#i was gonna draw them but i wanted a break after the animation i finished up recently so your just gonna ahve to inagine it
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badendinggamer · 2 months ago
Random sprunki lore headcanons I have except it's mainly just jevin and black cause I have favorites so what-
- Jevin is 58 years old (surprise) and is the middle child with 2 sisters, Aurora(eldest) and Gwendolyn
- he was pretty much born into the cult, his father (Valerius Lunaire), was the cult leader along with his wife (Aurelia) who they basically co-op in terms of ownership
- of course there parenting was shit, no doudt. He mainly spent his time as a child learning preaches about there god and ifk other cult stuff
- the Cult doesn't really socialize like a normal sprunki society would as they have very strict social norms. But the main points is that they don't have form of relationship outside of the cult unless if there intent is to indoctrinate them
- when they got older his sisters were went to a different location than him to start up and run there cult and spread there beliefs. Jevin got sent to the main sprunki twon (i don't have a name yet) where the main cast is as his instructions were to just ....indoctrinate and start a cult and nothing else.
- unfortunately jevin has very little knowledge on how a Normal sprunki society function so he was quickly outlasted as he was not subtle about his intentions being there-
- sky was one of his first attempts cause of course he was. Tho partially why is because sky's father was once a part of Jevin's cult and worked with Jev's dad before he realized how bad it was and left the cult and eventually started a family. ....so you know kinda created a target
- of course Jevin being Jevin he eventually caught the eye of the sherif Tunner but for all the wrong reasons (we aren't to the gay part yet) and mainly keeps an eye on him ....and jevin still keeps screwing around like a cultic idiot
-ok let's move on to our other guy Black who is like 60 and some how has mom's with a younger brother( Polo, a scorpion)
-uhhh to sum it up, normal sprunki moth mother(Riley) .....monstrous praying Mantis probably-not-a-sprunki mother(Miss Noir ) . . . Truly an interesting love story
- so I don't remember where I got this idea from but black works as an independent detective, who is pretty much rivaling tunner in terms of jobs
- tbh he was kinda cursed thanks to his mother as most of the time bad stuff happens when he's around (it's like walking past a black cat....except it's a black centipede) and often gets blamed for it (but unlike his future son corvus he doesn't care)
-really bad smoking habit (inherited from his mother Riley)
- anyways here's kinda meets jevin while he's being stupid at a bar (not drunk) tho i guess jevin is kinda throwing a tantrum as he's preaching stuff about his god being right and the sun is a liar (that's a whole other lore piece all get into later but basically the main religion for sprunkis has Mr.Sun basically be god-) and pretty much causing a scene
- to save his ass Balck pretends to know the guy and basically drags an Upset Jevin out. Which kind makes jevin mad at first
- i completly forgot to mention how jevin has been in town for like 2 weeks now and has been sleeping on benches cause he doesnt know you have to buy homes (reminder, this guy is 58...well technically at this point he's probably like a few years younger tbh but still)
-idk how there conversation goes just yet but I just know black offers him money that jevin has absolutely no idea what to do with (someone give this guy an education please)
-dont ask how much black makes cause that was enough for jevin to buy himself an old creepy "chruch" like building to make both his main cultist area and home which i guess starts to bring in some people and let's jevin starts his newly cult leader stuff
- the next time they meet is like about a month after where jevin gets introuble again this time by Mr.Sun cause what do you know, trying to empose your cultist ideas on people isn't good. (This is the reason why in present time he is pretty quiet) where the conversation goes
Jevin: i got in trouble
Black: Ya kinda had it coming
Jevin: Fuck you
Black: have you eaten anything? You look unhealthy thin
Jevin: yeah I've been eating the diet my cult told me cause I clearly don't have a life outside of my cult.
Black: . . . . Instead of being concerned for why you haven't left this cult, I'm gonna take you out to dinner.
Jevin: ok fine but this isn't a date
Black: Agreed
Anyways random things idk how to fit in here
-so there god is Crecendo (totally not inspired by gametoons totally. Tho he does have a different design and color ok)
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Long story short the sun kinda took his powers away cause he was a damn tyrant (and totally doesn't look like the devil) but he gained a cult following where his whole deal is that he was right and the sun's a bi-
- jevin does gain a crush on Tunner but his parents don't agree cause again, no relationships outside of the cult, they also didn't like tunner since his family helped sky's dad leave the cult (bad family history i guess)
- they only approves of black while it may not be there god he has some godly like status from his mother Noir. (Also cause he basically helped boost up the cult)
- sky is most definitely weary of jevin, he does like him to an extent but his family warns him of jevin and his intentions.
-both jevin and black use to have there hair in curls (black in a ponytail and jevin keeping it in a bun under his hood cause the cult was that strict) but after meeting each other they decided to get them into braids/locks
- Jevin is technically a good guy but he's not exactly a good person (very morally gray) and of courses choices the toxic option (Black) over the healthy option (Tunner)
- ok black isn't that bad, he isn't much of a villain just yet and even then it's mostly misunderstandings. But compared to tunner he is basically a demon (even tho jevin is the demon in the situation)
-bonus(next gen au edition): they may love there Sons but they will unfortunately repeat many of the mistakes there parents have made (also Jevin is a bit of a dead beat to Jane so idk what you'd expect)
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chrisrin · 11 months ago
the latch batch of pre-orders are packed and i'm bringing them to the post office tomorrow!
i'll probably put leftover stock up in a few weeks? i'm a little worried i might've missed a charm or two in an order because my cat (love of my life. bane of my existence) decided to have play time in my pre-prepped packages and i came back to the crime scene of her having literally pulled a bunch of charms out of the packages in their little baggies, i guess she really liked them! but it meant that! i had a mess of unsorted charms that had already been packaged!
and after i packed everything back up i had (1) singular ranchers charm that didn't find a home that i Should Not Have. so someone is probably missing a rancher.
so i'll wait a tad for people to get their packages and if you happen to be missing any items feel free to reach out and e-mail me or use my shop's contact page, or dm me on tumblr i swear im friendly and do not bite.
i don't have a TON of leftover stock but i'm also not sure if i'll sell out again as quickly as last time? but either way if you do want to secure a lovely little charm and didn't before, it'll probably be around the 14th of april that i put the leftovers up.
i'll make an announcement on my socials reminding, and also i'll send an e-mail on my newsletter!
i do have more merch ideas and stuff i want to do in the future but after the leftovers i'm gonna take a step back for a few months and dig my teeth back into animating because a) i miss it and b) if i don't finish slow motion this year i will stop drawing for the rest of my life and c) the shop's been very time consuming and i need a bit of a break from it.
ANYWAYS THAT'S ALL!! upd8 from me. also for the scitties fans im working on hotguy comic zine stuff and ;) excited to show that stuff off in due time. i'm returning to my roots. those roots being drawing scar shirtless.
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bitesu-bitesu-bitesu · 19 days ago
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul
10/ I should've read this sooner! I'm pretty sure I would've liked it even more if I was still in high school, but I still couldn't put it down. I haven't seen the anime yet, so apart from knowing that this is Certified Cool Shit I had no idea. The art style at first was a bit repelling for me, I didn't like the face structures but I've grown familiar to it, and I wouldn't care anyway because I really wanted to know what happened next! The story is beautifully written, it's worth to read just for that alone, but we're presented with phenomenal concepts, I love well worked out *creatures* so detailed science of the ghouls was a real treat for me. Surprisingly I found that I could connect to Kaneki really well especially at the notions about sacrifice, destructive altruism, and the motivating desire to provide protection. I loved the exploration of the human condition, and I always love a story that questions what makes us human.
colors: the yellowish purple of a bruise, white linen, pink meat, trembling hands and the smell of coffee and rain
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul: Jack
10/ I'm so glad I found this! Almost missed it. It was so refreshing to dip back into this world after a break. I liked the stylized look of this release, I feel like I could learn about the drawing process while reading this, and I'll definitely try to recreate some panels. I love complete stories like this one, for me this is a perfect example, even if it's set in a preexisting world. I love how the conflict of being human, and the essence of being human and longing for that essence is fit in these 7 chapters, with an exciting plot and loveable characters who I could connect to even though I spent only a few hours with them. Even if someone isn't familiar with Tokyo Ghoul I would gladly recommend this manga!
