#i want to have more friends in the ml fandom but i am just. so so bad at talking to people
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frostedpuffs · 10 months ago
does anyone else ever feel like they never Fit In fandom spaces like. sure i create stuff SOMETIMES but i feel like such an outsider in the fandom and idk why asdkfsakdf
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dangermousie · 1 month ago
I am a lurker and I've followed your Tumblr for a while. I want to check out the First Frost but after reading your recent post abt the complete lack of plot, I wonder should I even try to get into it? The other shows that you like Lost you forever 1, a journey to love 2023, Blossom 2024, Derailment, or even the Love of the Divine tree make me think that your tastes align with what I usually enjoy as well.
And I love your whole rant about a male interest's loserism in love. But it seems that the ML here suffers the exact same fate: he is fixating on and being so down bad for the FL and cannot move on here in TFF for no believable reason? They were highschool sweethearts I get that but other than she's ethereal and extremely pretty and fragile and embodies the kind of weak and docile woman that men want to dote on and protect, what else does she have by modern society standards that other women do not have that makes him do this very... unrealistic pining for her almost a decade later on?
Like the ML seems to exist as a wish fulfillment. Just two very pretty people together.
I also read reviews of Chinese fans and they rant that characterization of the FL sets Chinese feminism hundreds years back. The FL has nothing going on for her except torturing and abuse and trauma, and her biggest sin is to be too beautiful and fragile like a flower. And not in the sense of WTPR but in a very passive and muted way and overall she's just very beautiful that makes ppl's hearts ache?
Do you think the criticism are warranted and whether writers turn her into a victim in a very excessive and forced way, taking away all her power? I’m interested in hearing what you say about Chinese viewers’ complaints?
Hi!!! This is a fun ask, thank you!
OK, there are three issues in the ask: (1) is there enough plot (2) how are ML's attitudes not unrealistic perfection for unworthy FL (3) is FL weak. Because I am contrary and because I want to rant about (3) the most, I am gonna do it after I quickly deal with (1) as the easiest.
(1) Is there enough plot in The First Frost for you or anyone who likes some plot.
Before I get into the meat of this, a quick disclaimer - I am a strong believer that people should check things they are interested for themselves/not check out things they think they won't like regardless of what others say about it. I mean, I love TFF and can (and will) explain at length as to why but all that means is it clicks for me in my lizard brain and I try to come up with a lot of words to justify why I have that reaction (actually that's rather like love, come to think of it.) All my years on tumblr, I think I've come across like two people where our tastes are so aligned that if they rec I'd almost certainly like it and vice versa. Everyone else is who knows.
To get to the answer - there is very little plot in this drama. This is very much a character study and a relationship piece and a slice of life. These are narratives that I find it very hard to pull off but when they are done well, are my favorite. It makes me think of older twdramas like In Time With You (two long term friends slowly fall in love) or jdramas like Long Vacation (an out of work model and out of work pianist end up as roommates) or Aishteiru to Ittekure (an older deaf/mute painter and a bubbly younger aspiring actress fall in love.) Perhaps an older kdrama like Worlds Within (the lives of various employees of a TV station) also fits. These are all huge favorites but none of them have more than a teaspoon of plot. The joy of them is watching the characters who feel like real people live and breathe.
I cannot tell if there will be sufficient plot for you. All I can tell is if you do like plot, probably not the drama for you.
(2) Is FL weak and setting feminism back.
OK, I want to address this one first because it's making me see red. And not in a fun "what has Santa brought me" kind of way.
I have noticed a tendency in a certain fragment of various fandoms all over the place to have a fit when the protagonists are not OP and always winning and always find it easy. How dare there be ugliness and hardship in life! (I've seen comments about The White Olive Tree, for example, that rant about how ugh it is that ML was not able to easily overcome his horrific trauma from war, death/danger of loved ones, and literal torture and mutilation. That's not "inspirational" apparently.) This fits there.
FL is actually quite strong. She does not need ML to rescue her ever except one time where he helped her when she was being chased. Despite an abusive family that had no money to spend on her either and trauma in her formative years, she had good enough grades to go to a good college and get a good job. She has a couple of friends. She's had setbacks and every single time she's pushed through. Horrific family? She leaves them as soon as she's legally able and supports herself. Dancing is closed as a path? She goes into media. One job doesn't work out. She gets another. Apartment becomes a horror show? She gets another one.
What she isn't, is girlbossing her way through life. Which would be so freaking tiresome. Life is hard for her. There are setbacks. There are also victories. This is how life works for 99% of people in the real world. If one wants a wish fulfillment fantasy, that is not the drama for that viewer, but it never pretended to be - every trailer has been atmospheric and moody. I wonder if people who complain are in part driven by the very different vibe of Hidden Love, a sister story that is so sunny. But that's the thing - Sang Zhi has had a charmed life. The worst thing that ever happened to her in her entire life is having an age inappropriate at the time crush on her brother's older friend that didn't go anywhere at the time because said friend is a decent person. She is from a wealthy family, she's healthy, she has loving supportive parents and a protective older brother. Her eventual boyfriend is a very nice person. This is great and it obviously happens plenty to some people, but this is rather less realistic than anything in TFF.
FL is not in the least passive - the amount of strength it takes to dig her life out of what she had to start with is so so so so huge. Yes, she's "muted" - she's quiet and emotionally withdrawn. Introverts are allowed representation in fiction and in life too. (Also her ML, Sang Yan, is likewise a very quiet man. They are just a quiet couple.) She's neither weak nor docile unless one mistakes quiet for fragility and the only way to be strong is to be a loud extrovert.
With my personal narrative preferences, I always prefer to watch complex, wounded people slowly healing and changing, not someone who's already started on third base proceeding to home run.
As to abuse and trauma, this isn't an early 00s Ady An drama. (To say that's all FL undergoes is to wilfully ignore 95% of her story.) People who say the amount of objectification/sexual trauma she undergoes is unrealistic have been pretty lucky. She's been "mildly" harassed at work a couple of times over her career, attempt-raped as a teen and same as an adult. That happens to plenty of women, and when you take into account that she doesn't have the protection of healthy, supportive, protective family and money (that allows them to not live in apartments with strangers.) I don't know a single adult woman who hasn't been at least harassed and many of us have been worse than.
Final note - the only thing that sets feminism are stories who posit all women need a man to function and to have kids and be homemakers with them. Outside of Mormon TV and similar, not much of a thing.
(2) Is ML just wish fulfillment for an unworthy FL
The two are each other's first loves. Why? They just click. As she puts it in a voice over in a high school flashback (paraphrase) "it seemed as if there was another me in the world." To be personal for a second, I am deeply in love with Mr Mousie. Can I explain why? Naw. I can explain all sorts of reasons why I think he's a good person, reasons to respect him or what not. But love is such a subjective thing. I think of my high school boyfriend - I was so in love with him. Why? He kissed me in a meadow and had blue eyes and told me he loved me. Is it a good reason? It was for 17 year old me. The drama relies on the chemistry and mirroring and connection between them - whether you buy it, it's up to you.
Unlike in many dramas where devotion/relationship feels uneven, it does not here. It feels so even to me. The two do not meet face to face for eight (!) years after the end of their high school relationship. And in fact, if it wasn't for some coincidences and a common friend circle, may not have met another eight. And both have not moved on yet given up in the same degree.
She has not dated EVER. After him she has not opened her heart to another man in any degree, not even the slightest. In fact, he's probably the first man she's comfortable sharing a living space with (which is huge with her trauma - she does not even lock her door!!!!) We know he hasn't dated either.
She literally views him as her sun whose warmth she craves (that dream!), she tells her friend she broke it off with him back then because he deserved someone better than her. She does not chase him in the present/immediately notice that he's still a goner because she thinks he's moved on/doesn't see what would be special about her to him for him to be at all interested/he's out of her league. This is not a FL dating a bunch of randoms while ML patiently pines.
We see her slowly unfurl in the safety of their apartment - now that she has a breathing space somewhere - a place where she feels safe and comfortable (her house; it's lovely but it's also cozy and safe) and so she acquires bandwidth to deal with emotions - her Maslow hierarchy of needs now allows the next step.
