#i was in the bottom class for everything looking up at you like wow it must be amazing everyone praising you all the time for being so smar
evilschooldropout · 2 months
I used to be pissed as a child that i wasn't gifted or a prodigy and be so jelous of the chosen ones but now i'm like. Kinda glad because with all of the love in the world you guys seem to not be doing very well mentally
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willowrites · 2 months
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. ᥫ᭡ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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��𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. you and chris have been best friends since you were younger but one night changes everything…
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭. would you be down to write about chris and the reader are best friends who hookup and he confessed that he wants them to be more? — anon
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 soft smut, loss of virginity, mentions of blood. 18+ mdni !
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬. this is part one of the request! the reason it took a while is because i wanted to get both parts out at the same time! hope you enjoy :)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. 2.2k+
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“you stayin’ the night tonight?” chris asked with a glimmer of hope in his voice. the nights where you stayed were his favorite because you’d both stay up for hours just talking and messing around. reminiscing and watching movies. your favorite thing to do together was binge-watch movies and shows.
“i gotta see because i have class in the morning.” you huffed. “he did say something about possibly canceling but he hadn’t said anything yet.”
“well, maybe you can still stay and if he doesn’t end up canceling then you can go and we can go out for lunch afterward. most of your stuff is here anyway.” he gestured to his closet. he was right. you practically had half of your wardrobe in his closet so there wasn’t a need to go back home and get anything. you even had your own toothbrush and shit.
“i mean, yeah sure. who knows maybe i can skip.” you said mischievously earning a laugh from him.
“yeah… like you’d skip.” he went to turn off his room like before lay down on his bed and turned on his bedside lamp.
“i would.” you stated, jumping onto his bed and falling down onto your back right next to him.
“you hardly ever skipped in high school! miss all straight a’s.” he rolled his eyes. “hardly ever did anything.. how do you say. bad girlish.”
“oh and you did so much?” you propped yourself up in your elbow to look toward him.
“i mean, i would skip and shit.” he shrugged. “but i also took care of my shit like grades n’lacrosse.”
“the only reason you skipped was because you were hooking up with that one girl. i forgot her name but she was so mean!” you scoffed at the mention of her.
“we never hooked up! we just made out in her car.” he defensively said.
“oh really? what about homecoming when she practically shouted to the whole world that you two had sex.” you raised your brows. “she’d even mimic how she sounded too. blech; she disgusted me.”
he furrowed his brows. “we never did anything. she tried to but i turned her away.” he stated.
“wait so you’re still a virgin? you didn’t even hook up with that other girl you were close with?” you looked down at your nails.
“nah.. i'm serious they kind of all creeped me out.” he shook his head. the news did sort of come as a shock to you considering all the talk you had heard in high school but in reality, deep down you knew that chris wasn’t like that.
“what about you though? you talked to that one guy..what was his name? caleb or something.” his nostrils flared.
“oh fuck that guy. he tried to do shit with me but he was so fucking weird i was like no thank you.” you waved off. “i always felt that he carried at least five fucking diseases on him.” you laughed earning one from chris too.
“wow, so we're both virgins. learn something new every day huh.” he said, his voice getting quieter.
you looked at chris with a smile on your lips feeling somewhat happy that no one’s gotten that part of him yet. when thinking about if they did or not you felt a jealous sting — like usual.
“yep.” you pursed your lips.
chris licked his bottom lip shamelessly staring at yours. he blinked slowly. “i’m glad no one got that part of you.. yet.”
“yet?” you asked, confusion laced in your tone. you studied his eyes, the only thing illuminating the room was the lamp on the table by his bed. the lighting highlights certain features of his face.
“do you want it to happen with someone you trust, y/n?” his breathing picked up. you could audibly hear it as the room was silent.
“i mean… id definitely hope so.” you said quietly. you hadn’t noticed how close chris got until his hand moved some hair out of your face. he wanted to be able to see your beautiful eyes and pink lips.
“yeah?” was all he said. the heat of his body was making its way toward yours. your stomach was twisting and turning. it was doing jumping jacks and was inhabited by butterflies.
“chris?” your voice pierced the silence; barely below a whisper.
“mm?” he responded, as he studied your face and the way your eyes glanced at his lips. that was all he needed to see before he leaned forward and connected your lips in a small kiss.
he started off slowly, not wanting to scare you. he wanted you to kiss him back. you were in shock. you let him kiss you for a few seconds before you started moving your lips along with his.
he pulled away once you started to kiss him back. you leaned forward trying to reconnect your lips but he pulled back with a grin. he then leaned forward, your lips connecting just slightly before he pressed them onto yours once again.
his hand came up to the back of your neck pulling you closer to him allowing him to deepen the kiss and fortunately for you — to take control.
the further he pressed, the more you were inclined to lean back causing you both to settle into a comfortable position where you were on your back and chris was on top of you.
you were addicted to the way he tasted. the way he sensually moved his lips with yours. the way when you both ran out of breath and had to pause chris couldn’t for long and was practically gripping your waist showing he wanted more.
this went on for minutes before he made the move to trail his soft kisses down your neck. your eyes fluttered open as if to try to differentiate whether you were dreaming or not — you weren’t. chris was 100% kissing down your neck, sucking lightly on your skin to mark you. his marks were closer to your collarbone but still not to where they won’t be visible.
chris was worried when he thought about how you might feel if he marked you up for people to see. in his dream world you wouldn’t mind it because they were from him but it was something you two would need to talk about; or at least he hoped.
the sweatshirt that you were wearing was getting in the way of his lips making a trail down further so he paused to ask, “can i take this off?” he said breathlessly — sounding like a total dream.
“mhm.” you responded, just as breathless as he was. you were so needy you took the action into your own hands as you sat up. he moved back to give you space before helping you with your sweatshirt.
you both took it off before you threw it aside. he stared down at you admiring your beauty. he got a weird feeling in his stomach. he didn’t know what it meant in the moment but he’d find out.
you wanted him to kiss you already so you pulled him by his shirt to connect your lips again. he moaned at the contact, starting to feel uncomfortable in his clothes around his lower area.
“you’re so beautiful.” he thought out loud against your lips.
you blushed resting your hands in his fluffy hair. “chris.” you whimpered very needy. you were fiddling with his shirt.
“yeah baby?” he let the name slip out. you liked it.
“need you.” you felt your arousal more than ever — it made wearing underwear uncomfortable.
“yeah?” he grinned lifting up your shirt. you took the gesture as a sign so you quickly took it off leaving you in your black bra. “how bad?” his voice was so soft and sexy. you wanted to hear it all the time.
“so bad.” you took your turn lifting up his shirt. he looked down watching you struggle. “cmon, please.” you begged lifting this shirt up more.
“okay okay.” he gave in and took his shirt off throwing it to the side. he then combed your hair back with both hands before grabbing your face pulling it toward him placing kisses all over your face. “always thought you were so pretty.” he murmured. he was drunk on you. on your taste.
“show me how pretty i am.” you trailed your hands up and down his chest. you stared at each other longingly before he connected your lips once more.
you both had another make-out session before you were on your back with him on top. he put on a condom he had pulled out from the depths of his closet and you both were ready.
“tell me if it hurts okay?” he wanted to make sure you both communicated. he wanted to make this memorable for you without hurting you too much. “i don’t know how long i’ll last, baby.”
“it’s okay it’s okay.” you murmured. “i’ll tell you if i need a break okay?”
he nodded kissing you once more before lining himself up. he gently pushed into you slowly groaning at how tight but smooth at the same time your pussy was. “fuck” he groaned at the same time you did.
“shit — ” you winced, the burn was like a kick to the stomach. “slow slow.” you repeated almost out of air.
“okay, baby im sorry. fuck.” chris hated seeing you in pain.
“just let me get used to it.” you breathed in and out. it was going to be okay. you would get used to him. is what you told yourself. well, you had hoped. he was a bit big.
time past and you and chris communicated until he bottomed out.
you had tears in your eyes as the stinging slowly went away. you felt so full. you couldn’t believe that your best friend's dick was inside you. he was full on inside you.
you opened your eyes that had been clenched shut to see chris holding back moans. he was biting his lip stopping himself from trying to move.
“okay, i think im ready.” you spoke up. he looked down at you and then at your bodies together.
“you sure?” he wanted to make sure that you weren’t accommodating to him.
“yes, im sure.” you nodded before connecting your lips again.
“m’gonna go slow,” he muttered against your lips earning a nod from you. he slowly started pulling out of you then pushing back in earning a loud whine from you. the sting was still there.
chris on the other hand was in a state of euphoria. he couldn’t believe this was happening. his sleek hair fell over his forehead as he was thrusting in and out of you slowly.
after a few times, he repeated his actions, and your pain started to form into pleasure. your mouth fell agape as you felt the first wave of pleasure make its way up your body. you felt chris hit a spot in you that had you going feral.
“h-holy fuck chris.” you gasped as one of his thrusts were particularly strong. he looked down at you with a concerned look on his face.
“mm — m’sorry sorry. just feels so good.” he whimpered, the noise sending you butterflies and chills throughout your body.
“faster.” was all you said as your hand was trailing over his back. you tried not to dig your nails in as he picked up his pace with a cheeky smile on his face but each thrust caused your nails to drag up his spine — knowingly giving him red marks. “so good. so good.” you repeated.
“god, i’m gonna fucking cum.” chris moaned, combing his hair back to allow you to see his expression for a split second. the picture was burned into your brain. chris was sweaty with his eyebrows furrowed. his lips red and irritated from the amount of times he’s bit them to hold back his moans. his eyes clenched shut because of the pleasure he was receiving.
the sight alone had the rubber band in your stomach on the brim of snapping. “chris… fuck chris. im gonna cum.” you cried as his thrusts got rougher by the second as he chased after his orgasm.
“go on, baby. let go for me, yeah? please, i need it.” he puffed out, winded. what really drove you to the edge was when chris reached a hand down toward your center and ghosted over your clit. he then brought his middle finger and ring finger to where you both were connected and collected the arousal from you both combined before slathering it on your clit and stimulating you at a rapid pace. your legs started shaking as you immediately felt yourself about to give in.
your eyes clenched as your hands grasped the sheets below you before arching your back — your orgasm hit you like a wave of intense euphoria. you let out a spurt of whimpers and moans. your own orgasm had chris’s following shortly.
“shit! oh my fucking god.” his hips stuttered as he tried to ride out his orgasm as best as he could which was tough because of how tight you were clenching him.
your chest ended up pressed against each other as he was laid on you, breathless and unable to move for a split second. there was only one thought that ran through chris’s mind when he came to his senses and that was ‘i’m in love with y/n.’
he had to find a way to tell you.
© willowrites
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babywriter · 1 year
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Janine liked to go to school diapered. It turned her on. It also took quite a bit of courage to do so as she was terrified anybody would find out her little secret. There had been a few close calls, but by now Janine had grown comfortable with her choice of underwear. She had also grown complacent and less worried about hiding it. So what if someone she didn’t know would see the waistband of a medical diaper? This was college and she was free. It did become more problematic when someone she did know ended up seeing it.
