#i will not say i wasnt ever like that but like i grew lmao
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mostlikelyshutup · 4 months ago
reading zutara fic sometimes is like ah yes you dont understand aang at all do you
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
sorry i dont really understand the hyping up the mario movie as this incredible masterpiece of a movie or the best video game movie ever made i finally watched it recently and i just thought it was ok. not Bad there were things i enjoyed about it. but not best movie of the year or best video game movie that will ever be made and can never ever be topped idk what people are talking about there
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badgyalshii · 1 year ago
Paul Atreides x Reader (always safe for POCS+ Plus size)
2.6k word count
warnings! idk really you tell me lmao. just sad really, flashbacks, etc. proofread, uhhh most of it.
A/N: im so happy i got the results that I did in the first part, im thinking of starting a taglist for this series maybe so just send me an ask saying you wanna be in there and i gotchuuuu! thank you to everyone who reads my stories, i was supposed to post this yesterday but i was pretty busy. i am overall happy with how this series is going! i was gonna leave it simple and end it here, but honestly i feel like i could keep going with this, love you guysss!😘
Access Part I here. I . II . III . IV .
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¨its just protocol¨ ¨it wasnt necessary, i watched. Ive watched you, standing behind you. Who are you, paul?¨
¨y/n? Helloooo, y/n¨ chani waved her hand in your face as the memory slowly faded and you came back to your vision and seeing chani infront of you. You both laid on the small bed, hot when the sun was up or down. Chani wanted more, she swore she did. When she wasnt talking to you she was searching for something to make this ¨house¨ feel comforting, like a home. You closed your eyes as the flashback completely faded in your head. You both were laying down, she was across from you with a worried look on her face as you blinked. ¨yes chani?¨ ¨are you prepared?¨ she asked. You struggled to remember what she was talking about, and her concerned look never left her face. ¨To leave¨ chani whispers gently. She knew you still had feelings for paul, and she couldnt fight to win you over in your constant mental battle. You never felt like this before. Wanting only one person- no, needing them. Under your eyes grew heavier and heavier. Days grew longer and you hardly slept and when you did it was of paul, had you have no life of your own? Have you grown depressed? You sighed, stood and you dressed, taking a deep breath in as you pulled up your pants and grabbed your mask.
Its been 6 years, 6 years on arrakis with chani, and you never forgot. You never forgot the life that you used to have, the life you missed so deprately, and you never came to terms with your new life, even if it was with chani. You missed stilgar, you missed everyone, grouped together, eating, small laughs between you and your friends, paul picking at your plate whenever you didnt really feel like finishing your food. You loved chani, you love her, youve became closer and closer like sisters. She taught you her own individual skills that shes learned along the way, but you guys barely talked. Her company was comforting, but all you really thought about was paul, and his new marriage, and his new wife. Was it just…..protocol? You could tell when you spoke to chani that she was extremely uninterested in the topic of paul, but thats all you ever thought about.
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You found another place in arrakis, it took about 6 sandworms to get to your destination and you lived in once again, another large rock. You and chani hunted for water and when you found it you both started to make another ¨tent¨ in the rock to live at for a while. You both sat down and ate.
¨whats on your mind?¨ chani asked worryingly, she worried, she worried so often. She only wanted whats best for you and it hurt to see you this way but she covered it with her toughness. ¨paul. Maybe he was right-¨ ¨y/n, it has been six years since then. Please-¨
¨maybe… i should go¨ you thickly swallowed, looking at your hands before you looked back up at her. Her jaw was clenched before she released it, she has an irritated look on her face before she released her eyebrows. ¨im coming with you”
As you got dressed to go back to him, you thought of him. Maybe it was because of the way he laughed so softly against your lips that made you miss him. Maybe its because of how his warm and rough fingers softly grazed your face and on your body sending butterflies in your stomach and tiny shocks wherever his loving touch landed, eager to touch you, the way his green but now electric blue eyes looked at you with pure admiration. He was so perfect. Everything you wouldbe thought you wanted on paper was right infront of you, waiting on you. You couldnt lie, you were excited to see him and thankful chani allowed you to go back. You wondered about him, wondered how he looked now, was he more mature? Did his voice get deeper? was it just protocol? Did you make a mistake? Is he safe? Is he still there? Does he still love you?
Anxiety crept through your throat before you swallowed it back down. Chani was already ready to go as soon as she shes going with you. You looked at her, she was sitting outside of the giant rock, waiting for you and if she wasnt already so smart, she turned feeling eyes on her back almost as if she could sense you, one eyebrow raised as she then crossed her arms and leaned on her left foot. You sighed before picking up your things, walking up to chani she put her hand on your shoulder and patted it. ¨can we just sit here? we just got here! look at the view¨ she said before crossing her arms again and looking at you with a smile.
The view was clearly beautiful. The sun coming down as it usually does but in this particular rock, there was something different about the scenery. ¨pretty cool for a shit planet¨ you muttered, dropping your things before you got down and sat criss cross. Chani joined you, enjoyed the view for a little longer before she looked over at you.
¨why do you like him so much, Paul?¨ she questioned kindly, usually she didnt like talking about him, she was never a fan. You looked at her, studying her face you could see she had a serious face beside her eye slightly winched from the sun, she waiting on your answer before she lifting her knee and laid on her elbow. you sighed before sitting with your legs flat out with your hands in your lap, it wasnt a hard question, it just caught you off guard. Why were you so attracted to him? . ¨i….i dont know, actually¨ you looked back into the view, chewing on the side of your cheek before continuing. ¨its not everyday you get a new comer who is so emotionally strong but you could see he is so lost in those gorgeous eyes. Someone so intelligent, beautiful, kind, and wise. Who wants to learn and is¨ you did an exaggerated sigh before raising your fingers to quote ¨so humble, as stilgar says¨ chani laughs before laying flat out. ¨he was new, wasnt like us. us growing up, we were used to the same routine, everyone around everyone. So when he got here, when he wanted me.. I just…felt…different. Everything felt different¨ a small smile played on your face as you thought of him.
“ever thought of kids?” paul asked, playing with your hair. “why are you thinking of kids in your current situation, paul? wouldnt that be too much?” you reply, your arm laid across him and your head in his chest. he chuckled in return, you felt his heartbeat skip and pitter patter before you felt the vibrations from his voice, “i wouldnt wanna have a kid unless its yours, y/n” and with that you smiled and looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his lips before he wrapped his arms around your waist to flip you guys over, you both chuckled before paul pulled up the sheets.
You wanted to feel his warm embrace again. You wanted him again. ¨i had a vision- well a dream that one day, he would be ruler. Be so wise and so gentle, which he already is. But i would be at his side, carrying his kids. Happy family. Getting to see his eyes… looking into him and only seeing love, i wouldnt ever grow tired of it. Y/N atredies, queen of atredies, me and him. You and stilgar, everyone around each other. Happy family, happy life. Of course war, but-¨ you cut yourself off, ¨i just want love, ever since i experieced it with him, its hard to let go. He teached me genuine love, nothing less, nothing more. The way he was so honest. How could i ever let that go?¨ you questioned, a puzzled look on your face as you waited on chani to answer. She took a pause, she once again looked back at the view before looking at you.
¨you do understand that he isnt the same anymore, right?¨”she said, looking up. ¨i understand,¨ you nodded, ¨ and i saw it, when he said he was waiting for me. He changed when he drunk the water of life. I dont think he really… values relationships anymore. I remember, i remember before he drunk the water, way before. He would tell me about these nightmares he had and how he was going to do everything to stop it¨ you pursed your lips to the side, as the conversation flowed, your confidence in your relationship was going lower and lower. As much as you didnt want to hear it, you needed to. ¨he lost himself, y/n¨ chani says. ¨are you sure when you walk back into his life hes gonna be the same old paul?¨
You bit your lip before looking down at your hands and let out a breath, ¨thats what were going to find out, right?¨ ¨to be honest,¨ chani sighed and put her hands behind he head, looking at the ceiling of the rock. ¨ i dont really trust him, never did. nor do i like him. He took advantage of us y/n. Tricked us, making us fight for him¨ chani said without filter. ¨he is the preacher, its written. I believe in him¨ you said pridefully, showing humility as you will always stand behind your one true love. ¨you got your sight taken by the vision of love¨ chani looks at you, she felt bad that you were so blind. But you were often like this, always have been. Soft, sensitive, caring. Its true, you and muad´dib are perfect for each other, chani could see that, but you honestly didnt wanna talk about it if she wasnt even gonna try to understand. ¨white savior¨ she finishes and looks up at the ceiling of the rock again before she looks back into the distance. ¨i love him¨ that was your finishing statement.
