#i was sitting there manning 50+ phone lines alone just thinking oh no today sure is busy
izzy-b-hands · 4 years
God I'm excited for Adam's concert tonight. Today has been... something, but the concert is gonna make it better
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I Had To Know Pain Before I Could Be Comforted
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Fem Reader
Requested by @steveyouarelate : “37 (Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.) and 50 (I’m sorry I’m not enough for you) (with an happy ending, please) with billie dean x reader”
A/N: there’s a lot of crying and wallowing in self-pity in this one, you’ve been warned. I wanted it to have a tragic ending but you asked for happy, so here you go. I hope you’ll like it <3
Title is a line translated from this song.
Word count: ≈ 3 700
Someone catcalled you from across the street but you didn’t find it in you to care. You had no idea where you were. Night was falling, the cold, crisp air was biting your cheeks and making your whole body shiver. You could barely feel your fingers anymore. Your feet hurt. But the pain and the cold felt good. If you could, you would close your eyes and let yourself sink into it to forget everything else.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You ignored it. You kept on walking, straight ahead, left around a corner, past an old man sitting on a bench. He said something to you you did not understand. A car honked nearby. Let it. Let it hit you and put an end to your misery.
Your phone buzzed again. “Oh for fuck’s sake, leave me alone,” you muttered. But even as you said it, your hand reached in your pocket for your phone. Your heart swelled with a bubble of hope, that perhaps it would be her, that perhaps her words would be the right ones and they would make everything better. You turned on the screen and read your notifications.
Coming home soon? x
I’m making mackerel in white wine
It was the cold wind that made you tear up, nothing else. Certainly not the image of Billie in the kitchen, dressed in comfy clothes, sipping a glass of expensive white wine, hips swaying to some mellow jazz song as she chopped herbs and vegetables and stirred the sauce. Sassy, brave, confident, and just a little bit reckless Billie. How you adored her. She was everything to you.
Blinking back your tears, you texted her back a few words saying you were going to spend the night at your dad’s. That was a lie, but you really couldn’t face her right now.
And it wasn’t your fault, really. You had never meant to be so messed-up. But Billie – she was the sun, she was the moon and the stars in the sky and beyond, no matter how cliché that sounded, and you… you were lying on the ground covered with dirt. You were nothing. You had not achieved a single good thing in your life. You couldn’t talk to people without making a complete fool of yourself, you had no talent, no beauty, only a boring, dull personality.
You carried that knowledge in your chest like a rock. Most of the time its weight was bearable; but there were days when the rock seemed to expand and expand until it took all the room in your chest. When that happened, nothing could bring you relief. Negativity would cloud your mind. Dark little thoughts would chirp in your ears like birds in the spring. Useless, they would sing. Boring. Worthless, they would sing.
Today was one of those days. You had woken up with a feeling of dread and dejection and it had required all of your strength to get out of bed. Luckily Billie had left for work early; you didn’t want to bother her with your problems and your bad mood. And then things had just gotten worse and worse.
Today you had lost your job. Your boss had warned you several times before: you weren’t as efficient as your co-workers, you didn’t work fast enough, didn’t smile enough. You simply were not enough. So today he had held the front door open for you and slammed it behind you and had not even bothered to hide his satisfied smirk. Since then, you had walked. Roamed the streets, tried to make one with the cold.
Your phone rang. Billie’s name appeared on your screen. You stared at it for a moment before you accepted the call. You knew she may very well drive to your dad’s if you ignored her, and then what? She’d know you had lied to her. Besides, a tiny part of you was still hoping she would know what to say, she would just know, without you having to tell her, and that rock in your chest would turn to dust and flowers would bloom in its place.
“Hi sweetpea,” said Billie. Her voice was cheerful, but you knew her well enough now to hear the tinge of worry in it.
“Hey,” you said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you beforehand. Are you mad?”
There was a soft clang, something metallic being moved. “Of course I’m not. But are you sure you’re alright?”
You closed your eyes and swallowed hard. “I’m fine. My dad just really needs company right now.”
Did she even care? Or was she relieved that you wouldn’t be spending the night together?
“I’m sorry you made dinner for me,” you went on, eyes still shut tight.”I should have warned you, but he –“
“It’s fine, Y/N, really,” Billie cut you off. “We have that wonderful thing called a fridge that I can use to store leftovers.”
A small laugh escaped you.
“But I’ll miss you,” Billie said. She paused, and again you pictured her, her free hand on the counter, fingers drumming, an apron tied around her waist, hair as perfectly done as if she were about to attend a movie premiere. Another small laugh escaped you, affectionate, incredibly sad.
“Me too. I’ll be back tomorrow. Love you.”You hung up before she had time to say it back. You weren’t sure you could hear those words from her right now.
What would she think when you told her you had lost the one thing that still made you a person of value to the world? You couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on her face. She would be kind, of course, and tell you not to worry. Maybe she would even say that she still loved you. But that wouldn’t be true. Billie deserved someone who, like her, had shot for the stars and made it. Someone who shone as bright as she did, someone she could be proud of – not a liability like you.
You walked. When you took a look at your surroundings, you realized you didn’t know that part of the city. It looked like a wealthy residential neighbourhood, big white houses with large porches, impeccably mown lawns. The streets were deserted. You walked.
Spending the night at your dad’s wasn’t even an option. He was too boisterous, too loud. Your best friend would know something was wrong the minute she’d take a look at your face, and then she would ask questions, demand answers you didn’t want to give her. So you kept on walking, dragging around that rock which after so many years had become a part of you. You didn’t even know if you would want to get rid of it. It felt like company now.
A bridge, across a canal. Past the city hall. You reached downtown, busy, wild, buzzing with life. People brushed past you and laughed at each other and talked too loudly. The city watched you roam without offering the least bit of comfort. You had tried to find solace in its streets hundreds of times before, fueled by the naive belief that the city would welcome you with open arms and a kind smile. But the city was indifferent and selfish. The city sneered at the lost souls that wandered the night.
Maybe you could get a hotel room. You stopped in front of the first hotel you found and stared at the door, but soon realized you were incapable of going in. It was as if your legs had frozen, as if some sort of force were pushing you away. So you walked on. Your heart was secretly singing for home.
But you couldn’t go home. You couldn’t do that to Billie. You were a burden to her, and that had to stop. She had too many great things to achieve, a whole future made of gold and diamonds and glorious victories, to be held down by someone like you. So shut up, you ordered your heart. Don’t yearn for something you do not deserve.
You walked. You walked until you were sure your feet were bleeding and every muscle in your legs was screaming in agony. A little past midnight your mind went numb. You walked. At 1am a dog barked at you, at 1:34 a drunk whistled and called for you to come with him. At 2:30 you finally looked up and realized your aching feet had led you back home.
You tried, you really did, to go away. Go back downtown, get a freaking hotel room to spend the night. Your feet led you to the front door, your hand turned the key in the lock. You could sleep on the couch, you told yourself. You could sleep on the couch, and leave at dawn before Billie woke up.
The house was dark and silent. You waited a few seconds, your heart beating fast in your chest, listening for any sound, any indication that Billie was still awake. Nothing. You took off your coat and shoes, and dropped your bag on the floor. You waited a few seconds more. When you had convinced yourself Billie was asleep, you tip-toed all the way to the living-room. The floor was cold under your feet, the walls seemed to be closing in on you in the dark.
You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but you weren’t sure your stomach could hold food right now. All you wanted was to collapse on the couch and bury your face in the pillows and sleep. Forget that you existed.
Your right foot slammed into a suitcase you had not bothered to put away earlier in the day. A curse escaped you, low and angry, and out of the corner of your eye you saw something stir in the darkness of the living-room. You jumped, raising an arm to defend yourself, and squinted at the shape that straightened and turned, light from outside falling on strawberry blond hair.
Billie reached out to turn on a lamp and grimaced as the bright light blinded her. She raised one hand to shield her eyes, blinking away sleep. There was a red mark on her left cheek, and you quickly realised she had fallen asleep at the table while doing crosswords. She often did that, when she couldn’t sleep. Crosswords helped her focus when her mind was buzzing with too many thoughts.
She met your eyes, blinked again, and then she smiled. You stood frozen as if you had turned into a statue, the mad pumping of your heart the only sign that you were still alive.
You could have tried to make a joke. You could have lied to her again, said you had tucked your dad in and left. Instead, your throat closed up, your heart dropped into your stomach, and to your utter shame and despair you felt your eyes fill with tears.
You were so tired. How so tired of being you.
All you wanted was to sink into Billie’s arms.
For a minute there was only silence. You watched as Billie’s expression turned from surprised to happy to confused. Oh God, what would she think of you? How she would despise you. She would think you were a sad, pitiful creature and she would be right.
You prayed for something, anything, an earthquake, a meteor crash, a tidal wave even though you lived miles from the ocean, that would put an end to your miserable life.
Billie stood up, smoothing one hand over her wrinkled clothes. Only now did you notice that she hadn’t changed from work. Had she been waiting for you this whole time? Your heart tightened in your chest. No, that couldn’t be. She had probably tried to make the best of her one evening of freedom, her one happy evening when she could celebrate your being finally out of her hair.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight,” she said with a small smug smile. She held out one hand as if to touch you and you flinched. She noticed, and her smile wavered.
“Are you alright?”
“I –“ With a shake of your head you took a few steps away from her, your throat thick with tears, and when you shot her a glance her face was blurry but you could still see the damned worry in her eyes –
“Y/N what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice getting higher and shaky as it always did when she was anxious. She walked up to you, but kept enough distance between you and her so as not to make you feel cornered.
“I lost my job.” The words tumbled out without permission. You were so tired. You just wanted to be held. “I got fired because I couldn’t do my job properly.”
That was it, then. You had lost her. She was seeing you for who you really were; the veil love had dropped over her eyes was finally being lifted.
You couldn’t look at her, so you closed your eyes and let your tears fall.
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed, one hand coming up to your chest for it was too tight, it was crushing your heart and it hurt too much. “Billie, I’m so sorry I keep disappointing you.”
A hand, on your arm. A question, barely above a whisper. “Honey, what do you mean?”
A sob pushed out of your throat, loud and painful and so despicable. “I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
She let out a noise, a gasp, but to you it sounded like a contemptuous, mocking laugh, a laugh that said, Look at you, pitiful, pitiful little creature.
“Y/N,” she started, but you shook your head. You still couldn’t look at her.
“Listen, I’ll get my things, I understand. Just – let me sleep here tonight. Please. I’ll sleep on the couch, only for tonight, and then I’ll leave I’ll – “
“Y/N what are you talking about?”
You felt her grip on your arm tighten, acrylics digging into your skin.
“Just one more night, please, Billie,” you begged.
“Shut up. Stop talking. You’re not making any sense, honey.”
“I’m so sorry,” you cried.
A hand on your cheek. You almost flinched, almost recoiled, but you managed to stop yourself from doing so. There was no need to hurt her more than you already had.
“Please stop apologizing,” Billie whispered. Why did she sound so broken? “Tell me what to do. What can I do?”
You shook your head again, choked on a sob. Billie’s thumb was gently stroking your cheek, catching your tears and wiping them away.
“Lie to me,” you whispered. “I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again. Tell me I can be enough for you.” You opened your eyes, then, and looked up at her. And you could have hit yourself, you could have stabbed your chest and ripped off your heart, for her face was coated with tears that dripped down her chin, and her gaze was so terribly sad.
She let out a strangled breath. “Oh, Y/N… come here, come here baby.”
You didn’t even try to fight her. Your body sank into hers like a stone into water. Your hands slid up her back to grab fistfuls of her shirt as you buried your face in her shoulder. She wrapped one arm around your waist and put her other hand on the back of your head, pressing you closer against her. She was being so gentle, so loving, dropping kisses on your temple, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear – it only made you cry harder. Because you were going to lose this, to lose her, and you’d never have the strength nor the will to find that kind of sweet love ever again.
She started humming, a soft tune, as she rocked you like a child and you sobbed and wailed. Her voice was always a little bit raspy when she sang, a little bit out of tune, never quite managing to hit the right notes. Hearing her sing always soothed you. She ran her fingers through your hair, acrylics gently grazing your skull, just the way you liked it, because it always made your skin tingle everywhere.
Damn her, she knew you so well. She knew exactly how to help you calm down, how to make part of that ache in your chest disappear.
Minutes passed. Billie was still humming when you finally felt like you could breathe again. You turned your head, pressed your cheek against her shoulder – her blouse was wet now, you had done that, ruined it as you always ruined everything. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, relishing the smell of her, so precious, so loved – you would have to keep it safely stored in your mind to never forget it. Maybe, on the darkest of nights to come, when everything and everyone would fail to soothe your soul, if you closed your eyes tight enough you would be able to conjure her scent again, and then sleep would finally come.
Billie’s hand slid down the side of your face to cup your cheek. You closed your eyes, counted to three, then pulled away.
Her gaze was still so very sad when you met her eyes, but she managed to offer you a smile. She gracefully wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek.
“Why are you crying?” you frowned.
Billie let out an incredulous laugh. “Did you hear what you said to me?”
There was no reproach in her voice, only sadness, and that felt like a stab to your heart.
“I’m sor –“you started, but she interrupted you with a slender finger on your lips.
“I told you to stop apologizing.” She offered you another shaky smile, but then her brow pushed up in concern. “Did I –“Her voice broke. She swallowed, tried again. “Did I do something to make you feel like you were not enough?”
Did she… what? You weren’t sure you had heard her properly. Had those words really left her mouth, or had they been uttered by a malicious spirit? How could Billie, Billie who was so considerate, so loving, so utterly perfect – how could she think she had done anything wrong?
Her face crumpled as she misinterpreted your silence. “Oh no baby, I’m so s –“she started, but you interrupted her.
“No, Billie, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Your voice was hoarse from crying. You shook your head, biting your lower lip to hold back fresh tears. “You’ve been so good to me. The best thing that ever happened to me. The truth is, you’ve been too good and I don’t… I don’t want to hold you back.” She opened her mouth to protest, but you shook your head again, a silent pleading to let you finish. “Now that I’ve lost my job you’re gonna have to provide for me and I can’t let you do that. I can’t be a burden I can’t –“
Again, a finger on your lips. You fell silent. Something in you disappeared and you felt your body go limp, as if there was no strength left in you.
Billie’s finger gently tapped your lips as she gazed at you thoughtfully.
“I don’t mind providing for you while you look for another job,” she said after a while. Her brow furrowed. “Or maybe you should take a break. Maybe I should, too. We could go somewhere nice and relax for a while.”
“But I –“Another tap on your lips.
“But you –“you tried again, but again she interrupted you. You planted a kiss on her finger in retaliation, and were rewarded with a small smile.
“I couldn’t sleep without you,” Billie said in a low voice. Her eyes met yours, kind and vulnerable. “You’re not a disappointment, Y/N. It’s got to the point I cannot even imagine my future without you.”
You couldn’t help it: you dissolved into tears again. Billie cooed and gently guided your head against her shoulder. You clang to her, hoping you could get rid of your negative thoughts with every sob. It didn’t work like that, you knew it, but when you were in Billie’s arms it almost seemed life could be easy and kind.
You didn’t pull away when your tears subsided. You kept your eyes closed, enjoying Billie’s embrace, her hand running through your hair, her warmth. You felt thoroughly empty now, thoroughly spent. Sleep weighed on your eyelids. You wrapped your arms around Billie’s waist and pulled her closer still, breathed in her scent and let out a sigh.
“What happened?” Billie whispered after a while.
“I told you.” You nuzzled her shoulder. “I lost my job.”
“No, I mean… what happened?”
You got her meaning, somehow, as if your mind were perfectly attuned to hers. You hesitated. Swallowed hard.
“I don’t know,” you said in a breath. “Sometimes it feels like I can never be a viable option for anyone, especially not for you. I know it’s stupid, I know I have no real reasons to feel that way. But I can’t help it.”
Billie hummed. She dropped a kiss on your forehead, warm lips lingering on your skin. “I love you,” she said, voice firm and raspy. She ran one hand up and down your back, nails scratching gently.”And I want you, even when you’re at your lowest and ugliest, even when you don’t have a job.”Her hand slipped over your shoulder, under your chin, titled your head up. She waited for you to meet her eyes. “You’re allowed to not be at your best all the time. That doesn’t make you worthless.”
And as you gazed at her with half lidded eyes, her words sank into you and settled in your chest and bloomed there. Eased the ache. Maybe only for a few hours, maybe only for a few days, but it was all you needed right now. And somehow she had known exactly what to say. And she would know what to say the next time.
You blinked sleepily, and she cooed, smiled a smile that was half fond, half smug. “Do you need to get some shut-eye, my little bear?”
You rolled your eyes at her, but were betrayed by a yawn. Her smile grew into a smirk.
“Shut up,” you muttered, as you buried your face in her chest, nuzzled the exposed skin, and smiled.
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hitsuackerman · 3 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.29
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28, part 30
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
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“And that's about it.” You clicked the send button and stretched your limbs.
You weren’t too sure how many hours had passed but after venting it all out to Tsukauchi, you felt much better. The weight you carried still lingered but your mind was much clearer now. Looking at the office window, the skies were now a shade of pink. Not in the mood for cheap coffee, you stood up and took a peak at Tsukauchi’s desk.
Papers scrawled and pens scattered, Tsukauchi’s head was resting on his arms as he too snoozed off. Finding his sticky notes, you left him a small message telling him where you would be going.
You could always head home and freshen up but with the small window of time, the chief might call you out for being tardy. He’d been leaving you alone for the past few weeks and you hoped it would last a bit longer.
Making your way towards the cafe, you marveled at the emptiness the streets had. Quite some time had passed since the last time you took an all nighter. Now that you think about it, ever since that injury, you have been able to get an adequate amount of rest. Every now and then, food would be delivered followed by a text complaining how you were annoying.
Entering the cafe, you walked towards the counter. Greeted by a rather huge smile, all you could give was a forced one.
“Do you h-”
“Someone already ordered for you.” The cashier said. Telling you to wait, you went to a vacant table and took your phone out. It barely took 3 minutes before she came back holding a paper bag. “Shinoda-san has already paid the bill so you’re good to go~”
“How kind of him…” You took the bag and exited the building. The streets slowly getting congested as the seconds ticked by. Dialling his number, he picked up after the 4th ring. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“I put it on a tab.” Overhaul replied. His voice was muffled by his mask. “Everything I bought for you has been recorded and will be sent to you monthly.”
“That’s just mean…”
“That’s what you get for working overtime and not going home as we had agreed.”
“It was last minute, you dumbass.” You huffed but knew he was teasing. “Are you waiting for me to say ‘I’ll make it up to you. What can I do for you, Chisaki?’ or something like that?”
“Perhaps. It is still quite early but I did come bearing news.” He paused and you could hear papers shuffling. “I feel as though you already know that the Fukuo Kai case will start in about a week or two. I was thinking perhaps we should have a private meeting.”
“With Tsukauchi?” You stopped walking.
“Are you that dense?”
“I’m kidding. What do you wanna do?” Finding a nearby bench, you took a seat and took the sandwich out.
“I recall someone saying that their definition of a good date was something along the lines of ‘You and Me against the world?’”
“Go on…” The smile building on your face couldn’t be kept hidden anymore.
“I’ve booked us tickets. If things go as planned then perhaps the day after the Fukuo Kai case would be a good end to all this.”
“A parting gift I presume?” The smile slowly faded when you remembered what came after. The sandwich now tasted horrible. You waited for him to speak up but there was nothing but silence. “Alright. The day after the case sounds good.”
“I’ll pick you up at 6. Wear something nice.”
Ending the call, you stared at your sandwich. A week or two then once that’s passed, it wouldn’t be long before Overhaul’s case would be pushed to your priority list. Looking back towards the direction of the precinct, you decided to save the sandwich for later.
Now that you were seated and facing your computer once more, you decided to recheck your schedule.
Sure enough, there really was less than 3 weeks left of the Fukuo Kai case before things would finally be handed over. A meeting with the chief was also in store a few days from now to go over the plans for the raid. Upon further scrolling, you noted how Tsukauchi had set up a date for a stake out. Clicking on the attached comment, you wondered as to why it had taken this amount of time for them to make their move.
“You awake yet, Nao?” You knocked on your cubicle.
“Barely.” He grumbled. “What’s up?”
“Regarding this stake out, do you think we can push it to 4 days from now?”
“I’m not really sure. It’ll depend on Overhaul since he will be your partner for that one.” He leaned to take a peek at your station.
“Overhaul? Why?”
“Dunno. I just thought that it’s been a while since you two teamed up.” He shrugged as he dragged his chair closer to yours. “But it’s mostly because my schedule doesn’t fit. I have to meet up with All Might for the whole week. I did ask a few others but you can guess they turned it all down out of fear.”
“Hmm. No surprise.” You tapped your index finger on the mouse. Reminding yourself to call him later regarding the sudden change of plans, you leaned on your chair. “Who’s going to be in this meeting with chief?”
“The two of you and Shinezu.”
“Poor guy.”
“It’ll do him good. Speaking of which, we have to go over the initial plan for the raid. Do you wanna do it today or save it for some other time?” Choosing the first option, Tsukauchi nodded and went back to his desk. Grabbing the necessary documents, he waited for you to prepare and led you towards a private meeting room.
“Now that we're at it,” You took the adjacent seat. “What are the updates? I haven’t really heard anything about them for quite some time now.”
“Heh. Things got a little more complicated during your sick leave.” Sliding one folder, he waited for your reaction. Seeing how your eyes widened, he let out an exhausted sigh. “As if one organization is enough, having to deal with an alliance means more trouble for us.”
“Tsk. Damn it. When did you gather this information? What source did you get this from?”
“Believe it or not, the chief actually did some work and gave us this as some sort of peace offering.”
Peace offering? What was the man planning?
“When did you receive this?” You carefully read the details.
“If I recall, it was the day before you came back to work.” He shyly scratched his nape. “It’s kinda my fault, though. I honestly forgot to inform you regarding this information.”
“It’s fine.” You assured him. “I’m thankful you didn’t relay the information right then and there. So, it says here that we infiltrate them at their headquarters. The information was true? Their headquarters are downtown?”
“That’s right. The intel we gathered showed us that movement around that certain street has picked up. Akuji was spotted as well. He’s been involved from the very start, I presume?”
“Well, he was at that gala and the head of the Fukuo Kai gave him a business card. It’s only logical he is. But to go there in person only means bad things. Any ideas?”
“If it were a higher ups meeting, Overhaul should’ve been there. Unless they know he’s involved with us?”
“He’s not.” Overhaul was shady but you trusted him enough that he would have told you if he were called to attend a gathering. For once, he was in the clear. Or so you hoped. You’d have to inquire about that once you call him later. “My guess is that they too are finalizing whatever plan they have in store. With that being said, have you any clue as to what their main agenda is now?”
“We suspect that their main agenda now is to take over at least 50 percent of the yakuza network. Overhaul’s connections are rather large so they must be feeling pretty confident to make a move now.” Tsukauchi rested his chin on his index finger. “Akuji was one person we saw. The other one was Tamisura.”
“Hmm. Any sighting of Nokusu?” It had been a while since you last mentioned their names. The last time you spoke of them was days before the gala. Tamisura, with the momentum like quirk, and Nokusu with his shadow manipulation quirk.
“None. I am not confident whether or not it is safe to assume that they have declined the invitation to take part with the Fukuo Kai.” He shrugged. “I just kinda wished it was Nokusu we were dealing with and not Tamisura. We barely know anything about her quirk.”
“I’ll ask chief about his encounter.” You answered. “Perhaps the other precincts can provide us with some information. Whether it be big or small, we’ll take it. I do agree with you, though. It just had to be her.”
“Try asking Overhaul too. Perhaps they know something about her.” He watched as you nodded. “As for the plan, there aren’t too many changes from before. Overhaul will have to carry our asses for the last part but I feel as though he can do his part well.”
“I hope so.”
With the minor details now explained, you found yourself walking towards the chief’s office. Closing your eyes and sending off as silent prayer, you only hoped things would be fine. Knocking on the door, he gave you the permission to enter.
“Chief.” You greeted him.
“Oh~ (Y/N).” He closed the folder and motioned for you to sit down. “How can I help my favorite star, hmm?”
“I just wanted to ask you about Tamisura. What exactly did you see regarding her quirk?”
“Ah.” He leaned on this squeaky chair’s back. “Fine woman, I might say. Her quirk made her move at insane speeds. Because of the momentum, it was rather hard to stop her. When she moves, a trail of yellow light follows her. If my memory serves me right, then, I believe it would take her awhile to fully use her quirk?”
“Like charging herself?”
“Don’t take my word for it.” He raised both his hands up. “During that particular instance, one of my men noticed how she kept distance before attacking. Perhaps that’s the downside to her quirk. As for the duration, I cannot give any information.”
“This is more than enough.” You stood up and bowed. “Thank you for the cooperation and I apologize for disturbing you.”
“Anything for you, my star~” He winked.
Suppressing a groan, you awkwardly smiled and hurriedly left the room. Your prayers had been heard and the interaction was clean. The given information wasn’t much but it was something. Taking your phone out, you dialed Overhaul.
Strangely enough, he didn’t answer. Then again, you were sure he was doing whatever he did at 9am in the morning. The mental image you had as to what his activities were were rather vague but you could only hope he wouldn’t indulge in them too much. Who were you kidding? He was messed up. You were too for harboring feelings.
Not wanting to stay any longer, you informed Tsukauchi that you would be heading home.
When you locked your car doors, your phone rang. Checking who it was, you immediately answered it.
“You called?”
“I know it’s sudden but you think you can clear your schedule for me?”
“What exactly do you need, Problem Child?”
“I just wanna ask you a few questions about the Fukuo Kai case.”
“Does it have to be in person?” His voice was rather teasing. Admittedly, you always loved it when he spoke with that tone. “Alright. I shall see you where?”
“My apartment is fine. I’ll arrive there in about 30 minutes, so just take your time.”
“See you then.” He paused at your silence of a few seconds. “What?”
“Bring food! Bye~!” You ended the call immediately. Giggling at the moment, you tossed your phone to the seat and began your drive back home.
- - - - -
Hello everyone! It's me!
I know I haven't updated the story in 3 months? And I apologize :( My family has well recovered from the COVID scare of last year. What took its place was my declining mental health due to my shitty work environment. I could barely write any of my fics and even when I did write a new one, I could only hold on to very little chapters before feeling down and useless T.T
As to the next upload, I am not sure when but I can promise you that the next chapter is currently being written as we speak :) I hope you guys liked the 2 new chapters! and if you enjoyed the whole story, feel free to buy me a ko-fi.. it'll greatly help me :')
See you all in the next update!
PS. I didn't mention the tag list cause maybe ya'll don't want to be tagged anymore hehehe if you do want to be tagged then please feel free to message me or comment :)
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Steven Hyde x reader
Butterflies. Terrible.
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Trigger warnings: weed (probably badly written cause I don't smoke but I tried), cursing, some angst I guess.
I sat in the basement, watching TV and eating chips. I was in my brothers superman pajama, which I steal from time to time from the laundry. He didn't care until the time Steven saw me wearing it and now he won't stop reminding Eric his pjs fit his baby sister. To be fair, he had it for years, it's just really stretchy, and I have to tie a double not for the pants not to fall. Steven didn't care about the small details tho.
It was quite, which was unusual. The longer I sat there the more it bothered me. Something was off. Why isn't my brother here? Where's his friends? They can't be at the hub, they'd invite me. Sure I was a year younger, but I had weed connections plus, it is my birthday. Wait a minute. It's my birthday. I turned off the tv and went upstairs.
"Oh, honey, why are you still in your pajamas?" My mom asked when you entered the kitchen. "Because only you, dad and Eric are going to see me, and You saw me in my pink faze, these superman pajamas are an upgrade" i replied, taking some water out of the fridge. "We are not the only ones who are going to see you" My mom said, but once she realised what it meant, she hurried up and added "not because i'm throwing you a party, it's just that, um, Steven lives here! he'll see you" she said. "Yeah, Steven already saw me wearing this, and as much as I hate being seen in the same outfit twice I could not care less" I said, and left the kitchen to go to my room. "Wait!" My mom said before I could follow through with my plan. "I need you to go get some sugar from the store. So put on some normal clothes, preferably fancy. Something you'd wear for a party, you know, just so that people can look at you and know you are the birthday girl. A birthday girl, in general" my mom said. "Fine" I sighed, and went upstairs to get ready.
I got to the store, wearing a bottom up with a fun print on it tucked in a Jean skirt. My shoes had a small heel, just enough to a little fancy, yet casual if paired with the right outfit. Now, where's the sugar… I finally found it, and went to the counter.
"Hi, (y/n)" the cashier smiled at me, "happy birthday" he added, taking the sugar from my hands. "Hi Derek" I smiled at him. Derek is my classmate (and my weed connection), who is incredibly hot with his dark hair, and eyes as blue as the sea, but he's as desperate as Fez if not more. "Thanks" I added, just to be nice. "and that'll be 2 dollars, should be 2.50 but, I'll give you a happy birthday discount" he said, "I also forgot to give someone 50 cents back, so..". I laughed,  he was charming in his own way. "Well, I'll see you later at your party" he said, waving goodbye. "I fucking knew it" you muttered as you waved him goodbye. 
I got back home to find Hyde sitting in the basement, wearing a decent button up. “Yo, Hyde, whatcha doing?” I asked, sitting down next to him. “Watching TV in hopes your mom won’t call me upstairs for your party. I am not going to hang out with a bunch of 17 year olds” he said. “You’re hanging out with me” i said, “and i was 16 until today” i said. “Yeah, but you’re forman’s sister” he replied, ending the conversation. “By the way, 17 suites ya” he said. “Thanks hyde” I smiled. “Ya know what, as a birthday gift, here, take a sip of my beer” he said, handing me the can in his hand (obviously it was wrapped so it looked like a can of orange soda). “Hyde. I drank with you guys more than a sip of beer” I said. “Fine, take the whole can. Women, you give ‘em a finger they grab your wallet” he sighed as i took the can off of his hand. I laughed and took a sip. “Steven. Come upstairs. I need your help with something only a man can help me with” i hear my mom. “Ask donna!” Hyde called back. I laughed. “STEVEN” my mom yells. “Well, (y/n), i gotta go" he says, tapping on my thigh. I smiled at him, "bye for now". Gid, I hope he didn't notice me blushing.
A few moment later I was called upstairs too to find my mom, my dad, my brother and the gang plus a few of my classmates. "Suprise!" They all called in unison. "Wow! I cannot belive it, mom, you throw me a party?" I said, and Derek looked confused. "I told you I'll see you at the party-" "shhhh" I cut him off. My mom bought the fact I was surprised every single year. She looked at me, then at him, confused. "You? Really? I do not…. Okay fine mom, I knew about the party. I know every year" I finally admit. "I can not belive you…" she opened her mouth, but gave up and left the livingroom, allowing us kids have fun. My dad walked behind her, in a mission to comfort her. 
The hours passed by, and most of the people left. It was now the gang, me and Derek. Turns out the guy actually has a personality. We laughed and talked, and I was actually having a decent time. I sat with him on the couch,  drinking a beer sponsored by Kelso. "Okay, okay, so here's a joke. Once there was this doctor, and he visited a mental hospital, y'know, for like, crazy people. Then one of the guys just slaps him, like" he said, and then softly "slapped" me. His hand stayed on my cheek for a moment, but soon enough he needed it for his overly dramatic way of talking. So many hand gestures. "And then the doctor goes to the principal and he's all like, "why did this guy slap me?" And the principal is like "that's just how they say hi here" so the doctor is like, okay, whatever, and he keeps walking around and then that guy slaps him not once, but 10 times. Now, one time is acceptable, y'know, it's polite to say hello, but 10? That's crossing a line" Derek said, and I laughed. "I'm not even at the punchline!" Derek smiled, nudging my shoulder and smoothly resting his hand on my shoulder as he took a sip of his own beer. "So anyway, he goes back to the principal, and he tells him just that. The principal looks at him and say, "well, this one stutters" " Derek smiles. I laugh, and so does the rest of the gang who apparently listened. The only one not laughing was Hyde, "yeah, saw that joke on playboy too" he said. "There are jokes on playboy?" Eric asks. I look at him, mortified. I did not need to know my brother.. uses these. "Because I don't… I don't have any, so like, maybe I should get one to check out the jokes" Eric said, attempting to save himself from Donna's stare. She rolled her eyes and decided to let it go. "Well, it's getting late, I should probably head home" Derek said, and took my hand, dragging me to the door and hugging me goodbye.
"Finally, I was dying for a smoke" Kelso sighed, and grabbed a metal box off of his pocket, taking out a joint as the rest of the group arranged in the infamous circle. "Y'know he is my weed guy, right?" I say, and he looks at me surprised. "Are you kidding me? He can get you weed, he looks good, he is funny, and so clearly into you? Girl, make a move" Donna says, nudging you. "He is not good looking" Hyde says, taking a puff off of the joint Kelso just passed him. "He is" Jackie said, "like, really good looking" I agreed. "Whatever, man" Hyde sighed, giving up, "but you gotta admit, the weed I get is better, I'm better looking and I'm also funnier" Hyde said. "Whatever, man" I mimic his tone, taking the joint off of his hands. "Guys,do you think I have a chance with the pretty lady that was at the party?" Fez asked. "You mean Josaleen? I've seen you talking to her" Jackie said. "I don't know her name, she said it but I was focused on… something else" Fez admitted. "Oh, definitely Josaleen. She was wearing this top, i wouldn't even call it a top, her boobs were completely out, she's such a slut. She'll sleep with anyone" Jackie said, taking a break from talking to inhale the smoke, "so no, I don't think you have a chance Fez". "But I am anyone" Fez said. He sounded so broken, "and she gave me her number, look!" He added, showing us a piece of paper he kept in his pocket. "Sweet!" Kelso smiled, taking the number off of Fez's hands, "thanks men, I'll call her later".
The next day, I went to the basement to find Hyde smoking all alone. "Hey man" I said, jumping on the couch from behind it, grabbing the joint off of his hands. "Hey" he says, taking the rolled cigarette before I could smoke it. "Hyde, are you okay? You were kinda quiet at the circle. You barely even laughed when kelso stole the number of the hot girl from Fez" I said, resting my hand on his far shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine" he said, blowing the smoke and handing me the joint. I took it, "yeah okay". I gave up getting anything out of him. He just had no emotions and I had to face it. This is why I said yes when Derek asked me out over the phone two minutes ago. He doesn't make butterflies appear in my stomach like Hyde does, and his touch doesn't burn my skin but whatever, Hyde is a non-reachable dream. "Listen, uhm, Derek asked me out" I said, a part of me hoping he'd get jealous. "poor guy" he said. "Why's that?" I ask him. "Well, you crushed his heart. You shouldn't have let him hold your hand and be all over you, got his hopes high" Hyde said as he took his cigarette back. "Actually I said yes. Donna was right, ya'know, he is hot, funny and got weed connections" I say, moving my hand that still rested on him. He faced me, shocked. "But you deserve better than that drug-dealing-playboy-reading, pot-head teen" Hyde said. "You're a drug-dealing-playboy-reading, pot-head teen!" I reply, slightly amused but mostly upset. "Well, I'm better at it!" Hyde replies, and gets up. "Whatever, man" he says, and makes his way to the door. "No, non of that whatever man shit, hyde. Sit down and tell me why the fuck do you care" I say, and Hyde turns around. "He's just trying to get in your pants cause your hot" Hyde replies. "I- did you just say I'm hot?" I say, tempted to laugh. "No, I didn't. Look, (y/n), all I know is that you can do better than him" Hyde says, turning off the bearly used cigarette and resting it in the ashtray. He finally sat back down next to me. "Look, Hyde, in case you missed it, there aren't any guys lining up to date me. Is it so hard for you to believe someone can be actually interested in me for more than sex?" I sigh. "It's not, you're a cool person, (y/n) it's just… god, how do I explain that? I don't want you to get hurt okay? You're like… my best friend's sister, and…" he started, but gave up what he wanted to say. "And…" I ask. "Do you promise not to laugh?" He says. "Sure" I say, intrigued. "Well, it's just that… When i’m around you, i have this annoying feeling like- like there are butterflies in my stomach. Have you ever felt that? It’s terrible" he says. "I know what you mean, got someone that makes me feel like that too. It is terrible" I agree. "Derek, I'm assuming? I really think that-" he starts, but something cuts him off, and I am proud to say that something is my lips crushing into his. He breaks the kiss quickly. "Woah, man, hold up" he smiles. "God, I'm so sorry" I say, covering my mouth, "i- I guess I misunderstood you" I say, getting up. "Nononono you didn't, you didn't!" He calls, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the couch. I fall right in his lap. "I just wanted to make sure you mean it" he admits, looking anywhere but into my eyes. "I do mean it" I say, cupping his cheeks as he pulls me back into a second kiss. This time we are far more into the kiss, our lips move in perfect synchronization. It was amazing, I bet Hyde is a much better kisser than Derek. "Wait" I say, cutting off the kiss even tho I wish the moment would last forever. "I need to cancel on Derek".
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angstysebfan · 4 years
My Roommate’s Boyfriend 6/?
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
Warnings: light swearing
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You lay naked under the sheet, your head on Bucky’s chest, his right arm wrapped around you drawing shapes on your back with his fingertips, and his left hand playing with your right hand. He kisses the top of your head softly as you sigh in content. You have never felt so happy in your life. You were sure that you more than liked Bucky at this point, but you still didn’t want to do anything more until you spoke with Nat.
“That was amazing,” you say softly with a smile on your face. You hear and feel Bucky’s chuckle. “Yeah, it was. Best I have ever had.” He says kissing your temple softly. You laugh, “I highly doubt that.” you say. Bucky lets go of your hand and lift your face by your chin so he can look into your eyes. “Really baby. I mean it.” he says before kissing you again on the forehead, nose, and then lips. 
You run your hand through his hair, staring into his beautiful eyes. Suddenly yours start feeling very heavy. Before you knew it, you fall into a deep sleep in Bucky’s arms. 
You are awoken by the alarm on his phone. Bucky groans as he reaches on the night stand and turns it off. He then wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his nose into your hair placing soft kisses on your head. You blink several times, trying to get your eyes to stay open. You yawn, “We should get going if we want to spend some time with Nat today.” you say. Suddenly you sit up in a panic.
“Oh my god, what are we going to tell Nat?” you shout in worry. Bucky sits up and rubs your naked back. “We will talk to her. I’m sure she will understand, I mean the two of us are practically broken up.” he says, kissing your shoulder. You shake your head, “I can’t believe I slept with my roommates boyfriend.” you say putting your face in your hands.
“Ex-roommate and her practically ex-boyfriend.” Bucky says, grabbing your face to look at him. “Please don’t over think this. We could always not tell her, and just wait until down the line when we are actually together.” he says. You can’t help but smile, “You plan on dating me when we get back to New York?” you ask. He laughs and gives you a peck. “Definitely! Though we should probably go a little slower than last night.” he says with a laugh, kissing your lips.
You both get up and go in search of clothes. You grab your phone to text Nat, to inform her that you will be in Seattle in a few short hours, but your phone won’t turn on. “Damn! My phone is dead. I wanted to text Nat to let her know we will be in Seattle soon.”
Bucky threw his phone over to you. “Go ahead, I’m going to use the bathroom and change.” he said as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door. You look down at his phone and realize he has a text message open to Sam. You want to quickly close it to open a new text, but his text and Sams response catches your eye:
Bucky: You were right, I owe you $50.
Sam: Man I knew it! How far did you get?
Tears rush to your eyes. He made a bet on getting with you?! What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Everything he said was a lie! Why? Was it to get back at you for the things you said about him a year ago! You want to walk into that bathroom and punch him in the face, but decide to just finish the trip, go home, and never see him again!