While Janine was picking her books up, she carelessly showed the tip of her padded underwear to Brenda. Brenda was not a friend. In High School, she had been a mean girl who had gleefully spread rumors about Janine. Of course, Brenda bursted out laughing when she saw the diaper.
“Oh my god. This is-WOW. You are such a baby, Janine.” A little too loud perhaps as people wondered what was going on. Janine looked troubled when she stood up.
“What?” she asked.
“Oh I think we need to talk.” said Brenda. She grabbed Janine’s hand and led her out of the class.
“What are you doing? Let me go.” Janine remained steadfastly calm as she didn’t want to provoke the other girl.
“I know what I saw.” said Brenda. “You didn’t need diapers before.”
“So what if I didn’t?”
“I’m just saying. It would be a shame if others found out…”
“Please don’t.” asked Janine. In hindsight, this was a terrible reaction as Brenda now held all the cards.
“Oh I shouldn’t, should I? Why not, huh? There’s nothing to be ashamed of by being a little miss pottypants. You know, what I’d love to do? Change your little diaper butt!”
“You won’t.”
“Yes, I will. I should probably check if you’re dry right now…”
“No, stop! Get away from me!”
“My, my. Baby has wet herself. We are definitely going to your place.”
Obviously, this wasn’t really optional, and Janine only begrudginly accepted so that Brenda would go away afterwards. Janine had an apartment to herself, which meant that she could openly indulge. A baby bottle in the kitchen, a few toys scattered here and there, a ridiculous amount of stuffies. Subtle signs that gave it away. Brenda looked at her victim with glee.
“Oh this is much better than my dorm. You must love it here. No mommy to tell you to clean up after yourself.”
The worst part was when Brenda went through Janine’s closet. Onesies, footie pyjamas, loads of diaper packs with adorable prints, little dresses and skirts.
“This is all so cute! I didn’t know you were such a cute little baby! We should tell everyone, don’t you think?”
“Brenda, please. You’ve done enough. Can’t you act like an adult and start minding your own business?”
“I need to start acting like an adult? I’m not the one pissing myself, baby. In fact, I think I should inform everyone.”
“NO!” Janine stomped her foot and laid down the law. This was not going to happen.
“No? YOU don’t get to say no, baby girl.” Brenda wrestled Janine’s pants away from her and put the girl on her lap, spanking her well-padded bottom until she started to cry. Pain was only a small part, there was also the humiliation and a surprising amount of excitement. This strange and contradictory mixture of emotions is what made her cry.
“If you act like a good little girl.” said Brenda. “You will be a very happy baby, but if you make mommy mad, you will NEVER live it down. Is that understood?”
Janine nodded while sobbing.
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Brenda immediately moved in to become Janine’s around-the-clock caregiver. And just as quickly, Janine was forced into the 24/7 lifestyle she had fantasized about. Everything was done for her and an extreme set of rules was also put in place. Like wearing diapers and baby clothes at all times or only being able to “make cummies” if mommy deemed her diaper sufficiently dirty. And she had to beg for them while showing off how used her diaper was. The cummies were mommy’s business too. Only mommy could use the vibrator on Janine’s diaper. While Janine was forced into this lifestyle, she still went about her daily activities. Brenda had wanted them to go on. Thus, Janine went to school diapered and wearing a short girlish dress that barely covered the padding. In the front and in the back, there was a noticeable bulge, revealing that Janine perhaps wasn’t wearing normal underwear.
In the hallways, Janine was forced to hold Brenda’s hand. Not only that, she was constantly flushed from the looks she was getting. She did not relax until she was seated in the massive auditorium, where she could have some privacy by sitting in the back. Yet, when she felt she needed to go, she did not hesitate for one second as Mommy had trained her well. It is unfortunate that after the class, a friend of Janine came to see her. The diaper, well-used, now sagged just under the dress.
“Hi! How...are you?” said the friend.
“I-” Janine began.
“Baby, put your thumb in your mouth. She’s doing super well!” answered Brenda in her place.
The friend nodded and went away immediately after. Whatever this was, she wanted no part of it.
Naturally, Janine began to cry, thumb in her mouth. 
“Do you need your diaper changed?” asked Brenda, loud enough for any passerby to hear. The woman put her hand on Janine’s butt and squished it. “Yes, you do!”
Whispers of “what’s wrong with her” could be heard. For some reason, this broke Janine. It was all in the open so why resist?
“Mommy, I wanna go home.” she said. Teary, her whole thumb in her mouth, raising her dress with the other hand so everyone could see her diaper.
Janine’s reaction was marvelous as far as Brenda was concerned. Now, the girl was all hers.
“We can’t leave yet, baby. You haven’t done your cummies.”
“Please mommy, no…” Janine was absolutely desperate to avoid at least that.
“No, perhaps it’d be better in front of your parents…”
Under this thinly veiled threat, Janine began to rub the front of her diaper with great vigor. The first and only time she had been allowed to touch herself, even if through her underwear. The thick padding made it especially challenging. So did the crowd of onlookers. Perverts in their own rights for watching, and filming, Janine. Finally, she moaned loudly.
“I made cummies mommy!” she nearly screamed in a high pitch lisp.
“Good job, baby! I won’t bring you here again, I promise” Brenda said with a grin.
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Indeed, Janine never went to college again. Instead, she was kept at home. Forced to use her diapers, she grew dependent on them. Forced to ask permission to make cummies, always while wearing a used diaper and often in public. Truly, a baby that was shown off at every opportunity. And all that humiliation just kept making Janine hornier.
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rangerbarbz · 1 year
Love Drunk
Disclaimer: This is my first ever published fanfiction. I have been wanting to write for a while, and I have been on a Gravity Falls kick. I really hope y’all enjoy it. I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Thank you so much for reading!
Summary: Ford and reader are college best friends. Reader is in love with Ford, but he doesn’t know. One night, the reader gets drunk and lets some things slip out. This is pure fluff.
You arrived at Ford's dorm room door and knocked on it softly so as not to startle him. You were alone in your dorm due to your roommate and her boyfriend being out for a late-night rendezvous. You decided to ask your best friend, Ford, if it would be okay if you got ready in his room. There was a party going on at one of the frat houses, and you were going to get dolled up at his dorm. You didn't like being alone in your dorm because of some weirdos on your floor, so you often visited Ford in his room when your roommate was gone. To be honest, you were always there just because you enjoyed being there with him.
Ford opened the door and greeted you with a smile on his face. "Hi, Y/N! Come on in. I was just working on some physics homework." He stepped aside so you could enter his dorm. His desk had books all over it along with scattered papers, but the rest of the room was decently clean. Other than some crumpled up paper balls from where he missed the trashcan, it was quite a cozy place.
You smiled up at him. "Thanks so much for letting me come over to get ready, Ford. I promise you it won't take long. I already have everything planned for the look,” you explained, holding up a floral blouse and bell bottom pants. "What do you think?"
Ford laughed. "Well, you know I don't know much about style, but I do think it looks nice. You'll have to beat those frat guys off with a stick," he joked, sitting at his desk.
A slight blush spread over your face while you laughed. "Thank you, Ford. You turned to walk to his bathroom, and sighed when he was out of earshot. You wished you were beating HIM off with a stick (or your hand, either way.) You have liked him ever since you met at freshman orientation; he had thick, dark hair, dorky glasses, and a cute sweater vest. You quickly became friends after having a biology class together. You wanted him to like you so badly.
After you got done getting completely ready, you stepped out of his bathroom. Ford turned around to face you. His eyes widened a bit as he looked at you up and down. "Wow, Y/N," he said. "You look great!" That sickeningly charming smile was once again on his face.
"Really? You think so?" you asked, your heartbeat picking up.
"Yes, I do," he replied. There was a second-lasting silence between you before he said, "Well! Back to the drawing board!" He turned back around to face his homework and started scribbling away.
Your shoulders slumped in disappointment. You walked up behind him and set your chin on the top of his head. "You know, I still could use a plus one," you murmured, hoping you could get him to go with you.
 Ford chuckled. "I appreciate the invite Y/N, but you know parties aren't really my crowd. Plus, I got this assignment to finish.” You exhaled out your nose. Why did you even ask? You knew it was a lost cause to get him to notice you.
“Okay, nerd. Suit yourself.” You straightened up and grabbed your purse off his bed. “If I make any bad decisions tonight, I’m blaming you,” you stated, shutting the door behind you.
                                           | Later that Night |
You stumbled down the hallway making your way to Ford’s door. You had had one too many tonight trying to get your unrequited love off your mind. You started knocking on his door before saying in the manliest tone you could come up with, “This is the SWAT team. If you don’t open up, I’ll confiscate the textbooks.” You covered your mouth to keep from making noise.
There was shuffling behind the door. It then opened to reveal a confused looking Ford in plaid pajama pants and a crewneck. “Y/N? Are you okay?” he asked, his brow furrowed.
You held your hand up to your mouth again feigning a walkie-talkie noise. “Breaker, breaker the dork is here. I repeat, the dork is here. Over.” You could barely get through saying it because of your hiccups.
Ford began laughing. “Are you drunk?” He guided you into his room. If you weren’t wasted, you would be freaking out over the fact his hand was on the small of your back.
You turned to face him. “Sir, you do not ask p-police if they are drunk.”
He smirked. “I thought you were the SWAT?”
You paused for a moment. “Don’t sass me, boy,” you retorted, poking a finger into his arm. What you poked, exactly, was a bicep. “Oh my. I like your arms. They’re like… totally muscular,” you slurred.
Ford’s face went bright red. “Uh, thank you Y/N.” He cleared his throat awkwardly. He was not used to receiving compliments, especially about his appearance. “Here, let’s get you into something more comfortable and get you to bed. I have an extra toothbrush, and you can wash your face in the sink if you’d like.”
“Okie dokie, manly Stan,” you replied, saluting him. Ford giggled and shook his head. While you were finishing up in his bathroom, he placed one of his t-shirts and boxer shorts in a neat, folded pile on the counter beside you.
“I’m sorry if you don’t like the clothes. I haven’t done laundry in a while,” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I like them,” you reassured him. You picked them up and sniffed them comically loud. “They smell like you.” Ford was about as red as a tomato and was going to reply before you started peeling off your clothes in front of him.
“WOAH!” he exclaimed, covering his eyes, and walking back into his room. He wasn’t expecting that and did not want to see you in such a state when you weren’t in the right mindset. (Although, if circumstances were different, he would have been blessed to see you like that.) You put on his pajamas and walked in to see him make a pallet of blankets on the floor.
He smiled fondly at you. “You can sleep on my bed. I fluffed up the pillows for you.” He seemed a little nervous. “Let me know if you need anything.”
You grinned back at him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He was hesitant at first, but he returned the embrace. He was warm and you felt protected in his strong arms. If you were sober, you would have melted.
You gazed up at him, sleepiness slowly taking over your body. “Ford?”
“Yes?” His chin was resting atop your head, and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He looked down at you with his big, brown eyes.