colors: mauve purple, tire marks on melting asphalt, piercing sun from a hospital window
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul :re
10/ such a beautiful, beautiful story! For me this far surpassed it's predecessor, but I might be partial because I finished this one just now. Either way, I grew to love this manga immensely and I think it's because it moved so much emotion, and called upon the feelings I have in my own life. The story of these characters touched my heart, and the dinamical storytelling kept me interested constantly. Every time I thought the story's gonna plateau there was one more twist, surprising turns and new ways opened to tragedy. I know I'm always taking about the human condition yadayada but honestly, I feel like again, stories like this should bring us together. Being the chainlink between two worlds seems to be a common trope, and I think we find these themes so interesting and hold these stories so close, because we recognize ourselves, and our own torn-apart nature in these characters, and thus we have a way to cope with the conflict of it all. In reality it doesn't have to be ghouls, devils or titans. It's us. And I'm glad to be alive with you all! I'd like to finish with and excerpt from the chapter before the last:
"All those that walk this earth are the main characters of their own tragedies. All steal, and from all, something is stolen. We can't help it. That's who we are. Steal, and be stolen. Imprison, and be imprisoned. Follow, and be followed. Do, and be done unto. Affirm, and negate over and over. And yet we fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss. The people and places we love will one day surely be lost. We all will surely be forgotten. Life is sad. Empty. But despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful. And I consider "Which one?". I choose. "This one." Forever choosing. Forever being chosen. Nothing more, nothing less."
colors: half-dried blood on someone's lips, black chitin, white porcelain, grey rubble, wet grass at night
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vintagelacerosette · 5 months ago
Art Tag 🖼🎨💕
I was tagged by these talented magnificent artist thanksss 💕
Molly @deathclassic Julissa @heymrspatel Deanna @deedala Ice @spookygingerr Ling @lingy910y
Have you always been interested in creating art? Yes, I was that kid in high school doodling anime girls throughout class lol
What's your favourite medium to use? I really like digital for the infinite undo button with my perfectionist ass lmao & I'm using Clip Studio. Paper art has been quite therapeutic for me too
Do you create outside of fandom? Yes
Share something you haven't finished and/or never got around to posting
I made a tribute to our Gallacrafts zine, but at the time, the mods had changed, so I was gonna create a companion piece. I didn't get around to it & then the mods had changed again 😅
Some OG crafting overlords Rhys @smokey-mickey Leah @whatwouldmickeydo Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy
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I also have gallacrafts I haven't completed for really old themes, but I do still wanna post lol
Favourite piece you've made? Toss up between my gallacrafts Pride 2 piece (see piece that has most notes question) or my 2024 gallavich valentines/my icon
Draw your icon in a minute or less
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You get the gist lmao
An underrated piece you've made in your opinion
A little bit to thus This collection of missing posters with the mixed media.
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Do you do art in a professional setting? No, but I wanted to. I studied Visual Arts with a major in screen arts in university tho. Uni wasn't what I wanted my plan was to do animation, but, plans fell through
A piece you don't like but did really well on social media
This. The portions are wack basic background, Ian's face feels off & I rushed this
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Post an old piece and compare it to your most recent, what are the similarites?
Wow pretty good that I get to compare these two lol. Still got the star motif & the way I'm drawing bodies is has improved yay! Look at that looooong squiggly pointing arm
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Have you ever collaborated with another artist/s? Yes, with the lovely & super talented Ling @lingy910y I couldn't have as for a better first time collab partner 🫶🏼 Would love to collab more 🥰
What piece has the most notes? Are you surprised?
This one has the most notes for hand drawn art & the other is my most notes for art/crafts in general. I'm pretty proud these are top dogs & pleasantly surprised with the Deleted scenes one 😄
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Who/What is your favourite subject matter? Our boys but also when I'm acrylic painting I'm loving painting clouds & sunset/sunrise skies hues
Show us something not from fandom you've made
I've been experimenting with acrylic paints after getting inspired by a sparkling water painting I saw on tumblr & here are some cute cows I drew for Leah
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Where do you like to create? There's a table in the lounge room that's very spacious, has good light & a cart with a stash of my art supplies. But I wanna migrate back to my room bc I got a new big desk there to keep my mess away lol
Do you have a tag that you use to group your creations? Tell us so people can follow it. It's under Myn's art
Give yourself a shoutout, where can we commission/buy/follow you for more pieces? I don't sell my art or do commissions, but I kinda have some drawings I do love & toy with the idea of making postcards or have it on a mug
I'll tag sensational & inspiring artist if they wanna play 💖
@suzy-queued @tsuga-of-mars @samantitheos @burninface @darthvaders-wife @psychicskulldamage @michellemisfit @sgtmickeyslaughter @mickittotheman @y0itsbri @friend-bear @matt404b @takeyourpillsbitchh @michellemisfit @mikhailoisbaby @mikcrymilkovich
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year ago
Fic Stats Game
Ohoho thank you @tavina-writes for the tag!! Pretty sure this is gonna be the same 3 fics over and over but we'll see :)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
1) Most Hits
It's AA Batteries (Daiya no Ace). I know this without even looking, it's AAB 100% and by... not a significant, but a decent lead. That thing breached containment. I'm glad that it did, because I had fun writing it, but it always surprises me because sports anime twin OC fic? Really?
But I'm glad it's my most popular fic, even if I don't consider it my best, because even if it's a canon rewrite, I finished a 100K+ fic and I am proud. I'm literally never over it, I could talk about it all day.
Like, I usually don't ship things very strongly, but Misawa is insane to me. Also, do you know how embarrassing it is to relate to Miyuki Kazuya? And not even in a 'generic repressed character' way, I'm talking in a Hey I Literally Was In His Shoes And Made The Same Exact Fucking Mistakes And Decisions way. Nobody gets Miyuki Kazuya like I do. I'm fucking Miyuki kin. I didn't ask for this. I didn't--
2) Second Most Kudos
This one is also AAB, so I'll go with first place: Reflection (The Magnus Archives). A classic. A nice and simple time travel fix-it comedy.
I remember the writing of this one because I had been utterly obsessed with TMA. It would not let me go. I drafted the early chapters on my phone while walking across my college campus. I almost got ran over by a bike when I was writing the "Martin witnesses Jon have a mild breakdown in the break room" scene.
3) Third Most Comments
Dawn of the Fourth (Linked Universe). The LU fandom is super giving with their comments! Probably the most comment-friendly fandom I've been in.
I think it also helped that DotF is one of those stories where every chapter is a punch to the throat lol. If you didn't comment after ch7, it's probably because you zoomed through haha.
4) Fourth Most Bookmarks
It's DotF again, so I'll go with third place: ain't no rest for the wicked (Naruto).
Ah, this one... I'm fond of it, in the way I'm fond of all my writing, but also I was in high school. There's a lot about it that I would do differently now. But I learned a lot from writing it, and actually Chie, Issei, and Riku are still my children and I love them all. I'm proud of the color test. :)
5) Fewest Words
If you ignore the Zelda comic and the CSS formatting test and the anonymous April Fool's fic that I will not be claiming ownership of publicly, my shortest fic is Blackout Blues (Daiya no Ace) at 1101 words. If you subscribe to the belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, then that bumps the word count up to 4101 words.
I should draw more art for my fanfic. I have the power. It's fun.
tagging (if you want!): @yellowocaballero @xxsolar-writesxx @ellie-tarts @zarvasace @dottie-wan-kenobi and anyone else who wants to!
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songofsaraneth · 2 months ago
@onionjuggler submitted:
3 and 14!
From this books ask game!
3: What were your top five books of the year?
I'll be honest most of what i read this year was either rereads of treasured books (finishing up my RotE reread I did mostly in 2023), and then a lot of books i thought were just Fine. They were good enough to keep me entertained and then pretty instantly forget what happened in them specifically. So the ones that stand out from those that weren't just rereads are:
Exordia by Seth Dickinson: This book is a bit frustrating actually because it's SO CLOSE to being exactly what I want, and it drives me mad that it's not quite there. It also is a better read if you go in with the understanding that it's actually 5 novellas in a trenchcoat (publisher changed the plan, from what I understand). But it's the kind of frustrating that wouldn't leave my head for weeks after because what was there was so compelling. I will be reading book 2 the instant it drops.
Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui: It was so cute and fun. I couldn't watch the anime when it started out so found the manga instead, which isn't a format i read much of otherwise. Great balance of silly, heartfelt, and using speculative bio to introduce a usually untouched element of realism to fantasy aka cooking/food.