You quickly sent Nat the text telling her you will both see her in a few hours and that your phone is dead, but you will charge it in the car. As you place Bucky’s phone on the nightstand, he comes out of the bathroom, giving you a warm smile. You look down at your hands for a moment, before walking back over to your side of the bed to finish packing your stuff. 
“We should get going.” you say sternly. Bucky furrows his brow at you, “You okay?” he asks. You look at him, with no emotion on your face. “I’m fine, can we just go please?” you say, putting your duffle bag on your shoulder. You walk out of the room and head for the elevator, with Bucky’s hand on your lower back. You shrug away from him as you get into the elevator. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks concerned. You ignore him, keeping your eyes on the doors of the elevator. Bucky starts to panic internally. Were you regretting last night? Did you blame him for what happened? Is this just your guilt? He decides to leave you alone for awhile to sort out your feelings, but he can’t help but be hurt with the way you are treating him.
You are an hour outside of Seattle, and you haven’t said two words to Bucky since the hotel. Once your phone was charged, you started looking up flights back home. Originally you were going to stay in Seattle a few days, but right now, you don’t want to be anywhere near Bucky Barnes. 
The earliest flight is 1 am this evening, which you quickly purchase. You know Nat will be disappointed, but you will just plan a solo trip out to see her another time. You feel Bucky glancing at you every few minutes, but you refuse to look at him. You just keep your eyes on your phone, or look out the window.
Bucky continues to have an internal war with himself. Should he confront you about the way you are acting? Did you hate him for lying about the hotel room? Wait, you didn’t even know he lied about the hotel room. He really didn’t plan on sleeping with you, he just wanted to stay near you. But he definitely does not regret it, in fact he felt pretty good about it. He hates that you are acting this way now. It now makes him feel guilty and bad. 
When he can’t take the silence anymore, Bucky clears his throat, “Are you sure you are alright? You’ve been acting weird since the hotel.” he says carefully. You don’t say anything, don’t even look at him. Bucky’s heart starts to race, and panic sets in. You are definitely mad at him.
“Okay, did I do something to upset you? If this is about last night, I’m sorry. We can tell Nat, and I will take the full blame.” He says. You scoff, but still say nothing. Bucky starts getting irritated and pulls over to the side of the road. When he puts the car in park he turns his body to look at you.
“Y/N, please tell me what is wrong!” he begs. You have your arms crossed over your chest and you keep staring in front of you. “I don’t understand what happened. We were great this morning! We had an unbelievable night that I never want to forget, and now you are freezing me out. Are you regretting last night?” he says, panic and frustration evident in his voice. 
Still you say nothing, but look down. Do you tell him what you saw on his phone? Should you give him a chance to explain? No! Why hear another excuse! You look at him for a moment then look back in front of you. “Please just get us to Seattle.” you say, emotionless.
Bucky continues to look at you with pleading eyes. He reaches for your hand, but you flinch away. His heart breaks. “You regret last night. I get it... I... I thought we were on the same page after our talk this morning, but I guess... I guess I was wrong.” he says sadly. Your heart breaks slightly at the sound of his voice, but you stand firm.
Bucky turns back forward and pulls back onto the highway. You hide the tear that falls from your face, but when you glance at Bucky again and see a tear fall down his. You want to reach up and wipe it away and kiss him, but all you keep thinking about is that damn text message. This is all part of his damn plan! You know once you get back to New York, he would probably ditch you anyway.
Bucky decides to just give up on trying to talk to you. You obviously hate him and blame him for something you both did. He feels miserable. This hurts worse than breaking up with Nat, which says a whole lot on that relationship. He shakes his thoughts out of his head. Once they get to Seattle, he will have a few days to corner you and get you to talk about this. You have to tell him how you feels, you have to.
Bucky pulls up in front of Natasha’s apartment building. Natasha is there waiting, since you texted her telling her you guys entered the city. You can’t help the huge smile on your face as you get out of the car. You run up to Nat and you both embrace!
“I know it’s only been a week, but I’ve missed you!” you say into her shoulder. She laughs, “I’ve missed you too!” she says. She releases you and runs toward Bucky, jumping in his arms. She wraps her legs around his waist as they hug. Bucky keeps his eyes on you, and you can’t help but notice the sadness in them. When they release, she grabs both your hands and leads you up into her apartment.
“With my new job, I can afford a place on my own! I mean it’s nice to have my own space, but I miss having someone to hang out with all the time,” she says with a light laugh. You smile at her as you look around the small one bedroom apartment. You walk into the living room and put your duffle bag down, and sit on the couch.
“Y/N the couch is comfortable, so you should have no problem sleeping there, and Bucky you can stay with me in my room.” she says looking between the two of you. You and Bucky meet each others gazes for moment before you look back at Nat with a smile.
“I have the whole few days planned for us! You are both in for a treat! Tonight we will go to a great restaurant downtown, and then this club for drinks and dancing. Tomorrow I found this cute brunch place we can try, and then--” “Oh, uh, actually Nat, I am going to head home tonight.” you say softly. 
Nat looks from you to Bucky, who is staring at you in disbelief. You’re leaving tonight?! “Why? I thought you were going to spend a few days.” Nat says concerned. You look at her and can’t help the tears that are coming to your eyes. “I-I know, but I got an email from work that they need me to come back sooner, and I will just have to plan another trip out here to party with you.” You say.
“Bullshit!” Bucky says. You and Nat both snap your heads to him. “That is complete and utter bullshit and you know it!” He says angrily. Nat stands up and puts her hands on her hips. “What is going on?” she says to both of you. You keep your head down, staring at your hands. You hear Bucky sigh.
“Look Nat, Y/N and I slept together last night. She regrets it now and is back to hating my guts, why, I don’t know because we were fine this morning. But I think that is why she is leaving tonight.” he says. You glare up at him, before you look at Nat. She looks surprised, but you are shocked to not see betrayal in her facial expression.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I am going to head down the street to the liquor store.” Bucky says before leaving the apartment. You look back down at your hands, not wanting to look Nat in the eye. Yes, you felt guilty about what happened with Bucky, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nat sits back down on the couch and looks at you. “Y/N?” she says quietly. You feel the tears sliding down your face. “I-I’m sorry Nat. I am so sorry I slept with Bucky. I know you guys are technically still together, but I let it happen anyway. And I guess the joke was on me because....” you can’t continue through your tears.
Nat slides closer to you and hugs you for a moment. You can’t help but sob into her shoulder. She rubs your back for a moment, which makes your feel worse. Why is she comforting you? You pull back and look at her. “Nat, I slept with your boyfriend, you should be angry at me, not comforting me!” you say. Nat smiles softly at you and again wipes some of your tears.
“Y/N, why do you think I had you both come out here together?” she asks. You sniff and shrug your shoulders. “Because you were tired of our fighting? I don’t know.” you say. She nods, “Yes, I have been tired of your fighting for a long time, but it was because I wanted you both to realize your underlying attraction to each other.” she says. You look at her like she has 5 heads.
“Listen, if I was still home, I’m sure Bucky and I would have stayed together for a while longer, but he is not my forever. I know that and he knows that. I enjoyed my relationship, and I will miss him and his amazing body, but I’m not it for him.” She says. “So because you know he isn’t it, you wanted to give him to me?” you ask confused.
She laughs, “Not exactly. After you told me about how you were attracted to him that first night at the bar, I knew that you still had feelings for him. I mean he was an asshole to you, but I saw it in your face, and I saw it in his too. When he wasn’t looking at me... he was looking at you.” You shake your head, not wanting to believe it. She sighs, “He told me about what Sam told him at the baraboit you, which of course I knew, but that’s when I realized it. He was meant to get with you that night.” 
You laugh, “Nat, seriously? You throwing fate into this? You know that is bullshit.” She shakes her head. “Is it?” You shake your head again. You were so confused, but glad Nat isn’t mad at you. She looks at you with concern, “So why are you really leaving early, because Bucky is right. Your excuse is complete and utter bullshit. Is it because you regret sleeping with him?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No, it’s not that. Th-this morning when I realized my phone was dead, he let me use his to text you. When I looked down I saw him and Sam exchange texts. He told Sam he owed him 50 bucks and Sam wanted to know how far he got.” you say, tears falling from your face again. “He played me! He doesn’t have feelings for me! He made a stupid bet that I would get with him!” you say.
Nat says nothing but holds you while you cry. She kept whispering it’s okay over and over. You pull back and wipe your eyes. You are so tired of crying because of Bucky Barnes. You just want to go back to New York and never see him again.
Bucky is walking back to the apartment with a small bottle of whiskey in his hands. He occasionally takes a drink from it, the burn feeling good as it goes down his throat. He hopes to God that your talk with Nat went well and that she will talk you into staying. How is he going to talk to you about both your feelings if you are not here? Just then his phone buzzes. He looks and sees it’s a text from Nat:
We need to talk.
Previous Chapter  /  Next Chapter
There is the angst I promised you, and there is still more to be had. What were Sam and Bucky talking about? Hope you are all enjoying it and like this chapter. I might take a little long finishing this because there is some stuff going on in my personal life that may take me away, but I will try and write as often as I can. As usual, feedback is appreciated!
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan​, @jessyballet​, @finleyjayne​, @cap-just-said-language​, @sarcastic-and-cool​, @humbledarkness​, @broco8​, @ohjammers​
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makeupbychio · 5 years
goodnight n go // C.H
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pairing : Calum Hood x Reader.
summary : you are a famous pop singer and one normal night in your life Calum literally came to change everything.
words : 8.5k
warnings : fluff, angst and swearing.
a/n : hi babies, so I tried to do this gender neutral because I’m trying to write things for everyone without specifying gender, sexuality, physical appearance, etc. Feedback is more than welcome. Credits to the owner of the photo, and the Instagram posts.
italics means song lyrics.
bold means posts on social media.
inspired by : that one second laugh Ariana Grande does in ‘everytime’ studio version and ‘goodnight n go’ live version. And these videos (links down below in the blurb)
You are a pop star, already part of the pop culture, on tons of playlists made by platforms. So your life is always on the public eye even when you don’t post in your social media the paparazzis and social accounts always doing that for you. It wasn’t like that at the beginning, the world barely knew your name, your shows were for 50 in the room, then 100, then 1000, now a whole arena and with two dates in some cities. You have learned how to deal with the dizzy things of being famous thanks to your fans, family, friends and your own power so at the end of the day you would not change leaving your heart on stage singing and dancing every night at all even when you know that it is crazy, yeah, it is crazy there outside. How people that you don’t know tells you how you changed their lives with your music, how you saved them, tattoos in their bodies inspired by your lyrics and style.
It is been crazier lately. You write your songs inspired by your own experiences or your loved ones experiences. You just finished a tour and after a good break for a whole season you are back writing and planning a new album. You were writing a song based on a reckless love but the song couldn’t make it to the previous album because you never finish it and you didn’t want it as an interlude. But you restart it because life slapped you in the face because 3 months ago you broke up with your partner. You are laying on bed looking at some pictures of you two together walking on the streets taken by paps. The light of the screen lighting your face. And god, how you didn’t realize tons of things?, in every picture you are looking at your ex like a fool completely in love but people could not say the same coming from the other person. You were in love, your ex really loved you at first but the last months of the relationship barely paid attention to you. That is when you remembered one of your fights.
“I waited for you for almost two hours! You could at least answered my messages or you could call me! So I would leave the restaurant and don’t waste my time on you” you said loudly pointing at its face when you came back home and acting like nothing happened. You were furious.
“I know, sorry I’m tired I spend the whole day with my friend I didn’t see him in a while” your ex sighed laying on your bed. “Don’t wanna argue”.
“I don’t care about your friend! You could tell him to hang out another day. It was a special day for us you asshole” you said giving an angry look and leaving the room.
It was supposed to be a special day that day. You were back from your South America leg of the tour and you received the notice of awards nominations so you decided to celebrate by having dinner and then go to the movies together. But your ex didn’t show up, and it wasn’t the first time. You just asked for simple things like going to the beach or just receive love. So even you were angry, you came back to their arms every time.
You thought that then a good fuck or a pretty face would fixed everything, but no. Your naive head at that moment thought that things were going to change, or that your lover was the love of your life.
Now you are looking at the last picture of you two that was seen together walking out a store and even bugs can notice how disillusioned your expression and body language are in that photo. You are hanging by their arms but looking at the floor with your head down. The other person also was trying to hide it with a cap and focused on the road.
‘Oh God’ you sigh at the picture knowing how ridiculous you looked. You lock your phone and throw it to your side of the huge bed now empty the other side. You are sitting with your legs crossed in your bed looking outside your window. It is late in the night so the city lights are your view and it reminds you that night when you called your best friend to tell her about you were thinking to end your relationship. She is always been supportive with you and every time you were going to make your decision you postpone it till finally it happened. You remembered that you cried a lot that night you saw them leaving your apartment and hours later you were still crying listening to sad music with your best friend looking at the roof. 
Now you decide to restart the song you left half done. Your dog joined you in bed, you went for a cup of hot chocolate and you start writing it.
The next day early in the morning you are in your way to the studio once you are ready with your makeup trying to hide your tiredness that you wrote till 3 am and put your studio outfit which consists on a big hoodie so big that the sleeves are always covering your hands but comfiness is first.
Your band and crew arrived and you have your coffee. Even when it is a sad song coming from your experience you want to put energy in this one like one of those nights you fought, how your blood was running in your veins and how deeply you knew that your relation was pointless but you were going to fall every time. The energy being aware of that but at the same time an energy by saying I’m done, I get over you but I know that I was a fool for you but not anymore. 
You explain that to everyone when all of you are thinking about the melody and beats. Most of the people in the room insist and show you a sad melody and you are starting to get frustrated because they are not listening to you and your idea you are looking for. 
You decided to move on on another two songs that you have complete. During breaks to eat something, drink water, go to the next studio and say hi to people that you know and fooling around with your own crew now it is dark outside and you are thinking to call it a wrap for today but the urge to at least figure it out the musicality of the song you wrote last night it is bigger.
But all of you are tired and ran out of ideas and your manager enters the soundproof box to tell you that the room is reserved for another artist from midnight till dawn. So you have 3 hours left to record this song or try again another day.
When you are talking to your favorite producer, who also is your friend, a tall man enters the room with headphones and the music too loud for not noticing the room full of people. When he saw the big group of people he freezes and apologies already leaving when you stop him recognizing him.
“Calum?” you said getting up from your seat in front of all the buttons of the huge synthesizer.
“Y/N?” he asks checking if this is real.
You nod at him and hug him because it is been a while, almost 2 years without seeing him. He is so happy to see you, the last time you were together was in an awards after party and you know him since 4 years ago when you met him and his band on an awards show that you presented his band and their performance and you saw it from the corners of the stage and waited to congratulated them because you are respectful with others musicians work, they asked for a picture and after that you have been friends but your busy life didn’t let you hang out with them but always exchanging likes, comments or messages on the dms on social media. 
“Omg how are you?” he asks you while he hugs you with his strong arms the height difference is notorious so he lays his right cheek on top of your head. He knows about your love situation, but to be honest he was not sad about that. Not at all. But he is not going to take advantage of that.
“Fine and you? Omg I miss you so much, what are you doing here alone?” you say to him confused not seeing all the 5sos boys.
“We are recording our new album and the guys should be here” he says checking the hour on his watch and then quickly his phone if there is a message.
“Finally new 5sos music!” you say and laugh.
“Yeah, we don’t have the ability like you to drop music every year.” he teases you.
“Hey!” you punch him softly on his ribs. “First things first, you can do that too if you want to drop music and second, actually right now I’m struggling with a song” you explain to him all of your situation when his phone rings. Ashton is on the other side of the line.
“Cal, we said at midnight!” Ashton said.
“Oh crap, I don’t know why I understood it was at 9 pm...K’...Bye, see ya’” Calum answers to his friend before hanging out the call.
He explains to you the situation even when you listened to what Ashton said. Calum tells you that it was nice to see you but he should be back at midnight but you stop him letting him know if he wants he can stay.
“Are you sure?” he asks knowing that maybe that could bother your crew.
“Of course Cal!” you say. And even when his house it is like 20 minutes away by driving he could come back when it is his band’s turn to use the studio but to be honest again he would really love to hang out a while with you. He always finds you attractive and your voice is one of the most angelical for him.
After he greeted the rest of the group he sits close to you listening your conversation with your producer.
“What if you add little adlibs and drums?” Calum suggests but he regrets if the producer would get angry. “Sorry man, I know it is your work and I am just a guest and-” 
“It is okay! Actually that is a good idea dude” your producer say asking Calum to show him what he said.
Calum and you enters the box and he sits to play the drums.
“Ashton is teaching me a little bit now that we are roommates” he jokes about it while taking the drumsticks.
“I saw that joke you did to Ashton! It was hilarious and his response” you point at him.
So you and Calum organized that he would play something in the drums first and then you start singing or reading the lyrics to catch the rhythm. He shows you a freestyle moment with the drums since he’s been doing that in his house to practice. The producer in the other side of the glass tells you from the speaker that there is a beat that maybe could fit. So once back again listening to beats ideas ordering to make that beat faster or slower, louder or pronounced then your band is working with the guitar, bass, keyboard and your drummer continues what Calum started and last but not least you are thinking where to sing it with high notes that it is your biggest characteristic.
All the people in the room are tired, your manager and part of your crew left early because they have meetings for some upcoming festivals to schedule. You let your band know that is the last effort of this week then you’ll be back again the next one rehearsing for an awards performance.
Calum now is in the other side of the glass next to the producer watching and listening all of this process of making this record. He is having fun and he realizes he could hear to your voice all night. It takes a lot of takes, to the final result of a song and Calum knows that perfectly.
You want to achieve the highest note of the song in the last chorus of the song in the last line. You should have record that first because it is getting hard for you to reach with a tired vocal cords after doing the rest of the song and the ad libs. You sigh frustrated at another failure of that last chorus.
“Y/N, should we call it a wrap for today?” your producer asks you softly. To be honest, you don’t want it after all of the work behind to finally get this song built.
“Excuse me” Calum says confident to the producer to take control of the speaker. “Y/N, listen to me, this is the last effort I know that ya’ can do this… You got this” he says looking at you directly in the eye. You nod and take a deep breath to try again and ‘he was right’ you thought to yourself when you freaking nailed it not just one high note, you reached it also the lines of the outro of the song.
Once you open your eyes when you keep singing with not that much power the last line. You laugh hiding your smile with the sleeve of your hoodie because the first thing you see is Calum stunned with his arms crossed on his chest and one hand full of rings lifted to cover his mouth. You start clapping to your band and say through your microphone ‘thank you’ to the rest of the people.
“Girl, you fuckin’ blew my mind” he says so excited mimicking what he said once you left the recording side of the room.
Minutes later everyone is saying goodbye to you and once again you thanked everyone for their job and energy as always and telling your producer to call you to edit the song other day. 
Now you are alone with Calum while you start packing your things. “Magic” you say looking at the clock with 15 minutes in your favor.
You use that time catching up on general things, like music, family, next awards, and a little bit of gossiping and of course asking about the rest of the boys.
“So happy for you guys, I can see that you are happy with this new era” you say after listening to Calum talking so passionate about what he and his band are doing. “I want to wait for the guys because I miss them. Do you think Michael is still in love with me?” you joke about it in a friendly way since Michael told you you were his crush, so he always reacts so excited and weird with you.
“No, he can’t react like he used to”. Calum laughs and you understood because you congratulated Michael on his engagement.
Minutes later, the boys and the rest of the crew arrived making noise with a lot of energy as always ready for a recording night but at the end they are always laying on the floor waiting for the team to call it a wrap.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Luke says running to hug you by lifting you because he is so tall and he missed you so much. You laugh and hold him tight. You say hi to the rest of the boys and you look at Calum next to you when you both noticed Michael is trying to act serious and cool around you when later he is going to ask Calum "Did Y/N said something about me?".
After a couple of minutes talking to the boys catching up about life, their crew called them to start the session so you have to say goodbye.
"Thanks again Cal, you saved my life today" you say goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek and then the same with the rest. "K' guys bye, hope you have a good night".
You are stepping into your car when Calum calls you running behind you. "Y/N! before you leave, I lost all of my contacts when Ashton threw my phone into a pool…" you laugh at how they always been like that. "So if you can give me your number again if one day you want to hang out with me- with us".
You both exchange numbers and say goodbye.
Your producer laughs hearing that take where you stop singing and take a second to laugh at Calum’s face. “You want to put the laugh in the song too?”
You don’t know if it was a joke or a serious question. You think for a minute at how frustrated you were that night with your team trying to build this song and thankfully Calum was there to help and give his opinion, also that laugh confirms how this song is not sad at all even when people were saying to you that it should be because of your breakup.
“Yeah” you answer and think about that little good time hanging out with Calum. You record a short video of that laugh that is going to be in the song, letting know your fans that you are in the studio pointing with your phone at the computer. 
Your stories on Instagram are always like a puzzle to your fans, like what does this means? what is this? when? where? new song? album? tour? collab? video?. Most of the times you add emojis, letters, or numbers that are meaningful to decipher the message and also to tease.
“Hello?... Calum? Can you hear me?” you say through the phone.
“Y/N? Hi! Yes, I can…” he answers leaving the room. “Sorry, I was so into playing my bass, we are writing a new song”.
“Oh sorry, if you are busy I can call you later-” you say softly and gentle.
“No no no. Ehmm, how are you? Tell me” he say surprised that you actually call him. He is giving you all of his attention listening to you.
“I’m fine and you? I’m calling you because we finished the song and I would like to know if you want to appear in the track info, cause’ ya’ know… you helped with the drums and other stuff” you wait for his answer, you are nervous of his response. Why? You have done this all the time with other collabs, ‘maybe because he is so intimidating but at the same time the cutest’ you think to yourself.
In the other side of the call, he is surprised and also he finds this so cute from you because he thinks that he barely contributed. “Ehhm, yes- I mean if you are okay with this I’m okay too”.
@MTV: Biggest return of Y/N!, who just announced a new single and a new collaboration TONIGHT!, a new album, and a performance for the VMAS. *internal screams*.
@MTV: Don’t forget to watch the VMAS this Sunday at 8 pm, amazing performances by Y/N, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Halsey, Rosalía, Bad Bunny, Doja Cat, Cashmere Cat and Missy Elliott winner of the Vanguard Award and more! with surprises of course, as always.
@y/n.updates: Genius.com has revealed the lyrics of the new singles! “everytime” and “quit”, the last one is from the dj Cashmere Cat’s album. We are so excited for our baby's return.
@bbcradio1: A friendship you didn’t know you needed until now… Calum Hood from 5sos appears in the track info of Y/N’s new single. Is Y/N going to appear in the upcoming 5sos album too? let’s pray to the universe.
“Of course last but not least to arrive the red carpet is the royalty in person, Y/N” the interviewer comments watching you posing to all of the cameras. “I am loving this moment. Y/N is here to slay the red carpet and taking pictures with every artist throwing kisses to friends like to 5sos, ugh lucky boys, now saying hi to Normani, we love that”.
“Yeah, I’m smelling big succes coming this year and Y/N totally deserves it” the other interviewer says. “Oh. My. Goddess… Can we take a moment to appreciate this outfit?!”. You arrive and say hi to everyone. After a couple of questions and compliments you are walking with your team to go backstage to change for your performance.
Once the Teen Wolf cast introduced your performance, everything went dark and silence and you appear in a large lavender satin dress, perfect to build up your figure and Cashmere Cat appears on a platform with his dj set and lights pointing at you and him.
“And you say that I'm the devil you know
And I don't disagree, no, I don't see the harm
They say, "You crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you"
But I wanna be in your arms
They say, "No, don't pick up the phone, let him think there's nobody home"
But I'm under your spell
'Cause when you call, my heart starts to roll
I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell…”
Then two contemporary dancers are next to you dancing at what the lyrics means to you when you recorded this with Cashmere Cat in the studio after your breakup. At the chorus a fake rain starts in the stage and you have your moment feeling amazing and feeling the beat that your dj friend was playing behind you. You participate too in the choreo while you sing the last part of the song. Singing to both dancers faces like if you are watching from outside when you decided to step out your relation. So each dancer goes to their own way representing the metaphor.
Then a new different beat went off for a little moment and you start singing a snippet of one of your new songs of your upcoming album hoping to make everyone clear how you are after your breakup because you still hear some comments about it.
“I got a bad idea, How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah”.
The next thing you see is everyone standing up and clapping at you. You hug Cashmere Cat. “Thank you, please give it up for my friend Cashmere Cat!”
You stay not that much to the after party because tomorrow you have to get up early for a photoshoot.
You post videos behind the scenes and the photos of the photoshoot. You are in the front page and you did something original playing with makeup, hairstyles and clothes. Everyone is living for this new era.
“Ugh, are you going to do that call or should I do it for you?” Ashton interrupts Calum and his daydreaming watching your latest posts.
“What?” Calum answers confused wrinkling his nose and expressions.
“You heard me”. Ashton says letting know his friend that he is not stupid. “I noticed how you look at Y/N that night performing and then at the after party...And don’t excuse yourself because of the angelic voice because I know I was mesmerized too but you were on another level”.
Calum doesn’t add anything else and stands up to continue writing the new song but not without leaving a comment on one of your posts ‘gorg!’.
“Hello beautiful human, it is Y/N back in the studio!” Zach says through his microphone. Everyone clap and he greets you. Even the promo you have to do for your singles, albums and all that stuff you are so picky with the interviews you want to do because in the past you had a lot of uncomfortable ones with disrespectful questions and interviewers. It is not the case with Zach, you feel at home and he is your friend.
As always you talked about your new music, upcoming things, opinions about something, your personal life and you are so honest talking on Zach’s show because he always asks you about how are you doing because he knows that everyone struggles.
“So the whole tracklist it is on genius.com and I think that it is safe to say that I’m not the only one surprised with the collabs and people who helped you.” Zach says reading a paper checking the new revelation. “I would like to know details how it is to work with such talented artists and producers”.
You told him the details and including how Calum ended in your studio session that night.
“Thank God I recognized him because my bodyguard was ready to punch him” you make Zach laughs.
Calum saw your interview and after that he called you. He didn’t know what kind of confidence took him to invite you to hang out tomorrow.
That day you went with him and Ashton and Luke to the Star Wars theme park. The guys insisted that Calum must have gone alone that day but he was too nervous. Other day you and the guys went to bowling, Michael was losing all the fun because his new life as fiancé planning the wedding.
That’s how you got the chance to know more about them every single time you hang out. Paparazzis always were there and people talking about this cool friendship. But then Calum had the balls to ask you on a date. For your surprise he invited you to a The 1975 concert, then you invited him to a Post Malone concert, you went to the movies, then late nights stops at diners. And as the bond between you two was growing with so much love, affection, confidence, honesty and how safe you feel next to him you didn’t realize that you were holding his hand or arm so natural like it was a thing you two always do. That little thing was enough for people to start rumors. Calum likes you so much but he wanted to take things slow because of you and him after you told him everything about your ex and he did the same. His ex used him just for fame and to be in the public eye so with little details when you noticed he was doubting about his own self or anything else, you let him know that everything is okay.
One and a half month later, you are with him at your place in your home studio after you order vegan pizza for dinner that Calum was right that it is delicious. You were helping each other, mostly him with ideas of sets to perform Want You Back and Youngblood on tv shows. Then you showed him the final version of ‘everytime’ and he loves that you included the laugh in the song which reminds him of something. 
“I want to show you something” Calum says searching something on his phone gallery. 
“Found it” he says getting his chair closer to yours. It is a video that he secretly recorded of that day in the studio, when you finally hit the high notes of the song. In the video you can hear how he says ‘wow” multiple times and your producer is not surprised but still in awe. Then there is your laugh when you saw Calum’s face and when the song ends you can hear his ‘what the fu-” and the video ended.
“Why you didn’t show me this before?” you say with giggles at how incredible you have the two sides of that moment.
“First, don’t worry because I’m never going to show this to anyone I know that I should ask you before and-” he is explaining himself.
“Can I kiss you?” you interrupts looking at him noticing a sparkly surprise on his eyes.
He leans so fast to kiss you, you take your moment to taste his lips after all this time you can confirm what you think about his lips. You break the kiss needing air. “You didn’t answer my question”. 
He laughs at your teasing while you bit your lip. “You’re right, I didn’t”. He holds your face within his hands and start kissing every part of your face while he says “Yes” in every little kiss.
Things got hot and heavy so you move the make out session to your room. Both of you don’t want that the other person feel pressure to do things but with you Calum forgot his “love is scam” thing. So he carries you and takes his time to make every moment, kiss, thrust and this night to last. He thinks that he is the only one that kinda feels strange at this amount with affection and intimacy but the truth is that you were feeling the same way, because with him you don’t feel a clingy or a needy person as you were in your last relationship. With Calum is different in a good way.
“So you didn’t come home last night” Ashton says to Calum when he arrived for lunch time, because he had breakfast twice today with you.
“Ew! I didn’t want to know that Cal” Ashton says while cutting vegetables for lunch. “Thank God you are together, it took you forever. To be honest, I thought Y/N was going to get bored of waiting”. 
Another night at your place when Calum surprised you with a romantic dinner and also apologizing for the other night when at his place Ashton interrupts you two.
In the middle of the night you woke up with an idea stuck in your head, you took your underwear and Calum’s baggy shirt he was wearing and before you stood up you melted at the sight of your dog sleeping closely to Calum, who at first hated him but now they look like besties.
After an hour in your studio with this new idea, you had the lyrics and already recording with a beat which two of your best friends made once in a party just fooling. The studio is soundproof and in another level of your house so the music is not going to wake up Calum, but the coldness he felt next to him makes him wonder the reason that woke you up.
And when he found where you are and what are you doing he reminds to himself that in this exact moment he feels so much love for you.
“That sounds beautiful babe” he said getting closer to you to kiss your cheek.
You are editing all focused this song to send it to your producer to do the final touches. “I didn’t want to wake you up” you lift your head to look at him with a pout and noticing he is shirtless and he looks tired from what you did hours earlier. He asked you details about this song called ‘goodnight n go’, he listened to it and once again all of his feelings manifest in a studio. “I love you” he confessed when the song ends. The feeling is mutual and the idea of this song came up all based in your relation you have with him.
@Y/N: new album. valentine’s day. love y’all xoxo. 
You posted with the cover of your new album.
“There is a lot of people downstairs” your manager said arriving the room, you were waiting for your manager for the first toast of the night. It is your album’s launch party and you want to celebrate with your team, your band and their loved ones. Your family, your friends, artists of the industry, and other famous people.
You made a speech about how grateful you are for everyone in the room for their patience, for the love and support for you and this new project. Before you start to get emotional, you said to everyone to have fun tonight and you thanked again. 
You rented a whole club for the night. After eating, cut the cake and having a few glasses of champagne you are ready to take pictures in the photo booth with everyone.
Your close loved ones of course know about you and Cal, but the other half of the people in the room just know the rumors and the pictures from paparazzis and fans. When you were taking funny pictures with other musicians, it is iconic that in the photo is going to appear artist from different genres of music that are your friends. Calum really wants a picture with you and just you even when he loved the ones with the boys and your friends.
“I’m ready” Calum said to you when you are pointing at the printed photo because Luke’s gold eyeshadow looks freaking amazing.
“Ready for what?” you looked at him confused.
“Ready to announce the world that we are together” he said biting his lower lip waiting for your reaction. He told you a few weeks before that he was afraid and he didn’t know how to handle at that moment if you said you were together, so you told him that it is okay and understood him.
“Like now?! What you have in mind?” you asked him nervous because you both know what comes next with this kind of announcements. 
Calum just took your hand and enter just with you inside the photo booth and when the countdown started he looks at you with a smirk and sparkly eyes. “This is my plan” and he kissed you on the lips at the same time the machine announced the picture was taken.
“We have two more! What do we do?” he asked you, but now that you are here you use right the last two pictures. One kissing him in the cheek and hugging him around his neck that Calum did that thing with his eyes and the biggest smile on his face because he is so happy and also the alcohol. And the last one looks a little bit blurry and funny.
You took the opportunity to take another three but this time, now that everyone is going to know about your relation, the pictures are sexier but not vulgar. Of course your photographer took film pictures during the night so you will have several memories of the night.
You and Calum posted the three first ones on your social media.
@Y/N: my love💖.
@calumhood: happiest man in the universe. february 14th is not bad at all anymore with you by my side💛.
That night before you arrived home with Calum, he told you about a new 5sos music video called Valentine that was going to be on Youtube in 30 minutes, he told you that he wrote almost the entire song and you can’t wait to hear and see him singing this song, especially his verse.
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
The success of your new album was immediately. And that means a lot of interviews, invitations to tv shows, radio stations, youtube channels, etc. Calum went and waited for you backstage to the ones that were in US. But the international ones he couldn’t come with you because their new album is going to release soon and new music videos by 5sos.
“I’m so happy to be back!” you said. Today is BBC radio 1 turn. They told you they were happy to have you in the radio.
After you sang a song from the new album, you have to do a cover. In the past you did ‘Them Changes’ by Thundercat and ‘After The Storm’ by Kali Uchis taking advantage of your voice and the high notes you can reach, it is the same this time.
“Hi, this is Get You by my friends Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis” you said. The last part is your favorite.
This feels like summer
Boy you make me feel so alive
Just be my lover
Boy you'll lead me to paradise
Youngblood is out and the release party wasn’t bigger like yours but the fun was the same. You appeared on the Cocktail Chats they did when it was Valentine’s turn. Now after two months your relation went public, the euphoria coming from the people decreased.
@Y/N: something huge in two hours with a special guest.
You posted on your stories with a sneak peek.
@ctrlnow: Y/N’s world tour with Kehlani as special guest. Next week tickets on sale. Are you excited? because this is going to be 🔥. It is the first time Y/N is going to perform in all the continents in almost two years.
@5sos: US, Canada and Mexico get ready for this tour. Special guest our buddy Dominic Fike. Tickets on sale in 6 days.
After 4 months of rehearsals and planning visuals, outfits, makeup, sets, tracklist, etc. You are on the road with the first leg of the tour in US for the whole summer in arenas and festivals. You are synchronized with Calum so you have no problem to hang out together and enjoy to the fullest your days off. 
Both of you don’t get tired of each other concerts. Watching Calum leaving his heart on stage singing and playing his bass, also looking so freaking handsome every single show. For him is the same watching your amazing show with your dancers and different outfits, he said it before and in the present day that he can listen to you singing the whole day and he envies you how charming you are with your fans and noticing every person in the huge arena.
You have a main stage, then a circular runway and a B stage. Calum is always in the first row in front of the B stage. The first show you were so nervous. The beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started and the crowd went crazy. 
“It seems that you really like this one” you said teasing even more. You started dancing and walking next to where Calum is. Your dancers interact with the audience while you are reaching the high notes. 
We'll have drinks and talk about things
And any excuse to stay awake with you
And you'd sleep here, I'd sleep there
But then the heating may be down again
(At my convenience)
We'd be good, we'd be great together
When you looked down, there is your boyfriend looking at you like nobody else did before. You laughed at his reaction because it was priceless and before you keep moving you blow him a kiss. So as the same his reaction was that first time in the studio with ‘everytime’ that made you laugh, now it is with the song that he inspired. He does that in every show he goes, every time you sing ‘goodnight n go’. It is now your amulet that he makes you laugh in the same part with his faces and reactions. But not everything is perfect.
The different time zones, the distance and the stress is clouding Calum’s mind. In two weeks you have barely spoken ten minutes. And new things keep coming to you like singing to fashion shows, summer festivals in other continents, hosting tv shows, etc. His friends told him that he will get used to and things will be okay within you two. But he misses you so much and he is doubting about himself again in this thing called love.
“I think it is the best Y/N” he said through his phone. He called you that night, he is so overwhelmed and tired. “I don’t want to be an obstacle, this is your career’s biggest time” he tries not to cry while he passed his hand through his hair all nervous.
“Calum please tell me you are not joking” he can hear your sobs in the other side of the line. You are in France and he is in Canada.
“Y/N just look at what time you are calling me! It is 4 am here where I am!” he said frustrated, it is not the first fight but it is the first time he yells at you that loud.
“Okay I’m sorry! It is late here too Calum in New Zealand- my point is that we will be okay Calum. After this I’m going to be home like you” you tried to calm him.
“And then what? Run to film a tv show for a whole week? Just seeing you at nights? We should take a break while we figured it out” he said and you are frozen trying to check if what he said is real.
“You are the only one who needs to figured it out, because I’m sure about us and… How could you even wonder and said that you are an obstacle?”. Now it is the opposite because the last thing you said was “Okay, if it is what you want. Go to sleep n’ goodnight”.
You don’t know how people could know. But rumors of your relationship are in every social media and it is just been a day. You want to throw your phone but you have to get ready for your show in Australia, what an ironic thing.
It is not the same hype when the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started. When you are singing the bridge that you were used to laugh thanks to Calum’s reactions. Now your voice breaks and hide your face with your hand and the other one holding your microphone so the public keep singing because you can’t. Your dancers changed the choreo to get close to you and let you know that they are there for you but still you start singing again in the next chorus but with a shaky voice. With this people confirms the rumors.
@enews: Our favorite couple is not longer a thing. With this we don’t believe in love. Y/N and Calum Hood are taking a break. Days before the couple had some troubles in tour. Y/N broke in tears and Calum didn’t go to any interview. Link of the video of Y/N last show in the bio.
“I supposed that you already saw this” Luke said giving his phone to Calum to show a video someone posted on Instagram. It is from your last night show.
“Yeah, I saw it” he said without making eye contact with his friend. Calum doesn’t want to talk about it. He is trying to convince himself that what he did is the best. It breaks his heart watching the video that now it is everywhere and his bandmates noticed how irritated he is with everything.
For a whole week Calum barely sleep two hours at nights. He looked off in the shows. He cries during his part in ‘Ghost Of You’, he sings spiritless in ‘Valentine’ and he asked to take off ‘Babylon’ from the tracklist. 
5sos have new dates in another continents after December holidays.
“You should talk to Y/N, the Asia leg is going to be over in ten days and after the holidays the South America leg starts” Michael gave his advice to Calum but once again he didn’t give any answer.
You took ‘goodnight n go’ and ‘everytime’ off from the tracklist and changed it for another song because you tried a couple of shows after but you couldn’t do it like it used to be singing that song. Your fans were sad because it is their favorite song but you don’t want to cry every single show. 
You have been in touch with Calum but not much. Just good morning and good night messages and that you are safe in the city you two are in that moment.
“Hello Mexico City!” Luke said on stage. “Welcome to the Meet You There tour, thanks for having us tonight, let’s have some fun!”
The whole night Calum were late and off key with his voice and bass that multiple times Ashton tried to follow him with the drums. Calum is thinking and worried about you when he saw earlier that you cancelled your shows in Korea because you got a cold that you have to rest your voice. He just wants to talk to you.
When the show ended, Calum throws his bass hard against the floor without caring a thing. After that he went directly to bed, without taking a shower, or eat something. It is been like this for weeks and everyone knows that what he decided was so stupid, but with hope that he learns the lesson.
“Can you explain us what was that?” Ashton said taking off Calum’s hands his phone. “Dude this is getting out of control, and we gave you your space and everything but now you are going to admit that what you did was wrong and the only thing you want is your relationship back”.
“Go away” Calum said.
“No, Hood. You are barely sleeping, eating, focused, happy. This is how relationships work, and we know that it is crazy as fuck when you are famous”.
“Yeah man, it wasn’t easy for me and my girlfriend” Michael said. “And now we are going to get married...Look, if it is meant to be and if you really love Y/N, you should fix this”.
You are back in LA for holidays and tonight you have the last show of the year because the second date of LA you had to cancel it because an allergy you had so you reschedule the show.
You are in the car on your way to the arena when your manager told you to stop by the studio because the new visual that you asked for is ready. It is a recap of this year, so your fans are going to see a couple of unreleased videos and pictures of behind the scenes of this whole year including everything and every person in your life.