It was as if nothing faded, like you didnt grow, like you saw paul yesterday, like you never left. Chani felt so bad, so bad that you kept searching for paul in sleepless nights. But she also felt slightly angry, as if she didnt take you under her wing and teach you something brand new, a new way of life. It was like you totally discarded it, like you didnt want it, you didnt want to. Paul or nothing. Did you not value chanis friendship? Her love? She would never ask, shes too dominate for that. But it bothered her.
¨we should leave before it gets too late¨ chani mutters, letting out a slight groan before she stood and wiped her hands off on the pockets of her pants. You followed suit and picked up your bag before something dropped. It was pauls necklace, a family heirloom he trusted you with, he wanted you to have it. You looked at it before picking it up, rubbing over it and placing it over your neck before following chani.
The sand crunched against your shoes as you followed her, she was silent as she held the tools to get a sandworm. It was offly hot today and you both lacked water so she viewed it at that point, she already discussed with you that she wasnt gonna work for muad´dib, wasnt gonna fight for him, only gonna fight for her people. You looked at her, the sweatbeads on her forehead visible but it didnt make her look bad. You sat while you waited for the sandworm to appear.
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When you arrived the foundation looked huge, guards around the premises dressed in black, all tall, muscular, and you could easily tell they were worthy of their place. ¨follow me¨ chani said, her walk bold and strong as you followed behind her in suit. Chani walked up the the guard and the guard had a strong bold look. ¨who are you?¨ the guard asked. ¨chani¨ she replied, taking off the mask that covered her eyes. ¨freman¨ he muttered, he looked over chanis shoulder and saw you. ¨and you?¨ he questioned, ¨freman¨ you replied. He stepped aside and allowed you both to enter. Chani pushed the door open, coming inside and you followed.
You werent used to this, spending all your life living in a rock. The walls were long and you looked at them, wanting to touch them, study the whole place. But there was something else you wanted to see to, the love of your life. ¨y/n, im gonna try to find stilgar. Be safe¨ chani whispered to you. ¨chani, this is home. Everyone we know is here, this is family¨ you said with a smile on your face. ¨its been six years. Foundations couldve changed, family couldve changed. Who knows what paul did, y/n¨ she said stern. You nodded your heard and she did too, leaving you off to find the one you wanted to see do desperately.
You walked, the building was so silent that you could hear your own footsteps, sand fell off your shoes as you walked, leaving a trail. A smile played on your lips as you walked throught the halls, checking every door, seeing your people. You asked them, ¨wheres paul?¨ in return they smiled, ¨not so sure. I dont even know where his room is at. Maybe check the throne room. Honestly, i havent seen him in a long time, y/n¨ and you did, no one was there. You furrowed your eyebrows and continued to look through the rooms, paul just wasnt there. Your happiness sooned turn into sadness and insecurity. Tears were on the edge of brimming your eyes. You exiteded the castle and sat down, leaning against the wall. You held your knees up to your chest and put your head on your forearms.
Where is he? Wheres chani? This is his place he cant be impossible to find, can he? Why cant i find him? Wheres his wife? All these thoughts coursed through your head as you waited, you ended up falling asleep, outside.
¨y/n?¨ you heard. Your neck had a crane as you looked up. ¨y/n!¨ it was a voice you recognized, ¨why are you outside?¨ they laughed, you finally looked up after rubbing your eyes and it was stilgar. ¨stilgar!¨ you yelled, he came down to your level and hugged you. He laughed ¨look at you, all dirty¨ he wiped your face. ¨wheres paul?¨ you questioned, his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. This took you aback, ¨wheres paul? I was gonna ask you that¨ he mutters, wiping the dirt off of your cheek. You dropped his hand and looked at him with desperate eyes, ¨what-what do you mean?¨ you asked, desperate for an answer. ¨paul left 2 years ago, y/n. He said when he came back, he would come back with you¨” stilgar looks down as he reveals, you stood, paced, questioned. ¨he said he would wait for me- i….i dont understand! Stilgar¨ you let out a whine, trying to fight the tears. ¨where is he? Stilgar please, please!¨ you begged, dropping to your knees. Stilgar couldnt muster to come up with anything to say. In honesty, he mightve been more sad than you. The messiah is gone, lost. No where to be found. How could he find him? Where could he possibly be? Two years. Two. this was like heartbreak all over again. Before, you knew he was alive, but now. You know nothing. Should you go back? Is he still searching for you?
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milklovesbyler · 28 days ago
okay this is long so skip to S4 section for the more interesting stuff/when i found out about byler!
hii okay my first post on this blog! im still pretty new to tumblr but learned that u can have multiple blogs and my mind is blown. i also have an art blog i post on once a millenia @milkymetari !
Ive been a stranger things fan since 2019 when i was 13!
So i started watching stranger things in 2019 after season 3 had came out and the series peaked my interest, ive always been a fan of scifi stuff and oh boy stranger things is so cool and (mostly) well written!
When i say i LOVED mileven im not kidding, I WAS OBSESSED. On the outside theyre a picture perfect cute teenage couple, and my idealisation of that (and cmon guys eleven is like the coolest character ever) and els badassness and powers, i loved mileven.
I mean as a concept their relationship is really cute if we read it as that but yeah i do NOT ship them anymore like that 😭
Yeah i remember myself sometimes wondering about the weird things in their relationship (the way they dont share almost any interests, only kiss and mikes weird actions) but i think due to heteronormativity (toxic ships are wayy too normalized also in lgbt media) and how poorly usually female characters (but in this case mike lmao) and their relationships are written in media so i guess i had just grown to try not to care, and yeah i was just 13.
So honestly i didnt see/know byler back then AT ALL! I grew up as a semi homophobic kid because thats what i was taught, but around the time i started watching ST i grew as a person a lot and i realised maybe my ass isnt as straight as i thought ☠️ Honestly wish i did know about byler since i think seeing mikes struggles (and wills) wouldve helped me a lot! 💔
I didnt think too deeply about any media i consumed at that age, and i was already used to just not care about bad writing so i thought flaws in mileven were normal writing mistakes etc. Or how the byler fight was clearly more intense than the mileven break up 😭😭
But again i did not catch onto it.
ST 4 in 2022!!
So the year is 2022 and i excitesly watch season 4 part 1. I usually try to avoid spoilers etc on the internet so i kept myself away from st tiktok and other platforms. After i finished it i saw like a shit ton of edits of all the characters and speculation about the last 2 eps.. THEN somewhere around that time it happened, i stumbled upon byler.
okay first, i need to talk about mileven a bit, the first few episodes it was sweet, but it was obvious el was lying and unhappy, i was hoping that mike would grow and learn to be a better boyfriend and theyd end up back together.
so about byler, first i thought it was like any other ship as usual and i wasnt as blind to homoerotic chemistry anymore so it wasnt anything new or surpricing.
i mean i was confused while watching part 1 for the first time but closeness between the two was nothing unusual, and mike lashing out on will had already happened in s3 too, but yeah i was so flabbergasted and embarrased how i hadnt noticed 😭 like girl, the lip staring, yearning gazes and awkward conversations
down the rabbit hole i went and hehe😈 i got my bestie into it too and she was like omg ur so right we both agree they are endgame bbecause like theres so much evidence its not a coincidence.
ill probably make a separate post on some of the genious thoughts we had about mileven and byler in 2022 lol
i hope someone read this all, thank you <3
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fuga-impossivel · 9 months ago
celltw with their weird cannibalism thing going around made me think, if we make fpac the past version of qpac, and same for cell and qcellbit, the reason that cell was so "obcessed" with fpac more even than with fmike (they also had a little thing) could be explained by two hypotheses.
1. Cell could have fallen in love with pac, I think that's the most popular hypothesis about what was going on with them, bc it MAKES SENSE. pac and mike were probally the nicest people that cell ever meet until that time probally, he dont REMEBER hos childhood at all, first memories were blood and eating a body in order to survive. Pac and mike were innocent and weaker at the time, and were not that mean with Cell, especially pac. Cell wasnt in contact with "love" until that moment, he dont remember receiving love and giving love until that moment. When pac "betrayed" him? He was heartbroken and confused with new fellings and a possible future freedom, like that he decided to take a part of pac. Pac, a very quickly thief, always using his legs to run from crime scenes. I dont have much stuff to say, this is the most popular hypotheses about their relationship and the strange cannibalism around them :P
Now the second hypothesis is my own theory that complements the first one :)
2. I trought for some time about this and I think that the first hypothesis that I wrote here is like 99% true Canon, but i like to think that the headcanon about pac being a half-god plays a good part here, bc what if him having a "god-like meat" could affect a famous cannibal in love with him? Maybe something primal on cell minds, already a canibal mentally unstable, got "awaken", maybe pac meat was the best thing that he tasted, and maybe only by smelling pac blood ended up with him canibalizing him? I also like to think that in quesadilha island pac was always being kidnapped/attacked/threatened bc of a part of his dna/biology that him, himself dont even recognize and notices (mike too bc they grew uo together)
Just some hypothesis on ours favorites toxic yaoi :3
Also sorry for english mistakes lmao im writing this faster as I can LMAO :')
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dashboardcat · 3 months ago
beastars s3 (pt1) thoughts (for old time's sake)
-I didn't love the opening at first but it def grew on me. shishigumi car. reblog. you agree.
