#i wanted to draw out the pokemon i chose
saltyfryz · 3 days
If ya want to! Feel free to ignore this if you want(or if you ain't into Pokemon)😊
Slot one- Infernape
Slot three- Crobat
Slot four- Hydrapple
Slot five- Curuledge
And then slot six is a tie between Greninja, Skeledurge and Tarountala THEY'RE ALL SO CUTE AND I CANT CHOOSE BETWEEN MY BABIES
As for the tags, I nominate! @nebuladreamz @voidedpumpkin @sunny-inajar @smokbeast @art1sty @archangel-fucking-judas @amberluvsbugs @scrambledmeggys @missterious-figure @duhsty1 @crazybookcat @kandidandi and anyone else who wants to as a participant! :D
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purpurkatart · 15 days
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Hello! After having some time to get over my loss for the Pokemon TCG Illustration contest, I decided to write up a small blog entry about the process and include some WIP pictures. Feel free to look below if you want to read my ramblings on the process.
Idea Generarion-
So coming into this contest, I knew I wanted to make a mixed media piece. In terms of theming I chose something that not only reflected a “magical moment” for a Pokemon (in this case meeting a legendary Pokemon), but also a moment when playing the games myself. In fact this piece was inspired by my awe when I first encountered a box legendary in game, as before I thought my teacher was lying to me when he said you can catch the legendary on the box!
This is the concept sketch that started it all! At the time my main concern was getting ideas down and seeing how they looked. Thinking about things like how would the composition would look, how would the colours look. So on and so forth.
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I didn’t want to focus too much on the sketch and wanted to start making the physical object, so out of some cheap paper I started making a set up testing out size, scale, composition. I didn’t want to get too attached to the original sketches only to realise I couldn’t make it in real life… I went though a few drafts trying to get things right, slowly adding in aspects such as background objects and higher quality drawings.
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After completing the draft I bought the images back into procreate to experiment with colours. This is the point where I made the mistake of thinking I had plenty of colours to choose from, not realising I would be limited by what I could buy from various yarn shops. That or hope I could find the right colour online, but that was always a gamble. If I don’t stop talking about this now I’ll get sidetracked talking about how much I miss yarn shops…
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Anyways, I cut out the individual pieces that I would make within the background and used them as a guide for crochet assets. For this part I wanted to use different stitches to create textures such as the ripple stitch, bobble stich and some cable stitches, I feel bad as I never took any work in progress photo so of them. Let’s pretend you’re looking at a photo of a half finished crochet abstract shape.
Finally onto the main event, the Pikachu (and Suicune). The decision to make Pikachu a plush was based on what I would have liked to make for the 2022 illustration contest (if I wasn’t geographically challenged!!) Despite being British I decided it would be fun to make anyways, so I could experiment. I never got around to that but decided it would be fun to try for this edition.
Making the pattern was HARD! As I wanted Pikachu to have a unique pose, I had to work out different methods to plush i’ve made in the past which have been somewhat relaxed in their posing. I ultimately ended up making each part individually, pinning it together and then making adjustments as needed. It didn’t start out great however I ended up with this weird Pikachu shaped thing that did the job. Throughout this process I would regularly photograph it in the background to try and catch any issues early on. For example if the ground needed to be a different shape.
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Photographing the final price was interesting. I felt bad for my partner as I essentially turned my dining table into a mini photography studio! I spent several days waiting for different lighting opportunities and experimenting with different light. Marking down different camera angles to ensure I have all of my bases covered. I easily took over 100 photos to get the perfect shot! In the below photo you can see washi tape being used to rest out different positions for the sculptures.
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And that leads me to the peice! Even though i’m sad I didn’t make the top 300, I am pleased with the work I did for this piece (and my flygon entry too!). I’m glad I decided to experiment with ts peice and look forward to refining my methods in the near future!
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pmdthehumanconnection · 3 months
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Time for me to answer some questions, and gosh there were a lot! There were a ton I wanted to answer, so I'll pick a few to answer here. I may end up doing this for other characters in a future QnA, but right now there were just some questions I didn't want to leave unanswered despite only dedicating one page to this.
Author: Do you have voice casts for any of the characters? Answer: Fullmetal Alchemist was one of my big influences for this, so I imagine much of the English VA when thinking of the characters in this comic. Travis Willingham for Gallade, Gwendolyn Lau for Ribombee, Trina Nishimura for Dewott, and Brittney Karbowski for Lumen, for instance. It's not solely the FMA dub cast I think of, but it is the majority. Author: What do you use to draw all your amazing drawings? Answer: Thanks for the compliment!! I currently use a Huion Kamvas Pro 12, an older tablet model that I picked up at a bargain, and Clip Studio (I know both companies behind those products have gotten caught with image transformer AI which is disappointing; I was using these before all that). I also like to do traditional sketching and then scan those to use a basis for drawings. Sometimes its just easier to do it the latter way for me. Author: I love the unconventional choice of Tepig as the main protagonist, and of course the way you draw them. How come you chose Tepig over every other PMD starter? Answer: Ahhh again thank you for the compliments! Well, originally this comic started as an ask blog with a questionnaire to determine the protagonist and the partner, with Tepig and Riolu winning out (it was a barely known blog and the art was bad). When I decided to redo the story, I realized how much I liked the pairing; Riolu is a popular choice and could represent the expectations of a PMD story, while the less popular Tepig would be a great shakeup and point of difference. Plus, Tepig can be a very cute pokemon!
Author: This may sound like a strange question, but would you consider this work to be more of a love letter to pmd, a criticism, or both? I can see you’re playing around with some of the established tropes of the series and shaking it up a little, so I wonder what the motivation for that is! Answer: This is definitely a work of adoration for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Really, this is just the kind of story I want to see in the games one day (provided we actually get a new one...) because I honestly think there's a lot of twists, variations, and explorations that could be done with the story formula Spike Chunsoft has established with this spinoff franchise. You won't see this sort of story beat in this comic, but as an example, what if we had a game where it was revealed the pokemon you play as was always a pokemon, and they thought they were human because they had memories of one: their trainer, who instead either became their partner or the main antagonist? There's actually a lot you could do with the formula they established!
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sleepy-twinleaf · 6 months
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POKEDDEXY 3: DRAGON - No. 149 & No. 706 ( + No.148 )
this took so long because i decided it would be a great idea to draw not one but TWO AND 1/8 OF A CHARACTER... Originally I was planning on just redesigning my old dragonite oc, but goomy is one of my favorite pokemon, soo... I wanted to represent it somehow since it's not on my list for the following days. You may recognize the little headshot as my dragon entry from last year!
more info/old art for comparison under the cut!
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WEWWWWW old art. Originally Oasis was my 'Champion Lance' for a pokemon HGSS nuzlocke run I did WAYYY back then, you can even see Ancheim (the dragonair/dratini) there too! He was the league champion and the dragonair is younger brother by several years.