You whispered not-so-quietly in his ear, “I love you.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you fell asleep. Ford caught you before you collapsed on the floor. He scooped you up in his arms and placed you on his bed. He pulled the blanket up to your chin and tucked a stray hair behind your ear.
“I love you, too.”
                                            | That Next Morning |
Ford held your hair back as you vomited into his toilet. This was not the way you wanted to begin the wee hours of the day. You couldn’t remember a thing from last night. After you were done, you drank the glass of water he offered you.
“Ford, I am so sorry about this,” you apologized, holding the side of your head in your hand. “I appreciate you taking care of me last night.” You looked over at him. “I probably would be in much worse shape without you.” You smiled warmly at you. God, he looked so good right now. His hair was tousled, and he was still in his pajamas.
“No. It’s absolutely no problem. I promise you,” he replied, gazing at you. You could’ve sworn he looked at your lips. “Um, there is something I need to ask you though… Did you mean what you said last night?” His eyes were full of hope, but you didn’t know why.
“Ah, what exactly did I say last night?” you questioned. You were wracked with anxiety over what his response would be.
A blush travelled across his face. “Well,” he let out a dry laugh, “this is hard to say. Um, you told me you loved me.”
Your chest tightened, and you put your head between your knees. “Oh my god. You weren’t supposed to hear that-“
“Did you mean it?” Ford interrupted you. You lifted your head up to meet his eyes. They looked sad now.
You sighed. “Yes, I did. I’ve been wanting to tell you, but I completely understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just hope we can still be friends,” you rambled.
“Who said I didn’t feel the same way?” he asked you quietly. He was smiling from ear to ear.
You gasped. “Are you serious right now? Like you aren’t joking with me?” This could not be real. There was no way the guy of your dreams reciprocated your feelings.
“Of course not. Why would I joke about that? I’ve always loved you. Just been too much of a coward to tell you.” As he was talking, he was looking at the ground, tracing the grout between the tiles with his finger. “You’re the kindest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. It would be statistically improbable for me NOT to fall in love with you. Trust me. I did the math.”
You laughed, and now you were the one blushing. “That was the sweetest and dorkiest thing anybody has ever said to me.” You scooted your hand towards his and intertwined your fingers together. It felt nice. “So, what other things did I confess to you last night?” you asked.
He laughed and rested his arm behind you. His six-fingered hand squeezed your shoulder. “Oh don’t even get me started.”
                                                  | THE END|
Author’s Note: Would y’all like a part two? I would be happy to make this into a series.
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exuvianen · 1 year
misc. stationery hcs [housewardens]
short stationery + penmanship hcs with the housewardens!
cw: n/a
notes: another old piece... just some silly hc's don't take them too seriously. i tried writing the same amount for everyone but it’s kinda clear who i’m biased towards… feel free to drop an ask or to add on! likes + rbs are appreciated <3
wc: ~1100 words?? wow. that's more than i expected.
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riddle rosehearts ; housewarden of heartslabyul
has everything you need for school. pencils, pens, erasers, notebooks, binders, glue, tape, scissors,  you name it, riddle has it.
sorts each subject by color, and color codes all his notes/subjects. do NOT mess up his order! 
has extremely neat handwriting - it’s a bit on the smaller side, but it’s easy to read.
riddle shares his notes with others when they ask him for help, so he makes sure it’s legible and easy on the eyes.
as for stationery in general, he probably doesn’t go too wild. standard neon highlighters, blue and black pens, plain covered notebooks, etc. it’s simple, but it’s good enough for riddle.
overall pretty good taste, a little basic, but everything is of good quality.
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leona kingscholar ; housewarden of savanaclaw
literally does not care about stationery. he’s the idgaf king.
he’s that kid who never brings a pencil or pen to class. he barely remembers to bring his notebook too. and he only has one (1) notebook that he uses for everything (he probs doesn’t even take notes in class, he alr knows everything lol).
constantly borrows stuff from ruggie or sends him to buy stuff from sam’s shop. he’s lucky he has ruggie.
has a fancy pen from farena that he never uses, but keeps at the bottom of his drawer. 
does the bare minimum, probably “borrows” other people’s pens/pencils when he loses his. has borrowed at least 20 pens, but was too lazy to give it back. they sit on top of his desk. 
he literally doesn't care about aesthetics, he just gets random stationery to get the job done. has the most mismatched items.
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azul ashengrotto ; housewarden of octavinelle
definitely invests in some quality paper and pens. also a stationery nerd who has everything in his office.
probably has those notebooks/folders with the corny motivational quotes like “the grind never stops” or “no pain no gain”. kinda cringe but he likes them b/c they motivate him.
he’s the type to take notes in class, then rewrite them later. he sells the rewritten notes to other students for a steep price.
jots down ideas or gossip he hears in the margins of his notebooks. he rarely doodles, but sometimes he might draw things from the coral sea if he’s feeling particularly homesick.
color codes all his notes, but uses more neutral colors as opposed to the standard bright/neons. he also has sea-themed folders or notebooks. 
he's fascinated by what land-dwellers use, as paper/ink typically doesn't last in the sea. he really tries a variety of products and enjoys it a lot! and takes notes for his future businesses
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kalim al-asim ; housewarden of scarabia
the guy who has an excessive amount of stationery. probably buys 20 of the same pen because he likes it so much.
he gets those notebooks/folders that have cute animals or wild patterns on them. i feel like he’d also get a lot of stuff with floral designs.
doesn’t care much about the quality/brand of the things he’s buying - rather, he’s more interested in how cool or fun the item looks. 
def owns funky-colored pens, erasers that smell like food, and sticky notes shaped like animals. probs decorates everything with stickers (he loves scratch-n-sniff ones).
the margins of kalim’s notebooks are filled with doodles. some things he draws often are his favorite dishes and animals, and his family members. he probably uses his notebook to plan parties/parades instead of taking notes. jamil has a stroke
his handwriting is very expressive. it's loopy and wide when he's excited, small and sloppy when he's dozing off, and extremely messy when he's scribbling frantically.
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vil schoenheit ; housewarden of pomefiore
owns sets of matching stationery. coordinates his pencil case with his notebooks and folders. probably a fan of minimalism and deep, rich colors. 
has high-quality pens and uses fancy highlighters to annotate his notes (i’m thinking those midliner highlighters and muji pens). he spares no expense for his tools.
color codes all his notes/different subjects, and has a specific color scheme for each subject. he is VERY particular about his color sorting. do NOT mess his categories up.
his handwriting is elegant and beautiful. he probably practiced and experimented with his handwriting a lot due to his fame (he signs autographs and he wants his penmanship to look pretty for his fans!)
he has pinterest worthy notes. he posts them on his magicam stories occasionally to show them off, and to encourage his fans to study hard too.
his fashionista side bleeds into his stationery choices, so he only buys items that are 1) of the best quality and 2) suited for his image. he does NOT cut corners.
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idia shroud ; housewarden of ignihyde. 
does not use stationery LOL (or avoids it. technology is just more convenient for him).
everything is done on digitally, on his computer, tablet, or phone. he’d decorate his laptop or tablet with stickers though, like of his fave idol group “premo” and such. 
if he does own stationery, they are game or anime themed. also limited edition. he def collects merch, like pins and badges as well. i feel like he’d make itabags and stuff but he’d never go out in public with them. he’s too socially awkward just like me fr
he has those cool multifunctional pens, the ones with like 10 different colors, and can also double as a screwdriver or some kind of tool. 
he’d also have a lot of cute cat-themed items. they're just too cute, and he can't resist buying them! he's rich so it's fine...
he's probably designed super multifunctional pens before. he definitely has the brains and resources to do so.
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malleus draconia ; housewarden of diasomnia
archaic stationery. still dips his pen in ink and writes with a feather /hj
he’s fine with the basics though. he just rolls with pen, paper, and ink. it’s good enough for him. 
has beautiful, fancy cursive handwriting, but it’s hard for people to read, especially for his schoolmates b/c the younger generation doesn’t really learn cursive anymore. think like... the penmanship of historical treaties or declarations. it's charming and still legible, but you just need a bit of time to be able to read it. 
probably owns and uses enchanted quills passed down from his family. it reminds him of home and he treasures them greatly. when he’s homesick he’ll twirl them between his fingers. 
he used to break a lot of pencils/pens with his sheer magical fae grip. he’s learned how to control his strength a lot better now, but he still prefers his enchanted writing tools. 
he's not used to modern technology, so he gets a kick out of trying novel stationary items as well. this pencil is also a pen, a highlighter, and a flashlight? wowie!
172 notes · View notes
txtaetertots · 2 months
[ synopsis ] you’re trying to get into your dream school. beomgyu’s just trying to pass a class. the only way to ensure you both get what you want is to work together. very closely.
[ note ] i think this is the longest chapter i've written for this series omg its over 3k words aHH i hope you guys enjoy it <3
taglist (CLOSED): @heyanonymous123 @flrtsbin @anonella22 @chocorenchin @gyuszie @flowerbe0m @kaikamalover @n034sy @iactaid @suzirumas @pupkashi @choi-beomgyulvr @hearts4hanni @naveries @wccycc @wonioml @burminq @a55hie @wildesreblogs @kaewonie @online--princess @alixox @minkyungseokie @moa4lifeee @yeehawnana @peakaboostuff @txtistheloml @sieuneo @weyrrii @cookiehaos @vianna99 @akari-saka13 @crystal-jellies @veryjeongintxtkid @reiloml @mystiicturtle @sirpoopsalot @certifiedmoa @l0ve-joy @woncheecks @hellohuening @rainbowszi @yeonie137 @neoculturewhat @solstramaii @tocupid @cha0thicpisces @koeuh @iwaplant @lemons4u
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When the prom venue was chosen and booked, Yunjin had a vision she couldn’t be talked out of. It was cliché, already been done. But, to Yunjin, there was nothing she couldn’t outdo and ameliorate—and a prom theme wasn’t any different. Kazuha would tell everyone it was a pain in the ass trying to meet Yunjin’s demands; but, now that it was all over and the fruit of their labor was finally able to be appreciated, she couldn’t deny it was all worth it.
From the dark blue shaded ceiling drapes adorned with twinkling lights to the glossy black dance floor sparkling with silver specs and reflecting the lights above, it was like stepping into a celestial wonderland. Starry night seemed to be a staple theme for youth events, commemorating these moments as magical and full of whimsy. And Yunjin couldn’t stop herself from doing just that and more. The round tables were intricately positioned around the room, hugging the dance floor and creating a path. The tables were dressed in velvet covers, trimmed with silver beads, and in the center of every table were the handmade centerpieces Yunjin forced Kazuha to make with her. Cylindrical vases of varying heights, filled with water, small white flowers, and iridescent streamers, sat inside a square tray filled with crystal pebbles. On top of the water floats lit candles, adding to the calming ambiance. The room was filled with decor exemplifying the theme from white, black, and navy blue balloon displays, twinkling stars, white drapes along the walls, and a sparkling golden crescent moon. Lights everywhere, flickering and flashing. The star of the display, however, Yunjin would argue, was the four-tiered golden fountain in the center of the dance floor. Her favorite touch was the fountain that took her three months of convincing and revamping.