And for ML, it also makes sense. We get the sense he's a very quiet, very private, very reserved, yet very intense person. He doesn't open up even to his loving family, he has like two good friends from high school/college but that's about it. He's not a person who finds it easy to let a lot of people in; it's hard for him to move on from any relationship because he has very few of them and they are all intense (he is so close to his closest friend, Duan Jiaxu, that people (plural) assume they are a gay couple!) He never planned to chase her and try to woo her until stuff in the drama happened - and even now he doesn't really plan to woo her; he wants to be around her and make her life easier because he's never moved on (and neither has she) but he has no expectations or plans of getting back together with her.
She is detached due to trauma and he's detached innately - if you commit so much when you open up, you will open up rarely; just as you will open up rarely if you are dwelling in trauma aftermath the way she is. There is a reason they are both often filmed through mirrors, partitions, reflections - they have both withdrawn themselves and their truest selves from the world and they rediscover connection through and to each other and join the world.
It all feels very real to me though of course MMV.
(And I peeked at the novel, later on she tells him she will chase him (!!!) and they are quite a committed couple for a chunk of the novel so...)
Anyway, to sum up - it works for me, whether it will for you I don't know. I think this is a masterpiece tho.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 9 months ago
Tell me, what did you think of ML when you first discovered it? I thought Chloe's arc in season 2 was decent for this type of show, even if it could have been better. I also never took Marinette's obsessive behavior over Adrien that seriously until it started getting really grating.
My first interaction with ML consisted of me looking for kids shows to watch in Spanish, finding Miraculous on Netflix, watching maybe three minutes of The Bubbler, and then turning the show off because it didn't seem very good. That's the episode that starts with Marinette freaking out about giving Adrien a birthday present and it gave me the impression that Miraculous was doing the classic female-protagonist-pines-for-the-male-protagonist-who-barely-even-knows-her-name trope, which is not a trope that I'm into. I'm way too ace for that shit. This is the scene in question as I looked it up to make sure I was remembering it correctly:
Marinette: Ah! (she stops right in front of Adrien.) Um, he-- Hey! (she gets nervous as she holds her gift behind her back.) Adrien:(surprised, shyly) Hey. Chloé:(as she watches what's happening outside) Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?! Sabrina:(checks her tablet, gets surprised, and makes excusing noises while smiling sheepishly.) Chloé:(facepalms) Ugh, do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for? (walks toward Adrien.) Marinette:(nervously) I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean... Chloé:(yawns while Marinette is talking and then shoves her away) Out of the way. (she acts sweet.) Happy birthday, Adrien! (throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.) Mwah! Adrien:(surprised) Yeah, thanks Chlo.
This backs up my vague memory that my initial assumption was that Adrien and Chloé were friends while Adrien didn't know who Marinette was because he was clearly much more comfortable with Chloé. Same goes for Nino who was talking to Adrien earlier in this scene.
I'm not sure when this first watch occurred, but I know it was at least a year before I revisited the show. I made a friend in another fandom and that friend was transitioning out of Miraculous, but they had a lot of really good Miraculous fanart and even some fanfic which got me curious as I couldn't understand why anyone would be into the show given my dismal initial impression.
On this friend's recommendation, my SO and I started watching Miraculous an episode or two at a time. I was pretty unimpressed with the actual show, but I started reading early fandom fanfic between our watching sessions and that kept me interested enough to keep watching. My initial impression of the show didn't really change until we watched Origins. That's the episode that really made me fall in love with the canon characters as it took everything about the show and elevated it. The crushes had depth! The Chloé/Adrien thing wasn't just the bitchy rich girl going after the popular boy! Gabriel was confirmed to be the big bad! Things were suddenly going places and that honestly wasn't surprising.
It's incredibly common for kids shows to have lackluster first seasons where they don't really commit to anything major re plot because they're just testing the waters to see if they'll be green lit for more seasons. Because of this, I was under the impression that Origins must have been when they got green lit and season two was going to do the standard kids show thing where they really get to dive into the plot and characters in a big way now that they're making money. This assumption was backed up by the addition of the new heroes to the show's intro.
For the first half of season two, I was invested as it seemed like we were finally getting seasonal arcs. Chloé seemed to be getting set up for some sort of character arc, which I was all for as I enjoy a good mean girl arc. We also had some tension brewing between our heroes with Fu favoring Marinette, a dynamic that felt more accidental than planned since it only happened because Marinette found the grimoire at the end of season one. I thought all of that was going to come to a head with Chloé's Queen Bee debut as things had seemingly been set up for Chloé to be Adrien's pick for a Miraculous.
Then Queen Bee actually happened and my excitement quickly faded. I still cannot think of a less interesting way for Chloé to get and use the bee. No one gives it to her and she outs herself on national television right away? Talk about wasting an idea. Clearly this had just been a one-off thing done so that the show could drive up hype for season two based on promo images of Chloé as a hero.
But it wasn't a one off thing. For some reason, they kept bringing Queen Bee back and that's when I knew we were in for a bad time because that should have never happened. It especially shouldn't have happened when Marinette was giving out the miraculous. I could maybe see a setup where Adrien gives Chloé a second chance, but Marinette trusting Chloé made no sense:
Marinette: I must choose someone who's not impressed by people in power. Who can help me trap Malediktator. Huh?! Of course! That's it. (reaches for the Miraculous of the Bee) Wait, what am I thinking? (facepalms)
Yeah, what are you thinking? Alya was your first choice for the bee, she isn't impressed by people in power, and she wasn't hit by Malediktator, so go grab her! Why would you pick Chloé?
Long story short, I kept watching because the show wasn't terrible, my SO enjoyed hearing me dunk on it as we watched it, and I was really enjoying the fan content, but I didn't have much faith in canon after the midpoint of season two and I continually lost faith as the seasons progressed. I never pictured it getting as bad as seasons five, but I only had hopes for Miraculous to be truly good for about 2 weeks as that's how long it took us to get from Origins to the Queen Bee mess. I was also disappointed by Alya and Nino's hero journeys. I expected them to be chosen for grander reasons. As is, it felt like they only got recruited because their loved ones were in danger.
Since you brought up Marinette's crush, I'll end by saying that I have never been a fan of that style of crush-based humor (once again, way too ace for that shit), but it didn't bother me in a serious way because it was very obviously meant to be humorous. I just suffered through the jokes when they happened and then moved on as there was no reason to dwell on them. It probably helped that I was reading a lot of fanfic and even the people who love the show generally agree that Marinette's crush should be played down in more serious stories.
The only time Marinette's crush bothered me was Derision as that episode straight up destroyed her character. It also made the writers look awful because they made Kim the bad guy for laughing at Marinette's behavior, but we'd just spent over four seasons being told Marinette's behavior was a joke, so what is the lesson here? Are we all supposed to feel guilty for laughing at a trauma response we didn't know was a trauma response? Are the writers saying that trauma is funny? How can you be so tone deaf?
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flightfoot · 6 months ago
Sorry for the vague description! Actually, I am asking for #protective Adrien# in the love square. But #protect Adrien is my other need too:)
Most of #protective Adrien# are about salt Lila or Chloe and it's boring for me at all. In my opinion, Protective like a part of his personality. The type I want to see it's like he is not protective as a "perfect boyfriend" save his girl from a bitch's hand(sorry for these girls just for their salt version), and lose his other individuality.
Some of my favourite is
Penumbra by Selkie077
Little Bits of Mari by breeeliss
One Thing After Another by SKayLanphear
Looks like they are more like #protect Adrien but fine:) I love Adrien showing his fragility and insecurity.
Looks like my demand expression is getting chaotic now...Sorry for that and thanks for your work for this fandom! I love reading your ML theory.
Good day good night or good anytime for you
Oooh yeah, there's a big difference between "protect Adrien" and "protective Adrien". You're right that it's hard to find ones that aren't based around Lila or Chloe salt, they're the ones who have terrorized Marinette canonically. That really just leaves Gabriel, who's more of a threat to Adrien. Still, I think I can find some fics for you.
