#i want to just fucking scream and cry or yell or stab myself or strangle myself but I just dont have the energy for it
qasian-tech-support · 5 years
#i fucking forgot that I exchanged shifts with a coworker on tuesday#now im over an hour late#everythings stacking on top of each other and its like everything is trying to kill me#i didnt sleep last night because i needed to get a video done for a friend that I promised Id do by 10am this morning#then my dad kept calling me back into the kitchen while i was trying to send it and i didnt want to make him mad by letting him see me on my#laptop. so it was an hour late. and ive got weeks worth of AP and dual enrollment work behind including a 750 word minimum descriptive essay#thats due tuesday and over 4 chapters worth of reading and notetaking from a java book in my coding/AP Computer science#and my dad took my phone last night so thats why i didnt see my boss text till i was already late#and i stepped on my cats tail this morning so i already feel like i need to be executed#and i wanted to get some personal stuff done that ive been wanting to do for a while including fixing my school backpack where Im replacing#the zipper. and i need to get my schools guidance office page on the website updated for this year because theyve been asking me to do that#since the start of september#i want to just fucking scream and cry or yell or stab myself or strangle myself but I just dont have the energy for it#i never planned on living this long and i feel like im being punished for it in a cosmic sense#and goddamnit i dont even have a clean work shirt#i shoulda just offed myself last night#delete later#suicide tw#negative tw#this is one of the last places i can bring myself to vent without entirely feeling bad about it and i know that wont last long either and#i’ll have successfully isolated myself into being utterly alone again and it feels like im only a passenger to my own self-wrought demise
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athenamikaelson · 4 years
I'm wildin with this one rn. It's okay if you don't want to write it! Klaus Mikaelson x reader who can't get hurt (if that makes sense??) The Mikaelsons get kidnapped, reader comes for them and gets stabbed pretty badly but they just go "I mean that's fair." and keep going and later at night they're all just trying to process and Klaus spends the night with them asking a million questions?
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Request- I'm wildin with this one rn. It's okay if you don't want to write it! Klaus Mikaelson x reader who can't get hurt (if that makes sense??) The Mikaelsons get kidnapped, reader comes for them and gets stabbed pretty badly but they just go "I mean that's fair." and keep going and later at night they're all just trying to process and Klaus spends the night with them asking a million questions?
 Warnings- Kol being a dumbass, swearing, blood.
Word Count- 1,342
Walking into the witch’s quarter I’m surrounded by tombstones and mausoleums. Looking at my phone again to see if Nik had responded to any of my texts or call. Nothing. Great.
Not that Nik, or any of the other Mikaleon’s would answer giving the fact that the witches had something to do with their disappearance. 
When I had first realized they were all missing I had tried calling all of them, even Kol who doesn’t even know how to use his phone. That’s how desperate I was. When I couldn’t find where they went I did a location spell that led me here. As Nik says, “Dead or alive witches are a pain in my ass.” He would always look at me after he said it though and tell me I was an exception. Not that I always believed him though. I know I’m a pain in his ass. But for some reason he still loves me. That really doesn’t help my god complex.
Walking through the rows of graves I try to close in my hearing to notice anything out of the ordinary. I am in a graveyard so that doesn’t really help. I continue walking for what feels like hours, when in reality it’s probably been like 5 minutes. Goddamn I hate exercise, Nik is lucky I like him. 
“To our ancestors we pray, please take this sacrifice and give us the strength to defeat our enemies!” I hear coming around the corner of an old grave which must’ve been over 100 years old. I peak around the grave, which just touching it gives me the creeps. Not to my surprise I see a group of maybe 7 witches surrounding an altar. Fucking extremists. Why can’t they find a different hobby other than sacrificial murders? What did catch me by surprise though was the whole of the Mikaelson gang chained up against the walls. Jesus Christ that’s impressive. I mean chaining up ALL of the Mikealson clan. That takes some balls. 
“You know darling, if you’d just unchain me now I’ll consider not ripping your spine out and strangling you.” Kol’s voice broke the silence. I visually roll my eyes. Classic Kol.