Revamped, I imagine Oasis to still be part of a champion team/have held the title at some point, along with the Mirage (the goodra), who's his teammate, and yknow... History would call them ""close friends"". Oasis is kind of a goofball and battle junkie, whereas his younger brother and his totally-not-partner are more stoic and grumpy.
tbh if not for the fact this was a redesign I would've gone a different direction with the clothing, but decided I wanted to stick to the style I already chose out long ago <:D
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arvensimp · 2 years
Yo! I love your writing so much! Thank you so much for making this. Can we have some jealous arven 🥪🥪🥪
Thank you!!!! And okay!!! So I have another jealous Arven request w specific characters already, so I hope you don't mind the one I chose for this one heheh
Green Eyed Tera-Type
Jealous!Arven x reader
No gendered pronouns used. Arven is a rude young man.
"Bye!" You call to the other trainers leaving the raid as you adjust your bag a bit on your shoulders and make your way down the hill.
"You've been going into those crystal caves a lot lately," Arven says as he joins you. "Are you sure it's safe?"
"Well...." You reply, your voice gaining pitch as you draw out the word. "Jacq isn't entirely sure..."
"But! I mean, who else could be safer than a champion in there, right?"
Arven sighs, his shoulders slumping. "I guess... It'd still probably be best if you didn't go in at all..."
"Who else would take care of the terastallized pokemon then? Besides, I'm finding some other powerful trainers in there, and I think we're working up a pretty good system of getting the pokemon calmed."
That seems to settle Arven a bit. "Really?"
"Yeah. We all have to be powerful enough to battle them, but with a good team strategy we can get them down quickly."
"Huh..." Arven pauses a bit. "Maybe you should introduce Nemona to them."
You laugh. "Maybe! Not yet though. I love Nemona, you know that, but she's...a lot... I kinda wanna keep at least one of'em to myself for the time being. At least for his own sake. Nemona would definitely scare him off."
Arven bristles, but you don't notice.
"Oh? ...Him? Who is this guy?"
"Haven't learned his name yet. He's really quiet. I don't think he quite knows our language well yet because when he speaks it's with a really thick Unovan accent. He's super strong though. He understands his pokemon really well. It's crazy impressive. He's got a huge dragon."
"Yeah, well, so do you." Arven retorts, sounding defensive. You stop.
"Yeah. I know. I was there. You gave him to me. Technically, I think the PokeBall is still registered to the professor. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing," Arven replies, continuing along the path. "I guess I just don't get what's so great about this guy."
The next time you leave a crystal cave with the black electricity crackling around it, Arven seems to be in a foul mood.
"So did you see that Team Plasma guy again?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, you said he was Unovan."
"Are you being for real right now?" You laugh. "Just because he's Unovan doesn't mean he's a member of Team Plasma. C'mon. That's gotta be racist or something."
Arven huffs. "Well, did you ask?"
"What? If he was a member of a terrorist organization? No. I didn't."
"I'm just saying..." Arven grumbles, and you let it go for the time being.
It's a week or so before you run into the Unovan again, so this time you decide to ask him along to your exit to the cave. May as well, right? You more or less communicate with your rotom phone the desire to strategize and talk about pokemon, so he agrees. You offer your hand so as not to lose him in the trek out, and he follows you out into the light.
In hindsight, maybe offering your hand like that was a bad idea? Because waiting there at the entrance was Arven, and when he sees you with the Unovan, you feel like you've done something wrong, somehow.
You don't have a claim on Arven. You're not dating him, and he's not dating you. You're also not dating the Unovan. There's nothing to feel bad about, yet...
"Arven!" You call out to him before he has a chance to turn tail and leave. "I wanted to introduce you to that friend I was telling you about from the raids."
He stops and turns back to the two of you with an uncomfortable look.
You gesture to your new friend. "Arven, this is... Uh... N. Just N, right? I'm saying it right?"
N nods and holds his hand out to Arven. "Good day, I am charmed." He says with an exceedingly thick accent.
Arven narrows his eyes and tentatively shakes N's hand.
"Uh...Yeah. Hi."
"I told N we should do some team strategizing for different teratypes and invited him for lunch."
You feel like you can see the hair on Arven's head stand on edge like an angry maschiff "But I was going to make us lunch." He whispers to you in frustrated tones.
"I know, I know... I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd see him again, since there's no guarantee when these things happen. We can eat somewhere if you like. All three of us? My treat? I don't want to waste your good food."
That seems to calm him somewhat. "...Fine. But you're playing translator, too."
At the restaurant, Arven makes a show of being the one to sit next to you in the booth, which you don't particularly mind. Having him next to you will make it easier for you to swipe food off his plate without him noticing.
After you all get through ordering, you and N start the ordeal of figuring out how you'd best like to approach different teratype/regular type pokemon combinations.
Arven sits there, quietly stewing, unless he has something to offer by way of insight regarding typing related to his own team of Pokemon or Pokemon he faced in the wild that left a strong impression.
N meanwhile proves a little difficult to communicate with, even with translation devices. It's not his fault; just shortcomings of the technology. You all work through it as patiently and politely as you can (Arven a little less so, admittedly), and by the time the food arrives you think you might have a simple outline. Nothing crazy, but it's a start.
Arven's the one to break the subject from the raids. "So, uh. Why are you here? Why'd you leave Unova or wherever?" You give Arven a harsh look for the blunt question, but N only tilts his head and gestures to your phone, so you type in the question to your translator. Once he's had the chance to listen in his native language he thinks for a moment before responding.
"I love pokemon. I want to do good with pokemon and see how...people and pokemon can...live together good?" He phrases it like a question, you imagine, because his grammar isn't perfect, and he's aware of it.
"You couldn't do that at home?" He retorts.
N holds up a hand, seeming to get the gist.
"Home is......hard. I need to learn for myself. Unova is different...culture."
You nod, understanding.
Arven sees that and speaks up. "Yeah, I've heard about how Unovans treat their Pokemon. Didn't you all literally have a terrorist group nearly wipe out your elite four and gym league or whatever?"
You kick Arven under the table, and N very visibly bristles.
"Team Plasma." He says in the Unovan language (Galarian? They're the same language, right? Fuck, Salvatore definitely taught you better than this), but you both get the gist. N opens his mouth again then closes it and moves to his phone to have it translate for him. "Plasmid Group brainwashed people of innocence. I do not agree with them. They are unfortunate recent history."
"See, Arven?" You scold. "What did I tell you?"
"Whatever..." Arven slumps down in the booth a bit.
From there, the meal continues on a bit awkwardly, but you and N are able to continue working through your plan. He seems surprisingly unbothered by Arven's attitude, so you just kinda let it go.
The meal ends without further incident, so you usher both men from the restaurant and back outside.
The three of you dawdle for a moment, and it's clear that Arven is very uncomfortable. N meanwhile seems to be none the wiser.
You break the silence. "So..."
