#i was obsessed with them and heartbroken that it was too risky to keep them because my cousin was a terrible mouse owner
shittywizzard · 2 years
Cursed myself when I decided my favourite pets are cats, birds, and mice.
Curse of My Favourite Pet Is A Predator
No small animals for me
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fixated-frenzy · 2 years
Twilight saga review
I recently binged the entire twilight saga. I’ve never watched it until now and I have a lot of thoughts. Parts of it are great and parts of it aren’t so great.
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Twilight 1
This movie was a good introduction, but definitely the worst one. The acting is a little awkward and it’s a bit boring. This movie introduces the Cullen family and the main character Bella who just moved to Washington. Edward was a tad creepy, giving he snuck into Bella’s house at night and watched her sleep, and he stared at her wherever she went. And Bella’s dumbass fell for him? It took, what, 2 weeks for her to admit to being “unconditionally in love” with him? She was ready to turn into a vampire after that long of being with some tall white guy that sparkles.
New Moon
This movie was a lot better and more interesting. In this movie, Edward ensures Bella’s safety by leaving for a few months. Bella is absolutely heartbroken, but at least she has her friend Jacob with her. Jacob seemed really nice at first, until he gets too protective and obsessed with Bella. But that’s more in Eclipse. Bella hangs out with Jacob and his pack and she discovers that every time she does something risky, Edward talks to her begging her to stop telepathically. Bella keeps being dumb and doing risky things just so she can “see” Edward. At the end of the movie, Bella jumps off a cliff and almost dies. Edward tried to stop her but he couldn’t, so he assumed she died. Jacob saved her, but when they got back, Edward was on the phone and Jacob said that Bella died. Jacobs toxic behavior pissed off Bella, so Alice and her decide to go save Edward because he wanted to kill himself because he didn’t want to live in a world without Bella. This movie was a lot better, but Jacobs behavior really makes me mad. Jacob is so immature and won’t let Bella go.
This movie, Victoria who was introduced in the first movie decides to make an army of “newborn” vampires (vampires who are newly turned, thus being more powerful). With this, Jacob and Edward were fighting the whole movie. Jacob kissed Bella when she didn’t want it and he claimed that she likes him but doesn’t know it yet. Both Jacob and Edward’s behaviors are so creepy. If I were Bella, I would leave them both and steal Alice from Jasper. But anyways, by the end of the movie Edward proposes and Bella says yes. Like bestie, I know people get married at 18 but this is kinda much. Like y’all didn’t know each other for that long and Bella is about to give up everything for this man.
Breaking Dawn 1&2
This movie was definitely one of the more interesting and more memorable ones. Especially part 2 with all the action scenes and CGI. Breaking Dawn part 1 starts with Bella and Edwards wedding and of course, Jacob is being immature and mad about their wedding. They have their honeymoon and it seems that a few days into it, Bella is pregnant. She is very happy about her pregnancy, but no one else is. But she literally was over here acting like she knew everything about her pregnancy. She even called her baby a he when it came out as a girl. Like that’s embarrassing. And I’m my opinion it’s so dumb that she was so ready to die over something that she knows nothing about. So she goes into emergency labor and they get her baby out, but Bella dies. Edward saves her soon enough, but he thought she would be dead. He gave her his venom, so she was brought back to life. Or unlife I guess.
Then we have part 2 which starts out with Bella revealed to be a vampire now. She sees her baby and finds out that Jacob imprinted on her and gets pissed. I mean girl I would be too not gonna lie. Then eventually Renesmee grows really quickly after her birth and she goes catching snowflakes with Bella. Edwards cousin finds out about the baby and reports it as a “crime” because se believes that Bella and Edward made an immortal child (which they didn’t, and immortal children are illegal). They gather witnesses and have Renesmee touch their faces and prove that they are innocent. In the end, they all discuss and Alice shows Aro his future and Renesmee is proven to be safe to have around.
All of these movies were pretty good, but Breaking Dawn part 2 would have to be my favorite movie because of the drama and the amazing CGI. My main points on this movie as to why I dislike it is that Bella is completely dumb and is obsessed with Edward and makes that a point by having dreams about him, not caring that he watches her in her sleep, and as soon as she finds out he’s a vampire she wants to become one too. I personally like Edward and Bella better than Jacob and Bella due to Jacob’s toxic behavior, however, Bella and Edwards relationship isn’t great either. Edward is a straight up stalker and a creep. Glad that they worked out, but if I were Bella, I would run away so fast. The series as a whole I would rate it about 8/10. Pretty good if you’re into those types of movies with vampires
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heybeybey · 3 years
I should probably be working on the three multichaps I've been balancing but ehehe oh well *throws a new fic to the fandom*
Summary: As the Scouts gear up to retake Shiganshina, Captain Levi makes a promise to the mother of his child. [Canonverse where Petra lives]
Words: 1,425
Pairing: Rivetra | Levi x Petra
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“I’m marrying you when I get back.”
His voice was a hush, but the words were loud enough to make Petra pause on her self-imposed task to saddle in his horse. He’s sure that he’d scolded her for the nth time already, telling her that it’s not her job to do so.
Not now when she’s three months into her pregnancy.
It all started the same night after the 57th expedition. Their squad’s death led to passionate sighs and grief-stricken fucks in his office. This was promptly followed by nervous stutters the morning after.
They decided to never talk about it ever again, not when they’re anticipating Petra’s upcoming promotion to become his second-in-command with her being the remaining veteran in his team. The last thing he wants is people questioning the position that she more than deserved.
Three weeks later and Levi found himself barreling towards fatherhood.
He’d always considered himself a callous man, but seeing the heartbroken look on Petra’s face when she had no choice but to step down from his squad had been more than enough to break something inside him.
It was his very first time to sleep with a woman then and he’d already fucked it all up, and now he’d dragged his best subordinate down with him.
Levi had left the choice all up to her, not really knowing how to approach Petra when they weren’t even together. All he could do was promise to support her in whatever decision she’d take.
But Petra was insistent, her face fearful but voice filled with resolve when she announced that she’s keeping the child. Their child.
“Levi, you don’t have to,” Petra reasons, her hand now cradled on top of her rounding belly. “I’ve told you as much before.”
Levi gives a cursory glance at his surroundings, seeing both soldiers and the only civilians in on the plan buzz around preparing for the Scouts’ biggest mission yet. He hesitates for a moment, not used to showing any type of affection in public, but he still reaches out to tuck a stray copper hair behind her ear, his finger lingering and trailing down the back of her earlobe.
Petra visibly shivers, and it takes them both back to the night their child was conceived.
An accident, but to the both of them, not a mistake.
