#i was planning for something more rough but you know. it’s a treat to myself something a bit more gentle for once <3
scorchedhearth · 2 years
@minotaurtheory asked: for the meaningful gestures prompts: 17 + kylealex or 24 + jaykyle (from the first list on the post rather than the dialogue prompts!!) <3 
thank u! answering the second part of that prompt <3
meaningful gestures
Kyle comes to with a soft huff, followed by a grunt and a second, harsher huff. Jason swiftly lifts his hand off of his neck, where he had his fingertips buried in his hair and rubbing circles against his scalp, and rests it on his chest, out of the way. A third huff, and this time Kyle stirs on his lap.
“Why d’you stop?” he slurs against the fabric of his jeans, Jason feels how his breath warms the fabric over his thigh. He doesn’t answer, prefers to focus on turning the page of the book he’s currently reading, even if he hasn’t read half of the sentences on the previous one.
“Stop what,” he mutters, and then makes a show of slapping the book close and putting it down by his hips, freeing his field of vision to look down at Kyle, ashen skin and dark bags under his eyes, a large bruise blooming by his left temple. “You passed out on my bed,” he explains when he sees another question forming on his lips. “About an hour ago.” He doesn’t need to check, he stopped his reading every twenty minutes to make sure Kyle’s breathing pattern and pulse were regular, had to after seeing him nearly collapse over his threshold. That’s why his hand was on him still, he had checked for the last time just as he started on a new chapter, couldn’t help but leech into the heat Kyle constantly radiates, even knocked out and bruised to hell and back.
Kyle tries to lift his head and winces, slamming his eyelids shut as the light certainly starts dancing in his eyes at the valiant effort. Jason lets him do as he please, watches as Kyle tests his body, blinking a few times and tensing muscles in his limbs to see what’s wrong. Not much, by Jason’s guess, he most likely overworked himself and felt the weight of a severe lack of rest once he entered Earth's atmosphere. Now, why he chose Jason’s flat as the first spot to visit, that’s an answer he refuses to think about. Kyle bites down his lips when he crunches his abs in an attempt to sit up, sore enough to force him to fall back on the bed with a sigh, head pillowed on his legs once again.
“Passed out on you too?” He asks, managing to sneak some of that infamous tongue-in-cheek insolence in his wavering voice.
“You move when you sleep. And in case you missed it, that’s my bed.” Still, Jason doesn’t move him away, and Kyle notices.
“I feel like I've been run over by a truck.”
“Feeling dizzy? Nauseous?” He asks as he presses the back of his hand on his forehead, detailing the bruises and cuts he can see peeking out of his clothes and littering his arms and face, examining his pupils from his vantage point.
“Nope. Just tired. Thirsty and hungry as well, if that matters. And I'm sore, too.” But he’s grinning, or attempting to with a barely scabbed over cut on his lip and about a month of sleep to catch up on.
“Well, I diagnose you with severe exhaustion-itis.” Jason nods as he briskly takes his hand away.
“Is it serious, doc?” Kyle asks with fake worry.
“Nothing common sense can’t cure.” He gives a pointed stare that has Kyle rolling his eyes, a decision followed by yet another wince and poorly disguised regret.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me your lecture, asshole.” Jason nods, knowing his point has been made, gracious enough to not rub it in this time. He’ll wait for a time when Kyle can actually think of a proper comeback, it’s too easy otherwise.
“So, uh…” Kyle trails off, clears his throat. “What time is it?”
“About four in the afternoon.”
“You know what I mean.” He bites back, that particular subject always touchy for him.
“November the fourteenth.” Kyle freezes for a second before forcing his shoulders to relax. He mutters a quiet ‘thanks’ and leaves it at that, obviously thinking over the answer. Jason picks up the book, opening it to the right page but not reading, unable to anymore, not with the weight of Kyle on his legs more present now that he’s awake and thrumming with energy and no longer a dead weight.
He’s not gonna ask, Jason realizes after two painful minutes of stiff silence between them. So he bites the bullet and speaks first. “I’ve got nothing tonight, I’m staying in,” he says, which is enough. Kyle’s shoulders drop two inches as he sinks into the mattress and lets his eyes flutter close again.
“You like my hair,” he says as an answer, but Jason understands what he means. What he’s asking for. They’re good at not asking and not talking.
“I don’t.” He keeps his voice flat.
“I also know you’re not reading. Not really.” That makes him look away from the page and down on Kyle, too curious to hide it behind nonchalance. “When you read, your eyes move more slowly. They also do that kind of back-and-forth thing if you really like a line. And you don't fidget with the covers either,” Jason stops the finger that had been mindlessly picking at an unruly corner. “You get really still. It’s kinda weird actually, pretty creepy when you sit for hours without moving, save for your hands.” He’s rambling, making it sound thoughtless when it’s anything but. Jason feels bile rise at the back of his throat, teeth clenching down hard on his cheeks. “And you don’t like that I know that, either.” He’s quiet now, an inquisitive, curious gaze laid on Jason.
“But you think you know that I like your hair.” Jason barely realizes who convoluted that sentence is, he’s too busy digging his nails into the threads holding him together, keeping them from ripping and flaying him open.
“I know you like my hair. And I like it too.”
“Pretty vain of you, don’t you think,” Jason slips through his teeth, and Kyle doesn’t bite the bait. He only raises an eyebrow, and Jason goes back to his book without another word. Kyle settles back on his leg, one hand lays on his knee, holding him like he’d hold a pillow, the other wrapped around his stomach, his palm over the shirt Jason stripped him to.
He waits for a minute, counting the seconds in his head, before picking up his hand and slowly setting it at the back of Kyle’s neck, fingers curling around the warm skin and fingertips burying in the thick hair again. Kyle doesn’t say anything, only squeezes his knee once before letting out a deep sigh, already walking back toward sleep with such ease that something catches in Jason’s chest, something ugly, something that hooks deep beneath his ribs and digs into the bones.
He picks up the small back and forth with the pad of his thumb, rubbing tight circles at the edge of his hairline, finally able to go back to his book now that Kyle’s attention has been diverted off himself
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raven-dor · 2 months
me and my husband
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In which gwayne hightower is overprotective of his pregnant wife, and she begins to worry about the outcome of the birth
PAIRING: gwayne hightower x reader
WARNINGS: angst, anxiety, rough pregnancy, mentions of blood, arguing, fluff ending
AN: I read "chose me" by @entitled-fangirl and had to write something similar for gwayne!! this could also be read as part of the come back to me universe, but you do not have to read any other fic to understand the context!!
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She watched from the dark hall, her heart fluttering as he leaned back, exposing his neck and upper chest. Pregnancy awoke a dangerous animal inside her, one that needed her husband near her at all times. 
Instead, he sat in his office. 
She could not blame him; it was hard work, taking care of Old Town in place of his uncle’s absence. Seeing as his cousin had died recently, Gwayne would stand to inherit the Hightower title, and he all but jumped at the chance to begin his training.
But as of late, it seemed as if she needed him more than he needed her. Mere thoughts seemed to drown out her happiness, every attempt to block them futile. The larger she grew, the closer she got to the inevitable. She cleared her throat, making herself known to her husband. 
“Gwayne?” He looked up, smiling brightly. 
“My love! You should be in bed.” He stood up, ushering her over to a cushion. She glared, letting him coddle her for now.
“I am not inept.” 
“I know, darling.” He knelt in front of her, kissing her hand gently. “But you also know that I cannot help but worry for you.” He caressed her stomach, whispering. “And how is our little one?” 
“You have no need to worry, I assure you. The Maesters say the babe is perfectly healthy; there is no cause for concern.”
“And you?” He kissed her hand once more. “How do you fare?”
She was taken aback by that question, avoiding the question. “Do not worry about me.” 
“That is my job as your husband.” He walked back to his desk, putting out the flickering candle. “And Maesters are not always correct.” 
“That is a rather skeptical view.” She grabbed the handles of the chair, pushing herself up. Gwayne glared. 
“Please ask for my aid next time you plan on standing.” 
“Shall I ask you to help me relieve myself as well?” She glared back. “I love you; you know that I do. But I am not a frail piece of straw. I will not break from a gust of wind.”
“You are carrying the future heir to the Hightower name, my dear.” 
Terms like that make her uneasy. That is all she heard all day. ‘Future heir,’ ‘Hightower name,’ ‘a boy.’ All phrases she had heard over a hundred times. She just wanted a moment of peace where she was not reminded how little she mattered in this situation. A tight smile graced her lips, and she lost all humor in her tone. “As I am constantly reminded.” 
He grabbed her hand, walking slowly out of the office. “All I ask is that you take care. If not for me, then for the sake of our child.” 
“I am careful.” She glared. “You know this. It’s not as if I go looking for things to hurt the babe. Do not treat me like a child to be watched over.” 
He rubbed a thumb over the back of her hand. “I do not mean to upset you-” 
“Well, you have.” She scoffed. “You have somehow managed to insult my care for your future line and my child in one blow. It is astonishing, truly. I applaud you.” 
“You know that was not my intention.” He shut their bedroom door, removing his shirt. Y/N tried to keep herself from blushing at the sight, but when he looked like that, it was hard to do. He knelt in front of her, holding both of her hands in his. “I am sorry.” 
She hummed, walking away and sitting in front of her vanity. “Yes, well, I suppose I forgive you.” 
He grinned. “I am glad of it.” 
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The woods were peaceful, a nice retreat from the bustling of Old Town. Her velvet green dress dragging behind her. She hummed, closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the trees swaying. There was a lake nearby that she desperately wanted to swim in, and stare up into the sky of blue. Pushing the tall grass out of her way, the clearing stretched out before her, the lake at the center. She grinned, running down the hill with a newfound joy.
“Y/N? Where are you?” 
Her smile fell, remembering the whole reason she had even been ‘allowed’ to go on this excursion. He’d only let her go if he came along. She sighed, turning around and walking back up the hill. “Coming, my love.” 
The auburn-haired man smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Where did you run off to?” 
“The clearing.” She traced shapes on his chest. “I was thinking, perhaps you could join me for a swim. It is a perfect day for it.” 
“My lord.” Their guard’s voice echoed through the forest. Y/N groaned, falling against her husband’s chest. Gwayne kissed the top of her head, smiling sympathetically. “Another time, I swear to you.” She sighed, nodding. A finger hooked under her chin, his eyes serious. “You look far too melancholy, my love.” 
“Well, perhaps if-” 
“My lord, I’m sorry, but it is most urgent.” 
Gwayne sighed, intertwining his hand with hers. “What is it?”
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The Maester’s Wing was dim, with just a few candles keeping light. Gwayne had been summoned to settle a squabble between the townfolk, leaving Y/N to visit the old man herself. She tapped her foot, waiting for the Maester to ask her the questions she dreaded. But those questions never came. 
“My lady.” 
Y/N smiled, nodding. “Maester Jon, it is wonderful to see you.” She held her stomach. “Tell me, any developments my husband or I should be aware of?” 
“Unfortunately, yes, my lady.” He sat down. “It seems, from what we can tell so far, that the birth may result in a breach pregnancy.” Y/N’s blood ran cold, and she felt her breath catch. “A breach pregnancy may result in a choice needing to be made.” He leaned forward, a sympathetic look on his face. “Do you understand what this means, my lady?” 
She nodded, standing up quickly. “I do. Thank you, Maester Jon. I shall relay the news to my lord husband.”
She gave one last look at the dark corner before practically running out of the wing. She burst through the hall doors, dinner in full swing. There sat Gwayne, eyes drooping, visibly exhausted from his duties. 
Who was she to worry him anymore?
Y/N sat beside her husband, kissing his cheek. “How was your day, my love?” 
“Infinitely better, now that you are here.” He smiled. “How was the visit?” 
She took a large sip of her wine. “Well. All is well.” She grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I love you.” 
He grinned, squeezing back. “I love you much more, my dear.” 
If he chose the babe, she knew she would surely die from heartbreak before she bled. She laughed, her eyes watering. “I do not think that is possible.” 
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Since learning of the news, she’d been restless, barely sleeping and often waking before the sun. Its bright rays peeked through the curtains, hitting her skin. The warmth soothed her for a moment, but it was just that, a moment. 
The babe kicked harshly, a quiet groan leaving her. She stared at the ceiling, thinking that in just a few short weeks, she’d be giving birth in this very bed, staring at the same ceiling. 
It had always been described to her as horrible and painful beyond recognition. And now that she was carrying an heir, which could possibly be breach, she almost wished she could go back to when they first met and stop herself. When she didn’t have to worry about what she did or where she went, she could just be free. 
He would be pressured into choosing the child over her; she knew this. Sometimes, when the need for an heir was strong, women had been carelessly cut open, being left for dead. It had been done many times, most notably in her lifetime, by King Viserys. Rhaenyra had told her of his actions: how he’d carelessly cut Aemma open, and her mother bled out on the bed without ever getting to hold her babe. 
She looked over at her husband, fast asleep and dead to the world. His hair covered his eyes; his face was shoved into the pillow haphazardly. She giggled; he’d always slept like there was no tomorrow; it was heartwarming, to say the least. She leaned over, pushing the hair out of his face, kissing his forehead gently. 
 Rolling to her side, she quietly stood, careful not to wake him. Grabbing her robe from the wardrobe, she made her way to the dining hall, eager to eat something of actual sustenance. 
After learning of the news, she had picked at her dinner, telling Gwayne it was because the babe made her nauseous. 
In a way, it had. 
The smell of bacon and eggs flooded her senses, and she rounded the corner, the doors of the hall wide open. Greeting the occasional servant that passed by, she sat down, piling food onto her plate. 
“My lord.” Y/N looked up to see her husband stalking toward her, not even acknowledging the man who had greeted him. Odd, he normally slept as long as he could before starting his day. She smiled brightly. “Good morning, my love.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “Is it a good morning?” 
“Quite.” She tilted her head. “Why? Is something amiss?” 
He nodded, crossing his arms. “I awoke, and my wife was gone. Imagine my surprise.” 
She had felt horrible leaving him, and fighting would only give him more cause to choose the babe. “I am sorry if I scared you.” 
“You should be. And another-” He stopped, shock adorning his features. “You are sorry?” 
“I should have woken you. It was my mistake.” She pat the chair next to her. “Please, join me.” 
“I’m afraid I cannot. I have to meet with the steward this morning.” 
Her heart clenched. “I can join you if you’d like-” 
“It is not necessary. I will only bore you.” 
She murmured, reaching out to grab his hand. “You have never bored me.” 
“You are kind, but I’m sorry, I cannot be distracted.” He grabbed a plate, placing a biscuit and two pieces of bacon haphazardly.
She scoffed, glaring at her lord husband. “I did not realize I was such a distraction."
"Perhaps I should stay in my chambers for the remainder of my pregnancy. To keep you from further distraction.”
“That is not what I meant, and you know it.” 
She stood, her eyes cold. “I know nothing of the sort.” She looked over his shoulder, beckoning over a servant. “Please move my things into the adjoining room. I will be sleeping there-” 
Gwayne sat his plate down, looking at the servant. “Do not move her things.”  
“My lady?” The young girl looked frightened, scared that she was caught in the middle of their argument. 
Y/N sighed, dismissing the girl. “It is alright.” She walked away, yelling back at her husband. “I shall do it myself.” 
“Y/N!” Gwayne yelled, dropping his plate and running after her. “Come back here at once.” 
She ignored him, walking faster. The stairs proved to be a challenge, holding the railing tight. Gwayne placed a hand on her back. “Let me-” 
She flinched, pushing him back. “Don’t.” 
He mumbled. “You may hate me all you want after this.” 
“After what-” He hooked his arm under her legs, carrying her up the stairs. “Gwayne Hightower! You let me down right now!” 
The top of the stairs was a relief; she practically jumped out of his arms. She walked into their joint chambers, filling her trunk with things she would need. Gwayne sighed, watching from the doorway. “Will you please just-” 
“I will leave you to your devices, my lord. I hope your meetings prove well spent.” Dragging the trunk through the door, she slammed it in his face. 
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That had been three days ago. They’d seen each other in the halls and at meals, but other than that, Y/N steered clear of her husband. For the better part of the day, he’d been in a meeting with the patrons of Old Town, or so she’d heard. Y/N took that as an opportunity, rushing out of the castle’s gates. Squealing, she cut through the tall grass once more, racing down the hill towards the lake. She threw her dress off, her petticoat barely revealing her modesty. Not that anyone would see, this part of the wood was only known by the family. 
The water did wonders for her nerves, cooling her skin. Her hair stretched out past her waist, flowing like the tall grass that surrounded this oasis. She floated for what seemed like hours; the babe had not stirred once. She hummed, rubbing her bump gently. “It is quite peaceful here, is it not?” 
A kick. 
Y/N grinned, her eyes tearing up. “Please, try your best to make this an easy birth. It would break my heart not to meet you. If that is the case, don’t worry. Your father’s a good man; he’ll raise you well.” 
No kick. 
She laughed. “Do not ignore your mother. It’s quite disrespectful.” 
A kick. 
“I miss him too, my love.” 
A voice broke through the silence. “Miss who exactly?” 
Y/N jumped, standing in the water. “My lord, I did not expect you-” 
“I was in a meeting when a guard informed me you were running out of the castle gates.” His face looked conflicted, but she didn’t want to address the fact that he most likely heard that whole ‘conversation,’ so she remained silent. “Is there something you wish to tell me?” 
So he had heard. She smiled, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. “I do not know what you are referring to, my lord.” 
“Stop.” Gwayne sighed. “You haven’t called me that since before we were engaged, and I do not wish for you to start again.” He stepped forward, extending his hand. “Please come out of the lake.” 
She walked past his hand to her dress, every attempt to retrieve it proving futile. “Here.” Gwayne knelt down, picking it up off the stump. “What would you have done if I hadn’t been here?” 
“I would have figured it out, thank you very much.” She glared, pulling the frock over her head. “Do you not have another meeting to attend, my lord?” 
“I canceled them.” He laughed, stepping forward. “After I heard my wife was running away from our home, I thought it best to tend to the matter myself.” 
“How wise of you.” Y/N crossed her arms. 
“Shall we go to bed?” 
“I am not tired.” She walked up the hill, leaving him behind. “Have a restful night, my lord.” 
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She slammed her bedroom door shut, leaning against it. She was tired; she hated to admit it. But she wouldn’t have told him that. She walked over to the window, placing the bouquet she picked on the mantle. A reminder of the freedom she once had. A reminder of life before she faced death itself. 
A knock rang out. “May I come in?” 
She tensed. “If you must.” She faced the window, too scared to face him. If she looked at him, truly looked at him, she thought she would start crying. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” 
“I have to ask you something, and I want you to answer me honestly.”
She nodded, walking away from the window and placing her robe in her wardrobe. “Ask it then.” 
“Do you still love me?”
Her heart stopped. “I-” 
Gwayne stepped forward, wrapping a singular arm around her waist. He drew her in, his scent engulfing her senses. She fought herself not to fall for his spell, but as he leaned his head down, and his breath hitting her neck, she knew she would not last. “If you do not, speak it plainly because I- I cannot go on like this any longer.” 
She turned around in his arms, placing her arms on his chest. “I do not believe I could ever stop loving you. Trust me when I say this.” She smiled. “I’m afraid it’s terminal.” 
“Ah.” He let out a sigh of relief. “Then what is it that troubles you so?” 
“I do not know what you-” 
“I beg you, do not finish that sentence.” He tilted her chin up, worry in his eyes. “What ales you, my love?” 
“I am simply nervous.” She to be out of his arms. The longer she stayed in his embrace, the more compelled she felt to tell him. “It is nothing, I swear to you.”
He raised his eyebrows, pulling her hands from his chest and kissing them gently. “Please do not lie to me.”
“That night I visited the Maester, he told me something.” He nodded. “He said with the way the pregnancy is progressing, it is possible that the babe will be born breach.” Her voice grew quieter the longer she spoke. 
“That’s not all, is it?” 
She pushed out of his hold, walking to the other side of the room. “I’m so sorry, Gwayne. Truly, I am. Please forgive me-” a sob wrecked her body. “But I want to live. Please.” 
Gwayne shook his head. Where was this coming from? “Whatever are you talking about?” 
“I know I have been acting radical as of late, and I apologize, I just thought-” She hiccuped. “I thought it would make your choice easier.” 
“What choice, darling?” 
She whispered. “Between me and the babe.” 
“Why would I-” It dawned on him. Had she really been dealing with this all by herself? “Oh, my sweet girl. Why did you not tell me?” 
“I didn’t want to stress you any further.” She hugged herself. “Please, Gwayne. I swear I will give you another heir if this pregnancy-” She shivered. “Just don’t cut me. I beg you.” 
He dropped down in front of her, grabbing her hands in his. “Listen to me well. I could sire a hundred children, but you. You are one of a kind, and I will always choose you.” He kissed the back of her hands once more. “Irreplaceable. You must know this.” 
“Gwayne, no one is truly irreplaceable.” 
He stood, his eyes dark. “Do not say such things again. Swear it to me.” 
“Swear it, Y/N.” 
“I swear.” She whispered, cheeks red. “I swear to you.” 
He nodded, smiling lightly. “I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” 
“For coddling you.” He stepped closer, caressing her bump. “I am scared as well. My own mother had many a difficult pregnancy, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” 
“I am sorry as well.” She placed a hand on his cheek. “I should have come to you with my worries. I did not want to burden to burden you. And I will make sure you have your heir. I promise you that.” 
“I do not care if the Hightower name crumbles away into nothingness. As long as you are content, I will be as well.” He leaned down, their foreheads touching. “There would be no point to this without you. I fear I could not do this if you were not by my side.” 
“You have been doing perfectly fine as of late.” She winced. "I truly am sorry.” 
“No more of that.” He whispered, staring at her lips. “May we please go to bed?” 
She nodded, knowing if she tried to speak that words would fail her. She lay on the bed beside him, tracing his freckles. “Sleep, my love.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. “I will be here when you wake, I promise.” 
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strang3lov3 · 10 months
Summary: (mall rats 6) Surrounded by medical supplies is a convenient time to slice your hand open. Joel wrestles your stubborn ass to treat your wound, then fucks you how you like.
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Tags: Jar Jar Binks, Star Wars opinions, manhandling, descriptions of injuries (I tried to keep it as short and sweet as I could, bc I myself am a squeamish girl!! I was squirming the whole time writing this!!!) blowjobs, f masturbation, kinda rough unprotected PIV, creampie, dirty talk, reader and Joel have googly eyes for each other
A/N: as always thank you so much @papipascalispunk for editing. Thank you all for your continued patience with my writing, I am a busy busy lady and you may not get another fic from me for two weeks or more with the whole finals thing, but I do have lots of shit planned! One thing at a time bug one thing at a time. I wish I could write smut for my history of Indiana final essay but I don’t think that would fly with my nun-obsessed professor. Also, thank you @noxturnalpascal and @speckledemerald for hyping me up ❤️❤️
Joel is standing in front of a map of the mall, studying it intently. It’s been a while since you’ve been at the mall with Joel, actually. With the weather getting worse with more and more snow, Tommy is trying to keep travel limited to patrol. Supply runs for necessities only, and Jackson is in need of medical supplies. Rubbing alcohol, gauze, bandages, first aid supplies. There’s actually a medical building not far from Jackson, but it’s pretty well picked over at this point. 
“Mall has a pharmacy. A CVS or Walgreens, somethin’ like that. I’ll go,” Joel had volunteered in Tommy’s office. 
“I’ll come too,” you added as you were helping Tommy fill out patrol logs.
Joel sighed, “No.” 
“Why not?”
“Supposed to be a quick trip. In and out. Don’t need you gettin’ distracted by lotions and perfumes again.”
“Those are necessities,” you argue, “Besides, buddy system. It’s important for us to stick together.” 
“We are not buddies,” Joel scoffed. Tommy raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“No? What are we, then?” 
Joel opened his mouth as if to answer with something sharp and argumentative, but no words came out. His cheeks turned rosy as you both shared an odd look, with Joel’s hands frozen on the buttons of his coat. The pencil you wrote with felt heavy in your hand, held awkwardly on the paper as you stared at Joel. You didn’t mean for that question to come out the way it did. What was the answer to the question, anyway? 
Tommy filled the silence with his own answer. “I know what y’all are,” he smirked. 
Joel shot Tommy a warning look, then took your jacket from behind your chair and held it open for you. “Let’s go, then,” he said. You put your arms through the sleeves, zipped yourself up and left. You could hear Tommy chuckling to himself as you walked out with Joel.
You rode horseback to the mall. Still feeling awkward from the interaction at Tommy’s, you both stayed silent, but the ride wasn’t uncomfortable. You hugged Joel tightly, and Joel savored the warmth of your cheek on his back. 
“Found it,” Joel taps the map, “I remember now. It’s downstairs.”
“Ha!” you brag, “I told you. I knew it was downstairs. I was right.” 
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll throw a party when we get home,” Joel replied, taking off towards the dilapidated staircase. You follow close behind, dragging your fingers against the railing, letting your hand tap each of the thin rods that support it. One breaks off and falls with a clatter. Joel doesn’t bother turning around to see what it was. “You break these stairs, you find us a new way out of here,” he warns. Dramatic. You pick up the thin rail and twirl it as you walk behind Joel, then poke his ass with the piece of metal. Already exhausted by you, he sighs, “What’d you find now, trouble?”
“Lightsaber,” you answer. 
“What?” Joel tilts his head and turns around to finally see what all the noise and clattering was. You’re holding one of the thin rods from the railing, still twirling it. “No, put that down,” he tells you, “You’re gonna give yourself tetanus. Put it down, sweetheart.”
“Ellie lent me this DVD. Did you ever see this old movie, Star Wars?”
“Quit while you’re ahead,” Joel grumbles, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, “Ain’t that old, smartass. And of course I’ve watched Star Wars, who do you think introduced it to her?”
“Oh,” you reply, “Well, there was this character, Jar Jar–”
“Nope,” Joel cuts you off, “You’re done. Lost your talkin’ privileges. Drop your lightsaber and zip it.”
Still twirling the rod you ask, “You don’t like Star Wars?”
“I like Star Wars. What you watched is not Star Wars.”
“Yes it is, Joel. It was on the DVD.” 
Joel turns back around and keeps walking, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Yeah I do. Mesa–”
Joel interrupts, “Do not finish that sentence,” he warns, “God, that movie was so stupid. Took Sarah to see it when it came out, we ended up leavin’ halfway through and gettin’ ice cream instead.” You watch Joel smile at the memory as you approach the pharmacy and he holds the door open for you. You smile with him. Joel doesn’t talk about Sarah much with you, but he mentions her now and then, at least more than he used to.
You and Joel find the first aid aisle of the pharmacy. He knows what to look for, so he peruses the aisles and stuffs his bag full of supplies. Watching him bend over, you can’t help but poke his ass again. “Knock it off, space cadet,” he says, annoyed.
You giggle to yourself and toss the rod aside. You hadn’t realized the end that you were holding was damaged when you broke it off the railing. Fuck. It’s sharp, jagged, and slices your palm all the way across. The rod clangs on the ground and startles Joel. 
Joel turns around to see the rod on the ground, and you clutching your fist tightly. “What’s in your hand?”
“Nothing,” you answer, feeling your hand become warm and wet. 
Joel connects the dots. He bends over and checks the rod for rust and there’s none, thank god. But the end is very jagged, almost serrated like a knife. “Open your hand.”
“No,” pressing your lips together, you lower your gaze and open your fist slightly to check your hand, then quickly shut it. Joel watches your eyes go wide and the color draining from your face. “It’s n–mmm,” you hum, your voice shaky, “I’m fine.” 
“You’re not fine,” Joel reaches for your hand, “You’re hurt. Need to see how deep that cut is, clean it and–”
You shove Joel backward with your free hand, and he looks momentarily taken aback. There was a lot more strength behind that shove than he would have anticipated. You’re not playing, not teasing like usual. “Do you wanna try that again?” he asks, his voice firm.
