#i want to put yoda in a box
deedeedeedeedeedeedee · 3 months
I'm watching Star Wars with my best friend this weekend. She knows everything about the franchise, but I've only seen part of the first film and slept through all the others. Tell me one made up non spoiler fact, and one real non spoiler Star Wars fact so I'm very confused when I come in.
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breeyn · 11 months
An essay rebutting the “bad writing” claims of s2 ofmd. Spoilers herein.
I’ll preface this with saying you’re obviously allowed to like and dislike whatever you want. I am in no way opposing that. And your reasons are your reasons. Have at. (Also - this is a collection of observations from the past few days, I’m not calling anyone out)
I AM going to rebut the idea that season two was poorly written and lost the spirit of what the show is about.
My favourite movie of all time is Empire Strikes Back. It’s been my favourite movie since I was four. I’m pretty sure it’s a fave of David Jenkins, too. He and Taika have made absolutely no attempt to hide their love of all things 80’s - Prince, the Princess Bride, Kate Bush, Star Wars, etc.
I have ancient video tapes (that I can’t play because who has a vcr) where Lucas is interviewed by Leonard Maltin? Malkin? I dunno. Who cares. Maltin asks him about the Star Wars (original trilogy) story arc. Lucas says “in act I, you introduce all the characters. In act II, you put them in a situation they can’t get out of, and in act III, they get out of it.”
That’s how it works. This is how stories and literary structures work.
Of course you’re not satisfied with season two. You’re not supposed to be.
The arguments I have read on why s2 loses the spirit of s1 is because no one heals. No one learns anything. No one moves forward properly. The person who makes the biggest move towards healing dies. The two main characters end the show doing the exact fucking thing they had promised themselves and each other they wouldn’t do. Our romantic lead still doesn’t understand his value or make any headway on addressing his tragic flaw. It makes no goddamn sense.
My gremlins in weird: it’s not supposed to. In Act 2, EVERYONE LOSES. This is how it goes.
I’ve read a lot of people saying “but this felt like a series finale, not a season finale.” We all know that outside politics play a part here, the strikes make everything precarious. I remember the last writers strike. It destroyed tv for fifteen years. Anyone remember Pushing Daisies? Some of y’all have never had your fave show cancelled with zero resolution for the characters and it shows.
Daddy J did us a kindness. He softened the blow of a tough season. After the brutal cliffhanger of s1, he gave us a little softness and hope. All those things you’re mad aren’t resolved? It’s because THE STORY ISN’T OVER.
No one on earth thinks “stuff all your trauma into a box and ignore it” is good advice. A way to actually live. This show did not have enough screen time to throw out dialogue for no reason. There was foreshadowing in s1 for s2, and there is foreshadowing for s3 in s2. This is a well-crafted story by very smart people who care very much for these characters. There is zero chance Frenchie explained the box in his head for no reason. The reason people have not resolved their trauma and growth is because they haven’t done it *yet*.
And friends - it’s not thinly veiled. They straight up fucking tell us what they’re doing.
Luke Skywalker spends the first two movies fucking up and desperately trying to prove himself and just generally being an idiot. Sound familiar? He ignores the lessons he is supposed to be learning to go off and do what he feels like doing, and loses fucking badly. At the end of Empire, Han is gone, Luke and Leia wave goodbye to the Falcon that has Lando and Chewy - the rest of their crew - aboard. Everyone has lost everything they care about. Vader is undefeated. Yoda is pissed. Nothing is resolved.
You see where I’m going?
If you think I’m stretching this too far, welp, when Ed tells Stede he loves him - the climax of the finale - Stede quotes Han fucking Solo. Like - *it’s right there*. The story structure. The reason everything is unresolved.
So yeah. They wave goodbye to their ship because they have wounds to heal (like Luke’s hand). The people aboard the ship have things to find. Ed and Stede have *not* learned their lesson about whims and how not to be like Anne and Mary. It’s not stupid that they’re doing the same thing, and it’s not pointless that we were shown Anne and Mary. It’s all relevant.
The resolution comes in Act 3. None of these people are done. The story is far, far from over. And just in case the studios want to be dicks about it, David Jenkins was lovely enough to not repeat my enduring heartbreak over Pushing Daisies.
Thank you, @davidjenks 🖤
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One thing I do like about TOTJ's take on Dooku's fall is that it really highlights that the Dark Side makes you absolutely masochistic. (Mega long post ahead).
One thing TOTJ establishes is that Qui-Gon's death is absolutely on Dooku (no matter if the show itself doesn't seem to be aware of it).
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His tone is concerned and his attitude sympathetic and supportive, but he knows. He knows it's a Sith Lord (he even knows Maul's name). He knows Qui-Gon almost died and is marching right into another trap, but he asks questions anyway and affects ignorance.
"I've been warning them about the coming darkness for years," he says, "never to be taken seriously." Using the Council's skepticism as an occasion to complain about how they didn't believe him while lying by omission is a great case of that hypocrisy Dooku loves denouncing in others. Dooku would rather Qui-Gon share his disillusionment with the Jedi than actually do anything to help Qui-Gon. The Council don't believe him? Okay, Dooku, but YOU DO. You can just tell him what's going on.
But he doesn't.
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On some level, Dooku has to be aware of what's about to happen. Qui-Gon is walking into grave danger, and Dooku's response to that - before it happens, when there is still time to stop it - is to put the blame on the people who don't know shit while not doing shit himself. (Why can't Dooku be there to protect Qui-Gon, other than because he's already slavishly loyal to Sidious' plans?)
And this moment puts every subsequent action of Dooku's throughout the Prequels in perspective - particularly his relationships with Obi-Wan, Ventress and Yoda.
Dooku is a glutton for punishment.
I've written here about why I think the 'Box' from TCW 4x17 is meant to parallel Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's mission on Naboo. The dioxis, ventilation shafts, the catwalks and lightsabers, the ray shields, the fire pit... Dooku's idea of a test to find the best mercenaries around is to have them survive what killed Qui-Gon (what he allowed to happen).
During the challenge, it's pretty obvious he starts to suspect Hardeen is Obi-Wan.
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Or at the very least, he's taking an interest in the man who supposedly killed Qui-Gon's own apprentice - Dooku's spiritual grandson (see RotS novelization), whom he's been trying very hard to either recruit or kill himself. And what does he do with that interest? Tries to push "Hardeen" to kill Eval in anger.
