#i watched lizzie mcguire movie last night for the first time since i was like. 12.
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Where were you when Lizzie and Isabella exposed Paolo for being a fraud?
#i watched lizzie mcguire movie last night for the first time since i was like. 12.#its so funny the plot hinges on exposing paolo for being a lip syncing fraud#while the lip synching is sooooo painfully obvious all around when youre not 12
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survey by --rainboweyes--
When you think of this country, what first comes to your mind?
Argentina: We have a local brand of canned corned beef called Argentina, so instead of the country I immediately thought of that food. But if I really have to connect this to the country, I also remembered a wrestler called Giant Gonzales; he hailed from Argentina.
Brazil: Those “Come to Brazil” hashtags that used to trend all the time on Twitter. Brazil had some reallllly loud fanbases; I’m just not sure if they’re still as vocal now.
Canada: Bret Hart. Also @inchoate-surveys, heh.
Denmark: I don’t really know anything about Denmark. OH WAIT NO there’s Legos, so we’ll go with that.
England: I honestly thought of their dishes first since I find them rather unique and super different from the Asian dishes I’m used to. We don’t really use beans or make a lot of puddings and pies, but I think they’re all interesting.
France: Escargot and baguette lol. I’m constantly thinking of food, guys; what a shocker. Also the movie Funny Face since most of it was set in France.
Germany: Sauerkraut and long words.
Hungary: I always confuse Hungary with Germany, but the difference is I don’t know a single thing about Hungary. So I don’t actually know how to answer this haha oops, sorry.
Ireland: Niall Horan HEHE. Also the wrestlers Becky Lynch and Sheamus. Ireland’s got a lot of talented folks.
Italy: @justsurveys (:D), Lizzie McGuire, the movie Roman Holiday.
Jamaica: I also first thought of a wrestler. His name is Kofi Kingston and I remembered him because at one point in his career he was packaged to have a Jamaican gimmick even though he’s actually Ghanian, just because of his race and the fact that he had dreadlocks. Like seriously? Classic example of WWE being racist and stereotypical...ugh. It’s truly hard to vouch for them sometimes.
Japan: The brutally honest first thing I thought of wasssss how they took over my country for a few years and subjected thousands of women and children to various forms of torture before killing them.
Korea: Korean food :( Man I miss having jjajangmyeon.
Libya: Their old flag, which was just entirely green. No designs, no stripes, no other colors. Just a good ol’ green flag.
Morocco: I think of Marrakesh and how colorful the place is. I’d love to go someday.
Norway: Northern lights.
Poland: The current Pope. < OMG editing this answer. The Pope I was thinking of was John Paul II, the actual Pole. Pope Francis is from Argentina lmaooooo so sorry
Romania: I honestly can’t tell you a single thing. Slowly starting to realize that I’m not as good in geography as I thought I was, ha.
Russia: Onion domes, I think that’s what they’re called.
Spain: When I think of Spain I always immediately think of the unfinished church, Sagrada Familia is what I think it’s called, if I remember correctly. It’s in my bucket list of places to see, for sure. Then there’s also the 333 years of colonization, but I’m not feeling bitter enough tonight to rant about that.
Tunisia: Not a clue. I’m bringing my ass to read more about other countries after this.
Turkey: Gabie, because she has Turkish blood.
Uganda: That Joseph Kony documentary that blew up nearly a decade ago. I’m pretty sure that was based in Uganda.
United States of America: Trump, Target, cheeseburgers, elderly people on scooters, those machines at the store that count your coins for you, more cheeseburgers.
United Kingdom: The royal family, Black Mirror, accents that sound fancy.
Australia: Barbecue, kangaroos, deserts, Vegemite.
New Zealand: I thought of my relatives who live there. Also Lord of the Rings.
List 3 movies you like in each genre.
Action: Eugh, I hate this genre. Wonder Woman is probably the only action movie I ever really enjoyed.
Comedy: Can romcoms count? I like The Proposal, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, andddddd This Is Spinal Tap.
Drama: Room, Revolutionary Road, Requiem for a Dream.
Fantasy: Huge pass.
Horror: Midsommar, The Shining, (the original) Carrie.
Kids/Animated: Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Tangled.
Romance: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Carol, Two for the Road.
Sci-Fi: 2001: A Space Odyssey(!!!), The Martian, Interstellar.
Thriller: Misery, Black Swan, Gone Girl.
Western: Not my cup of tea. The only thing I could think of is Breaking Bad, and that’s not even a movie.
Answer just in numbers.
Number of brothers you have: 1.
Number of sisters you have: Also 1.
Number of the house you live at: Eh.
Number of close friends you have: Off the top of my head, 3.
Number of pets you have: 2.
Number of times you shower a week: 6 or 7.
Number of concerts you've been to in your life: Too many to count if I include local gigs at schools. But if we’re only referring to bigger acts held in arenas or stadiums, 4.
Number of cars your household has: 3.
Number of serious relationships you've been in: 1, but we dated twice.
Number of movies you've seen at the cinema this year: Hahahaha
Number of people who live in your house: 5, including myself.
Number of plug sockets in the room you're in now: 4.
Some more randomer questions.
What food do you have cravings for the most? My cravings are always changing, though. Right now, it would be sushi and takoyaki. We actually just had both last night for dinner, but we devoured them SO fast and now I’m seeking them out again.
What TV shows do you hate to miss on TV? I’m not that attached to any show. I used to religiously follow WWE Raw and The Walking Dead and always wanted to watch both live as often as possible, but those days are long gone.
What do you tend to lose the most? My appetite. As for actual items...probably pens.
The last time someone shouted at you - why were they shouting? It’s been a while since that happened, so I don’t remember.
Would you rather have a cactus or a bonsai? Cactus. I heard taking care of bonsai trees is quite complicated, and I just know I’d kill it within a day or two, if not a lot shorter.
What scary story freaks you out the most? Not really in the mood to think of an answer to this considering it’s 1:07 AM and dark as fuck in my room D:
Are you better with gadgets or cooking? Probably gadgets, but just barely.
How would you rate your own looks? Personality? I hate deciding on things about me. I don’t want to hype myself up too much but I don’t want to drag myself down either lol
What accent is the most attractive? Some English accents are very pleasant to the ear.
Do you get annoyed when people spell your name wrong? Not for the most part since I have the more uncommon spelling anyway. But if someone is talking to me on like Messenger or Viber where my name is blatantly stated and spelled out and they still misspell it, then I get peeved.
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it’s been forever since I was tagged by my girl @ravenadottir but I’m such a dumb bitch and keep forgetting to answer my tags🤡😭
1. name/nickname: Anna Elizabeth so it’s Annie, Anne,Lizzie, Beth, little one, shorty, it’s a really really long list fam...
2. gender: female
3. star sign: Virgo, and that’s all I know🤭
4. height: 5′2 (158 cm)🤡
5. time: 10 am
6. birthday: September 14th
7. favorite bands: Jonas Brothers,Coldplay, Maroon 5, dunno have a lot of faves...
8. favorite solo artists: Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Britney obviously💁🏻♀️, Rihanna, The Weeknd, Dua Lipa, and a lot more...
9. song stuck in your head: right now? It has to be WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion🤭😂
10. last movie: last night I watched Avengers: Infinity War before I went to bed and I legit had a dream about that 🙃😂
11. last show: Lizzie McGuire, I’m actually watching rn ❤️😌
12. when did i create this blog: don’t remember, like, two years ago? Kinda...
13. what do i post: it’s usually me simping over fictional characters and some of my personal tragedies from time to time😬
14. last thing i googled: “nyx lingerie swatches” and no, it’s not underwear, they’re lipstick shades 😂
15. other blogs: don’t have any 🙃
16. do i get asks: a couple of them👀
17. why i chose my url: bc I’m a clown, and like, my clownery levels usually makes me the queen of clowns lol
18. following: dunno🤭
19. followers: dunno again, but I love everyone❤️😊
20. average hours of sleep: funny bc I’m on the nights shift, to the nights I work I sleep around 3 hours in the afternoon, but the days that I don’t, I totally can sleep around 12 hours non stop...
21. lucky number: usually go with my brothers bday or my birthday so, 17, 14😬
22. instruments: I used to be a drummer in the marching band so dunno if that counts lol, uh I kinda can play the flute and a little bit of guitar...
23. what am i wearing: my super fashionable, sexy and completely cozy Winnie the Pooh purple pajamas, bc a bitch it’s cold af!😂
24. dream job: being a royal or a kardashian, but like, being a nurse it’s been pretty cool too😌
25. dream trip: I want to travel the world honestly, starting with Paris, cliche af I know lol
26. nationality: American and also Mexican according to my mum😌
27. favorite song: photograph by Ed Sheeran is one of my favorite songs ever🥺
28. last book read: finally bought the entire Red Queen saga so I’m re reading the first book, catch me simping over Maven a-fucking-gain 😫
29. top three fictional universes i‘d like to live in: Harry Potter (being a wizard obviously), A song of ice and fire (part of a great house even if that means I’m half dead already😂) and Marvel bc I’ve always wanted to be a fucking superhero and like have powers and shit 🦸♀️
30. tagging: i’m not tagging anyone specifically but if you’re bored and feel like doing it, pls do😉
#tag#Anna’s random posts#random saturday posts#tag yourself boo#just me exposing I’m a weirdo#you can’t handle my Winnie the Pooh pajamas😏
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Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.31 (Gordo’s Bar Mitzvah)
Here we have Gordo with his never-before-seen therapist parents
- Walking along the school hallway are Lizzie and Gordo who are talking about a movie they’ve just seen (Planet of the Apes I’m guessing?). Miranda interrupts them and informs Lizzie that Ethan is getting a dirtbike for his birthday.
- And of course, Gordo still doesn’t care. Will he ever stop complaining about his friends talking about Ethan in the way they do or at least stop pretending to be so oblivious towards understanding their attraction towards him? I get it; They tend to act a little over the top but sometimes it’s okay for them to have their fan-girl moments.
