#i was gonna give her a happy bunny shirt but decided against it
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batmans-malewife · 2 years ago
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the fabulous ms. q
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narrycherries · 2 years ago
🌼like it’s the only thing I’ll ever do🌼 part 5 (dadrry)
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word count: 3.2k
warnings/tags: harry x reader, dadrry, fluff
(a/n: you guys voted, so the baby name is revealed: Vivian/Vivy)
You happened to be waking up when you heard the noise through the baby monitor. The baby was whining and babbling to herself in her crib, waiting for someone to tend to her. You turned off the monitor so it wouldn’t wake up Harry before you left to go get her.
When you opened her door and flicked on the light, she pulled herself up and started giggling, excited to see you. She was still a bit wobbly, but she was getting better at trying to stand.
“Good morning, Vivy.” You said with a laugh as you scooped her up. “I should’ve known you weren’t gonna let me and Dada sleep in.”
“Da da!” She squealed, snapping her head around looking for him.
You tickled her side. “We’ll go see Dada in a minute.”
She continued to mumble little sounds to you as you changed her diaper and let her pick a stuffed animal to carry to the bedroom. She grabbed a small pink bunny, one of her favorite ones, and held it by the bow around its neck.
Once you were done, you made your way back to the bedroom. Harry was still asleep, his arms tucked by his sides as he laid on his stomach. He had shifted since you left, probably noticing you weren’t there anymore.
“Da da.”
“Shh, let Dada sleep a bit longer, baby.” You sat her on the bed so you could pull your shirt over your head.
It was easier to completely take it off, especially when you were comfortable and in the privacy of your bedroom. When you picked her up again, she let out a squeal and a few giggles, which made you grin at her.
“Mommy’s pretty girl, yeah? You’re such a cutie.”
She smiled back, but soon settled on your lap as she realized she was getting hungry. You let her latch on whenever she was ready. The older she got, the easier it was for her to do this more on her own, but it was also harder for you to handle the pain. She was cutting another tooth, so it hurt occasionally. She definitely got comfortable as she nursed, which made you slightly hopeful that she’d fall back to sleep.
After twenty minutes, she decided she was done. You slipped your shirt back on and sat her on the bed between you and Harry. At first, she was occupied with her bunny, not really paying him any attention. The moment he let out a grunt, her head lifted and her eyes went straight to him.
“Da da da.” She waited a moment, then whined because he didn’t answer. “Da da.”
“Give Dada some pats, like this.” You said as you reached over and pulled the blankets back, gently patting your hand against his shoulder blade.
She gave you a curious look then proceeded to copy you, but with a bit more force. The sound of her hand smacking his skin made you laugh.
“Do it soft, baby girl. Don’t hurt Dada.” You demonstrated again.
“Ma ma ma.” She softly spoke as you took your hand away and allowed her to try again. She did it only slightly softer, and this time he groaned.
“Da da da!” She squealed, quickly grabbing onto his back with both hands, and every nail digging into his skin.
You couldn’t resist laughing as she started slapping him with both hands, chanting his name over and over in between her giggles. You got a video of her doing it, just so you could show him later. It was always so adorable to watch her interact with him, and this was making your heart flutter. She squeaked as he opened his eyes and shifted his head.
“Vivy.” His voice was scratchy, but she definitely knew he was awake now.
“Da da da.”
He chuckled and brought his arm from his side to put it around her. She had been sitting on her knees, so when she fell forward onto his head you both started laughing.
“G’morning, baby. You’re a little ray of sunshine this morning, hm?” He said as she started climbing onto his back, one hand tugging his hair for support.
“She’s been happy since she woke up, Dada.”
He smiled as he finally got a chance to see you. “Vivy.. can I get up, baby?”
“Da da da da!” She started patting his back again, well her version of patting.
“That means no.” You said in a whisper, making him playfully roll his eyes.
“You girls make all the rules, yeah?”
“Someone has to keep you in line.”
“Da da!” Vivian suddenly shrieked, making Harry flinch and you laugh.
“C’mere, babe.” Harry tried to look over his shoulder at her. “I wanna give you some cuddles.”
“Ma ma!”
Harry laughed. “Telling on me, hm?”
“Ma ma ma ma.” She continued.
“Someone’s going to be in trouble.” You gave him a nudge as you laid down, leaving a space for the baby whenever she decided to get down.
“Please go easy on me, m’already getting beat up.”
“Vivy, give Dada a break.” You smiled as she looked your way.
She was grinning like crazy still, very pleased by the fact her parents were with her and paying her some attention. Harry looked back at her, calling her name to get her attention. She leaned towards him, pressing her forehead against his ear. He chuckled and tried his best to reach for her without knocking her over.
“C’mon, baby girl.” He said with a smile as she squealed straight into his ear, making it ring for a moment. “Come cuddle with Dada.”
“Da da!” She happily shrieked back.
It didn’t take any more begging. Harry rolled over the moment she climbed onto the mattress between you two and, of course, nuzzled her way into his arms, right against his chest like she liked. You were always so in awe at the way they acted together - how special he was for her and how much he adored her. You decided you’d give them some space, besides you had some alone time with her earlier anyways. It was his turn. His eyes shifted to you as you pushed yourself up on your hand, your lips finding his quickly. He grunted, furrowing his brows while you pressed a few pecks against the baby’s head.
“Where y’goin’?” His voice was still scratchy from his slumber, which made your heart flutter. The simplest things drove you insane sometimes.
“M’gonna take a bath. Wan’ you to have some baby time.”
Harry sighed, reaching for your hand. “Babe, you don’t have to go. We can love on our little bug together, y’know?”
You licked your lips and smiled, shaking your head slightly. “She’ll be perfectly happy with just getting some love from Dada.”
“Da da da.” The baby repeated his name, her face was now mushed in the crook of Harry’s neck. She wanted to be as close as possible.
“I guess you deserve a nice bath, hm?” He pursed his lips for a moment, then let a smile shape to them. “Enjoy your alone time, darling. We’ll be waiting for you.”
“I know.” You squeezed his hand while your lips met his once again, just for a few seconds. “Don’t steal all her cuddles.”
Harry pinched your wrist before letting you slip away from him. “I’ll save you some.”
To Harry’s surprise, the baby was completely fine with you leaving her alone with him. She’s slowly starting to overcome some of her anxiety. You believe that she if she feels safe and comfortable, then she won’t freak out as much or at all really. And now right, she couldn’t get more comfortable.
She was laying on Harry’s chest, her small fingers toying with the chain around his neck. He always worried the pendant would come off and she’d try to put it in her mouth, but he knew right now she was safe. She was just occupying her attention by pinching it and rubbing the chain against her skin. It was a comforting thing that she did often. He never minded. It kept her happy and that was all that mattered to him.
“Vivy.” Harry mumbled her nickname quietly as she let out a few soft whines. He was concerned because she had been so quiet for the past fifteen minutes. “Baby doll.”
She gently moved her head, which he took as a sign of having her attention. She didn’t seem very active anymore, which was bothering him. Maybe she just wanted to relax and rest. He hoped nothing was wrong, he couldn’t possibly handle that right now.
“Da da da.” She spoke back, her small hand slapping down on Harry’s chest.
He chuckled and gave her sides a tickle. She squealed, struggling to sit up on his chest. He helped her and kept a hold on her waist once she was up. She reached for the necklace again, this time pulling the chain up with her.
“Do you miss Mama?” He asked softly, not sure if you could hear him or not from the bathroom across the room. She looked up at him, eyes widening at the mention of your name. He smiled sweetly to her. “Yeah? Bet you do, hm?”
“Da da da.. Ma ma.. ba ba.” She kept on babbling, saying a few things he recognized but mostly it was just noises.
He couldn’t help but laugh at how cute and confident her words were, even if they were hardly words. She let go of his chain and slid off his chest, which made him roll back over to keep a hold of her. The last thing she needed to do was tumble off the side of the bed and hurt herself.
“Mama’s taking a bath, baby girl. She’ll be back in a bit.”
“Ba ba!” She suddenly said as she grabbed the stuffed bunny off the bed.
Harry watched in amazement as she rubbed her hand over the texture of the fur, almost as if she was petting it. The bunny was one of her favorite stuffed toys. Lately, she has been gravitating towards it more than usual. Harry figured it was because it was cute and soft.
“Mooo!” She threw her arms up, the bunny flying from her loose grip.
Harry chuckled and reached for the toy, it had went a bit far out of her reach. “Baby, m’afraid bunnies don’t say moo.”
“Moo! Moo.. moo, Da da.” She said back, very sure of her words.
“If you say so, baby cakes. Moo moo.” Harry made the bunny do a little dance, which made her giggle and reach for it. She tried copying him, which was just adorable to witness. “Speaking of cake.. my angel’s birthday is coming up, hm?”
She was now fully focused on shaking the bunny around, imitating the actions he was doing. It was cute to watch her make the toy dance and soft, quiet “moo’s” come from her mouth as she watched it move around in the air. She hit it against the bed a few times, giggling as she babbled nonsense sounds.
“You’re going to be the cutest one year old in the world. We’re getting you the prettiest cake, baby girl. All pink and sparkly for Dada’s princess.”
Vivian’s eyes lifted and she grinned, letting out a shriek that made her shoulders lift and her nose scrunch. Harry pressed his hand against her back as she began rocking from excitement. He wasn’t sure what specific word made her so happy, but he figured it was princess. Even though he knew she probably didn’t care what the word actually meant, she knew that her daddy called her that a lot. He figured it was one of her favorites.
“Yeah?” He nodded. “So excited for your party? I bet you’re gonna get all the presents in the world.”
“Da da.” She said as if she was trying to get his attention - little did she know, she already had that. “Da da da.”
He lifted his brows and smiled as she extended her arm, the bunny in her hand. He wasn’t sure if he needed to take it, but when she dropped it in front of him, he figured that’s what she wanted. He picked it up and sat it against his chest, making her giggle and fall forward on her arms.
“Da da!”
“Is this my bunny now?” He asked with a tone of shock in his voice. “Can’t believe you gave me your favorite bunny!”
“Da da!” She replied just as excitedly as before.
“Aw, my sweet baby.” He cooed as she crawled the very short distance to him and put her arm around his neck. Her face smushed against his, making him chuckle and put a tighter grip on her. “Dada’s got the cutest little bug, doesn’t he? My pretty girl. Love you so much, princess.”
“Da da da.” She pressed her open mouth to his cheek, slobber covering his skin instantly. Her version of a kiss was always so cute, even though it was messy.
“Thank you for the kissy, baby girl. Dada loves you the mostest.” He rubbed his nose against her cheek, making her squeal from the ticklish feeling.
Once she calmed down, he noticed that she was acting tired again. He lifted her above his head, making her grin and stick her tongue out. A bit of drool was pooling in the corner of her mouth, and he quickly put her down before it dripped onto him. She let out a little whine, but he could tell it wasn’t because of any distress. She was comfortable back on his chest, his arms holding her tight.
“Go back to sleep, angel baby. Dada won’t let you go.”
You took a very long bath, mostly because you wanted Harry to have time with the baby - but also because your bones were aching and you wanted to relax in the burning hot water. You dried off and wrapped the towel around your body before leaving the bathroom. You were greeted by a sleepy smile from Harry and a quiet mutter of your name from the baby, who was still laid on Harry’s chest.
“Going back to bed?” You asked while walking over to them.
Harry sighed. “Thought she would.. but she kept whispering for her Mama.”
“Whispering?” You lifted a brow, somewhat smiling back at him.
He patted her back gently. “Mhm. She was quiet for a bit, but once she started she didn’t really stop.”
“My poor baby.” You pouted to her, but she didn’t try to sit up. She seemed tired still, which was worrying you slightly because you thought she had slept good.
“She may be hungry. I asked if she wanted a ba-ba but she just said Mama back.”
Harry sat up with a groan, placing the baby on his lap. Her head fell against him, her hand gripping the skin over his stomach. It hurt a little, but he wouldn’t’ dare make her stop.
“I’ll nurse her in just a second.”
You walked over to the closet to grab something to put on, but as soon as you disappeared beyond the door, the baby started whining.
“Baby, hold on. Mama’s coming back.” Harry told her with a gentle sigh. “She’s gonna give you somethin’ to eat, promise.”
You could hear them both from the closet, but you didn’t try to rush back in there. You knew that the baby needed to learn how to cope with you not always being around her, and same with Harry not being there. She’s gotten a bit better, but she’s still learning. Harry kept a hand on her back, slowly rubbing in circles to soothe her, as he waited for you to return.
“See, there Mama is. Told you she was coming.” Harry said with a smile as you walked back into the room, now wearing a pair of cotton shorts. The t-shirt you planned to put on was hanging from your fingertips.
“Was she a good baby while I was gone, Dada?” You asked as you joined them on the bed, laying the shirt beside you to put on once you were done.
He chuckled while you scooped her from his lap. “She was a bit playful with me, yeah. Got sleepy though.”
“Sleepy? Hm, you don’t need to sleep til your nap later on, baby love.” You told her as you adjusted her in your arm and leaned against the headboard to relax your spine.
Harry watched as she latched onto your breast and curled her arm against her own chest. He wondered if she wanted to hold onto something, so he quickly grabbed the bunny she had given him earlier. You were about to question what he was doing, but he lifted her arm and laid the bunny down before you could get the words out.
“The world’s best Dada.” You whispered as his eyes caught yours.
He shook his head, grinning back. “She’s got the world’s best Mama, too.”
You hummed as he joined you against the headboard, his arm sliding around your back. His fingertips gently rubbed against your hip, which made your heart skip a beat. You missed him a lot in that way, missed the intimacy. It hadn’t been forever, just a few long days, since you last got to spend time with him alone. You thought maybe you could mention it today and he would do his best to make it happen. With the baby becoming very needy and his work on new music piling up, it was hard to find the time. You held out hope, he always came through for you.
A few minutes ticked by, and the thought was bugging you now. You swallowed gently and looked over at him. He had his phone in his hand, mindlessly scrolling on it as he waited for the baby to be done so you could officially start the day together. You licked your lips and glanced down at his legs. You missed the way it felt to have him resting his body on top of yours.
“Harry.” You mumbled, much quieter than you wanted to.
He hummed back, his eyes still on the screen. You looked back at the side of his face, admiring how handsome he was, even his profile. You felt a tug in your stomach, but you tried to ignore it. You were nervous, even though there was no reason to be.
“I think.. we should have some.. Mommy-Daddy time later.”
He clicked the button on the phone to lock it and dropped it on the bed. His head turned and his eyes met yours immediately. It happened so fast that you didn’t have time to look away. A thick layer of blush rose to your cheeks. You watched him lick his lips and gently bite on his cheek as he stared at you.
“Yeah?” He smirked softly. “I do miss you a lot.. been a few days.”
“Do you want to?”
He smacked his lips. “Of course!”
His eagerness made you laugh. You looked away from him and down to the baby, who was satisfied with her current arrangement. Harry gripped your waist, leaning into you so his lips could press against your jaw.
“Gonna love you on so good, babe.”
(a/n: someone requested some morning time dadrry content, so hope u enjoy! It’s a bit short, but I love this pairing + baby so don’t worry! More to come x)
@walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @victoriasigaard @ariiscringe @harrystylesrealwifeong @harlowsgirl @lomllover @haniaaa04 @cherrymelonx @mydearestsunflower6 @oh-austin @coralsweetsharmony @eiffelmezarry @cupcakemachete @s0phlabrunette @fangirl125reader @luvonstyles
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dimpledcherry · 2 years ago
just thinking of Eddie n Steve putting reader in a chair and making her watch them fuck each other--
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maybe this is an idea that you guys have spoken about -> you watching Eddie and Steve, not being able to touch, but them having all the control still.
you come home from work one day, your in a bit of an airy mood - giggly laughs, swishing your hair around, staring off into space, there's a bounce to your step
the perfect mood for blushing and listening.
maybe Eddie comes over to get something out the cupboards, youre stood in the kitchen of the trailer making a hot drink.
Eddie leans into you, reaching for a cupboard above your head, pushing you into the counter ever so slightly.
already, you can feel the butterflies and the giggles creeping.
he moves his hand over your hip, to the bottom of your tummy, applying pressure, "Sorry dont wanna fall" he mumbles unable to find what he's looking for.
soon hes pushing himself into you also, wiggling his hips in small circles. stating something about not being able to find whatever hes looking for
at this point the hot drink is forgotten, youre holding the counter trying to keep your breaths level because obviously Eddie isn't trying to start anything and its your happy light mood getting crossed with horniness.
even though Eddie is horny 24/7 and could fuck like a rabbit given the go.
he moves his finger down under the waste band of your bottoms, the tips of them just brushing against your pubic hair line.
he sighs, you tip your head back, looking up to the cupboard, asking him what he is trying to find.
Eddie drops his head next to yours, mouth in your ear practically "You know, I keep thinking about our conversation the other day. Tying you in a chair, making you cum without touching you, making you cry over a viberator."
the most you could do was tense your tummy and hold a breath
Eddie's pulling you into him, giving a consent check and walking you off into his bedroom, calling Steve to come along
they get you in his desk chair
nothing but your underwear and a t-shirt on
Steves tying your ankles to the feet and Eddies typing your wrists behind your back
your heartbeat's through the roof in excitement
another content / comfort check done when they're finished: all greens
Ed gets the box out from his cupboard - small cardboard thing, full of private fun
a little familiar viberator
he rests it between your legs - not turning it on but the tension / action is enough for now
he turns to Steve, game time.
the two start kissing, its messy, its hungry, they've got a job to do but the side task of fucking each other is just as fun
the two usually decide who tops from this part of their evening alone
tonight it was Ed
Steves hands are in his hair, eddies are on Steves ass
they're just so lost in each other, grabbing whatever they can, humming, salivating on each other, bumping noses.
youre lost looking at them, squeezing your thighs but getting no movement or release
the stupid plastic between your legs was almost laughing at you already
horniness: 14 again, learning what sex was for the first time
Eddies pushing Steve onto the bed, dragging t-shirts off, moaning lightly when their body touch
Eddie breaks it off to kick their jeans off, he throws them across the room, and turns on your viberator
the lowest setting
there's a gasp from you
a kiss to your head and was cautious look "Be good, Bunny."
you were sure this wasn't gonna go well. you knew you were given full right to cum whenever, but you felt you weren't allowed
Eddie gave Steve a blow job first
his oral fixation and need for dramatics on show
kitten licks, gagging, closed eyes, comfy moans, tongue licking base to tip, lips smiling, dribble
Steve on the hand- a menace!
has eddies hair in pony tail, pulling and pushing. eyes locked on yours, smiling, rolling his eyes, panting... all at you
your head is rolling, your grinding softly, gasping and panting to yourself
"Look at us, Angel." Steve warns "Look at how good eddies working." "Ed shes such a mess, she loves you sucking my dick"
"what dirty little thing. Cum in mouth, sweetheart" - Eds
Steve pushed Ed so far onto him, the boys nose was lost in the patch of hairs that frame Steves dick.