Not when he’d see Petra light up with the kid’s every kick after the initial discomfort on her face. Not when he’d enter the apartment he’s renting for her and how it always felt like he was coming home.
She used to stay back with her father in Karanese but after the Military Police started targeting her with rumors of Levi’s involvement in her pregnancy, he made sure to drop by and hide her away in the most secure spot he could find near the Scouts’ HQ before he went on the run.
Petra was not happy with being treated like a porcelain doll, and he’d had to buy her grilled chicken with goat cheese and a slice of cheesecake as she nagged him down. Damn woman had been too obsessed with cheese since they learned she’s pregnant, but he’d found it more endearing than annoying.
He knew then that he’s probably too far gone.
Fatherhood was never a part of his plan, but he’d be damned first before he allows this child to be fatherless and leave the woman who’d always stood by him hanging.
Levi had never defined his relationship with Petra. For so long, she was his subordinate and she’d been brave enough to push past the boundaries to offer friendship. She became his lover for a night, the next thing he knows, she’s the mother of his child.
He wants more of her. He wants it all. A family, a house he’d come home to after each mission, a kid eager to welcome him back and a wife who’d kiss him and ask about how his day went.
Was he in love? Who the hell knows. He’d never been in a relationship before to even have a direct comparison. His shitty childhood didn’t help at all. But one thing he’s sure of is that whatever Petra’s willing to give him, he’d gladly take it.
“Who says I feel like I have to?” Levi finally replies as he pulls out something from his pocket, placing it on her palm. “Here.”
The ring was a simple copper band, and a box couldn’t even be seen in sight. He’d bought it during Historia’s coronation and it was the only piece of quality jewelry he could find that won’t completely blow the budget he’d set out for her and the upcoming baby.
It’s a cheap-ass ring, but Petra cradles the band in her hand as if it’s worth a thousand gold coins.
“I don’t want to tie you down,” Petra argues, tears now welling in her eyes the more she gazes at the ring on her palm. “You willing to raise him is more than enough—”
“Oi, kid,” Levi said, kneeling down on one knee to level his face with her growing belly. Petra’s breath hitches, amber eyes blinking wide at how the captain was willing to show his soft side when he’d always hidden behind a stony demeanor. “Your mom’s being stubborn. Can you ask her if she can marry me? Maybe she’d listen to you. She’d been insubordinate since you popped up.”
Levi gives her a pointed look, although he spares her a playful quirk of his lip.
He notices that the other soldiers were sneaking glances at them now, while the 104th brats were full on staring at the scene. Levi throws them all a glare to mind their fucking business, which draws out a quiet chuckle from the woman before him when they see Eren and Jean scamper off.
“You’re going to be a great father,” Petra notes, before quietly adding, “And husband.”
He snaps up, eyes as soft as it’s intense as he looks at her, “Is that a yes?”
She bites her lip, the sunrise illuminating her cheek makes her blush all the more breathtaking. She carefully slips the copper ring on her finger, and Levi couldn’t help himself from raising her hand to give a soft kiss on the back of her palm.
“Maybe you can take me out on a date first when you get back from Shiganshina?” She asks as she straightens the cravat underneath his scout cape.
“Levi, time to go,” Erwin calls out from behind them. Hange was busy rambling to Moblit while the newer squad leaders herd all their new recruits for a final briefing of each team.
Petra looks at the horizon, at the way the green expanse meets the golden glow of the rising sun. He sees how the melancholy sparked in her eyes for a second when she takes a glance at all the other Scouts, and Levi felt that familiar tinge of guilt—the self-hatred that he’d done this to her even when both parties were consenting.
He leans down, giving her a kiss on her forehead and runs a thumb against her lower lip. He doesn’t know boundaries at this moment. They’d never fucked or even kissed since that night, but as she melts into his touch right now, he hopes to whoever deity’s out there that he’s doing something right.
“I’ll find a restaurant where you can eat all the cheese and chocolate that you want,” he promises instead.
“You better. You just proposed,” she teases him, but her voice betrays her as Levi hears the familiar nervous hitch in her tone. “I can’t be a widow when I’m not even married yet.”
It’s stupid to make such a promise, especially with how risky this mission is compared to all their previous attempts. But for the first time since he joined the scouts, Levi has this unwavering resolve that he is going to come back. Whatever it takes, he’ll come back.
He’d kill all the fucking titans if that meant his kid won’t grow up without a dad.
His hands settles on Petra’s waist to reassure both her and the child growing inside her, “I’ll be back here in no time.”
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hypexion · 3 years
It’s time for some season three Miraculous Ladybug thoughts. Now there’s more emotional trauma, extra convoluted secrets, new shocking twists and the same old Hawk Moth failures. Also there’s a worrying uptick of “stand around doing nothing while someone is akumatized“. In one case, Hawk Moth is literally right there! But I digress.
Marinette: After two seasons of the Adrien crush being a barely concerning issue, Marinette has finally slid into full-blown obsession. Which I suppose is a direction a character can go in, even if it’s a lot dumb. This dire shift in behavior is mostly targeted at Kagami, who has done literally nothing wrong. Indeed, Kagami even joins the crowd of people telling Marinette to get it together, blissfully unware that she’s in a superhero show, meaning Marinette simply cannot. The whole Adrien thing even bleeds into her Ladybug side, leading her to accidentally pour more problems onto him when she gives him the Snake Miraculous. Then after three seasons of Adrien pining, Marinette ends up with Luka. Which is perhaps for the better, since she can actually have a conversation with him.
Adrien: Someone get this boy some therapy. And away from his wretched excuse for a father. Now, I’m not saying it’s certain that Adrien’s need for approval caused him to spend months reliving the same five minutes in an attempt to impress Ladybug, just that it’s probably a contributing factor. Either way, the whole Aspik thing seems like it wouldn’t be good for anyone. However, Adrien’s only route for therapy is Plagg, who in spite of his occationally noble intentions, isn’t really enough. Consider the deeply worrying implications of Gabriel being suprised that there’s only joy in his home before continuing.
Also there is now an evil british version of Adrien which is hilarious. Somehow Felix being introduced in the episode after Chat Blanc makes it even more absurb, given the constrast between “abused child destroys France“ and “Adrien’s evil coustwin“.
Kagami: A new hero appears! Then she immediately leaks her identity to Hawk Moth. Kagami somehow appears to lead a sadder and lonelier life than Adrien, which means for a moment, Tomoe Tsurugi manages to come off as a worst parent that Literal Supervillain Gabriel Agreste. Eventually, however, Marinette gets over herself long enought to share the wonderful Friendship with Kagami. But is it just Friendship? Since that icecream scene reads less like “will Marinette choose Friendship or Love“ and more like “does Marinette love Adrien... or Kagami!?“. (It’s just Friendship since Kagami was clearly going to be paired with Adrien from her introductory episode.)
