#i was still half asleep in bed looking at my phone like bruce......... what do you mean his name is bruce.................
theophagie · 10 months
Bruce is such a dog name omg
Someone get a leash please
Honestly I was ready to laugh for one thousand years because. BRUCE. LOCAL MANGA IKEMEN BRUCE. So I'm actually really glad that people jumped in to explain that it's a reference to Bruce Lee and martial arts (because of his quirk) otherwise I would have never been able to take him seriously 😭
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Forgotten Demon Twin 2/?
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Danny came back early from his patrol. There had been no ghost attacks. All he had found were ghost blobs, and he let them be. They were harmless. He got under his covers, glad that the next day was Sunday. He hoped he would be able to sleep late.
Danny was starting to fall asleep when he heard his phone ring. He groaned. He just wanted to sleep. He looked at his phone and immediately called Tucker.
“What do you mean someone is looking into me?” He asked without preamble.
“I don’t know what to tell you, dude. About six hours ago, I got an alert of someone looking into Amity Park. No biggie, sometimes people get curious. The firewall the GIW and me and Technus have set has kept them out so far. Then, a few hours later, I found out someone was trying to find out about you.”
“I’ve been able to keep them out, but just barely. Whoever they are, they’re good at hacking. Technus and I are having a hard time keeping them away from your information. I’ve had to direct them to your Doom and old Twitter account to get them off your scent, but I don’t know how long that’ll last.”
Okay, okay. This wasn’t the time to panic. It was probably the League (in which case he was [fully] dead anyway). He had to find a way to keep his family and friends safe, hide the portal from his fruit loop of a grandfather and mother, and keep his secret of being half-dead—no big deal.
“Danny, Danny, you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m still here. Listen, I want you to stop interfering with the hacking. I don’t want you or any of my loved ones in danger if it's who I think it is. I haven’t told you guys the whole truth, and if I make it out alive, I will. Until then, don’t contact me.”
“Danny, wait! What’s going—”
Danny hung up before Tucker could finish asking the question.
His phone immediately started lighting up. He turned it off. Danny moved his bed and pulled the wakizashi hidden under his floorboard; some ninja throwing stars, needles, and poison.
Danny stared at his weapons and knew he was screwed.
He could never measure up to the assassins in the League, let alone his family. He had no doubt the Al Ghuls had learned Danny had lied to them and was here to kill him and his family.
Ra’s Al Ghul did not believe in leaving loose ends.
Maybe Danny could convince his grandfather to leave the Fentons alone if he gave them all his information and let Ra’s kill Danny.
No, Danny would have to win against Ra’s. He couldn’t let the older man win; Danny knew his family would never survive if Danny died.
He didn’t know if he’d come back as a full ghost if he got killed (could he even die?), and he wasn’t willing to find out.
Besides, he no longer was the Al Ghul’s failure. He was Danny Phantom. Hero of Amity Park and the Ghost Zone. Crowned Prince of the Infinite Realms. He would win.
Danny heard a tap on his window and was met with two piercing green eyes.
They were here.
Once they entered Amity Park, whatever firewall kept them out went out. Suddenly, they could see everything that was happening in the small city. It disturbed Bruce.
Mentions of ‘ghosts’ attacking the town. A weatherman who predicted and announced the presence of ghosts and the Fentons on the road. The city being sucked into an alternate dimension (without the Justice League ever hearing about it), and a dead teenager taking care of the city. And the mention of a portal into the Land of the Dead, courtesy of the Fentons.
“Danyal never mentioned this portal,” Damian muttered as he looked through old letters he had.
The plane landed at 2:25 in the morning at Amity Park Airport.
It wasn’t hard to find the Fenton’s address once they were in Amity Park. Their address, phone number, and business number were public records in the small city.
The family made a plan.
They decided they would send Damian first. A (kind of) familiar face could help draw Danyal, Danny, out.
(God, it sounded like he was trying to lure out a wild animal. Though, if Danny were anything like his brother, that description wouldn’t be too far off the mark…)
“Remember, Damian, don’t engage if Danny starts attacking. It’s just talking. If he attacks you leave, and we find a different way to communicate.”
“Yes, father,” Damian said through gritted teeth. That was the fifth time his father had said the same thing. He wasn’t an imbecile.
Please, his thoughts intruded; not even an imbecile would forget they had a twin brother.
Shut up, he answered back.
Damian put on his dark clothes (not his league outfit; he threw that away a long time ago.) and the wire so his family could hear what was happening before leaving.
It wasn’t hard to find the Fenton’s house. The giant light arrow spelling out Fenton’s Work toward a house, and the big, he didn’t even know what was on top of the house, gave it away. These people weren’t subtle at all.
Damian climbed the windows. In one, there was a couple. The behemoth of a man was snoring so loudly it shook the whole room. A red-haired teenage girl slept in the next window while holding an old teddy bear. He went to the next one and froze.
For the first time in almost a decade, Damian saw his twin once more.
His back was turned to the window, but Damian saw a wakizashi in his hand. Ah, Danyal probably suspected someone was coming and thought it would be a member of the League.
Well, it was time to put his brother at ease.
Damian tapped on the window and saw blue eyes suddenly looking at him.
The two twins stared at each other for a long time. Then, Danyal adverted his gaze and went to the window. He kept the small sword in his hand.
He opened the window and let Damian in.
“Heir to the Demon’s Head, what a pleasure to be acknowledged and visited by you. To what does this Spare owe the honor?”
Once upon a time, Danyal’s subservience sent a thrill of pleasure down Damian’s spine. Now, it reminded him how far apart he had been kept from his twin. A horrid feeling twisted in his stomach and caused him physical pain.
His brother should never have been treated the way he had been by their grandfather and mother.
Damian should have never treated his brother that way.
“Danyal,” Damian said softly; his brother stiffened, “It’s okay. We are no longer loyal to the League. We are free.”
Danny didn’t dare look up. Was this a test? Was his twin testing his loyalty?
Danny’s heart rate picked up as Damian touched Danny’s shoulder.
“Brother,” Danny felt incredulous; the Heir never acknowledged the Spare as ‘brother,’ “Brother, grandfather is dead. We are free.”
Danny kept his gaze adverted. He couldn’t bring himself to hope that he was free.
Damian let his hand drop to his side.
“You don’t believe me.”
Danyal kept quiet.
Damian took a deep breath, “I have proof. He was killed in public. I brought the newspaper article.”
Damian took out the newspaper clipping and gave it to Danyal. His brother took it with shaking hands.
Danny’s breath caught as he read the title.
Ra’s Al Ghul was…dead. Danny was free! Would his brother let him stay in Amity Park? He was the heir, so he undoubtedly had taken over. Maybe if he pled his case to Damian and promised loyalty, he would let him stay with the Fentons.
Besides, Danny was the weak link of the Al Ghul line. He wasn’t a threat. Maybe Damian would grant him his wish.
Damian felt his heart twist as his twin got down on one knee, bowing his head.
“Demon’s Head, I ask you to let me stay in Amity Park. I’ll send weekly or even daily reports. Please, don’t kill the Fentons. My weakness has made me feel attached to them. If you don’t want me to stay here, please at least grant me the request of sparing their lives.”
Damian’s sadness suddenly turned to anger.
Hadn’t Danyal listened to a word he had said? They were free; they were no longer bound to the League.
“No, Danyal. The League no longer exists,” he spat out.
Danny flinched at his twin’s anger. His hold tightened on his sword.
“Bring it back a bit, baby bat,” Richard said through the comms.
Danny didn’t give any outward appearance that he heard another man’s voice calling Damian…Baby Bat?
What the fuck?
“I apologize, Danyal. My temper still gets the best of me sometimes.”
Danny couldn’t believe his ears. Damian, the Prince of the League, Heir to the Demon’s Throne, was apologizing…to Danny.
“Danyal, I left the League six years ago. I’ve been with our father.”
Father. The Batman. If what Damian was saying was true…
“Father and the rest of our siblings would like to meet you. They’re here in the city.”
…He could be free. All he had to do was convince Batman he was fine and to let him stay in Amity Park. Danny wouldn’t say anything about being Phantom, so Batman wouldn’t find any excuse to make him leave his little city.
Besides, how hard could it be to lie to the greatest detective in the world?
Danny got up, dusted his pants, and asked, “When do we leave?”
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laiosynth · 2 years
come away, oh ghostly child... (pt 3)
(PT 2 <-) (-> PT 4)
Dick lays in bed.
Phantom is tucked into his side, snuggling into his warmth. Dick doesn't know what to do. Whenever he moves even a millimeter away from the child, Phantom whines and snuggles back in, searching for comfort.
He supposes it's his fault. He'd brought the boy home, unsure what the protocol was for a ghost child. He'd laid the boy down on his bed, getting undressed and changing into pajamas before plopping down, intending to get up after a second and find out what to do.
That was when the boy had struck. Now he's here, stuck. It's like when a cat lays on your lap. It would be sacrilege to move and disturb them.
Sighing, Dick uses the hand on his free side to grab his phone. He's lucky it's close, or he'd be fucked.
He calls Babs, linking the audio to the comm still in his ear.
"Hey Dick, what's up?"
"Babs. I have a... situation."
"A situation, huh? Would this have anything to do with the call I got from Jason laughing his ass off about you taking after Bruce?"
"Damnit, I told him about this in confidence! Asshole. And he claims he's not a gossip."
"So, you've acquired a child."
"A ghost child, who can apparently turn into an alive child. Still confused about that."
"Hold up. You never said anything about a ghost. You're telling me you have the ghost kid who's been haunting Gotham for the past 3 months?"
"That I am."
"And said ghost kid turned into a living kid and fell asleep on you."
Babs sighs over the line.
"Go to sleep, Dick, and worry about it in the morning. Usually, I'd say something different, but you sound dead tired. Get some sleep, and hopefully, the kid will, too. We'll just hope he's there in the morning."
Dick wakes up, not realizing he'd fallen asleep. A glance at the phone in his hand tells him it's 7.
When he moves, he's interrupted by Phantom snuggling into his side again, chasing after his warmth.
Dick wastes no time in scooping the boy up to hold on his hip, which seems to work fine because Phantom doesn't protest.
He doesn't bother trying to change- still in his pajamas, he heads out to his kitchen with Phantom on his hip. He rifles through his fridge, looking for anything suitable for a young child- he has some eggs that are miraculously still good, some fruit he bought the day before, a pack of bacon, and some bread. Why is his bread in the fridge? He doesn't know. Ask past Dick, who probably made this choice while sleep-deprived.
Time to find out if cold bread makes bad toast.
Dick sets about making breakfast one-handed- he starts by putting the bacon on. While that cooks, he puts the bread in the toaster, then he scrambles the eggs. The eggs are finished quickly, so as the toast finishes and the bacon sizzles, he begins to dice some fruit. As he plates the breakfast, Phantom begins to stir, probably smelling the bacon and eggs.
Just as Dick sets the breakfast on the table, Phantom wakes up with a big yawn.
"Morning, sleepyhead. I made breakfast."
Phantom, still half asleep, nods and wiggles, so Dick sets him down in the chair, pulling his own chair out to sit across from the boy.
Phantom stares blearily at his breakfast, a fork in his hand.
Then he lights up.
"The- the breakfast has a smiley face!"
"Yeah, buddy, it does," Dick smiles, just the tiniest bit proud that his idea had cheered the boy up- the breakfast was a slice of toast with bacon in the shape of a smile and two strawberry slices for eyes. The scrambled eggs and other fruit sat on opposite sides of the toast.
"That's so cool!"
Dick smiles, and motions for Phantom to eat up. The boy obliges, digging into the fruit first. Dick eats as well, somewhat thankful for having something other than cereal for the first time in what has to be a month.
"My name's Danny," Phantom- no, Danny says unprompted.
"It's nice to meet you, Danny. I'm Dick."
Danny smiles and says, "Big Brother Dick!"
Dick blinks.
"No, buddy, I'm not your big brother, just Dick."
Danny's smile falls.
"But Gotham says... she says you're my brother, she says you're safe. You're my big brother, Gotham says you're her kid same as me!"
And oh, the boy is close to tears- what is Dick supposed to do here?" Deny or play along?
"Sure then, buddy. Yeah. I can be your big brother."
And there's that smile again- oh, what has Dick just done?
tags: @basilf1res @angelheartgamer @justgray15777 @terzatheunderscorerima @phantom120 @undead-essence @crazydoughnutlady @big-flrda-kys @rangerhorsetug @shamelessstudenthideout @nonbinary-disaster @keegan-parker @i-am-the-asian-persuasion @terrasolstice @eonic @mayoota-blog1 @theonewiththegays @glitchedchaos
(hopefully i got everyone!)
bonus sketch:
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 8/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Eight: Breakfast
Jason woke up in the middle of the night to someone climbing into the couch bed next to him. "Excuse me?" Jason whispered. Bart covered his face with the back of his forearm and rolled over to stare up at the ceiling before screaming so loud he woke up half his roommates. Tim came out of his room and tapped Bart's hand.
"Hey, we're gonna go back to bed," Tim whispered, his eyes still closed.
"It's not safe," Bart mumbled, "I want to stay here." Tim sighed.
"You can't stay here because we're going back to bed," Tim insisted, "You're sleepwalking again."
"Oh no," Bart mumbled.
"Uh-huh. Ready to go?" Tim asked. Bart nodded, and Tim took his hand and led him back to his room. Jason lay back down, and he drifted back off to sleep.
A few hours after sunrise, Jason's phone rang, and he answered, still half-asleep. "Hello?" Jason grumbled.
"Are you alone?" Laney asked.
"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Jason replied. "And no, I'm not alone. I'm at my brother's place. What are you doing up at—?"
"Seven in the morning? I've been asleep since eight-thirty. Listen, I'm glad I got to see you yesterday. I guess I can't really say what I want to... How were my brothers yesterday?" Laney asked.
"They were upset, but I think they'll be okay once they see that you're alright," Jason whispered. Laney made a noise over the phone. "Did Conner ever go back to the hotel?"
"No, he's asleep in a chair right here. He's been here all night, and he's probably half the reason any of us got any sleep," Laney confessed.
Jason yawned and stretched out his limbs. "How are you feeling?" Jason asked.
"Jason, did I wake you up?" Laney asked gently.
"Yeah, but it's okay... You okay, Lane?" Jason asked.
Laney took in a sharp breath, and Jason could tell that Laney was crying. "Jason... I'm gonna go," Laney whimpered.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked.
"I think that I should go back to bed," Laney cried.
"Hey, Lane? Lane?" Conner whispered. "What's the matter?"
Laney hung up on Jason, and Jason hugged his knees. Tim came out of his room and stretched out his arms. "Sorry I forgot to tell you, Bart's a sleepwalker," Tim yawned, "Did you just talk to somebody?"
"I talked to Laney... Did you know Conner was at the hospital with him all night?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, I told him to call me if he needed me... Why? Do you want a ride up to the hospital today?" Tim asked. Jason shrugged.
"I don't even know if they're gonna let us visit him today—." Tim's phone vibrated.
"Sorry, hold on. It's Conner... Hey," Tim answered, "He is? No... Okay... So, do you want me to bring you something to eat?" Tim ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "How'd you sleep?" Tim looked at Jason and mouthed something at him. "Love you too... See you in like an hour."
