#i went in assuming i would like them best in this order:
mintywolf · 17 hours
(I wrote this on the train coming home on August 26th although I am just getting around to posting it now because time is a weird soup.)
So okay.
I haven’t written a personal journal post in a long time but I want to write down EVERYTHING I can remember about my adventure to NYC to see the Critical Role cast so I don’t forget. It was SUCH a moving experience and I’m so glad I went even though I was scared.
So okay my big goal for this year was to finish the first chapter of my C3 prequel fan comic A Long Road Home (southerngothiccomic.com), have a print edition made, and meet Laura and Marisha at a convention so I could give copies of it to them in person. When the CR cast announced they were going to be at Anime NYC this year I figured that was the closest they were probably going to get to me in Virginia. (And getting autographs at NYCC is reportedly like hunting a unicorn so I figured this would be my best chance.)
I was also terrified, and almost talked myself out of it because I was nervous about giving them the comic, even though I already had a badge and it was what I really, really wanted to do. I know the cast loves to see fanart — and also, it has been revealed, reads the fanfic — but it’s also a pretty well-known taboo for a fan to show their fanfic to a creator and a graphic novel is an unholy hybrid of the two. I was also worried that it would seem presumptuous of me to present them with a fanmade prequel graphic novel because there’s almost certainly going to be an official one at some point, and afraid that at best they might politely tell me they couldn’t accept it (for the reasons that comic writers aren’t “allowed” to read fanfic), and at worst they might be kind of annoyed that it exists. Either way I’d be REALLY sad, and in the weeks leading up to the con I worked myself up into an irrational panic about this. Fortunately my friends managed to talk me into not backing out (and spoilers: it turned out okay in the end!) but I was still very scared.
Also I was so focused on the comic stuff that I forgot until after GenCon earlier this month to think of what I wanted to actually have autographed. I decided to get a big print of the chapter one cover from INPRNT, assuming that since I ordered it two weeks in advance with an eta of 5-7 days that would be plenty of time for it to get to me. Well, reader, it was not. (But please do not let me dissuade you from using INPRNT! To their credit when I contacted them and asked if I could upgrade to rush delivery, they expedited it for free. Unfortunately even with rush shipping it just missed me, arriving at my house while I was on the train to NYC.)
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Pâté on the train going to see his biological parents. (Laura and Marisha.)
When I saw that it wasn’t going to arrive in time I was starting to panic because there is nowhere near me to have art prints made. It’s a 15 minute drive (past the alpaca farm) just to get to the nearest grocery store. Grasping at straws I was kind of like Should I . . . draw something? On paper?? With real media that I haven’t used in like 10 years??? I only have 3 days!!!
Fortunately my life was saved by @emphaticembroiderer who had the brilliant suggestion of sending my art ahead to a print shop in NYC and picking it up before the convention. There are indeed MANY of those in New York and I managed to find one that was open on Saturdays and able to make my print on short notice. (567 Framing on W 14th street. The owner, Jack Hu, did excellent work and was very kind!) By that point I was frazzled and didn’t want two of the same print so I decided to be self-indulgent and had this one made. Not my showiest piece but it is one of my favorite things I’ve drawn. (This turned out to be the correct decision.) It’s a 6 1/2 hour train ride from here to there (and it got a little delayed along the way) so by the time I got there it was after 5 and the print shop closed at 6:30 so I zoomed over there straight from the train station to pick it up. It turned out BEAUTIFULLY, and the owner was pleased with how happy I was with it and that he’d been able to help.
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He enjoys that he is included.
Then I went and checked in to my hotel and that point really just wanted to lie down on a bed but I had plans to take Pâté to see Hadestown on Broadway that night because I wanted to make the most of my trip. (Also it’s important for our scrungly son to receive a cultural education.) In keeping with the theme of the weekend I wore the Laudna-themed sundress I made for GenCon with one of the poppies in my hair. An usher told me they liked my ensemble. :) I had decided to go for a front row mezzanine seat because I didn’t know when I’d ever have this opportunity again and I didn’t want to risk my miniature self being stuck behind a tall person. It was perfect; I could see everything and the performance was AMAZING. Pâté had a very good time too.
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The next day was the CR panel and autographs!! I decided to wear my 1950s Laudna cosplay from GenCon. I had some doubts about it when I got there because without the rest of 50s Bells Hells the theme isn’t as clear and outside of a DnD-focused convention the recognizability of a CR character is kind of low, let alone an AU variant on one. But once I found the Critters my Pâté poodle skirt was appreciated. :)
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This is Rach @dadrielle, Astoria @astoriacolumnstaircase, Abby @overnighttosunflowers, and me as 50s Hells at GenCon!
And okay I know this said a lot but it’s true, CR fans are the NICEST fandom to be a part of. <3 If you’re ever standing in line for a CR thing by the time you get there you will have new friends. (For comparison the other-fandoms cosplayers I saw at the hotel and on the way to the con didn’t even return my smiles, even though we were all clearly going to the same place.) I fell in with a group of people who were near me in line (including an amazing Owlbearman cosplayer) and we decided to all sit together. The panel was really great. I don’t remember everything that was asked because of everything ELSE that happened later that day but they hinted that Big Things are coming (including multiple live shows!! Please come to Richmond! Or DC! Or at least somewhere on the East Coast!) for the 10th anniversary and Momlan stepped up to the mic during the Q&A segment and revealed that Sam has achieved his childhood dream . . . to become a minotaur. :D
With the mindset of making the most of this trip I had intended to try to get a spot in line to ask a question but I was hesitant about being on camera (even in cosplay) and while I was dithering about it like 50 people got in line. (I was also Suffering by that point because my rockabilly Laudna shoes have like 3 inch heels and after walking from the hotel to the convention center I didn’t have the fortitude to dart over to the line in them.)
My question, which I hope to submit next time there’s a Q&A opportunity, was this: For Marisha. We’ve seen Delilah’s influence manifesting in Laudna’s fashion choices recently. Now that she has the means and the freedom to do so, what kind of clothes would she choose for herself?
(Because I am a little sad that — until a possible post-campaign oneshot — we’ll never get to see a high-level Laudna costume that’s totally of her own design and I’m really eager to know what it would look like! Let her be spooky and free!)
Afterwards the cosplayers were being rounded up for a photo shoot but I was anxious to get a good spot in line for my autograph with Laura at 2pm so I stealthed away with Ken (@elissabrat), a Jester fan I had met in line, who knew where they were and had one with Travis at the same time. When we got there we were told No, go away and come back in an hour and a half, because it was still only 12. So we went to the Artists Alley where we found a girl named Lea whom we had also met in the panel line and collected a few other stray Critters (Ken has a boisterous and inviting personality and importantly, is very tall, preventing the rest of us from getting lost in the crowd) and we wandered around seeking out all the CR fan artists we could find. (There were a lot! It was great. I got some prints.)
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by Cait May and Maliveth
Around 1 we decided to go back and see what the line situation was. Before we parted ways I exchanged twitter handles with Lea, who looked at my profile and said “Wait . . . this is you?”
She told me she was a big fan of my comic and looks forward to it every week! and we were both kind of like !!! at each other for a moment. I had never met someone who recognized my art in the wild before. (On ANY other day this would have been the most amazing thing that happened to me, haha.) I was so touched to meet her. <3
I took out the two books I was carrying and explained why I was there and we all got hyped up about it. And it made it feel a little less daunting, to know that there was someone there who understood the quest I was on and how close I was to the end of it.
I was like 5th in line for Laura and since it was still early I got to participate in that bonding experience integral to every con, sitting on the floor in cosplay, with a very good Vex behind me. (Hilariously, even after the dig at them — or maybe unaware of it — in the most recent episode, there were a lot of Funko Pop resellers around us, haha.)
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I sent word to Southern Gothic Discord to remember me fondly in case I died here. In fact I'm not entirely sure that I didn't.
It felt like there was a disproportionate amount of fanfare revealing my print because I kept it how it was packed by the printer, wrapped in paper in between two pieces of cardboard so it wouldn’t get bent, so there was this whole ceremony of peeling back the tape, turning under one of the cardboard protectors, unfolding the paper, and turning over the print. But Laura loved it. She made like a happy sob when she saw it (it was really cute) and she looked at it for a long time taking in all the details and said it was beautiful. <3 <3 <3 (No matter how much we love and ship Imogen and Laudna, NO ONE loves them or is shipping them harder than Laura Bailey. She asked if I was going to bring it to Marisha too and was careful picking out a spot so there'd be room for both of their signatures. :))
I told her I was really happy to meet her because I’ve been a fan since BloodRayne (so, um. 20 years) and she said “oh wow, that was OG days!” And she gave me just a really kind look like she understood how much it meant to me to be there.
Then I gave her the comic. You all were right, I was worried about nothing! because she is the sweetest and she loved it. I very nervously pushed it across the table and said it was a comic I had made and wanted to give her. She picked it up and started turning the pages and was surprised when she saw what it was. “Wait, this is a whole novel! You made this?”
I confessed that I had, and she asked how long it had taken, I told her about a year (it was actually longer; in the moment I kind of forgot not how many pages there are in the first chapter but how many weeks are in a year) and she looked just really impressed that I had made it and touched by how much work had gone into it. She said she couldn’t wait to read it and seemed really excited to hear that it’s still going online! (So no pressure on me there if she's keeping up with it now, haha. o.o) And she kept looking between the book and me like she couldn’t believe it.
Then she asked me if I would sign it for her. :')
Somehow I survived long enough to do so! (a little wobbly because my hands were shaking) and someone (I think it was the ticket scanner) made a joke about how I was the first person to give an autograph at a signing, haha. And then she came around the table and gave me a hug. <3 <3 <3
After that my soul was still on the ethereal plane but the rest of me managed to find my way (after a brief wrong turn) to Marisha’s line. (There was a really good Keyleth and Caduceus in line behind me and they kindly noticed and returned the Pâté sticker that fell out of Marisha’s book).
She recognized my cosplay as 1950s Laudna right away! which was very validating after my earlier indecision haha. She loved the Pâté skirt and thought the scissors embroidery on my collar was adorable. She really liked the art too and was kind of like “Awww” about the book like in an “aww it’s an Imogen and Laudna thing” kind of way (she also liked the glass bottle windchimes on the cover and I love that she noticed that detail because Laudna’s penchant for turning things other people have thrown away into arts and crafts is one of my favorite aspects of her character) until she opened it and started looking through it.
Then she said, “Wait, this is actually really good," and she asked me seriously if Liam “Art Dad” knew about it (I said he had liked some of my other art on Twitter but I didn’t know if he knew about the comic) and then she said — still looking at it, more to herself than me — “We’ll have to add it to our art catalogue.” I don’t know exactly what that means (and I don’t want to get my hopes up too high by speculating; I was too !!! in the moment to ask and now I’m going to be wondering) but . . . it sounds . . . exciting??
They also both enjoyed Pâté and his lil sunglasses. :)
I had gone up with the intention of asking my other burning question: How does being cold-blooded affect Laudna in cold climates? If she gets too cold will she enter a state of brumation like a lizard? Will she freeze solid?
But I forgot. And it really wouldn’t have been the right moment. Maybe when I come back with Volume Two. :)
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You’re supposed to pay extra to get a quote put on there but they both did it anyway without even asking. I think they must be really pleased when someone brings them something personal that they’ve made to have signed and not something they’re planning to sell.
After that I just kind of floated away from the con even though it was only like 2:30 haha. Nothing else could have happened there that would have equaled or improved upon that experience. Although I did adopt a Tentacle Kitty. The vendor (correctly) guessed “you look like you’d vibe with our spooky collection” so I had to get a new buddy for Pâté. (50s Laudna, still readily identifiable as a witch wherever she goes.) Also I saw a very chill emotional support pomeranian in a backpack.
(On the way back I saw the mark of the Traveler graffiti’d in green on the sidewalk. Truly a blessed day. :P)
Afterwards I just sat on the bed in my hotel room amid the floof of my crinoline wondering what even is my life for the next few hours and being like !!!! at Discord. Then I met up with Abby (whom it was wonderful to see again!! thank you so much for coming to see me) for dinner and had a really lovely time going over the What Just Happened of it all and talking about Imodna over strawberry pancakes. As one does. Perfect ending to an amazing day. <3
It was SUCH an incredible, exhilarating experience, thank you everyone who pushed me into not giving up out of fear. Laura and Marisha are SO nice and gracious in person and it was just so rewarding, after all the work and love and time I’ve put into this comic, to be able to finally bring it to the people who inspired it! And to see it appreciated and admired by them! It was more than I ever could have imagined.
This fandom is the best. My heart is so happy and full of love right now. <3 <3 <3
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incarnadin3 · 2 days
How Obey Me Brothers realized they were in love with MC: Part Five, Asmodeous
A/N: Thank you so much y'all for almost 100 followers and 2k notes! I'm literally sobbing😭😭 I kinda broke the order cuz I low-key got lost and had a writer's block, so I just yapped. Btw I lowkey did not know what to write for him, so this ones a bit...bad? Anyways, enjoy!~
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Asmodeous: The Narcissistic Fifthborn
Part of being the Avatar of Lust was that, well everyone wanted you. It was quite nice for Asmodeous, since he loved and craved the attention he got. But then you came along. You didn't exactly blow him off, but for starters, his magic didn't work on you, to Lucifer's relief (he did not want another person, especially a human to fawn over Asmo), and you sorta just...didn't care about his looks?
It would leave him confused, and honestly a bit shocked. Was he not your type? No no no, that wasn't possible, Asmo was everybody's type! Was it his perfume, perhaps? But that couldn't be it either. He had his perfume hand made, only from the freshest of flowers in Hell, since the flowers of Heaven burned him (who knew holy flowers had Holy water inside?). So it couldn't be his perfume. But as he stood in front of his mirror, examining every inch of his body, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks.
Could it be perhaps....that you found him, the great Asmodeous, ugly? But...how? Asmodeous was the prettiest demon all around!
But he decided not to worry too much and went to bed.
Over the next few days Asmo did his best to look good for you. But he kept failing. You kept brushing him off. He stopped posting as often, and his fans and brothers took notice pretty quickly.
One day, as he was finally uploading a picture, he noticed something he had never expected.
A pimple.
He wailed so loudly that you came rushing into his room and slamming the door shut behind you. You gasped when you saw the pimple, and Asmo assumed the worst. You now definitely found him ugly.
“Go away MC! I’m ugly!”
You approached him, and Asmo felt to soft hands on his cheeks, cupping them.
“Hey…Hey Asmo, look at me. You’re not ugly.”
“B-but I have a pimple!”
“So? I get pimples constantly, do you think I’m ugly?”
“What?! No!”
“Exactly. Why do you think you, the Avatar of Lust, is ugly?”
Asmo looked into your eyes, a soft and sad smile etched onto his face, as he explained why. You smiled softly and sighed.
”Asmo, you’re the most beautiful and handsome man I’ve ever met. I want to be friends and something more. But I want to be friends with you. Not the person you pretend to be. The real you. Free from makeup, the weight of looking pretty, and lust. The you I know you are, but hide.”
Asmo felt his face heat up as he comprehended your words.l
Being the Avatar of Lust meant that people only focused on his lust and beauty, never his own self. And for someone like you to recognize that he was something more than a demon of lust? It made him realize, that maybe he didn’t need to pretend to be something he didn’t want to be constantly…
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13eyond13 · 2 months
actually stunned by how gay The Beatles has been all this time and I just never knew
#like its always just been there in my life but i just never paid attention#my university roomie was obsessed w them and had several beatles posters that i looked at every day#so stuff like the pictures of them from the let it be album are like engrained into my brain#and yet i never knew the lore??#nor did i know until recently that they were actually all high school buds nor did i know they wrote their own music#nor that they genuinely basically invented modern bands n using the studio the way they did etc. so all that was very impressive and cool#but THEN on top of that omg the angsty gayness of john and paul#like all i knew previously basically was that john was a thing w yoko ono and paul had a young wife recently#i had at one point heard of people shipping j&p together and was just kinda like wow i guess people will ship anything#I DIDNT KNOW#that they were actually like that cute and that insane together and that their song writing together was like an actual marriage#anywayz the old pictures and videos of them are just like jesus look how they look at each other i dont think it was just being bros#i am sort of in the camp of they prob didn't act on it for real but there was def some insane tension/chemistry going on#and then ofc once youre aware of this their songs take on so many possible meanings outside of just singing about their gfs and wives....#anyways i just have to vent about this somewhere bc im actually shocked at how this has just passed me by all these years#and it definitely was not on my bingo card for 2024 to fixate on the beatles but here we are lol#more proof to me that my ultimate fave trope or wtv is 'besties to enemies when really they actually probably wanted to be lovers'#gets me every time!!!!#whats been fun about this rabbit hole is how just every single one of my expectations has been reversed as well#i went in assuming i would like them best in this order:#(1) george (2) ringo (3) paul and (4) john#i was sure i would hate john i thought he sounded so pretentious and like such a douche#but no actually he is my fave one and it's literally in reverse order for me i find george my least fave#(i like his music and feel bad for how he got ignored in the band but i like him the least)#and then i literally am john paul ringo george in order of faves now#i just love when i get surprised like that idk it keeps me on my toes and keeps things exciting and fresh#and yes john is indeed pretentious and a douche but i didn't know he was also funny and vulnerable and that i like his voice and songs#the most in the bunch almost every time as well#the beatles#p
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lustspren · 7 months
P.S.T EP. 11 | Stay the Night ft Karina.
length: 14k words✦
Karina & Male Reader
genres: anal, oral sex, hard sex, creampie, exhibitionism, dirty talk, titjob, handjob, footjob, facefuck, body worship, shower sex, outdoor sex, ass eating, facial, backshot, sunbathing (?
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You always hated getting up early before everyone else, you felt like an idiot and it was like being in a limbo of unknown people around you. If that wasn't enough, the place was full of unbearable rich men talking about their possessions or businesses as if they were trying to compete with each other. You sank into your seat, waiting for the food you had ordered for breakfast while looking at your phone.
Last night you couldn't fall asleep when you got to your room, you tossed and turned for an hour and a half until you were finally able to relax, so you had about 5 hours of sleep at most. Definitely not enough, but when you woke up there was no turning back.
Part of this insomnia was due to the fact that you couldn't stop turning over in your head what had happened with Noze. It still felt like a very wild lucid dream to you, you and her had fucked Minjeong together, turned her into a sex slave only useful to satisfy both of you, and thinking about it still turned you on a lot. You remembered how she looked into your eyes while she was riding Minjeong's face and how she went crazy with pleasure watching you destroy her. You wanted to fuck her like an animal and have her to yourself, but you knew that would be impossible. Not only did she not have that kind of interest in you, but she couldn't even have it. You were a man.
You also never stopped wondering what she thought about all that, or how she would react from now on. You didn't know if she was going to talk about it openly, if she was going to participate more actively in your services, or if nothing like that was going to happen again. The answer didn't take long to arrive in front of your eyes.
Noze entered the hotel restaurant in a hurry, and from the look on her face as she walked towards you, you figured it was best not to mention anything about past events at all unless you wanted a fork stuck in your eye. You wanted to compliment her on how pretty she looked that morning, but you also didn't think it was appropriate considering she was visibly fresh out of bed.
"Why did you let me sleep so late?" She asked, taking a piece of green apple from your plate to put it in her mouth. She had four more seats available, but she chose to sit next to you at the circular table.
"I didn't even know I was allowed to wake you up," you said, she didn't even answer you before she was already immersed in her phone, you assumed waking everyone up.
"Hey, grab some things for the girls to have breakfast and pack them up, we've got to go," she told you, then got up to make a call.
While you went to the restaurant reception to ask for some plastic containers, the girls were already entering the restaurant with the worst aspects you remembered about them in a long time. They walked like the stupid zombies from The Walking Dead, visibly exhausted from last night's concert. You noticed that Minjeong was holding on to Giselle's arm as her legs were shaky. You couldn't do anything but hold back your laughter.
Once you packed the girls' breakfasts and put them in a bag, you left the restaurant with them and Noze. The vans were already outside, and from Noze's hurry you could tell that all the staff members were ready to leave, the only ones missing were you. You had to jog to catch up with them and leave the hotel.
"You were too busy last night to say goodnight like you always do huh?" Ning joked once you were settled inside the van, she had sat next to you and hugged your arm, snuggling against it.
"Something like that," you chuckled, watching as the girls began to fall asleep when the van hadn't even started.
"Try not to forget it again, those messages make me happy," she laid her head on your shoulder, yawned and closed her eyes. All the girls were now asleep, only you, the driver, and Noze were awake. She was focused on doing all the tasks that she couldn't do because she woke up late, she used a laptop, her phone and a notebook for it.
