#i was experimenting with art style stuff here and i kinda hate it but this is why we experiment
ectopuppy · 5 months
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Dannymay Day 7: Mind Control
rude rude rude rude
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xanwyn · 2 months
this post is for @sugarpasteltmnt
this might end up being really long and rambly and sappy but maybe not who knows.( it was) (and also featuring numerous spelling errors i am way too tired to fix and i am not re reading what i just wrote) SO. yknow how when chap idek..25(?) came out and i was all like “yeah so i made this animation for TNV and ill drop it when the fic ends” in your ask box? so. I FINISHED IT RAHHH. technically it has been finished since i sent that ask but ohhh my goodness did it need polishing. i haven’t animated in 4 years before that and omg it felt so good getting back into it but IDFK SOMETHING IS STILL NOT UP TO MY STANDARDS. i feel like i could have done so much more with it and i deffo wanted to but as soon as i told myself “oh yeah this is basically done” art block literally sucker punched me in the gut out of NOWHERE. I COULD NOT PICK UP MY I PAD. I COULD NOT DRAW. I WOULD STARE AT THE WIP ANIMATION AND BE UPSET BC I DDINT WANNA WORK ON IT AHH. that goes with saying. i kept having this thought in the back of my head “you need to finish it. you have a wip sitting. finish it. go do it. what are you doing are you STARTING ANOTHER PROJECT??? anddd yeah i got super distracted with other stuff and other projects and then i started spending my free time rewatching 2012 turtles and omg this summer has been a mess. i have all the free time in the world and i choose to be the least productive as possible with it even though i have a job that lets me literally sit on my phone and do whatever i want if no one is there. (i’ve brought my switch to work numerous times ☠️) what i was trying to get at is the fact that TNV has inspired a lot of the old me to come back and i lowk missed her. i really missed the point in all those words up there but im here now so whatever. BUT. TNV made me make a tumblr account, i got back in to animation AND digital art in general, got back into longfics that are ongoing, AND it also helped kickstart ideas for writing. i’ve got so many stories now!! you are such an inspirational person pastels i just- every time i read a new chapter of yours it made me wanna go get up and do something. i wanted to create something. because at the end of each chapter, i would think- “woah. a person out there just wrote this. they just sat down one day and committed. i wanna do that” so i did that. just huge thank you and shoutout to you pastel. like damn. idk no words from me here. just a bunch of platonic hugs and kisses and thankyouthankyouthsnkuou for this lovely heart wrenching but also sweet story. i love this fandom (tmnt) so SO much and i think it’s so awesome how interactive you are with your own personal NV fans. crazy how we’re all here because of a bunch of turtles. 
okay i really like to talk and if you let me, i will run my mouth. this is the internet so im gonna do just that. so more words for you to read 😁. AHEM. so like i stated before in the genuinely scary mess of words up there, i haven’t touched animation in a while, like, 4 years a while. yes i’ve done digital art here and there along the years, i haven’t been doing it nearly as much as i need to to use some programs to their full potential. layers are still confusing, and don’t even get me started on multiply and all that jazz. shading never comes out right on digital for me, i gotta work that one out. so, for this animation, i decided to go with a very rough style. nothing needed to be perfect, i just wanted to live my little life of trying to experiment with a bunch of different things all at once in one short animatic. I wanted to do that little ball bounce thing all animation artists start with (i kinda included that with the key). i also wanted to have a go at lip sync (no hate it was my first time) and also timing the animation with the music. i wanted to see how smoothly i could move a figure in and out of and out of the screen as well, which honestly, i think that part might be my favorite. i think i did a good job, and thats what matters. the animation itself lost a bunch of quality on importing it- no clue how it happened but now the ending is grainy af. ignore that pls lol- but it was sitting in my flipaclip for god, i dont even know, 3 months now? i kept going back and forth on if i wanted to share it or not, so im throwing it to the wolves and i guess whatrver happrns happens and im good with that. yay. im actually rrwlly tired now sooo *leaves this absolute pile of words with a video attached at your feet and stumbles away quickly*
also i’ve genuinely never posted anything so i’m learning how to use tumblr too ☠️
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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I'm just going to start talking about my celestials each month to give you all some low effort and fun(for me) content. Also doing full illustrations of them as well, with some design notes at the end.
My interpretation of loodvigg, named Fhobia Denta Latrostratous (they're one of the three celstials with a full name at the moment) is a fair bit different from other's interpretations of it for extremely personal reasons. They're a tad bit strange, and creepy looking, but overall they are a compassionate (in their own strange way, like almost everything about them) and creative individual that's held as a role model for all shadowkind. They also have a lavender colored ring around their pupils so their eyes aren't fully pink, which is the main difference from the cannon loodvigg, along with the subtly different feathers, lower body, markings on the abdomen, and scales on the arms.
They are generally unexpressive (tonealy, the main way monsters express their emotions) yet VERY emotional. Over the years they gradually became more in control of their emotions due to sheer life experience, but they are still a little more irrational and driven by emotion than most of the other celestials.
They hate being touched, loud sudden/repetitive noises, math, people or things that get too into the meaning of art and other stuff like that, and the texture of a few things like fish meat or coarse fabrics. There are very few things they have a neutral opinion on, one of which is the taste of blood by itself.
They love keeping up their appearance in most situations, for example, their hair isn't naturally like that, they use their saliva like hair jell and specifically style it to look like that, also they would be absolutely rancid smelling and filthy with their diet of fresh meat and preferred locals of wet warm caves. They spend a lot of time cleaning themselves, which is extremely rare for monsters. They also like eating more than your average monster, they eat like a toddler because of how preoccupied with eating they get, collecting/making taxidermy and other oddities, and all critters, especially invertebrates though.
They are majorly interested in biological sciences, specifically preservation and taxonomy. They gave the celestials and dof era monsters/critters their scientific names(no I don't have scientific names for the celestials yet, I've kinda ran out of ideas for scientific names tbh). They happen to spend a lot of their time in a very large cave network with a lot of different types of caves that make good enclosures for keeping critters to study.
