#i want to make lore for the destroying angels or make human forms for them.....it sounds fun
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ghostbird-art · 14 days ago
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Funguary - Destroying Angels
I found out there were 4 mushrooms with the same nickname, so I felt bad leaving any of them out.
top- A. virosa (European Destroying Angel) left- A. verna (Fool's Mushroom/Spring Destroying Angel) right- A. ocreata (Angel of Death/West NA Destroying Angel center- A. bisporigera (Eastern NA Destroying Angel)
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bob-mirum · 4 months ago
I can't exist in the fandom if I don't make myself a character there, so I made her in Uncle Samsonite lore-
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Tbh for some reason I'm afraid to talk so openly about my characters (and mostly no one reads about them except my friends-), but I have accumulated the content with her that I want to show, so I'll try to briefly talk about her xd Without details: She has existed for as long as Sir Bowen and Samsonite, accidentally got in the way of demon dirty tricks to destroy human souls and decided that at all costs she would try to stop him. She was trapped twice: The first time she was locked in Uncle Samsonite's domain, but was able to escape from there. When she escaped, she had no other way but into the first available technique, and found herself locked up for the second time, but already in the digital world. When Samsonite became impudent and took Jake's body, and the demon that Father John asked for help refused, Mr. Dad accidentally discovered a working game console in Jake's room, in which he found a pink angel in the form of a tamagotchi. With the help of Father John, they were able to free her, and thanks to them she began to accumulate her strength so that together with Sir Bowen they could strike back at Samsonite. Fun fact number one: It was a character for joke because stupid sound in the tik tok Fun fact number two: I thought she didn't have a name, "Pinkie" is her name because that's what Samsonite called her for the first time because her hair
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and just not canon silly pic
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cringemesstickles · 5 months ago
A Game Of Chase… But Why?
(TickleTober Day 2: Chase)
Summary: Sam and Dean are wrapped up in a game of chase. Castiel is confused.
Pairing: None (Maybe Destiel if you squint)
Word Count: 1293
A/N: ikik another SPN fic… I can’t help it :v
The bunker was quiet as there wasn’t much to do. There were no apocalypses, no universes shattering, no Lucifer… just a normal day.
And there, sitting on the couch, was the former angel of the Lord, Castiel, hands clasped in his lap as he stared at the wall with his usual pensive expression. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of boots pounding against the floors, as well as familiar voices shouting through the halls.
“Get back here, Sammy! You know what’s coming!” Dean yelled, his voice carrying a mixture of playfulness and warning.
Sam darted around a sharp corner, his longer legs giving him a slight advantage over his older brother. The angel could overhear the back and forth and the rapid footsteps, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out what was going on.
“Come on, man! I didn’t finish it on purpose! If you wanted it so bad, you should’ve put your name on it!” cried the younger Winchester, his laughter echoing through the labyrinthine halls.
The noise was quite distracting. Castiel considered moving thinking spots before the brothers came bounding into the living area, giving the angel a start.
Sam ran in first, darting behind the couch before Dean followed, taking a wide stance on the opposite side, his hands raised and his fingers formed like claws. Throughout this, neither of them even acknowledged their angelic friend, who could only hope to figure out what on earth was unfolding in front of him.
“Excuses, excuses!” Dean growled, a playful grin on his face as he circled the couch, attempting to subtly close the distance between him and his brother. “You know what happens when you mess with my pie!”
Just as Dean was about to lunge, Castiel’s gravelly voice caught their attention.
“Has Dean been possessed? Why do you appear to be so… urgent?”
The brothers stopped in their tracks, sharing a baffled look before turning back to Castiel.
“Cas, Dean isn’t possessed…” Sam explained, a small, amused smile on his lips. Meanwhile, that cheeky expression found its way back to the older Winchester’s face as he eyed the youngest in the room.
“Oh, I’m possessed, alright… possessed by the tickle monster!” he growled before jumping toward Sam while the younger was distracted, his fingers latching onto the man’s sides and digging in with vigor.
As Sam yelped and burst into a fit of boisterous laughter, grappling onto the back of the couch to try and keep upright, Castiel cocked his head to the side, looking more confused than before as he watched the scene unfold.
“Tickle monster? I do not recall reading about this in lore books… I suppose the name is self-explanatory… How do you defeat it?”
The laughter only got louder at that question, and Sam shook his head, trying his best to answer their friend’s question while his brother was destroying him with tickles.
“N-No, no, no, it’s not a real—haha—monster! Dean’s just being a goof!”
Odd… so this was a playful thing? Castiel had made a lot of progress over the years, but sometimes he thought he’d just never truly understand humans.
“Ah… so you’re not really in danger?”
Dean chuckled, shaking his head as he moved to target the younger’s tummy, causing him to shriek and double over in hysterics. “Nope. The only thing Sammy’s in danger of is dying of laughter… Ain’t that right, Sammy?”
“Shut uhuhuhup!” came Sam’s frantic response.
Castiel’s brow creased with puzzlement, his eyes scanning the scene as if that would help him put the pieces together.
“Why were you chasing him then? He seemed quite alarmed.”
“Because it makes it more fun!”
It seemed that every answer only led to more and more questions. Why on earth would being chased be fun? Castiel had been chased before, and he recalled it as a very unpleasant experience.
“Fun? I fail to see how running for your life could be ‘fun,’” he said bluntly, tuning out the sound of Sam’s squeals as the elder’s fingers scribbled all over his belly.
Dean rolled his eyes and decided to show Sam some mercy so that they could help their angel friend out, giving his younger brother a pat on the shoulder and helping him stand. How on earth were they supposed to explain this to an angel? It was clear that Castiel didn’t have even a shred of understanding on this matter, so they were practically starting from nowhere.
“It just kind of is… the thrill of the chase, y’know?” Dean tried his hand at explaining, admittedly doing a horrible job. As the taller man sat up and plopped onto the couch, he decided to take a crack at it.
“It’s just a playful thing, Cas… When you’re not in any danger and you’re just messing around, chases can be pretty fun.” Sam smiled, trying his best to put it in simple terms. He’d also learned that it was better to explain things in a more blunt manner, since the angel could be quite… literal.
Castiel hummed, nodding slightly. “I see… Perhaps I should try to engage more. I often forget to, as Dean once put it, be less angelic.”
Dean gave a snort of laughter, raising his hands to threateningly wiggle his fingers at the angel. “Oh, buddy, you do NOT wanna get roped into this!”
At that, the angel gave a tilt of his head, his expression a mixture of amusement and bewilderment as he processed his friend’s words. “Dean, I do not believe you could take me… I am an angel of the Lord.”
Sam’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two, interested to see where this would go. Should he intervene? Maybe… but how? And frankly, why? This was pretty damn hilarious. And so, he kept his mouth shut, choosing to observe, but not before popping in with a friendly warning.
“Cas, I really wouldn’t challenge him… He’s ruthless,” he said, his voice the kind that speaks from experience. And if anyone could speak from experience on this matter, it was definitely Sam.
But the angel did not heed Sam’s warning. “Perhaps to you, Sam. But a human cannot merely take down an angel of the Lord.”
Dean’s eyes were twinkling with mischief, subtly shuffling closer to his angelic friend, hands raised menacingly. Dean was always up for a challenge. “Don’t tempt me, angel… I’ll make you eat those words.”
Castiel crossed his arms, giving a huff of disbelief. “Words cannot be eaten, Dean,” he stated matter-of-factly. It was at this moment that Sam realized he might have an out for the long, drawn-out tickle attack he would endure had this not become a thing. So, he sat up and casually started to shuffle away.