He Couldn't Remember (Falling For Her) by @purpleautumnvision
"If I was given a choice in who Chat Noir would be, I would've chosen you." "And there's nobody else in the whole world I'd rather have as my little bug." Without secret identities in the way, Marinette and Adrien get to live out their love story and put their heads together to discover the identity of Hawk Moth... but an unforeseen twist puts the Miraculouses in Gabriel's hands. When he makes his wish for a world where his wife never became sick from using the broken Peacock Miraculous, the universe requires someone else to become sick in order to maintain balance. Who better than his greatest enemy, Ladybug herself? Adrien, with his memories rewritten by the wish, wakes up in a world without superheroes, without Hawk Moth, without Marinette, without friends, and without a clue as to why everything feels so wrong. Something's missing, but he's gonna find out what. Then he'll put his world back into place.
So this was a fascinating scenario, with Adrien waking up in a world where Marinette was dead while his mother was alive, a world that as far as he knew had always been the case... but having weird feelings he can't explain. And not just him, I love how much focus Alya gets here as well! Turns out that the memories are kind of hidden, but still present, and since Adrien and Alya never got to meet Marinette in this universe (she died just before the new school year began, at the same time that Emilie did in the normal universe) AND Adrien and Alya were her closest friends in the previous universe, their feelings towards her are closest to the surface and least impacted by the memories from this universe.
The other people in this universe... well, the class isn't taking Marinette's death well. It's fascinating to see just how much her death effects them, to see how it haunts them, and I loved seeing their reactions to Adrien's weird behavior about their dead classmate who he never got a chance to meet, it shows how strange some of this can look to the outside, and it doesn't help that these are grieving kids.
Just... this is a great fic, I highly recommend checking it out!
Feather Fall by @a-flaming-idiot
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a sentimonster. Adrien knows this. Alya knows this. They just wish they could tell Marinette. Maybe if they could she would have stayed safe when the Primordial attacked. When a monster mauled her with the intention of devouring the magic that made up her very being. Instead, Adrien is forced to use the Miraculous his father had used to hurt so many, to save his closest friend. And only Alya can keep him going as he threatens to crumble under the weight of his parents' sins.
I love the friendship between Adrien, Alya, and Marinette on display here, there's some great interactions between them, Adrien and Alya are great friends and both of them care about Marinette a lot, I hope to see more of this AU!
home is where the fight is by @rosie-b
Nadja Chamack’s voice greeted Adrien as he sat up straight, wiping his clammy hands on his pants and ignoring the black kwami floating by his shoulder. “—shocked to see our heroine fall in battle today, taking a direct hit from the akuma just as she detransformed. Parisians are torn between blaming Hawk Moth and Cat Walker for their roles in this tragedy, which ultimately revealed the civilian identity of Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Adrien turned off the TV and lowered his head as his vision blurred. Written for Ladrien June Day 7: Injured
I adore this fic! Which shouldn’t be a a surprise, it’s no secret that I love Sentiadrien Enemies AU. Adrien’s so worried about Marinette getting hurt, and wishes that he could help keep her safer, could tell her what’s really going on or get rid of the ring or something, but he can’t. Still, he IS able to find clever ways around some of his father’s more problematic orders. Loopholes for the win!
A Mousey guest by charliepoet13
Adrien Agreste has finally managed to break away from his father and make his way out into the world. One faithful night, after settling down in his new home, he spots a strange guest.
Adrien X Multimouse fic here! So this is inspired by the Borrowers, with little people the size of mice living amongst ordinary-sized humans, and Marinette got a little careless here XD. But soon finds that Adrien’s friendly and not a threat. It’s adorable and reminds me of the The Littles book series that I read when I was a kid!
Caught In A Multimouse Trap by @a-flaming-idiot
Adrien was having a rather slow morning. That was until he discovered a tiny superhero trapped in his home and decides to be a bit of a hero even out of his suit.
This was adorable! Adrien does his best to care for the little miniature superhero caught in a mousetrap, bandaging her up as best as he can (thankfully only her tail got caught so it’s more of a phantom pain than an actual injury) and just… it’s really cute.
May I Introduce Myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would’ve been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
I love Fantasy AUs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening at first, but it all gets explained in the last chapter. Also don’t worry about the age gap between Marinette and Adrien at the start of the story, I promise it’s not a problem in the end.
I hope these can satisfy you!
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taldigi · 10 months ago
I think the reason Joker/Akechi is so popular (other than sadboy angst) is because of how he changed from vanilla to royal. Having Joker mess with his hair, giving him a boathouse scene, the double entendre of giving someone your glove being a declaration of a duel but also sometimes considered a romantic gesture, among other things made people feel as if they were leaning into a romantic interpretation of their relationship rather than the more nebulous original version. Then there's third semester, with Maruki commenting on their "unique relationship," giving the player the option to sacrifice reality to keep Akechi alive, and the whole Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming thing with the fairytale motif... it just seemed like Atlus noticed that a decent amount of people were shipping Akechi with the protagonist and decided to run with it. It certainly doesn't help that the English voice actor for Akechi that Royal's more romantic lean is "not thinly veiled." I still agree that fandom focuses on it far too much, though. Especially considering how much the game emphasizes that it can't actually happen.
ohh, thank you. I highly appreciate the reply!
I want to preface by saying that my reply comes from my experience in interpreting the game and how that's influenced my own opinion. It isn't meant to diminish the argument, despite any harsh wording, but to examine it through my own eyes.
I also don't.. hate the ship (I had been in the ML fandom too long to know that), but am largely overwhelmed by it's over-saturation and domination over the fan space and what I interpret as being... hugely out of character.
The kind of character I see Ren as being- outside his anime protagonist curse- is a highly empathetic (he takes books and media to heart, is able to empathize with the worst of humanity, and is able to touch the hearts of even the most prickly of people) and selfless person. Someone who would do anything to save anyone at any cost short of killing someone else! it's the reason why he's in Tokyo in the first place, and he doesn't stop afterwards. He steps in-between many many possible conflicts and puts himself in immediate and possibly fatal situations in order to keep his friends safe.
The whole premise of his story, and his ultimate choices, is freedom- after all- even if that freedom leads to pain... But and what is more confining, and final, and indisputable than death? Ren, a guy who chose to let each and every palace owner live and make them admit, understand, and face the consequences of their cruelty... would suddenly let Aketchi into his heart and trust him so fully and wholly? How many families has he left torn apart? And not all the victims were high ranking diplomats. The train conductor may have lived, but he died brain-dead.
Like- duh, right. Ren wanted to befriend Aketchi. He sees himself in him- friendless, misunderstood, and a little pathetic. Ren's scenes with Aketchi come before he finds out what he's done, and after that Aketchi changes. As romantic as those scenes might come off to some (I personally took it as pity) That Aketchi was a fake. He fucked with Ren's head and succeeded for the most part- and if Mona and Futaba didn't step in, he might have gotten away with it. Ren might not have been there to see it, the second he pulled that trigger it was over-- and he still had the mind to gloat about it.
All of the phantom thieves, after it's all said and done. Still express empathy for him. None of them will forgive him. None of them should forgive him... and the Joker I've come to know would never ever grant Aketchi any leeway without- bare minimum, Haru or Futaba's forgiveness.
All that being said, the interpretations of the story given seem highly generous. Ren shows the same affection, offer of understanding, and willingness to assist in any issues to Aketchi as he shows to any of his confidants.
Royal offered more than vanilla, sure- and Aketchi coming back in semester 3 might have been a result of Ren's desire to befriend him or save him (notice how the Aketchi in the stay ending is the softer "fake" version) but it might have also stemmed from the fact that it's in Ren's nature to save others, and the result of the shifted realities Isn't solely reflected in his desire to have Aketchi be responsible for his crimes- but in the fact that he gets to see his coffee family whole and happy- or Haru having her father back and in a good relationship, or seeing Ann or Shiho not having to live with the traumas of sexual assault or suicide attempts, and to see Ryuji and Yusuke living their dreams without pain and with family.
