#i was like it’s one of my fav and my friend said: said no one ever
delulu4anime · 2 days
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Do you like scary movies?
Welcome to day three of Kinktober!
Parings: Slasher Kiyoomi, Atsumu, and Bokuto x Fem! Reader
Prompt: Triple Penetration (RIP your poor body🫡)
Summary: You have such good friends. They always watch scary movies with you even if they don’t want to. They even go as far as to put your favorite slasher masks on and surprise you.
Trigger Warnings: 4some, PIV, anal, blowjob, dirty talk, name calling, facial, dick…just…just so much dick. That’s all I got. Read at your own risk. But don’t keep them waiting…
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: 🔞MINORS AREN’T ALLOWED. YOU WILL BE HEXED IF YOU DON’T LISTEN🔞-As soon as I saw this prompt I immediately thought about these three. You will be sore for the rest of your life. I think this one will be one of my favs after Kinktober is over because I just love them. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Now go on and enjoy yourself! They want to feel you.
♫ Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run ♫
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You loved horror movies, year round, but especially around this time of year. Getting cozied up with an oversized blanket, something warm to drink, and watching it with your best friends. It was a tradition that started with your best friend Kiyoomi when you were teenagers that carried on when he started to play volleyball with Bokuto and Atsumu well into college. It had been a typical Friday night with the usual snacks and alcohol to accompany you all during the movie marathon. Bokuto watching the movie through his fingers and scooting closer to you.
Atsumu smugly guessing who the killer was at the beginning of the movie, getting it wrong, and screaming at jump scares that wouldn't even scare a child. And Kiyoomi who just sat there as silent as always before he'd eventually turn to you and ask to watch the next scary movie in the lineup. Half way through one of the scream movies, a few cans of beer in, you lifted your hand up and pointed at the screen. Your eyes narrowed and your tipsy brain convinced you that you needed to tell your friends the thoughts that ran through your head.
"Ghost face is so hot." You slurred out and Atsumu was the first one to answer back.
"Ya think a plastic mask is hot?" He quipped and you nodded your head.
"First off it's rubber I’m pretty sure and second off yeah. It's hot. All the masks are hot."
"All the masks are hot? Like Freddy Krueger and Hellraiser?" Bokuto chimed in and you scrunched your nose up as your lidded gaze moved over to him.
"What? No. That's just their face dummy. You would know that if you didn't look away every five seconds." You say and Bokuto huffs as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"So like Michael Myers?" Atsumu asked with a raised brow and you hummed.
"And what about Jason?"
"So you're like every girl on the planet." Kiyoomi added in a bored tone as he kept his gaze on the tv.
"You're like every girl-shut up," You said as you start to mock Kiyoomi's voice before you look back at the tv yourself. "All I'm saying is they could get into my panties easily."
You were too focused on the movie to notice your friends looking at each other than at you. Their wheels collectively turning before they continued to watch the movie.
A few weeks later and everyone seemed to be free to be able to hangout for your weekly movie night or at least you thought they were. They had all reached out to the group chat at some point earlier on in the week saying that the movie night was on. No practices, no urgent uni assignments, no blind dates that were forgotten about till the last minute. However, when Friday came you texted the group chat trying to get things together and no one answered? You texted them all separately and in the group chat.
Hell, you even called a few times which you never had to do before. The closer it got to seven with no answer from any of your friends the more aggravated you got. They had never blown you off like that before so why now? You stuck with the plans anyways and sent out one last group message in all caps stating that you would be having the marathon with or without them. You went to the store and got your usual snacks, the booze, and even little pastries in the shape of ghosts.
You expected at least something by now and when there was still radio silence you officially decided to divorce them all. You grumbled to yourself as you unlocked your apartment and walked inside. You kicked the door shut and noticed your kitchen light was on. You paused for a moment before you sighed and made your way over to put everything on the counter figuring with how scatterbrained you felt you must have just forgotten to turn it off. It wasn't until you started taking out the items out of the bag that you noticed an envelope on the counter. Your brow furrowed and you reached over to grab it wondering what it was. You opened the envelope up and pulled out the piece of paper as your eyes scanned the words.
Let's play game. Y'know like the ones we played as kids?
The ones where you would hide and we would seek.
Though instead of laughter when you get caught, we plan on hearing you scream.
Run Rabbit Run.
Your brow furrowed at the words before you and you couldn't help but read it over and over agin. What kind of joke is this? Before you could wrap your mind around it you gasped when a song started to play loudly on the stereo in your living room.