Tim punched Jason in the shoulder. "What?" Jason asked.
"What did you say to his brother?" Tim asked.
"Which one, Tim?" Jason asked.
"Laney. Conner said Laney's a mess this morning—."
"He was already like that when he called me. Not crying, but he was sort of off," Jason whispered, "Are you going to the hospital?"
"Not straight there. I'm gonna go get breakfast, but I think Conner and his mom are gonna switch off with Clark and the boys," Tim replied, "He said something about circling back at around noon after he gets a shower and some sleep."
Cassie came out of her room, dressed to go to the gym, and greeted both Tim and Jason. "Conner didn't come home last night, huh?" Cassie asked. Tim shook his head. "Did you tell him we could cancel our gig if his brother is still sick?" Tim nodded.
"I told him last night, but he said he was okay," Tim replied. Cassie opened the fridge and grabbed her water bottle.
"I still think we should cancel or reschedule. Oh, and we're out of milk," Cassie replied. Jason lay back for a few moments before getting up and making his way to their bathroom.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Laney sat up in bed with his face in his hands. "Lane, what's wrong?" Lois asked. She sat next to him and fixed his hair. "You can talk to me."
Laney took a moment to pull himself together, and he sniffed. "Please don't tell Dad I cried... I just—. I don't know. I guess I freaked out for a second, but I'm okay," Laney mumbled. Lois kissed the top of his head.
"Swear?" Lois asked. Laney nodded and took a deep breath. "You look like you feel a little bit better... I know Conner's relieved. What freaked you out?"
"I wanted to say something, but I couldn't figure out how to say it. Did someone feed Gus Gus? He's all by himself until my roommate gets back tonight," Laney whispered. Lois smiled.
"I will feed Gus Gus, and you can relax. Other than this, how was your weekend going?" Lois asked.
"Are you asking if Dad and I got along?" Laney asked, and she nodded. "Actually, once we got past the worst part, things were going nicely... Did he tell you I got drunk Friday night?"
Lois shook her head as her untroubled face turned to a grimace. "No... He didn't," she replied.
"So I just told on myself... Great... I only mentioned it because I thought Dad already told you, but I guess he thought I was joking. I wanted to ask him to stay a little while longer," Laney confessed, "And I know you guys are only just an hour away, but I feel like things were starting to feel normal again with Dad."
"They were?" Lois asked. A smile spread across her face.
"Yeah, and how come you don't tell him what we talk about in therapy? It's not like it's a secret," Laney replied.
"It feels weird telling him about what you said to me in therapy when I knew you two couldn't hold a full conversation," Lois confessed, "He did tell me about how you ended up at that restaurant when we thought you ran away. Can we talk about that?"
Laney nodded. "I thought that maybe I could run away, and I know it was stupid—."
"It wasn't stupid. I just wanted you to know that none of that was your fault. We can't be mad at you for a decision you made at fifteen—."
"I was sixteen," Laney corrected. Lois pinched his cheek.
"Oh, in that case, what were you thinking, old man?" Lois joked. Laney laughed. "No, but seriously, you get that we love you, right?"
Laney nodded. "I know you guys love me," Laney answered.
"Cricket? Did your counselor—?"
"No. Never," Laney answered, "And while I'm telling you about things I've been keeping to myself, I started drinking a few months after I got to boarding school."
"Alcohol? But I—. I should've noticed—."
"It's nobody's fault. I was losing it, Mom. It was bound to happen even if I didn't leave home—."
"You didn't look like yourself. Conner told me you slept on the floor by his bed the first night you came home," Lois whispered, more to herself than to Laney. Laney grabbed her wrist.
"Mom, I'm okay now. Emotionally, I mean. I'm not the same kid you picked up from the pier last year," Laney whispered. A nurse came in with Laney's breakfast, and both he and his mother grew silent. He thanked the nurse, and once she was gone, he started eating.
Lois saw Clark and the boys wave, and she smiled. "Look at who's here to see you," she whispered, "I'll be back in a few hours. Love you." She kissed the top of his head.
"Love you, Mom," Laney whispered as Lois left and Chris came in. Chris greeted Lois and immediately made his way over to Laney's bed, where he embraced him.
Laney held on for a little longer than he usually would, and he relaxed his shoulders. "Are you still sick?" Chris asked. Laney let go and grabbed Chris's nose.
"I'm feeling a little better... Just tired. Did you eat breakfast yet?" Laney asked. Chris nodded. "Think you can get Sammy to come and say hi?" Chris left the room, and Laney watched as his brothers talked outside and walked in with Clark.
"Good morning, Laney," Clark kissed the top of Laney's head.
"Aww! Dad," Laney pretended to be disgusted, eliciting a laugh from both Chris and Sammy. "Gosh, I can't see if that's Sam or not... He's so far away, and he looks a little taller than the one that I know." Sammy came over and hesitated at first before Laney pulled him in for a hug.
"Do you really think I got taller?" Sammy asked. Laney laughed.
"I dunno, maybe a quarter-inch or so," Laney answered honestly.
"What happened?" Chris asked. Laney went back to eating his breakfast, and he looked over at Clark.
"My heart's stressed out, but they say if my fever goes down a little bit more, I might get to go home the day after tomorrow," Laney answered.
"Conner didn't come back last night," Sammy whispered.
"He was with Mom and me. He was making sure I slept okay," Laney whispered, "Turns out I have some really cool little brothers... Who would've thought?"
"What's the food like?" Sammy asked.
"It's gross, but I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday, so I'm starved. What'd you guys eat for breakfast? Please tell me that Dad let you guys eat fast food for breakfast," Laney smiled. They nodded, and a nurse came back in to check Laney's temperature.
"How are you feeling this morning?" the nurse asked. Laney nodded.
"'M okay," Laney replied, and she gave him his pills to take with his juice. Laney sighed and took his pills while the nurse stared at Sammy and Chris.
"Big family?" she asked.
"Weird way to say good morning," Laney snapped at her.
"Excuse me?" the nurse asked.
"You come in here, and you don't acknowledge my family or the fact that I'm eating, for that matter. Instead of being polite and maybe just saying 'pardon me' or 'just a moment,' you stare at my brothers and make a sarcastic comment about my family. That's disrespectful," Laney replied.
His heart rate went up on the monitor, and Clark asked as politely as possible for the nurse to step out, and he sent Chris and Sammy out to grab Lois. "Laney, it's alright—."
"It's not alright. That nurse had no right to treat you guys like that—."
"Laney, take a breath. You sound like your mother," Clark smiled. Laney nodded and took a few deep breaths to calm himself, and he pushed his breakfast away. "Finish your breakfast."
"I'm not hungry. I'm tired," Laney whispered as he sank back into his bed. He put his mask back on and turned over.
"Lane, I'm gonna stay here with you. Okay?" Clark asked. Laney made an affirmative noise, and Clark flipped the machine on just as the night nurse showed him, and he smoothed his son's hair down.
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dadbodsandbots · 10 months
2 and 9 from the Homely ask game, with whoever would like to answer! 💜
I'm going to go with Jason since I haven't given him enough love recently 2) Do you share a bedroom? What does that look like? What are your bedtime routines? Do they differ or do you do things together? Who falls asleep first? Who wakes up first? Jay has safehouses all over the city while I have a flophouse studio that looks like it escaped containment from r/MaleLivingSpace, basically Charlie Kelly's shithole but in Gotham which is exactly as dire as it sounds. POV: damn bitch you live like this?
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Jason is kind of leery of the place because it reminds him of the dump he grew up in and he swears that I can choose any of his places to stay in free of charge (with several offers for a spare room at Wayne Manor from Bruce), but accepts that I just need my own space and I compromise by memorizing safehouse locations in case shit goes down. I give him the spare key to my apartment in case he needs a place to rest, which he appreciates, and wears it between his kevlar and thermal shirt on a necklace. "Shut up, DICK; we're not getting married." "First off: rude?? And FYI I will fight Roy to be the Best Man." Our bedtimes are non-existent lmao We sleep when we can. Most of the time we just fall asleep talking to each other in bed or on the couch. No matter how tired he is, he always makes sure to fall asleep after me. :') He definitely has videos of me snorting in my sleep like a pug. Jay always wakes up first out of habit, but he makes sure that my alarm is set and leaves a selfie on my phone of him cheesing next to me while I'm still dead to the world with fucked up hair and drool on my pillow. When we are both awake to spend together, we mostly share intel on cases like a detective/vigilante and medical examiner duo. We'll compare notes on investigation leads to help each other out while eating takeout or hanging out on the balcony/roof. In our rare downtime, we like to go shopping together for groceries, do chores, or hit the gym! Parallel play suits us best in that the Batfam is simultaneously impressed and weirded out by our synergy, even when we're bickering over something unrelated. 9) Do you ever steal each other's clothes? If you could make an outfit for your s/o, what kind of clothes would you give them?
We're in a clothes theft arms race that will only end with one of us dead (or dead again). I keep trying to steal his leather jacket because it's cool but you'll never catch him lacking with that jacket. The only time he hands it over is when it's freezing cold or raining on the street. Half of the time he's like "damn Cat I don't control the weather" while still forking it over. He gets me some luxury jackets as gifts, but I still prefer his because it smells like him. 🥰 Jay retaliates by rifling through my hoard of t-shirts and stretching them the hell out because he's built like a Thwomp. 🟦🟦🟦 I feel like Jay would appreciate a tasteful cardigan, probably black or wine red to stay on brand. It's not really fit for vigilantism, but it's cozy and reminds him to take care of himself. Also, it smells like me. 💕
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munsonbabes · 2 years
“Yeah,” the hint of laughter still on her voice, “you’re pretty cute.”
Footsteps could be heard on the stairs, and she glanced around the corner, a shadow of her mothers boyfriend danced across the wall as he descended. “Hey, I have to go,” she said in a hushed panic. Fuck, he did not have her address.
“Eddie, meet me at the park by the baseball field at 2:30 — is that okay?” Her eyes glanced back at the growing shadow, and her heart started to race. “Meet me then, be there. Please. Bye, cutie.”
As if on cue, in he walked, exhaustion wiped on his face mixed with frustration. “Miriam, it is 3:45AM, what the fuck are you doing on the phone?” Cowering, she placed it back onto the holder, not wanting to step on anymore toes, before walking passed him. “Hey,” he said quiet, stern as his hand held her arm a little firm. “You better not be on the phone with boys at this hour like a little tramp.”
Anger and hurt were reflected in her eyes at they had a small stand off in the doorway. She wouldn’t correct him, not without her mother near — she didn’t fear him, she just didn’t trust him. “A friend from the city called, she’s having a rough night, okay?” A pause, “It wont happen again.”
“You’re damn right it won’t fucking happen again, this is my house,” he argued, but she ignored him, putting her hand up to say goodnight as submissive as she could before retreating to the safety of her bed, making sure to cuddle into her dads blanket soundly as she cried for the missing piece in her life.
She woke with a start, her eyes adjusting to the sting of daylight that peeked through the window blinds, surely the culprit of the interruption to her dream. “Fuck,” she murmured, pressing a tired palm over her eyes to stretch and rub any and all evidence of exhaustion. She really should’ve went to bed earlier. The bedroom door swung open and her mother bound in with a laundry basket, so nonchalant of putting her delicates away for her. “Mom!” She shrieked, embarrassed, before yanking a pair of red lace panties from her hands. “A thank you would suffice,” her mom laughed as she skipped to the bathroom, immediately shoving her toothbrush into her cheek.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
It was all she could think about as she had gotten ready, a little nervous but excited to see him again. Of course she would look a little less dressed up today. Her curtain bangs hung almost perfectly with the natural texture of her hair, the rest falling lazily around her shoulders with a half bun. It was endearing, had this been Bruce Taylor, her old crush she would be in an uncomfortably tight ensemble, instead she wore high rise baggy jeans and a cut off Rush shirt and paced around the home plate on the field, smiling to herself as she held another poorly rolled joint between her fingers. She could almost hear in her head, her own child-like laugh and the ping the bat made as it impacted with the baseball. It was momentary she wondered why she quit playing sports when she slipped ever so slightly off the home base, nearly falling right into the dirt. “Fuck off,” she told the inanimate object, pointing at it with a scowl.
// 🎸 + faceclaim = https://pin.it/45PNLhc
Eddie fell asleep with a smile on his face and with his heart beating erratically. He couldn't wait to meet up with her again. He almost didn't get any sleep due to his excitement.
He got ready roughly an hour before they had to meet up. He ended up sleeping in a little due to his restless night. He threw on a Black Sabbath band tee, ripped jeans and his usual leather jacket and battle vest combo. He smoothed his hair down a little due to it getting messed up during his sleep but the curls were still prominent as usual.
His hands shook the whole drive there and he had to stop himself from daydreaming whilst driving. When he parked his van, he practically threw himself out of it. After locking it, he walked over to her.
"Hey!" He called out once he was a few steps away from her. "Did you wait long?"
0 notes
ashdreams2023 · 3 years
could you maybe write smth about loki comforting his gf who gets rlly scared at night? like she gets scared over horror movies she’s watched, or ghost stories she’s heard, or she sees a pule of clothes n starts thinking its a monster or smth?
bc i do this all the time n i can’t sleep and its so embarrassing for someone of my age😭 <3
Safe with me
Summary: Loki comforts you at night
Loki would figure out you get frightened easily and honestly he didn’t think much of it because fear is a natural emotion.
Though he learned the hard way how bad that could affect you.
It was the usual movie night, Clint thought it would be a cool idea to watch a horror movie since it was something that Bruce had seen before, so they wouldn’t have to worry about hulk.
You knew this would end up badly but you didn’t wanna feel left out so you put on a fake smile and sat through it, clinching your pillow for dear life.
After the movie ended you were the first to leave to bed, no one thought it was odd and went on with their night.
It was around midnight when Loki was finally headed to bed, and he could see the lights from your shared room still on.
He blinked a couple of times before unlocking the door and seeing you on your phone, eyes tired and body looking all shaky.
"Darling, you’re still awake" he said.
"Oh I don’t feel tired…" you’re a terrible lair he knows that much.
He sighed closing the door behind him and took off his day clothing in exchange of something more comfortable.
He slide in bed and turned off the lights, he noticed how tensed you seemed after the lights turned down.
His hand went to grab your phone away and then made you look at him "my little dove, what’s frightening you so bad?"
You try cracking a smile but fail miserably and instead just pull the covers to hide half your face.
"Come on, tell me"
You hesitate before pointing a shaky finger towards the corner of the room.
Loki followed your finger and narrowed his eyes in confusion when he just saw the hanger there with some of his jackets and helm-
Oh shit his helmet.
Loki stood up and turned on the lights immediately, he took down all the hanged clothes and threw them inside the closet and hid his helmet under the bed.
After that he went back in bed and pulled you close, pressing your face onto his chest, letting you focus on his heartbeat and nothing else.
Your were still frighten, but it wasn’t an issue, he would hold you until you fell asleep if he has to.
"Do not worry my little dove, I’m here to protect you, nothing will harm as long as I’m here, your savior is here" he mumbled and mumbled, sweet rescuing nothing into your ears until he felt your body relax in his arms.
He left the lights on that night and took a mental note to put something to light up the room when it’s dark.