The witch who seems to be around mid 50’s, the eldest of the group I presume, walks up to Kol and puts what appears to be a necklace with a ruby like gem on the end, in Kol’s face. 
“As long as I have this gem darling, you and your bastard family aren’t going anywhere.” The witch mockingly says. Which earns a growl and pulling his chains from Kol. 
“This is ridiculous, you psychotic witches. Unchain us now or I swear to-” Nik yells at the witch. 
“You’ll what? What will you do Niklaus. You’ll yell? Pull on those chains? Tell me, what will the bastard child do?” That bitch snarckingly says. Oh I know that bitch didn’t just say what I thought she said. Ok I’m killing this bitch. I can’t take on 7 witches by myself though. I need my man. I just need to get that damn necklace from that old bag. Shouldn’t be hard enough. 
I walk behind the columns to the other side where Nik and his family are chained up. 
“Hey babe.” I whisper to Nik. Nik whips his head around and his eyes visibly widen when he notices me so I just send him a big smile. 
“Y/N? What the bloody hell-” Nik is about to question me before I press my finger to stop him from talking and press my other finger to my lips to signal to him to shut up. 
“I’m saving the day.” I smile as I walk out of the shadows to the old witch. Múltiple, “Y/N?”’s come from the Mikaelsons while just a laugh comes from Kol.
Oh shit I didn’t bring a weapon. I look around quickly before I see Bekah kick a large metal poker at me. Picking it up and sending her a smile I walk up behind the bitchy witch. 
“I know you didn’t call my boyfriend a bastard, you whore.” Before she can fully turn around I whip the poker at her and hit her in the face, knocking her down. Which unfortunately gets the attention of the other witches. I quickly rip the necklace of her neck and freeze. 
“Fuck. What do I do with this?” 
“Break it love. Bloody hell do I have to do everything?” 
“Shut it Kol, also.. thanks.” I throw the necklace on the ground and stomp my foot on it, breaking it into pieces. 
In a second all the Mikaelsons rip off their chains. The younger witches all freeze, scared expressions on their faces. Ha. I’m about to turn and hug Nik who starts to walk my way before I feel something hit my stomach. I feel a sudden pain and my shirt starts to dampen. I reach my hand down and pull it back to see it covered in blood. I look up to see Nik looking at my stomach before he looks at me, frozen. 
“Well I guess that’s fair.” Everything goes black.
I woke up surrounded by darkness. I try to get my eyes to relax to my surroundings but nothing happens. My mind is foggy until I remember the blood. I reach down to see that I’m in one of Nik’s shirts. I pull it up to look at my stomach, which is covered in dried blood. But no wounds. I throw my legs over the bed and walk towards the door. Light bombards my eyes as I peer down the hallway. I can hear voices coming from the dining hall as I make my way down there.
Nik and his family are all sitting in different areas drinking red liquids. Which doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that was.
“Hello Mikaelsons, I LIVED!” I make myself present to the vamps. Elijah and Nik both stand up and look at me worriedly, while Rebekah sat there with a questionable look and Kol was sitting smirking in the corner. 
“Y/n, you must still be tired and sore. I believe it would be best if you went back to sleep.” Elijah tried to reason with me as he started to walk towards me. I quickly stopped him with a raise of my hand. 
“Eli I’m fine. I am doing good. Walking and shit, you know. I’m feeling fire.” I walk past Eli and sit down next to Bekah which gets me a smile thrown at me and a disapproving look from Elijah as he comes to sit down back in his seat. Nik just stands in the same spot looking me over. His eyes held longer on my stomach where my wound was. 
“Y/n, come with me please.” Nik starts to walk upstairs before I can object.
When I make it up to our shared bedroom I barely have a second before Nik’s arms wrap around me surrounding me in a hug. 
“You scared me.” His eyes come to meet mine, I nearly break down when I see tears breaching the edges of his eyes.
“Hey, I’m fine now baby. I’m ok.” I reach up to brush away the tears threatening to fall onto his cheeks. 