-was the energy drink plot in the manga? or did they make it up to kinda try simplify a number of black matket plot lines? bc I will admit a lot of the black market stuff has kinda been "it's always been bad, but it's SO bad now trust us bro" so I don't mind seeing them actually to show what the change actually was
-I don't love how they literally translated sebun's name as seven but alas
-no "be mad legoshi" smh my head. can't the gays have ANYTHING
-Louis's still a giant faggot lmao
-zaguan is apparently also a giant faggot lmao
-the fish eating a bowl of upon is perhaps one of the most unsettling things I've ever seen
-while I was hoping they'd cut kyuu entirely, I do appreciate them name dropping her a little early so she doesn't just pop up out of no where like she does
-I don't really love melons dub voice. could be faggier.
-was haru's dream of opening a restaurant in the manga? did they add it to parallel legoshi working in a restaurant?
-I was originally ready to say I didn't like the initial scene with haru's college friends bc I thought that was all we'd ever see of them, but im glad that wasn't the case and we got more of them, including the original manga scene (more or less)
-ngl I hate that they took out legoshi forgetting his own birthday smh
-juno infordmping on legoshi fucking killed me
-my mixed ass is having a hard time taking how they throw the word mixed around seriously lmao
-goofy ass cgi car
-damn i thought FOR SURE the season was gonna end on legoshi getting shot but there's still a few episodes left lol
-speaking of, while I did like the scene of legoshi getting shot, I didn't love that they took out the part where legoshi handcuffed him, then let him go
-oh hey they they included a bit abt louis's prosthetic leg acting up. diversity win or smth idk
-even if I don't love melon's voice, they sure did animate that twink well
-immediately following that up with louis talking science with the civet was... a choice... like sure the theme of mixes is there but it's tonally very jarring in a binge watch (which again, they insist on)
-speaking of, wasnt the civet super racist before? hes kinda just some dork now
-legoshi not being able to resist talking stage lighting with the strip club owner lmao
-did... did netflix censor louis picking a lock?? lmao what
-wait how fast did louis's antlers grow back?
-lol at the principal telling the drama club "stop doing Adler get some new material"
-oh they DID leave it on a he dead cliffhanger lmao
all in all, all of the great, slice-of-life legoshi making his way through life as an adult type stuff that I loved from the latter half of the manga (and also the jokerfied fruit twink) was there. aside from the aforementioned bit with the leanno scene going straight into something almost entirely unrelated, most of the pacing was pretty decent (even if in hindsight it is kinda funny jumping back and forth between scenes of legoshi experiencing bodily harm and the drama club going "but what about the big playyyy :(")
things haven't gotten too messy yet... now we wait for whenever pt 2 drops to see how bad it gets...
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bluberryffxiv · 12 days ago
FFXIV OC Questions (answered)
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the other day on bluesky i answered most of these so im copying the thread here for posterity's sake
How are they perceived?
generally bonana comes off as very friendly and outgoing, hes the kind of guy to say hello to everyone he sees. of course theres been exceptions where he comes off more closed or even hostile (cough shb)
2. From where do they hail from?
somewhere not significant enough to be put on a map. it was once an outpost connected to aloalo, but after the latter's evacuation most residents of the former left with them. yet it wasnt completely abandoned, and over the years formed its own unique community
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3. Who is their patron deity they follow and why?
bonana was taught the teachings of oschon and llymlaen from his dad, though he doesnt follow them very strongly. he also loosely holds beliefs from the southern seas, that hold reverance in the spirits of animals and nature itself
4. How many siblings do they have or are they an only child?
just his older sister belala
5. Did their parents inspire them upon a certain path in life?
LMAO i wouldnt say inspire, more like stubbornly shoving him towards it. his mom wanted him to study healing in sharlayan, but he wanted nothing to do with it. i guess you could say thats what inspired him to go adventuring
6. Do they treat the spoken races differently depending on who or what?
bonana grew up around a variety of people from all over the world, so no i wouldnt say so. how some of them treated him is a bit of a different story though…
7. Tell me about their occupation or any side gigs
hes still primarily an adventurer, but since endwalker he started taking mentorship jobs to help newcomers. he also got more serious with tailoring for profit, though he struggles a bit on the business and numbers end of it
8. Who taught them their combat style?
he was first taught how to use a spear as a teen after bribing the captain of the guards. he tried to do so under guise, and was immediately seen through, but the guy took pity and taught him anyways in exchange for some liquor
9. For who's government/city state would they represent best or work for?
limsa lominsa babyyyyy. or maybe sharlayan, but i dont think he would like it as much
10. What do they do for quiet enjoyable moments
bonana likes to read, or play music. but sometimes he enjoys just being out somewhere in nature and listening for a while, some of his favorite spots are in the east shroud or on the cliffs of bronze lake in upper la noscea
11. If they could pick one minion to be their canon pet/follower, which would it be?
he's already got piya! she started following him after holminster switch, and has been a loyal friend ever since (bc shes technically a sin eater but ssshhh)
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12. Is there an allied society they favor and frequent?
well he spent ~2 yrs living in tomra so obv he has a fondness for the dwarves. but its a difficult place for him to revisit, the most he does is pop in to watts anvil to help out and maybe get a drink
13. What did they lose in the calamity? Or where were they when it hit
he was in the middle of the ocean nowhere near eorzea 👍 but he did start hearing stories about the devastation it caused and it broke his heart he couldnt be out there helping people recover
14. What differences have you made from the canon story?
the biggest is that the exarch gacha pulls him a bit earlier in msq, shortly after thancred, and he ends up spending 4 years lost on the first. i dont have enough space to go into detail so ill just say he didnt have a fun time lmao
15. Gimme a cute picture of your wolship
this ones always a favorite
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16. What primal fits their vibe the most?
SUSANOOOOO (runners up are leviathan and bismarck)
17. Is there a particular npc you could save or alter their canon fate or death? Did your oc change this for them?
in my heart i want ysale to live…..maybe not in canon bonana timeline but i do look over at archon au sometimes
18. If they could convince a villian onto their side, who would it be and why?
oh fuck i dont know. maybe yotsuyu? i think he wouldve sympathized with her during her amnesia bit….he coulda fixed her……
19. Are they currently where they want to be in life? What more needs to be done?
yeah id say he's pretty content where he is in the moment. i think the only thing more he'd want is marriage, but hes not quite there….yet
20. Have they children of their own yet or plan on it?
no kids, not really on the agenda for the moment. but that wouldnt stop them from happening :3c
21. What's their idea of a vacation these days?
tbhhh he wouldnt know how to answer, as things are now his lifes just kinda one big vacation. sure he "works" but its completely at his leisure and theres nothing stopping him from fucking off into the wilderness for a while
22. At journey's have they changed for the better or worse? Or does their journey still continue?
hes definitely better off than he was before, not in spite of but because of all the hardships. and of course the journey is neverending, if anything its only begun!