Noze worked with the efficiency and speed of a machine, you couldn't help but stare in amazement at how she could do so many things so well at the same time. She wrote emails on her laptop, wrote down things on the notebook that you couldn't see from your seat, and made calls, often some of those things at the same time. On the way to the airport you discovered that the reason for all the hustle and bustle was that she wanted the arrival to be as unnoticed as possible, which you were sure would happen since she was always two steps ahead of everyone.
When you arrived at the airport, you were not surprised by the fact that there was not a single flash that bothered the girls while they walked to do all the corresponding checks. Yes, there were a few people who stopped to look when they recognized the girls, but they simply took a discreet photo with their phones or just left with a smile on their face.
When you boarded the jet —which was the same one that had brought you to Dallas—the girls ran to choose their seats and made themselves comfortable to fall asleep again. That left you alone with Noze once again. You had a long time with her ahead, so once it was safe to get up inside the cabin, you went to sit next to her while she worked on her laptop.
"So..." you started, leaving your phone connected to your power bank on the table, next to her laptop, "did you have a good time last night?" You asked, crossing your arms on the table and resting the side of your face on your hand to look at her. Noze gave a disbelieving smirk and she stayed silent for a few seconds while she minimized Excel.
"Yeah, but it wasn't anything special," she replied, playing it cool, you raised both eyebrows in shock as you stared at her, "What? Stop imagining me and Joohyun," she put a hand on your face and made you look away. You laughed.
"When you and her did your things in the dorm... did any of the other members join in?" you asked, emboldened, perhaps a little driven by curiosity. You looked at her again.
"And why are you asking these questions so suddenly?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're always busy and right now it's just you and me," she stared into your eyes for a few seconds.
"Mostly Seulgi," she said finally, "you know, she and Joohyunie are inseparable. But in short, all of them, in every possible combination, multiple times."
“Fuck, that sounds like a lot of fun,” you joked with an incredulous giggle.
"I know right? You would love Wendy, that girl is built differently."
"You should recommend me to her then, don't you think?" Noze's face darkened.
"I would if only I spoke to any of them today," she let out a deep breath of disappointment. You remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about whether it was right to continue asking her about that topic, but you also knew that you would have few opportunities like that.
"How did you and her... you know, how did that come about?" you asked. Noze sighed and swallowed, then she looked out the window and stared blankly.
"Well... at first it was nothing more than a very strong sexual attraction. The first practice we all had watching her was like watching Aphrodite dancing, and I guess she felt the same way about me, because as soon as we had a break, we locked ourselves in a bathroom to... you know."
“Aha,” you nodded, prompting her to continue.
"All our first meetings were the same, we would chat from time to time but the only thing we would meet up for was to have sex, until one day she had a pretty serious mental breakdown during the post-practice night. That was the first time I saw Bae Joohyun and not Red Velvet's Irene. Seeing her like that was... lethal for me, so vulnerable, so... her," Noze sighed and paused briefly, "Meeting the person behind the idol for the first time It's always something special... and she certainly is special."
"Did you start dating since then?"
"Not since that moment, but our relationship did change. She now opened up to me to tell me her problems, and I did the same. Over time we realized that we had a lot of things in common, and that we had a lot of chemistry. We started dating, and well, I was weak, stupid, and I fell in love," Noze couldn't help but let out a small smile, perhaps remembering everything she had gone through with Irene, "We became girlfriends and we thought everything was perfect, no one suspected anything and we were happy. But what I already told you happened, and everything collapsed," her smile faded and she looked down, her eyes began to fill with tears, "Look... entertainment companies are already strict with heterosexual relationships, now imagine a possible scandal between a Red Velvet member and her backup dancer. That was unacceptable to them, and it was a shame for us."
"And... you were still together after that?" Seeing her with tears running down her cheeks made you do something you normally wouldn't have done, you put your hand on her thigh and started trying to comfort her with caresses. She didn't seem to care.
"For a while, yeah," she nodded, "even when I was the girls' manager already, but we knew that wasn't going to work out in any way and we broke up," tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but she was controlling herself in order not to burst into sobs, "I think Seulgi had a lot to do with all of that, but I honestly don't care anymore," you didn't consider it appropriate to mention that Seulgi was one of your regular clients when you were still at the spa.
"When you locked yourself away to cry last night it was because of her, right?" You also asked with a lump in your throat. That was affecting you more than it should. You were sensitive about failed love stories.
"Aha... the day we flew to Dallas she woke me up with a call, she sounded drunk and well... she rubbed salt into a wound that… d-didn't need to be reopened," she put her hands on her face and unable to bear it any longer she burst into sobs. You couldn't do anything but surrender to your protective instinct and wrap her in your arms. She hugged you and buried her face in your chest as she stifled cries.
"It's okay... it's okay," you tried to comfort her by caressing her hair and her back, "let it out," you didn't expect such a reaction from her, and partly you felt guilty for bringing that up in the first place, but you noticed that she had never talked about it with anyone, and that she had not received a hug of that kind in a long time, "I'm not the one to tell you this but... I think you should cut off all contact with her, what she did is not healthy, and it affects you more than it does to her."
"I-It's not that easy," she sobbed, still clinging to your torso with both arms.
"Well, you'll have to, because what happened can't be repeated, for the sake of both of you. You don't need her to be happy. Life teaches us lessons in very cruel ways, and maybe what happened was life telling you that there was a better place for you than there," she pulled away from your chest with red eyes and tear-filled cheeks to look at you.
"You think?" she asked.
"Of course I do, and even if I didn't, you still have to work hard to get over her. Your life can never revolve around one person, it's self-destructive and it has become a burden for you."
"I… fuck," she looked down and stayed quiet as she wiped away her tears, "you're right, it's become a damn burden and I should be stronger than this," she finally pulled away from you, "God, I'm so sorry, I don't like crying like that in front of anyone."
"And don't you think you needed to vent to someone else?"
"Yeah...," she nodded, looking away.
"It's no use keeping things to yourself, the only thing you achieve with that is constantly drowning in what hurts you."
"Fuck, since when did you become a psychologist?" she asked with a laugh that was meant to lighten the mood, "I hired you because of your cock, not for this."
"I'm just trying to help, I'm sorry," you smiled sadly.
"No, it's okay," she put a hand on your forearm and squeezed it gently, "you're right in what you're saying, and I appreciate it, it's just… it's not easy for me."
"I know it's not, but you have to start somewhere, right?" you placed your hand on top of hers, "Chicks don't learn to fly as soon as they're born."
"Are you calling me a bird?" she raised an eyebrow.
"You understood what I meant."
"Aha," she laughed.
"What I'm getting at is that I want you to know that you shouldn't fight those battles alone, I can be there for you, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you forget about Irene for the rest of the tour, I don't know, maybe by finding you a pretty girl or something," Noze laughed again.
"I really appreciate it, dork," she smiled, finally pushing her hand away, "You should go to sleep, there's still a long flight ahead and I know you haven't slept well."
"I'm not sleepy, if I'm honest," you sighed, "I'll wait until I get to the hotel."
"Do you want to watch a movie then? I think I have Forrest Gump saved," she started searching for it on her laptop.
"Aight, good for me," you nodded, sinking into your seat and crossing your arms to watch her movie with her.
The landing in Miami was almost as calm as the departure from Dallas, this time there were some flashes, but nothing that was not tolerable for you and the girls, who were already replenished thanks to the four hours of sleep extras they had between the flight and all the road trips. You and Noze were the only ones who still had dark circles under your eyes, but luckily you were going to have a day off before the concert, that left you with tonight and the entire next day to be able to sleep at some point.
"Hey, would you do the check in?" Noze asked you as you all entered the lobby, "I have to go put some things in order with the staff."
"Sure thing," you nodded, heading towards the reception. Doing the check you realized that there were not enough rooms reserved for the 6 of you. There were only 4 Deluxe Bay View Rooms, "Sorry sir, I just don't understand, it must be a mistake. We didn't reserve a damn presidential suite."
"I'm sorry sir, but that's how everything was registered this morning," the good-natured-looking guy told you, "I'm afraid it's not a mistake," you took a deep breath, trying not to get hysterical.
"Listen to me carefully sir, this is unacceptable. I will need to change the reservations immediately," just as you said that Noze stood next to you and pinched the flesh of your waist without the receptionist noticing. You winced.
"The reservations are correct, sir, there is no problem," she assured with a smile as she continued to pinch you, you tried to get away but when you pulled it became more painful.
"Understood, miss," the receptionist looked at you with some annoyance as you continued to grimace in pain and proceeded to hand out the corresponding cards, "Have a pleasant stay."
"Very kind, thank you," Noze bowed slightly, taking the cards and then pulled you away from the reception desk, "Sometimes it surprises me how brainless you can be sometimes, damn it," she reproached you, finally letting you go.
"Why the fuck did you book a presidential suite?!" you squeaked in confusion, rubbing where she had pinched you.
"Do you remember the favor Jimin said I owed her?" she asked you, "Well, it was about getting you that suite and covering you for tonight and the entire next day."
"Oh," you remained silent with a lost look, everything was finally clicking in your momentarily slow head, "Of course," you looked towards where the girls were gathered, finding Jimin's gaze on you all this time. She shot you a wink, and you were stunned thinking about what she had in store for you.
The six of you went to the elevator and got inside, in a normal elevator it might have been somewhat uncomfortable, but that one was the size of your bathroom. When it arrived at the Deluxe Rooms floor the door opened wide and all the girls except Jimin got out.
"Huh? Why don't you go out?" Minjeong asked with a frown. All the girls were equally confused.
"I'll explain it to you later," Noze sighed, looking at you. Jimin pulled out a mischievous smile, waved her hand to them and pulled out the suite's card, swiping it from side to side. She then pressed the button for the top floor and the doors began to close, the last thing you saw was the sad look on Ning’s eyes. You'd make it up to her later.
"Excited for the time alone?" Jimin asked from beside you as the elevator went up.
"I'm scared," you said without thinking.
"Perfect then," you noticed out of the corner of your eye how she smiled.
When you went up to the presidential suite floor and Jimin swiped the key card, your jaw almost dropped to the floor at the magnitude of the space you were going to have to yourself. The first thing you saw when you entered was the living room, with a palette of brown and khaki colors, which worked in perfect harmony with the warm light and furniture. To the left was a large wooden bookshelf, with multiple square spaces and a huge television embedded in the middle. In front of the bookshelf, a single armchair, a wide stool, a long curved armchair in the corner and a round coffee table in the middle.
"This is a whole fucking apartment, Yoo Jimin," you said dumbfounded, leaving your bags and hers on the couch, "And look at the view, oh my god," you walked towards the sliding glass door that led to the huge balcony, which spanned the entire width of the suite. The views of Miami Bay were worth framing, with the open sea to your left and the buildings in front on the other side of the water.
"Is there anything you want to do while we're here in Miami?" Jimin asked you, walking out onto the balcony with you. The evening sea breeze began to move your hair. She leaned on the railing with both hands as she looked out over the city.
"I'm here to do whatever you want to do, you know how this works," you responded, standing next to her as you looked to the left, towards the sea.
"Good answer," she said with a giggle, "then how about you unpack your things and go buy some Soju and beer?"
"Soju and beer?" You asked, somewhat surprised, you weren't expecting such a simple and down to earth plan from her.
"Yeah, I don't have a preference for any brand so just bring whatever," she nodded and gave you a peck on the cheek, "come on."
"Fair enough," you said, and walked back into the suite with her, still surprised by the fact that you were expecting more elaborate plans, or perhaps more refined tastes on her part.
Once you two unpacked only the necessary things other than clothes and took the suitcases to the master bedroom, you quickly went down to the lobby and approached the receptionist again. You asked where you could get Soju, and after clarifying what you were talking about he gave you an address that you knew was not around the corner, so you were forced to take a little trip. 
You found it necessary to let her know that it would take longer than expected.
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As soon as you read Jimin's answers you ordered an Uber as you went out into the street. It arrived in a matter of minutes. The nearest liquor store was about eight minutes away by car, when you got there you searched through the shelves until you found the aforementioned Soju, which apparently was not so popular there in Miami since there was only a small dedicated section. For the beer you didn't have to think too much, there was an entire aisle dedicated solely to Bud Light and all the presentations of it. You opted for a 20 unit box that you took out of the refrigerator. You also grabbed a few various snacks and a tub of pistachio ice cream. You paid and left with the same driver.
Upon arriving at the hotel again you thanked the driver for his patience and rushed back to the suite. Inside, Jimin kept pleasantly surprising you. She was sitting on the couch with a loose t-shirt and short shorts on, a Switch in her hands, and in front of her on the small round table were two pizza boxes, one closed and the other open. Two slices were already missing.
"Oh, hello," she greeted, staring at the screen, "are they cold?"
"Uh, the beers?" You closed the door behind you.
"Aha," she nodded.
"I think so," you put the bag on the floor and took out the beer box.
"Toss me one," she ordered.
"No way, they're bottles," you refused, taking all the things out of the bag before opening the beer box and taking out two, "Oh, they're aluminum..." she looked at you and you looked at her, "think fast," you threw it to her, and she caught it.
"Come on, you must be hungry," she patted the couch next to her, and you went to sit. She opened her beer and took a swig.
"What did you order the pizzas with?" you asked, opening yours. You took a sip which cooled your throat.
"They both have beef, pork, peppers, black olives, mushrooms, onion and pepperoni," she got as close to you as possible, her warmth comforting you.
"Fuck, that's delicious," you took a slice and took a big bite. The pizza was still hot and tasted amazing.
"Shall we have some Super Smash?" She took another slice as well, took a bite, and put it back in the box. You continued eating the one you had in your hand because in fact, you were hungry as fuck.
"Fuck yeah, let's connect the Switch to the TV. Do you have the HDMI cable?" you brought the last piece of slice to your mouth. You immediately grabbed another one.
"In my backpack, probably. Please don't judge me if you find a vibrator or some shit like that."
"I could judge you for many things, a vibrator in your backpack won't be one of them."
The night went drastically different than you first imagined. You and Jimin played video games for hours, eating pizza and drinking beer like two homies coming home from college after a stressful day of exams. You didn't feel any sexual desire from her on you at any time, nor any sexual innuendo, she was simply behaving as she would with some old friend with whom she had a close relationship. You noticed her close, and not only physically—that too, because she maintained physical contact with you in a friendly and affectionate way—, but also as a person in whom you could blindly trust.
"Have you ever heard of Beerio Kart?" she asked with her legs raised on top of yours. The blue JoyCon in her hand. You had the other one.
"Nope, never," you were in the top-down view of the Cuphead map. You had been playing it for an hour now.
"Well, it's playing Mario Kart, but every time you're about to finish a race, you have to drink a beer. Otherwise, you're not allowed to finish the race."
"Damn, that sounds like fun. I have a friend who is really fucking good at playing video games, I'll save the idea to tell him later. Although I don't know how much free time he has, last time he was doing private coaching to a guy who apparently didn't let him go."
"Coaching of what?"
"League Of Legends, bastard is GrandMaster."
"Pretty impressive."
"You have no idea what that is, do you?"
"Nope. Are you up to play or not?"
"Of course I do, Rina," you had been calling her that all night. She seemed to like it, so you didn't stop doing it.
"Aight, I hope you have enough tolerance then," you noticed a glow of pure excitement in her eyes as she navigated the Switch's menu looking for Mario Kart.
"We'll see about that," you sighed.
The two of you started playing, and Yoo Jimin's competitive spirit came out as the races went on. You won the first ones without much problem, but the alcohol was treacherous, and it began to take its toll on you. Jimin was no fool, she took advantage of your somewhat dizzy state to take advantage of you in the curves in which you crashed and win you multiple races. The intoxication levels grew, as did your friendship. She wasn't exactly a good loser, and neither were you, but you were sure that neither of you had laughed as much in a long time as you did that night.
"We still have the Soju bottles right? How many did you buy?" Jimin's voice was already leaning towards babbling, you didn't expect her to want to keep drinking.
"Only two," your speech was still perfect, but you already felt a little sleepy.
"We'll open them and play until they're empty," you didn't like the determination with which she said that, but you had no choice.
An open bottle of Soju, a new round of racing. It wasn't Berio Kart anymore, it was now Soju Kart, and you didn't like the speed at which those drinks took effect on your nervous system. By the time you finished the first bottle Jimin was already laughing like an idiot at absolutely everything, and you felt like you could fall asleep on the floor if possible. Another bottle of Soju opened, and now you moved on to playing Super Mario Party. You didn't know half of the things you were saying or doing, and you were sure that you never really accomplished the objective of the game. The bottle was half full when you had to stop.
"You know, sometimes I hate all this..." Jimin said in a clumsy voice. You and her were now lying on the couch, you on one side and her on the other. Your legs were intertwined so you could fit.
"What are you talking about?" You looked at the ceiling without blinking. You swore you could see little colored stars.
"To be the leader. It's exhausting..." there was heaviness in her voice, as if she were speaking of a burden, "everyone expects something from you... they expect you to be perfect, to be the standard."
"Well... I don't see that you've done wrong so far."
"I know not. But in this industry everyone is focused on the next big thing... I'm afraid that soon I will fade into the background."
"You do realize how pretty and famous you are, right?"
"That's not the problem. The problem is that every day a girl comes out prettier than me, and Koreans forget very quickly when a better product appears."
"Why do you care so much? You're fulfilling a dream, right? I mean, look around for a second."
"You're right, maybe complaining while lying in a presidential suite isn't the most logical thing to do."
"In Miami, you forgot in Miami."
"In Miami, yeah," she was silent for a few seconds, "But still... I'm exhausted."
"You don't think it's because you drank 10 beers and a bottle and a half of Soju?"
"It could also be," you and she laughed as if you had made the best joke in the world. The reality was that you just seemed like two old drunks, "But no, I'm exhausted from living in the public eye, it sucks."
"If it's any consolation, all successful artists live that way, but of course, Korean fans are completely different from Western fans."
"They think they own your life, yeah... I hate that," another small silence, "but I guess that's the price to pay for fulfilling my dream."
"It doesn't seem like a fair price to me."
"Not really, but seeing every venue we go filled with people singing our songs and showing us love... dude, that makes up for a lot of things."
"Honey, I would love to keep listening to you but I swear I feel like I have two bearskin blinds for eyes," you were falling asleep. She laughed.
"Don't worry, rather thank you. It's nice to feel like I have someone like you for me. A bro," her clumsy voice as she said that made you laugh.
"That's a nice way to friendzone me," you joked. She tapped her foot on your thigh.
"What nonsense are you talking about?" She laughed, "Hey, I'd like you to come to bed with me so we can cuddle... I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine."
"Are you kidding? Me sleeping with you while I'm drunk sounds like the best feeling in the world."
"Come on then, silly."
The walk to the master bedroom was clumsy and bumpy. The suite was gigantic and the bedroom was illogically far from the living room where you were. Arriving felt like the end of a painful odyssey. The huge king size bed was waiting for you, well arranged and comfortable. The lights were off, but the night lights that filtered through the sliding door that led to the balcony did the job perfectly. Jimin took off her shorts and jumped onto the bed face down while you turned on the air conditioning. Her t-shirt had ridden up to the middle of her back and her ass adorned by gray Calvin Klein panties was completely exposed, under other circumstances that would have turned you on, but at that moment you were more in Narnia than in the real world.
"Give me some space, Rina," you took off your sweatpants and the hoodie you were wearing, now you were on equal terms with her.
Jimin settled on the side of the bed and got under the covers. You joined her, and feeling your head supported by that soft pillow made you feel in the clouds. The mattress felt amazing too, but none of those things equaled the feeling of Jimin's body snuggling against yours. She had turned her back on you, inviting you to sleep on a spoon. You put your right arm under her head so she was lying on it, and then wrapped your left arm around her. Her entire body pressed against yours, feeling soft and warm.
"Rest well...thank you for being so real with me, I needed it," those were Jimin's last sleepy, sweet words before she fell asleep. Soon you followed her.
You woke up the next morning alone and panicked. Jimin wasn't by your side. As the morning Miami sun illuminated the side of your face you took out your phone to check your chat with Noze. There was nothing there. You stood up and were surprised again by the views you had from there, at that time the ships were already prowling the sea under the blue sky. You could have stayed there for a while just admiring the scenery, but you had to look for Jimin.
Turns out you were just being hysterical. While you were looking for her you saw her outside on the balcony, so calm and composed eating the breakfast that room service must have brought to the suite. You were still in a t-shirt and boxers, but you were so high up and so far from the other buildings that you didn't mind going out to the balcony with her like that. Besides, you noticed that she was still only wearing her panties underneath her as well.