The Paper Menagerie And Other Stories by Ken Liu: I mean I knew I was gonna like this anthology and just never got around to it to now for some reason. I like reading translated sci fi in anthlogies becuase you also get a window into what tropes are being used in other cultures/languages which is half the fun of it to me.
Monstress vol. 7 by Marjori Liu & Sana Takeda: honestly I love all of the Monstress graphic novels but this one had some fun stuff I apprreciated in particular. I also read 8 and it was good but not as suited to my tastes, and have 9 (this year's release) but left it in New Mexico so will read it once I'm back.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries: this book was just a fun fantasy romp but what I really appreciated about it was that the protagonist was ACTIVE rather than passive despite being a more stuffy/bookish sort of personality. She just went outside and dealt with things anyway. I'm pretty tired of stories where the protagonist is just being unwillingly dragged along by the narrative rather than directing their own fate so I always notice & appreciate when books break that particular mold.
14: What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
I started rereading the How To Train Your Dragon books because they're very short and I am so close to my book goal for the year (95/100...). I won't finish all of them but I will get through a couple more probably. And I've also gone through some of the Hugo nominated novellas as well since I do usually read those most years.
Actually you know what. Gonna go back and plug HTTYD books more emphatically, because if anyone reading this comment imprinted on Animorphs you should give these a try next. They're not the same level of trauma, and the first couple books are WAY sillier, then the greater story arc comes into play and I am so invested by book 5, and books 8-12 just get me so good emotionally. Never thought I'd be heartbroken over a character named Snotlout but here we are! Also, if you're an audiobook, David Tennant does the narration and you get to hear him sing a bunch of funny little songs. Though the print versions have the authors cute scribbly drawings that go along with the story so can't go wrong really.
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lovetaroandtaemin · 11 months ago
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All I Wanted
Chapter 2: Are You Satisfied?
Osaki Shotaro x Reader
Word count: 872
Content warnings: None for this chapter
Thank you again to @wonbons for beta reading! Your feedback has been a huge help and I'm incredibly grateful.
Fic is under the cut
Shotaro was more nervous than usual for his first statistics test of the year. He had a good enough grasp on the material, but there were a few things he was shaky on. He did spend a lot of time studying, but he just didn’t understand certain concepts. He knew that he had to focus today though because he couldn’t let his grades suffer. If he did, he would never hear the end of it from his dad.
You, on the other hand, were filled with confidence. You refused to let anything get in the way of passing. Studying was your entire life for a week before the quiz. You didn’t talk to anyone for the first few days, which resulted in several angry voicemails from Karina because she hadn’t heard from you. You apologized for ignoring her and made sure to talk to people while still studying as much as you could. Your degree was far too important to you to fail.
As you were making your way to class, you saw Wonbin. He smiled and winked at you, and you gave him a small smile in response. He continued walking as you silently prayed that you wouldn’t fail.
You walked into class and smiled as you saw Shotaro. He was wearing his bright purple beanie, which you had learned meant that he had overslept and hadn’t had time to brush his hair. Initially he looked upset, but as soon as he noticed you his expression changed to that signature smile that made you feel all giddy inside. You took your seat next to him and started to discuss the upcoming quiz.
“How do you think you’re gonna do?” he asked.
“I know I’m gonna pass,” you replied, “I was up until 3 AM studying last night.”
“I wish I had your confidence, (Y/N).”
“I’m sure you’ll do great, ‘Taro. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. Plus, I know how much you’ve been studying.”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” he mumbled, with a barely noticeable blush starting to appear on his face.
Your conversation was cut short by Ms. Kim passing out your tests. You once again silently prayed to whoever would listen that you would pass and began to work as soon as you received your test. As you answered the questions, you couldn’t help but wonder how Shotaro was doing. He had looked upset when you walked into class, but you hadn’t been able to ask him why before the test started. You made a mental note to ask him about it after class.
The second the test was placed on his desk, Shotaro started answering questions to the best of his ability. He wasn’t confident in all his answers, but that didn’t stop him from giving everything he had. Once he finished answering the questions and handed in his exam, he spent the rest of the class period doodling in his notebook. The drawings of animals and flowers may have looked like something silly to pass the time to someone that saw them in passing, but for Shotaro art was his escape. And with stress from school and his dad’s daily lectures about not wasting his potential, he needed it.
After everyone finished their tests, class was dismissed. You tried to follow Shotaro to ask him why he seemed upset earlier, but he ran out the door before you could catch up to him. So, you sent him a text instead, letting him know that if he needed to talk about anything you were there for him.
The rest of your morning classes were a blur, with papers being assigned and more tests being taken. You had been rushing to get things done all morning, so you decided to go to the library to take a break in a quiet environment before you had to continue your studies.
The last person you expected to see as you entered was Wonbin. You knew that it was rude to assume from the limited interactions you had with him, but he didn’t really seem like the type to spend free time at the library.
“Hey, Wonbin. How are you?”
“I’m doing ok, I just wanted a quiet place to study. What’s up with you?”
“I wanted to take a breath before my next class, tests all morning.”
“Yikes. By the way, next time you see Karina would you give this back to her? She left it at my place last night,” he said as he handed you her makeup bag.
“Will do, thanks.”
The two of you chatted for a few more minutes before you left to continue your day.
The next day at the end of class, Ms. Kim gave everyone their tests back. You looked at yours, and you saw that your score was 93. Excited that you passed, you showed Shotaro. He seemed a little bit less excited, however, as he wordlessly showed his paper. It had 86 written at the top in bright red ink. Even though he was a little upset, he jokingly promised to kick your ass when it was time for the next test. You laughed and said you wished that he would.
“Well I guess I have to, now,” he said with a wink.
Thanks for reading!! Sorry about the lack of update last week, Preparing for Easter was a bit chaotic. I promise chapter 3 will be out next week. Stay tuned!
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, either comment or dm me with the username that you'd like tagged. Once again, thanks to @wonbons for beta reading!
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pekodayz · 2 years ago
uhhh............. ososan oc infodump but i laser u after u finish reading bc i am... out my comfort zone. vulnerable to everything (cries) I HATE BEING SELF CONSCIOUS . plz... read under the cut.. haha.
So I made three in one go, bc I wanted to have a trio...badly. They were initially just my basic ocs, but I realized it would be funny to change them and put them in hell. (stripped of their powers and forced to be human ??!!) Their og clothes were good (they're cute ashell but I NEEDED them to be in casual clothing). So I was thinking about ososan, then my brain clicked. After like 3 weeks of me losing files, getting petrified. drawing something else to cope, and staring at other ppls stuff... I came up with those designs. I AM SHY PLEASE FORGIVE ME and the grammar idk it's 3am...and im a bit nervous
So there's Aini (she/her..5'2) . "what the hell is that "fufufu~" for??" "..I-It's my signature laugh..shut up..". She has a complex where she thinks she's better than everyone else. Cocky. She's a (squints) a chunibyo...and a tsun___.She finds this world boring and a waste of time. She believes that she is a demon, and that she is surrounded by petty humans. Don't mind her, she's harmless. Unless she gets like flustered, then she pulls out a gun and gets trigger happy. (misses every time). She does know deep down, that she's playing a delusion...but she immediately removes that thought once she spots an unsuspecting victim. I think she just likes making rivals. She does get emotional and will break her act when she is at her most vulnerable state. It's rare, but it happens. She is a walking anime stereotype.
Then there's Molly (she/they..5'7). They are a sweetheart...most of the time. She's a bit of a pushover at times, but she does have another side. They care for their friends very, very much. She's the tallest of the three. Why does she always look afraid? Like they just saw a ghost...what...? Nothing is there, everything is a-okay. She lovesssss anything sweet. They get fraps...every, single, day. They can't help but drop an unusual amount of money on a sweet treat. She shares with Aini and Usiuii, they both r foreva grateful for her kindness.
Usiuii. (she/her..5'3). Stoic. Stop staring at me...why is she getting closer?? I don't know what's going on in her head, but she has some sinister vibe that travels with her every step. (jk she just wants to say hi :3!!!!) ...okay she does have some slightly evil tendencies. Keeps Aini in check by slamming her in the head with her bass. (just imagine Usiuii holding it like a bat and aiming for Aini's legs) She has a shark-toothed smiley face, wishes she can eat gum properly. High pain tolerance. She has a side gig. It's suspicious. If you do find her at that gig, do not approach her. She will spiral if she sees anyone she knows at this place, and will chase you down.