“Wow, it’s beautiful, Yunjin,” Soobin gapped, doing his best to talk over the music while admiring every inch of the room.
Yunjin grinned, watching as their classmates admired and relished in the venue, “I know right.”
“Any word from Chaewon yet?” Beomgyu interjected, hands fiddling with the sleeves of his white suit jacket.
“Not yet,” Yunjin sighed, tapping her phone just to see an empty notification screen.
She looked up at Beomgyu, watching how his eyes wandered the room and the way he chewed on his bottom lip. He wasn’t even this nervous during their performance week.
“Beomgyu,” Yunjin said, placing her hand on his shoulder, gaining his attention. “Everything is gonna work out just fine. We’ve got this.”
Beomgyu nodded hesitantly, taking a deep breath. Despite being so last-minute, his friends were more than willing to move heaven and earth to make this gesture possible. Especially Yunjin and Kazuha, who used their privileges as prom committee members to create as romantic of a scene as they possibly could. 
Just then, Yunjin’s phone flashed, alerting the three to a message from Chaewon.
‘Pulling up now. Get ready!’
Beomgyu felt his entire body turn cold. He looked between Yunjin and Soobin, heart threatening to jump out of his chest.
Soobin grabbed his arm, “It’s go-time!”
Leading Beomgyu through the crowd of students, Soobin made a beeline toward the DJ booth where Kazuha and Taehyun were waiting. As soon as the two noticed them rushing toward them, they began preparing the equipment.
YN grabbed a fistful of the skirt of her dress, nervously following Chaewon into the building. She could hear the faint thumping of the music down the corridor from the entrance, making her palms feel clammy and her breath uneasy. She didn’t want to be here originally. The embarrassment of Beomgyu rejecting her promposal was bad enough; but then, subsequently rejecting his relationship proposal after the gritty events following, it felt wrong being here.
Even when Chaewon was helping her do her hair and makeup, all she could think about was everything Yunjin said about prom. About it being the perfect ending to her and Beomgyu’s year. Instead, she’s going without Beomgyu, having already ended their story the night of their final performance. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it had been on her mind since the moment Beomgyu opened up to her. She would never do something as horrible as Jieun, but she knew that being thousands of miles away while building her career would make it nearly impossible to be a present part of his life. She just needed confirmation from NYU, and when she got it, it was the only option she felt was right.
Still, walking up to the beautifully decorated venue entrance, being met with the music growing louder and louder, all she could feel was regret and sadness, not an ounce of excitement. Chaewon locked their arms together as they walked through the string light entrance toward the sheer blue curtain, pushing through and falling in awe with the dance hall.
YN couldn’t stop looking around, taking in every bit of what felt like walking through the night sky, unaware that the music was going dim. She didn’t even notice Chaewon taking her down to the dance floor, too busy admiring the lit-up path edged with cloud-like bushels. It wasn’t until Chaewon let go of her did she realized where she was led. She looked around her, noticing the dance floor was cleared with everyone surrounding the floor while staring at her. YN looked back for Chaewon, who held up her hands and assured her all was okay. Confused, YN looked back at the floor, looking around for any hint of what was going on. She felt a wave of emotion and goosebumps over her arms and neck as a song suddenly began playing through the hall. A painfully familiar tune.
A spotlight shines over the fountain, gaining everyone’s attention, beaming over to a figure standing at the DJ booth. YN recognized him immediately and couldn’t help the smile forming on her lips.
Beomgyu stretched out his hand over his eyes, trying to block out the light so he could see her more clearly. In his other hand, he held a microphone. As soon as he saw her, he felt his nerves melt away and all he could focus on was her. He brought the microphone up to his lips, gaze never leaving her, and slowly made his way down the booth to the floor.
Guess mine is not the first heart broken
My eyes are not the first to cry
YN stood frozen, hands clenching to the fabric of her dress, watching as Beomgyu made his way toward her. The spotlight followed every step he took, making it impossible to look away from him. The light contrast made it hard for Beomgyu to read the expression on YN’s face, but he only hoped she was still smiling as he stepped closer and closer.
I’m not the first to know
There’s just no getting over you
It was such a spur-of-the-moment idea to sing to YN at prom. His friends still don’t know what happened after he met with Mr. Kim, but whatever it was, had to be a big deal. Beomgyu described it as “the sign of all signs” and his second chance. It was the last push he needed to consider Yeonjun’s plan of making the most of the time they had left. And, he knew he had to do something big to show YN how deeply he felt. What better way was that than through music?
You know I’m just a fool who’s willing
To sit around and wait for you
Beomgyu stopped a few steps in front of YN, reaching his hand out for her to take. YN could see his hand trembling, making her chest heave. She reached out slowly, letting him take her hand and gently pull her toward the center of the floor.
But, baby, can’t you see
There’s nothing else for me to do?
I’m hopelessly devoted to you
A smile crept its way to Beomgyu’s face, his confidence gaining as he noticed the faint blush painted across YN’s cheeks, as he was finally able to see her face clearly. He couldn’t help but focus on her eyes, the way they stared up at him in adoration. He swore his knees would buckle any moment if he didn’t look away, but he just couldn’t. He took a chance to twirl her around once before bringing her in and swaying together as the spotlight dimmed and they were bathed under the soft twinkling of the string lights around them.
But now there’s nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
He took YN’s hand and held it up to his chest, squeezing gently. YN could feel how hard his heart was pounding through the palm of her hand. She looked back up at him, watching the way his eyes fluttered closed as he continued to sing. For a moment, she forgot people were watching them. It felt like it was just her and Beomgyu at this moment in time.
I’m out of my head
Hopelessly devoted to you
YN carefully released her hand from Beomgyu’s grip and reached up to cup his face. He followed her movements, gaze falling back to hers as soon as he felt the warmth of her palm on his cheek. He turned into putty whenever he felt her soft fingers trace along the base of his ear, along his jaw. Her touch was so tender and comforting. He wished they could stay this way forever.
Hopelessly devoted to you
“I’m hopelessly devoted… to you,” Beomgyu sighed the last note, hands reaching up to cup YN’s cheeks to carefully wipe away her tears. 
The music faded, leaving them in silence. People hesitated to cheer Beomgyu’s performance, not wanting to spoil the moment unfolding before them. When Taehyun made an announcement about this ordeal before YN’s arrival, they were reluctant to oblige, but as they watched the way Beomgyu poured his heart out into every lyric, they wanted nothing more than bare witness. It wasn’t like Beomgyu to have this much passion for anything or anyone, but ever since taking part in the musical, it was like he became a different person. Happier. Full of life. Desire for the future.
“What was all this for? When did you plan this? What?” YN began to blabber, looking around at everyone and spotting her friends gathered by the DJ booth with smiles on their faces.
Beomgyu pulled her attention back to him, smiling. “I know you said you said you wanted to just be friends. But, YN, I don’t think I can do that.”
“You can’t?”
Beomgyu shook his head. “It took me too long to realize the feelings I have for you aren’t just infatuation. YN, I’m in love with you.”
YN’s eyes widened. She never expected to hear that word from him. It was a scary word to hear at their age, but for some reason, it felt more liberating than scary. It felt right.
“Kiss her!” Someone yelled, pushing the rest of the crowd to begin chanting.
Beomgyu looked at YN, raising his eyebrows as if asking if it was okay. But, before he could even open his mouth to ask, she grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down, catching him off guard. Their lips crashed together, leaving Beomgyu bewildered for a moment before melting into her touch as their classmates cheered on. His hands found their place at her hips, where the hem of her bodice met the skirt of her floor-length dress. This was a feeling he could never get used to.
The DJ restarted his set, encouraging everyone to get back on the floor. Beomgyu pulled away, grinning from ear to ear, grabbing YN’s hand and pulling her away from the floor and toward the entrance to the corridors. There was barely anyone there, allowing them to catch a breath and enjoy each other’s company for a bit longer.
“I can’t believe you did all this,” YN said, gripping Beomgyu’s hands as she attempted to relax the adrenaline she felt.
“I had to do something big to tell you how I feel,” Beomgyu confessed. “Besides, I had to do something special, too, for that thoughtful promposal you gave me.”
YN slapped her hands over her face, embarrassment overtaking the rush. “I can’t believe you reminded me of that!”
Beomgyu laughed, attempting to pull her hands away, but she wouldn’t budge.
“I wanted to experience this night with you,” he sighed, giving up and pulling her against his chest instead. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head. “I never saw myself going to prom, but when you asked me, all I could think about was how pretty you were gonna look.”
“Until you rejected me,” YN muttered.
Beomgyu squeezed her tight, a grimace falling over his face. “I deserve to be shamed for that. I know. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time, like a dumbass.”
YN picked her head up from her hands, looking up at Beomgyu as he looked down at her. She could see the regret he felt about that moment written all over his face. 
“Just like me when I said we should just be friends, huh?” She asked softly.
“Depends,” Beomgyu sighed. “Would it make a difference if I told you that I might be joining you in New York come spring?”
YN’s eyes widened, her mouth falling agape. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t get her voice out. All she could do was stare at him in bewilderment and squeeze his arms from shock. Beomgyu found it amusing. It was similar to the way he reacted when Mr. Kim told him. He could recall that moment like it just happened. Sitting in the chair facing Mr. Kim’s desk like he always was throughout the year, only instead of being scolded for his missing assignments or poor attendance record, he was waiting to hear the reflection on his performance in the spring musical. Mr. Kim praised him for his outstanding performance and display of great showmanship, a drastic change from the usual threats of detention for being a smartass in class.
“When did this happen?! What are you talking about?!” YN finally said, managing to break through her initial shock.
Beomgyu laughed, “Mr. Kim called me into his office to discuss my final grade and sprung it on me out of nowhere!”
“What did he say? What happened? I need to know it all!”
“He just made me read an email from NYU. They invited me to apply for the music program for the spring semester! I guess they liked me?” Beomgyu shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.
Beomgyu was satisfied knowing he passed his final assignment ensuring his seat at graduation, but when he got up to leave, Mr. Kim urged him to sit back down. They had gone over everything they needed to, what more could there be to discuss? The grin on Mr. Kim’s face was borderline unsettling as he turned his computer screen for Beomgyu to see. With his eyebrows furrowed, Beomgyu steadily leaned forward to get a clearer view and began reading the open email tab adorned with a familiar purple emblem at the top.
Dear Mr. Kim, We wanted to thank you again for hosting us as we conducted a final review for fall semester applicants. Your drama department is brimming with talent and it was a delightful treat to be able to see the passion among your students. Everyone at NYU is more than enthusiastic about the prospects you are producing. One of your students in particular grabbed our attention especially. After discussing with the rest of the board, we are honored to extend an invitation to Choi Beomgyu to apply for the upcoming spring semester at NYU Tisch for our music program. Beomgyu demonstrated an elite level of music and vocal performance that moved our recruiters. Let us know if you or Beomgyu have any questions. We look forward to hearing from him.
“What did your parents say?” YN asked.
“They don’t know yet,” Beomgyu sighed. “No one knows actually. You’re the first person I told.”