Before you can continue, N pulls out a PokeBall and releases his dragon whose name you don't entirely remember. He climbs up on its neck while Arven blanches at your side.
N reaches out a hand to you. "You like to ride together?"
You look up at him incredulously, thinking about the possibility of getting on top of such a large pokemon. It's definitely a lot bigger than your usual ride around the region.
"Absolutely not," Arven interjects, getting between the two of you.
"Just... No. Okay?" He whispers to you without turning his face from N. "Please?"
You look up at N and slide your hand into Arven's. He squeezes it gratefully.
"Sorry, but no thank you. I'll see you at another raid?"
N shrugs, then perks up like he just had an idea, then lifts his phone. "Number change?"
"O-oh! Uh..." You look to Arven. He frowns but makes no other sign to stop you.
N tosses his phone down to you, and you plug your number in quickly and send yourself a text before tossing it back up.
N looks at his phone then back to you and smiles.
"Okay! Until another time!" Then he flies off with a wave that has yours and Arven's hair fluffing in the resulting wind.
Once the dust has settled, Arven breathes out a major sigh of relief.
"What was that?" You both ask at the same time
"What was what?" Again you jinx one another.
"That pokemon?!"
"That behavior?!"
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pitchblackespresso · 3 months
Hey, so.
You're into zelda, and pokemon.
Do you have strong thoughts on which pokemon various characters would become in a PMD situation?
I'm curious about WW! Link, Botw Zelda, your favorite Ganon etc.
If you wanted to draw any of these, itd be neat (I'd explode)
ooh, that's a fun ask!
For the ones you mentioned, I imagine WW Link would be a Buizel because he looks like a funky guy, and it's a water type
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Botw Zelda was hard to decide, but I chose Floette; the Fairy type references her powers, and the flower can be a Silent Princess (I know pmd starters tend to be first-stage, but Flabebe felt too "young" for her)
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Ganon would 100% be an Emboar, but again, if we're talking about pmd, he'd start out as a tiny angy Tepig because it's funny
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I can't think of any more, but if anyone has got more ideas, feel free to suggest them!
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kafus · 6 months
ok i've decided i want to infodump about vee and nova a little after all! because uhh not only am i impatient because autism but i also. want to dip my toes into talking about this. just days ago i was still terrified but now i am Tentatively Brave... if i can talk about it here casually like this then i should be able to write a more formal summary later some other time
i've tagged this post appropriately (at least i think i have, feel free to suggest if i should add more) but also a heads up here too before i keep talking that while i'm not going into graphic detail on anything there are STRONG themes of organized sexual abuse of a child, sexual abuse of animals, and grooming! (there are no disturbing visuals in this post, just text)
takes a deep breath alright so the deal with these two. back all the way in 2021, i decided i wanted to make "vent ocs" as in i just wanted some concrete/consistent designs i could use in vent art drawings that weren't a direct reflection of what i envision myself to look like or whatever. i was going through a lot in 2021, in december 2020 i had just gotten my first big repressed memory back and my life was in a whirlwind of change and heavily increased PTSD and DID symptoms, so i was using art a lot as an outlet. in the end i settled on this drawing, based on the design taste i would have had as a young person (god the quality is so old now LOL i've improved a lot but anyway)
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i was intending for these two to be just visual designs and nothing more than that but i got attached and actually ended up giving them a whole storyline and everything, which is something i admittedly hadn't done in a long time up to that point so that's cool.
the reason i preface explaining the premise of the storyline with this is because i think it's important to acknowledge that these two are intrinsically tied with my real life and the feelings i experience as a CSA/OA survivor. not because i think someone has to go through awful things to write or draw about them necessarily, but because i am passionate about expressing myself. it's important for me to be seen in some way, to be heard after years of silence. it is not safe for me mentally to share the exact details of my abuse online rn (and please don't ask for them!) but i also don't want these two to be removed from the message that i survived something and this is me making art about that in an abstracted and magical way with a fictional universe that brings me a lot of comfort. i hope this makes sense lol
oh and also with that in mind if you think for even a second any of this is a weird sex thing for me or some shit please stop reading this post and go do something else with your time. this is my trauma expression and i don't need to be compared to the people i was abused by when i was a literal toddler thank you!
AANYWAY so! premise! gonna be point blank with it! vee (not her original name but shh) is born as a normal 100% human girl, aka without the eevee ears and tail. she is groomed from a very young age (like, toddler age) and eventually abducted by her groomers which happen to be members of... well right now it's team rocket because i haven't spent the time to worldbuild a new villainous pokemon organization yet. roll with me here. she is taken to a remote facility out in the middle of fucking nowhere and is never returned to her previous life or family.
Why? well i'm glad you asked! the org is running a bunch of different experiments in this facility and one of them happens to be trying to enable humans reproducing with pokemon. this doubles as both a money thing and a power thing. they seek out a child as the victim of these horrible experiments because children are easily malleable. way easier to control a child than an adult who already has a firm identity/self.
vee is the child they chose. surgery is forcibly done on her to give her working eevee ears and tail, and also like, fuck with her body chemistry and stuff. she's biologically part eevee now. yes this is bullshit pokemon magic science LMAO but she is kept in this facility and chronically sexually abused for a few years by pairing her with various mons and trying to get eggs to happen.
the experiment isn't working though so they hypothesize that giving her a dedicated partner, especially of the same evolutionary line, would help, and they raise nova from birth as an eevee to take on that role. eventually the two of them are paired together. despite the acts they are forced to commit on each other and the abuse they endure, they actually become inseparable very quickly cause like. they don't have anyone else. and also they just genuinely care about each other. additionally at this point nova has evolved into an espeon and has telepathic powers, so him and vee can communicate linguistically with each other, so you know that helps
generally my current focus of this story is in the early years, when vee is 12 and younger, before they start realizing that shit is fucked up and they need to escape (up until that hypothetical point they have been successfully groomed into believing everything happening to them was not abuse/was normal). i have left out a metric fuckton of detail here just to get across the basic premise. i am constantly exploring vee's psyche, nova's psyche, it's like an in depth exploration of the mind of an abused child in horrific circumstances and god it's cathartic. i love these two so fucking much
btw i guess this art has more context now huh haha after i infodumped off the plot to my sister they looked at this art again and was like. OHHH THIS IS EVEN MORE OMINOUS AND HARD TO LOOK AT WITH CONTEXT. AND I WAS LIKE YEAH!!!! YOU SEE THE VISION!!! THE SYMBOLISM!! ETC!!!!