"Good morning, handsome," she greeted you with a warm smirk, "Did you sleep well? Come, have breakfast with me."
"It's one of the best sleeps I've ever had in my life, yeah," you nodded, rubbing your eyes and approaching the table where she was sitting. When you looked at the plates of food you were stunned. Not only were there at least three fried eggs in different presentations for you, but also a plate of banana toast with peanut butter, a small bowl with pineapple, blueberries, kiwi and apple, and a small glass of Greek yogurt.
"You're going to need a lot of protein to get through the day," she must have seen your shocked face to say that.
"I mean, yeah, I imagine," you scratched your temple and had no choice but to sit down to eat. Jimin was already finishing her breakfast by the time you had just finished one of your fried eggs.
"You should hurry up, I told Noze and the girls not to bother us today," she stood up, "I have a lot of fun plans," just as she said that she took off her shirt and threw it into the suite. Her beautiful pair of tits were exposed to the Miami skyline, and you almost choked on a piece of toast. Making sure you had your eyes on her, she also took off her Calvin Klein panties and left them over your shoulder, "I'll wait for you in the shower, bon appetit."
She re-entered the suite, swaying her sexy hips from side to side. Your eyes stayed on her ass and lower back as long as they could until she disappeared from your sight. Never in your life had you devoured breakfast so quickly as you did that time.
After finishing your breakfast you rushed into the suite, brushed your teeth in one of the bathrooms where Jimin was not and went to where she was. The water was already on. You undressed in a matter of seconds and got into the shower with her. The floor was made of wooden planks with slight separations from each other, and the walls, which formed a wide circle around you with two small windows on each side, were made of black mosaic. The most notable thing was the giant rain shower head that hung from the ceiling like a lamp. Under it, Yoo Jimin letting the water run over her statuesque body.
"So? What's the agenda for today?" you approached her from behind her and put your hands on her waist. She didn't seem startled at all, she'd probably heard you come in. You noticed a mischievous smile while she had her eyes closed.
"Prove that I'm the best," she took a step back and pressed her ass against your cock. You pulled her with you out of the waterfall.
"Oh yeah?" You wrapped your arms around her fleshy frame and buried your face in her neck, giving her a few pecks, "and how exactly do you plan to do that?"
"I already told you I had a lot of plans," she murmured with her hands on your arms, "for now, help me take a shower, will you?"
"Fuck, you don't have to ask me twice."
Jimin extended an arm towards one of the windows and grabbed a soap. You subtly took it from her hand and got to work. You started by soaping her back, moving across her shoulder blades, her shoulders, and patiently moving down to her lower back, which was probably one of your favorite parts of her body. While down there you paid special attention to her hips and her waist, then you climbed back up to her arms, and then you squatted down to reach her ass.
"Treat it well, it's going to be your amusement park today," she said looking down over her shoulder.
"Well, in that case..." before placing your soapy hands on her ass you grabbed hold of her thighs and brought your face closer to her buttocks. You gave subtle kisses to both. Her flesh felt spongy against your lips, which traced a long trail of kisses up and down her ass. You soon found yourself immersed in worshiping that wonderful piece of food, but you had to continue.
“Fuck, you have really good lips,” she gasped as you began to soap her ass. While soaping you also massaged and squeezed each buttock gently.
"Wait until you feel them in that pussy."
You moved down from her buttocks to her thighs, to which you also devoted some special attention before moving down to the back of her knees and down to her calves. Soon the entire backside of her body was soapy. Now it was time for the fun part. When you stood up again and turned her around you couldn't help but feel turned on by her lascivious gaze, so you crashed your lips against hers. The steamy kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make your cock rock hard.
You began to rub soap over her collarbone and her shoulders, her gaze fixed on you as you made to reach for her tits, but as you did previously with her ass, first you wanted to worship that beautiful pair of mounds. You slightly bent her knees and held onto Jimin's ribs, that was enough to immerse yourself in her tits. She didn't bother letting out an audible moan, as you took one of her nipples into your mouth and sucked on it. You didn't stop paying attention to any of her mounds at any time. You sucked, licked and kissed one, and the other you squeezed and massaged with her nipple being stimulated by your fingers.
"Fuck, you're going to drive me crazy..." she gasped.
A few more seconds of kissing her tits were enough to leave you satiated for the moment. You resumed your original work, soaping up her soft tits to work your way down to her sexy midriff. You squatted down again. Her belly also called you to kiss it, and you did exactly that for a few seconds, distributing saliva-filled kisses around her navel and on her lower abdomen, also including her pubis. More soap, more foam-covered inches of flesh. You omitted her crotch for a moment, instead you gave way to what you had left to soap on her legs.
For the main attraction you stood up and kissed her again. She greeted your lips with a moan, and you brought your hand to her crotch to run your soapy fingers along her slit. You moved your hand away from her pussy and now ran it along her inner thighs, applying full pressure as a small massage to which she responded with another moan.
"Stop," she gasped, pulling away from your lips, "you already soaped me up, it's my turn."
Jimin separated from you and got under her shower again. She removed all the soap on her body in a matter of seconds, and as she stepped out she took the bar of soap from your hand. Now the entire center of attention was you. Jimin soaped both of her hands well and began to run them over your body while she looked into your eyes. Just like you, she had saved the best part for last once your entire body was soaped up.
She gave her hands a final coat of soap before leaving the bar in its place, pressing her body against yours and bringing her hand to your cock. You gasped, and she began to fill every inch of your shaft with foam. She massaged your balls gently too, and rubbed the palm of her hand against the back of your cock, up and down multiple times. You bit your lip and stifled a small moan, and against all odds, she put a firm grip with her fingers around your flesh and began to slowly jerk you off.
“Oh fuck…” you gasped. She had her tits pressed against your chest, and one of her thighs wedged between your legs. You felt her pussy rubbing against your thigh.
"You were looking forward to it huh?" Her sexy, teasing voice prompted you to kiss her. She began to move her hand faster, it sliding smoothly along your shaft. Her other hand didn't stay still, it went from rubbing your abdomen to caressing your balls.
"Since last night," you admitted, giving her complete control over you as you let your head fall back and let out a moan.
"I would have gladly sucked your cock if you had asked me," she took advantage of the exposure of your neck to fill it with kisses and bites. Her hand moved even faster on your cock and the other squeezed your balls gently.
"It would have been anti-climactic..."
"But it would have been nice to choke on your cock with several beers in my system..." she murmured against your neck.
"You can do it right now," you lowered your head and met her lips. Your previously quiet hands now moved into action. With one arm you surrounded Jimin's body, that hand went to her ass, while the other was dedicated to massaging her tits crushed against your chest.
"Don't be too hasty, cowboy," she smiled into the kiss, and now she moved on to using both of her hands to give you a slippery, deadly double handjob.
You moaned against her lips, and squeezed her ass and one of her tits harder. She was using all the strength of her wrists to drive you crazy with pleasure, and you certainly didn't last long before melting in her hands.
"I'm cu- oh fuck!" She didn't even give you time to warn her before you exploded. She pressed the tip of your cock against her sexy belly, while multiple thick jets of hot, thick cum began to paint her milky skin.
"Shit, a heavy load to start with huh?" She smiled, not stopping moving her hands for a single second while you still shot cum against her abdomen. It was a painful overstimulation that made you squirm between moans, but it didn't bother you at all.
"F-f-fuck! Stop!" you screeched just as the overstimulation became unbearable. She stopped immediately with a giggle.
"Look how you left my abdomen, you liked that didn't you?" She took a small step back to let you see her belly full of cum, which slid down her skin to her thighs and her crotch.
"Let's go outside right now," you said with heavy breathing.
"I don't think that's possible if you keep looking like a snowman," she laughed, pointing to your still soapy body.
You went under the waterfall and quickly removed all the soap from your body. Once finished you turned off the faucet and took Jimin by the hand to guide her out of the bathroom. You didn't even bother to dry off, which was quite irresponsible considering that the wooden floor was somewhat slippery and you could fall. Finally you came out onto the balcony, your bodies and hair dripping with water.
"Natural drying?" she giggled when the hot sun was over your heads.
"You could say that, yeah," you wrapped your arms around her still wet body, pressed it against yours and kissed her again.
Kissing her in that passionate and carefree way with the sea breeze hitting your bodies lit a small spark that you needed for the rest of the day. Of course neither of you moved from your spot while you were kissing for fear of slipping up and falling into the sea, but the groping didn't stop for a second. Your hands went from her back to her ass to massage her ass, and then to her front to grab her tits.
After almost a minute of just making out you separated from her lips and grabbed her waist to slowly take her towards the railing, you turned her around, and made her lean against it.
"Are you going to fuck me for all of Miami to see?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at you as she leaned on the banister.
"I'm going to eat your pussy and then I'm going to fuck you for all of Miami to see," you corrected, kneeling behind her.
You had already kissed her ass minutes ago, but when you had it in front of you, illuminated by the sunlight and shining thanks to the layer of water, you couldn't help but worship it again. More kisses on each buttock, this time combined with licks and subtle bites. Firm grabs and massages, and a small spank that she thanked with a squeal.
You spread her buttocks with your hands, seeing her pretty shaved pussy and her butthole, which was your first target when you dipped your face in there. Jimin had a little shock when she felt your tongue against her butthole.
"Hey, that's not my pussy," she gasped, arching her back and pushing her ass toward your face.
"Yeah, I know," you smiled, giving her ass a few long seconds of attention in which you sucked, licked, and used the tip of your tongue to tickle her entire body.
"I hope you're doing that knowing you have to fuck it later," she moaned. Her body was starting to dry out, faster than you imagined. Yours the same.
"Don't worry, I plan to do the grand slam with you."
After giving her butthole enough attention you moved on to what you were longing for. Without a second thought you planted your tongue flat against her wet slit, slowly licking up and down. You noticed Jimin's arms tense against the railing, she let out small moans that became louder as you used your mouth to eat her pussy from behind.
Her delicious pussy felt silky and perfect against your lips. You could have stayed all day with your face buried between her buttocks, which felt like two soft clouds pressed against your cheeks. You placed wet, passionate kisses between her folds, also using your tongue to slowly stimulate her clitoris. Your hands resting on her thighs served as support to sink further, almost suffocating you against her slit.
You squeezed her thighs and then moved back up to her buttocks to give the right one a subtle spank. Jimin moaned louder, and you doubled your efforts on her pussy. You were having a most satisfying feast on that exquisite piece of flesh, but you planned to take advantage of every second of that day to give her pleasure in every way possible. You stopped and stood up.
"Huh? Why are you stopping?"
"Shhh," you shushed her, bringing your hand to her pussy to rub your fingers between her folds and then take two of them inside her.
"Oh fuck!" She turned her face to look at you, and you crashed your lips against hers as you began to stretch her pussy with your fingers.
You took it patiently at first, and after a few seconds you put your wrist into full jog. Her moans were muffled against your lips, loud and constant. The palm of your hand slammed against her ass harder with each passing second, which led to her tits starting to sway slightly. You grabbed one of them with your free hand, pinching her nipple and massaging the spongy mound.
Jimin's pussy was soon stretched and slippery enough, so you added a third finger inside her pussy. That made her separate from your lips, to now moan at the top of her lungs towards the Miami sky. She took one of her hands off the railing and brought it to your cock, stroking it as much as her trembling body would let her. You gave her a path of kisses from shoulder to shoulder, then kissed the back of her neck, and then dove down to her neck to fill it with hickeys.
"Cum, Jiminie, come on," you whispered in her ear as you fucked her with your three fingers.
Obediently, Jimin reached her orgasm within seconds of giving her the command. She removed her hand from your cock and brought it to the railing again, holding onto it tightly as her body began to shudder between spasms. The moans reached a higher peak. At that moment you looked down and looked at the ships passing through the canal. Anyone looking up could see you, straining their eyes, yes, but they could. You didn't give a shit about that.
"Move away, I need to suck that cock," she said between labored breaths once her orgasm passed. You stepped back and gave her space to kneel in front of you.
She took your cock with one hand and started licking it all over, from behind, from the sides, the tip and finally your balls. A kiss and a light suck on your tip made you shiver. Jimin now peppered kisses along your entire throbbing shaft, focusing for a few seconds on your balls before moving back up and swirling her tongue around your tip.
Her lips wrapped around your first few inches. She applied gentle suction on your tip and used her tongue to lick part of the back of your cock. She then pushed her head further, until she took half of your meat inside her warm mouth. You moaned and made eye contact with her as she slowly pumped her head, her fingers gripping the base of your cock and her free hand gripping your thigh.
You loved slow and sensual blowjobs, and you certainly noticed how she was an expert at doing them. Her tongue felt incredible, she never left it still on a single head pump, and her lips had a firm grip around your cock. When she took more inches of your cock her mouth opened slightly, making completely intentional gagging sounds as she reached the bottom. The slow and passionate pumps continued, and in one of those Jimin held onto both of your thighs to bring every millimeter of your cock to disappear inside her mouth.
"That's what I'm talking about, Rina," you groaned in pleasure, throwing your head back for a few seconds as Jimin kept you deep in her throat.
She finally pulled out after a few seconds with a deep gasp of air and a thick trail of saliva connecting your tip to her lips.
"Fuck my face, and show no mercy," she ordered as she looked you in the eyes.
Without thinking twice you brought your left hand on top of her head and with the other you grabbed your cock. She opened her mouth with her tongue stuck out, and you guided your shaft into it to start pumping your hips right away. She had clearly told you to show no mercy, and you had no intention of breaking a direct order.
You grabbed a handful of her hair and started fucking her face at full speed. Your cock moved completely in and out of her mouth with each thrust, and it didn't take long for saliva to start spilling everywhere. Her face scrunched up at the force you exert with each movement. Your balls were slapping against her chin, and she started moaning around your cock to make it more pleasurable.
No more than twenty seconds passed when you brought Jimin's nose back to your pubes, making her choke and cough against your cock, which was deep in her throat. You waited a few seconds until you took out your cock and let her breathe, but you felt feral at that moment, and without giving her a chance to rest you made her stand up so that she leaned against the banister again.
“Say hello to the boats again, honey,” that was the last thing you said in Jimin's ear before taking your cock and bringing it between her ass cheeks. You found her pussy and rubbed yourself against it a few times, and without further foreplay you impaled yourself deep inside it.
"Fuck!!" she squealed, clinging to the cold metal of the banister, feeling you completely inside her warm pussy.
You rested her hands on her waist, and after getting a good hold of your fingers on her flesh you began to pump your hips slowly, letting her pussy stretch around your cock and get used to it. Your shaft was filled with Jimin's saliva, so in a matter of seconds it no longer felt any friction. You had completely free rein to hammer her pussy.
You began to increase her speed second by second, until you reached a point of no return where you rammed into her milky ass hard. Jimin's body began to shake front to back, and her tits began to bounce wildly for any sailor or tourist to see if they paid a little attention.
You removed your hands from her waist and brought both of them to her tits, you stopped their bouncing, you squeezed them tightly and held on to them while you panted in Jimin's ear. Your cock moving completely in and out of her silky pussy.
"You love that I'm fucking you up here, don't you?" You growled against her ear, "You love the chance of someone seeing your delicious tits bouncing while I fuck you hard."
"I-I didn't know you read minds," she managed to say between moans. You took one hand from her tits to her neck to wrap your fingers around it, you applied some pressure, but not too much.
"That leaves you like a... slut," you smiled as you said the word, and her pussy clenched around your cock, "an exhibitionist slut."
"Shut the fuck up and cum inside me, fuck!!" Her screams filled your ears and gave you the urge to fuck her harder.
You stood up straight and gave her ass a dry, spicy spank. Her butt bounced like jelly, and you repeated the same with the other one. With both buttocks now red from your spanks you reached a hand to her hair, grabbed a handful and pulled it hard back. Jimin grunted in pleasure, her back arched and her head now completely thrown back.
Your grip point now was only her long black hair, which you held onto with both hands as if it were the reins of a horse. You were sure it made her scalp burn, but she seemed to enjoy it, especially since you were pounding her pussy so hard that each thrust took a breath out of her. It didn't take you long to find a sensitive spot to hit on her, but to do so you had to raise her knee over her railing. Quite dangerously, but also quite hot.
In that position Jimin soon gave in to the pleasure and came. She pushed her ass back and fucked herself against your cock, erratically but hard. You let go of her hair and grabbed her now by her neck, with both hands and with your fingers tightly held while she herself brought you to your point of ecstasy. When you felt the first drop of your cum come out of your cock, you grabbed her waist and made her stop so she could feel how you drained into her.
"Take that damn load, you little slut," you growled, and moved your hips slowly back and forth as you shot hot cum into her pussy.
"Oh fuuuuuuuck," she groaned too, "it feels so hot and thick inside me," she moaned and looked at you over her shoulder. You leaned forward and kissed her between gasps for a few long seconds.
"As much as I love fucking you with the open sea in the background, we can't stay here," you said against her lips, "we're being too reckless already."
"There's a jacuzzi inside..." she smiled and looked you in the eyes. You didn't even have to respond to her to let her know you were totally in for it.
You pulled out of her pussy and your cum spilled out in thick drops onto the wooden boards, you and her looked at the small pool of cum you had left, and you didn't care in the least about cleaning it up when you got into the suite.
"Where is that thing supposed to be? I haven't gone into all the rooms," you said as you walked behind her.
"I didn't find it at first either, but this morning I did a little detailed tour while you were sleeping," you passed the master bedroom, two bathrooms and a second bedroom before reaching the door where she stopped. She opened the door wide open, letting you see a magnificent relaxation room where the jacuzzi was, "Vualá"
It was a beautiful room filled with natural light from the large window behind the rectangular bathtub, covered by blinds that were open to let in the sun's rays. The jacuzzi in question was on top of a slope, where there were also four artificial bamboo plants decorating each corner.
"Damn, at some point I'm going to ask Noze how much that suite cost," you let out a stunned whistle, taking a few steps forward. Under your feet were four tatami tiles.
"I don't think you want to know, it would give you a heart attack," she walked past you, caressing your shoulder, and walked up the small slope to sit on the thick edge of the hot tub.
"Is it one of those smart bathtubs?" You said, going up with her to the slope.
"Oh yeah, the remote control must be over here," she turned and grabbed the small remote behind her, "hot water?"
"Enough to not roast us, yeah," you nodded, walking around the tub and running your hand along the marble edge as Jimin pressed buttons and you heard subtle beeps.
"Aight, 34 celsius and minimal vibration," she finally stood up, left the remote control on the edge and climbed into the bathtub. You get in with her, sitting at the other end. Your legs intertwined.
"Well? Are we here to chat or what?" you asked, clearly knowing the answer.
"Of course not," she gave you a sly smile and bit her lip, "just close your eyes and relax," she said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head on the edge of the tub.
You did so, imitating her posture and leaving your arms loose. The water temperature was starting to rise and get hot, and the massage panels on the walls of the tub were starting to do wonders for your back and buttocks. For a few minutes the only thing between the two of you was silence and the vibrations of the bathtub. But you soon felt something on your cock underwater, it was Jimin's toes.
"Hmm… I didn't know this bathtub had that function," you murmured with your eyes still closed.
You didn't receive any response from Jimin. She brought her foot further, caressing your balls with her fingers and then using her entire sole to rub you slowly. Your cock grew hard under the water, and she now brought her foot to your tip to rub it in circles with her toes. A moan escaped you as she rubbed the back of your shaft up and down, her sole feeling silky.
"That feature has a plus," you heard her say also quietly, and with that you felt another foot on your cock. She wrapped her feet around your shaft, specifically her toes, and started moving them up and down.
"Rina... oh god," you gasped, refusing to open your eyes and ruin that moment of esoteric relaxation.
Fueled by your moans of pleasure, she continued moving her feet up and down with your cock in the middle, giving you perhaps the best footjob you had ever received in your entire life. You didn't want to leave your hands still at a moment like this, so you took them to the part of her body that was closest to you, her legs. You caressed them as much as you could without stretching too much, running your fingertips over her calves and her knees.
After a few seconds, Jimin increased the speed, putting pressure on your shaft with her toe and occasionally rubbing your balls with one of her feet. Your moans started to get louder. She was doing wonders underwater, you didn't expect such skillful control of her feet, but maybe after that experience on the plane with her you should have expected it.
"Tell me... do you want to be between my tits and cum all over my face?" Despite having her in front of you, her voice sounded distant and magical, like a mermaid about to pull a sailor to the bottom of the ocean. Only this mermaid had feet, and they were stroking your cock up and down.
"God, yeah," you nodded between gasps. If she had been a real mermaid you were more than dead, you fool.