“Don’t touch me.” 
Joel takes in your expression. You’re not trying to start a fight with him, you look worried, anxious, and defensive with pale lips and trembling hands. You had mentioned not handling blood or pain well before, but he didn’t know you were this squeamish, you poor thing. “I have to, hon.”
Joel raises a hand in your direction, “Don’t argue with me on this. You need to sit down, I can tell you’re gettin’ freaked.”
“Joel,” you say his name again in a warning tone, much sharper than before. 
“I know,” he says softly, as he steps closer to you, and you step back, your feet hitting the wall behind you. You’re feeling more amped up now. “Just let me look,” as he reaches for your wrist and pulls you closer, his grip tightening when you struggle against him and try to pull your arm away. “Quit squrimin’,” he grits his teeth as he fights against your strength. Minding his own strength, and with one hand gripping your wrist, he moves the other to your shoulder and forces you to the ground as gently as he can. A sliced hand is bad enough, he doesn’t need you fainting and cracking your skull open. You kick your legs and punch against him, but he pins his body on top of yours, your free hand between your body and his leg.
“Get the fuck off me, Joel,” you spit, “Get off, get off, get–”
“Hey. Hey,” he says, his voice firm yet gentle, “Breathe, sweetheart. I know you’re nervous.”
You stare at Joel with fiery eyes, breathing heavily through your nose. Shallow breaths, probably not getting enough oxygen to your brain, but at least you’re breathing. Joel gives you a moment to settle down.
“I need you to listen to me,” he tells you, “I don’t know how deep your cut is. I need you to let me look.”
“Please,” you beg, “Please don’t.”
“I’m gonna be gentle,” Joel promises as he flips your wrist up, gently beginning to pry your fingers open, “You look at me. Don’t look at your hand. Just look at me. Will you trust me?” 
Nodding apprehensively, you keep your focus on Joel. He nods in response, then examines your palm. He bites his cheek and frowns. 
“Is it bad?” you ask shakily.
“Uhh,” he hums, “It’s not good,” he answers you honestly. You’re cut in multiple areas and by the looks of it, the gashes go pretty deep. “You might need stitches.”
Fuck that. You squirm under Joel with all of your might to force him off of you. 
“Stop thrashin’. Stop it,” he says, holding your jaw firmly and looking into your eyes, “I’m not gonna stitch ya. We can cross that bridge when we get to Jackson. But you are risking infection. So I’m going to stop the bleeding, wash it, disinfect, then wrap your hand. That’s all.”
He has a tendency to get frustrated with you, and you’re sure he’s beyond frustrated with you right now, but he’s not showing it. He looks sincere, but you’re still on edge and lacking assurance. “Promise?” you whisper.
“I swear,” he assures softly, rubbing your jaw gently with his thumb. When you nod in response, Joel takes his coat off and folds it, then slides it under your head. He needs you as comfortable as you can be. 
“We are gonna have to amputate, though,” he jokes as he pulls out a rag from his bag and presses it into your hand. You give him a dirty look. “Kidding,” he says. 
Joel removes the rag to see if your hand is still bleeding. You catch a glimpse of the cut and the blood in your palm, running down your wrist, “Oh god, my hand, Joel–”
“Don’t look,” he repeats, “Just keep lookin’ at me, sweetheart.”
But you don’t. You can’t seem to peel your eyes away, and you feel lightheaded. Joel notices.
“Tell me somethin’ new,” he says, distracting you from the pain.
“Joel, please,” you whine.
“Somethin’ new,” he reminds you.
“I saw a cat yesterday.”
Joel nods in response. “What color?” he asks.
“Uh, calico,” you reply. He’s reaching into his bag, pulling out his canteen and rinsing your hand out with his water. The cool water feels soothing on your palm. 
“What’s calico?”
“It’s when a cat has three colors, Joel,” you answer impatiently, as if the answer should be glaringly obvious to him. “Fuck,”  you hiss, as he pats the wound dry. The fabric feels irritating and painful against you. 
“Tell me more. Tell me good things.”
Following his instructions, you begin rambling. It’s not hard once you start. “I saw a cat and I kicked Tommy’s ass in a board game and his baby is so cute, by the way. Almost as cute as the cat.”
“You think cats are cuter than babies?”
“Obviously. Babies are gross and they’re noisy and I finished the sweater I was crocheting for Maria and the snow looks pretty and I love you and I…” 
Joel pauses his work on your hand momentarily. He doesn't hear anything else you say after those three words. I love you. It’s a fuzzy sort of quiet, he’s in disbelief. I love you. When your hand twitches, he pulls his focus back to you.
“...And I watched Star Wars.”
“Yeah,” he replies quietly, “You said that already, you said–”
“I did? Oh yeah. I guess I did.”
You’re clearly delirious, in panic mode, and not thinking straight. You don’t remember talking about Star Wars an hour ago, you don’t even realize what just slipped your lips a second ago. Joel smiles to himself. He’s suspected it for a while. He loves you too. But that’s a conversation for later. There’s a more pressing issue at hand, quite literally.
Joel clears his throat and blinks a couple of times. “Uhm,” he hums, thinking of something to say, “And you said you got that movie from Ellie? The Phantom Menace?” 
“Star Wars.”
“Yeah, Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace,” he corrects you. You shrug. “Unbelievable,” Joel says, “Thought I taught that girl better.” He reaches for a bottle of rubbing alcohol and keeps your hand open in his. “Alright, deep breath in and out. This is the worst part, then we’re done.” 
Before you have time to breathe in and out as instructed, before you have time to argue, Joel dumps the alcohol in your palm. You yelp and tug your hand away, but he holds it still.
“I know, I know, I know, baby,” he coos, “Almost done.”
“Joel,” you cry.
“Look, all done,” he whispers as tears off a piece of gauze and lays it over your gash. “See? All done. Just need to wrap it,” Joel prepares more gauze, “Makes sense you’ve identified with Jar Jar, of all characters.” 
“What do you mean?”
Joel begins to wrap the bandage tightly around your hand. “Clumsy,” he murmurs, “Troublemakin’... accident prone.” 
“I don’t think you like Star Wars,” you tell him.
“Not the prequels,” Joel replies, “Only good thing about the outbreak is that they couldn’t finish that godforsaken mess of a trilogy.”
“What do you mean, ‘prequels’?”
“There was an original trilogy that came out before that movie you watched. Ellie didn’t show you them?”, and you shake your head no, “So you don’t know Han Solo or Princess Leia. That means nothin’ to ya?”
“Jesus Christ. What about C-3PO? R2-D2?”
“Oh, yeah. I know them. They were in that movie.”
“No,” Joel disagrees, then looking baffled for a second before nodding his head as he remembers the hour he spent watching that movie with Sarah years and years ago. “Mm, yeah, you’re right. Guess they were,” Joel concedes, “We’ll have to rectify this, you know. Have a movie night sometime.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, “You can make me popcorn.” 
“I’ll make you popcorn,” Joel says, watching a smile form on your lips. “There it is,” he praises, “Missed that smile. Don’t like seein’ you upset like that,” he murmurs, finishing your bandage wrap and securing it in place. “What am I gonna do with you?” he asks as he presses a kiss to your palm before he lets your hand go. You can still feel the warmth of his touch on your skin as he watches you and your cheeks begin to warm.
“I know what you’re gonna do with me,” you whisper. 
I’m gonna kiss you, and I’ll tell you that I love you too. That’s what I’m gonna do with you, Joel thinks, his heart beginning to race.
“Tell me, sweetheart.” 
“You’re gonna listen to my Jar Jar impression.”
Joel sighs. He watches you with adoration, and he wants nothing more than to express that adoration for you. It’ll happen when it happens. He decides to let it go for now and play along with you instead, however you want to. You deserve it, after all. He’ll put up a facade like you drive him crazy and he’ll let you believe you’re really getting under his skin, just to watch you smile and hear you laugh like you really got him this time. And he’ll tease you back, at least once more. 
“Please spare me until I lose my hearing in my other ear.” 
You oblige, smiling and rolling your eyes. Still holding eye contact with Joel, you become acutely aware of the position you’re in, that all too familiar position. Faces close, bodies closer and staring into his sparkly, warm brown eyes with his weight pressing into you. Maybe it’s the adrenaline, the way he took care of you, who knows. Out of the blue, you’re turned on and Joel knows. Joel cocks an eyebrow when your breath hitches, when you bite your lip and begin to squirm underneath him, seemingly now uncomfortable, aroused no doubt. “Time and place, hon,” he smirks smugly.
Heat rises up your neck and your cheeks at his accusation, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Yeah, you do. I know how you operate,” he asserts. “What’s got ya all worked up all of a sudden?” Joel asks, his hand caressing your cheek, your jaw.
“Nothing,” you lie. Your skin burns where his fingers trace.
“I think you’re lyin’. I know you like when I get rough with ya, just wasn’t expectin’ ya to like it now of all times, when I had to wrestle you down to fix that gash in your hand,” Joel taunts, “You’re very stubborn sometimes, you know that?” 
“Challenging,” you counter his claim, “And I wasn’t being stubborn. I could have taken care of my hand myself. I didn’t really need your help.”
Joel knows that’s a lie. You did, in fact, need his help. Badly. 
“That right there is stubborn.”
“No,” you argue, “And I’m not worked up right now, either.” Joel makes an amused face at you, and you wince internally. 
Shit. You fucked that up. Overcompensated.
“Right. Course not.” 
Against your better judgment, you open your mouth to argue further but Joel hushes you. “What do I get if you’re wet right now, sweetheart?” he whispers, unbuttoning your jeans. Your tummy flutters with desire as his fingertips skate across your skin. “You’re more than welcome to stop me right now,” he purrs. He’s giving you an out, a moment to make a choice, but you don’t dare stop him. And Joel grins. He snakes his hand down your pants, underneath your thin cotton panties. The anticipation builds with the tickle of his fingers lightly dragging over your mound, his middle and ring fingers tracing over your lips. You gasp quietly when he dips his fingers at your core, his fingertips collecting your arousal. You stifle a whine as he pulls his hand away from your body, showing you his two fingers glistening with your slick. Joel clicks his tongue, “Can’t be comfortable,” he murmurs, his tone sarcastic and sympathetic all at the same time. “This all for me?”
“No,” you breathe shakily. Yes. 
“You’re lyin’ to me,” he mumbles, bringing his two fingers to his lips. His mouth makes obscene noises as he sucks them clean of your arousal, humming at the sweet taste. Before you can think, he’s pulling your pants and underwear down in one fell swoop, his fingers finding their place back at your pussy. “You could tell me the truth and I’d go easy on ya,” he offers, his thumb pressing against your clit.
You love the thrill, that feeling in your stomach. Joel gives you a moment to answer, but you don’t. “No?”  he asks before situating himself on the ground with you, backing himself against a wall and pulling you into his lap. “Gonna make it worse for yourself,” he says, spreading your legs apart and hiking up your shirt, one hand playing with your pussy and the other kneading your breasts, teasing your nipples, “Why don’t you tell me how much ya needed this, hm? How you want me to make it all better.”
You sigh, a soft Joel falling from your lips as you become wetter, more sensitive as Joel’s fingers dance through your slick folds. He pushes two fingers inside you, fingers curling into that spot that he so loves. His thumb rubs tight, steady circles around your clit and he flicks the thumb of his other hand across your sensitive nipples, the combination of actions filling you with a deep, hot pleasure. You rest your head on his shoulder, the scratchy hairs on his cheek pressing against your forehead. You reach behind yourself to touch him, tangling your fingers in his curls.
“We’ll do this the hard way, then,” Joel shoves you forward, careful not to use too much of his strength but enough to let you know that he’s in charge. He’s always in charge. He takes his folded coat from the ground and positions it in front of himself. He stands up tall, knees popping as he rises. “Since you have nothin’ better to do with your mouth than tellin’ lies…”  Joel snaps and points to his coat, “Might as well keep you quiet instead. Down,” he instructs, “On your knees. Do it now.”
“Yes, Joel,” as you assume the position.
“Ah, now she speaks,” he taunts, the quiet metallic clang of him undoing his belt buckle sending excitement shooting through you. “Open,” is his next command, “Nice n’ wide, hon, you know how,” he instructs as he pulls out his cock, hard and with a pearly bead of precum glistening on his head. You open your mouth for Joel, eyes wide and Joel taps his member on your tongue. “Keep ya from doin’ that stupid fuckin’ impression, too.”
Your eyes light up as you think of something quippy to say, but Joel slides his cock into your mouth to keep you from doing so. “Ah-ah,” he tuts, “Quiet.” He’s delicious, masculine, heady, and intense. He fills your mouth entirely and you swirl your tongue around him, tracing thick veins and salty skin. “Attagirl,” Joel praises you, gripping the back of your head and pushing himself further into your mouth. You nearly gag, pulling back slightly but he holds you right where he wants you, “Right there.”
He pushes you further than you’re used to, but not to the point of discomfort. His tummy nudges your forehead as your nose presses against dark curls at the base of his dick and you use your hand to cup his balls. As you hum against him, you wonder if Joel intends for this to be a punishment. His tone and the way he conducts himself is commanding, but the way he fucks your mouth is gentle. 
“Still not worked up, right? Don’t need me?”, he asks, staring down at you with raised eyebrows. You shake your head no, lying again. “Okay,” he says, “I wanna watch you fuck yourself on your fingers. But don’t come. Not until you tell me what I wanna hear.” 
Your eyes flutter shut as you bring your fingers to your core, feeling your arousal. You push two fingers into your dripping pussy, pumping them in and out and trying to mimic the way it feels when Joel does it.
As you fuck yourself, you hollow your cheeks around his thick cock, letting him feel every inch of your soft and wet mouth. He’s domineering above you, but his hand on your cheek is gentle, caressing your skin softly. He looks down at you through hooded lids and as your eyes flutter shut, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
The way you’re touching your pussy hardly counts as fucking yourself, it’s teasing at best, and excruciating at that. You rub circles around your clit steadily, subtly, needing more than what he’s told you to give yourself. With your fingers working your clit and your mouth working Joel, the familiar pleasure of your climax is just within reach. Feeling yourself reaching your peak, you look up at Joel, “What are you doin’?”, he asks, like he’s caught you doing something you shouldn’t be.
You pull your mouth off of his cock to whisper, “Please, Joel,” which garners an irritated look from him. Joel bends lower to grab you by your bicep and force you to your feet, spinning you around and bending you over an empty shelf of an end cap. He parts your legs and drags his cock through your folds with one hand, the other gripping your hip. 
“Need those magic words, sweetheart. Say it, ‘I need you, Joel’. Go on, now. You got it.”
With the leftover feeling of your ruined orgasm and Joel’s cock teasing your pussy, you fold immediately. “I need you, Joel,” you breathe, “I need you.” 
“Tell me more. How do you need me?” as he continues to tease. 
“Need you to fuck me,” you gasp, “Please.”
“Need me to fuck ya,” he repeats, amused. Joel notches the tip of his cock at your entrance, “How ‘bout that. Tell me somethin’ I didn’t know.” 
It’s a rhetorical question. He doesn’t give you time to answer before he buries himself inside of you. You groan at the sudden intrusion, how deeply he enters you and how full you feel. 
He doesn’t need to experiment with you, doesn’t need to vary how he fucks you. You grip the edge of the end cap with both hands as he finds his pace immediately. His cock hits you right where you need him. 
“Hey, hey,” he whispers, reaching for your bandaged hand, “Don’t hold that. S’gonna hurt your hand. Hold mine instead,” as he wraps his palm around yours. “Better?”
You’re lost in it all, his hand holding yours tightly and his thighs hitting your ass, his balls slapping against your clit. His face is right next to yours, his nose buried in your hair as he nips at your ear. 
“Fuck,” he grunts as he fucks you. He moans softly, his breath feels warm. Each thrust feels deep and intentional. “Good girl. Takin’ my cock so good.”
“Yes, Joel,” you moan. 
He makes stuttering, strangled sort of noises. His breathing is sharp and unsteady through his gritted teeth, and you wish you could see him like this. You can just about picture him perfectly, his messy salt and pepper curls and that deep set line between his brows. 
He fucks you hard and rough, both of you panting and moaning. Soon enough, his rhythm becomes frenetic and stuttering. “Squ– fuck, squeezin’ me too good, I’m not gonna last, sweetheart.”
“Let me come, Joel,” you plead, “Please.”
“I know, I know. Don’t need to beg me, darlin’,” Joel coos. He snakes his hand between your thighs and quickly finds your clit, his thrusts still steady and deep. He expertly paints circles around your clit as he becomes sloppier and frenzied. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, Joel,” you’re gasping, feeling your walls begin to clench and squeeze him, “Right there, right there, fuck.”
“Yeah, s’it, let go for me,” he pants. 
With a few more circles tracing your clit, you fall apart on him. You come with a loud gasp, gripping his hand hard. Even after he helps you ride out your orgasm, he doesn’t yet stop fucking you, and the sensation is becoming all too much. You bite your lip to stifle yourself as he chases his own orgasm, and he spills into you with shuddering breaths and grunts, painting your insides with his seed.
You catch your breath with Joel as he begins to go soft inside you. You feel empty when he pulls out of you, craving the weight of his hand on yours after he lets go. As your breathing slows, turn around to face Joel. His dominant, taunting demeanor is gone and he helps you back into your clothes, then examines the bandage on your hand. He frowns when he sees he’s crumpled it and dampened it with his sweat. “Hang on,” he murmurs, quickly reaching for more gauze to rewrap it. 
You touch his shoulder, “Just– let’s wrap it again at home. It’s just gonna get ruined again.”
“No, I promise I’m not gonna clean it again, I just wanna–” Joel stops talking when you reach for his hand. He looks at where his hand connects with yours, then looks at you. “Okay,” he says. He stares at you intently, as if waiting for you to say more. You look like you want to.
Hand in Joel’s, you walk together out of the mall. The horseback ride home is quiet. You hug Joel tightly, and Joel savors the warmth of your cheek on his back again.
“Joel?” you ask. 
“Yeah, hon.”
“You’re sure you don’t wanna hear my impression?”
“I’m sure,” Joel says, but you can hear the smile in his voice. 
as always, i appreciate all of my readers. please please please leave a comment/reblog/send an ask if you enjoyed, your comments really do mean the world and keep me going <3
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natsaffection · 3 months
Mafias Mistress pt. 6 | N.R.
MafiaBoss!Natasha x CivilianYounger!Reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! Age gap (Natasha is 32 = reader ist 22) Fingering, begging, strap on use (r receiving), rough sex, dirty talk,
Word Count: 6,8K
A/N: It’s overrr. Thank you for all the support on this story! I really liked it to write and see talk reactions on it🫱🏼‍🫲🏻 As with all my other series, requests are of course welcome for this story! 🫶🏼
The room was silent except for the gentle sounds of Natasha's movements as she carefully tended to you. The air was filled with a mixture of lingering tension and the soft light of early dusk filtering through the curtains. You lay on the bed, your body aching from the intense punishment you had received, but the warmth and care in Natasha's touch brought a sense of comfort you hadn't expected.
Natasha gently cleaned your marks, applying soothing ointments and massaging where necessary. Her movements were delicate, almost reverent, as if she was trying to ease the pain she had caused.
Your eyes fluttered open, your voice barely above a whisper. "Why are you doing all this..."
Natasha paused for a moment, her eyes filling with a mixture of regret and determination. She took a deep breath, her voice soft and firm as she considered Maria's words.
"Talk to her. Help her understand."
"I... was born into a world of chaos..." she began, "My parents were involved in organized crime, and it was only a matter of time before I got sucked in, and before that happened, I ran away... I lived on the streets for 2 years, struggling to get by. Until a powerful organization took me in and from then on I regretted my first decision. They saw potential in me, potential to be more than just a foot soldier."
She sighed, her expression pained. "They trained me to be an assassin, ruthless and efficient. They taught me how to kill, how to manipulate, and how to use every tool at my disposal, including my own body. Part of that training was.. using control and dominance to get what I wanted. It became a part of who I was, a way of surviving in a world where weakness meant death.”
You listened, your mind forming a picture of the girl Natasha had been, forced into a life of violence and manipulation.
"But I didn't want to be just another puppet for anyone, because then I might as well have stayed with my father," Natasha continued, her voice growing firmer. "I wanted more. I wanted control over my own destiny. But leaving wasn't easy. I made a plan. I began gathering information, building connections, and identifying those within the organization who were dissatisfied. It took years, but eventually I had enough support to make my move. I staged a coup. It was bloody and brutal. I had to be ruthless. There were no second chances. Those who supported me joined me, and those who didn't... didn't survive."
She paused, her voice dropping to a whisper. "That night changed everything. I became the head of my own group, but it came at a cost. I lost friends, allies, people I cared about. But it was the only way to take control and build something new.”
Natasha's expression softened as she turned her gaze back to you. “I didn't want to run an organization like the others. I wanted to be different, better. I set up rules and codes of conduct. We still operated outside the law, but we had a sense of honor. We protected the weak, fought against those who exploited the weak. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than what I knew.”
She turned her gaze back to you. “And then I met you. You were different from anyone I'd ever known. You were kind, innocent, and full of life. You saw something in me that I didn't see myself. You didn't know who I was, and you treated me like a normal person. For the first time in my life, I felt something other than anger or fear. I felt...love.”
She continued, her hands now calm as she looked deep into your eyes. "I tried to keep you away from this life, to protect you from the darkness that surrounds me."
You felt tears well up in your eyes, touched by Natasha's words. "I didn't know that."
"how were you supposed to know?" Natasha looked into your eyes to see a reaction, "But you still had secrets from me," you said, your voice shaking.
Natasha nodded, her expression pained. "I know. I remember seeing you in the hangar for work. You were there, so focused and determined, and I couldn't take my eyes off you. I invited you to my house under the pretense of work, but in truth, I just wanted to be near you. I didn't just want you physically, I wanted you in every way. You were the only one I thought about, even when I was with someone else. I know that's hard to hear, but you have to understand that you changed everything for me."
She continued, her voice softening as she remembered those days. "Every time I saw you, my heart raced. You were a light in my dark world. I knew I was falling in love with you, and that scared me so much. I tried to keep my distance, but I couldn't stay away. When I finally confessed my feelings, I was terrified. I had never been so vulnerable in my life."
Natasha's face darkened with anger and fear. "And when I saw Viktor in your apartment, my heart stopped. He was sent by the former mafia to hurt you, to get to me. The moment I saw him, I knew I had to act. I couldn't let him hurt you. I would do anything to protect you, even if it meant becoming the monster I so desperately wanted to leave behind."
She took your hand and squeezed it tightly. "I know it was awful, and I'm so sorry you had to see that. But I would do it again if it meant protecting you. I love you more than anything and I can't lose you."
You felt a mix of emotions - anger, fear, sadness and love - swirling inside you. "I understand..." you said quietly, your voice full of emotion. "I understand why you did what you did. But that doesn't make it easy though."
Natasha nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm so sorry for everything, Y/N. The secrets, the punishments, the fear, the isolation, everything I've caused you. I promise I'll be honest with you from now on. No more secrets, please... I...I don't want to lose you..."
You reached out and took Natasha's hand in yours. "Okay." Natasha looked at you in surprise, a genuine smile full of hope and love. "O-Okay?"
"Yes." You looked at her with a gentle and serious look, "I'll try. But no more lies! No secrets, I want you to talk to me about everything that happens here. Both you and everyone else here."
Natasha's eyes filled with tears that she tried to suppress, she nodded frantically, "Yes...Yes, I promise you." You looked at her and saw how serious Natasha was. You nodded and Natasha got up to leave, to give you some rest. But as she wanted to turn away, she felt your hand holding hers.
Natasha understood immediately and lay down next to you. She gently pulled you into her arms and stroked your back soothingly. "Sleep now. Tomorrow will be a new day, okay?" she whispered, calming you in small, circular movements.
You sighed softly and gave in to the pleasant exhaustion that Natasha's presence brought you. Just before you fell asleep, you heard Natasha whisper softly, "You are the most important thing in my life."
But you were too tired to fully understand the words. You fell asleep in Natasha's arms, and Natasha stayed awake, her heart filled with a mixture of love and guilt, determined to do anything to regain your trust and protect you forever.
The sun shone through the large windows of the property in Spain, filling the rooms with warm light. You woke up in Natasha's arms, your bodies still close together. The closeness, the warmth and the calm of the morning made the events of the previous night seem almost like a dream.
Natasha was already awake and watching you with a gentle smile. "Good morning," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. You blinked sleepily and returned the smile. "morning."
After breakfast, while you were sitting together in the garden, Natasha took your hand and looked at you with a mischievous smile. "I have a surprise for you."
You raised an eyebrow and smiled curiously. "I'm afraid of your surprises..."
"I want to invite you to a ball tonight," Natasha said. "It's an important social event and I want you to be by my side." You were surprised, but also excited. "A ball? I've never been to a ball before. I don't even have anything suitable to wear."
Natasha just grinned. "Don't worry. That's already taken care of."
A little later, you were in your room and were amazed when a group of stylists arrived with a variety of beautiful dresses. The stylists, who had a wonderful sense of humor and fashion, immediately brought life into the room.
"Oh my God, darling, look at this beauty!" exclaimed one of the stylists, a tall man with perfectly styled hair, when he saw you. "She's like a canvas waiting to be painted," agreed another, a shorter man with lively eyes and a wide smile.
The stylists immediately began to attend to you. Your hair was artfully pinned up, strands carefully curled and arranged in an elegant hairstyle.
"Turn around, love," one of the stylists said, gently turning you to look at your hair from all angles. "We want to make sure you look perfect from all angles."
As they worked, they chatted happily, making you laugh over and over again. "Did you hear what happened on the red carpet last week?" asked the short stylist, telling a funny story that made everyone in the room laugh.
After the hair was done, one of the stylists brought in a selection of dresses. "We have a selection here that would make any princess jealous."
You tried on several dresses while the stylists helped you and gave you tips. Natasha watched carefully the whole time and occasionally gave her opinion. "This dress makes her eyes sparkle," Natasha said, looking at you in an emerald green dress.
"Ms. Romanoff is absolutely right," the tall stylist agreed. "But I think the blue dress would look wonderful on her too." After several fittings, you found the perfect dress - a stunning floor-length dress in a deep shade of red that perfectly accentuated your figure and made your skin glow.
"Oh my God, you look like a goddess," the short stylist said, stepping back to admire you. "Ms. Romanoff, what do you think?" Natasha had to hold back from letting her mouth drop open in admiration. "She looks incredible," Natasha said, her eyes sparkling with pride and desire.
The stylists set about perfecting your makeup. They chose subtle but effective colors that emphasized your natural beauty. "A touch of blush here and some shine there," the tall stylist murmured as he carefully applied brush strokes. "Perfect."
Meanwhile, two other stylists came over and began choosing your accessories. They chose delicate earrings and a matching bracelet that complemented the dress perfectly.
At that moment, there was a knock on the door and Maria entered. She stopped and her eyes widened in surprise and admiration. "Wow, she's beautiful.." Natasha had to smile.
The evening arrived, and you and Natasha drove to the ball in an elegant car. The magnificent estate where the ball was held was decorated with lights and flowers, and the guests wore the finest dresses and suits.
As you and Natasha entered the hall, many heads turned to look at you. Natasha, in her elegant smoking, held your hand tightly and confidently led you through the crowd.
You felt a little overwhelmed at first, but Natasha's presence calmed you down. You introduced yourselves to various high-ranking guests, and Natasha made sure you felt comfortable and included.
Back in the ballroom, you and Natasha danced to the soft music played by the live band. But suddenly an elegant woman in a black dress approached you. She had an aura of confidence and a clear aura of past intimacy.
"Natasha," the woman said, placing a hand on Natasha's arm. "It was a long time ago." Natasha turned around and immediately recognized her ex-girlfriend, Elena. "Elena," she said coolly and pulled her hand back. "What are you doing here?"