In the studio you saw the new visual and you noticed that they didn’t put Calum on it. You love him and even when you are on a break, you wanted him in the visual too.
“Hmm I can explain it” your crew member said when another video randomly start in the screen of the computer.
“A mini film by Andy Deluca” you read in the title. The video shows the different reactions of Calum in every ‘goodnight n go’ performance. not just the tour, it also shows the reactions from his house listening to the song, or watching you performing the song on a show. It is a funny video but at the same time so cute and emotional because his reactions are different in every take. Calum screamed “YAAAAS!” or “I LOVE YOU BABY!”, surprised faces, funny faces, lip-synching, etc. And when Andy pointed the camera at you and you hid your laugh with your hand or sleeve, depends on the outfit. Calum says directly to the camera “Y/N should stop doing that, I’m going to say it later because Y/N’s laugh and smile are gorgeous… Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it”. And the video ends.
“Wow, this is freaking cool but how did you-?” you asked your team when Calum appears from nowhere that scares you.
“I send it to your manager” he said. “I asked Andy to do this video because as always since the start of our relation I wanted to keep these memories”. When you didn’t say anything, he continues. “Y/N I know that I fucked up everything and-” he is interrupted by your manager telling your team to leave you two alone. Once alone with Calum in the room he continues again. “I got scared, I had never had a real relationship, this connection and what I feel for you before...I’m sorry”.
After a couple of minutes talking and giving your point of view that he didn’t let you give months earlier, you said “I love you, but please talk to me because the solution is not running every time things get complicated” and you hug him. He tried to kiss you but you said that he has to win your heart again.
“Hello LA! Hope you enjoy this surprise, happy holidays” and the new visuals and videos start playing in the big screen and everyone is laughing, getting emotional, while you drink water backstage you can hear the “awww cute”. And last but not least Calum’s video is playing and you are ready for the next song. Everyone screamed and are happy for you to be with him again. So when in the video Calum says ‘Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it’, the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started.
Tell me why you gotta look at me that way
You know what it does to me
So baby, what you tryna say? Ayy
Lately, all I want is you on top of me
You know where your hands should be
So baby, won't you come show me? Mmm
“For this next song I would like to call Mister Calum Thomas Hood” you said looking at him. He didn’t know about this. You sat him in a chair and say on his ear “A little tease never hurt nobody babe”. Now talking to the audience, “Let’s go!” and the beat of ‘break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored’ went off. Calum is fighting and struggling when you are dancing in front and on top of him.
It’s been 3 years since Calum entered your room. He is so glad that he interrupted your studio session. And here he is now, watching you performing ‘goodnight n go’ like if it was the first time he heard you that night in your home studio, the feeling and the amount of love to you is the same and even bigger he would say, it just changes the place where you are singing this song. Now you don’t hide your laugh with your sleeve, and Calum always says how he feels and trusts in your relationship.
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no-whump-on-main · 3 years
Apartment 307-5
TWs: Parental grief, implied death of a child, mention/recount of torture
Sunday night was cold and dark; large, gray clouds hung in the near-black sky, joined by the splatter of shining stars. It was going to rain soon. Even if it did, Jodie Larkin didn’t care. She was busy desperately trying to get a hold of Demetrios. The end of November was in sight, the air far too frigid for one to be outside without a coat, but Jodie was out on her porch in a dress and sandals anyways, too frantic to bother changing out of her Sunday best. She paced back and forward as she held her phone up to her ear, praying the man on the other end of the line would pick up. He didn’t the first time she called, nor the second, nor the third, but she was too worried to give up and leave him alone for the night.
Finally, on the last ring of the fourth call, just when she had begun to lose hope, a familiar, deep voice spoke through the phone’s speakers.
“Hello? Is everything alright, Jodie?” Demetrios asked, his tone softening with worry. It was unusual for her to call several times in a row, especially so late in the evening on a Sunday. It was nearly ten o’clock.
From her porch, Jodie sighed heavily with relief, gently rubbing her temples.
“Hi! Hi, thank god. I’m so sorry to be bothering you. I was just-Oh, god, I think something is wrong. I-when was the last time you saw Elora? She was meant to be here for dinner four hours ago. I tried calling her, but her phone went straight to voicemail, and my texts won’t go through, either. I know it’s only been a couple hours, but it’s weird, you know? I’m worried. I thought it was strange when she didn’t text me about her day or anything yesterday, either. She usually does when she goes out and does fun things. So there’s that, and now she just didn’t show up, and it’s worrying me. God, I’m rambling, I-” she paused, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry. It’s a parental thing, you get it. I just wanted to know the last time you heard from her.”
In his home, Demetrios sat in a leather recliner, his expression slowly becoming troubled as he listened to Jodie’s frantic rambling. His wife, Lucia, sat a few feet away from him on the couch, a blanket tossed over her legs and a book nestled in her lap. She could faintly hear the conversation through Demetrios’ phone, though, and closed her book upon hearing that something was wrong with Elora, setting it to the side as she stood and walked towards him. He motioned for her to hold on, clearing his throat.
“I saw her leaving the bakery Friday night,” he explained calmly. “I offered to drive her home, and she refused, like always. You’ve raised a headstrong girl, Jodie. Look, I’m sure everything is alright. She probably got caught up with friends or nature or a sewing project. I’ll let you know if she doesn’t come into work tomorrow, alright? I’m sure she’s fine. She’s more than likely just making the most out of her last couple months as a teenager and being a delinquent.”
He chuckled, the familiar sound calming Jodie’s nerves. She sighed deeply, nodding to herself. She knew he couldn’t see her; the action was to reassure herself, more than anything.
“You know, you’re probably right. I just...worry about her. She’s my whole family, you know? Just call me as soon as you can in the morning, alright?”
Demetrios sounded sympathetic. He knew, better than anyone, what it was like to lose a child. Only, he knew the pain of losing one forever, not just for a few worrisome hours.
“Of course.”
“Thank you again. I don’t know what we’d do without you. Sorry for being so frazzled. You know how I am.” Jodie chuckled awkwardly.
“It’s normal to worry, Jodie. She’s still your baby even though she’s growing up. You have a good night, okay? Get some sleep. I’ll call you in the morning.”
She nodded, again, for her own reassurance. “Right. Goodnight.”
Jodie hung up the phone and headed inside, sighing deeply. She kicked her shoes off and headed into her bedroom, deciding to take Demetrios’ advice and relax. Get some sleep.
This would all just be a funny story in the morning. Elora would come home and she’d scold her and then everything would be okay. She plugged in her phone and rolled over, facing away from it. The house felt scarily empty, the same way it had for months since Elora had moved out. Only tonight, it felt even emptier than normal.
Five text messages were left sent, but not delivered, on her phone.
11/29/18 6:15 PM: You’re late! Hurry up, kiddo, lasagna’s getting cold.
11/29/18 6:42 PM: You okay? Call me.
11/29/18 7:27 PM: Please call me.
11/29/18 8:59 PM: What’s up? Where are you?
11/29/18 9:36 PM: I love you, E. Please call me as soon as you see this. Love you.
“What was that all about?” Lucia asked, her hands on her hips and her brow furrowed with worry. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound good.
“It was Jodie,” Demetrios explained. “Elora didn’t show up to dinner and her phone’s going to voicemail. She’s worried, but I think she’d probably just sidetracked with something. Or partying. I don’t know. She’s still practically a kid and I gave her a free weekend. She could be getting into all sorts of things.”
Lucia nodded, considering for a moment. “I’m sure she’s fine. I wouldn’t worry until tomorrow. But it’s natural for Jodie to worry, she’s her only baby and she just moved out. We’re both working the morning shift tomorrow. I’ll try to reassure her.”
“You’re an angel, you know what?” Demetrios smiled.
Lucia leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, smiling back. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, I love you.”
Demetrios nodded. “I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
With that, Lucia nodded and walked off.
Eventually, Demetrios joined her in bed, and the pair slept peacefully, curled up with each other in a messy tangle of limbs. Together, just the way they liked it.
Somewhere far away, Elora was sleeping, too. Or at least trying to. She couldn’t get comfortable, surrounded by walls of hard ceramic and chains and blood. So much blood. She assumed that today, Sunday, had been the man’s day off, because he’d spent what felt like the whole day with her, only giving her a reprieve after hours of what she could only describe as torture. Her head was still pounding from the night before, but he didn’t seem to care, as he shouted at her again and again about that stupid little aloe plant. He still wanted her to grow it, but she wouldn’t give in. Couldn’t. She needed to be strong. At first, he’d just slap her, then ask again, but after a bright red handprint from repeated impact was clear across her cheek, he moved on, bringing back the pocket knife. He cut her across her arm, again and again, then went back and dug his fingernails into the gashes. She thrashed and cried, but still didn’t give in, for the whole day. Now, though, she almost wished she had. The dull sting in her arm was a constant, bitter reminder of her defiance, and one of the only sensations she had in the dark room. She couldn’t see an inch in front of her face in the darkness, but she could feel the sting. And the throb from her thigh. Constantly.
She stared up at the ceiling, trying to stop the tears from welling up. She didn’t know why she kept trying to hold them back; they always came and slid down her face, anyways, no matter how hard she tried. Maybe it was just the shred of dignity she had left, begging to be held on to.
It was cold in the bathroom. There were no windows for heat from the sun to seep through, and she wasn’t sure if the apartment even had a formal heating system. If it did, the man wasn’t turning it on. It was cold enough to amplify her misery, but not actually harm her. Probably intentional.
She didn’t actually fall asleep for a long time. She rotated around near-constantly, trying to get somewhat comfortable to absolutely no avail. There was no way to position herself without agitating something. Her aching head, her stinging arm, her sore thigh-one always screamed out in complaint from the way she laid.
When her eyes finally did shut and her breathing became even, it was more of passing out from exhaustion than true sleep.
Still, that night, she dreamed of her mother. Her mind painted a vivid picture of the two of them picking apples at an orchard together, the rows and rows of trees bringing about the most poignant feeling of peace. The breeze was soft, the fall weather still just warm enough to wear her favorite shorts. In the morning, she would wake up with a sad sense of longing, wishing it had been real, but for the moment, she was happy.
Demetrios got ready for work just like normal the next morning. He hardly even remembered the conversation he had with Jodie the past night, paying it little mind. He was certain that Elora would come into work like normal, perhaps a little hungover, and he’d be able call her mother and assure her of her safety.
And so he kissed Lucia on the forehead and drove to the bakery, dressed in his usual uniform of khakis, a t-shirt, and an apron that had seen many years of stains. He pulled into the parking lot in his spot, unlocked the front door, and began opening like he always did. He cleaned, prepared ingredients for the day, filled the cases-everything like normal. They didn’t open until 8, and it was still only 7:30 by the time he finished preparing everything for the day. He didn’t worry.
He started watching the window around 7:40. He was sitting behind the register, with a clear view of the parking lot. He was sure he’d see Elora walk through the doors.
Three of his other employees came through the front door between 7:40 and 8:00, smiling and waving obliviously.
But Elora never came. She usually came in right around 7:50, but there was still no sign of her by 8:00 when they opened.
Maybe she was just late. He tried to convince himself of that, but when 9:00 came and he’d been acting so nervously that even the regulars noticed it, he knew he had to call Jodie.
He ducked outside quickly before any employees could question for him, anxiously tapping his foot against the deck. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Jodie, breathing deeply. It was going to hurt to tell her this.
Jodie answered on the second ring, clearly having been waiting for him to call. She stepped out into the hallway, away from all the rooms, praying that Demetrios was calling because Elora just got in a little late and a little disheveled.
She spoke first, hope potent in her voice. “Hello? Is she there?”
Demetrios sucked in a breath. “No. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened, but I’ll help you figure it out, alright? Lucia and I will. We care about her, too. You’re family and we’re gonna figure this out, okay?”
It felt like a few years of her life force was sucked out of her when she heard the answer. No. Your daughter isn’t here, Jodie, she could be somewhere, anywhere, hurt or dead or worse.
She wanted to break down, she really did, But she had patients to tend to. And so she shoved down the pain, compartmentalized it into a little box and set it to the side to be dealt with later. All she could offer was a tiny squeak of acknowledgment, not wanting to speak too much for fear of bursting into tears right then and there.
She hung up the phone before Demetrios could say anything else. When she turned around, prepared to head back into the ward and continue her rounds, she found that Lucia had followed her out.
Lucia didn’t even have to ask her. Jodie just shook her head. Lucia frowned, then stepped forward, putting a gentle, reassuring hand on her back.
Jodie rested her head on Lucia’s shoulder and sobbed.
“What if no one finds her?” she asked between cries, shaking her head. “It’s not like her. It’s not-no one has seen her since Friday.”
Lucia rubbed her back lightly, shushing her gently. “After our shift, we can go down to the police station and file a report together, okay? It’s gonna be okay, Jodie, I promise.”
The other woman sniffled and held back another sob. Your job, Jodie.
She nodded, her chest heaving with a heavy breath as she leaned into Lucia. Their shift was another nine hours, they were losing time, she was losing time, she was losing her daughter-
She swallowed and nodded.
Tags: @exploringspaceinpyjamas
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years
Fic: Forged Through Fire (7/13)
Summary: Amestris. Once democratic, now a military dictatorship. Prohibition is strict; personal freedoms curtailed. All alchemists must be state-licensed or face imprisonment. Foreigners are met with suspicion. It’s a grim place and a grim time, but there are some people able to bring a little light to the world. Behind an innocent-looking bookshop, speakeasy proprietor Chris Mustang has formed an unlikely alliance with unlicensed alchemist Van Hohenheim to provide alcohol to those who want it and medical care to those who need it. When Riza’s newly complete tattoo becomes infected, Roy brings her into this underworld, little knowing the way it will change their lives in the future – uncovering the secrets of the mythical Philosopher’s Stone and the schemes of a Fuhrer hell-bent on achieving immortality, all whilst navigating what they mean to each other.
Rated: T
[One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six] AO3]
Note: So, just in case you read the previous chapter before I edited it, a note on timing. I managed to  mix up centuries and millennia because… wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. To clarify, Xerxes was destroyed about 450-500 years prior, like in canon. Not 50 years prior, like my brain decided to originally write…
Also, Atticus was picked as a random Ancient Greek name, there’s no deeper reasoning behind it.
Forged Through Fire
Riza looked up from the counter as the bell over the shop door tinkled and Gracia entered. 
“Hey Riza. How’s he doing today?”
Riza laughed. “He’s stopped rambling and he’s now annoying everyone, so I think he’s getting better. I know that Chris can’t wait to get him off her hands, but we’re a bit concerned that someone might try to shoot him again if we let him out of our sight.” She went and flipped the closed sign, locking the door. The speakeasy was still doing limited trade in order to keep the money coming in, but it was only open to trusted regulars who had forewarned that they would be coming in advance. 
Gracia followed her down into the bar. For all she could joke about it, Riza could feel the tension in the place. Hughes had stumbled upon something so big and so secret that it would affect all of them in the long run. 
As suspected, it now appeared irrefutable that Bradley had the military alchemists working on creating the Philosopher’s Stone. So far, they’d had several failed attempts, but a recent covert expedition to the ruins of Xerxes had uncovered some interesting documentation. Barely anyone could read it, but it was nevertheless causing a lot of excitement among the upper echelons of the military. 
Or, to put it simply, Fuhrer Bradley was trying to make himself immortal. 
“Can you think of anything worse than an immortal Bradley?” Hughes was saying as they entered his sick room. Roy was in there too, sitting in the office chair with his feet up on the end of the bed. There were papers scattered everywhere. 
“No, right now I don’t think that there’s anything worse than an immortal Bradley. Hi Gracia, hi Riza.”
“Hello Roy. Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I’m very hard at work attempting to bring down a conspiracy in the military!” Roy protested, gesturing around at all the papers. “And no. Officially I am taking a leave of absence to care for my sick aunt.”
Madam Christmas, who had entered the room behind them, gave a pathetic cough. 
“See, my sick aunt. I’ve got Havoc and Breda running interference and Fuery’s been sending all kinds of mixed message telegrams. The top brass are so concerned with trying to work out whether or not Hughes is dead that they shouldn’t be paying too much attention to my whereabouts.”
“Right.” Riza shook her head in despair as Roy swung his feet up off the bed, leaving the room with her and Madam Christmas to give Gracia and Hughes some time alone together. 
She waited until he had poured himself some coffee from the large pot that had been left on the bar and they’d settled down at their usual table before she spoke again. “Have you found out anything new?”
“Bradley nearly declared war on Xing as an excuse to get in there and try to find the Philosopher’s Stone, but even his closest allies decided that would be a bit much and it would be better to try and create their own.” Roy took a long sip of his coffee. “You know, I wouldn’t put it past him to just lead a one-man charge on the place, he’s certainly bonkers enough.”
“Is it even the kind of thing that can be created twice? I mean, I know we should all take myths and legends with a pinch of salt, but at the same time, all the bits and pieces I’ve read about it talk about it as The Philosopher’s Stone, as if there is and can only ever be one.”
“Well, I think the military are certainly testing that theory.” Roy sighed. “The worst thing about it is that I have no idea what kind of unethical experiments they’re getting up to and as an alchemist I could be dragged into them at any time. I mean, my specialism sort of keeps me safe unless they need to burn a bunch of stuff but considering the lengths they seem willing to go to in order to both keep the secret and try to succeed, I don’t want to rule it out.” 
Riza inched a little closer to him, chancing to put an arm around his back, and he leaned into her side, head drooping onto her shoulder. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he mumbled to her. “Thank you.”
“Any time.”
He gave a little huff of laughter. “That’s my line.”
“Well, maybe it’s time for me to take care of you for a little while. You’ve taken care of me enough in the past.”
“Thanks for following us out the other night, as well. I was so frantic; I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there being calm and wonderful.”
Riza laughed. “I’m sure you would have survived somehow.” She held him a little tighter, and he burrowed in closer. 
“It feels like everything’s been turned upside down. Except you.”
He looked up at her then, his dark eyes so sad and tired, and Riza’s heart went out to him. 
“We never got to finish our conversation from yesterday,” he said. 
“The ‘What happens between us now?’ conversation.”
“Yeah. That one.” Roy sighed. “I know that we’ve just ended up in a potentially really dangerous situation, and I know that this is the worst time ever to be talking about it, and thinking about it, and God forbid thinking about the future. But I also know that you’re the only person I would ever want by my side throughout this whole thing, and if we all end up skewered through with one of Bradley’s not-at-all ceremonial swords tomorrow, then I know that not taking a chance with you would be my only regret.”
“Oh, Roy.” Riza leaned in to kiss him softly. “There’s nothing like people being shot to put things in perspective, is there?”
“Nope.” His hand came up to cup her cheek and he returned the kiss, gently and a little hesitantly, but with definite hope and want behind it. “Perhaps I’m starting to see that sometimes the universe just really wants to screw us over, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“Exactly. It’s time to let go of the guilt, Roy. There’s nothing anyone can do about it.” She found herself stroking his hair as he resettled against her shoulder. 
“We make quite the pair, don’t you think? Both broken up in our own ways.” 
“Perhaps.” Riza kissed the top of his head. “But we’ll stick ourselves back together. I think that’s the one thing that I’ve learned the most since leaving home and coming here. The sticking myself back together part. Because I haven’t been sticking myself back together, not really. I’ve had you and Rebecca and Madam and Hughes and Trisha and Hohenheim and all the rest of the crew helping me stick myself back together. And when you get broken, I’ll help you stick yourself back together as well.”
“Thank you, Riza.”
They stayed like that for a long time, and although her arm was going numb, Riza didn’t mind at all. She was enjoying this easy closeness. They had been so close back when he had first known her – perhaps they had never been this physically close, but they’d been so close as people. A part of her had always known that they would end up like this somehow. Maybe not as romantic partners, but definitely as friends. 
It was only when Madam Christmas came out into the bar to take over serving and gave them a knowing look that Riza realised Roy had fallen asleep on her, and she just smiled. They’d had a fraught couple of days of it, what with everything Hughes had found out and the aftermath of that; she wasn’t really surprised that it had taken it out of him so much. She was just glad that he trusted her enough to be this vulnerable around her. Well, she trusted him that much, and she guessed that it went both ways. 
Madam Christmas came over with a glass of wine; Riza took it with her free hand. It was her favourite, and she savoured the rich taste. 
“On the house.” Madam Christmas winked. “I think we could all use a little pick-me-up right now. It’s been a day. I had Rebecca on the phone earlier, she’s been picking up all kinds of stories at the paper.”
Over the last few months or so, Rebecca had become a great friend to them in giving inside information as to what kinds of propaganda were about to be sent out to the general population. Of course, most of what she wrote herself ended up cut and censored by the government-employed editors by the time it appeared in print, but the unredacted versions were always circulated through the speakeasy to great interest. Riza had been happy to set her up with Havoc.
“Good stories or bad stories?”
“A bit of both. Everything’s being swept under the rug, though. As far as Central City’s citizens are concerned, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happened in the park two nights ago.”
“Huh.” Riza felt the uneasiness beginning to creep back in. “I don’t like how that implies that people do know that something out of the ordinary happened in the park two nights ago.” She thought back to Hohenheim and the frighteningly powerful alchemy that he’d performed on Hughes, something unlike anything she’d ever known before, and in turn she found herself thinking back to the day she’d burned her back, and his warning that removing her tattoo completely would be too traumatic. 
If that was what he would have had to do, she could well see why. Hughes had been unconscious and on his last breaths; she wouldn’t have wanted anything like that to happen if she was anything other than at death’s door. 
“No,” Madam Christmas agreed. “It’s worrying. I’m just hoping that there’s nothing that can tie it all back to this place. Rebecca doesn’t think that there is, and she’s running as much interference as she can. Still, I think keeping a low profile for a couple of weeks will be a good idea.” She glanced at Roy. “Are you comfortable like that?”
“Not really. My shoulder’s gone dead. But I don’t mind.”
“Oh, to be young and in love once more. Don’t deny it, Miss Hawkeye. I’ve known you long enough.”
Riza shook her head, but she didn’t respond. Something good would come of it all. It had to.
“Do you really think that Bradley would risk wiping out the entire population of Amestris in order to gain immortality? I mean, surely the whole point of him gaining immortality is so that he can remain Fuhrer and rule over us forever. It wouldn’t be much fun being immortal if he was literally the only person in the country.”
Two more days had passed, and the rag-tag bunch of investigators had become a full-on research force, although they weren’t any closer to finding out what was going on in Central Command than they had been before. Every new piece of information they uncovered just seemed to be adding to the confusion without clearing anything up. 
“I mean, if the legends of Xerxes are anything to go by, then he’d get wiped out too.” Hughes brushed some peanut shells off the table and slammed down another piece of paper. “Take a look at that.”
Riza looked up at the clock; it was almost eleven but none of them showed any signs of stopping. The entire crew of Roy’s friends from Central Command were gathered in the bar, and Madam Christmas had closed up shop temporarily to allow them more space to spread out in the main area rather than everyone being cramped in the office that had been Hughes’s recovery room. Hohenheim had given him the all-clear earlier in the day, but he still hadn’t actually left the speakeasy and gone home. Gracia and Rebecca had joined the party as well, and although Madam Christmas was trying to remain as aloof from it all as she could, more concerned with keeping them all safe in the bar than with the military conspiracies going on, she was offering insights wherever she could. 
Hohenheim and Trisha had gone home. Riza hadn’t seen all that much of them since the night Hughes had been shot, and she got the impression that Hohenheim was trying to avoid everyone in the wake of what he’d had to do. Not that anyone who had been there and who knew what had happened held his strangeness against him, quite the opposite in fact; they were all extremely grateful that he’d managed to save Hughes’ life. Still, if he wanted space then they would give it to him. 
Riza craned over the others to take a read of the paper that Hughes had put down, but the writing was too small for her to make it out. 
“What is it?”
“It attributes the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone to an alchemist named Atticus, who was the King of Xerxes’ personal alchemist. But it also says that Atticus died in whatever catastrophe wiped out the rest of Xerxes, so even if Bradley does succeed in creating the Philosopher’s Stone again, it won’t leave him any better off than when he started.”
“Just another hunk of rock in an empty country waiting for some Xingese merchants to take it home to Tim Marcoh,” Roy mused, and Riza couldn’t stop herself from bursting into laughter.
“Sorry, sorry. I know it’s really not that funny. I think I need more coffee.” She extricated herself from the gaggle around the table and went over to the coffee pot. Considering the vast array of alcohol that was available behind the bar and the fact that the coffee pot had never seen all that much use before the night Hughes had been shot, it was certainly earning its keep now. They’d been refilling it almost constantly all day. 
She looked up to find that Roy had followed her over. They hadn’t really had the chance to spend all that much time together since they’d had their talk. Well, that wasn’t strictly true since they’d spent most of the intervening two days in each other’s pockets whilst trying to work out what on earth was going on in the country, but they’d always been surrounded by other people. This moment leaning on the bar was as close as they had come to having a moment to themselves. 
“Hey yourself.” She smiled at the memory of the other night. Roy had been so embarrassed when he’d woken up, and it had been sweet to see him so flustered. Naturally, she’d had to kiss him to stop his litany of apologies for falling asleep on her. 
He helped himself to another cup, draining the pot. “How are you holding up?”
“All right, I guess. It’s just so surreal that I’m having trouble believing that it’s all happening and I’m not in some kind of crazy dream. More like a nightmare, actually. How come none of this has ever come to light before? Something this big and all-encompassing, surely someone would have found something out.”
“Someone probably did,” Roy said grimly. “And that someone, and all the someones who came before and after them, probably met the same fate as Hughes would have met if he hadn’t had a handy Hohenheim around.”
“It just boggles the mind. Who would even want to be immortal in the first place? Can you imagine having to live on and watch everyone around you grow old and die?”
“I don’t think psychopaths like Bradley really see it in that way.”
“But what about his wife? Their child?”
Roy shrugged. “I don’t think he sees it that way. If you want something badly enough, then everything else falls by the wayside.” He paused. “I… No. Sorry. That’s not an appropriate train of thought.”
Riza raised an eyebrow. “Well, now you have to tell me.”
“It’s about your father. Are you sure you want to hear it?”
Riza nodded. Although her feelings for her father remained complicated, the time and space between them made it easier to look at things through a more neutral lens. She didn’t think that she was ever going to forgive him for what he had done to her, but at the same time, she was no longer wasting her energy being angry at either him or herself. He simply wasn’t worth the emotional investment she had given him for so long. 
“I was thinking that I can see certain similarities between Bradley and your father.” Roy glanced at her, but she nodded for him to continue. “There’s something about them both, that single-mindedness and that disregard for others. Your father’s desire to protect his complex array above all else, his willingness to completely destroy your life in order to achieve his own ends… I can see that same drive in Bradley, and I dread to think what would have happened to you if Hawkeye’s goal had been immortality instead of anything else.”
Riza shuddered. “Yes. When you put it like that, I can see why Mrs Bradley and Selim wouldn’t cross his mind at all. I don’t even want to think about my father being immortal. He did enough damage in the fifty-three years he had.”
Roy reached across and took her hand. He didn’t apologise; perhaps he knew better than that now. After so many years of carrying guilt around, Riza had hoped she’d made it clear that he didn’t have to anymore. 
“At least it’s over now.”
Riza nodded. “Yes. It’s over now. And in the end, I don’t think my life has been completely destroyed. I mean, it might be if Bradley does something drastic, but I can’t lay that one at my father’s door. I think that I’ve still found something good in spite of him and his disregard for everything.”
Roy smiled, and Riza could see the colour coming up in his cheeks. It was sweet to see it; the persona he wore within the military and when he was around the rest of the customers in the bar was always confident and self-assured, an easy-going ladies’ man, but Riza had known him long enough to know that the real Roy was just as flustered around her as she had been about him when she had first realised that she liked him as far more than a friend. 
They were settling now, having put the cards on the table the other night, and Riza knew that, if the circumstances in the outside world had been easier, they would have been moving ahead with the relationship without any concerns. But the circumstances were what they were, and with danger lurking in every corner, it felt premature to be making any kind of long-term plans beyond the fact that they wanted to be together right now in case they never got the chance in the future. 
Roy’s fingertips brushed her face, touching the frown line between her brows. 
“It’ll be all right.” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Somehow, it’ll be all right.”
It wasn’t the firmest or most confident of statements, but it gave Riza some hope, and she smiled, knocking her coffee mug against his in a toast before they went back to join the others. Breda and Fuery were pouring over a book so old it was practically falling apart, and Riza wondered if it was stock from the shop upstairs. 
“Can you make out this transmutation circle?” Fuery thrust the book at him. “Armstrong doesn’t recognise it, but he thinks it’s a forbidden one.”
Roy grabbed the book and turned it this way and that, before his eyes widened.
“I think that’s for human transmutation.”
“Ah.” Breda and Fuery exchanged a worried look. Even the layman most ignorant of all things alchemic knew that human transmutation was the ultimate taboo, not just in Amestris but in general. 
“So, once we get our hands on someone who can read Ancient Xerxian, that one could prove to be a game changer,” Breda muttered. He shoved it on the ‘keep’ pile of documents, and Riza went to sit beside him and take a look at what they had so far. 
She had only just settled down when she jumped out of her skin as a pounding against the door began. It was the back door that led out into the alley with the garbage, the door that Madam Christmas brought all the booze in through; the door that would serve as their emergency exit if the speakeasy ever got raided. 
No one used that door on a regular basis, and Riza felt her blood going cold. She looked over at Madam Christmas, who, although as guarded as ever, looked genuinely concerned. She gave Riza a nod and reached under the bar, grabbing the rifle that was always kept there in case of problems and tossing it to her, and the two of them made their way through the bar towards the door. Roy followed them, pulling on his gloves and getting ready to strike. The pounding was not letting up, a steady and frantic hammering, and as tense as the noise was making her, Riza thought that the fact it wasn’t being punctuated with ‘open up in the name of the law’ and threats of the door being blown in meant that they weren’t being raided. 
“Please!” The voice was muffled through the thick wood and obscured by the constant pounding, but Riza could recognise it in an instant, and ice ran through her veins afresh. “Please let me in! Please!”
Madam Christmas unbolted the door and threw it open, catching Trisha as she fell in through the doorway. 
“Trisha? What’s going on?” Riza rushed to help her back on her feet.
“They’ve got Hohenheim!”
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tillmays · 4 years
Is just Her...
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the next day
they falled asleep at the fireplace the sun was softly bright. is 7:00 am mac's phone couldn't stop ringing. he woke up saw Riley by his side and smiled then removed her hair from her face, he got distracted looking at her that by the time he grabbed his phone he missed the call, he checked up and had 10 missed calls from matty.
Mac- oh crap .. Riley .. *he shacked her to wake her up, what! ... * she said grumpy* -Riley! *he raised his voice to wake her up, he was in the other room changing his shirt, Mac went back to the fireplace putting his jacket back on* Riley wake up we have to go now!, Matty called. *Riley got up fast and touched her body as if something was missing and she let out a sigh of relief and laughed and sited back* mac just looked at her funny and raised his eyebrows* come on let's go.
on their way to work.
Riley- ahh my head hurts .. we drunk to much. *she touched her face*
Mac- i have a migraine too.
Riley- we need to stop at the gas station.
Mac- we are already late and you want to make a stop?
Riley- trust me, we need a boost. and besides we can't go to work like this. and my head hurts like hell, to be listening matty's screams.
Mac- You are right on that.
they are at the gas station, Riley went to buy something that could help with the hungover and got back in the car.
Riley- here, drink it.
Mac- Riley are you crazy, we already have a hungover and you buy more beer?!
Riley- can you calm down, trust me. this has worked for me before you will feel better. Well at least for a while. *he wasn't sure about it* -you trust me? *he looked at her* then drink it, relax. *he drank the beer and he in a weird way felt quite better.*
Mac- ... i don't understand the logic in this but it worked.
the phoenix somewhere in los angeles.
Matty was ANGRY bozer and desi were already there. the tree of them waiting for them to show up. then finally they walk thru the door.
Bozer- thank god i thought you will have us waiting another 3 hours here.
Mac- matty i'm so so sorry we just ..
Matty- save it I don't want to hear it. i called you more than 3 times you have a responsibility you know how important it is to be on time and if this happens again you will be in trouble.
Mac- and what about riley?
Riley- * she punched him in the arm * dude what the hell ..
Matty- it goes for both of you. i don't have time to play we have work to do.
Matty- today you all were invited to a wedding! *she starts to explain the case* the guy you are going to be tracking is..
Bozer- the groom right? what did he do?
Matty- surprisingly, this time wasn't the groom, its the father of the groom. *photo pops up*
Bozer- ah that's new. 
Matty- his name is Oliver Hudson. and he is about business. the man doesn't have a break from his work, a source discovered evidence of uranium thefts at a nuclear treatment plant and informed us that his team it's the responsable. It's his sons wedding, the source told us that he already has someone who want to buy it. And I need to know who. So today he is...
Mac- is going to sell it at his son's wedding. 
Matty- yes, and that's when my dream team appears, you stop him from selling it arrest him and bring me the person who's buying the uranium.
Wiltshire, England
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they arrived to this 14th century village of Castle Combe, there was a lot of people celebrating for the newlyweds. Riley was wearing this beautiful long formal emerald green dress featuring a-line silhouette, backless design, with low v-neck and her hairstyle was passion/spring twists and was styled with a middle high ponytail.
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Desi was looking gorgeous wearing this light yellow dress with a v neck adjust to her waist with a crossed nod as a detail,with a diamond necklace with this loosely hair and only a lock collected with this silver hair pin and mac and bozer in their neat black suits as always. 
Mac- has anyone spotted our star yet?  he said while walking to the bar.
Riley- not yet. *she had a drink on her hand and passed by his side, mac saw her passing, at first didn't realized it was her, he make a double take and checked her up and down, you could see in his eyes that his jaw was on the floor. 
Bozer- Nothing on this side of the room.*changed to the other room and desi was walking down the stairs and walked behind Bozer, she grabbed a glass of wine while she kept walking* 
Desi- this is stupid, how are we going to find this man in a freaking castle, who gets married in a castle anyways...
Riley- the little brats just like the bride. 
Desi- mmm, but i get it, her man is attractive.
Riley- mhjm... he can get it *Desi laughed* 
Bozer- he literally looks just like that actor that was Christian grey in 50 shades of grey..
Riley- i.. didn't know you liked that type of movies.. i thought you liked the real cinema. but youre right if i didn't know him he looks just like that actor.
Bozer- i don't but leanna make me watched those movies with her..
Mac- ok i think you're oversharing boz..
Desi- yes, but we need to be looking for his father not him, so focus.
Mac- everyone pick a floor and move we can't let this man sell the uranium.
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Everyone started searching. Bozer and Desi went together to the first floors, were the party was happening, behind the castle, while Mac and Riley went upstairs, while they were searching in an really big open room, Mac reclined to the back of a white sofa and said: - i dont think its here. we have to keep looking. they heard someone was coming to their way, that part of the place was all alone and only them were there.Riley- Mac someone’s coming. *Mac grabbed the glass of champagne he took before to pretend that he was drinking. - Riley come here  and grab your drink. *he said almost whispering with an anxious voice, Riley walked towards him, Mac did not think what he was going to do, surprisingly he didn’t think this time he just acted. Mac grabbed her by the arm, opened his legs and placed Riley between them, he pressed her body next to his, He ran his hand across her back, venturing into her skin for that little moment, until he reached her hip a little lower if you know what i mean. they were so close that anyone who had seen them in that scene could see that light, that flame between them, which unfortunately this two did not see, he held her as tightly as if she were going to leave, but at the same time he held her delicately, as if she was made of glass. they didn’t speak for that little unreal moment, they just looked into eachothers eyes like everyone left and was only them. Riley was surprised, and he took her by the arm she though *what the hell is this boy doing* but then her body got loose and she understood what he was doing, she put her arm around him and played with the back of his head, crossing her fingers thru his hair. the both of them felt a they felt a little tickle in the stomach and in the throat but they thought that feeling was for the adrenaline rush of almost getting caught looking for the secret room. the people who they heard coming in was a group of drunk guys they were laughing and tumbling on of them saw them and said - oh we better give them a little privacy.. they went to the next room making more noise. Mac and Riley stayed like that for a minute. when riley snapped out if as if they got hypnotized by each other’s energy.Riley- mac.. *she whispered softly, but he didn’t react* mac.. *she said again* something about the way she said his name that made Mac squirt inside. Mac- Riles.. *with his deep deep voice* Riley- they already left. *she said with disappointment in her voice as she wanted to be in his arms forever. she removed her arm of his neck slowly, mac reacted to that.Mac- oh yeah … they did … * cleared his throat, and as he slowly took his arm from her waist, he didn’t want to set her free.. Riley- oh i will go to the bathroom so i can use the laptop without distractions. Mac- yeah i’m gonna keep on looking on this side.
Riley went to the bathroom to use her laptop in private and she needed to see the blueprints of the castle, she starts to give directions to mac, apparently Oliver make his sells in a back room. then someone is trying to open the door and riley jumped of surprise and closed the laptop and hid it, she opened the door and for her surprise there was the bride who was really really drunk and wanted to use the bathroom.
Riley- oh don't worry, i was just living and smiled.
the bride- oh please i know i don't know you but can you please help me.
Riley- i really have to go
the bride- oh please. *Riley took of her communicator cause she kinda knew were she was going and wanted to give her some privacy* 
Riley- ok what do you need?
bride- can you hold my dress while a use the toilet?
Riley- *opened her mouth and in her mind she said -i knew it-  she raised her eyebrows and she said: yeah sure why not, is your day anyways.. *she picked up her big dress and the vail who was really long and the bride started talking and talking, Riley in her head was thinking god how much longer is she going to pee?,this is the longest pee i have ever seen.
Riley- heeey girl how many glasses of... whatever you were drinking did you have? cause..
bride- *started laughing* oh just a couple... and giggled.
Riley- great, are you done?
bride- yeah im done.           
Riley- *Riley bent down to fix the bride's dress* 
back with the team at the castle courtyard. 
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mac- hey does someone knows where Riley is? i need to know where is that room.
desi- i don't know where is she but i do know where is oliver.
mac- where?
desi- he is sitting at his table with some family and some kids.
bozer- what we do know?
mac- we have to wait, we need to catch him in the act, in the min time desi keep an eye on him, boz go see where is Riley i will keep searching for that room. 
back at the restroom 
Riley- well your dress is fine.
bride- thank you so so much* she hugged her and gave her a kiss in the chick* you know your my best friend.. i love you.
Riley- thank you, Chloe. 
Chloe the bride who was really dizzy and very drunk already forgot those 3 minutes they were in there and said to her- wait how do you know my name?who did you come with? 
Riley- oh you're not having more drinks *Riley smiled* i'm marks girlfriend,remember? the best man of your boyfriend i mean husband, and speaking of mens i think your husband is waiting for you should go find him
chloe- you know how beautiful you are, marks very lucky to have you.
*Riley blushed and grabbed the bride hands and turn her around to make her walk to the door* thats very kind of you, but i want to use the bathroom now, she said to make her leave, she knew Mac was waiting for her indications, Chloe walked to the door and she started to stumble and she felt on her back* 
Riley- oh not again.
Mac is walking thru the castle following the little indications Riley could give him, he knew he was close so he was in this library and started to look on the room to make this type of device that would work like a magnet but not at the same time to help him find the secret room, looking through the room with the device that he had made with a cocktail glass, a chewing gum wrapper and his swiss knife, he was close to finding it but not that close.
back with Riley. 