They care a lot about the other celestials as they are siblings and gets very angry if something bad happens to them, only if they feel it's undeserved, their empathy is a bit wacky and  inconsistent.
Also most shadow monsters tend to share in its odd mannerisms, sometimes the behaviors show up in completely non shadow affiliated monsters and no one knows why.
Disclaimer (I think that's the right word), yes you guessed right, Fhobia and the large majority of the shadow monsters are autistic, the term isn't used in universe as the monsters don't have a word for autism as they aren't that into psychology and "the way that monster is" has worked in place of a proper word historically, monsters aren't into categorizing others.
as for design notes and process here it is! all the stuff in red boxes are final.
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
So it's not a short complaint no more. Sorry. Like I said, if you think im a whiny negress and hate fandom racism mentions bc they make you uncomfortable and "race isn't real in your fun safe space" gone head and block me. That's fine. I just gotta get this off my chest (and I'm musing CALMLY) and I'll be good.
Okay. So I've been trying not to say anything bc I know how it'll be perceived. I've really pulled myself back from participating in the Patrochilles fandom outside of making my own shit, bc I recognize that shouting to the uncaring wind isn't gonna do anything. Me focusing on my own work and what makes me happy is healthier. I make my stuff, you're spared hearing my concerns. Everyone wins. Fine.
I think what fucks with me is that as a whole, specifically in the Hades portion but also in response to it, is that half of the ship is of a (poorly canonically drawn) Black man... But none of the popular voices, writers, or artists in this space.... are openly Black. Even people who have Black/Ambiguously Brown™ Patroclus in their TSoA fic usually aren't. You would think that Black voices would be valued in a space like that.
(And ik what people are gonna say. "Oh you're just mad you're not popular!" Not really lol. I got my couple people that cheer me on, and I recognize the dehumanizing song and dance that is required to be popular in white fandoms and it's not for me.)
Like I just... No one white has ever had to experience that, you know? Of having a ship with a white person and everybody in the space DOESN'T look like you. And then, like 65% of them draw the character that's supposed to look like you kinda poorly. And you're supposed to accept that, or YOU'RE the problem. "You're not even supposed to be here" is what a good chunk of the racist adjacent ship fandom has BLATANTLY said or implied about you and that character, unwilling to even draw someone that looks like you despite historical and geographical evidence of your existence to the contrary (that's a jab at some of the severely racist takes I've seen on here of Black people somehow not existing in the Mediterranean, bc Jesus Christ).
And then everyone will ignore those occasionally overt, usually covert statements and continue to laugh along and share art bc they're entertained. Like... Wow. So antiblack racism really don't bother y'all, huh? You'd rather be a racist just to fit in? That's what's cool?
And what really hurts, is that I've found that I'll have similar ideas to other people, maybe even done them first, but I don't receive that hand in community in comparison and it's been hard not to let myself believe that the being openly Black has to do with it. Even in the ship sections that aren't Hades related. Bc ik if I said something directly to people for their actions, I'll just get dogpiled for "ruining the fun" or "hurting someones feelings for their art/writing style" or some shit, so I don't bother. Like, fine, I get it. Gone head and stay racist on your own time lmao 🤣
This was supposed to be short. My bad. I guess I'm just wondering if I wanna stick around bc I don't like self-questioning the value of my humanity, having to stay at the edge of a place that was supposed to be fun. Okay, I'm glad I got that out ���‍💨 I feel better now.
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leonenjoyer69 · 5 months
I really love your art and your artstyle!!! I'm trying to learn to draw and I'm struggling to find a way to draw faces and especially eyes that I like, could you maybe share some tips on how you draw faces because omg I am so in awe of how cool your art looks! :D
Honestly, the best advice I can give is to study tf out of art styles you like, bc that's exactly what I did with TGS. The amount of pages I just stared at and tried to lowkey memorize is ungodly, and once I started drawing the characters and trying to emulate sage's style, I kinda just kept getting better from there. My ability to draw poses and full body stuff also got exponentially better VERY quickly, TGS is just magic like that, I swear.
Also, for eyes specifically, referencing each characters eyes and testing different expressions is kinda the way to go. I use my physical copy of Vol 1 a LOT for referencing (especially for Hyde and Lanyon)
(A LOT more under the cut lmao)
Also, just drawing headshots of the characters over and over helps too, especially in pen! I have literal DOZENS of random 5- 10 minute pen doodles. The nice thing about the pen stuff is that, yeah, youll mess up a lot and not be super satisfied with most of them, but it forces you to be a bit more careful about how you place things and steadier with you hand, at least in my experience.
(The sillies)
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See? Most of them really suck, but they made me pay a lot more attention to what I was doing and what I wanted to do. It also helped me grasp quirks of the characters and drawing expressions a lot better. Plus, this isn't even all of them, I've got a bunch more in a little envelope I made.
Also, looking on Pinterest for pose references probably would also help, or taking pics of yourself for reference, but I'm built different (stubborn and lazy) so I rawdog my anatomy and poses 🗣️🗣️
Otherwise, I can also give a little doodle example with Whole Jekyll on how I currently draw in pencil and such :3
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Start with circle, then give it a nice center line and chin
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Then I throw in the neck and shoulders (which tend to change a decent bit bc anatomy is hard), the eye line, which goes through the middle of the circle, and then I like to do a line down the chest to figure out which way I want him pointing, since he's at a tilt. I also change this quite often, along with where I want the face pointing lmao. Once I've figured out direction, I draw the nose starting at the bottom of the circle and up to the eye line. I also then draw the top of the eyes first. The eye line (and apparently the center line 💀) is of course a suggestion, and I tend to mess around with the eye shape until it looks mostly right.