You watched the scene and felt a slight uncertainty rising. But Natasha quickly made it clear where her loyalties lay. "Y/n, this is Elena. An old... acquaintance."
Elena smiled charmingly, but her eyes flashed with curiosity. "Oh, and who is this charming woman at your side?"
"This is Y/n,” Natasha said firmly and pulled Y/N closer to her. "My partner." Elena raised an eyebrow, "Well, I see you've finally found someone who makes you happy. Good luck to you both."
Natasha nodded just a little and then turned completely to you again. "Let's keep dancing," she said and led you back to the dance floor without even looking back at Elena.
Suddenly Natasha felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket. She took a quick look at it and saw that it was an urgent call. "I have to take this call," she said apologetically to you. "I'll be right back."
You nodded understandingly. "Okay, I'll go to the bathroom in the meantime." You looked at your reflection in the mirror. How did Elena convince Natasha back then? Was she just one of those girls? Or something else?
You couldn't help but let your mind wander until you felt Natasha's hands on your shoulders again. "I can see something is going on. Please don't tell me it's because of Elena." You turned around. "And what if it is? How long has it been between you?"
Natasha studied your gaze until she had to grin. "Is someone jealous?" Your eyes stayed on hers, but she could see the frown. "It was over with her years ago. Don't worry about it... I only have you on my mind." Her hands ran down your arms.
Her lips met yours in a hungry kiss, tongues mingling and swirling in an intimate dance. Your heart pounded against your chest, an artesian well coming to life inside you. Natasha slipped her hands under your dress and caressed your bare back. You couldn't help but laugh “seriously? Here?”
You leaned your head back and bared your neck, your breasts rising and falling rapidly as you gasped for air. "S-S-Shit, Natasha.."
She pushed you against the cold tiled wall, grabbing your face and lifting it up so your eyes met. She kissed you again, this time slowly and deeply, your tongues wrestling and exploring each other. The heat between you grew steadily, your breaths mingling and fueling the fire that burned within you.
Slowly, Natasha's skilled hands began to wander, moving down your front and caressing the soft fabric stretched tight over your nipples.
"I want to feel every inch of you."
You fluttered your eyes shut, your body melting into the intimate embrace. Natasha seemed to embody that very quality, her firm grip and commanding presence sending shivers down your spine.
"What do you want, baby?" Natasha asked, kissing your jaw. "Do you want me to touch you? Taste you?"
"Yes," you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper, your breath catching as Natasha's fingers danced tantalizingly close to your aching breasts.
Natasha grinned, her eyes shining with desire as she traced a trail of wet kisses down your neck. Her hand finally slipped under the fabric of your bra and roughly cupped a breast.
"Oh god," you moaned, your fingers clenching in Natasha's hair as the nipple hardened under the older woman's touch.
"You're so sensitive," Natasha whispered against your flushed skin. "And I'm just getting started." She teased the sensitive tip with her thumb, drawing a helpless gasp from your lips.
Then she quickly unclasped your bra and let it fall from your body, exposing your bare breasts. Instantly, your nipples tightened even more under Natasha's heated gaze. Without a second's hesitation, Natasha leaned down and took one of your nipples into her mouth.
"Oh, f-fuck!" you cried. You couldn't believe what was happening. Every thrust of Natasha's tongue, every flick and swirl sent sparks of pure ecstasy through your veins. You moaned loudly, your hands tightening in Natasha's red hair, urging her on.
With a growl of pleasure, Natasha sucked harder on your nipple, pulling it deeper into her hot, wet mouth, then released it with a pop.
"God, you taste amazing," Natasha gasped, turning her attention to your neglected other breast. Her fingers slid down your waist, exploring the soft skin of your stomach before dipping under the waistband.
Natasha's touch was electric, and you couldn't help the tremors that shook your body as your desire grew stronger. You writhed in pleasure as Natasha expertly teased your aching tips, each tug and pull sending waves of scorching heat through you, igniting your nerve endings.
Her other hand dipped beneath the elastic of your panties and she slid her fingers through the silky auburn locks that protected your core. Her fingers penetrated deeper, sliding over your swollen, wet folds as she sought and found your weeping entrance.
Natasha's touch was masterful and she knew exactly how to control your body. She slid her skilled fingers through your dripping slit and ran a deft finger over your sensitive clit, making you buck against the wet, warm invasion.
Natasha breathed heavily and slid her fingers deeper inside you, her touch slippery as she curled her fingers and caressed that inner spot no one had discovered inside you before.
Your moans intensified, the world spun around you. She began a rhythmic, relentless pace, driving her fingers in and out of your wet heat, your bodies melding in an intimate dance, an erotic ballet of pleasure. Natasha's lips found yours, consuming your moans and whimpers in a lingering kiss.
"You like this, don't you?" Natasha asked, her words hot and labored as she broke the kiss, leaving you breathless and trembling.
You nodded, unable to find your voice.
All that escaped your lips was a hungry moan as Natasha curled her fingers into your wet folds again. With each thrust, you thought you might just fall apart, that the wave engulfing you might finally crash over you.
"Oh, how you love this," Natasha whispered in your ear, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear. "You're so fucking wet for this, you need it."
You gasped, unable to deny the truth of those words. Despite everything, you couldn't help but squirm and moan as Natasha continued her skillful assault. Her talented fingers moved in and out of your sweltering wet heat, rubbing at that inner spot that made you see God and stars alike.
"You know what to do," Natasha said, her breath hot against your ear. Her fingers continued their relentless assault on your quivering core.
Your mind swirled, overwhelmed by a whirlwind of pleasure. You felt yourself slipping deeper into blissful oblivion with each thrust of Natasha's talented fingers.
"Please!" you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... want... Please let me come!"
Natasha's lips curved into a wicked smile. "Good girl," Natasha murmured, her voice deep and sexy. Seeing your flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes, she knew she had you on the edge of arousal. She pressed firmly against your clit with her thumb and forefinger, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive you wild.
With a final flick of her wrist, Natasha slid a third finger into your wet heat, filling you completely. You gasped and arched your back, your head resting on her shoulders.
Natasha slid her other hand ne hind your back, holding you firmly against the sink as she rhythmically plunged her fingers deep into your tight channel.
Your breathing quickened, your chest rose and fell in irregular patterns as your orgasm approached a painful climax.
"Don't hold back, Detka. Let me feel you." Natasha coaxed you, her commanding tone urging you to let go. Her movements became faster, almost frantic.
"Come on. Don't fight against it. Fall apart for me." With a strangled moan, you succumbed to the delicious burst of pleasure that coursed through your body.
Legs shaking, orgasm washing over you like a flood, your nerves tingling with the sheer force of your release. Your body spasmed as wave after wave of euphoria enveloped you, each trembling contraction pushing you to the edge of a deep abyss that threatened to swallow you whole.
And Natasha watched with wild satisfaction, her fingers never trembling as she pounded relentlessly into your wet, throbbing core.
After your intense moment, Natasha helped you compose yourself. Her eyes were still full of intensity, but also of something else. "Y/n," Natasha said seriously. "There's a plane waiting for you tomorrow. It will take you back home."
You looked at Natasha confused. "W-What? Why?" Natasha took your face in her hands. "I love you. But I don't want you to be in danger. Dreykov is here in Spain and I need to take care of him. It's safer for you if you go home."
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "But you brought me here? Why should I leave now?" Natasha sighed "My team set a trap for Dreykov. He's here in Spain now and I need to make sure he's no longer a threat. I can't leave you here while that happens."
You nodded slowly, your tears streaming down your face. "But I don't want to leave you." Natasha kissed your forehead gently. "I'll come as soon as possible. I've booked an apartment for you where you'll be safe. It's only for a short time."
In the morning, you sat quietly in the car and looked out the window. The Spanish countryside rushed past you, but your thoughts were on Natasha. You felt empty and confused, not sure what the future would bring. Maria sat next to you, concentrating on the road, but she too seemed to be deep in thought.
Suddenly Maria's phone rang. You noticed the urgent expression on Maria's face as she answered the call. "Yes?" Maria said curtly.
You looked over at her curiously, and Maria quickly changed to a serious tone. "Stop the car," she suddenly said to the driver. "Right now."
You looked at her worriedly. "What's wrong?" Maria turned to you, her eyes full of determination. "Y/n, you have to stay in the apartment, am I clear?"
Y/N nodded hesitantly. "Yes, but What happened? Maria got out of the car and looked at you with a serious look. "I can't explain it to you now. Please, trust me. Stay in the apartment and wait for Natasha.”
You nodded again, although you still felt uncertain. Maria got into another car that had suddenly appeared and drove away quickly. The original car continued its journey and you looked out the window thoughtfully.
Back in your country, you entered the luxurious apartment that Natasha had booked for you. It was breathtaking. large windows offered a breathtaking view of the city, the decor was modern and elegant. But despite the beauty of the place, you felt lonely and abandoned.
You tried to call Natasha, but every time only the voicemail answered. “Hey, Natasha. Please call me as soon as you can. I'm worried,” you said into the voicemail and hung up with a sigh.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you decided to visit your best friend Sarah. When you stood in front of Sarah's door and rang the bell, it didn't take long for her to open the door. Sarah's eyes widened in surprise and relief when she saw you.
"Oh my God, Y/n!" Sarah exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. "Where were you? I thought you'd been kidnapped or worse!"
You smiled weakly. "It's a long story. Can I come in?" Sarah pulled you into the living room and sat next to you, worried. "Tell me everything. What happened?"
You began to tell your story, leaving out the dangerous details and Natasha's criminal activities. "I met someone, Sarah. Her name is Natasha. She took me to another world, and it was... exciting and scary at the same time."
Sarah looked at you with wide eyes. "You just disappeared! We were so worried. Tell me about her if she's so important that you'll drop everything!”
You smiled and nodded. “She's... special. She always knows what she wants. She makes all my sexual fantasies come true... And she's just... perfect. This woman has no fat, no spots, everything... just gorgeous.”
Sarah raised an eyebrow. “And what does she do for a living?” You hesitated, searching for the right words. “Her family... is very rich and they respect traditions... and stuff.”
Sarah shook her head. “You also think I'm the last pea, don't you? Truth, now.” A few minutes later, you and Sarah were sitting there with a bottle of wine. After all, you had told everything - about the death of the man in your apartment, Natasha's connection to the mafia and the reasons why Natasha had sent you back.
Sarah looked at you, shocked and worried at the same time. “That's... How are you??” You sighed deeply and took a big sip of wine. "I don't know. She showed me that she would do anything for me. But it's also scary how far she would go."
Sarah put a hand on your shoulder. "I understand now why you're so in love, but also why you're so scared. What are you going to do now?"
You looked out the window and thought for a moment. "I don't know exactly. I just have to trust that Natasha will come back and that we'll somehow find a way to get through all this."
After thinking about it for a while, Sarah leaned forward and smiled mischievously. "I have an idea. Why don't we have a real girls' day today? We'll go for a massage, to the hairdresser and to a club in the evening. What do you think?"
You hesitated for a moment, but then you nodded slowly. "That actually sounds pretty good. I could really use a distraction."
Sarah beamed. "Perfect! Let's get started."
Sarah dragged you from one place to another. First, you went to a spa where you treated yourselves to a relaxing massage. You could feel the tension in your shoulders slowly easing away and you sighed deeply in relief.
"This is heaven," you murmured as the masseuse skillfully eased your tension. After the massage, you headed to a fancy hair salon. There, you got your hair cut and styled while Sarah got a new hairstyle as well. You laughed and chatted with the stylists and enjoyed the pampering treatment.
In the evening, you dressed in fancy dresses and headed to an exclusive club that happened to be near your apartment. The club was located in a wealthy area of ​​the city and was known for its elegant atmosphere and high-profile guests.
Sarah and you entered the club and were immediately greeted by the lively music and sparkling lights. You danced and laughed, leaving the worries of the day behind you and enjoying the moment.
Towards the end of the evening, as you were making your way back to the apartment, you noticed a man following you. He was charming and chatting to you, but you could see the underlying intentions in his eyes.
"It really was a great evening," the man said as you arrived at the entrance to your apartment. "Perhaps we could extend the evening a little longer?"
You smiled politely but firmly. "Thank you, but I think it's better if I go home now." The man didn't seem to accept that and took a step closer. "Come on, just one last drink."
Suddenly you heard a familiar, icy voice behind you. "I think she said no." You turned around and saw Natasha standing in front of you with sparkling eyes and a determined look on her face. The man backed away, startled.
"I think you should go now," Natasha said threateningly. The man didn't hesitate for long and hurried away. Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked at Natasha.
Your relief quickly turned to anger. "Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?!"
Natasha sighed and stepped closer. "I couldn't answer the phone. I'm sorry." You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "You have no idea how worried I was. And now you just show up here like nothing happened?"
Your shoulders sank and you felt your anger slowly subside. "I was really scared, Natasha. I thought something had happened to you." Natasha pulled you into a tight hug, her voice soft and soothing. "I'm sorry for making you so worried..."
Finally, you let the tears flow freely and clung to Natasha. "Promise me you'll never make me so scared again." "I promise," Natasha whispered, holding you tightly in her arms. When the embrace broke, the two looked at each other. Natasha's face spoke volumes.
Your legs wrapped around Natasha's thighs and you forced your hips against hers. Natasha's lips curved into a smug grin before throwing you onto the bed.
With a playful glint in her eyes, she took off her shirt and tossed it aside. She leaned over you and ran her hands down your body to your waist, and with a deft flick of her hips, removed the remnants of your clothing. You lay before her in all your glory, your eyes wide with desire.
"You are so beautiful," Natasha purred, her voice deep and heavy with desire. You felt another surge of heat in your core as Natasha's eyes roamed over your naked body, lingering on every curve. Natasha hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her own pants, slowly sliding them down inch by inch, revealing her proud strap-on.
You looked up at the sight, suddenly fearless and excited. The very thought of taking something so impressive inside you was intoxicating and terrifying in equal measure, but you didn't hesitate for a moment. You wanted it, no you needed it so much that you would risk your dignity just to get a glimpse of what this could offer you.
You stared at Natasha, your eyes fixed and full of desire. You nodded slowly, a silent expression of your approval. Natasha's grin widened, her eyes shining as she leaned in to whisper in your ear. "You don't know how much I've wanted this."
Her breath tickled your ear, making you shiver as Natasha's teeth gently bit into your earlobe, ripping a gasp from your lips.
"Is this what you want?" Natasha growled, framing your face with her strong hands and guiding you to look up at her with deep, mesmerizing eyes.
With a pinch of her lips and a roll of her hips, you forced Natasha to take the initiative and do what she wanted with you. Overcome by your lust, Natasha didn't hesitate - she took your mouth and pressed her lips roughly to your own. Your tongues met and mingled, your mouths opening wide as you pressed against each other, your wet bodies tangling.
You sucked in a sharp breath as the tip of Natasha's cock entered you, stretching you wide. Your legs tightened around Natasha and you gasped and moaned, unable to control yourself. Your skin felt like it was burning with pleasure, electric currents radiating from where they were, combining with an ache in your chest as she pushed further and further.
Natasha was all muscle and strength as she took your hips and lifted them up to her. Your throbbing clit was pressed against Natasha's hard pelvis, the dual sensation of penetration and friction sending an escalating wave straight to your soul and making your body tremble.
Your legs tightened around Natasha's waist, pulling her in deeper, urging her to take your body all inside her. The slick grip of your hip made Natasha moan as she plunged deeper into oblivion, sweat pouring down her brow. She was almost all the way inside you and the sight of your flushed skin and swollen lips made Natasha's heart race with desire.
"Please! Oh God, y-yes!" you screamed, your fingers digging into the bed sheets. Somehow the older woman managed to find even more energy, increasing her pace and grinding hard against your throbbing core until every last shred of her restraint was broken.
"F-fuc-k…!!!!" you begged, your body writhing and grinding against Natasha. She did not disappoint. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she pushed deeper and faster, determined to send you over the edge of pleasure.
As your body twitched and shook beneath her, Natasha gripped your ass and drove every inch of her rock-hard fake cock into your quivering hole as if she was trying to pierce the earth's core.
Without a moment's hesitation, Natasha wrapped her arms around your trembling thighs and held you tight as she moved in and out of your body like a piston at a dizzying, relentless pace. The wet, slick sounds of your bodies touching echoed through the small room, punctuated by your cries of delicious pleasure.
Fingernails scratched and clawed at flesh, your bodies contorted in Ecstasy. You clung to Natasha, your legs wrapped tightly around her waist as Natasha impaled you over and over, going deeper with each thrust.
“S-Soo..rough!! Fucki-ng..”You cried out between labored gasps, a string of throaty curses escaping your lips as Natasha worked your body raw. With each invasion of that glorious phallus, inch by delicious inch, your mind reeled.
The thickness, the length you could feel inside you, filled you with an intensity beyond pure pleasure. Every thought, every doubt vanished in the heat of your lust. All you knew was that you never wanted it to end.
Natasha was insatiable. Her body moved like an unstoppable machine, thrusting in and out of you with a passion that made you both feel like you were losing your minds in that moment of exquisite sensation. Sweat dripped from her skin at the intensity of your contact.
Her hips bucked wildly as Natasha thrust deep inside you, drawing a throaty gurgle from your half-open mouth. "Oh, fuck yes..!" She cursed, unable to hold back.
Your climax was building, your whole body shaking with the intense pleasure that threatened to overwhelm you. A sheen of sweat covered your body and your breathing became shallow and ragged as you felt the walls of your pussy tighten around Natasha's thrusting shaft.
You threw your head back, releasing a dull mixture of pain and pleasure that only made your impending orgasm more intense.
Natasha's pupils were wide as her fingers found your swollen clit, pinching it between her thumb and forefinger.
Your back arched, your moan an uncontrolled scream that echoed off the bathroom walls like a wounded animal.
"You're going to cum, aren't you?" Natasha growled, her voice dropping an octave with each word, sending shivers down your spine.
Your legs trembled and your teeth clenched like vices as you stared into Natasha's piercing eyes. Those eyes followed every breath, every gasp, every fluttering eyelid.
"I - Natasha! I'm close... so fucking c-close!" you whispered hoarsely, your bucking hips rolling in time with your partner's relentless thrusts.
Your nails left flesh-red streaks on Natasha's back, each stroke capturing your lover's primal animal essence. Intense musky scent bloomed from your wet connection, smearing your pierced skin as the steady rhythm swelled to a crescendo.
With a strangled cry, you reached the edge. Your entire body shuddered as waves of pleasure washed over you. Natasha's hand, expertly placed on your clit and synchronized with her thrusts, brought you over the edge.
Your body tensed, then convulsed as you exploded in a shudder of ecstasy. Your scream echoed off the tiles and reverberated through the bedroom.
Natasha watched with satisfaction as your orgasm ripped through you, her eyes half-lidded in lust. The animalistic quality of the woman before her had ignited something deep within her.
With one final eruption, Natasha thrust into you with an intensity even she hadn't expected. "Ah, s-shit... almost-" Her head fell back, the feeling of dominance an exquisite aphrodisiac. She thrust one last time , “Yebat (shit), I'm coming!" Natasha cursed with a low growl.
Natasha bucked violently, her body tensing, and she surrendered to the orgasm that had developed into a feverish frenzy. Her thrusts gradually slowed as she breathed in unison with you, still intimately connected to you.
With a deep mixture of pleasure and agony, she felt herself collapsing against your chest, her vision blurring as the powerful aftershocks pulsed throughout her body.
You remained fused together, trembling in the aftermath of your shared orgasm. Your mingled breaths came in short, sharp gasps.
The silence that spread after the stormy night was soothing and filled the room with calm. "Will you marry me?" she asked, her voice rough and serious. You blinked in surprise and looked at Natasha as if to make sure you heard her correctly. "Are you serious?" you asked, your voice quiet and trembling.
Natasha nodded and took your hand in hers. "Dreykov is gone. He's history." she said, looking you deep in the eyes. "I let half of my team go. I closed my last deals. The house in Spain is empty now, and we could-"
"Yes," you said quietly, then louder and more determined. "Yes, I want to marry you."
Natasha smiled, "Say that again..." Natasha said, making your heart beat faster. "I want to marry you," you whispered, pulling Natasha into a hug. You leaned into Natasha and felt the relief and joy wash over you.
Later that morning, you prepared breakfast together. You laughed and chatted, enjoying the normality and simplicity of the moment. The threat of Dreykov had disappeared, and you could finally live in peace.
Natasha continued. "... and those who are still here will take care of legal business. My last big business deal is done, and I have everything sorted out so we can live without worries."
You looked at Natasha admiringly. "You really thought of everything." Natasha nodded and smiled. "Yes, I wanted to make sure everything was perfect."
A few weeks later, you and Natasha were seen at a home decor store, choosing furniture and decorations for your home in Spain. You laughed and discussed colors and styles, Natasha letting you make many of the decisions.
"What do you think of this one?" you asked, pointing to a sleek but comfortable looking piece. Natasha smiled. "I think it's perfect."
Back at the house, construction workers were working on implementing the changes you had planned. You and Natasha walked through the rooms together, discussing the progress and enjoying the changes.
"I want you to feel as at home here as I do," Natasha said, squeezing your hand. You smiled happily. "I already do. Thank you for including me so much."
Meanwhile, Maria was seen still in charge of the security staff. She glanced at the screens and gave instructions, but her expression was calmer than before. The danger was over, and she could focus on ensuring safety in more peaceful times.
In the evening, you sat together on the terrace of your house, the sun slowly setting, bathing the surroundings in a warm, golden light. You held hands and enjoyed the silence and calm of the moment.
"I can't imagine anything better than this," you said quietly, leaning your head on Natasha's shoulder.
"Me neither," Natasha replied gently. "We got through everything, and now we can really enjoy our lives."
Your love was stronger than ever, and you knew that as long as you were together, you could overcome any challenge. The future was bright, and you looked to it with hope and confidence.
The End.
@kipitou @thalia-is-not-ok @queen2234 @sgm616 @dorabledewdroop @natsxwife @natashaswife4125 @loneliestafterparty @jenniferjareauwife @maggieromanov @doveromanoff @agent99galanzo
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theplumsoldier · 10 months
sore loser
summary: the scales of your rivalry with joel miller tips in his favor as he calls out your mistake and you end up a loser. the classic "you hate your partner but fucks him anyway"
pairing: mean!joel miller x afab!reader
warnings: 18+ please and thank you, hate sex, rough vaginal sex, spitting, slapping, choking, fingering, squirting, sloppy/rough blow job, degradation, age-gap, begging, biting, mean!joel, forced orgasm & multiple orgasms, tasting joel's blood?? no aftercare please let me know if i missed anything!! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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You hated everything about him. You hated the way he looked, the way he spoke, and the way he walked. You hated how he was always confident, how he was always right, and the fact that he always knew which buttons to push. You hated how he was a better shooter than you, how he was better at finding supplies than you, and how he was better at tracking than you. You hated his salt-and-pepper beard, the curls in his hair, and his sun-kissed skin. You hated his brown eyes, his deep voice, and his large hands. You hated how he treated you like a child, how he called you "kid", and how he looked after you.
Most of all, right now, you hated that he shot the clicker before you managed to put a knife to its skull, how he made it look like you couldn't save yourself. He took the win and he got the point.
It was a game and you were losing this battle for dominance, and you hated losing to Joel Miller.
You had been biting your tongue so damn hard to keep yourself from stooping down on his level and the taste of blood lingered in your mouth for about 4 minutes before the last straw had been drawn.
Joel just couldn't stop himself from being an ass and work in yet another one of his snarky remarks.
"Get over yourself, Miller. I had it handled," you grumbled.
"Sure looked like it," he retorted sarcastically, making scattering noises as he dug through a crate in the warehouse.
The way he didn't even bother looking at you only made you more furious. "How the fuck do you think I survived this long on my own, huh? I've been—"
"Ask myself that every time I save your ass," he interrupted mockingly.
Your blood was boiling in your veins. He felt so fucking superior and it was driving you insane. You knew your worth, but for some reason, you had this crippling urge to prove yourself.
"Somebody needs to knock you off your fucking horse, Miller."
Joel chuckled grimly. "S'that right, sweetheart? Wanna give it a go?"
His infuriating words made you stand to your feet, and frankly, it excited Joel to see you acting like you might just do something about it.
With a groan he got up himself, easily towering over you. You swallowed harshly, jaw clenched.
Joel's face was set in a firm expression, dark eyes analyzing your face to predict your next move. It was a face-off.
There was a subtle smirk and you wanted to wipe it off so badly. This was entertaining to him—a challenge he joined, a game he played just for the kick of it.
You couldn't win a fight against him, you were smart enough to recognize that fact (at least for now). So you breathed out, your nervousness drawing out a shaky laugh.
"I hate you," you spat and turned around, sure you'd only dig a deeper hole for yourself if you looked at him any longer.
"That what you tell yourself when you dip your little fingers down between your legs?" he wondered aloud, not even testing the waters but diving head first into the lake of all your buttons that he planned to push: "Don't think I don't hear you moaning my name when you get off in the night."
Your eyes went wide and shame colored your cheeks pink. You hoped he wouldn't notice as your eyes shot daggers, completely dumbfounded, hoped your anger had already made your face red. You were at a loss for words, completely and utterly embarrassed.
The mixture of emotions compiled a message to your brain for you, and before you had a chance to regret it, you lashed out. Your hand stopped clenching and raised to deliver a well-deserved proper bitch-slap, but Joel caught your wrist. It all happened quickly, and it felt like you were watching on rather than being forced back against the wall, arms suspended against the cool and rough cement in his grasp.
Joel's head cocked, eyes blazing down at you. "You wanna try that again, sweetheart?"
The sudden close proximity made you involuntarily grind your hips forward.
"So that's what all this s'about, huh? You’ve been givin' me that bratty attitude 'cause ya got your panties in a twist?"
"Fuck you!" you snapped, the words seething through your grit teeth, leaving a bad aftertaste on your tongue.
"But that's what you want, innit sweetheart? Goin' around acting like I'm the devil's spawn, but really you just want a good fucking, yeah?"
You hated how he was always right.
Your arms strained in his grasp, writhing to get loose though the heat pooling between your legs protested. You enjoyed having him this close. You could smell him, see him.
"You're so fucking full of yourself, Miller," you snarled but had stopped trying to fight off his grip.
Joel chuckled down at you, tutting: "F’you wanna be full o' me, too, darlin', all you gotta do is ask nicely."
There was no fucking way he was actually offering to fuck you. It had to be a dream. A nightmare. But it wasn't. And he was offering exactly that, you realized as his head tilted. He was dead serious.
You knew it wasn't out of the good of his heart, so he must be wanting this, too. And if he needed it as much as you did, you were going to make him work for it.
You ground your hips into his again, this time very much on purpose.
"Tell me you don't want to bend me over right now, Miller," you leaned forward and whispered in his ear, letting your lips graze the soft flesh of his neck. His cock was hard against your cunt and he didn't do a thing to push you away. "Tell me you haven't just been dying to try out this tight pussy. An old man like you can't have had a proper fuck in ages."
He laughed. "Swallow your pride, sweetheart. You've never even been with a real man before, have ya? Always waltzin' around in your short skirts at the Byson, whoring yourself out for attention from those boys."
"Knew you'd been checking me out," you smirked, the movements of your hips now a consistent grind against him. "But you're right. And those boys can't help, they dunno how to handle me."
"I don't do charities, darlin'. F’you want me to fuck that shitty attitude out of ya, you're gonna have to prove yourself."
This time around, Joel pushed his clothed cock against your pussy and you knew what he wanted.
You wriggled your hands, inching closer to his face but never letting your skin touch. "Kinda difficult to get on my knees when you’re holding me like this, innit?"
Joel let go only to force you down on the ground, but you didn't protest. You had lost all filters, all of your arrogance as you were faced with his cock prodding at the zipper of his jeans.
Looking up as you eagerly undid his belt, you were pleased to see him inhaling deeply, proudly as he looked down on you. You pulled the zipper down, and your breath hitched as his cock saluted. He wasn't wearing underwear.