Shoulders heaving, hands tightening on thighs, knuckles going white on hair, bottom lips disappearing, hips jumping.
"Please-please- wanna cum- please" your hips are rolling, arms straining the ropes
"You don't have to ask, go on then." Steves smiling at you. this is much hotter than he thought it'd be.
"I wanna hear you, Bunny." Eds giving himself time to breath before he's back down on Steve, making him cum in time with you.
Steves notorious for being loud - big house, no parents, only child. You - always too quiet, its by instinct, full house, younger siblings.
Steves moaning and grunting, pulling Eddies hair, "shit man, don't stop- come on- right there- fuck- shit"
"Okay-" your polite, "I'm so close- please- ah- coming- I'm coming-" your mumbling, already sounding like you could cry
Eddie gets up. hes a dog, so hes kissing Steve cum into your mouth to swallow. hands wondering tom turn the viberator up a level. 2 outta 3
you whine at the intensity, tummy going in, eyes squeezing shut, legs trying to close
they laugh, another comfy check in and round 2 is a go
oddly you can already feel the second orgasm building
youre already rolling your head back, mewling and whining to yourself
Steve and Eddie stop kissing at the sounds of you, "You're so desperate, we haven't done anything yet" - Eddie
"sorry" :( "feelings too much- good-" :( youre already huffy and mumbly
"Eds? wanna watch her cum?" - Steve
"with no help? dont think shes gone enough for that yet?" - Eds
"really? look at her. shes not even in the room anymore." - Steve
god they're <3 assholes <3
they sit at the foot of the bed, legs spread just watching you, idling stroking themselves.. or each other at times, just saying things to you
youre looking at them but you barely see them, your ears feel clogged, legs are aching from straining, your hearts racing
youre just whimpering, whining, mewling, begging "please- oh- plea- feels so good- I love it- love yous- love-"
"nobody's even touched you yet, Bunny. youre making such a pretty mess for us" - Eddie
"yeah- for- yous- you- yeh- please-"
they're pulling fake sad faces at you, "wanna cum?" your nodding ridiculously, "well were waiting for you" - Eddie
"or do you need us to do something? we can't even just relax and watch our darling? c'mon thought you were good" - Steve
the whine- Jesus. the boys nearly lost it. you'd whined like someone had taken candy off a baby.
"no-no-no- im good- so good- good for you- only you- good- please- can I- I wanna- close- please- I love yous- love- please- cum- close- im so good- ill be so good- always"
"I think shes gonna cry. look at us, Darling." - Steve "Oh look at them pretty watery eyes."
"c'mon Bunny, im getting impatient here." - Eddie
and with more random babbling, youre cumming again, more intense, shorter, but it takes more outta you, your heads tucked into your chest, backs arching, knees trying to meet, hands in fists. its a quiet orgasm - but the boys know they're the best ones
the rattling on your clit is almost a stabbing pain right now - the underwear guarding you from it was pointless
the feelings got you almost squealing along with the constant string of whines and mewls
"well done darling"
"your so good for us, bunny"
your clits almost numb feeling now.
the boys jump up giving you a kiss and another consent check, asking and then turning the viberator up to full -> 3 outa 3
you yelp, they laugh - typical
Steve give you a quick kiss on the head before Eddie pushes him to the bed
"C'mon big boy, wanna fuck you now" - eddie
Steves pushed ass up, on all 4s
the sight of Eddie just rubbing his fingers on Steves hole, steves eyes rolling and the small sighs -> your convinced you've wet the chair youre sat on
"Jesus- you're always so tight" eddies got a finger in, "shit- Bunny Steve might be tighter than you"
you mewled
"more eds" - steve
"oh- let me do this at my own pace-" ed shoved Steves shoulders down
there was a collective whine
after minutes of fingering Steve, Eddie spitting on his hole, handful of dirty sentences and you're on the brink of cumming again
youre whining, squealing almost, gasping
"keep em coming Bunny, I aint even fucked him yet." - ed
"ow I cant- its too much- I cant- cant- ed- please-"
a content check and its all a show -> you keep going
Eddie's got a condom on, he's holding Steve up, Steves gone: eyes closed, mouth hanging, cock dripping
Eddie does his usual: small shallow thrusts, a few slow deep ones, and the pace gets set
this has Steve howling almost - its been a while in his defence
"shit eds- i forgot how good you were" - Steve
"god youre both such sluts" - eds
the sight of it all, the sounds, the words: you literally couldn't see anymore. you were so into subspace
"look at her-" eddies forcing steve by his hair, "aint she so pretty? that cunt is soaking"
"shit Darling, how many times you cum? - steve
"3- I think" youre all out of breath, they just laugh at you
"greedy girl, well done" - steve
"think you can make it 4??" your nodding "Good but Bunny, wanna hear you."
"Y-yes- ow-" The intensity is killing you
Eddie begins to fuck into Steve: a hard deep pace
"Shit- fuck eds" They aren't moans but rather gasped laughs from Steve - not expecting Eddie to start so rough
"oh you can take it, ya big baby. fucked you harder than this before. Bunny seems to be liking it, so take it." - Eddie
"God you're an ass, you're lucky I wanna see her make a mess as much as you." - Steve
Youre just whining and whimpering, thrusting your hips, you can feel your slick pooling
the sounds of Eddie and Steve fucking and moan is driving you insane
uhohhh youre cumming again
"knew you could do it, well done Bunny, but Stevie still aint cum" - eddie
nnnnnooooww you're feeling it
youre sweaty, youre foggy, your brain could be mush an it'd be justified
you are practically sobbing now
"please- I- ahh- cant- I cant- please- Steve- ow- hmmm" - you
"you heard the woman, wanna give her a show?" - eddie
"God youre so dramatic-" - steve
regardless of their playful water, the two had their goals alined
Eddie fucked into Steve pointedly, and Steve rolled back into Eddie with just as much want and hunger
"you soaking, darling?" - steve
"yeah-" all of you could barely make out your voice
"Ah Eddie- do that again- felt so good-" Steve was joining you in that wobbly tone
"shit- you two sound so hot. got one more in you Bunny?" - eddie
the viberator on your clit was hurting now, but a numb sort of hurt
the small thrusts you were making were torture
"one Eddie- no more-" - you
"no more darling, want you to cum with me." - Steve
Eddie fucked into Steve rougher
Steve clenched around Eddie -> may have earned himself a slap for that
which only got you off more
"god- im close' - steve
"you do that again, im gonna cum in you-" - eddie
at the sound of that, you whined from the bottom of you tummy, head rolled back, eyes pinched shut, lip between your teeth, wrists pulling again the ropes
"shit- you sound amazing Bunny, such a slut for this aren't you?" Eddie grunted
you nodded, humming a yes, still looking up
"cum with us, Darling" - steve
all three of you, cumming in secession of each other
you -> Steve -> Eddie
god you could nearly breath - your body trued to fold in half, your lungs grew thick, the ropes burned, your eyes ent so hazy. so totally lost in your supspace.
the giggles of the boys were so faint, they felt like an angelic choir.
the vibrating on your clit stopped
you open your eyes, its Steve in-between you legs
you can feel something behind you -> Eddie undoing all the ropes
youre just sitting with a 50 yard stare, unable to float back in, lungs heaving
steves rubbing your knees, "such a good girl, aren't you?"
he kisses your cheek, but you dont feel it all too much
eddie's gone to get a cloth
Steve stands in front of your line of vision but you cant focus on him
"so so good. worked you a little too hard, didnt we?"
your eyes dart to him after a while, but he still knows you aint totally there
eddies back, cleaning in-between your legs
the feeling from being sensitive pins them together
eddies laughing, shh'ing you, slowly opening them again
Steves stood behind you, rubbing your shoulder whispering sweet nothings to you
oh so much praise is in the room
a kiss to you knee and eddies moving your hands to loop around his neck, he's pulling you up with him
you've got jelly legs
all your weight is on the boy
<33 they change your underwear for you <33
Eddie kisses your check, "I think its bedtime, huh?"
there's a slight nod from you, and your head nuzzled into his neck.
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eagerforhoney · 3 years ago
Hi friends! I decided to write for kinktober and join the communitiy as a writer this time! This is my FIRST EVER time writing something like this or posting it and I'm excited and nervous! Story is under the cut! Let me know what you think and if I should try again!
Clyde Logan x Fem! Reader
WC: 1029
CW/TW: oral (m receiving), ejaculating into reader's mouth
You were having the best dream involving rolling around with your sweet and sexy husband with the absence of clothes when the bright morning sun decided to shine its rays through your window as your wake up call. You turn over in bed to try and make your dream a reality when your hands are met with an empty side of the mattress, save for a folded piece of paper from the notepad attached to the fridge.
“Mornin’ sweetheart—
Mellie called sayin’ her basement flooded. Went over to help out. Be back to ya as soon as can be.
I love ya the most
You grumble as you throw back the covers and get out of bed. You were happy Mellie had someone to help her, but you were having some serious needs of your own that only your Clyde could fix.
As you make your way to the kitchen and start your morning coffee ritual, you hope and attempt to manifest Clyde coming home to you sooner than later, but as your late lunch comes and goes you feel less optimistic while your desperation for him only continues to grow.
By the time you hear the key in the lock from your place in the living room, you are totally clouded over with lust for your now arriving husband. You had decided to put on nothing but Clyde’s Bob Seger t shirt and sit in the chair closest to the front door. As you get the first glimpse of your big teddy bear walking through the door you become feral and any plan of sweetly wooing him into bed goes out the window. You’ve been wet and needy all day waiting for him to give you what you need, and now he’s here. All the excitement is coming straight from your core as you leap out of your seat and lunge for him. You pin him to the living room wall as best you can with his wide and towering frame, barely giving him more than a moment to rake his eyes up and down your body. Before he can ask what this is about, you connect your lips to his in a desperate and hungry kiss.
He chuckles the first couple of times your lips meet and he wraps his arms around you, but when you snake one of your hands from around his neck straight to his belt, he knows just how serious you are. “Well hello to you too, Bunny” he says to you in a low and gravelly voice that makes you moan into his mouth as you feel him harden in your hand from your heavy petting. He takes the opportunity to taste your tongue as he begins to grind into your hand. You push his head back against the wall with lips still attached, trying as best you can to keep him pinned and you in control.
Even though he was giving his time to help someone else, you felt a little angry you hadn’t seen him all day. “I missed you so much today baby I just can’t wait anymore” you muttered before continuing to hungrily kiss and nip down his jaw and neck, softly sucking his earlobe while your hands come to the hem of his shirt, urging him to remove it. “Almost hitched a ride to Mellie’s myself I’ve needed you so bad” you admitted with a soft chuckle. He smiled at you and took off his shirt, discarding it on the sofa.
You let out a soft moan the moment your hands are on his bare torso. Dragging your hands down his chest and abdomen, feeling the warm skin and toned muscle made you very aware of your wetness soaking your lingerie. You look up at the man you are so in love with and longing for and see the same hungry and loving eyes looking back at you. He gently pushes your hands down further towards his waistband, where you gladly pull down his pants with his underwear, revealing his perfect cock, fully hard and leaking at the tip.
He grunts and squeezes his eyes closed as you wrap your small hand around his large girth, the other pushing his chest against the wall. The moment you begin to slowly stroke his hot length both of his arms reach out to you, flesh hand grabbing your ass and the metal prosthetic gripping your opposite hip. He’s grunting and throwing his head back against the wall as you kiss up his tummy while picking up a consistent pace stroking his red and throbbing cock. The moment you hear him moan for the first time when you flick your wrist, you’re jello. You need him inside you- now.
He opens his eyes and barely registers what’s happening when you drop to your knees and pull the angry tip of his erection into your mouth. You moan around him, feeling so satisfied to finally have him as close as you’ve been needing all day. As you begin to bounce your head in earnest, you begin to feel Clyde tense up and gently rest his hands on your head. Your hot core is soaking and in serious need of attention, so you drag one of your hands from Clyde’s thigh to rub tight circles around your clit. Seeing this takes Clyde over the edge, seeing you so aroused by pleasuring him this way. He looks down at you and warns “darlin’, angel, m’gonna cum in that pretty little mouth”. You feel so happy and finally satiated when you feel his hot spend spurt from his cock into your mouth and over your lips.
After only a moment Clyde spoke in between heavy breaths. “Alright Bunny, ‘m glad yer so happy t’see me but it’s my turn to pin ye, but it’s gonna be t’our bed instead”. And before you could conjure a response he is effortlessly lifting himself up from your living room wall and lifting you into his arms. You squeal and wrap your legs around his waist as he laughs and runs buck naked to your bedroom. You’re so glad he’s home and you can once again have your fill of your kind and generous husband, a dream come true.
I hope ya'll like it!! Tagging a couple folks who might like! @jynzandtonic @rynwritesstuff @mariesackler @clydesfavoritegirl @hopeamarsu @maybe-your-left
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feral-dumbass · 4 years ago
Neon Angels on the Road to Ruin
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James “Bucky” Barnes/ Steve Rogers / Female Reader
Summary: Bucky is on the phone with Steve when he decides he has to have you now. 
Includes: Exhibitionism (???), Polyamorous relationship, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex, Overstimulation, Dom/ Sub undertones, Talk of oral, The stealth suit
Words: 2,008 
A/N: Hi! The only thing I love more than super soldiers is women in rock, so let’s pretend to be surprised that this my second fic with title credit to The Runaways. As always tagging the homies @babybluestan​ @gagmebucky​ @heresyoursnackdumbass​
LMK if you guys still want a tag list!
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“Mhmm… Pfft, everyone knows to ambush at night. Where did these rookies come from?” Bucky speaks to Steve on the phone as he looks over reports. Steve was currently ranting about how quickly the mission with new recruits went south. Bucky wanted to be a good boyfriend and help Steve out as the reports started piling up. Man, is Bucky happy he’s helping Steve. Steve is making the recruits sound like dumbasses. It’s a shame Bucky will have to put them through the wringer come Monday. 
Bucky has had to reread Clint’s shitty sentence twice while Steve rants. He can feel his brain cells deteriorating as he tries to read the report. He’s passed multiple stick figure drawings and that was just the first page. 
Commotion from you allows Bucky to move his eyes away from the eyesore. You take a break from typing away on your computer to scratch your bare thigh. Even after you hand leaves the spot where the hem of Bucky’s t-shirt is touching your thigh, his eyes are boring holes into it. You’re sitting sideways in Steve’s reading chair, bare legs thrown over the armrest. Your soft, smooth legs shine under the light and Bucky’s hand twitches. He can practically feel your thighs underneath his hands as he spreads your legs. Not like he wasn’t just between them like an hour ago. 
Memories of you coming on his cock fill his brain as blood rushes south. He moves up to your face. You’re biting your lip in concentration as you type out a scientific article. They’re still slightly swollen from Bucky. It’s not Bucky’s fault you’re a really good kisser and he just wants to kiss you 24/7.
With the sight of the wide collar of his shirt displaying previous hickeys and little bit of your cleavage, Bucky’s ripping out a page of Clint’s report. It was shitty. Steve was gonna make him redo it anyways. He balls up the piece of paper and throws it at you as Steve continues his star spangled rant in his ear.
Everyone knows Bucky’s aim is good. He hits you right on your forehead with it. You turn to glare at him. As you blink slowly at him, he points down to his crotch. You scoff and laugh at him. Bucky moves and cups the phone away from his mouth. 
“Come hop on this dick.” Maybe Bucky said something wrong because you go back to your computer. “Please.” He tries giving his best puppy dog look, wide eyes and mouth turned into a pout. If it works on Steve, it should work on you.
“Oh my god,” Bucky‘s heart flutters as you laugh when you speak. ”I’m saving my work. Give me a minute.” 
“What was that, Buck?” Steve has stopped his rant to ask Bucky a question.
“Oh, she was just checking on the spelling of adamantium.” Bucky doesn’t take his eyes off you as you shut your laptop and stand up, putting the computer in your seat. You stretch out your arms and your underwear is on full display for him. 
“Oh,” is all Steve says before going back to his rant. You walk over to Bucky, hips swaying side to side. Bucky is hastily putting Steve on speaker and setting his phone on the mahogany desk. He takes your hand and pulls you on his lap. You throw your arms over Bucky’s shoulders and give him a sweet kiss as he rubs your back. His hand is slowly pushing up the shirt up your back so he can make more skin contact. 
“He’s really going on a rant, isn’t he?” You speak lowly and glance back at Bucky’s phone. Bucky takes your chin between his fingers and turns you to face him. 
“Ignore him.” Bucky kisses you senselessly. It doesn’t take him long to deepen the kiss, tongue swiping out to invade your mouth. You moan as his other hand moves to play with the hem of your panties. 
“You guys know I can hear you, right? You’re making out as I tell Bucky about the worst few days of my life. Unbelievable.” Bucky breaks away from you to reply and you trail after his lips. He smirks as he talks.
“ ‘M sorry, Stevie. You should see our sweet girl right now. Been walking around in my t-shirt with no pants for the past hour. All her hickeys are on display. She looks extra kissable too. Bet she’s even already wet, again, too. Are you wet for me, sweetheart?” Your eyes are stuck on Bucky’s lips, watching the way they move as he speaks. You nod. “Gotta speak up, babe. Stevie’s gotta hear too.”
“Y-yes. I’m wet. I think Bucky should feel for himself, though.” You grab his metal hand and slide it into the front of your underwear. Bucky reaches further down to where you ache for him.