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Dooku, who still mourns the Padawan he knowingly let walk away to his death, watches a pantomime of his Padawan's death, while putting in mortal danger all he has left of said apprentice. If he knows Hardeen is Obi-Wan (and it's pretty obvious that he does), he tries to get Obi-Wan to Fall (or potentially die) in a scenario reenacting Qui-Gon's death. If he doesn't know for sure, then he's encouraging his all but grandson's killer to win the tournament because he admires him (for killing someone Dooku wanted by his side).
Whatever the outcome, Dooku chooses to relive his guilt and chooses to make the same choice to kill his loved one all over again, even though we know he hates that he made this choice:
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He misses Qui-Gon and needs him but tries to kill or destroy Obi-Wan, whom he needs and wants by his side. (I haven't counted just how many time he does try killing Obi-Wan in TCW while still expressing his indefectible admiration for him - it's frequent, the Box just stands out to me as one of the most noteworthy occasions.)
And he keeps doing stuff like that!! He keeps choosing the path that causes him the most pain. He does it with Sifo-Dyas, he does it with Yaddle, he does it with Yoda and he does it with Ventress.
Just look at him confronting Sidious about Qui-Gon's death:
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He KNOWS following Sidious got Qui-Gon murdered and he KNOWS Sidious will continue to kill or order him to kill people close to him. And yet he's quick to reassure Sidious that this doesn't change anything. Securing his position with Sidious matters more than his rage and grief. The ONLY WAY this behavior makes sense is if Dooku is fully aware that he had a choice about Qui-Gon's fate, and decides that this is the path he's on now: Sidious might make him kill everyone he cares about, but he's going to do it. Every time, things will play out the same.
Sidious tells him to kill Ventress, his new apprentice? Sure, why not!
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(And it's not even out of true loyalty for Sidious, because he constantly tries to double-cross him later on. It's pure self-destruction:)
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He hates it, Sidious promises him more of it, and he goes along with it!
This is why Yaddle's attempts at bringing him back don't work, in my opinion:
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"Whatever lies he's told you, whatever you have done, you can make up for it now by bringing him to justice." This might convince a man who is looking for atonement, except Dooku isn't. He is looking for punishment.
Killing or harming those close to him leaves him broken, furious or in pain? He'll just keep doing it.
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Sidious offers him nothing more than agonizing slavery? He'll keep on kneeling.
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That's when Yaddle literally offers him the Light - the light that is so much more powerful than the Dark that it has Sidious cowering, the light that can save him if he wants - Dooku just strikes her down, even though he was heartbroken over thinking he had killed her just a moment ago.
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He chooses to kill her, regrets it and hates himself for it, and chooses to kill her again. HE KEEPS MAKING THE CHOICE THAT HE KNOWS WILL HURT.
His remedy to guilt is to pick a shovel, because by God if he hasn't hit rock bottom yet he's going to dig!
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solaris-amethyst · 20 days
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🪻Lego Friday🪻
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✨Pairing: non idol!Seonghwa x gn!reader ✨Prompt: Building a lego set with seonghwa I don’t have much of an idea around this one I just really wanna build a lego set and from watching seonghwa lego lives building with him just looks like so much fun. ✨Requested by @beabatiny🫶🏻 ✨Word Count: 0.9k ✨Genre: fluff ☀️Authors Note: Thank you for requesting this! It was fun writing and I hope you enjoy it🥰 also sorry this took me so long to write😭
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"I wanna build legos."
It was announced to you as you were making some desserts for the two of you. Seonghwa was standing in the kitchen holding two enormous lego bags he had pulled out from somewhere whilst giving you the biggest puppy eyes.
"Do you want me to build legos with you?" You ask fighting back a chuckle at the way he was standing and pouting.
His little nod brought a smile to your face as you finished up the dessert.
"Then we will build legos together! Got any I can build? Nothing too complicated please!"
As you said that Seonghwa was already picking up the different lego sets he had, eager to find one you could work on.
"Baby Yoda? Or maybe some flowers?? Or both??" He holds two sets up for you showcasing one where you'd build baby Yoda or some flowers to have for display.
"Hmmm Yoda looks a bit easier, can I start with that one perhaps?"
"Yes!!!" He nods and then quickly hurries to the living room moving with urgency to move everything to the side so the two of you can build the legos together comfortably.
"Cutie." You say to yourself shaking your head with a little laugh before entering the living room with two cups of dessert and two spoons.
You sit down next to him looking curiously at what he's doing.
"Here! One baby Yoda box for you! I'll work on a darth vader one then!" He says happily while handing you your box.
"Thank you!" You say as you take the box and empty it on the floor in front of you.
The two of you sit in silence for a while sorting through the pieces before you remember something you wanted to share with him.
"Did I tell you what Wooyoung and Yeosang did yesterday when we went mini golfing?" You ask him as you start putting some of the pieces together.
"What did those two do this time?" He asks curious to know what your friends had done. Knowing that Wooyoung was involved it could mean anything from silly things like stealing a bite from someones ice cream to something more chaotic.
"Well they started arguing about the best way to push the ball in the hole and decided to make it a competition." You start telling him and Seonghwas boba eyes are focused on you.
"I'm sensing a but?" he says chuckling and you can't help but laugh and nod.
"Yeah, Yeosang did better and to try and distract him, Wooyoung decided to full on chomp on his shoulder." You show by imitating Woo's chomp on Yeosangs shoulder on Seonghwas shoulder without actually biting him.
His laugh ring through the apartment as he shakes his head at your friends antics.
"That sounds just like them to be honest." He says as he hands you the piece you're looking for whilst showing you where it should go.
"Yeah they truly can't be stopped. We almost got kicked out because of Wooyoungs loud chatter but we managed to get him to quiet down by promising we'd buy him food if he could be a bit quieter so we could play to the end."
The two of you sit and talk for hours, giggling about everything from the legos, to your friends, to things that has happened recently in your life whilst enjoying the dessert from time to time that you had prepared.
"Look! Isn't it cute once it's finished?" Seonghwa ask as he shows you the little Darth Vader figure hes put together and you look at him in surprise.
"How did you finish so quickly?! I'm still trying to figure out what I've done wrong." You say as you hold up your Yoda figure which looks a bit wonky due to you putting the wrong pieces together.
"Ahhh well I'm the pro aren't I? You'll learn quickly if you build legos more often." He says whilst moving closer to you, taking the lego from your hands and undoing what you had put together wrongly.
"Here, let's try again okay? This piece." He holds up a big piece and gives it to you "goes here okay? Whilst this one goes over there."