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Then the bottoms of the eyes and the pupils get thrown in, which I have to redraw pretty often to try and make them match better. I also usually leave the eyes blank bc I'm lazy af and can't draw pupils too well, I will shade them tho and that makes them look better.
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Then bbg gets ears (which I usually start around the corners of the eyes and go down to just above the little curve of the jaw), eyebrows (also just mess around with these til they look right) and a mouth (I HATE drawing mouths 😋😋), then they get their hair (also have to redraw a bunch)
Also, to show Whole Jekylls other eye, I pinned his hair back, so there's a treat, Whole Jekyll enjoyers <3 bbg can fully see 😍 (Mind Lanyon probably forced him too)
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Then I shade his eyes, give him clothes and fix up any quick things that were bothering me (in this his nose) and go back with the edge of a rectangle eraser and get those guidelines and extra lines out (sometimes they're still a little visible, but maybe just don't draw them as heavy handed as I do 💀) and Bada Bing Bada boom! Doodle done :3 of course its not the best, but it doesn't have to be, thats the joy of doodles
Heres another good pic to kinda show how I use my guidelines (and how messy my doodles usually are, it's part of my charm guys, I swear--)
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Otherwise like, my progress shots for drawings look goofy af lmao, like--
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Messy af, incorrect proportions, wrong anatomy, eugh. just takes time (and a lot of redrawing) to get to the final pieces.
But yeah!!! Eyes are annoying, it just takes a lot of tweaking and repetition.
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Like, I redrew some of these eyes a decent few times and some of them are still off, like cmon Lanyon, why you gotta be so hard for me to draw 💔
Anyways!!! Thats probably the best I can offer right this second lmao, sometimes I kinda wish I could record drawing and stuff but I don't do stuff purely digital often enough to. I do have a full speed paint for that drawing of Jekyll in Hydes mind clothes tho, so idk maybe I'll share that if anyone wants me to lmao.
But yeah! Thank you so much for the ask and the kind words, I hope this helps! or is at least entertaining lmao
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cali-kabi · 9 months
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~ here’s my summary of art 2023 :D🌟💫🍄
Sharing some of my favorite pieces I done this year :), I had such an amazing and fun time with going to new places and such <3 also learning a few more stuffs along the way as well :) I wouldn’t say the best with my art tho I had more downs than the up-side ^^’ I kinda struggled with my art style especially with the months April and November, I don’t like the fact how many people (including a few mutuals who I thought were nice to me) mistreated/been mean to me about my au, art, and writing like why? it’s not fair, like I’m scared everytime I share my post about my headcanons or au stuff now ;-;💦I don’t know if it’s just jealousy or peeps just hate me… sorry for sorta turning this into a vent post I’m just talking about my experience with my art and sharing my au writing this year hasn’t been well :,0💫I really appreciate to those who still stick around, love my arts and works, sent me a kind message when I was feeling down as well it truly means a lot to me ;w;💖I hope next year people don’t be so mean to me or mistreat me the way I write stuff I’m just so tired of dealing with them >0<💦
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annoyed-galaxy · 4 months
For years and years, my parents have called my lilybugg, gave me that nickname, and ever since, I rolled with it on various platforms. However, on Tumblr, I really wanted a different username. Annoyed-galaxy was spawned and with that username came my beloved creature, Galaxy, of which I have posted art of a decent amount of times.
On my journey to bring to life the different physical manifestations of who I am, I worked on designing my oldest namesake, Lilybugg. From nickname to persona, here she is.
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Lilybugg is the artist of my four sonas (Galaxy and two others I have not yet mentioned). She represents my artistic capabilities given to her by the creativity of Galaxy (the eye connects the two). Her wings are inspired by Dragonflies as I love dragons and dragonflies are pretty fucking cool. She has antennas that glow and help her see in the dark when she's drawing. Her legs aren't usually shown, but they are slightly buggish, just hidden by the skirt. She has a monocle to represent my glasses, but I hate drawing glasses so that's why it's a monocle instead.
I'm kinda happy with how this turned out and it makes me feel better about my art again in the midst of another style change. I want to keep experimenting with my art, but really am just trying to get stuff laid out for art fight because I hope to be participating in it this year.
Anywho, time-lapse per usual under the cut.
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i watched dom the bombs reading of book 2 and saw people making really negative comments about tillie and the book, it made me feel bad seeing how far people are going to hate on tillie instead of just the book
Yeah, I saw some of his livestream. I don't really watch his content, but I have watched the videos he did about Clementine Book One. I only watched the stream for about two minutes before I had to shut it off because it was that unpleasant, and I'm not referring to the content of the book. Then when I heard through discord that he'd gotten to chapter 9, I turned it back on and watched his reaction and the rant that followed and like... I have a lot of feelings but to put it simply, I'm kinda pissed so apologies for this long post.
Here's the deal: I don't know Dom, and maybe his reactions were exaggerated for his chat, or maybe he really does feel that aggressively passionate about twdg and what these comics have done, I don't know. I jumped into the stream the first time when he was at the part where Clementine's being introduced to new cast at the party, and it's when he was reading and said, "'John is Morro's son' I don't care" that I clicked off. Why should I keep watching when you're not going to put in any effort into the story outside of just hating on it? That's the whole vibe I got and it put me right off.
He can hate them as much as he wants [and he did say that if this wasn't about Clementine, it wouldn't be that bad], that's not my issue. My biggest issue comes when he brings Tillie into it because he always does.
I think his stream had a little bit of a ripple effect that's lead to Tillie's social media. Looking through her most recent post on insta, there are a bunch of new comments with people parroting some stuff he said in his stream... as if she needed more shit. She's been getting these comments for days now.
For those unaware, Tillie Walden just had a baby on October 4th, the same day Clementine Book Two came out, and these are pieces throughout the comments section of that post sharing the news:
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I'm trying so hard to put this into words because, on one hand, I get that Dom is just one person and it's not like he can force his audience to do anything. Plus, the hate was happening before his stream so it's not like it's his fault anything... but just because he throws in a "I don't condone harassment of Tillie guys" disclaimer around, that doesn't mean he isn't contributing to the problem.
