for that I can never be thankful enough. But I have issues with the show, and I will enumerate them here. Brace yourselves for a tirade.It’s long, so putting a “keep reading”.
1) Manpasikjeok: Let’s start with the basis of the series. The Manpasikjeok. The series never delves into what the Manpasikjeok is. It’s a flute, yes. But it doesn’t delve into the background of this all-powerful plot device. I understand that the Manpasikjeok is a part of the Korean folklore and thus, probably the makers did not feel the need to delve deeper. But for non-Korean viewers like me, it was very confusing. So, before I speak about the details of what exactly bothered me about the flute, I will present the story itself.
After the death of his father King Munnu, King Sinmun of the Silla Dynasty heard the rumors of an island floating toward the temple that he had built in the honor of his father. A fortuneteller told Sinmun that the late King had become a sea dragon and his loyal General, Kim Yu-shin, had become a heavenly god. The fortuneteller also said that if he were to visit the island, he would get an incredible gift. When Sinmun went in search of this floating island, it looked like it had a turtle’s head and a bamboo tree on its back. In the mornings, the bamboo looked to be split into two while at night, it would join. After braving through seven days of storm, the King reached the island. There the sea dragon told him to make a flute out of the bamboo tree. This flute was said to provide magical properties. When the flute was played, enemy forces would retreat, and diseases were cured. Also, the magic flute would bring rainfall if there was a drought and stop the rains in floods. Ever since then, the bamboo flute was called ‘Manpasikjeok,’ meaning a flute that calms down ten thousand waves and it became a national treasure. This is the folktale.
If I am to nitpick, time travel and parallel universes are not mentioned in the folktale. But that is something I am willing to let slide, because you need something to make the story work and the makers chose a mythical object from the folklore. People do it all the time, so I am not going to penalize the makers for it. What I am going to diss them for is the way they spoke about the spirit of the flute. Was it a demon? A spirit? A god? What? Why did it not allow Lee Lim to age? If time passes differently for the owner of the flute as Lee Lim claims, why did Gon’s time seem normal for the most part? The only difference in time seemed to be when the portal was opened and time stopped. So, before Gon opened the portal, time did not stop for Lee Lim. Why then did he not age?
2) Post series events (part I): Which brings me to the second problem I have with the series. Post-series events. I understand Ta Eul retaining her memories of the alternate timeline because, she was in the portal and thus, remained untouched by the effects of the changed timeline. Fair. I get Gon retaining memories, because he was the owner of the flute. Granted. Why did Jo Yeong retain the memories when everyone else forgot about it? The only explanation I have is that it was because he was in the past timeline when the timeline changed? But the show never bothers to give an explanation for it. Also, if the events in altered timeline happened almost exactly as they did in the original timeline, then Yeong came to Republic of Korea. If Yeong came to Republic of Korea, then he met Jo Eun Sup. As did Gon. Why then did Eun Sup not recognize Gon at the end? Why does Yeong say that Eun Sup will not remember him? Is it because Yeong retained memories from the altered timeline and hence believed Gon when he said that he was going to the other world? Then, it stands to reason that Yeong did not go to Republic of Korea. Then things changed! They did not go exactly the way it happened in the series. Ah! My head hurts.
3) Corea and Korea: They are parallel worlds. I get it. But at times, they were nigh indistinguishable. This is @rain-hat’s input and I agree with it completely. Why are the people in Corea dressed like Westerners and why are we not seeing more Hanboks? Why are court ladies the only ones dressed in traditional garb? Also, what is the official religion of Corea?
4) The characters: This is going to be a long one, so brace yourselves. I have issues with the characters. I’m going for bullet points, because I have LOT TO SAY.
· Kang Shin-jae: Other than messing with him in all possible ways, what was the purpose of this character. As my editor once said, you must ask yourself what purpose does a character serve to the overall story? The litmus test of it being, if the said character is removed from the equation, does it impact the overarching plot of the story in any significant way? And much as I love this character, I’m sorry to say, his removal would not have impacted the story in any way. Yes, I’m aware that even Meyong Seung-ah does not pass this litmus test, but she does not occupy nearly as much screen time as Shin-jae. I wish they had utilized the character more than just use him as a material to evoke emotions.
· Koo Seo Ryeong: She is portrayed as a villain/b*tch. Why? Because she has political ambitions and is a woman who is not above playing the ruthless game that the men around her seem to be playing? She is a woman who has clawed her way to the top in a man’s world. Can we please stop demonizing women like this?
· Jo Yeong: Yes. Surprise, I know. He is the reason I (and many others) kept watching the show. The man who stole the show, the one who carried the show. A startlingly pretty face backed by a phenomenal performance, Jo Yeong is a treat. BUT, for a character as spectacular as Yeong, he was not utilized enough. I wish the show had actually given him something to do when he was in Korea. They wasted a talent like Woo Do Hwan.
· Jeong Ta-eul: I loved Ta-eul when she first came on screen. Badass, no nonsense, tough as nails cop in her thirties as out leading lady? HELL YEAH! But then she meets Lee Gon and all the things that I loved about her seemed to evaporate. She became a cry baby and I just could not handle that. K-dramas, can you please stop turning the badass female leads into a prop for the leading man’s “bravery and heroism”. (Fervently hoping Nine Tails doesn’t do that, because I love Jo Bo ah’s character there).
· Lee Gon: Oh, I hate this character with a passion. TKEM gave me SLS like no other drama before or since. I sincerely want to ask Lee Min Ho; just how many versions of Gu Jun Pyo are we going to see from him? Rich, powerful, privileged man who does whatever he wants? I’m getting really tired of it. I like Lee Min Ho, but really, you need to branch out, dude.
5) Post series events (part II): Speaking of Lee Gon, my man, you posses the all powerful tool to travel through parallel universes and time, and you use it to go on dates? WHAT THE F***? AAAHHGHHKSJJGFHVJHMDSYFHJVHKJNSKLJHG. Lee Lim was right. You’re WASTING it. Ugh. Personally, I felt as though the entire romance plot could have been done away with.