They do love a man in a uniform, huh?
- Larry then shows up and asks what all the fuss is about to which Miranda excitingly replies to him saying that Ethan is all grown up. It is revealed that Larry has already started to shave. Hence why he has little bits of would tape all over his face to cover his cuts from the razor blade I suppose. Yikes!
To me, he looks like he has zits that he had covered up
- So, it looks like both Ethan and Larry are starting to go through the stages of maturity or puberty, which Lizzie notices as well. And she even compares them to Gordo and concludes that they are maturing faster than him, which is true but she doesn’t need to say it because that kinda low-key offended Gordo.
If You Didn’t Know, Gordo is Jewish
- At the school courtyard during lunch soon after, Gordo starts acting weirder than usual as he calls Lizzie, Elizabeth and Miranda as Miss Sanchez. He definitely feels like he is falling behind the other boys in his grade and is trying to overcompensate.
- He is also facing the added pressure from his parents on deciding when his Bar Mitzvah ceremony should be since he is Jewish. If I’m not wrong, isn’t this the first time that Gordo has revealed to us that he is Jewish? And clearly, his friends probably haven’t asked him much questions about his religion because they are finding out about all of this at the same time as we are.
Lizzie wants that money honey
- Gordo goes on to explain what goes on during the ceremony, which sounds really exciting, especially the getting money part for Lizzie and Miranda lol. He also notes that his parents are leaving it up to Gordo on when he wants to have his Bar Mitzvah because for them, growing up, they didn’t have much of a choice. How progressive of his parents!
- But Gordo feels like he missed his chance since he already turned 13. Plus, they just don’t see the value of being considered an adult at that age just because it’s technically not an adult age.
When Does a Boy Become a Man?
- The next day, Gordo tells his friends that he had actually interviewed a few men about their journey in becoming full-fledged men, which actually includes both Lizzie and Miranda’s dads. How did he manage to do all of that in one night? Impressive.
Hold up! Weren’t these two guys in the episode, Rated Arghh? Like wasn’t the guy on the right choking on a sourball and Lizzie had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him? And also, why are they always seen together? Hmm....
- Edit: Their names are actually David Rosen and Jeremy Bargiel both on-screen and in real-life. They were actually writers on the show. How neat! And I also discovered that the writers on Lizzie Mcguire considered them to be a couple on-screen but they weren’t given the opportunity by Disney to make their relationship explicit.
- The interview features all of these men explaining the moments in their lives where they felt like they have become men and it’s usually with their own dads. For instance, for Sam, it was when he first started to learn how to drive and for Eduardo, Miranda’s dad, it was when he first met his wife, Daniella.
- Their stories have inspired Gordo to do the same things as them in hopes of becoming a man himself. And we get a compilation of him doing just that from driving a car to attempting to get a tattoo. I thought you must be at least 18 to be allowed to get a tattoo? I need to stop seeing things from our own reality lol.
Whose car is that anyways?
- Unsurprisingly, things don’t go as planned and Gordo is feeling disappointed. He really wants to know the exact moment where he crosses over into manhood. I mean, as an adult myself, you really don’t know when exactly the moment is. For me, it was when I started paying taxes lol and that was at the age of 22. So yea...
- I appreciate Lizzie and Miranda for trying to relate to Gordo and sympathize with him. In some way, boys and girls share similar experiences when it comes to puberty but I guess it’s much easier for Gordo to have an actual guy friend to talk to about all of this stuff. I mean, I’ve been saying this all along; Gordo needs a guy friend his age!
Another emotionally-charged moment between Lizzie and her dad
- At home, Lizzie tells her dad about the issues Gordo’s facing and Sam reminisces to her about his time as a kid and honestly, it was��beautiful to hear what it was like for him. It warms my heart because the things he did as a kid that he remembers after all these years were so innocent. He also touches on the responsibilities of being an adult and a dad and how it’s rewarding being able to go to bed at night knowing that he has provided for his family.
We Finally Meet Gordo’s Parents!
This is not a drill everyone! Here are Gordo’s therapist parents in the flesh!
- Gordo is discussing with his parents about the Bar Mitzvah he was supposed to have almost a year ago and he expresses how he doesn’t feel like they should have let him decide on when his ceremony should be since it’s already too late.
- His parents, whose names are Howard and Roberta Gordon tell him that it isn’t too late and they think he is ready because they can see that their son has put a lot of effort into researching about the ceremony. Oh and it’s so cute that they watch every single film he has made to date. Gordo now feels like he’s ready. Finally lol.
- Towards the end of the episode, we are taken to Gordo’s highly-anticipated Bar Mitzvah ceremony!
Lizzie and Miranda always makes great fashion choices
Miranda’s parents are also there as well. Love these two!
- We then see Gordo on-stage giving a speech about his transition in becoming a man. To summarize, he says that the moment that marked his transition should be something that’s right for him. He also mentions about the different stories from the various men he interviewed and how he is able to realize who he is and the kind of person he isn’t. Lastly, he just sees his Bar Mitzvah as the mark of this transition instead of a tattoo, a dirtbike or any other sort of thing.
It’s amazing how Gordo invited all of the interviewees to his special day. Also, Larry and Ethan were invited too! So does this mean that he’s friends with them? Or did he just invite his entire class?
- He then reads a portion from the Torah, all in Hebrew. Despite myself not understanding a single thing, it sounded beautiful.
What a way to end an episode!
B-Plot: Sam Is In-Charge
- What’s an episode of Lizzie Mcguire without having to watch Matt’s crazy (or annoying) antics? This time, he was caught stealing oranges from a tree that belongs to their neighbor, Mrs Robinson...for the 4th time that week.
- When Sam tells Mrs Robinson, “Boys Will Be Boys”, I rolled my eyes because that’s one of the weakest excuses for poor behaviour. I gotta be honest. Even Jo was looking at her husband in disbelief.
- Matt is much more precarious that the average 10/11 year old. He even sold her oranges to his classmates at school to make a profit. I mean, that’s pretty smart of him to do but it all gets crossed out because they weren’t his oranges in the first place.
Look at Sam trying to discipline Matt. You sure showed him...
- Jo, who I actually thought would severely punish Matt pulls the classic move that usually works on Matt, which is basically to not do anything. It’s just like in episode 1.2 (Picture Day), where she went along with Matt pretending to be sick to the point where he actually suffers in the end. This time, she is leaving her husband in-charge of the disciplining. This definitely isn’t going to end well. Poor Sam!
- Later on, we see Sam trying to be the disciplinary of the family and let’s just say he isn’t doing a good job. And it doesn’t help that Matt is being completely uncooperative and coming up with excuses for his actions. I wish Matt would try acting this way in an Asian or African household. He would be running for the hills lol.
- Jo witnesses all of this and decides to stay quiet and let her husband handle it as planned. That’s pretty much what she does for every complaint that they’re getting from their neighbors as one after the other pays a visit to their house with Matt by their side to tell them what pesky little thing Matt had done to them this time. Let’s see how long that will last.
This one takes the cake for me. But hey, at least Coco looks pretty cute with that look
- Sam seems to be a his wits end about all of this but he isn’t doing a good job coming up with Matt’s punishments. The most he can dish out is sending Matt to his room. But Jo isn’t the one to talk; her punishments are that much worse either.
- As this plot progresses, we can see that Sam is surprisingly starting to go a little overboard with the punishments and doesn’t know what the right balance is because for something as small as oversleeping, he punishes Matt by making him clean the house, mow the lawn and wash his car. Wow, that is intense. Sam needs to use a little bit of common sense here.
We can see here that Matt misses getting punishments from his mom and that Jo misses giving him punishments. Umm, okay. Anyways, this whole plot ends with Jo going back to be the main disciplinary for the kids.
Overall Thoughts
- And there we have it! The last episode review for Season 1! This season definitely ended on a high note. This is probably my favorite Gordo-centric episode thus far because I was able relate to Gordo’s personal struggles. And I’m sure a lot of other boys and even girls were able to relate to this as well.
- It’s wonderful to see Jewish culture being portrayed on a Disney Channel show just like how Andi Mack did it years later with the character, Cyrus Goodman and they did a great job introducing the different elements of a Bar Mitzvah and letting the audience know the purpose or importance of having the ceremony. I’ve never seen so much comradery between different people from different walks of life coming together to support someone, which is Gordo in this case. It’s really something special to watch.
- Another thing I love about this episode was how they are able to tie in the B-plot with the A-plot and I’m mostly referring to that sentimental scene between Sam and Lizzie. But I must say that Matt was pretty tolerable in this episode too and I found the way he expressed to Jo that he misses his mom’s punishments to be really sweet.
#lizzie mcguire#disney channel#disney plus#disney#gordo#adam lamberg#hilary duff#bar mitzvah#jewish culture#lalaine#robert carradine#hallie todd#episode review#episode recap#early 2000s#old disney#andi mack#cyrus goodman
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Have you ever seen a black rose? Not a real one. Do you blog? You’re lookin’ at it. Are you a fan of cottage cheese? No. Do you believe in angels? Yes. Do you have any window stick-ons? No.
