#i was summoned for yuri duty one day and i never left
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unusualshrimp · 1 year ago
me in 2017: almost unable to enjoy romance media if it doesn't have gay cis men in it
me now: almost unable to enjoy romance media if it doesn't have lesbians in it
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shinebrite97 · 4 years ago
Part 8
Read part 7 here
          Yuri had overslept. Massively.                By the time she stumbled down the stairs to the main floor and into the dining room, still adjusting the last top button on her uniform jacket, only Levi and Belphegor remained.                "You're lucky Lucifer left already," Levi said. "He was steaming mad when you didn't come down to breakfast."               "Why didn't you come to my room if you couldn't sleep?” Belphie asked. Yuri yawned, rolling her eyes as she picked up a roll from the table.               “It’s fine,” She said. “I have to go.”               She made the trip alone, something so rare that it took her half the walk to realize. By the time she took the last bite of bread, she slowed her stride, taking in the sounds of the pitch black morning and the slightly humid air, all the way up the incline that led right to the gates of RAD.                An eternity of demon college is somehow better than the next fifty years in the workforce…
             She could see the tower of the north wing in the distance, picking up the pace as other demons walked around her. They mostly ignored her now, fully used to the presence of the exchange students, not to mention the scent of the seven powerful demons that lingered on her soul.                Several demons, some in humanoid forms, others nothing more than black shapes clothed in the gray and red, walked into the building, while others hung around in the courtyard. It was a scene Yuri had witnessed in her own school days and then in anime as an adult.               Thinking of anime instantly brought Levi to the front of her mind, and thinking of Levi caused her to smile. She felt bad now about being snappy as she left the house, and decided to apologize later...after her apology to Lucifer.                But first there was a far more pressing appointment.
                                             - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                She knew exactly which turns to make, and which stairs to run up to get to the council room. And when she skidded to a halt outside the doors, she heard a causal argument happening inside.                 "Lucifer, I promise you. Yuri is just fine."                "Then why won't you tell me what is going on?"                 "I would need her permission first."                "Permission? From a human?" Lucifer huffed. "Have you forgotten your place, milord?"                “Of course not.” Diavolo replied in a low voice. Yuri knocked on the door, three loud hard knocks that stung her knuckles before she opened the door.                “Yuri…” Lucifer said.                “Sorry I'm late,” She said. “You wanted to see me, Lord Diavolo?”                “Yuri…” he smiled. The welcoming expression was fleeting though, as the smile fell and he turned to face Lucifer again. “I need to speak with you privately.”               “Of course.” She replied.               “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?”                Lucifer’s voice was as sharp as the crack of a whip. Yuri stiffened where she stood, shrinking back at his ferocious roar, an action that did not go unnoticed by Diavolo who took a few steps toward her, standing in front of her as he glared at Lucifer.               “Have some decorum, Lucifer!” He snapped. “There is no need to take your frustration out on her.”               “I’ve tried to give you both the benefit of the doubt, Milord...I told Yuri she had a week to settle matters before I expected an explanation, but my patience is running thin. What could be so bad that you feel the need to hide it from me while I am in front of you?”               Talk about FOMO… Yuri tried to hide the smile from that thought in her head and turned her attention to Diavolo.               “Yuri,” Diavolo finally said. “I asked you to come here because I received a call yesterday afternoon from the RAD newspaper. They would like to do an editorial about my upcoming coronation, and they’d like to interview us together.”               “I see.” She replied.                “Why does the RAD newspaper want to interview Yuri?” Lucifer asked. “How are you involved with my charge, Milord?”                “Sir...we should just tell him.” Yuri said.                “I agree. It’s far too late to stay a secret.”               “This had better be good.”  Lucifer crossed his arms, eyes narrowed stoically as he waited.               "Yuri and I are romantically involved."                Lucifer's stance fell. His jaw dropped so quickly his chin could have hit the floor, and his eyes widened.                "We recently made things official." She added.                "We will be married at my coronation ceremony."               Everything happened so quickly, it almost seemed like nothing happened. When Yuri brought her eyes up to face Lucifer, she realized he'd shifted into his demon form. In a heartbeat, he'd rushed them. The smell of black coffee and cologne wafting through the air as Diavolo was whisked from her side.                "STOP!" She screamed.                In another instant, Lucifer was thrown across the room, landing hard against a desk with a resounding crash.  He stood up, lips a tense line as he brushed off the shoulders of his cloak.                “Is this true?” he asked. The silence resonated, no one uttering a sound until Lucifer’s sharp eyes landed fully on Yuri. She nodded nervously.                “Yes,” She said. “We’ve been dating.”                “For how long?”               “A few days ago,” Diavolo said. “The night I kept Yuri at the castle, I was educating her on my lineage.”               “Does anybody else know?”                “Only Barbatos.” Diavolo replied.               “I suppose that’s to be expected.” He crossed his arms, bringing his attention back to Yuri who stood frozen by Diavolo’s side. “And you are fully consenting to this, Yuri?” He asked.               “Of course!” She said quickly.               “I suppose I don’t have any reason to disagree then,” Lucifer said. “But, milord...wasn’t it you who said that the taboo of interspecies relations still held?”                “Yes.” He said. “But I planned on addressing that during the interview.”               “And what time will that be held?” Yuri asked.                “Yes, what time?” Lucifer asked.                “This afternoon, I’ve arranged it to fit in with the break so we can be seated, made up, and answer the questions in time for the last class of the day.”                “You know,” Yuri said. “Yesterday in summoning, the students were saying that you had a side piece. I wonder what their reactions will be when they find out it’s me.”                “A side piece?” Diavolo asked.                “Oh, like… a girl who was only with you for the money…” Yuri explained.               “I see…” Diavolo replied. She watched as his smile fell, his eyes lowered and his frame dissolved. “Yuri….that’s not how you…..feel, is it?”                “What?” She gasped. “No! Not at all! I…"               “It's alright, Yuri," he said. "I believe you." Yuri noticed that while Diavolo flashed his big smile at her, he didn't sound certain.                 Is he...self-conscious?                She couldn't say another word before Lucifer placed a gloved hand on her back. He was firm, probably angry, but being reasonable in the face of his elder.               “Shall I escort Yuri for her first class?” Lucifer asked, stiffly shifting back into his respectable humanoid form.               “Is that alright, sir?” She asked, looking up to meet Diavolo’s eyes. His face softened, eyes crinkling as his smile grew, his cheeks coloring at the tips and she returned the emotion. He nodded.               "I will see you at lunch." He said.                “Come Yuri."               The walk was awkward and silent. Lucifer’s prominent footsteps echoed through the hallway as he breezed past the trophy cases, old secret passageways, and the ancient weapons that now served as mere decoration.                "I am surprised." He said. "Of all the paths your life could have taken, Yuri… of all the people you could give yourself to, you have chosen the crowned prince of the Devildom."               "Funny how things work out." She replied.               "So do you love him?" Lucifer barely slowed down whereas Yuri froze where she stood, foot slowly returning to the side of the other. Lucifer turned on his heel to face her, arms crossed and eyes cynically narrowed.               "I trust you would never do anything to harm him or attempt to undermine his authority, correct?"                "Of course not!" She replied.                "So what is this dynamic anyway?" He asked. "What made you agree to court Lord Diavolo?"                Yuri bit her lip. A million reasons filed through her head like a rolodex. He's a friend. He's the prince. He's the boss. It sounds fun. He's handsome. It's a challenge.               "As Lord Diavolo explained it to me, in order to take the throne he needs the training, the approval of the leaders and the previous king, and a partner who can ensure an heir."               "An he               "And he asked you--" his angry expression cracked, those black eyes widening and his scowl loosening into something almost scandalized. "Yuri! You agreed to…."               "Yes, Lucifer," She said. "At the time, I'll admit I didn't think about that part at all. He'd taken me to that really nice restaurant and his exact words were 'I need you to marry me.' He waited for me to make a choice, and I guess I still didn't think about...the whole thing...even then, but…I don't know, I guess...I want to help him?"               "It is still a bit unbelievable to me." He said. "A human girl…"               "That has pacts with seven very powerful demons," she added. "A human girl that survived how many different times?"                "Yuri…"               "Besides, I can't lie," she smirked and looked away. "I've always had a thing for an older partner."           ��     Lucifer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking up to the ceiling, slowly rolling his neck before fixing her with an unreadable gaze.               "I would say don't mention this to my brothers, but they'll see it in the newspaper tomorrow." He straightened his uniform as he turned on his heel, ready to continue the walk to her classroom.               "I will work alongside Barbatos to see if there are any loopholes to this marriage predicament. Go along for now, we will inform the others privately that it is a farce, and that should minimize the dramatics. We will see what we can do."               "Lucifer?" She asked.               "Never mind it, Yuri." He said. "I am simply looking out for you as is my duty as your ambassador." 
                                             - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
              Yuri wasn’t sure when she zoned out, or when the lecture had ended. But the persistent poking on her back finally caused her to snap to attention.               “There you are~” Asmodeus said. “As I was saying…” Yuri tried to pay attention, but between her lack of sleep, and the confrontation with Lucifer earlier, and now his tampering into a carefully constructed plan, she felt hopeless.                “Yuri?” Asmodeus asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face.               “I’m sorry Asmo,” She said. “I didn’t sleep well last night. Kind of feeling a bit overwhelmed today.”                “Oh Yuri~” He sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He reached over, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.” “During our break, let's go down to the salon, we’ll get you a nice relaxing facial and get you feeling like your pretty little self again, okay?”               “Sorry,” She said. “I can’t today. I'm supposed to meet Lord Diavolo.”               “Lord Diavolo?” She asked. “Why?”                “I don’t know.” She lied.                “He’s been stealing a lot of your attention lately,” He whined. “There’s really not enough of you to go around…”                “How about tonight?” She said. “Once school’s done for the day. I could use something nice.”               “There’s hope for you yet.” He winked, poking her nose with a grin. “See you later then,” He said. “Don’t forget!”               Yuri stood up, going through the motions just like the demons around her, all rising and moving on to the next class.                She plopped herself down next to Solomon, noticing that he’d taken off his cloak and rolled up his sleeves.                She remembered how warm it was on her walk in the morning, and took the time to admire the markings on his arms, black like ink crawling up his forearm, no doubt snaking up his biceps as well. Pact markings from 72 demons.                She wondered where Asmo’s was.                “...Yuri?”                She shook herself out of her reverie in time to catch Solomon discreetly waving a hand in front of her face.                “Huh?”                “Satan wasn’t kidding.” He muttered. “Something has you very preoccupied.”               “It’s been a strange few days.” She said.                “Well, strange certainly is a word for the Devildom.”               “Ha, yeah…” She brought her attention back to the notebook in front of her. Her small handwriting filled a quarter of the page with detailed notes in latin, and with one glance over at Solomon’s notebook, she knew she was falling behind.               Not very becoming of the future queen...
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years ago
The Birthday Party (SC Titanic, Zetta x Adele Series, Ch. 10/1)
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Due to technical issues, Chapter 10 is out today: apologies for the delay! Part 2 featuring the James confrontation will be out later today as planned so stay tuned!
Little disclaimer-favor: if you do enjoy it, please consider supporting the author & sharing this. A little gesture that means a lot!
