#i wanted to post a small thought b4 i post my about so
wonyopout · 6 months
i feel like wony is always written as bratty but she’s the goodest girl to me!! eager to please and loves loves praise so she always does as she’s told just so she can hear you call her your good girl🥺 this also kinda feeds into my idea of her being into pet play a bit bc she loves being obedient and being called your pet, (and being collared from time to time) of course she’s your pampered and spoiled pet but!! she loves you so much for it and feels so grateful so she never acts out,, its also a plus that she gets fucked extra good for being such a perfect girl for you too. she always asks permission to cum or touch herself, and whether or not it’s you that made her cum she always thanks you :((
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enwrites · 1 year
Cloud Nine (p.sh) — pt. 2
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pairings: brother's bff!sunghoon x afab!reader
warning: 18+ MDNI !! (not proofread at all im so sorry)
genre/cw: smut, somewhat angst, emotional tension, unresolved feelings, pining, sunghoon is dumb and emo, crying, arguing, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pls), riding, slight fingering, slight usage of pet names, breeding, body worship kinda?, jay is still very much your brother here and is overprotective of you, heeseung cameo + mention of jake, fluff if you squint i think (lmk if anything was missed!)
synopsis: after what happened the previous week, tensions are high. sunghoon is left to his own feelings and thoughts as he tries to overcome the mess he made. will he be able to mend things and fix the trouble he caused?
wc: 5.7k words
a/n: here is the long awaited pt two which now concludes cloud nine, everyone cheer!! i've been meaning to post this earlier but got side tracked lol but also tumblr deleted this and i had to redo the layout. tysm for all your kind words and feedback so far on my blog! it means so much to me. i wasnt too happy about this in the end but i felt i needed to finish what i started, ty for bearing with me <3 and again hope u all enjoy~
[ masterlist ] [ part one ]
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A week has passed since the incident took place. 
Days grow long, painful almost as lingering feelings grow stronger and stronger. Sunghoon just couldn’t bring himself to come face to face with you any more. Hell, he couldn’t even face your brother either, his body trembles a bit, remembering what came after. 
Both of your faces drop realizing Jay had been awake the entire time. Sunghoon looks at you as he starts to panic, gathering his clothes back on at the speed of light. You follow him, putting yours on as well. This was not going to be good. The both of you trying to hurry down the stairs to get Sunghoon out, Jay beat you guys to it. The look of anger plastered all over his face, arms crossed as he stood up hastily from the couch, his eyes on the both of you. 
If looks could kill, you both would be dead, lying lifeless on the ground. 
Sunghoon shutters as he comes face to face with his best friend as he hangs his head low. You tremble as well, your brother has always been scary to you. His stare was so cold, you felt like your living room had turned into Antarctica. You scurried down, making your way slightly in between the two boys. “Look, Jay, it’s not what it—,” he cuts you off.
“Not what it looks like? You two were just fucking?! How could you two do this to me? How could YOU do this to me? That’s my fucking sister?” He finishes off as he jabs his finger into Sunghoon’s chest, anger and disappointment running through his veins. Sunghoon lets out an exhausted sigh, running his hands through his hair. Anxiety coursing through his entire body, he felt like he needed to run away and hide. 
“Jay, please just liste—,” Sunghoon shakily speaks up only to be cut off. He knew this wasn’t going to end well. The two of you both knew that once Jay got angry, there was no stopping him.
“What the fuck is there to listen to? I've heard enough, you had ONE rule, anyone else but my sister!” Jay shouts at Sunghoon’s face, the younger boy hangs his head low again. He didn’t know what to say. Small cries were heard as he turned his head to the side, heart breaking as he saw tears running down your face. He wanted to reach for you right there, to hold you. To tell you he was going to fix this. But he couldn’t. 
Too overwhelmed by everything that was happening, you just stood there, silently crying as the two boys looked at one another. No one dared to utter a word. The silence was heavy and suffocating within the room. All you could think about was how glad you were that your parents weren’t here for any of this. 
“Jay… please just—,” Sunghoon tried to speak up once more, Jay was pushed to the edge. “Just get the fuck out of the house, I can’t even fucking look at you right now… you’re lucky I don’t just kill you right now,” Jay spits at him one last time. Sunghoon had no choice but to leave. He takes one more look at you, his entire world shattering. You look back at him with tear stained eyes, wanting to stop him. But you couldn’t. No one would do anything. The boy hung his head low as he made his way out of your house. Getting into his car, that was when it all came out.
The tears he was holding back poured out of his eyes as he tried to compose himself to drive off. Did he really just lose the two people he loved all in a single night?
Now Sunghoon was contemplating whether or not he wanted to finally make his way to classes, ditching every single day since then. The days grow long and cold, especially not having his best friend there, or anyone there for that matter. Who was he supposed to talk to about all of this? He had been ignoring your messages since that night, not really knowing how to face what just happened.
He wanted to speak to Jay and explain his feelings. But how the hell do you tell your best friend that you’ve been secretly in love with his sister this entire time. He just couldn’t. He always knew Jay would kill him, having given him the “don’t you dare go after my sister” speech the first day they met. Jay has given all of his friends that speech. Sunghoon knew better and he especially knew what he was doing that night was risky. 
Guilt washed over him like a wave onto the shore, crashing onto everything into its way. Even if he were to try and mend things, he can’t lie and say he hasn’t been the greatest to you either. Sunghoon didn’t mean to ignore you, he really didn’t. He tried to push his feelings aside, he wanted things to go back to normal. He knew he was hurting you as he ignored your texts and calls to him. Maybe he wasn’t good for you after all. He didn’t want to hurt you and he didn’t want to hurt Jay as well. Sunghoon groaned into his pillow as frustration and sadness filled his body. Wallowing in his sadness, he was taken back to reality as a persistent knock was banged onto his dorm room door. His heart fell to his ass. 
What if it were Jay? What if it were you? Surely you wouldn’t want anything to do with him after being ignored for a week now. He hesitantly gets up, making his way to the entrance. Impatient, the person behind the door pounds onto the frame once more. Sunghoon gulps, palms getting clammy thinking who it could be. Before he can pull it open, a voice loudly speaks up. 
“Dude I know you’re awake, just open the damn door already!” Yelled the person behind the door. He lets out a sigh of relief. Opening the door, Heeseung makes his way in. Pushing past the shorter boy, he makes his way to the desk and sits on the computer chair. Letting out a deep sigh, he scrunches his nose as he takes in the dorm room. Sunghoon takes notice of his distasteful expression, head hung low as he realizes how bad his room really did look. 
“God… you look rough, when was the last time you even showered?” Heeseung spits, shaking his head in disappointment. This was the worst he has ever seen the boy. All of his years of knowing Sunghoon, not once has anything affected him in this way. Not even Sunghoon’s very first girlfriend had this effect on him. Heeseung was fed up with seeing his two closest friends feud, so he needed to make a change. Heeseung had always known how much Sunghoon really liked you anyways. 
Everyone knew how much the two of you secretly liked one another. 
Heeseung wasn’t stupid and he knew Jay wasn’t either. Jay was just stubborn and has always been that way. Of course, who’d want their best friend to fuck their little sister? But Heeseung knew there was no changing Sunghoon’s feelings for you as well as yours for him. Anyone could see it from a mile away, even tens, thousands even. 
Sunghoon keeps his head low, not being able to make eye contact with the older boy either. “I don’t know… maybe like yesterday…,” Sunghoon muttered. He definitely didn’t shower yesterday.
“Yesterday my ass, this place is a mess dude… keep this up and Y/n is definitely not gonna want your stinky ass, figuratively and literally, yuck…,” Heeseung says in disgust as he eyes the empty ramen cups and cans all over the boy’s desk, reaching to his floor. “Plus Mrs. Kim has been on my ass to get you to come back to class… you realize attendance is important right?” The older boy finishes almost as if he was lecturing Sunghoon. Sunghoon throws his head back, a groan erupting once more from him. 
“Yes I know dad… and Y/n doesn’t want me anyways, she probably hates me right now,” Sunghoon grumbles as he sighs, sadness lacing his tone. Heeseung rubs the temple of his, exhausted at how far this has come. 
“You really are fucking stupid,” Heeseung chuckles. Sunghoon, now annoyed, sits up to look at the other. “Look if you just came here to give me shit you can leave!” Sunghoon loudly said to him. Heeseung puts his hands up, surrendering.
“I’m just here to help bud—,” Sunghoon cuts him off. “Help my ass? How exactly are you helping?” Sunghoon bites back, anger brewing within him.
“Maybe if you haven’t been hiding for a week, you’d know how badly Y/n and Jay are fighting, better yet you’d know how badly she needs you right now. Yeah, Jay isn’t so happy, who would be? You literally fucked his— WHAT THE FUCK?” a pillow was thrown to his face before he could finish. 
“Before I was rudely interrupted, both of them miss you… no matter how much Jay hates to admit it, he misses you. He’ll get over it eventually, everyone knew you two had the hots for each other anyways,” Heeseung rolls his eyes as he finishes. Sunghoon cocks an eyebrow, confused at the last statement.
“What do you mean everyone knew…,” Sunghoon quietly asks the older boy. Heeseung sighs again as he face palms himself, clearly Sunghoon was not the smartest guy alive. 
“Dude… we’ve all known since high school… you aren’t very slick … we see your eyes traveling… we see the way you look at her and stuff, Jay isn’t stupid. He just hates to admit that you actually like his sister, I mean who could blame you, she’s smokin—OW!” Sunghoon throws a water bottle to Heeseung’s head, not wanting to hear the last part. But Heeseung was right. He had been in love with you for as long as he could remember. Bittersweet feelings fill his chest as he remembers the first day he met you. 
He remembered the day Jay had introduced you to him as the three of you decided to walk home from school together that day. To say he was in awe was an understatement. Remembering your cute smile, your sweet tone, and the way you giggled at his jokes. Ever since then, he had always teased you any chance he’d get. His small jokes turning into rather more annoying pranks, he loved just getting a reaction from you. The more you grew annoyed by his presence, he took notice as it made him secretly upset. But you never once pushed him away, you always made sure to still make him snacks if you were making anything, you always packed an extra lunch in case he wanted some. Sunghoon felt your lingering touches, no matter how “mad” you seemed to get at him.
But of course, your older brother held the two of you back. He knew it was wrong for him to go after his best friend’s sister of all people, so he tried his best to suppress his feelings. He made it a point to mess with you whenever he could. It was the only time you’d look at him, acknowledge him even. So he hid his feelings for you, but not well enough apparently. 
“Helloooo, earth to Sunghoon? Are you coming to class today or what?” Heeseung snaps at Sunghoon, bringing him back to life. Sunghoon blinks a couple of times before getting up. He needed to speak with Jay. He needed to see you again. Puzzled, Heeseung looks at him with furrowed brows. 
“Yeah… let’s go,” Sunghoon utters as he gathers his things to get ready to leave. Heeseung stands up, sucking in his teeth and stopping the boy in his tracks. A confused expression washes over Sunghoon’s face.
“Uhh… yeah before we go… I’m gonna need you to shower and brush your teeth… and I’ll help freshen up this room for you in the meantime— I got a feeling you’re gonna need it,” he pushes the boy into the direction of his bathroom, before getting ready to clean the dirty room for his friend. Sunghoon chuckles, as a smile creeps onto his face. He knew he could always count on Heeseung.
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Sunghoon lets out a deep sigh as Heeseung’s car pulls into the campus parking lot. His heart felt like it was going to explode. What if he wasn’t ready?
“I’m not ready,” he softly speaks up, catching the attention of the other boy. Heeseung sighs again as he turns his car off, looking towards the younger boy. 
“Look, Hoon, you know I love you— no homo, but I hate seeing you like this and I hate seeing Jay like this. You two need to fix whatever this is, okay? I’m here for the both of you no matter what and that’s not going to change,” he looks at Sunghoon to reassure him that he was in fact being serious before continuing on. Truly, it broke his heart to see one of his best friends in this state of sadness. 
“And I know how much Y/n means to you, trust me when I say you two are perfect for one other. Jay isn’t heartless you know, the two of you mean a lot to him and I know he’d want you guys to be happy if it meant he had to share you with his sister— man this sounds so fruity but you know what I mean!” Heeseung gives Sunghoon a playful punch as the two of them laugh it off. Sunghoon takes a deep breath in and exhales out. He couldn’t go any longer without seeing you. With that, the two boys make their way out of the car and towards the campus. 
Stares fall upon the two as rumors clearly spread like wildfire. These were the consequences they paid for going to a smaller campus. Sunghoon looks to the floor, watching his feet as he makes his way to his first class. Maybe everyone did know. 
Plus he didn’t look the greatest at the moment either. Noticeable eye bags lay plastered on his face, hair a bit disheveled as he sported just a baggy hoodie and some sweats his first day back. He looked rough. 
He and Heeseung finally get to their first class and take their respective seats at the table they frequented. Sunghoon knew Jay had this class as well, anxiety eating away at him as his heart rate increases, he felt like he was going to hurl all the ramen he ate last night. He crosses his arm as he slams his head onto the table, too afraid to face his best friend. 
“Dude, it’s gonna be okay, it’s just Jay,” Heeseung says nonchalantly. Yeah it was just Jay, it’s not like he hasn’t seen Jay beat guys up for breaking your heart or anything. It’s not like he hasn’t seen Jay almost kill a guy for laying his hands onto you unprompted. He knew how much you meant to Jay and he was afraid Jay wouldn’t understand how he felt. And what he heard that night definitely didn’t seem like Sunghoon liked you as much as he did. For all he could’ve known, it might’ve seemed like Sunghoon was using you. 
Sunghoon raises his head from the table as he looks up, catching eyes with Jay as he makes his way through the door. Jay wore an uninterested expression on his face, Sunghoon not being able to read how he felt. He trembles a bit under his stare, as Jay takes a seat across from him, next to Heeseung. Without a word being spoken, the professor makes her way in, delighted to finally see Sunghoon back and well. 
“Ahh, Sunghoon, it’s nice to see you joining us again, alright now let’s get back to where we ended off yesterday,” she says to the whole class as everyone fishes out their books. Jay seemed almost too calm for Sunghoon’s liking. Sunghoon decides to wait until the class ends to speak to the other boy. To say he was nervous was surely an understatement. 
With the blink of an eye, class was over. Sunghoon nervously looks over to Jay as he sees the boy packing up his things to get out. Jay gets up, not even acknowledging the nervous boy as he makes his way out of the door. Sunghoon hurriedly gathers his things as he runs after him. You’d think he was actually in love with Jay or something. He manages to catch up to him as they both make their way out of the back exit. 
“Jay, dude wait— hold up please!” Sunghoon shouts, panting as he lets out a breath. Jay stops in his tracks as he turns to look at Sunghoon, taking in his noticeably rough appearance. Jay sighs, gripping the strap of his backpack. Sunghoon wore a pitiful expression, not knowing what to say. 
“Look Jay, I know what I did was really fucked… I know you’ll never forgive me… but I really, really—,” Jay stops the boy in his tracks, cutting him off.
“I know you like her, I’ve known for a while actually,” Jay deadpans. Sighing once more, he continues on as Sunghoon’s expression puzzles. “I’m not stupid, I see the way you look at her, c’mon dude, I just didn’t think you two would be like that while I was in the house… I don't wanna hear my sister like that! You could’ve at least taken her to your dorm or something…,” Jay trails, cringing at what he was put through last weekend. “Plus you could’ve literally just told me,” Jay rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the distraught boy. 
A confused expression overcomes Sunghoon’s face. “How was I supposed to tell you?! You said you’d kill me!” Jay groans loudly, face palming as annoyance grows within him. 
“I say that to everyone, but you’re literally my best friend, who else would I trust more,” Jay states as if it was obvious information. 
“So… are we cool?” Sunghoon asks softly. Jay rolls his eyes once more before a slight smile appears onto his face. It was really pathetic seeing his best friend this way.
“We’re about to not be if you keep her waiting for you and if you hurt her, I will seriously kill you,” Jay sternly says as he gives Sunghoon’s arm a little punch. “Seriously dude you should not be wasting your time with me, Y/n has been crying all week over you, you should really fix—,” Sunghoon cuts him off before hearing the last part.
“Oh my god— Y/n,” Sunghoon loudly says as he pushes Jay aside, running to find you. Jay shakes his head. All he could only do was hope you two would be okay. Your mother once said, to never get in the way of love. As much as he wished his best friend didn’t fall for you, he always knew the two of you liked each other. He just hoped in the future, he would never fall victim to your disgusting acts.
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Sunghoon ran around the campus, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen you. Panic courses through his veins as he starts to think maybe you didn’t want to see him. Pushing his thoughts aside, he told himself he’d deal with the consequences later. He just needed to see you again. His head snaps as he hears an all too familiar laugh. There he sees you sitting at an outside table with a few of your friends. He hastily makes his way to you, catching the attention of those at your table. 
“Is that Sunghoon?” Your friend asks, catching your attention. Your heart starts to race. You turn your head around, catching his eye as he stands in front of you, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
“Sunghoon? What are you doin—,” without giving you a chance to speak, he grabs your wrist, ushering you to get up. “Let’s talk somewhere else, get your stuff,” he pants out, tugging you a little. Confused and almost excited to see he was alive and well, you gather your things as you mumble “sorry” to your friends, only to get devious smirks in return. After gathering your things, Sunghoon takes your bag as he starts to pull the two of you away, heading towards the dorms. Luckily, the buildings weren’t too far. 
“Sunghoon— Sunghoon! Wait, where are you taking me… why haven’t you been speaking to me?” You let out, as the taller boy continues to still drag you away and off campus. Sunghoon not listening, too deep into his mission to get you two to his dorm room, you let out a frustrated sigh. “Where are we going?” You ask once more as you are now being dragged down a hill. 
“Dorm,” Sunghoon nonchalantly replies back, your face heats up a bit, you’ve never been to his dorm before. Before you knew it, you were in front of a large building, not too far from campus. Sunghoon pushed past the doors, leading the two of you up the stairs of the building, too impatient to wait for the elevators. Students around you, staring at the two of you concerningly, watching a stern Sunghoon drag you around. You give them a sheepish smile, hoping to reassure them that you were okay.
Now on the second floor, the two of you make it down a hall. Sunghoon stops the two of you in your tracks, fishing his keys out. You stood in front of a door with a big ‘202’ on it. The nerves start to get to Sunghoon as he now realizes the situation in its entirety. He wasn’t really sure what he was going to say to you. Will you hate him? Do you hate him? He shook his thoughts away, hurriedly opening his door, letting you in first. You awkwardly step in as he closes the door behind you. Taking in the room before you, the scent of his cologne fills your nose. You walk your way to his bed, taking a seat as you watch him pick up a few lingering articles of clothing on his floor, throwing it into a basket. 
