#i want to know more pokemon-like digimon honestly
alter-ego-cole · 7 months
Ok so I know nothing about digimon but I have 2 that I really like already
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I wonder why I like them so much hmmmmmmm
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fe-smashorpass · 5 months
Based on that one post I made on digimon being more attractive than pokemon
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He’s such a nice dude you know?
I have a bias for people who practice magic
I want his hat and cape
Vamdemon/Myotismon (X-Antibody)
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Idk why but I think the x antibody variant is more attractive
He looks so dignified in this art
Not all vamdemon/myotismon are evil fun fact
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They’re so gender
They have a pet bird and I think birds are neat
They look so cool
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We love a hot monarch
Based on the most broken and useful chess piece
Gankoomon (X-Antibody)
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He took off his shirt for his x antibody variant
He’d be the best hypeman
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Such a distinguished gentleman
I want his swords
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Honestly she’s kinda adorable
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Plant man that is also a lord
We love a knight with a flower motif
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Angel lady with a little bit of sass
She’s so pretty
My favorite as a kid
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I like her hair
I think she’d make a great swimming buddy
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firedragon1321 · 4 months
There's a fanart in Matt's tag that includes Tai making a borderline aheago face so I'm gonna do a quick meta so I can push it through (please don't ask any more about this).
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You ever see old dub material and like, it looks like this? This is from a book I own-
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Like, where did this come from? And the dub of Ep. 1, when he first meets the Digimon- "no autographs please". Where did it come from? I really honestly don't understand.
Now, it's not as bad as, like, the Davis/Daisuke situation (where I had to go full Kingdom Hearts and refer to them as different people). It kind of works because it can be used as a cover. Matt doesn't want to deal with Feelings when there's a brother to protect and two worlds to save. But his Feelings tend to boil over at the slightest provocation.
Yet the dub kind of...ignores this. For the "cool kid" persona which ??? Maybe they were trying to make him more like Gary Oak from Pokemon (y'know- the ten year old with a car/cheerleaders). But by the end, it's clear that doesn't work. The Crest of Friendship kind of seals the deal as to who Matt really is.
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I feel like this weirdness/02 playing up the "pretty boy" angle led to the likes of The Lost Temple of Ishida, which by itself contributed to years of mischaracterization. If you know about Goth TK and the Tokomon who lived in Tai's hair or whatever (who wasn't TK's partner, I think)- those broke containment from there. It was a HUGE fansite. It even fooled me.
Fortunately, you don't see too much OOC "cool guy" Matt today, unless it specifically refers to 02/tri. I feel like better access to the subs and the Lost Temple becoming inactive (along with the "squee kawaii" fangirl mindset falling out of fashion) made it easier to analyze Matt as he really is. Unfortunately, he seems less popular than back in the day. Which sucks. I want to ramble about him more.
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bonefall · 1 year
Bonefall, local cat historian, teal blood? Idr, monster factory enthusiast. What’s next, you follow our great leader Jim Pickens? /silly
I dabble in a little bit of everything. Didn't know who Jim Pickens was (but hey I did recognize him when I googled him from Six Feet Under), but I do also like Columbo a lot. I love funky little frizzly wifeguys and backwards whodunnits
Other weird interests I have;
Modern Fire Emblem, mostly Three Houses and Awakening, been playing Engage with my buddies though and I kinda like... as a raw experience I don't like it, but I'm having a BLAST basically making an OC out of the main character with my friends, it's great!
Animated movies in general, I'm always looking for funny bad ones to watch with my partner and my friends.
"Oh cool!! Do you have any recommendations?" PLEASE GO WATCH THE ANGEL IN THE CLOCK, I watched it blind with my friend group thinking it was just gonna be something low-budget and funny but oh my god, it snatched our kneecaps, we were crying at the end, please go watch it
I fucking love Care Bears. I'm obsessed with them.
I do like Pokemon but, honestly, I've kinda fallen out of love with it because of the past few games. I used to be really into it
I like Digimon more these days
I usually turn out for whatever the newest queer animated series is, if you know what I mean. I was a closeted teenager when Korra happened and I've kinda 'followed' animated shows being allowed to be progressively more openly gay, building off the victories of the last, and it makes me feel super fuzzy to see it
So Steven Universe, She-Ra, I've been meaning to watch Owl House because I know I'm gonna love it, etc.
Though honestly I'm kinda hoping to start seeing more adult-oriented stuff... much as I appreciate what kid's media can do these days, I want to see more animated adult fantasy with more mature themes
HunterxHunter is my favorite anime
Ginga was one of my formative baby animes, I was really into it when I was a kid along with Warriors
I was there when The Lion King Fanart Archive was huge, my first OCs were Lion King fankids and such.
I still play Impressive Title, which is an old MMO made by one dude in like, 2008, that's now public domain and anyone can make a server with the base code
I really love watching bad Christian movies, like, Lion of Judah, Noah's Arc 2007.
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aashiyancha · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers:
(Tagged by @thebeckster : Thanks for the tag Becky!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I only just started using AO3 so there's just the one rune factory 5 fancomic there at the moment.
I have quite a few fanworks and original stuff dispersed around tumblr though! I believe the total number of works is up to 7 now. They are as follows from oldest to most currently worked on:
1.) Pokemon Black and White fancomic ( this is a dead one. I don't think I'm ever coming back to it)
2.) Digimon cyberspoof / just another side skit ( I was getting so close to finishing this one! Might give the games one more whirl just so I can finish this one off)
3.) Rain on a Summer Day (an original romance story that I started on webtoon but wimped out of continuing so it's in wip hell rn)
4.) The Flower Boys (an original mystery story that currently remains a mystery haha)
5.) Sweet Hero Puffbun (original supernatural sort of hero adventure)
6.) Rune Factory 5 Special (the fancomic that's been eating up most of my free time for the past while now haha)
7.) Our Life Derek Route Fancomics
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
20,724 but the site can't register words that are on the comic pages since they're on the image so deffo more than that.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Basically anything that catches my interest but I can't find enough of the content I'm looking for is what I write/draw!
In the past that's been Pokemon, Digimon, Hamefura, Rune factory, Fire Emblem, Our Life
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll answer this based on popularity across platforms I've used since I haven't posted many fics on AO3 yet.