On the farm, ev'ry Friday
On the farm, it's rabbit pie day
So ev'ry Friday that ever comes along
I get up early and sing this little song
You covered your ears and quickly make your way into the living room to turn off the stereo though despite you clicking the off button it continued to play the eery song.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
You frantically tried to turn the stereo off as it suddenly started to slow down and then suddenly the music stopped. You took a step back as you looked down at the paper again and read the last three words again. Run Rabbit Run. You quickly looked up from the paper when you saw something shift out of the corner of your eye. You looked around as you started to feel a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Something was off...terribly off. You dropped the paper on the floor as you quickly made your way over to your phone into the kitchen. Your hands trembled as you tried to call for help of any kind but as soon as you grabbed your phone started to ring.
Incoming call from unknown number
You scoffed as you swiped the notification away so that you could get back to what you were doing but yet again before you could dial the phone rang again.
Incoming call from unknown number
"Fuck off." You muttered as you swiped at the notification again. You started to type in the emergency number when all of a sudden the lights began to flicker and you looked up at the light fixtures in confusion.
This had to be some cruel joke. You paid the utilities on time and there was no way it could be faulty wiring because this apartment complex was fairly new. You tore your gaze away from the lights and for some reasons you looked down your hallway. Your eyes widen when you see someone standing at the end of the hall; someone dressed up like Ghost Face. Your lips parted and you felt yourself frozen in place. The person tilts their head slowly and suddenly your phone vibrates in your hand. You managed to glance down and it only made you tremble.
Unknown Number: You've been found little rabbit. Now run, run, run.
You yelped when the stereo started playing that eerie song again and that's when you snapped out of it. You bolted for the door and looked over your shoulder to see Ghost Face starting to walk down the hall. You opened the door and were about to run out when you collided with something hard which caused you to fall back on your ass. You grunted when you hit the floor as your phone slide away from you and when you looked up you saw someone else dressed as Jason staring down at you. You started to crawl back only to bump into who you thought was Ghost Face. You tilt your head back as you are settled between Michael Mayers' legs. You were terrified beyond belief...who were these people and why were they-
"Oh shit!" Ghost Face calls out as he accidentally trips over his costume and scorpion falls over the couch.
You paused and you knew right away who that voice belonged to and you immediately narrowed your eyes as your hands clenched into fists on either side of you.
"Tsumu?" You said through clenched teeth and the other two groaned as Kiyoomi, who was Michael Myers, lifted his mask and Bokuto, who was Jason, followed suit.
"You are such a goddamn idiot Miya." Kiyoomi sneered as he looked over at Atsumu who was still trying to recover from his fall.
"Yeah! We literally practiced this so many times. You messed it all up." Bokuto practically whined and you finally managed to get up and look between the three idiots you were about to chew out.
"Oh fuck ya both. I told ya I wanted to be Myers and I got stuck with the dress wearing bastard." Atsumu grumbled as he removed his mask and his cheek was noticeably red from where he fell.
"What the hell are you guys even doing?" You yelled out and all three of them looked at you.
"We wanted to surprise you." Bokuto said with a huff as he stepped into your apartment and closed the door. Kiyoomi rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the stereo and unplugged it before he crossed his arms over his chest.
"It was Miya's idea." Kiyoomi said as he looked over at Atsumu who put his hands on his hips and gave that famous Miya smirk.
"Ya got shit face last time and said yer into this so I figured we would pick on ya." Atsumu said with a confident tone before your expression made it change.
"So you scared me half to death so that you could play a prank on me?" You said through gritted teeth as he said nothing and shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.
"Actually," Kiyoomi said as he stepped closer to you which caused your hardened gaze to move to one of the other culprits that almost caused you to go into cardiac arrest. "You said you thought these characters were hot."
"Yeah...so?" You said with a huff as you crossed your arms over your chest. The corners of Kiyoomi's mouth tilt up as he leans down slightly so he’s a little more eye level with you.
"You said that you would let them get into your panties." Kiyoomi said and you blinked at him for a moment as you tried to figure out what he was getting at.
"And we just thought that maybe if we dressed like them-" Bokuto started as he fiddled with his Jason mask. He started to move closer to you too.
"And scared ya a bit-" Atsumu said as he also moved closer until they were all shoulder to shoulder.
"That you'd let us into your panties too rabbit." Kiyoomi said and your lips parted. You could feel your cheeks heat up as you looked between all three of them.
