#i was like okay i gotta focus like extra for a second
bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
sat down like okay. gotta be serious for a second to figure out this kink in my story. it might be annoying, it might take some effort, but it's crucial for the end result. and then 30 seconds in I realized I'd actually worked it out a few days ago
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 months
Anything for You. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFF*
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Summary: Eddie helps his girlfriend take care of a messy situation
Word Count: 1.2k
TW: Periods, blood.
A.N.: Guess who's back... back again! This is a bit self indulgent because I’m (still) on my period and all I want is for Eddie to hold me and take care of me.
The house was pitch black as Eddie tried his hardest not to wake his sleeping girlfriend up.
He wishes he would have been smart enough to keep a flashlight near the door so he could at least see where he was going instead of feeling around the air, hoping not to bump into a piece of furniture or run into the wall like he’s done many times in the past… or 2 days ago.
Work was long today, somehow the past 3 Fridays Eddie has been stuck working 13 hour shifts, guys at the garage who come in after him being sent home before him. Sure his body was tired and worn out, but getting those checks had been nice.
Finally he reaches the bedroom, stripping his work clothes off and leaving them in a trail to the bathroom so he could shower the smell of the grease and sweat off his body before going to sleep next to his girlfriend.
He smiles at her as he passes by, only seeing the back of her head as the light from the bathroom illuminates her. There was nothing better than snuggling next to her after a long day and feeling her relax into his body in her sleep.
After rinsing the suds off his body and drying himself off, he tiptoes back into the bedroom, grabbing a pair of boxers from the laundry basket full of clean clothes that needed to be put away and slipping them on.
If he had to stand up for 2 seconds longer, his knees would surely buckle. The hot shower really emphasized how worn out his body was.
His eyes adjust to the little light from the street, coming through their makeshift curtains. As he grabs the untouched sheets on the bed and pulls them back so he can slide in, he notices a dark patch on the bedding next to his girlfriend.
The longer he tries to focus his eyes better, trying to decipher what he was looking at, he notices a dark patch on the back of her shorts too.
He turns the light back on in the bathroom, not wanting to startle her with the light from the side table near her. The extra light confirming what he had thought.
“Babe, you gotta wake up for a sec.” He gently shakes her shoulder.
She inhales deeply before stretching her body, her arms raising above her head as she only opens one of her eyes to look at him, confused as to what’s going on.
“Hey, I gotta get you out of bed. I think you’re bleeding.”
Both of her eyes fly open, sitting up quickly. “Shit. Oh my god. Shit.” She panics, grabbing the sheets that were in her lap to cover herself. Her head falls into her hands in embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to crawl into her own skin. “I’m sorry, Eds. God this is so embarrassing. I’m sorry!”
Her period had come at least 3 days early, usually she was a step ahead and had something on the night before so this never happened.
He could see the immediate panic in her face as she realized she had bled onto their bed sheets.
“Hey, no. It’s okay. Go clean yourself up and I’ll take care of the sheets, okay? You’re okay, sweetheart.” Eddie says softly, reaching out to rub her back softly. “You need me to get you some new underwear and shorts?”
“Please?” She clenches her thighs together as she goes to the bathroom, stripping her clothes off and opting to jump into the shower to clean herself up.
Part of her wanted to cry from embarrassment. Eddie had never seen her leak out onto her clothes, and now her boyfriend was washing the blood off their sheets.
Of course now she felt the sharp cramps in her uterus and the sensitivity from her nipples as the water hits them.
She groans to herself at the pain, resting her forehead on the tile next to her, knowing she had at least 3 or 4 days of cramps that hurt much worse than this.
“Baby, I brought you some clean clothes. I left them on the counter.” Eddie’s voice calls from the other side of the shower curtain. “You okay?”
“Yeah I’ll be okay, babe. I’ll be out in a second.”
She waits for the door to shut before she turns the water off, grabbing the towel off the hook and wrapping it around herself.
She couldn’t help but smile seeing a new outfit for her laying out on the counter and a pad sitting on top of the pile. He really was the best boyfriend she could ever ask for.
Once she’s dressed and settled, she nervously steps out to the bedroom only to find Eddie struggling to put the fitted sheet on the mattress.
“You need some help there?” She snorts a laugh.
Eddie’s tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth in concentration as he tucks the corner in, smiling in success that none of the other corners snapped back up like they had before. He laughs to himself in victory, hopping back onto his feet. “Got it finally. Lemme just throw the sheet on and you can lay back down. I couldn’t find the heating pad but I got you some water.”
Her whole heart swelled at his thoughtfulness and she felt a small lump in her throat build. There was no way to control the tears that pricked her eyes.
“Why are you crying?” Eddie asks, walking over to her and touching her arms in comfort.
“It’s nothing. You’re just really sweet to me.” She wraps her arms around him, nuzzling her face in his chest as she hugs him tightly.
Eddie kisses the top of her head, running his hands up and down her back slowly. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
She waits as he fixes the top sheet on the bed, helping him throw the pillows back on and placing the comforter back on the lower half of the bed.
Both of them snuggle into bed, finally together after a long day away from each other.
Eddie pats his chest, motioning her to come lay on his chest. She snuggles happily on his chest, letting her arm drape over his stomach in hopes she can fall back to sleep like before.
Of course as soon as she settles, she feels a tight cramp start, making her whine uncomfortably and scrunch her body up in a ball. “Sorry, it just hurts.”
Eddie shuffles down the bed, laying her on her back again while he rests his head on her tummy, letting his chest be her heating pad. He makes a mental note to drive to the drug store to go find her a heating pad tomorrow. His hands rests on her hips, his fingers gently dancing across the skin to help relax her.
She relaxes against his body, knowing his warmth would help the pain and his weight on her help her drift to sleep. Her own hands find their way to his hair, massaging his scalp.
Eddie moans happily, letting his eyes flutter closed.
This was all he thought about while at work, coming home to his beautiful girlfriend and laying down with her, holding her against his body while he slept.
The faster he fell asleep meant the sooner he would wake up and have all weekend to spend next to her.
“Thank you for taking care of me, baby. I know you were tired after working all day.” She whispers to him.
With the little bit of energy he had left, he turns his head and kisses her tummy, quickly nuzzling his head back against her body. “You know I got you, angel.”
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dellalyra · 11 months
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 - 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨
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2 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 - 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘥.
pixie says: it’s here. this took so long because i was determined to get it just right, since this will be the final ‘pixie’s canon’ chapter of family formations (there will be more extra chapters and side stories, don’t worry! our fav family aren’t going anywhere yet). as always, mdni. request open.
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“Akio, baby! Come put your shoes on!” You call into the playroom where your almost 3-year-old son sits playing with his toys. He toddles out toward you, bright smile showing off his tiny pearly teeth and bright blue eyes gleaming with excitement. He sits on the floor and pulls his white and blue sneakers onto his feet (the wrong feet, but you’ll fix it for him). You try to comb the mess of his wild, snowy white hair into a bun but eventually resign yourself to the fact that taming it is impossible.
“Mama, we go party now?” He asks.
“Yeah, baby. We’re going to see Yuuta for his birthday! Are you excited?” You say, slipping on your own sneakers (they match your sons).
“So so excited! Will there be cake, mama?”
“Of course, there will, sweet boy! Okay, you ready? Yuuta’s present is in the car, let’s go.” You take his hand and load him and the bundle in your arms into your Land Rover. Your beautiful baby pink Cadillac sat in the garage, retired - it became a special occasion car after you realised the back seat couldn’t handle a car seat - an issue you never had with -
A thought you’d rather not go through with.
“Mama, Uncle soso be at party?” Akio asks from the back seat.
Of course - his focus is his beloved uncle soso. Not that you blame him.
“He will, baby. He’s expecting lots of cuddles.”
He squirms and squeals with excitement. Clingy, affectionate - just like his dad.
His father.
God, you miss him.
After a while of singing along to the music in the car, you pull up to the school. You spin yourself out of the driver’s seat and retrieve your son, the bundle, and the wrapped box from the back seat. He immediately runs off in the direction of the dorm common room kitchen without a second thought for his poor mother.
It’s okay though.
He’s safe.
He rounds a corner, and you see a pair of arms clad in black scoop him off the ground as he squeals and thrashes around, attempting to escape the iron hold of his captor’s arms.
“Lemme go! Lemme down!” He shrieks and giggles as raspberries are blown into his little belly.
“Never. You have been captured and the only way to be freed is if you tell me who your favourite person is.” The captor demands of the three-year-old.
“You! You, my favourite! Lemme down!” Akio giggles, now being held by the ankle's upside down.
“Well, you paid your ransom. Off you go - I gotta find my next target.” He sets the boy down and he immediately runs off, screaming for his uncle soso.
Then - the culprit sets his sights on you.
“Well, what do we have here? Hey there, pretty lady.” The man says.
“Hey handsome, come here often?” Your reply, batting your eyelashes.
“Oh, between 9am and 3pm on weekdays. You?” He smirks, flashing you a dazzling smile.
“Me too, but I have a few months off at the moment.” You wink.
“Explains why this place seems so dull without an angel like you to brighten it up.” He kisses the back of your hand.
“Well - I have more important things to be doing right now, I’m afraid pretty boy.” You smirk.
“Oh? What could be more important than working with a superstar like me?” He winks, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Well, nursing said superstar’s child for one.” You laugh.
And with that, your husband laughs. Heartily and deeply happy sounds which warm you from the inside. He bends down so he’s face level with your neck.
“Hey cupcake, you got a smile for papa?” He asks, taking the bundle from your arms.
The bundle - being your 5-month-old daughter.
The baby gurgles in delight at the sight of her dad and smiles a gummy smile - her mood elevated because of her well-timed nap in the car.
“You look beautiful, princess.” He says, kissing your forehead.
“Oh, hush you, you’ll make me blush.” You giggle, but you will admit the blue ripped mom jeans and white cable knit sweater match your husband perfectly, and you always glowed around him. As for him, he doesn’t understand how you get more beautiful every day. When he says your car pull up, and you step out of it holding his baby girl in one arm and leading his little boy with the other - he thinks back to the day he saw you in the courtyard for the first time, all smiles, and shiny eyes.
After 12 years, countless battles, many stray kids, too many heartbreaks and carrying two of his children you still manage to knock the wind out of him by just existing. The pretty girl you were now a powerful, beautiful woman and every curve and inch custom made to drive him insane, especially the view of your jeans as you bend to fix your shoe (part of the reason he’s knocked you up twice). Your strength and courage, and pure devotion to the ones you love, and fiercely bold protectiveness drive him to the brink of madness with the weight of his love for you daily.
You on the other hand, watch your husband pressing kisses to your daughter’s chubby cheeks, as he wraps his arm around your waist and leads you inside. This man, who has almost given everything to protect you all, who has gifted you with a love so pure and whole that you almost lost yourself by almost losing him - you are one person. One without the other just cannot exist, two souls meshed to create a fortress of love, warmth, and happiness. Your eyes trace his face, as otherworldly beautiful as ever, eyes crinkled with a smile at the baby in his arms. His hair but your eyes. You think he’s only gotten more beautiful since you met, all those boyish edges sharpened into those of a man - a beacon of love, and strength. Powerful muscles (part of the reason you now had two kids by him) threaten to pop through his black T-shirt and you attempt not to drool, but he catches it anyway. Smirking, and whispering filthy things about how your ass looks in your jeans making him wanna find a babysitter and skip the party to have your own. You flush and nip his jawline, a promise for more to come later.
Just as you nibble his skin, a loud shout comes from the doorway.
“Hey guys! How are you?! I know I only saw you both yesterday, but I missed you guys!”
A shock of pink hair calls out, and before he can barrel toward you is held back by his collar.
“Chill out, Yuuji. You don’t even know if the babies asleep or not.”
The ever-present raven-haired boy pops up behind him, lurking in the shadow as always.
Your eldest son, your blessing.
“Hi mom. Do you want me to take her?” He asks, and you can see the eager glint in his eyes as he stretches out his arms to Gojo who has your daughter which you know, in Megumi language, means ‘give me the baby or I’ll sulk.’
Gojo is engaged with cooing over her with Itadori who you’ve come to realise is obsessed with babies. Your husband hands your son your daughter, who’s sitting up in his arms, and squeals when she realises it’s her oldest brother holding her, and you melt a little when she lays her head on his shoulder.
“Hey Lil 'miss. Will we go find our brother?” He says, walking off with her and Yuuji, leaving Gojo to take your hand and lead you inside too.
Yuuji has grown, with him being 18 that’s not surprising. His baby face is fading, skin now lined with scars - battle scars well earned by a brave boy. He’s still not as tall as his boyfriend, but he somehow got even more broad and muscly, this was evidenced when he was helping you with the baby's nursery and just… picked up the crib. With one arm. Megumi soon insisted that he and Yuuji were tired and going to his room to ‘bed’ that night, after that show of casual strength.
Megumi - your darling boy, well, man. 18 now and tall and long limbed as ever, all sharp corners and piercing eyes. The months after the culling games were tough, on everyone. But Megumi - he suffered deeply. The mental scaring of almost killing his dad, hurting you and the torture of being trapped inside a psychopath for weeks on end - and most of all, of being in the body that killed his sister. You moved him and Yuuji back into your house, Nobara too because as much as she enjoyed her new relationship with Maki - she couldn’t sleep without knowing the boys were safe and near. She felt immeasurable guilt for not being with Yuuji and Megumi early in the Culling Games and for the injuries that Yuuji saw her almost succumb to. She spent most of her week at the cottage, and the other few days with her girlfriend - healing together.
On the really dark nights, you and Satoru would wake to pained sobs - sometimes Yuuji, who would wake thrashing, and sometimes Megumi would wake frozen in fear. Many nights, they would wake to the same noises from inside your own room. You two had each other, and you tried to stress the importance of relying on each other to all the kids. Recovery wasn’t linear, but it could be helped with love and care.
There were a few nights, you’d wake to being poked by Yuuji, a solemn look on his face and in turn you’d wake up Satoru, you’d nod to Yuuji who would leave the room and come back with a bundle of limbs in his arms. Some nights, Megumi would get so frozen with memories that all he wanted was to be with you and Satoru - so like you did when he was a little boy, you put him in between you both and fell back asleep. You always offered to Yuuji to stay, and sometimes he did - but most times he would go and curl up beside Nobara in her room. He knew Megumi was safe with you two, so he would stay with his platonic soulmate - ever the protector.