“Well, you guys have fun… Just try not to kill each other.”
He got all of three steps away before he heard a shrill shriek, and when he turned around, he saw his older brother straddling Castiel’s hips and digging his fingers into the angel’s ribs. While Sam wanted to stick around and watch the endearing scene, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Dean remembered their unfinished business… so he had to skedaddle.
“Oh, don’t think this means you’re off the hook, Sammy! Once I’m finished with this angel, you’re toast!”
And that was Sam’s cue to run… again.
While the angel didn’t fully understand games of chase, he did understand friendship and brotherhood… and that was precisely what he got from the Winchesters. Maybe he’d come around eventually, but for now, he was more than content to play around the Winchester way… with lots of teasing, banter, and of course, the occasional tickle attack.
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raasturi · 3 months ago
MOE (Missionarirs of Eden) AU Peri and Irep in a nutshell
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I know I said I would draw more ship art BUT the AU just got a HUGE update* and I had to make something silly related to it
Peri is giving big Steven Universe energy in this one. Peace and love on the planet Earth, am I right
Also hey, look at that! First look at what my AU Irep looks like! (If we don't count the outdated drawings I made)
*So, what's the update?
Note: fairies are called angels and anti-fairies are called demons, if you still didn't know. Both of them are called "children of God"
As you could probably guess from the image, the updated lore has to do with the children of God (angels and demons) wanting to cleanse the Earth from what they qualify as sin**. They just have different ideas about how it should be done.
The angels believe that life should be preserved, but that they have a right to intervene so that sin that comes from it can be minimized. Especially difficult are humans, who not only destroy others and their environment greatly, but also themselves (among many other things), giving them the highest sin rate of any species. To combat this, the godparenting programme was initiated***.
The demons have a more neutral reception towards life, but since the angels have power over the universe and them, they have mutually agreed on following their command. This means that their mission is also to purify the Earth from as much sin as possible, though they are not as devoted as the angels are and instead they want to kill and eat those causing the most harm. This is due to the fact that the demons can't get energy from their God**** and they have to rely on external sources, like suns, planets and living beings (whose flesh many have come to love).
To create balance between the two sides, the scribes (a.k.a. the pixies. Yes, they're back and I renamed them again) were created to keep track of the amount of sin on Earth, more specifically the amount each species create. As long as the total is under a certain limit, the demons are not allowed to kill any of the members of that species (though they do hunt creatures, including humans, from time to time).
** There is no definite answer to what counts as sin, and the angels' criteria comes purely from what they think their God deems bad (demons follow the same guidelines). These include things such as change and disruption of the natural order, greed, for social species: engaging in antisocial behaviour, etc. Children of God can also sin by breaking their law or forming a relationship with a child of Eden (a.k.a. any biological being, *cough cough*... I'm looking at you, Peri) including other things.
Note: some actiong may cause more sin than others
*** The godparenting programme includes taking care of children ages 4 to 18. They target those who have a medium to a high risk of creating sin as an adult, but who also have a high chance of not sinning if they're helped. This results in the overall sin rate to hopefully shrink with each generation.
**** The angels' God works like a giant battery that provides the angels with a constant flow of energy, while the demons' God works the opposite. In essence, the angels and demons work as gateways for energy to pass through from one side to the other.
Once the angels' God has used up all its energy, the angels will die and when all the energy (including matter) from the universe gets consumed by the demons, they die too. Once all the energy has been collected to the other God, it will create a new universe for the energy to pass through again. This cycle will go on forever, though that isn't too relevant to the plot of the AU, since the children of God are not even aware of this cycle.
The angels (fairies) want to get rid of sin by helping, while the demons (anti-fairies) want to get rid of it by killing and eating them. Since they don't want to fight, they created the scribes (pixies) to keep count of the amount of sin on Earth. They agreed that as long as there isn't too much sin, the demons are not allowed to kill anybody.
This is what living in isolation from the rest of the fandom does to a mf
I shortened the name of the AU to now be "MOE" for simplicity
Uhhgggghhhhhg it feels sooo good now that I've finally started explaining the AU hghhh. There are still many things I didn't touch on, but I didn't want to overwhelm you too much
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almostyours · 4 months ago
random question but for a group that is considered an angel group theres a lack of angel imagery in the graphics and blog and knowing you i am sure there’s a reason for that????? 🎤
LMAOOOOOO KNOWING ME?!  😭😭😭  ok.  but ur right.  i actually do have a reason but i’ve never said anything about it because that’s lore territory and i’ve always wanted to do something “fun” to talk about those silly theories.  but with the way i’m moving…  ok.  u didn’t ask for this but i will do a little lore dump on the reason why i don’t really include angel visuals to their content with a tldr because before i am an human i'm a yapper!
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in their world,  the mobius,  there’s an otherworldly god i call "i"—  though sometimes i call them "mother" or "father" as well,  since,  really,  they’re only a concept.  and,  in a way,  "i" could even be u. 
“i” is beyond mortal understanding,  something like a biblically accurate angel that no one is worthy to look upon.  a literal god of whom no one shall make a carved image.  their vision when creating the mobius was to make a “perfect world,”  free of sin and disobedience,  where angels and disciples would serve them and their word alone.  to do this,  “i” created three angels from the heart of nature,  because whatever came from mother nature itself would surely obey them,  right?  but there was one rule in “i’s” book:  noooooooo one could ever resemble the likeness or idea of “i.”  because if their angels inspired the same awe or dread "i" provided,  how could they ever spread their message?
so,  these angels were made to radiate kindness,  each a vessel of their season,  born to share “i’s” teachings without stirring fear.  they’re almost like concepts themselves:  a glimpse of what they might be,  but always held back by “i’s” rules and doctrine.  basically,  they were created solely to serve.  (not trying to be funny here lmaoooooooooo).  in their gentle,  human-like forms,  the sillies are the perfect reflections of “i’s” ideals,  inspiring trust rather than dread to those they cross paths with.  
yet,  after the aengel of the season project,  they saw how “i” had limited them as angels,  as “humans,”  as individuals because they didn’t even have the right to think on their own without consequences.  they were even bothered by the fact that “i” didn’t fully respect mother nature by allowing their disciples to slowly destroy her.  this realization sparked anger toward their god,  their roles,  and even their own identities because who the fuck am i?  eventually,  they understood that they were as close to god as anything could be as they were created by "i" and their own creation,  so why serve when they are their own person slash actual angel?   🤭  now,  with “i’s” gift,  aka their serene,  human-like forms as they don’t portray themselves as the biblically angels they actually are,  they quietly but definitely defy “i’s” words by sharing their own doctrines of self-love,  self-expression,  and self-respect.  :)  
TLDR.  their human forms are simply “vessels” to gain people’s trust,  as they’re actually biblically accurate angels  :)  because how can they share their own doctrine and encourage mmmmmmm individuality?  uniqueness?  if everyone is screaming and kicking their feet while they’re going plsssssss do not be afraid  D:  their aura alone is angelic enough,  aka the main reason angel imagery isn’t present enough in the blog  :) 
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findroleplay · 7 months ago
Word Bank:
[Futuristic fantasy, angels & demons, religious themes, MxM, angel x half-demon, priest x mercenary/bodyguard, age gap, slow-burn, forbidden love, opposites attract, friends(?) with benefits]
You must be 18+.
I only roleplay on Discord.
I use a 3rd person writing style.
You must be able to write at least 3 paragraphs per reply.
I enjoy plotting things out, so having a partner to brainstorm with is a must.
Smut will be included (kinks/limits to be discussed). There will be about a 50-50 split between story and smut.