Word Count: 3000+
Zetta x Adele Tag: @storyscaped @storyscapefanficarchive@marmolady @animus-and-anima  @hayley-carter19 @escako@everlastingchoices @andrxrneda @aestheticsayeed@indescribablechoices @ahrielstuff @bornonawdnsday @nazario-sayeed  @h-doodles @adele-serda @marlcasters@brightpinkpeppercorn @nightwhite13 @ramenwithaspoon@michelleconnoly @charliejane-blog @ghost-of-yuri@choicesgremlin @shadeofangelus @mistressofspiesxenia@orange-elephants​
Zetta x Adele Series Tag: @eternal-langdon @nydeiri
➡️ Ch. 1, Ch. 2/1, Ch. 2/2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8/1, Ch. 8/2, Ch. 9
"I'm positive you'll be quite pleased with the venue, Madam" Sabine smiles, her eyes gleaming as she guides me through the hallways. I can tell she's beaming and thrilled for tonight: knowing her, adrenaline is pumping through her veins and she won't rest until the party is officially over and she touches her pillow. But she looks genuinely anxious of showing me the results of her hard work. Well, her and Adele's. She must be proud of it: she's literally floating by my side. "I'm sure I will, ma chere Sabine" I agree, mirroring her smile. "You never disappointed me once, I doubt you'll start tonight" Her whole face brightened up with pride, even if she tries to hide it to preserve her professional demeanour. But I know her well enough and I wouldn't have shared my praise if that wasn't the effect I had in mind. When we finally reach our destination, my little Napoleon stops in front of the closed doors of the cafe and looks back at me. "Allons-y, Madam?" she lilts in French, her head high. In response, to channel my Zetta role I close my eyes and dramatically offer her a hand. "Lead the way, Sabine"
I can't see her but I know my flair for drama amused her. She probably shook her head before taking my hand and opening the doors. As she gently guides me inside, my heart starts racing in my chest and I smile to myself at my childish excitement. I better cherish it: I am somehow thrilled for my party even if I know it won't have a happy ending...Jamie dear certainly has something in store for me and I'm not sure it's anything good or even remotely pleasant, knowing his wicked plan. I cannot know if he'll succeed in ruining me, his only family in this world, and my reputation, my engagement to Richard; if he won't, he'll try his best to ruin my little happy soirée. That I know for sure. I summon every ounce of hopeful strength inside me and cast those thoughts aside: it's my night tonight and I wanna have a ball. No matter how hard he conspires against me. I deserve a little happiness after all the drama and heartbreak I've endured over the last few days on this Ship of Dreams, right? All I ask is just a jolly night of fun, champagne, good music and the company of my dear ones. I don't care about the others and anything else, honestly. I don't need anything else on my birthday night. Sabine's voice saves me from my own considerations and invites me to open my eyes. I oblige, barely refraining my curiosity, and when I do, the view takes my breath away. The Café Parisien is so...beautiful tonight. The breathtaking views on the ocean are framed by red velvet curtains, just like those used in theaters and cinemas, that now decorate the whole room, replacing the usual graceful ivy. A quintet is harmonising under a white trellis braided with ivy while waiters in impeccable first class uniforms are pouring champagne into flautes. They twinkle like gems at the light. The maestro rushes to hand me one, graciously wishing me a happy birthday and assuring me that they will go above and beyond to provide me and my guest a wonderful night. A night to remember, we say at the same time before he bows and resumes his duties. As he leaves, I realise that there are more wonders in store for me. "Sabine what- what are these?" I gasp, taking in the posters of my pictures and even old plays adorning the walls, surrounded by a display of painted props and what looks like postcards? I take a closer look and pick up one of them, being careful not to cause any damage. On the back someone hand-wrote "promotional picture for The Small-Town Showgirl: très chic!". I smile to myself before placing it back and picking another. I cannot believe how my little Napoleon and Adele managed to find this: an old picture of my last performance in Vienna. I turn it to find another note: "So young, so cute, so talented: go, Zetta!". I chuckle at the cheerfulness of the kind author of this comment and I feel truly touched, thankful: I don't know who they are but their words made this homage to my past even more heartwarming. It is truly a tribute to my career, to me. A testament to what I've achieved so far, to who I am. I couldn't have possibly imagined a better way to celebrate my comeback. This is an ode to my renaissance. "That was Miss Carrem's idea, Madam. She mentioned something about her cabinmate being a huge fan of yours as well as the beholder of a collection of posters and memorabilia of your career. She offered to ask her to let us use it tonight." Sabine explains, still standing where I left her, a few steps away. Another soft smile crosses my face at the mention of Adele. I should have known this was your doing, my love. So thoughtful and sweet, just like you. I shouldn't be surprised: over the last few days you've gone to great lengths to support me and to shake me from my dreamless slumber. You showed me how to be a whole again. "Is Adele's cabinmate on the guest list tonight? I'd like to thank her personally" I say, putting the old picture away and turning to face Sabine. "I'm afraid not...je souis desoleé, Madam, I didn't think of adding Mademoiselle Lena, I think that's the name" my little Napoleon winces. She looks taken aback by my question but genuinely sorry. I reassure her that it's nothing when an idea crosses my mind. "Sabine, book a table here at the Café for tomorrow night. Mademoiselle Lena will be my guest over dinner. I'd be delighted to make her acquaintance and it's the least I can do, she's been so kind and generous with me already" I suggest with a smile. My maid considers it for a minute then nods enthusiastically. It sounds like a good idea to her too. Before I can ask if at least Adele is here, the early guests walk in. I should welcome them properly: I flash a quick knowing smile to Sabine and head towards them: may no one say Zetta is a bad host, I won't allow it! Unsurprisingly, the first to kiss my hand is the Baron. Ha, I bet that old dog will be the first to arrive and the last to leave. As the quintet starts playing, he's followed by Lucille, my dear Lucille. She's dashing at the arm of her dignified athlete husband. She kisses my cheeks and comments that I look gorgeous in the outfit...she helped out picking, I remind her giggling. She looks closer to add conspirationally "gorgeous as a Sultan's favorite, my dear! You'll make heads turn". She winks and we both burst out a laughter clinging our glasses. Then it's time to welcome colleagues and wealthy admirers, fellow first class passengers and moguls. Some are friends, some are merely acquaintances that unwritten laws of society and decorum put on my guest list for the night, others are simply upper-crust sharks. As I slip into the idle chit chat the occasion requires, I check the room for any sign of Adele: where is my love I long so dearly to see again? Instead, I almost bump into James and a shiver runs through my spine at the sight of him. What a practised actor he is - better, thinks he is!- all dressed up to the nines and a smile plastered on his face. He kisses my cheeks and wishes me a happy birthday before assuring me, a disturbing playfulness in his voice, that he has something special in store for me. It takes all my acting mastery to fake a surprised reaction and not betray the pang of ache I felt as his threat in disguise left his mouth. "Always full of surprises, my darling, aren't you?" I comment, smiling but there is little warmth inside my battered heart. I take a relieved sigh when he and Matteo walks away to get drinks. Is this how we were supposed to end, Jamie? My heart rejoices though when I notice Lawrence and Felix approaching: I excuse myself with a colleague and move towards them. I greet them with my most genuine smile and pull them both into a tight hug as if they were an anchor: I can only hope it will convey how much I value their presence here, tonight. We may not be closest pals but we share a deep bond. As we linger in our embrace, I think they feel it too. We start chatting as if we've never left each other side since we left Southampton: they flatter me to no end - oh they're certainly among the most refined smooth talkers I've ever known yet, unlike many, earnest and true- and the conversation quickly turn towards the beauty of the decor and even a little humour. The Baron and a couple of other gentlemen join us: we crack jokes and laugh and I finally seem to relax after my brief conversation with my nephew. I'm sharing a silly story with Lawrence when I hear Felix saying: "Oh look, Miss Carrem is here!" I stop mid sentence and turn my head out of instinct as if her name was a siren's song I can't resist. And then I see her: my wondrous love, radiant in a gorgeous blue outfit adorned with gems, "walking in beauty" into the crowd. I can't refrain myself from calling her name as a renewed cheerfulness spreads through my veins. As she waves at me with a shy smile, I can't bear to stay away from her any longer: I hastily excuse myself and make my way toward her, drawn by that magnetic pull that always tether us to each other. I'm almost out of breath for the excitement and joy to be reunited with her when I finally stand in front of her. How hard is to refrain the instinct to hold her in my arms! "Adele! I've been looking for you!" My eyes falls on the pearls around her neck and I can distinctively feel my heart jumping out of my chest: she's wearing my token of affection. "What a lovely necklace..." My voice is as soft as my smile. And a secretive tenderness is written all over my love's face when our eyes meet again. "Thank you for my party. It's divine!" I say, struggling to hide my true feelings. "Don't thank me, thank Sabine" Adele shrugs, her gaze searching for my maid in the crowd. "Wherever she's fluttered off to..." "Sabine is a hard worker, but hard work is nothing without a bit of creative spark - remember that" I wink at her, handing a cold glass of champagne promptly offered by a zealous waiter. I observe her for a moment as she drinks and enjoy the view of her work. I could look at her all day and still find little details to fall for: the tiny dimples forming on her cheeks as she smiles, the way the light dances in her eyes... As the quintet starts playing a waltz, I ask her if she likes the music and if she knows how to waltz. There is a hint of her irresistible playfulness in the way she rises and eyebrow at me, replaying that alas, Viennese waltz isn't the most popular dance in London pubs and taverns. "Is it by chance similar to ragtime?" We burst into laughter and I forget all the unpleasantness lurking in the dark. "I'll teach you one day, if you'd like" I add, smiling softly just as the bell announces the dinner and we are separated once again. Leaving my love's side, I accidentally brush my hand against hers: please know how hard it is to part from you, Adele, even if just for a bright dinner. As I take my seat, I immediately notice that James managed to find a way to change his assigned seat and breath over Adele's neck. Luckily, Sabine and Matteo seem to share my apprehension and our gazes converge on my nephew smiling in a pretender of lovable politeness to my secretary. My little Napoleon and I exchange a resolute look and I know she will keep an eye on them while I'll be busy entertaining my guests. But first, my speech. Sabine taps lightly on her glass with a fork as I stand, rising my flaute. When all eyes are on me, I put on my brightest smile and speak: "Welcome, old friends and new. I'd like to make a little toast - now, now, Lawrence. Don't groan." "Thank you all for being here with me to celebrate my twentieth birthday!" Soft laughter rings among the tables just as expected. I shrug in an exaggerated yet mischievous show of apology. "That's a joke, of course. You'll never know how old I really am. Let's lift our glasses first to my staff, with whom this night would not be possible" I lift my glass to Sabine before laying my eyes on Adele again. My guests oblige, exchanging smiles. "They planned this in matter of days - a testament to the incredible things that can happen in such a short time" I'm glad that my love meets my eyes now because my words are for her only now. "If you're with the right person, that is" I can't betray myself now, I need to keep the Zetta act on but I think Adele noticed the hint of softness I tried to convey with my last line. It was for you, only you, my love. I turn towards the rest of the table as I continue my speech. "I'm sad my Richard can't be here, but that will only make our reunion in New York that much sweeter. I'm so happy all of you could come in his stead to celebrate this next phase of my life, my love, my work...To you!" Everyone raises their glasses and repeat my refrain. A thrill runs through me and I realises that no matter what lies ahead tonight, I'm...happy now. Just happy as I feel, I sense my renaissance starting, no blossoming inside me. I drain my champagne ecstatically and dab my eyes with a kerchief as I take my seat. The dinner is sublime: I can see my little Napoleon's touch here. Every course is a delight for the eye and an explosion of flavour. Champagne is cold and perfect, a divine nectar, and our glasses are never empty for long. I cheer with pleasure every now and then at a new exquisite delight and I ask the zealous waiters to bring my compliment to the chef more than once. Hope that fella will have such a big head tonight after all the effort and expertise he showed here! I try to check on James and Adele whenever I can but my guests are relentless when it comes to chase my attention. They keep sharing awe and singing the praises for the night as well as asking of Richard, if I've heard from him, how things are in New York and how the new picture is getting along. I bet some are covertly fishing for complementary tickets. Others just want to hear stories from the shiny world of cinema. The usual. But I'm happy to oblige tonight. When the dessert is over and the men start searching their coat pockets for cigars, a group of women gather around me. Champagne made us all a bit more daring and social than usual. A bit tipsy too, yes. I chat a little with them before moving to another group of ladies and then another. I hold court, merry and bright as I'll ever be, and steal furtive glances to my love. My beautiful Adele. I'm distracted by a few ladies asking me about my latest trip to Paris. Everyone loves ever eternal Paris... I can't blame them honestly. Walking down the river, the views of Notre Dame and Montmartre: oh, what a dream is Paris! I'm telling them about the artists painting in the streets when I notice another dream, my Adele, approaching. The French capital suddenly vanishes away in my mind as well as my little adoring audience. I stop mid-sentence, for the second time this evening and stand to meet her. Too tipsy to care about what others might think or if they would ever notice, I wrap her fully in an embrace, inhaling her scent. "It really is a wonderful party, isn't it?" I cheer, beaming at her as we part. "And you're the shining star of it all" Adele's soft smile washes over me and I curse our unfortunate fate. If only I could kiss her right here, right now... "I couldn't have done it without you" I say instead. "In fact...I've been singing your praises all night" A foolish idea hits me like a thunder and I gape to myself before taking her hands into mine. "I insist you meet all my interesting friends and foolish acquaintances!" Adele looks taken aback so before she can react,  I wrap my arm with her own and guide her around the room. I get the attention of a group of socialites mingling with a rather popular colleague and introduce her. "This is Adele Carrem, of London" I say, my head high, announcing her like royalty. She deserves it: after all, isn't she the Queen of my heart? We stand like equals here, tonight...since we met, actually. Or at least since I got to know the brave radical standing here at my side. I'm glad to see that everyone treats her with the highest respect: if she's at my arm, she must belong here, they certainly think. I smile approvingly when my young colleague even kiss her hand as he would have done with the wealthiest passengers on board. A couple of directors back from the smoking room join us and the chat gets lively as I discretely play with my hand on the small of her back. One of my guest, Annette, a gracious colleague and friend accidentally met on board asks her about London and our first encounter. I look at my love, unsure of how she would answer to that, how we should answer to that and I see her hesitate a little. My breath catches in my throat even if I try to conceal it but I soon relaxed seeing Adele shrugging nonchalantly, a smile on her lips. "Well, that's a long story..." "The likes of which the world has hardly seen" I complete her sentence with a smirk, amusing our audience with my witty Zetta humour. "Oh, is that how you want to play it?" Adele giggles, making a scene to raise an eyebrow at me. "Why, how do you want to play it? It's true!" I shrug, eliciting new soft laughter. My love playfully dismisses me and turns to my guests. "She's just mad I crushed her at the shuffleboard courts the other day" I let out a hearty laughter. God, it's so easy to fall into an easy rhythm with her, without trying or forcing it. It comes natural, like breathing...as if we were meant to be. "To be precise you didn't crush me. It was almost a tie" "Was it?" Annette inquiry, skeptical and amused by our little show. I hesitate a little, a dramatic pause, my eyes wandering between her and Adele, then I hang my head and groan. "Oh c'mon, she has never played shuffleboard before! Do not butcher my pride!" After my words are welcomed with another round of laughter, Adele starts talking about our time on the ship as if we've known each other for years. I'm so thankful and touched: this is exactly how I feel about her. I wish I knew her earlier. There is warmth, the deep loyalty she showed with deeds not mere words in every little detail she mentions. There is also an affection the world better not see or suspect but people is generally blind to those kind of love and my little revolutionary knows how to be secretive and guarded. When we've made rounds, I need a break. I love the party but I need some fresh air and a private moment with my love. When I see a chance opening, I grab her hand and pull her out into the open air, into the night and to the far end of the deck, toward the end of a row of chairs, where it's quiet. Yes, here it should be safe. We keep silent for a moment than I exhale loudly. "I needed this" I move towards the railing, throwing my head back and breathing in the fresh air of the night. Thank God, the alcohol I had keeps me warm because it's chilly out here. Probably below zero? We must be heading North and we're in the open sea...I bet the water swaying beneath us is freezing. "The quiet?" Adele asks, retrieving a blanket from the chairs. Ah, my most considerate secretary! "Yes, and tonight in general" I consider, rambling as I rest my back on the cold railing. "This party. That food. The wine. It's perfect" "I'm so glad to hear it" Adele smiles, moving closer and wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. "And on top of it all, it's my birthday!" I squeal in a tipsy high pitched voice when she's near enough. My love giggles: yes, I'm probably quite a picture as the fine wine of our dinner is kicking in. She's so beautiful when she laughs, always and her closeness is intoxicating. "What?" I tease her, cocking my head to the side and leaning close enough that my arm touches her. A sparkle of electricity runs up my arm at that casual touch. My eyes quickly stroke her lips before meeting hers again. "Do you have a present for me?" There is no one around, only the faint echo of the quintet playing and the ocean waves. Adele leans in and I smile against her lips as our mouths meet. It's sweet and light, a tender romantic kiss underneath the stars that spread a comforting warmth through my whole body: I don't even need the blanket she's wrapping around my shoulders as she gently pulls me closer. It's been a while since I last felt anything close to this: is this what being in the arms of your love feels like? When we part, we both hesitate. The sounds of the party are distant and there are no passengers or stewards in sight. We smile at each other and kiss again, longer this time but with no hurry or hunger. I touch my hand to her cool cheek: can time stop now? Can a moment last forever? If so, God please let it be this moment when I'm dizzy and drunk of this sweet pure love so far away from land. Eventually we pull back to catch our breath. Before speaking, I take a moment to look at my love smiling softly at me. The gems on her dress twinkle in the dark and I can see the stars reflecting in her eyes. She's my star though, my Northern star casting the brightest light in the dusk of my mad existence. "I've been waiting to do that all night" I sigh contently. As Adele gently strokes my back, I continue unable, unwilling to hide my heart's feelings any longer. "If I'm honest, I don't even want to reach shore, I don't want to go back to the party...I just want to stay out here with you. Forever" My love smiles, tender and pained at the same time. Her voice is as soft as a sweet caress. "I know, I wish this moment didn't have to end" "Let's just make a tent of this blanket - we can live off seal meat and rainwater!" I suggest as the thought of a life lived side by side with her blinds me. We both laugh then Adele speaks again. "What about your acting career?" she inquires, stroking my cheek. "We'll make our own plays. Whaddya say?" I shrug, leaning to the touch. There are so many we cannot say, so many objections but also desperate wishes and dreams on her face. On mine too. I mean it when I said I want to stay here with here forever. I'm not foolish enough to think what I feel blossoming inside me is that ever consuming amour fou immortalised by poets, after what? a couple of days it's too soon to even put a label to it but it's crystal clear to me now that I don't want to part from her. I want her close, near, to warm my troubled soul at the calming yet restless fire burning inside her. Let it kindle what I hid deep inside, away from the prying of the world, and offer it to her, if she wants it too. Sadly, our time is almost over and I embrace Adele tighter when she takes my face in her hands and kiss me again. One last kiss, slow and deep, filled with all we must left unsaid. I return it in kind. When our eyes meet again, I know she felt it too. Our words were silent but we were listening.
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fontasticcrablettes · 5 years ago
Merry Christmas @whitnium! Here’s a Secret Santa gift for you, full of flystelle for your soul :)
Flynn felt like a wind-up toy worn down when he collapsed into a chair in the Aurnion inn.  Just standing long enough to pry his armour off had been exhausting.  It now lay in a heap at his feet as he slumped into the chair.
“You look beat.”  Yuri lay on one of the beds, which he had fallen onto without even taking his boots off.
“You’re one to talk.”
Yuri folded his arms and closed his eyes.  “Guess it’s been a busy day, huh?”
“A busy day….”  The busy part was indisputable, but he had trouble believing it had only been one day since they set out for Tarqaron.  In that one day, the world had changed so much.  They’d faced Duke and the Adephagos only a few hours ago, and had arrived victorious at the gates of Aurnion less than twenty minutes ago. Tomorrow, Flynn would have a meeting with Ioder and Harry to discuss all that had happened and still needed to be done, but for now, he had blessed peace.