6) JoGon: The series teased heavily about this relationship and the fandom lapped it up. Beautiful fanart and fanfics emerged. But, I have issues and no, it’s not because they’re a same sex couple. My issue comes from the power dynamics of the couple. It is skewed beyond belief. The dynamic works perfectly when it is a king-bodyguard relationship. But the second it becomes a romance, there’s problem. All the power in the relationship is with Gon and Yeong has almost no agency in the relationship. And I love Jo Yeong too much to subject him to a relationship like that.
7) Product Placement: Yes, it was tough, but there was a series somewhere between all those product placements.
In closing, this series had the potential to be so much more. Yet, it failed. Spectacularly. I liked and enjoyed this series, but I have so many issues. SO MANY. Do you have any issues you would like to add? Please feel free.
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do you have any web kdrama recs? I'll do a trade and recommend Banana Actually- the whole series is 20 minutes long (at most) very good, digestible, and has some ~good~ kiss scenes.
i’ll check it out!! i do have lots of webdrama recs hehe ^^ i recommended most of them yesterday but here is a larger list of only webdramas !! it’s kinda long, so i put a keep reading !!
like- a korean webdrama that you can find on youtube starring kim yu an, kim kangmin (maybe, maybe not), yoo jungwoo (love after school), and seo ji hye- about a group of students who create a film club to make youtube videos and the dumb shit they get into, plus there’s some romance, betrayal, and fuckboys.- so so so so cute honestly. the dynamic between the characters of the club is so cute and funny, plus the love triangle has me wheezing. also the asshole fuckboy gets what he deserves which is super satisfying. it hasn’t finished airing yet, but so far it’s really cute
failing in love- korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring son sang yeon (triple fling), yang hye ji, and shin yoon seop- about a group of high schoolers who deal with falling in love, crushes, rejection, etc.- ok so the summary i gave was pretty vague but that’s because any more and i’d be exposing the whole plot. there is humor and fluff but also teenage angst, and the characters are all more complex than they first appear. i would highly recommend this show !!!
want more 19- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung ha joon, sin gi hwan, jeon yoo rim, nam yoon soo, and lee jungha- a story of 5 friends in high school. A mutual crush, a one-sided love, and a rough patch for sweethearts, all taking place right around the end their senior year- OH GOD i can’t breathe this drama is so cute. it had me squealing every single episode, and it’s very lighthearted with hardly any angst
triple fling (s1)- a short choose-your-own-ending korean webdrama on youtube starring jung bomin, son sangyeon (failing in love), themanblk’s jeongyou, and themanblk’s eom sewoong- lee sehee accidentally becomes friends with the three most popular boys in school and ends up in a love square with them- alright im whipped for stuff like this so naturally i loved it. i also really liked how viewers could choose their own ending as for which boy she chose. there is a second season that i haven’t seen yet that focuses on another girl in ANOTHER love square (containing one of the guys from sehee’s love square) in which it shows which boy she actually did choose (and it was my favorite so . yay!)
when you love yourself (s1)- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung mingyu (sweet revenge 2) and saet byeol .- about a girl who is heavier than her classmates who struggles with self-love and self-acceptance, and along the way finds love- god. i can’t even explain how much i loved this drama. the message is wonderful and there’s no moment where she glows up and loses weight and then gets the guy’s attention or anything: he simply loves her as who she is, no matter what weight she is, and is supportive. there’s also an episode that focuses on the queen bee girl who also struggles with weight and self-love and it’s just beautiful
my woofy poofy love / my dog-like dating- a short korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring chae ji an and kim do hoon (your imagination becomes reality)- a girl who has recently been cruelly dumped by her boyfriend brings a stray dog back to her home and wakes up to find that instead of a dog, there is a man! she happens to be looking for a roommate, and so this man (who can turn into a dog) becomes her new housemate- literally adorable. female lead is stunning and the relationship is so cute and fluffy and innocent, but the kiss is steamy as hell.
ok to be sensitive (s1)- a webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim da ye and kim youngdae (extraordinary you) and others im too lazy to put- focuses on feminist issues like sexism and sexual harassment in a college setting, which each episode focusing on one particular incident and the characters dealing with it- listen so like . this show had me emotional at some points bc of how amazing the message was. it dealt with sexual harassment, sexism, how females are expected to act, stalking, pressure to have sex… etc and basically every episode was like . you can stand up for yourself. you don’t have to “take it” just bc you’re a female, etc. also there was really cute romance uwu
ok to be sensitive (s2)- season 2 of otbs, also can be found on youtube, starring yoo hye in and lee shin young, as well as others but again im too lazy to list them all- same thing as season 1, but a different cast of main characters, and set in an office workplace. (original cast makes a cameo at the end)- the issues in season 2 were definitely a bit darker because it was set in a work place, where the main characters were worried about getting fired if they stood up for themselves, but the way things were handled was really admirable imo. also the male lead in this one is ABSOLUTELY adorable
go back diary- a 4 episode webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ye ji and lee jong won (jaemin’s webdrama how to hate you)- about a boy who sees a girl at a karaoke bar (?) and instantly develops a crush on her. she then transfers to his school, and it tells the story of their love story after 10 years.- i’ll just say it right now. the whole drama was adorable except for the ending, which fucking sucked. literally was horrible. boycott episode 4 pls i was SO UPSET. otherwise, great webdrama
love after school (s1)- korean webdrama that can be found on youtube starring park so eun and yoo jungwoo (like)- about a couple who fell in love in high school and their story, told from 5 years later when they meet again- i love love love this bitch. LOVE. season 2 … we won’t speak of her lol. but season 1 is super cute and the ???? kiss at the end(ish)??? DEAD. literally anything with yoo jungwoo will destroy me but omg. it was fantastic
maybe, maybe not- a webdrama starring kim kangmin (like) and gong yoorim- a girl who can read minds and is an outside bc she knows what everyone is really thinking meets a guy that she can’t read the mind of- so fluffy. so cute. oh god. pls watch it’s so soft and cute
what to do with you- a korean webdrama - that is actually literally an ad for a facemask - starring lee hayoung and kim youngdae (extraordinary you)- saerom and geun are friends, but it feels like they’re something more. will they ever take the next step?- yeah this webdrama is super cute and that’s really all lol. also the bitchy girl in love after school is the best friend in this one oho
your imagination becomes reality- a webdrama that can be found on youtube starring oh se young, kim dohoon (my woofy poofy love), and jin ho eun- soram has a crush on a mysterious upperclassman, and wishes to see him again: she does, soon after. each time she makes a wish, it seems to magically come true. - yeah so like . it’s not a supernatural thing or anything, it’s just a cute college romance that’s basically every girl with a crush’s dream lol~!