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uh yeah if you read this far thank you and i just wanna say i've been building up the courage to talk about these two for GENUINELY two years, it has been over 2 full years since that initial drawing, and i am nervous and jittery posting this but i do not want to die without having shared my work with the world and i'm willing to take the risks to get my voice out there. so you reading it is very much appreciated ur like my first step into being more confident as a survivor lol
oh and fwiw despite these guys being so correlated with my trauma it's not offensive to make headcanons or ask me questions about them or compliment darker art of them however you want, in fact i love that shit!! please i've been holding these guys back for two years i have so much to say that hasn't been said. as much as i am nervous i am EXCITED
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blues824 · 2 years
Do you also do Pokémon? Pokémon crossover? Because I got a request that involves the obey me boys react to mc who’s a trainer from the Pokémonverse who got summoned to Devildom with their Pokémon in tow. Mc could be a 10 year old kid if you want, because I kinda want to see the brothers react when this 10 year old human child tells them the story of how they ending up toe to toe with a terrorist group from their region with their Pokémon and saved the world in the process.
Everyone, join me in our national anthem. POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!!!
This is platonic, obviously
Also, check out @reiketsunomizunomegami and their art. Beautiful, truly.
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He knew Diavolo wanted exchange students from both realms, but he didn’t expect an angel and a human who looked like they were just learning their ABC’s. This is where he draws the line. How can a 10 year old human academically keep up with demons who have been around for many millennia?
The short answer is: you can’t. It’s quite literally impossible, okay? So they set up different courses that are more simple so that you can get a better grasp on the lessons. After all, if you’re going to be staying here, you need to understand magic. 
Lucifer most definitely takes you in as a younger sibling. It’s not his first rodeo, after all. Plus, he’s intrigued as to why the system chose you out of every other human besides Solomon. Because you’re 10 and don’t know much about what should probably be kept a secret, you tell him all about your home in Pallet Town.
When y’all first met, he noticed the red and white spheres you kept on your person. He also noticed that there was one particular familiar that followed you around. He asked you about it and told him that it was your Pokémon and the spheres held other Pokémon that you use in battle. 
He’s intrigued because this seems like it’s straight out of a show for kids. He has to explain that there are no Pokémon in the Devildom, but you don’t care. Lucifer’s glad that you can defend yourself to some degree. You then tell him about the run-ins you’ve had with Team Rocket and he is immediately concerned. Grown ass adults are stealing the Pokémon of literal children?? May God forgive them, because he won’t.
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I’ve seen the headcanons where this guy is a sucker for kids, so I’m putting this into play. Older brother Mammon, I choose you! He sees you overwhelmed and gets down to your level to try and calm you down.
He will be the one to give you a tour around RAD and introduce you to his brothers. Most of the time, he has you on his shoulders so that it’s a bit of a better experience for you. He knows that the little things matter in situations like this.
Mammon takes his role as your protector very seriously. He will gladly throw hands with his own brothers if they mess with you. It’s amusing to you because he will always act so tough when in reality he’s a huge softie.
On one of your shopping trips (he most definitely spoils you), he notices your satchel and asks you about it. You pull out one of the Pokeballs and throw it, shouting Shedinja, I choose you! He let out an audible yelp when he saw a cicada looking animal come out of the ball. It was your weakest Pokémon, so you chose that one.
You explain more about your home region and how Pokémon are the norm just like demons are here. Pokémon are used in battle so that the Trainer can move up through the ranks. You also told him about Team Rocket and how they try to steal rare and powerful Pokémon, like your dear friend’s Pikachu. 
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At first, he wants nothing to do with you. Children are loud and irritating, so he tries to steer clear. That is until Lucifer forces him to interact with you. Then he realizes that your situation is a lot like the anime in his favorite genre: isekai.
He feels bad that you are a literal 10 year old child in Hell. Not just that, but there really isn’t an elementary course at RAD. Did Diavolo do any calculations right when he was selecting the exchange students?
Eventually, Leviathan warms up to you. Whenever you come to his room to hangout or for him to babysit you, he has snacks and juice for you. You both have a blast just playing some kid-friendly games while listening to some anime intros.
During one of these babysitting adventures, he asks you about the spheres you keep checking up on. He’s seen something similar in a children’s anime, but he just wanted to make sure. You happily explained what Pokémon are and how they are utilized in battle. He was surprised about the battle part because these fights could potentially be life-threatening with the abilities of the Pokémon.
You go on and give an example of such a battle, more specifically the ones where you were going against Team Rocket. He definitely felt anger bubble up when you told him about how they tried to steal you and your friend Ash’s Pokémon on many different occasions. He was very mad, now. How could grown adults have the audacity to steal Pokémon?!
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Found you quite intriguing, and amusing because it’s not everyday that you see a 10 year old human in the Devildom. He already has so many plans to prank Lucifer, and you are gonna be the bait in the situation… with your consent obviously.
He does feel genuinely sorry because you are a 10 year old human in hell. You had a pure soul as well, so that made things way worse. On his worst days he feels the temptation, so he can’t imagine how scared you must be.
He will always invite you into his room to read. If you need it, he’ll even read you a bedtime story to help you sleep. It’s adorable and flattering that you trust him at your most vulnerable state. It makes him realize that he is so much more than just Wrath. 
He does notice the spheres you keep in your room. He’s asked you about them a few times, but the one time you give him an actual answer you tell him that they are your Pokémon. He just stands there until you go more in depth. You tell him about the battles you constantly go through just to become the Champion of all the regions and he is astonished.
You also go further and tell him about Team Rocket and how they constantly go after you and your friend Ash whenever you’re on your way to another Gym Trainer. Satan was unbelievably angry that you had to go through something like that at such a young age. How dare they try and hurt you?! They will be personally answering to Lord Diavolo as well as the Avatars of Sin.
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Oh, you’re so adorable to him~ He will absolutely try to steal you away from the idiotic brother that Mammon is because you don’t need to be influenced by him. Instead, come hang out with big brother Asmo!
He would gladly listen to any issues you need to rant to him about because he knows all about bottling up emotions and how it takes a toll. It’s better not to start that habit. He will have tissues on hand as he wipes away your tears.
He would absolutely love dressing you up! The first part of feeling good is looking good, or at least that’s how he lives his life. He would give you trendy outfits (that you are comfortable with) and he would definitely take you out shopping.
At one point, a demon child was taunting you for being human and being weak, so you brought out your Pokémon. You had a full on battle with this kid and one. Asmo knows he shouldn’t be condoning this behavior, but damn did he feel proud. But wait, you never told him about your Pokémon.
You tell him how you managed to befriend each and everyone one that was in the pokeballs you had and how you teamed up with Ash Ketchum to help each other get stronger. While going off on a tangent, you let out your stories with Team Rocket and Asmo is very close to dialing up God and telling Him that His creation malfunctioned again.
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He most definitely loves you like a younger sibling. I feel like he would be great with kids, and we can see that with how he treats Luke. You both share an unbreakable bond and it’s only been 5 minutes since you appeared.
He’s always happy to see you in the stands whenever he has a game. Sure, there are a bunch of other people and maybe a few cheerleaders, but it doesn’t stop him from always looking for you and the bright smile you always have when cheering him on.
He’s the type to always bring you to the kitchen to get some snacks and jokingly ask you to keep it a secret between just the two of you. He would also wipe some whipped cream on your nose to get you to laugh.
