#i was gifted a podfic!!!
mortimerlatrice · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Big/Tae Taechin Lerttravinont Characters: Big (KinnPorsche: The Series), Tae Taechin Lerttravinont Additional Tags: Dom/sub, collaring, Day Collars, Dom Tae, sub big, it may be Dom/sub but it's all fluff, entirely self indulgent, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Podfic & Podficced Works, Audio Format: Streaming, Audio Format: MP3 Summary:
Author's Summary: Big presents Tay with a gift.
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I've now had six different stories turned into podfics by a total of three people and it is genuinely delightful xD
All Star Wars so far, if you folks are interested:
From @flowerparrish we have The Only Difference Between Scavenging and Stealing with follow-up Whispers in the Wind featuring Ezra Bridger becoming Rey's Jedi Master, as well as Unknown, And Yet Familiar, with time traveler Ezra becoming Mace Windu's padawan in the Clone Wars, and finally I Will Find You in the Darkness about time traveler Leia Organa and pre-canon Shmi and Anakin Skywalker (I adore all the musical scores that get woven into the scene breaks with these, incredibly well done across the board)
Next up, WarriorDrgnMage did Divided by Deception, But Together We Must Rise which is best described as a 'the Jedi find the clones early' AU, but also a fun bit of introspection as to how the Force works. Also, baby clone shenanigans (it WILL put a smile on your face to hear the barely-suppressed laughter in the final scene)
And most recently, CainPods went the extra mile and did all three chapters of Su Cuy'gar, Vod, the first fic in my biggest and by far most popular time travel series (this one just felt incredibly soothing to listen to, CP's accent paired with the bits of Mando'a and something else indescribable all really blended together in a lovely way)
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elismor · 9 months
Once upon a time a thousand years ago, I wrote a LotRPS fic that gained some popularity in the fandom and someone asked me if they could translate it to...Portuguese, I think.
I was so flattered.
Yesterday, two podfic events ended and my inbox bloomed with not one, but SIX Related Work notices on AO3 and I am gobsmacked.
They are all for A List of Ordinary Miracles, which is a drabble of...well...it's on the tin, folks.
If you have some time to kill, check them out. I am so amazed by all of the interpretations and voicing. It's incredible to hear so many takes on 100 words that I put down.
In the order they came to me, because I could not possibly pick a favorite.
1 by @mistbornhero
2 by @opalsong
3 by @flowerparrish
4 by @likethetrench
5 by @godoflaundrybaskets
6 by Djapchan (whom I cannot find on tumblr. someone @ me if you know their handle?)
If you write fic and do not have a blanket permission for folks to pod it, I urge you to consider creating one. This was an amazing experience and, IMO, it's what fandom's all about...yes anding.
Thank you, everyone above for honoring me with your work. My heart is full.
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nostalgicatsea · 5 months
A few years ago, @cathalinaheart recorded two podfics of my fics, and I encourage everyone to give them a listen.
Podfics are so cool once you get over your embarrassment and shyness of being seen, especially in a way that you're not used to lol. It's magical to hear your words come to life, in the voice of someone who enjoyed your writing enough to read it aloud to others and back to you.
Somehow, it makes it even realer that there's another person out there who opened my fic on their phone or computer and spent time with it. It feels more intimate like it's just that reader and me and the words I excavated from someplace deep inside existing in the space between us.
All this is to say, these podfics are special to me and even more so because they're the first two I ever received! For some reason, I never imagined someone podficcing any of my fics.
"The Burning of Flowers" - 616 Hickmanvengers Steve/Tony Hanahaki AU
"In My Hands and Gone Again" - post-Endgame Steve/Tony amnesia AU
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I am not active, and yet here I am again.
I really need to get better at resting...
Podfic of @nathanwinter 's fic "there's something strange about that farmer"
Please keep in mind that this is my first time ever making one, so if it sucks, I'm sorry.
Ao3 link to the og fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48286318/chapters/121777609#workskin
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lilolilyr · 2 years
Taking shortfic prompts!
I'm 5 fics away from reaching 500 works on Ao3, and I want to crack that before the year ends!
Writing to any of the ships tagged on this post, if you have a different prompt to a fandom you think I might write for as well, feel free to send an ask, I might have forgotten to tag some :)
Any rating, pretty much any topic as long as it isn't too dark (but honestly just hit me with the prompts, I'll pick which ones I like best), just actually write me an idea and a fandom you want me to write for!
Drop a prompt in the replies of this post or in my askbox, anon or not!
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Three gorgeous new The Flight of the Heron works in Rare Male Slash Exchange! All Keith/Ewen, all canon divergence re the fifth meeting, one original story and two podfics, and they all make me feel things.
