#i went on their blog and they had reblogged a piece of someone's fanart with an equally insane huge rang
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aidenwaites · 6 months ago
I'm gonna be haunted by that hell hotel show blogger who was going on huge near incoherent rants about it
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pennys-fic-reviews · 8 months ago
For today's fic, we have an absolutely amazing one called Meet Again by @northpen.
I got introduced to this one by some gorgeous fanart by @teircetea. (Reblogged after this post on my blog). They're a wonderful artist and the way they use colours is the Thing that made me want to read this fic. If someone with such fabulous art read and loved this fic, then it must be a good fic.
And it was MORE than good by a long shot. It was so fun to meet all the new versions and learn about them. The world building in this was so good. It tackled mental health so well. I loved the characters and how they interacted and how they viewed the world.
(more under the cut)
I think the one thing that stuck with me was Nya's struggle with chronic pain. It made me have to put down my phone and breathe a few times. I had to take breaks and dry the tears from my eyes.
Personally, I have my own chronic pain struggles and permanent nerve and bone damage in my right ankle. And seeing Nya struggle to do the things she loves, to be scared to do the things she loves, because of her knee injury hit me. I understood. I know what it's like to be frustrated because you can barely walk. I know what it's like to feel incapable because of your pain. This fic had one of the most impactful depictions of chronic pain I've seen in a long time. Amazing job.
ANYWAYS BLAH BLAH BLAH who cares about the feely emotional stuff. What really matters is Kai's whole character. Oh my god I literally can't even get over how much growth he went through. Getting to see his character start off as a rebellious teenager who matures into a father figure and emotionally mature adult who cares about people was so cool. It happened gradually and didn't feel forced. He felt like a real human being.
Amazing job to the author for writing the characters so well. I absolutely fell in love with every single one of them.
The storytelling in this was so good. The villains felt more natural than even some of the canon villains. The plot made sense but the plot twists were still shocking. It wasn't predictable, but it also wasn't bizarre. It was a perfect balance.
Anyways. Overall. This fic was absolutely heartbreaking but also so funny and humorous. It has an angst sandwich with angst sprinkled in, but most of the filling is fluff and humor. It was an amazing and natural piece of writing on life and death and how to cope with all of it. It appreciates grief and understands it comes in all shapes and forms and knows it's unavoidable, but it accepts it and shows you that you can ease your grief with a lot of healing. It was beautiful. Had many moments that made me pause and giggle and kick my feet or cry or laugh or stare in shock or reminisce or just feel and focus on the writing.
Beautiful fic, would definitely recommend to anyone who's looking for a fantastic longfic with many different feels and a connection to the characters. Don't let the lack of tagging scare you lol 😂
Amazing fic, 10/10, thank you for birthing it into the world, author.
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babycharmander · 4 years ago
If you think you have never stolen artwork, read this post.
So, art theft. If you've been a follower of mine, you've heard my barely-coherent rants about this before, but I thought it might be more productive to make a more coherent post on the subject.
If you're wondering about the title of the post here, it's because I feel like a lot of people aren't really grasping what exactly art theft is, and a LOT of people, even well-meaning ones, do it without even realizing it.
"But wait," you say. "I would never STEAL from an artist!! I never claim it as my own!" And that's all fine and good, but you're missing something here.
To start things off, what IS art theft? (It's not what deviantART said it was several years back, I'll tell you that much. *cough*)
We all know what art is, so let's talk about theft. Dictionary.com defines "theft" as "the act of stealing; the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods or property of another; larceny." Okay, makes sense, but what about that other word there, stealing? Dictionary.com defines "steal" as "to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force."
From those definitions, we can go on to define art theft as, specifically, "taking art without permission or right." In the context of art, that typically involves reposting it (not reblogging--reblogging is different) or using it for other things.
And there, my friends, is the issue.
If something is taken or used without permission, it is stolen. Permission is the important thing here--if an artist says "oh yeah, you can go ahead and use this!" then it's not stolen. You have their permission. But if you DON'T have that, then it IS stolen. It IS theft.
"But I'm not claiming it as my own!" you say. But you don't have to claim it as your own--the act of taking it in and of itself is an act of theft.
"But I said 'credit to the artist!'" The "credit" thing is a whole other conversation, but here's the short of it: The entire point of credit is to direct people to the source of something. If you are not directly linking to where you got the art from, you are not giving credit. "Credit to the artist" is not actually credit of any kind whatsoever. (Also, Google and Pinterest are not sources.)
"But I DID link back to the artist!" Okay, now this is where it may get confusing, because you may think you're covered because you actually did give credit. Here's the problem: if you reposted it or used it without permission, regardless of whether you gave credit or not, it's still stealing.
I'm bolding this because it's a point that a lot of people get tripped up on. Let me explain it this way: If you went into your neighbor's house and took something of theirs without their permission, but you told people "oh yeah, I got this from [neighbor]'s house!" that that would still, of course, be stealing, and it's no different for art.
Another thing is that even when you credit, people don't always check the source. Very recently I found a case where someone had reposted a piece of artwork of mine to Pinterest that was deliberately made to look like it came from the source material (it wasn't meant to confuse anyone, though--the description of my original post made it very clear that it was fanart). The person who reposted had linked back to my original post. The problem? The comments had people asking if this was official, where it happened in the source material, etc. Despite the fact that the source was right there, no one thought to look at it.
Even if you link back to the source, if you did it without the artist's permission, it's still stealing, and still causes problems for us artists.
"But this artist friend of mine says they're okay if I post their work to my Pinterest so long as I link back to them!" Good for your friend! But the fact that your friend is okay with it doesn't mean that all artists are okay with it. For me, personally, I am very not okay with my work being posted to Pinterest, and say as much on my art blog description and posts (which people tend to ignore).
The problem with Pinterest--and reposting art in general--is that we artists don't know when it happens unless we're told, or unless we find it ourselves. It causes us to lose control of our art. And because of this, our art can spiral further out of our control, because when our works get posted to Pinterest or other similar websites, people who have no grasp whatsoever on how art works will just take it as "free art" and then use it for whatever they want.
That's how a piece I spent 20+ hours on was used as a poster for a paid event, without my permission, and without any payment or credit to me.
If an artist has said nothing about Pinterest (or other similar image sharing sites), your default should be to assume that they don't want their artwork posted there.
"Well I didn't repost someone's art, but I did use it for my avatar/RPing icon/video/fic cover/photo edit--" That's still stealing. If you're using it without their permission for any reason, that is stealing. Not to mention, the artist may not be cool with what you're using their art for anyway. (Looking at you, people who use platonic art in your shipping videos.)
“I MEANT to ask them for permission, but I forgot!” This can ONLY happen if you used the artwork BEFORE you asked for permission. You can resolve this by asking for permission BEFORE you use it, rather than assuming the answer will be “yes” and using it before asking.
"But it took me a really long time to make that icon/video/cover/edit!!" How long do you think it took the original artist to draw their piece? It doesn't matter how much work you put into modifying someone else's art--if you're doing it without their permission, you're still stealing.
"But I couldn't find the original artist! I tried to find them, I really did, but I couldn't. Is it okay to use their art then?" No, because you still don't have permission, and by reposting it anyway, you’re continuing to make the artwork spiral out of their control.
