#i will be Set on a buffer for a while. so. that's also on my list
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cuartist · 1 year ago
me, yesterday voice: okay, now that the challenge is over i can have other things be more in focus! i should start the day with laundry and shoe care
me in the morning: eats breakfast and starts working on comic again
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dandelion-roots · 2 years ago
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[ID: a digital drawing of margot and christine against a gold background. margot is cradling christine's left cheek as she kisses her right; her other arm is around christine's shoulders. christine has her hands on margot's waist. both women are blushing. end id]
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tunafruitt · 1 year ago
--> || ❝ I’m The Favorite! ❞
Reverse! Isekai/SAGAU || Warnings: fluff, some crack :3, gender neutral reader
[ Reverse Isekai with the genshin boys !! A day out for the first time since they were somehow transported into your world… ] [word count: 1.9k]
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“Your Grace, with all due respect… THIS ISN’T FAIR AT ALL!”
“I understand what you’re saying Venti but I can’t bring all 20-something of you outside… 8 people is already too much! An average friend group has around 3-4 people and I’m bringing double that! I promise I’ll take the rest of you out some other day.”
Hearing consecutive sighs of disappointment, you turn to look at the rest of the men. They were visibly upset. It’s not that you DON’T want to bring them all outside! Really! It’s just that some… or, most, of them have features that would stand out in a public setting. Take Gorou and Tighnari for example! Their ears could maybe be hidden for some minutes at a time using a hood or beanie, but what about their tails? Not to mention ITTO. He literally has the most red, obvious horns.
You did your best to make them look somewhat normal. Kaveh and Wanderer could pass as a normal citizen if you removed some accessories, but characters like Diluc and Neuvillette couldn’t. So it was up to you to dress them up! Yayyy!!!
No. This was NOT an easy job. Diluc’s bright red hair couldn’t be hidden no matter how hard you tried. Neuvillette’s long hair could maybe pass as normal... maybe. His horns though? I guess you’ll have to go with the “Oh! Why are they dressed like that? Well you see, my friends just left a cosplay convention a while ago. They look cool right? Yeah.” Excuse.
You gave them what you had left in your closet. What did fit them were sweats, loose pants, pajamas and some old shirts. It was odd not seeing them in their usual complex and pretty outfits. The buffer and more muscular characters looked (not surprisingly) attractive in your shirts… they were tight just around the right spots. They noticed your eyes in their direction with your face ever so slightly flushed, but decided to not say anything about it. ( THEY KNOW.)
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With the boys dressed up and ready, it was finally time to head out! The people you brought with you were: Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Kaveh, Xiao and Al Haitham.
Xiao insisted on being the one to “protect you”. Denying his request felt awkward for some reason…
Kaveh had been interested in the simple and strangely large buildings cramped next to each other. You wouldn’t be so mean to deny his request to go see some of them in person right?
Al Haitham was interested about your world and wanted to learn more about it, maybe he’d find some books that weren’t all fiction and romance.
You’d feel bad if you only brought one Ragnvindr brother.. so you brought both. You also didn’t want to hear Kaeya bickering with Diluc about him going out on a “date” (it wasn’t.) with the Creator.
Neuvillette and Wriothesley look a bit intimidating so maybe they’d scare people off. Who would’ve known you’d have two scary looking men protecting and looking after you?
And Childe….. well he’s Childe. He was stuck to your hip.
You didn’t really know where to go.. The park? A restaurant? A supermarket? All of these options were a bit difficult since they’re usually filled with people. Of course, no matter where you go there’s likely to be people, but it’d be easier to not have to be completely and utterly aware of every stranger around you in fear that they might find out who the men you brought with you actually are. Your only option was to ask them if they had an idea or if they wanted to visit an area.
“Oh! Can we go to one of those food places you’ve talked about before? What is it called.. uh.. curly… curly fries..?”
“Jack in the Box. The name is Jack in the Box, Childe.” Wriothesley remembers every little thing you talked to yourself about when the only way they were able to feel you was through a screen. All of them would listen to you talk about a movie you watched, something funny that happened, or gossip that was spreading around your school or workplace. Anything.
You let out a small chuckle at their conversation. Their recommendation isn’t bad you think. All they’ve been eating is whatever you had back at home, since ordering takeout for more than 20 people would be wayyyyy too expensive.
So a fast food restaurant it is!
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The walk there was…. tedious. Childe was trying his best to not wander off, he really was! But there was so many new things he’d never seen before, so it’s not his fault. Neuvillette was probably the calmest out of everyone. He was right by your side following your lead. Maybe holding onto your arm once or twice.. on accident! (it wasn’t) Xiao was observing his surroundings a little too hard.. yeah this is all new to him, but I guess he was serious about protecting you. Though you didn’t really need it with 7 tall men around you.
“Mortals… The need for human interaction is what makes them weak.”
Diluc and Kaeya would not SHUT UP. If you passed by a bar, Kaeya would ask if he could go in, just for a second! He just wants to see how different they are from the ones in Mondstadt, really. Diluc would follow up with “You’re no better than that… that drunkard Venti.”
Kaveh would stop mid-street to look at the buildings...
“These buildings are so… long. How do they hold up so much weight? It’s impressive! What would they need so many floors for though… Why is there a man’s face as the logo in that restaurant? Oh! He’s glowing?”
“If you get ran over by one of those vehicles it’ll be your fault.”
“Huh? Al Haitham! YOUR GRACE! Wait for me!”
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The next problem was choosing what to eat. Ordering food for 8 people, not including yourself, was expensive. You knew that! But you didn’t mentally prepare for the bill.
“Oh god…”
“Your Grace? Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about. Eat up! We can go somewhere else after this if you want.”
You had realized that a woman had passed by your table countless times. She was very obviously staring at the men, looking almost flustered? Oh, she must think they’re attractive.
Okay. Thats okay. As long as she doesn’t ask for their numb—
“Uh-uhm.. excuse me, sir. Can I have your number? Or.. just Instagram is fine too.” She was staring directly at Wriothesley. You should’ve known letting him go out in a tight shirt and loose pants would’ve attracted more people.
“Uhh.. Pardon me, ma’am. Number…? As in… prisoner number..?” The Duke had an obvious confused and conflicted look on his face.
“Aha.. ha… forgive him. He’s taken! So he can’t give out his number to just anyone.”
“Oh.. S-sorry. Forgive me I’ll just— I’ll get going.“ She was very obviously embarrassed over this whole ordeal.
“What did she mean by number, your grace?”
“Don’t… don’t worry about it…”
The group of men began to eat. (Neuvillette ordered a cup of iced water and Xiao didn’t eat anything.)
“Your Grace, there’s some food on the corner of your mouth.. Here. Let me help.” As Kaeya was about to reach his hand and wipe off the food with his thumb, there was thud on the window next to your table. Huh? It’s Itto.
It’s Itto?
“WHAT THE HELL. HOW DID HE GET HERE!?” You whispered screamed as turned to Itto. Did he follow you here? Was he here this whole time????
Through the glass Itto was saying something. His voice was muffled but you could make some things out.
“Your Grace! Don’t let this… this BUFFOON touch you! I, Arataki Itto will volunteer instead!”
You let out a loud sigh. You had to go get him… imagine seeing a tall, buff man with white hair and what looks like horns with a black hoodie up against a restaurants window…
Yeah that looks weird from an outsiders view.
You signal to the rest of the men to follow you out. When you got outside you wanted to tell Itto to never do something like that again… but he looked so sad, almost like a kicked puppy.
“Sorry Your Grace… I just wanted to accompany you! I might have gotten a teenyyy tinyyyy bit distracted on the way. You never told me there was so many cool lookin’ beetles in your world! There was one that that was very small and red with black spots, probably not useful for beetle fighting though. And I also saw some… uh.. not to disrespect anyone but there was a really weird lookin’ dog..”
SIGHHHHHH. You started to wonder what would have happened if he really had gotten lost, or what if someone recognized him? The thought of losing one of the men scared you. Would you be to blame if one of them never made it back to Teyvat?
“Itto… I love you and everything, but never do something like this again. What if we never found you? What would have happened then? I think we should head back home..”
Itto was on the verge of tears. He’s had more beans thrown at him than he could count, but nothing ever hurt as much as this.
It took Itto a while to process that you had also said you loved him.
“M’ bad Your Grace.. I won’t follow you next time… but, I love you too Your Grace!!”
The men turned to him SO FAST?? Xiao was about to take his spear out, Al Haitham looked DISGUSTED. Kaveh and Childe’s jaws were wide OPEN.
“Childe’s right, we all love Our Grace, not just you.” Diluc only said this because he wanted to be the one to say “I love you”, but you didn’t need to know that. If it was for anything else he would never agree with a harbinger.
“That doesn’t even make sense! Why can’t I love and appreciate our beloved Creator? You guys are all just mad that I, the Number One Oni, Arataki Itto, am Your Grace’s FAVORITE.”
“WHAT? NO! Your Grace is that true?”
How many sighs have you let out today? This must be a full time job because you just let out another sigh.
“No, it’s not. I love all of you equally! Don’t start any problems with each other in public, please… We should be heading home anyways. Look at the sky, the sun will set soon.”
Almost in synch, the men respond “Yes, Your Grace!”
Seeing them like this made you feel all happy and giddy… It was nice seeing them together with you in the picture. You smiled at them and they just stared. They waited for you to turn around before looking at each other almost competitively. It was clear that each and every one of them wanted you for themselves in some way.
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It was finally time to head home!!! After one long and exhausting day, you finally made it back.
The rest of the men were waiting patiently for you (Venti, Wanderer, Lyney and Heizou had to be held back by Albedo, Dainsleif and Pierro.)
“Hi, Venti… I missed you all too..” Venti’s arms were wrapped tightly around you, while he cried onto your shoulder.
“Your Grace, you’re here!” Thoma looked.. tired. Just what happened while you were gone? You decided to ask just incase.
“Hi Thoma, and everyone else. Did anything happen while me and the others were gone?” You had a gut feeling that something happened… they were unusually quiet… too quiet.
“A fight broke out between The Puppet and Cyno.”
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AAAAAHHHHHHH thank you so much for 200 notes on my last fic omg y’all got me giggling to myself and spinning in my bed stop.. First long fic!!1!1! I plan on making little comic based off of the “The Creator has a.. LOVER?!” fic with the Zhongli and Venti scene with reader!! Yayyy! I Hope u guys enjoy this AUGH it makes me so happy to see people liking my noob writing thats really just me writing my thought and daydreams ilyily
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Archive link because paywall but LOOK WHAT'S IN THE TIMES. CLOWNFALL BEHIND THE SCENES. https://archive.is/GdLCM
God there's so much in this but let's start with:
November 7 I am blessed with the use of a car to share with Commons leader Penny Mordaunt. On its first outing, the government car service sends a very pleasant driver who has clearly never been outside the M25 and is totally unfamiliar with the rural, unlit lanes of west Wales. We crawl along, following the verge in and out of every yard and gateway until we get to a road with white lines, where normality is restored.
January 11, 2023 Just before PMQs we get a call to say one of our MPs, Andrew Bridgen, has made a Twitter connection between the vaccine rollout and the Holocaust. No 10 is initially inclined to “demand an apology” but due to Bridgen being an utter knob, we agree the more decisive and meaningful course of action is to suspend the whip with “immediate effect”. The antivaxers go spare; to them our move confirms the Deep State is at work. The reality is he is a malevolent creep whom nobody likes, and we really don’t need him in our party. A massive cheer goes up in the whips’ office when I tell them.
Get fucked Andrew you disgustoid.
June 7/8 Harriet Harman calls by to tell me her privileges committee will publish the report into Boris [Johnson] on June 29 and hand it to him on Friday at noon. It will recommend a 20-day suspension, which will almost certainly result in a recall motion and by-election. Brace for impact. I speak to BoJo, who is questioning whether there is any procedural route by which we can kill off the report or at least vote it down. In any normal circumstances, a former PM asking for special treatment would be a big deal but this being Boris, it doesn’t surprise me at all. Worryingly, it doesn’t even annoy me that much either. So I remind him, as nicely as I can, that it was he who set up this process, he who approved its terms of reference and he who accepted Harriet Harman as its chair. “But I was in India and I wasn’t concentrating,” comes the reply. “I left it all to the whips.” Not sure that will wash, even if it were true.
GOD I'm so glad he's gone. Fucking hell, you get away from the crass incompetence of that fucking buffering pig-stuffed buffoon mask for a couple of years and your mind heals and forgets just how bad he was.
July 6 The standards committee publishes its report on Chris Pincher (accused of groping a young man), concluding with an eight-week suspension. He is finished. On the face of it, the sentence seems unbelievably harsh given he has lost his job, all his money and most of his friends. On the other hand, maybe we are all discovering that “squeezing people’s arses” is not acceptable, however fleetingly or however drunken the circumstances.
Yeah, Simon, maybe you are learning sexual harassment is not acceptable, Jesus Christ. I also managed to forget the extent to which Simon Hart is Mammy's Specialest Turd. But that's actually a good thing, because this whole thing is written as him just having the most increasingly stressful year of his entire life as Tory after Tory goes to an orgy and shits on someone's head, or goes to a party dressed as Jimmy Saville and fucks a blow-up doll, or Suella Happens Again. The whole thing is increasingly written like he wants to cry, but also like he's the One Reasonable Man in the whole place; particularly interesting is the way he tries to throw others under the bus when he was all on board with their shit while in power.
Anyway. Christ I'm glad to see the back of them all.
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hee0soo · 3 months ago
Coachella, Baby!
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Pairing — Song Mingi x afab!Reader
Summary — Not quite sober and having enjoyed the set you were most waiting for, you and your friend enjoyed the rest of your weekend in the desert. Not knowing what else it held ready for you...
Genre — smut, fluff if you squint
Warnings — fingering, penetrative sex , alcohol, stay safe kids and use condoms!
Word Count — 2.5k
Rating — NSFW
A/N — I don't know why i always think i can do smut but here you go! Also i'm a about 8 months late with this so oopsiee :))
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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When your friend had surprised you with tickets for this years coachella to see one of your favorite groups perform, you weren't sure if you wanted to kiss her or smack her for spending so much money!