Yeah, they do have a "unique" relationship. They have similar circumstances, they've been pushed to play the same interdimensional game, they're the same person- same coin. But they're never ever going to see face to face. They both chose freedom, but Aketchi chose power and revenge and Ren chose kindness and friendship.
...and you know what? I appreciate that tragedy! I appreciate it a lot. I love what they did with Ren & Aketchi's dynamic and how they expanded it in Royal. It's equal parts deeply fascinating and tragic and says so much about both characters. But just like returning Aketchi to life and free would render that experience void of meaning... rendering it romantic.. seems.. diminishing. It doesn't work as well if it's romantic.
Bah, i'm getting rambly. Thanks for hearing me out.
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whatwouldeddiedo · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
GOD. this is really hard but I'm going to do my best. All of my favorite things I've written have been in this fandom, so here's my self recs.
(with your boots beneath my bed) forever is the sweetest con
I really really think this is one of the best ones I've written and it's one of the first fics where I was like oh I feel like I'm really good at writing these two! (Jamie/Roy)
2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35858293
but i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm
aka depressed Jamie fic. I was really worried about this one because it was so very personal to me and I just really wanted to vomit out some things and feelings I had about these characters. (Jamie/Roy)
3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38257978
this is when the feeling sinks in (i don't wanna miss you like this)
ROY GOES TO DALLAS, TEXAS TO PLAY FOR THE MLS TEAM THERE. Listen this was a bunch of self indulgent mess and I love i t. (Jamie/Roy)
4. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41586048
chemistry til it blows up, til there's no us
Jamie and Roy get married in Marbella and then have to navigate actual marriage. I had so much fun writing this. It came out so differently than how I originally imagined it, and I think that's why I love it so much. (Jamie/Roy)
5. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42271584
i went to amsterdam without you (and all i could do was think about you)
French Mistake AU. Jamie wakes up in a world where his life is a tv show and his boyfriend is an actor named Brett Goldstein and also isn't his boyfriend. This was actually one of the first ideas I had in this fandom and it took me so long to actually write it. I hope other people like it too. (Jamie/Roy)
A couple of honorable mentions because my writing is all self indulgent and it's hard to just pick 5
am i more than you bargained for yet (i've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear) ~ Roy/Trent, Queerplatonic Roy/Jamie
one single thread of gold tied me to you ~ Roy/Jamie
you can start a family who will always show you love ~Jamie/Roy, kidfic
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) ~ Jamie/Roy
it's a church of burnt romances (and i'm too far gone to pray) ~ Jamie/Roy, nonbinary jamie, bantr au
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thegoddesswater · 8 months ago
Author Questionnaire
tagged by @tc-doherty - Thanks, Lano!
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a separate blog for one of my projects since 2017, but was never all that active on it and haven't done anything with that since 2020. My main account, which is this one (aka a general bit of everything), I think I've had it since 2011.
What led you to create it?
THIS account? It was one of those "all my friends are on this tumblr thing and it seems fun" situations. My other account? I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I didn't stick with it. I keep thinking that I should maybe go back to using it or something, but I don't have the real drive to currently.
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
This is an odd question, since I feel like I'm very on the fringes of the writeblr community and don't necessarily interact with it a ton, but I definitely like how encouraging everyone is to each other. It's nice to see.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I don't want them to know anything about me I kid! I kid! I don't actually think I'm all that interesting, though.
I like to talk about my projects and love chatting about my characters. I'm also always down to give my perspective on writing-related questions you've ever got them. Not saying I've got the 'right' answer, but I can be a sounding board if anyone needs one. I think I'm pretty chill, and I'm open to interactions.
Also (unrelated to writing) I can summon deer. Except, apparently, during heatwaves.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Not really. I am very laissez-faire about my dash and I'm hardly gonna tell people what I wish they'd be posting more of.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Mostly Miadhachain Legacy, Heart of a Warrior, Run Runaway, and Blood of Sages at the moment. Those four are pretty much on a random rotation through my brain right now. Talentless/Wild Card is always lurking right beneath the surface though.
How long have you been working on them?
ML and Heart of a Warrior are definitely my longest running projects. I started HoaW back in 2005, plugged away at it for a few years and then left it on the back-burner to boil dry for a decade+ hiatus. ML had a similar trajectory, only there were more external forces there that made me shelve that one for a while. Run, Runaway was a 2010s project which (again) was put on hiatus due to lack of interest. (Also, I was mid-degree and I had one of my creative writing profs pretty much call me a talent-less, unoriginal hack so… lots of writing projects stalled around then.) Blood of Sages is new. Like November 2023 new. And it's just something that I'm tinkering with more than a full blown story at the moment. Talentless/Wild Card is another thing that's been around since the late 2000s/early 2010s. Unlike ML and HoaW, it's been getting tinkered with semi-consistently since.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
HoaW, RR, and BoS are all fanfics for the same fandom. HoaW was my first foray into Fanfiction and I had no idea what I was doing, I just wanted to be included. Which is my way of saying I have no idea anymore what exactly inspired me to write that particular story. RR was a weird situation where I'd created a fan OC and my best friend (at the time) absolutely hated him, and said I should never write with him again. So, naturally I decided to write a story centred on him out of sheer spite. The fact that internet strangers seemed to enjoy it only spurred me on (until the aforementioned prof mentioned above). BoS was born from the circumstances of tumbling back into my old fandom, discovering the most ridiculous crackship that made my brain light up in the best way, and seeing someone else's AU and going "Okay, but what do I get if I take this weird pairing + that premise?" The answer is “More than the odd oneshot I’d planned for it to be.”
Miadhachain Legacy is a bit of a rats' nest as far as where that started. Originally, it was essentially an RP turned convoluted novel series between myself and a friend. It's mutated a lot since then.
Talentless/Wild Card was originally a satirical fantasy about a hapless knight who accidentally-ed his way through an adventure and sort of rescued the wrong princess. Other than some character names and concepts, very little of that original version exists in it now.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Like per day? Multiple hours. Usually while I'm supposed to do be doing something else.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"I've got some sci-fi and fantasy that I'm working on at the moment." And then I elaborate if people want to know more. ...Why is there the expectation to treat this like it is the worst question to be asked?
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
...how much time have you got, friend? ML alone used to have over 100 named characters and Talentless/Wild Card have a cast to rival that. Enjoy a random smattering of folks instead.
Karn is the oldest character I have that I still write with, and Ripp is a close second.
Zaria is the newest character of ML, having been created to replace her old version, once named Kaen. Her counterpart, Adair, is still getting used to the change, honestly.
Cyri is a minor side character who has been giving me a case of brain weasels lately.
Aerun is someone that I am itching to work with but hasn't fed me any kind of a plot yet, so I don't know what to do with him. …He might be a smuggler…a pirate? I dunno.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Define "unhinged." I mean, probably Valen is the most, but unhinged how?
Voltain and Marmaduke are both pretty bizarre, in completely opposite ways and I'm just realizing now that those two could be read as foils to each other
General Vancil is out of touch with reality
Sleepshine is extremely normal in personality, but unhinged as a concept - he's a talking tortoise the size of...about an SUV. And I love him. Fight me.
Valen is…well, unfortunately, Valen. Poor guy's got a lot going on and some days he's holding himself together with nothing but dental floss and used scotch tape.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Lots of my older characters come pretty easily to me. Maggie and Adair are both very familiar for me. Even if I leave them alone for a while, they're really easy for me to get right back into right mind for. That said, I think Marmaduke deserves some kind of special recognition for the fact that there were years where I could write him on autopilot.
Do you ever cringe at them?
I mean, sometimes, but also no?? Like, sure "Here's a character I created when I was 14 and he's a super cool assassin and in a gang and totally awesome, but also burdened with heaps of trauma" SOUNDS cringey when put like that. But have you considered that I adore him anyway??
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
My characters can all be wilful little shits at times, and I'm mostly okay with that.
I'm always going to think of Rhys as the least cooperative character, though, mostly because he was the first one that just straight up refused to go where I tried to tell him to. He was supposed to end up with this girl, and inherit his mother's shady political empire, and otherwise be fairly unremarkable. Instead of that, he made a dramatic exit from the closet and ran off to get married to the quarterback of his high school football team - whom his girlfriend had kind-of been cheating on him with.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Absolutely! I'm totally cool with folks asking however they feel comfortable, assuming that they're ever so inclined to ask. I love chatting about my characters.