Satoru’s wounds healed, leaving scars, pink and shimmering on his pale skin which you took care to kiss every night, grateful for how hard he fought to come home to you.
Two weeks after Yuuji killed Kenjaku, and everything was over - you, Shoko, and Gojo all stood together on the plot of land behind the cottage, a nice, secluded space under a Sakura tree.
The earth was covered in snowdrops, a black marble slate sat on the ground, with gold lettering.
here sleeps suguru geto, our very best friend and deeply loved dad.
You all cried, the three of you the surviving members of your school years. Yet, a part of it was sweet. Finally, after all this time - Suguru was home. He was back where he belonged, the birthplace of the reformation of Jujutsu society, with his family, who wordlessly accepted him and his two girl's home – where he was happy before the darkness became too much.
You three built a bench beside the memorial that day too, with a smaller memorial sign for the twins, they never had a surname – so you wrote them as Nanako and Mimiko Geto. It had been years since you or Satoru had seen the girls, and even then, only Shoko knew about that day. The day you texted his number thinking it would be blocked, two weeks after the village massacre, and after he left Satoru outside of the KFC. You told him you had clothes, shoes, and toys for the girls. Satoru could not face him, so you went alone, a secret kept between you and Satoru and Shoko. You met him and the girls in a nice, quiet park. Most of them were things from when you were a child, collected from your mother’s house (you think she knew). You played with the girls for a while, looking at Suguru with pleading eyes as you introduced yourself to them as their Aunty Y/N - a sign to him that this could be fixed, he could come him – the elders could be dealt with. You knew it was a failure before you said it. If your boyfriend couldn’t bring him home, then you stood no chance. He smiled at you, sadly but thankful for the unspoken offer. The girls didn’t need to hear the anger or the truth. When it got dark, it was time to leave. You said goodbye. The final goodbye, and you knew it. You said ‘goodbye, onii-chan' and he responded in kind, then left. You did not see him again until that day in the alley.
Now, here, at the cottage; Shoko could sit for a smoke with him, Satoru could come to annoy him and so you could bring his nieces and nephews to say hello. Scattering his ashes by the cottage the family congregated within only felt right. You asked him to watch over you all.
There was no shortage of funerals after the war.
You, Satoru, Akio, and Megumi held a private memorial in your home for Tsumiki. There was no body to bury - so you set up a small garden of all her favourite flowers in the grounds of the cottage where you raised her, where she made flower crowns and played with her brother.
After that - was Nanami. You and Satoru and Yuuji warped to Malaysia after his cremation, to scatter his ashes on a quiet, secluded beach. You all drank a glass of whiskey on the beach before it was time to go home. After clearing out his apartment, you found a spare of his tie and folded it, placing it in a box with a pair of his glasses and his favourite whiskey glass - and you handed it to Yuuji. He was so deeply loved, by all of you - but Yuuji was his student, his prodigy.
It was decided that since most of the old Jujutsu Society was gone, it was time to restructure. Utahime took over Kyoto, Todo and Noritoshi now acting as teachers. In Tokyo, the job of principal was between you and Satoru. You quickly told him it should be him, without question, and you would become the lead teacher. Shoko was offered a teaching position but quickly scoffed at the notion, saying corpses were still more her style. You needed another teacher, apart from you and Yuuta, who was still training under you part time. So, you and Satoru mutually agreed that a perfect candidate was one Choso Kamo, who hastily agreed, happy to be able to stay close to his brother. Hakari would occasionally pop in, help out for days - and took over for you on maternity leave. Jujutsu society would change now. A complete restructure.
A reformation.
The new higher ups consisted of Satoru, you, Utahime, Noritoshi Kamo, Yuuta, Maki and Toge said he would step up the the plate in a few years time.
Everyone knew what happened to the old higher ups. Everyone knew who killed them.
Nobody sought retaliation.
Nobody mourned.
In the present, you stepped into the room decorated yesterday by you and Yuuji. A big banner with ‘Happy 20th Birthday!’ Was hung on the wall, with cakes and cupcakes and lots of snacks laid across the dining table. Music was playing from Maki’s speaker, who sat frowning, but letting Nobara place a party hat on her anyway. Panda is sneaking a cupcake in the back corner, and you pretend not to notice.
You look around the room, delighting in the sight of your husband and Yuuji blowing up balloons in a competition of who can get theirs the biggest (they both burst). Megumi is sitting beside them, smirk on his face as he lets his baby sister play with his long fingers and use them as a teething chew. You look around for Akio, who had sprinted inside to look for his ‘uncle soso.’ It didn’t take long to locate him, but it wasn’t by sight but rather by a delighted squeal and a giggle coming toward you.
“Mama! Uncle soso has sweeties! He say ask mama if I can share too?” A voice cries as it barrels into your leg.
You look toward the kitchen door and see a smiling Choso with a plate of mochi, looking fondly at the toddler on your leg.
“Okay, baby. Thank you for asking, and what do we say to Uncle Soso?” You say, picking him up to walk toward the favourite uncle.
“Tank you, uncle soso.” Your adorable little man says, holding his arms toward the man in signal of hoping to be transferred from your hip to his.
“You spoil that boy, Choso Kamo.” You say, not an ounce of anger in your voice.
“Maybe.” He smiles sheepish and shrugs, head peeking around your shoulder to look around.
“Are you looking for your goddaughter?” You ask.
“Where is she?” He perks up, and your reminded of a puppy hearing the word treat.
“Megumi has her. They’re with ‘toru and your brother.” You smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he walks toward the boys with Akio and the mochi in his arms.
A fatal mistake really.
He’s about to sit on a sofa with a plate of Mochi and two Gojo boys?
He won’t get any. But you think he’s okay with that.
After what you’ve come to call the war, Choso had become an indispensable part of the family. Loyal, kind, and caring - he fit in like a perfect puzzle piece. Easily making friends with Megumi (who he calls his brother-in-law), living easily as a comrade and trusted friend of your husband and easily melding into the baby brother you never had. Even though he’s about 120 years older than you.
When Akio arrived back in the country with your mother after the fighting had ceased, you and Satoru refused to let him out of your sight for weeks, Akio had protested but you had taken to having him sleep in your room until eventually you both felt safe enough to let the poor boy go back to his star-themed bedroom in peace.
That was until about 3am, when you woke up to the bedroom door opening and your husband coming in with a sleeping toddler in his arms. He needed him near, just like how he felt comforted by the soft snores coming from Megumi’s room. You said nothing, just smiled and scooted over so you wrap your little boy between you.
Megumi joined at 4am.
About 3 months after the final fight, you both put Akio to bed one night. Megumi had gone back to the dorms, recovering, and enjoying the idea of being just a student again. Satoru’s arm around your waist as you looked at his sleeping figure on his teddy bear print bedsheets. Wild white hair sticking in all directions a carbon copy of his dad.
“Princess?” He said, forehead on your hair.
“Yes, ‘toru.” You hoped he was going to say what you were also thinking.
“Let’s have another one.” He said, tilting your chin to look at him with those long fingers.
“Okay.” You smile and let him scoop you up and March you to your bedroom.
Six weeks later: there were two lines on the stick.
This time - Satoru hadn’t noticed. Maybe because his six eyes were still recovering, or maybe because the baby inside you had your cursed energy, so it just looked like yours. The day you did the test, you went to a bakery at lunchtime to grab some treats.
“I got some treats for breakfast tomorrow, since it’s a Saturday. Megumi is going out with Yuuji for breakfast, so he won’t be here.” You say, as Satoru comes back into the kitchen from putting Akio to bed.
You push the box toward him.
“Oh pastries! Are these mine?” He asks.
“Eh! No! There’s one each.” You laugh at him.
“Well then there’s two for me, because there’s four. One for Akio, one for you and two for me!” He claps.
“No, ‘toru. There’s one each.” You smile, wondering when he will catch on.
“But ‘Gumi won’t be here?” He asks, puzzled and eager.
“We still need four.” You smirk a little.
You see him frown and the cogs turn in his head? One for George the Cat? No…
His head snaps up.
“Wait! Princess…?” He takes the kitchen in one stride and kneels in front of you, and you nod, smiling.
“Really? You’re sure?” He asks, staring at your belly.
You think now is time for the best pun of your life. You reach into your pocket and take out the test.
“Positive.” You giggle, tears lining your lashes - and Satoru’s too.
He leans his head into your belly, tears soaking your shirt.
7 and a half months later, you went into labour during movie night. Megumi insisted on coming to the infirmary with you and Satoru in case anything happened. Yuuji and Nobara were on a mission, so you picked up your phone.
It barely rang once.
“Hey, Cho. We um… need a favour.” You speak.
“Is everyone alright?” The perpetually sleepy voice asks.
“Yeah, it’s just we need someone to watch Akio… I - um, well the baby’s coming.” You say, wincing through a contraction.
You all drive to the school, where Shoko is waiting to deliver your second child and Choso comes running out of his on-campus staff apartment, scooping up your son who was delighted at getting to see his Uncle Soso.
13 hours later, there was life.
New life. A beautiful, vibrant, fresh life. A beautiful little girl, perfect and tiny with a shock of pale white hair.
She cried. You cried. Satoru cried. Shoko cried.
Megumi went to collect Akio, and you asked him to bring Choso too after you and the baby were both cleaned up.
The toddler barrelled into the room, Megumi behind him.
“Baby sister! Baby sister! I want my baby sister! Oh, hi mama and papa, move - I want to see sister.” He mumbles - mind singularly focused on what he had been waiting for.
You laughed, and Satoru too. Megumi shrugged, after planting a kiss on your cheek and asking if you were okay (still a mama’s boy even at 18).
“It’s a joint sentiment.” Your eldest agrees with the bouncing toddler.
You scoot over on the bed, and Satoru (teary eyed) places a bundle into your arms. Megumi gingerly sits beside you on one side, and Satoru scoops Akio onto his lap on your other side.
“Boys, we’d like you to meet your baby sister. This - is Mirai.” You smile at them, both looking equally entranced.
“She’s… so tiny, and so pretty.” Megumi whispers.
“Papa - is she sleepin’?” Akio whispers.
As if on cue, the baby opens her eyes.
Akio gasps, looking to his dad for permission to get closer. Satoru nods with a note to be gentle with sister and mama. Your usually boisterous boy crawls to sit on your lap, putting his hand on his sisters.
“Hi baby sister.” He whispers. “I brother. Big brother. Like ‘Gumi my big brother. I keep baby sister safe, and will play with you, and let you have snacks and give you hugs and kisses. I Akio, but mama and papa call me Kio lots. They all things that ‘Gumi and Uncle soso say big brother do, and they are bestest big brothers to me and Jiji. (The name he has for Yuuji, who adores it).’
Holding your little girl in your arms, with all three of your boys looking at you both with so much love - you think that everything was worth it. For this moment, for this feeling and for this family. Every wound, every fight - it was for them. Everyone you lost, you know they’re looking at you all now from wherever they are and smiling and vowing to keep this family safe.
“Is Choso here?” You ask Megumi who has gingerly been passed the baby by Satoru.
“He’s outside, he wanted to wait until he was invited in.” He whispers, not sparing a glance at anything but his little sister.
You turn to Satoru, who nods and goes to open the door and usher the other man in.
You both placed the highest level of trust in Choso. Satoru being eternally grateful to the man for holding you back from running to his injured body when he fought Sukuna, for caring for Yuuji in his darkest days, for being a pillar of strength and support when you both needed it. For you, you felt like the support and friendship, and recognition as Y/N and Satoru that Choso gave you - not just the Six Eyes and the Dryad - was priceless. Plus - he’d never seen a newborn baby. He didn’t even know how babies were born. You and Satoru had to teach him a lot.
“Hi Choso. Thank you for minding this little squirt.” You say, nodding to Akio.
Choso just stood, speechless and slack jawed.
It reminded you of Yuuji when you first showed him an ultrasound of Akio.
“Uncle soso - this is baby sister! Look! She has fingers!” Akio says, crawling across you to point at the baby in Megumi’s arms.
He says nothing.
“D’ya wanna hold her, bud?” Satoru says, smiling at the dumbfounded man.
He just nods.
“Okay - arms out, keep her head secure.” Megumi says side eye and smirk to Satoru as he parrots the words his dad said to him when Akio was born.
The little girl is placed in Choso’s arms.
“She’s… so small.” He speaks.
“Takes after her mama.” Satoru says, kissing your head.
“Everyone is small to you, Jack the beanstalk.” You roll your eyes.
That day, you asked Yuuta and Choso to both be Mirai’s Godfathers. Choso silently took on the uncle role with Akio too - who had lost his own godfather not so long ago, his beloved Uncle Nanamin.
The door to the party room opened, too early to be the birthday boy and the sound of heels clicking alerted you to snap your head up.
“Koko!” You say, running and throwing your arms around you best friend.
“Jesus, you’re almost as bad as Sator - OOF.” Her complaint was quickly cut off by a white haired, 6ft5 man barrelling into her and shouting ‘Yay, Shoko!’ and no less than 5 seconds later her knees were encircled by smaller arms attached to a boy shouting ‘Aunty Koko!’.
Shoko resigns herself to being smothered by the Gojo’s and just huffs a hello.
“Mirai, Megs, you’re the best of the bunch.” She shrugs toward Megumi who’s still holding the baby.
“We love Aunty Koko! Don’t we, ‘kio?!” You and Satoru encourage.
“Aunty Koko!” He parrots, nuzzling her legs as she ruffles his hair.
“Alright kid, I love you too. Satoru, put this on the table.” She says, unceremoniously throwing a box terribly wrapped toward him.
She plonks down on the sofa with Megumi and Choso.
“What’s this, the emo convention?” She smirks and you, Satoru and Yuuji just burst out in hysterical laughter.
Nobara’s voice calls out.
“Guys! They’re here, they’re just pulling up now. Gojo-sensei, find somewhere to hide that you can fit!” She frantically shouts, dragging Maki into a corner with her.