Riley- ok Chloe come on, you ok? i'm going to take you to your room. she grabbed her by the waist and make it look natural like nothing was going on she didn't want to get anyone's attention, she made it look like Chloe wasn't drunk and walked down the hallway, Riley memorized the blueprints so she knew were to go, one of her many skills. they got to the room and she placed her in the bed, as she was to walk of the room, she heard some steps outside there were three men and she hid and she saw another door and walked into this little room but she knew that it wasn't the one they were looking for, Riley put back her communicator on her ear again, and said: guys how's it going?
Bozer- Riley, girl i have been looking for you.
Mac- Riley where have you been?
Riley- i'm sorry but the bride find me in the bathroom and asked for help she's really drunk, and apparently she thinks we're best friends now. *she kept walking and entered another room*
Mac- glad you made a friend but i need to find that room.
Desi- Mac Oliver is about to leave the table, his bodyguard gave him the phone he just received a call, bozer is with me, we are going behind him.
Bozer- wait,*he said to desi and put his hand in her shoulder to make her stop* look he going to dance with the bride. look Chloe's is there.
Riley- what?! i left her in her bed.. damn that girl is fast.
Mac- Riley can you please look in your laptop and tell me the indication to go find that room.
Riley- well i dont have my laptop with me. tell me where are you.
Mac- what?? 
Riley- mac tell me where are you i memorized the structure of the castle i know where is the room.
Mac- *makes that face when he is surprised*
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ok well i didn't know that you could do that, well i'm at the library, i went to the kitchen, the wine room, and then to this cellar there is by crossing the kitchen and nothing 
Riley- that's why you are looking in the wrong places.wait you said that you're at the library? *she walked out the little room and walked to the other room, it was the grooms room. 
mac- yes, why?
Riley- there is a door right? not the one you entered of there has to be another.
mac- yes here it is.
riley- there is the room, in there is a big painting.
mac- how is going to be in there.?
Riley- mac move it. but be careful i can't remember but i think it has motion sensors. 
mac- you can memorized the blueprints of a castle but can remember if a room has motion sensors??... 
Riley- well what can i say.. im Riley.
mac- *he had this cute smiled while she said it* yup the one and only.
Riley- laughed.*while she was in the room she was looking thru the window, while someone walked in, it was the groom. she turned around, and looked him very cold, she was just distracted, but for him she looked like a vision*
the groom- oh sorry i didn't know it was someone in here, excuse me. 
Riley- no its ok, its your room anyways.
the groom- how do you know that?
Riley- well there is a bottle of whisky that says for james aka the groom, and you left your vows on that chair.
James- oh that's from my friends *he blushed*
Riley- yeah i notice.
James- and yeah i forgot those.*he laughed* Riley knew she had to make him talk, see if she can get something out of him about his father. but then he asked: so what's your name and what are you hiding in here? im james by the way.
Riley: first of all, i'm not hiding and second of all i already know your name remember* she pointed to the bottle.*he was embarrassed and blushed* 
james- well then why are you alone?
Riley- isn't it everyone.. *she said while giving him this penetrating cold stare. James looked at her with more intrigue he was really curious about her. he took of his tie and started to play with it in his hands. he looked like it was having a bad time some said that he looked sad.
Riley with just one look could see the mind of this mans was trying to get over something*- and you what are you hiding. *she said sitting in a couch that was under the window and in front of him but at the side corner of the bed*
James- first of all im not hiding* he said trying to mimic her *Riley smiled*
Riley- oh ok. you look very tense to be the day of your wedding why aren't you with your wife?...
James- mjh i don't know maybe.. because i got an arranged marriage and i don't really love her like that and just married her because of my father.
*yess riley said in her mind, she was going in the right direction*
Riley- i knew it, you have that type of look of my father is an asshole,* he just sighed and laughed* but don't worry my dad is an asshole too.
James- *with his arms on in legs sitting on the bed and was looking to the floor and when she said that, he looked up and looked at her with more interest*- you still haven't told me your name- *he was starstruck by her, he loved how mysterious she was*
Riley- das not important, i wanna know why you think your so miserable. 
back with Mac
Mac was hearing the hole conversation between the groom and Riley. He managed to move the painting without activating any alarm, the cameras of the place had already been manipulated by Riley so the image they were looking at security was a frozen image of the empty rooms. he hid and had to wait until Oliver and the man who was going to buy it came in, but he was thinking why was Riley talking with the groom and couldn't stop thinking what was happening there and why was she  alone with him in that room.
later will post the whole story, let me know if you would like me to add photos to the story or if you guys prefer to remove them, i like to add them for you, so yall can see what i actually imaginated and make it feel real and close like watching in some way the show...¿ idk ahha and of course this is the following of the las one “i'm here if you need me”. Ik this one had little macriley, but i love to see the jealous angus. (And don't ask me how but that trick of the beer it has really worked for me lol)
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boilerevans · 5 years
A Waiting Game
Summary: Carrington Price was a small-town girl with a big dream. She just didn’t think it could become real life. 
Pairing: Chris Evans / Original Character 
A/N: So this is the first fic I’ve written in a long time and it's taken me over a month to post. All comments are welcome. 
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: None
Chapter One  
Walking down the tile path, the young woman looks out the large windows to see a night sky, no daylight left. The closer she got to the terminal exit; the more people begin to appear. It seems much busier than one would expect for a Sunday night at… What time was it? She pulls her phone out of her jacket pocket.
Carrington sighs and begins to calculate the hours she has until she has to wake up for work. Thirty-five more minutes to the apartment. Which meant she wouldn’t be going to bed until after one to turn around and wake up at 4:30. She couldn’t complain too much, she was going to be taking to the first step to her dream career. It finally felt like the past six years hadn’t been a complete waste of her time.
Yes, bags get mixed up and things get misplaced. But being put in the wrong apartment and then getting moved up three floors, that was a major inconvenience. Now it was 2:30. ‘At that point, why even sleep?’ she thought. She has already been up for nearly 21 hours. What was two more right? She had just gotten out grad school, she could pull an all-nighter.
Carrington shifts quickly, waking up from a nightmare. She rolls over to check the time before falling back to sleep.
SHIT! Now there was no time to do her hair, no time for a coffee before she made it to set, and barely enough time to put on a real face. She throws on her best jeans and a plain white V-neck tee. She wasn’t worried about looking exceptional, she wasn’t trying to impress them with her looks. Dry shampoo and a ponytail would have to do. She was making very good time but of course, there was traffic and dumb drivers. The fact that she hadn’t called an Uber yet. Breathe Carrington, breathe. Then she hears her phone ringing from the nightstand. She leans across the bed to reach it.  
“Coop, I really don’t have the time.” She complains, walking back into the bathroom.  
“Chill out and take a breath.” He says in a calmer tone than usual.  
“I am breathing.” Rolling mascara onto her lashes.
“Sis. Everything is going to be fine. Have they told you what project you’re on?”  
She trips trying to put both her shoes and jacket on at the same time.
“I still have only been told, Mary Lou. I’ll know in about an hour if you would leave me alone.”
“Well I see mom today and I didn’t know if you wanted an update?”
“I’m sorry. Yes, please. Thank you for calling but I really do have to go. I’ll call when I get back.”
“I love you, Carrie. You’ll be great.” He says and ends the call.  
She locks up the door and heads towards the elevator trying to send for an Uber. The one day she tries not to over plan and now the day is completely ruined. The elevator door opens and she enters, accidentally running into a man’s chest.  
“Ope, I’m sorry. Late start.”  
“No big deal.”  
She glances over at the man’s shoes. Sneakers. Hmm. Plain. Carrington looked back at her phone to see that there was an Uber upfront. The elevator doors open and she quickly rushes to the front door.  
“Have a great day!” The man yells behind her as he walks out behind her.  
The girl turns to wave with a small smile. She just caught a glimpse of him. Tall, beard, wide smile. He, on the other hand, paid attention to all of her. Dark brown wavy hair. Jeans that hugged all of the curves of her long legs. A V-neck that showed just enough of her chest. He couldn’t help but follow her.  
Her feet hit the sidewalk and the cold hits her face. She quickly zips up her jacket. Who would have thought Atlanta would feel like this? Like home? She opens the door to the black Toyota and shuts it behind her. Before she can scoot over, the door opens again. She looks down to see the familiar gray sneakers from not too long ago. She looks up at the man to see the familiar beard, but no smile.
Chris Evans.
“I think this was mine.” He says to her.
“I am so sorry.” She blushes.
“Oh. You uh, you can take it. You’re in a hurry.”
“Are you sure? I should have checked.” She says and swings a leg out of the car.
“You’re running late. I couldn’t.” He says, reaching down to put a hand on her leg.  
Her first reaction is to flinch away but leaves it for a few seconds before putting her leg back in the car. She starts to dig through her purse.
“Let me get you some cash to pay for the other Uber.”
“Hey, it’s really okay. You go.” He smiles and shuts the door.  
She looks out the tinted window to see him still smiling and running his fingers through his hair. She couldn’t help but smile herself. Carrington dug through her purse one more time to find her phone and to text Cooper. Every time she looked out the window all she saw was his smile. Who would have thought you could be grateful for a late start to a morning?  
Making record time, she finds the building that she had mapped out in her head to find faster. She could see the large filming studio in the background as she entered the small office. A man about her age sat behind the front desk.  
“Hello. My name is Carrington Price. I’m supposed to start on the Mary Lou project as a production intern today.”  
“Um. Let me call someone. I don’t know where exactly to send you.”
The timid man left the room and she glances back down at her phone.  
Yes, she was early but you’d think that they’d send someone, right? They don’t have many interns for what seemed to be a big production. But again, she reminds herself that this whole thing was much bigger than her. She was just one small part.  
“They’re gonna send someone to get you. Shouldn’t be too long.” The man says as he walked back into the room. “You can, uh, have a seat I guess.”  
Carrington looks behind her and saw no chairs except a bench outside in the cold. She turns back around and gave the man a dry look as if to say, ‘you’ve got to be joking’. The door opens, and she turns back again. A middle-aged woman stood there as she threw the hood of her jacket off.  
“Hello, you must be Carrington. I’m Jennifer. We’ve spoken on the phone.” She said, reaching out a hand to introduce herself.  
“Hi. It’s so great to meet.”  
“Come with me and I can take you to set.”  
The women step outside where a golf cart sits just past the door of the small building. The sky had become grayer than earlier in the morning and drizzling rain had started to fall from the overcast. Yet again she found herself feeling grateful for the late start and a simple ponytail.  
“I promise you it’s not always so dreadful here. Just give it a few hours and it’ll be sunny.” Jennifer chuckles as we drove to one of the larger buildings.  
“Just wasn’t expecting it to be so breezy. Feels like I’m home which is nice.”
“Boston, right?”  
“Uh, that was grad school. Indianapolis is home.” Carrington says, stepping out of her seat.
“We have some agreements you have to sign. Nondisclosures and stuff.” Jennifer says, opening a door and stepping into a long hallway.  
They make their way down the hall before Jennifer pauses in front of a large blue door. She reaches in her bag and pulls out her iPad.
“Now you just have to read and initial for now. We can do hard copies later this week.”  
Carrington’s eyes quickly skim the bright screen she’s been given. DISNEY. MCU. MARY LOU. Everything starts adding up. She looks up at Jennifer with wide eyes.  
“This is Marvel,” Carrington says, but also asking at the same time.  
“Yes. Is that a problem?”  
“No, ma’am.” She says and quickly initials the page.  
They walk through the doors and the lights get brighter. Green screens line a lot of the back walls. She follows Jennifer around the set and all she can think about is Chris Evans. What are the chances that she would meet him and then be on this set? When would she see him again? All of the cliché possibilities roamed her head.  
“So, you are going to be meeting a lot of people but you’ll mainly be working with me. I try not to make it like the typical internship with the coffee and the running around. We could really use someone like you on this set. It’s a big production and we need as many hands-on-deck as possible.” Jennifer’s voice brings her back to reality.  
“I’m here to help. I’m just kind of in shock I was picked for this project. Especially with the thesis, I presented for grad school and the application.”  
Jennifer stops walking. “What was that?”  
“The history of sexism across the superhero film industry.”  
“That’s exactly why we picked you for this set.” She says and keeps walking. “Over the next two movies, we are adding more and more female actors to the film. We need someone with your kind of thinking for the smaller details.”  
Carrington smirked slightly. “What’s on our agenda for today?”  
That’s when she heard him. Just behind her, a roar of laughter erupted. A laugh she could recognize from watching one too many interviews in college. Carrington couldn’t help but to turn around and then she saw him. He had just walked in followed by Mark Ruffalo. She now notices that he was wearing a hoodie and dark jeans. How could someone be that happy all the time?  
“You’ll just be with me. It’s the first day with a lot of the originals. Oh, Good morning Chris. Hello Mark.”  
And that’s when he saw her. For a second, it felt fake. Especially since he was just telling Ruffalo about the girl that stole his ride.  
“Boys, this is Carrington Price from Boston. She’s our production intern.” Jennifer introduced.  
“Uh. Indianapolis actually.” Carrington corrects.  
“Nice to see you again and officially meet you.” Chris smiles.  
“Evans! Get to the trailer!” Someone yells.  
“Oh, we can come with you. That was my next stop on the tour.” Jennifer says, making a slight step forward.  
“Actually, I was meaning to find you, Jenn. I had a few questions. I’m sure Chris can take care of this young lady.” Ruffalo says, with a cocky grin on his face.  
Both Carrington and Chris look at him, and then at each other.
“Well, uh. If you wanna follow me.” Chris says as he reaches his arm around her to the small of her back.  
They walk across the set. Weaving their way through the crowds. Once they made it outside, it’s quiet again. It was all a lot to process for both of them.  
“So, what did you say to Ruffalo?” She asks him.  
“It’s really not a big deal.”  He says and runs his hand through his hair.  
“Good deflection.”  
“So, Boston?” He asks.  
“I went to Emerson for grad school.”
“Grad school, huh? And you’re how old?” He asks, turning the corner.  
They begin to walk in between rows of dozens of identical white trailers. Each one having a different last name than the one before it.  
“Why does that matter?” She asks him.  
He stops walking and she runs into him.  
“You’re not very coordinated, are you?” He chuckles.  
She looks and sees “FITTINGS” on the door of the trailer.  
“I’m twenty-six by the way.”  
“Would you want to go out sometime?” He says as he takes a seat on the step.  
“Excuse me?” Carrington crosses her arms.  
“I mean, there’s obviously some attraction between us and you’re a beautiful woman.”  
“I don’t think that would be very appropriate.” She begins to walk away to make her way back to set.  
“Wait, wait.” He runs up and grabs her arm.  
“Just come out to drinks tonight. A bunch of us are going and it’s always good for the newbies to meet everyone. If you don’t have a good time, I won’t make another move, I promise.”  
“I’ll think about it.”  
As he watches her walk away, he smiles. The way she quickly flicked her long ponytail off of her shoulder. How her body moved as she walked away from him.  
The day was long, but that was a job. Carrington had a constant sweat on the back of her neck from running around. She felt good for the first time in a long time. Doing what she loves. While she was on cloud nine, Chris watched her from afar. How she talked. How she carried herself. It was unlike most movie set interns. Especially on a production this big.
When the day came to an end Carrington searched the room for him and found him quickly. As their eyes met, he smirked at her. They begin walking to each other, their eyes never leaving sight of each other.  
“So, where can I meet you?” She asks him.  
“Give me your number and I’ll send you the address.”  
“You’re a clever one aren’t you.” She says, taking his phone from him.  
They felt their fingers graze and their eyes locked.  
“I have my days.” He says.  
“Do you want to share an Uber back?” She asks, giving him the phone back. “Before I steal one from you.”  
“I’m actually gonna leave from here in a bit.”  
“Okay.” She turns from him.  
He took one step closer to her and whispered in her ear. “I look forward to seeing you.”  
She felt the connection but also felt very wrong. It was against the rules, no doubt. But the whole thing seemed so meant to be. And even thinking it, Carrington felt dumb.  
“You still up to sharing a ride?” Mark asks Chris as they walk off the set.  
The sun had set and a few bright lights lit the lot full of trailers.  
“Oh yeah. Definitely. I’ll shoot you a text when I’m cleaned up.” He says.
Chris splits away from Ruffalo and heads to his trailer. He quickly goes up the short steps and into the dark trailer. He flicks on the light and locks the door behind him. Stripping down and getting in the shower, Chris can’t help but hope that Carrington will come tonight. Never had he had an instant connection like that before. He didn’t want to take it too far too fast. And all of the consequences crossed his mind too. This job could be her big break and he didn’t want to ruin that for her. She was young, had a whole life ahead of her and he didn’t want to take that away either.  
He throws on his pants from the morning and a fresh tee. He grabs his phone off the charger and sends a text to Ruffalo. He runs the towel over his hair one last time before using his fingers to push it back from his face. There’s a knock at the door and Chris goes to open it.  
“Hey come on in. I’m nearly done.” He says, inviting Mark in.  
Chris heads back to the small bathroom to brush through his messy beard.
“So, did you invite her?” Ruffalo asks from the other room.  
He steps out and lifts up his shirt on he puts on deodorant.  
“Yes. And I think she actually might come.” He smiles.  
“Are you gonna make a move or will I have to work my magic?”  
“I think I’ve got it covered. You good to go?”  
Chris walks towards the door, putting his wallet into his back pocket. He grabs his sweatshirt off the counter and they make their way out of the trailer.  
As Carrington got ready, she thought of what to say and what not to say. She takes her hair out of the ponytail and massages her scalp. That was a mistake, too tight for the first day. She let her wavy hair fall past her shoulders. She rummages through her unpacked suitcase. Carrington picks a flowing, white tank that had small blue flowers all over it. She puts on white chucks and the dark grey jacket from the morning.  
When Chris and Mark get to the bar, they quickly realize that they are the last ones in the group to arrive.  
“Hey, Scarlett! You’re early for once huh?” Chris laughs as he walks through the bar to a set of tabletops.  
“Evans, I don’t really want to hear it okay.” She says and gives him a hug.  
Chris walks up to the bar.
“Could open me up a tab and for right now I’ll take a tall Stella please.” He says and then heads back to the group.  
Walking down the dimly lit street, Carrington’s heart began to race. She hadn’t had nerves like this since… Well since a long time. After a short walk, she made it to the bar. Smiling at the greeter, she walks in through the two sets of doors.
Chris knew the moment Carrington walked in but didn’t want to make it obvious. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her as she looked around the room trying to find him. He could see her smile as she started across the bar to the group. And that’s when he looked to her. They make eye contact and she stops walking to wait for him.  
“Chris? Hello? Are you listening?” Scarlet asks, waving at him.  
“Sorry. Um. Carrington’s here.”
He gets up from his seat and pulls up another for her. Right next to him. He then walks through the group of people to her, a smile on his face. When he reaches her, she looks up at him. He smiles at her and moves a piece of hair back behind her ear.  
“Hi.” She says softly.  
His hand reaches around her back and they start to walk towards the group.  
“I’m glad you came.” He whispers to her.  
Everyone’s eyes begin to move to the two of them as they get closer. And the conversation dies down.  
“Hey, guys. I’d like you to meet Carrington.”  
The group smiles and a few people gave a wave. Carrington smiles in return. She follows Chris to the two empty chairs near a table. It was a lot for someone to take in. Being around so many important people at once was extremely overwhelming. She glances over her shoulder at the bar. Carrington gets up and makes her way over to the bartender.    
“Hi. Can I get uh… a double of Crown and a tall draft of Blue Moon please?” She asks with a smile.  
“You bet. Give me just a sec.”  
As she waits, she turns back around to watch the group. They all seem to be having a good time. Maybe she shouldn’t have come? It was rather intrusive. She watched Chris as he desperately tries not to look over at her, but fails. He glances at her and again has a big grin on his face.  
“Here you go. It’s thirteen dollars.” The bartender says.  
She pulls out her wallet from her jacket pocket and begins to search through the cash. Before she can get anything out. A twenty is placed on the table next to her. She looks over expecting Chris and sees Mark Ruffalo.  
“Keep the change.”  
“Thank you.” She says to him.  
“Oh, no biggie. Just helping out my friend.”  
“What do you mean?” She asks and takes the shot of whiskey.  
“You know loosen you up a bit. You seem shy.”
“Just intimidated. A lot of important people. I don’t want to make a bad impression.”
“Just be yourself. Chris likes that girl already.” He says and makes his way back to the group.  
Carrington takes a minute to process what Ruffalo had said. She and Chris had barely talked, so what was there to like already. She quickly drinks the rest of the whiskey and takes her beer with her. When she sits down, Chris puts his arm around the back of her chair.  
“So, um… you’re an intern then?” Scarlett asks.  
“And you’re from?”  
“Indiana… That’s uh…”  
“Boring as hell. Corn, pigs, and basketball. Oh, the Indy 500.” Carrington says. “I was one of the lucky few that actually got out.”
A few people chuckle.  
“Well, now you’re lucky enough to be hanging out with us.” Chris smiles, rubbing her back softly.
“Damn Chris. You’re really laying it on thick huh?” Scarlett chuckles.  
Carrington looks over at Chris and gives him a reassuring smile.  
“It’s the most attention I’ve had in a long time. I’ll take it.” She says.  
They all talk for a long time. Movies, politics, family. Every so often Chris would give a gentle squeeze on her shoulder or rub his thumb up against her arm. She slowly found herself scooting in closer to him.  
It was a nice change of pace. Carrington was never the person that made friends. Her whole life the past six years was college. The room slowly got quieter as people started to leave.  
“Do you want me to walk you back?” Chris asks leaning into her.  
“I’d like that.” She nods her head.  
They get up from their seats and Chris says his final goodbyes.  
“It was really nice meeting y’ll.” Carrington smiles and gives a wave.  
As they walk away, Chris puts his hand around her waist. The street is dark. Many of the lights have shut off. Carrington shivers as a breeze.  
“Here do you want my jacket?” Chris asks, beginning to unzip his thick sweatshirt.  
“Oh no. Please. I’ll be fine.”  
Carrington moves in closer to him and grabs his hand. He gives her hand a squeeze and brings her in closer to him.      
“I’m glad you came.” He says and looks down at her.
“Me too. I had a good time.”  
Chris steps forward and pushes the door open to the apartments. He lets go of her hand as they walk to the elevators. Carrington felt as though she had done something wrong. When they got into the elevator, they stood in opposite corners.  
“Are you okay?” She asks him.  
He looks over at her. “Yeah. There’s just a lot of cameras. I just wanted to be careful. For you.”  
She looked down and smiled. The elevator doors opened and they both walk out. Chris follows behind as Carrington walks to her room. She fumbles in her pockets trying to find her keys. She finds them and opens the door.  
“Thanks for the invite. I had a good time.”  
“Yeah me too.” He says scratching the back of his head.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She says and quickly walks into her room.
Carrington shuts the door and goes to sit down on the bed. She lays back and her head hits the comforter. If only she could just talk to her brother. But telling him the slightest thing could get her fired. She sighed heavily. She missed her dad. She could talk to him about anything and he wouldn’t say a word. But Cooper was too much like Mom and would tell the first person he could find.  
She gets off of the bed and heads to the bathroom. As she walks, she takes off her jacket and throws it on the floor. She flicks the lights on and looks at herself in the mirror. Damn. She looked good? She pulled up her jeans and looked over her body.  
Carrington felt the urge to see Chris again. She goes to her suitcase and digs through trying to find a cute bralette to throw on under a white tank top that she had. She finds high waisted denim shorts and quickly changes into them as well. She goes back to the bathroom and looks in the mirror again. Even better. She runs her fingers through her messy hair to take care of the tangles.  
She opens the door to find Chris. He was now just wearing a light grey tee shirt and the same dark jeans. His arm lifted up, as though he was about to knock.  
“Hello there.” She smiles.  
“Where are you headed?” He asks.
“I was actually coming to see you.” She looks down and then back up into his eye.
A grin comes across his face and he moves in towards her. Carrington moves back and opens the door wider so that he can come in. She shuts the door and turns to find Chris exploring her small apartment.  
“This is pretty nice.” He says.
“So why were you coming here?” She asks him.
“Oh uh. I just wanted to see you.” He sits on the bed. “I like being around you.”
She sits next to him with one leg folded up onto the bed and the other hanging off the edge. He pivots to face her. He places his hand on her knee and gently rubs his thumb against her thigh. They look up at each other and the tension builds. Hair falls into Carrington’s face. As she reaches up to tuck it behind her ear, Chris beats her to it and pushes it from her face. His hand rests on her cheek and again his thumb brushes her skin.  
Her hand presses into his thigh as she leans forward to kiss him. As their lips meet, it feels so natural. His beard rubs up against her chin. They both lean in for more as their lips continue to meet each other. Carrington pulls back and looks at Chris.  
“Wow.” She says.
“You’re amazing.”  
Chris leans forward to go in for another kiss. Carrington pushes her hand against his chest.  
“What is it?” He says, giving a concerned look.
“What do you want out of this? Us?” She asks him and scoots back.  
“I want to get to know you. Kiss you more.”  
“We can’t date.” She says.
Carrington gets off the bed and begins to pace around the room.  
“This job is a great opportunity for me and if something were to happen it would be awkward. I would have a reputation.” She rambles and quickly runs her fingers through her hair, shifting the part.  
“Hey. Calm down.” Chris stands up and grabs her arm. “Take a breath. We can talk it out.”  
She sighs and sits back on the bed. Chris sits next to her.  
“What do you want?” Chris asks her.  
“There’s just too much at stake.” She says, putting her face in her hands.
“No. What do you want?”  
She looks over at him. His eyebrows are furrowed, expressing a concerned look.  
“I want you.”  
“So, let’s start there and see where it goes?”  
“I’m gonna kiss you again now.” He smiles, leaning into her.
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utsmythe · 4 years
i should’ve worshiped him sooner
TAGGING: Sebastian Smythe & Blaine Anderson
WHEN: 22 APR 2020 1800
WHERE: sebastian and sam’s dorm room
WHAT: blaine is invited over for a study session
Blaine hated finals. He’d always done well with big projects and exams, but that was really only because he was such a perfectionist that he’d spend the hours and hours studying that it took to learn everything. That, and his brain’s natural inclination to memorize facts and details. He was miserable the entire time he studied, though, sitting in bed surrounded by his history of music text book and a solfege instructional, hoping that he could remember just a little bit more about the string instruments used in classic Greek songwriting. Even with his pharmaceutical ability to stay awake, Blaine loathed any time spent studying. Laying back with a huff, he reached for the phone by his pillow, he pulled open his text messages, firing something off. If he was going to study, it may as well be with someone who was actually good company. Plus, he was still trying to figure Sebastian out. The lines between flirting and genuine interest had always been murky for Blaine. This was something that had bit him in the ass multiple times: from the guy in his calc class senior year that he’d fallen madly in love with to even Sam during his stupid, puppy-dog crush freshman year. It always ended with Blaine letting himself reciprocate feelings that he’d made up in his head. He just didn’t want to make a fool of himself by taking anything flirtatious Sebastian said seriously - letting himself get to that place. Maybe if he spent more time with the guy, he could get a better read. 
[text from Blaine to Sebastian] Any chance you’re up for having a study buddy?
Sebastian hasn’t left his room since that morning. It was officially the longest he had spent hidden away in his dorm room. Typically he would venture out and hide away in the library. But today he didn’t need distractions. He needed to get this paper completely written. He was twenty pages into the paper now. The thoughts and word were blurring together. Finally, Sebastian could no longer fight his concentration and he stood up to go get coffee. He walked to his little set up and started the French press process. As he waited for the water to boil, Sebastian picked up his phone. His heart leapt when the text from Blaine came in. 
[text] Sure, coffee?
Blaine didn't necessarily expect a reponse to come in that quickly but the little gray dots appeared. He rolled himself off the bed, pulling his backpack from were he kept it tucked by his nightstand and started to load in the books he'd just been using. 
[text] Coffee sounds great. I’ll be down soon
He popped his head into the bathroom quickly, just to be sure laying around in his bed hadn’t done something wild to his hair, but found it to be what he deemed as still acceptable despite a few small wisps of hair breaking free of the gel on the back of his neck. Heading back into the bedroom, he pulled the backpack over his shoulder and slipped on a pair of Sperry’s from his closet. He also snagged a bag of chips from his desk, thinking it seemed king of rude to come over empty handed when Sebastian was providing coffee. Luckily, Sam and Sebastian’s room was only a couple floors down, so it wasn’t long before he was knocking on the front door.
Sebastian blinked as he looked down at his phone. A smile stretched across his face and he looked up. When he thought he was alone, Sebastian twisted around and pumped his fist in the air. Blaine Anderson has asked to hang out with him. Ever since their phone call, Sebastian had thought about Blaine nonstop. Those beautiful brown eyes, his dreamy voice, and especially that fit body.
[text] door is open for ya.
Excitedly, Sebastian hopped over to his things and started to clean up. Frantically, he shoved aside things to make it look neat for the other. He didn’t know why he was doing this. Surely Blaine knew Sams habits AND Blaine had been there before. But this was just Sebastian and Blaine. Afterward, he went to the door and unlocked it before going to the bathroom to wash up. It was then he realized that being inside the dorm all day wasn’t a good idea. Quickly he went to his wardrobe and pulled off his stinky shirt and wiggled into a fresh one. Next was the fresh application of deodorant. He grabbed his tooth brush and put some paste on it before starting to brush his teeth quickly. Afterward, he splashed some water on his face and grabbed a plush towel. He came out of the bathroom, looking down at his watch. He went to finish doing the coffee for the both of them.May 20, 2020
Blaine checked his phone in approaching the door, seeing the text that it would be unlocked. He still gave a little curtesy knock, just to give warning, because opening the door and pushing inside. “Hello?” he called, stepping fully into the room and closing the door behind him. The first thing he noticed was the more than welcome smell of coffee being made. More than comfortable in the place, since he came over with relative frequency to hang out with Sam, Blaine stepped in towards the smell of the coffee. “Hey,” he greeted, giving a little wave, his other hand gripping one strap of his bag. “Thanks for letting me come over - finals have got me out of my mind,” he chuckled.
sebastian dressed his coffee and brought it up to his lips. he hummed happily as the warm liquid trickled into his stomach. though, that wasn't all the was making him happy. apart from most of the drools he met, blaine was on a different level. not only was blaine mad sexy, but he had more talent and class in his right pinkie than sebastian had seen in any of his fellow classmates.
however, blaine didn't deserve sebastian's usual attention. of course sebastian wanted to jump his bones. but blaine wasn't meant for a night's worth of entertainment. no, blaine was meant to bring home to his parents and cuddle with on the couch. these thoughts left sebastian in a limbo.
he looked up from his coffee and a smile set on his face. he didn't look perfect-- just rushed. parts of his hair flopped over while a couple of strains poked out. he ran his hand over his head in some attempt to smooth out the nest on his head. "hey killer." sebastain greeted as he grabbed coffee cups. "cream and sugar?"
Blaine returned the smile as Sebastian looked up. The other man looked fairly rumbled, hair sticking up in a way that was honestly kind of hot and more than a little endearing. Blaine gave a nod at the offer of cream and sugar. Blaine was the kind of person who could really enjoy coffee in any form, from black to the little possible you could have in a latte, but he had always thought that something a little sweet was best. “Yes, please. Thank you,” he replied. He pulled the bag off his shoulder and let it fall to the group, out of the way for the moment.
“So, what have you been up to today?” he asked, watching the other man set up their drinks.
the way sebastian picked his pray was upon that first sight. their presence would poor warmth into the pits of his stomach as his eyes ran over every inch of their body. in a way, sebastian had always fallen in love at first sight. his head would fill with the possibilities between them; cuddling, conversations, and of course sex. within his experience, two of those three were shut down. deep down sebastian craved it, but he was far to comfortable to open that back up.
however, looking at blaine's puppy dog eyes, sweet round face, his manly finesse and listening to his sweet voice, knowing it's compassion and thoughts were challenging sebastian's want to keep up his wall. he noted the chips and smirked. "what got there?" he asked as he reached for a bowl to dump them in. "i haven't left in about 18 hours. which is about the longest i've spent in cohabitant rooms in my entire life. what about you?"
Blaine looked at him quizzically for a moment before remembering he was still holding the bag of chips in his hand. “Oh,” he laughed. “These. I just thought I’d bring over a snack. Doritos, nothing fancy,” he admitted, holding the blue package up a little higher. “I figured if we were staying up, we might get hungry.” It was far from healthy or nutritious, but Blaine had always been a fan of a late night snack that was more of a treat than anything else. “Sorry I had nothing better, finals coming up means lots of snacking,” he chuckled. Sebastian’s reply about what he’d been up to definitely explained why his hair had looked hastily adjusted. No one was going to have it all put together if they hadn’t left the house. “Finals that bad, huh?” he empathized - especially in close quarters with another person, being cooped up got real old real fast. “I have really just been plodding a long. Rehearsing my final piece for my piano class, rerecording some stuff for another final because I botched a chord. And most recently, trying to study but failing miserably,” he laughed. “Hence why I’m here annoying you.”
the way blaine forgot about it the chips in his hands was so cute; it somehow melted sebastian's frozen heart. he stepped forward to take them. "good thinking--" he replied. "don't be sorry. you're my guest. do you like pastries? i have some puffs, though i think they're kind of old since i got them about a month ago. i don't snack too much." opened them up and dumped them in the bowl. he swung around and went to the mini fridge and pulled out the puffs from the freezer. he paused for a moment and peeled back the plastic wrapping to look at them. there was a bit of annoyance on his face when he saw the freezer burn. he cursed the low quality freezer and set them aside. "they have to thaw, but after thirty minutes, it's like sweet heave on your lips. anything else i can get you?"
"it's not finals-- it's this paper." he explained. "it's about 50% of our grade. if we do even better, he'll do us a reference for law school." sebastian set aside the sweet puffs and turned to look a blaine. "if i were living in hell, i'll call the police on the utter mess that sounds like." he commented. "does this mean that i'm gonna be able to hear that sweet sweet melody of yours while you're here? because i can't think of anything better to listen to on a late tuesday night."(edited)
Blaine handed over the chips. The mention of pastry definitely piqued his interest. Blaine was a huge lover of anything sugary and sweet. He didn’t indulge all that often, usually too busy to spend time making or eating confections, but he was definitely known to grab a cruller or a scone with his coffee when he had a moment to spare. “Thank you, that sounds really good. I’m fine, thank you, the coffee and puffs are generous enough.”
“Jeez,” Blaine breathed, that was a lot of pressure to put on a single paper. His nose scrunched up as he thought about it. “I’m sure you’ll do great on it if you’ve spent that much time with it. How far a long are you in it now?” In his major, they definitely wrote papers, but nothing quite of that importance or magnitude. He couldn’t imagine how stressful that must be; it gave him a lot of respect for the other man. He shrugged at Sebastian’s response to his own finals struggle. “It’s kind of a lot, but at least finals are starting so it’ll be over soon. Sometimes I think the anticipation is worse that putting in the actual work. Blaine chuckled slightly, shaking his head. “Trust me, it is not fit for consumption. You would not be impressed. I wrote it as a guitar piece, but I need to flesh out more instruments for this final and…ugh, it’s not good. Not yet.”
"got about twenty pages knocked out. maybe you can give me a second opinion on it." he said in an asking tone. he sat down on the floor between the couch and the table. "i've been working on it since last week though. it was not what i wanted to waste away my weekend doing. luckily sam threw that little party, else i think my brain would be going wild with patterns on the wall." sebastian kept his eyes on blaine. he reached his arm back so that it was stretched over the couch where blaine would sit. instead, sebastian directed his eyes down as an invitation to sit next to him on the floor. "agreed, though it feels like it drags on forever. what are you planning on working on? need somebody to write down dates for you?" he asked as he touched his laptop to turn it on. he messed with the mouse a bit and brought up the paper. as soon as his eyes landed on it, his brain started to pound in protest.
"How long is going to be in the end?" he replied, eyebrows raised. What kind of hellscape class was this? Though, he suppose it had to be pretty serious if it was being used as a reason to write someone a reference letter for law school. He unzipped his bag and pulled out the music textbook and spiral notepad for the class and sat by Sebastian on the floor where he'd indicated. "I was just going to keep on working on studying for his history exam. So many little dates and people's names I need to make sure I have right... Maybe I can look over your paper a bit and then you can quiz me," he chuckled, opening the notebook to where the notes for this section of the class began.
"i've got about five pages left to meet the minimum." sebastian told him. as blaine sat down, sebastian's heart jumped. blaine was mere inches from him. he could feel the warm spread from the tips of his finger tips all the way down to his dick. sebastian had never experienced this instant turn on. he took in a deep breathe and looked at his computer. this is not help his dick from knocking on his door. he took in a deep breathe and thought about other things. this stupid paper. going to see his therapist. ducks. he pressed his lips together as he nodded his head. oh good, he can think about the sexiness of history dates. "yeah, i can run dates and names with you. and i would love that. i need to know if you'd vote for me or not." he smiled wildly. "how about we run yours first. i think i need a break from this."
"Wow... that's a long paper. Is that how things normally are in your major? Or is it just because it's worth so much?" Blaine rested his back against the edge of the couch, sitting criss-cross with the notebook in his lap. That sounded like a good plan to him. He was honestly really interested in what kind of writer Sebastian was. He seemed really smart - eloquent. "Alright, cool," he replied with a nod, flashing Sebastian a smile in return before starting to flip through the pages. "Oh, wait!" he said, suddenly remembering what was in his backpack. He leaned over to drag his backpack over to him and ruffled through it. "I made flashcards!" he replied with a grin, holding out 3x4 index cards that he had created about a week prior with his rainbow set of Sharpies.
"it's for my campaign communication class. you can imagine that this paper is an analysis on a campaign." sebastian said casually. he kept his arm where it was as he touched his laptop to bring up the paper. he hit save before closing his paper. sebastian was still attempting to fight off his horniness when blaine piped up. sebastian turned his head to watch the other. his lips curled into a smile when he saw the flashcards. damn when was the last time he made those? he reached out and grabbed them. "oh, okay." he took the cards and smiled at them as he read over them.(edited)
"Maybe it'll be helpful to have a pair of eyes who knows absolutely nothing about political campaigns," Blaine chuckled. Entirely oblivious to Sebastian's internal struggle, Blaine handed over the cards and leaned against the front of the couch again with his shoulder, his body now facing Sebastian's. He knew it was a little middle school to have color coordinated flashcards, but it helped him learn just through making them on his own, so Blaine didn't really have any qualms about what other people might think. And it wasn't like it was a huge stack, just the names, dates, and definitions he really, really needed to know - organized by color to the era of music and the country.
"i'll give it to you for some reading before bed, you'll fall asleep droolling before you're done with the first page." sebastian kept reading through the cards, his horny state disappearing. as long as he kept his eyes down on the paper, he could calm down. his base shook as he concentrated on the names and date. "this is pretty. i love this. your handwriting is beautiful." he flipped over one of the cards. sebastian's smile curled. "this girl is a singer/songwriter and actress, commonly referred to as france's national chanteuse and an international star in the 1930s. unfortunately, she had an early death in 1963 at the age of 47." sebastian read the first card (Édith Piaf) to him.
"I'm sure it's not that boring," Blaine replied with a chuckle. He flashed a smile up at him when the other man complimented his handwriting. It wasn't a compliment he received often, except from professors when he'd hand in hand-written sheet music, so it was really sweet that Sebastian noticed. "Thanks," he replied. He looked down into his lap as he concentrated on the words coming from Sebastian's lips. The second he knew they were talking about a famous French singer from the thirties, he obviously know who that was. "Édith Piaf," he said quickly. "Easy. La vie en rose is beyond a classic. One of the first things I learned on guitar, actually."
"it puts me to sleep, and this is suppose to be my life." he chortled. he nodded along with blaine's correct answer. he glanced up at blaine through his green eyes and flashed his perfect white teeth. "leave it to you to make flash cards sexy." he commented as he folded his long legs underneath him. he took a sip of his coffee and spoke on through the next cards. sebastian would add flavor text to the ones he knew (thank you to the french education system for teaching them these things. it pays to be a child in the middle of the art capitol of the world).