crushes reverse- webdrama on youtube starring kim shi eun (miss independant jieun s2) and jung hyojun- yoo somi has a huge crush on her older sister’s longtime boyfriend, and her best friend at school happens to be his younger brother- i find the beginning hard to watch bc of the second hand embarrassment i feel when i do watch it but . it has a super cute ending and the main girl reminds me of shin hye sun so much it’s wack
how to hate you- webdrama starring nct’s jaemin, jim ji in (extraordinary you), lee jongwon (go back diary), and kim yoojin- oh miri meets her ideal type while working as a part-timer, but right before she’s about to confess, she realizes that he is her best friend’s mystery boyfriend. she asks han daekang, her new friend, to pretend to be her boyfriend for the time being. - the summary i gave was terrible but ITS RLY CUTE . also the main girl in this plays dan oh’s best friend / juda’s bully in extraordinary you and THE CHARACTERS ARE SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT DUDE . Legend. anyways its a bit cliche and we dont get any actual lip on lip action but its still cute lol
have a nice dessert! / drunk in good taste- drama special / webdrama starring kim hyanggi (sweet revenge 1; moment at 18) and kim mingyu (just between lovers ((as the crippled best friend’s anti fan turned romantic interest)))- chongnam loves desserts, and even has an instagram dedicated to taking photos of various deserts she eats. when her college life starts, she mistakes a classmate as an upperclassman, only to find out they’re the same age, and they become friends- listen . this shit was adorable. as when every single kim hyanggi drama, the kisses are cardboard flat and terrible but ! BUT ! the couple is super cute
a-teen (s1 & s2)- 2 season webdrama starring april’s naeun, shin yeeun (he is psychometric), shin seungho, kim donghee, kim soohyun, and ryu euihyun- about a group of friends who go through various troubles and grow closer as a group, as well as fall in love- ok so ... technically i haven’t even finished season 1 yet but !!! i know it’s a good show bc i did watch a lot of it !! plus in s1 episode 20 at 10:35 there’s a nomin cameo LOL SJKFSD there’s also a webdrama called “the guilty secret” i haven’t watched yet starring victon’s subin and others that is set at the same school as a-teen 1 and 2 and features the original cast in cameos !!
i have 3 boyfriends / boyfri3nds- short webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ji eun, park sungwoo (produce 101 season 2 [that 30 year old dude who danced to rain’s song OMG], moon jihoo, and lee jungsik- when la hi gets in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia she finds that she has 3 men all claiming to be her boyfriend.- OK LISTEN . this show is so funny and cute. let me just say: you MUST watch to the end. that’s all i’ll say. pLS WATCH
lily fever- a short webdrama starring kim hyeyoon (just between lovers) and jung yeonjoo (witch’s romance)- kyungju needs her passport back, which her ex boyfriend has, but it turns out he left it at a friend’s place. when she arrives, the friend is leaving but says she can go inside: just be mindful of the houseguest inside...- yeah this is lesbian as fuck . it has like . hardly any plot, has a shit ton of crackheadery, and lots of STEAMY AS FUCK kisses. it literally makes like no sense though skdfksjd but if ur in the mood for some easy to watch girl pairing stuff, this is it my dude !
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produce X 101 Dream Team!!!
Nam Do HyunLeeKim Minkyu-II stopped posting as religiously about this show as I meant to, but I’ve been following and analyzing it and now that the finale is about to be upon us~
If I look at who is in the top ten/eleven currently, then it’s fine...There’s a few guys who don’t stand out to me, or a few who irritate me, but the few I absolutely dislike being in the top twenty are low enough that I have fingers crossed they don’t debut with this group (I do sincerely wish for all the contestants to debut and achieve their dreams~!!)
BUT, my absolute perfect dream team is as follows~!!
Kim Yo Han--He absolutely should be center. I get Wooseok will most likely get center cause his loyal fans from his first debut, but honestly Yo Han is the face of this season~!!
Cho Seung Youn--I fell for him back in the beginning when I thought, “He kinda looks like Yoon Jisung...” and then, oh wait it turns out he’s a Golden Boy with talent in everything he touches~!!!
Han Seung Woo--His vocals are one of the greatest and he’s so sexy~!! Also, maybe unpopular opinion but I love his look of covering his eyes?!! I hope they don’t change his hair too much when he debuts (Cause he’s going to)
Kim Minkyu--Not gonna lie, I spent a majority of this season thinking he was overrated and lacked the talent that so many others had. BUT, he has a wonderful attitude of humility and humbleness--He shows great improvement, and to me with these trainees, the talent margin is far smaller than with Produce 101 Season 2--Companies sent out absolute newbies of trainees from their companies b/c the deal is for FIVE YEARS!! So, while I think everyone has talent, I don’t think this X group is gonna be near as impressive as Wanna One (THey’ll be successful, hell yeah, but when you compare the two groups, it’ll be awhile before this group is showing the talent and range that Wanna One had from the get go) That said, Minkyu is someone I wouldn’t mind watching improving over five years--his potential is great, and again his personality is nice enough that I am hoping he debuts now; I came around to Minkyu...