But now, standing a little to the side with a clear view of Ateez performing on the stage underneath the Sahara tent, you were sure your soul had left your body and had descended to heaven right then and there!
The bass was loud, filling your ears pleasantly, the vibration of the music playing and making the locals dance and bang their heads enthusiastically while Atinys were screaming their lungs out to make the group on stage hear their own fanchat with pride. You were glad that you could experience this milestone alongside those boys while they gave their all during the powerful set list they had chosen for the night.
And the visuals were a dream in and for itself! Unmatched even!
From the captains sudden change to cherry red hair, San's abs flaunted right in your face, Seonghwa's very low cut shirt to Mingi's almost white hair and chest tattoo, you were impressed that your legs were still working when the set was finally over and it was already late at night when you and your friend came back to the hotel.
The plan for the next day was simple. You hadn’t planned any specifics with her, instead opting to just go wherever you liked for the next 2 days and when you saw videos of the members enjoying their time watching other artists you didn’t think much of it. Happy that they enjoyed their stay, you weren’t planning to seek out any of them. You wanted to give them the privacy they deserved and not burden them with questions or attention.
With that in mind, you and your best friend, kept walking from stage to stage until it became dark again and while you watched over the other girl as she downed one shot after the other, you stayed sober enough to be clear minded. At least enough to realize that you had managed to trip over you own two feet and land in the arms of a complete stranger.
Hastily you freed yourself from the gentle hands holding onto your upper arms, apologizing profusely.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you oka-?" you froze in your tracks the moment your not entirely sober brain caught up with the moment. Words that before had come out of your mouth like a waterfall, cut of and you were stunned to silence the second you realized that the person that caught you was not just a random stranger visiting the festival.
Dark brown eyes that somewhat reminded you of molten chocolate stared into your e/c ones and a devilishly handsome yet friendly grin made your heart skip a beat! His white hair looked wild and disheveled; standing into every direction while barely being tamed by the pair of sun glasses atop his head!
The carefree aura surrounding him had you relaxing instantly.
For a moment you just stood there, buffering while you tried to understand what was happening.
"I, uhm, okay?" the deep drawl of his voice went straight to your lower regions, lighting a fire you didn't know had been burning.
Quickly switching gear at the obvious, although adorable, struggle at communication in English, your next words made his face brighten even further if possible. The familiar sound of his own language causing his nose to scrunch up cutely and for once in your life you thanked the seemingly endless nights of studying for giving you the ability to understand and speak at least some Korean!
"I'm sorry Mingi-ssi, I really wasn't trying to bother you!" you explained with a rushed bow of your head.
The tall rapper waved you off. "No, I'm glad I caught you! Can't let a pretty woman like yourself get hurt," the wink he sent you paired with the way he was very obviously checking you out made your cheeks burn. "And your korean is so good too!"
"Ah, thank you that means a lot! I'm also glad to see that you can enjoy yourself like this freely," you said with a head tilt to the stage where ISOKNOCK was still playing. The smile never left his face. "Yeah, I'm really enjoying the view right now…”
Mingi took a step forward, reducing the distance between your body and his as he came to stand by your side while you were vibing to the music.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," you winked and turned back to face the stage. You could feel him hovering behind you, eyes staring at the back of your head for a moment before whispering a soft, "Yeah...”.
Searching the crowd for your best friend, you found her dancing with a tall brunette that was feeling her up rather enthusiastically. The way it looked you knew that she wasn't gonna stay around much longer and would soon search for a spot to fuck the stranger into tomorrow.
She winked over his shoulder at you and you laughed at her antics before she took his hand and disappeared in the crowd.
"Was that your friend?"
You looked at him over your shoulder, nodding and looking upfront again. "Yes, seems like I'll be leaving alone later tho." you chuckled.
"And you aren't planning to do the same as her? Leave with someone to have some fun, I mean?"
His words made you stop your dancing and startled look back at his face again. He was smiling still but something about the twinkle in his eyes caused you to pickup on the ultirior motive behind said smile. It looked almost mischievous!
"Are you offering?"
The surprise in your voice was evident. Did he really just- ask if you were down to go fuck with him? Him? Mingi? Rapper of your favorite boy group? You were already surprised that you had kept your cool once you had known who had caught you and that he hadn't immediately left right after!
The man shrugged, his oversized black jacket with the little fix on drawing printed on, slipping ever so slightly. Revealing a small bit of tattoo on his chest. You gulped.
"Would you agree if I was?"
Suddenly his voice was much closer then before; him having leaned forward to whisper directly into your ear. You felt dizzy. With his front now almost pressed to your back, you could feel the warmth emanating from his body. It left you breathless and the touch of his hand on your waist did not make it better.
Humming quietly you nodded.
"What was that? I need words darling…” he drawled out, the music long having faded into the background.
You swallowed harshly.
"Yes, I would! Please…” you whispered hoping that he could hear you. Mingis hand left your side which you automatically missed until he reached for your hand instead, leading you away through the crowd and away from any people.
Panic struck when you remembered the amount of cameras surrounding you and him and what they could pick up.
He must have sensed that something was wrong. "Don't mind them." Hurrying to get out of the spotlight, the rapper led you to the backstage area, waving at the security guard who nodded at him with a low whistle that had your cheeks burning.
You recognized the trailers that the artists used to get ready for the show or simply to hangout and you almost squealed walking past Sabrina Carpenter!
While you weren't sure where you were being led to, Mingi knew exactly where he was going. The yellow sign with Ateez written in dark purple glitter pinned to one of the trailer doors clueing you in very soon.
Picking the lock swiftly, Mingi gestured for you to come inside before doing the same. The door of the trailer falling shut behind him.
You looked around, taking in the surroundings. There were multiple vanity tables, chairs and an unbelievable amount of luggage standing at the side but what caught your eyes specifically, was the big and very comfortable looking couch.
His hot breath fanned over the exposed skin of your neck, making you shudder and goosebumps appeared on your arms. Your purse mindlessly dropping to the floor and Mingi wrapped his arms around you from behind, plush lips pressing a kiss to the sensitive spot right below your ear, making you shudder.
You tipped your head back, letting it rest against his shoulder. Enjoying the feeling of his mouth trailing down your neck. The soft sting of his teeth nibbling on the skin getting soothed by his tongue licking over the bites like a little kitten. The temperature inside the room suddenly much warmer and a thin sheen of sweat appeared on your skin.
The man let up from your neck to walk in front of you, fingers reaching for you to pull you along, dropping down on the couch and take you down with him. Now perched up on his lap you couldn't stop yourself from pressing your lips to his in an urgent kiss. Not hesitating to reciprocate Mingi let his tongue run over your lower lip begging to be let in. His left hand found purchase on your waist, the left one pushing up the fabric of your skirt and squeezing the flesh of your thigh.
Your breath hitched at the touch and Mingi used the chance to deepen the kiss further.
With clumsy moves and shacking fingers you pulled down the zipper of his jacket, shrugging it of his shoulders and revealing a low cut black tank top and more of his tattoo. Gripping the hem of the shirt you pulled it over his head and threw it carelessly somewhere behind you.
"Fuck, I knew it looked good but damn-" you gasped out, finger tips brushing over his chest and making him laugh loudly.
“Good to know that it had it's desired effect ." he winked and removed your own top to throw it to the side. He admired you with hooded eyes, the strap of your bra slipping down your shoulder. Quick and definitely knowing how, he opened the clasp on the back and with a smooth shrug of your shoulder the offending piece of clothing landed somewhere behind you on the floor.
Mingi used the moment of distraction to lean forward, his plush lips now wrapped around your nipple, licking and sucking like he had spend a lifetime doing it. A moan ripped through the silence of the night and you could feel yourself clench around nothing while the rapper used his mouth to tease your breast as his hand fondled the other gently. Thumb flicking over the nub, stimulating it deliciously.
You could feel his other hand resting on your waist, guiding the rolling of your hips against the very prominent bulge in his pants. Until now, you hadn't even noticed that you had started grinding against him and judging by the blissed out expression, Mingi didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
At a particular hard roll against his dick, Mingi Iet up and an almost whiny sound of desperation escaped his throat.
"Want you out of those pants," you panted against his mouth, knowing full well that's what he wanted too.
"Fuck yes, please?" Mingi gasped lowly. His face was scrunched together in pleasure and with barely opened eyes the man nodded again for good measure. At this point he was already so hard that it was almost painful wearing the prison of fabric that were his pants and underwear and the little sounds he made went straight to your pussy.
You could feel your underwear very well sticking to the skin, sure that it was a whole mess in them by now after grinding against him and it wouldn’t surprise you if you had soaked his sweatpants too.
With your skirt scrunched together at your waist you pulled away, his mouth separating from your tits and a sound of disappointment came from him.
It sounded suspiciously close to a whine which in return made you smirk smugly down at him.
“Get these off.” You demanded with a teasing peck to his cheek and loved the wide boba eyes he gave you at the change of tone in your voice. Mingi entranced by the look on your face quickly rushed to do as he was told.
His cock sprang free and hit his stomach before bouncing back and you could feel your mouth watering at this.
“Good boy.” You purred, forcing him to look into your eyes by holding his face just how you wanted it; thumb gliding smoothly over his cheek bone and you let up once more to shrug your panties down your legs.
When you reached for the hem of your skirt, Mingi stopped you and shook his head with begging eyes.
“Leave it, you look so sexy in it…”
So you left it. Hands lowering to his shoulders you sat back down in his lap which Mingi did not stay in for long as he twisted you around so you were suddenly trapped under his large frame, caged in by his arms right next to your head and making it impossible to escape.
Not that you wanted to.
The man above you surged forward to meet your lips in urgency. His cock was rubbing against the inside of your thigh searching for your cunt to plunge into.
“Can’t wait anymore, can i-“ he gasped against your mouth.
“Yes! God, yes pleeease!” you keened in return and let your head sink back into the cushions of the couch, lifting you hips a bit so he could line himself up.
His head caught against the opening of your pussy and you groaned in unison with Mingi when he finally pushed himself in.
It didn’t take much for the rapper to absolutely lose it. As soon as he was sheathed inside you, he lost control over himself. His head fell forward as loud moans filled the trailer and his thrusts were met with the rolling of your hips.
You felt like you were send straight to heaven. Riding the cloud of ecstasy as you got fucked just like you needed him to.
It was evident that Mingi very well knew what to do [don’t argue with me on this cause my man absolutely knows how to fuck!!!].
You were both so wound up that it didn’t take long for your orgasm to build up.
You slung your legs behind his ass, urging him to go faster. Your hand reached for his hair to hold onto while your other went down to rub your clit and a high pitched whine fell from your lips and went directly into Mingi’s ear.
His thrusts grew erratic as you both hurled towards your peak.
Your walls clamped down on his dick sending yourself and him over the edge. White hot cum spilled out while Mingi did not stop plunging himself into you, fucking you through the waves of your orgasm to let you ride it and you felt his seed run down the inside of your thighs when his moves stuttered and slowed down.
The pleasurable pain of overstimulation burned through you and neither you nor Mingi had the strength to move. The man let his man rest against your bare chest before letting out a soft chuckle.
“What?” you asked, amusement lacing your voice at his demeanor.
Mingi glanced up with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
“Coachelly, baby!”
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shadesofmauve · 27 days ago
Alliance Normandy SR2 redesign: Deck 2
All of the decks are longer and skinnier than what we see in game. (This isn't a complaint; running through a long skinny map is tedious!). The command deck is a particular puzzle, because it doesn't need to be as long as it is, and we're supposed to believe it's much longer — extending all the way to the nose, which it can't do unless the deck curves down:
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Aesthetically, I'd like the command deck to extend farther forward than I've drawn it. Practically, I can't think of a reason why it would.
CIC & cockpit
Spaceships fly by instrumentation; you can steer from anywhere, so there's no reason to hike an extra forty-four meters to the cockpit. There are also far more work stations shown in game than seem reasonable: 14 in the CIC and corridor to the cockpit. What are they all doing? When you take into account capable Virtual Intelligence systems (the Alliance didn't know about EDI, but would have designed for a VI) it's even sillier, so I drastically reduced the number of stations in the CIC, and removed them from the corridor entirely.
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The corridor needs to stay to keep the feel of the space, so I used it for escape pod access. In the CIC itself, I kept the shape but oriented the workstations forward in case of inertial-buffer overloads*. There are two doors to the CIC, so the Officer of the Watch doesn't have a door directly at their back.
I also added a ready room, the office for the Officer of the Watch (accessible from the CIC), which also serves as a briefing room. In Sunset and Evening Star, this is where Shepard and First Office Nguyen have their morning meetings.
*Any system can overload. The trick with inertial overloads in fiction is convincing the reader that there's enough overload to feel without mashing everyone inside into paste, which is an astonishingly narrow window. It's an even narrower window if the human is sideways to the inertial force; we are very bad at surviving that.
The awkward middle
I stretched out the area forward of the elevator as much as I could. As well as the two new offices, there's a head for the CIC crew, another escape pod, and access to the secure areas aft. Moving that access here reduces traffic through the CIC.
(It's still a big waste of space).
Moving aft: from tactics to strategy
While the Captain commands the ship in the Combat Information Center, the Admiral leads the fleet from the War Room.
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Turning starboard from the elevator, there's a security station (so Private Campbell can remain the most put-upon person in the Alliance Navy). Past that is the Admiral's office, which wasn't finished when the reapers attacked Earth.
The Alliance is actively trying to take a larger role in galactic affairs, so there are some concessions to other species. In addition to the conference room, there's a head with a stall big enough for a krogan, and a beverage station set up for both dextro and levo species. Please click to embiggen and admire my stupid little coffee mugs.
The war room is centered, in the most protected part of the ship. It keeps it's general layout, but with fewer stations (focused inward so staff can see the strat map holo display). Only one is usually manned. The Strategic Map is the grand-scale equivalent to the Tactical Modeler in the CIC. (The names are wishful thinking; in a real military both would be impenetrable acronyms).
The QEC is the same Mystery Communications Circle it is in the game, but only a quarter of the way around the War Room from the entry instead of on the opposite side.