"Then open your eyes and sit up," her tone of voice remained low, not wanting to break the aura of false tranquility.
You opened your eyes, finding a deep, beautiful, lust-filled gaze fixed on you. You didn't want to keep the damn mermaid waiting, so you stood up in the bathtub and sat on the edge of it. The feeling of the cold marble against your ass was somewhat unpleasant, but it was made up for by watching Jimin crawl towards you and emerge from the water to kneel between your legs.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Yoo Jimin," was the only thing you could think to say as she placed both hands on your knees and stared at you.
"So much that you want to fill one of the most beautiful faces in Korea with your cum?" She asked in a husky, sultry voice, her hands running up and down your thighs. You could only see her eyes and her tits.
"Yes, that beautiful," you nodded with heavy breathing.
Jimin moved further between your legs and lifted her chest, taking your cock in one hand and placing it between her heavy tits, which she wrapped around your shaft making an incredible meat sandwich. With her tits now firmly held on either side of her she began to move up and down, making your cock disappear between her tits with each movement.
"Do you like it this slow?" she asked, and you closed your eyes again. Your hands resting on the outside edge behind you, "or do you want me to go faster..."
"Do as you please with me at this point," you gasped.
"Another good answer," you heard a subtle mischievous giggle as she moved slower now. At that speed you felt the softness and fluffiness of her tits in the best way. Two clouds of cotton around your cock, moving up and down.
Jimin gave your cock a thick spit, which served as lubrication now that she was gradually increasing the pace. She was also incredibly good at it, which didn't surprise you at all considering the blatant competitive spirit that girl had. She was completely determined to show you that she was the best at everything, and she certainly wasn't far from that goal.
Within a few seconds those soft and beautiful tits were moving at full speed around your cock, well lubricated by Jimin's saliva and at the same time warm from the hot bath you just had. One reason you had your eyes closed was so you wouldn't admire the lewd scene and cum too quickly, but at that point you didn't care anymore.
She was still looking completely fixed on you, as if she was delighting in your grimaces or the way you moaned. Watching your cock appear and disappear between her tits was an added bonus of pleasure, and it drove your brain completely crazy. Taking advantage of the fact that you were looking at her, she bit her lip in a sexy way, spitting between your tits again so that they would not stop being slippery for you.
"Fuck Rina... I'm so close," you announced with your mouth slightly open, your breathing becoming more labored.
"Paint my perfect face, baby..." she asked with a moan, "fill it with that hot load."
Her words and her constant pumping up and down were enough to push you over the edge again. With a loud moan to the ceiling of the room you began to shoot jets of cum that hit Jimin's face directly, while the remnant fell to her tits and slid down her body.
"Fuck fuck fuck!!" you growled, still letting out weaker streams. She slowed down, and when she raised her face, it was all painted white, from her forehead, her cheeks and nose to her mouth and chin.
"So delicious..." she gasped and moved her cum filled tits away from your cock, "I knew the protein for breakfast was going to help," your cum served as an appetizer for her as she wiped it off her face. with her fingers and brought it all to her mouth.
"I need to fuck you really fucking hard, Yoo Jimin," you said between pants, as you looked into her eyes.
"Let's go outside then, pretty boy," she cupped her hands together in the water and used it to wipe the goo off her face. Once her face was clean she stood up and got out of the bathtub to turn it off. You followed her.
On the floor next to the bathtub were some towels stacked on top of each other. This time you did dry yourself as best you could, and did not leave the room until your entire body was free of moisture. Jimin led you through the hallways and stopped at the suite space that served as the general dining room. There was a wide table, with three chairs on the sides and two at each end. There was a table decoration that you had no idea what it was, but it looked like a literal feather mini circular  bed for who knows what. Above it, a large cylinder-shaped fabric hanging lamp.
"Here?" you asked, not opposing the idea either as you looked at the exit to the balcony to your left.
"Does it matter?"
"Not at all," you shook your head, and wrapped an arm around Jimin's body to pull two chairs away from the nearest corner of the table. You also moved the table decoration aside, and with the empty space you lifted her onto it so she could sit up.
She spread her legs wide, and you stood between them so she could wrap them around your body. Jimin's arms caught your neck as well, pulling you in for a steamy kiss. 
During the kiss you no longer cared about skipping the teasing completely, so you brought one hand to one of her tits and the other between her legs, to rub your fingers between her folds continuously from top to bottom. Jimin returned the favor, latching onto your neck now with only one arm to grab your still slightly sensitive cock and rub it carefully knowing this.
Her pussy began to get wet again, you felt her folds become slippery around your fingers as you rubbed non-stop. Your cock returned to full hardness again, and she wasted no time in pulling away from your lips, spitting onto her hand, and bringing it to your shaft to lubricate it well. You played along, and in a matter of seconds you were inside her. You had already felt her soft pussy engulf you minutes ago, but she felt just as incredible as the first time.
"Give me everything you've got… don't you dare hold back," she moaned, leaning back to rest her hands behind her.
"Believe me, I wasn't planning on doing it, Rina," you buried your face in her long, attractive neck, and with your hands attached to her waist you began pumping quickly from the start.
Luckily the table was of excellent quality, otherwise it would have broken from how hard you and Jimin were shaking it. You filled her neck with kisses and slightly excessive bites, but neither she nor you cared about the damage you did to each other, you were so immersed in pleasure that you transformed the pain into something hot. You would soon confirm that.
Your hands went to her thighs to pull her legs back, pressing them closer to her body and keeping them wide open while you hammered her pussy without any control or care. Her tits bounced hypnotically in front of your eyes, and as a weak man that you were, you couldn't help but take them to your mouth to suck them and fill them with kisses. Jimin tangled the fingers of each of her hands in your hair, pressing your face closer to her breasts as she moaned loudly.
"Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Yes!!" she squealed as you slammed into her pussy at full speed. You separated yourself from her breasts to straighten your back and look at her.
"You like this way huh?" You growled, your jaw tensing as you watched her face distort with pleasure.
"Fuck yeah!! Yes!!" She opened her eyes, crystallized and weak, to look at you too, "slap me, choke me, treat me like a whore!!"
As soon as she said those words you gave her a hard slap on her right cheek. She squealed with pleasure and her pussy clenched around your cock. Another slap, this time with the back of your hand on her other cheek. Same reaction, only this time she stuck her tongue out, and you, upon catching her clear message, spit directly on it. Another slap on her cheek, and now you brought your hand to her neck to press it hard.
The agitation of the moment did not allow you to fully control the force with which you squeezed her neck, but judging by her face when you pressed, you were doing enough to stop her breathing. She grabbed onto your wrist with both hands, and she wrapped her legs around your body to fall back onto the table. You lost your grip on her neck, but she now wrapped her arms over yours, burying your face in her breasts as you fucked her with all your might.
"I'm gonna fucking cum Rina," you moaned against her bouncing tits, a bead of sweat sliding down your forehead and landing right on top of one of her nipples.
"Yes! Give my pussy another hot load, yes!!" she begged between desperate whimpers, and she didn't have to wait long before you exploded inside her.
Just as if your cum was the spark that the fuse inside her needed, as soon as she felt the first drop inside her she came with you. She shuddered like crazy, desperately searching for something to hold on to as she screamed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around her body and pressed it against yours, breathing heavily against her tits, which crushed your nose and brushed against your mouth with every shudder of her body.
It took you both a few long seconds to recover from that intense discharge of energy, you were both lying on the table, one on top of the other with heavy breathing and without any words to say. When you felt somewhat composed you straightened your back and very slowly came out of her pretty pussy. The cum began to flow through her slit, and fell directly onto the table where another pool of white liquid began to form, which you wouldn't bother to clean up right now either.
"I still have energy left for one more round..." you said breathlessly, "and that ass hasn't been fucked yet."
"Let's do it," she said without thinking, "let's go to the bedroom."
You were gentlemanly with her, and knowing that her legs were probably weak you carried her in your arms to walk to the bedroom. Once inside her you released her onto the still unmade sheets.
"You brought...?"
"Lube? Yeah, it's in my handbag," she told you while lying on the bed.
"Why there?"
"Because no one ever checks it. Come on, look for it."
You found Jimin's handbag next to her suitcase, when you opened it you searched a little until you found the small tube.
"Astroglide Ultra Gentle Gel Lube," you read aloud, her cheeks flushing, "how specific."
"I told you not to judge me."
"I don't, I just find the name funny," you smiled, climbing into bed with her and giving her a peck on the forehead and a peck on her lips. She smiled, looked at your semi-flaccid cock and stretched out one leg to touch it with her foot.
"A few minutes ago this made you rock hard... will it work again?" She asked, using her foot to rub your cock and slowly make it hard again, "You love my feet huh?" She teased, and with a giggle she turned around to position herself on her hands and knees, spread wide and her ass perfectly arched for you.
"The truth is that you have a special way of making me hard with anything you do, Yoo Jimin," you said, kneeling behind her, "do you want me to go slow this time?"
"Are you kidding?" She looked over her shoulder at you with a challenging look, "Destroy my ass like your life depends on it."
"I just wanted to make sure."
You opened the small tube of lube and began to pour it onto her buttocks, you didn't skimp on the quantity, you made sure that her ass was as slippery and shiny as possible. Then you moved on to her butthole, where you took two fingers full of lubricant inside her to stretch as many centimeters as possible before the main attraction. It was evident that her butthole was not virgin, but you were still always careful.
"Mmmgh, fuck," she moaned softly, feeling your two slippery fingers go in and out of her already prepared butthole.
You took out your fingers, and now poured a significant amount of lubricant on your cock, which like her ass, was perfectly slippery and shiny to reflect the sunlight coming from the balcony. Without anything else to do you took your cock in one hand and guided it to her butthole. Jimin looked at you over her shoulder, eyebrows furrowed and biting her lip. You pressed your tip against her rim, and began to slowly push forward. Surprisingly, her butthole engulfed too easily every inch of your cock halfway.
"What the fuck Rina," you gasped, "how often do you take things up your ass?"
"Aeri and I are playmates sometimes, we love playing with our asses," she admitted with an evil smile and then moaned at the imminent arrival of your cock deep in her butthole.
"I wish you could see this... fuck," you moaned, "my cock completely disappeared inside that beautiful ass," you gave her a hard spank, which slipped thanks to the lube.
"Take a picture," she said, reaching under the pillow she had slept on for her phone to hand it to you. You quickly took a few photos from different angles. Then you locked the phone and tossed it aside.
"I'm not Aeri, but I hope I can do it half as well," you said with a sly smile, and the show started again.
You didn't feel it necessary to go too slow at first, and you certainly didn't feel it necessary to go slow at all. Jimin took every inch of your cock into her butthole as if it were her pussy, giving you free rein to go as crazy as you wanted. You also wanted to have some fun, and just like she had done in the jacuzzi, you fucked her slowly on purpose.
"Fffffffuckkk," she moaned, loving how your cock was moving completely in and out of her tight butthole, "you're a bastard for going so slow on purpose, but it feels so fucking good anyway," she admitted, clutching the blanket under her.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said, and soon made a drastic change of pace.
Her ass was now bouncing against your pelvis hard, producing a loud clapping sound with each powerful thrust you made. As the seconds passed these sounds became louder and faster, as did the squeals of pleasure coming from Jimin.
"Oh god!!" She moaned, "Yes baby... just like that, fuck that ass, it belongs only to you, fuck!!"
More spankings to her milky, soft ass, which served no purpose other than watching it bounce in hypnotic waves. You brought your hands to her hips, holding on tightly to them as you thrust as hard as you could. At that point your lower body was completely destroyed and short of energy, but you could allow yourself that last inhuman effort.
Remembering her words while you were in the dining room, you grabbed a handful of her hair again with your right hand and pulled it back. Jimin screeched, her head now thrown back and her chest slightly separated from the bed. You used that fistful of hair, which you tangled around your hand and the top of your wrist, as a leverage point to ravage her butthole between frantic thrusts.
With your free hand you grabbed her slippery ass and also her bouncy tits, but finally you left it on her waist. You felt like you were pulling her hair too hard, but again she didn't seem to mind in the slightest. She was being so destroyed and fucked so well in her ass that even the words were forgotten.
Hard incessant thrusts, back and forth, every inch of throbbing flesh going in and out of one of the best asses you had ever had the joy of fucking. Her ass bounced so hard against your pelvis that even that bed sounded like a cheap, flimsy bed. Jimin's moans, so loud and constant that you feared Noze would receive a complaint from the residents downstairs—if there were any.
Another long seconds filled with moans, grunts and loud sounds of flesh hitting flesh were enough for Jimin to have one last intense orgasm. This time you didn't let her take control at all. You let go of her hair, and placed a hand on the back of her neck to push her face into the mattress to assert your dominance. Even though she was screaming like crazy into the blanket you didn't stop fucking her ass until you felt close to orgasm as well.
By the time you felt the tickling in your lower abdomen, Jimin's orgasm had already dissipated. You quickly pulled your cock out of her ass and began to stroke it quickly, aiming for her back, which soon began to fill with cum. You felt your whole soul escape from your body in that load, which fell along her entire back and left her skin stained white.
"Mother of fucking god," you gasped already exhausted once you shot all that was left in your balls at the moment.
"Why didn't you cum inside?" she asked, almost as exhausted as you. Her eyes were closed and the side of her face was crushed against the mattress.
"I'm sorry, I had and needed to see that back full of cum," you swallowed thickly and sat on the bed.
"Take another photo then... and send them all to your chat," you didn't hesitate for a second to pick up her phone to take new photos and send them to yourself.
"Can we sleep for a couple of hours? I feel beat up right now," you sighed.
"Yeah, but find something to clean me up, dork," she said with a tone you couldn't help but associate with Noze. Then you also realized that you hadn't stopped thinking about Noze all day. God knows why.
Once you helped Jimin clean up, you slept for two hours and woke up with your stomach growling. You ordered lunch, and after proper digestion and a good rest you resumed the lascivious activities. You fucked in every corner of that damned suite—you didn't go back to the balcony—, in every way, position and mood possible. The whole day went by like this until when you least knew it, it was 11 at night.
"You know? Uh... I wanted to apologize to you," she said as you lay on the bed, which was a mess. She was cuddled against the side of your body while you smoked a more than necessary cigarette. You had opened the balcony door to let the smoke out.
"Why?" You took a drag on the cigarette, held the smoke for a few seconds, and then released it into the air.
"For what I said on the plane, I didn't really need to bring in Itzy's girls," she took the cigarette from your hand and took a drag, then leaned over you and tapped it to loosen the ash in the ashtray. She blew smoke upwards as well, "As a leader I sometimes feel like I have to play a role in front of the other members. You know, not showing weakness and shit."
"You have nothing to apologize for," you took the cigarette back from her, "You have friends to feel vulnerable in front of, and I'm one of them," she smiled.
"Damn, thank you for all the time you spent with me, seriously," she gave you a peck on the cheek, "I'd love to hang out with you more often, you know, without the porn movie part," you laughed.
"Well, anytime you want to drink a beer and play games I'm a text message away," you smiled and took another drag on the cigarette.
"I'd like that, yeah," she agreed with an adorable smile.
"Besides, you're better than any bro I've ever had. I can fuck you any way I want, whenever I want," you laughed and took one last drag on the cigarette before putting it out and leaving it in the ashtray.
"God, you're so stupid," she laughed and leaned her face against your chest, "Hey, we better sleep now... tomorrow we have to go back to harsh reality."
"Unfortunately," you sighed.
You stood up, went to close the balcony door, turned on the air conditioning and got under the blankets with Jimin. Below them, your two naked bodies were in a warm embrace that you maintained until the moment you fell asleep.
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prokopetz · 1 month
On the origin of oozes:
When googling it seems that ooze type enemies came about with dnd.
Are you aware of earlier origins? It does not seem farfetched to assume that some fantasy book had them before that.
(also, best ooze in your opinion?)
It's broadly correct that the ooze monster in its modern form comes to us via Dungeons & Dragons (with considerable influence from D&D-inspired Japanese console RPGs like Dragon Quest). However, like many other classic D&D tropes, its antecedents were present in the sword and sorcery literature of the 20th Century – ooze monsters just seem like they sprung into existence fully formed in D&D's monster manuals because nobody reads sword and sorcery lit anymore.
While there are no doubt earlier precedents, I'd be inclined to point to early 20th Century cosmic horror fiction as the point where the modern giant-amoeba-like notion of the ooze monster really became a standard trope. We can see a clear prototype of the modern ooze monster in Lovecraft's shoggoths, first described in detail in At the Mountains of Madness (1931), for example; from there, the line to the sword and sorcery literature that would go on to form the basis of Dungeons & Dragons is a short one. This certainly isn't the first example of the type – I just don't have an earlier one at my fingertips.
As for my favourite ooze monster, I've gotta give it to the gelatinous cube, one of the few examples of the type which truly is original to Dungeons & Dragons – in fact, it could only have come from D&D, owing to the peculiarities of its creation. It started out as a sort of dungeon hazard, an "invisible" ooze which concealed itself by being completely transparent and conforming perfectly to the shape of any passage that it occupied; however, since old-school D&D expected players to produce their own dungeon maps as they went, and made their job easier by abstracting dungeon floorplans onto a grid of ten-foot squares, the idea of the gelatinous cube quickly shifted from "ooze which perfectly fills any passage it occupies" to "ooze which evolved to be a perfect ten-foot cube in order to block a standard ten-foot-by-ten-foot dungeon hallway". It's incredibly dumb, and I love it.
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olivianyx · 9 months
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faerygrant · 10 months
knee socks - carmen berzatto x waitress reader
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summary: four discoveries come about your and carmens secret relationship; he’s very into knee socks, you’re acquainted with a staff member he has a tricky relationship with, he can be possessive and weirdly enough he likes being called daddy?
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You’d stayed back last night to help Carmen, despite the raging headache that had caused you to have to take a 30 minute break from waiting tables just to rest your head. Carmen appreciated that, and was not shy in showing you. Once he’d insured everyone had gone home for the night, doors locked and safety measures taken care of, he had come into the office and kissed you softly, before walking you to your apartment. Where things had escalated, resulting in you falling asleep stuffed and sated and Carmy going home with a pair of your panties.
Today however you felt refreshed, you’d woken up at the crack of dawn, showered, threw on your uniform and decided you’d wear a pair of knee socks due to the cold fall weather. You arrived to the usual chaos of The bear, Tina and Sydney getting started on prep, Marcus unloading the batter he’d made the night before and Richie barking orders at your fellow waitstaff about today’s schedule. Carmy however wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so you assumed he was in his office going over stock orders or doing payroll.
“Hey, you look pretty good this morning princess” Rich or Richie to everyone else, whispers into your ears.
“Don’t be gross Rich.” You mumble, grabbing your apron and tying it around your waist as he mockingly smiled back at you.
“Damn can’t even give out compliments anymore.” He throws his hands up in mock self defence.
Your and Richie’s relationship was simple, he was a longtime friend of your brothers and had always been mockingly flirty and playful with you, occasionally you’d reciprocate the flirtyness but it was all in good fun. Carmy however hated it, so much so that he’d ensure he did his best to put a distance between you two most of the time.
As the day went on Carmen would make subtle appearances from the office, coming into the kitchen to help Sydney with recipes she was working on, answering some of Tina’s questions, giving Marcus the green-light on some new dessert ideas, the works. But what you noticed from these appearances were the glances he kept making towards you, or specifically towards your legs. Until it finally hit you, it was the knee socks.
Carmen couldn’t think straight with the way you were just casually waiting tables while looking like a goddess. Your uniform clung so nicely to your body, your smile ever so bright and those god damned knee socks. He was convinced you were trying to send him into cardiac arrest. He’d never even known he had a thing for those until today and he wasn’t about to let them go to waste.
carmen 🐻
You busy right now?
Kinda, why?
carmen 🐻
Need your help in the office, now.
Alright, coming
"Hi" you smiled shyly, walking up to his desk and taking a seat on one of the chairs opposite his desk.
"Come 'ere " he says lowly, beckoning you forward with two fingers. You slowly get out of the chair and make your way behind the desk to his side.
"Hi, again" you say as you look down at him, with a sweet smile on your face.
"Hey, feelin' any better, since last night?" He questions as he turns his chair to face you and pulls you in between his legs, his hands holding your hips in place.
"Y-yeah a little, thank you by the way" you reply softly, flustered by the touch he was so lovingly giving you.
"Your welcome, just wanted to make sure you were alright, it was so worth it" he smiled as his hands began to roam, up and down your hips.
"Wh- why was it worth it?" You reply, voice barely above a whisper, as you look down at him though your lashes.
