#i will give the details later if anyone wants but basically i was fired and the shitty manager could not give me a straight answer why
electoons · 1 year
Like fr if you interview or start a job at a small place and you're like wow this place is so chill and cool it's nothing like that big corporate retail place I worked at!!................keep your head on a swivel that's all im saying. keep your guard just as high up as it was in that corporate place and demand documentation of every meeting you have w your boss
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AITA for not paying for my fiancee's trip?
(Sorry mod, sending this again as I forgot to add an important context detail)
This is going to be long, I'm so sorry!
Okay, so I (23M) am engaged to a very wonderful fiancee (27NB). She's fantastic, and I want to make it very clear that our relationship is great - we have good communication, we never argue, we're always on call without getting tired of each other, etc etc. There is just one issue we have - her financial habits.
For context, I am disabled and can't work due to both mental and physical health issues, so I'm on disability benefits. She can and does work.
We're long-distance (she's in America and I'm in the UK), and we've been dealing with it pretty well so far. At the beginning of our relationship, we agreed that before we got to the point of talking about moving in with each other etc. we would need to have her visit me here at least once to meet my family and get used to how things work here (as she wants to move here), and I would need to visit her at least once to do the same there re: meeting her parents etcetera.
The agreement was that I'd pay for her to come here, and then when it was my turn she'd pay for my visit there so it was fair.
She first visited me about a year and a half ago and came over here for two weeks. I paid for her plane tickets, our transport everywhere (we don't have cars), the AirBNB we stayed in, etc. This ran me about £2k, which was all I had at the time, and I didn't have enough left over to pay for her food on top of that, so I asked if she could cover her own food costs while she was here. This caused a bit of an issue at the time as she was very clearly frustrated at having to do it, and would make comments like "Ugh I wanted a new computer but now I have to save for this trip", "I'm having to sacrifice so much to pay for this" and it made me feel incredibly invalidated, like I was covering everything else and also sacrificing a lot to pay for everything else for us but the one thing I'd asked her to help with was too much. We had a conversation about it at the time and she apologised and said she'd work on it, so we moved on.
Plans changed a bit very early this year, as I was due to get surgery and the friend who was supposed to accompany me there dropped out last minute. I had no one else nearby to turn to and I couldn't go alone (it was the kind of surgery where I would need someone around for at least 1-2 weeks afterwards to help me move around and do daily tasks). As a last ditch effort I asked my fiancee to fly over again and help me out, and I paid for this again which I was completely fine with doing as the trip was a favour for me and it was unplanned from her end. This was another ~£2k.
So cut to summer this year. This was when I was supposed to have my visit over to America. She, at this point, was making pretty good money at a school job. However, when I asked her if we could finalise the plans and buy tickets, she told me that she had no money.
This is where I explain that she's really, REALLY bad with money. She impulse-buys clothes and things for her room etc., she plays gacha games like Genshin Impact and spends quite a lot of money on 'pulls' and the gambling mechanic, things like that. It turned out that through the whole time of having this job she'd been basically spending money as soon as she got it and she now had nothing for the trip. I was admittedly frustrated with her (especially as she initially lied to me and told me she hadn't spent money on games etc. and then later confessed that it IS where the money had gone), but we agreed we could push back the trip to winter/Christmas-time to give her more time to save, and honestly I didn't really mind because I've never spent Christmas/New Year with anyone before, so shifting the visit to over those days would be a nice experience.
However, soon after this she was fired from her job for too many call-outs/absences. For the next few months, she didn't get another job - she said she was doing all she could and was applying for, but I often got the impression that she wasn't and was sort of throwing out an application every few weeks and then writing it off as 'done', which I could be completely misinterpreting so take that with a grain of salt. I kept pushing her to get a job so we could get the trip sorted out and I know she got kind of frustrated with me a few times for it.
I ended up giving up the closer we got to the time and offered to just cover it again if she could pay me back when she did get a job, and she agreed.
Unfortunately, after this I was rendered homeless due to my abusive home situation. I was fortunate enough to be offered government housing and I now have an apartment in town, but it's completely unfurnished (literally all that's in it is a single bed and a cooker, there's no flooring or anything yet). I now have to put all the money I have saved (about £3k) towards getting flooring (which is a little over £1k by itself), furnishings, getting the walls painted, sorting out gas and electricity, etc. I'm also now paying the bills for this apartment. As a result, there's no possible way I could afford to cover the trip anymore myself.
It looked like things were getting sorted because my fiancee got another job recently. It's pretty well-paying, she seems to enjoy it so she's not calling out, and she kept prompting me to talk details of the trip with her so it felt like it was all getting figured out and she was ready to finalise it.
Then today I asked her how much money she had ready for it and she said... $15. I'm genuinely lost on how she still hasn't saved any money, she claims she used it all on "bills" but she doesn't pay rent or cover any housing costs as she still lives with her parents, so I don't understand at all where it's all going. We have less than a month before the trip is supposed to happen, nothing is sorted, we still have no clue where we'd be staying, no plane tickets have been purchased, and now it's looking a lot like it's going to have to be pushed back AGAIN to next year.
I thought about trying to pay for it again, because I DO really want that Christmas and New Year with her. Delaying it again would also mess up our future plans, as the plan was to get this trip to America and meeting her family done this year, then spending the first half of next year on the Visa process and then the latter half getting her actually moved over. It also means I would have to delay my college education, as I was going to start my course early next year, which I wouldn't be able to do if the trip is next year instead as it would require me to take weeks off.
If I tried, I probably could cover it - I need to spend the ~£1k on flooring as that's already arranged, but I could technically use the remaining £2k to fund the trip. However, this would mean my house would remain unfurnished and barely habitable for months longer. It's not so bad if I know she'd be able to pay me back quickly, but the reality is that I don't know how long it would take for me to see the money back.
Part of me also feels like she's kind of expecting me to give in and pay for it last minute in order to not delay it, because I offered before and I was willing to pay for the last two trips. But it's just so depressing and frustrating, because it feels like I keep giving things up and putting things into these trips and getting her over here, and trying to get it back from her is just like running into a wall.
We've talked about it before, but she insists there's nothing more she can do, she's trying as hard as she can, and that she's upset about it too. I just don't know what to do about it anymore.
So I guess my question is, AITA for complaining about the trip, missing Christmas/New Year and pushing her on money and nagging her about what she does with hers instead of just taking the L and covering the trip again until she can pay me back?
What are these acronyms?
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goodomensjail · 1 year
“Chekhov’s Gun” and Good Omens Episode 1 SPOILERS and speculation
yes i was at the Brooklyn July 18 premiere so these are real spoilers
The “Chekhov’s gun” is a story telling principle that says any detail in a story should serve a purpose in the overall narrative, i.e. if you SHOW a gun to the audience, it SHOULD be fired later in the story. 
Applying this to Heaven’s threat of erasing a name from the “Book of Life” as punishment for anyone hiding or kidnapping or assisting in the missing Gabriel issue: we have never heard the term “Book of Life” in season 1, and why mention it as a threat if it is not to be used in the plot? Why not just say “torture” or “toss into the deepest pit” or anything else that we as the audience would clearly understand as “bad thing”? 
No, it is purposefully stated “erased from the Book of Life” and then we are explicitly told this will mean “they will have never existed”. 
I propose this prediction for the climax of the story, based on my seeing episodes 1 & 2 AND the EVERY SPOILER!!! so STOP HERE if you have avoided and want to continue to avoid “EVERY”. I guess basically here is my current fanfic for the season. 
Fact: we have yet to find out Angel Crowley’s name. He suspiciously doesn't give it to Aziraphale who prompts him for an introduction in the opening pre-fall scene. He changes his name at least once, from Crawley to Crowley, and maybe more times since Hastur and Ligur bemoan “whats he going by these days” in season 1
Fact: The ONLY reason Crowley gets involved in helping hide Gabriel is after hearing that the Book of Life erasure punishment is in play and RUSHES to Aziraphale to protect him while “Good old fashioned lover boy” plays 
THEORY: Crowley will take the blame for hiding Gabriel by handing him into Hell in order to protect Aziraphale. Gabriel will regain his memory and will come to recognize Crowley as either Raphael or Lucifer (more on that theory later)  and Crowley will get Gabriel to swear to secrecy that Aziraphale was involved because hey wouldnt an Archangel want to take out a powerful demon who was once an Archangel or Gods Favorite Light Bringer? So Gabriel allows Crolwey to take the blame and heaven to erase him. 
Crowley will rush back to the bookshop to say goodbye to Aziraphale and EVERY happens. Something like “Well i guess if its my last chance to say it” a la doctor who happens, and smoooooch. and THEN. 
Nothing happens. Crowley cannot be erased because no one in heaven knows his name. They demand Muriel (a scribe angel) look up “the Demon Crowley” and she realizes rather happily there is no such name in the book. They try “the Demon Crawley” and still no luck. 
Gabriel returns to heaven, and he keeps mum on the subject, having gone on an emotional journey with the husbands, he looks at Muriel knowingly and says something like “o well, Muriel keep looking, however long it takes” and he turns on his heel and is off. Muriel smiles and we cut back to our husbands that are really confused, Aziraphale cuz he just got smooched by the love of his life and Crowley cuz apparently he now has to live with his actions....