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat, gaining his attention. Making sure to move your bag to his desk chair, he walks towards you, taking a seat on the bed as well. You shift a little, making some room. To you it seemed like nothing, to him he feared the shifting meant you hated him. Did you even wanna be around him right now?
“Hoon what’s this all abou—,” before letting you finish, he cuts you off pulling you into a kiss. Taken aback, your eyes widened, softening against his touch as you gave into him. He deepened the kiss, reaching up as he laced his fingers through your hair, taking all of you in. Oh how he has missed you dearly. You pull away as tears form in your eyes, looking down onto your lap you fiddle your fingers. He reaches for your hand, taking it into his. The tears, now falling onto your lap as you couldn’t look him in the eyes, confused as to why he suddenly decided to acknowledge you again. 
“H-Hoonie… why did you leave me hanging?” You shakily asked, reaching your free hand up to wipe your tears away. His heart breaks as he watches you. Quite frankly, he didn’t know why he ignored you either. He reaches both of his hands up, taking your face into his palms, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. You secretly admit that after all the whole situation was somewhat silly but you couldn’t help but still be hurt as you felt like he didn’t reciprocate feelings back. Sunghoon takes in a shaky deep breath, tucking your hair behind your ears for you. 
“Y/n you know I’m stupid— right?” He softly asks you. You nod your head in response. Sunghoon reaches his hands back down to yours again, taking them in. “I’m so stupid, the stupidest guy ever, I wasn’t really sure what to do after that. I was afraid and feeling too many things all at once I guess I was just scared.” He lets out as a sigh left his mouth as well. 
“I know that’s not an excuse and I know this may sound crazy but I really like you Y/n…,” he trails as he looks at your face trying to get a hint as to what you were thinking. He hangs his head low as he was afraid of hearing your response. He gives your hands a little squeeze, bringing you back to life. 
Did he just say he liked you? A slight blush creeps up your face as you sniffle, wiping what was left of your tears away. His heart pounds rapidly, he felt like he was going to throw up whatever leftover instant ramen he had in his stomach. “Please Y/n… say something… anything…,” he whispers. You look up to him as you lay your head onto his shoulder. 
“I like you too Sunghoon,” you let out. His heart felt like it was going to explode. He needed some sort of reassurance. He wasn’t hallucinating now— was he?
“No Y/n, I really like you,” he says against your head. Now it was your turn to feel like your heart was exploding. Butterflies fill your stomach. “You really are so stupid,” you giggle as you lift your head up, looking him in his eyes. Before letting him speak, you pull him into a kiss. His hands instantly reach for your waist, holding you as you lean into him. He lets go of the kiss, putting his forehead against yours. “Y/n I’m really sorry, I know you’re probably still upset with me but—,” you cut him off as you pull his lips into a kiss once more. The two of you kick your shoes off, scooting your way further into his bed. Sunghoon’s back hits the headboard of his bed, you deepen the kiss straddling him as his hands linger down your waist and to your ass. 
“Off… please,” you mumble into the kiss, tugging at his hoodie. Taking the hint, he takes off his hoodie and shirt in one go, leaving him in just his sweats. You bite your lip as you take him in. The sight of him shirtless drove you insane. Sunghoon smirks as you stare at him, mouth agape. 
“Like what you see?” He winks at you. You roll your eyes as you sit on his lap, a moan leaves your mouth as you feel his noticeable bulge. He bucks his hips up into you, gripping your waist as you grind down on him. Small whimpers fall from your mouth. Sunghoon grows harder and harder as the sight of you dry humping him got him excited. He gropes your ass, leaving a slight smack on your cheeks. You let out a yelp, surprised at the sudden sensation. He reaches up to unbutton your shirt, needing to see you. You take this moment to free yourself from your clothes, shimmying out of your skirt, leaving you in just your lingerie. Sunghoon does the same, taking his sweats off. He looks back up to you, still leaning against his headboard. 
“Fuck Y/n, how many of these little outfits do you have?” He says as he caresses your body, feeling you with his hands. Here you are, clad in a little red lingerie set, sitting on top of him. All for him. He hungrily pulls you down into a sloppy makeout session, your arms reach behind his neck, pulling him in closer as you grind onto his bulge. He swears he could just cum all over you like this. He pulls back, trailing kisses down your chest, reaching behind your back, undoing your bra.
“As much as I like these on you, I prefer them much better off,” he says, laying kisses onto your breasts as he looks up to make eye contact with you. The shyness of the situation kicking in, your face heats up. You reach up to cover your face as he pulls your arms back down. He kisses all over you as a hand reaches for your boob. He gropes your boob, pinching your nipple between his fingers. He latched his mouth onto your other, sucking your tit like his life depended on it. You let out a loud moan, trying your best to not cause a noise disturbance. He pulls back with a pop, reaching his hand down to your pussy. To his surprise you were already soaked, the same way you were a week ago. 
“God, you are so pretty Y/n, you’re mine… all mine… fuck how did I get so lucky?” He says looking into your eyes as his fingers now circle your clit. Your body felt like it was on fire. You needed him badly and you needed him now. 
“All yours Hoonie— no one else’s,” you let out as you hump into his fingers a little. Your hands trail down to his boxers as you tug onto them, needing to feel him inside you again. He motions for you to get off. He takes this moment to take his boxers off as you take your panties off. He lays down onto his bed, putting his arms behind his head. Now fully naked, you reach down, legs still over him, you grab his painfully hard cock, giving it a slight stroke. He groans, bucking his hip into your hands. 
“Fuck baby, how about you show me you can ride, you’re awfully good at it don’t you think?” He says, giving you a devilish smirk. You squeeze his cock, giving him a slight eye roll. The thought of you riding your pillow fills his head. The memories forever now etched into his brain as a keepsake. He needed to experience that for himself. Not being able to handle the heat, you hover over his cock, rubbing his tip against your slick folds, earning whimpers from the both of you. 
“You’re so fucking wet, have you been waiting for this?” He groans out as you rub your wetness all over him. You eagerly nodded back at him, mumbling a little “yes” in response. You slowly sink yourself onto him. Sucking in your breath, you didn’t remember him being this huge. Sunghoon throws his head back as he feels your tight cunt, sucking him in and swallowing him whole. You finally get all of him in, sitting down on him. Your pussy felt so full as you pulsate, squeezing around his cock. He bucks his hip into you, needing you to move. 
“You feel so much bigger than last time,” you let out, slowly moving your hip up his shaft. Moving back down, he whines out your name. Your heart skips a beat. You move your hips up and down, increasing your pace. You lay your hands on his chest, riding him as you let out moans of his name. Sunghoon knew he needed to fill you up again. He puts his hands on your waist, gripping your sides as he helps you bounce on him. Watching your tits bounce, he was awestruck. 
“You look so hot Y/n, taking my cock so well baby, such a good girl for me,” he pants out. You whine as you let the pleasure overcome your body, you feel your first climax approaching. Sunghoon bucks into you, your cunt squeezing around his cock. 
“Hoonie~ I-I’m gonna c-cum!” You shout loudly. He fucks into you harder, holding you up as he repeatedly hit your g spot over and over again. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight, cum for me,” he groans out as your pussy tightens even harder. He has never felt anything like it before. With one more pump, you let go all over him, screaming his name. Before you could even come back down, he flips the two of you over, pounding into your pussy. He takes one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder, pumping deeper into you. Overstimulated, you start to tear up as he continues to stroke harder into your cunt. 
“Too much… please Hoonie… g’nna cum … again,” you cried out. He reaches down, taking your lips into his. He shoves his tongue in your mouth as you moan into his mouth. He was so close to reaching his own climax as well. He pulls back as a slight trail of spit forms between the two of you. 
“So close Y/n, cum for me again baby,” he coos into your ear as he fucks into you harder. You scream his name once more as your nails dig into his back. Holding him close, he pumps one last time, before he erupts into you, his cum filling you up as he groans out your name. He slowly pumps a bit more as he rides both of your highs out. He trailed kisses down your neck and looked up to you, pulling his cock out slowly. Sitting up, he watches his cum spill out of your hole, fingering it back in slightly like the very first time. This was never going to get old. You hold yourself up slightly with your elbows as you cock an eyebrow at him. A puzzling expression lay on his face. 
“What? No picture this time?” You chuckled, breaking out into a smile. He giggles at your question, leaning down to give you a peck on your lips. The two of you look into each other’s eyes, butterflies in both of your stomachs now. “I forgive you by the way,” you say, breaking the silence. Sunghoon gives you a toothy smile.
“Good, cause you’re all mine…,” he speaks softly, giving your forehead a kiss. You giggle, smiling at him endearingly. You knew your life was going to be extremely different now. But nothing mattered in the moment but you and him. 
“All yours Hoonie… all yours,” you pull him down, nuzzling into his neck, not caring about the mess the two of you just made all over his bed. Sunghoon picks up his phone, checking the time. His face turns pale. Confused, you took a peak, your face now losing color as well.
*Heeseung sent you a message!*
Heeseung: jfc we could hear the two of you all the way from Jake’s room 🤮
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bringmefoxgloves · 10 months
i want to get more into saw/saw blogs b4 X comes out - what r some of ur fave saw blogs
Hi! You caught me at a good time (one where I have energy) so let's see if I can pump this out. I am in no way an authority on the entire Saw fandom so I will only be talking about my little corner of the internet. Please forgive me, my beloved followers, mutuals, and other owners of posts I have loved in this very small fandom-because I may forget some of you. The brain fog sometimes gets the best of me and if I did a full complete list, it would be.... It would be so long. This is in no way in order of best or worst, and sometimes I just have no words for why I love a person's blog.
@turnipoddity - Oh, what an artist! Every single post I see, love it. So excited to see an artist acquiring the Saw brainrot.
@bloodcoveredgf - Luna! Also just all around funny & good posts in addition to the Saw insanities.
@dracofelin - Jay has such good writing, and will make you love the ship of Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm (coffinshipping).
@thefoulbeast - Simply put, Will's art makes me want to bite my own arm off. If you're interested in the video game Pathologic, his blog is worth a follow for that too.
@bathroomtrapped - I sometimes get the honor of previewing Larry's art mid-construction (because with all those colors and layers, it looks like building a house) and even half finished, it blows my socks off <3
@sawtrapz - Kaz, oh Kaz (!!!), Kaz gets my brain clicking about some of the rarepairs of this fandom and I will always spin your boygirl Adam in my head.
@cl0wnb0yyy - Will is just a great person in the fandom, also if you like Midnight Mass or NBC's Hannibal.
@ispyspookymansion - Kora looms large in the Saw fandom in my mind so it would be impossible to assemble this list without him.
@3razyswfangirl / @kiramillet - Kira's pixel art is amazing!!! Bunny <3
@tibby - Take a look through Tibby's saw meta. You won't be disappointed.
@allegedly-writer - Contrary to Jack's url, Jack can sure damn write! He just posted a fic and guess who it's for <3
@hansy-pansy-art - OUGH another amazing amazing artist. Also currently in a Red Dead Redemption moment, which I love.
@piddgeon - Speaking of RDR.... Mercury! Ah, just. (Chef's kiss) of a human being.
@samwis - Jami, who hears all my most insane horny thoughts who is such a mainstay in my corner of Saw fandom.
@romanromulus - Adam writes fics that will make you scream and cry into your pillow at midnight.
@tapeworrmart - Just. Ough. Art that I dream of one day hanging on my wall.
@vanilladella - a.m.'s art is my discord header. Enough said.
@carouselcometh - Remy is hilarious and also you need to read his series on Ao3.
@onehandkilling / @fatmasc - Shlomo... What do I say? Just go. Follow. Also threw in their fat fashion blog because YES!!!
@angel-trapped - Téa, you absolute legend. Origin of angelshipping (to me) (aka Lindsey Perez/Allison Kerry)
@sawtrapx - Liv, such a fun human being!!!
@starlightsailfish - Star's Saw Warrior Cats makes me dance in excitement.
@iinsawdious - Adrien is the best champion of the Adam & David (Saw 0.5) & Specs (Character from the Insidious franchise, also played by Leigh Whannell) are family hc. I love his enthusiasm!!
@adrianicsea - Adrian! Just. AH!!! Adrian's Sleeping with Ghosts series was perhaps my first introduction (outside of Adam romanromulus) to the sheer brilliance of Saw fandom writers.
@dodddraws - Dodd's art is.... I'm just at a loss for words, scrolling back through his blog. So much nsfw goodness.
@sawvhs - Rar's art is so so so iconic.
Okay I have to cut this list off here, jfc. There's others I should probably put on here but I'm getting tired and sweaty and my hands are hurting. Follow these people, check who they're reblogging from or who is reblogging them, go forth, prosper anon. Welcome to the Saw brainrot.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Late Night Confessions(Rise! Raph x Reader)
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A/N: Request by @/mgmendez2305 (on wattpad), I apologize for the inconvenience and the wait. I had to take creative freedom with this one, cause shower scenes make me uncomfortable :/. I have never written for a male reader b4, so I am so sorry if this sucks. No gendered pronouns used(because I don't like them), but reader is referred to as 'boyfriend'. I tried my best y'all. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not.
Words: 2572
Summary: After training with your best friend, a talk about nightmares and doubts leads to a confession.
Warnings: Mentions of nightmares, Kraang, Post-movie stuff, confessions, being in the bathroom while someone takes a shower, male reader, Uno
Raph leads me through the cool down stretches, my arms stretching over my head as sweat drips down my nose and onto the floor below. I mirror Raph, my body following his own as he switches arms to stretch the other half of his body. I can hear the rest of the turtle brothers talking loudly, all three having ditched us as soon as Raph gave the go ahead. A part of me wanted to join them in their quick dash for freedom as the workouts Raph put us through were incredibly taxing, but ditching him so soon felt borderline cruel after he put in so much effort to help me. He designed a workout specifically for my body type and was helping me through every step, hyping me up as I progressed. Even if the aftermath made my arms and legs feel like lead, I still appreciated the time I got to spend with Raph.
“Raph thinks we’re down here. You feelin’ like sleepin’ over or do ya’ want me to bring you home?” Raph’s voice cut me out of my thoughts, snapping me back to reality as I meet his kind eyes.
“If you even think about making me walk all the way back home, I’m punching you in the face.” I huff out, sitting down on the floor and falling backwards until I’ve fully spread out my limbs. I can hear Raph laughing at me, a smile spreading across my face as his head appears directly in my line of sight. Raph looks down at me, a small smile gracing his features as he lightly kicks me with his foot.
“If you're gonna’ to stay, I suggest ya’ get up and head to my room to set ya’self up. The warm water’s gonna run out soon if we don’t hurry it up.” 
I nod, rolling over onto my stomach and pushing myself up. I follow Raph, staying two paces behind him as we walk to his room. The rhythmic padding of our feet was calming as I walked the familiar path. Raph’s room was my favorite out of the four brothers, it felt so warm and safe in there. Figuratively of course, I wouldn’t step a foot in there if it was actually grossly warm. Raph sits on his bed and starts to undo his wrappings while I dig through the backpack I brought earlier. I had remembered to pack a bag before I left, knowing the training might go later into the night. Or that I might just want to stay over. I mean, was I really expected to say no to spending more time with my best friends and crush? Absolutely not, I would never pass that up. 
“Are ya’ gonna stay in my room again?” Raph asks, his tone is soft as he finishes taking off his arm wrappings. I will never understand how they always get them wrapped so perfectly. I tried once and it fell off as soon as I moved my arm.
“If you want me on the couch, you’re going to have to drag me out.” I say jokingly, having finally found my pajamas. Raph nods in understanding, pulling off his final wrapping. I pull out the small bottle of soap I bring with me when I stay over, sitting down criss-cross style as I fiddle with my gym shorts. “Do you want to shower first or should I?”
A wave of anxiety rolls over Raph’s face at my question, and I feel confused. Did my question offend him in some way? Was I not allowed to take a shower? I had always been able to take a quick shower after a training session, but was there some unspoken rule about today? Maybe it was just Thursdays. I had yet to train with him on a Thursday, I think, so maybe they just, …don’t shower on Thursdays? I look up at Raph and noticed he was trying to say something. I really hope I didn’t just cross some unspoken boundary we had. I had no idea how to go about this.
“Actually, could ya’,” Oh thank goodness, he’s still talking to me. “hang out with me while I shower? Just, sit in the bathroom and talk to me? Raph is uhm, Raph doesn’t want to be alone.” I watch as Raph taps his knees where his hands were resting, his ‘Raph-chasm’ deep with nervousness. I was a bit taken aback by his request, but I overall didn’t mind it. It wasn’t like he was asking me to do something outlandish. I smile at him, holding my folded clothes in my hand as I slowly stood up.
“Yeah sure! I don’t mind. It’s boring waiting for you anyway.” Raph nods at my words and we both make our way to the bathroom. I could still feel the anxiety radiating off of Raph, his usually imposing figure now hunched over as if he’s trying to hide from something. I could feel his nervousness start to spread into me. Was something wrong?
“Raph?” I ask hesitantly, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I think about my next words. Raph lets out a non-committal hum, showing that he was listening, but not fully answering. “Why did you ask me to be in the bathroom with you why you shower? You’ve never asked that before. Is everything okay?”
Raph gulps, trying to put on a smile, but it quickly drops. “Raph’s scared to be alone.” I hear him mutter and I look at him in concern. I felt bad, I hoped I didn’t make him feel worse. I reach over and pat him on the arm, trying to comfort him. I send him a small smile, him hesitantly meeting it. It didn’t fully reach his eyes, but it was a start.
“Well, as long as I’m here, you’ll never be alone again.” I say, my voice full of false confidence. Raph snorts, a real smile finally starting to grow on his face. We stop in front of the bathroom and I hop on top of the counter, quietly whistling as Raph’s steps into the shower and turns on the water. The air slowly starts to steam as the steady stream of water coming from the shower head is heard over my whistles. I start to draw on the mirror with my finger as it fogs up, making little designs. I let my whistle tune die down, it being quiet for a total of two seconds before Raph whistles a tune of his own. I let out a laugh, us both whistling back and forth, making a small song. It was nice, just us being dorks again. I always cherished moments like these, a part of me worrying it would be the last time we could do something like this. I knew his line of ‘work’ was dangerous, and I was scared to lose him.
Eventually, Raph and I both fully showered and made it back to his room. I was in my pajama pants and t-shirt while Raph was in his onesie, both of us sitting on his bed with a deck of uno in between us. I stick my tongue out at Raph as I set down another +2, making him groan out as he realizes he lost the stacking. I cackle gleefully as he grumpily draws the 6 cards required.
As the game continues, my brain keeps jumping back to what he said earlier. He was scared to be alone. I knew he didn’t like being alone, having heard stories of savage Raph from his brothers, but I didn’t think it was this bad. Why did he only ask now? I glance up at him, setting down another card to keep the game going. Raph’s face of concentration was quite funny to me, especially since this was supposed to be a short game. I set down another card before sighing. The questions were starting to feel like they were burning in my chest.
