#i want to keep her so bad but my family's not too keen about it
kulfigf · 7 months
The stray cat I feed didn't do her second visit yesterday and today morning come 6 am she sees movement in the kitchen and starts screaming bloody murder -- it got even the neighbours out into the kitchen balcony and I'm so sad thinking about what she'll do when we aren't here for the next few weeks :(
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msfantasy-comics · 8 months
The Family Meet and Greet
Damian Wayne x Reader
Request/Summary: Hey hun! I wanted to send in a request for Damian Wayne x reader. Maybe reader being introduced to the family/the family finding out about them?
A/n: Honestly I can’t tell if the picture is Tim or Damian.
Masterlist - Tip Jar
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Damian is a pretty private person and doesn’t intend to do an awkward meet and greet with his beloved girlfriend.
He knew that all of his family members would find out one way or another anyway.
Dick Grayson:
It wouldn’t take a genius detective to know that Damian is asking for advice for his love life.
Damian sits in his hero costume, hunched over as his legs dangle over the side of the building. His eyes evade Dicks, a red hue spreading across the tips of his ears.
A soft smile embellishes Dicks lips as he sees his younger brother whom is typically egocentric, now looking timid and shy for the first time ever.
“So my friend started seeing someone recently and he had this dilemma on if he should keep seeing her or not because on one hand he has all this baggage he doesn’t want to burden her with and on the other hand he just can’t bring himself to break things off with her.”
“So this girl your seeing-“ Damian’s eyes bulge, snapping his neck towards Dick, acting too defensively.
“Ugh, are you not listening Grayson? I said it’s about my friend.”
“Right, right, I forgot. My bad…” Dick think’s carefully on his words. “Sounds like your friend is a classic over-thinker. Relationships are far from logical, it’s all based on feelings. It might be hard for your friend, but just enjoy it for what it is.” Damian sits and stares off over the Gotham skyline looking unconvinced. “Look Dames, there is no right answer. Just do what feels right.”
Leaning back into his palms he stares in amusement at his beloved younger brother continues pining in anguish.
“So… how long do we keep pretending that we aren’t talking about you? Can I see a picture?” Damian rolls his eyes with a sigh, sliding his phone out of his pocket, he taps on the screen silently before shoving his phone into Dicks hands.
There laid the image a happy couple. Damian’s arms wrapped around your shoulder. The dark city filtering behind the brightly lit couple, forever captured in permanent laughter.
Dick, initially keen to tease the cheesy photo before him, now silent in pure aw to see the genuine smile, Damian’s eyes lit in adoration.
“Do not tell anyone Grayson. I will share the news when I am ready.”
Tim Drake:
The little rat has been acting rather odd.
Tim tried talking about it to Dick but he just kept evading his questions by pathetically redirecting his attention with someone else’s random drama.
They’re both acting weird and secretive, and there is no way Tim is going to be kept out of such an intriguing mystery.
Usually Tim would just stalk his targets, but this is Damian we are talking about. It is incredibly difficult, if not impossible to track Damian without him noticing. Starting with Damian’s social media, Tim pin points all of the photo locations and begins to visit each site one at a time. He hacks the local cameras and reviews the footage from around the date the photo was uploaded.
Low and behold, footage of Damian smooshing his face into another ladies face….
Whelp, Tim was certainly not expecting to see such a DISGUSTING display of affection. YUCK.
He didn’t even know the rat could even feel those types of feelings.
Tim, now laying on his bed cuddled up to a pillow is looking… traumatised.
Sometimes, it’s better just not to know.
Barbara Gordon
No freaking way.
Barbara could not believe her very eyes.
When completing a Internet background check on the Wayne family to scrub any suspicious allegations or accusations, Babs found the Holy Grail of finds.
An account with a mysterious woman with months worth of photos with the Wayne’s local angsty brat, Damian Freaking Wayne.
When completing a generic photo match search. Lovey, dovey poses with Damian and a girl by the name Y/n flashed up on the screen.
This is juicy! To tell Bruce or not to tell Bruce, that is the question.
Jason Todd
Disgusting. Absolutely foul.
It’s a random Tuesday evening when Jason jumps roof tops only to discover a couple making out all hot and heavy.
Their bodies tangling together as the man rips his shirt off. The girl sliding her hands along his abdomen before landing on his belt buckle.
The man then slides his hands from the back of her neck to her ass, giving it a needy grope before sliding his hands to the back of her thighs, lifting the woman with ease and pressing her against the wall.
This is hilarious, they have no idea Gothams most infamous Vigilante has caught them about to get down and dirty on Gothams roof top.
Jason sat down and ate his figurative pop-corn in humourous delight, until his eyes adjust.
“Ain’t no FUCKING way!” Jason yells, humours delight now churning into a disturbed nausea. He swallowed the bile raising up in his throat.
Pulling out his phone he calls Damian. Panting breaths filter through the phone, only furthering Jason’s disgust.
“What?! I’m in the middle of-“
“I know what your in the middle of you sick bastard! Take it indoors!” The line goes quite for just a moment. “Little freak, your family patrols the roof tops you know, ugh, I can’t - I’m having a flash back to Selina and Bru- ugh I’m gonna vomit.”
“Finally!” Duke announces, hoping over the back of the couch and sprawling out on the soft cushions of the plush couch. Without a second to spare Duke switches the TV on to watch the latest episode of his favourite show.
“No talking!” Duke wholesomely announces, crossing his arms over his chest.
“My phone… forget it.” Damian grumbles, seeing Dukes eyes glued to the TV. Squishing further into the cushions, Duke feels the uncomfortable poke of a hard object pressing into his rib.
Wrenching the wretched object from its place, Duke holds a phone. His haphazard fingers pressing into the screen which lights up and shows the text of a person named Y/n.
Y/n: Can’t wait for our date tonight, I miss your handsome face xx
Dukes cheeks heats up, seeing a private message he shouldn’t have seen. Damian is incredibly private and may murder Duke for accidentally learning something he wasn’t suppose to.
Wiping any evidence of his fingers touching the phone Duke places the phone back between the cushions.
Best if he just abandons his show for now for a tactical retreat.
Bruce Wayne
God, why are his kids so weird?
Seriously? Out of all 20 of them, not a single one was normal…
Sitting at the head of the dinner table, he watches his children talk amoungst themselves in weird cryptic speeches.
“Do you know what I know?” Tim asks intensely, the broccoli wedged on his fork, pointing at Dick, who stares back wide-eyed.
“I don’t know anything … why what do you know?” Dick says scanning the rest of the room to see if they somehow knew what Dick was referring to.
“I can’t share what I know, but just know it. Is. Juicy.” Babs announces with a sly and taunting grin.
“I don’t know anything, I didn’t even want to see it. Oh god, I’m feeling queasy.” Jason says crossing his arms over his stomach.
“IDidntSeeAnythingEither.” Duke announces quickly, and begins to quickly Hoover his dinner.
Damian sighs, massaging his temples at his idiotic siblings.
“So I take it that you have all found out about Y/n?” Bruce asks calmly, slowly sawing into the plump steak on his plate.
The room falls dead silent as all heads turn towards Bruce, surprised that he knew and surprised that he had the guts to say what everyone else was thinking.
“Father, how do you know about Y/n?”
“… I’m Batman.”
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
i hate you. i hate you? ☆ cs55
genre: humor, fluff, love confessions, childhood friends to enemies/rivals to lovers (damn, tongue twister), maybe a bit angsty (don't worry too much about it though, lol), flashbacks that add to a tiny slow-burn
word count: 3.5k
The dwindling friendship that comes crashing down when you get offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Leading to a bumpy road with your best friend.
req!... i swear that when i put angst ITS NOT BAD. anyways, enjoy, anons!
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Me encantaría formar parte del equipo, you muse whimsically, pigtails flying against the winter breeze. Sería un sueño hecho realidad. 
Despite being young, you knew you were different— came from a divergent background compared to those around you. Your family definitely didn’t have the resources to fulfill your dream to kart or race professionally. You partially blame your brothers for getting you into the sport. 
Si. Lo sería, a particular Spaniard, agrees. You smile. Your parents share a pitiful glance before sitting you down. It wasn’t going to happen, not because they didn’t want to but simply because they couldn’t afford such an expensive hobby that would probably kick you in the butt. 
That’s where your first guardian angel appeared. Carlos Sainz Sr. Better known as your best friend's father. Without a doubt, he offers to sponsor you, for he grew keen on having you around, enjoying time by the pool with his two girls and shy son. 
Was there a way you could ever thank him? No, not really— nothing would ever cover all he’s ever done for you, but you’d make sure to try your best to find a way. Even if it took you a lifetime. 
“You’ve known her for a lifetime! Probably five, for all we know!” Lando yelps, running a hand through his curls. “You can’t just call it quits on your friendship just like…” He snaps his fingers. 
Carlos shrugs. He fills up a styrofoam cup of coffee, silently offering one to his moody friend. The Brit rolls his colorful eyes. You’re making a mistake, he presses. It’s the Spaniards turn to grow serious. 
“Por favor—she should have thought about that before she stole my seat.”
That, you did. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. It could have never been, even if you had been warned. But suddenly you were getting an opportunity, the kind you only ever dreamt of. Carlos would be fine, he was a man who would eventually have a pile of teams interested in keeping him around. You, on the other hand, were surprised that anyone was even intrigued in having you form a part of their F1 team, much less— Ferrari. 
This was it, and you had to grab at the opportunity. You just never imagined losing a friend along the way.
Why would you even consider accepting? You flinch and he’s looking as if he regrets it, so you give him the benefit of the doubt. 
I know this isn’t what we were expecting, but think of it this way. I'd be coming in 2025 and you would already be too busy preparing to join Audi! It’ll work out. You’re still doing that, right? You knew he was, he had been so excited and told you as soon as he found out. Audi was in his blood.
He runs a large hand through his tangled hair, sighing. Still. You have to say no. You can’t do that to me. It’d be embarrassing.
Your shoulders drop an inch. Why? Because you’re being bought out or because a woman is keeping your seat? His silence is enough for your heart to break and for your mind to be made up.
I’m signing. 
There is indignation, and then there is you.
“You are such a—argh!” Pounding your fists against the locked door, you reach out to briskly twist the knob, trying your best to get out of the cramped room. The world was spinning, and you could feel a migraine rolling in strongly, but you swore—swore—you would kill him as soon as you got your hands on him. 
The morning had started off fairly simple. Show up, run a few tests on the stimulator, get to know a few of the mechanics you’d be working with, and finally, sign your contract. You had waited longer than intended, due to minor changes you had suggested, so you were extremely ready to get it done. This was supposed to be your day.
That is until the grumpy Spaniard pushed you, locked you in, and ran off before you had a chance to register what was going on. Fred had been adamant—show up on time. The next time he would be available would not be until three weeks, and that was ridiculously long if anyone were to ask. Carlos knew that.
Charles hums slowly, munching on a pack of M&M's when he hears the spine-chilling scream you let out, wood vibrating as you punch angrily. Hurrying over, he unlocks it from the outside, surprised by your appearance. Your hair is tussled, face is blotchy, vein throbbing. It’s definitely a sight to say the least. He mentions something about —he went that way— and —think about what you’re going to do— but you’re off before you settle with any of it.
The twists and turns make your head hurt, practically seeing red before you come to a halt. Smiling sophisticatedly, Carlos is sat, legs crossed, fingers pointing to his watch. No. “News for you, my dear friend; Fred just left.” The Spaniard winces playfully, already making his way out the door. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
Charles was right. You should have thought about what you would do. Jumping onto his large back, your flimsy hands dig into the forest he calls hair, and pull. He screeches, swaying from side to side as he hurriedly tries to disconnect your legs from around his waist. Let go, he groans harder when you pinch his arm. 
“Why? Why did you do this—any of this?” At this point you’re kicking and screaming, panting, heaving. “Is it really that difficult to accept it? You lost. I’m in, you’re out.”
“At least we know she’s a fighter.”
Coming to a sudden stop, your eyes flicker to the familiar voice, instantly burning up. Fred taps his foot gingerly against the white tiles, an amused Monegasque standing right behind him. Jumping off of the sulky brunette, you begin to shake your head in disbelief, pointing towards the exit. “N-no…you’re supposed to be gone. He…” Then it hits you. This was a fucking set up.
“While I’m evenly impressed by your toughness, I will say, I think we should put a hold on signing.” Your stomach drops. The older man quickly waves his hands in dismissal, grinning apologetically. “We still want you! Nothing has changed, but I think it’s for the best that you fix things with Carlos before doing so. It’ll be good for you two.” With that, he bows his head, and strolls away, heading for the airport.
“I’m out too,” Charles whispered, slowly stepping back. “Fill me in on what happens, though!” 
As soon as your breath evens out—and Carlos creates a safe distance between you two—you let out a deranged chuckle. He almost cringes at the cold sound, but keeps his chin up high. “You did this all on purpose?” It’s a question but comes out more like a confirmation, which in a way, it was. Shutting your eyes, you tilt your head with a ghostly smile. “You knew he hadn’t left and let me make a fool out of myself. Why would you do that?” you grit, orbs laser focused on him as if you could light him up into flames if you really set your mind to it.  
“Why would I not?” he stubbornly spits back.
“You asshole, I’m just trying to make your dad proud.”
A pinch of guilt dives deep into his veins as he watches you stomp down the hallway, mindlessly tugging at his heart.
I say we let him burn, Ana pitches the idea, laying flat on her bed as you scoff with a knowing smile. 
Does it make me a bad person if I don’t disagree with you? 
She sits up, eyeing where you calmly paint down on a canvas. She squints her eyes. “What even is that?” Holding your art with pride, you shoot a sheepish smile. Nice, huh? The Spaniard’s youngest sister giggles, nose scrunching up at the dark sight. “I’m confused—is he supposed to look like that?”
You curl an analytical brow, shooting a quick snarl. “I think it’s pretty good. And yes. He’s supposed to be getting run over by my future car. What a sight.” You dramatically swoon.
Ana drops her stare, focusing instead with a teasing curl gripping the corner of her lips. “Remember when instead of plotting his death, you’d be fantasizing about a life with him? God, I could still remember all the hearts—the glitter.” She shudders, faintly recalling the mess in her room, which led to Reyes giving you both a good scolding, but not before winking at a red-faced you. 
Looking away feverishly, you shake your head, picking up the flimsy paint brush once again, never once bothering to make eye contact with her. “I was young. Stupid as shit. I can’t even remember what I loved about him.”
“Liked,” she corrects you.
You cough. “Right. Liked.”
If the Spaniard took the time to sit down, roll through a philosophical journey, wonder where things might have changed for him—it would have saved him enduring a puddle of dreadfulness at this very moment.
Ana’s wedding. The first of his sisters who would get married. It was a bittersweet day, and not just because she was finally leaving the family nest. “Who is she…” he can hear himself ask. Almost demand. The brunette smirks, slightly pleased. 
“My best friend. You’re nemesis,” she jokes. 
Carlos growls slowly, lightly pinching her cheek as she yelps. “With. You know what I mean.”
“Lalo. She met him a few weeks ago. Very nice guy.” A beat. “Please don’t ruin my wedding.”
But he’s not even listening. Brown eyes follow to where you stand straight, arms crossed over your body like a shield. He always knew you’d been self-conscious, but never understood why. You were stunning. Lavender dress hugs your curves beautifully. A trace of honey fills any area you fall into. Your hair is nicely pinned up, allowing him to enjoy your silky skin. 
And it seems like Lalo too.
Rubbing a large hand against his smooth jaw—which was only neat since Reyes had hounded him to fix his appearance for his sister’s big day—he smoothly made his way over. Rupert warns the Spanirad with his eyes, but Carlos scoffs. Did everyone think he had something up his sleeve? 
“Enjoying yourselves?”
Mid-sip, your face freezes, doe-eyes flickering between Lalo, then Carlos. Then Carlos, then Lalo. God, when did the room begin to boil? Your voice gets caught in your throat, to make matters worse. Carlos’ personal trainer pity’s you for a split second, deciding to help out. “The drinks are stellar, mate. We’ve been hogging the bar for so long at this point.”
The brown eyed boy studies your so-called date, faking a cold smile. “You don’t say…Carlos, by the way,” he says, extending his arm out. “Remind me of your name again, sorry, she’s just never mentioned you before. At all, really. I apologize.”