His cock was thicker than you had imagined, girthier than what you had felt while fingering yourself that night which he had so mockingly reminded you of. Long with a slight curve and a purple mushroom head unscathed. A drop of pre-cum covered the slit and you imagined it was crying for you.
"You gonna put that bratty little mouth to good use or do I gotta do that for you, too?"
Instinctively you glared up at him, giving him a look but it was washed away a second later as he took charge.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair, Joel forced you onto his cock, not giving you a second to wet your lips or spit on it. Harshly pushing you down on his cock, you found that it wasn't needed, there was plenty of saliva in your mouth to lubricate him. A whimper left you when his head hit the back of your mouth, your throat automatically constricting at the sudden intrusion. You felt your cunt mimic the reaction and clenched around nothing.
Joel was heavy in your mouth, the thickness making you worry the back row of your teeth would scrape him. If they did he didn't care, for when you looked up at him through teary eyes he was unconcerned.
He forcefully prodded against your throat, slipping in just enough to push further and you gagged.
Joel inhaled sharply. "S'a tight little throat you got there. Guess you haven't been whoring around as much as I thought," he chuckled, holding your face pressed firmly against him, your nose nuzzled in the patch of curls.
He held you there for a couple of seconds, allowing your throat to get adjusted despite acting seemingly careless about how you felt. A moment later he pulled you off by your hair, and you gasped hoarsely, blinking up at him through the tears slowly blurring your vision.
Hovering over you, Joel cupped your cheeks and lifted you slightly, bending down as he did. For a second you thought he was going to kiss you, but his fingers dug into your face, forcing your mouth open for him and he spat on your tongue, an obscene look on his face.
"Eyes on the price, sweetheart," he chuckled and landed you back on your knees.
With his hand holding you tightly by a makeshift ponytail, Joel pushed his cock back into your mouth and without warning, set a brutal pace sure to give you a headache. As slick gathered between your legs, a migraine was the least of your worries. You snaked a hand between your legs to relieve the tingling strain.
The breaths you were granted came in between the thrusts and you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling dizzy, prompting him to yank at your hair.
"Look at me," he grunted coarsely, voice going straight to your sex and you ground down hard on your hand, gasping for air. Joel admired your puffy lips, smeared with saliva, strings of drool connecting your mouth to the tip of his cock. "You look like a fuckin' mess, sweetheart. This what you been thinkin' about, hm? Been thinking 'bout acting like a little slut f'me, huh?"
His degrading words fueled your fire, both making you want to bite back at him and make him come down your throat. Opting for the latter, you tried to take him back in your mouth, wanting to put your adjusted throat to good use, but he yanked you back. A whimper left your lips and he slapped your cheek, forcing you to look at him.
"F'you know what's good for you, you'll answer when I ask you a question."
Wet and needy, you didn't hesitate. "Yes! Yes, Joel," you cried, one hand on his hip for purchase, the other hid between your legs, fervently toying with your clit. "Wanted you to treat me like a whore! Wa—wanted you to fuck me stupid!"
That's when he noticed your hand between your legs, eagerly seeking out friction. His brows connected in a crease of anger, and he had you on your wobbly legs one moment and hurled you onto a dirty surface the next.
"The fuck you think you're doin', huh? Touching yourself without permission?" Joel growled and for the first time his disappointment got to you.
He held you by your throat and you could feel the calluses in his palm scrape your skin.
"M'sorry—couldn't help myself," you babbled feverishly as he shoved a hand down your undone pants, feeling just what you had been so disrespectful to touch.
A guttural moan escaped him and you could have died just then, knowing you did that to him.
"Christ, sweetheart. You got this wet from chokin' on my cock, huh?" he mused absent-minded and you couldn't decide which you liked more; Joel calling you "sweetheart" or— "such a fuckin' slut.”
You were startled but thankful when he pulled down your jeans in one swift movement, exposing you to the cold air in the warehouse.
He didn't give you a warning before he plunged two fingers into your cunt, curling them against the velvety roof of your wet cave. Clawing onto his shoulder with a gasp of surprise, you instinctively tried to lift yourself and relieve the overwhelmingly intense feeling.
"Where you goin', sweetheart? This not what you wanted?" You desperately wanted to slap the grin off of his face, but he had you completely wrapped around his finger. Literally and figuratively. "Didn't you wanna be used like a little slut, hm?"
"Please," you begged, drawing the word out with a rugged moan and clutching to his shoulders. "Ff—uck!"
He fingered you at an unforgiving pace, three fingers and his palm slapping against your cunt each time. The squelches from your pussy resonated off the bare walls and if you hadn't been so focused on the pain mixing with pleasure, you would have been ashamed Joel was the one making you this wet.
"Joel!" you cried, tugging at the front of his shirt. "Plea-please! Need your cock!"
He choked you with his unoccupied hand, forcing your face inches from his. "Quit whinin' or I'll leave you 'ere," he threatened.
You looked up at him through hooded eyes, unable to comprehend your increasing lust for him from being this close. Joel's breath was hot on your face, breathing his air, you became dizzy from a mix of him and your impending orgasm.
"That's right, sweetheart, cream all o'er my fingers," he beckoned, feeling your contracting walls squeeze his fingers. Your legs were trembling, wanton moans spilling from your lips as Joel pulled an orgasm from you.
You incoherently begged him to fill you up, wanting nothing more than to milk his thick cock, but when he caught sight of your pleading eyes, he applied pressure to your clit instead. It was sore from the heel of his palm having slapped it repeatedly and it made you unable to come down from your high properly.
Your legs spasmed as his torturous fingers brutally skirted across your bundle of nerves. Before you could process what happened, a gush of pleasure sprayed from you.
Your cheeks flushed pink, realizing Joel had just made you squirt. You had never done that before, and you looked at him with an expression of surprise mixed with confusion. He looked proud.
Joel groaned as he stroked his throbbed cock, smearing the precum over the head while his other hand pushed down hard on your belly, holding you just at the edge of the table.
Stammering his name, your attempt at any sort of coherent sentence was foiled as he slid his girthy cock into your cunt.
Your eyes fluttered shut, walls clenching around him. You had never felt so full. "Joel—" you shuddered, gripping his bicep for purchase.
A string of curses left his lips, a crease knitting his brows together in concentration. "Fuckin' hell, sweetheart, s'a tight lil' hole ya got 'ere."
Joel wanted to take a moment just then, revel in the sweet clench of your pussy, catch his breath but he knew you would notice. As much as he had a hidden desire to ruin every other man for you and have you tail him like a lost puppy, he refused to acknowledge how overdue this was.
He didn't give you another second to adjust before he rocked his hips back and slammed his cock back into you. If you thought his fingers hit a spot, his cock fucking destroyed that.
You couldn't even form moans properly as his hips rutted at a bruising pace, expertly molding your cunt to fit him. His face contorted and he grumbled something under his breath, but you didn't care to ponder what as he filled you up. You were still dazed from the previous orgasms and it was like he wouldn't allow you to come down. Your ragged breaths, his grunts, and the wanton sounds of skin slapping filled your head as you soared around on cloud nine.
A large hand snuck under your shirt, the calluses on his palm rough against your skin but you loved the feeling as he squeezed your breast, thumb and index pinching your nipple.
Your knuckles turned pale from clutching down hard on his shoulders, fingernails clawing indents at the exposed skin on his neck and collar.
You hoped the crescents would outlast this moment, that Joel would curse at the sight the next time he looked in a mirror. You hoped he wouldn't be able to get this moment out of his head then, not ever, thinking back to this moment whenever he would see the scars you left on him.
A hiss escaped you and tore the thought of making your mark out of your mind. His deft fingers were rubbing your sore clit once again.
There was determination on his face and animalistic hunger in his dark eyes—he looked as if there was no getting through to him, like he was stuck in a world of his own.
Whether he insisted on drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you for your pleasure or his ego, you did not know. Joel always had something to prove—to himself or the people around him, it was another thing about him you didn't know. In this moment, as he chased every high for you, you didn't care either.
You hated him for making you feel this good. Hated him for making you moan in pleasure, hated him for making your legs shake uncontrollably. You wanted to taunt him, crack a spiteful comment about his age or something, let him know he wasn't doing as well as he thought—but he was. You could lie, but your body would betray you.
There was no snide comment left in you as Joel's hips pistoned into yours. It felt too good. He felt too good.
"S'too much," you gasped and held onto his shoulder, not pushing him away but not pulling him any closer either. "I can't."
The pressure on your clit was too much. The frantic rubbing, the harsh pads of his fingers, mixing pleasure with pain in the most unforgiving way. It hurt too good to want to stop him, though.
Joel surprised you, pressing his forehead against yours. His eyes were heavy, and his jaw was slack, the blissful expression ruined by a smug chuckle.
"You can. C'mon, sweetheart, I believe in you," he tutted like one would to a child riding a bike for the first time.
It spurred something inside you, the degradation. Your hooded, watery eyes caught sight of his plump lip through the blur and without a second thought, you lunged forward and bit it, your teeth piercing the soft skin.
It was the closest thing you would get to feeling them, you knew it, and you weren't about to beg for a taste.
A slap landed on your cheek, sharp and stinging, but he kept his hand there on the side of your face, cupping it in an almost endearing way.
Joel hissed at the taste of blood—surprised but not disgusted. The hand cupping your face in the sweetest way turned to force your mouth open, and you grinned bitterly when he spat on your tongue, tasting his blood.
His thrusts became more frantic, the pad of his thumb sloppily skipping over your clit as he draws your pleasure out. Forcing you to look into his eyes while you come around his cock, Joel's too far gone watching you to notice the way his balls tightened.
Slick with your juices Joel slips out of your clenching pussy, jerking his cock a few pumps as he hisses, strings of milky sperm decorating your abdomen.
Your heavy breaths hang in the room like thick syrup, bodies sticky, tension at a maximum as the lust turns back to hatred.
Joel moves from you with a grunt, a sly smirk on his lip as he moves his gaze from the mess on your stomach to your eyes. He leaves you to clean yourself up and tucks his softening cock into his pants, the zipper resounding comically loud through the silence. It reminds you of a secret between children, zipping your lips close as a solemn pledge.
It was over and it would never be brought up again. As you did your best to clean up, get back into your clothes, and comb your fingers through your hair, your eyes were trained on Joel's back—if eyes could kill and all that.
At once, you were back to hating one another. You hoped your nails had dug deep enough into his shoulder, hard enough to leave scars.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 6 months
DoubleTrouble No 1 🖤❤️
Myself and the delightful and talented @fraugwinska have been working on something tasty and present to you: a DoubleTrouble fic!
A single prompt from my Ao3, shared between two writers, one POV each ❤️
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I tackled the reader's perspective, and you can find one from Alastor's POV right here! So many thanks for FrauGwinska for being an absolute superstar and working with me through this new and exciting experience <3
We hope you enjoy!
Tags: period sex, cunnilingus, mentions of blood (obviously), rough sex <3
Minors DNI🔞
The Blood is Rare 🩸
The fact that you still had a period in Hell was bullshit, but you suppose they needed to give people something to be miserable about. That was probably why people ended up in the situation you were in now, seated across from Alastor with a deal on the tip of your tongue; sheer desperation, because somehow the cramps were even worse than they had been on Earth and the only thing that helped was a good old fashioned orgasm. If it were anyone else you wouldn’t even consider asking- a lot of demons, except the really-weird-even-for-Hell ones, were still squeamish about blood being involved with any kind of orgasm.
If you were right though. Alastor would relish the opportunity you were about to present to him.
Fresh to the hotel just a few days after your last Hellish period, Alastor had startled you in the kitchen with a knife in your hand. The resulting jump had caused the blade to slip, gash in your thumb bleeding steadily over the apples that you had planned to fry up. Rather than allowing you to fetch a bandage, Alastor had chuckled, said “no need, dear,” and popped your thumb into his mouth. It was probably some ploy of his- strike fear into the hearts of new residents, give them a reminder that he was a cannibal and that he wouldn’t hesitate to eat them if they stepped out of line or caused any issues.
It backfired on him. At the taste of your blood his eyes grew black, staggering away from you with the shock of it, antlers extending so quickly they smashed the glass front of a nearby cabinet and he ended up trapped between the wooden dividers.
“More,” he had snarled, but his antlers stuck in the cabinet had been enough of a delay for you to make an escape. 
He apologized, of course, a couple days later, explained his nature as a cannibal, a predator, had reacted before his mind, and that such a thing would not happen again. He had ended the awkward conversation with a statement of, “should you feel the desire to spare some of that tasty treat in your veins, do be a dear and let me know!”
And, well. Here you were. Letting him know. Ready to make a deal with one of the most powerful Overlords in Hell to get a little relief from the torture chamber that was your body in ovulation, even when there was nothing to fucking ovulate.
Alastor was tense when he phased into the hotel conference room to meet you as you had asked. His spine is stiff when he settles into the chair across from you, not having been alone in a space since that time in the kitchen. “What is it that I can help you with, my dear?”
“I want to clarify something- do you want to like, eat me?”
“Oh!” Alastor’s eyes widen with his smile. “I wouldn’t have been so blunt about it, darling, but if you’re asking- yes. That little taste that I had a few weeks ago was… inadequate, to say the least. But naturally staying here at the Hotel, Charlie would have been terribly upset had I consumed you.” He flicks his gaze over your form. “Why do you ask? Surely you don’t mean to let me indulge.”
A deep breath as you brace yourself. “Hah, not exactly. But uh, I do have a proposition of sorts for you. In regards to that. Kind of.”
He fades out of sight, rematerializing a couple seats closer to you. “Color me intrigued! What do you have in mind?”
You almost call the whole thing off- then a monster bolt of pain rips through your abdomen, nearly forcing you to double over the table with the ache of it. Any thought of embarrassment or hesitation flies from your head. Alastor is the only one that would be willing to help you in this way, you’re sure of it.
The groan of pain escapes you before you can stop it, and his eyebrows raise. “I have a deal to offer you that would allow you to- um. Sample my blood, if you’re amenable. Once a month.”
His head cocks to the side before his expression clears and he understands what you’re implying. “You’re referring to menstruation?” You nod, face red. “I see. Please provide me with more details of what this proposal would entail on my end then.” His claws are digging into the table, wood splintering beneath them and betraying his interest before even hearing what he would have to do.
“Right. I don’t know if you’re aware or not but periods can be crazy painful. Just on Earth too, but down here they’re basically unbearable when the cramps get bad. One thing that can help is having an orgasm.” You’re trying to resist the urge to hide in some way. You know this is what needs to be done. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, of course- just, you know. Uh, collecting on your benefit would probably do the trick.”
His eyes narrow. “I see. That is the… service I’m to provide, then?” A nod, flushed face dropped into your hands. “Well, I suppose I will simply have to endeavor to do my best! I’m never one to turn down a challenge- certainly not when the payoff is so enticing.” His eyes go dark, not quite black yet but the air between you changes, antlers going long and jagged. “I’m open to your proposal.”
“I need terms,” you breathe out, pleased that he’s still willing to help with the sexual nature of your request. “I need- just, something confirming that you won’t actually eat me for real. The blood is all that I’m willing to part with- no flesh.”
He sighs, eyes rolling. “Less exciting,” he says with a wave of his hand, “but not a dealbreaker. Anything else?”
“Only once a month- during this time. You can’t just be making me bleed whenever you want.”
“Done.” He’s in the chair next to you then, eyes black, grin so wide it threatens to split his face open, clawed hand held in your direction. “Do we have a deal?”
You take his hand in yours, green light filling the space between you and a screeching feedback sound assaulting your ears. When it fades Alastor is watching with hooded eyes. “Would you like to begin now?”
“Oh God. Uh, if now is a good time for you I guess. If you want to do it now.”
He laughs low and dangerous, his tall frame rising from the chair to tower over you. “Darling, I’ve wanted some semblance of what you’ve proposed for weeks. I’m not a man that makes a habit of denying himself a treat when it’s offered to him so sweetly.”
Your hand is still in his, and there’s a strange pull behind your navel as Alastor yanks you into the shadows with him, rematerializing in his bedroom. “Feel free to sit on the bed,” he offers, gesturing to the mattress and manifesting a large dark towel. “Or lie back- however will be more comfortable for you.” 
He releases your hand once you’ve sat, and you stay upright as Alastor sinks to his knees in front of you, fingers coming to the top of your skirt and pulling everything down in one fell swoop, his expression darkening at the scent of you exposed before him before ducking his head. You can’t see what he sees with how close he has already come to your skin, his enlarged antlers blocking your vision, the muscles of his back flexing with the force of his inhale as he breathes you in. A jolt of pain hits you again, deep in your core, and your whimper at the feeling has him bringing his eyes back to your face.
His eyes are hooded and dangerous, feral smile on his face while your fingers dig into the bedsheets. “Feel free to hold on, dear,” he says with a gesture to his antlers, before dipping his head to your bare cunt and slicking his tongue between your folds, angling his head just so to slip into your heat.
You can almost forget that Alastor is only doing this to satisfy some carnal desire of his with the fervent way that he pushes his mouth against you, slick muscle delving deep into you and brushing his nose against the firm nub of your clit. There’s a reverberating rumble as he moans at the taste, clawed fingers coming up to grip at your thighs, spreading them wider so he can get even closer to the source of his obsession. You can feel where he flicks his tongue inside you, brushing against that sweet bundle of nerves with every strong push and pull. The pleasure curls in your gut, keeping the worst of the cramps at bay while your body tenses and releases in rhythm with the demon’s ministrations. Every so often he pulls out, brings what he’s collected back into the haven of his mouth and savors it, eyes closed and his throat rumbling with a satisfied groan.
“You’ve no idea,” he growls, “how I’ve thought of tasting you. Consuming you.” The sharp points of his teeth brush against your clit and your body jolts, hands finally flying up from the bed to clutch at his antlers, grip tight on the tines of them as he looks up at you. 
The look on his face is nearly your undoing- more animal than man, and his claws dig into your flesh, tiny pinpricks of pain dragging you forcibly back to the moment. Your orgasm is just out of reach, not enough focus where you need him but you don’t want him to feel uncomfortable if you ask him for more.
“Fucking divine,” he whispers against you, and when his tongue brushes your sensitive clit with the words you shudder, the motion drawing his gaze to your face, flushed and hot. He smiles wide, expression smug as he leans in and does it purposely this time, licking up your folds and finally focusing where you need him to be. He circles it with purpose, pressure so sweet and sadistic, a light suck making you cry out his name and fist your hands on his antlers.
“Fuck! Alastor, yes, there- oh god, please, more…” He tenses under your hands and you worry for a moment that you’ve done something wrong. Then he’d sliding his hands under your thighs and dragging you closer to the edge of the bed, draping your legs over his shoulders.
“Say it again,” he murmurs, the vibrations of his voice sending heat flooding through you, overriding the painful ache of a cramp that tries to make itself known.
“Alastor,” you moan, and his tongue resumes its residence in the tight grip of your cunt, a hand coming up to brush a clawed finger over your clit. He works you quickly, his efforts paying off as your body tenses, invisible string inside you drawing tight and snapping with a force you’ve never felt before. “Alastor- A-” You try to say his name again, hear it come out as as a choked off whimper and a near scream as you reach orgasm, legs tightening on his shoulders and pulling him as closer, your walls clenching down on the length of his tongue before be pulls back and licks you through the remainder of it.
You release your grip on his antlers and fall back against the mattress, eyes closed while Alastor removes his face from between your legs, licking along the tiny pinpricks of blood from his claws before you shoot him a halfhearted glare. 
Your abdomen is blissfully absent of any clenching of your internal organs seeking revenge. Sated, you sit up from the mattress to see Alastor still knelt before you, faint lines of dried blood- your dried blood, your brain supplies- around his mouth. He looks like a predator fresh from his kill of the night, antlers jagged and long, eyes still dark and frantic as he looks at you.
“Was that sufficient, darling?”
“God, yes, it was perfect. I- I really appreciate your help.”
“Hmm. Of course. Though I must admit, only part of my… appetite for you has been appeased.” He rises from the floor, knees perched on either side of your thighs now and leaning in. You can smell something metallic on him as he approaches, know that it's your own blood as he stares down into your eyes hovered over you.
“Oh?” You become aware of a hard length pressing into your thigh. “Oh! I didn’t think that was something you would be interested in.”
He shrugs, rolling his hips and hissing at the friction. “Nor did I, dear. That does seem to be a theme with you, though- having a taste and finding that I crave more against my better judgment, against all reason.” He places a hand on your hip and runs his claws along the bare skin. “Would you allow me to help ease your pain once more?”
“God, yes,” you breathe out, “please, Alastor.” He takes a moment to undress, trousers removed along with his boxers before he climbs back over you and presses against the still slick folds of your cunt. He pushes in, hot and hard length opening you up and settling deep inside of you with a harsh exhale of breath against your neck. “Fuck, it’s so good.”
Alastor growls, the sound reverberating through his chest as he thrusts into you. A pulse of arousal shoots through you, the thought of bringing such a well spoken man to his baser instincts, so thoroughly invested in you that he can do little more than snarl like an animal into your skin, pushing you ever closer to the edge again. You’re already soft and sensitive from your first release, the cresting wave of a second hustling towards you. 
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, sharp teeth nipping at the tendon he finds there and moaning. “I could devour you,” he whispers, and you feel yourself clench down on him at the broken crack in his voice.  He drags his tongue up the length of your neck, hesitates like he’s trying to savor it. “I could feast on you for centuries and never tire of the taste of your flesh, whether coated in blood or sweat.”
A whimper escapes you as he sucks on the skin of your shoulder, leaving a trail of harsh bruises along the path he takes. A hand comes up to twist into his hair, something to ground yourself, to draw this out as long as possible. Your other hand digs into the flesh of his arm pinning you to the mattress. “Fuck, more, please,” you beg him, and he pulls back from your neck to watch your face twist and contort in pleasure while he slams against the sweet spot inside of you.
“Say my name,” he demands, fingers on your hip digging bruises into the soft skin, his other hand tangled in the bedsheets, tearing them to shreds to avoid sinking his claws into you. “Say it. Tell me what you need.”
“Oh God, Alastor-” You angle your hips, the movement bringing him even deeper into your body, the length of him so sweet and sinfully delicious that a whine escapes your throat before you can think to stop it. “I need- I don’t know, Al, I can’t-”
“You must,” he commands, and he lets go of your hip to slip his hand between your bodies, fingers pressing against the taut skin of your opening where your bodies are joined. The stimulation is foreign and new and has your walls tensing and releasing rhythmically around him, release so close now that you were seeing stars behind your clenched eyes.
“Look at me.” Your lids fly open to meet the sight of Alastor above you, his face contorted in something like pain. “You must,” he says again, fucking into you with vigor now, sweat beading on his forehead. “I need it around me, I have to feel it. Please, darling, give it to me-”
Fuck. How could you deny him when he asked so sweetly? Not that you had any control over it- your body breaks beneath him, cunt wrapped around him like the softest of silk and tightening its grip. Your limbs seem to go numb for a moment, pleasure warping your reality for a few blissful moments, your vision focusing in a tunnel on Alastor’s face before it vanishes, burying once again in the space between your shoulder and neck.
With a final cry of his name he sinks his teeth into you, not tearing back as one might expect but content to simply let them rest there as he spills into you with a broken moan, hips bucking hard and fierce and then easing into something softer as your walls pull and push, wringing every drop from him.
A breath of silence as you both catch your breath, interrupted by a hiss of faint pain as Alastor pulls his teeth from you and licks at the wound he’s created like a satisfied cat. “You promised you wouldn’t try to eat me for real,” you mutter, voice soft from the strength of your cries.
Alastor hums against you, tongue still moving against you. “Hardly my fault.” He’s mouthing greedily at your skin, claws traipsing on the flesh of your hips and roaming wherever he can reach. “You’re delicious,” he groans, taking one final taste of your blood before pulling back and collapsing next to you, “a delicacy. How am I meant to live without this at every moment of the day? I think I shall starve.”
You huff out a laugh, stretching your muscles as well as you can without really moving. “Don’t be dramatic. You get it once a month, at least.” You roll onto your side, ignore the feeling of something slick and wet between your thighs and focus on the fact that your body is limp and pliant and not seeking revenge on you. 
“You raise a valid point, my dear.” He throws you a sideways look, his antlers now having returned to their normal size and his ears relaxed against his skull. “Though I’m not at all opposed to repeating this aspect of the experience outside of your… monthly allowance to me. Deals always have room for negotiation, do they not?”
“Let’s get through this one first and then we’ll talk.” You yawn and try to rise from the bed, but an arm from the demon beside you is thrown haphazardly over your waist, pinning you in place.
“Stay,” he says, his eyes lidded and peeking at you. “There’s more to come yet, right? May as well stay where we can easily access one another for the duration.” His crimson eyes close the rest of the way and you settle back into the mattress, allowing your body to relax and slip into a peaceful sleep beside him.
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prentissluvr · 4 months
anything for you — luke alvez
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pairing : luke alvez x gn!bau!reader ➖⟢ genre : hurt/comfort, fluff ➖⟢ cw : crying, kissing, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 2.5K summary : luke admits he'd do anything for you after you open up about a hard case
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crying in a public bathroom is the worst. and yet, for most, it is unavoidable at some point or another. this evening, it’s your turn to cry in a public bathroom. sloped pathetically against the stall door, you thank the lord that you’ve mastered the art of crying silently, because the last thing you want is a coworker to walk in and hear you. 
however, you do curse the fact that you couldn’t just wait to cry until you got home. of course, that’s what you had planned to do, but the volatility of human emotions wholly foiled said plans when your tired feet found their way to your desk in the half empty bullpen. you had collapsed into your chair, dropping your go-bag to the floor without a second thought when the inevitable sting of tears that come with a rough case decided to show up early. swallowing hard, you realized the tears weren’t going to go anywhere but your cheeks to drip off your chin and land on your white dress shirt.
that’s why you’re crying in the public bathroom of a federal building, hoping you aren’t gone long enough to arouse suspicion among any fellow bau agents who haven’t yet gone home.
with a final deep breath, you wipe your fingers over your eyes and straighten up your shirt before walking out of the stall. at the sink, you dab some cold water right under your eyes to reduce the puffiness just long enough for you to get past your far too intuitive coworkers and head home. gently drying away any remaining wetness or glaringly obvious signs of your bathroom activities from your face, you take in your appearance in the mirror and decide that this is the best that you’ll get. your eyes are still red, but not too much that they can’t be explained away with excuses of a long flight, or maybe early-spring allergies.
the issue is that you assumed you’d have a good minute to pull yourself together a bit more if you walk a little slow. as you exit the bathroom with a loud, defeated huff of breath leaving your lips, you look up to see luke alvez headed in your direction, seemingly on the way to the bathrooms himself.
you curse to yourself because you can tell that he saw you first, which means he caught you uncomposed.
“hey, luke,” you greet him as normal, throwing him a casual smile and praying he doesn’t think anything of your slightly disheveled state. “see you tomorrow!” you plan to brush past him as he heads your way, but he stops in front of you, rather than proceeding to the restroom.
“actually, i was looking for you,” he says, his own voice casual. 
“mm, aren’t you always,” you tease, easily slipping into your normal mode of conversation with him despite your slightly unstable emotional state.
“i just can’t help myself,” he grins at you, shrugging and raising his eyebrows like he can’t deny it before his expression turns a bit more serious, earnest in the way it gets when he really means something. “i wanted to check up on you though, you seemed really exhausted on the jet.” it’s easy for you to tell that your tiredness on the way back home is not the only thing that he’s noticed, but you try to play along like it is.
“i appreciate that, and yeah, i’m honestly exhausted, but that’s nothing new, is it? it was a long case,” you try to word it like you’re conceding a bit, rather than full on denying him so you don’t come across as defensive.