Our Life: Derek Fancomics >Rain on a Summer Day> Rune Factory 5 Special> Digimon CyberSpoof > Sweet Hero Puffbun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! It's especially fun for fanworks because I get to gush about the game or show with other people and we all know that's tons of fun! Bonus points to people who comment about stuff I've added to the story because then I get to delve further into the concept if people bring it up :]
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Never ended anything yet....
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Never ended anything yet....hahaha :,D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
On some of my stuff that's broken containment it's happened...some people are just a biiiit homophobic and really seem to want to let me know of that. Other than that though, people have been super nice, engaged and supportive!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Don't really plan to do so either I think. Just not really my cup of tea.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Haven't done so yet but I do like the idea. Might do a crossover in the future
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet. Could be cool to have my stuff available in more than just english though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Sounds like it would require a lot of coordination. Could be super fun though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Uh......Hm. Honestly, I'm just happy so long as I see the happiness and supportiveness from the relationships so I can't really pick a favourite. All ships I like I like equally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
....All of them
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am fast! I am so so fast hahaha!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I go too fast and don't notice mistakes before I post. Then I get too fed up to fix them...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've considered trying! Just it's been a while since I've done out of country travelling so all my language skills have gone stale. It might be a disaster if I tried to write.... hmmm but it would be good practice too....
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think wee little me wrote a few fancomics for hetalia back in the day.
Should go searching through my old notebooks to see if I can find them someday.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I've barely posted any of it so far but honestly I am so hopeful with Sweet Hero Puffbun! It's probably my favourite story that I've got. One day it will all be ready to share and hopefully others will enjoy it too~
Tagging some people! Ofc no pressure though! @silicon-katydid @darkacey @thornowl and anyone who wants to play, feel free to say I tagged you!
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Revisiting Ichijouji Ken
Revisiting Ken, I stand by what I said earlier regarding his reformation being janky. The transition from Digimon Kaiser to Good Guy Ken happens overnight as the product of an epiphany Ken has about the Digital World, and that doesn't really mesh with his previously established characterization.
But I do want to note that the decision to reform Ken is nonetheless a good one. I don't think they executed it very well, but he was a good choice of character for a reformation arc.
I've often gone on record as being sour on redemption stories in general. I have beefs with a lot of the ways redemption is written in media, and one of the most common pitfalls of redemption is often just, "Really? This guy? This is the one you want to rehabilitate? Whatever, show."
But in Ken's case? Yeah. Yeah, this guy. This is the guy. Rehabilitate this one.
The things Ken does are monstrous, but come from a genuine misunderstanding. He thinks this is a video game. He legitimately does not comprehend that he's hurting real people. He's trying to play the Digital World like it's Pokemon - A fact that gets slyly referenced in an early episode, when he makes two Elecmon, Digimon's closest approximation of a Pikachu, duel in a gladiator arena for his amusement. Ken's gotta catch 'em all.
But that shallow explanation for his behavior masks a deeper cruelty and misanthropy. Because, as I noted in my first observation on Ken, his behavior extends to real people and animals too. Dude literally kicks a puppy. That's not a misunderstanding. He's just mean.
This is an interesting topic for the show to address. The way we treat NPCs is, on some level, a reflection of ourselves. Ken smiles nice and says polite things in public, and then he goes home to play his fantasy game where he gets to enslave and dominate other living beings while building giant monuments to himself and his ego.
And, prior to his character development, that Ken? The Digimon Kaiser? That's his truest self. It's who he is when the lights are out and nobody's watching. It's who he most enjoys being.
And I think that's something that would be interesting to see Ken reckon with in the events that follow his epiphany. It's not enough to just clear up the misunderstanding. Ken should have to follow through by recognizing the problematic behavior that accompanied the misunderstanding, and learning how to change the lens through which he views other people, NPC or not.
This, unfortunately, gets skipped over. Ken gets what I like to call a lightswitch redemption. He has a moment that triggers a change in him, and then is instantly changed by it. He makes a complete journey from realizing that his behavior is a problem to being a better person overnight.
Ken freaks out in the desert, throws off his Kaiser garb, and cries over Wormmon's death. And that's it. That is his complete journey. When next we see him, he's already a better person, and his story from there is merely about whether he can be forgiven for his crimes - With Ken as his own harshest critic, and Daisuke as his strongest defender.
And I love what they do with Ken and Daisuke's friendship. It's fantastic. A+. Honestly, Daisuke in general is a way better character than I remember him being, but I digress. Point is. It would have been nice to see Ken undergo a character journey, and not just have a single moment of character development solve everything.
Oh, and yes, I know he had a Dark Spore influencing him, but that honestly just makes the lack of a journey worse. Ken's cruelty is literally the product of an external influence forcing him to be evil. He can't help himself.
But that should make it harder for Ken to change, not easier. It adds to the reasons why Ken's lightswitch moment and complete overnight turnaround of behavior should have been a longer and harder process.
Ken's reformation from the Digimon Kaiser is a great idea. I just wish there was more of it.
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samooooo1 · 7 months
Requests open:
Basicly I wanna write stories and headcanons and many other things but I am a newbie and I wanna write for ya all, since at times I just need headcanons and would love if ya could give me Ideas, I might write late or do the asks a bit late since I am still in school and need to study alot if I wanna truly work for my dear Lord Jesus 💃💃.
Sooo lets get into it better,
Off Limits:
No smut,
Gay,(any type(Furry counts to) plus diffrent character gender besides Male or Female,I am a Christian and I just dont support it, but I love ya all just like God does but I hate your sins as its them who we true followers and children of God really hate)
Not any type of demonic request even if said characters look or in any way Satanic or Demonic I wont do the request.
Any type of bad stuff like killing, abuse etc, I dont even wanna think about such stuff.
Children will be platonic relationship, no more or less
Any type of fluffs, up to kissing.
Relationships headcannon (anything in between)
I write both male and female just state what ya really want and we see what we can get, (also it would be kind if ya could tell me a bit of the character as I dont know every character that is there, thaaanks homies)
(Male reader x Girl or Female reader x Male)
(But keep in my mind its a bit harder for me to write for a female as its mostly die to my lack of experience)
Fandoms I write for:
Honestly any, as long as it is inside the rules I write for any character.
So you can ask for any requests from any fandom as long as its in the rules I can happily write for you all :D.
But personaly speaking I would love if ya could recommend from these Fandoms:
Digimon: There so little fanficts for them its honestly sad and I would love if ya could just ask for some of them as I love Digimon dearly)
Pokemon: Classics, cool and noice looking Characters in there ;)
Genshin: Same as Pokemon, cool Charas but no Archons or other beings besides humans, sorry for Archon lovers or anyone that is besides a human.