He helps guide you by pointing where certain pieces will go.
"Thanks Hwa, this is really calming you know." You mumble as you focus on setting up the last pieces of Yoda before showing it to him proudly.
"Ta-daaaa!" You show the lego piece off and he claps his hands excitedly for you.
"It looks great!"
"That's because I had such a great teacher!"
You two take a little break after that, sitting facing each other and chatting about anything and everything.
"I saw that they're playing Coraline again in the theaters for its 15th year anniversary. All nine of us should go and see it since we're nearing spooky season." Seonghwa says while rummaging through the rest of his unbuilt lego.
"It's in theaters?! All of us have to go! We should go dressed up as the characters! Wooyoung could be the talking cat!" You exclaim and Hwa looks excited at the idea of dressing up and going to see it.
"Yes!! I wanna be one of the old ladies with all the dogs." He lets you know.
"Hongjoong should dress as the other old lady then." You laugh and the night ends with you two planning who would be which character as you start on a new piece of lego, this time deciding to build it together while laughing at the idea of getting dressed to go to the movies.
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little-guy-polls · 4 months
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(My propaganda is look at them. Look at this guy. He's perfect silly guy proportions. Does this silly guy also go through the horrors? YES. But he also says nya when he hits a counter and makes silly puns and they have the biggest most sparkly eye possible when they're excited.)
Physically, despite being the second oldest in his adventuring party, he's the shortest out of the adults. They also have what I can only describe as cat eyes, which of course go big when appropriate. And to top it off, they have a bajillion pockets hidden under their cloak, apparently, perfect for many small items and trinkets! Mentally and personailty wise, they're the physical manifestation of a sad kitten in a wet cardboard box. They go 'NYA!' when they hit their hip on a counter. He stares at people when he wants their food. He winks despite only having one eye. They eat like a hamster. They smile and say one-liners when they attack. They smirk when their health is low. He tells puns even though everyone besides one of his party members hates them. He plays harmless pranks on everyone. They love their friends but the thought of saying that directly scares them. The list goes on!! I think they are one of The Most little guys. Small in stature, funny and creature-like in their mannerisms, and this is accented by the fact they are put through the wringer so you root for them and want to help them through The Horrors! My favorite guy ever...
They really go through it (cursed by the time loop), but remain an adorable Little Guy all the same!
Baby Yoda: N/A
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 03
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!
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Nagi: *looks around* Who said that?
Toi: It sounded like it came from over there…?
??: Please turn your attention downwards! I am right here~!
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Ryui: The fuck?
Yodaka: A teddy bear? Or an autonomous—
Netaro: Eggactly!
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Joe: It is I, “Baldovino Joe Senba!” Brunhild, the late madam’s, one and only remaining family!
Joe: As a sign of our friendship, please, call me “Joe”~!
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Toi: S-S-SHE’S ADORABLE~~~~♪ Here girl, here girl♪ I want to hug the fluffy Ms. Bear~~~♪
Joe: I suppose I shall allow it?
Nagi: A-Amazing, it moves and speaks just like a noble lady— Toi, I wanna hug her too.
Ryui: Unlike a certain florist, it can speak properly. It even knows how to introduce itself.
Yodaka: …I see, so this is what it’s about.
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Daniel: Hm? Did you figure something out?
Yodaka: Yes. Take a good look at the gemstones on her eyes, nose, earrings, and that heart on her chest.
Netaro: Wonderful observation skills, Yoda~! Very perceptive!
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Netaro: Her right eye is a top-tier cabochon red diamond cut by a craftsman employed by the royal family, of which there exists only a few dozen in the whole entire world.
Samejima: And what’s more, it has a market price of 2 billion yen!
Joe: Indeed~!
Toi: Ehhhhh~!?
Netaro: And her nose is an alexandrite, the third rarest gem in the world! This precious gemstone was passed around through many of the world’s powerful and influential figures before eventually making its way into Brunhild’s hands~!
Joe: Every single gem costs an arm and a leg~!
Netaro: In other words, Joe is a teddy bear with a net worth of a billion yen, jam packed with the latest AI technology♪
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Nagi: …No matter how many of me there are, I still wouldn’t be able to afford it…
Ryui: (He put the bear down with a super pale face…)
Toi: Joe-sama is amazing. But if you’re so valuable, won’t bad people always be after you…?
Samejima: There’s no problem in that regard. Very soon, Joe-san will be sent over to Germany under the supervision of the police. From that point onwards, she’ll become a national treasure and will be much harder to steal.
Samejima: However, while she’s still in JPN, the JPN police will be the ones in charge of her safety and escorting her… When this was first decided, the German police force started treating us as incompetent idiots.
Samejima: For things to proceed smoothly while she’s still under our jurisdiction, they were very nitpicky and obsessed over even the slightest details. All of this was an incredible pain and has started to get on our nerves, but we have no choice but to put aside our personal feelings.
Samejima: However, if we manage to round up all of “Anonymous” in one go, all while guarding Joe-san, we might be able to stand our ground against the German police.
Netaro: That’s right, that’s right! Kick their asses~!
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Joe: Send them crying back to their mothers, desuwa~!*
Ryui: …Just putting this out there, but ain’t this a personal grudge?
Samejima: Yeah, you’re right on the mark.
Ryui: The hell you agreeing so casually for?
Nagi: Um, but uh well we’re… “ward mayors”...?
Samejima: Astute observation. We appreciate your cooperation.
Nagi: I guess we’re helping out now…
Daniel: I have a lot I wanna say, but wouldn’t this all be solved if you just shoved it in some bank’s safety box until D-day? Then you wouldn’t need us.
Joe: What on Earth are you saying! Even AI deserves basic rights~! I’ll have you know, our way of life is very similar to that of humans~!
Toi: Locking them up is too much!
Daniel: Sorry. It was just a thought.
Yodaka: More importantly, does the enemy know that the “secret treasure” they’re after is actually a teddy bear? From our conversation earlier, it sounded like they know very few details regarding the actual treasure itself.
Netaro: They probably don’t know?
Yodaka: In that case, wouldn’t it be fine to go along pretending that Joe-san isn’t the treasure they’re seeking?
Samejima: You’re exactly right. However, that’s exactly why we can't just provisionally leave Joe-san. It’d be bad if we were found out because of that.
Samejima: To be honest, I could just be with her at all times. However, this is a lot easier said than done.