Raph looks at me questioningly when I sigh, one eyebrow muscle raising in concern. Before Raph can say anything, I open my mouth, blurting out the question I’ve been dying to ask. “Why were you so afraid to be alone? It’s never bothered you this much before, that I know of.”
Raph glances at me over his cards, a hesitant look on his face. I watch him chew on the inside of his cheek, obviously debating on whether or not he should tell me. I sit up, straightening my back when he sighs, putting his cards face down on the bed as he meets my eyes. I fold my hands in my lap, trying to convey that I was listening. I had all my attention on him. “Raph’s nightmares are getting worse.”
My eyes soften at his words, and I reach out to grab his hand. He looks at me, a soft smile on his face as he squeezes my hand gently. I knew he and his brothers were deeply affected by what happened with the Kraang, and I wanted to try and help him in any way I could. “I keep thinking about it, how they were able to overtake me so easily. A part of me is scared that as soon as Raph’s alone, I’ll lose control again.” Raph sucks in a deep breath, his hands shaking. I continue to listen, my thumb rubbing his knuckles gently. “Raph doesn’t want ta’ hurt anyone.”
I smile softly at Raph, still trying to soothe his worries as I rub his knuckles. “You’re amazing Raph, you know that? I know it’s scary, but you have your brothers to support you. You have me.” My voice is gentle as I speak, the usual sarcasm coating it has dissipated. Raph smiles at me as he takes a deep breath.
“Thank you.” He simply states, squeezing my hands gently. “I’m sorry for putting all this weight on ya’.”
I roll my eyes at him, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Raph, you’d have to physically shut me out if you don’t want my help. I love you, I won’t let you go through this alone.” The confession slips past me without me realizing. I watch as Raph’s eyes go wide before I realize what I just admitted. I open my mouth, trying to think of an excuse to what I’ve just said. I’ve never said that before, not even as a joke. Could I play this off? Did I even want to? Raph sits silent in front of me, his eyes scanning me, looking for something I didn’t know. Was he upset?
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t.. I, uhm..” I start dumbly, my mouth gaping like a fish. I pull my hands away from Raph’s quickly, almost as if they burned me. I feel the familiar rush of shame settle in my stomach, Raph’s face never changing. I felt like I wanted to puke. I hang my head, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
Raph’s brows furrow at my words, his hands taking mine again when I try to turn away. I look at Raph in confusion, opening my mouth to ask what he was doing, but Raph’s words interrupt me. “Did you mean it?” I study Raph’s face, trying to decipher what he meant. Was he asking about the confession? Raph notices my subtle confusion and clarifies. “The confession. Did ya’ mean it.”
I nod my head, not meeting Raph’s eyes. A smile grows on Raph’s face, his hand tugging me forward and I’m pulled into a bear hug by the mutant turtle, mindful of his spikes. I blink twice, having not expected this reaction. I slowly bring up my arms, hugging back. I feel Raph give a gentle squeeze before pulling away to look at my face. His eyes were big and he looked overjoyed. I felt a smile grow on my face as well, hope starting to build up in my chest. 
“Raph like ya’ too.” He beams, his smile seeming to split his face in two. I start to laugh, him soon joining in as I pull him into another hug. We both just sit there for a while, enjoying the other's presence and hold. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. Every worry that had built up slowly washed away, dripping off me and dissipating into the air. I hear Raph mumble something and I look up at him, asking him to repeat it. Raph’s cheeks start to burn as he looks away from me, taking a small breath before repeating his previous words.
“Will ya’ be my boyfriend?” 
I feel my heart buzz in my chest as I look at Raph, his question making my entire body light up. I eagerly nod, confirmations spilling out of my lips as I hold onto him tight. Raph laughs as I throw my arms around him, leaning against him as my body vibrates from the joy flowing through my veins. I feel the rumble of Raph’s chest as he breathes, his forehead resting against mine. I wanted to pause the world, to stay in this moment forever. I felt like I would burst at the seams from how elated I was, my wide smile starting to hurt my cheeks.
“Can I kiss you?” I ask softly, looking into Raph’s eyes while our foreheads were still connected. Raph looks uncertain, his non-existent eyebrows furrowing at my question. I worried I was too forward, but he didn’t pull away.
“I’ve never kissed anybody before.” He admits shyly, his forehead still against my own. We were so close, I could see every detail of his face, every scale and scar popping against his rough skin. I let out a small laugh at his confession.
“Wow really? You mean the giant mutant turtle that’s been living in the sewers his whole life hasn’t kissed anyone yet? Gosh, who would’ve guessed.” Raph snorts at my sarcasm, rolling his eyes. I could see the red showing through his scaly skin, his skin starting to feel warm. It was nice. I tried to ignore the growing heat in my own cheeks, glad he couldn’t see the red through my skin. My voice grows a bit softer, losing its teasing edge. “If it makes you feel better, I’ve never kissed anyone either.”
Raph leans up, connecting his lips with mine and I panic a bit from the abruptness. Sure I asked for this, but I was expecting more of a warning. The fog in my rain starts to settle, leaning into the kiss as I try to remember how it’s done in the movies. I tilt my face, trying to replicate something I can’t quite picture in my mind, but my nose roughly smashes against Raph’s snout. We both pulled away, me rubbing my nose while Raph sheepishly grinned at me. I looked up at Raph, his large figure hunched over slightly as his eyes scanned me over. Our eyes meet and I just start giggling, not being able to stop. I hear raph’s chuckles join mine, both of us delving into full on belly laughs. The euphoria I felt being near this man was bubbling out of me, a grin stretched wide across my face. Our giggles start to die down, Raph wiping a tear from his eye as he meets my eye.
“Want to try again?” 
My lips meeting his once more were my final answer.
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kotamagic · 5 months
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Last week, we saw Demeter call Persephone and tell her about Demophoon. She immediately came over to discuss it in person and to show sympathy and support.
Demeter feeling she lost both children (one to marriage, one to an infection) is completely valid. Even in the case of Persephone, who is immortal, she "lost" her to her own issues, but given more recent developments, it isn't a total loss. She went to therapy (are they still going to that off-screen? I hope so.) and now she's talking about Demophoon. Progress is progress, no matter how small.
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Moments later, Hades appears with Demophoon, and Demeter is in shocked tears. The baby she thought she'd never see again is back.
Hades, my dude, "creative accounting" is an interesting way of fudging numbers.
Yeah, and this good deed on Hades' part needs to stay hush-hush, or EVERYONE is going to want a similar favor. Why do Castor & Pollux, the Gemini twins, come to mind....? (In b4, Zeus fudged THAT one...)
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Ah, ok, this is how Rachel is working around this...
As I mentioned in my previous LO post, the original myth has it that Demophoon's immortality ritual got interrupted. Depending on the source, he died either during the fudged ritual, or perished later of other causes. (Possibly a foot injury, as mentioned in LO) Demeter would later take Demophoon's older brother, Triptomelus, as an apprentice and teach him about agriculture.
Rather than add the complexity of Demeter having 2 children during the 10 year gap, we're re-naming Demophoon as Triptomelus and HE is going to learn, then teach agriculture. Let's just hope no one accidentally slips the truth out.
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After Hades and Persephone leave, Demeter, Hera, and Hebe Hestia proceed to have... a lady's evening with wine?
Demeter is still a bit salty about Hera marrying Persephone to Hades, but let's be honest (cuz Hera definitely was), they were gonna get married with or without someone else's permission.
The discussion then moves back to Metis, and Demeter's memories of her. Demeter herself was into physical activities back in the day, but they had to go on hold to save the world. Having been denied that, Demeter gave (more like forced/encouraged) Persephone to take up physical activities in her place. Was she trying to live vicariously through Persephone by doing so?
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During the discussion, Hera touches Demeter's bracelet from Metis and suddenly has a vision. It's not a pretty one, and from what I can gather, it's either Hera herself or possibly Hebe in Kronos' clutches! And here, we were thinking Kronos was going to have Melinoe target Morpheus!
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post! There will be a bonus post with visual commentary coming up shortly!
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willowser · 1 year
Ex husband bkg has a pic from one of ur first dates in his drawer
Ex husband bkg who remembers how flustered he used to get when he first realized he had a crush on you, and he still feels that way around you sometimes
Ex husband bkg who rages internally whenever he sees u w some other guy
Ex husband bkg who clutches on to his blankets at night whenever the thoughts of u get to him, breath speeding up
He was drunk one night , kiri taking him out bc he needs to have “some fun” . He’s actually starting to loosen up b4 denkis drunk ass comes up to him and starts talking to him abt u. He says “u lost her , if I were u id never get over it”
And he knows he’ll never get over you
he absolutely does have a very worn photo of you in his drawer. i actually almost posted this a little while ago, but you take down half of your photos, like to split them, when you get divorced, but one day you come over to his house for whatever reason and wind up on his bedroom and see that he's just put them all back up LOL every last one, in the same spot you had them in, like you never left. he cannot stand to see empty spots on the walls or drawers or stare at empty frames, so he just. won't do it. also has photos of you on his phone still. a lot of them are family photos, or of you and your son, but he still has pictures of just you, from another lifetime.
and i absolutely think seeing those photos makes him feel the same way he did when you first sent them. when you were first dating and would send him selfies and his whole face would get red and he would just lay in bed and look at them, his blanket up around his face because he's EMBARRASSED that he's so flustered just from a photo of you !!! and i think he looks at them now and can still feel that embarrassment in his gut, because he's still so into you, but then the reality sets in 🥺
he's probably SICK looking at your wedding photos, the small little one you had. imagines you in that spot with someone else because he's a masochist and gets so angry he has to go for a walk LOL lest he blow his whole house down. but he does think about that night 🥺 and then it kind of spirals, into all the other nights you spent together 🥺 the night your son was born 🥺
AND OH MY GOD DENKI. i imagine katsuki maybe loosens up some, maybe has a drink or two and manages to get himself out of his wallowing pit, and denki probably tries to get him to make a move on someone, but that immediately puts him back down LOL he does not want to make a move on anyone. they'll never be you, that's just a fact. and denki sees the immediate change in his attitude and throws an arm around him—which gets thrown off LOL— and he's all, "yeah, man, i don't know if i could do it either."
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yourbelgianthings · 6 months
posting my box of doom gift exchange fic for @wrenrix here too! it's a ravening war one, a short character study for all the scrumptious scoundrels based on a major arcana tarot for each of them, 2k words (also i've never done this b4 but i know she's pretty active on tumblr and i'm proud of this so shot in the dark here goes... @quiddie)
Amangeaux- The Empress The Empress represents femininity, fertility, and nurturing. Reversed, it indicates insecurity and an over-reliance on others. The day she told people they no longer needed to bother addressing her as "Lady", Amangeaux Epiceé du Peche finally felt free. She had been a queen as the wife of King Cardoon, and a lady afterwards as she hovered in between and attempted maneuvers to regain her former status, but there came a time when such things no longer mattered. What was a title in a world full of death and without trust in a time of war? To someone else, it was everything, but Amangeaux realized that she would rather develop her strength, both physical and mental. Since everyone was constantly making, breaking, and changing alliances, she needed too be able to stand and fight on her own, hopefully helping bring the war to an end sooner. It was hard to part ways to go with Karna when she decided to go to Ceresia. Although Karna was an adult now, Amangeaux was still older and more mature, and she knew no matter how much she cared for this young woman, those feelings would not be requited. So, they parted ways, and she became stronger, more independent, and more confident than ever before with the help of her family's old friend Gustavo Uvano. Uvano also promised to raise her baby son. It would be better for him to grow up not knowing he was born out of wedlock. When Amangeaux cradled the small grape in her arms before she left for the battle of Pangranos, kissing his forehead for the last time, tears dotted his blanket and her sleeves. In a perfect world, she would never pick up a sword again, and raise her son in peace until the end of her days. This was far from a perfect world though, almost the opposite, and she wanted him to have a chance at a better life. Her starfruit trotted off down the lane towards the final confrontation, towards the unknown, but certain danger. Queen Amangeaux would have been horrified by such a prospect, and while this new Amangeaux still felt fear, she knew she could hold her own against whatever was to come.
Colin- Justice Justice represents balance, integrity, and truth. Reversed, it has to do with denial and guilt. Colin Provolone, or rather, Sir Colin Provolone, had never intended to become a knight of the Bulbian Church. He hadn't even thought he would end up leaving Delissandro's side, but things were getting out of control and he needed to draw a line somewhere. The look in Deli's eyes as they ambushed the Candian delegation on the Glucian Road filled Colin with unease; he seemed much too enthusiastic about killing. Doing what you have to do is one thing, Colin knew that as he agonized over taking out the poor banana who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but Deli didn't have to kill that scared little fungi. So, it was time to part ways. It was war, and he didn't think he was in some kind of place to judge Deli or Karna or anyone else, he was just making his own choices about which way to go while he still could. If Raphaniel was a true believer, Colin would have felt bad about accepting the title of knight only to gain more power with which to maneuver, but it was the now-demoted archdeacon's idea, knowing full well Colin was barely even Bulbian. What kind of insanity-inducing rabbit hole the old man was down in his office filled with old papers and books and pages of scribbled notes Colin couldn't even begin to imagine, but he felt some sense of responsibility for him. Wasn't that the duty of a knight, to protect their patron? As he grew more adjusted to his life in this odd in-between period (the war was in a lull, but he had a feeling that wouldn't last long), his thoughts drifted to Deli less often, but it still happened sometimes. Colin held no ill will towards his old friend, he hoped he was getting things figured out and doing okay. The days mostly passed trying to keep an eye on Raphaniel and wondering what was to come. There was no rush for the FDA to call him and his comrades again, though. Fighting may have been the thing he was best at, but he also hated to do it. After all, there is no true justice in war.
Deli- Strength Strength represents bravery, confidence, and fortitude. Reversed, it can mean anger, fear, or jealousy. Walking away at the end of the war was the strongest thing Delissandro Katzon ever did. As he parted ways with Amangeaux and Colin after the death of their other companions, he criticized himself for having no desire to return to the other Meatlanders, or to anyone. Who did he have? Where would he go? His aggressive political maneuvering in the Meatlands years earlier had caused his own mother, the former chieftess Cleva Katzon, to leave. Karna was dead, Gemelli was dead but had betrayed him so it wouldn't matter either way, and Colin saved his life but they both knew their former separation stood as soon as they left the cave. So, Deli did all he could think to do: walking north with no particular destination in mind. He had been confident in every decision he had made before, and this one was no different. Perhaps he would see his mother again as he traversed some of the same paths, perhaps not; that wasn't why he was doing it. As his mind wandered throughout all the hours of solitude, the anger at Gemelli and Archbishop Cauliflower and the rest of the FDA faded away and was replaced by grief. Not for those he and his friends had killed, Senator Ariana Gemelli deserved it and the others, innocents like Queen Pamellia and Princess Sapphria, were the consequences of war, unfortunate as it was. Karna stayed in his thoughts day after day, though, looking back, Deli couldn't believe he had been so oblivious to how she felt and why she was supporting him. Although he hadn't made false promises to her like Gemelli had, he had broken her heart nonetheless, and she died before he could do anything about it. Yet, as Karna died, in pain both physically and emotionally, his face was the last thing her eyes ever saw. He felt that she was forgiving him, and this mystified him, but it was her last gift, so difficult as it was, it would be selfish to reject it. Karna had forgiven Deli, so Deli was going to forgive himself and try to move on. He would never know where he and Colin stood, but the fact that Colin saved his life escaping from the cave told him enough. Every step forward was a step towards living for himself, finally free from all the tangled concerns of politics and alliances in war.
Karna- Death Death means endings, transformation, and letting go. Reversed, it represents regrets and decay. Karna Solara really died when she made her pact with the Hungry One, or at least sealed her fate for a long death, a little bit every time she made a sacrifice. Her body slowly rotted away and she carved out pieces of it to continue receiving magic powers until there was almost nothing left for the garbage disposal to destroy by the time she fell into it. For her entire life, she was never herself, so to speak. Even when she wasn't undercover as another identity, the one she used for the longest being Ja'Cru Dite, she changed how she presented herself and acted to gain favor and get by. The Karna who traveled with Lady Amangeaux and Bishop Raphaniel was not the same one who would later take the title of Skald from Colin to fight by Deli's side, assassinating Princess Sapphria Rocks. However, all of these people were her friends. She kept some of them at a further distance than others, accepted or rejected their care and trust, but she considered them friends nonetheless. The widowed queen, an elderly bishop who would later be demoted, a warlord from the Meatlands, and a Dairy Islander who seemed like nobody but ended up becoming the warlord's right hand man and later a knight under the deacon: a motley crew if there ever was one. Some of them had known each other in smaller groups before, but on the whole, they were only brought together by circumstance. None of that mattered though, who they were, why they met- Karna was just glad she had once chance in her life to get close to people as herself, not as someone else or with an ulterior motive. When she was torn apart by Camille Cauliflower's cold, alien, metal blades in the cave, she wasn't scared. She had no regrets, which may seem surprising for someone who died so young, but there was nothing else she needed to do. Even the revelation that Deli had loved someone else didn't matter anymore. Of course it felt like her ribs might all break from her heart exploding when he and Senator Gemelli had that exchange, but deep down she knew that she would have done everything exactly the same by his side if there was another chance. Taking her last breath, Karna exhales and smiles. The clang of metal, the shouts and thuds, the heavy footsteps, everything fades away. It's time for her to let go.
Raphaniel- The Hermit The Hermit represents solitude, withdrawal, and seeking knowledge. Reversed, it denotes madness, isolation, and rejection. Newly-demoted Archdeacon Raphaniel Charlock barely left his office these days. He had never been a true believer in the Bulb, but he was more distant from the rest of the church than ever. Lady Amangeaux and Karna had gone their own ways, and Colin had ended up with him. Their dynamic had shifted, Raphaniel had spent the early part of their time together trying to figure out what Colin's deal was, and now he could sense Colin wondering what he spent his hours behind a locked door doing. Colin meant well and did his best to help take care of Raphaniel, which he appreciated, but nobody could reach him now. The paranoia-fueled spiral of frantic attempts to gain more knowledge and put together the pieces so he might finally be worthy to join the Architects constituted its own world. Only terrifying visions of spinning cold steel blades and the resulting viscera interrupted his focus. One night, exhausted and about to fall asleep with his head resting on his desk, the elderly radish thought back to how all this had started. Secrets, blackmail, mercenary assassinations- it was no wonder that everyone had reacted so differently and ended up wherever they were now. Raphaniel wondered if Lady Amangeaux ever suspected that the death of her beloved Cardoon was his doing. Either way, he didn't feel bad about it; he had spent his entire career in the church manipulating people and maneuvering things to his advantage. King Cardoon was just another pawn to him, but Lady Amangeaux was his friend, and he had a strange desire for her to know the truth. This was out of character for him, normally he did everything possible to conceal the truth from people. He wasn't so far gone yet as to want to tell her, but she was a smart woman, and he hoped she'd figure it out. With that thought, he drifted off into another night of fitful sleep and dreams of those cold, cold blades tearing on forever.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
you got anymore thoughts on obsidian? i love that lil baby
okay i think i got a couple more (am i just gonna have to start posting the story with him you all love the baby too much 😭) if ive said any of these b4 i am sorry
>loves fire and watching it. he can watch a fireplace or campfire like its tv
>chases rats and other pests. once got in a fight with a skeever his mom had to help him win. hes very sore about that
>he likes the thieves guild members bc his mom does. they dont hold him like a baby tho and he is a bit miffed about that.