You can't go on a rant about how Ricca is Tillie's self-insert and no one can change your mind about that, and then be like "but guys don't harass Tillie, she doesn't deserve it." THAT is what people are sending her threats over! You're just validating that self-insert idea! You are contributing to the problem!
Personally, I don't think he's saying "don't send anyone harassment" because he actually gives a shit about Tillie Walden or anyone involved in the project, he's saying it to cover his own ass so no one can point any fingers at him. I'd like to be proven wrong on that. I'd love for him to be more serious about it and say more than just "I don't condone harassment" before going on to say he's gonna bring the hammer down for his review.
And y'know what? You're right. I can't change your mind about Ricca being a self-insert because you don't want to change your mind.
Both of them having glasses isn't evidence, and "they look exactly the same!" doesn't work when Tillie's art style has same-face syndrome. Slap some glasses on Olivia and oop, Olivia must be a self-insert, too!
Like... do people still not get how stories are made? Writers tend to write what they know, they draw from their life experiences and that influences their characters, settings, and plots. You know what probably happened? Tillie wears glasses, and she probably thought about how much it would suck to wear glasses in the apocalypse, and gave that idea to one of her characters.
But does it even matter? You've already decided it's not up for debate. You're not open to discussion on it. You're set on spreading "Ricca is a self-insert" to your audience, that ripples through the fandom, and a shit ton of people are weaponizing it. "Ricca is a self-insert" is why they're going after her on a post about her newborn baby.
I know how that this works. It's happened to me where I've said something only to see some of my followers weaponizing it against other people. Shit, when I was on the subreddit the other day, I saw someone misquoting me from my first read through of Book Two post: I never said I would lose my shit if they named Olivia's baby Amos Junior, AJ 2.0. I was making a fucking joke. And do you know how many times I've come across "AJ 2.0" since? An alarming amount!
When you have a platform with any amount of followers, shit you say is going to spread and it might be used poorly. There isn't much you can do about it except think about the future shit you say and how you say it. You're never going stop everyone from being shitty; some people are just insistent on being assholes, but you can always try to reach through to more people.
There is a conversation to be had about the contents of chapter 9, and how this story is leaning toward a more romantic focus over a gritty zombie drama. There's a lot to say about Ricca as a character. There are legit criticisms of these books, and criticisms to be had of Skybound for continuing the series after the games ended... but I don't think many people are interested in actually having those conversations. I think they just want to be mad. I think they want to put all the blame on one person, and since it's Tillie's name on the books, they want to hate her.
And I don't even dislike Dom or anything. He seems like a nice guy who's passionate about the games and is disappointed the comics didn't do them justice. From the parts I watched he had good points about how Skybound were the ones who hired Tillie knowing her previous work. I see where he's coming from with his dislike of the romance angle, too.
But it's the reactionary anger that feeds and grows, which again, I don't blame him for having strong feelings or reacting. I used to stream on twitch and you do get carried away; you exaggerate, you get pissed off and so does chat and suddenly everything is heated and you're bouncing that off each other. So I get it.
I guess I just dread his actual review because I know what's going to happen. And now I'm also a little worried about my review.
I'm just upset that this is what the twdg fandom's turned into. I mean, we've always had toxicity but I don't remember it ever being this bad. There's nothing I can do about it except hope people calm down.
...I can't believe this is where my character arc has led me. I'm the Tillie Walden and, to an extent, the Clementine comics defender... Well, shit.
I don't even like the comics, I think they're bullshit too, and yet-
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Raison d’être - A Premature Burial 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"By the way, Oshi-san, I know it’s a lil’ late t’ask, but how come I’m bein’ brought with to yer family home?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: The Itsuki's House (Exterior)
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Noon the following day. At the Itsuki family villa, the building where Itsuki Shu was born and raised…
Shu: What a nostalgic house of mine.
Hmph. Although the building itself remains to be a half-hearted and unbecoming Western-wannabe. I envy that dreadful Tenshouin only in that respect.
Mika: Nnah, ya sure like the Western style, Oshi-san.
Shu: Japanese style is tasteful, but it needs to be just that. Nothing should be done by halves. I find the Rokumeikan[1] to be a disgrace upon Japanese history.
Though I suppose some art is borne from the chaos of transitional periods too.
Well, it’s fine. You know the house plenty well already, you can leave your luggage in the room that you used to occupy.
I was told the room has been left untouched as nobody’s had to use it.
In the meantime, I will greet my parents and the rest.
Mika: Ah, lemme come with ya. I’ve stayed here under their care fer a while, so I’d like to greet yer household as well. I’ve brought some souvenirs and stuff too!
Shu: Hm. It appears that you’ve learned some social etiquette as well.
Mika: This past year, I’ve been exposed to society to an extent—
By the way, Oshi-san, I know it’s a lil’ late t’ask, but how come I’m bein’ brought with to yer family home?
Shu: You’re asking this only now? And to correct you, this is not my family home.
The main residence of the Itsuki family is in Kansai. This is nothing but a villa built in Tokyo, built by a former head of the family several generations ago.
It is just a foothold; a frontier base used to advance into the Tokyo area, so to speak. Also called a vacation home.
Our main residence is a very old-fashioned Japanese-style building, in terms of convenience, it’s technology much is much more inferior than modern day—
My family moved here out of consideration for Grandfather’s poor health with the building made with a barrier free design.
Mika: So it’s kinda like a nursin’ home for yer grandfather, huh?
Shu: Yes. This was before I was born, however, so it would not be incorrect to say that this is my “family home where I was born and raised”.
And our grandfather, who had worried those around him for years saying he was dying, continued to live on for more than a decade.
Likely just an excuse so my western-minded grandfather could live in a modern, western-style building.
Mika: Nah, there’s no way…
Shu: As much as I hate to say it, Grandfather would do that.