It was during one of these midnight kitchen raids where you told him about your life back in the Human Realm. You showed him one of the Pokeballs that you keep with you in case you were attacked and told him the story of befriending it and having it join your team.
He asks you if you’ve ever had to use your Pokémon in battle and you nod your head, telling him about Team Rocket. You’ve never seen such an angry face, but as you go on about all the crap they put you through, his face gets angrier and angrier. He wants so bad to go to the Human Realm and beat those guys to a pulp, but he knows that it would cause you a lot of stress if he did. You are his first priority.
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Even though he is portrayed as mean and murderous, he still has a heart. You are a child, and so were they at one point. He’d act indifferent towards you. He doesn’t hate you, but that doesn’t mean you’re his favorite person in the whole world.
He has never seen a child so down to nap, though. Half the time when you’re not at school, you’re asleep. Now you’re speaking his language, Y/N! He will make sure that you don��t get cold by covering you with a blanket.
He does warm up to you and will eventually ask if you want to use his pillow sometimes. This is a very high honor, Y/N. Don’t mess this up, because he’s letting you use his most prized and valued possession.
During one of these napping sessions, he can feel you moving around a lot. He uses his power to see your dream and he sees you with a bunch of animal-looking things going against a lady with pink hair, a guy with purple hair, and a talking cat.
He wakes you up and asks about it. You explain that it was a nightmare of one of your many battles against Team Rocket because they stumbled across you and your friend. They saw how powerful your friend’s Pikachu was and decided to attack the both of you. As you went on, Belphie pulled you close and slowly lulled you back to sleep using his powers. He told Lucifer about it (which means he’s very serious), and went right back to the spot next to you to watch over you in case you had another nightmare.
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book-of-legends · 2 months
[Reaction to this post] Lief belongs to @ask-team-misfit
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That stung, it really did. Lief's words cut deep, of all the things that he was insecure about that one was the worst one of all and he chose to mercilessly jab at it. He didn't want to talk to him anymore, he didn't want to see him or even be near him. Yet he was still all too unaware when the Pokemon had already walked off. "Sirius? Hey." Earendel nervously circled around, trying their best to draw the Meowstic's attention back to them.
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"They're clearly having some issues that they need to work out, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, You weren't the one saying mean things. They were." Despite their best attempts to comfort him, they knew it wasn't helping. He was just staring off, the same hurt expression lingering on his face. "Sirius. Listen to me. Really listen to me." "You didn't do anything wrong." They said a bit more sternly, "I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for other people's mistakes. That guy was a train wreck." He however only looked away, not saying much more. The Jirachi gave a sigh in reply, they really weren't expecting their sibling to become this upset during an event, especially one as calm as this. "Okay. Okay..."
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"Let's calm down first... and if you're still feeling bad we can just go home." They smiled while gently nudging their sibling towards the direction of their mother. "After that, I'm not going to make you stay here any longer than you want to, it's not worth it..." "Especially with that Pokemon around here."
→ Sirius' thoughts on Lief have been updated. Lief has also been added to Earendel's relationship page. → Sirius will remain in his Pokemon form, Earendel likely will not.
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symbio-ratio-art · 23 days
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(Frightbite is posed so he's a lot shorter in the drawing than he actually is!)
I finally got back around to fixing that Fredbear line to go with my Springbonnie line from before. These two are called Timiteddy and Frightbite!
Below I added more talk about my mindset when making these guys, some inspiration behind their designs, and some more lore that was too much for their dex entries. These two lines have a "friend to enemies" dynamic going for them and it's impossible to write it all in two Pokedex entries 💀
I chose Fairy-Psychic for Timiteddy because I wanted him to be based around the Fredbear plush from FNaF 4. To this day, people debate if Fredbear plush is possessed or imaginary or just Afton messing with BV. For this I decided on the imaginary friend theory hence Fairy. The Psychic type comes from "Psychic Friend Fredbear" because it was right there. I had to 😂 His design is entirely based off the Hex Fredbear plushie design with a touch of Bite Victim's constant tears. His shiny is a mix of Nightmare and Lefty with grey tears from the dead kids.
Timiteddy's whole quirk is that his entire appearance is deceptive. He gives off the vibe of a weak Pokemon due to his plush appearance, constant tears, and aversion to fighting, but Timiteddy is actually strong by default and a force to be reckoned with. Those tears are the result of an overflow of psychic energy caused by his lack of fighting. They are used for both attacking and defense, and his claws pack quite the punch as well. Timiteddy stays on the defense for than anything however, for the reasons stated above. Lots of Timiteddy can be found around younger children or the Pokemon Hareo. Despite their differences, Hareo and Timiteddy stick together. They're two halves of a duo.
Frightbite is a based off Nightmare Fredbear and the Hex Fredbear plush. He keeps the Fairy typing for the imaginary/nightmare/dream element Nightmare Fredbear is associated with, and the steel typing also comes from Nightmare Fredbear's sharp metal claws and teeth. His shiny is a mix of Nightmare, Shadow Freddy, and a touch of Puppet with the purple tears. His back is ripped open due to his evolution requirement: being defeated in battle by a Bonslaught.
Frightbite's whole theme is betrayal. The evolution is the result of a Timiteddy being destroyed by a Bonslaught, the one Pokemon line they keep their guard down around. Timiteddy are one of Bonslaught's favorite victims due to the manipulation element and the violent battle that comes after the betrayal. The negative emotions from that come from the encounter cause the Timiteddy to lose any inhibitions they had with harming others, leading to the Pokemon evolving into something much bigger and much more visually intimidating. The last remnants of its psychic tears harden into claws and the rest is permanently lost due to his ripped open back.
Some of Frightbite's ripped seams been weaponized by its evolution. The most obvious one its its stomach. While still partially sealed with a button, its chest has become a second functional mouth capable of biting anything Frightbite is able to hold into place. The second is the seams going down his neck. While the first four stitches are able to stretch with ease, the rest can be stretched temporarily to cause a devastating bite for anything it gets a hold of. A Frightbite rarely has to use this heavy of a bite however. His bottom jaw with always curve down when opened due to the lack of structure.
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Despite their nightmarish appearance, Frightbite are actually great to keep around kids. They are very careful with their claws and teeth because they know what its like to be on the other side of them. Towns dealing with dangerous Bonslaught often borrow or adopt Frightbites from other nearby areas to help protect any children they have. Frightbites are one of the only Pokemon a Bonslaught will avoid out of fear.
Frightbites and Bonslaught who are raised together still have this instinctive fear and instinctive hatred for one another albeit a lot tamer than in the wild. It is important to always keep an eye on these two if you keep them together, even if they were thick as thieves when they were children. A Frightbite is only caused by a violent attack from a Bonslaught after all, and Frightbites have never been ones to easily forgive and forget...