“That’s okay, we only just met a few weeks ago. We’re taking it slow.” We’re. The word itself makes the 29 year old fear he might puke right then and there. “Eduardo, but you can call me Lalo. Huge fan.”
“Mines or hers?” Carlos bitterly questions, thick lips forming a straight line. Lalo awkwardly clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, pulling away and leaning in to hold you close. 
“Guess it’s my turn to apologize now. Hers. Always. But you’re pretty cool, too, I suppose.” His voice is light, unbothered. It makes Carlos tick furiously, though he doesn’t dare show it. You can’t pinpoint the moment tension rose up, snapping you out of your trance. Blinking hastily, you aim a sour snarl at the Spaniard. 
“We were sort of having a good time, so…” You shoo him away with a jeweled hand. “I just don’t want to kill the vibes. You understand, right?” Barely giving him a chance to respond, you turn back to your conversation, leaving Lalo and Rupert to appear puzzled, but stupidly playing along.
With a raw click of the tongue, the 29 year old takes a step forward, leveling down to your ear. “Pretend all you want, but you’re still wearing my initials around that pretty wrist of yours.” And walks away.
It was true. Your parents had gifted you a lucky charm bracelet for your fourteenth birthday, and Carlos greedily beat everyone to it. A car, for your love for Formula One. A chili, a shy thank you for his nickname. An ice cream, well, because you just loved ice cream. And a cursive CS. For him. 
Watching him walk away left you with a hole in your heart. You did not need a reminder like that on a day like this. Wearing it was purely out of habit, it had no meaning to it anymore. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself. The need to use the restroom was a complete lie as you wordlessly peek for the broad Spaniard. You spot his glossy shoes first, sticking out the photo booth. 
“Scoot,” you say, gently cramming him in deeper. Once you get situated, you slide the silver charm off, handing it over to him. “Here.”
He furrows his dark brows. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t want anything tying me back to you anymore. It was kind—sweet—but that was past you. You’re cruel, mean, rude, a fucking jerk now. I don’t like that, so— here.”
“I don’t want it,” he retorts, curling your flat hand into a fist, forcing you to hold it tight. 
“Well I don’t either, so what is there to do? You know what; I’ll just sell it. It’s not even that significant,” you mumble, already making your way out, but not before he hauls you back. Falling straight onto his thigh. You can feel your pulse quicken, your cheeks tingle, and your eyes suddenly burn. “Let me go,” you squeal, trying your best to weasel out of his grip. He groans, placing a large hand on either side of your hips, pushing you down.
“No. Just listen to me first.” Sighing, you nod. You should be climbing off; there’s room for two. He should be pushing you off; there’s room for two. But none of that happens as he clears his throat, rehearsing his words over and over before you raise a neat brow, waiting for him. “Perdón. Por todo.” 
Not what you were expecting and he could tell when you let out a small gasp. Nervously, he licks his lips, admiring your plump ones that don’t lay too far off from his own. “I used to be so proud of you when we were just kids. When you first admitted you wanted to race too. It was adorable, the way your eyes lit up.” Your breath deepens, unknowing of what this was leading to. “But I’ve always been proud. That’s never changed.”
“You’re a terrific liar,” you timidly chuckle, patting his shoulder, making him back off a little. But he only ricochets forward, twice as close. Your insides churn. 
“You don’t know how fucking happy I was when you got a seat. Over the moon. But I won’t lie; I was hurt and said some shitty things that have no excuse tied to them. I know I hurt you—I know that now. But that feeling vanished when worry came creeping in. I don’t want you to sign that contract.”
You flinch, reality crashing down on you once again as you examine the Ferrari driver. “Why apologize if you haven’t changed? My feelings aren’t a joke,” you whimper pathetically, tears sliding down your cheeks, soft brows drawn together. 
He panics, gingerly brushing them away to the best of his ability and you don’t have the power to fight him off anymore. You’re too busy getting your heart broken once again by the same man. 
She’s beautiful. Insanely—it’s insane. Her eyes are a shade of green I’d never thought I’d like.
I once wore a shade of green shorts last summer and you called them ugly. Said it looked like vomit. 
Carlos sighs dreamily, dominantly shaking his head. 
Well crap. I must’ve changed my mind.
Present him, was taking in your frantic sobs and he doesn’t know how else to calm you if it's not by rubbing your back gently. It takes a while, but you eventually ease up, occasionally letting out a shaky breath. “First of all, let me tell you why I did everything within me for you not to sign. It’s no good.”
You tilt your head in confusion, nose runny as he hands you his handkerchief. “I-I’m confused.”
Carlos chuckles. “What was the one thing I would always complain to you about when I was away racing?” Lack of privacy? “Okay, second thing I raved about…” When you don’t answer, he sheepishly wiggles his brows. “How tired I was with my team. It’s exhausting because like it or not—we’re not at our prime. I don’t think we will be for a couple of years. But for my benefit, I’ll be gone, and then it’s only going to fall on-”
“Me,” you finish, glossy eyes dancing through his painful expression.
 He nods. “Listen, Charles will be fine. Mentally not, but he’ll do just okay. It’s you I’m worried about. Not only will you dive in, nose first into a world of ruthless men, but you’ll always be the entire blame. In their eyes, it'll be you. What did you do wrong? How could you fuck up? And sure, you might sometimes—it's inevitable— but other times you won’t. But you’re a girl, and that’s enough for the fingers to be pointed at you.”
Shaking your head profusely, you instantly reach up to catch your hair from falling from its tiring up-do. He helps you out, combing his fingers nicely, though this time it doesn’t get rid of the queasy feeling. He was right. God, why did he have to be right? 
“I’m well aware of what I’m about to get myself into. But I think I can handle it. I can’t not do it—imagine how many girls it would help pave the way for? I’m sure as fuck it won’t be easy, and it might threaten my sanity, but I need to do this. And I’m sorry.”
An unfamiliar wave crashes against his warm eyes, a low breath being expanded into the air. You can feel it, taste it. Mint mojito. Your body told you, you liked it, with the way you wanted to lean in and kiss him—just to confirm. Pursing your lips, you continue. “You have your future decided and I have mine.”
With a hesitant bow, and a tide of curls flying forward, he clears his throat. “You’ve always been this way. Dedicated. And I could never decipher why. Until now.” He can’t help but brush his nose against yours. Your eyes flutter shut, allowing him to appreciate your pretty features. “If you’re sure, then I’m right behind you.”
You almost want to laugh, but are too scared to ruin the moment, so instead count his freckles. “I am…” A sharp inhale. “But what’s the second thing?”
“What do you mean?”
“You said ‘first of all’. I would assume there’s more…” You know there is, but you just want to hear him say it aloud. You’d seen the way he glared viciously at Lalo, chest firming. You’d seen the way things had shifted between you two, months prior, after his break up.
If this racing thing doesn’t work out, you would make a killer artist. He whistles.
Down boy, you joke. It’s just a swan. I resonate with them. 
He sits up straighter. Then consider me a swan, too.
You laugh loudly, tossing your head back as he smiles. Why all of a sudden?
“It took me a while to get here, but I’m here.” He cradles your delicate face. “I think I love you. I-I mean I know I love you. Your stubbornness, your compliance. Your level-headedness, your intrusive actions. Your need to persevere and be better—even if others make it hard on you.” You giggle, poking his chest. “But above all, I love the way you made me work for it. I’m glad you did because how else could I have realized if you didn’t drag that dead-beat?”
“Hey! He’s nice!”
The 29 year old tsks. “Nice isn’t enough and you know it.” His pink lips graze over yours as you lean in too. “You’ve always been a smart girl…” He’s about to kiss you when you slide back, leaving him hanging. He clenches his jaw, seeming teased. 
“I love swans because I know I can love as deep as one.” 
“I can too.”
“And I know, you know, that I love you too.”
“I do know that.”
“And I lit you up on fire, but only on paper!”
His brows furrow. “Yeah, we can circle back to that. But I don’t care. I love all that about you. And I want you to know my father has always been proud of you.” He winks. “But never as much as me.”
“We’re doing this then?” you ask nervously. “Y-you’re still going to have to grovel. I don’t give up that easily. Especially after all you’ve put me through.”
Carlos gently nods, eyes adoring you. “I’ve waited more than a decade for this moment. What’s one more?”
And he kisses you.
taglist: @urfavnoirette @lpab @d3kstar @namgification @myownwritings
*feel free to let me know if you would like to be included in the general taglist!!
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pomefioredove · 2 months
Just read the whole "Yuu gets sold off by Crowley" stories and OMLLL THEYRE SO GOOD XDDD Any chance you could do more on it like if Niege won or if the parents heard about it and also decided to adopt Yuu and Grim?? Maybe the other staff adopting her too or more on Crewel's adoption please???
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requests for the crewel ending are in high demand I see...
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | 'bad' ending | RSA ending
summary: a crewel ending type of post: short fic, mostly speculation characters: crewel ft. other staff additional info: platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, definitely pre-book seven, parents being cringe
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If Crewel were allowed to beat Crowley to death with one of his designer handbags, he would have.
...Unfortunately, with the adoption paperwork fees (...and a need for more designer handbags), he regrettably still needs this job.
And he'd like to keep an eye on you while you're still here, too.
The animosity between Crowley and the rest of the staff is unspoken, shared through passing glances and dry remarks at meetings, and though the matter is "settled", in Crowley's own words, no one seems keen on letting it go anytime soon.
The students who participated in the bidding war are subject to months worth of extra homework, harder exams, and worse studying hours from Crewel himself. To teach them a little responsibility, he says.
You, at least, are exempt from his radical new lesson plan. You have enough on your plate as it is.
After all, as soon as the legal proceedings are through and your identity as an autonomous human being in Twisted Wonderland is secured, the "fun" begins.
Your uniforms are tailored and rightly fit, you're given a proper meal plan, even Ramshackle is decorated with a few of Crewel's personal touches. A throw rug here and there, a fresh coat of paint, anything to cover up the rotting interior and turning it into something worthy of envy.
"...Given that Grim doesn't start shedding everywhere," Crewel had said. "Ugh, pets."
The rest of the staff are just as helpful, citing your recent experience with the bidding war as reason to take it easier on you for a while (or for the rest of the semester, really). Trein gives you less homework, Sam "accidentally" doesn't ring you up a few items...
It starts to feel more like the entirety of the staff has adopted you.
Not that you mind, of course. This is the closest thing you've had to family since... well, since coming here.
There's just the one thing, though.
"I don't know why you waste your time with those untrained pups. Honestly. The idea of their tacky shoes touching the rugs in here..." Crewel sighs. His eyes turn to you. "You know, I hear Vil Schoenheit has been looking for someone to take to his next shoot..."
Ashton chuffs. "Don't be ridiculous, they need someone who's strong enough to take care of them! Kingscholar is a real star once he gets motivated,"
"Please tell me I didn't just hear that," Crewel massages his temples. "And might I add, I'm their father, not you. I give the blessing. You're more like the unwelcome uncle crashing the family barbeque."
Grim nudges you with his elbow, muttering a quick yikes before darting out of the kitchen. You groan in embarrassment. "Guys..."
"I'm just thinking about what's best for them," Ashton says, puffing out his chest. "They're at an age where they're going to start thinking about dating, and we want them to make good choices."
"Exactly. Schoenheit is a perfect gentleman, a master in my class, and has the style to back him up. Kingscholar can demonstrate occasional intelligence, but he's still another housecat," he shudders. "The shedding..."
A tired voice from the doorway interrupts their tense back-and-forth, much to your relief.
"Goodness, the two of you, at this again?" Trein scoffs, taking a seat at the table. "This conversation is highly inappropriate. You shouldn't be controlling the poor thing's romantic prospects, if they even have them. When the time comes, the choice will be theirs to make."
Crewel huffs, rolling his eyes and leaning against the table. Ashton kicks his feet. And neither utter another word.
"Good," Trein says, then clears his throat. "Ahem. But that's not to say that we can't offer our guidance. That Vanrouge did quite well on the last History of Magic exam..."
You groan.
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
Pandora’s Box (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer gets called for work on his day off while having breakfast with his wife. He doesn’t know this day will end worse than he thought.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Mention to prison. Mention of kidnapping. Cat Adams. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: Written for this request. Two parts: this is the angsty one (sorry). How should Spencer make it up to Reader?
Part II
Reader's POV
I always knew Spencer's job had its quirks. Granted, being an FBI agent is a dangerous job, and with my husband, this statement tends to be yet worse. Spencer has been kidnapped, drugged, shot in the knee, shot in the neck, framed for murder, incarcerated, and so on.
But after everything we've been through, one would expect things to settle down over time. Is it too much to ask?
I knew what was coming when the damn cell phone chimed that morning. It was Spencer's day off, and we had decided to go for breakfast at our favorite coffee shop since I had the day off too. It was rare we could match in our free time, and since we had both been very busy with our jobs, we wanted to enjoy that day.
Spencer gave me an apologetic look before answering the call.
"Reid," he spoke dryly. He wasn't happy about the interruption either.
While Pelenope surely told Spencer he should go to Quantico as soon as possible, I just stared at him—a glint of anticipated disappointment in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry," Spencer said, confirming my suspicions.
"Don't be. I know how it works." My answer was not reproachful, nor did I want to make him feel bad; instead, it was to clarify that I comprehended and accepted how our life's dynamic goes. "Don't worry, baby. I'm going to my dad's today and staying there. He's been asking me when I would have a sleepover with him," I commented. I knew Spencer would feel less guilty if I didn't spend too much time alone.
"Okay. That's good. And I promise I'll make it up to you," Spencer stated, getting up from his chair before planting an affectionate kiss on my forehead.
Don't make promises you can't keep, I thought.
Here is the thing. Spencer has good intentions, but time isn't on our side lately, so I only hoped we could have a chance to get at least a day to spend together with no interruptions upon his return.
After leaving the coffee shop, I stopped by the apartment to grab some clothes and headed to my dad's.
My dad greeted me in a tight embrace at the front door.
"I thought you would spend your day off with Spencer?" He asked once we parted from our hug.
I knew he was picturing a bad scenario. I'm not keen on sharing my marriage issues with my father, but he could tell there was something.
"Uh. Well. Spencer got called from work," I explained. My dad hummed, not saying anything. I regretted how I worded it because I hate portraying Spencer as the bad guy.
"What?" I asked.
"Everything is okay? I mean, between you and Spencer?" My dad questioned, concerned.
"Yeah. We are fine. Don't worry about us. Come on inside; you promised me movies and hot cocoa," I smiled at him, lacing my arm with his and heading inside the house.
Spencer's POV
Cat Adams. That name only means disaster. I should have known that. This time I hoped she only had ruined my day off with my wife- something a little more bearable than being framed for murder and incarcerated.
Arriving at Quantico, Prentiss and Rossi explained to me what had happened. Cat's associate kidnaped a family and demanded the release of Cat Adams.
Really she thought that could be possible?
Emily told me they were bringing her in a few hours and that I should talk to her.
I didn’t know if I was ready to do that, but a family was in danger. I had to.
She looked so pleased to see me that I felt nauseous, and my mind flew to Milburn. She knew what she was doing, but I needed to control myself and have the upper hand somehow.
My entire demeanor changed when she voiced her demand: a date with me.
The mention of a 'date' with Cat Adams sounded twisted and insufferable. But not going could have been a mistake. Cat knew I wouldn't refuse, not after she said my wife's safety was in danger too.
Frantically I left the room to dial (Y/N)’s number, and it went straight to voicemail. She never turns off her phone. I called her dad, and he said she left the house for a job emergency without explaining too much.
I looked at Emily, who had already told Garcia to track my wife's location. Minutes later, Penelope told us she wasn't at her workplace and was nowhere to find. Her phone's signal went dead after she left her dad's house.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I didn’t know how, but Cat had her.
Rushing inside the room where Cat was, I slammed the table, demanding my wife's location. Cat, of course, laughed in my face.
"I guess now no one could interrupt our date," she dared with a smug grin.
Against all my judgment, I agreed to a plan I wasn't even sure about.
Reader's POV
After Milburn, we talked with Spencer about the real danger we can be exposed to as a couple realizing the kind of job he had. Not that we didn't discuss it before, but the threat became real after that. We had a plan: if something happened, he would contact me directly - or through someone from the team - and if the communication could be compromised, I should get rid of my phone and not tell anybody my location.