Normandy SR2 redesign posts
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letsquestjess · 2 months ago
Paint My Love (Echo x F!Reader)
Summary: Echo loves to see you paint, but doesn't bank on the swell of emotions when you lovingly paint your love onto him.
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: 18+ / MDNI! Smut. Unprotected PiV.
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With a gliding swipe of the paintbrush, blush tones outstripped and tempered the fiery red beneath. Fleecy clouds met with silky sky, the canvas filling with the delightful distant landscape as your rendition unfolded in mellow curves and serene shades. 
Your involvement in the clone network rarely permitted you time to indulge in a hobby. Planet hopping, eluding blaster bolts, and cracking codes occupied every waking moment, hauling captive and injured clones from the depths of Imperial prisons and extracting vital information from enemy systems. The task you undertook voluntarily, a decision you neither regretted nor deplored, but in the process, you abandoned much of your life. 
In moments such as these, you gladly seized whatever buffers and downtime you were offered without complaint about the shortness of the respite or the chance of being called to another critical situation. Everything Rex and his network did ensured a better galaxy, a denial of victory and power to the Empire, and the opportunity to see the sun rise over the freedom of every despairing world. 
You hoped the sunrise of that prospective dawn promised to prove as beautiful and inspiring as the one you painted, tracking the migration of sky vapours with your brush and the silvery streak contrasting the subdued corals and cardinals. A lilac hue crowned the horizon, and you contemplated which tints to mix to get the matching shade. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you painting,” Echo commented as he descended the ramp, distracted by the array of pleasing colours and shapes crafted by your skillful hand. 
“It’s been a while since I had the chance,” you replied. “Does Rex know to expect some more brothers?”
“He does. Also told him we’re going to stay for a couple of days to check the transmissions. I’ve set up a sweep of Imperial systems, but it could take a while, so we have some time.” 
Scomp link coasting down your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder, he considered your artwork with a contented grin. “You always manage to see the good in everything.” 
“Bad things do not deserve a thought wasted on them,” you replied with a decided shrug. “I reserve that space for the things that make me happy.” 
“And that stubborn streak.” 
In answer to his jest, you dabbed his nose with the tip of your paintbrush and swallowed a chuckle at the responding arched eyebrow, dropping the brush into the jar of pigmented water. 
“I’m not used to having free time,” you said, mopping up the sapphire blob with the frayed towel over your shoulder. “What will we do?” 
“Wait for the scans and ensure we’re ready to move as soon as we get the results, but the rest, I suppose we… relax.” His face scrunched as though he sniffed something foul. That sounded wrong. In their line of work, relaxation never presented itself. Not even in times of quiet. 
The rumination creased his features, and you eased your fingertips up to his cheekbones to encourage him to loosen up. “At any rate, I’m going to need more canvases. I didn’t realise I had my supplies until I checked the cupboard last night. Must have left them there when I painted those posters for Rex.” 
Echo nosed into your touch. Faith in the good and your confidence in a better tomorrow shone in those images, declaring to the galaxy that they were defended and inspiring them to rise. “You could always use me,” he said, more tease in his tone and temptation in the amber flecks in his eyes than he intended. “As a canvas, I mean. If you needed. I… um… wouldn’t be opposed to you… trying that out…”
Covering his face in embarrassment with a gloved hand and his posture slumping, he retreated. Since you formed your attachment almost a year ago, his attempts at flirting grew worse in his mind, fumbled words attempting to sound exciting and falling flat. Yet each time, you found him more endearing and increasingly sweet.  
“The paints I use are safe for skin if you wanted to be my canvas,” you told him, removing the rectangular painting from the easel and setting it beside the ship steps to dry. 
He wound up to graciously refuse, to insist he did not wish to disturb your quiet peace or steal away your artistic resources, but everything you touched with your talents, you planted a shred of your soul into, and he pondered how he might look with your creations decorating him. “Actually, I’d like that.”
“In that case,” you said, your bright smile making every facet glow, “I’ll go set up the cockpit and I can paint you while we wait for those scans.” 
Spare rolls of fabric draped the co-pilot seat, and a tiered palette kept the array of matte and metallic colours neat while you organised your utensils. Pillars of sunlight provided a muted bloom, and settling Echo into the covered seat, you counted the various brushes and tested the bristles were smooth enough not to irritate his skin. 
“You’ll have to remove your shirt if you want me to paint on you,” you told him, offering an opening for him to retract his offer if he decided not to continue. He pulled an arm and his scomp link through the sleeves of his blacks and set the article of clothing over the navigation console chair. 
“Am I sat right?” he asked, wriggling and twisting in the seat. “I can move if you need me to, or-”
You dumped your jacket onto the inactive panel behind you and covered his lap with an old tatty blanket. “Just relax.”
Soaking the first brush into a silky maroon tint, you knelt and softly began your patterns. You let your heart guide your hand, winding around the embedded ports in his stomach and chuckling at the slight laugh he returned when the strands tickled his sternum. 
The colour choices flowed with your instincts, motifs and designs floating in your mind as you washed the brushes in between each pigment. You tuned into the steady swell and drop of Echo’s chest, meeting every breath tenderly pushing at the paintbrush. 
Enraptured in your concentration and the blossoms of your creativity, Echo remained unmoving, peeping as you expressed your love on his torso. You never ceased to amaze him in your artistry and your innovation, head tilted at a tender angle and teeth snagging your bottom lip as you chewed in studious contemplation. Your innate ingenuity permeated other parts of your life and on more than one occasion, hauled you from the fire and came to your aid, preventing you from ending up in an Imperial prison or worse. 
Stars, he wished he could express how you made him feel, how your radiance warmed him and your surety emboldened him to believe the galaxy would see better days. He hoped you realised how wonderful you were, that you never once needed to doubt yourself, because if he had to place bets on anyone, it would always be you. 
Inch by inch, brilliant designs of strength and light coated his skin, the rising and easing of his chest pulling the strings of his life into glorious being. For the first time in far too long, he felt himself, vibrant like he once was before the explosion that ripped him apart and remade him a machine. Your art brought together both parts of him into acceptance and new perspectives. 
“How incredible you are,” he breathed in a besotted exhale, swallowing the bloated tears of elation. 
His palm nestled your cheek and his thumb flicked over your lips. You set the brush aside and went to cup his face, stopping short at the stain on your palms. 
“Considering how much paint I have on my chest, do you think I’d mind a little more?” Echo coaxed you onto his lap, mindful of the drying designs as he let you wiggle yourself comfortable. “Thank you.” 
“What for?” you asked, planting a kiss to the tip of his nose and trailing your lips towards his neck. 
“Reminding me who I am.” 
Your kisses ceased, and you fixed on the reminiscent glimmer in his gaze. “You don’t need me to remind you who you are.” 
“Sometimes I forget. It’s like I was someone completely different before… before everything that happened, but that same trooper is still in there.” His scomp link rested on the small of your back and his thumb massaged circles on your hip. 
“Still the same foolhardy ARC trooper to me,” you assured him, fingers delighting in the contours of his face before idling on his jaw. “Only now with added stubble.” You scratched playfully at the scruff on his chin. “What was it Rex told me once? You used to shave so meticulously you could use your cheeks as mirrors?” 
A spirited chuckle rumbled in the depths of Echo’s chest and your designs fluttered with the movement. “That is a wild exaggeration.”
“Wild exaggeration, huh?” 
Echo clocked the mischief in your tone and the arched eyebrow as you pursued the strain in his pants. At the wriggle in your feigned repositioning and the grind of your hips, he momentarily closed his eyes and grunted under his breath. Maker have mercy for the way you liked to tease him. 
“I know you’re doing that on purpose,” Echo pointed out.
“Am not.”
“I believe that is what we would definitely call a wild exaggeration.” 
You gasped dramatically and splayed your fingers on his chest. As he laughed at your antics, he wrenched your hips down onto him again. “Anyone would think you liked that,” you cooed, your own arousal dripping and desperate for attention. 
“Perhaps I do,” he responded, dipping his thumb into the waistband of your pants. His touches graced your core, tiny flicks and presses of his fingertips edging you towards delight. 
Hungry for him the more your flirts danced, you hopped off him to remove your clothing and straddled him before the fabric even hit the cockpit floor. Soft kisses became starved as you rocked on him, the intensity between your legs unbearable. 
“It’s been too long since we’ve had some time to ourselves,” Echo panted. 
“Need you,” you keened, intent on not permitting your nails to sink into his shoulder in your haste to feel more of him. 
“No patience?” 
You shook your head and stopped grinding your hips long enough for him to reach into his underwear and withdraw his cock, give it a few pumps, and line himself with your entrance.
“Take your time, love,” Echo soothed, sensing the impatience in the little creases between your brows as you gradually sank onto him. “We don’t need to rush.” 
While you knew you had no reason to hurry, the ache within you burned boundless and fluorescent. You lowered yourself the last centimetre, and a satisfied breath escaped your chest at the fill. 
In an unhurried, endless rhythm, your thighs tensed in the rolling flow and you brought yourself down again on his length, assisted by his encouraging lift as he met you halfway. As your bodies moved as one, your breaths intermingled, kisses exchanged instead of words between the rise and drop of your love. 
“Echo,” you whined, the knot inside you unravelling and pulling deliciously as he buried himself in your heat and rolled your nipple between a finger and thumb, the thought of approaching your activity without haste abandoned. You both needed each other. Patience be damned to the depths. 
Your whimpers met with a low grunt. Neither of you were going to last much longer, you craved that closeness, that blessed bond. Building the friction between your sweat-coated skin, you crested the gratifying wave together, nails biting into flesh and your climaxes hitting their groan-filled peaks. 
Echo clutched you as the final throes circuited and fizzled, nuzzling at your neck. He peered down between your bodies where paint smeared his torso and residue smudges dusted yours. 
“Maybe we should wash this off,” you suggested in a calming breath as his release began to leak out between your legs. “Share a shower and save some water. Who knows how long we will be waiting for the scans to complete?” 
“Hopefully long enough for us to do this again,” Echo chuckled, boosting you into his arms, still comfortably inside you. “Come on. Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll make some breakfast.” 
“You spoil me,” you murmured, snuggling into the rocking motion as he moved you to the rear of the ship. 
“Oh, that’s just for starters.” He balanced you in one arm and nudged the button for the fresher with his scomp link, the door whooshing open. “I’m going to spoil you as much as I can and then some.” 
If you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, feel free to send me a message (18+ only).
@cw80831 @stardusthuntress @spicy-clones
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iwrite-sinsandtragedies · 8 months ago
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Day 7 — AU ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @goldengroovy's @olnfweek2024
MC: Ai/Sky
MC: Micha
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Finally, y'all have the finished piece with Cove in it! (I'm genuinely flabbergasted at the amount of notes that have accumulated on that bloody crooked eyed wip tbh, all of you are insane).
I like to think that unleashing Micha on Derek is much like unleashing Tamarack on Qiu in some respect 😂 luckily, Micha's absolutely cutie patootie little self makes up for quite a lot of his dickish behaviours lmfaooo. Also, he and Cove simply share the same brain, that's just how it is sorry. They looked into each other's eyes on that first meeting and promptly fused their consciousness 🤣
As for Ai, I'm pretty sure that setting her loose on an unsuspecting new town without Cove's influence to buffer her is like a class A felony or something LOL. I feel so sorry for them, they honestly got so lucky with Micha. Ai doesn't have the same reservations - she's such a disaster but that's why I love her 😏 Baxter is 100% going to be out of his depth and I'm honestly loving how much she always makes that poor boy lose his footing. Speaking of 😌✨ the dynamic change is that Tamarack is like her new Lee, aka her ultimate bestie while Qiu is still her other crush, along with Baxter as well ofc.
Quick left turn btw, I've realised that, since I've aged Micha up a year, I've effectively made the two of them twins by accident 🤷‍♂️ not that it's a bad thing! It's a fun new addition to their dynamic and I'll have to write it down somewhere eventually - for now, it's just a cute little thought that I'm sharing with the class 🥰
A/N: So! That's it for the OLNF Week prompts for me! This was so much fun, guys!!! But, now that I'm finished, I can spend a few days catching up on my damn sleep before I have to start really working on that OLBA prompt 😂 lord, help me. I'm so glad I'm not going to be doing the full week for that one. I'm so freaking tired yo.
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kanmom51 · 8 months ago
Are you sure? Announcement
Ok, so waking up to this little surprise kind of made my day.
With this following:
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The two of them in a nutshell. 🤣
And this is how it looks on the Big Hit IG account.
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Curious how their names are actually placed next to the other, so that JK's name is next to JM and JM's name is next to JK's.
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Curious is what I am going to say.
But back to that little surprise we got.
And before I get into it I want to stress, and this is a given by now, but I will say it once again: these are my observations and opinions. Opinions being the key word here.
Just before we begin on this little surprise clip we got, can someone explain why it's titled 'Are you sure?!' Announcement (from USA) when it actually looks like this was filmed when they were in Jeju?🤔
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I'm sorry, but we afraid of watering down, were we?
They couldn't even edit out the gay from a 1:23 min. announcement...
And this is them trying really hard to be on their best behavior for less than a couple of minutes on camera with a script to follow. 🤣
What will we be getting when they are in a relaxed natural setting???
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With so much stand alone Jikook content, no amount of editing will be able to hide their dynamics, what they are to each other, what they mean to each other.
I cannot wait!!!
I've already mentioned this in the reblog of JM's Muse numbers, but I am bringing this up again the 1:23!!!
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Intentional. A choice. Not a coincidence.
Not when this just keeps to happen again and again and again and again and again... countless times.
What can I tell you? They just melt my heart.
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The way I just know that this ended with shits and giggles.
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You can see JK breaking into laughter as the camera cuts. That little bob of his Adam's apple, snickering away.
This wasn't an easy one for them to shoot. JK looked tired (end or start of a day filled with activity?), JM looked I don't want to say flustered at times, because that is a big word, but at the same time I don't know what word to use to describe him being a little off his game. JK did his stimming and a little of his swaying, and as much as they clearly had a script to follow (I will get to that), it felt like it was still a hard one to keep a straight face to (JM was the one that mainly faltered on that part). I guess that was also him finding it hard to stay stoic when JK is being adorable, and even harder to do when you have to read out a script describing something that as is has you a little anxious, and you are JM and think that every single thing that JK does is adorable.