Luka: A new hero appears! You can tell Luka will be a better user of the Snake Miraculous than Adrien because Viperion’s costume doesn’t suck. I’m sorry, but it’s true. As secondary love interests go, he’s very much there, being a creative type to go with the creative type Marinette. Also is it just me or is his skin weirdly flat and smooth? There’s just something about him that just doesn’t look quite right.
Chloé: Who could have guessed that letting Chloé get away with her behavior with no negative consequences would itself have negative consequences? Truly her descent into villainy could not be forseen, not because it’s a sudden turn in her character, but rather the whole plotline needed an extra episode or two of setup somewhere. Now, don’t get me wrong here - Chloé is clearly a bad person, it’s just that there are some steps missing between “tears up a picture“ and “joins the baddies“. Honestly, Hawk Moth’s entire plan with the Bee Miraculous was really stupid and risky, since Chloé could have decided to prove she didn’t need Ladybug by immediately hitting Mr. Moth with her venom ability and taking his Miraculous. He should have pre-loaded it will an Akuma at the very least.
Lila: The other thing I knew about Miraculous Ladybug going in was that Lila exists and a lot of people hated her. Which is something I now understand, although she honestly comes off more as a malevolent narrative force than an actual character. Plus she’s only a threat because everyone seems to think “[She’s] not dangerous, she just craves attention“, ignoring that Lila’s need for attention is what makes her dangerous. She basically coasts on people’s underestimation of her, until she exploits Marinette’s seemingly irrational vendetta against her to “win“ the “war“ that only exists in Lila’s head. Although maybe Marinette should have put some effort into doing anything about the person who nearly got her skewered by Oni-chan instead of harassing Kagami. Can’t really complain about people with only in-universe knowledge thinking Marinette is reacting to Lila and Kagami for the same reasons, especially as to most people, it’s Lila who is nice and personable while Kagami is prickly and mean.
From a more meta perspective, Lila seems somewhat redundant if Chloé is still around and now an antagonist to both Marinette and Ladybug. If Chloé was actually trying to be a better person, Lila could slot into the role of “mean to Marinette“, but in a more subtle way. Alternatively, Lila could be a “reverse Chloé“ who hates Ladybug but who actually wants to be friends with Marinette for whatever reason. As it is now, Lila could probably be excised from every episode that isn’t Volpina, since the whole “frame Marinette“ thing could be done be Chloé, and the whole “Gabriel gets someone to spy on his son“ thing could also be done by Chloé.
Master Fu: Local boy accidentally destroys Ancient Order. Or rather, Ancient Order destroys itself by giving local boy access to powerful magic items. Yes, it turns out Master Fu’s dubious infosec is because he wasn’t a true Guardian, and also that the Guardians are idiots. I really can’t think of another reason why they’d use a real Miracle Box containing the most powerful Miraculous as part of a training exercise. Did they really think that no acolyte would ever be tempted by the powers of the Miraculous? Having ruined Fu’s life, the Guardians manage to flip him off one more time by erasing his memories when he gives up the Miracle Box. Seems like that would cause more problems than it solves.
Gabriel: But what if the worst parent in Paris could sink to even lower depths? With strong competition from both Audrey and Tomoe, Gabriel needs to step up to keep his trophy, by destroying his son’s relationship just so he can akumatize a heartbroken Marinette. Then when it doesn’t work, he akumatizes his own son. He also sends Akumas after teenagers he doesn’t like, flips out when Adrien suggests he might be moving on from his dead* wife, and is now performing his post-defeat rants to his comatose wife. At this point, he’d probably be more successful if he got Nathalie to akumatize him immediately after Ladybug and Chat Noir win.
Hawk Moth: Starting to feel creeped out by just how many of this guy’s plans revolve around teenaged girls. Sure, the genre of “teenage superheroes“ means he’ll be akumatizing a lot of them, but still. He launches a harassment campaign against Chloé, is a little too exicited to akumatize Marinette, and hires Lila to basically be his minion, then apparently starts calling her his muse. Perhaps if he spent less time using teenagers as chess pieces and more time review which Amukas were good and which weren’t, he’d actually succeed at things.
Speaking of success, Hawk Moth finally finds Master Fu and seizes the Miracle Box. Then instead of taking it home and finding a non-deadly Miraculous for Nathalie, he proceeds to give it to Miracle Queen then lose it. As a pity prize, he at least gets the translated grimoire, which allows him to fix the Peacock Miraculous. Now he can accompany every useless Akuma with a Sentimonster, instead of just Reflekta.
Mayura: If I had a Miraculous that slowly killed me when I used it, I would simply not use it unless I literally had no other option. Nathalie thinks differently, and uses the Peacock Miraculous for great plans such as “bring back Reflecta and give her a robot“ and “fail to convince Chloé to join you“. Not only does Mayura fail to achieve anything, the damage to her body means that the actually good plan of “let’s just do Scarlet Moth again“ fails. It would probably be tragic if it weren’t so stupid.
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evanescent-art · 4 years
They weren't all crazy here - just hurt.
It took me three times to realise that. The first time I was institutionalized, I was at the tender age of twelve. I had made it to the hospital due to a small heartbreak that I had been too weak to overcome. I let that boy take over my head. Now, years later he isn't even a passing thought. Just a joke I look back on and laugh. I begged them to let me out after my mother told me they would dope me up with medication and ruin my life.
The second time, I had lost all my friends. Embarrassed to admit it, but I once again made a big deal out of something I now consider small. I had no friends in school and nobody to talk to at home. So, I turned to the internet. To me it was as if picking out friends with the same interests were far easier than it was in my school. And these friends became all I had. People who hurt like I did. People were were lonely like me. We never tried to fix our problems, just became lonely together. So when I had lost them all due to my tendency to say and do things I don't mean, I felt like I lost my mind.
I stayed there for about a week. At now fifteen, I was put with other teens who seemingly had the same story as I did. Messy home life, fucked school life, and an emptiness that couldn't be filled. There, for the first time I had felt like I made connections with real life people. I found myself slowly getting better. They promised to keep in touch, to which I had been hopeful.
As soon as I was discharged, I never spoke to any of them again.
I put walls up after this time. I thought if I never got close with anyone that I could never hurt again. I spent these years alone, building my own future. Slowly, I became content with loneliness. I greeted the feeling like an old friend. Because of my disabilities, It was as if my mind adapted to focusing on the positives of being alone. Never hurting. Time to think. My future completely in my hands. I answered to nobody and did everything for me. I was selfish and that was okay with me. I played games, baked cookies, read books, and cried quietly to myself. I was ashamed to admit that I was happy about it.