"What if I found the artist, but they speak a different language from mine? I can't ask them for permission, so is it okay if I repost their art anyway?" NO!! DO NOT DO THIS!! If there is a language barrier, use Google translate or find someone to translate for you and get a hold of the artist that way to ask them for their permission. The language barrier is NEVER an excuse to steal artwork. There are plenty of non-English-speaking artists who have taken ALL OF THEIR ARTWORK OFFLINE because the art theft was completely out of control. (And this isn't just exclusive to English-speakers stealing art from people who don't speak their language. It happens artists who don't speak English stealing art from English-speakers, too, but as this post is written in English it doesn't do much good for me to rant about this here.) If you can’t ask their permission, do not use it!!
"But what about reblogging?! Isn't that the same as reposting?? Should we not reblog art at all then?" No, reblogging (or retweeting) is not the same as reposting. If you reblog art, you keep all the information that we attached to the art, including our blog name and the description attached to the art. Reblogging/retweeting actually helps us artists A LOT, so as long as you're reblogging from the original artist (and not someone who's reposting their art), by all means, reblog our art!
"What if I just want to share someone else's artwork on Discord or show it to a friend?" This one's a bit different and is not actually as problematic. If you want to share our work on Discord or whatever, just link directly to where we posted it. Please don't post the art itself, unless you're doing it alongside a link because Discord won't show a preview or something.
"What about a forum or a site like Reddit?" This one's a bit different, since due to the way Reddit functions, if you LINK to the art, you have to go directly to the artist's original page to view it. (At least, that’s what it’s like the last time I was active there.) In a way it's roughly the same as with Discord--be sure you're linking directly to the actual post rather than just uploading the art on its own--but I would also ask the artist if they're okay with it, because they may be a member of the subreddit or forum and want to post it themselves, or they might not want their work shared to specific communities. (Some communities have a function where a bot will repost the artwork to Imgur, and some artists don't want that done with their art.)
"What if I'm saving it to my computer/phone to look at later, or making it into my desktop/phone wallpaper?" IMO this is fine, since your computer/phone files aren't public, and neither is your wallpaper. It's only a problem when you post it to public places without our permission.
"What if it's art I commissioned?" Well... like... in that case, it's art you paid for, so unless the artist you commissioned laid out very specific terms for you, you should be good to use that art. Like, at most, the artist may ask you to credit them somewhere in your blog description if they drew your icon or something, or credit them in a fic description if you commissioned a fic illustration from them, or something to that effect. It's really something you should have already worked out with the artist beforehand, but for the most part you should probably be fine to use art you paid for however you like.
"What about art I requested?" This is a bit different from commissioned work. Just because the art was drawn at your request doesn't mean it's explicitly yours (unless it's like, a drawing of your original character or something). Some artists take requests more as suggestions, so the art they draw in response to a suggestion or request is still theirs. Treat this as you would any other artwork and ask the artist for permission first before you do anything with the artwork you requested from them.
“What about NFTs?” ... Okay this one I can’t really go over too much because I barely understand it in the first place, but NFTs are BAD for artists and are a form of art theft. Do not turn people’s art into NFTs. This is a crappy thing to do. (If you want more information on this one, you’ll have to look it up yourself. It’s a form of cryptocurrency and it’s confusing.)
“If you don’t want your art stolen you shouldn’t post it in the first place.” This is fascinating logic. Try applying it to something else and see how it holds up. “If you don’t want your merchandise stolen, you shouldn’t open a booth.” “If you don’t want to get poisoned you shouldn’t eat food.” “If you don’t want to get punched in the face, don’t walk outside.” Yes. Flawless logic. Truly.
"Why do you care so much, anyway?! I'm sharing your art because I like it! That's a compliment! Shouldn't you be happy?" Well, we're certainly glad you like our art, but the problem is... as I've said before, reposting our art causes us to lose our control over it. When we lose control of our art, that damages our livelihood. As I said before, other people have made money off of my artwork. As well, some artists lose jobs because when their potential employers check out their portfolio, they may find artwork that's been reposted everywhere online, so they cannot hire the artist because they believe they may have stolen the artwork in their own portfolio.
Your reposting an image you thought was cute to Facebook or Pinterest could cost an artist their job. Think about that.
So, tl;dr, keep this in mind: you need the artist's permission to repost or use their artwork. If you do not have it, it is stealing, even if you credit the artist.
I know this post is really harsh in places, but this is such an important thing for all artists, and there's so many misconceptions about art theft online. And I feel like one of the biggest problems is that when some people see posts on art theft, they ignore them, because they think they've never done it or would never do it, so that's why I worded this post the way I did. I'm not trying to hurt anyone--I just want people to understand what art theft is, how it affects us artists, and how you can avoid it. Thank you for reading.
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Okay so I was in the Frankenstein tags and I found this really cool high quality stylized, beautiful art piece for this claymation cartoon called “Frankenhole” that I’d never seen or heard of before ....
So I went to go watch it immediately and I’ve only seen episode one and it’s a really cool and funny concept and the first episode had like this really cute catchy jingle about being a werewolf at the end that is stuck in my head now.
But when I came back and  I wasn’t sure if like I wanted to like or reblog the fanart art because the artist was kind of just like, doing that thing that I’ve seen bitter Hazbin Hotel antis who are jealous of Viv do, where they redesign her characters and claim they “fixed them”, and with the case of anti Hazbin “art” I’ve only barely been fooled once and I can tell when people genuinely like the show or not, but in this case all the artist did was redesign Frankenstein and his lab assistant to be visibly non white passing latinos and they legitimately did look better than their white counterparts in the source material, but the artwork was just so good I still legit could not tell if this artist was a genuine fan or not because I didn’t want support a bitter anti situation no matter how much I loved their piece so then I went to their blog to check (I’m not the anon) and found this.
I only have one question ....
Why are they censoring “autism”? 
Why are they late-speaking their own autism?
Why are they apologizing for being autistic?
You’re not “mental” and I’m not gonna pray for you, you just a sad abled-bodied bastard who needs to learn how to love themselves more.
The only thing I’m astonished about here is how someone so sad and so bitter could legit make such beautiful art for a show they claim to hate.
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thegrinningkitten · 5 years ago
How did you get so popular? I’m trying to grow big as a blog myself, but I can’t really do it. It seems like nobody likes my content.
The short answer is “I draw fanart, and I got very lucky”.
If you want a longer answer, then the brutally honest version of it is...
There are certain obvious rules to what kind of content would get more traction online:
1. Fanart is more popular than original art. The art will be more appealing to the viewer if they can connect to it on an emotional level, and if it’s fanart for a thing they’re already familiar with, the connection is already there. Original art, on the other hand, requires more work on the viewer’s part to establish that connection.
2. Comics are more popular than non-sequential pieces. Ideas are more likely to stick with people than visuals. Unless you have really strong visuals — as in, an art style that really stands out from the rest.
3. One-shot comics are more popular than long, multi-part comics. The reason’s similar to the one in the “fanart vs original art” point: One-shot comics are consumed all at once, while multi-part comics would require the viewer to go back and read them from the beginning to understand what’s going on in later parts.
There are also rules as to the best ways to post and tag your posts on different social media, but there are more than enough tutorials for that online.
While all of this should answer the general “how art blogs get popular” question, if you were actually asking about my experience in particular...
I started posting stuff online sometime around 2005-2006 — that’s when I started drawing too, I think. Had accounts on many message boards and social media websites over the years, but I don’t think there’s much to tell about them.
I first registered on Tumblr around 2010-2011 — and before anyone asks, TheGrinningKitten is my second blog; I did a huge thing where I abandoned all of my old accounts everywhere and started posting online under a new username.