Samejima: For a fatigued, middle-aged man like myself to be alert 24/7 while holding such a cute teddy bear would be, on the contrary, quite suspicious.
Netaro: Aesthetically not pleasing. Report for indecent behavior.
Ryui: Yeah, only a dumbass would fall for that. You’d need an angel like Toi to safekeep it…
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Samejima: Exactly. In order to blend-in, we’d need a child like Toi-san, or Ryui-san, someone who could “𝓔mbrace it without” looking out of place—
Ryui: Haa!? Wanna try saying that again, you fucker!?
Toi: Ani-sama would definitely look good holding a teddy bear……! I see it…… I totally see it…… Ani-sama is totally the cool type, but he could totally pull off cuteness!
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Samejima: Where “𝓔xposure to danger would be OK” and—
Nagi: Danger is okay…?
Netaro: I gave the okay on behalf of everyone. ‘Cause it’s more fun that way!
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Samejima: A person we could “𝓔asily count on”... We needed an individual that met the 3E’s. That’s why I had Yowa-kun introduce you all to me.
Ryui: Listen here you fucker, all you've been doing is spouting random fucking bullshit since we got here! Don’t get cocky just ‘cause you’re the fucking police!?
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Ryui: (Except for Toi) No one here looks normal carrying a fucking bear around, I don't remember agreeing to dangerous shit like fucking with a god damn criminal organization, and we sure as hell aren’t close enough for you to ask for shitty favors like—
Toi: Samejima-san! I… I’ll do my best!
Ryui: Wha- Toi…!
Toi: Ani-sama, please… Joe-sama and Samejima-san are both in a pinch, we can’t just turn a blind eye to this.
Toi: I don’t want to hand over Brunhild-san's precious Joe-sama over to the bad guys… I want to help!
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Toi: The world’s coolest Ani-sama would definitely protect both me and Joe-sama… right?
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Ryui: Got it. I’ll give my all to ensure your safety.
Toi: Yay! Ani-sama, I love you!!
Nagi: Can you protect me as well…
Yodaka: My, my… I guess it can’t be helped. If the terms have already been agreed upon, then perhaps, this is what fate has in store for us.
Daniel: What good samaritans. In that case, see ya.
Joe: Thank you all for your cooperation~! After the burly gentleman over there departs, shall we open a bottle of wine and have a toast?
Daniel: …Wine?
Joe: The late madam had a liking for vintage wine. We have many globally rare wines held downstairs in the cellar.
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Daniel: I’ll do it. Ensuring her safety, or escorting, or whatever. Regardless of who they are, it’s only right to help out those in need.
Samejima: Great. With this, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Once again, I appreciate your cooperation. Thanks.
Joe: I shall be in everyone’s care!
Joe generally speaks very elegant and formally. However, she suddenly says something very crude for her character and tries to wrap it up with an elegant ending. Unfortunately, it is hard to find an English equivalent so a decision was made to use "desuwa~."
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romanarose · 7 months
Puzzle Pieces Drabbles part 1
Ben Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're dating Tom, a whirlwind romance that came at a low point in your life. Within months, you live with him and he's not as nice as he was in the begining. Tom does things that upset you, Benny finds a way to make it better.
Warnings: IDK what to call this but it's def shitty behavior throughout. Will progressively get worse during the series but let's start with this. Drinking. Messing up something that you spent time on. Emotional cheating and eventually some kissing cheating. Im not doing full series warnings because I don't know what everything will contain. We'll do it chapter by chapter.
A/N: This will be a short series of comfort drabbles where Tom does something shitty and Ben makes it better. No smut. I'm at a low point rn and just want softness.
Tom was supposed to text you before he brought people over.
It wasn't that you disliked his friends, they were all very kind and respectful of your home. If one was dropping by or it was a spur of the moment thing it was no big deal, but you didn't like having all of them over without warning. There was laundry on the couch and no snacks ready. You were sure they'd be drunk.
"Hey baby!" Tom greets loudly as he walks in, finding you in the kitchen putting some chips in a bowl. He squeezes your ass as he kisses you. You didn't like when he did that around others, he said he was just showing off his sexy girlfriend.
"Hi!" You kiss him back, so excited he's home early you don't mind the booze on his breath. You turn around and set the bowl at the kitchen island, smiling brightly at Frankie, Will, Santi, Ben and a few friends you only sort of knew. It was Ben your eyes lingered on the longest, he was your favorite, always so much fun when he came over.
Ben grinned at you. "I see you finished the puzzle!"
"I did!" Sliding to the kitchen table, giddy to show off your project, you grab the corners. The puzzle was huge, a giant baby Yoda puzzle you were proud of after all the hours spent on it. Ben was over a few days ago when you were working on it. "Look!" You'd seen it on tin tok, practicing pulling a puzzle off the table and keeping it intact. With pride, you hold it up for Tom and his friends to see, beaming. A few so's and ah's came from the guys.
Tom laughed. "oh, is that what you were doing instead of laundry?" And you catch Will glaring at him.
You mumble an apology, and begin to try and lay it down when Tom insists you hold it up again. For a moment, you're happy he wants to see your hard work.
Until he smacks it down.
You watch in shock as all the pieces tumble to the floor, clattering at the tiles. Heat burns at your face in embaressment, unable to look up to see who is laughing at you, because some people are.
When you hear Frankie shout 'What the fuck, Tom!', Tom retaliates that it's just a stupid puzzle from a stupid show.
You're ashamed at having been excited for something Tom thinks is stupid.
The argument escalates but you can't see, kneeling down to pick up the mess. Fuck, the floors needed to be washed too. Tears burned in your eyes and you willed yourself not to cry. You hear Frankie say he needs to step out, and out of the corner of your eye you see Will taking him outside, being the only one who could match his height and weight.
You're tears blur your vision, you don't even realize someone is helping you clean. Wiping them, to see Ben on the floor with you picking up the last few before standing and putting them in the box. Christ he was tall.
"Thank you." You whisper, sniffling.
"Don't thank me." His voice was deep, a thick southern drawl you liked. He sat at the table. "C'mon, honey, let's get started."
When you stand, you look at him in confusion. "Huh."
Ben smiles at you. "The puzzle. Ain't gonna let you do this without me a second time. I love baby Yoda."
Tentatively, you sit at the table with him and get to work on fixing your puzzle. Chunks were still intact, so it wasn't a complete wash.
By the time the guys came back in, you were smiling and laughing again, halfway through the puzzle once more.
That's it, super simple.
