#i want to have evil sex with orin
chantryexplosion · 11 months
everyone stop begging for them to make gortash and zevlor and dammon and the spider dude romanceable and start begging them to let me romance ALFIRA
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Ketheric continues to be the member of the Chosen I struggle to get a grip on. Like the other three I can tell you the details of why (I think) they grew up to monsters:
Long post.
Let's start with Gortash: spent his childhood being told he was a selfish monster for his thoughts - apparently from birth - for the way he perceived the world, for *checks notes* wanting his parents attention as an undeveloped human being that relies on its parents to survive and thrive.
Then his parents send him to hell as part of a deal. Because that's where monsters go isn't it? They go to hell to suffer eternal damnation because they were monsters in life.
So you grow up in one of the literal cesspits of the universe, where the only people you meet are the literal scum of the universe, or those you're going to learn to see as weak fools who had to rely on others - and were ultimately willing to commit atrocities themselves - who were taken advantage of by the scum of the universe. You get to the Hells by committing atrocities, either because you want something so badly you'll fuck somebody over for it (out of greed, or because you couldn't fix it yourself (weak)) or because you did them of your own volition. And curiously, some of these people had their price tags wrapped in such subtle terms they don't even realise they did anything wrong! Lesson learned; anyone will willingly be a monster if you make the evil sound nice. Every single devil you meet has had the humanity flayed from their soul, and they got to where they are in their existences by fomenting (and committing) hate and rape and murder and everything evil under the sun as a regular Monday morning in the ultimate goal to make the universe an evil place. Devils are also 'self made men', everybody started from nothing as a lemure and clawed their way to where they are now. Every social interaction in the Hells is manipulation and abuse. Everyone there hurts everyone.
But you do have one example of a good person! There's Hope! Lovely lady, kind and sweet... Trapped in hell being abused forever going insane because of it because your ambitious sister fucked you over. That's where trust and love being a good person gets you.
And that was his entire social life. That was the people he had to look to for examples. All his early experiences were limited to a sample of the absolute worst it has to offer, and he has a very skewed view of the universe.
And the fact that he's apparently so damn good at sex a lady gave him a ring worth everything she owns after growing up around a pleasure devil whose role is harming and corrupting people with sex and has built in charm person at etc is not ringing alarm bells(!) I'm not side-eyeing the boudoir at all.
I wonder why having a child/teen spend their formative years in the evil factory literally designed to spit out monsters... spat out a monster? Kudos to Karlach, though: just how many layers of defence mechanisms has she got in her brain?
Gortash's thought processes are 50% through the lens of engineering and 50% through the lens of a devil's perspective to me. People will sell out others for their own gain, because they're too weak to do it themselves or because they're bastards. If you don't get with the programme you're the victim. You only get ahead by being ruthless. Everybody is untrustworthy, and relying on them will get you betrayed. The world is divided into the weak and the ruthlessly strong who take what they want. Yes, he's a monster. And so are his parents. And so is everyone. And then Bane saw this perfect example of his way of thinking and said 'that one.'
Orin: obviously we've got grooming. The fact that her formative memories include her mother trying to murder her, and the fact that she feels like the only person who has ever cared about her or supported her is her grandfather. Who is implied to have been raping her, or intending to. All she's permitted is to have her brain poisoned by her faith, which her life revolves around, and then her kin 'does it all wrong' and inherits everything she's been groomed to believe is hers. But no, 'they're not wrong,' says everybody around her 'you are!'
She's a Bhaalspawn, so her relationships with her kin are "kill or be killed," as Helena proved. You will please father by slaughtering your siblings, or you will die - or worse. You must be and stay favoured by Bhaal above all the others to be truly safe ("safe"), and Durge outranking her is a threat to her existence. Actually Durge existing is a threat to her well-being. She has no way to live a life outside the cult, never has and never will. Her life is insanely lonely and mostly consists of paranoia.
But the overlaying theme here is that she's a changeling. She's mirrorkin with no unique physical identity of her own, she can only reflect those of others. To be dnd canon accurate: she has no real facial features, no pigmentation. She's not permitted an identity of her own, and was punished for trying. She's a mirror born and raised to reflect the glory of Bhaal, the glory of her failed grandfather, the rise of Bhaal's favourite child. Never her own. Gee, I wonder why she literally wears people's skins.
Denied the ability to do anything but live according to what she's told, she does her best to live up to it because to fail is to become her parents and the countless aunts and uncles currently enjoying their damnation in the Throne of Blood. And then she's told she's doing it wrong. By everybody. She's a 'rabid dog'. She, despite having doctrine poured into her ears and probably carved into her flesh her entire life 'doesn't understand Bhaal.' And everybody is insanely patronising about it! You're never allowed to be anything but what we tell you to be, but you're still not good enough! Which is death. The Temple of Bhaal needs murder feminism.