Anyway, the thing is, I’ve been in different fandoms — big and small — for years, ever since I started posting online. My “main fandom” before I finally got into Undertale was Devil May Cry. I’ve spent around three years drawing fanart — and doodle comics — for it and even got a small following because of it. By that I mean that this blog had around 300 followers around November 2015, when I snapped my attention towards UT.
I participated in Fandom Kombat (Russian fandom event) with team Undertale and made some fanarts and stuff which went largely unnoticed by people. Heck, I even made Sans’s Happy Song, which did pretty well on YouTube, but people never made the connection — and even to this day a lot of people are absolutely baffled when I tell them that I made that video.
But then, inspired by CQ’s format for comics, I made this. It got reblogged by someone already popular within the fandom, it got spread around, and the reaction I got was overwhelmingly positive. So I decided to make another silly idea into a comic, and it got even more popular.
Things... kinda snowballed from there.
So, to put things into perspective, it took about 10 years for me (and 4 years for my Tumblr blog) to “get noticed” so to speak. You decide what to make of it. *shrug*
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avenger-hawk · 5 years ago
(1/3)HELLO! It's me, Anon who loves you again(lol). But you can call me Zera since I feel like we are going to interact more now (if u want to of course). But Damn, I just went back to finally read your response and I agree so much with what you say. I have an entire essay to write back and this shitty ask will not let me express myself lmao. Anyway, those past few days I felt so shitty just because of how degratory people can be on the internet because they think they are anonymous.
(2/3)Tumblr at this point is so…f*ucked. Constant slandering denigration, muckraking and aspersions. Some people try to negate the toxic and keep it alive but this platform is a breeding place for mob mentality. I’ve seen so many people bullied out of the place just for having a differing opinion. And so many people being all woke trying to “spill tea”, “expose” real people. They tarnish people’s feelings and reputations all behind their safe anonymous cocoon.
(3/3) And they justify this abuse/slander with “I am allowed to express my opinions so gtfo if you don’t agree bitch”. They play the victim when people tell them that opinions do not mean denigrating real people for bullshit reasons with no real proof. At this point sweetie, I am just ranting. Sorry if I am bothering you with those negative thoughts but I felt so shitty those past few days and you are pratically the only one I can get behind in this hellhole tumblr shit. Also, I am writing out-
(Last Part) As I was TRYING TO SAY before the limit bullshit cut me off, I am writing out a response to your previous response to my previous ask. It’s way too long already so I will either need to send you through dm or cut it out into pieces after I have fully written everything out. Thankkk you so much for talking to me despite me being so sudden with you. I appreciate you so much and I hope you are taking care out there (both physically AND mentally). Also, loving those art reblogs
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Hello Zera and nice to meet you by your name (or nickname, it’s cute anyway~) and I’m glad you like my fanart reblogs.
I am sorry that you are feeling shitty…it’s frustrating, to say the least, to see people hide behind anonymous and slander blogs, names, real people who are behind them, for an opinion, a taste, whatever. I find irritating even the words/expressions they use, maybe because as a non native English speaker I saw them for the first time used in this bad context so they are only associated to tumblr fake woke idiots and their ‘that’s the tea’ shit. And it’s ironic that they can talk shit about people however they want but when people do the same to them they justify with not only the reasons I listen in my last reply but also with this thing you mentioned, that they are allowed to express their opinion…like, what about the person they slandered? oh but they are not ‘valid’ (I hate this word too) because their opinion is wrong. Says them, ofc. Then ofc they start playing the victim because poor kids, everyone is a bully to them.
It’s ok to rant, I understand your feeling well and I’d like to tell you that if you ‘stop paying attention’ to this it will be ok, but I do fall into the frustration & irritation pit too sometimes. But it happens less often, cause I channeled my fandom time and interested on positive stuff instead and so I want to stay. I don’t want to be preachy or belittle this problem because I know how hard it is (and you can see in my blog that I struggled with these problems directly too, both from dumbasses like those you describe, and from a different kind of creep lol, and even in my other fandom there is slandering and calling out and horrible things), but recently even more, all this coronavirus lockdown (my country is in quarantine since more than a month now) and something horrible that happened to the person I love, made me reconsider certain things. At least for me, at least for now, their importance is dulled down now…Even more than before where I was already detached from fandom dramas.
And since I can see things from a detached perspective I might try ‘suggesting’ something to not let this shit get to you…because life is a b*tch and you can’t allow yourself to suffer for f*ckers who don’t even show themselves, hiding behind an anonymous, or running a shitty blog where they just shit on people, it doesn’t matter.
I don’t engage in fandom discussion (or, like they call it, ‘discourse’, another word I hate) anyway, and I recommend everyone to not engage in anything with those f*ckers. Not because you (not just you Zera but you guys in general) are scared of them but because what they want is attention, and receiving replies, reblogs, attacks, everything, is what they want. blocking them, even making fun of them like they do to others, is ok, cause it’s repaying them with their same treatment. But cut communication. Block people, everyone. These idiots, their friends, those who put likes on their shit, those who put likes on their shit but also to your stuff because they can’t pick a side and maybe they’re good people who don’t think much about these things. Block every single person who irritates you even just a little, and everyone around them. Unfollow people, but mostly block them. The fanarts I post now has little notes compared to the ones I had in the past when I posted them, because I blocked everyone who annoys me, everyone whose opinions annoy me, everyone who starts shit even though I don’t want to speak to them, like every SN/SI/canon stans and puritans and more. I unfollowed friends who followed one of those fake woke b*tches, who reblogged their stuff I didn’t want to see, and made them unfollow me. Marie Kondo my a** lol
And make it clear, so that those who’ll see these people shitting on someone who clearly said they blocked them, will realize who’s bullying who. Maybe it won’t change anything in the short period but in the long run it will, because these assholes have their same behavioral pattern, being overt or even more, covert narcissistic b*tches in need of attention, so if their target ignores them they’ll move to another, in the same ‘area’.
The temptation to check their blogs and see if they attack you, your friends, or what they do in order to protect yourself is strong, but it won’t help getting over this. I know it’s hard and I fell into this a lot, but we all should use fandoms in a positive way to get distracted when we feel like shit because of fandoms…like looking at fanarts, fanfiction or using some private chat group that you know it’s a safe space, even though I read that a dischord chat became moralistic hell unexpectedly, for some the people who joined.
Anyway, sometimes we (and I include myself) fall into this ‘addiction’ where we consider fandom things so important, and we neglect real life people and things…and negative shit like bullying, slandering and all this makes us feel horribly and it’s not different from real life bullying. Sometimes it’s even worse because we join a fandom as a distraction, an escape route sometimes for real life problems, and instead we end up feeling like shit because of it. But, as someone who spent a whole year trying to expose a very bad person who did bad things to me online, and as a person who was slandered many times and always fought back, I can say that letting this affect our real life is bad. Because real life is even harder and we don’t need more weights on our shoulders. And if something like illness or death get close to your circle of people, you realize how all this is pointless, how these f*ckers have no purpose in their pathetic lives other than making others feel bad, and how we can and must fight back everything, but not let it get inside our heads and hearts, where we must keep things we like, our fave characters, ships, dynamics, kinks, people, whatever.
Because, and really everything I say I tried and try on myself first, there will come a time where you’ll look back at this and you’ll realize you might have missed something more important in your life, real or online it doesn’t matter, both are important…Life, I was saying, sometimes is cruel in big and small ways, taking something or someone away from you when you least expect it, making it hard to do the things you like because some a**holes decides it’s wrong, online and offline (like, try feeding crows in my area and see how much hate you can get, and being hated for something so harmless is really horrible, and it’s like the real life representation of online shit imo) is too short to worry about shitty blogs run by shitty people or shitty anons~
I really hope you’re feeling better Zera, and if you celebrate Easter I wish you a happy one!