"Hey, but at least it'll be worth it in the end? Hopefully?" he said, laughing along with him. Blaine hadn't really noticed until now what a pretty green Sebastian's eyes were. It was honestly striking. His worse shook Blaine from the thought, smiling bashfully. "Please. I'm just answering the questions," he chuckled. Since moving in with Puck, Blaine didn't have a study partner in the way that he did with same and it was honestly really nice to just focus on the fact as well as having Sebastian's little add in as they went and laughter when Blaine eventually got a few wrong. "Really? 1856...huh. I don't know why I thought The Valkyrie was in 1860."
sebastian shook his head on the ones he got wrong and placed them in their own pile aside from the ones he got right. several minute passed as they bantered back and forth. sebastian would attempt to help where he could with other facts that he learned in his youth, but most of them he drew a blank on. "sorry killer, that's in correct." he told him as he placed the card down and corrected him. sebastian straightened his back and stretched. "how about we take a break. puffs should be unthawed by now." sebastian took the incorrect pile and shuffled it into the cards that weren't reviewed yet. "i think you got a good percentage of them correct. do you know more about the exam and it's content?" he asked as he placed the cards down. he stood up and picked up his now cold coffee and took a sip.
Blaine used the couch to push himself to his feet, reaching for his toes for a moment to loosen his spine. "Sounds like a plan," he said, moving aside so Bas could get up as well. He gave a quick nod then a shrug. "Well, I know it's cummulative and I know what we learned, but honestly, I think he might throw anything at us. But, I feel pretty good about it, especially after that, so thanks." Blaine had finished off his coffee a few minutes before, but reached for a couple chips.May 21, 2020
sebastian went for the puffs and put a couple on a plate for the two of them. he grabbed a couple of napkins and walked on over to blaine with everything in his hands. "if you don't come back with an a+, then i think im going to have to ground you for the summer. can't be putting in this work if you're just gonna bring back anything less." sebastian teased. "i don't think that you're capable of bringing home less than the best though." as he grabbed a puff and held it out for blaine to try.
Blaine took one of the puffs off the plate, chuckling at his joke. "Oof, thanks, Dad, I'll definitely do my best," he replied, taking a bite of the pastry. Grades had always been one of Blaine's strong suits, much to his parents' contentment - they never had to bother him about keeping them up like they'd had to do with Cooper. It was just an expectation. The taste of the dessert hit him and his eyes widened. "Where did you get these?" he asked, clear in his voice that it was really good, even after having been a little freezer burned. He definitely had to know so he could get these again.
"i love it when i'm called daddy." sebastian commented with a cheeky grin. he took back the pastry and took a bite out of it; all the while looking directly at blaine as he said it. he waited for blaine's reaction before answering. "at an asian market. and the melted water on it adds to it's taste. nothing is ever fun dry."
Blaine nearly chocked on the second bite of the pastry at that remark. "Not what I meant," he laughed, cheeks turning a little pink, especially with the eye contact. "I'm going to have to know which one because these are really good! I can tell these could become a problem for me," he joked. "That's...certainly true."
sebastian's tongue popped playfully as he watched blaine's cheeks turn pink. he held his month open for a minute, showing off that little shiny ball right in the center (just a tad bit off to avoid the frenulum). his tongue traced his bottom lip before retreating back into his mouth. he took a seat and leaned back with his plate of puffs. "you say im a lot, but i think you're just absolutely adorable."
Was that a tongue piercing? Somehow that made about as much sense as it was surprising to him. And it was pretty freaking hot. He continued to giggle, even more flustered by Sebastian's response. "It's not my fault. I'm not used to the amount of comments you make," he replied, staying where he was for a moment.
"but you like it though." sebastian commented. "you haven't exclusively told me to stop. does it make you uncomfortable?" he pointed out as he crossed his legs and leaned back. his lips parted, showing off his teeth.(edited)
Blaine walked over and took the seat next to him. "It's certainly entertaining," he replied, matching his smile. "No, no, it's fine," he replied with a shake of his head. He still wasn't sure how much of it was serious, but didn't know if it would be weird to ask or if it would just make things uncomfortable. "It's certainly a nice boost to the ego."
sebastian watched blaine sit down next to him. his emerald eyes never left that beautiful handsome face. "well, i can sit here and tell you how pretty you are all day long if you'd like." he passed along as he rested his arm on the back of the couch. he tilted his head onto the palm of his hand. he was starting to get excited again. he couldn't do it. in his head, sebastian couldn't deny that he wanted more from blaine. if it didn't happen, sebastian would break his own heart. he wouldn't be able to stomach that at all. not after last time. his eyes turned away from blaine to the tv. "what else is on our to do list?" he asked. he needed to change the subject.
Blaine leaned back into the cushions, smiling back at him. "As flattering as that is, I don't know that we'd get anything done," he laughed. Blaine definitely knew he was talented and attractive on a general level, but it still always made his heart flutter when other people said so. "Is there anything I can help you with for your finals?"
"i'd get to see you turn pink-- i think we'd be getting a lot done." sebastian's smile didn't fade as he looked at blaine. sebastian thought about his classes. with how much this paper meant-- he really hadn't thought about anything else. "i have a humanities course, but i haven't started studying." he admitted. "though i don't see a reason to be studying for it. i have a political ethics course too. but i just do what all the other people don't do." He joked.
Blaine shook his head, still smiling wide. "I know, I know, I'm a chronic blusher, it's bad," he laughed. It really was a vicious cycle, he blushed when he was complimented and then he blushed even more because he was embarrassed about the blushing. "Why don't you see a reason for studying? Is the class that easy?"
Sebastian shrugged. “Yes. It’s all logic. Couple of terms but they should be easy. Guess you could help me review my notes. Point out some things.” Sebastians eyebrows lifted.
"Yeah? I'd be happy to," Blaine replied, crossing one leg over the other. "Give me your notebook and I can ask you some questions."
Sebastian turned his head to his laptop and grabbed a hold of it to try and power it on. When it showed out of batteries, Sebastian tossed it aside and went to his bag and pulled out his journal. He handed it over to Blaine.May 22, 2020
Blaine took the journal. "What page about?" he asked, not wanting to accidentally jump into some random notes that weren't relevant.
"it's cumulative." sebastian told the other. the notebook looked as if it was once slim and neat. it's simple look gave it a look of grace and elegance with it's matt finish and cream color tone to it. now, it was thick and clearly used yet taken care of. from the top edges of a notebook, burnt orange tabs stuck out from it to mark sections that sebastian done. one this particular page, the left side had pasted in an article from the internet and on the left was the analysis of it. multiple pages where like this and what gave the notebook it's volume. on the right side, the analysis was filled to the brim with small neat hand writing packed into their containers, colorful highlighted areas, and even little doodles of a slender figure (telling by the hair, septum piecing and green colored eyes, it was a projection of himself) saying something sarcastically intuitive about the material in the boxes. despite it's dense material, the notebook was something some hipster would post on instagram with a coffee in the background.
one glance and his mind popped with the information. at one point, sebastian had plunged into the facts into the boxes and it all came back to him vividly. of course he didn't need to study, he already had it all visualized in his mind. sebastian hardly ever forgot what he organized on paper. but blaine seemed like he wanted to help and sebastian wanted to prolong his time with blaine. he reached forward. casually, his hand brushed over blaine's has he reached for the second to last tab. his finger curled under the little trapezoid. "here, this one is the scenarios. you can quiz me on these." he pushed to the instance in the notebook. just like the other page, there were articles pasted in. these pages were obviously organized-- a title that was beautifully scripted in, a summary in it's own box and clearly labeled. he pointed to the a box highlighted in a red. "these denote something important." he informed.
Blaine opened the notebook and was utterly surprised and entirely impressed by what he saw. If Sebastian thought that Blaine's flashcards were neat then he must clearly not be looking at himself. He scanned over the open page in front of him, cracking a smile at the little doodle that was clearly meant to be Sebastian himself. He was only shaken out of his impressed scoring over of the page by Sebastian's hand touching his and the flip of the pages. The amount of time and organization that must have gone into this? Blaine fancied himself to be an extremely neat person, but this was artistic in how well laid out it was. "Oh, okay... Sure," he said, honestly a little intimidated. He could see why Sebastian felt like he didn't need to study. Blaine started to read off the page, framing the statements as questions for Sebastian to complete.
after a couple of questions, sebastian suddenly had an idea. "hold on, let me plug in my laptop." he said as he went to go fiddle with the technology. once he got it on, he googled sample exams and then pushed it over to blaine so that he could ask those questions and correlate them in sebastian's notebook. sebastian leaned on the arm of the chair and stared that blaine. his eyes focused on him to the point where he hadn't heard the question. instead, he just sat staring at the male's perfect jaw line and sweet black eyes.
Blaine furrowed his brow, not exactly sure what Sebastian was doing. Once he turned the laptop to him, though, he understood and gave a nod. He looked through, reading out a question then checking Sebastian's notebook for what the answer would be. When Sebastian's voice didn't say anything after a few seconds longer than a normal reply would take, Blaine looked up at him quizically. "Sebastian?" he questioned, seeing that he was looking right at him. "Do you know the answer?"
"i don't even know what the question was." he admitted in his usual smooth. "all i could see where those lips moving." a smirk played across sebastian. in this moment, he would push forward to kiss blaine. but the block came back. blaine had proven himself not only to be somebody of flavor and class. sebastian didn't want to kiss blaine out of some intangible need of sexual pleasure, but to fill his ultimate attraction to him. it pulled him toward blaine, his lips begging to taste the source of that sweet lullaby.
the word came as a rush from the deep depths of his brain. sebastian pulled back suddenly. his head snapped to the computer. "wow, that time already?" he commented as he reached for the laptop screen to push it down. "i think i need to get some sleep. starting to get tired."
Blaine watched Sebastian carefully as he replied. The flirting he expected, with that signature smirk. For a split second it even looked like Sebastian was going to move towards him, maybe to see what else 'those lips,' as he put it, could do. Then, it seemed to Blaine, it was like some sort of switch went off. He must have been making all that up in his head. Of course he was. Just like he always did when a pretty boy said one too many nice things to him. Blaine gave a half hearted chuckle. "Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll get out of your hair," he replied, handing the notebook back to the other. "Thanks again, for letting me come over. And the study help."
"hey, yeah, it's my pleasure." sebastian said. he pressed his lips together and turned up a smile to him. as he took back his notebook, sebastian looked away from blaine. his brain fought every part of him to turn around and continue flirting and mack on blaine. it even went to the point of stripping apart blaine for his faults and echoing them over and over. but sebastian couldn't possibly find those-- even if he did, it possible that they were too small to bother with. sebastian helped gather the chips and things in silence. his teeth clinched together, him attempting hard not to say anything. when blaine was packed up, sebastian handed him the chips. "thanks for coming. it helped a lot." sebastian told him, keeping his eyes trained on other things. he even went to pretending something was wrong with the door, to avoid the other.
Blaine started to gather his things - the textbook and notebook he brought, the flashcards... It felt bizarre. One second they were really friendly, laughing and enjoying the company, and then suddenly Sebastian went dead silent. Had Blaine said something wrong? Something that offended him? He pulled his backpack over one shoulder and took the chips from Sebastian's hand. "Of course. Any time." He wasn't even looking at Blaine anymore. He went to the door. "Um, okay, bye."
Sebastian took in a deep breath as Blaine said good bye. He opened the door for Blaine and pressed his cheek to the door and finally looked at Blaine. “Hey, Blaine...” Sebastian paused. “Thanks. You helped a lot.”
Blaine walked through the door, turning back to look at him as he spoke. "Of course, Sebastian. Any time," he said, smiling back at him.
Sebastians eyes lingered on Blaine for a little while. The sorrow sunk in deep as he leaned forward to close the door. Sebastian dragged him back to the couch and took a seat. He stared at his laptop for a moment, opened it, and begun his work.
3 notes · View notes
stellalux-universe · 5 years
Without You
Summary: It was just a stupid fight, that's all it was. But when your passion runs as high as theirs does, sometimes that's all it takes to rip you apart. The real question is, are you brave enough to try again?
This is my first Crüe fic and I was so excited to write it because I adore Tommy and Nikki together but then I started writing and what was supposed to be like 8,000 words max grew out of my control because it seems I'm incapable of writing anything short.
So what was the end result? Nearly 50 damn pages of angst and sadness and emotion. A little happy, fun stuff here and there too, but still!
In any case, a couple of things to know, this story is set in an au where hair metal is seeing it's heyday in the current year, so modern timeline and it is A/B/O because I have been dying to explore writing with omega!Tommy and alpha!Nikki. Hopefully I did it some justice. Also, the timeline skips back and forth between 2018 and 2019, all of the past is in italics just in case you miss the date change!
This is also posted on my AO3 under StellaLux if you would prefer to read it there! I just thought, “maybe some people are on tumblr but not AO3? What the hell, I’ll post it tumblr to get like 2 notes just for kicks!”
~May 15th, 2019~
In retrospect, Tommy supposes that this entire situation was his own damn fault.
Not that he would ever say that out loud. Introspective contemplation of his past choices and mistakes have never really been his style. In his experience, such things only led to a tortured mind and put you into a depressive mood and that was definitely not his vibe. He couldn’t go back in time to change anything, so he may as well not worry about it anymore.
Even still, he has to admit that if he hadn’t been so bone dead tired a day ago after not only a photo shoot but also a reshoot on top of that because the fucking photographer hadn’t liked the fucking lighting, he probably wouldn’t be in this mess.
Because then, when Tom had called to beg him to attend this party for the band he had just signed, he would have had the wit to ask the most basic but important question, “Which band is it?”
But Zutaut had called him right after he had changed into his street clothes. Right after shooting from 5 in the fucking morning to 6 in the evening, when he was ready to go home, crawl into bed and not wake up for a full 24 hours. Tom was lucky he had even answered honestly. When his phone rang, Tommy had looked at it with nothing short of absolute disgust and had wanted so badly to just ignore him.
Tom Zutaut wasn’t a person that people had hard line opinions about. Despite having a cool job that usually got people’s attention, the newest producer at Elektra records was, to put it as nicely as possible, an absolute fucking bore. He was the epitome of a brown paper bag, plain and bland, the kind of person who was just… there. Tommy didn’t particularly like him, but he didn’t dislike him either.
Had Tom been anyone else, Tommy would have declined the call and continued unencumbered with his plan to get home as soon as possible to pass out. But it was Tom, and despite thinking the producer was probably the most yawn-inducing individual he had ever met, Tommy couldn’t ignore him and the reason was simple. Tommy owed Tom. He owed him a lot.
Tom had come into his life when Tommy was at his lowest; he had just broken up with the man that he was pretty sure was meant to be his mate, was forced to leave his new, fledgling band that he was in love with, and was living on a friend’s couch. Tom had seen him at a party one night and after talking for just a few minutes had gotten him a role as an extra in a music video. That cameo had caught the eye of an up and coming photographer and landed him his first photoshoot and that photoshoot had landed him a 5 year contract with a pretty big modeling company. It wasn’t necessarily what Tommy had envisioned for his life, but it paid the bills for a nice apartment, a nice car, and a fairly glamorous lifestyle so he couldn’t really complain.
And he couldn’t ignore Tom, who had put everything in motion for him.
~May 14th, 2019~
Tommy feels like crying when his phone rings. He’s so damn tired and he barely has enough in him to drive himself home, let alone entertain a conversation but the caller id says it’s Tom and despite not typically caring to follow the rules of social niceties, Tommy would feel bad about ignoring the other man who has helped him so much. So he picked up reluctantly and threw himself down into a chair in his stylist’s dressing room so he could at least sit through whatever banality that Zutaut had to throw at him.
“Hey Tom.”
“Tommy! You are exactly who I wanted to talk to!” Tom’s voice is higher than normal and overly happy. The tone is familiar to Tommy, it’s the tone the other man takes when he’s about to ask for a favor that he’s going to wheedle him into doing by throwing the fact that Tommy owes him in his face.
Tommy sighs, eyes drooping as he tapped the fingers of his right hand against his jean clad legs to a beat of a song in his head, “Yeah, I figured, you know, since it was me you called.”
Tom gives a nervous chuckle and when he speaks again, his words are stilted and hesitant like they always are when he tries to cash in his IOUs, “Yeah, I guess that’s true. Well, uhh, I kind of need a favor.”
“Uh huh.” Tommy responded, eyes falling shut against his will as he waited for Tom to continue.
“You see, I just signed this band, and it’s my first major signing and they’re going to be fucking awesome Tommy, like seriously, they’re going to be huge and they’re right up your alley. Like, for real Tommy, you would love them, they’re so cool-“
“Tom, please, for the love of god. I’m literally like a minute from fucking passing out here, please just tell me what you want.” Tommy interrupts as he gets up to start walking to his car. He’s not paying much attention anyway so he may as well multitask.
“Oh shit, yeah, you had a job today. Hope that went well, I saw that stuff you did for Gucci last season. I don’t know much about that stuff but you looked great-”
“TOM!” Tommy growls into the phone, startling some of the people in the hallway. Tommy waves an apologetic hand and flashes a smile and they laugh and shake their heads at him.
“Yeah, okay, so here’s the thing, we’re throwing them this signing party to celebrate and introduce them to other people at the company and I really need some cred with these guys Tommy, so they’ll respect me-”
“You got them a record deal Tom, that’s not enough for them to respect you?” He rolls his eyes as he pushes his way out of the back door, waving to the security guard and walking over to where he parked his car.
“These guys are crazy Tommy, the first time I sat down to talk to them, they had a woman underneath the table who tried to surprise blow me!”
Despite his exhaustion and the fact that he’s barely listening, Tommy snorts out a laugh at that because that’s fucking hilarious. Thinking about a straight laced guy like Zutaut in a situation like that… his reaction had probably been priceless. He gets exactly what Tom is getting at now. The type of wildness that comes with that kind of activity, those guys probably see Tom as a fucking doormat.
Which he is, but still.
“And what do you think I can do about this Tom?”
“Well, you see, I was thinking that if I show up at the party with a gorgeous omega model, maybe it will earn me a little bit of credibility.”
Tommy groans as he opens his car door and slides in. He could honestly probably afford a driver and right about now that sounded like heaven but there was something he absolutely adored about driving around LA and he didn’t want to give that up just to be boujee and lazy.
“So you want to use my looks and profession to make a good impression on some wild rock stars? I really don’t know how much of an impact I’ll have Tom.”
“Tommy. Seriously. Have you seen you? You’re literally one of the most attractive people I’ve ever seen and I work with a ton of attractive people. You literally just did a campaign with Gucci last season. You’re the perfect blend of ridiculously sexy and cool that these guys will appreciate! If I walked into the party with you on my arm, it’d be a good start to getting them to listen to me a little bit more.”
Tom’s voice is plaintive, almost whiny and the flattery would be nice if the beta didn’t say it in such a matter of fact way. That was part of the problem with Zutaut, Tommy thought. There wasn’t an ounce of passion in the man. Everything was a calculation, everything had a purpose, and Tommy’s attractiveness was just something to be used. It made him a fairly shrewd businessman and definitely contributed to why he was able to make producer at such a young age, but it was also the reason for the current predicament he was in. With his wild rock star clients not giving two shits about what he said because he was such a damn square.
Tommy starts the engine and there’s a brief pause in their conversation as his phone pairs with his car’s system and then Tom’s voice comes back, “Please Tommy. Last favor, I swear. We’re even-steven after this.”
That was familiar, Tommy’s pretty sure Zutaut has said that the last four times he has asked for favors. Still, it was just a party and Tommy was still a sucker for parties. And honestly, if it ended this conversation so Tommy could focus on driving himself home to sleep, he’d agree to anything.
“Awesome! Thanks Tommy, this is going to help me so much, you have no idea. Try to look your best okay? Like total knockout. The party is on-”
Tommy sighs in frustration for what has to be the billionth time that day and cuts the beta off as he continues to prattle on, “I’m hanging up on you now Zutaut. I need to focus on driving so I don’t fall asleep at the wheel and crash. Just text me the damn details.”
And with that, Tommy presses end.
Tom texts him as soon as he hangs up to tell him that he would pick him up at 7pm the next night and to remind him in a completely blatant way to “dress up”. Tommy guesses that’s Zutaut’s way of asking him to dress slutty to appeal to a bunch of rock stars and he immediately regrets agreeing to go at all. Tom is generally annoying to be around for any extended length of time and it grates on his nerves when people treat him like he’s only worth having around to ‘look good’. It comes with the territory when your job is built around your physical appearance, but that doesn’t mean that the people in Tommy’s life should treat him as such and he certainly didn’t tolerate it when they did.
He feels better after he wakes up the next day a little after 1pm. He hadn’t even bothered to change when he had gotten home, had just shed his pants and collapsed into his bed, so he feels a little gross while he walks out of his bedroom in yesterday’s shirt and underwear to head to the kitchen to make coffee and get some food.
He pauses in the living room when his eyes catch the drum kit shining in the afternoon sun. It’s tucked away in the corner between two large windows, unassuming and gleaming in a way that pulls at his heart and makes his fingers twitch.
He hasn’t played in a year.
It’s tortuous sometimes. Drums are ingrained into his very being, as much a part of him as the blood that rushes through his veins when he’s hitting out a beat. He misses it with a severity that’s intense and all-encompassing but the pain he feels when he looks at the kit now dampens his desire until he can’t summon the will to pick up his sticks again.
He can barely remember back to the time when all he felt when he looked at his drum kit was joy and pride. It’s there, back behind the pain and the heartache and the sadness. A memory of a room and three other guys, hard hitting vocals, a shredding guitar, his own limbs heavy with exhaustion but adrenaline lighting him up as he pounds a beat out hard. A memory of a bassist with pale green eyes who gives him a heart stopping smile when they come to a break.
It’s only been a year, but Tommy has shoved those memories down so far into his heart that the men in them feel like ghosts to him. He sometimes feels like a ghost himself. The Tommy Lee who so loved his drums, who was wild, and excitable and so, so in love with life was dead.
Now all that’s left is this stereotype of a tall, pretty omega model in Hollywood who can’t even think about pursuing his passions because of how much it hurts him to remember.
Tommy scoffs at himself and tears his eyes away from his drum set, walking into the kitchen and letting muscle memory guide him into making coffee and reheating leftovers from the day before as he thinks that this is exactly why he doesn’t focus on the past. It’s just too damn depressing.
~January 18th, 2018~
Tommy is nearly bouncing in his seat at the diner in excitement. He keeps throwing little glances at the man a few booths away to make sure it’s who he thinks it is, but Tommy’s pretty fucking confident that it is.
He looks at his friend’s amused face across from him and the girl laughs softly at what has to be the goofiest of hopeful expressions that is morphing his features.
They had just gotten out of the concert they had met up for, and Tommy was already a ball of energy because London was one of his favorite up and coming bands and the show had been sick but as soon as they had been seated after deciding to get some food, he had caught sight of a familiar face and then proceeded to steadily lose his shit.
“Seriously, that’s him right? That’s Nikki fucking Sixx sitting just a few booths away from me?” Tommy harshly whispers, as if the other man was paying any attention to anything other than the paper spread out in front of him and the tissue he kept pressing to his bloody nose.
His friend just grins at him, “Looks like it, yeah.”
Tommy fidgets and bites his lip, “Should I go over and talk to him?”
The girl across from him nods, small little wicked smirk on her face. She’s a good friend but she loves watching him make a fool of himself, which is no doubt exactly what she thinks he’s about to do now.
“Yeah, you should. I’m just gonna get a milkshake and get gone.”
Tommy is already sliding out of his seat as she speaks, giving her a thumbs up and a ‘see you later.’
He walks over as confidently as he can with his nerves flaring up. Tommy isn’t one to be shy or embarrassed by much, but he’s eighteen and the older bassist is probably one of the coolest musicians on the scene right now and that’s enough to make him jittery. It also doesn’t help that the man is probably the most gorgeous alpha that Tommy has ever actually seen in public. Dark hair, killer jaw line, intense pale green eyes and just as intense alpha aura, Tommy practically shivers the closer he gets. Tommy could hardly be called inexperienced, he’s been with a couple of alpha’s before but it’s always been with people his own age, fumbling around, figuring out how their biology even worked. But the vibe that Nikki gives off is nothing like the alpha’s Tommy has been with, and the omega in him is intensely attracted to that.
He stops right in front of the table the other man is sitting at, bounces on his heels a few times and decides to just go for it, “Hey, that was badass dude. The show, not the nose… but the nose was pretty badass too.”
Tommy almost blushes as Nikki looks up at him while he rambles. The other man doesn’t say anything for a second, just drags his eyes over Tommy a few times before he finally replies in a drawling voice, accent something that Tommy can’t really identify, “The singer’s an asshole.”
Tommy releases a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding when he hears Nikki’s reply and feels a little more confident, “I know. I saw. Hey, fuck him though, he deserved it.”
Nikki gives him a nod and goes back to scanning the paper in front of him, he seems to have lost interest or something and Tommy bites his lip before blurting out, “I got your poster on my bedroom wall.”
The alpha looks up at him incredulously then, raising an eyebrow and letting a small, delicious smirk stretch across his lips when Tommy closes his eyes and groans at how that sounded. “I can’t believe I just said that. I mean, fuck, I didn’t mean it, you know, like that, I just meant-“
Nikki chuckles as he stumbles over his words and shakes his head, “Take the fucking poster down man, London’s dead.”
Tommy opens his mouth to reply when the waitress comes over and stops on the other side of Nikki’s table, “What can I get you boys?”
Tommy blinks and slides into the booth across from Nikki, giving the man a smile when he gets a confused look from the bassist. The alpha just gives a small smirk again before looking up at the older beta waitress with a charming smile, “Can I please get a Jack and coke Dottie?”
The waitress rolls her eyes but writes it down regardless and Tommy gets the feeling that maybe Nikki is a regular here and she’s used to the request. The woman looks at him then, “And for you honey?”
Tommy smiles brightly at the woman and is satisfied when her lips tug upwards in response, always happy to make others a little happier, “Blueberry pancakes, please.”
“Of course hun.” She says lightly as she walks away and when Tommy looks back at Nikki, the bassist is staring at him with this intense gleam in his eyes that wasn’t there before. Sitting across from him now, Tommy can make out his scent prominently, and it’s something that goes straight to his head. Nikki smells like the aftermath of a storm, when the trees and the soil are wet with rain water and everything is saturated in bold, rich color. Tommy wonders if Nikki can smell him too, he’s been told before that has a particularly pleasant scent, he wonders if that’s why the bassist is looking at him with more interest than he had before.
Tommy watches in rapt attention as Nikki leans forward and starts talking with more passion than previously, “My next band is going to be something no one’s ever fucking seen before.”
The alpha’s eyes drop back down to the paper in front of him. Tommy studies it more closely then and sees ads for musicians looking for bands. One in particular catches his eye, Mick Mars: loud, aggressive guitarist and without thinking he whips one of his drumsticks out from his belt and uses it to point at the ad, “That dude looks pretty cool.”
Nikki uses the pen he has to circle it and Tommy feels joy flood him when the older man takes his suggestion before Nikki leans back against the booth and regards him with a curious look, head tilted slightly to the side, “Do you carry those around with you everywhere?”
“Yep.” Tommy smiles, popping the p at the end of the word playfully and thrilling when Nikki chuckles at him.
The waitress is coming back then and she sits a coke and a small bottle of Jack in front of Nikki, “Here you go kid. Your pancakes will be out soon honey.”
Nikki thanks the older woman gratefully and proceeds to twist the top of the liquor bottle and instead of pouring it into the coke like Tommy had expected him to, proceeds to down the contents in one go, his eyes never leaving Tommy’s as the omega bites his lip and starts twirling his drumstick in his fingers. It’s a habit he had developed ever since he had taught himself how to do it, especially when he was nervous or stressed and the way Nikki was looking at him was making him both in the most electric way possible.
He sees Nikki eye the movement with a slightly impressed look on his face and it makes Tommy giddy to have caused it, “Where did you learn to do that?”
Tommy does blush at that but he’s honest when says, “High school marching band.”
Nikki full out laughs at that, not meanly, but in surprise, like he hadn’t expected Tommy to be that honest and it makes the omega grin when he adds, “But hey, I rock too.”
Nikki is leaning forward and smirks then and Tommy feels the warmth of arousal spread through him when the bassist lowers his voice and says, “I bet you do babe.”
A plate is sat in front of him and it makes Tommy blink in confusion as the moment between him and Nikki is interrupted, Dottie smiling at him gently for startling him. He looks back up and Nikki has gone back to looking through ads, but Tommy sees the little smile pulling at his lips and it makes him grin again, pushing the pancakes more toward the center of the table to get Nikki’s attention.
“Help me eat these pancakes and tell me more about this band.”
Nikki full out smiles at him then, and Tommy knows that he’s going to be gone for this man in no time flat.
It only takes six full days in fact.
Nikki had pretty much demanded he be his band’s drummer as soon as he found out that Tommy had drummed for Suite 19 before the band had dissolved.
“I saw you guys once. Shitty band but you have some real fucking talent babe.”
Tommy’s pretty sure he had fucking beamed with hearts in his eyes when he heard Nikki say that.
They spent the next couple days meeting up and talking about their vision for what was going to be their band. Nikki always said that, always called it “our band” and not “my band” and Tommy always felt pride move through him when he did. They spent their mornings and nights planning in Nikki’s shitty little efficiency that Tommy adored just like he adored when Nikki would pull him in close with an arm around his shoulders on the couch to look through lyrics. Tommy could see the way Nikki’s eyes would follow him as he walked through Nikki’s home, following his body when he would get up to grab them beer from the small refrigerator that was against the far wall from the couch. There was a hazy atmosphere that settled over them when they were together, it was palpable and charged and Tommy knew they could both feel it.
Their sixth day hanging out together they were sitting outside on the fire escape, taking a break between seeing guitarists and sharing Nikki’s last cigarette when a breeze blew past them. Tommy tilted his head back, enjoying the brisk air blowing his curls around his face but when he opened his eyes, he was immediately met with Nikki’s eyes squeezed closed and body tense.
Tommy put a hand on the bassist’s shoulder and squeezed at the muscle gently, “Hey, you okay Nik?”
Nikki breathed in a deep lungful of air and he smiled in what had to be the softest way Tommy had seen so far, “I’m good babe, you just…”
The alpha trailed off for a minute, the look on his face contemplating as Tommy prompted, “I just?”
Nikki shook his head with that smile, fingers coming up to brush Tommy’s hair out of his face, “You just smell really fucking good T.”
“Oh.” Tommy breaths out, heart jolting and beating fast at the admission. Before he could think to reply to that though, an absolutely shitty little hatchback was screeching to a halt in front of Nikki’s complex and a short beta with jet black hair was grumbling as he tried to get an amp out of the trunk.
Tommy and Nikki both snorted out a laugh but Tommy, being Tommy, was already running down the stairs to help the shorter man out, “Whoa, dude. You got it? Here for the audition?”
The older man levels a deadpan look at him that Tommy took to meant, ‘well no shit genius’, but he sticks with a simple, “Yep.”
Tommy helps him get the damn amp out of the trunk and the man looks at him with a scrutinizing glance, “You the singer?”
The omega laughs at that, “Absolutely not. That’s funny though, drummer.”
The beta gives him an odd look, “Pretty scrawny for a drummer.”
Tommy narrows his eyes in response. He feels Nikki moving in behind him but that doesn’t stop the annoyance from filling him. He doesn’t know this beta, he doesn’t know if he’s the type who means ‘It’s unusual for an omega to be a drummer’ when he said what he said but just for good measure he asks, “Do you have a fucking problem with that?”
Nikki is looking at him, Tommy sees him from the corner of his eyes but he doesn’t move his narrowed gaze away from the beta’s who looks satisfied at the challenge, “I meant scrawny, drummer, I didn’t mean omega. And I don’t have a fucking problem with either as long as you can fucking play good fucking music.”
Tommy’s whole demeanor changes at that, bright smile back on his face and he grabs one side of the amp and motions for the beta to do the same so they can carry it up the stairs, “Good, would have hated to give you a no before even seeing you play, old man.”
The beta growls at him at that, “Fucking teenager.”
Tommy just laughs, “I’m Tommy, the lazy fuck behind you carrying wires is Nikki.”
The short man gives the barest hint of a smile, like he doesn’t want to but just can’t help it. “Mick.”
Mick is in from the first riff of his guitar and as they play Tommy sneaks glances at Nikki just to see the nearly manic grin on the bassist’s face. Every so often their eyes will meet, and the passion Tommy finds in their locked gaze overwhelms him so much he has to look back down at his kit so he won’t blush. He’s pretty sure he still does. And he’s pretty sure that Nikki sees.
He thinks about Nikki that night while he’s at home. He’s probably going to have to move out soon. His parents don’t approve of him wanting to skip college to be in a band and as loving as they are, they aren’t going to let him live in their house unless they feel like he’s working towards something worthwhile.
But that’s not important right now. What’s important is that he’s pretty sure he’s in love with his bandmate. Tommy has a bad habit of falling too hard and too fast for people. He thinks maybe it’s a combination of his general enthusiasm for everything and his general love for people that makes him the way he is but this doesn’t feel like his usual falling in, falling out routine.
The thing between him and Nikki is magnetic. Tommy feels like he’s stuck in the bassist’s orbit, completely unable and unwilling to move too far away from him. There is just something inside of him that slots perfectly into place when he’s around Nikki and by the look in the alpha’s eyes when Tommy catches him staring, he’s pretty sure Nikki feels the same.
A few weeks of pining later he’s letting himself into Nikki’s efficiency, it’s about 11am so he knows that the bassist is probably still asleep but he hasn’t let that stop him the previous mornings and it’s not going to stop him today so he opens and shuts the door and takes off his shoes before flinging himself at the alpha who is spread across the mattress on the floor.
Nikki groans loudly and starts swatting at Tommy, because he knows it’s the younger boy, this routine becoming way too familiar but instead of laughing and rolling off of him like usual, Tommy just laughs and straddles his hips.
“Nikki, Nik, listen! I was up all night thinking about this,” Tommy starts, not even phased when Nikki tiredly tries to hit him for waking him up, “Listen Nikki! We’ve been looking for a singer and I thought about it and I think I know a guy. I actually went to high school with him, he’s absolutely perfect-”
Tommy yelps when Nikki tries to roll over and dislodge him from his perch so he can go back to sleep but Tommy is stubborn and he tightens his legs around the older man’s hips and whines out, “Nikki!”
The drummer feels Nikki go stiff as a board underneath him and when he meets his gaze, Tommy feels frozen, absolutely pinned by the intensity in the bassist’s green eyes.
“Nikki…” Tommy practically breaths, kind of scared by how silent and still the man underneath him is and that fear has him rambling pretty quickly, “Shit, I’m sorry Nik, I shouldn’t have woken you up, sorry if I annoyed you, I know you’re always telling me that you would rather I wake you up later in the afternoon and I never listen which must be irritating but I just- mmph!”
Tommy doesn’t even have time to process what is happening when Nikki suddenly surges to sit up, one hand firm on his hip to keep him stable on his lap and the other twisting in his hair to hold him still as the bassist presses their lips together in a sudden kiss.
It lasts seconds but when they part Tommy is panting like it had been hours and there’s a flush on Nikki’s cheeks when he sees the surprise in Tommy’s big brown eyes, “You, uh, you have this habit of licking your bottom lip when you nervous ramble you know? It’s really, really fucking cute.”
It’s Nikki’s turn to squirm a bit as Tommy sits there in his lap in shock and the alpha swallows before he starts talking again, “I know I probably shouldn’t have, you know, just fucking went for it without asking you for your permission or some shit like that first but fuck Tommy, I just feel, I feel so right around you. You’re so fucking beautiful, and passionate and talented and you’re not fucking annoying so don’t say that again and I just-”
It’s Tommy’s turn to interrupt him now, hands burying themselves in Nikki’s hair and pulling him forward to connect their lips again and Tommy moans when he feels Nikki’s arms wrap around his waist to pull him as close as possible, chest to chest as the bassist licks at his lower lip and dips it inside when Tommy opens his mouth. Tommy feels delirious and so fucking high that he whines in protest when Nikki breaks their kiss to breath.
Tommy laughs happily after he catches his breath, wrapping his arms around Nikki’s neck and throwing them down to lay back against the mattress, “What the fuck took you so long?!”
Nikki is laughing then too, rolling them over to hover on top of him and press kisses into every inch of Tommy’s face and neck and the omega giggles at the action but releases a sharp gasp when Nikki suddenly bites down underneath the scent gland just behind his ear.
“Sorry for making you wait babe,” Nikki’s speaks into his ear, lips brushing against the lobe and voice so low and gritty that Tommy feels a wave of heat spreading from his lower body, flush blooming along his cheeks, “Let me make it up to you.”
And he certainly proceeds to do that.
Life becomes a whirlwind for Tommy, they get his old high school friend Vince Neil to join their band and soon they’re Mötley Crüe. They spend their days writing music and preparing to take Sunset Strip by storm and they spend their nights partying and meeting people and raising hell. Tommy gets a job as a waiter at a strip bar just down the street which the rest of the boys love because it means they can drink for free during Tommy’s shifts and he, Nikki, and Vince pull their resources to get a small two bedroom apartment right on the Strip.
Tommy and Nikki are inseparable. They are so caught up in each other most of the time that they often can’t keep their hands to themselves and more than a few times Vince has to yell at them to take it to their bedroom so he doesn’t have to watch them fucking.
Nikki surprises Tommy every day with how thoughtful he can be, taking him on dates to the beach even though he hates it because he knows Tommy loves it, always picking a movie that he thinks Tommy will like even if it’s something Nikki probably wouldn’t otherwise be interested in, murmuring praises against Tommy’s skin in the early morning sun until he sits up to grab the book he keeps by the bed, arms wrapped around Tommy’s waist as the drummer sits in his lap as he writes out lyrics all about Tommy. Nikki will hum out a melody and Tommy will listen intently and fill in the spaces with a beat that he hits out on Nikki’s arms or legs, whatever is closest and the bassist will beam at him and nine times out of ten, tackle him against the bed. Nikki looks at him like he’s the most precious fucking thing in the world and when he’s with Nikki, he feels like he is.
They go into summer with a plan and a full list of songs to take over the world with. Tommy has his alpha, his lover, his absolute best friend by his side. He has his band, his chosen family, and his whole future ahead of him.
Of course, life can never be that fucking easy, can it?
~May 15th, 2019~
It’s a little after 6pm and Tommy has just gotten out of the shower, sipping from a bottle of Rosé as he stands in front of his open closet, music blasting from his speakers. Wine isn’t typically his drink of choice, but he hadn’t restocked his liquor cabinet and a few bottles had been left in his fridge from the last time he had friends over, so wine will have to do for now. If he was going to spend the rest of the night letting people assume that Tom fucking Zutaut was his date, he was at least going to get hammered. May as well start early.
Tom had asked him to dress nice, which Tommy translated in his head as “please dress slutty so my new rock star clients are envious of me for landing you as a date”.
Tommy grabs out his favorite black jeans. They’re torn to hell all up and down the legs and honestly show more of his skin than they cover up but they’re also super comfortable. He had thought about the soft leather pants right next to them but everyone was probably going to be in leather if this was a party to celebrate signing a new rock band and his stylist’s voice was sounding in his ear saying ‘dare to be different Tommy!’
With that catch phrase in mind, he pulls out some fishnet stockings too. He slides them on before pulling his jeans up carefully, mindful of the rips and tears and looks back at the mirror in the corner of his room. He lets a small smirk pulls at his lips as he takes in the band of his fishnets settling at the smallest dip of his waist and remaining visible for about three inches before disappearing below his jeans, making reappearances through the rips and tears along his legs. Yeah, that will do nicely. For the top he picks out a black worn tee. It’s cropped, so it shows the fishnet off and it’s just oversized enough that the neckline is constantly dipping down his left shoulder and it would be almost plain if it weren’t for the beautiful embroidered red roses that stretched along the entire right shoulder. He doesn’t even remember what brand it is but he loves it and it’s simple and chic enough when paired with the lower half of his outfit.