As for the “Lucifer” theory instead of the Raphale theory: in the HEBREW BIBLE Satan and Lucifer appear to be different angels, Satan a title meaning “the opposer” or “the acuser” and Lucifer “Morning Star” or “Light Bringer” an angel “that fell”. 
Crowley was an angel creating stars including falling stars. 
Crowley appears to be the more powerful miracle maker in season 1, and appears to outrank Aziraphale in the pre fall scene. 
The angels say the miracle to hide Gabriel (which Crowley and Azirpahale performed together) was EXTREMELY powerful, too powerful for Azirpahale.
Crowley was an angel and a demon that did his own thing and didnt listen to authority, either God or Satan. 
Satan, the red horny guy, is clearly called “Satan” in season 1 EXCEPT for the bar scene where Crowley states “i was bored... and then hey its lucifer and the guys!” - what if he is referring to HIMSELF and the guys? it would still work. 
Neil has been pretty against the Raphael theory for some time....
ANYWAY. This is AAALLLL probably way off BUT if i even have a small portion of something right i need it written down to point to after July 28 :)
In ANY case there MUST be some kind of USE of the Book of Life i CANNOT imagine a world where that “gun” doesnt “fire”
EDIT: another story telling principle is called a “Red Herring” and that could also well be in play here, what with all the “Clue” references earlier this month. Lastly, the Archangels all SEE Crowley in the Job story, but he is in his glasses and in his time appropriate clothing....maybe the fact that he is always blending into the fashions of the time is that he is sorta HIDING his status as Raphale or Lucifer and blending in?
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ask-spooky-manor · 10 months
Toby Character Headcanons
So I was tagged with a list of questions for me to answer that I reblogged, and while none of them were sent in my inbox, I still wanted to answer some cause they were really interesting.
Trigger Warning: I do talk about how abuse has affected Toby and how it has left some long lasting scars mentally and emotionally speaking. Not all of the headcanons are like that though, just be cautious. Nothing too in detail but can be uncomfortable
Clothing style
Toby’s style is like mixing grunge with cottagecore (goblincore is what it’s usually called). He likes his knitted sweaters and earthy tones, but at the same time he enjoyes ripped jeans and chunky black boots that can basically double as a weapon.
Eating Habits
Toby has a massive appetite. You will always catch him with a snack in his hands or complaining that he’s hungry despite having eaten a full meal not ten minutes ago. He just really likes food, and people in the house know to give him an extra serving for dinner
Music is more of a passion so tinkering around and making little gadgets is probably his number one hobby. He mainly likes to make things that blow up. Other general hobbies he has are cooking, hiking, uhhhh arson, and drawing
Fighting Style
He’s fully aware that he’s not the strongest or fastest or even has the most endurance, but Toby is extremely clever and crafty. He thinks way outside of the box and relies heavily on all of his odd little gadgets and inventions to surprise an enemy like smoke bombs, traps, loud fire crackers, you name it. He is an unpredictable fighter because you’ll never know what he has up his sleeves, and the surprise is something he will very much use against you. Not to mention that when he’s stuck in a sticky situation, he’s really good at coming up with on the spot plans that will get him out of trouble.
Ways he says I love you
Well, he will just say it. Toby won’t shy away from using the L word on anyone he even mildly likes. Though another way he shows it is through encouraging his loved ones to take care of themselves. He will make sure you eat properly, sleep well, take your meds, etc. Also hugs, Toby is a hugger.
Introvert or Extrovert
Extrovert, which surprised him when he realized it. Toby thought he was introverted for the longest time when in reality he was just dealing with a lot of nasty people who made him feel unsafe. Being alone felt safer, but at the same time it made him miserable because he naturally gains more energy with good people around. Ending up in the manor was the best thing to happen to him because now he has buddies he can spend time with like all the time.
Religious or Non-religious?
Complicated as fuck. He was raised Christian only to kind of despise organized religions as a whole. He would say he’s an atheist if he didn’t live with a literal moon god (Ben), so now he just has a beef with gods in general (Except Ben, they’re chill). Basically he thinks about how if these beings really are all powerful, all kind, all forgiving and omniscient and good then why the fuck did none of them help him? Why did it reach a point where he killed his own father? Why was he never saved? Basically, the idea of there being a higher power gets him in a bitter mood. Best to avoid the subject altogether.
Something he could never forgive.
Toby is generally a forgiving person but the one thing he could never forgive is when someone takes advantage of the kindness he is willing to give. Classmates did it in school as a way to bully him, and his dad would sometimes guilt trip favors out of him (usually to sneak him more beer, which will end up biting Toby in the ass when facing his drunk dad later on). Just the general act of trying to manipulate Toby, knowing they can toy with the heart he wears on his sleeve, is enough for him to want that person dead.
Something that scares him.
For the small, irrational fear; Toby is afraid of the dark. It’s just a childhood fear that he never really got over. It’s fine if he’s with someone but being alone in the dark will put him in fight or flight mode. For the bigger existential shit: dreads the idea of everyone secretly hating him. His own father and peers have created this idea in Toby’s mind that there is nothing good about him. That his own existence is nothing but a burden on others, so there’s always this fear that his friends and even his own boyfriend don’t actually like him and that it’s all a front. He knows that realistically that’s not true, but it’s hard fighting against a toxic mindset that was pushed into his brain at such a young age.
Did he grow up too fast?
No, thankfully. It was Lyra who had to grow up too fast. Connie did her best, she really did, but there have been a lot of times where it was Lyra who had to care for Toby. Especially after really bad nights where their dad thought having one more bottle wouldn’t be a problem. Toby was unlucky enough to have been surrounded by people that were cruel to him, but thanks to Lyra and his mom he at least was able to be a kid from time to time.
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Now that I've actually read The Beautiful and Damned (essay still incoming), I've been thinking of an AU fic that explores what if Jamie did read the book in season 1. It....intrigues me for a number of reasons.
The fact that Jamie was the only one of the group to receive what is essentially a cautionary tale (no we didn't see most of the picks, but it feels safe to say that Jamie was the one Ted thought needed 'correcting')
The protagonist ends up a bitter, angry, abusive alcoholic. Granted Ted could not have known about Jamie’s dad at the time, but ough. Ted.
Giving this book to anyone and going 'here, this reminds me of who you are' is frankly insulting. I think if Jamie were to confront Ted about that, Ted would consider that half the job done. He clearly just wants Jamie to think about his actions and how he treats people. Unfortunately I could see this backfiring on Ted. He may not mean it personally, but I think Jamie would take it personally, especially because--
Aside from the fact that the protag is rich and full of himself and found to be charming, that guy is nothing like Jamie. In fairness to Ted, those are basically 3 of the 4 things he knows about Jamie. In unfairness to Ted, the other 1 thing he knows is that Jamie is a professional athlete who by definition had to work hard to get to where he is. Meanwhile the protag for TB&D has never worked for anything in his life -- the opposite of Jamie, our battler. In fact one of the defining traits and the reason the protag falls into being a penniless drunk is because throughout his life he was given many chances, and he ignored them all.
I think Jamie would likely get bogged down in the details. On the idea that the book was meant as a critique of him, rather than a lesson he could learn by. Another example of how Ted bringing up topics in a roundabout way tends to get misconstrued by Jamie as mind games.
Bonus round: the protag is very classist. The book occasionally alludes to the unfairness of this, but it is very much an ongoing topic for the protag on why he deserves all his money.
Bonus round: the protag is exceedingly misogynistic. The book almost never disagrees with this. Even season one Jamie 'women can do anything' Tartt would never.
So I think that a fic that explored Jamie's journey while reading this book would be fascinating. From the beginning where it's clear from the start that this protagonist is a spoiled, snobby twit to the end where the protag ends up a functioning alcoholic who yells at his wife and reminisces that by preventing himself from treating her in a physically violent manner, it makes him hate her even more. By the end of the book I can see Jamie being actively triggered by what's on the page--
--which would serve in a number of ways to kickstart Jamie's troubled history a good three episodes before the curse fire.
So yeah, this fic idea is less than a week old and I am still working on it but. Intrigued, I am.
Also I keep envisioning a running gag like that episode of The Office where Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada and Pam is keeping track of where he is in the movie by what he's quoting at her. Except in this fic, Ted (Pam) would not know what the hell Jamie was talking about for a good long while, because he hasn't actually read the book since early in high school.
Why do I think Ted hasn't read it since early high school? Because if he'd read it later, he'd probably remember that there's a guy in the book who kills himself by shooting himself. It's literally one of the last parts of the book, and it's meant to serve as a punctuation on the consequences of the protag's actions.
Just a thought, but I think if Ted had read it after his dad dying, he might not suggest it to someone. Even if the meaning of the book fit.
For fic related reasons though, this means that Ted's trauma could ALSO be introduced way sooner. In season one even! This fic could have so much bonding through book-relevant trauma it's crazy to think about.
So. Yeah. New wip thoughts in progress. Whoops.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
How do you draw Idia’s hair so good?? I struggle with the basic shapes so much!