At the feel of your sopping folds as he slides his fingers through the mess between your thighs, Bucky groans out. “She definitely wasn’t lying.” Bucky kneads your sex harder and your breath hitches. 
Steve inhales and exhales loudly through the phone. “I hate you. I hate you both. You’re killing me.” 
“What do you say doll? Want to kill him even more and let him hear me wreck that sweet pussy even more?” Butterflies rumble in your stomach. Even if Bucky wasn’t going to fuck yoou, you were going to ride his thigh. You find yourself nodding your head adamantly through the pleasure as Steve speaks. 
“I can’t believe I’m asking, but even more? What do you mean?” Steve’s brain is definitely fried from dealing with everyone’s bullshit.
“It was rare for me to be out of this tight, little cunt. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” As Bucky talks, he’s sliding his two of his fingers inside of you and finding those sensitive spots inside of you. 
“B-Bucky, please.” You whimper as he pumps his fingers expertly. Bucky isn’t lying. He’s fucked you until you’re overworked and sensitive. It doesn’t take much to start to feel the rise of your orgasm.  
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” His metal thumb circles your clit. “You gonna be a good slut and cum for me and Steve? You know what? Why don’t you ask Steve if you can cum?” 
“Steve, please. P-please, can I come?” No hesitation as you start to beg. 
“Let her cum, Buck.” Bucky doubles his effort, pumping his fingers at faster speed. You hold onto his bicep for dear life, nails digging crescent shapes as your muscles tense. You reach your peak.
“FUCK!” You curse in between breathy moans. Bucky lets you ride out your orgasm before he slips his fingers out of you and into his mouth. He takes his fingers out with a pop, loud enough for Steve to hear. 
“How does she taste?”
“Like fucking candy.” Steve is groaning and a door slamming in the background breaks the trance between you and Bucky. 
“I hope you guys are happy. I’m gonna jerk it out in a supply closet like some kind of creep because you two couldn’t wait twenty fucking minutes to stop fucking like bunnies.” 
“Well, you head the Captain. Let’s give him something good to listen to. C’mon and fuck me.” You look at Bucky expectantingly. 
“Fuck.” Bucky’s groaning as he sets you on your feet. Before you can blink, he’s yanking his shirt off you and standing up to his full height. You only have a few seconds to look up at him before he’s turning you around and picking you up by the waist to roughly place on Steve’s desk. Your feet barely graze the ground with your breasts against the cool wood. Bucky doesn’t make you wait for long. Before you can process it, Bucky is moving your underwear to the side and  sliding his cock into you.  You’ve had his cock enough this weekend. He doesn’t let you adjust just starts off at a brutal pace that’s already making you see stars. The smacking of your  skin echoes through the room. You have no doubt it carries through the phone.
He moans at how wrecked you sound already. “Yeah, baby? Bucky making you feel good?”
“So good.” You whimper. Your back arches as you scramble to get a hold of the smooth surface of the desk. Bucky notices and takes your hand down to reach his thigh. Your fingers dig into his skin. You can feel his muscles contract underneath your fingertips as he thrusts into you. “So fucking good, Bucky.” Even with your ears ringing, you’re able to hear the tell tale signs of skin slapping skin on Steve’s line. Bucky is too focused on your praise to make fun of him for it, thrusting into you with vigor. He tugs on your hips so you’re hanging more off the table. You whimper out as Bucky reaches around you for your clit, rubbing in fast circles.
“Jesus Christ, you sound so pretty. I wish I was there.” 
“What would you do, Stevie?” Bucky pants as he speaks. “It sure would be great if you were here to take her mouth. The wet heat of her mouth is almost as good as her pussy. She can barely deepthroat your massive cock. It’d be a great show.” Bucky’s palm smacks down on your ass cheek. It’s almost as if he knows your mouth is watering at the thought. 
“Bucky!” Your hips buck at the stinging feeling  of metal.
“You’re the biggest fucking tease, Bucky. I should put your mouth to good use.” Bucky’s thrusts falter for a few seconds before his pace picks back up. Well, Bucky definitely wants his mouth used like a whore and you can’t really blame him. There’s something special in letting Captain America facefuck you, firm grip on the back of your head as he makes you take as much of his length as you can. 
The thought has your orgasm approaching quicker than you thought as drool starts to pool on the desk. The sight of your muscles tensing and the feel of your nails digging harder into his thigh has Bucky doubling his efforts, angling to hit your sensitive depths with every thrust and rubbing your clit even faster. 
“Cum for us. Remind Steve how pretty you sound when you cum.”  
“Cum for us, angel. Be a good girl.” 
With the sound of both of your boyfriends begging in low, deep voices for release, your orgasm overcomes you rather quickly. Your breathy moans fill the room as you pant. Your legs are so shaking so hard, Bucky has to make sure you don’t fall off the desk as he fucks you through your orgasm. You can barely make out Steve groaning into the phone as you moan out his name. 
When you manage to catch your breath over the oversensitivity Bucky is putting you through, a mischievous grin spreads across your face as he thrusts get sloppy. “You close, Bucky? I think you should ask Stevie if you can cum.”
“You heard the woman.” 
“Steve, I swear to fucking God if you don’t let me cum-”
“Please, can I cum?”
“I think you know what I’m looking for, Bucky.”
“Please, can I cum, sir?” 
“See that wasn’t so hard. Go ahead.” With his permission, you can feel Bucky spill his warmth as you whimper. His groaning sends shivers down your spine as he roughly yanks your hips to meet cock in the last few thrusts. 
Everyone takes a few minutes to catch their breath before Steve is speaking out again. “The weirdest fucking part about this is that I haven’t had time to switch out of my stealth suit.” A moan slips out of your mouth on accident as you clench down on Bucky. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“Did she just-”
“I want you both naked waiting for me on our bed. 15 minutes. Try not to fuck each others brains by then.” Steve abruptly hangs up after that leaving you and Bucky to scramble to the bedroom. 
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hufflautia · 4 years ago
The Boyfriend
Dedicated to the anon who came up w this idea and to @eatacrackerandstop <3. There's a small Shadow and Bone reference; if you find it, you get a high five✨
Summary: Slytherin and Hufflepuff meet their daughter’s boyfriend for the first time, and Slytherin has a few concerns.
Hufflepuff closes the door behind her daughter, who stepped out to privately wish her boyfriend goodbye on the front stoop, and turns to Slytherin.
“He seems like a sweet kid,” she smiles. Slytherin follows her into the kitchen with a disgruntled expression. He leans against the countertop as she begins washing the dishes.
“What’s taking her so long,” he eyes the door. “It only takes a couple of seconds to say goodbye to someone.”
“They spent the entire night with us. They probably just want a little alone time,” Hufflepuff replies. She glances at him when he sighs and crosses his arms. “Do I sense a little disdain for our daughter’s boyfriend?”
Slytherin scowls.
“I don���t like him,” he states plainly. “He gives me...bad boy vibes.” His scowl deepens when she laughs incredulously.
“Bad boy vibes?”
“Yes,” he says indignantly. “Bad boy vibes! Did you see his smirk when she laughed at his joke?"
"You smirk a lot,” she points out, to which he grudgingly admits. “Besides, is it bad that he can make her laugh?"
"'Course not," he huffs. "But did you see how he put his arms around her?”
"I'm pretty sure that's called a hug, honey."
Slytherin steps between her and the sink. She shoots him a look as water drips on the floor.
“Please get out of my way, Slytherin. You’re acting like a child.”
He takes her hands into his own, not caring that they’re wet. “Honey, you’re not listening to me.”
“I am! I just don’t agree with you.” She continues before Slytherin can object. “You’re worrying over nothing. Our daughter is old enough to make her own decisions on who she hangs out with and what she does with her time."
“She’s only in her seventh year—”
“Slytherin," she says sternly. “Our baby is grown now, believe it or not. I trust her judgment. You should too.”
His brows furrow, and he doesn’t respond right away.
"It's not that I don't trust her," he finally says. "I just don't want her to get hurt."
Hufflepuff softens in this rare moment of vulnerability—his grumpiness and frustration often mask his fears.
"We can't control what happens," she says gently. "We can't control who does what or who hurts who. But what we can control is what we do and how we act." Slytherin remains silent as he considers her words. "I think the best thing we can do is support our daughter. And if things don't end well in their relationship, she will know who to come to: the people who have always been there for her."
Her words sink in, and Slytherin nods.
"You're right."
"'Course I'm right."
He smiles somberly. "I’ve only ever wanted to protect her."
"You will," she assures, pulling him into an embrace. "But you will do so at a healthy and reasonable distance. No threatening the boy."
Slytherin snorts and says, "I'm not that type of dad." He rests his chin on top of her head. "But if he breaks her heart, I keep no promises."
"Good," she murmurs into his shirt. “I'll be right behind you.”
Their moment of peace is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. They see their daughter, Giselle, standing by the doorway with a flushed grin.
"Hey kiddo," Slytherin smiles.
She makes a face. “I'm 18, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore."
"Alright." Hufflepuff notices a familiar gleam in his eye and tries not to smile as he continues. "Do you prefer muffin? Sweet pea? Or perhaps cupcake—"
Giselle covers her ears. "Dad!" she groans. "Eat a cracker and stop."
He holds his hands up in defeat as he chuckles. "Okay, okay."
"So," Hufflepuff says once things settle down. "What did Dorian think? Did he like us? What about the food? Was my cooking okay?" A look of horror washes over her face. "Oh shoot, should we have given him some leftovers to take back to his family? He probably didn't get too far, I'll go get the food from the fridge and—"
"Honey," Slytherin laughs, resting his hand on the small of her back before she can scurry off in search of tin foil and plastic containers. "It's fine."
"Yeah," Giselle assures. "The food was great, and he loved meeting you guys."
"And we loved meeting him,” Hufflepuff says warmly. “Tell Dorian he's welcome to come back at any time."
"Okay," she grins. "Can we start our movie night now?"
Slytherin nods. "I believe it's Mom's turn to choose the movie."
"I know exactly what we should watch tonight," Hufflepuff beams. They pile onto the couch, and when she puts the disc into the DVD player, everyone but Hufflepuff's face falls when they see the title.
"Aw, not this movie," Giselle complains. "We watched the trailer last week, and you said it yourself that it looked like trash."
"Wha—I didn't say trash!"
"I think you did," Slytherin interjects. He stifles a laugh when she shoots him a look.
Hufflepuff purses her lips. "Ravenclaw and I watched it at the movie theaters a few days ago, and it was a cinematic masterpiece!"
He arches an eyebrow. "So you're gonna watch it again?"
"Yes! Because it’s that good. And I want you guys to watch it with me. The movie has adventure and plot twists and romance—I mean, what hurts more than a broken heart?"
"A severed head," Giselle replies, to which Slytherin snorts a laugh.
Hufflepuff scoffs and shakes her head, but a smile tugs at her lips. “You’ll see what I’m talking about after we watch it, but I need to use the bathroom first. I’ll bring back some popcorn.”
“Can you also get some Sprite?” Giselle calls after her.
“Okay.” Hufflepuff lingers by the doorway. “Do you want anything, sweetie pie?” she says to Slytherin.
“No thanks, snuggle bunny.” He snickers when Giselle visibly cringes. He and Hufflepuff liked to call each other outrageously sweet pet names in front of their daughter for the sole purpose of grossing her out.
“Yes,” Giselle says in a deadpan voice. “This is the exact spot I want to be in right now.”
Hufflepuff laughs and winks at Slytherin before leaving. He watches her walk away before whispering to Giselle, “How likely is it that she’ll accidentally trap herself in the bathroom and we get to pick another movie?”
“Extremely likely,” she replies. “If we put a rubber item underneath the door to act as a door stopper, she won’t be able to open it from the inside…” Slytherin is looking at her weirdly, and she swallows her words. “...I mean, I don’t know.”
Slytherin smiles but doesn’t say anything. Giselle may have inherited her mother’s looks, but she has her father’s mischief.
While they wait for Hufflepuff, Slytherin speaks. “Can I ask you something personal?”
“Sure,” she says cautiously.
“Do you love him?”
Her eyebrows rise—she didn’t expect this question. She takes a moment to think.
"Not yet.”
He nods. "But you're happy?"
"I am," she smiles.
His eyes crinkle. If she was happy…well, that was good enough for him.
“I’m glad, kiddo.”
This time, Giselle doesn’t roll her eyes at the term of endearment. Instead, she takes his hand and squeezes it three times. Slytherin, who taught her the gesture, squeezes her hand four times in response.
“Who’s ready to start the movie?” Hufflepuff walks in with popcorn and sprite, unaware of the father-daughter moment she just missed.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Slytherin sighs, scooting over to make space for her. She plops down beside him and settles the bowl between them.
“Oh,” she perks up. “Before I forget. Accio tissue boxes!”
Slytherin looks bewildered as tissue boxes come flying their way. “Do we really need tissues?”
“Absolutely,” she scatters the boxes over their laps. Slytherin raises an eyebrow and glances over at Giselle, who also looks perplexed.
“My teen angst bullshit is about to have a body count,” she whispers as the movie begins playing.
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A/N: This fic is somewhat connected to Different Love Languages, another one of my fics. Is the slytherpuff couple in that fic the same couple in this one? That's up to you, dear reader😌
I lowkey hate the title, but I couldn't come up w a better one. Also, this fic was longer than I planned. I originally decided to write something like this:
“Why don’t you like him?”
“Because I used to be a bad boy, which is exactly why I don’t trust him.”
Basic dialogue, plain and simple. But the darling anon who told me their idea deserves a full-length story <3
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Let me know what you thought of this one-shot. Feedback makes me happy <3 If you prefer to stay anonymous, the anon option for asks is available! Be safe and well, everyone.
Tag lists are open✨ Let me know via ask/messages/comments if you want to be added or removed.
@slytherpuff-shenanigans @axieleration @sunnniiee @just--another--bean @determinedpines @zenobiagrace @asterinflower @cinnamon-roll-unicorn @mossy-axolotl @dumbbitch11 @hitchhiker-of-the-galaxy @notsowiseravenclaw @arianatorpotterhead @eatacrackerandstop @luciferswife16 @walkinganomaly @asunshinepuff @lewispoolerpayton @adreameratdawn @thewitcheswords @oncergleekpotterhead @princessstoopid @stardustzainy @flvrqnce @multi-fandom-nutjob @eunnieah @iamahufflepuff @1hufflepuff @introvertedrae @princessstoopid @jasminedayz @magnoliamermaid @HOPEFUL-HUFFLEPUFF-PEEVES @peanut-in-the-goal @pufflehuff929 @sophiexteresa @da-fox-rangerrr @dawinehouse @shipping-book-keeper @xxavaloraxx @silverhetdanes @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @elegantcroissantplaidpony @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog @vickeyunicorn @arianatorpotterhead @hmilkwhoney @simpering-simpleton @grandcyclecreation @sweetinvisiblewriter @marvelenthusiast10 @mvlpksvthisht @qiaopa @beardedhumanoid @jadefox05 @justanotherperson @inkedintothepaper @minty-malfoy @trippy-morgan @fangirlgeekandfreak @boilyourteeth @absentmindeduniverse @colettedelaurel @halfelven1 @happy-puff @coloring-bud @in-love-with-remus-lupin @autumnpleaves @crakencc @flyme--tothemoon @hedgepuffgirl @littleemotionalpanda @pancakes-and-sugar @korra4321 @aquietkindofthunder @qixnsriess @porksoba @thatfann @hellounicorn @i-have-a-bad-feeling @aasa2102 @zuko-28 @annie-mcl @clementines-x @writtenfoxscreams @randomwriter23 @cryingabtwandavision @coolninjavoid @urfaveslytherin @malfoys-demigod @tumlbr-trasher @violayaxley @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @zainieees-stuff @blueberry-9-pancakes @stressy-depressy @royalelusts
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insufferablelust · 5 years ago
okay, so... matthews been working on his new script alot and you need attention. so you go into his office in just one of his button ups, instead of him fucking you right away he says you can come sit on his cock. if you are good he will fuck you but if you arent he will keep adding time. you end up sitting on him for an hour. for the last 15 mins he makes you edge yourself. then, he picks you up and bends you over and fucks you. he makes you watch in the mirror that is in front of his desk
Look, Its the queen again! @slutforthegubes is literally one of the only person who keeps me going and keeping me in a creative mindset! so thank you so much bb!! love you!
WARNINGS : Smut obvi, Dom!Mgg x Sub!Reader, Degradation by name calling, Rough sex, Slight exhibitionism, Spitting in mouth stuff :), Slight breeding kink, edging, orgasm denial, over stimulation, aftercare and um just your usual filthy smut from me you know the drill :)
excuse the writting errors! thank you and happy reading. view my other works —> MASTERLIST
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It’s been an hour since Matthew decided that he needed to work on his newest script on a Sunday morning, you were half asleep when he pressed lingering kisses on your neck before announcing that he has some script reading to do, which you groaned at but still too drowsy to process anything. Of course, Matthew didn’t want to leave the bed at such an early morning on a Sunday nonetheless but he really needs to get this done.
But now here you were, all alone sprawled out on your shared bed, with no warmth from your boyfriend to engulf you. An annoyed huffed left your lips as you clutched onto his pillow, trying to inhale as much as his scent as possible, you want to drown and bathe in his scent, you want him— no you need him. It’s safe to say that you were desperately needy for him.
This doesn’t happen too often, but it does happen sometimes, more times than others now that you finally have the time to really enjoy each other. Sometimes you get like this, so turned on that you became a mindless little brat, and the only thing that can soothe your neediness is none other than Matthew. You just want him to pound into you like tomorrow doesn’t exists, maybe choke on you a little, and hearing his condescending tone as he spank you for being bad, god you need it and you need it bad this morning.
The heat inside your belly swell up at the scent of him, causing you to hump a little against the silky sheets, the fact that you’re naked and covered with his marks on you from last night’s activities only fueled up the building intensity within your core. You wanted to be good for Matthew, desperately after all, he doesn’t have that many rules for you, just the essentials like “Don’t ever cum without my permission, nobody and that includes you shall touch what’s mine unless its under my permission, and obey everything i said unless you safe word.” But you’re so needy, you’re willing to humiliate yourself by letting your cunt graze against the silk and moaned— technically you didn’t break any rules.