The door to the inn opened and Raven stepped in.  Flynn instinctively straightened up in the presence of Captain Schwann.
“Hey, do either of ya know where Estelle wandered off ta?  Rita was wonderin’.”
Flynn straightened up even more.  “Lady Estellise is missing?”
“She went for a walk,” Yuri said without opening his eyes.  “She told me just after we got back that she wanted to clear her head.”
“I think I could use a clear head myself,” Raven said.  “I’ll let Rita know.”
When he was gone, Flynn said, “Do you know what direction she wandered off in?”
“Away from the gate.  Toward the river, I think.”  Yuri opened his eyes and turned his head.  “Why?  You worried about her?”
“No.”  He tried to make himself comfortable again, but couldn’t relax.  “I’m sure she’s fine.  It’s just… well, she was worn out from how much healing she’d been doing. We’re all exhausted, and I know she’s been troubled about the Adephagos and her unfortunate role in it….”
Yuri closed his eyes again.  “If you’re that worried, go find her.  And maybe kiss her while you’re at it so I don’t have to deal with your emotional constipation anymore.”
The last traces of energy he hadn’t known he had flared to life in a spike of anxiety.  “I – my what? I don’t – why would you – I don’t have a crush on Lady Estellise!”
“Uh-huh, that sounds exactly like what someone who doesn’t have a crush would say.  Just go see her and let me sleep, will you?”
Flynn dragged himself out of the chair.  “I’m going to go make sure she is alright.  It has nothing to do with… with anything else you said.”
Flynn huffed out of the inn.  It was almost midnight, and the clothes that had been under armour all day were sweaty, making him more cold than the light breeze ought to.  At least, he liked to think it was the breeze giving him goosebumps and making him anxious.
Yuri was stupid.  He was just pulling stuff out of his ass.  There was absolutely no way that… that… that Yuri could know how Flynn felt when he’d pointedly never brought it up. Maybe Yuri had just noticed how amazing Estelle was and assumed that it was only natural that Flynn had feelings for her, because Flynn found it hard to believe that everyone else who had ever met Estelle didn’t also fall in love with her.  In fact, Flynn had spent the past few months terrified of the prospect that Yuri had also developed feelings for her, and the way Yuri had carelessly sent him off reassured a lengthy fear.  
Then Flynn reached the main gate of Aurnion, and his anxiety came crashing back.  Estelle was not down by the river or even walking along the inside of the wall. She had decided to leave Aurnion all together, and was standing in the grass beyond the town with her gaze fixed on the sky.  
Then she startled and drew her sword.  A monster, low to the ground and covered in plated armour, crept through the grass toward her.  
“Estellise!”  Flynn found hidden reserved of energy accessible only by panic to sprint across the field toward her.  He was too tired to think clearly.  Any thoughts about her having fought hundreds of monsters before flew out of his mind and the fact that she had held her own in a fight against Duke only hours ago didn’t seem to matter.  He just had the sudden terror of watching her get mauled to death just when he thought all was well, and it drove him to charge forward.  
He slammed his sword into the Erdas’ side, taking it by surprise.  It hissed and jerked around, slashing at him with a clawed arm.  Flynn was so used to wearing armour that he didn’t even try to evade the slash in the half a second he had to react, and pain ripped through his left arm.  
The monster was on its last legs though.  Estelle had already injured it and his surprise attack had struck deep into his chest.  It only took one more thrust of his sword to make it collapse to the ground.
Panting, Flynn held his hand over his bloody forearm and tried to summon the aer to cast First Aid.  When nothing came, he felt like he’d missed the top step in a dark staircase.  Of course – they’d gotten rid of blastia only hours ago.  
“Flynn!”  Estelle grabbed his arm and held her own hand over it.  Light flashed and the familiar tingle of magical healing rushed through his arm.  The wound closed, though he pulled it away from her to clutch the still-aching arm to his torso.  
“Are you alright, Lady Estellise?”
She stared at him and then began to laugh.  “Me?  Of course I am!  You’re ok though, right?  I healed your arm ok?  Did you get hurt anywhere else?”
“I’m perfectly fine.  Please don’t worry about me; I came to help you. What are you doing out here, anyway? It’s dangerous to be outside the walls at night.”
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to worry you.  I just… wanted to look at the sky.”  She turned to resume gazing up at the black expanse and its thousands of twinkling stars. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Flynn watched the moonlight gleam in her dreamy eyes and couldn’t help smiling.  “Yes. It is.”
“For a while, I’ve avoided looking at the sky.  Every time I glanced up, the Adephagos was there, waiting. It’s finally gone now, though.”
Flynn finally stopped staring at her face to look up as well.  She was right; the night sky really was beautiful. He realized that he’d been avoiding looking up, too, and was relieved to see the moon uninhibited again.  “It’s such a relief that everything is over.”
She lowered her gaze.  “That’s right… it’s over, isn’t it?”
“You sound sad.”  He looked to her.  “Aren’t you glad we don’t have to worry about the Adephagos anymore?”
“Of course I am!  I am so thankful that we’ve taken care of it. It’s just... it’s… well, everything else is over too, isn’t?  Travelling with everyone, I mean.”
“Do you plan to return to the castle?” Flynn struggled to keep his voice level.  
“Well… I’m not sure.  I feel like I have to, because I have a duty to help Ioder.  It’s going to be so difficult for him with all the blastia gone. But, I also want to keep travelling with everyone.  Going on adventures with Brave Vesperia has been the happiest time of my life, even with all the horrible things that have happened.  What do you think, Flynn?”  She looked to him expectantly.
Flynn fiddled with his sore arm to give himself more time to think. He desperately wanted Estelle to return to the castle so he could see her everyday, but that was selfish. More than anything else, he wanted her to be happy. If being happy meant leaving Zaphias, he would just have to deal with that.  “I think you should do what you feel is best.  I used to think that the best place for a princess was the castle, but you’ve become so much more than the flighty girl I knew back then.”
“Hm…. Do you want me to stay?”
More than anything.  The thought of going back to live in the castle and not be able to look forward to her running down a hall to greet him with a smile and a laugh crushed him. But, this was her life and it shouldn’t be about him.  “You’re an intelligent, brave, and resourceful woman, and I wouldn’t presume to tell you how you ought to live your life.”
“O-oh….  Thank you, Flynn.  I’m so resourceful and brave that I couldn’t handle a single Erdas, though, hm?”
Flynn froze.  No, damn, he hadn’t meant to offend her!  He felt like crap and only the slight smile to indicate she was more amused than upset kept him from grovelling at her feet.  As it was, he still gushed words with little forethought.  “Please forgive me.  I didn’t mean to insult you capability.  Of course you’re able to defend yourself, Lady Estellise, I just… when I saw a monster going toward you I panicked.  I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to you, not again, I couldn’t live with myself if I failed to save you again-”
Estelle’s slight smile had turned to surprise and upset at his last sentence, and then she cut him off with a finger pressed to his lips. “Flynn….”  With her other hand, she took his gently.  “I told you I don’t blame you for what happened with Alexei, didn’t I?  It isn’t your fault.  You didn’t know what Alexei was planning.”
When she lowered her finger, Flynn struggled not to visibly cringe. “But I should have.”
She squeezed his hand tighter.  “There are things I regret not seeing sooner, too.”
“Like what?”
“Things like… like how much I care about certain people.  How important some people are to my life.  Maybe if I’d realized how I felt sooner, we’d both be in a different place by now.”
Flynn’s anxiety made him feel like he was breathing through a straw.   “W-which people…?”
She took his other hand.  “Flynn… if you have to save me today to make up for not saving me before, there’s one thing you can do that I would really appreciate.”
“What might that be?”
“Be the deciding factor in me staying in Zaphias or not.  My choice is between being with my loved ones or staying to do my duty.  But, maybe if Zaphias also had a loved one… if it had, um… a person I care deeply for who wanted me to stay… then I could make my decision.  So, I’ll ask you again.  Do you want me to stay in Zaphias?”
She met his eyes.  Her hands were trembling.  Her face was flushed with nerves.  The question was so much more than where she should live and the thought of answering it truthfully terrified him.  However, the thought of not answering truthfully, and the life-sans-Estelle he would have – physically and emotionally – the moment he told her to leave was even more dreadful.  Faced with those two prospects, there was really only one choice.
“Yes,” he whispered.  “Yes, I want you to stay… with me.”
Estelle’s nervous expression spread into a broad smile.  “Really?”
Flynn hadn’t expected needing to confirm it twice and fumbled through a, “Um, yes?”
She pushed herself to her tip-toes and kissed his cheek.  Warmth spread from her lips to his face, and then rushed down his spine in a wave of giddiness that threatened to take out his knees.  His legs felt like collapsing, so he used that as an excuse to grab Estelle and pull her against him.  From there, it was easy to reach her upturned face and kiss her lips.
Flynn had daydreamed about this for longer than he cared to admit. He’d always brushed those daydreams aside as silly, because there was no way it would ever be possible for him to kiss the princess.  Even once he was appointed acting commandant, he still assumed it was a distant dream because it still relied on her wanting to kiss him back.  Today, though, they had destroyed the Adephagos and rewritten the structure of the world.  It was already such an impossibly weird day; this might as well happen.
So, he ran his fingers through her hair and clutched her to his chest until she finally backed away.  Her arms still circled his neck, and she smiled at his expression.  He could only imagine it was some combination of baffled, overjoyed, and exhausted.
“Ok,” Estelle said.  “I’ll stay in Zaphias.  Thank you for saving me from having to make that decision.”
“Of course.”  He traced his fingers along her cheek.  “I’ll save you however many times it takes, no matter how big or how small.”
“How many times it takes for what?”
“For me to forgive myself for failing to save you the one time it really mattered.”
Estelle smiled sadly and then leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder.  “Oh, Flynn. Now I’ll have to go throwing myself into danger over and over again to try to help you find that forgiveness.”
Flynn stroked the back of her head.  “Please don’t, Estellise.  I don’t think my heart could take the stress.  And for now, I don’t think I can stay awake much longer.  Will you accompany me back to town?”
“Yes.  A bed sounds wonderful.”  She slipped her hand into his to walk back to Aurnion.
Despite his exhaustion, Flynn had a spring in his step as he joined her on the walk to the inn.  
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seasaltmemories · 6 years ago
Rating: T
Summary:  It was something out of a fairy-tale, what a noble knight would ask of a beautiful princess.  Deals between demons and scrawny redhead girls didn’t go this way.
Back when Mieru swore to the gods she would search the ends of the earth if it meant reuniting with Yuya, she hadn’t thought she’d actually have to travel the entire world.  When she first set out from their small village, her plan had been simple.  She would head in the general direction the king’s guard had escaped in, and then when faced with a fork in the road she’d call on her magic crystal to show her the right way to go.
But after a weak of trudging through the forest, such shiny, idealistic notions had begun to lose their luster.  It wass hard to feel like a brave heroine when you’re covered in twigs and bug bites--when the only way you can reliably clean the dirt from your skin is rub your smelly sweat in.  She was starting to have to ration the food she had brought, and for all as dutiful to the gods as she had been, they seemed to have  no problem with sending her wandering in circles.
With a sigh, Mieru plopped on a nearby tree-stomp.  She told herself she was only taking a break, because her Darling was expecting her, and she couldn’t let him down.  He’d love her and smother her with kisses when they found each other, no matter how tangled her red curls were.  After all, true love was stronger than any evil king or inconvenient fiancee.  
However once she tried to force her aching legs to stand again, they decided that no, turning to jelly was better than pursuing romance.
The scar on Mieru’s left hand began to ache.  She had tried to ignore it for so long, yet it’s pain was becoming sharper and sharper with each passing day.  For the first time since leaving home, she confronted the shadow that trailed behind her.
“You know you don’t look a thing like me.”  Where the afternoon sun should have produce a dark doppelganger of herself, the silhouette of something inhuman crept.  At her words though, it stood and coalesced into a young boy the spitting image of Yuya himself.
“I don’t see the reason to play pretend.  Self-delusion is far from a good look on you.”  No he wasn’t exactly like her Darling.  Her studies should had prepared her to recognize the signs.
Demons were never able to get the eyes quite right.  No matter what, they always mirrored the slits of a predator.
“I don’t see how being prettier would get me out of this mess.”  She groaned as she cupped her face in her hands.  It was better to embrace tiredness.  Acknowledging her physical weakness might mask the her true unease at his presence.  “Demon, do you have any suggestions on the course of action I must take?”
He chuckled slyly at the question.  “Like I said, playing dumb does you no favors.  You know the contract we made together.”
Technically she didn’t.  When she had called on the gods to bring Yuya back to her, no matter the cost, she hadn’t expected to find this copycat bound to her instead.   With much cursing and complaining on her part, slowly she had come to understand that her prayer might have been answered indirectly.
“I can do many things to make myself useful,”  A shadow had slithered down the curve of her calf at this suggestion.  “No heart can hide its desire from me.  I will satisfy them all.”
“Can you return my Darling back to me?  He is waiting for me to take him home, I just know it!” Mieru lied.
“If you’re willing to pay the price I name, I shall do anything for you.”  The darkness seemed to almost revel at the mere notion of servitude.  “But know loyalty can only be bought by blood.”
She had allowed the demon to slice open her hand himself--even let him greedily lap as the blood that trickled slowly from the wound.  In the end, it would all be worth it if it meant Yuya would return to her side.
Since then she hadn’t summoned him.  She hadn’t wanted to risk any more mutilation if it wasn’t necessary.  Mieru told herself that she wouldn’t become another Faust.  She wouldn’t bleed herself dry to save Yuya, only to lose herself in the end.
“What would it cost for you to guide me to a safe village so that I can buy some more food that won’t poison me.  It has to be in the direction Yuya is, you can’t just dump me on the opposite side of the country.”  Mieru rattled off every possible condition she could think of, hoping to avoid any loopholes in the process.
“Let me think about it for a moment,”  He tapped a clawed finger against his chin. “What would be equivalent to your safe passage?”
Grisly images consumed Mieru’s mind.  Would he curse her so that every step she took felt as if she walked on burning coals?  Would he cut out her eyes so that she would be forced to depend on him for the rest of the trip?
“How about you privilege me with the opportunity to kiss your hand?”
Mieru blinked twice as the request registered on her ears.  “My hand?”  It was something out of a fairy-tale, what a noble knight would ask of a beautiful princess.  Deals between demons and scrawny redhead girls didn’t go this way.  “What’s the catch?  Will you eat it?!”
The demon laughed loud and long.  “Oh you are such a delight, my dear.”  He closed in on her until they were barely a breath apart.  “I simply wish to show my mistress respect.  I have not had such an honor in decades.”
Mieru tried to stay calm, but her cheeks heated all the same.  She had to regain control of this situation, before he tried to press even more boundaries.
“As long as it is just a kiss, and just on my hand, then I agree.”  She took a step back, but before she could generate much distance between them, he had already fallen to his knees and gripped her left hand.
This time as his lips traced the scar he had created, no tongue followed.  It was as pure and as chaste as that of an innocent schoolboy’s, but when his eyes looked up to meet hers, she found a very different hunger consuming them.
“Yuri...”  She hadn’t meant to say a word, yet the name fell unbidden from her lips.
“My calling me by my true name, how obscene,”  He gave a cat-like grin.  “Well it is better to know what is truly yours and what isn’t.  Follow me, it should take less that an hour before he return to civilization.”  He transformed back into his shadow form, only this time he extended towards the sun, creating a path before her.
Mieru paused to study the scar one last time.   As irrational as they might be, demons always had a motive for what they chose to steal.  Flattery and adoration didn’t change that, even if there was something nice about the attention and interest and...