Sorry for the late reply! Your ask got us excited because Idia’s hair is such a pain to draw, but also such a fun detail, and I’m very happy that you like the way I draw it <3
Katsu suggested to me to record a speedpaint, and uhh, here it is. Please, don’t mind the wonky anatomy and me horsing around with zooming in and out randomly. As you can see, I struggle with Idia’s hair myself and constantly redraw it until I’m satisfied or at least tired enough to say “eh, that’ll do”. In case you’re wondering, it took me ~25-30 minutes to do the hair, and the original video was 59 min long lol I always spend a lot of time moving, reshaping and redrawing details when I draw Idia…
I’ll also list some tips and thoughts about it based on the way I draw it…
The shape of Idia’s hair is not at all consistent. Even in Toboso’s art it looks slightly different sometimes, which makes sense, because Idia has magical fire hair and technically you could do whatever you want with it.
But some rules tend to apply each time. For example, even though Idia’s hair is long and seems naturally “heavy” because of it, the individual strands tend to be turned upwards, like fire would. Not every single one, but the shorter ones and the ones closer to Idia’s head tend to do so. 
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It’s wavy, but not too wavy. If the hair starts looking too “soft”, add sharp edges, random strands sticking out, rough shapes, etc.
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Oh, and it’s important to remember that it floats. This means, it doesn’t just go straight down, it does this weird “S” shape. It’s also hella long, I always forget just how long Idia’s hair is. If the magic fire logic didn’t apply to it, it would reach the ground easily. The volume of his hair is much bigger than I tend to remember too: it's quite thick and luscious lol So please give him lots of hair!
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Tiny little flames + “holes” in the main ehh body of hair (wow there must be a way to phrase it better) make everything look good and more believable. Have fun with it. You might’ve noticed, I draw and redraw and move them around a lot in my speedpaint.
Obviously, I am no expert, and every artist I know draws Idia’s hair a little bit differently. The speedpaint doesn’t show it, but I always have some of Toboso’s artworks of Idia open when I draw him, just to make sure his design is not too off. I would definitely recommend looking at refs while drawing Idia (or anyone), and maybe even trying to redraw the hair from Toboso’s artworks once or twice as a study, it’ll probably make it easier to understand how Idia’s hair works.
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You haven’t asked about the colouring, but I love colouring Idia’s hair, so I’ll talk about it a little. Colouring Idia’s hair is simultaneously the most fun and the most tedious part of drawing him lol 15 minutes of my hour long video is just me filling Idia’s hair with the base blue colour with a lasso (I refuse to use a bucket tool…)
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But once you’re done with the base, this is where the fun begins. Because at this stage you can be pretty rough, just add in darker and deeper blues near the middle/core(?) of the hair mass. It doesn’t have to be very even or pretty, add some smaller dark spots; we personally really love it when Idia has this round little blob on his bangs. In the video you can see that I added it later on because I forgot about it lol
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After the dark part is done, erase the ends of it a little bit with a soft brush. Not too much, we should still be able to see the shapes.
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Then, on a separate layer set on overlay mode, with the same soft brush add some additional brighter spots, to make the hair look glowy. I used the same light blue as the base colour, and the overlay gives it a pretty hue.
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And finally, add some white highlights at the ends of the strands. This is the stage when everything stops looking wrong and weird and starts looking like Idia, at least to me.
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Phew, I think this is everything I wanted to say… I hope it was at least somewhat helpful.
Sorry for the long post, I just love talking about the drawing process. And about Idia too!
Once again, thank you for your kind words; I’m very happy that you like my art.
Have a good day!
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Miraculous Gaang
So, General rambling.
1.) So like. My general idea for the Peacock was just that Sozin grabbed a Miraculous to use to sort of “prove his point”, but made a giant senti that went nuts, and he and Roku had to fight it. But, of course, Sozin leaves Roku to die, and runs off after the other miraculous (or tries to). The Peacock Miraculous breaks during this, so Sozin can’t use it without harming himself. He still keeps it, trying to figure out how to fix it, and warning his kids about it. Ozai eventually gives it to his “Mayura” conveniently leaving out that detail, cause what does he care? (This is where the initial “Azula as Mayura” idea came from, but like. I feel like Azula would be smart enough to go “Ok, you haven’t been using it this whole time for a REASON, I am sceptical of your motivations for handing me this.”)
Zhao absolutely works, though who’s your “Avatar!Ty Lee” OC?
Ozai getting the Butterfly, was like (broad strokes). So, Gyatso has spent YEARS hiding the Miraculous, but he’s beginning to feel like maybe hiding away isn’t the BEST idea? And he meets someone who really wants to help people, so he convinces himself to lend out the Butterfly. This results in a chain of events that end with this person dying, the Butterfly getting “lost”, and 3-year-old Aang being orphaned. Gyatso ends up adopting Aang, cause he doesn’t have anyone else, and tries to keep a low profile, while also keeping a vague eye out for the Butterfly. I’m not sure if the Butterfly gets “lost” because it was stolen, like either Azulon caused all the drama to steal it, or if it ACTUALLY got lost, and Azulon found it later. Then, like, part of Ozai scheming to kill his dad is because he finds out the old man has the Butterfly, and Ozai wants it. Iroh would be unaware of all of this, focusing on his family, and trying to leave the whole “Hunting Reality Warping Objects Of Power” behind.
2.) Not sure how well this works, but when I tried to envision the Gaang as Heroes, only Zuko was actually wearing a mask, the rest had face paint. Cause I was cross-referencing with the show, and besides Zuko, most of the time, when these kids want to hide their identities, they wear face paint. So, I thought, like. A combo of eye-coverings, masks, face paint? Like.
Zuko’s mask apes the “Blue Spirit” one he wore in the show, but red and gold. His hero outfit is a bit “Fire Nation”-y.
Sokka has a mask, but it covers most of his head, but more “hood” style? His lower face is visible.
Katara has the “Painted Lady” make-up.
Suki has the Kyoshi Warrior face-paint, but snake influenced. Stuff like that.
Oddly attached to Tiger!Toph having eye coverings that are basically a fancy blindfold.
Also names! Names have been knocking around my head, but I only have a few! 
Also also! I’m just going to REALLY lean into my headcanon that the Miraculous weapons are magic and so (within reason) are a bit malleable, and can change a bit to suit the wielder. This is variable, and you may feel free to disregard this portion! Also, as always, open to suggestions!
Ladybug!Sokka - honestly, I feel like “Captain” should be in there somewhere, but not sure. So far, I’ve got “Captain Harmonia” based on Harmonia axyridis, which is a large variety of ladybeetle, also commonly called a harlequin beetle. “Captain Harlequin” could also work, I guess? Costume, Lord Beetle crossed with Water Tribe armor? Oh, and an on running joke that his “Lucky Charms” are either Macgyvre-esque nonsense, or a boomerang. He gets boomerang a LOT. Eventually, he just starts carrying one with him everywhere. Tikki shows him how to make a magic one.
Black Cat!Katara - name, again, got very little. “Panther” something feels appropriate, but also, enh? Are there cats that LIKE swimming? Like. All I really got was “Painted Panther”. Costume … yeah, I got nothing. Also, on weapons, Katara’s water bending manifested a lot as whips, so I feel her staff should have a “cat-o-nine-tails” mode.
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle. His hero name should be Lion Turtle. Mostly cause I have zero other ideas. I’m thinking his season 3 monk look, but with sleeves, for his costume, with a hood, maybe some goggles? Weapon … So like. He HAS to have a shield, but I’m really attached to Aang’s glider, so. Is there a way to combine those, you think?
Snake!Suki - um. First thing I thought of was Diamondback? Not sure how well that works … Teal Mamba? Ok, Black Mamba’s are super poisonous, but Teal Mamba sounds silly. Kyoshi Warrior, but like. A bit more form-fitting. Face-paint, and Snake eyes. Weapon is her fans, or if makes a bit more sense, the harp can have a chakram mode.
Tiger!Toph - honestly, first thing that popped into my head was “the Blind Tiger”. Costume a take on her in-show outfit, but with a tail, Kitty ears, and a fancy blindfold. Only one who I don’t see the weapon changing, maybe just giving her some awesome boots, but would she have Clout, Invisibility, or eventually both? Is that her arc, learning to both be seen, but also to hide?
Dragon!Zuko - Name, uncertain? Like, “Blue Spirit” is an actual alias he had in the show, but “Blue Dragon” sounds odd. “Druk” is what he names his ACTUAL dragon, but I see that as his pet iguana. He DOES have a version of the Blue Spirit mask, though, as part of his costume. The sword can easily be the two dao swords he actually uses.
Fox!Azula - uh. Yeah, for Azula I have. Basically nothing. My girl, I am failing you, I am so sorry.
Rabbit!Yue - “Chang'e” is apparently the name of the moon spirit in Chinese folklore, that gets equated with the Moon Rabbit, but I’m not sure how that feels as a name? Got basically nothing for you either, Yue, my darling, forgive me.
Pig!Jin - also nothing here.
Bee!Ty Lee - or for you.
Mouse!Mai - or you, really, my brain is failing all of you.
Other people! Figured out who could be drafted into this if we needed other Miraculous users!
Ox!Haru - Haru, the earthbending guy the Gaang saved from that prison on the water? Katara gave a big speech, but everyone was apathetic, and then later they gave him a dumb moustache.
Monkey!Kuzon - Aang’s friend from the Fire Nation before it all went to hell! Here, he’s Aang’s only real friend before Aang starts going to school! 
Horse!Teo - the kid in the wheelchair, who’s dad made him the glider, so his kid could fly? I like the idea of the wheelchair transforming with Teo, so he’s got some kind of insane ride.