To you, he might be nothing more than an “emaciated sick man” that you visited alongside me…
But for us in the Itsuki family, Grandfather was like the eye of a typhoon. A disaster, a windstorm that would destroy everything on a whim.
Since I was a child, Grandfather has been causing us all sorts of trouble time and time again.
No one could complain, though. This was my Grandfather, the head of the family attributed to the restoration of the Itsukis, they were dealing with. But everyone was tired of it.
And this time too, it’s likely just another of his “usual episodes”. Judging from the way Nii-sama spoke, at least.
Mika: (Ah, so looks like Oshi-san expected as much too. Thank goodness~, hopefully “Ryuu~-kun”-san and Nazuna-nii were right, then.)
(That the news that Grandfather passed away was just an inappropriate lie, or joke, and that he’s actually still alive and well.)
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Mika: (And unlike what I’d heard from “Ryuu~-kun”-san, Oshi-san seems to be relatively calm…)
(Right, he’s no longer a kid that panics anytime somethin’ would happen, ain’t he?)
Shu: …What is it? Wipe that condescendingly affectionate and unpleasant look off your face at once!
Mika: Nnah~, my baaad? I dunno what t’say, when I’d lived in the house I never asked questions to try t’be considerate.
So I’m happy t’hear about your house among other things this time, Oshi-san! ♪
Shu: Hmph. Though if you hadn’t held back and asked, it wouldn’t have bothered me at all. You’re already my family, in many senses.
Well, I was rather unstable at the time, I suppose I would unreasonably yell back no matter what you had asked.
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1. A large diplomatic building in Tokyo built to house diplomats and other guests from overseas. It stands as a controversial cultural symbol of the Meiji Period's Westernization policy. The Rokumeikan was done almost entirely in the western style, and notably does not mix Japanese and Western elements; Shu is likely referring to its status as a symbol and the westernization policy. See a photo of it here!
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birdo-is-here · 6 months
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ayee this one has a bit of lore behind it but not in the way you’d think!
This is Mary (she/her), she is based off the Mary Sue,,, trend?? stereotype?? idfk whatever Mary Sues were supposed to be Mary is kinda. supposed to be the personification of that
Now I babble quite a bit today so there’s a cut, but i’ve got some stuff to say about her
Now. First of all I want to say Mary is a muuuch older character of mine. I made her probably when I was 11 or 12, that’s at least 4 years ago
Here’s a fun fact about me, I had absolutely no critical thinking skills until maybe the age of 14 or mid-13s, and at the time I of course did not really realise the issues the entire Mary Sue thing had in general
Since those four years i’ve realised that I. really do not like the Mary Sue trope at aaallll. It is a very mean trope, simply making fun of young artists/writers for having fun with their characters, which obviously is not very good. As I stated, it feels very mean
Because of this, I’ve kind of wanted to scrap Mary’s entire base concept because like. well duh I don’t really want to make a character like that that just feels so. mean-spirited yk, i don’t wanna do that!! Art is art there are no rules to art you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it as long as its not hurting others and that’s that!! Don’t bully people for experimenting with colours and styles and tropes!! That’s called being an Ass!
BUT DESPITE THIS. I could never fully scrap her!! Admittedly she had a counterpart for “Gary Stu” which. did get “scrapped”(in quotations because its a lore thing now wooo) But Mary?? I couldn’t get rid of her!! And very recently I think I realised why!!
For some context, Mary (and Gary) was originally from a story where there was a sort of. “spirit” for every known concept to exist, including the concept of Mary Sues and Gary Stues. That being said, Mary (and Gary,,) were basically the rulers of that universe because. need I say why. And they were also incredibly self-aware and could pretty much do whatever they wanted
Does this sound familiar at all?? To me, yep! Mary (and Gary,,,,,,,) was essentially the FIRST Off-Scripter I ever made!! before I ever even came up with the concept! Now, we all know that, chronologically, Naut’s the first Off-Scripter created but with my stories, we all know that chronological timelines aren’t the only timelines here
I think this is the sorta reason why Mary was never fully forgotten because like. that’s significant yk
So what have I chosen to do instead?? Well of course i’ve decided to lean into that Off-Scripter..ness about her A LOT more. I imagine that Author!Birdo probably had the same realisation that I had and tried to “scrap” her (and her universe, that story is probably gonna be scrapped im just not that interested in it anymore 🤷‍♀️ who knows i might get a burst of inspo tho) But! Mary is an Off-Scripter! And in typical Off-Scripter fashion simply decided. not to get scrapped (unlike her bf rip Gary 😔 haunting the narrative route for you)
And its gonna be a hell of a thing where like. Birdo is HELLA peeved about Mary’s existence because they hate it ygm. Just like me, Birdo doesn’t really want a character that feels so mean of a concept to exist in their universe, but alas?? Off-Scripter magic makes shit complicated again :(
Where we go from there?? I’m not too sure! I haven’t planned that far ahead I only came up with this stuff like. literally a couple days ago lol, but yeah there’s that
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dirty-osc-confessions · 3 months
Coming back to copy-paste my confessions for the background of my anon sona. The concept of an "anon sona" is kinda crazy esp since I can't share it on Tumblr bc my style is somewhat recognizable to those who know it, and part of the name is being anonymous. I guess it's better to have "🫳🫴🦷 anon" be the person tied to my words than my main blog/image.
I've been quietly using that emoji combo for at least a year before I was even on Tumblr though, so if any of my close friends ever get Tumblr and find confession blogs I'm done for.
The only place I think I can safely put the art itself is the main oscconfessions blog's discord, but the link expired, so I'm trying to be patient to wait for the meetup to end so I can beg for a new one. Honestly, it being closed right now hurts rrgfghg.
5 hours on my Freaky Tooth drawing so far. If anyone wants to see it, I can send it in the inbox, and as long as it's deleted eventually, I'm good. The want to show off art is slowly arguing the style recognition argument away
Something to confess while I'm here, the months Airy was gone in hfjone makes less sense the more I think about it.