Soon enough, your need for him only became stronger and humping the sheets felt so dull compared to the pleasure you know he can give you, you just need him to be inside you that’s all. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you get up, quickly putting on one of Matthew’s button up that was tossed to the side and head downstairs looking all cute, and... messy— your hair is a cute mess, your nipples hard against the shirt, your eyes looked hazy, your lips red and bitten raw, the marks on your neck to your collarbones as well as the ones on your ass were exposed, and the dripping wet core between your legs. God, you looked like a fuckable goddess.
When you knock on his office door your feet jump giddily, knowing how this will go down, surely he can’t resist you looking this good and marked just for him... Oh if only you knew how patient Matthew is at keeping you on the edge.
“Come in”
His voice sent her straight to heaven, she thought as she leaned against the door for a second before taking a deep breath and then open his office door, revealing a very very focused yet intimidating looking Matthew. His lips tucked away between his upper teeth, his veiny fingers holding the script as his glasses covered eyes taking through each words, plus his mismatched socks, blue and green this time. You kept wondering, How can one look so cute yet hot at the same time.
You closed the door before padded down on the carpeted floor, to where he’s sitting. “Hi, Matthew!” Your chirped, tone way too high, that has him immediately looking up from his script. See, You and Matthew knew each other so well, that even by how you act and speak can show what mood you’re in, and when he looked at you wearing his large button up, clearly no bra or panties, messy hair, and high pitched voice, he knows exactly what you’re up to, and oh no, Y/N has chosen a very very bad day to be naughty.
“Princess, come here.” He pat his lap, signaling for you to sit which you happily do right away, but when you tried to straddle him, both of his hand gripped your waist tightly so you stilled on your feet, looking at him with confusion “What’s wrong?”
The way he smiled sent goosebumps all the way to your core, as you gulped loudly. “I told you to sit on my lap, not to straddle my thigh. You don’t think you can fool me do you baby? I know how desperate little thing like you wouldn’t be able to resist grinding your needy cunt against me. It’s pathetic really.” Your eyes met his, but whilst his eyes shown unmerciful, your eyes begged for mercy. A perfect balance.
You really should’ve learned that there’s no way you could escape something that’s so clear already, yet you still run your mouth, “I wasn’t going to! i thought—“ you stopped abruptly when he suddenly pushed two of his lean fingers into your mouth as a way to shut you up. Y/N gagged a little, eyes watering before lowering them in submission, her mouth follows the gesture— suckling on his fingers eagerly.
“Oh would you look at that? the needy baby knows her place after all.” He scoffed, his other hand released your hips then pulled his fingers out of your mouth, bringing the wet fingers down past her (his) button up, Y/N gasped quickly at the way it trails up from her slit to the tip of her clit in a very agonizingly slow pace.
“Well somebody’s wet, isn’t she? been having fun without my permission, pretty girl?” He cooed, tilting his head with his eyebrows raised, and his lips curled into a tight smile. He’s mad, he’s burning mad.
“No! no, sir! i never touched what’s yours.” You defended yourself, trying so hard to not let your knees buckled at the sensation of his fingers slowly torturing your pussy with feathery touches and flicks around your clit.
“Shut up.” He ordered, “you know.. you weren’t as quiet as you thought baby, ‘s a shame really, you should’ve known how loud and greedy you are.”
“But i wasn—“ He dangerously cut you off, with one hand gripping the base of your throat and the other pushing two fingers up your pussy, pumping them slowly.
“Be quiet, petal.” He demanded, his fingers going faster and faster as he curled them upwards to thrust on your spongy walls making you tremble against him and involuntary tightening your walls around his fingers. “Gonna cum, princess?” you cried out a loud ‘yes please!’ at his coos— you were so close that your eyes fluttered shut, you breathing hitched when his hand around your throat tightened and he pulled out his fingers with a condescending laugh.
“Not so fast, love.” He pressed a soft kiss on your cheek, the contrast evident from how you were gasping heavily, “Now, I still have few more scripts to go through, since you’re here already why don’t you be a doll and sit on my cock, but you can’t cum, you can’t make a sound, and you can’t move. If you move even an inch, best believe there’ll be consequences” He explained slowly, suggesting how mushy your brain is right now, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure, but you knew that he demanded.
You obediently nod, receiving a small ‘good girl, i love you, baby’ from him that made your tummy warm, it was a reminder that no matter how rough and far he took it, this is all for your pleasure and his. Y/N smiled shakily whispering i love you, as she pulled his cock out, lining it up with her slit before she sink down on his length slowly, causing the both of them to moan out loud.
“That’s it, such a perfect whore for me. Sit still now baby, i have some work to do.” The way he snapped out of his demeanor to his dominant one really had you shaking, plus the way his cock filling your pussy— it honestly felt too much, too good, and warm. You just want to cum, this is going to be so hard, you thought as you try to sit still, leaned your head back against his shoulder and closed your eyes.
The first 10 minutes was a torture, Matthew is well endowed— not too big that it hurts, but perfect enough that you can feel the burn from his length stretching you out, he’s long enough that when he thrust up, the head of his cock hits the perfect spot inside you. So accommodating his size wasn’t easy, you practically squirming in his lap that has him slapping your thigh more than 10 times, with a harsh “Quiet.”
Then 30 minutes had passed, you were comfortable enough that you shakily asked him some questions about his scripts as he read them, but even then you still receive a total of 5 slap to your thighs for practically grinding on his cock— well who could blame her? she’s filled to the brim of him.
When they reached 45 minutes, Y/N watched as Matthew finished reading the last of his script— she can practically feel herself start to throb around him, itching to jump up and down his cock like a bunny. So she looked up at him through her lashes, batting them innocently, “Sir.. can i.. can we.. please? you’re done right?” You purred nervously as he put his files back onto the drawer. This is it, you thought.
“No, i’m not done. I’m going to get a call in a minute, and i want you to stay here and quiet like an obedient little slut i know you can be.” Okay.. that wont be too hard, usually his calls only last 10 minutes and you’re content. But as you were about to answer, your jaw fell open as quick as your luck have.
“And i want you to rub that pretty clit, edge yourself for me, every time you’re close i want you to slap it gently 3 times before going back at it, no stopping. If i hear a squeak or i see you stop or move on my cock, i won’t let you cum tonight. Understand?” He demanded right next to hear ear, voice all raspy and deep sending chills right up her spine.
She doesn’t have any choice but to say “yes, sir.” Knowing full well that if this wasn’t something that she wanted she could stop it, but she wanted this, and deep down she knows how much Matthew love seeing her all squirmy and needy mess for him.
So he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before picking up the call from his manager. His hand tapped your tummy twice, signaling for you to start. Slowly, you bring your hand down your clit, feeling the wetness from where your cunt connected with his cock, gasping quietly as you rub the wetness on your clit. If you thought that before was a torture, then this is death. You can’t even control the way you shake as you keep on rubbing your clit like he asked, meanwhile he’s talking about an upcoming project.
You panted heavily as you slapped your cunt 3 times when you felt how close you were, your face was a mess, tears streaming down your cheeks and you’re practically squeezing around Matthew’s cock earning a grunt from him, and a warning pinch on your thigh.
“N-no i’m alright, yeah i stubbed my toe.” He glared at you as your eyes begged him, you were seconds away from coming all over his cock when he finally— finally ended his call.
Matthew didn’t waste any time, he gripped your wrist and slapped it away from your cunt, using his own fingers to rub your clit fast as you clench all over his cock. “You’re so cute, but i’m afraid i’ll have to ruin you, baby.” He whispered as if you haven’t been acting like a desperate whore for him this whole time. “Just for you! just you fuck, Sir may i cum?” You mewled loudly, Matthew held you close against him, nibbling on your ear before whispering a low, “Cum, now.” and so you did. Hard. Warm, everything is blazing as you squirm and convulse safely tucked away inside his arms.
“Good girl Y/N, shh that’s it. So cute when you cry like that.” He cooed as you came down from your high, only to feel him buck his hips up and slammed his cock deeper into you,
“Think i’m done baby? no no no. Not fair right? i’ve worked so hard, yet you’re the only one who came.” His voice sending alerts to your system as you buzz and whimpered out, “No.. not fair sir, please let me help.” You’re so tuckered out but in your delicate submissive state, his pleasure is what matters to you.
Matthew pulled his cock out of you, causing you to whine not used to the feeling of emptiness, which he chuckled and muttered “Patience, my good little slut always wait.” You nodded eagerly, just wanting to please him.
He gripped your hair in hand, tightly pulling it back a little, leaving your mouth hang open— Then unexpectedly, his gaze is on your half lidded eyes as he spit down your throat. The gesture made you widen your eyes in shock but swallowing it still which made him grin.
“Ah, of course you would like that.”
“Sir.. can you do it again please?” You definitely shocked yourself and him, his eyes widen for a second before quickly clearing his throat and spit down your throat, which you moaned lewdly and closing your eyes, whispering “Thank you sir” that earned you a slap on the ass and him bending you over the opposite end of the desk where you can see your reflection through the mirror in front of you.
“Gonna give you what you’ve been wanting now, baby.” He whispered, his gripped on your hair is tight as he aligned himself with your wet entrance, your chin pressed against the desk with him leaning down and whispered “You’re gonna take it, and watch.”
Matthew slip his cock into you inch by inch, letting out grunts and moans as he felt your tight warm hole engulfed his cock once more. Your eyes kept on looking to the mirror as you begin to whine, he’s filling you so good— its even deeper with this position.
He stared at your eyes at the reflection before he smiles dangerously and begin to thrust in and out of you, in a fast pace, with one hand on your hips and one hand on your hair, spontaneously gripping them. You let out little moans and squeaks as you feel yourself getting close quickly, body buzzing with oversensitivity. “Sir i- oh!—“
“Cum as many times as you want, fuck— baby go on, you deserve it.” So you came again, he can feel your walls became impossibly tight making him throw his head back and his thrusts becomes sloppier yet brutal.
“You’re perfect Y/N, such a goddess— fuck i love you.” He keeps on grunting your name as he fucks you on his desk, you both lock eyes in the mirror one last time before he came inside you, spilling every bit of him inside with strings of curses and i love you’s.
“I love you.. Matthew..” Y/N croaked out, as Matthew pulled out slowly, then grabbed a cloth to wipes both of you and settling you down on his lap sideways as he cradled you. “I love you too, future Mrs. Gubler”
“We should really considering condoms.” You laughed as you hid your face on your fiancé’s neck
“Aren’t you on birth control?” He curiously asked, playing with your hair soothingly as you purred, “Yeah but.. we have sex 24/7, its possible that you know” You blushed as he chuckled then whispered on your ear,
“I wouldn’t mind anyways.”
“Matthew Gray Gubler!”
Hope you enjoyed! as always, blurb reqs are open just send in ideas or feedbacks or constructive criticisms if you have any! i’m working my way down the requests so be patient. Thank you! i love you!
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babbushka · 4 years ago
I’ve never been able to give prompts because I’ve always been asleep while they’re open 🥺 So now I’m being greedy with 2 😂 “see what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again” and/or “what do you say?” Smutted it up with Flip Zimmerman 🔥🔥🔥
Can I please request the prompt that’s like ‘should I wear the panties or the black panties? I don’t care, I’m going to rip them off anyway.’ For Exhibitionist!Flip please? Thank you 💋
2k, CW: brief derogatory name-calling, brief violence; NSFW (roleplay, public sex (back hallway of a disco), exhibitionism, finger-sucking, hair pulling, possessive behavior, rough sex, teasing, messy PIV) 
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Lights down low, music loud, Flip stalks through the crowd. Bodies gyrating and grinding on one another, he pushes through the dance floor, singularly focused. Women fawn over him, hands caressing his broad shoulders and tall frame, men eye him up and down appreciatively, give him looks he respectfully declines as he sucks down the nicotine from his cigarette.
He’s hunting you down, trying his best to find you among the happy screaming cheering singing discotheque. It’s a game you play sometimes, a game he loves to win: find you, seduce you, and bring you back home with him. It’s a game you’ve been playing for years, and as ABBA thuds inside his brain, he spots you moving and grooving almost in slow motion, covered in sweat and glitter.
Flip’s about to grin, glad to have found you – when suddenly he stops dead in his tracks as a pair of unwanted hands slip around your waist, and he sees red.
He can’t make a scene, not here, not around all these people, but he storms his way through the crowd to get to where you’re awkwardly shimmying away from this strange man, a man you’ve never seen before, someone who decided to take advantage of you being by yourself on the dance floor.
“Hey gorgeous.” Flip’s voice is deep and dangerous, cutting through the blasting bass, and your whole face lights up.
Flip slides an arm around your waist and immediately tuck you against his side, content to just steal you away and let that be that, but this stranger seems to not have a sense of self-preservation and clamps his hand down on your arm, not letting you go.
“You look like you’re lost buddy, lookin’ for someone?” He threatens, and you yank your arm out of his grip, pressing yourself against your husband’s side.
“Yeah I think I just found her.” Flip sneers, brows pinching in a menacing scowl, giving him one last chance to, “Back the fuck up.”
Evidently realizing that you had no interest in him, the stranger cuts his losses and scoffs. He gets half a step away before saying something that you wince at, not because you’re upset, but because you know Flip is going to lose his fucking mind about it.
“You cunts are all the same.” The man waves you off, and Flip practically lunges forward to grab him by the back of his exaggeratedly collared shirt, twisting him around and kneeing him in the stomach hard, until he’s falling to the floor.
“Apologize, now.” Flip nearly bites through his cigarette, kicking the guy in the gut when he doesn’t answer. “Now!”
“S-sorry! Fuck I’m sorry!” The man immediately grovels and apologizes, and Flip lets him get up and scramble away, muttering and wheezing under his breath, “Fucking Christ…”
No one around you cares enough to so much as spare you a glance, let alone stop dancing, and Flip’s grateful for it. Worse has happened in this club, and everyone’s high out of their minds anyway. In a couple minutes, everyone would forget about his outburst of aggression, and the night could continue smoothly.
Except…now Flip’s angry, real angry. Bright and hot, burning up through his body. He knows it was a possibility, pretending you didn’t know each other, pretending you weren’t married opened you up to a whole world of schmucks’ advances. He knows you can handle yourself, he knows, but he loves you too much to let you.
“My hero.” You dance and sway your hips to the joyous music, a stark contrast to how wound up he’s feeling. You press your glittery lipstick right up to his ear, kissing at his cheek and teasing, “Thanks mister, I owe you.”
“Yeah you fuckin’ do, that wasn’t part of the game.” Flip snaps, and you laugh with how quick he is to drop this little roleplay act.
“Aw come on honey, he didn’t do anything, I would’ve stopped him I promise.” You cup his cheeks in your hands, kissing him deeply before turning around and pulling his arms around you, grinding your ass against his crotch.
He’s painfully hard, the rush of adrenaline going straight to his cock. You grin, wide-eyed and excited, because you love when he’s like this, you want him to take it all out on you.
“Watch what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again ketsl, just watch.” Flip mutters, and in a typical act of stubborn defiance, you do.
It takes two seconds for him to lace his fingers through yours and pull you away from the dance floor, away from the immediate crowds. He leads you to one of the back hallways, where it’s dark and much cooler, not so many bodies packed together. In fact, there’s only a handful of other people in the hallway, and they’re all occupied with the pleasure they’re giving or receiving.
Flip pushes you against the wall, it’s seedy, slick with steam from someone else’s fucking, but neither of you care. Flip wants his hands on you, and wants it now – and you’re no better. You’re already unzipping the front zipper of your halter top, your mini-skirt pushed over your ass. It’s dark enough that no one can see even if they looked, and the thought thrills you both.
No one can see, but everyone can hear, can hear how badly you want him when you whimper and whine for his cock. Flip’s hands feel you up all over, remembering a brief moment from earlier in the day:
“Should I wear the red panties? Or the black ones?” You had asked over the phone during one of his breaks.
“I don’t care, I’m going to rip them off anyway.” He had replied, much to your amusement.
He’s glad though, glad to feel the familiar lace of the red panties peeking up at him. You thought he might’ve been kidding, because you gasp out in shock when he tears the seams of the panties right between your legs, kicks your feet open.
“Flip!” You laugh, swatting at his hand in a mild punishment. He’d be grinning at you if he weren’t still so wound up with anger about the way that man touched you.
“I told you honey-bunny, don’t act surprised.” Flip shakes his head, smokes his cigarette as he pushes your back against the wall, hikes your leg up. You go easily, so easy for him, “Good girl.”
He pulls his cock out and strokes it once or twice before nudging the head of his cock into your pussy, stretching you slowly as he pushes in, walks himself forward until he’s all the way buried to the base.  
“Fuck your cock’s big.” You sigh happily, your pretty nipples stiffening against the fabric of his flannel. It was too hot to be wearing it inside the disco, but Flip doesn’t give a shit, not when he’s two seconds from railing you hard like you deserve.
“Tell me all about it ketsl.” Flip flicks his ash and drops the cigarette, stepping it out underneath his boot and crushing your lips to his as he begins to thrust rough and fast.
“Oh, Flip! Ah—” You gasp into his mouth, clinging onto his shoulders for dear life as he braces one hand against the wall for leverage and fucks you hard.
“You like playin’ dirty? I’ll show you dirty.” Flip grumbles, plowing into you, your pussy stretching around him and clenching, slick and wet and throbbing around his cock. You make the sweetest sounds, little panting moans and whines that’ll get you both caught, so Flip sticks three fingers into your mouth, “Shh, shh baby you gotta be quiet.”
You lave your tongue over those fingers of him, sucking on them like they’re your favorite thing, like they’re his cock. Maybe you will blow him, now or later, you’re sure he deserves it. He makes you feel so good, fucks you so right, protects you. You suck on his fingers until you’re drooling around them, until your jaw hurts.
“A-are you gonna hurt him? Gonna beat the shit out of him for putting his hands on me?” You pull off his fingers for a moment or two, licking up the spit on his knuckles, biting and sucking at the palm of his hand.
“Depends.” Flip grunts, balls slapping loudly against you, the had of his cock pressing hard against your cervix.
“O-on what?” You lick your lips, back of your throat clicking, sweat and glitter smeared across your face, in your eyelashes.
“Where he put those hands.” Flip seethes, possession flaring up in him again and making you come, making you come just from that.