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notthatiwilleverwriteit · 6 years ago
Hi ~ For the 30 Day 19 Days Challenge: 27 and 28 x
Hello there (^_^)/
Oh, I actually meant the challenges in a way that I’ll do them all in 30 days, but sure, I can answer these two ahead of time. In case someone doesn’t want “spoilers”, I’ll put them under the cut. 
30 day 19 Days challenge
Day 27: Favorite 19 Days fan artist and/or piece of fanart This fandom has so many amazing artists, it’s almost impossible to choose just one. Everyone has their own styles that I love for different reasons, so it’s not like one of them is superior somehow.
If I was to pick just one artist, though, I’d go with @umary-tashami ‘s art. Her content is just breathtakingly gorgeous. I love her rich colors and interesting details. Also, as a Qiucheng shipper and He Cheng stan, I love how she draws other characters of 19 Days, too, and not just the main four. I’m forever salty that Tumblr - in its infinite stupidy - made her blog “sensitive content” and hid some of her art due to the purge. Every time I have to click that “view this Tumblr” to continue, it pisses me off to no end.
My all-time favorite piece of 19 Days art, however, is this NSFW Tianshan pic by @rorozhu-blog . I just love the possessiveness of it and how the earrings He Tian gave to Mo were included. Just imagine HT playing with them with his tongue. I’m not hugely thirsty for explicit NSFW content, but when it’s done teasingly or has some significant details like that, I’m a big fan. 
There are countless of 19 Days artists I instantly reblog whenever they come across my feed but here are some honorable mentions that I think have really interesting, unique styles I wish had more spread in the fandom: @paosint @ginmayo@cudzinec@wwukie@annowol@joestaycute
I’m always on the lookout for those kinda fan artists.
Day 28: Favorite quote This was surprisingly difficult. At first, my mind went straight to Mo admitting that he had been so bothered by He Tian there’s no way he’d ever forget him and just a few chapters later confidently asking He Tian to give him a pair of black studs. But for the most part, I loved those lines because of their character development and shipping content, not really as quotes that had stopped me to think for a while.
I think the line that took me aback the most was in ch 252 when little He Tian, all teary-eyed, asked if he one day doesn’t do as his father says, will he get buried, too.
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Just imagine how much a child’s heart must be aching for him to say such a thing. Children love unconditionally and rely on unconditional love, and it takes a lot of pain and distrust to break that. It perfectly sums up what kind of messed up childhood He Tian had, and the accusing tone already has a seed for his future rebellious nature.
As an honorable mention, I have to add this glorious line by Jian Yi: 
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I wish I could bottle his confidence 😂
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balancerseye · 6 years ago
all ending in 1
1. Your first OC ever?
That is an excellent question because honestly I’ve had so many I wouldn’t be able to pin down who exactly came first. I’m gonna maybe go with Frey since I think he’s the first oc that I had go through a bunch of iterations.
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He went from “Phantom from MStory knockoff” to weird Digimon esque tamer thingy to “I’m god now, I guess” and I still love him.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Carmen!! I would put Raz/Aren here but a lot of his positivity is feigned as opposed to Carmen’s genuine upbeat behavior and overall rosy look on life. I’ve used her in a flight rising related story rather extensively and what became her backstory in that bled a lot into what her backstory is now for my original story. The long and short is that she’s a trans woman who skips through life dispensing cheerful encouragement and often really longs for a genuine relationship with someone who really understands her.
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21. Your most artistic OC
This one was harder because I can’t specifically say there’s one oc that sticks out above the others, I usually give a lot of them musical skills. I’m gonna go with Zagan for now though (and a way too old pic because it’s the only colored ref i have, kill me)
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She’s a demon and a tailor/smith, tends to go real funky with designs for prosthetic pieces. A lot of designs canonically made by her are just excuses for me to include floral decals and art nouveau.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
I wanted to do Dima but then realized he wouldn’t have a blog so i’m going with Jules. Anyway. Jules probably watch BFUnsolved and blogs extensively about conspiracy theories, pictures of cryptids that she makes fun of, a lot of forest photography and occasionally pictures of her cats or of Dima doing some weird shit. Also she spends an inordinate amount of time on finding a simple yet aesthetically pleasant blog theme with Carmen.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
*Smacks down fanart like they’re baby pictures in a wallet*
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Squid you did this one and Dima’s face isn’t even in it but I am pretty sure it’s one of my fav pics ever and I will never stop looking at it.
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@stareyedraccoon this is really old but I still love this so much honestly and it’s also a good memory of what Aren’s design used to look like
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@meyecy Haunted birds who drink all your pepsi and call you motherfucker (Also i do just really love this piece, it’s good)
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Dear Voltron Fandom (an open letter)
Dear Voltron Fandom,
You don’t know me, but I know you. Before I get into this, allow me to introduce myself so I’m not a stranger. My name is Paiton. I’m 19 years old, and I have high functioning autism, and the character I relate to and love the most is Pidge. I have traversed through many a fandom in my life so far. From Avatar:The Last Airbender, to Sailor Moon, Steven Universe, Disney, you name it! All of these fandoms are loving and wonderful in their own way. However, every fandom has a dark side; It’s just the nature of fandoms, unfortunately. Despite that, I was able to look past that, and be proud to be a part of them! But NEVER have I EVER been more ashamed of being in a fandom when I got dragged into Voltron. Before that, I heard rumors of how toxic the fandom was and all of the crazy stunts some fans tried to pull in order to get what they wanted into the show. So, I tried to avoid the show and its fandom like the plague at all costs.Two months went by and my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to check out the show just to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out I really liked the show and Pidge quickly became my favorite! Hell, I even started a Pidge Ita Bag; just added the first charm to it a couple of days ago! I started out just keeping to myself on my quiet little tumblr blog just reblogging fan art and fics as well as interesting theories and talking to my friends about it. And I can’t forget about buying Voltron fan swag! All was well, despite the occasional bits popping up about the latest fandom disasters. That is up until quite recently. I thought I had seen it all when I had to fight to defend Sailor Moon fans that were being bashed for liking Sailor Moon Crystal or for getting into Sailor Moon in general because of Crystal. I thought I had seen it all when I saw SOULESS Steven Universe “fans” telling an artist to kill herself for drawing Rose Quartz skinny. I thought I had seen it all when I saw the Brony fandom in general. But this....sending death threats to the voice actors and their families, blackmailing the creators in order yo make Klance canon, and a rumor that some antis were burning fanart?! This is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE! To those who participated in ANY of these horrible actions or any other crimes against the fandom, you ought to be ASHAMED of yourselves! Your actions are SHAMEFUL and you should /feel/ ASHAMED. People like you are a disgrace to this and every other fandom out there. You are the reason why the Voltron fandom has such a bad reputation. Now for the sake of this not being me dragging the voltron fandom for the entirety of however long this is going to be, I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a minute or two. I know that not everyone in the Voltron fandom is bad. Hell, my best friend is a Klance shipper and a Lance fangirl and she’s one of the chillest Voltron fans I know! And you want your ships to be canon, I get it. Every fan wants their ship to be canon, weather its a strait, or LGBTQ+ ship. We need more LGBTQ+ representation in...well, pretty much everything really. And it is coming. Its getting there, but  its gradual and you have to be patient! “Patience yields focus” , in the immortal words of our beloved Space Dad. But I also understand that fandoms can change things as well. The first example that comes to mind is Kim Possible if any of you reading this are old enough to remember. When Kim and Ron finally got