"I got to kiss you, touch you, and keep your panties" he smirked at the last part, knowing it was going to annoy you.
"Thanks for reminding me to kick you for that by the way." You playfully swat his shoulder and he fakes a pout. You began laughing at him.
"What?" He asks, curiously.
"Nothing" you smile as you lift your hands to play with his hair.
"No tell me" he insists, as he squeezes your hips and pulls you down, to straddle him.
"Mmm, it's just I didn't expect you to be such a softie" you smile as you move down on him a little harder, to feel his crotch.
"Of fuck- I" he tries talking but the feeling of you pressed down against him is too much.
"Fuck-“ he says your name “you're gonna kill me" he replies as he pushes his hips against you and you feel his hard on.
“These knee socks have been killing me all day, did you wear em just f’me?” He grunts the last part.
“I did, wanted to impress you.” You smile, wiggling into him.
“It worked, I’m fuckin impressed and so hard f’you.” He smiles into a kiss he plants on your lips.
"I want you now, please daddy" you weren't sure where the 'daddy' came from, but honestly you didn’t care at this point, you needed him. His eyes widen and you're pretty sure you feel him get even harder once the word leaves your mouth.
"I'm your daddy?" He questions you with a smirk on his face.
"Ye-yeah, daddy" you whispered as you continue to grind down on him.
"That's right, I'm your daddy, keep grinding on your daddy till you cum" he groans, face all red.
"Mmmm" you whisper against his neck as you continue. Just as you feel him moving to reposition you, the phone in his office begins to ring. You look up at him and he shakes his head.
"Leave it, keep goin" he groans as he pulls you down, once more. You're so close to your climax when the phone rings again.
"Mmm, just answer it" you groan as you attempt to get off him, he however pulls you back down and answers the phone.
"Ok, and?"
"I'll send her in"
He slams the phone back down and kisses you hungrily once more. You oblige and bring your hands up to his hair.
"Who was it?" You ask, pulling back from the kiss.
"Dumbass Richie, he wants to see you, claims one the regulars is here and only you can help him service them" he spits, you can tell he’s annoyed by Richie’s interruption.
"Rich’s always been quite the mood stealer" you smile, as he kisses your neck lightly.
"Rich?" He questions as he pulls back from your neck and looks up at you.
"Yeah, Rich?" You reply confused, had you said the wrong thing?
"Why the fuck, do you call him that?" He asks angrily, as he lets go of your waist. Alright so Carmy’s moods did always change quickly, noted.
"He's a family friend, I've known him since I was like 18 he's like a brother to me, at-least that's how I feel about him." You reply, whilst putting his hands back on your waist.
"Alright then, Good" he says refusing to smile.
"Why the long face, hmmm?" You question as you smile at him.
"I don't want anyone else to have you, I'm territorial, possessive, I don't know call it what you want but you're mine now and I don't need anyone getting in the way of that" he smirks.
"Mmmm, I just loveeee being owned by men, it's so empowering" you say sarcastically.
"I don't mean it in that way, you know that" says Carmy quickly, afraid you misunderstood him.
"I'm just fucking with you, and this may sound a bit anti-feminist, but I like the thought of belonging to you" you whisper into his ear, leaving him groaning.
"Alright we'll, Rich’s waiting for me, bye Carmy" you say as you try to get off of him. His grip however is too strong and he manages to pull you back down.
"I want to take you out for dinner tomorrow night, somewhere nice but chill ,not too fancy." He says shyly.
"I- I would love too, also not too fancy? this doesn't sound like Michelin star chef Carmen Berzatto" you joke, and he simply smiles at you. He finally let's you out of his grip and you give him a sweet peck, before making your way to the door. Before you can leave the office he calls out to you.
"Wear something pretty ok?"
You turn around and smile at him before replying with poise, "only for daddy"
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multifandomgirl08 · 6 months
All That I Can Give [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: Another Mother's Day and one of Nikita's first.
Warning(s): Talks of breastfeeding, implied sexual content at the end
A/N: Title from the song Give by Sleep Token.
Words: 4.6k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max had woken up early today since it was Mother’s Day. He had stayed in bed holding Y/N for a few moments, the feeling of her back against his chest. He opened his eyes taking in the quiet sound of the room with the sun peaking between the curtains. His eyes still felt heavy but he forced them open. He took in the sight of the cream walls, the couch leading to French doors that lead out onto the terrace, and the white sheets around him. He got up out of bed as quietly as he could before taking his phone off its charger.
He walked into his closet and found a pair of sweatpants and a white linen shirt getting dressed before walking through the bedroom to see that Y/N had turned over in bed, her hair now fanned out over her back as she clutched his pillow to her. He heard her let out a content sigh before nuzzling her head further into the sheets.
He had let Y/N sleep while he went to make her a cup of coffee the way she liked. He assumed that he was the only one awake in the house and that Nico and Nikita were still fast asleep.
Max quietly woke Nico up tapping on his bedroom door. Nico shifted in bed a little clutching his bedsheets closer to him. Max gave him a few moments to wake up before asking Nico what he wanted for breakfast. He got a half-muttered response back before letting him go back to sleep. Nico was quick to turn over hugging the stuffed Charizard plush to his chest that he had gotten for Christmas.
Max ended up ordering food from a breakfast place that wasn’t that far from the house. He didn’t want Y/N cooking today, as it was Mother’s Day and she should have it off from doing her normal routine.
He ordered Nico his requested pancakes, your favorite breakfast food, and ordered himself something that his trainer wouldn’t kill him for eating. He locked his phone standing in front of the expensive coffee maker that was put in after the kitchen was redone, watching your beloved mug fill with the brown liquid.
Over the last few months, Max had tried his best to spend more time with you and the kids on his days off. Sylvie would watch the boys one night a week in addition to the time she was there during the day while he was home. You and Max would end up going out to dinner to spend some time together, just the two of you. It was what you both needed. He loved the boys so much, but he missed you.
It was nice, like when you first started dating.
Once the mug was filled with your coffee exactly as you took it Max made his way back downstairs to where the bedrooms were. He stopped by Nikita’s room which was down the hall from the master bedroom, peaking in the open door to see that Nikita was still asleep in his crib.
He finally made his way down the hall back to the master to see you in bed with the red strap of one of your bras peeking out from under the sheets. You normally slept with nothing on when he was home, you must have gotten out of bed at some point while he was wandering around the house. 
Max walked to your side of the bed placing the mug filled with coffee on your nightstand. Max watched as you turned over in the sheets, curling your hand around the edge of his pillow. Your hair was casting a light shadow over your pillow.
Max walked around to his side of the bed, letting the sheets pool around his waist once he was under the covers. He reached down, kissing you on the forehead lightly before your arm moved to settle around his middle.
"Mijn leeuwin," Max whispered into your ear. He heard you groan into his neck. He felt your long eyelashes flutter, tickling his skin, making him stifle a small laugh. He felt you hair move over his arm before your eyes met his.
"Happy Mother's Day, Liefde.” He said. He saw a smile spread across your lips.
“Thank you, Maxy.” He saw her reach her hand up lightly stocking his cheek, and then press herself closer to him kissing his lips.
It wasn't long before she had found a way to discard his white linen shirt at the end of the bed, her delicate fingers pressing into the skin of his naked back, and her other hand moved through his hair that she insisted he did not cut for a while.
His phone let off a loud bzzz sound from the nightstand.
“What’s that?” You asked him.
Max moved up in bed, lying back against the headboard before taking his phone off the nightstand.
“Breakfast,” He said, looking at the Uber Eats notification.
“I could have cooked.” You said resting your head on his chest. Max dropped his phone into the bedsheets. He would need to let the delivery guy past the gate in a few minutes.
“It’s Mother’s Day.” His hand moved up to stroke your cheek. “I don’t want you to do more than you have to today.”
It was a few more minutes before the buzzer went off for the front gate. Max got up, reaching for his phone to let the guy in. He was about to reach for his white shirt before he found it missing from the edge of the bed. You had disappeared into the bathroom. Max watched the little silver Renault car making its way up the driveway.
The sound of your footsteps made him lift his head a little to see you standing in his white linen shirt, and a pair of long white sleep pants.
He moved off the bed slowly walking close to you before pulling you into his chest, "You're stealing my clothes again."
You nodded back at him, quickly kissing him. He gave you a wide smile before pulling him out of the master bedroom and into the hallway so you could wake up Nico, and get Nikita for his morning feed.
Max walked to the front door collecting the bag from the driver. He said a quick thank you before placing it on the kitchen counter.
Nico had walked up the stairs still in his pajamas, rubbing his eyes when you had walked into the room holding Niki in one arm and your cup of coffee in the other.
Breakfast went relatively well. Halfway through Nico managed to spill juice on his rocket-themed pajamas. You told him to finish his breakfast before changing since you would be leaving to go out to lunch with Sophie, and Victoria in a few hours. Tom unfortunately couldn't make it because of something going on with work. It would just be the eight of you today.
Nico ran back downstairs to his room to change out of his sticky clothes. Max tackled putting the leftovers away, and you went into Nikita's room to change him out of the onesie he had slept in. He had been giving off bits and pieces of baby talk the last few weeks, making sounds and laughing when Max would pull a particularly funny face that caught his son's eyes.
You heard a light knock on the doorframe, and looked up to see Max. You were finishing up buttoning Niki’s onesie before going into the drawers to find a pair of pants that he hadn’t grown out of yet.
“Nico’s getting changed.” Max said.
“Did he pull out his Red Bull shirt again?” You asked with a smile. Max gave a small shake of his head, without having to say no.
“I told him no before he could get the chance.” You immediately knew the look that Nico had given Max. It was a pout that made Nico’s lower lip stick out.
You pulled out a pair of soft grey pants for Niki to wear and moved to put them on his little legs as they kicked the air.
“Did he give you his pouting face?” You asked. Max quickly pushed out his lower lip mimicking his son perfectly. You couldn’t help the smile that broke out after.
“Let’s hope that you don’t go pulling that face, huh Niki.” You tap Niki’s nose with your finger.
“Yes, or we will all be in trouble.” Max looked on into the room at both of you seeing you finish dressing Niki.
He watched you moved around the room, picking up Nikita’s diaper bag to restock it with a few things. Pacifier, two clean burp rags, and a few extra diapers just in case.
Max moved to pick Niki up, when he saw you turn towards them both.
“He’s not fully dressed yet.” You said putting your arms down, with the white velcro baby sneakers in your hand.
“I’ll finish dressing him, while you get ready.” Max walked closer taking the shoes from your hand and kisses your temple.
You quickly pulled out the black zip-up jacket out of an open drawer and laid it over the diaper bag. “Okay.” You said lightly brushing your hand over Max’s arm and then slipped out of the room to get ready.
You quickly check your phone before going into your closet to pick out clothes and put on some light makeup. You had to be at the restaurant at 12:30 so you had well over an hour until you would have to leave the house.
You had just finished up putting on your makeup when Max had come wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. He turned the water on in the big walk-in shower.
“I laid Niki down for a short nap before we have to leave.” It was probably a good idea. He would be up the entire time you would be at the restaurant and wouldn’t get a chance to nap until you got home.
You let Max get undressed before looking into the mirror, watching as the water hit the back of his shoulders before moving to put on the dress that you had laid out earlier. It didn’t feel nearly as tight as it did the last time you tried to wear it. You had slowly been losing that last few kilos of what you had gained while pregnant. Max had told you that it didn’t matter if you weren’t at your pre-pregnancy weight, you still looked beautiful.
You had slipped on your engagement ring, wedding band, and a matching diamond band to wear around your other ring finger. Your everyday pair of diamond stud earrings adorned your ears before you pulled your hair to the side to clasp the second one on. The shower had turned off a bit after while you were in your closet looking for a pair of shoes, and moving things from your normal bag into one that you didn’t wear as often.
Max was still getting dressed so you quickly walked into Nico’s room to see him sitting in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers.
You had walked back into Nikita’s room to see him in his clothes minus the shoes that you had picked out asleep. You quietly moved him into the carrier that clicked into the car seat. It took a few more minutes to put Nikita’s bag by the door, and right after you went into the kitchen to fill a bottle with formula, so Niki could eat if he got hungry. 
“Mama, can I take some of my cars?” Nico came up to you as you slid the bottle into the diaper bag. He was holding three Hot Wheels cars in his hands.
“Sure, but you may want to bring more. I’m sure Luka and Lio will want to play as well.” You suggested. Nico gave you the three cars that were in his hands, placing the blue, silver, and red cars in your hand and then ran back downstairs to his room to grab a few more. You placed them into your purse towards the bottom so they wouldn’t get lost. If you put them into the diaper bag, you wouldn’t be able to find them.
Max had come downstairs shoving his wallet, into the front pocket of the tan Ralph Lauren pants that he was wearing, the Rolex you gifted him sitting proudly on his wrist, with a light blue sweater on.
“Where is Nico?” Max asked quickly looking around the living room.
“He went to go get a few more of his toy cars.” You answered before you heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Nico had a few more of the cars in his hands and you had opened the lock of your Birkin for Nico to put them all in. You slid it closed while you heard the jingling sounds of your keys. Max had taken the carrier and your keys. Nico had your hand, as you walked to the dark blue Aston Martin that you normally drove.
After Max had locked the front door, he strapped Nikita into the car seat attachment of the carrier. You had Max drive, your hand on his thigh with his right hand on the steering wheel, only using both hands when he had to make turns. 
Over the last few months, you have grown better at being able to multitask with two kids. Sophie, Victoria, and your nephews would be meeting you at the restaurant from the hotel. You were happy that the restaurant that Sophie had chosen had a preset menu for everyone. It would be easier on all of you given the kids.
When you had gotten to the restaurant, Max gave the key to the valet and followed after you and the boys to go inside. You could see Sophie and Victoria sitting out on the patio, already at a fully set table. You had pushed the stroller forward before stopping and accepting hugs from everyone. Luka and Lio peaked in on their little cousin until Nico had gotten their attention.
Once everyone was at the table, Sophie sat between Nico and You with Nikita in a high chair, so it was as if an adult was sitting between each child. Drinks had been ordered a few moments later when Sophie had started trying to get Nikita to smile from Max’s arms.
The waiter had come back to take your orders and then swiftly left.
“Ma,” You heard in baby babble from Nikita. Nikita didn’t pay Sophie any mind while he was drooling into the sleeve of Max’s light blue shirt. You snapped your head up fast, looking up from Nico over to Nikita.
“Wat Nikita?” You asked him slipping into Dutch a bit. Niki started to make grabby hands at you wanting you to pick him up. It took a moment for it to set in before you looked up at Max to see him smiling wide at you.
It must have been because you had been taking the Dutch lessons that Max was giving you seriously, and you were very slowly able to pick up the language. You were living in Belgium during the off-season, so it only made sense that you learn it.
“Mama!” Nikita loudly whined, his chubby face turning a light shade of red.
“Wil je mama Nikita?” Max asked Nikita. Niki just looked at Max with a blank stare before looking over to you and started to fuss in his Papa’s hold.
You reached toward Max to take Niki from him, marveling at your son whose first word you just heard. Nikita placed his head on your shoulder, moving his little arms back and forth before his little fist clasped around the thin chain around your neck.
“Max, he’s talking?” Victoria asked. Max gave a small shake of his head and then a shrug of his shoulders. He knew that Nikita wasn’t fully talking. It was mostly still sounds, and he would occasionally make grabby hands when he wanted you or Max.
“Not really, he’s mostly still making only sounds.” He answered. Victoria was quick to break into a story about when Lio first started talking.
You leaned down towards Niki, pretending to bump your head against his, “Burum, burum, boop.” Niki let out a loud laugh that felt like it could rival Max’s for a moment.
You looked up after Niki’s eyes shifted over to the little blue car in Nico’s hands. Niki didn’t try to reach for it. When Luka crashed the silver car into Nico’s blue one, Niki dropped his head to your chest, moving to stick his hand in his mouth.
After a few minutes, Niki seemed interested in visiting Sophie and pointed at her. She gave a big smile and was delighted to take her grandson for a bit.
Nico had come up to Max telling him something before Max kissed your forehead and whispered that he was going to take Nico to the bathroom.
“How are you, with the boys?” Victoria asked. She leaned back in her chair and fixed the bracelet on her wrist.
“I’m doing okay, a little tired with my work schedule but Sylvie has been a big help while Max isn’t home.” It hadn’t been easy, especially with your 30+ hour work schedule, but you had been able to manage before Niki was born. It would just take a little while.
“How’s the breastfeeding?” Sophie asked while taking Niki’s fist out of his mouth.
“It was going okay. But Niki eats more than I can pump so we’ve been giving him formula for about a week, he doesn’t seem to mind it.” You reached over and ran your fingers over Niki’s shirt. He looked up at you but didn’t seem like he wanted to leave Sophie’s arms. “He’s a good eater, just like his Papa.”
When Niki was a few months old you found it fascinating that he could fall asleep with the bottle in his mouth. It was like he preferred it over the pacifier. Then when you could take the bottle out, you found out that he was drinking the milk with his eyes closed.
“I remember when Max was really young,” Sophie said. “He would eat anything that I would make.”
You looked on a bit at Luka and Lio who were playing in the grass. They were mostly playing with the toys that Victoria had, abandoning the toy cars when Nico left with Max a few minutes ago.
The waiter had stopped by the table placing food down, when you saw the plate with carpaccio placed in front of you, and the salad bowl in front of Max’s plate, you waited until the waiter had left to switch them around. You looked up afterward to see Sophie laughing and Victoria with a big smile on her face.
You knew that it was strange to switch the plates as Max would eat both items regardless. Sophie gave you a reassuring pat on the arm.
Max had come back with Nico. He sat down in his chair and grinned at the carpaccio in front of his plate.
“Did Nico wash his hands?” You asked Max before he had the chance to reach for his fork. Nico had taken up not washing his hands in the last couple of weeks, saying that it took up too much time.
“He says he did,” Max said while filling his plate.
Nico was already back in his chair, and you quickly reached over for one of his hands to smell the strong scent of soap they used in the restaurant bathrooms. Nico then showed you his hands, his way of saying that they were clean. Nico looked right at you after, “Papa said to watch my hands.”
While Max had been at home after Nikita was born, it seemed like he had become the center of Nico’s world. He did everything that Max asked without complaint, while you sometimes had to ask Nico to make his bed twice, or to put his shoes away. Everything Nico did, Papa needed to be there for.
It was the way the cycle always worked. Max would be home for a few months, and Nico would cling to him like glue. He would play with his cars while Max was sim racing as long as he wasn’t disturbing him until Nico needed to go to bed. By the time June would come around Nico would understand that Max wasn’t home more then a few days a week and would stop depending on him as much.
The rest of the food eventually came. Everyone ate their fill, and you let Nico order something sweet to eat afterwards. Sophie had asked if she could feed Niki and you prepped the bottle with formula only having to ask for hot water that you could cool down with the bottle of still that was on the table. You pretended not to notice when Max had finished the rest of Nico’s desert after he had pushed his plate away.
You were waiting for the bill, and had rested your head against Max’s arm until the waiter came. You pulled away from Max a bit when he reached to pull out his credit card to give to the waiter. Max gave a nod to the waiter who slid the card into the little booklet for the bill.
“Y/N,” Sophie started to say. “Can we get a picture of all the kids?”
You just gave her a nod before asking Nico to go stand with his cousins by the bench that was next to the table. Nico let out a small huff before walking over. Sophie pulled out her phone taking a picture of all of the older boys, having Nico and Luka both hold Niki, after that Max took Sophie’s phone so you, Victoria, and Sophie could be in the photo as well.
There was a waiter walking by who was nice enough to offer to take a picture of all of you together. Max sat next to you with Niki in your arms and Nico at Max’s side, Sophie in the middle, and Victoria, Luka, and Lio to the left. Sophie took her phone back and told you that she would send you a couple of the photos while you were packing up Niki’s diaper bag.
The waiter had come back with Max’s card, he signed the bill leaving a generous tip before you all started making your way back to the cars, offering for Sophie, Victoria, and the boys to come back to the house for a bit.
Once it was pretty late in the evening, Sophie and Victoria said their goodbyes with Luka and Lio giving sleepy waves to both you and Max. Nico was already asleep on the couch, and Nikita was in his bed after Sophie asked if she could put her grandson to bed just before they had left.
Nico sluggishly went up to bed, and you watched to make sure that he brushed his teeth before changing and climbing into his bed. You tucked him in, kissed him on the forehead, and then watched as Max followed suit. Telling Nico good night hearing back a quiet “Night,” back. Max turned off the lights after you both walked out of the room. It was only 10 pm and you know that Max was most likely going to get on his racing sim for a few hours before coming to bed.