>sometimes odahviing tells him abt his dad while his mom is sleeping. obsidian likes that a lot
>loves listening to ansa's heartbeat
>quickly adopts both dragon baby talk and human common baby talk at the same time so he switches between mama and momo (my form of 'mama' for dragons, short of monah
>alduin would be bobo as the shortened form of bormah lmao i just like a tiny little hatchling calling the terrifying world eater smth so cute
>obsidian would in fact like siblings so the whole "parents hate each other for some reason" thing is putting a damper on that
>obsidian one time tries to buy a knife from a blacksmith while out with odahviing. the blacksmith had no idea what this lizard was doing. obsidian was very mad he couldnt also get a weapon. odahviing bought him a little dagger but it wasnt the same. ansa did not understand why he was pouting he is literally a dragon he doesnt even have hands
>has tried and failed multiple times to go into form. wants to match his mom so badly. he throws a tantrum every time. i still havent made up my mind if he should be able to go into it bc i think a small human toddler with sharp teeth and claws and spikes and horns would also be very funny, but also: baby dragon is funnier and cuter
>obsidian eagerly awaits being so big he can eat a whole chicken
>can and will ride on odahviing's head regardless of what form his uncle is in
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
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Hi, and welcome to the Masterlist of the Fandom Free Bingo ~ Book Night Edition, hosted by @fandom-free-bingo! 💙
On this Masterlist, you'll find all the prompts I've filled along the way, and they will combine angst, fluff and smut. Each one-shot will have its appropriate warnings when necessary.
If you'd like to check my other works, you can find them on my Main Masterlist! For now, I hope you will enjoy the works I've created while participating in the Fandom Free Bingo ~ Book Night Edition! 💙
I do not work with a tag list. If you want to be kept up to date when I post new fanfictions, you can follow @nicoline1998enilocin-library 💙
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Card: @fandom-free-bingo || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
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|| 🥀 ~ Angst || 💙 ~ Fluff || 🌶️ ~ Smut ||
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B1: I'll Give You The (Sun)
B2: "Just Trust Me."
B3: Bookstore AU
B4: Igloo
B5: Solicitation
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I1: "I Don't Care."
Red and Gold || 💙 🌶️ || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark Prompt || I2: Sexual Tension Tony is bringing you along to a charity event, but this time, you decide to surprise him with your outfit. The moment he finds out you're wearing his colors, he has to restrain himself from tearing it off you and having his way with you right then and there.
I3: 'I Can See You Crying'
On my knees for you || Part 2 || 💙 🌶️ || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark Prompt || I4: "Save Your Strength." After you left Tony’s office, he couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened before. Seeing you on your knees like that when everyone could have walked in has made him more than desperate for you, and he can’t wait to ruin you for the little stunt you pulled.
A drunk mind speaks a sober heart || 🥀 💙 🌶️ || Tony Stark Prompt || I5: Soulmate is Best Friend You and Tony have been mutually pining for months, and he finally reveals his feelings during a party—albeit after a few too many drinks. The next day, you go out to confront Tony about it, and what happens next is better than you could have ever dreamed.
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N1: Bondage and Discipline
Reflection || 💙 🌶️ || Tony StarkPrompt || N2: Reflection The sexual tension between you and Tony has been steadily rising for the past few months. After the latest victory tour, it's reaching an all-new height before boiling over, marking the start of a new adventure for you both.
N3: Satisfaction Brought it Back
N4: Coffee Shop AU
"Marry me" || Part 1 || 🥀 💙 🌶️ || Tony Stark Prompt || N5: "I'm Getting Old." Tony comes home from another gruesome mission and doesn't stay unharmed this time. As you take care of his wounds, he can't keep his thoughts to himself any longer, and he asks you to marry him in a way you never would have seen coming.
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G1: Award Ceremony
G2: You Know Me
G3: Riding
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || G4: 'Here's the Day You Hoped Would Never Come' Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
G5: Librarian AU
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O1: 'Too Sick For Heaven, Far Too Sweet to Go to Hell'
O2: "You Always Seem So Happy..."
O3: Singing Karaoke Together
O4: Me and Mine
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || O5: 'I'll Do Anything to Keep You Right Here With Me.' Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
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A1: Hate Sex
A2: Hunting
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || A3: Cold Hands Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
A4: 'Look at the Stars'
A5: Cafe AU
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25 Jan u ary 2023 Wednesday 3:24 am pdt
I had awoken to pain and felt more heart ♥️ pain I think. When I am in the middle of doing something I sometimes 4get. 3:25 am pdt sometime soon after my parents separated my mom tells me things such as don’t make that face you look like your dad and something I think was I only love 💕 you because I am your mom which for some reason I took 2 be interpreted as she was obligated to love me and that she didn’t really like me. 3:29 am pdt I was probably 8 years old. 3:29 am pdt 8 or 9 years old I don’t remember 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3:35 am pdt but my grandma 👵 snipping my long hair was probably b4 the separation maybe when I was 6 or 7 years old when I had long black hair and I was probably 9 years old when my mom told me I looked like a sick old woman 👵 and she said “I know! You should get a haircut!” 💇‍♀️ Deshana barber 💈 Iranian Kurdish people hair cutting themes. 3:39 am pdt king 🤴 David mentioned in a song. 3:40 am pdt
3:30 am pdt ⏰ when I typed 8 million in the previous post 23 Jan 23 I thought 💭 I typed billion. I heard the population reached 8 billion. Hard 2 believe especially when COVID happened and shootings still happened. 3:34 am pdt
3:40 am pdt when I lived in king 👑 city 🌃 I saw 👀 the ring 💍 pop commercial and wanted one ☝️. When me and mom and probably younger sister went to a small store 🏬 2 get cookie 🍪 mix I found a small bin of ring 💍 pop but all were broken 😞 so I didn’t get any. Reminds me about my mom’s promise ring 💍 falling in2 the river and finding out her boyfriend was caught in bed 🛌 with the ex girlfriend and had a shotgun marriage after the ring 💍 fell into the river. 3:45 am pdt meant 2 b... go with the flow? Bcz dirty old men are in power 2 say it’s ok 👌 2 have extramarital?? Affairs bcz it’s meant 2b. If that’s the case then I guess there’s no real thing as loyalty long lasting until death old age together do you part love and he holds us to a double standard where he expects us to fall so deeply madly In love otherwise he calls us whores , so that when he leaves 🍃 us 4 another bcz love 💕 died he cannot feel it anymore so we weep 😭 deep rivers when he leaves but he’s bouncy happy Bcz he found a younger chick 🐣 to rob of her virginity, friendly unicorns 🦄 only liking virgins to devirginize. 3:51 am pdt is this what he wants????? But he 4got? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 🎶🎼🎵🎤 3:53 am pdt
Sierra LaMar Twitter tweeted if you’re a bird I’m a bird say it with me the notebook 📒 movie 🎥 clip. 3:54 am pdt birds of a feather flock together???? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3:56 am pdt sirens 🚨 half bird sea 🌊 gulls fallen angels 3:57 am pdt. 2 types of sirens 🚨: half bird 🦅 creatures, & mermaids. Tandem opposite meanings/definitions. Yin and yang ☯️? Chinese word was it shanyang? Can b used 2 mean goat 🐐 or ram 🐏 depending on modifying??? Addditional words. 3:59 am pdt but if you’re suffering that is probably a clear indication of a sacrificial lamb 🐑???? 4 am pdt
4:30 🕟 am pdt when I typed shanyang my head got VERY hot 🥵 maybe my brain 🧠 too 😞. I think it was about a year ago my aunt told me nobody likes me. Thanks 4 telling me that. If it’s the truth I need 2 hear 👂 it? I’m receptive 2 those comments/feedback. Ever since I was a kid since at least my parents separated I felt the need 2 change myself in2 the ideal person. I fall short all the time though. I practiced drawing ✍️ since probably kindergarten and somehow I lack technique like example drawing with geometric shapes and planning out spatially. Usually I look 👀 at something and tried 2 feel it out and hopes 4 the best. When I was in school 🏫 I was often distracted. Unfortunately. But high school 🏫 onward we were taught 2 b receptive 2 criticism because that was how we learned 2 see how flawed our work was I guess. 4:39 am pdt I wonder 💭 if my need 2 change was bcz I thought my mom didn’t like me. Maybe I feared no one would like me. And that I’d never have friends and a lover. I romanticized and thought I wanted a slow court ship the type that start off as friends and progressed into best friends then lovers. After my first boyfriend broke up 🆙 with me it got harder 2 find a guy who would take it that slow. A lot of them rushed into s*x. 4:43 am pdt I had wanted something that would take years 2 develope and I was willing 2 wait if my addictions? Didn’t kick in. If he was very attractive all it would take was a kiss 😚 2 get hooked 🪝. I’ve only been physically intimate (s*x) with 4 young men. 3 of them I tried not to, I fell into the hole 🕳 (rinpoche? Poem read from Karen sahlmonsen ? Spelling bounce back book 📚) and it wasn’t my fault bcz of addiction? And he wanted to and we only did it once through pants 👖 at my request but I don’t think I anticipated that semen was going to rocket 🚀 launch out through the pants 👖 until last minute and I don’t remember if I anticipated his 🍆 being felt through the pants 👖 bcz it was my first time doing that. I wore his sweat pants 👖. To be honest, that was the best s*x I had. He was a healthy skater 🛹 and very productive active person mellow artsy tall great voice. Probably not the most handsome but I think his 🍆was long enough 2 fit me well. The following 2, I believe I was somehow in someway psychologically ? Forced into it. I 4:59 am pdt ran my left middle finger 🖕 through my hair and it forced its way through a thick knot 🪢 pain, intestines pain 🐒💨 5 am pdt that was probably 4th knot 🪢 this morning. 5:01 am pdt with second guy, I had tried 2 tell him I needed 2 take it slow, but I said the wrong 😑 words. I said I wasn’t ready 4 a relationship yet after he kissed me. I did not want to kiss at that moment but some reason I felt like hugging him and he took that as a que to kiss me. 5:05 am pdt I even felt magnetism magnet 🧲 between us to pull me into hugging him. Uh oh incubus is trying to erase my memory of the magnet 🧲 feeling i felt between us. 5:07 am pdt bad incubus! 🤬😡🥵😤🥵😤🥵😰😱 5:07 am pdt
5:54 am pdt I remember he had I think this was the order: he had started to unbuckle his belt of his pants 👖 and I remember him asking me “you want to have s*x, right?” And then I told him through clothing. He did seem irritated when I probably told him to “wait” bcz I think I was trying to keep from going too far s*xually with him, bcz I think we had not been on many dates with each other yet but he was willing to jump into s*x without much discussion or verbal or written promises of a future together. We didn’t even know each other b4 we started dating. My sister might have known him a little b4, but I don’t recall her telling me how long. 6:01 am pdt I was stupid to think that through clothing (supposedly I assumed dry humping was this and that there wouldn’t be semen but I was wrong! 😓) abstaining is probably safer. 6:04 am pdt
6:18 am pdt I think that was the only time I had s*x with the 2nd guy. 6:19 am pdt 6:25 am pdt We both changed pants 👖 when I requested through clothing. The third guy I had sat on his lap and dry humped? Grinded? And probably each time I did that he said I was driving him crazy. Long before we had “s*x” but maybe some might call it rape? He drew/wrote my name with a lot of backward little 7’s in sets of threes??? I think I did not learn about triple 7 represented perfection until recently, maybe it was last year I learned this? Probably within last 5 years, and the drawing ✍️ was from summer 2007. 6:32 am pdt I am guessing backwards means =not perfect. 6:33 am pdt
6:39 am pdt we both wore blue jeans 👖 pants 👖 and it I think always happened in his car 🚗 6:40 am pdt.
6:59 am pdt I need 2 clarify that I did not learn the word shanyang until last year? Or the end of the year before last year. 7 am pdt
7:19 am pdt From 2009 onward there were guys I hung out with who were 3 or 4 years younger than me who seemed they wanted more from me than friendship. One of them reminded me a little of my ex in some way but I wanted to friend zone him and hopefully 🙏 grow a brotherly type of friendship with. He touched me inappropriately during a hug at the olive 🫒 garden 🪴 parking lot without permission. There wasn’t any open discussion about feelings. Such as him saying I like you and I want to date you and see if this can be a long term romantic relationship. Nope. 7:27 am pdt it was for Q’s birthday 🎂 maybe 🤔. 7:28 am pdt It was very awkward when he decided to pull me down to sit on his lap in front of everyone and I felt as if I was cornered into playing along bcz I might embarrass him and hurt his feelings and I would end up 🆙 looking like a b*tch from the awkwardness and conflicting feelings and the confusion it was probably causing (I think I felt angry head hot 🥵 7:46 am pdt). For some reason I met men that wanted to have s*x with me without knowing me 4 long. I texted a guy giving him a chance bcz my mom wanted me to back when I still had a job and b4 we could go out on a one-on-one date in person (which never happened) he already was telling me he wanted me in his bed 🛏. 7:37 am pdt 7:38 am pdt I never played love 💕 like it was only a game. I had hoped for feelings to grow that would often plateau, stagnate? And die off b4 or after feeling the butterflies 🦋 and amourous feelings. One guy that I thought I fell in love 🥰 with twice I thought he was going to be the one, but periodically he rejected 🙅‍♂️ me and told me I was going to make blonde 👱‍♀️ blonde 👱 hair babies 👶, (that was his funny line to tell me he rejected me, which is more likely to happen if I married a blonde 👱 man). 7:42 am pdt 7:43 am pdt weird watery gurgle like sounds from left side 🐒💨 7:44 am pdt
8:27 am pdt roku = 6 nihongo. I read something online that god is also referred to as a rock 🪨? If you want to be funny you can break the syllables differently and say rok-u instead of ro-ku. 6 is even. But 7 is odd. Aud-Rey Hepburn? Au = gold. Go ill 🤒 d. D= dominus or devil? Devil = lived backwards. How does someone live backwards? What does that mean? Lucifer? Or Lucia/Lucy? I love 💕 Lucy. Backwards 7? 8:33 am pdt @_@ audi car 🚗 au-di?? 8:34 am pdt we all die 2 things are for certain death 💀 and taxes mark Twain? And if you drop 3 objects you can probably draw ✍️ a triangle between the three. 8:36 am pdt rock 🪨 and roll 🎸 chuck berry???? 8:36 am pdt
8:47 am pdt roll, turn over? High turnover???? 🥵😤🥵😳😖😭😞 Head hot 🥵 they’ve punished me for putting ice 🧊 on my head. 8:49 am pdt 😖😭
8:52 am pdt I have read stuff online that when you meet someone new it’s probably best in a public place and to tell some friends and probably not go alone. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe also take public transportation? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ my head is hot 🥵. If you read previous posts probably should take precautions also if introduced by someone else you have been hanging out with for a while. Unfortunately I never know 😑😖😭😤🥵😤🥵 or I did not back then???? 8:58 am pdt
8:59 am pdt clarification my mom probably did not know that guy like longer than I did, which was not at all, the one she wanted me to give a chance to who I texted. 9:01 am pdt
9:03 am pdt the sudden thought 💭 popped n2 my head that some people divorce and say “irreconcilable differences” ? I heard 👂. Can you date someone a long time and still find irreconcilable differences after saying “I do”? Sometimes you just bite the cookie 🍪 and hope it works out. Movie 🍿 5 year engagement? 9:07 am pdt I don’t remember going on any dates incubus. We are still at negative square 1,000,000 the way it’s going. 9:08 am pdt 😑😭😖😭he thinks he can trick me?! 9:09 am pdt I don’t want you anymore! I told you in 2017 (9:14 am pdt and preferably divorced is what was also in my head) we have 2go on dates 2 get 2 know each other 2 see if I can like you. Preferably in public in a group setting 2 allow organic spontaneous partnerships 2 happen. 9:11 am pdt
12:13 am pdt call me crazy but I think I like structure in social relationships: I like for a father to only be my father not my husband; if I had a brother I would only like him to be my brother ideally not my husband; I think I would like my cousins to only be my cousin not my husband no matter what weird feelings incubus wants 2 give me 🤬😡🥵😤🥵😤😖😭. With polygamy I think that makes it more difficult, what I mean is more likely to cross those lines if they secretly cheat. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what happens if you do do it with a cousin or half brother; I don’t want to find out. It’s not only about genes 🧬 but I like to think about relationships in general having their designated roles. 12:20 pm pdt my grandpa cheated on my grandma so I should probably b more cautious about my mom’s home country and try 4 someone different ethnic identity? And I don’t really know many people on my dad’s side either 😞 but I don’t think my grandpa cheated on grandma 👵 on that side, I guess my grandpa was maybe ugly? My mom said it’s better to like a man not every woman 👩🏻 wants. Steve Harvey said an ugly man is probably the most well behaved man 👨 (I don’t know if it’s true 4 all men but maybe 🤔 it’s true 4 some?) 12:27 pm pdt
1:20 pm pdt funny how I remember things after I type about it. I did have a few drawing books 📖 📚 one for Pocahontas, my dad had Spider-Man and X-men. I stupidly gave the X-men one to Scott when he probably didn’t need it. And my sister had one for horses 🐴. I practiced those but I don’t really recall applying that method/technique much when I wasn’t looking at those books. 1:24 pm pdt
1:29 pm pdt if I had mastered the technique I would have drew a lot more drawings in the amount of time I spent drawing ✍️ probably. In 2015 I tried coloring in a skeleton copy to help myself learn anatomy drawing and then tried to draw ✍️ it but I was slow. I remember also trying to play the guitar 🎸, to learn it on my own but I started falling asleep 😴. So I had to decide to focus on my health and I remember I slept 🛌 a lot, probably between 10-14 hours a day. 1:34 pm pdt
4:14 pm pdt I 4got 2 type uncles, whether blood 🩸 related or in-laws; if there potential 4 cousins 2 b born then an uncle idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ probably b considered like a father figure? Are cousins similar to half-siblings? 4:17 pm pdt
10-14 hours a day would have given incubus a lot of time with me. I remember times when I slept 🛌 I had nightmares and felt my body being weighted down. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this is the time incubus was on top of me. I remember feeling the need 2 scream and my mouth 👄 opening and no noise coming out. I might have written a little about it in previous posts. 4:22 pm pdt it’s getting difficult 😞 4 me 2 remember. 4:23 pm pdt incubus tried to dig a hole 🕳 into my right ear about 40 minutes ago and I woke up 🆙 with a dry throat again. Immediately after I felt the pain in my ear 👂 I heard a loud bass booming sound then minutes later heard a text message alert 🚨 sound from this cellphone 📲 and it didn’t sound as good. I’m hoping that it was bcz of something it was touching, otherwise I would have 2 anticipate that the phone 📲 speakers 🔊 are degrading suddenly, even though this phone probably cost a lot of money 💰 in its original msrp? What does it stand 4 again 4:30 🕟 heard a loud sliding click don’t know if that’s my mom coming back. 4:31 pm pdt my mom bought me this phone 📲 at a clearance price of ≈$300 which is still expensive 4 an electronic device that only fits in your hand ✋ & I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ how effective it is to editing on it other than very simple little stuff. Back in 2005 when I took fashion classes we were told China 🇨🇳 would sew 🧵 garments 4 a few cents a piece, she mentioned 7 cents I think 🤔. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if that’s accurate but that’s what I remember. 4:37 on pdt It is a lot nicer than the cheaper android phone 📱 which I tried last year. If everyone recycled would it bring down the cost? Or would inflation continue 2 rise? 4:41 pm pdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ enough of anything 2 probably b helpful. 4:42 pm pdt