Food & water are the basics - based on the assumption that hfjone follows the same rules/standard of other object shows, objects need to at least eat to survive. Furthermore, we can see that there are restaurants in the osc version of San Francisco, and if not that, there's at least a bar. Alcohol as a beverage was made through wheat products, which were only harvested for the purpose of food in the first place. There's always the possibility with that that in this alternative timeline, beer/alcohol was made later on in the modern age through experimenting with brain chem's reaction, and in this case, I present water. In the hfjone investigations, much like in a real police questioning scenario, each of those who give testimony are offered water. This is to build rapport, but I don't have time to go into criminal psychology (as much as I'd love to talk abt it, this is an osc confession), so instead I'll say for the sake of argument that water IS essential to an object living.
Where did they get the water during that time??? Sure, there was the swimming pool, but I doubt they'd do that for months without making some form of cup. Slurping up water WHILE SWIMMING IN THE WATER is a terrible idea, you will get another Liam scenario. (Also feel like the water level might've gone down a bit, but who cares.)
Food??? I think at this point, they still had Whippy Creamy, but whipped cream is not a viable source of nutrients. ALSO, there's an issue with quantity. Do you really think one tub of whipped cream could sustain a group of more than even ONE object for that long??? Idk, maybe they just started eating tree bark from those trees we see in the challenge to "run to the tree and back".
I have less of an issue with Airy's version of this. There was probably some wildlife/edible plant life around he could get in a decade.
I mean. You could always just. Moldy is still a piece of bread, and if you cut off the moldy bit, you might be able to last a bit. They didn't do that though, sucks to suck not to resort to cannibalism in basically a stranded island scenario. Speaking of, object anatomy, yeah? Weird stuff, but I'll talk about that some other time.
Still enjoy hfjone. I don't have anything vitriolic to say other than I still hate bfdi with all my heart and soul. Love all the algebraliens, though ♡
I didn't double-check any of my claims here, but I think rewatching all of hfjone/the investigation tapes earlier this month is still fresh enough in my mind to talk about.
I find Pi and Animatic are those I'm most 'down bad' for. Jjjjjesus I didn't plan on this being an nsfw consfession though, and it's already getting quite long as is.
xoxo, 🫳🫴🦷 anon (freaky tooth)
wow, interesting stuff. is there a history of adhd in your family?
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As trotrin has his goofy little moobies ou
I always draw the silly train but never have the patience to finish any drawing with him in it
Hai welcome back to my blog here’s the worst train ever
NAw but seriously tbh astrotrain isn’t that bad from the stuff I’ve seen of him and shows and all, maybe he’s actually evil and like eats babies or something in the comics but I wouldn’t know because I don’t read the comics— but from what I can see he’s just a big dude and that’s COOL thats fine
Buuuut when I play him in rps i like to characterize him as a disgusting alcoholic party animal who likes to sadistically run people over and try desperately to pick up women (it’s not going so well) he does have a girlfriend in one rp but in two other rps he is like mortal enemies with that same girl so that’s interesting ig
I cant rlly find a design I like to draw him with so I kinda experiment with everything, like I made my own design for him and then I tried to mix other designs I’ve seen from comics and stuff— I even drew him kinda cyberverse style for a while but TBH all that old art is ABSOLUTE TRASH so I’m not posting it here LOL but yeah that kinda explains why his looks are all over the place
OH Yeah he also has those scars bcuz of something that happened in rp where he kinda got hit by an artillery strike in the face (ouch!) in the second drawing I was experimenting with different designs I liked for the scar and I ended up choosing the top right one but flipping it basically lol I think it’s hot
i also have this fun little headcanon for really tall characters like astrotrain that the taller you are the more likely you are to have a deformity of some kind because the more a Cybertronian grows the more likely their code is to mutate for whatever reason and cause health issues…. But compared to my other tall characters he doesn’t have it as bad, he just has terrible terrible eyesight which I think my friend said was a thing that’s in the comics for him so that’s neat LOL I think the idea of a huge ass man using tiny glasses to read tiny writing is funny
also he has high blood pressure
Probably from dealing with Blitzwing …
Tysm for readin 😊😊☺️ Byeee
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clothyume · 7 months
A Premature Burial Episode 3
A Premature Burial 
Episode 3
Season: Winter 
Characters: Mika, Shu
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(Noon the next day. Itsuki family villa, where Shu Itsuki was born and raised.) 
Shu: How nostalgic. 
Hmph. It’s certainly an unbecoming building that’s only halfway western. The only redeeming quality is it makes that unpleasant Tenshouin jealous. 
Mika: Nnah~ Oshisan really likes western stuff, don’t ya.
Shu: Japanese style is tasteful as Japanese. You can’t do anything in halves, and I think The Rokumeikan* is an embarrassment that will pertain in Japanese history.
*A two story building that was built in Tokyo 1883, and is a controversial symbol of westernisation in the Meiji period. 
I suppose some art can only be born in such transitional chaos. 
Oh well. You’re well acquainted with this house, so leave your belongings in the spare room you used before.
At the moment we aren’t housing any guests, so I believe that room has been left as it was. 
While you’re doing that I'm going to give my regards to my parents. 
Mika: Ah, let’s go together. It’s been a while since yer family looked after me, so I wanna greet ‘em properly too. I even brought gifts. 
Shu: Hmph. You seem to have learned some manners. 
Mika: I gotta lotta experience in society, ‘specially in the past year—-
By the way Oshisan, it might be too late to ask but, why am I stayin’ with yer parents? 
Shu: It certainly is too late now. Also I’d like to clarify, this isn’t my parents home. 
The Itsuki family main residence is in Kansai, this is simply the villa that was built in Tokyo by the previous head of the family several generations ago. 
So to speak, this is just a foothold for advancing into Tokyo, a front-line base. Or a holiday house. 