23. If there's something they could forget, what would it be?
LMAO if bonana wants to forget something chances are hes already forgotten it. repress everything forever
24.Are they a gold saucer frequenter?
only for leap of faith, he refuses to let himself gamble (he'll watch sasabe though)
25. Does an FC mean anything to their story?
nooot really, im just in one made up of my friends. were all gay and we chill sometimes thats the lore
26. What element are they aspected to the most?
wind. smiles wistfully
27. Have you created any other shards or unsundered forms for them? Were they an ancient of particular repute?
repurposing an (unfinished) sketch of ares, and my version of ardbert ig. i DO have other incarnations of him but i havent sat down to design them yet. aries was….very peculiar
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28. If they could revive a particular civilization destroyed through time, which would it be and why? If not, which one's history interests them?
well i dont think he'd want to revive anything, but recent events have left bonana with a LOT of questions about a certain island's history
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query-quadrant · 6 months ago
AVICE NEEDED !!!!11!!!!!!11!!
ok im gonna start this off with a warning dont start shit off with a bang if you cant keep up that momentum
not to be all sparkly spade emoji vitriol emoji sparkly spade emoji on you but the most over the top romantic way ive ever been asked out is when grey sent me that insane hate letter virus thing and that idiot could NOT keep it going really set himself up for failure there
if you start shit off with a grand romantic gesture you gotta be prepared to keep that energy going 
but anyway here
dubiously good ideas: 
1. once asked a dude out by pouring bleach out in his lawn ring in the shape of a spade so it killed all the grass it was really funny and was stuck like that till it grew back lmao dude got a lot of questions about it
2. one of my best friends got a bunch of calligraphy supplies and ye old ink and a quill and wrote a very fancy looking list of all the things wrong with the girl she sent it to like it looked fancy but the actual letter wasnt it was mostly swear words and shit like “thats why youre so fucking stupid youre a freak youre a freak and your clothes are ugly" and sealed it in a fancy envelope with a wax seal and everything and like a kiss mark on the envelope with her best lipstick it was really funny
3. ok this ones gonna be long and really fucking abnormal but lets be serious here if you actually need something big and grand and unique and dont wanna ask them out normal style and also im not just yapping at you and regurgitating shit i already did or a friend of mine did or that you can find in a list online already like "buy them dead flowers teehee and make them a ransom note winky face kissy emoji five exclamation points" then i mean obviously doing something personal is best i mean grey and i have the internet feud thing going on so tech based shit is it but for you your rivalry is probably based on something else doing something rooted in thats sappy and stupid and sparkly spade gif for real
what i mean is pick something you both already compete in and do it way better than they can or make it a custom challenge for them and mix your confession into it like the stupid virus i got
if you both do baking do something really difficult and annoying or time consuming that you know they cant in the shape of a middle finger 
mod a game or just boot up marioh maker and make them a stupidly hard but also well built custom troll level and hide the confession at the end 
write a custom flarp thing and when you beat their ass have your big evil character monologue be the confession 
a whole custom pitch themed escape room could be really funny if youre rich or have the right friends 
or who knows whatever it really depends on what youre into some of these are insane and embarrassing as fuck but if it works for you it works
oh man this shit got away from me lmao but basically do something specific to your rivalry that says im challenging you im better than you and i want you idk why i didnt just say that youre not dumb you dont need examples anyway
finally heres bad advice youre here for that shit probably lets go bad advice: 
1. ok i have a new idea thats going to totally revolutionize the pitch dating sphere what if instead of asking people out pitchways you try and have the worst possible confession in a different quadrant possible just really shitty awkward insulting badly timed the works 
see if you can piss them off enough with it that they just have to have you as their kismesis its called reverse psychology its very smart and sophisticated and could never go wrong
2. you can always kill their lusus killing their lusus is totally not famous for almost always backfiring and only working in insane romance novels and really shitty movies dont worry about it
3. steal a confession from a fanfic make sure its from a fandom theyre into so you can recommend them that same fanfic later
3. ask them for advice on how to ask people out pitchways and do exactly that 
wait ok actually that one could be good thats hilarious never mind put that on the good list i mean its not romantic but it could be so funny if you did it right
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dailyoyo · 6 months ago
thabk yoi a lot dailyoyo your brains are very compelling to me it kind of makes me want to study you like ants . i quote you all the time like i tell my friends " i stole this sentiment / headcanon from a deranged yoyo tumblr account " . you are aspirational really Truly we need more dailyoyos in the world i cant stop thinking about lawyer yoyo now .... also i beg for more dissecting of yoyo and mew dynamics if ur Into That . theuve always been really interesting to me but honestly like 4 pieces of canonexist in jsr ever so
VERY DELIGHTFUL ASK TO GET. i love to hear that i have had a net impact in making people get weirder. its so important to me. making the jsr fandom worse one post at a time <3
a lot of the way i post in here is inspired by both my friends but also some of the crazy bitches (affectionate) ive seen around over in the dragon ball z fandom in particular, but really i think ANYONE in the world no matter the fandom has the god-given right to tear characters apart with their teeth and make them fail as fuck and really really really sick in the head in ways they were probably not intended to be read as in canon. Everypony out there get eviler!!!!!!!!!!!! Now.
IM GLAD YOU LIKE LAWYER YOYO I THINK ABOUT HIM A LOT TOO. hes fascinating to me in that like hes technically not a Bad Ending (MOST of that au technically isnt!) and yet objectively he is a worse outcome because in regular(paradox) canon theres an avenue for yoyo to heal and become less bastardous. because like he has genuine friends and positive interactions and reasons to Want to be more than a self serving shithead. and also hes 16 of course hes an asshole hes 16.
but with lawyer yoyo its like. Its too late. He grew up and he stayed like that and he does not care to change and he has no impetus to change. hes definitely living a safer and more comfortable life and he has much higher self-esteem but he is Staying dead inside. Like ok regular yoyo and lawyer yoyo are both mentally at the bottom of basically the same exact well but lawyer yoyo was like "fuck it" and built a house down there. do you get me
Oh fuck this post is getting so long and i havent even talked about mew and yoyo yet.
okay so liek. beat was yoyo's first proper Friend in the ggs (as opposed to "just tolerating him being around"). because beat kind of totally fell for yoyo's whole harmless schtick lmao. but mew was the first Real Friend in that she picked up on how much of a fake fuck yoyo was and decided to hang out with him anyway.
which. ADMITTEDLY. this was originally BECAUSE she was fascinated by yoyo being so insincere (for a while he was also really playing up the "ohoho i'm TOOOTALLY not a double agent" thing for shits and giggles even though he literally wasnt.). and as previously mentioned yoyo had a crush on her which is why he didnt realize mew could see right through him. honestly for a while he kind of thought he had totally had her under his thumb but the whole time mew was like "Awww hehe he thinks im only hanging out with him because of his manipulations, thats so cute ^_^" (<- DERANGED)
and in a way while they were already friends their friendship didnt Truly start until after yoyo confessed his love and was rejected. because like the whole thing was kind of a wakeup call for yoyo - mew had noticed his feelings all along and was waiting for him to say something Just to reject him, and like among normal people that would probably be a lot more hurtful but in that circumstance it was like... she'd outplayed him. easily. and he didn't even notice, but she's still here anyway. and she still wants to hang out with him even though she can tell the kind of person he is.
because the thing is like. mew may play up her innocence and naivety but she IS genuinely kind at heart. a lot of her strange desire to examine nasty people under a microscope is because of her desire to see the humanity in everyone, to understand Why people do the things they do. and she's not under any illusions that she can """Fix Him""", god knows she's not sure she can even "fix" herself, but she saw yoyo for what he was and could respect the survival mechanisms at play for what they were. (this is also why mew was so immediately like "idk Yoyo doesn't seem like that kind of person..." when the nt-3000 thing happened because. like. she Understood his modus operandi and that simply Wasn't It.)
and like when youre the kind of person who thinks that as soon as someone sees under your mask that they'll want you dead in a ditch, knowing someone who recognizes your mask and is just like "oh cool, i got one too" is kind of world-shaking. paradoxically them recognizing each others' insincerity makes them be a lot more sincere with each other.
Oh fuck this post long as hell. yoy
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c0rinarii · 8 months ago
These guys have been living in my head rent free for more than 4 years at this point and i find it criminal that i did not ever post my HCs about all of them publicly.
So here yall go for the 3 people who keep up with the original Red Embrace; 5 headcanons for my 5 specialest boys. Threads into pretty heavy topics (depression mainly) and light spoilers for the game below. Play it if you havent and are intrested in them 🫵
- Bisexual with a slight m-spec lean
- His impulsivity and recklessness is mainly caused by depression, which i think he suffers substantially from. Too many lines point towards how unhappy he was with his life before meeting his love interest :(
- HUGE anime nerd. A gut feeling tells me he would be a huge mecha nerd. But generally, he enjoys more abstract and "nonsense" anime. Unsprisingly because of this, his favourite anime is eva LMAO
- He has the most relationship experience out of the 5, having been both with women and men before meeting them. His longest relationship at that point was with a college frat boy (and the fall out was MESSY)
- Him and Troy arent best friends per say, but Troy and him went to the same college. They were accquainted with eachother when Ash got with his boyfriend at the time. When they broke up, Troy had Ash's back throughout the aftermath. I like to think the apartment he's living in currently was sponsered by Troy.
- [He gets an extra one bc he is so special to me] Deep down, Ash is someone that had been hurt so much by his life that he thinks he doesnt deserve to be loved unconditionally. Despite his tough and wry behaviour, he is a HUGE people pleaser; thinking that he needs to cater to everyone as best as he could so he has even a chance to survive.
- Bisexual with no paticular preference
- Prior to being bitten, Dom was an A+ student, a jock and mega popular. Literally everyone who was in the same school as him described him as "a student so perfect, he's almost alien" Despite this however, he was still described as a quiet boy with not much to say. He also got into similar shenanigains Rex did when he was back in Phoneix, but to a much lesser degree.