You grab Megumi and Mirai, falling behind the kitchen door where Akio is in Satoru’s arms, both giggling.
The lights are turned off, and you can hear voices muffled from outside the door before it swings open.
“SURPRISE!” You all shout and sing, much to the alarm of the birthday boy who also screams.
“Oh my god! What is this?! What are you all doing here?! Toge, did you know about this?” Yuuta spills.
Toge just shrugs and smirks.
“Happy birthday, Senpai!” Says Yuuji, before almost breaking every bone in Yuuta’s body with a crushing hug.
“Happy birthday, Okkotsu.” Megumi nods, with a small smile and a bro hug.
“Happy birthday, shrimp.” Maki says, hugging her best friend.
“Happy birthday, Okkotsu! Your gifts are on the table!” From Nobara.
You, Satoru, the kids, Shoko and Choso watch as all the students clamour to greet the birthday boy before he somehow manages to make his way over to you all as Yuuji begins to dish out the immeasurable amount of food he’s made for the occasion.
“Sensei? Y/N? The babies too?! Hi babies!” He greets with a wide smile.
“Happy birthday, Yuuta!” Gojo says, wrapping him in a hug and picking him up off the ground.
“Happy 20th, honey.” You say, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Happy birthday Yuuta!” Says Akio from Choso’s arms, where he doesn’t stay for long as he launches himself at Yuuta.
Mirai is babbling in your arms, and you presume she shares the sentiment of her big brother being an eerie mixture of her parents,
“Happy birthday, kid. Enjoy your 20s.” Shoko says, with a wink.
“Thank you, guys, this is amazing. I went to the arcade with Toge and I thought that would be that no wonder he insisted on playing more dance dance revolution!” He laughed.
After cakes had been eaten and candles blown out, gifts unwrapped and games won - everyone was sat around the room, about to watch a film.
Mirai was asleep on her dad’s chest, curled up with his arm supporting her. You were tucked into his other side, as he pressed kisses into the crown of your head. Megumi had his arm around Yuuji on your other side as he lay his feet on your lap. Nobara and Maki were cuddled up on the armchair, with Toge resting his head on Yuuta’s lap on the floor below. Akio had insisted on sitting with Uncle Soso and Aunty Koko on one of the other sofas, as he ate some cake.
You sighed and smiled, looking at the raven-haired boy, now all grown up on your left - happy, healing, safe and in love. He’s a man now, he’ll be 19 in just under a year and you find it crazy to think that was the age you and Satoru were when you adopted him and Tsumiki.
You look at Akio, curled into a blanket between his aunt and uncle, Shoko on the verge of sleep and Choso smiling at whatever nonsense Yuuji was talking. Your youngest son, your sweet copy of Satoru. You say all the best parts of you both in him, all bravery and kindness and endless love with added strength and loyalty, and every inch as clever as his elder brother too. His Snow White hair is long, tied in a little bun on top of his head and his bright, shiny blue eyes a copy and paste of his dad’s.
Then, there’s your little girl. The life brought into this world reigniting hope and joy in so many lives. The fruit of what you all fought for. Her chubby cheeks, rosy with teething snuggles into her father’s broad, strong chest as she drools all over him as she sleeps soundly. Where Akio is a Mama’s boy, Mirai is her papa’s girl. Her white curls are framing her perfect little face, with matching lashes laying across her sleeping face.
Then, there’s him.
Akio and Miria’s papa.
Megumi and Tsumiki’s adopted dad.
The new principal of Jujutsu High.
The man who shouldered the world for love.
Your husband.
Your soulmate.
Your ‘toru.
The light, love, and joy in your life since you were 16 years old. The man who you fall deeper in love with every day and the second part of your soul. Your heart, your lover, the fire in your veins. Two adopted kids, many unofficial kids and two copies of you both later, you’re both still here. Fighting your way to each other and for each other, and side by side building bonds deeper than gold. The sexiest, most beautiful man you have ever imagined existing. The love of your life. The way he looks at you, still flusters you.
You catch his eyes. 14 years, and a lifetime more.
He looks at you. His wife, his best friend, the missing piece of his heart. The most beautiful, hottest girl he’s ever seen with all his six eyes, the mother of his children and his right-hand woman. His rock, his crutch, his confidant and partner in crime. The woman he would shoulder the earth for. The new main teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. His love grows every day for you, something he didn’t think was possible. His princess.
You whisper you love him.
He replies he loves you too.
You were all chatting as the movie loaded, waiting for it to buffer.
“When the fuck is movie starting?!” Came a tiny voice.
All heads snapped to Akio, hands on his hips, staring at the screen.
“Who taught our son to swear?” Gojo breathes, holding back a laugh.
“Fuck’s sake.” You mutter, smiling - without thinking.
“Fuck’s sake.” Akio mimics.
“Ah, shit.” Gojo groans.
“Shit.” Parrots the toddler.
“Well, jury’s out but I think it might have been his parents.” Megumi smirks.
The room bursts into raucous laughter, and amidst it all the movie starts.
It serves as background noise, a lullaby, a point of focus. A family made of many mismatched pieces - a pool of trust, of reliance, of hope and comfort - created and moulded in the image of a couple, of two sides of one coin, two halves of one whole: her ‘toru. His Princess.
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mewmewpercy · 1 month
Psychology Student Analyses Dr. Ratio
Okay I've been meaning to do this one forever because mischaracterisation goes crazy about this man and I gotta correct some facts.
Dr. Ratio is a very blunt person. He sounds harsh and doesn't mince words. He seems almost self-centred and cocky in a way. That is until you actually look into what he's saying and how he talks to others.
I've talked about him before specifically in regards to his role in the 1.6 update. He's a foil to Ruan Mei meant to show empathy in the scholarly field. His bluntness and cold voice versus her over explanation at times and soft voice. The entire point of him sounding as cold as he does is to put an emphasis on actually paying attention to what he says and how he acts.
In 1.6 while Ruan Mei has the entire space station at risk with her swarm experimentation Ratio's mini investigation about the Everflame Mansion situation was done without anybodies knowledge lest they be at risk.
The entire reason he's in the Intelligensia Guild rather than the Genius Society is because he cares about spreading his smarts across the cosmos. He doesn't want people to be stupid because it's not good to be unawares so he's strict and maintains an air of harshness to impress what he deems necessary for people he's around to know.
People love to bash the English dub of him because he sounds harsh but if I'm going to be completely honest he's far from harsh. He's blunt and strict and won't mince his words but he's not mean like people make him out to be. I quite commend Jordan Paul Haro for his performance because of the way he brings Ratio to life. With the borderline pretentious tone he has it mean you truly have to listen to his words not his voice which is something many people fail to do.
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Take this line for example. Many think he's being cold and rude but let's think about him and his character for a second. He shows his care in his bluntness. He doesn't enjoy putting on performances for anybody. In my opinion what he's saying is that he wants Aventurine to worry about himself(because we all know how that guy is) and to stop pretending with his over the top and super extra way he acts around people. He's saying he wants him to focus on himself and stop pretending all the time.
All in all Dr. Ratio is a pretty cool guy. He cares about people by spreading what he knows and doesn't bother with false pleasantries and lies. He's not a cold-hearted jerk he's just a guy who doesn't show very much emotion because he deems it unnecessary.
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flyingwargle · 3 months
atsumu is a morning person. he loves the quiet of the early hours, the drowsiness that sharpens into focus, the peace that follows the rising sun. although it pains him to separate himself from his partner each time, the drowsy, soft smile on sakusa's face when he sits at the breakfast table is worth it.
he quietly slips out from bed and into the kitchen. it's their first weekend off after rigorous training to prepare for their match against vc kanagawa, but not even off days is enough to shake atsumu from routine. he rummages through the cupboards for ingredients to make pancakes, an indulgence they definitely deserve. putting on his cooking playlist at a low volume, he gets to work.
it surprised him to learn that sakusa is not a morning person. it takes him at least three snoozes before he could be persuaded to get up, and no morning is complete without coffee. he's also much more receptive to physical affection while half-awake, although atsumu prefers to keep this tidbit to himself, if only to steal a few kisses from his usually reserved partner.
the pancake batter is done in minutes, measurements engrained in his muscle memory since childhood. sakusa likes his pancakes simple - a dollop of cream and butter. atsumu, on the other hand, goes all out, dressing them with fresh fruit and syrup, topped with a crown of cream. he slices the fruit, chills a bowl for the cream to whip once sakusa is awake. pan left to warm on the stove, he ventures down the hallway, knocking lightly on the closed bedroom door. "omi? ya awake yet? i'm about to start cookin'."
he hears shuffling, but nothing else. it's still early, according to his partner's standards, but hey, an extra hour awake just means more time together, right? atsumu enters, adding, "we can check out that park 'samu told me 'bout, said there were geese or somethin'."
sunlight strains against the curtains. a vague human shape is tucked beneath the blankets, unmoving as atsumu approaches. he peels the covers aside, greeted with a glare. "mornin' to ya too, omi."
"do you know what time it is?" sakusa's voice is much deeper after waking, harsher but without any of its bite.
"just after 10. c'mon, omi, yer burnin' daylight. we have tomorrow off too, so we can cuddle or whatever. oh, but we gotta get our cardio in." atsumu dismisses the thought. "that can come after cuddles. pancakes?"
sakusa sighs, low and heavy. "fine. just give me some time to get up."
"i'll get the cream whipped, then." atsumu leans over to kiss his cheek, smiles at his drowsy expression. he retreats, heading back to the kitchen to continue his work.
soon, the cream is chilling in the fridge, the batter is left beside the stove, pan warm and ready. atsumu knocks on the bedroom door again. "omi?"
he hears grumbles this time. pushing the door open, he sees his partner is still in bed, covers pushed aside from where he left it. when he meets sakusa's eyes, it's tinged with pain. "is somethin' wrong?" atsumu asks, worried.
"just pain in my hips," sakusa mumbles through gritted teeth. "sorry."
"don't say that. i'll grab yer heat pad. ya need painkillers, too? best ta take one with food."
"i think i'll be okay. just need some heat on it."
atsumu nods, slipping in and out within seconds. he helps position it under him, his partner letting out a tiny sigh. "there was pain in my knees too after practice," he admits quietly. "i'd rather not move much today if we have to do cardio tomorrow. sorry."
"s'no problem. just relax, 'kay? when ya feel better, let's move ya to the couch so i can feed ya breakfast and we can watch somethin' on tv." atsumu sits beside him, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "the geese can wait."
"i didn't know japan had geese."
"right? 'samu has to be lyin'."
it takes time but eventually, sakusa is coaxed out of bed and into the living room, supported the entire way. he settles on the couch, heat pad shifted to his other hip, massaging his wrists as atsumu makes pancakes, returning to his side with two plates. "want me to feed ya?"
"i can handle it." sakusa takes a fork, uses it to slice off a piece from atsumu's plate. he pops it in his mouth. "it's good."
"what's a man gotta take fer ya to say it's delicious?"
"a michelin star."
atsumu rolls his eyes. "those aren't measures fer good food an' ya know it."
sakusa chuckles, but it ends with a hiss as his hand jerks, fork falling from his grasp, landing with a clatter. atsumu puts his plate down, snatches the fork in an instant. "are ya okay?"
"yeah. just felt a jolt of pain." he sighs, hand lowered to his lap, using his other hand to massage it.
"guess i'll hafta feed ya now," atsumu jokes. when he doesn't get a retort, he blinks, notices the deep frown on his partner's face. "omi?"
"you shouldn't have to deal with me on your day off," sakusa mumbles. "i'm just being difficult."
"if i see my partner's in pain, i'm gonna do what i can to make it better. i hate that i can't make it go away completely, but i can help care fer ya and make life easier fer ya." his tone is serious, eyes bright with a cocktail of love and determination. "yer never difficult, omi. now shut up an' let me feed ya."
sakusa stares at him, incredulous. then, "you better get a clean fork."
"obviously," he retorts, standing.
"and a dishcloth to clean the floor. we don't need ants in the apartment."
"'samu dropped an entire pot of curry once an' we never got rats or anythin'."
"add to that sentence, and i'm revoking your kitchen privileges."
"are ya gonna cook? we both know ya suck at it."
sakusa rolls his eyes. "no, i don't. i learned from the best."
"aw, thanks."
"i meant your brother."
atsumu pouts, and sakusa simply laughs, a light chuckle that fills the room with light. floor cleaned thoroughly, atsumu sits beside him, feeds him bites of pancake in between conversation, checking in with his pain. dishes left aside in favor of watching tv, atsumu rests his head on sakusa's shoulder, simply enjoying his company.
the geese can wait another day.
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amyispxnk · 11 months
Be strong like you should've been.
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Summary: You're grieving already and you almost lose Joel. You're not gonna let that happen.
A/N: if I can be bothered and people care enough I might make this into a multiple part slowburn thing
Joel Miller x f!reader, platonic!Ellie Williams x f!reader
Word count: 2009
Frankly it was embarrassing.
Embarrassing when you would be walking through the forest, Ellie's puns from that dumb book becoming muffled as your thoughts clouded your mind once more, and the two of them noticed you were crying before you did, the realisation making you quickly wipe away the tears you pretended didn't even spill.
Embarrassing when you bolted upright from your sleep in the early hours of the morning, panting heavily and feeling the dried tears on your face as you saw her staring at you awkwardly, averting her gaze as soon as yours met it and staring into her can of food. You didn't miss the feeling of his gaze burning holes through you either.
Embarrassing now as you sat before Joel, fumbling for a med-kit or anything of use in your bag.
"Shit!" You cursed as the latch on the box came undone by itself, causing the roll of gauze to unfurl across the floor.
Ellie was scrambling to help get it back together as he groaned in pain, fingers digging into his palms.
"I'm so sorry, fuck, okay it's gonna hurt. I'm sorry." Your voice quivered at the end of the sentence as you choked on a sob, willing the tears away as they gathered at your waterline.
"You gotta hurry up!" Ellie said in a panicked voice, hands already reaching for your pistol as you tried your best to tend to Joel's wound. It wasn't anything detrimental, but they got him in the leg with a bullet and thats why he was currently on the floor, feeling useless since he genuinely couldn't move or get you both away from the danger.