"Well, I'm not okay with you being alone," I remembered he said to me.
Now nineteen, I had thought my life was completely in my hands. I distanced myself from my family with plans to move far away and cut them all off. I made big dreams for me and only me. Move to London. Attend the university of my dreams. Become a famous author. And cruelly, rub the success in the noses of my family who never took a word I said seriously. All I had to do was save the money that I would earn from the job I was hired in.
Then I met him.
I tried to resist, I did. Pushed him away. Keep him at an arms length. Constantly reminded myself of the pain that I had went through before. By this time the barriers were up so thickly that there had been no room for emotions. I was so numb. Love was something I thought was far from the realm of possibility. He was far too kind. Too generous. Selfless. I knew from the second I had a bad day and he bought me my favorite mini pie from the store bakery that I didn't deserve him.
It was as if he was too good to be true.
As much as I tried to run from him, I couldn't. I told him of all my flaws beforehand so he wouldn't be disappointed by what he would see in me eventually. But, I started to look forward to work every day. Not minding the crappy customers that would yell about a two for ten deal. Not minding the teasing from co-workers because everyone knew he liked me before I even did. I found myself picking up extra shifts and dreading the ones he wasn't there for. It would all be worth it at the end of the night when I would go home and send a hopeful text message to see if he was still awake. He always was.
And for awhile it seemed that we clung onto every word from one another. Our dreams. Our hopes. Our visions. We were fascinated by our framed view of life. We found it crazy how the future we had thought was written in stone seemed to crumble by one person.
It was too good to be true. He was perfect for me. This is a joke. A prank. Nobody could feel this way about me. I only thought about myself, yet he saw right through me.
Was this a game?
"Perish the fucking thought," He'd told me seriously, "I want you to know that this isn't some game. Not be dipping my feet into the dating pool or anything like that. You're not my first choice, you're my only one."
I cried that night. I had clutched my phone to my chest as I let myself fall. Fall for him. In that moment I knew that I couldn't hold on any longer. He was worth the fall.
And from then on, it was me and him against the world. Long walks after work. Talking of a future together. Sneaking around. I felt like for the first time I was living the life that I had been so scared to live. The thrill had been amazing and I couldn't picture my future with anyone else but him. He had my heart in his hand and I was happy to take any risky leap with him. I still remember the day I moved in. He had rescued me from an abusive household and told me that I always had a place with him.
As I packed the remainder of my things into his car and drove off with him, freedom couldn't even begin to describe what I felt in that moment. He cried for the first time in front of me, and it all began to feel so real.
My life seemed to begin.
Then, the third and last time came around. When I was admitted into the hospital this time, it had taken me by complete surprise. With him I thought I could never hurt again and what surprised me more was that he hadn't been the one to hurt me. I hurt myself. I self sabotaged. I was paranoid and guilty. Guilty because he was the last person to ever deserve this. I questioned our relationship. I questioned him. It was as if my mind was trying to convince me that I fell out of love. Intrusive thoughts took over my life. It took over my being. I felt out of control with myself. I had urges to leave him that I couldn't explain. The pain was so great because for the most part, I began to sink into the possibility that these thoughts may be real.
I clung onto the one clear thought I had; I didn't want to lose him.
And that I did. I still remember me desperately seeking help online. Trying to find out what could possibly be wrong with me. Why was I feeling this way? Why was I hurting? I know I love him, right? My mind would tell me wrong. I was scared. I was guilty. I felt like I had wanted to die than feel so much pain. Die rather than lose him. I confessed everything to him, expecting it to be too much for him to take.
"I'm not going anywhere," he reassured me.
And stuck by me he did. Even when the anxiety had gotten so bad that I threatened to take my life. A stupid thing to do, yes. I realised that when the cops had came knocking on my door. As scared as I was, though, I begged for help.
I remember them patting me down before I was taken away. The back of the police car was uncomfortable, but I didn't care. All I cared about was him and how he was feeling. As the car passed, I craned my neck to watch him go inside. I imagined just how heartbroken he must be. I imagined it all my fault, which it was. I cried the way to the hospital, even if a small part of me was ashamed to feel relief.
It was hard to leave him alone, yes, but I discovered that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was even harder. A god sent of a doctor had diagnosed me and I still remember the bliss feeling of clarity wash over me. He went over treatment options. Medication, to which I was opposed at first. Even aftercare. I was willing to go through anything for it to go back to how it was before.
But I was a mess.
The pathetic crying I did when I called him on the hospital phones is something that I long to forget. The 'exposure therapy' I had to do had been draining and painful. I remember asking what I did to deserve this. I felt like I had everything and I still did, so what was wrong?
Me. I was wrong.
I became paranoid with my own happiness. The O.C.D took over and I allowed it to. It caused so much pain. So much grief. Even when it took over, though, that didn't mean that I ever gave into it. I stuck by him as he did me. I knew in the end it would be worth it.
I did treatments for a week, no matter how gut wrenching it was. I had even felt sick on multiple occasions. I felt heartbroken. Like my life was falling apart. A week it took for me to realise that it was all in my head.
And when I got released, for the first time I had someone to hug me at the hospital entrance. He was waiting for me. He always was waiting for me.
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et-lesailes · 5 years
wildest dreams // rhee’s 1k celebration
details on rhee’s 1k celebration ! SPOTS STILL OPEN !
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pairing: steve rogers x ghost!reader (? kind of?)
word count: 2010
summary: the battle with thanos has ended and all the long lost loved ones have returned to their respectful homes; however, steve has lost you, his beloved girlfriend, in the process. throughout his months of mourning, you still show up in his dreams, though this particular one seems the most eerie.
themes: mentions of death, sad boi hours to the max.
taglist: @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy ,  @pining-and-tired , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 , @tanyam93 , @bval-1, @wonderwinchester , @little-miss-exo, @poerebel , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @jbug491writinghelp, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests​, @xoxabs88xox​, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @captainscanadian​, @rumoured-whispers​, @lemonster120​, @puddlejoy​
** if you have asked to be on my taglist and don’t see your name here, please let me know! i lost the note i had with all the urls and so everything’s been a bit messed up lately, my apologies!
note: submitted by @navispalace​. tbh this one was a challenge for me because i usually avoid writing sad things but it was a good challenge at the same time. i’ve never written something like this before so i hope it’s okay!
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It had been nearly five months now.
Five months since Steve had lost you, the love of his life, the woman he was supposed to marry and have kids with one day. Everyone was enjoying their time with their newly returned loved ones now that Thanos’ snap had been reversed for good, but Steve could never be reunited with you--- no, you had sacrificed yourself in order to save the world, and you were gone. Permanently.
