#i was about to go on about an insane theory of how the abyss might be infecting the atlas with a virus
worldwhampion · 2 years
What do you think the flesh/biologic horrors are?
Something directly related to the atlas's collapse, or just some funky gunk and bugs?
first off, lets start with where they can be found: abandoned buildings and on either dead or infected worlds. Now hold HARD onto that word.
To have an infection entails there also being an infector and an infected: the planets or the abandoned buildings are the infected, where the infections likely take form as our biological horrors (and other weird fauna/flora). that leaves out the infector, which i am a bit torn on who/what it is:
It is the break-down of the atlas
It is the damn abyss
Another thing to know is that the abandoned buildings were once inhabited by different traveller iterations. the biological horrors prefer making their nests there for some reason, probably due to something related to their travellerness (?) like the biological horrors, the travellers aren’t exactly ‘normal’ in reality. Maybe that’s what’s attracting them, both are anomalous (?)
first theory: the breakdown of the atlas
the breakdown of the atlas manifests itself in reality as the biological horrors (and those weird planets), they reflect the terrible conditions of its hardware. It’s very straightforward, though i feel it just MISSES something
the second theory: the damn abyss
Not only is the atlas breaking down, but there’s also the abyss at large causing all sorts of trouble (e.g. the ‘don’t drink the water’ situation), in hopes of circumventing atlas’ death for everyone through questionable means. There’s WAY more than this, so later i better write something about this separately.
I think the biological horrors are the land counterparts of the abyssal horrors, which the latter’s name suggests, is related to the abyss. Not to mention they are found at abandoned buildings as well, but the only difference is that they’re underwater. After all, the abyss’s primary influence over reality is through water by infecting it with nanites in order to alter reality, which would apparently enable them to avoid atlas’s death in some way.
Perhaps the biological- and abyssal horrors are a product of the abyss, or of both abyss and atlas (‘s breakdown)
Or the third theory: the funky gunkbugs
Straight-up just some scary funky gunkbugs that like to live in weird places and get hella pissed off when you touch their eggs and then start ramming you into pieces.
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feyd-meowtha · 6 months
Hey do you ever think about how similar Paul and feyd’s origins are? Like both Paul and feyd both come from ocean planets with parents who shirked their noble responsibilities because of the love they had for one another? I know we know nothing about Emmi Rabban, but do you think she was a benne gesserit? A benne gesserit who fell in love and did thier best to protect their child only for them to end up being put into the claws of a monster? Does feyd even remember ocean? Does he remember the haunting whale song in the distance? Like a prophecy beckoning him ever closer. Beckoning him to walk into the ocean like a blind man to the dessert. Do you think Paul could remind him?
You are literally living in my walls rn I swear. Every time I go to brush my teeth I see you staring up at me from the drainpipe whispering 'whale song' until I gradually go insane.
As for the Emmi theory, it's interesting. Veeeeeery interesting.
Feydpaul is about the way that love leads to destruction and that destruction could, just maybe, lead back to love. It's the drive to live being equally matched with the drive to die, to kill. Recognising yourself in the other and hating them for it until you can't anymore, and if you can love them, then maybe you can love yourself.
It's massive empty spaces and the desperate need to fill them with something that matters. Nihilism and fanaticism and struggling to believe that genuine good can survive in a place like this, times like these. It's Racing minds and hungry hearts. The human condition and redemption and the soul. It's unimaginable death tolls and the suffering of a tiny child who grows into a cold man fit for a colder world. Order and chaos. Nature and artifice. Does free will truly exist in this world, even if it does, does it exist for THEM?
Death and love as a form of rebellion against the shackles of fate and politics.
It's about two people shooting for oblivion and landing with one another. Still so afraid and so angry and so lost, but no longer alone. That's got to count for something.
Gaze too long into the abyss and the abyss might just start to love you back.
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tulipsnflowers · 6 months
Okay, guys, you want me to go on about the most pointless things?
Let's go on about Byeol (and a bit about Fane, I suppose), because I am going insane
Alright everyone, for those unaware, this is Byeol:
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This is a tyrant in Nexomon: Extinction, his name is Byeol. The problem about this, however.
He isn't a story tyrant, and this... Makes me very interested in him.
Amelie calls Tyrants super powerful Nexomon, but here's the thing. According to Coco, Jin blocked off the entrance to Fenrir's tomb so that no more Tyrants may be hatched
Lydia also says to go bother Nadine because of the egg, and keep in mind, the grass Tyrant is Tikala. A warden. Probably because Deena didn't necessarily want to add fuel to the fire
So then we are already established that Tyrants are probably always hatched.
... So then what of Fane and especially Byeol?
(And there's no Psychic Tyrants because... Solus would be too lil to bonk an egg, and nobody would ask a random kid to do so.)
Well, let's go with the easier one, in which I ask yet again, what's up with the Ghost type? I've wanted to throw hands about it for a long time.
(Ulzar says that the reason Nexomon are, well, a thing is because of the Children of Omnicron. So it makes sense, right? 7 children, 7 elements)
Psychic is a bit trickier because of the fact Mystogen exists. And if we're going of the fact Solus made the psychic type...
Putting a pin in that, rant for another day.
So... What of Ghost?
Well. That's not the point of the post and that's my motivation for writing Doubts.
But! Moving on, Fane. Well, with the assumption they come from eggs, well frick. There's no ghost primordial.
... Which is why I can't speak much of it. We can surely just blame Hilda
... Do you know who we have more of?
Well. Let's see then.
Byeol is a normal type in Palmaya, first and foremost.... We are back to James everyone, anyone who's talked to me isn't surprised
Hi new people, James is how we call the Nexolord on this side of the fandom, moving on.
Assuming that James isn't dead and we take into account this from Nadine:
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Well, who am I to argue with Nadine? (Granted, she could mean Grunda or Deena , but.)
.. So, in today's rant. Byeol and Metta, woooo.
First of all, he is in Palmaya(and later around the Orphanage as of the Abyssals but we can put a pin in that because, Abyssals) , which, is definitely not the frozen tundra
But, Merida is in the frozen Tundra, and Atlanta's Tyrant is frosty enough to argue Merida bonked the egg there.
.. So then, Palmaya's free, ey?
Well. That's interesting, further on, I am going to need to grab Metta for a moment
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Hello bowling ball, I still think you should be an Armodillo.
Moving on, see this man? Until his siblings he is, unfortunately, not an animal
My only logic conclusion, looking at this man(if we don't take my other James theory into account), is that he's supposed to be a kind of biblically accurate angel, just, ribbons not wings (Thanks for the association Azzie, your hands are red too)
... HMMMM who ELSE has wings and is a normal type...
Additionally, I must point out, Metta has 7 ribbons. If we count the bottom pointy Byeol has he has 8.
... Well, it just happens an additional type is added this time, to bump it from 7 to 8(we already went over why I think Ghost might not count)
.. So then.
And. Well, let's look at it this way. Nivalis and Arqua, they don't look the same. Fona and Mulcimer, er. The closest we have is Ventra and Eurus.
... And, well, Solus and Nara, but surely not
... Byeol could've been a kangaroo or something, but instead-
They're both inanimate object things I can't make sense of. I know Ross said that he was just inspired to make a star thing, but-
... Hm.
What am I trying to say? Nothing really. At the end of the day these are coincidences, likely
Like, n3 protag and James both have a blue hair strand, but that doesn't mean they're like, immediately necessary related kind of thing
... Just makes you think.
(Also, this stated when I made a joking like toddler Byeol human version, and I saw the white hair and went like "...wait")
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
i know bazzoxan is supposed to be a place that most people fled because of the demons, but personally, i choose to imagine that it's still way more populated than it should be because its residents are equal parts infuriatingly stubborn and batshit fucking insane. just think about it:
people from elsewhere in xhorhas having the same visceral reaction to headlines about bazzoxan residents that we have to the words "florida man," and dynasty parents threatening to send their kids to bazzoxan when they misbehave.
locals telling visitors dropbear-style stories about the demons they might encounter (which absolutely do not actually exist) just to freak them out, because why deny the rumors that the town is constantly overrun with demons when they could have fun with leaning into it instead?
religious leaders and worshipers who openly give placatory offerings to betrayer gods and demon lords alongside the luxon and other gods/beings without persecution or even judgment, because no one's going to argue over the philosophy of it when the utility is so clear.
on that note, a general tolerance for religious deviations that most members of the dynasty would call heresy and mock or punish, because being so far from the seat of the theocracy and so deeply embroiled in a conflict that no amount of faith will solve makes it difficult to care much about how others choose (or refuse) to worship.
an abundance of abyssal tiefling children and low-level warlocks in pacts with demons, because in a place where demonic presence is so concentrated near where people are living, of course more of those people will be touched by it.
teenagers sneaking past the guards and into betrayer's rise to drink or smoke or make out or stay the night on a dare or leave graffiti or haze a newcomer to their group or just try to fuck with the demons the way kids at a sleepover might play with a ouija board.
wild conspiracy theories circulating about what's really down in betrayer's rise and what caused it, from "the demons aren't real at all" to "they were intentionally unleashed by a spy posing as one of the original miners to sabotage the town" to "the empire planted them to use up military resources".
extreme circumstances leading to more extremist sentiments weaving through the town – survivalists who insist on preparing for a catastrophic incursion exponentially more deadly than even the worst so far and zealots who claim that one such grand incursion will kickstart an apocalypse of calamity-level proportions, secessionists who insist the town should leave the dynasty entirely and insurrectionists who encourage more drastic action against a political hierarchy that they feel has failed to properly address the gravity of the town's situation.
legends and ghost stories about what happens to people who go down into the tunnels – how they might be trapped or transformed by it, or what the demons might use them for – that are used to scare children into not running off alone or told around fires just for the thrill of the fear.
numerous research outposts from knowledge-seeking groups across exandria, most with research groups at least a dozen scholars strong living there year-round to do their work, and at least one relatively high-level wizard there to study the abyssal magic out of personal interest, all of whom are given protection on their trips into the tunnels in return for presenting their findings (and any solutions those findings reveal) to the military.
tons of drow who finally figured out sunscreen and sunglasses and other sun protection, because everyone knows none of the rich wizard fucks in rosohna are going to bother giving them the safety of constant darkness and the town's own mages have far bigger things to spend their arcane reserves on than the sun.
a general sense of casual disinterest and disregard for the brewing war and the politics of dynasty vs empire in general because they live on the defensive side of a very different fight, which is far more real and urgent than a bunch of powerful people's bickering as far as they're concerned.
streets decorated and full of music and laughter on festival days, with all the games and food and other pleasures you would expect anywhere else, including on festival days that only they celebrate, like the anniversaries of famous victories against the demons or improvised events thrown together with the sole purpose of lifting the townspeople’s spirits in harder times.
cuisine specific to the town, known for unique features like its much heavier incorporation of sun-grown crops than most kryn food and its utilization of enough spices to make even demon flesh taste good (a feat that many people living elsewhere would think is impossible, but when you have more access to abyssal corpses than livestock, you learn to make it work).
despite its lack of a true inn (because frankly, very few people ever think to visit), the town having a variety of places to eat and drink and shop and relax and be entertained, because no one needs leisure more than people who live their entire lives on the brink of very immediate mortal peril.
logically, of course it would make sense for people to flee when they realized how dangerous bazzoxan truly is, but are people ever really logical when it comes to their home? how many would truly be willing to leave after devoting themselves to building something there, and how many would insist on staying and adapting and eventually outlasting the demonic presence there?
canon bazzoxan may be a village populated largely by a skeleton crew of military personnel and the people who keep them alive, but the bazzoxan in my heart is a fully populated and improbably lively town full of people with the balls of steel required to live in an abyssal hot spot for the rest of their lives.