I know I should be doing my DBF Joel fix today but I've had an awful time and just want soft rn
I'll do a separate tag list for this bc it's Garret, not Pedro or Oscar so lmk if you wanna be tagged.
or follow @romana-after-dark for updates
Tagging a few people I know read Benny fics
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @missdictatorme
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merlyn-bane · 9 months
For the foelu snippets I'd like Cody and or Rex with precious toddler.
I decided to go with just Rex, hope that's okay! He's just so very dad shaped and I was sad not to have had a good place to put in some real good one-on-one time with him and the baby in the main story 😊😊
[Requests for Foelu missing scenes, future snippets, and extra vignettes are STILL OPEN. Please submit any requests you might have to my ask box. They will all eventually be cross posted on AO3 as well 🥰🥰]
“No! Bubu!”
“We're still going to go see the biffleflies, Tal'ika, you've just got to let me carry you there.”
“No! Down, Bubu!” the toddler demands, kicking her little feet in a vain but less than pleasant attempt to free herself. “Wanna walk!” 
Rex sighs and stares dead ahead as his daughter continues flailing and scowling at him severely. “Kai-Tal,” he says patiently, “if you walk now, you'll be too tired to run around in the flowers.”
“No I won’!” Her complaints are starting to rise in pitch, now, and Rex sighs again as he resigns himself to having to decide whether he wants to deal with this the ‘Jedi way'—pausing this entire enterprise to discuss what she's feeling, why, and how to address it, which is a model all of her buir'e are still trying to figure out—or 17's way—giving her what she wants and letting her experience the consequences. Typically Rex prefers the former, even if he's still practicing at it. Today, though, his gut is insisting on practical application. 
So he lets her down. She takes off at speed for the lifts immediately, of course, but Rex just lets her and follows along behind her at his regular pace; the odds of her managing to actually leave him behind are low, and even if she does, they are in the Temple which is the safest place in the galaxy for her to be. At worst, Obi-Wan will have to retrieve her from Master Yoda’s tonight after an impromptu tea-and-swamp-pie party. 
That's where Luke usually seems to end up when the twins are in-Temple for classes, at any rate. 
Kai-Tal lets him pick her up under the armpits once they get into the lift just long enough to be able to press the right button and then starts squirming again, so Rex sets her back down and fondly watches her all but vibrate in place waiting for the doors to open back up. Apparently the urge to go go go as one becomes progressively more mobile is endemic to all younglings, even jetiise.
Obi-Wan insists this was not the case with him. The créchemasters have informed Waxer and Boil that they in fact seriously considered leashing him when he first came into their care at three standard and immediately attempted to stage a breakout. 
The lift lets them out into what the jetiise insist is not a dimensional pocket despite being a sprawling outside space that is contained inside one of the Temple’s obscenely large number of sub-basements, and the toddler immediately takes off at a wobbly run in the direction of the field where her favorite biffleflies can usually be found. Rex is pretty sure she'll run out of steam before she even makes it past the stables; she usually does, and then she'll insist that he stops at each occupied stall so that she can say ‘hi’ and pet them on the nose. 
She might not be the most animal-inclined child in her generation of Jedi, but that's mostly because she's age-mates with Ezra Bridger, and even then it's pretty close. Not that any of them are surprised; they've all seen Obi-Wan befriend everything from a womp rat to a rancor, once.
Sure enough, Kai-Tal starts dragging her feet right on schedule (if a little longer than last time), and she starts tugging at Rex's pant leg before he can even push the stable door open. “Bubu, ‘m tired,” she mumbles, pouting up at him, and Rex is glad that these little excursions are just the two of them because it means there's no-one there to see him fold like wet flimsi. 
“Alright, ad'ika,” he sighs, stooping down to scoop her up and settle her on his hip. “I thought you said you weren't gonna get tired if I let you walk, huh?”
Kai-Tal buries her face in the side of his neck, little hands fisting in the fabric of his shirt. “Don’ be mean, Bubu.”
Rex chuckles and cranes his neck to kiss the side of her head. “You've got a funny definition of ‘mean’, kiddo.”
The toddler just shrugs and snuffles into him further. “Go see bif-biffa-biffafies now?”
“Yeah, Tal'ika, we're gonna go see the biffleflies now.”
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pinyeti · 4 months
Ugh they’re going to rescue the chancellor
Dookie’s back
anakin probably put Luke through the same stuff he went through to test if hes a little bitch like him
Okay anakin your problem is you only listen to yourself
Did anakin just call him short… does he have a death wish
Chancellors such as bitch
I just know padmes gonna die and hes going to turn cuz of her
The chancellor really said you’re not like other girls anakin
Okay so anakin has to pick sides between
This whole movie is everyone manipulating anakin to try and get him on their side
Kung fu panda - dragon warrior drama
Count dookie
Someone give nick fury and yoda parenting lessons
How did the jedis not see this???????
NO??? ANAKIN??? TELL ME ANAKIN DIDNT KILL A BUNCH OF CHILDREN WHAT THE FUCK?? No absolutely not im not siding for this bullshit fukc off
In the immortal words of Deadpool you punch a couple hundred orphans and suddenly you’re the bad guy
I want to kill anakin Fight me right now
Are you really going around killing children like youre not even going to rise to crimes in a linear manner?? You directly kill kids??