This announcement was all about them and only them. We know how they are with these announcements with the other 5 around to buffer them. Not only was there none of that here, but this was about them, their show, their travels, their Tokyo (notice how very unalike themselves they were while talking about the Tokyo trip? Trying to be unemotional? Like reading out of a text - which they basically were). This show is not a big deal for them. It's a huge deal. And it's not about 'coming out' or not. This is the first time we are being allowed into their world, just them. Not a few minutes of interaction. A whole show seeing them in what JM described ups and downs (I am very curious to see what that's about). We have seen them in relaxed situations in the past. We had BV and ITS. But that has 7 members with interactions and dynamics amongst the lot. This is just JM and JK the whole time. And even with a shit ton of editing that will surely be going on, we are going to be getting a peek into THEM, and this is something that is a huge deal for them, even more so JM.
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This is JM talking about the show, their moments that they will be sharing with us. And think that this is JM talking before Sapporo (not to mention Tokyo which looks like we aren't going to be getting any of in this show - shock - not really).
If there was an unscripted moment in this clip, I tend to think this might have been it. Other than that, I think that the two were pretty much on script.
Now let's address that one for a second shall we?
I do believe this announcement recording was scripted. They weren't doing bullet points. This was too hard for them to come up with off the top of their heads. Situation too charged. So there was a script, that could have even been written by themselves. There were things that needed to be said, points to keep to, especially if it was them having this all squeezed into a neat 1:23 minute clip. And just winging it, even more so on this specific subject matter was not an option (btw, most of their announcements are scripted, we see that, we know that, and this in that sense is no different, although again, this one was, in my opinion, way harder for them).
This clip we got to see today is them being on camera scripted for 1:23 minutes.
And this is them on camera without a script for basically the same amount of time (even less in the one frame).
This, my friends, is a good example as to why they needed not only dot points but an actual script to follow here, lol.
So, you understand now why this HAD to be scripted. Same reason why JM kept denying JK of his wish to have a live together.
Before continuing, just wanted to mention this as well:
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The way JK is holding on to his hand (there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, this was just him holding himself back). That was the first thing I thought of when this clip started and JK was standing that way holding his hand. But then I looked again and what did I see? Nothing too significant, just the two mirroring each other in they way they are placing their hands, left hand over right. Not a biggie, just a cutie. At the start of the clip, as seen above. And towards the end of it, as seen below.
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Back to the scripting... sorry for getting off track. It's not me it's them.🤣
And then you will say: "well, what's the difference between that (as in the announcement clip) and the show?" and to that I will reply:
The show is them being them, travelling, having fun doing different activities, relaxing, at times forgetting the cameras are even there. They get to be themselves without holding back. Because they know that if they are themselves too much then they have the editing to fall back on. Not to mention the difference between an announcement or a live where the full attention is on the audience, that's us (and if they don't have a script they tend to lose focus on us and focus on each other instead - same reason JM told us in the past why he didn't have JK over for his live - he would be paying attention to him instead of us), and the travel show where the attention is on them and their interactions. In that capacity they are supposed to forget the cameras are there. The cameras are there to document them being themselves, natural, with genuine interactions, which they will be, and we, my friends, are going to enjoy every single second of it.
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Back to our announcement clip.
The amount of cuts and probably re-takes they needed here. And even with this obviously scripted message it was hard for them to stay grounded (yes, for both of them).
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I see where Bunny is going with this and that cut does feel a heck a lot sus. And it is very possible that JK did say something that flustered JM. Although I do still believe that his "I'm not even sure it's ok to release this" isn't meant for something JK might have said while recording this clip (which had multiple cuts to it as they knew it would), but more so to what was referenced by them as "you'll see us as we are".
And yes, it appears like JM is pulling JK back into frame, but if you watch the full video you see that they were both kind of going in and out of it without JM bothering too much. So why here? First off, I think that JK was a little more jittery at this point, he was stimming more and doing a little of his swaying, which JM calms with a touch at times. Perhaps because this was the 'revealing' part? The one they get into a bit of the nitty gritty of the show? Idk.
But I don't think that was the only reason either. I think JM needed the touch at that moment as well. See how he moves from JK's arm to his nape holding on as he says "I'm not even sure it's ok to release this"... like he needed that reassurance himself as well at that moment.
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Idk, to me it felt like JM hand placement was done not only to comfort JK but also himself.
And cut/edit, JM is not holding on to JK anymore...
I guess what I'm trying to convey is that we are used to JM being the one to calm JK, ground him. And although I do think that was the correct assumption in the past, I do think that since 2021 that has changed and JK is to JM as JM is to JK the person who calms or grounds them. JM told us as much in Letter.
We also got to see the two with one single hoop in their left ear.
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Was this the same day, or did they just wear the hoops like that their whole Jeju getaway? JK in the photos from their meet up with Tae seems to have another earring in his right ear, so possibly not same day.
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And will leave you with this as well to do with as you wish.
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Ok, not going to talk your ears off, pun intended.
Just one more little secret to tell you, if I already have you here:
Don't tell anybody else, this is between me and you...
These two...
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They're in love.
You didn't here it from me.
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redr0sewrites · 1 year ago
Hi! I'd like to make a request if you're still open for then. It's more like two, actually. I got my nails done the other day, and I've been excited to show everyone since it's the first time I've ever done this! I was wondering if I could get one for the hazbin Hotel men and how they would react to them. For the second one I was hoping for the same characters being with a chubby reader?
Specifically, I'm curious about husk, vox and angel dust but I also wouldn't mind the rest like Adam and alastor. Just no Valentino obvi
(Romantic pls! Preferably sfw for both requests)
Thank you so much!!!
YESSSSS OFC OFC!!!! i made the pt2 w chubby!reader hcs in a separate post and linked it ♥️
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff
🥀Pairing(s): Husk, Vox, Angel Dust, Lucifer
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husk is 100% a supportive boyfriend and he admires you whenever you get your nails done
while he may not be super up to date on modern technology, he will TOTALLY take super aesthetic nail pics for you and do his best to make sure you and your nails look fabulous
if its your first time getting your nails done and your a bit nervous, husk has no qualms about accompanying you. toxic masculinity be damned, he'll sit beside you the whole time and chat with you and your nail technician about whatever
he gives great advice when it comes to colors and styles, and if you ever came to him for advice on what nails you should wear, be prepared for an entire formal slideshow on what colors he thinks would look best on you
husk loves when your nails tap against hard surfaces, the soft clicking is very soothing to him. his ears always twitch towards the sound of your fingers drumming against the bartop counter when your sitting with him while he works
he loves how your nails feel combing through his fur, and will absolutely PURR when you scratch his ears with them but will deny it to no end if you tease him about it
vox is pretty perceptive, and notices almost immediately that you changed your nails. he'll ask to see them, and will definitely praise you because of how stylish they look. vox knows you have good taste, your dating him after all!!
vox would probably show off your nails to others, and would offer for velvette to post about them on her sinstagram. or, he'll just post about you on his own account. maybe he'll take a photo of you and him with your nails in view, "casually" mentioning how lovely they look and drawing viewers attention to your lovely nails. he loves it when you both receive attention, and he wants people to know he sees you as a masterpiece
vox knows getting your nails done can take some time, and while he can't always be there in person, he'll make sure to call you or text you to make the wait more bearable. expect a lot of questions about when you'll be home, or how much longer the appointment will take
vox would probably start buffering and short circuit if he saw that your nails matched his color scheme. he LOVES the idea of you both matching through your nails, and might subtly suggest that you get blue and pink nails next time
Angel Dust
angel dust is practically your hype man! the second you tell him you're going to get your nails done he offers to accompany you, and will get a set that matches with yours!!! he loves holding your hand and admiring the way your nails match, and will randomly ask to hold your hand for the entire time you have your new nails
i'd say that angel has definitely gotten his nails done before and is probably pretty used to it, so he'll definitely calm any nerves you have. he looovessss showing off your guys' matching nails and will take a bunch of cute aesthetic nail pics with you!!!!
considering he's a celebrity, he would LOVE it if you got nails inspired by him!!!!
you two would totally have spa dates where you would go out and have full selfcare days, and get your nails done together. imagine just chilling with angel in a nail salon, relaxing as your nail technician works on your hands while your lover rambles aimlessly beside you. its a very affectionate and soft date that the two of you enjoy, and you end up going out with angel to get your nails done quite frequently
lucifer would 100% offer to accompany you if you were getting your nails done!!! he would love just getting to sit with you and chat while he watched you get your nails done, and would probably ask a lot of questions
once your nails are officially done, he showers you in compliments!!! he adores everything from the colors to the design, simply because you chose it
if you got super long nails or acrylics, lucifer would absolutely offer to do simple tasks for you. fumbling with a necklace clasp because your nails are too long? here, let him do it for you! can't pick up a tiny item? he practically teleports to your side! struggling to type?? here, just tell him what to say and he'll type every word for you!!!!
lucifer loves kissing your hands, and he loves doing it even more once you start getting your nails done. he'll press a kiss to each nail, traveling up to kiss your knuckles and then all the way up your arm to kiss your face
IVE NEVER GOTTEN MY NAILS DONE SO I TRIED TO BE AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE!!!!! APOLOGIES FOR ANY MISTAKES 😭 this was also my first time writing for husk + angel dust, which is actually shockers considering they're literally two of my favs
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dyinglikenarcissus · 6 months ago
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7k words
Warnings: 18+ only! This is pure smut. A little dubcon. Your brother’s alpha besties want you but they’ve been so good for so long. What happens when a group trip turns into a one bed situation? Also reader is Sam’s long lost sister or something. Suspend your belief 😂 (I had to include some kind of Sam for our shared birthday)
Enjoy 😊
Please do not copy or repost my work
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This really wasn’t supposed to happen.
They’re your brother’s friends. How did you end up like this?
They were supposed to be going on a boys fishing trip to celebrate your brother’s new job but he suddenly came down with something and wasn’t feeling up to it and, as his roommate and baby sister, they insisted you take his place. You didn’t know the first thing about fishing! But when it came to his two alpha buddies you got all tongue tied and your omega came spilling out like an over boiling pot. They were just so handsome and big and imposing and charismatic. They have great jobs and fancy cars and penthouse apartments. The ideal alphas.
It also didn’t help that you were a couple weeks away from your heat. It just makes their sway over you more powerful. They didn’t mean any harm. They were just used to being surrounded by other alphas. They didn’t know how to reign it in. Normally your brother was around as a buffer. You were rarely ever alone with them…
The two hour car ride was the longest you’d ever spent with just the two of them. They went on and on about baseball and beer and guns and other things you had absolutely no knowledge about so you just sat quietly in the back seat with your phone and your switch and prayed you were almost there.
But it would be fine! It was supposed to be a huge family suite with a bunch of rooms and a full kitchen and everything. You’d have your own space to retreat to if they became…too much for you.
But being there gave you absolutely no relief.
“I’m sorry!” The hotel front desk manager started after looking up your stay. “We accidentally overbooked and had to give away your room. We can rectify it tomorrow but tonight all we have is a single king.”
They readily agreed, not paying any attention to your protest. They said it would be fun. Like camping.
You never liked camping.
So now you stand between the rock that is Steve Rogers and the hard place that is Bucky Barnes.
“We’ll just take the floor, kitten,” Bucky smiles using the nickname they’ve called you since you were children. “I prefer it anyway. Better for my back.”
“Yeah. You get comfortable. Don’t worry about us,” Steve assures you. You just nod while the boys call down for extra pillows and blankets and food while you clean up from the long drive. It wasn’t super late but it was late enough that you weren’t going to do anything else tonight. The boys wanted to get up early. Apparently that’s when the fish are most active? The most you knew about fishing was from Animal Crossing and if any of that was true, they should be waiting for it to rain. Which reminds you that you that you need to water your flowers in your little digital town. You’ll do it as soon as you’re out of the shower…
Well, ain’t this some shit.
You didn’t exactly pack to share close quarters.
The only PJs you brought were mini shorts and cropped tank tops that were pretty much transparent in the right light. You should have brought a comfy sweater or something to cover up in but you wanted to pack light. You didn’t want to look like ‘that girl’ with a suitcase for every night. But at least you’d have a sleeping sweater…
You roll your eyes at your idiotic lack of foresight and choose the least see through ones and hope they don’t look too closely.
So much for that.
The second you walk back into the main room, two sets of blue eyes are on you. They suddenly forget all about their baseball, their beer, and their guns at the vision in front of them. Your soft curves are clearly visible through your lack of clothes: a sight they’ve only seen when the group goes swimming. They can barely keep it together with you prancing around in tiny fabric triangles that barely cover your wet and obviously cold body. But normally your brother was there to keep them at bay.
No older brother in sight. Just you left alone for the two of them. All. Weekend. Long.
Steve is the first one clear his throat and avert his gaze. “We ordered some pizzas. Is that okay with you?”
“Y-yeah! Pizza’s great,” you smile nervously. “I’m done in the bathroom if either of you want a turn.”
Bucky doesn’t even spare Steve a glance as he makes his way to the bathroom. “Age before beauty,” he snarks at the blond leaving the two of you alone.
You just smile at the tall blond sitting on the edge of the bed before rifling through your luggage for your Switch unknowingly giving Steve the perfect view of your peach ass through your tiny shorts.
“Shit,” Steve breathes, tilting his head slightly to see what else you’re hiding under there.
“What was that?” You ask pulling yourself out from your duffle.
“Oh, nothing,” the blond says quickly snapping his head back to the TV. “Just the game. Crazy play…” he trails.
“Oh?” You smile and nod already knowing you won’t understand what’s going on so you don’t bother asking. You snuggle up against the pillows to play your game and ignore whatever sports ball game is on.
“What are you playing?” His voice doesn’t initially reach you as you shake your head and focus on the alpha watching you. When did Steve’s eyes get so pretty? They’re like kaleidoscopes of green and blue. Hmmmm…
Wait. He said something, didn’t he?