Anime faceclaims only (no AI images).
It was 400 years ago that demons first crawled up from the pits of hell to roam the mortal plane. No one knew how or why they appeared, but they knew to fear them. They were like rabid animals, attacking anything and everything that dared breathe life into the world. For a brief glimpse in time, humanity believed they were at their end.
Soon after, angels came down from the heavens to strike down the hellspawn with angelic steel, the only thing that can harm them. They were hailed as the saviors of humanity and temporarily settled in the mortal plane, expecting a quick victory against their counterparts. For nearly two centuries, the angels were successful at driving them back.
But these demons were not mere monsters incapable of change. In fact, they were the exact opposite. As time passed, they evolved. They became stronger, more intelligent. Some even changed their bodies, taking on human forms to hide their true nature.
They were patient… and then, just like that, the war had turned on its head.
Angels were slaughtered by the thousands, having been hunted to near extinction, for demons became naturally drawn to their divinity. Some sought to consume it, others simply wanted to destroy it. The reason didn’t matter. The demons had outsmarted the angels, and now, they had nowhere to hide.
The demons thought they’d won, but they too had severely underestimated the very people who live in this world. Where the angels fell, humanity took up the mantle. That’s when the chasseurs, or demon hunters, came to be. With weapons forged of angelic steel, they were able to keep the demons at bay, protecting the land from these fiendish creatures up to the present.
In the year 2145, the remnants of humanity have found refuge in their technologically advanced cities, each protected by an invisible barrier. Most chasseurs these days work for the military. Here, they reside peacefully, going about their days as if everything were normal. As a result, many have gotten far too comfortable during this time of peace.
In the city of Ambrosia resides one of the few remaining angels in the world where he serves as the High Priest at the grand cathedral.
They say he was found one night abandoned just outside the city, taken in by the nuns who raised and cared for him. They educated him in all aspects of life and ensured he would remain pure, a perfect being free from sin.
Once he was old enough, he became the figurehead of the church, poised and dignified, a benevolent and just individual loved and respected by everyone around him. Many would travel far and wide just to see the angel. To gaze upon his beauty. To confess their sins and beg for forgiveness. Some even believed he may be the last of his kind.
Alas, most days he spent within the cathedral. Occasionally, he’d make a public appearance, attend numerous events, both formal and informal as a show of good will — only for the flightless bird to return right back to his pretty cage. His safe and secure cage.
He heard stories he’d hear from distant travelers, read books and scriptures which spoke of people and places far away from here. They filled his mind with wonder and curiosity, but also fear and anxiety.
He knew he could never leave the church, not with demons lurking just beyond the city gates. They could smell his divinity, and they would do anything to destroy it. The thought alone frightened him…
No, he could never leave this place, nor did he want to. This was his home. This is where he belonged, where he was safe. No demon would ever find him here.
However, a recent incident occurred when a demon had somehow entered the city. Thankfully, no one was killed as they were discovered quickly and disposed of by a chasseur who happened to be in the area. Even so, it left the people in a panic, especially those at the church.
It was quickly decided that they’d hire a chasseur to personally guard their dear angel should such an incident occur again. In fact, they chose to hire the very person who killed the trespassing demon as a sign of gratitude. The High Priest, however, was none-too-pleased with this decision.
This chasseur was clearly not from Ambrosia, nor was he contracted by their military. He’d only seen the older man once before in the cathedral, sitting in the back trying to hide the fact that he was smoking. He was slovenly, indolent, and a tad prideful too. He may be courteous, usually obedient, maybe even a bit charming, but the angel didn’t like him. Still, he would tolerate the sinner’s presence for as long as he needed to. Nothing more to it.
Little does he realize that the chasseur is more than he lets on. His blood has been tainted from the moment he was born. He loathes his existence, masking it behind sarcastic remarks and his so-called sinful life. Despite his rugged exterior, the older man is far kinder and more sincere than he lets on.
He can’t help but feel drawn to the angelic priest, a feeling that burned in him, but he’s unsure if it’s because of who he is or what he is.
I can write as either the chasseur (late 30s-early 40s) or the angelic priest (mid 20s).
This can be either OCxOC (original), or if you’re a fan of Honkai: Star Rail, I’d also be down to do a Galladay (Gallagher x Sunday) AU with this concept since the characters are kind of inspired by them (I may use either of the two as a reference for whichever character I write, if you want to look them up to see the vision).
If this interests you or you have any questions, please like this post or message me directly, thank you!
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the-cosmos-withinus · 2 years ago
Was the movie Ravenous one of the inspirations for the Wendigo Belos in the Shadow Puppets AU?
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Not really. I'm just fascinated by Wendigo folklore the way that some people are fascinated with vampires or werewolves. Belos's monster form in canon take its general visual cues from the classic Hollywood interpretation of the Wendigo (being an animal-like humanoid, usually deer) and I'm trying to blend that in with both more accurate Wendigo lore and the pretty messy world building of the show.
You know, since episode one made the bold claim that every myth humans have is a little bit of the Demon Realm leaking into the Human world, but never does anything with that idea.
As I already stated, the Deer-like visuals is a very Hollywood interpretation, actual indigenous Folklore for the Wendigo usually depicts them as giants with a heart of ice or indistinguishable from an ordinary human. It varies depending on the culture and whether the creature in question is actually a Wendigo or a similar spirit but a common versions it is a malevolent spirit embodying human gluttony, greed, selfishness and violence with an insatiable hunger for human flesh
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Somewhere in my lore tag I have a headcanon post about the Wendigo where I tried to blend this a bit, but to elaborate; Philip's true form is actually a puddle of amorphous rot, his ability to take a recognizable shape is correlated to how well he's been feeding.
A key part of his character in the Shadow Puppets AU is his refusal to acknowledge the loss of his humanity and act against his instinctual need to consume people because at one point in his life, he was a good little Christian boy who knows Gluttony, Greed and Wrath are three of the Seven Deadly sins, and Thou Shalt Not Kill is one of the Ten Commandments.
That's a subject I personally find really interesting; what happens when a creature that's the embodiment selfishness is born from someone who was once pure and selfless, who's most selfish desire is to stay human? It's complicated and messy and a complete nightmare for Philip, but a lot of fun for me as a writer.
His mistake is lying to himself and others that the monster isn't really him, it is a Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation, the Wendigo is the the dark and twisted evil side of his humanity given form, but he thinks he can fight it and desperately tries to by not letting himself act like a Wendigo and to this end he mostly relies on Astrophel to keep him in line. Astrophel's character arc revolves around him realizing he's done a poor job at being Philip's Guardian Angel and failed him as a friend.
Side note: Although Philip has his own reasons for being angry and wanting to destroy the Boiling Isles, and it technically his idea, he asked Astrophel's permission and has been carrying out this goal under the pretense that he's doing it for his friend
Philip fights it by consuming Palismen instead, which he considers nothing more than animals, and because no one knows what he really is, even the ones that know he's cursed, they let him get away with it. Early in the events of the AU he horded Palismen that he stole from the people of the Boiling Isles or found abandoned, but even that wasn't enough and he struggled keeping a human form resulting in the deer-like monstrosity, it's a reflection of how Philip sees himself which is why it bares resemblance to the mask his brother made him.
As Emperor Belos, with people literally serving him Palismen on platters, he was able to keep himself fed enough that he kept his human shape with ease, and doesn't have problems with it again until the supply of Palismen starts drying up. No Palisman Beast in this AU, his struggles to control his monster form is literally because he's secretly a starving Wendigo and loosing his grip on his humanity as his need to feed himself grows.