"No, Ellie listen! Just give me that. You stay here, okay? I'm gonna get them away and then you-"
"Absolutely fucking not." He gritted, already reaching for his rifle.
"Joel, you can't move. I need to get them away." You argued, handing Ellie the supplies as you got up. He couldn't really stop you now and you all knew it.
She nodded slowly at your instructions, feeling a little weird since she was going against Joel's order by doing so, but taking the med-kit anyway and accepting your pistol as you told her it was 'strictly for an emergency' and to 'just focus on getting out of here'.
You waited until the pair had safely made some distance before you left the barricaded room, sneaking outside the other way as you hid behind a crate. The gunfire had quietened down when the raiders lost you, so you figured the best way to go about this was to kill them as quietly as possible.
You listened out for their voices and footsteps and crept up behind your first victim, jumping up and clasping a hand over his mouth before driving the blade into his neck, laying him on the ground and quickly moving on.
You did the same with three more, until you got to the fourth one. You had just stabbed him and you were holding him up until he died when another one of the men came behind you, foolishly stepping on a bottle and giving you just a split-second extra of time to evade his attack. You quickly moved to the side and dropped the man, leaving him to choke and gasp on the floor as you reached for your gun, firing it rapidly at the man across from you. He fell to the floor as you heard the shouts of at least a dozen other men once they'd heard the gunshots. So much for being quiet.
You darted out the door, running across the outside of the building and quickly looking around for Joel or Ellie, seeing neither of them. Good, you thought. That means they got away.
After ensuring they were safe and far enough from the building, you made a break for the forest nearby, praying that that was where they went. It would be the most logical decision, as Joel couldn't get much further fast enough.
You fired blindly at this point, just wanting to hit anything to slow your attackers down, barely even stopping when you got to the forest until you noticed a marking on a tree. It was a little design that Ellie noticed on a patch on your backpack one day, asking you about it. It was something from before the Outbreak even, an old design on it which lead to a long enthusiastic conversation about life before the world ended. She had remembered it and wanted you to be able to tell they were nearby without anyone else knowing. Smart girl.
You concealed yourself behind a few trees as you waited for the sounds to dissipate, reloading your ammo and wiping your knife.
It must've been almost 2 hours before you finally got back to them, immediately going back to worrying over Joel, and Ellie now too.
"Did you get hurt when I was gone? Did you stop the bleeding? I should've told you to clean the wound too, did you do that? Fuck." Words spilled out of your mouth as you frantically checked the two of them for injuries, until you felt Ellie's hand on your shoulder.
"It's fine. We're fine. I stopped him bleeding and neither of us got hurt. Chill out, man." She chuckled slightly at the end as you finally calmed down.
"I'm so sorry." You sighed, standing up and going to get some food out of your bag.
"If he can't move, then we'll have to stay here for the night. Can't say it'll be very safe, but I'll stay up and keep watch, okay?"
"I can walk fine." He countered, getting up with a heavy groan of difficulty before leaning against the tree.
"You sure about that old man?" Ellie teased, finding his struggle kind of amusing now that you were all out of danger and okay.
He gave her a look before turning to you.
"C'mon, gimme that." Joel reached for his bag, making you swiftly pull it away from him.
"Absolutely. Not. It's gonna make you even slower, and if you want to move we have to do it quick." You said, gesturing to the sun which was already making its descent to below the horizon.
After that you got quiet. The three of you found an empty house which you barricaded before giving Ellie and Joel some food before she went up to bed and it was just the two of you in the living room.
"Y' should eat somethin'." He muttered, breaking the silence which had enveloped you after Ellie left.
"And you should get some rest." You argued, your back to him as you stared through the window, hands ready on your gun to shoot at anything you didn't like the look of.
You had been too weak lately. You let it get the better of you, and you got distracted. Now you were paying the price. She would've been disappointed in you.
You had lost your older sister almost 2 months ago now, and it still hurt just as bad as it did on the day. It was right before you left the QZ when you had snuck out with her to go watch the snow by your lake, wanting to enjoy it without the sound of gunfire and the bothersome guards on your ass every 5 minutes when you were outside and not doing something useful.
She had taken you there spontaneously, normally you would have planned a little better for this trip but neither of you expected it to snow so beautifully and she really wanted to take you.
But it was truly amazing, and definitely worth the risk, you concluded. The lake was still slightly frosted over as January was just coming to its end, tree branches and bushes had dustings of snow adorning them, and you both had a lot of fun building snowmen and making snow angels that night.
On your way back, you had to go through an old town which you had cleared last month.
It wasn't clear anymore.
One second you were creeping through a house and the next rotten teeth were sinking into her flesh as you watched in pure horror. Horror which quickly turned to rage as you raised your gun and shot the clicker once, twice, three, and four times in the head, watching it twitch before crumpling on the floor.
She had forced you to kill her so she wouldn't end up like that.
You shook your head, shuddering at the memory before getting up and walking over to him.
"Let me check it." You told him before slowly pulling up his left pant leg and undressing the wound. Ellie had clearly done her best at patching him up, but it needed to be fixed up a little.
You worked quietly as he watched, tying the final bit of gauze and cutting off the excess before standing up again. You looked down at him.
It had been too close. Too fucking close. He literally fell whilst you were running away and you had to pick him up again, dragging him to the nearby room whilst shooting at the hunters. Blood poured out of his leg and you thought he was really going to die. You fucking blinked and he was on the brink of death. Just like she was.
"What's up with you lately?" He asked, having noticed the clear change in your attitude. You had known him before this whole adventure began, having done deals with him a few times and him having known your sister too. He didn't actually know she was dead though, having asked where she was when you turned up at his place one day and all you responded was that she had to leave for something, leaving it at that.
Then Ellie came along and you set off for the Fireflies, almost halfway through your journey now.
"I'm fine. You should honestly get some rest Joel."
"You're not fine." He said, grunting as he got up and walked over to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You can talk t' me. I don't know if you're scared or what, but don't be. 'm here for ya." He assured you. He wasn't great at this whole comforting people thing, but he'd try for your sake.
"Cassie, she-" you began after a brief pause and he immediately tensed. Of course he sensed something was wrong all those weeks ago when you turned up without her, it wasn't like you to go anywhere alone but there you were, alone at his door.
"She's gone, Joel." Your voice cracked again as you finally let yourself cry, your entire body shaking with sobs as he turned you round and pulled you tight into him, rubbing your back soothingly and shushing you.
"Oh, sweetheart.." He didn't know what to say. You and Cassie were as close as sisters could be, he knew that. He knew how much you loved eachother and how you had stayed so strong these past 8 weeks amazed him.
"I'm sorry." You choked out. "I should've been faster earlier, I- I let you down."
"Shh, you didn't. You were so amazing out there. Don't say that." He said softly, moving back slightly from you and brushing your tears away with his thumbs. "You did the best you could, and that was enough. You didn't do anything wrong sweetheart, okay?"
You nodded slightly, gaze moving to the floor before he tilted your head upwards and looked at you.
"You should really go to sleep." You mumbled.
"I'll stay up with you." He offered.
"It's not gonna do us any good if both of us are tired tomorrow."
Joel sat back down on the couch with that. "Well I'm gonna stay up until you fall asleep, 'cause I know you will." He teased, making you let out a watery laugh before wiping your face again.
"Okay, I'm gonna go clean my face then."
"I'll be waitin'." He responded as you walked up the staircase.
Thank you SM for reading, I hope you liked it! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open. 💞
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:25:07
Video Length: 4min. & 58sec.
The Salsa Jump (Pt. 1 | ‣Pt. 2)
Kristen: "But you passed, right?"
Kipperlilly: "Hm?"
Kristen: "You don't even have to take classes."
Kipperlilly: "Studying student government."
Kristen: "Oh, I see. 'Cause I thought that teacher found you so you don't have to take any classes."
Adaine: "Right."
Gorgug & Fig: *eating chips with Kristen's salsa hat*
Brennan: "You see that"
Kristen: *eats chips from her salsa hat*
Brennan: "she..."
Kristen: *rubs the salsa chip all over her face* 😭✋
(Brennan's laugh! 😭✋ & Ally's laugh! 😭✋)
Brennan: "She looks at you and says,"
Kipperlilly: "It's nice to be able to focus. How are things going with your goddess?"
Kristen: *scoffs* "It's been a lot better. Did you hear? She passed."
The awesome caption team: (all laughing)
Ally: "I actually meant that seriously."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Ally: "Yeah."
Kristen to Riz: "Is this going well?"
Riz: *shakes his head* "We're gonna head out."
Kristen: "We are gonna head out. I can't move too fast."
Riz: "Good contest."
Ally: "I'm trying to run, but I'm-"
Brennan: "As you walk away, it's like five seconds later, and you see that Kipperlilly now let's you get a little bit away so she can say,"
Kipperlilly: "Your goddess passed?" *echoing* "How can you cast spells?"
Brennan: "And the whole campus hears it."
Riz: "Passed the test."
Kristen: "Passed the test...to give me extra spells."
Ally: "And then I try to Spider-Man web." *laughs*
Murph: "Can I prestidigitation?"
The awesome caption team: (all laughing)
Emily: "I also prestidigitation."
Lou: "I'm gonna cast Pyrotechnics. And I'm just gonna shoot off a 💩 ton of fireworks."
Brennan: "I'm gonna say right now that all of you do whatever you need to do. I'm gonna say the difficulty of covering that is a 40. And you may add all of your checks together."
Murph: "You in a salsa hat."
Siobhan: "I'm gonna cast Nondetection on Kristen so nobody can tell that it's not coming from her."
Zac: "I cast Jump on..." *laughs*
Ally: *laughing* "On the salsa?"
Brennan: "Okay, Nondetection, Jump, you're casting Pyrotechnics."
Lou: "Pyrotechnics, just" *waves his hand in the air*
Emily: "I'm casting-"
Murph: "Prestidigitation."
Ally: "But do we have any Bardics going around that we can try to..."
Emily: "You don't want mine."
Ally: "Okay."
Emily: "I'm gonna cast Fear because it creates an image and I'm just gonna create an image of a huge nefarious spiderweb."
Ally: *spiderweb-shooter noise*
Brennan: "So what everyone sees is Kristen shoots spiderweb that also produces a elephant-sized spider that begins to run amuck on the campus as Kristen ejects from a Jump spell straight over the school into another field."
The awesome caption team: (all laughing)
Lou: "Through fireworks."
Brennan: "Through fireworks."
Lou: "Through fireworks."
Brennan: "Everyone starts screaming."
Ally: "Passed the test to gimme extra spells!"
The Bad Kids chanting: "Kristen! Kristen! Kristen! Kristen!"
Adaine: "Wow, I'm voting for her for sure."
Riz: "You've seen the shrimp jump, and now have you seen the salsa jump?"
Brennan: *laughing*
Adaine: "I'm so wet, it's burning my face."
Brennan: "Food trucks peel out from the ****ing giant spider."
Gorgug: "Get outta here, losers."
The awesome caption team: (all laughing)
Brennan: "And with that, what better not to engage in our very first downtime."
Gorgug: "Phew!" *wipes forehead*
Riz: *laughs*
Fabian: "We gotta get it together." *laughs*
Kristen: "Yeah, I'm so sorry."
Riz: "Kipperlilly knows that your other god died but didn't know that this one just died."
Kristen: "*** **** it!"
Fig: "Well, I actually liked that you played it honest, though. 'Cause she's telling us lies and you just told the truth."
Kristen: "That's true, but-"
Fig: "Well, until you didn't."
Kristen: "Until I lied big time. But you guys really covered it up. Okay?"
Fabian: "Passed the test."
Gorgug: "Hey, do we need to lock it in?"
Fabian: "Yeah, we lock it in."
Kristen: *takes off her hat* "You guys, I'm really sorry."
Riz: "Let's all never talk to Kipperlilly ever again."
Fabian: "Throw this hat away."
Ally: "Can I do an insight check on when I confronted her about the teacher finding her and her not finding the teacher?"
Brennan: "Yeah. Yeah."
Ally: "Did she give me any- Like, did I ice through one little barrier?"
Brennan: "Give me an insight check."
Ally: "Okay."
Ally gets a 14 on the insight check.
Brennan: "Once again, she didn't say anything in response to it, which feels like a confirmation of it to you, but you didn't see it rattle her. You didn't see anything... Like, in other words, on a 14 you can't get any insight into it. But fundamentally, I think maybe Kristen would feel on some level that if you were to say, 'Hey, that was a ******** technicality,' she'd almost be more proud. Do you know what I mean? Like, literally if someone were like, 'Hey, the spirit of that rule is you're supposed to find the Rogue teacher, not have the Rogue teacher find you. She would be like, 'A success against the spirit of the rule is actually more enticing to me.'"
Ally: "She thinks she gamed it and that's actually more impressive."
Brennan: "Yes, precisely."
Ally: "Okay, got it. *** ******."
Siobhan: "I wonder if the Rogue teacher found her to say, 'Hey, grinding is not the way to do this and you actually have to study and you're in trouble.'"
Ally: "Or she like put herself in danger and that's why that person died. The Rogue teacher had to step in and-"
Siobhan: "Oh, 💩."
Ally: "-like try to save someone-"
Siobhan: "Yeah, either way, she sucks."
Ally: "Yeah."
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pro-mammonologist · 2 years
The Smell of Fear
Part 3/5
NSFW ahead!!! Demon form Mammon, extra sensitive Mc, and foreplay (scenting and breeding in future parts!)
Fem!Mc x Mammon
Part 1
Part 2
Sorry it’s taking forever to write, I picked up a shift at work on top of school, and making thanksgiving food, but after this part it should be done by Thursday.
You squinted at Mammon and waited for him to elaborate. He stared at you, goofy grin with a fire in his eyes. This state off continued until you got ready to speak.
But he went first. “It enhances your senses where it touches.” He blabbed, sensing your apprehension. “If I use it in small amounts, it apparently makes a really good relaxing sensation with these other oils I got. So like the stress free in the lavender is extra stress free.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. “Okay okay.” You turned your head, preparing to let him start before snapping back to him. “Wait. Where it touches. So, like, anywhere it enhances your senses?” You pondered aloud.