He had been tempted to use the Pym particles to go back to a timeline where you were still alive. Before everything happened, before Thanos happened. But Bruce had warned him that it was too complicated, too risky. Natasha had reminded him of everything he had preached after the snap. He had held group sessions for God’s sake, telling people that they needed to learn to move on. He knew he would be a hypocrite and unfair if he simply ran away back to the past to be with you, especially when other people did not get such a luxury. But God, it was difficult. Life was difficult. Waking up to no familiar body beside him, the other side of the bed completely untouched. Seeing something that reminded him of you, making him smile and immediately pull his phone out to tell you-- and then remembering you were not there. The apartment being so damn quiet, no longer filled with your contagious laughter or cheesy jokes. No one to sit in comfortable silence with, no one to talk to about his day, no one to touch. No one to care for. Sure, he had the other Avengers as his friends, but obviously, this was not the same as a girlfriend.
The simultaneous best and worst part was that he still saw you in his dreams. Very vividly. He had literal conversations with you in these dreams, ones so real and eerie that he woke up wondering if you were actually dead. Loki had resurrected God knows how many times-- could there be hope for you, in this messed up world of magical stones and alternate timelines? Though the second he’d have these thoughts, he’d force himself to push them away. He couldn’t live with this much hope. It would only crush him even more. 
He took sleeping pills every night. Even if he was already dead tired. The thought of having to lie awake for even a minute, stuck with nothing but thoughts of you would send him into chronic depression. Bruce had quite literally made these pills for him in his lab, due to the fact that normal ones would not work because of the serum. Perhaps these pills had to do with the reason he had these dreams, but he was too scared to stop taking them. He just wanted this pain gone, and yet dreamland only seemed to make it worse in the long run.
Tonight’s dream took place in quite a random location. A diner. A very familiar one, Steve realized, as he looked around. He suddenly felt a presence directly behind him. Upon turning around, he saw you there, adorned in a beautiful lacy white dress. Steve now remembered why he knew this place. But why were you here? You hadn’t even been born yet, your parents probably hadn’t even been born yet. 
“Y/N. What are we doing here?” he asked quietly. As if you controlled this. He had no idea who controlled this, but he wished they would give him a moment of peace. You gave him a smile, a beautiful one he remembered so well-- one he was paranoid would eventually slip from his mind as each day went on. “I only got to meet you after you were melted from the ice.” You murmured, stepping closer to him, the white dress and light aura about you making you seem almost like some type of angel. “But I know I would have fallen in love with this Steve too, and I wanted you to know that.”
You lifted a delicate hand, gesturing to the nearest booth. Steve swore nobody had been sitting there moments ago, but as he looked now, he saw a figure he would never imagine he’d see again, unless in a very old photo. There sat a scrawny, pre-serum Steve Rogers, with his best friend Bucky Barnes sitting directly across. “Oh, these ladies, Steve, they’re somethin’ else. This one’s perfect for you, she’ll love ya, buddy. You got nothin’ to worry about.” Present day Steve couldn’t help but roll his eyes, though unable to help but feel a nostalgic fondness for Bucky’s obsession with double dating during this time period. He remembered this date, and he very much remembered that this girl certainly did not love him. Like all of the other double dates, the one meant to be Steve’s girl simply had her eyes on Bucky the whole time. It appeared the duo could not see you or him, though, and that was probably for the best. He could only imagine how pre-serum Steve would react seeing a girl as beautiful and ethereal as you. 
“Do we have to be watching this right now? Because you’re only going to feel secondhand embarrassment the whole time.” He told you with a flicker of amusement in his eyes, and you let out a laugh that made him want to smile and cry at the same time. “You know why I love you so much, Steve?” you questioned, turning to face him and stepping closer. “Because you’ve always been so confident about who you are, even before you became Captain America. Even now, you may be making fun of your past self but I can see that you still see him as a part of you. That kind heart, that determination, that loyalty…” you paused, looking to past Steve with a smile before looking to present day Steve, standing on tiptoes to give his cheek a light kiss. It felt like something light and feathery, not completely tangible yet just tangible enough for his heart to leap out of his chest. “You don’t change for anyone. You’re unapologetically you.” 
He gulped, tears beginning to sting at his eyes. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t have anyone to be me with. I could only be me when I was with you.” You frowned and gently held his face, and he couldn’t help but let a tear slip. “That’s not true, Steve, and you know it. I’m not the reason for the wonderful man you are. You were always that by yourself. And that’s why I fell in love.” He was crying now, arms suddenly wrapping around you to pull you close to him. “Come back to me,” he muttered pathetically through his tears, fully aware that this was much more embarrassing than the diner scene, but he didn’t care. He felt your arms around him in return, the aromatic smell of your soft hair under his nose. “I’m with you, Steve. I promise.” 
When he pulled back, he looked around in confusion. The two of you were standing on the battlefield, the very one where you had been killed. This time, however, there was no Thanos, no merciless army, no Avengers, even. It was simply the two of you, surrounded by destruction and flames. He looked to you and you were wearing your battle gear, suited up with not a single flaw or blemish. If only you had stayed that way on that fateful day. 
“This was the only way, my love,” you whispered, stepping closer to him again. “But I promise you’ll move on. You’ll be happy. Please don’t ever give up on being happy.” He frowned, slowly reaching out to caress your cheek. “I… I’ll try.” He spoke deeply, his cheeks damp from his tears. “But…” he trailed off, looking down at the ground for a few moments before looking up at you. “I can’t keep seeing you. It’s too hard for me. I-- please, Y/N, you have to stop.” 
You blinked in shock before your face fell, and he immediately felt bad. “You’re right. I understand,” you whispered, and you sounded so heartbroken, he wanted to take it all back. Before he could say anything else, however, the scenery around him changed. His heart hurt even more than before as he recognized the small cafe nestled in the boroughs of New York City; the location of your first date. As he looked to the very same table the two of you had sat at, there you were, adorned in the same outfit. Pretty floral dress, sandals, nothing too extravagant and yet you looked like a goddess. He slowly came to sit in front of you. 
“Our first and last date,” you murmured, and his eyes widened slightly, more tears sliding down his slightly flushed cheeks. “Why.. why are you doing this, Y/N? It’s torture, I can’t take it.” You reached out and held his hands, smiling sadly. “I’m not the one doing this, baby. You are. You keep bringing me here. This is your dream, these are all the places and conversations you keep thinking about.” You brought his hand to your lips, kissing it lovingly. “You keep thinking about the past, Steve. It’s time to think about your future. I love you so, so much, and that’s why I want you to move on. It won’t be easy, but I believe you can do it.” He sniffed, unable to help it. “The diner…? I don’t get it, why am I dreaming of that?” he asked, perhaps trying to stall, getting an eerie sense that this moment would be over soon. You smiled and leaned forward, pressing another soft kiss to his cheek. “You’ll figure it out.” You whispered, looking up into his eyes for a few moments before standing up.