“right, of course,” he smiles kindly, and you know he’s only saying that because he’s respecting the fact that you don’t want to talk about it. he doesn’t really believe you. “well either way, even if you’re just tired, you’ll tell me if there’s anything i can do for you, yeah? i just wanted to remind you that i’m always willing to lend an ear, treat you to takeout or a movie, or really anything at all. i don’t want you to feel like you can’t open up to me about a hard case, or anything like that.” he drops plenty of obvious hints, but his voice is sweet through and through, without a hint of accusation or prying. he makes it so easy to tell that he means what he says, that he wants to help, and that he cares about you. the way he looks at you has you craving to cave for him, his eyes all soft and earnest and full of respect.
“thank you, luke,” you smile half-heartedly, voice softer and more truthful than before. you wonder if your not-so-little crush on him makes it dangerous for you to take him up on any of those offers, but you also think maybe you just don’t care. why pass up a perfect opportunity to spend time with just him and his sweet self. “maybe… maybe we can just talk a little on the way to my car if you’re ready to go home?” the smile he gives you has your knees feeling just a bit weak. does he have to look at you like he’d do anything for you?
“i’d love that,” he says, all soft in a way that makes you crazy. he walks with you, side by side on the way to grab your things from the bullpen, and you wonder what it’d feel like if he were to sling his arm over your shoulders and pull you in close. not that you haven’t felt his arms around you before, but something about him makes you crave after any sort of casual intimacy with him. but instead, he grabs your bag for you, and you have to walk even farther apart from him. you thank him, of course, for carrying it for you, and you wonder how to tell him that he has a beautiful smile. as you wait for the elevator, he asks what you wanted to talk about.
clearing your throat, you feel awkward and unsure how to start. you haven’t even decided if you want to tell him just how bad this case was, if you want to gloss over it, or if you want to talk about something else entirely to take your mind off of things. 
“i, um–” the ding of the elevator interrupts you before you can really begin. inside, you press the button to the garage floor and lean against the cool metal of the back wall. he settles next to you for the short ride. you sigh deeply, and you can feel luke’s eyes on you, likely curious and concerned, but not so much that it reads as pity.
in the small time frame of a moment, you think about the way luke has always jumped to take care of you, even when you first started out. sometimes it’s as subtle as a small smile when he’s passing you by, a genuine, casual praise when you contribute something to the profile, or a cup of coffee or tea just the way you like it. other times it’s a hug he needs just as much as you after a close call in the field, or a steady hand, gentle touch, and furrowed brow when you get even slightly injured. he always has the right words for you and he always makes it known that he is as fiercely loyal to you as he is to the rest of the team.
“i know you know it already,” you finally start, “but this case was hard for me.” he nods, understanding and compassion filling up his features in an instant. “honestly not sure if i really want to get into it right now, but– but maybe later. it just…hit a sore spot and i’m still grappling with the aftermath of that. you know this, but when the case is active it’s kind of hard to deal with anything else. so when we got back it kind of really hit me, y’know, the fact that i haven’t been able to process it yet. now i just want to go to bed,” you chuckle half-heartedly, feeling a new level of exhaustion sinking in.
“believe me, i get that,” he mirrors your tired laugh, always so observant to the way you want a conversation to go. this time, he knows you don’t want it to be heavy or highly emotional. “i’m sorry this case struck close to home like that, that always sucks,” he says empathetically. “nights like this i always fall asleep to one of my favorite movies,” he keeps talking as the elevator doors open and you walk out and towards the parking garage, “don’t have to think about what’s bothering you yet and you don’t have to worry about missing something when you fall asleep. not sure if that’s your kind of thing, but it might not hurt to give it a try.”
you smile at his genuine advice. “it certainly wouldn’t,” you agree, infinitely grateful for the way luke treats you almost too good. the two of you stall at the edge of the parking garage before heading in, not quite sure where the other has parked their car. an idea sparks in your mind, and you think it’s the exhaustion that makes you say it out loud. “listen, uh, not sure if this is too much to ask for tonight, but… any chance i can take you up on that offer for take out and a movie? not sure if a movie all by myself would do the trick.”
the bright smile on luke’s face might be a bit inappropriate for the context, but you couldn’t care less, because your own thoughts about how handsome he looks like this aren’t any better.
“of course, you could never ask for anything that would be too much. anything to help, anything for you,” he drops that bomb like it’s so easy to say, so easy to feel that way about you. earlier you had cursed the look in his eyes that seemed to say that, and now you have no idea what to do once he’s said those words aloud, confirmed them without a single doubt. “we’ll take my car, c’mon.” he gestures with his head in the general direction, casually leading you along as if he hadn’t just made your heart race so fast you begin to forget that you cried today at all. “plus, there’s nothing better than roxy to make you feel better. she’ll be excited to see you.”
you try to regain any semblance of your composure as you follow him along. “i’m excited to see her, too,” you smile, “thank you, luke,” you say once again.
“it’s my pleasure, seriously.” he uses that same voice he always uses for you, full of conviction and with at least the hint of a smile. he’s always smiling around you, and you wonder if it could be because it makes you smile back. he told you last week after work one day, casual and soft, that he likes your smile. 
once you reach his car, he tosses your bags in the back seat before turning to open the passenger side door for you. but you’re already there, hand on the handle and his fingers curl right over yours.
“sorry,” he laughs out quietly, but he doesn’t move away. you’re far more relaxed than you were earlier than night, but with you so close, he can still see the hurt swimming around in your pink-rimmed eyes. you see his features soften into something akin to maybe love, and his voice is quiet with care. “can i hug you?” he asks, like this time it would be different, because he’s certainly hugged you before. you take in the sweet gaze of his eyes, and you nod readily.
“of course,” you whisper back, and you mean that. he can hug you whenever he likes.
it takes less than an instant for you to be folded up into his arms, his hands reaching around you like he’s been waiting to do this all night, one hand coming to rest securely on the back of your head and the other on your back. your own arms curl around his middle and you just melt into his embrace. you hadn’t even realized just how much you needed this, and now you have it, perfect and warm against the nighttime breeze that’s begun to filter into the open air of the lot.
he rubs up and down your back until the gentle silence of it all is broken up by the sounds of someone backing their car up to head home. luke pulls away slowly, soft as the feel of his arms around you and lingers there, looking at you under the flickering garage lights like you’re an angel.
you feel a little bashful under his gaze, torn between making a teasing quip about how he can’t get enough of you or kissing him right on the lips. instead, you pull him back to you without warning, smushing your face into his shoulder and sighing happily when you pull a surprised laugh from him. he returns the hug with equal force, squeezing you close before pressing a solid kiss to your hairline. you pull back just a bit to take him in, unable to control the smile spreading across your face. his arms don’t leave their place wrapped around you.
“you sure know how to turn someone’s night around,” you grin.
“i bet i could come up with one more thing that might help you out,” he says cheekily. 
you raise your eyebrows. “oh, really? and what might that be, luke alvez?” god, he loves the way you say his name, the way you run your hands up to loop around his neck.
“well,” he copies you by saying your full name back. you love the way he says it, too. “i could kiss you, if you wouldn’t mind.” you practically swoon at the way he always remains unfailingly respectful, even when he has that playful lilt to his voice.
you make an overexaggerated expression of contemplation as he shifts his hands to settle on your waist. “hmm, i might have to think about that.” in response, he tugs you even closer to him, that teasing smile you’ve come to seek out pulling at his pretty lips.
“do you? and how long will that take? because i’m not sure if i can wait for long,” he teases back. 
“i guess it’d be alright if you kissed me now,” you concede, still with that playful tone.
“just alright?” he questions, eyebrows raised.
deciding you’re done teasing, with that smile he finds to be just irresistible, you tell him, “luke, if you don’t kiss me right now, i swe–” then, without a second to spare, his lips are on yours, and every last worry of yours melts away to make way for his soft lips, his steady hands, and the fact that he’d do anything for you.
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sordidmusings · 11 months
Switching Up Roles - Part 2/2 (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: gif relevant cuz this mf gets his hand privileges revoked 💀 I have finally finished it QuQ getting Buggy to admit his sub desires to you for anon is here! I really hope it is what you wanted and that you enjoy 🤍 there's lots of filth but there's also a lot of them being sweet dorks together and painfully in love because I couldn't help myself whoops
Word Count: ~8.5k
Warnings: feminine leaning afab!reader (no pronouns), NSFW my dude, very sub side of switch!Buggy, face sitting, oral (both receiving), light restraining, praise, degradation, edging, p in v, creampie, brat taming im p sure (Buggy doesn't mean to be a brat, petulance is just in his soul), takes a little to get to the sex but then it just keeps happening lol
Enjoy turning the clown into even more of a hot mess 🤡
Part 1
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
Buggy is, for once, at the door to your shared room, kicking off his shoes for the night, right when the last colors of sunset begin to fade and no later. His hat is pulled off and thrown with little care for where it lands and his gloves are yanked off and flung away. He stomps over to where you sit on the bed with heavy feet, plops you fully onto the bed with a complaining grunt, and flops his full weight on top of you with spread limbs. You would be chastising him right now, but all the air left your lungs when he belly-flopped you into the mattress. A few forceful breaths re-inflate your lungs, but by the time you have your words prepared, Buggy is finished with his prolonged and dramatic sigh, and he greets you with a “heya, sweetcheeks” that barely makes it out of the comforter engulfing his face.
Gods, you love this silly little man.
“Hello, lovebug,” you reply with a fond giggle. “I’d ask how you’re doing but the dramatic entrance told me everything.”
Another complaining grunt is his response.
“Sounds about right. How about this?” You shimmy yourself a touch so you can fully move your arms and slither them under his coat. Your fingers touch his sides before sweeping in and trailing next to his spine all the way up his back. You dig them in just enough to create resistance then you drag them all the way back down to the small of his back. You feel his shiver in your own body and bask in his happy sigh. “How about you let me take care of you tonight? You really need to spend some time relaxing before your body falls to pieces that won’t listen to you anymore. I don’t wanna have to put you together like a figurine again; you don’t come with assembly instructions.”
Something that sounds like “needing a waxing” vibrates into the mattress.
“You’re gonna have to repeat that one, Bubs.”
With a huff to let you know what an absurd effort you’re making him go through, Buggy turns his head to lay with his mouth next to your ear. “I said ‘sleep is relaxing’, dumbass.”
You easily ignore his toothless insult. You begin massaging the muscles under your hands on his lower back to ease him up some more. “Well, yeah, and that’s why I want to help you sleep like the dead.”
Ever a man with his mind frolicking in the gutter, Buggy gets some new found pep. He breaks out the rough whisper he knows you love to say, “And how do you plan on doing that, sweet treat?”
You turn to him and inch in close enough to speak against his lips, “Why waste time telling you when I can show you?”
Buggy’s pressing his lips to yours before you finish the final word. The kiss is full of ease with its slow rhythm and syrupy movements. You pull back to tease his lips with a brush of your own and take a moment to savor breathing the same air. Buggy won’t let you stop for long; his impatience for your touch always becomes all consuming after he gets that first taste. He’s still gaining more energy back and using it to put more strength into his movements. He props himself up on one elbow and his opposite hand slides over to palm the base of your skull. His thumb brushes the sensitive skin behind one ear and his fingers easily reach to the other, leaving you completely at his control. He gently sucks your bottom lip before giving it a hungry nip, and it comes back to you that you’re supposed to be leading this night somewhere.
When you go to pull away, Buggy’s hand keeps you exactly where he wants you. He responds to your attempted escape by teasing his tongue between your lips. This man clearly knows how weak you are for him, because you couldn’t keep yourself from deepening the kiss if you tried. Why would you ever deny yourself these moments where you could taste each other’s want on the smooth slide of tingling tongues? Wait. No. Focus.
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he breathes out in response to another attempt to pull back, this one weaker. “Don’t you wanna be my good little slut?” You let out a high-pitched moan into his mouth at that, internally cursing him for being so hot. “I need my cock-hungry pretty baby to make me feel good. Didn’t you want to be my cocksleeve? My little toy to fuck whenever and however I want?”
Yes, yes you did. You loathe your past self for giving him that ammunition to use against you right now. Without meaning to, you spread your legs fully, making space for his hips to shimmy flush to your center. He rewards you with firm grinds of the thick bulge straining against his pants. His movements are unhurried, letting you focus on every moment and the way his cock drags on your heat, reminding you of every time it had you drunk on pleasure before. The promise it gives you is mouthwatering. You realize that you may have miscalculated. You had thought his brain would be too fried from the week to use your soft spots against you, but here he is, getting you wet and pliant with one deep kiss and some choice words. What a bastard.
You try pulling away again and are met with the same result. Fine then.
Buggy squawks and flinches back when you pinch his side. He splits at the waist to keep his lower half on you and floats his upper body out of your attack range. The look he gives you is absolutely seething, but you would not be moved. You remain unimpressed.
“I did pull back multiple times. What if I had to sneeze and you made me headbutt you?” you reason, knowing it was too obvious that you were enjoying yourself to pretend otherwise. The way your legs are still happily hooked around his hips would be all the argument he needs against you.
“You always do those little prep inhales and reel back like you’re getting an exorcism. Would’ve given me plenty of time to get out of the line of fire,” Buggy grouses, crossing his arms to give you his most petulant pout.
You make an exaggerated gasp and distort your voice to sound tearful when you say, “I thought you loved me for my dramatic sneezes! Have you been lying to me this whole time?”
“Every. single. day,” he deadpans.
“And here I was,” you begin, shoving his legs off and standing from the bed, “Ready to play doting housewife for you and undress you with kisses and massages and love!” You turn your back to him to really sell the soap opera scene. Using the word “love” may have been a little bit underhanded; you both have been skittering around saying your first “I love you”s, only daring to use the weighted word indirectly. Even so, it was always easy to see how hearing the word from your lips would make him forget everything else and seek another hit of it from you.
“Aw come on, baby,” he draws out, already switching from pouting brat to placating lover. “We can still do that right?”
There is a lot of frantic rustling behind you. You peek at him over your shoulder, only allowing yourself to turn enough to see him in the corner of your eye. He is popped back together and is sitting up on his knees. He had skooched himself to the edge of the bed right behind you, where he is now giving you his best puppy dog face. You’re able to hold out just long enough for him to start wondering if your anger was all play before you spin around and chirp, “Only if you make a deal with me!”
Buggy flings himself back out on the bed and groans, “Fiiiiiiiiine.”
“It’s one you’ll like, I promise,” you soothe. You ease Buggy to sit up at the edge of the bed, laughing at the way he’d sway too far into whichever direction you pulled him, staying just one step removed from going dead weight. Once he’s settled into his spot, you take a moment to examine him. It doesn’t go unnoticed to you that his back is hunched forward under the weight of his exhaustion. Though his eyes are playful, they also hold dark bags, which peek out around his makeup. Your heart aches for him. Even when he is overworked and needing sleep, he’s taking the time to goof around with you and listen to your requests. You’d make sure he had the best sleep of his life tonight. You’d get him all clean and cozy and ready for bed and then you’d make him cum so hard that his brain blue screens. Truly a proper recipe for a good night’s rest.
“How’d you take off your gloves at the door but not your coat?” you ask, pushing said coat off his strong shoulders. He helps you by pulling out his arms. While your eyes admire any new skin exposed to you, Buggy keeps his eyes on your face.
“Can’t feel you through the gloves,” he explains. Oh, wow, that’s actually really sweet- “You ever try to enjoy tits and ass through fabric? Doesn’t work as well.”
You puff out an exasperated laugh. Yep, there’s your Buggy.
Before you move on to take off his scarf, you brush your fingertips along his neck and jaw to enjoy the warmth of his skin and the scratch of his stubble. Once the cloth is gone, you begin using your lips instead. He reaches out to hold your hips in a practiced welcome when you settle into his lap. Anywhere your kissing moves, Buggy opens himself up to your touch. You nose his jaw up for his head to fall back and kiss your way along his pulse. Your hand comes up to support the other side of his neck, your thumb admiring the shape of his adams apple. Your other hand hooks into his shirt’s collar and pulls it aside for more access. By the time you follow his collarbone to his shoulder, your kisses are open-mouthed, sucking and licking at his skin. When you move back over to the base of his neck, you feel his throat bob from a heavy swallow then vibrate under your thumb with his pleased hum.
Eager kisses lead you up to his ear, which you greet with a nip. Pulling back, you blow cool air on him to light up the damp trail you left behind. While your lips explore him, his hands explore you. They had started at your hips and are now massaging indulgently at your chest. Like everything else, the motion is not rushed, which perfectly compliments the teasing way he thumbs your nipples through your shirt.
After a sweet kiss to his temple, you undo his bandana, exposing his beautiful blue hair. You guide his head down to rest against your sternum so you can more easily take out the pins and ties keeping his hair in place. Buggy hums in pleasure from the relief in his scalp once his waves of long hair all fall free. You help soothe it further by massaging your fingers from the nape of his neck, around to temples, up to crown, and back down again. You always love when you can play with his hair; it’s become covetously soft in your care and you’ve become addicted to the faint smell of shampoo topped with ocean spray that came from it. 
Buggy’s hands move from your chest so he can wrap you in a loose hug. He mindlessly massages your lower back and ass while you tend to him. The break from your kissing lets him regain enough thought to ask, “You gonna let me know about the terms I’ve agreed to or am I supposed to start guessing?”
You give him a sweet giggle and kiss the top of his head. While moving on to unclasp his many belts, you reply, “If you insist then I guess I’ll tell you.” Even his shirt has belts, what is this? Yeah, they look nice, but each one is one more step between you and getting him naked. “What you’re gonna do-” you don’t miss his shiver at the sternness in your tone “-is lay there and enjoy what I give you.” You soften up just a touch. “I’m here to make you feel better. I need you to trust that.”
“Of course I do,” he says, almost offended. He earns a kiss with the ease and earnestness of his response.
Finally, all the belts are undone and his shirt is opened. Buggy pops his arms off so you can easily push it off of him without the rest of his body moving an inch. He reassembles while your hands work on touching every new stretch of skin. You’d never tire of feeling his abs twitch under your touch or tracing the contours of his body. You get bolder, scratching pink lines through the light texture of his blue chest hair. It matches his stubble in a handsome blue, slightly darker than the hair on his head.
With a grip on his hair, you ease Buggy’s head off of your chest. He moans at the pull of it on his tender scalp and hopes you think it's from discomfort. The way you turn your hand so it pulls firmer, earning more sounds, lets him know he’s not fooling you. He finds that he doesn’t care when he sees the appraising look you’re giving him. 
Now that he’s sat up, you get back to work on marking him up. There’s a gentle, tingling scratch of hair against the skin of your face while you work him over. Buggy is slowly and surely falling apart between your dominating hand and worshiping lips. Where before he felt the need to muster the energy to meet you for pleasure, he is now surrendering to let you control when and how he feels it. He lets himself lean into your grip and keeps himself relaxed, only moving his hips in mindless grinds. Having this man offer you free access to himself is winding you up quickly. You needed to get this moving along. You could take all the time you wanted soon. After smearing a few more kisses across his chest, you get up to work on getting him out of his pants.
“Come on, Bugs, let’s get you out of the rest of those clothes,” you coo, moving back to stand in front of him. 
“You want me naked~” Buggy taunts in a singsong voice like a schoolyard bully, giving you the cheekiest grin. He holds out his arms (making grabby hands of course) for you to pull him up. With a sturdy heave, you get the sleepy clown back on his feet. 
“You’ve found me out,” you whisper in fake shame. “Whatever will I do?”
“Well, toots, you can buy my silence with kisses,” he offers.
After giving many quick kisses all over his face, many with exaggerated “mwah!”s to get more giggles out of him, you move on to his pants. Buggy stays quiet and pliant while you undid them and pull them down to his ankles, following them down to the floor. You are happy to see that familiar bulge more clearly while he’s just in his boxers. You kiss along his length through them, making it twitch eagerly. His hand comes to rest on your head, letting you know how much he wants you to stay there. You look up at him, making eye contact, before pulling back and pulling his boxers down to join his pants. You think it’s cute the way his breath still catches from seeing you like this. It’s also cute the way his hands move to your shoulders to help him balance while you take off his pants and boxers then pull each sock off of his feet.
Buggy settles himself to recline on the pillows at the head of the bed, legs crossed at the ankles and hands behind his head. He eats up the way your eyes scrape over every inch of his spread out body. It isn’t lost on him the way your eyes always gravitate towards the prize laying heavy on his stomach, highlighted by a deep blue happy trail and trimmed curls. “Your turn, sweet cheeks,” he prompts.
“Not so fast,” you say, turning away from him and going to grab some items on the dresser. You turn back holding out a cloth and bowl of water to answer Buggy’s raised brow. He is not happy with your answer.
“Come ooooon,” he complains. “Aren’t you used to the makeup by now?”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious,” you respond, gesturing to the marks he’s left on your face and chest. “But our skin will be happier without it and you’ll feel better sleeping clean and without a whole stage show’s paint on your pillow.”
“But I want you on me now,” he growls. Okay that greedy tone almost won you over, but you could use his weak spots too.
“I also..” you had wanted to only play shy but found that the feeling became genuine. “I also want to see you bare faced tonight.” Buggy narrows his eyes so you continue. “Don’t get me wrong, the makeup is sexy - like obviously, you’ve seen how I get - but you’re handsome without it too. And sometimes all I wanna see is you.”
He relents easily, trying to hide the blush that burns up his cheeks and down his neck. You reward him by making very quick progress of getting him fresh faced and cleaning the smears off of your own face and body, before moving onto your clothes. 
You’d like to say that you were sexy in the way that you stripped yourself, but the reality is that you were quick and unchoreographed in your rush to get back to Buggy. He’d never complain though; there’s already plenty of your mouth watering strip teases filed away in his mind. There was also a rush in knowing how quickly you want to touch him again. And in the way the rush has your tits and ass jiggling.
Buggy reaches out to welcome you back into his lap, but is blindsided when you move to grab and spread his ankles instead. The way you crawl in between his legs is slow and maddening. Where’s that impatience that had you tearing off your clothes? Buggy can’t lie, he does love the way you’re kissing up his legs and the way it lets him savor how your body moves and curves. His worn body and thumping heart are addicted to the way you’re touching him. The problem is that he’s having trouble thinking of anything beyond the way his cock throbs angrily at the lack of attention.
The whispers, nips, and kisses that you layer on his thighs stay just on the right side of ticklish. Buggy’s hands follow your movements, brushing into your hair and tugging gently whenever you find a particularly sensitive spot. You keep at it until his thighs are twitching and jumping to your touch and he’s lost control of the pace of his breath. It’s only then that you begin teasing his cock with soft lips and cold blown air. You mix in firm, sedate licks to keep hinting at the relief your mouth could bring.
Buggy detaches his hands and begins to trail them down your sides. He’s hoping that playing you with his fingers would urge you along. Beyond that, he needs to feel how slick and warm you are and get his mind ready for the feeling that would soon slide over his aching cock by sinking his fingers into your plush grip. You quickly stop his plot by plopping your hips flush to the bed so that he can get no further than groping your ass. 
“Ah ah ah, I didn’t say you could touch me yet,” you reprimand. Buggy whines back at you and you nip his upper inner thigh. “Hands,” you command, holding your own out. Even with his protests, he detaches his hands and floats them to your own. You link your fingers together with his then shove his hands down into the mattress, leaning your weight on them.
With him disarmed, you focus back to winding him up. Taking his head into your mouth, you begin swirling your tongue. Buggy manages to keep his hips from pushing more of him into you, but they shake with the effort. You turn your head to the side and begin massaging his head into the inside of your cheek, careful to keep your teeth off of him. He bites out curses and looks down at you to burn the image of your cheek bulging from his cock into his mind forever. He begins to let his hips lead the movements pressing out your cheek, so you pull him back out of your mouth.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” Buggy pleads. He needs to keep feeling you or he’s sure he’ll go insane.
“I didn’t hear you say please,” you snark at him. He starts chanting the word for you in hopes to fix his mistake and earn your mouth back, but you’re already decided on the matter. Instead of sucking on him again, you simply nose around his hips and crotch to tease him, using what you could with your hands occupied restraining him. You found you enjoyed it; he smells strongly of clean skin and sex and the new method of touching him lets your brain notice new details to cherish. “It’s too late, silly clown,” you taunt.
When he can take no more, Buggy detaches an arm and bends it around the back of your neck. He pulls you into him by the crook of his elbow and growls out, “more”. You glare up at him before quickly taking him back into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat, grinding his head there while sucking harshly and gripping his balls.
Buggy yelps out an apology, the sensation way too much to process so suddenly. His arm flies back to him and you ease your grip on him. You soothe him with a few gentle bobs of your head before popping off and leaving a kiss to the soft skin on the underside of his cock. That sharp hit to his nerves chased by the tender touch fogs up his mind.
“I’ll do what you want, please tell me what you want,” he begs.
“What I want-” you’re crawling your way back up his body, “-is for you to be honest with me. Tell me what you’ve been hiding this whole time.”
Buggy’s face scrunches in genuine confusion. “I’m not hiding anything from you.”
“You sure?” you press. You lean towards his lips, which gently part in anticipation of a kiss. The moment before your lips brush, when you feel his stuttered breath, you change course and ghost your lips across his jaw to his ear. “But it would make me so  happy if you just told me,” you whisper. “You usually make me feel so good.” You can feel him listening intently. “You don’t want to be good for me?” He stills completely. “Don’t you want to be my good little toy?” His whole body shivers beneath you. You kiss and suck your way down his neck and he leans his head away to give you as much access as possible. “Just say it baby and I’ll make you feel good.”
If you weren’t so busy buried in his neck, you would see the breathtaking mix of apprehension and need flaring in his bright eyes while he debates how to answer you.
“I want you to use me. I-” he trails off and looks away, losing his nerve. 
You begin gently petting his hair and placing kisses on the side of his face. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” He looks back at you and his shining eyes and furrowed brow plead for the promise that you’re telling the truth. You give him a firm kiss on the lips, which he eagerly returns with a small suckle to your bottom lip. You pull back to check in, looking into his eyes, before encouraging him again. “Keep going, lovely. I wanna hear it.”
Buggy tenses once more before he seems to let his resistance break and fall out of every muscle, leaving him limp and prone amongst the pillows and sheets. “I want to be your toy - I want you to take charge and do what you want to me. I want.. I want to follow your orders.”
The kiss you gift him is ravenous, and he fills with relief. “You’re so good to me, baby,” you praise, and that relief triples.
You reassuringly squeeze his captive hands and lead your way back down his body with your lips. The transition helps relax him and loosens his mind again. As you get back to your sweet torture, he keeps reaching downward not remembering that his hands aren't there then whining when he doesn’t reach your head. You switch his hands to being clamped between your knees so you can scratch your nails down his thighs, using just enough pressure to leave long pink trails. Taking it further, you move your mouth away from his dick to work across his v-line. Buggy gets more fussy at the lack of attention on his cock, squirming and whimpering below you.
Mouth still busy on his soft skin, you use one hand to palm over his balls to the underside of his dick and curl your hand closed around him, one finger at a time. You angle his cock upright, enjoying the feeling of his precum beginning to trail down across your fingers. Your mouth changed course back closer to him, emptying his mind of any thoughts but “yes, yes, yes-”. He blanks out completely when your blazing hot tongue drags across his balls during a squeeze and a pump of his dick. The relief is short lived when your grip loosens and stills and your mouth leaves him completely. His head snaps down to see why you stopped and he sees that you’re already giving him a malicious smirk. Your eyes stay on his when you pucker your lips to blow on his aching tip. His head snaps back sharply, the movement exaggerated by his hair.
“You’re going so sloooow,” Buggy complains, frustrated. “I thought you were gonna take care of me.” He sounds impressively sulky.
“If you’re not happy with my services,” you start in a measured tone, moving forward until you are nose to nose, “then you can take care of yourself.” His face pales. You look down at his dick in your hand thoughtfully before saying, “Better yet I can just steal your cock and run off to the showers to take care of myself.”
“No!” Buggy wants it to come out like an order but it is definitely an anxious plea.