“Fuck me hard Philly, c’mon I – I can take it – yes!” You gasp, your body melting, short-circuiting, legs turning into jell-o.
Flip pulls out of you just long enough to turn you around and push you up against the wall. Your face presses against it, and he’s got one hand around your throat, holding you in place. You hum happily, pushing your ass back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust even as your knees turn in, even as you moan and whine and sigh as he milks your orgasm for all its worth.
He winds one of his hands around your hair and pulls tight, arching your back beautifully for him. He wishes he could see you, but it’s too dark, the low light only illuminating a few inches in front of him. Flip’s cock pulses and comes inside you by the time the next song ends, fucked you raw.
The both of you are breathing hard, and as Flip comes in you he feels some primal urge in him. Let everyone know who you belong to, he thinks. Not that you belong to anyone but yourself, but still. Let them all know who you want, who you keep, who you love.
You love him so much, and he loves you, loves you with everything he’s got, he should tell you as much, he knows you like hearing it when he says it.
“You’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me one of these days honey.” He says instead, and you crack up.
He comes in you a little more, and then when he’s sure he won’t make too much of a mess, he pulls out. You turn around and sigh happily against the wall, arms reaching for him, pulling him close. Flip goes eagerly, wanting to be close to you always.
“Don’t be dramatic, kiss me instead.” You say, teasing him only a little.
“No.” Flip scowls, certain now that he’s come and has a clear head, that it was your plan all along to get him jealous. It worked, because of course it worked, but he doesn’t like admitting he’s so easy to get.
“You know you want to, you love kissing me, don’t you?” You bat your pretty lashes, and Flip doesn’t want to admit that either right now, but yeah, he really does.
So he kisses you, because it’s his favorite thing in the world, and you smile so wide against his lips that he has a hard time keeping a straight face. Beaming up at him, you card your fingers through his hair, so soft and sweet, bringing him back down to calm.
“I don’t like seeing you dancing with other men.” He mumbles, zipping up your halter top, putting your skirt back into place. Your panties are garbage, so he just shimmies them down your legs, stuffs them in his back pocket to sniff on a rainy day.
“I’m sorry honey, I won’t do it again.” You caress his cheek, light him up a new cigarette.
“It’s okay, I’ll just find you faster next time, promise.” He gratefully accepts the camel, blows a couple rings that make you roll your eyes.
“One more dance and then take me home?” You bump your hip against his, the two of you walking back out of the hallway, leaving the other couples and groups who are fucking one another to continue on their own fun.
“Make it two, and you got yourself a deal ketsl.” Flip breathes, and you grin and nod, pulling him back onto the dance floor, only having eyes for one another.
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sunnysviolin · 4 years ago
currently having so many thoughts about aubrey getting sick of her moms mess one day and packing her bunny into her carrier and just leaving... she drifts about friends houses for a while before basil braves up to ask if she's okay :(( she's all out of energy + too stubborn to go home so she doesn't bother arguing and lets him take her to see polly (sorry me again with aubrey ramblings pls tell me to shush if you dont vibe w it)
Wow....I love this so much so I’m gonna combine it with that ask I got the other day and noodle on this a bit. Hope you don’t mind me taking your idea and running nonnie!!!
This got really long and kind of intense, so I’m putting it under a Read More. There’s also gonna be way more ahead!! This AU has caught me. But y’all Serious warning for emotional child abuse and neglect. Aubrey’s mother is decidedly not a good person, and their relationship is very damaged. Read only if you know you mentally can handle it, and no shame in skipping this. This part of it is heavy.  TW: Child abuse and neglect. TW: Alcoholism TW: Running Away TW: Homelessness
In the end it’s the rain that does it. The rain, the drafts in their weary old house, and the bucket that sits in the corner of her room next to her half broken laundry basket
On the last night Aubrey spends in her mother’s house the rain is coming down in freezing icy sheets. It’s bitterly cold, and she is weary. 
The summer of her 16th year has come and gone, and they are firm into the grip of September. It was a summer that had changed everything in her life. A summer where she found her way back to her chosen family, while becoming more isolated than ever from her real family. She had spent almost every hour out of the house- riding scooters with her gang, reconnecting with Basil, finding her way back into Kel’s loyal heart, letting her walls down around Hero, even discovering a hidden strength within her to forgive Sunny.  
It was the best summer of her life, even beating out the perfect summers spent in her childhood with Mari. In those days Aubrey had been naive. She didn’t know what she had, she just assumed she would always have it. This summer she had seen every experience for what it was- a gift. 
Fall coming had been difficult. Really almost nothing had changed, except it had. 
Hero had gone back to college, promising to visit at every chance he could. Aubrey had pushed down the spike of jaded denial that had risen up inside her at his words, and put her arm around Kel who was misty eyed saying goodbye to his brother. 
Sunny had spent most days in Faraway at either Kel or Basil’s house over the summer, but now he only came on weekends. He had started school again, a new school where no one knew his name or his face. He didn’t say much about it, but he hadn’t stopped going yet, so Aubrey considered it progress.
Kel and Basil had stuck close to her, and she was thankful for it. Aubrey knew now that nothing would ever separate the five of them again, but there was still the irrational fear inside of her that they would all leave her sooner or later. Her gang must’ve seen something too, because they had been awkwardly affectionate in a way that both irritated and comforted her.
But her mother....
Her mother had changed too. 
By sixteen Aubrey knew her mothers rhythms like the back of her hand. She knew the cycles that played out. Her mother would circle through various moods- cleaning, ignoring, depressing, drinking, regretting, promising, and then cleaning again. 
The regularity of it all had numbed her to the terrible conditions of her childhood home, and Aubrey spent most of her time out of the house anyway. (She had never been so grateful for nine hours at school, four hours after school goofing off in a big group, and the usual invitation to dinner with Polly or Kel’s mother. Aubrey usually only went home to sleep these days)
But her mother had added and taken away from her cycle. There was a new cycle now, and it was impossible to deal with. 
Ignoring, Depressing, Drinking, Angry, Regretting. Rinse and Repeat. 
Angry was new. Angry was (terrifying)....Angry was new. 
Aubrey had never tried to disrupt her mother’s cycle before, but Angry was enough to get her to try. She would clean the house top to bottom, putting in an effort she had never put in before to make things nice. She had thrown away bottles, cleaned dishes, cooked food, on and on all in an effort to change what she knew was coming. It still came. Her mother still wailed like a banshee, shrieking and hollering loud enough neighbors had called. 
The calls were the worst part. The low humiliation that sat in her stomach as she assured these people who didn’t really care that everything was fine, all while her mother continued to scream in the background. 
With Angry, Regretting was also different too. Aubrey, never one to take things lying down, screamed back until angry tears burst from her eyes. She would break down and sob in front of her mother, her walls finally ripped apart brick by brick by the woman who was supposed to love her most. 
Then her mom would hold her tight and promise things would be different. Regretting had mixed with Promising, and as much as Aubrey wanted to shove away the confusing affection, she couldn’t bring herself to. 
Screaming at each other was the only time that Aubrey’s mother looked at her. Curled in her mother’s arms weeping was the only time that her mother had a kind word. Aubrey couldn’t resist what she always craved, and some sick twisted part of her even longed for the point where her mother would snap and start yelling, just because she knew the release of emotions was soon to follow. 
That last night in her house was one of those nights. Her mother was yelling, too incoherent for Aubrey to even make out the words, but the tone said everything. Her mother had lost it over the dishes in the sink piling up. Aubrey had done them this morning, yet somehow she came home to a sink full of chipped dirty dishes. Those dishes felt like an ironic symbol of her life. No matter how many times she wiped it away. The dishes would be dirty the second she turned around. 
Aubrey was already in tears, her fists bunched at her sides and her teeth grinding down against each other. Soon enough it would be time for her to start yelling back, and the cycle would go on and on and on. The dishes would never be clean. 
Aubrey didn’t want it to go on. Not even her mother holding her was worth how torn apart her heart was becoming. She fled upstairs, slamming the door to attic and locking it tight. It didn’t matter anyway. By this point of drinking, her mother could barely stand, let alone climb a ladder. 
The rain was slamming against her windows, a steady drip already starting in the bucket in her room. It was freezing cold, and goosebumps rose on her bare arms. Maribelle was sitting in her pen, her nose twitching as she watched her Aubrey. Aubrey brushed at her damp cheeks and picked her bunny up, snuggling the tiny white creature close to her chest. 
Maribelle was too cold. Her mother hadn’t paid the heating bill again. The rain was too loud, and the wind sneaking in wrapped Aubrey in a tight grip. Aubrey sat on the edge of the bed and rocked her bun, trying in vain to warm them both up. A single thought ran through her head over and over
This wasn’t worth it. This wasn’t worth the love she craved from a woman who couldn’t give it. This wasn’t worth her pride at keeping things together. This wasn’t worth trying to fix over and over with no results. 
The rain began to slow to a quieter drizzle. Her mother was silent below. In the cold wet of her tiny attic room, Aubrey decided. 
No. This really just...wasn’t worth it. 
Aubrey slipped onto her knees, keeping Maribelle close as she pulled her backpack towards her and began to empty it out. She kept only her English textbook and her history notes. Everything else she could get a spare of. in her bag went two spare shirts and one pair of jeans. She packed in underwear and socks into the smaller front pouch. Aubrey stood and pulled the false bottom out of her desk drawer, taking the cash and the pack of cigarettes she had pinched off her mom and throwing them in as well. 
Finally there were the pictures. The frame of her photo of her and Kim had to be abandoned, but the actual picture was placed carefully inside her backpack. She had never been more happy to have her tiny carrier for Maribelle. The bunny happily hopped inside and burrowed deep in the soft downy blanket Aubrey put inside for her. 
It was depressingly easy to pack up her important things. Shockingly simple to write a note to her mother (I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. Two short sentences and that was it) It hadn’t even been hard to sneak out. After the hour or so it took to gather the rest of her necessities from the house and steal whatever money was in her mother’s purse, said woman had passed out on the couch in an alcoholic haze. 
Aubrey locked the door and stared at the silver key gleaming in her palm. She had only her backpack, a messenger bag, and her tiny bunny carrier. Her whole life fit into two bags. Aubrey left her key on the doorstep. 
She wouldn’t need it anymore. 
The rain had let up, but a harsh breeze whipped around her as she walked, pushing Aubrey to move faster. She took the sidewalks she had taken since she was little, letting her feet move as her mind went blank. Before she knew it she was standing on another street, one more familiar to her than her own. 
Aubrey spared a long look at Kel’s hosue. The lights were on inside, bathing their front yard in a warm golden glow. She stared at it for a moment, considering, and then the chill became too great. 
Aubrey bypassed Kel’s house and quietly snuck into the backyard of Sunny’s old home. The elderly couple that owned the house now was sure to be asleep. Kel said that they were quiet and almost never noticed anything going on. Perfect. 
Aubrey knew exactly where she was going. It was still standing. Faded and beaten down, probably rickety too, but it would be safe for her and her Belle. 
Besides only four other people even knew this treehouse existed. No one would ever find her here. 
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getitinbusan · 5 years ago
The Studio Sessions Part 5 Smut
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It's Min Yoongi's birthday and you're ready to give him whatever he wants. When he makes a sarcastic wish while blowing out the candles he didn't think you'd take it seriously. But he's glad you did.
When word spreads about these special "Studio Sessions" everyone wants to collaborate. A chaptered 0T7 smut. 
These stand alone but you won't want to miss reading all of them!
The Collaborators so far:
J-Hope & Joon
The Jungkook Collaboration
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You kissed Yoongi's cheek, "I'm going to go grab a shower and some clothes that don't have cum all over them."
He swatted your ass as you stood up, "Shall I summon the Golden Maknae?"
You scrunched your face in thought, "I'm not sure how we should approach him Yoongs, he's a bit of a scared rabbit." 
Yoongi nodded thinking the same thing, in many ways Jungkook was just a kid trapped in a man's body. 
"I'll figure it out, in the meantime you've got about ½ an hour of solid uninterrupted work time." You ruffled his hair, "I'll be back!"
Freshly scrubbed you made your way back to the Genius Lab. Just about to turn the corner you stopped, Jungkook, head down, was pacing back and forth in front of the door. 
When he noticed he was no longer alone his eyes locked on to you, his expression serious.
You kissed his cheek, it was smooth and his skin smelt like fresh apricots. "Hey, Kookie, what's up? Isn't Yoongi answering the door?"
Not skipping a beat he abruptly asked, "Don't you want to fuck me Noona?" 
"Oh," You stepped back, "what's going on here Guk?"
His ears went red, "Taehyung, he told me this morning about….what you guys did. Then Jimin, then Joon and Hobi and I saw Jin Hyung leave about half an hour ago smiling stupidly...but nobody called me."
"So you've been standing here wondering why you weren't invited?" 
He nodded, "I've been waiting for my turn all day, I even rubbed one out so I'd last longer for you." Reaching out he touched the fuzzy sweater that covered your arm.
So much for a scared rabbit.
"You placed your hands on his chest, "Guk, you were the prize. I saved you for last because I wanted you the most."
Looking up at him, small smiles graced both your faces as the distance between your lips lessened to nothing. It started soft and passionate but quickly moved to lustful and needy.
"I've thought of a million different ways to get you off Noona, how many times am I allowed to make you cum?" 
Your hands were wrapped in his hair and your breath was ragged, "Yes..." 
He laughed, "Are you that far gone already?" He shoved his leg between yours, knee slightly bent and grabbed your hips.
As your tongues explored each other's mouths he guided you up and down his thigh. You couldn't help but moan out loud as your clit found friction on his flexed muscle.
Dragging his lips to your collarbone he sucked hard, "Does all of you taste this good Noona?
Your mind was blank as you were quickly unravelling, no thought to the Big Hit security cameras catching you humping Kookie's leg in the hallway. He, however, knowing someone was watching, turned and smiled towards them.
"Crying out as you came, he held your body up against his. Turning the handle you both stumbled mouths attached into the studio.
Jungkook swung you over to the couch and grabbed at your legs to remove your pants. 
"Don't mind me I guess?" Yoongi frowned from his chair.
"So no problems getting him here huh Y/N?" 
Jungkook looked towards him, "Shit, is this okay?" 
"Since I already heard her cumming in the hallway it might be a little late for permissions."
He tongued the inside of his cheek, "I mean, both of you have been fantasizing about this since day one so... just fuck and get it over with." 
You knew he wasn't happy, but until he called it, you weren't about to stop. 
Jungkook got back to removing your pants. He either didn't notice or didn't care that he'd agitated your boyfriend.
Sucking two fingers he pushed your now bare legs apart and slid them inside you. 
He moaned at the sight, "You're so beautiful Noona, look at how they slide right in.
Putting in a third he cupped his hand. Rocking it quickly, his fingers hit your g spot, palm rubbing your clit simultaneously. He was already making your brain mush and his dick hadn't even left his pants.
As his right hand worked tirelessly to get you to orgasm number two. His left hand raised your shirt and he grinned devilishly, "No bra?"
He squeezed the base of your breast and latched his mouth onto your hardened nipple. Every nerve ending in your body was overcome with pleasure as he tugged it between his lips.  
Yoongi turned his chair to watch, you were unusually quiet except for the heavy breathing. "You okay babe?" He asked seriously.
"Uh-huh, yes...oh my god," barely able to form thoughts let alone words you were having an out of body experience.
He stared at your face, even screwed up in pleasure you were still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.  Sensing his gaze you forced your eyes open, both of you locked onto each other as Jungkook made you squirt all over the couch. 
The Maknae sat back looking in amazement at the mess he just helped create, "I... wow, I didn't think that..shit."
His breathing was heavy and his cock strained against his jeans but he still wasn't ready to please himself. "Can I lick you now?" 
"Jesus Christ you're a fucking machine Jungkook, you're making the rest of us look bad." 
He smiled his bunny grin at Yoongi's praise and immediately got to work between your legs.  
Yoongi came over and kissed you as Guk's tongue went on exploring. "I'm going upstairs. You don't need me here for this one." 
"Wait, what..why? Do you want us to stop?" I don't want this if you don't baby…" Jungkook froze unsure of what to do. 
Yoongi tenderly touched your cheek, "I'm okay, " he motioned to Guk, "this is okay. I trust you both."
Your mouth was open, yet you felt speechless. "Yoongi...I love you…" 
"I know baby, I love you too."
He patted Guk on the shoulder, take care of my girl."
The door closing behind him you found yourself alone with Jungkook.
"Are you okay Noona?"
You hesitated for a moment but made your mind up fast, "Ask me after you make me cum again Kookie."
Smiling so hard his dimples appeared and your heart melted. 
Resting his hand on your pubic mound he pulled the skin taught making your clit stand at attention. He stared at you as he teased it with just the pointed tip of his tongue.
Your body jumped, "It's too much Kookie!"
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked while he kept naughtily flicking it.
"God, no, don't stop...just…"
He switched to soft sloppy sucks and you were done. Convulsing around nothing you came again, the couch beneath you was soaked. 
Righting himself, he motioned for your hand, "Stand up."
He grabbed the blanket that had been thrown over the chair and placed it on the floor. Lifting his sweatshirt over his head he folded it into a makeshift pillow and set it on the blanket. 
You couldn't help but stare at his body. Lean muscle, taut, tan skin and tattoos that were rarely displayed were on full view before you. 
"When did you do all this growing up?"
You placed your hand on his chest and he put his over top, "Not soon enough or you would have been mine." 
"You shouldn't say things like that Guk, you might make me fall in love with you."
You gave his rock hard nipples a teasing little pinch and he moaned.
"Can you play with them a little Noona?"
You felt your walls pulse at his request, what wouldn't you do for him right now? 
Replacing your fingers with your mouth you ran your tongue over them, goosebumps covered his body as you suckled.
Letting your hand wander lower, his jeans still on, you couldn't take another minute of anticipation.
Grabbing his sweatshirt to kneel on, you kissed your way down his abs. Splaying your fingers over his soft pubic trail you unhitched his button as your heart raced.
Sliding the zipper down slowly, revealed his lack of underwear. He was still painfully tucked in as you reached in to release him.
Impatiently he pushed the denim down just enough that he freed himself into your waiting hand. "How are you so perfect Jungkook?"