together in the movie that was supposed to be the series finale, the fans flipped every last crumb of their shit and wrote in, demanding another season. And another season they got, ending with Kim and Ron graduating high school. So fandoms /can/ change things, but this.... Blackmail, death threats, is NOT the way to do it! If anything, stuff like that will steer people away from creating representation just because of the sheer mass hysteria it causes within fandoms! Its the toxic people in the Voltron fandom that pull this sort of stuff that steered me away from the show in the first place. To the toxic people in the Voltron fandom who call themselves proud members of the community. You know who you are. I am calling all of you out. You are not fans. You are bullies. Plain and simple. The kind that beat up the little kid with glasses and stuff them in a locker for being a nerd. The kind that steals lunch money in the cafeteria when the teacher isn’t looking. The kind that spread awful rumors about that shy little girl that likes anime, telling her that nobody would care if she died, only worse. You are the very same kind of bullies that I tried to get away from by joining fandoms (supposedly an accepting environment for people who are different and like the same stuff) in the first place. Now I am the kind of person that doesn’t have a temper. However, stuff like this is one of the very few things that get me righteously pissed off. But I don’t yell, or scream, or punch a wall. Instead, I channel that anger into fuel I can use for something else. Which is what made me write this open letter to you, the Voltron fandom. Like I said earlier, not everyone in the Voltron fandom is bad. To all of those that just enjoy the show and respect other people’s ships, or don’t give a dam about ships at all. thank you for being decent human beings and trying to clean up the mess these toxic, souless antis made of our fandom. After seeing all of this I can tell you that I am officially 1000% DONE with this bull. So I am calling the antis out. Consider this a reality check for ALL of you. This is a fucking CARTOON. The people you are shipping so feverishly together are fictional characters. Underline the word “Fictional” as in “not real”. At the end of the day, they are just a bunch of lines and colors moving frame by frame and voiced by real human beings with feelings. They are not above emotions like some of you idiots think they are. When are you going to get it through your tiny brain cases you call heads that how you are acting is childish, immature, and just plain sadistic?! I want to get something strait right now. I do not hate the voltron fandom, not at all. I hate what its become. These horrible antis and haters and toxic people are infecting the fandom like a deadly disease; like a fast spreading plague that causes the slow and painful death of its victum. However, unlike the real Black Plague, there is a cure! And a contagious one at that! So I’m sending out a call to action to every decent human being in the fandom! Those who are here just to enjoy the show for what it is with other people and have a good time, the older fans who got into Voltron: Legendary Defenders because they grew up with the older versions, the Multishippers, those who are respectful of other people’s ships,, or don’t give a dam about shipping at all, as well as those who keep their accounts as safe spaces for all fans. Do your girl a solid and help make the Voltron fandom a better place. Please, be a voice for good. If you see a fan getting harassed by an anti, just politely shut them down. Don’t go full on Leroy Jenkins and fight back, don’t feed the trolls, guys! Just politely tell them to back off and ignore them after that. Then, turn around and try to cheer up the person who got harassed! Share your favorite fan art pieces with them or give them fic recommendations! Who knows, you just might make a new friend! If you see someone you follow on any social media platform doing any of the bullshit I’ve previously mentioned earlier, unfollow them immediately. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life and neither does anybody else. Let your followers know that your account is a safe space for all decent Voltron fans to geek out and that there is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for antis. If someone disagrees with you on your ship or theory, politely ask them to explain their reasoning in a civil manner. Get a dialogue going so the whole thing doesn’t turn into an all out screaming match. It can be done, people! It is possible! It just takes a little effort. It may take some time, hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, but I beleive we can fix the fandom if we all work together.  Now I also want to take a moment to send a message. To the voice actors of Voltron; Bex taylor Klaus (My Queen), Jeremy Shada, Steven Yeun, Josh Keiton, Kimberly Brooks, Tyler Labine, Rhys Darby, and A.J. Locascio. To the Co-Creators of Voltron; Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery. I am not apologizing for the actions of the toxic part of the fandom (that’s a mess they gotta clean up themselves), but I am speaking for the good part of the fandom and myself when I say that we apologize for what these souless people have put you through. Nobody should ever have to go through that just some people want a small sense of validation in their ship being canon. We love all of you and we hope that you can find it in your hearts to give the fandom a chance to redeem itself. I wrote this in hopes of waking some people up and start to to change things for the better. At least that’s what I hope will come of this rant that I wrote all in one sitting at 4 am. Just know that we all love and respect you and I am going to try my hardest to help change this fandom for the better with the help of my friends and followers, as well as the rest of the fandom that actually has a soul and a conscience. We are going to try and remind everyone that we are all on the same side. We all love the same show and the same characters and the same story. After all, we’re all made up of the same cosmic dust.
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metalgirlrising · 2 years ago
So I'm usually on the fence when it comes to talking about popular artists and how they low key treat their followers and ppl on the internet. I know nobody owes anything from ppl on the internet and I could just be projecting but I had been drawing since like 2009 and I had a hard time constantly trying to get ppl to see my art. A lot of it at the time was cause I just wasn't that good yet but one time and this was the only time it struck me that some artists rather share something equal or better than themselves. I remembered I was in the homestuck fandom and I was drawing a lot. My art would like get about 50 notes? 100 at best. I had followed these popular artists in the fandom never followed back or acknowledged my art and that was fine! I didn't expect a follow back or even likes or rb from them I appreciated their art. Dave strider pretty much resonated with me as a character and I had drawn a piece with Dave strider in his room looking out the window it was pretty personal fanart I had made. Anyways someone had msg me and was like "hey I was inspired by your art so I made my own version of it" and I was flabbergasted! Someone was so inspired by my art that they drew their own piece from it! They even credit and linked my original piece. It was rllyvwell drawn and more detailed than mine and with their help by just crediting me I went from like 50-100 likes to 1k reblogs it was pretty much the first time I seen anything I drawn get that many notes on here I was happy but then I noticed theit piece got 10x the ammount of notes then i did and a lot of the "popular" blogs in the fandom had liked and reblogged their version while my original piece went unchecked. One even just "liked" my post and tbh its hard not to feel like that was an insult in itself. Like idc what ppl say that was how I felt.
I don't know i felt like since then I haven't rlly bothered to try and be a part of a community or even interact with other artists. A lot of these same artist had deliberately ignored me and its been years and I still feel that but it's funny a lot of these artists that snuffed me for no reason like when I look them up again they haven't done anything artistically since then! One artist who didn't like me way back in the deviantart days who had like 8k followers on deviantart has like... 200 followers on Twitter and tweets like she has fans and like.... it's been 10 years and her art style has not improved at all.
Another one had moved to make art outside his usual and he doesn't get a whole lot of notes as he used to and because of that his ego was bruised and he just stopped posting. The rest? Idk prob the same or moved on to make bnha porn art or smth lol
Anyways... thought I share.
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wolfywordweaver · 5 years ago
I feel like now that I’ve read the books (Carry On and Wayward Son) I want to say a proper thank you to @vkelleyart​. I stumbled upon SnowBaz completely by accident. It was a tag actually, on that said "wolfstar or snowbaz?” and I Googled SnowBaz. I looked at the covers of the book, read a synopsis and said to myself, “Huh. Okay.” It was interesting, but I haven’t really read anything in years.