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themurderrose · 4 months
JUST LISTENED THROUGH A PODFIC OF 'TO TAME A TIGER' AND IM MELTING INTO MY CHAIR this is one of the best things to ever happen to me
[it's archive locked but please check it out it will be the best 8 minutes of your day today istg]
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ofmd-alsaurus · 9 months
to whoever posted the related work that's still in an unrevealed collection: I love you and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT IT IS!!!!!
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might do some miraculous art later. maybe this is what finally break me out of my art block. i need to draw this silly little idiots in love.
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thisbluespirit · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sapphire and Steel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sapphire & Silver & Steel (S&S) Characters: Sapphire (S&S), Silver (S&S), Steel (S&S) Additional Tags: Ficlet, Prompt Fic, Flash Fic, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming Summary:
A podfic of Ties That Bind by thisbluespirit.
"I'm not leaving you."
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kk1smet · 2 months
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Cut From The Sky gift, for @mallstars 🩵
This lives rent-free in my head. I've had such joy creating this for you and for the work that means so many things for me. Thank you for sharing CFTS with us!
Check this out on ao3, and also highly recommend this gorgeous podfic by cailyn! This piece is also inspired by the gorgeous works of sunny, phanta, ree and amomorii!
and of course i drew my favorite (legend) scene below:
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sweatersinthesummer · 2 months
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Most of my posts about my pods start like this…
"As soon as I finished reading, I knew I had to record it…"
and, well, that was the case again. Everything about this fic is perfect. The storyline, the characterization of Harry and Draco, the dialogue, everything. So give it a listen or a read!
[Podfic] Spoiled Little Brat (T, 57 minutes) written by @fastbrother with gorgeous art by @appleslightning
Harry won’t stoop to Malfoy’s level. Really, he won’t.
(He will.)
Written and recorded as a birthday gift for @pl0tty 🎁🎂🎈
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mcytblraufest · 1 month
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As the dust settles on Aufest 2024, we start to look forward to what's happening next year. Because three years of aufest just sounds like a great precursor to four years of aufest: barring disaster, we'll be back next year.
But in what FORM will we be back next year?
One thing has been consistent so far with our event. We've done a new thing every year. So the decision is, do we go back to something we've done before, or do we try something new? And that's where you come in. Yes this is a post about a poll.
The Options
Option 1 - Fandom Exchange: We do what we did Aufest 2022 and we do a Fandom Exchange. Similar to the Holiday Exchange that runs in the winter, everyone will sign up and be paired with another person, and they'll have a month to make that person a gift. People will have a chance to opt into art, fic, web weaves, playlists, podfic, or other, and the basic expectation will be 1k or a clean finished art piece in a month, all on the theme of aus. This would be a one-month event.
Option 2 - Big Bang: We do what we did Aufest 2023, and we do a Big Bang. Writers sign up with an au that's halfway done, and they get matched with artists who draw art based on their fic while they finish their au. The basic expectation is 5k in two months for writers, or a clean finished art piece in one month for artists. This would be a two-month event.
Option 3 - Reverse Big Bang: We do what we did this year, and we do a Reverse Big Bang. Artists sign up with completed au art, and then writers write a fic based on the art. The basic expectation is a clean finished art piece in one month for artists, or 5k in two months for writers. This would be a three-month event.
Option 4 - Battleship. (Though we'll probably call it Dungeon Crawl.) This is the new option, if you want to try something new. This is a competitive fic and art game, heavily based on the multifandom exchange Battleship. Participants are divided into teams, and each team is assigned a board, a 10*10 grid. Each square on the grid is assigned with two tags, things like "space au" or "divorce" or "tooth-rotting fluff" or "cannibalism", and a number between 10 and 20. Participants write a fic or draw an art that can be tagged with the one of the tags on a square, gifting it to a request made by someone in the event, and once a square is "hit" the number of times indicated on it, it clears that square, and the mods will tell you if you hit a trap or a treasure. Teams race to disarm all the traps on their board before moving on to the next stage. The basic expectations for this one would be a clean sketch on unlined paper or a 300 word fic, literally as fast as you can turn it out, but most participants in battleship write multiple fics/draw multiple arts before all boards are cleared. Battleship runs until all boards are cleared, but generally people expect to see a 3-week event.
Which of these do you want to see next year?
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Rules and FAQ
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The fastest gift exchange around. Objectively a bad idea. 48 hours of hyperfocus.
Schedule: (All times in EDT)
Tag Nominations Opens, Discord Opens: 0:01 August 14
Tag Nominations Closes: Midnight August 20
A03 Sign Up Opens 0:01 August 21
A03 Sign Up closes: Midnight August 27
Creation Phase: Noon EDT August 31 - Noon EDT September 2
Treating Week: September 2- September 9
Discord Closes: Noon September 9
Everybody admires everyone else's work: September 2 - Ongoing
The exchange is multifandom, and open to artists, writers, and podficcers. Fandoms do not have to have a canonized Ao3 tag to participate.