When my phone rang that afternoon, we were watching a movie with my dad on the couch. I stood and answered in the hall. A sternly Spencer spoke: "This is an emergency. Met me at my old apartment. There is a key under the mat. Get rid of the phone and not tell anyone. Don't open the door to anyone, and wait for me there."
When I was about to ask what had happened, the call ended. I doubted for a moment. Spencer sounded so out of himself, but after what he had been through, I knew his job could stress him like that. So I just did what I was told.
I lied to my dad, telling him I had a job emergency, and left.
In my mind, I ran through all the possibilities, and none helped me stay calm. Everything could go wrong, like when Spencer went to Mexico without telling me.
Arriving at the apartment, I noticed the key was under the mat, as Spencer told me.
We always talked about what to do with his old place. Since we married, we got a new home, and Spencer rented his apartment. It happened that the last couple who rented it left a month ago, and we were still looking for a new tenant.
The place was almost empty. But still, some of Spencer's old books remained on the shelves. I took one to pass the time until Spencer could arrive. I didn't have my phone, so the only thing I could do was wait.
Spencer's POV
The last thing I thought I would do was ice skating with the woman who framed me for murder and kidnapped my mom and now my wife. Cat enjoyed every minute of my torture, and I just wanted to end it. My mind ran fast to catch any lead that could help me, but Cat knew me better. I don’t like to say it, but she, indeed, knew me better.
"So, I wasn't shocked when I discovered you married to that girl. I was shocked, though, knowing how neglected you have had her," she said casually, doing spins on the ice.
"You don't know what you are saying," I scoffed, trying to sound calm, but I hated how she dared to talk about (Y/N) and me.
"Don't I? So you will tell me you haven't canceled dates or left her for cases very often? That isn't good, Spencie, nothing good," Cat mocked.
I didn't want to give in that much, but how the hell this woman always managed to get under my skin? It's not that I wasn't aware of my messy schedule, but we always agreed with (Y/N) that it was my job, and she understood. Lately, though, things have been getting worse in that matter, and on that, Cat had a point.
When we married, I promised (Y/N) to slow down my job rhythm. After Milburn, I thought I had had enough, and it was time to focus on my life. It worked initially, but as the honeymoon phase ended, I did not slow down and even started overworking myself.
Everything I have been doing in the past months seemed like a stupid decision that had (Y/N) in danger because of my job now. If something terrible happened to her, I would never forgive myself.
“I know you’re waiting for me to slip a clue. But you will not get anything if you don’t show me your old apartment,” Cat demanded.
Now I was utterly confused. Why Cat wanted that?
The thing with Cat is always this way. She has a secret agenda you can’t decipher until it’s too late. I was afraid of that, but not giving up on her demands would put people in danger. I hadn’t an option.
“Why did you marry, anyway? You know you can be with anyone,” Cat spoke as we were being driven in the van. I snapped my head up. Cat shrugged. “What? I am right. Your job is everything to you, Spencie. Don’t lie to yourself; you can’t have a normal life. Not when we know we are so alike.”
“You don’t know anything. I love my wife,” I stated. Cat scoffed.
“I know enough. Tell me, does your wife know where you are now? Does she knows you are with me?” She asked, looking at me intensely. I averted my gaze. Cat was right, but her reasoning was wrong. I don’t like to tell (Y/N) much about my job because it’s not fair to put that burden on her. Not after we have been through. It’s not a matter of trust.
We got to the building and got out of the van. Cat took my arm as armed FBI agents escorted us—a show worth seeing, and I just wanted to forget.
Arriving at the apartment door, I took out my keys to open the lock, but before doing so, Cat stopped me.
“Did you mean it?”
“That you love your wife?”
“Of course I do!” I replied, exasperated.
“Show me,” she demanded. But I didn’t understand what she was asking. My confusion was evident. “Show me how you love her. Kiss me the way you would kiss her,” Cat requested. My eyes widened.
“What? No! I will not do that.”
“You will. If you want to see your wife and that family alive again, you will,” she retorted.
I was about to lose my patience. In the last three hours, Cat had just made me go in circles. But I knew what she could do, and I was terrified that her threats would come true.
I took a deep breath before leaning to kiss her. I knew it was wrong, but I just wanted to end this night and find my wife and the missing family. Before my lips reached hers, Cat stopped me.
“I told you, Spencie. Do it like I’m her. Make it good. I will know if you are pretending,” she warned.
Fuck. What a twisted mind.
I gathered my composure, and I tried to imagine that it was (Y/N) in front of me and not Cat. I cupped her cheeks, the way I like to do with (Y/N), and leaned again. This time with no hesitation. It had to look real.
Reader's POV
I heard a commotion outside; I couldn't determine who was talking in the hallway. I froze in the spot, my eyes fixed on the entrance door. Then I noticed the handle turning and the door opening wide.
What I saw made my brain stop working.
Spencer was on the threshold kissing a woman.
Did I say kissing? Scratch that. He was devouring her mouth. And they were enjoying it, I could tell. She was the one who ended the kiss, and I swore I saw Spencer follow her lips for more. The woman turned to see me. Then Spencer noticed I was inside, witnessing how he- my husband - kissed a woman that wasn't me. His eyes widened, leaving his grasp on the woman's cheeks to walk to me.
“(Y/N)? What- what are you doing here? I thought you- that she has-" he stuttered.
I can't tell if it was for nerves, shock, or the fact he had been caught. It didn't matter, though. I was not in a condition to say anything. I just stood there, looking like a kicked puppy. I hated it.
“Fuck!” He cursed as if he had realized what was going on. The problem was I didn’t know anything, and my mind ran with the worst scenery possible.
"Ups," the girl teased. That's when I truly focused on her. I knew this woman. I'm sure I did. Then it hit me. Cat Adams? Seriously?
"What is this?" I barely articulated, shifting my gaze between Spencer and Cat.
"I - I thought she had kidnapped you! She did it with a family. I was so worried," Spencer explained, reaching to grab my hands, which I snatched away. I didn't feel like being touched by him, not after what I saw.
"I can tell you were worried," I spat. Cat started laughing.
"She has quite a sense of humor. I like her," Cat commented, looking between Spencer and me.
Oh, she was enjoying this. And my rational self told me it was better to shut up until I could understand what all about was, but my emotional side got to win this time.
"And you wanted me here for this? Your urgent case was about her? Jeez, Spencer, I thought you were done with this psycho," I pointed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Oh, darling. You should know by now that Spencer is obsessed with me. How do you explain what you saw? He was kissing the same woman who got him in jail for three months. Maybe it's a kind of Stockholm, who knows," Cat taunted, shrugging like she was clueless. My eyes shot daggers at her. It was infuriating how her words echoed in my brain.
"(Y/N), don't listen to her. She is playing games right now. She wants you mad," Spencer tried to explain. And maybe he was right. But the smug look on her only fueled my anger. I didn't want to snap, though.
"Yeah, you can tell yourself that if it makes you happy," I deadpanned. Cat chuckled.
“Uh-oh. That sounds like jealousy to me.”
"Stop it! Cat, where is the family?" Spencer grabbed her arm suddenly. Her smug smile never faded.
"Easy, Spencie. What are you going to do? Throw me against a wall again?"
What? When did that happen?
Spencer's face went pale as his eyes met mine.
"Ouch. Someone didn't know that," Cat teased. I didn't know what face I had, but Spencer left the grip of Cat's arm and turned to me. "You should tell her, Spencie. She won't believe me if I do."
"You did what?" I asked in disbelief.
When Spencer was about to say something, Luke rushed inside.
"We got them!"
Them? What the fuck was happening?
"Now that's when we were having fun! Not fair!"
Cat pouted with dissatisfaction.
Spencer's eyes never left mine, pleading for me not to jump and hit him - or her.
"Take her out," he sternly told Luke, who rushed to do so.
"It was nice to meet you, (Y/N). Hope Spencer can tell you more of our story,” she taunted before crossing the threshold. Luke took the precaution of closing the door behind them, leaving with Cat and the other FBI field agents.
And just like that, we were alone with Spencer. Cat wasn't in the apartment anymore, but her words and presence remained heavy in the air.
Spencer’s hands were shaking, and they tried to reach mine again. I didn’t let him, though, as I stepped back.
It was all so confusing. And even if there were a logical explanation for this, the nerves and the anger were too much to try to understand.
“(Y/N), baby. I can explain. It was a trap. Cat orchestrated the whole thing, and I didn’t notice her real intentions until now. You have to believe me,” Spencer sputtered, faster than I had seen him speak in a long time. I shook my head.
“You called me. You told me we were in danger and asked me to come here, Spencer,” I tried to reason with him. He did this; why?
Spencer’s eyes widened.
“No, no, no. No! I did not. I don’t know how it happened, but I didn’t call you. It wasn’t me. I thought you were kidnapped! Cat told me if I didn’t do what she wanted, she would hurt you!”
I scoffed.
“How convenient that sounds, uh?”
Spencer sighed. He didn’t know what to say, and honestly, I didn’t have the energy to help him.
“(Y/N), please. You can ask the team. Penelope tried to track your location. I called your dad! It’s all a misunderstanding.”
I felt bad for Spencer. He looked exhausted, and he was likely telling the truth. But that wasn't enough to erase the image of my husband kissing Cat Adams. That qualifies as cheating, right?
I wanted to slap him across the face. Fucking Spencer Reid!
“A misunderstanding? Not a biggie, right?”
I hated feeling like this, but I couldn't help it. The more Spencer tried to explain, the more my blood boiled. Was I being unfair to him? Maybe. But after months of his work interfering in our lives, I was already fed up. This was the last straw.
"I didn't mean it like it wasn't important. Can we please talk about this more calmly at home?"
No, we can not, I wanted to say.
"Before your phone rings again and you must leave on another case?"
Shit, that just came out of my mouth.
“(Y/N)…” Spencer started to speak, but I cut him off. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have right now.
“You know what? I think it’s better we take a break for this night. I’m going to my dad’s. He must have been worried after I left,” I said, trying to contain my shaky voice. I grabbed my purse and walked to the door.
Spencer stared after me, pleading with his eyes for me not to leave. I decided to ignore it. I needed to think and cool my head. I believe this is the wake-up call I feared might happen. Maybe Cat Adams had opened another Pandora's box tonight.
Part II
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19  @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @thebloomingeagle @pauline5525mgg @maltamurdock @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @chlochlosworld @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @miaxx03 @leahblackk
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adamarks · 1 month
The thing is. Not gonna put this on fox’s post bc it’s a tangent. Anyway the thing is Ed and Stede are kinda codependent? What they are, though, is a) two animals who have pair bonded and b) ed seems to have more of an actual clinical depiction of codependency.
The big thing about codependency is that it’s not actually “one partner keeps the other partner good and pure and keeps them from being Mean and Bad.🥺” Codependency’s whole thing is control. It’s a saviour complex. And THE THING IS? It doesn’t work. You cannot “save” a person from being themself, from engaging in their addiction, from hurting themself. They need to make the executive decision to change, the codependent person cannot do that for them. Thus it becomes a cycle. Try to save -> see that they’re not doing what you want -> get angry/upset/punish yourself for not succeeding/sink with them -> rinse and repeat.
Izzy? Now HE is codependent on Ed. You can be codependent on someone who is perfectly fine. He tries to control Ed’s every move, doesn’t succeed, and inevitably gets angry. If you pick up an on god actual textbook, or like any Melody Beattie book, you will see that he is the very definition of codependency.
Cycling back to Ed, though. I do think he’s codependent. You don’t kill your alcoholic father to protect your mother. We don’t mysteriously never see his mother again and know that he went to sea at a young age for no reason. He tried to save her, it backfired. A woman telling her child that they’ll never have better because god decided they’d be miserable is not ready to be saved, is not ready to get out of an abusive situation.
Then, of course, there’s Jack. Jack is eternally getting Ed to do shit for him. To help him because he’s so helpless uwu or whatever. A douchebag who can’t seem to take care of himself and is on the hunt for someone to cater to him??? Mmm yummy! A codependent’s dream! In the episode, he caters to Jack’s every whim, makes excuses for him, and finally does the “sinking with him” thing when he inevitably pushes too far. This is partly because of Jack’s manipulation, partly because that’s what Ed’s family situation had been.
Now that we’ve established all of that, back to my original point: you don’t stop being codependent just because you get into a healthy relationship. I’m certain that a small part of the breakup era sads was that yet again he’d done something huge, sacrificed something big, and his efforts had gone wholly unwanted, just like what he’d done for his mom. And then there’s that fear. Ed knows the power that people he loves have over him. He knows how he acts in love! He knows how much it hurt when Stede left him! It makes sense, then, that he would run away when he sees Stede doing something he’s not too keen on (going full pirate party animal when Ed doesn’t want to be a pirate anymore). It’s fantastic that he’s running away though! He’s not doing shit he doesn’t want to do to humor Stede like he did with Jack. He’s not trying to force Stede to change directions. He’s not trying to control the situation! He’s seeing that he’s freaking out and he’s removing himself. Albeit poorly, but this is a step closer to being able to actually communicate things. He realizes he’s the variable he can change in dynamics.
So to close up, yeah the relationship is maybe a little codependent but not in the way people seem like to say? It’s codependent in that Ed has codependency issues and those will inevitably crop up in any deeply intimate relationship you’re in. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be in a relationship. It doesn’t mean that the relationship is bad or unhealthy. It just means you’re a human person with shit to work on.
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the-roo-too · 11 months
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candy -> kang haerin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- your smile ehe like when she makes you laugh (especially by accident) and you go all smiley! it’s making her so soft <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- haerin’s a eyes girlie, the type to text/write you little notes like ‘i could see the sky in your eyes’ very cheesy yes
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- nuzzling into you like a cute little kitty, that’s all im going to say bro
dates (what’s her ideal date)- CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ 🐱 seriously, especially if they have cute drinks or something 🤭
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- that’s a little harder, she has a weird way of expressing herself. haerin is very stoic if yk what i mean, she’s kinda calm all the time. very important, haerin is very smiley around you too! like with her members she’s just kinda 🫢 and with you she goes 🤭
family (does she want one)- go play with barbies pls
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- who doesn’t?! tbh holding hands is all the pda you’re getting with haerin, sorry not sorry
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- kinda freezes and blinks really slowly? not a single thought in that brian of hers, doesn’t know what to do at all
jokes (does she like to joke around)- kinda? if you like do it first, haerin might do a little joke on you back, but she’s never the one to start it
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- cheek kisses mostly 👍🫡 keep it legal bro
love (what’s her love language)- touch!!! in the sense that during the day, she likes to be touching you somehow. like sliding her arm around you and laying her head on your shoulder, or patting your head gently <33 yes, touch 🫶🫶
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you two totally volunteered at some pet shelter, and she met so many cats! haerin was very smitten before that, but after the volunteer work it’s like she didn’t know she could be that in love
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you know how little puppies (or kittens for that matter) sleep in like a pile of puppies? well you’re a two people pile, keeping each other warm
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- the kitty like behaviour, come on. i’m certain haerin meows at you if on a rare occasion you do something she doesn’t like
pet names (what does she like to call you)- because you probably call her kitty or something like that, she calls you her kitten! okay but if you get under her skin she says you’re a old grandma living with cats
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- haerin likes slow walks in the park! take my word for it, she told me herself
rush (does she rush into things)- rush into what bestie? give the child time bruh she rushed out of the crib if anything
secrets (how open is she with you)- it depends kinda? i would really say haerin is a closed off person but like expressing emotions comes a bit hard to her, saying stuff about her (especially sensitive things) is a little tough
time (how long did it take her to confess)- somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 years (haerin was having her moment ok.)
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- similar to injuries actually, haerin needs to process your behaviours. let’s be honest, you don’t get mad at her, so it’s not that bad even if she’s not sure how to react
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- haerin isn’t really keen on coming out, mostly because she’s afraid of what the public would do to her group and you
warrior (how often do you fight)- is silent treatment considered fighting? because that’s the most you do tbh haerin isn’t the type to raise her voice at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- read you yes. act upon what she saw? depends
yes (how would she propose to you)- she’s two go look somewhere else
zen (what makes her feel calm)- you being calm too ok. if you’re happy, haerin is happy too <33
part of [the fluff series]
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sessakag · 2 months
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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anonymityisfunwriter · 4 months
Midnight Rain
“I broke his heart because he was nice. He was Sunshine, I was Midnight Rain…”
Request from ao3- "ok but imagine a grumpy/sunshine fic with sam but the reader is the grumpy one 🤷" For one of my fave readers, @/badasswithafatass I hope you enjoy! 💛
Pairing - Sam Wilson x Reader Sam Wilson Masterlist | Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist Anon's 1K Celebration
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“You know, for a smart guy, you’re pretty fucking dense," Bucky mutters, taking another swig of his beer.