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silver-coins · 1 year
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Here i come from the Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Rabbithole of theories myehehe-
I chose to draw AI Arven fightin' possibly Nemona and Penny when they're out of the lab not in it yet as the Paradise Protocol took over AI Arven and fights the "intruders", and also wanted to do this as a DTIYS bc i love seeing people redraw an idea :>
(feel free to replace the Penny spot with ur own character if u want, i like to see ur own take on ur characters!)
Have the basic versions below for clarity (enjoy you Arven simps)
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ovoba · 1 year
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(Click for higher quality! + Reblogs are appreciated!)
The Heartslabyul Fire/Grass Gym! Part of my brainrotting twst!pokemon gym au; more details/explanations under the cut
My idea for this gym is that upon entering the gym Yuu is accosted by ace and deuce (mostly ace lol) as they need help to paint the roses in time for the unbirthday party! Basically poor Yuu will have to do a mini quest for each of the heartslabyul boys (except riddle)
Ace and Deuce have Yuu catch a Smeargle and a Grafaiai to help paint the roses red
Cater (forces) Yuu to help find the sinistea and polteagheists hidden around town
Trey asks Yuu to go with him to get some berries in a forest to the side of the town (think the pair ups from pkm diamond/pearl)
After all those quests, the unbirthday party is in full swing! Yuu has the option to battle each of the boys (like in the battle restaurants from X and Y) or they can go straight to Riddle to get the badge!
Afterwards, Ace and Deuce pop up from time to time to battle the player like a rival would, except its more like they harass poor Yuu into fighting them so they can see how strong Yuu has gotten
After the badge, Riddle asks the player to catch the 5 Sandslashes that ran into the forest (not a mandatory quest) and after giving him the Sandslashes, the player recieves Alolan Sandshrew as a reward!
Now for an explanation of the boys teams!
Each boy has a fire type, a grass type, and an ace because it makes things more interesting
Gym leaders have an extra pokemon because I said so… also ignore stats I picked each mon based on vibes alone
I wanted Ace and Deuce to have a sort of mirrored team, with Ace having exclusively special attackers and Deuce having physical attackers
Ace has Mismagius mainly because of how it sounds like mischief; Ace would defo prank Deuce using Mismagius
Deuce has Scizor because it reminds me of a motorcycle! He takes Scizor to get decals every so often to bond <3
Cater has Alolan Raichu as his ace because cheerful surfer, and (iirc) all of his team can use double team since I thought that was fitting :P
I also chose Chandelure for Cater mainly to hint at his depth (duology? Sides?) as a character hehe
Trey has baking pokemon! Funny i know! They all help him make treats for the unbirthday parties :)
Riddle has Audino as his ace partially to hint at his mother’s influence (as his mom is like a nurse/healer/doctor?) and also because Audino seems like a calming pokemon (same logic for him having Meganium)
Riddle uses Talonflame since i can see baby riddle befriending the Fletchling that pops outside his window while he works on his self study stuff, and he has Roserade mainly for the rose theming
This au has been in the works for like a long while lol, i plan to draw each of the twst dorms as a gym, and to explain a little of my thought out story each time!
Yuu gets Grim as a starter pokemon accidentally, he helps Yuu save Professor Crowley from wild Houndour or something idk
Crowley hands Yuu a pokedex (���do my work for me, im so generous!”) and off the duo go!
Grim isnt an actual pokemon in this universe, but he does get mistaken for a multitude of them lol, from a Purrloin to a Sentret!
But Grim coming out of nowhere is not as much of a lucky chance as it seems… and Yuu discovers a mysterious tag under the ribbon they tie to Grim’s neck
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I think the twins birthday cgs are super pretty but there are a few parts that are throwing me off and I can't stop looking at it. Why is Saeyoung's hand so jacked up (the layering of the fingers look off), what is up with the perspective of the cake box and also why is the envelope being pushed into the cake. That whole section of the image is weird. I'm only mildly concerned it's AI but I don't really want to doubt the artist since all the images thus far have been fine and Saeran's looks fine aside from the cake board being below the water. It might just be a fluke but it kinda bothers me. I'm just gonna hope the artist chose rule of cool over realism while drawing this piece. On a more fun note, I appreciate how extra Saeran's celebration is compared to his brothers. Guy knows how to go all out lmao 😂 👏
As it stands right now, I don't know for sure if AI was used or not for these images. I can't say one way or the other, but I can say that I've seen some speculation about Saeyoung's artwork specifically due to the cake and the way the hands look. It looked strange to me as well the longer I stared at it, but that's the only part of Saeyoung's image that threw me off.
My working theory at the moment is that the artist was put on a major time crunch to complete five illustrations for June as there have been five images done this month. They didn't have enough time to finish Saeyoung's illustration, and thusly, Cheritz told them that they needed to do anything to get it done, meaning they used fucking AI to finish the cake area? I mean, I don't know why anyone would generate AI for one section of an image, but it's one possible answer here.
The art itself looks like the art we've had so far, and nothing seemed off about the rest of the image to me, either. It's just the cake area in question. So, I have to wonder if they cheated on the cake itself but not the rest of the image?
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If the artist really was rushed and there was no AI used, that's just as bad, too. Because, why are you pushing someone to meet a deadline like that? Just say, "We're sorry, the art needs another week, please be patient with us and become excited for it!" We're okay to wait one more week, Cheritz. If you used AI for artwork AGAIN after everyone admonished you for it, that's disgusting.
Hands are notoriously known to be a tell for AI, but hands are also difficult for artists to draw. I cry over hands all the time, but that's also no excuse for using AI just because you couldn't draw the damn hands. Just stare at more hand references and draw until you think it looks like a hand. That's what I do. I stare and stare and then I cry my eyes out. I hate hands.
AI is unethical. Pay artists for their time and money instead of using a soulless art theft machine.
I don't want to believe that Cheritz would use AI again after they were publicly lashed for it, but we just can't always have good things in this world and assume the best of everyone.
So, I would advise folks to be emailing Cheritz for transparency on the matter. I know some people have already emailed them about it, so we'll have to wait and see. I'll pray they're transparent and honest about the image making process.
The only thing that threw me off about Saeran's image is something that could easily be an artist mistake. There's one water ripple that's overlapping the cake. I've done stuff like that before. Forget to delete an area of the image or left the wrong layer on. His cake isn't in water, it's on a cake board, it just kinda blends in because it seems to be the lightest brown. But, hey, even the cake board looks like its a little bit wet.
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At the end of the day, I don't know whether or not AI was used. I think it's important to have these conversations because we can't let folks get away with lying about the authenticity of their artwork. But, in the same vein, I hate that AI has even created an environment where art has to be speculated about.
The Pokemon TCG just had a competition where people who used AI and got through to the finals, but even though they have been caught and removed AS THEY RIGHTFULLY SHOULD BE FOR THAT, before the company made that statement and promised to remove the AI art and pushed forward real artists, a legitimate artist was harassed by a lot of people and had to prove their art was theirs to begin with. It's disgusting.