Lee Han Gyul--Han Gyul is the closest to a Daniel replacement this season has (Not that he should be compared as “the second Daniel” but he exudes the sexiness and dance and he also is a good singer~ He’s agreat personality that lifts the groups he’s apart of and I want soooo badly for him to jump the necessary spots to make it to debut in this final episode!! I know he’s a far fetch but...He’s my guilty-pleasure~!!
Lee Jin Hyuk--Jin Hyuk LEAD Turtle Ship!!!! From that moment onward, I want Jin Hyuk to debut and be made leader like...Damn. He gets overshadowed by his band-mate Wooseok, but honestly Jin Hyuk I think is more talented and I think he’s a sure bet to debut, but even after he does I hope he gains the recognition he deserves and isn’t overlooked by Wooseok...
Song Yu Vin--Yu Vin is another whose talent and personality took me a LONG time to understand, but in honesty what stands out to me is his personality. He’s hilarious!!! Also, I see him as spiritually carring Choi Suwhan on his back (who really should have made it to top 20, I’m bitter but I’m also hopeful Choi Suwhan gets snatched up by an agency now~!) and so Su Vin is another Han Gyul case to me--it’s a stretch that they’ll make it to debut, but this is my DREAM TEAM~!! Hwaiting Su Vin!!
If I’m honest, those are my absolute favorites...I feel solid about five of them, but if I had to finish to round out this line-up, I’d add Kim Wooseok (Again, I recognize he’s got talent but to me he’s that “over-played radio song” where I’m almost spitefully not falling for him cause he has enough fans behind him; I’ll like him fine enough when he debuts, but he won’t be my favorite), Nam Do Hyun (Honestly, his rap is amazing, no question, but it makes me question if he should become a kpop idol and not just debut as a rapper--he’d be solid in that field...Still, his talent is undeniable and I’d LOVE if he and Han Gyul both made it~!!) and then flip a coin between Cha Jun Ho, Keum Dong Hyun, Lee Eun Sang for the final slots~
I hate all the starship boys.Sorry not sorry. I’ve resolved myself that Song Hyeong Jun will debut, but I will be furious if Ham Won Jin does...THe other two I’m ambivalent about. Se Jin I don’t honestly remember much of--Tony I am amazed made it this far, he has talent but no stage presence and he’s just not ready to debut...And Dong Pyo annoys me, so I’d like him to not debut, BUT I will be fine if he debuts simply because he is Seungwoo’s son and them debuting together would make Seungwoo happy and he deserves the world so~!!!
Please message me your picks--hell, if you disagree immensely with me, don’t bash me but please enlighten me on why the contestants I relate the least too are actually better than I credit them--let’s fangirl over these talented boys and even the oes who don’t debut I’ll continue to support and we’re all excited to see who the finanl 11 are to make up the mysterious X group (X has got to be in their name’s title~)
#produce x 101#han seung woo#kim yo han#lee jin hyuk#lee han gyul#cho seung youn#song yu vin#kim minkyu#let's debut!!!!
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 1.28
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Mourning, another character death, hostage situation with the gang at the end of Season 1. Word Count: 2,796
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You handed the origami flowers you made with Yeong-su and Su-yeong to Mr. An and he walked over to place it on Jae-heon’s grave. “You died when you should have lived,” he started saying. “And I lived when I should have died.”
Your face remained blank save for the tears that streamed down your cheeks, but your eyes lit up in recognition when you noticed Ji-su had walked in. She walked out just as quickly after seeing Jae-heon’s grave, and you couldn’t blame her.
You gave each of your siblings a kiss on the head before going after her.
It didn’t take long to find her since she was only a few rooms down the hallway, but your heart broke when you heard her sobs. They quieted down when she heard your footsteps approach and you kneeled down in front of her. When she saw the sympathy and similar pain in your eyes, she bursted into tears again and you wasted no time in wrapping your arms around her shoulders and bringing her into your embrace. You held her as she sobbed and you let your own tears fall. You knew her pain was much worse, especially since you could see the obvious love the two of them held for each other. You just wished you could help her but it was death. Death wasn’t something you could stop, and it took time to grieve. So even if you couldn’t take away all her pain right now, you would try your best with the comfort you could provide.
She didn’t fight you physically but she tried to warn you to stay away from her. “I’m nothing but bad luck. Everyone around me dies,” she sobbed and you shushed her.
“None of that is your fault. Jae-heon would never blame you for his death, and I know that for a fact. Don’t blame yourself for things you cannot control.”
She sighed with a sob at that and you hugged her tighter.
You were simultaneously surprised and not when Eun-yu walked in. She placed a pack of chocolates in front of the girl next to you with a soft glare. “Eat this. You know you are always ugly, but you really look like shit right now.”
You glared at her and opened your mouth when Ji-su cut you off with the same speech about staying away from her.
“You want to live, right?” She started. “Just act like you did before. Nothing good will happen if you’re near me,” her voice started to crack. “Get away from me if you want to live,” she sobbed. “I’m nothing but bad luck.”
“Oh jeez,” Eun-yu scoffed and you knew she was about to say something rude. “You really hate yourself, don’t you.”
Called it.
“Everyone around me keeps on dying,” Ji-su started crying again and you stroked her hair softly. “Whether they kill themselves or get killed by monsters-”
“Enjoying your pity party?” Eun-yu interrupted.
“Eun-yu,” you scolded with a glare. She rolled her eyes but you could see the genuine worry in her gaze.
She slid down the wall and started telling both of you about her story. About how her parents died in a car crash on the way to a ballet recital she wanted to see. How her brother quit medical school to pay for her ballet classes. How he didn’t blame her even when she thought he should have.
You wanted to hug her too but you knew that would be something she wouldn’t enjoy.
Once she was done talking, she looked over at the sword she had brought over. It was Jae-heon’s and even though it was partially broken, she still reached over to grab one of Ji-su’s hands and wrap it around the handle.
“You don’t need to make yourself miserable. Things are bad enough as it is,” she told her before standing up and exiting the bathroom. You watched her go with a warm feeling. Even though she didn’t show it very well, it was clear Eun-yu cared about everyone in this building.