But I thought that the fanart I saw was pretty good so I followed a couple of blogs that reblog SnowBaz content and thought that I was done. Just happy to look at more pretty art with some pretty handsome blokes.
And then I was slapped in the face with @vkelleyart​‘s work and was shaken. I was seeing bits and pieces of this story and with so much depth and emotion on a single frozen frame of their story. And sometimes even more when she puts out the mini comics. 
It was beautiful. It was haunting. I couldn’t stop looking.
For months, I’d look. I wanted to know more about the characters, but my particular brand of depression stripped my joy of reading away. I didn’t feel like I could really invest enough energy in caring about more characters or learning their world. But I wanted to.
I don’t know if there’s anyone else like me, someone who spent MONTHS admiring the art quietly and even daring to read a few fanfictions. Because the fans of this story are legit some of the nicest and most supportive people I’ve ever seen. Even the “Hairy!Baz and Dolphin!Baz” war that went down seemed to be all in good humor. It finally got to the point where I carried Simon and Baz with me so much that I couldn’t stand NOT KNOWING their story. The turning point? @vkelleyart​‘s fanfiction When the Tides Held the Moon. 
Let me tell you something: I have been blessed. I’ve been blessed because as I walked through their story I had the most amazing set of images to carry with me and see the scenes unfold. I love the cover art that Mr. Kevin Wada did but to me, @vkelleyart​‘s Simon and Baz and Penny and Agatha is who I walked with in those two books. It’s her images of scenes that I saw and looked for, getting ridiculously excited as I drew closer (Ren Faire, anyone?). And it was her mini comic that I could rehearse from memory as Baz ran to a shot up and downed Simon, a scene of black and white save for the blood.
So, it was an unreal experience. I’ve never had one like that, where the fanart and fanfiction convinced me towards something and then carried me so faithfully through it. I don’t think I’ll ever have that again and I’m in awe. I appreciate the fandom that @rainbowrowell created, but I’m so very thankful for the fans that have made it so very touching and enjoyable. 
This particular mini comic that I’m reblogging all this on was a powerful scene in the book and it is even more striking with her art. It felt fitting for how I’ve struggled to put this all into words even when I’m not sure that I’m making sense or getting it all across well. Thank you @vkelleyart. I’m not sure that I will ever be able to adequately explain what your art and your fanfiction have done for me. 
I’ll be here with you all, waiting for the third book and adding my little pebbles to the ocean.
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“I don’t know if he’ll hear me over everything.” - Simon, Chapter 41, Wayward Son by @rainbowrowell
I’m so pleased to finally share this 4-spread sequential artwork inspired by Chapter 41 of Wayward Son. I kept words as sparse as possible to ensure I’m not infringing on the book’s copyright, but the words featured here were handlettered by the talented and generous @penpanoply. Thank you so much for lending your skills to this project, Jeska.
About the art:
I started sketching this scene almost immediately upon finishing the book, as the poetry of it had completely blown me away. In particular, I was moved by the subtext at work in this scene—that Simon and Baz’s relationship in WS on the whole had the same qualities as riding precariously in the back of a truck on a rough road, leaving them struggling to be heard over the noise, struggling to touch one another in a way that actually conveys what they intend. The ride is too rough, and the wind, too loud.
And yet, they find a way to embrace each other through it. The ride is such an effective metaphor for what it’s like to love someone through trauma, depression, and anxiety: the loss of what was once easy and natural between you and the one you love, in exchange for turbulence that requires so much more effort and care to navigate. It knocked the wind out of me to read it.
For the art, I’ve tried to hit milestones you’ll recognize. I’ve kept everything monochrome but the rear tail lights, which are in a bright fire-engine red, to underscore the anxiety that they’re muscling through in this scene. In the absence of narration, I’ve tried also to make their faces as true to the original as it’s within my skill to do, leaving some ambiguity in some of their expressions so that you can’t quite tell if they’re feeling pleasure or pain.
I did my best, and I hope it shows. To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas, and thank you, Rainbow, for painting the original version of this scene in such beautiful words.
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redwritinghood · 4 years ago
Tagged by @dancyon :)
name: ;)
nickname(s): I usually use a variation of fjsh (like fjshbones) as an online identifier. So either fjsh of J
starsign:  taurus
gender: female
height: 5′5″
sexual orientation: pan but also a bit ace/aro
color: I like pinks from blush to mauves and wines, but also all shades of blues and greens including mixes of aquamarine. Also violets and lilacs.
current time: 4:02am
current location: The microlab (I work nights)
average hours of sleep: 6-7
lucky number(s): 23, 750
last thing I googled: “What is a gaylord”
number of blankets I sleep with: 5. It’s winter and I don’t have central heating. My bed is cold.
favorite fictional characters: Laurent. Not to say the other capri characters aren’t precious, but I never identified strongly with a fictional character until Laurent. It was so oddly refreshing and simultaneously intrusive to have his actions and dialogues match what I would have done or said. There are also parallels in background and upbringing.
Honorable mentions go to: Richard Campbell Gansey III, Mello, Helga Pataki, Yuri Plisetsky, Anita Blake (before that series went to shit), Sanji, Molly the dog, Calcifer, all the Haikyuu characters, Barbara Gordon, and Lestat. (I like a lot of emotionally constipated blonds)
favorite musical artist(s): I have several playlists of songs I love but couldn’t tell you who the artist is. This is one of my current favorites: Achilles Come Down. But I like just about anything Jack White/Allison Mosshart, Mars Argo, Florence + the Machine, Jenny Owen Youngs, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Hobosexual, Cage the Elephant, Nirvana, Temposhark, Hozier, and the OG albums from Nico Vega and Arctic Monkeys
dream job: Marine Biologist and Writer/Novelist
random fact: I’m (slowly) working on getting my pilot’s license. I’m also dyslexic and I hate editing. 
do you have any other blogs?: There is an old personal tumblr I abandoned years ago
when did your blog reach its peak?: A few weeks ago one of the big Capri blogs reblogged an artwork piece or something and I had nearly 100 notifications two days in a row.
what made you decide to get tumblr?: It was recommended by someone, but I’ve also produced fanart and fics that I wanted to share. I was also curious what the community was like.
why did you choose your url?: Well I’m a soulless ginger who likes to write and only finds puns acceptable when I use them
I’m supposed to tag people but I still haven’t done a good job at interacting with tumblr people. @topoftheklopps​ seems pretty cool though.
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sapphichogwartsgirlsnet · 8 years ago
Pansy x Luna: Modern Day AU
by @cauldrones
For the @sapphichogwartsgirlsnet “Get to Know the Members” event
Basically just a bunch of headcanons I wrote at 3am because the event ends today which I feel really reflects my personality. 
(Longgggggg, I got a bit carried away)
ok so I know this won’t be anything close to cannon but just hear me out
Starbucks Dates
Pansy goes everyday to Starbucks for her morning coffee
She has the whole drinks list memorized and has tried all the drinks twice
Luna rarely ever goes
She has no fucking idea what any of it means
“What size?” Medium. “Do you mean grande?” No..?
Luna actually met Pansy at a Starbucks
Luna is a sleep deprived art student who depends on coffee whose coffee machine broke and is ready to fight everyone in this line
She sees the girl in front of her and immediately forgets all about coffee
She has the barista put Luna’s number on Pansy’s cup
Now they meet at Starbucks every friday afternoon because Luna doesn’t have any classes then
Pansy actually is the one who loves the sweet drinks. Chocolate, Caramel, bright pink, she is all for it.
Luna absolutely hates them. Just a Venti Black iced Coffee for her please. 