“When I saw you fall to the floor I thought my world would end right there.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his nose.
“You really think you can get rid of me that quickly?” A hurt look crosses NIk’s face after I say that. 
“How could you even joke like that? I mean you alway make these jokes after bad things happen? God you’re so much like Kol. And the thing you said when you got stabbed! Most people would scream or cry. You just made a sarcastic comment.”
“I don’t know man. I’m built differently I guess.” I quickly press a kiss to his lips which he quickly returns before I pull away. Confusion crosses his face. 
‘Don’t. Ever. Tell. Me. I’m like Kol.”
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Vocal Mayhem FINAL
Summary: A magical accident during a meeting between the Iplier and Septic Egos leads to some interesting developments, some miscommunications and someone hiding a secret.
Pt. 1
Pt. 6
The trio didn’t exactly move swiftly, each slightly dreading what they were going to find as the building shook again and the yelling could be heard from a floor down. Dark shoved open the door and froze as he took in the scene in front of him.
The entire corner of the studio was missing, plaster dust still falling as a soft breeze from the woods filled the room, chunks of the floor and ceiling singed. The rest of the office was wrecked, burns, slashes, and glitches decorated everything within the room making it look like a corrupted video game. In a group stood the Googles, Bing, Anti and Jameson, their glitched out screams directed at Mark, Yan, King and Doc, their own morphed voices bouncing off of each other, no one really listening, not understanding the others. Further away the Jims huddled together behind one of the giant error signs that might have been a desk at one point, giggling to themselves as they recorded the altercation, RJ reporting as always even if no one else could understand him.
Wilford let out a low whistle as they slowly entered the room.
“Well, Well, Well,” Wilford announced loudly drawing everyone’s attention to the trio as Dark’s eye started twitching, aura withering across the floor.
“So who wants to explain before Darkie breaks all of your necks?” Wilford asked cheerfully as Bim shifted uneasily behind them.
“If I wasn’t in love with you I’d be mad about you calling me Darkie,” The demon growled, “But from you, it’s really cute.”
Unable to hear the actual meaning behind the haunting snarl, the egos shrunk back. The Jims still giggling into their microphones as they continued filming.
“Hey now,” Mark said with a weary grin, “No killing any of us. Even if we uh….” He glanced around the room, “Actually I can’t give a good reason for this…”
“I think it was mostly based on the fact too many of us trying to work together leads to disaster,” Doc spoke up before reeling back as the others turned to glare at him, “Don’t look at me like that, you know I’m right!”
“Honestly I still think we can all blame Mark for this!”Yandere said, earning a glare from his creator.
“Hey! I’m not the only one in on this! Plus I was like the only one that didn’t fuck up the room,”
“Obviously, moron,” Dark snapped, making the room freeze again, “You’re literally powerless and it looks like a nuke went off. Did you think anyone actually thought you did this? We aren’t idiots!”
Clearly Dark is drawing closer to throwing all of us into the void, Green projected in front of him, How about we at least try to figure out a solution to our problem instead of going to that icy hell?
Anti rolled his eyes taking Jameson’s pad, We all want Bim to fucking talk and the Jims did… something for some Jim reason. What’s there to figure out?
They all turned to look at Bim who crossed his arms tightly across his chest. Instead of saying anything he simply shook his head with a frown.
Come on Bim! Bing projected with a pout, There’s nothing to worry about! What could we possibly even do by knowing your first language?
With a roll of his eyes Bim pulled out his notepad, A Lot actually, why can’t you just leave me alone? And why the studio?!
WJ raised his hand, “We invited them here and let CJ and RJ have free range of the C4 we managed to find!”
“Great plan,” AJ chirped, smiling fondly at his two little brothers, “if I do say so myself!”
“Thank you, Jim!
“Any time Jims,”
“We can’t understand you gremlins,” Blue hissed only to flinch back at his bugged out voice box.
“Can everyone stop screaming?” King sighed, his squeaks being overlooked as Yan glared at Blue.
“Don’t be mean to them!” Yan protested, eyes flashing red. Mark placed a hand over the sheath to his ego’s katana.