You had followed Eun-yu out of the bathroom shortly after she left when Ji-su asked you for some space since she just wanted to be alone for a bit.
Now, about an hour later, you were in the basement with Yeong-su, taking turns watching outside through the binoculars with him. You turned around when you heard footsteps and saw Mr. An and Yi-kyung walk in. Mr. An took a seat next to you on the stone platform and you looked at him. “Halabeoji,” you called, addressing him with the same name Yeong-su and Su-yeong had resorted to calling him by. Yeong-su looked over a little from where he was looking out the window but returned his gaze outside quickly.
“Let me ask you a favor,” he asked Yi-kyung. “There’s something inside this place. We must find it.”
“Find what?” She asked.
“I don’t know. An underground tunnel or a bunker or something.”
‘Oh. I guess he wasn’t lying when he was telling that story yesterday when he was drunk,’ you thought to yourself.
“What do you plan to do?” The woman asked him abruptly.
“We will use it to hide,” he declared determinedly. “People keep dying. Young people with their whole lives ahead of them are dying. I believe that you’ll survive this. I can tell from your face.”
She looked down before the conversation was cut off by Yeong-su grabbing your attention.
“Unnie, halabeoji, look.”
You let Mr. An take the binoculars first and look out before he gave them to you. You saw a large army truck driving in the direction of your building and your heart rate sped up. You gave the binoculars to Yi-kyung so she could also see and the looks on all your faces were intense.
“Is the army coming to rescue us?” Yeong-su asked innocently. The gut feeling told you the answer to his question would be a no but you couldn’t find the courage to say that to him. Instead, you just rubbed his back.
Mr. An sighed before turning to Yi-kyung and you. “Move out. On your own. I’ll greet our guests.”
“What?” Yi-kyung asked.
“The soldiers, you can't trust them. You might not understand,” he explained and the expression on her face turned somber.
“I do understand.”
Mr. An chuckled lightly before turning to Yeong-su. “You have a sidekick. Yi-kyung is a secret agent. She’s just like you.”
Yeong-su turned to face the woman beside you and you spoke to the older man. “I can’t do anything. I lost my axe and I’m already injured so I’m not all that useful,” you protested.
He hummed, thinking for a minute. “Then you should hide with your brother. Your mission will be to stay hidden and not get caught!” He said. His voice was still playful for the sake of Yeong-su and you worried your lip.
“What about Su-yeong? I need to protect her too.”
“I will protect her. Don’t you worry, okay?”
You nodded reluctantly and allowed yourself to be led along with Yeong-su into the building again. After a while of looking, you all found a vent and you helped Yeong-su climb in. You talked a bit more to Mr. An and Yi-kyung before you all split up and you climbed into the vent with your brother. You hugged him closely while he sobbed quietly and placed your hand on his mouth when a few strange people with guns walked by. You saw them dragging Mr. An and nearly gasped but you were able to hold yourself together. He smiled at the vent and in a manner of quick thinking and paranoia, you grabbed Yeong-su and placed him on the little area above the vent’s entrance. He sat there and looked at you with confusion. For a second you thought you really were just being paranoid but you were glad that you did it when one of the men came back into the hallway and pointed the gun at the vent. He opened it and saw you immediately.
“I fucking knew it. Get the fuck out here,” he sneered with a smirk. You held your hands up and avoided looking at Yeong-su as you came out.
“Okay, okay. I’m coming out just don’t shoot,” you pleaded with him, carefully climbing out of the vent and stepping down. You nearly fell when he grabbed the collar of your shirt and started dragging you away with the gun pressed against your head.
When he dragged you into the lobby, you saw the other residents huddled up against each other. Some were crying while others just looked scared. You saw Mr. An next to Su-yeong shushing her. The man pulling you shoved you into everyone and you tripped over your own feet. Just as you expected to feel yourself hit the ground, you were caught by familiar arms.
Though Hyun-su held you softly, his eyes glared at the man who pushed you. He continued to glare even when you untangled yourself from his arms to hug Su-yeong.
Mr. An whispered in your ear, “What about Yeong-su? Is he okay?”
“He’s okay,” you whispered back. “Everything’s okay.”
The man who pushed you suddenly held up a red crayon/chalk. He whistled as he circled the group, drawing a line around all of you.
“It’s a bit bigger than last time,” one of the thugs teased.
The man in the hat with the red bandana around his neck - the same man who dragged you to the group - smirked. “Should I measure the area every time?” He asked but didn’t wait for an answer as he addressed everyone in the circle. “This is your jail now,” he laughed.
Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and Ji-eun started stumbling. Everyone screamed in horror as she fell to the ground. Mr. Han got pushed into the ‘jail’ as well. He started crawling toward Ji-eun to help her but got pulled back by everyone.
“No, Mr. Han! Stay here, they’re going to kill you too!”
“Please! What are you doing?” He screamed to the leader of the group who was the same man who shot the girl. You all watched as the light drained from her eyes and she passed away. “How could you kill her? How could you?”
“You’re so emotional,” the man with the red bandana laughed. “Are you going to cry for everyone?” He looked down and started nudging Mr. Han’s arms with his gun. “Mister, you crossed the line. Go inside.”
“Just squeeze in,” the leader said. “That’s your home. A tiny home,” he smiled. You wanted to run up to him and smack that smirk off his scar-ridden face but you couldn’t. It would just be a death sentence.
You sat down next to Mr. Han with Su-yeong and everyone followed suit. Soon you were all huddled together sitting on the floor with Hyun-su sitting next to you, pressing his side against yours just enough to reassure you of his presence while not making it too obvious of his concern and care about you. The cries quieted down and everyone sat silently, trying to process everything that was happening.
The leader climbed up some stairs so he was elevated and started talking. “My name is Shin Jung-seop. Why don’t we all just get along without fighting?” He suggested. You wanted to laugh at the irony of that statement. They were the ones who came in here and killed one of the residents yet they wanted to ‘get along’?
“How can you say that after what you did?” Mr. An said exactly what you were thinking. One of the men held up a gun to his head and you shoved Su-yeong’s head into your chest to direct her sight away from it. “How can you treat people like this? We’re not animals!”
