#i want to like the storygraph
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nopoodles · 1 year ago
The Story Graph is lovely from a reader/book tracking perspective but my gosh is it a nightmare as an indie author. Not a single one of my books has been imported automatically so far and Welcome To Humanity has missing publisher info (despite the fact that I gave every detail upon importing) AND only half a cover for some reason.
On Goodreads I have an author profile, which means I can update my own books. If I have a new cover or details to include or something gets messed up and I need to fix it, I can just do that. But on Storygraph, I'm stuck emailing them or filing a ticket (which I've already done 6+ months ago for WTH and it hasn't been updated yet. Do I do it again? Do I accept that the cover is forever gonna be half?)
I know I'm not a bestseller. I know my books aren't making a huge impact on the market. And I know I'm probably the only person checking my Storygraph page. But it's frustrating anyway because it leaves me in this awkward limbo where I tell people to look for my books on the Storygraph (especially since Amazon owns Goodreads) and my stuff isn't on there or it's only got bits and pieces.
Not to mention, if I add the book myself, manually, so the details are actually in there (not all of them, for some reason) it sticks a "user added" logo on it as if it's some unverified and therefore less valuable thing (dare I even call it a book).
This post brought to you by "I've tried importing my upcoming pirate book (Not The Fighting Kind) twice already today and despite the message that reads 'it can take up to a minute' it's still not on there!"
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corporalkiheart · 1 month ago
I finished Naomi Novik’s “Buried Deep and Other Stories” and went to look at reviews after I’d posted mine on storygraph
and I am so glad to see that I was not the only one absolutely floored by “Seven”. It’s unrelated to any other works but it is just so masterfully beautiful and sincere and human and magic. Just incredible. It reminded me about everything I love about Naomi’s writing.
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sonsband · 2 months ago
Hampster Book Roundup... 2!
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stormlit · 4 months ago
i'm now consistently able to read (for fun) for an hour a day, which sometimes doesn't feel like much as a former inhale-a-book-in-a-single-sitting person but before this year i hadn't been well enough to read anything for like 3+ years and even before that i was struggling with 10-15 mins a day which really isn't long enough to get into a novel. but i've built up over this year to the hour
like, i'm fortunate enough to have always been a fast reader and that hasn't changed so i'm still getting thru the books despite starting studying in september (and that being the same pool of cognitive energy) and it being the first thing i'm not up to on bad/reaction days and i just. i love reading you guys
little chronic illness wins!
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variantoutcast · 2 months ago
9 books I plan to read in 2025!
I was tagged by @leofrith <3
Omeros by Derek Walcott
I technically started this in the last week of December '24 but I'm putting it here because I'm less than 20% through it =] so far I think I might be too unfamiliar with the Greek tragedies to "get it" but I'm pushing through nonetheless.
A poem in five books, of circular narrative design, titled with the Greek name for Homer, which simultaneously charts two currents of history: the visible history charted in events -- the tribal losses of the American Indian, the tragedy of African enslavement -- and the interior, unwritten epic fashioned from the suffering of the individual in exile
Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy by Serhii Plokhy
In Chernobyl, award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy draws on recently opened archives to recreate these events in all their drama. A moment by moment account of the heroes, perpetrators and victims of a tragedy, Chernobyl is the first full account of a gripping, unforgettable Cold War story. 
Operation Columba: The Secret Pigeon Service by Gordon Corera
The fascinating, untold story of how British intelligence secretly used homing pigeons as part of a clandestine espionage operation to gather information, communicate, and coordinate with members of the Resistance to defeat the Nazis in occupied Europe during World War II.
Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
The explosive, hotly-anticipated debut novel from the New York Times-bestselling author of Friday Black, about two top women gladiators fighting for their freedom within a depraved private prison system not so far-removed from America’s own.
Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delaney
Sabotage threatens to undermine the war effort, and the military calls in Rydra. Random attacks lay waste to warships, weapons factories, and munitions dumps, and all are tied together by strings of sound, broadcast over the radio before and after each accident. In that gibberish Rydra recognizes a coherent message, with all of the beauty, persuasive power, and order that only language possesses. To save humanity, she will master this strange tongue. But the more she learns, the more she is tempted to join the other side . . .
The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
From the critically acclaimed author of The Book of M, a highly imaginative thriller about a young woman who discovers that a strange map in her deceased father’s belongings holds an incredible, deadly secret—one that will lead her on an extraordinary adventure and to the truth about her family’s dark history. What is the purpose of a map?
The Rover by Mel Odom
Edgewick Lamplighter (Wick to his friends) is a humble librarian in the isolated halls of Greydawn Moors until dreams of wanderlust and a bit of dereliction in his duties result in his being shanghaied to a far-off land.
New and Selected Poems Vol II by Mary Oliver
This graceful volume, designed to be paired with New and Selected Poems, Volume One, includes new poems on birds, toads, flowers, insects, bodies of water, and the extraordinary experience of the everyday in our lives. In the words of Alicia Ostriker, 'Mary Oliver moves by instinct, faith, and determination. She is among our finest poets, and still growing.' In both the older and new poems, Mary Oliver is a poet at the height of her control of image and language.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Tamsyn Muir's Gideon the Ninth unveils a solar system of swordplay, cut-throat politics, and lesbian necromancers. Her characters leap off the page, as skillfully animated as arcane revenants. The result is a heart-pounding epic science fantasy.
I tag @sh5 @stormikins @aesnawan @woahpip @dykefagz and anybody else who wants to do it! Feel free to tag me!
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 17 days ago
hhhhh corner beanbag time will fix me
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gcantread · 27 days ago
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January's (slightly more accurate) spreadsheet stats vs Storygraph stats ☃️
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liebgirl · 1 month ago
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been going CRAZY with reading lately mind you.... reading every day for 34 days is fucking bonkers...
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callixton · 2 months ago
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borrowing this from @devilsskettle ! 9 books i want to read in the new year :) if two of them are repeats from like three years ago don’t worry abt it that will change this year !
tagging @goosemixtapes @freddieandflorence @libraryfag and anyone else who would like to
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months ago
My 2025 resolutions:
Don’t die unless it’s unavoidable
No fucking impulse buying! No! Fucking! Impulse buying!!!
Travel more (which means travel at all)
Read more and be on my phone less
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depresseddepot · 2 months ago
weird thing about me is that I am so serious about new year's resolutions that the last week of december feels like I'm in one of those "preparing for war" montages (but in a good way)
#mine are always very easy to complete and i dont kick myself if i miss a day#like last year mine was to watch one new movie a week (bc i never ever watch movies despite wanting to) and i did it! mostly#and my one for this year is in three parts. a) read every day bc i fell out of that habit and even one page counts#b) finish my physical TBR shelf (i think its about 70 books? itll be tough but i think i can do it)#and c) read a nonfiction book at least once a month because as much as i love fiction there are a LOT of nonfics piling up#that i really want to read and i sort of neglect them in favor of my constant escapism. so.#ANYWAY i think about that statistic of how many people fail at their new years resolution and it makes me feel like i have rabies#but like. spite rabies#i made a list of interesting nyrs a few months ago and the amount of articles i had to read by smug wealthy men made me sick in the head#and only achieving my goals out of spite will heal me#anyway follow me on storygraph xoxo (ththalassocracy)#you can watch me in real time as i try once again to read a book popular at the library i work at and get disappointed almost every time#ignore the fact that ive been listening to an audiobook for almost a year now. dont look at me#ahh i love new years though. its such a fresh and clean start#2026 im thinking abt having a new resolution for each month so that i can sort of teach myself how to apply that Fresh Start feeling anytim#so that i dont have to wait for new years bc i have fleeting goals and hobbies all the time and its fun to commit to things#without the horror of failing (or consequences)#also next year i wanted to try my Shower Olympics resolution but that one would NOT last a full year lol#so maybe. but i dont actually want to start planning anything until at least june#AND THIS YEAR I HAVE 6 DAYS OFFFF right at new years!!! so i get to deep clean AND rest AND start off my resolution really strongly#im so fucking excited i might do that every year because the joy i feel at having those days off during new years is incredible
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honey-tea-and-lemon-trees · 2 months ago
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I don’t see nearly enough people talk about storygraph. If you are book-ish and using goodreads may I suggest A WAY BETTER version - don’t get me wrong I use both but bloody hell storygraph just gives and gives and gives.