Yes anakin blame obi wan BLAME ANYONE BUT YOURSELF
standing in the middle of a burning planet I HAVE BROUGHT PEACE
No this is breaking my heart no no no no No no no no
YODA PLS PLS PLS KILL EMPEROR PLS (ik he wont but pls) Yoda is so powerless why didnt he stop anything WHY WERE THEY SO BLINDED WHY
I did not sign up for this heartbreak FUCK YOU ANAKIN FOR MAKING ME LIKE YOU FOR A TINY BIT
They lied to him, idc he deserves to hate himself for the rest of eternity
Ohh theyre making the Death Star now
…. this family needs therapy
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gffa · 2 years
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This hit me like a ton of bricks.  There’s another scene in this comic that really put it into perspective for me, it’s a Vader point of view scene, flashbacks of scenes from The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones where he was so afraid to lose his mother and then his wife that it was drawing a straight line to his fall to the dark side, which perfectly illustrated George Lucas’ commentary on Anakin’s story and why he fell. Then I get to this page. Another Vader point of view, the red boxes on black backgrounds that are inside his head.  “My son. I sense your anguish.  You still cannot bear the thought of losing your friends.  Good.  Now you’re ready... to learn what real fear is.” OHHHHHH THAT SHIT HIT LIKE A BRICK TO THE FACE. Anakin Skywalker, the core theme of his fall to the dark side, was his fear of losing his mother, losing his wife, losing his Master, losing his apprentice, losing his friends--he knows what that kind of gibbering fear is like and how deep it can cut. No one knows better than Darth Vader how powerful a weapon he’s just been handed.  He knows it because it’s the weapon that was turned on him to draw him to the dark side.  Luke’s fears for Han and Leia--and Vader will use this exact same trick again in Return of the Jedi and it will scrape away at Luke’s resolve, when Vader threatens Leia, that’s when Luke bursts into angry attacks, Vader senses his fear and anger then too--Vader is going to do to Luke what Palpatine did to him. This is why Obi-Wan and Yoda were wary on Dagobah--I recently rewatched that scene and their big point is that Luke’s not ready emotionally, that every step of the way he’s demonstrated he falls prey to his fears and defeatism, like in the cave when faced with the fearful vision of Vader, like when trying to lift the X-Wing out of the swamp.  This is why Obi-Wan says, “Luke, I don't want to lose you to the Emperor the way I lost Vader.” Because that unmastered fear for your loved ones is the tool that took down Anakin and now he’s going to use that same tool on Luke--and that’s the theme of Star Wars, that you have to master your fear, that’s Luke Skywalker’s journey, that he wasn’t born perfectly in control of himself, that even good people can fall prey to fear. There was a real chance it could happen, because Vader was an expert in knowing how to wield fear, no one knew better than him how deep that fear could cut.
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I´m procrastinating, so here´s too many notes about yesterday´s fantastic Scar stream, ft. Tango, Etho, Joel, Cleo, Ren, Bdubs, Wels, and Grian.
Scar claiming the giant roast in his carnivore car is clown meat
Scar defending himself against chat that he knows things in Minecraft and suggests asking Etho to confirm
Scar “imitating” the neighborhood nerds coming over ^^ they want to learn some scarstone
Tango and Etho complimenting the new cars with the fish tank, and then Tango asking why there are no clownfish ^^
Scar talking about differently scary clowns, and Etho says Baby Yoda scares him more than regular Yoda
Scar offering Tango and Etho a diamond block if they can find his permits in his chest monster, they take them instead and make him worry, Scar finds out and immediately afterwards jumps down the mail chute and his permits actually go missing.
Etho is the only one who knows how to properly operate the post office door…
Scar and Etho both want to collect glass permits. Etho says if Scar doesn´t give him his they´ll have to open a shop together and that´ll be torture for Scar. “I love you Scar but you´re gonna hate me I think…”
Aww, Etho talking about how Bdubs “invented” the piston step-stool one of the first times they met
Literal pillow talk
Scar loses his headphones again, Etho teases him, Gem in chat: “I know etho isn’t talking about replacing tech” xD
Etho: “The tissue box is in good shape, I take good care of it.”
Etho making a block representation of how he sits at his desk, Scar and Tango and Mrs. T flabbergasted
Etho adding lips to Scar´s fish
Who on the server is left-handed? Keralis is, and now they have to go ask the new guy.
Touring Joel´s base with Joel! Looks very nice. There´s no magic mountain chat yet, but there is a mail system chat. Joel: we get it you do mail, shut up Etho. Etho, high-pitched: you´re very impressed though, right Joel? ^^
Etho thanks Joel for the banners, he´s using them. Joel: “I saw, I saw, you´re such a big fan of me.” Etho: “Well someone´s gotta put up with you.” Scar saying they need to get a room xD
They go find the other leftie in Ren, Bdubs joins, then Skizz…
Tango to Skizz: “So how does your wife feel that you´re attracted to her brother? Is that weird?”  
Talking about spoiling things on the server, Grian logs in just to say that they spoiled his chicken farm
Bdubs: “ZombieCleo. Former mother of mine and greatest friend.” Buttering her up ^^ Cleo tells them to use the villagers until she´s set up her shop. Bdubs jokes about getting books and then selling them, Cleo says she´ll kill him and all his horses. Good at making threats! Nobody doubted her.
Etho saying Cleo should play favorites between Bdubs and Scar xD Cleo protesting she doesn´t have any.
Cleo gives Bdubs, Scar, and Etho a Mending book each. Etho asks what he could send Cleo to help them, Cleo says emeralds or gunpowder. And she´ll take heads as well. Cleo sent redstone to Etho as thanks for the mailbox and Etho sent gunpowder and heads back and she thought that was a valid deal. Tango asks who does that, Etho: “I know my Cleo! I figured she would like a couple heads and things…” Cleo: “You know what I like, explosives and dead bodies.” THEM.
Until Scar gets around to building his actual portal he plans to continue using the mail tracks; might lead to problems with more mail being sent…
Scar: “Now that we know there´s left-handed people out there…” Cleo: “We can avoid them.” ^^
Scar, Cleo, Etho, and Tango come as Bdubs´ posse to Wels
Tango calls him B-Double-Doinkers; unsurprisingly Cleo likes it
Wels shows off his walls and tent. Cleo: You´re doing medieval, something new and different for you!
Wels calls Bdubs the master of castles. Etho, crouching: “I built a sandcastle once.” xD
Bdubs and Wels go to one side to escape all the short jokes. Wels: “Let me get down to your level…”
Etho, Tango, and Scar admire Cleo´s vtuber model that includes hands. Etho: “Can you go like you´re disciplining me?” Cleo, finger pointing: “Don´t you dare, bad Etho, no cookie.” Etho, a bit later: “I might have phrased that poorly. I was going more for a teacher thing…”
The band broke up, how sad. Cleo and Scar: let´s go steal Bdubs´ horse!
Scar jumpscared by Bdubs while talking about Star Wars
Scar and Bdubs talk about thinks that can´t be changed and Bdubs brings up when they became the Clockers! “something else was written in sharpie and you couldn´t say anything other than that thing…”
Scar doesn´t want to give Etho too much credit because, little does anybody know, that man has an ego. Bdubs, astonished: Really? Scar: no, just joking. Bdubs: oh, whew. That almost destroyed… you know they say never learn about your heroes.
Grian shows up, Bdubs asks him if he got Mending. Grian, slightly baffled: Only a week ago. Bdubs, enthusiastic: Great job!