“Hey, stop,” He ordered, “No stabbing Blue for being frustrated,”
Anti stepped back giggling to himself as the arguing rose louder again. Jameson turned to glare at him, as Bing spoke as quietly as he could to Blue.
Quit it
Reaching over Anti scribbled down, I can’t help it. This is great!
It’s not great! Dark is seriously getting ticked and I’m right there with him! This was supposed to be fun, not blowing the building to bits!
Eh. You win some you lose some.
I will box your ears, glitch
Try me, old man!
“Easy everyone,” Wilford called over them, his clipped words making them quiet for a second, but they just brushed past it, “Now come on everyone lets just calm down!”
“It’s no use Wil,” Doc sighed, rubbing his eyes, “They’re beyond reason,”
“Well Fuck you too Doctor,” Red said flipping the man off to get his point across even as he tried to talk Blue down from strangling the Jims.
Wilford turned his eyes towards their creator, “Mark help me!”
Mark raised an eye as he batted Yan’s hand away from his katana again, “I can control you lot about as well as Tyler can edit. What am I suppose to do?”
“I DONT CARE WHATS HAPPENING ANYMORE!”Dark’s voice boomed over all of them, the layers splitting and grinding against each other, “I’M SICK AND TIRED OF LISTENING TO YOU ALL WHINE AND SCREAM!”
His eyes were black as he paced the room, ignoring as the Jims giggled, off in their own little world. Nor did he notice as Anti clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes bulging with mirth.
“Dark, calm down,” Wilford said, raising his hands in front of him, “We can’t understand you, and frankly you’re scaring everyone,”
“Like that matters,” Dark grumbled, but pulled his aura back slightly, “They’re all scared of me anyway, but now I don’t even have to try now with this stupid spell! It takes all the fun out of making them piss their pants! I could just sing those Disney songs you like so much in an angry tone and I still might make Bim cry,”
“Well at least you got everyone to quiet down,” Mark laughed uneasily. Dark stared him dead in the eye.
“Well, well, well, what have we here? Sandy Claws, huh?” Dark said, eyes hard, “Oh, I’m really scared. So you’re the one everybody’s talkin’ about, ha, ha,”
Still can’t understand you, Red flashed in front of him.
“Do I look like I care?” Dark snapped glaring right back at him, “I would much rather be spooning my lovely candy cane, whispering sweet nothings to each other all night,”
A quiet snort sounded from near the doorway. The room turned as one to long and see Bim with a hand in front of his mouth. His shoulders were shaking.
“Oh great,” Dark mumbled, running a tired hand down his face, “Another one went completely insane.”
No sooner did the words leave his mouth then Bim collapse with laughter, the noise booming around the room in an eerily familiar manner as his knees buckled, arms wrapped tightly around his stomach.
No one could piece together what was happening as they shared baffled and uneasy looks.
“Bim?” Mark finally spoke up, moving towards his creation, “Everything okay?”
“D-d-” He gasped helplessly through the laughter, “Dark is a freaking sap! Millennium made!”
Mark stopped short, eyes widening as Bim suddenly stiffened, hand slapping over his mouth as a gasp filled the room.
There’s no way in hell… was the collective thought running through the room as Dark rolled his shoulders, cheeks darkening slightly.
“Bim, you’re a…” He let the sentence float off, it couldn’t be true after all. Bim, a demon?! It sounded like a story the Jims would report… and yet…
“Uhhh,” Bim gave a sheepish smile and a hopeless shrug.
“Whelp time to go!” AJ said, seemingly appearing next to Bim and linking arms with him. The other egos stared at him even if none of them could understand him. The other Jims popped up around Bim in quick succession.
“We got you, Boss!” WJ said taking his other arm as Bim groaned.
“I hate you stupid Imps so much,” He moaned making Dark’s eyes widen even more.
“You can’t seriously mean that they’re-”
“I’m sure you do boss,” CJ laughed, leaning on his shoulder as RJ dropped down and hugged his legs.
“Bye Not Jims!”