He thinks he’s dressed well enough to turn a few heads so he works on taming his hair into soft waves, briefly toying with the idea of teasing it before deciding that it was too much work for the likes of Zutaut and he prefers it loose and natural anyway. He does just enough make up to even out his complexion, give him those smoky, bedroom eyes that his photographers love so much and darkens his lips with a long lasting burgundy red.
As he finishes his makeup, he finds himself thinking that this is first time in a year that he’s done anything related to music or musicians in general. Tom is the only one even remotely tied to the music industry that he still speaks to and that’s only because of everything the other man has done for him. He ghosted everyone tied to his previous life when he walked out on him a year ago and he avoided the music scene like the plague ever since.
Nikki. Tommy does his best to not think about the green eyed bassist but no matter what Tommy does, the alpha inevitably pops back into his thoughts. It must be a combination of his earlier nostalgia with his drums, the fact that he’s about to go to a party for some up and coming rock stars and the wine, Tommy thinks as he takes a shaky breath. There was no other reason to think about his ex. Nikki was his past. Sure, he still loved the man like he doubts he would love anyone again, still longed for him during his one night stands with piss poor alphas who couldn’t hold a damn candle to the bassist, still hurt every time he wondered what he was doing at that very instant.
But he wouldn’t ever see him again, and he just needed to deal with it and push past it and continue living his damn life. Half alive was better than nothing he supposed.
Tommy downs the last of his wine and touches up his lips one last time. He’s putting on a black choker and some long dangling earrings when he sees his phone go off in the corner of his eye.
He picks it up as he walks out of his bedroom, boots in hand, “Hello?”
“Hey Tommy, I’m outside.” Tom’s voice is nervous and it makes Tommy roll his eyes as he pulls on his black boots. The heels are pretty conservative, just two inches but they’re just tall enough to give a little swing to his hips as he walks.
“I’ll be right down.”
Tommy flips the switch on his stereo system and turns out his lights, he really doesn’t need anything else, so he slips his key into his pocket after he locks his door and spins his phone in his hand like he used to spin his sticks and walks down the hall to the elevator.
Zutaut has a nice car but like everything else even remotely cool that Tom owns, he only has it because he thinks it makes him look cool. Which to Tommy is just so fucking sad. Still, he slides into the passenger seat and laughs when Tom nods at him approvingly.
“You look good Tommy.” The beta says happily as he pulls away from the curb and proceeds with what has to be the slowest drive to the Hollywood Hills that Tommy has ever experienced.
“Thanks, you told me to, but thank you I guess. You look…” Tommy trails off as he takes in Tom’s outfit of choice, “Like you’re going to church.”
Tom frowns instantly and points to the seatbelt that Tommy had neglected when he got into the car. “I like to dress professionally when I’m around my clients.”
Tommy scoffs and flicks at Zutaut’s arm lightly, “It’s a party Tom. Who the fuck wears a cardigan to a rock n’ roll signing party?”
“California is chilly at night! You’ll be begging for this cardigan later on!” Tom protests and Tommy laughs.
“Hos don’t get cold Zutaut. All you had to wear was jeans and a t-shirt and it would have been better than this. At least take off the cardigan and roll up your sleeves. You look like a goddamn missionary.”
“I’m regretting this already. They think I’m a loser Tommy!” Tom whines and even though it’s annoying, Tommy feels a little bad for the guy. So he resolves to do his best as Tom’s fake date for the night to get him noticed a little.
“Well, they won’t think that for long. That’s why you invited me, right?” Tom looks at the omega briefly before looking back quickly at the road, pulling into a long circular driveway and joining the line of cars waiting to be valeted. Tommy can hear the music already, something heavy and loud and it moves through him and makes him grin already.
Tom for his part looks sick and Tommy wants to bash his head in. What a night he’s in for. Okay, he thinks, time to at least set some ground rules.
“Listen Tom. I’m okay with letting people assume what they want to, alright? But if anyone blatantly asks what we are, you will tell them that we are friends. Okay?” Tommy speaks slowly so the other man doesn’t misunderstand through his nerves.
Tom’s face screws up unhappily, “But I thought-”
“I’ll walk in there with you. I’ll let you get me a drink, and I’ll let you put your arm around my waist while you introduce me to these guys that you signed but letting people think what they want to think and letting you blatantly say that you’re fucking me are two totally different things. I’m not playing that game. That’s where I draw the line, okay?” Tommy thinks that he’s being fair. Besides, being friends with a model is almost as good as scoring with one right? Maybe not, but that’s all Tom’s getting so, he should probably make his peace with it now.
Tom nods sulkily as he pulls his car up to the front, “Okay.”
Tommy sighs before putting a smile on his face when his door is opened for him. The house is monstrous, beautiful in that very in your face kind of way that Tommy doesn’t really care for. He’s been here once before, it’s Tom’s boss’ house, but the party that’s going on now is way rowdier than the last one he had attended here and Tommy feels his smile becoming more real. At least he’ll probably have fun tonight. All he has to do is meet Tom’s new clients and then hopefully he can go off and get drunk and act his normal foolish self when they lose interest and move on.
Tommy nearly startles when he feels an arm wrapping around his waist before he realizes that it’s just Tom and going by the look on the man’s face, Tommy is going to need to be the one to lead here. So he walks confidently up the sidewalk, dragging Tom along with the grip the other man has on his waist, and doesn’t even bother knocking on the door, pushing them open and walking inside like he owns the damn place.
“This is ridiculous.” Tom mutters under his breath so only Tommy can hear.
“This is awesome, Tom. Come on, at least try to have a little fun.” Tommy laughs happily, taking in the chaos that’s going on inside. The music is loud and aggressive and the lights are blued out in places and faintly strobing, enough to be special but not enough to be annoying, and twinkling white in others. There’s a sea of people dancing and Tommy spots a pool table in the room to the far right, a swimming pool visible through the glass walls with people fully dressed in it and surrounding it, and plush suede couches along the back wall.
Tommy has spotted at least a handful of musicians that he knows about, a half a dozen models he’s worked with, a couple of photographer’s and designers, and everyone else he has no idea.
“I need to find the guys!” Tom yells out to him, eyes darting around nervously. There’s a table to their left, one end empty while a bunch of guys play cards at the other end and Tommy sighs before hoisting himself up to sit on the edge.
“I’ll stay right here. You go ahead and get me a drink and bring whoever back that you want.” Tommy yells back. He crosses one long leg over the other and leans back just a little, weight resting on one arm that he props against the table a little behind him, taking note as one of the guys playing cards follows the movement with his eyes. Tommy gives him a coy smile and a wink just because he can as Tom nods and walks away.
The guy watching him from his card game looks at him curiously before grinning and getting up to walk over. He looks vaguely familiar to Tommy, with his long blonde hair, cute grin, and tall stature. It’s hard to tell people’s sub-gender’s in an environment like this, too many people in too close a proximity to really make anything out, but the man holds himself like an alpha.
He’s standing in front of Tommy before the omega has time to figure out where he knows the other man from and his grin is absolutely giddy as he looks at him.
“You’re Tommy Lee.”
Tommy blinks in surprise. It’s not like he doesn’t get recognized. He does occasionally, but people more often remember his face, they don’t really know his name.
“Umm, yeah, I am… How do you kno-”
“My lead singer is an absolute Gucci freak and your spread is literally one of his favorites. He has the photos posted up on his bunk wall on our tour bus.” The guy is laughing happily, sharing a conspiratorial look as he confides his friend’s secret and Tommy has to laugh along with him.
The omega shakes his head as he grins, “I really don’t know what to do with that information.”  
“Oh, tease the hell out of Axl when I bring him over to meet you, I hope. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather have you all to myself, but he would literally, and I mean literally, kill me if he were to find out that I met you and didn’t go get him.” A lightbulb goes off in his head at the name Axl and suddenly Tommy knows exactly who he’s talking to.
The omega smiles at him, “Well, we can’t have that now can we?”
The blond beams again, holding his hand out for Tommy to take and shake, “Duff Mckagen.”
Tommy leans back again when he releases the man’s hand, “I know, I watched your music video on MTV the other day. Guns N’ Roses, right?”
Duff nods, scratching at the back of his head somewhat sheepishly, “Yeah? What did you think?”
Tommy just can’t resist the opportunity to tease, “Eh.”
Duff throws his head back and laughs and Tommy smiles at him when he leans in a little closer, “You don’t pull your punches do you sweetheart?”
Tommy’s grin turns sharp as he lowers his gaze and looks at the bassist through his eyelashes, “You have no idea.”
The blond haired alpha leans his hip against the side of the table, nearly pressed right against Tommy’s side and he brings a hand up to lightly grip at his chin, tilting it to meet his gaze as he gives a little smirk that’s definitely attractive on him, “Maybe I should risk death and forget about introducing you to Axl, don’t need him to whisk your attention away from me.”
The omega sighs and rolls his eyes at the questioning look Duff gives him. Tom is making his way back over but Tommy doesn’t see anyone with him so he figures that he’s free to keep flirting with the blond bassist as Tom presses a drink into his hand.
“Did you find them?” Tommy asks politely. Zutaut looks anxious as all hell, so Tommy feels the need to be nice to the man.
“Uh, yeah, they were right behind me? I guess they got side tracked, they’ll be here.” Tom says, eyes flitting over the crowd before finally realizing that he had company.
“Duff? Hey man.” Tom says, voice at a higher pitch than usual, and Tommy raises an eyebrow at the producer. God, no wonder his clients didn’t respect him. The man couldn’t even talk to a musician without losing his shit.
“Hey Zutaut. Are you here with…” Duff asks but trails off like the question is so ridiculous he can’t even finish it.
Tom is about to answer but Tommy is cutting him off with a glare, “Yes and no. He’s a friend that I’m doing a favor for.”
Tom looks a bit put out but Duff smiles again, arm draping around Tommy’s shoulders, “Good, I was about to be really bummed out.”
“Look out Zutaut! Duffie’s gonna steal your model if you aren’t careful!” An obnoxious voice calls out boisterously followed nearly immediately by a loud and startlingly familiar, “HOLY FUCK.”
Tommy freezes. His whole body feels like a block of lead and he all of a sudden can’t breathe because there’s no fucking way.  
There’s no fucking way that after a year, Vince Neil is at the same party as him. But then a softer and achingly recognizable, “Shit,” has him wanting to cry because that was definitely Mick’s voice. He feels cold all over and despite not wanting to look up, he just has to because he knows, if Vince and Mick are there together, someone else is probably there too.  
So he shifts his gaze to look directly in front of him and sure enough, he’s there. Vince is staring at him with the most shocked expression on his face, Mick is looking at him with something that looks apologetic but he’s barely aware of any of that because Nikki is standing behind them both with the most intensely indiscernible expression on his face, eyes locked onto Tommy’s face.
He looks so good. So damn good in black jeans that are cut up at the knees and a tank top that shows off his muscled arms that are littered with more tattoos than he remembers, hair still jet black but pushed off of his forehead so his gorgeous face is visible and Tommy wants to whine and reach out for him, the longing he feels in his heart wanting a physical expression.
“Hi Nikki.” Tommy manages to force out even though the words had felt stuck in his throat before dragging his eyes away from the dark haired bassist, “Vince, Mick.”
Tommy narrows his eyes at the fourth person, “I don’t know you.”
“Sammy doll face, drummer.” The man reaches a hand out to shake but Tommy ignores it. And yeah, that may be petty but considering the situation, the omega feels like his actions are pretty justified.
Instead he tips his head back and downs the full glass of whiskey that Tom had brought him while the producer asks, “Tommy, you know the guys?”
“Apparently.” Tommy glares at the man. Why the hell didn’t he say earlier that the band he had signed was Mötley Crüe? Why the fuck hadn’t Tommy asked who this fucking party was for.
“Tommy was actually our original drummer.” Mick sighs, probably trying to ease the awkward atmosphere that’s settled around the group.
Sammy laughs, “No shit?! What happened? Couldn’t take the heat doll face?”
Tommy growls and is about lay into the asshole when Nikki all of a sudden finds his voice, “No, I fucked it all up. It was my fault he left.”
The omega feels a sharp spike of pain shoot through him and it’s enough to make his eyes water and he tries to take a breath without being too obvious about the fact that he suddenly can’t seem to get enough air.
He unexpectedly feels Duff’s arm moves from his shoulder to around his waist, hand squeezing his hip gently and Tommy can see the way Nikki’s jaw clenches and his eyes narrow, “Hey, you alright?”
Tommy shakes his head, “I’m not drunk enough for this shit, come get me another drink.”
And with that Tommy is dragging Duff with him and away from the people, the person, who was supposed to stay in his past.
Tommy feels panic bubbling up in his chest as he walks away from the alpha, and he can’t help but think about the last time he did this, a little less than a year ago.
~May 22nd, 2018~
Tommy didn’t necessarily like his job. It was alright, most of the time, and the owner never minded if he sent free drinks to his boys whenever they would come in to wait until the end of his shift so they could go out.
But the patrons were fucking annoying. They constantly groped or made comments to him after they had too much to drink, and while Tommy could usually handle this with a smile that typically got him extra tips, sometimes it went a little too far and it just flat out made him uncomfortable.
The most annoying part of his job though, is the goddamn strippers who don’t seem to understand- even though Tommy has very clearly and explicitly spelled it out for them- that Nikki is fucking off limits. Several girls would often caress the bassist’s shoulders as they walked by or lean down to peck him on the cheek but that was usually just to tease Tommy and while it annoyed the hell out of him, it was all in good fun and at the end of the day he knew that they respected him enough to never actually cross the line.
All of them, except Mindy.
Fucking Mindy, with her stupid fucking ‘only appropriate for a stripper’ name, was constantly flying past the goddamn line. Tommy hated the nights that he worked with her because that meant that she would usually plant herself right in Nikki’s lap for a free dance. Tommy confronted her about it a couple of times and she always said the same damn thing.
“You’re not mated Tommy. Until you are, Nikki is fair game so fuck off.” Fucking blonde haired bimbo.
Mindy and her shitty behavior made him seethe, but what really troubled him about the whole thing was how Nikki would just sit there and let it happen. Tommy had told him before that it bothered him, but the handful of times they talked about it Nikki would just dismiss his concerns with a ‘she’s just doing her job babe, doesn’t mean anything’ or a ‘you know her type doesn’t do anything for me babe, I prefer tall, leggy brunettes’ before he would proceed to make Tommy forget whatever they had just been talking about.
Despite Nikki’s nonchalance at the whole situation, it continues to upset Tommy every time it happens. Besides just the instinctual surge of possession that it stirs up in him when he sees the skank grinding on his alpha, there’s also the hurt that Nikki doesn’t seem to care that it bothers him. He could get maybe that Nikki doesn’t understand that seeing him under another omega, in a place of business or not, makes him feel terribly insecure which is so far from the norm for Tommy it actually turns his stomach when it happens. But to Tommy, it should have just taken him telling Nikki that it upset him for the alpha to put a stop to the activity.
But he doesn’t, and tonight it’s worse than usual because Mindy stays in Nikki’s lap even after Tommy clocks out. This is unusual because she typically times it to steer clear of Tommy after the omega had growled at her when they bumped into each other backstage last month but tonight when he walks out of the back, she’s still there and Nikki is calmly taking a sip from a bottle of Jack as he talks to Vince who has a girl in his own lap.
Tommy feels an unbridled rage fill him when he sees it and he has half a mind to stomp over there, push the bitch off of Nikki’s lap and maybe even punch that handsome face that belonged to his boyfriend, but he figures physical violence would probably get him fired and wouldn’t exactly be healthy for his relationship
So he decides to get drunk instead and wait for Mindy to leave so he can go over there, drag Nikki home and scream at him until Nikki just gets it because this is ending, tonight.
He huffs angrily when he harshly sits himself down on a stool at the bar and glowers, even when the bartender gives him a sympathetic smile and a drink without him having to ask.
“Mindy at it again?” She asks.
Tommy looks at her with a storm brewing behind his eyes, “Do you have to ask?”
“I don’t get why he doesn’t just knock her on her ass. He can do that if she’s giving him a dance he’s not paying for.”
“That’s what I fucking said.” Tommy grumbles before knocking back his drink. He sighs as he spins the empty glass and is about to motion for another one when the red haired beta behind the counter is passing another drink into his hands.
He gives her a grateful look but she shakes her head at him, “That one’s not from me honey.”
She points a little ways down the bar and a man that Tommy recognizes from his rotation is waving at him with a little half smile. He’s attractive, objectively. He’s a little shorter than Tommy which isn’t surprising, most people are, but he’s built well and he must be some sort of Hispanic because his skin is tanned cinnamon and his short hair is thick and a deep dark brown just like his eyes. Tommy is a little surprised and he’s waving back as he takes a sip from the drink. Apparently the guy takes that as an invitation because he’s walking over immediately.
He’s sliding to stand against the bar right next to where Tommy is sitting and the drummer’s eyes widen at how close the other man is so suddenly.
“So, I’m guessing since you’re drinking that means that your off?” The guy has a nice smile, Tommy will give him that. And he smells pretty good, obviously an alpha and like strong coffee. But this is really not anything that Tommy is interested in.
“What an intelligent observation. Give the guy a prize.” Tommy rolls his eyes. Yeah, that was a little bitchy but he’s mad, and upset, so sue him.
The guy’s smile stays firmly stretched across his face though, brown eyes lit up in amusement, “Ouch.”
Tommy snorts a laugh at the guy’s determination not to be deterred by his obviously pissy mood, “Sorry, you just really caught me at a bad time. I’m taken anyway.”
The omega looks back to check on Nikki and practically growls in frustration when he see Mindy still seated on his alpha’s lap. When the fuck does she get off work anyway?
The alpha at his side leans around him to follow his gaze and raises an eyebrow when Tommy meets his eyes again, “Is that who you’re taken by?”
Tommy bristles at the judgment he hears in the man’s voice and finishes his drink quickly, not minding in the least when the alpha motions for another round from the bartender.
“Didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just, how much of a moron is he if he has someone like you waiting for him and he’s wasting his time with that dime a dozen slut?” The guy snorts and presses the glass of another drink into Tommy’s hands.
And well, wasn’t that just the most dangerously right thing for him to have said.
Tommy watches as the guy smiles again, obviously amused that Tommy is so shocked by what he just said, “I’m Gabe.”
“Tommy.” The drummer answers almost unthinking, “And he may be a moron but I’m, unfortunately at the moment, in love with him so if you could not insult him, I’d appreciate it.”
Gabe shakes his head incredulously, “You’re really something else. Really irritates me that you’re not available. Well Tommy, I have a proposition for you if you’re interested.”
“This ought to be good. Go ahead.” Tommy smiles in amusement. He wasn’t doing anything else at the moment. Just waiting for a slut to get off of his boyfriend. No big deal. He had time to waste.
The smile across Gabe’s face morphs into a smirk and he takes a step further into Tommy’s space so that he’s very nearly knocking knees with him, “I’m just going to throw it out there that I am totally okay with you using me to give your guy over there a taste of his own medicine. Like, completely okay with it, down right on board to flirt with you for a while until he learns his lesson.”
Tommy’s laughing even though he doesn’t want to. From the corner of his eye he sees Mindy finally get off of Nikki’s lap and even though Nikki looks completely unbothered by her absence, head turning this way and that, obviously looking for Tommy, the omega is still incredibly angry and upset and maybe a little tipsy. Liquor doesn’t typically hit him this hard but three drinks so fast on an empty stomach while he’s tired from a shift obviously have had more of an effect than usual.
And Gabe is nice and funny, and Tommy really wants to just make Nikki understand how he’s been feeling. His head is screaming ‘bad idea, bad idea, bad idea’ but the pain in his heart just says ‘fuck off, we’re doing this’ and he’s spreading his legs just enough for the alpha to push just a little bit closer. It’s nothing explicit really, the man is just standing in the space between his knees, nowhere nears his thighs or his hips, but the suggestion is there and Tommy looks up at the other man, “And what lesson would that be?”
Gabe is still smiling but his eyes are serious when he lifts a hand to sweep his fingers through the curls that frame Tommy’s face, “That you’re a fucking knock out, and if he isn’t careful, someone will definitely sweep in to take you away.”
Tommy laughs softly, no fucking way was anyone taking him away from Nikki, but he’s flattered all the same, “You really are pretty fucking smooth, if I wasn’t-”
The sound of Nikki’s voice, pitched low and warning, has Tommy jerking away from Gabe so fast he nearly gets whiplash. He also teeters precariously on the stool at the movement and he feels Gabe place his hands on his waist to steady him so he doesn’t fall but the deep, loud growl that Nikki lets out has Gabe’s hands flying away in a flash.
Tommy faces Nikki fully then and the alpha looks like a force of nature standing there, body tense and eyes dark, jaw and fists clenched, looking for all intents and purposes that he’s seconds away from lunging at the alpha that’s standing so close to Tommy.
“We’re going home now Tommy.”
Nikki’s tone leaves no room for argument but Tommy still rolls his eyes and out of spite, because how dare Nikki sit there for like an hour with a stripper in his lap and then get this angry over a few minutes of harmless flirting, he turns back to Gabe as he stands up and says, “Thanks for the drinks, and the company.”
Tommy can practically hear Nikki’s teeth grinding when Gabe beams at him, “Anytime sweetheart.”
Nikki is gripping his hand then and pulling them rapidly toward the door but Gabe catches up with them, apparently unable to resist fucking with Nikki’s head one more time, and presses a napkin into Tommy’s hand, “Just in case you ever find yourself unattached.”
They’re out the door in a flash after that and Tommy throws the napkin with what he expects is Gabe’s phone number scribbled on it away. He knows Nikki sees him do it but it does little to calm the older man down as he pulls Tommy quickly down the street, dropping his hand when they approach their apartment and taking the stairs two at a time, leaving the door open for Tommy to shut.
As soon as the lock clicks into place, Nikki is speaking, and his tone is so raw and angry that Tommy is actually startled.
“What the fuck was that Tommy?” Nikki’s eyes are stone cold as he looks at him from across the living room.
Tommy is quiet for a minute because this is a little more intense than he had thought it would be. He figured Nikki would be pissed and they would scream at each other before falling together into angry passionate sex to relieve the frustration and then kiss and whisper apologies into each other’s skin afterwards. That was what was typical for them, both running a little too hot and energy just too high between them to argue quietly or passive aggressively.
Though, Tommy thinks a little guiltily, flirting with Gabe was some pretty passive aggressive shit on his part but no! Fuck this, this whole thing started because of Nikki’s shitty behavior and lack of regard for his feelings so he doesn’t get to stand there on the offensive and make Tommy feel bad. Fuck that.
“Oh fuck off Nikki, you’re not seriously going to stand there and question me over a little fucking flirting are you?” Tommy crosses his arms over his chest and glares at the alpha, not backing down and rearing to tear into him over this finally.
“A little fucking flirting? The guy was between your fucking legs and looked to be about one fucking drink from getting you into bed with him.” Nikki snarks at him cruelly.
Tommy narrows his eyes further and snarls back, “I would never have done that Nikki, thanks for the fucking vote of confidence though. It’s absolutely fucking mind blowing that you can stand there and call me a whore for letting another man barely touch me when you literally just spent an hour my with coworker’s ass grinding on your dick.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, is this coming up fucking again?! She’s a fucking stripper Tommy, that’s what she fucking does for a living.” Nikki has the audacity to look annoyed now and Tommy growls at the alpha for still being so stupid.
“No, this is ending fucking tonight because I am so sick of you just not fucking comprehending this. She’s not fucking accepting payment from you for those fucking dances Nikki. That means she’s doing it because she fucking wants you and you fucking entertain her, while I’m literally feet away working, you selfish, cold fucking dick! What fucking part of this confuses you? It would have been no different if I had pushed that fucking guy into a seat and rode him in the middle of the fucking room. And you do this every fucking week! Fuck! Maybe I should have kept his fucking number, as least he had the damn sense to see that I was more worth his time than a fucking stripper!” Tommy fumes, and yeah, that was a little harder than he typically goes but he needs to get this through Nikki’s skull right fucking now.
Nikki’s pale green eyes are ice right now, hardening the more Tommy lays into him, but Tommy can see the wild panic that shoots through them when he mentions keeping Gabe’s number. Tommy knows that this isn’t good, he knows that Nikki has abandonment issues from how he grew up and fear makes Nikki do irrational, terrible things and he immediately wants to de-escalate the situation but then Nikki is speaking again and his tone is nothing short of disgusted when he says, “Are you really that fucking insecure?”
It’s like a sharp slap to the face and Tommy feels his control of the situation slipping through his fingers, knows that Nikki has none to speak of either and this is spiraling much further than it needed to.
He tries to soften his approach and weakly says, “Nikki…”
But it’s too late for that now, fear and pain and panic have a hold on Nikki now and the older man is backing away from him then and shaking his head, not even screaming but voice still cutting into Tommy’s heart when he continues his assault, “I should have fucking knew that you were too immature to handle this Tommy. What kind of a juvenile fucking slut tries to fuck with another guy just to make their boyfriend jealous over a few fucking lap dances?”
Tommy bites his lip to try to stifle the whimper the wants to come out because Nikki doesn’t usually speak to him like this. They scream and curse and they’ll insult each other but it’s always general, this, this is personal and he feels like he’s going to cry, eyes watering but doing his best to clear his expression and stop this before it goes too far to fix, “Nikki, baby, please…”
Nikki shakes his head, “Who fucking fucks up their relationship because of some stupid insecurity? A fucking kid does that Tommy, it’s fucking pathetic.”
Tommy takes in a shuddering breath, “Nikki stop, just stop!”
“This is the fucking life Tommy. This is being a goddamn rock star. This is what we fucking wanted. If you can’t handle a few fucking strippers without thinking that I want them more than I want you then we should just fucking end this now before you bring us all down with your goddamn pathetic insecurities. I don’t want anything to do with someone like that.”
Tommy feels a shattering pain in his chest and distantly hears a small broken whimper that he’s startled to realize has come from him. He can feel the warmth and wetness of his tears finally falling down his cheeks and Nikki is looking at him with what looks like immediate regret mixed up with the anger and the fear but Tommy can’t analyze that look, he can’t stay there for one more fucking minute and he’s running out of the apartment as fast as his long legs can take him, heart breaking all the more when he realizes that Nikki isn’t coming after him.
He ends up on a friend’s couch that night, and after several nights with no word from Nikki, he supposes that the set-up is permanent. He feels broken, unable to get himself to do the simplest of things, and as the days go by it doesn’t get any easier. He spends his nights curled up on the couch in physical pain from missing the older man so damn much. Everything in him wants to call Nikki. If he wants to fix this, he needs to be the one to do it because he knows that Nikki is probably buried too deep in a hole of self-loathing to even think that this is repairable. But every time he goes to press the alpha’s number into his phone he hears those terrible things he had said to him and he physically recoils from the slim possibility that Nikki actually meant them.
His friends go get his stuff from the apartment. Vince and Mick try calling him and texting but he can’t read them after the first few glances revealed Nikki’s name so he blocks all of their numbers, the last of Tommy Lee, drummer of Mötley Crüe, dying as he presses the delete button on Nikki’s contact information.
~May 15th, 2019~
Tommy all but collapses again the counter top when they reach the kitchen and Duff has the common sense to move them a little further into a more secluded corner, away from most of the people who are milling in and out of the room.
The omega is grateful to him because he feels like he’s about to have a panic attack, and wow, he’s never had one of those before. But Duff presses into his space, cupping his face to push his hair back so that Tommy focuses on his face.
“Hey, hey, Tommy, look at me okay? Focus on me, I need you to try to breathe a little more deeply okay? Just slow down a little bit okay?”
Tommy feels his breathing even out a little bit, still a little shaky but not nearly as gasping as he had been. He pulls back from the other man and leans against the glass door that leads to the balcony, the cold seeping through his shirt at his shoulder blades and grounding him.
Duff gives him a minute to calm down, but when Tommy is lucid enough to clearly meet his eyes, he’s raising an eyebrow, “So….”
Tommy groans and covers his eyes with his hands before resolutely dragging them through his hair.
“I’m guessing you and Sixx have history then.” Duff says gently, settling against the door next to Tommy.
Tommy closes his eyes and feels the words sink into his brain. History. Images of Nikki grabbing him around the waist, the both of them giggling loudly as they dance crazy and wild in the living room, of Nikki wrapping his arms around his waist from behind randomly and pressing his lips to his shoulder softly to inhale his scent, flash before his eyes and he walks to the table where the liquor is. He grabs the first thing he sees, a bottle of vodka in an ice bucket and unscrews it to take a gulp as he stands there.
Duff nods, “Yeah, definitely history. Shit, I knew Sixx was fucked up over someone, never imagined it would be over Tommy fucking Lee.”
Tommy whips his head around to stare at the blond haired alpha, “What do you mean?”
“Dude, Nikki has been a damn mess ever since I met him. We didn’t know what his deal was, you know? Because he doesn’t do the typical rock star shit, like yeah, he drinks like no one I have ever seen and he’ll take a bump every now and again and he smokes weed whenever you offer but the whole one night stand, fucking groupies, going to strip clubs, all that other shit, he wants nothing to do with. We couldn’t believe it because Nikki Sixx is one crazy mother fucker, we thought for sure that he would have a constant rotation of omega’s and beta’s but he was never with anyone. So we asked Sammy because he’s the only one who will talk about it and he said that Sixx fucked up his shot with his true mate and he hasn’t been interested in anyone since. Guessing that was you.”
Tommy bites his lip, taking in the information and feeling his heart hurt at the thought of his alpha in pain over him. “We were always, we were always so intense you know?”
Duff doesn’t say anything, just nods and listens like he knows that Tommy needs to just talk it out.
“It was immediate, like a gasoline fire, coming to life so fucking fast but it just never, it never burned out. I think we almost half expected it to, that’s why we took a couple weeks to acknowledge it but it just never went away. Not after we confessed, not after we got together, not even after months of being a couple. It was incredible because it meant that everything was so passionate, everything was electric and so fulfilling but it was a double edged sword because when we fought, Christ, we fought hard. That’s what did it, a stupid fucking fight we should never have gotten into. He said some things, I said some terrible shit back, and then he said some really terrible shit and it just spiraled out of control until we broke and neither of us could bring ourselves out of our heart break to try to repair it.”
Duff watches Tommy as he takes another pull from the vodka bottle, his eyes are closed, brown waves still falling softly around his face and every inch of him screams longing. Sixx is a fucking lucky guy.
“You still love him.”
Tommy lowers the vodka bottle and opens his eyes and the look he gives Duff, the sad little smile, is heartbreaking, “Of course I still love him. He’s my true mate. I knew it from that very first night we met in that dingy little fucking diner.”
Duff is nodding suddenly, and it confuses Tommy because the blond alpha looks resolute as he says, “Why don’t we get some air? You go wait out there on the balcony and I’ll be right back, I’m just going tell Zutaut that you’re okay and you’re calming down so he doesn’t come bothering you.”
Tommy finds himself nodding along gently, some air would be nice and there weren’t any people out there on the balcony. So he slides the glass door open as Duff walks out of the kitchen and closes it behind him.
Zutaut had been right, California does get chilly at night but Tommy has lived here all his life and he embraces it happily. It feels nice against his stress heated skin and he walks over to lean his elbows on the wide stone railing and look out over the garden.
He’s taking another long sip from his vodka bottle when he hears the door behind him slide open and shut again and he turns around as he says, “Well that didn’t take too long.”
But it isn’t Duff standing there just a few feet away from him. Of course it isn’t. Because life isn’t fair like that and it doesn’t care what Tommy thinks he wants, it only cares about what he needs.
Which is why Nikki stands there like one of Tommy’s damn dreams. Tommy is quiet as he drinks in the sight of the alpha in front of him, eyes tracking over the familiarities of his features and noting the changes, how his body seems broader, muscles thicker than just a year ago but his face and his eyes are looking at Tommy like they always used to, with that damn expression that made Tommy feel like the most important thing in the whole damn world to Nikki.
It makes him angry.
“What do you want Sixx, I’m trying to drink myself into a stupor here.” Tommy says as he turns his back to the man so he wouldn’t have to see his eyes anymore.
The omega fucking flinches at the sound of his name like that. Nikki didn’t speak it so much as breathed it reverently, and he needed to shut that shit down right now.
“Don’t say my name like that.” Tommy snaps at him, whirling back around to face his past head on. Nikki is looking at with a determined expression that literally scares the hell out of Tommy, the omega’s eyes widening when Nikki starts walking towards him.
“Stay the fuck away from me Sixx.” Tommy warns him, but his voice is nowhere near as strong as he wants it to be, cracking underneath the weight of his emotions as Nikki gets closer to him.
Nikki just shakes his head and simply says, “No baby.”  
There are tears in Tommy’s eyes again at the pet name and he’s weakly demanding, “Don’t fucking call me that.”
But Nikki is right on top of him then and his arms are wrapping around Tommy like they belong there, one going around his waist to pull him close and the other coming up to bury his fingers in Tommy’s hair and cradle the back of his head as the omega melts into him with a sob, face buried in Nikki’s neck.
Nikki is pressing gentle kisses into his hair but he’s breathing harshly and Tommy can feel tears dropping to land on his shoulder but he’s sobbing too, shoulders shaking with his hands against Nikki’s chest, the alpha’s heart beating so fucking fast as he talks, “I know, fucking hell, baby, I know, should have done this that night, I was so stupid, Jesus Christ Tommy, baby.”
Tommy cries soften at that, just enough for him to stammer out, “What the fuck happened? What the hell happened to us?”
Nikki is pulling back just enough to look into Tommy’s face and his cheeks are wet with tears when he shakes his head again, “It was me baby. It was all fucking me. I got, I was so caught up in portraying this image of what I thought I should be and I let it get way too fucking out of hand. Fuck Tommy, I was so fucking disrespectful towards you, I should never have even let that slut come near me, let alone… fuck and even then I should have stopped it the minute you said it upset you.”
Tommy looks away to the side, his own guilt eating him up until he says, “I shouldn’t have flirted with that guy in the bar that night. It was fucking petty and I knew it was a bad idea, I was just so mad and upset and I-”
Nikki cups the side of Tommy’s face gently with one hand to turn it back to meet his gaze, calloused thumb swiping over his cheekbone to brush the tears away as they continue to fall, “You had every fucking right to do whatever you could to try to get me to see how much I was hurting you Tommy. When I saw you with him, fuck I had already been drinking and that just sent me into a rage and when I got closer and heard him fucking say that shit about taking you away from me, I just lost control for the rest of the night. I was so scared Tommy, I was so fucking scared of that happening, you have no damn idea because I knew, I knew I wasn’t good enough for you. I let that fear and my own damn fucking ego influence me and I didn’t mean a goddamn thing I said to you that night baby. If nothing else, I need you to know that. I didn’t mean a single word.”
Tommy lets the words fall over him and feels his heart break all over again at how they had let something like this ruin them, keeping his eyes locked with Nikki’s when he asks something that has kept him awake for many nights over the past year, “Why didn’t you come after me? Why didn’t you call? I was waiting for you Nikki. Do you know how much I fucking tortured myself with wanting to call but refusing to because I thought that maybe you didn’t want me around anymore? Part of me knew you still loved me, part of me knew that it was just a stupid fucking fight that got out of hand but as soon as that part of me would convince me to call, I would think about what you said and I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t stand the thought, the possibility that maybe that was really how you felt.”
Nikki makes a pained sound in the back of his throat, more tears tracking softly down his face as he presses his forehead into Tommy’s and the omega can’t help how his hands curl over the sides of his neck, Nikki’s pain a reflection of his own.
“I’m sorry Tommy. I’m so absolutely and completely fucking sorry. I was the moment I finished talking but the look on your face...”
Nikki suddenly releases the grip he has on Tommy and the omega feels the loss of contact in the form of a physical pain as the other man take a few steps away and looks out over the railing, “I didn’t fucking deserve you Tommy. I don’t deserve you. The expression on your face that night before you ran out the door, I did that. That was my fault, I made you feel like that and that fucking haunted me. I couldn’t call you, I was afraid that if I did, if you came back, I would do something to put that expression back on your face again eventually. You were better off without me.”
Tommy bites his lip softly. There were a million ways that he could respond to that and initially he wants to yell at Nikki that he’s a fucking idiot because not only was that completely untrue, that also wasn’t Nikki’s choice to make. But he knows Nikki, he knows him so well and being back in his arms, even as stressful and brief as it had been, has brought back in stark relief just how desperately Tommy had missed him.
“You never got it Sixx. You could never quite understand that you’re not the bad guy.”
Nikki shifts his gaze back to Tommy quickly, eyes wide and mouth open like he wants to protest but Tommy doesn’t give him the opportunity, “You’ve never been the bad guy Nikki. No matter what you think about yourself, it’s just not the truth. You try to be sometimes, but you can’t quite manage to be what you seem to think you are. Better off without you? I was fucking miserable every damn day. You hurt me that night Nik, but I hurt you too. You don’t carry the responsibility for where we are now alone.”
The alpha shakes his head, about to respond when the doors to the balcony are suddenly thrown open, a drunken couple practically falling through the doors before crowding themselves against the railing to make out without even a glance to see who was around them.
Tommy has to let out a breathy laugh as he wipes at the tear tracks on his cheeks. He remembers when he and Nikki used to be like that, their passion consuming any sense of shame or modesty. Nikki must be thinking the same thing because he’s looking at Tommy with a wistful little smile.
“Not exactly the best setting to have this conversation I guess.” Nikki sighs gently, moving a little closer to Tommy now to keep their words private.
Tommy shakes his head, wrapping his arms around himself, unsure of what to say or do now that the emotionally charged moment has been broken.
Nikki reaches a hand up to sweep through his hair, pushing it back off his face before he grimaces, obviously at war with what he’s about to say but forcing the words out anyway, “Do you want to go back to the party? It looked like you were having fun before, with… with Duff.”
Tommy can see how the statement hurts him to say, can see how hard Nikki is trying to respect that Tommy isn’t his anymore and not get possessive but Tommy doesn’t want to go back to the party. He doesn’t want to go back to flirting with Duff and pretending like Nikki is just another person in the room, like they weren’t still desperate for each other.
Tommy didn’t know a lot right now, he was confused and overwhelmed but if there was one thing he knew with certainty it was that he had never stopped loving Nikki. Even just standing here next to the alpha after everything that had happened over the last year has Tommy feeling like something in him is finally settling back into place, a warmth reawakening that piece of him that had been dormant without his bassist.
If they were going to fix this, if they had a second chance, it wasn’t going to happen with them parting ways here and acting like nothing had happened for the rest of the night.
So Tommy shakes his head, “I don’t want to go back to the party Nikki…”
The bassist lets out a long exhale, relief clear on his face before hesitating. It’s new to Tommy, to see Nikki acting so cautious, so careful and unsure.
“I could drive you home? We could talk a little more in the car, if you want?”
“It’s your party Nikki. Fuck, you guys got signed! You should stay and enjoy it.” Tommy is earnest when he says it, despite wanting nothing more than to continue talking. He doesn’t know what’s going to come of this, if it’s closure that he’s after or maybe something more, the idea of a second chance settling dangerously in his mind and in his heart the more Nikki looks at him. But just because he isn’t exactly in a party mood anymore doesn’t mean that Nikki shouldn’t stay and celebrate.
But Nikki’s lips pull into that smile that always leaves Tommy a little breathless, the alpha reaching towards him to sweep some of the curls around Tommy’s face back behind his ear, “Like I give a fuck about anything else in the world when I have the chance to stay with you just a little bit longer.”