-The necklace on his chest is a locket! it has his family photo inside and he clutches it when he's feeling reaaally sad :(
- He and Rex are exes and he curently has some sort of weird fling with Isaac. He was the one who broke it off between him and Rex due to personal reasons (depression). The breakup wasnt a big deal initially. But when Rex found out that Dom was Seirei and pretended to be Helgen to date Rex, he felt incredibly betrayed. His feeling of hatred only grew when he realised how much disrespect and contempt he actually had for the clan system.
- He would never admit it upfront but he is a sucker for romance. He has a small stash of romance novels hidden away in a library he visits. He would have thrived on Wattpad.
- Pansexual with an m-spec lean
- Shockingly mature when it comes to social situations. This guy is king at figuring out social ques and what is required of him to fit in (he's hopeless in any other fronts of smarts though rip). This is why he was such a vunerable target to peer pressure :(
- As such, this is why he hated Dom so much outside of clan shenanigains and because of what happened during their relationship. Seeing the absolute disrespect he had for his clan yet still being somewhat respected regardless made him incredibly envious and jelous of him. But if anything, he cant fathom how one could live completely alone like that to cope with unlife.
-He got his eye tattoo as part of a dare to see who was the "most hardcore" out of his Phoneix friend group. The dare only required them to get a sleeve tattoo, but Rex took it up a notch by getting a half body and a cheek tattoo to boot. He is really enthusastic about him and Ash getting matching cheek tattoos (which Ash rejects, but he promises that he'll consider a matching shoulder tattoo)
-He says he feeds of junkies and homeless people, but this man will actually try his best to source bloodbags instead when he can. He actually really hates seeing people scream in pain when he feeds bc he feels guilty 🥲
- Gay. gayyyy. fuuull fruits basket. He thinks women are great friends but he would never find any romantic interest in them. He's known this since he was a young teen and had christian boy guilt over it when he found out.
- He isnt as flirty, straightfoward or heartless as one may think from him!! A good chunk of it is a front to hide the fact that he's actually someone who gives way too much shits about people he cares about. His demeanour may not show it but his actions definitely does (Lets Ash in on what's actually going on in San Fran at night so he doesnt find out the hard way, Opting with a more "peaceful" option to overthrow Bishop that instigate a full bloodbath despite his resentment to vampires, LITERALLYYY SELLING HIMSELF OUT TO KEEP LUKA SAFE??). He flirts agressively to tease but he makes you genuinely comfy cozy right after.
- As such, he is suprisingly very easy to tease back. You out-flirt this man he is melting into a flustered puddle in the corner of the room. Ash and Dom have done it multiple times and his flustered expression never gets old.
- He does eyeliner, and has gotten so good at it that he can make a wing with a few swipes.
- Is currently in a weird fwb limbo with Dom where they're comfortable enough to vent to eachother about minor frustrations and fuck nasty, but still too aprehensive to talk about their actual feelings and struggles, as well as set aside their differences (ESPECIALLY Isaac towards Dom). Will they ever figure it out? Who knows!
- He's currently unlabelled, but has a very strong m-spec lean. What's funny is that he actually went throgh that period where he becomes homophobic after realising his "gay" tendencies. He only got over this when he started working, and put aside questioning his sexuality completely when he set out to look for David. He's too busy to dick around with whether or not he was lame for liking boys LMFAO
- He is the only one out of the 5 to have a drivers license and a basic grasp on how to "function like a normal person of society". Also the only one of the 5 that had a legitimately established, moderately high paying job (even if it was because of nepotism)
- His previous job was as a photographer for his dad's magazine company! At the side, he also did some modelling.
- He is also extremely enthusiastic about trees and types of trees! Everytime he gets to stroll in a forest he'd lowkey geek out about any tree he finds interesting. While usually whiny about everywhere else, he will never complain about being in nature.
- He doesnt really hate Isaac as much as he lets on; and I like to think he's aware of his acts of service towards him despite having treated Isaac terribly. He holds a considerable amount of guilt for not being brave enough to say sorry and thank him for his show of kindness throughout the year and a half(?) period. He never ever forgave himself when he found out that Isaac went as far as to sell himself out to protect him.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years ago
I don't understand how people think bakugou is a bad person. Like.. did you all just stop reading/watching after the first chapter/episode? Even my friend, who HATES bakugou agrees he developed over the series and isnt a bad person. Take it from someone who was bullied once- i WISH my bullies went through the same development lmao. I sure as shit never got an apology. I sure as hell wasnt obsessed with my bully and considered him one of my closest friends (if not my CLOSEST friend) at all. Thats not to say suicide baiting is okay, but this is the same mentality that causes people to dig up tweets from 10 years ago and is why people think people (fictional and in real life) are completely incapable of change ever. I think people project their own situation onto bakugou, and that's fine and all, but that's like... to say he's a "bad person" because of how he USED to be is a bit unfair... and you're right about the autism thing- a lot of us autistics SUCK! And a lot of us are capable of being mean or unkind, and also complex, not just "bad" or "good" people. Some of my friends used to be antis- really outspoken ones too- I don't approve of their actions, but do i think they're bad people for being shitty 15 year olds? No. They grew and changed and became more understanding and remorseful about their behaviour.
Sorry for the little rant btw just, yeah, sharing my thoughts!
One thing that completely throws MHA discourse off, is that what people consider a good person in the MHAverse does not equal a good person IRL. I'd say the crimes MHA does and doesn't care about are quite ???
Examples, Iida and Todoroki Rei.
For Iida, its cool motive, still attempted murder. He's not a good person just because he happens to be class pres. Mha be like "I can excuse attempted murder, but I draw the line at bullying"
If Bakugo deserves an arc for his crimes, so does Iida, I'm sorry. Honestly, they could combine Iida and Todoroki (have Touya "die" in place of ingenium) and nothing would be lost. Sorry Iida fans.
And Rei isn't the morally pure victim the fandom and canon thinks she is. Being in an abusive relationship and having mental health issues doesn't mean you aren't responsible for your actions.
Besides, what a large amount of fandom doesn't get, and this isn't MHA exclusive is that sometimes wish fulfillment is better than realism. Is it realistic for people to change for the better, I'd say so! I've never called myself an optimist. Does it make us feel slightly better about shit that happened to us, yes!
That being said, if you want to write realism commit to the bit, you know?
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away-ward · 2 years ago
Did you notice the conversation that the horsemen had in that Lolita class in high school perfectky describe their characterisation.
Michael thought the teacher, Lumbert loved Lolita, when in fact, Lumbert groomed Lolita. Now what have Michael been doing to Rika since she was born? Grooming her as a show of his "love"! Especially after that snippet in Corrupt's epilogue. (Michael grew up always being denied what he wants, and he felt restricted with his options, so he always made sure to go against everything he thought was "rules" to him.)
Kai thought its was abuse and it wasnt on the fault on the girl to be responsible of the situation. And how did he responded to Banks' love with Damon? Yep, he called them out because their co-dependency was borderline abusive and weird as fuck. (Kai grew up to a good home but his father was strict with him, from his choice of friends, manners, education, etc. and Katsu didnt like Gabriel and Damon. AT ALL lmao.)
Damon said "abuse felt like love" because of his relationship with Natalya and Gabriel. Gabriel grape Natalya and Natalya grape Damon. It's a cycle. So Damon's response was like how he felt being Lolita instead of looking at the situation in a birds eye view. The difference between Lolita and Damon though, Damon kept on excusing his problematic behaviour and inflict those similar pain towards innocents, especially the ones he loved most like Banks, Will and Winter.
Will said something like "why did Lolita still went back to hop on Lumbert's dick and not speak up then" and this solidifies Will's characterisation of making things about himself (because he always felt like nobody would choose him) instead of putting himself in Lolita's shoes. And look at the way he responded to Emmy's abuse, it was always "why did she never told me about anything", "you couldve told me and my parents wouldve yada yada yada", instead of just being there for her after he found out something weird about her situation. He was insensitive about the whole situation, not because he was naive or thought the world was good, but because his character was selfish and unkind first before he was anything else. At that age of 17, only a person who's so unkind and selfish would ever say something like that. Mind you, i never went through what lolita, emmy and damon went through, but i cannot ever imagine go so far as being insesitive like that to people, even at the age of 14. It was too much. Will's response, even at worst, shouldve been like Kai. There was no excuse for him here.
I think the Lolita class conversation was very interesting, but it was never really brought up much. It perfectly shows us how, even if the horsemen would help emmy then if she asked, they most likely wont halp her the way she needed to be help, patiently, kindly, and sincerely. They just werent ready for this conversation yet, if not, Damon wouldnt have kept his problem to himself and thought nobody woukd help him with everything, no? Thats why this story was never as easy as just "opening uo to people". The people that they open up to, should be on the same wavelength as them, because then, they would be like Corrupt Michael who just shouted at Rika when they found out about Miles Anderson. Even if Damon who had spent his youth wth the horsemen cant ever fully open up to his friends about his home situation, why would Emmy, a stranger to them was able to open up to the horsemen too.