You made your way towards the master bedroom, pulling off the rest of your clothes from today, putting your shoes away, taking off your jewelry, and getting out a pair of sweatpants and an old worn-in shirt from the few things you had taken from Max’s closet over the years. It had a few small holes at the bottom hem and had somehow still held the scent of the Bulgari cologne he liked.
You went to wash off your makeup and could hear Max in his own closet, walking around most likely throwing his clothes into the hamper haphazardly. By the time the water was warm in the sink you saw him from the doorway that connected his closet to the bathroom, he was in a white shirt and a silver chain with his white gold and weaved carbon fiber wedding ring looped through it.
He never wore it on race days, always afraid that something might happen to it while he was in the car. So it was given to his trainer for the race on the chain, and was back on his finger the moment he could find his trainer after the race had ended.
You quickly took all of your makeup off, scrubbed your face, turned the water off, and then patted your face dry. When you had walked out to the bedroom, Max was in bed sitting on his phone texting someone back.
You took your laptop off the armchair that sat in the corner of the room and climbed on top of the sheets before opening the computer to see that you had no work emails from today. Holidays seemed to be the one time when everyone from your work was truly unplugged from their work life.
“Movie?” You asked once Max had placed his phone into the nightstand.
“Sure, but if you fall asleep I’m going to get on stream with Enzo and Crane.” Max teased knowing that you had a tendency to fall asleep watching a movie sometimes.
You closed your laptop then placed it on the floor turning over to look at Max. You pressed yourself up against his chest.
“Okay, I just hope Crane knows that he’s not allowed to flirt with you on stream.” You joked placing your hand onto his chest.
Max let out this big almost high pitched laugh, “Wha… Crane?” He dropped his head into his pillow. “Mijn leeuwin, Crane is the last person you need to be jealous of… Daniel on the other hand.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a bit. You were very aware of Max’s ‘bromance’ with Daniel. Sometimes Daniel would even go as far as to flirt with both you and Max, but never thought anything of it since that was just who Daniel was as a person.
“Well if you ever leave me for Daniel, at least I know that you’ve truly lost it.” You ran your finger over the planes of Max’s chest, stopping just where his sternum ended.
“I’d never leave you for Daniel. What would his wife say?” Max muttered as you curled up at his side with the TV remote in his hand.
“Probably what I would say.”
“And what’s that?” He looked down at you, with a bit of mischief in his eyes.
You moved the climb into his lap pressing your chest against his, “That I’ll make you live to regret leaving me.”
Max moved up just a bit before turning you onto your back. He boxed you in with your hands above your head, holding you down into the sheets, with one of his thick thighs forcing your legs open. You found a way to lock one of your legs around Max’s waist, your lips quickly met in a short kiss, a longer one followed, and soon after the TV remote was forgotten.
A while later you were pressed up against Max’s chest, feeling his fingers running over your naked back as you could feel the sweat slowly cooling against your skin. You pressed a few light kisses just under Max’s collar bone where his chest was flushed pink, feeling him shift under you, while he was still settled inside you with his hand on your lower back. You tucked your head against Max’s jaw, the feeling of the slow rise and fall of his chest lulling you to sleep.
“Happy mother’s day, Mijn leeuwin.” You heard whispered into your hair.
You said nothing back and just tightened your arm that was over Max’s chest.
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Was Nikita? - What Nikita?
Wil je Mama Nikita? - Do you want Mama Nikita?
Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab
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caesium-55 · 6 months
—seven days. [ iii ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader.
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
author's note: hi hello welcome to part three. i flunked the quiz. lemme know what you think. NOT BETA READ. NOT EDITED. this chapter kinda sux. can't believe i went through a breakup just last week and i still cant write decent post-breakup scenes.
tags: @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @eugene-emt-roe @bellezaycafe @barnestatic @theseerbetweenus @wcnorris @notyouraveragemochii @lpab hope i didn't forget anyone.
you: *sent a link*
him: ?
him: what's this
you: benefits of crying
you: read it it's enlightening
him: some people do not cry over a breakup you know and that is totally okay
you: why crying helps.
you: 1. tears release toxins, stress hormones to be specific. it is good to let all the bad energy out.
you: 2. it aids sleep. no need for further explanation.
you: 3. crying releases oxytocin and endorphins. i know you don't know what an oxytocin or an endorphin is but they're happy chemicals.
you: 4. crying helps you receive the support you need from the people around you. EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY is okay, max. stop treating it like an STD.
him: it feels like an std
you: pussy
you: emotional vulnerability is a thing and it's normal so stop trying to be a big strong man when you're barely holding it together.
you: you may look fine now but i know you
him: please stop
you: no
you: 5. crying has a self soothing effect. very nice actually. it activates the rest and digest system.
him: what even is that
you: the parasympathetic nervous system
him: ??
you: this is why you shouldn't have dropped out of high school
you: education is important yknow
you: youre already lacking in three forms of intelligence, academic, emotional n social intelligence
him: fuck you im smart
you: fuck you 2 and yeah you're smart but only in geography
you: you probably can't do your taxes
him: im dutch so the company's account department do it for me by default
him: the american system is just weird
you: cant argue w/ u there
you: also, 6. crying helps restore emotional balance
you: see? you need that
you: yknow now that i think abt it you should consider seeking therapy
him: what makes you think i’m not in therapy right now
you: well have you considered getting MORE therapy?
You stand in front of the body mirror, holding the Red Bull polo shirt against your body to see how it looks on you for one last time. On your right sleeve, the word MANAGER is written in bold, white text. Because that was what you were. Just a manager.
In another universe this is not the shirt that you’d be wearing. The MANAGER would have been ENGINEER. In another another universe where your family has been well-off enough to continuously send you to karting school and you would have been the one driving the fucking car by now.
You know, if Max has even tried talking to Horner and suggested that you should be moved into the engineering team, then you wouldn't be stuck wearing this god-awful polo that burned your skin every time you wore it for work. Everybody reduced you as Max’s American manager and because you are American, most of them kind of just assumed that you're dumb, you know?
Does the world even know how smart you are? That you graduated top of your class, got the best thesis award, and that you had finished your masters just this year? Did they even know that a Japanese car company wanted you on their research team? That a NASCAR team wanted you on board as one of their engineers? Does Max even know?
Fuck no. He only knows that you're the best at ironing clothes and organizing his Google calendar and memorizing his entire coffee order by heart. He knew you're good at extinguishing kitchen fires and kicking ass in YSL Opyum heels. You doubt he knows that you can do Calculus in your sleep.
You can take it if the world puts you down for your appearance. But if the world puts you down because of your intellect? That's a different story. You'll take any insult to the face but not to your intelligence.
You have four days left in Monaco so you have begun packing already. You're right, everything did fit into three suitcases. Also, you haven't told Max yet. For some reason, you’re too anxious. Which is shocking to say the least because you never ever gets anxious when it came to Max Verstappen. You wouldn't have lasted this long working alongside Max if you were a pussy.
Max Max Max Super Max Max—
“[Name] here. Need anythin’, champ?”
Hearing a sob on the other end of the line immediately activates your fight or flight response. Your eyes widen and you toss the Red Bull shirt aside. Your legs leads you to the nearly empty shoe rack stationed beside the front door, grabbing the pair of shoes at the very top of the tiny shelf and throwing them on.
“I’m comin’ there. Hang on, Max. You wait for me, okay?”
He doesn't answer, just continuing to sob and the sound absolutely breaks your heart.
You run to his penthouse at a speed that will even put the RB19 to shame. Not even bothering to knock, you barge in and yell his name in the empty halls of his penthouse. You search in the kitchen. He's not there. The living room. Not there either. The room where his simulations are. Not there. You run to his bedroom upstairs.
The door is locked. Dammit. Panic overflooded your system.
“Max, sweetheart, you there?”
No answer, but you can hear a faint sound behind the door if you press your ear against the wood. Firefighter training covered how to open a fucking door when it was locked so this once again becomes a situation where you're grateful that you did that tiring and borderline suicidal volunteer work.
Max keeps a fire extinguisher inside his penthouse as per your advice. There is one stationed in almost every room inside his house. You knew there is one inside his room and another one just at the end of the hallway. You make a quick run for it and once you have the extinguisher in your hands, you run back to his door.
“Step away from the door!” you instructed while your mind mentally calculates your payment plan as you hit the door knob with so much force, the walls tremble at your strength. You're functioning on pure adrenaline. Your instincts only yell one thing and that is: go to Max. No one and nothing in this world will keep you from him. It isn't long until his bedroom door broke down. With one last final kick, it crumbles down from its hinges and you forcefully pry it open and sprint inside.
Max tucks himself in the tiny space in the corner of his huge bedroom, his knees shoved up to his chest. A 181-cm tall man trying to make himself as small as possible.
This is it. This is the bottled-up emotions he's been storing since Abu Dhabi. You cannot say you have not anticipated this. Max is bound to explode sooner or later.
Panic attacks have made a home in Max’s body since he was a child. That's what one gets when they’re parented by someone like Jos Verstappen. He killed Max’s soul and made the boy a machine and for what? To shape a child into a man, a racer that he wanted to be but failed to become at the cost of Max's mental health and childhood.
When Max looks up with that heartbreaking look on his face, you almost crumble. Almost, because you cannot crumble. Not when Max needs you.
Sometimes, you forget what it took for Max to become the champion that he is today. A childhood sacrificed for his dominance on the tracks. A whole lot of hatred from the people to become a WDC. And now, a love lost for his third consecutive championship.
“You came,” his voice cracks towards the end.
Your eyes soften, “You called, Max. Course I’ll come.”
You barely brace yourself for the impact that is Max’s body wrapping around yours in a tight hug. The man have literally launch himself from the floor to you at sixth gear speed. You stumble backwards slightly, holding his bed for support so the both of you won't fall down.
“No,” he whispers and his grip on your tightens as if he's afraid that you’ll slip away if he even tried to give your lungs space to breathe. “Don't speak. Stay.”
What Max wanted, what Max would get. So you shut your mouth, shuffle slightly so he'll be in a more comfortable position and allow him take whatever he wants from you. This will be the last chance he’ll ever do it anyway because in four days time, you’re flying to Texas.
You stay for what is probably hours in that position. Crumbled together on the floor, leaning against the side of Max’s king-sized bed. Your shirt is completely damp from his tears but you cannot even bring yourself to care about it.
“Your shoes…” It's the first time Max has spoken since the start of his meltdown.
“Hm?” you turn your head and your nose nuzzles against his hair, making you scrunch it up a little. His hair is tickling your nostrils. If you lean a little forward, your lips will meet the skin of his temple.
“They’re mismatched.”
Brows furrowed, your eyes move to your feet and see that Max is right. Your shoes are indeed mismatched. On your left is one of your Adidas slides and the other is your slip-on Skechers. You ran from one building to another in mismatched shoes. Fucking embarassing.
“Ignore them.”
“You good now?”
“Okay,” you say. “If you want to talk, I’ll listen.”
You hear Max let out a shaky breath, “Just stay for a while. Don't leave me alone.”
Eventually, you manage to talk Max out of the hug. You're beginning to feel claustrophobic but you do not want to say it out right so you try to negotiate instead. That's how you and Max found yourselves inside his kitchen again. You're trying to replicate your Abuela's cheesecake, which she was known for back in Austin, and Max is…well, he's Max and he’s trying to be helpful in any way he can. If it's some other day, you'd have shoved him out of the way because you prefer working alone in the kitchen. Having eyes on you gives you anxiety. But given today’s circumstances, you do not have the heart to make Max leave so you task him with doing the little stuff like mixing things and throwing shit to the trash can nearby. And he does so splendidly.
“Thank you, by the way.”
“For what, baby?” You internally wince at your own slip of the tongue. Damn that habit of yours of calling people with affectionate call signs. Thankfully, Max seems to have not noticed it.
“For coming here.”
You shrug.
“I only did what you did for me in 2021.”
Again, your breakup with Leo was bad bad. You spent a month crying for a love lost and Max was there for you. For the most part, at least. You want him to focus on winning and winning alone that you pushed him away a lot of times but you appreciated how he was more obedient to your commands, that he held his tongue so he wouldn't piss you off even though he was not liking your words, and that he was considerate of you.
“I hope you won't go into fights though,” you chuckle. “Like I did after my breakup.”
He smiles, shaking his head lightly and you know he's recalling the memory. 2021 is a hilarious year for you, the Red Bull manager. You went viral after getting into a cat fight with a girl and a whole fist fight with her boyfriend.
You and Leo called it quits a week before Monaco and even though it had been four races since then, your heart was still in a quite fragile state at that specific race weekend. One minor inconvenience was enough to ignite a wild blaze of fire within you and nobody could extinguish the flames.
After Silverstone FP1, you were leading Max to the cool down room to brief him with Horner’s relayed instructions and someone had thrown a glass bottle towards the both of you while walking. Originally, Max was the main target of the bottle but you happened to have moved towards the line of trajectory and the bottle landed on your temple, hard enough that you stumbled upon impact.
You barely heard Max’s shocked gasp and shout of panic over the sound of glass shattering on your foot because the only thing you could register was the terrifying feeling of a thick liquid trickling down the side of your face and you didn't even need to see it to know it was blood.
The only thing you saw was red and it was on fucking sight.
Fucking Hamilton fan. Fucking Hamilton. He’s in Max’s way. He’s in your way. He’s the wall that was dividing you from your dream position in the engineering team.
You shoved the iPad you were holding to Max’s hands and marched down to the woman wearing the Merc #44 merch, swiftly jumping over the barricade and grabbing her by the collar of her pristine white Versace top.
The events that followed were too fast. You grabbed her collar. She pulled your hair. You also pulled her hair. Someone pulled her away from you. You tried to grab her, clawing her bare arms with your manicured nails. She screamed. You screamed back. You pulled out some curse words in Spanish as well because cursing her in one language alone is not enough. Her boyfriend appeared. A quick punch to your cheek. You fell to the ground.
The world stood still. There was a sting on your palm because your skin got torn from the hard surface of the concrete ground. You let a bloodcurdling war cry and your Dad would definitely be disappointed at you for using the boxing techniques he taught you for self defense purposes only to fight a guy two times your size.
Everything was a bigger blur from there. But you did remember the sensation of Max’s strong arms around you, stopping you from lunging forward again. He was saying sweet words to your ear to calm you down but your brain failed to intercept them so you could hear the words, could hear his voice, but not understand any of it. You remember Christian Horner's disappointed face that haunted you even two years later. You remembered feeling so terrified as you sat outside Christian Horner’s office waiting for the final verdict while he and Max and a few of the Red Bull higher-ups argued about your future with the team. You remembered hearing Max’s loud snarl on the other side of the mahogany door: “Did you see her face?! There was blood everywhere! On her nose, on her mouth, on the fucking side of her head!” You remembered the girl taking the case to court. You remembered fearing that you’d be sent to jail. You remembered that she lost the case because it was ruled as self defense and your injuries were grave. You remembered discovering that it was Max who used all his power and got the best lawyer to fight your case. You remembered the atmosphere in the Red Bull garage shifting when you entered it a few weeks later and everyone stared the bandages and bruises. Everyone thought one thing: of course, it would also take a monster to manage a monster like Max Verstappen. You remembered Lewis Hamilton, seven-time world champion, apologizing personally for the fight caused by his own fan. He didn't need to but he was so sincere with it that you cried when he handed you the apology flowers. God, how could you even hate this man? Your anger towards him was misplaced.
You’d been living with the guilt ever since, that you were horrifyingly violent for a day, that you were capable of killing for a day. And it could happen again. One day. God, you hoped you wouldn't have to see that day. You knew all your coworkers have been careful with angering you ever since. They're terrified of you even. Max should be, too. But then again, why would he when he already saw the horrors done by his father’s hands ever since he was a child? He was used to it.
“I won't,” he says, smiling at you. “I wouldn't want to add anymore problems for you to clean up.”
But you will not be the one cleaning it up because you resigned. You didn’t tell that to him though. Not right now. He just had a meltdown over Kelly leaving him and the news of his manager leaving him too will destroy him.
The cheesecake is a little burnt when you take it out of the oven but it actually adds more flavor to it so yeah, that's a win.
“We should drink,” you suggest.
“It’s mid-afternoon.”
“We drank at mid-afternoon yesterday,” you give him a blank stare. “With Alex and Charles, remember?”
He doesn't say anything as you make your way to his fridge and pull out two bottles of beer. Max has champagne stored somewhere but you have enough of those expensive champagnes. You need beer. Beer is good. Beer is nice. You're a beer type of person and it is time Max becomes one, too.
“I’m no scientist,” you begin, biting off the beer’s bottle cap. “But according to chemistry, alcohol is solution.”
Well, technically, edible alcohol or ethanol is not a mixture. Rather, it's a pure substance that happens to be a liquid at room temperature and typical atmospheric pressure. Pure ethanol is not a solution. Hard spirits though? That's a solution.
Beer is not a hard spirit. It's more of a fermented drink. But Max doesn't know that, though, so you don't bother explaining the science behind it.
Somewhere down the road, the two of you move to his living room. You use the Youtube app in his TV to search karaoke video and have the bestest time of your lives. You're screaming along some Daddy Yankee and El Alfa songs and Max doesn't know how to speak Spanish so he’s just vibing to it.
At 5 PM, you pull out Max’s expensive vodka bottle. Now this is the real shit. The ten bottles of beer? Those are just pregame. Max is already drunk with just those because he’s a pussy but you’re no pussy, so the only right answer is vodka! Viva la vodka or whatever.
Your throat gets tired of singing and Max gets tired from dancing, too, so you both decide to just go entertain yourselves in other ways. First, you introduced Max to beer-pong. He loses, of course. He sucks at everything not racing. Then, the two of you move onto chess. Max gives up mid-game. He cannot understand the rules. Then, lastly, you move to the billiard table Max owned. He only used it when the other guys are over and you do not even know why he bought it when he sucked at playing billiards.
“You know what Kelly said the morning before the race?” Max suddenly says and you look up at him, brow raising slightly. He’s drunk; his skin is flushed and he is all giggly and smile-y as he sits on the billiard table’s side rail and using the billiard stick as some sort of support stand to keep him from falling. You hope he won't accidentally poke himself. You're no better, too. Ten beer bottles and a few glasses of vodka. But you’re not as drunk as Max, and you still have a straight vision and you can still sink the colored balls into the pockets of the billiard table.
“That it was unfair for her.”
You raise a questioning brow, “Why?”
“I bought shoes and they don't fit her.”
You blink. He laughs at himself as if he has uttered the funniest joke in the world.
“Three years of relationship gone because of a single pair of shoes,” he continues. “She wanted those shoes, too.”
Kelly….what the fuck?
“But that's okay. She….She made me open my eyes, you know? She made me realize what I truly love.”
“Racing.” It's not even a question. It's the truth.
Max stares at you, long and hard, and you look away first because you fear that if you allow yourself to stare too long, you’ll drown in those beautiful blues. This is enough heartache for the day. No need to add more.
“Hey [Name],” he begins. “If I asked you to kiss me, would you do it?”
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
Milkman (Francis mosses) x fem! Reader
Thick as blood
Sweet as milk
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Ah yes, you. The new doorman. The DDD hired you for your attention to detail and ability to examine more than just physical detail but the way people talked, their actions even the movement in their eyes.
Dopples are horrible at those details, some are just straight stupid and don’t try
But today was your first day in the building fresh from training, the building didn’t have a doorman before so you were ready for confrontation and confusion
Your uniforms was meant to look friendly, with a DDD button the the left breast. the DDD issued you with a pistol in case a Dopple did get in.
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The block has been notified and given everything they needed to get in. Now it was your job to make sure they were safe
The day went slow no one coming in till lunch, you were not given one but you were allowed to eat whenever suited you
Soon tho a very happy woman came by…she had heterochromia at first you assumed dopple before looking at her papers
Right Nacha Mikaelys . Everything checked out as you studied her taking notes in your head, she smiled seemingly unaware of what was happening “how’s your day so far?” She asked looking through her purse, possibly for her keys “going well, I’m y/n your new doorman” you replied passing back her papers “have a good day ma’am” she nodded taking them back “pleased to meet you y/n see you tomorrow “ Nacha waved and walked out of sight
You got up from your chair to walk around your small office, you fix up your uniform as you hear someone come up to your glass panel. It was a milkman..? you raised your eyebrows at him. He didn’t look quite surprised to see you. He slid his papers into the slot and waited. You grabbed the papers and looked up and down at them. You then looked up at him and studied his features while trying to talk to him. “Hi I’m y/n the new doorman pleased to meet you, Mr. Moses.”