“When are you going to tell them? Are you even applying?”
“Oh, I’m applying,” Beomgyu assured. “I never thought I could get an offer to pursue music. I don’t want to pass this up!”
No matter what Beomgyu did or said, his parents were adamant about having him take over the family market when he was old enough. All those summers spent working alongside his father in the market instead of practicing the chords his grandfather taught him on guitar. Those times they told him to keep his music down and stop “screaming” all the time. He knew it would be hard to tell them about the NYU offer. And, it would be nearly impossible to get their blessing to apply. But, this felt like a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make something of his old dream. Even without their support, he knew he had friends who would have his back and give him that push.
“I’m so happy for you,” YN said softly, tears brimming in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly. She was overcome with joy and excitement at the thought of Beomgyu not only pursuing his dream but pursuing it alongside her in New York.
Beomgyu felt his own tears finally fall as he wrapped his arms around YN, finding peace in knowing it wouldn’t be the last time. He wouldn’t have to say goodbye this summer. He wouldn’t have to “make the most” out of every moment until she left for New York. For weeks, all he could dwell on was the idea of never being able to see her once she left. But now, the tension and worries were gone. He could enjoy their time together while they had it because their time apart could be numbered. They would be able to meet again one day in the new year when spring returns to gift them more precious memories like the spring they met.
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[ note ] cheers cheers happy happy we scream and cry together aHHhHhh
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Azula: Henceforth, you are forever my prisoner.
Aang: Why are you and the Fire Nation doing all of this, what do you hope to gain?
Azula: Isn't it obvious? Everything. The Earth Kingdom now rests nicely beneath our thumb. And then there's you...
Aang: So that's it? Because you don't control me like all your stooges?
Azula: It isn't you individually, Avatar, it's what you represent. When the people see you, they see hope, when in truth, they should be looking to my father and me.
Aang: Wait, you can bend all elements?
Azula: What? No.
Aang: Oh, so you're just jealous that I can and you can't. I'm guessing that jealousy is hereditary and that's why the war began.
Azula: No! You're...you're taking this too literally! What I mean is they should be praising me, not you.
Aang: Ok, but why?
Azula: What do you mean why?
Aang: I mean why should they?
Azula: I'm the first princess to take over Ba Sing Se. I'm superior and awesome and so is my one element.
Aang: Yeah? And? What? Do you think people like invaders? Do you even think people like the rich period?
Azula: I-I didn't say they had to like me-
Aang: I mean, when was the last time anyone, besides everyone from Chin Village, said 'Wow, we've been blessed by Chin the Conqueror!'
Azula: Silence.
Aang: What it sounds like to me is that you need a new PR team. I don't know who suggested 'the higher class fire nation should take advantage of the lower class fire nation' but I don't think that's doing your public image any favors.
Azula: What are you saying? That I don't deserve respect?
Aang: Have you ever considered opening and mastering your chakras?
Azula: What?
Aang: A session where you look inside yourself and open certain positive emotions that line up vertically throughout your body. It's an intense experience and once begun it can't be stopped but once it's done, you wouldn't believe how much relief and internal balance you'll gain.
Azula: No Avatar, I don't want to look into this chakra stuff. I just want people to look at me the way they look at you.
Aang: How do you see that working out? Where in two completely different worlds here.
Azula: What's that supposed to mean?
Aang: I mean seriously, think about it for a moment. What kid wouldn't want to try and master all elements and all sorts of spirit-based powers to their fullest extent in addition to seeing the world? How do you plan on upstaging me, knowing what I'm capable of?
Azula: (Scoffs) Look Avatar, the bottom line is that there's simply not enough room in each nation for the both of us. Even you know that.
Aang: Sweety, the spirits and I unleashed a crazy amazing spirit attack on the Fire Nation at the North Pole several months ago. I think I'm a little bit bigger than just the four nations.
Azula: That doesn't change a damn thing! Remember, I managed to shoot you with lightning! You'd be dead if it weren't for Miss Peasant healing you right before being forced to leave you behind and indirectly allow my brother to complete his mission.
Aang: I wish I could thank her right now.
Azula: You can thank me too for not trying to end you again but succeed by finishing you thoroughly. (Sigh) On second thought, perhaps there can be room for both of us. How about I give you a tour of my nation and educate you on our ways?
Aang: Sounds like fun.
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sbk-zgvlt · 11 months
You know that au where Sebek accidentally gets transported to Yuu's world. I feel like Sebek would most likely top the cohort in first place when exams roll around because he wanted to make sure that Yuu's parents would not feel their efforts on him would be wasted on him. Not only that, he would most likely keep up with his training regimen when he returns back to Twisted Wonderland which equals to him being fatigued.
The upperclassmens that would make it a point to come to Sebek's class almost every break or free period would see Sebek's eyebags and muted demeanor and in their big brothers' minds go
'Alright, who bullied our junior'
One of em goes 'Guys- he's not being bullied-'
'i think it's the student president. Have you seen him stalking Sebek??'
'guys- he's just tired-'
'nah I think it's that gym rat who keeps trying to outrun him-'
'i give up. Sebek-kun, you wanna go to the canteen? There's a salmon sushi, it'll be my treat 🍣'
'it could be that weird dnd kid that keeps saying that Sebek has magic powers-'
'don't push yourself too hard, mmkay? You are doing more than enough. Don't need to prove it to your parents when you being here is a gift already.'
'...thank you senpai'
Cut and cue from the wholesome moment to Diasomnia screeching at every fish they see because it reminds them of Sebek. Azul is trying his best to pull them away from the Mostro Lounge because maintenance is expensive 😔💀
Sebek is...disoriented, to say the least. Was this truly how Yuu felt when they got in Twisted Wonderland? If so, he doesn't blame them for always looking done with everything.
He does his best to make it up to Yuu's parents who've been letting him stay in their house and using THEIR MONEY to send Sebek to school. Money that shouldve been used on Yuu, and WOW Sebek has to apologize to them if ever he sees them again
He works OVERTIME, trying to repay his "debt" to Yuu's parents and proving to the other humans that he "belongs" in this school. Of course, Sebek is the kind of workaholic who works until he DROPS. LITERALLY. FROM THE STAIRCASE IN HIS SCHOOL.
The upperclassmen that Sebek has endeared himself to (unknowingly) are RIGHTFULLY concerned, and try to get to the bottom of Sebek's...less than Sebek demeanor nowadays (NO ONE'S BULLYING HIM IDIOTS he just DOESNT TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF).
Its hard adjusting to a whole new world that doesnt have magic, doesnt have mers, fae, or beastmen. Doesnt have the first years. Doesnt have his family.
But Sebek tries anyways.
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mia-does-nonsense · 1 month
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Walkis Gang Headcanons - Charles Contini:
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Warnings: None; Some slight manga spoilers
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Being the only third year and the oldest out of the Walkis gang, Charles is the closest thing to a Responsible Adult™ this motley crew of madlads have. He has definitely looked at his juniors and thought, "Wow, thank god I'm the only normal person here" (No, Charles, no you're not).
Charles had probably one of the happiest childhoods out of the whole gang, because like I said before, most noble families (+ Innocent Zero) are shit at raising their kids. It wasn't 100% that great at first because Charles' father was a dick to Charles and his mom, until Mama Contini had enough and divorced her husband when Charles was still a little kid.
Honestly, shoutout to Mama Contini. One of the few good parents in the upper crust of magic society, and the one who introduced painting to Charles. Her only fault is that she coddles him a bit too much despite him being literally eighteen.
Mama Contini didn't raise no fool, though, because any household chore that needs to be done, Charles does it without being told to and without complaints. He finds it preposterous that there's guys his age and older who don't know shit about cooking, doing their own laundry, or cleaning up after themselves.
Whenever Charles visits his juniors in their dorms, 7 times out of 10 he gets an aneurysm because of how disorganized they are ("Do you make your mothers clean up after you at home, you pigs?!"), and kicks them out of their own rooms so that he can clean the place up from top to bottom. Galuf and Malcolm are the biggest offenders.
GREAT with kids. If anyone at Walkis needs someone to babysit their little siblings, Charles is their guy.
In terms of his magic ability, Charles is strong enough to have a Secondths. He just didn't get a chance to use it during the Tri-Magicathalon because 1) the rules of the Whack-a Mole room prevented him and Lance from directly attacking each other and 2) he underestimated Lance that badly. (I have no idea what his Secondths could be though 😭)
His personal magic, Vorp, currently has a distance limit. Charles can portal himself to anywhere in Walkis and is therefore never late to his classes, but he can't, for instance, create an effective portal connecting his dorm at Walkis to his mom's house. He's working on being able to travel longer distances via portals and is also trying to expand the size of his portals.
He has definitely jump-scared people by suddenly appearing behind them. Even though it's mostly by accident, almost the entire Walkis gang thinks he does it on purpose, and Charles at this point is too tired to correct them. The first time Charles accidentally portaled behind Galuf, Galuf let out a high-pitched scream, and no one has let him forget it since.
I have nothing to back this up, but Charles gives me dorm prefect vibes.
Charles is, in general, a pretty cheerful guy; you just can't tell at first though because his default expression makes him look bored to death at everyone and everything.
An absolute crybaby when he was in middle school at Walkis. It was his first time away from his mom, and the rabbiphone wasn't invented yet, so the homesickness hit him like a truck every damn day for like about a year.
The rest of the Walkis gang is pretty certain that Charles has some sort of pocket dimension in his, well, pockets because whenever someone needs something, Charles always comes in clutch with that exact thing. Galuf's dry eyes? Charles always has eyedrops at the ready. Levis, Lovie, and Domina's hair keeps getting in their way? Charles' got so many hair ties, it's ridiculous. Kenny's feeling more chilly than usual? Charles is already pulling out a handmade scarf. Anyone sneezed? Not to worry, Charles has spare handkerchiefs. And of course, there's his rabbiphone.
If there's anyone from Easton that Charles would actually get along with, it would be Margarette because they both have 'maternal instincts'. Listen, just imagine these two having brunch and gossiping about the shenanigans their rowdy kids juniors get into at their schools. Heck, they'd probably try to out-mother each other like it's some competition.
For the love of god, do NOT leave Charles alone in the same room with Lance ever. They will throw hands (wands?) at the slightest provocation. Charles is incapable of withholding snide remarks, Lance's Divine Visionary status be damned, and Lance won't hesitate to put him in his place. The siscon vs mama's boy beef is eternal.
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I left my panties at Malfoy manor.
When I woke up this morning, It was so hot that our skin felt fused together. With Draco being little spoon I was able to peel myself away from him without alarming him. I slowly made myself down the loft stairs to the bottom and search for my clothes in the darkness.
I decided to walk home before school so I can put on fresh clothes, so I got up before five. As I made myself down the driveway I notice that security had arrived. I prepare myself to make up an excuse but the gate opens without me saying anything.
Now, here I am on the side of the country road doing my very first walk of shame as the morning commuters swerve pass me. In my school girl outfit and my thirty kilo book bag. I'm starting to think I think of myself way higher than I should. This is a very humbling experience.