They all love pachinko. Molly thinks it's like Vegas, so she drags Aini and Usiuii with them. Aini loses the most, Usiuii is in the middle, Molly wins the most. Aini goes into a frenzy and starts to violently shake the machine, trying to force those damn silver balls to start pouring out. In the midst of her frenzy, Aini accidentally smacks Usiuii in the face. They both start fighting, looking like idiots. Molly gets her cash and pulls both of them by the collars with a disturbing look. They leave. Aini is quietly sobbing. Usiuii is counting Molly's winnings. Molly is staring at the sunset while pulling the two. (fucking idiots: she thinks while giving them a warm smile)
As for jobs: Molly works in the corporate world. She hates it...but alas, it pays well; they're just gonna have to force a smile and keep going. Every waking moment, her boss keeps giving them more work to do. Pushing her around...Molly silently gets angrier by the day. They are testing me, she smiles through the pain.
Usiuii and Aini work in a convenience store. They both love it, they can be as stupid as they want to be. Huhuhu!~ Pathetic humans in need of MY service?? Hmph. I SUPPOSE I can help you. "....isn't that your job." ".....uh....y-yeah....." (i guess u can imagine Aini leaning over the counter when a customer is about to pay...saying that...plz stop aini, you're being bizarre.) Usiuii gets realllyyyy close and welcomes anyone who comes in, she finds their reactions funny. Takes 15 steps to you: WELCOME...!~ (she gives them a wide smile, then she bursts into laughter)
The three of them would befriend Chibita. ummm bc they pay their tab as soon as they finish. And they love. love eating his oden. like it was a gift sent from the heavens. I guess they would also rant to him about their lives.
Aini thinks the matsus are figments, like how are there that many copies of one person...just there? (this is just her trying to make life a bit more interesting..don't try and school her on sextuplets, she will tune you out. ("I AM NOT A FOOL! I KNOW THEY'RE REAL, IDIOT. DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME..." teary-eyed) Molly tries to believe they r all good citizens, blah blah blah... sees them in action. ....immediate mood change.
I think the 3 would befriend totty first....bc uh...let's just assume he still works at the cafe, okay? since molly is always getting frappes and stuff. She eventually makes small talk with totty, and yknow yay a friend!11!! They rant to him a lot, considers him a dear friend.
Ummm maybe aini would "befriend" oso at some point but like its a rivalry thing idk. it's funny. to me.. It would prob be over pachinko, aini won for the first time and she rubs it in his face. he wins, he rubs it in her face hahaha (stares at wall) .they find each other slightly annoying, but good company. i think aini would be playing one day, and stumble upon him being there..then stuff insues, omg yay friend. they both knock each other out. idk they prob get drunk one night and kiss but its like ewww cooties!!11!1 then they stare at each other. silence. "....that was gay." "....pardon?" (slams head on counter)
Usiuii hmm would be fwiends with choro bc she finds him funny .,,,looking. got em yeah. okay..fine jk they both love idols. but Usiuii does NOT want anyone to know. she begs choro not to tell a soul, threatening to take his if he dares. usiuii...what. she's supposed to be the cool one, not the one who goes bonkers over idols. but..yknow. they both fangirl over stuffz yeah...
WHAT IS ROMANCE. I DONT KNOW. (I fold on real-time romance…expect goofy shit instead. like in the anime’s!!!1!!)
umm yyahhh im exhausted. thank you for reading. i will work on their ref sheets very soon!!!!`` lhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oc brainrot starts......when i wake up in the morning . line up -> infodump -> ref
EDIT: i add stuff as i lay here in bed (steam comes out of head)
They all drink. but in moderation…maybe. then they beat the shit out of _____________ ____________ group attack i think. gag. haha (puts finger down)
who would get drunk (first to last): aini usiuii molly
Molly has warm hands, but when she gets nervous, they have the tendency to fidget them together a bit. Then they catch fire. oh no…..
Usiuii keeps putting her hand in the oden, to take a bite she gets yelled at every time. She says she feels no pain, therefore it’s gonna be okay guys. (she smirks, chibita chucks a hot piece at her)
Aini sometimes wears those anime head wing thingys for fun. but uhhh she plays the role. they’re not real, stop wearing them on the job. (Someone just roleplay with her for a few minutes. Then she won’t have to be so cruel with her words)
I think molly is like retsuko (yknow from aggretsuko) since their job pisses them off. she breaks, and goes on a long winded rant, full of evil. Then it wears off, and she’s all like “oh my god??!! im sososoosossoos sorry..!” then they look like they killed someone. plz forgive her.
okay they love u very much, but they might kill u in a triple attack (hearto)
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umhuhwellthen · 2 years ago
ah so this is one of the legendary multiple times splinter died
Miscellaneous thoughts on my watchthrough:
Also skipped episodes becasue of Donnie being..."enamored" with April like bruhhhh they way they wrote it....why
Did not know Casey was introduced s2, also why such the huge fuckin gap, did they not want him to have look same as Donnie???? Like just put the gap in a different place also are his teeth yellow?????in one of the zoom ins when they were group hugging April compared to her and Donnie's his were tinted????? Like damn y'all are cruel to the humans when you design them like the Hamatos and mutants get all the love in design but fuck everybody else
Also don't recommend binge watching the series because the back of your head will always be like damn those kids cannot catch a break just whammy after whammy,like they'll get a week or two(at best!!! Mostly maybe a day or two if at all!!!)of nothing much happening, maybe fighting lowtier grunts but that's it, but a week or two is just 7-14 days which is not a lot in the grand scheme of things
Also Leo stop trying to kys challenge pls and thx 🙏those eps with him remembering splinters words of complete the mission no matter what/who the cost like sir/ma'am??????
Also was sit just me but in the ep 'into dimension x ' was Mikey's voice deeper??? Like for a lil bit??? See why the head canon of it not being months but years is popular also people always mention holy shit kraang skin helmet but what about kraang limbs lasso? Kraang arms armbands? Motherfucker made them into pelts holy shit
Speaking of Mikey I thought the hidden blade in his nunchunks was something added??? Like an upgrade after a fight?? But no he always had it??? God no wonder y'all say these version of the turtles are down for murder yeah after seeing s1/2 they deserve it I love them so much this is why you should(not) give teenagers dangerous ninja skills and weapons
Blue eyes same shade as mask seriously??? I thought it was a darker shade but fanart tricked me, brown eyes Leo supremacy indeed
Once I finish space arc I'm gonna draw half-kraang April because she deserves spooky eyes and sharp teeth she's a little bug eyed freak/affectionate anime girl proportions tiny nose
May add more as I go along
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sleepy-stories · 9 days ago
I have finished the pinup for february, and I will resume the 1950s picture day through time. There are fewer pictures than the 30s and 40s. Nearly the same amount as the 20s but lesser. Plus, Mortimer Mouse, since someone asked for him after I passed a certain area in the 30s that he would debut in.
So I will likely get done in 4 weeks if I am lucky to have a short folder of outfits to draw out. Then 3 weeks and half.
Reminding everyone here that I am taking a break from drawing to go through character designs of the history of animation.
I am also gonna be working on sixverse of historical figures in morach england from William to Victoria. I would like to mention that I know how to create the stage outfits of the figures. It is just color wise on how do i need to use them. I don't want to repeat a color, but I might do a color shade difference. Like a lighter orange, orange, and darker orange. But I won't start the concept work until don't lose your head animatic is done
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theclo4ked1 · 10 months ago
iiiIIT'S SUMMER! Well, not quite, but close (enough...) I feel so free, but you know what isn't free? My laptop's storage space, there's a gigabyte and a half left on the C drive right now, but that hinders the performance; it frees its own space so I can put more things, but that's not good since the computer needs those resources to function goodly, or so I've heard.
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This is why I am (not) launching a Kickstarter to buy a Faster Stronger Better Gaben- I mean a cooler computer, preferably a desktop tower. Here's a list of perks and things YOU will RECEIVE If you support me:
...and as a bonus,  
Please (do not) donate! Give to the (not so) needy XP... Alright alright, I was just playin'. I finally caught another break so now I can rest and do other things like: cleaning... AHEM so, some days ago, I made a short post hinting at something I was doing relating to Dora the Explorer, if it wasn't obvious. If you know me, you'd know that show (the first four seasons anyway) is a...pretty significant part of my life, and I look forward to what plans the creators have in store for her future.