1.) Okay so my one note is that I think Ozai getting the Butterfly should be more recent. I don’t think he would’ve waited
Also the OC! She’s uh. Actually her name is funny because I chose Noriko completely forgetting that got used in the comics for Ursa’s new identity and I thought about renaming her but the name’s stuck.
I made her initially for the Avatar!Ty Lee AU because since Azula joined the Gaang, I needed someone to fill the roles she had in Canon re: the major antagonist for Book 2 and a side-threat in Book 3.
But she’s. I say ‘Nathalie but more unhinged and evil’ but she’s literally the Harley to Ozai’s Joker(yes that’s a joke on his VA). She matches his freak in being a power hungry asshole down to murder. Like her introduction is saying ‘wow I can’t wait to kick off my honeymoon with the execution of my traitorous step-children!’.
2.) Actually I really like this idea of everyone having various facepaint for masks. And Zuko having a proper mask makes sense because he still has his scar, so he’d feel like face paint wouldn’t really hide his identity as well.
The rest of the notes on outfits are great!
Haru can work, as can Teo. Kuzon is debatable in the sense of like. We don’t ever really get to see him in canon so idk how to handle him.
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squipdop · 6 months
Howd they bring up the junior scouts idea to max??? Was he like Whatever sure or super tsundere or surprisingly emotional that they wanted him back after he aged out?? Did anyone else come back or do special day-long visits like how schools bring in visitors? What does max think of the new kids? They all look so cool i love Max's hair!!!!
Okay so. I call it the '6 years later' AU but technically i have Stuff Planned for all the time that passed between now and then too, so this'll be a bit longer, sorry!!
Max joining the counselor team was actually kind of a natural/gradual development?? Basically, since I can't make CC content that isn't found family Max has a shit home life, and, even if he hates to admit it at first, the three months of summer camp become his bright spot each year. David and Gwen catch on to that, but there isn't much they can do to help outside of camp - until one day Max (age 13/14ish) shows up on Gwen's doorstep because he ran away from home, 'since his parents won't care either way'. While he does return home after hiding out at Gwen's place for a weekend, this kind of kicks off a pattern of Max running away sporadically, to Gwen's, later David's, or his friends places. I could go into more detail here but. this is already long. oop.
ANYWAYS. So with Max spending basically all the time he can away from home and the summers at camp, once he ages out there's. A Bit of panic starting in him once summer gets closer again, because his Safe Place seems inaccessible, and two of his OTHER options, especially for longer stays away from home, would also be unavailable. Gwen and David notice this (it manifests in Max staying over More but Angrier) and try to find a solution. Gwen proposes the Jr Counselor idea. They introduce the idea to Max by kinda implying that workload around camp is a lot, and it'd really hurt to miss one of their most experienced campers, but... maybe, if he worked there too (well, interned. basically unpaid. but! no camp tuition!) he could help them? so they basically give Max a way to say yes without admitting that he's the one who needs camp the most. He does insult the whole thing ofc, and says like he's just doing it because he knows camp would burn down without him there ("actually, most of the fires we had were started by you...?" "shut it, david") but secretly he's really really happy. He might even thank them later that evening. Quietly. Before complaining about it preemptively. <3
WAH THATS ALREADY SUCH A WALL OF TEXT ok ill hurry up w the rest:
While most of the other campers had some rotations over the years, I don't have conk rete plans for most of them - Nikki and Neil are still Max' gang, and returned for multiple summers, if not all. This year though, Neil is busy with college prep, and Nikki is spending the summer at home because of family crisis. They still video call a lot, they're still The Gang. I have sketched designs for them, but I'm not quite happy yet.
Max at first doesn't take his role seriously, because he's basically just Back For Another Summer, but pretty quickly realises Gwen and David DO have expectations, and DO give him responsibilities. He takes a while to come around on his new relationship to the younger kids, and especially one of the youngest kids takes a liking to him, a very anxious young girl, which annoys him at first, but... well. It's a whole ~character arc~ for Max waiting to happen tbh.
OK THANK YOU IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IM SORRY ITS SO LONG. i wasnt lying when i said i have So Many Thoughts about this. ANYWAYS as thank u for getting this far heres a doodle of Max putting up his hair. :3c
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darkwitch1999 · 6 months
🦋😱Akuma Idea: Horror Themed Akuma😱🦋
Okay, here's another akumatized villain concept that I have been thinking over for a while. Now hear me out. I know that the Miraculous Ladybug franchise has already featured a few horror-themed akumatized villains......
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Or three? Huh....I thought there'd be more. Anyway, that's not important. For this akumatized villain, I thought that this villain would have powers, weapons, and design elements based on characters from horror movies.
For the character design, I was thinking that the villain would have pale skin and long black hair that gets in her face like the girl from "The Ring". They will also have stitches along the corners of their mouth and wear black mascara around their eyes.
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As for her outfit, she would wear a straight jacket, which I'm either thinking could have a mess of different dark colors on it or have scarlet blood splatters all over it. Or it could just be a plain yet worn-out straightjacket. Honestly, I had the villain "Terminal" from Batman Beyond in mind when I decided to give them a straight jacket as part of their costume. I am also planning on giving the black pants with holes in them and black combat boots as part of their design.
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As for the villain's eye color, I'm still deciding on whether I want to give them all red eyes or do multiple colors. I do plan on giving them three eyes, with the third eye being located on the base of their forehead. Kind of like Garnet or Hiei, but this third eye is more than just for show. It actually ties into one of her powers that I will get into more detail about later.
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So the thing about this villain, is that some of their powers are connected to certain horror artifacts and/or characters. Though not every power can be used at once and a few of the powers are activated when the villain is using specific items. For example:
Jason Hockey Mask:
This akuma will have something akin to Captain America's shield, except smaller and shaped like Jason's Hockey Mask. The shield/mask is indestructible and can repel and deflect the attacks from the Miraculous superheroes with ease. It also has an additional use for allowing the akuma to breathe underwater when they are wearing the mask on their face (ironic, huh?).
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Freddy Kruger Gloves:
On their own, they are just ordinary leather gloves. However once this akuma puts the gloves on their hands, they can grow metal claws like Freddy Kruger that can also retract at will like Wolverine's metal claws.
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A Ring:
Okay, I know there wasn't a literal jewelry ring in the movie "The Ring", but I thought this would be a cool concept nonetheless. Basically, when the akuma is wearing this ring, they will able to possess and pass through any electronics that have a screen of their choosing (TVs, computers, iPads, phones, etc.).
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Wrist Corsage
Every rose has its thorns and this beautiful bracelet is no exception. Like Carrie from the movie of the same name, wearing this corsage gives the akuma the power of telekinesis, which allows them to move objects or people or set stuff on fire with their mind.
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Now for her final power (yes, I know I have already given her a lot. Shadow Moth was feeling very generous this time when he made this akuma. Like I said though, she can't use all of these powers at once, well except for this power.). This last power involves the akuma's eyes, especially the third eye. Her strongest and most horrifying power that this akuma possesses is the power to make anyone who looks into her eyes hallucinate their worst fears/nightmares, causing them both severe psychological and emotional trauma that incapacitate them by paralyzing them with fear, giving them panic attacks, or causing them to have a mental breakdown as their intense screams and feelings of terror fuel the akuma's power. The third eye acts as an amplifier for the fear-induced hallucinations, meaning that the more people that the akuma terrorizes, the stronger the hallucinations and the akuma become. Now I bet you can imagine all the different types of fear-induced hallucinations each one of the Miraculous heroes could face when fighting against this akumatized villain, who's civilian identity is none other than:
Noelle Odeja!
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The details regarding how she got akumatized are still in the works with the story, but let's just say that someone messed with the wrong girl! Time for her to show the world how much of a "horror freak" she truly is. I'm thinking about making the akumatized object her backpack or something, will also carry her power items in it when they are not in use (though that idea is subject to be scrapped if I think of any better ideas).
As far as the name of this akuma, I still haven't decided on one yet. I was thinking of something like "Frightmare", "Freak Show", or maybe even "Horror Show". IDK. I'm not that great with naming villains or heroes. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them.
Anyway, let me know what y'all think about this akumatized villain. Feel free to voice your opinions, thoughts, theories, or any suggestions you might have on how this villain could be improved upon (I might have made her too OP. Let me know if I need to tone the powers down a bit).
@nerd-chocolate @andromeda612 @princessbutterflysposts @artzychic27 @arny20252 @imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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toghrahkunok · 2 months
Not making a post about every class because wow that'd be long (and heck apparently Swashbuckler getting extra skill boosts slipped under the radar, who knows what else's been missed), but I at least want to make a post covering the coolest parts of
The PF2E Alchemist, Remastered (which is not out yet, just leaked from early copies!)
Infused Reagents are gone.
From the ground up: You start every day with Advanced Alchemy giving you 4+Int free Alchemical Consumables of your level or lower. You need the formula for anything you make, but the fun part is that you only need the lowest-level version of that formula. Only have the recipe for a level 1 Lesser Alchemist's Fire? Who cares, that's still enough for your level 17 Alchemist to make a level 17 Major Alchemist's Fire.