WHen Luna had Pansy try her coffee, her face scrunched up really tight
“How could you drink that? It tastes so bitter!”
“Maybe it reminds me of someone.”
Pansy is kinda ashamed of her girly drinks so when they go out in public she makes Luna hold whatever god awful sweet thing she ordered and she carries Luna’s coffee. 
They trade quickly so they both can take a sip of their drinks without anyone noticing.
Luna has this denim jacket she got from a thrift shop three years ago
She has tons of enamel pins and patches she collected over the years that she puts on this jacket
Seriously, if you ever need to get Luna a present, get her pins.
She is always on Etsy???
Pansy steals it from her all the time
“It’s the one jacket you own that doesn’t make me want to vomit a fucking rainbow.”
Luna made one for Pansy and gave it to her for their one year anniversary
It’s Pansy’s most prized possession
She still steals Luna’s
Taking pictures of each other for their Instagrams
Luna’s Instagram is really artistic? Like she really doesn’t have a theme, but everything looks deliberate and goes together, but they are all independent pieces, each photo gives a different feeling. 
She has a lot of cute selfies of the two of them on dates and candids of her friends.
She also takes picture of her plants and every cat and dog she sees on the street.
She also has a second account for art that has like 15k followers
Pansy is dedicated to a theme. 
It’s basically dark green and black
Luna breaks Pansy’s theme all the time by just being so god damn colourful
Her photos are stunning?
Luna and Pansy both run tumblrs and are fandom trash together
Luna is a digital artist who makes absolutely beautiful fanart? 
She works like non-stop? Always answering asks,messaging people constantly, and is always open to requests.
Pansy’s blog is just a Luna fan blog, reblogging mostly just cute things Luna made and lesbian stuff
When Pansy was younger she had a lot of internalized lesphobia and was very ashamed of her sexuality.
When she went online she found a safe space
She finally felt wanted
It gave her courage to call the number on her Starbucks cup 
Pansy and Luna live happily ever after
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my-one-love-is-music · 8 years ago
Too Obvious
Summary: In hindsight, Levi realized that the two of them really weren't doing anything to hid their relationship from their fans on Tumblr. They'd just fallen into a rhythm and everything else seemed to fall into place with it. 
Time for another installation of the fic verse!!! It's been so long since I worked with the universe I set up, but better late than never, right?
Hope you enjoy some more from our hopeless nerds.
Also on AO3!
               It had quickly become routine, interacting with Eren after the two of them had really gotten serious with each other after they started dating. Levi hadn’t thought much about the increase in skype conversations that they’d had or the fact that they weren’t afraid to tag each other in posts at all or have somewhat public conversations, despite the fact that none of Levi’s fans knew what he looked like or much about his personal life beyond the small snippets that he would give if he was running late on an update or someone sent him an ask wanting to know how he was doing.
               Eren’s fanart output had also increased now that he was on break and had more time to draw, which he was never afraid to indulge in with Levi’s fics either. Most of their fans followed both of them so it didn’t take long before questions began to arise about the two of them. People wondered when they’d become such good friends and how long they’d known each other and if they interacted in real life. None of these questions had been asked directly to either of them so Levi saw no need to answer and he assumed that Eren just failed to see the conversations that were happening on Tumblr since he tended to get so absorbed in his projects and other things.
               That is, until someone reblogged one of Eren’s pieces of art from him and added quite a compromising comment in the tags.
 #this is so cute #I love the fic this is for too #kaydensweet15 #ISwearTheseTwoAreDating
                 The last one had made him stop in his tracks and he had to read it over a couple of times before he was sure of what he was seeing. Interested to get Eren’s opinion on the whole thing, he sent him the post through messenger.
 Humanity’s Strongest: Look at the tags on this post. What do you think?
                 While he waited for a response, he clicked on the blog and started skimming through their posts to see if they made any other mention of him and Eren, curious as to how far these theories and claims had spread among the people on the site. There were times when he was still surprised by how diverse and widespread his readership was and the fact that this had grown so much wasn’t something that he’d been expecting. He wasn’t surprised to find multiple conversations between the blogger and the person who they’d mentioned in the tags. Thankfully, there wasn’t anything discussed that was explicit and it was mostly the two of them bouncing ‘what if’ situations off each other and referencing several posts made by Eren and Levi wherein they interacted with each other.
               Levi honestly hadn’t even noticed the growing attention placed on the two of them, either. They both remained pretty tight-lipped about their lives outside of the internet so he wasn’t worried about something weird happening if he did happen to know someone who followed him in real life. That line of thinking always made him feel a bit strange. He could easily pass one of his readers on the street and never know it and they wouldn’t either.
               His messenger notification brought him back to the conversation at hand and he closed out of the blog he was looking at to check Eren’s response.
 Jaegermeister: Huh. I never considered that our interactions on Tumblr could somehow be suggestive of our actual relationship.
 HS: What do you think we should do? Should we address this or just leave it alone?
 JM: I don’t think we need to address it until someone brings it to our attention directly. From there, I don’t really mind if they know that we’re dating. It’s not like they know who we are off the internet so it shouldn’t bother me unless they start asking really inappropriate questions about our relationship which, considering the type of people who follow us and the stuff they read, is a possibility.
                 Levi sat back and thought over Eren’s words. He hadn’t expected him to have that much to say about it and he honestly agreed with him.
 HS: I agree. For now it’s probably fine that we just keep doing what we’ve been doing.
 JM: Nice. You still free to skype later?
 HS: Yeah.
 JM: I’ll see you then. I’d love to keep chatting, but I need to get back to working on my new drawing.
 HS: It’s scary how much the two of us are workaholics, isn’t it?
 JM: Yeah, a bit. But what we do makes us happy so I’m not about to complain. Plus, your work is amazing and I definitely wouldn’t be at the level I’m at now without your writing as inspiration.
                 Levi felt himself flush and become embarrassed over the praise. He was glad that Eren wasn’t there in person to see his reaction. Eren always threw out his praise out easily, like he thought it wouldn’t make Levi freeze and obsess over the words or wouldn’t mean as much to him as it really did.
 HS: Well I need to get back to work.
                 He hurriedly clicked back to the open Word document that he was working in and got back to his chapter, trying, and failing, to push Eren’s words from his mind. A pretty important part of his story was coming up and he wanted to make sure that he dealt with it just right. He’d been waiting to get to this moment for a long time and he wasn’t about to let anything distract him from getting it perfect, even if he had to rewrite it and rework it a hundred times over and delay his posting.
                 A few days passed and Levi had pretty much forgotten about the conversation that he’d had with Eren and the rumors that were floating around among their fans. He hadn’t noticed any more comments in the tags of posts or any other posts that were written specifically about their relationship and hadn’t received any messages or asks detailing the aspects of his relationship with his boyfriend. His new chapter and his boyfriend were both keeping him pretty occupied so there wasn’t much space left in his brain for other thoughts and he was forced to prioritize more than usual and pushing aside unimportant concerns didn’t bother him anyway.
               He’d been so focused on his writing that he almost missed the sound of a new message notification on Tumblr. When he looked at the message he was starting to wonder why he kept the website open in the first place when he was trying to work. Probably because he was addicted to it, as shitty as it could be sometimes it did get him to his current status as a fanfic writer so he couldn’t really complain.
 JM: So…
                 He groaned. This was going to be one of those times when it took forever for Eren to message him because he was trying to figure his thoughts out as he was typing. He’d have to give up on working on his new chapter since he was sure that every time he got back into the groove of writing, he’d just get another message. He wished there was a way to change the tone of the notification to make it sound more ominous. He felt like he’d need it with all the directions this conversation might go.