She slapped her cheek.  How dare she let her mind fall right into the gutter.  What would Yuya think if he saw her wavering like this?
“Wait for me, Darling.  I’ll be there soon,”  She whispered to herself as she finally took off and followed the demon.
Still she wondered if more than simply physical exhaustion could explain why she continued to feel breathless for the rest of the day.
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50shadesofmittens · 6 years ago
Completely fucking unfinished but I wanted something from this AU to make it online
<I have decided to call this the Headlockverse. Basically the idea is a group of Custodians used to sneak out of the palace in order to do the kind of work ALL Custodes in cannon have been doing, and Kitten was one of them. Then all bar Kitten died, and after a brief period of being mad and then being lost Kitten took over alltheir jobs. One of these tasks was keeping tabs on various fragments of Magnus who have sentience and were deemed unable to be kept safe in the palace for one reason or another, or who kept escaping the palace. As it happens, these interactions are sometimes unplanned and sometimes have unusual results. The song Headlockby Imogen Heap reflects the relationship Kitten has with the various Magnus-fragments he’s met over the years- with the Crimson King ie the guy on Sortarius being the only one who has not met Kitten over the years>
Millennium 42, unknown restaurant
There is something very pertinent about anticipation.
Some would think that minutes were nothing in the life of an eternal, but there are certain things that can only occur on small time scales. There’s a certain mix of terror, doubt, and a conviction one struggles to maintain, and this mixture can only be experienced in the handful of minutes that it lasts. Time seems to stretch out and the feeling weighs on a person even once the wait is over, but mere days later that terror is forgotten. People remember the way they botched their audition or stumbled during their interview, but no longer can they remember why.
I spotted her on the catwalk wearing a nice dress and a headscarf. Even her satchel looked like something a local woman would keep, and at a distance I wasn’t sure if she’d dressed up the bag she always kept at hand or splurged and got a new one from a local shop. It was certainly fancy enough for her to pass as someone who had access or gifts from my own funds, with my silk jacket and gold-woven cravat.
I flagged her down. She smiled at me and left to maneuver her way over. Ringing a bell summoned the waiter, and I gave the man a brief description of my ‘young lady friend.’ The server smiled and promised they’d send in the right girl.
Sure enough, when the knock came and the door opened, she was right behind the waiter. Before we were even alone she leapt onto the plush sofa to embrace me.
“Oh my darling, it’s been so long! Oh, we have so much to talk about, so much to do! Mwah!” She cried with all the drama of a rapturous preacher as she planted a kiss on my cheek.
The waiter bowed swiftly and closed the door, leaving the two occupants alone for our ‘reunion.’ She remained enthusiastic in her hugging, and so I told her;
“You know jumping on me disturbs the displacer field. The waiter might’ve noticed.”
“But he didn’t.” A snicker echoed through the small dining room, and she pulled back with a shit-eating grin. “A man like that knows full well to look the other way as soon as a young, pretty thing moves in to greet her host. You wouldn’t have picked this place without checking every security detail and privacy guarantee. You always read the fine print.”
“It’s still an unnecessary risk you created.”
“I know, darling.” She kissed me again, still leaning on my arm. “But if you’re going to go through all the trouble of setting me up as your quote-unquote mistress, it’s only polite that I give them a show. To respect the effort you’ve put in, I mean.”
“Ana-” I said, trying and failing to be annoyed by her antics.
“&#131;&#131;&#131;&#131;.” Ana said, finally leaning back and doing her best impression of my “Ana-be-serious” face. “Is there something I’ve done wrong?”
I didn’t answer, knowing this game all too well. “Is the planet about to be exterminatus’d? Is my better half about to find me?” Ana continued, “Is one of my brothers about to jump out from behind that curtain and drag me, kicking and screaming, all the way home so he can cut off my head in front of billions of onlookers?”
“No. None of those things are about to happen.”
“Then you can stop looking so dour and glum.” Ana flicked my nose, before settling a bit farther away on the couch. “Now, I’m sure you’ve got some terrible news about Angelos or Cadia or something, but it’s been too long and I want to mooch off your funding. Let’s get lunch first and catch up on the non-apocalyptic news- however scarce it may be these days- and then you can fill me in on who’s killing who.”
“Ana-” I sighed. “please keep it at a reasonable amount.”
“Perks of being my parole officer; every lunch meeting is a feast.”
“You know we’re supposed to be mortals.”
Ana grinned. “Ah, but what rich young man takes his mistress out and doesn’t spoil her with more than she needs?”
“They might notice when we order seven pounds of food and they get back empty plates.”
“So we order fourteen pounds and eat seven. It’s fiiine. You worry too much.” She grinned. “Besides. It really has been too long. You still seeing that one girl?”
She grimaced. “Urk, never mind. Y’know breaking the furniture like that is just as unusual as my appetite, right?”
I unclenched my hand from the edge of the table. Ana was right, there were handprint-shaped indents in the iron surface. Handprints that reflected the true size of my hands.
I pressed my elbow into the table, rolling it back and forth to conceal the pattern in a smoother dent. “I’m fine.” I said. “I’ve been studying lately, so there’s not much to report.”
“If you say so.” Ana said. “Alright then, I know what I want to order. Let’s get some food, and then I can tell you what I’ve been up to.”
“You haven’t even looked at the menu.”
“I got a glance of one open on a table I passed on my way to you.” With that she leaned over me and pulled the bell-string.
I didn’t pay much attention while Ana ordered. When the waiter turned to me I pasted on a smile and said, “I trust she’s got enough food for us to share.”
“I see, sir. Are you happy with Miss V’neer’s customizations?”
“Missus, actually. And it’s pronounced ‘veh-near,’ not ‘van-ear.’” Ana said.
“Apologies, Madame.” I was a little impressed the waiter didn’t even flinch, even though Ana’s clothes were nowhere near expensive enough for her to pass as my wife.
“I trust her taste.” I said.
The waiter left with a bow, and Ana turned back to me. “You feeling a little better?”
I opened my fists. Only a little bit of blood, and most of it dried by now. “Well enough.” I said.
“Remind me to never bang you.”
“Remind me to never get insensate around you.”
“HA!” Ana laughed. “Wouldn’t stop me from robbing you blind, kitty-cat. I don’t need to pick your pocket, all I gotta do is get you to buy me lunch.”
“So true.” I said. “Pity. I can only flinch so much before it starts gets noticed.”
“Bull. You’re the only one there who pays attention. Everyone else lives in their own little bubbles of their obsessions and duties.”
“The Ecclisiarchy is surprisingly rational, these days.” I said. “The ones who make it to the palace are all true believers, at least.”
“I sincerely doubt your perception isn’t skewed by all the madness in that place.” Ana sighed. “Well, the preachers are less crazy than the Inquisition, I’ll give you that.”
Our food arrived. I looked out the window as Ana cooed over the food and asked questions to the waiter. All the people in the city, each with their own lives and dreams and fears and aspirations. How pitifully beautiful.
Finally the waiter left, and Ana dug in. I’m not sure which of us was giving the other space, but I felt indebted to her all the same.
“That isn’t a promise.” Ana said, eyes glued to the reflection in her cup. “For all you know He just wants to kill me.”
“Nonetheless, there’s a good chance I’ll be hosting you. Ana. I need to know more about what I’m getting into. I need to know how much danger we’re going to be in.”
“Do I still confuse you?” She smirked. “It’s not that hard. I in the whole sense am a fractured being. Just because I in the personal sense have multiple aspects to myself doesn’t mean I���m any less than a fragment of a human.”
“Yet you still show traits outside of your base drives.”
“Mm.” She took another sip. “Humans weren’t made to be two-dimensional caricatures. If I have a thought that would better suit a me who isn’t me personally, then I simply won’t think that thought. It’ll be thought by that me.
”Kleptomania, Anima, self-analysis, insufferable love of gene-dad-jokes, love of the Sapphic-” She grinned, “obviously, and a few others- all those are mine and mine alone.”
“But how does it work.”
“Well, occasionally I start thinking very, very hard about two or more beautiful women and/or daemonettes flicking each other, so presumably the rest of me has no appreciation for yuri and the associated genres.”
“So it works like intrusive thoughts? If, say, you got into a barfight ‘cause you stole some bloke’s purse and banged his wife, and he said something dumb and you reallywanted to punch him, that desire to punch a man would go to the Crimson King?”
“You’re focusing very hard on this ‘guest’ thing.” Ana pouted. “I mean, what red-blooded pansexual doesn’tget distracted by the thought of two birds getting it on?”
“A) one who also has a healthy dose of self-control and self-restraint, and B) has that everworked on me?”
“Point. But seriously, you’re unusually on edge. Usually that would get you to crack a smile-”
“I’ve got an unstoppable daemon primarch about to arrive in the holiest place in the galaxy.”
“You need to calm down, Amon. You’re too wound up, you’re not thinking clearly-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Xanalyse. Damn fuckin right I’m tense, I’m about to be the only person standing between the Emperor and oblivion!And I’m all alone because everyone under my command either hates my guts or doesn’t listen to a word I say, and you won’t help me redeem yourself!” He stood, throwing his hands up in exasperation. They got caught under the edge of the table and overcame the strength of the bolts securing it to the floor, flipping the entire table over and spilling food across the room.
They both stared, neither one having expected such a reaction. For a moment the room was quiet but for Amon’s heavy breathing. Ana waited until his breath evened out, or he started up again. He did not.
“… It’s flattering that you think I could destroy Father.” She said, bitter smile on her face. “And… you’re right. I haven’t been very helpful. Maybe it’s time I learned to live with myself.”
“Delusion. Self-hatred. Wrath. Whoever else you haven’t told me about.” “They may be me, yet I still fear them. And can you blame me? Delusion so powerful it bends reality itself and destroyed all rationality is insanity. If I am wrong, then I must be mad to fear being swallowed up in it.”
“Ana I didn’t-”
She continued. “Self-hatred so strong it lashes out into the warp, psyker powers no longer at the beck and call of the psyker but instead summoning daemons and incurring hatred. Self-fladgillation so extreme it destroys everything and everyone around the poor boy.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“Wrath so powerful that the desire to destroy becomes the only known goal of the man. That pursuit of revenge becomes an obsession, stripping away all other goals. To the point that he’d rather be a slave to an uncaring god than let ancient war crimes be forgiven.”
She shook her head. “I must be the stupidest bitch in the galaxy if I’m not desperate to feel that! Tell me, Amon, have you faced down all the ugliest parts of your own heart?”
“…I’m sorry.” Amon said. “That was insensitive of me.” He sighed, and flopped down to the couch.
“…I know that there’s no avoiding myself forever.” She whispered. “But at the same time, I know I’m not strong enough to overcome myself. In the end, it’ll be Reveul’s partner and the King. Billy and me, we’re good as gone.”
She looked Amon head-on. “It’s a bitter loop of growth and despair. I go out, face some unimaginable horror, and I survive because I’m me. I stay unchanged, because either I turn my trauma into rage at the monster, or I lie to myself about how much danger I was in. Except I can’t think those thoughts, and they go to another me. Then that me gets a little stronger, ‘cause there’s more of me personally contributing to his identity.
“You want to know how to fight the King? Then know this; we’re still connected to each other. Every time I meet someone so monstrous I want to destroy that person completely, he feels it for me. And every time he wants to nick someone’s shit, I feel it for him. I am still one person, even if different parts of me control different aspects. If I start changing, if I become a more aggressive person, then that part of me gets stronger.
“That’s why I can give a damn about my sons. That part of me died ten thousand years ago, but that just means any thoughts about them aren’t limited to just one of me. I rebuilt that part of myself from the ground up over these millennia. I’ve changed, and…
“I don’t know how much of me is someone I want to be. If insanity overpowers honor, rage overpowers curiosity, and guilt overpowers innocence I just… I don’t know if I’m someone I can love anymore.”
Amon didn’t know what to say. Perhaps there was nothing to say. Nothing that would make the galaxy they lived in any less of the shit-storm it was.
“I have honor, but not personally.”
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twinfanfics · 7 years ago
The tale of the three head beast
The chosen children
So, its a little late, but here is the chapter. As always, thank you for reading and you can found it on fanfiction and Ao3. 
Chapter 12: The Weedings:  Two weedings celebrated on the living land, one on the brilliant capital, where The Light get stronger and the other on the beautifull land of Piramide. Love and politics covered the ceremonies. 
Piramide was opulent, there were food, music, women in large dresses, men in bright colors, everyone singing, everyone eating. It was a caoss.  All that champions death and the cups so full of whine.
Takato was overwhelmed, sitting next to his queen, who look at him with that brown eyes and speak the most sweet things.  Henry laughts every two sentences, tyred of the corny of the couple. Takato was shure that the man deserved a gift at least.
Suddenly, the music stopped, all the lights go out and in the middle of the arena The Lion lit a huge torch. It was Rika, covered with a exotic yellow fur coat. She raised her cup and started her speech.
“Long time ago on the land across the sea my people lived on peace. The Light worked aside us, The Army of Shadows, serving at the magnificent house of Courage, the choosen for the goddess to rule the living land. Until the day when The Light get corrupted, they became allies with an insurgent force and tried to kill at all the chosen family.”   every phrase was followed by a pause,  where The Lion repeated the words on the language  of Piramide.   “I, the bravest warrior of the Shadow Army, rescued a baby and come with him to this land to training him and lecture him about his true right to rule over the world. Today! we are one step closer to that victory, with Piramide on our side, he will reclaim his birthright and this country will expand itself all the way across the sea” Rika raised her cup one more time “For Takato, the survivor, King of Piramide, and next King of the Living Land”
Takako rise his cup and turned to watch Yuri. She turned to him.
“Cada hombre y mujer que alcanzas a ver te sirve ahora, tan pronto y yo tenga un heredero podremos zarpar y tomar el trono que deseas, Takato” She said full of devotion.
Takato listen the words of her wife trought Henry “Every man and woman that you can see is now loyal to you, and as soon as the queen had a inheritor you could ship away and take your throne, My King”
Takato turned to the people, the torches lit again, revealing warriors, celebrating the new King, the promises of a new war. Brown people of big eyes, everyone who he could see was swearing loyalty to him, on the center, his mother, his rescued, Rika, brighter and prouder than ever, with The Lion aside her. Takato was overwhelmed, with his new Queen, his old war and  Henry behind him, small eyes and golden skin on silence.
Across the sea was happening other weeding.
The princess Sora arrived at the cathedral. A suddenly gasp ocurred on The Sister of Light entourage. Hikary’s face was undone while his brother trayed to smiled with his eyes. The Queen’s weeding dress was white, with a scandalous v neckline and a huge symbol of the love house braided on the front,  the silhouette of the skirt was more relaxed than Hikary remembered,  the Queen could move with liberty and the belle was more translucent than it will be, as well that everybody could see Sora’s bright smile.  A whisper ran all over the church.
By her surprise Taichi was as fun as her.  His hands were sweaty but firm and he recited the votes perfectly.  He will honor her and the kingdom,  he will be true and strong and brave on the war time, he will be compasive and he will rule by the right of the light God.  
“And I will be devoted to you,  patient and wise and I will protect the peace that my father created and I will do my best to you,  our children and our kingdom”
Taichi lips were warm and his hands were big on her hips and shoulders.
The new King and Queen left the church.
The food was delicious, exotic recepies than Sora had never taste but that her husband could described with an unusual pasion.  His husband,  he likes food, he doesn't profes a hard faith and he was a good dancer.  As soon as her mother requested he had taken her hand and the both had been dancing together all the party that they hasn't  been receiving congrats  from all the nobility.  Or almost all. Not her new knight or the Sea King were to present their respect,  they were probably waiting until the next day when the audiences would start.  The politics excited more at the princess than the party. But now was time to be festive.