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Hm, what's that? A reboot on Paramount+? One season has been released? Oh, okay, yeah I'll give it a look- Kathleen Herles returns as a voice? Holy. Miér-coles. Okay real talk, I was gonna watch regardless of if she was gonna come back as a voice, if she would come back at all. I actually just watched the first Paramount+ episode, not the ones pre-released on YouTube, and when I finished watching it, I thought to myself...
Huh. I don't think I learned much of anything.
Maybe the point is to just entertain children, and if that's the case, fine. But in my opinion, that makes this reboot far less interesting. Y'know I wrote this big ass post to the Forum for the franchise's fandom wiki giving a critical look at the reboot, "Dora '24", and comparing it to the original show that I lovingly call "Dora2K" because the show began airing in 2000, but did you know it was being produced in the late '90s? I call them by numbers after "Dora" because the new show is just called "DORA", subtitled "Say Hola to Adventure". Anyways, I'd appreciate if you read it, and gave me your thoughts either here or there. Actually, I found out today that someone wanted to know about a Discord to talk about the show, one that I did want to lead, but wasn't sure how it would go, how to promote it, who would help moderate; the works. Okay okay okay okay, enough pr'amble, (more like mumble lol (could you even call it preamble? i got caught up in things again, im so sorry)) BEHOLD, MY FLOATING MA- *skips cutscene*
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This, my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is my BIG FUCKING THING! I'm not just referencing the Shadow the Hedgehog Fandub unnecessarily, no, this paper is approximately 4'x6'. "seee~, moy grahn-day" teehee Yes, this is what was brewing at D(ora) ‘n D(rawing). I planned for a cubism kind of drawing, then saw it after it was finished and decided it wasn't exactly cubism, then I was told it looked like cubism, so ultimately... It'S iS CuBiSm!!! I didn't explain it before, but the drawing takes from that scene from the live-action movie where Dora's cutting a GOT damn rug at the high school dance. She dances in a style that mimics animals from the rainforest, but the thing about that scene is that it's just Dora on the floor-a. Everybody else is by the wall, not on the dance floor at all because it's an awkward event, as any school would have it. I call this piece "Disco Dorka: Inspiring Sunshine", but I shortened it to the subtitle when sharing it with peers. "Inspiring", because the whole scene with Dora just being herself, not giving a damn (though I can't remember if she knew the other students were making fun of her right there) is inspiring to me. "Sunshine" comes from the sun costume Dora wore because it was a solar system-themed school dance. You may have noticed this is an ink drawing as opposed to my pencil or a digital drawings. A month or two ago, I was introduced to ink, and of course, that changed my life. I wholeheartedly adore ink, THIS is what I needed, it's a digital exclusive thing I can achieve only on a computer screen; it flows, it can make thick black lines THATS LIKE MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD but its messy but like OMG WHO. DA HELL. CARES?
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Being introduced to ink really helped me to find myself, artistically, and my, is it freeing to know what I can do; what kinda potential I had. I apologize if it sounds like I'm bragging, but I think maybe it shows that finding out exactly what you're made of requires you to go outta your zone. Not your comfort zone, just what you know. Explore. (oh my god thats dora's whole thing, wtf why does it loop back) Last thing I wanna bring up is the text. I was told by peers that adding text is something that defines my ink style, it makes it mine. Probably not unique, I shouldn't have to say "i KnOw I'm NoT tHe FiRsT", but I know. I'mnotthefirstHAHA The text references Season 3 and parts of 4 of "Dora2K", y'know, the stars that Dora and Boots caught like Pokémon? It confuses me, do the stars travel from Star Mountain and are returned there from a wormhole in the Star Pocket, or is the Star Mountain in the pocket a pocket dimension, or OUGH! MY HEAD. The movie, as far as I know, makes no reference to this. I thought of writing REACH FOR THE STARS but then I was like "nah that's Sonic, this is about Dora now change it" and so i did. Ah, that's all I wanna say about my cool thing. These last four months have certainly been a trip, but now you can expect MORE ART probably. I'd get back to playing Sonic Mania (which is apparently bad now??) but I'm too tired...zzzzzzz... zzzz- oh yeah thanks for reading... z.....zzzz......zzzzzzz.......
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keefwho · 11 months ago
March 27 - 2024 Wednesday
This morning I took time to thoughtfully clean the left wing of my desk and take care polishing my entire lamp. It was kind of an exercise in self care, usually I'd rush cleaning but I tried to enjoy the process. For breakfast I made a breakfast sandwich and rice. I read a little bit of Atlas of the Heart and took some notes for Saturday's book club.
For work I warmed up with some torso sketches. I got 2 more YCHs done today and somehow ended up wasting a lot of time so I missed out on about 30 minutes of drawing. Part of it was because I had tracked down and messaged the artist that seemingly scammed DS. It turns out it was just a lot of miscommunication and poor management on their part. KT was in stream today and got a YCH as I was making them so hers got done immediately.
After work I did my workout. My ankle started to hurt 3 miles in so I had to slow to a walk but I got it all done. I watched Henry's Kitchen stream the whole time.
For lunch I made tuna spaghetti. I had looked forward to it all day but I didn't make it as good as I'd have liked. I think it needed more lemon pepper. I was watching Twitch while I ate which carried 30 minutes over into work time. I was just having too much fun procrastinating. But I got off my ass and did this week's last request and finished that animation I was working on. I hung out in DV's server and had some really good, deep conversation with his friend. The kind of talking I needed today. I left to join AE so I could work on his avatar. I made his COCK today and did the weight painting for everything so now it's ready for Unity.
I left for a small mental break and eventually convinced myself to get in VRchat even though I was feeling like I couldn't socialize very well. All I wanted was company so I knew I had to try at least. I joined BD and her friend which was a pretty chill time. She lead the world hopping for everyone and there were some pretty neat places. I got off after a bit to start dinner.
I put on chicken strips and rice a roni. DS dmed me some and then we called a little in bed but she had to be up super early so I didn't want to keep her up. We also talked about some interesting things tonight in a meaningful way. I played Kingdom Hearts and finished the Halloween world. After she fell asleep, I mostly sat around and drank my tea before bed.
Today the main feeling was lonely. I don't know why, all I know is some days are always going to be harder than others. I craved human connection today but I couldn't have it in the capacity I want so I was trying to accept that and see what else I could do to move myself forward. I considered self care alone time but figured out I did not want to be alone. I joined BD so early today because I was making a deliberate attempt to try and talk to someone for the sake of not being lonely. The situation with her is interesting because it seems like the other guys there only join for her and sort of simp? If thats true then I hope she doesn't think that of me, I'm just out here trying to make friends.
Also DS is going to be visiting her sister until Monday and I'm gonna miss her like always. I was also trying to accept that. Not the fact that she'll be gone but that I'll be missing her. Something in me tells me it's wrong, like I'm caring too much and need to cool it. But the reality is I have so much love to give in general and even the simple act of missing someone is an expression of that. I'll be okay as long as I can keep my emotional floodgates open and feel what I gotta feel. I think that goes for just about everything. All I want to do is FEEL, it's something I've been neglected for a majority of my life. I crave emotional expression. Damn anyone who doesn't understand that.