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
Just kinda vibes, I think. Like I said above, I'm on the fringes of the writeblr community, so there's no hard and fast rule for who I follow and who I don't.
What makes you decide against following?
Please see above.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really. I'm not opposed to it, I just don't do it much. I don't necessarily directly interact a ton with most of my mutuals either. Sometimes if I'm scoping a writblr and they've got a recent ask game going, I'll drop them some asks for fun.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
...sort of? But considering the ones that I am considering for this answer were dropped into Talentless/Wild Card so long ago that they feel like they were always there, I don't think that's quite what this means.
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sunfoxfic · 3 years ago
"Do you know of any unpopular fics that should be popular?" "Yeah! *links to a fic with 300 kudos*"
#vaguepost#sorry i just. if you think 300 kudos in the ml fandom is unpopular then PLEASE read more fic.#and if someone links to an ''unpopular'' fic that has 300 kudos#then they probably aren't actually reading enough fic for their recs to be all that meaningful?#like i'm not saying that popular fics don't get popular for a reason#(though i do question why some fics are so popular)#but like. i could name so many fics that are underappreciated with less than 30 kudos.#i dunno i just think that some people's opinions hold a lot of gravity toward fic recs#when it really seems like they sort by kudos#and that irks me because i am friends with so! many! good! writers!#who struggle for kudos!#it is DIFFICULT to get ''popular'' in the ml fandom as a fic writer#i say this as someone who has the privileged ability to publish fic semi consistently#as someone who doesn't write rarepairs very often#as someone who doesn't feel demotivated by lack of engagement#it is HARD#and to see one of the most popular ml fanwriters on tumblr getting recommended as ''unpopular'' really annoys me#because i honestly don't care. i am getting everything i want out of my fanfics.#i have a couple of good friends and a loyal commenter and i feel plenty happy at that#but i see people losing motivation over getting 15 and 20 kudos and i want nothing more than to help them#so like. maybe if you're calling something ''unpopular'' when it's already achieved more success than 95% of fics.#maybe that feels like a punch to the gut.#please don't rb#vent
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carpisuns · 3 years ago
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start posting Miraculous Art or digital art inngeneral? I want to make a tumblr for it, but I feel like I need to be good enough to do so in a way?
Yes! My advice is: just post it :) go for it! there is no “your skill level must be this high to post” rule.
honestly, sharing work can be scary for people of any skill level. it’s good to learn how to get comfortable with your own mistakes and just learn and grow and improve without feeling shame about where you’re starting. and you might be surprised by how supportive people are of beginners and how much they genuinely enjoy your work even when you don’t really know what you’re doing! Haha
here look at this
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I drew this like 3 years ago and I was proud of it at the time but i despise it now and I think it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever drawn because chat’s arm is like TWICE as long as it should be 😂 the anatomy in general is Bad but that arm haunts me to this day!!!! Omg
But you know who commented on that mistake? No one!! This post got like 100 notes and it was just people being nice (and this was back when I had just started my blog and had hardly any followers).
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^ this was one of my earliest pieces of ML art, which I drew on paper and then took a photo of and colored in with my finger on my phone bc I didn’t have a drawing tablet lol. I specifically remember flipping out bc buggachat reblogged it 😂 it is not a good drawing!!!
The point is that art doesn’t have to be super well done for you and others to enjoy it! posting your stuff is a great way to share what you love, make friends, connect with other creators that you can learn from, and just feel supported in your art journey. Improvement will come automatically as you just keep creating and having fun with it!
Sometimes i actually get excited when I see art that was drawn by a beginner because it’s just cool to see people learning new things and sharing things that they enjoy even if it’s not perfect. I know it’s intimidating to share your work when there are other artists who are more skilled than you, but realistically there is always gonna be someone who’s better than you, no matter how good you are, so you might as well get used to it now 😂 also, even artists you look up to make mistakes! i remember when I first started learning I thought everyone else’s art was flawless lol but when you train your eye better you notice mistakes more. Which isn’t a bad thing! It’s nice to remember that we’re all still growing and we can support each other as we do that. I could go through every one of my art pieces and point out mistakes I’ve made or ways I could improve lol and that’s just the stuff I even notice! Sometimes that’s a little intimidating bc I’m like “omg XYZ artist is SO good, they’re probably judging me” but honestly that’s probably not the case(?) haha. In my experience fandom artists are very supportive of one another whether they’ve been drawing forever or are just starting out. So don’t sweat it! Just share your stuff and see where it leads you :)
good luck!!! I am cheering you on! 💜
(also I’ll let you in on a little secret: if something is stupid/funny people don’t care how ugly it is. yesterday I posted something that looks like this and people reblogged it. amazing)
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gentil-minou · 3 years ago
Why the sentiadrien theory scares us...and why it might actually be a wonderful narrative for therapeutic healing
So when I'm not shit posting on tumblr or flailing about ml, I'm a therapist working with kids Mari and Adrien's age. One of the reasons I was drawn to this show was how amazing it works as a metaphor for mental health and therapeutic healing.
Originally when I heard the sentiadrien theory, I was terrified because with it were all these painful complications I hadn't considered...
But when I really sat down and thought about it, I figured out how if done well sentiadrien has the potential to make Adrien's story more compelling than anything we might have thought... I also find it fascinating how the fandom is reacting to it and how it might be related to the way a fan handles grief, mental health, and the loss of hope.
I wanted to take the time to explore why the sentiadrien hurts some fans so much, to the point where they can't accept it. I also wanted to offer reassurance to those who do, because I truly think the sentiadrien theory is the best theory we have that will allow Adrien to heal and finally be free.
I'm not here to convert anyone into believing this theory, I only want to provide reassurance to those who feel pain because of it.
Disclaimer: I'm a therapist but I am not your therapist. If any of what I say offends you I'm sorry, this does not apply to every fan and is more a hypothesis than anything else. In addition, if you are in need of support please reach out to those around you and get the help you need. I strongly believe that everyone has the opportunity to get better and live their best lives.
But before we can talk about sentiadrien, we have to look at the character Adrien and his impact on his fans.
From the get go, to the fandom Adrien represents sunshine and hope. We literally see Adrien breaking free from his chains and striving for freedom. Whether or not you consider what he's been through as abuse, it's clear he has been craving a better world. Throughout the show, we watch him healing slowly. He makes friends, falls in love, develops new interests, makes jokes and values his time as Chat Noir. I've always thought this show is an excellent metaphor for mental health and the therapeutic journey, and like we can compare Marinette with anxiety and self-esteem issues (i could go into a whole separate analysis on that girl), we can say Adrien is a metaphor for the the struggles people with depression and trauma go through. He represents what happens when someone's mental health is getting better, when someone is starting their therapeutic journey towards healing.
Personally I think season 4 is tackling that last big shackle that traps Adrien. It's painful right now but the end will include Adrien finally being able to share those demons he doesn't know how to share just yet.
Now what does this mean for his fans?
Although not everyone is like this, people often turn to fandom as a way of coping with their own mental health. Seeing a character struggling with their figurative or literal demons and being able to make it out and get their happy ending is very therapeutic. And while most of us don't have a literal supervillain for a dad or dress in a leather catsuit, we can relate to Adrien's worries regarding freedom, being chained, trapped, and that desire to get out, especially those of us who have struggled with depression, emotional abuse, neglect, isolation, etc. 
Fans can look to Adrien and identify with him and maybe even rely on him as their emotional support. They find they can relate to him and that he gives them hope it will get better. It happens a lot with a lot of shows but Adrien is sunshine boy who has hard times but can still smile and laugh even though there is still pain, it makes sense to have him as an emotional support character. He represents healing.
"If a character like him can get better, can be free and happy, then I can too."
He represents our hope.
This is where the sentiadrien discourse happens and why i think it provides valuable info for fandom psychology, particularly for fans who are anti-sentiadrien.