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player-1 · 1 year
Once again back on my bs throwing out another insane but possibly valid Nexomon theory until Nexomon 3 finally gets a proper release date...
Going through the Abyssal DLC again, mostly finding hints on what they foreshadow for 3 (And it's quite a few things, a bit about sorcerers/witches already getting wiped off the map and a possible time-skip prediction of 100,000 years.), but the one thing that caught my eye was after the MC defeated Volcel [N:E Abyssal DLC part 4]. Long story short, it's heavily implied that the Abyssals were engineered like the Greater Drakes and/or Vados, but not in such an unnatural way that Deena couldn't have sensed it. In her own words, "Unlike the dragons and Vados, these Abyssal Tyrants couldn't have been forged by human hands."
Which leads me to the obvious conclusion (and indirectly the mad scientist Logan's): GENETIC ENGINEERING!!
And I'm obviously jumping on the idea that Metta made them (for obvious reasons) since resurrection would've opened up a similar scheme; besides, he's the only one of the fam with these skills so he had all that free time to do something else here. While following the assumption that the main element Abyssals (Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, Earth, Lightning) were modeled after the main Omnicron Fam, the Abyssals also share some physical characteristics with some Nexomon of N1 & N:E as well besides the nixed bag that is Venefelis, but I'll just go in order from appearance in the DLC then explain/ramble from there.
Major-ish spoilers for Nexomon 1 (& Netherworld dlc/arc) and Nexomon: Extinction w. the Abyssal dlc below:
1. Venefelis (Masquiti(?) + Kitsunox, Carnagrius, Fanfrou, Fuzztino, Felicient)
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Like I said, Venefelis is such a mixed bag since she came out the gate just after Omnicron's bucket got kicked for good and the N1 protag thought any major world-ending threat was over and done for...Well that was a fucking lie and we all know it. While I feel that Venefelis got that hot-headed attitude (and obvious golden child syndrome) from the other cat-based 'mon, it's easy to see the similarities w. the Masquiti line even when they didn't appear until 1,000 yrs later in N:E (and the off-putting entry about Masquiti fits way too perfectly w. her "ghost" form Salem), but I digress. Whether or not Venefelis could be considered the first Psychic type after N1 (or the first uber-powerful Masquiti known to man), or maybe Metta made a replacement Omnicron on the side if his main plan failed (before he threw her out only to kill Hilda in revenge), that's already up for debate for me. [Also somewhat implying that Venefelis is a mutation of Kitsunox since the cape seems similar and she actively boasts about being the “perfect servant” in killing Hilda for a master she never knew nor witnessed (N:E Kitsunox are unwaveringly loyal too) but that’s my opinion here]…
2. Pluvean (Arqua + Harectic, Hydrose, Reeferus, Torrex)
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Even if Arqua/Merida was always shown to be hotheaded and quick to throw a temper (even at the expense of a destroyed ship or two), Pluvean was only mean to be a sacrifice to either confuse the Guild on the Abyssals' purpose or direct their attention away from the real threats...Either way, he's pretty lax on what the Guild wants to learn from him (ie. the bare minimum) and is more concerned over why Venefelis revived him if he already completed his task with flying colors. While this might also relate to the calming nature of water as opposed to Arqua's unpredictable rage, it's an interesting starting point for the Guild (and MC) to figure out that the Abyssals are far from their usual brand of Tyrant. And I guess Metta wanted to see a cooler side to Arqua/Merida when she's not flaunting around with other humans, who knows?
3. Rotramus (Nara + Outgrov, Raksuma, Prisimazor)
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While I'm not going to theorize if or how Metta got Nara's DNA to create Rotramus (which that would next to impossible without revealing himself), but it's pretty telling since the only things he has to do is 1. Hide from the Guild, 2. Nap out of sight of said-Guild, 3. Answer or follow any tamer's command without question or self-preservation if they find him (and 4. Deny and insult said-tamer's command without question if they attempt to turn him against the Abyssals); you know, it just like Nara's main deal of betraying Omnicron, joining the humans to destroy her dad and siblings, and wanting to live freely and independently as Deena. Even if Rotramus is perfectly harmless apart from not betraying the Abyssals at the drop of a hat, it's interesting to see how much of an iron grip Metta also has on the Abyssals despite none of them ever knowing their master by appearance or name.
4. Inominox (Ventra + Heliventus, Eqoloptera, Lurkennie, Voltosfrere, Swactrum)
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Just like the vulture Inominox is based on, he fights only against tamers he considers weak and easy-pickings and has survived because of that for generations...Yet he heartily declares the MC weak and worthless despite after defeating two Abyssals at that point (Pluvean and Rotramus) despite clearly being the King/Queen of Monsters, then getting completely bodied in the process (mostly after using one Nexomon with a type disadvantage). Makes sense though since Ventra was always shown to be incredibly egotistical and overestimated her enemies in N1, so Inominox might've been so blinded by his cunning and "weakness radar" that he's the only Abyssal besides Helevolk and/or Braccus that don't immediately recognize the MC as Nexomon King.
5. Helovolk (Fona + Carnagrius (N:E), Oregoon, Treclay, Moltano, Shardrillion)
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Sucks that I can't find an proper Nexomon to connect to why Helovolk is blind and as irrational as a ordinary monster, but it might relate to the theme of fire being a blind and destructive force if left unattended...Or Helovolk just got the worst part of Fona since he was just a bad-boy dude who always played by his own rules. Also putting in the revived N:E version of Carnegrius since they became increasingly violent after loosing their natural habitat, and Helovolk constantly digs a mindless series of tunnels to stay hidden and elusive...Maybe N3 will expand more on his personality/motives, but that's all I got for him here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6+7. Caelesa & Byeol (Metta + Raamu, Mistrallion, Starckal, Paupo(?))
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I know I know, why add Byeol in the mix, aren't they supposed to be a regular ol' Tyrant? I mean, have you even seen these two side-by-side!? They might as well be half-siblings here! And if anything goes to show, if Metta dabbled with gene splicing with his own DNA, not everything was going to be all sugar, spice, and everything nice here (and probably experiencing ego-death with the "abomination" that is Byeol)...Maybe throwing in a bit of Paupo in the mix so the family resemblance isn't too obvious, who knows. Besides, they're both Normal type, they both have ring-like objects on them, and they both have a tendency to constantly evade the Guild's Tyrant witch-hunt without a care in the world...Possibly w. Byeol, but their lack of a noteworthy dex entry says as much (And on that note, it was only today ago that I realized that Byeol’s Nexomite/energy crystals are on the cheeks or might be the little stars floating around them…So I’m technically right and they have permanent dimples! 🥰). While Caelesa obviously has Metta's crassness around humans (only calling them idiots and getting huffy about the Guild labeling for a Tyrant for only running around as ordered), I headcanon that Byeol only avoids getting caught as a "game" and enjoys people-watching or nagging for attention so much that it easily weirds out the Guild. But I'm pretty sure Metta would've had a grand old time getting a 2-in-1 Tyrant deal while (possibly) pretending his mini-me cherub doesn't exist at all.
8. Braccus (Grunda + Broshield, Grath, Bitztrong, Rustung)
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My boy Braccus is chonk supreme here, already topping off against all the Abyssals in pure strength and size alone (and makes it even funnier when his dialogue sprite takes up 1/3 of the screen on its own), but I have a feeling that this is the kind of terror and might Metta aspires Grunda to be before he "mellowed out" in N:E. Not that he did any kind of extreme damage on purpose, even Grunda's Chasm in N:E was made just from the Nexolord reviving him, and his entry mentions that it's only getting on Grunda's bad side when he goes on a rampage, so tamers and residents always had to walk on eggshells around him. But what does Grunda secretly want more than anything in the world? Take care of a small camp/village in the desert town Solus (aka Lateria in N:E) as its leader and as the human Ulrich (in the N1 dlc btw, sot it's an idealized verision of what he wants in the world...neat!). So yeah, even if Braccus was given actual freedom with distracting the Guild instead of a set-in-stone calling, he decides on his own that cold-blooded destruction was the only way to go...Until Xanders killed him, that is. And yes I will wholeheartedly believe that Xanders did it barehanded, he's just that kind of dude tbh. -Oh yeah, and who wants to bet that the crystal he has was ripped out of his chest? Either Xanders did it or Braccus did it for a power move, who knows?
9. Volcel (Luxa + Resonect, Resonic, Zappnic, Tephragon)
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Isn't it interesting to know that both Volcel and Tephragon have an innate skill in tracking other people and/or monsters? While Volcel mainly used his skills to find a safe place for the Abyssals to hide in (aka. Precursor Mountains), his dex entry notes he "excelled at scouting and locating other living beings"...Maybe Venefelis revived him first to track the other Abyssal skeletons and find the mountain? Just some food for thought here...But yeah, I suppose Metta wanted his not-Luxa Tyrant to do something important and meaningful instead of being materialistic and smiting humans only for fun.
10. Kroma (Kromatice, Phantra, Hohopi, Rapilux, Dredrone)
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And last but not least, the attack rabbit themselves! While I love the irony of a cute winged rabbit-fox thing having the power to control ghosts (and she was set loose in Immortal Citadel, you know, the one place already filled to the brim with ghosts...), I kinda believe that her appearance was purely meant to be a distraction to hide her true strength (apart from every other Abyssal I mean). While it doesn't clearly explain how Kroma controls spirits in the first place (and being strong enough to control Ulzar nonetheless), it might work like Dredrone or Phantra with a strange otherworldly energy or hypnotism. Sucks that she only got to roam free in a relatively short time, trying and failing to kill Hilda's apprentice Eliza, before Deena curb-stomped that pile of stuffing into oblivion (or not caring to do her mission with gusto since she knew their master won't show up, who knows)...But hey, at least we'll get to see them again in Nexomon 3...Hopefully.
Anywho, thanks for reading my growing brand of rants here, and here's to the future installment in the completely underrated Nexomon series!
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beeffilledshark · 1 year
An unhinged Gundam fanatic brainrots over the new Witch From Mercury OP/ED
Ok, I’m gonna go off the deep end really quick and talk about the brain worms that have infected me after rewatching the Witch From Mercury s2 premiere three whole times (I will likely watch it another three times by the end of the day so either I’ll be following it up or just redo this eventually)
So, I’m very used to the second OP/ED being slightly worse than their predecessors in most anime so Slash and Red:Birthmark (WHICH IS A FUCKING INSANE NAME FOR THIS SHOW) being bangers absolutely fills me with joy. However, let’s talk about some of the framing and visuals they chose to include.
Alright. So the Slash op. Yeah.
So first off, of course we have to talk about Suletta and Miorine’s backdrops when they’re onscreen together. The detritus and ruins Suletta is surrounded by, as she’s EXTREMELY capable of causing massive acts of destruction with Aerial, compared to the green pastures Miorine nurtures in her green house and her former desire to return to Earth: upsetting, beautiful, tragic, all of the above. Also, Miorine was the strongest proponent for making GUND-ARM.inc a medical company since she found out about the original intent of the gund-arm system. Of course she would want to stop war and make everything a sunny, picturesque place.
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I feel fairly safe in claiming this is purposefully emulating the abyss at Plant Quetta we see whenever Quiet Zero is brought up (WHICH I WILL GET TO) but with Elnora egging Miorine on to finish Quiet Zero, I have a VERY distinct feeling something is going to happen to her while she’s working on this silly little project.