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devilish-parrot · 1 year ago
im not giving my real name but you can call me either Karl, Ryan or Oris
he/they. i dont usually have a preference. u can switch it up from one sentance to another or in the same sentance if u want, as long as you use them both
1 brother. fun fact abt him; hes rlly good with lego
i dont have any pets any more. when i was like 5 i had 2 clownfish named nemo. then when i was 8 i had a rabbit named bunny but she died
my fandoms are in my pinned post. i really like tally hall and twomp atm, im really hyperfixated on them both. like ALOT
fav colours are black, blue and green. in that order
i cant choose a one favourite song so ill name a few i really like (they're all tally hall though because i havent been able to listen to anything els for weeks). The whole world and you, Welcome to tally hall, Taken for a ride, greener, You, Good day, Haiku, and The bidding
i dont have a favourite author so ill jusy tell u my favourite book: animal farm (highly recomend)
hobbies include reading, drawing, listening to music
i dont read fanfics
no partners, am single 😔 but i was doing my start of the year tarot reading recently (12 cards, one per month) and my brother was watching over, making his own skewed interpretations of the cards. he thinks im gonna get a boyfriend this month, then break up with him after he cheats on me, then ill spend my next four months plotting my revenge which ultimatly ends me up in jail... im pretty sure the card was actually reffering to me finishing my tally hall blog (more info on that below). if youre wondering, the card was xxi the world, drawn upright
ive spent the past 3 days working on a tally hall daily blog. im very proud of it but im nowhere near done. ive only gotten through 2 internet show episodes but already have posts queued up untill may. im really excited about this!!
tags (i wont tag mutuals that worm-brainzz already tagged) @confusedsnowpatch @ailill-everytime @jellyfish-fingernail @mikka-minns @milofonn @zaychik45510 @wielderofthechainsaw @thatfrogperson @theseusthetransratking @mysticlilac-ec @alex-is-a-simp-73 @felt-squirrels no pressure, u dont have to answer all the questions or any at all
I got bored so here's a little get-to-know-you tag game I think could be fun :3
Star sign
# of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any)
# of pets & their names
Favorite color
Favorite song
Favorite author (of anything readable-- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!)
Favorite fic type
Favorite holiday
Do you have any partner(s)? (romantic, qpp, anything!)
Fun facts about you / anything extra you wanna share!
Name(s): Loki (highly preferred), Elye
Pronouns : they/them mostly, he/she okay too
Star sign: Pisces
# of siblings: I've got 2! An older sister and a younger sibling. The fun fact about them is that they're also both queer; in fact, my mom is too. The only non-queer person in my immediate family is my dad.
# of pets: 4 cats! Phoebe & Frankie are our girls, Lenny and Murray are our boys :3
Fandoms: MCU (kind of), BSD, OFMD, Ranboo (does his fanbase count as a fandom?)
Fav. color: Don't have one
Fav. song: Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon
Fav. author: Alice Oseman
Hobbies: singing, acting, drawing, writing, procrastinating
Fav. fic type: Fluff, definitely. I am a sucker for well written coffee-shop and flower-shop aus, too. Smut's fine, but only if it's romantic. I can't do angst if there's no comfort.
Fav. Holiday: Hanukkah or Halloween! I love autumn and winter
Partners?: Yes! I have a girlfriend (queerplatonic) who I love very much, and a boyfriend (romantic) who I love very much :]
Fun facts:
- Even though I'm a cat person, I really, really want a dog.
- I actually used to play sports. Because I don't do gendered leagues anymore, I don't play, but I've been looking for mixed/gender-neutral/queer sports teams. Baseball and basketball specifically!
- I started questioning my identity in 2019; I'm no closer to finding a label now than I was then. The difference is, now I don't want a label. I just am. :]
tags: @neonganymede @cha0ticlesbian @x-chiara @exceleo @brinnybee @autistic-katara @gandalfthemorallygrey @ohboyanotherlokiblog @roachandrenfri @ourflagmeanslokius @exceleo @edettethegreat @swiftlyspidey
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lastoneout · 3 years ago
Got asked if I had any tips for new artists during my stream today and I figured I'd put them here too:
Draw, seriously, just do it. This is the hardest part and also the most crucial. Just run at it screaming and refuse to back down. You just gotta do it.
Always do your wrist/arm/shoulder stretches before drawing and make sure to take breaks to stretch/re-center yourself if you've been going for a few hours or more! (Here's the stretches I do, and they help with gaming and writing and desk work too, they're just a good idea all around!)
Try to draw less from the wrist and more from the shoulder(move your arm more and your wrist less basically). That and stretches will help you avoid carpal tunnel which is never fun.
Consistency is only something you need to worry about if you're like, working in the industry/doing some types of commissions(like an twitch emote bundle or a comic book). If you're just starting out or only drawing for yourself it literally doesn't matter. Like, I don't think I've ever drawn a character exactly the same way twice, it's fine.
Don't do warm up drawings, do warm up scribbles. Doodles circles and squares and lines and swirls until you feel nice and lose, then start actually drawing.
If you're between 50-90% done with something and you REALLLY start to hate it, keep going. You just gotta power through, cuz chances are it's perfectly fine(or even really good) and your monkey brain is being a jackass coward chugging that impostor syndrome juice.
If you finish and you still hate it put it away until tomorrow or the day after and then look again. Never EVER trust your negative opinions about your art(or anything) if it's after like 8pm.
Re: the above points, as an exampke last night I HATED my new pngtuber model that I'd spent literally all day on. Went to bed and in the morning was like "oh this is good actually". Trust me, tired burnt out you is not a good judge of quality, especially the quality of something you've been staring at for like 4-5 hours.
If, after all that, you still hate it, that's okay too. It's a bummer, but don't try to force yourself to like something just cuz you spent a lot of time on it. Chalk it up to experience and move on to the next thing!
Do everything in your power to not compare yourself to others. It won't get you anywhere. Instead learn to look at other people's art and find what you like about it and try to break it down or do it that way yourself. Dont fully copy/trace ofc, but really think about how something looks and see if you can figure out why you like it and/or how it's done.
OH MY GOD USE REFERENCES. Anyone who says not to use references is talking out of their ass. You think figure drawing classes are bad?? That artists draw from life just for shits and giggles?? No, its because you need to know what shit looks like to draw it!!! USE REFERENCES!!!
Same with youtube tutorials, especially for learning to use digital art programs. Do take everything with a grain of salt ofc(we've all seen the "masculine vs feminine eyes" shit or the trash trend of "I fix my viewer's bad art uwu" ignore that crap) but you can learn all kinds of shit for free on youtube.
If you can feel yourself burning out fucking stop drawing a take a break. Even if you're in the middle of something, or part of you wants to keep drawing. Burn outs suck and it's gonna take a lot longer to get over it if you push yourself until you crash instead of just acknowledging that you're hitting your limit and stopping for a few days. The art will be there when you get back, your health should always come first!
If someone tells you thick line art or anime style or whatever is bad, ignore them. All art is subjective. Draw what you want how you want. Even if it's all thick line art or you stick to sketches or only do anime stuff or chibis or humans or furries or goddamn stick figures just draw literally whatever. If this is just a hobby for you there's no reason to push yourself. Draw what makes you happy, fuck everyone else.
Anyway that's all I've got for now, might add more tomorrow when I'm less tired(and I encourage additions for other artists as I'm self taught and had to learn most of this the hard way and thus I'm sure I've missed stuff) but yeah, just draw my dudes, this is supposed to be fun. You deserve to have fun.
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dre6ming · 2 years ago
When you’re ready
“I stayed there” series ~ part IV
〘Part I〙〘Part II〙〘Part III〙〘Part V 〙
To be added to the tag list click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, crying, fluff, angst.
Plot: you just can’t seem to be able to catch a break from Austin and when he shows up at your door you have a lot of things to figure out.
Word count: 3300+
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It's been a week since I've seen Austin last. I've been trying to go about my life normally, unpacking my apartment, cleaning, going out on walks, but nothing helps. That's why I find myself here, in the animal shelter, looking at cats. I've always begged for a pet, but my parents hate them and I've always been too busy. I don't expect to get less busy now with the residency, but it's time to start doing things for myself. I have to learn to enjoy life and care for my self. Passing kennel after kennel, not really being impressed with any of the cats, I finally stop in front of one. Inside curled in the corner I see a big chunk of black and white fur.
The big green eyes watch me carefully. I look at the tag on the kennel. "Boots" it's the name of the sweet little thing. A female cat estimated at around two years old. "Hey!" I draw the attention of one of the girls working here. "Can I have this one?" I ask pointing at Boots, the little kitty is now sniffing curious around the door of the kennel. "Sure, I'll go grab the papers, it'll be just a few minutes, I have to finish with this one client. Um, you can go shop at the pet store next door, so you don't have to wait." She rips the tag off of Boots's kennel and hands it to me. "She's yours, bring this to the front desk when you get back, to start the paperwork." I nod my head, give the cat one more glance and walk over to the pet store.