Oily black smoke overtook the five of them and suddenly they were gone.
“What…” Doc breathed into the heavy silence, “What just happened?”
Dark slowly pulled out his own black notepad and jotted down his thoughts before handing it over to Wilford.
“The five of them seemed to be playing us since the start,” Wilford read, “I would assume we won’t be able to find out for sure until they return as they can’t stay away forever, but I do believe that-” The reporter’s eyes widen as he wiped around to look at Dark, “You can’t be serious!”
Dark simply nodded prompting Oliver stepping forward head cocked to the side, What is it?
Wilford frowned, but continued reading, “it’s clear that on top of Bim being a demon, there is a high chance of the Jims being demonic as well.”
It was four more days until their voices returned to normal, courtesy of a sleep-deprived Marvin, who instantly passed out as soon as the spell was lifted. The whole Office could feel tension lessen, but at the same time, it didn’t vanish. It didn’t help that they were coughing up black sludge for hours after the spell faded. The AIs were particularly frustrated by this fact since they shouldn’t be able to get sick in the first place.
The annoyance of the side effects couldn’t stop the anxious energy of the wait for the mystery they didn’t know they had to be answered.
It wasn’t for another three days after their voices had returned as they returned to their routine meetings did they find their five missing members.
Bim was standing where Wilford normally did, a power point already pulled up on the screen. The Jims were in their seats, grinning wickedly at the egos as they entered the room, giving the room a sense of unease that made them all remain silent as they took their seats.
“Nice for you boys to finally return to us,” Dark commented lowly as he entered the room, Wilford on his heels, “You have a good deal you need to explain.”
Bim gave a strained grin, “I hope you don’t mind I’m taking over the meeting.”
“I doubt anyone would allow Dark to carry on the regular meeting before you, Chap,” Wilford said, stealing Bim’s seat.
Bim looked over all of them before he let his eyes slip closed. His magic shimmered as he rolled his shoulders back. Snapping his eyes open deep violet curled ram horns skewed his hair, and his deep brown eyes he shared with all the Iplier’s were replaced by long glowing purple slits. He gave them all the easy grin he was known for, but it felt more sinister matched with his new fangs and other inhuman features.
“Let’s began, shall we?” He asked.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Dangerous Tailspin (Lost and Found Arc)
When Chara got to Asgore's house, she frantically knocked on his door like her life was in danger. Asgore made it to the front door to find her and Frisk, and decided to welcome them.
"Oh. Howdy, Chara. Why are you home s-"
"Dad, can Frisk and I come inside please?" Chara interrupted before Asgore could ask her anything.
"Well, of course, but why are-"
"Please! We just need to come in. Please don't ask why, and please don't tell mom Frisk and I are here."
Chara started crying at that point, accidentally tugging at Asgore's heartstrings.
"Okay, sweetie. Come in. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
Chara and Frisk quickly went inside before anyone else could spot them. They rushed to the second floor of the place, trying to find a room to hide in.
Meanwhile, everyone in Toriel's car, especially Sans, were cursing themselves for pushing Frisk and Chara too hard.
"Why the fuck did I have to go that far?" Sans said, getting angry at himself.
"I shouldn't have tried to make him say anything, especially if he didn't wanna."
"Stop beating yourself up, Sans. We all fucked up." Asriel said, staring out the window and keeping an eye out for Chara.
"DAMN RIGHT WE DID!" Toriel rudely blurted out.
"We practically forced them out of this fucking thing, and we didn't even think about how they feel!"
Before Toriel could finish her sentence, a truck honked its horn, grabbing enough of Toriel's attention to make her swerve back into her lane. A quick, silent reprieve was dealt, yet Toriel was still riled up.
"Keep. Your hands. ON! The wheel!" Papyrus said, recoiling from Toriel's road rage.
Toriel did as Papyrus and Asriel said, too scared to go berserk while she was driving.
"Sorry. I...went out of control. Obviously." She said, ashamed of herself.
After about 4 more minutes, they all made it to her house, scrambling to try to get to them. Toriel grabbed her keys and rushed to get the door open. She unlocked it, and slammed the door open.