He felt heavy in your mouth, big and smooth as your lips slid up and down his cock. Holding your hair back he watched. No pushing or pulling he just stood enjoying the feeling of your mouth finally wrapped around him.
Working him over hand and mouth in tandem he got more vocal. "So good, oh my god, Noona."
His balls were getting tighter in your palm and you knew he was almost there. You pulled him out of your mouth and kept stroking, "Are you going to cum for me Kookie?"
His head was back and his eyes were closed as he slowly rocked himself into your strokes. He moaned, "No I want to be inside you Noona," he pulled away, his cock so hard it stuck straight out. 
Laying back you opened your legs for him. "Do I need a condom?" He asked as he stroked himself.
You shook your head no.
"You're gonna let me cum in you?"
God he was so sweet, you nodded and smiled.
He got quiet, "I can't believe I can finally have you, I've wanted this for so long." Laying over you he was slow and gentle, almost afraid.
"I want you so badly Jungkook, please…"
He held your hips as he entered you, taking long deep strokes you felt like you could black out in ecstasy. 
"You feel so good I'm not gonna last," he was so wrecked. 
"Jungkook you've taken such good care of me tonight, let me ride you."
Wrapping his arms around you he rolled you on top. You held still looking down at him.
Fuck, you were fucked. There were feelings here, you knew it, he knew it.
Deciding the only way out was through, you smiled and went hard.
Grinding yourself onto his cock he moaned beautifully underneath you as your walls squeezed him.
Cumming for the fourth time you were getting tired and sloppy. Your hands were pressed to his chest holding you upright as your hips clapped together.
He began fucking himself furiously into you, chasing his orgasm. His closed eyes leaked out tears as he came hard shooting deep inside you.
"I can't believe you just let me do that to you."
Laying cuddled up beside him, he buried his face in your neck and whispered quietly, "Was it ok Noona? Was I worth waiting for?"
"I can't believe you'd even have to ask that Jungkook, nobodies ever made me feel that good."
He smiled shyly, "I'm glad. I was afraid I wouldn't be good my first time."
You sat upright absolutely stunned at his revelation. "That was your first...and you gave yourself to me?" 
He smiled that little boy smile that now seemed so contradictory, "I've always loved you Y/N."
Your heart swelled and broke all at once. "Jungkook, was I worth waiting for?" 
His strong arms pulled you closer and he kissed your lips, "So worth waiting for."
Laying in silence you couldn't stop thinking about being his first. You were perplexed that his skill level didn't match his experience. Then it dawned on you.
He nodded
"How much fucking porn do you watch?"
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vannahfanfics · 4 years ago
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Category: General Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Eri, Shota Aizawa, Toshinori Yagi
Hey, everyone! I am super excited to present my story for the EraserMight Mini-Bang! I had two wonderful partners for this event, Cam and apricot, and you can find their arts here and here! 
Shota pushed himself away from his desk with a groan, rubbing his tired eyes with the heels of his palms. The joints of his fingers ached from hours of tapping away at a keyboard, yet Shota still had quite a ways to go before he finished constructing the term’s report on his class’ progress for the administration. There was a lot to discuss, especially with the persistent villain activity inadvertently causing them to show explosive growth, and this report would be a verifiable thesis by the time that the teacher finished. However, despite the pain of the assignment, Shota could not help but feel proud that his students were displaying such advancement that he could fill pages upon pages with praise for them. 
Right as he gathered the will to get back to work, he heard the pitter-patter of little feet. His lips immediately curled into a smile, partly because of the adorable sound and partly because of the realization that he wouldn’t be getting back to work anytime soon. He swiveled in the desk chair just as Eri came trotting through the door, her long silvery-white hair swishing around her knees and the stuffed bunny that Nemuri had bought for her not too long ago clutched in her hand. She was dressed in a pair of worn blue overalls with a pink-and-white spotted shirt underneath, complete with some cute pink-and-white sneakers. She did look very cute, so Shota mentally thanked Nemuri for her fashion sense. 
“Eraserhead!” the girl cried, running right up to him to grip his knee with sparkling red eyes. Using the other arm, she hugged the bunny to her chest; its fur was beginning to fray and become tinged with dirt, and Shota would have to pry it out of her arms to throw it in the wash soon. I’m beginning to think like a doting parent, he thought in amusement. He supposed someone had to for the little girl. He leaned forward as she gazed up at him expectantly. “Eraserhead, did you forget? You’re supposed to take me to the park today!” 
Oh shit. Shota had forgotten. Still, he wasn’t going to let Eri know that. 
“Of course not,” he said smoothly, straightening up and ruffling her hair affectionately. The edges of Eri’s smile curled up happily as his large, calloused hand weaved through the silky silvery-white strands. “I was just finishing up some schoolwork. Did you bring the stuff to do your hair?” 
Eri nodded and dug into the pockets of her overalls to reveal a small brush and a collection of barrettes and ponytails. She dropped them onto the computer desk while Shota stood from his chair, stretching his arms above his head and bending back slightly. He groaned in satisfaction as his vertebrae popped in succession, alleviating the stiff pain that had made a home in his spine. “All right. Let’s get Midnight so she can… Oh.” His voice faltered as he looked around the teacher’s lounge only to find that it was empty aside from himself and the child. A spike of panic gushed through his blood vessels, filling him with cold dread. 
“Um… Eraserhead, Miss Midnight isn’t here, and neither is Mister Mic. Who’s gonna do my hair?” Eri asked while spinning a lock of her hair around her tiny index finger. Shota gulped, wracking his brain frantically. He always recruited Nemuri or Hizashi to style the child’s hair; Shota didn’t possess the delicateness for that. They’d obviously headed home while he was busy typing up his report, and they wouldn’t appreciate being dragged all the way back just to do Eri’s hair. He sucked in a breath through his nose, resigning himself to the task ahead of him. 
Then he flopped back down on the chair and patted his thigh as an indication for Eri to climb into his lap. 
“I am.” 
Eri scrunched her eyes suspiciously, looking very perturbed by the development. Still, she obediently moved to clamber into his lap. She continued to clutch the bunny, so she only had one hand to grip the arm of the chair and try to haul herself up. After a few times of slipping back down, Shota just grabbed her underneath her armpits and pulled her up to settle him on his lap. She settled herself in, sitting the bunny on her lap and smoothing down its ears. 
“I’m gonna do Bunny’s hair, then,” she chirped while grabbing one of the barrettes to clip it to the tuft of white fur atop the stuffed animal’s head. Shota chuckled— she really was cute— but all the adorableness in the world wasn’t going to save him from the daunting trial before him. While Eri busied herself with using her fingers to comb through the stuffed bunny’s fur, Shota’s hands hovered over her mane of silvery hair, not even sure where to begin. 
A brush. A brush is a good start, he decided. Shota picked up the brush and began teasing it through Eri’s hair, careful not to tug too hard and hurt her while easing out the knots. Eri hummed and kicked her heels against the computer chair as she played with her bunny, and he was grateful that he could at least do that right. Eventually, though, the brush glided seamlessly through the silky strands, and Shota couldn’t put off the inevitable forever. 
He awkwardly bunched up a chunk of her hair and secured it with a ponytail, then let it go. It flopped loosely against her head with a few strands sticking out at odd angles. 
He tugged it free with a heavy sigh, running his other hand over his eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. 
“Eraserhead? You’re here awfully late,” a voice piped up suddenly. 
Shota looked over the walls of his cubby to see Toshinori strolling in, his coat draped over his skinny arm. When Eri heard his voice, she sat up on Shota’s legs to crane her head over the cubby wall and wave happily. 
“Hello, Mister All Might!” 
“Why, hello there, Eri. You look lovely today,” the teacher smiled as he walked around the desks to greet her. Giggling, Eri flopped back down on Shota’s lap and held up her bunny, which had several barrettes stuck in the tuft of cottony fur on its head. “Oh, Mr. Bunny looks great today, too. Did you do his hair?” he asked, squatting down to inspect the stuffed animal appraisingly. 
“Yeah! Eraserhead is supposed to be doing my hair, but he seems to be having trouble.” 
Shota covered his face with a hand as it turned bright pink with embarrassment. Kids really had no filter. Toshinori chuckled and straightened up, giving Shota a sympathetic look. 
“Well, cut him some slack. I’m sure he just wants to make sure it looks extra perfect.” 
Damn, he’s really good with kids. He knows the perfect things to say, Shota marveled, an eyebrow inching up his head as a plan hatched in his mind. Toshinori didn’t have children— at least not that Shota knew of— but perhaps the man had a little bit more experience in the complex art of doing little girls’ hair. Toshinori seemed to sense Shota’s great discomfort with the situation, as he shuffled around to the side of the chair to survey the barrettes and clips littering the desk. 
“Eraserhead, would you like some help?” 
“Oh, God, yes,” Shota blurted immediately, too overwhelmed with relief to maintain some sense of dignity. 
Toshinori chuckled and retrieved the brush, leaning over Shota’s shoulder while he began brushing Eri’s hair to gather it into one big hand. 
“I can’t say I’m familiar with things like this, but it can’t hurt to try,” he smiled. “How about we try some pigtails, Eri?” 
Shota reclined in the chair, melting with relief as he began to think that his dilemma may just be solved. 
However, it soon became clear that Toshinori was about as familiar with doing little girls’ hair as Shota. When he stepped back, one of the pigtails was much bigger than the other, and the left one sat at least two inches lower than the right. Toshinori smiled sheepishly when Eri tugged at the skinny pigtail, then looked at him doubtfully. 
“Um… I don’t think this is right…” 
“I’m sorry,” Toshinori groaned, his shoulders falling as he tipped back his head in defeat. “It seems that there is more nuance to this than I realized…” Sighing, Shota slipped the ponytails out of her hair, letting the waves of silver hair fall loose for them to start over. 
“All right. It’s time to pull out the big guns,” Shota decided. He grabbed his phone to pull up the ultimate source of information on the Internet— YouTube. Many young fathers and mothers posted tutorials on doing their daughters’ hair for those who were new to the game. Shota was more than willing to swallow his pride and peruse the videos rather than continue embarrassing himself. He picked a promising video and propped it up, and he and Toshinori watched the tutorial with great interest. The man pulled his daughter’s hair into perfect pigtails with almost frightening ease, talking through it step-by-step. 
“Well, he certainly doesn’t make it sound hard,” Toshinori frowned and looked back to Eri’s mane of silvery-white hair. His doubtful look certainly didn’t inspire much confidence. 
After taking a deep breath, Shota restarted the video and tried to replicate the father’s actions. It turned out better than Toshinori’s attempt, but the pigtails were still a little uneven and lopsided. Eri looked back at him when he pulled her hair free again, looking perturbed. 
“Eraserhead, it’s okay…. You don’t have to do my hair. We can just go to the park…” 
“No. You said you wanted your hair done, so I’m going to do it,” Shota asserted firmly and started the video over again. It was really less about making Eri happy and more that he was frustrated he couldn’t do something so simple as pigtails. His heart went out to all the single fathers out there bungling through the same struggle. Eri turned back around, pouting a little, but Shota was determined. 
This time, he and Toshinori did one side each. 
“Did… Did we do it?” Toshinori asked hesitantly as Eri shook her head back and forth slightly. Her pigtails swished over her shoulders; they sure looked even, and the ponytails didn’t slip free with her movements. 
“I think so,” Shota said with relief, sinking into the chair. He picked up two pink flower barrettes and clipped them onto the ponytails, and Eri reached up to touch the smooth plastic with her fingertips. 
“Well, Eri? Did we do a good job this time?” he said as he pulled up his cellphone camera and allowed her to look at her reflection. She grabbed the phone with her small hands to inspect herself, and Shota felt his heart flutter with happiness when she beamed wide in the screen. 
“Yeah! It looks great!” she nodded. “Can we all take a picture together?” 
“Sure.” They adjusted themselves so they could all fit in the frame, with Shota’s arm slung around Eri’s waist and Toshinori over his shoulder, smiling shyly and throwing up a peace sign. Eri was smiling hugely, her eyes scrunched up with delight. She immediately grabbed at the phone to look as the shutter sounded, squealing happily at the photograph. Shota stroked one of her pigtails as she kicked her feet excitedly. 
“Thanks, Eraserhead, Mister All Might! I love it,” Eri said, then gave Shota his phone back. She slid down from the chair, clutching her bunny to her chest, and then looked up at Shota hopefully. “Can we go to the park now?” 
“Yes, yes,” Shota said, patting his legs before rising from the chair. He winced, the stiffness from his hours in the chair returning with a vengeance. He rubbed his sore back muscles with a groan, then looked at Toshinori with a wan smile. “Thanks for your help.” 
“Oh, of course!” Toshinori replied, waving his hands submissively. He then smiled down at Eri and flashed her a wink. “I couldn’t leave a lady in such distress, after all.” Eri giggled, hugging her rabbit, and then wiggled shyly. 
“Mister All Might, would you like to go to the park with us, too?” 
Toshinori pretended to think about it for a second, putting his hand on his chin and looking up at the ceiling. Eri frowned at his silence, her lips beginning to poke out into a pout. He then grinned widely. 
“Of course! It’s a wonderful day. In fact, I think I just might have enough money for ice cream afterward…” 
“Yay! Did you hear that, Eraserhead? Ice cream!” she squealed delightedly. She spun on her toes, holding her bunny over her head, before sprinting out of the room demanding, “Come on, come on!” Shota chuckled at her instantaneous burst of energy and shook his head at Toshinori. 
“Wow. She’s going to end up spoiled if she starts to hang out with you more.” 
“I can’t help it. Little kids are my ultimate weakness,” the blond laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He smiled fondly, watching as Eri jumped back into the doorframe to beg for them to hurry up. “Besides, after what she’s been through… Doesn’t she deserve to be?” 
“Yeah,” Shota nodded and slipped his hands in his pockets. “She really does.” 
He supposed he had better learn how to do her hair soon, for he had a feeling he’d be taking more trips to the park as time went on. He really was starting to think like a doting parent, but that was okay. That was no less than what Eri deserved.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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rs-elane-blogsandfictions · 4 years ago
Jungkook's One-Shot
Topic: His ex comes back to your lives when you two married and tries to get him back by creating problems inbetween you two...
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: Smutty, Angsty Contents ahead...
Rating: 18+ along with angst and drama
The following first few chapters would be though fluff and a little smut...
Part 1/Chapter 1
You and Jungkook have been married for 5 years now! You were living an incredibly happy life with your love and tomorrow was your 6th Marriage Anniversary!! You were very excited about it and here you were in the kitchen, swinging around to the music while preparing lunch... You drifted back to some golden memories of yours and Jungkook's!
You were still not graduates when you two fell deeply in love and decided to get married, your family was against the relationship cause neither of you had jobs... And you were already broken without any hopes, but Jungkook still stayed strong and kept the idea of running away and marrying... He was ready to leave his family, and everyone just for you, just so that he could be with you, the person whom he cherished with all his heart and was so sensitive about ❤️
Thus, just after giving the final examinations, you two ran away together without a letter, message or anything behind, to start a new life! Your elder brother along with Jungkook's friends supported you a lot with this relationship! It was a small marriage with just your brother and his friends... The priest said the vows and the lovely speech he gave on your marriage... It was the first time he was the cause for your tears and that too tears of happiness! ✨
Then that kiss!! You still couldn't get over the feeling of his soft, plumb lips on yours pressed against tightly and moulded perfectly into each other... He was the only one who could make you feel that happy and protected! You just love this guy! And now after the lovely, dramatic marriage you two got a house to live in with the help of your brother and his friends! Seeing Jungkook and yours capability, both got jobs and earned a living together from a small one bathroom-kitchen-and-bedroom to a five storey luxurious apartment!
He didn't like the idea of you overworking yourself when he was there and thus he got you leave your job and enjoy your life at home and you just didn't argue cause you know it wasn't that he did it cause it hurt his pride but cause he cared for u and wanted to give you the best living he could give! And being a housewife didn't feel boring or like a jail when it was being Mrs Jeon! Everyday cooking for him and trying out different dishes just to impress him even though you know he'd like anything as long as it was made by u! Then standing at the door and waiting for the most handsome guy yet alive on earth!
And as he comes back, first see that bunny smile that lit on his face just for u and only u! Rest it never appeared for anyone apart his family and friends... Family that is long lost now... But neither of u regretted your decision to leave your family behind just to be with each other!! ❤️ After the smile your mischievous bunny lifting u up in his arms and pressing you against the wall just to talk dirty though which always ended in giggles from both your mouths and a sweet kiss before letting u down if it wasn't that he was turned on...
For child well... You can't become a mother... Both of you were really sad to know that, specially u as you felt guilty to be not able to give Jungkook a child... A little one of himself or you... It was a really depressing period of life for u but Jungkook seemed to be more stronger and mature than u on this topic and believed that he no longer needed anything if he got you and after knowing this assurance from his mouth, you felt better and better day by day until u forgot about all those regrets and moved on that depressing period!
As you were engrossed in your memories, the bell rang taking u out of your thoughts and u ran towards the door knowing who could it be at this time of the day! You opened the door just to meet the boxy smile you were expecting to meet, a handsome friend of your husband standing at the door with two cakes in his hand! One was for tonight's 12:00am night party and other one for tomorrow's evening celebration... "Hi Taehyung-ssi! Thanks a lot for bringing the cakes! If it weren't u, I wouldn't have been able to execute this surprise party out!", you said thanking the still smiling boy standing on the doorway before inviting him in...
You and his six friends, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin had decided to surprise your lovely husband with a barbeque party in your big yard at sharp 12:00am and ofcourse along with all the other stuff, cake was required for some delicious desert apart from all the grilled dishes you were going to have... Taehyung was incharge for the cake and it was done! Jimin and Yoongi were incharge for barbeque stand, tables and chairs and tents as you were going to sleep in your yard that night playing games and enjoying yourselves!! Rest of the boys were incharge for the food and you were to make sure that it is a secret until midnight to Jungkook! Jin was going to be the chef tonight!! It wasn't that you didn't cook great but this guy! Damn! His cooking skills were better than your mom's!!
Taehyung helped you keep the cake in the spare fridge where Jungkook never gave a glance... And now you called the others to update yourself with the status till now... Everything was done... The chairs and all were set! Food was bought which included chicken, salmon and other meats! Spices for marination and some leaves and veggies for garnishing the dishes... Afterall Jin left the plates with perfection! Though this time we didn't have any plates, instead sticks for the barbeque but Jin is Jin and you don't have any problem as long as food is made by him!