Is your coffee machine plugged in right now? It’s always plugged in. Do you write words on your knuckles? No, I don’t write on myself. I used to when I was a teenager cause for some reason that was like a thing everyone did. Have you ever been a SCUBA diver for Halloween? No. Have you ever taken a picture of a sandwich? Ha, yeah. Have you ever seen elephant droppings? Yes. Would you like to visit Play Dough Land? I didn’t even know that was a thing, but nah. Have you ever read about Rome? I’ve read some stuff about it. What’s your opinion on Katy Perry? I like some of her songs. Do you remember Topanga from Boy Meets World? Of course. I’ve watched Boy Meets World since I was a kid. It was on TV quite regularly for a long time well after it ended. I still watch it, thanks to Disney+. Who was your favorite character from the cartoon Recess? I liked the whole gang. Have you ever lost your parents in the grocery store? Probably when I was a kid. Have you drawn a star today? No. Is anybody in your house sleeping? Everyone but me. I’m the odd one who’s always up until like 5 in the morning. Who were the last people you hung out with? My family. Are you older or younger than fifteen? I’m twice that. If you can remember, what was the last thing that made you feel nostalgic? Watching old Disney Channel shows on Disney+. I’m finishing up my rewatch of Lizzie McGuire, currently. Are you the type of person who prefers to stay in or go out? Stay in. Do you like making mixed cds? I used to do that all the time back in the day. Does your heart race when you get nervous? Yes. What do you do when you first wake up? Check the time and take my medicine. How old are you? I told you a few questions up. Do the math. Where were your hands last night at 11 p.m.? I was playing my Nintendo Switch. What was the last movie you watched? The other day I watched He’s Just Not That Into You on TV. In theaters it was The Rise of Skywalker. Did you sleep alone last night? I always do. Got my full size bed all to myself. Is it possible to be single and happy? Yeah, of course. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I’ve been sleeping in until like 1 in the afternoon lately, so yeah I’m sure. What’s something you really want right now, be honest? I’m thinking about the pizza I’ll be having later haha. It’s my favorite. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend drinks? Nah, so long as they’re not an alcoholic and they don’t become obnoxious or abusive when they drink. Are you starting to realize anything? Nothing new. Would you live with someone without marrying them? Well, I don’t plan on getting married, so yeah. But IF that were to change, I still would because I think you should spend some time living together first and see how that works out. Things are a lot different when you live together. You learn a lot about a person. Who was the last person you talked to in person? My brother. What’s your home screen image on your phone? It’s a Disneyland related photo. It has Cinderella’s castle in the background and a pink Mickey Mouse shaped balloon in the forefront.
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TASK #002 — icebreakers!
PREFERRED NAME — dew, or vic. honestly not picky as long as it’s not a pet name. (bad roommate experience with ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie’)
PRONOUNS — she/her
AGE — 25
PINTEREST — i don’t use it
DISCORD — two shots of vodka#7144... i think? i’m still trying to understand discord
MYER-BRIGGS — never did it
HP HOUSE — used to say slytherin, but probably more ravenclaw. slytherclaw
ZODIAC — officially scorpio, but i relate to virgo
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — yes, to a degree
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — i believe i was a senior in highschool, or just after i finished high school. so eighteen.
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — i mostly admined when i did roleplays, but one of the ones that helped get me back into it was houghtonhq
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — euphoria (but i’m still an episode left) and instant hotel
FAVOURITE QUOTE — first off, there are too many. i fucking love quotes. so i’m going to give you two. one i want tattooed eventually and is “quorum pars magna fui” which translates to “i was a great part in all of this” and then also i always liked We have never heard the devil’s side of the story, God wrote all the book. “
LINK TO A VINE THAT EXUDES YOUR ‘ENERGY’ — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBSiMr5GxYY
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — haven’t had the time or motivation, but i did write poetry once upon a time
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — glam and gore, mia maples, dad v girls
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — i met olympic gymnasts at summer camp. nothing extraordinary.
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — me on my couch, an endless flow of wine, probably a hawaiian pizza, there’s also peanut butter (chilled), and the prestige is on tv, also i don’t have to work the next day
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — the moon landing being fake. like, i can see it.
ARE ALIENS REAL? — yes, but not as they’re typically depicted
PLAY ANY PHONE GAMES? WHICH ONES? — been awhile since i have, but i was big into choices
WHAT’S A FILM YOU LOVED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG AND RECENTLY WATCHED, ONLY TO FIND OUT YOU DON’T ANYMORE — none so far, but i haven’t rewatched the pebble and the penguin
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — right now collecting patches and pins, but i used to collect snowglobes and moose boxers. yes, strange.
THREE LANGUAGES YOU DON’T SPEAK, BUT WISH YOU COULD — lol, not planned but spanish, probably german, and chinese
NAME A FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM TV/FILM/MOVIE/GAME/BOOK THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF PROJECTING ON / YOU RELATE TO — i think one, that may not be widely accepted but hit me hard was patty from insatiable. otherwise, lizzie mcguire was my girl.
DO YOU FOLLOW ANY SPORTS? WHO DO YOU ROOT FOR? — yankees, ny rangers, steelers, and then i watch golf
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — skiing, golfing, cocktails
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — schitt’s creek. (i am behind on it but i love it)
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — i blame the podcasts i listen to on occasion, but rn my mind is going to unsolved mysteries so whoever the zodiac was so i could KNOW
TEAM EDWARD OR JACOB? — jacob but bc i was in love with taylor lautner
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — once upon a time in hollywood. wasn’t for me.
DO YOU STILL READ? — yes... if i have time. which right now no.
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? — finished a bit ago, but i liked “like never and always” by ann aguirre
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My review of the Kim Possible movie! [spoilers]
I thought the live action Kim Possible movie was great overall! If you openly embrace the cheesiness and cheap CGI that comes with the DCOM territory, it’s a lot of fun lol. And honestly? The low-budget kinda works in this case because it gives everything a campy cartoony vibe, and it is based on a cartoon... soooo. The effects were pretty much exactly what I expected. No issues there for me. I personally love Disney Channel Original Movies and this is one of the better ones I’ve seen in a long time.
The acting was great as well! Shego really stole the show! Taylor killed it. She got a good laugh out of me quite a few times. Sean as Ron was perfect, which is no surprise. He had some funny moments and good lines of course, and Sadie really brought it as Kim too! I laughed, I teared up one or two times, and I thought the fight scenes actually turned out pretty good!! I was impressed.
My main complaint is Athena.
She simply wasn’t needed in this movie. Like, at all. This is supposed to be Kim’s introduction to a new generation. For the first movie in what will (hopefully) be a new franchise to focus so heavily on this new original character whose sole purpose is to destroy Kim’s spirit -- kinda bogged down the movie for me. That sort of thing would be a decent plot for a sequel, but it doesn’t really work for an origin movie. It should’ve focused on the OG Team Possible. Kim, Ron, Rufus and Wade. Allow more time for the new generation to get a good feel for the universe. Set all of that in stone first, have the main friendship be Kim/Ron, take the time to really build Kim up... and then bring in someone like Athena to break Kim down a bit.
I think Kim’s live-action characterization in this introduction should’ve been closer to cartoon Kim tbh. Showing vulnerability is great and refreshing, but I think they went a little too far with the drama.
Seriously, why does Kim care SO FREAKING MUCH about a ROBOT?! As soon as Athena took that piece of her face off to reveal that she’s evil and not even human, I would’ve dropped her like a hot potato and cut her out of my life immediately. Especially after looking at that creepy stalker wall of information they used to study Kim. But instead, Kim cries and does everything in her power to save... a robot... because they can program her to be good... and then her new best friend will be...... a robot?! Like?! Where are they going with this??? Ron should be Kim’s only best friend for a while in this series of films. I’m not a big fan of her attention being divided between Ron freakin’ Stoppable and Previously Evil Robot Girl. Also, I oddly felt more dramatic romance-y vibes between Kim/Athena than any hint of Kim/Ron. It’s kinda annoying because now I’m seeing a LOT of people shipping Kim with some rando robot character that tried to destroy her instead of the life-long best friend and human person she canonically ends up with.
I get that they wanted to send a message about friendship, but I feel like they crossed a weird line. They could’ve come up with some powerful story about Kim and Ron’s friendship instead, since that’s way more integral to the story -- Especially if they want Kim x Ron to happen in this universe. (Sadie has said she wants it to happen.) At this point, I’m hoping this DOES morph into a live-action TV series because I’m not sure they can accomplish all of this in a handful of movies that started off on such a strange foot.
Athena’s severed head at the end was also kinda creepy and possibly terrifying for a kid’s movie! If it made me uncomfortable, I’m sure some kid out there is scarred for life because of that lol. I hope that they somehow write Athena out of the next movie. Just come up with some reason why she had to leave, idk. If Disney could successfully write Miranda out of The Lizzie McGuire Movie with a single line (”She’s in Mexico City!”) they can absolutely write Athena out of this. I feel like they could’ve got away with Athena “dying” in this movie since she’s not actually human.
I’m also not too happy with the weird ~Kid Drakken infiltrating Kim’s school life~ cliffhanger sequel that they set up. It left me feeling empty. It’s very “A Sitch In Time”-y and this first movie is already super similar to “So The Drama.” I’d personally like to see something else happen. Maybe this Kid Drakken plot can be foiled somehow within the first 10 minutes or something? Kinda like the small Dementor plot at the beginning of this movie. Idk, man.
I don’t want to sound like I’m hating because I’m really not! Trust me! It’s just the more I think about the Athena angle, the more irked I become. They wasted so much valuable time developing Kim’s ~undying friendship~ with a robot (that doesn’t exist in the source material) instead of her legit friendship with Ron. WHY?!?! But, yeah. I enjoyed the movie a lot. When it ended my mom and I both looked at each other and said “That was good!” -- Which is the mark of an above average film for us! haha.
I’d personally give it a 7.5/10! There’s definitely room for improvement. I’m kinda dying for a sequel now. Mainly for more Kim/Ron. :) One hour and 20 minutes simply wasn’t enough! Ahhh.
I’ve only seen it once so far, last night. These are my simmering thoughts. I plan on watching it again soon.
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The Trip of a Lifetime PT 8

Recap: You had just graduated from college, but you had one last trip to go on for one of your classes. You were going to London with your intercultural media communication class for two weeks. The first night you matched with a boy named Ben on Bumble. The second night of your trip you go on a date with him and go home with him. After seeing Ben at a nightclub with another girl, and confronting him about it, you’ve decided to still go to Paris with him for the weekend.
1372 words
Read part 7 here
*beep beep beep*
You roll over and check your phone, it’s 4:30 AM. You have one text message from Ben.
“I’ll be there to pick you up at 5″
You groan, it’s so early. You get out of bed, brush your teeth, pull your hair into a loose ponytail, slip on some leggings and a hoodie and make yourself a cup of coffee while you wait for Ben.