“For the new King and Queen” called a voice on the audience
“ Sora” her husband wishper at her “ he is the summon alchemist,  one of the wiser person over the living land and an old friend of the Yagami’s house”
“ Now it started a new phase over the living land” the short man continued “the second generation of nobility since the arrived of King Gennai.  We all remember how his tropes take this palace with the bless of The Light and exiled at the corrupt King and his Army of Shadows.  This marriage that we saw, it's the evidence that as long the crown live belong The Light it will last forever,  please your majesty, allow me and The Light to give to you more advises in the future” with that,  the summon alchemist rise his glass and did a brindis over the name of the King and Queen.  
Sora kept her commentary.  As soon as the position of King was occupied the next best thing started to be fighting. Who will be the next royal adviser?  Not the summon alchemist if she had a word about it.  
“What do you think?” Taichi asked when they were dancing again “ Izumi knows a lot about too many things”
“ My father always kept the light out of the palace”
“ But now you are ruling,  not your father”
“ And I’m wondering if you are ruling or is The Light”  Taichi missed a step.
“My sister suggested it”
After that, a noble from a far away land called them, and the subject kept floating on the air.
His sister, the enlighted girl, the one at who Takeru wanted to made queen. As if she would leave the spot to kept The Light rule. Sora moved around all the party, she talked with the gentlemans, introduced herself when The Light try to talked with Taichi, she stayed strong, with a smile and a fancy fan on her hand. His husband had chosen at the royal knight, if he choose the royal adviser she would be erased.
Sora stared at the pile of presents of the weeding,  jewelry and dresses for her,  a old book of good behavior for the side of the enlingted sisters.  She saw with envy the capes and swords of her husband.  Even the wizards outside the light had presented a beautiful sword,  sculpture with the old figure of the big monsters on flames,  an antique treasure of an old land.  
Taichi took her out her thoughts by taking her hand and both walked at the enlightened sisters entourage. Hikari Yagami smiles at her,  recited one of the spouses verses of the sacred book,  wished her happiness,  said a weird thing about how she is the luckiest woman for marriage her brother.  The summon alchemist introduced himself at the conversation and she could feel the complicity between them,  how they are both smarter than his husband, how they think that they were smarter than her,  she frozen the second she realized that they actually could be it.  
From where her father drew the strength to expulse The Light from the palace? If she let them step over her it means the end of the free cult on the capital,  the obligatory dress code for the woman,  the child marriage,  the old books on fire over the public plaza.
A bell ring on the principal escenario, Princess Ritsuko called for attention.
“We are all happy for the fortune marriage between the Light Knight and the new Queen Sora, but the sun is finally gone and our oldest tradition said that the new couple must retired at their room. The best of the lucky on your new ruled than the prosperity and love would always be with you as with the kingdom”
Sora could saw the despise of the light sister and the alchemist at the mention of a tradition that wasn't on the light book.
“your majesty you shouldn't have to… “
“of course we should” the queen interrupted at the summon alchemist,  took the hand of her new husband,  offered a reverence at the nobility,  other at her mother and left the saloon between aplausses and ovations.  
Princess Ritsuko followed them for the long corridor.
“Do you need something else dear aunt?” the queen asked.  When she turned around she could saw at the Wolf Knight behind the princess.  He was pale as he had seen a ghost and his eyes were nailed on the floor.  He hasn't the charm that he had during the tournament and he hasn't the haughtiness that Taichi had.  A selfish release stayed on the Queen.
“The duty of the royal Knight is to kept the door of the King and Queen,  we don't want that anything bad would happen to you on your wedding night”
“it isn't truly necessary…” Taichi said.
“Thank you very much, dear aunt,  the safety of our tradition is very important, I'm sure my new husband could wait after our wedding night to destroyed all”
She took Taichi at the room.
“Kept your position” said the Queen at her new Knight who looked at her with all the sadness of the world. God he lost the tournament, not the life,  he must get over it.
Inside the room she turned to her husband. Her husband.  The right gentleman, the kind of man at who her father wanted to married her since the day she born.  The one who would give her children.  The King, who would be king no when he win a tournament or ruled over the kingdom,  but when he do his right as her husband.  The rage escalated again inside The Queen.  
“Sora” He called her with a sweetness that she hadn't listened before. When she raised her head he was over the verse of tears “listen,  I know that…  we are both tired and you know…  we had all our life to...you know…  and I want to know you…  I promise that… ”
He only stopped when she started to laugh.
“You are going to tell me that you never tough about this”
“Well is not like that but…  my duty and God and… “
“please don’t pray”
“What? No,  of course not.  Unless my sister ask,  I’m actually supposed to pray”
“What exactly your sister is going to ask me? “
“That is,  Hikari is just,  nothing, really,  I’m just not in the mood for this conversation, can we please just sleep? “
Sora sat on the bed delusional. Delusional of what?  What did she expect?
“This wouldn't happen me with the Wolf Knight” Sora said with out thougth it and Taichi’s face turned three shades of red “It is not my intention to complain,  I mean,  you are a gentleman.  But over all I need a baby”
“A baby? “
“Yes,  you know a heritage is all the point of the wedding”
“Well if that is the case the best would be wait”
“why? “
“I know well that if a lady want to get in state the best she can do is pray the songs of the Holy mother, participate on the eating festive of the enlightenment sisters and go to the altar and make the right offer at the right time, but the summon alchemist know better than me” Taichi said with pride.  
Finally,  a smile appeared at the Queen’s face. It looks like as his wife,  Taichi likes the politic more that the festivities.
“I'm going to propose you something, your majesty” said the Queen as goes to change at her night clothes “ you are going to stop to mention the summons alchemist because I will be the one naming at the royal adviser and in return I will be patient and discret at your… insecurities”
“Didn’t you like Izumi? “ he said with caution.
“Who did?  He is too smart for his own good”
Taichi released his breath.
“Fine,  but if Hikary... If anyone ask you,  I really insisted”
“Your sister is going to be a constant on our decisions, right? “
“Just as your mother” Taichi responded with a smile.
“My mother is the mother queen”
“And my sister is the most enlightened sister of all the order,  if my parents will allow it she will be candidate to be the summon priest”
“How do you measure the enlightened?”
“I had no idea.  But I know that she is the best caring the sickness, I had listened that she is also the best midwife”
“she is not going to be royal adviser”
“God help us if she will”
When Sora recalled they were both under the sheets, with the night clothes on, each head over a pillow and she was laughing.  Taichi was warmed and funny.  And a gentleman.  This could be good,  this could happen natural,  his sons and daughters will love him.
“I was thinking about my aunt, the Princess Ritsuko” Taichi looked at her scared “what is it?”
“Nothing,  it’s just.  She didn't like me,  she didn't look like a responsible person”
“How you dare? “
“No,  I mean.  She was given me wine all the night,  she wants me to get drunk or something”
“She want you to enjoy the party”
“And what about that speech on the gala? that was classy”
“ Your Light love that speech”
“And all the bell thing on the last combat,  people is going to believe that we are returning her a favor”
“You win that battle with the bell unringed, it was your call”
“She is going to sell  both of us to make his youngest son king”
“He is her only son and believe it or not my family has honor, Taichi”
“However! I thought you would choose your mother”
Her mother?  Why she would do that?   All her life all that she want is to be free of her. But before she could continued the King get sleep.  Part of Sora wish something different, part of her expected the kindness of a fairy tale,  maybe one day they would found each other as well as the other marriage across the sea, were no word was necessary to transform the kindness in passion and the tender kisses on lovely touches under the sun of Piramide.  
Takato slept next to his wife,  even the terrible warm didn't stop them to hug each other during the night.  The princess had been sweet and lovable. His wife,  the Queen, the love of his life. The dream of revenge and conquer always had been far from Takato's imagination.  But know he can see himself as a King, ruling alongside his Queen, been happy, offering her the world. Suddenly,  a roar wake him up of his pleasant dreams, he can listened it across the window,  through the dense forest, a clean roar, different of anything that he has ever listened. An unnatural force was calling him.
“Takato” called him his wife.  She said the vocals slowly. Each other name was the only thing that they can exchange.
“Yuri” He said,  with a smile, almost sure that he was said it wrong.  
He come back to the bed, kissed at his beautifully wife and fallen slept as they both repeated their names whispering.
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onceabluemoonwrites · 7 years ago
(Outshine) The Sun
Fandom: Yuri on Ice
Summary: Minami was never ever coming out of the cave. Out of the question. Not to pet the roosters. Not for chocolate. Not for Guang Hong. Not even for Yuuri. 
Except if Yuuri was about to get married, of course, because it would be an eternal embarrassment as big brother not to have Yuuri’s marriage portrait right next to Guang Hong and Leo’s in the sky. Minami had to look at something while sniffling about how fast they’d grown up during the honeymoon! 
 But Yuuri had shown no interest in anybody, so Minami was here to act out his revenge!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Yuri on Ice
AO3 | Tumblr; my other entries: White Locks (The Clock Tick Tocks)
You can find my writing progress here.  If you can’t keep straight who’s based on which god anymore, here’s a list.
My fic master list here.
This was written for @yoimythologyweek  Day One, Feb. 4th: Japanese Mythology and Icarus/Sun God
This is part of the I Move the Stars for No One ‘ verse but can be read as a standalone fic.  
Being booger-born excused a lot, but certainly not everything.
Let us begin at the beginning.
In the ancient times, when the Gods roamed the earth, Izanagi, first of the Gods, washed his face. From his left eye came Minami, God of the Sun and ruler of heaven; From his right eye came Guang Hong, God of the Moon and ruler of the night. Lastly; from his nose came Yuuri, god of storms and ruler of the seas.
For all that Minami had been birthed of eye grit, there was no lethargy to be found in him. He was the incarnation of energy- so great that his very being illuminated the world. Moving across the sky, running around all day, they called him the sun.
The second child, Guang Hong, liked to glide across the night sky once his rambunctious brother had been tucked in- gently shining down on the earth, careful not to wake its citizens, as to give them some respite from Minami’s bountiful energy.
And then there was the youngest (but only by 1,5 seconds, as the Sun God liked to remind everyone while bouncing around in all his godly grace). Now, as you can imagine, Yuuri’s start in life was not the greatest. When your siblings were created from your father’s gritty eyes, but you were created from his boogers… We can’t blame him for being slightly depressed.
In fact, one might argue, that there was only one who came from a worse place than Yuuri- but this was Chris, who had been born of Izanagi’s underwear once the God had disrobed. Chris, as the scrolls tell us, was quite happy with his permanent state of undress, and was known as the first nudist.
Except for Izanagi, that is, but that’s a story for another day.
Back to Yuuri. As mentioned before, he was quite depressed, and the ocean, his realm, was ever covered by the darkest clouds his mind could summon. The waves ever-shifting as his moods, the current taking the newest anxiety to every corner of his body.
The sun god, Minami, however, had been enamoured with his younger brothers since birth. While there were only 1,5 seconds between them, Yuuri was his younger brother, and though Minami might not even reach his shoulder, he had a duty as the eldest brother to protect him (…And spoil him, but that was a whole other story).
While Guang Hong underwent Minami’s adoration with grace- only becoming uncomfortable when the smaller boy began to pinch his cheeks- Yuuri ran for the hills, erm, ocean bottom, as soon as Minami entered his sight. This, however, only made Minami adore him more, because ‘’Yuuri runs like the wind! My little brother is the quickest God of them all!!’’ And beamed so brilliantly that it was impossible to look at him without losing one’s vision.
Still, Yuuri avoiding Minami made him more determined to reach his brother. Every day he shone a little brighter in order to talk to him. Yuuri, however, made darker clouds every day, until even Minami, forever optimist, had to admit his plan wasn’t working. His sunshine couldn’t pierce the clouds that rolled over his brother’s realm anymore.
Time for plan B. Plan B involved dancing in the sky to mimic his brother’s dancing waves, but it did not catch Yuuri’s attention, for he never looked up. So Minami’s second plan failed.
His third plan, Minami was sure, would have success. Last year, Yuuri had had the greatest fun riding the waves. While his previous plans had not worked, Minami was sure that the way to approach his brother lay in emulating him.
So he rode the clouds like his brother rode the waves. Sticking his legs up in the air, doing a couple of handstands, somersaulting over the water mass in the sky, Minami had the greatest fun with this plan.
It was, however, the Ariel on the rocks pose that his brother caught him in.
‘’Stop that!’’
Minami frowned, sticking his head over the edge of the clouds to peer down at Yuuri. ‘’But you do it too!’’
‘’I do not!’’ Yuuri craned his neck to be able to look him straight in the eye, huffing all the way.
‘’Do too! Last year, in fact!’’ And he had looked so cute as well! Minami still had the paintings Guang Hong made of Yuuri up in the sky next to their baby portraits!
Yuuri paled. ‘’I thought we’d agreed not to mention the emo phase!’’ Then he crossed his arms, waves rising up behind him, lifting him higher, as if he was Venus in her shell. ‘’Besides, don’t you think it’s time you abandon these childish past times? Piercing my clouds? Running the heavens amock? Imitating Disney princesses while on the clouds? What even made you think that was a good idea? Just leave me alone!’’
Minami’s smile wavered, fist clenching. He was just there to adore his brother, what was wrong with that? ‘’Well, sorry for wanting to cheer you up! You always made me happy by mimicking me, so I thought I’d cheer you up with it!’’
Yuuri frowned. ‘’Mimicking you?’’
Minami’s smile fell away entirely. ‘’…When you paint the sun upon the surface of the sea, brother.’’
Yuuri’s mouth fell open. ‘’Minami, the ocean’s made of water. It reflects everything above it automatically. Don’t be obtuse.’’
…Yuuri hadn’t done that for Minami? The sun god’s shoulders slumped. His little brother didn’t love him?
His brother waved him away. ‘’Anyway, it’s time you start thinking of the poor humans here below. When you bounce all over the sky like that, their sleeping schedules are messed up completely! You need to grow up, Minami! You’ve got duties!’’
…Grow up? Minami’s heart dropped to the rock bottom. Yuuri didn’t even see him as a proper big brother! ‘’…Okay. I can see where I’m not wanted. I’ll go grow up- all on my own!’’ And with that, he stormed off, cloud and all.
You know what? He’d follow his heart to the rock bottom- he knew a nice big cave, he’d hide out in there until Yuuri was sorry like no tomorrow! Minami was the best big brother in the whole wide world- and soon, Yuuri would remember that as well!
The thing was, though, that Minami hiding in the cave meant that there wouldn’t be a tomorrow at all. Dawn, after all, was what heralded the new day, and when the sun locked himself into a cave…
Let’s just say an eternal night was the nicest way to talk about it.
The crops began to die, the trees began to wither, and something in the heart of man had disappeared as if they could not see their own strength when there was no daylight to show it.
Humanity despaired, falling to their knees to pray to the gods above. But no prayer would help, nor bowing to the heavens, no dance nor ritual came to aid. The heavens remained empty, and dawn did not break.
The sun had gone down, seemingly forever.
Far above humanity, the Moon and his Muse peered down, past the edges of the clouds.
‘’What a dark day in history,’’ Guang Hong fidgeted with his hands, leaving them clasped in his lap as he looked at the human race. He had always had a gentle heart, and this situation was taking its toll on him.
Leo leaned in, lifting the moon god’s chin and gently turning his face away from the blue planet cradled by darkness in the absence of the sun. ‘’You spend all day and all night trying to light their way for them at least a little. You’ve done all you can.’’
Large, brown eyes filled with tears. ‘’But it’s not enough.’’
Opening his arms, Leo lifted his lover up. On nights like these, when Guang Hong folded into himself like a flower about to wilt, there was only one thing to be done. Softly humming, his voice the melody of the universe, he began to dance, Guang Hong’s feet on his, arms around him.