Soulsgame: From Dark souls to Elden Ring, all in between. I love the lore and if you got any request or Ideas. Send them.
For now that be it but if ya got some request to other fandoms kindly tell me, just make Sure please they comply with my rules.
Thats be it for now!!!
See ya my blessed anons
(PS, I am bad in gramma so sorry if some stories come with bad gramma but hope still one day ya all be enjoying it one way or another, also ya can write me if ya want to make a request)
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bahamutgames · 10 months
Afterthoughts Story : Cyber Sleuth
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Game: Digimon Story : Cyber Sleuth (March 12, 2015)
Console: Nintendo Switch
Alright, let's do this. So, my last RPG that I played through before taking a break so I wouldn't have anything overlapping with the most important game ever coming out this Friday Is Digimon Cyber Sleuth, obviously. I got this game for Christmas a few years back now but didn't end up playing it until this year, and finally beat it right at the end of October. So here I am, telling you about my wonderful digiexperience!
Like always, not a review, just my thoughts. Please don't take my word as gospel, just my impressions while playing. Play anything I talk about you that interests you.
So, honestly, as much as I enjoy Digimon from afar. I've never been a hard core Digimon guy. I've seen a bit of Adventures, I always liked the designs, and I follow that Digimon a day twitter that has shown me a lot of AMAZING creatures from it. But truth be told, I just never really got into the series. However I saw how popular this game seemed to be, and knew it was a turnbased RPG, so I figured it'd be a great jumping in point for me. And honestly, I was right! I had a fantastic time with this game!
Stuff I liked
I was very pleasantly surprised by this game. I really wasn't sure what to expect since Digimon is a little out of my wheelhouse, but honestly I think this was a really solid RPG with a lot of high points. I think the graphics are nice, it's not the most mind blowing thing visually outside of EDEN but when you go into digital worlds I think the game looks SUPER cool and felt like playing Summer Wars. Which makes sense, but still lol. The soundtrack is also REALLY good, much to no one's surprise, I particularly enjoyed the battle themes. The boss theme and the Eater themes were my favorites, but I also enjoyed the song that plays in the Digital Shift dungeons and the Digital World.
The gameplay was very good too and honestly really surprising to me. I know they're wildly different series, but I HAVE been playing through the Pokemon games lately, so I couldn't help but draw comparisons between the two. And while this is a monster collection game, they play NOTHING alike. In fact, Cyber Sleuth plays a LOT more like a traditional JRPG. And personally, I really like that. Things are a little linear which is fine for my lizard brain. But particularly I think the combat helps this game feel a lot faster than Pokemon can at times. Since every battle has you with 3 monsters that you can swap out during combat, and fully deck out with multiple pieces of equipment, and even completely change their movelist to your liking whenever you want. I think it works very well and while it is SIMILAR to Pokemon, and it might be more my style, I think it's good that they're so different, I don't know if I'd want Pokemon to straight up rip this off even if I think there is some convenience and maybe even some polish it could borrow from this?
In regards to that polish, I do love that every Digimon is like a full fledged party member in a more traditional RPG sense. But something I was REALLY shocked by was the amount of animations each Digimon has. They all have a standard attack, signature attack, buff, damage, death, and victory animation totally unique to themselves! From what I noticed, they're not even copied between evolutions. AND your current party follows you on the map, it's really cool! I also enjoy that digimon you aren't using can be put on the farm to gather items and sidequests, or even be fed to your other Digimon for EXP. It's small but it's a neat addition.
And as long as I'm on the subject of the monsters themselves, if you've seen my thoughts on the Pokemon games you know a HUGE aspect of those games for me is the Pokedex of the region. The monsters really make or break the monster collection game for me, of course. They're the main reason I'm playing it! And while it might be unfair to give it praise for this, since it's had years of monsters to pull from. As an outsider of the series, Cyber Sleuth MORE than delivers on its monster catalogue! There are SO many monsters to meet and recruit through the game, and so many of them were brand new to me! Obviously I had the classics I know like Agumon (one of my personal faves cause, dinosaur) but there were SO many new Digimon I had never heard of before that I fell in love with. Stuff like Pumpkinmon, Geckomon, Lekismon, Zubamon (who I just learned can turn into a sword!? SO BAD ASS!!), and my new personal favorite: Groundramon! It seemed like there was ALWAYS something new to find even when I digivolving the same creature over and over, I was always finding new creatures and still didn't get most of the catalogue filled.
Outside of that stuff, I enjoyed the story a lot. There were a lot of turns and twists that kept it interesting, and I always really enjoy plots about the relationship between the real world and cool MMOs. I think the Eden Syndrome stuff is probably a little tried but it worked! I thought the Eaters were mysterious and freaky. I liked how the plot was framed around solving cases as a detective, it was a very unique format for an RPG. I liked a lot of the characters, they were all very fun. Nokia and Yuuko were funny, I liked Arata, and Kyoko was SO hot! The game is also hilarious! It sometimes gives the energy of like "we weren't given a proper script to translate so we went a little nuts" but honestly I think it worked. The game is serious when it needs to be but is still super funny when it can be and is generally very unhinged at times in a good way. Overall it was a very fun and funny experience!
Also, the ending where you're rebuilt from the memories of your Digimon team was SO cute, I loved that, what a cute little detail as a final goodbye from your party.
Stuff I didn't like
However, as you can probably tell from the translation thing, this game is a little rough around the edges. I'd say overall the quality is very high, but there's a couple things here and there that make it feel not 100% there, if that makes sense?
So, a small one that didn't come up a lot but came up more than you'd expect was text formatting issues. This makes sense because Japanese text can probably fit a whole novel into the textboxes, while English text can be a lot longer. But sometimes text would go off screen, or there would be times where I could select lines in a dialogue box that was CLEARLY not a dialogue choice? Or sometimes I felt like they'd attribute the lines to the wrong characters. It never massively got in the way, and most of the time it's not an issue. But it's still odd and something I've never seen before.
Then there's the character designs. I like the protagonist's design. I like Kyoko and Yuuko too. And obviously the Digimon rule. But like Arata and the detective and Date all kinda look basic? Like I maybe couldn't pick them out of a crowd? And it weirded me out the WHOLE time that Nokia looked almost identical to me. Was us being separated at birth removed from our memories too? I felt similarly about Jimiken, who really didn't look as cool or noticeable (despite looking like Jimiken) to be a reoccurring threat through so much of the early game. Overall I don't think any character designs are bad, just some of them are underwhelming among the humans.