“I’m sorry?”
“What are you playing?” He asks again leaning back to see the screen of your handheld console.
“Animal Crossing,” you whisper. He’s so close you can feel the body heat radiating off of him. He’s never been this close…
“That game’s super popular lately, huh? Never tried it. I used to just play Halo and GTA when I was as your age.”
“GTA is pretty fun,” you smile.
“What’s an innocent little thing like you know about GTA?”
“I get on my brother’s PlayStation every once in a while,” you admit. “I’m not that innocent,” you giggle singing the song.
“I feel like we’ll be learning all kinds of things about you this weekend,” Steve laughs as his hand finds your ankle, stroking the smooth skin gently. You practically leap from your skin. He can’t do that! Can he? He can’t do it again…
And then he does, his rough fingers tracing the inside of your ankle, and a wave arousal spills from you like clockwork. His fresh rain and smoke scent washes over you heavily and a soft whimper escapes your lips.
You can’t do this! Not for a whole weekend!
A knock at the door has you leaping away from him, tugging your feet away quickly.
“Someone’s jumpy,” Steve laughs before getting the door. Saved by the bell. A hotel employee brings a stack of pillows, blankets, and towels before rolling in a cart with two pizza boxes and two pitchers of beer.”
“We figured you wouldn’t eat much,” Steve laughs grabbing a chilled glass and plate before leaning next to you on the bed.
“Food’s here?” Bucky grins stepping out of the bathroom in a pair of low hanging grey sweats. Just a pair of low hanging grey sweats…
So many muscles…so much outline…
You’re going to die here.
His hair was still wet and messy as he mimicked Steve; grabbing food and finding a spot on the other side of you on the bed.
“What’s up, kitten? You gonna eat?” He asks before taking a bite.
“Uh, yeah,” you whisper and slide out from between the two giant men. When did it get so hot? You’re suddenly glad for your lack of clothing.
There’s no chairs or a table in this room. It really is the barebones. It’s hard to believe that this is the same hotel with three bedroom suites.
You sit on the edge of the bed, taking Steve’s spot and nibbling on your food quietly.
“Kitten, you know we love you but you’re blocking the TV,” Bucky groans. “Come back up here.” No. No no no no. Not back there between those two big imposing men.
“Your spots still nice and warm for you,” Steve sighs patting the spot in between them. You didn’t need warmth. Warmth was the last thing you needed. But you slide your plate across the bed and scoot back between them.
“Ain’t this nice?” Bucky asks.
“You don’t want a drink, kitten?” Steve wonders.
“Oh no,” you smile. “Beer isn’t really my thing.”
“Shit! We should’ve ordered something for you. We should know you better by now,” Steve sighs.
“Rosé, huh, kitten?” Bucky asks guiltily.
“Yeah, a rosé would be nice but I’m fine,” you insist and shake your bottle of water before taking a sip.
“That’s no fun kitten. We want you to drink with us. I’ll call down and get a bottle.” A whole bottle? Oh no! You attempt to stop the brunet alpha but he’s already on the phone ordering their best bottle.
“Don’t worry about it, kitten. We’ll pay for it,” Steve laughs. That’s not the problem! You almost shout at him but then he uses that alpha influence on you. “Sit back and relax. Please.”
“O-okay,” you whisper and settle back into the pillows.
“Who knew you could be so obedient?” Bucky laughs hanging up the phone. “You never listen to your brother like that?”
These two are not your brother.
“Did you see that play?” Steve shouts.
“He’s going! He going! He’s going!”
“Come on, Evans! Fuck yeah! You’re going to owe me a fortune at the end of the season,” Steve laughs.
“My bracket’s going to turn around. Just you wait, punk.”
“Whatever, jerk.” You smile at their antics. You’ve heard it your entire life but it never stopped being adorable.
“You two are cute.” The words slip from your mouth before you get a chance to stop yourself. Their blue gazes are back on you in an instant.
“Cute, huh?” Bucky smirks, biting his bottom lip slightly. Oh no.
“You would know, wouldn’t you?” Steve grins leaning slightly closer to you. No no no no! You almost claw your way out from between them when there’s another knock at the door. Thank God!
You move to get up but Bucky presses your thigh back down. “Sit. I got it.” He returns only to hand you a glass of wine. “Drink up. You have a whole bottle to get through.”
“There’s no way I’ll finish that, Bucky,” you laugh taking the glass with both hands.
“You won’t know until you try, kitten,” Steve smirks poking your nose with his index finger.
These two are going to kill you.
You’re soon giggling at Bucky’s jokes and leaning into Steve’s touch after your third glass of wine.
“You should’ve seen him. He was puking over the railing. Those poor fish!” Bucky laughs at the man behind you’s expense. Steve attempts to fight off his own laughter, gripping your waist and pulling you closer against him as you laugh at Bucky’s story.
“Whatever. You keep talking shit. I’m going to take a shower,” Steve chuckles and pulls away from you.
“So, kitten, tell me about your first date?”
“What?” You laugh, taking a sip of your wine.
“We told you about ours. I wanna hear about yours,” Bucky smiles running his hand up your thigh.
“Oh, it really isn’t all that interesting. It was just this guy in high school. We went to the movies. I think we saw Superbad or one of those Michael Cera movies. He tried to kiss me before my mom could come get me up but I wasn’t feeling it.”
“You wouldn’t kiss a guy after one of Michael Cera’s attempts at acting?”
“No,” you giggle. “He’s a fine actor. I just wasn’t feeling it,” you shrug.
“Alright, tell me about your first kiss then.”
“My first…?” You ask scrunching your brows up at the alpha. “Umm, well…”
“Don’t tell me you’ve never been kissed,” Bucky laughs leaning a little closer. His hand hitches a little higher on your hip, gripping what’s exposed of your ass. Any other time you would have been running as far away from him as possible but right now his sandalwood and lavender scent is going to send you straight into an early heat.
“Promise not to laugh?” You ask looking up at him through your lashes.
“I won’t. Scouts honor.”
“Like you were ever a scout,” you smile in disbelief. “Well, I didn’t have it until college.”
“Late bloomer, huh?”
You nod. “I went to my first ever college party and got really wasted and I was dancing with this guy.”
“Recipe for disaster,” Bucky grins, pulling you a little closer. You happily curl into him, slotting your leg between his. Your hand comes to rest on his lower stomach. You’ve never felt such strong abs before. You can’t help but feel a little bit. You hope he doesn’t mind.
“I told you not to laugh!” You smile.
“You’re telling the story so dramatically I can’t help it.”
You groan softly and continue your story. “So I was dancing with this guy and my friends were ready to leave so we left and he came with us. Walked with us all the way across campus, it had to have been a couple of miles and he lived close to where the party was.”
“He was trying to get some,” Bucky laughs spanking you softly.
“He was! And he wasn’t subtle about it at all! We were plotting how to ditch him the entire walk. So my friend, Milly, said just make out with him and we’ll have the automatic doors at the dorm lock him out. She didn’t know I’d never kissed a guy so I was just dreading it. Like, why do I care how this guy thinks I kiss but we made it to the dorm. They’re looking at me expectantly, waiting to slam the auto doors on this poor kids face. I just copied what I’d seen on TV, lured him right into the doorway and I just went for it. I literally puffed out my cheeks and pressed my lips against his and he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth and it was horrible! It scared me so much, I stepped back before the girls said go but Milly was on the wrestling team so she has lightning fast reflexes and she slammed the door right on his tongue.” You can’t help the laughter that spills from you and Bucky’s soon follows. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!” You cry pressing your hand against his chest.
“How could you expect me not to laugh at that?” He chuckles. “Poor fucker. Didn’t know what he was getting into with a feisty little omega like you.”
“Feisty? Me?” You laugh.
“Yes, you,” Steve laughs from behind you, sliding back into the bed freshly washed and in only a thin pair of boxers and a tank top. “What’d you do, kitten?” His strong arms wrap around your waist pulling you slightly from Bucky’s grip. One hand splays across you stomach and the other rest a little too high on your ribs to be friendly.
“She was telling me about her first kiss. She’s an evil little thing.”
“Oh, not our kitten. She’s an angel,” Steve admits nuzzling his face in your neck. It feels so good. To be wrapped in two pairs of strong arms. Both their scents settle over you so comfortably. You wish you could drown in it. You practically purr at their touch. In fact…
“Kitten,” Bucky laughs. “Are you purring?”
“No!” You deny quickly pressing away from them. “We should really get ready for bed-”
“Aw, come on, kitten,” Bucky sighs pulling you back down into his embrace. “Hang out with us.” Hang out? The last thing these two were doing was hanging out but you fall back into his arms anyway. “Was your second kiss any better?” Bucky asks distracting you from Steve’s touch.
“W-well, yeah. They were all much better after that.”
“So, you’re a pretty good kisser, huh?” Steve asks pressing his lips against your neck then licking at the sensitive skin there just above your scent gland. “Do you kiss as good as you taste?”
“Wha-! No! Steve!” You whine squirming under his touch.
“Kitten, really. I wish you’d relax for us,” Bucky sighs. “You haven’t slammed anymore tongues into doors?”
You shake your head no while Bucky’s hand grips your ass, pulling you into him and right into something more stiff than his abs but they don’t even give you a chance to react to that.
“Can you show me, kitten? How you kiss?” Steve asks softly, his hand snaking under your tiny shirt and pressing you down onto your back.
“Stevie, Bucky, w-we really shouldn’t be doing this,” you whine looking up into Steve’s ocean eyes. He really does have beautiful eyes.
“Why shouldn’t we?” Bucky asks pressing kisses to your bare shoulder. “You trust us, don’t you?”
“We’d never hurt you, kitten. You have no idea how long we’ve waited to get you away from your brother.”
“Practically since you presented.”
“That long?” You whisper, attempting to look at Bucky.
“You developed all these tantalizing curves, kitten. How could we resist?” There are hands all over your body. You can’t tell which ones belong to who. All you know is that you don’t want them to stop.
“We know you want us,” Steve sighs pressing your tiny shirt up over your breasts. “Your scent is fucking intoxicating.”
“And it spikes like crazy when we’re around. Just let us make you feel good, kitten. If you hate it, we’ll leave you alone,” Bucky promises.
“But we know you’ll love it.” Steve presses down your body and nips at your breast. You whine, spreading your legs to accommodate his large body.
“See? You already love it,” Bucky chuckles. He finally presses his lips to yours and it practically takes your breath away.
“Bucky,” you whimper against his lips as his scents spikes for you.
“Fuck,” Steve groans against your nipples. “Open up for us. Good girl, kitten.” You whine as your core clenches around nothing. You need them. You’ve never needed anyone more in your life. A set of fingers find your clothed core and you arch off the bed dramatically. “Warm her up for me, Buck?”
“You got it, pal,” Bucky chuckles around your lips. So many of your senses were firing at once. You didn’t know what to focus on. Steve’s tongue on your nipples and Bucky’s fingers at your clit. Fuck. It was all too much.
“Please,” you whisper not knowing what you wanted but you needed it.
“Please?” Steve chuckles. “Whatever you want, kitten. We’ll give it to you.”
“But you gotta tell us,” Bucky mutters. His fingers clear your tiny shorts and make contact with your naked pussy. You gasp at the feeling making them both chuckle softly.
“What can we do for you?” Steve asks.
“I-I wanna-I wanna-“
“You wanna what, kitten?” Steve’s mouth sucks at your sensitive nipples and Bucky’s fingers press against your quivering clit.
“Wanna cum!” You whine sharply.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bucky chuckles and pulls away from you along with Steve.
“Wai-! Where are you going?” You pant as they sit back to watch you.
“We need to get rid of all these clothes first,” Steve explains and presses your legs together to pull off your shorts while Bucky tugs your tiny top over your head. Then they work on themselves. Your eyes widen as you watch them peel off their bottoms, revealing their hard red leaking cocks.
“What’s wrong, kitten? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Bucky smirks as he tosses away his sweats and grips his heavy erection, a steady stream leaking from it’s tip and making his scent so much more heady.
“You’re alright. Just relax,” Steve’s scent permeates beyond Bucky’s settling over you like a weighted blanket as he strips revealing his own giant cock. Precum bubbles out of his tip in thick globs making you gulp.
“Y-you’re both so big,” you whisper.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Steve laughs. “We’ll get you nice and warmed up. You’ll barely feel us.” Barely!? You want to run away but you’re paralyzed under their gaze. “Now, let me get a real taste of you.” Steve tugs your legs up over his shoulders until you’re dangling with the top of your head on his lap and staring blankly at a now upside down Bucky. You don’t even have time to think about it before his tongue licks a strip up your core and you’re left screaming for him.
“Told you we’d make you feel good,” Bucky chuckles. “Now look at you. In the perfect position to fill up that cute little hole.”
“Wh-“ But you’re cut off by Bucky tapping his tip against your bottom lips. “That’s not gonna fit!” You protest but it’s on deaf ears as he presses past your lips into your hot, wet mouth.
“See? We know what we’re doing, kitten. Trust us,” Bucky sighs as he strokes himself against your lips. A hand wraps around one of yours and guides it around his thick member, showing you how hard to squeeze. “There you go, kitten. Good girl. Just like that. Fuck. How long do you think she can stay like this, Stevie?”
Steve pulls away long enough to mutter, “Until she cums,” before diving back into your hot pussy.
You whine around your oral burden feeling the blood simultaneously rush to your head and your core until you feel like you’ll pass out from the pressure. Your whimpers get more frantic and your attention on Bucky’s cocks gets more spotty until you’re legs are clamped around Steve’s head for dear life. You get so close as everything gets so dark and fuzzy around the edges. You can’t hold on anymore. Your eyes flutter shut just as sparkles burst behind your lids and you cum flooding into Steve’s awaiting mouth.
Your eyes wretch open at the impossible stretch inside your core. “Ah! Ahhh! Stevie! Bucky!” You cry out softly as the walls of flesh around you start to console you.
“Hey! Hey, kitten. You’re okay. Calm down,” Steve instructs, his scent starting to lull you into a sense of security as his fingers stroke your cheek gently.