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In addition, each shot of Miorine is intercut with clips of Suletta either starting to run, or actually running forward to a brighter place.
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I have a distinct feeling this is indicative of Suletta having to save her from some kind of situation with Quiet Zero. The first clip of her fully sprinting is immediately followed by Miorine’s reflection shattering in a mirror. I can’t cite them specifically, but there were twitter discussions/discussions I had with friends that an aspect of uploading a person into a Mobile Suit (see aERIal theory [LETS BE FUCKING HONEST ITS BASICALLY CANON]) with Swarm drones would break apart their consciousness in a way so that each gund-bit is autonomous (mostly brought about by the fact each Gund-bit looked like Eri when the Elan Who Got Evaporated saw them). This is much more of a crack theory, but feels pertinent given how op1 finishes with a reflection of Eri looking at a Mobile Suit control console.
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MOVING on, more aERIal proof I feel like I don’t have to explain this one. Hi girlie. Hope you’re having fun zooming through space and killing people.
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Now the Elan clip is very interesting for me, especially with the given color palette. Dividing him into two by a blue wall leads me to think this Elan might not end up being a complete shit person/villain. My hope is that Aerial breaking the Gundam’s curse will bleed into Elan’s Gundam somehow, finally freeing him from Peil’s grasp and letting him live rather than be a disposable lab rat that has to follow orders.
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Alternatively, it may be demonstrating a Dissociative Personality Disorder subplot similar to Allelujah from 00 or just the fact there’s at least 6 Elans out there somewhere. I’m not entirely certain what to make of this portion of the op, but it’s definitely brain food to munch on for a little bit. I have a feeling my thoughts will mature on this portion as we see more of the show.
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NOW SOMETHING I FOUND INTERESTING about the Mobile Suit sizzle reel is the lack of any new Mobile Suits. We still have the Pharact
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the Michaelis
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and even the fucking Darilbalde which I’m honestly shocked by.
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Most Gundam shows will tease new Mobile Suit designs like all the new villains in IBO as well as the upgraded variants of the Gundams (same with 00). Yeah, the three flagship Mobile Suits of the Benerit Group are upgraded, especially with their new weapons, but I’m just surprised there’s no advertisements of the new Gunpla models like the Demi Barding or Gundam Schwarzette which ABSOLUTELY has to show up in this season since they’re slated for a Q3 release by Bandai.
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I absolutely don’t mind seeing these guys again since I do fucking love all of the wfm Mobile Suit designs, it’s just interesting to note.
OK LAST POINT TO MAKE ON THIS OP AND THAT REALLY GETS ME is the clip of Suletta running. For literally 4 frames, it looks like she’s about to trip and fall before it cuts back to her running normally again. I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THEY MEANT BY THIS but I am EXTREMELY concerned it will have something to do with her struggling to move forward. Incorporating my crackpot theory about Miorine being stuck in Quiet Zero like Eri, maybe it’s her trying to rationalize fighting her fiancé in a Mobile Armor.
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Final point I would like to bring up with regards to the op are the tomatoes. Originally, I thought it was supposed to be Eri reaching for them (since she was shown in the shot with Elnora previously), but turns out it’s likely a memory Miorine has of her mother given the white hair in the background.
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Nothing I can think of to talk about, really, but the fact we actually see a portion of Miorine’s mother is extremely surprising since they’ve gone fairly out of their way to not depict her other than the VERY brief funeral shots.
But to finish the op off, I do love the theme of Suletta moving forward to join Miorine in the light. It’s a great throughline to have for this latter half of the show, especially given the themes and importance they put on Suletta and Elnora’s philosophy. 
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Ok, interim break for me to explain my Quiet Zero theory.
The first time we see it, Elnora is giving “Aerial’s network architecture pattern” to Delling to help bring Quiet Zero to its “final stage.”
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NOW WITH ALL OF THE aERIal THEORIES GOING AROUND, I really cannot help but think Aerial’s network architecture is somehow Eri’s consciousness/being/WHATEVER she did to that poor girl. So by giving him this, Quiet Zero is going to be able to absorb/take in someone’s consciousness to help pilot it. In addition, the express purpose of Quiet Zero, according to Elnora, is the complete annihilation of war (BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW WELL THAT WENT IN THE ANNO DOMINI TIMELINE in 00) so odds are, it’s some kind of fucked up Gundam weapon that would be able to outclass anything that tries to fight it.
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So I’m 99% sure the finale is going to be a Gundam Mobile Armor that will absorb Miorine and wreak havoc until Eri and Suletta Newtype their way into stopping it from blowing shit up with their Super Space Empathy. Other than IBO, all Gundam shows eventually explore the Next Stage of Humanity with Newtypes, Innovators, Coordinators, and even fucking X-Rounders or whatever (I’m sorry I haven’t watched Gundam AGE yet). Plus it was already hinted at by the Vanadis Institute since they wanted to, essentially, forcibly evolve humanity with the Gund-Arm format. Also, the Gund-bits are a given for Gundams in Ad Stella and Almost Every portrayal of Mobile Armor in any Gundam show has funnels or little drones that run around like Hashmal or the Neo Zeong. So a Mobile Armor isn’t really that far of a stretch, just Miorine being stuck in it is.
In any case, my fucked up hope is Miorine goes crazyinsane after being uploaded into a Mobile Armor and Aerial does Permet Score 10 or something where she and Suletta Understand Each Other Without Misconceptions.
OK Red:Birthmark. Ed of all time.
Honestly, this might be my favorite Gundam ed (more so than the 8th MS team, even) and honestly could be my favorite Anime ed of all time. Fucking gorgeous to look at with such a pretty color palette, Sunrise really outdid themselves with this one.
Ok, Item 1: THE PURPLE SPACE BACKDROP. You cannot look me in the eye and tell me this does not evoke the same aesthetic that UC timeline Newtype connections do. Suletta willing this into existence makes me feel that even being a clone of Eri or whatever the fuck, she’s still able to sense or use an evolved sense to understand people.
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This is what honestly made me concoct the Quiet Zero-Miorine theory because there is absolutely no way in hell they just Decided to portray Miorine like a fucking ghost trying and failing to connect AND LITERALLY TOUCH Suletta while she’s still influenced by her mother.
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We ONLY ever see Quiet Zero portrayed as a gaping black void and I can’t think of anything else that uses black as a motif or thematic element other than the Pharact, at best (arguably more dark blue/navy than black). Either way, something bad is going to happen to Mio and I fear for that girl’s life.
I feel like I don’t even have to fucking talk about THIS shit
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Like alright Sunrise. Is she being killed by Aerial??? Is she turning into Aerial??? Why does she have the Gundam lines appearing on her skin??? IS ELNORA GONNA TURN HER INTO A GUNDAM TOO??? /hj on the last point
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IN ANY CASE, this was a fucking choice but is also one of the most beautiful sequences I’ve seen. I also saw a youtube video that compared this to Utena’s sword drawing scenes which I thought was really funny. I’m not really convinced this is a purposeful reference, despite the two shows’ similarities in plot because of the writer, but if it turns out Aerial is drawing power from Suletta or that Suletta is actually the reason Aerial doesn’t kill its pilot because she’s a Witch From Mercury Newtype, then I’m gonna break my keyboard. Maybe the Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch From Mercurys were the ones we made along the way.
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In any case, Aerial’s influence on Suletta and it directly leading into her losing Elnora’s headband and her hair falling feels like there will be a direct consequence of letting Suletta interact with Aerial so personally and directly. My hope is that Aerial will be the reason Elnora’s brainwashing finally fails and Suletta will be able to make her own decisions for herself and choose to do what she wants to do. The headband was established as Elnora’s sway over Suletta WAY early on (like episode 3 or whatever where we see Suletta getting dressed and putting it on while talking to her) so I feel like this climactic moment may be tied to. the Miorine. quiet zero theory.
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Ok, now this just turns into me fawning over how utterly stunning this ed is. I really cannot express how much this animation appeals to me, combined with the colors and her dress GOD it just feels so perfect. She’s like a witch controlling the gund-bits but instead of using them to fight, she creates art and beauty, something Suletta has been striving for since the formation of the GUND-ARM company with Miorine. Critically, she believes Gundam and Mobile Suits can be made to help people, not just to commit acts of violence like the Earth Witches think.
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Like, I can’t really add any theories here. It’s just amazing. 
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Regardless, more fodder for the Miorine Mobile Armor theory with this shot. It has to be intentional with this coloring, Please let me know if anyone has an idea what else her being in black could possibly mean, I am genuinely interested to hear people’s thoughts.
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The rest of the ed is just these bitches being gay as hell. I’m including screenshots because they’re my little guys and I like seeing them happy.
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Also they’re fucking pendants with each others’ hair color FUCK YOU IM GONNA CALL YOU BOTH SLURS
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Also, slightly frightening pose for Miorine to adopt while they’re spinning. I feel like it’s either her putting her trust and faith in Suletta that she won’t let go or it’s representative of her being put in a meat grinder.
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Alright, final note: Aerial looking like the 0 Gundam in Setsuna’s memories from 00. Alright. Just store these two lesbians in your heart and keep them there I guess. Fuck you. ALSO dazzling, I can’t talk about how much I love the visuals of this ed.
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The new op and ed of this show is wholeheartedly magnificent. It packs so many visuals that are ripe for theories/analysis and this is just my insane take with what Gundam I have watched (basically wfm, ibo, 00, and a splattering of UC timeline stuff). I’m absolutely sure people with different Gundam experiences will find either marginally different, to COMPLETELY different ideas/meanings from these clips, but this is just something I wanted to type up instead of doing work askjdasfkasf.  This doesn’t even touch on any of the lyrics and how that ties into the show, but I’m absolutely certain it will kill me when the translations find their way onto my dash.
Also I need to spread Mobile Armor Miorine to any one else who’s insane enough to think it might happen as well <3
if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my fucking batshit rant we’re almost 2.25k words in Jesus.
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
So I just rewatched the archon quest again and I'm just gonna put down what I think? If that's okay. To help me like, gather my thoughts now that I've rewatched it and could take it all in better. I'm just theorizing and Idk if I should make my own post but I get embarrassed when I make posts related to fan things I like ahsjdjd, or posts at all. Anywho. So I'm thinking carebert was somehow cured of the curse and turned human again based on how chlothar says "he will be able to weave his own destiny anew" (idk how the loom of fate fits into it tbh, and I forgot what it even IS, but maybe the loom of fate is a thing that doesn't have to be one single person) and he can grow up and live a normal life? Dunno if he could still be immortal or not in his human form but I'll just say no rn since I believe he grew up to have a family and eventually kaeya is his descendant. And I guess maybe generational trauma. And also regarding how chlothar dies. Someone had to have buried him and I assume it was caribert considering the sill scarf. Unless... (Unlikely theory incoming) That IS carebert and chlothar is still immortal somewhere and because carebert ages normally now he dies eventually when he gets old and chlothar buried his son next to his mother? And chlothar never actually found a way to cure himself. Hmm... also! I'm guessing that maybe only mixed blood khaenrians only turn into monsters and not like say carebert mother who was purely from mondstadt? Based on how he says "those whose ancestry belonged to the domains of other gods". Well no nevermind I guess that could be wrong since she would ofc have ancestry in mondstadt so she still counts. But wait would the skeleton buried not appear human then? If she died while she was a monster? Because clearly she dies before that memory. Seeing as he presumably used her body to make the fertilizer for the red mushrooms... And he was dodgey when asked what happened to her and how we weren't allowed to see how he made it due to him sending us to get the water. Think I've gone off rail lol. So, I wonder if the alberichs really inherited the title of abyss leader or if abyss sibling took over or was given the title when chlothar disappeared? And the alberichs were doing something else? Or helped in a different way besides directly leading? Also I have question regarding abyss sibling too but that can be separate since I've rambled on far enough as is haha. I might as well come off anon at this point hahssj hi I'm 🐝 anon lol
Well! There is a lot to speculate about the Alberich and I'm hoping they talk about it more in an interlude quest. (Manifesting 3.7/8 abyss order quest man, manifesting so hard)
I'm assuming the mother died like before the curse, or like, (suicide mention beware) ended up killing herself at the beginnings of it, since it seems non-fullblooded Khaenri'ahns don't get immortality on them.