Quick Alchemy (QA), then, is now fueled by Versatile Vials (VV). You get 2+Int of them every morning, and can use QA to turn them 1:1 into no-shelf-life Alchemical Consumables like you used to be able to with Infused Reagents. They still need to be immediately used then and there, and have a new restriction that anything with a duration longer than 10 minutes gets shortened to 10 minutes. The twist is that you can spend 10 minutes in exploration to recover 2 VVs (3 at level 9), repeatable as much as you want up to your max of 2+Int. You don't even need to specifically spend your time on that, you can just passively get 2/10 minutes with no imposition on whatever other Exploration task you wanna do. The final cherry on top? QA gains a secondary function: It allows you to make a temporary VV that last until the start of your next turn, although you can't QA again to turn those "Quick Vials" into other Alchemical Consumables. What's the point then?
Oh yeah, Vials can be thrown as acid bombs (d6 damage +1 splash, scaling 1/4/12/18 like normal bombs). Every subclass also gets an expansion on them! Bombers can change the damage type to Lightning/Cold/Fire, and at later levels can fill them with metal shavings to make them trigger precious material weaknesses (i.e. you can throw Cold Iron Fire Vials at a Fey). Chirurgeon can feed them to allies to heal those d6s instead of harm, or in a pinch just bean them over the head with a healing vial from 20 feet away. Mutagenists can drink them to suppress the drawbacks for a round if they're under the effects of a Mutagen, and later even get some free physical resistance from that. Finally, Toxicologists can apply them to a weapon as a poison, and I feel I should also mention that Toxicologists now get to ignore poison immunity.
There's a few other big changes: Master in Bombs, Simple Weapons, and Unarmed Attacks at level 15; permanently Quickened at 17th level to use QA (only to make a single Quick Vial, no benefit from level 9 Double Brew with this action); Powerful Alchemy at level 5 making every Alchemical Consumable you make from your class use the better of it's own DC or your class DC; Additive feats no longer increasing the level of the items you use them to make (which before often prevented you from using Additives on you more powerful items); heck basically every feat is better in at least one small but not insignificant way so it's hard to really cover. For anyone who wants to get the more specific details, check out Ronald the Rules Lawyer's video (the best and most consolidated source of all the changes), or if you just want to read about it I can send you the relevant screenshots (too many to fit into a reblog).
Overall, Alchemist now gets at-will alchemy (infinite Quick Vials), per-encounter alchemy (2+Int Versatile Vials), and daily alchemy (4+Int Advanced Alchemy). With QA limiting the duration of items you make with it, you only get to exploit the hour-long duration items with your limited supply of Advanced Alchemy, which is going to number a lot fewer than what the old Alchemist could do with their whole "doubling/tripling Infused Reagents" thing. Still - the 10 minute duration on QA combined with the 10 minute interval to restock VVs means that you basically get 2 (3 at level 9) indefinite ongoing effects of your choice.
My thoughts? This is the biggest glow-up I've ever seen! There's so much more for you to do both in and out of combat, to the point where I'm slightly concerned. With the formula convenience explained at the top letting you diversify instead of constantly needing to get more recipes just to keep up the formulas you already have, you can easily end up with basically every single Alchemical Consumable at your fingertips. Move out of the way Spell Substitution Wizard, we have a new master of having-the-perfect-tool-for-every-job.
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not-a-space-alien · 6 months
Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure 30
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
Story masterpost
Series is for 18+ audiences only!
All entries in the CYOA
So, the audience chose the first option for the finale--"Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more."
After giving it some thought, I realized this is basically the route Lex and Ari went in the actual story, and so the sequence of events would likely not be significantly different! So I thought the best way to end this might be to decide what would happen on each option.
Sorry for not giving a more detailed ending to send this out with a bang! But hopefully you will enjoy some of these scenarios and feel free to imagine how it would go! Not sure if anyone would have any interest in doing so, but you're all perfectly welcome to write your own fic about it.
Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more.
As I said the winning option would go basically the same way as canon, except Felix and the narrator would be there instead of Lex and Ari. Lex and Ari would probably eventually snoop around and become secondary supporters, the way Bailey and Jerome do in canon. Valen would probably eventually end up with a unit of six hunters invested in protecting him.
Keep Valen here and make it known what a horrible mistake the hunters made.
Valen is nervous about you telling anyone, but if you're able to convince him to stay and let you go public with it, he hunkers down and braces himself for the attention. It ignites an absolute shitstorm of national arguing--public opinion in areas where vampire attacks are not common is overwhelmingly on Valen's side--and those in areas who do live at risk of vampire attacks argue it's very easy to take a moral high ground when you don't live in danger yourself.
The director is a politician at heart and cares very much about the guild's public image, so Nick is fired and jailed. The director asks Valen to leave to avoid more attention, but the rest of the guild rallies to his side as happens in cannon, so eventually the director backpedals and lets him stay. The fact that everyone knows he's there means Valen is continually anxious; unlike canon, where his presence is kept more lowkey, he starts getting volumes of letters--both supportive and hatemail. The window of discourse in public life shifts to talk about whether or not vampires should have human rights.
Get Valen out of here, then make it public what happened.
This goes the same way as the previous option, except Valen isn't there to feel threatened by the attention. You keep him updated on the situation, until one day you can't get ahold of him again. A few weeks later, he gets off a frantic phone call that he's been pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, and your group of 6 supportive hunters plan the same epic breakout that happens in canon. It ends the same way as scenario #2.
Get Valen out of here as soon as you can--he isn't safe. You can stay in touch.
You hurry Valen over the border ASAP, then have regular phone conversations with him. He's once again pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, except this time you haven't spent enough time with him for his first instinct to be to call you. You never hear from him again--He eventually realizes he needs to leave Priscus and musters up the courage to do it, but by then he's basically too scared to call you again.
Get Valen out of here and never speak of it again. Hope you don't get caught.
You toss him over the border and don't get caught. You never hear from him again. You live with the incident in the back of your mind for the rest of your life, wondering if you made the right decision.
Thank you all for playing along!
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
38 | Distance
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: jealously
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As Isaac was on his way to find Julia in school he passes Stiles and Scott as they were talking about what Malia does when she sneaks into his room, "Nothing wrong with being the little spoon. I enjoy Julia's cuddles. It's like having a baby kola on your back." He speaks up staring to walk with them.
"Huh?" Stiles looks at him feeling like he was going to have a stroke.
"Yeah but after certain things I'm always the big spoon." He adds smiling walking off then jogging towards Julia in the distance.
Scott stays silent looking at Stiles sensing everything he was going through, "Was he just saying that to piss me off because he knows I still can't stand him?" Stiles turns to Scott.
"I don't have an answer for that but I know he succeed at pissing you off. Which I don't understand."
"She's still my friend and I just don't care for Isaac." Stiles tells him as they walk to class.
Entering the classroom Stiles sees Julia in the back sitting next to Isaac. Hell, it was the almost the same for every class now that she no longer sat near him and Scott. Isaac ends up seeing him looking at them so he winks at him.
While Mr. Yukimura was teaching about how many great historic leaders have failed spectacularly before succeeding. He lays out the details of one such leader saying he failed at business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of congress and lost as a candidate for Vice President and then asks if anyone knows who he is describing. While many hands in the classroom go up, he calls on Malia who seems distracted with a highlighter in her mouth while furiously drawing red lines.
Scott's phone rings and is told to turn it off. Mr. Yukimura gives more clues saying, one of our greatest Presidents, Gettysburg Address, Malia still didn't have the answer while Kira was furiously waving her hand at her father.
Stiles' phone ends up beeping and Mr. Yukimura again admonishes everyone to turn their phones off. Malia was furiously looking in her text book when Mr. Yukimura opens the question up to the rest of the class, every hand goes up. Malia sinks down in her desk, embarrassed.
Another cellphone beeps and Mr. Yukimura shouts that he said phones off but Kira points out that it's his phone ringing this time. He picks it up and reads a text, "Scott call Lydia."
Later at the Animal Clinic, Lydia is just finishing putting bandages on Deaton's injured arm. Deaton theorizes that Derek's mind has been regressed along with his body. Lydia says he was scared out of his mind. They figure out that Derek would try to go home, to Hale House, because he wouldn't remember the fire because from his perspective it wouldn't have happened yet.
After checking the house they don't see him so Julia mentions the sheriff station so they head there. As they show up the Sheriff tells Parrish and Haigh that he will handle this case.
He motions for the three to follow him into his office, "I want you three be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?" Noah asks them and Julia laughs, "Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen house."
"I wish but we found him like that." She tells him.
"Where, swimming in the fountain of youth?"
"No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake." Stiles explains.
"You told me you were camping!"
"Yeah, we were... It was in Mexico." Stiles adds while Julia laughs.
"Hey, you lied to me too missy." Noah gives her a look so she stops.
Just because her and Stiles were having their moments, it didn't mean Julia spent less time around Noah. He was basically her dad at this point like Melissa was her mom.
Scott explains that Derek has been aged backwards and can't remember anything. So Noah agrees to let the three talk to him. Derek was wary of Scott and Stiles so Julia explains that there was an accident and Derek lost some memory but that they can help him get it back.
Scott ends up saying there was a fire then hesitates and then lies saying the Hale family is fine but had to move out of Beacon Hills. He promises to take Derek to them as soon as he gets his memory back. Derek agrees but Julia and Scott don't like lying to him. He explains to Stiles that things always go better when they tell the truth. Scott tells Stiles to take Derek to the McCall house and keep him there.
"Yeah, I hate that guy." Stiles meant Peter.
"And Derek, Isaac, the twins, Jackson, and Matt." Julia starts a list to be funny.