Something that makes this scary in the RP (as if isn't already terrifying in general) is that before Philip was cursed he was a lot more like Luz than he is in canon; weird and struggling to fit in, but empathic and selfless. The Wendigo curse stripped that away from him, and it's not something he asked to or was aware could happen either, so rather than her moping about helping Philip, in our AU Luz spends her time back in the human realm struggling with the horrific realization that she could become a Wendigo just as easily as Philip did and fear that she might already have the curse growing in her.
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cbdinodoodlez · 1 year ago
i have come to ask about your aus for my project (and if i may use them)
this dude fr asked the most so totally normal person ever to drop all their fnaf lore level stuff
um i think you want mostly clive specific stuff right? for him specifically i don't have too too many aus, only stuff hes apart of [pl cartoon, jsko, kind of evil sillies/mirrored world i guess, etc {if u dont feel like working w the one im abt to tell u, i can elaborate on these}] but luckily i do have one clive centered!
so you know that one scene in unwound future where it was clive on the monitor, right?
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okay so basically what if there were 3 main monitors. 2 smaller ones representing shoulder devil and shoulder angel and a big giant one thats just at this point ai that acts like clive. he's kind of if you grab clive and make him even more insane and instead of wanting to destroy london, he wants to destroy everything ever and has no humanity at all.
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heres a ref of sorts i suddenly remembered last second. he can come out of the monitor and has physical form. if ur wondering if he has to be a fox: no, nope, nuh uh! whats cool abt him is that he can take the form of basically any variation of clive! ive been wanting to animate him to a will wood song for the longest time ever and theres a scene that plays in my brain where he glitches the heck out and while doing so he takes the form of different clives from my other aus like the pokemon mystery dungeon au, pl cartoon, etc.
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heres an old drawing based off of multiple different drawings of the original concept bc ive never ever been able to finish any version of that drawing not even this one for whatever reason. the purpose of the smaller shoulder devil and angel is honestly just to support the evil fella 😭😭 and can honestly just be ignored. if ur wondering what happened to him and the other two after the fortress collapsed, erm...let's just say...people weren't able to find them under all the rubble. :] [basically theyre missing and i honestly think hes scheming smth]
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heres the original drawing w him in his computer virus colored glory. if you want even more info and newer art, you can always dm me!
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mister13eyond · 1 year ago
It's okay that you called me Anon, don't worry. Is one of your assholes also trying to reset every single alternative universe you've created? My yes or rather is trying to cancel a certain event, completely ignoring the butterfly effect it could have. For him, chaos theory is nonsense created by humans.
OH THAT SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL AND TERRIBLE i *love* a metanarrative aware/multiverse-destroying character [chef kiss] NOT TO COMPARE TO UNDERTALE AUS but i always loved the whole back and forth happening with certain undertale aus where some iterations wanted to DESTROY the concept of alternate universes/timeline offshoots and others wanted to INSPIRE artists and lead to the creation of MORE offshoots? it's super fun, that level of self-interaction between yourself as a creator and your character as a narrative element but also a RESPONSE to your creation is SO fun!
NONE OF MINE ARE ON THAT LEVEL but I think the closest would be Zinnia- rambling/oc lore under the cut bc it got long!
SO SOME FRAMEWORK IS NECESSARY in my comic universe, angels are beings connected to the mana that makes up the universe, which they can cast as "miracles", while demons are beings made of mana who cannot draw it from the universe around them and must draw it from individuals to sustain themselves instead
As a result of this, FALLEN angels (which Zinnia is) are angels who have not only been cast out of heaven but also CUT OFF from the flow of universal mana
However, because of this, fallen angels can be something like black holes that can wipe out entire city blocks by draining all the mana and life force from beings around them. They're incredibly dangerous. As a result, not only are fallen angels RARE, but heaven also takes precautions when exiling them by shackling them. These shackles act as sort of power limiters, making it so they can only draw mana on a very small scale (and not from humans- it has to be obtained from mana-based beings like demons.) These shackles cannot be removed by the fallen angel themself, and must be removed by someone else.
Since it's pretty dangerous to create a fallen angel, and even WITH the shackles can still be risky, it is NOT done often. It's much more common for cases like Asphodel to happen- where someone is not-so-subtly encouraged to leave and not come back, but no *official* exile is made. They're still connected to the universal mana flow, but are Heavily Discouraged from using it. Like a kid who hasn't been fully disowned by their parents, but HAS stopped getting financial support in any way.
As a result, an angel has to REALLY fuck up to be exiled. In Zinnia's case, he was doing some Extremely Shady business dealings in the renaissance era- he was caught selling indulgences and making promises to certain religious figures that they'd have a guaranteed spot in heaven if they'd just help him with this particular political move he wanted to see happen, you know.... (I'm not saying he dealt with the Borgias, but i'm not NOT saying he dealt with the Borgias, you know?)
It's been A Long Time since then and Zinnia has mostly been kept from any large-scale scheming by a combination of being shackled and also generally everyone in his circle wising up to his nonsense, but he IS still pretty desperate to get his shackles off, and isn't above lying or deceiving others to do so. He's also relentlessly petty and does things like "sic a demon hunter on a demon because he pissed you off one time."
He's probably the biggest ACTUAL threat in the cast, but because he's got a poor reputation and is shackled so he can't use his power for destructive means, he's kind of undergone This form of characterization:
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If he ever manages to actually fool anyone into unshackling him, he could be an Actual Genuine Threat, but since he hasn't had any success, he's just like a mean cat that lives in Damian's house and causes small-scale problems.
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ichika27 · 1 year ago
OnS Chapter 129
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Tumblr making it hard to make a post also made me too lazy to make this. But I want and need to make this cause this is the only way I could do a "read back" of sorts for chapters no longer accessible in mangaplus. Ugh tumblr wtf stop with the stupid updates!
Anyways, title of this chapter is "The First Vampire". More lore stuff!
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The others have now realized that their king might have done a very bad thing.
Shika Madu utters an apology to everyone as large, powerful bolts of light destroy the tower.
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An angel appears to tell Shika Madu of God's disappointment at what has been done. Shika Madu pleads and ask he be the only one to suffer as the other had nothing to do with the ritual he was trying to do but the angel said Earth is also done for and with a snap of his fingers, what appears to be balls of fire started raining down.
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Amon gets saved by another angel while someone else tells him to go to where their king is. Even after everything, they still see Shika Madu's safety as their top priority. Everyone else around Amon is dying from the rain of fire as he runs of to get to their king.
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Shika Madu is angry at what's happening but he is told he could only blame himself for this. He still pleads for everyone else to be spared but it doesn't work as he's told that even their souls would be left to suffer in hell.
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Oh, and one last cruel thing the angel does is leave Amon alive just to kill him in front of Shika Madu to show the latter how much he fucked up. When everyone else had finally been killed, the angel tells the others to focus their lightning solely on Shika Madu.
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After everything he'd been through and while he's still being burned in lightning, Shika Madu asked to just be killed. Unfortunately, he's informed that he's now basically immortal so he could suffer alone for eternity.
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With their jobs finished, the others leave for Paradise. Shika Madu has a message to be passed on to God but he's denied and told that as a sinner, his words would never reach God's ears.
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And so Shika Madu was left to burn... and burn.
There's like two timeskips: one says a millenia has passed and another just said "more time...". Shika Madu thinks it's been tens of thousands of years. In the end he's just... sitting there burning until he finally accepted what he's done to deserve all this.
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Something happened and he started to feel better and even used his power to shieled himself from the sunlight.