I hate what AI is doing to people beyond fucking theft, it's out here making environments where artists have to record everything they do to prove they're not a soulless machine. This isn't fair to anyone. Stop using AI. Don't even get me started on the ChatGPT fanfiction or the Character AI phone calls using STOLEN VOICES FROM VOICE ACTORS.
You wanna hear a character say something, you pay someone who is good at impressions to do it, you look that voice actor in the face and ask them to say your silly line when you visit a con or maybe if they have those pay-for-video things, or you mash the words together like those YouTube Poops used to do ages ago.
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championleonsslut · 5 months
Got anything for a yandere Leon like headcanons or a fic?
Yandere Leon
WARNINGS: kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, kinda nsfw, murder, manipulation. Reader is female
Leon gets what he wants. He always does eventually. He’s the champion.
And what he wants right now is you. The prettiest girl in all of Galar according to him. So sweet, so kind, so clever, so good with Pokemon.
He’s madly in love with you, even though you guys are only friends. There’s just one problem.
The boyfriend.
Leon has some competition in his way, as you’ve told him over and over again how madly in love with this man you are. Leon has to watch him kiss you and make you giggle. Disgusting! You should be in his arms, kissing his lips instead.
He draws the line when you tell who you think is a good friend that you want to give your boyfriend your virginity.
So Leon “runs” into your boyfriend in the Wild area, and challenges him to a Pokemon battle with Charizard. Your poor boyfriend… Charizard just… burned him right up! What a freak accident! Naturally Leon deposes of the body before anyone stumbles upon it. He throws it into a cave, careful to keep his fingerprints off it.
His body is found a few days later, and it’s all over the news. You come running into Leon’s arms, crying your pretty little eyes out. Leon pretends to be all upset and comforts you as you cry.
That’s when Leon starts the manipulation. He starts twisting your brain to see him in a better light, to maybe even fall in love with him.
And it works! From what he can tell, you have a crush on him. Finally. Now he can begin the second step of his plan.
He decks out a room in his private penthouse just for you, and breaks into your apartment that night. The house is peaceful, and you’re wearing such short shorts and such a short shirt while you sleep peacefully… how is Leon supposed to resist you?
He sees you sleeping with your mouth open, and pops a few pills in there. He helps you swallow them too, how sweet. Those will make sure you stay unconscious for the next few hours.
And once he makes sure you’re out cold, he lunges his new prize over his shoulder, and carries you out to the car to rest peacefully in the back seat.
You awake in a very strange place. You don’t remember being here. Then Leon appears, to welcome you to your new home! You put two and two together and start screaming at him for kidnapping you, but he doesn’t bat an eye. He says once you’ve calmed down and gotten used to the place, your restrictions can be lifted.
And just like that he’s gone.
Your room is nice to say the least… he made sure to decorate it to your tastes. A large king sized bed, bookshelves, a desk, a video game system, anything else that may have interested you…
And of course a massive closet filled with all sorts of clothes… but especially lingerie. The sluttiest cuts you’ve ever seen! You even spied a few sex toys in the drawers…
Leon brings you fresh food and water very often, making sure you’re well kept. You’re still mad at him for kidnapping you, but pleased he’s taking care of you so well.
You eventually ask him why, and your suspicions are confirmed.
“Oh, love. Well I couldn’t let anyone else have you, now could I? You were made for me! So I had to start keeping you here… so I could have you all to myself. We’re meant to be together, don’t you know?”
At first you reject him, and he’s disappointed, but just thinks you need more time. So he gives you more time, and manipulates you more, until you finally tell him you love him after countless nights of being denied.
That’s when you gain a bit of freedom. Now you’re allowed to walk around the entire penthouse! Leon officially starts calling you his girlfriend too, and takes your virginity on a night you chose to wear lingerie for him.
You stay happily cooped up in his apartment for about a year, while still taking good care of yourself, before he finally sets you free. He knows you won’t leave his side, and you’ll always come home, but now you can start leaving the penthouse… as long as you always come back. (Which you do!)
After being his precious little darling for a few years, he presents you with a beautiful ring one night, and asks you to be his queen. Of course you say yes, and reward him that night with the lewd pleasure he loves to get out of you.
The wedding is wonderful, and he’s so glad to finally have you as his bride. Stolen, maybe. But his nonetheless. You’re a wonderful wife to him, no matter if you stay at home or have a career of your own.
But a few years into your marriage, Leon wants a little more than just you. He wants you to bear his children. Of course you say yes! Actually, you say yes many times, as you two end up having five little babies of your own.
A girl, another girl, a boy and a girl (TWINS!) and another boy.
Your children and husband are the lights of your life, just the way Leon has always wanted it.
Becuase you belong to him.
I’m totally willing to go into heavy detail about the five children you have with Leon just fyi
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arvensimp · 2 years
After Graduation
Just a lil arven x fem!reader insert fic of them confessing their feelings for one another after leaving the academy. Nothing crazy. uwu
"Hey! Where are you? I've been searching all over. Did you leave already?"
"Uh. Yeah." You hear him swallow. "I did. There were just a lot of people, and..."
"Arven! C'mon! We only graduate once!" Your tone isn't really chastising, barely a mockery of teasing. "My mom wanted to get pictures of us in our cap and gowns."
"Oh! Uh, well, I-... I hadn't thought about that."
With your meteoric rise at the academy, plus Arven needing to take a bit of extra time to process everything that had happened in the aftermath of the professor's actions, it wasn't exactly surprising that the two of you were graduating together, but it definitely made you happy to be able to sit on the stage together. They don't really prepare you for how boring an actual commencement ceremony is, but it helped to have your best friend sitting by your side.
Nenoma had, of course, graduated early, and Penny chose to skip out of the ceremony entirely, choosing to get started on work with Geeta at the League at the earliest opportunity. In hindsight, maybe she had the right idea, since the ceremony itself was such a bore.
Still, you were glad to have had Arven there.
"Well, where are you now? Just come get some pictures with us. Then we can go somewhere quiet and away from all the crowds."
"Oh. Well, uh... I'm already kinda...waiting for you away from all that. I was hoping you'd meet me here when you were done?"
"Oh. Uh." Your tummy flutters just a bit. "Sure? Let me just tell Mom. Can you drop me a pin? I'll be right over."
"Can do, little buddy." You think you hear a smile on his lips before the click of the call ending.
After a rushed goodbye to your mom with promises to be back to take pictures later, you hop on your dragon, your graduation cap tucked safely into your bag, and set your course for...what looks like the middle of the lake? If memory serves, that's where you fought the last titan to save Mabosstiff.
It takes very little time to get there on the back of such a fast pokemon, and judging by what seems to be a lamp's glow, it looks like Arven has set up camp for himself in the very same cave you'd found yourselves in not terribly long ago.
You dismount your pokemon and return him to his ball before dusting off your graduation gown.
"Arven?" You call, venturing into the mouth of the cave.
