#i was yapping abt this on twitter a lot lol
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aipurjopa · 4 months ago
warlock patron deity pipeline or something like that
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fushitoru · 3 months ago
rules + about me!
about me . . .
i'm a nineteen year old, and right now, i started this blog as a hobby to spend during my gap year.
next year, i'll be double majoring in math and computer science.
english is my second language. i can speak english, hindi, and spanish (but i don't speak the last two that well).
i live in america, but i was born and raised in india. i'm in the IST time zone right now.
as of right now, i only write for jjk.
my favorite anime is definitely jjk, but i mainly watch shoujo and sometimes shounen that i deem worthy of watching. for example, i've watched/watching aot and haikyuu.
i'm currently watching a lot of things, but i'm trying to get my way through haikyuu and heaven's official blessing.
some ground rules . . .
i block all unnecessary hate and performative type asks in my inbox on sight. don't try to get a rise out of me because you're not going to get a reaction. i'm also a stan twitter veteran (on armytwt LMAOAO) so you're not going to faze me. however, if you genuinely have an issue with something i've said, feel free to send me an ask. just be respectful.
i don't speak on discourse. my blog is a place to talk about writing and jjk, so i don't want to clog it with unnecessary things like that. please don't ask for my opinion on anything. if i ever do post something, i usually delete it in like an hour, lol.
i yap a lot about ideas i want to write someday. do not steal any one of my ideas. those are mine that i will be turning into a fic.
please ask for my permission whenever using my work for ai chat bots/anything ai.
i don’t age up characters in my writing. I don’t write dark content like pedophilia, yandere, noncon, incest, stepcest etc. i also don't write for mahito. i also don't write tragic endings or cheating fics. however, if you're someone who harasses authors for writing dark content, it tells me you're here to not to consume media and to move on by blocking, but to stir drama. it would be better for you to just block me, i don't really want to interact with you or have you on my page.
please put your age in your bio and don't be a blank blog.
please don't spam like (5-6 likes at a time) WITHOUT also spam reblogging. if you rb and like, i have no problem bc rb-ing will help me avoid getting shadow banned.
plagarism is not allowed. reposts are not allowed. ask for permission if you’re looking to translate any of my works. i'm only on ao3 (user fushit0ru) and tumblr.
please don't ask me to be mutuals. if you're a writer or someone who interacts with me fairly often, i'll probably follow you back. i prefer to do it naturally.
please don’t vent abt srs topics. im a teenager (19) i do not have the emotional maturity to give good advice my frontal lobe hasn’t even fully developed yet 😭 you are more than welcome to vent about non serious topics (i.e. friend drama, dating drama, school, work, procrastination, bed rotting, etc) where you’re looking for empathy and not for advice tho!
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remuswriting · 15 days ago
i love how u portray oikawa in ur writing!! i like all of the characters and how u write them even the ones who i didnt originally like and swore off reading (tsukishima… u wrote an unrequited love fic abt him and that one STILL hurts me 💔 i think its called cruel ?) also I LOVE HARUHI!! shes a real one i love her character so much!! and 16 years is so cool!! even if u dont like ur old writing its cool seeing how like passionate and how long youve loved writing. anyways to answer ur questions!!
1. i honestly dont have any recommendations 💔 like im trying to think and am js BLANKING i read a lot of smaus tho bc my attention span SUCKS and theres one that i can rmbr its a gn!skater reader x kuroo its by @19calicos but sadly it is discontinued 💔
2. i dont write 👎👎 not creatively at least im good at argumentative writing and before getting ready to go into psychology i wanted to be a lawyer lol
3. both 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i switch sometimes like if im js sitting down then ill watch sub for most shows but if im like doing stuff and only half paying attention then ill watch the dub bc only languages ik are english and spanish 👎👎 theres a few that i watch only in dub tho like saiki k, ohshc, death note. i used to only watch dub when i first started watching anime and then later it was mostly sub
ok my questions for you!!
1. ur favorite fic (one uve written or another persons if u have one!! or both!!)
2. favorite season
3. dream vacation bc why not 🙏🏽
4. do u speak anything other than english? and if not then like a language u wish u spoke
5. favorite music artist or genre
also NEVER apologize for yapping its my favorite hobby i love yapping and ppl who yap 🙂‍↕️
Thank you so much. Also the fact you know which fic it is is sooo wild to me. I had fun writing that one since I like writing angst.
I love social media aus so much. I read so many of them on Twitter, which those are like on another level. None of them are for Haikyuu, though. There was one I read recently that took like 16 hours to read since it had 220k words of written parts. I could never accomplish that.
Being good at argumentative writing is important! I'm going back to college in the fall, and I'm genuinely not prepared for those kinds of essays. I can do a basic essay and a research paper, but anything more is a struggle. Also, both of those professions are impressive.
I am primarily a dub watcher, but there are some that I fully believe that sub is better. Haikyuu depends. I do think the first two seasons are great for the dub, but I will never watch s3 and s4 in dub. The characterization and narrative is just better in sub.
Alright, get ready for this long essay.
1. So I will be sharing multiple fics here. Miya Atsumu and the Chronic Lovesick Disease is my favorite Haikyuu reader fic. I just could not stop reading it, and it made me love Atsumu more. One of my fav male reader fics ever is Soothe Your Scars, which is an Obey Me fic. An honorable mention is Evanescent, an incomplete smau. Make sure to read the tags on that one, though.