And as much as Emmy knew about Banks, and even though we never git much Emory Banks in the past or presence, i was glad that this story didnt took the ridiculous route of an 18 year old girl suddenly manage to defy patriarchy and high profile men and criminals to save a girl her age in a well restricted mansion. Like think about the security, their financial situation, Banks education... the logistics of having another live in your life after saving them... crazy. I like that PD didnt do some Wonder Woman shit with their storyline, because i dont think its possible.
What do you think about these?
I did notice that! But I haven’t been able to put it into words like this. Thank you!!!
I wouldn’t say Will was selfish and unkind in his response though. Not to disregard your opinion, but the way I see it, he wasn’t intending to be insensitive. He was just privileged enough to be ignorant of what abuse can look like and how it can make a person feel. He needed to have his eyes opened to reality. But Will’s always had autonomy, so it makes sense to me that he wouldn’t necessarily understand how someone who appears to have free will would choose to stay in a bad situation. The key word being “appears.”
If he understood the reality of how abuse can make a person feel, how autonomy can be stripped away from a person even though it doesn’t appear that way, and he still called them weak and blamed them for their situation, that would be a different situation for me. I’d be more inclined to agree with you. And this isn’t to say that I think Will handled everything in the correct or right way, but people grow and mature at different rates and a big part of Will’s story is how he resisted growing up and accepting reality for so long. Understanding and sympathizing with an abuse victim takes maturity, which he really didn't have at the time.
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Whether his ignorance was intentionally turning a blind eye to the obvious, or a byproduct of his privilege is up to the individual, I guess. I choose to think it was a byproduct.
I haven’t thought about why they were discussing Lolita, other than it was a quick way to bring up abuse and for Damon to get in that quotable line. But what I took from it was that none of these kids, save for Damon, were really thinking something like that could be happening to in their midst.
I still think Damon would have kept everything to himself. I don’t know if it’s pride, or shame, or him just being messed up, but I have no doubt that even if he were sure that his friends could and would help him and not judge him, he would have kept that to himself as long as he could.
The horsemen get mad when they see what they perceive to be injustice. They don’t think about why they think that way, just that they feel angry because they saw or heard something they didn’t like. And that’s part of the problem throughout the series: they reaction to things, and not always with thoughtfulness. And we can disagree with how they react – their actions – but not always why they’re upset.
Of course, they’re mad about Anderson. They think he’s scum to begin with, and now they know he’s attacking women. They don’t like men attacking women, so now they’re mad. It’s as simple as that for them. As a reader, removed from the narrative, we know it’s stupid that they yelled at Rika. But their reason for being mad is valid.
And it goes on like that. They learn of a situation, they react, and then they think. So, I don’t think Damon was worried about their reaction – even if they didn’t understand, they would have been of his side. I truly think this was a pride thing. Or Damon being Damon. He likes his secrets.
With Emmy, obviously it makes sense to us that she wouldn’t open up to them. She has no reason to rely on them for anything. She’s been so alone for years, and they certainly aren’t her friends. But from their perspective, obviously they wouldn’t have let the abuse continue if they’d known about it. Does she think they’re heathens????
easy answer: “yes, you idiots, because you haven’t shown anything different,” but they don’t know that.
Oh yeah, when Damon told Emory about Banks my first reaction was “why? What is she gonna do? You already know that Emory is barely handling her own situation, why are you trying to add to it?” And didn’t Banks have people in the house and a mom she can turn to in truly desperate situations? Like, I know she never went to high school, but she’s been doing his homework and we know she isn’t dumb. But Damon is Damon and like the rest of them, his reactions aren’t usually the most logical.  
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I really enjoyed reading them.
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cringefail-kh-battle · 2 years ago
Set the scene here
The world she grew up on was . Lets just say not friendly to her or her mom
Theyre witches, like biologically. Not human. Theyre very similar to humans, but not actually human. The main difference is the blood, which unlike human blood is pinkish, kinda sparkly, and has magical properties. They can also see through time but those are person specific powers and not an overall thing like the blood
Lexax can see into the past (including other peoples pasts but only if shes touching them) her mom can see into the future
Lexax has tried to see into the future but her eyes temporarily exploded so she doesnt do that lmao
Before lexax was born her mom used a love potion on her dad and that cursed not only the relationship, but any child born out of it (meaning poor little lex)
Things go fine until lexax (then iris vae) turned 6. The people in the nearboy town got some kind of proof of what her mother had done, and . Well. You know the typical execution for witches right ?
With orchid (her mother) dead, the spell she had used on lexaxs father was broken. Because of this, he panicked, abandoned his poor already very traumatized child and fled the town.
With no one left to protect her, the kid had to learn how to survive on the streets, and FAST. And she did. Though not without consequences.
She became sharp, but bitter. Fear and rage drove pretty much her every action.
With her survival skills, she had to learn to steal . The theft, paired with no protection, had her getting beat fairly often. It wasnt until she was around 12-13 that it got Bad, but she could mostly patch herself up with the potions she could brew from her blood (the magical properties i mentioned)
Eventually, someone New showed up in the town. He saw this kid passed out from her wounds in the middle of the square, saw no one helping her, and decided "well damn clearly this kid has no one" and helped her.
When she came to, the man asked for her name. Trying to distance herself from the father that abandoned her, she gave him a new name she came up with on the spot. Axel.
He stuck around for a couple years, watching out for her, teaching her how to wield a weapon, teaching her how not to survive but to Live,
He taught her about worlds other than the one she lived in, about creatures called heartless, about keyblades
If you havent guessed already, the guy is xehanort
Except a much "kinder" version (to thsi day lexax doesnt know if it was an act she shed trust him or if it was real. Shell never get the answers she wants now)
When she was 14-15 ish, she came home to find her "dad" beaten half to death and fading fast. She was fully convinced he died in her arms, but when she returned from digging the grave, the body was gone. She didn't think twice about it, only assumed it was the townspeople taking away her chance at closure, like with her mother.
This was the final nail in the coffin for her to become fully closed off, bitter and angry and frankly would rather die than make any connections ever again
Not to mention is fully willing to kill, if it would protect herself.
Like 11 years later, heartless start popping up everywhere. While trying to take one out, she almost accidentally skewers some goofy lookin kid in a red jumpsuit with an oversized housekey.
Apparently, the townspeople had told the kid, sora, that she had summoned the heartless. Complete lies, she was the one who was keeping them at bay, but prejudice will have people believe anything.
It becomes clear pretty fast what happened, and sora and his friends end up growing really fast on her. A day or two after that, she and sora found themselves completely surrounded by heartless, with no end to them in sight.
She made sora run and leave her behind, sacrificing herself to hold back the tide so he could escape. She didnt stop fighting for a second, even as she watched them tear the heart from her chest.
When she came to, the heartless were gone, but strangely, so was all the rage and fear and sorrow she had relied on to keep her going for all those years. And for some reason, she ... didnt care.
For about a year, she went on like that. The townspeople largely left her alone now, as apparently she had been seen "die and come back"
It made them more afraid of her, but whatever worked.
Eventually, two men showed up at her house. One with a ponytail, and one that both, in a weird way reminded her of her "dead" father figure and also SUPREMELY creeped her out.
They offered her a way out, a new name -- lexax --, and a job as a weapon of sorts, and she took it. Anything was better than where she was.
She passed out when she agreed, and when she woke up, her vision was. Wrong. When she looked in the mirror, her left eye had been replaced. The new eye was red and had an x shaped pupil, and when she looked at herself, she could see every last one of her weaknesses. It was unnerving. Immediately she made herself an eyepatch to cover it, and changed up her appearance, a way to signify her new life. Her made her originally dark brown hair blonde, and shaved half her head. Why not right never too late for an emo phase
OH SHIT I FORGOT SOMETHING WHEN SHE WAS LIKE 15 SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL HER . They tried to burn her at the stake like her mom
She managed to kill her would be executioner and get away, but not without extreme burns on her legs and severe pyrophobia
ANOTHER THING I FORGOT at like age 16-17 for a few months she was able to go to the realm of darkness in her dreams. She ended up finding/making friends with/having a bisexual awakening over a girl there. One with blue hair and a keyblade.
But it wasnt long before she lost the ability to go there.
Anyway, her first day she gets paired up with some rehead guy. Something about "proving himself" after losing... someone. she was really not paying attention to anything that was being said unless it was being said to her directly
The guy doesnt seem too jazzed about it, but hey, neither is she.