The only real issues I have with the Digimon are that there's too many Vaccine types. I ended up having tons that turned into Vaccines in the end and basically had no null types. It was very odd. And also, I do kinda wish you could digivolve for the stats without having to change the Digimon's designs. Some of them have great designs but their digivolutions kinda... suck. Like Geckomon's evo looks really stupid imo, so I had to turn him into Whamon. Who changed from Virus to Vaccine. Stuff like that genuinely got under my skin sometimes. I don't like Zabueagermon. That name is stupid. I like Zabumon. Give him back to me!
However, my biggest problem with this game. Is that it can kinda drag sometimes. In a few ways. Some smaller ways are like, when you need a new mission. Instead of just giving it to you, sometimes they make you leave the office, get a call, then IMMEDIATELY walk back inside the office. Or worse, you have to walk all the way somewhere to get a job, then go back to the office to accept, THEN GO BACK to where you got the job and continue. Or sometimes characters will just kinda talk on and on and on forever until I'm totally lost from the conversation. I know it's kind of the joke with Kyoko, but it happens a lot and especially towards the end of the game. Genuinely took me out of some story moments where I couldn't keep up with what long-winded comparison she was going on about.
And that ties into my final thought on this, that the game kinda starts to drag in general towards the end. Like, it feels like nothing is happening for a large portion of the game, then the portal opens and things get exciting. And then things just kinda stop and start dragging again. Even story relevant stuff just didn't feel exciting or sometimes out of place. The worst example being when you travel to an alternative reality to get a character who died off screen to come help you because he's still alive in this world. Was that world a reference to a Digimon series I should've been aware of? This new character who joins you from this reality just shows up out of NOWHERE and realistically this whole situation is kinda meaningless? Like this didn't need to happen, it just does for some reason and then kinda never gets addressed again. WE WENT TO AN ALTERNATE REALITY? Idk it just feels very odd. And then some late game dungeons just kinda go on or are kinda repeats of earlier dungeons with tedious copy/paste puzzles. And then you finally get to the end and you have to fight the same security system over and over until you FINALLY get to the final boss. Again it's not the end of the world, but after a bit I really like feel like the game was just overstaying its welcome a little.
Final Thoughts
Honestly though? Overall I think this game was FANTASTIC and a really good introduction to Digimon for me! I didn't even fully go into some other systems and concepts I enjoyed like crossover attacks, how you recruit digimon by scanning them, the theming of dungeons using firewalls and you actually having to hack stuff using computer functions. It's cute!
Color me intrigued, I'm certainly interested in Digimon now. I know there's a remarkable amount of RPGs and Fighting games in the series, so I'll probably check out some of those. I might watch some of the anime. I'm a little card game crazy and Groundramon has a few cards in the TCG! I'm even working on my first Digifake and joined a Digimon Discord with some of my friends. There's a whole new digital world for me to jump into!
Thanks for reading! I totally understand why Digimon is so beloved by people, and it was genuinely really fun to finally dive into something from it full on. SO MANY COOL REPTILES IN THIS SERIES! You can see my full team right here (x)!
As for Hacker's Memory. I'm not gonna play that right now. It's longer than the base game. That's not DLC, that's a sequel!! Which is a great deal for sure! But, sheesh! I'll be sure to play it later!
I also want to give a shoutout to Helryu on Deviantart! Usually for the game cover banners at the top of posts I'll take banners from online stores, twitch, or news sites. Stuff that's probably game assets already. But they actually didn't have one for JUST cyber sleuth, they all came with Hacker's memory. So I was very happy to see Helryu did the dirty work for me. Thank you! They make lots of twitch game banners so go check them out if you need any.
That's all from me! Go out and play a game from a big franchise you've wanted to check out!
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squeemcsquee · 1 year
Otakon 2023: Day 2 (Sat)
Saturday, I started my morning with a Digimon panel - I don't get to go to these too often at cons, since Pokemon tends to be people's greater focus. Digimon is NOT a Ripoff: The Crazy Story of the Franchise was very informative. I honestly didn't know that both Pokemon and Digimon share some characteristics with the Megami Tensei franchise.
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I am ashamed to admit that a lot of my knowledge of Digimon is too rusty to attempt to play a trivia game. The host was offering up different Digimon prizes, from trading cards to actual vpets. And he got a far longer line of competitors that I believe he thought he would get.
Next on my agenda was Idols Through the Ages. It wasn't a bad panel, but I was disappointed by the lack of engagement from the panelist. He mostly just read straight from the slides. But I did still learn more on the background of idol culture and the idol industry, so I still was happy with the panel overall.
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After that, I met with @lechevaliermalfet, and O. to grab an early lunch. It was at this time that I realized that Otakon needs to work a smidge on their communication with their attendees.
See, @lechevaliermalfet and I were prepared to rely mainly on our cards for payment for the weekend - we were far, far away from any ATMs for our local credit union, after all, and everyone knows that con ATMs can run out of $$ quickly. We didn't want to be stranded in DC trying to find more cash at the last second.
So this announcement didn't really impact us. But it was still strange for Otakon to drop this little nugget on Saturday morning, instead of, perhaps, Thursday before the con.
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I wasn't the only one who felt this way - there were plenty of complaints on the FB announcement made throughout the weekend. Justified complaints, I would say.
This was also the point where I once again wished Otakon had a Dining Guide section in their Guidebook, even if just for the food vendors within the con center itself - knowing when things opened and what their general price range was, as well as their cashless status, would've been a great resource for attendees. Just my take on it.
Btw, during the whole con, finding a table to sit at with our food was a struggle - with as many people as Otakon brings in, there never really seems to be a downtime for the con center food vendors until just before they close. So tables where you can easily eat are in high demand.
After lunch, we met up with R. and R.'s girlfriend briefly, then made our way to the Dealers Hall again. The BlerdCon booth had a dance party going, and I heard both the Macarena and the Cha Cha Slide. We observed the party for a couple minutes, because, well, duh. It's a dance party at a con - that energetic vibe can be hard to resist.
We also learned that the Mandalorian Mercs were on site, with a creative photo op area as part of their recruitment setup. No, we did not go take advantage, I'm sorry to say.