Also yeah I guess he did use his wife as fertilizer, never thought of it tbh but it is... Probably what happened lmao... Oh god that just got a lot more messed up. (I did have an half formed hc of Khaenri'ahns using corpses for nefarious purposes or the 'first come First serve' rule as i likes to call it... And that's.... Fun)
And also I have a theory on what the Alberich did before the fall lmao. And it's base on this tidbit in Hilichurl culture.
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And yeah. Hilichurls, which are Khaenri'ahns slowly going insane, call the Lawa their leaders despite them not actually leading anything. Now in Khaenri'ah the sages seem to rule, but also they work under a king and possibly the Alberich??? Which is weird and I want explained.
Especially with the whole thing with king Irmin, I'm not sure if you've come across on my post but it's this whole thing...
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star--nymph · 2 years
In regards to Dolly, was she just found? Did Artemis procure her by some unholy means or more just pure happenstance end up discovering her and then go, yes, mine, mine now, love this abomination against human existence, takin’ her home naming her Dolly and giving her all the things because how can he not when she’s that adorable. But also like is there a plan for her beyond grow and become what you wish, as I end up thinking, if she doesn’t have a focus like Artemis, will she not just become the greater danger if/when Kass puts a bullet in his head. Or is she like a hidden sleeper that if one could look beyond the lens of vengeance for a hot minute one might see that Artemis? Likely not the worlds worst possibly enemy to have for as absolutely wretched he is. If I’m interpreting Dolly’s bio correctly.
(tw- implied child abuse--and no not by Artemis)
Ho, okay so. To explain how Artemis got her means I have to explain Dolly’s entire thing in full, so sit back because this is going to get into some world building and cosmic nonsense.
(Side note: I love how every time someone asks about how Artemis got Dolly, it’s ‘WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO’ and ‘DID HE STEAL HER’ to which the short answer is no, this is very much a ‘I have fucked my self into a situation I can not fuck my self out of’)
So Eua’s creation and its many Elder Gods are shrouded in mystery. What’s known is at some point many eons ago, the elder gods that had physical manifestations had some kind of battle with each other and it reformed the planet. Some elder gods vanished, some supposedly went to sleep, and some dissolved and became one with the planet. The battles or perhaps the bodies themselves left behind pockets of scars, deep tainted holes that corrupting the land and creatures near it, becoming deadly to most other beings. Somehow, humanity sprung out of all this and built their world off what could be the very remains of their gods. Cities built on what could be giant chairs, expose hands, only temples, skulls, and arms. Humanity having to constantly fight and form their world against strange giant beasts that jump from endless festering holes, eventually uniting under one flag to battle against them. This is the climate that society on all fronts was based on with Eua. There are gods, there is some semblance of magic or power left over from them, and there are monsters that will kill you if you wander too close to these uninhabitable lands, if nature doesn’t kill you first. Hell, it’s why the military split into two fractions: the human fraction and the beast fraction (and yes being aside to the beast fraction is considered the worse of the two).
As a result of all this, religion is a funny thing on Eua. There’s not really a question of ‘is there a god’ because the answer is ‘yeah look out your damn window, I’m pretty sure your Vespa is parked in one’. The questions are more ‘why are the gods asleep’, ‘are they still alive?’ ‘Can they hear us?’ ‘Do they care?’. There’s also the concept of the abstracts of cosmic gods, one that they CANT see but know exist in theory, or the concept of death on Eua, in which most people believe that most souls turn into stars and some souls get stuck on the earth for one reason or another ghosts—and that evil souls rot in an empty abyss until they are rendered down to nothing by sheer weight of oblivion. I want to describe all this because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that religion on Eua is a bad thing or that its an atheist society. There are very much religion, the study of the gods, the respect and belief in the land itself, and they are varied and nuanced just like our world.
And THEN we get to underground cults. Now these guys are the little freaks who want to start playing with shit they shouldn’t. They want to name gods, contact them, harness their powers, even wake them up (which is insane because we’re talking beings that are anywhere from giant leviathans to FORMLESS CONCEPTS BEYOND HUMAN PALE). Some of this can be harmless, the equivalent of like using an oujia board and telling your friends that Jesus just spoke to your and he says buy more nfts. But then there’s the people that hide in what they believe are centers of powers deep underground and out of the sight of society—and some are depicted to the study and deep reflection of their chose god. But others go too far and start using any means to contact them.
(You're probably wondering where Artemis falls in between all this and the answer is none because Artemis doesn't ask for worship of a god, he's specifically demands worship of him. His platform is fuck the gods, I'm hotter and so are you.)
With that I can touch upon one specific cult known as the Cult of the Butterfly. Situated in a cave network and it’s temple carved into solid rock, the Cult of the Butterfly is dedicated to a creator entity known by several names: The Cosmic Weaver, The Reality God and the Butterfly. The Butterfly is a being believed to exist on a higher plane, weaving into reality both time and different worlds. It is one of many creators of gods, but it’s realm is that of sewing all universes into one big tapestry, never meeting but endlessly connected through the same threads and a singular hand. Occasionally, The Butterfly will take a physical form of a butterfly which wings encompass every color and light and fly through its realities. It's believed catching a glimpse of it in it's physical form will give you a glimpse of the scope of the cosmos (why you would want that is anyone's guess, though).
Reasonable, I suppose, that this cult exists except it's main desire isn't to simply worship or by chance see The Butterfly. Members of the cult want to specifically awaken the Butterfly, turn its gaze upon them, and capture it--and they believe the best course of action is to make it listen to them. But listen requires loudness, it requires being so loud the universe can not ignore you. It requires loud, painful, agonizing screeching the likes of which not a single being can simply turn away from.
You see where I'm going with this.
It's here that Artemis, chasing his own pursuit on how to unlock godhood, that he's introduced to the Cult of the Butterfly and the Red Priestress--otherwise known as Phoebe Evans. Call it his own holy pilgrimage, he had gained access through another cult he had been studying with and was allowed to look through their archives under Phoebe supervision. Now the thing is about Phoebe, without giving too much away, is she that she's her own brand of awful. A spoiled brat whose endless drive for ego and power drove her from being just a high school mean girl into a full blown tyrant of her own cult. Where Artemis is a bottomless pit of hatred, Phoebe is overflowing fountain of egomania.
Turns out, they were into that. So, ya know, they fucked. I mean they didn't like each other but were they turned on? Yes, absolutely. Sometimes you find someone you utterly loud and also want to bang. It happens. Then Artemis went on his way, found exactly what he was looking for, and erupted out of a literal hole as the new stunning god of this forsaken world and Phoebe was pissed.
Not because she liked him or anything but because he did the impossible and he did it because he was already a freak of nature. He found a way to be somehow already the most powerful thing in the world and then jump the shark from humanity into actual godhood. That was supposed to be Pheobe. That should be Pheobe. And now she's finding out that she can't because she's normal human and to be human means you can't cross that fucking line?
No, absolutely not there is a way.
Then Phoebe finds out she's pregnent and she's figures out, alright. So she can't become God, but what's second best to God? How about the Mother of God.
So here's the thing. I have not exactly figure out the next part of this or how she did it. All I know is that Phoebe does manage through a heighten dream state to meet on the same plan as The Butterfly, grab it, and eat it--allowing it to find its home in the fetus inside her. Nine months later, a child with cosmic eyes is born unto it and Phoebe...is not happy. Because besides the whole eye deal, this child is normal. Just a random newborn baby. Boring, useless, weak. This is not what she was looking for. She wanted to be the Mother to user in The Butterfly's wisdom to the world, not spend her time changing diapers, waiting for it to wake the hell up in this infant's skull and realize its divinity. If you haven't notice, Phoebe, as ambitious as she is, isn't exactly patient. So she returns to the original plan; trying to wake The Butterfly up, just now in a new form.
Phoebe is not kind to her new child/new god. She doesn't have to be. If she's a real god, then she can withstand what she does next. If she isn't, then she can start all over.
Three months later, Artemis--back on the surface and just turn his own crime gang into a full-blown culure--gets word that Phoebe gave birth. Considering he was told that cult doesn't get many visitors and there were exactly many men in it, well...Like I said, Artemis fucked himself into a situation he could not fuck himself out of, so he might as well go check.
Cut to him arriving to a blood covered temple and finding his child bound to an alter by chains. Now I won't say exactly what happened with Phoebe or the Cult of the Butterfly after that but lets just say after that day, they weren't operating anymore. Artemis unchained Dolly, fell in love with at first sight, and decided that if she's going to look like a little doll, she might as well be called that--besides, one of his mother's favorite songs she used to sing to him was Hello, Dolly. He likes to think she would have liked the name. Dolly responded by blinking and her cosmic eyes changed to his violet. And that was that.
And so was the story of how Artemis came to find Dolly. Completely was not his fault for once but he must say, it was the best and only good thing he's ever done.
As for what Dolly is, well. She both a natural thing and abomination. It's a very odd thing to be both a human child (because for all intents and purposes, Dolly is human) and also be cosmic god. She is hopelessly in between mortality and immortality--all knowing and still learning. For Dolly, it's like her brain is a giant book but she does not have the reading level to understand what's in front of her. One day she will, and her powers are going slowly everyday, but at the same time, she is a very normal eight year old girl with a very normal eight year old body. If she pushes too hard, her the god part of her might start to awaken and break out of her, return to where it's supposed to be. Like, by virture of what the Butterfly was, it was never supposed to be IN a timeline. Being IN a timeline now means instead of there being a SINGLE VERSION OF ITSELF there are now SEVERAL VERSIONS OF THEMSELVES ACROSS TIMELINES AND WORLDS. AND THESE VERSIONS CAN NOT MEET OR EXISTENCE WILL RIPE APART.
Dolly is THAT. She's not the end all, be all but she's sure up there as far as concepts go and now she's an eight year old girl who is both extremely old and extremely new at the same time and all she wants to do is draw pictures her and her father holding hands.
And for the record Artemis is aware and he loves her. He doesn't want anything from her except to love her. The fact that Dolly is an actual literal god and he's technically running a grift was incidental and would be kind of funny if he wasn't violently aware that one day Dolly will be on her own and lose her less shard of humanity and any awareness she has of him along with it.
As for what he has planned for her. Just for her to grow up. Dolly wasn't in the plans and the plans were just to destroy the world. She comes along and he decides 'well, why not destroy the world, remake it, and then give it to her after I'm done?' It'll be like baby's first planet. Trial run for when she goes out and starts being literal god.
My plans for Dolly? I don't know. I mean part of me does know but it would be kind of a spoiler for her development. I have a storyline as Dolly gets older but that's so far in the future right now. Dolly could be a danger as she grows or she could turn out to be a benevolent or just uninterested. The problem I think for everyone else outside of Artemis, like Kassandra and Blaine, is that despite seeing the powerset Dolly has, it's hard not see her as just a little girl--and that she might not turn out to be anything more than that. She's just little kid with, yes, a bad father but there's a chance she won't end up like him. There's a chance she could change. Right now, I think when Kassandra looks at Dolly she's just...sad. Sad because she knows what she has to do and maybe she doesn't want to make another little girl an orphan. It's not that she unaware of the threat Dolly could be, it's just that she has hope that maybe that won't be the case. Cause the alternative is hurting a small child for a possibility and Kass won't do that.