I pick up everything google says I might need as a first time cat mom. Litter box, toys, cat beds, a cat tree (how I'm gonna fit it all in my car? I don't know, but I'll cry over it, in a few minutes), cat food, treats, shampoo, claw clippers, brushes, supplements, food bowls, the whole deal. After 30 minutes in the store and minus 300$ in my bank account, I make my way to the front desk of the shelter, I hand the kennel I bought to one of the girls as the other helps me fill the forms. "You can change the name if you, want!" The girl says, but I shake my head, I like the name Boots, it's fit for her, as the pattern of he fur makes it look like she has actual black boots on. "Ok and sign here!" I do as instructed. "Perfect I'll make a copy you can take home, Ally bring Boots out to her new owner" the girl comes back and sets the kennel on the desk, I can see the kitten coiled into a tight ball, poor thing she must be scared.
After all the formalities are done, it's hits me like a brick wall that I now, have to figure a way to fit everything in my car. Struggling for a few minutes, I eventually manage to fit everything in place. I place the kennel on the back seat, buckle it in and get in the drivers seat. Getting home, I turn my apartment into a sanctuary for this cat, girly has the whole place dedicated to her and she been mine for less than an hour. At first Boots seems unsure of her surroundings, so it takes her a minute to warm up to the place. I put some food and water in her bowl. Unable to resist the delicious temptation, she goes to eat. I decide to leave her do some exploring on her own, as I sit on the couch turning the tv on. After a few hours of be binging half of the second season of "Only murders in the building" I get up to make some dinner. Boots is now sleeping on her cat tree, she looks to cute for me not to pull out my phone and take several pictures.
Doing a quick inventory of all that I have in my fridge the best option for dinner looks like an omelette. As I reach to get the eggs out, the buzzing of the doorbell makes me jump, dropping the entire carton of eggs on the ground. "I guess fuck dinner!" I say with a puff, going to answer the door. When the door swings open, I swear I must of died and woken up in hell. "What do you want?" He licks his lips nervously, lifting up my converse shoes, that look squeaky clean, they might as well be a new pair for all that I know. "Brought your shoes back.." I squint my eyes at him, I really can't catch a break with him, can I? "Ok." I sigh and reach out to grab the shoes but he pulls them back before I have a chance. "I give them to you, if you have dinner with me!" I widen my eyes , he can't be serious. That's when he lifts up the bag he's holding in his other hand. "Pasta from that one Italian place you love." The smell slowly reaches my nose and my stomach betrays me growling. He hears it of course, that fucking smirk of his spreading on his face. "No!" I close the door, fuck them shoes, I can buy another pair. Austin's foot stops the door. "Please, let's talk, I-"
"You what?" I'm really curious what more could he want from me, but not curious enough to let him in. "How did you even know where I live?" As the question leaves my lips, he blushes looking down, like a child being scolded for something they did. "Ana, she's still dating my friend, Aaron, so I asked her." I'm going to kill Ana. "She had no business doing that." He looks away, biting his lip. We stay like this, silent and then my stomach goes against me one more time. He smiles at me. "Someone's hungry, can I?" He motions towards the inside of my apartment. He's so casual and chill, while I have the fight of my life in my head as everything telling me to not let him in, loses to those small parts of me that want him here. I say nothing as I move to the side, closing my eyes while Austin makes his way inside.
He's looking around the place, I can't read his face, but if he dares to say something about my apartment, I might just stab him. Nowhere deadly of course, maybe in the left lower abdomen to avoid any major blood vessels or organs with vital importance. "It's nice!" He breaks me out of my planing to kill him, bastard. He takes off his shoes, going to the kitchen. I can't help the smile that creeps it's way on my face when he jumps back. "Ah what the- eggs?" Austin holds his left leg up in the air, showing me his egg soaked sock. I laugh at him and he can't seem to be able to resist joining in. "I was holding them when you rang the doorbell, got scared and dropped 'em" I shrug my shoulders, going to grab the mop from the closet in the hallway, I quickly grab a pair of socks from the load of laundry I've been too lazy to put back. "Here" I say as I smack the socks on his chest and begin cleaning.
"These won't fit me!" He complains, but I pay him no mind. "So you have a cat now? I know you've always wanted one." He changes his socks as he speaks to me, looking over at the cat bed, where Boots is sleeping peacefully. I put the mop away, grab plates and cutlery, then sit down at the small dining table. "I adopted her today." I keep my voice monotone and he seems to notice. Austin sits down and brushed a hand through his hair. "Oh, that's nice, she's cute, what's her name?" Why is he being so casual, what does he want from me? It can't be just the name of my fucking cat. "Boots" he laughs and looks at me waiting to tell him I'm joking. "Wait, you're serious? How- what happened to naming the cat after one of your favorite characters?" Un-fucking-believable.
"I did, named her, after William Turner's dad, Bootstrap Turner, you know I've always had a thing for Orlando Bloom." I tuck my hair behind my ears and watch his reaction, hoping he won't know I'm lying. "Right, of course!" Either he believed me or he just decides it's not worth to argue. "You have a dog!" I say as I start unpacking the food and putting it on the plates. "Yeah, Sheldon." I lift one brow at him, he teased me for my cats name and he names his dog after the kid from "The Big Bang theory". I start eating, but he doesn't, he just watches me. "Did you poison this before you came here, or-" Austin straighten his back as if I pulled him out of a trance. "No, god, no." He eats some of the food as well. It's pathetic, we make small talk? Like we weren't just on the beach a week ago, with me screaming at him. "Talk!" My voice is unfortunately a little louder than I want. He looks confused at me, it really baffles me how he can't understand he's not a happy sight for me. "Um, I wanted to say I'm sorry and before you say it, I mean it, I really do!" Tears gloss over my eyes and the lump in my throat makes it hard to swallow. "No you're not!" I whisper as I look away, fixing my eyes on the window. The sun is starting to set. I blink and feel the tear fall down, i quickly wipe it off, but he notices it anyway. "I really am!" I hear him sniff and I look at him. Austin looks like his holding back tears of his own, but this can't be right. Right?! "Why?" My voice breaks.
He takes a deep breath, bringing both hands to his hair, pulling it exasperated. "Because I fucked up, big time." Tears now fall on his cheek, you've seen him cry before, but it never broke your heart like it does now. "You were right, so right, I-" he pauses the breathe. "I was just to far up my ass to see it. It's thanks to you that I even got the part in the first place." Shock covers my face, how can I be the one to thank? I shake my head and get up from the table, I need water or air, or a slap across the face. "No, no!" I repeat over and over again as I pace the kitchen. He sits up too, but keeps his distance from me. "The night before I sent in my last audition tape, I had the worst nightmare ever and, and when I woke up I just sat down at the piano and sang 'unchained melody', the director loved it and I got the part." I'm now full on sobbing, I know how real his nightmares are. "After I found out the news I wanted to tell you, but I didn't have your number anymore, I was angry that day when we broke up, I deleted. I drove up to your house, but your mom said to leave you alone, so I did." I can't no, he needs to stop, he can't. I lean back on the wall and fall to the ground, hugging my legs.
Austin falls to his knees with a cry of despair and an exasperated look of pain on his face. "I- I tried, I looked for you in every girl. Fuck I kissed them and pretend they were you. Sometimes I would manage to trick myself, but then I'd open my eyes, and all I saw was not you." He dries some of his tears with his hands, shaking his head. "It wasn't worth it, it wasn't - I might win an Oscar or whatever, but nothing will ever bring me back." So it was his number after all, he just didn't have my number anymore. I sniff and try to calm down. I have to be honest, I expected anything, but this. "You still talk like him." I didn't plan to say that out loud, but I did nonetheless. Something breaks inside of him, I can see it. My skin tingles, so I hug my knees harder and I close my eyes tight. "I can't find myself anymore, I- I don't think there's even an Austin in he-" he doesn't finish speaking, as he breaks into a fit of violent sobbing. I can't fight it anymore and I crawl over to him. I position myself on his lap, my legs on either side of his hips. He looks up at me, eyes puffy and read.
I can't look him in the eyes so I hug him tightly. Austin's hands embrace me, while he's crying in my shoulder, his tears soaking through my shirt. I want to say this feels horrible, I want to scream at him, slap him, scratch his face, rip his hair out, but I can't. I can't because I haven't felt this relaxed, warm and at home in three years. I stroke his back up and down, holding him until his body doesn't shake and no more sobbing can be heard from either of us. "Help me fix this? Cause you're all I've ever wanted" I close my eyes and sigh. I want so badly to say yes, but I don't know what to do. His arms let go of me and he pulls back to look at my face, but I avoid his eyes.