Grian wants to experiment, gets Scar to die twice, second time to a creeper that Grian doesn´t stop from approaching Scar in time. Cleo in chat asks if Scar is okay, Scar: “No can you kill G?” “Thank you mom” Cleo: “never been able to before” ^^ (not true Cleo did actually kill Grian once in Secret Life.)
Grian, out of nowhere: “You ever wonder what life would be like if we were all lip skin?” A James Acaster joke apparently.
Scar and Grian switching to a left-handed skin for funsies and it looks veery strange.
Scar mentions his older brother is ambidextrous. Grian: “You know I don´t like it when you talk about your older brother.” Apparently Scar sometimes sends him pictures of his brother posing in the gym??
Some talk about build planning. Scar watches a creeper walk up to Grian and doesn´t say anything, Grian sees it in time and kills it. Scar says he had such Third Life flashbacks but he was on the other side of it.
Scar offering Grian they go 50-50 on the sand permit! Grian says there´ll be a joint ownership form.
Grian is not looking forward to permit office work. He´ll get the two most competent men he knows as enforcers, Scar and Skizz, and he´s pretty sure with them as enforcers he won´t have to do anything.
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ghostofskywalker · 3 months
Please put Fives in a low-stakes situation that resolves well. Trying to cook for the first time, or babysitting, or getting lost in an unfamiliar city, that kind of thing. He had such an unhappy death, I wanna read about him having a happy life
this was such a lovely idea, thank you! he really does deserve more than he got in canon, and i hope you enjoy this :)
words: 711
summary: while on leave, fives and echo do some youngling-sitting for the jedi order.
ao3 link
He didn’t know whose bright idea this was. 
When the general had asked if him and Echo would be willing to help the Jedi out with a favor while the 501st was on leave, Fives would have bet all his credits that it was combat training, storage room reorganization, or some other kind of physically intense grunt work. He certainly didn’t expect to be put in charge of watching 10-15 Jedi younglings. Wait, maybe they weren’t younglings - were they padawans? Or was there another title between the aforementioned two stages of Jedi Knighthood? 
He didn’t know; half of them were probably older than he was anyway. 
Echo was already no help, having found a small group of younglings who had basically imprinted on him, and they were off in the corner doodling together. 
Meanwhile, Fives’ group was made up of the more excitable younglings. He had been trained for the most intense combat situations that GAR could think of, with the primary teachers he worked with on Kamino being ruthless bounty hunters and practically superhuman Jedi, but yet after one game of tag, his only thought was how badly he wanted to lay down and take a week long nap. 
“Come on!” one of the kids said to him, grabbing his arm with what felt like a durasteel grip and not letting go. “We’re going to build a fort!” 
Okay, this was something that he could get interested in. Maybe it would involve less running around, and maybe he could sit down and zone out for a few moments. He almost wished he was back on the front lines of the war, because at least those situations he knew how to deal with. 
One of the kids sneezed, and mere moments later a chorus of “EWWWWWW” sounded from all over the room. Even Echo joined in on that one, and Fives just stared at his twin. What? Echo mouthed from across the room. 
Fives just playfully rolled his eyes, but secretly he couldn’t help but feel some of the infectious joy that being around these kids brought bubbling up in his stomach. So much of his life had been spent in the clutches of danger, but right now the only thing he was worried about was getting told off by Master Yoda for letting the younglings do something they shouldn’t. When the war was over, he decided, he wanted to do something like this more often. Maybe the Jedi would keep letting him come around, and he could spend some of his afternoons getting worn out by the newest younglings and laughing with a joy he never thought was sustainable.
A loud THUNK interrupted his inner thoughts, and his head turned to see a large box fall to the floor from its place on a high shelf, training remotes clattering across the floor as their container made contact. There was one particularly proud looking child staring up at the other boxes on the shelf before raising his hands up again, and Fives knew what was happening in this moment. He had seen General Skywalker stand in the exact same pose, sometimes before using the Force to send the Captain and the Commander flying through the air. 
He tensed as he regarded the training remotes - were those dangerous? He knew that more than half the things they had trained with in Kamino were dangerous if used improperly, these had to be a similar situation. 
However, none of the younglings paid any mind to the equipment scattered across the floor, even pushing it aside to bring the box into a more central location. Other large containers followed, this time filled with blankets, pillows, and spare robes and Fives just sat back and watched as the tiny Jedi worked together to create an (incredibly impressive, if he did say so himself) structure they could hang out and hide away in. As the noise level in the room evened out, he finally got a chance to sit back and just watch as things took shape. 
Maybe the Jedi would be annoyed about how much cleanup they would have to do when all this was said and done, but in this moment, he didn’t really care. 
They had the Force to help them move stuff anyway.
- the end -
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luukeskywalker · 10 months
If you're ok with it, deezstral with #74?
the song is Elephant Bones by That Handsome Devil and at first i considered some sort of apocalypse au, but i think what i went with instead was much more fun for me to write:
“If you had to be stuffed and put on display in a museum like this, what pose would you want to be stuck in?” 
Vurows looked at Zistral with wide eyes. “Are you offering?” 
“Um, no.” Zistral shrugged. “The thought just came to me.” There was a pause as Zistral thought about Vurows’s reaction. “Did you think I was flirting with you?” 
“I…don’t know. You said the word ‘stuffed’ so I – well –” 
This was not an appropriate discussion to be having in public, but that was nothing new for the two of them. Other museum-goers walked quickly past them, averting their eyes and ears. 
“I mean, I didn’t mean it in a flirty way. I was just thinking–” 
Honestly, what had he been thinking? Sometimes thoughts, questions, even ideas came to him almost as if from somewhere else. Maybe it was a leftover effect of his days as a sky-walker, or maybe it had something to do with how he got his third sight back. But he always felt as if there was something out there watching him, or guiding him, or just straight-up controlling him. 
None of that really mattered at the moment though. For once, they were having a museum date to themselves, and the galaxy wasn’t actively ending due to certain other party members’ propensity for senseless violence. They stood in front of one of those large displays that showed a few taxidermied animals posed around their appropriate environment, and Zistral got a long look at some unidentified feline creature’s yawning mouth and sharp tusks. He felt a shiver run up his spine. 
“When I was an Inquisitor, there was this weird museum-thing that – uh, well, honestly it was kinda dark. Literally and metaphorically, cuz it was not very well lit in there. But there were some, umm, deceased Force users all propped up in there. Someone had to have posed them, right?” 
Vurows frowned thoughtfully. “I wonder if I could do that to Thevaro. Maybe we could keep him as a trophy after I kill him.” His face scrunched up a bit after thinking about it a little longer. “Actually, nevermind. I don’t think there’d be much left to pose. And also I don’t like looking at him.” 