“I’m sorry,” the leader ‘apologized’ and held up his gun, shaking it a bit. “This is all I know. If you all do as I say, I won’t kill any of you.”
“So… What do you want from us?” Eun-hyuk asked. Ever the brave one holding the role of the leader, his voice did not quiver and he showed no signs of fear. It was something you admired about him.
“We should get to, uh, know each other,” the man explained, stepping down the stairs and approaching the group. You pulled Su-yeong closer to you to get her away from anyone that would approach and it seemed to catch the leader’s eye. His eyes narrowed in on where Hyun-su’s hand had unconsciously protectively wrapped around the wrist of the hand not holding your sister and he smirked. The sight of the grin sent a sense of dread down your spine. “I bet you’re curious about us, too.”
Eun-hyuk stood up and you wanted to smack everyone in the circle. Why was everyone so desperate to be brave and stand up to the people who literally have guns and are more than willing to shoot them? “Why don’t you tell us? Where were you before you came here? What happened out there?”
“They were dead,” the man told him apathetically. “All of them.”
“Did they just die? Or did… you kill them?” Eun-hyuk asked forwardly. You wanted to smack him upside the head.
“It was a small church,” the man started to tell his story after a beat of tense silence. “They’d had it fortified well, so I got my hopes up, but all of them were already dead. What’s interesting is there were no signs of a monster attack. They had all killed each other,” he said and took a step closer to the bespectacled boy. “You shouldn’t be worrying about monsters. No. Humans are… the scariest.”
He giggled under his breath while Eun-hyuk looked down and clenched his jaw. The smile on his face was menacing and it made you anxious.
Suddenly, a guy with spiky hair in a bright red hoodie and a lot of piercings came into the room and walked up to the leader with another guy behind him. Both guys gave you bad vibes but something about the second guy was a special type of unnerving. The type that you got whenever you got attacked by a monster. You shrugged off that thought though as the guy in the red started talking. “What?”
“What?” The leader asked in response.
“Ui-myeong said you were looking for me.”
The leader looked over his shoulder to the second guy - Ui-myeong - with a questioning gaze but he just shrugged and softly shook his head.
“Hmm? I wasn’t.”
“You son of a bitch!” The man yelled at Ui-myeong, turning around to face him and glaring at him. Everyone around you gasped at the sudden loudness but you couldn’t look away from the guy. There was something about him that made you feel uneasy. He seemed to notice your stare because he looked directly at you. His blank face and eyes showed nothing but you still thought it was weird.
“Did you find anything?” The leader asked the man in the red with a laugh, drawing his and Ui-myeong’s attention back to him. You sighed in relief when he looked away. So far, despite the uneasy feeling he gave you, he was the one of the group you felt most safe with. He was the only one who hadn’t done anything particularly violent.
That didn’t mean you actually felt safe around him though.
“There’s a girl. She’s hurt.”
Eun-hyuk’s face showed his worry for a second before he schooled it back to normal.
“Stop frowning,” the leader scolded playfully. “These people are already scared.”
He walked over to Ui-myeong and swung his arm over his shoulders before walking off. The man in the red walked off in the other direction before being stopped by another thug. “You left her alone? Why? Was she not your type? Can I have her?”
“I’m saving her for later,” he said and it made you terrified for the safety of Ji-su.
Eun-yu tugged Eun-hyuk back down to the ground and started reprimanding him. “Are you crazy? Stop standing up to them.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed like that, Eun-hyuk,” you butted in, scolding him as well.
“I did it because I wanted us to live,” he rebutted.
“By provoking them?” You asked sarcastically.
He ignored you and turned to Hyun-su. “We have to wait.”
“Until when?” The boy asked.
Eun-hyuk leaned in to whisper even softer. “It seems like they killed soldiers and stole their weapons and ammo. They only have a few guns and there are dozens of monsters out there.”
“We have to do something,” Hyun-su insisted.
“When the time is right… we’ll act,” Eun-hyuk told him reassuringly. “You’re not the only weapon we have.”
Taglist <3
#time will tell 💌 quack quack snacks#sweet home#cha hyun su#cha hyunsu#cha hyun su x reader#cha hyunsoo#cha hyunsu x reader#cha hyunsoo x reader#cha hyun soo
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Fair warning, if you are very sensitive about your picks, i don't care, then I suggest you not read thie because this is my personal opinion so if you disagree, then that's that. My opinions won't change. Tomorrow is the day but I am still sharing this.
1. Kim Yo Han (OUI Entertainment)
- Obviously he is gonna debut. Yohan, at first, was someone who I thought was just a visual or comic relief but he really stands out as a rapper. So I feel like he deserves to be in the top ten to say.
2. Kim Woo Seok (TOP Media)
- I don't know. Apart from presence, I don't think Wooseok's voice is that great. Probably he could be a vocalist but nothing main. I guess he deserves to be in the top ten too because in some way, he does have the charisma that most cannot possess.
3. Lee Jin Hyuk (TOP Media)
- I hate how underrated Jinhyuk is. I stanned him ever since he was still Lee Sungjun and people are only appreciating him now. I was honestly scared he won't make it to the top even with pure talent because we all know mnet are snakes and the ones who get to vote only vote visuals. So I am happy he is in the top ten.
4. Han Seung Woo (Plan A Entertainment)
- Well, I think he is vocally talented but I did prefer someone else to be the main vocal. It seems like Mnet is signed for making him the main vocal. Plus Seungwoo has a good personality so they may need that in the group.
5. Kim Min Kyu (Jellyfish Entertainment)
- Sure, improvement, yeah yeah. But let's be honest, his vocals and dancing is just average. So as much as people love him, I just don't think he should ranm this high.
6. Cho Seung Youn (Yuehua Entertainment)
- Well deserved. Apart from being multi-talented, he has such a warm personality. An all rounder basically. If he doesn't debut, I am gonna make a whole ass article why Mnet sucks.