“I had a great time, Steve.” You spoke as if it was your first date, sending chills up his spine. “Thank you. For everything.” 
He woke up with a start. His face was practically soaked from all of his tears. As he looked towards your side of the bed, he only started to cry more upon seeing the untouched sheets. He got up from bed, grabbing his leather jacket and tossing it on along with a pair of jeans and his favorite baseball cap. It was around five in the morning, still well before sunrise. He ran outside and jumped onto his motorcycle, heading straight for the diner. He hadn’t been to that part of New York in God knows how long, he had no idea what to expect. He wasn’t even sure why he was doing this. It was a dream, for all he knew, it was all nonsensical and pointless. But as he thought about how vivid and real you and your kisses felt, he decided this was worth looking into. 
When he got there, he almost crashed into a damn lamppost from how shocked he was.
He hadn’t remembered the original name of the diner, but now, in big letters, a sign hanging overhead proudly stated, “Y/N’s.” He abruptly parked and dashed inside, staring at the menus and napkins on the counter personalized with the same label, the name of the love of his life. As he adjusted his cap to hide his face more, the lady behind the counter arched an eyebrow, looking to him. “Just one, sir?”
He stared at her for a few moments, a million questions running through his mind. He wanted to ask all of them, but for some reason, his instinct told him to go with it. To accept it, to have peace with it, to have somewhere to celebrate and cherish your memory. Perhaps it was you telling him all of this.
“Y-Yes. Just one. Outside, please.”
She guided him to a table outside, leaving him with a menu before returning inside. As he looked out into the distance, the sun now up and the morning just beginning, he felt the tears run down again, unable to help but think of how much you would like this place.
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resmarted · 4 years
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come darling, it is time for me to soothe your troubles with only ways i know how. i know what you’re going to say and i know, words are words and action is what counts. i swear i could write you a prize winning masterpiece and you would still be like that’s great babe, but remember the three c’s are really what’s key: communication, commitment, and consistency. you are so cheerful the ground you walk on becomes dilated with tiny bubbles filled with sunlight that burst out and breathe life into the soil, causing all the flowers and fruits to grow. i know you think i just see you as a piece of ass and i want to make it very clear that i one hundred percent do. but i also see your candy coated heart and all the rubies and emeralds that float from your aura like a twinkling christmas tree. you got me on all fours begging for your attention, is this what you wanted? you got it. you got me hog tied and rotating over a spitfire, waiting to be devoured with no table manners in sight. you got me waking up in the middle of the night out of nowhere thinking of you, my body snapping out of sleep like it knows when you are around, and i worship at your altar like a grieving mother; poverty-stricken and disposable but still so full of faith. still so devoted to you and your sunday services, just waiting to wipe your face and kiss your wounds, to be blessed in your presence and feel immense gratitude over any little crumb of attention. this is a grotesque version of myself that i absolutely cannot stand to surrender, this sickening sense of loyalty and obsessive nature that doesn’t so much bloom as it does sprout like weeds between bricks in their path. what i hate most about this is that i am finally at this vulnerable place you always want me to get to. you always remind me to allow myself to become willing and open and the moment i do, you enter into this sick game of ignorance whether you intentionally mean to or not. you make up excuses that you are afraid of making me angry, which, ok. understandable. but get over it. stop waiting to think of the cool thing to say or the right way to respond or trying to crack the code of what will impress me. i’m waiting! you got me and i’m losing patience, i don’t have the slow and steady in me like you. i have reckless pickup lines and risky texts and once i am separated from any sense of shame or dignity then comes the avalanche. just go with it. just let me cover you in stupid amounts of love that seems to come out of nowhere, with indecent acts or suggestions of them accordingly. let me rob you of all your time, and everyone else of it too. i want to learn the nooks and crannies of your voice, from the pitch changes to the depths of its reverberation, and i want it to haunt me all the time. i want to be so deliberately drunk on you that you need to bring me home in a body bag and light a prayer candle in my honor. climb into this glass jar so i can keep you for myself, it’s safe in here and i even promise to clean it every now and then. i look at you and see someone i swear i know from the very bottom of my soul, and now i don’t want to look away, don’t make me. now i am suddenly there when you wake up, staring at you for god knows how long, taking as much of you in as i can at once. now i’ve got our future home and our burial plots picked out, and let’s make a suicide pact, cmon do it. just let me drag you back to bed, why you gotta always be on the go anyway? what’s the rush? i suppose one of us has to be, and we both know it ain’t gonna be me. i am just as impressed by you as i am heartbroken for you, and i will go to bat for you any day of the week. i will shield those tragic eyes from exposure to a gory sun and hold you through your doubts and worries, as well as any nervous breakdown you might need to have along the way. i can’t say for certain that you’ll never get hurt, but i do know that i’ll wrap the bandages and change the dressings as often as need be. you’re the last person i ever expected to feel some type of way about, but here i am at your locker, begging to walk you home.
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immortalpramheda · 7 years
Riverdale ‘Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls’
That was a fantastic episode! It’s got really dark, but I loved every minute of this episode!
Betty's call with the Black Hood continues where it left off last episode. He tells Betty not to tell anyone about their phone call, as he knows exactly where Polly is. But Betty decides to tell Archie, because she needs to tell someone and Archie is her oldest friend. I'm glad she could confide in someone, even though it was risky. It would have been horrible dealing with it all on her own.
Jughead decides to officially become a Serpent. I'm conflicted in his decision. One the one hand, he needs their loyalty. He needs them to trust him. But on the other hand, it means dedicating his life to them. He has to be willing to die for them. And it means he won’t be able to see his friends on the Northside. No Betty or Archie. Once you’re a Serpent, you’re Serpent for life and theres no going back. Which honestly is a terrifying concept.
But he decides to do the initiation. It starts off fine, taking care of the ‘beast’, Hot Dog, and reciting the Serpents laws. But then it gets harder. Taking a knife from a rattlesnakes enclosure. It was venomless, but still that would have ben terrifying.
I will never hear the song ‘Lollipop’ the same way ever again. That song will haunt me, the way it’s haunting Betty. The Black Hood wants to prove her loyalty. She has to publish an old newspaper article about her mum when she was arrested back when she was a Serpent. She at first hesitates, but her mum is a bitch and thinks she sent the letter from the Black Hood to herself. The Sheriff claims the handwriting on the two notes are different. So Betty publishes it, with no regrets. It was sweet justice.