Now, for my fics. My favorite Haikyuu fic I've written is Hold Me Tight, which is an oc fic and not complete. It's actually one of my harder fics to write because of how much goes on in the actual story and behind the scenes. I will also include Changes, the AU of HMT. It was so fun to write. I know that people aren't always big fans on original character fics, but I'm so thankful that there have been people who have been supportive. It's made it all better.
For my reader fics, though, I will have to say First Words. That fic was the beginning of me looking into worldbuilding in fics (the relationship between soulmates and Hanahaki), which is now one of my favorite things to do. I will say there are so many things I would change if I were to write it now, but for back then, it was so big for me. Also, lots of fond memories of writing it.
2. I love fall! The aesthetic is my favorite. Or season four if you mean that?
3. I am someone who just does not go on vacation. I rarely leave my house. But maybe Argentina.
4. Currently, I only speak English, but I've been learning Spanish. I've been learning it on Duolingo, which really isn't the best way to learn it speaking/listening wise. None of it is authentic, but it's a really great way to learn the basics you need when going to learn it in that culture. (This is from someone who studies linguistics and plans to teach ESL.)
5. Okay, so I've been into Kpop for a year now, but in general, I like indie, pop, and acoustic the most. I like songs that I can lay in bed and cry to if they're in English. Kpop is more like One Direction vibes (I love One Direction so much). My current favorite artists are Tomorrow x Together, Enhypen, and Baekhyun.
I think you divide 20 questions into 10 questions each. So, I only have two left. Hopefully, they are good questions.
1. Do you have any ships in Haikyuu?
2. What are your favorite tropes/tags?
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sapphireboy07 · 22 days ago
hm. when will i have that conversation w myself that i resisted a lot of "fitness" growing up bec i associated it with masculinity and men and that still is a root of a lot of my body dysmorphia/gender dysphoria today,,,, and i only dealt w it by finding sanctuary in women fitness influencers and femininity as a concept in 2020 -- largely in part bec i only rly got into exercise and working out bec of a female friend during lockdown covid testing volunteer era. i deal with a lot of my issues as a person in society by exercising femininity, its just a safe space and a place of power i found in my gender identity. but then i run into issues regarding my place as a gay man in gay society bec of the standards that exist here that i Technically also subscribe to myself -- i admit to it, my taste in men are conventionally attractive men. or at least the men i find myself ~sexually~ attracted to. and then its a struggle bec i Know what other kinds of men those kinds of men are attracted to, and it's not me -- or it's not yet(?) me. so i resent it, bec i go to the gym and like work out and get healthy for me -- but at the back of my mind is it really for me? or do i secretly maybe want the validation of the kind of men i want? also is it all an illusion -- my idea of the kind of men i want?
basically it's all just a cycle of resentment internally and with (the gay men in) society. this is also perhaps largely a consequence of the patriarchal society we live in but this is a random crash out rant that i have decided to type out for once in medium-short form on tumblr dot com (instead of twitter). im not abt to conduct a deep critical analysis. besides, id only feel guilty for yapping without doing a proper literature review lol.
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miracleqmusical · 1 year ago
weeks pass by like days now
theres only 4 days till christmas, how?? i swear yesterday was 12/1. time goes by extremely fast as well when i dont have school. and now that i dont have school i just .. idk. i dont feel real at times, too. being separated from the world and isolated in a house with a ten year old (😭) surely isnt what id like to be spending my time doing. i love talking to my online friends! however.. they get most active past 12am.. like fnaf.. lol
i love staying up late talking to them but i hate the consequences that follow. im tired all day and i risk getting caught! if i get caught being up late especially talking to online friends ohhh my ass is grass.
i uh
i think they are getting like tired of me tho, maybe they are just changing, like friendships do. but i dont want them to change, i dont want us to change. i dont handle loss very well so change always makes me feel its gonna turn into a loss
im nervous
i try to talk to people as much as i can but no response , is it me or the other person ⁉️ i need to make more friends. but at the same time i dont think i could ever build the same bond or relationship (/p) with anyone else the same way i have with my other friends. they hold a special place in my heart. but idk if i have that place in theirs 😰😰
it’ll pass
tomorrow is friday. the next day is saturday. i get to see my cousin! and maybe get stoned . dont ask :3
my dog is supposed to have puppies anytime now. shes been having contractions all day and its stressin me out. i wish she’d just hurry and pop these pups out already. december 22nd sounds like a pretty birthday
i blocked him on twitter today. and now imessage. i dont really have a reason.. i just dont wanna talk to him. at all. ive lost the love i thought i had for him. he wasnt a bad boyfriend i guess but he was a bad friend. well maybe its the other way around… or maybe hes just bad all around. he wasnt the one and i knew it from the start
theres only one guy ive been certain about but i gave up on him a while ago. i also recently thought i liked a friend of mine.. but i think its better if we stay friends :’| love is hard. i dont know how to wait and let it come naturally. well. maybe i do wait.. at least i have been for the past week. but past relationships ive been in felt so rushed!! i dont think i’ll ever be able to love again if i keep loving and loving then getting my heart broke
ive started liking a kids movie franchise. trolls. is that embarrassing? should i be embarrassed? ashamed? im not rlly.. but i feel like if i express it to certain people i’ll get bullied LOL
ive been asking for music recommendations far and wide bc i feel like when someone asks me for recommendations i have nothing to offer. i get a lot of my favorites from tiktok. well.. actually.. most of them are from my friends! i absolutely love listening to the music they give me and thinking abt them the whole time. my friends are how i found laufey, tyler, lord huron, lil peep, and some others. music is probably my favorite thing. ever.
well i think im done yapping. for now. goodbye
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