7. Nam Do Hyon (MBK Entertainment)
- We need a main rapper with a higher pitch. I think he can actually compliment Yohan's voice. But yeah, I kinda notice that this line has such a lot of rappers. So I do wanna see some vocals from the others because Dohyun just excels so much in rapping.
8. Song Hyeong Jun (Starship Entertainment)
- we need a main dancer and I think he can do that. Apart from being well..cute, I think he can be very perservering when it comes to learning dances and he doesn't seem to lose patience easily.
9. Lee Eun Sang (Brand New Music)
- to be honest, is he ranked just for his visuals? because as far as it goes, Eunsang's voice just fits sub vocals? nothing to be too wowed for. I mean, sure he is handsome but like he's only good for sub vocals. I admire his ambition in the past episodes where he kept trying out.
10. Keum Dong Hyun (C9 Entertainment)
- Another steady dancer. I want him in the top too because Hyeongjun is good at dancing but I think Donghyun can be more skilled with darker themes. That's why he can compliment Hyeongjun too. I do want them to work together in a debuted group.
11. Cha Jun Ho (Woollim Entertainment)
- If I could trade one of the rappers for a vocal, I think Junho can be a nice addition. His voice is baritone, right? It sounds so sexy. I don't even care if people keep on saying he looks like Myungsoo, he has his own unique look and feel to it.
12. Son Dong Pyo (DSP Media)
- He keeps on going down. I am actually he won't get in. I think he has great variety charms but again if he doesn't make it, it won't be much of a loss...but people will get all dramatic and said he didn't debut because mnet does to the father-son tandems or whatever.
13. Hwang Yun Seong (Woollim Entertainment)
- I didn't notice him until U Got It. I mean he is good at dancing, vocal wise, not so much. I mean, I don't like it but some might do, so preferences, I guess. If he makes it, I wouldn't really care as much...he do him...
14. Kang Min Hee (Starship Entertainment)
- He has a good voice. But personality wise, he doesn't strike me at all. Like in their performance, I keep forgetting his presence because the rest kind of overshined him? I mean, his presence isn't that strong enough to get him as equally noticed as those inside the top 10.
15. Koo Jung Mo (Starship Entertainment)
- I don't actually remember Jungmo as much. All I could remember is that he has a cute face. Really, if you don't strike me, that means you don't have such a strong presence when I watch stages.
16. Lee Han Gyul (MBK Entertainment)
- He has a unique vocal tone so that might be a good blend if he does get in. He is like..very calm, contrary to Yohan and Seungyoun. But you know, vocal wise, he can only reach to a certain pitch and that kind of makes me question about the range of his vocals.
17. Song Yu Vin (The Music Works)
- Why is he so low? Like he is a stable vocal? He went down so much as well. However, if it was between him and Seungwoo, I would prefer Seungwoo as main and Yuvin as lead or some kind of support to Seungwoo. His voice is nice but it's not that different from other vocals?
18. Ham Won Jin (Starship Entertainment)
- Not surprised he's here. I mean..he's okay. Again, he does not really strike me with his presence. The only memory I have of him is Baksu stage and that he has something worse than vocal nodules..and that's about it.
19. Tony (HONGYI Entertainment)
- Is this a miracle? Honestly, I did hope he could be a part of this but didn't have high hopes for it. Tony has such a great voice that I was so shookt during Monday to Sunday but realistically speaking, I don't think he'll make it to the top 11 or whatevs
20. Lee Se Jin (iME Korea)
- Honestly, I don't know why Sejin. The only stage I could remember from his Monday to Sunday and he wasn't even the best at that stage. Sorry, but he's just someone I am confused with why they got into the 20s.
To be honest, the elimination I am most upset with is Hyeop. I feel like he could be such a great addition to the team.
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~ Chapter 20 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
I was standing next to Yi-kyung to make sure...
To make sure she's still alive for now.
I don't want her to die alone. That's something she doesn't deserve. My mind went back to the short conversation I had with Eun-yu before she went outside to talk with Hyun-su.
"Do you think this is alright?" With a confused look, I turn my head to Eun-yu.
"What do you mean?" She let out a sigh before answering.
"Letting her die like this." Biting the inside of my cheek I look back down at Yi-kyung.
"In a normal situation no. I would do anything to make sure she would be alright. But how the world is right now, we don't have any other choice." In a normal world, we would go to a normal hospital where there are doctors and nurses who could take care of her and make sure she would be alright.
"Is she in pain? I know you can feel it when you touch someone."
I close my eyes taking a deep breath.
I don't want to make Eun-yu feel worse than she already is, but I don't want to lie to her either.
"He desperately wants to talk to you, you know." My eyes drifted outside the room where Hyun-su was sitting.
"I know, but that is something for later. I need to focus on Yi-kyung unnie. I don't want her to suffer anymore."
Carefully I took Yi-kyung's hand in mine and began to focus on the pain. Soon the burning pain began to spread through my veins.
Luckily for me, I have been getting better at handling the pain over the past year. I don't pass out so quickly anymore and the headache rarely comes back. But even with all the practice I have done this still hurts.
Burn wounds in general hurt. It was the most hated wound I always got.
A jolt went through my body and when I opened my eyes I was in a darkness. It was the same darkness I had seen at the very beginning of my dreams when everything started to happen.
A voice behind me made me turn around.
It was Yi-kyung who was talking to her daughter. It was the same memories I saw when I grabbed the girl when she had pushed Eun-yu into the pit but now from Yi-kyung's perspective. Yi-kyung is scared.
She gave birth alone in the water, not knowing what was happening. The baby was a monster which made her scared. I saw everything up until the burning boat and her talking with Hyun-su.
She tried to kill herself after everything that had happened with her daughter. Everything was flashing in front of my eyes before it became bright with light. It was such bright I had to cover my eyes with my hands.
Lowering my hand I open my eyes only to see that I was now standing in a room.
Now that I took a better look it looked like I was back in Green home. When I fully looked around my eyes landed on Yi-kyung.
"Unnie." Quickly I walked over and pulled her in a hug.