"Matt was a killer, the twins proved themselves, Derek is iffy, and Isaac is annoying. And you also hate Jackson." He looks at her.
As they walk into Scott's house they see Agent McCall there with take-out Chinese food. Stiles tries to rush Derek upstairs but Derek is hungry, and Scott's dad is offering food so they all end up at the table.
He asks for Derek's name and Stiles introduces Derek as his cousin Miguel making Julia laugh confusing Derek and Scott's dad. He starts to speak in Spanish making Stiles oh my god and them shock by Derek speaking Spanish too.
"Fantastic, egg roll." Stiles laughs.
While they all eat, Mr. McCall asks for Derek's last name and Stiles says Juarez Cinqua Tiago. Julia groans rolling her eyes as Mr. McCall asks how to spell that so Julia and Derek look at him.
Derek's eyes take notice that Mr. McCall is an FBI agent before asking him about the Hales. He tells him about the Hale fire making Derek glare at Stiles so Julia excuse the three of them.
"How about we go upstairs?" Julia suggests shoving both up the stairs. At Scott's door Derek smashes Stiles head into the door, "Okay, let's not do that. Please." Julia forces Derek to let go of Stiles.
Derek says he wants to talk to Scott so Stiles leaves to call Scoot and Julia follows after telling Derek to wait there and don't move.
Stiles tells Scott on the phone that Derek was fine in his room and that Kate isn't coming only to change it to he's right. Both Julia and Stiles watch her jump from the roof and look they each other before running out to get Lydia.
As they get to the school Lydia looks at Stiles holding his bat, "You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat."
"At least it's not the wooden one. That one actually works." Julia tells her as they run to meet Peter at the vault.
He tells them they took it while he was blinded explaining that this whole thing was heist to steal $117 million in bearer bonds from his family's safe.
"117 million..." Julia looks at Peter.
"Are you really thinking about not playing lacrosse this year?" Julia asks Isaac as they look at others practicing.
"Why should I?" He makes a face.
"Because you're good at it and I need someone to cheer on. You could be my lucky number 14." She tugs on his arm and as she said that Stiles and Scott walked up.
"Oh my god..." Stiles says loudly so they look at him, "Umm Scotts worried about not being Captain." He covers his ass up, "We have 117 million problems, but our status on the lacrosse team isn't one of them."
Julia points over at the goalie not letting any balls pass him. "Sure about that?" All three boys stare at him. "Maybe you three should practice a little bit." She smiles at them and they all run off so Julia leaves the field.
Back in the locker room Stiles confronts Liam about his performance on the field at practice, "Yeah, but not a single shot got passed you." Stiles says.
"Yeah, I was the goalie. You guys played this game before?" He looks at the three older boys. Liam explains that he transferred from Devenford Prep and Scott is listens to his heartbeat and realizes he is lying.
"No, you got kicked out, didn't you." Scott corrects him.
"I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players right?" Liam says.
"No, we don't need any more good players."
"Actually we could use a couple." Isaac looks at him and Scott agree with a head nod.
Stiles goes on asked how did he get that good then ranting on about the woods and a full moon making Isaac backhand him. "Ouch." He stares at him.
Liam says he learned the game from his stepfather who apparently made Team Captain when he was a sophomore just like Scott. "And yeah, I guess I'm just that good." He grabs his stuff looking at Stiles leaving.
"I like that kid." Isaac smile crossing his arms while Scott tells him he wasn't lying that time as he walks off as well.
Stiles turns to Isaac, "What is going on with you and Julia?"
"Y'all are cuddling, other stuff, you could be her lucky number 14." He laughs while Isaac stares at him.
"I don't really think it's your business. I don't ask Scott about him and Kira or you with Malia." Isaac leaves him alone.
As Julia walks to math she sees Malia turning to leave, "No no no." She grabs her walking back into class making her sit in front of Stiles. She protests that she doesn't understand why they have to take math. Stiles explains it's so they can figure out the right amount to tip in restaurants.
"And less important things like medicine, economics, engineering." Julia give better examples to her and Lydia agrees.
"Tipping." Stiles smiles.
As Lydia and Malia were at the board Stiles phone goes off and when he read it he looks over at Julia. "What?" She asks so he holds out his phone for her to see it and it read TRIPLE HOMICIDE, DEVELOPING.
After class Stiles tells Scott about the news alerts but Scott said he already knows because Melissa called him earlier. Stiles was ready to leave school to go investigate but Scott reminds him that they had Econ in five minutes.
"All right. Did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe murderer?"
Scott points out that their parents want them to stay out of it while Kira suggests they let the adults handle it.
"So the two of you, you just want to say here. School. Go to class?" Stiles looks at the two, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life. Let's go Julia." Stiles grabs her arm dragging her with him.
"See you at tryouts." Scott shouts.
"I don't remember me expressing that I wanted to tag along with you." Julia speaks up as he still drags her.
"Are you serious? You wanna be boring like them?" He turns to her.
"No but don't just assume things." She laughs.
"Oh, like you and Isaac hooking up. You don't want me to assume that as well I'm guessing?"
Julia rolls her eyes, "Why are you being such an asshole? Are you that scared?"
"Scared of what?"
"Getting close, remembering everything? You keep doing everything you can to distance yourself from me. We can try to ignore it but it's impossible. It's not going to get better if we don't work on it together." She tears up, "I just want my best friend back." She leaves him in standing alone in the empty hall alone.
He knew she was right about everything she said. He thought if he wasn't as close to her they would just forget about everything but that wasn't going to work for them. They need to help each other.
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goodmorningdove · 11 months
ooh, tell me about your magical girl show idea!!
Basically the story centers around a girl named lilla who is (unsurprisingly) bullied at school. Like the real bullying that left you with psychological trauma and a fear that everyone you know is talking about you behind your back. Because at one point, everyone was! Anyway she meets this weird fox one day who's like "hey kid i see that you hate all the other kids around you. Do you magic powers so you can get revenge?" And at fist lilla says no because. Thats a talking fox with a creepy voice what the fuck. But after a week or so the bullying gets really bad and she runs away from school to find the fox again and is like "i want to get my revenge on the other kids" so the fox is like "sweet follow me!" And they go to this fountain thats filled with a black sludge and the fox says "all you need to do is drink some of this essence, and all your wishes will come true" so Lilla does! She drinks some of the sludge and it tastes gross but whatever. Magic powers! In front of her appears a magic staff thing idk i needed a physical conduit for the magic itll make sense later. The fox explains that all her magic comes in wish form, all you need to say is "i wish" followed by the thing you want to happen, with a few caveats but those arent important (says the fox). So lilla is like "i wish i could fly!" And shes flying! And she flies home! And then she wishes that she wont get in trouble for missing school that day. The next day she does go to school, wishing that her staff is invisible so that no one laughs at her for having the staff. She makes several wishes that put her schoolmates in embarrassing situations, but near the end of the day, a classmate jokes about Lilla's dead mother, who had been shot in the head a few years back. The kid jokes and laughs about how they wonder if exploding head is genetic, and if lilla's head will explode just like her mom's did! And in a fit of rage, lilla says without thinking "i wish your head would explode!"
And it did.
Lilla wishes for her classmate to ckme back to life, but that is one of the few limits of the magic. You can kill people, but you cant bring them back to life. She wishes herself out of everyone's memories, which leaves her magic staff very small, more like a wand than a staff. The fox explains that the staff will shrink until its out of magic, and she'll need to refill it soon. The most effectiant way to do so is to kill the monsters that attack the world. It is impossible to make a wish that affects the monsters directly, but they are still vulnerable to blades and bullets and whatnot. Plus, a magic staff can absorb them! (Also the monsters are attacking the world because they want to eat it)
Its at this point that Lilla goes and meets others like her. Im trying not to call them magical girls because anyone can become one, but im yet to find a word that actually fits what these people are.
Anyway a bunch of bonus facts that show up way later in the story than i have detailed plans for:
The black sludge IS the fox being. By consuming part of the fox, you allow it to feed on your soul. The staff is a physical representation of the bonus soul energy ypu possess. The fox gives you a grace period to test out your powers before it asks you to collect more soul energy.
If your staff is completely erased, the fox will begin to feed on your personal soul energy, killing you. It also will slowly drain the energy from your staff over time. It would take about 6 months for your staff to go from ideal size to nothing if you didnt use a single wish.
If your staff is too far away from you, the fox cannot use its energy and begins to feed on yours instead.
Perpetual wishes (such as flight and invisibility) drain the staff at an accelerated rate so long as they are active. Summoning wishes (like wishing for a sword) only drain once for the summoning. Magic guns drain once for the summoning of the gun, and once for every bullet fired (so you dont need to reload, they just summon directly in there)
Places you can get external soul energy: if you kill anything with the staff you get its energy. Kill wishes are basically free lol. You can also absorb other people's magic staffs.