“Aw… you think I’m smart?” Sam sarcastically awes from the bar stool beside Bucky.
Bucky rolls his eyes, shaking his head, “Do you honestly think she had any real interest in me?”
Bucky doesn't miss the tick in Sam's jaw at the mention of you. Months had passed since the last time Sam saw you, and he wasn’t too keen on remembering that dreaded last night. Just the memory of you leaning over the bar counter, hand resting on Bucky’s chest, whispering something in Bucky's ear, was enough to make Sam's stomach twist into a knot.
Even before that night, he could tell that you were pulling away from him, but there it was, that night, the final nail in the coffin. That was the last time he’d seen or heard from you. You walked out of his life without so much as a goodbye.
Sam rolls his shoulders back, his mouth twisting in distaste, “Sure seemed like it to me.”
“See? Dense,” Bucky declares, tipping his beer in Sam's direction.
“Alright, I’ll bite. How does any of that make me dense?”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Are you going to keep insulting me or are you going to actually explain?”
“Sam, she’s a spy, an assassin," Bucky explains like it should be obvious. "She knew you were standing there. She knew you were watching.”
"So maybe she wanted to make a point. It’s not like she was one for talking or communicating, maybe that was her way of letting me know how she actually felt. Trust me, I got the message loud and clear. That doesn’t make me dense."
"Sam..." Bucky takes a long breath. "We're a lot alike, me and her. And people like us, we cut and run, it's what we do. We don't wait for things to go bad, we live with the expectation that things will always go bad."
Sam tosses the rest of his whiskey back, flagging down the bartender for another one. "That's a depressing way to live."
“It keeps us alive.”
“We weren’t on a battlefield!" Sam spits through gritted teeth. "We were done with the fight, remember? We won, for Christ’s sake!”
“And where did that leave her, Sam? With a conditional pardon? People watching us 24/7?”
“With me!” Sam snaps, slamming his glass down on the bar. “It left her with me. We were good, Bucky! We were happy together. At least, I thought we were happy together. I even- I told her that after everything, that I would take her back home, meet my family, maybe settle down a little.”
"And while you're thinking about taking her home to meet your family, she's probably thinking how a family like yours is going to react to you bringing an actual assassin home."
"I... didn't think about it like that,” Sam confesses, faltering for a moment. He shakes his head. No. He refuses to accept that. It didn't excuse that he'd found you flirting with his best friend. It didn't change that you told him he meant nothing to you. “Because I don't think about her like that. And you know what? She could've talked to me, she could've told me she felt like that, Bucky, but she didn't."
"Sam, can I be honest?"
"I don't think you two will ever work."
"That's a shitty thing to say to me," Sam spits.
"I don't," Bucky admits with a languid shrug. "Honest truth, I don't see it."
"You don't have to see it, I do,” Sam firmly states. “I see it working out."
Bucky claps a hand on Sam's shoulder with a tight lipped smile, "That's my point, Sam. That's the difference between you and us. You, you live for the hope of it all. She doesn't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. We're broken, haunted people, Sam. We hurt people that get too close."
"You're wrong."
"Why else-"
"Because she was bored!" Sam angrily shouts, not caring at the stares his outburst brings. "She only wanted me because I was there."
“Do you honestly believe that?”
“Yes. I do believe that,” Sam hisses. “Unlike you guys, I believe the words that come out of people’s mouth. She was bored... She was bored and I was there.”
Bucky takes a long pull from his beer, rising from his seat with a defeated sigh. He turns to Sam to offer one last piece of insight, “All I’m saying is I wouldn’t go on the run with someone for two years because I was bored. Not unless I really gave a shit about them. Not unless I loved them, like really loved them.”
"Do you mean that?" Sam asks over his shoulder.
"Yeah, I mean that."
3 Years Earlier - Somewhere in Scotland
“Just let me do the talking, okay?”
Sam raises up his hands, “No arguments from me.”
The doorknob rattles for a moment, opening just enough for you to stand before them. You look at them and immediately try to snap the door shut, “No.”
Nat extends out her hand to stop the door from swinging shut. “Just hear us-“
"You don't even know why we're here," Nat argues. “It’s important. Please.”
You relent, allowing the door to fling open. Standing tall in the doorway, your eyes rake over each of them, “Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov or whatever name you’re going by now, and Sam Wilson, all in the flesh, all the most wanted fugitives on Earth. So I don’t care how important it is, my answer is no.”
Sam’s eyes comically widen, his voice taking a slightly bewildered, high pitched tone, “How did - Do you happen to know the names of all strangers that show up at your door?”
Your eyes dart over to Sam with a grimace, “Strangers that show up at my door end up dead. Consider yourself lucky.”
“I want you to know I’m choosing to take that as a compliment,” Sam quips, placing his hand over his heart. 
“Don’t worry, Sam," Natasha smirks over her shoulder. "She’s more bark than bite. And this is me calling in a favor.”
Your eyes narrow at Natasha, "Which favor?"
Your mouth narrows into a thin line as you glare at her. You hated that favor.
You look back at the three of them. Even dressed in street clothes they all stuck out like sore thumbs. They’re all disheveled, clearly exhausted, and you did owe Natasha. You convince yourself that there is no good in this deed, it’s just a repayment. Even as your eyes linger back to Sam for a second too long. You tell yourself you don't care what happens to any of them. It's just paying a debt. “Fine. Just keep me out of it.”
Natasha nods, offering a small grateful smile, “Thank you.”
You turn on your heels without another word, striding down to your room. You slam your bedroom door shut, leaving the others on their own.
“It was nice meeting you,” Sam calls after you.
You don’t bother to reply.
After a few hours, the sun sets and your safe house returns back to its normal quiet state except for the soft snores of Steve Rogers in your spare bedroom. You’re certain that they’ve all gone off to get some rest. That is, everyone, except Sam Wilson.
“Have a good nap?” Sam greets you, sitting on the small couch in the middle of your living room.
Your eyes snap over to Sam, lightly scoffing, “Actually, I was avoiding you.”
Your brutal honestly doesn’t phase Sam. The corner of his mouth twitches up as he playfully tugs on the collar of his t-shirt, “I tend to have that effect on the ladies… That sounded better in my head.”
“For you and me both,” you quip.
“You know, you’re kind of a jackass.”
“I know. Thanks.” That's the only conversation you plan on having with Sam Wilson. You continue walking to the kitchen without saying anything else.
"So how long have you and Nat been friends?" Sam asks, trailing you as you walk to your kitchen, clearly not taking the hint that you don't want to talk to him.
You scoff over your shoulder, "Who said we were friends?"
"So you're not friends? Because the whole letting us hide out here, housing us, letting us eat your food, not turning us in, sorta gave me a different idea."
"We're not friends."
In truth, your relationship to Natasha was much more complex than that. At one point, you were like sisters. In the Red Room, she was all you had. Your only friend. Your confidante. And still, you could never quite live up to her, always second to her. You knew all her secrets, all the blood spilt, all the skeletons in her closet, and she knew all of yours.
The night before your graduation, you ran. As far away and as quickly as your legs could carry you.
You were never quite sure if it was irony or simply Dreykov’s own cruelty, but she was the one tasked to find you and collect you. You never stood much of a chance against the person that spent almost two decades besting you. She found you in Budapest. It would’ve taken a single shot. And still, it never came.
But you weren’t going to tell that to Sam.
"You're not friends?”
After that, your paths crossed only once in a blue moon. Once Natasha left Dreykov, she never sought you out. And you didn’t bother to either. You weren’t friends. You weren’t enemies. She was the sister that became little more than a stranger.
"Do you help all your not friends run from the law?"
"Natalia and I have an agreement of ... mutually assured destruction."
"Mutually assured destruction?" he dubiously repeats, quirking an eyebrow. "...So best friends."
In spite of your best efforts, your outwardly stoic expression gives way as a chuckle bubbles out of your mouth.
"Did anyone see that?” Sam proudly announces to the empty house. “I want it on the record that I made a Black Widow laugh!"
"Don't push it," you warn, though the hint of a smile that pulls at the corner of your mouth dampens the threatening undertone of your words.
"You've got a nice smile," Sam compliments.
You wipe the smile off your face, but there's nothing you can do to tame the slight blush creeping up your face, so you say the first thing that comes to mind, "Fuck off."
That's how it went between you and him. Push and pull.
Their time at your safe house in Scotland was short lived. No more than a few weeks. And even in those few short weeks, he saw it, saw the good that you desperately tried to keep hidden. Even then he knew, he knew you cared so much more than you would ever let on. Cooped up in your little cottage, he found that behind your barbed words and tough exterior, was a person that he really liked. You didn't let him see very much of it. Most of the time, it was in little slip ups, little cracks in your armor, but he saw it. He swore he did.
Sam ambles alone through the streets of New York, the pavement is still damp from the midnight rain, the noisy cityscape is the only thing keeping Sam from fixating on the endless loop of memories playing in his head.
He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t think about you anymore. He did. All the time.
He thinks about how good it used to be. How even on the run, constantly looking over your shoulder, it was good. He'd like to think you were as happy as he was.
In truth, he wasn't sure how or when it happened. You weren't very nice to him - to any of them really. You kept them at arm's length. He had to earn every glimpse of the person behind the armor. He had to earn every smile, every laugh, but he found each one was worth it. To him, you were worth it. You were worth all of it. 
And when that time came, when that safe house wasn't safe anymore, you stayed by his side, you became his home. 
You simply walked up to the breakfast table and announced that it wasn't safe to stay much longer. "You have to leave."
"We've been here too long. People in town are beginning to talk."
Natasha didn't miss a beat. "How long?"
Sam watches the interaction closely. You refuse to look at him. For a moment, Natasha's eyes look at you, imploring. She utters a quiet question in Russian.
You don't respond, only shaking your head once.
"I understand." She softly inhales, her shoulders slumping slightly, "Thank you."
You nod, turning on your heels and heading to your room. You didn't expect Sam to follow after you.
There's some part of you that's unsettled by how easily Sam fits into your life. You don't like how he speaks to you like you're friends. You don't like that there's a part of you that would love to know what being in Sam's life would feel like. And you most certainly don't like that Sam has no problem questioning you. Prying into your life. He won't like what he finds. He'll run the moment he sees the number of skeletons in your closet. No, you don't like that at all. 
And you definitely don't like that he feels comfortable enough to follow you back to your bedroom. He wedges himself into your doorway, leaning against the wall, "So what about you?"
You don't turn to look at him as you pack your duffle bag, "What about me?"
"Where you gonna go?"
"I have other places."
"By yourself?"
"Why don't you stay with us?"
You pretend like you're surprised by the offer. As though Natasha didn't offer the same thing two minutes ago. You just didn't expect Sam's kindness to extend past his need for your safe house. "What?"
He takes a step off the wall. Even turned away from him, you can practically hear the grin he wears in his words. "We could always use the help. You seem like kind of a pro at being a fugitive."
"I don't think your team would appreciate my presence."
"I would. I want you to come." Sam turns back at the doorframe. He pauses for a moment, looking back at you. "You should come with us."
You never told him why you ended up joining them. It was the one question he couldn't ever get a straight answer for.
He couldn't really remember how or when you ended up in his bed - or more accurately, when he ended up in your bed.
All he knew was that for two years, you were his sanctuary. Each and every night. He held you. Kissed away your fears. You allowed him to see parts of you that you buried long ago. 
It made the moment you walked away hurt even more. 
He doesn't know what the hell he's doing here. He's pacing through the streets of New York in the middle of the night. It won't bring you back. It won't change what happened. You still left him.
It was easier believing that you left him because you didn't love him. 
The other option hurts. It hurts too much. His heart almost shatters at the though of you leaving him because you didn't see it working out, because you thought you would hurt him. 
That's the worst part - he believes Bucky. He believes that no one, not even someone as prone to finding trouble as you are, would ever go on the run with someone for the hell of it. Not unless you cared. Not unless you loved him. 
He should've seen it. The panic in your eyes when he suggested going back to Louisiana. The pain when you lost Natasha, the last person you considered family. 
It eats at him. He didn't even try. Not really. Yeah, you walked away, but he could've gone after you. He could've believed in the love he knew you shared. 
He reaches for his phone, tucking into the crook of his neck as he hails a cab, and calls the one person that could possibly help him, "I need your help. Can you find someone for me?"
1 Year Earlier - Somewhere in Eastern Europe
“Stop watching me sleep.”
Sam kisses your bare shoulder, resting his chin on your arm, “It’s the only time you’re not frowning. Except when you’re with me, of course.”
You sleepily sigh, trying to suppress the smile that Sam so effortlessly puts on your face. You halfheartedly push him away, rolling further away from him, “I’m going back to sleep.”
Sam’s arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him, “No, come back.”
“We’ve got a lot to do tomorrow, we should get the rest while we can.”
“I miss you,” Sam whines.
“I’m right here.”
“But we’re always talking about work, about the world ending, I just - I just want a minute, just me and you.”
You finally turn around to face him with a cheeky grin, “You had me to yourself all night, remember?”
“How could I forget?”
You settle against him, resting your head on his chest, “So why couldn’t you sleep?”
He smiles down at you, absentmindedly playing with your fingers, “I was thinking.”
“About?” you urge.
“What comes next. After the fight, after everything, about going home, finally seeing my family again. My sister would love you. I can't wait to introduce you."
Your smile slips from your face. "What?"
"I mean, I know we're on the run and everything, but I'm still holding onto hope," Sam confesses. "You'd love Louisiana."
A sinking feeling overtakes you. Those survival instincts you've spent your entire life cultivating bubble up. You could see Sam's family picture where he left it on the dresser. His picture perfect, shiny family.
That wasn't you. Not even in your wildest dreams could that be you. The closest thing you had to a family was the Black Widow sitting in the other room cleaning her knives. You weren't meant for domesticity. You weren't built for the happy ending that Sam deserved. The happy ending he wanted. 
Sure, he loved you now, but would he love you when his family looks at you with disdain? Would he love you when Sarah refuses to let you anywhere near his nephews? 
Or even worse, what if he did? What if he loved you through it all and you broke him in return? What if he loved you and he lost everything else because of it?
You could tell Sam. Right here and now. Tell him that you weren't built for that life. He would listen. He would hear you. Like all of your other scars and imperfections, Sam would take it in stride. You knew he would. 
But could you really do that to him? Doom him to a life tethered to someone so tainted.
He was perfect. In every conceivable way. He was Sunshine. And though you'd done unspeakable things, there would be nothing quite as vile as dragging him down to the dim, murky depths of the wasteland you called home.
He deserved more. More than you would ever be. 
6 Months Ago - A Bar in New York City
"You don't have to do this."
You bitterly chuckle. It was too late. You'd made up your mind. You gave yourself until the war against Thanos was won. You gave yourself that time to say your silent goodbyes, to memorize the one and only love you would ever allow yourself to have. You were selfish in that way.
Now was the time to save Sam while you still could, to finally set him free. Even if you had to break his heart to do it. You rest your hand on Bucky's chest, the furthest you could allow yourself to go without making your stomach turn. "Do what?"
Bucky's jaw ticks, "He's a good man."
"I know." It's the only time your voice reveals even an ounce of your pain. Your eyes flicker to over Bucky's shoulder. It's too late. Sam stands a few feet from you, watching you with anguish in his eyes. For good measure, you lean in closer, whispering in Bucky's ear, "But I never did well with sunshine."
"Can I talk to you outside?" Sam demands. 
You roll your eyes and snort, "If we have to."
"We do."
Sam doesn't waste a single moment. The second you step outside, he points back to the bar, "What the hell was that?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Are you kidding me? I saw you. You were all over him. He's my friend!"
"I was just having a little fun, Sam."
"A little fun?" Sam scoffs. "Are you kidding me?"
You don't allow a single ounce of remorse to show. You don't allow him to see the regret. Your face is purposely blank, cold and uncaring. You were good at this part. You were good at hurting people. It's exactly why you have to let him go. "I don't see what the big deal is, Sam."