The Dark Urge is my favourite little nightmare, and I've talked about them at length: much of Orin's trauma also applies to them, although where she's a mirror made to reflect the egos of others, Durge is only allowed one identity: Bhaal's. Where Orin can never seem to reach the standards forced on her, Durge is never allowed to fail to meet them, or else. Every outside connection they ever had was brutally sabotaged, and they've had 'you're a monster and only I (your abusive Father) can love you' drilled into their mind. They hate themself. We got the threat of sexual exploitation (assuming it didn't happen), there's a subtle undercurrent of incest to some interactions. The prayer for forgiveness kind of sums it all up: 'I'm sorry for forming an emotional connection that isn't blind love for you father, but don't fret, I'll destroy it with my own hands just like everything else and then finally get to kill myself just like I've always wanted.'
But Ketheric? Like villains don't need tragic backstories to be terrible people, but it does make them more interesting.
OK, so your bio family is fucked up and I definitely get the impression that they sucked (Malus is giving me vibes that say he'd have been a villain anyway, and might've been secretly Sharran to start with; Gerringothe seems to be drowning whatever her issues are in gold), and then the loving family you made for yourself broke: your wife died, and your daughter died, sure. But plenty of people on Toril probably have similar if not the same stories and didn't go evil overlord! Why are you doing this? What is informing these decisions? Why does your existence hinge so much on your dead daughter that your son is basically named after her and you seem to hate him for existing and not being her? Does Shar have something to do with it? Has Ketheric just carved out so much memory and emotion, so much of his own identity, that all that's left is the grief and the hunger for the pain to stop but, as per Shar's intent, it keeps coming back, with less and less positive memories to soften the pain. A wound that festers and never heals. Is the obsession with Isobel because she's the icon of everything that was good in his life, and her loss was the moment everything good was gone? Was he a rational man who turned to Shar to stop the pain in a moment of understandable grief and rage at her sister, and then was trapped in a cycle that destroyed everything that was good in that man until we get the General?
Just guess working my way through his entire backstory...
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backonrepeat · 11 months
Cursed fic idea that I need to share (because I'll never write it and I need you all to suffer with me): Gortash and Dark Urge arranged marriage.
Where Bhaal is very proud of his daughters' murdering prowess but would still like some grandchildren (bhaalspawn are not easy to make), and Bane is happy to offer his Chosen in exchange for being able to direct where Bhaal's cultists will strike next (and have them help further his plans, rather than ruin them)
Of course, both Durge and Gortash are less than pleased at the plan. Durge, because she's a strong independent woman who wants to keep slaughtering people and leading her father's temple, not playing house with a bloody banite, and certainly not having him tell her who she can, or cannot, kill. Gortash because the marriage is just another thing he has no control over and is instead forced upon him (he can see the value of the alliance but chaffes at being used as a bargaining chip yet again)
- Enemies to allies to lovers (to enemies again if we follow the game timeline)
- Instead of super kinky sex, they start their relationship with super boring, detached, and perfunctory sex because they both assume the other doesn't know how to fuck and want the whole deal over with
- Bridezilla Gortash
- Sceleritas Fel & Orin ducking it out for the Maid of Honor spot
- They start to care for each other, but are afraid to show it because their whole alliance is mandated by their Gods (plus they both have the emotional maturity of a rock), so the sex goes from boring, to nasty, to kinky with feelings
- like, they are allowed to look and touch, but they cannot feel, so they show affection in small ways, a soft touch here, a shared look there, some joint slaughter over there...
- Them being evil and domestic, like the true villain power couple they are
- Ketheric hates them and their married antics *so much*
- Durge being introduced to the Gate's patriars as Lord Gortash's wife and having to behave in public. There's a fancy ball at some point, with dancing, UST, sex and murder
(if the game plot happens, Gortash greets Durge as "my beloved wife", the whole party starts to seriously question their choice in leadership, and Karlach has an aneurysm. Astarion just loves the drama)
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a-rogue-tiddy-bot · 1 year
What is this game even?
Having some random thoughts in regards to the way certain threads connect in a Durge playthrough. If I'm getting some of this wrong, please tell me.
Durge Gortash gets the bright idea to enslave the Elder Brain using the Crown of Karsus. They do a supervillain team-up with Gortash (former child slave of Archdevil Raphael), and Ketheric to achieve this. I believe it was around this time Gortash gave The Emperor back to the EB, forcing him to assist in Durge's his plot. Jealous subordinate, Orin, performs DIY brain surgery on Durge, turns their own plan against them, but... doesn't actually kill them despite worshipping the God of Murder. Ok, amateur.