 JM: I know that we just talked about this and came to an agreement on how we would deal with it.
                 Levi’s brow furrowed. They’d talked about a lot of things over the past few days. One of which were his plans to visit him later in the summer. Was he rethinking that? Or was this something totally different? This was why he hated not talking over the phone or face to face when Eren was trying to get his thoughts in order.
 JM: But I finally got the ask.
 JM: About us, I mean.
                 Levi’s brain immediately returned to the conversation that they’d had about this and how they began to realize that their fans were becoming suspicious and typed out a quick reply.
 HS: Oh. What does it say?
 JM: Nothing bad. Just some anon sent “Not to be rude and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to answer, but are you by any chance dating Humanity’s Strongest?”
 HS: That’s it? Really?
 JM: Yeah, it’s not bad at all. So before I answer it, I just wanted to check one more time that you’re okay with me telling them that we are in fact dating.
 HS: Sorry, but I have no recollection of the two of us dating. You must be making this up.
 JM: LEVI!!!
 JM: What do you mean?
 JM: Don’t be mean!!!
                 Levi smirked and quickly typed out a response to stop Eren’s barrage of messages. He always enjoyed teasing him.
 HS: Yes, it’s fine. You can tell them that we’re dating.
 JM: Good because I already did.
 HS: You already…
 HS: Then what did you bother asking me for?
 JM: Calm down. I just did it a second ago when you were being mean. It was out of spite.
                 Levi rolled his eyes.
 HS: Sorry. Eren who? What boyfriend? I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are and am going to block you.
 JM: Levi!!!
                 He ignored him and went back to editing his newest chapter. He was pretty happy with how things were turning out with it and couldn’t have imagined a better scenario for his characters to work with. It was a satisfying chapter to write and he couldn’t wait for the reactions and comments to hear what everyone else thought about it.
               Until his skype started ringing. His head fell down to the coffee table that he was seated at with a groan and he reluctantly accepted the call.
               “Yes?” he asked.
               “You’re mean,” Eren said, petulantly.
               “Is that all you needed?” Levi asked, turning his head to get a glimpse of Eren’s pouting face.
               He blinked at him. “Well, not really. I just wanted to see how you were doing and thought we could hang out on skype for a while.”
               Levi rubbed the back of his neck. “If you really want to. I was just in the middle of editing my new chapter so I don’t know how much talking I’ll be doing for a while.”
               “Oh yeah. This is the big one, right? The chapter that you’ve been looking forward to?”
               “Yeah,” Levi said, leaning back against the couch and pulling his knees to his chest to rest his chin on them.
               “Think you could read me a little preview?”
               “Just because you’re my boyfriend doesn’t mean that you get special treatment over the rest of my readers. You get to see it when everyone else gets to see it.”
               Eren laughed at that. “Fine, fine. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. I’ll just have to wait until you’re here and then I can sneak glances of your writing as you work and I pretend to work on my drawings.”
               “Keep thinking that and I won’t be working on my fics at all while I’m there.”
               Eren rolled his eyes. “I’ll be good, I promise. And it really won’t bother me if you don’t do any work while you’re here. I just care that you actually show up and we can spend some much needed time together.”
               “Because we don’t already spend so much time together? If we’re not messaging each other then we’re texting, and if we’re not texting, then we’re on skype with each other either working or watching a movie. Don’t even get me started on all of the interactions and cross-posting we do of each other on Tumblr. It’s really no wonder that everyone was starting to put the pieces together that we were dating. In hindsight, we really were that obvious.”
               “Fine, some in-person time together. Geez, stop analyzing every little thing that I say,” Eren complained.
               “Can’t. It’s too much fun. Plus it’s the writer in me and I love when you get all flustered,” Levi said, pulling up his web browser that already had Tumblr open. He refreshed his feed and scrolled through the posts that came up, finally landing on the ask that Eren had answered about their relationship.
 Anonymous asked: Hi, I don’t mean to be rude or anything and it’s fine if you don’t want to answer this since it’s sort of personal, but are you by any chance dating the fic writer Humanity’s Strongest? You two just seem pretty close and I was curious.
 Hey anon! In fact, I am actually dating HS. We’ve been together for a couple of months now since he asked me out. I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised that everyone who follows the two of us has noticed since we haven’t exactly been subtle, but the time we’ve spent together so far has been absolutely amazing and even though we’ve only been together a short while, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without him anymore. Turns out drawing fanart does actually get you places with your favs, haha. : D
                 Levi propped his chin in his hand and read over the words several times, turning them over in his head. He didn’t know that Eren had felt so strongly about the two of them, but he was glad that he wasn’t the only one. This relationship, as crazy as the circumstances were that brought it into existence, was more than he could ever ask for.
               “Levi? Levi?!” Eren exclaimed.
               He started at the sound of his name and moved back to his skype window where Eren was watching him intently.
               “Everything okay? You were kind of zoned out there.”
               “Fine,” he said and went back to Tumblr as Eren continued to talk. He quickly liked Eren’s post before moving on.
               “Okay…well you should see some of these responses to my…” his voice trailed off and Levi intently tried to ignore his quickening heartbeat. “Hey, Levi?”
               “Yeah?” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible even as his insides twisted and turned and somersaulted over themselves for his attention.
               “I really like you.” And damn it all if the fondness in Eren’s voice didn’t just make his insides feel like they were simultaneously melting and constricting.
               “I’d hope so,” Levi said, trying and failing to sound snarky and lighten up the situation. It was crazy how much he liked Eren. “We are dating after all.” It’d only been a few short months, but each moment they’d been together had felt like it held the power of lifetimes. All the months that they’d anonymously interacted on AO3 and Tumblr between art and fic had really been leading them to this moment.
               They’d subtly and slowly gotten to know each other so much further in advance that when the time came where they began to interact more directly, it would’ve been surprising if they hadn’t fallen for each other. Hell, they were probably halfway there when Eren sent him that first message on Tumblr. Levi had found solace in their skype conversations and texting and had been caught staring on more than one occasion when he was so distracted by watching Eren. He could never stop himself from staring at the cute little creases that formed on his forehead when he was concentrating intensely on some new piece of artwork and trying to get the style and details just right and worked to commit them to memory or wonder how he would go about describing them if Eren was one of his characters.
               Then there were the times when he’d caught Eren watching him if he paused in his work and had flushed and asked him what was wrong and Eren had just shook his head fondly and told him how cute he was when he was working intently or insisted that he got this little smile on his face when he was on a particularly exciting part of a fic or chapter update. Levi always did his best to brush off Eren’s comments, but he couldn’t deny the pleasure that twisted in his gut that Eren liked him that much or thought so kindly of him. The fact that he was never afraid to be endearingly honest even if his words were of the nature that Levi would never be able to dream up in a million years despite his experience creating and playing out romantic situations and confessions in his fics.
               It was true that they were probably far too obvious and hadn’t even realized the little things that they would do or say to each other online that could give away their relationship. But when it felt almost as though the feelings they had were burning and all-consuming, trying to get out and make themselves known to the world, being a little too obvious didn’t seem so bad. It was almost scary how natural it seemed to want to give everything you had to the person you cared so deeply for. Sometimes Levi wondered if this is what love felt like, but he didn’t think he was quite ready to use that word.
               “Yeah,” Eren said, in that too-fond voice of his that made Levi want to stop and close his eyes and just exist and revel in it. “Yeah, we are.”
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