You cooked the lunch for all the six boys and yourself, Jungkook wasn't coming home until late evening so no worries till then... After eating your lunch which was Kimchi Cheese Bokumbap (Kimchi Cheese Fried rice), all the tired boys threw themselves on your big couch while you giggled seeing the tired men... It looked like a mother smiling at their son who just came from playground all tired and worn out...
It was past 8 pm at night and you knew Jungkook must be on his way to the apartment, thus all the boys hid themselves in your spare room, again a place being where Jungkook almost rarely went and which was half the time empty, except when your brother came to live with you two in the summers as he had one of his company's branch here which he looked after in the summer months of the year... The bell ranged and you excitedly ran to the door like a little girl does when he hears her father come... Though it was your husband not father but definitely, no doubt he was your daddy in bed!
As you unlocked the door, in revealed the most handsome, sexy and hot husband in his formal uniform! The uniform just made him look even more attractive and hot, the belt which gave you memories of nights when he tighted your hands with them, the watch gave a boldness to his wrist and the tie with button up shirt made him look so much masculine, not like he wasn't already, but just a smile could change that masquiline self to a soft ball of fluff! And seeing you his tired yet just fucked up kind of look changed into an excited, happy bunny who lept on you like a lion does his pray...
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His bunny teeths never missing to showcase themselves, as he pressed you against the wall, which was his usual habbit, and then tugging you a little up such that you were now sitting on his thighs against the wall... He moved his face to your ears which already sent chills down your spine and make your body rub against his thigh from anticipation! Seeing the eagerness in you, he got even more turned on and whispered in a deep husky voice, "Baby is already getting so eager for daddy? What does my little kitten want her daddy to do? Should he just fuck her or should he tease her a bit more?"... Saying this his nose trailed down your jaw line and then to your neck...
You threw your head backwards and knew where it was going... It was another one of the nights where your lovely husband came home hard on and would just fuck you then and there... But even though u wanted it so bad... You had guests at your house which were to be kept a secret till midnight and also not to make them hear your moans and erotic noise from sex... Thus you had to leave your bunny boy unsatisfied this night... Though you'd make up for it tomorrow, on your wedding anniversary!
"Jungkook not today please! I'm... I'm.... I-... I'm on my periods" you lied not being able to think of a better excuse! But this guy ain't taking no shit! "Y/N... I remembered the date was 25th... And it's still 11th...!?" he asked raising his eyebrows... God! You suck at lying but definitely you had a simple answer to this one though... "I started with them early!"... Another lie but he just nodded and let you down and then again smiled widely before peppering your face with a thousand kisses! "If you need anything, pads... Tampons... Heat packs... Or pils... Just ask me and I'll get them for u! Okay baby?" he asked while caressing your cheeks with his thumb to which you nodded like an innocent child...
He then went inside to take a bath in your shared bedroom while you took a sigh of relief just to be met with coughs behind your back making you stiffen up... Ugh! You didn't want them to hear all that though... You turned around just to meet with six smirks thrown right at your embarrassed self! "Eager for Daddy!? Huh!?" Jimin said to which you scoffed... "And Periods.... Like you seriously couldn't get a better excuse" another one added just to receive another scoff from you... You send them back to their hiding place as you heard the shower stopping and door opening...
To be continued in the next chapter... It's gonna be dirty though with a game of Truth/Dare 😏 Angst is yet to come... First let's have some fluff and smut to prepare you for the heartbreak! 😁 Pics taken from Pinterest! DO NOT COPY MY WORK! OR REPOST IT ANYWHERE!
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Soulmate September - Day 4
Day 4 - There is a trail of color only you can see that marks out where your soulmate has been.
Pairing(s): Platonic Patmile, Aro Patton, Aro Emile
TWs: None I can think of rn, possibly a warning for Pat questioning his aromantic-ness? If I need to tag anything that I’ve missed, please lemme know!
Patton wasn’t sure what to feel even as his own two traitorous feet carried him along the sidewalk in the direction of the sparkling baby pink soulmate trail; he knew he would have one, everyone did. At least, that’s what he was always raised to believe. 
“One day, Pat, one day you’ll meet your soulmate and everything will be wonderful. You’ll fall in love and be happy for the rest of your days!”
Patton loved his nana, bless her, but just remembering her words made his stomach churn more than the nerves he felt watching the trail. He already felt so happy with his best friends;  sure, perhaps a part of him felt a little like the odd one out considering they were all in relationships with their soulmates now, but he didn’t feel like he needed a romantic partner to feel fulfilled. But maybe that just meant he wasn’t truly happy. Maybe.
After all, he had a trail. Heck, he was following it right now! That meant he’d have to face his soulmate. Someone who would be looking for a loving partner who’d shower them with romance. Affection, Patton could do. Heck, platonic kisses and cuddles were practically his second job. Romance, however…. That he just couldn’t seem to grasp. Not that he didn’t know what to do, just the thought made him feel uneasy. The bad kind of uneasy, the kind of uneasy you get when you’re about to hear awful news for the first time, not the excited uneasy when trying something new. 
With an exhausted sigh, Patton tried to remain positive as the trail led to the local high school. Was his soulmate a teacher? A janitor? Maybe a parent stopping by to pick up their kid early? Or were they giving a talk to the students? Either way, Patton checked the time and was thankful that he didn’t have to try and explain to someone that he had to go wandering around the school to find his soulmate. Fifteen minutes wasn’t such a long wait anyway..
… Okay maybe it’s a long wait when your mind is positively racing with anxiety. Patton had been so lost in his own mind, it took a woman - probably a member of staff going by her attire -  talking to him to pull him out of his daze, 
“Sir? The last of the students are leaving, are you still waiting on your child?”
He shook his head, “Ah, no, that’s not it, see, I’m looking for-”
Pat wasn’t able to finish. Just as he looked over her shoulder, he spotted his soulmate, the pink trail glowing behind and around him. Gentle looking, perhaps only a couple of years Patton’s senior, wearing a light brown cardigan over a pink tie and white button up shirt. His pressed black pants would have clashed with his adorable pink sneakers if they didn’t suit him so well. Not to mention the pink streak in his dark hair or the numerous cute badges adorning the cardigan. Oh God this was too soon. Far too soon. As his soulmate pushed up his glasses, Patton became aware of the woman still waiting on an answer.
…… Nope, he can’t do this-
Patton made a small whining noise as he turned and took off down the street. He can’t do this. He can’t face his soulmate. Not like this! Not while he was still a mess!! Not while he wasn’t able to be the partner his soulmate surely deserved. Patton hadn’t even met him formally, but already he knew he didn’t want to let him down, not someone who was so clearly a wonderful person. 
For a moment, Patton began to wonder what was wrong with him. He liked him. His soulmate. That much was clear. One glance and he couldn’t get the sweet expression on his face out of his head, yet he didn’t feel an ounce of any romantic feelings for him. Not one. 
He stopped to catch his breath once he’d hit the nearest bench - he narrowly avoided ramming straight into the damn thing - and tried to work out what to do. Pat knew he couldn’t avoid him forever, of course, after all the trail-
Oh no, the trail-!!
Patton looked behind him just in time to lock eyes with his soulmate while he was tripping over the curb and falling flat on his face in his pursuit. 
“Great, now’s my chance to run.”, Patton thought, but upon noting that the man seemed to be hurt, his conscience wouldn’t let him retreat. Damnit. Swallowing the pit in his stomach, Patton rushed to his aid, 
“Are you alright!?”, Patton asked, offering a hand to help him up.
His soulmate beamed up at him, smiling brightly despite the fact his nose was bleeding from the impact with the ground as he took said hand,
“Yeah! I’m a little banged up but don’t worry about me, are you alright um..?”
“Patton!”, his soulmate beamed, unaware of how it was breaking Pat’s heart, “I’m Emile Picani, do you how do?”
Patton was surprised to find himself chuckling at Emile’s antics despite his growing anxiety. “Oh jeez, he IS my soulmate..”, Patton caught himself thinking, unsuccessfully hiding his disappointment with himself in his expression. Emile noted the crack in Patton’s happy facade and decided to try and be light-hearted in his approach, “Hm, lemme rephrase my question; eeeeeh what’s up, Pat?”.
It was a terrible Bugs Bunny impression, but it did get a smile out of Patton. Oh boy, he still didn’t want to have this conversation…
“.... How about I bandage you up a little, then we talk?”
Emile agreed and the two sat down on the bench while Patton opened up his satchel and took out his cartoon network print plasters, a sight that had Emile excitedly bouncing his leg. Of all the people to be his soulmate, Patton couldn’t have asked for a better match, if only…
“Are you a father?”, Emile queried, catching Patton off guard.
“Wh-What?”, he stammered in surprise.
“Your bandaids, I thought perhaps you-”
“Oh, no, no!! I don’t have kids, but I work at the local daycare. It’s my day off today.”, he explained. Emile nodded, “I see! I work at the high school-  well, you know that you, found me there, I mean I’m the school’s student councillor. I’m sorry if my assumption upset you, Pat.”
Patton shook his head, “No, no, it’s fine!”, he waved off the concern as he silently got to work with the bandaids. The assumption hadn’t upset him, well, not in the way Emile probably thought; he hadn’t known Emile for a day and yet Patton knew he wanted Emile in his life forever, but… surely his soulmate would be looking for a husband. A lover. Someone to have romantic nights out with and someone who would love him back. But Patton couldn’t do that. He felt a form of love for the man but the idea of them getting married or anything like that just-
He was pulled from his simultaneous daydream and bandaging work as he listened to Emile hum something familiar. At first, Patton couldn’t pin down where he knew it from, however, as Emile hummed more, Patton recognised the faint singing he was doing under his breath;
“When you trip on your face and your teeth are misplaced..”
“Friends are there to help you.”, Patton sang in continuation, returning the excited grin Emile bore, “Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, right? I haven’t watched the show in years.”, he admitted.
Emile beamed brightly, “Oh my goodness, really?! Well I have the entire series on DVD! If you want, we can go back to my place and-”
The churning feeling was back. Patton had heard about this song and dance before. What was it his friend Virgil had called it? Netflix and chill? No, that’s the more R-rated song and dance, isn’t it? Either way, Patton’s displeasure must’ve shown on his face as Emile gently placed a hand over Patton’s, 
“What’s got you feeling blue there, my diamond?”
Patton couldn’t help but give an exhausted smile at that. Steven Universe references now. Lord help him, he’s about to break this poor man’s heart. Gathering what little courage he could muster, Patton tried as best he could to explain,
“Emile, you’re wonderful. I just want to make it really crystal clear, ah ha, that it’s not you, it’s me...”, Patton began, noting the way Emile appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood, “But I can’t return your feelings. Not um, not in the love-dovey way, I mean! I really like you, but as a friend?? Gee, I’m sorry, I wish I could love-love you back, but I-! Romance just, I can’t do it and I don’t want to hurt you because you’re so nice, but- ! Ugh! This is so confusing-”
“Oh thank God.”
What. Patton locked eyes with Emile to see genuine relief wash over him, a couple of tears welling up in his eyes as he explained, “I thought I was gonna have to explain me being aromantic to you and hope you weren’t against it-”
“Wait, wait, aro-what?”, Patton asked, perplexed.
Emile took a second, realising what was happening, “Oh, Pat. Um, right, let me explain; I’m aromantic - and genderfluid by the way, I use all pronouns and such but don’t you worry about that right now.”, Emile assured him, continuing, “Being aromantic means you don’t feel any, or very few, romantic feelings for anyone. You might like some things generally considered romantic but enjoy them platonically! Take me for example! I, much like Olaf, like warm hugs! And platonic kisses are a-okay with me too! But if you’re not into that stuff, of course-”
“Oh, no I am!!”, Patton beamed, feeling like a weight had been torn from his shoulders, “I really like physical affection, but I like it from everyone really! I’m just so happy I’m not breaking your heart here..”
“Aw Pat..”, Emile opened his arms wide, giving Patton a look of genuine adoration, “Awkward Soulmate Hug?”
Appreciating the Gravity Falls reference, Patton chuckled, “Awkward Soulmate Hug.”
The hug was far from awkward. If anything it was the best hug Patton had been given all year.
------------ I hope you all enjoy this one!  I wanted to give a little love to platonic soulmates too so here we go!! @tsshipmonth2020
Taglist [just message me to be added!]: @somehow-i-got-an-account  @cateye-glasses
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staywritten · 5 years ago
Over&Over│Seo Changbin│III
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Over&Over│ Chapter III
Synopsis: Loving Changbin was either than breathing, but why was it so hard to accept that he can love you just as you love him. Why do you always questions your own self worth. What were you supposed to do when he went on an arranged marriage meeting?
Genre: Non idol au, fluff, angst, hurt comfort, smut
Word Count: 1604
Part I PartII 
Jisung groaned as his phone rang, the one night he actually falls asleep early and Changbin decided to call him. “What man? I’m sleeping- wait what?” he rubbed the sleep from his eyes before crawling out of bed. “You did what?”
And that was how Jisung found himself wandering around town looking for you, it was getting pretty late. Changbin was only worried because you blocked his number and had no way of making sure you were ok. Jisung walked inside your job and walked over to Chaeyoung. “Is she here?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she glared at him. 
“Look Chaeyoung, this isn’t my drama. I’m only a bystander, and yet I had to get out of my bed, run halfway across town just to make sure she’s ok so could you like cut me some slack here?”
“It’s fine” you walked out from the back and sighed. 
“Thank God you’re ok” he pulled out his phone to text Changbin. 
“If you text him, I’ll break your arm.” Jisung raised his hands in retreat. “Fine fine, since you two dragged me in the middle of this can someone at least tell me what’s going on.” he opted taking a seat.
You leaned against the bar top. “How about you tell me what Binnie told you?”
“He just told me he fucked up, and he was worried about you.” 
“That’s it? You got out of bed to look for me all because Binnie said he fucked up?” you raised a brow. 
“Yes and no. I mean he’s my best friend, I’ve gotten out of bed for less. And you’re my friend too, and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you either.”
You sighed shrinking into yourself. “I’m sorry for snapping at you… I’m just upset…. Binnie doesn’t usually lie to me… He went to an arranged marriage meeting...and he hid it from me...it doesn’t matter that he rejected her. He shouldn’t have it…” 
“I’m sure he didn’t want you to overreact or be sad overthinking it”
“Imagine how I feel now? I It’s so hard acting like everything is ok… Acting like our very obvious class difference isn’t there…” your eyes began to water. “I’m just a bartender… my family has nothing but debt and a farm…” you wiped away the stray tears that fell. “Everyday I wake up next to Changbin it feels like a dream. He’s so perfect and kind and I know this is temporary… it’s only a matter of time before his family makes him marry someone else...or that he realizes I’m nothing… I have nothing… I can give him nothing… That he’s gonna meet someone pretty, smart, more charming...and he’s gonna get bored of me an leave.” you choked back a sob. “That he claims he didn’t tell me about this meeting for my sake because he doesn’t want me to worry…. But I’m always worried…” you covered your face. “I’m always so scared….”
Jisung’s eyes softened as he gently rubbed your shoulder. He called your name so softly, his own eyes watering at just how broken you looked. “How long have you been feeling like this…? Have you ever told Changbin-Hyung?”
You just shook your head, you couldn’t bare to look at Jisung. You couldn’t bare to see the obvious pity you knew he had for you.”
“How could I tell him…”
“Because it’s not just your burden to carry” a familiar voice echoed from the door way. Changbin stood, heaving heavily covered in sweat. 
Your head shot up looking over at him, you quickly tried to cover the fact that you were crying. Shooting Jisung a glare. “You called him?!” 
He shook his head and raised his hands again. “It wasn’t me! I swear.”
“I called him” Chaeyoung leaned against the backroom. “You two have a lot to talk about...And running away isn’t going to help. Rather you fix this, or break up...you need to talk.” she sighed “Jisung, c’mon let’s give them some space for a bit”
“You don’t gotta tell me twice” Jisung hopped up following Chaeyoung out.
“Please don’t run away again…” He took a step closer to you, hesitant and slowly. Almost like he was approaching a wounded animal. His eyes were soft, brows furrowed. “Baby...please…” He took a seat at you across the bar. 
Your eyes were wide, pupils darting to look at everything. You were scared, your anxiety getting the best of you. It didn’t happen often but when it did he was usually the only one who could calm you. “Breathe Baby… deep breath…” he held your hand lacing his fingers with yours. “It’s ok… It’s ok…” he cooed. “You don’t have to put up a strong front for me…” he tried to cover it, but the hurt was so evident in his eyes. His heart broke that you were so easily able to share all your concerns with Jisung. “Do you want me to go first...or should you…?”
“You…” you mumbled, your gaze never leaving his; hands laced between your fingers. 
He took a deep breath. “I love you… more than anything or one in my life… I would do anything to make you happy.” He rubbed your hand with his thumb. “I made a mistake… My sister arranged the meeting because it was more so a business deal than anything else… I knew from the beginning that I would say no, and I fought to not go but...I could have fought harder…” his shoulders slumped. “It’s not Noona’s fault either… She wanted me to tell you… And I was going to but… I just didn’t want to worry you…” he sighed. “I’m so sorry…” 
Your eyes watered as you shook your head. “I’m just… so scared…”
“Don’t be scared… I love you and I’m never going to do anything to make you doubt that.” he tilted your chin to look at him with his free hand. “Baby… I’m going to meet a lot of people in my life… a lot of women. And no one will ever be better than you… I will pick you over and over and over again… Because that what it means to be in a relationship… It’s picking the same person every day of my life.” he smiled softy. “And for as long as you let me, I’ll continue to pick you…” he cupped your cheeks gently, gazing into your eyes with that warmness that always made you feel safe. “Can you forgive me?”
You nodded attempting to choke back your tears. Despite all your insecurities, despite your anxiety he really was your home. “C’mere…” you moved out of his hold to move around the bar, and run into his arms. He pulled you into his chest, bundling you as close as possible. “I’m so sorry…”
“It’s ok…” you gripped the front of his t-shirt, your fingers still shaking. Looking up at him he pulled you into a kiss. His lips moving gently against yours as he deepened the kiss. The bitterness of liquor on your lips, and desperation on his tongue. 