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
To Be Seen
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
Warnings: Hints at neglect
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: All superpowers seem to have a downside to them. Invisibility is no exception.
You got your first pair of glasses when you turned seven. The black frames were a birthday present of sorts. You had your eye set on a transparent blue pair, or honestly any of the many colorful options that lined the shelves, but your mother had grabbed the black ones without a word to you and placed them on the counter. Then the two of you went home, back to the always busy house, buzzing with the sounds of your siblings’ chatter and the television that entertained your constantly preoccupied father. There was no cake, no other presents, not even a “congratulations” or a “happy birthday,” but that was okay. That was okay because you had already gotten the gift of sight.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself that night, your younger sister already sound asleep beside you while you looked up at the glow-in-the-dark shapes taped to the ceiling. The glasses turned the green fuzzy blobs into actual stars, their points clear and easily counted as you drifted off to sleep with the lenses still on. “You can see now.”
You found out you could make yourself invisible on the day you hit ten years old. When you woke up, the first thing you did was look at yourself in the mirror, trying to see if you looked any different from the day before, when you were nine. Double digits should mean double the change, right? But there was no change from when you weren’t in the mirror to when you were. 
At first, you thought it must’ve been a prank from your older brother, but one look in the bathroom mirror told you that this was something else. It took you about half an hour before you somehow managed to become visible again, but when you did, you walked into the kitchen to find everything the same as it was the night before. No one hung streamers around the house or left a card on the counter, but that was okay. That was okay because you had a gift.
On your twenty-seventh birthday, you were recruited to be an Avenger. Three years ago on that exact day, you had quit your office job and joined SHIELD, only as a trainee, but you made your way through the ranks. You had the advantage of a mastered superpower—turning invisible came useful on the countless days you wished the world would just swallow you whole—but you still had to learn to use it like an agent. You were never remarkable, never being praised as the top of your class nor critiqued as one of the worst. You were always in the middle. Always just… there.
But Fury had seen something in you, and now here you were, packing your things to move into the Avengers Tower. You honestly weren’t sure what he saw in you; no one did. There were other SHIELD agents with far more useful powers and much better combat skills, yet he had picked you and no one else, making you the third SHIELD agent to join the Avengers since Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.
You looked around the empty apartment, scanning for something you and your imperfect vision might have missed, but saw nothing. Was that what others saw when they looked at you, thinking they had packed the whole room while you were standing right in front of them, arms waving in their face and voice begging for them to acknowledge you? No matter. Fury had told you Natasha would be picking you up at 2, meaning you had just over thirty minutes before she got here. Life moved on, and so would you.
Just like in years prior, there were no claps on the back, shiny bows, or patterned gift wrapping, but that was okay. That was okay because you had gotten the gift to protect and serve others.
You laid into the punching bag, twenty-eight non-stop uppercuts for your new age as of today. You brushed one hand across your forehead to interrupt the sweat droplets that ran from your hair, Bruce doing his best to praise you in the meantime.
“Good work, Y/N, yeah. Um, stronger than the ones you’ve been doing in the past. Better form too. I think.” You were sure you weren’t meant to hear his last sentence, but a roll of Natasha’s eyes next to you was enough to make you laugh it off. It wasn’t like you could blame him. Training others wasn’t his forte. You weren’t even sure if he trained himself.
Fury’s interest in you had been short-lived, it seemed. To be fair, you were lucky he recruited you in the first place and even luckier that he let you stay on the team. Still, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed in how you turned out to just be a new puppy to him. With your novelty now wearing off, you became the responsibility of people like Bruce, who never quite wanted you in the first place.
You had nothing against the gentle and kindhearted scientist, but Steve, Nat, or even Clint would’ve been much more obvious choices. Yet somehow the scientist was who Fury appointed. Maybe he was just the only one who accepted the task, the only one not bold enough to deny Fury’s orders outright. Strangely enough, Nat always showed up, but you weren’t entirely sure why, seeing as she usually sat there silently for most of it. She’d occasionally lean in to whisper something to Bruce, but she rarely said anything to you.
Much to Bruce’s—and maybe Natasha’s—relief, Tony strutted into the gym, his charisma already filling in the awkward gaps between you guys that never seemed to disappear, no matter how much time passed.
“Bruce, Nat, just the people I was looking for! It was great to see you guys at the party last night.” You pushed your glasses back up the bridge of your nose before going back to the punching bag; obviously, he was not here to speak with you. As you beat into the bag, getting lost in the rattling of the chain and the rhythm of the combinations, you thought back to last night, when you heard the Avengers’ laughter as they prepared for the gala.
You sat in the living room watching a movie with the tiniest but fiercest hope that someone might see you and ask you to come along. This was a party for the Avengers, after all, to celebrate the success of a mission that you had been part of. It had been up to you to cut the power and incapacitate the leader. Somehow the credit had gone to Clint, all the news stations celebrating the archer and his amazing feat. It was fine, whatever, just another chip to brush off of your shoulder—a teeny, tiny chip, really, honestly probably more of a scratch—but you thought you would’ve at least been invited to the party. Yet there you were, your posture slowly drooping as you sank into the leather sofa while your teammates gathered in the elevator to head up to the party. You had taken your phone out and opened the camera app, checking to make sure you hadn’t somehow triggered your invisibility, but, nope, you were very much there. The tears that fell were very much there.
“Alright, Tony, I’ll be there for Movie Night tonight, but you gotta go. I need to get back to my training duties.” It was then that Tony finally seemed to realize your presence, turning around with a surprised look on his face.
“Oh, hey, Y/N. You, um, you should come tonight too.” All of his charm was gone, the relaxed smile only hanging on by the tiniest lift of the corner of his mouth. So you did your best to reassure him with a small nod. The smile came back immediately. All was well; Tony Stark does indeed have a heart.
Later that night, as you sat alone on the three-person couch, you drew the blankets closer to you. The same movie you had watched last night was playing on the TV. The original plan had been to watch Jaws, but Sam was delighted to find the DVD box to Space Jam on the coffee table, insisting that he’d been wanting to watch it again and how it was such a coincidence it was already out. He wasn’t saying that last night when you asked if anyone wanted to watch it with you, but at least you weren’t watching it alone this time. You looked around at the small groups the Avengers had formed on the other couches, some of them even sitting on the floor—there wasn’t enough space, you guessed—before letting out a sigh. There were no party hats or festive noisemakers, but that was okay. That was okay because… A tap on your knee brought you back to the present moment. You looked down to find the outstretched arm of a familiar redhead, a bowl of popcorn in her hand.
There was no time for wallowing in self-pity. That was okay. You were okay.
The harsh sunlight woke you up in time for your thirtieth birthday. Or maybe it was the stiff and lumpy mattress that did it. Either way, you were hoping you’d be able to sleep through it. The rational side of you knew that wasn’t possible—what with being on the run from the US government and all—but one can always hope, right?
You’d stuck with Natasha during the Avengers’ split, pushing for the team to stay together even though you’d never really been part of the team. It wasn’t about you though; you’d seen the amazing things the Avengers could do when they were together. The world needed them.
Well, that line of thinking got you here, in a small cabin in the woods with all the Avengers who had followed Steve, Natasha joining the group later. Happy birthday to you. Although to be fair, it wasn’t like any of your past birthdays had been much better. Once your childish naivety had faded away (which probably took much longer than it should have), the day became something you dreaded, something you hoped each year you would forget about but never quite could. This time, though, you had a small plan. It was going to be different this year.
Your knees cracked as you stood, announcing to no one in particular that you were heading off to bed. Rather than heading straight down the hall to your room, though, you cut through the kitchen and grabbed a few things.
Your shoulders dropped slightly as you closed the door, and you allowed yourself to study the contents of your hands: a lighter, candle, and one of the leftover store-bought cupcakes from Steve’s birthday. The cupcakes weren’t great, but no one had the time, energy, or ingredients to make a cake, and, let’s be honest, most of the people here couldn’t bake anyways. Plus, this one had frosting in your favorite color, so you couldn’t complain, especially since it was more than you’d had for your birthday since you could remember.
The wooden bed frame creaked as you shifted to place the candle in the frosting and light it. For the first time that day, you were grateful the windows had no curtains, as they allowed you to see the stars that dotted the sky.
“Happy birthday,” you murmured to yourself, your eyes never leaving the constellations, instead darting around to watch in awe as more and more of the twinkling lights showed up the longer you cared to look.
Just as you tore your eyes away to blow out the candle, a knock rang out against the door. Were you guys spotted? Did you have to leave? You immediately ran to open the door, running through a list of things you’d have to pack the second you heard the order. You weren’t exactly surprised to see Nat standing outside your door, but you were surprised to see her holding a small rectangular box and a bottle of champagne.
“Hey, um, sorry to interrupt.” Your cheeks immediately heated up when you noticed her eyes dart to the cupcake still in your hand. You must’ve forgotten to put it down in your rush to open the door. At least the candle’s flame had gone out. “I get it if you don’t want to celebrate with anyone, but I figured you still deserve a treat on your special day.”
Natasha’s brows furrowed as your head tilted slightly.
“What special day?”
“Um, well, isn’t it your birthday?” You nodded, still not quite understanding what she was asking. Not to mention, the spy’s continued use of filler words surprised you. Sure, the two of you hadn’t interacted with each other much, but a lack of familiarity didn’t usually make her this uneasy. Were you really that invisible that she felt uncomfortable around you despite having known you for three years? But you couldn’t dwell on it with Nat speaking again, her voice pulling you out of your thoughts. “And, um, I noticed the only alcohol you drink is champagne, so… this is for you.”
You stepped back slightly as she nudged the objects towards you, but the spy misunderstood you, taking your surprise as an invitation to enter the room. Before you knew it, you were asking her to sit next to you on the mattress. It wasn’t like you had much of a choice, though; keeping her standing would be rude, and there were no chairs in your room. The two of you sat at least a foot apart, both of your spines straight and neither of you quite meeting the eyes of the other.
“So, um, do you want to open the present first or have your cupcake? Or we can open the champagne if you want.”
“This is a present?” You eyed the brown box she held in her hand. You weren’t sure what it could be. Based on its size, maybe a watch or a pocket knife? But Natasha laughed, simply pushing the box towards you.
“Of course it’s a present. Open it!” So you set the cupcake down on the unstable bedside table, making sure the dessert wouldn’t fall due to the furniture having one leg shorter than the rest. You cast one last glance at Natasha, who gave you a reassuring yet pointed nod, and with that, you lifted the cover. 
It took everything in you to prevent the tears springing in your eyes from overflowing. You lifted the goggles with shaking hands. You had to touch them to make sure they were real, to make sure this wasn’t some sick and twisted dream your brain had forced on you to make you remember how disappointing your past birthdays had been.
“Do you like it?” The blonde asked you softly, her lower lip caught in between her teeth. Had you been thinking clearly, you would’ve been surprised at how apprehensive she sounded, how unsure she was. “I thought it could be something you might want to wear on missions. I noticed your other ones kept slipping down or breaking, and um…” Both of you became antsier as Natasha rambled on, you at how she was being more intimate with you than anyone ever had, and she at how she just couldn’t seem to stop talking despite the fact that, in her opinion, she was digging herself into an increasingly deeper hole. “It’s a lot more sturdy, and there are some other features that I think you’ll appreciate. I had Tony and Bruce make it for you… before, you know, this whole thing happened. And I brought it with me when I left.”
The frames reminded you much of the glasses you had first wanted as a kid, the ones your mother had looked past in favor of the plain black ones. They matched your combat suit, though, even having a small carving of your symbol on the side. You nodded as you choked down a sob, forcing yourself to meet the former assassin’s gaze to try to thank her properly.
“I love it, Natasha. Thank you so much. I- it’s… it’s amazing.” Nat dipped her head as if to nod, but you didn’t miss the way her cheeks flushed red or how a hint of her characteristic smirk appeared.
“Of course. It’s the least I could do.” Your eyes returned to the glasses in your hand. You’d try them out the second Natasha left. “So, cake now?”
“Yes, right, of course,” you nodded immediately, shaking your head at how you had managed to forget about the one thing you had planned to do for your birthday. Before you could reach for the frosted dessert, Natasha relit the candle and handed the cupcake to you as she began to sing “Happy Birthday.” When she reached the last note, you could hold it in no longer, and all the tears immediately began to flow.
“Oh my god, Y/N, I’m so sorry. Is my singing really that bad?” The redhead wasn’t sure whether to pull you closer or move away as she ran a hand through her hair, but she felt slightly comforted when she noticed you shaking your head.
“No, no, it’s just…” Natasha hesitantly began to rub your back in an effort to calm your sobs, “No one’s ever sang that for me before.”
“Ever?” She winced slightly at how her voice cracked, betraying her emotions to you despite her attempts to remain composed.
“Well, there used to be a video of it from my third birthday, but… I was three. So I don’t really remember it.” Natasha thought back to the many birthday celebrations the team had held, none of them being for you. The door to your room was always closed on your birthday. She’d always thought you had just gone out with friends and family, people outside of the Avengers, and who was she to get in the way of you and those you loved? But it had been the opposite. You had been hiding away in your room, and she hadn’t helped matters at all by waiting for three years to do anything. If only she’d gained the courage earlier, she could’ve helped ease your pain much sooner.
But all you saw through your tears was the way her head was cocked to the side, her spy training paying off as you couldn’t even begin to predict what she might be thinking. Your confusion slowed your tears somewhat, but that didn’t last for long as your mind shifted gears. You were ever the fool for sharing something so vulnerable with someone you barely knew.
So it was much to your surprise when Natasha finally reached her hand toward you, using her thumb to brush off the last few tears that made their way down your cheeks.
“You’ve never been invisible to me, Y/N. I see you. Always.” And with that, without responding, you turned away from her with a sniff to blow out the candle. “What’d you wish for?” the spy asked lightly, hoping the joke would help lift your mood.
“Nothing. This was more than I could’ve ever asked for.” Nat nodded slowly, keeping her eyes on you as she reached to take out the candle. Your eyes remained on the cupcake as if it would be ripped away from you if you turned away for a second. With her hand returned to your back, you began to dig into the cupcake, your eyes closing as you savored the taste. A cupcake just for you, on your birthday. Sure, it was a leftover cupcake, the frosting a bit too sweet and the cake itself dry and somewhat stale, but that didn’t matter. It was still the first in thirty years. 
That night, you lay in bed with the stars overhead, a smile on your face as you thought about the day’s events, your best birthday ever.
And maybe it was naive of you to believe what Natasha had told you earlier that day—it wasn’t like the thought hadn’t crossed your mind several times in the few hours since she told you that—but then you thought about the champagne and the glasses she’d given you. You thought about the way she’d examined your apartment with you one last time before she brought you to the Avengers Tower, about the way she gave you an encouraging smile during training when you became exhausted with Bruce’s cluelessness, about the way she’d shared her popcorn on movie nights with you and only you.
And in the room next to you, Natasha thought about your confusion, your tears, and the way desperation, hope, and amazement filled your face when you looked at her right before you blew out the candle. It was then that she made a vow to herself, to show you that you’d never be invisible, especially not to her.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” she whispered, “You are seen.”
🏷 : @vancityfire13 @007giu
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tryingmybestpls · 4 years
Me and My Husband
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: The reader warns herself of her relationship with Steve Rogers.