"You don't see what the big deal is?" Sam's voice wavers. "You were just coming onto my friend! What about us?"
"What about us?" you scoff. "I was bored, Sam, we had our fun but it's done now. We're not on the run anymore. It's not a big deal."
"Just like that, we're just done?"
"You were there, Sam," you lie through your teeth. Acid churns in your stomach, rising up through your esophagus and coating your every word. "There's nothing more to it, nothing more to us."
You'd done a lot of bad things in your life, but nothing made you feel quite as wretched as watching Sam's heart shatter before you. It was better this way. He didn't know it, but it was for the best. You couldn't ruin his life anymore. You couldn't hurt him if you walked away right now. Those were the last words you ever said to him. 
He did it. He couldn't believe it. He'd found you. There you were, standing out on a rooftop, out in the pouring midnight rain. He almost laughs because of course you wouldn't even realize how theatrical this whole scene was. "Do you realize how dramatic it is to be standing out in the pouring rain all by yourself? And without an umbrella?"
"I'm working, Sam."
"Shooting your next romantic comedy? Is this the breakup scene?"
You don't even turn to look at him. “You shouldn’t be here, Sam.”
Sam scoffs, “That’s all you have to say? That I shouldn’t be here?”
“Go home, Sam," you demand. "I don’t want you here.”
“You’re such a jackass, you know that?”
It pisses him off that you still refuse to even look at him. If you were going to break his heart all over again, the least you could do was look him in the eye. You speak through clenched teeth, "I know."
He storms around, planting himself in front of you, forcing you to look at him. "No, I mean that, I really, truly, from the bottom of my heart, I mean that. You're such an asshole. You're one of the most difficult, abrasive, cold, and selfish people I've ever met."
You can't bring yourself to meet his gaze. You look just past him, mustering every ounce of your training to stay stone faced, "I know."
"Do you know how hard it was to find you?"
"I didn't ask you to come here," you spit at him. "I didn't want you to come looking for me. You knew that."
"And you're a liar!" Sam exclaims, a bitter laugh bubbling up from his chest. "A damned good one, too."
"I never lied to you about who or what I was."
"But you did lie, didn't you? You've lied to me before."
“Yes, I have," you softly admit. You catch yourself, reminding yourself of why you're being so harsh with Sam. You force yourself to speak with that venomous tone you know all too well, "Many times, so if you’re done insulting me, I have to go.”
"God, you're so selfish, and- and you're mean! You brood way too much. You're so fucking angsty all the time. You act like the tortured character in every shitty teen movie every made. You're inconsiderate. You don't listen. I swear, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. And sometimes - sometimes, I want to hate you so much."
It takes everything in you to sound as unaffected as you do. You quirk an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over your chest, "Is that why you came here? Because you're upset?"
"Upset?" Sam incredulously repeats, taking a step toward you. He's still several feet away from you, still far out of your reach, "No, I'm not upset. I was upset six months ago. Now, I'm angry. I'm pissed off - with you. I have never been so mad at another human being in my entire life."
"I didn't do anything to you. You knew who I was - who I am."
"You think that's why I'm pissed? I'm pissed because you made me like you. I'm pissed that you made me fall so hopelessly in love with you."
For the first time in six months, your eyes find his. His warm eyes, the ones that grounded you through storms of midnight rain. He'd never said he loved you before - there's no taking that back. You suck in a breath, "Sam."
"I'm pissed because I believed you when you said you were bored. But mostly, I'm pissed that I let you go, that I let you walk away without fighting for you."
You try to warn him, beg him to stop before he says something that'll make it too hard to walk away from him. "Sam."
"Because I'm in love with you."
Your voice wavers as you beg him, "Don't do this, Sam."
"I'm in love with you," Sam announces again to his audience of one. "And I know you don't think you're good for me. And I know that it won't be easy, but I am. I am in love with you. Every part of you. Especially the parts you don't like. I like that you're mean, I like that you're tougher than any other person I've ever met, I like that you're grumpy. I like that you don't see how dramatic it is to stand in the pouring rain all by yourself! I love you. I love all of you."
"Sam..." His name leaves your mouth in a whisper. It's too late. You're not strong enough to survive walking away from him. He's doomed himself.
He takes a step closer to you. "And maybe it wasn't real... but I think it was. I think you feel the same." And then another step. And yet another. Until you're face to face, close enough that you could reach out and touch him for the first time in months. The rain beats down on the two of you. The dampness on your cheeks has nothing to do with the rain. "Tell me that you don't love me and I'll leave. Tell me and I won't bother you again, I promise."
You can't. You can't bring yourself to say any of it. "Sam, it'll never work for us. You have to know that."
"We're not at war anymore." His hand skates across your cheek. "We don't have to hide. We don't have to run."
"I'm not - I'm not good, Sam." And you are, you want to say.
“No, no, you’re not good. You’re great. You’re amazing. And it’s a damn shame you haven’t stepped into the daylight long enough to see how incredible you are.”
You jerk your face away from his hand, “And what if I can’t give you what you want? What if I can’t be what you want?”
“What do you know about what I want?”
“You want a bride. You want someone to bring home to your family - that’s not me, Sam. I don’t think that’ll ever be me.”
“I want you." Sam takes your face in between both hands, begging you to see the sincerity in his eyes. "I want you in whatever way you’ll have me.”
“I’m not worth it," you softly exhale. "You have to know that I’m not worth the trouble and the heartache I’ll put you through.”
“Break my heart," Sam offers without hesitation. "Do it over and over again. Do it for the rest of our lives. It’s all yours. You’re worth it.”
“Sam…” You didn’t have any other defense. He’d broken down each and every argument you spent years cultivating. You didn’t know where to go from here.
“Do you love me?” Your lips press into a thin line, eyes squeezing shut to keep the tears welling in your eyes from falling. The rain slows to a halt. His thumb and pointer finger grip your chin, forcing you to meet his warm brown eyes. “Do you love me?”
“I love you.” You don't think you've ever said those words before. You don't think you've ever seen the daylight until you saw him. It'll take time for your eyes to adjust, but he's worth it. "I love you so much it hurts, so much that I let you go."
“You don't have to let me go anymore. We'll figure the rest out together."
Sam Wilson Masterlist AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy
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roronoagem · 6 months
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characters: strawhats + portgas d. ace + trafalgar d. water law
content warning: genderfluid reader (any prns), general fluff + not proofread.
a/n: hello !! this is very self indulgent, as i am genderfluid myself lol. i thought why not sharing as someone else might find comfort in this or anything, so yeah this is why we’re here — not one of my best works ngl, but as i said i mainly wrote this for myself sooo. i hope you’ll enjoy it & that you guys are having a good day <3
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would tilt his head to the side and try to understand.
“you change name?”
“nope, i just use any pronouns.”
“ooh! alright. i’ll try it right now!”
“guys! [y/n] said to use all pronouns, they… look cool,” he tries, frowning a little. “and he’s the best! she’s smart,” he added then, being sure to use all of them.
is actually very attentive about it and reminds the others to use them all if they keep using the same ones.
“okay. like he and she together in a phrase?”
you nod and watch him thinking about something.
“[y/n] is smart and i like his fighting style and… her face is cute?” he tilts his head to the side, waiting for your response.
“you can use they too, like… they are cute,” you suggest, smiling at him for the effort. “right, my bad darling.”
zoro is very good at switching pronouns and seems to do it without thinking >_<
“whatever my sweet darling desires! i’m gonna make him all their favourite dishes and kiss her lips and–”
you giggle and interrupt him, or else he would just keep going.
reminds the rest of the crew about changing pronouns frequently when talking about you, he wants you to feel comfortable and accepted and most importantly, yourself.
this is your family, after all.
she catches on pretty easily.
uses all of your preferred pronouns, even asks you if you prefer he or she or they for the day.
i see nami getting paid by whoever keeps using the same pronouns over and over again as a punishment or sum.
she’s no joke.
super supportive !!
you know what, i think usopp would genuinely buy a pin with the genderfluid flag on it and put it on his clothes, stating proudly that his darling is genderfluid.
has not trouble using any pronouns in the same sentence.
if he knows you feel like using specific pronouns for the day, he goes on correcting whoever is talking using the wrong pronouns.
would genuinely ask more about the genderfluid stuff.
because he wants to learn, and be as supportive as possible.
“i’ll try my best and use them all!”
he, in fact, did use all the pronouns.
jokes aside, he constantly reminds the crew that you use all pronouns — they’re well aware, but still give chopper the satisfaction, you know?
“oh, i’ve heard about genderfluid people.”
robin makes sure to ask you what pronouns you prefer to use from time to time.
she wants you to feel accepted and comfortable, that’s the least she can do.
avoids gendered terms if you’re more comfortable this way.
would kindly reminds to use all pronouns.
( alr, this ^ is referred to whoever is not part of the crew )
“my [y/n] is super! they’re super! he’s super! she’s super!!”
yeah he uses them all the time.
but you can say if you prefer one in particular, don’t worry.
he would inform the others, pretty loudly.
i believe franky would be careful to use non-gendered terms, just like robin.
is a bit confused, not gonna lie.
but he’s keen to listen and learn !
uses different pronouns easily, and asks if he’s doing alright and if you’re comfortable.
i think he would avoid gendered terms too? idk . .
“that’s amazing! . . what does it mean?”
you have to explain better, but ace is smart he catches on quickly and goes on trying to use all the pronouns in one sentence.
reminds the whole crew that you’re genderfluid and that they should use any pronouns with you.
i genuinely think he would stick to non-gendered terms too, but would use boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever too if you want. ( hope that makes sense lol )
would listen seriously as you explain and come out.
“do you want me to avoid gendered terms? i can tell the others to do the same if you’re more comfortable.”
genuinely wants to create an accepting and comfortable environment for you to be yourself *cries*.
pss pss . . . law would buy a genderfluid pin too — and he has the audacity to think you wouldn’t notice.
would kindly remind the others to use all pronouns.
( this one ^, in fact, works for the crew too /hj )
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tinyteaberry · 1 year
Yandere! Genshin headcanons
Just for some of my favorites, I'm a little excited to post so this is to keep me sane until I'm finished with bigger pieces.
Hope u enjoy, and feel free to request any specific character for next time as well! <3
characters: Al-Haitham, Kamisato Ayato, Raiden Ei, Ganyu
conent/warnings: Yandere, possesive characters, unhealthy relationship dynamics, manipulative behavior
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
-He pretends that he doesn’t know that the way he feels so strongly for you is wrong.
-He almost gaslights himself into believing it's true, too, he’s just so nonchalant about it, it just feels right to trust his own judgment.
-It’s normal for boyfriends to be protective, right? 
-So, it’s okay for him to want to harm anybody who so much as looks your way, or bumps into you, or speaks to you, or sits next to you, or-
-Yep! He doesn’t like it when you disagree with him. 
-After all, it would be foolish to challenge such a high intellect as his. Obviously he knows what he’s talking about, clearly he’s right, so don’t bother trying to argue and admit he’s right.. He isn’t too keen on letting go of his pride, even when it comes to matters with his darling. 
“What? They were practically undressing you with their eyes, so naturally I had to tell them to back off. Really, you can be so dramatic sometimes. I didn’t say anything out of line. Come on, you know it’s best to just avoid other men, anyways.”
Kamisato Ayato 
-He knows that what he’s doing and feeling isn’t right or normal. But, he’s head of the Kamisato Clan, who would dare speak up to tell him otherwise? 
-Not that he’d value anybody else’s opinion, anyways.  
-Although you did- for some reason, it seems as soon as you entered your relationship with Ayato, people began to act very different towards you.
-Even Thoma, usually so friendly, became anxious in your presence.
-Little did you know, Kamisato Ayato deemed having a little word about how they behaved around you necessary. 
-Of course, you were to remain none the wiser of this. So from your perspective, it just seems things change when you become a part of the Kamisato family.
-But if there's one thing in your new life that will remain the same, it’s Ayato himself.
-He weaves sweet words and promises into his threats to you, so that you have no choice but to obey him, and you’d feel bad for ever doubting him. -After all, if you didn’t, he’d feel oh-so betrayed and disappointed in you, dear. 
“Oh love, you have no reason to speak with him again. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about such matters, alright? Or I might not let you into the city again. I just adore you so much, I can’t stand to see you wasting your time on such petty things. So just stay beside me at all times, okay?”
Raiden Ei 
-Oh, yes, the shut-in God of Electro herself.
-Since she spends so much time away from people even nowadays, she just doesn’t see the problem with you doing the same. 
-She survived without interaction from the outside world for so many years, and besides, for you it would be different.
-You had her to be with! So where was the issue? 
-If she was fine on her own for so long, then you could spend eternity with her, and that was that.
-She would take the utmost care to make sure you were comfortable in your new, permanent, home.
-All your favorite flora and fauna in a dedicated garden she made just for you, all of the foods you enjoy stocked up, everything decorated in your favorite colors and patterns…
-It was paradise, truly. All for you. Don’t you love it? Of course you do.
“Nonsense. You don’t need to go out there anymore! We have everything you could ever need right here, so you won’t ever have to leave me. And anyways, I could always have someone from the Tenryou commission deliver anything if necessary. We can remain together now for all of eternity, now! Oh, I’m just so happy. Aren’t you excited for our new life together?”
-I feel she’s the manipulate type, but without realizing it 
-She just wants to make sure you’re safe, is that really such a bad thing? 
-You’re the only one who she can truly be herself with, and wants to repay you for everything you’ve done for her in any way she can (That being chasing away anyone else you interact with, that is)
-She just adores you ever so much, she has no choice but to take you away to be kept all to herself! It’s for the best.
-She’ll take the best care of you! She helps you pick out your outfits, she’ll bathe with you, cook for you!
-Whether or not you appreciate her affections is up to you, but it’s recommended to at least pretend to enjoy them.
-Otherwise you’ll hurt her feelings, and who would want to upset sweet Ganyu?
“O-oh! Um, I didn’t realize you wouldn’t.. I-I thought you might appreciate it, but it appears I, ah, miscalculated. Hm? Oh, you did enjoy the sweets I baked you? G-good! No, I didn’t put anything different in them, what do you mean they taste a bit strange?”
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chaeiimimi · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen men and a Single Mom
Hi! I originally wrote these scenarios for Haikyuu men, but since I made the decision to write for jjk as well, I figured this will be a fitting scenario for jjk men, please note that some of the characters are aged up and my ask box is and comments are open for suggestions, also take note that some of the plots may have been twisted to be more suitable for the scenario
Geto may not seem like it, but he is good with kids, he loves and adores them, as a matter of fact, he wouldn’t be a teacher at Jujutsu High if he did not like them (yes, he also likes troublemaker teenagers)
So imagine his delight when a chubby baby girl walks toward him and raises her hands to him indicating she wanted to be carried 
the long-haired man did not think twice and carried her, how could he refuse when she was looking up at him with her big bright eyes, her pigtails bouncing with every move she makes, her pouty lips pouting at him, and her plump pink cheeks were begging him to pinch them
Geto was very fond of kids but holy hell he was enamored with the one he was holding now, she was so bubbly, so precious, not to mention extremely cute and pretty that he couldn’t help but get curious as to how her mom looked like, he was almost tempted to take the baby home with him and hide her from her parents
but all of that was thrown out the window when he hears the voice of a woman calling out for what he assumes is the baby he was holding right now 
“Maya baby! Where are you?” you called out, you were talking to your students about the field trip you were having and all of a sudden your daughter has already walked off somewhere, you were not too worried since you attached a talisman to her clothes for you to be able to find her easily 
one look at you and Geto’s plan to commit kidnapping was replaced with stealing one man’s family, he has never felt jealous in his life before, a beautiful wife and an unbelievably adorable daughter? damn your husband must have been a national hero in his past life cause holy hell he already won in life 
you saw your daughter being carried by a long-haired man and you immediately went up to him 
“excuse me, sir, I believe you have my baby” you smiled politely at him, he looks at you and smiles
“I believe I do” he says and hands you your daughter
Geto was surprised, aside from you being extremely beautiful he could barely keep his knees from wobbling, he also senses cursed energy from you, he sensed it from your daughter but he assumed that it was just because she was young, yours was way more prominent and noticeable 
he cleared his throat preparing to ask the question “hey I know we just met and you don’t know me but are you-”
“yes, yes I am” you smiled knowingly 
a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” he finishes his sentence inside his head
“I am a reverse cursed technique user, I assume you do  Shikigami ?” you asked in a friendly manner 
he smirks at you, you had the same technique as Ieri but you two were very different, you were bubbly and friendly, no wonder your daughter was like that
“close, nice guess though, how did you know?” 
