#i was not yelling @ you‚ nonnie. ftr.
outrunningthedark · 2 years
So, KR is saying that Buck's arc focus is to make him grow by himself (can't remember the exact quote). With this in mind, what do you think about it and its execution?
Just gonna use this quote because she said variations of the same thing in her interviews: "And that felt like a change in Buck, and that's what catapulted him into this season, was wanting to understand himself. Because I think you have to do that before you can understand the kind of person you want to be with. And so his journey this season is him discovering who he is and who he wants to be for himself.
Not because other people will like him or because other people will be proud of him, but for Buck. When Buck looks in the mirror, how does he like the person he's looking at? What needs to happen for him that he can say, "I'm Buck, and I'm enough?" And so that's sort of the journey that he's on." Start of the season - Buck focusing on work, pushing himself. Great! Makes sense! It's his one constant, the one place he feels most accomplished, most valuable, and most like himself. Saying yes to possibilities to gain more life experience and figure out if anything sticks? I'm with it. Lev dying and making Buck realize he truly doesn't know what he wants out of his life or how to make it happen? He doesn't know what will make him happy? I see the connection. Where they lost me: WHY DOES BUCK HAVE TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE HAVE A KID TO REALIZE HE'S TOO MUCH OF A PEOPLE-PLEASER??? WHY DID THE PREGNANCY HAVE TO GO THROUGH (regardless of what happens in 6B because we don't know) FOR HIM TO REALIZE HE ALREADY IS A PARENT, ALREADY HAS HIS OWN FAMILY??? HE COULDN'T COME TO THIS CONCLUSION WHEN THE DONATIONS FAILED??? THAT WASN'T ENOUGH OF A REASON FOR A "BREAKDOWN"??? (I'm not rooting for a miscarriage here.) This storyline has me mad as hell, idgaf. The only "good" outcome is that it turns out the baby isn't is (because by some miracle, Connor got his wife pregnant), and Buck is feeling like discarded/defective parts again, or he had a family, a legacy (in his head) and it was "snatched away" from him, thus leading to the "breakdown" fans are waiting for. I do not need to be in year seven, eight, nine reading speculation about "do you think this is when C&K get killed off so Buck will somehow get *his* baby???"
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