Last but not least: the fox is no different than the monsters that attack the world. It just got there first >:3
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark -- Fun With Special Abilities
We're back with my beloved Blades In The Dark trio again today, this time to discuss the fun special abilities they pick up during their time as scoundrels! I've touched upon this topic before, when I did the initial post on the group's playbooks, but I wanted to explore it in more detail now that I'm actually posting fic for the verse. Because there are a LOT of fun special abilities that these three can snag, both from their own playbooks and others. :D Here are the ones I've gotten locked down so far:
-->Alice: Alice, as per previous posts, actually starts with two special abilities -- Not To Be Trifled With, which allows her to perform superhuman feats of strength or take on a gang of up to six people on equal footing (like, say, a certain Bluecoat squad), and The Devil's Footsteps, which allows her to perform superhuman feats of agility (like a real-life double jump onto a carriage roof) or dance around her enemies so they attack each other. These two I think cover her Wonderland abilities in AMA and A:MR very well, and given that she starts with a trauma, Haunted, it felt only fair. As for the abilities she'll pick up as a member of the Three Pillars, we have --
A) Vigorous -- she heals faster from harm! In game-mechanical terms, this means she permanently fills in one quarter of her "healing clock" (a four-segment clock where you have to fill in all the segments to reduce all your accumulated harm down a level) and takes an extra die on healing rolls. This goes well with my headcanon that Alice heals exceptionally well (to explain how she survived a massive house fire with no visible burns on her character model) and just makes the whole process of healing easier for the person most likely to get in a fight (because it's fucking TOUGH in this game).
B) Bodyguard -- she's better at protecting her teammates from threats! She gets an extra die on resistance rolls (which allow her to avoid or reduce the consequences of an action) to protect Victor or Smiler from something or someone, and gets extra effect (aka better quality info) when she researches potential threats beforehand. This felt like a good one for Alice because I imagine she wants to make very sure that nothing horrible happens to Victor or Smiler during their time as scoundrels -- they're her new family, and she doesn't want to lose them! And it goes very well with a trauma I want to give her in the future -- but that's another post...
C) Ghost Fighter -- she can imbue her hands, melee weapons, or tools with electroplasmic power, giving her an edge against supernatural foes! Specifically, she gains potency against them (which improves the effect of her rolls against them) and can actually physically grapple with ghosts and other electroplasmic creatures to restrain them. This is just cool, and I think it would be something Alice would want, especially if and when they tangle against more supernatural creatures -- but this one actually comes with a prerequisite: Victor's gotta know the Ritual special ability first (see his section below the read-more). Because as Victor is the "magic guy" of the group, I feel like this is something they'd work on together. (Maybe after they turn Alice's knife into a electroplasmically-charged weapon by tying it to his lightning hook during their fight against the Jabberwock?)
D) Savage -- she is fucking scary when she unleashes the physical violence. Meaning she can frighten anyone who sees it, and gets a bonus die on rolls to then Command a terrified target. I see this as just a natural consequence of her getting better at real-world violence and the gang's reputation as a trio not to be messed with growing as time passes. Think of it as Alice basically entering real-life Ragebox Mode or Hysteria Mode -- that'd be pretty scary, wouldn't it? (And it also ties in well with that trauma I'll be talking about later...)
-->Victor: Victor starts with the Ghost Mind special ability -- he is always aware of any ghosts or other electroplasmic entities in his vicinity, and he also gets an extra die when he researches the supernatural. This felt the most appropriate for him given that I had him get dragged into the ghost field -- the supernatural echo of the city where ghosts actually live -- for an entire day as part of the process of adapting Corpse Bride for this setting. I mean, that would have to have some sort of side effect, right? As for what he gets as time goes on, we have --
A) Strange Methods -- he's better at inventing and making stuff that is a little arcane (like magical potions and odd spirit-related gadgets)! Game-mechanically, he gets a better result when he makes these kinds of things, and he automatically learns how to make one particular thing for free (instead of having to learn about it and figure out the process for making it during play). This special ability is going to cover Victor learning how to infuse insects (specifically moths and butterflies) with electroplasm to turn them into little radiant energy generators (radiant energy being the closest thing this setting gets to sunlight -- as you might imagine, it's pretty important for growing crops and thus important for making sure their greenhouse actually works!). It felt like the closest match for that project! Plus it might be fun to figure out what else he can make going forward...
B) Ritual -- he knows how to do ritual sorcery and can study or even invent his own rituals to call upon arcane powers! Much like Strange Methods above, he also gets one ritual that he knows for free when he takes this ability. This was another contender for the whole "how Victor figures out how to make radiant energy butterflies" thing above (though I obviously decided Strange Methods fit better), and I knew I wanted him to get this one regardless because come on, it's cool and dangerous magic. Who doesn't want cool and dangerous magic? XD And, as indicated above, it feels like a good prerequisite to some of the abilities he and his friends get, both as individuals and as a team -- I mean, Ghost Fighter feels like something you would need a ritual for, right? That being said, I'm not planning for every magical spell Victor gets through this ability being a straight-up ritual -- instead, this will also cover him learning the demonic language of sorcery, a concept briefly mentioned in the book that I found very cool and wanted to use more. Victor will still have to pay a stress cost to speak things into existence using the language, of course, and learn what various words mean and how to pronounce them, but he just has to say them to trigger the effect. I'm not sure what his first ritual or spell will actually be, mind, but I'm looking forward to finding out!
C) Warded -- he has special armor that allows him to deal better with supernatural nonsense! Specifically, he can "expend" the armor (check off the box on his playsheet) during a score to avoid supernatural consequences coming his way as a result of something he did, or to push himself (generally means picking up an extra die for your roll) when dealing with arcane forces, without having to take stress. I think this is a cool thing that Victor would very much like to have while dealing with the supernatural beasties he might encounter inside the city (as he can already tell that they're there) -- I picture his "special armor" as a coat he enchants with Elder Gutknecht's help, covering it in strange glyphs and suchlike to imbue it with arcane-busting power. (...actually, maybe he's inspired to make the coat after his ghost-busting score with Bonejangles. Must keep that in mind.)
D) Ghost Veil -- he can shift himself back into the ghost field for a few moments, becoming as shadowy and insubstantial as a ghost! In game terms, he takes two stress to do this, plus one extra stress if he wants to make it last longer, make himself fully invisible, and/or give himself the ability to float It's very cool, and it felt like the sort of thing that Victor would be able to do after his little trip into the ghost field courtesy of Emily -- it just takes him a bit to properly "unlock" the power. I was originally thinking that Ritual would have to be a prerequisite for it as a result (as Victor wouldn't figure it out until he got deeper into studying spellcraft and sorcery), but if it's something that's another side effect of his "ghost bride" adventures, maybe it's just something he stumbles on accidentally -- like, he does it on reflex during a fight, and the trick is figuring out how he triggered the effect so he can do it deliberately. I mean, it's probably still going to come after Ritual, simply because I plan for him to take that early, but -- yeah.
E) Tempest -- he can push himself to unleash a bolt of lighting as a weapon, or summon a storm (rain, fog, high winds, heavy snow) in his immediate area! Costs him two stress in game terms, but I think it's worth. This is just downright cool, and I love the idea of Victor being able to do something so powerful. He is more dangerous than he looks with this! This one definitely does have Ritual as a prerequisite, though, because I picture this ability as being tied to the demonic language of sorcery (hell, the book itself implies that it is). So Victor has to be able to use said language before he can fry people with lightning. Small price to pay!
-->Smiler: Smiler starts with the Alchemist special ability -- they're good at brewing up anything with alchemical features (drugs, non-magical potions, things like that), and get one formula that they already know for free. Since my concept for them in this verse is "cultist drug dealer," and I've always pictured them as an excellent chemist regardless of the universe they're currently occupying, this was a no-brainer as their starting ability. And as you might expect, their free formula is their signature Joy Serum -- after all, you can't be a drug dealer if you don't know how to make the drug. XD Anyway, as for what they get while running around with Victor and Alice, we have --
A) Physicker -- they gain enough medical knowledge to serve as the team doctor! Specifically, in game terms, this lets them Tinker with people's bodies to treat wounds and stabilize the gravely injured; Study maladies to see how to treat them and corpses to see how they died; and gives everyone in the crew an extra die when it comes to healing rolls. This is something that I think Smiler would like to pick up just to help keep their partners safe and healthy -- being a scoundrel is a dangerous job, after all, and hurt or sick friends are unhappy friends! Plus it's just good in practical terms, because, as I mentioned before, healing is tough in this game, and any advantage you can get is a good one!
B) A Little Something On The Side -- they get extra money after every score! In game terms, this means that at the end of every "downtime" phase (time after scores when characters work on projects and acquire assets and relieve stress and suchlike), they get two extra "stash" (how the game tracks each scoundrel's personal finances -- how much stash you have determines how good your character's lifestyle is and if your character ends up destitute on the street or in a halfway-decent home when they retire). I think this is a good one for Smiler simply because it feels like a good way to represent mechanically them still continuing to sell Joy Serum when they're not doing scores with Victor and Alice. They may not be living with the Advocates anymore, but that does not absolve them of their responsibility to bring chemical joy to the masses! Though, given that Smiler canonically sells their Joy Serum for cheap, maybe I'd reduce this to one extra stash. We'll see.
C) Mesmerism -- they have the ability to not only talk someone into something, but also make them forget that they were ever talked into it! Specifically, when they successfully Sway someone, they can also choose to have the person forget that it happened -- at least, until they next time they see Smiler, at which point they are like "HEY!" XD This one just feels like an appropriate one to me because it fits well with the actual rollercoaster's theme of hypnosis and mind control. And I did give Smiler a little hypno-wheel as one of their starting gadgets -- maybe they use that when they're using this ability? Or maybe this is an additional blessing from Mar-Mal that they get for helping the Advocates out with something...hmmm. I'll have to think about it. Point is, it's thematically appropriate, and could make for some interesting scenes.