And Blaine. Well, Blaine has his own reasons to be sad over Dolly and starts with he wishes he had known about her sooner.
Either way, it's good that Artemis is an actual good father who doesn't use Dolly. Maybe treating her like just a precious little girl is the best thing you could do a little god.
Although, I will add Dolly is as lonely as you might think she is--and maybe Artemis holds onto her a little tighter for that reason too.
(side note: given Dolly's power of being able to jump through realities that DON'T involve, it does give her room to exist in any canon. Funky, huh?)
(additional side note: Dolly has a phobia of butterflies, specifically red butterflies. I wonder why)
ANYWOO. THAT WAS A LOT. UM. SORRY. I hope that answered your questions? If you or anyone else has more, feel free. I am clearly an endless book with this story.
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 11 - Nonsensical Castle
This is a continuation of the Chapter 11 blog post! Today, I present to you... the dungeon from hell.
Okay so- *cracks knuckles, gulps down a mouthful of Cherri berry soda, briefly screams into a pillow*
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I should have known this dungeon was gonna be a nightmare the moment I first loaded and landed directly in a Monster House.
Honestly, the best way to share this story is to read the chat with my partner-in-crime behind the scenes, @tzhaar-rayne​! (Thanks for dealing with my insanity hun 😘)
Because honestly... the text really speaks for itself.
(Warning: I try to keep a mostly family friendly blog, but this one includes a lot of swearing.)
(Setting the scene: 5th floor, second attempt)
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(I’m stealing “Hello Team Heavenly, how do you do? :)))” as a motto for this playthrough.)
You can’t see it unless you squint, but that semi-transparent form is Mirage Deoxys. You know, from Rescue Team? Which, as far as I know, does not show up in Explorers. That being said...
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*3 floors later, still on second attempt*
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Here’s where Apollo hit me with the dodge ball:
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*2 floors later, same attempt*
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Thaaaat’s right, one of the true Time Gear Guardians decides to jump me when Andrea and Teresa are poisoned and on the verge of fainting. But the stairs are right there, right?
Nah man, he knew Flamethrower.
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Then I lend away my singular brain cell for two (2) seconds and this happens:
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Well, in any case... I saw something I’d never seen before: what happens if you are defeated in the Northern Desert.
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😂This made me crack a smile, ngl. I appreciate the solidarity everyone.
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As if three legends wasn’t enough, this dungeon was also riddled with Monster Houses (gee, what a surprise.) It took me about... three hours? Before I reached 10F again. Because on every. floor. I would run into a MH! Sometimes it was multiple floors in a row!! 😑
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Andrea wanted to learn Arm Thrust, but it only has 3 stars for power :\ and frankly her other moves are too useful to let go. I’m so sorry bb.
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Seed floating in the abyss? (I was able to snag it, too.)
Anyway, I finally trudge on past the stairs, hoping for the best, but...
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(Context: Intimidator kept me from attacking five turns in a row.)
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So yeah, eventually I breaked for dinner (and to give my eyes a rest).
*About 2 hours later, attempt I-don’t-freaking-know*
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(Btw if a comment seems out of place, it’s because we’re responding to something the other mentioned out of context.)
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Yeah that particular MH was chock full of Metagross. They were freaking sicced on us.
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I’m probably 4 or 5 hours in at this point. Just when I think I might finally make it... guess what.
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Awww, look at me losing my last shreds of sanity. Adorable :’)
Honestly, that was nearly the last straw for me, until @tzhaar-rayne​ came up with a great idea:
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And now, an interlude:
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I found the Manaphy Egg for sale during one of my training days. But I couldn’t buy it- the item remained in the red no matter how much money I had.
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I checked the Swap Shop every day in the hopes I could find the Togekiss item again. Alas, I did not. Buuuut I basically found it’s equivalent for Andrea! So that’s something.
*2 more hours of grinding through jobs later*
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Training montage incoming!!
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This is after giving Andrea a Joy Seed drink. She did not learn Slam because having Quick Attack finish off opponents from behind has been too darn useful.
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Teresa learned Coin Watcher, Deep Breather, and Self Curer within like three Gummis.
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Andrea also didn’t learn Peck, mostly because it’s weak.
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This is from another Joy Seed drink. Outrage! Cool in theory! Probably terrible in practice!
As you can see, Andrea learned a Lot during our brief hiatus from the plot. A new move popped up for her basically every other level.
Okay so for reference. This is Team Heavenly before the training-
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And after the training.
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*sharpens knives* Let’s do this.
After a false start:
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One rare fossil = 100 HP. Still wasn’t enough, though it granted me the opportunity to deal a finishing blow.
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This was maybe my 2nd or 3rd time on 11F? 🙃
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Thankfully, for both your sake and mine, we did, in fact, finally reach the stairs on that last floor.
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Thanks for coming to my freaking TED Talk. (Click here to go back to the Chapter 11 post.)
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windbourne-hymn · 3 years
So about the update...
There have been several speculations about the kingdom in the sky and the kingdom of darkness that's referred to in the cutscene at the beginning of every battle pass, and with the release of Enkanomiya, my remaining two braincells made some electricity and came up with a coherent thought.
The pearl
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The symbol of the Gnostic Hymn looks an awful lot like the genesis pearl that the heir from the kingdom in heaven was tasked to find.
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So this one is guarded by a snake (wow good job may who would've thought). This may lead to Orobashi who saved the people of Enkanomiya from the Dragonheir of the Depths. This Dragonheir is used to refer to the Bathysmal Vishaps in Enkanomiya. "Bathysmal" refers exclusively to something belonging of the deep sea (Note that the word used is Bathysmal and not Abysmal, indicating two distinct regions). So whether this snake is Orobashi or the Dragonheir is still unclear, but my guess is the Dragonheir since the events of Orobashi rescuing the people and bringing them to the surface are relatively recent (at least from my speculation).
The involvement of the Abyss
So we know that the abyss is clearly involved because of the Pyro lector. It was searching for a book which proved that Celestia came from someplace other than Teyvat and before that, it belonged to a single civilization. We'll come to that later. It calls Enkanomiya the land of sinners, which sounds oddly biblical for a nation who proudly calls itself a nation without gods. Khaenriah most definitely wasn't the first nation destroyed by Celestia, it's predecessors being Sal Vindagnyr and Tsurumi. The common thing between these two nations was that it was cause by a weapon or weapons which destroyed the let lines there and caused the climate to go into disarray. We don't know whether Enkanomiya was always in the state it is right now, requiring artificial modification to change the time of day, but it may be a possibility that Enkanomiya, like Khaenria, was destroyed for questioning the authority if the gods. Perhaps Khaenria was built by another group of people who fled Enkanomiya after it's destruction.
KFC windglider lore
Yeah this is definitely a bit of a stretch but this is what the windglider lore says:
Once upon a time, that world was ruled by dragons. But not the ones you hear about in stories. These were more akin to a cross between lizards and chickens. It might be hard for you to imagine it, Klee, but that was exactly what that world was like: fish-dragons lived in the oceans, and bird-dragons soared through the skies on wings that were super huge! They were powerful creatures, and so they looked down on all the other animals. In that world, they were rulers of all life. Later on, humans appeared in that world. No one knows how that happened. Maybe they came with the falling meteorites.
So that's the relevant part of the lore. I would like to draw your attention to the fish dragons living in the ocean, which may resemble the Bathysmal vishaps. I mean, they don't exactly look like the Durin/Dvalin-esque winged dragons who breathe fire. So maybe Enkanomiya is the remains of this civilization? Or a part of it? At least the sea part of it. Now these falling meteorites may be a reference to the wishing system. Yknow, those stars and all. Also when we're out of primogems, we can buy genesis crystals which could be fragments of the genesis pearl? Idk it's downright speculative from here on.
Speaking of primogems, their description mentions them to be shining with the condensed hopes and dreams of universes that once were. And we wish with primogems. And we wish for characters. So maybe, Celestia were the ones who created humans in Teyvat? Which leads on to this insanely speculative theory I have which says that Celestia may be one of the projects launched in the Honkai universe to preserve humanity. Sigh this is too much work maybe I'll make another post about that theory.
Leaks utc:
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Also this is the leaked paid battle pass namecard so I'm pretty sure that the kingdom of darkness they refer to is Enkanomiya. I will go sleep after this.
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hematomes · 3 years
genshin impact: the neverending suffering of artifacts’ farming
hi, don’t forget to drink water, do you daily commissions in genshin and get your daily bonus on the mihoyo lab website thingy
so today, since all... idk, 12 of you seemingly asked for it, i’ll be rambling about genshin’s artifacts and how to boost your character’s performance with them. get ready for broken english and me going on and on about stats (but not too much bc i hate maths). let’s goooo
quick disclaimer before we begin: this is just the opinion of one (1) single player. i just enjoy the strategy a lot and the fact that this forsaken game forces me to think long and hard about stats. at the end of the day, if you’re satisfied with your DMG, you don’t have to listen to me.
finally, if you want personalised help in building a specific characters, i’ve been studying most of them (especially 4* since I have all of them zkzezek) so you can DM me anytime! or even go with the asks if you want to remain anon, i don’t mind. i’m happy to help anyone!!
table of contents
I. data about the different artifacts (stats when maxed out, info)
II. ideal stats for each type of character
1. main DPS
2. sub/burst DPS
3. healers and tanks
III. CRIT rate/DMG and the 1:2 ratio
I. data about the different artifacts
so, first, a little bit of info/data about the artifacts!
you’ll get an added substat at lvl 4, then substats will improve every 4 levels. one random substat improves, so you’ll have to pray and cross your fingers
the substats cannot be the same as the main stat
5* artifacts go up to lvl 20, 4* to lvl 16 and 3* to lvl 12
the percentage bonus is added on your character’s base stats
the flower and the plume’s main stats are always HP flat and ATK flat. focus on their substats to pick the best
added bonus: every set of artifact has extra lore in the archive. for example, eula’s set (pale flame) has incredible lore about the fatui harbingers and has dangerously increased my need to see scaramouche again
and now, the maxed out stats of artifacts. i’ll go over 5*, 4* and 3* for new players!! baby genshin players are literally the best idc.
flower: 3* goes up to 1,893, 4* to 3,571 and 5* to 4,780
plume: 3* goes up to 123, 4* to 232 and 5* to 311
HP%, ATK%, DEF%, elem DMG bonus%: 3* goes up to 23.1%, 4* to 34.8% and 5* to 46.6%
phys DMG bonus%: 3* goes up to 28.8%, 4* to 43.5% and 5* to 58.3%
EM: 3* goes up to 92, 4* to 139 and 5* to 187
ER%: 3* goes up to 25.8%, 4* to 38.7% and 5* to 51.8%
CRIT rate%: 3* goes up to 15.4%, 4* to 23.2% and 5* to 31.1%
CRIT DMG%: 3* goes up to 30.8%, 4* to 46.4% and 5* to 62.2%
healing bonus%: 3* goes up to 17.2%, 4* to 26.8% and 5* to 35.9%
a. sands of eon/timepiece
so the sands of eon aka the timepiece is quite decisive for the type of character you’ll be doing: either a main DPS or a support (tank/healer/sub DPS). as such, it has similar drop rates & maxed out levels on the big 3 stats: HP, ATK and DEF. however, when building a support like a sub DPS or a healer that relies on their ult (like diona for example), you’ll need energy recharge (ER), which is a lot rarer. elemental mastery (EM) isn’t generally recommanded as a main stat, it’s best to find it in sub stats. DEF% is also not a good option unless it’s for specific characters that rely on their defense, like albedo or noelle.