Rating: R
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Infidelity, miscarriage, depression, suicidal thoughts
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No one will tell you what to do when you find out your husband is cheating on you. No one tells you that whether you stay or you leave him, everything you do will be judged ruthlessly. So you just pretend. You will pretend like its not happening, like you haven't seen the text messages on his phone or heard the whispers when you visit the Compound upstate. You'll ignore them the best you can, pray that somehow you got this all wrong. But you can read minds, so you get it straight from him that he's cheating on you.
You'll keep your head held high, ignoring the issue as much as possible. You act like nothing is amiss, even though everyone that you work it-or have worked with-knows the truth. They all know your husband was having an affair and they wonder if you know. You can see their questions as they appear in their heads. You plaster a smile on your face, wishing to be in your bed so you just cry. You'll get bombarded with their thoughts and it'll make you feel like you're drowning.
You'll never bring it up to your husband, but he knows that you know. You've promised that you'd never read his mind, but he knows that you have. You know every gritty little detail of the affair and he knows. He is reminded of it every time he sees you lying in the bed you once shared, your back to him. He's reminded of what he did every time the two of you visit the Compound upstate, when everyone gives her looks of sympathy while he gets glares that bore into his skin. Every time your eyes meet his, he is reminded that he didn't care about the sanctity of marriage and because of that you'll never look at him the same way ever again.
You'll spend moments wondering what you did wrong. Did you not love him enough? Not give him enough attention? Instead of being mad at your husband, you're mad at yourself. Wanting to think about what you could have done instead of thinking that your husband just didn't love you. It'll be easier to blame yourself and you'll live with this bundle of hatred for yourself.
A betrayal by the people closest to you. Your husband and your best friend. Your husband and your maid of honor. The two people you loved most in the world sleeping together and losing your trust, losing you. You wanted it to be anyone but her, anyone else. You prayed and begged that somehow his thoughts betrayed him and he didn't sleep with her, but you know deep down that he did. Her face is all over his memories. She won't meet your eyes and you've stopped taking her calls.  You will want to hurt her, kill her. Want to make her brains spool out from her head because you're so God damned hurt. She isn't friend anymore. Friends don't betray you. Friends don't sleep with your husband. Friends don't make a mockery of your marriage. Friends don't-
You'll find yourself crying a lot. It's an endless stream of tears that leave your head pounding and your eyes aching. It's the type of crying that makes your throat and entire chest hurt, the types of crying that leaves you feeling hollow. You must be dehydrated with how much you're crying. Your husband will come home to see your eyes red and watery. He used to be so concerned when he saw you post-crying, but that was before your marriage imploded. He knows he is the reason why you're crying, so he doesn't bother asking anymore. And that only makes you cry even more.
A night of emotions being too high and apologies that he doesn't mean result will in a positive pregnancy test and you're stuck in marriage with three people. You, your husband, and the other woman. It's too cramped and you feel like you can't breathe. It's suffocating.
When you get pregnant, people will whisper it's a save the marriage baby. None of their smiles will meet their eyes and their pity will be written all over their faces. They congratulate you nonetheless, calling you a fool once your back is turned. Having a baby with a man that betrayed her with her best friend.
They'll ask you how he feels about it. Not how you feel because you're not allowed to have feelings anymore. You gave up your feelings when you chose to ignore his infidelity. They'll ask you how he reacted, if he is happy. You don't want to tell them that he just nodded when you told him, his face not giving away way what he felt about the news. You don't to tell them at he left immediately to go see her as soon as you got into the shower.
She will be in the room when you tell the remaining members of your team, both holograms and in person. Hidden in plain sight, she sits among the people you call your friends-at least the ones that remain. His eyes meet hers when the news falls from your lips and you can hear her whisper in her mind "What are we going to do?". As your friends and teammates walk up to congratulate the two of you, she takes her time getting up, takes her time to walk over to you. She looks you in the eye and says that the two of you are going to be great parents. Three of us in this marriage and I can't breathe.
You'll wonder every day as your stomach grows if the man who you married hates you. He's stuck in this house that he had built, with the family he had wanted, in loveless marriage because he messed up and you found out. It doesn't stop him from leaving at night, showering immediately when he comes back. They both know you aren't stupid. You know what they are doing, but your heart can't break anymore. You'll tell yourself that he'll stop when the baby comes, but you know that's a lie, but it's a lie you keep repeating to yourself in hopes of it coming true.
Sometimes, you will dive into his mind when he is asleep next to you. He'll never know that you've snuck inside, but you get to see every moment of their relationship. It's sadistic and all it does is make you more upset, but you can't help yourself. You need to know how far it goes, if they love each other or if it's just a physical thing. She fills up more of his memories than you do. You're being replaced and there isn't a thing you can do about it. You can only watch it happen.
And no one will tell you what to do when you start to bleed. It will seems to pour endlessly from you, staining the cream colored sheets. Your husband won't be beside you, he's off with her. So instead, through the pain, you drive yourself to the hospital, blood covering the seat. Tears streaming down your face as you force yourself to walk into the emergency room, hand on your stomach. You'll lean on the receptionist's desk and calmly tell her "I think I am losing my baby." as blood drips down your legs. No one tells you who to call. Should you interrupt your husband's time with his mistress? Make him hate you more? No. Instead, you call your friend, the one who has always been like a brother to you. The one who lives a few hours away with his wife and their newborn daughter. You'll wait for him, sitting alone in a hospital room as nurses run tests on you.
No one will tellyou how you are supposed to react when they come in and tell you that your baby-a boy, you learn-is gone. Your bump is still there, so how can he be gone? He. A sweet baby boy that you'll never get to meet. When Tony arrives, you can't get the words out. Saying it aloud will mean it's true. But he knows. He knows as soon as he walks through the door that the baby is gone. He doesn't bring it up and instead sits next to you, where your husband should be, and holds your hand. Your hand in his while you other hand cradles your bump. Your husband will return home the next morning to find your car gone with blood smeared everywhere. For the first time in months, he'll call your phone, wondering what was going on.
Tony will be the one who answers the phone when you're in surgery, the doctors wanting to make sure the contents of your womb are completely out. He'll be the one who tells your husband that you lost your baby. Tony will be the one to tell him to stop calling. Before your friend hangs up, Tony will tell your husband that he caused this, that his infidelity direct caused your miscarriage.
In that time, you'll finally lose it. It's like you're finally reacting to everything. You'll be drowning in anger, in sadness, in sorrow. How you managed this far you'll never understand. Tony will bar your husband and his mistress from coming anywhere close to your hospital room. Your life is falling apart at the seams and you're losing control of everything. You're unable to sleep, unable to eat. The last thing you've had was your baby and now that he's gone-Well you don't have anything left. You just want all of the pain to end and you'll tell Tony that. He'll will be worried and he'll ask for you to be put into a seventy-two hour hold. While this is happening, while your brain is being picked in order to see if you're going to harm yourself, Steve will be throwing away the bloody bed and getting rid of the ruined sheets and blankets.
Tony will decide that you can't go back to your home you share with Steve, but you also can't stay with him. He has a baby and you just lost yours. It's not right for you to stay there. So instead he takes you to Asgard's new home. You'll be thousands of miles away from the home you had wanted to raise a family in, away from your husband. Thor and Valkyrie will welcome you with open arms, helping you transition into your new lifestyle as you grieve. Tony will handle the divorce proceedings and Steve will get a new bed. Your things will be packed up and sent to you and you'll be completely removed from your husband.
And when Bruce and Rocket come knocking on your door three years later, begging for your help, you'll be forced to make a choice. And you'll sit there in your tiny cottage next to Thor's, thinking about what to do. And then you'll agree to help because you want to bring back half of the universe. You love saving people and it doesn't matter if you feel uncomfortable, you are going to help bring people back.
So when that beautiful man with the baby blue eyes comes up to you after a mission, a million dollar smile stretched across his nervous face and asks you to go on a date, heed this warning. He'll be amazing at first, but it'll go down hill so fast. Know that you were never his first choice, you were the only available one.
If you don't heed the first warning and you do go on a date with the blonde man, don't marry him. The marriage is a sham, something you'll do a year after half of the universe turns into dust. You'll be excited and it'll seem like he's really happy, but he isn't. He just wants purpose again and he won't get it from the marriage. He'll emotionally leave you and you'll try to stick it out.
Being with Steve Rogers will only end in pain, so save yourself the heartbreak and stay away.
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A Stark and her Soldier ~ Part 1
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Imagine: Reuniting with Bucky when you end up helping Sam with the Flag Smashers.
Warnings: TFATWS SPOILERS! This takes place during the first two episodes of the show.
A/N: I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’M BACK (with a new header lol)!!! AHHHHHHHH! It’s been nearly two years but here I am… posting this makes me SO nervous, so feedback would be highly appreciated! More parts and some information about what I’m planning with this blog to follow soon! 
“You held us together – do it for them,” he paused before adding, “Promise me you’ll do it for them.”
You blinked away the tears, knowing what was coming, “I can’t promise that...”
“Y/N please,” the way he begged you with that shaking voice was nearly enough to push you over the edge.
“I-I promise.” He squeezed your hand before letting you leave.
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“You’ve reached James Barnes, sorry I couldn’t take your call, please –” you hung up before the recorded message could continue, face burning with frustration. This was the 9th time you had tried calling him this week, not to mention the countless text messages.
You scoffed thinking of Steve’s last words to you, how were you supposed to hold them together when you barely held yourself together on a good day? It doesn’t make it any easier when the person you’re supposed to be holding together is so keen on letting himself fall apart.  
Every time you tried calling him, you ended up feeling furious, miserable, or like an absolute failure – usually all three. You promised Steve, you promised, and you failed. You groaned and chucked your phone across your bed.
The last time you had seen him, Steve had still been around, and you hadn’t even spoken to him since Tony’s funeral.
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 You and Pepper had walked to the lake, each holding one of Morgan’s hands, and you had sat at the dock watching the arc reactor – his heart – float away, the people behind you forgotten in your grief. The weight on your heart was unbelievable, you had already lost your best friend, Natasha, and now your brother was gone.
You promised him that you wouldn’t cry at his funeral – he always knew it was inevitable – and so you sat there, sending him away with a pained smile.
You had no idea how long you had just sat there, staring at the horizon across the lake, trying to make this last moment with your brother last forever.
“Y/N?” You felt a hand squeezing your shoulder, “You should come back inside.”
“What happens now, Steve?” Your voice was softer than he had ever heard before.
“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out together,” he paused for a moment before gesturing to Bucky, waiting outside the house behind him, “He wants to talk to you.”
You gave Bucky a small smile, “Hey.”
He walked over and dropped down next to you, Steve leaving the two of you to chat, “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” You nodded solemnly.
He added, “For everything, Y/N… he probably wouldn’t even have wanted me here, but –”
You shook your head and took his hand, heart fluttering at the contact. You had always been attracted to him, and it had only grown with every interaction. “That wasn’t you.”
You knew your brother never blamed Bucky, you all knew how it felt to have people mess with your heads and Bucky had had the worst of it. He was furious at Steve for years, but never at Bucky – you could never bring yourself to be angry with either of them, not after the stories you grew up with. Your father had adored the soldiers and you had been one of their biggest fans, and later one of Steve’s closest friends.
There had come a point after the battle between Tony and Steve when you had become sick of all the back and forth. You were lucky enough to find an escape when T’Challa got in touch with you, offering you a chance to come to Wakanda and learn about their technology – you weren’t ashamed to admit that you were the one who contacted him to beg for it. You hadn’t known that Bucky was already there. Slowly but surely, the two of you found comfort in one another and became good friends.  
He gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “You should head inside, it’s getting late – I’ll see you again soon.”
He stayed true to that statement, the two of you stood with Sam and Bruce, waiting for Steve to come back after returning the stones – only to have him shatter your hearts.
You only saw Bucky in passing after that, occasionally visiting Steve at the same time – you never said a word to him, beyond a smile or a wave, and then you stopped seeing him all together. You tried, for the sake of your promise to Steve, but he never answered your calls or texts.
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“We’ll figure it out together, right, thanks a lot Steve,” You muttered.
You jumped at the sound of your phone ringing, and your shoulders sank a bit when you saw Sam’s name flashing across the screen, “Hey.”
“He’s doing an interview,” You knew exactly who Sam was talking about, “Good Morning America.”
Your stomach turned, “That’s the last thing I want to see.”
“I know, I just thought I’d share my joy with someone,” Sam chuckled, “Any luck with Bucky?”
“I’m just wasting my time at this point,” You could feel the tears returning to your eyes as you said it.
“Hey, come on now, he’ll come around, he just needs some time.”
“Listen, I called because we have a lead, wanna join?”
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“I hate it, his stupid face plastered on every wall, it feels like he’s mocking us.”
“Don’t you start, Y/N.”
“Seriously Sam, I get that he’s the new Cap – the fake Cap, but don’t you think that this,” You gestured to the posters around you, “is excessive?”
“Shouldn’t have given up the shield.” Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice and your face heated up with anger, you hadn’t realized it was possible to feel such contrasting emotions at the same time, but here you were. You noted that his voice was a bit hoarse and wondered if he had been sick.
“Good to see you too, Buck.”
“This is wrong.”
“So is pushing away everyone who cares about you.” He finally looked at you and you saw shame glistening in those steel blue eyes.
He said nothing before turning back to Sam, “You didn’t know that was gonna happen?”
Wow, ignoring your calls was one thing, but outright ignoring you while you stood in front of him, that caused a different kind of hurt.
You stood in silence as Sam explained where the two of you were headed, trying to push away the pounding in your head, and suddenly, you found yourself in a jet sitting next to Bucky.
“You could have answered, even once. Could’ve at least let me know that you were still alive.”
“I know,” Was all he said.
“We were friends once,” Nothing, “and I still care for you.”
“I know.”
“Four months, a full four months and I didn’t hear a single word from you, I’m going to need more than ‘I know’.”
He sighed, “I’m sorry.”
You could tell that he meant it and didn’t know what more to say, so you got up and headed towards the open door of the plane, “I’ll catch you boys on the ground.”
You watched Sam follow, and considered helping Bucky as he fell through the trees, but you decided against it. He hurt your feelings and now you could call it even.
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Super soldiers? How on earth were there more super soldiers?! You didn’t have much time to ponder on the thought as you got kicked in the face by one of them and fell off the semi – definitely should have let Tony make you a helmet like he insisted.
You flew back up only to see him dropping out of a helicopter, Fake Cap, fuck.
“Looks like you guys could use some help,” Your blood boiled at the sight of his cocky grin.
You weren’t winning, and you weren’t stupid enough to continue trying, let Steve’s knock-off take care of it.
You flew off just in time to see Bucky lying on top of Sam, the latter groaned in displeasure.
“Hey, can you gentlemen save the PDA for later?” You joked, earning a glare from both of them.
With the adrenaline slowly draining from your system, the pain from the blows you took started to set in, making you dread the trek in front of you. As if on cue, you heard a horn honking and Fake Cap pulled up next to you, “It’s 20 miles to the airport, you guys need a ride.”
“I think we’re good,” You simply stated.
“You won’t make it with that limp.”
You gave him a crude smile, “I’d rather crawl.”  
They stopped and opened the door, you exchanged a look with Sam and Bucky, silently deciding to join them.