Let's consider the way sentimonsters were introduced in the show, created as a tool, an object to be used and discarded. They're different than an akuma which is purified, sentis are taken away and never seen again. We can compare it to those of us striving for freedom, and that fear of never getting it. For example senti-Ladybug, the only senti we have seen be freed from their chains...was destroyed regardless.
The implications of that episode were that even if we can win back control, are we really free? Did we really win? Can we really not be destroyed or can we lose again? This is something I see a lot with those healing from trauma, the fear that their freedom is fleeting.
There's also the whole senti"monster" bit. People don't like hearing they are considered a monster, there are some other implications there as well. But it implies outcast or segregation, discrimination. Plenty of real-world painful concepts in the word itself. To apply it to the character we identify the most with might make us believe that we too are monsters, and that hurts.
A lot of the discomfort also stems from the idea that this would be emotionally crushing for Adrien, and we who can relate to him can empathize almost too much with him.
To have thought you were getting better, improving everyday, having the ability to make your own choices and the chance to be free, then losing it because were you ever really free? All that healing, just to lose again? But the sentiadrien theory implies there is none, that at the end Adrien is going to be controlled and the freedom he worked hard to get is going to go away and he will be back in the dark place he was at the beginning of the show. That is a very real fear a lot of people have. So the theory kinda takes that hope and throws it in the trash
So now we've established that the implication behind sentiadrien can be traumatic and painful, how on earth could it be possible for Adrien to grow from it?
Well first, we need to talk about what it means to heal from trauma.
The way I handle trauma is by helping people reclaim their safety and empowering them, showing them that despite it all they made it through and are tougher than they think.
What that doesn't mean is telling them that their trauma wasn't real, that their feelings aren't valid, that they should forgive their abusers, that their pain and experiences didn't matter. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS MEANS.
That's also not what the sentiadrien theory means. It doesn't mean that Adrien's experiences were somehow not real. It doesn't mean his abuse wasn't real. It doesn't mean that his feelings are invalid. It doesn't. The way he came into the world might have been different, but at the end of the day, his experiences were REAL.
Even if Adrien is a senti-being, he is STILL Adrien, he will always be sunshine cat boy. He's real.
So now we get to the point of this: Why the sentiadrien theory has some amazing storytelling potential.
I always thought this show was an excellent way to describe mental health and the therapeutic journey in general. (I've used it to describe the CBT triangle with some clients with great success! Let me know if people want to hear about it because seriously it's some amazing comparisons) And sentiadrien is a perfect, real and raw metaphor for healing from trauma.
People think that sentiadrien will erase Adrien's trauma and make him less than a real person, essentially confirming a fan's inner fears that their pain is not real or invalid.
In reality, it would actually do the opposite and empower Adrien.
When working with trauma using TF-CBT, a major component is the use of a trauma narrative where people with PTSD tell the story of their trauma, from their point of view, free of criticism and invalidation. A chance for them to take their story and tell it, their way.
For years, Adrien never had a chance to tell his story, his way. Even if he wasn't a senti-being, he has always been controlled by his dad and probably his mom too. Becoming Chat Noir was Adrien's way of breaking free, but he hasn't dealt with or addressed any of his trauma. It's been pushed to the side, to be dealt with never.
But if he's a senti, he will have to address what happened to him and face the fundamental question he has in season 4: Does he belong, is he needed?
@coccinelle-et-chaton once said it very well: "abuse victims that relate to Adrien already have difficulties legitimizing their own emotions and are constantly double-guessing themselves. The fact that the character you relate to bc of your trauma turns out to be "magic" even though that does not negate his emotions, can elicit a powerful reaction bc deep down you just want to be acknowledged."
And to those who share those sentiments, I want to ask them this: Is your trauma real? And if Adrien is a senti, does that make him any less real?
And the answer is yes, they are.
If the writers can do it (and I actually sincerely think they can), being a senti could mean Adrien learning to take control of himself while dealing with his "trauma", and even eventually reclaiming his life and freedom through getting control of his amok.
Thus showing that despite the trauma and pain and depression and anxiety, he can still live a normal life. He is still real.
That's essentially what treating PTSD is, we cant make the trauma go away but we can take back control, while allowing those who struggle with it to realize their experiences and feelings are real and valid. To show that despite it all, we can live and keep going. And that actually avoiding the trauma or not thinking about it makes the whole situation worse. If Adrien is a senti, he will face that and he will come out stronger for it.
Despite everything, sentiAdrien is inarguably, indelibly real. (Something even Thomas Astruc has discussed in his twitter responses.)
Adrien is real, just like a viewer's trauma and mental health is real.
And that despite it all, even during the hardest and bleakest time, you are real and you can keep living. Your struggles and past are part of you, but they don't define you.
Like how sentiAdrien isn't just a senti, he's a kid, a friend, a hero, and so, so much more. Just like how he is so much more than being a senti, you are so much more than your trauma.
Your trauma doesn't control you, only you can.
Like Adrien if he gets control of his amok.
Picture this, we discover Adrien was a senti,
Created by his parents to be "the perfect son" and it hurts....hurts worse than anything else ever has and ever could.
Every worst fear, that is is replaceable, unimportant, invalid, unneeded, unwanted, come to the forefront of his mind.
But wait...he isn't just a senti...he's a human. He is, he was created to be yes, but he's still a person.
But not just any person, he's a hero. He's Chat Noir, wearer of the black cat miraculous...
Destruction itself.
And, just like how Mari can use Creation to create anything, Adrien can use destruction to break anything....
Including the magic that binds him to his amok, to his creater, that keeps him from his freedom.
Picture this: Adrien's power-up is what helps him take back control and lets him take control of himself, and his life.
He takes back his own freedom. And proves, most importantly to himself, that he DOES belong. He doesn't need some creator or someone else to tell him that. He can tell himself that, and that's the ONLY voice who matters.
In Summary,
The sentiadrien theory has scary implications and it is painful to think about, but it also has the potential for tremendous growth and healing. In fact, i think sentiadrien would cover multiple mental health avenues and ml has always done a wonderful job with mental health analysis and therapeutic healing.
And our boy is in deep denial mode with his emotions, finding out he's a senti would be super helpful in helping him open the door and start processing them.
It also shows that we don't always get a successful upward curve of progress. Sometimes we have dips and low lows and sometimes we hit rock bottom again. But we get back up, and we keep going and we keep living. We have control of our own destinies and our own lives, and Adrien will too. (Remember: ML is a kids show, we aren't going to have a tragic ending)
But despite it all:
Being a senti-being doesn't make Adrien any less of a character. It doesn't make him less of a person, it doesn't make him someone whose experiences matter any less than Mari or Nino or Gabe or anyone. He is real, just like them. His feelings, his thoughts, his experiences, his pain, his hope, and his dreams matter.
Just like yours do.
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Note: please feel free to ask any questions, I love this topic and could talk about ml and mental health for ages. Just remember I'm not your therapist and for true support and care I always recommend going to a pro.
Edit: Someone asked if being a senti invalidates Adrien's existence, here is my response
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artzcharie · 2 years ago
I made a reference and meet Philipia owo 🌼🇵🇭
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I made my own character of #countryhumansphilipinnes au which I wanted to make of her as the happy gurl. ^^
Name: -Philipia
Nickname/s: -Phili, sunshine, maharlika, Philia, and Phil (this are the names I know. I heard when people use this names of this fandoms. :p if u have more nicknames of her u can comment down below. ^^)
-Edit (srry for my horrible english I am going to re-change it)-
Like/s : Jollibee, ML, her friends and family, street foods
Dislike/s : Her past life
Independence: June 12
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 4'9 (don't ask me why she is short '-')
Philipia/Philia smiles are known for her ability to smile through her troubles, and to find something to laugh about even in trying times- that doesn't mean she's mocking to anyone or to make fun of them. She just happen to be but just a bit lol...she likes it when she's happy to smile and cheerful even she always makes people to cheer them up; that's why she stays positive vibes instead for being negative.
Note: Don't make her angry or pissed if you even there or else she'll be using War mood on herself. So beware and be careful. Cya!!