You don’t really know how this is going to go, you haven’t seen Ben since you confronted him about being with that other girl at the club. Will this be awkward? What is he going to say?
You look down at your phone, Ben texted you.
“Ready when you are, love”
You grab your carry on suit case you packed for Paris and go down the elevator. Ben is sitting in the lobby waiting for you. He smiles and stands up when he sees you.
“Good morning, love,” he says as he takes your luggage in one hand and your hand in the other. He kisses the top of your head, you love when he does that.
“You’re very chipper this morning,” you say as you start to talk to his car.
“I’m just excited that we are going on this trip together,” he says.
“Me too,” you say, smiling up at him.
“You look beautiful this morning,” he says.
“Oh please, I just woke up ten minutes ago and didn’t even brush my hair,” you say, playfully hitting him.
“You always look beautiful, y/n,” he says as he opens the passenger side door.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you respond.
“I know,” Ben says back, laughing. He drives away from the hotel and towards the airport.
This isn’t awkward at all, you think. Yet. Hopefully the rest of the trip is this normal.
“So, what do you have in store for us on this trip?”
“Well, we are going to Paris,” Ben says, looking over at you laughing. Your heart literally melts when he smiles at you.
“No way, really? I had nooo idea,” you say back sarcastically.
You both laugh at each other.
“Everything I have planned is a surprise! I really wanted to make this trip special for you,” he says.
“Well, I can’t wait to see what you came up with.”
You arrive at the airport and you both get out of the car and head inside.
“Okay, we have 45 minutes to get through everything and on the plane,” he says. “Think we can do it?”
“Oh, I know we can. We’ve done more in less time,” you say winking at him. You turn and walk into the airport with your luggage.
Ben chases after you, like a puppy to his owner. You just love to tease him.
You and Ben manage to get to the terminal with plenty of time to spare. Only a few fans stopped him while you two were in security and getting some breakfast. Apparently he had planned time for that to happen. Actors.
You look down at your ticket and see it’s first class.
“Wow, first class! You sprung for the nice seats!” you say.
“Only the best for Ben Hardy!”
“You are, ridiculous!”
“And you love it!”
You roll your eyes at him, “suuuure”
You both get on the plane and settle in.
“How long is this flight? I didn’t even bother to look” you say.
“Around an hour,” Ben says.
“Oh wow! That’s not bad at all! The last flight I was on was roughly 12 hours,” you say laughing.
The plane takes off and you start to get kind of bored. Ben is dozing off but you can’t sleep. You have an idea.
You tap Ben to wake him up.
“Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes,” you say, with a devilish grin. You walk to the bathroom closest to your side of the plane.
He immediately is wide awake. He watches you walk away with lust.
Exactly five minutes later there’s a soft knock on the door. You open it just wide enough for him to slip in and then close it before anyone sees.
“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a longer five minutes,” Ben says.
“We don’t have much time, shut up and kiss me,” you say.
Ben pulls you in for a kiss, but right before he kisses you, he whispers, “We’ve done more in less time.”
He starts to kiss you, like you haven’t seen each other in months. It’s almost as if he’s hungry for you.
You start to whisper in his ear while he kisses down your neck.
“You are... so hot” you say in between breaths. “I.... missed .... your .... touch”
You reach down and start to undo the tie on his sweat pants, which he looks so hot in by the way. You pull them down quickly and continue to kiss him.
He looks up at you and grins while he bites his lip.
He picks up you up, puts you down on the sink counter and pulls down your leggings.
You both go back to your seats one at a time. You were only gone maybe a total of fifteen minutes, no one suspected a thing, or at least you think. You don’t really care. That was the sexiest thing you’ve probably ever done.
When Ben sits back down you tuck your arm in his and whisper “not a bad way to kill some time. And join the mile high club too.”
You both laugh softly.
“Not a bad way at all, love,” he says as he lightly kisses your lips. “There is more where that came from.”
My god, you think. This man has a SPELL on me or something. I was ready to rip his head off twenty-four hours ago, and now you just had sex with him on an air plane? What is happening. You can’t wait until you land so you can tell Brooke about this.
You lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep like that. You feel safe in his arms.
Almost as quickly as you fell asleep, it is time to get up.
“Bienvenue à Paris!” the flight attendant says as the plane touches down.
As you open your eyes you look up at Ben. He is looking at you smiling. You smile back and he pecks you on the forehead. He makes you so happy.
You both make your way off the plane and into the airport. There, he sees a few fans and takes pictures with them. There are also a few people just taking pictures of the two of you together.
You lean towards him to whisper “Why are they taking pictures of us?”
“Probably to post online about how “this is the mystery girl Ben was talking about” or something like that. What do you say, shall we give them a show?”
Before you can say anything, Ben has pulled you in for a kiss. It’s soft and sweet and lasts just long enough for everyone to get their pictures. You pull away from the kiss and laugh.
“They are going to go nuts over that!” you say. “How long do you think before they find my Instagram?”
“I give them two hours,” he says laughing.
“Well they are all going to be disappointed when they see I’m just a girl from Nebraska with 900 followers,” you say laughing.
“They can be disappointed all they want, I’m the one shagging you,” he says laughing and giving you a light slap on your butt.
You look at him, gasp and laugh.
“Ben! They can probably hear you!”
“Let them! What is there to hide? We are in love and the whole world should know!”
“Okay, calm down lover boy. We don’t need to go telling the whole world about us yet, especially since my parents don’t know yet.”
“How old did you say your brother was?”
“18, why?”
“I’m sure he will see those pictures within the next day or so, and probably tell your parents for you. Done and done.”
“Wait! Do you think we will end up on E!?? I’ve always wanted to be on E! in one of those “who is that girl” segments!”
“Considering the interview I did the other day was with them, probably,” he says laughing.
“Oh, my mom will definitely see that, she will be so proud!” you say laughing. “I feel like I’m in the Lizzie McGuire Movie.”
“How so?”
“I’ve met a famous, foreign man on my two week school trip to another country and somehow managed to fall in love with him...” you say as you trail off. “But hopefully it doesn’t end the same way the movie does.”
“How does it end? I’ve never seen it.”
“Basically the pop star she meets ends up being the scammer of the century and she kisses her best friend. I love Brooke and all but not like that,” you say as you laugh.
“Oh shoot! You foiled my plan!” he says, laughing.
You playfully hit him and laugh along.
“I have a feeling we are going to have fun on this little get away,” he says.
“I have a feeling we are going to have some fun when we get to our hotel,” you say, winking at him as you get in the cab.
Part 9
#ben hardy#ben hardy x you#ben hardy imagine#ben hardy cute#ben hardy x reader#ben hardy sexy#ben hardy lips#roger taylor#roger taylor x reader#bohemian rapsody movie#joe mazzello#gwilyn lee
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Rome: Day One
Running off of just two hours of sleep, my roommate and I conquered the streets of Rome beginning at 5:00 in the morning!
We ended up arriving in Rome around 11:30 p.m. on Thursday night by train, where we stopped at a restaurant close to our hostel called “Padellaccio II″ (mind you the last thing that I had eaten was a granola bar at 3:00 that afternoon.) We were starving to say the least, so I ordered a plate of pasta with fresh tomato sauce and basil... it was magnifico!
By the time we got back to the hostel, checked in, and unwound ourselves from the traveling, we were in bed by 2:30 a.m. We then took a nap and woke up at 4:30, where our first stop was the Trevi Fountain! Being able to witness the Trevi Fountain has been a DREAM of mine ever since I watched the Lizzie McGuire movie in elementary school where she takes a class trip to Rome and ends up making a wish at the Trevi Fountain and falling in love... although I didn’t wish for love like Lizzie did, it was truly one of the most surreal moments! We wanted to wake up and get an early start to our day so we could beat the crowds and take some stunning photos, which luckily we were able to get! After taking photos, we sat in complete awe taking in the architectural beauty of the fountain and the mesmerizing water that spewed.
We then made our way to a quaint coffee bar where we sat and enjoyed espresso and croissants which refueled us for the remainder of our day!
We went and climbed the Spanish Steps next and climbed further to the Piazza del Popolo where we took in an amazing panoramic view of the city. We made it to the Pincio Terrace, which is known to have one of the most beautiful views of the city. I was completely taken away by the alluring view we were able to experience! We walked along the terrace amongst beautiful vegetation and flowers, until we finally decided to head back to the hostel to take a power nap to fuel us for the second part of our day.
After we napped for a couple of hours, we headed out to see the Colosseum and walked inside of it. Being able to be apart of and walk in a place so vastly historical and ancient was an other-worldly experience. I had goosebumps as I walked and thought about how the Colosseum came to be, attempting to fathom the events that once took place right beneath my feet.
From the Colosseum, we traveled to the Galleria Borghese where we were able to take in gorgeous works of art, works of art that I had dreamt of seeing someday. We then decided to grab some dinner and head to bed early so we could get up early again the next day.
Overall, our first day spent in Rome was nothing short of a fantastic dream come true!

0 notes
I watched Atlantis for the first time since I was little last night and I’m not the type to rewatch movies ? I don’t rlly like it I haven’t figured out why yet… my sister mentioned the other day how she feels a huge disconnect w non-immigrant kids who watchd movies when they were younger BC when we were little we didn’t know english. And I know the same goes for me but I just hadn’t gotten to that conscious realization yet … (the topic was the never-ending catching up we have to do w American pop culture bc we were not born here) but I’ll tell u a secret… Lizzie McGuire ? Never watch it never got the hype, even Stevens ? Nope, the one w the Cory guy n topanga gorl? I never watched it ! They’re not secrets they’re just things I don’t acknowledge ? Hmm I’ll tell u an actual secret about me tho - i wanted to be white more than my sister did bc in my eyes she lucked out coming here younger. She has all /alternative/ knowledge of American culture esp black culture n latino that I do not and it’s bc I stuck to the “whiter” side of it all just for the sake of seeming more “American” which is funny bc we live in Miami ? The white culture “standard” here is not the same as the rest of the country ….