“You tryna get dirty, Mc?” He spread oil on his hands, a smirk across his face.
“Well, are you saying you didn’t buy this with other intentions??” You teased, reaching around to unclip your bra and toss it to the side.
“And noooo, I didn’t.” He looked at your bra across the floor. “What did I just tell you?” He scolded you as if you were a child. Despite his tone, he placed his hands down gently.
“Giving you better access! Don’t make assumptions, Mammon.” You teased again, holding back a laugh.
“You really weren’t traumatized if you can think about sex that fast. Most humans like you?” He teased you back and began to slide his hands up and down your back.
You sighed, relief already coming in. “I’m just built different. If you can give me a good enough massage, maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider letting you use that little magic item cream thing on my privates.” You mumbled, letting his hands work. Though your eyes were closed, you could decently visualize his expression, knowing Mammon.
“By the end of this massage, you will never ever dare think of anyone but me, ‘kay? If makin’ you a pretty mess my reward, I’ll do whatever I gotta do.”
He opened up the item, a small tube with a lid, and squired just a pea size onto a finger. He rubbed his hands together and then raced them down your back and shoulders. You felt a tingling sensation run through you for a few seconds before subsiding and turning into something completely different. The feel turned to warmth wherever his hands touched, as though his fingers brought the feeling of hot water, like a hot tub. You moaned, a gentle and pleasurable sound affirming Mammon’s predictions.
“Really works, huh?” He kneaded at your skin in circles, making your brows furrow and toes curl. You hummed in response, nodding softly. He barely chuckled, loving your response. You continued to breathe heavily, each exhale like a soft moan. You held onto the pillow underneath your head, squeezing it tightly and then releasing, a shiver raking through you. Mammon’s hands are now on the sides of your hips, thumbs rubbing into your flesh.
In your brain, you wanted to tease him, but each thought was jumbled, making you only able to focus on his handiwork. To Mammon, you sounded like a kitten, each sound so soft and pitched. He was determined to make this experience as good as possible for you.
You felt him shift and within that movement, you, just for a second, felt his forming erection press against your ass. He lifted himself off and began to rub down from your shoulders, down your back, down your ass, down your legs, and to your feet. He moved his hands back up from your ankles, pressing against your muscles up and down your legs. He stopped for one second to apply more cream, sending shivers and then waves of heat across your body.
You wanted to crane your neck to glance in-between his legs, to see how his erection was beginning to press against his pants. Straining and straining. Your thoughts started to flow again, thinking of how sensitive he could make you, how powerful your orgasms could be. It made you think of how he would be, his cute whines while you’d stroke him just ever-so-slightly. To have the cream spread across your nipples, his fingers teasing and pulling, making you make noises you never had before with his hands on your breasts. Would he put the cream on your clit, or maybe stretch his fingers inside, probing at your g-spot?
You were pulled out of your thoughts. “Lift for a sec.” Mammon commanded and you did, feeling the fabric of your panties slip down your body. By the time they reached your ankles, you could feel his hand pressing into your ass cheek. He tossed them into your clothing pile and traced circles with his fingers across your upper thighs, slightly pushing at the skin of your ass. He continued these movements but traveled upward, now massaging the flesh of your ass. You couldn’t help but grin, his teasing hands spreading the cheeks just enough for you to notice. You moaned softly, Mammon kneading harder. Clenching your eyes shut, you moaned again, maybe putting on a little show for him.
“How’s it feel, treasure?” He questioned.
“Mm-hmm. Really good.” You responded, mumbling.
While you weren’t paying attention, suddenly, Mammons hand slammed down on your left cheek. You yelped, prompting him to laugh. “That was cute! Didn’t hurt too bad, did it?”
“What was that for?” You spun your head around to his cheeky grin and his very, very obvious erection.
“I couldn’t help it! Your pretty ass on display, extra sensitive too?” He stroked at his hit, patting it. “It’s begging me.”
You were seduced by his honestly and the lust in his eyes. He was erotic, straight out of your darkest fantasies, and waiting for you to tell him what you wanted.
“It felt good, do it again.” You spoke just above a whisper. His hand came down again on the other side, the sting much more intense. You winced this time. “Ah!”
“‘S okay?” He asked again, tracing his hand lightly over the area, goosebumps rising across your body.
“Yeah. Can you—“
“I wanna—“ the both of you spoke simultaneously and then quieted back down. “You go first.” He told you.
You felt a flush cover your face that you haven’t felt since you were first together, a shyness that was once so familiar. “I-uh…” you trailed off and his grin stretched further, noticing your change.
“What is it? Haven’t seen ya like this in a while. So cute.” He asked again.
“Can you transform?”
His eyes went big and he couldn’t help but look away all shy now too. He turned back to you, a toothy grin painted across him. His wings and horns popped out within seconds and you smiled.
“Of course I can, didn’t know it turned you on so much.” He reached for your shoulder and flipped you onto your back. He crawled up to you from in-between your legs. He placed his lips on yours and the two of you tangled your tongues in a dance, a slow and passionate one. You reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, tangling your hands in his hair and touching the base of his horns. He moved away from your mouth, falling onto his knees, and placing his fingers to his lips. You thought he looked as though he just had his first kiss, giddy like a child. You raised your arms above your head, basically saying “take me.”
Mammon leaned down again and nipped at your shoulders. You clenched the pillow behind your head, inhaling as his nips went to bites. He sucked at your skin, dark colored marks forming. He kissed his angry marks tenderly, his kindness and compassion translating even now. His wings wiggled behind him, fluttering and swinging back down, a brush of air hitting your body. You shivered at the sudden breeze.
“Will you put it on my breasts?” The words slipped from your mouth and Mammon instantly reached for the cream.
Mammon applied it directly to each nipple, the cold temperature raising the hairs on your body. He rubbed them simultaneously, basically continuing the massage from earlier. He switched from looking at your breasts to your face, wanting to take in each reaction. You moaned and could feel your pussy begin to throb. You were already arching your back with your eyes rolling back. Mammon tugged at them now, your body twitching as though he was playing with your clit. The ultra sensitivity of your body had Mammon wondering just what all he could do to make you cum.
“Oh my god, Mammon!” You called out to him.
“Keep sayin’ that to a demon and see what happens.” He threatened, looking at you through half-lidded eyes. “Unless yer callin’ me God, gotta say I wouldn’t mind being worshipped by you.” He grabbed your breasts in full, squeezing tightly.
“I want more, put it on my clit.” You breathlessly demanded. “Only a little bit.”
“Nah I wanted to put the whole tube, knock ya out with a single touch.” He chuckled, reaching for the tube again.
You kicked him playfully in response. He placed less than a pea-sized dollop onto his forefinger before just barely rubbing it on your clit. The touch instantly made you melt and clench at the pillow behind you. He pulled his fingers away, secretly afraid that it might’ve made you too sensitive. To test your senses, he blew a cool stream of air directly onto it. You groaned much louder than you expected.
Mammon tentatively placed his middle and ring finger onto your nub, watching and listening for any protests. You, instead, wrapped your legs around him, pulling him toward you. He began his motions, tracing slow circles with as little pressure as he could. Your breathing was shallow and fast paced, whines passing your closed mouth as you bit your lip. He increased pressure, wanting to hear you.
“Breathe, Mc.” He told you, looking a mischievous as he could. “I know, I know. It’s already too much for ya. I’ll make ya cum when you’re ready, okay, treasure?”
You nodded. “Yes, please.” His pace fastened at your remark, your body now twitching uncontrollably. You clenched your legs around him tighter to hold onto your control, undoubtedly pressing marks into him.
With Mammon’s free hand, he unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his trousers. He desperately removed his clothes, pulling down his briefs to reveal his erection. You couldn’t help but stare despite having seen him so many times. It was as though it was larger, or perhaps you were just wanting him so bad.
Then it hit your mind. “Mammon, I wanna cum on your cock, will you fuck me, please?” You asked, making him slow.
“On one condition.”
“Hm?” You were whimpering at this point.
“I wanna cum inside of you and cover you with my scent.”
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
anchor up to me love- okay! kiss prompts! The link is here, all that’s required for this prompt is that you send along a kiss prompt and whatever else you want to add
jesper fahey 23 and 39??
See You Then- J.F x gn! reader
Okay, the prompts you requested are below! This is the second-last of the requests you've sent in for my one year event, and I just wanted to say thank you for sending in the ones you have! they've been a blast to write
prompts: quick kisses, often just simple pecks that occur in passing, kisses that occur between a person who is touch starved and a person who either isn’t or has touch as a love language
fic type- this is some very light angst
Warnings- none
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Jesper grinned as he found you in the hallway, you and Matthias crossing paths with him, Wylan, and Nina on a job Kaz had set up. You were in a mansion that felt more like a palace with its winding corridors, countless stairways and relentlessly common dead ends that lead nowhere. The layout of the mansion was indeed frustrating occasionally, but the reward for the risk was too good to pass up. 
Fifty thousand kruge per person was to be the end result, and since things had gone with fewer bumps on your end, you and Matthias had approximately thirty seconds to rest before you got to moving again. They were seconds you cherished, your mood brightening when you’d seen Jesper for the first time since you’d split by your partnerships two days prior, you with Matthias, Jesper with Nina and Wylan, Inej with Kaz. 
“Looks like everyones gotten this done faster than Kaz had expected,” Jesper said. “I know he yearns for efficiency and the quicker we’re done the better, but selfishly, Nina, Wylan and I have been enjoying the extra minute we’ve got.” 
You grinned as Jespers hands found your forearms and yours found the undersides of his, your craving for touch ebbing and flowing for a long few moments. You’d been touch starved as long as you could remember, and those moments of contact were ones you craved constantly. 
“I love you,” Jesper said. 
“I love you too,” your response came instantly. 
“Fifteen seconds,” Matthias said. Nina shot him a pointed glare before pulling her beloved Fjerdan into a hug, something that makes you, Jesper, and Wylan shake your heads.
Jesper pressed a quick peck to your lips and sighed. 
“We’ve gotta get going,” he said. “See you in three hours at the rendezvous point.” 
You pressed your forehead against his. “See you then.” 
Jespers arms slipped out of your grasp, your hands entwined for a moment. Jesper gave your hands a squeeze and shot you one of his incredible smiles, though it pained you both to separate again. 
You’d seen each other for thirty seconds after not having seen each other for two days. You both wanted to stay in the company of the other person desperately, but there was a job to be done and money to be earned. 
You’d see him three hours, and you could focus on the job until then. You’d be too busy listening to Matthias’ grumbling and trying to do your part to think about Jesper anyway, but that was only if luck was on your side. 
You watched Jesper go before leaving yourself, grateful when you heard Matthias’ voice, cursing Kaz out in perfect Fjerdan. 
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mediocre-shark-tales · 8 months
Qsmp x Streamer reader (3)
Summary - You find comfort with Tallulah, she loves hanging out with you when you are on. You also have hung out with Foolish and his silly eggs as well. However recently you have seen some wanted lists drop on the QSMP twitter.
Warnings - None for this part
There is a chance for this to turn into a love trope of some kind but for now there is focus on fluffy platonic-ness
This series will not be 100% lore accurate, but it will be pretty close to it. If certain people don't log on soon, I may change things around until they do actually log on.
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I logged onto the qsmp server, for the last few minutes I was just chatting with my viewers. This was my first stream now living in London, merely a short drive away from most of my friends. Tommy and Tubbo had been here yesterday to help me finish moving in. Even Wilbur had stopped by after them, which was perfect timing as I was trying to put my books up on this shelf that I could barely reach. Even though I was trying to be a good host and continue doing the work myself. Wilbur snatched the books from me and put them on the shelf, while telling me that "it's okay, this is just a small way I can contribute to help you move in. Especially since I won't be around for a bit still." That was the few free hours he had before he would need to go off and finish some more work for a billion other things.
Wilbur and I were really close among my friends, we were able to bond over our similar music taste, video editing and many other smaller things. He had been really happy to see that I got into this film school not only because I would be much closer and on his time zone, but also because I was finally somewhere that would help me reach my personal dreams.
Right now my main problem was getting myself acquainted to the new time zone. Wilbur had left behind a few different medical drugs, teas and such that had helped him sleep in the past.
Anyways, as my world loaded I found myself chilling in my pirate ship house. I left the captain quarters and ran into my little hut. Switching to my shark mode and swimming down the long tunnel. Down in the basement, I grabbed a few gifts from my chests. Along with the stuff needed to help the gift receiver keep said gift. Then I checked who was online, a small smile creeping on to my face as I left the basement.
Once I was on land I slowly made my way to the ocean surrounding my island. Being in shark mode on land made me a lot slower than others. Once I was in the ocean I swam back to the main island. Then I switched back to the non shark mode and ran across the island. Sprinting as quickly as I could to the spawn. Here I stopped by the bakery to turn in a few items and getting cookies in return.
I liked to have extra cookies to help out anyone who asked or any eggs that had been accidentally forgotten about. Gotta keep the baby's alive. I then sprinted to the way stone and tp'ed over to tallulahs house.
Once I got there, I knocked on her door. However seconds later I could hear her flute as she began to play her iconic tune. usher playing just above me. Looking up I saw tallulah dancing and playing her flute. In the next second she jumped off her balcony and slowly fell down using her glider.
"Hey Tallulah, I brought you a gift today!" Thanks to my qsmp lore, they had added a few mods that added more ocean and lake animals. This helped to expand my business of collecting underwater necessities. A few days ago Tallulah had told me she really liked a few of the new fishes and the crabs. So I decided to collect her a few along with the necessities needed to make her a couple big fish tanks. She needed more than one cause some of the mobs would eat the other mobs I got for her.
She placed down her sign and asked what it was. "Well remember that time you told me you thought a few of the new fish and crabs were cute?" She nodded. "I got you all the ones you like, so we can build a couple personal fish tanks where ever you would like!" In a reaction of excitement she did the flipping emote and then quickly started to dance as well. I laughed and began to dance with her as well.