As they danced in the night sky, the stars quietly parted, rearranging themselves to help. Leo couldn’t help but smile when he saw the freckles on his lover’s skin move- freckles constellations indeed. Guang Hong’s body was a perfect representation of his realm, every star a single spot of light upon it. With a quiet sigh, Guang Hong leaned against Leo’s chest, listening to the vibration of his humming.
There was something familiar about it, that echoed in the ears of everyone who heard it. It reverberated through their bones, into the cavity of their chests until it reached their hearts. When Leo sang, it was familiar to all- as if they’d heard it before in a dream. A cradle song, a nursery rhyme, the melody heard when they danced for the first time, the soft breath in the moment before a kiss. Leo was the god of music, and this was his serenade- his very love woven into the fabric of the universe everywhere.
Most of it, naturally, was dedicated to the creature swaying through the sky with him, softly glowing, leaning into his chest until his eyelids fluttered down and his lashes rested upon his cheeks. Guang Hong was asleep- and Leo had a few hours to come up with a plan that would stop him from running himself into the ground.
‘’What do you mean, the sun didn’t get up?’’ The water gently caressed Yuuri’s skin as it whirled around him- the lamp in Chris’ hand the only thing that lit up the darkness of the deep sea.
‘’Minami just… didn’t get out of bed.’’
Yuuri sighed. ‘’Okay, who hid the roosters this time?’’
Draping himself over a rock, Chris licked his lips. ‘’Nobody. I checked- was quite a nice visit too, it being night and all.’’
‘’I don’t even want to know.’’
Roosters were the alarm clock Yuuri had built for Minami once, so they would crow when it was time for Minami to wake and dawn to commence. Nobody could quite remember whether it was Minami who first had a red fringe or the roosters. You know what they say, like owner, like pet. …Or was it like pet, like owner?
See, exactly that!
‘’But why ever isn’t he getting up then?’’ Yuuri raked a hand through his hair.
Chris inspected his nails. ‘’I heard some rumours he shut himself into a cave.’’
Yuuri blinked. ‘’Okay,’’ he raised a finger, ‘’I had a fight with him the other day, we both said ugly things we shouldn’t have, he meant well, but isn’t locking himself up a bit of an over-reaction?’’
Chris shrugged. ‘’I’d say that your own behaviour says otherwise- I mean, going down to the bottom of the ocean again? For what, the three hundred-forty-fifth time this century? We’re not even a decade in.’’
‘’…I am a horrible example and this is all my fault.’’ Yuuri let his head fall into his hands.
‘’There, there, darling. At least all that swimming gave you a sizzling hot bod!’’
Swimming past in long, smooth strokes, kimono whirling around him- if you could call the loosely tied thing that, that was- Chris squeezed Yuuri’s behind. Yuuri squeaked.
‘’Is that- Oh my god, Chris, you were born from my father’s underwear! You can’t squeeze my butt- that’s incest!’’
Chris winked as he swam away. ‘’You sure? Hugging the nether region is the function of underwear, Yuuri-dear!’’
…Yuuri should go above the waves to find Minami and get him out of that cave because he might be anxious, but Minami was his family. He couldn’t let him stay in that cave- not on his own, at least. Sighing, he resigned himself to more harassment at Chris’ hands above the waves.
The sacrifices one made for family!
Minami was never ever coming out of the cave. Out of the question. Not to pet the roosters. Not for chocolate. Not for Guang Hong. Not even for Yuuri.
Except if Yuuri was about to get married, of course, because it would be an eternal embarrassment as big brother not to have Yuuri’s marriage portrait right next to Guang Hong and Leo’s in the sky. Minami had to look at something while sniffling about how fast they’d grown up during the honeymoon!
But Yuuri had shown no interest in anybody, so Minami was here to act out his revenge! He’d stay in here, in this cold cave, and keep all his light to himself. Ha! That’d teach them! They should all just come after him, and beg and beg and beg him to come back, but Minami? He wouldn’t!
Take THAT, and see how sorry they suddenly all were!
…If anyone was ever going to arrive at the entrance of the sealed cave, that was. Minami pouted.
If they could all just hurry up with the begging, then he’d at least have something to do, because caves were, surprisingly, awfully quiet and not exactly great company. Not nearly as cute as two little brothers either.
He’d already yelled into it a lot, to amuse himself with the echo, but his voice got hoarse after some time, especially because he’d forgotten to take his pouch with him, so he had no sugary goodness to drink.
He flopped over. What was life as a God even worth without the golden Liquid of Immortality, the Ambrosia called Capri-Sun?
Still. He refused to just skip out of this cave like nothing happened. Let them suffer!
He was going to sulk all day long!
When Yuuri came stomping up the heavens to shake some sense into his brother- well, tip-toeing, actually, he didn’t like loud noises, but the bridge to heaven creaked when he walked over it, so it was basically the same- he had not expected to be greeted by this sight.
Hundreds, no, thousands of gods, major and minor both, had gathered in front of the cave, watching it silently in total darkness.
‘’…What are you guys doing?’’
As one they looked up. ‘’We have lost hope, for the Sun showed us the way. We cannot see our own strength anymore, Yuuri-no-mikoto.’’
Yuuri, not expecting their full attention, shrunk away. He could not deal with this- too many people, too much to see, too- Except it was dark, and Yuuri had lived in the depth of the ocean and the darkness of his own mind since birth.
He knew how they felt. This endless night was the reality he fought every day- they reality he saw every time he flinched away from something he wanted.
But living in darkness had taught him one thing- you may doubt your strength when you cannot see it, but when it comes down to it, it’s there. Hidden in your bones, encroached in the last bastion of your heart- the treasure hidden within the cave.
So he straightened his back and strode forward. An impressive sight he was, his garments like a waterfall- endlessly dripping down, but never running out. Salt crystals clung to his skin and his hair was wet, slicked back, as inky as the parts of the ocean the light could not reach. Pearls peeked out from beneath, the conch shells that acted as his ears gleaming softly in the moonlight.
‘’This is no time to be sitting around. We’re getting my brother out of that cave- even if it is the last thing we do.’’
And with that, his voice ringing steadfast over the crowd, determined, sure. It rose like a wave, it was carried by the wind, over the enormous plain surrounding the cave. Crashing down, it came. The masses burst out in cheering as the message hit home.
They could do this! If the sun would not rise, then they would just have to convince the dawn to break!
Life had given them two legs, and walk they would. Yuuri would make them, if no one else would.
Minami knew he’d said he wouldn’t be swayed by chocolate, but nobody had said anything about Nutella. Or about Yuuri, Nutella and the roosters teaming up. It was plain unfair!
‘’They miss you, Minami! There’s Nutella and I even took some Capri-Sun!’’ Yuuri’s voice was muffled through the cave wall, but Minami could hear him just fine. Yuuri’s adorable voice would always reach him, wherever he was, because Minami was his big brother and big brothers just possessed superpowers like that.
‘’I SAID I WON’T BE SWAYED! AT ALL! Okay, maybe a little...’’ He pushed his fingers against each other. No, Minami, stay strong! Do not succumb to the coo-over-little-brother instincts!
He huffed, crossing his arms. ‘’But I’m not coming out, Yuuri, not until you apologize!’’
‘’Okay! I’m sorry!’’
No, no, no! That was all wrong! Minami threw his hands up in the air. ‘’’That’s not enough!’’ Did Yuuri not even know how to beg properly? Minami had failed in raising him!
…Okay, maybe Minami was being a bit unreasonable, but everybody had the right to be that from time to time! And Yuuri had been really mean to him! Granted, even when Yuuri was mean he was the most darling thing, but that was beside the point.
‘’…Can I offer you some takoyaki too, then?’’
By Izanagi, Yuuri was playing dirty! ‘’No! Now go away, I want to sulk in peace!’’
The second one who tried to get Minami out of the cave was Guang Hong. Minami knew it before he even spoke up- his big brother senses went off like a bomb.
‘’Minami, I’ve got some paintings here!’’
Minami narrowed his eyes. Granted, Guang Hong’s works were masterworks (his little brothers were extremely talented, worship them), but why ever did he think it would tempt Minami out of the cave?
‘’They’re Yuuri paintings.’’
Minami gasped. ‘’You had more Yuuri paintings, all this time and didn’t give them to me?! Guang Hong, I trusted you!’’
The horror! This betrayal- Minami might never recover from it! Decidedly, he stood up and put his hand on the cave seal. It was high time he retrieved those paintings! He did not have a business card with ‘’Minami, biggest bro-con on earth and above it!’’ for nothing!
He had fourteen hundred thirty-three paintings of Yuuri, he would add these to his collection, in their rightful spot next to the Guang Hong cheeks-adoration gallery!
He froze. Then began to chuckle. ‘’Guang Hong, your sweet cheeks do not deceive me! I have uncovered your adorable evil scheme! There are no Yuuri paintings- I would have found them by sniffing out the scent of Yuuri-in-paint like I do every Monday! You are not getting me out of this cave!’’
Guang Hong began to sniffle at the other end of the wall. ‘’But… But… I just wanted to have you back!’’
It took all Minami had not to break. ‘’You’re not really crying! You’re trying to fool me! Stop pretending to cry, Guang Hong!’’
‘’You just have fun in your stupid cave while we worry about you, Minami!’’ and with that, one of the two cutest little brothers on earth and above it stormed off.
‘’Welcome to the Get Minami Out of The Cave because We Need His Shining Presence committee's twenty-third meeting, we’d like it if someone had suggestions that actually worked,’’ Chris said, sagging down onto the floor.
‘’If Chris is running out of stamina, we have a problem.’’ Yuuri sighed.
Leo laughed. ‘’Don’t worry! I’ve got a perfect plan! Just get me a few instruments, and act along, and this will be done in a jiffy!’’
There was music coming through the cave wall. In fact, the buzz of many people talking too. Now he noticed- hmmm… that smelled good!
Wait- were they holding a festival? Minami loved festivals!
…A shame this was just another scheme to lure him out.
But what if it wasn’t? His sulking could wait for a minute, right?
Inching towards the cave wall, he pressed his ear against it. He couldn’t hear much more, but he was pretty sure he heard Chris nearby.
‘’Psssst- Chris! What’s going on?’’
Chris' voice was muffled, but still audible through the music and the rock. ‘’Minami, is that you? I’m sorry, but we have a new sun god!’’
‘’WHAT?!”’ …Wait a minute. ‘’Not going to fall for that!’’
‘’Whatever you say,’’ He could hear the shrug in Chris' voice, ‘’Just so you know, Guang Hong and Yuuri also gave him the title of their new big brother.’’
With one mighty shove, Minami utterly destroyed the seal before him, opening up the cave. ‘’ALL RIGHT, WHERE IS THAT POOPHEAD BABY-BROTHER STEALING DUNG-LOVER?! FIGHT ME!’’
Storming out of the cave, he saw his competitor for his siblings’ love ahead- sunrays crowning his head, blinding him for a moment. ‘’Who do you think you are, huh? Coming into my town, buddy?! You don’t steal the cutest little brothers in MY town, pal!’’ He jumped back and forwards continuously, shadow boxing. He had no idea where the other currently was but, he was pretty sure that was the black smudge over there-
Minami gasped. That brightness was a TOTAL ‘’Come at me, bro!’’
Challenge ACCEPTED!
He shone a little brighter, but the rival matched him step for step. He couldn’t see a thing, but he’ll just up the brightness- he couldn’t go further, but he HAD TO SHOW THAT GRAPE-STEALING BUM WHO’S BOSS!
His love for his brothers would have had him shine on forever, but it was a fact that he hadn’t eaten since yesterday, so he lost power quickly. Toppling over, his luminescence went down. His competitor also lowered his brightness, which was quite considerate for such a meanie.
Looking up, Minami was ready to flay the man with words (he had kept ‘’DUMBASS’’ in reservation for the killing blow!) when he was faced with- a mirror?
Dumbfounded, he blinked.
Had he been trying to outshine himself the entire time?
Okay- that’s kind of funny. He burst out in laughter. A mass of people cheered. Looking up, startled, Minami came face to face with thousands of people, spread over the sprawling grasslands surrounding the cave. But, most importantly, his brothers, Leo and Chris and the rest of his friends in front.
‘’You guys… You did all of this for me?’’
Everybody nodded. ‘’Uhuh!’’
’The mirror was Yuuri’s idea, but the rest was all Leo!’’ Chris winked.
Minami had the sweetest family and friends in existence. He burst out crying.
‘’Are you okay?’’ Yuuri’s question was tentative, but Minami latched onto him like a barnacle, bawling into his shoulder. ‘’You guys are the best! I love you!’’
He hugged everyone that day.
(It was only when it was almost time for sleep, that he realized this is the first time he’s ever seen Yuuri in a big company like this, and he could not let this chance pass.
He found the highest hill, family hurrying after him with confused expressions. Putting his hands next to his mouth, he screamed: ‘’I was BORN to be bro-con! Just LOOK AT MY BROTHERS!’’ and presents Yuuri- who has reached the top of the hill first.
‘’Let me out of here!’ Yuuri scrambled backwards but was stopped by Guang Hong and Leo clambering up after him.
Guang Hong shook his head. ‘’Just let him have his way and take some family pictures!’’
Minami’s eyes gleamed. ‘’Yes!’’’
Yuuri paled. ‘’NO!’’
The shutter went off.
‘’By Izanagi,’’ Leo mumbled, putting an arm around Guang Hong to pose for the next picture ‘’Am I glad I’m just the in-law.’’
Guang Hong shrugged. ‘’Depends on how you look at it.’’
Leo frowned. ‘’What are you talking about?’’
His husband beamed, the stars on his skin shining brighter, dancing mischievously. ‘’You’re stuck with me forever!’’
Throwing his head back, Leo laughed. ‘’Somehow, I think I’m just fine with that, darling!’’
With Yuuri’s screams of embarrassment as their lovely background choir, he kissed Guang Hong’s nose before the curtains of the tale went down.
Author’s Note
I want to thank @i-w-p-chan and @adelmortescryche for managing to get me through my blocks with this fic! And to @yuuris-piano whose awesome music inspired me! 
In particular: Day by the Sea!
I was very excited to do this after I had tons of fun with the deity au series (the Land of Gods and Monsters ‘verse) I did for yoifantasyweek! 
This tale was based on the story of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, in the cave!
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mitsunari · 8 years ago
Skybound They Roam, pt. 6
The next installment of yuri on ice fantasy AU. Otabek and Yuuri continue their clash with the evil spirit, and there’s some speculation about what all this magic is about. Part 6 steps into Otabek’s POV at a point in time during pt5 and continues, so it may be a little funky telling apart what Yuuri sees and what Otabek sees since it’s happening at the same time in two different dimensions.
This is really just more development in the friendship of our dual protagonists. The aidahar will get more time, but they need their own development too. I’m still rough with this writing/editing schtick so please take care of me lol. Any question please ask! 
youkai - it’s like a japanese spirit/monster thing do svidaniya - russian for “farewell” or “until we meet again”
Otabek regretted picking up the eye. Worse, he regretted bringing Yuuri into his rematch against the shadow Oirandau. Two years ago, this brute’s fell wind disrupted nature’s balance, and the earth was wroth against him, intent on dispelling the threat the only way it knew how. Otabek was tasked to disrupt Oirandau’s efforts with his quray, a long flute made of bamboo. Its hollow notes overran the wind’s howl. However, instead of chasing after the retreating spirit, Otabek had stayed to handle the fright the earthquake caused in Almaty.
It could’ve been much worse. Almaty was the most populous city in the country. With the exception of his mother’s brothers, Otabek’s entire family lived there. Yuuri had been there that day, too. Otabek saw him with armfuls of groceries.  Before riding off to check on his parents, he gave Yuuri a falcon’s feather. Shed by one of his spirit companions, it would summon the bird to the holder. He was relieved to see it on his window the next afternoon, carrying a letter from Yuuri and a newspaper proclaiming “no injuries from the minor quake experienced last night”.