It seemed like a blur after that. You don't remember when you said yes or how you got stripped out of your clothes so quickly; all you knew now was that you were straddle Kiyoomi's lap and his hands rested on your hip. You could feel his cock as he helped guide your hips so your pussy would glide across him while Bokuto was behind you with his hand between your shoulder blades. Bokuto pushed lightly so you would lean forward so he could see where he was about to enter you. You looked up at Atsumu who was standing behind the couch and already stroking his cock.
His shaky breathing made you forget the fit he threw a few minutes before because he was forced to take your mouth after Kiyoomi blamed him for ruining the plan. All three still fully clothed just pulled their costumes in ways that their cocks were free while you were completely naked. All their masks were down and you had never been wetter.
"Such a pretty rabbit we got here." Kiyoomi coos out as he grabs his cock and teases your folds with the tip which causes you to whimper.
"Even prettier from back here." Bokuto breathed out as he tapped the head of his cock against your hole which caused your back to arch slightly.
"Such an easy rabbit. Almost like she wanted to get caught." Atsumu grunted out as he continued to stroke his cock.
You dug your nails into the couch cushion as you felt Kiyoomi push into your pussy with a groan and before you could even adjust to him Bokuto was pushed his cock slowly into your ass. Your eyes fluttered shut and your lips parted to let out a strained moan at how full you immediately felt.
"Goddamn...such a tight little rabbit." Kiyoomi groaned out as he tilted his head back against the couch. His eyes closing under the mask at the feeling of you wrapping around him. A feeling that he had thought about millions of times over the years but had never planned on acting on it. Not until you said something or even when Atsumu had the idea to do this. He knew then and there he would claim your pussy and despite things not exactly going as planned he still was deep inside you.
"H-Haa feels so good rabbit." Bokuto whined out as he slowly slide inch by inch inside of you.
Your body trembled as you let out another strained moan out and that's when Atsumu took advantage of this. His hands moving to the back of your head as he slide his cock into your mouth. He let out a sinful moan the moment your wet, warm mouth wrapped around him. His head titling back and he didn't hesitate to start moving his hips against your mouth.
"F-Fuck." Atsumu moaned out as his nails dug into your scalp which caused you to moan around him.
The other two took that as the cue to start moving and soon the living room was filled with the sound of skin against skin along with their combined grunts and moans. Kiyoomi's hands on your hips held guide you down against his cock and Bokuto's hands were on your shoulders as he pulled you back against his cock. Somehow the two were in perfect sync so when you felt empty due to Kiyoomi pulling out Bokuto was filling you up and vice verse. The fabric of their clothing rubbing against your bare skin and your eyes rolled back as the tears that had built up in your waterline started to run down your cheeks. It was beyond overwhelming to have all three of them ravishing your body but it all felt too good to stop. 
"You're doing so good for us rabbit." Bokuto moans out as he continues to snap his hips against you as your ass ricocheted off of his hips with each movement. He leans down to place soft kisses against your shoulder.
"Sloppy pussy is gonna milk me dry." Kiyoomi grunted out as he lifted one of his hands off your hips and moves it to his mask. He lifts it enough to reveal his mouth and he didn't hesitate to wrap his lips around your nipple. Your breasts had been bouncing in his face for far too long for him not to pay them some attention.
This action only caused you to moan around Atsumu who just dug his nails even more into your scalp. The pain mixing in with the pleasure as they all attacked every inch of your body. Atsumu looked down at you as he let out a breath chuckle.
"Look at me rabbit. Wanna see yer pretty eyes. We caught ya after all. Wanna see my reward." Atsumu commanded and you opened your eyes. Your teary gaze looking up at him which caused him to move his hips a little faster. "F-Fuck look at that. Our pretty rabbit looks like such a mess. Serves ya right for being so easy catch."
Your body started to tremble out of control and you felt Bokuto snake his hand between your's and Kiyoomi's body to start rubbing your aching clit. That action only caused you to tighten around Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi's hips stuttering as he let out a muffled moan around your breast. Bokuto continued to rub your clit as he kissed your shoulders and bit down on your skin softly.
"S-Shit...I'm gonna cum." Bokuto grunts out as his movements becoming harsher and it only makes the pressure in your lower stomach become too much to hold back.
Atsumu was the first to cum as he pushed your head back so he could finish on your face. Bokuto pushed against your clit just the right way, Kiyoomi's tongue flicked against your nipple perfectly, and they both thrusted at just the right time to cause you to let out a cry of pleasure as you came undone around them. Your sounds were what made Kiyoomi come undone and the sight of you was what caused Bokuto to moan your name as he finished inside of you too. The room was filled with pants and whines as you all came down from your highs. You were focused on trying to regain your soul that felt like had left your body when a flash goes off. You open your eyes and look up to see Atsumu taking a picture of you with the remnants of his released still on your lips and cheeks and you couldn't help but glare up at him.