You sat between Bucky and Sam, and felt the anger and disgust radiating off of both of them with every word that was exchanged.
“Y/N Stark,” You despised the way he said your last name, like he wanted to devour you, “You are one of the original seven, I trust you know the importance of having a strong team. I’d suggest giving a word or two of advice to your friends here.”
“Did you really just compare being on a team with you two, to being on a team with the Avengers?” You glowered at him, “A word of advice Walker, you’re not Steve, you might be holding that shield, but you will never be half the Captain America that he was. So quit fucking pretending.”  
“I didn’t realize Stark’s sister had such a mouth on her,” He smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing and as much as you hated to admit it, it was working, “Vicious.”
“Go to hell.”
The ride didn’t last very long after that, and you had no complaints when Bucky demanded them to stop the car.
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You opened your eyes and rolled over to see Sam still asleep on the seats across from you, and Bucky was sitting on the large crate in the middle of the jet, “Not tired?”
“Nah,” He shook his head.
You pushed yourself to your feet and hopped up next to him, “You’d think they’d make those seats a bit more comfortable considering the amount of time we spend on these things.”
He chuckled and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. After a considerable pause he turned to you, “Y/N, I meant what I said earlier, I’m sorry.”
The dark bags under his eyes were a stark contrast from the beautiful blue that you were looking into, which you noted which had lost its luster. You noticed that his voice still had a bit of that hoarseness from earlier in the day, and the dots connected. You remembered how hoarse your voice used to get when you’d wake up screaming from the nightmares after particularly rough missions. You understood why he was awake, he didn’t want you and Sam to see him like that.
You nodded, “I know, I just wish – I was worried sick about you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you Buck, but we were good friends once and I miss you.”
“I wanted to call, it’s just been tough,” He admitted, and you reached over to take his hand, only to quickly pull away as Sam woke up.
“You two okay?”
“Yeah,” You both said. You wondered if Bucky’s super soldier ability allowed him to hear the way your heartbeat picked up from that brief touch.
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Your mind was racing a million miles a minute, you had barely kept the tears in listening to Isaiah’s story, both out of anger and sadness. How? How did this happen? How was this man tortured, then brushed under the rug? How did no one know about it? Why the hell did Bucky keep this from you?
Sam mirrored your pained expression, but something darker lurked beneath his eyes, you couldn’t even imagine the rage he felt. The sound of a police siren pulled you out of your thoughts.
Your anger only grew at the argument that ensued, “I am calm, what do you want? We’re just standing here talking.”
“Just give him your ID,” You glared at Bucky as the words left his mouth.
“Why the hell should he? He didn’t do anything wrong!” You growled, at the same time Sam said, “I’m not giving him shit, we were just talking.”
“Hey, hey, look, is this guy bothering you?” The officer asked you and Bucky. Your eyes widened, he can’t be serious right now.
“No, he’s not bothering us, do you know who this is?!”
You couldn’t even stand to look at the guy as his jaw dropped in shock upon realizing who Sam was, you felt your body shake with anger, and you didn’t even want to think what would have happened if Sam hadn’t been an Avenger.
The officer returned from his vehicle and turned the tables, announcing that there was a warrant out for Bucky’s arrest.
Watching him being handcuffed and put into the car shattered your heart, if the events of the day hadn’t already left you feeling nauseous, you knew this would be the nail in the coffin. All you could see was Bucky on his knees with a gun to his head nearly seven year ago when Steve barely prevented T’Challa from killing him and the four of you had been arrested – Tony had been furious with you, but it was the shame in Bucky’s eyes that had hurt you the most, and here you were, witnessing it again.
You reached over a grabbed Sam’s hand and squeezed as hard as you could, desperate for a lifeline to keep you from sinking into those painful memories.
You maintained that same grip on the poor man’s hand as you sat at the police station waiting for Bucky to be bailed out, “Sam, Y/N, I’ve heard a lot about you two, I’m Dr. Raynor, I’m James’ therapist.”
The two of you shook her hand and Sam thanked her for getting Bucky out.
“That was not me –”
“Christina!” You’d recognize that voice anywhere from the way it made your skin crawl, fuck, “Good to see you again.”
You clenched your jaw to keep yourself from punching the stupid grin off of his face as he pointed to himself when Dr. Raynor asked him who authorized Bucky’s release. You knew you had a problem with constantly wanting to punch people in the face, it was a trait that ran in the family, but Walker’s face was definitely one of the most punchable ones you had seen – a good ol’ pop in the jaw wouldn’t hurt, right? Just one?
“He’s too valuable of an asset to have him tied up –”
That was it, that was all you were willing to hear, you couldn’t stop yourself from getting in his face and hissing, “Call him that again, and I swear to god Walker, I –”
Sam put his arm around you, hand pressed to your stomach and pulled you back, “Y/N.”
Walker simply smirked and turned back to Raynor, “Do what you have to do and send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I, you too Wilson, and bring your guard dog with you.”
It took everything in your power to keep from snarling at him.  
“James, condition of your release, session now,” The doctor ordered, “You two as well.”
“I’m good, I’ve been to enough therapy,” You shook your head, at the same time Sam said, “That’s okay, I’ll be out here with –”
“That wasn’t a request,” You couldn’t help but chuckle, and decided that you liked this woman.
You and Sam sat on either side of Bucky, facing Dr. Raynor as she got started. You couldn’t help but notice the way Bucky’s eyes shifted and jaw clenched as Sam tried to weasel his way out of the session, and your chest tightened. He looked so tired, and not just the ‘hasn’t slept in a few days’ tired, but more like he was tired of trying – he looked broken.
You decided in that moment that you would try, and not just for Steve, but for the man next to you who had held a piece of your heart before he even knew you, and managed steal that piece away when you had met him years later.
You realized how hard you’d have try when Bucky answered Dr. Raynor’s question with, “In my miracle, he would talk less.”
“Exactly what I was gonna say, isn’t that ironic?” You sighed, so hard.
She turned to you, mimicking the expression on your face, “Y/N, can I trust you to give me a proper answer?”
Try, Y/N, try. You saw a glimmer of hope in Raynor’s eyes as they met yours, but you simply shrugged and looked away, unable to bring yourself to open up, and she let her shoulders fall slightly.
“You guys are leaving me with no choice. It’s time for the soul-gazing exercise. Y/N, you can sit this one out, you get along with both of them well enough.”
You rolled your eyes at the reactions from the boys, this’ll be good. You couldn’t help but chuckle as they got closer to one another, maybe I should have taken part in this exercise. They made eye contact and continued to hold it, you realized what they were doing moments before the doctor did and let out a genuine laugh – earning a glare from Raynor, don’t encourage them she seemed to say.
“James, why does Sam aggravate you? And don’t say something childish.” Your head filled with a hundred different ideas about what stupid things Bucky would come up with, only to have them fizzle away at his cheeky grin towards the doctor, followed by the lick of his lip. It left your throat dry. Snap out of it, Y/N, what’s gotten into you?
He paused for a moment, his expression changing, and turned back to Sam, “Why’d you give of that shield?”
You held your breath, you knew this was going to come up, but weren’t expecting it here. You couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky, noticing every change in his face, it becoming more pained with every word that left his mouth, and your chest tightening alongside it, until finally, “So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.”
The break in his voice cracked your heart into a million pieces. You looked up, trying to keep the tears swimming in your eyes from falling. You turned your attention towards Sam and noticed the emotion behind his glassy eyes – it was different than anything you had seen in him before, it was almost as though you could see the burden he was carrying on his shoulders, the pressure that was pushing him in every direction.
I have to fix this, you told yourself, you couldn’t stand to see them like this, I have to try.  
Your mind was roaring with thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed that Sam and Bucky had left until Raynor asked, “What would be in your miracle, Y/N?”
You snapped your head towards her, then to the door, you weighed your options and headed towards the latter. You grabbed the handle and stopped, without turning towards her you whispered, “I’d find a home again, and they’d find some happiness.”
You pulled the door open, “Y/N, I don’t think those two things have to be separate.”
Her words swam in your head until you found Bucky and Sam walking outside, Walker and Hoskins storming off in the other direction.
“What’s that all about?”
“Walker being Walker,” Sam shrugged.
“So, what now?”
“Bucky wants to talk to Zemo,” Every memory that you spent years trying to forget came flooding back: Zemo using those words to turn Bucky into the Winter Soldier, who then proceeded to trash the compound and nearly kill you and your friends; watching your family fight each other at the airport and being forced to pick a side; watching the footage of your parents dying; desperately begging your brother and the man who had become your brother not to kill one another.
“You what?!” You gasped.
“Y/N –”
You stepped between the two of them, close enough to Bucky that you had to tilt your head up to look into his eyes, and whispered, “Bucky, no.”
“This might be our only lead, Y/N,” You stared up at him, silently pleading him, he reflected the same in his own, “Please Y/N.”
He took your hand and you instantly melted, “I – fine, but promise me you will be careful.”
“I promise.”
Read Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 and Part 6
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butwhyduh · 3 years
New Place
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Warning: hints at sexy stuff
Roy reached over your body to grab a glass of water and chug it. You didn’t even move but laid boneless in bed. A very nice fluffy bed, mind you. He sat the glass down and kissed the corner of your lip. You smiled but otherwise didn’t even respond. Roy looked at you proudly. You were thoroughly wore out.
He had just moved into his own apartment in Star City. Boxes littered the floor and he had barely unpacked anything. But you were in his bed, in his place. And that was worth all the work. He had been living with Jason and Kori would sometimes stay over and Jason would have Isabel over and Dick and Babs would visit. Which was great. But you lived an hour away from Gotham in Star City going to college and he was getting tired of Gotham’s madness anyways.
But the real reason was that he couldn’t see you whenever. It’s impossible to hide the fact that he was dating Jason’s sister when he lived in the same house. Both of you agreed that your brothers wouldn’t take it well. Dick had ‘accidentally’ broken the hand of your prom date when his hand slipped too low. And Jason have every guy the shovel talk. You didn’t even want to think about what Bruce would say. Especially with Roy’s history of drug abuse.
It didn’t help that Roy was 5 years older. You’d had a crush on him as a kid. Roy had to meet up with your professor of history for a ‘theoretical’ artifact that definitely wasn’t something of importance that they needed to understand for a mission. He had barely recognized you waiting in the office before meeting the teacher but didn’t hesitate to accept your help for his mission. He asked you to coffee and one thing led to another.
“Baby,” Roy said softly, pulling you to his chest. You usually traced his tattoos but you just laid on him with a little pleased smile. “Did I tire you out?” He teased. You groaned and gave him a little scowl before closing your eyes again.
“Some would say 5 is excessive,” you mumbled.
“And yet all I heard was ‘don’t stop! Oh god- don’t stop!’” He said with a smirk. You lightly hit his chest with your hand. Roy laughed. “Alright, I’ll let you sleep, baby doll.”
You drifted off before his words truly even registered in your brain. Roy rubbed your back before falling asleep as well with your nude exhausted bodies tangled together.
A few hours later Roy woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. He groaned and went to move but realize you were asleep on him. His girlfriend at his place. He smiled before slowly sliding out from under you. The knocking continued and Roy almost hoped that it was a food delivery he forgot that he ordered. He threw on some pants before leaving the bedroom to open the front door.
“Hello,” he opened to see Jason standing there. Jason looked over his body with an eyebrow raised.
“Somebody had fun last night. Did you sleep with a vampire?” Jason said amused. Roy tried to not blush because he wasn’t usually shy but if Jason knew it was his sister leaving purple hickeys that definitely led directly to Roy’s dick... yeah, Roy would be dead.
“Yeah, you know,” He shrugged trying to act casual when it was anything but. Jason shrugged too even though he too was complete bullshit with him dating Isabel. He stepped in the apartment and closed the door. Roy thanked his luck stars that the bedroom door was closed.
“So, you wanna go get some lunch later or are you too busy?” Jason asked. Roy thought about it. He really wanted to stay all day with you but Jason would get suspicious if Roy wanted to stay all day with what he must assume is a one night stand.
“Uh yeah. I’ll meet you around 1? I’ve gotta shower and-“
“Cover up those vampire bites? Alright, hold on my phone’s ringing,” Jason answered his phone. “Alright Dickie, I’ll call her. That’s fine. I’ll see if she can do lunch. Do you mind Roy? If y/n meets us at lunch? Okay, talk to you later,” Jason said hanging up and dialing another number.
“That’s fine,” Roy said. And before he can do or say anything, your phone rang in the apartment on the kitchen counter. You pulled on his robe and came into the living room. The one where Jason and Roy were currently standing. Jason stood silent with his mouth slightly open.
“What. In the. Actual. Fuck,” Jason said with a deadly quietness to his voice.
“Jason!” You yelped and pulled the robes closer to your body, wishing it was longer. But Jason had already seen red bruises on your chest and neck. He was currently staring at one right above the robe.
“You? Him?” He said, lost for words. “You slept with my sister?” Jason asked roughly turning towards Roy.
“Jason, just calm down,” you said quickly stepping in front of Roy. Roy put up his hands in surrender but the look on Jason’s face was pure murder.
“You had a fucking one night stand with my sister? And she did that,” he motioned to the hickeys on Roy. Roy shrugged his shoulders with a ‘come on man’ look.
“It isn’t one night-“
“So you’re fuck buddies with her? My baby sister?”
“Jason, quit,” you said. Baby sister was an exaggeration as Jason was only 2 years older than you. “We’re dating.”
“You’re- what?” He said lost.
“I’m dating Roy. We are boyfriend and girlfriend, okay?” You said and Jason’s face went through the entire spectrum of human emotions.
“Ouch bro. That’s mean,” Roy said with a wince.
“Well she’s smart, pretty, successful. And you’re... you,” Jason said with a shrug. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, and I love him,” you said looking at Roy softly. “And if you can’t support that... then- then don’t talk to me.” You sounded more assertive than you felt.
“Hey, woah. I never said anything like that,” Jason said, his eyes softened. “Fuck. I don’t like this. And if you hurt my sister, I’ll break all your bones. But I guess I support you. Only because I trust you,” he said pointedly looking at you instead of Roy.
“Thanks,” Roy said dryly.
“No,” Jason said. “Just never let me see anything like this again. The fact that you did that is something I can’t forget.” He shuddered while looking at Roy.
“So are we good, Bro?” Roy asked with a hopeful half smile.
“Sure. Bring it in,” Jason said with his arms open as if wanting a hug. Roy looked him suspiciously but came in to hug him. Jason rewarded him with a quick jab to the nose. “For fucking my sister. Just standard practice,” he shrugged.
“Fuck,” Roy groaned, holding his nose that was starting to bleed.
“Jason! Really?” You said grabbing a hand towel and holding it over his nose.
“What did you expect? Don’t fuck my sister,” Jason said with a shrug.
“We’re dating. What do you think will happen?” You said rolling your eyes.
“Lots,” Roy added and Jason moved to throw another punch before you moved between the pair. You smacked Roy on the back of the head.
“Don’t antagonize him,” you said.
“Baby,” Roy pouted. “I’m still bleeding. Don’t hit me.”
“I can make you bleed more. Keep talking,” Jason threatened.
“Okay, Jason we’ll meet you at lunch after we change, okay?” You said. He glared at Roy one last time before nodding in agreement.