D) Functioning Vice -- they're better at indulging their vice in a way that does not cause them to overindulge -- and can help Victor and Alice do the same! In game terms, this means whenever Smiler indulges their vice (which is how you reduce stress after scores -- you roll dice equal to your lowest attribute score and remove the highest number from your stress tracker), they can adjust the roll up or down by one or two to prevent overindulgence -- and any allies who indulge with them can do the same. I saw this in action in Oxventure Presents: Blades In The Dark with Johnny's character Kasimir in the second season, and holy fuck is it useful. Like, this is the ability to get if you want to make sure your scoundrels can reduce their stress quickly and safely. And Johnny was using it on a character whose vice was Obligation and involved Kasimir tending his busted knee -- Smiler's vice is Pleasure! Do you know how much easier that is to pair with another vice? Alice has an Obligation to keep an eye on the children of Houndsditch? Take 'em on a picnic! Victor has a taste for the Weird? Go on a shopping trip to a bookstore to look for occult books! Want to do something all together? Take the kids out and have Victor demonstrate some of the safer magic tricks he's learned! :D Seriously, this is going to be like their best special ability --
Which is why it's kind of a shame that I've already come up with a score revolving around them overindulging their vice at the Golden Plum restaurant and then having to help Chef Roselle there get ingredients for a new dish. XD So yeah, Smiler can only get this ability after that happens. Probably inspires them to be more careful when indulging their desires!
E) Trust In Me -- they're better at anything they may choose to do against a target who they already have an intimate relationship with! Basically, in any roll against someone whom they already know well, they get an extra die -- and no, it doesn't have to be a social roll, nor does the relationship have to be that kind of intimate -- they just have to be close. I think this one fits Smiler simply because they're the most extroverted of the three, and probably have all sorts of friends scattered around the city that could be convinced to help the Three Pillars on their various scores. I do picture them using this mainly to help Sway friends to their various causes -- Smiler's a lover, not a fighter, and wouldn't want to damage the friendship by doing something mean. Though if someone they like decides to be an ass to them first -- well, all bets are off. Smiler may not be good at throwing a punch, and not want to hit a friend, but if they have to...
Whew! Quite the lists, huh? And this isn't even getting into the special abilities the trio can pick up as a crew! Not to mention the upgrades I have planned for their lair... I think telling you all about that will have to be a separate post, though. This one's long enough already. XD
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namelysane · 1 year
How many people at school or in general tried to befriend hellspawn just so they could get to meet the ninja or have the ability to boast about being connected to them through hellspawn? Cause, like, there is no way this won't ever happen.
A lot, unfortunately.
They'd ask all sorts of questions like what the inside of the monastery looks like and whether she can teach them Spinjitzu. (Well she can't. Blame Lloyd for saying she's too young for anything) Cue them later asking what the ninja are really like and whether Kai's hair is actually real. Does Zane need to be charged before battle? Is Nya still with Jay? What does Cole do in his spare time? Why are Lloyd's eyebrows suddenly so different? Is Wu really that old? Are they allowed to come to the monastery?
You'd think getting that amount of attention and interest would be fun for someone that young but it's the opposite actually. It's great at first but starts sucking after a while. No one really cares to ask her about her after she told them she doesn't have Lloyd's powers or anything like that. A conversation with those kids almost always involves someone asking something about her dad or Uncle Zane or Uncle Jay and she gets bored. Speaking of which, what's so interesting about her dad, anyway? He picks his nose, he burns tea—
And then there's this boy who basically worships Kai and all hellspawn's thinking in her head is the last time there was a fire in the courtyard and her Aunt Ni looked like she wanted to murder someone. He says he really wants to meet Kai someday cuz he's cool, and definitely should've been the Green Ninja instead of Lloyd who barely deserved it. As soon as hellspawn heard that she was like: what did u say.
To spare you the details, she got into some *cough* minor trouble — which Lloyd freaked out at because when he was at Darkley's, he was the one being hit and the last thing he wants is for her to end up like one of Gene's goons at the age of only fIVE.
So naturally, he spent at least twenty minutes giving her a whole lecture about why she should never hit others and how wrong it is, causing her to sulk and tell him what the heck happened.
Lloyd: He's right.
Hellspawn, blinks: What?
Lloyd: Kai should've been the Green Ninja.
Hellspawn: But—
Lloyd, shrugs: Well he trained, he worked hard — he wanted it a lot more than anyone. I was just some dumb kid that ended up with it. *forces a smile* Destiny's weird, don't you think?
Hellspawn: ...
Later, she finds Kai who's in the middle of sharpening his sword and asks him about it.
Hellspawn bites her lip: Do you still wish it was you?
Uncle Kai, stares at her incredulously: Of course. I could've FIXED Lloyd's whole life—
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burning-sol · 10 months
Me thinking about how Ayva joined the crew like oughghgh. I think maybe me and Twigg has had a different image of how it happens, and I've never really talked about how I conceptualised it, SO HERE IS A POST FOR YOU.
So Ayva and the Riptide Pirates first came in contact at Joaldo. Ayva is very firmly on the side of the Navy and actually sets fire to the boats of the pirates to trap them on the island and leave them stranded, like they're NOT playing around here, it's all bad vibes. A lot of panic sets in but Gillion is like. Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, and with the big fuck you power of Destiny is able to put it out.
Ayva and Gillion basically just lock eyes and get in a fight, and it's really intense, but Gillion notices that Ayva isn't really.. Evil. Listen, he checked, and for a split second he saw kind eyes, and he is therefore legally obligated to give Ayva a chance to redeem themselves. This makes Ayva even angrier and she looks right about to maybe kill him, but while they've been distracted the pirates have organised their getaway, and Chip intervenes to drag Gillion away. Ayva thinks about stopping them but Gillion's words did hit her in a certain way, and they just decide to leave them be, letting the pirates get away. Ayva basically tells themselves that the Navy took over Joaldo anyways, which was the goal, so it doesn't matter (the first stage is denial).
Ayva probably takes the opportunity to interrogate people to try and find out more details about Jay's death, but it doesn't get them anywhere, and they're just left thinking while they get everything in order at Joaldo. Gillion's words have definitely had an affect on her, and it starts to sink in that Ayva hasn't been getting anywhere with their current strategy. Ayva thinks a lot before having the brilliant idea that they SHOULD take up Gillion on his word, and just fucking infiltrate the pirates!! Uh oh!!! So Ayva tracks down the Riptide Pirates!!!!! UH OH!!!!!
Ayva ditches the Navy without telling anyone the reason why except their family, so RAFT is basically having some... Internal issues while they try to cope with the disappearance of a pretty important Navy figure. Surely this will have no consequences later (KIRA......)
Anyways, Ayva catches up with Gillion and Chip and is like, "Oh hey, you really changed my mind and I realised the Navy is bad, you should make me a part of your crew." It's super sus but news has already spread about Ayva ditching the Navy, so it is a bit more believable. Gillion is like, "Wow, this is great, I'm glad you changed your mind!! Sure!!!" but Chip is soooo suspicious. For obvious reasons. And he is right. But Gillion manages to convince Chip that they should give Ayva a chance, so Chip reluctantly agrees. Do you want to add Ayva to your crew? WARNING: the following decision may have significant consequences.
Anyways, yeag, so then they proceed to go on some fun adventures. I'm aware if we went by the original timeline there wouldn't be that much time for them to bond, so events are probably shuffled around or maybe some original stuff is added.. But yeag, basically they get to have a lot of fun, do some stupid shit, and Ayva's weakness is revealed. Gillion shows that he really trusts Ayva and gives her the third necklace from Desire Island that him and Chip hadn't known what to do with, and Ayva realises just how fucked they are. Whenever Ayva thinks of them getting hurt, she's scared, because they don't want them to die like Jay. Ayva is really attached to the crew, and so they know they have a really difficult decision ahead of them.
Okay so this is closing the end of this little tangent. But I think in the room where the Albatrio had initially spilt their secrets, Ayva also doesn't answer what her biggest secret is, but for a different reason. Ayva doesn't usually freeze up, but probably the biggest ultimatum of their entire life is flashing right before their eyes and they don't know how they're meant to deal with that, so she doesn't say anything. Chip gets REALLY mad at Ayva, he still doesn't entirely trust them and this basically just affirms his mistrust, but Ayva doesn't even say much of anything. She just becomes quiet and they keep to themselves.
When Jayson comes out, and the truth comes out about what had been Ayva's intentions, Gillion is just destroyed and Chip is ready to ditch her. Jayson tells Ayva to leave the pirates behind and to come back to the Navy, and Ayva is still quiet. And then Ayva is just like "FUCK YOU" and 1v1s their dad and tries to beat the shit out of him. Gillion and Chip get the most intense whiplash of their life as Ayva is just absolutely trying to knock out their dad, Gillion is left pogging and champing and Chip is staring like so surprised. Anyways, FUCK JAYSON, they escape the BLOCK and Ayva is undeniably a fucking Riptide Pirate now.
Chip and Ayva have not been getting along, but yo Chip daps Ayva up because that was the most METAL shit that's ever happened. And Ayva is so like utterly done with the Navy man, they're not going to let anyone hurt her boyz, they're her boyz.
Anyways, yeah. Hope that helps contextualise this post.
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