I have all these memories of when I was younger and I always cry retelling them bc I’m reliving them as I speak n my childhood is sad but not for the reasons you’d think ?? I was a lonely kid I was quiet n had hard times making friends n I’ve always felt like I am hard to love or accept ? Maybe that’s why I cry bc how does a 8 yr old know they have to conform to all these things in order to Belong? I had the opportunity to talk about being undocumented for this storytelling video series my internship organized and they had this filming crew n it was the first time I had told ANYONE about my inner thoughts as a little immigrant girl - my first day at school in a diff country - the scent of our first apartment - the warmth of hugging my mom for the first time in two yrs …. there was so much I Let out and I’m crying just as much now as I did when I was telling these two girls from New York who didn’t know of my pain didn’t know Me but were filming me and asking me questions ! I think I’m more like my mom than I realize sometimes- “I need to raise strong daughters bc the world is a tough place” she says whenever we get sad about certain things, and I think of how she doesn’t cry at anything rlly and doesn’t speak of past memories often and if I ask her she says things nonchalantly n fast almost like she doesn’t want to visit that memory for too long… maybe she Knows it’ll make her emotional to talk about things Maybe she has unresolved issues too but knows she has no time to relive and rehurt again… I don’t think I Neglect my past emotions but I just don’t go Looking for them bc I know what I’ll find … I guess it’s part of being self-aware ?
#I have no where else to talk about my thoughts#I might make a sideblof#bc I feel Vulnerable having thousands of ppl potentially see this ...#but also I guess it's not too bad since u all don't know me#n cud care less about me crying in the middle of the day over a bunch of past thoughts !#s thoughts
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What is in the back seat of your car right now? Nothing, because all the mess is otherwise shoved in the trunk lol. What was the last thing you threw up? Alcohol and falafel.
Menthol or regular cigarettes? Nope. What is your favorite episode of Friends? Oh nooooo I have so many favorites. I have the apartment bet quiz/Phoebe’s uterus episode, the one where they make all the New Year’s resolutions, and the one where Phoebe breaks Chandler trying to get him to admit his relationship with Monica. Does anyone have any blackmail on you? It’s possible.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Kristen Stewart. Have you been to a strip club? Never been. I probably should stop by one in the near future just to say I’ve entered one. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, my phone case. Are you wearing socks right now? No, I don’t wear socks around the house since it’s just gonna get dirty being exposed to the floor. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water. What are you wearing right now? I’m wearing a crop top and house shorts. Last food you ate? Bacon with fried rice. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nah. The last time was a month ago. What’s the last sporting event you watched? I watched a UP vs Ateneo volleyball game, but it was like 2 months ago. Last person’s house you were in? Haven’t been to anyone’s house other than mine in a while. It would probably be at Gabie’s when I made the impromptu decision to sleep over there since I was too drunk and exhausted to drive home. Last movie you saw? I just watched Revolutionary Road earlier tonight and it crushed me as much as it did the first time. One of the realer movies I’ve seen. Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? It was for a group chat for an org matter. We were deliberating on something, and I messaged my two cents over there. Ever go to camp? Nope. Were you an honor roll student in school? We didn’t have honor rolls in my old school because they didn’t want to breed competition to the point that it became unhealthy. I super agree with it and I’m thankful they didn’t have a system like it; my grades ended up much better that way. If we wanted to know our ranking in the batch, we had to go to the guidance office because that’s where they kept our standings. Do you like sushi? Ugh YES I will eat any type of sushi, any time, any day. Do you have a tan? I’m already naturally tan. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don’t know; I’m not in a rush. Anywhere between 27 and 35 is fine. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? I don’t drink soda but I’ve seen people do this. What is your age? 21. Are you someone’s best friend? [continued from last night] I’d like to think so. What are your siblings’ middle names? Beatrice and Edgardo. Where is your dad right now? My dad is in a cruise ship where he works, somewhere in the middle of the Southeast Asian seas/oceans. What was the last thing you said? Something along the lines of “I didn’t ask him to buy me food anymore because I was shy.” What color is your watch? I don't have one. What do you think of when you think of Australia? The Sydney Opera House. Ever ridden on a roller coaster? I’ve been on what was meant to be a beginner’s roller coaster, but it was still too wild for me and I had a headache for the rest of the day. Favorite gemstone? My own, diamond. I can’t really...~relate with the rest since I’ve always identified with diamond. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive-thru. Fast food places are nasty. Do you have a roommate? I live with my family. Do you have any bad habits? Sure. What is your favorite number? 4 and 23. Do you know anyone named Lori? Other than Rick Grimes’ dead wife on The Walking Dead, nope. What color is your mom’s hair? Black. Do you have a dog? Yup. What happened to you in 1993? Probably living my past life in some other alternate universe. Does your first memory involve your dad? No. My first memory was ‘camping’ indoors. My mom got us a Winnie the Pooh tent and all we did to spice it up was sleep on the floor of our bedroom. Do you remember singing any songs as kids? Yes. My favorites were I Am But A Small Voice (since we had to sing it in a kindergarten recitation) and This is What Dreams Are Made Of from The Lizzie McGuire movie. When was the last time you went swimming? Last March, when we went to the beach. Has your luggage ever gotten lost? Nope. Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? My milk tea craving wasn’t satisfied today -_____- Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? No, I always just saw it as a waste of money. Do you like watching a bonfire? Sure. Are you allergic to anything? No. My skin can get sensitive to the air though, especially if the atmosphere is humid and dew-y. What is one thing you miss about your past? Being happier. Do you ever get flu shots? I don’t. Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? Either my Onitsuka Tiger or Puma sneakers. What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? An hour ago my uncle taught me how to properly position my wheels should I ever park somewhere downhill. Are you jealous of anyone? Anyone who’s already successfully settled in - a house to live in, stable job, kids - and is already past the whole young adult angst and building their future up from scratch parts. Is anyone jealous of you? I dunno.
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Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.28 (Lizzie and Kate’s Excellent Adventure)
I wish we got to see more of this unexpected friendship
- We find out that Lizzie has the flu and had to miss a day of school. Gordo and Miranda greets Lizzie in her room with a stack full of books for her homework. It’s middle school, not college; That’s too many books.
I feel like I’ve seen this pic everywhere
- Lizzie asks her friends about what she’d miss in Mrs. Stebel’s Social Studies class and they give each other a strange look. Their teacher instructed the class to work in pairs to do a book report on a country and its native dish. Since Lizzie was absent, Gordo and Miranda naturally paired up, leaving Lizzie out of the picture.
- Well, it turns out that Lizzie is paired with her frenemy Kate Sanders, who was also absent from school. And as you can guess, Lizzie did not take to this news too well:
Let it all out girl...just let it all out
We get it; Lizzie and Kate don’t like each other. What’s new?
- The next morning, Lizzie is dreading going back to school since she’s forced to work with Kate and even considers calling in sick for an extra day. Her mom, Jo already knows about the whole Kate Sanders situation because Kate’s mom called in last night. Did Kate’s mom ever appeared on the show? I can’t recall.
- Anyways, Jo insists that Lizzie should suck it up and deal with Kate being her project partner. On top of that, Matt’s adding fuel to the already raging fire by throwing his two-cents into the discussion. I’m now back to being annoyed with him after somewhat liking him last episode.
- In school, Lizzie is complaining about the country that was assigned to her, Latvia and how the signature over there is jellied meat, which is called Aspic (after doing a quick Google search).
- Kate and her crew walk up to Lizzie and Kate establishes some ground rules with Lizzie i.e. spending as little time together as possible, not being seen in public and not making jellied meat. Lizzie accepts her conditions and they also agree to meet at Lizzie’s house after school.
It all seems like it’s going to work out but Lizzie still needs to let some steam out
Kate and Lizzie Working Together
- That evening after school, Lizzie is on the phone with Miranda, who’s with Gordo to work on their project on Mexico.
Well, it’s mostly Gordo doing the ground work. Miranda’s more focused on jumping...
- The doorbell of Lizzie’s house rings and it’s probably Kate outside. Lizzie is still mad at Miranda for not covering for her. What does she want for Miranda to do exactly? If Kate’s the only other person absent in class, it makes sense for the two absent students to get paired. And if Lizzie and Miranda pair up, Gordo wouldn’t have anyone but Kate to partner with.
- Kate’s in the kitchen talking to Jo and they’re awkwardly trying to make small talk. As soon as Lizzie steps into the kitchen, Jo quickly scurries on out of there because it seems like she doesn’t like Kate either lol.
This stare-down between the two of them is even more awkward
- But things take a turn when they both agree that their friends are lousy for not picking them as their partner for the project. And it’s so cute how they laughed at the same time. As time went on, they seem to be getting along well due to being on the same page when it comes to Latvian food.
Do y’all see this interaction? It’s so rare; It’s like watching a dog walk on its hind legs (I had to include a Mean Girls reference)
- Even Jo notices them getting along like old times. But as soon as Kate realises this, she quickly excuses herself and they say bye to each other awkwardly. I wish they could go back to being good friends because I don’t like the idea that popular kids can’t be friends with the non-popular kids. I mean, I don’t think they even got to that place after the Lizzie Mcguire Movie.
A Broken Friendship
- The next morning, Miranda and Gordo ask Lizzie how things went with Kate to which she tells them it was alright. Not only that, she tells them that she and Kate are going to work together after school at the Digital Bean even though one of Kate’s earlier demands is that they are not to be seen in public together.
- At the Digital Bean, Lizzie and Kate are researching on what their dish should be and they decide to make Alexandertorte, which is a pastry dessert that has raspberry jam inside.
Nice contrast
- Gordo and Miranda followed by Claire and her other crew members then stop by to throw shade at Kate and Lizzie respectively. But Claire was way worse than Lizzie’s friends; She even bragged about being able to work with Ethan over Kate.