I believe the twitch is really dead 💀. I believe incubus will drive me to the point of wanting 2 commit suicide. I believe he will control me like a muppet and make me walk 2 the train 🚊 and get hit by it/smashed by it similar 2 his maps video. 4:46 pm pdt
6:49 pm pdt I believe incubus is running 🏃‍♂️ the same game on me that he did on other women. On Q in particular years b4 me. Q’s bday is one day after my grandma’s bday. Incubus is yelling “NOOOOOO!!!” Usually that means they’re going 2 do more stuff 2 kill me. Even though he has a lot of knowledge of what’s going 2 happen b4 hand, would make me believe it’s all actually his own decisions. He owns what 3 mansions? Many cars 🚗? Stocks in several companies? A fashion line? A fragrance? The verve? Royalties? Am I missing something? He throws a basketball 🏀 from far away and it seems to fly a tremendous? Distance. I see pictures that it looks like he’s doing poses in mid air as if he has powers to levitate. He may have had me half fooled, & telling me things I want 2 hear 👂 but aren’t you spreading yourself thin incubus? How can you have much genuine feelings romantically deeply 4 that many women? How are you carrying on with all these relationships if we are only capable of having 150 connections???? 7:01 am pdt you keep on running game incubus, rapist, murderer. 7:01 pm pdt the train 🚆 passed by and it shook the place. It’s going too fast past a residential area. Cramps after gurgle feels like burning diarrhea 🐒💨
7:03 pm pdt nihongo has different counting systems? To = ten-> net backwards which looks like a spiderweb 🕸 to like toe tag 🏷 on cadavers. 7:04 pm pdt
7:22 pm pdt time goes by too fast 💨😖😭 he’s playing love 💕 like it’s a game pretending to feel love ❤️. With memory loss, he can con anyone. 7:24 pm pdt head is hot 🥵 came back from bathroom 🚽 7:19 pm. Not good. 7:25 pm pdt
In December 2012 me and Q went to a restaurant with karaoke 🎤. Met some people Q was friends with and some acquaintances or new people I guess. 3 of the men were actually from my high school 🏫 I wonder if they are still alive. I was interested in a blonde-ish haired man 👨 and I thought 💭 he might have been interested in me bcz he started talking 2 me. But I said something that turned him off and he lectured me without asking anything else about me. I thought 💭 maybe we can see eye 👁 to eye 👁 on somethings and maybe I could respect him. But when we said goodbye 👋 he was totally shunning me I guess if I’m using that word right. I had hoped if he knew me more that he would not be so strict? Like if he had noticed that I was completely shy ☺️ around him, and that I had suffered a lot and I do try to work even with my difficulties? 7:34 pm pdt and the only vacations I took were to visit family I don’t see often and once bcz of my eczema. After we left the building, in the parking lot Q told me she thinks she likes him and if it would be ok if she could have him, and she said I could have his twin brother. If you’ve ever watched sister sister or met identical twins 👯‍♀️ you might notice they have slightly different personalities?? Is that right? One might be extrovert and the other introvert? Or did I jump to conclusions? I didn’t think about that back then , but it bothered me that Q asked 4 me 2 back off. I didn’t tell her, but if someone asks an introverted person to do something without really asking their feelings... it seemed like my feelings didn’t matter. I told her I think he likes you more anyway. And then I chose not to hang out again sometime after that. I think it was after another time of hanging out there again with almost the same people but he didn’t show up 🆙. One of the other guys tried to invite me to the house party coming up 🆙 but I felt unwelcomed by his twin brother. Twins 👯 friends with twins 👯. So I tried not to be too disappointed at feeling unwelcomed probably and I stopped trying. 7:44 pm pdt it almost feels like Q is cock blocking me selectively. Even though she put music is her boyfriend on MySpace. 7:45 pm pdt 7:46 pm pdt the twin I felt unwelcomed by was dating one of Q’s friends and was friendly with Q in front of me. 7:47 pm pdt
7:55 pm pdt once my mom gave me an ultimatum that she would leave me unless I took accounting classes, so I enrolled. 7:56 pm pdt unfortunately I didn’t finish the certificate program. I started getting too scared to go and I made excuses. 7:57 pm pdt my eczema started flairing a lot anyway and it was getting harder for me to get to class on time with anxiety. 7:58 pm pdt
12:18 am pdt incubus has been pouring vinegar down my throat I suspect. If this is his way of giving me diverticulitis/crohns whatever it’s called that’s a very cruel way to make someone die especially when you’ve already put me through a lot. 12:20 am pdt divorce relationship came up in auto fill correct. Permanent divorce 2 an imaginary husband. If you were dating stroh 4 a year I wonder if your children ever see you that much and probably don’t know you. Every one thought he was being a stay at home dad. Guess NOT. 12:23 am pdt 26 Jan u ary 2023 Thursday
12:32 am pdt incubus is probably the reason why dusty rose is so short in comparison to gio grace. 12:32 am pdt
12:37 am pdt incubus destroyed love.
that tattoo should be “you’re so cold you’re so cold you’re so cold” 12:39 am pdt
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 4 years
Thought abt meeting person for a second and then was like panik bc omfg not ready
Gotta be,,,,,,, better,,,,,, b4 we ever meet,,,,,,, gotta be SO MUCH better for a first impression omfg
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gxnic · 2 years
general kento nanami headcanons
cw: gn! reader. there’s nsfw stuff but that’s separate from the sfw stuff
a/n: hey y’all, so this is my first *real* post here on tumblr. i’ve written fanfic b4 and have posted it before (albeit i’ve deleted everything i’ve ever posted fanfic wise) but i’ve never posted on tumblr! i wrote a small drabble and posted it to test the waters and that’s about it. since this is where i read most of my fanfic i figured lol why not writing is one of the casual hobbies i’ve always had anyways. about the headcanons, ive seen the jujutsu kaisen volume 0 movie three times already and it hasn’t even been out for a week, so i’m in a jujutsu kaisen writing mood. i have a nice one shot planned for both yuji and gojo (separately. obviously.) so if u want u can look forward to that, but for now i thought i’d start off lighter. hope u enjoy! :)
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ok so
starting off strong
coming from a plus size woman herself anybody who’s ever said nanami wouldn’t like a plus size partner is completely fucking wrong????
like omfg
he would love the feeling of your soft body in contrast up against his hard and rough muscles
this man definitely tries to live a healthy lifestyle. work out regularly, eat healthy, the whole shebang
however he’s the type of man who finds it extremely classy when somebody isn’t afraid to indulge in the simple pleasures of life
and he just wants u to be happy while doing it
don’t get me wrong he would encourage u to be healthier but when u ask if that was his way of trying to politely say you need to lose weight he would be genuinely flabbergasted bc no that’s not what he meant at all that thought literally never even crossed his mind he just wants you to be healthy and live a long life
doesn’t mean he won’t also indulge himself with u tho lmaoooo
like i feel like he acts all committed to this super strict diet and routine but in reality he doesn’t stick to it that often regardless of the fact he feels like he should bc life is short who cares? certainly not nanami
anyway pls never talk negatively abt ur body bc he will ask why it even matters every single time before complimenting u cause ain’t no way ur ever gonna talk badly abt urself and him just let it slide
long story short no matter what ur body looks like he thinks ur beautiful like weight ≠ beauty in his mind
anyway on a completely unrelated note
he snores lolllllll like rly loud
and he sweats in his sleep a lot too idc
it’s cute tho
blanket stealer too and when u guys wake up and u tell him he was hogging the blankets in his sleep he gets all embarrassed and won’t look u in the eye and denys it even tho he knows he does it he just can’t admit it
which usually isn’t that big of an issue cause y’all are glued together in your sleep anyways
cuddling alllll the time deadass
he always likes the air conditioning to be set pretty cold D:
like he’s definitely the kind of person who knows immediately if someone changes the temperature even one degree
he’s a good cook tooooo omg
for some reason i feel like he excels at italian food don’t ask me why i don’t know
like nanami would make the most fire pasta
but yeah he’s a good cook
he’s also rly flexible
i mean for the record think of what he has to do for his job of course he’s flexible
but he in particular is super flexible like he can do all that cool contortionist shit if he tried (which he won’t cause he’d be too embarrassed)
also he spoils u
like duh that much is obvious ofc nanami spoils his s/o but like….
yeah he totally spoils u.
he’s not really a religious dude tbh
like if ur religious that’s cool he’ll accept that he’s not gonna shame u and he’ll happily listen to u talk about it
but most of the time he’d just rather talk about something else
most of the time he’s just calling you by your first name but on the rare occasion when he does call u a pet name that’s when u know he’s feeling affectionate and wants ur attention
he doesn’t call u very many pet names either he’ll call you “sweetheart” the most, “beautiful” too and also maybe “darling” on the days he’s feeling extra affectionate
like it’s super easy to tell when he wants to just say f everything and be all over you
he doesn’t rly like pda so he’s super touchy at home
he likes to hug you from behind
his favorite cuddling positions either consist of him being the big spoon or him laying down on your chest
like i can see after a rly long day he wants nothing more than to come home get dressed comfortably and crash right on top of you laying his head in ur chest and putting his arms around you and feeling your hands through his hair
he would find the rhythm of your breathing and your heartbeat very comforting
especially after the horrors he’s forced to witness on a daily basis
you’re a comforting reminder that he’s alive
he’s just really obvious with how much he loves you
like even b4 y’all got together it was really obvious he thought he was super badass and hid it rly well tho LOLLL spoiler alert he didn’t
the thing that sold it the most pre your relationship was the way you’d always feel and catch his eyes glued to you
+++ it’s not easy to fluster nanami, but considering even the simplest of gestures from you turned his face and ears pink? yeah duh ofc he likes u
he tries to cover his face when he blushes too but he’s rly bad at it LOL like he’ll put his hand over his mouth and extend his thumb and fingers over his cheeks to try and hide the redness but it never works
like he’ll stay composed but his body’s reactions give it all away
hear me out i feel like he’d like a friendly talkative s/o
like maybe not somebody who’s as eccentric as gojo 24/7…
but definitely somebody who’s lively as long as they know when to be serious and is capable of remaining composed in a situation that calls for it
he would appreciate it to no end if you were able to get him to lighten up a little and be less of the stick-in-the-mud that he knows he is
he’s the slow dance with you in your kitchen in your pajamas type guy
but honestly no matter who u are
just one glance at u and he’s smiling to himself thinking abt how in love with u he is
you’re his biggest motivation, after all, and no matter how long the two of you are together you never stop giving him butterflies
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oof oof oof oof oof
oh to engage in the devils tango with this man
whenever mappa animates him loosening or taking off his tie it’s always so focused on and detailed like whatchu tryna say huh?
yeah he ties your wrists together with his tie lolllll
like ok listen
i don’t think he’s sex dungeon level kinky
but i also don’t think he’s completely vanilla either
he’ll blindfold u, tie ur wrists together, maybe your ankles if he’s rly feeling it
he can be reallyyyyyyy rough too
generally he tries to be gentle but if he’s ever really pent up or angry or frustrated abt something he wants to rid himself of that anger in a healthy way and sexual release is a go to for him
those are the circumstances where he’ll be rougher with u
he usually apologizes after though
and if u were the one to ask him to be rougher he’ll do so with pleasure but he’ll definitely still seek reassurance afterwards and ask you if what he did was to your satisfaction
he’s generally the more dominant one
he likes obedience
he’s okay with you taking the lead too but he prefers if it’s nothing too extreme
he feels bad asking u but god he loves getting sucked off so much :(<3 sweet baby
especially after work when he’s feeling especially exhausted and he’s had a bad day and he’s lazing around he loves nothing more than some good ass head and then cuddling to sleep
he’s a giver too don’t think anything less
he’s always between your thighs before he’s actually inside of you whether it’s his mouth or his fingers
he’s cool with using toys on you too, he actually really likes it
he doesn’t see sex toys as a threat he sees them as his best friend god healthy masculinity is so hot
u can use ur imagination to think about how he’d use them on u >:)
also nanami isn’t a one night stand guy
like hear me out i don’t think he sees sex as some crazy sacred act or anything
it won’t take all that long after you guys get together for him to be okay with dicking you down
but he doesn’t fuck anybody he’s not in a stable relationship with
meaning that, yeah, he isn’t a virgin, but he probably has some awkward first time story with somebody he slept with once and since then he’s only slept with one other person he was in a relationship with
like… he has experience, but not a lot of it
don’t get me wrong tho his stroke game is crazy
he 100% puts in the effort to figure out what you specifically like and don’t like
it’s definitely always a focus of his to first and foremost please you
he teases u but also praises u
like full on degradation? no not his style
but teasing yesssssss he loves it he loves seeing you squirm from just his words
like god just imagine his chest up against your back with his arms running down your sides and hips while he’s whispering teases into your neck goddddd i wish i wish
he also likes it when u scratch up his back hehe
he likes it when you leave marks on him and he leaves marks on you in places people can’t see
he doesn’t think it’s classy when people walk around with hickeys and such on full display however knowing he has marks/you have marks on your bodies that only the two of you know about is something that turns him on
also, if you’re fem bodied, he’s a hardcore tits man. i will die by this.
boobs in his face yesssssssss
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izzielizzie · 2 years
I don't remember if you've already made a similar post but what is your opinion about all the changes they made from the book in oouil? And your opinion in general about the show
oh god i genuinely stopped talking about the show like three episodes in because i was mad but i think it's been enough time to talk about it without sounding insane
#1: Detention
there was no reason to make the b4 have different reasons for getting detention. the phones was a good red herring when nate was a suspect, and a good way to show that none of the people in detention should have been in detention. all the different reasons were boring tbh
#2: The Distraction
the car crash added a lot of drama, but also it was a solid lead. it was the first time anyone other than maeve realized simon was involved.
#3: Keely/Cooper
i actually liked this change? a little? cooper's relationship with keely and his brother was a lot more interesting to watch, and only made sense because of other changes (namely, the popular groups' secrets). however, i'm sad cooper missed the chance to really step away from expectations (the perfect girlfriend) to what he wants (kris).
#4: Vanessa/TJ
i didn't really like vanessa as a character in the show tbh (she was funnier than book vanessa i'll give her that) but her relationship with tj kind of took away from the whole point of having tj in the book: tj was an outsider. he was sort of a reprieve for addy. everyone in her friend group was sitting passively while she struggled with jake, but tj, who, for all intents and purposes, wasn't really part of the group, was able to say "hey. what jake is doing is wrong. everyone can see that". this tj is too busy being vanessa's bf to do that properly.
#5: Addy/Jake
tbh i kind of liked jake/addy as a couple in the first episode. they were adorable. the trouble with the show was that there was no way to see jake was a bad boyfriend. in the book, jake did things that made me feel uncomfortable. he didn't let addy around other boys. he didn't want her to wear a sweater at night because it wasn't cute. those are small things that definitely show ho unhealthy the relationship was, and makes everything that happens make sense.
#6: Addy/TJ
i sort of hate the fact that tj was a suspect. his entire character was supposed to just be a friend to addy. not whatever he was.
#7: Addy
i know, i know that this is a tv show and we don't get internal dialogue and that's where addy mostly grew but seriously? going back to jake? ahhhhhh i can't even talk about it i hate it so much
#8: Bronwyn
i never really loved bronwyn? i mean she's a great character and she's super important but she's never been my favorite narrator or rojas sister or character tbh but here she was sometimes insufferable. i don't even have a reason it was a vibe? also the way she treated her sister? the fact that she thought maeve was a murderer??? book bronwyn would never.
#9: Maeve
speaking of the rojas sisters... WHAT THE HELL??? maeve's character was ruined which is so sad because melissa is an amazing actress and would have really captured book maeve so well. i sort of hated her outfits? she was always described in jeans and t-shirts which fits her vibes more than whatever she wore in the show. and her cancer trauma wasn't talked about at all unless it was about simon? and the whole simon friendship was stupid because she hated him. the fact that she outed cooper was... i can't even talk about it, it makes me so mad. and her and janae? book maeve hated janae for very valid reasons. am i happy that there is a universe in which it's cannon that maeve is bi? yes. but i hate who she's paired with.
#10: Cooper
cooper was so agressive? and angry? and not coop at all? i didn't like it.
#11: Kris
kris?? babe??? what??? he was supposed to be a haven for cooper, someone who loves him unconditionally even though cooper was too scared to tell the truth. dumping cooper because he wasn't out yet was the opposite of what kris would do.
#12: The Bayview Four
the whole allure of oouil is that they band together to solve the murder and that if they hadn't then their lives would have gone downhill. maeve even says so in the first chapter of oouin. they spent the entire time arguing and it makes no sense. they're still not close and a whole season has passed
#13: Jake and Simon
a dare?? a fucking dare??? and now they're both dead?? it makes no sense
#14: Vanessa
i don't even want to think about her tbh. it's all just messed up.
