thebestskeers · 1 year
……maybe my eyes deceived me idk
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thebestskeers · 1 year
I saw @ask-garreth-weasley near them last. 👀
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thebestskeers · 1 year
I swear to the founders of Hogwarts I will confringo the next person who asks me if my twin brother is single, stop shoving it in my face that he got the good genes!
but yes he is single. Unfortunately he’s waiting for @ask-sebastian to notice his existence.
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thebestskeers · 1 year
moments before disaster, this one
I still smell the burnt goo in my robes sometimes
Potions Prodigy
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thebestskeers · 1 year
this is how he glared at me once when I levioso’d his book off of the Slytherin table in the grand hall (it’s rude to read and eat!)
it was not attractive
I was scared for my life
Anne still will never let me live it down
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i’m weak
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thebestskeers · 1 year
How many times do I have to tell y'all
Weasley's👏 Concoctions👏
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thebestskeers · 1 year
well I’ll tell you what Sherlock Holmes
you are
@ask-richard-jackdaw I diagnose you with dead
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thebestskeers · 1 year
“Good day to all!”
I hope you’re all having just a lovely time. I can proudly say I am not, a pesky Gryffindor stole my tie for a ‘potion thing’ and didn’t give it back, and now I must suffer the wrath of his aunt. But on another note, I’m happy to be here with you lot!
now, let’s do this one last time, right from the beginning. Aaand with a few clarifications.
This is an ask page (mostly), and yes I am a 7th year! I’m open to answer your slightly more ‘freakier’ questions.
No, I am not MC. They’re a bit of a pest, really. But they’re certainly keeping Sebastian busy since Anne went away. I’m still not sure what’s happened with her.
I am in the British time zone, whatever the posh letter for it are. So please be mindful of when I’ll most likely be asleep! … and ignore that I posted this at 3am! :)
Now, onto a few fun facts so you can get to know me!
My Appearance:
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Yes, this is the most accurate photo that shows how I really look! And despite how it looks, this is not a mugshot. I have rather pale skin, but I’d caught a tan in this photo.
I have golden blonde hair that can be quite darker at the top sometimes, though I am a natural blonde. It’s naturally straight and rather thick, it falls just below my shoulder blades.
my eyes are actually green, but in every common light they look grey.
I do wear makeup, but only a little. Weasley always seems to notice the days where I put on a bit more lipstick than others.
My House:
I am a Slytherin purely by nature I suppose. My mother was a cold-hearted, determined and genius potioneer and the top of her classes in Slytherin house, but my father was… not the same. My father was apparently quite the troublemaker, and a crazed Gryffindor, he was expelled in his 5th year for covering for my mothers mistakes, the two really were in love at some point in time.
My Family:
My mother is a complicated woman. I don’t live with her anymore, but I did until I was 11. When I was 12 I spent all year at Hogwarts, then when I was 13 my father finally got custody of me. I’ve lived in the lighthouse with him ever since. But, my mother was a very stern woman. We lived in a large house, since I came from a weather lineage. I wasn’t allowed to leave, ever. My mother runs a… risky business. She couldn’t risk her children leaving and being targeted as hostages. There was only one garden, full of gorgeous flowers and glowing green beds of grass. But, that was the closest I ever got to going outside until my Hogwarts admission letter. Then, I left and never looked back. She couldn’t keep control over me anymore.
My father is hysterical. And not in the funny way. He left me and my mother just a few weeks after I was born, because he felt himself losing his sanity. He’s still the same now, occasionally he runs away but he always comes back. Usually for a sandwich. He owns 7 chicken coops but no chickens, lives in an abandoned lighthouse, and only seems to wear flannel shirts. Other than all that, I forgave him when he took my in when no one else would. He’s always going to be my beloved father.
My twin brother, Colin Victor-Skeers. He’s my mothers and my step-fathers child, just not through blood. and it shows. He’s always been rather cold, but he only seems to open up around Sebastian. We never really got along, we still don’t. But thanks to Natsai we’re at least on talking terms now.
My beloved little sister, Greta Victor-Skeers. She looks so much like her father. She may only be a third year, but she’s still so little in my eyes. She seems intimidating and cold but don’t let that fool you, she’s a sweetheart deep down. Not to mention she’s got a bit of a crush on that boy running Crossed Wands, she’s just too scared to admit it! Oops, you didn’t hear any of that ;)
My Friends:
My dearest and longest friend, Anne Sallow. We all know she’s got a thing going on with Natsai, we’re not stupid. She’s an angel, a saint, a gift sent from the heavens above. When I went along my merry way to Hogwarts in my first year I still had no concept of social cues and was struggling to find my way around. Anne was the first and only person who helped me that day! She introduced me to her twin brother and his best friend, and since then she’d been my closest ally. …wherever she is now, I hope she’s still smiling bright.
Sebastian Bartholomew Sallow… what is there to say? Has he got his darker sides? Sure. Have I had a crush on him before? Yes. Did Anne tease me endlessly? It’s very obvious. But in all seriousness, he has to be one of the smartest wizards I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Even if his knowledges are in some of the more questionable ends of magic. He’s always treated me right, and I know I could go to him for anything.
Natty! Oh, my girl! Y’know, we have a pact? If neither of us are married in ten years we’ll tie the knot ourselves! Goodness, Natty has to be a close tie for second with Sebastian. She’s the kindest and most loving soul I’ve ever met. She’s gorgeous, not to mention! I could talk about her for hours and hours but… I’m afraid she’ll wallop me.
Ominis Gaunt, a charming young man! I don’t know an awful lot about him, but we’ve known of one another since the train ride to Hogwarts in our first year. Mostly because he accidentally bumped into me, but I helped him pick-up his things after a cold scolding from the boy. I admire him, really. I’d help him through thick and thin.
Garreth, please, oh please, bring me my things back. Weasley here enjoys taking my things for his potions. Last week it was my favourite perfume and today it was my tie! Almost makes me wonder what he’s making. But, he’s a sweetheart, I must admit. He always lends a helping hand, is a big hugger, and is very good at letting me know when my lipstick is smudged. He even does the honours of helping me neat it up! He likes telling me I’m pretty cool too, like, a lot. I’ve heard from his older brother in 6th year that he’s got a thing for me, but I find that hard to believe.
I believe that’s all there is to say on my part! Feel free to ask a question in my ask box, shoot me a message, or just read through! I’d be happy to answer any other questions you have!
With all my love,
Kathleen N. Skeers <3
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