The sky is almost completely lit when I finally make it home. My mother has left but the mirrors are still fogged up in the bathroom so I'm assuming she has just left. She's always in a hurry to leave because she tries to get every second of sleep she can. I swipe my hand across the mirror clearing only enough to see myself for the first time since losing my virginity. I graze my hand over two purple marks Draco has left on my neck. They're faint, but still noticeable. I feel embarrassed. How am I suppose to explain this to my friends. I hop straight into the shower. Leaving my clothes and book bag by the hamper.
I get out only when the water starts to run cold. I head straight into my room trying not to look at my self in the mirror. After putting on a fresh uniform, I decide to put on some make up. Placing two red dots on the hickeys to make it look like a vampire bite and some dark eye make up.
I walk toward the science wing where the Botanist Club meets in the morning. I feel stupid with the amount of makeup I have on. Neville is the chairman and has been in it with Luna, his vice chairman, since first year.
I love walking in the science hall. It's covered in vines and colorful flowers. The floors also has the periodic table painted onto the floor by the art club from years ago.
When I look out the garden windows I see Neville leading the club back in from the green house. Luna sees me before I see her. They're both wearing their matching costumes. Neville has a pink flower on top of his head with a couple of white thorns made out of paper stuck to his school vest. Luna has a bunch of deep purple leaves stuck to her with a couple of whit flowers, along with the rest of the club that are dressed as flowers. Luna waves at me dreamily while walking towards me. After seeing Luna at Neville's party everything about her makes sense. Luna's not ditzy, she's a stoner. She's always high.
"Wow Maisie, you look fantastic!" Luna pulls me in for a hug. She smells like dirt, but not in a gross way, in the earthy way.
"So do you Luna! The whole plant squad looks adorable!" I say.
"Thank you! It was all Nev's idea of course!" Luna turns and waves at Neville and he waves back. The first bell rings and Luna and I head for class. "You're coming tonight, right? I hear Cormac was invited but Neville never got an answer."  I nod. Oh god. I forgot about the whole Hermione and Cormac secret. I completely judge Hermione for hooking up with her peer and I had done the same exact thing. 
"Hey, do you want to go to Blaise Zabini's Halloween party Saturday." I say as we turn down the History hall. It's not as decorated as the science wing but its covered in some historical documents and quotes. Nothing special.
"I was invited and it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Plus, they probably wouldn't mind you being there especially Theo." Luna rolls her eyes.
" I heard they do coke at those parties or at least, that's what Fred and George said. Pansy Parkinson did a line of space dust and stripped naked in Goyle's fountain...at a Christmas party." Luna recalls."So yes, I want to go. Who invited you anyway? Draco Malfoy?" Luna says softly as if saying his name will summon him.
"Yeah he did. The tutoring thing has brought us back as friends I guess." I say.
"Oh yes! I remember you two being close in like primary or something. How weird..." Luna says as the second bell rings. Luna and I split as we head to our separate classrooms.
My first class of the day is history with Professor Moody. He's a crazy guy but I'd easily say one of my favorites. He's a great teacher and the perfect teacher to wake me up early in the morning with his loud voice.
I sit close to Moody's desk in the front. We usually talk at the end of class or have small debates. I pull my books and pencils out as the rest of the class floods in, Including Moody.
"Almost didn't recognize you there Maisie!" Moody Laughs. "That Vampire bite almost looks real" I look down and my ears start to feel hot. Moody turns to the board and starts to scribble something on the board. I'm lucky to be a good listener because Moody's hand writing is exactly that, scribbles. I don't want to blame it on his eye patched eye but I always thought that was why.
More students fill the room, including Theo Nott who has his lacrosse stick hanging half way out of his bag. Theo scans the room before meeting at me. He walks towards me and sits down. It's not really unlike him to sit next to someone like me, so he can cheat off us. I won't allow it! If he'll just ask me for help I'll at least think about it...
"Here." Theo holds his hand out like there's something in it. I look up at him and he shakes his head. I hold my hand out and he drops a white origami bird in my hand with 'open me' written on it. I start to open the paper ripping it occasionally.
I look up at Theo and he shrugs. I stand up and walk up to Moody.
"I...uh...need to go talk to Head Mistress Afults." I say. The bell rings and the last late students walks in. Moody nods and I walk out the class to the forbidden hall way.
It's not as scary as you think it is. It's just an abandoned hall way with empty class rooms. We were told it was forbidden first year but mostly because no prefects are available to watch it. I go to this hallway all the time to tell the truth. When the art classes do their yearly paint of the tree in the courtyard I come in and sit in one of the classrooms for the week.
When I reach the corridor I see Draco at the very end. As I get closer Draco, his costume becomes more apparent as he turns to me. A vampire. His long cloak flows behind him as he paces across the hall, and as he turns to face me. I feel his eyes wander over me. Draco lifts his eyebrows and smile.
"Maisie Waters, skipping class... never saw that coming." Draco teases. Draco holds his hands out for me to grab. I look down at his long fingers stretched out towards me. They're decorated with silver snake rings with emerald eyes. I look up at Draco's gleaming eyes. He's smiling at me and I can't help but to smile back. I grab Draco's hand firmly and step closer to him. "You left so soon this morning."
" I tried not to disturb you." I say quietly.
"You didn't disturb me, that's the problem. I want to be able to walk you out next time." Draco says sternly. Next time? "And maybe next time I can help you find your panties." Draco reaches under his cape and pulls out my pink Monday knickers. I feel my face turn hot. I reach for them but Draco snatches them from my arms length. "Oh no Mai, they're mine now."
"Oh god, Dray." I mumble. Silence falls on Draco and I. "Draco why did you call me out of class..."
"Just wanted to make sure you're okay..." Draco trails off. "And to make sure we were on the same page about what this is...."
"This? You mean you want to keep it a secret." I hiss. Draco says nothing. I let go of his hand letting it swing to his side. "I wasn't going to tell anyone. You arsehole."
Draco crosses his arms in front of himself and looks at the ground. "I'm not trying to offend you Mai-"
"-Well you did." I say backing away from Draco. I throw my hands up and let them hit my sides as I walk away from Draco. What a dumbass, and I'm not even talking about Draco.
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shewreckz · 2 years
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Shannon: So let me get things straight...
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Shannon: You graduated from Tastyville High around five years ago, correct?
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Mindy: Oh my gosh, that was five years ago already? Geez, that means I'm already getting old. I don’t have any white hairs, do I?
Shannon: Uhh...no? I don't think so. But that's not really important. I just need to ask you a few simple questions about your high school. It won't take longer than a few minutes.
Mindy: Oh, totally! I can give you aaaaalll the juicy gossip. I was friends with, like, everyone so I know everyone's dirty secrets! Don't tell anyone I told you any of this, though. Soooo...what do you wanna hear. Crushes? Breakups? HEARTBREAK??
Shannon: Well, we don't really write about gossip at Nowtime News, but uh...thank you for the offer?
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Shannon: All I need you to do is look through this year book photo and name all the people you see, alright?
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Mindy: Oh. My. Gosh! This brings back so many old memories!
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Mindy: I remember this like it was yesterday! There’s actually a whole story behind this photo, y’know?
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Mindy: So basically Sue and Timm were having this huge fight because Timm is so nonconfrontational and a pussy about everything and it was kinda like creating this huge rift in the friend group and then people were taking sides and stuff like Cecilia thought Sue was being too harsh on Timm but then Indigo totally agreed with Sue but then Mary thought Sue was being too harsh but she didn't really wanna say anything cause she had this massive obvious crush on her at the time and-
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Shannon: MINDY!! Like I said, I don't write about gossip! I just need to know if you know them or not!!
Mindy: Ok geeeeez, sorry!!
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Mindy: Yeah, so like, that's me, that's Indigo, Timm, Cecilia, Sue, Mary, James, Connor, and...
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Mindy: Uh...
Shannon: What? What is it?
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Mindy: That's...uhhhmmm...uh. Gosh, I know everyone, how come I don't remember this guy's name?
Mindy: Wait, wait, don't tell me, it's on the tip of my tongue! Ok...that's....Wesley? No. William? It starts with a w, right? Am I close?
Shannon: ...Not even remotely
Mindy: No wait I totally got this! It was an f name, right? Ferdinand? Francisco? Wait...was it Finley? Yes, that's totally it, isn't it? He looks like a Finley!
Shannon: Mindy, do you know the guy or are you just guessing random names??
Mindy: Sigh...ok. I don't know him. I think I vaguely remember seeing him around, but...that's it.
Shannon: Are you sure? Is there really no information you can give me about him?
Mindy: Well...I guess there is one thing...
Mindy: I never spoke to him, but whenever I switched classes, we'd pass each other occasionally on the way to seventh period
Mindy: And sometimes, I'd look back at him. And he'd look back at me.
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Mindy: He had this creepy vacant stare. Like he wasn't really there at all.
Mindy: Or maybe his glasses were just really fogged up, or something.
Mindy: But uh, apart from that, nothing else really comes to mind. Sorry!
Shannon: ...Hm. Interesting.
Shannon: Well, alright. I think that's all I needed to know. Thank you, Mindy.
Mindy: Awww, you have to go already? But I didn't even get to tell you about the time that Sue broke a guy's nose because he looked at Mary weird! Or the time that-
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Shannon: Oh wow! Look at the time! So much important reporter stuff I have to do. Which is very urgent and needs to be taken care of immediately. Okbyethanks.
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Just as I suspected...no friends, no connections, nothing. It lines up with the testimonies of everyone else I interviewed, but that's what makes it all the more puzzling. Why do all of the personal anecdotes of his life completely contradict all the evidence I've come across? If he's lying about certain aspects of his past, is it possible that he's lying about more things as well? And most importantly, what is he getting out of this? Are these simple white lies, or do they conceal a more sinister truth that he doesn't want me to uncover?
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Whoever you are "Moe"...I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
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internals1ut · 19 days
rui and edward smutty headcanons 👀 (i got interested with you think ed is a bottom since most think that he'd top, but honestly? i agree with you there― edward just has that 'whiny and dramatic bottom' agenda going on XD)
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
Edward might have top before but now he got to the point he done everything (or anyone) at least once to the point nothing surprises him anymore. He got lazy and doesn't want to put in the effort anymore.
Everyone can argue who is the biggest slut in the cast ( it's Jiro) but everyone can agree Edward is some different level of slut. The man got no shame, he has lived for the longest time, he has seen it all.
Hell, I can see Edward going to a low class anomaly and having sex with them to keep that excitement.
The first time he and Rui did anything together, they honestly wanted to try what they could and can't do with Rui's reaper curse. The first time. Rui slipped in and they both stayed still before Edward peeked down and just started to laugh "Wow now my pussy is shriveling up"~ Rui let out the most high pitch scream. It was absolutely horrifying. But it healed up in no time.
Rui often fingers Edward with his gloves and let's say he got some powerful fingers and he is proud of it.
Since Rui can't really touch Edward at all otherwise his body starts to fall apart, they have a shit ton of toys in Edward's room.
Rui has been there when Edward has sex with the anomalies in the school. How dare a monster make his vampire feel good?