#15: i'm done for now but i'm also me so... Luis
luis supported cooper when no one else from their group would, luis supplied important information, and luis was a good fucking love interest for maeve.
okay that's all i have i don't even know if i answered the question lol
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nejiraez · 3 years
one day, you all will know true peace when i stop making bakugou the default character to the maladaptive daydreamz i write. but until then...
get well soon! | bakugou katsuki
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader // 2.9k words
genre: fluff — contains spoilers from mha chap 298; includes kissing, thats it!
summary: free bakugou until it’s backwards!!! but until then, he appreciates having your presence around as he takes the time to properly heal.
the way i haven’t written a full fic since oct </3... but i needed to post this b4 aquarius season ends tmrrw...
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He’s never had to stay this long in a hospital before.
Sure, there were minor check-ins that he had to tend to at the clinics every so often from the injuries he’s received, but he never had to stay more than a few days at hand.
“Only a couple more days until you’re discharged…” 
The sound of your voice prompts Bakugou to shift his gaze away from the TV screen stationed at the corner of his hospital room to focus his sights on you. Deep shades of scarlet watch as your hands absent-mindedly pick at the white petals from the bouquet that his mother had gifted him. 
Carnations, a ‘get well soon’ present that would prompt him back to wellness. They were becoming quite the eyesore. The stems were beginning to droop and dull in colour with how poorly maintained they had been kept for the past week.
“That must be exciting for you, yeah?”
Bakugou shrugs, but he’s quick to regret his slight movement due to the small wince that follows shortly after. Despite being placed in the hospital for a little over a week now, a great mass of Bakugou’s body still aches. “It’s whatever,” he mutters, dismissing the subject matter altogether, “I’ll be back to doing the same crap over again anyway, so it’s nothing special.”
Closing your eyes, you sink yourself further down into your seat near his bedside and sigh. The windows a few steps away from Bakugou’s left allow for the sun’s late afternoon glow to beam into his room. You’ve sat here with him for the past two hours and a half from when you first came.
“You’re so pessimistic, you know that?” You announce, resting your arms against the bed’s side rails, which promote access to you, propping your cheek onto your hands with your face turned towards Bakugou. “Always thinking so negatively.”
Choosing not to respond to your comment, Bakugou soaks in the brief silence shared within the confines of his room.
For the past few days, other than his immediate family, who was relentless about visiting him as much as they could- save for the days where work would pull them away- your regular visits were something that became apart of Bakugou’s daily schedule. 
Wake up. Eat whatever shitty food the kitchen staff has to offer for the day. Wait through numerous check-ups and appointments, while the nurses examine the vital state of his internal organs. And then, he has a bit of free time to himself before either you or any visitor arrives at Hosu General hospital.
“I’m just telling it as it is.”
Bakugou would be lying if he said that he didn’t look forward to your visits.
Like Pavlov’s law, he’s grown conditioned upon awaiting your arrival every day, always finding himself sitting a bit straighter in his bed whenever 15:00 rolled around on the clock. 
Growing bored with not much to do, Bakugou allows his eyes to wander the room, skimming each object with little to no thought before his eyes would drop down on your form once again. With your eyes still closed, Bakugou takes this chance to absorb your presence before him fully. Watching the tiny twitches that would happen every now and then on your face out of curiosity.
The amount of fear and dread that washed over you the moment you caught news of how Bakugou jumped in front of his childhood friend, Midoriya, to spare his life, in turn, putting his own on the line had you aching to the bone. 
You were scared and couldn’t bring yourself to the thought that you would lose him, and there wasn’t much that you could do about it since you and a few others were far from where the main fight had gone down.
Regardless of whether Bakugou had a chance of waking up or not, you were still adamant about swinging by his hospital room as often as you could until the second day where he miraculously woke up. And caused an uproar as he did. He had to be restrained as he tried to check up on the others’ wellbeing as he did so.
To be placed inside of a room alone, with no one around to tell him what the fuck exactly went on, Bakugou was on edge. Hands down, that day would take the cake as being the most overwhelming experience he has had at his time here. Where were was Deku, for starters? And where did you disappear off to? 
He really didn’t deserve you.
Pulling himself out from his thoughts, Bakugou breaks the silence to pester you with something. “Pass me that, will you?” He asks, nodding his head over to the sole snack that sat on his bedside table. Something that one of the nurses left behind for him after his physical exam.
You blink, snapping yourself back to reality. You crane your next behind you, following his line of sight to the bright Tarami packaging. “Sure,” you grab and toss it for him to take.
Bakugou grunts out his gratitude. “Getting to eat normal food again will be the pinnacle of my life,” he states, rolling the Tarami around in his hands. “They feed us nothing but literal dog water and bland shit. “
“I’m sure the staff is trying their best. You aren’t the only mouth they feed in here after all,” you say, referencing the fact that your other peers, such as Todoroki and Midoriya to name a few, found themselves in the same situation as he did. 
“I fuckin’ guess,” he mutters in response, his focus shifted onto trying to rip open his snack but to no avail.
“Want me to - ”
“Don’t need it,” he says, cutting your sentence short. His bandaged thumbs are still fumbling to get a good grip on the plastic seal that stood in the way between him and his fruit cup. “This stupid gauze is just - ” The cup tumbles out from his hold and rolls out onto his lap. “Dammit!”
You smile at the display in front of you. Bakugou glaring at the container as if it had crossed him wrong was quite the sight to see. The fact that he has shown no signs of making another attempt at opening the seal gave you an indication that it was your turn to step in.
What a dork.
“Jesus, Katsuki,” you say, shaking your head at his stubborn nature. You take the fruit cup off his lap and, without issue tear the seal off before passing it back to him. He was too headstrong for his own good sometimes. “Nobody’s gonna bite you if you ask for help once in a while.”
Bakugou scoffs - losing steam now, he tips the rim of the cup against his lips, knocking back as many diced peaches he could fit inside of his mouth.
A mix of wonder and admiration suddenly crosses you as you study how quick he is to swallow down his food. Not even bothering to make use of the silver spoon left astray on the stand.
Bakugou silently chews. His cheeks have bulked up in size for the time being until all traces of food have been gone. Cute. “You’re so - ” You start but cut yourself short, wanting to enjoy the serene atmosphere rather than spurring him to the edge towards nagging at you.
You reach your hand out towards Bakugou, thumb grazing the corner of his mouth to clean the small mess he has made, to which he gently swats your hand away. His mannerisms were still the same as ever, never changing.
“I’m so what?” He asks, flicking his attention onto you as he watches the way your eyes linger on his face.
“You’re so amazing, was what I was going to say.” 
“Damn straight.”
You half-heartedly roll your eyes at his narcissistic response and reach for your phone, checking the time. “Wow, it’s now getting to 18:00?” You exclaim, swiftly entering the passcode to your iPhone and so that your fingers could scroll to the Tokyo Train Navigation app to check the times of when you should catch the next ride home.
Bakugou brows bump together in confusion at your surprise. “What about it? That means you’re ditching me already?” 
“Only for today though, the next train is coming in 30 minutes, and I gotta catch it before it gets dark out.”
As much as Bakugou isn’t a big fan of having your time spent together but abruptly short, he understands where you’re coming from, mentally putting himself in your shoes. 
At hours like these, when the begins to sun hide behind the city’s tall, towering buildings, it isn’t an ideal situation to have you walking out alone in the middle of dimly lit streets where villains may lurk at any corner. Especially after the shit show that went down this past week with the jailbreak.
He’d have no problem walking you home at times like this, but he can’t. Not when he’s on a “house arrest” list with the staff of the hospital.
“Fine,” he replies, dropping his head into his hands, which then finds purchase through his hair. Pissed with the cards he’s been dealt with. Feeling like he should clarify about your safety, Bakugou pipes up, “Make sure you ask the front desk to have one of their idiot guards walk you to the station. I hear that they do that.”
“Yeah, of course,” you say, collecting your belongings from the ground. “Not trying to be edited in with the clouds.” A remark that was supposed to prompt a lighthearted, humorous feel to the conversation, but Bakugou remains tight-lipped as ever. A fitting expression for your grouch of a boyfriend.
“I’m serious. Text me when you get home too.”
“And so am I! I love my life.”
And he loves you-- was something that Bakugou refrains himself from saying. It was something that he still had trouble saying verbally but had no difficulty expressing.
You walk towards the door, ready to bid your counterpart a farewell, but he beats you to the punch.
“The hell are you doing?” Bakugou’s voice halts you from making your grand exit.
He stares at you sharply from his bed. Glowering with jaw taut as he eyes your hand placed onto the sliding door. “Cut that shit out, come back.”
“For why?”
You hear Bakugou breathe out a hushed hiss, becoming peeved at how evasive you were when he knew for a fact that you were aware of what he wanted you to do for him. “Come and do the thing.”
At his sudden inquiry, you finally turn around to face him. “What thing?” You prod, wanting to hear him say what he wanted out loud. To be straightforward with you for once rather than dancing around the topic like he always does.
Sidestepping the multiple wires and the IV tube that he was hooked up to, at last, you close the distance between you both. Finding yourself back beside Bakugou’s bed, and now settle yourself down onto the small space that he has created for you on his mattress. 
You feel giddy. A hazy warmth exudes from your chest that spreads down to your toes as you watch the slow change of pigmentation in Bakugou’s face. Blotches of a soft, rosy pink littered his exposed neck, indicating the effect that had over him.
Caving in, Bakugou swallows down his pride and utters, “Kiss me…” His tone is wavering in the slightest.
There it was.
Propping your hand near Bakugou’s face to steady yourself, you nod. You’re gentle in the process as you move much closer to Bakugou, attentive as not to brush up against any of his wounds. “Okay,” you murmur. 
You think to yourself about how pretty looks from your point of view. Admiring how Bakugou's plush and soft skin was despite the light bruises and scratches he’s gained from the fight, he looked very well-maintained for a hospital patient.
The more time that you take, you become aware of the fact that Bakugou isn’t above taking a fistful of your shirt and tugging you down so that you could meet his lips. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise you if he were to do so right now.
But he doesn’t. 
Instead, he waits. Patiently, for you to make your move and just fucking kiss him already. Though there’s only so much he can take before he breaks.
Feeling the bed dip beside him, Bakugou could damn near feel his heart hammering against his chest. “Hurry up and get on with it will you,” he chides, his striking features already beginning to twist into an unreadable expression.
You laugh, unable to bite back your giggles as the male fixed you with his signature scowl. “Look at you, being a bully to the person you want a kiss from...” You say, leaning in close, now only hovering a few mere centimetres from his lips, both of you desperate for what would come next.
“You’re so mean, I swear.”
And that’s when you decide to close the distance, pressing your lips together.
It was quite sweet, literally, for his lips tasted of citrus.
Bakugou does a poor job at suppressing down his groan the moment your fingers wind themselves into his hair. The pads of your fingertips adoringly dance across his scalp.
The kiss starts off relatively chaste, both of you relishing in each other’s warmth as you pepper several small kisses against him—your stomach ties into knots as you experience how gentle he was being with you.
Despite the dull aching pains that Bakugou could still perceive whenever he made broad movements with his arm, his hand steadily finds its way to reach up towards your neck, pressing you further against him to deepen the kiss, swiping his tongue upon your lower lip. 
When your tongue comes into contact with his, it’s tentative and quick. And then it happens a few more times before fully feel comfortable enough to full-on kiss Bakugou.
Your thought process was growing muddled. Not a clear premise came to mind as his bandaged hand trails to the small of your back and back up again.
With every sound or hum of approval that you made way past your lips, it fed Bakugou’s desire to satisfy both you and his needs even. His thumb smooths over the curve of your jaw, easing your nerves each time you shyly pull away attributable to the great intimacy that swirled between you both.
He chases your lips, fervent on returning your energy that you were relaying to him, back tenfold. He loves you. So fucking much, and he only hopes that his appreciation and devotion may reach you.
You choke on a tiny gasp. “Katsuki - ” And that’s when he feels it, right in his chest. It’s as if he has been jump-started back to life, his heart quite literally skipping a beat at the sound of his name tumbling past your lips. It was adorable, and he wanted to hear you like that again. Say his name like that again, on loop without end.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, your breathing was starting to grow laboured now, and you decide to break the kiss before things can escalate and before you miss your train.
Pulling away from Bakugou, the traces of confidence that you once had prior to the kiss have all but flung itself out the window, completely gone now. “I’ll, uhm -” You stammer over your words, brain trying to compose a proper sentence in spite of your current dazed state. “I’ll be back to see you again, with the others.”
With how flustered and scatterbrained you were acting, it stroked Bakugou’s ego beyond belief. A wicked smile threatens to split upon his face, but he bites it down along with his greed to ask for one more kiss before you go. “Tomorrow,” he affirms, flicking his eyes back towards the TV—an entirely new show publicized on its screen.
You hoist yourself up from the bed and stand to your feet, ignoring how your knees almost buckle. “Right,” you say. No fucking way were you this beat up over making out with your own boyfriend, for crying out loud- you thought as you wander towards the door, almost taking out one of the monitors in your trail. 
Sliding the door open you step out, but you poke your head back in, stalling a bit so that you could look at the blonde for the last time that day. “But until then, get well soon, okay?” 
Bakugou’s eyes stay glued to the screen, trying to distract himself from how damn sweaty his palms were, that or how he could feel the beat of his heart pick up in tempo. Its incessant pounding was all too much for him.
It’s so stupid how whipped he found himself to be nowadays. “I know,” he dismisses, a bit all too quickly. He wants your ass out before you have a chance to glance at the heart monitor he was wired up to.
Fortunately enough for him, you don’t. You wave and close the door behind you, your smile being the last thing he sees.
With the coast clear, Bakugou throws himself back onto his mountain of pillows. “Shit,” he curses, panting out a sigh of relief seconds after you were gone.
That was amazing, you were amazing, he thought, recounting the kiss. He swipes his palms against his sheets, being sure to get rid of any nitroglycerin that may linger to activate his quirk successfully.
Bakugou can’t stress how much he’s aching for nightfall to come, knowing that he would be one sleep from getting to see you again, and again, and again, until he would finally be let free.
But until then, as you had said, he had to heal.
And with the knowledge of you being around whenever he needed you the most, Bakugou was most definitely on the bright path to a speedy recovery.
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miizpah · 4 years
daddy | suna rintarou
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anon asks : Idk if you are taking requests 🥺! But was thinking of a suna x reader fic where they try for kids. I think daddy suna would be so cute with kids 😭🤚🏼
post timeskip ‼️
tw. breeding kink.
authors note : 🥺 requests are always open 🥺 and not me in the middle of changing up my writing theme and style 😖 this is probably the tamest request i’ve gotten, and i’m actually excited for this. daddy suna? stop b4 i froth into orbital. idk if you’ve wanted this smutty, but i literally can’t just write fluff 😔 pls enjoy!
not me changing up my writing style, i’ve been practicing with actually adding in some details and imagery — can’t believe english was my best subject 🙄
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If being honest, you had always loved kids. Their tiny little fists and small pudgy feet, and the way they would run to their loved ones in pure excitement. It always clenched at your heart, making you loose your breath and your head becoming lightheaded. You wanted that, to have your own kids running up to you in excitement, screaming your name and hugging your legs. It was wholesome, beautiful, and you were a sucker for wholesome things.
You’ve thought of bringing it up with Rintarou, your want for children. You had the space, living in a big house with multiple spare rooms and baths, big open space for the living room and an even bigger backyard for the children to play. You had it all mapped out, really, the rooms you would need to baby proof, the room that you would set up as their nursery. Hell, you've already picked out a unisex theme for your baby's room. But, despite all of that, you had no clue what Rintarou would say.
He was in his prime, a pro volleyball player for the Reijins, he spent more time practicing and traveling for games than he did stay at home. And, you were only mildly okay with that fact. You too had a demanding job, and while you didn't travel as much as Rintarou, you still traveled.
Which brought you to your next thought. Both of you were too busy to have children, his job was demanding, your job was demanding, the baby would be more demanding. This was the only clear reason you were holding back on asking Rintarou on how he felt about children. Well, that and you’re kind of scared of what he would say. You knew some men would run at the first sign of responsibility, your dad being one, and you really did not want to put your marriage on the -- 
You shook your head at that dumb thought. He married you, he wouldn’t have married you if he didn’t want the responsibility of possible children in the future. 
Sighing to yourself, you look at the clock in your home office, deciding that starting on dinner now would be much better than later. You submitted your response to your boss via email, powering down your desktop and exiting your office. 
Hmm, what should I cook? You thought absentmindedly. Wait, I should... You smirk.
Only thirty minutes later, dinner was finished and set on the table, and you began to execute your plan.
“I’m home,” the tired voice of Rintarou came from the foyer. He stepped out of his training shoes clumsily, slipping into his house slippers before dragging himself inside the house fully. His hand clutched the straps of his gym bag loosely, eyes more hooded than usual.
He searched around for his pretty wife, looking into the living room, only finding your phone and the tv on playing some western movie with a... clown? He searched the kitchen and dining room, finding the dining table set and hot food steaming from dishes. It smelt delicious, and almost restored his energy, almost.
On the way to your room, he dropped his gym bag in the wash room, before dragging himself up the stairs. “Y/N?” He called.
“Rin?” Your voice was muffled, but could easily be detected. “I’m in our room!”
The room door was pushed open, revealing his pretty wife, in the middle of sliding on a black satin night gown. Rintarou paused in the doorway, seemingly seeing his energy levels rise up quickly. You noticed, grinning slyly to yourself before turning around.
“Welcome home, Rin,” you smile coyly. “How was was practice?” The night gown you wore was on the shorter side, allowing your supple thighs to be seen. Underneath the gown, you wore a red lingerie, with thigh straps connecting to the thong. You knew how much he loved seeing you in red.
“It was... It was fine,” Rintarou struggled a bit, eyes never leaving the way your breasts seemed to just sit there. His mouth watered. “What’s all this?”
“Hmm?” You hummed, looking down at your attire. “Oh, this? It’s nothing, really. Get showered, Rin, dinner won’t be hot for long.” With a kiss on his cold cheek, you sashayed away. 
I could bring it up during dinner. You thought with a firm nod.
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Rintarou’s eyes were hot on your skin, never once looking down as he ate his food. His hair was damp from his shower, and he had forgo putting on a shirt, which he knew would make you go slightly feral. It wasn’t your fault that you liked to admire your husband’s hard work, via his abs.
“So,” you started, sipping from your glass. “What all did you do at practice today?” You ask, sitting the glass down and finally meeting his narrowed eyes. You could practically see the desire rolling off of him.
“Serving,” he humored you, bringing his chopsticks to his mouth and eating the meat and rice. He chewed exaggeratingly slow, eyes locked onto yours, finally he swallowed. “A bit of blocking, I’m working on a new technique.” 
“Oh? And, will I see this new technique?” You sit your chin on your palm, sitting your chopsticks down and giving him your full attention.
“You will,” he nodded, smirking slightly. “At the game on Sunday.”
“Hey, no fair,” you whined, lips pouting slightly. “I want to be the first of your fans to see the new technique.” You were joking, trying to lighten the suffocating mood.