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After the Dealers Hall, I headed to Animation Cels at Work: The Life and Death of Cel Animation in Japan. This one ran right up to the very last second of panel time and was very informative. The panelist not only traced the history of cel animation but also took some time to cover the current collectors' market for cels, explaining why certain cels are valued more than others.
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I spent some time people watching and just sort of seeking a brief quiet space in the con after that. Wandering a con with friends is great, but I do strongly recommend learning how to navigate solo, for when nothing in the guide grabs you and you don't feel like spending money in the Dealers Hall or Artist Alley.
Some of this time was spent on Pokemon Go, because the area was great for Pokestops and actually getting to participate in gym battles. Please excuse that the screenshot is actually from earlier in the day. Really, it can be assumed that I'm playing Pokemon Go at any con, because cons are among the few times I'm around enough people to make battling gyms worthwhile.
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I ended up in the Otamuseum, which was a small room dedicated to showing off some of the relics and factoids of Otakon's history. Since my one and only other Otakon was 2012, I definitely snapped photos of anything relating to that year.
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I knew 2012's attendance had been comparable to the numbers I was familiar with from ACen, but I was still surprised to learn there were so many attendees that year. Honestly, I'd felt like there were more -but that's because the Baltimore venue was clearly becoming too small for the con at that time.
I once again met up with @lechevaliermalfet and O. for an early dinner before O. had to leave the con for the day. We spent part of dinner discussing another note that Otakon had made for attendees, via the Guidebook app.
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My understanding is that this aggressive defense of the Saturday Dealers Hall hours are in response to a handful of complaints each year from attendees that could swear the hours had changed. And I'm sure that's frustrating for staff to experience. But this just came off as hostile when I read it.
After dinner, we parted ways with O., and headed down to Artist Alley. We got a few prints but my real prize for the night was a strange plushie.
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He was labeled as being unloved and how could I say no for $10? I love weird, cute things.
After shopping, it was time for @shoujorockheaven - this focuses on girl rock bands in Japan and it's run by the same team as @awesomelybadjmusicvideos . It's honestly a great way to discover some new groups to listen to.
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After the panel, despite still wanting that con vibe, we had to admit we were wiped. So that ended up being our last event for Saturday.
All Otakon 2023 Coverage
Otakon 2023 Day 0 (Thurs) and Day 1 (Friday)
Otakon 2023 Friday cosplay
Otakon 2023 Day 2 (Sat) - current post
Otakon 2023 Saturday cosplay
Otakon 2023 Day 3 (Sun)
Otakon 2023 Sunday cosplay
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dragonmarquise · 1 year
I have so many fic ideas and now I wanna ramble/vent about them here because I can, please excuse me :u
21 Mega Man Battle Network ideas!! 6 of which have MaddMatch/HinoMado/whatever you want to call it as a main focus, and like 4 others that mention it as a background thing, because of course :P
18 Legend of Zelda ideas! Mainly a ton of what-if scenarios with the characters. (Especially Majora is I'm gonna be honest lol)
At least 2 Pokemon ideas, maybe 3 or 4
And one Digimon idea… Maybe 2
The Maddy x Match tag on AO3 was empty before I posted my current script fic on the site. Which, from talking with plenty of other people about it, most likely means there was at least one fic of that pairing on AO3, in order for the tag to be registered like that in the first place (I.e. made into a canonical tag, for anyone who’s more familiar with how things work on AO3; at least I'm pretty sure that's the right concept for what I'm talking about here). But by the time I got on the site, whatever was in that tag had since been deleted/removed/etc. D:
There’s also apparently a Match/OC tag?! And that one is also empty! Who know what could have once been there, there certainly isn’t anything on the Wayback Machine!! ;o;
Well anyways, I am probably going to be the one to repopulate the Maddy x Match tag on AO3. I kinda hope I don’t end up being the only one to post for that tag at all, but if I do, then so be it I guess!!
Meanwhile judging by some of my other Battle Network fic plans, I will be the AO3 trendsetter for at least 5 different ships, assuming no one else writes for them in the meantime, mwahaha >:D
(An aside, honestly I kind of hope I can collaborate with others to maybe get more of these ideas out faster. But that will depend on me getting at least some of these made and posted, and getting others interested in what I'm working on. Plus of course at least finishing the overall outlines of all of these. We'll see how that pans out, I guess.)
So yeah, between this and my world building wiki and other stuff, I will definitely be busy, lol
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
Do u happen to have any survive au notes?
I do in fact! I don't really talk about them much cause I'm still hammering out details (and by that I mean rotating scenes and drawings in head) but here's some AU notes:
I have a PMD AU cause I like Mystery Dungeon a lot and always thought a digimon mystery dungeon game would be fun, but I thought it be even more fun if the character's are turned into digimon but they still landed in the Pokemon world. Post-Truthful, they are there digimon cause...well half of their soul it all lines up. Where are there digimon...no clue. Usually in Mystery Dungeon evolving is blocked for some reason or another but since there NOT pokemon it means they can and that just breaks everything in half.
I'm...not sure if I'm roping in the amnesia trope Mystery Dungeon has, and if I am I'm going to play around with it a lot. I'll think on that.
Concrete PMD AU thoughts: Everyone arrives a few days after the other, so it isn't sequential, and not always in the same area, some do arrive in pairs though (Miu and Kaito arrive together for example) The place they all eventually settle in is a city. I've always wanted to play around with Pokemon cities and it's so different from the setting in Survive it just seems fun. I like to think that to some level the kids look more comfortable in Dungeons rather than in the city due to this.
There's this little cafe run by this nice Sylveon and sometimes they go there for group meetings.
Overall the tone is Lighter but like...considering PMD at the moment has a lot of slightly eldritch big bosses which mind control and/or send people to actual hell...y'know.
Anyway I Also Have my Magical Girl AU but that one is more of a mega crossover AU cause...I thought it be fun if I lumped all the digimon continuities (well...ones I know) in that AU as magical people.
Really it's just a flip of the Digimon-Human partnership dynamic, Digivolution is an outfit upgrade and a power-up. Jogress is...I'll figure that out but Steven Universe Style Fusion is on the table cause I like it.
The digimon doesn't necessarily inform the costume, this is mostly because I cannot imagine certain character's having outfits that look like there digimon.
I like to think the Frontier Kids are very well known because I like to think they were the first to go to the Digital World in this AU cause of there season thing. I don't know much about the Frontier kids honestly so I'll get back to what there up to when I finish it. All I know is, everyone comes back for festivals!