“Oh, so you’re telling me I can’t?” He shrinks even more under your glare, making you feel powerful.
“Just stay in here, pleeeease, need to see you feel good,” Buggy begs, voice small. “Don’t even need to cum, just need you.” 
You aren’t supposed to give in unless on your own time, but knowing that he’s only thinking of your pleasure is making you weak.
“I thought you wanted to be my good little toy and good toys don’t whine and make demands. They are happy with what they’re given if their owners give them anything at all.” He whimpers. “Right now you’re more of a fucking brat.”
“Noooooo,” his broken complaint sounded delicious, but the look on his face was nearing too close to real distress. 
“No?” You mock. You look down at him with a condescending pout. Your eyes bore into his, needing to notice every little detail of his next reaction. “Oh, baby, if you’re not a brat then you’re just a pussy-hungry slut.”
Buggy shuts his eyes and moans loudly at your words. The sound of his own voice calling you a cock-hungry slut many times over echoes from his memories. He didn’t think having his own insults turned on him would feel so invigorating. It’s clear to you that that is much more what he wants to be for you. Your slut; not your brat. How sweet. When all his layers are peeled back he only wants to please.
“That’s okay you sick little thing. You just can’t help it, can you?” He shakes his head with those gorgeous, shining eyes pleading at you. “If you’re so hungry, I guess I gotta feed you so you can shut. up.”
Before his mind even realizes that you began moving, you flip around and sit directly on his face. Your strong thighs are clamping his arms down to his sides, leaving his hands to be snatched up in your own again. You’ve positioned yourself so his mouth is at your clit and his nose is teasing your entrance. He gives a thick inhale and presses his tongue out to lap at you with a satisfied moan.
“Much better,” you groan, completely self-satisfied.
You waste no time before you begin rocking your hips. The room fills with the sloppy sounds of him licking and sucking at you, overly enthusiastic about having your pussy in his face.
“Now stick out that tongue for me,” you order, giving him his only warning before you drop much of your weight down to get the best pressure of his tongue, nose, and chin against you. The sensation has you clenching against the surface of his nose, getting it wet. You switch between a few long grinds from cupid’s bow to chin and making sharp circles of your clit on his tongue.
Buggy barely gets any time to fully breathe and he loves it. His head has become a murky swirl of your addicting taste and smell and the lovely sounds of you moaning for him. It sends pleasure prickling through him, making him burn with need, but he’s sure he’d stay on this painful precipice forever if it meant you kept using him to feel good. Buggy’s moans are becoming slurred whines as he gets drunk off your pussy. He was trying so hard to be perfect for you. He would stiffen his tongue to grind back into you or curl the end up for you to use on your clit. He’s ignoring his nerves at having his nose be an active participant, because he feels the way you follow its pressure. His hands are clamped on yours, floating in front of you to give you better leverage to move. He’s done good to not pull either of them away and give his leaking cock the relief it desperately needs. He deserves a reward.
You bring his hands in to place them on your breasts, where they need no direction to start working you. The warm, grounding pressure of them kneading your breasts is broken up by little circles, pinches, and pulls to your nipples that send tingles to your spine and straight down to your clit. Once they’re settled on you, you curl forward to place your head back in front of his red, twitching dick. You put your elbows down by Buggy’s sides and take advantage of the fact that he’s too lost between your legs to notice where you’ve put your face.
Buggy arches and yelps when you blow strong, cold air on his head and tease your fingertips along his Apollo's belt. His utter excitement at your attention shows in his bucking hips and pressing face. His whole body is buzzing with the thought, “I did good!”
“Your mouth is fucking good, perfect for an eager slut” you praise. Buggy keens loudly into you, sending strong vibrations through your pussy. “I’ll have to steal your head as my seat more often.” You flick your tongue on his frenulum, earning a strong twitch. “I’ll hunt you down any time I need to cum and force you down under me,” you promise in a husky voice. 
Finally, you slide him into your mouth and moan at the familiar taste and weight and heat. He’s as sensitive as you’ve ever seen him, hips and cock jerking. You tease a hand down to cup his balls and feel them pull tight while his dick starts a familiar pulse, his voice going wild in your ears. Oh?
“Not so fast, stupid doll,” you warn, moving your hand to make a tight ring around the base of his cock. “Thought you could just cum without getting me off first?”
Buggy tries to get out apologies but his mouth is too busy buried in your pussy.
“I’m touching you as a reward. Don’t get greedy,” you scold. Then you’re putting him back in your mouth and he’s sobbing under your cunt. You couldn’t do anything more than light sucking and trailing your hands on him before you’d have to pull back and keep him from cumming. Each time, he’d try to apologize and each time he would look and sound more and more pathetic. By the time you feel the pressure of your own orgasm pulsing throughout your hips, he’s shaking like a leaf.
The crackling complaint Buggy let out when you pulled yourself off of his face was heartbroken. His fingers slipped and pulled as they made their way from your breasts down to your hips, where they weakly tried to pull you back down on him.
“Shhh sweet boy,” you soothed, placing your hands reassuringly over his, “I’m just gonna use your cock now, gotta give that pretty face a break.”
That quickly distracts him from the loss of your touch, if his urgent pleas and raised hips are anything to go by. You get down to his hips and lean forward slightly, gripping firmly onto each of his warm thighs for stability. You admire the lines that twist over them as his muscles move and react to you. Feeling a little bit sadistic, you grip them hard enough to bruise and hover just close enough to his cock so that he feels the heat of you there but only the ghost of your touch.
“Please touch me,” he begs. “So close, need to feel you-”
Buggy continues to babble and you continue to hover, delighting in the way his dick would sometimes jump up to tap your entrance, electrifying both of you. He squirms under the strength and weight of your grasp on his thighs, trying to chase you with his hips. Suddenly, he splits his legs off above your grip and is finally able to grind fully into you, gliding smoothly through the thick mix of slick, spit, and precum between you. An absurdly hot groan rushes out of him, starting as all exhale before morphing into a loud tone supported by a rumble in his chest. Your mind blanks with your own gasping moan before you recenter yourself and let your dead weight drop on him, shoving his hips deeply down into the mattress.
You had angled your hips to save your clit from all pressure but the tap of his balls when they bounced up from the impact, but Buggy was given no such mercy. The first hit between your weight and the bed presses his cock near painfully between the two of you, but he can’t deny the way the feeling sent prickles across his every nerve and the relief after it let up has him baring his teeth in his bid to not cum. Instead of nice grinds, you simply oscillate your weight around your hips to keep giving him too much stimulation but not the right kind.
“Am I not doing good enough for you?” you ask, voice carrying a warning that he better answer properly.
“N-no I love it, I was just-”
“Just what?” you interrupt, hand moving from bruising his thigh to cup his balls, adding to the threat in your tone.
“Couldn’t think! S-sorry, I’m sorry -hhhanh- ” Buggy keeps his apologies streaming because he can’t stop disobeying you - he can’t help making tight little movements of his hips against you to feel more of you.
“Having trouble being the one fucked stupid, little whore?” you goad. “Don’t like being so pussy-whipped you can’t think like a person anymore?”
“I love it,” he moans, fiercer than you expected. “Need it -hahh- need you, I’m yours, need to be yours.”
Fuck, you need to get him inside you; you were too close to cumming empty from hearing him talk like that. You keep the hand on his balls, starting to fondle them, and use the other to line him up with your entrance. You can already feel bliss curling in your toes as his fat head presses at you, but Buggy does the last thing you expect - he pulls back.
“No!” his voice breaks and you whip around, scared that something was wrong. He’s staring at you with wide, wet eyes. “Turn around, please, please, wanna see you.” You relaxed knowing he wasn’t hurt or scared or uncomfortable. He begins to have trouble looking at you, turning his head away shyly and letting some of his hair sweep over to shield his face. “Want you to look at me.”
You’re getting whiplash after being thrown from panic to overwhelmed with affection so quickly. You move slowly and smoothly when you turn yourself around and slink your body down over him. You rest on your elbows and slowly lower your hips back down to him, this time grinding his head against your clit generously. Buggy’s head spins between the fire you’re tending in him and the loving way you hold his face and brush away his hair.
“You sure you can take it, honey?” you ask softly. “You can’t even look at me right now.”
“I can!” he asserts, needing to prove himself to you. He turns his face to yours and flicks his gaze to your eyes and away a few times before he’s able to lock eyes with you. You pet his face and continue your smooth grinding, taking the time to look at him like he wants you to. Buggy’s face is the most beautiful shade of pathetic you’d ever seen; shimmering tear tracks highlight skin that is pink and flushed and damp with sweat. The color of his cheeks brings out the ruby color of his nose and you can’t resist brushing your own nose against it. He tries to flinch back but you follow him. When he turns his face away, you lure him back to you with sweet kisses. When he faces you again, you intensify the stable grinding you’ve kept up to nudge him a little closer to the edge once again.
“So pretty,” you whisper, reverent and honest. Your eyes are looking right into his, seeing him in a way that has him feeling worshiped. Loving fingers map out the structure of his cheekbones and jaw, moving on to chart his lips. They kiss at your fingertips sweetly. “I have the prettiest toy on the seas. Better than any other treasure.”
He perks up at that, giving you a moan and bucking hips.
“You wanna be my treasure?” you ask, getting an immediate, breathy “yes” from him.
“Well I love every bit of my treasures, from their gems to their dents,” you tell him. “After they’ve caught my eye with their beauty, the only thing they need to do to stay my treasures is let me care for every piece of them.” You brush your noses together again, staring at him pointedly. “Can you do that for me?”
There’s real conflict in Buggy’s eyes and you slow your hips to let him think. After a few long breaths, his whole body tenses and he nudges his nose back into yours in a hesitant eskimo kiss.
You turn your head and crash your lips on his in a consuming kiss full of teeth and tongue and praises. You’re bursting with your pride and love from his show of trust and he’s lost in the flood of your acceptance. Your hips are insistent again and, without breaking the kiss, you reach down and, at last, guide his cock into you.
Buggy cranes his head back again, so you switch to sucking and biting his neck. You can’t taste or feel enough of him, he’s not close enough. Even when he’s deep enough to lick at your cervix you need more of him. Even though he’s wedged you open enough for you to feel the pressure of it in your hips. Even though he’s crammed between your legs, ringing in your ears, sinking under your nails, sitting on your tongue, filling your breath - none of it is enough, so you keep taking more from him.
Though his hands have found their way onto your hips countless times, this grip felt foreign. Normally they’d hold firm and sure and guide you to move just how he needs you to. Right now, his grip is somehow tighter even though it’s all pawing and clawing. He has no control on how you fuck him, he’s just desperately trying to hold on for the ride and grasp more you - he’d do absolutely anything if it meant he’d get a single bit closer to you - to knowing nothing in this world other than every inch, every sound, every feeling that you have to offer. And then he’d beg for even more.
“Talk to me, treasure, tell me how you feel,” you urge. 
“I -mngh!- I-I feel-” Buggy gasps out. It’s clear he’s trying to listen to you but that pretty little head of his is scrambled. He keeps his foggy eyes on you in an attempt to focus, despite how much they want to roll back behind fluttering lids. He pants and moans a few more times before licking his lips and trying again. “-’s good, so good, s-so -uungh- s’gooooood -hahh-”
“That’s my good man, my perfect treasure, my sweet love,” you coo somewhere between a whisper and a moan. The way he’s stretching you open, rubbing at you with his hot cockhead is fraying your control. The freedom to call him “love” sends flutters through your chest. Buggy is just as desperate for the claim, each time he hears the word a keening whine answers it.
“Please, please, need you to cum,” he pants. “Can’t -hhah- c-can’t-”
“You can and you will.” The command leaves no room for argument.
You’re getting so close, feeling the promise of your release in the tingle of your fingers, the heat searing through your trembling thighs, and the tight gripping in your body all the way from your throat to your pussy. The feelings pulse stronger with each clap of your hips to Buggy, each time his thick cock shoves you open and lights up every buzzing nerve that it rubs through your walls.
“Fuck, love, you can cum.” He feels your lips form the words against his racing pulse. It’s hard to keep track of what you’re saying through the white out in your head and the heat licking through your entire body.  Your words rush out desperately, trying to get your scattered thoughts to him through a heavy tongue and a lack of air. “You’re so, so good, feel so good, gonna cum so fucking hard, love it so much, fuck, love how you make me feel so good-”
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you-” he gasps out on loop as his hips stutter and his cock jumps, filling you up. His pathetic thanks and the feeling of him releasing into you send you over the edge and everything burns so good. Your body involuntarily bucks and trembles on him for a few seconds where you have no say. You find yourself caving into him under the weight of your clenching muscles. Every clench of your cunt around him feels long and gripping and lets your swollen walls feel him with a little more detail. You make small, slow circles of your hips to wring out his climax, which seems never ending. Rush after rush of hot cum fills you until it’s spilling back into his lap, but his hands still encourage your movements and his body still shakes and trembles and he still babbles praises into your shoulder. Even when the aftershocks are settling to fewer and further between, he lets out a pathetic whine any time you stop moving in an attempt to give him some respite. After indulging him in another minute of overstimulation, you slowly lift off of him, receiving an upset groan. You hush him with trailing hands and sweet kisses, which he happily returns.
When his breathing is finally steady, you take a moment to check him over. His face is so relaxed he actually looks knocked out, but he does hum in response to your light squeeze on his shoulder. Buggy’s lashes have always been beautiful, but they look especially nice sending shadows across his cheek bones. His hair is a wild mess around him, and it feels silky between your fingers when you detangle it. His broad chest is still moving a bit fast with his breath, but each rise is a bit larger and longer. You admire the way his breathing moves the red spots and pink streaks decorating him, especially enjoying their contrast to his blue chest hair. His throat bobbing on a heavy swallow points your attention back upwards, and you admire the way his dark stubble makes his jaw even sharper. A little higher, you notice how red and swollen his lips are and how shining tear tracks dry across his face. You’d never seen him so fucked out. It looks gorgeous on him.
Since Buggy is calm and settling, it’s time to get up and clean you both up a bit. This time he communicates his displeasure at your absence with a petulant grunt. You turn back with a raised brow to sass him but break out in laughter instead when you see he couldn't even muster the energy to turn his head toward you. You don’t think this man has even opened his eyes since before he came.
“Don’t worry, love, I’m just getting a towel to clean up.”
A begrudging grunt.
Good enough.
After quickly taking care of yourself, you reappear with a warm, damp towel. The moment Buggy feels your weight back on the bed, he musters all of his remaining strength and pulls you on top of him. You giggle while he grumbles something into your shoulder.
“One more time, Bugs.”
He sighs like you are the most unreasonable person he has ever met, and you laugh at the deja vu you’re feeling. His lips move up to your ear and you hum happily at the tingles his breath leaves behind. “You took too long.”
You roll your eyes. “Sorry, your highness. Just trying to make sure we don’t wake up sticky in a puddle. Now come on, it’s your turn.”
On the third attempt to pull back, he finally lets you go (with yet another grumble) and you set to work on wiping him down. You begin with his face, enjoying the hum he lets out at the light warmth in the soft cloth, and move down to his neck. You spend a little bit of extra time on his shoulders and chest, massaging between swipes of the towel. He obnoxiously flings each arm at you when you are ready for them, just to hear you laugh another time. He enjoys the emptiness of his head while you move to his calves and work your way up. On his thighs and stomach, you sprinkle sweet kisses that leave his heart feeling gooey. He falls in love with you all over again when you blow a raspberry on his side to rouse him once he gets too close to dozing off.
He thinks he is all out of aftershocks until he is savoring the last few when you finish cleaning him up. You leave a loving kiss on the sensitive skin just inside his hip bone, before standing up, again to a groan. Buggy was always touchy after sex (and honestly touchy in general; you’re surprised he doesn’t demand you to hold a detached hand at all hours) but this is something else. It has you thinking of how much you crave his affirming touch whenever he is pushy or rough with you during sex. You’re both lucky that you find his pouting endlessly endearing. Grabbing the blankets that had fallen from the foot of the bed, you finally make your way back to him.
“Took you long enough.” Buggy’s words are bratty, but his tone is sweet and starstruck. He’s making sure to enjoy the last bit of seeing you clearly before you turn off the light.
“Fine - next time I’ll throw you a towel and go find a clean hammock for myself,” you tease. “That should be much quicker.” You plop onto the bed next to Buggy, jostling him, and you fluff the blankets out over the two of you.
“Noooooooooo,” he whines. “You’d leave me to fend for myself like that? I’d die.” Even with the dark, the way you two move to intertwine is coordinated and sure, played out many times before.
“I’m pretty sure there’s cryptid in your bloodline; you should do just fine with survival,” you laugh, snuggling deeper into him. As always, a deep inhale of him (saltwater, spices, leather, smoke, musk) has you immersed in your safe space. “Aren’t you the self-proclaimed untamable man, oh great Captain Buggy?”
“I’ve been domesticated-” you guffaw “-and it’s all your fault so you need to take some responsibility for your actions.”
You settle your laughter and look to meet his gaze. By now your eyes have adjusted just enough for you to see the moonlight from the porthole reflecting in his eyes. The unguarded affection you spot in them stalls your breath.
“Okay.” The word promises much more than he had asked. The meaning seems to reach him, because he holds you just that much closer and plants a lingering kiss to the top of your head. 
The brushing of the waves on the thick wooden sides of the ship guides your breath to deepen. The creaking of wooden boards and distant thunking of feet on the deck comfort you with their familiarity. Buggy is just barely hanging onto consciousness, trying to keep his fingers tracing nonsense patterns on your skin. The last things your mind holds onto are the warmth seeping from Buggy’s body, the gentleness of those calloused fingertips, and the sleepy slur of his tender mumble.
“Goodnight, my brightest star.”
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kiwixlime · 17 days
Quiet and Confident
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X is for Xennial 
You really love this old man.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader Notes: I haven’t died! I have just been through so much since I last updated anything and as much as I told myself I could do things, I just wasn’t in the right headspace. In these two years, I’ve fallen in and out of love, dealt with natural disasters, ups and lows of my emotions, and a boring list of other things. But I’ve been going down the rabbit hole lately, replaying my games, and I’ve been missing my boys so badly. And for the first time in forever, I have the inspiration to pick up where I left off. Who knows how long this will last. But right now, it feels right. I feel happy and ready to move on. So I present this. I felt it was the easiest way to ease back into writing. A simple and short one shot that of course includes our favorite dilf.  Warnings because we need those: Just some fluff and some suggestive conversation. Age gap, obviously. I love old man Joel. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything interesting so I’m not ready to dive right back into the smut yet haha. Soon, though! Soon. Anyway, this is short and sweet because it’s been a roadblock in my drafts and I have better things planned and I just want to get this out of the way. Definitely not my best work, but I promise better things are ahead. 
“Ha, Xennial.” 
“Somethin’ funny to you?” 
“Nope, nothing.” 
“You’re askin’ for it.” 
“Asking for what, grandpa?” 
Joel groans and mutters something to himself. You can’t help but laugh, sitting up in your bed, bringing your arms out in front of you to stretch yourself awake. The sun barely seeps through the curtains of your bedroom, but there’s enough of a glow for you to take in the markings that embellish your wrists. You smile, tucking your hands into your lap. 
“We should be more careful,” you express, catching his attention again. 
Curious, he enters your room, closing the bathroom door behind him. His sculpted figure makes its way to the edge of your bed. You stare in awe as he stands tall over you. He's old, but he's Godly. So fucking Godly. With a concerned pout, he holds his hands out, urging you to show him your wounds. 
When you comply, revealing the reddening marks and deepening bruises, he frowns. In the moment, he loves being rough with you. There's nothing better than listening to you beg and plead and whimper like a desperate little bitch. But once the lust wears out, he feels a little bad for treating you so...dirty. 
“Sorry, princess,” he hums and brings your wrists to his lips. His warm breath hits your skin, sending goosebumps up your arms and warmth throughout your belly. “Grandpa just can’t help himself.” 
“Oh, ew,” you whine, yanking yourself away from him. You fall back onto the bed, pulling the sheet up with you to cover your grossed-out face. You started it, but ew. “You ruined it.” 
“Hey,” he chuckles, lowering himself onto the mattress with you. “You started it. Callin’ me old 'n' shit.” 
“I’m sorry!” You giggle, exposing your face to him as he slowly pulls the white cotton fabric off your body. He's barely listening as he takes in the sight of you, gorgeous and innocent, just for him. “I just can’t get over it. Xennial.” 
“Why is that so fuckin’ funny to you?” He asks with a smile, his focus back on your face, finding you absolutely adorable with your cheeky smile and glistening eyes. 
Last night, before heading home, you guys were out with your sister and his brother and a few others, just shooting the shit and having a drink. Tommy referred to Joel as an Xennial and for some reason, you just lost it. It was the funniest thing you'd heard. 
“It’s just another way of calling you old,” you say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. “I like it.” 
“Yeah, well,” he huffs, feigning annoyance. “You weren’t thinkin’ I was too old for you last night, tied to the bed and beggin' to be--.” 
You grunt, slapping his arm. He’s not wrong. And he knows you’re joking. You like the fact that Joel is so much older than you. It’s not some weird kink thing, even though it seems that way and you happily play along to the roles. But there’s maturity in him, wisdom, and he doesn’t play games with your emotions. He’s straightforward and too old for bullshit. He lets you know what he wants and you love that you don’t have to guess. 
Plus, you feel comfortable with him. He’s strong and tough and sometimes a little scary, but he makes you feel safe. More than that, he teaches you how to hold your own; he teaches you how to protect yourself. You appreciate that. He’s delicate with your feelings and serious about your well-being. 
“Speaking of,” you say, the tone change in your voice is not lost on the older man. “You’re getting careless in public, you have to be careful or my sister will find out.” 
Thickness fills the air around you, leaving Joel with an uneasy feeling in his gut. You can feel the tension raying off of him and practically suffocating you. "Right," he says. 
Recalling the night prior, you can’t count the number of times Joel almost slipped up in front of everyone. It was either an intimate look that lasted a few seconds too long, a touch that was borderline indecent, or just his overall demeanor showing that he was way too close to you. Luckily, no one noticed as they were either occupied or intoxicated, but one of these days you won’t be so lucky. And your sister will lose her shit. 
“Is it the age thing?” He asks with a frown, his spirit darkening a bit. In all seriousness, his age is a bit of a sore subject between you two. He made sure a thousand and one times that you were okay with the large gap that existed between you two, and you were - you are. But sometimes it still gets to him. 
The last thing he wants is for someone, your sister especially, to think he has ill intentions towards you. And he doesn’t want people thinking badly of you, either. Even at the end of the world, the town loves their gossip. 
You’re young, but you’re not naive, you’re not stupid or careless, you know what you’re getting yourself into.  
“That and you know…” You trail off when you notice he’s lost in thought. 
“What?” He asks, dumbly, and you laugh. You stare at him, waiting for his brain to catch up, and when it finally clicks he lets out a small “oh.” 
“She wanted you first,” you finish, watching his face fall. He looks uncomfortable, squirming a bit under your gaze. It’s not something he likes remembering, mostly because it brings his tired brain back to the age thing again and leaves him with a sour feeling in his stomach. He’s not a creep. He’s not. Right? 
“And I wanted you,” he says softly, shyly almost. He doesn’t have to say much for you to know what’s going on in his gorgeous head. It’s painfully obvious. 
“And I wanted you,” you reply. “I know there’s something, deep down in your gut, telling you that this is bad, but I’m telling you to ignore it. I’m an adult, Joel. I’ve been an adult for years.” 
“I know that,” he sighs. “It’s just--” 
“It’s nothing,” you say firmly. “Look around, love. Look at the world we’re living in. If we find love, if we find comfort, who are we to deny it?” 
“I like what you’re sayin’,” he admits with a handsome grin, his hand finding yours, counting your fingers as he presses soft kisses to each one. He brings your palm to his cheek, resting against it and looking at you with such adoration. “You have me wrapped around your finger, you know that?” 
You hum, eyes fluttering closed, loving what he’s saying and how he says it. His naked body relaxes against yours as he climbs on top of you. Warm lips find your neck, sending your sensitive body and mind into a spell. You could stay here forever, getting lost within him, making yourself at home in his embrace. God, your sister would be so disappointed for so many reasons. 
“Everyone always says I’m just the younger version of her,” you whisper, killing the mood as Joel’s lips falter against your skin. He pulls away, brows furrowed in confusion and a little disappointment. “Sorry,” you squeak. 
“Somethin’ on your mind?” He asks with concern. 
Sighing, you sit up, Joel grumbling in disappointment as he sits up with you. “I don’t question whether or not I want to be with you,” you tell him with certainty. “But she is the one person who scares me with this. She already thinks I’ve become a different person since coming to Jackson. And I keep going over last night. One of these days, we’re going to slip. And she’s going to kill you. I’ve always been told I’m just the mini version of her. So if she finds out, she’s going to think the worst of you. She’s going to think you’re the worst kind of pervert.” 
The rambling is doing your head in, but you can’t stop. Your inside thoughts are out there now and you can’t get them back on their leash. It’s been a while since you’ve panicked like this and you really don’t care for it. 
“Because I didn’t want her?” He scoffs, standing from the bed and grabbing his clothes from the floor. He slips his boxers on and then his jeans, feeling awkward being exposed during this kind of conversation. “You’re not a mini version of her,” he insists, sitting back beside you. “You look alike, sure, but that’s where the similarities end, darlin’. I promise.” 
It’s nice to hear, and it’s something you want to believe. But his words can’t erase years of everyone you know telling you how alike you and Lexie are. Maybe that’s why you’ve changed so much. It wasn’t the world ending, it was the newfound freedom. Here, you aren’t Lexie’s little sister. Here, you are your own being. And no one knows otherwise. 
“Listen,” Joel starts before your mind can spiral again. He grabs your hand, holding it tightly to keep you grounded. “Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I just don’t know Lexie well enough. But your sister, to me, seems like the type who is always tryin’ to impress everyone. I get the feelin’ she has the need to be liked; to fit herself into whatever shape someone asks of her.” 
Part of you wants to jump into your sister’s defense and tell Joel she's not like that. But you can’t seem to find your voice. And you’re not sure if you’d be lying or telling the truth. 
“But you aren’t like that at all. You don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, and you don’t cater to 'em. You don’t make yourself smaller to make everyone else feel more important. You’re quiet and confident. And I love that about you,” he finishes and you can hardly contain yourself. 
As the words leave his lips, you pounce on him, rolling him onto his back while you crawl on top of him. He lets out a little grunt and winces, grabbing onto your hips tighter than you were anticipating. 
“Oops,” you laugh. “Did I hurt your old back?” 
“Keep talkin’, sweetheart,” he says, gruffly. “I’ll show you how fuckin’ old I am.” 
You roll your eyes. “That doesn’t make any sense.” 
Joel grits his teeth before asking, “When does your sister get home?” 
You shrug. “Not for a couple hours, why?” 
He laughs and pushes himself up, quickly flipping your positions. He reaches for the binds tied to your headboard and grins down at you, fire in his eyes. “I just think you need a reminder,” he says. “of what happens when you talk back to me.” 
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subskz · 9 months
Imagine Minho being a brat. You're leaving kisses on his chest, while fingering him and (even though he enjoys your sweet kisses) he keeps demanding more, keeps commanding you, keeps complaining that you're not doing a good job. "Fuck- not like that- faster, go faster". And you, being a pretty patient person, decide to indulge him. But Minho keeps up his act. "I said- shit- i said faster- nngh- are you doing a bad job on purpose?" You know he doesn't mean these words, he's just teasing and you're too focused on kissing him to respond anyway, BUT! Your silence is just making him want to keep up his attitude.
"A-are you serious? You know what, just stop. Do something useful and bring me a dildo so that i can get the job done myself."
You knew damn well what he's trying to do. He's saying those things, wanting to rile you up, so that you fuck him harder and show him that he's wrong. Well, you're going to do the exact opposite. You stop your movements and look at him. "Does it really not feel good?" you ask, looking at him with a serious expression on your face. Minho didn't expect that reaction, he expected you to get mad and talk back, so he stayed silent for a moment. Then you started getting up from the bed.