Rintarou rolled his eyes, waving you off. “Number one fan behavior.” You giggle at that, leaning back in your seat. “And, you? How was your day?”
“I had to finish my project today,” you answer. “Not to be overly cocky, but it was perfect if I do say so myself. Boss will just have to give me that promotion.”
“It was that good?” He finished off the last of his food, nursing his glass of wine.
“It wasn’t just good, baby.” You said, a smirk on your lips and pride in your eyes. You were passionate about your job, and with that promotion, you would become director of your own branch. “It was perfect.”
If you became director, you wouldn’t have to travel anymore, you could even work from home. It was perfect. You had to get that promotion.
Before long, both of you had finished off your drinks, washed and put away the dishes, and found yourself lounging in the living room. It was quiet, the only sound being the tv playing a western reality show, Americans were crazily entertaining.
Rintarou was rubbing slow circles with his thumb on your smooth, hairless leg, which hadn’t been hairless early. His eyes were trained on his phone. This was the perfect opportunity.
“Hey,” you said, quietly but enough to get his attention. He only hummed, eyes not leaving his phone. “What do you think about kids?”
Rintarou looked over to you almost instantly, a look in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. He almost looked feral. “Right now? Is this a new way for asking for sex?”
“What?” A laugh startled out of you. “No! I’m saying I want to have your babies.”
“But that entitles sex? Just say you want sex.”
“Oh my God... I want to have kids, little fucking people running around our house calling us mommy and daddy.”
“...I heard you the first time,” Rintarou looked away. “But we have to have sex for that.”
You take in a deep breath, eyes rolling. “Listen, Rin. I know we have to have sex, but I am asking you do you want kids?” You explain simply.
“With you, I want lots of kids.” He looked back to you, eyes wide and honest.
Your heart clenched, painfully. A breathtaking smile appearing on your lips. “Really?”
“Yes, really. Now come ‘ere, we need to do the sex.”
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“What’s the best position to get pregnant in?”
“You know what, who gives a fuck? I’ll just plug your hole or something.”
“I’m- What the hell goes through your mind?”
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Laid against the cotton sheets, you look downward as Rintarou slides his hands against your thighs, tugging on the thigh straps harshly and causing them to snap back. A soft moan escape your lips, the small twinge of pain being the start of what was next to come.
“So pretty, baby, got all dressed up for me, hm?” His words are hot against your lower stomach, placing a teasing kiss above your pelvis. “Silly little wife, tempting her husband all night.”
You whimper, legs spreading a bit wider as he settled himself between your thighs. His fingers hooking underneath your garter belt, easily unbelting it and throwing it away. His kisses trail down further, pressing a soft kiss against your clothed heat. “You smell so good, angel.”
“I need you, Rin...” You whine, faintly wiggling your hips.
“Patience, silly wife.” His hands grip your thighs, spreading them as he sat on his knees. “You’re soaking through your panties, baby.” A hand comes down, lightly slapping your clothed cunt. You whimper, bringing a hand down and gripping his wrist. “Fuck,” he groaned.
“Please, Rin. Just fuck me already!” You whine loudly, moving your hips against his palm.
“Shit, okay,” he pulled his hand away, using both to pull your panties and thigh straps off. His eyes fluttered once your sopping cunt was revealed, messy and dripping, and just for him.
You can only hum in appreciate at the stretch in your thighs as Rintarou pushed them to your chest, folding you into a mating press. Within seconds, he’s pushing into your cunt, stretching you wide. You could only lay there and take it, your gummy walls tight around his cock.
Head falling back against the pillows, you moan as you feel him still sinking into you. The position was new to both of you, and was hitting spots that you’ve never felt before. Your hands were gripping his biceps tightly, eyes fluttering close and mouth falling open as more moans spilled.
“D-deep,” you muttered breathlessly, opening your eyes and locking eyes with his. “So good, Rin~”
He smirked before leaning down and slotting your mouths together, swallowing each other noises as he finally sheathed deeply inside of you, kissing your cervix softly. Your tongues tangled together, causing your salvias to mix and dribbling between you both.
Steadily, he pulled back, cock dragging against your tight walls. Lips still locked, he pushed back in, swallowing your cries of pleasure. You pulled away then, licking your lips and taking a deep breath.
Head bowed, and eyes locked on your drooling cunt, he started to thrust at a slow pace, seemingly fascinated at seeing his cock sink into you at a new angle. One of your hands came up and tangled into his dark locks, head falling back against the pillows as you slowly fell deeper and deeper into a delirious state.
“Fucking sexy the way your messy cunt take my cock,” he looked up then, your hand falling from his hair. “My messy wife, hm?”
“Rin, faster-” Was all you could say, the slow drag of his cock fucking you into a state of dumbness.
He smirked then, liking the state you were in. His hips pulled back, and with a sharp thrust, he was fully sheathed again.
Breath warm against your cheek, he began to fuck into you like a man possessed, his hands enclosing around your wrists and pressing them against the bed. Your moans mixing with the lewd sounds emitting from your cunt, creating a symphony that only proved to make you both feral.
“Going pump you full, angel, shit.” Rintarou whispered breathlessly against your ear, sending jolts of pleasure down your spine, moans growing louder. “Fill you to the brim with my cum, going to feel it for days.”
“Yes,” you keen, gummy walls fluttering around his cock. “Pump me full, Rin. Want your cum so bad.”
“Shitshitshitshit,” he groaned, leaning back and pulling out. Easily, he turned your body around, dragging you to your hands and knees, and entering your cunt in all the same second.
You didn’t have enough time to register before he’s hammering into you, causing you cry out loudly, hands gripping the sheets tightly. “Fuck, fuck!” His hands bruised against your hips, holding them tightly as he used them as leverage to pistol into you.
“Gonna fuck so many babies into you,” he spat, slapping your ass cheek harshly. “Gonna look so beautiful swole with my child, fuck!”
You whine loudly, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. “Please, Rin, I wanna cum!”
He seemed to easily find your spot, the one spot that never fails to have your body shaking, muscles tensing up, and you screaming his name.
“Ah, ah, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Rin!” Your fluttering walls tighten around his cock, body tensing as you cum. Your hands gripping the sheets so tightly, head bowed against the bed and back arched down.
“Damn, you’re so sexy, angel.” He groaned, spilling deep within your cunt. Both of you left breathless. “Don’t move, and you better not spill an inch of my cum.” He said, slowly pulling his cock free.
You sat there, catching your breath, and clenching your walls as tight as you could without relaxing. You flinch when you feel a cold metal rub against your sensitive clit. “Relax,” Rin muttered as he pushed the plug against your hole, you did as told, and slowly he pushed the plug inside to the hilt.
“Shower,” you groan, standing with the help of Rintarou.
“Shower sex?”
“Rin, you just plugged me.”
“You have another two holes.”
“I will kill you.”
“So... no head?”
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note — not me tryna to reference a vine at the end, lmaooooo. i hope anon liked this, :)!! i’m not the best at breeding kinks. 😔 not edited 😔
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crowsmybeloveds · 3 years
Shadow and Bone Series:
Chapter 11
The Making at the Heart of the World
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x Reader
Summary: The Crows go on an interesting train ride through the Fold.
Word Count: 6.3K
Warnings: Past (physical, emotional, sexual) abuse; Drug use; canon typical violence; roofies; Pekka Rollins; the Menagerie
A/N:this is one of my favorite episodes of the show so I hope I did it justice... as always feedback is much appreciated!! (Ps apologies to those who thought I would post this b4 8:00 my dumb ass forgot to post it before the movie I was seeing)
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Seven taps on her heel. A specific intensity and timing to each one. To anyone looking on, it would seem meaningless. But to Y/N, It meant one thing: Kaz.
Her eyes slowly opened when she felt the sequence of tapping on her leg, looking across the carriage to see Kaz staring at her with waiting eyes. She normally would have brushed him off and went back to sleep on Jesper’s shoulder, but the taps had her wide awake. Kaz had used the same rhythm to announce his presence whenever he visited her at ten Emerald Palace. It was a sign that she needed to know something, a sign that required her full attention. It wasn’t as if Kaz would have visited her to share muffins when she was there.
“Y/N.” Kaz’s hushed voice barely reached her ears. The rest of the occupants of the carriage were asleep, and it seemed he wanted to keep it this way.
She looked at him with questioning eyes. “Kaz?”
He glared at her tone, as if it were the loudest sound he had ever heard. After a quick glance to make sure everyone else was still asleep, he spoke. “I have a job for you.”
“You really need to get more sleep, Kaz.” She whispered as she rubbed her eye. “We are already on a job.”
He rolled his eyes. “I know. I need you to do something for me.”
She placed her hand over her heart, replying in a dramatic tone. “For you? Anything.”
“Focus.” He demanded, leaning forward. “I need you to make sure you understand the Conductor’s way through the Fold.”
Kaz shook his head. “I have a feeling he won’t be making the return trip.”
Y/N looked over at the man, who was squeezed in on the other side of Jesper. I suppose I found him suspicious too. “Fine, but why me? Aren’t you the smartest one here?”
“You are a scientist, no?”
She blinked. “I am.”
“Well, then it should be no problem. I have bigger things to worry about.” He looked out the window as he spoke, and it was clear to see the mastermind had thousands of other thoughts in his head.
“What bigger things, Kaz?” She asked, not caring about how loud she was getting. “Worse than the literal Fold?”
Kaz didn’t get to respond. Jesper had begun to stir at her loud tone. While not fully awake, the lanky boy still found it within himself to wrap an arm around the girl, laying his face in the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes in embarrassment, pushing down a smile.
Kaz scoffed, failing to hide a smirk on his face. “Absolutely humiliating.”
She gave him a middle finger before leaning into the embrace and closing her eyes.
A few hours later, she was woken up to Jesper brushing a piece of hair from her face.
“Petal,” He whispered. “Kaz wants to brief.”
Her eyes slowly flickered open as she yawned. She looked down at her feet, hiding her embarrassment from being the last to wake.
“I didn’t hire you simply to get us across the Fold.” Kaz was speaking to the Conductor, or Arken, as he had told them, in a serious tone. “You’re with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little Palace, and that’s the location of our target.”
“Sun Summoner.” Inej corrected, a resoluteness in her voice that only came with faith.
“Alleged.” Kaz said, giving her a sideways glance.
“They wouldn’t keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka.” Inej argued, casting him a glare.
Y/N and Jesper watched the small argument with wide eyes. They gave each other a look during the silence that ensued. The tension!
After a beat, Kaz continued. “You said you have a contact who can get us inside. A Heartrender.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Arken nodded, a small smile on his face.
“How do I know we can trust her?”
“Nina grew up there.” Arken informed.
“Most Grisha grew up in the Little Palace.” Kaz was unconvinced.
At his words, Y/N and Jesper stared at the ground with wide eyes. Both of them had not grown up in the Little Palace, and they thought about it all the time. It was hard not to laugh. It is too early in the morning for this shit.
Kaz gave them a glare and continued. “Very few would betray their general, and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession.”
“Nina’s a radical.” Arken assured them. “Thinks Grisha should get to choose if they serve the Crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does Fjerdans.”
It wasn’t long after that the carriage came to a stop outside of an inn, where the Arken claimed they would meet this heartrender. While she knew she should distrust this Nina as much as Arken, Y/N was just excited to have another girl in the group. And she’s a Little Palace trained grisha. I have a lot of questions.
Her hopes were short lived. When they got to Nina’s room, there was no one inside.
Arken looked around the room, confused. “She knew to expect us.”
Y/N stood next to Jesper by the bed. The moment she had entered the room, she sensed something was wrong, and she had her hands moving behind her back, hoping to sense some poison or gunpowder in the air that might help her identify what had happened. Instead, she sensed something she hadn’t expected: Fjerdan metal. Ever since, she had been scouring the room, trying to find whatever it was.
Jesper tapped her on the shoulder, holding out a piece of bread he had found on the table. She grimaced, shaking her head as she searched the table for the metal she had sensed.
“Gross, Jes.”
He simply shrugged, continuing to eat his piece.
“She isn’t late.” Kaz’s voice came from across the room. “She’s gone.”
Y/N nodded at his words, moving toward the bed to look for the metal.
Arken shook his head. “Yes, but her things are all-“
“Aha!” Y/N had closed Nina’s suitcase, and underneath it was a wolf’s head made of Fjerdan metal. She grabbed, holding it close to examine it.
“What is it?” Jesper asked, leaning over her shoulder.
Arken was looking at her with a confused expression. “How did you know to look for -“
“Drüskelle.” Y/N interrupted, deciding to answer a Jesper’s question before Arken thought more about how she found the metal. “They are ruthless Grisha hunters.”
“Explains the Fjerdan krydda the innkeeper was counting when we arrived.” Kaz agreed. “It’s likely he ratted her out.”
Arken sighed. “She’s probably captive on a ship to Fjerda by now.”
Inej came in from where she was examining the balcony. “They had a clear line of attack.”
“Take a look.” Kaz told her, making eye contact. “Make sure there aren’t any more surprises.”
Inej covered her hair and went back out on the balcony. Kaz and Arken kept speaking about how the plan could work without Nina. Y/N turned to Jesper, nodding toward the door. They began to walk down the stairs of the inn, and a small smirk formed on her face and she whispered to him. “They always have to fill the simplest of conversations with so much tension.”
Jesper turned to her, looking directly into her eyes and settling into a frown as he spoke in a fake rasp. “Go look for any leads, Inej, also this eye contact is completely platonic.”
“Of course, boss, by the way, your eyes look so beautiful in the sunlight, and I mean that in the most professional sense.” She replied, barely holding back a giggle.
Kaz and Arken came up behind them, and they both closed their mouths to avoid being murdered by their boss. Jesper grabbed Y/N’s hand to pull her away from Arken and toward him.
“Saints, your hands are cold.” He mumbled, grabbing her other hand so she faced him. He rubbed his hands over hers quickly, trying to help them regain some of their heat.
“Ravka’s cold this time of year.” She shrugged, “Maybe I should get some gloves.”
“Oh, but Kaz would hate it if you stole his signature look,” Jesper joked.
Inej jumped down beside them, causing them to turn toward her. “All clear.”
“This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan,” Arken said, looking around the group to get their opinion.
“Abandon?” Kaz questioned in a harsh tone, turning toward him. “We’re in this now. And I know what a million kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?”
“Freedom.” Inej answered.
Y/N hesitated, thinking of her sister. “Family.”
“Fun.” Jesper grinned. “Like, at least a few months.”
“Retirement.” Arken replied, looking up at Kaz
“Right, so we press on.” Kaz nodded. “Get us across the Fold and I’ll figure out the rest on the other side.”
“Fine.” Arken folded, setting down his suitcase to look in his notebook. “To cross, I’ll need 20 pounds of alabaster coal. A peck of Majdaloun jurda. Uh, not the kind from Kerch. It’s too weak.
And, uh…” He looked Jesper up and down. “a goat.”
Jesper turned to look at Y/N with a doubtful look on his face. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head, deciding not to question it.
“Now, we meet in the dead of night.” The Conductor continued. “There’s a wreckage of a skiff northeast, on the edge of town. So, who gets what?”
Kaz immediately began dealing out jobs “Inej, the goat. Y/N, get the jurda.”
Jesper stiffened. “Kaz -“
“What, Jesper?” Kaz asked in a harsh tone. “She knows what to get and what price she should pay. More experience.”
Y/N stood there in silence. She knew he was right, but she also knew nothing would stop her from taking some for herself. She had been doing so well without it, but that didn’t mean her body wasn’t constantly screaming for it.
“Kaz, anyone else could get it.” Jesper argued, gripping hand harder. “You don’t have to do this to her.”
Kaz scoffed. “I don’t have time to work around -“
“I’ll get it.” Inej interrupted him with a disapproving glare. “I’ve bought it for people plenty of times. It’s not that complicated.”
Kaz turned to her. “Inej -“
“She doesn’t have to get it.” Inej stood her ground, her voice final.
“Fine.” Kaz spat. “Inej, jurda. Y/N and I will get the goat. And Jesper…” he took a step toward the sharpshooter, holding the money in front of his face. “just the coal, no detours.”
As soon as Jesper grabbed the bills, Kaz was off. Y/N turned to Jesper, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before she hurried after her boss. Though he walked with a limp, his pace was unrelenting and it took her a second or two to catch up.
“Alright, boss,” she said, once her stride was finally matching up with his and she was sure the rest of the group could not hear them. “What the hell was that?”
He didn’t respond, a scowl settling on his face.
She continued. “Anyone could have gotten the jurda, Kaz. Why are you punishing me?”
“Punishing you?” He scoffed.
“Yes, Kaz. Why else would you do that?”
“Maybe because this is a huge job.” He quickly stopped walking and turned toward her. “One that cannot be messed up just because you can’t be near one of the most commonly sold drugs in the world.”
She let out an angry laugh, almost amused at how bad his lie was. “The job is big, yes. Getting jurda so the Conductor doesn’t fall asleep on our trip through the Fold? Hardly.” She shook her head, taking a step closer. “You are mad at me, and I’d like to know why.”
He didn’t reply, simply turning away and continuing to walk in the direction of town. She didn’t follow after him, instead rolling her eyes and speaking again. “You know what? You can get the goat on your own. I’ll go find Jesper.”
She began to walk in a different direction, but Kaz’s next words stopped her in her tracks.
“You distract him.” He said angrily. Y/N looked at him, waving her hand for him to continue. “You have distracted him since the first day he saw you and he makes mistakes because of it.”
Y/N looked to the side, considering what he had said. Her relationship with Jesper was already made messy by doubts and stupid complications. And now Kaz felt the need to put his two cents in? “What, Kaz, that’s enough to make you try and make me relapse?”
He scoffed again. “You wouldn’t have relapsed again.”
“You don’t know that!” She shouted. “I’m sure I would have. And, if our relationship is such a problem, why wouldn’t you just say that, instead of brooding over it and punishing me for it?”
Kaz didn’t know what to say. He considered that it was possible he was projecting his own fears about relationships, romantic or platonic, onto Jesper and Y/N. In all honesty, he looked at them and saw something he wanted, but it was something he couldn’t have. Not only because of his past but because of his future. He could not allow unnecessary attachments to distract him from his goals. He had assumed Y/N might think the same way.
When he had made the bet with Inej about the two getting together, he based it on the idea that Y/N might know better. He could tell she and Jesper had feelings for each other, he even found himself rooting for the pair, but he was caught off guard when it actually happened. They wouldn’t be that foolish, would they?
He wanted her, Jesper, and Inej to be safe. Whether or not he admitted it wasn’t just because they were good investments was beyond the point. Having attachments was dangerous. Their relationship was dangerous. That was the only way he could see it.
“There’s no room for relationships in the Barrel.” Kaz said. “It’s a weakness.”