The main residence is a very old-fashioned Japanese style, and in terms of convenience it is inferior to modern architecture. 
Out of concern for my grandfather, who was in poor health, this building was purposely designed to be barrier free, which is how my family came to move here. 
Mika: Kinda like a nursin’ home fer yer grandfather. 
Shu: Yes. That was before I was born, and even though this is the house I was born and raised in, I have no problem with that. 
Though my grandfather worried those around him by saying he was going to die over and over, in the end he survived more than 10 years. 
It was probably a ruse that my western-minded grandfather had created because he wanted to live in a European style house. 
Mika: No way, that ain’t—
Shu: I hate that it’s possible, in my grandfather’s case. 
You only saw him when we went to visit him together, therefore to you he was simply an emaciated sick man. 
To the Itsuki family, my grandfather was always the eye of the storm. 
A disaster of a man that would blow up on a whim and make a mess of everything. 
When I was a child, time and time again my grandfather would cause trouble. 
However, nobody could complain because my grandfather was hailed as the man who restored the Itsuki bloodline. Everyone is fed up.
Perhaps this time too is just another one of my grandfather's usual tantrums, considering the way Onii-sama spoke. 
Mika: (Ah, just what ya’d expect from Oshisan. I’m glad~ It’s probably just like Ryu-kun-san and Nazuna-nii said.) 
(Oshisan’s grandfather passin’ away was just a silly lie, a joke, he's probably full of life.) 
(Oshisan seems real calm compared to what I heard from Ryu-kun-san…) 
(That’s right, he ain’t a child that panics every time anythin’ happens anymore.) 
Shu: …What is it? Stop looking at me with that unpleasant pitiful expression! 
Mika: Nnah~ Sorry? What I’m sayin’ is, when I was a freeloader I didn’t ask ya anythin’ outta consideration—-
So this time, I’m happy I get to hear about yer home life♪
Shu: Hmph. I wouldn’t mind even if you asked me tactlessly. You’re already family in more ways than one. 
Well, if you had asked me something at the time I was unstable, I suppose I would only have fallen irrationally angry. 
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
TriMax Volume 2! This one has Wolfwood on the cover, which can only mean good things, right? Riiiiiiiight?
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 2, Chapter 1 below.
TriMax Volume 2 Covers
"Death Blue" is a very dramatic name for a volume. Do they mean "Blue Death"? Is this a Legato reference? I think he'd like being called the Blue Death. Wait, no, he's self-conscious about his blue hair. Nevermind.
Also, this cover is hot.
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Ok, so I translated the kana on the joke version of the cover to the side of Wolfy's head, and to my great amusement, it reads something like, "This joke again?!" or "Not this joke again!!"
I'm gonna be honest; I think one of the things I struggled with on a first read of this was the continual blow-up doll jokes. These days, I find it hilarious. (I've even spent some time contemplating if I could cosplay as WW with the blow-up doll instead of the cross solely because the doll would be MUCH easier to store in between cons.) But when a younger Pancake Ray was reading this, they were fresh out of a sheltered Christian college and had very little experience with this sort of stuff. I also hadn't quite realized my own asexuality at that point, so I really didn't have a place for my sexuality (especially since I was still under the impression I'd "grow into it" or "just needed to meet the right guy" at that point) or the sexuality of others. Which made continual blow-up doll jokes particularly jarring, especially since my irreverent humor had yet to fully bloom.
Legato (that is Legato, right?) looks positively haunted on the back cover there.
LOL, now it's a shojo ballet manga, huh? I'm here for it.
Chapter 1: Return of the Blue Wind of Death
Ohhhh, so I guess the volume title wasn't just a fancy and dramatic thing and there will actually be some sort of Blue Death person. I still think it will be Legato, even if he hates the name. I bet he's spent the last two years in intensive physical therapy....
I really like the aesthetic of the volume opening page art here. Freaking gorgeous chiaroscuro. (Now it sounds like I know art words! I don't; I just memorized that one because 1) I tend to adore the style, and 2) it came up in a Tabletop RP system I used to run.)
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Eyyyy, it's the big-eared mohawk guy from Episode 1 of '98!
Man, they had this guy in some serious restraints.
Dramatic duo!
I wonder what those pipes on Vash's stomach are for. They're REALLY big in this title page art. I don't think they're always that big. Maybe they're part of the heating/cooling unit the doc was talking about??
Earlobes seems way more calm than he did in Ep 1 of '98. I guess hard time will do that to a man.
Ah, the giant boomerangs....
Oh, so he's not gone entirely agreeable. And they aren't entirely unaware of the risks.
I like the implication that he's kinda controlling his right arm with his left one.
Oh, no. I recognize these guys from the previous volumes. Sheriff, his posse, and Earlobes are out of their depth. A single Gung-Ho Gun gave Vash quite a bit of trouble. You really shouldn't mess with two at the same time.
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Nightow, what is even happening on this page? There's some shooting and some steam venting and some guys got burned, and... someone broke a bunch of light posts, I think? Was it the boomerang? Did the boomerang break them? Also, you do realize that each consecutive hit would decrease the boomerang's momentum at least slightly, and thus it would be better (if perhaps less intimidating) to NOT hit a bunch of other objects in between you and your target?
Hahahaha, dark-haired boi just ducks and lets Super-Gimp take the bulk of the boomerang's hit.
He's been so small in all the panels where it's shown that it's very hard to tell this guy has a saxophone. So there you go, fellow readers. He has a saxophone. It's in the above image, too. But again, smol. (I colored it here so we can all see it better.)
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Well, if the sheriff had any guys in that house, he DOESN'T ANYMORE.
"Make sure they're dead." Sound advice.
"Not even a shred of meat left" seems unlikely.
Oop, that arm coming up from the bottom of the panel is NOT Earlobes's arm. Pretty sure it's Super-Gimp's.