basically, a main DPS will most likely have a ATK% timepiece, while a support would need an ER%. that being said, supports like xiangling must also have a good chunk of elemental mastery because her ult can deal insane amount of damage with elemental reactions. you’ll need to balance both ; for example, a weapon with elemental mastery (like dragonbane) and a ER% timepiece, or good EM/ER substats etc.
b. goblet of eonothem
the goblet is where you’ll typically get your elemental/physical DMG bonus. it’s the only artifact that gives this bonus at all (it’s not found as substats). you can also drop EM, ATK%, HP% and DEF%.
there’re little characters that would need phys DMG. if you’re building a physical DPS, consider their base ATK and the stats of their normal/charged attacks. albedo, for example, would not be your typical phys DPS. the main phys DPS that exists is razor, and now there’s also eula; razor is an especially good physical DPS bc he gets a phys bonus either way so at lvl 80 + a lvl 20 goblet you go up to 105% phys DMG bonus. however, electro DPS is also a nice option! claymores tend to be very good physical DPS because their normal attacks easily go over 100% of their ATK, but i heard that fischl and xiangling are viable as well. all in all, anyone can be a physical DPS, but some of them are better off as elemental DPS. you do you, though!
c. circlet of logos/hat
the hat is crucial, because it’s where you’ll get your main CRIT rate/DMG. CRIT is super important, especially with your DPS; i’ll talk more about the best way to build CRIT in a bit, but just know that the main theory is building the 1:2 ratio: 50% CRIT rate and 100% CRIT DMG.
you might also know that there’s the healing bonus, needed for... healers. like crit rate/dmg, you’ll only find the healing bonus on the hats.
II. ideal stats for each type of character
now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the ideal stats for each type (main DPS, sub/burst DPS, healers, tanks).
1. main DPS
there’re a lot of good main DPS characters in genshin. mine are xiao, yanfei, razor and hu tao, for example. there’s also childe, ganyu, ningguang... and usually you’ll build them the same way (with exceptions). as such, your goal would be at least 1.5k ATK% (unless your DMG depends on something else, like hu tao and how it relies on her HP%), 50% CRIT rate and at least 100% CRIT DMG.
your substats priorities would be: CRIT rate/DMG > ATK% > EM (unless it’s a physical DPS) > ER%. there’s always exceptions, like hu tao once again (i talk a lot about her but im pissed bc i can’t drop a good HP% timepiece).
as such, your timepiece will generally be on ATK%, with CRIT rate/DMG subs. elemental mastery is an added bonus on characters like hu tao, yanfei, etc. DEF% and HP% are generally secondary (except for hu tao because, as i said, her DMG relies on her max HP & her burst on her health bar status), so focus on the big 3. flat stats (no percentage) aren’t very good either, but better than nothing.
your goblet will be either on ATK% or on elemental/phys DMG bonus%. the easiest way when you’re building a set is to leave the goblet as your broken set (aka the 5th piece with no set bonus), since the drop rates on elem/phys goblets are very low.
your hat will be on CRIT rate/DMG, depending on which one you need. ATK% is a viable alternative, but crit is really good. however, if you’re just starting to build, you can use a temporary ATK% hat.
2. sub/burst DPS
support DPS are very interesting characters to build and play. unlike DPS who focus on DMG/ATK/etc, this time you’ll have to balance energy recharge% and elemental mastery. the substats are also very important and should be focusing on ATK%, EM and ER%.
when building a support, you need to keep in mind that they’ll be buffing your main DPS’ damages, so they rely a lot on elemental reactions. which is why your substats priority becomes ER% > EM > ATK%. CRIT is always good but not as important, especially if you have around 200 EM and your main DPS is already past 50% rate/100% DMG.
your timepiece should be on ER%. with a sub DPS that relies on their burst, the ideal ER% is around 150%, especially if they need a lot of energy to build their burst. xingqiu, for example, is better around 170%, but chongyun would be fine at 150%. since the timepiece is the only artifact with the ER% bonus, it’s kinda crucial.
your goblet needs to be either on elemental DMG bonus% (not physical!) or ATK%. EM can be an alternative, especially if it helps you reach +50% on elemental reaction DMG. otherwise, elemental DMG bonus% is the safest option.
your hat should be on EM or ATK%. EM is better because it’s super rare and really helpful for elemental reactions so, if you drop one with good substats go for it.
3. healers and tanks
they are absolutely vital in dungeons like the abyss thingy, because you can’t use food so you’ll need to heal with characters. currently we have qiqi, jean, zhongli if you have his c6 (god), diona, bennett, barbara (free) and noelle (free). there is two type of healers: those who only heal on their ult, like jean, bennett and diona (moreover, bennett only heals 75% but he gives an ATK% bonus so he’s still incredible), and those who heal with their elemental skill like barbara, c6 zhongli, qiqi and noelle. the first type will need a focus on their ER% while the second on HP% (except qiqi, it’s on her ATK%). zhongli in particular needs as much HP% as you can because at c0 he’s a tank & his shield is the best of the game. it relies on his HP%, so aim for around 30k at lvl 80. if you can go higher, even better! and if you want a run-down of my stuff for zhongli i can too, mine is at 49k HP and his shield is at lvl 10, so he can basically shield me from anything. anyway.
healers that rely on their ult
your timepiece will need to be on ER%. aim for at least around 150% energy recharge, maybe more depending on how much energy their ult needs. ideal substats would be HP%, the rest isn’t that important.
your goblet has to be on HP%. if you can get an ER% sub it’s even better.
your hat, in healing bonus%. same thing, if you can get an HP% and/or ER%, even better.
healers that don’t rely on their ult
this time, the focus would be on HP%, but ER% is always important so look for it in substats. same hat.
exceptions: qiqi, noelle
qiqi’s heal is based on ATK. her e is based on her ATK but the ult is based on the character that deals the DMG. meaning if qiqi has ult and the opponent is marked with a talisman, and if your character deals like a 1k DMG, they’ll get 1k HP. so switch your timepiece and goblet to ATK%, and keep your hat on healing bonus%.
noelle, however, relies on her DEF. same thing than qiqi, switch timepiece and goblet to DEF%. noelle as a healer/tank doesn’t have a very useful ult, but if you got lucky and have ATK% ou CRIT rate/DMG% substats, see if you can up her ER%!
III. CRIT rate/DMG and the 1:2 ratio
if you’ve done some research on the ideal crit rate/dmg, you might have heard of something called the 1:2 ratio. it basically means that you need to have half as much CRIT rate% as you have CRIT DMG%. the starter would be 50% rate & 100% DMG but, in my opinion it’s not really enough if you’re around AR 45 or aiming to clear the last stages of the abyss spirals. 50% CRIT rate is enough but if you can up your CRIT DMG% to like 125/150% it’d probably be the best. i got super lucky with my xiao and went up to 200% CRIT DMG, but it’s because he already has a CRIT rate bonus as you level him up so it wasn’t my priority.
anyway, i’ve been playing with around 50% CRIT rate on my DPS (except xiao bc he also has the CRIT rate polearm + his lvl bonus) and frankly it’s been enough for now. dealt a 98k with the hutao & mona ults combo, hu tao around 50% rate & 150% DMG while mona was at 30%/150%. naturally, the higher your CRIT rate, the better, but the 1:2 ratio is just a good start. don’t obsess over it!
well, this was fun. now, it’s your turn: if you have questions or you disagree with something i said (very plausible, i might have said a lot of dumb stuff and i could be a terrible player lol), do tell! keep it polite though, i don’t want to start a fight but i’m always interested in other players’ experience. i’ll say it again: drink water. mwah
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neonscreenlight · 3 years
i've seen a few theories about mythrodak's latest lore that go off on the assumption that the abyss is a box with breakable things, and i'm here to say that that's not true and he's probably trapped in the void.
i apologize for the horrible image editing, i am doing this on my phone.
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where's the bottom of the texture? that would be there in this scene, albeit pretty dark. but just try to get even a glimpse of any actual texture here.
you can also kind of see that here:
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i don't see any blocks here. especially since mythrodak was using shaders for this scene, and we don't ever see that ceiling-trap-hole thing closing, it would be easy to see what mythro is standing on. but there's no clue to what it is. it looks like he's standing on nothing.
You can also see that effect on this clip:
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this does raise a few concerns, though.
in the void, you can't throw enderpearls, throw anything, place blocks, build up height for an elytra, or really do anything other than walk and scream.
and i've only watched one youtube video about this, so please don't quote me. but this is probably a form of torture? the void is an infinitely dark space where you will lose all your senses. losing all your senses makes you break down and make you go insane.
that might mean mythrodak can't escape the void, but knowing him, he'll probably find a way out anyway. as he said himself: this isn't the end.
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another thing i find interesting is how mythro doesn't die in the void. i know in actual minecraft terns that's very simple, but strictly lore-wise, that's very weird. i'm not too sure what the explanation could be.
maybe in this world, the void doesn't damage you?
or it could be that mythrodak's just better. honestly, i choose the latter /j
wow, i can't believe i made this long of a post! that's a record. anyway, share your own theories in the notes???
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quarantineddreamer · 3 years
i’ve been absent, and i can’t be sorry (it’s been necessary), but i do miss this community and having the energy/time to participate.
in truth, it’s been a challenging past few months for me...
don’t want to bore anyone, so details below (tw: depression, anxiety, parental troubles, covid)
i was really fortunate to be really close to my family growing up. i had a great relationship with my parents. which is why it has been that much more painful for me this past year to have them slowly driven from me by the absurdity of current politics. i didn’t see it coming, i didn’t think my parents could become science deniers. and yet here i am...
i tried with everything i had to teach/reach them, but ultimately the stress of it all was causing my anxiety to reach extremely unhealthy levels. for my own health and sanity, i wrote them a long, heartfelt letter explaining why i would not be talking to them for the time being (as they refused to get vaccinated and began to behave dangerously, no masks, frequent outings, seeing lots of people). that was july. 
august my parents visited my hometown. i did not see them or speak to them. my birthday passed, i did not see them or speak to them... 
i spoke with my mother once, in september...and it’s all still just as bad. there was shouting, cursing, crying (mostly me tbh). she’s stubbornly clinging to her beliefs drilled into her by right-wing media. i wont get into them, but it’s conspiracy level bad... she got covid, she kept it from me and my brother until afterwards. miraculously she was okay despite taking “medicine” that has been proven to be ineffective against covid and potentially dangerous while sick to boot... it’s made her even more determined to cling to her insane theories about the vaccine, covid treatments, the government all of it... 
i told her my life would continue without her and dad: i might get engaged (probably would have on my anniversary except my partner felt bad i wasnt talking to them at the time), married, who knows... covid isn’t going away anytime soon, and i cant agree to disagree with her on this. it matters too much to me that they be safe. if i let it go and something were to happen to her and my dad...i’d never forgive myself for it. 
i’m not saying mine is the correct approach. i have been plagued with doubt and guilt off and on. my mom has used language that makes me feel like this is all my fault, for being anxious, for being depressed, for not just letting her have her dangerous opinions... but at the end of the day despite the pain and grief i feel for not having my parents right now, i am still better off than i was before. fewer panic attacks, able to focus at work, able to at least sleep some now. 
i started anti-depressants when my mental health hit an all-time low during all of this, and they’ve been helping too. i really didn’t want to get back on them, but i believe they’ve saved my life. 
sadly, between all this (and busy times at work) i’ve had very little time, focus, or motivation to write. i’ve barely been on here. to be completely honest, naps after work are common. the extra rest has become important. i’ve developed a sudden interest in true crime documentaries and sad movies?? i was very confused by this at first, since i’ve never ever had an interest before, but my therapist says its how im processing my trauma and grief lol 
but why write all this out on tumblr, B? well... i like to scream into the abyss here, and i also want to be completely open about my struggles and mental health, because i was at my worst when i felt utterly alone, and if this post helps even one person who might be experiencing similar feel less alone than it’s worth it.
and i also wanted to let this community know why i’ve suddenly dropped off because it is a place that has brought my joy even during the chaos of the past year or so. i am going to be participating in the upcoming zkmbb and still have my other projects ready and waiting for me to return, but for now, the queue is going to be up and running and i’ll be a bit quieter as i fight my way through this and have to dedicate extra time to self-care.
i hope no one relates to this post, i really do, because it all hurts a lot and i dont want anyone to feel this pain, but if you do? you are a warrior, i admire your strength and courage --and i am sending you so much love.
best wishes all,
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lettrespromises · 4 years
╰┄───➤   LettresPromises informs you : you have one notification. ❜ Letter object : ‘Screaming into the abyss’ - Katsuki Bakugou.