“Don’t test me, Harper. I’m debating if I want to kick your ass still,” Jason said walking to the door. “And for god sake put on a shirt.”
After the door closed, Roy turned to you and pulled you close by the waist. “Wanna have some fun before we meet him for lunch,” he asked kissing your neck. You pulled back.
“Not a chance. I’ve got to put makeup on these marks already,” you said. Roy pouted. “Plus Jason will just know and kick your ass.”
Roy nodded and moved to find clothing.
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
No more bed
Word count: 2113
Genre: Not actually sure :3
Request: No
Warnings: Swearing, kissing?
A/N that's the end of the only one bed trope. Technically requests are now closed but if you think of another overused trope you want me to write then feel free to send it in!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You didn't eat that night and went straight to bed when you got too tired to focus on the words. You had made sure the pillow wall was twice the size it was to begin with. You turned off your light when you heard Natasha's footsteps come to the door, turning your back to her and pretending to be asleep. Your breaths were deep and completely even, there was no way Natasha could have guessed you were still awake. You felt her hesitate over you and the smell of reheated food invaded your nose and then heard her walk away.
The words she said back in that forest shouldn't have hurt you as much but they did. You shouldn't care what she thinks. It doesn't matter that she doesn't believe in your skills as an agent, that she doesn't think you're pretty enough to grab someone's attention.
If Natasha thought the bickering and coolness was bad at the start of the week, she was in for a shock. When she finally came back to that tiny, godforsaken bed and did her usual trick of sliding her foot over the pillow wall, you got up, took a pillow and the spare blanket and went to sleep on the rug in the living room.
When morning rolled around, you couldn't even be bothered to talk to her, focusing much more on the task ahead, just wanting this week to be over. It wasn't even the hurt you were feeling, it was the frustration that you felt hurt that drove you to stop talking to her. You hated her. She was annoying. She had no respect for anything anyone does.
You spent most the day preparing for the party that evening. Sure, it shouldn't take you over half a day to get ready but you had finished your paperwork early and you wanted to try on every single dress and suit SHIELD had supplied you with. You ended up choosing a navy blue, off the shoulder ball gown. Thinking logistically, it was quite possibly one of the worst things you could have worn. A pantsuit would have been a much more suitable choice and yet you looked and - more importantly - felt hot in the dress.
"You're not seriously wearing that are you?" Natasha asked as we both began to change into our formal wear. She had let you splurge out on a taxi but only after you had to walk what felt like 500 miles so no one would know where you were staying.
"Why not?" You asked with a fakeness in your voice "It's a no contact mission, plus, no one would look at me anyway, right?"
"Y/n, that's not what I-"
"Oh look. We're here." You get out the cab before Natasha can finish what she's saying.
Ivan might be an evil person, but he sure does know how to throw a party. It was elegant and high class and he made his way over to you as soon as he saw you. You had both agreed that you would keep him distracted while Natasha grabbed the relevant information.
"Dorogaya, u tebya poluchilos!" (Darling, you made it!) Ivan opened his arms wide, grabbed you by the shoulders and placed a kiss on both of your cheeks.
"Konechno, kak ya mog ignorirovat' takuyu ​​zagadku?" (Of course, how could I ignore something so mysterious?) You laughed and he moved his arm to around your waist.
"Prikhodite, prikhodite, yest' lyudi, kotorykh vy dolzhny vstretit'" (Come, come, there are people you should meet)
Ivan spent most the night introducing you to different 'modelling' agencies. You knew what he was doing, he was showing you off to potential buyers. Ivan ran a human trafficking ring along with some other not so nice business. You weren't worried - not in the slightest. Although, as the night drew on and Natasha still hadn't said anything, you were getting a little more... concerned.
You managed to excuse yourself to the bathroom. Once inside, you tapped the earpiece repeatedly, praying Natasha would answer you.
"Romanoff where are you? Have you got the data?"
"Seriously, I'm sorry I've been ignoring you but this is childish now."
More silence
"I'll let you have the bed?"
Static rang out in your ear.
Of course SHIELD gave you a crappy ear piece. It was ridiculous. They provided you with three million dresses but couldn't give you a working piece of tech.
Just as you pulled out the burner phone, you felt a needle slide into your neck and the world went black.
"Y/n I have the data."
Nothing. Maybe you were still mad at her.
"Y/n do you copy?"
Still nothing.
Natasha's heart beat a little faster.
"Come on Y/n. I'm sorry. I'll let you have the bed?" Her burner phone pinged. It was your location. Shit.
You woke up and looked around, seeing that you were in the rundown hideout, you put your head back on the pillow. Everything felt heavy.
"You were drugged." Natasha states, standing in the corner of the room, her arms crossed and eyes never leaving you.
"Oh." It was all you could muster up the energy to say.
"We leave tomorrow morning."
You push yourself up into a sitting position. "How long was I out?"
"3 hours."
You looked at Natasha, really looked at her. "Then why are you still covered in blood?"
Everything of Natasha's had some kind of bloodstain. She hadn't even washed her hands. It may have been dark in the corner she was standing in, having only the side lamp to illuminate the room, but her skin seemingly glowed, making the blood stand out.
She turned around and left, heading towards the bathroom. You wanted to get up to follow her but while your mouth worked again, your legs did not. Apparently whatever they used on you was a lot stronger than you thought because you fell out of the bed. Again. Natasha rushed out, getting to you in an instant, except this time there were no sly remarks.
"Careful princess, people might think you care." You grin, only for it to drop immediately when you saw a slight wetness to the corners of her eyes. "Hey, it's okay." You said softly. If she wasn't as close to you, Natasha would have missed it.
"I didn't know where you were. I-I thought you had gone off to try and prove something and then I saw you lying there, in some basement Ivan had. You-you looked so... dead."
"But I'm not." you reached up and gingerly stroked her hair, not wanting to spook her. "And look!" You gestured to your toes that were wiggling "I can feel my legs again!"
Natasha let out a slightly wet laugh. "I'm really sorry."
"For what? These things happen all the time. Although I will say, you seem to be unlucky because my missions always go wrong with you." You nudged her shoulder, crossing your legs so you faced her, both of you still on the floor.
"For making you think you weren't attractive. For basically drugging you myself."
"Don't be ridiculous Natasha. You didn't drug me."
"I might as well have done! If I had just agreed with you instead of fighting you, then you wouldn't have felt like you had to prove anything."
"You think I'm attractive?"
"Seriously? That's what we're choosing to focus on now."
"Umm yes? I know it wasn't your fault at all but now I want to hear about how attractive I am." You smirked and Natasha stood up abruptly.
"I'm having a shower."
"Is that a nice cold shower for you to try to get over me?" You shouted as she slammed the door shut.
Natasha came out of the shower half an hour later, towel drying her hair.
"I think you're attractive too." You whispered out, half hoping Natasha wouldn't hear it.
She stilled. Looking at you, trying to see if you were lying.
"Then why do you hate me?"
"I don't think I do. Not anymore."
Natasha stayed silent, encouraging you to continue.
"I didn't like the avengers in general. You guys all act like you're so much better than us. You get all the perks of looking good and none of the paperwork. You don't know the amount of times I've seen top level agents filling out avenger paperwork when they should be out in the field. I thought you were all lazy but spending this week with you... well it made me realise that maybe you're not all that bad."
Natasha had moved herself to the bed, just watching you speak. You looked over to her, signalling that you had finished all that you wanted to say.
"I'm sorry I ever made you doubt yourself. I'll talk to the team about actually doing their paperwork. Who's the worst?" She asked, curiosity laced in her tone
Natasha let out a full blown laugh at that. "Wait seriously?"
"Yup. I see him all the time, constantly trying to offload his paperwork to someone else. I always thought it would be Tony but it's definitely Steve, then Bruce. Then it's probably Tony."
"I promise I'll try to make them stop."
"I wouldn't make promises you can't keep." You laughed.
"Why...why did you doubt me?" You asked, a little more serious than before.
"It's not that I doubted you... I guess I just didn't like the way you spoke to Ivan..."
"You mean the flirting?"
You sat in silence for a bit, you couldn't figure out why. It's not like it was against any rules and it all worked in your favour. Then, it clicked.
"Natasha Romanoff were you jealous!" You let out a slight gasp and grinned at her.
"No. No of course not." Natasha got defensive. There was no way she was jealous of that old, wrinkly, nasty smelling man.
"Aww princess!" You adjusted yourself so you were completely facing her. "I can flirt with you too if you want." Your voice got slightly lower and your eyelids dropped a fraction, making your pupils seem bigger. While you raised your voice a few octaves for Ivan, you knew that to seduce a woman you had to lower it a little.
"Stop it." Natasha hit you.
"But why baby?" You grabbed her chin and tilted her face towards you. "Now you don't have to be jealous." You sent her a wink and let her chin go, watching as her eyes got a little darker.
"Go away. I want nothing to do with you or your terrible flirting."
"You say my flirting is terrible" Your voice now back to normal, "But your body is saying something different."
"Wrong. My body is saying nothing."
"Okay then! Night night princess." You leant over to switch off the light when Natasha grabbed your arm, causing you to look back over to her.
"Calling me princess... it - ugh... well it -" Natasha looked conflicted before glancing up to you, looking at your lips and kissing you.
You were shocked. You knew you shouldn't have been. All the signs were there and you were a very good flirt but actually feeling her lips on yours made your brain short-circuit. You kissed her back and climbed into her lap.
"We're not doing it here." You said when you both broke the kiss
"Why not?" Natasha looked at you, her hands running all over you.
"Because I'm 90% sure there are rats and I really don't want to catch something"
Natasha laughed and kissed you a little more. "Fair enough. We should stop this now then."
You kissed her neck. "Yes. We should definitely stop now."
Just before you were due to leave, you called Natasha into the bedroom.
"Y/n, we have to go."
"I know I know but watch." You bounced excitedly as you threw a match at the bed.
"Y/n what the hell!?"
"Well, if you remember correctly, I said that if you crossed the pillow divide, I would burn the bed with you in it. As you can see, I'm generously leaving you out of the bed. You're welcome."
Natasha just looked at you. "I can't believe I like you."
"Aww you like me? That's kind of embarrassing for you." You laughed as you linked arms with her, walking to the jet, but not before Natasha convinced you to put out the fire on the bed.
You watched as the fire fizzled out and silently thanked that damn bed for bringing you and Natasha closer. Literally. It didn't mean you weren't going to have a long chat with Fury about proper size beds though.
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egcdeath · 3 years
act natural
Tumblr media
pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: sometimes, you just have to share the bed. 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: fluff, sharing a bed, idiots in love, cheesy
a/n: this is really just an excuse for me to write a lot of self indulgent bants, but it’s also a part of @stargazingfangirl18’s soft!dark challenge, and i decided to write something soft and use the prompt of only having one bed! (p.s. i like did not edit this at all so if a few words are used a lot pls forgive me) 
Dinner at the safehouse was finally wrapping up after a long day of getting your ass beat by an angry android and a few enhanced teenagers. You and everyone else around you seemed to be more than exhausted from the extensive day of revisiting deeply repressed traumas, and petty arguments between teammates over who was truly at fault for every predicament you found yourselves in.
You took a long and final swig from a beer bottle, glancing up to Bruce and Nat as they stood up and pushed in their chairs, retiring for the night. 
“Thanks for hosting us, Laura,” Natasha offered, grabbing her plate from the dinner table, and dropping it off in the dishwasher.
“Of course, guys. Any time,” she gave a half smile to her friend, then looked back at the table, where everyone else had taken the memo, and found themselves somewhere in the process of leaving the table, or grabbing their dishes, “but before you all go, I wanted to warn you that someone else is gonna have to share a room tonight.”
You glanced over at Steve, who was on your left, and Tony, who was sat at the head of the table. You and Steve shared an awkward chuckle at the thought of being in the same bed, not even considering the similarly uncomfortable situation of sharing a bed with Tony. 
“I think I’ll be rooming alone. These two lovebirds can share,” Tony chided before either of you even had a chance to think of a response. You looked back over at Steve, whose cheeks were currently dusted with a light shade of pink, and the bigger man quickly looked away from you.
“Tony, you know we are not- you know what, nevermind,” you huffed, deciding the argument was not worth it. 
Tony shook his head as he dropped his dishes off in the dishwasher. “So no objections?” he asked teasingly, eyeing you both with a smirk on his way back from the kitchen. “Why am I not surprised?” You could’ve sworn you heard Clint and Fury laughing to themselves before excusing themselves from the table, and dispursting though the house.
Besides the slight humiliation of being teased for your situation, you weren’t too concerned about the act of spending the night, or next few nights with Steve. You and Steve were friends, or something like that. Just a few pals with crushes that you refused to admit to each other (or yourselves).
Pushing this thought aside, you grabbed the neck of your empty beer bottle, along with a few pieces of silverware and marched off to the mechanical cleaner yourself. You dropped off the things that needed to be cleaned, tossed your bottle in the recycling bin, then went to turn away when Steve grabbed your arm, automatically catching your attention. 
“Is this okay with you?” He asked, letting his vice grip on your arm go.
“It’s fine. I’ll see you upstairs,” you muttered before speeding off, and heading upstairs where you strolled into the only vacant room, with the door wide open, and both your own and Steve’s duffle bags on the floor. 
You made a mental note to thank whoever brought them in (probably Laura), and dug through your bag to find something even slightly comfortable to sleep in, eventually settling on an oversized shirt and your favorite cotton shorts. 
You had just barely finished changing in the tiny closet when you heard the soft click of the room door, notifying you of Steve’s arrival. You slid open the closet door, and made a beeline for the bed, flopping onto the left side, and reaching for your phone as a distraction. 
“Do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Steve asked, searching through his own bag until he found the only clean comfortable pair of pants he had in there, that just happened to be a jokey Christmas gift donned with a red white and blue color scheme, and graphics of mini shields on it.  
“What the hell, Steve. Of course not,” you set your phone down so that you could get a better look at him. “We probably have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” You could live with that excuse, especially considering that it would not be very becoming of you to tell your crush that missing an opportunity to sleep in the same bed as him feels like a federal crime. 
He stood up from his squatting position, squeezing into the tight space of the closet so that he could change into the corny pants, and finally get out of his clothes from the day, “I just didn’t want to make things weird.”
“Well, they won’t be as long as you stay on your side, okay?” You said petulantly, setting two pillows across the middle of the queen sized bed and attempting to ignore the excited butterflies in your stomach. 
“I will,” Steve responded, exiting the closet slipping into the right side of the bed cautiously, and looking at the wall that was facing him.
You glanced over at Steve, and when you caught wind of his shirtless torso, you couldn’t help but to look away with a warm face,“this is so awkward now,” you said after a beat. “Why couldn’t you have roomed with Tony?”
“Tony is the worst bed mate ever. Total blanket and pillow hog,” Steve chuckled, attempting to ease up some of the tension.
“You’re no saint either. I’ve heard you’re a cuddler,” you bantered back, allowing yourself one more glance at the man. Steve seemed to be having the same thought as you at the same time as you, as your eyes briefly met. 
It was uncomfortably silent in the room once more, and you reached over to your nightstand to turn off the bedside lamp, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Steve,” you turned your back to the border of pillows, fell into a fetal position, and squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that you’d be able to find some sort of peace after such a bizarre day. You tried not to dwell so much on the horrors you’d been forced to face earlier, and instead relied on the rhythmic breathing coming from the man next to you to ground you.