“i have a keen eye on stuff like that” you say ever so proudly 
you were cute he thought 
“I’m actually here with my students, they’re here for joint training with Tokyo Jujutsu High School of Sorcery 
Geto felt like he hit the jackpot cause what are the fucking odds, for once, the gods were actually in his favor, he tells you that he teaches there and proceeds to introduce himself and you do the same thing 
“thank goodness I ran into you Suguru-san, you made my job a lot easier,” you say brightly
“ you know I was surprised by you, never thought such a pretty woman would be a Jujutsu Sorcerer” he can’t hold his tongue
you chuckled, “not pretty enough to make my ex-husband stay”, you can’t hold your tongue either
you both stopped at the realization of the joke that just came out of your mouth
“I am so sorry Suguru-san that was such a bad and inappropriate joke” you apologized profusely 
Geto did not mind the joke, he liked it, no he loved it, he loved that joke a little bit too much
he was definitely getting a date with you
It was very rare for Gojo to get time to himself, aside from teaching he was also a highly in-demand Jujutsu sorcerer, so best believe in those rare free times, he would spend it roaming the town to hunt for good food and by food, he means sweets
Gojo decided to start his day off with an over-sweetened latte and about three different slices of cake, nothing was going to ruin his day, not even this weak ass tiny curse sitting on his shoulders, he doesn’t even bother to exorcise it 
he was enjoying his first slice of cake which was a strawberry shortcake when a little boy about the age of four walks up to him, Gojo found him pretty cute, he was wearing jeans and a bomber jacket since it was already November
he can’t take his eyes off the kid, the blue-eyed man had his heart pounding, the little boy was too adorable 
he stops directly in front of Gojo and points at his shoulder
“mister, you have a little buggy on your shoulder” 
Gojo was confused at first, but then it hit him like a train, this boy can see curses and it’s a lot more likely that he also possesses cursed energy
Gojo did a swift motion with his hand that made the curse on his  shoulder fade away 
“and the buggy is gone” the little boy cheered
Gojo patted the little boy’s head 
“Hi buddy what’s your name?” he asked the little boy 
“Kino! My name is Kino!” the boy answered enthusiastically 
“Well Kino, why are you here alone? are you with your mom?” 
“Mommy told me to wait here” he says
Gojo smiled and helped the boy up so he could sit next to him, they had a solid conversation for five minutes, Gojo asked him about these “buggies” he sees and Kino enthusiastically answers his questions, the boy was very lively which makes Gojo love him anymore, The Gojo Satoru is smitten by a little boy
“Sometimes they’re small and very cute, but sometimes they’re very big and scary and-”
“Kino!” Kino was interrupted by a lady calling out to him 
“Mommy!” he exclaims and Gojo’s eyes immediately landed on you 
for the second time today, Gojo is smitten, you were so breath-taking to look at, you had a sundress on and your hair was neatly clipped together by a hair claw
he couldn’t take his eyes off of you 
“Mommy, come here! Me and Mr, Gojo were talking about buggies!” your son says excitedly 
you went over to them and greeted the unbelievably attractive man your son was talking to, damn, if only you knew he was three times more attracted to you 
you politely greeted him and introduced yourself
“Ms. Y/N if you don’t mind having a conversation with me about Kino’s “buggy” friends” he smiles, but it was a knowing smile, you shifted in your sit but nodded nonetheless
Gojo smiled and tapped Kino gently on the head and your son fell asleep 
“don’t worry, he’s just asleep” Gojo smiles reassuringly 
you nodded 
“I know he can see them...” you started, Gojo sips on his coffee
“His father was one of you...” you explained to him how you were impregnated by your ex-boyfriend who was a Jujutsu Sorcerer and how he died in battle way before Kino was born, you also explained how it has been hard for you to find the perfect learning place for him cause he’s been seeing things everywhere and you can’t explain something you can’t see to your own son
unknowingly, you were pouring out your frustrations to a stranger who wears sunglasses indoors
In all honesty, Gojo wasn’t paying attention to every word you say, he was overjoyed with the fact that you, a gorgeous woman with one hell of a cute son, were single 
Gojo’s head was immediately filled with plans on how to make you his while helping your son, it wasn’t hard for Gojo to come up with a plan though afterall, he was the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer 
being born with a cursed energy subjects you to be a prey of every curse you meet, the older you get, the more prominent it becomes and the scarier curses go after you, he had a feeling you know that and that’s why you were desperate for help
Gojo was doing this for Kino, to be able to protect himself. He was doing this for you, a mother, to stop worrying about his son. 
He was also doing this for himself, 'cause he’ll be damned if he let this chance go, an adorable son and a gorgeous girlfriend? hell yeah he’s in, he doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but one look at you and he’s a changed man
he was definitely going to make you his, even if it meant sacrificing the very little free time he gets
expect a handsome teacher at your door every weekend with a flower in hand for you and a gift for your son, he also brings three highschoolers with him from time to time who never fails to make the little lessons with Kino a lot more livelier 
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iris-sistibly · 3 months
I know I need to calm the fuck down first but one word to describe episode 6: STRESS!!
📍I love seeing Hyun-woo and Hae-in having a...sort of second honeymoon in Germany but I couldn't really enjoy every scene because I'm stressing out at how fucking OBLIVIOUS the Hong family is like bitch y'all are surrounded by snakes and they're so complacent 😭😭😭 I mean it's not really their fault that there are opportunists who'd earn their trust first then slither their way to bite them in the ass, but I just find it ironic at how protective they are at their family business and wealth but they can't see through the REAL people who has every intention to bring them down.
📍Speaking of which, I have read a fan theory somewhere that Mo Seul-hee is the mom of Eun-seong and Da-hye. Could be, OR Grace could be Da-hye's mom considering how Grace acted towards her. But why are they so keen at bringing the Hong family down?
📍Maybe it's just me but I don't think Da-hye is that bad, I have a feeling that she'll eventually come to her senses and take Hyun-woo's side and expose Eun-seong and co.
📍My overthinker/delulu self thinks that Soo-cheol and Da-hye's baby is actually Hyun-woo and Hae-in's kid. I mean, it wasn't shown how they lost their baby...yet. So Hae-in either miscarried, or she gave birth to a still born child? But what if the child is actually alive and one of those evil bitches cooked up some shit to make it seem like Hyun-woo and Hae-in's baby died, and then that baby was registered as Soo-cheol and Da-hye's kid? I know it sounds insane, but we're only on episode 6 so more crazy shit could happen in the future episodes, you'll never know. But my normal self says I've watched too many Filipino dramas growing up (and yes, that shit happens a lot in Filo-dramas).
📍Speaking of that kid, another theory is...what if that kid is actually Eun-seong and Da-hye's? Soo-cheol is a dumbass, and again, those bitches could have manipulated that baby's DNA test result or something. Again, that's just me being an overthinker, also I hate my Filo-drama mindset.
📍Aunt Beom-ja being so concerned about Hae-in and her dad but I also appreciate the fact that she respected her niece's request to not tell anyone about her illness. I also hope that she'll be able to help Hyun-woo clear his name and uncover Seul-hee and gang's dirty little secret.
📍BUT Y'ALL KNOW WHO STRESSED THE SHIT OUT OF ME THIS EPISODE? BAEK FUCKING HYUN-WOO!!! I am so freaking annoyed that he didn't tell Hae-in about the divorce when he had the chance. He was probably worried at how Hae-in would react plus the latter was going through medical treatments so he probably didn't want to put too much stress on her, but Hae-in was bound to find out either way so...yeah I do get why he chose to keep the divorce to himself but he could have just told the truth and suck it up, and perhaps they could communicate better when it comes to issues like this.
📍One thing I noticed about Hyun-woo is that he's brave in so many ways but also a coward on one thing. I mean he talks with Hae-in about nice things and all, and he is his wife's confidante, but I don't think I've ever heard him talk the way Hae-in does, meaning he never had the balls to talk to his wife about the..."unpleasant" side of their marriage. Hae-in was able to talk to him about her illness, the last will and testament that her mom pressured her to write, and Hyun-woo didn't even think about bringing up the divorce papers.
Prior to episode 5, I really thought that Hae-in was the one who shut him out but it was actually the other way around. Wifey may seem cold and nonchalant but if there's one person she'd listen to, it's him. Perhaps he doesn't want to say something that would upset Hae-in but the point is...she's his wife, she's supposed to know what he thinks, how he feels about certain things, even the not-so-pleasant side of their relationship. I really hope that in the next episode or the episode after that he'll be able to communicate better.
📍Hae-in's mom is terrible af. Imagine blaming your own daughter for the death of your son. I mean she didn't deserve to lose a child, but it's unfair to put all the blame on Hae-in (like why?). It's not like she endangered herself on purpose, and she had the audacity to be upset when Hae-in did something nice to her in-laws? Like what is wrong with this woman? Why can't see realize her own mistakes?
📍I kind of teared up when Hae-in was telling Hyun-woo about the things the latter should do when she dies. She could die, and this show might give us a bittersweet ending but when that time comes I'd be really, really hurt. Also, Hae-in confessing that the only reason she wrote her will about Hyun-woo not getting anything should they divorce was so that she'll be allowed to marry him 😭 (just shows she fought hard for him and she'll do absolutely anything to be with him). God I hate her mom! And yes the epilogue was so cute, now we know that they have always been in-love with each other. But I guess...they need a time-out 🤷.
📍Hae-in called Hyun-woo "yeobo" 🥹🥹🥹
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gareleia · 1 month
previously: part 1 part 2 part 3
m'kay, so, we've talked about Athena & Telemachus' issues. now let's touch on Hermes, because a Diva™ like him deserves his own post. and also because this had been sitting in my notes for so long i've genuinely forgot about it (i'd say that it's what translating a musical does to you, but honestly my attention span is just shit)
now, as much as I love Soft Boi!Hermes, I even more so love prankster Hermes who doesn't really recognize personal boundaries or the meaning of 'too far'. he's the guy who'll commit to the bit so far, he'll commit mass murder with a Tee-Hee and genuinely wonder what has got everyone so upset.
kid!Telemachus, holding a cup of poison: grandpa, are you sure it's a good idea? I'm scared… Hermes, laughing his ass of in the corner: of course in sure, champ! it'll be hilarious! good ol' game of Ithacean Roulette! now dump it into the wine, let's see who we'll get this time!
at the same time, he's not selfish. he's very keen on doing things for people he likes, and he cares enough to know when someone is distressed. he, as a god, is just so removed from traditional human morality that casual acts of cruelty are perfectly acceptable to him, while, for example, breaking an oath is a horrible sin.
think blue and orange morality stuff.
telemachus, outraged: …murdered his own family, can you imagine? hermes, equally outraged: I know, right? he gave a blood oath and broke it! disgusting! telemachus: why is that your only concern?!
but don't worry, helping to raise Telemachus and hanging around the same people consistently makes a real boy outta him gives him enough time and insight into humanity to start understand mortals better, and, as consequence, adopt some of their values.
especially the concept of spousal loyalty. Hermes is a patron god of thieves, and at the time taking someone's wife was viewed as an act of theft (because women were property, yeeesh). which is why to him Penelope's situation was less of a tragedy and more of "well, my dumbass great-grandson Odysseus should've seen it coming. snooze you lose! ¯_(ツ)_/¯"
that is, until he gets to know her better. and suddenly she's not a prize to be won or a challenge to conquer. she's a smart, capable person that commands respect from anyone who's got a shred of self-awareness. she's got gentle hands, and a radiant smile, and a spine of steel. Penelope looked Hermes dead in the eyes and told him serenely to keep being a good influence on her son, she does not deserve to be reduced to a token and given away to the highest bidder.
hermes, initially: well, penelope's a rich, gorgeous, basically single queen. I'd steal her too if she was my type. hermes, 10 years later: she's the smartest, ballsiest human woman i've ever met and if she only wants her Ugly Ass Groom then she'll fucking stay single until he comes back.
unfortunately for everyone else, Hermes cannot step in to protect her, because Zeus and Poseidon are both pissed at Odysseus already, and if either of them notices Hermes (and Athena) interfering with mortals on Ithaca, they might take it as an invitation to follow suit, and then it'll be Troy Story 2: Electric Boogaloo.
so he stays his hand, and hangs around Telemachus discreetly, mostly posing as a human. for a god of liars, he's surprisingly bad at blending in for long periods of time. Hermes thinks he's an awesome conspirator. meanwhile little Telemachus didn't even realise it was a secret.
the only people who don't know that [insert alias] is a god in disguise are the suitors, who are notoriously either too stupid, too overconfident or too drunk to connect the dots. the exception is Antinous who pretends to be oblivious and makes sure the gods don't see him as a threat to their beloved little pup (otherwise he'd have killed the prince long ago).
the suitors, however, unanimously agree that they hate this weird annoying stranger, and try to get rid of him in increasingly elaborate ways, from poison to stabbing to wild animals to dropping pots on his head.
spoiler alert: it doesn't work.
hermes, next day: *comes back every morning like nothing had happened, whistling cheerily* suitors: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!
eventually Antinous convinces them to give up so they don't piss off Hermes.
years pass, Telemachus grows. Athena teaches him strategy and arts of war. Aeolus gradually comes out of the hiding and becomes the resident lovable comic relief side character. and Hermes? he teaches the kid all the good stuff.
and it's not just lying, okay? (though it's a signific significant part if it) music, diplomacy, geography, street smarts, some history. he's a worldly god, had observed and been a part of countless cultures. above all else, he knows people. he may not really understand them, but he knows how to get what he wants from them, how to find common ground and how to spin things to get along with practically anyone.
and girls. Hermes helps Telemachus with girls.
because he's the cool uncle figure that Telemachus admires, the kid trusts him enough to ask the god for advice when he starts growing older and gets his first crush in his early teens.
and, on one hand, Hermes is ecstatic. on the other one…
telemachus, blushing and stuttering: there's a girl I met, she's so pretty, and cool, and, and, and how do I talk to her, do I just come up and say hi, but what if sh- hermes: … hermes: *blue screen of death* hermes: MY BABY-
it's the first time he truly starts to grasp how short the kid's life will be. because in the blink of an eye he turned from a newborn to an adolescent, and soon enough he'll have his own family, and Odysseus had become a king himself at this age, and he's not ready it can't be this he can't just grow old and die
so anyway, he pushes the thought aside and pretends it never came up at all (because that always works, and bottling shit up never blows up in anyone's face, right, Athena?)
he gives lots of advice, from useless macho stuff to golden nuggets like "be yourself" and "show her respect". and, of course, he cheers from the sidelines, hiding 'inconspicuously'.