She earns the right to ask the Black Hood a question, so she asks if she’d recognise the face behind the hood. He says she would. So, it’s someone Betty knows. Her next task is to get Veronica out of her life, or else he will. Oh shit. This guy is brutal.
I knew Nick was not good news when he arrived in town. Veronica’s former friend from New York. Former lover perhaps? Or so he seems to think. He’s a jerk straight off the bat. And then he just turns up to the school and invites Veronica and her friends to party. Just… is this guy for real? And then he, Veronica and Archie go to her bedroom, which was just awkward. He was full on flirting with Veronica and talking about their history in front of Archie.
The party is… weird. He has a stash of jingle jangle and they all, minus Betty, take it. Everyone is high and dancing, and Betty was just watching everyone make a fool of themselves. It made me really uncomfortable, and I had feelings that things would not end well. And Betty, tied down by what the Black Hood wants her to do, starts a fight with Veronica, putting a dent their friendship. Which was so hard for her to do, but she had to in order to keep her safe.
The next relationship she has to end is with Jughead. She asks Archie to do it for her, as it’s too hard for her to do herself. Aww. But he’s just about to come a Serpent when Archie arrives and that makes it easier for Archie to do it, considering he’s angry about his best friend becoming one of the people who beat him up. Jughead is so heartbroken. He can’t believe Betty would ask Archie to break up with him for her. But Archie makes him believe it.
That solidifies his decisions to become a Serpent, now that Betty is out of the picture. The final stage of initiation, being beat up the Serpents. That was brutal. He’s now one of them, which I’m not sure is a good thing.
Nick is generally a creep. When he’s left alone with Veronica, he tries to force himself on her. But Veronica stands up for herself and slaps him. Hell yeah! He was way out of line, and tries to push the blame back on Veronica, saying she was flirting and asking for it. It was in no way her fault. Guys do not have a fucking right to do whatever they please with a girl who gives them the slightest bit of attention. Thank you Riverdale for showing us this storyline, because it’s very important and relevant these days.
And then he goes on to apologise and tell Veronica that he was in and out of rehab for months, and blames his behaviour on that. Excuses, excuses, excuses. That is what predators do. They make up excuses to try to justify their behaviour. Veronica considers forgiving him. But then he goes and drugs Cheryl and almost rapes her. But thankfully Veronica and the Pussycats saw that something was off and they find him and stop him and beat his ass. Fuck yeah! You go girls!!
That took a horrifying turn, but I am so glad Cheryl did not actually get rapes. She has been through so much and needs to be protected. Can I also use say how great it is that Cheryl wanted to press charges on him for attempted rape. A lot of people who are actually raped don’t press charges, or even speak up. I am so glad that someone like Cheryl wants to go to the police about the incident.
Greatest moment of the episode, Alice Cooper arriving at a fancy party wearing a snake print jumpsuit/dress and Serpent necklace. Everyone stopped and stared and it was fantastic! I have no words for that scene except for iconic!
Toni kissed Jughead, and all I can say about that is just no. And also she called him ‘Juggie’. Umm, can their relationship just please not happen.
Betty gets another call from the Black Hood. She asks who he is. He tells her to go to an address, which she goes to alone. There is a box with a black hood in it. He instructs her to put it on and turn round. And, she’s facing a mirror. He says that they are the same. Then she sees someone and flees. I get why she fled, but maybe he was actually going to reveal himself to her?
Okay, so my first thought was they were going the PLL route and the Black Hood is actually Betty’s evil twin. Or… he said they’re the same, so maybe they’re relatives? Her brother perhaps?
The Black Hood knows she’s been telling Archie everything and threatens to kill her family, unless she name someone else who has sinned. I knew what name she’d choose. The one person who actually deserves to die on this. Nick St. Clair.
That ending had me shook and so hyped! I hope Nick dies in a horrible and brutal way like Miss Grundy.
Okay, so I’m now thinking the Black Hood is probably her brother. He’s obviously obsessed with Betty. And it’s someone Betty would recognise. They were the words he used, so maybe she doesn’t know this person, but she would recognise him because they’re family. Maybe?
Or it could be Betty’s evil twin, which I really hope is not the case. Or maybe Betty has a split personality and Dark Betty is actually the Black Hood. Although it’s obviously a male from what we’ve seen. But hey, that would be a great twist.
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #12: "FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooouuoock me." - Maynor
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Well. Looks like Bryce wasnt trust worthy at all. I can only have annabelle but we dont talk too much. I need to win immunity or my ass is gone next.
I definately need to win this immunity if I want to regroup. A even bigger fire in me wanting to play even more aggressive. Ive been passive. Now I dont really care who goes. Except for Annabelle ❤️. Im going to try and throw wrenches in their plans and try to get someone from their side out.
I’m on 230. Idk what my goal is going to be but i think im going to stop around 2pm so i can go back to 1 before 5pm deadline comes. I really need to win this immunity. 😰
Update. I am now at 500 for the number. Its barely noon. Idk if i should keep going or start to go back down to one. I just hope im the furtherest from everyone else. I would die if i dont win.
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I feel so terrible. like that Nathan vote was the hardest thing I have had to do in this game so far. He betrayed my trust a lot. But I really got along so well with him. And Nathan deserves better. Ugh. Like Brian and I literally feel gross. And now I have to do damage control with Anna and make it seem like a last minute switch when actually it was me being a terrible person and plotting all round against one of the nicest players ever. I'm feeling rough and this season is getting really tough.
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Well I am still here! I am honestly shocked that I am, but I will TAKE it gladly! Maybe I will stop being the target now cause nathan is gone (we shall see though, I feel like Bryce and brian are now HATED by Maynor and Anna) which will be nice. I now have the lovely (....) distinction of having the most votes cast against me in celestial history. and ALL Since the merge started lmao! I really am a magnet for votes huh. I feel good, might have to be rude to someone to get a target off my back though so uh maybe bitch boi matt will make a return at some point? We shall see
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its so awk trying to talk to annabelle bc 1 she doesnt talk to me but more importantly idk what to say like. she feels betrayed but sharkys the one who threw nathans name out NNN she should be glad if it were up to me shed be in ponderosa right now ASFKJADSHFKJS. idk like i literally just forced a convo with her so i could confront her about leaking to sharky and she just ghosts. i want DRAMA. i want TEA. and yet nothing. maybe instead of doing the most i should be doing immunity but counting is literally so anxiety inducing and daunting JKHDAFSDKJFHKJ. anyways 6th is cute too
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FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooouuoock me. I got to 626 to pay my respect to Stitch and i mess up gojng down from 323 and put 321. I never wanted to cry so bad. I wanted to scream into the void. I cant even with this challenge. I restarted and back at 404. Its 1:25 and deadline 5. Hopefully itll be enough time.