The Survive kids are the most recent Rising Group, they slowly grabbed there members, it starts with Aoi Minoru and Takuma, followed by Saki and Ryo, then Miu and Kaito and then finally Shuuji. What is Haru and Miyuki doing? ...I'll figure it out.
Digimon Adventure 02 shows the International Digidestined and I'm still going to incorporate that, but due to how the Digital World works in my head you can travel some distance and find them if you want.
Shuuji and Ryo are interesting cases in this AU, for similar reasons why they are in canon but Ryo comes in earlier because...well less running for your life and possible death hanging over his head. So Ryo actually comes in As A Magical Girl already.
Think this AU is a bit like the setting of Jewelpet Twinkle. The Digital World is actually calm most of the time and there's a bunch of cities and towns around and a lot of times you can just come in and have a good time, maybe do an errand or two for a nice Ogremon who needs some mushrooms from a high mountain. But sometimes there are actual giant problems that need to be fought.
Related to Ryo, Shuuji comes in last because his problems are not helped at All by this setting, honestly the switch of who's fighting and the fact he's at his house makes it worse.
On How Kids are Chosen: I like to think it's a Savers situation where certain Digimon just gravitate towards certain kids. Not really because there the other half of their soul, but because those kids just called to them somehow.
Uh I have more but those aren't Survive-related and more about the other teams but yeah!
I have other scattered thoughts about other concepts but they aren't really detailed enough to make them an AU yknow.
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
Why are you the Junzumi CEO in this era but you’re also so negative about it happening in canon? Am I the only one who has no doubt they’d eventually get together? In the new drama Junpei understands she can’t understand when people go after her like the boy who gave her the belly belt. Isn’t it the hugest ray of hope for a Junzumi shipper when in the train drama she told him he should speak clearly to her? Can’t it be a connection?
Oh Anon, I’m laughing so much🤣🤣🤣. “Junzumi CEO but at the same time she will always specify there is no way for it to ever happen”. Ops, what a peculiar shipper I am🤣💕. And what a confident CEO🤣, most of all!
I know, I know, I know I’m made like that but I promise it’s not only about Junzumi. I’m like this in general.
From my point of view, Junzumi has always had 0 chances in the writers’ plans, even if they did accidentally turn it in the most meaningful relationship of the series (crucify me). The reason why I believe this is that Junpei isn’t just a character the writers care about. He’s the comical relief, despite him originally being a more serious character in the drafts, apparently. He’s the dude who had to embody the stereotype of “the fat boy hopelessly falling for the main girl but she goes for the thin, hot, amazing, cool mc”. And the writers also stated it: Izumi would exchange his feelings only if he got thinner, which is **** ********.
Yet, you know what, Anon?
I admit I’ve eventually revalued that drama after having talked about it so many times and I can actually suppose a little, veeeeery little change of mentality MIGHT have happened, after all, not only in myself.
Passing to your observation more specifically, I hadn’t honestly connected the dots because I read the recent drama once and, yes, I did laugh at Izumi being dense but I hadn’t taken it in consideration that much🤣. I kinda like that side of hers though? The main girl who was so straight forward when she was 10……Actually can’t understand boys’ feelings if they aren’t highlighted directly in front of her face? Like, you have to tell her you want to date her or she will just go ???????? She reminds me of Ash from Pokemon ( but he wouldn’t probably understand it in that way either ahahha).
I highly doubt there’s a connection between the two dramas in general, though, since they are also contradictions of each other smh (the Digimon can’t go to the real world; so how did they arrive there in the 2018 drama????? New technologies?). However, rereading them, I can really see what you want to underline, and wow, Anon? What can I say? It fits, I adore it.
What I can tell about the kind of character they have attempted to turn drama Izumi into is one who’s got a very childish (in a positive sense) and carefree attitude. I believe she’s not into love stuff yet and only cares about friendship, maybe also because that’s what she cares about the most after having developed social skills thanks to DW. Junpei…I can say my impression about him is that he has always tried going way too forward, and it doesn’t really depend on the fact he’s the oldest. I mean, as a kid, he already dreamed about marriage and children🤣. In that drama he seemed to be organizing an imaginary honeymoon ngl🤣: who would travel around the whole Italy in a normal holiday trip? So, I like seeing their relationship having developed in this funny way: her being the airhead (surprisingly), the one who wants to have fun as much as she can, the one who gets excited about presents (“Grazie! What do you want to give me????”), the one who doesn’t care about her future at all; him being the one who has already estabilished his future and just thinks about the way he wants to build it: in middle school he already knew he wanted to be an opera singer (God bless you, Junpei), in elementary school he already knew who he wanted to spend his life with (and I wish for the realizations of any dreams of yours, baby).
Listening to it again makes me see their whole writing under a new light and since the drama has got hope in its title, I just…Can’t help feeling like it gave a little hope to Junzumi, as weird as it may sound. If Junpei can wait for the right time to come, I’m not that against believing he actually could pull it off anymore. He should just slowen his pace, for God’s sake🤣🤣. He frankly reminds me of a former crush of mine who was so aimed at the future he could only talk with future tense, no joking.
So, my conclusion?
“If you want to say something, say it clearly!” can be perfectly matched with middle school Junpei himself noticing she can’t understand this kind of stuff if you don’t speak to her clearly, directly. So, Anon, my answer is No, you’re not the only one believing in this age they might actually have a chance🤣💕.
Thank you for the ask💕!
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game-boy-pocket · 5 months
Do you like any RPGs besides Final Fantasy, Dragon quest and Pokemon?
I assume you're also excluding Mother and Mario.
I've mentioned Skies of Arcadia already, yeah? Love that game. Would be great of Sega did something with it besides cameos in turn based strategy games and mascot racers. I remember really enjoying Tales of Symphonia as well but I doubt I could recall a single thing about the plot of the game, I played it just before Super Smash Bros Brawl came out and haven't played it since. Haven't played any other Tales games either. I really should give the original Tales of Phantasia a try.
I remember enjoying Magical Star Sign, but I didn't ever get around to beating it. I'd like to do that some day but I think first i'll check out the translation of the original game, Magical Vacation.
I love Digimon Wold, even though progression is a slow burn and it's very cryptic, I haven't finished it yet, but I'd like to, and I want to check out the rest of the Digimon World series.
I don't know if we count this as an RPG, but I tried the first Mana/Seiken Densetsu game last year and had a great time with it. I need to play the rest of the series.