"Over here!" He replies, drawing you to him with the sound of his voice and a wave. His graduation gown is already undone, revealing a tidy dress shirt and vest beneath. You also see Mabosstiff at his side give a great big boof in greeting.
In no time you've made it over to him and are wrapped up in a massive ursaring hug.
"Hey, little buddy," He says warmly, his soft hair brushing against your cheek. He smells like firewood and baking bread, and you have to take a moment to prevent yourself from getting lost in him.
"Hi! I'm sad you didn't stick around! What do you have going on here though?" You disengage from the hug and prop your fists up on your waist with a nod to the set table decked out with all sorts of tapas as well as some beautifully made sandwiches.
Arven chuckles a bit and runs a hand through his hair, pushing a tuft from his eye before it falls back. "I, uh... Well, we wanted to thank you. For getting us this far." At his side, Mabosstiff barks. You can tell now he's wearing a sweet little bow tie.
"He wouldn't... I don't know if I... I mean. I would. I just... Well, if you hadn't helped us back then...? Ugh, I'm just trying to say that we-- I'm. I'm really grateful to have you. You're really special." He sounds more flustered than choked up, but the emotion is definitely there.
"Hey," you reply, placing a hand on his upper arm. It's warm even through all the fabric. "Thanks. You're really special, too. You know that?" The words feel so cheesy coming out of your mouth, but they're in the open air before you can stop them. At the very least, the dim lighting of the cave means he shouldn't notice your face heating up.
"A-anyway," He chokes, "I just... I wanted to make you something special...and take you back to where it all really...ya know...came together. F...for us."
For us? Did he mean you and him? Or him and Mabosstiff? This was the place where the poor pokemon finally seemed to fully snap back to reality, but it was also where the two of you really started to click well... Nah, it had to be him and Mabosstiff. Those two were thick as thieves... And just...
"Oh, yes! Look at him! And his tie!" You lean down to hug the dog and give him some good rubs. "I'm happy every day that we got you all sorted, buddy boy!"
Arven stays quiet, and when you look back up at him through your eyelashes, he's breathtaking in his soft sweetness and in the way he's looking so gently at you and his partner pokemon. It almost makes you want to curl up and hide.
Before you can react, he kneels down to get on yours and Mabosstiff's level. "I think we both thank our lucky stars every day to have met you, ya know?" He very deliberately makes sure to look at you when he says it, but as soon as the words are out in the open he bites his lip and looks away. One of his hands is clinging to the dog's fur, running purposefully and slowly through the thick strands.
"I-..." You choke a bit.
"You're... You're important to us. To me." The hand on Mabosstiff deliberately finds yours and entwines your fingers.
"Me too..." You find yourself saying, squeezing his fingers in return. God, you hope your mouth isn't gaping open like a Magikarp as you look at him. He's just...so pretty... And you like him so much, it hurts. God, you like him so much. And oh my God he's looking at you?
"I've liked you for so long." Arven finally admits. "I can't pin down an exact moment, but our time in this cave was as good a moment as any. You... You helped make me a whole man again. You--"
You move before you can even think of it, tackling Arven to the mossy floor of the cave, pressing your mouth to his in an elated kiss.
"I like you too!" You reply softly but excitedly as you pull away just a bit, maintaining your straddle overtop of him. "I don't know exactly when it started either, but... But I have! For a while now!" You kiss him again, this time he eagerly meets you in it, one hand threading through your hair while the other rests gently at your waist.
"I'm...I'm so glad," he mumbles into your lips between kisses.
You take the opportunity to dust his cheeks with soft smooches as his hands nervously flit about your form, never straying terribly far from your waist. You absolutely don't mind. It's nice just feeling his warmth, experiencing this newness that you purposefully didn't allow yourself to agonize over imagining for ages.
Eventually you come to a resting place with your cheek on his chest, his hands at the small of your back. The silence is comfortable.
"I...I feel like 'little buddy' doesn't quite work as a nickname for you now?" Arven finally says, making you snort. "I-I mean...if we wanted to, uh...make this official?"
"Yeah, no, I guess it wouldn't work as a nickname." You nuzzle into his chest. "Any other ideas? Cute names for a girlfriend?" You tease.
"Hm..." A hand of his drifts to scratch lovingly at the back of your neck, making you groan happily. "Little lady?"
"Hmm... Maybe? That's not bad."
"We'll workshop it?"
"We'll workshop it " You agree.
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silvereyedzoroark · 8 months
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Latimas AU: Alien Abduction
Lati-Ingo awoke, groaning as his senses became aware of the pounding headache he had, and how uncomfortable he felt. When he tried to move his limbs they battled against an unknown barrier. Jolting him to a more aware state as he realized that he was in a strange rectangle container and looking around quickly he saw his brother was in the same situation next to him.  
It was only then did Lati-Ingo notice that he wasn’t using his ability and he didn’t feel his dragon or psychic power coursing through his body. He felt void, empty and helpless, something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. So quickly swallowing back a need to panic he wondered how they ended up here together; they had been on separate missions that day, in completely different dungeons from each other.  
Despite the pain in his head, Lati-Ingo thinks back to what he remembers last-he had been using his Pokemon explorer badge to send back the rescued Pokemon along with his teammates, when something happened, the usual light that engulfed him to go home, changed colour -there had also been an odd buzzing sound before darkness overtook his senses and he awoke here.
He’ll make a large assumption that the same must have happened to his brother.
As Lati-Ingo tried to get Lati-Emmet’s attention, he discovered that this container must be blocking sound as well, because Lati-Emmet didn’t seem to hear him, only taking notice when he waved his claws around.
They greeted each other briefly before turning their attention back to the room they were in. It was odd, many computers and strange machines, with blinky lights that flashed and flickered which was surprising in itself. While he and his brother were interested in human tech, they had never seen anything actually working before, most were rusted or partly destroyed these days. 
When the humans disappeared, most Pokemon didn’t care much for the human devices and their upkeep, only select groups managed to keep certain old tech running like the Pokemon Centers that the Chansey and similar Pokemon were in control of. 
Lati-Ingo suddenly notices movement to his right and turns to see a large Beheeyem along with many others, coming in through a doorway, some already heading towards the computers and pressing buttons on the keyboards. 
Why had they captured him and Lati-Emmet? He tried to ask them this question, but again the container kept him from being heard or the Beheeyem chose to ignore his question as they didn’t respond to him. 
Lati-Ingo feelings about this situation were getting worse, he recalls his Uncle mentioned once that Beheeyem had the power to control Pokemon minds and tamper with their memories. These Pokemon could do who knows what to him and his brother and they wouldn’t even remember…then a terrible thought occurred to him…was this even the first time this had happened?
Originally this had been called 'Trapped' but realized 'Alien Abduction' was a better fit, I'll have to draw something else for the word/Art prompt 'Trapped'. Anyway while trying to figure out what I wanted to draw I saw this photo from the post below.
And well I got stupidly inspired with an idea and also thought that it would suit my word/art prompt challenge.
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