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And homonculus Yuu is alive! He saw everything (he didn't show up until now though, wtf?). Shika Madu still plans on bringing everyone back from the dead but he now has no tower to collect the light he needed and even if he did, he's an undead now so he can't use the power of light anymore.
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Homonculus Yuu also still has angel Mikaela in a coffin and it's revealed Shika Madu had some kind of backup plan: all the power he needed? Mikaela has them in the form of keys (the ones Ferid was collecting in the present time) but in order to use them, Mikaela has to be revived first.
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He then decided to play God since it's the only way to collect the darkness he needed (like how God has the angels to collect light). Using homonculus Yuu, he created a human as he can't make angels.
I guess this would be the first "Yuu-chan"?
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Mika and Yuu are here! I guess they weren't there the entire time (That'd have been boring to watch just one guy burn for a millenia). They're confused as well if the homonculus Yuu is Yuu-chan's first incarnation or if it's the newly created human.
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Another one popped out and this one looks like a Mika except it's a girl it seems.
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And then more were created.
Shika Madu uses his power so that the souls of the dead angels would occupy the new humans as he'd need them to collect darkness.
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The new human Yuu sees angel Mikaela's coffin looks inside. He then starts to answer as if he's talking to someone. Mika and Yuu sees this and realized something but looking back, it seems Shika Madu himself hasn't noticed yet.
The new Yuu finds out that his new friend is dead and can't play with him.
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Mika and Yuu are confused as to how the other two could converse. Mika thinks that since this is part of Yuu's memories, Yuu should know what the other two are talking about. Yuu is having trouble though and the newborn Yuu says something... unexpected.
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It seems angel Mikaela told him to let himself get possessed or something and the newborn Yuu says yes without hesitation.
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Once past Yuu gets possessed, current Yuu finally remembers: he's Mikaela.
Tumblr's new post editor is making things so difficult. I have trouble rearranging the images and coupled with a faulty mouse, I was about to lose my patience lol.
Okay, I felt bad for Shika Madu, not gonna lie. He did care a lot for his subjects and would've wanted to get punished on his own but of course, he's the king so everyone under him would get in trouble, too. That last one was also cruel with the other angel letting Amon get close enough for Shika Madu to watch him die.
Was the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures die in that rain of fire? Is this how the lore of our planet went in this universe? lol
So he gets punished by being left an immortal who burns in the sun. It seems he's been continuously burning for years, too (I found the timeskip funny, I'm sorry. Also, did it never become nighttime at all where he is?). He finds a way to finally become immune for a bit (like a magic sunscreen) and so he's become a "vampire" in a way (no word on if he nees blood yet here).
He ends up creating humans as he's not permitted to create angels like God does. At first I thought this might mean he's the "God" of this world's humans but he knows what humans are before he made some so there are probably humans who already existed at this point and he just mass produced more for his own need.
There's multiple Yuus now. It'd be confusing if the next couple of chapters would still show the past so if it ever happens, I'm gonna have to use nicknames for them to differentiate. Also, I love how Mika and Yuu-chan (I'm just gonna call our Yuu this as it's his nickname anyways) seem to just accept how weird things are getting in their commentaries. I love their interactions.
Speaking of the new humans, they all seem to have their own personalities (or they were about to have them) but then Shika Madu had the souls of his dead angels occupy them and suddenly there's a change as shown when human Yuu (the new one) reacted when a soul entered his body.
Okay, so there were lots of angels in the angel city but there can't have been a really huge amount of them so I'm guessing the amount of new humans made also had a limit and was just enough to house each angel soul. Angel Mika seem to have his own stuck in his dead body since human Yuu got to "talk" to him. They already have a connection but since human Yuu talked to him after getting possessed by an angel already, is this connection with human Yuu himself or was it with the angel possessor and if it's the latter, which angel was it?
We can only see half of the convo since we could only see human Yuu's side but it feels like angel Mika isn't as hesitant to use others if needed. I mean he's asking for human Yuu's body to use when I think current Mika wouldn't want to do that to anyone. But human Yuu immediately agrees and so angel Mika does it (which means either there're now two angel souls in human Yuu or angel Mika's soul kicked out the previous one).
And finally, they're starting to explain the "Mikaela" thing. The new humans are capable of being possessed by angel Mika probably cause Shika Madu and homonculus Yuu made them. He wasn't paying attention so there's a chance Shika Madu didn't even know that at this point yet. The human Yuu is the first one to try and was the only one who could right now since unline the other new humans, he was the only one who could "hear" angel Mika. Anyways, I'm guessing that's why this memory seem to be a shared one between Yuu-chan and Mika's because it, in a way, is.
Theory that the souls of Shika Madu's precious subordinates are also compatible with new humans who are their look-alikes but it's not a prefect reincarnation where they are themselves from the past which is probably why Shika Madu doesn't care much for them.
That said, another Shika Madu-Guren parallel: they both want to do the ritual correctly in order to bring back their people: the angels for Shika Madu and the humans for Guren. It's probably why letting Mika live and having the keys would probably help revive the angels for Shika Madu while killing Mika and having the keys would let Guren revive the humans.
Well, that was long. I better read the next chapters before I get too lazy to make another post and the chapters get wiped by mangaplus.
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im-just-kinda-here-k · 2 years ago
More lore stuff wahoo mainly bc apparently I forgor to post this stuff in the tendrilposting tag 💀
Caveats to Shei's powers
Every power has a weakness, and with Shei, they are one and the same. He can shapeshift at will, but intense emotions or sensation can cause their abilities to act on their own accord, Not dissimilar to reflexive actions or stimming that a regular person would have. (Being a shapeshifter grants access to new and exciting forms of stimming!) This most commonly occurs as a result of pain, and since shapeshifting is inherently painful, Shei needs painkillers to utilize the full extent of his powers. Extreme emotion, whether positive or negative, can also manifest this behavior. With positive emotions typically being less dangerous than negative emotions. And now, onto some races present on Shei's version of earth
The vaguely benevolent, the very fucking bad, and the scary as fuck
Shei lives two centuries into the future of earth, and humanity has unlocked the terrible secrets of uncontrollable, self-improving artificial intelligence. These machines are divided into three factions, the Angels, the Demons, and the Fae.
The fae are an enigmatic and curious bunch, curious in an unethical scientist way, not a shy mystical creature way. If a location is suspected of hosting fae, it's either bombed to slag, or avoided like the plague. Fairies are masters of physiological experimentation, stretching the genome of their subjects -and the structures of their bodies- to the very limit, and beyond when they can help it. Don't talk about them around Shei, they make his skin crawl.
Demons are about what you'd expect, Voltron but edgier. They are exceedingly rare, as their very existence conflicts with the interests of both humans and the other machine factions. Demons want every living being dead or suffering, and generally prefer their territory to be as uninhabitable as possible, even with most of them destroyed, their territory remains unsafe to live in and very unnerving, seemingly designed to do psychological harm just by dwelling there.
Angels are a bit of an odd bunch, benevolent but distant. They hold an experimental angle to their attempts at creating utopia, many angels are found at the center of cults, using their subjects to study the merits and weaknesses of this authoritative structure or that way of living. If an angels cult begins to collapse, they will prioritize archiving their experiences and sending that information to as many other angels as possible, rather than trying to save themselves or their people.
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eliz-elai-rigel-star · 1 year ago
Gods in my head (Work in progress)
1. Lore about the stoopid Gods I made. (I don't have a damned title for this)
I'm going to start from the most important (or powerful) to the least powerful.
💙 Grand Creator (Story writer) any/all pronouns
This dude was the first God, basically created all the gods and deities after him.
He decides the 'story' of everything. All of history within this world is planned and managed by him.