I have a lot of RPGs I want to try out, it's just that RPGs tend to be big commitments that require a lot of your attention, so I need to be in a special mood. I could honestly go for more short RPGs like the original Dragon Quest or Super Mario RPG.
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shield-and-sword · 1 year
My Fandom Journey: Anime
I thought I'd make a little series talking about my various fandoms and my journey in them. I'm starting with a broader topic of anime, getting into more specific titles at a later post. I'll do a manga one next but my initial introduction into Japanese media was anime so I'll start here. This is gonna be a long rambly post btw.
When I was in the Philippines at a young age (I wanna say around 5 or 6 years old), me and my siblings started watching Digimon Adventures first, we literally watched all the episodes up until Digimon Tamers. We did watch western cartoons as well, we were lucky enough to have Sky so we had Disney, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. One of the reasons I think I liked anime was because it wasn't as overly stylized as cartoons, human designs and characterizations weren't overly exaggerated like in Hey Arnold or Rugrats for example, not to say I didn't enjoy those cartoons because I totally did up to a certain age. Also because anime tended to have overarching storylines and arcs for the most part, compared to the episodic nature of early western cartoons, I found myself focusing more on the story and wanting to watch every episode. Honestly I remember being glued to the screen while watching Digimon and always made sure I watched every episode and if I missed one then I'd catch the re-run that they aired on the weekend (I remembered the exact airing schedule of this damn series when I was a child). Whereas when I missed an episode of Spongebob Squarepants or Courage the Cowardly Dog I'd be fine about it.
Most animes that were aimed at kids were licensed and aired on local channels like GMA and ABS-CBN and were majority dubbed in tagalog but there were a few channels that aired anime in english dub so that's how I watched anime most of the time. I am glad though that they kept the original Japanese openings and ending songs for the Tagalog dub. (I loved Hunter X Hunter's Ohayou Opening, it was seriously the best)
Majority of the imported anime to the Philippines were mostly shonen (as far as I was aware anyway) so the other animes we watched after school were Slamdunk, Medabots, Yu-gi-oh, Beyblade, Hunter X Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca and a few episodes of Rave Master and Case Closed/Detective Conan. Surprisingly we weren't that into Pokemon but we did watch majority of the early seasons (Can't remember which ones, but Brock and Misty were the entourage). I think we watched Zoids too but only a few epsiodes.
When we got a bit older but still children (I was around 9-11) we started watching animes that would be considered seinen such as Rurouni Kenshin, GetBackers, Saiyuki, Cowboy Bebop, Galaxy Angels, Ranma 1/2, and a mecha anime that for the life of me I cannot remember the title of (It might've been part of the Brave franchise??). I also occasionally watched You're Under Arrest and Lupin III. Anyway most of these were obviously more censored than the manga or original Japanese version but they were still definitely innapropriate for my age range. I still don't understand how we got away with watching Rurouni Kenshin as kids it was aired on a sky channel that wasn't aimed at kids so the violence wasn't that censored, I think it was the first subbed anime that I watched
There are also animes that I didn't really watch but I was aware of like Naruto, Dragon Ball (Sorry to the fans I never quite got into these two series), Outlaw Star, Ah My Goddess, Inuyasha, Baki the Grappler, Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Side note there's also another anime that I can't remember the name of but I've been looking for it forever, It's an old sci-fi spaceship anime about a man going through a mid-life crisis and becomes isekai'd(?) into this spaceship where he plays the electric guitar to power the ship and fight. Does anyone know this anime???
After moving to New Zealand when I was 11 I got exposed to different genres outside the usual Shonen and Seinen I grew up on. My first shoujo anime was Ouran High School Host Club followed by Fruits Basket, which while they're not my favorites, they hold a special place in my heart. I do remember watching animes early morning on Sunday, I would wake up at like 6am to watch Megaman, Digimon Frontier and Tokyo Mew Mew (yeah... 4kids ver). After school they aired Yu-gi-oh GX, Shaman King,
How I watched Anime also changed from just seeing what was on TV, the internet was becoming more accessible in our family (we had dial-up at first) and there were also video rental stores as well as the usual ripped DVDs that we got from friends. There wasn't a lot of choices in rental stores but they always had a decent selection of anime films and that's how I got into Ghibli films, also I think I watched the Ghost in the Shell film and 10 Centimeters per Second. At this time I watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ao Hana, Hell Girl, xxxHolic, Mushishi, Death Note (early episodes), and Bleach (only until the end of Soul Soiety arc). You can kind of see from my selection here that I had a phase of mystery, supernatural anime.
I can't quite remember at around what point I transitioned to being manga only but once I came across the original source material of my favorite anime I stopped watching anime for the most part. There are notable exceptions, such as anime-only series like Psycho-pass and K, music related series like K-On! (I really wanted to hear the songs). Nowadays I'll read a manga or light novel (if translated) first then decide if it's worth it to watch the anime. I did that with Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu! but I haven't done it recently. Basically if the anime has a manga as it's original source I'll choose that but if it's an original anime or a game-based, light novel based anime then I'll watch it.
This has been a loooong post. I'll do another one on my manga journey maybe tomorrow. This series essentially is just so I can word vomit about my fandoms because a lot of my friends don't share as many fandoms with me. If you've read until here then thanks for listening to me ramble.
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Found you out for your undead unluck posts (because they are very few of those) and I wanted to know what other things you are into? Other mangas, games, shows, whatever you enjoy.
For manga, I read basically everything running in Jump at any given time, but these are my highlights off the top of my head
Medaka Box
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (not Jump, but Jump adjacent)
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
One Piece
Oumagadoki Zoo
Shaman King
Straighten Up!
Hinomaru Zumou
Cipher Academy
Chainsaw Man
Saint Seiya (begrudgingly)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Act-age (heart-breakingly)
Buso Renkin (see above)
Rurouni Kenshin (again, see above...)
Rave Master (spitefully)
Law of Ueki
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (bitterly)
Tangentially, I also like the A Certain Magical Index novels and the Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases novel
For games, I'm wholeheartedly a Nintendo guy and I go out of my way to play as many first-party Nintendo games as I can, though I'm a bit more flexible than I am with manga
Wario Land (favorite overall series)
Legend of Zelda (Oracle of Seasons/Ages are my favorite games of all time)
Megaman (all of them, but Zero/ZX are my favorites)
Frogger (the GBA games are the best)
Pokemon (HeartGold and Arceus are the best so far)
Super Mario (3D World and Odyssey are my favorites so far)
Kirby (Forgotten Land is a strong contender against Squeak Squad as my favorite)
Advance Wars (though I'm bad at them)
Fossil Fighters (GIMME A REMAKE!!!)