Otabek did not think he would feel the same relief now. The dangerous black jinn had retreated from the sound of Otabek’s spirit flute last time. However, they hadn’t battled hand to hand. He’d never before been so close to the terrific spirit. Oirandau’s anger seeped into his mind with overwhelming force. The urge to tear, to kill, to devour was so much stronger than the mind-melding with the eagle before.
“Yuuri. Run.”
He found it hard to speak with the mind of a beast. Along the way, his words threatened to come out in snarls and grunts. His hair grew heavier on his head, and the bear cloak he wore tightened down on him through his other garments. The sensation of a spirit stepping into his body was nothing new, but Oirandau’s dizzying power surpassed all his other trials.
“You’re mine,” rasped the shadow into Otabek’s mind. “This won’t be a repeat of Almatı. Your flute won’t avail you.”
Otabek’s blood ran hot. He couldn’t even feel the flute and eye in his grip anymore. He spoke to Yuuri but after doing so, he couldn’t recall the words. He fell into painful darkness. Needles dug into his skin in intervals, reviving him so he could keep struggling. Otabek felt Oirandau’s black mass churning all around him. He swam amidst weighted blankets thick enough to block out the sunlight.
Yet, occasionally, the oppressiveness would slacken and Otabek’s spirit fought the darkness on its way to a gap of light. An ember ignited at his fingertips, earning a powerful backlash from the black spirit. While arguing with Yuuri, the beast waged war against Otabek, mind to mind. To him, Oirandau took the shape of a huge black bear, outlined in white light, which blocked the gap with claws raised.
A gentle hand reached out from the gap, passing through the bear as if it were no more than mist, and Otabek reached for it. Yuuri’s voice poured into his head.
“He’s my friend!” “Let him go!” “We didn’t do anything wrong!”
Oirandau’s scathing retorts to Yuuri resonated in Otabek’s skull. He roared, fighting them off, desperately trying to reach the gap. The damned jinn! Otabek didn’t need reminding of the Hero’s duties. The life he led meant he was neither completely human or spirit, not exactly the best qualities to keep friends, but it wasn’t Yuuri’s or anyone else’s responsibility but his own.
The hand in the gap slackened against Otabek’s outstretched fingers. No! The gap’s edges shuddered threatening to close once he heard Oirandau’s malignant voice rasp, “Lying piglet. You humans are only fit for fertilizer.”
“You’re wrong. We… we discover n-new amazing th-things every day,” whimpered Yuuri.
He sounded so far away. Inside the shaman’s mind, Yuuri’s fingers lingered at a decreasing gap, but in real time, it was Otabek’s elbow and forearm that had slipped through Oirandau’s mass, with Yuuri clutching it and weakening every second.
His will breached the gap and pressed through, renewed by the spirit flame Yuuri somehow gave back to him. Inside, warmth beat back Oirandau’s suppressing chill and howling winds. He could see a way out, even if it was not through defeat of the black one.
Yuuri’s hand slid down Otabek’s forearm slowly. Just as Yuuri’s fingers fell away from Otabek’s elbow, Otabek’s hand abruptly punched free from the battle of minds and joined the world of flesh and bone. “Thank you… Yuuri....” Otabek thought, and his mouth surprised him by saying it out loud. He clutched Yuuri’s failing wrist with a strong self-assured grip.
Yuuri let out a weak sob of relief. Oirandau unleashed a defiant shriek, a sharp howling sound of high-speed wind, just as it had back in Almaty. Otabek’s head and shoulders broke through its mass. All pressure abruptly left him, allowing him to breathe, and both ears popped. He released Yuuri’s hand and reached up for the spirit instead. Brown eyes of a human, no longer consumed by the spirit, opened up in a stony glare.
“I did make friends,” Otabek’s voice snarled somewhere in Yuuri’s purgatory between passed out and conscious.
Unlike Yuuri, Otabek could see the mass for what it was. To spirits and humans with spiritual power like him, Oirandau took a bear’s shape, but standing on hind-legs, its head could reach the entrance ledge and its four eyes gleamed pupil-less on its enemies. Otabek reached for the bear’s jaws and dug his fingers into the cold rubbery skin until he pulled its jeweled Evil Eye off Yuuri.
“Be still…” Otabek whispered to Oirandau, working to pull himself free. Though he saw blood dripping down Yuuri’s forehead, he couldn’t focus on it now.
Eyes wandering in dizzy panic, Yuuri blinked blearily up at the black mass and Otabek over top of him. Part of Otabek’s unclothed body bulged out of the spirit’s right side. Half of his black hair still melded with it while the rest hung over parts of Otabek’s face.
“Be still, destroyer,” he rasped again in Kazakh.
“You know only child’s play. Do not deprive me of what is mine,” the spirit hissed.
Was it referring to his body or Yuuri? He didn’t want to find out. In the struggle, his eyes met Yuuri’s before the man used Oirandau’s distraction to escape. He pushed himself under the black mass and rolled into the crater. Otabek tugged Oirandau’s jaw the same time he pressed back into its mind, this time on the offensive to make it submit. Oirandau swiped the mental spike aside, yanking its head side to side to dislodge him.
“Otabek, I don’t see your flute!” Yuuri wheezed. He crawled on his hands and knees through the crater. Along the way, he grabbed the lunchbox by its handles, managing to stand up straight.
“He’s... got it.” Straining, Otabek pulled out his other arm and held onto the spirit’s gelatinous mass with all fingers digging in.
The spirit turned around, swinging Otabek with it, and swiped a black arm at Yuuri’s direction. It scraped rock as Yuuri scurried aside like a mouse. “No!” he shrieked, arms flailing everywhere. The lunchbox rattled loudly. “I told you, I didn’t steal anything!”
Oirandau swung and missed again, swiping over Yuuri’s head. Yuuri climbed with practiced ease all the way onto the ledge. Snarling in rage, it twisted its head upon itself and savagely bit Otabek’s arm. His vision went white with agony.
Yuuri swore from his high ground, deafening Otabek’s muttered grunts of pain. Oirandau looked at his prey. Its two left eyes widened at the sight of Yuuri swinging the lunchbox down at the spirit lord’s head. With one hand encased in bear teeth and the other digging into black, Otabek closed his eyes and forced a deep breath out of his nostrils. He stoked his will as harshly as he could to get through Oirandau’s accursed anger.
“I will not be made to bend for humanity’s life,” the bear lord snarled in reply to Otabek’s mental probe.
The plastic box passed through Oirandau’s skin as if it were mist, but from within, rays of light peeked through. The silvery piece of meteorite passed through the void beast undeterred and struck Oirandau’s jewel eye with a low gong. Both Otabek and the spirit’s body spasmed from the connection speaking mind to mind.
“I do not… ask that of you…,” Otabek whispered, ears ringing.
“Fool. Humanity will only grow complacent if its weak aren’t culled.” The spirit’s voice lost its strength.
Yuuri’s box hovered right above it and Otabek like a sun behind clouds, no longer held by its owner. Yuuri was pushed backwards to the wall. Otabek’s body warmed while Oirandau’s disintegrated. A shadow swirled entirely around Otabek and then collapsed on itself after rising above their joined hair. The bear cloak and furs rematerialized in tatters out of falling darkness until nothing but black sand landed on the floor. Otabek dropped six inches to the stone floor, stumbling.
“Rest now....” Otabek muttered to the black sand underfoot.
He fell on his knees as all the feeling rushed back into his body. He craned his aching head back to forced the tattered bear cloak out of his face. It was mauled, physical evidence of his battle of wills. The places where Oirandau pressed him were bruised in dark blotches. The worst were his wrists and arms. The aidahar’s bite seemed small compared to the spirit’s magical one. At first he couldn’t move his fingers on his right hand. He worked his aura through the injured channels, hissing at the sensation.
“It… It worked,” gasped Yuuri. He rolled over to the side of the ledge. “Otabek, you’re alive! We’re alive!” He peered at Otabek’s appearance which had to be rough as hell. “You’re…”
“Yeah…” Otabek whispered.
“Good grief, that thing tried to draw and quarter us,” Yuuri mumbled after a few seconds of silence, just panting, silently recovering and looking around at the scene. Everything went back to normal again.  “I didn’t think it’d work.”
“What happened with the box?” Otabek asked. He ran two hands through his hair.
“Uhhhh… well, this time I made a wish on a star. Y’know, meteorite, space spirit, I figured the magic alien rock would help you. I mean… I did find it after you used your flute. And it worked on that dragon.” Yuuri pointed at the plastic lunchbox currently hovering just above the jeweled Evil Eye. Otabek blinked blearily at the eye which had returned to its innocuous pearline appearance. “I just… I just wanted that spirit thing to listen to you. I didn’t think he’d die.” Yuuri limped to the next step down from the ledge.
He saw the eye drop in slow motion away from the hovering box. Otabek reached up with both hands, accepting the jeweled eye as it floated down to his level. The lunchbox descended slowly to the ground afterward of its own accord.
“He isn’t dead,” Otabek replied softly.
The black spirit was too important to nature’s cycle to be destroyed. As valuable as new life was to the earth, the destruction of it was also indispensable, even if it seemed cruel of conscience. But Otabek felt it was crueler to drag others into it. “I told him to rest.” He traced a thumb over the eye. It was completely clean, having no evidence he’d bled on it before.
“O-oh. Are you okay?” Yuuri croaked.
He reached the floor as Otabek removed the shredded fur cloak off his shoulders and wrapped the jewel eye gently inside. Otabek glanced up to see Yuuri’s eyes darting all over him. He just nodded. “Did you hit your head?”
“I’m fine,” Yuuri replied quickly, running the back of his hand across his forehead, but he couldn’t hide the wince from the back muscle twinge.
“I’ll drive the way back.” Otabek looked over the meteorite. He caught sight of an aidahar backpedaling from view, but ignored it, not caring if it was that mouthy bitey one or its friend. He had no expectations of those dragons to be anything but a nuisance. He was more concerned about Yuuri. “Your gift saved our lives. Please treasure it.” He pointed to the lunchbox.
Yuuri knelt unsteadily in front of the box to open it up. The lid broke when it came free. Otabek took a moment to compose himself while Yuuri wasn’t looking his way. He slowly squatted down with a grunt near the other man.
“B-but… how did this come to me?” Yuuri asked. He slipped his fingers tenderly under the silver stone and drew it up. The rest of his lunchbox broke apart. “Thank for your help,” he told the rock.
“To respond to my flute means it has a magical signature.” Otabek looked around for it while he spoke and sighed through his nose. Damn. Taken by Oirandau once again. “Yet… I literally sense nothing from it. I suspect Oirandau didn’t either--mm?” He blinked in surprise when he saw teardrops hitting the treasure. “Hey..?”
“I… I… I don’t understand how we’re alive.” Yuuri wiped his face with one glove and held up the stone with the other. “Or this…” He looked at the eye. “Or that. Anything of this?” He looked like he was trying so hard to keep the tears at bay, but Otabek knew the man had to be overwhelmed. Yuuri sucked up a loud sniffle. “H-here, take my coat,” he mumbled at Otabek..
“No, it’s fine. I’m not cold,” Otabek said, stopping him mid-unzip. “I don’t know exactly what your gift is, only guess.” Yuuri handed it over. It was smooth and shiny, reflecting Otabek’s face on one side. They sat in silence for a while while he investigated it. Ultimately, he determined that it was not rock but not a crystal or jewel either. “It is otherworldly, especially if it came from Tengri’s realm.”
“What’s that? Another spirit?”
“A celestial deity. The details are complicated, but he’s sky and space and”--Otabek made an encapsulating gesture with his wrecked hands, mimicking the shape of a globe--”everything.” Otabek shrugged. “If that’s the case, your stone overrode Oirandau’s will.” He gave it back to Yuuri. His hands no longer ached, and his fingers flexed without locking up. “And Oirandau is the black spirit. That aidahar found a font of spiritual energy--its mystical eye--and took it, not knowing it contained a powerful creature. You hit a bullseye.”
“Oh!” A surprised flush colored Yuuri’s round cheeks all the way to his ears. “I know I blabbed on and on back when we first met. I had all sorts of questions in mind about your work too but ummmmm… I hope I wasn’t annoying you,” Yuuri trailed off.
“To be fair, we met on my first spirit journey so I had little information anyway.” Otabek shrugged again.
“We’re friends, right? I mean, I know we don’t see each other much but i really wasn’t lying to that guy. I… I do… call myself your friend.”
“Yes. You’re my friend,” Otabek replied softly. “Oirandau just has no respect for humans. He was the reason I was in Almaty, and that earthquake happened. He was trying to be dominant over you and me.” He reached out and grasped Yuuri’s shoulder gratefully. “I heard you speak up against him. And you gave me that flame back.”
“Me? But I thought that was you? You know I can’t do that magic stuff.”
“Your actions were sincere. That enough warrants my respect.”
Yuuri stared at him, stunned. He then shivered with a mumble, “I gave the flame back. No wonder I’m cold again.” He pulled his arms in to hug himself. “I won’t pretend I have any place in whatever mission you’re on, but you can… you can count on me for, y’know, mundane stuff and anything you need a lunchbox smashed on,” he joked in a weak voice. “Two for two on that. Those dragons took off, huh?”
“Maybe,” Otabek grunted. “I saw the other one hiding in the rocks when the mist cleared.” He furtively glanced around trying to sense their aura alone but his spiritual core didn’t want to cooperate..
“Oh yeah, I should get the first aid kit out for your… wrists? Hey, wait a minute.” Yuuri stared at Otabek’s wrists. Otabek’s attention flicked back over trying to catch up. “That dragon bite’s gone!”
He looked down, haven’t not even noticed the physical change while he and Yuuri talked. “So it is. I feel stable but… tired.”
“Me too. I don’t even feel like getting started on field work.”
“You have a decent start.” Otabek mock-licked an invisible pen and wrote in the air. “ ‘Found a special god rock that rejuvenated us.’ ”
“I can’t put that on record! They’ll…” Otabek waited patiently until Yuuri continued in a whisper, “They’ll make me a narc.”
“The government, who do you think. You’d be a military wet dream. You command all sorts of youkai and natural resources--!”
“Aliens did all this, remember?” Otabek deadpan-replied.
“We can’t feed too much into that fire or we’ll end up with conspiracy theorists and even more tourists showing up.”
Otabek looked over at Yuuri’s face and was surprised to see such a protective expression directed toward the towering meteor. Yuuri white-knuckled the silvery plate with both hands.
“Okay,” the shaman agreed. “Say what you feel is best.”
Yuuri nodded and went quiet. Otabek stood up and made his way over to his pack against the ledge. Oirandau had spared the things that hadn’t made contact with it. He stepped out of his ruined clothes to put on the spares in the journeybag. The cloak would have to be remade, but he had others. He inhaled deeply before snorting out a yellowish-red plume of flame. The spirit arteries of his right arm lit up painfully through his skin. His face scrunched up in pain, but it warmed him and made his limbs cooperate better while putting on a new undershirt and trousers.
“Hey, Otabek?” Yuuri asked.
Otabek turned around. Behind him, Yuuri was rummaging through his mountain kit.
“Mm?” he grunted.
“Um… what did that thing do to you? You said something...about a conduit?” Yuuri shook his head in confusion.
“What did Oirandau look like to you?”
“Nothing! Just four scary eyes. Five? It had that rock eye above its eyes, like if it had a forehead, that eye would be there. The rest of it was just weird,  I mean like... a weird mass, like if you made a shadow take shape. Having glasses made it even worse.” Yuuri adjusted them from falling down his nose. “Surprised they didn’t break…,” he mumbled.