"What- where are you going??" You had to keep yourself from smiling at his panicked voice.
"Umm...to get you a dildo? Like you asked me to?" The look on his face after that was priceless. You wish you knew what's going on in his head right now.
"N-no- i was just- i didn't-" he couldn't believe his plan backfired like that and now, in order to get you to touch him again, to make him feel the way that no other person or toy ever could, he has to swallow his pride and apologize. Watching him avoiding looking at you, struggling to find the right words and the way he's rubbing his thighs together, those pretty thighs shaking, begging for your touch...
English is not my first language, so excuse me if i made any mistakes🫢
no worries at all your english is perfect! 😭 and so is this ask hehe you wrote it so wonderfully~
i absolutely love the idea of besting minho by not falling for his bratty behavior like he wants you to. instead you can break him without even having to lift a finger, treating him softly no matter how much he mouths off until he realizes that all his lil mindgames won’t work on you. it’s honestly cute that he’s too shy to ask you to fuck him harder so he has to resort to provoking you like that, but only way for him to really get what he wants is to spit it out like a good boy 🥰 it makes it a million times more humiliating for him that you don’t even have to be rough to mess up his act and get him begging for you
kissing all over his chest and pretty collarbones while he secretly basks in all your attention <3 i firmly believe lino is weak for having his chest played with so feeling your warm lips press against his pecs and brush over his nipples would heighten the pleasure of you fingering him even more. he hates how it gets harder and harder for him to focus when every pump of your fingers feels so intensely good, like a jolt of electricity passing through his entire body that he can’t get enough of
“are you doing a bad job on purpose?” god u nailed his insufferable antics 😭 he thinks he’s sooo clever trying to cover up how badly he wants more by pretending it doesn’t feel good. poor kitty doesn’t know how to handle it when you see right through his challenge and suddenly he has nothing smart to say anymore~
his thick gorgeous thighs rubbing together so obviously and his pouty face watching you so helplessly would be such a perfect sight. you know you’ve got him right where you want him when he starts squirming around in the sheets, mumbling and stuttering bc he’s so caught off guard. the way “sorry” and “please” sound on his tongue when he finally musters up the courage to murmur them would be so sweet…you can’t help but make him repeat it over n over again before taking pity on him as payback for him being such a fussy brat who can’t use his words properly <3
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charliedaltonsentpgf · 4 months
my boyfriend charlie dalton headcanons ☀︎︎
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very passionate writer- not just poetry, but letters, mini stories, etc
writes said love letters to you often
he’ll spray them with his cologne
there was only once he forgot an anniversary, and he spent the next week making it up to you
flowers every day, chocolates on your doorstep every night
likes to bring you to dead poets meetings- sometimes he’ll let you take his part in reading, just so he can hear you speak passionately
likes to draw on you, whether it be with actual pen or just his fingers
you’ll leave with either mini hearts or something very inappropriate
escapes with you to the theatre quite often
he once snuck you backstage to meet a cast you were crazy about
“this is y/n, and i know you guys are a big deal but so are they-“ “charlie!”
another time was just so he could get you alone for more than 15 minutes, doing what, he’ll never tell.
he’s very funny but you’re never the bud of his jokes
actually very cleanly and takes great care of himself
however he doesn’t want anyone to know his elaborate skincare routine
has a very hard time opening up, but once he does, it’s like it’s the easiest thing in the world for him
will do anything to see a smile from you
once jumped into a frozen over lake just to get you to laugh after a long day
he crawled out shivering, cut up a bit from clashing with the thin ice
“why the hell would you do that?!” you say between laughs
looking with a sense of longing you’d had yet to see from him, he said “you could cure the world with that laugh”
you’ve never seen him nervous- that’s not something he does
however, on the rare occasion you sense the tiniest bit of antsy-ness, you’ll grab his arm, ever so gently, and not let go
has never been rough with you in anyway, shape, or form, unless you ask for it, of course.
interlocks fingers when holding hands
has the most meaningful look to him, he doesn’t half ass anything he looks at, especially you
denied how he felt about you for a very long time
the king of avoidance on his feelings, until he met you, that is
the first time he kissed you was when he confessed he liked you
outside of the first annual ball welton academy ever hosted, you followed him outside in a rush of anger after he rejected your plea to join the dead poets for the billionth time.
“i don’t understand why you treat me like this- let me join the dead poets. you know i’m good writer and an even better poet. how much longer is it going to take for you to realize i’ve already won? and that everyone is against you on your denial to let me in? are you afraid of my talent? my wit? what? my seemingly flawless ways i’ve won everyone over except you?”
“i’m afraid of how i feel about you. i’m afraid of the dread, the longing, the space, everything. the continuous push and shove i feel inside every time i find myself enjoying your company for a little too long. I’m afraid of you. you’re my dread and desire in one goddamn place and it kills off every wall i’ve ever put up in my life”
the shock on your face was all it took. he closed the distance and within seconds, you found yourself feeling as weightless as a man on the moon.
he’s the most dedicated person you’ve ever known- surprisingly to even his studies
he hates on cameron the most, but that’s mainly because of his unrequited crush he had on him as kids
you tease him for it all the time,
“i wasn’t the one who was in love with cameron-“ “but you’re in love with me now, so who’s really losing?”
really an incredible romantic
couldn’t plan a bad date even if he tried
a very good kisser,
incorporates everything into a kiss, it’s a full out affair to him
a world class champion at rolling his eyes
very avid in helping you study
he likes to host actual study sessions for just the both of you
but when the others are invited, he always gets it done no matter what
very serious board game player,
tries to get everyone to take up a game with him but they all know how that’ll end
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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I'm just so tired
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Word Count: 3342
Relationship: Scarlett x Reader
Summary: Y/n is struggling with a demanding job whilst Scarlett is away filming, with no idea the toll it's taking on her girlfriend.
Y/N’s POV:
It’s 9pm and I’m finally driving home from work. I really hate my job. After I left college, I got what I thought was my dream job working at a global marketing firm. But boy was I wrong. The management team treated their staff like shit and the pay was crap. When I first started working there, I had to get a second job at a café just to be able to pay rent.
Thankfully, my second job brought me the one greatest happiness in my life, and that’s my girlfriend, Scarlett Johansson. Yep, you heard me right, me a small town girl working two jobs, is dating THE Black Widow. She would come into the shop 3 times a week on her way to set and would always take the time to chat. Over time our chats became more flirty before she finally asked me out on a date.
That was just over a year ago. I’ve had a promotion at work, so I was able to quit my job at the café, which in turned allowed me to have more time with Scarlett. That was until my stupid boss started to hammer me with more work than anyone else, setting ridiculous deadlines. Unfortunately finish at 9pm was not a rarity.
I feel so run down and lost. I thought I had everything planned out, but I any enthusiasm I had for doing this job, for being in this marketing world was gone. I could feel the tears starting to roll down my cheeks as I drove home. All I wanted to do was get home and cuddle my girlfriend. But I can’t. She’s been in Atlanta filming for the last month.
We’ve spoken as often as we can, but as filming has picked up it’s become hard to talk. I dropped her a text before I left work to see if she was free for a call this evening, but I didn’t expect a response. So here I am trudging up to my apartment ready to collapse on my bed.
Just as I open my door, my phone starts to ring, and the name causes me to smile for the first time today.
Y/N: Hey Babe, how are you?
Scarlett: Hey gorgeous, I’m doing better now I’m talking to you. How was your day?
Y/N: It was busy, I’m just getting back to my apartment now.
Scarlett: Babe, it’s like nine thirty. Why are you so late?
Y/N: Oh, it was just a busy day and I’ve got a deadline tomorrow so needed to get it done. Anyway, how is filming going?
Scarlett: Filming’s fine. You sound tired. Are you sure you’re ok?
I paused for a moment, trying so hard to stop my tears from falling. I hadn’t told Scarlett how bad work was. She had so much going on that I didn’t want to bother her with it.
Scarlett: Babe? I want to see your face; I’m switching to face time.
Y/N: No, I’m fine. It’s just been a rough couple of weeks. I’m fine….
Facetime request
I reluctantly accept knowing that either way she’s going to know something is wrong.
Y/N: Ah man, did you have to tease me being in costume?
I try to lighten the mood and move the conversation on but it’s not working.
Scarlett: Have you been crying? Babe, please tell me what’s wrong.
Y/N: I’m just tired. Like I said, work has been busy, you know what my emotions are like when I’m tired.
Scarlett: Y/N, don’t lie to me. In the year I’ve known you, I think I’ve only seen you cry twice. Just because I’m not with you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be there for you. Now please, tell me what’s wrong.
Her face contorts into a worried frown and it causes me to cry but I’m able to prevent a full-on crying session from ensuing. 
Y/N: I’m just so tired. I don’t know how much longer I can push myself. I’m not getting anywhere at work. I’m getting more work but no benefits. I just feel like my whole life is revolving around work, there’s no time for anything else.
Scarlett’s face turns soft, and I can see her own eyes are glossing over.
Scarlett: Oh baby, I’m so sorry. Hopefully this will all pass, and they’ll see what an amazing worker you are. You are so great at your job, it will all come together.
I just nodded as I compose myself. I want to move on from this subject. I don’t want to worry her anymore.
Y/N: I know. I’m just being silly. It’s almost the weekend and I can take a break. Anyway, we barely talk at the moment, so I don’t want the time we do have together to be taken up by me being an emotion mess. How is filming going?
Scarlett rolls her eyes and lets out a little chuckle.
Scarlett: It’s going really well. We’ve almost finished the night shoots which will mean that I’ll be able to call you more. I miss talking to you every day.
Y/N: That’s great. I’m glad it’s going well. I miss you so much. We’re over halfway, not long to go now.
I smile, trying to keep my eyes open.
Scarlett: Babe, go to bed. You’re tired.
Y/N: Noooo, I’m awake, I’ve not spoken with you in 3 days!
Scarlett: I promise I’ll call you tomorrow. But you need sleep.
Y/N: Urgh, fine! But you’re bring that suit home.
I huff but giving her a cheeky grin and eyebrow wiggle.
Scarlett: If it’ll make you go to bed, deal! Now off to sleep!
Y/N: I’m going to hold you to that! Ok, I’m off. I miss you and I love you!
Scarlett: I love you more. Speak tomorrow.
I close off the call before grabbing a quick protein bar. These work hours are really playing havoc with my eating habits! Walking into my room, I barely have the energy to change. I leave my clothes in a pile on my floor before collapsing into my bed.
*beep, beep*
Urgh, I’m woken up at 5:30 by my obnoxious alarm. One more day and then it’s the weekend and I can spend it sleeping in. I jump in the shower and then make myself a proper breakfast, so I know I’ll be getting at least one decent meal today. 
I feel like I’m just coasting through the motions as I get ready and head off to the office. My heart sinks as I see the new paperwork sat on my desk for the admin of the latest marketing campaigns. I guess it’s another late finish for me today!
Scarlett’s POV:
It’s times like this I hate being so far away from Y/N. I just wanted to reach through the phone and give her a hug. I know she’s hiding how bad she’s really feeling. I’ve barely seen her cry and it breaks my heart that I’m not there for her when she is clearly struggling.
Whilst still deep in thought about my girlfriend, I’m called back to set to finish up the scenes for tonight. As I’m walking back over Joe pulls me aside. “Hey Scarlett, we’ve had to change up the schedule to fit in a couple of reshoots on the stunts. That means after tonight we won’t need you for a few days. You’ll be due back on set on Wednesday next week.” I feel relief wash over me.
I can’t wait to have a long weekend off. “Am I needed for anything else or am I completely free until Wednesday?” I ask, starting to get an idea. “Yep, get some rest and enjoy your time off!” He responds rushing off to his next location.
I work as hard as I can to get the final scenes completed and they go really well, and we get them done pretty quickly. I decide that I’m going to fly back to New York and surprise Y/N. As soon as I’m in my trailer I’m on my laptop searching for available flights. I book one which will get me in with enough time to set up a surprise.
I finally arrive at Y/N’s apartment a little before 4. I let myself in and get to work with preparing her surprise. The best thing about Y/N’s apartment is the roof access she has. Every Friday night she comes up here with a glass of wine and chills. The views are pretty cool and whenever I’m home, I join her.
Knowing how stressed and tired she’s been, I decide on setting up a movie night. I arrange a big projector which I have help setting up from my brother. I then arrange a makeshift bed with loads of comfy pillows and of course, get Y/N’s favourite snacks.
By the time I’ve finished it’s 6 and Y/N should be home any minute now. I plan to hide up on the roof and wait for her to join me. Time goes by and it’s now just after 9 and Y/N still isn’t here. I decide to drop her a text and pretend that I’ve got some time between filming.
Scarlett: Hey Babe, I’ve got an hour break if you’re free to call? Are you home?
Y/N: I’m just leaving work. I’ll call you when I’m home. Give me 30 minutes.
She’s working late again. I thought her deadline had already passed. I start to wonder how bad work really has been for her recently. We’ve always been honest with each other, but I feel like she’s been hiding this from me. I just wish I knew why.
From the roof I hear Y/N’s car pull up and I get ready for when she comes up to the roof. For some reason I’m getting nervous, I can’t wait to see my beautiful girlfriend again. About 5 minutes later, sure enough I hear the handle of the roof turn and I stand up facing the door.
I watch as Y/N walks through the door, wine glass in hand, in a pair of black shorts and one of my hoodies. I smile at how cute she looks, but it doesn’t go unnoticed how tired she looks too. She has bags under her eyes and her whole body seems deflated. My poor baby.
As she turns the corner her eye’s light up as she sees what I’ve set up. “Oh my God.” She whispers, before noticing me stood in the middle. Without saying anything further she runs and jumps up into my arms. I hold her tight. “Hey Baby. I’ve missed you.” I say into her hair.
I place her on the floor, and she looks at me directly in the eyes, I can see that she is holding back her tears. Her eyes flick down to my lips, so I pulled her close, putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear, before connecting our lips in a soft kiss full of love. I can feel that her tears are falling now, so I hold her tight letting her know I’m there.
After a minute or so, she pulls back, still clasping my hands. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “Our schedule was changed last minute so I’ve got 5 days off. After speaking with you yesterday, I knew I had to come back to you.” She smiles at me as I talk. Her eyes searching my face like she’s taking in every detail.
I lead her towards the makeshift bed, and we lie down together. She snuggles into me, her head on my chest and an arm over my stomach, slowly tracing random patterns just under my shirt. “Babe, please tell me what’s going on. Please tell me the truth.” I ask calmly, hoping she’ll share.
I look down to her as she takes a deep breath before she sits up. I turn to face her and take both of her hands in mine. “I hate work.” She blurted out. I furrow my eyebrows at her but allow her to carry on. “I work my ass off and it gets me nowhere. Each day I go in and there is more shit they want me to do in short timelines. I try and explain, and they just tell me I’m lucky I work there and that there are hundreds of other people that would do anything to be where I am.” She looks at her lap as she’s talking as if she is ashamed.
“I try so hard to prove myself above everyone else, but it gets harder every day. I’m exhausted and I just have no motivation for anything anymore. I just feel like the dream I had has turned into a nightmare.” Her voice breaks as does my heart. I can’t believe my baby has been feeling like this and I didn’t know.
“How long has this been going on?” I ask. She hesitates. “I mean it’s always been tough but these last 4 months have been unbearable.” There’s a silence as I take in that she has been feeling this broken for 4 months I hadn’t even noticed. What kind of girlfriend can’t see the person they love is hurting?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask holding back my own tears. “I didn’t want to worry you. You work so hard and do so many great things. I felt stupid for breaking down over this.” Her words are like daggers to my heart. I feel such guilt for not providing her with an environment where she can share these feelings with me. I pull her onto my lap and hug her so tightly. “Listen to me. You are not stupid. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. But I want to know when you’re feeling like this. I’m your girlfriend, I’m meant to be able to help you. It breaks me to think you’ve been going through this on your own.”
I can no longer stop my own tears as I cling to her for dear life, like I’m going to lose her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just didn’t know what to do.” Y/N says into my chest. I pull her face into my hands so she’s looking at me. “No, you do not need to apologise. Just know that I am here for you, even when I’m miles away. I want to know how you’re feeling. Both the good and the bad. Ok?” She nods and I place a gentle kiss on her lips.
“I don’t know how I’m going to solve this.” She said, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. “Quit your job.” I said without hesitation. “What? I can’t do that I need to pay rent, buy food!” She argues. “Firstly, you clearly haven’t been spending money on food, don’t think I haven’t noticed how thin you’re getting.” I lightly scold. I know she’s not doing it on purpose, she’s probably been too tired to eat working so late.
“Secondly, move in with me.” I ask almost at a whisper. She lifts her head and looks at me with confusion. “What?” she questioned. “I said move in with me. We’ve been together for a year. It’s about time.” She still looks confused as she rubs her hand against her forehead.
“Scar, you don’t have to ask me to move in out of pity.” She spoke cautiously. “Hey! No no, that’s not what this is. I had planned to ask you when I got back from Atlanta. You’re it for me. I don’t want to wait any longer, I want you to move in with me.” I say with conviction to show I mean it.
Her eyes fill with tears again, as she slowly nods her head. “Ok, I’ll move in with you. I’d love that.” She pulls me into a big hug and whispers “I love you.” I don’t want to ever let her go. “But I can’t quit my job.” I’m shocked by her response. “But babe, it’s not good for you.” She shakes her head. “I don’t want to be reliant on you. I want to be able to contribute to bills and treat you to fancy dates and surprise gifts.” She explains.
“You don’t need to do that. I want to take care of you. You don’t need to buy my love.” I pause thinking for a moment at how we can work this out. “How about, you quit your job on Monday. You can fly to Atlanta with me and then when I’m done filming, we’ll take a month to go travelling for a bit. Then when we’re back, you can look to get a job that you actually want. One that isn’t going to drive you into the ground.”
I can see her thinking for a while before responding. “Ok, I like the sound of that.” She says. I squeal in excitement and tackle her in a hug, resulting in us being a tangled mess on the bed. “We’re moving in together!” I exclaim. “God, I love you.” Once again I pull Y/N towards me into a passionate kiss. She giggles against my lips as I roll her over. “I love you too. Thank you for all of this. Shall we watch a movie?” She asks, looking at me with her love eyes. I nod and start the first movie. We snuggle up on the bed and spend the night watching movies.
We didn’t wake up until 12 the following morning. I woke up before Y/N and just watched her sleep, grateful she was finally getting rest. Once she wakes up, we lie in comfortable silence for a while before she slings a leg over me straddling me. “I’ve missed waking up to you.” She says, placing feather like kisses over my face causing me to giggle.
We hold eye contact for a while whilst she rubs her thumb over my cheek. “I can’t wait to move in with you if all my mornings start with you straddling me.” I tease, giving her hips a squeeze. Y/N leans down kissing up my neck then along my jaw before meeting my lips. “I’ll wake you up this way every morning if that’s what you want.” She whispers before smashing out lips together into a deep kiss. She gives both my top and bottom lips equal attention before swiping her tongue across my bottom lip asking for permission, which I instantly give.
Her tongue invades my mouth deepening the kiss with every move. I let out a small moan which results in Y/N pulling back and smiling at me. I hook my leg around her waist and flip us so I’m on top. I leant down and whispered seductively into her ear. “I brough home the suit.” Her eyes widen and a big grin appears on her face. “Well, what are you waiting for?” She responds. I jump off the bed to be greeted with a slap to my ass. I squeal and run to get dressed.
This was what I had always wanted in life. Someone who I adored and who adored me. I couldn’t wait to spend the next few months with Y/N and then the rest of our life together.
Y/N’s POV:
It was three months after Scarlett surprised me on the roof and asked me to move in with her. Whilst travelling she had proposed to me on a beach in Bora Bora. I of course had said yes. Once we got home, I started looking for jobs and I’m now working for a local company. It’s small but I love it. I’m actually paid more than I was, and I have much more responsibility. But the best thing is I’m happy. I’ve got a great work/life balance. I enjoy going to work and then I get to come home, at 5 every day, to my beautiful fiancé who I cannot wait to marry. My life feels like a dream and I hope that I never wake up.
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cool-cowboy · 9 months
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A continuation of my work Stress Reliever, in which you do something maybe a little stupid, which pisses off your easily annoyed partner, who then releases the stress you caused by saying mean things, along with doing you on the floor of the catacombs you fled into following your daring plan. He's mean, but it's all an act, a way to let out some long pent-up aggression, and you thoroughly enjoy it, anyways. It isn't necessary to read the first part, it's got enough context to catch you up if necessary. Anyways, enjoy!
Dominant Leon S. Kennedy, Hate sex, angry sex, rough body play, rough sex, dirty talk, floor sex, wall sex, name calling, praise kink, overstimulation, face-fucking, crying, held down, creampie
“I got us out, okay? Now get the fuck-!”
“You almost got yourself killed! What, that tired of me you’re gonna kill yourself?”
“Didn’t look like you had a plan! Quit acting like you give a shit, you would’ve been fine either way!”
“You think I don’t give a shit?! Fine, I’ll stop saving your ass then, fuckin’ bitch!... Keep tellin’ myself you’re good for more than a fuck, but you keep proving me wrong every goddamn time.”
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“Hey, get your ass back here!” I’m being petty, but he deserves it, thought it’d be a good idea to scream in my face over something mostly insignificant, a plan gone haywire, something we’re both well acquainted with, only this was a much closer call than usual. “Quit fuckin’ walking away from me!” He's yelling, hand gripping tight to my arm, wrestling my knife away from me and shoving me against a dirty wall, forearm pressing a little too harshly on my throat, my most evil glare returned by my not so happy partner.
“I got us out, okay? Now get the fuck-!”
“You almost got yourself killed! What, that tired of me you’re gonna kill yourself?” He cocks his head at me, pissed, his body pressed tight to mine, my hands held above my head by rough fingers, not giving me any opportunity to squirm my way out of his hold.
“Didn’t look like you had a plan! Quit acting like you give a shit, you would’ve been fine either way!” We’ve been fighting a lot the past few weeks, being more violent with each other than usual, the mission we’re currently on entirely too drawn out, an almost impossible task leaving us tense and at each other’s throats, for him literally. He narrows his eyes, and he would be terrifying if I hadn’t known him so damn long, if I wasn’t used to the way he treats me by now.
“You think I don’t give a shit?! Fine, I’ll stop saving your ass then, fuckin’ bitch!” I scoff, and he doesn’t like it, letting out a displeased noise and pressing his arm harder against my throat when I try to get away, make myself less vulnerable to him, put some space between us so this doesn’t escalate any further. “Keep tellin’ myself you’re good for more than a fuck, but you keep proving me wrong every goddamn time.” That one hurt, and he knows it, was trying to hurt my feelings, not that it’s true, even if our relationship is complicated, we’re the only people we’ve got, stuck with each other until we really do end up dead.
“Well at least I’m good for that, can’t say the same about you.” He doesn’t give me the satisfaction of surprise, instead his lips pull up into what would be a menacing smile, if his dramatics really did have an effect on me. He brings his face closer, huffing a bemused laugh when I turn my head to the side, refusing him the eye contact he likes so much, his lips instead moving to rasp low, rough words against my ear, his fingers squeezing tight around my wrists.
“Yeah? Sure, we both know you’re a dirty slut for it, love my dick so much you’d probably let me fuck you right now…” I squirm, trying and failing to escape him, knowing he won’t do anything I truly don’t want, but not wanting to succumb to his trick, give him the satisfaction of giving in. “I know you too damn well, you can’t hide shit from me, you fuckin’ love it when I get like this, squeeze me so tight when I fuck you rough.” He pulls back, letting his arm against my throat drift so he can grip my jaw, forcing my face toward him, my eyes cast down, ignoring what we both know is the truth. “What? Can’t look at me now that your slutty little secret’s in the open? Why don’t you let me calm the both of us down, let me fuck you so good we’ll both forget how fuckin’ stupid you are.” He’s pressing his knee between my thighs, pushing against the crotch of my pants, a little smirk on his face when my eyes pull up, still mad, but willing to put that to the side, at least for now.
“I’m not stupid, get off-!” He’s holding on too tight, hurting my jaw and my wrists, my cheeks squished under his fingers, my struggling not at all aiding me in my escape, his low laugh earning him a glare, but he doesn’t mind, returns it, pressing his lips to mine, a little too harsh, groaning when I kiss him back, never the one to deny myself pleasure, and neither is he, god knows neither of us get nearly enough.
“That’s what I thought… I’ll give you what you need… If I don’t wring your pretty neck first…” He’s kissing down over my neck, nipping and sucking hard enough to know it hurts, his hands holding me almost perfectly still, his grip painful, bruising and hot on my skin. “Why can’t you just… Be a good girl and listen… Always doing some stupid shit…” He cares a little too much, never expresses it, too scared to lose someone else, lay his feelings out just to get his heart torn to shreds, his anger stemming from fear, a helpless sadness he's never been very good at handling. He releases my jaw, the pain still there where his fingers were pressed to my skin, his freed up hand running down to knead at my breast through my shirt, his thigh moving against the crotch of my pants making me gasp, his smile pressed to the base of my throat. He’s so big, looming over me and pressing into me, making me shaky and all too willing to let him use me however he pleases, embarrassing as that is.
“Shut the fuck up, don’t wanna hear any excuses, shut your big mouth or I’ll shove my dick so far down your throat you’ll lose your damn voice.” That was creative, I have to give him credit, even if he is being horribly dramatic, not even letting me speak, though I guess he expects me to egg him on, which is fair, because I probably would have if he gave me the chance. He’s being rough, shoving his thigh up into me a little too hard, teeth pulling at the skin of my throat, his hand shoving its way up my shirt to toy with a nipple, pinching and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, his dry laugh coming in response to my back arching to try and escape the rough treatment. “Don’t try ‘n run away… You love this shit, probably soaking your slutty fuckin’ panties over it, yeah?” It's easier, pretending to hate each other, keeping a safe distance from the truth, both of us all too aware whatever sick "Stress Relief" bull is going on between us is just an excuse to be close in a way we probably shouldn't. I turn my head away, avoiding his accusing eyes peering up at me, his hand pressing mine harder into the wall before releasing them, expecting me to keep them overhead, which I do, not wanting to incur more of his wrath than I already have. “There you go, now if you’d just sit this pretty and listen all the time I’d have no reason to get so rough…” His hand trails down, working my pants while the other plays with my nipple, hurting me, only a little, his lips softer on my skin, offering a sweet contrast he knows I’m a fan of.
“Le- Here?” I’m not supposed to speak, but this isn’t exactly a great location, some dusty, dirt-floored catacombs under the city we’re meant to be ridding of B.O.W’s. He pulls back, tilting his head to get a look at my face, my head turned away from him, eyes meeting his from the side, his look a little amused, still pissed, the tension of my near mishap keeping his body tight, all his worry for me, mine for him, protection all we're really able to offer each other in the way of affection, other than sex, which is never very loving, always under the guise of hate, annoyance, some made up shit that's lost its validity over time.
“You’re tellin’ me you don’t want it? Yeah right, that look you’re givin’ me is sure making it seem like you do, your slutty ass would do it anywhere, never pass up the chance to get some dick.” He grips my jaw, making me look at him, my head tilted up, his quick breaths puffing hot air into my face, all movement pausing for a few seconds as he looks at me, angry, but pensive, making sure I’m into this before sinking back into the aggression he’s usually so careful to hide. “Go ahead, tell me, wanna hear you fuckin’ say it, tell me you need my dick just as bad as I need your perfect fuckin’ pussy.” I planned not to indulge him this time, I really did, but I truly can’t deny him, we’re the same, and there’ve been plenty of times I’ve gone off the rails, and he’s never minded, just gave me what I needed to calm back down, usually in the form of a few orgasms.