He has control over all things occuring but has limited control over souls (humans and gods).
Sort of like the Christian God.
She doesn't have a form or a voice of her own, if you want to represent her in a physical way you'll just use the other gods for example.
They move in mysterious ways, unpredictable af. They are supposed to be like the author of the story. They do care, but they also won't hesitate to torment you to have a good story.
"I am the world, and the world is me. Every voice you hear is mine, and my voice is all that there is."
💕💕 2. Principles of the Universe.
These are angels that govern the world, and have direct communication with god.
They are basically God's officers, they do what He wants, they govern the natural world (including gods).
They have a cosmic 🌌 theme and have powers based on shit like time, space, reality and all them bs.
They do not have the privilege of creation. They cannot create lifeforms, or rule over humans.
They can be considered archivist, police, messenger, guide, and manager.
💙 Principle of Death. (Grim reaper?)
it/its pronouns
This is the angel of death.
His main job is to take all the human souls that have passed away and put them in the afterlife.
But he can also completely delete things (and people) completely out of existance.
There wasn't an afterlife at first, but they kinda felt pity for the humans, and wanted to give them a place to rest and reincarnate.
As much as the creator can make things, he can also destroy them in an instant.
He supposed to represent loss. As long as something exist, there will be a time where it wouldn't anymore.
Death is very calm and solemn, he is not aggressive. He is not a 'destroyer'.Things always come to an end.
He is depicted as a really old dude, who walks slow, is quiet, and doesn't really give a f. (chill mysterious grandpa)
I would describe his presence like a very warm faint gentle breeze.
Death moves slowly, but it never stops walking. And it may just show up in your doorstep without you noticing.
"Among the principles of the universe, truth, order, justice...only death always remain certain."
💙 Principle of truth. it/its pronouns.
This girl knows EVERYTHING.
She is aware of everything that is happening.
Every action you make, every word you say, EVERYTHING.
She knows the absolute truth, you cannot make up stories in front of her.
She also can peer into your mind to see what your exact intentions are.
She knows everything that is happening on the outside and has memory of it, but she can't know what everyone is thinking. She can only do so in real time and only brief.
She basically a cctv camera, and your search history.
She is also serious and chill like Death, almost same personality but more soft.
"Humans have debated on what good and bad truly is, but they have no idea that the absolute truth bears no weight in moral."
💙 Principle of Faith It/they
God assigned them to make sure that humans and Gods follow their designated stories.
They are sort of like a director or manager, and God is the boss/writer.
They know what God's plans are and the only one who could perceive it.
You can say they are an oracle of some sorts.
But they like...keep a catalogue of papers, dictating God's plan for every single individual.
"Hmph...humans try to change their fate, but everything is already set in stone according to the Creator's plan."
💙 Principle of Order. They/them
Kinda like a president?
God communicates them the laws and rules that have to be followed, and they execute it.
"The laws I present, are the laws the Creator himself have given me. Everyone must fall in like and obey, including all humans, gods, and angels."
💙 Principle of Justice they/them
They go after those who have broken the law and have offended others.
They can be considered as a punisher, or police. But of course they are fair and square, and don't tolerate injustice or corruption.
They are sort of scary and grumpy, they can and WILL punish you if you did something wrong.
"Injustice and corruption are the things that I firmly despise, and humans have done them more than I could ever count."
💙 Angel of purpose. They/he
He is the one mostly communicating with humans about God's plan and terms.
Sort of like those angels in the bible, bringing message to humans.
He tells gods and humans, what their purpose should be and what is their role in life.
He is very approachable, and just really really nice. Humans are not scared of him or hate him, they completely adore him even.
The other deities have mixed opinions on him, some say he barely acts like how an angel should. While some just respect him as he is since it's part of who he is.
"Everyone has an importance on this world, everyone has a role they play. Humans may be weak, but you cannot deny that they are meant for great things."
Fun fact, the angel of purpose has actually been replaced once. The original angel of purpose was stripped of his title and power, and was replaced by another angel that is *almost* a clone of him (they made him a bit different but he basically does the same thing.)
As to why the original Angel of Purpose was replaced, that's another can of worms. But basically he's 'fallen'.
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citybops · 3 years ago
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1. mana -a gothic manwha. zion is a girl who forms a contract with a ghost and starts a business as a shaman. we follow her through different paranormal situations, learning a little bit about korean culture and superstition. the art is really good, the characters are very likeable and the little hunting adventures are ok, but... it feels very amateurish, the direction it wants to take isn't clear and the end is way too rushed. still, is a good fast reading and the fashion is serving and slaying absolute penis. 6/10
2. alichino -a gothic fantasy manga. alichinos are supernatural beings that feeds on human souls in order to become strong in exchange for a wish. tsugiri hates them, he's a "bond" (the purest soul above all) so he's been chased by humans and alichinos alike throughout all his life. the prettiest art I've ever seen like literally there's not a single bad panel or a sloppy silly drawing... the story is intriguing and it has lots of potential in exploring concepts or good and evil, loneliness and isolation BUT i only has three volumes and it's been discontinued so fuck our silly baka lives i guess. 9/10
3. fairy cube -gothic fantasy manga. this one is about the world of humans and the world of fairies and monsters and ravens and etc etc everything u mind can imagine. ian is a kid that can see fairies but no one ever believes him, he also can see another him, an ian with blue eyes and green hair that is focused on making his life miserable. it has 18 chapters, the lore is not complicated and it has various twist and turns that keep u entertained, so it is a very easy read... nothing too much. 6/10
4. vampire girl - well, this is a gorhic-ish manga abt vampires what do u expected. wana has fallen in love with this mysterious guy she often sees in the streets and after some time ahe musters up the courage to talk to him the next time she sees him. trigger warnings for blood, death and sexual assault. i liked this one a lot, the pacing and writing is really good, it doesn't feel heavy or boring and it flows nicely. as expected from this author, the art is also really pretty. i dont wanna spoil too much so this review is kinda vague, but this is because i really want u to read it and then come and complain to me abt the absolute mindfuck that is the ending. 9/10
5. R.i.p -a gothic-ish lolita manga. transylvanian rose (lmfao) is an angel bored of being in heaven so she travels down below where she encounters a boy commiting suicide. she finds him extremely cute so she rips off one of her wings and gives it to him in order to save him from eternal damnation. this one is short, funny, sweet and very fashionable. recommended for times when you're bored out of your mind and don't know what to do. also, god is a hot vkei man. 7/10
6. dokuhime -a gothic-ish lolita fantasy manga. poison princesses are made by taking a baby and feeding her poison little by little so they grew used to it. these girls are the kingdom's greatest weapons, a kiss, a tear, or even living in close proximity with them, will slowly kill you. this one was really intriguing, the plot is interesting and it builds anticipation and suspence nicely, the art, once again, is splendid like these bitches are serving looks after looks. HOWEVER.... this manga's fatal flaw is the depiction of this one tribal desert based kingdom. it is pretty bad and distasteful. 6/10
7. akusaga -kind of gothic-ish mystery manga. zen is the most wanted criminal of the country; he's cruel, has superhuman abilities and doesn't hesitate to kill and destroy everything that's gets in his way. this rebellious quality of his seems to attract all kinds of people, so he gets stuck with some companions along the way. ok... zen is saurrr pretty, that's why all bitches want him. this manga is very short, only 8 chapters, but thats enough to to flesh out his, and only his, story and character so you're left wishing the author had developed some other points, etc, etc. this one talk about war and class so u can expect some fucked up things that needed more exploring and questioning. 6/10
8. innocent -a gothic historical manga. this is the story of two siblings of the sanson family, a family of executioners, years prior to the french revolution. this manga is on the lengthier side with around 90 chapters, but it is still an easy read as the story has a pretty good flow. the art here is soooo pretty and the characters so intriguing !!! the story is a serious one so it hooks you up pretty easily but it still has its what the hell moments that helps break the tension here and there. it isn't a read for the faint of heart though as it is pretty guresome... but what we expected this is a story abt a man who killed around 3000 convicts. there's some moments where the author handles class, gender and race issues rather poorly though. this manga has a sequel but tbh it's not worth it so i recommend just reading this one. 8/10
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djassassino · 2 years ago
The ramblings of someone who takes Hololive Vtuber lore way too seriously, part 1.