You weren’t even sure of how you made it back home. You refused to leave his arms, refused to break the kiss. You needed him.
Stumbling into your apartment, your back hit the mattress as he pinned you under him. His mouth leaving sweet kisses on your skin. His hoarse voice groaning your name over and over like a prayer. 
His whole life he’s never had to want for anything, and he recognized that he’s never had to work too hard for much. But you were the single most priceless thing in his life, and he’d never stop working to prove to you how much you deserved to be happy. 
You gripped his back, nails raking along his skin as he pumped into you. Your legs hooking around his hips, holding him closer to you as you moaned. “B-Binnie please…” your eyes clenched in pleasure. 
He pulled back just slightly to get a good look at you. Your body convulsing from pleasure, lips parted as you begged, body flushed and warm all from him. He brushed your hair out of you face, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. “I love you so much…” he whispered. 
You looked up at him, biting down on your lip as you tried to calm your racing heart. “You’re my whole world…” you threaded your fingers through his hair, brushing them against his scalp. 
He gave you that lazy smirk of his before grabbing something from the side table. He’d been trying to figure out the perfect moment to propose. Big dinners, events, huge moments with your families. It all felt off and he always lost his nerves. But in this moment here. Just the two of you lost in one another. This was the moment he was looking for. He grabbed the ring from the side table. “There’s still so many ways I want to love you… so many things I want to learn about you...And if you’ll have me… I want to spend our whole lives doing it…”
Your eyes widened as you looked at the beautiful diamond ring, words escaped you. Your eyes watered before you nodded pulling him into a kiss. He chuckled kissing you back, showering you with tiny pecks as he pulled away to slip on the ring.  
There wasn’t much that could be done about your anxiety or insecurities. A life time of trauma wasn’t going to be resolved in a single conversation. But he sure as hell was going to work hard to at least reassure you everyday that he loved you.
Mini series complete. I hope you guys enjoyed that and special thanks to @soobinsmile ❤️❤️❤️
∘Tags List:
@sassystay-bunny​ @skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @soobinssmile
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quietpoeticheart · 5 years ago
Summary: After weeks of noticing changes in Bucky, Eden, his girlfriend finally gets to the root of his new behavior and tries to fix it before it damages him permanently.
Paring: Chubby Bucky Barnes x Black! OC
Word Count: 2250
Warnings: Low self esteem, slight eating disorder (I'm not sure what to call it), lots and lots of fluff, lots of feelings
A/N: I've never written a chubby Bucky fic before but I had the idea and it wouldn't leave so now we have this. It really wasn't supposed to be this long but I ended up loving Eden and Bucky so much that it ended up being longer than anticipated but I'm not complaining cause its cute and I'm a such a sucker for soft Bucky Enjoy!!!!!
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Recently, Eden had noticed a concerning change in Bucky's behavior. It had started three weeks ago. The first change had been his clothes, when they were going out for a walk.
"Buck, are you ready?" Eden called. They were supposed to leave over half an hour ago but Bucky was taking forever to get ready.
"I'm coming now doll." Bucky yelled. When he exited their bedroom and entered the living room, Eden looked him up and down quizzically, raising her eyebrows. He was wearing a thick oversized sweater with a bulky jacket over it.
"Babe, are you sure that's what you wanna wear?" Eden was taken aback by his outfit choice, it was July for Christ's sake
Bucky nodded.
"Buck, its sweltering outside. It's the middle of summer, why don't you take off the jacket?"
"I'm fine with what I'm wearing Edie. Let's just go." Bucky insisted. Eden sighed and resigned the matter, thinking that he was simply feeling more self conscious than usual about his arm.
The next incident had been when they'd gone to the beach.
"Buck, are you coming in the water?"
Bucky had lowered his sunglasses to look at her and shook his head "I think I'll stay here and watch you, if you don't mind."
Eden frowned at him. Of course she minded, he'd been the one to suggest going to the beach to combat the heatwave that'd been sweeping New York. She'd pulled out her new yellow bikini that made her brown skin pop even more, taken out her wig and left her natural hair loose and driven here only for him to change his mind.
"James, you made us come here and now you don't want to go swim. You know what? I'll go by myself since it's clearly too much to ask of you."
Eden turned away from him and stalked down the sand towards the sea. She wasn't going to do this. When she was halfway there, she heard Bucky's voice.
"Edie wait." He was jogging to catch up with her. "I'll come with you."
She rolled her eyes and kept walking. Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her into him for a kiss. Turning her head away, she frowned at him again.
"I'm still mad at you."
"I know doll, how about I get you ice cream later to make up for it?"
She tip toed to meet his height and pressed a kiss to his lips, "Deal, now let's go."
Bucky wrapped his hand in hers and began walking again.
Eden looked at him, "Aren't you going to take off your shirt?"
"Nope." He said. It struck her as odd but she didn't question it. The beach was crowded and she assumed he didn't want people to see his scars which was understandable.
The next change that took place was the one that raised the most concern, a change in his eating habits.
They'd gone out for dinner that night at their favorite restaurant. When the waiter came to take your orders, Bucky said, "I'll have the Ceasar salad."
This was alarming, James Buchanan Barnes was not the kind of man that ordered salads as a meal.
"A salad babe?" She asked, trying to make sense of what was going on.
"Oh, yeah, I'm not too hungry tonight I guess." Bucky mumbled.
"Are you sure? We can always change your order." Eden pressed. She knew her boyfriend well enough to know that a salad was never gonna satisfy him.
"Eden, doll, I'm fine."
She didn't want to push the matter to upset him so she left it alone.
This change worsened over the next couple of weeks going from him eating salads and fruit to him skipping meals entirely. She had to admit, the multitude of excuses he could come up with was impressive.
"Y/N, I'm not hungry."
"I ate before I came home."
"I have work to do, I'll eat later."
"I'll eat at work."
"I grabbed food with the boys earlier."
After that, came refusing to take pictures with you.
There was this French inspired teashop that had recently opened that she'd been begging Bucky to carry her to and eventually he'd caved.
While you where there, she decided that she'd take a few pictures for Instagram.
"Hey Buck." Eden called
"Yeah Edie?"
"You wanna take pictures with me for Instagram?"
"I don't think so baby." Bucky shook his head, his hair flying in his face.
She expected him to say yes, he loved taking pictures with her. All over their apartment was littered with various Polaroids and framed images of you two over the course of their relationship. He'd never said no before and she were astonished.
"But why baby?" Eden pouted prettily at him, hoping it'd change his mind.
"I just don't want to today."
"Is it because you think I don't look pretty?" She had to admit to yourself that this was a new low, trying to guilt trip him by jumping to conclusions but she were desperate to know why all of a sudden the majority of his mannerisms had changed.
Bucky was absolutely bewildered by your response.
"Eden doll, you look stunning, I just don't want any pictures."
Well, you did look good and weren't going to pass up an opportunity to get good pictures so you let it go
"Fine, but you're gonna take pictures of me then."
Then there was tonight.
"Bucky!" Eden called, her stilettos clacking noisily on the marble tiles, "Hurry up, we're gonna be late."
"Eden, I'm feeling sick, just go without me." He called back from your bedroom.
At this point, she was frustrated. This was an important charity event that the company she worked for was hosting and even though Bucky hated those events, he'd agreed to come but now was suddenly too sick to attend.
She'd had enough of his weird behavior the past few weeks and she was going to give him a piece of her mind.
She walked into the room prepared to tell him off, but what she saw wasn't what was expected.
Bucky was sitting on your bed, tie in his hand, facing your full length mirror, crying his eyes out.
"Buck." She called out.
He jumped, even though he'd been expecting her to come, she'd startled him.
"Hey, Edie" Bucky said.
She walked over and sat next to him on the bed, "Buck, what's wrong?"
"Nothing sweetheart."
Black don't crack but this boy was gonna give her wrinkles with the amount of glaring she was doing right now "James Barnes, if nothing is wrong, then why are you crying?"
This only seemed to make him cry even more.
"Baby, c'mon tell me what's wrong?"
Bucky shook his head. Eden wrapped her arms around Bucky and pulled him into her. As he buried his head in her chest, she gently stroked his hair, trying to soothe him.
Eventually, he raised his head, "Your dress is all wet, I'm sorry."
Pressing a kiss to his tear streaked cheek, she smiled gently at him, "It's okay my love."
"No it's not. Why are you so nice to me?"
Eden was perplexed, she was usually the needy one, aggravating Bucky every couple hours to reassure her that he'd love her even if she were a worm. He'd never needed validation but if that's what he needed now, she'd write him a book. She'd do anything to make him happy again.
"Because you're my handsome boyfriend and I love you."
At that, Bucky promptly burst into tears again.
"No no no baby, don't cry. Just tell me what's wrong James."
"I'm not handsome Eden." His voice sounded pained as he said it. She decided to try again
"You're right baby, you're sexy."
"I'm not, I'm fat." He blurted out before burying his face in his hands.
That's when it clicked. Everything that he'd been doing had stemmed from this insecurity, but she didn't know where it came from, he'd never spoken about himself like that. Bucky may not have had an ego but he knew that he was attractive.
Eden felt like crap actually for ignoring all the signs over the weeks and coming up with reasons, instead of asking him about it. There was nothing she could do now besides try her best to talk to him about it.
"You're not fat baby."
"Yes I am"
"James look at me."
When he refused, she took his chin and gently raised it so he could look you in the eyes, "Bucky, you're the most handsome guy I've ever seen."
Bucky pulled himself away from her and stood in front of her gesturing to his belly that was slightly straining against the fabric of his shirt,
"Look at me Eden, I'm chubby."
She raked her eyes over his figure. It was true that he'd put on a few pounds and instead of its usual firm shape, his stomach was now soft and slightly pillowy but it didn't take away from his attractiveness, it added to it.
"Baby, you're not chubby."
"Then what would you call this Eden?" He cried out almost frustratingly.
Bucky looked at her incredulously, "Fluffy?"
Eden nodded, "Fluffy like a cloud or a pillow or an adorable bunny rabbit."
If looks could kill, the glare Bucky gave her in that moment would have annihilated her instantly.
"I'm a man Eden, I'm not supposed to be adorable or fluffy."
Now it was her turn to glare at him. She made a mental reminder to rub her face with some cocoa butter later to prevent wrinkles.
"Who says that men can't be adorable?"
"That's...just how it is Eden." Bucky sighed. He hated feeling like this, weak and insecure, he was supposed to be the one taking care of Edie but here she was having to baby him.
"No it's not James. Who told you that?"
"No one." Bucky's answer came way too suddenly and Eden knew he was lying.
"Fine, it was Brock. He told me that I was getting tubby and that I didn't deserve you because you're so much more better looking than I am and that you'd realise that soon enough and leave me because you wanted a man that could take care of you." Bucky burst into tears again.
He felt so ashamed of himself for crying so much in front of Eden but he couldn't help it. He'd bottled up these feelings inside for weeks and now it was all spilling out.
Eden was furious. She'd always known that Brock was an asshole but to go to this length to tear down Bucky's self esteem and convince him that she was gonna leave him, was too far and she made a mental note to punch him the next day that she saw him at work for making her boyfriend cry.
"Baby I'll never leave you. I've been with you for four years and I'm not going anywhere. Your attractiveness does not decrease because you gained a little weight. I'm with you because you love and respect me not because you're hot. You are worthy of me James and you always will be."
Eden leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his stomach. It was warm and soft and she loved it, she loved all of him, just the way he was and she just hoped that he would see that.
"Are you sure that you don't mind?"
"You promise you'll never leave me?" Bucky's voice was almost childlike. He still found it a little hard to believe that, Eden didn't mind. He'd always known that her heart was big but her accepting him even when he couldn't accept himself, meant so much to him.
"I promise."
"And you still think I'm attractive?"
Eden giggled, "Still as hot as the day I met you."
For the first time that night Bucky smiled and it warmed her heart to see it.
Bucky sat next to her and pulled her onto his lap to straddle him, kissing her neck, "I love you Eden."
"I love you too James."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I was feeling. We could've prevented all of this." Despite all the joy, he had in that moment, there was also a lingering sense of regret for not coming to Eden earlier. Bucky felt like crap for doubting her, for thinking she'd abandon him. He couldn't believe that he thought that she'd give up on him
"Don't apologize baby, I understand that its hard. I'm just glad that we were able to work it out. Do you feel better now baby?"
"Yeah I am." And it was the truth. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of him. For the first time in weeks, Bucky was truly happy.
"I'm sorry too Bucky."
"For what Edie?"
"For not talking to you about the changes I was noticing." It was still bothering her that she hadn't said anything to him about them. Eden felt, that she'd in a way, failed him.
"You don't have to apologize Eden. I should've been mature enough to speak to you about it instead of acting like a child. Don't feel guilty." He leaned in and kissed her.
Eden pulled away, her hands unbuttoning his shirt "So how about, we skip this thing and I show you just how much I love your body."
"I thought this event was important?"
Smirking, Eden slid the white material off his shoulders, "We'll just tell them that we were sick."
I'm open to doing a sequel to this piece, or making it a series or something. Maybe doing some headcanons or drabbles. Leave a comment if you want to see more of this work or simply if you enjoyed it.
My taglist is also open, so if anyone wants to be added, you can leave it in the comments.
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faulty-writes · 5 years ago
Fill this request whenever you like, but I'd really appreciate some headcanons of Izuku/Kirishima/Tamaki/Mirio's SO rescuing an injured bird and taking care of it, but despite her best efforts, it dies the next day and she's a sobbing wreck over it, completely inconsolable. Sorry this is so depressing, but this very recently happened to me irl, and it's not the first time either. But about all I ever hear when the wave of tears come is, "It was just a bird." or "that's just the circle of life."
[ I’m sorry that happened to you. I understand losing an animal. I lost three cats where I currently live and I also lost both my dogs to cancer. I’m hanging onto my two kitties right now like “You better not leave me.” but regardless, I hope you enjoy. ] 
Izuku Midoriya 
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Midoriya frowned and gently laid his hands on your back. “Y/n ...” he gently whispered before turning you around, though your hands covered your face. A pitiful attempt to hide your tears though it was of no use. “I t-tired so h-hard ...” you sobbed out and Midoriya nodded. 
He gently took hold of your hands and pulled them away from your face. You choked down another sob before he slowly pulled you in for a hug. You nuzzled your head against his chest. “I know baby, you did try so hard and you have such a big heart! Not only for saving innocent lives but also animals and I’m sure that bird appreciated everything you did for it. I know it did.” he replied, nuzzling gently into your hair. 
You curled your hands into his shirt, your tears still coming. “I bet that bird is looking over you right now, thanking you for taking such good care of it. Sometimes our efforts might seem in vain but in the long run. They help change the lives of others and those around us. You’re brave and strong and beautiful.” he said in a soft voice as he rubbed your back. “Nothing will ever stop you and you’re gonna come out of this fine. I promise baby,” he said before placing a kiss to your forehead. 
Eijirou Kirishima 
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Kirishima ran his hands through your hair, gently rocking you back and forth. He had insisted you sit in his lap if anything to be able to hold you close. Kirishima was always affectionate and he loved having you in his arms. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, your tears staining his skin, but he didn’t mind. 
“I’m sorry this happened babe, it always sucks when you lose someone or something you care about,” he said, continuing to rock you in an attempt to calm you down. You took a stuttered breath and nodded, “I ...I’m going to m-miss that b-b-bird.” you replied and Kirishima reached down, cupping your face gently and making you look at him. He smiled at you before leaning close, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“I know baby, I’m going to miss the bird too. But, we’ll always have good memories of it and you should feel good about what you did. Most people would have just ignored that injured bird. But you, you took it and tried to save it. That’s what a real hero does, they don’t give up even when things look bad and I’m sure, even despite the fact that the bird didn’t make it. You are now its hero, the only gentle hand it’s known and you should be happy about that.” he insisted before giving you another kiss.
Tamaki Amajiki 
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"B-Bunny, it’s o-okay ...” he insisted, though his heart was racing as you wrapped your arms around him. He could feel your warm tears land on the back of his neck and it made him tremble. His eyes were set on the shoebox in front of him, he had decided it was best you didn’t continue to look at the bird’s corpse. Especially knowing how upset you were, but he couldn’t help but feel his cheeks light up as continued to press yourself against him. 
Your fingers threaded across his torso and he frowned before reaching his hand back. “C-Can you l-look at me, B-Bunny?” he questioned and you sobbed before slowly lifting your tear-soaked face. Your eyes were red and puffy and it broke Tamaki’s heart to see you like this. He gently tried to wipe your tears away. 
“I-I’m sorry t-this happened, b-but y-you were still p-pretty nice and you d-did try to s-save it. S-Sometimes l-life doesn’t a-always go t-the way you w-want but um, you ...I t-think you d-did something well, uh r-really amazing and y-you should b-be happy. Y-You’re pretty b-brave and I a-admire that a-about you.” he said before swallowing as he shyly tried to lean in for a kiss but you buried your face back into his neck and continued to cry, you knew eventually the pain would pass and though Tamaki’s words were sweet. You still needed to let your emotions out. 
Mirio Togata 
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He didn’t hesitate to pull you into a hug when you told him the news. You wrapped your arms tightly around him. Your eyes stung though you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. Your body trembled and Mirio squeezed you before lifting you into his arms. His action made you gasp, “Come on, I won’t stand for my sunshine being this upset,” he said before sitting down on the couch, happily letting you sit in his lap. 
“I know the pain of what it’s like to lose someone you care about, I felt it when I lost Sir Nighteye. But I know he’d want me to continue to live, even though it hurts and I had the support of my friends and my family and all those that cared about me. That being said, I care so much about you. I could help you plan a funeral if you’d want ...we can honor the bird.” he suggested as he reached up to wipe your eyes. 
You sniffled and looked at Mirio who smiled, “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you smile again.” he said, reaching down to take your hand and press a kiss to it. “That’s a promise!" you watched as he winked at you and though you didn’t want to, a chuckle came from your lips. “T-Thanks Mirio, I d-don’t know about a funeral but ...t-thank you for trying to cheer me up,” you said as leaned against his chest, closing your eyes as a few loose tears slid down your cheeks. 
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