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How to Make a Pinned Masterlist
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Disclaimer: I am not a good teacher. 😂 I'm still relatively new to Tumblr myself (less than 2 years) and Tumblr likes to change things around some, so some things below may be wrong/changed by the time you see this post. Making it in Oct/22. 😊
I was chatting with my friend @fandomohana and said that I could help her make a Masterlist. (ML) Then it occurred to me that there might be others who would like to know too, and I know from experience that it can be tricky to figure it all out, how to make the ML and how to create links. So, I thought I'd make a post!
All the info is below the cut! 😊😊
So, I'm going to use the example of creating a pinned fic list, which will include sub MLs. Hopefully it will make sense with the examples below:
You create a ML like you would any other post. Click the little pencil to start.
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Mobile App: (FYI, my phone is in dark mode, hence the black background, your background may be white.)
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Once you've clicked the pencil, the computer will pop up a little row of circles with all the different things you can post. Click on "Text" and this screen will pop up:
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On the app, when you click the pencil, it brings you to this screen immediately:
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Go ahead and title your post something clever like "Masterlist" and include a cute/appropriate gif or pic. Reminder: If you use a gif/pic from outside Tumblr, make sure you include a link to where you found it. (Or just search for a gif through Tumblr like I did here, and they credit the creator for you.)
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Now you can start creating your pinned ML.
As I stated above, a pinned ML is going to include links to all of your fics that you've posted. In order to create links in your pinned ML, you'll need a ML for all the separate fandoms you write for.
For example, this would be a ML for someone who writes fics for Supernatural, Stranger Things, and Marvel.
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To be able to create links to all those fics in all those fandoms, each fandom will need it's own posted ML, like so:
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Now, if you look, I've also broken down the SPN fics into two categories - Dean fics and Sam fics. So, you'll have to create ML for each of them as well.
**If you only have two or three SPN fics all together, you may not want to bother creating separate MLs for Dean and Sam. In which case you'd just link all of them on this one page. But if you have quite a few of each (or if your planning on writing quite a few of each) you'd want to create a ML for Dean fics and Sam fics, and then link them here.**
Now for how to CREATE LINKS!
Let's create links for our imaginary Dean Fics ML:
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(Hopefully you've come up with more imaginative titles! 😜)
Now, go to your original post with the fic you want to link, (make sure it's not a reblog of the post, but the original) and click the three dots on the top right.
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Your computer will pop up this:
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And the app will pop up this at the bottom of your screen:
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Click on Copy link and then go to your Dean Fics ML and highlight the title of the fic you're linking. When you do, this bar will come up:
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Click on the little picture of the two joined chainlinks and this black bar will pop up.
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Paste your copied link into that bar and click "Done" on the computer or "Add link" on the app.
When it's been successfully linked both the computer and the app will have a little line under the title showing it's linked:
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Once all the fics have been successfully linked, you can hit "Post now" (or just "Post" on the app) and your "Dean Fics" ML will be created.
Then you can go to that post and follow the same steps to link it onto your Supernatural ML post. And once your SPN ML post is created, you can follow those same steps again to link it in your pinned ML at the top of your blog. Then you'd do the same for Stranger Things and Marvel.
Now, this all may seem really involved and confusing, and it does definitely take time to get it all together. But once you have that pinned ML and the sub MLs created, every time you make a new fic, you just have to "edit" the appropriate ML and add a new link to the list, and everything stays together, so that your beautiful, hard won fics don't disappear into the Tumblr ether. 💓
I hope all of this makes a certain amount of sense. Please don't hesitate to DM me, or send an ask, if you have any questions. I'll do my best to help!
Happy Creating! 😘😘
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stellarlex · 3 years ago
Hi! Are you still mad about the ML finale? ‘Cause I very much am, but I feel a little silly about it. I know the show isn’t high art, but I am just so disappointed that they never do anything with the potential that it does have
Sorry about the late response, tumblr isn't showing when I get asks apparently.
But to answer your question, no, I'm not mad.
I'm furious.
It has nothing to do with it not being high art, it's about the writing blatantly doing everything it can, including contradicting itself, dumbing down characters, etc., just to sabotage one character.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Thomas says it himself, that the way the show is supposed to go, is that Marinette has to learn a lesson every episode. So basically what he's saying is that Marinette, no matter how much it doesn't make sense, is always wrong. Always. When she does the right thing, she's wrong. When she gets bullied, she's wrong. When everyone turns against her because of a liar, she's wrong. When she breathes, she's wrong.
But when Adrien Agreste is the one that's wrong, which happens more often than not, he's never wrong. He barely if ever faces consequences because in Thomas's words, "he's perfect." It's always that world that is wrong and not Adrien. But that's just the thing though, isn't it. The world isn't blamed for being wrong, it's Marinette that is. The blatant misogyny, comedic, and dismissive take on a female POC suffering, and the glorification of this white boy (even if he's actually a sentimonster he still has that privilege) as the one who is morally right when it's false, is absolutely vile.
Marinette has full on panic attacks and yet most of the miraculous fandom doesn't give a single damn about her being crushed under the pressure of all of her responsibilities.
But the moment Adrien Agreste looks sad, everyone is ready to go to war. It's disgusting how people find him more sympathetic just because his father is controlling. They dismiss his problematic behavior, and while some could say the same about Marinette fans, it's not actually the same. It's far different.
For one thing, when people complain about Marinette's obsessive behavior regarding Adrien, they always disregard her efforts to get over him. ALWAYS. They also disregard how she was often forced into interacting with him by her friends and even Tikki. They call her a stalker, but you see plenty of times that Alya is the one who approaches her about Adrien's location and will even physically push Marinette into going along with a plot.
I'm not gonna disregard the times Marinette was out of line, but a lot of the time her friends were the ones who encouraged her into interacting with him when she was too scared to, and there's plenty of instances of that in the show. Marinette even says NO plenty of times but is often either ignored or just outright dismissed when she says she's trying to get over him.
For all that the fandom tries to call her a stalker, the writing, inconsistent as it is, proves that she isn't. In fact that's one of the things it has been consistent on. By definition, isn't a stalker, and by the show itself proving time after time that her friends involvement, whether she likes it or not, is usually the catalyst to her and Adrien interacting. In fact she'd been changing for the better in that regard and even found romance with someone else before it was taken away from her.
Adrien on the other hand was told to stop going after Ladybug by Plagg and by Ladybug herself. And yet he kept going. He kept pushing. There is no episode where anyone is forcing him to interact with Ladybug when he doesn't want to, that's purely only happening to Marinette. And unlike Marinette, Adrien actually fits the definition for sexual harassment. His advances are unwanted, and he knows that they are unwanted, he's been told numerous times. And yet somehow the fandom blames Ladybug for his shortcomings because like Thomas said, Marinette has to learn a lesson every episode. She's always wrong even if she's right. And that means that Adrien is right, even when he's wrong.
I can honestly say that while everyone claims he hates Chloe, I say he hates Marinette the most. Because by his own words, if Marinette is always wrong and needs to learn a lesson, then that means in some way Chloe is more right than she is, even if she's a bully. Because Chloe doesn't learn a lesson every episode. Neither does any of the other villains. Even when Hawk Moth is defeated there's no real consequence for him. He loses the fight, but he gets the opportunity to try again. It's a minor setback, whereas for Marinette it's constant criticism that she doesn't need or deserve.
And now because of the season 4 finale, Adrien gets framed once again as being in the right, as if he was right all along and he wasn't. Not once. While Marinette gets all of the blame as if she was a total failure instead of using her brain to make the only logical decision that was available to her. Felix barely caught any heat for what he did, nope, it was Marinette. She was blamed for "pushing Chat Noir away' and other things that she never did. She didn't push him away, she was doing her job, like he should have been.
It's not and has never been her job to coddle him. She's the Guardian now and she has better things to do. And even then she always tried to reassure Chat that he was irreplaceable to her. And when she asked if there was anything wrong he said nothing. Instead he quit like a child. And then Plagg turned on her out of nowhere as if he hadn't been telling Adrien for the entire 4 seasons that he should stop pursuing Ladybug. There was literally no evidence that he'd had any problems with how she ran things until that moment. And when Ladybug correctly thought that Chat being in love with her was the problem, she sought to fix it by finding another Cat that wasn't.