- They then start prepping in Lizzie’s kitchen to make their torte dish. Things start a little rocky at first but when they start talking about old memories from the time they were best friends, they begin to open up to each other again. Basically, they were talking about Kate’s 9th Birthday party and how Kate really loved a Baby Spice shirt that was given to her by Lizzie and she couldn’t wait to try it on. It’s kinda sad that they used to be that close.
- All of a sudden, Matt runs into the kitchen with his blindfolds on and bumps into Kate who was carrying an egg carton; This, of course causes the eggs to drop to the ground. But it’s all okay because luckily, it was only a few eggs.
The Queens of Falling
- This is when it gets kind of juicy; They finally talk about the reason why they’re suddenly not friends anymore. Before this, we were told that it’s because Kate developed really quickly and got a bra, which made her popular. I guess that’s still true but it’s also because she went away to camp and there, she had made new friends, whom might or might not have influenced her to treat her old friends badly.
I got so many feels from this moment. Like I’ve said before, I just love the way they smile at each other; It’s so endearing.
Look at them, working together as one and everything
- Next, we see them giving their report on Latvia in front of the class and they did a great job. After completing their presentation, their friends come over to throw unnecessary shade again and basically act as if Lizzie and Kate did not get along fine when they clearly did.
- I think this is the moment where I really questioned ‘What Would Happen’ if the writers had decided to change the outcome of this episode since Lizzie and Kate went back to hating on each other just to please their friends. I actually envisioned the other alternative to be Lizzie and Kate standing up to their friends and basically letting them know the truth, which is they are actually back to being friends. But that’s not the case with what happened in this episode but still, I think the other possibility I mentioned could be a really powerful moment for this show.
BUT we did get this moment, which tells the audience that Kate and Lizzie actually like each other deep down inside. It’s just that with the way middle school and its social groups are set up, it doesn’t allow them to publicly be friends. Well, who cares? But unfortunately, that’s just how school is; It’s full of petty drama.
B-Plot: Matt’s Psychic Y’all *Rolls Eyes
- In Matt’s school (we finally see him in school after spending so many episodes away from the place), he and his friend, Oscar are having lunch together and Matt is able to predict that their substitute Math teacher has on big red clown shoes before they even saw her. Matt concludes that he is psychic. And here I go, going back to not caring about Matt’s storyline again lol.
- They set up a ‘Psychic Readings’ booth in the backyard and Matt gives predictions to three different kids, which seem vague and ludicrous at first but it turns out that all his predictions came true:
The predictions are as follows: Buying an expensive gift, getting a haircut and going on a long trip
- Similar to majority of Matt’s storylines, his one-off interests, which in this case is his psychic ability starts getting out of hand as he now thinks he is able to predict every single event, regardless of how insignificant it may be. Jo doesn’t buy it for one second but his dad sure does as he asks him to predict the next day’s lottery numbers.
- Matt even predicted that Jo was going to send him to his room and later on, she would try to convince Sam that he’s not psychic. That was actually kind of cool but I guess it’s because he knows his parents very well.
- Jo is very adamant on proving to both Matt and Sam that Matt isn’t really psychic and administers a test to help with that. And look, Matt answers the question correctly! If Jo is going out of her way to do all of that, I have to think that she low-key thinks that Matt is psychic, no?
- Anyways, his antics finally end once he randomly realises he cannot read other people’s minds anymore. Oh well, too bad...goodbye.
Overall Thoughts
- This is easily one of my favourite episodes of the entire series. We finally get to see something fresh and new that we’ve never seen before on this show and that is Lizzie and Kate getting along as friends.
- In Kate’s earliest appearance on this show, she was introduced as the mean, popular girl who was actually Lizzie’s best friend in elementary school up until she became popular. Since then, their old friendship wasn’t really touched upon at all till now. I love how they gave us a deep insight into their past memories as childhood friends and how she, Lizzie and Miranda were really close with one another back then.
- This episode alone really makes me hope that Ashlie Brillault (the actress who plays Kate) will consider coming back to guest star in the Lizzie Mcguire revival series next year but I highly doubt it since she’s now an attorney. But honestly, I’d be okay if they mention to us that Lizzie and Kate are still friends in adulthood; That would make me pretty satisfied with Kate’s overall story arc.
#lizzie mcguire#disney#disney channel#disney plus#hilary duff#episode recap#episode review#kate sanders#disney shows#disney series#old disney#ashlie brillault#popular girl#teen comedy#lizzie and kate's excellent adventure
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One through eleven. Also 73 and 96.😘
I already answered 1 so I’ll skip that and go onto 2.
2.) What’s your middle name?
I don’t have a middle name, Bengali people just tend not to have them. But I have a crap ton of nicknames, one of which is Tiya. Hence my username!
3.) Do you still talk to the first person you kissed?
The first person I kissed was one of my best friends growing up. She and I talk whenever we see each other. So mostly in the summer and during the holidays in fall/winter!
4.) Do you get on with your grandpa?
All my grandparents have passed away. But when they were alive I got along with them. I have one granduncle still living and we get along. I have great memories of him taking me to his restaurant to eat soup, while I sat in the front seat of his car (I specified front seat bc this was before I was 13 and allowed to sit in the front seat in the US) and drank Thums Up (which is a type of soda in India, where all my fam lives).
5.) What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
Tom and Jerry was and always will be my favorite cartoon! I love it so much! I remember literally all the older episodes like when they went to space.
6.) What’s your favourite cartoon now?
I previously said it was Tom and Jerry but if I had to choose another one I would say Bob’s Burgers. It’s freaking hilarious and Tina is my spirit animal.
7.) Do you read the newspaper?
Nope. I kind of want to though because I love crosswords and sudoku and that kind of crap. I swear I’m a 90 year old stuck in a 19 year old’s body.
8.) Who was the last text you sent to?
The last text I sent was to one of my best friends.
9.) What does the last text you sent say?
She sent me the trailer for a movie I really want to watch so we were talking bout that.
10.) If you could have any hair colour what would it be?
I would honestly just want to balayage my hair so it didn’t ruin the roots too much. I would want it to go to a light brown shade! I really do want to dye my hair like this one day.
11.) Do you like nature documentaries?
I used to really love them. I used to watch documentary’s Discovery Channel a lot. But then I stumbled upon a documentary about tapeworms and was scarred for life. I have never watched them since lol.
73.) How many classes do you/did you take in high-school?
I’m going to be a junior in college in the fall (wtf how am I this old). In high school I used to take 7 classes and now I take 5.
74.) When did it last snow where you live?
It last snowed on the 15th of February and I remember because classes were cancelled and we all slept in and the night before my roommates forced my to watch the Bachelor (I usually like it but Corrine was annoying af).
75.) Does it ever snow where you live?
This is kind of answered above. It does snow but we usually don’t get too much. However, I remember one year, maybe 2009, when we practically had a month off of school bc of the snow.
76.) How many months until your birthday?
6 months. My birthday is November 10th!
77.) How much charge does your computer have right now?
73%, I just plugged it in!
78.) What is your favourite disney channel movie?
Probably Cadet Kelly or The Lizzie McGuire movie. Basically I was obsessed with Hillary Duff, I even had magnets of her on our fridge.
79.) The city or the sea side?
Both! It just depends on what I’m in the mood for tbh. My favorite beach is Virginia Beach, but the Naval base (?) nearby always has planes flying which sucks. My favorite city is New York, is it sad that I live like 30 minutes away from DC but go to New York more and know my way around New York better than DC?
80.) What is your least favourite colour?
I really hate bright red. For some reason it gives me headaches, which sucks bc my work shirt is red.
81.) Do you have homework to do?
82.) Are you still friends with your first best friend?
Yup! My first best friends and I are still friends but we are nowhere near best friends now.
83.) Do you have/are you the gay cousin?
So I am not the gay cousin. And all my cousins on my mom’s side, the more liberal side of the family, are younger than 12 so they probably haven’t come to proper terms with their sexuality. And my dad’s side of the family are really conservative, strict and traditional Hindu’s. So if anyone came out as gay they would probably be disowned. So if I have any gay cousins on my dad’s side they probably would still be in the closet.
84.) Do you own dungarees?
I had to fucking google search dungarees. But no I do not, although in elementary school I had a Winnie the Pooh pair and also another pair that was a dress instead of pants.
85.) Do you like to play sport?
Sport? Which sport? lol. I like playing Volleyball and that’s about it. I was really into swimming a while back and although I still love swimming recreationally my allergy doesn’t let me swim at the pool.
86.) What was your favourite ever christmas present?
When I was maybe 10 or 11 I got the boxed set of Harry Potter movies, only 5 of which were on DVD then. They came in a box that looked like Harry’s trunk. It also came with trading cards, a virtual game, and bookmarks. That was probably one of my best Christmas presents.
87.) How old are you?
I am 19 turning 20 this year.
88.) What is your mum’s name?
I am so sorry but I don’t name any of my family members for privacy reasons.
89.) Do you ever use internet explorer?
Not on purpose! So my internet at school when I connect to it, it opens up in a browser for me to put in my ID and password. And for some reason it opens up with Internet Explorer.
90.) Have you ever had blonde hair?
NOPE! I would actually look ridiculous with blonde hair because of my skin tone.
91.) Is their a play park near your house?
Yup, I live in a neighborhood which has a ton of little kids. So there are about 5 parks withing walking distance from my house.
92.) When did you last see the person you have a crush on?
On the last day of classes? There’s this really attractive guy that was in my Roman Architecture and Art class this past semester. But I just find him very hot. I haven’t had a proper crush in a long ass time.
93.) Who did you last talk to on the phone?
I talked to one of those people that just call to say “you are behind on student loans”. But like bitch, I ain’t got student loans. lol. Those people bother me to all hell.
94.) Pants or dresses?
Definitely pants. As much as I want to be a dress person, I’d rather wear pants. Although I prefer pants that aren’t jeans. I love cropped workout leggings. I am so blessed that I get to wear work out clothes at work all summer.
95.) Do you read fan fiction?