"What? Just staying in character and takin a picture of ya. Yer too pretty not to." Atsumu said as he lifted his mask up and smiled. His cheeks flushed as he looked down at you.
"Now you want to stay in character." Kiyoomi muttered out as he too had pulled his mask off. His eyes were closed as he nuzzled his face into your breasts. Atsumu grumbled about Kiyoomi being a sourpuss as he looked down at his phone to look at the picture.
"I think we should do this more often." Bokuto said cheerfully.
You should...you really, really should.
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© Delulu4Anime 2024 All Rights Reserved
Daily Clicks
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 2 months
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my fav thing to do is chip away at random parts of characters humanity and seeing what happens
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head---ache · 3 months
the queer experience of picking someone to "have a crush on" as a child
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zeeckz · 6 months
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5hrignold · 9 months
#rewatched this sneak peek for the first time since i first saw it and ugh. UUUUGHHGGHHH.#it hurts me a lot I’m ngl….. like to see charlie be so critical of something pim likes#except this time it’s even more painful because it isn’t just that pim likes it he also thought charlie would like it too and he literally#took him out and did this just for him because he thought he’d like it. he thought charlie said something so he went out of his way to#organise something to show to him to make him happy. and also how like… expectant? charlie is acting in the clip#like the way he just kinda frowns at pim whenever one of the dudes says something particularly out there#and it’s like. dude what the fuck#ive Said it once i’ll say it again i think charlie needs to lose pim during an episode or something. itd humble him#i mean that KIND OF happened with the finale but look where they are in s2#as usual what i always say. absolutely no actual complaints. if anything i Love this because it’s very clearly like#im so excited for this particular episode because you can just TELL its gonna be such a good one for their relationship#like looking into it analysing it n stuff#literally anything with them together has me screaming and cryjing they’re one of my fav duos ever#ok my hands are shaking bye#smiling friends#💝#smiling friends spoilers#also this is just Such a cute clip. the way pim runs and how charlie slugs on close behind him looking all grumpy#and how happy he looks to be calling him his best friend… actually peak i fear this is the peak of the season (joke
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oifaaa · 9 months
As both a Markiplier fan and a fan of your art I love your Markiplier headcanon so much. Please never stop putting him in things I beg of you.
I promise to keep going unless markiplier sees it then I'm sorry but I will have to nuke everything over night I will vanish burn every thing to the ground and restart under a new identity
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multivstx · 1 year
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“i’m not that scared little girl anymore” -yes but to a father you’ll always be his little girl
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taegularities · 1 year
some men are textbook villains fr
#tw religion?#kinda need to rant.. kinda wanna explain what's going on#some ppl are part of humanity but don't know how to be humane... like the guy i started talking to almost 2 weeks ago#liked him a lot bc he was funny sickeningly sweet mature and understanding.. until he was not#tl dr version is that we somehow drifted to the topic religion and i told him im not too religious and don't believe in superstition much#i was extremely respectful and even when he said that he does believe a lot i was like 'thats cool!! different people believe in different#things!!' and at first it was a normal convo until man went all psycho on me (after one damn week!!!) and started talking about how#id have to be religious in a relationship with him.. my dude i barely know your fav food can we not talk about relationships yet#but he says he doesn't even need a woman who cooks/cleans just someone who believes.. n im like i get it but i can't change myself like that#and then guy moves to marriage and is all 'well my entire family is religious' n my mom and sister (who's 16) would be putting pressure on#you n force you to pray etc.. and I'm like???? who can force anyone to a thing like that are u kidding#things escalate and my absolute STUPID ass tells him about my deepest fkn trauma to explain what made me abandon religion bc#life just never got better and this trauma remained for yrs... and he gets so angry that he says he wants to stop talking to me just to spam#me all day next day.. he'd keep messaging me switching between 'i still want you we shouldn't throw this away i have feelings for you'#AFTER A WEEEEEEKKKK!!! and then goes back to 'i wasted my time with you you were so unnecessary im in a bad mood bc of you'#even said 'you'll never find a guy with a trauma and mindset like this. i will find a religious girl but no one will love you like that'#and the worst thing is that he told his friends and mom about the trauma i had just to spite me.. note that he promised to never tell anyone#(and then still asked for forgiveness and for me to rethink whether we want to end this after telling me 473626x he wanted to end it)#(nothing even ever started you bitchass)#also note that his mom knows my mom n basically most of my relatives.. so i was here trembling for days fearing they'd get to know about it#mom somehow convinced her to not tell anyone bc it's important to me and very very fucking personal..