“OK so… To see other spirits, you’re either a spirit or you have them. Spirits can take form by creating or inhabiting one, like a mountain or me. A conduit is what I am.” Otabek gestured to himself. “Spirits and I try to have a give-and-take relationship. There’s things I won’t do, can’t do, don’t know how to do, whatever just like there’s things they won’t do. If a jinn is too strong or too sudden with all of that spiritual power… Mmmm,” Otabek grimaced before continuing, “Well, I used to blackout during those kinds of connections, but my teachers were merciful on my body. With this one”--Otabek pointed to his shredded cloak with the eye inside, shaking his head--”No, not forgiving at all, but hey, I was trained on fighting that kind off.”
He explained how replenishing the Aral Sea had involving drawing immense spiritual power inside himself and then focusing all that collected power into a task. Otabek had no firsthand memories of his spirit tasks his first two years as a Hero. What he knew were composite memories of what others told him. When he’d been an inexperienced conduit, spirits stepping into his body and channeling their power and thoughts through him turned Otabek into a puppet. He could either keep his human will or be possessed.
It was by this way he was Chosen and told of his tasks. It was duty to Kazakhstan, so of course he accepted. His job came with an agreement of consent. From that first dream on, Otabek’s life was intertwined with the spirits and they with him. His body became a spiritual hub and font of power. In exchange for a life at their side, the forces of nature granted him all of their resources to repair and replenish the earth.
“It’s like having a credit card,” Yuuri commented.
“No kidding. It’s just harder to pay off.” Otabek held up his arm and curled his fingers gingerly. “Okay, I think I can move again without feeling dizzy.”
“Me too.”
They helped each other to their feet. Otabek pulled out apples from his bag and put the fur-bound eye in the space. “Here.” Otabek put two apples in the crook of Yuuri’s arm. He bit into his own with vigor, finishing it off in seven bites. Yuuri thanked him for the fruit before chewing on one.
After they’d eaten the lot, their strength recovered enough to make the climb. Otabek paused at the top to look down at the meteor’s top before going up the tunnels. It was harder going up than coming down in some places. When Yuuri reached the first cave with its crack to the outside, he let out a loud sigh of relief. Otabek didn’t bother standing up once his palms found flat ground. He crawled out the rest of the way and dragged his bag on the back of his calves.
The moment sunshine touched his skin, Otabek let out a sharp inhale of breath. Oirandau’s lingering chill dissipated in the direct light shining in a gap between mountains.
“Where have you been, Batir?” a familiar voice scolded him. “I could not see you. ” Overhead, an eagle screamed as it swooped down on Otabek and landed hard on his back.
“Nnnn…,” Otabek groaned. “I see you. I see you.”
“You see who?” Yuuri asked behind him. “Ah!”
The eagle squawked in surprise, having not seen Yuuri either, and took off with a flustered cry. Otabek grunted again as the heavy bird pushed off him like a sturdy perch.
“Spirits are giving me shit because they lost track of me,” Otabek muttered as he pushed himself upright once he was out of the narrow entryway. Then it’s not a fluke that I couldn’t sense those aidahar or Oirandau’s aura… or any auras coming off that obviously mystical object Yuuri has.
“That eagle is a spirit? It doesn’t look monstrous…?” Yuuri said doubtfully.
“A spirit can speak through it. Works a little differently when I do it,” Otabek replied. He brushed snow and dirt off himself. Now that he was in the sunlight, he exhaled a strong breath. It mushroomed into a flame near his chest. “That feels a lot better…”
He saw Yuuri watching the eagle, though the bird did not approach Otabek again with Yuuri so near.
“Don’t worry about him. I’ll catch him up at the cabin,” he said.
The eagle cawed at him and flew off in that direction.
Yuuri pulled his truck keys out of his pocket. “You look worse than I do so please allow me to drive back as well,” he said politely.
“It looks worse than it actually is. Take it easy in the passenger seat,” Otabek replied.
They stared at each other, but Yuuri had the keys and started putting his bags carefully into the cab. “Otabek, please….” All while getting into the driver’s seat anyway and turning on the truck.
Otabek stared at him through the windshield for several seconds before getting into the passenger seat. His stubborn driver backed out the length of the service road in mostly their own tire tracks. At the widest portion of flat ground, he turned around and drove, shuddering in the freezing truck. Otabek leaned over in his seat to rest his elbow on the bag in the middle console, against Yuuri’s. A shiver rolled up the other man’s spine, one last shudder, and his teeth stopped chattering.
“All my blubber keeps me warm but this truck’s heating unit can’t do shit right now,” Yuuri grumbled.
“”Not enough vodka in the radiator,” Otabek said, chuckling. He watched the scenery as it passed, memorizing landmarks and imprinting his aura in places like a snow leopard marking territory. They continued back around the mountain’s wide base, and he stopped when he came into familiar territory. He reminded himself to mark this place on one of his maps once he had his saddlebags again.
As Big Almaty Lake’s edge rounded into view, Yuuri spoke up softly, “I know it’s not safe to go alone into the mountains, but when I needed space, I would drive up here and just sit at the gap or in the cave. I probably shouldn’t go back now, huh?”
“As long as you prepare for anything, do what you want,” Otabek replied, shrugging. “You’ve lived here long enough to know the risks.”
‘But what if those dragons come back? Are you going to do something about them?”
“As long as you come armed with a lunchbox…”
“I’m serious!” Yuuri laughed, knocking his knuckles against the top of Otabek’s hand.
“You could always interact with them,” Otabek said off-handedly. Since he was looking out the window, he didn’t notice Yuuri freeze at that remark.
“I’m… embarrassing at talking. I mean, I can chatter about work for hours but outside of that, urgghhhh…”
“Not talk. Interact. See how they respond. You might scare them off if you come back, then they won’t bother you. I was serious about the lunchbox, too.” Otabek’s mouth quirked.
The plateau widened at the final curve of the road. Yuuri turned off down the paved icy hill and pulled into the far parking lot. He turned off the truck. “Thank you for coming,” he said. “I have to sign all my stuff in and put that plate somewhere safe for now.”
“Alright. Peace be upon you. If you’re able to take time off, I’d like for you to come to the cottage. Once I’m recovered, I’ll need to purify the two of us after dealing with the treacherous eye. You don’t want bad luck trailing you.”
“It’ll have to take a number. I already own shares of bad luck,” Yuuri replied dryly. He pushed open the truck door hard against the mountain winds. Turning into it, he dragged out his two bags. “I’ll bring the plate too in case things get too frisky. How will I know you’re okay?”
Seeing Yuuri bogged down in his winter gear and two bags made Otabek smile gently at the man’s concern. He realized he must look sorely underdressed in torn up fur sections, trousers, and shirt layers.
“You’ll get a bird.”
“Just who takes care of your animals when you’re away or injured anyway?” Yuuri asked sternly.
“The jinn look after their own.  I’ll have to impose upon their hospitality so look for my eagle in four days time.”
“I’ll bring tea,” Yuuri promised. Otabek shut the door of the truck same as Yuuri, and the alarm chirped. Yuuri went toward the door fishing for his lanyard. “I’ll adjust my schedule and come when I can.”
Otabek nodded once. “Do svidaniya.” Bidding Yuuri farewell, he lumbered to the garage where Karazhal awaited him.
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toku-explained · 4 years ago
The Wonder Creation Swordsman
SSSS.Dynazenon: Despite the negative emotions Garnix should have unleashed by making people experience their pasts and futures, no new Kaiju are appearing, leading them to realise all the seeds are used up. Onija intends to wipe out humanity himself, Juuga to acknowledge the deceased kaiju, and Mujina just leaves, leaving Sizumu, who says they're just human now, like Gauma. Chise is shocked by Koyomi suddenly starting to work to seriously apply for jobs. Gauma's condition is deteriorating, but he doesn't show Yomogi and Yume. Life goes on as normal at school. Chise tries to return to school, but can't bring herself to. Knight and 2nd approach her, saying they'll be leaving soon, and intend to take Goldburn with them to maintain the World's balance, she knows they're right, but runs away all the same. Juuga approaches Gauma, telling him he's won, and gets a beating for his trouble before Yomogi and Yume intervene, he says they won't see him again and leaves. Gauma admits he's depressed as it feels like the Princess wasn't revived, only the Kaiju Users were, despite the Princess killing herself after his death, he explains he knows this because a certain someone told him so, and that she'd wanted him to have the statue which became Dynazenon, still he feels content, taking back the Dynazenon components. Mujina approaches Koyomi, who accepts she was just doing her duty, despite her own hostility to him. Yomogi finds a news article about a 5000 year old Mummy vanishing, speculating it to be Gauma, revived by some Kaiju's power. Yume asks Yomogi to join her to visit Kano's grave, causing annoyance for Yomogi's mother who wanted him to join her meeting Kano. 2nd and Knight tell Gauma they'll be leaving. At Kano's grave Yume reveals she never visited it before, expressing her issues with her parents, Yomogi expressing his own worries about Kamijo, Gauma is following them. Onija was arrested after attacking a cop, as Yomogi's friends see on the news. Yume worries that without the Kaiju everyone will grow apart, prompting Yomogi to ask her out. Sizumu appears, attacking Yomogi, Gauma taking the blow. Sizumu I'd grateful for the emotions the pair have showed him, and now understands why Gauma revived as a human, his own love, but that left him unconnected to any kaiju on revival and his body is falling apart. His next attack is blocked by Knight, who tells him there are no Kaiju left, leading him to use Instance Domination on himself, revealing his own Kaiju form, Gagula. Gauma wants to fight, but is in no condition to as Goldburn arrives and they don't have enough pilots, Knight improvises, using the mecha components to form Kaiser GridKnight on his own. However, even as Chise and Koyomi rush there, he's being overpowered, as Onija, Juuga and Mujina all look at the last Kaiju battling.
Heroes' Odyssey: Zero tells us about how Ultraman Blu acquired the power of Wind from the Tiga Crystal against Gue-Basser, and the girl he tried to help, then the Zoiger battle with Rena in the Snow White, Tiga saved her.
Saber: Tassel finally emerges from his portion of the Book, and he and Izaak sense Luna reappearing in Wonder World. Yuri overexerts himself healing Ogami and Daishinji, vanishing again. Touma, Mei and Rintaro go to Kento, Kurayami has stopped showing him visions, and he agrees to rejoin them. The Shibdais enter Southern Base, Izaak immediately confronts them. Northern Base welcome Kento back, he goes to find Ren, while they worry about getting into Southetn Base. Solomon badly wounds Durandal, but he was acting as a distraction so Sabela could steal the Wonder Ride Books back. They go to Fantastic Bookstore Kamitama, hand over the books and a Book Gate for Southern Base, and Ryoga collapses. Storuous is asking Izaak about XSaber when Touma and Rintaro arrive, Touma asking Izaak's reason for his schemes, but it's just his god complex, but he does tell Touma that Luna choosing him fated him to vanish, his action causing the events of 15 years ago changed his fate, advising he be grateful, but Touma just points out all that did was ruin the lives of Hayato, Kamijo and Kento. Cross Saber and Blades Hyoujuu Senki prepare to fight Solomon, Storious summons Charybdis, wanting it to take XSaber for him. Ren refuses to join Kento and the others until he finds strength, Desast doesn't believe him. As the battle continues, Saber uses his Wonder Combo to become Cross Saber Three. Blades defeats Charybdis, and Saber demolishes Solomon, Touma asks Izaak to return to protecting the world before Storious rescues him. Kento watches as Touma and Rintaro try to get the Shindais to join them, then remembers a vision where Storious unleashed the World's destruction. Izaak tells Storious he'll get Luna, who is running lost as Tassel tries to find her.
Zenkaiger: A new kid in town is nervous to enter Colourful, reminding Magine of herself. Things across town get turned into earlier versions, thanks to Retro World, who is attacked by Zox then the others, but he uses his abilities to retrofy everyone's outfits, plus the Geardaringer into a normal wheel, and Crocodaioh to a boat. Boccowaus is annoyed at Barashitara and Ijirude's repeated failures, but it turns out neither sent out Retro World, Gege did, wanting to test some things. People seem surprisingly relaxed about being in a Retro town, but Yatsude spits the boy, scared, and it emerges he's struggling with the whole move even before the whole city changed, Yatsude puts everything into showing the boy, Ryo, around town, reminding Kaito of how she helped him after his parents vanished. Ryo starts having fun thanks to Yatsude, and the pair briefly run into Stacey, not knowing who he is, but Stacey finds Yatsude heavily reminds him of his mother. Retro World increases the power, causing everyone to become lost in nostalgic thoughts, thinking of the past, but the Kikainoids, not just on the team, quickly remember that life was awful before under the Tojitendo, getting up, and a public phone gets a call from Secchan about where Retro World is. The 4 battle, but Retro World is able to Retro beam his own damage away, ZenkaiZyuran uses Timeranger to fast forward back to the near defeat and destroy him. Dai Retro World battles Twokai-Oh Katana and ZenkaiOh ZyuraGaon, but are trapped talking in retroisms, but that doesn't stop them fighting. Later on, they spot Ryo having fun with other kids.
Dogengers Nice Buddy: Riku leaves friendlily as the rest of the Dogengers return home, Yabai Kamen going with him. Shuraomaru is waiting on a rooftop. Riku and Yabai Kamen get home to find Great Z gone, the food and pills still there, a TV shows them he's elsewhere with Shuraomaru, after Great Z reflects on recent words with Riku, Shuraomaru attacks, Great Z fighting back, but due to his condition is cut down. He gets back up, reflecting on a boy being bullied for his hero designs, and seems to actually kill Shuraomaru. He then warps the sleeping Dogengers to him, as they wake up trying to take another pill, his hand trembling cause him to drop them, and he starts shooting wildly. Tanaka, thinking he's Riku, doesn't want to fight, but knows he has to, they go to use Buddy Buddy Buster, but they're all safely put away in the house. They try to fight, but his erratic movements make it hsrd, even the Affect System drones are moving erratically as he summons in turn the DX Great Bowgun, DX Great Magnum and Great DX Cannon, using each on a hero pair, Rookie and Ohgaman combine their weapons against the last, both are destroyed in the process. He exhaustedly readies a Great Maximum Breaker, Rookie going to take the blow, but stops suddenly, freezing in place. We see again the child being bullied, and the hero designs were Great A, Great B, Great C, Great D, all the way through to Great Z. While there are some differences to designs we've already seen either here or in YABAI, Great K is the only one I would say looks significantly different, even Great Z looks like his design here, rather than in YABAI. Because of his teasing he needs the Galaxy Nova series to be recognised as justice. As he stumbles, Ohgamam can tell somethings wrong, probably due to the medicine, in fact Great Z, in order to fight, has overdosed, and now he's lashing out at the past. Riku watching is upset about his father, recalling being asked for his help, and becomes determined. Yelling out at the Dogengers, Great Z uses the remaining three Affect System drones to summon a not really stable Great Daizenshin, and Maid Shitsuji arrives with the Buddy Buddy Busters for everyone. They unleash a combined finish, and Great Z collapses, Great Daizenshin falling towards them. Great Z finds himself back in the classroom, his younger self drawing his heroes, when the Dogengers appear too, first greeting the boy, then spotting his work. Both the boy and Great Z expect them to mock him, only for Ohgaman to praise his work, leading him to show off the first design of his own suit, Yamashiron shows his, Kitaqman the design of his original suit, Fukuokaliber the same, and El Brave his wrestling look. Great Z remembers how it felt taking the first publicity shots of Great A, as the Dogengers encourage him to keep at it. Great Z watches, seemingly happily, as everyone shares designs, and one of the drones breaks apart.
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