"CHARA! FRISK! LISTEN, WE're...sorry?"
The house felt completely empty. Toriel and Sans got scared. Asriel and Papyrus were trembling, and they grabbed each other to try to keep calm.
"What happened to them" was all the two could ask themselves. Toriel then investigated the rooms and noticed something off.
"That is strange. Sans, do you smell butterscotch or chocolate?" She asked.
"No. No, I don't." Replied Sans.
"Neither do I. Usually when Chara and Frisk enter the house, the faint scent of butterscotch and chocolate hangs in the air. But I cannot smell anything. But that could only mean..."
Toriel pondered their possible whereabouts for a moment. Then, it struck her. She became incensed beyond measure as her hands were set on fire.
Toriel was so mad, she ripped her front door off its hinges, charging towards Asgore's house. Everyone else followed. She roared loudly enough to get Undyne and Alphys' attention. Then, the reptile and fish lady ran over to Asgore's house, only to find the former queen turned herself into an EXTREMELY dangerous fire hazard.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell's going on right now?" Undyne said, confused as to why Toriel turned into a matchstick.
"T-t-t-Toriel, I think it would be b-b-best if you c-c-c-calmed down f-f-first." Alphys stuttered, scared of the boss monster.
"FUCK OFF, YOU FAT LIZARD BITCH! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOUR SHIT RIGHT NOW!" Toriel roared at the top of her lungs, bearing her teeth.
Alphys promptly stood down, scared of being singed. Undyne held her hand up in defense and backed off slowly to Alphys. Thanks to people being too scared to interfere at this point, Toriel proceeded to rip Asgore's front door off its hinges. She made a few errant tugs, but she ultimately tore off the wood, clawing at whatever remained. Then, she turned her attention to Asgore, who was in the kitchen making himself a cup of tea.
"YOU!" She screamed.
Asgore dropped his cup of tea upon hearing Toriel's enraged tone. He quickly turned around and, upon seeing her murderous appearance, tried to run for his life. She quickly caught him, and started beating him with her bare hands. As much as he tried to block her punches, she stood up, snatched a knife out, threw him to the ground, and stabbed his shoulder. The king bellowed in pain, and Toriel repeated the action on his other shoulder. He shouted in pain again as she held the knife to his face.
"Do you see that blood coming out of you?"
 She sadistically turned his attention to his stab wounds, then back to the knife.
"That's for hiding her from me."
"Toriel, please! I-AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!"
Toriel plunged the knife in his arm again. Then she grabbed him and threw him on the table to beat him some more. She kept throwing her fists in his entire body, not caring how scared he was. Then, she threw him back on the ground, kicking him repeatedly.
"Where are they?! TELL ME!"
Toriel refused to stop beating Asgore as he started crying.
"Please stop. I-"
Toriel punched Asgore in the face for that next hit. Then after a few more minutes of hurting Asgore, she got fed up.
"Alright. Enough of this."
"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Asgore loudly begged before Toriel started choking him to death.
Chara and Frisk heard the king's cry for help, and they rushed downstairs to help him, only to find Toriel strangling him to death. Chara ran to Toriel, grabbed her, and threw her off of Asgore, who Frisk accompanied to help catch his breath.
"Slow and deep, goat king. Slow and deep." He said, stroking Asgore's head.
Chara made her creepy face at Toriel, angry at her and scared for Asgore.
"Why the fuck would you try to kill dad, mom?!" She angrily lashed out, starting to cry.
"Whatever your beef is with him has nothing to do with me. I'm the one you were coming for! Leave dad alone; he has nothing to do with it!"
Toriel angrily glared at Chara as the fire she summoned from her hands creeped up to her elbows.
"Since when do you know whether your father has anything to do with anything? Your father is a pathetic whelp! A fucking murderer! Are you really telling me I'm doing the wrong thing by offing this piece of shit, young lady?!"
"Listen to me, mom."