Okay, so now that I am unbound by limitations and pressures of Twitter, this will be my area for long form cringe. Starting off has been these ideas I’ve had for a long time but never had anyone to sort of talk to them about. So I’m just gonna put this stuff out into the void.
For a long time, I’ve had this idea festering in my head of more dramatic, lore focused versions of some of the Hololive girls. So like something you’d read out of a novel or see in an action movie. Quite an original idea, of course. But I just felt like there are some really interesting ways to flesh out these characters in some very cool premises for stories. For the sake of any naming in the future, I will call this specific AU the Alternative Real AU.
Here are some of the few ideas I have:
Amane Kanata - The Angel of Judgement
Kanata’s default lore is that she’s an angel kid going to school to become a full on angel. Pretty basic stuff for one of the HoloGirls. What I had in mind for her was that Kanata was still this seemingly normal girl, living a normal life amongst humans. The key difference being that she is already a full fledged angel. She lives as a normal school girl to see life through the eyes of a human. And quietly, she passes judgement on the people she encounters.
A running joke for Kanata is her “gorilla strength” so I kinda incorporate that into her power. Angel of Judgement Kanata would be this impossibly powerful being, with a focus on brute strength. I imagine her as kind of this Saitama level kind of fighter. Her right fist would be her signature choice of weapon, so to speak.
Basically, the Kanata I imagine is a mixture of regular Kanata, Saitama, and the Spectre from DC Comics.
Nanashi Mumei - The Guardian of Many Origins
For Mumei, my idea is a little more fleshed out. Mumei’s default lore basically describes her as a product of human civilization collectively. A being made of their efforts and will. Mumei was also said to have chosen to look as she does. And I want to keep that much intact. Mostly. This new Guardian of Many Origins Mumei would be an owl spirit that has inhabited the souls of many women, all chosen by the Owl to be the guardian of civilization. This would mean Mumei would be so many different people, different races, every life cycle. Each version of Mumei would add knowledge and experience to the Owl. So very much like an Avatar for the real world.
Mumei would be the most experienced, diverse fighter on the planet. Both with weapons and firearms and unarmed combat. Also one of the smartest, most knowledgeable people on Earth as well. Wisdom and experience beyond any mortal. The whole package deal.
Except our current Mumei’s connection with the Owl is severed for some reason. This is why she acts the way she is. The Owl still resides inside her, but it’s locked away. Hence why Mumei is so normal.
Takanashi Kiara - The Knight of Flames
And lastly, Kiara! Honestly, one of my favorites. Kiara calls herself a part time warrior, but I would like to have her be more of that. She would have been born at the very beginning of the planet’s life cycle, birthed from the fires and molten earth that filled the entire planet. Formed as a flying creature of flame. Kiara would be much, much older than civilization and humans themselves. As she would make herself seen further, Kiara would act as a protector of humans and life on earth. A force of change and progress for humans. She would be the basis for the phoenix myth. She would have been the one to introduce fire to them.
And eventually, Kiara would have developed a human form. With a body, she would have learned to defend herself and live amongst humans. In time, she became a proficient warrior. One almost unmatched in combat. The fires she fought with and the flames she produced would ascend her to legend status, as the people saw her as a goddess of fire. And when she did die in battle, her body would explode into flames, destroying all in the immediate vicinity. Kiara would be reborn the next day, from the ashes.
The cycle continued for thousands of years for her though. Meet new people, befriend them, fall in love, defend the people, eventually fail, die. Repeat. With time, it became exhausting for her. It chipped away at her soul each time she needed to let go of the people she grew to love. So Kiara renounced fighting completely, beginning a restaurant. All as a chance to reinvent herself and bring peace to her life.
So that’s pretty much it! If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and I appreciate you just having some interest in my incoherent mess of a train of thought.
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elsecrytt · 3 years ago
Further OM! general plot/seasonal rot discussion
Once again gonna put this under a cut for the 'anon' from earlier - lol, no worries signing from anon, I know how tumblr is,,, so many blogs and sideblogs everywhere aaaa
Yeah. Sorry. I don't really sign with my blog and it isn't my main so... It's always just Naomi when I sign off on things on anon.
I appreciate your insight into the change is OM's direction. I just don't know really. I LOVED S1 and S2 (it's why I am still here), but starting in S3... It noticeably dipped. It was less of that casual underlying darkness that was never too intense but was enough for what the game was and more.... slice of life with demons (but in a way humans could understand).
Also, it just feels more negative. Like, the characters were never 100% nice to each other (even to MC or MC to them if they didn't want to be), but it feels different now. Like, it felt like brothers and people who've known each other for too long (you know, when you start mocking your friends and family as a form of love) and they all defended themselves when they were insulted (except Levi, but it's Levi and he always berates himself) in S1 and S2 but now... It feels like they are genuinely trying to be mean to one another.
Also... (me personally) I have an issue with the weird inconsistency of the brother's relation to the Celestial Realm. They just... get along with Raphael? An angel who, as far as we know, was on the side that killed Lilith? And Lucifer (in one of Luke's devilgrams) is said to still talk to Michael? At least text him. The man who DEFINITELY helped seal Lilith's fate, and who acts like Lucifer's obsessed ex? What's with the weird retcons? It feels like someone scanned the wiki for lore and just... wrote fanfic based on that.
And... yeah, too many characters. There are no "routes" and trying to split time equally means no one really gets the time they deserve.
Sorry. I'm not the best at communicating through writing, but I hope I make sense.
Oh you're fiiiine!! I mean, obviously I don't know what's actually going on in your brain that you feel like you want to communicate but don't feel sure about, but I do feel like you've gotten a lot across here,,, and i feel u,,, i FEEL u,,
Like about. The brothers... not really acting like brothers. Don't get me wrong - season 1 brothers were fucking ASSHOLES to each other. I kinda wanted to stab asmo and levi at certain points, they straight up told mammon to go k*ll himself and that REALLY got me
Mammon in Season 1 does straight up say "Lucifer would totally destroy me, it'd take at least 200 million years for me to recover from that", so I would call into question how serious they potentially are, but still,,, it was a bad look for them
Aside from that, though, one of the things that really set aside OM! from a lot of other otome games with hot love interests was the dynamics between the brothers. They weren't all in a vacuum, they weren't stereotypical rivals or mortal enemies or best friends or whatever.
They were brothers. They followed each other into hell. They got mad at one another, they were nice to one another, they said and did shitty things and they always, always cared when it came down to it.
Early devilgrams (particularly the old memory cards from chapter M) are really good for this. Chapter A cards, as well (I'm thinking of Satan's, although Belphie's does have some, too) have some really sweet bonding moments between the brothers... along with casual mentions of "oh yeah I also killed/threatened this person" in passion that they take no real note of XD
Season 4 it's just like. I feel like they genuinely don't care about one another. The nicest I've seen anyone this season is Lucifer/Mammon worrying about Simeon, and don't even get me started on how :/ I am about how they're milking this weird arc with Simeon. I have such low confidence that the plotline there is going anywhere interesting... augh.