“Mm…pleased to meet you y/n”
Oh god. You blushed! What a schoolgirl
You slid the papers to him quickly looking down “all is in order, good day sir” you almost stuttered before looking back up at his dark tired eyes “good.” He walked off not noticing your sudden change in tone.
Oh god he sounded like a night time soap, deep and soft. you could listen to him read a chapter book and hang on every word, a phone book would sound sexy! And his eyes! Ugh you would kiss them if possible! You let your blush stay as you fell head over heels for a man that spoke 6 words to you (I counted) another person stood before you, before you could even greet them you stopped in your tracks
It wasn’t human. Its face was a drawing taped to it. No mouth but it spoke “allow me in please”
You softly pressed the urgency button as you slid out your gun. You could hear the dopple screech and writhe behind the glass and metal shutter while you called your superiors “I have one” you spoke sternly not wanting to show any fear “on the way” the triple D officer spoke. You stood back pistol in hand breathing slowly to calm down soon though the screeching stopped and the metal shutter lifted revealing a man in a yellow suit “dopple eliminated. Good work” he walked away with 2 others carrying a body bag.
You shivered placing the weapon back in its place you were glad most of those things were dumb but it made it no less horrifying
Your mind raced as you thought about the two things that just happened to you almost simultaneously first having a girl crush on a milkman and now almost getting killed by a stupid Dopple
Your immediate thought, as you sat down and tried to organize to calm your mind was, how does a milkman live in a building with such high earners ? How much does a milkman make ?you pondered looking over the files of residents
After introducing yourself to a couple of other residents, the day ends, and it’s time for your shift to end as well.
One Dopple the rest human honestly the best you could hope for on a first day, the other thing you could look forward to is that because you do work in this building, you can live in the building for way less rent than everybody else, you picked up your items from the desk and made sure everything was clean before you left and lock the door behind you no one was allowed to leave or enter the building after 10 PM unless of course it was an emergency, but they would be escorted by DDD officer at the front of the building 
You took the elevator to your apartment “F05” the old landlord room, it used to be boarded up but the DDD had it refurbished for you, still looked a little dingy but ultra cheap rent for a 2 room apartment was worth it
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You opened the door but jumped a little hearing another door “oh” you heard the deep voice looking to your left, Francis in a white wife beater and a cardigan. He has a cigarette in his fingers unlit “oh sorry you startled me goodnight Mr.mosses” you tried to excuse yourself quickly but to your surprise he spoke up “I didn’t know you lived here, actually I didn’t know there was a 5th apartment” he finally lit his cigarette taking a long drag (it’s the 50s) you nodded hoping to clear his confusion “ it was boarded up in the early 40s, it’s called a lord suite. a place for the landlord to stay in case of quick repairs or whatever else may happen” he listened rather intently taking the cig out of his mouth, god did you want him to ask you to take a puff just to indicate something “oh…I remember those really fell out of fashion huh?” He asked passing the half done cancer stick. You screamed in your head agreeing with him and taking in the smoke “well enjoy, I need to sleep” he walked back to his apartment almost slamming the door, was he mad? He didn’t indicate anger or distrust, you finished the cigarette and smudged it out on your stove placing the butt on the counter almost contemplating about saving it… you were weirding yourself out a bit but came back to.
You did as all necessary and got ready for bed
You dreamt of Francis sitting on the roof with you holding you close both of you in your uniforms as you kissed him deep and hungry begging for more in your movements you felt him move down to bite softly at your ne- TRRRIING TRRING
your alarm clock yelled at you a few more times before you could slam your hand down on it groaning and streaching “god I am down bad”
End pt 1
I know but the game is set in like 1955 America but it gives me such Soviet vibes 
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Hello! What abt svt & their reaction/rls to foreign staff members? As in maybe translators that are with them on tour?
you being a foreign staff member
content: these are mostly implied to be platonic, fluff, foreign reader (non-korean), most of these reactions assume you speak english and korean as an additional language, etc.
wc: 881
a/n: i loved this concept honestly!! id love to write a longer fic about a language barrier fic or a translator staff member :0
seungcheol -
being leader, he sometimes would feel the brunt of taking on interviews and such in english, not always being able to understand what's being asked of him. he would turn to you before and after any interviews or social interactions that involved english to clarify anything he didnt understand. would have a lot of respect and admiration for you, thinking you to be super smart for being able to translate so effortlessly.
jeonghan -
would sometimes strike conversation in japanese just to throw you off. he'd even ask joshua to teach him some phrases in english to throw you off even further by suddenly switching languages. would do the same with jun and throw some chinese at you too. however, he would still converse with you in korean often to get you to accompany him and a few of the members during outings in order to translate.
joshua -
he'd be happy to have another person to speak english to, always seeking you out whenever he got tired of not being able to speak his native language. since the two of you both had korean as an additional language you'd learned, the two of you would relate a lot and mutually gravitate towards each other.
jun -
he has a tendency of going live on weverse and going back and forth between korean and chinese, even teaching carats a few phrases in both languages. this makes me think that he might seek the same from you. he would ask you to translate phrases into whichever language you knew and would even teach you stuff in chinese back.
soonyoung -
he's always trying to learn new words from his the comments on his weverse lives, so i think he would come to you with that same curiosity. he would be fascinated by how easily you went back from one language to another and ask you to teach him how you do it. would be super cute about it too, following you around whenever you were assigned to go on tour or to events with them and rambling questions at you.
wonwoo -
he mentioned in a fansign recently that he wants to learn a lot of languages, so i think he would be somewhat fascinated by you and how well you spoke korean despite it not being your first tongue. would maybe even seek you out directly to strike conversation about linguistics.
jihoon -
he's expressed before that he thinks his english is bad, so he might be a bit shy to speak it. he might look to you for help whenever he happened to go out or find himself in social situations overseas, sticking by you in order to avoid awkward social situations. he would be forever thankful to you for always helping him out and would come directly to you any time he needed help or wanted to learn something new in that language.
seokmin -
he's so outgoing he would probably not even need you to direct yourself at him in korean to become friends with you. since you'd be around a lot, he would do his best to make you feel comfortable while also getting your help in learning a bit more english to communicate with carats. to him it'd be a two birds one stone type of situation; he gets a new friend and gets to find new ways to talk to his fans.
mingyu -
super interested in interacting with you. he loves to learn and is always hoping to strike conversation with new people he meets, so he would have tons of questions for you as to what words to say and how to say them. being the friendly guy that he is, you two would likely become fast friends due to how often he came to you with questions.
minghao -
he's said before he wants to learn english and how hard he's been working towards it, so he would come to you with any questions and even asking you to tag along if he were ever to want to go out during tour. he'd become friends with you very easily and exchange his knowledge in chinese for your knowledge in english.
seungkwan -
he'd be immediately curious about you, seeing as you didn't seem to be a regular staff member. upon finding out you were a translator he'd try to communicate with you in broken english, completely forgetting that you'd obviously know korean. after that, he would consistently ask for your help in learning important phrases in english and praising you for your expertise at speaking multiple languages.
vernon -
as someone who had to learn korean as a second language very young (and then retain his english language after moving to korea), he would probably relate to you a lot and befriend you very easily. he would seek you out to dust off his english and the two of you would likely hit it off right away.
chan -
being the future of kpop, of course he needs to know a bit more english, or at least that's what he tells you any time he comes to you with yet another inquiry as to what some random post he saw online means. he knows he can just use an online translator (or ask an english-speaking member), but he would trust your judgment more.
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exhaslo · 8 months
Ok ok soooo what if you did like a fasion designer y/n and she is helping Miguel redesign his suit then like as she is measuring him or something she notices he is hard and like ✨smut✨
Oh, reader will take the measurements alright. Hopefully they can remember it *wink wink*
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, p in v, oral (m receiving), slow sex, mirror sex
"How did this happen?! I specifically remember both of us working on this suit, making it nearly impossible to tear!" You yelled towards a poor, nervous Peter.
"To be fair...It wasn't one of my villains."
"Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't know heroes could villain swap! Who the hell did you trade with? The Guardians of the Galaxy?" You scoffed, holding the destroyed suit in your hands.
"Easy, (Y/N), only I can bully them this much." Miguel said as he walked into your office, "You also have to remember, he's new."
"Which is why I helped him with the suit." You hissed lowly and tossed it back to the Peter, "You get to remake it. When done, I want to know who the hell you fought that tore the suit to shreds."
Peter kept quiet as he slowly made his way out of your office. The silence was more than enough for you to start assuming shit. Inhaling deeply, you walked over to your espresso machine and made both you and Miguel a cup of coffee.
"You know the work you do is above all," Miguel hummed as he took a seat on your couch. You gave him a pout,
"But it's never enough. How am I supposed to be helping you all make suits if they never hold up after a few fights?"
"They're not supposed too," Miguel reassured you, "Only special conditions like my original suit can withstand such events."
"But you won't let me touch the stuff."
"It's unstable for a reason." Miguel said with a heavy sigh and approached you from behind, "But, like everyone else. I need to upgrade my suit."
"Oh? No more blue and red?!" You gasped in shock, then grabbed his hands, "Ohhhhh, does this mean-"
"Yes, I'm letting you help me make a new suit."
You jumped with joy, nearly squealing at the thought of helping Miguel. The man liked to keep his toys to himself. That, and you would finally get a chance to measure him. There was a glint in your eyes as you observed him.
Miguel was a FINE man. Compared to all of the Spiders, he was definitely your type. When Miguel first approached you with the intension of making super hero suits, you nearly drooled at the thought. You loved a challenge.
And Miguel was your new target.
"So, when can I take the measurements?" You asked, handing Miguel a cup of coffee. Miguel raised a brow,
"I can have Lyla send them over-"
"Seriously? What the hell am I supposed to be here for then?" You huffed, giving Miguel a glare.
"Fine. Is tomorrow alright?"
"It's a date."
Miguel was internally screaming as he sat in his office, staring at you on the cameras. The thoughts he had about you. The things you did to him. Miguel had a damn good reason why he never went to you for his suits. You brought out the worst of him.
Even now, the thought of you being up close to him was turning Miguel on. He was going to have to take precautionary measures in order not to lose control.
Today was the day. You had your morning coffee, your best outfit and your best panties attitude. No one was going to disturb you today. Your office was closed to everyone expect Miguel. This was the chance of a lifetime.
Getting your station and measurements ready, you just smiled from ear to ear. Your notepad was set aside, ready for you to take down Miguel's numbers.
"(Y/N)? Are you here?" Miguel asked as he entered. You hurried over and locked the door,
"The chance of a lifetime is mine. Get your ass up on my stage! We begin with your chest!" You cheered. Miguel resisted a chuckle as he took his shirt off,
"At least one of us is enjoying this."
You were giddy with glee as you approached Miguel. Your gaze against his chest as you started to take his measurements. You could not lie, being this close to him was driving you crazy. His cologne smelled so good too.
You hummed quietly to yourself as your fingers stroked his chest. Every now and then you grabbed your pencil and wrote in your small notepad. Moving down to his hips, you kept your focus. Miguel's body was just perfect.
"(Y/N)...Maybe we should take a break," Miguel grunted lowly.
"Not yet," You muttered.
Your hands rested against the rim of his pants, reading the numbers on your measuring tape. Adjusting the tape, you leaned down in front of Miguel and felt your face burn up. His hard erection was right in front of your face.
"Ah-" Your eyes widen and without thinking, "Should I measure this too?"
"If you want," Miguel whispered.
Both of you weren't thinking.
Your fingers gripped Miguel's boxers, slowly pulling them down. Your attention was focused on his large, thick cock. With a gulp, you grabbed your measuring tape and wrapped it around his meaty shaft. A shudder ran down your spine, before you checked the length.
"Is this...proper...length?" You whispered, your fingers wrapped around his dick, "Or should I-"
"You should," Miguel groaned lowly.
You could feel your heartbeat in your panties as you leaned towards Miguel's dick. Your tongue gently swirling around his tip, listening to his low groans and grunts. You glanced at the mirrors all around you, the sight turning you on more.
You were on your knees with Miguel's dick in your mouth. Inhaling through your nose, you leaned forward and started to suck his dick. Your hands resting against his hips as you bobbed your head back and forth. His thick shaft hitting the back of your throat.
Your panties grew damper as you felt Miguel's bitter precum start to go down your throat. His hands gripping onto your hair as he started to move your mouth faster. The sheer length of his dick was starting to burn your throat as you gripped his hips.
"Fuck, hn, (Y/N)!" Miguel hissed.
Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you tried to touch yourself. Unable to handle the burning sensation anymore, you pulled away from Miguel, panting heavy. Quickly, you stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him.
Miguel was quick to follow as he nearly tore your pants, tossing them across the room. His talons ripping your panties as he started to rub his dick against your wet cunt.
"Hah~ You owe me...new underwear and pants now," You moaned, pressing your body against his. Miguel grunted as he pressed you against one of the mirrors,
"You wanted to take my measurements," He hissed, pressing his thick cock inside you.
"Hn~ Mhm~ Y-You wanted a suit,"
"I still do," Miguel hummed, sitting his dick nice and deep inside your tight velvet walls, "Do you still remember my size?"
"O-Of course!" You huffed, glancing at yourself in the mirror, "Y-You're way too big."
"Haha, but look how well you take me,"
A shiver ran down your spine as Miguel lifted your body closer to his. He spread your legs, allowing you to see his cock deep inside your dripping pussy. The sight alone was making you hot. With a slow thrust, you moaned, nearly shaking in his grip.
"Sucking me in so well," Miguel sucked against your neck as he continued his slow, yet rough thrusts, "This was why I didn't want you to measure me."
"Ah~ Ah~ Y-You should have, mhm~ let me, oh god~" You cried out, feeling yourself about to cum.
"You're right, I should have. Look at how perfect your pussy is sucking my dick in," Miguel grunted.
Turning your face to the mirror in front, you moaned as Miguel slapped his dick back inside you. Your eyes rolled back as you cam, crying out as he kept his slow thrusts. Miguel's hands gripped your breasts, pinching your nipples as he hummed against your ear,
"Do you still remember my measurements?"
You trembled as your pussy fluttered against his dick. Miguel chuckled in response and pressed your body against the mirror, rubbing your clit as he moved even more slowly. You cried, begging for him to go faster.
"Not until you tell me my measurements."
"P-Perfect!" You cried out, moving your own hips, "S-So deep! S-So big ah~"
"Hm, good enough,"
You cried loudly as Miguel's pace finally fasten. His dick slamming against your cervix, causing you to cream and suck his cock more. Your body shaking as your juices started to stain your floor. Miguel grunted as he pulled you closer, reaching his own high.
"Want to watch me fill this pretty little pussy?" Miguel groaned. You nodded,
Lifting you back up, Miguel held your legs open. His had you staring in the mirror with him, watching your own fucked out expression contort in pleasure. You gasped as Miguel pinched your clit once more, watching you cum against his cock once more.
You cried and leaned back, but Miguel kept your face towards the mirror. You gasped and moaned as he slapped himself once more inside you, filling you with his cum. Both of you took a minute to catch your breathe before Miguel set you down,
"Are you alright? Let me clean you up," Miguel said worriedly. You grabbed his hand,
"I may have forgotten your measurements."
"Oh?" Miguel said with a low chuckle. You glanced up at him, cheeks red with embarassment,
"I think I need a reminder."
"As many times as you need."
I'll take his measurements any day. I mean hope you enjoyed!! Haha
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mayoonn · 6 months
omgomg glad ure willing to write for them!! can i request a domtop!sugar daddy arlecchino x subbttm!sugarbaby m reader? i cant think of any plot rn soo the plot is up to yoou :D have a great daay dear ♡
Thank you for the request, dear! I hope you have a wonderful day ♡
I'm a sucker for arlecchino, especially if it's sugar daddy/baby dynamics. If you have another in mind, dear then please do tell me because I'm glad to do another (*´▽`)ノノ ♥︎
(Domtop! Arlecchino, Subbttm! Male reader, male reader can be trans or cis, sugar daddy/baby dynamics, sweet fluff, mention of your past/trauma, mention of abuse and SA)
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Arlecchino always smothered you with gifts and jewelry whether it's expensive or not. Not only that she is the best at giving pleasure, it's always so romantic with her that she never failed to make you fall for her harder. It was shocking someone like her could love someone like you or so you assumed. You're only there with arlecchino because she bought you at the auction. So pretty and sweet with that cute red lingerie, of course arlecchino bought you, you're a perfect match for her. When you're on the stage, she noticed how there are small bruises here and there and you're quivering in fear like a rabbit that's ready to flee at any moment. You couldn't because of the chain between your neck and your leg, oh poor you! Don't worry! Arlecchino is here now, dear.
Once you were sold to her, she went backstage. Of course, the men there didn't care about you! Always so rough on you and pushes you to her, she would've killed them right there if you weren't shivering and clinging to her body. She did not want to know what the men had done to your body, all she knows is that you're in her safe hands. Arlecchino just narrowed her eyes at the men as she covered your body with her coat and gently guided you out of that disgusting place.
You didn't know what to do, all you were taught was to accept any of your daddy's order and just be obedient. One, you were afraid that you would get caught escaping from her. Arlecchino didn't know that the disgusting place over there was such a scammer! Sure you could just live with her forever but you believe from a very young age that if you would stay with anyone longer than a month or so, you'll end up good as dead. You didn't want that, you also don't have anywhere to go so you go back to that place..
For a month, you don't trust arlecchino even if she's showering you with gentle love and gifts. You accepted it but you didn't return it. You believe everyone, men or not, they'll always use your body and dump you in dark, cold places. The more you get showered, the flustered you get. Arlecchino never forces you to bed with her, never forces you to wear lingerie or anything that is uncomfortable and it confuses you. What if it's her plan and she's just waiting for you to drop down your guard so she can break you!? It bothered you so much that you finally confronted her.
Your cheeks puffed out as you were ready to defend yourself whenever it goes ugly. Your brows furrowed and you're looking down at arlecchino with your arms crossed, yet arlecchino stared up at you with amusement. She chuckled and you started to blush, it was embarrassing when she's dressing you with the finest clothes and here you are, demanding an explanation from her when she kneels down for you. "Why? Such a doll you are, sweetie. Always behaving well, don't you think you deserve better from me?" There it is, you blushed harder than before. You swear you could faint from her stares and her smirks. Oh, why does she have to be so romantic with you?
You are beginning to drop your guard down around her once a while, sometimes you actually want to be with her all the time. You spend all your moments with her, whether she's doing her work, eating, sleeping, you're always there with her. You actually enjoy her company, her gentle touch, her kisses and even when she's spoiling you rotten. One of your favorite moments is her aftercare, you on her lap while she kisses your swollen lips over and over again. She appreciated your love, she wanted to show it to you.
"Still so sensitive? I'm so sorry, baby but I can't help when you're begging for daddy" she smirked as she rubbed your thigh and gave you a kiss. You pouted, your arms wrapped around her neck and hid your face in her breasts. Your body is filled with bite marks and lipstick marks while her body is filled with your scratch marks. Sometimes she teases you, comparing yourself to a small kitten and that flustered you so much! Oh how lucky you are to have her, you wonder if you could be with her forever.. Maybe you could propose to her one day and have a family together, you smiled to yourself at the thought of it ♡
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spidermaninlove · 6 days
Are TZ Married?
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I spot a yellow-diamond ring (at least five carats, maybe six), from Bulgari. “This is my splurge, my treat-myself,” she smiles. “I do get a little employee discount,” she laughs shyly. “It feels like it’s gonna be an heirloom, like one day I can give it to my grandchildren.”  -- Zendaya for British Vogue, October 2021 (Interview conducted on July 1, 2021).
According to a Bulgari representative, Z's yellow diamond ring is an "engagement ring."
Rewind to November 2017 when Z posted this to her Snapchat account:
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Then she immediately followed up with this Snapchat post:
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Z's fondness for yellow diamond engagement rings obviously predates 2021. So did she or didn't she buy the Bulgari yellow diamond engagement ring for herself? That is the question. After reading the following statement in her interview in the October 2021 issue of British Vogue, I have serious doubts.
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In February 2021, when asked during an interview if Tom would settle down now, he said he would do. x Five months later, on July 2, 2021, Page Six confirmed Tom and Zendaya were a couple.
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But Z preferred to keep her dating status private during her interview on July 1, 2021 with British Vogue -- the same day the paparazzi photographed them kissing:
...dating her IRL is, she insists, a tall order. The list of approvals is long – “my dad, my brothers, it’s a whole thing. Good luck to whoever wants to take that on,” she scoffs. Perhaps her Spider-Man co-star Tom Holland, who has long been rumoured to be her boyfriend, is up to the task? After all, the following day (July 2, 2021), photos appear of the pair kissing in a car after our lunch (on July 1, 2021)."
