blissful-bacon · 27 days
Staying in a relationship just because you love someone is not worth it. love is not all you need. Respect is what you need. Time is what you need. Reassurance is what you need. Happiness is what you need. A bestfriend is what you need.
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blissful-bacon · 3 months
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blissful-bacon · 5 months
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blissful-bacon · 7 months
We hurt our own feelings by thinking we mean more to people than we really do.
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blissful-bacon · 9 months
You deserve a warm life, a cozy life, a life free of pain and full of people who genuinely care. A world where, when you experience pain, people are still there for you. You will find a soft future. It will be a slow process, full of missteps and fumbling, but someday you will look around and realize that you were right to keep on going.
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blissful-bacon · 9 months
Accepting that all you can do is work on yourself and you will never ever be able to change other people is simultaneously the most freeing/scary thing in the world. Also you will think you’ve accepted this and then realize you haven’t when you lose someone over and over again until you actually do. Btw
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blissful-bacon · 9 months
the worst feeling is when you don’t wanna give up on someone but you know you have to.
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blissful-bacon · 10 months
Things that did wonders for my mental health:
having enough sleep and a fixed sleeping and waking time ( at least on the weekdays)
starting my day with gratitude (things to be grateful for: being alive, having a body, a mind, a soul, health, family, friends, food and water, safety, a roof over your head, your education, your job, your free time... seriously there is so much to be grateful for) and praying for my family’s wellbeing
any type of movement - it can be as light or as intense as you’d like it to be: stretch in bed, hop on your yoga mat, go for a walk, go to the gym...
showering = instant rebirth
diligently doing your skincare routine
nourishing your body. no counting calories/ no restricting. feeding your body all the nutrients it needs to function
making a to-do list in the morning
journaling at night
reading before bed
doing a monthly habit tracker
having enough time to get ready in the morning and not rushing
checking in with your loved ones weekly
listening to podcasts - especially motivational and uplifting ones
learning something new everyday - never underestimate the power of those 4- 8 minutes educational videos on youtube
doing yoga
allowing myself to make mistakes
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blissful-bacon · 10 months
I gave you the world & you still said fuck me .
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
You still gotta flirt with her even if she’s already your girl.
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
That clingy energy is so attractive. Don't stop sending cute texts and selfies, keep telling me how you feel, tell me what's on your mind, annoy me, love me. I'II never get bored or used to it.
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
Be with someone who chooses you everyday, not just when they’re in the mood for you.
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
I miss the old you. the one that cared about me
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
i don't pay attention to the world ending. it has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
I feel unappreciated, but it’s okay.
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
You deserve someone genuinely interested in you.
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blissful-bacon · 11 months
The most soul crushing thing is being in your mid to late 20's and comparing yourself with your peers. One of them is married, one has an amazing job, one just bought a house, one is pregnant, one is very successful. And you look at yourself and you have none of these accomplishments, you still feel like a kid inside, you're the same age but really you feel so much younger, so behind. You're living in different worlds, different lives, so far apart. And you observe them and all you want is to be like them, all grown, all independant and functional. And then the fear creeps in: What if I will never get there? What if my mental issues are always gonna keep me in the same place? And that feeling, that huge fear and doubt and incapability, I wonder if that's what they meant when they talk about a "quarter life crisis". You're gonna get there, in your own time. This is a normal experience millions of people our age have and have always had. It will be ok.
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