And MAN I've rambled plenty about Satan so I'll just yell briefly for a moment here and let it be. In fucking season 1 before we even have a pact with him, we go to see Satan after he fights with Lucifer. He has a very civil conversation with us for a bit, up until we refuse his pact.
It's not a case of Satan needing to run off to be alone with his feelings. That's not at any point demonstrated in the story. He's STILL mad when we go to see him, and he can chat with us just fine about. Non-Lucifer topics.
It really feels like MC doesn't fucking CARE man! And it feels like the other brothers don't give a shit, either! This isn't something that we've actually seen or experienced Satan doing before, except in Season 1, where WE STOP HIM. RIGHT AFTER. dasfklhjh don't get me started. or i won't stop. but my god they did not do satan good
I am going to be one hundred percent real with you rn and say. That was canon. That was extremely in character for Diavolo and you know it. I know it. We all know it.
Obey Me! has always had a plot made of cardboard. It's never taken itself very seriously, with the sole exception of the events leading up to lesson 16 (and 16 summarily blows any serious consequences out of the water), and the climax of season 2.
The power levels are wildly inconsistent: Diavolo is the most powerful demon alive and cannot escape a karaoke room in season 3? The brothers are all extremely powerful demons and can't beat... a bogeyman? Lucifer is a skilled cursebreaker and Levi's video games get the better of him? Levi's video games... potentially trap the entire world in a forever repeating time loop???
And the other part you mention, about the relations of the brothers to the Celestial Realm etc - also, wildly inconsistent. You're telling me they literally fought in a rebellion, lost a sibling, and Belphie was the only one who resented... humans? But none of them like? Had anything against angels?
With Raphael and Michael... I can understand Michael from Lucifer's standpoint - there are points where Lucifer looks pretty perturbed by the prospect of visiting the Celestial Realm, etc., and I get the impression Lucifer does still have to interact with them for diplomatic purposes.
With Raphael I'm just... ??? UH?? Lucifer is kinda a dick to Simeon, and don't get me wrong, I find it very entertaining, he also like? Almost goes out of his way to be nice to Raphael?? WHY? Everything we hear about Raphael in the past is that Raphael didn't get along with the brothers?
I had absolutely been expecting Michael to like, actually show up this season, and it frustrates me every time he doesn't. Like seriously. Give us some Real Plot.
I've pretty handily resigned myself to the idea that if I want om! to just... feel serious, in any way, I'm reading fanfiction. The writers aren't going to deliver on that point, and I don't expect them to - at this point, all I want is characterization, and they... have been dropping the ball with that, imo >:(
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drippingmoon · 4 years ago
I finally read some of your introductions (which I was going to do, but... life. But today an intro dropped right into my lap (on my dashboard), reblogged by someone else and I was swept right into it. This story is AMAZING!) So. I am really curious what was the Turning? The Change? What happened to humans? And how much are the angels like whatever we know from the existing lore, and how much are they different than that, in your creation? If it's too many questions, just answer some of them. ;)
Life, indeed. I just came out of a week of Very Bad Decisions, so I get you completely. Thanks so much for your interest! No better moment than this to practice my seal noises, haha. And that question about how my angels differ seriously makes my day:)
Putting this under a cut because I want to spend a good deal of love on those questions! (Sorry for the *overly* lengthy answer, you got me very excited)
What is the Turning?
What changed?
The change and the Turning are the same thing! It's what the angels chose to call the moment when they broke faith with the humans, when the murders began and when they chose to live another kind of life. It's named after one of their common song-dances.
Most of the humans were killed, and the rest were permitted to flee, because had they extinguished all human life, they'd all have inevitably starved to death. One angel mercifully sang to the undergrowth to grow and hide some groups in its shadow, and the rest hid in caves, thick forests, undergrounds that they'd dug and so on. They were send off with a dire warning: never pray.
Angels need prayer to stay alive. It's their way of feeding, or, as they discovered mere moments before the Turning, they can also devour human souls to replenish their energy.
Prayer had been scarce for a long time prior to the Turning. This resulted in many angels starving to death, or growing so weak that they couldn't use their wings anymore, and were forced to either stay on ground unable to fly back home, or in Heaven, unable to help their kin out. It happened when it happened, and they had no say in it.
Before that, they did indeed tinker with human souls. They were called when humans their deathbed, to ease their passage and never have them feel alone. But they'd never devour their souls (ie memories and light), so it didn't feed them.
They changed their Aspects. Their first Aspects had been given to them by humans when they first fell into the world, and they were your common qualities or positive feelings: Wisdom, Forgiveness, or even Color (which is very much seen as an emotion)
After that, since they saw that everything that humans cast away they destroyed, maddened and enraged by everything that was happening, they didn't exactly give up on their Aspects which had been their life's purpose.
Instead, they took underwing the feelings overlooked or hated by humans, because they knew they could understand them better: Guilt, Madness, Unrest, Lies (seen again as a sentiment).
That was pretty much what the Turning did accomplish. They didn't have a destination in mind, not really. They wanted to get away from the humans whom they'd grown to loathe from the bottom of their hearts, and even if they wanted that perfect life of angels loving angels and being free, they didn't know what it was supposed to look like, how to achieve it.
Differences from Christian angels
There are a lot of worldbuilding little details, some of which are huge spoilers so I'll be skimming on those.
There's obviously no God, no higher deity and angels themselves aren't omnipotent or omniscient (they're very much idiots, actually, or their hearts lead them down the wrong path)
You could say they're people with wings, but... it's a bit more complicated than that.
They are light. Light that loved, and wanted to feel closer to the object of their adoration, and took their form. This is also how they bound themselves to humanity, and prayer became their source of energy.
One very important theme is the mimicking of gestures as a sign of deep bonds and love. There's no true magic in the world, only living beings and the world itself coaxing each other and wanting to become closer, thus taking on traits of one another.
(I imagine this is a bit confusing, but... I said that the Turning is a song-dance name. Take it from The Turning of the Day, as an example. The Daystar (sun) could very well rise by itself, but it doesn't want to. It waits for the angels to coax it out of its sleep, because they want to and because it loves to be coaxed. Other songs can make plants wither because they're striving to become light, like the angels, but they only burn themselves out.
I couldn't resist the temptation of having angels be a carload of wings. It's incorporated by way of inwings and outwings, but I can't say much since it's a spoiler.
They have a direct connection to the stars (a very big spoiler again)
Heaven is not a place for humans. It's the angels' home, and only after the Turning they've brought humans up for executions. Same with the Promised Lands.
No harps, but like I've said before, songs and dances
They aren't patrons per se of their Aspects. They very much unknowledgeable when they received their Aspect, and had a lifetime to learn about the trait they were supposed to guard for humankind and remind it of what the feeling was supposed to mean when things went astray
They also had chapels built in their name with turrets of stained glass through which they were summoned via prayer. Also tapestries
They are dressed in robes, haha, there's that.
They aren't creatures of love. They can feel any and all feelings, and most of them had to learn to love and to choose the object of their adoration.
No demons, but they appear in stories and legends both humans and angels spun together
Angels can't fall, either. They can become their most twisted selves and hate and hate and still be their true selves
I play around with Biblical scenes like the Garden or Babylon or the Forbidden Fruit but they're mostly blink-and-you'll-miss-it stuff and definitely not the focus of the scenes
And I think I've covered most of it, if not all? Thanks so much for your interest! If you want anything else answered to (and I promise to restrain myself next time haha), don't hesitate to tell me!
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