I heard talking begin to increase in volume as the person got closer. "Hey y/n! Hi Tallulah!" Yelled foolish as Leo followed behind him. Leo waved at me and I have back. "Hey Leo and Foolish!" "What are you up to today?" Foolish asked. "Well I brought a few fish and crabs for Tallulah so I was going to build her some fish tanks." I heard a gasp from him. "That sounds awesome, would you get me some fish if I asked too?!" I laughed. "Of course I would! Especially for the right price. Your timing is great actually, cause since I'm so new the only thing I ask for as a trade is anything that might be useful for me." I told him. "Like what do you mean by that?" He asked, while Tallulah placed down a sign I continued.
"Well on day one Phil brought me that waystone or the grappler or even the glider. So he definitely has a few jobs he can ask from me in the future if he needs anything." Foolish responded in an understanding. "OOOOOOOOH that makes sense." Tallulah finished typing and I read her signs. "Okay we can build a mini aquarium with your turtles." I said with a smile. "I can help excavate a new room for that if you would like the help." Foolish offered.
"Okay that would be great! Let's go!." We quickly ran over to the turtle heaven and watched Tallulah mine out a hole exactly where she wanted the door to be. "alright Tallulah, foolish and I will carved out the room, we will make it three blocks high. You can mine the floor and replace it with whatever floor style you want." Tallulah nodded and we got to work. Foolish and and had planned out the width and length of the room, easily getting to work on it without disruption. "Hey y/n have you seen the wanted posters on the QSMP twitter page?" I smiled, I had heard about this and was excited since this was my first qsmp event. It would also be the first time I got to drop some real lore.
This lore was not meant to be understood right away, after all this was just the beginning of my part in this story. Everyone's wanted posters were hilarious but still made sense for each person. However mine was the most interesting, seeing as I was the only one without any 'crimes' this of course made sense since I had just gotten here a few days ago. But still this didn't make it interesting, it was the fact that all the words on my wanted poster had been 'tampered with'. Besides my stream name, all the words had been written in code. My picture obviously must have had my Minecraft skin in the orange prison jumpsuit, except it was hard to tell since most of it had been scribbled out in black ink. On top of this black was red ink that wrote one word... mirar.
Of course I had to keep all this lore under wraps until the event finally got started. Fans were already theorizing so I had to keep a watch on everything I said and did. No story was ever successful if you gave away too much too fast right?
"yeah I have seen them." I replied to Foolish. "Obviously we must be going to prison for this next even then right?" I pretended to think for a moment. "Yeah I guess, unless maybe we are now just on the run from the feds for a bit or something like that?" We almost had the whole room excavated now. "Yeah I guess that could also be a possibility." Foolish agreed. I could almost hear the cogs turning as he went quiet again. I knew he may ask about my photo, so behind the scenes where my viewers would have no idea what I was doing. I switched to my other screen and typed out a warning to foolish on discord. It read, 'Do not bring up my wanted poster, don't say anything about it. I was told by the admins I could not spoil anything more than what they had done. So just don't talk about it as a safety precaution.' After clicking send I spoke again, trying to hint for him to look at our chat without actually saying it. Thank god, a few days ago I had come up with a code word and told everyone, if I say this word in any sentence you are to not question it and do what I ask as it is lore related.
I know, why would you ever think to come up with an idea like that? Well my admin friend had been talking to me that day, complaining about how hard it is to keep lore between streamers apart so that even the streamers would get a fun experience learning lore about their friends when the fans would. When I asked him to explain it more in depth, I realized that the main problem was keeping streamers from asking about another streamers lore. Especially in moments like this where it was going to be a small innocent question. Thus I made a code word, sending it out to all the current players that had been getting on the server recently. My code word was shark, I know classic me loving shark stuff. Anyways, if I ever say the word shark in a sentence and it is not related to explaining my shark-mer-mode, then that means they need to not question whatever I am asking them.
"Hey foolish wanna see this cute yet oddly kinda creepy shark baby?"
"uh yeah sure."
"Cool I'll send it on discord."
So I sent him an actually picture of a cute yet oddly kinda crepey shark baby. but right below it I had typed out,
'in case your chat asks to see the photo here is what I was talking about, but I only did this to make sure you didn't ask about the photo like I told you in the previous message.'
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Of course he made sure to just talk about the picture, showing his chat when they asked. Of course I hd showed mine too when they asked.
Finally after a few more minutes, not only had we excavated the room, we had also helped tallulah change the walls and ceiling to match the vibe she wanted. Now I could get to work not the two huge tanks that would be on opposite side of the room. I gave foolish the items he need to make one tank while I made the other. My tank would be a hemisphere, but much closer to half an oval than half a circle. Foolish was going to do a tank that was too wide and the length of the wall.
In my tank was all the necessary plants and water for a few blue crabs and lion fish. The other tank would hold some more fun looking tropical fish and a few seahorses. With my tank, I had to add a small feeding system as the crab mod they installed required players to give caught fish to feed crabs and keep them alive. I told tallulah when to do it and how to restock. Also telling her that if she ever needs more and fast, that I would always drop any plans to get her some.
Finally with the room complete, I filled the tanks with water and placed the respective animals in their respective tanks. Then closed them up and admired our work. "This looks sick tallulah!" I heard foolish say. Leo instantly placed a sign and wrote in Spanish. 'Estoy de acuerdo, esto es increíble.' which translates to 'I agree, this is incredible.' Talullah simply replied with a 'thanks for the help'. I placed down a chest next to the crab tank and filled it with a few extra fish restocks, before we left to go on another random adventure together.
To be continued...
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part 3.5
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult and extremely unsupportive family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 2.4k
previous part | series masterlist | main masterlist
note: it’s Bradley’s birthday! to celebrate this is a one shot/continuation of part three! originally this was supposed to be part of part three, but it got cut during editing. however, I really love this and I could let it just sit in a doc. so, I spruced her up some, added some more detail and viola!
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part 3.5 - panera bread
The walk through the parking garage goes by too fast for Bradley’s liking. Too soon he’s having to drop Mary’s hand to open the passenger door, making sure she’s settled before closing it and getting in himself. “Alright, next stop Panera.”
“Hopefully, it’s not too busy…” She trails off when his hand brushes her neck, checking behind him as he’s backing up and not even noticing his effect.
He hums, braking so an elderly couple can cross. “It’s a little after seven, so I don’t think it’ll be bad - we should have beat the dinner rush. Clear that way?”
“After this white SUV, you’re good.”
The drive is comfortable, the radio occasionally interrupted by quiet conversation. They run into traffic on the highway, an accident taking four lanes down to one, and when they arrive at the restaurant, Bradley realizes Mary has fallen asleep in his front seat. He goes through the motions of parking and turning the car off, hoping she’ll have woken up from all the noise by the time he gets to her side. She doesn’t.
“Mary?” He gently shakes her shoulder, but she doesn’t budge.
He sighs, feeling bad about waking her up. She hasn’t gotten much sleep the past few days, but he knows she needs to eat more than she needs to sleep right now. From the second the decision was made to go to the hospital, Mary had been on the phone coordinating behind the scenes. Making arrangements for Dani’s parents to fly in from Philadelphia and picking them up when their flight got in at midnight. She had kept the Daggers updated with the latest; news coming into a specially created group chat as soon as she knew it. She watched Annie taking care of the four-year-old as if she were her own child. She had done all of that, and more, so that Danielle and Reuben could fully focus on the arrival of their newest family member without worry.
“Mary? Mary, c’mon, you gotta wake up so we can eat.” He unbuckles her seatbelt, smoothing some hair off her forehead. The touch wakes her up. Bleary eyes meet his, her nose scrunching up in distaste at being awake, and a small whine escapes her throat as the parking lot lights glare in her face. Bradley instantly feels himself soften.
“Okay, honey, you stay here, and I’ll get the food. What do you want?”
He gives her brain a minute to come back online, appreciating how cute she looks as her pretty brown eyes blink at him in confusion. “Uhh… Greek salad with chicken, extra olives, and no tomatoes, please.”
“Greek salad with chicken, extra olives, and no tomatoes. Anything else?”
“No, thank you.” Her eyes are already getting heavy, and she lets out a little yawn.
“Okay, buckle back up, and you hang out here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He hands the seatbelt to her, making sure he hears the click before shutting and locking the car.
His phone is up to his ear and ringing as he walks up to the ordering kiosk, thankful he parked in a space where he’ll be able to keep eyes on the car the entire time he’s inside.
“Rooster, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. What else does she like from Panera? She asked for a salad, but that doesn’t seem like enough if she hasn’t eaten since yesterday.”
“Why aren’t you asking her?”
“She fell asleep on the way here, and I felt bad enough waking her up to ask what she wanted, so she’s sleeping in the car with the doors locked.”
There’s a moment of silence so long that Bradley checks to make sure he didn’t get disconnected. “Payback?”
“She likes the mac and cheese, that wild rice chicken soup, and the turkey avocado sandwich. But what’s most important is that whatever you get doesn’t have tomato on it.”
“Is she allergic?” He pauses his tapping on the menu pad, glancing outside to check on Mary.
“No, she just doesn’t like raw tomato on sandwiches and salads. It’s a texture thing.” There’s murmuring on the line. “Yeah, like Dani said. She likes the iced papaya green tea, so get her one of those. And a cinnamon crunch bagel for breakfast tomorrow since she didn’t get to go grocery shopping like she usually does. And just Venmo me for whatever you get her; we owe her big time.”
“Nah, I got it this time.”
“Oh, Rooster!” Dani’s voice comes through clearer. “Remind her that she needs to get gas in the Jeep before work tomorrow; she’s running low.”
“I’ll just fill it up for her after we get home.” He mutters, trying to decide whether to get two or three lemon drop cookies.
“Damn, you are down bad, aren’t you? Just remember what we talked about earlier, dude.”
“Reuben, trust me, the last thing I want to do is hurt her.” He fumbles to grab his wallet, trying to hold his phone and their cups at the same time. “Alright, man, I gotta go. I’ll text you when I get her home.”
He pays and almost runs over an older man as he moves to fill their cups. “I’m sorry about that, sir. Wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“That’s alright; you were just keeping an eye on your girlfriend. I get it.”
“Oh, I- uh-”
“Your eyes have been glued to her since you walked away from your car - which is a beauty, by the way.” He claps Bradley on the shoulder. “Girl is even prettier; don’t mess that up, son.”
“Yes, sir.” His face hasn’t been this hot since Mav came home from work early and caught him making out with his first girlfriend in the living room.
Bradley finishes grabbing the food in a daze, thinking about what it would be like if the woman sleeping in his car really was his.
Mary shifts when he gets in the car, peeking an eye open to make sure it’s him before she snuggles back under the blanket he keeps in his backseat. His heart soars at how comfortable she is in his space. He wants to make a joke to hear her laugh, wants to tell her how beautiful she is so he can watch her cheeks turn pink, wants to press his lips to hers so he can find out what she tastes like.
He settles for taking a photo and sending it to Reuben, his fellow pilot responding with a crowd of laughing emojis followed by rows of kissy faces.
The drive to Mary’s house goes smoothly, and he feels less bad about waking her up this time. Her key is in her front pocket, and he can’t even think about trying to get it out.
Her hair has fallen from where he pushed it back earlier, and he can’t resist brushing it away again, letting his fingers run through her soft hair. “Mary, wake up; we’re home.”
She groans, pulling the blanket over her face. “No.”
Her petulance makes him laugh; he’s never seen her grumpy. Even at work, when she’s frustrated at schedule delays, she is mildly displeased, at worst.
“C’mon, honey. You gotta eat.” Her hair disappears, and he pulls out his trump card. “I got you mac and cheese.”
An eye appears as the blanket lowers, squinting at him in suspicion. “I didn’t ask for mac and cheese.”
“No, but you haven’t eaten since yesterday. You need more than just salad, even if you did get chicken on it.” He tugs on the edge of the blanket. “Come on, I’m hungry too; let’s go eat.”
Once inside, they move well together. Bradley pulls out food while Mary grabs utensils. She stops at the living room entrance, her mouth dropping open at the food spread across her coffee table. “What is all of this? There’s only two of us!”
“Well, there’s your salad and mac and cheese. I got a sandwich and chips. Plus, our cookies and drinks. And Reuben mentioned you didn’t get a chance to go grocery shopping, so I got you a bagel and sandwich for work tomorrow.”
“Bradley, that is so incredibly sweet of you, but this is too much. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, it was my treat.” He pats the couch next to him, “Sit. I wanna watch Parks and Rec.”
“Dinner was your treat. But the other food was not part of our agreement. So how much?”
“Mary, seriously, nothing. Come sit with me and eat.”
She huffs and plops down next to him, her thigh brushing his as she leans into him. “I will pay you back somehow.”
He wraps his arm around her shoulder, rubbing her arm as he teases her. “Would it kill you to just let me do something nice for you and say thank you?”
“Thank you, Bradley.”
“You’re welcome.” He unwillingly pulls away, handing her the bowl of mac and cheese, waiting until she has a full mouth to continue. “Also, I’m filling your Jeep up before I leave. And you will not fight me on it. You can pay me back for it later.”
“Yes, sir.” She mocks him, not catching his gulp as she laughs at Pawnee’s latest antics.
Four episodes later, with full bellies and the extra food stored in the fridge, Mary’s head drops onto Bradley’s arm. He peeks down at her, smiling at how her mouth forms a little circle, eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks.
“Mary.” She hums at him, trying to burrow deeper into his side. “I promise this’ll be the last time I wake you up today. But we can’t stay here, sweetheart; you should go sleep in your bed.”
“Don’t wanna move, I need to shower, and that requires too much energy.”
He pauses, forcing himself not to let the visual of her showering take its full form. “Well, I can’t help you with that one. But how about you relax while I get gas, and when I get back, you get in the shower and go to bed?”
“God, I hate when you think logically. Let me grab the keys.” She sighs, dragging herself up and into the kitchen. “Here, this one is obviously the Jeep, and this is the house key, just in case I’ve fallen asleep by the time you get back.”
He laughs, admiring her where she’s lounging on the couch, wiggling her fingers at him as he locks the door behind him. Her car is an overload for his senses; the interior smells like her perfume, subtle and flowery with a hint of orange. He has to push the seat all the way back so he can fit behind the wheel.