“Nikki…” Tommy whispers his name so softly, like he couldn’t help himself, it makes Nikki shudder to hear it from the omega’s lips.
“Let me drive you home Tommy, please?” Nikki is almost begging at this point and he looks completely unbothered by this fact. So okay with pleading for just a few more minutes of his time that Tommy is nodding without even thinking about it.
“Yeah, okay. Okay Nik.”
The dark haired bassist nods in acceptance, hand coming down to rest against the small of his back and lead him through the doors. Tommy sets the bottle of vodka he had swiped back on the counter top as they move through the kitchen, not needing it as much as he had when he walked away from Nikki earlier that night.
Nikki’s hand is warm against his lower back and it lights him up in a way he hasn’t felt in the past year. Such simple contact, such a simple touch but even so, it’s eliciting more passion from him than the entire experience of the four one night stands he has had over the past year. It’s deliciously distracting, so much so that Tommy barely notices his surroundings as they move through the house, not even acknowledging anyone who calls out to him and Nikki is much the same, moving at a steady pace with single minded determination.
The valet brings Nikki’s car so fast that they barely get the opportunity to even look at each other, eyes meeting shyly and cautiously. Tommy grins when the car pulls up. He knows nearly nothing about cars, but he recognizes the sleek black vehicle as one that Nikki used to go on and on about when they were together.
Nikki notices his eyes light up in recognition and laughs softly, “My signing bonus was well spent, yeah?”
Tommy laughs along with him, suddenly so happy for the other man. He knows that Nikki’s upbringing was tumultuous, between his neglectful mother and living poor with his grandparents. Being able to buy something that he had dreamed about for years, owning something that, was absolutely incredible.
“That’s a fucking understatement.” Tommy teases as Nikki insists on opening his door instead of the valet attendant.
Nikki slides into the driver’s seat and as soon as he starts the car, the engine roaring to life, heat shoots through Tommy so abruptly he nearly gasps. Nikki just looks so good like this, just as fucking gorgeous as he always was and the whole scenario is suddenly crashing into Tommy’s head like a wave. If they hadn’t been so stupid that night, if either of them had just been brave enough to reach out sooner, Tommy would have seen this on the regular. He’d have probably been there when Nikki went to purchase the damn car in the first place.
If the past year hadn’t happened, Tommy would be able to do something about the lust rushing through him at the sight of Nikki right now. Tommy blushes when he realizes that he probably wouldn’t have hesitated to do exactly what he wanted, how he would have undone his seatbelt so he could lean over far enough to bury his face in Nikki’s lap, how he would have pressed kisses to Nikki’s length through the material of his jeans until Nikki would growl at him like he used to when he would tease. How he would have continued to go much further than that.
Nikki is inhaling sharply suddenly and the sound has Tommy blinking away the daze that he had been in just in time to hear what Nikki says, “Tommy, baby, whatever you’re thinking about, please stop.”
Tommy’s blush deepens when he realizes that sometime during his heated daze he had gotten wet. Jesus Christ, has anyone ever been able to wind him up like that just by sitting in the damn driver’s seat of a fucking car?
“Sorry…” Tommy says quietly in embarrassment and Nikki turns to him sharply, eyes dark and serious.
“Don’t ever be sorry for that Tommy. Fuck, I’m so deliriously happy that you even still… fuck, that you even want me like that. I just, you smell so fucking good babe and it’s making it really difficult to control myself and I don’t think it’s going to help us talk about everything we need to talk about if I jump you right here in my car.”
Tommy shivers, a small part of him wanting to encourage Nikki to do just that, but he was right. They had a lot to work out before coming close to that point.
So he takes a deep breath, trying to cool down a little bit and decides to tease the older man to break the tension, “You’re right Nikki, it’s just, it’s a really fucking nice car.”
The alpha laughs at that, the sound just as boisterous as Tommy remembered and it has him laughing too. Nikki quiets down to a chuckle and brings up the navigation screen.
“What’s your address babe?” Nikki asks and Tommy leans forward to put the address in, looking at the estimated time of 25 minutes and then Nikki is grinning.
“Want to see how much we can beat that time by?” Nikki challenges, voice mischievous as the engine revs and Tommy feels a tingle of excitement creep into his chest.
“Trying to impress me Nik?” Tommy asks, brown eyes bright as he looks into Nikki’s pale green ones.
Nikki grins, “Fucking always babe.”
Tommy doesn’t even have time to respond after that because he’s letting out a small surprised yelp as Nikki floors it and takes the fuck off. He hears the alpha chuckling again and he reaches out to slap his arm for scaring him but he’s laughing anyway too.
It’s so easy. So ridiculously easy falling back into the fun, playful flirting. This was how it was supposed to be, the two of them laughing as Nikki sped down the streets of Los Angeles with Tommy encouraging him to go faster, music blasting out of open windows and by the time they pull into an open space on the street outside of Tommy’s apartment, a full ten minutes faster than their navigation had said, both of their cheeks hurt from smiling.
Tommy knows his hair is an absolute wreck from the wind but Nikki’s eyes are moving over him after they park and sit there for a minute, and Tommy feels more stunning with the bassist staring at him with that look in his eyes than he does glammed out in front of the camera for work.
“I always loved when you looked at me like that.”
The words are escaping his lips before Tommy has a chance to pull them back but Nikki smiles at him softly, “Like what?”
Tommy looks down briefly, biting his lip as he thinks about it before deciding to just say it, “Like you think I’m the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”
Nikki’s smile grows, his eyes still warm and intense as he stares at him, “I always look at you like that.”
Tommy nods and exhales a shaky breath, “I know.”
Nikki reaches out slowly, giving Tommy time to stop him if he wants to as he cups his cheek in his hand, thumb rubbing softly over his cheekbones, “We didn’t really talk like we were supposed to.”
Tommy leans into the caress, eyes closing as he thinks over what he wants to do. He knows most people in his position would do the logical thing, the safe thing. They would tell Nikki that they can meet up tomorrow or whenever they both had free time. They would take this slow, take the time to heal together before moving on to maybe try a relationship again.
Tommy opens his eyes, knowing exactly what he wants to say.
“You could come up? To talk now, if you want.” Tommy has never been most people.
Nikki is looking at him searchingly, silent for a minute as he takes his hand away before nodding.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s talk.”
They’re quiet as Tommy scans his key card to let them into the lobby and they wait for an elevator. Nikki is looking around curiously, trying to acquaint himself with this new aspect of Tommy’s life that he missed out on.
Tommy likes his apartment. He could afford something bigger if he really wanted, but he never really felt the need for more when it was just him. A part of him reasons that maybe he just didn’t have the enthusiasm over the past year that he once did and that was why he didn’t necessarily care about having fun with his money. But still, he lived in a nice area and the building had been an old 1940’s hotel that had been renovated into apartments. His own unit is nice, with tall ceilings and massive windows that give a stunning view of the city but with that interesting old world charm that makes it unique. When they make it to the peak floor nine stories up and Tommy opens his front door, Nikki grins wide and nods to himself in some sort of approval.
“I love it T, not something I’d expect from a Gucci model but I absolutely fucking love it.”
Tommy blushes as he throws his keys and phone onto the small table by the door and takes his shoes off to get more comfortable, “Oh, you saw that huh?”
Nikki surprises him by blushing too, the older man toeing his own shoes off to match Tommy, “Uh, yeah, well... I don’t want to say that I stalked you on social media for the last six months but that’s kind of exactly what I was doing I guess.”
“Oh.” Tommy says quietly, and Nikki would be worried but the omega has a small little smile on his face.
“Yeah.” Nikki exhales, looking around as they stand in the front entrance of Tommy’s apartment.
Tommy feels nerves flood him suddenly. It was easier in the car when they had something fun to distract them but there’s something much more intimate about having Nikki in his apartment. He had tried to completely erase any sign of Nikki from his life when he had left and now the man was here, standing barefoot in his home.
He takes a shaky breath and moves to the open kitchen, needing an outlet for his nervous energy, already opening up cabinets and getting glasses down as he asks, “Do you want anything? I mean, I haven’t restocked my liquor but I have wine that someone left here if you want some.”
Tommy nearly screams when he feels hands touch his waist softly to settle and turn him around.
“Wine is good T, why don’t you sit down and I’ll get it?” Nikki asks him slowly, obviously trying to calm him down a little bit.
Tommy nods and follows Nikki’s suggestion, sitting himself down on the couch and taking a few deep breaths until Nikki hands him a glass of some sort of white wine, sitting the bottle on the coffee table and sitting down himself a respectful distance away. Tommy doesn’t know if he wishes he would move closer or further. Not sure what would settle his nerves better.
They drink quietly for a few minutes, trying to figure out where to start. There’s so much Tommy wants to say and yet everything escapes him at the moment but he has to say something and a sudden thought lights up in his head.
“Duff said that you haven’t been with anyone in the past year.”
Tommy blushes when Nikki starts coughing on the sip of wine he was taking. And he can’t really blame him, of all the places to start, Tommy chooses that.
“He fucking told you that?” Nikki groans, hand coming up to cover his eyes in what seems to be mortification.
“Don’t be mad at him, he was trying to get me to calm down and I think he could sense that we, you know that we had history and was probably just telling me what he thought I wanted to hear.” Tommy tried to sooth.
Nikki shakes his head and moves his hand but he keeps his eyes on the glass of wine in his hands, “He wasn’t.”
Tommy looks at the other man in confusion, body twisting to settle so that he’s angled towards the alpha, “He wasn’t what?”
Nikki sighs and moves so that he mirrors Tommy, looking him in the eyes again, “He wasn’t just telling you what you wanted to hear. I haven’t been with anyone in the past year.”
Tommy widens his eyes as he stares at the bassist incredulously, “Why?”
Nikki downs the rest of his wine and then sighs, “Tommy, you... you really have no idea how much it hurt me to lose you do you? I fucking, I hated myself. When you ran out, I wanted to follow you, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t get myself to move because I was so fucking angry at myself and then you didn’t come back. You didn’t call, you didn’t text. You were always so much better than me with talking things out and expressing yourself and I was being selfish again by waiting for you to reach out but when you didn’t, I fucking lost it. I didn’t want to hurt you anymore, and I thought the only way I could do that was by staying away.”
“That was stupid.” Tommy replies heatedly, “We were both so fucking stupid.”
Nikki nods solemnly, “I know. I know that now. Seeing you sitting on that table, I swear, I think my breathing just stopped. My whole body stopped. Vince literally had to drag me forward. You were just there and so damn stunning, fuck Tommy, how could I have wanted anyone after you?”
Tommy feels his eyes watering but he can’t cry anymore tonight. He thinks back to the one night stands he had while trying to forget Nikki and he feels so guilty that he’s covering his face with his free hand to hide.
“Babe, Tommy, it’s okay baby.” Nikki is scooting closer to him and gently pulling his hand away. “It’s okay if you were with someone else. You didn’t owe me shit, and besides, I wouldn’t have wanted you to go through a heat by yourself.”
Tommy’s eyes widen again and frantically catch Nikki’s gaze because no, he absolutely can’t think that.
“I didn’t spend my heat with anyone Nikki. How in the absolute hell, that was never an option. I couldn’t, you… you’re the only alpha I ever want for my heat Nik.”
Nikki growls at that and the sounds sends shivers down Tommy’s spine and heat through his lower stomach. That sound was always one of Tommy’s favorites, it was just so primal, so deep and possessive that it never failed to get him hot and now is no exception.
Nikki swallows hard and lets go of Tommy’s hand, “I think I need to go baby.”
Tommy flat out whines at that, still caught up in the headspace that Nikki’s growl had sent him into but he comes out of it quickly enough, “Wait, what, but what are we…”
“Babe, I don’t want to leave. Trust me. But between what you just said and your earlier stunt in the car… I may not be a bad guy but I’m not a saint either baby and I’m really running out of self-control here and I’m trying to respect your space.”
Tommy frowns, heat still spreading through him at the blatant desire in Nikki’s eyes. He doesn’t want Nikki to leave. It’s such a sudden but desperate thought that Tommy is reaching forward and grabbing at Nikki’s hand, “Don’t leave.”
Nikki’s eyes soften and his fingers of his free hand rake through Tommy’s hair until it rests under his jaw, “Let me take you to dinner tomorrow.”
Tommy blinks in confusion, dizzy from how all the different directions this night has gone, “Huh?”
Nikki nods and smiles nervously at him, “Dinner T. You know, like a date. Or a pre-date, or just a get together between friends who may or may not pursue each romantically after a period of healing. Whatever you want it to be, this is totally up to you-”
Tommy laughs softly and nods just to put Nikki out of his misery, “It’s a date.”
Nikki laughs, “Okay. So it’s a date.”
Tommy smiles but then Nikki is pressing a sweet kiss to the fingers of the hand Tommy had used to grab his and getting up to walk to the door.
This is good, Tommy thinks. This is beyond anything he could have ever hoped for and really, to go one day without Nikki in his life to having a date with him the next day was far faster than most people would have moved were they in his situation so he should be satisfied. He should be okay with letting Nikki leave and then going to bed by himself. That’s healthy.
Tommy is moving before he even thinks about it, “Nikki.”
The alpha turns around just in time for Tommy to wrap his arms around his neck and press their lips together and the absolute sigh of relief that Nikki lets out makes Tommy melt, releasing his own desperate little noise when Nikki’s hands find their way to his hips automatically.
They part gently, arms still around each other tightly as they stare with half lidded eyes.
“Tommy…” Nikki groans, obviously still fighting with himself about giving Tommy more time.
The omega just nudges his nose against Nikki’s cheek softly, breathing in his scent, “Stay Nikki. I want you to stay.”
Nikki nudges Tommy’s cheek back before reconnecting their lips in a brief, sweet kiss. They part again and Nikki exhales loudly, “God, Tommy.”
Tommy feels delirious when Nikki surges forward to press him against the door, lips pressing harshly against his in desperation and Tommy feels more alive than he has all year.
Nikki groans at the absolute plushness of the omega’s lips, the feeling better than he could have ever imagined after an entire year apart. He pushes harder against Tommy’s lips, dragging his hands down his sides to grip at his waist and hold him as close as possible. When Tommy gasps he can feel it and Nikki can’t help himself from running his tongue over the omega’s full bottom lip, angling his head so he can lick into the drummer’s mouth.
Nikki feels his body burning, igniting all the more at the way Tommy whines into the kiss, the way his hands reach up again to tangle in his hair, until he feels drunk off the feeling, no whiskey needed, breaking the contact of their lips to trail kisses and nips along the omega’s jaw and down his neck, firmly licking at the scent gland just underneath his ear. The moan Tommy lets out is so loud and unexpectedly high pitched, but he couldn’t have held it in for anything. Nikki is here with him, he’s touching him just the way he loves and Tommy wants this, wants it so badly and that only becomes more true when Nikki growls his approval as a wave of arousal crashes through him.
He smells so sweet, so fresh, Nikki can’t get enough as he keeps licking and nipping at the gland until he starts to smell the heat of arousal thick around Tommy’s usual honey orange scent and that, that just sets him off even more.
His hands run firmly over Tommy’s hips until they come to a stop on his ass, squeezing both cheeks and the omega keens and pushes his hips up into Nikki’s, the alpha answering with an automatic roll of his own before he grips the backs of Tommy’s perfect fucking thighs, thankful for the natural strength that comes from being an alpha as he lifts him easily to wrap those sinfully long legs around his waist, hips pinning the drummer’s to the door.
The move surprises Tommy, body heating up even more at how effortlessly Nikki lifted him, thighs trembling around the bassist’s hips as he feels himself slicking up, getting wet because of the man he loves in between his legs. It’s straight out of a dream but so much better because it’s real and Tommy uses the grip he has on Nikki’s hair to tilt his face back up and kisses him desperately.
Nikki is sharply inhaling through his nose suddenly and he pulls back from the kiss to stare sharply into Tommy’s eyes, his own pale greens dark and wild and it makes Tommy whine to see him that way again. But the alpha shakes his head, rests his forehead against the drummer’s again.
“Is this too fast babe? Do I need to slow down because shit, I can fucking smell how wet you are and if we don’t stop now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to. Tell me, tell me what you want baby.” His voice is pitched so low and his cock throbs when he smells the slick Tommy is producing, struggling to keep his hips still as he flexes his hands around the omega’s thighs.
Tommy is shaking his head, hands carding through Nikki’s long black hair and pulling him back a little to look him in the face, “Don’t stop, Nikki, alpha, don’t stop please.”
Nikki groans, hips rocking forward against Tommy’s, grinding against him deliciously as his hands move back to grip the omega’s ass to hold him up more firmly.
“Don’t fucking stop,” Tommy is saying again, dragging his lips down Nikki’s neck, whimpering at the friction between his legs and the heavy forest rain scent that blossoms on his tongue when he licks over the alpha’s scent gland, giddy at the choked moan he gets as a reward. “It’s not, ah, it’s not too fast, it’s perfect. It’s right, it’s, fucking finally Sixx.”
Nikki feels his lips pull into a smile, “Fucking finally.”
Then he pulls Tommy against him roughly with the grip he has on his ass, making sure he has him secure in his arms before he pulls them away from the door.
Tommy’s legs tighten around his hips, arms around his shoulders, and the needy noise he makes in his throat is intoxicating.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t drop you.” Nikki teases, thinking Tommy’s gasp and tight grip are from the fear of falling. He keeps them upright as Tommy hides his face in his neck, the omega’s hands moving from his shoulders to feel where the muscles are tight and flexed in his arms.
“I know you won’t, you’re so strong, my alpha.” Tommy calls him so breathlessly, it has Nikki walking back to press him up against the wall next to the door, surging forward to devour the youngers lips in a rough kiss, running his tongue over every surface in Tommy’s mouth. His hands drag along the omega’s legs wrapped around him, up and down his waist, everywhere.
“Tommy, Tommy, fuck, I know baby. I know exactly how you like it.” Nikki thrills, biting at the base of Tommy’s neck in an instinctive bout of possession. “You like that I can carry you around, like that I can move you, shape you however I want. I could hold you up and fuck you right here baby, and you’d fucking love it, wouldn’t you.”
Tommy keens, body burning, absolutely on fire. God, he loved this, always loved how Nikki would talk, Tommy can’t believe that he had forgotten this, but he can’t say those things and expect Tommy to be able to actually answer coherently.
“Come on baby, I want to hear you say it, need to hear what you want,” Nikki whispers lowly in his ear, one hand coming up to grip Tommy’s chin to force him to look at him. Nikki’s breath rushes out of him when he sees the omega’s face, the blush staining his cheeks, curly hair messy, big brown eyes dilated and lips kiss swollen. “Need you to tell me everything you like babe, want to hear everything, want to make it so good for you.”
Tommy moans when Nikki’s hips start moving again, the alpha staring into his eyes expectantly, and really, Nikki did such a wonderful job communicating tonight, so good at starting to bring them back together like they should be, he could do this now for the other man if it means that much.
So he nods, hands clenching on Nikki’s shoulders and nosing at his neck, “I like it Nikki, it’s so good, makes me feel so good, want more baby.”
“Fuck. I’ll give it to you babe, give you anything you want, always.” Nikki pulls him away from the wall and walks him through the kitchen and into the hallway before he stops, “Where do you want me babe? You’re bed, the wall, the floor, god wherever you want, I’m there.”
Tommy laughs at the question, Nikki grinning at the sound. But Tommy quiets after a few seconds and bites his lip, eyes hooded, small smirk growing along with some of his confidence. Nikki isn’t the only one who can tease.
The omega pulls lightly on the long black strands at the base of Nikki’s hairline, reveling in the groan the alpha lets out, the way his hands tighten on his ass, “My bed baby, want you to take me in my bed, want you to get your scent all over it and me, please, alpha.”
Nikki breaths in sharply, heat punching through his gut and he starts down the hall, kicking the door open that Tommy points to, “Don’t fucking push me Tommy. I’m struggling to control myself as it is.”
“Don’t,” Tommy gasps as Nikki drops him down onto the bed before kneeling between the omega’s spread legs. Nikki stops at the word, hands kneading into the younger boy’s thighs, but not moving down and Tommy realizes that he didn’t finish his sentence. He had gotten overwhelmed by the alpha’s scent surrounding him and the notion of having Nikki in his bed like this.
“Don’t control yourself Nik, I want it, I want you so bad, can fucking handle anything you give me.” Tommy reaches up and uses a hand on Nikki’s neck to pull himself up, arching his back to peck the alpha on the lips, “I can handle you, baby.”
Nikki’s growl comes from deep in his chest as he reaches out and pulls the black tee shirt off of Tommy swiftly before pushing him back down. Tommy’s a fucking perfect omega, so fucking beautiful just like Nikki remember, long slender limbs, flat stomach, small waist. Nikki eyes the small swell of his hips through the fishnet with hunger, hands yanking his own tank top over his head and throwing it off to the side before sinking down into the omega’s arms and attaching his mouth to Tommy’s collarbones, biting harshly to hear him yelp and then soothing the mark with soft licks, moving on to suck bruises into the line of his throat. His hands smooth up the soft skin of his sides until he gets to his chest, both thumbs rubbing at his nipples.
Tommy whines, long and needy as Nikki continues the assault on his chest, fingers pinching and pulling as he sits back to watch the omega squirm, “Fuck, yeah, you can handle me. I know you can babe, I remember, you’re going to be so good for me, already making me so fucking hard sweetheart.”
Nikki abandons one of his nipples to grab a hand that Tommy has thrown over his head, bringing it down and putting it on the bulge of his cock and even through the material of his jeans, the touch is heavenly.
“Feel that babe? That’s for you, you’re making your alpha so fucking hard because you’re so goddamn hot. Want you more than anything baby.”
Tommy can’t do much at this point but moan helplessly at the words, his hand rubs at Nikki’s cock through his jeans and the omega’s mouth waters because it’s so hard and feels so big in his hand, just like it always did.
“Shit, T.” Nikki groans, ducking back down to kiss him roughly, fast, before moving down to take a nipple into his mouth, sucking gently and flicking his tongue against it, loving the way Tommy arches it further into his mouth, hands attaching to Nikki’s hair, pulling lightly and whimpering so pretty for him.
Nikki continues to kiss his way down, sucks a bruise or two into his ribs and then busies himself with making hickies across his hips as he unbuttons and unzips the tight black jean still keeping him from seeing all of the drummer.
“Nikki, mmm, feels so good, come here, please, fuckin’ want to kiss you.” And really, Nikki doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to deny his drummer anything ever again, so he moves back up Tommy’s body and kisses him deep.
The alpha feels Tommy’s hands caressing down his chest and abs, fingers tracing the indents of the lean muscle, making him groan until the omega finally reaches his jeans, undoing his own button and opening the zipper, both struggling to push each other’s pants down while still staying connected in their kiss.
Eventually they break apart in giggles when it of course doesn’t work, then Nikki kisses Tommy quickly once more before moving off him and the bed and hurriedly removing his jeans and underwear in one smooth movement. He groans at the relief of his cock being free from the tightness of his pants and when he looks up Tommy is staring at him with so much desire in his eyes, tongue coming out to wet his lips, and Nikki knows that look. He remembers that look so fucking well, it has him letting out a heated moan.
He gets back on the bed quickly and pushes Tommy down where the boy was attempting to get up with a firm hand on his chest.
“Now, now babe,” Nikki says as Tommy whines at being pushed back down, “As much as I am dying to see those pretty lips around my cock, I really don’t think I’ll last as long as I want inside of you if you do that first.”
Tommy pouts and it makes Nikki huff out a laugh in surprise, “You can blow me after baby, promise. Right now I just need to get inside of you before I go crazy.”
The omega moans and nods in acceptance, “Okay, okay Nik, just please, hurry.”
Nikki’s hands drop back down to Tommy’s hips, pushing down below the material of his pants and peeling them off slowly, eyes never leaving the omega’s until they’re completely off. Nikki’s heart pounds as his eyes run over every inch of the younger boy below him, moving to settle on his haunches so he can look at all of him. He’s so pretty, so goddamn pretty. His cock is long and thin, curving up along his pelvis, long legs smooth and slender and covered in those goddamn fishnets that drive him crazy to look at. Nikki pushes the stockings down his legs mournfully, sad to see them go but his mouth waters when he sees Tommy’s thighs glistening with slick. With his pants removed, the sweet smell of it is even stronger and Nikki feels desperation move him to grab Tommy’s ankles and drag him further down the bed so Nikki can run his hands down his legs, wrap them around the underside of his thighs and push them back towards the omega’s chest.
Tommy moans loudly at the rough action, feeling another wave of slick gush out of him at the manhandling and shivering at Nikki’s answering growl when the alpha sees it where he’s staring at him with those intense green eyes.
Tommy is fucking gorgeous ivory skin everywhere and Nikki could come just from looking at him for too long.
He has plans for now though, and as much as he wants to dive at the omega’s entrance immediately, Tommy’s thighs are driving him wild. Bending down from where he’s holding him up and open, Nikki groans when he sinks his teeth into the flesh of the inside of Tommy’s right thigh, making the boy underneath him cry out in surprise.
Tommy’s hands attach themselves to his hair again and when Nikki looks up, the omega is looking down at him, lips open and panting, expression absolutely wrecked as he whimpers when Nikki grinds his teeth into the flesh of his thigh. Nikki feels a little crazy, but he can’t stop licking and sucking at the soft skin, the taste of his slick sweet on his tongue and tempting him to move closer to the source but it’s not until Tommy begs him, strings of ‘Nik, please’ and ‘more, Nikki, god I need more’, does he move his hands to his ass, spreading him apart and giving a firm lick right over his hole.
“You’re so fucking pretty down here Tommy, so smooth and gorgeous for me babe, gonna eat you out so good.”
The broken whimper he gets is addicting and Nikki wants to hear it again, so he moves up a bit, lets Tommy’s legs fall onto his shoulders, hands groping at the firm cheeks in his palms, and presses his face in deep, tongue licking over his hole gently, gliding through his slick over and over until he firms his tongue up and feels Tommy opening up for it and drives it inside as deep as he can.
Tommy is floating, distantly he can hear himself making these embarrassing high pitched gasps with every thrust of Nikki’s tongue, arching his back and using the grip he has on the alpha’s hair to keep him in place as if the other boy had any notion of moving, but he can’t think about anything other than the pleasure he’s in. Tommy feels the pressure building in his lower stomach, heat getting too intense and his cock twitching as pre-come drips from the tip.
“Nn-Nikki, please, unnn, you have to stop, I’m gonna, ah, gonna come if you don’t s-stop.” Tommy moans and his toes curl when Nikki’s tongue rubs against the walls of his entrance.
Nikki pulls back just a little, enough for Tommy to see his lips, his nose and chin wet with his slick, his eyes are impossibly dark, jaw sharp and Tommy’s thighs tremble at the arousal that moves through him at the sight.
The alpha grins darkly when he feels it, turning to place a small kiss on the biggest bite mark he left on his thigh, “Then come babe, fucking want you to come from my mouth, I’ll make you come again when I’m inside you, don’t you worry about that.”
And then he’s diving back down, lips closing around Tommy’s rim and sucking hard while one of his hands squeezes around the omega’s cock and Tommy feels his orgasm ripped from him, body shaking and belatedly realizing that he had screamed Nikki’s name.
The alpha licks him through it, not stopping even when Tommy whines as he starts getting hard again too fast and it’s sensitive and so good it hurts a little.
Nikki pulls off with one last kiss to the omega’s thigh and moves back so that Tommy’s hips fall back down to the bed, hitching his legs up to wrap around his waist again and resting his weight on his forearms on either side of Tommy’s head so he can kiss him, groaning when Tommy starts sucking at his tongue. He rubs his hips against Tommy’s ass where it’s still tilted up a bit, cock getting wet from the slick the younger boy is still producing, the head catching on Tommy’s rim a few times.
“Nik, Nikki, need you inside me now, please, no more teasing, I’m so wet for you, ready for you, need you to fuck me, been waiting so long for it, please alpha, please.” Tommy babbles, desperate for the older boy to just slide into him already, tilting his hips up to try to get him inside.
Nikki lets out a harsh breath, “Baby, fuck, babe wait, need to get a condom.”
Tommy makes a plaintive whine in his throat before pushing at Nikki’s shoulders, the unexpected movement catching Nikki off guard so he’s easy for Tommy to push down onto his back and straddle him.
The alpha grunts when he feels Tommy reach a hand back and grab his cock, his hands flying up to hold the omega’s hips when the drummer rubs him against his entrance andTommy whimpers at the awestruck look on Nikki’s face.
“I’m clean, I’m clean Nik and I know you are too and I’m on birth control. We don’t need a condom, want to feel you in me, please baby.” Tommy bites his lip, wanting to sink down onto Nikki’s cock, has been wanting it in him since Nikki took off his pants and he saw it, big and hard and as perfect as Tommy remembered.
Nikki groans, shooting to sit up straight, mouth meeting Tommy’s in an open kiss, arms wrapping around his waist and hips and pulling him down so he sinks onto the alpha’s cock below him. Tommy feels his heart swelling as they finally start connecting in the most intimate way.
Nikki grits his teeth as inch by inch his cock disappears into Tommy’s warmth, he feels heady, light headed and Tommy is panting by the time he’s fully seated. Tommy can see the tears clinging to Nikki’s lash line as they sit still for a minute, body’s getting used to the sensation of being connected again. Nikki needs to distract himself from the surge of emotions flooding through him so he grips Tommy’s ass roughly, and talks.
“Fuck babe, fucking hell baby, you feel so good around me. Took my cock so well babe, so tight and wet, beyond my dreams, can’t wait to fuck you, can you move now sweetheart? Wanna see you fuck yourself on my cock.” Tommy’s body is a live wire listening to his alpha whispering filth in his ears and his hips start rocking without him even thinking about it when Nikki asks him to move.
He’s gentle at first, just a soft rocking motion but before he knows it he’s bouncing himself onto Nikki’s cock, hips grinding when he sinks all the way down, his alpha gripping his hips, fingers sinking into the flesh and groaning into his ear.
It feels so good, so good beyond anything Tommy has ever felt in the past year and his mind jumps back to earlier when Nikki had asked him to let him know what he liked and so he starts to tell him.
“Nngh, Nikki, oh, so good, your cock is so good, baby, I want it, want it more, want more, don’t hold back.”
Nikki snarls in his ear, throwing Tommy down against the mattress, arms over his head, before hitching his legs around his waist and sinking his cock back into his entrance. The wet sound makes Tommy squirm because he’s dripping, he doesn’t think his body has ever produced so much slick outside of a heat before. Nikki sets a brutal pace, thrusting into Tommy with smooth thrusts that end with a snap that have him moaning every time his cock punches into him.
The alpha gives his own deep, long moan when he feels Tommy purposely tightening around him, teasing him and Nikki smacks his ass once in warning.
“Be good babe, be good for me. I don’t want to have to punish you.” Nikki smirks when Tommy flushes further, gasping when Nikki sits up and grips his hips hard enough to bruise, tilting them up to change the angle and nailing his prostrate on every other thrust. Tommy’s hands latch onto his shoulders, dragging him back down so they can slip to claw at his back, rolling his hips up to meet Nikki’s in a nasty grind that makes his legs shake.
Nikki is fucking hot above him, sleek with sweat, green eyes dark and narrowed in concentration, breathing harshly through open lips. Tommy can see his abs flexing every time he thrusts into him and he is winded by the thought that this beautiful man is in his arms again. The idea has him clawing into his back more harshly, giving his own dark grin through his panting when Nikki hisses at the sensation and looks at him heatedly.
Tommy arches his back so he can bite at Nikki’s neck, sinking his own teeth into the base where it meets his shoulder and then licking at the mark, moaning into the alpha’s ear, “Mine, my alpha, mine.”
Hearing the possession in the declaration snaps something in Nikki and Tommy licks his lips at the wild look in the alpha’s eyes before the older boy is pulling out, flipping him over, pulling up on his hips and growling out a “chest down” that has Tommy automatically complying, screaming when Nikki pounds back into him from behind.
Nikki has a bruising grip on his hips and he’s forcibly moving his ass to bounce back on his cock with every thrust forward and Tommy has never been fucked this good before. He feels dumb with pleasure, crying out because Nikki is hitting him just right every single time and he’s in total control of how Tommy moves and it’s so good, he’s crying.
“You’re so fucking hot babe, and all mine. Missed you so fucking much baby. I’m yours, your alpha, but you’re my fucking omega, my baby, mine.” Nikki’s voice is all base now, gritty and he growls at how fucking good Tommy looks below him. The drummer’s long slender back is bowed, chest to the bed just like he asked, skin glistening with sweat and face contorted in pleasure. He keeps making these ‘ah, ah, ah’s’ that are driving Nikki out of his mind, moans making Nikki’s cock twitch where he’s buried inside of him.
“You look so damn hot on my cock sweetheart, never seen anything so fucking beautiful, sound so good, do you feel good baby? Tell me how good you feel taking my cock.” Nikki lifts his hips up further and Tommy screams again.
“I- ahhh, nnngh Nn-nikki, ff-fuck, ahh I can’t, mmm…” Nikki smirks at the other boy, slowing his thrusts down until he’s just grinding his cock lightly into Tommy’s prostrate, making him shiver and whimper.
“Sorry baby, I was making it hard for you to answer me, go ahead now babe, tell me how good I’m making you feel, please, need to hear it baby.” Nikki whispers in his ear, leaning over to drape across his back, pushing his cock impossibly deeper into the omega beneath him.
Tommy whines, trying to push his ass back and fuck himself on Nikki’s cock, squeezing around him unconsciously to try to entice him into thrusting again, but all he gets for his effort is a smack to his ass that has him jolting.
“Please Nikki, please don’t stop, keep fucking me, it’s so good, the best, fucking me better than anyone else could alpha, I’m so close, gonna come again for you, plea- ahhhh!”
Tommy screams again when Nikki abruptly starts fucking him even harder than before, snapping his hips so hard Tommy is pushed up the mattress until he puts his hands against the headboard, making it bang against the wall harshly with every thrust.
Nikki leans forward and licks at the back of Tommy’s neck, feels the omega squeeze tightly around him, feels his body shake.
“I love you Tommy, fucking love you so much baby, come on, come for me again. Want to feel you come on my dick.”
And then Nikki bites down, right underneath Tommy’s scent gland and Tommy moans his name so loudly as he comes, hole contracting around his cock, Nikki couldn’t hold off his own orgasm if he tried, groaning lowly as his come flows into the omega and the brief instinctual flash of an idea bursts into his mind, of breeding Tommy, of seeing him swollen with his pups growing inside of him and his heart jolts and he’s dropping kisses along every inch of skin he can reach, pulling out of the younger boy slowly.
Tommy turns around onto his back and Nikki’s hands come up to cradle his jaw, peppering his face and neck with kisses, whispering under his breath, “Love you baby, I love you so much Tommy, can’t even fucking believe this is real, you did so good, so good babe, absolutely unreal. You’re fucking amazing.”
Tommy’s tired arms come up around his back, meeting Nikki’s mouth suddenly to kiss him, once, twice, again and again.
“I love you Nikki,” Tommy says, rubbing his nose against Nikki’s cheek, eyes a bit teary from the intense pleasure of their fucking and from how loved he feels with Nikki whispering endless praise and confessions of love. “Love you so fucking much, my alpha, missed you so much.”
Nikki settles onto his back and pulls Tommy to him with an arm around his waist. Tommy nuzzles his faces into Nikki’s chest, yawning but smiling right after when he feels Nikki burying his nose in his hair and inhaling.
Tommy’s eyes are falling shut against his will, still fighting against the pull of sleep until Nikki presses a kiss against his forehead, “Sleep baby.”
~April 12th, 2018~
Tommy slowly comes into consciousness with the feeling of arms wrapped around his waist and kisses being pressed into his neck from behind. He smiles, can’t help himself when his lover is touching him like this.
“You need to be careful there Sixx, I might start expecting this kind of treatment all the time.”
Nikki pauses his kisses for a short moment and Tommy feels his lips pull into a smile of his own against his skin.
“I’ll do this every day for the rest of our lives as long as you want me Tommy.”
~May 16th, 2019~
When he wakes up, Nikki is still asleep next to him. Tommy hadn’t pulled the blinds shut the night before and the sun is filtering into the windows and making Nikki’s tan skin glow. He’s so busy looking at the man that he doesn’t even notice that Nikki is awake and staring right back at him.
“Good morning baby.”
Tommy startles a little before blushing at the soft, loving look in Nikki’s eyes. He shifts onto his side so that he’s facing the alpha, “Hi.”
Nikki smiles and moves onto his own side to mirror Tommy, hand coming up to tangle gently into his curls, “Hi.”
“So that was, beyond fucking incredible.” Tommy says it quietly, enjoying the stillness of the moment.
Nikki nods emphatically but he’s sobering up quickly, “Are you okay though, I didn’t come here with that as my intention Tommy, I really want to do this right, I need to get this right.”
Tommy arches his back to press a soft kiss to Nikki’s lips, staying close when he pulls away, “I’m perfect Nikki. Screw how anyone else would handle this, that was us baby.”
Nikki’s smile spreads back onto his face and he presses their foreheads together with a happy little sigh,  “Yeah.”
He’s about to say more but Tommy’s stomach gives a loud growl and they laugh at the interruption.
Nikki grins, “You want to add a breakfast date to today’s agenda too?”
“Only if you take me to that diner where we met.”
Tommy knows they still have a lot to talk about. They have healing to do, both individually and together. He needs to apologize, he had been the one to run off after all and even if he had a good reason, he was serious when he told Nikki that he was responsible for their split as well. He needs to apologize to Mick and Vince for having left them like that and not even being strong enough to talk to them about it.
They need to catch up on everything that had happened over the past year, but Nikki gives him an excited laugh in response to his request, practically pulling him off the bed with him to get ready to go and says, “Anything for you baby.”
And Tommy knows that they’ll get to all of that. For now though, for now, he’s fully alive with Nikki. Just like they were always meant to be.
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all-things-skam · 6 years
I adore you’re fics! I’d love to see 23 & 62 for Elu 💕💕💕
Please continue to sent requests from this list of prompt!
23. “I’ve wanted this for so long.” 
62. “You look so hot like that.”
Title: The morning after
Ship: Skam France | Lucas Lallemant and Eliot Demaury (Elu)
Lucas woke up alone.
Eliott had left, again.
Although last night felt really good, this morning was another story. Now that his judgement wasn't clouded by his pulsing, teenage hormones anymore, Lucas immediately felt like an idiot. He shouldn't have given in so easily, he should've insisted they talked before jumping each other.
Yann won't be proud of him...
He wasn't proud of himself either.
He reached for his phone on the floor, lost somewhere in his pile of clothes from the night before and checked his messages.
[22:48] Basile: So. Did you fuck?
[22:50] Arthur: We left ten minutes ago, calm down...
[22:50] Yann: Leave them alone, man
[22:51] Basile: What? If I were Lucas, I'd want to get in Eliott's pants 😏
[22:51] Basile: No homo though!
[23:31] Basile: And now?
[2:10] Yann: Seriously, you're heavy
[2:10] Arthur: I'm calling it, Basile will did a virgin
[2:11] Yann: ^^
Lucas closed the chat without responding. He just can't.
The closer Lucas got to the kitchen, the louder the voices were. He could make out Mika's but the second wasn't Lisa - it was a guy's. Lucas groaned from the inside. Please let it not be one of Mika's hook up...
Lucas drew a breath when he was who was in his kitchen with his roommate. What the fuck. Eliott was sitting at the kitchen island with Mika, chatting over a cup of steaming tea. He was wearing a black tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants he must've found in Lucas's room - most likely on the floor, aka where all his closet lies.
Being seated facing the door frame of the kitchen, Mika saw him first. ''Good morning, Kitten! You didn't tell me you had an handsome man in your bed last night.'' Mika gave him a pointed look which Lucas ignored, blue eyes glued on Eliott.