Y/N frowned at his words, knowing that she had considered the same thing. She had seen how willing Pekka had been to use men’s wives against them, and she was sure the same thing could happen to her and Jesper. But she also knew that she was a mess when she was not with him. And that he was much better at focusing when she was around. When they were ignoring their feelings, their addictions got worse, they were constantly lost in their heads, and they were miserable. She was a scientist, so she considered all of the factors and found that together was the most favorable outcome.
But she understood where Kaz was coming from. Now that he was saying it outloud, she understood why he was so upset. He was afraid.
“We aren’t children, Kaz.” She said, her tone a bit softer but still firm enough to get her point across. “We can handle ourselves just fine. And if we can’t, it is not your fault.”
Kaz furrowed his brows. “You don’t -“
“If it gets in the way, I’ll end it.” She interrupted. “Okay?”
Kaz looked to the side, clearly considering her words. After a beat, he reached into his pocket and held out a stack of bills. “Go and buy a stopwatch so you can time our ride through the Fold. I need you to understand every aspect of how he does it. Understand?”
She nodded, grabbing the money. “Alright.”
“You remember the meeting spot?” He asked.
“Good,” he said, walking away. “I’ll see you there.”
After some haggling at a shop over her stopwatch, Y/N decided she had time to wander around the city before she had to go to the meeting point. Though she had gotten quite a few distractions from her fear of the Fold, the reality that she was going through tonight was not lost on her. She hoped acting like an average tourist might help ease her nerves.
She had stopped at a couple of stands, buying herself some fruit and a ring or two as she passed with some of the money she had brought with her on the trip. When she passed a small alleyway, she heard shouting, causing her to pause and look inside. Maybe it was her past or just a product of living in the Barrel, but she had an inherent distrust of alleyways. Especially those filled with men. Upon looking closer, she sighed in relief. It’s just a group of men playing a card game. She thought. No reason to fret.
She had almost turned away when her heart stopped. Wait, is that -
The man sitting with his back to her laughed. A laugh she would recognize anywhere. Jesper. What an idiot.
She knew she couldn’t just break up the game and drag him away by his collar, no matter how much she wanted to. It would just cause more trouble than they needed. But she also knew that he definitely did not have the coal that Arken had requested, so she needed to get him out of there and find wherever they sold coal in town.
She leaned against the wall, watching the game from afar. Saints, he isn’t even doing well. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at her idiot of a boyfriend. Suddenly, she caught sight of a small glass of kvas sitting on the table.
With a few quick movements of her hands, the alcohol was bubbling up and over the rim of the glass, spilling on the table. She heard a few shouts from the Ravkan men at the table and smirked.
Jesper stared at the drink, his eyes wide. While the rest of the men were completely baffled by the incident, he knew exactly what was going on. His heart sank. Where is she? He looked around the table and found no one. When he turned around to look at the opening of the alley, he almost missed her silhouette slipping out of view. She’s going to kill me.
He leapt up from his seat at the table, grabbing a few things from it as he slinked away. In all their fuss over the kvas, the men barely noticed he was gone.
Out on the street, Jesper ran up behind Y/N. “Love, listen, l -“
She kept moving forward. “Jes, I really don’t care why or when or whatever. I just need to know how much money you’ve got left.”
His posture sank as he walked next to her. “None of it.”
She stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath as she pinched her brow. “Are you serious?”
“I’m sorry.”
She looked at him, her anger starting to drain from her. While she wanted to be mad at him and claim this was all happening because he was an idiot, she knew it wasn’t that. She knew he couldn’t keep himself away, and it was something she related to. She laughed humorlessly, trying to relieve some of her own stress, and grabbed his hand, causing his face to light up.
“So, you forgive me then?” He asked hopefully.
“Not even close.” She replied, pulling him down the market, trying to wrap her mind around the situation. “But we need to get along because we are going to have to steal some coal, pretty boy.”
They had come up with a makeshift plan by the time they had reached the stand that sold coal. It certainly did not live up to anything Kaz had ever schemed up, but it was enough to have them sprinting away from the stand with a bag of coal and shit eating grins on their faces as the sun started sinking below the horizon.
Jesper pulled her into an alleyway, one hand holding the coal and one over her mouth as they listened to the men who were chasing them pass by. As soon as he was sure they were gone, he took his hand off her mouth.
“Saints!” She exclaimed as she let out a breathless laugh. Jesper couldn’t help but stare at how she looked in the pink light of the setting sun. He was caught off guard when she grinned up at him and pulled him into a fiery kiss.
He was out of breath when she pulled away. “If all I have to do is gamble away all my money to get you to do that, then -“
She lightly smacked him on the chest with a disbelieving look. “Don’t even think about finishing that.”
They stood there, cheeks hot and eyes blown out, as they caught their breath. Jesper reached into his pocket, his fingers pausing when he felt a small chain against his fingers.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” He murmured, pulling the object out of his pocket.
“Forgot what?”
“This!” He grinned, holding up a silver chain with a bullet hanging on it. “I won the chain for you at that table, and, well,” he paused, getting embarrassed. “Until I can get you something pretty to put on the end of it, I put a bullet on it. Cause, like, that’s my thing.”
Y/N smiled at the gift. To most people it would have seemed silly, but she understood what it meant for him to give her something like that. Nevertheless, the need to mess with him overcame her.
“Thanks, I’ll be glad to have it around my neck while a volcra bites my face off.” She smirked. “You know, because you definitely didn’t get enough coal.”
He groaned. “I swear, it’s twenty pounds!”
“It’s not!” She laughed. He put a hand on his forehead, exasperated. “I’m sure I can make it last longer, love, it’s fine. Now, as for the necklace…”
He frowned, starting to put it away. “You hate it.”
“What? No!” She snatched it out of his hand, giving it a closer look. “It’s my favorite thing ever, so fuck off. I just cannot tell if you are trying to charm me out of being mad at you for gambling away the money.”
“That depends,” he said, a smile growing on his face. “Is it working?”
She sighed, handing him the necklace. “Just put it on me, you idiot.”
She turned around, lifting her hair up from her neck as he gently wrapped the chain around her neck, letting the bullet fall in the center of her chest. Goosebumps formed over her skin as his fingers brushed over it. She closed her eyes, breathing in his familiar scent of smoke and sandalwood to fill her senses while his fidgeting fingers struggled with the clasp.
“There,” he mumbled, turning her back around so he could get a good look at her.
She struck a small pose, her hands on either side of her head. “How do I look, country boy?”
He didn’t even grimace at the nickname, too focused on memorizing every aspect of how she looked in the moment. “You always look -“
“There they are!”
Jesper’s and Y/N’s heads whipped around to the opening of the alley, to find the men they stole from standing there and pointing at them.
“Shit!” Jesper cursed, grabbing her hand in one hand and the bag coal in the other, before running off in the other direction.
When they reached the wreckage of the skiff that the Conductor had described, it was pitch black save for the light coming from the torches of the group of men chasing them. Gunshots rang out behind them as they sprinted toward the meeting point. Jesper came to a halt, pulling Y/N backwards as he pointed out the sign.
Kaz’s panicked voice came from across the minefield. “Jesper, Y/N, get here now!”
“Leave the lantern!” Inej’s voice chimed in.
“Landmines!” Jesper called back. A bullet tore past him, hitting the sign in front of him. Panicking, Y/N threw her lantern on the ground and dragged him with her as she began sprinting across the minefield, praying to every Saint she had heard of that they wouldn’t blow up on the way to their ride.
“Wait up!” She called out as she ran. “We are almost there!
When they reached the train, Jesper helped Y/N get into it first, before hopping in himself. Y/N immediately moved past the men at the entrance of the ride and moved toward Inej, who was giving her a questioning look.
“He was gambling,” Y/N explained.
Inej nodded, a small smirk forming on her face. “I like your necklace,” she teased.
“Shut up.”
A few feet away, Arken was speaking to Jesper. “Please tell me you have 20 pounds of alabaster coal.”
“Slight snag in the plan,” Jesper began to explain. “Turns out that the kid who was helping me buy the coal didn’t exactly know how to, uh, buy coal.”
He said it as if it was a question. Y/N put her hand in her hands, groaning at his terrible lie.
“We know you gambled it away.” Kaz said sharply, his eyes burning with anger.
“I lost a little bit of the money.” Jesper said. Under Kaz’s glare, he yielded. “I lost all of the money. Uh, but I managed to steal 20 pounds of alabaster coal.” He said triumphantly, holding up the bag.
“No, no, there’s 16 pounds.” Arken corrected.
Jesper made eye contact with Y/N, who was giving him a look that said I fucking told you. “16 pounds of alabaster coal!”
“Can we do it on 16?” Kaz asked.
Arken tilted his head. “Never been done before.”
The men outside the train were not giving up so easily. “Let’s go! We’ll follow their footprints!” One shouted as gunshots rang out against the metal of the train.
Arken pushed Jesper to sit at the back of the train. “Sit here. Never shift your weight.”
Inej and Y/N sat in the middle across from each other, and Kaz settled at the front by the furnace. He made eye contact with Y/N, who pulled out the stopwatch she had purchased and held it up for him to see. He nodded at her, before turning back to the coal.
Arken was pulling up his sleeves to reveal a number of scars resembling tally marks.
“You’ve crossed that many times?” Inej asked, her eyes wide as she settled in her seat.
“It’s a numbers game.” Arken nodded. “Cross this often and you get nightmares.”
Their faces were lit up by the light of an explosion coming through the gaps in the train. Jesper turned to look outside. “Landmines.”
“I thought you said they weren’t real.” Kaz said, looking at Arken.
“I said nothing of the sort.” Arken replied. “I just said I put up the sign myself.”
The train started moving soon after, leaving the men and their gunshots behind as it entered the Fold. Y/N looked around the train, gripping the stopwatch in her hand as she tried to surmise how the hell the vehicle worked. Her eyes lingered on Jesper, whose eyes were closed and chest was heaving. She could tell he was panicking. She wished she knew how to help.
Suddenly, a loud clanging sound rang throughout the train, causing her to flinch. Jesper’s hands instinctively moved to his revolvers as he questioned, “What was that?”
“I’ve erected a system of timers along the line.” Arken informed. “Bits of metal hung on poles to keep me apprised of our pace.”
At this, Kaz turned to Y/N, who nodded, knowing that this was how she could figure this thing out. She started the stopwatch as soon as the sound had rung out, now all she had to do was wait for the next one.
“How did you know where to put the poles?” Kaz asked, feeling a need to understand every aspect of what was going on.
“Physics and engineering account for… most of my success.”
“And the rest?” Inej asked.
“What we might call divine intervention.” Arken said, looking at Inej. “What others might call luck. And after all, the Fold is thick with volcra, and the tracks are not complete. Coal, please.”
“I’m sorry.” Jesper’s voice was panicked. “Did you say the tracks weren’t complete?”
“I said they aren’t complete.” Arken said.
“What?” Jesper stuttered out his words, leaning forward.
“Ah, ah, ah. No moving.” Arken scolded.
Jesper quickly leaned back against the wall of the train.
Y/N reached out to him, giving him the hand that was not working the stopwatch. “Love, it’s okay.”
He looked at her, eyes wild. “No, it’s not!”
“We’re a tad late. More coal.” Arken ordered Kaz.
“Back to the real issue. We’re on tracks that don’t connect to other tracks?” Jespers volume grew with the fear in his chest as he played with Y/N’s fingers in an attempt to calm down.
Arken nodded. “There’s a gap but -“
“You said you could get us through.” Kaz interrupted.
Jesper was growing hysterical. “How much of a gap?”
Arken lifted a hand, making everyone pause their voicing of their complaints and worries. “I built slats on the car. They roll into place under the wheels. The turbine generates enough wind to push us all the way to the eastern track. As long as we don’t shift our weight.”
Y/N furrowed her brows “won’t that attract volcra?”
“it’s the only way across.” Arken insisted, pulling a few levers on the front of the train. “Now, there’s a nest nearby. But we’ll be fine. If they haven’t attacked us in…”
Everyone’s eyes snapped up as the growls of volcra filled the train. Y/N could see a group of them flying toward her. Oh, fuck.
“Well, now we’ve got a problem!” Arken exclaimed, his eyes wide as he looked outside of the train.
“How do you fight them off?” Kaz asked, leaning forward and looking at Arken with pleading eyes.
“I outrun them. Open the throttle and toss in all the coal, which works when there’s 20 pounds of it.”
Y/N grimaced. The fucking coal. I can make it last longer. “Kaz, I can -“
He cut her off, whipping his head toward her. “No.”
“Don’t be stupid!” She begged, throwing him the stopwatch and ripping her hand out of Jesper’s. “It’s the only way we can make it out of this!”
The fire in the furnace grew larger, hotter, and brighter as Y/N focused on it, moving her hands back and forth in front of herself. Kaz’s jaw tightened. Inej froze. Jesper was still panicking. Arken’s eyes widened at her actions, the realization that she was Grisha coming over him. However, he didn't have much time to dwell on it.
A screech rang out as a Volcra got injured on the outside of the train. Y/N grimaced as blood splattered on the floor next to Inej, her focus on the fire lost.
“Damn it!” Arken shouted, “The stupid thing impaled itself on a spike!”
“We need to get it off. The others will stand on it.” Kaz spoke quickly, eyes scanning the ceiling.
“More coal!” Arken shouted.
“We’re down to fumes!” Kaz threw in the bag that held the coal. He turned toward the Alkemi. “Y/N, focus!”
Her head whipped back to the fire, focusing as hard as she could on making the coal burn brightly, but also less quickly. It was a complicated job, especially since she wasn’t prepared for it. Sweat began to form on her brow.
Kaz looked between the members of his team. Despite all of Y/N’s efforts, they still weren’t moving fast enough. “We won’t make it with this extra weight.”
“Give me a second.” Arken replied
“This is how we die?” Jesper asked, his words littered with voice cracks.
Y/N spared him a quick glance, her heart racing at seeing him so terrified. “Jes, darling, breathe.”
Arken turned toward him. “Jesper, grab the goat.”
“I’m not throwing out the goat!” Jesper yelled back.
“Grab the damn goat!” Arken shouted. “It’s not bait. It’s for you! You’re distracting her! I need you to calm down. Hug the goat. Shut the hell up.”
Jesper picked up the goat from beside him, wrapping his arms around it and laying his head on its back. Y/N glanced at him, making sure he was okay. Inej held a knife between her hands as she brought them up to her face and said a prayer.
Another clang came through the train as it hit another one of Arken’s time markers.
He shook his head. “We should have hit that 20 seconds ago.”
Kaz looked up at him. “That 20 seconds is?”
“My timings are precise to get us outside.” Arken said grimly. “Even 20 seconds behind means the train stops inside the Fold and… that means we die.”
Y/N’s focus on the fire was waning, as the coal was getting to be less and less plentiful. She leaned forward, knowing she could manipulate more if she could just get closer.
“Kaz, switch with me.” She demanded, her eyes not leaving the fire.
He was confused. “What?”
“Kaz, now!” She stood up and threw herself over to where he was sitting as he did the same thing, moving to sit where she was across from Inej. As she predicted, the fire was much easier to manipulate up close, and she was sure she could make it last enough to get out. If they got through the Volcra.
Arken’s face dropped as he looked past her and into the Fold. “There’s more coming.”
Suddenly, a large volcra landed on top of the train, causing it to shake. Arken fell over into the front corner of the ride. He spoke again.
“You may want to make your peace.”
Jesper was still hugging the goat at the back of the train, trying not to focus on the fact that his girlfriend was so far away, using her powers to get them out of a literal death trap. He petted the goat softly, hoping he might not notice the sounds of the Volcra landing on the train and tearing into it. He couldn’t do it. He saw every last one, and he was freaking out.
Fine, if the goat doesn’t work, look at her. Y/N’s face glowed orange from the light of the fire, looking beautiful despite the sweat on her face and the frown on her lips. Jesper took a deep breath, deciding that if he were to die looking at her, maybe it wasn’t such a rough way to go.
Then one of the volcra clawed through the side of the train, nearly cutting his girl's arm in two. Oh, absolutely fucking not.
He was up at the front of the train in seconds, his revolvers spinning through his fingers as he shot each and every single one. All while holding the goat in his other arm. Jesper was no hero, but when it came to Y/N, he’d be a fucking Saint if it meant keeping her safe.
A silence settled within the train. Jesper set the goat on the ground. Everyone took a deep breath, relieved that he had such impeccable aim.
“Are they all dead?” Inej asked.
As if in reply, a volcra came in through the ceiling, clawing a hole in the metal which it stuck its head through.
Jesper pointed his gun at its head and paused, taking a deep breath before pulling the trigger and killing the last volcra. Everyone was still tensed up, waiting to hear another monster coming for them. Y/N’s hands shook as she still focused on the coal.
Then sunlight streamed in through the train. They were out of the Fold. Kaz ran a hand through his hair as Inej let out a relieved laugh. The Conductor closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall.
When the train came to a stop, Inej, Arken, and Kaz were quick to get the hell out of it. Once outside, Arken turned to Kaz.
“She’s Grisha?” He asked, nodding toward the train where Jesper and Y/N still remained. Kaz saw the way the man’s eyes lit up with hunger for the girl’s value, and his jaw clenched.
“Do anything to her because of it and you’ll never make another trip through the Fold.” Kaz threatened, turning away from the man and going to speak to Inej.
Inside the train, Jesper moved toward his girlfriend.
Y/N was still staring at the fire, her trembling hands crossed in front of each other as she struggled to keep her energy. Tears were streaming down her face. She hadn’t remembered when she started crying.
Jesper kneeled in front of her, his eyes concerned as he grabbed her hands. She struggled against his grip, trying to keep the fire going. “Petal, we’re out,” he cooed, “you don’t have to keep going.”
“No,” she stuttered, her eyes still latched onto the furnace.
“Y/N,” He called softly, cupping her jaw and forcing her to look at him. “You’re ok. You got us out.”
Looking in his eyes, she was able to focus on the rest of her surroundings. She lowered her hands and let her exhaustion overcome her. She hadn’t used her power so forcefully and under such stressful circumstances since she was with Pekka. It was too much. A small sob left her mouth.
“You’re okay,” Jesper said again, moving his other hand to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face. “Breathe, love.”
After a few moments of catching her breath and focusing on the boy in front of her, she nodded, standing up from her seat and walking hand and hand with Jesper out of the train.
She stopped just before they reached the rest of the group. “Jesper?”
“Yeah, love?”
“That was so hot.” She admitted, thinking of him killing all of the volcra on the train. “Like, you hit every single one of them. First try.”
He laughed, loudly, wrapping an arm around her waist as he began walking again.
“I know.”
Taglist: @brekkersfeed @crying-shame @bloodorangesoup @inthegistoftime @abnoses @spoken-stardust @veesley @indiastar3
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