You weren’t sure when exactly you fell asleep, but a jolting of your bed, and a bit of a commotion coming from somewhere in your room pulled you away from your unsettling dreams.
Blinking yourself awake, you uncurled your body, and rolled over to look at Steve, whose legs were thrown over the edge of the bed while he panted heavily.
“Steve?” you slurred sleepily, “you ‘kay?”
“’m fine,” he yawned.
“Well you woke me up,” you mumbled, throwing your head back against a pillow.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I was having a shitty dream anyway.”
“Really? I was too,” Steve refused to look at you, staring blankly at the wall.
“So tell me about it,” you hummed.
“It’s just… I keep thinking about how I missed out on so many things from the past. I could’ve been happy, living out my days in a semi-peaceful and familiar world. Not anything like this.”
You sat up as you listened, pushing aside a pillow from the border you’d constructed to move closer to Steve and set a reassuring hand on his back.
“I guess I just wish that I was there. With everyone and everything I used to know.”
“But it’s not all bad, right?” you offered, and Steve shrugged before looking down. 
 “I’m sorry. I really am. I know that I’ll never truly understand that, but there’s nothing any of us can do about it now. You’re here now, and you have no other choice but to make the best of it. I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but if you spend all of your time in the present lamenting about what things could’ve been in the past, you’re just gonna be miserable forever,” you rambled sleepily, words slurring occasionally. 
“Your experience is so unique, so I could be getting this all wrong, but there are plenty of good things here in the now. I mean, a world without the internet? I don’t know if that’s a world worth living in,” you chuckled softly, and were joined in your quiet laughter by the man on the other side of your bed.
“Seriously, though. I know you can’t control your dreams, but maybe your subconscious is letting you know that it’s okay to let go. Of like, the past. It might just be time for you to move on and be happy. I’m sure that Peggy and everyone else from your past would’ve wanted that for you too.” In the dark, you saw the silhouette of Steve’s head nodding. 
“You always know what to say, huh?” he asked, kicking his legs back over onto the bed while you scooted back over into your previous space. 
“I’m like half asleep right now, Steve. If you asked me to repeat half of what I just said, I would not know what to say,” you giggled. 
“You wanna talk about your dream?” Steve asked in a concerned tone. 
“Mmm, I actually just wanna go to sleep. As crazy as that may sound,” 
“Is there anything that I can do to help you not have another bad one?”
“Hmmm,” you pondered, becoming a bit more lethargic by the moment. “Spoon me?”
“As you wish,” Steve happily obliged, grabbing one of the pillows from the middle of the bed and adding it to his stash of pillows. 
You threw a pillow from the border between your knees, and received a strange look from Steve. “What? I heard it’s good for your back.” He still didn’t seem convinced. “Stop being so judgy and cuddle me already,” you murmured, turning your body so that you could lay on your side.
Steve scooted closer to you, and you pressed your back to the front of his chest. He tossed an arm over you and somehow managed to pull you even closer to him. You swore you hadn’t been this comfortable since you left the womb, and you nearly purred in response. 
“Can I make a request?” he asked.
You simply nodded.
“Can we just… talk until we fall back asleep?” 
“That’s really cute,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
“You just have a relaxing voice!” he defended playfully.
“You are such a dork,” you giggled. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Just tell me about… I dunno, anything.”
“That was so helpful, Steven.”
“My bad. Tell me about your favorite… mission?”
“Mm, probably that one time you and I had to go undercover for like a month to bust that arms dealer.”
“Which one?”
“Some dude in the Midwest. Can’t remember his name.”
“Oh yeah, yeah I know who you’re talking about.”
“It was fun being your life partner for a month. We were really good at being domestic.”
“Hmm, now that I think about it, we really were. Do you remember that cookout?”
“Of course I do,” you laughed at the memory. “Everyone else was getting so drunk, but you just… couldn’t. They were like Joseph, you’re such a beast, and shit. And who would’ve guessed that you, the old timer would be such a beast on the grill.”
“Well, who would’ve guessed that you were so good at cornhole?”
“Was I really that good? Or were you just really bad? Like really bad, especially for someone whose skill set revolves around having good aim,” you teased.
Steve scoffed and laughed, shaking his head at you. 
“How didn’t those people recognize us? I just don’t get it.”
“You’d be surprised how much a beard and dyed hair can change your look.”
“I guess,” you sighed softly, and set a hand on top of Steve’s. “Does this feel counterproductive to you? We’re just sitting here giggling. We’re probably getting less tired.”
“I guess I am less tired. But I’m also not thinking about the impending robot apocalypse.”
“Well now that you brought it up, I’m thinking about the impending robot apocalypse. You better fix this, Rogers.” Emboldened by what must’ve been the butterflies in your stomach falling asleep, you began to roll a bit in his arms so you were facing each other, kicking away the pillow between your legs in the process. 
“How can I make it up to you?” Steve asked, raising a brow.
“You’re the man with a plan, right? Think of something,” your lip quirked slightly in a smirk.
Steve leaned in just the smallest amount, before a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. “I got it. We can do one of those one word stories until we fall asleep.”
Well, that’s not exactly how you thought this moment was going to go. 
“Okay, I’ll start then,” you nodded, pressing your head down against a soft pillow, and looking up at Steve, “once.”
“There,” Steve added.
“Death-bot,” you giggled. 
“Okay, Y/N. No. No more stories. We can just listen to each other breathe now until we fall asleep like before since you wanna ruin the mood.”
“What mood? And you listened to me breathe?”
“What else was I gonna listen to?” he furrowed his brows, “it’s too late for this anyway. We can talk in the morning.”
“All you had to do was tell me that it’s way past your bedtime, and I would be understanding. But goodnight anyway, Stevie,” you cracked him one last smile, not budging from your position as you closed your eyes. 
It was silent for a few minutes before Steve whispered up out of the blue, “you still awake?”
You slurred something into the pillow, much more asleep than awake. 
“Well, I really like you a lot. Maybe one day I’ll get the guts to tell you that when you’re not completely out of it.”
You grunted as a response, and Steve couldn’t seem to wipe the grin off his face, not while he was falling asleep, and certainly not during his rather pleasant dreams.
You just couldn’t seem to catch a break with your wake up calls. While you and Steve seemed to sleep through the rapping against the door, and the door itself opening, you both seemed to become aware after the artificial shutter of an iPhone camera flooded through your ears.
“You guys just looked so cute, I wanted to archive this moment for the rest of time. And I’m sure the team will be glad to see that you got along well last night,” Nat teased as your eyes widened and you shot up. “Breakfast is ready downstairs, by the way.”
Well, you two were going to have a great time explaining this one. 
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Moon Rocks
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason accidentally reunites his mother with an old friend after being caught shoplifting.
Chapters: 9/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Natalia Knight
Relationship(s): Natalia Knight/Catherine Todd
Additional Tags: No Capes AU, No Powers AU, Angst and Fluff, Old Flames, Romance
Chapter Nine: Honest Mistake
For the next few weeks, Jason couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and woke up gasping for air as if he were drowning. It was the same nightmare over and over again. He tried to keep the dreams to himself, but he could only hide his fears for so long. One night, in particular, he didn't wake up as quickly as expected, and Natalia came into his room to wake him. He threw his arms around her, and she rubbed his back until he calmed down. "You alright?" Natalia asked. Jason shook his head. His hands shook, and he could barely catch his breath. It felt like he was still there. "You're here with me, and you're okay. Jason, it was just a dream." He swallowed hard and nodded. "I wasn't going to ask, but I can tell that you haven't had a good night of sleep since you found out about your uncle." Jason chewed his lip. "That's because I found him, and he's coming to visit Mom, and I haven't told her or you—." "Jason, no. Please say that you're joking," Natalia took a deep breath, "Next week?" Jason shook his head. "Tomorrow? Jason, no. I understand you meant well, but that is—." She stopped talking when she saw the look on his face. "You've got such a big heart." She hugged him in an attempt to make him feel better. "I should tell him not to come... Shouldn't I?" Jason asked. Natalia shook her head. "No, listen, that's not for you to worry about now... But, I think we should at least tell Kitty he might show up," Natalia whispered, "Go back to bed, alright?" "Are you going back upstairs?" Jason asked. Natalia looked him in the eyes and shook her head. She could tell he was still frightened. "Actually, do you mind if I read to you?" Natalia asked as she walked over to the bookcase and picked out a book. Jason moved over so she could sit next to him. She turned the light on at the dimmest setting, and she sat next to Jason on his bed. Her reading voice was soft, and it wasn't long before Jason lay fast asleep next to her. She would've gotten up, but he threw his arm over her lap, and she couldn't bear to wake him. Natalia slept next to Jason until the phone rang early in the morning. Jason got up first, climbing over the foot of the bed to get out, and he answered. "Good morning," Jason whispered, still half asleep. "Good morning. Is this Natalia Knight's phone? This is Bruce Wayne," Bruce asked. "Yes, sir. Can I take a message? I'm her friend's son," Jason answered him before yawning. "Sorry." "It's alright. I know it's early... Can you tell Miss Knight that I would like her to attend the spring gala next weekend?" Bruce asked. "Well, that's kind of complicated, Mr. Wayne," Jason whispered. He scratched his head. "You see, my mom's sick, and she's gonna be out of the hospital this weekend if everything goes well... And you see—." "Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I hope that your mother has a speedy recovery," Bruce whispered. Jason thanked him, and Natalia came and took her phone. "It's Bruce Wayne," Jason whispered. Natalia smiled and gestured for him to get ready for school. Jason kissed Natalia on the cheek, and she smiled at him. He got ready for school, and Natalia made him a bagel. "Yes, thank you, Mr. Wayne," Natalia whispered, "Yes, I think so too. You should talk to him when he's fully awake... Thank you, buh-bye." "What he say?" Jason asked. Natalia sat across from him and ate the other half of his bagel. "He said you were a charming young man," Natalia whispered, "And he offered me two extra tickets to the gala just in case Kitty felt up to going." "He's still gonna make you go?" Jason asked. Natalia shook her head and checked the time. "Are we late?" "No, not yet. I'm sorry about breakfast. I'll give you money to get something at school if you're still hungry," Natalia replied. Jason nodded. "And about your uncle, did he give you a number?"
Jason took her phone and put the number in. "Are you mad at me?" Jason asked. Natalia shook her head. "I'm not mad at you... But please don't talk to any more strangers on the internet. Go put on your shoes, and we'll talk to him in the car," Natalia whispered as she kissed the top of his head and sent him off. She put the dishes in the sink and followed him outside. She called the number Jason gave her and put the phone on speaker before starting the car. "Hello?" a man answered. "Uncle Eddie?" Jason asked. "Oh, hey Champ!" Eddie exclaimed. "How's my favorite nephew?" Jason chuckled. "I'm your only nephew," Jason smiled, "This is Nat Knight's phone. I'm on my way to school." "Hi, Eddie," Natalia greeted him. "You're thinking I shouldn't come, huh?" Eddie asked. "I don't wanna upset Kit. I can wait until she's better to see her. I was hoping that maybe I could still come and see Jason before you go pick her up?" Jason looked at Natalia. She smiled solemnly and nodded. "That's fine. You can come and see him whenever you're in town... And, I don't think it's a bad idea for you to see Kitty. I just want to talk to her first and see how she'd feel about it. Jason really wants to know you, and I don't think she'd object to that at all," Natalia answered. Jason looked through his backpack for his homework. "Well, if it's okay, I'd like to come down tomorrow afternoon and see Jason. I know it's short notice, but—." "Actually, that would be nice. I'll text you the address," Natalia replied. "Thank you, Miss Knight," Eddie replied, "See you soon, kiddo." "Bye, Uncle Eddie," Jason replied, and he hung up. "Nat, you really meant it?" Natalia nodded. "Thanks." "Yes, I do... And I'll call your mom and explain things to her, so you don't have to, okay?" Natalia whispered as she rustled life into his curls. "And please eat a big lunch. I promise I'll get you something to eat after school, but I don't want you—." "Okay, Mom—." Jason knit his brows together and turned his head. "I meant—." "I know, Jason, look—." Jason opened the door and got out of the car. "Love you—." Jason facepalmed and before Natalia could say anything, he ran off to class. Natalia sighed and pressed her forehead against her steering wheel before driving off to work.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Ch. 4
When Bruce asked Marinette to stay the night at the manor for a couple days while he went out of town for work, she was a little nervous. Sure, they’d been dating for almost four months, and yes she’d met Jason and Dick before, but this was the first time she’d be spending time with just Jason. Without Bruce there to mediate. But so far, it’d been fine. They’d gotten closer over the past two months, and Jason was actually a sweet kid. Standing in front of Gotham Academy, Marinette frowns at the sky, willing the rain to stay away. The bell rings and she shifts, nodding at the kids who waved at her, probably recognizing her from the cafe. She shifts to the balls of her feet, trying to see if she can spot Jason in the crowd of kids. Spotting him, she waves excitedly, grinning widely. 
“You’re so embarrassing.” He says, walking up to her and shaking his head. But the grin on his face definitely contradicts that. 
“I’m just excited to get ice cream.” She teases, nudging him gently. Even though he was only twelve (and much shorter than Dick and Bruce), they were close to the same height. Damn her Maman’s shortness. As they walk to the ice cream stand near her favorite park, Marinette listens to Jason explaining his day, frowning as she realizes: he’s being bullied. 
“But it doesn’t really matter.” He adds after telling her about the boys picking on him. Her eyes narrow. 
“Bruce didn’t tell you that, right?” She asks. He shakes his head. “Good, I thought I was going to have to add him to my list.” 
“What list?” Jason asks, frowning. 
“The list of people whose asses I have to kick.” She says, smirking at Jason’s surprised laugh. 
“Mari, you can’t- you can’t just beat up my bullies.” He says, laughing. 
“And why not? I’m short. I’ll say I go to public school. What’re they going to do, call my parents?” She snarks, working hard to keep a straight face. As Jason continues laughing, though, she finds it impossible to keep a straight face and instead joins him. “Seriously though, sweetheart, if these kids are bothering you, I can go up to the school. No one should be treated like that, and if you’ll let me, I’d love to give the principal a piece of my mind for letting it happen.” She adds. Jason sighs. 
“They won’t listen to you. Those kids’ parents have money and shit. I’m nothing to them.” He grumbles and she stops, turning him to look at her. How could this sweet little boy, someone who meant the world to her, say that he’s nothing. 
“Jason Peter Todd, you listen to me. You are not nothing. The amount of money a person has doesn’t mean a damn thing. How you treat others, what you choose to do, who you are as a person, that is what matters. That’s what makes you so much better, so much more than those little pricks at your school.” Marinette rambles, looking right into his eyes, desperately hoping he believes her. He’s silent for a minute, before he lunges forward and wraps his arms around her. Marinette sighs, wrapping the boy up in a big hug, kissing the top of his head. They stand there for a few moments before Jason pulls back, quickly wiping at his eyes. 
“Yeah, uh, if you really wanna go up there I guess you can.” He says, clearing his throat. Marinette smiles, ruffling his hair. 
“As long as it’s okay with you. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass you.” She says and he snorts. 