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and it goes surprisingly well. the girl appears to find Telemachus' awkward attempts at flirting sweet and charming, and the boy is on the cloud nine.
but Hermes isn't. because, unlike the prince, his judgment isn't clouded by a puppy crush and he can see that the girl is actually a lying bitch, who's playing Telemachus like a fiddle, hoping to become the next queen of Ithaca. and he won't stand for it.
except Telemachus, for some reason, doesn't seen thrilled when Hermes tells him to dump the girl. he flat out refuses to believe that, because love is blind and so are sheltered insecure teenage boys.
so Hermes, in his infinite wisdom, decides to prove to his naive little charge once and for all that the girl is just using him and doesn't actually love him. now, what's the first example of true selfless love from a woman that comes to mind to the god who had spent the last few years hanging out with the royal family of Ithaca? right, Penelope. and the one thing that characterises Penelope is her unconditional loyalty, even into the face of countless threats and temptations.
hermes, to himself: so, if I show the kid that the bitch will leave him as soon as she finds better prospects, he will definitely admit I was right all along! and dump her! it's a perfect, easy, foolproof plan! I am so smart! what could possibly go wrong!
another spoiler alert: everything goes wrong.
the girl does happily jump into his arms as soon as he hints that he's a god/demi-god/just a cooler prince or something. she does it right in front of Telemachus, in fact, so there's no way he'd be able to deny the obvious.
on the bright side, Hermes immediately outs her as a lying bitch and publicly shames her, embarrassing her family and ruining her prospects of marriage and causing her to suffer for the rest of her life ('disproportionate revenge'? what's that?).
on the down side, for some unfathomable reason, Telemachus doesn't seem very grateful??? what???????
hermes: and so, AS ALWAYS, I was right. telemachus: hermes: but please, hold your applause! telemachus: hermes: I did it all for you, out of the goodness of my heart! telemachus: hermes: and please, don't apologize! you were wrong, I get it! no need to- telemachus: *bitch slaps his smug face and runs away, hurt and betrayed* hermes: *shocked pikachu face*
thing is, Hermes doesn't understand what he did wrong. in his mind he did a rather good deed: showed the liar's true colors, and spared the kid a lot of heartache down the line. he doesn't understand the feelings of betrayal from having someone he trusts explicitly outing him as a naive fool in front of everyone he ever dreamed of earning respect from. doesn't get the pain of having been cast aside by someone he liked in favor of a god, with whom he could never compete. can't imagine living in the shadow of someone he had never even known and being constantly reminded of all the ways he's lacking.
telemachus: I'm not a stupid child, hermes. I could've handled it. hermes: but you didn't listen to me, maybe you'd have never seen it on your own- telemachus: and maybe I would've. maybe I would've had the opportunity to find out myself, and maybe I would've learned from it, but you never gave me that choice, did you?! did you think i'm that dumb?! hermes: oh, come on, kid, you're not dumb- telemachus: THEN WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE I AM?! WHY DON'T YOU EVER TRUST ME?!
aaaaand there's the core issue. Telemachus had spent his whole life being babied at best and looked down upon at worst. constantly compared to Odysseus and his more vicious peers, always shielded from making tough decisions and proving himself. he feels like he will never amount to anything, because no one ever lets him really try. as soon as it looks like he's going to make a mistake, someone (usually Athena, Aeolus or Hermes) swoops in and 'fixes' everything for him, just like they used to do when he was an accident-prone toddler. which he isn't anymore.
and Hermes doesn't understand that. to him, ten years is basically nothing. the kid can't have changed that much in ten years. because if he did, then he'll change a lot in the next ten years, and the next, and very soon he won't change anymore, because ten years are nothing and so are human livespans.
ten years are nothing, because to admit otherwise would force Hermes to face the fact that Telemachus, no matter how precious, is just as mortal as any other human. which amounts to basically losing him already. and Hermes can't.
he held that boy as an infant. he fed him, helped to teach him walk and talk and make silly faces. he can't lose this child to time, the one thing even gods can't really protect humans from.
Penelope finds Hermes sitting on her balcony with the most human expression on his face she'd ever seem him wear. he's lost, and confused, and full of regrets, and kind of terrified. in that aspect, he reminds her painfully of her husband.
hermes, mumble: he's growing older penelope, sighing: I know hermes: he's not a baby anymore penelope: believe me, I know hermes: but... what do I do now??? penelope: you let it happen. not much else you can do.
she talks him through it.
hermes, rambling: but I will lose him. I'll lose him if he grows old and dies. this is why I don't get attached to mortals, you die too soon. he can't die now. penelope: he's not going to die now. he'll become the king first, he will find a good wife and have children and grandchildren. he will become great, greater that I and his father could ever dream of. and he'll be happy. don't you want to see that? hermes: I do, but- I don't want him to grow up! penelope: then you finally know the biggest joy and the deepest pain of parenthood.
it doesn't fix his fear. doesn't fix his pain, either. but it does help fix his attitude.
because she's right. Telemachus is growing old, and he can't shelter and protect the boy forever. soon he'll become a man, then an elder. and there's nothing Hermes can do about it, short of dragging the prince to Olympus and begging Zeus to grant him immortality, which will never work.
Hermes and Telemachus make up, of course. the latter knows, deep down, that the former is just trying to take care of him. they make up and forget the fight - at least, the boy does.
Hermes will always remember.
and he will count every day, every wrinkle, every grey hair.
the joy and pain of parenthood indeed.
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cophene · 10 months
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04 || * • ° catching hints of gold
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pairing : ohshc x gn reader summary : perhaps no one at ouran is more qualified to deal with a broken heart than the host club. with a student’s heartbreak painfully obvious to everyone but themself, the host club takes it upon themselves to remedy that. all against that student’s better judgement. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.5k+
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While students began trickling inside the music room to meet with the other hosts, Haruhi found the two of you a table away from the rest of the Host Club’s hubbub to talk. You were grateful for their consideration and told them as much while they expertly poured out two cups of fragrant tea.
“Of course. I can tell you’re not keen on everyone knowing your business.”
You smiled. Then, because you had been wondering about it since yesterday, you asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your pronouns?”
Haruhi blinked. “Oh, feminine pronouns are fine, although I don't really mind either way. I’ve gotten so used to moonlighting as a boy that sometimes it doesn’t even occur to me.”
“I have to know how that happened,” you said. “How did someone like you get lumped into a club like this? I mean, you’re so—so—”
“Normal?” Haruhi said blandly.
“I was going to say down-to-earth, but yeah, that too.”
Haruhi took a sip from her teacup. She had a natural grace to her movements that she didn’t seem to be aware of. “It’s a long story. But the short of it is that I accidentally broke a vase and had to become a host to pay off the debt.”
“Must have been some vase.”
Haruhi closed her eyes as though it pained her to remember it. “Eight million yen,” she said through gritted teeth.
You sucked in a breath. “That’s obscene.”
“You’re telling me.” Haruhi crossed one leg over the other. “But we’re here to talk about you. Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?”
“You mean besides what’s on the file?”
“I never look at those,” Haruhi said dismissively. “They’re an invasion of privacy, and they’re creepy. You’re a person. Not a test subject.”
“I’m so glad I’m spending time with you. You make me feel like my fears are actually warranted.”
“The Host Club means well, but that doesn’t mean they always do well. If you spend more time with them, you’ll find out that they get just as many things wrong as they do right.”
You didn’t miss the note of fondness in Haruhi’s tone. Despite how at odds her sensible nature seemed with the Host Club, she liked the club. Liked the hosts. That had to count for something, didn’t it?
“Alright, I’ll bite. What do you want to know?”
“What’s your family like? If you’re like everyone else at Ouran, you must come from money.”
“My parents are art investors,” you said. “They like to sponsor local talent and act as patrons for artists they like. They’re also interested in purchasing and restoring antique pieces. Don’t—” you added, seeing the look on Haruhi’s face, “—ask me about art stuff. I don’t know anything about it.”
“No? You’re not in the business?”
You shrugged. “I know what looks pretty and what doesn’t. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s all I need to know.”
“Fair enough. Fair enough.” Haruhi began to ask another question, but she trailed off, looking at something over your shoulder. Feeling self-conscious, you turned around to see what she was looking at. Immediately, Hikaru and Kaoru whipped around in their seats, returning to the conversations they’d been having too quickly for it to be natural.
“Am I going to have to worry about those two?” you said.
You narrowed your eyes in the twins’ direction. You scooted a little closer to Haruhi in an attempt to keep the conversation between the two of you.
“So what about you? Do you come from money?”
“No, actually. I’m here on scholarship.”
Your eyes widened. “No kidding? You must be a bona fide genius. Ouran has ridiculously high standards for scholarship students.”
“It’s not too bad. I’m used to working for what I want. If you put in the time and effort, the course work isn’t all that bad.”
You found Haruhi’s humility refreshing. It seemed like everyone at Ouran was bragging about one thing or other nowadays. You probably wouldn’t have shut up about how smart you were if you had managed to get into Ouran on scholarship.
“So is this all there is to the Host Club?” You leaned back in your seat. “You get tea and biscuits. You talk. You look pretty?”
“If only. You’ve only been exposed to a small fraction of what this club is capable of.” With the way Haruhi said it, it didn’t seem like a good thing.
As if on cue, a great gasp went up in the middle of the room. A gaggle of girls had clustered around Hikaru and Kaoru, one of the twins sprawled on the ground while the other tenderly supported his head.
“Oh, Hikaru, are you alright? You really have to be more careful. You’re always so clumsy,” Karou said in a strangely breathless voice.
Hikaru brought up Kaoru’s hand and pressed it weakly against his cheek. “I can’t help it. I wish there was some way to change my character.”
“But you don’t need to change it. Not when I’m here to protect you.”
The twins stared deeply into each other’s eyes like there was no one else in the room. The girls gasped and broke into applause, blubbering among themselves about how sweet and pure brotherly affection was, whatever that was.
Haruhi burst out laughing at the disgusted look on your face. “I take it you’re not a fan of the forbidden brotherly love trope, then?” “Is that what that is? Yeah, no, you can count me out.” You watched the girls freak out over the twins for a few more seconds. If you didn’t know better, you’d say the twins were trying to bite back laughter.
“Are people really into this stuff?”
“They sure are. The Host Club is all about providing genuine, heartfelt romance.”
You scoffed. “This isn’t romance. It isn’t anywhere near it.”
“And how would you know?”
“I know because I—”
You cut yourself off. How did you know? Because you had fallen in love over the break? Because you were still reeling from the breakup? 
Because you still weren’t over him?
“I know because I know,” you finished lamely. “Obviously no real-life romance isn’t like this.”
Haruhi gave you a strange look. It felt like she was prying you apart and could see your words for exactly what they were. You felt your face heating up. 
“What happened?” she asked quietly. “Every time anyone brings up anything about love you seem to close up. I can tell you’re trying to go for the cynical route, but is that really what you’re all about?”
Haruhi’s brown eyes were wide and guileless. She was asking out of pure curiosity, not to belittle you or mock you. For a second, you almost answered her, until you realized dimly that the music room had gone eerily silent.
You looked up, shocked to find a single spotlight beaming down on you. All of the guests had turned in their seats to listen to you, and the hosts were all but leaning over your shoulder, holding their breaths in anticipation.
“You can’t be serious,” you snapped, shooting to your feet. “Where is my guest confidentiality supposed to be in this?”
“You can get that later,” Honey said, leaning forward from his seat on Mori’s shoulder. “Just finish answering the question first. What are you really all about?”
You gaped at him for a second, then looked at the other hosts. Despite the varying degrees of amusement in their faces, they did genuinely seem curious to hear your answer. 
Well. That was too bad.
“Let’s go,” you said, grabbing Haruhi’s hand. “Obviously we can’t have a private conversation here.”
“But where are you going?” Tamaki cried. “There’s no better place to pour your heart out than here!”
“I can think of an infinite number of places,” you retorted. You dragged Haruhi out of the music room, glaring at Kyoya as you left. He only shrugged, as though having everyone in the Host Club and their mother listening in on your conversation was to be expected.
“Paragons of manner and class, my ass.”
“We’re sorry,” the twins called after you. “How were we supposed to know you liked privacy?”
You would’ve thrown them an obscene gesture, but there were ladies present and you did actually have a reputation. 
Haruhi let you take her all the way out of the academy to one of the many fountains gushing around outside. It was your favourite one, the one with the little kid pissing into the water. It never failed to make you snicker.
“I’m sorry about them,” Haruhi said when you finally stopped. She was faintly breathless and you couldn’t help but find it a little cute as she drew up a hand to swipe her hair out of her face. “I keep forgetting you have to build up a tolerance to their obnoxiousness.”
“I can tell they’re harmless. That was just a bit much.” You took a seat on one of the steps overlooking the fountain and patted the spot beside you for Haruhi to join you. For a while, you were both quiet as you watched clouds drift by in the fountain’s reflection.
“Are you going to answer my question?” Haruhi said. There was no pressure behind it. 
You leaned back on your hands. “I’m not really that cynical about love. I believe in it. Just … maybe not as much as I used to. I’m wary, I guess.”
Haruhi didn’t pry any further than that and you liked her all the more for it. You both started talking about whatever crossed your minds, plucking subjects out of the air. You learned about Haruhi’s dad and his fierce dedication to her. You learned about her crazy time in the Host Club. If the anecdotes had come from anyone but Haruhi, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
The little tidbits she gave you about each of the hosts was fascinating. You thought you knew Honey and Mori relatively well, but it seemed that they were completely different people in the context of the club. Kyoya having his own personal guard only made you trust him less, and Tamaki being the son of Ouran’s chairman was probably something you should have seen coming. Haruhi only succeeded in giving you a headache when she tried to explain how it was possible to tell the difference between Hikaru and Kaoru. You were convinced that short of permanently tattooing their names on their foreheads, you would never be able to tell the two twins apart.
What you got out of your conversation with Haruhi was that she was very close with all of the hosts. Her pragmatism occupied its own special nook in the club, and it, along with all of the quirks and ticks of the other hosts, somehow kept the outlandish club going. Even if it wasn’t love or romance, there was genuine feeling in the club. If nothing else, you could appreciate that the Host Club was doing all of this not for any malicious intent, but for the wellbeing of Ouran. In the stifling, uptight academy, there needed to be something this overwhelmingly ludicrous to take students’ minds off of things.
Eventually, Haruhi stretched out her legs.
“I think it’s time we start heading home. We’ve been here for a while.” 
“I think you’re right. My tolerance for bullshit has been all used up.”
Haruhi laughed. She had a light, surprisingly girlish laugh. You liked it. A lot. 
Impulsively, you said, “Hey, if you’re free tomorrow night, my parents are hosting a little art gathering tomorrow. It’s nothing formal. Just a little get-together. I’d love it if you could come.”
Haruhi thought for a moment. “I probably could. Are you sure your parents wouldn’t mind? I’m not—I mean, I’m not really part of the ritzy crowd, you could say.”
You waved a hand. “They couldn’t care less about that. You don’t have to be rich to appreciate art, they’d say, or something sappy like that.”
“In that case, I’d love to go.”
You grinned. “Great. You can come by anytime after seven.” You took out your phone and asked for Haruhi’s number. You then texted over your address, feeling a little giddy that you had her number.
Even though there was nothing to be giddy about. Nothing at all.
You and Haruhi made your way to the front gate. There was an awkward moment when Haruhi turned to face you and you scrambled for some eloquent way to say goodbye. She looked pretty in the fading light. You could make all kinds of poetic comparisons. The simplest thing to say was that the light glimmered, catching hints of gold in her hair and eyes.
Haruhi blushed. You blinked, then swore internally, wondering if you’d said that crap out loud.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, smiling.
“Yeah, see you then.”
You waved, and kept waving until she was out of sight. Why couldn’t everyone in the Host Club be like Haruhi? You might actually look forward to going instead of—
“I hope you know you still have several other trial appointments,” Kyoya said from behind you.
You side-eyed him. “And why would I go to any of them? Haruhi’s a great host. I don’t need to try out anyone else.”
Kyoya looked to where Haruhi had just left. He slipped his hands into his pockets. “I suppose you and Haruhi did hit it off quite well.”
“Yeah. We did.”
“Regardless, it’s important to have an idea of all of your tastes. It doesn’t hurt to have a second choice. There may be times when Haruhi is unavailable as a host and you have to pick someone else.”
“Okay, well then I guess I would just go with Honey or Mori—”
“You can’t know until you go to the trials,” Kyoya interrupted. “We’ll put down a definitive second choice for you after you’ve gone through everyone tomorrow.”
You groaned. “You’re telling me I have to go again?”
“Most people would see that as a good thing. Besides, a broken heart can’t be healed in a day. You’ll have to return to the club multiple times if you want to have a chance of healing anything. We’ll need to monitor your progress.”
“What are you, a doctor?”
“No, although I don’t doubt that the Ootori Group would be interested in any research I might be able to contribute.”
It really was impressive how seriously Kyoya was able to take all of this. If he was playing a character, he was doing it scarily well.
“I’ll stop by if I have the time,” you said. “Later, Kyoya.”
He called your name as you were leaving. He had an odd expression on his face.
“There’s nothing wrong with being wary. Particularly about romance. One might say it’s to be expected.”
Your stomach dropped. “What? How did—”
“I expect to see you at the Host Club tomorrow. I’ll send someone to collect you.”
Kyoya turned curtly on his heel. You thought about going after him, but then you decided you didn’t want to know. You went off to find your chauffeur instead.
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megalony · 1 year
That’s a promise
Hi all, this is my second Aemond Targaryen Imagine that is going to have a follow up at some point. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27 @avyannadawn @dreaming-about-fanfictions​ @afro-hispwriter​​
Summary: Things go from bad to worse at a family supper when (Y/n), who’s having Aemond’s child, is accidentally given herbal tea used for ‘unwanted events’.