“That is so not the point I am trying to make, but I appreciate the creativity, thank you.” Zistral squeezed Vurows’s hand a little and turned back to the museum display. “Please don’t kill him, also.”
“No promises.” 
Zistral felt a stress headache coming on. “Well let’s not think about all that right now. I think if I died and had to be a museum display, I’d want to be posed like, peeking out from under a cardboard box, so you can only see my eyes or something.” 
“I’m not letting the museum keep you.” Vurows said quickly. “I’ll steal you back.” 
“Oh,” Zistral said, “I kind of figured we were gonna die together and like, get donated at the same time or something. Like maybe we’re both under the box, I dunno.” 
The thought was romantic…to him, at least. Two of his favorite things. “Maybe we’re in a Dagobah display or something and they’ll import some swamp water in and we’re both posed like we’re drinking it.” 
Vurows gagged. 
Zistral sighed. “Okay, I’m the only one drinking it. What would you be doing?” 
“I can’t believe you would choose to be drinking swamp water forever over being in a cute pose with me.” Vurows looked like he was about to get moody. 
But – how could you ask Zistral to choose between his two great loves?!
“I mean, we’re both in the Dagobah display together, right? We can splash around in the swamp, or maybe we’re training behind Yoda’s hut, or something.” 
“Hmm…or something.” Vurows raised a brow as he considered the options. “I don’t think our display would be allowed in this museum.” 
Wait. Was he implying– 
“I am not letting someone pose my pussy.” Zistral said. 
“But you let me–” 
So much for a museum date. They were told in no uncertain terms to never come back.
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zipmode · 1 year
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My mom bought this stupid fucking baby yoda and I hate it so much if you punch its head it makes noise and she's put it on the chaise to discourage our dog from jumping on it but the problem is it also discourages ME because i HATE IT i don't want to TOUCH IT its eyes are like cameras and i dont want to hear it fucking gurgle. I've looked and i cannot for the life of me find where its batteries are. Every part of it is sewn or glued or solid plastic and inaccessible to my prying malice. It sits on the chaise smug as fuck knowing that I WANT TO SIT ON THE CHAISE so i can FEEL LIKE A FAINT VICTORIAN WOMAN. it scares our dog it scares our cat it doesn't scare me but it does disgust me. It has turned the chaise into a barren heartless wasteland and i cant do anything about it because my mom fucking loves her stupid baby yoda. She thinks this freak is cute. Well mark my words Suzanne one of these days I WILL find not only its batteries but its voice box as well and I WILL replace its stupid babbling and gurgling with something funny like a grown man's screams or perhaps the Hell's Kitchen sting. Mark my words.
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roxygen22 · 2 years
Torn Asunder
Chapter 2: Always on the Move
"So what brings you to Temple High?" you asked as you and Anakin walked down the hall to the cafeteria. That was the burning question everyone had on their minds. Families stay here for generations, and others leave...but there's not much in your hometown to draw in new folks.
"Oh, uh, my step-dad got a new job teaching over at the junior high campus," Anakin responded as he stared at the class pictures that hung on the wall above the long stretch of lockers.
"Oh neat," you paused, "speaking of dads, that one's mine." His gaze followed your hand as you pointed up. You just happened to be right in front of the class picture from your dad's senior year almost 30 years ago.
"Wow," he said softly, "your family has been here a long time." Too long, you thought. I can't break out soon enough.
"Yeah, I even had a teacher who taught us both - Mr. Yoda. He's reeeeeeeeally old," you said with a giggle.
After a short walk, you were at the cafeteria doors. You brought your lunch, but Anakin didn't, so after showing him where to get in line, you pointed to your table of friends.
"I'll be sitting over there. I'll save you a spot. I mean, if you want...you don't have...you're welcome to sit wherever." Your cheeks reddened as you stumbled over your words.
"Thanks, Y/N," with a smirk and a gentle nod of his head. Your heart skipped a beat with the sound of your name rolling off his tongue. After a small, awkward goodbye wave, you quickly turned toward your table.
Aayla just gave you a knowing smile as your other friends whispered and giggled as you walked over. "Someone has the hots for the new kid!" Kit flashed his classic sh*t-eating grin. Ugh - again with the blushing!
"His name is Anakin, and he seems like a nice guy. I invited him to sit with us," you responded curtly as you blocked the spot next to you with your lunch box.
"Ooooooh! It's about time you started dating someone! Since nobody around here seems good enough for you," Jyn yell-whispered as Anakin walked over with his tray.
If looks could kill, you wouldn't have any more friends. "WOULD YOU STOP IT?! Don't joke like that," recalling Anakin's earlier attempt at shocking humor. As if on cue, he taps you on the shoulder.
"Oh, hey Anakin, I saved you a spot," you announced in a sing-song voice and moved your tote, desperately trying to ignore your friends' snickering. "This is Aayla. She was in our first class this morning. And this is Jyn and Kit."
Anakin sat down with his tray, scanning the eager faces nervously. "Um, hello."
"Where did you move from?" Jyn asked.
"JYN!" This time Aayla was the one to admonish her. Jyn shrugged and mouthed, "what?"
Anakin chuckled through his nose. "It's okay - I expected the questioning. This isn't my first move. Before we came here, we lived in a small town in West Texas. Only for a couple of years, though. I'm glad we didn't stay too long. There was lots of sand. It's irritating and gets everywhere." Nothing can put down roots there, he muttered almost imperceptibly. His eyes dropped to the floor.
Noting Anakin's solemn look, you interjected. "Did you at least have a good view of the mountains while you were there? I flew to El Paso once. That was my favorite part."
"Yes, that was one of the few highlights." He brought his eyes up to softly stare into yours.
Oh, stars.
<< Chapter One
Chapter Three >>
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List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! 💗
LING!! Alright now I gotta think some more for the next five.
Writing makes me happy, even if it's like pulling teeth sometimes. I'm glad I have the ability to write, or at least envision what I want to write.
My hyperfixation collections. Have a shelf for Good Omens, a shelf for Gallavich, a fucking wall for Eddie Munson, wish dashes of disney and baby yoda around.
My siblings, they're the best.
My coworkers, except for one who shall remain nameless, they're all pretty cool and help make the day go by with our oldies.
My kitty cat meow face Midnight who was enjoying the hell out of a paper bag earlier and it was funny as hell.
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