There is some guilt to Rui, he does try and encourage Edward to go and find someone to actually have sex with him. Edward could have let anyone else hit , but he is more fond of Rui to let anyone take his number one spot.
NOW THE MOMENT RUI GETS THAT CURSE LIFTED, IT ISN'T A HI AND HELLO OR A HOW ARE YOU ----- It's Rui taking Edward to a random room to have sex finally. Finally, Rui can release the sexual frustration that Edward has been causing.
Those being, lots and lots of nudes. Edward will often mess with Rui be like "look what you can't touch ;)"...... Well once the curse is lifted, he is just a satisfied vampire.
Edward is into everything. He saw it all, any kinks you think Rui will have, Edward will do it with him.
Edward will drink blood during sex.the only blood he doesn't drink during it is Rui. I'm assuming with the curse Rui's blood could be like poison. It won't kill Edward but it will hurt a lot that will ruin the sexy mood.
Edward is needy almost all the time, he can hide it, but when he can get alone with Rui he will take his gloved hands into his pants. "Rui.. Can't you feel the dampness of it.. Come on... Please".
Rui is left with two options... He can work and make money, or he can handle the bloodsucker. Choices... Choices....
Ed going to have to wait.
Edward is the guy who will call his hole a man pussy and his dick a skinned banana..... Both words Rui can't stand to hear.
Edward: now your reaper curse is gone, there is a Rhythm I want you to try.
Rui: What is that?
Edward :
Feel free to come join the Tokyo debunker server, linked on @internalscream1ng carrd
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ryuichirou · 7 months
We have a couple of asks about yesterday’s drawing of Deuce and Epel (and a bunch of other asks too!), but I’ll start with an ask related to commissions. Thank you for your questions <3
Anonymous asked:
Is there anything you won’t do for commissions, i.e. OC x Canon, something too complicated, etc
I’m okay with almost anything, OC x Canon, complicated stuff, kink and gore included. That being said, I might decline some ships + certain top/bottom dynamics. In any case, everything is negotiable and I am willing to discuss alternative options, so if feel free to DM/email me, and we’ll discuss it.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your interest!
Anonymous asked:
now i’m picturing deuce and epel holding hands while they’re being railed <3
Awwww! This is sweet. They’re supporting each other…
hipsterteller asked:
Oh Deuce and Epel are screwed
About to get Yeahh, I know, these poor guys :”(
Anonymous asked:
ok but who but deuce and epel in those cute outfits. they’re so detailed too!
Thank you so much!! I’m happy you like it! Seifukus are so much fun, I love drawing them. It was Katsu’s idea to combine them with their dorm uniform colours, and I’m very glad that we did that.
Anonymous asked:
sees the deuce and epel art, head begins to play the song shota shota island vocaloid
Wow, that’s an oldie! A genre of vocaloid songs that seems to be dead but never forgotten…
Looking this one up now, and wow even the pose is similar LOL
Anonymous asked:
to be fair, 4chan x instagram is probably more fun of a ship name than, like, 3B class, it's funny to see Idia being the 4chan of the ship XDD
(this is related to the reply where I described Idia and Cater that way...)
Thank you lol The more I think about it the better it sounds to be honest. Idia has such strong vibes of a person with certain types of opinions…
Anonymous asked:
So what you think of Ortho as a bodyguard to Vil? Think of it like Vil isn't safe on his own because of stalkers, Ortho will prepare to obliterate them.
Rook could also work as a bodyguard.
Both Rook and Ortho would make great bodyguards! Both of them are powerful enough to notice both stalkers and paparazzi right away and either cover/protect Vil or dispose of any inconvenience before Vil even notices it himself.
It is an interesting concept, Anon.
While we were discussing it, we joked how Rook or Ortho are actually protecting the stalkers from Vil, because if stalkers somehow manage to take either of them out and go directly to Vil, Vil is going to kick the shit out of them lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Random headcanon: I think while he's so clean and proper, Greenhill LOVES to make/see Violet's makeup smeared and ruined. Either from heavily making out in the Swan Gazebo when no one's around or from completely fucking after a show they performed, the man gets so hot and bothered by his own work Violet would need to hopefully be able to walk after so many rounds
Greenhill isn’t even sure why he finds it so hot, in a way he feels bad ruining Violet’s perfectly black evenly coloured lips, but when his face is such a mess it’s a great reminder of how intense  their making out session was. Sometimes he forgets that his own face is also a mess afterwards, and Violet doesn’t remind him sometimes. Sometimes he’s embarrassed, sometimes he’s just a little petty.
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sungboopdee · 1 year
Sorry this is kinda short, fluff, kissing, bad language. 👍🏼
Sorry I was gone for a while, i haven't had motivation to write. 😭
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Sunghoon couldn't get you off his mind. It's like everywhere he goes and everything he does your there in his head.
You didn't know the very quiet boy had a crush on you. To be honest you didn't really know him.
You had one class with him but you never talked to him before.
Today was another boring day for you. Wake up, get ready for school, go to school and come home.
Or so you thought it would be.
You were just walking home when you heard someone call your name.
Sunghoon decided that today was gonna be the day he finally talks to you.
He knows that the two of you live two houses away.
"Hey" Thats all he says looking kinda nervous as he walks next to you.
You smile and wave at him. "Your in my biology class right?" You ask.
He nods with a small smile cause you recognize him.
"Cool, do you live close?" you asked looking up to him.
"Yes, I live right there." He points to the two-story house that was weirdly close to yours.
"Oh wow, I live two houses ahead." you say with a small smile.
He looks at you admiring your smile then nodding as if he already knew.
It was quiet for a while. "I actually walked with you to tell you something." he says looking down shyly.
"What is it?" You ask looking up at him. "I-I like you." he says just finally letting it out.
You were surprised to be honest.
You didn't know what to say, no one has ever just said they liked you before.
but you didn't need to say anything when he leans in and kisses you right on the lips.
You hesitated at first but then you started to enjoy it feeling his lips move with your so perfectly making you want more, his hands go to your waist.
He bites your bottom lip then pulls away and you chase his lips.
You looked into his eyes but then remembered that you were in front of your house.
"Y/N!!!, GET OVER HERE NOW!!! AND YOU GET YOUR PRETTY ASS AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!" Shouts your dad out of no where.
"IM COMING DAD!!!, Im sorry about him, Um can I get your number?" You ask with an embarrassed smile.
He nods with a cute smile looking into your eyes before pulling his phone out of his pocket.
You get his number and he gets yours then you say bye and wave at him with a shy smile and he smiles and waves back before turning to go into his house.
Sunghoon enters his room with a wide smile feeling satisfaction.
He plops onto his bed and stares at the ceiling with a dreamy look.
"I'm so whipped for her"
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astoldbyaja · 2 months
Bark like you want it!- Ch. 2~AU Demon Slayer~
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Doma wrapped his arm around my neck and around my hip pressing his back to the wall closest to him. I squealed feeling everything against my bottom and I let out a scream only for his hand to snap shut over my mouth.
“Ssshh don’t scream pretty girl, we only want to talk.” he moaned from the friction of my body struggling a bit against his which in turn pushed my ass against his shaft. When I refused to stop moving, I feel a heavy, wet palm against my pubic bone and now I was still as Kokushibo’s fingers began to curl into my pubic hair and he gave a slight warning tug. I whimpered now, staring at him with defiance, but I gave in and remained very still. The water drenched our bodies, Kokushibo’s hair stretching out over his body as he just stared at me.
“If you’re calm, Doma will remove his hand.” he said lowly, the deepness of his tone made me shiver some. I just looked him over with my eyes and gave the slightest of nods. Doma’s hand slid over my lips and rest back against my neck.
“What do you want?” I asked, noticing Kokushibo never released my pubic hair.
“We were just worried is all.” Doma said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Why are you ignoring Akaza?” Kokushibo asked. Now I gave him a ‘what the hell’ kind of look.
“Seriously?” I asked.
“You’re ignoring his texts, his calls, keeping your distance from him in class.” Kokushibo told. Did these three forget that said man was going to go balls deep in my ass not even a few weeks ago!
“You two seem to forget the fight you all had weeks ago and what your friend was going to do to me for not wanting to be his fuck buddy anymore.” I bit back.
“Aww Akaza was just playing around. He’d never violate you in such a public space, those moments are for private places. That’s why we were there to make sure things didn’t get out of hand.” Doma cooed, and I scowled feeling his hip gently jerk against my bottom. Bullshit!
“What is your relationship with the Hashira?” Kokushibo asked.
“I don’t know what that means?” I asked feeling his grip on my pubic hair lighten only to trail further south toward my wet opening. I tensed, frowning some.
“The Hashira Gang run by Kagaya Ubuyashiki has been enemies with our gang, the Kizuki since the beginning-”
“No no no don’t tell me anything about whatever group you both are in. I don’t want to know -nngghh!” I whimpered feeling a long middle finger push into my entrance, my walls immediately clutching down on the intruder. Kokushibo leaned forward with a frown.
“I don’t like being interrupted.” he said in warning, his finger curling into me now as he pushed deeper. I hissed lowly feeling my muscles ache as he set a low pace.
“Stop.” I said through clenched teeth feeling my body tense.
“I’m trying, but your pussy won’t let me go. It may want more.” the older purred pushing another finger inside me, and immediately I feel my body push back as if to get away from the fingers. However, I’m met with a long moan in my ear.
“Oh wow! Your ass feels so good on my dick, Yara!” the man swooned rubbing his hips further against my cheeks as if trying to settle his shaft between my ass. Kokushibo smirked pressing his fingers deeper into me, and my stomach immediately tightens as I let out a gentle whimper.
“She’s got a cute body doesn’t she Doma?” Kokushibo asked with a smirk. I now feel the arm around my neck loosen and lower to my breasts, Doma’s middle finger moving gently on my right areola.
“Mmm she does! Her breasts are so plump. She has big areolas too! Wow!” he swooned. His finger mixed with the heat of the shower was making my breasts tingle and slowly my right nipple hardened up in front of Kokushibo. I could feel my insides tingling too as Kokushibo began to pick up speed with his fingers as well as Doma humping the space between my ass cheeks. I could hear him panting lowly behind me. My entire body felt warm, and I thought about using this moment to fight, but these two men are strong. Things could go from… this to violence like with Akaza.
“Stop it okay enough! What do you two want from me!” I asked my voice cracking as I feel Kokushibo’s free hand guide my hand toward his now fully erect cock. My fingers wrapped around his girthy shaft, and he guided my hand up and down on him. After a few seconds, he released my hand to move on its own and used it to run circles around my throbbing clit. We both let out a low moan.
Oh shit he’s pulsing in my hand!
Now all three of us were taking pleasure from the other, the bathroom filled pants, moans, and low grunts.
“We want you to, oh fuck, go back to Akaza and hang out with us again.” Doma moaned. “We miss your company." His hips were moving faster against me which spurred my hand to jerk Kokushibo off which fueled him to pump his fingers faster inside my drenched opening.
Doma’s hand now fully fondled and groped my breast while tugging at my nipple. I let out a heightened whimper feeling the sensations building up in my vagina. I could feel both cocks twitching on my hand and ass.