"Chara, you don't g-"
"LISTEN TO ME! If dad's a pathetic whelp, then you aren't much better! You call dad a murderer, but the way you just tried to kill his ass confirms that you're just like him in that specific sense! So before you try to kill him again, remember that you're going down the exact same path!"
Toriel was stopped right in her tracks, and the flames that creeped along her arms extinguished themselves. She was shocked. Not only was Chara backtalking her without even a slight amount of fear of consequences, but she was telling (well, more like yelling) her the truth. Toriel tried to speak to her, but there was nothing to say, for Chara was right. And why wouldn't she be? In her rage, she tranformed into the mental image that she put Asgore in for decades. Chara surging her compassion and common sense into Toriel's mentality  and forcing her back into reality caused Toriel to regain her composure and realize how horribly she treated Asgore, not to mention almost killing him. She shook with fear, feeling the guilt of almost killing Asgore.
"No. No. No! Why? Why did I...? I've...oh, God. I AM just as bad. Worse, even."
Toriel trembled and held herself, making her way to the couch to think about what she did. She said absolutely nothing.
"Dad, you okay?" Chara asked softly, making her way to Asgore to check on him.
"Well, considering that you both just saved me from being choked to death by your mother, I'm, uhh, pretty good." Asgore said, nonchalantly.
"This happened before when you were married, didn't it?"
"Well...yes. Your mother has always had a problem with her temper, and she always took it out on me. She always spoke down to me, and she often beat me up when no one was looking. She always claimed it was because she loved me. But now I'm not sure whether that was true or not."
"How bad did it get?"
"When I was sleeping every now and then, your mother took a knife and held it at my neck if I woke up. She'd tell me 'let me keep going, or else'. Apparently, that was how she was having sex with me at some point. After that, we had sex without the whole knife thing, and about 9 months later, Asriel was born."
"...Mom raped you."
"Really? I mean, I enjoyed how she felt inside. I didn't know I was being raped. I just thought she had an attraction towards danger, or being dangerous."
"You were, dad. You know, all this time, you thought mom was too good for you. But in reality, you're too good for her, and she's not good enough for you."
"But I still love her. I know if-"
"Dad, mom never loved you. She wanted to use you like a piece of trash, and throw you away."
"That's not true. Is it, Toriel?"
Toriel kept her voice as low as she hung her head.
"I did love him once." She said.
"No, you didn't." Chara snapped.
"You raped your husband, abused your husband, almost killed him, and when he finally decided to show some backbone, you fuck him over and leave him suicidal. If you ask me, that's not love. That's called being a parasite. Maybe if you looked at yourself and the way you act more often, you'd be able to see what you did and what you're doing is wrong."
Toriel started crying. She was angry, too.
"I don't have to see myself. I don't need to hear this, either. I'm leaving."
Toriel left without another word with tears in her eyes, knowing what she did. Chara was right about the abuse she did unto Asgore. She never felt guilty about it until it was too late. She walked sadly to her room and closed the door, crying her eyes out.
Frisk and Chara walked out of Asgore's house with scowls on their faces. When they got back inside Toriel's house, they saw Sans, Papyrus and Asriel.
"How much exactly did you hear?" Frisk and Chara said, not even bothering to be tactful.
"All of it." Sans said with empty eyesockets and a scowl.
"I'm sorry if this offends, but I am VERY disappointed in Ms. Toriel right now."
Papyrus said, shaking his head in disaplointment to Toriel.
"Brother, I'm sorry for earlier and making you deal with what just happened."
"I forgive you, Papyrus." Frisk said, trying to put on a smile.
"After all, you are very great. Certainly you're great enough to be forgiven for your wrongdoings, especially if you feel remorse. Unlike SOME people I know."
"Yeah. So, anyway, let's get your paperwork in here." Sans requested, trying to change the subject.
"We got permission to homeschool you for a little while, so we can get it inside so nothing bad happens to it."
Chara, Frisk and Sans got all the paperwork inside the house, which was set just within the living room. Meanwhile, Toriel kept crying upstairs. It didn't look like she would stop for a while, and it would take a bit before things calmed down.
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