Eyyy, time for Sax Man to play us a tune! I'm sure it will be a nice one. After all, what spices up rubble and wreckage quite like a little jazz?
See? A pleasant little song....
Now all the TriStamp fans can take a guess at the REAL reason they've woven saxophone into the soundtrack.
Gods, this pose. Fill up that chest, man! Deeeeeeep breath!
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Yeah, this operation ain't going so well for Team Sheriff, is it?
Me trying to decipher Nightow's combat panels:
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I think someone is practicing drilling that is not in line with OSHA regulations here....
"Call off your attack!" Oop, too late.
I'm guessing Super-Gimp's actual name is Gauntlet. It's really hard to tell who's speaking.
Oh, shit. Is it Legato? He likes doing the long-distance communication thing....
Holy hell, this is brutal. Yeah, this has to be Legato. Mild spoilers, but Sax Man doesn't have this level of brutality in him. I could be wrong, but I don't think most of the Gung-Ho Guns do... especially not partnered with the ability straight-up force people to do things.
Geez, the blood dripping out of the truck.... WE'RE IN A TRUE SEINEN NOW, FOLKS!!!
Freaking called it. He does look like a mess, though. What kind of physical therapy program is he on???
I like his face here. He looks too amused with his own plans. It's very upsetting.
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Eyyyy, it's the doc!
Brad really needs to get over his disgust for outsiders.
Awww, they all love Vash and worry about his wellbeing! He might try not to have friends, but he does, even if they're not as deep of friendships as he needs.
Uh, oh. Is Brad ok? Vash's intuition is usually spot-on.
This is bad. These people shouldn't have information on Vash's friends.
Dang, Hanged Man pose for Vash? Ominous....
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ragnar0c · 2 years
Just Cleared EO3 :"]
Here's my guild card!
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(Below is just me reflecting about my experiences with the game. It's going to be long. I AM GOING TO BE SO LOUD ABOUT IT!!)
EO4 was the first game I 100%ed well sort of. I still haven't found all the treasure. So this is technically my first, and it took a really long time!
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I got the game when I was a kid in 2014. Took me till I was an adult to actually grow a brain.
I remember my first play thru, I was 11. I actually didn't read a whole lot of the story stuff... and had a bunch of trouble. But I had gotten into the series and thought 3 had the best portraits and labyrinth designs so I pulled through.
I remember sneaking to play this whenever I could, replaying it to get all the endings and redo certain fights.
I started drawing the year before I got the game, and started drawing the characters as well.... I had a chokehold on me for... a while. (Still) here's some old art circa ~2014
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It was always nice to come back to the game thru the years and get each of the endings again bc each play thru I noticed something new in the story or found an easier way to kill a boss. Or a new gameplay style.
I still get my ass beat on the daily, but it reminds me to get up and change what I am doing to get results...
The story isn't a magnum opus, I legitimately want to destroy both sides for my own reasons. (They are so dumb!!) I guess... it's my favorite just bc they lay down so many concepts for you to play with?
Depending on how old I was, I would have different members in my guild. But it was always named Ragnarok. I actually revamped Ragnarok entirely about twice. The only constants being the name, Hana, and Alope (kinda I never used her in the first version.)
(Now that I think about it, my farmer party has a few keepers too.)
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Since Hana was such a trooper and in every single party I had over the last 9 years, I found it natural to give her the Armoroad shield.
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AND the npcs, even the faceless ones were so fun to see.
My favorites tho, the ones who arguably ruined my chances of being normal were definitely Kujura (main culprit), Edie, the Guildmaster... and maybe the Harbormaster. (He's recent tho.) The faceless ones... I wont list them here.
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I didn't know the Harbormaster started the end credits, I kinda instinctively go there to save bc I like Inver and he gave me a whole speech...
I used to hate him, but eh, he's grown onto me.
This game means so much to me, and I'm so glad I finally cleared it :]]]
if not playing it would have made me more normal I do NOT CARE!! Thank you Etrian odyssey 3 for ruining my life, it was the best possible way for that to happen.
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peppertaemint · 11 months
Did you see the latest "taemin controversy"? People are coming for him for cultural appropriate saying he was wearing a native American headdress and had braids in his teasers... I swear people are really out to get him this comeback that they're willing to look so stupid just to get their hate out there. Cause only a truly stupid person would mistake his headpiece for a native American one and the dancer with braids looks nothing like taemin.
Like what is going on? At every turn people have been trying to sabotage this comeback.
I mean, I know only armys who are known to be dumbasses fell for the plagiarism nonsense and you'd have to be truly willfully ignorant to fall for this latest one, but it still sucks that all this is happening on his first post military solo comeback.
This is all par for the course when it comes to kpop online fandoms. People want a villain, and it works best when the villain is not their "bias". They get some vicarious thrill of accomplishment over denigrating the supposed mistakes of their non-favs.
Re the flower crown: it looks like a literal crown, not an indigenous headdress. I've heard some say it's a bit reminiscent of carnivale head pieces.
Re the braids, here's a short history on braids:
"In relation to time periods, Pace credits Africa with cornrows in 3500 BC; Egypt with afro box braids in 3100 BC; Greece with the halo braid in the first century; Native Americans with pigtail braids in the fifth century; Europe with the crown braid from 1066 to 1485; China with the staircase braid from 1644 to 1912; the Caribbean with modern cornrows in the 1970s; and the Internet (of course) with braid tutorials becoming especially popular in 2005 when YouTube launched." Source
Unless the man comes out in cornrows, I kinda think we need to expand the acceptable realm of the braid because I know very few people with longer hair who haven't experimented with different braid styles.
Beyond all of the above, the MV isn't out yet. We have zero cultural or artistic context to work with. Maybe we can wait to decide he's a criminal until we've seen the piece of art in its entirety.
Also, we know Taemin takes responsibility for his actions, & listens and reflects on feedback. The man is not American, so trust me he's gonna screw up on this stuff a few times more. 💁🏼‍♀️
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