#but he harassed me all day - i wouldn't answer and he'd send 55 messages.. multiple missed calls like dude i got so fkn scared#my heart jumped whenever he texted he was so fkn aggressive and SO MEAN#'you just needed to adjust and we would've been okay' 'tell me are u gonna fkn be religious or not????' 'you ruined everything' kinda mean#i just :') it was the worst time and i don't think i've ever seen someone degrade me so much or make me feel this defective#but.. it's finally over. his mom called my mom and mine was like pls teach him some manners.. n since i couldn't and wouldn't text him back#and literally avoided whatsapp bc of him she ended it all for me and now it's hopefully done forever#anyway i saw jks gcf performance yday n him singing still with you put a genuine smile on my face.. ill stick to THAT boyfriend honestly lol#def gonna delete later#but ty for reading if u did <3
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suddencolds · 5 months
#delete later#another journal entry 📝 for the void#i have not been sleeping well for the past 2 wks 😵‍💫 i always wake up like clockwork after 5-6 hrs which feels like not nearly enough#i feel like i've done everything there is to do (consistent exercise + consistent sleep times + earplugs + weighted blanket + no caffeine)#last night i took melatonin too but no... same problem staying asleep 😭#ahh whatever. i'm just frustrated that it has to be this way :(#anyways in an act of spite i reread like the 4 wips that have been sitting in my drafts from the past few weeks#i think something that will never cease to surprise me about writing is that more effort/time doesn't necessarily translate to better#results; i suppose that's the case with all kinds of art but#it does feel somewhat unintuitive. one of my fav professors in uni said to not dismiss those 'lightning in a bottle' moments (in art) as#blind luck... but to instead analyze the circumstances and iterate on recreating them. and i think one of my artist friends who i deeply#respect said something similar (wrt artistic rituals/setup). i have too many thoughts on writing and on my own creative processes and#weaknesses to fit into any number of tags here. :') that said...#*shakes ch2 draft* after everything i did and all the hours i spent WHY are you still so bad?!!! D: i am baffled and frustrated.#and why do i prefer this other [redacted] draft which i hammered out with utterly no regard towards the quality??#anyways. back to the drawing board i guess T.T
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neptunesailing · 1 year
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mayoi (enstars x hnk au)
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#nep draws things#ensemble stars#enstars#sketch#mayoi ayase#enstars x hnk au#hnk au#ouoououououu i am soooo proud of the mayo on the right hjhjrhgrghrhgrhghgrghrhg he is so !!#showed this to a friend before i posted and they said his hair would taste like frozen grapes and i had to break it to them that it'd break#their teeth JHDHJFHJSDHJFHJSHJFSJD anywayy i might redraw the aira one.. he needs some attention too ^_^ sorry i only design for hii.ai /#alkaloid but THEY ARE MY FAVS........ by this logic i should be drawing more sw.itch but . i just . *waves hands* alkaloid !!! alkaloid so#special to me.. anyway tatsumi has another job other than patrolling with mayo which is why mayo has the winter uni and tatsun has the norm#i was maybe thinking tatsun would be a healer like rutile is..? nothing is set in stone (pun intended) for now ahha but tatsun can still#fight jsut fine!! hes more of a watcher for mayo. mayo fights more since his hardness lvl is much higher than tatsun's. during the spring a#stuff tho i think mayo kinda hides around? still not sure.. youd probably see him around tho in the shadows (ala canon i guess) and i guess#thats how hiiro and aira get to know mayo outside of patrols.. OH the reason why mayo is on winter patrol is because he gets too nervous#working with other gems and he kept messing up and hiding away whenever he did mess up so :((( yeah he usually fights by himself OH I SHOUL#EXPLAIN WHY HE CAN SPLIT INTO 2 its because of the spinel law something somethign rotated at 180 degrees at some axis but ANYWAY his hair#is longer in his singular form but you can see in his split form his hair is cut differently than how we normally see mayo's hair- and also#theyre mirrored!! their braids are on different sides and the side w/o the braid is shorter!! and the moles are on opposite sides too heheh#holy shit i wrote so much in the tags..... anyway THANK YOU SOS SO MUCH TEA FOR REMINDING ME OF THE HNK AU AGAIN AND ENABLING ME TO GO#INSANE OVER THIS AU AGAIN UR AMAZINGGGG <333333
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fightwing · 1 month