She stood there frozen for a second before wrapping her arms around me.
"Why did you do that?" I whisper into her shoulder.
"I deserved it." I pulled away shaking my head.
"Because of your daughter. I saw what had happened." She let out a deep breath before sitting down on the couch.
"You must think I'm a monster." She said putting her face in her hands.
"Odd choice of words seeing that you're talking to me, but no I don't think you're a monster," I said before sitting down next to her.
"I have met monsters and I'm not talking about the ones that are running around right now. I met real monsters before all of this went down."
Yi-kyung looked at me not really convinced.
"Look I get it. Pregnancy is scary as it is. Hell, labor is scary and traumatizing when it was a normal time. A normal woman can prepare herself for it for roughly nine months. What you went through most has been torture and scary." I explained.
I can't excuse the way she treated her daughter. Not after how I was raised, but I also saw how she protected her daughter from those men who wanted to kill her. If she really didn't care about her she wouldn't have left her with Hyun-su or would have let those men kill her without doing something.
"I'm just so scared she will turn out..." She started staring at the wall in front of her.
"Evil, bad, want to murder all humans." I finished making her look at me with worry in her eyes. I gave her a small smile before taking her hand in mine.
"Look, she is still a kid. She's confused and just as scared as you. She doesn't know what the real world is. She never experienced how nice and caring people can be. I know how she's feeling right now. At some point in my life, I thought that all humankind was evil." Her face relaxed more after those words left my mouth.
"You also can't forget that she has half of you inside of her and I'm pretty sure that you're not evil. Maybe selfish sometimes, but they are moments with good reasons and in the end, you always have protected the others." Slowly she nodded her head before squeezing my hand.
"Thank you. I wish I could tell her how I really feel. I just feel so ashamed of everything that I have done."
"If you wake up maybe you can tell her." Yi-kyung smile fell from her mouth before squeezing my hand.
"I can't wake up. This is going to be the last time you're going to be able to talk to me. I can feel my body dying and it's a blessing that I have been able to talk to you." A tear began to run down my cheek knowing that she was right.
Quickly she wiped it away before cupping my face in her hands.
"You're an amazing person Mi-na. It was a blessing to have had you in my life even if it was for a short period. Please do me a favor when I'm gone." Slowly I nodded my head.
"Make sure my daughter is okay. I know that she will have Hyun-su, but she needs more people in her life to see things differently." I let out a little laugh.
"I met her before and I don't think she likes me very much. She tough though and stubborn, just like her mom." Yi-kyung laughs while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I'll try to help her as much as I can." She mumbles a small thank you before pulling me in her embrace.
Knowing that this was my last chance with her I wrapped my arms around her forever grateful I could say goodbye like this. This was one of the good sides of the monster's transformation.
A bright light appeared around and before I could do something I felt her disappear from my embrace.
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'Penthouse' contains all the clichés called clichés used in the drama
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/penthouse-contains-all-the-cliches-called-cliches-used-in-the-drama/
'Penthouse' contains all the clichés called clichés used in the drama
The time when it is difficult to analyze and review dramas and understand them is the time when the close-up dramas are hit. If you forget, you will come back, and if you forget, you will come back without fail.
Usually, close-up dramas provoke viewers by throwing a big event in the beginning as if they were trying to do something, and blocking it with all kinds of clichés until the end. The audience rating rises as the probability and message disappear and the thrilling stimulus is added. Even the early criticism of’does this make sense’ can’t hit the Mac in front of huge audience ratings.
Nevertheless, when I give up thinking about trying to analyze the story, I think of the King of Gag Concert’s ratings corner. If you want to get a little bored, you throw an absurd setting, and the actors take it well… I think Primetime’s’Advanced Close-Up Play’ will come to viewers who are immune to the close by morning drama as vivid fun as if watching the King of Ratings on TV on Daehakro stage.
SBS’Penthouse’ contains all the clichés called clichés used in the drama. Murder, bullying, infidelity, mischief, revenge, secrets of birth, school violence, abuse, fraud, veiled figures, and real estate development profiteering. They are placed everywhere in the big picture that tracks the murder of Min Seol-ah (Jo Su-min). As only ripe hongsi on the persimmon tree can be seen, the thick stem disappears and cannot be seen.
In the high-end residential-commercial penthouse, which has been set as ‘1 house price, 1 education’, only desire and immorality exist. People who are jealous and contempt each other but become one in front of money, a wife who thinks casually about an affair, and a husband who wants to use it, a woman who earns a lot of money but hates those who have no money, and an incompetent husband and a hellish marriage mate. Former announcers who endure living because of Edo money, and even children who learned only bad things.
The point to note is that they all only see what is in front of them, but cannot read the back side. They hold regular meetings, and they contemplate that Yujin Oh (Yujin) will be driven out for money, but they are not interested in what each other is doing. Does it make sense that no one knew that Mari Kang (Shin Eun-kyung) was in trouble and her husband was in prison? It is funny to conduct a vote to expel Oh Yu-jin from Hera Palace, but it makes sense that only 4 households have the right to vote in that large residential-commercial complex.
There is no need to worry about’does this make sense’ in this unlikely situation. Before I even think about it, I will jump to another episode. If it had been a different drama, the story that would have spread or spread to a great controversy does not matter in this work. Because the audience rating is good. Because it’s fun. Before you think about it, you will catch your eye with another stimulating story. Like drugs.
It is clear that it is too much to say,’It’s okay because it’s Kim Sun-ok’. However, even if only one of them has been put in enough stimulating materials, it is only admiration for the writer’s writing ability, which made the story as a drama rather than a comedy. ‘The dignity of the empress’,’Watda Jangbori’, and’the temptation of the wife’ are all.
Ratings exceeding 20%, all kinds of luxury PPLs set in the background of a high-end apartment, the acting of actors who are bound to stand out the more they get out of the normal people. There is nothing rough and nothing is a problem, Kim Soon-ok World continues to say,’It’s not moral, but it’s okay,’ and this evening is also tempting wives like the elegant empress.
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