“What! If Akaza is that mmm desperate for a fuck I’m sure he has no problems finding another willing partner!” I pant. Doma immediately pinches my nipple hard causing a jolt of pleasure to shoot up inside me. I moan hard feeling my legs squeeze close some.
“Akaza doesn’t want another partner. He wants you!” he pants.
“So tonight, you will text him, *pant* you will see him, *pant* and you will fuck him!” Kokushibo replied. The feelings were too much. My pussy was feeling too many sensations. I shook my head and bit my lip hard moaning down at the ground as my orgasm hits me.
“Fuck I’m cumming!” Doma moaned out, and I feel warm heat shoot up on my ass cheeks and lower back all the while Kokushibo grunts heavily as he shoots ropes of cum onto my thighs. My legs were trembling a bit. I feel both cocks softening and I remove my hand from the man in front of me.
Kokushibo smirked bringing his two fingers up to view. The creamy substance on his fingers made me blush and look away. He smirked and placed the fingers in his mouth rolling his tongue over his long digits.
“Wow she came that much. Good girl.” Doma praised and I scowled.
“If you don’t reach out to Akaza tonight, things will start to become more complicated than they have to be for you.” he threatens. I winced.
“So, this is what he does, sends his friends to scare me?” I asked. Kokushibo shook his head.
“He doesn’t even know we’re here.” He said. I feel Doma’s arm around my waist tighten.
“You see Yara, the Kizuki are a family. We would do anything for each other’s happiness…anything. Akaza hasn’t be happy without you and we can’t have any member being unhappy. Even if it’s just fucking you that makes him happy, is good enough for us.” he said. I shivered at his words and looked away. I didn’t like the sinister tone in the man’s voice.
“Okay, fine whatever.” I said. I feel Kokushibo’s hand grip my cheeks and force me to look at him.
“I want to hear you say it.” he demands.
“I will reach out to him.” I said.
“Tonight.” he pushed.
“Tonight.” I confirmed.
“Oh wonderful! He’ll be so happy to hear from you.” Doma said and the two men released me, exiting the bathroom. I listen to their footsteps fade as they exit the bathroom. My body is trembling as I looked down at the shower floor watching the mixture of juices slide carelessly down the drain.
“Fuck!” I snapped. What did I get myself into? I showered off and took one of the shuttles back to my apartment.
How was I going to avoid those people now? It’s bad enough I’m rooming with members of this Hashira gang, but now fucking Akaza has some weird obsession with me that apparently goes further than just sex. It was literally sex! Ugh how can you get attached from it. We both clearly agreed it meant nothing! I checked my phone noticing I still had some unread messages from Akaza and a few other unknown messages. I checked them.
Akaza: Yara please talk to me! I’m sorry for how I acted on campus! I would never truly force myself on you like that!
Akaza: Your pretty ass was never in any danger! I would never violate your pretty bottom like that! I was just trying to scare you! Yes, I know I put a knife to your neck, but I wasn’t going to use it honest! I know I said I’d enter you dry but you know I’d always prepare you first before bottoming out! I’d never want you in any pain!
Akaza: Can’t we just meet up and talk about this? I enjoy your company, and I don’t want to give up what we have!
Unknown Number: Hey Yara, it’s Doma! Akaza’s been really down in the dumps lately and I’m sure hearing back from you would make his entire world! He’s very sorry for how he acted, but you know how a man gets when he likes a woman! You really should have set more boundaries with him!
Unknown Number: Hey it’s Ume! Stop ignoring Akaza already! I’m so tired of hearing him complain about why you won’t answer his texts or calls! He cares about you, he likes you, and he wants you! Stop playing with his feelings and answer him already!!
Unknown Number: Hey it’s Gyutaro. Stop being a cocktease and get back with Akaza already. Yes, he fucked up, yes, he can be an ass, but he apologized! He won’t do it again as long as you don’t upset him! This can be a lot easier for you if you just apologize for ignoring him! Everyone misses your company so drop the high and mighty act and come back.
These people have some nerve! I saved all their numbers just so they wouldn’t try and use other numbers to reach out to me. Once I was at my apartment, I opened the door to the sound of giggling from a voice I wasn’t familiar with. I walked into the living room and noticed Mitsuri sitting with Tengen and three women I had never met before. Said three women were all curled up on the large man. Mitsuri smiled at me.
“Hey Yara!” she said. I smiled.
“Hey. Hi Tengen.” I replied. Tengen waved.
“Yo! Hey these are my beautiful girlfriends: Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru. Girls this is Mitsuri and Shinobu’s roommate Yara!” he said. We said hello to each other, and I moved over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Mitsuri approached.
“Hey how are you feeling?” she asked lowly, and I nodded.
“I’m fine.” I replied wishing she’d stop asking. But Mitsuri was such a worrier. She nodded.
“Good. Um, we’re going to go out later to the student game lounge if you’d like to join?” she asked. I looked up in thought. I really should not be seen in public with these guys. I didn’t want anyone to think I was a part of their little gang.
“That does sound like fun. But I do have to hit the library tonight and study. But I’ll text you when I’m done and if you’re still hanging out, I’ll come join.” I replied. Her eyes sparkled happily.
“Really, that’s great! Okay.” she replied.
“Hey Yara, those Kizuki fucks haven’t given you any trouble, have they?” Tengen asked suspiciously. Okay, so we are just going to discuss gang stuff out in the open then. I looked at him and smiled, my legs squeezing shut gently.
“Kizuki… um no.” I replied with a smile.
“Good. Cause if they do you let me know and we’ll handle them.” he said. I gave a nervous chuckle.
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about me. I don’t want anyone going through any trouble for me. Best not to involve you in any of my drama.” I said.
“Nonsense, you live with Mitsuri and Shinobu and so you’re protected by all in the Hashira gang! Hell, if you’re lucky and date a Hashira, you’ll automatically be initiated into the gang and will have our loyalty for life! How flashy is that!” he said. I felt a knot form in my stomach immediately, but I shook my head and smiled.
“Thanks for that Tengen.” I replied.
“Tengen you’re making her nervous! You didn’t need to say all of that! Not everyone wants to be in a gang!” Makio said pulling at the man’s cheek.
“Ow ow ow! Okay sorry!” he said. I gave a sigh of relief for the woman’s words before heading to my room. I laid on my bed for a bit thinking of what I should do. It’s clear Akaza won’t leave me alone, that he’s obviously obsessed with my body then actually having a relationship with me. What are my options? If I sleep with him again act like everything’s well then that means he and his friends will cling to me again, people will see, and word will get back to these Hashira. I can’t do anything to jeopardize my living situation.
Just how dangerous are the Hashira even? I don’t want to be on bad terms with anyone. I just want to do my own thing! I looked down at my crotch.
“You just had to enslave some dick, didn’t you?” I groaned. What if I did just go to Shinobu and tell her what happened? Would there be some retaliation? No, I’m not in a gang, there’s no reason for either gang to be involved with me or be concerned with my safety. Maybe I should set better ground rules with Akaza and just fuck him in a hotel where no one will see us? No, he won’t keep his mouth shut. He’s already told everyone I was his girl.
Damn him!
I needed to figure this out and soon before night came. If I don’t reach out, I was sure to have another run in with Doma or worse Kokushibo and next time they might not do the easy way.
Within the next few hours, I could hear the front door opening and more noise roll in. I was in the middle of changing and preparing to go to the library.
“Is Yara here?” I could hear Kyojuro boom.
“Yeah, she’s in her room.” Shinobu replied. I didn’t hear much else. I was sliding on some leggings when I heard a knock at the door. I pulled my hair back making sure my bra was fastened and now moving through my closet to find a shirt.
“Who is it?” I asked.
“Yara it is I Kyojuro!” he called.
“One moment.” I replied throwing on a super soft red v-neck shirt before moving to the door and opening it to see the smiling fiery haired man.
“Yara, hello!” he said happily. I smiled.
“Hello.” I replied.
“How are you doing!” he gushed.
“Very well thank you. You?” I asked.
“Better now that I’m here. We are going to the gaming lounge tonight. Will you be joining us?”  he asked. I looked him over and he mirrored my actions.
“Possibly. I need to study for a bit at the library, but I plan to catch up after.” I replied.
“Of course! School comes first before fun.” he said.
“Depends on the fun.” I teased. I noticed a look on his face that immediately vanished before he chuckled.
“I see. Well, I hope you can join us. How are you feeling after your incident with Akaza?” he asked a bit serious this time. “Is he giving you trouble?”
I shook my head.
“I’m fine, Kyojuro. You don’t need to check on me. I’d much rather forget it happened and learn to move on from it. I know they’re a part of a gang and I know you’re all a part of a gang. I don’t want to worry you all anymore on this.” I said stepping forward to close my door. He nodded.
“Yes… of course.”
“Anyways, maybe I’ll see you later.” I replied and left the apartment. The library has five floors, the top floor being the quietest and most deserted due to construction. There was only one study room open, and I managed to lock it down for my study session. I was on the elevator waiting to reach the top, sighing gently as I pulled out my phone. I looked at the messages again before sighing and sending a text.
Me: Let’s talk. I’m at the library. 5th floor come alone.
Akaza: Meet you there in ten.
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deergravity · 27 days
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Came across these maps I made for a d&d game a few years ago! Pretty sure I used the dice method for making the landmass. Those blank spots are cities that I intended to make more detailed maps of, though I only ended up with the one here on the right, representing the southernmost city.
Each section of the city was a district the dm defined, though I don't recall them all now. They've each got a stepped pyramid that serves as a community center/govt building/place of worship. Beyond that, here are my guesses based on the designs I gave them:
Olladra was a academic/museum district, also the main entry to the city
Dol Durn is a port/market. I think the blank area in bottom right was meant to be a kind of farmer's market space.
Baldrei was a entertainment district, you can see an amphitheater there, as well as housing
Kol Karran is also a port area but this one was dominated by the theives guild, therefore more crowded and in disrepair
Aureon was the royalty compound, spacious and to some degree self contained
The southern part of the city was occupied mainly by halflings and wood elves, and has much different architecture, including multi-level raised walkways
I'm sure they each had distinctions too but alas I didn't leave myself many clues down there. Dol Arrah at least looks marshy? Maybe another port? Probably something woo woo going on in Arawai.
Always fun to see stuff I made during the long strech of my life when I would think things like, "wow, I wish I could be an artist. Too bad I'm just crafty and Unworthy of calling myself An Artist because I lack formal training (except all those art classes I loved in school which dont count) and I believe I need permission/approval/validation to incorporate things into my Identity or people will see I'm a liar poser trying to steal valor from Real Artists, an esoteric class of people who naturally understand themselves to be Artists, again, unlike me, who merely wants it."
... so maybe that sheds some light on why I am such a crusader for the idea that art is in everything and everyone. Someone planted that seed in me, many someones tbh, so I feel it's my duty to spread some seeds now that I've come to flower and bear fruit.
Because in reality, I was always an artist. And you are too. :) All you have to do is want it and it's yours.
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