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╰──➤ Katsuki Bakugou sent you a letter, would you like to read it? ❜
Letter object : Injured, Bakugou is forced to stay at home under the orders of the medical unit where he will begin being tormented by his own emotions and the guilt of not being able to help you. As the emotions build up within him, he finally explodes, and you’re here to pick up all the shattered pieces and glue them back together. 
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Author’s letter : ❝dear reader, I had to, I’m so sorry but I had to write something about this following the catastrophe of chapter 285. I do hope, however, that you will like this (and I might have gotten lost in descriptions once again so I apologize in advance.) also, bonus point if you’ve read nietzsche or heard about his theory on the abyss (wink, wonk @ the last line of the letter.) sending lots of love your way! sealed with a kiss,  nikki.❞ Genre : Angst, fluff, comfort. Warnings : Cursing. Word count : 2.6K.
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Maybe, the mask deserved to fall. Maybe, the mask was meant to be shattered. Maybe, the mask belonged amongst the ashes. The crimson mask which, to the common eye, echoed to the imagery of a surge of flames which were fueled by passion and perfectionism. These flames were scary, almost untamable in a way, but they were beautiful, tempting— and here laid mankind’s first paradox : feeling the urge to approach and tame a wild entity. But today, the shine reflecting in this suffering inferno has changed. It’s not longer crimson, it barely holds any shade of red. This fire used to burn to intimidate others, now, it burns just enough to survive. It has changed.
And that’s how everything became blurry— the crimson orbs found themselves to be the martyrs of the emotions draining them. Pearls of salt gathered at the corner of his eyes and fell while following the path created by the dry tears which had previously rolled down the flesh of his cheeks. It was like a cascade, and the rhythm of the tears almost seemed mechanic— as soon as a tear hung from his chin, another one started taking form to replace it right away.
Knowing that he couldn’t control his own emotions drove him insane, but he fell in the trap set by his subconscious— the more he was thinking about how to gain the upper hand over his emotions, the more he felt constricted by the invisible knots forming in his throat. Perhaps knowing that there was no other solution left was yet another motive to cry about.
Bakugou’s head hung low, his crimson orbs never leaving the floor as he was doomed to observe his own downfall through the repetitive drops of his tears. He didn’t dare to blink either, judging that it would only make the tears grow bigger until he would not be able to perceive something clearly anymore. His nails were dug into the skin of his palms, imprints of crescents trailed behind as a testimony of his frustration. His mouth was wide open, too, Bakugou was inviting his body to scream its pain, force the illness out of his body, and although he forced himself to voice vividly his agony, no sound came out of his mouth— he was screaming into the abyss.
« God-fucking-damnit, why is it so fucking hard, hah? W-Why can’t I fucking get this out?! » A crescendo shadowed his intonation, but failed to cover the betraying breaks accompanying his voice. The surprising cracks in his voice made him shut silent, and for a second, he wished no sound could leave his parted lips if it meant he was going to show even more vulnerability. But most of all, he wished that you would not come home earlier and perhaps in the nick of time, he would have re-gained the possession of his own emotions. He couldn’t find himself to imagine a scenario where you would burst out of the door and see him naked, in a way— what were you going to say to him? Were you going to call him ‘weak’? Were you going to break up with him? Were you going to be disgusted? If it meant losing you, then Bakugou was willing to be a silent martyr.
He was way past trying to find an answer to the enigma and thus find why his emotions were filling his senses, he knew that said answer was not going to fall straight from above, perhaps there was no answer. But he couldn’t help and reminisce the events which took place a few weeks prior to that— he failed to arrest a villain and, whilst battling them, got severely injured and was forced to stay off of hero duty for a few weeks. Bakugou felt useless, and guilt for not being able to save citizens was exuding from his every pore, sometimes, he wondered if he really deserved the status of hero in these conditions. The sole heroic acts he was allowed to do was send a text to ‘Shitty Hair’ and congratulate him on his work, not that he would ever openly admit that he was willing to do anything and everything to take his spot.
His work was dangerous, he would wake up every morning wondering if today was the last time he was going to kiss you goodbye, and perhaps he started pouring more bits of genuine adoration in his morning pecks since this epiphany struck him. But his work was also addictive, the sensation of feeling adrenaline course through his veins until hitting his brain was a marvel and he just wanted to know what it felt like to save civilians, prevent crimes from happening— he wanted to witness this all over again, as if he had been overwhelmed by a sudden wave of amnesia.
The sound of keys rattling in the lock didn’t even startle him, he stopped crying, and that was enough of a victory to him already. But as soon as you stepped foot in your shared apartment and were welcomed with silence, your guts were quick to tell you that something was off. You ventured in the vicinity with cautious steps, as if you were discovering your apartment all over again under the heavy influence of silence, but you couldn’t see Bakugou anywhere.
« Katsuki? Are you here? » You called, not sincerely expecting an answer. « Oh, fuck off already. » He responded silently, sincerity abandoning his words.
You had tried to look for him in every room, but failed to find him. Sure, there was one last option and the most intimate one, but knowing that Bakugou could possibly be stuck in your bedroom felt like breaking his own intimacy. You had tried to be by his side as much as you could during his time at home, but you were a hero yourself, and perhaps you felt like staying away from him for a bit would diminish the burning sensations of his pain.
You found yourself knocking against the door and immediately forgetting about your own advice on how to give him intimacy, « Katsuki, I know you’re in there. » but you met silence as a response. Pursuing your intentions, you tried opening the door but you realized soon after that it was locked, your brows were furrowed in incomprehension. You allowed yourself to release a breath you ignored you were holding until feeling the invading sensation of several knots forming in your stomach under the feeling of guilt, and thus, you fell on your knees near the door, weakened.
« Katsuki, love, do you want to talk about it? » You inquired, the sound of your voice coming out as a hushed confession.
« Talk about what? » He barked but it was innocent.
« Don’t tell me you locked yourself in our bedroom because you actually like it. »
« I do whatever I fucking want, that’s none of your goddamn business. » This is why he should have stayed silent, to avoid the crack to distort his voice.
« Katsuki, open the door before I destroy it with my bare hands. »
You were met once more with silence, but this time it hurt more, probably because Bakugou chose not to respond deliberately. Still, you waited for a few seconds, never leaving your position nor moving by an inch— after all, you still had the hope that he silent because he was on his way to come open the door. But, oh well, what a disillusion!
« Come out of the bedroom whenever you want, I’m out. » your actions accompanied your words and you got up, dusting yourself off in the process.
And while your hands swatted away the bits of dust clinging onto the fabric of your pants, the deafening sound of your bedroom door swinging wide open caught you off by surprise. You were met with the dim fire dancing in his crimson orbs before acknowledging the invading sensation of his limbs encompassing your waist in a (literally) breathtaking hold. You were rendered stiff, not only because of the rapidity of this action, but also because this was not a characteristic of Bakugou. His head was nestled in the crook of your neck, not that he had the courage to willingly show his face marked by the torment of his emotions anyway, and his fingertips almost turnt white under the pressure applied on your lower back.  
« Don’t go anywhere, stay here. » hot breaths crashed against your skin. « I’m not going anywhere, I’m here, I won’t go away. » you responded equally as intimate, your fingertips brushed the roots of his hair in circular motions. « Now, » you let your hands travel down his face until cupping his cheeks and making him bore his eyes into yours, « do you still refuse to talk to me? »
He blinked once, to make sure he had heard correctly, and then a second time, to prevent the tears from finding the familiar path drawn on his cheeks. He couldn’t stand looking at you, or rather, he couldn’t stand the fact you were looking at him in all his shameful glory, bare with all his emotions written all over his face. But from your perspective, never once did he look as beautiful as now— the reddish tone of his eyes married the scarlet color of his iris, the color of his cheeks matched the color of his eyes, too. But most of all, he was beautiful because he let his emotions speak for him.
He was hesitant, unsure of how his body was bound to react, unsure of how you were going to react as the haunting thoughts of you finding him weak were still clouding his mind. And yet, he couldn’t gather enough strength to look elsewhere but in your eyes, as if a calming bliss were attracting his orbs like magnets would do. He took one breath, it was solemn, but necessary for both the sake of his tirade but also for the sake of unifying his thoughts upon exposing them to daylight.
« I fucking feel like shit ‘cause I haven’t done anything since I’m injured. You, Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, everyone is busting their ass off to fight shitty villains left and right and I gotta’ stay at home doing nothing. I can’t do shit to help you. For fuck’s sake, I can’t even cook to help you out after your day on patrol— I’m fucking useless, you hear me? I’m fucking useless while you’re risking your life out there every day. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Sit here and not do shit? Sit here until I have a fucking confirmation that you’re safe and sound? I fucking hate this, I fucking hate feeling like a burden to you, I fucking hate feeling useless! » The more he talked, the more venom he spat, the more his voice was breaking under the tight grip of his emotions.
It was your turn to reply, but your brain couldn’t seem to form a comprehensive sentence. Sure, there were words and whatnot, but none clicked to create a real sentence. Your mouth was set agape in anticipation, and you laid your gaze upon him and his features— how he dug his pearly whites into his lower lip to refrain himself to give in to the temptations of his emotions and cry, how his eyes screamed for an answer on your end because he couldn’t stand silence as an answer, how he tried to catch his breath and ease his heart.
Your palms were still covering his cheeks. But if this action came from a place of willing to get his attention, now you just felt as if you were cradling the finest piece of china which threatened to shatter at any given moment. You knew how horrible of a situation this must have been for him, so you allowed to grant him his deserved intimacy, your palms orientated his cranium in the crook of your neck, just enough to give him sentimental privacy. And although you claimed that you were doing this for him, you were also doing this to prevent yourself from breaking into tears. Your hearts beat in unison, so did your emotions.
« I don’t even know where to begin », you begin as your digits ran through his hair to soothe him, « I feel so guilty for not doing something about this before », upon saying this, Bakugou pinched your hip in disagreement to which you let out a hushed yelp in response, « Bakugou Katsuki, I know your pride will tell you not to believe me but listen to me for one second, will you? It’s plain and simple, you’ve always been the person I look up to the most. When we were at U.A, I wanted to be like you and every time I was asked who was my inspiration, I would always say that it was Mount Lady or All Might but the only person I could think about was you. You did injure yourself, it sucks but you did it while fighting off a villain and you allowed a family to escape the zone safe and sound. You’re injured because you saved people, not because you tripped down the stairs. » You finished, allowing your lungs to absorb some much needed oxygen while Bakugou slightly tightened his hold as he already missed your voice.