if you’re a fan of spotify wrapped - year round reading stats???? I literally am obsessed with mine. I look at them constantly. They’ve just introduced a pause feature as well, which as a mood reader who can occasionally lose fascination with a particular book or series for no reason, is gonna be goooood for me.
It’s just so much FUN to use. pls use it.
you can import data from goodreads to get you started too!
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davinciae · 2 years ago
btw for my bookish beloved besties i found this book tracking site storylace yesterday which uses quests in addition to your regular reading challenges. it’s in open beta still and has quite a few glitches but it looks like it could grow into something fun
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mirrortouchedsea · 1 year ago
Day 7
Niki turned off his alarm and looked at his phone, only to discover that Cinnamon and ES would be closed for the day due to the snow storm. He rubbed his eyes and glanced out the window of the bedroom and sure enough, snow was coming down in full force. Nobody would want to be out in that weather. At least he could get a few extra hours of--
His stomach started growling. Nevermind, he had to get up and make breakfast. Rinne tried to hold Niki hostage but eventually relented and fell back asleep. Rinne’s face was soft in the morning light, easily one of Niki’s favorite sights in the morning. Even if Rinne would inevitably come to ruin his day at work or gamble their money away at the pachinko parlor, he would always come back to him. 
Niki indulged himself a bit and kissed Rinne’s forehead before going to make breakfast. He could do something more complicated today since he didn’t have work, and he’d probably make some of Rinne’s omurice for him. That was another thing that was cute about the older man snoring in the other room; he and his brother loved omurice and if given the chance would eat nothing but that. 
Thirty minutes later and Niki was about ready to finally sit down and eat (not that he hadn’t been sneaking bites since he started) when Rinne finally dragged himself out of their bedroom. Niki greeted him and pointed to the omurice on the counter, which Rinne grabbed and sat opposite him before digging into it. His feet found Niki’s under the table and Rinne locked their ankles together. 
“No work today Rinne-kun?” 
“Nah, seems like ES closed everything down cuz of the storm. I’ll just have to terrorize you all day~” 
Niki rolled his eyes. “Can’t wait.” 
They continued to talk as they ate, the dishes starting to pile up as Rinne took what he could hold to the sink and began washing them. He was humming one of their new songs as he soaped up the sponge and started scrubbing. Niki brought the rest of the dishes to the counter and started rinsing the dishes as Rinne washed them. 
The rest of the day was spent in a comfortable domesticity that Niki wished they could have forever. Without anyone else around, Rinne didn’t put up his persona and was much tolerable to be around, and it was the side of him that Niki loved the most. He loved their lazy afternoons spent on the couch in each other’s arms watching bad reality tv reruns, their silly conversations and shared kisses (not on the lips, that was something Rinne still insisted on, but everywhere else was fair game). 
If only they got snowed in more often. 
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kirnet · 1 year ago
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writing my godkiller review <3
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Meadows
YA dystopian set in a hyper-surveilled future world devastated by climate change
a girl from a rural seaside town is offered a place in a school that only takes the ‘best and brightest’ - and jumps at the chance, but quickly finds out things are not as they seem: they’re there to be conditioned into obedient wives, and become part of the society which enforces the belief that end of the world was caused by people ‘going against nature’
switches back and forth between then and a few years later, when she’s graduated and working as an adjudicator monitoring her fellow graduates, so she can defer her own requirement to get married and search for the former classmate she loved who was taken away after they attempted escape
slow building and twisty, lesbian MC
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