thinking about the fact that in dick and bruce's (second) worst fight, dick still went to clark for help & guidance like!! even though that's his dad's bestie and he's currently on the outs with his dad, clark's still his family too and he'd always look out for dick 😭😭
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nobrain-onlysteven · 1 year
Current mood:
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spending my whole life trying and trying and trying and trying to be good enough for people who don't give a fuck about me
#im so tired living seems pointless why am i doing this what is the reason#the firm i work at is going thru a merger so it's releasing all the interns except 2#i went into her office and said that id like to stay here bc my dad said so bc i got in cause he was friends with the head#and she said ill think about it based on performance ive not decided yet#and this other guy he went in to tell her that cool he'll leave and she told him that she was hoping that he'd stay#he literally does nothing but play games on his phone he doesn't work at all#i have no idea what he has that i don't#but just. im stuck like this forever right never ever good enough for people i like or care about#not for parents they have a diff fav child not for ex gf not for bestie who has a boyfriend much better at loving her than me#not for that one guy who rejected me in interview bc i don't read the newspaper and didn't know the date of the finance act#im so fucking sick of this i never even wanted to this fuckinh course and obviously even my best isn't enough and ofc im not good enough#for anyone in this field and ill just struggle and struggle and struggle all my life just to earn some fucking money so i can live away#from my sociopathic parents#and the worst part is that i can't stop feeling like maybe it IS me yk maybe i am the problem maybe im not trying hard enough#but how else am i supposed to handle this i prioritize my studies and lose all my friends i prioritise my friends and fail in d#exams#and the trauma keeps on coming every fucking day bc sociopathic parents but i jsut push it down and say not rn i will cry at night anx then#never cry#i wish someone would just tell me that idk you're wrong you're not made for this you really do have some mental illness and you're really#trying your best and do something that's easy and that you love doing#oh god this is now a ventpost#mes
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eristheanarchist · 1 year
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Niche history ramble(also boy king mention at the end ofc) //
I was reading abt Maximillian I today, the second Habsburg emperor, bcs ive prev read about his father who I think is very interesting. But omg somehow this guy is even more interesting, but in a completely different way(I like his father Frederick III bcs I think his life is very funny ooc, but Maximilian I is genuinely really cool!) Also it's surprising to me that it took me this long to read about him, considering I very vividly remember seeing his portrait in a museum in Vienna. It's weird looking at it being used as the display pic for his wiki page bcs im like ...I've seen that in real life omg....
He's referred to as "The Last Knight"(as well as being nicknamed "Heart of Steel") And god I love now having random knowledge, cause I'm reading this like "ha, how very Don Quixote of him" and then the very next line in the biography was like, historians question whether he genuinely was like a knight or if he was a Don Quixotic figure 😭😭 glad to see I was on mark. Anyways, I wonder if Cervantes knew abt this, like I wonder if him being popularized as the last knight was a widely known thing back then. It's funny how Don Quixote was written at the end of the 16th century, but even back in the beginning of the century, being a knight was still kinda an outdated thing. I like how the two views on Maximillian I are either that he was the Last Knight or the first Rennaisance prince who had Machiavellian ideals. It fits into my weird obsession w those two works(The Prince and Don Quixote)
Anyways that being said. Boy King au Fernando is def like this, except he has literally nothing to back it up djfkkglg. Like at least Maximilian I was actually out there being insane. Fernando just sits in his cozy reading room, fantasizing while reading The Prince, and commissioning suits of armor as decoration(thats what he says. The real purpose is to dress up in them so he can feel cool.) I think this is honestly a reason he goes along with the marriage. He begrudgingly finds Seb's family history to be very cool and interesting, and he isn't opposed to being around it 🤭 Well, begrudgingly isn't the right word. He's very earnestly obsessed with it, but he can never tell Seb that bcs Seb will literally never let it go.
Seb just finds him staring up at paintings of Seb's ancestors, and Fernando, tears in eyes, hand on his heart, proclaims "I'll continue your legacy!!!" Seb is both mocking him like "he's not even your relative" but also has tears in his eyes like omg he's my family 🥺 he's accepted being my family 🥹
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diaz-fox · 1 month
went to see girl in red tonight (so good so cute so gay i had the best time) and now i’m just 🥰🥰🥰 i love finally having queer friends it’s so nice
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