Definitely. What type of fanfic writer would I be if I didn’t read other peoples work? lol
96.) What is you’re favourite blog?
I love so many people on here! @matthewgraygublerisalilbean @dontshootmespence @imagicana @milkandcookies528 @reiding-and-writing @ilikepipecleanerswitheyes @sassygeek77 @criminal-minds-fanfiction @reidoneshots and SO MANY MORE!
I am so sorry that this took me ages Tori! There were just so many questions! Thank you so much for asking babe! And if you aren’t following any of my favorite blogs, please go check them out! They deserve so much love! Also sorry for any typos, the fam is bugging me to go downstairs and be social so I didn’t get to proofread this!
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Okay, just finished the film and just as promised, a review.
Foodfight is about a supermarket that transforms into a city at night when the shop closes called Marketropolis. Hence the name of the store (Marketropolis Market). Dex Dogtective, voiced by Charlie Sheen, is the town’s local hero who goes Rick from Casablanca after his girlfriend disappears after saying she was gonna see if Daredevil Dan, their best friend and also a biplane pilot voiced by Wayne Brady, fails at maneuvering a loop-de-loop. Six months later, as I mentioned when I said “goes Rick from Casablanca” when he opens a night club called CopaBanana. There, all the products hang out. But a hot new “ike” or icon (they call themselves ikes because they’re supermarket product icons) by the name of Lady X, voiced by Eva Longoria, who oddly enough makes me think she’s voiced by Wendie Malick when she talks, comes in and tries to seduce Dex with her perfume. As her brand starts to take over the whole store. When Dan disappears, Dex, feeling like he let down Sunshine, his girlfriend, voiced by Hillary Duff (like I said in the last post about this movie, I don’t really condone the relationship since the age gap between the voice actors and also, Charlie Harper corrupting Lizzie Mcguire? Come on.), he gets involved and finds that Lady X is in charge of an evil takeover started six months earlier when Sunshine disappeared.
As it turns out, Lady X was originally an ike for genetically modified prunes that failed in comparison to Sunshine’s raisins. She also has a robot she controls during the day called Mr. Clipboard, the Brand X representative. Her perfume is actually Sunshine’s essence that she bottled for herself so she could try and make Dex forget Sunshine. Eventually, the plan fails for her, the ikes win the store back and the thing that brought the ikes back from the dead halfway through the movie was love all along. And Dex is revealed to be Jewish, which makes no sense seeing as his last name is Dogtective, but potatoes I guess.
Seriously though, I LOVED this movie. Sure the animation’s shotty and the motion capture’s a bit worse for wear. But I’d watch it again if I could because the story is worth the patience and presumed jump scares. I watched it, I’m still sane.
The voice cast is pretty good. It’s before Charlie Sheen went *cookoochymecookoo* and it contains some good actors in there too. Including Wayne Brady, Hillary Duff, Larry Miller and others. I still don’t condone Hillary Duff being a love interest for Charlie Sheen because he was what in her teens when they first worked on it? Pas bon for Charlie’s character if we were looking at this in a live/action real life situation here.
In conclusion, this movie is bad with animation but they did what they could with the time crunch and the attempt to recreate what was stolen from them and the world was pretty believable regardless of how crappy it turned out to be. If you don’t wanna watch it for the animation, at least try to for the story. And isn’t it what we all care about? A decent story that we can escape in? Just watch and see for yourselves what I mean.
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The Day Before Thanksgiving = Slooooow Work Day
Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? On school days as a kid my mom would gently wake us up and ask us what we wanted for breakfast. Then she’d go downstairs to make it while we stole a few more minutes of sleep. She would then bring us up our bagel/pop tart/waffle/fill-in-the-blank and we’d eat it in bed. Wow, she was a saint. And if only I could still start my mornings that way... What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I’m slowly getting into cooking, so every meal poses more than a few “challenges” for me lately. But I’m having fun with it and learning a lot! Are you one to approach others, or let them approach you first? I almost exclusively have others approach me. There are two reasons behind this: 1) I’m introverted 2) I just have a very approachable look/energy. Seriously, strangers come up to me or sit down next to me and tell me very intimate details about their lives, completely unprompted! I guess it’s nice that I look like a friendly and trustworthy person, but it can feel overwhelming at times. Just the other day at Dunkin Donuts it took me 5 minutes just to place my coffee order because the guy behind the counter was telling me how sad he was that his girlfriend broke up with him. I was like “Uh I’m sorry dude, but did I ask??” When was the last time you took painkillers? When I had oral surgery years ago Have you ever picked flowers out of someone else’s garden without asking? I might have as a kid
What is your favorite thing to do as a little kid? I was- and still am- a huge bookworm, so reading was always a favorite activity. I also had a wildly active imagination, so I could entertain myself for hours living out fantasies in my head. I used to pretend I was a pioneer girl like the characters in my favorite books, and I’d make dirt and grass “soup” and pretend to churn butter in a bucket. Good times lol. Are holidays as fun for you now as they were when you were younger? They’ve definitely lost some of the “magic” since I’ve grown up, but that’s true of most things. But I still really enjoy the holidays and I cherish the time spent with my family. Plus now I have a partner with whom to share all these traditions (and build new ones!) and that’s such a gift. I have a feeling this holiday season is gonna be one of my best yet. Do you find non-fiction to be boring? What a silly question. That’s like asking “do you find movies to be boring?” Non-fiction is just an umbrella term encompassing an infinite number of sub-genres and topics. To find that “boring” would be saying that there’s not a single topic on earth you find interesting. Are you a punctual person? Or are you always late? I’m very punctual, usually early. It’s the anxiety! :) Do you own a thesaurus? Do you actually use it? I used to, but nowadays I just have Thesaurus.com bookmarked. And it’s almost always in an open tab. #WriterLife Do you ever write your own short stories? Funny you should ask, ha! I wrote tons as a kid and I had a Creative Writing concentration, so I wrote plenty for assignments in college. I’d love to say that’s still something I actively do but sadly, it’s not. Time to change that...
Have you ever won money by entering a contest/raffle? Not cash money but I’ve won prizes Have you ever lost something very valuable? My dignity? Ha I’m just kidding. I still have a few shreds of that. Otherwise I can’t think of anything majorly valuable that I’ve lost. Have you ever lost something with a lot of sentimental value? I’m an extreeeemely emotional person and I collect/keep everything of sentimental value. The only objects that I regret throwing away are some journals from my youth. I still have most of them, but there were a few I deemed too embarrassing or incriminating to save. I’d give anything to leaf through one of those now... Have you ever been close to drowning? That’s a horrifying thought. Thank God I never have. Have you ever had a panic attack? Yes.... What stores do you go into when you go to mall? I have a problem where I insist on browsing in nearly every store, even knowing full well I’ll never buy anything. It ends up a huge waste of time. I’m trying to get better about just setting a plan for myself on a shopping trip and only hitting the stores I KNOW I’ll buy from. Do you ever stop to eat in the food court? Yeah! Just the other day my sister and I ate some very disappointing pizza and fries. Do you find it easy to relate to other people? I’m empathetic and I always seek to understand and relate. Who is your favorite philosopher? I can’t say I have one What is your favorite song to sing? Whatever is stuck in my head at any given moment. I love to sing! (Doesn’t mean I’m *good* but...) Do you consciously try to be unique, or do you just be you? Interesting question. I don’t like to feel the need to be mainstream just for the sake of it but at the same time, I don’t feel the need to deviate from the mainstream just for the sake of it. Do you worry about being judged by other people? Only every moment of every day If someone doesn’t like you, do you usually want to know the reason? Oh of course. And I’ll torture myself reliving every mistake I’ve ever made in my life until I find out why When was the last time you told someone something really important? Yesterday maybe? Have you ever lost a large amount of money? Nothing more than about $40. Which is still valuable, don’t get me wrong Have you ever tried to blame something you did on someone else? Well I grew up with two sisters so, of course. Did that person get in trouble, or did the plan fail? We all had our failures and victories...
What is the weirdest hairstyle you have ever had? Well I was a tween at the height of Lizzie McGuire’s popularity, so I was definitely a fan of crimped hair. But not totally crimped, no no. Just random stray pieces here and there with no rhyme or reason. And don’t forget the butterfly clips! Describe the ugliest pair of shoes you own? I don’t own any shoes that I consider ugly. Why would I buy shoes I didn’t like? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? For how long? I have a slight phobia of mirrors. Well, not a phobia, but I have obsessive tendencies about my appearance so it’s best for me to avoid my reflection as often as possible. For that reason, I don’t look in mirrors often. Are you ashamed to leave the house when not looking your best? I give less and less of a shit lately. It’s freeing If you are antisocial, WHY are you that way? I’m not. Would you describe yourself as modest? Modesty is a concept steeped in misogyny and it’s one I certainly don’t endorse. These days I probably *could* be described as modest just as far as my lifestyle and clothing choices BUT.... ya girl used to be a huge slut. And I don’t regret it. I support women making their own, informed decisions and doing whatever makes them comfortable! What is your favorite singer? Bowie, of course! If you could relive one day from last year, what day would it be? Why? There’s one day, one small incident, that I’d kind of like to do-over. But that’s it. What is something that you are afraid to fail at? Uhh... everything? What would happen if you did fail at it? ..... Do you ever worry about your loved ones dying? It’s a constant worry. Thanks for reminding me :))) What is the cutest thing a guy could do for a girl? Well I’m really partial to love letters, songs, poems and the like... Stuffed animals–immature, or should everyone have one? I have several stuffed animals, some from childhood and some that were recent gifts, and I love them dearly. They make me happy! Surround yourself with things that make you feel good!! What do you like in your breakfast burritos? Egg and cheese, and veggie sausage or bacon if it’s available. What restaurant would you choose to go to for breakfast? There are a few trendy brunch spots around here that I like, one of my favorites being a Mexican place. But I love some good old-fashioned diner food, too! How much money do you think you cost your parents? Um? A lot?? What an odd question though. Do you have good hand/eye coordination? Laughably bad. Can you do a flip on a trampoline? I’d 100% kill myself if I tried. Do you remember the last time you climbed a tree? Sadly, no. But this tree in my front yard was one of my favorite reading spots as a kid. There was this one thick branch that was the perfect size for me to stretch my legs on while I leaned against the trunk and read my books. Did you ever lie on your back and pick shapes out of clouds as a kid? I still do that Do you watch any Japanese anime? My boyfriend’s really into it so I’ve *seen* some but I can’t say I’ve actually WATCHED it lol Is there a foreign culture you are interested in learning more about? So many! The world’s a big place, ya know... Do you let your emotions get the best of you in a fight? HA HA HA HA HA. Do you know me? I am nothing BUT emotions. Logic? Reason? Rationale? I don’t know her. Do you know anyone whose reputation has recently been ruined? All the recently outed sexual predators in Hollywood come to mind. When did you first get a cellphone? For Christmas my freshman year of high school. And fun fact: a month prior, I gave my parents a presentation as to why I should have one. I had notecards and everything. And clearly it worked! I wish I could put that on a resume... Do you have your own laptop computer? A chromebook, but I barely use it. Do you drive your own car, or your parents? I don’t drive Say something inappropriate? No thanks!