He thinks about her the entire time he’s pumping gas. How caring she is, how smart, how beautiful. He’s been working up the courage to ask her out, and it seems like everyone has given him a kick to just do it already. He wants to ask her, to take her out properly - dinner and a movie or something equally cliché for a first date. But every time he suggests coffee or lunch with just the two of them, hinting at it being more than friends, she turns it into a group affair.
Danielle and Reuben had been encouraging, telling him that he would have to be a bit patient, that Mary may not realize what she was doing. But he wasn’t convinced she wasn’t letting him down easily. Trying to brush him off because he wasn’t getting the hint.
On top of that, it felt like a bad time to ask her. With Christmas only a couple weeks away, parties and last-minute shopping and holiday travel is beginning to dominate everyone’s schedule. He didn’t want their first date to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season.
I’ll ask her after the new year. He sets the goal as he re-enters her house.
He calls out for her, seeing the couch empty and the blankets back in their proper spots. Moving further into the house once he hears music playing. “Mary?”
He can hear water running as he moves toward the music. The shower. She's in the shower. He’s stuck in place. He’s trying to keep his imagination from running wild, but it’s hard when he can hear Mary humming along to his favorite Jim Croce song while she washes her hair.
He moves down the hall, awkwardly standing outside her open bedroom door. He croaks her name; she doesn’t hear him. He hesitantly shuffles into her room and parks himself in front of the cracked ensuite door as the water turns off.
Clearing his throat, “Mary?” His voice breaks like a teenager. He smacks himself.
The music lowers, “Bradley? You’re back?”
“Uhh- I- uhh- yeah. Filled the Jeep up and pulled it into the garage for you. I’m gonna take your house key with me so I can lock the front door and give it back to you tomorrow if that works?”
His eyes bounce between the floor and the door, waiting for her answer.
“That’s fine! Thank you so much for everything today, Bradley! I really appreciate you. Let me know what I owe you for the gas!”
“Will do. I’m gonna head out unless you need something else?”
“No, I’m all set. You did a good job taking care of me.” The door opens, and she’s standing there in a baby blue robe, hair wrapped in a towel. Her face is fresh, if tired, and she looks more relaxed than he’s seen her in a week.
“Feel better?”
She hums, leaning against the doorframe. “It’s amazing how showers can make everything better. Seriously, Bradley, thank you for everything you did. It’s going to make tomorrow so much easier.”
“Any time. You just let me know when you need something, Mary.” She smiles up at him, the dimple in her chin pops out, and he feels butterflies erupt. “I’m gonna head out, still taking your key, though. You finish getting ready for bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She leans into the kiss he presses on her forehead, eyes closed for a moment after he pulls away. “Night, Bradley.”
“G’night, honey.”
She stays leaning against the doorframe as she listens to him pull his shoes on and lock the door behind him. She can faintly hear the door of the Bronco closing after he gets in, completely unaware that his thoughts match hers.
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Code of Ethics - Chapter 17 - Hyperarousal
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The last few days have been a bit more stressful than anticipated, which actually worked quite well to create the emotional payload for this chapter, but due to the distractions of preparing for my kiddo going into surgery (scheduled, we've known this was coming for over a year), I'm not entirely sure it's up to my usual quality. Hopefully, this lands well and I won't have to redo it later:
Diane finishes the task of driving off the slavers while her team rescues the slaves. The aftermath promises to be an emotional roller coaster of epic proportions.
Preview below the cut, and same warnings as last chapter, gore tag applies:
Diane felt like she’d chugged an entire vending machines worth of energy drinks.
Katrina had directed her to a four-way corridor junction that, sure enough, was where two main arteries of traffic converged. The halls were wide, which gave her plenty of room to maneuver even if they provided absolutely no cover.
Twenty bodies later, she’d barely been nicked by one lucky shot once the slavers got smart and began using cover. That was okay, though, because that gave her the chance to figure out an interesting feature of the rifles; they had a function that turned them into low-yield grenades.
Sure, it would normally have been a waste of a perfectly good rifle with a nearly full charge...but thanks to the moronic first charge of the security grunts she had twenty more rifles to play with.
A little bit of instruction from Katrina once she’d discovered the user’s manual in the slaver’s ship’s database and Diane had managed to trigger the safety release on the explosive feature and lobbed the weapon down one of the corridors and just past the corner the guards were hiding behind. She heard a gruff voice bark a swear word over the whine of the overcharging power cell just before it detonated, eliminating one group of guards and letting her focus on the second. She turned and sprinted in the opposite direction of the corner she’d just blown up and stooped on the run to grab up another rifle. Pulling the trigger a couple times to ensure it was working, the two bolts she’d fired splashed harmlessly against the deck paneling down the hallway where she’d aimed it. Ignoring the test shots, she increased her speed until she judged she was close enough to the junction of corridors and leapt into a baseball slide. It wasn’t a perfect slide, her coat was so matted with blood by this point it was more of a sticky glide that left a trail, but it still did the job of getting her close to the cluster of guards around the corner and opening fire, peppering them liberally with energy shot.
“You know, Kat,” she said as she picked herself up from the trail of gore she’d left behind, “If it weren’t so sticky, this would actually be kind of fun.”
“Gotta love what you do, boss. Careful, you’re going to run out of slavers before your team manages to get all the women and girls off the ship.”
Another spike of rage lit her insides as the assistant confirmed multiple children were being sold into slavery and her claws came out almost of their own accord. Just then a crew member rounded the corner, one carrying a significantly bigger gun than the previous guards had, and before he even realized she was there she’d slashed him belly-to-neck and made an extra effort to rip out his throat. He hadn’t even had a chance to cry out before she gutted him.
Once again she found herself absolutely feeling like the coolest person on the planet as she simply...grabbed the larger rifle out of the guards hands as he fell. She didn’t have time to do more than feel impressed with herself as two more guards followed behind. With one hand occupied she acted mostly on instinct and jammed her fingers into one guard’s neck with a knife strike and lunged forward and sank her fangs into the other’s neck.
It wasn���t the taste of blood or even the warm fluid in her mouth that snapped her out of her near berserker state, it was when some of the liquid splashed down her windpipe, forcing her to cough that shook her hard enough she more on accident shredded the man’s throat in her paroxysms. She leaned forward, one hand on a knee while she used the un-investigated long gun as an impromptu cane, jamming the butt against the floor as she hacked and sputtered.
“Why the FUCK did I do that?!” she exclaimed as soon as she was able to draw enough breath, spitting alien blood from her mouth.
“Maybe expectorate later, boss, you’ve got incoming, looks like they’re taking you seriously, too. 34...no, 38 goons on their way to take you down.”
Grumbling, she straightened and inspected the weapon she’d grabbed off the dead guard. It seemed to just be a bigger, more dangerous looking version of the rifles she’d been taking off their person and realized they’d been using carbines for their standard response team carry. That made more sense than this thing, which had a much longer barrel and a bigger battery...until she spotted a fairly heavy looking casing that she couldn’t immediately identify.
As she started moving, she asked, “Kat, any reason I shouldn’t ditch this in favor of the carbines?”
“Two phrases, two words each,” chirped Katrina through the comms panels nearby, “Dual rails and auto-aiming.”
Katrina’s pronouncement made her realize she wasn’t holding an energy rifle, she was holding a railgun. A double-barreled railgun at that. Auto-aiming would be nice, but if it had fully automatic capability... “Kat, find out how we can get more cartridges for this thing,” she said as she slung it over her shoulder to carry it on her back, “Idiot who was carrying it clearly didn’t realize you don’t bring a long gun to an urban combat setting.”
Read the rest on Scribblehub
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banana-pancake5 · 10 months
“You got Served” TOF au
Episode 19 of rottmnt in my AU! (This would take place after the main story of TOF)
[Warnings in the Tags]
Graham, Mikey, and Leo were all discussing Jupiter Jim theories when Graham’s phone started ringing. “Hang on guys, I gotta take this.”
“Aw okay,” Mikey answered while Leo was still explaining his complicated theories. Graham answered the phone as he walked out of the kitchen
“What’s up Boss?”
Hueso responded in a whisper from the other line “I need you here as soon as possible!”
“Wait what? It’s my day off why do I have to work today?”
“Please it is an emergency!”
“Ugh fine.” Graham hung up and made his way back to the kitchen. Mikey and Leo’s conversation came to a stop, and Mikey asked, “So, who called you?”
Graham responded, “It was Hueso, he needs me to come into work.”
Leo asked, “But it’s your day off! You said no right?”
With a sigh Graham said, “He said it was an emergency. It’s probably not a big deal but I still gotta go.”
“Could we come with you?” Mikey excitedly asked.
“Uh sure, I don’t know why you would want to though.”
Leo jumped up “To get pizza duh!”
With the help of Leo’s portals they got there in just a few seconds but Hueso was still nervously waiting there. Hueso looked shocked for a second at the sight of Leo and Mikey but was grateful for the extra help.
“So what’s going on Boneman,” Leo asked.
“Hurry I’ll explain inside.”
All three of them exchanged slightly worried looks as they followed Hueso through the portal. As they entered the kitchen they were welcomed by the smell of freshly baked pizza. Mikey looked around in awe at the fabulous kitchen as Leo looked for any bits of pizza he could snatch. But it was all off to Graham, the kitchen was completely empty.
Is this why Hueso was so nervous? Did the employees just like not show up?
“So uh Hueso why did you call again?
“I booked the Makers of Brutality and Masters of Barbarianism for the same night!”
The latter sounded familiar to Graham but he couldn’t remember why. After a moment of confusion Mikey asked, “uhh is that bad?”
“They are mortal enemies! They will not hesitate to bash each other and my whole place!”
Graham was already grabbing his uniform assuming it was going to be a long night. Leo threw an arm around Hueso as he said, “Ah so you called the toughest bouncers you know to boot ‘em outta here!”
Hueso pulled away from Leo’s arm and explained that they are here to be waiters and chefs and most importantly to not let the rival gangs fight. Graham waited at the door for Mikey and Leo to get into their uniforms
“You guys ready?” Graham asked as the others came out. They both gave a confident nod as all three of them swung open the doors.
Graham saw the the gang of snake Yokai angrily waiting at their table… The Masters of Barbarianism. The gang responsible for his arm, or lack-there-of…
Graham’s heart started racing, breath quickening, he gripped his prosthetic in an attempt to stop the phantom pain. He heard Leo and Mikey ask if he was okay but he couldn’t respond. he tried to say something but he was too scared, frozen in fear, he could feel tears about to fall. He quickly bolted into the kitchen and out the portal, collapsing in the alley. He gripped his prosthetic harder desperately trying to stop the phantom pains. He felt tears falling. Mikey and Leo were suddenly beside him. He’s sure they’re saying something but he can’t focus on what they’re saying.
Probably saying I’m a coward. I need to leave. Go somewhere safe.
Grahams voice was quiet as he spoke between breaths “l.. I need to leave” He wiped the tears from his face and started to quickly leave but someone put a hand on his shoulder and he heard “Graham Wait!! Where are you going!? Are you okay!?!”
He didn’t turn around, just pushed past their grip trying to hide his face and said “I’m going to the lair I’ll be fine!”
He quickly left, trying to focus on breathing as he ran through the city. His arm was still throbbing. It was late, the city was rather loud, but his thoughts were louder.
Why does this stupid arm hurt so bad!? Its gone!! It’s been gone since I was ten! I was crying! Stop. Breathe. They saw me crying! I’m 16 and I’ve been through too much to cry over some stupid pain THATS ONLY IN MY HEAD!!! Stop thinking. They probably think I’m a coward! Stop please stop. That I’m weak! What is wrong with me!? STOP!
He was right outside the entrance to the lair. Pull it together. I am fine. He hesitated a few more minutes then walked in the lair and saw Raph and Donnie talking to each other in the living area. Graham tried to quietly walk by but they both noticed. Raph looked at him worryingly and asked “Hey Graham, Uh Leo and Mikey told us something happened at Hueso’s?”
Graham looked at the ground and held his arm “Heh uh yea, no I feel fine I’m just pretty tired. I was just headin’ to bed.”
“You sure you’re good Graham?”
“Yep, all good here!”
“Well, we’re here if you need anything.”
“Yeah, what Raph said,” Donnie said as he typed something into his phone.
Graham went to his box car grabbing his phone out of his pocket, ignoring the notifications, and started listening to music to calm down. He heard people knocking on his door a couple times but decided to just not answer. Hopefully they’d think he’s asleep. After listening to music for awhile, he felt a bit better and the pain dulled down so he went back to his notifications.
[Missed call] 9:23 pm
Leo: Hye you ok??
[Missed call]
Leo: Whyd u leave?
[2 Missed Calls]
Leo: what’s going on?
Leo: Mikey is really worried are you good?
Leo: Ill stop texting u now just tell us when your back
10:27 pm
Leo: okay Don told me your at the lair glad you made it back ok
11:30 pm
Leo: Hey! This is Mikey my phones dead but we brought pizza if you want some! (Leo’s busy so I stole his phone >:])
Hey sorry for leaving you guys. im fime now :) is there any Pizza left or nah?
Leo: You sure your fine lol
Don’t act like you have better spelling then me
Leo: Anywayyy theres pizza int he fridge
I’ll be there in a sec lol
Leo: >:(
First official short story of TOF I hope y’all like it :D
If you have any thoughts, questions, or find any grammatical errors send me an ask ^-^
Ty for reading this!! I have another short story for Graham planned too!
(Orange text is Graham btw)
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otakween · 4 months
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One Pound Gospel - Volume 1
Yay, new series! (This one was next on MAL after 0 Man). Happy to be reading something by another icon (Rumiko Takahashi). I've never heard anyone talk about this one at all, so I don't know what general opinions are nor do I know anything about the plot. Let's go!
Ch. 1
So we got a boxer in love with a nun...I saw a commenter comparing this premise to Nacho Libre and now I can't unsee it.
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(I might need to include a rewatch of that movie, for the meme).
Anyways, our leads are Kosaku and Sister Angela. Kosaku seems like a head empty jock who thinks with his heart and stomach. Sister Angela seems like she can whip him into shape (emotionally lol).