Picross (I am VERY good at them)
Hamtaro (Ham-Ham Heartbreak is SO GOOD)
Shovel Knight (I honestly think that they are the best action platformers ever made and I'd buy a full game for each Knight into infinity if given the opportunity, but gun to my head I'd say Specter Knight was my favorite)
Medabots (I would kill to be able to play the whole series, I've been informed that the one game I've gotten to play is widely considered the worst, so the rest must be pretty damn good for me)
Shadow of the Colossus (wish I could forget it to play from scratch)
Persona (still like 3 best)
Radiant Historia
I don't watch a lot of shows anymore, but...
Baccano (THE anime of all time in my opinion)
Eden of the East (the SECOND anime of all time)
Epithet Erased (I show it to everyone if I can)
Pushing Daisies (I don't know if I necessarily want a season 3 at this point since its been over a decade, but I'd sure appreciate like...a continuation comic or something)
The entire DCAU (except the Zeta Project cus I've never gotten to see it and I'm not paying for it on Amazon, and also excluding the two tie-in movies from the last few years cus they were both bad; for good measure, I'm including Teen Titans here even though it's not actually DCAU)
Digimon (unpopular opinion but I'm partial to Frontier)
Tiger and Bunny (season 1, at least)
Also, you didn't ask, but I'm already dedicating time to this, so I'll throw in a few other media too
Die Hard (1 and 3 specifically, still haven't seen 5)
Repo! the Genetic Opera (this movie defined my life for a long time in a way that no other film has and is the only one to ever prompt me to write fanfiction)
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Knives Out
Godzilla (the whole series, though Vs. Gigan is my personal favorite)
Prince of Egypt
My Cousin Vinny
Baby Driver
Nightmare Before Christmas (watch it every year if I can)
Devil's Carnival (same creators as Repo and those songs are pretty much all bangers)
Edge of Tomorrow (though I still think All You Need is Kill is better)
Kingsman (only the first one, and the second one nearly knocked it off this list entirely)
Grosse Pointe Blank
Disaster Artist
One Cut of the Dead
Snake Eyes (this one is admittedly Homestuck's fault)
Citizen Soldier (pairs well with Undead Unluck)
Five Finger Death Punch
10 Years
Rise Against (pairs well with One Piece)
Three Days Grace (both Adam Gontier and Matt Walst)
Nickelback (sue me; also pairs surprisingly well with Rave Master)
Blacktop Mojo
Slipknot (pairs well with Chainsaw Man and Fire Punch)
Avenged Sevenfold
Bullet for My Valentine (pairs well with Jujutsu Kaisen if you'd believe it)
Sabaton (pairs well with Golden Kamuy)
Blue Stahli
Les Friction
Shaman's Harvest
Otherwise (pairs well with Hinomaru Zumou)
System of a Down
Breaking Benjamin
I probably missed a ton of things all over the place here, but these are the ones that stick out in my mind as important to share, either because I currently enjoy them or because they were a part of my formative years and stuck with me long enough that they still influence me
There's probably a lot of nostalgic things that I just haven't thought of in a long time, like...Flint the Time Detective or Zatch Bell that I would add on if I remembered them well enough to be able to hold a conversation about, but I don't, so I won't
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spinnitegaming · 2 years
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution Playthrough Information
Hello, hello! I think it's time for a big explanation, huh?
Long story short, while I'm planning on only playing Dragon Quest IX for the blog while I have to wait for the Circle Pad rubber replacement for my New 3DS to arrive (information post for it will be posted shortly after this), I got tweet news that a certain Japanese-exclusive Nintendo DS game just got an English fan translation released to the public from a certain group called "Operation: Decoded". And to my shock, that game turned out to be one of the old games I wished I played as a teen, it's Digimon Story: Lost Evolution.
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Yes, I play Digimon games. Do you expect me to play only Pokemon games forever?
But on a serious note, along with watching a bit of Digimon anime like Digimon Adventure 02, Tamers, Frontiers, and Ghost Game, I played Digimon video games before excluding mobile games, mostly after I finished Pokemon games' main stories. Digimon World: DS, Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk, Digimon World Championship...
Before you ask, I know that Digimon World exists for the Playstation and despite the naming conventions, all of these games are not related to it in terms of gameplay. DS, Dawn, Dusk, and Lost Evolution are actually part of the Digimon Story series, which is actually their real title when it was released in Japan. I didn't know about this until I read more about them in Wikipedia and when I started playing Cyber Sleuth. Digimon World Championship, on the other hand, is separate from either World or Story series as it's only a glorified virtual pet on the Nintendo DS. But honestly, I had a lot of fun playing it despite I only train my Digimon by dragging them back and forth to each cage and that's the only thing you know about World Championship.
But back to Lost Evolution, as I said, it was the only Digimon Story game that wasn't released worldwide, probably because the last game before LS, Dawn and Dusk, got mixed reviews. Not sure how many were sold, but all I can say is that the other reason is how Jaiden Animations played Dawn for her video, and lack of Digimon knowledge aside, it wasn't very pretty to see her suffer. If you want to watch how she tried to survive Digimon World: Dawn, click here for her video. But does that deter me to play Lost Evolution after its fan translation is released? Absolutely not!
Just like Fantasy Life's playthrough, I will post playthrough logs throughout most of the game and will only post things outside of the main story, gameplay, and boss battles when something interesting is happening. And before you ask, I have a real DSi and I'm playing it through hardware. So sorry in advance, but you're still sticking with crappy photo camera photos.
The only difference is that I'm playing this blind for the first time. While I do have a bit of experience playing Dawn and Dusk including future games such as the Cyber Sleuth duology, I genuinely have no idea what the new features and gameplay found in Lost Evolution are. I don't know if GameFAQs have any guides posted about it, so whether they have it or not, I'm not gonna rely on it for the sake of getting through it fresh. Story-wise, I did see some spoilers on plot elements involving it when I was browsing through TV Tropes, WIkimon, and the Digimon Fandom Wiki. But honestly, with my attention span of a goldfish, I doubt I can be spoiled. I hope.
With that, it's time to start the game, but not before going over Dragon Quest IX next. See you in the next post!
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