“We told you you’d barely feel it,” Bucky laughs from behind you.
You feel it now! He feels impossibly large and how is he fucking you twice?
You glance down to see between your and Steve’s bodies.
No. No no no no! You let out a strangled scream as the pain of having two monster cocks inside of you starts register.
“Hey! Relax!” Bucky barks. “It feels good, doesn’t it? Being this full of us?”
“Just imagine being full of our babies,” Steve grunts.
“Fuck, you’d look so beautiful. All round with huge, leaking tits,” Bucky chuckles as his fingers dance across your hard nipples.
“You aren’t on birth control, are you?”
“N-no,” you whisper, smothering your face is Steve’s shoulder.
“Good,” they both reply at once. Not good. You weren’t ready for babies. You didn’t even have a mate…
“Stop,” Bucky calls to his partner sensing your distress first. “What wrong, kitten?”
“Tell us. Let us fix it,” Steve seconds as they both still inside of you.
You can barely think straight with them stretching you like this let alone reply.
“Can’t-can’t have a baby,” you strain.
“Why not?” Steve asks, stroking your braids from your face before cupping your face.
“I-we-we’re not-“
“Out with it, kitten,” Bucky groans smacking the side of your ass.
“Bucky,” Steve reprimands. “Talk to us, kitten.”
“We’re not mated!” You finally moan into Steve’s shoulder.
“Oh?” Steve laughs.
“Is that all?” Bucky chuckles. “Don’t worry about that.”
“You’ll have marks all over you by Sunday. No one will ever question who you belong to,” Steve smirks before gripping your hips and beginning to thrust into you anew. Bucky follows suit and you wonder just how much the human body can take before it splits in half. It’s too much. Far too much. They’re too big! They take up too much space in your little body. Just when you think you’ll pass out again Steve grumbles that he’s going to cum and Bucky mimics his notion shortly afterwards.
“Please, please, please,” you chant, slurring your speech with how close your own release is.
Then one of them hits that spot just right and you’re screaming for them, clinching around them enough that they cum spilling inside of you. And then you’re left screaming again as their knots pop into place keeping all that essence bottle up inside you as they continue to spew their seed.
You gasp as you feel your belly bloat with all of it, bowing outward against Steve’s strong abs.
“Too much!” You whine at the feeling. Too full. Too tight. Too heavy. Far too much.
“Hey! I know. I know. It’s a lot. Hang in there for us,” Bucky attempts to soothe but you immediately feel another round of hot cum paint your insides and ballooning your stomach even more.
“Can’t!” You cry but both men rub your arms and your face, attempting to calm you just enough to get you on your side. Bucky’s hand finds your bloated stomach and rubs soft circles into it while Steve whispers sweet praises in your ear.
“You were so good for us, kitten. The best girl we could ask for. You gonna hold on to all that hot cum and make us a bunch of babies?” You can only nod slightly as you attempt to get comfortable. Your quickened breaths eventually get heavier as you start to doze off. “There you go, kitten. Get some rest. You deserve it.”
“She’s tight as a drum, Stevie,” Bucky sighs as his fingers find your navel. It’s straining against the need to pop to give the cum inside you a little extra room.
“We might have over done it,” Steve chuckles until he feels his partner starting to strain against his knot. “The fuck are you doing?
“She’s just so hot like this. I can’t help it,” Bucky groans as he humps into their little partner.
“Fuck, Buck!” Steve hisses trying to ignore the friction against his own cock. “You’re gonna make me cum!” But Bucky just ignores him thrusting shallowly into you while you sleep.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fu-“ Bucky sighs cumming into you once more and pulling Steve closely behind with him. You whimper softly in your sleep as your tummy bows out even more.
“Fuck, Buck! No more. She can’t handle it,” Steve says with an air of authority as he holds you against him protectively.
“I’m exhausted anyway,” the brunet yawns and cups your breast and your stomach as he follows you into sleep.
You wake up far more bloated than you remember when you fell asleep but at least both your alphas knots had gone down.
Your alphas…
It was interesting to think of them like that after so long of them being your brother’s friends. Your alphas sounds…nice.
You scramble from between the two sleeping giants and rush to the bathroom to release the load they deposited in you. You watch your bloated stomach deflate and wonder what pregnancy would be like.
You quickly shake your head of the thought. No babies without mating! You don’t care how much your omega instincts want to take over, that was never going to happen!
You return to the main room and find Bucky and Steve had turned into more comfortable positions without being knotted inside of you. You still crawl in between them and curl over Bucky’s chest in exhaustion.
“Hey? You alright?” He yawns feeling your weight as you nuzzle into him. You just nod and attempt to snuggle further into his chest. “Hang on. I want my pick of spots. Sit up for a second.” You sleepily obey, sitting on your heels before him while he scrutinizes you. He tilts your head to the left and bares his fangs into your shoulder right above your scent gland. Your eyes widen at how simple it is. No posturing. No rituals. Just a mark and you already feel more drawn to him. “There. All mine,” Bucky smiles proudly. “Punk! Wake up and claim her!” You can’t help but giggle at the two before you slide into Steve’s arms. You hold up your head on the opposite side of Bucky’s for him and that’s it. He’s marked you for life. You feel his pull start to tug you in as well as you press a kiss to his lips. You crawl from his arms and attempt to curl back in between them.
“You are far too active for a pregnant woman,” Steve mutters turning over to face you. “It obviously didn’t take and we need to try again.”
“I agree,” Bucky laughs only for you to protest and use the sheets as a shield against them.
“We have all weekend, right? You two can destroy me again tomorrow?”
Bucky smirks at you knowingly before averting his gaze to Steve. “Only if that’s a promise, ‘mega.” Your eyes widen at your brunet alpha.
“Goodnight, kitten,” Steve wishes and presses a kiss to your temple. “Get some rest. You’re gonna need it.”
You were suddenly very awake.
“Kitten? Rise and shine, my beautiful little omega.” You curl further into the sheets after hearing your name.
“Too early,” you mumble.
“What happened to you being ours today? You promised.” You whine softly and peek from the pillows to see Bucky watching you expectantly. He’s already dressed for the day and so is Steve as he rubs your back from behind you. So sore. You wiggle your hips hoping to alleviate the pain but it doesn’t help.
“We should let her sleep in,” Steve sighs pulling you closer to him.
“She’s fine,” Bucky insists. “Get up and get dressed.” You stretch against Steve’s body, the sheets falling away from you and instantly reminding you that you’re completely naked. You let out a soft gasp and cover your chest out of instinct completely forgetting about last night’s activities.
“Shy all of the sudden?” Steve laughs and kisses your cheek. “You don’t have to hide from us. Come on. Get up.” You roll from the bed and stumble into the bathroom as the events from the previous evening start to flood your mind. You’re mated now. To your brother’s best friends...
He’s going to kill them.
Your eyes widen at the thought before you catch yourself in your reflection. Your braids are a tangled mess but under them you see two sets of semi circular marks on either side of your neck. You really are theirs now.
A shutter runs through your body and ends right at your core.
Your alphas.
This is kind of a lot to spring on someone after one night. You laugh at the situation. You never in a million years thought you’d be mated to Steve and Bucky. Sure you fantasized about it but it was never something you thought would become your reality.
You emerge from the bathroom freshly dressed in a short sun dress. “There she is,” Bucky smiles and pulls you into his arms. “You look so cute all dolled up for us.” You stand on your toes and press a kiss to his lips. He hums positively and pulls you back for more.
Steve chuckles from behind you. “Let her go so we can get some food. Gotta keep our little omega fed.”
You giggle and grab Steve’s hand as he leads you down to the hotel restaurant.
Your first time in public as a mated omega is interesting. All the attention you’re used to getting is gone? Well, not really gone. Alphas still look but they notice the marks you proudly bare on your neck and quickly glance away. It also didn’t help that your alphas were constantly all over you: making your plate, feeding you, making sure you got exactly what you wanted.
“Grab a jacket and something to keep you entertained,” Bucky instructs when you head back to the room.
“Am I going fishing with you guys?” You ask, stretching and yawning. You just wanted to go back to sleep. Steve gives you a positive hum while he gathers his things. “I can just hang out here. Get a massage or something,” you suggest. “Maybe a bigger room will be ready and I can move our stuff…”
“Nah, you can’t do that by yourself,” Bucky denies. “And we want you with us, kitten. It’ll be fun. Better than this stuffy hotel.”
“If you insist,” you sigh and follow them out to the truck. It’s a short drive to their fishing spot, maybe a little over half an hour. They’re quiet as the set up their gear so you set up a folding chair out of their way and work on your town.
“Kitten, you didn’t think you’d sit over there with your game all day, did you?” Bucky laughs calling you over. He grips your thigh under your dress and places a kiss on your hand.
“Is this fishing? Sitting around in the sun by the water?” You ask seeing their set up: a case of beers and a baseball game streaming on one of their iPads. How were they even getting a signal out here?
“Basically,” Steve smirks up at you, those beautiful eyes squinting in the sun. “I’m glad you wore a dress today. Less to work around.”
“Huh?” You question dumbly.
“Kitten, you remember how you promised to make us a baby this weekend?” Bucky asks pulling you closer by your leg.
“Right now?” You blanch looking around the forested landscape.
“Yes, right now. We have plenty of time.”
“What if someone sees?” You ask quietly.
“They’d get a beautiful show,” Steve sighs as Bucky’s hand snakes further up your leg to find your panties. He repositions you between his thighs before tugging the little piece of fabric down your legs. Bucky presses a kiss to your stomach just before his fingers find your slit.“Bucky,” you whisper, your face heating in embarrassment.
“Open up for me, kitten.” He kicks your feet apart and you fall into him, gripping his shoulders to keep your balance. His fingers tuck into your core, making a beaconing motion and immediately finding that spot he abused the night before. You let out a soft shriek as you grip his strong shoulders. Bucky lets out a satisfied hum and kisses your cleavage. “You’re so perfect for us. So glad we have you.”
“My alphas,” you breathe.
“Our perfect little omega,” Steve sighs stepping behind you hiking up your skirt over your ass. “With the best ass on the planet,” you hear the smile in his voice right before he smacks your ass roughly. “Open her up a little more for me, Buck.”
Bucky grips your ass and pulls your knees over his thighs on his folding chair. “Shit. Hold on,” Bucky grunts and stands with your legs around his waist. “Jacket, Stevie?”
Steve lays his jacket down for you to rest your knees on.
“Thank you, Stevie,” you smile.
“Anything for you, kitten.” Steve kisses you but you chase after his lips wanting more, both of their scents calming your nerves a little.
“Is this the same omega who was worried about being caught?” Bucky laughs gripping your bare ass.
“Bucky,” you giggle squirming in his grip.
“Calm down. We’re going to fuck you no matter what,” Steve jokes and kisses you once more. Bucky sits back down with your legs spread open for Steve, you can already feel your juices slipping from your core for them.
“There’s still some cum in you, kitten,” Steve sighs, swiping his fingers through your folds.
“I-it’s your fault,” you whimper.
Steve hums back, the sound of it runs straight down to your core. “My fault? It seems like I have a little kitten who needs to learn to clean up her messes.”
You drop your face into the bend of Bucky’s neck and inhale his scent. It’s so potent and heady you can barely think straight.
“Someone’s getting a little hazy,” Bucky sighs. “Your heat starting, kitten?”
“N-no!” You quickly deny and pull away from him.
“It’s okay. Come back.” He pulls you back into his embrace. “It’s okay if you can’t control it. That’s why we’re here.”
“Let us take care of that pesky heat,” Steve sighs. “You just be our sweet little omega.”
“Speaking of being our sweet little omega, do you wanna mark us, kitten?” Bucky asks pressing his lips to the mark Steve left on your shoulder.
“Y-you want me to…?” You question, your lids starting to feel heavy from the hormones suddenly overtaking your system.
Bucky gives you an affirmative hum, his lips never leaving your skin.
The thought never crossed your mind. You always assumed you’d belong to your alpha. Not the other way around.
It didn’t seem normal. Or, at least, no one ever talked about it.
“You’re sure you want me?” You whisper, trying to fight back the heat for a moment. It was coming no matter what at this point. It’s just a matter of letting it come.
“Kitten, we told you last night. We’ve wanted you for years,” Steve sighs, tilting your head back so you can see him.
“But you’re like a skittish little cat. You run at the first sign of danger. So we had to corner you,” Bucky adds trailing his fingers along your exposed cleavage.
“Get you alone, away from that protective brother of yours,” Steve smirks and kisses your forehead before releasing you.
“We want you, kitten. We have rooms made for you at our homes. Our kitchens are stocked with your favorite foods on the off chance you might come by. We just need you to submit.”
“B-both of you?” You breathe, glancing between the two of them.
“We’re a package deal, sweetheart,” Steve chuckles.
You watch Bucky’s chest for a moment, your fingers gripping his Henley lightly. You glance up at his blue eyes before shifting your gaze to his scent gland.
You nod slightly before leaning down to meet his skin. You kiss the area, trailing kisses until you find the perfect spot for your mark. Then you bite down hard and Bucky’s scent explodes for you. A fresh wave a slick coats your core and you almost feel faint.
“…so good,” you sigh out, mostly to yourself.
“If you like that, just wait for my rut,” Bucky grunts in your ear making your face heat. Everything suddenly feels so hot and your skin is so sensitive.
“My turn?” Steve asks, picking you up to cradle you against his chest. You nod and wrap your arms around his shoulders. You nuzzle against his neck, finding the perfect spot on him as well. Your lips explore his skin before you finally bite down. A whine escapes you as Steve’s scent overwhelms your senses. You grip his shoulders as a cramp runs through your body.
“Fuck, kitten, I felt that,” Steve groans.
“You need someone to scratch that itch?” Bucky asks.
“It’s more than an itch, Buck. She needs to get fucked,” Steve laughs and places you back in his lap.
“Is that right, kitten? You need to get fucked?” A soft whine escapes your lips as you squirm in Bucky’s lap.
You nod weakly. There’s no use in hiding it now. They know you carnally. They feel everything you feel and they definitely feel the slick dripping down your thighs.