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OK, so I definitely won't win immunity, but I tried to do well!  I don't think my submission will be good enough, but I can hope and pray it is!!  I don't even know if I fucked up, but I don't think I did... so hopefully 317 is the number for me!!
In other tea time news, Nathan... ya... um... when you see this I want you to truly understand how heartbroken I am at what happened.  I knew with all the strong-minded gameplay and trust you had in me that we would've been final 2 given the chance, but I also think that what threw me off was Annabelle's constant tea spilling at Sharky and the fact that your closest allies (aside from myself) were her and Maynor, who I like but have little to no actual game relationship with.  In addition, your desire to take out Matt every single round of the merge?  Wig.
I also found out Bryce was the other Matt vote during the merge vote... so... wow I'm powerful....
According to me and Bryce's plans in this game, ideally, Sharky will go this round... but after sending home Nathan last round, my whole ass heart is on some different shit.  I just feel like me doing that would be another rough ass round, and I don't think I could handle it.  It was easier when people like Nick, who annoyed me on a game level, were the names being thrown out, especially with how cocky he was... but now I'm like... wow, these people?  Amazing.
I think Sharky winning immunity wouldn't be too bad because then I can finally push Annabelle out and won't have to worry about her, so I'm banking on that!  I don't wanna ruin Bryce and I's plans in this game, I just feel more confident sitting with Sharky than like anyone else.
I also think my relationship with Maynor is so much better, and I can actually work with him further down the road.  He sketched me out a lot in the past, but I really think it's a solid ally for me if I can get him passed this round.  Annabelle or Sharky are the ideal targets, but I'm really feeling an Annabelle vote this round.  I may not be in the best spot for immunity this round, but I know I'll have my A-game on and ready next round, so I'm READY.
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I was doing so well in this challenge. I had like 900 and I screwed up. Now I'm feeling the pressure. And I keep messing up. Now I've got less than 3 hours to make it up and hopefully finally win something. Brian told me he did not do well. And I don't want anyone else to win because it will limit our options going forward.
I'm over it. I screwed up HARD. And now I have like no time to recover. I'm over it.
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I decided to go back to 626. And at 2:41pm i was able to get back down to 1. Im happy but i really hope that was enough because if it wasnt then im going to cry. I really want to win this. Stitch my favorite please give me luck. 🦑
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last round was so risky i hope it doesnt just get me 6th. i tried to get together with anna again and i think we are but maynor not so much which sucks but as long as brian is real with wanting to keep me i should be good imagine if it was fake and he wasnt really taking me to the end NNN adsjkfhadskj the gag of the season? but ugh sharky really wants me out again like maybe get a clue and stop.
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That was upsetting. But Bryce did really well so I applaud him. Its most likely going to be me tomorrow night. It sucks but i can at least try and see if i can find a way to stay.
There is some hope. Annabelle and I want to make it a tie with Matt. And when its rock time, Brian or Sharky hopefully get the odd color and they are sent home. Thats the only play right now that I think can save me. I have to rely on Bryce who i dont trust at all anymore. But kind of have to if i want to survive tomorrow.
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i'm down for some mutual destruction this vote. I hope that this pays off or it could totally fuck me over but it is what it is if this works out i'll take this as like a win for nathan and i'll  be in a much better spot i think. wish me luck <3
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Im convinced annabelle is like a marine biologist or something with how much she loves sharky! i just want him out KFJASDHFKJ i love being pushy jk i literally hate it but i just want him out its not a lot to ask and i feel like im getting played idk but at this point my loyalty is to brian so if he betrays me its like w/e NNN just hoping itll work out maybe i comp my way into a losing finalist spot... anyways i just got into dear evan hansen again so love that renewed obsession
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The Fajita Fellas are actually a solid alliance. I know I've been skeptical of Bryce in the past but I'm actually starting to trust him which is cool. HOWEVER it's also an issue because if I'm going to keep trying to save Anna it's only going to get harder. I'm hoping this vote will be easy squeezy. I told the FF that Maynor is easy and least likely to have an idol. They seem good with that. So...we'll see.
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I am very nervous for tonight. I am 2 of the options for Sharky, Brian, and Matt to do. Annabell and I are throwing each other under the bus to them. But our plan is to vote Sharky and hoping have Bryce with us and cause a tie. And on the revote hope one flips on Sharky or we go to rocks. And hopefully Matt or Brian get the rocks.
The vote is me tonight. If plan goes according to it should be 3 vote sharky and 3 vote me. Im really hoping they flip on sharky or that Matt or Brian get rocked out. 🤞🤞🤞
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So this vote seems so simple, its like kinda amazing for once. Last tribal had so much deceit and lying to get Nathan out and this tribal is like. so. quiet? you could literally hear a pin drop. Maynor and Anna seem like they have legit given up trying to get further, with both apparently voting for the other. How quiet it is is making me slightly nervous, but I do know that if i do somehow leave i am very proud of my game I have played. and I will have the same placement as Standrea so like nothing could be wrong with that huh?
The vote ties, 3 votes Maynor and 3 votes Sharky.
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Im died. It worked but now here is hoping for matt or brian to flip. Im scared n excited.
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bro... wtf. Can I say I am mad at Bryce? no not really I saw this coming from a mile off, hell even from the other side as the Atlantic. so like mad? nah? Its just... making me so sad. Like I REALLY DO NOT want to go home, i've been through too much to get to this point. But like,... I REALLY love sharky as a person. Like, I love him loads so this is a REALLY hard decision. Fuck my life I don't know what to do
I HATE REVOTES. SO. MUCH. i AM REFUSING TO TELL ANNA ANYTHING cause i like know she will immediately run to sharky and if I am to flip I am gonna tell him first not let him hear via Anna cause that is fucking SHADY. she's just pissing me off tbqh and its just like??? at least be cordial and get off invisible for fucking once
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i think the plan worked? it was so awk trying to talk to matt i felt bad but i hope he understands he said he did so! and like... idk its just so hm idk idk. hm. like brian and matt both prob gonna flip wooh. matt said i played well so maybe i did like i tend to never think i played well but maybe i did but maybe hes just lying so KJFSDHJFA wooh
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It’s almost about that time. 20 more minutes. I am very nervous. I hope that Bryce and Annabelle stick with me and hope Matt or Brian flipped if not then at least go to rocks. Im really hoping that this move works. But this final 6. I ❤️ Annabelle. ❤️ Sharky. ❤️ Brian. ❤️ Bryce. ❤️ Matt. They are all awesome.
Brian is rocked out.
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