People claim that she was falling in love with Cat Walker and that he wasn't different because he fought the same. But the thing is, he didn't fight the same because he didn't act the same. In my opinion, I think she was just happy that she wasn't being flirted with, but in the end needed Chat Noir back because she was so used to his behavior that her plans were often based on it. So she took the devil she knew. And lets get one thing straight, banter is NOT the same as flirting. She was not flirting back with Chat Noir, EVER.
Thomas may have created a truly awful show that craps all over a female POC, but it's the fans that really make this awful. Because any of Thomas's shitty writing can be dismissed by the amazing talents of fanfiction writers. But its the fans who ignore blatant evidence just to spread misinformation about characters that gets me. Adrien stans especially fit this and unfortunately, they are the larger part of the fandom.
I will take solace however in the fact that the ones who actually have the braincell are the Marinette Stans. At the very LEAST, it's the Marinette stans who actually do the research and prove their points of view. Miraculous Content here on tumblr is proof of that and I encourage anyone who wants to see actual research done to prove how this show treats Marinette vs Adrien to watch some of their videos.
But yeah, I'm still upset about this. I can at least say that unlike the majority of this fandom who can barely type legibly on the internet, (and I'm not saying that to be mean, I've actually seen it) that there are some out there who actually knows how to check their facts and back them up with evidence.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years ago
*endless screaming of happiness*
I’m so excited! Can you tell? 🤣
I did have a quick question (that you can totally choose to ignore, I’m more excited than anything else) - do you have any pairings in mind? I know you don’t like Adrien anymore. I think I remember reading one of your ask answers about DaB mentioning pairing Marinette with Felix? But I could be remembering wrong. If you have a pairing, would you mind revealing? Or is it too soon? Or a spoiler? Or is there no romantic pairing? That would be cool too! Sorry, I’m a romance lover at heart so I wanna know ALL THE THINGS! but also I’m just SO FREAKING HAPPY YOU’RE WRITING THIS FIC!
Like, no lie, your ML fics are my favorites. And I oftentimes wish I was in your other fandoms just so I could read and understand your other fics because I know that your mind is so amazingly creative that you’re putting all the care and love you do in ML fics into all your fics. But I’m not in those fandoms so I would have 0 idea what is going on! 😭😭😭😭
Anyway. TLDR; I’m so excited that you’re writing the DaB fic, I’m pumped see where you take it, and your writing is so freaking creative and amazing!!!! I am in constant awe of your imagination. 💜
Oh, anon, I get it. Honestly majority of fics I think of, the first thing that comes to mind is what pairing do I want to do? Yeah, I won't be doing romantic Adrienette again, but I am all for them as friends fic. But most other ships with Marinette I'm open to (minus her with her bullies like Chloe and Lila).
Either way, for DaB, I got a loose idea for pairings, but not dedicated to them as I am more focused on how Lila is a hero, what changes with her not only as a hero but also taking Alya's spot so early on. As well as giving some focus to Adrien and Marinette working off these changes.
You did read correctly that Felinette is the initial planned pairing for Marinette, but I can't say for sure that will still happen as thinking of the romance isn't a high priority atm. If doing Felinette, I'm also debating if I want to work off canon or dismiss his existence and do a Felix unrelated to Adrien at all (which can be easy to do as he comes in so late, same with Zoe). That is if even still doing Felix as a partner for Marinette, just isn't at the forefront of my mind rn.
Only thing I will say for sure, as I am aiming for a Lila redemption, is that I would like to do Lila/Nino and give that pairing a try.
I like the idea of Lila aiming for Adrien and finds herself drawn to another and these feelings are entirely unplanned. That Nino wants to be a film director and he can help Lila realize she'd be an amazing actress, which can utilize her skills well. I also have yet to really try "bad girl/good boy" pairing.
Either way, I am curious about them as a pairing, especially with redeemed/redeeming Lila, so that's the only for sure I can give you pairing wise. Though I can't say when it'd happen as I am still gradually planning this fic out.
I am glad you like my writing and are looking forward to this. I am aiming for this to be pretty fun, with some angst sprinkled here and there. And of all the WIPs I've been sitting on, this is the one I keep thinking back to that I'd really like to do. So I'm excited for it.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years ago
Anonymous asked:
Adrien stans guide on how to protect Adrien from criticism :
Step 1 : Blame Marinette for it or say that she did the same/worse.
Step 2 : Say that it wasn't even a big deal to begin with.
Step 3 : Repeat.
That about sums it up, yup.
neyla9 asked:
Adrichat: Has called Marinette "just a friend" since the series started which, when heard by Marinette, hurts her, and Asstruck has made it clear that Adrichat considers Marinette no more special than the rest of his friends.
Fandom: I sleep
Maribug: Says the same thing about Chat
I guess Adrien can’t be blamed for how he feels but Marinette can be blamed for her.
Anonymous asked:
So apparently the ml fandom loves Marinette when she's blushing over Adrien and Chat Noir but hates her literally every other time. I- Why am I even surprised? Can I have your take on the two-facedness of these salters?
It is absolutely two-faced, because essentially they want Marinette to always be catering to Adrien no matter what. If she’s doing anything “““against”““ him, she’s bad, even if it’s simply hanging out with another guy.
Marinette isn’t a character for them; she’s not even a trophy for Adrien to win.
To them, she’s a trophy that Adrien has already won, and thus she needs to behave and follow his every whim. That’s why they think it’s some sort of “gotcha” when AdriChat “““acknowledges”““ anything (like the not-really-apology in “Glaciator”) because - in their mind - Marinette doesn’t even deserve to be apologized to and AdriChat is being so gracious and kind by offering her anything at all, thus she should be grateful and we shouldn’t demand any more out of him.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years ago
Hey can I just ask u smthg since ur the one of the only.... positive.... reader of the bible(ml) I know lol
I saw a post abt mocking ppl abt the love square saying how bad the season is and that the end will be very disappointing blah blah blah u know usual stuff
I just... this rlly set me off cause I've not been very excited with the start of the season cause of the bible being leaked and a lot of ppl who read it saying that the season was going to be bad. Everytime I go see some legal spoilers and teasers I see ppl making memes and analysis, stuff that dont have a fcking read below tag or even a warning at the start that it's a bible leak and everytime I think it's just some headcanon its fcking real and I am so disappointed.
Like I haven't watched multiplication and destruction and don't even think on doing it anytime soon cause that's how low my interest dropped from accidentally seeing SO MANY leaked images and text posts saying that ml season 5 will truly be trash
I dont wanna look into anymore of those spoilers it's rlly not safe even in this site so I just wanna ask if u think this season is as bad as ppl say it?
But I understand you completely this show goes from 0 to 100 and the other way around ALL THE TIME. One episode is amazing and the next one is crap and so on. I hated the bible so much and I still hate so many decisions the writers made and I'm really not sure how things will end but I idk I thought quitting the show will help me but I'm too attached to it and my friends here and the truth is I can't just leave. I loved Destruction. I wanted to leave not because I was disappointed in the previous episodes - the season 4 finale was awesome and so was Evolution and Multiplication - but the spoilers got worse and worse. The more I read about them the more I hated them and nothing here was making me want to stay. The fandom sucks too but man there are some of my friends here whom I would sell my soul to the devil for so I can see them again every day. If you want to quit I fully understand and I don't judge you. I quit like three times now and every time I find excuse to come back. ML is addictive. If you need a break take it. We will get a lot of episodes now and when/if you come back you will have a lot of stuff to watch. Breaks help a lot. I felt so good when I didn't interact with the fandom for a while.
But just in case maybe you want to read the bible? And I will share the link for it and I can't say it will change your mind but I just think you should watch Multiplication and Destruction cuz I haven't met a person yet who was deeply disappointed by these episodes. I personally thought they were great. I wish every episode was this interesting and funny and I know this season will disappoint with some episodes too but that's how we roll. I will probably take more breaks again sometime when I decide. I understand and support you whatever you decide. You do what you want.
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