What were you doing before you started taking this survey? I just had my lunch “break.” I use the term loosely because not a whole lot of work is getting done today. So it was a break from a break. Describe the best summer you ever had? I could more easily describe the WORST summer I’ve ever had. I guess my favorite summer was the one right before I left for college. I had the tightest group of friends and we partied every night. It was just your typical care-free teenage dream. Do you eat any meat other than turkey on Thanksgiving? I don’t eat meat any day of the year! Did you attend a pre-school? I did, and I went a year earlier than usual because my mom was the teacher. So, free childcare. Go mom! Do you remember what it was like to learn to count to 100? Not even slightly What is something you lost in the process of growing up? My ability to drink liquor straight Do you wear any wristbands? If so, what’s on them? Nope What was the last picture you were in? I took several selfies with me and the girl I nanny the other day Did you have required reading material in high-school? Of course. Most of it I really enjoyed and would’ve read for leisure anyways. Do you keep your room organized? Yep. I’m a pretty neat person. Do you vacuum daily? No, but weekly.
How many board games do you own? I have one card game in my apartment now but no board games, sadly! Own any books? No. Not a single one. I don’t know how to read. I don’t even know what a book IS??? Recently checked any books out from the library? I just borrowed an e-book from a virtual library so does that count? Does your cat give you kitty kisses? I don’t have a cat but I wish I did! What’s in your make-up bag? I have several. And I have no idea why they’re separated the way they are. All my makeup is just tossed together
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Save Disney Channel!
From 1983 to 1997 as a premium channel, Disney Channel has aimed towards family-oriented programming with a balance of animation and live-action programs, as well as movies too.
Things change in 1996. When Anne Sweeney became president of the Disney Channel, things changed.
In April 1997, Disney Channel rebranded and transitioned into a basic cable network. Disney Channel ratings increased between 2000 and 2002 thanks to the success of shows like Lizzie McGuire and Even Stevens, launching careers for their respective lead actors. Hilary Duff and Shia Labeouf. On the other hand, the network premiered their first two original animated series’, The Proud Family and Kim Possible.
In September 2002, Disney Channel introduced a new on air logo that many 90s to early 2000s children remember. Zoog and Vault Disney were removed and replaced with more reruns of their original programming.
Despite that, the network kept a fair balance between their live-action and animated content. This also marked the start of their current Wand ID bumpers.
But what sparked the Disney Channel’s first success in years?
- That’s So Raven: Raven Symoné (and her music career), the show’s high ratings, the first to break the channel’s 65 episode rule, and most of all, sitcoms from It’s a Laugh Productions.
- The Cheetah Girls: paving the way for other music-themed original programming
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody: The first sitcom under the It’s a Laugh banner.
- Hannah Montana: The show that became the network’s first "successful" franchise launching merchandise from the show and launching Miley Cyrus’ musical career.
2006 didn’t mean that Hannah Montana was successful, this fact doesn’t strive away from the downfall the network will face.
Anne Sweeney became president of the Disney-ABC TV group two years prior Hanna Montana’s premiere, stating that she’ll remake the network to "the major profit driver in the company”.
Dropping all their acquired program in favor for more original programming, and airing less animation, this would go on for more than a decade. Cross promoting actors with singing careers, and even flashy on screen graphics that shy away from what the network used to be.
There are still successful animated series on the channel such as Phineas and Ferb, and Fish Hooks. But that’s not enough to compare to many other shows they put on air such as Wizards of Waverly Place, The Suite Life on Deck, Sonny With a Chance, Good Luck Charlie, Shake it Up, A.N.T. Farm, Jessie, and Austin & Ally. All of these shows have at least one actor/actress that has a music career.
Throughout the next couple years within the 2010s, Disney Channel is now a shell of it’s former self.
In 2012 and 2013 respectively, Disney Channel aired Gravity Falls and Wander Over Yonder, which proved to be very successful animated cartoons. Yet again, aired less and ignored compared to their sitcom “hits”, along with Liv and Maddie and Dog with a Blog added to their lineups.
In 2014, Disney Channel shifted their animated shows to their premium sister network, Disney XD. People could still watch them under the “Disney XD on Disney Channel” night time block. But that didn’t save the network from low viewership. Along with a new logo and rebranding, the downfall only got worse.
2016 brought a small return of animated program with Elena of Avalor, the first original series since Wander Over Yonder’s tenure on the channel. Also, Stuck in the Middle made it’s debut marking the first single camera comedy since “Jonas/Jonas L.A.” Well, only one new sitcom premiered and that’s Bizaardvark.
Now in March 2017, Disney Channel rebranded their on-air bumpers yet again. They had an animation block that lasted for 2 months but still their live action content and original movies overshadow their animated show. Premiering that year was Andi Mack, a single camera drama from the creator of Lizzie McGuire, and Raven’s Home, another spinoff of That’s So Raven after Cory in the House in 2007. Animated series such as Tangled: the Series, the acquired Canadian series, Hotel Transylvania: The Series, aired on the channel.
Late into 2017, a new mobile streaming app called Disney NOW was introduced. The app has contributed to success of Disney’s on-air and programming content. DisneyNOW will probably lead to another factor, declining on-air TV ratings since consumers with cable providers are able to watch any show on the app whenever and wherever.
Going into 2018, all their former programming was removed from the network and now only 6 shows now shine on the network. Reruns of Bunk’d and Stuck in the Middle, Raven’s Home, Bizaardvark, Andi Mack, and the new Coop and Cami Ask the World. All of these shows get heavily re-run on the channel.
Also in that year, they announced many of Disney XD’s animated series are moving to Disney Channel.
Big Hero 6: The Series premiered in the Summer of 2018 but it only gets aired twice a week. Tangled the Series for Season 2 now goes under the name, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, but it also gets less air time. That means, not even a single rerun of an episode after it first aired on TV.
The only time you could see animated content on Disney Channel is weekdays from 2-3:30 PM with Ducktales, Big City Greens, and Gravity Falls reruns.
This wouldn’t help since the channel’s current target audience is at school. The worst thing for weekends is that they air their animated content only from 6 AM to 9 AM. For example, reruns of Milo Murphy’s Law returneda airing at 7 AM, in order to pave the way for it’s crossover with Phineas and Ferb in January 2019. But it’s still considered graveyard hours since some viewers don’t even get an opportunity to watch it, same goes for airings of Phineas and Ferb, Ducktales, Big City Greens, and Gravity Falls.
In addition to a decline in ratings (even their successful live-action content couldn’t get 1 or 2 million liked they used to), Disney Channel completely went downhill for overshadowing their live action content, less air time for animation even in graveyard hours, and becoming a channel for teenyboppers (mainly pre-teen to teen females) showing stuff about music, fashion, and sponsors for girl-related products, Disney Channel isn’t the image not even the late Walt Disney would imagine.
Even for the Walt Disney Company being a huge entertainment empire with their movies, theme parks, and merchandising, they honestly don’t give any light on the Disney Channel since they are part of a television division they get ignored by.
The Disney Channel as we know became a generic, flamboyant, influenced-by-trendy, but most of all, the dissatisfied channel on Earth. Not even close to why Disneyland and Walt Disney World are huge successes.
That’s why I created this petition (and a friend of mine is starting a subreddit that I am contributing too). We want you to save Disney Channel and bring it back to it’s former glory. To bring a better balance of variety between their live-action and animated programming, but more importantly, promote more and give more air time to it’s original cartoons. Very soon, we hope that the channel could treat upcoming content like new episodes of Star vs the Forces of Evil, and new shows such as Amphibia, The Owl House, and 101 Dalmatian Street.
Bring back reruns of old shows and air more of Disney's great animated series.
We like to bring together a community of people from all kinds of fandoms and fanbases and restructure the channel that Disney fans in general want.
Our mission: Save Disney Channel.
Once we reaches ten thousand supporters, our group, SaveDisneyChannel will give them the opportunity to contact management at Disney-ABC Television Group about approving what we call, the "Revive Mickey Mouse Channel" (RMMC) plan in form of phone calls or emails. “Mickey Mouse Channel” refers to period where Mickey Mouse was the mascot of Disney Channel from 1983 launch up until it’s removal in 2006, as SaveDisneyChannel wanted them to become mascot again. Once it's approved by executives, it will spark a huge restructuring effort on Disney Channels Worldwide (Disney Channel’s parent company), simpler to Walt Disney Animation Studios being restructured after Disney acquired Pixar back in 2006. See, you can write many opinions that Disney Channel fans wanted in general. We will pick up wishes you want to restructure the channel and write it into opinions!
Let's save Disney Channel!
Brought to you by @rwinger24 and @ericvonschweetz
@cid331 @lil-area-sfw @jess-the-vampire @skjccla
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