They get their mission done, but last second get swarmed by a random hoard of heartless. It seems like theyll be fine, but then she realizes. This guy is fighting with *fire*. Lexax freaks out and bolts, so the guy has to go hunt her down
They have a little bit of a bonding moment, but shes not here to make friends so as soon as they get back she locks herself in her room
Over time, as much as she was trying not to, she ends up making friends with the redhead guy, along with the ponytail guy that originally came to get her, but ESPECIALLY demyx who is the only one who gets to be named here. Best friend privilege lol
Well. The main events of kh2 happen. Finding out about the demise about 2/3 of her friends but especially demyx, lexax goes a little. Apeshit. Initially she wasnt going to fight sora because he was her friend too, but after finding out he was the one that killed demyx, and being lied to abt him "being the one that killed axel" (she was purposely very much kept out of all the loops and lied to at every turn because that worked SO well with roxas and xion) (speaking of. She was made xv but no one knew why . If she tried to ask x*mnas he would just give her this look that really creeped her out until she left)
Anyway she vowed for revenge and hunted down sora when he went for his whole seige on tctnw
Problem was her whole rage thing made her sloppy. She ended up with a whole ass keyblade through her gut and was forced to hear soras side of the story as she laid on the ground half dead
Realizing how badly her head had been fucked with, she forgave him and wished him luck going forward, then forced him to leave her, since she wanted to die alone
Before she could die though she realized she had One healing potion left. It brought her back from the brink of death, but not by much.
By the time lexax had caught up with sora and co, the only one left was x*mnas. So, she does what any reasonable person does and shows up to the fight, claiming that bc it was just the two of them now that there wasnt an organization left for her to betray and she was just there to watch the fireworks. After all, she never fuckin liked him anyway.
In a show of power, he attacks her by surprise and force chokes her to death. She didnt get any words out but she Did flip him off on her way out
She comes to back in her old home, and while she cant use dark corridors anymore, she Does have a form of teleportation she can use, provided she has the right ingredients for the potion + has been where shes trying to go
So she goes somewhere she always thought was peaceful and calm, which, frankly, is something she fuckin needs at this point -- twilight town.
She also decides to keep her name and new appearance. If she came back, her friends might too, and it would be better if they could actually recognize her when they did.
Just a heads up beyond this point is when the romancy stuff starts to kick in bc she deserves love so much forever poor woman has experienced The Horrors for 27 years let her Rest (oh . Yeah . I should mention i hc kh2 to take about a year in itself. 6 ish months at the very least there was so much happening in it its the longest kh game by far) oh yeah also now that shes no longer a nobody the red eye is gone so shes just kinda normal now
Anyway shes minding her own business in her little house in tt and she hears a voice that she hadnt expected to hear again and quite literally falls out of her 2nd story window in shock. Dw she lands in the bushes shes fine shes survived way worse
But when she wrestles herself Out of the bushes, there he is, one of her friends that is Supposed to be dead
She had told herself that if she came back, they probably did too, but it wasn't much of a hope. More of a bandaid on the bullet wound that was the despair she was feeling over it
Anyway she sees axel (or lea now but how would she know that) and shes just. Standing there. Because thats all she can think to do . Shes in shock but she manages to say his name and he turns around and she just fucking. LAUNCHES herself at him in the biggest fuckin hug shes ever given
Yknow at least until her legs turn to jelly and she starts Bawling because no one has ever come back before
They catch up and then eventually the start of kh3 happens
Sora shows up and warns her the org is back but doesnt mention xehanort
No one knows her connection to him except xigbar who is keeping his mouth shut about all this because its funnier to just watch it all happen
Well guess who shows up in her house to try and sway her over to his side
Lexax feels Every Emotion At Once on finding out her long lost father figure wasnt actually dead. She goes to hug him but last second, surprising both herself and xehanort, FUCKING DECKS HIM GET HIS ASS LEXAX
All the joy she felt at realizing he was alive turned to rage in an instant when she realized that he abandoned her after he PROMISED he would get her out of that world, knowing full well the amount of danger she was constantly in
This turned to even more rage when she found out that technically he was xemnas and he fucking killed her
She went apeshit and kicked him out of her house, as she should
So then immediately he sent in xigbar, because they were friends so hes probably got a better chance at swaying her
Well shes overjoyed to see him too
But then something clicks about a reaction hed had to her in the past and she realizes. He knew abt xehanort the whole damn time so now shes pissed at him too
Not quite so much, he doesnt get decked, but shes mad nonetheless
This is when she officially joins up with sora.
But because of that, theres a last ditch effort from Daddy Issues to try and bring her over
And of course, its the most logical move anyone can use
Fucking. Remotely EXPLODE lexaxs left eye and have the red one grow back in its place ! It doesnt have its old powers anymore, but instead has a new function -- he can watch her every move, and she knows it.
Fucking scary right
Anyway she tells sora about this and he sends her to radiant garden because if anyone can help its the biggest emo nerd with the most lab unsafe haircut ever ienzo
Well. He cant help.
So lexax, being the badass she is, decides to take it upon herself and fix the problem.
By gouging out her own eye.
After this, she decides that xehanort needs to be dealt with, and he needs to be dealt with NOW. Fuck all his plans for whatever
So she sends a message not only to sora (by the way i forgot to mention her nickname for him, she calls him starboy :] ) but to lea as well that shes taking him on herself and if she doesnt contact them in like 10 minutes to assume shes dead
The element of surprise worked in her favor, but not enough to kill him like shed planned. Instead, she cut off one of his arms. Before she could get a second swing in, he got her in a move similar to how xemnas had killed her
But, learning from her mistakes, she had a teleportation potion locked in her teeth in case of this exact scenario, and was able to bite down on it and get herself out of there before she died, with only some heavy bruising around her windpipe
Lexax girlboss moments
Fast forward to the scene with everyone in the mysterious tower bc like hell she isnt getting involved in that (somewhere in there theres a reunion with demyx and now shes One Happy Lexax. Also he lives in her house now (meaning he just kinda showed up and she never told him to leave))
She and aqua have a whole pointing spiderman meme moment like "HOLY SHIT YOURE REAL???" and also she comes clean to everyone abt her ties with xehanort and everyone gets a little freaked out abt that, and rightfully so but its still a little insulting its pretty clear no one wants him dead more than her
During the whole fuckin battle sequence where Everyone Dies she focuses almost solely on keeping lea safe . She lost him once, no way in hell shes gonna do it again thats her Fuckign Boyfriend
When the maze shit initially happened, the L&L duo got separated, and lexax ended up fighting xigbar
During this fight, she manages to make a sort of whip out of tangible darkness. Xigbars like "dont you think youre getting too op lol" and lexax hits him with the "i had to take out my own eye i think i earned this" and it comes out. He had no fucking idea what she had been put through. And considering they are still friends, hes a little bit Shook about it
Like he hides it well but theres a certain air of horror to his reaction that you can tell hes a little fucked up over it
And, deciding he doesnt wanna fight her anymkre, just fuckin. Teleports her over to The Boyf.
She meant to stay by leas side during this and protect him, but as soon as she saw x*nmas she got Revenge Tunnelvision and went all out attackjng him and only him.
Her sword shatters in the fight, leaving her with just a jagged stump of metal to attack with . Fucked up
When x*mnas goes to attack lea, lexax goes a Little Bit Apeshit and tries to attack him with said jagged stump of metal, only for (in the most anime way possible) it to turn into a whole ass keyblade
But then she immediately catches saixs claymore in the guts and gets flung into the wall and left to bleed out in the dirt
Maybe dont wear a crop top to war next time, lexax
Fast forward to right before everyone care bear stares xehanort with their keyblades. Turns out, he had replaced his lost arm with one made of darkness, not unlike the whip lexax had made
Like father like daughter yknow
Well just to taunt him, lexax cusses him out and shows off her new keyblade, because the main reason he had left her was her inability to manifest one
Anyway fast forward Again to his Defeat Defeat
While the wayfinder trio is having their moment with force ghost eraqus lexax ends up clinging to xehanort and sobbing, saying that she "hates him so much"
All he can do is hug her back and say "i know"
Then following his Peaceful Fuckoff With His Ghost Ex, she has a full on breakdown. Screaming, crying, punching the ground. He hurt everyone so much, he hurt HER so much, why should he get to have such a peaceful happy ending???
She tells everyone she needs to be alone for a bit and fucks off back to her original world for a few hours, and comes back to her house in like the middle of the night
Cue the epilogue cutscene era
Lexax is genuinely so much happier now. Found family is the best drug out there /j
She doesnt live alone, instead in her house its her, lea, demyx, isa And xion
She tricked out the basement into the coolest room a 15 year old girl could ask for for her (with the help of the boys in the house + roxas) (demyx didnt help. but he did buy the pizza)
Shes happy and gets to have soft domestic moments and is jsut!! Not being traumatized for the first time like ever!!! Look at her go!!