"Don't hide your eyes from me, please!" He begs me, he's begging. My heart speeds up and when he grabs my face in his hands, it nearly runs out of my chest. I lick my lips, trying to steady my breathing. Austin closes his eyes when my warm breath fans over his wet face. "Please!" He says again, licking his lips. "Austin, I need time, you don't get it." I get up from his lap and go to sit in the couch, dinner long forgotten. Boots comes up to me and sits on my lap. I pet her and she starts purring.
"I'll give you anything, just- please try with me!" He's sitting in the armchair opposite from me, his eyes burn holes through me, begging for a 'yes'. I look down at my cat, she's so oblivious towards the fact that I'm having a stroke while deciding if I should take my ex back. "You did your talking, now I do mine, I'll be clear, because I don't always speak in half said sentences" he immediately catches on the bite I take at his insult form the other time. He's ready to say something but you shut him up. "You were my first and only boyfriend, it took me a long time to be comfortable to talking to you. I told you everything, I never lied to you, I always supported you, hell when I read the news I almost called you to congratulate you and I cried happy tears for you. I was concerned about you and it seems I was right to be. You took digs at me, where you knew it hurt most." He nods he head and waits to see if I have anything more to say, but when I don't speak, he closes his eyes. "I understand, you hate me." He starts to get up from the armchair, but before he's fully up I speak again. "I don't hate you, that was the only lie I've ever said to you, that's what the problem is."
Shocked he comes to sit next to me and the couch, eyes searching my face for the truth. A little smile shows on his face, when he confirms I was telling the truth. Austin's gaze goes to my lips, so I bite my bottom lips, nervous at his proximity. A strangled sigh leaves his lips. "I think I want to try and fix this, but not tonight." Hie features soften, somehow his calming down. "Sure, yeah, when you're ready." I look away.
"It'll take me time and you have a girl-" he interrupts me "I broke up with her, I didn't love her" I nod, he didn't love her, ok, but did he love me? He couldn't have, you don't break what you love. "I love you, I loved you then and I love you now, I always have" my eyes are so wide I think the might fall out of my sockets. "You don't have to say it back, (y/n)!" He quickly adds and I simply nod.
He’s lying, he has to be, no way he just said that. I loved him, back then, but now? I still feel something, it's clear, but, is it love? My thoughts are cut short by my growling stomach, stupid stomach. "You're hungry, come on!" He takes my hand and we sit back at the table. We proceed to eat in silence and when we're done, I wash the dishes and he dries them, it's all so domestic and simple. I have to pinch myself so I keep in mind where we are and what brought us here. "I should leave you to rest, thank you for talking." I put the plates in the cabinet and nod listening to him carefully. "You have my number, right?" He asks
"Yeah, I do." Austin bites his bottom lip and I'm unable to move my eyes, hope he doesn't catch on, or at least doesn't joke about it. "Ok, text me when you're ready, I'm gonna be in LA for 2 more months." As I listen to him talk I take note of something, of his voice, it's back, it's the voice of my Austin, my sweet Austin. I step forward and hug him tight. "I will, I promise!" I look up at him and before I can think about it his lips are in mine. We kiss for a short moment, a small sweet kiss, it's reserved, fearful, but healing. "I'll go now."
I watch as he goes to put his shoes on, I'm at a loss of words. He opens the door and I come next to him one more time. We kiss again, this time more passionate, he grabs my waist and I tangle my hands in his beautiful hair. When we break apart we breathe hard trying to recover from being without air for a while. Our foreheads are still touching so I can smell him, warm, musky with a little citrus, I recognize the smell to be the perfume I gave to him for his birthday all this time ago. He must of kept on buying it, otherwise there's no way he still has it, my heart fills with a new feeling, something I haven't felt in a long time, love. "Goodnight!" He kisses the top of my nose, let's go of me and leaves.
I close the door and go straight to my bed, I'm exhausted so I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I have a dreamless sleep, unusual for me, but welcomed as the next morning I wake up and for the first time in three years I don't feel empty or numb anymore. I feel hopeful, let's pray it doesn't come to bite me in the ass.
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kirider · 2 years ago
part two!
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Lupat stuff: 1 and 2, aka "if I had a nickel for every time a green ranger died before the series started I'd have two nickels-"; 3 is pokemon headcanons for Noel ("lucario is yellow not gold" shhhh) (shiny thievul taken from donbrothers, hi); 4 is crossover with Girl×Heroine (I wanna watch it so badly I don't care if it's a kid-show) I'm pretty sure the girls are ooc in this but oh well; 4 is headcanon stuff that I still haven't decided if I wanna make it an arc in Team Bonding
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Random bunch: 1 Goro and Kitaoka; 2 Gotchard made when they first showed him; 3 wheel challenge that I will definitely finish and totally isn't haunting me haha *sweat*; 4 Jisariz doodle made after episode 2; 5 is kitties; 6 THSH, Ichika deserves a skirt for the suit and of course I can't be normal about it but instead made headcanons for that
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....when you have an idea but you can't figure out what to draw to share it. Anyways. Sky cotl brainrot, if you give me a manta of course I'm gonna think of Sky
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Magical girl boys which I will finish. At some point. I hope. They're totally not haunting me haha. Ace is almost done tbh. I have more designs but they're still on paper and not in the folder
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The only Ryuki and Knight I care about are the Card Warrior ones, sorry
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Gosei stuff: 1 big piece that i haven't had the time to work on yet; 2, 3 and 4 are headcanons for angel culture (I thought too much about worldbuilding for them whoops); 5 Agri showed up with a red shirt once and I decided that they share clothes now; 6 episode 27 o|-(; 7 and 8 Philip and Hyde are friends in the tv bumpers, that's canon to me
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Geats brainrot: 1 and 3 are from vocaloid songs; 2 is (distruction) Tsumuri and Ace made based only from the episode preview; 4 is because this last part of the series is very close to the prediction of the ending I made near the start, but with a different aesthetic; 5 I think they should play other games than fortnite /j (kirby, animal crossing, sky cotl); 6 (only the bottom half) is from the Lamentation arc, I wanna draw bubbles; 7 is one of the OOO crossovers, and an headcanon for Keiwa; 8 is Jamaity Buffa from the episode preview that I still want to go back to
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ExAid brainrot, with a lot of Kiriya: 1 is various Kiriya forms from his various deaths; 2 this is from Tricks Lazer, they're in a RPG; 3 Kokoro Parad bc yes; 4 ....this requires me to learn a whole new skill I'll be back when I have time to learn it. I do love this Emu tho; 5 Combi Bakusou Bike ExAid; 6 screenshot redraw; 7 and 8 were for an animatic (8 is the planning, 7 is me taking a break from planning but staying on theme), but requires me making a whole choreography for it. Send help
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More ExAid brainrot: 1 more Girl×Heroine crossovers; 2 music girlfriends; 3 Emu and Parad totally not exploring an abandoned PizzaPlex bc I've been watching too much Ruin; 4 trying to make a design for Nico (for one of the not-fics i made the cover for); 5 and 6 just hanging out in the CR office; 7 (it's still mostly on paper but It's in the folder ot counts) Lazer most fucked up transformation lesson my beloved
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1 gold fusion final forms with ExAid and R/B; 2 I haven't met AkaRed but his concept sounds so cool can't wait to meet him; 3 episode one Gira; 4 ...oh boi. This is like a 10 part series. It's never gonna be finished. Why did I decide to have them on chairs.; 5 this is from a W au, unfinished bc I cannot figure out Wakana, sorry girl. Ryuga is a just a cameo in the au, this piece is where this comes from ; 6 and 7 are from the skates stuff. I love the skates stuff so many good tags
Tagged by @excadrill , thank you 🥰
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
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My tablet automatically names my files, so sadly can't share titles :(
But!!! I can share the thumbnails of some sketches! I'm always up to ramble about my drawings lol
There are a lot tho, bc i have the attention span of a goldfish and just keep jumping around stuff o|-( so I'm gonna put them in a reblog ...maybe two bc of the image limit
For the sake of everyone, I'm gonna share only stuff I've thought about recently, bc if I shared aaaall the wips we would be here all week lol. This is already gonna be so long as it is
Ignore the dates, they're a mess bc I tried to group them by series
Also, not tagging anyone, bc everyone I can think of rn already did it or has already been tagged. Except you. I'm tagging you. Yes you reading this. Do it.
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