August 2021
TZ attended their friends' wedding in August 2021. While at the wedding reception, Z did not participate in the traditional bridal bouquet toss. She watched the toss from their nearby table and then shared a kiss with Tom after the bouquet was caught. x
On September 1, 2021, TZ finally acknowledged they are a couple via Tom's Instagram post.
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In November 2021, Tom told GQ that he and Z will talk about their story and what it is when they're ready.
"This isn’t my story. It’s our story. And we’ll talk about what it is when we’re ready to talk about it together.”
In June 2023, during an interview with BuzzFeed, Tom said, "I'm locked up, so I'm happy and in love..." x
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In July 2023, during a podcast with Jay Shetty, Tom stated, "My relationship is the thing I keep most sacred. I don't talk about it. I try my best to keep it as private as possible. We both feel very strongly that that is the healthiest way for us to move on as a couple." x
September 2023
Miss Nicaragua allegedly shared during a live that she had met TZ in Oakland and that she hopes Zendaya's marriage goes well (post blogged on September 18, 2023). Note: TZ were in Oakland August 25-26, 2023.
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Three days later, on September 21, 2023, Darnell went live on Instagram to adamantly deny Zendaya is engaged.
If she's not engaged, is she married? 🤫
October 2023
Law and Darnell were on the bridal floor in Vera Wang's store in Beverly Hills on October 13, 2023. I believe it's safe to assume Z was there as well.
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February 2024
During a BBC Radio 2 interview, Z stated that British people are her family now.
April 2024
In a Vogue article dated April 9, 2024, Z described her perfect future which includes a protected life with her family.
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Speaking of a protected family life, TZ recently adopted a dog named Daphne from Protection Dogs Worldwide.
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And speaking of dogs, Z left her beloved Noon with Tom in London while she went to California. Tom even took Noon to work at the Duke of York's Theatre several times while Z was far from home (pun intended) for a couple weeks during the months of June and July 2024.
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Note: Tom recently posted Noon, along with Daphne, on his Instagram account. x
April 2024
An Atlanta paparazzi posted this to his Instagram account and then deleted it.
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And then he posted and deleted this the following week:
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February & April 2024
Dom Holland attended Z's London premieres for both Dune 2 (February) and Challengers (April). Is this considered father-in-law behavior?
May 2024
According to Ashley Perez, her notary instructor "insinuated" TZ may have gotten a confidential (non-public) marriage license.
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Note: Ashley attends a college near the Bay Area.
California Confidential Marriage License Requirements:
The participating parties must be at least 18 years old to apply for a confidential marriage license. ✅
There are no CA state or US residency requirements.  ✅
The couple must state to the notary or county clerk office that they have been living together, as husband and wife or partners ✅ - not as roommates - at the time they apply for the marriage license, and must sign an affidavit on the license attesting to living together. There is no time requirement as to how long the couple has lived together.
You are not required to get married in the county where you purchase the confidential marriage license; however, you must be married in California.  You must file the license in the county where it was purchased.  
No witnesses are required to be at the ceremony, AND no witnesses sign on the marriage license.
The marriage license is a confidential record and is registered at the County Clerk’s Office in the county where it was purchased. A notary public with special authorization may issue, sign, and file a confidential marriage license.
Secret, Civil, Private, and Traditional Weddings
It's not uncommon to have a civil wedding ceremony and then have a traditional or destination wedding at a later date. Celebrities Joey King, JLo, and Elizabeth Olsen have done it. Anya Taylor-Joy originally eloped in New Orleans in 2022 and then had a wedding in Italy the following year. Millie Bobby Brown had a private family wedding in May of this year and is in the process of planning a second wedding for family and friends. Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse recently had a secret wedding ceremony. Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, and Margot Robbie had secret weddings as well. Did TZ have a civil/secret/private wedding ceremony and are they planning a traditional/second wedding in the future? If so, it wouldn't be the first time they've kept their relationship status a secret.
Disclaimer: The opinions stated in this blog post are for entertainment purposes only.
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Feel Your Insides
Summary: Ben tries so hard to control himself, but it's so hard when you let him in Pairings: Yandere! Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves x Fem! Reader Tw: Light Dubious Consent, NSFW, Alcohol, Mean! Jayme, Mentioned! Tentacle stuff, Flirty Ben
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He needed to get out of the house. He didn't care where he went, he just needed to get away. So, why was he standing outside of a familiar girl's apartment as she struggled with getting the door open. It all started a few weeks ago-
He wanted to drink, so he went to a local pub and that's when he saw her. She was sitting by herself with a few glasses on the table infront of her. Maybe it was the drinks, but Ben was thinking she was looking awful pretty with the pink, blue, and yellow lights shinning on her face.
He was about to approach her, but then he realized that he was a fairly big dude and she's a smaller girl by herself and him approaching her would be totally creepy. Though, that thought quickly disappears when the alcohol hits. He orders a Martina before heading towards you.
He puts the Martina on the table, scooting it towards you, causing you to look up at him. You were nervous, obviously. You recognized him as one of those superhero academy kids- Well, they weren't kids, but you know... Was it Umbrella Academy; No, it was Sparrow. Why would it be Umbrella. The thought made you laugh, 'Umbrella. How stupid of a name that would be for an academy.'
"Hey," He awkwardly waved and you repeated the action. He sat next to you and watched all the club goers. It was a nice silence, between you two, something Ben wasn't used too.
It was awkward on your part, but you didn't want to get up and leave, because that would be rude. You also didn't want to tell him to move, because you didn't own the couch and he could sit wherever he wanted.
"Nice weather, huh?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at small talk. He must have been just as nervous as you. You looked over at him, "Yeah. I guess if you like the pouring rain."
He awkwardly rubs his neck, "Do you like the rain?"
"Yeah. When I don't have to drive."
He scoots closer to you and you copy. He picks up the Martina, handing it to you, "Want a drink?"
"Usually, I wouldn't take drinks from random strangers, but you seem trustable." You take the drink from his hand and down it like a shot. You shake your head from the sting, before looking at him, "You're part of that Sparrow Academy, right?"
"What gave it away?"
You look him up and down. "You guys are just... Different. You know?"
He groans, slouching before rubbing his face, "Yeah... I do."
"You have the tentacles right? What's that like?"
He smiles, shaking his head, "Well-"
"And it's like I'm the only one taking it seriously," Ben complains as you both continue to walk. He holds the umbrella for you both, but he was losing his temper.
"Have you tried talking to them about it? I mean you guys are like family right? You should talk about how you feel." You try suggesting, tilting your head.
He looks over at you, his eyes softening. You had no idea how cute you were, did you? It was sweet to him that you thought they could just 'talk'. "Sometimes it feels like we're strangers living in the same house."
You frown, as you turn into your apartment complex. He follows close behind and you think about what you're going to say next.
"That's sad. No one should have to face the world alone."
"You're alone." It comes out and Ben's eyes widened when it left his mouth. He felt bad and assumed you'd get mad, but you just giggled.
"Actually, I moved out here for school. My parents live in my hometown, but I get your point. Two alone people finding each other; Maybe we can be alone together."
"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being alone?"
"Yeah, that's the best part. You're no longer alone."
Ben wanted to kill everyone in the house. Why did they always get on his nerves? He wanted to just punch a wall, repeatedly. He knew he shouldn't have, but he went to the pub- The one he met you at. There was a tiny little voice in his head, hoping he'd see you again, even if he tried to deny it. Luck must have been on his side, because you were at the same table.
You looked over to see the male from before. You smiled seeing his familiar face, "Hi, Ben right?"
"Yeah, Y/n?"
"Yeah," You push some hair back, watching the dancers and the parties.
Ben looked down at his beer, before looking over at you. You looked good- Like really good. Maybe it was the alcohol, but god he wanted to feel your skin under his.
"I never took you for a beer guy."
You snapped him out of his thoughts, "Huh?"
You gesture towards his Bud Light. "Beer. You look more like a Rum guy. Hell, I thought you'd drink Vodka or Whiskey before beer."
"Well, you don't seem like a party club girl."
You laugh, running a hand through your hair, "I'm not. I was actually hoping to see you again." You look over at him, blushing.
Ben kept a straight face, but inside he was freaking out. Did you want to sleep with him too? God, you had such a pretty face. He scooted closer to you and your eyes widened. You watched as he slowly leaned towards you. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and usually, that would bother you, but when his lips touched yours, you couldn't even think.
You could feel his hands groping and feeling your skin. His lips were on your neck, sucking and licking you. You moaned, tangling your fingers into his hair.
You wrapped your leg around his waist, giving him access to rub his crotch onto yours. You moaned loudly into his neck. You could hear his heavy groans and huffs in your ear as he continued to thrust into you.
You were thrown onto a bed and you giggled as he practically jumped on you. He kissed your skin as his fingers go to unbutton your blouse. You fiddle with his shirt as he pulls your blouse off. He gets off of you and throws his shirt across his room. He pulls down your pants, nearly creaming when seeing you in some cute, lacy, red underwear.
Where you expecting this? A guy fucking you? Maybe not him specifically, but where you hoping to get laid? You probably were. He kisses your pussy between your panties, his breath causing a shiver to run up your spine. He could feel the heat radiating off of your pussy and he had to stop himself from creaming right there.
He pulled your panties aside and lightly kissed your pussy. As he pulled his lips back, he sucked on you. His hands squished your thighs and you were sure his fingernails were going to leave marks. You groaned as he worked his tongue inside of you, feeling your gummy walls.
Your hands find their way into his hair and you pull him closer to you. You hear him groan against you, sending vibrations throughout your body. You moaned loudly, bucking your hips into him. You could feel his nose brushing your clit, creating more pleasure to consume your body. You had never wanted a man inside you more in your life.
It was strange since you hadn't known this man very long. Yet here you were, on his bed in his room in his house. Usually, these things would intimate you, but this felt natural. You liked this.
You liked the way his mouth sucked on your skin. You liked the way his fingers felt hot against your thighs. You liked the way his breath felt on your vagina. You liked the way his nose rubbed your clit.
He pulls your waist up and you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist. He was ontop of you, his biceps squeezing you tightly. You could feel his abs pressed deeply against your stomach, and his chest pressed against your breast. You could feel his hard dick pressed against your crotch as he rubbed it against you.
You moaned loudly because of the stimulation, covering his own groans. You could feel his smirk against your neck, but you were to cock drunk to say something. He shimmed off his boxers, before grabbing his cock and leading it towards your pussy.
He pushes the tip against you, before slowly pushing it inside. He was girth and thick, his veins perturbing the sides, so he knew he had to be easy with you. Your nails dug into his shoulder blades, before scratching his back. He moaned in slight pain, before bottoming out inside of you.
He pulled out, before thrusting back in causing the headboard to Thump! against the wall. Usually, he'd care about the noise and waking one of the others, but now he didn't give a shit. Infact, he hoped they all heard him fucking you, because the power boost he'd get with everyone knowing he was having sex really gets him going. Though, he didn't need to thump the bed to get some noise, because you were moaning like you were being fucked by Zeus himself.
God, Ben felt good. Your eyes were rolled back, your hair was a mess, and your lips were parted to let the moans escape. Seeing you on cloud nine nearly made him cum, so he pushed his head into your neck, as to not lose himself too soon.
You groaned, your eyes adjusting to the sunlight peaking through the curtains. You stretched out your arms, before feeling another body- a very strong, athletic body- underneath your hands. You looked over to see Ben and you felt your face erupt in a heavy heat. Had he always been so muscular? You quickly sat up, and your blush deepened when you realized you were naked. You lifted up the sheets and much to your surprise [Not really], he was also naked.
You quickly got up, picking up your clothes and getting dressed. You looked around the room to see you were not in YOUR room. You groaned, trying not to trip over yourself as you slowly opened the door. You looked back at him when hearing it creak to see he was still knocked out. He must have been black out drunk, he had drunken a lot last night, since he didn't move an inch.
You lightly shut the door behind you as you sighed in relief.
"So, you're Ben's loud moaner."
You blushed, before turning towards a lean girl with black hair. She didn't look all to nice, in fact she looked very annoyed. She looked you up and down before walking past you.
"Sorry," You lightly whispered as she passed you.
She just rolled her eyes and the guilt in your stomach festered and you realized you had to get out. You went down the hallway only to curse when a door opens and you quickly hide behind it. It was a girl with curly brunette hair. She must not have realized you were there, because she quickly walked past you.
You rushed down a flight of stairs, before finally seeing your exit. As you go to open the door, a man opens it. He is surprised to see you and you want to die on the spot. Before he can ask you questions, you push past him and exit the house; Hoping to never see them again.
Marcus watched as you left, rather confused. He wanted to question what the hell was going on, but then he realized that you were probably taking a 'Walk of Shame' and he was not about to humiliate you more than necessary.
Ben awoke with his head banging like someone was playing the drums inside his skull. He felt around his bed, disappointed when he realised it was empty. He groaned, sitting up, and rubbing his head. He pulled off the blankets and cracked his back, before getting dressed and heading downstairs.
Ben shook his head, shaking himself of the past. You were together again, and this time he was at your house instead of his. It felt more... personal. He felt a warm bubbling feeling knowing you trusted him enough to let him into your home, but you were also drunk. Not drunk enough where you weren't coherent, but you were a little wobbly.
"Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting company."
He didn't think it was mess. It was lived in, something he didn't know much about. It was comfy and he wanted to immerse himself into your home. Yes, that's what it was, a home.
"It's nice. I like it."
You shrug, throwing your bag, "It's not much, but it's home."
"Yeah..." He follows behind you as you lead him to your room. It felt way to personal to see this space. Your room was just like you, calm and comfy. He sat on your bed, fiddling with the blankets.
"This may be a weird question," You remove your blouse, pulling it over your head, before turning to him. He had already seen you naked, so you didn't mind to much. Besides- he's pretty easy on the eyes.
He looked at you expectedly and your face turned a nice pink. You were starting to wonder if she should even be asking this question. You looked away from him, deciding to focus on a book.
"The tentacles thing, you know, have you ever...?"
You hear him laugh and you felt embarrassed. You were starting to feel stupid, until you heard him respond.
"What? Used my tentacles during sex? No. Do you want to be the first?"
You were taken aback. When did he get so flirty? He was watching you, waiting and you didn't know what to say. You go to your dresser pulling out a shirt, disappointing Ben. He was hoping the conversation would lead to the same situation as before.
"So, no tentacle sex?"
Your face was hot, you were sure you were running a fever, as you quickly turned towards him, "What? No-" You shake your head, "No way."
Ben frowned. "No way?"
You began to stutter over your words when you realize how they sounded. "I didn't mean it- You're great- Like all aspects of you, even in bed. I just meant like that would be weird right? It'd be like fucking a squid- Wouldn't it-"
"I don't know, I've never fucked a squid." He's very matter of fact and straight to the point.
"Right. I just meant- Well, I mean, you know..." You looked around your room trying to find a way out when you saw a book peaking from under your bed. You quickly grabbed it and showed it to Ben. You sit on the bed and he scoots towards you. "I remember when I first got this comic book on you and your siblings. I didn't believe you guys were real. You remember how I told you how I moved out here for school?"
"Well, that wasn't entirely true. I mean it was, but I was hoping I'd run into you guys. You know, see you in action in real time."
"Oh, you saw me in action."
You blushed, rubbing your face, "Yeah... Yeah I did, huh? I thought you guys were so cool."
"So what you plan on sleeping with us all?" He asked, a little upset.
"No?" You said, a little confused. You didn't know where he got that idea from, but you hoped to shut it down. "I'm not really good with my words."
"Who is?" He lays on your bed, messing with his hair, "Sorry. About what I just said. I don't know why I said that."
"It's fine, Ben."
"Hey Y/n?"
"I really like you."
"I really like you, too."
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
a lot alike
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'gareth'
rated t | 997 words | cw: mention of shitty parenting | tags: side steddie, gareth and eddie are best friends, post vecna
Gareth Emerson is born on July 25th, 1968.
Gareth's parent's divorce is finalized on August 8th, 1968.
Gareth's dad leaves town and never looks back on August 12th, 1968.
Eddie Munson is a lot of things, but first and foremost, he's Gareth's best friend. He's more like an older brother at this point, and an annoying one at that.
But he's always there for him, even when things go to absolute shit.
On March 29th, 1986, Gareth's dad decides to visit him.
It's not great timing considering the town is in shambles and his best friend is still technically facing murder charges. Steve Harrington says they'll be cleared, but he isn't sure he trusts Steve Harrington much. Robin Buckley backs him up, though, and he had a little bit of a crush on Robin for most of his Freshman year, so he supposes he can find it in himself to trust her.
No one is allowed to see Eddie except for his Uncle Wayne, and Wayne barely leaves his side.
So when Gareth's father comes into town, he doesn't know who to turn to.
Jeff and Frankie would probably be understanding about how confused he is, but they wouldn't get it. Not like Eddie would.
Eddie's dad came and went in his life more times than anyone could count, finally being forced to stay away thanks to a lengthy prison sentence and protective order keeping him away for nearly a decade. He knew what it was like firsthand, and knew Gareth well enough to know that most comforting words wouldn't help.
He's walking up and down the neighborhood, stepping over the cracks that make it seem like the town may splinter into pieces at any second, when Steve Harrington pulls up next to him in his BMW with his window down.
"You wanna go see him?" Steve asks.
"They'll let me in?" Gareth asks back, a little stunned to even see Steve in this part of town. He had no reason to be here as far as he knew.
"Hopper convinced them to let him make a guest list of a few people. You're on it. Hop in."
Gareth had no choice but to believe him.
"Nice to see you, son," Wayne patted him on the shoulder just outside of Eddie's room. "Doing okay?"
Gareth shrugged, pretty sure Wayne already knew the answer to that question.
"Well, Ed's on the upswing now. He's still in a lot of pain, so maybe keep your visit today short so he doesn't push himself." Wayne sighed. "Heard your old man was in town."
"You got some great hearing, then."
"He botherin' you and your ma?"
Gareth knew he was just looking out for him, but Steve was standing just on the other side of the door talking to Eddie about something before Gareth went in and he didn't need the King of Hawkins High to hear about his daddy issues.
"Nah. Just heard about the earthquake and decided to check on us for the first time ever."
"You let me know if he starts causing a problem for you two."
It was sweet of him to offer, but probably not necessary. His father was a piece of shit, but he never actively caused problems with them. He just...left.
"Can do."
Wayne squeezed his shoulder before walking down the hall and getting on the elevator.
When Gareth walked into the room, Steve was sitting on the side of the bed, arguing in a hushed tone. His head snapped up when the door closed behind Gareth.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt," he said as he stood awkwardly by the door. He was trying not to gawk at how bruised and scarred Eddie was, but failing. He'd assumed things were bad, but he didn't realize they were this bad. "I can wait outside."
"It's okay, Stevie here was just heading out. He's on a top secret mission to get me some burgers and fries so I don't have to eat another nearly expired fruit cup for dinner." Eddie smiled, or tried to, his mouth falling down into a frown when it seemed to pull on stitches holding him together.
"You gonna hang out a bit? I can grab you something too," Steve offered as he stood, his hand brushing against the back of Eddie's. "I could stop somewhere else if you don't want burgers. I think the pizza place is open again."
"A burger's fine, man. Thanks."
"Cool. Be back soon."
It didn't look like he wanted to leave, but Eddie gave him a small smile and nod and Steve did.
"Not King Steve, man. Anyone but him," Gareth groaned as soon as he was sure Steve was gone. "How?"
"He's not so bad. He's buying you lunch, right?"
"I guess, but I need the whole story soon."
"Maybe after you tell me about your dad being in town."
Gareth gulped. He didn't think Eddie would've heard, but maybe Wayne had warned him.
"Not sure what to say about a guy I don't know." Gareth sighed. "Just wish he hadn't bothered. We're fine. We've been fine this whole time."
Eddie nodded. "He being polite?"
Gareth smirked. That was Eddie's nice way of asking if he needed to get Wayne to take care of someone.
"He's fine. I promise. He probably won't stick around for long. Not with the way half the town isn't even here anymore and the other half is barely functioning." Gareth nudged Eddie's unbandaged hand. "You gonna be okay?"
"If this didn't kill me, nothing will!" Eddie grinned, wincing after a few seconds. "But man have I got some ideas for our next campaign."
"Yep. Steve offered his place when I break free if you want."
"Harrington's house used for DnD instead of parties?" Gareth couldn't quite believe it.
"Won't be the first time," Eddie said as he winked. "You in?"
Eddie went off on a tangent about some new monsters while Gareth sat back and smiled.
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