He didn't leave.
Eliott twisted his middle, a smile forming on his lips when he saw Lucas and his infamous bedhead. He stood from his seat and crossed the floor, planting a kiss right on Lucas's lips, taking the brunet off guard. ''Slept well?''
Lucas opened his mouth but stayed inarticulate.
''Did you find him on Krindr like I taught you? Because I never saw that fine specimen on there and you know I'm always stalking the app.''
Krindr? Eliott was not some random guy who swiped right on a dating app and messaged him for a good fuck. Eliott was more than that. Eliott was the guy that made Lucas doubt his sexuality - something that had never happened before. He was the guy who he let his guard down for and played piano to for the first time in years. He was the guy who toyed with his heart and made him an emotional wreck over the past weeks but keeps falling back into his arms because he can't help it.
But, Lucas couldn't say that.
''It's almost eleven, don't you have work today?'' Lucas asked Mika, subtly yet bluntly kicking him out of his own kitchen.
''Yes, I do.'' Mika down the last of his tea and stood, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair. ''There's rolls of condoms on my nightstand if you need more and, no fucking on the kitchen table. We eat on that thing!'' he reminded them and Lucas wanted the floor to swallow him. Why was Mika so embarrassing...
''So, you're on Krindr?''
Lucas groaned, pushing his face in his hands. ''Can we not talk about that.''
''Sure.'' He kissed Lucas's temple. ''What do you want to talk about, then? Oh, I know! What do you want for breakfast? Eggs? French toasts?''
Apparently, Eliott was the chief of the family. Both of his parents working late shifts, he had to fend for himself most of the time and, believe it or not, you get tired of eating take out every single day. So, thanks to YouTube cooking videos, he can flick a whisk.
Lucas decided on french toasts because he has a sweet tooth and he hadn't had some since his parents's divorce. It's not Mika who will cook him a delicious breakfast every mornings - cereals will have to do it.
Eliott took out all the ingredients he needed for the french toasts, listening to Lucas's indications of where the milk, eggs, sugar, bread, vanilla and cinnamon were at. Lucas had jumped up on the counter, watching as Eliott whisked everything into a large bowl. 
‘’You look so hot like that,’’ Eliott pointed, glancing at Lucas between two wrist flicks. ‘’Sitting on that counter, looking all soft and cute. It’s difficult to not break your roommate’s rule.’’
Lucas blushed and reached for Eliott, opening his legs to make room for him. Eliott got the message and walked over, responding to Lucas's neediness.
''I thought you had left when I woke up. I was alone-''
Seeing how needy Lucas was in the morning, Eliott regretted leaving the last time he slept over.
Eliott shook his head, leaning down to press his forehead against the brunette's. ''I'm not going anywhere. I told you, I'm done running away from my feelings.'' He closed the gap between them and felt Lucas smile into the kiss.
''I've wanted this for so long,'' Lucas sighed, a beaming smile on his lips. He hadn't been this happy in a long time...or, ever.
He dived in for another kiss, slipping his tongue between Eliott's parted lips and crossing his legs behind his waist, keeping him prisoner between his hold as he deepened the kiss. Eliott's hand slid underneath Lucas's navy tee shirt, feeling his smooth skin under his fingertips.
Their make out session was interrupted by Eliott's phone buzzed on the counter - the recipe long forgotten on his screen. He groaned and pulled away to check the device, quickly typing a reply.
Lucas pulled his eyebrows, pursing his lips. ''Is it Lucille?''
''What?'' Eliott put down his phone, frowning. ''No. I told you, I'm done with her.''
Lucas looked down. ''It's just, the last time you told me you broke up with her-''
Knowing where this was heading, Eliott returned to Lucas to clear things. ''Lucie and I are over, Lucas,'' he promised. ''I ended things for good with her before coming here last night. I can't have her control me like this. She's always monitoring my every actions and it's not how a relationship should be. I get that she cared about me but there's a line between caring for someone and monitoring them like some child. She was my girlfriend, not my mom.''
Lucas recalled hearing Lucille telling Eliott to slack on the beer at Daphné's party, right before they left. It was one of the reason Eliott wanted to leave the party, to breathe without someone snooping over his shoulder.
''When I told her about you, she laughed and said it was only a phase and that I was being delusional about liking a guy. She couldn't have been more wrong. I have real feelings for you, strong feelings. I-'' Eliott drew a breath, staring at Lucas intently. ''I have never felt something so strong for someone...ever,'' he said, baring his feelings and feeling more naked and terrified at the confession than last night when he was literally naked in front of Lucas.
''Me either and it kind of scares me...''
Eliott pressed his forehead against Lucas's. ''You have nothing to be scared of.''
''Last time you told me not to be scared you broke my heart and I don't think I could deal with another heartbreak,'' Lucas said with honesty.
Eliott felt his throat thicken, a lump of guilt forming. ''I'll take care of your heart this time,'' he promised, deposing a kiss right over Lucas's heart, filling Lucas's heart with warmth.
Their intimate embrace was broken when a familiar melody coming from the kitchen radio filled the room, catching Eliott's attention.
''This song.''
Lucas paid an attentive hear to the radio, recognizing this awful song. ''Are you kidding?''
Eliott shook his head, bopping his head to the melody, waiting for Adrien Gallo's voice to fill the kitchen.
''What did I do to deserve this... I just found the love of my life and it turns out he had shit music taste.''
''First your shitty dubstep and now...this.''
''I'm the love of your life?'' Eliott repeated and Lucas blushed.
Oh no. Did he say that out loud?
''I didn't-'' he started but Eliott cut him, grinning.
''You said I was the love of your life. I heard you!''
Lucas rolled his eyes and Eliott kissed him. ''Say it again,'' he asked, pressing their forehead together. Lucas hummed. ''Say it again.''
''You're the love of my life,'' Lucas repeated, his voice so quiet and intimate, breathed only for Eliott to hear. He looked at Eliott trough his long lashes, his gaze so intense before Eliott went in for another kiss, this time slipping his tongue inside Lucas's mouth. Feeling Eliott stepping back, Lucas snaked an arn behind his neck, keeping Eliott there, stopping him from breaking the kiss.
It didn't last long though because Eliott smirked and started singing along to the radio, much to Lucas's annoyance. ''Une violente envie de descente lorsque t'embrasses ces gars. Je n'ferai point l'enfant, tout cela ne m'atteint pas.''
Lucas rolled his eyes at his cheesy behavior, laughing because he couldn't help it, already completely enamoured by this boy. He tried to steal a kiss from Eliott but he denied him.
''Des rumeurs adolescentes disent que je ne suis pas...'' Eliott trailed, staying in character as Lucas watched him finish the song with an intense look. ''Un homme à femmes et rien d'autre qu'un homme à toi.''
And, if Lucas found himself singing along, no one had to know.
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rudemaidenswrite · 6 years
Cash Prize
Michael Myers x Reader
Part 1            by: @pusantheamazonian       
You’re desperate for money. So you seek out the Shape of Haddonfield, hoping to strike a deal with him. Since there’s a contest you want to enter that’s happening at his house with a cash prize. 
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It is 5:30am and it's cold. You've been standing on the sidewalk in front of the old Myers house for the past half hour debating if you really should seek out his help. Double checking the time it's now or never, your shift starts in an hour.
Pulling your jacket closer you quickly walk to the door. Knocking on it there's no response. Internally cussing at yourself, you cautiously walk inside.
“Hello? Michael Myers? ….Mr. Myers I wanted to talk to you about something.” You slowly creep down the hallway, your voice threatening to give out.
The eerie silence changes your mind about this plan. Backing up you run into something. You know there wasn't anything in the hall behind you. This feels like a warm body and that can only mean it's him. Taking a ragged breath you quietly turn around to face him. Wide eyed your face to face with the Shape of Haddonfield. You don't know how long you were staring up at him until the raising of his knife shakes you back to reality.
“Wait wait! I came to talk!” Taking a step back you throw your hands up in surrender. He halts his movement, keeping his knife poised in the air. “I was wanting to make a deal with you. Next Friday night the Horror Lover's club is holding a contest.” Word vomiting he gives a head tilt which you translate as hurry the fuck up. “The contest is to see who can stay in the Myers house the longest. The winner gets a thousand dollars in cash.” Carefully you pull the fyler from your pocket and hand it to him.  He snatches it, holding it close. “I was thinking you could go stabby mcstab stab stab them and I will win the contest. Except don't kill the host, well not until he hands over the money.” You feel the black eye sockets turn on you. “I really need the money. I'm willing to go 50-50, hell even go 70-30 with you. I just have to make it to 7am that Saturday morning.” You feel his attention return to the fyler and there's a long silence before he lowers the knife. “Well… they're supposed to have someone dressed up as you scaring the participants. That's why I thought we could do a deal… but if not... this is a heads up then.” You swear he can hear your heart pounding out of your chest.
It's another long silence of him staring at you before either one of you move. Ever so gracefully he tucks the fyler in his coveralls and walks upstairs. Leaving you alone, trembling in the dark.
Once you realize he's not coming back you dart out the door like a bat out of hell. Scared shitless you run all the way to work. You run all the way across town to work and you don’t run. Just barely getting there before your shift starts.
Your annoying presence stayed in his mind. Unable to shake the surprise that you willing searched him out. He stalks your every move, watching from a distance as you go back and forth to work and home. You live alone in an apartment complex on the top floor. The fire escape leads right to your living room window. Inside he learns everything he needs to know.
Your apartment isn't very decorated like the others he has visited. The fridge is covered with late notices about bills with a sticky note attached. Reminding you what order to pay them in. Your work schedule is also on the fridge. Apparently you've been pulling double shifts at work trying to scrounge up the extra money. You must truly be desperate since you risked your life to find him.
Today's the day. You'll see if he agreed to your deal in a few hours. Until then you change some comfy clothes, hell if you’re gonna die you might as well be comfy. Reheating some leftovers you plop down on the couch to watch The Aristocats on VHS for the umpteenth time.
Arriving at the Myers house it doesn't seem like anyone is here. But hearing some voices you wander around to the backyard.
“Hey! You here for the contest?” A goth dressed dude asks as you approach.
“Sign up at the table.” He points to the shabby card table with a sign taped to it.
Waiting in the sign up line you take note of other people. There seems to be only ten other people in the contest. You can make this work.
“Hey.” A voice comes from behind you.
“Uh hi.” You turn to face the voice.
“I haven’t seen you before. First time to one of these events?” The way he smiles creeps you out.
“Yeah, I saw a flyer for it and thought that it would be fun.”
“Name’s Tony. I go to all their events.”
Thankfully you reach the front of the line so you don’t have to continue talking to him. Standing in the back you stare at the windows, hoping for any sign of Michael. Loud yammering catches your attention as what you guess is the ring leader taking center stage on the back porch.
“Alright people! Thank you for coming to our contest! I have some ground rules before we begin. 1. You must sign the liability waiver. So if you are injured or killed, you and your family cannot sue. 2. You are not allowed to bring anything in to help pass the time. 3. No cellphones, all phones must be turned in at the door. You will receive them back at the end. 4. Once you leave the house either front or back door you are disqualified.” There’s a group groan at the cellphone rule. “Now if every would do so we can begin!”
One by one everyone walks up the steps, depositing their phones in the basket. You turn yours off before tossing it in. Shuffling inside towards the hallway you eye the stairs. You don’t believe the whole safety in numbers mentality right now. You’re better off alone since you already warned him. Minding your own business you walk into a room upstairs to basically hide. You wonder whose bedroom this is but you have the gut feeling it's Michael's. Since the bed looks sort of new compared to the rest of the house. You sit quietly on the bed and open the book you smuggled in.
“Hey hey. That's cheating.”
Looking up it's the creeper Tony from before. You really should have shut the door behind you.
“I'm just reading. It's not cheating.” You go back to the book hoping he will just go away.
“No I'm pretty sure that's cheating. They said not to bring anything to help pass the time.”
“Well excuse me for trying to catch up on my reading. I just don't think it's right to be snooping around a house that isn't yours.”
“Well how about we do something else to pass the time?” There’s a hint of naughtiness in his voice.
“Not interested.”
“Come on, I won't tell anyone about your book.” He shuts the door.
“You can-” Angrily snapping at him you freeze. Eyes glued to the shape in the corner. Michael Myers is home. He silently creeps up behind the man. Snapping his neck in one solid motion. Watching the body fall to the floor with a muffled thud you quickly look back at him.
You feel like you've been staring forever in the silence before he moves. The single movement of his arm has you jumping backwards, he brings a finger to the plastic lips of his mask. You nod in agreement to be quiet. Stunned you watch the shape throw the lifeless body over his shoulder and pat you on the head before exiting the room, closing the door with him.
Following orders you do not move from your spot on the bed and silent as possible. It’s hard to focus on your book with the knowledge that Michael Myers has agreed to your deal. The deal for him to go stabby mcstab stab stab on the other people. You swear you heard some screams too. But you think of it as he’s defending his home from intruders and your his guest that he doesn’t want to get hurt. After what seems forever it has become pitch black outside. Your only light is the moon and the outside lights from the neighbors. Putting your book up it’s not enough to keep reading.
There’s a loud scream followed by loud thuds as if someone is running.
“AAAHHH!!!” A girl runs in screaming.
“AAAHHH!!!” Screaming back at her you shuffle further into the bed. She’s bleeding from her arm with other blood stains on her clothes. You recognize her from earlier, she entered the house with you.
“You have to help me! Please!” She moves closer.
Shaking your head no you bring a pillow to your face. Michael told you to be quiet and quiet you will be. You don’t wanna end up like them.
“Please!-” Her plea is cut short with an unnatural crunch and squish. You count to a hundred to ease your nerves before lowering the pillow. Looking up you jump again. He’s standing at the end of the bed, the dude must be a ninja. There's blood covering a good portion of his coveralls and you have to hold back a gag.
“Oh hi... you’re super stealthy.” Not moving you stare at the black eye holes. Your attention is drawn away when he throws an envelope and your phone down. Confused you set the pillow aside and reach for the envelope. Opening it you almost dropping it, it's the cash prize.
“You..got money?” There's a slow head tilt as if he's monitoring your reactions. Petrified you take a deep breath before removing $300. You know he went and killed that dude, bringing the money back to you. Holding the envelope out you wait for him to take it. But he never does. “Here.” You jab the envelope at him again. He storms out the room. “Hey! Wait a minute. This is your part of the money!” Like an idiot you chase him down the stairs into the kitchen. “Don't you run off.”
Your voice dies down when you enter the kitchen, there’s blood dripping down the wall. With a body being held up with a knife. Abandoning ship with your mouth covered so you don’t gag. Blood was never your thing. Suddenly you’re thrown backwards to the floor.
His hand placed firmly on your throat, not squeezing but with enough pressure that you are not going to be moving. With wide eyes you freeze, looking up at him. Like before he doesn't do anything but watch. Waiting to see what reason he should kill you or entertainment value you might have.
That's it, he's a people watcher. It's the best way to see how a person will react and then you can guess their movements. “You like to people watch huh.”
He doesn't move or say anything. You probably just made the situation worse. On que he removes his hand as if he heard your thoughts. He keeps close in case you show a reason to die. “...Thank you for your help...It’s been rough these past few months.” A gut feeling tells you he's not going to take the money. Maybe there's a different way you can repay him.
“Do you need me to dispose of anything on my way out?” With a head tilt you can feel him studding you. “I-I figured I could help. To make sure that they can't pinpoint that were last seen here. Let it be my way of helping you since you helped me.” After a long pause he backs away, allowing you to stand up. Rubbing your neck you watch him rustle with something on the counter. He abruptly hands you the basket of phones alongside the sign up sheet and waivers. “Okay I'll get rid of this..um well thank you again and… I'll see you later?” Not knowing what to say you ramble on as you inch towards the door. The invitation to see you again stuns him. You are a strange creature willing to see him again.
“Okie dokie… night then.” Since he showed no signs of stopping you. You took that as your cue to leave. You briskly walk through the backyard to the alley. Not daring to look back. To look back at the bloodbath you caused and the new acquaintance you have.
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tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound: Bastien’s Odd Morning
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This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friends @innerpostmentality, @kennaxval and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @innerpostmentality
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations.
Word count: 2747
Bastien was still in the habit of beating the sun up by a bit and his wife up by hours but he hadn't finished his first cup of coffee when he got a call from the crown prince. 
 "Good Morning your Grace. I was hoping that I might have a word with you this morning early?"
Bastien was confused. What business could the crown prince possibly have with him? “Of course, your Royal Highness. How can I help you?”
"If it is acceptable I would like to speak with you in person. May I visit?"
Bastien frowned. “Certainly. Right now?”
  "If it is convenient your Grace. Actually, I am outside." Aeneas blushed as he sat outside in the limo. Unable to sleep, he had resolved to speak with Sarissa's father first thing.
“Oh. Of course. I’ll be right down to let you in.” They hung up the phone and a few minutes later Bastien appeared at the front door still in pajama pants and his bathrobe. Aeneas stepped out of the limo and Bastien bowed slightly. “I apologize for being so underdressed for this occasion. I wasn’t expecting a pre-dawn visit from the crown prince today.” He smirked as he cocked his head to one side. “Or any day, for that matter.” He turned to head back into the house, motioning for Aeneas to follow. Once inside, Bastien led the prince into the kitchen. “May I offer you a cup of coffee?”
"I would be grateful your Grace. And please forgive my intrusion." Aeneas took the cup of coffee and sat down. "Sir, yesterday your daughter and I spent some time together. I know that the social season is about to start. And I must be fair to everyone. But I find her extraordinary sir. I want to apologize to you for the ordeal that is the social season. And I would like to formally ask your permission to court her."
Bastien’s eyes widened as he choked on the mouthful of coffee he had just sipped. He coughed for a few moments, then looked at Aeneas apologetically. “I’m so sorry. That was not what I was expecting.” He cleared his throat and locked eyes with the crown prince. 
 Aeneas noticed that Sarissa shared her father’s penetrating eyes. 
 Bastien studied him for a long time, their eyes locked. He was contemplating what to say. “You want to court Sarissa? My Sarissa who wants to join the royal guard? Are you certain?”
Aeneas held his gaze calmly. "Quite certain, sir. I believe she possesses every attribute that would make a great queen. And... " He blushed, and added softly "And I am enchanted by her."
Bastien contemplated the idea for a few minutes. “Very well. You have my permission.” He extended a hand to Aeneas.
 He took Bastien’s hand in a firm yet gentle shake. "Thank you, sir. I was hoping I might take her to breakfast at Tevi's this morning. Is there a time that would be convenient? I believe the guard is preparing for me to have breakfast there. I would like to let them know when they might expect us."
Bastien smiled. “As long as she agrees, I have no issue. Let me go see if she’s awake.” He left Aeneas alone in the kitchen.
Aeneas paced the length of the kitchen as he sipped his coffee and internally fussed at himself for not waiting until later in the day. Seriously, they were up very late. He'd disturbed the household before Bastien was even out of his pajamas. And now Sarissa was being awakened before 9. 

 Bastien returned after a few minutes and smiled. “You may tell your guards 7:30 is a good time. May I show you to the sitting room? She is getting dressed and will join you in a moment.”
  A big smile and a blush captured Aeneas’ face as he tapped a button on his watch and spoke into it low, "Evan, Lady Sarissa and I will be having breakfast at 7:30."
 Then he smiled at Bastien. "Thank you, your Grace. And please accept my apologies for disturbing you so early. I wished to speak with you before we were in public and any stories might leak.”
Bastien nodded with a smile. “No apology is necessary. Sarissa and I are both early risers, she was already awake. And I appreciate your forethought.” 
 Bastien led him to the sitting room, where they both sat across from each other in uncomfortable silence. This was new territory for Bastien. He struggled internally with his love for his daughter and his respect for the crown.
The love won.
Bastien sighed as he narrowed his eyes. “Young man, please know that I have a lot of love and respect for your father and the crown.” He cleared his throat as he leaned forward. “But I have to warn you, crown prince or not, Sarissa is my pride and joy and I expect her to be treated with care and respect at all times.”

 Before Aeneas could respond Sarissa appeared in the doorway all smiles, her face bright. “Good morning. When you suggested we have breakfast, I didn’t realize you meant this morning.” She giggled as she sat down next to him. Only then did she notice the glare between them.
Sarissa’s mouth dropped open as she looked at her father. “Dad, what’s going on here?”
Bastien shook his head and smiled. He stood up. “Nothing sweetie. Enjoy your breakfast.” He kissed the top of her head then headed for the door.
 He stopped and turned around in the doorway and bowed slightly. “Your Royal Highness, thank you for speaking with me first. I appreciate your respectfulness.”
Aeneas rose and extended his hand to her as he bowed over her hand and placed a feather light kiss on her knuckles. He smiled as he stood up straight and lifted his brow. 
"Order of precedence my Lady. Your father and I were having a negotiation." He grinned then and extended his arm to her. "You look lovely this morning. If you are ready, shall we?"
  Sarissa lifted an eyebrow at Aeneas as she threaded her arm through his. “A negotiation? What exactly does that mean?”
He looked at her very earnestly and patted her hand as he frowned a little.
"Apparently, in order to court you I have to give your father a milk producing yak and a dozen laying hens. He likes me so he has given me a week to come up with them. It is apparently Lythikos tradition. It was touchy there for a moment whether he would allow me to take you to breakfast without at least first giving him the chickens. To be honest Sarissa I am not sure where I'm going to find a suitable yak."
Sarissa stopped and looked him dead in the eye. She took a deep breath and shrugged with a resigned sigh. “Well I guess that’s it then. I mean if the crown prince of Cordonia can’t find a suitable yak then I’m screwed.” She tried to keep a straight face but the outer edges of her lips curled into a slight smile. “I guess I’ll die an old maid.” 
 She couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing as soon as she said ‘old maid’.
Aeneas' eyes twinkled with mirth. "I swear I shall bring all my princely powers to bear to find a suitable yak to appease your father sweet Sarissa."
Sarissa giggled, her eyes shined as they met his. “I’m glad you think I’m worth the price. I realize the dowry is high. My father is not an easy man to negotiate with.” She took his arm again and they headed toward the front door

 Xiphos woke up early, showered, and was standing in front of his closet with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. What exactly did one wear to ask permission to court a princess? He rifled through his dress shirts, many of them never worn, still freshly pressed. He picked a light blue collared shirt and a pair of light grey dress slacks. He tucked in the shirt and slipped his belt through the belt loops. He slipped on his best pair of dress shoes. He stood in front of the tie rack, contemplating if a tie was necessary. He decided it was, picking a dark blue tie and tying it around his neck. He had shaved his scruffy beard and mustache and slicked back his hair. He took one last look in the mirror, grabbed his car keys and walked out the door.
He stopped by the kitchen first. He knew Bastien would be up, making coffee before any of the kitchen staff was around.
 Bastien turned around, a surprised look on his face when he saw his son all dressed up in front of him. “Xiphos? You’re up and dressed awfully early this morning. What’s going on?” 
 Xiphos grinned wide. “Dad, something amazing happened yesterday. I fell in love.” His emerald eyes sparkled. 
 Bastien grinned and slapped him on the back. “That’s great son, who’s the lucky person?” 
 Xiphos’ smile faded just a little. “Well, that’s what I need to talk to you about dad. How can I get on the king’s schedule? Today. It is important that I speak to him right away.”
 Bastien narrowed his eyes at his son. He hesitated a moment. “Son, I....” 
 But Xiphos held up his hand. He looked into Bastien’s steel grey eyes. “I love her, dad. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. She is amazing.” 
 Bastien searched his son’s face and couldn’t deny his sincerity. He picked his phone up off the counter and typed a few lines. After a few minutes, Bastien broke into a smile. “Go now. Mara will meet you at the service entrance and escort you to the royal family’s private quarters. You should be able to intercept the king and queen at breakfast.” Xiphos smiled and hugged Bastien. “Thanks dad. You’re the best.”
Twenty minutes later Xiphos was standing outside the dining room where the king and queen were having breakfast. He took a deep breath and entered the room with all the confidence he could muster. He bowed before them and looked King Liam right in the eye. “Your majesties, I apologize for the intrusion. May I have a moment of your time?”
Liam smiled and rose as he offered Xiphos his hand. Hyclea nodded and asked, "Would you like to join us for breakfast, Xiphos?"
Xiphos smiled as he shook the King’s hand. “I would be honored to join your breakfast as long as it’s not too much trouble.”
"Please. We'd love for you to share the rolls and coffee with us. It was lovely having you and your sister at dinner last evening." Her voice was like her daughter's, possessed of a genuine warmth and welcome that soothed the listener. She smiled. "If you would prefer we also have apple and tomato juice?"

Liam sat and sipped his coffee. "How is your dad? I know the preparation for the upcoming season has the guards working long hours."
Xiphos smiled as he poured himself a cup of coffee from the pot on the table. “Thank you for having us. Dinner was lovely. Dad sends his best regards. He’s been doing a lot of consulting work right now. Ever since he retired from the guard, he finds he can’t quite stay away when it comes to planning big events.” 
Xiphos cleared his throat as he tried to hide his nerves.
 He looked pointedly at both of them before he spoke. “Your majesties, I am here to officially ask permission to court Calais.” He swallowed hard and looked right into Liam’s dark eyes.
Hyclea smiled gently and laid her hand on Liam's arm. Liam's eyes locked with Xiphos' and he studied him a long moment. His dark eyes like his daughter’s, not hostile but assessing.
 Finally he spoke softly, "My daughter..." he smiled, a melancholy softness in his eyes. "Every father must look forward to and dread the day some young person comes to cherish a child of their heart. I have been blessed, " he looked at Hyclea with deep love shining in his eyes, "so blessed to have great love in my life. And I have to wish that depth of devotion and affection for my children." Hyclea nodded at Liam. And Liam looked back at Xiphos. "Calais, my sweet prodigal daughter, is more precious to me than you can know.” He held up a hand, “Until you have held your own daughter some day you truly have no reference son."
 He closed his eyes a moment and sighed. "I appreciate you asking. And though I know all about your reputation I believe there is more to you than the tabloids report. So, I will reluctantly give you permission. But you have been careless in the past young man. I expect that you will be much more careful with my daughter. She is very strong in many ways and very delicate in others."
Xiphos’ face lit up as he broke into a wide grin. His emerald eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thank you for your faith in me your Majesties. I know my reputation hasn’t been the greatest but I have never had feelings for anyone that even come close to what I am feeling for her. She is amazing. The more I get to know her the more I am enchanted.”


Bastien sat on the edge of the bed, smiling down at his still sleeping wife. She was still just as beautiful as the day they married. He leaned down and kissed her softly. “Olivia, my love, are you going to wake up? You asked me to wake you at 8:30. It’s already almost 9.”
Olivia groaned as she stretched her arms above her head with a big yawn. Her emerald eyes shone brightly as she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Good morning.” She kissed him softly.
 He smiled and reached for the nightstand where he’d set the cup of coffee he’d made for her. She smiled gratefully as she took the cup and took a sip. “This is just what I needed, thank you.”
Bastien chuckled. “Keep drinking it. You’re gonna need your head clear when I tell you about this morning.”
Olivia shot him a confused look. “It’s barely 9. What excitement could possibly happen before 9am?”
Bastien smiled, his grey eyes sparkled as they met her emerald gaze. “Well, my day started with a pre-dawn visit from the crown prince.”
 Olivia choked on the mouthful of coffee she just took, sending her into a fit of coughing. Bastien patted her back with concern. “I’m sorry love, I didn’t mean to choke you.”
 Olivia shook her head and cleared her throat. “I was not expecting that. The crown prince was here? In my house? While I was sleeping? What could he possibly have wanted?”
“He asked permission to court Sarissa.” Bastien sat back with a slight grin on his face, amusement in his eyes as he watched his wife’s face.
 Olivia’s mouth dropped open as she processed what Bastien said. “And our daughter is agreeable to this?” She looked at him hopefully.
 He nodded slowly as his smile spread wider. “I would say that they are both smitten with each other. And Sarissa asked me if I’d be disappointed if she decided not to join the royal guard.” 
 Olivia sat up straight in bed, her face lit up. “Perfect. This is perfect. I knew it was a good idea to convince her to put off the guard for school. Where is she? I have to talk to her.” She climbed out of bed but Bastien grabbed her hand and pulled her back down to the bed.
“Wait, there’s more. Xiphos came to me this morning and asked how to get an audience with the King and Queen. I got him in to have breakfast with them. He asked permission to court Calais.”
 Olivia’s eyes grew wide and she flung her arms around Bastien’s neck. She hugged him tight and couldn’t help giggling in his ear. “What has gotten into our children? Are they feeling ok? This is great!” She kissed him on the cheek. She headed toward the bathroom to shower. She turned her head to call out over her shoulder. “Maybe retirement isn’t as far off as we thought.”
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @strangerofbraidwood @teamtomsato @begging-for-kamilah
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spideycents · 6 years
B-Roll // Shawn Mendes - 6: 2 cameras, scene 17, take 4, A mark
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a/n: This chapter's a little longer, but it's kind of a montage of a few days because I hate wasting time and I want to get the show on the road. :P Hope you guys like it!
The rest of the week goes by fairly smoothly and quickly.
Tuesday at lunch Michael and Julie-Anne are back to grilling me about Shawn. Apparently, that's all my life is now. They don't actually care to ask me about work or how it's going or if I'm any good at it or have I made any new friends or am I happy or anything. They just want to know about Shawn. Who I have still spoken to only the one time.
"How have you not seen Shawn?!" Michael underestimates my stupidity. "We've seen Shawn!"
I shrug. "I don't know, I'm really busy. Leave me alone."
"The bitch literally told you he'd see you at lunch-"
"He said maybe he'll see us at lunch," I correct as I gesture between him and me. "No guarantees."
"Lunch is an everyday thing," Julie-Anne say. "You didn't even try to look for him today?"
I don't think I did.
Oh well.
"I forgot."
Michael cackles loudly. "Bullshit."
"I did forget!" I whine. "I got distracted!"
Michael rolls his eyes. "By what?"
The food.
Michael pauses then says: "that's fair, you're still trash."
"I told you," Julie-Anne chimes in. "I should've been the one to try to make Shawn fall in love with me."
Michael looks at her skeptically. "No fucking way. We all agreed I'm second best. He's more likely to be bi than fall for you."
Julie-Anne gasps dramatically and puts a hand on her heart. "Just because it's right, doesn't make it hurt any less."
Michael reaches over and pats her right arm tenderly. "We'll find you someone. You still love Niall Horan, right? Maybe Shawn can set you guys up."
The rest of the day is back to outside shots of students walking around the front of the school. In all the madness, I end up near Zendaya during last looks and she's talking to makeup artist, Molly.
"I'm not saying I love it like it's not my favorite," Molly says. "But I like Hawaiian pizza."
Zendaya gags dramatically. "I can't look at you right now. Get away from me with your pineapple garbage."
They both laugh and tease each other until Molly and I head back to video village.
Can I invite myself to their pizza party? Would that be weird?
During the next take, I get that feeling like someone's watching me. I look up and my gaze wanders over the crowds of extras and over the camera crew and the rest of the camp behind the monitors.
I'm looking over the cast members sitting this take out in their chairs and my eyes meet finally meet someone else's.
Shawn's smiling at me. It's not a big toothy grin, it's subtle, but it's still like he's smiling with his whole being. His eyes are crinkled slightly, but that might just be because of the bright sun reflecting off the concrete and cars and equipment.
I glance behind me and look at the people next to me to see if anyone else is looking at him, just in case it's not me that he's looking at. Everyone else is either watching the monitors or are on their phones. I'm too far from the monitors for Shawn to be trying to watch them and he has a few closer to him anyway. Sarah is sitting next to me and her red hair is in a milkmaid style braid crown today and she's wearing a light sundress. She looks adorable and honestly just Shawn's type, so it's probably her he's looking at.
When I glance back at him, he looks away.
Wednesday's drive to set consists of one of Michael and I's rare, and deep, life conversations.
"I suck at my job," I say offhandedly while we're joking about set and he's telling me stories.
He pauses. "What makes you say that?"
"Because I do," I shrug. "I'm the worst."
"I think if you were the worst, there'd be a lot of raccoon looking people at this school," he jokes.
"You know what I mean," I whine. "No one talks to me and no one's giving me anything interesting to do."
He tilts his head. "No one has to...This is the job you were booked for. There aren't really promotions in this business. And have you tried talking to people? Making new friends?"
"I have Sarah," I say.
"That's one," Michael holds up a finger.
"And Kevin," I add.
Michael makes a face. "He barely counts." So he raises the first knuckle of his middle finger.
"I met Zendaya's makeup artist yesterday, Molly," I continue. "We talked about pizza."
"Uh," he laughs. "No you didn't. I heard that conversation. THEY talked about pizza. You didn't say a word. You were practically mute." He glances at me quickly before turning back to the road and I shrug and gesture, like maybe I am mute.
Maybe Michael and Julie-Anne just happen to be the only two people who can hear me.
After a short lull in the conversation, I say:
"Do you think I could maybe ask someone about a different job? Like one that would be me on for the rest of the movie?"
Michael shrugs. "Maybe...I've never heard of anyone doing that before. It wouldn't hurt to try though," he adds. "I mean, like the worst they can say is no."
"Maybe," I mumble. "They could fire me."
"Or blacklist you," Michael suggests.
The next time I see a VW Bug, I punch him a little harder than normal.
But later, when I'm clocking in, I stick my head in Angela's makeshift office in one of the trailers.
"Hey, do you have a minute?" She glances up at me quickly then goes back to typing on her laptop, but I add: "Could I ask you a quick question?"
"I can give you a quick answer," she says without looking up.
I step in, but I don't sit down. "Would it maybe be possible for me to continue working as a makeup artist on this production after this week?"
Angela's still typing quickly and fervidly, but the look in her eyes seems a little unfocused like she might be thinking about what I've asked.
"Um...I'm currently booked up for the foreseeable future," she says. "But I can I'll let you know if anything opens up."
"Okay," I smile slightly. "Thank you, Angela."
"Of course," she quickly smiles up at me. "I'll email you if I need any more hands."
"Okay," I say again. "Thank you. Have a good day."
"You too," she calls as I walk out.
I have to keep my excitement at bay and I am not going to Michael and Julie-Anne about this. I can't run the risk of jinxing anything.
At lunch, I somehow manage to be toward the front of the line. I'm waiting for my burger to grill when someone nudges my left arm.
I look up and Shawn gestures at my burger.
"Weren't feeling like sushi today, eh?" he asks.
"Not really," I make a face and glance over my shoulder at the sushi bar the production is treating the crew to. "I'm not a big fan of fish."
He gasps and raises his cup of ice water to cover his mouth.
"I can't be friends with someone who doesn't like fish," he shakes his head sadly.
We're friends?
I shrug. "You don't have to worry about that for much longer. We'll be strangers again next week?"
He looks at me questioningly.
"Friday's my last day," I say simply.
"Oh man." He actually sounds a little bummed, but that could be fake. Let's be real. "Have you asked about coming back?"
"I just did," I reply so quickly, I don't even realize I've doomed myself until after the words are out of my mouth.
Please, Universe. Please don't let me have screwed myself over. Just this once. Pretty please with a cherry on top.
Shawn's looking at me like he's waiting for me to continue. I've only paused for a couple seconds, but I should say something before I look stupid.
"They said they're fully booked for right now, but they'll let me know if anything opens up."
"So we might see each other again," Shawn says while I hold out my plate for the cook to give me my burger.
"Yeah," I shrug and turn to walk over to the condiments. "Maybe."
I really don't want to get my hopes up and wait on the edge of my seat every day for news that's never going to come. I need to start looking for other jobs as soon as possible.
I glance over my shoulder to see if Shawn's still around, but he's gone.
Thursday I spend a lot of downtime talking to Sarah. She's already got a new job lined up on a CW show. She says it's about a supernatural boarding school so, even though she'll still only be doing makeup for the extras, she'll be working fairly often.
I wish I'd known to apply for that.
I eat a small lunch and spend the rest of the break filling out applications and texting people I know on other productions, asking if they could use anymore hands.
By mid-afternoon, I've heard back from two student films that can't pay me, but promise food and I know someone on both productions so it's not like it's the worst volunteering job I could go for. It's always good to do some networking. I also got an email from an indie horror film that can only pay me $50 for the whole day, but it's special effects makeup and I'm always down for that.
I tell Michael and Julie-Anne about the special effects opportunity during last looks for a hallway scene that's our last set-up of the day and they're both really excited for me.
I'm outside watching the lighting crew tear down some stuff while I wait for both of them to wrap out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Angela rushing toward a people-mover, but she glances over her shoulder and immediately changes course, heading right for me.
"Rivera!" she calls and I turn to look at her. "Are you still free next week?" she asks when she's a few yards from me.
"Uh," I stammer.
"A spot opened up," she adds before I can say anything. "It's yours if you want it."
"Uh yeah, I do," I say quickly.
"Cool." She whips her phone out of her pocket and starts typing. "I'll email you the details soon. Come by my office tomorrow morning and we'll fill out your paperwork."
"Okay sure." The words tumble out of me.
She turns to leave and calls back over, telling me to have a good night.
I echo back the same to her.
It takes a moment for the initial shock to finish sinking in, but then I can't stop smiling while I pull out my phone and start typing apology emails for the things I now have to cancel.
Friday I'm running on Dunkin's Girl Scout Thin Mint iced coffee and excitement for getting a semi-promotion Michael told me was not a thing.
I'll never be done proving him wrong. It's my reason for living: defying expectations.
I actually use my favorite pen to sign the paperwork.
No shame.
"I can't start you in the trailer until Monday," Angela tells me. "Since we still need help with the background, but if you talk to Kevin, I'm sure he'd appreciate the help with last looks today. If he tells you he's good though, just keep up what you're doing with the background and we'll throw you into the deep end next week."
"Okay," I nod and get up to leave. "Thank you so much."
"No problem," she says as she turns back to her laptop. "Just don't make me regret it."
"Uh," I stammer. "You won't. Thank you again. I hope you have a good day."
I step out and she mumbles: "You too," as I close the door.
So, you know, no pressure.
I've got this.
Piece of cake.
Kevin does not want my help with last looks, but he does say I can blot the faces of sweaty actors, "if I feel so inclined."
That better not be a dig at my skin. I will shove one of these blotting papers where the sun don't shine. I swear to-
"Oh god, I know. I'm so fucking shiny. I'm like a greased pig," Zendaya says when I come up to her. Blotting papers ready in my right hand and oil control primer and powder in my left.
"You're just glistening," I joke.
"Gah, I'm so hot." She fans herself. "Even my sweat is sweating."
"Just think about the air conditioning in holding," I say. "Imagine yourself there and maybe you can trick your skin."
She laughs as I finish and give her a few blotting papers to hide in her pockets before I head off to check on other people.
I love being put on oil duty.
I make my way over to Tony, who's trying to blot his face with Kleenex.
"These might work better," I say and hand him a few blotting papers.
"Thank you," he says as he takes them. "I think they're trying to melt us."
"They're going for that authentic high school look," I grin. "Sweaty teens and all."
"Can I get some of those?"
I turn around and come face to chest with Shawn.
"You know, I really should start wearing heels so I don't have to crane my neck when I look at you," I say as I pull a few papers from the package for him. "At this rate, I'll sprain something by Tuesday."
He raises an eyebrow and takes the blotting papers from me.
"You'll be seeing me next week?"
I nod slightly. "I'll be seeing you next week." I can feel a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth and it's impossible to contain when a smile spreads across his face.
"You got the job?" he asks.
I nod again. "I got the job."
He holds his hand up and I high-five him and feel my cheeks burning.
Yay! Plot! There will be a lot more of Shawn and the rest of the cast from here on out. More time for drama and some relationships maybe??? *cough cough hint hint wink wink nudge nudge*
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