Despite having watched most of Ranma 1/2, I don't think I've ever read a Rumiko Takahashi manga? Craziness! This isn't her first work but it's one of the earlier ones from the 1980s, so I'm expecting some newbie scuff (or maybe she was just a legend from the start?)
Christianity in anime/manga isn't that uncommon, but to have it be one of the main focuses is intriguing. I wonder if we'll find out how Kosaku and Angela came to the religion as Japanese people?
I don't care about boxing at all IRL, but I don't mind reading about it and learning the lingo. Maybe I'll gain an appreciation I didn't have before lol.
Didn't like Kosaku forcing a kiss on Angela (her being a nun makes it extra scuzzy). Oh the 80s...
Ch. 2
See? I'm already learning stuff. Apparently boxers aren't supposed to drink water during a fight (just rinse) and they're not supposed to have sex prior to the fight (I already knew about that one, but this reminded me). That second one's more of a superstition though.
I wasn't sure if Sister Angela wearing her habit all the time was realistic, but I googled it and apparently in some cases that is enforced. Also, I've seen nuns in public wearing habits, so I guess it's legit.
Sister Angela getting plastered was kind of funny but her breaking her wine bottle was a bit extreme. She's kinda unhinged in general, she shows up at Kosaku's match and tells him she'll never forgive him if he loses? (Seems toxic but okay)
The strategies Kosaku's coach has him using to make weight are kinda fucked up (borderline disordered). Starving himself, laxatives and sweating the weight off. I'm sure that happens plenty IRL though. Pretty sad that athletes feel the need to put their bodies through that.
Ch. 3
People in Japan...they can't actually down like 5 bowls of ramen right, that's just an anime thing? I eat one bowl and I need to lie down lol.
I look forward to seeing the food in the adaptations of the manga. Particularly in the live action.
The crucifix falling over when Angela prays for Kosaku was a funny gag.
At this point in the story the focus is definitely more on Kosaku's boxing career than on romance. I wonder if it will kind of go back and forth between the two or if the romance will always just be on the sidelines?
Ch. 4
I can't tell if Kosaku has a food addiction or if they're literally starving him. They never show him eating healthy/low calorie food that's approved by his coach so it kind of feels like he's just not allowed to eat at all. Anyone would obsessively seek out food if that's the case! He did mention "diet" earlier, so I'll hope it's not...
If I was let loose in Tokyo I'd struggle with food temptation too lol. So much street food... (Wait, is this set in Tokyo?)
Ch. 5
Kosaku stumbles into a win after throwing up in the ring again. Apparently you're allowed to win by yeeting your opponent outside the ring? Seems wrong, but what do I know
All this starvation-binge stuff is making me a little nauseous. There's gotta be a better way!
Ch. 6
You know how straight dudes in the 1980s dressed in a way that seems gay-coded by today's standards? That's kinda what Kosaku's giving. He's really cute. (Not much of a personality tho)
Takahashi sure likes her repetitive gags doesn't she? A lot of "comedy" anime do this and it's frankly kind of frustrating. I'm not gonna laugh when you do the same joke for the millionth time...
They seriously just should have put him in a heavier weight class sooner, but it feels like I'm missing something here. Why does it matter which weight class you're in and why are some more sought after than others? -shrug-
I also don't get the "4 rounds" vs. "6 rounds" thing. Is it like baseball vs. softball or something? At least Sister Angela is just as clueless as me!
Ch. 7
Okay so apparently you pick your weight class based on your bone structure, I get it I don't really get it
Ch. 8
Okay, I immediately hate Onimaru for begging his pregnant wife to have a son and not a daughter 😒 I hope Kosaku kicks his ass
It almost seems like a conflict of interest to have your friend do your confession, no?
This series is reminding me of Spy x Family. Like you know how in that show Yor's plotline is mostly sidelined compared to Loid's? That's kinda how the Kosaku/Angela balance feels here.
Ch. 9
I really don't know anything about boxing, so I don't know what makes a good or bad fight, but this one seemed really pathetic lol. I'm glad at least Onimaru wasn't a sore loser, he probably needed to be humbled anyways.
The manga seems to be implying that Kosaku is fat which...huh? He doesn't look fat at all? Sure, he eats like a fat person but...I think 1980s "fat" meant something different lol.
IDK why Angela is so set on Kosaku being in the lower weight class. I guess it's good to be disciplined, so she sees that as the morally right thing to do?
So so far this seems like a very low stakes manga. It's leaning more towards the sports genre than the romcom, which isn't really what I expected. Well, after 0-Man I could definitely use an easy-breezy read like this. Onto the next volume!
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thedragonchilde · 7 months
G Gundam meta notes, eps 35-39:
"Showdown! Bursting Machinegun Punch"
-the first appearance of Master's death cough?
-George seems so much shallower then the others when you put it that way. I'll have to pay extra attention to him in coming eps because he's more of an enigma than he seems
-Chibodee actually seems really anguished about this, dang
-and he switches from name back to epithet to create distance, interesting
-”work with me on this!” ayup, Chibodee needs hype as a motivator
-”reflecting a tradition of calm and simplicity” sure, that sounds like Domon 
-"better than he's ever been"
-”and most of all, it's for you”
-"you sure know how to make me happy"
-oh my god everything out of their mouths at this point, I can't keep up with listing every quote they're coming so fast
-”I can feel your dream”
-”your hunger ignited a fire within me”
-”you're a great rival!” :) gotta get that hype in there
-oooh, that fade in, did Chibs actually get knocked out for a few seconds?? Concussion check!
-you can practically see the shoujo bubbles, seriously, check the soft focus - and Domon is such an encouraging friend! It's so sweet, even if you're not a useless queer like me. In fact, it's a nice callback to their original faceoff! (And literally supportive too, even; I do love a good 'leaning on/propping up your teammate'. Although now I have to go back and note whether Domon reassures his friends on the regular or if it's just Chibodee–)
"A Knights' Pride! Gundam Rose Stolen"
-”I'm focusing solely on you” George, that's a little gay
-George talking with a rose in his mouth though, great line delivery
-"the Gundam Fight is not a sport" that's,,, hm. Certainly not how they seem to treat it. Interesting highlight of the difference between the fighters and the politicos
-hmm, it says something interesting that this is the circumstance in which we see George cry
-'knight' is a wildly anachronistic position, but there's something up here, as he clearly has some hangups about his self-worth tied up in fighting and country and,,,
-aside from Domon putting Shining to rest, this is the only other time we see someone talking to their Gundam. Rose really is George's lady, huh
-"just this one time I wish to fight only for myself" ooooh this has such juicy implications! (A ‘gilded cage’ corollary to Argo, re: fighting as freedom?)
-even at his most passionate he's still… restrained? That's not quite the right word. But like he almost doesn't know how to let himself go, even when he's clearly already gone
-"I've been devoutly loyal to x all my life (at the expense of my sense of self) but now I wanna do something for me" is so good
-it's almost like he believes fighting is the only thing he's good for. Something to dig into
"Sai Saici's New Attack! Blazing Dragon Gundam"
-Rain is so insecure about her place in Domon's life among fighters, and that's interesting, but she was never threatened before Allenby, which is understandable but somewhat less interesting
-Allenby calling Sai ‘kid’ and ‘baby boy’ like she's not closer to his age than Domon's 
-damn, Domon really gets Sai
-okay Wong almost made that sound like he's somehow in on Master being sick
-man, Zuisen and Keiun keep underestimating Sai. Like, nice job breaking it hero
-Sai’s dad was hot. I'm gonna guess Sai will grow up nice ;)
-I wonder what Shin Ryusen Kochouken would be in Mandarin (or whatever Chinese dialect Sai would speak)
-There's probably some cool stuff to be said about Asian solidarity by someone more knowledgeable than me. But like. These are really bros and I love it. Need more of this dynamic tbh
-aw, Rain getting the martial artist bond (so long as it's not with Allenby I guess)
"Domon vs. Argo! Charging Bolt Gundam"
-why would Neo Russia cover up something against a criminal they'd want more against? 
-Wong tortures people now, cool cool
-you don't always get to notice it, but Argo's eyes are such a pretty icy blue
-oh, it's "us" now, is it, Nastasha?
-I'm struggling with words on this one, and it might be because I've screamed over it too many times over the years (esp about things like how fucked up the hologram is, or The Date), like I feel I'm repeating myself
-or that I'm just wordlessly screaming at Argo and Nastasha because I fucking love them
-Argo just takes the whole damn fish
-Nastasha can cook! 
-interesting that she notices a superstition
-they go back and forth on whether they're using Berserker
-”now we can focus solely on each other” lil gay there Domon
-”I haven't forgotten my duties as the Black Joker” mind filling us in on what those duties are? 
-finally get tears from Argo and it's in flashback
-"Argo, you're awesome" :)
-"one x for the both of us" is SO GOOD, YOU GUYS
-"your fists have shown me the light to my soul" sounds kind of goofy but this situation is actually a really cool application of 'communicating with your fists' - Argo being someone who shows himself to be so respectful of life is incongruent with the incident the way Andrew remembers it, so the reality of current actions fills in the blanks of the past. This probably isn't coming out right.
"The Ultimate Attack! Duel With Master Asia"
-it's only a split second, but Argo has a nice butt
-tapping into Rain's insecurities about being needed, I see
-way to give the viewer whiplash re: Domon - show him being a jerk to Rain, then follow it with him being adorable with Fuunsaiki 
-,,,he communicates with the horse better than he does with Rain
-I don't know what that says about him but it's fuel for the autistic headcanon
-”are you trying to tell me I should ride you?” Now there's something that can be taken out of context
-what a messy divorce
-I wanna know when they actually mean ‘defeat’ and when they mean ‘kill’
-oh wow, Master Asia can actually get injured?
-”I could leave you behind” yeah, but you won't
-"the one thing I never taught you",,, and then proceeds to not teach him before asking him to do it. Unless they handwaved/skipped that part for us
-oooh, motive rant! And in case we forgot about the crapsack world setup from the early episodes, y'know, more fuel for the anti-war environmentalist fire
-the horse gets a suit-up!
-you know what, Domon, I get that you were worried, but you fuckin deserve Rain leaving
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
The past week (the good, the bad, & the miscellaneous):
—One of my uncles is in very bad health, and if he doesn’t get the proper treatment soon, will probably not make it. That’s bad enough on its own, but it has also brought up a whole slew of family drama, which…well, I won’t get into specifics because they’re not really mine to tell, but it sucks.
—The oldest kiddo is doing great with his ADHD meds. He’s better able to focus on schoolwork, he listens better, and he has actual reciprocal conversations more often now. (Like, yesterday, we got into a conversation about AI art/writing, and he had some very well-thought-out opinions! I could tell he wasn't just regurgitating things he'd heard; he'd actually put a lot of thought into it.)
—I've gotten a little sad about the fact that I probably am ADHD, and possibly also autistic, or whatever (there’s definitely some neurodivergence in there), but never got any help when I was a kid/young adult. Because AFAB kids tend to present differently and mask better, y'know? All I know is I had an awful lot of school reports that were like: "J. is really smart, but doesn't follow directions well" or "J. does well on everything, when she decides it's something she wants to do." And then when I reached the age of burnout everyone was like: "But you are so smart! You're just not trying hard enough! You're just lazy!" How much better could I have done, especially in college, had anyone noticed that I was trying, that I was fucking struggling, and it wasn't just laziness?
—Speaking of college, I'm still researching universities I might want to attend when/if I go back for another degree.
—There's also a chance we may be moving sometime in the next year.
—And I'm putting some serious thought into how I wanna proceed with Bone & Ink Press. I want to keep it going, but it has long been untenable the way it's currently going. See, the thing is, I never wanted it to become what it became, a semi-legit publishing house with perfect-bound books and royalty payments and the like. I wanted to do small print run zines and chapbooks. So I'm going to finish up/publish the New Wave anthology, and then the three other titles I have on the roster, and then after that...I think I'm going back to its roots.
—The youngest kiddo had his first online class in astronaut science this morning. He loved it so much, and wants to continue with the rest of the course. Now I just gotta scrounge up some money to pay for the rest. (The first class was free; the rest cost money.)
—My dentist appointment went okay. It was fast and relatively painless. I have two small cavities, and have to go back in a month to get them filled, but they said everything else looks good.
—After the dentist, I had a bunch of errands to run. Normally I enjoy running errands but today I just wanted to get home and relax and also, everyone in town was driving like a jackass, so it took an extra long time to get from one stop to the next.
—But I did see two cuties while out and about. There was a hot middle-aged skater dude in the grocery store. (I know he was a skater because I saw him get out of his car, and it had Santa Cruz, Independent, and other skateboard-related stickers on it.) Downtown, I spotted a beautiful 20-something goth person; they looked appropriately eldritch in a long-black coat and big black boots.
—And while in the checkout at Walgreens, I saw this mom come in with two kids. One of the kids was a goth/punk teen; they shuffled into the store with their shoulders all hunched and a scowl on their face. Amazingly enough, the song that was playing over the sound system at the time was the Siouxsie and the Banshees cover of "Dear Prudence," and the teen recognized it, and for a split second, their scowl turned to a half-smile. And then they went back to scowling. It was perfect, because that is the era of my life which constitutes the bulk of my new zine.
—Speaking of the new zine: it's done, and I am glad it’s done, and I’m pretty pleased with it, but I am also fucking exhausted. To paraphrase something I wrote in my journal in 2009, after finishing a zine: I have completely overdosed on punk rock and stories from my own life. So now, I must cleanse myself with different kinds of music and different writing; namely, fiction and poetry. (Even when my poems are based on my real life experiences, which is often, writing them doesn't deplete me in the same way that writing prose memoir does.)
—I've felt pretty on top of my shit in general lately, but I am somehow flat broke again. Despite all the freelance gigs, side hustles, budgeting, etc. I mean I had to buy more printer ink and paper to complete this zine, so there's that. Then there's the fact that no matter how much we budget, our monthly food money always runs out 5-7 days before it gets refilled. Oh, and then there's the dentist thing. My health insurance covers some dental stuff, but not all, so I gotta pay the rest out of pocket. My dentist has a payment plan, but I had to make a down payment and have another bill due when I go back for my fillings. Shit. Anyway, if anyone wants to order some of my stuff/hire me for stuff, now would be a great time.
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