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"Sweetheart, it's a necessity. This may be your father's last supper." With a forced smile, (Y/n) finished the last button on Aemond's leatther jacket and smoothed her hands calmly over his chest. Her smile showed that she too wasn't as thrilled to have a family meal but they both knew they needed to go.
A grunt curled past his lips but his eyes softened just the slightest in the corners when he looked down at his wife. Aemond could never deny (Y/n) anything, she could ask him to kill everyone at the high table and he would scout round for his knife, willing and ready.
Aemond knew his father was dying, he had been dying for years now but he was clawing at the last dregs of life. Tonight could well be the last family meal they had before he passed and a war over the sucession began. If it was just his parents and siblings then he would be more at ease and willing to sit down to supper with them, but it was his sister and nephews here too.
He didn't want to look at them, let alone sit down to eat with them.
"His last supper with a concoted family he refuses to see the truth in, sounds lovely."
"Deep down it doesn't matter, his reign is at an end." (Y/n) let her head fall on Aemond's shoulder when his arm coiled around her waist to keep her tucked safely into his side. It didn't matter what his father did or didn't see anymore when everyone knew his time was running low. Everyone knew the truth of Rhaeynera's children but no one would say anything.
"Are you well enough to attend?"
Aemond opened their bedroom door, allowing (Y/n) to walk out first before he followed close behind and moved back to walk at her side with his arm secured around her for both comfort and protection.
Part of him was asking because he knew she hadn't been feeling well and the other part was begging for her to say no so he could also stay away from the meal and look after her.
"Hmm, I feel a bit better, I don't think I'll be eating much though. Besides, someone needs to keep you calm." (Y/n) couldn't lie to Aemond, he would know right away if she said she felt better when she was still unwell but she was well enough to suffer through an hour of this family dinner. She would give him the perfect excuse to leave the event if things got nasty, she could say she wasn't well and everyone knew Aemond wouldn't let her leave without him.
"You haven't been eating properly this week, don't think I haven't noticed." His tone was low and his voice was quiet, the words barely reaching (Y/n)'s ear in a whisper but it made her shiver all the same.
His hand slowly moved from her waist to rest over her stomach while they headed down the stairs, taking each step as slow as they could to delay the inevitable.
Aemond wasn't blind, he had a keen eye when it came to his wife and he noticed the little things, like her eating habits. He could see that she had barely managed to eat one full meal a day this week and it was starting to worry him. He didn't want to have to call the doctor again because he knew (Y/n) didn't like it but he would if he had to.
"I'll be f-"
"Don't you dare try and tell me you'll be fine because I'm not coming back and finding you like that again."
"Aemond..." (Y/n) looked down at her feet before she dared to look up at him. She tried to smile but it didn't move the perceptive, knowing look on his face or the stern way his jaw was set. She didn't know what to say because she wasn't going to win this argument and she knew it.
He didn't want to be stern or rude but there was no other way to be about the subject. Two months ago, (Y/n) had rather severe morning sickness and couldn't keep anything down, Aemond came back to their room and found her passed out on the floor. He wasn't having that situation repeat itself and have him come close to losing both his wife and unborn child.
(Y/n) felt her stomach fluttering when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before they entered the dining room, apprehensive of what was going to happen tonight.
Everyone else had arrived and taken their seats around the table, leaving two seats for the couple, one at the end of the table and one next to Allicent.
Aemond eyed everyone round the table as he pulled out the chair next to his mother for (Y/n) to sit down. His father was seated in the middle of the table looking worse than ever with Rhaeynera and Daemon next to him, then his nice and nephews on the opposite side and finally, Aegon next to Aemond.
Just the sight of the food made (Y/n) feel her stomach do summersaults and she knew if she ate anything tonight it was only going to come back up later. She couldn't eat tonight, she would face Aemond's wrath of worry later. When a waiter leaned between her and Allicent and placed down a rather large plate of meat, the smell hit (Y/n)'s nose in an instant and her hand moved to press to her nose to try and block it. The smell would usually make her mouth water but now it made bile rise at the back of her throat that was tightening and she was almost gagging at the sight and smell.
"Try something, please." Aemond's voice was so quiet he practically mouthed the words beneath his hand, sighing when (Y/n) gave him those doe eyes that always made him melt like butter. She was seven months along now and morning sickness had come, gone and then come back to haunt them again and it worried Aemond to no end. The longer (Y/n) went without eating, the worse she was going to make herself feel.
Aemond kept his hand pressed against his lips and (Y/n) could see the distaste and annoyance on his face when his father barely managed to stand up to give a little speech. She was sure he hadn't heard anything his father said, his eyes were kept focused on his empty glass that he diminished in one go.
He would need the whole bottle of wine to get him through this supper. There was no point them all being here pretending to play happy families and everyone knew it. Aemond's father had burned all his bridges those six years ago when he didn't care or avenge his son losing his eye. He knew his mother hadn't forgiven his father for his lenience towards Rhaeynera and her bastard children and Aemond himself would never forgive it either.
"Here, cheers."
Reaching across the table Aegon almost threw a glass at (Y/n) and then at his wife. He was swaying on the spot with how drunk he was and when he gave Aemond another glass of wine, he split half the jug over the table. It didn't take much for Aemond to push his brother back down in his seat but Aegon was still smiling away, knocking back what had to be his sixth drink of the night.
(Y/n) wasn't sure what was in the glass her brother-in-law handed her or even if wife but he clinked their glasses together and downed a big swig of wine so she took a mouthful of whatever was in her cup to be polite. It was very hot, bitter tea. Why had he given her some tea? Maybe he knew she still wasn't feeling well and it was supposed to make her feel better. Whatever the reason, (Y/n) took another few sips before putting it down and leaning back in her chair, rubbing her hands over her enlarged stomach.
It took all (Y/n) had not to roll her eyes when she listened to Rhaeynera give her little speech about Allicent. Of course she would now give her old friend praise, it was too little too late. Allicent had done what she had been told, she had been faithful and quiet and gone along with the rules when Rhaeynera did what she wanted and went off with other men which everyone knew about and still her father treated her like she was as respectful as Allicent.
Her sons were bastards, her sons had maimed Aemond and gotten away with it and they were to inherit what Aegon and Aemond rightfully should have. She had gotten everything which she didn't deserve without following any of the rules. And her sons were still being disrespectful towards Aemond, (Y/n) could see them sniggering at him from across the table and if she were feeling more like herself she would have stood up and said something to them. But she hadn't eaten anything today leading her to feel more tired and run down than usual and now with all the food and drink in front of her, she felt queasy.
(Y/n) jumped in her seat and sat upright when Aemond slammed his knife down on the table before standing upright and for a moment, she thought he was going to lunge across the room at his nephews. She quickly grabbed his hand, their gazes interlocking before a worrying smirk came across his face.
"And a toast, to my nephews, Jace and Luke." Aemond knew what he was doing. The smile he wore on his face and how he deadlocked his gaze with Jace showed he was doing this as a taunt, a little payback at them both. He raised his glass in one hand and held (Y/n)'s hand with the other while Aegon raised his glass for all of one second before he emptied it. Again.
"Aemond..." (Y/n) tried looking up at her husband but the bright candlelight from the chandeliers was starting to give her a migraine and she was starting to feel like she was burning up. She almost whimpered when he let go of her hand and moved away from his seat to meet Jace halfway round the table.
"What? I'm only giving you a compliment. Don't you think you're strong?"
The way Aemond smiled and ever so easily pushed Jace down to the floor made Jace look like a little child and it seemed such a fluid, swift motion. Aemond didn't want to fight his nephew, he wasn't worth enough effort to him to warrant a fight and he wouldn't be capable whereas Aemond was skilled.
He smiled and took a step back to let Jace try and fumble back to his feet but his head snapped to look behind him when he heard his mother calling out (Y/n)'s name.
Pushing herself up from her chair, (Y/n) took a few steps away from the table, aiming to hurry and get to her husband before he had chance to start a fight or punch Jace and cause some real trouble. But she got two feet from the table before the room decided to spin on its axis, sending her down on her hands and knees. The stone floor felt soothing and cool against her skin but she could barely gather her senses back.
"Sweetheart? Are you with me?"
Aemond bent down in front of (Y/n) and gently cupped her face in his hands, trying to get her to look at him but her eyes were switching side to side, not able to focus properly. After a minute or two, he felt her hands move to grasp his forearms and a deep sigh rumbled past his lips when (Y/n) seemed to come back into focus.
"Let's sit you down." With a deep breath, Aemond slowly stood up and pulled (Y/n) to her feet before tucking her into his chest.
(Y/n) let him guide her back to the table with his mother walking beside them for added help but she felt her cheeks flush when Aemond sat back down in his seat and guided (Y/n) to sit on his lap. This was how they would usually sit back up in their chambers in private, not here in front of everyone but (Y/n) didn't have it in her to protest. She just buried her face deeply into Aemond's neck while his arms wrapped around her and pulled her to lean back into his chest.
"I told you to eat something." Aemond whispered the words against (Y/n)'s head while his fingers traced up and down her bump, giving her goosebumps.
"I can't." (Y/n) shook her head but she could feel a wave of tiredness washing over her already and now that Jace and Luke had stormed away, the tension had lessened somewhat. It was a more normal family dinner, without Aemond's father and with the added presence of Rhaeynera and Daemon.
(Y/n) wasn't sure how long she had been sat in Aemond's arms, drifting in and out of consciousness. At one point she thought she heard Allicent ask if Aemond was going to take her back to their room but he had said no, he didn't want to move her just yet.
It had to of been quite a while because when she opened her eyes, everyone had moved seats and the table had been cleared and dessert was put out instead.
She tried to move a bit to get comfy again in her husband's lap but she took a sharp breath when a searing pain bolted up her stomach and through her chest. (Y/n) closed her eyes again and tried to snuggle deeper into Aemond, wanting to go back to sleep again but she was waking up more and more with discomfort.
With a deep breath, (Y/n) shuffled to sit up straight on Aemond's knee but when she did, her stomach started to cramp. Oh, she needed to leave the dining room quickly before she worried Aemond or his mother, she would have to come up with an excuse to leave the room. It took a lot of effort to open her eyes and bite back a sob and push away the tears threatening to fall down her face. What was happening?
A violent shiver ran down Aemond's spine and his gaze diverted from looking at his mother to looking at his wife on his lap. She had been asleep in his arms for nearly an hour now, only moving a little every once in a while and he had been content to hold her in his arms and feel the constant movement of their baby against his palms. Now she was waking up, she seemed uncomfortable but he watched in horror as she tried to move but coiled in on herself and wrapped both arms around her stomach, unable to stop herself from crying out in pain.
"What's the matter?"
The urgency in Aemond's voice matched the worry that started to spread across his face. He tightened his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and pressed his hands on top of hers before resting his chin on her shoulder, trying to see what was wrong but he couldn't work it out.
"I don't... oh, it hurts," Each word bubbled past (Y/n)'s lips along with a small sob when a terrible cramp shot through her stomach.
"Get the Grand Master." Aemond's words snapped through the air like bolts of lightning and he saw his younger sister leave the room in a flurry before his eyes set on his mother who kneeled down beside (Y/n). Her eyes were full of worry and her hands moved to take his and (Y/n)'s that were both hovering over her stomach. He and his mother both knew this was a bad sign.
"(Y/n), honey, what's hurting you?" Allicent's voice was all calm before the storm and she was taken aback by how quickly and tightly (Y/n) held onto her hand but all she could do was shake her head and cry.
"D-did you have tea in that cup?" Aegon pointed a trembling finger at the glass (Y/n) had been drinking out of earlier and he straightened up in his chair, feeling like he was now stone cold sober. But his sister-in-law was in too much pain to listen or notice what he was talking about.
"What the fuck is tea going to do?" Aemond snapped back before pushing his brother away.
(Y/n) wasn't well, couldn't he see that? It might be something to do with the baby, Aemond wasn't going to sit and give her tea when she needed the Grand Master to look at her and give her something to take the pain away and make her better. She was now writhing around in his arms, pulling her knees as far up to her extended tummy as she could to try and relieve the pain and she had tears streaking down her face.
"What tea?" There was a sense of alarm in Allicent's distant voice and she straightened up, her eyes locking on her eldest son with hesitence.
"I- I gave Lia some tea, well I- I thought I did... you know, the special tea..."
Aegon seemed to shrink down to the size of a mouse when his mother reeled back like he had slapped her. He jolted and winced when she reached across the table and grabbed (Y/n)'s glass before sniffing the contents and taking the smallest of drops to confirm their suspicions.
"What are you on about? Help me take her upstairs." Aemond looked between his brother and their mother before he slowly moved (Y/n) so he could stand up, keeping her held close to his chest when she coiled over with a cry.
"Oh you stupid, idiotic boy!" Allicent slammed her hands down on the table so harshly it almost broke in two and her words screamed around the hall in a big echo that made Aemond stop short.
"What?" He didn't understand why his brother was now trembling like a leaf or why his mother was about to cry.
"He's been giving Lia some... herbal tea, it stops any... unwanted accidents. (Y/n)'s had it by mistake. I've never known a woman take it this far into a pregnancy." She knew women to have the special tea straight after relations, never when they found out they were pregnant and (Y/n) had to be seven or so months along now. Allicent hadn't heard of women taking it while they were pregnant, it was a precaution to be safe, not a solution.
Allicent had never seen such a horrible, violent, chaotic look pass across Aemond's face and fill his eye before but when she spoke, he seemed to harden like stone and then explode.
Somehow, Aemond managed to keep one arm around (Y/n) and keep her held to his side and reach out with his other hand and grab his brother by the throat, lifting him from his seat. If looks could kill Aegon would be dead already but now he couldn't breathe at all and Aemond wanted to slice him up into little pieces. He wanted to slice out each eye one by one, then cut off his ears, then drive the blade into his stomach and carve him hollow.
What had he done to his wife?
"Aemond no! Please, help (Y/n)..."
"I'll kill you for this, that's a promise brother."
(Y/n) didn't know what everyone was arguing about, she could barely hear them over the static in her ears and the thudding of her heartbeat that was pulsing through each blood vessel in her body. But a gasp of surprise left her lips when she felt Aemond turn back to her and swoop his free arm under her legs. He picked her up as gently but swiftly as he could and held her to his chest before he left the dining hall.
It felt better to have her knees up to her stomach that was swirling round and round and the babe was moving so much that she wanted to be sick. All the hustle and bustle continued to buzz in her ears and she kept crying when her stomach cramped up even worse.
"Mother!" Aemond slowed his steps for just a moment when he felt something wet on his sleeve and his eye moved between his mother and (Y/n) when he realised it was blood on his arm.
(Y/n)'s eyes managed to focus enough to see Allicent barge open their bedroom door and guide Aemond inside where the Grand Master was already there waiting for them. Aemond moved through the room towards the back and behind the curtain to reach the bed where he slowly kneeled down and laid (Y/n) on the bed on her back.
Aemond let (Y/n) take his hand in a crushing grip and he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, letting (Y/n) lean into him and try to bury herself away in his chest. He could feel her inhaling his scent, breathing heavily into his skin that was on fire from panic.
"What happened?" The Grand Master leaned on the end of the bed, looking at Aemond for permission before he moved (Y/n)'s skirts out the way to see how bad the blood loss was and what was happening.
"She drank the herbal tea remedy by mistake... it shouldn't affect her badly though, should it? I mean, she hasn't had a full cup and she's quite far along." Allicent started to babble, something she did when she was nervous but the doctor didn't answer, he was too busy trying to examine (Y/n) who was wriggling more into Aemond.
"M-make it stop." (Y/n) didn't care how she sounded like she was wailing like a child having a tantrum. She let her sobs rattle against Aemond's chest and she dug her nails into his jacket, pulling him as close as she could get him before he took the hint and enclosed his arms around her.
"I'm here my love, it's all going to be alright."
"Her labours have started which I think is the best course of action for both mother and child. you should alert the maids to get prepared, my Queen."
Allicent's lips curved down and tears started to silently fall from her eyes when she looked at her son before she hurried out of the room.
The howl (Y/n) let out sent Aemond reeling and he held her tighter, gently swaying her side to side but all he could think of was what he was going to do to his brother for causing this mess.
He was going to kill him.
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