“I don’t think anyone could be more embarrassing than when B signed me up for school and he was acting like Brucie.” He says and she sighs. She’d heard all about ‘Brucie’ and though he’d never acted like that around her, he definitely still acted like that in public. But without the excessive flirting with models. Finally arriving at the small ice cream cart, Marinette and Jason each get a cone before starting their walk around the park. It’d become something of a tradition when she picked him up from school. She couldn’t always do it, because of the cafe, but that just made it that much more special. They’re halfway down their favorite path when her luck runs out and the rain that had been holding off for a day and a half comes down with a fury. It wasn’t warm rain either. No, the rain was ice cold and chilled her to the bone almost immediately. Gasping, she grabs Jason’s hand and tugs him under a pavilion to try and get some shelter from the rain.
“God, I’m so sorry Jay. I didn’t realize- it looked like it was gonna rain for days.” She says mournfully, teeth chattering as she digs her phone out of her purse, praying that it’s not soaked too. Alfred would definitely come pick them up if she asked. 
“It’s fine M, it’s just rain, it’s not like it’s gonna kill us.” 
Bruce walks into the manor, frowning when he doesn’t see Marinette. He’d expected her to still be around, even though Jason was definitely at school. He sighs, guessing that she’d had to leave to deal with something at the cafe. He shuts the door, and is about to go to his study when Alfred appears. 
“Ah, Master Bruce. Your turn.” He says simply and Bruce frowns. 
“Sorry, what?” He asks. 
“Miss Marinette, sir. I’ve tried to help her, but she is extremely stubborn. Thus, your turn.” Alfred says before walking away. Bruce frowns. What happened while he was gone? 
“M’fine.” Jason mumbles, swatting her hand away as she tries to feel his head. 
“C’mon Jay, just lemme check. If you have a fever you need more medicine.” She says, sighing in relief when he stops struggling and lets her feel his head. She hums, sitting back in the chair by his bed. “Do you need soup? Or maybe some cocoa?” She asks. 
“No. Just sleep.” He mumbles. Marinette nods in understanding, singing to him quietly despite the tickle in her throat. The poor kid was sick, and she blamed herself for letting them get caught up in the rain yesterday. Just as he falls asleep and she feels her own eyes droop, the door swings open. 
“Mari?” A voice says and she groans, waving whoever it is away. 
“Shhhh. He’s sleeping. Gimme a minute.” She mumbles, glancing at Jason once more before standing and moving outside the room, shutting the door slightly to not wake him up. 
“What happened? Why isn’t he in school?” Bruce asks, his face scrunched in concern. She frowns, knowing he’s probably going to hate her for letting his youngest son get sick. 
“We went for ice cream yesterday and then to the park, but it started raining and we got soaked and now he’s sick and I’m so sorry, but I’ve been giving him medicine and making sure he’s eating and drinking water so he’ll be okay but he definitely couldn’t go to school today.” She rambles. Bruce frowns and reaches forward, putting a gentle hand on her forehead. 
“Mari, love, are you sick too?” He asks worriedly. She scoffs. 
“No, of course not.” She says. 
“Yes she is.” Alfred says as he walks by, continuing down the hall as if he didn’t say anything. Marinette frowns, glaring after the man. 
“Traitor.” She mumbles under her breath. 
“Love, maybe you should take some medicine and go to bed.” Bruce suggests, but she shakes her head. 
“No, Jason needs me. He’s sick.” Marinette argues. Bruce frowns. 
“Have you at least taken some medicine?” He asks, and she pouts. 
“It makes me sleepy. I was afraid I’d fall asleep and not know if Jason needed something.” She says, and he sighs. 
“Mari, my love, you aren’t going to get better if you don’t take medicine.” Bruce says, gently wrapping his arms around her. She sighs and leans into his embrace, feeling safe and complete in his arms. Until she hears Jason start having a coughing fit. She immediately pulls away from Bruce and rushes back into the room, grabbing the glass of water off of his night table and holding it, waiting for him to stop coughing before she passes it to him. 
“Careful kiddo.” She says, setting the glass back down on the night table. She sits on the edge of his bed and gently pushes his hair out of his face. He sighs, his eyes shutting again almost immediately. 
“Thanks Mom.” He mumbles sleepily, and soon his soft breathing is the only sound in the room. Marinette is frozen. Mom. Mom. He’d called her mom. Was it just because he’s sick and exhausted? Or did he actually look at her as a mother figure? Was he going to be embarrassed about it when he wakes up or will he accept it? Would Bruce be okay with it? Or would he be angry at her for it? Would he-
“Marinette, honey, are you okay?” Bruce asks softly, she kisses Jason’s head before standing and burrowing herself into Bruce’s chest. Realistically, there was no reason for him to be mad at her about this. Or Jason. It was just hard to combat her thoughts sometimes. Letting out a shaky breath, she looks up at Bruce with a soft smile. 
“I’m fine. I think I’ll take that medicine now.” She says, letting out a happy sigh as Bruce holds her hand and leads her out of the room. 
“Besides the rain, how was your week?” He asks once they’re back in the hallway. She opens her mouth to ramble about how fun it was, until she remembers Jason’s scowl as he talked about the group of boys at school. The way he clung to her when she promised to do something about it. 
“Actually, I was wondering if you’d be against talking to the Principal at Jason’s school. If I could, I’d like to go with. Some boys are picking on him and I promised him I would try to do something about it.” She explains, nearly missing the loving smile Bruce gives her. 
“I’ll set up a meeting for Monday afternoon, how does that sound?” He asks and she nods. 
“That should work.” She says, tilting her head in thought. “If it doesn’t work, I’m going to kick his ass.” She adds. 
“Okay, love, let’s get you that medicine and get you into bed.” Bruce says with a chuckle. Mari smiles and nods, knowing he thinks she’s kidding. She’s not. No one messes with her kid and gets away with it.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: How about ideas about hugs and cuddles from Dick? Fluff is an important part of a balanced fandom after all
Warning: fluff, mentions of sex but pg, mentions of blood
A/N: A little bit of a different layout but soft nonetheless 
Word Count: 2.2k
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i) Dick Grayson in the mornings
Dick always has trouble getting up in the morning. He doesn't like the bright sunlight breaking through his blinds or the loud crashes of his neighbors from getting ready in the mornings. Sleep always calls for him the moment his alarm goes off and he despises the idea of actually having to get out of bed.
He finds himself grabbing at any excuse just to stay a few moments longer. Maybe a 'I showered last night I don't need to this morning' or 'I'll make coffee at home today so I don't have to wait in line'. Any little thing to be able to sleep in for just five more minutes.
It's even more impossible when you're staying with him. He finds himself turning off his alarm only to roll over and snuggle into you. Big arms wrapped around you, legs tangled. He's got the most ridiculous bedhead in the world but god is it adorable on him. Dick's still half asleep and he can't even bring himself to leave a kiss on your cheek.
More times than not he falls back asleep again. It's hard not to when the love of his life is asleep in his arms. However, he often gets in trouble too. Showing up late for work or getting an angry phone call from Bruce or the team that he's not there.
It's impossible to get him off of you too when he's sleepy. Dick becomes completely dead weight and half his body is always on top of yours. Waking him is just as hard. Once he's asleep somewhere he feels safe, he's not getting back up. Mumbles in his mornings voice, squeezing you tighter, he's completely adorable when he's trying to sleep.
“Just a couple more minutes baby.”
Dick likes to blame the reason he gets stuck in bed so often on you - but truth is that's all on him. He's always struggled to get up in the morning and after long nights of being a hero, it doesn't help.
ii) Dick Grayson coming home from a long day
It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, if he's had a terrible day at work, he's swooping you up and carrying you to bed. He doesn't do that very often, only when he's on the verge of a breakdown. So, when he does pull a little stunt like that, you know that he's upset.
“I missed you today, my love.”
He pours his heart out during those times. Venting to you about his issues, his feelings, how frustrated he is that he can't change what's happened. It's heartbreaking to see him like this because he's trying so hard to keep himself together when he's clearly breaking at the seams.
Dick doesn't want you to see him when he's vulnerable and weak like this. He's always supposed to be the strong one. He's supposed to be the one who always knows what to do, who's always going to have a plan. Truth was, he couldn't be that person - at least not all the time. On the days that he couldn't, he looked to you for answers.
He'd find himself wanting you to encase him completely. Dick's safe in your arms, no matter the situation. He knows that this is the time that he can truly break down and you'll always accept him. There's nothing that he ever needs to worry about when he's with you.
Blankets mountain over you both. Dick's got his head on your chest, sometimes your stomach when he's curled up even more than usual. When he's in his bad moods, it's like he needs to hear your heart to remind him that he too is human. He can only handle so much before he snaps. His arms are tight around you, keep you so close that sometimes it's hard to breathe.
In those moments it feels like his hold on you is the only thing keeping him sane, the only thing that's keeping him grounded to earth. Dick has his times where no words can fix his issues, but your actions can. A simple hug, kiss, hand rubbing his back that reminds him that not everything in this world is out to get him.
It's those times that you know to be extra loving with him. Tell him how much you love him, how you adore what he does for this world, how important he is in your life.
iii) Dick Grayson after a night of patrol
Every night, the only thing he has to look forward to is coming back home to you. No matter how many times he gets beaten down, he knows he has to get back up to get home to you. Dick knows you're waiting for him, worried out of your mind as whether or not he'll make it back alive.
So, when he gets back, stripped of his suit and a shower that washes away his dirt and grime of the night, he finally makes his way into bed with you. His body aches from the hits he got, even when he's in the warmth of your bed. He's exhausted by the time he gets home to you, and it's a struggle to even clean himself up.
No matter how tired he is, how sore he is, he always pulls you into his chest to give you a kiss. It's his way of telling you that he's made it home safe, even if he's barely hanging on some days. It's a silent 'I love you' when he can't get the energy to say it out loud.
When he holds you close at night, it's his only way of being able to fall asleep. He doesn't think about the horrors he's seen at night when he's with you, he doesn't think about how much trauma he's been through. All Dick can think about is you, everything that there is about you.
“I’m glad you’re safe and back with me, Dick.” 
“I’ll always come home to you.”
His nightmares don't plague him. He doesn't wake up randomly throughout the night. Being with you lets him be in peace.
When he cuddles you at that point in his day, he envelopes you completely. His arms are tightly wrapped around you so you're flush against his body. Dick nuzzles himself into the crook of your neck and his legs are perfectly lined up behind yours. He's found himself reliant on you to be able to fall asleep.
In the winter, when it gets cold out, Dick just absorbs your body heat. He craves it when he's out as Nightwing. The cold winds bite at his skin and he's consumed with the memory of your body warmth. He hates feeling cold when he knows that he could easily quit early and come back to you.
On some lucky nights - or maybe unlucky if you look at it - when his body is really sore, you'll offer up a massage. Dick can never say no. You'll find yourself sitting on his butt as he lays on his stomach. Scars and wounds lacing the skin on his back and his tense muscle aching for your touch.
Dick falls asleep like that all the time, no matter what. You could be telling him about your day or even he'll be telling you about his and he'll fall asleep mid-sentence. He wakes up refreshed every time you offer to do it for him, and more times than not he'll always find a way to repay you back.
iv) Dick Grayson on rainy days.
He loves having rainy days with you. Not necessarily rainy days - but the kind of days that he gets to be free of worry from the outside world and just focus on you. Hours upon hours that he gets to relax, often for the first time in months. Those days always seem like a blessing to him, especially when he gets to spend them with you.
Watching movies where he gets to cuddle you on the couch. The both of you laying on your sides. Dick's pressed against the back of the couch with his arms tightly around you so that you don't fall off the edge. He leaves annoying (adorable) little kisses at the back of your neck and a lot of the time tickles your sides.
Or you'll be in the kitchen, baking cookies or brownies, or whatever Dick wanted that day. He's always standing behind you, arms around you and chin resting on your shoulder. His eyes are glued to your movements, adoring how you can make something so mundane so beautiful at the same time.
On days that the rain is pouring outside, Dick will drag you outside - whether it be a balcony, a rooftop, to just the streets. He's got you out in the freezing cold where the rain is soaking your clothes and your clinging onto him for any remnants of body heat.
Dick wants to give you that cheesy, cliche, kiss in the rain. He wants to hold you, to kiss you, to tell the whole world how grand his love is for you. Hands cupping your cheeks, lips molding perfectly to yours. He can feel the drops of rain slipping between you, but it's never enough to get him to pull away. The cold ignites through his body but the warmth of your kiss, your touch, everything there is to you is enough to pull you back in for more.
“You’re an idiot.” 
“I’m your idiot.” 
Dick spends the rest of the day clinging to you - or more so the other way around. It's his fault that you're frozen to the core and he's going to be the one to fix it. He doesn't mind, not when it gives him the opportunity to just be closer with you.
v) Dick Grayson after sex
He can't get enough of you. Dick Grayson can never find a way to express his love completely. No words, no action, nothing in this world would ever be enough to show how vast his love is. Out of breath, sweat covering his skin, he'd still pull you in for more kisses, more time to show you that he loved you.
Sometimes Dick would have an arm tucked behind his head, the other stroking back and forth along your back. He loves post-sex cuddles with you. He's still on a high with you, absorbing your activities with a smile on his face.
His entire focus is on you. Kissing you, loving you. He's checking to make sure that he didn't hurt you in any way. Dick Grayson becomes the most caring person towards you - more than his usual self. His sole priority is making sure that you feel loved, safe, and happy.
Laying on your sides, facing each other and just talking about anything and everything are his favourite moments. He can't keep his hands off you - in a non-sexual way. Cupping your cheek, drawing into your arm, watching the goosebumps roll against his skin as the cold starts to fill you both.
A smile never leaves his cheeks. Not for a second. How could he when his entire view is focused on you? He's sneaking in for a kiss at every chance he gets - and when he's not his hands are on you. They're playing with your fingers as you talk or brush against your body.
“How did I get so lucky with you?” 
Cuddles with him after sex always seem more intimate than the moment itself. He gets the opportunity to talk about his heart's desires or his fears. He feels like it's his prime moment to be able to express anything that he's been feeling because it's when you're most willing to open up too.
It's a time of reflection. For some reason, these conversations always come up after your most intimate moments. It's the concept of growing together, not separately or apart. His future is you, it's always been you, and he's making sure that you both want it to stay that way.
Bonus: Surprise Hug
Getting home early from a mission or managing to sneak away to see you even just for couple minutes, he loves to surprise you with a hug from behind. You’ve learned by now how his body molds to yours, the calming scent of his cologne as he gets close to you - it’s never a worry who’s hugging you because you know his touch by heart. 
He loves to hear the joy in your voice when he shows up. The excitement that you get just for making the effort to show up for even a few minutes in the middle of the day or a couple hours early getting home. There’s nothing better than the warmth that spreads in his heart because of you. 
@pricetagofficial​ @mora-miserium​  @babymango-writes​  @redrobin-yumm​  @simp-is-what-i-am​  @catsofsmoke​  @subtleappreciation​  @officiallydarkgeek​ @spiitfiires​  @pinkdiamond1016​  @childish-kiwi​  @givetimdrakeacoffee​  @gunnedrobin​  @anythinggoesfandoms​  @local-fandom-trashcan​  @bikoncon​
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