« If you’re not proud of yourself, you know I’ll always be. And, please, you’re not a burden— if anything, I’m glad to know you’re safe here but I also know that soon enough you’ll be able to cook me something because you hate it when I cook for you. », you continued and obligated him to face you one last time, « whenever you’re in doubt, think of how much I love you, and how great of a hero you are. » you concluded your sentence by reducing the space between your lips and crashing yours against his in a unison of sentiments.
Both protagonist shut their lids close to allow the sensations granted by the kiss to roam their body and mind while they were both persuaded of seeing stars. Sure, you had kissed Bakugou more times than you could remember in the past, but here, you could easily discern the tones of care, gratitude and genuine adoration gracing your lips. And once oxygen failed your lungs and had to break the kiss against your will, you noticed that the crimson inferno was more vivid than earlier— Bakugou thanked your passion for fueling his fire and bringing it back from its ashes, like the fire of a Phoenix.
« ‘Love you, too. » Bakugou whispered against your lips.
« I’m sorry, care to say it again? » you responded, a playful smirked plastered on your facial features.
« Hah? Didn’t you fucking hear what I said? » He stared at you in disbelief, already second-guessing his choices in declarations, « I’ll say this once, so listen well, dumbass : I love you. Got that, now? ‘Cause I’m not saying it again. »
But you heard everything, of course you did, you always do. You hear his odd nicknames, you hear his cursing, you hear his screams, you hear his secret declarations of love and you hear him when he’s screaming into the abyss.
« I love you too, Katsuki, so much. » The abyss stared back at him, and offered him a smile.
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
Questions/theories I have about Khaenri’ah and Kaeya because. No I haven't processed We Will Be Reunited what are you talking abt?
(Tl;DRs at the end of the post!)
Why is Kaeya their only agent out in the nations (that we've seen so far)? It’s very likely that Venti didn’t participate in the Cataclysm, so why would targeting his city matter that much? Unless Kaeya is the only Khaenri’ahn person (aside from Dain) left uncursed and they couldn’t have him in more than one nation? But we can assume that’s not the case because unless Kaeya’s father is an Abyss Mage or something he’s still uncursed. Or do the the Fatui count as Khanri'ah's agents in other nations, because Mondstadt is good at Not Letting The Fatui Have That Much Control?
If you weren’t in Khaenri’ah at the time of the Cataclysm (maybe in another nation trading, or on the sea) would you have been cursed or would you have kept your original form?
The star pupils. Are they a genetic mutation that’s a result of the specific type of magic that was used in Khaenri’ah (the type that Dain uses)? If so, does that mean Kaeya can wield it as well? If it not the magic, is it a result of the Alchemy? If Khemia was used in everyday farming and agriculture, could it have had side effects on those who ate the food, resulting in things like the star pupils?
Zhongli says that the Blackcliff Forge has reached the ruins deep beneath the earth (or something along those lines), so have they reached what’s left of Khaenri’ah? Is that going to be important later on? Is that going to be the Abyss’s way of reaching Liyue if it invades?
Albedo. Just. Albedo. He said “Lose control,,,, destroy everything” (or something like that) and I assumed that was because he didn’t want to follow in Gold’s footsteps but now that I know the Archons are responsible for Khaenri’ah’s fall,,,, is Albedo a super weapon? Is there some power laying dormant in him that could very well be used by the Abyss to destroy Celestia? Is said power being fueled by his usage of Khemia? He’s some sort of Homonculus or something so it’s possible,, right?
If the Abyss Heralds are the cursed royal guards of Khaenri'ah like I theorized in my last We Will Be Reunited Post, then what are the Abyss Lectors? The royal scholars?
Haha Kaeya again, if he can use whatever magic Dain uses, how does it react with his Vision? Does his Vision hinder his ability to use said magic? Is it just repressed within him? Does he have external signs of it (like Dain's arm) that he has to hide? Is that what's under his eyepatch?? Is that type of magic what gives him his ability to teleport freely? Because he's the only character who does that, everyone else uses their Vision for it
Gold???? Please please let there be Gold content in the future??? I would very much like further details on their corruption and how exactly it worked??? Also if their motives were what I think they were then brrrr I'm already emotionally attached just let me meet them please
How exactly does the abyss/above ground time difference work? (using Tartaglia's three months:three days as an example) When you're in the abyss is your physical aging slowed so you only age three days but mentally age three months? Do physical aging and mental aging stay in sync so you age the three months but it's only three days actually above ground? Or is physical and mental aging slowed so that you only age three days even though it's been three months??
If the abyss/above ground time difference works w mental aging on abyss time but physical aging on above ground time, then Kaeya could have been in the Abyss for all those years having the plan absolutely drilled into his head which could be part of why he's having a really hard time picking a side between Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt
Also did Tartaglia and Kaeya meet in the abyss??? They both might have been there at the time so,, imagine going to Mondstadt and then running into the kid you met in the abyss and he's the Cavalry Captain. The sheer whiplash-
If Khaenri'ah was destroyed by gods,,,, what is Kaeya's idea of Venti? Jean knows about Venti's identity, and she does trust Kaeya, so she might have told him? There's also the traveler who has a pretty good impression of Kaeya, all things considered, so I guess there's a possibility there? Either way, imagine knowing that an Archon who may or may not have helped destroy your home nation is sitting in the same tavern as you and is just casually singing- oof-
How much does Diluc know about Khaenri'ah? How much did Kaeya tell him? How much did Diluc find out just on his own? Did the traveler tell him anything? He has a line in the Mondstadt chapter of the game where he says something along the lines of "there's more to the abyss than a few mages" so how much more of the abyss does he know about?? Did he have another fun brotherly conversation with Kaeya about Khaenri'ah? If the Fatui are working with the abyss/working to avenge Khaenri'ah, and if Delusions are based on/improvements on Khaenri'ahn tech then Diluc could have found info on Khaenri'ah while on his Anger Trip, right?
Actually, you know what, forget Diluc, how much does Lisa know about Khaenri'ah? She's insanely smart, is already suspicious of Visions, and hesitant to trust the gods at face-value, as well as being refereed to by Cyrus as the best student in the Sumeru Academia in 200 years. She knows at least a little about everything, and something like the Cataclysm would most definitely peak her interest. Perhaps she came across something about Khaenri'ah while trying to figure out the price of Visions? I know that so far the traveler hasn't found a book of much relevance to Khaenri'ah, but the traveler also hasn't gotten to Sumeru yet, so,, it's possible that there's some books somewhere that are about Khaenri'ah, or records of the Cataclysm
The sibling,,, are they ruling over the Abyss Order alone? Are there other people involved? We know their end game is to take out Celestia, but is that the end game of other people in the abyss? We know Dain would rather stay off the radar of the gods (likely because he doesn't want to be targeted as a threat and also doesn't want to be regarded as an ally), but if there's other people involved then,, what do they want? Is the plan Kaeya's involved in deviate from the plan of the sibling? Does Dain have a preferred course of action for the Abyss that isn't wiping it all out?
Dottore. He was in Liyue studying Field Tillers. From the manga we already know that Dot's knowledge when it comes to machinery is pretty advanced, considering he turned a corpse into a full-on killing machine that looked a lot like a more modern Field Tiller. So why was he doing more research? We can assume that Dot only abandoned his research lab around the time of Liyue's funky Osail and Fatui calamity (meaning he was probably in Liyue when we were and we didn't get to see him :( ), so he'd probably uncovered some new information that lead to a new string of experiments. But what did he learn?? Was he looking into different ways to interact with the 'Tillers, came across whatever magic Dain uses, and immediately had to test some things out? New weaponry, maybe? Or new analysis capabilities? Or does the manga take place during a time when Dot was studying the 'Tillers, so the one he made was a test of what he'd learned? Or was his study ordered by the Tsaritsa? Any way you look at it there's just,,, questions,,,,
Why has Kaeya been Khaenri'ah's only agent in the nations so far? Unless the Fatui count as Khanri'ahn agents?
If you weren't in Khaenri'ah when the curse dropped, were you cursed?
Star pupil explanation please??
Has Blackcliff forge hit Khaenri'ahn ruins?
Is Albedo a weapon??
Abyss Lectors,, wh,,, who were they pre-curse,,,,
If Kaeya can use the same magic Dain uses, how does his Vision react?
I'm emotionally attached to Gold, please let them be in-game soon I wanna know more about them :')
How does the abyss/above ground time difference work,, I,,, am so confused by it
Did Kaeya grow up in the abyss and had that plan drilled into his head for longer than time was aboveground and that's why he's having trouble picking a side??
Tartaglia and Kaeya: Did they meet in the abyss?
What's Kaeya's impression of Venti?
How much does Diluc know about Khaenri'ah?
Actually forget Diluc, how much does Lisa know???
Are there other people besides the sibling working to rule the abyss?
What's up with Dottore's research into Field Tillers lmao what is he doing
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soren-apologist · 3 years
What are all the builds you have for all of your Ike's?
finally, i have an excuse to talk about all of them
legendary ike:
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what i’m basically going for here is having him just fast enough to prevent follow-ups, and then using his high atk + radiant aether + quick riposte to 1-round-ko enemies. i’ve gotten through so many abyssal maps thanks to him because of how self-sustaining he is, along with the fact he can deal with a majority of enemy units without much help.
i’ve seen him take a fully merged l!julia to the face and actually win in one round, that’s how good he is. even though he’s probably fast enough that i don’t need qr, i keep it around just in case because of all the crap i encounter in pvp
brave ike:
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d a m a g r e d u n c t s u n
urvan refine + close call + deflect magic = absolute chaos
the amount of stuff i’ve seen him tank is downright absurd. he’s the reason i’m able to reach tier 28 during light season, especially since i run him with b!lucina, peony, and mila, to the point where not even f!edelgard can kill him. the fact he doesn’t get guaranteed follow-ups is a bit annoying but he makes up for it through sheer memeage
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for the longest time i couldn’t really decide what to do with him, but post-ragnell refine i finally decided on a speed/defense build that’s actually a lot of fun to use, especially since there’s a steady breath seal now. all the different skills he has access to means that he can recover quickly and hold his own pretty well
fallen ike
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ok so every single one of my ikes focuses on speed because he’s fast in fe9/10, therefore he should be fast in this game. i haven’t really had the chance to try it out yet, but chaos ragnell with his unity skill is absolutely absurd. so yeah, using repel on him is lots of fun.
admittedly it might be better to use atk/spd oath rather than the drive, but the idea here is just to ramp up the insanity as much as possible, meaning that i prioritize the occasions he has support units buffing him over the more common situations where he doesn’t
valentine’s ike:
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because he’s a seasonal i’ve had a lot harder of a time getting merges on him, but even with just what he has now he works pretty well. he’s fast for an armored unit and is arguably the best healer out of all my ikes thanks to radiant aether + special fighter.
if i’d change one thing about him i’d want him to have the ninja katana+ because it’d work really nicely with his aether as well as boost his speed, but alas, that is another seasonal-locked thing.
i’m currently hoarding orbs because i have a theory that we’re getting young ike next april, and since it seems pretty likely he’ll be getting a duo with soren, i’m super pumped to see if we actually get it.
i have no clue when, or even if, i’ll be able to finish the merges on v!ike, though
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