“Good girl,” Steve sighs. Steve spreads your lips with his fingers and thrusts in so slowly you feel every ridge and vein adorning his cock. The moan that escapes your lips is feral. You need this. You need them.
Steve completely buries himself in you and your jaw falls open dumbly.
“Fuck,” Steve groans. “You feels amazing, kitten.”
You feel your core clinch around him so tightly it’s almost painful.
Bucky lifts you up while you’re still impaled on Steve’s cock. He unzips his own pants and spreads your cheeks. His fingers wipe up the slick seeping out of your core before fingering your puckered hole.
“Deep breath kitten,” he sighs as he massages your insides, spreading the slick until you’re nice and slippery. “Keep breathing for me.”
Then you feel him. His thick head starting to breech that hole where it definitely shouldn’t.
“Too big,” you whine and struggle between them but before you know it, Bucky is fully sheathed within you.
Part of starts to panic as your heart and breaths race.
“Calm down, little omega. We’re gonna take care of you,” Steve coos.
“Very good care of you,” Bucky agrees.
You return to the hotel and the woman at the front desks apologizes again and hands Steve the keycards to the room he initially booked. The three of you look at each other before Steve speaks. “Actually, do you have any king suites available?”
You let your alphas carry your luggage to your new room. There were much more amenities than the last one. A kitchenette, a jacuzzi, a separate living room and bedroom.
“This a little better kitten?” Bucky asks wrapping his arms around your waist.
You nod and accept a kiss. Your phone vibrates on the table and a picture of your brother pops up on the screen. You pull away from Bucky’s grip and press a kiss to his lips before answering your phone.
“Hey, Sammy! How you feeling?”
“Way better! So I drove out to meet you guys. I knew you didn’t want to be left alone with those jokers for too long.” Your eyes widen and meet Bucky’s gaze like a deer in a set of headlights.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asks throwing himself on the bed after he finishes unpacking again.
“Um, S-Sam…Sam is-Sam is…”
Bucky plucks the phone from your fingers. “Hello?” Bucky asks all concern but his face quickly lights up. “Hey! Yeah! Come on up. Room 532.” He hangs up your phone and places it back in your hands. “Sammy’s here,” he tells Steve as if it’s completely normal.
“Cool! I’m glad he’s feeling better.”
“The couch pulls out. I’m not moving rooms again,” Bucky sighs and pulls you to the bed.
“Wait!” You cry. “He-he’s gonna know. He’s gonna kill us!”
“I’d like to see him try,” Bucky laughs rubbing your stomach comfortably. “What are we doing for dinner?”
“I was just looking…there’s a steak house in town, twenty minutes away.”
“Steak sounds good. Anything for our kitten there?”
“They have salmon, shrimp risotto, oh! Lobster ravioli! You love lobster ravioli.” You do love lobster ravioli but your brother is about to see that his two best friends obviously fucked his little sister and you were all about to be on his shit list.
How can they be so calm about this?
There’s a knock at the door all too soon before you could even start to process a defense for the situation.
Steve gets up to answer the door and you hear the two best friends greet each other. Sam sounds so happy.
Too happy!
You start to panic when Bucky’s hand finds yours.
“Hey, relax. We’ll handle this. That’s what alphas are for.”
“Where my baby sister?” You hear Sam call and you pull away from Bucky and stumble from the bedroom. Steve brushes your lower back as you step up to Sam. You look up into his brown eyes and he instantly knows something is off.
He inhales your scent and sets a glare on Steve. “You fucked my little sister.” It wasn’t a question.
“Can you blame us, Sam? We’ve wanted her for far too long. We weren’t going to pass this up.”
“We? Both of you?” His gaze falls back on you. “Are you okay?”
You cock your head to the side. Are you okay? You let out a laugh and fall into a fit of giggles. “Surprisingly, I survived,” you breathe out through your laughter.
“Are you okay with this?” Sam asks once you sober.
You glance between the two men on either side of you. “I’m really happy, actually. They’re perfect,” you smile and grip Steve’s hand.
Sam glances between the three of you. “As long as you’re happy.”
“Anyway, we were thinking steak for dinner. You hungry?” Bucky asks and grabs Sam’s bag off of his shoulder.
“Starving,” Sam sighs. “Traffic was horrible.”
“Right? Poor kitten’s switch died and she was stuck just listening to us. She’s a fucking saint for that.” You giggle falling into Bucky’s chest.
“I think I fell asleep at some point,” you smile.
“And the room situation has been a nightmare. You don’t mind sleeping on the pull out?” Steve asks leading your brother into the room.
“Let me guess, they were out of three bedrooms and it was the one bed situation and now I have to watch my sister and my two best friends act like mates?”
“Yeah! That’s exactly it, actually,” Steve laughs.
“And we did mate her. You’re pretty good at this, Samuel,” Bucky smirks.
Sam looks between the three of you absolutely dumbfounded. “Alright,” he lets out a shaky exhale. “Give me a few days to adjust to this. Please.”
Bucky grins cheekily. “Should we start calling you brother, yet?”
“What about ‘a few of days’ aren’t you getting, Buck?”
“Your sister’s anything but quiet so you’re gonna hear about it all night,” Steve smirks.
“You know what, I’m just going to get my own room. I don’t wanna hear it.” You giggle softly at your brother’s comment. “Just don’t hurt my sister and you three can do whatever you want.”
“You know we could never, Sammy,” Steve grins.
“At least not in a way she wouldn’t beg for,” Bucky smirks.
“Stop! I told you I don’t wanna hear it. I’m not listening,” Sam calls before grabbing his bag and heading back downstairs.
“Wouldn’t it be funny if the only room left was the one next door?” Steve hums, pulling you closer and resting his chin on your head.
“Or the one we just left,” Bucky muses.
“Fine! I’ll get a different hotel!” Sam groans making you laugh again.
“Be nice, boys. We’ll behave.”
“You have to behave first, kitten,” Steve mutters before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Definitely staying in a different hotel,” Sam sighs.
“Yeah, whatever,” Bucky smirks. “Like you’ll leave her alone with us for another night. Let’s go get some food.”
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sweetkpopmusings · 4 months ago
miserable (you & me) | h. hyunjin <3
a/n: i have had these blurbs in my drafts FOREVER. "miserable (you & me)" is a song i've had on repeat since it dropped. i'm also a sucker for angst, so please enjoy these self-indulgent posts (they all have happy endings, i promise!) there will be one for each member, so stay tuned <3 pics not mine~
content: angst, happy ending | wc: 1k | warnings: none really! | pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader | requests:open
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난 가망이 없는 미래에 손을 뻗어 날 부었네 / “i stretched out my hand towards a hopeless future and poured myself out”
of course it would be raining right now. the day’s weather had been normal, a smattering of clouds above and an overcast glow hinting that the weather might take a turn for the worse, but nothing was set in stone. that turned out to be true in a more literal sense, hyunjin realized, while watching people mill about on the street below with freshly opened umbrellas. he scoffed. what did you think would happen? what did you think would change?
the answer was nothing. but i had no choice.
you and hyunjin met up for your usual weekend get-together, returning to a favorite drink spot of yours after a few weekends of schedules keeping you apart. he had missed you so dearly, something that became achingly clear when his whole body lit up from seeing your face peek through the entrance. you noticed the buzz in his body when he greeted you, a sweet laugh escaping your lips. hyunjin’s heart melted at the sound, collapsing even more into endearment when you said, “i missed you a ton, too.”
a moderate number of people took up the tables and seats in the building, so there was a comfortable hum of casual conversation surrounding you. hyunjin, as always, was so closely tuned into the sound of your voice, he would’ve believed you if you said the place was completely empty. it was clichéd for sure, but he was enraptured by every single thing you said. he loved listening to all your thoughts, stories, jokes, anecdotes; whatever you were willing to share with hyunjin, he’d accept with open and grateful hands. you both laughed as you finished telling him an embarrassing story your friend shared with you the other day, and, so you could take a sip of your drink, you asked hyunjin, “how are you?”
without skipping a beat, hyunjin answered, “i’ve liked you for the longest time.”
seeing as that was quite the unexpected answer to your question, you froze. your brain buffered, face showing barely any expression, except maybe shock or confusion. hyunjin, perhaps realizing what just occurred, reacted with wide eyes and frantic apologies. if his confession hadn’t stopped you so sharply in your tracks, the endless refrain of i’m so sorry! i don’t know why i did that. i’m so stupid! would have drowned out the words he spoke so naturally. you didn’t have time to process, but you tried to protest against hyunjin’s incessant apologies. this, it seemed, was fruitless.
hyunjin, with shaking legs and fumbling hands, gathered his things. 
“hyunjin, what’re you–”
“i should go, y/n,” he responded quickly, too quickly for him to mean it.
your heart broke at the way his voice cracked when he said your name, “no, just stay for a minute. please, i–”
his chest tightened when please fell from your lips, but he couldn’t bear the idea of you begging him to stay, only to tell him you didn’t feel the same. yes, it was immature, and, sure, it was probably selfish. yet all hyunjin could think to do was leave. so he did, his goodbye all staggered breaths and darting eyes.
you turned in your chair, barely catching his gaze as he raced to who knows where, “hyunjin?”
his eyes caught yours, and he ripped them away before he lost his foolish resolve. he hoped he offered you a soft smile, something to say i’m sorry for this. i just want you to be happy, and i guess this is me trying to make sure you stay that way. the adrenaline rush meant he couldn’t feel his face, though. he had no way of knowing what he looked like when he looked back at you. 
hyunjin’s whole trip home consisted of pleas for his legs to move faster. if his steps hit the ground hard enough, he could ignore all the scolding voices inside his head until he was safe in his room. if he were honest with himself, he was outrunning the look of shock on your face, and the way your voice fell when you asked him to stay. hyunjin, as he caught his breath in his room, realized that running away from you meant he ended up in front of his window, facing a future of heartbreak. a sardonic laugh broke free from his lips. maybe if you did it the right way, at the right moment, you’d be looking at them instead. maybe you’d be thinking of something other than angsty plotlines for the strangers passing by on the street below. 
“or maybe i could be hurt much worse,” he whispered to himself. 
that was the last sound that shared space with hyunjin in the room. he sat, mind racing and leg bouncing, completely silent. until someone knocked on the door.
hyunjin shuffled to the entryway, instinctively opening it at a familiar knock, only coming to when he saw you standing before him. of course, no matter how hard he tried, his body would always end up right in front of you.
ignoring the way his deflated figure twisted your chest up in all the worst ways, you chided, “you know it’s rude to confess to someone and leave immediately after, right? you didn’t give me a chance to respond.”
you huffed as you spoke. hyunjin couldn’t help the endeared smile that graced his face when he watched your frustrated, furrowed brow turn into a cute, unintentional pout. 
he thought, they are more precious to me than they’ll ever know, and he admitted, “you’re right. it was very rude of me. while i may not deserve to hear it after the way i acted, would you mind telling me what you were going to say?”
your shoulders relaxed as the familiar shine in hyunjin’s eyes returned. his beautiful smile came back too, as he watched your face light up with a reply he’d only ever dreamed of before.
“i like you too, hyunjin. i have for the longest time.”as though his hands weren’t shaking from anxiety a mere five minutes before this moment, hyunjin reached out to you, pulling you into his home and into his arms. when you accepted his invitation and melted into his embrace, hyunjin thought, i’ll pour my heart out to them again and again, if it means we’ll always end up right here, together.
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cookiescribble · 5 months ago
Flufftober Day 11: Ingredients & Spells
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A/N: i’ve wanted to write a baking with spencer fic for a while and figured today’s prompt would fit well :) also i bake pumpkin pie every fall so it’s partly based on my actual life - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Summary: Seeing the pumpkin display at the grocery store gave you and Spencer the idea to do some baking.
“Do we have everything we need?”
You were standing in the kitchen, all the ingredients laid out in front of you. You had impulsively decided to make pumpkin pie after seeing the first sight of pumpkins at the grocery store. 
“I think so,” you responded, looking at the recipe you had printed out, scanning your finger over the ingredients list. 
Spencer walked over to peek over your shoulder from behind you, reading the list way faster than you could. “Everything looks right to me.”
You had spent the morning hollowing out the pumpkin, boiling and puréeing everything you scooped out. The whole apartment smelled like pumpkin now; it really made it feel like fall. 
“Okay, what’s the first step?” You asked, turning to look at Spencer. 
He walked over to the oven, pushing some buttons which let out a steady string of beeps. “Preheat the oven to 425 degrees,” he squinted as he set the oven to the right temperature, his lanky body bent over the stove. 
As he preheated the oven, you took out some bowls to start mixing ingredients. “Does that take a long time? Should we wait to combine everything?”
“I don’t… think so?” He hesitated. “I’ve never really baked before.”
“You mean there’s something you don’t know?” you teased, walking over to him and sliding under his arm.
“Well, that’s why we need to experiment,” he replied, kissing the top of your head. “So I’ll know for next time. For now, I think we should just start mixing things.”
You nodded, starting to pick up the bottle of cinnamon. “Um… how much am I supposed to put in?”
“You’re starting with the cinnamon?” He inquired, raising an eyebrow.
You shrugged, throwing up your hands. “Is there a correct order to put the ingredients in??” 
“I don’t know!” He laughed. “I was going to start with the milk.”
“Okay, okay, put the milk in first then,” you laughed back, gesturing to the bowl. 
You kept your banter going as you mixed the rest of the ingredients, arguing about the order of adding the ginger, cloves, nutmeg, sugar, salt…
Eventually you heard a ding! from the oven, making both of your heads whip around. “Oh.” You looked down at the bowl that now had the fully mixed ingredients. “...Do you have the pie crust?”
He paused, looking like he was buffering for a moment. “I think we put it in the fridge?”
“... Were we supposed to do that?”
He shrugged, opening up the fridge and taking out the graham cracker crust you had bought. “We’ll see, I guess.”
You opened up the oven, feeling a wave of warmth coming into the room immediately, as you watched Spencer clumsily pouring the ingredients into the pie crust.
“Don’t spill it!” You exclaimed, helping him hold the bowl up so it didn’t fall right onto the crust. Your fingers brushed against his as you both held the bowl, pouring slowly.