You must be a member of the Discord, for communication purposes.
Once assigned, participants will have 48 hours to deliver their gift.
Artists are expected to deliver a decent sketch, Writers and Podficcers have a 300 word minimum
No AI-Generated content.
This exchange will be operating on DL:DR when it comes to what the mods will police and what we ask you to respect in terms of other people’s requests. The single exception is RPF, which has additional rules. 
RPF is allowed. Persons nominated for RPF must be famous in their own right and over the age of 18. Persons famous chiefly for their participation in facist regimes or as serial killers will not be considered for nomination. Mods reserve the right to reject RPF nominations in poor taste.
Original Work is allowed. Use the "Original Work" fandom. If it is important to you that a person within a specific pairing is a specific gender, make that clear within the tag, for example "Middle-aged King (M)/His Loyal Bodyguard (NB) (Original Work)".
As this is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed, even if you’re sure that both you and your recipient are adults. This applies both to sexual content and to extreme (e-rated) gore.
To increase matching options, tags must be seconded (nominated twice) to make it into the tag set. Because of this, tag nominations will be collected through a google form.
You can nominate tags for up to ten fandoms, with up to twenty tags nominated in each.
You will have one week to submit relationships and characters to a tag set, one week to write your prompts, and 48 hours to deliver your gift.
Participants are required to request at least three fandoms (with associated prompts), and offer to create around at least three fandoms.
To help your creator out, you must offer either a list of likes or prompts that contains at least one element that works for each art form that you have opted into. If you opt into art, you must give at least one art prompt or art like in your signup, and the same for fic or podfic.
To increase matching options, at least one of your ships has to be either Gen (platonic relationship) or a single-character tag— just one overall, not one per fandom.
Please include anything you absolutely don't want to receive (Do Not Wants) in the Optional Details field in your AO3 signup. Only DNWs in the Ao3 signup will be enforced, and mods will not enforce DNWs that are overly restrictive, unclear, or used to box a recipient into a specific gift (i.e. "nothing gross", or "I don't want anything that isn't a space au with the mc's other major love interest dead off screen".)
This exchange uses Ao3's matching algorithm, and as such, you need an Ao3 Account.
Make sure the email attached to your AO3 account is one that a) you check regularly, and b) are comfortable with exchange mods seeing. You can verify your email here: archiveofourown.org/users/[your ao3 name here]/change_email
As per Ao3 and Discord’s TOS, you must be at least 13.
Ao3 Collection Here
Tag Set Here
Nominate Tags [form available in the discord]
Tag Nomination Rules Here,
Discord Here
Things We Do Differently Than Other Exchanges Here
Intro to how to sign up for an Ao3 Exchange Here. Variant using a gifter letter here. A note on what Solo tags mean in practice here.
Sign up for Ao3 Here (there is a waiting queue.)
Additional Challenges (just for fun):
One Day: Fulfil your gift within 24 hours.
Word Count: Write 5k or more on a single gift.
Art: Produce a fully-rendered and coloured (lined if that's your style) art piece with at least two characters, or a 10-panel comic with clean pencils or simple inks, within the 48 hours of the exchange.
Multi-media: Fulfil gifts that meets gift minimums for two different gift forms— art, fic, and/or podfic.
Multi-fandom: Make gifts that meet gift minimums for 3 or more fandoms.
Why? Because it seemed like a terrible idea.
How do I sign up/How do I format tags/Are you using OR matching: Signup FAQ on the Ao3 collection Here)
Further Questions? Join the Discord Here
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swrarepairs · 7 days
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Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange 2024 - Announcement and Schedule
Hello everyone, Star Wars Rare Pairs is back for another year! This time with a brand new tumblr homepage.
Nominations - September 14-21 11:59 PM EST (will open early on the 15th) Sign-Ups - September 25 - October 6 11:59 PM EST (May open early) Assignments Out - October 7 9:00PM EST (May send earlier) Assignments Due - December 1 11:59PM EST Work Reveals - December 8 11:59PM EST Author Reveals - December 15 11:59PM EST
2024 Ao3 Collection 2024 Rules and Information Post 2024 Tagset [Opening for noms Sept 14]
What is Star Wars Rare Pairs?
Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange is a gift exchange run on Ao3 for Star Wars relationships that have less than 250 works, in English, on Ao3. We welcome every corner of canon, and you can offer to give or receive fic, art, podfic, or vids.
Sounds great, how do I join?
If you're completely new to Ao3 exchanges, we made an Ao3 Exchanges 101 post to help you figure out what you're talking about.
Otherwise, just Read through this 2024 Rules and Information Post, and you're on your way!
You can follow us here on tumblr for updates, but the most up to date information is going to be at our DreamWidth community - we recommend you join us over there. We also have a discord server - invite here.
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