“Okay, yeah.” He doesn’t find that satisfactory, just looks at me some more, eyes narrowed, shoulders hunched with uncomfortable tension, his anger at my actions mostly unwarranted, but also a little endearing, one of the things that lets me know he cares a lot more than he lets on. He doesn’t move, just watches me, waiting on a better response, his free hand up under my shirt, pinching my nipple, prompting me to respond a little quicker. “Shit-! I want you, okay? Just, stop-!” He lets go, smoothing his thumb over the sensitive flesh before pushing my shirt higher, up over my breasts, leaving it bunched up, the cool air underground making me shiver.
“Like I said, slutty.” He kisses me, grinding his hard dick into me as he shoves at my pants, letting them pool at my feet, not giving me any room to get them off, length of his body pressed to mine, his hands on my hip and the side of my neck, mine still held above my head, my arms hurting a little from being in this position so long. “Such a… Dirty bitch… Letting me fuck you like this…” He’s a little breathless, huffing into my mouth between kisses, his hips grinding into me making me feverish, his lips rough and covered in spit. “You’d probably love it if I shoved your face into the dirt… made you look just as dirty as you act… Probably cum so hard you’d start crying for me…” He groans, hooking his hands around the backs of my thighs and lifting, all the way up until he can rest my legs over his shoulders, my pants fallen to the ground in the process. “That can wait, wanna get a taste of your sweet pussy first, make you feel so good you’ll listen to me from now on.” He presses his nose and lips into me, inhaling, his eyes falling closed, my hands rested on the top of my head, arms burning too bad to keep them held up. “Fuck, you’re hot, too bad you’re so goddamn annoying…” He keeps his eyes closed, mouthing at me through my underwear, sucking and groaning and squeezing his hands on my hips, offering a little pain when his nails dig in.
“Should probably take those off, yeah?” He pulls back, lifting his head to look up at me, frowning, pulling back from the wall a little too suddenly, holding me up when my upper body falls back from the loss of support.
“Put your hands behind your back.” I look at him, waiting a few seconds before following his command, eager to get him to make me feel good, even if it means not using my hands, which are unnecessary, he can get me off perfectly fine on his own. “There… Now shut your pretty fuckin’ mouth until I’m ready to stick my dick in it, keep running your trap and you won’t cum at all, I’ll edge you until I get bored and leave you soaked and unsatisfied.” I don’t say anything, just shake my head, my unamused look drawing a rough laugh out of him before he presses me back to the wall, the rock digging uncomfortably into my bare arms, his face pressing into my panties a helpful distraction from the roughness scraping at my skin. “You taste so damn good… Such a good girl when you wanna be, wish you’d stay like this, listen this well all the damn time…” He sneaks his hand around, pulling my panties to the side, his eyes cast down at my surely soaked privates, his tongue swiping over his lips at the sight. “Want you to sit still and take it, none of that squirming shit you like to pull, got it?” I nod, letting my head lean back, his tongue against me wet and warm, trailing slick up to my clit before lapping at it, his eyes peering up at me, one of his thumbs rubbing tentatively at my hole.
The rock is hurting me, but I don’t say anything, afraid he’ll make good on his promise to leave me needy, his tongue against me too good to risk losing. I let out a low sigh when he presses his forefinger inside, easing me open, his lips closing over my clit and sucking harshly, a little painful when his teeth graze my sensitive flesh, my thighs trembling lightly from the harshness of it all. He pulls his face back when I really start to shake, looking up at me and easing another finger inside, being more gentle than usual, watching my face as he works them into me, a shaky breath pulling from his lips when I meet his eyes.
“There you go, making me wait so damn long… Keep those eyes on me, yeah? Wanna see the look on your face when I make you cum…” He’s speeding his fingers up, being a little rougher, squelching sounds a little too loud in the quiet of the catacombs, thumb of his working hand pressed hard to my clit, unmoving, just applying deliciously painful pressure to my overly sensitive nerves, making me squirm, needy and hot and shaky from the intensity of his touch. “Lucky I even give a shit if you’re ready, you’d probably love it if I shoved inside without stretching you out first, always ready for some dick, huh?” I let out a low whine, embarrassment settling in my gut making me feel almost sickly, his fingers fucking into me roughly, pressing hard to my g-spot, my legs twitching around him, hips held still from seeking friction against his thumb to send myself over the edge.
“Le- Please-” He stops, completely, goes still and stares at me, holding down his smile when I squirm, nails digging harshly into my hip making me grimace.
“Dirty bitch, can’t even wait for it, huh? Being nice and making your stupid ass cum, and you can’t even follow a couple directions.” He breathes a long sigh, hot air fanning over me making me flinch, his eyes cast up toward me, judging, looking down on me, even if he is below me. “You want it?” I nod, unsure if speaking would be a wise choice, since it nearly just got my orgasm privileges revoked, his lips quirking up making me wary, unsure about what he’s planning. He moves quickly, dropping my legs from his shoulders and letting me fall down onto my feet, the rock ripping the skin of my arms forcing a pained noise out of me, his expression going softer, my legs swept out from under me before I’m laid out on the floor, on my back, looking up at him looming over me. “I’ll clean you all up when we’re done, okay?” I nod, not minding the stinging of the cuts along the backs of my arms, more than used to the feeling of broken skin, not willing to give up on getting some relief to get the wounds taken care of. “Didn’t think, you c’n dig those nails into my back, make us match…” He sinks to his knees, slotting his legs underneath mine, looking at my face as he presses his fingers back inside, his free hand reaching for mine, holding them down on my stomach, humming in approval when his fingers make me moan, my hips shifting uncomfortably from how rough he’s being, his thumb finally moving against my clit, offering light pleasure to offset the tension he’s caused, my body wound tight, shaking and struggling against him, whining a little too loud when I feel my orgasm coming, the sound cut off by his hand closing over my mouth, shoving my head to the side and smearing my cheek into the dirt. “Shut the fuck up, being so damn loud the fuckers above ground’ll hear, so fuckin’ needy, so easy, nasty fuckin’ slut, go ahead, give me what I want, cum for me, squeeze my fuckin’ fingers and- shit, there you go, be fuckin’ quiet, stupid bitch, you look so good, open your eyes, yeah, keep ‘em on me…” He works me back down, pulling his fingers out and rubbing my clit until I come down, then a little after, making me whine, any attempts to escape stopped by rough hands.
“Le, please-” He doesn’t stop, just holds me still and works his finger against me, watching me, enjoying himself. “Hey, please- just- let me suck your-Nnh- dick-!” It hurts, my legs shaking, whole body tight with pleasure, not getting a break between orgasms making me terribly sensitive, and he knows it, pressing too hard, making it hurt a little more than it has to.
“In a minute, you’re not done yet, not fucked out enough, want you crying by the time I’m done, sobbing on my dick.” I groan, letting him continue, not that I have much of a choice, his strong hands holding me down, forcing me toward another orgasm less than a minute after my first, nearly there, my body feeling hazy, warm with the pleasure he’s giving me, only a little too much, the perfect amount of painful. “You can take it, yeah? Course you can, you’re fuckin’ loving it, ready to cum again, such a good girl…” He presses my face to the dirt when I moan, twisting my neck a little further than what’s comfortable, smearing my face with soft soil, my eyes clamped shut, insides closed tight around his fingers, my orgasm a duller pleasure, his words spoken from lips close to my ear as he leans over me. “See? I know you need it, wanna be so fucked out you can’t think, I’ll give you a break, make sure my dick’s the only thing on your mind.” He pulls his hand away, running it up my stomach to turn my head back forward, his head pulling back to look into my face, messy and wet with sweat and maybe a little drool. “So pretty, you look good all messy for me… Still wanna suck my dick?” I moan, letting him pull me up onto my knees, brain hazy as I come down from my orgasm, confusion settling when he walks around behind me, gathering my hands, soreness on my wrists making me groan, something tied tight around them holding them there.
“Hey, what’re you-”
“Let’s not pretend you don’t like this shit, shut your slutty ass up and let me take care of you.” He comes back around, looking huge above me, a hand caressing my jaw, softness unexpected after the roughness I’ve endured the past few minutes, his expression almost loving, gazing down at me as he takes care of his pants, kicking them and his underwear off to the side, gripping his dick and staring at me.
“Are you gonna-”
“Shit- Fucking stop talking, jesus.” He’s acting exasperated, as if my voice is insanely grating or something, which I know isn’t true, he’s told me on multiple occasions I have a pretty voice, even if I apparently am terribly annoying. He presses his dick to my cheek, heaving a sigh and looking at me, eyes low, enjoying the sight. “Can’t fucking believe how well you take this… ‘s almost the size of your fuckin’ face, but I guess you do have a big ass mouth…” He pulls back, pressing the head to my lips, sliding himself inside when I part them, holding me still by my hair so he can fuck into my mouth, something I thoroughly enjoy, even if it does keep me from breathing. “Gonna let me fuck your pretty face? Yeah? I’ll bet, you look so fucked, so ready for it… Gonna move you, work this slutty throat on my dick…” He drags me away by my hair, hurting me a little with his grip, stinging my scalp, his hips moving, sinking him almost fully into my mouth, gagging me, the ‘gup gup gup’ of him pushing into my throat making him groan, head tilted back and all, his hands on either side of my head pulling me into his thrusts. “Goddamn… So good at this, so-God- tight for me, look so fuckin’ good with your hands behind your back, so slutty for me, right baby?” I moan around him, eyes hazy with tears, wetness streaming down my face as I let him thrust into my mouth, choking me, not giving me a second to breath, his noises getting a little whinier as he goes. “Love when you suck my dick, ‘s the only-Nnh- fuckin’ time you’re quiet, only time I don’t wanna-hah- wanna- Fuck-!” He groans, loud, shoving himself completely inside, staying there, keeping me from breath I’m desperate for, whiny, choked moans vibrating against him making him twitch before he pulls out, all the way, his dick soaked in spit connected to my lips, my head held up by his hands as I heave in some oxygen, gasping and panting, a hand smoothing over my hair as I calm down. “Ready to cum again? You know I’m not getting off unless it’s with your perfect fuckin’ pussy milking me.”
“Yeah…Yes…” I let out a dazed moan, not minding when he presses my face down into the dirt, cheek cool against the floor, my ass up in the air, presented for him, back arched a little harder than I like, hands uncomfortable behind my back, cut up and in an odd position.
“Fuck you look good, so fuckin’ hot, gonna fuck you so damn good…” He pushes inside, all the way, holding onto my bound hands to keep me from pulling away, one of his feet planted beside my knee, the opposite knee out of my sight, just behind me, giving him the stability to thrust into me, setting a quick pace, already worked up, ready to get me off and empty inside. “You feel so good, being so good for me, gonna let me cum inside, fill you to the fuckin’ brim, hope to god we don’t- fuck-!” He’s struggling, pressing his thumb to my clit to hurry my orgasm along, my mind filled with fuzzy pleasure, low moans and whines leaving me as he fucks into me, bouncing me on his dick, hitting my cervix and hurting me, but I don’t mind, as long as he keeps going, letting me feel full, keeps me distracted a little longer. “Shut-Ah- be fuckin’ quiet-! Being so damn loud, sound so-Nnh- pretty, sobbing for it, want my cum that bad? Fuckin’ shit…” He’s slamming into me, pulling me into him by my bound hands, whatever he’s tied me up with painful on my bruised wrists, the sounds of skin to skin filling the empty corridor, echoing obscenely, both of us too loud, too turned on to worry about consequences for the time being. “Can’t take much more, hurry up and-hah- squeeze this pretty pussy on me, be a good slut and cum for-Ah- me-!” I’m nearly there, his thumb working relentlessly against me, my legs shaky and unstable, the pain of his grip on my wrists pulling me up out of the dirt, giving him a better angle to press inside, his pace insanely quick, deep, sure to make me sore tomorrow, a low groan leaving my lips when he pulls me into him by my wrists, my upper body suspended in the air, tearful eyes staring down into the dirt my face was just pressed into.
“Le- shit-! Leon, hurts-Nnh- You’re-ah-!” I can’t talk, just give up and let him do what he wants, my orgasm nearly there, my body almost too overstimulated to register it, legs shaking so hard he’s holding me up with a hand on my lower stomach.
“You like it, just-nngh- take it, like it so fuckin’ much you’re crying for it, whiny bitch, so-ah- fuckin’ annoying, complaining even when I-Shit- give you exactly what you- you want. Shit, you’re fuckin’ cumming, good girl, so good, shut the fuck-ah- up-! So-hnn- stupid, lucky I love you-Nnh- so goddamn much-!” I’m nearly unresponsive, just taking what he gives, my orgasm hazy and warm, but his confession brings me back, draws a needy moan out of me, which prompts him to press fully inside, twitching and filling me with warmth, the feeling euphoric, filling some primitive desire in my head. “Shit-! Such a good-Nnh-! You make me cum so fucking hard, filling this sweet pussy so good…” He pulls me upright, sat backward in his lap, his dick grinding into me, cum dripping out of me as he comes down, speaking and kissing at the dirty side of my face and neck. “Fuck… such a good partner… my pretty girl… taking it so well… Cumming so much it’s making a goddamn mess…” He groans, letting his head slump down onto my shoulder, keeping himself seated inside, one hand moving to release my bound wrists, rubbing the tension out of them, caring, soft in a way he usually doesn’t let anyone see, kept quiet and buried beneath his carefree, unbothered persona. “Should probably take care of these now…” He runs his fingers over the torn skin of my arms, stinging the wounds, but I let him, turning to peer at him over my shoulder, waiting a beat, speaking only once his eyes meet mine.
“You love me?”
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AITA for being passive aggressive with my flatmate because of how she's been treating me while I'm ill? (TW for brief mention of SA.)
I (26, NB) have a history with ovarian cysts. It appears I have another again, but I'm waiting on a scan from the hospital to confirm this and get a treatment plan sorted. Just under 2 weeks ago I had to leave work mid-shift because the pain I'd been having weeks had escalated to the point I was almost crying at my desk at work. I went to the walk-in clinic, and was immediately re-directed to A&E (aka the ER, for you Americans.)
While there I had several tests and physical exams ran, including one invasive internal exam. This was triggering for me. My flatmate (25, F) knows I have a history of SA. I was offered inpatient care until my scan date, but I feel like I can manage this pain at home for now. I'm on a high dosage of codine and off work until my scan comes up.
Now, my flatmate. When I got back from the hospital, she was awake in her bedroom, music on, pacing round. She did not come out to see me, she messeged me saying she had a rough day, and that she wouldn't want to "say something she didn't mean." Bearing in mind, she says this almost every day after work. No comfort, no nothing. She also left the kitchen a mess with dishes in the sink and a bag of food waste tied and left on the counter. If I were her, I'd have been waiting for her to get back (if I didn't go to the hospital to be with her), and I would have cleaned up after myself at minimum.
The next day, I washed my dishes with the last of the washing up liquid. There wasn't enough to do her plates and pans she left in the sink overnight too. I took out her food waste bag. Bearing in mind, standing for too long makes me nauseous from the pain at the moment.
A few hours later she came into the kitchen and said "do you have more washing up liquid?" in an angry tone, and when I said no, she just made herself more food and left the dishes in the sink. She went to her boyfriends the next morning and stayed there for several days. She didn't replace the washing up liquid, so I had to walk to the store to get it myself, and I almost passed out doing so.
This is where the passive aggression started. I left her dishes in the sink for the 4 days she was there. She did not look happy to see them there when she got back. She's now been leaving my dishes in the sink now, even when I do hers for her.
Now, for this next thing, 2 things are important. 1. My pain makes it excruciating for me to bend over at the moment, and 2. I have told her this.
Because of my pain when bending over I've been putting my things higher up off the ground, including my towel in the bathroom, which I've been putting on the top part of the towel rack. I've also been putting the remote control for the central heating on the bannister on top of the stairs (where we can both grab it for easy access.)
She's repeatedly been switching our towels around so hers is on top, after I have explicitly told her I've been doing this to manage my pain. Same situation with the remote, she's just been putting it on the floor outside our bedrooms. I keep wordlessly putting them back to how I put them now, because I have told her why I've been doing what I've been doing, but she swaps them back.
Last night I messeged her reiterating why I was doing what I was doing. Less than 10 minutes later, everything was back how it was, my towel on the bottom rack, remote on the floor. So, I've picked up my towel and I've draped it over the shower tail instead, which she will have to move when she gets ready tomorrow morning. I almost dropped hers on the actual floor but I decided that would be a step too far. I shot her another message asking "So, did you move everything back before or after you read this message...?", and now I'm waiting for her to get up tomorrow AM and see it.
In general I feel I could have been more mature and direct in dealing with this, but I honestly don't understand how someone can manage do below the bare minimum when their flatmate is this sick. When she just had a flu I was cleaning up around the house and making it nice for her, but it feels like she's actively antagonising me at the moment and I don't know why. AITA for the passive aggression?
What are these acronyms?
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cringecannon · 1 year
I know people talk about Gortash a lot already, but I can't help myself — he's so sinfully hot ToT I want him to manipulate and trick me into being indebted to him. I want to be a reluctant knight or an artist at his service, that he one day decides to ALSO coerce into fucking.
I also adore that you make this a safe space to share horny thoughts. Thank you for that.
I’ve accepted my place as The Gortash Blog. He’s a co-owner at this point.
People in his employ are some of his favorites to exploit, because what are you going to do about it? He’s the one paying you, and even if you risked quitting, who’d hire you knowing that you’d been so disgraced? Working for him in any position is prestigious… do you really want to throw it all away over a bit of harassment?
That’s what it starts as, anyway. Small, innocuous comments. Nothing explicit, but clearly some innuendos. You ignore it. Play dumb. You figure he’ll bore of you eventually.
He never does.
He invites you to eat with him, schedules more private meetings, promotes you, pays you extra. It’s sudden, overwhelming. He gets bolder. He buys you jewelry, putting it on your personally. The claws of his hand piece press into your skin uncomfortably when he places a firm hand on your lower back to lead you where he wants to. You might mention something, that this doesn’t feel professional. He’d just laugh. You live to serve, don’t you dear? Be quiet and serve.
He says it like a joke, but it unnerves you. You go out of your way to distance yourself from him. Luckily you’ve spent enough time with him to know his rough schedule. Guessing what days to make yourself scarce is risky, but worth it. You stop wearing his gifts, turn down additional pay. You’re hoping that things will just go back to the way they were. You didn’t think through your plan enough. He’d obviously corner you eventually. You’ve been avoiding him. He treats you so well, and this is how you repay him? Inconsiderate little brat. He should throw you out on the street. He won’t… if you do as he says. No complaints. The only thing he wants to hear from your mouth from now on is “Yes, sir.”
You don’t say anything, frozen under his stare. His hand snaps up to your face, fingers digging into your cheeks. That wasn’t rhetorical, dear. You murmur what he wants and he nods, slowly pulling his hand away. He pats you on the cheek condescendingly with a smile. Much better. Now, turn and bend over. You have a lot to make up for.
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idk6123 · 4 months
An Arranged Marriage For The Richest (Derby Harrington X Male Reader)
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Derby life’s goal is to follow his father’s footstep and become as successful as him. Being the heir of an oil digging made his life so much easier. Being the richest of the rich. Buying expensive things a regular person needs to work for in a year or two. That is his life, and it’s all thanks to his father. Because of that, he listens to him dearly, to the point of choosing his future partner, which is Pinky, his cousin. Other people find it weird, but he doesn’t mind it. He does mind how much attention she seeks of him. To his luck, he got a better offer.
“You wish to speak to me, father?”
“Yes.” Inside of his office, Mr. Harrington sits behind his desk while addressing the issue. “I know you got an arranged marriage with your cousin, Pinky. However, we have to cancel that deal, because I found a better offer.”
Derby looks surprised. “Who is it?”
“It’s our rival, Mendez. With this deal, we can fuse the two biggest oil companies in America to become the number one in the world.” Mr. Harrington sounds excited with the plan. “We have dinner with them this Saturday, where you meet your future spouse. That being said, Mendez’s heir is a son as well, so you will be marrying a man, but I don’t expect that being a problem.”
“Of course not.” Derby honestly doesn’t care if he needs to marry off a guy or a girl. All he just wants to do is making his father proud. “Won’t that be a problem with your friends? Your son marrying another man?”
“They have nothing to complain about when we have twice amount the money.” Mr. Harrington assures. “His name is Y/N Mendez, remember that. Make sure to treat him like a gentleman.”
“Of course, father.”
With their fancy clothes on, Derby and his father are being driven by their personal chauffeur towards the Mendez’s mansion. It’s around the size of their own, with a gorgeous, well taken care garden. After they parked the car, they get to the gate and grants access to come in. Once at the door, they get greeted by the rich family.
“Mr. Harrington. It’s a pleasure allowing you to come in our house.” Mr. Mendez greets him with an arm. His wife is next to him. “And it’s an honor meeting you, Derby Harrington.”
After fancy introductions, they get in the mansion, seeing the grand entrance of the building. The guests put their jackets away and follow the couple to the dining room. Once there, they see their son.
“Y/N, this is Mr. Harrington, and his son, Derby Harrington.”
“Pleasure meeting you.” Y/N shakes both of their hands.
“Like wise.” Derby says with a handsome smile.
After some talking, the five of them sit down at the large dining table. Maids and butlers set down the plates of food that is freshly prepared from the chefs. As they begin eating their fancy food, the five of them chat, mostly about business stuff. Though since both teens doesn’t have much experience with it, they barely talk. That’s why Y/N begins to talk to his future husband.
“Where do you go to school?”
“Bullworth Academy. What about you?”
“Redwood Academy.” Y/N responds. “Isn’t Bullworth that school filled with psychos?”
“Sadly, yes.” Derby replies with a chuckle. “We have poor, poorer, and poorest. Brainless monkey’s without brains and nerds without any spine. I’m lucky I got 8 fellow preps that makes the school less horrible.”
“Sounds rough. My school isn’t any better.” Y/N smiles as well. “We have punks that don’t bother showering. Goths and theater kids that seeks attention. Teens addicted to drugs. It’s honestly sad that schools nowadays allow people like that on their ground.”
“I wholeheartedly agree. How about hobbies?”
“Swimming, poker, martial art. I’m considering shooting in the future.”
“Looks like we got the same interests as well.” The blonde says with a smirk. “I’m more of the art of boxing myself. It’s something my group takes pride in. My dearest friend, Bif, managed to secure us countless trophies.”
“Sounds like you’re real close with your friends. I’m guessing you’re their leader?”
“That is a good guess.” Derby complements him. “Let me take a guess as well. You’re one as well?”
“Of course. I’m inheriting my father’s company. I need to prove myself and others I can be a leader.”
Derby can share the same settlement. He didn’t expect connecting with his future husband this well. Pinky, for example, he finds her just annoying and demanding. Y/N, however, is someone he can relate to, and thus respect. He’s glad his father got this deal, because he would rather spent his future with someone like Y/N instead of Pinky.
Ever since that day, the two continue to get to know each other. Mostly by their parents setting up dinner parties and other events. Though they do meet up unofficially after school. They have been going steady, to the point Derby wants Y/N to meet his best friend, Bif.
“I didn’t know you liked the gents.”
“I blame Pinky for that.” Derby says with a chuckle. “Besides, if it’s an arranged marriage with someone’s son that owns another oil company. Luckily for me, he isn’t annoying.”
“Sounds like true love.” Bif sarcastically comments. “Don’t you think you should’ve describe him on what you like about him, or his personality.”
“I like about him that he isn’t annoying.”
Bif sighs, but smiles. “I would love to meet him.”
“Good. I bring him at the gym after school. Make sure not to be drenched in sweat.”
Bif leans against the ring as he awaits for his friend. As he looks at the entrance, he spots the blonde walking in, holding Y/N’s hand. Bif stands up and walks over to them.
“Bif, this is Y/N, my fiancé. Y/N, this is my best friend, Y/N.”
“It’s great to meet you. Derby told a lot about you.”
“I can say the same.” Bif makes sure to not mention about Derby’s comment about Y/N not being irritating. “Fiancé, huh? So it’s set in stone.”
“Well, there are some stuff our parents need to figure out, but I have zero doubts that won’t work out.” Derby says with a smile to his boyfriend.
“We hope to get wed after we graduate. Our plans are to study about running a company, but once that done, we’re CEO’s of the biggest oil company in the world.” Y/N says with a proud smile.
“Now we have to take care of Saudi Arabia and Chine, but let’s be honest, it’s only inevitable we have a war with them.” Derby adds.
“Which brings more profit.” Y/N also adds.
Bif can tell they’re meant to be together. “You two will be a great couple.”
“Thank you.” Derby replies. “Of course you will be invited to the wedding, as well the rest of the group.”
“Hey, how about we ask Bif for advice?”
“Hm? What can I do?”
Y/N looks back at him. “We’re discussing where to hold our marriage. We’re thinking about Paris, New York City, London-”
Bif continues to hear Y/N rambling about the most expensive wedding revenues with tens of options.
Months has passed, and the marriage is about to begin. They finally settle it down at The Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. It’s a bit smaller than they wanted it to be, but it’s good enough. Inside of the large mansion, Derby awaits in his room as he looks at himself through the mirror. Besides him is Bif, also wearing a tux.
“You look fine.”
“I don’t want to look fine. I want to look perfect.” Derby looks at himself with paranoia. “I feel like something is off. Suit fits perfectly… hair is well done…” He mutters to himself as he goes from one thing to another. “Face looks handsome…”
“You’re just nervous.”
“I’m not.” Derby assures. He turns around and looks at his back.
“Yes, you are.” Bif grabs his friend’s shoulder, forcing him to look at him. “You’re just about the marry the guy you love and spend the entire life with. This is natural. My dad felt the same way before the divorce.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. I’m beyond happy this is happening.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t be nervous.” Derby remains quiet. “Look, you look perfect. Even without your tux, you do. I know. I talked plenty of times with Y/N. He loves you, a lot. He’s like another version of you.”
Derby smiles after feeling stressed. “He’s probably stressing about this too.”
“I would bet on it. Now, let’s calm down and prepare your speech.”
Soon the marriage starts. There was a major discussion between the two family who is the man in the relationship and after a while, Derby and Y/N stepped in that they both will be. So, they stand at the altar. Derby stands with his father and his best friend, and Y/N has the same at his side. Between them is the marriage officiant, who had a speech to address the merry couple. In the audience, there are friends of both spouses, as well their father’s coworkers and friends. Some of them are more… traditional to say the least, but the fathers still thought it was a good idea to invite them just to see the look of their faces when they see one of the biggest companies in the country fusing together.
After the speech, it’s time to have both spouses to say their vows, starting with Y/N.
“I know it isn’t a long time since we met, but ever since that dinner party, I had a gut feeling you are the one. And standing here today, that gut feeling isn’t just a feeling, it’s a fact. I’m glad I’m going to spend my entire life with someone that I can relate to. Someone ambitious, strong, smart and kind. I’m inspired by you and have the motivation to make this marriage better one day after another, as well our future companies, as CEO’s.”
Then it’s Derby’s turn. “I have to say, you took the words right from the mouth. The first day we met, I know we end up together. And like you said, we’re perfect. In general and together. As a Harrington, it’s an honor to marry a Mendez. Not just as a company, but also as life partners. I make sure to treat you well, and when the time comes, make sure to stand by your side when things get tough, as you will do with me.”
And so, the rings get passed. Each spouse having the same kind of expensive diamond ring to give each other. When done, they look at each other with a smile.
“I, Derby Harrington, take me Y/N Mendez as my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death parts us.”
“I, Y/N Mendez, take me Derby Harrington as my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death parts us.”
“May you know kiss the groom.”
And so, the two are officially husband and husband, with the entire room clapping. In the audience, the preps are beyond happy for their leader.
“They’re so perfect…” Gord begins to tear up. “They’re the IT couple.”
“May our- I mean mine wedding be like this.” Chad reacts with awe.
“They better not divorce like their parents.” Bryce points out.
Everyone is beyond happy, except Pinky, who’s feeling salty. “This could’ve been mine wedding!”
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