After a few moments you heard a sudden beeeeeeeeeeep! from the oven, realizing you left it open.
“Shit!” You laughed as you poured the rest of the pie mix into the crust. You ran to grab the oven mitts, shoving the pie into the oven.
Once the pie was fully assembled and in the oven, you leaned against the counter, letting out a sigh. “Okay, the hard part’s done. How long do we need to wait for it to be done?”
“Uhh,” he thought for a moment, looking like he was searching the database in his brain. “45-55 minutes.”
“Ugghhhhh,” you groaned, falling dramatically onto Spencer’s side. “That’s so long.”
He rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Yeah, whatever could we do in that time…?” He mused sarcastically, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
You smiled up at him, standing up on your tiptoes to bring your face closer to his. “I guess I have a few ideas…”
He chuckled warmly, squeezing your waist. “Come here.”
You hopped up onto the counter, parting your legs so Spencer could stand in between them. When he walked closer, you reached your hands up to tangle them in his hair.
He smiled at you before meeting your lips in a sweet kiss, holding your face as his lips moved slowly against yours.
You didn’t realize just how long you were lost in each other before you heard the alarm you had set go off, startling you both. “The pie!”
Spencer opened the oven, gesturing for you to get the pie out. You put the oven mitts back on, carefully picking up the pie and placing it on the stove.
“So… who gets the first piece?”
“Hmm, that depends…” Spencer looked down at the pie that was now cooling on the stove. “Do you think it’s actually going to taste good?”
“I think it will,” you nodded. “How about we both eat it at the same time?”
Once the pie was cooled, you cut two slices of pie: one for you, and one for Spencer. “Okay, moment of truth.” You took a deep breath as you both took the first bite.
You looked at each other, Spencer speaking first. “That’s amazing,” he smiled, taking another forkful.
You nodded, smiling widely. “It is, isn’t it?” You sidled over to him, nudging his arm with your elbow. “We make a great baking team.”
He laughed, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Yeah,” he sighed contentedly, “we make a great team.”
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starrycassi · 7 days ago
Invisible comics spoilers ahead 🙂‍↕️ also this will probably be easier to get if you read my mark gayson is an alien overlord jr au summary
Trying to write Maskless Mark is so difficult because. How cocky can I go with him. Yeah he looks somewhat polite with his lil floating stance, but (and here's a sidenote: I really do think there's some other good Marks out there. They just weren't recruited by Levy for this specific task because they'd most likely refuse. My running theory is that our mark was the first "good" mark they visited, all the other ones were sure to agree, so they were the "starter buffer", if you will) most of the other Alt Marks were pretty... Uh, egocentric, for lack of a better term.
And we also have Terra, who's a bit of a teenage craze (another sidenote: someone imagine that one panel of "I'm the emperor of our people! You're my daughter! You need to set a better example for our empire! That boy was beneath you!" "And beside me and on top of me and behind me!" But with Nolan and Mark talking about William.) and Oliver, who's also a force of nature and clearly down to know kill in 0.5 minutes. Marky is a bit of an outlier in terms of viltrumite temper, but even then, he was ALSO a whole disaster as a child. So. How feral can I make Mark while keeping him somewhat attached to humanity while making sure it's not feral enough for William to get scared off while supporting his dad in mass murder (even if he is effectively gaslit into thinking that they're "saving" earth) while still having him be obedient enough of Debbie.
Addition that I forgot: In the one universe where we do actually see Mark and Nolan work together, we have that one mark who paralyzed his Eve. Which, uh, sure buddy. Let's just file that idea away-
Looking at the screen and deciding how many cliches can I get away with before this thing implodes on me. Childhood (start of highschool? So, young-teens?) friends to lovers? Royalty x some guy?? "I love you so much. I'd kill for you" "Finish this fucking essay for me then" "I don't love you THAT much"???
THERE'S ALSO the fact that show William is very flirty and open so, would they even bother with subtlety when they grow a bit more? 17-ish? Because I don't think OUR Mark is too pda-prone, but would this mark be?? Would they be that bloody annoying couple in highschool making out on AP math on a Tuesday at 8 am?? (I THINK Maskless Mark is too polite for that, but then again, maybe the version we got of him is just him post-grief of William's possible death. MAYBE NOT)
I also don't think Mark would be the type to hide his queerness — aside from knowing that he can EASILY 1v10 anyone in his social circle who could possibly get violent about being homophobic (mostly classmates/neighbors because I know Debbie is that one mom ironing the bi flag meme) he would just think that it's appropriate to be upfront so people know he's taken.
I THINK Debbie would somehow realize that with even Cecil gone (#RestInPiss) there is no proper way out of this. She also gets the "This is just hero work. Haha" monologue but never fully believes it, however, for the sake of doing her best to make sure at least Mark is a bit more, eh, human, she insists in that he should see himself as a diplomat (prince-ish, but never actually calls him that. She is NOT doing so many favors to his ego) and not only a warrior, going as far as convincing Nolan to get him in training with professionals like private oratory tutors and such, which would explain away his perceived politeness/manners and why, even after a fight, he can keep himself looking somewhat decent. So this Mark is a bit more chivalrous and prudish as a child. At least in public. He IS demolishing two pizzas in pajama pants and an old hoody while playing Mario kart and ignoring homework with William in private.
But. Would that William agree. Show William would probably jump at the opportunity to make everyone know that he's dating The Hottest Guy in the vicinity (even if Mark is still a bit bland. William MIGHT be biased) but I don't really like how they handle his romantic relationships on the show (another sidenote: kinda wish they were deeper with how him and Rick interact. A lot of his comments with/about Rick are very fixated on the sexual part of the relationship ((understandable, Rick DOES have a nice ass)) and that makes it feel sometimes superficial. I do like that there's no coming out trope but I also wish he was a bit more, uh, idk, openly romantic? I mean, Rick gets brainwashed and the bond they have is trying enough to bring him back for that! #letrickwillbedomesticinss4. Then again he IS a college boy so hopefully we'll get more kind (for lack of a better word??) moments between Rickwill in the upcoming seasons. I also hope he gets to be Terra's gay uncle for a lil while instead of slowly disappearing as the seasons go by.)
I think it would be fun to have Mark hide the relationship (not technically even a relationship. They're just... Very Good Best Friends) for fear that someone stronger than him would try and attack William (he is NOT stupid enough to think that the rest of superpowered people in this world are weaker than him. Yet) and William do it because he's still coming to terms with being gay. And with the possibility of dating what is basically Alien Caligula Jr.
Is William an enabler. I want to say yes but idk if that would fit. Then again, I could just write both of these characters suddenly growing tails and fins and no one could stop me. BUT I like my aus to be somewhat cohesive. For the plot.
Also: I am so not killing William off. This is gonna be Maskless Mark who never lost his William and therefore never went totally evil. I've created an AU of the AU. Sadness chases me like a hawk but I am faster than it's talons. IF I decide to write angst, it would be non canon to the au (in a way everything is canon but ykwm).
Because because because IMAGINE the possibility of ruler HUSBANDS. Mark coming home after a particularly bad fight while William hovers over him and patches him up (another sidenote: William still went to college and got his degree. Emperor consort ((??)) is NOT a career, Mark), scolding him for being so reckless while Mark just stares at the ceiling knowing damn well that William doesn't mean it at all.
"Oh but Nolan would-" he's letting his son play dollhouse for less than a century while he does the same with Debbie. This an AU which means I can ALSO make him a bit of a softer dad. Both Mark and himself are gaslighting themselves into believing that all this diplomatic preparation is necessary (is not) for earth to be ready for viltrumite takeover so they can use it as an "incubator planet". It's all a game of smoke mirrors and the only ones winning are the in-universe parasocially attached fans of Willmark who get nosebleeds every time a video of them just talking leaks.
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qadmonster · 3 months ago
Sorry, words!
I got rid of my photoshop and illustrator subscriptions which won't be missed and I can always sail the high seas for later if desired. I'm also lowering the monthly payments on a debt which has been doing a lot of damage over the last half a year.
I was able to get my rent in on time this month to avoid late fees thanks to generous ko-fi donations, but I hate relying on a life line like that. I'm just so grateful (like seriously beyond words full of gratitude) that there are some good willed people that really helped me out again. I still don't have any money left to do much else so it's rice and lentils until I get paid again. I have an upcoming dental procedure and I don't even want to think of how far back that's going to set me. My dentist is pretty chill, but still, another debt owed.
The world is a capitalist hellscape, I'm tired of being bled dry every month by EVERYTHING.
I'll try to get to the ko-fi doobles when I can. I'm taking on extra hours so I can buffer my paychecks a bit, so it might be a while. I'm very tired. Even though it might take me a while to get to it, please consider supporting me on ko-fi and leave a monster prompt
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year ago
wait i lied do childhood besties to enemies to lovers PLS
betsie ngl it took me a minute to figure out a good plot for this concept that i could do justice with the length i'm going for so now that i have something i really hope you like it! also atp it isn’t a mini blurb it’s a full on ficlet cause i just kept writing LMAO
Pairings: Fitzwilliam Darcy x GN!Reader
Warnings: Wickham mention (yes that's a valid warning bc he sucks), minor height descriptions (again i'm sorry)
Lost Years
Your least favourite time of year was always the time you visited Pemberley with your siblings. It had been that way for a while now, you probably could have pinpointed the date if you tried hard enough.
But just as every year before it was unavoidable.
It used to be an occasion of good fun. Two of your closest friends lived on the estate and you would savour every chance you got to spend with them both, but as you grew older and responsibilities set in, so did the disputes. Your close friendship had become fragmented along with your heart.
The first few days you tried to make sure you were always with at least one of your siblings, or maybe even Miss Georgiana Darcy which would create a buffer for the tension between you and her older brother.
As the estate was so large, it was always possible that by mere coincidence, one may end up in a room alone with another individual.
That quickly became the case for you, as you walked in the library, perusing the selection of books curated by the late Mr. Darcy and his son.
You went to reach for a book on a shelf you could not reach and before you could even thinking of a further attempt to grab it, someone reached from behind you and brought the book.
When you turned around and saw it was the younger Mr. Darcy you couldn't help the sharp remark that slipped past your lips.
"I could have gotten it myself. There was no need for that."
"And I suppose you would have climbed the shelves to accomplish that," he snapped right back.
"I find myself in a different mood than before. You may keep the book, Mr. Darcy," you said curtly and began to walk away.
"Am I to assume that nothing that comes from my hand will be accepted?" he asked.
You turned around.
"Miss, I have delt with your contempt of me in as amiable of a manner as I thought I was capable, but this has crossed a boundary."
"I have crossed a boundary?" you blinked, pointing to yourself. "I believe maybe you should have thought of that when you refused to give Wickham his portion entitled to him of your father's estate!"
Mr. Darcy stared at you blankly for a moment before his expression hardened.
"If Wickham is where your loyalties lie then perhaps contempt on both sides is justified."
"I disagree," you shook your head. "When he told me I could not believe what I was hearing. That you of all people could be so cold and unloving towards a friend. If you could do something like that to Wickham what was stopping you from doing it to me?"
"And what exactly did he tell you?" Mr. Darcy asked and you didn't hesitate to recount Wickham's version of the events.
You could see what almost looked like shock on Mr. Darcy's face as he saw in what light he was being painted, but he allowed you to finish before saying anything.
"I don't suppose you have anything to say for youself," you crossed your arms over your chest.
"That isn't what happened," he said simply.
"T-That isn't what happened? Really Mr. Darcy is that all you can-,"
"I swear it to you," he said. "Ask Mr. Bingley, if you must, but that is not what happened after my father's death."
You loosened your stance, letting your arms fall to your side.
"If not, then what did happen?"
Mr. Darcy took a breath before beginning to explain to you the events following his father's death. He was able to say in great detail what had occured, lining up his story with the timeline of events that had occured in his own life and Wickham's. Even things you had witnessed to your friend's character. Suddenly everything came crashing back down to reality.
When he finished speaking you had to excuse yourself in order to sit down on one of the couches behind you.
"Years," you whispered. "I went on for years believing this."
"You were listening to a friend you thought you could trust," Mr. Darcy even went as far as defending your actions towards him, when all this time he had been innocent of what he was accused. "I understand that this is a lot of information to take in, but may I ask you something?"
"Yes, I suppose," you nodded your head.
"Why didn't you ever ask me about this?"
Of everything he could have asked you, it had to be that. You closed your eyes and swallowed thickly.
"Mr. Darcy I-I'm not sure it would be appropriate to say."
"I have delt with many things much more difficult than this," he assured you. "Please...answer the question."
You chuckled softly to youself,
"We were young, Fitz," you looked over to him and you could see his face soften at the childhood nickname you called him. It was so easy how one word could transport you back in time, maybe a time where things were simpler. "I-," you shook your head and held it in your hands, massaging your temples. The words had become caught in your throat. "I-I-I loved you and if I spoke to you and it was true? It was easier to believe him and spare myself the hurt of hearing it from you directly."
You couldn't sit next to him, quickly standing and moving towards a window instead.
"The thought of finding out someone for which you feel so deeply, might be capable to do something of such an unkindly nature was too much for me to bear I-I'm so sorry."
"You loved me," he whispered softly. "Past tense."
"If I didn't love you, would I care this much about your treatment of Wickham?" you looked back at him, tears glistening in your eyes.
Mr. Darcy stood from his seat and slowly made his way towards you, gingerly reaching for your hand before finally clasping it in his own and bringing it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to its back.
"I have lost money; I have lost trust; I have lost many things because of Wickham," he murmured, your hand still close enough to his lips your could feel them move as he spoke. He lifted his other hand to gently caress your cheek. "But I will never forgive him for making me lose the years I could have spent with you."
"Fitz, I'm so sorry," you apologized as the tears finally spilled from your eyes, "I'm sorry."
You repeated your apologies many times, but they became muffled as he pulled you into him for a tight embrace.
You wrapped your hands tightly around his neck and buried your nose in his shoulder.
When your apologies quieted, he gently moved away, just barely half an arm's length.
"There is no need to apologize, my dear," his countenance calm, at peace. "We will simply have to make up for lost time."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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