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gaypleasantview · 2 years ago
A, F, I, L , P, V and Y (lmao so many but i'm curious)
A: Favorite CC creator
Honestly its so hard to say bc i love so many 😭 naturally im a fan of creators that create or used to create something essential and super cool like platasp, jacky93sims, moni lisa sims, skittlessims, leto mills, linacheries, pooklet and azaya, mrs mquve, riekus13, rockethorse, applewatersugar, pforest, kestrelteens, vidcunds, sammy sundog, and probably a whole bunch of other creators that i forgot... if i had to pick someone i have a special love for it would be leaf-storm because im such a huge fan of their cc 😭 and naturally i got to mention you and dirk as my beloveds that im always so excited to see new stuff from 🙏🙏
F: Gameplay with or without cheats
Well im a legacy challenge kid, thats where i came from and thats i will forever be, and those require you to abstain from cheats so i got used to making money myself and its super fun, as a kid i would always abuse rosebud and motherlode and honestly when it comes to the first one its probably justified bc playing ts1 with cheap furniture is hell 😃 but with the other games its not the same! i gotta say i started building more recently so the basic building cheats are as necessary as ever but also i think i love testingcheats so much im just gonna have this mod tattooed on me literally bc its so scary and gives you too much power but the fun of it cant be described. i used to abuse it as a kid as well
I: Your Bella Goth theories
Honestly im a bit tired of all the bella business but i accept any theories, i havent decided on one myself but i lean towards thinking bella is in strangetown but is strangetown bella The bella? idk. i also dont like that bella from psp said she married for money and i dont believe her bc her and mortimer are the only true love in the universe it feels sometimes
L: Have your sims ever cheated?
As a kid i made Chester Gieke successful and he was my favorite sim, i also grew up with a lot of christian guilt but it looks like i played chester before that happened bc once i opened his save after a few years i was completely shocked betrayed and upset when i saw that he fucked four women two of which were his robots? i love that i had fun with it as a 8 or 9 yo bc later in life i cared for sims too much to make them cheat 😭 i do wanna play as a romance sim sometime bc i never truly experienced that but i still feel bad when my sims are sad so we'll see
P: Pose or play your sims?
I may not be super good at it but i loovvee posing sims with animations, everything else mostly just looks too basic to me bc once youve seen a pose a few times youre gonna recognize it everywhere and its not as fun anymore. but i still like them regardless! i just think im mostly better off using parts posers, animations or just literal gameplay so that people wont be annoyed with my pictures (honestly tho who cares. its my game) but in general gameplay is my favorite, even though ive always been a big fan of screenshotting, esp in ts3
V: How did you start playing the sims?
When i was about 5 yo we moved into a new place and we got a computer and my sister heard from her classmates about the sims, of course we had to go to our insanely-popular-at-the-time book market that had many many ill*gal game cds lol it was really hard to get a real copy back home bc ts2 wasnt localized in my language and ts1 wasnt even published in any nearby countries at all i think so people had to localize it themselves. we found a stand that had every ts1 expansion on display and we couldnt pick between makin magic and superstar i think. but superstar had xtina on the cover so of course we picked it, turned out it was superstar and literally everything that came before it (that is everything ts1 had except making magic). so that was my first sims game and i kind of dedicated my life to my love for it ever since. i dont remember how we started playing ts2 but i remember my first time playing it
Y: Favorite career
Paranormal probably 😭 bc i loved resurrecting sims. and idk maybe culinary and science? i love ghost hunters in ts3 🙏
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razette · 5 months ago
Ive been struggling a lot lately with the idea of building a life.
I might have been loved growing up, but I wasnt raised. Ive had to figure out shit in my 20s that supposedly people are expected to figure out in their teens. I wasnt taught how to do things or manage basically a million mundane emergencies, so much as I was just expected to just... handle them. given shocked pikachu faces when I couldnt because I didnt know how?
It turns out this is a pretty common experience, but that doesnt make it easier to... recover from? to fix? case and point, i guess, I dont really know.
Theres some kind of... banal comfort to not being raised. People kind of have expectations for you that are based on their general expectations about life. but also life has exactly zero direction. Which kind of makes it feel like life goes no where and nothing ever really happens except when it does, which is annoying and inconvenient.
Honestly, I kind of just expected it to end at some point.
sometimes i *wanted* it to end the same way people in the middle of a moderate car crash would like to not be currently experiencing a moderate car crash. The horrors show themselves for exactly 5 seconds, and if you are "lucky" the aftermath sticks with you for years. everyone says its a blessing or a miracle but they didnt see the horrors with their own eyes! Except ??? they probably have and are pretending they didnt. why do we pretend? well, because it was horrible of course! what else should we do about it?
Other times it was a lot more like generally waiting for a meeting to end. A long, redundant, boring corporate meeting where no one REALLY makes any practicle sense but if you SAY that theyll look at you like you grew a 2nd or 3rd head. Like you arent dedicated to company vision. like you dont really fit within the company "culture" and should look for new employment. but EVERY company is exactly the same! an isolated bubble of unreality that maaaybe pays the bills, but probably not. So you dont say the meeting should have been an email. it goes on forever and youre supposed to come out it profoundly changed and pulsing with a heightened ferver that kinda sounds more like a fever dream, or something. honestly youre just hungry and tired.
This all says SO MUCH about me as a person rather than about the world as a whole, I know. I KNOW. Im grappling with it on tunglr.com.edu.org!
And YET life just continues on. suddenly im 30 something. things feel pretty alright! huh. lmao haha that was all so weeeeird! Turns out if you dont die you keep living! absolutely wild. Kinda fun even! sometimes. holy shit what was literally any of that?
And now what? I dunno. I thought writing it all out would clarify something, but it didnt?
I guess I will go do dishes.
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fizzbot · 9 months ago
I L O V E U (For the ask game :3333)
AWWW thats cute :33333 but of caurse!!!!! <333 love u too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fandom ask game og post here!
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? uhh. a couple, probably?? but i cant think of any off the top of my head :PP most of the ones that i can think of ALSO come from things like. me growing up. like, south park?? i grew out of that one HARD, but also seeing all the incredibly weird/bad takes on tumblr really sped up the process LOL. other ones i have never been into but their fandom just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. like, welcome home?? yikes
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) uhhhhhh......okay.........ill say charlie. as much as i dont really like her character, i will say. she makes up for it by how well her energy bounces off others. even though im basically never interested in her by itself, its almost HARD to come up with a dynamic with her that ISNT interesting in some way!!! one of my favorite little pasttimes is looking up rarepair edits/art, and even if none of them are ROMANTICALLY compelling to me, its really fun to imagine what charlie would be like with basically anyone!!!!!
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? LOVE this question!!!!! LMAO one of them immediately jumped to mind, but i decided that wasnt "random" enough so i hit shuffle on my music playlist and. it landed on that song, anyway. so this isnt hellaverse related, but my (current) favorite song of all time is 'sin eater' by penelope scott!!! i associate it with basically the entire smith family from rick and morty, esp rick prime :PPP thats not hellaverse related though sooooooo skdfhsjkfd 'twist the knife' by that handsome devil is THE MOST vox/radiosilence coded song ever. like come on
V - Which character do you relate to most? like. ever? out of all characters ever made? not that is matters because the answer is (unfortunately) blitz.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? LOL we basically dont do anything else <33333333333 the stupid bit of lore we came up with of "the deadly sins went on a roadtrip and mammon let (baby) charlie wander into the woods of wrath where she got lost for 3 hours" gets me literally every single time. also just. madam. they are insane
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. OH FUCK YES. umm. im gonna combine all of the hellaverse here to say "striker" as my number 1 over all. hes my favorite because he is the only one in his show that has ANY SENSE. plus his character design is good, his voice acting is great (i miss you norman reedus) i cant imagine not liking him the most. thats my snake boy. extra points for being so hot. umm.......rick and morty came to mind next, again, bc thats what we were into last. birddaughter is my fave character in that one :) she has.....what, 20 seconds of screentime?? and yet she is perfect. shes emo, shes got the CUTEST voice, i am so goddamn obesessed with herr!!!!!! i need to see her more NOWWWWWW SEASON 8 OF RNM PLEASSSEEE. annddd the last character, a classic, im sure you know who im gonna say, is papierwaite from sam and max!!!!! before the hellaverse i wouldve said he was the guy i related to the most, he takes easy second place. i love him to death, he FASCINATES me. skunkape release the remaster for devils playhouse PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU
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