Soon afterward, The Emperor sticks an Illithid tadpole in Durge's skull (there's literally a cut scene of this at the beginning of the game) - the person whose evil plot he was forced to take part in. When The Emperor is free, he saves Durge from becoming Illithid so he can use them to... undo their own plot.
Durge, now an amnesiac, assembles The Tadpole Posse. This team includes Karlach, a woman Gortash sold into slavery to Archdevil Zariel. There's also Wyll, who has a warlock pact with Zariel's minion, Mizora. TTP is approached by Gortash's former master, Raphael, who wants to use Durge to acquire the Crown of Karsus.
Our former villain player character can, at various points in the game, fuck Karlach, Wyll, Mizora, The Emperor, and/or Raphael's incubus doppelganger who Raphael may or may not proceed to have sex with while said incubus is shapeshifted into a perfect replica of Durge's body.
Also there are old letters hinting that Durge was possibly fucking Gortash pre-amnesia.
Did I... did I get all of that right? I need to lie down.
EDIT: I did not get everything right. Check out the informative reblogs.
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animentality · 7 months
Tavtash leaves such a sour taste in my mouth. Like they could have had durgetash but they were too set on playing a manic pixie dream girl who is super sweet and lovely except that oh yeah she's fucking a mass murderer and a slaver
You know what's really funny to me?
I wrote a 5000 word rant about disliking Tavtash, and I think Tavs in general ruined the story of Baldur's Gate, but then I deleted it. Because people here just want me to fuel their Durgetash/Gortash thirst by making the funnies and the angsties.
They don't care to read things that challenge their viewpoints, offer a strong negative opinion, or encourage them to think critically.
And I know people wouldn't agree with it. Ultimately, that's why I delete a lot of rants. I come here so people can stroke my ego. I don't generally come here to start fights, because that simply bores me.
So it's just comedic to me that I get this anon, right as I deleted that post.
Because I'm glad someone understands.
Like oh, I'm sorry, you're too "nice" to pick the Dark Urge?
But you have no problem blowing a slaver?
You're like the stereotypical 90s love interests who are "nice girls" but also inexplicably dating a dude who knocks a kid in a wheelchair down the stairs. How the fuck can you be "nice" and compassionate, while the dude you're fucking is a sociopathic felon?
Durgetash works for TWO reasons.
Reason 1: They are both fucking awful, and we all know it. Them torturing and ruining each other is a tragic romance with broken teeth, and we enjoy the low moan of a dying animal, tearing itself apart in distress. They start evil, they end evil. Evil horny bastard sex. Tavtash could never be so demented.
Don't jump into bed with Enver Gortash if you intend to keep your hands clean either.
Reason 2: The Dark Urge was given a second chance, even though they didn't deserve it, and took it. They were given the opportunity to fix their mistakes in game. Gortash doesn't get that. The romance is in the tragedy of, he could never be saved. And you cannot save him, even as you save the rest of the world. You grow, and he stays behind.
The romance is in the longing and the yearning for something that is no longer there. The camaraderie of two lonely people...who were separated, and never ever came back together again. It's also about how you were born evil, but chose redemption, while he was born innocent, but chose damnation. Durgetash operates well on this level because it's always equality of opposites. It is character development, mirrored. And it's fascinating to consider.
And what does Tavtash have going on?
It's someone Gortash just met who has something he wants, who may or may not want to kill him but he's desperate enough to throw his eggs in that particular basket. And on Tav's side, it's weird because it's like omg.
I just met him, and he ruined my life, he put a fucking tadpole in my head, and I'm close to becoming a mindless monster without any free will, something he DIRECTLY did to me and my loved ones -
But I still think he's hot.
Hm. ok. that might be amusing if there wasn't a better precursor for a relationship sitting right there beneath you. rotting in Orin's dungeon.
I won't deny, Durgetash might be absolutely nuts - but it will never be as nuts as Tavtash.
But anyway. You didn't hear that from me.
If anyone asks, I looooove Tavtash. I loooooove Tavs. Especially YOUR Tav.
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mightymizora · 11 months
Fic stuff
I have a bunch of new followers recently so I'm going to plug the fic. Because the fandom has very quick turn around for people seeing things, and that's why I'm here. I refuse to let myself cringe!
You followed for Gale content?
I love the wizard. First thing I'll recommend is the ongoing longfic, Breath and Rosewater. It's Gale and a Deep Gnome Bard who is a queer woman, and it's probably 2/3 is not 3/4 from his perspective. I love him. Rated M for violence and very light sex references.
Not up for long stuff? Try Respite. Chronic pain and a bit of care for the wizard. Rated T.
Just want short fluff? I'm collecting prompts here under When in Waterdeep. Always happy to get more prompts.
You followed for Gortash?
I collect stuff about my Dark Urge and Gortash under A Jewelled and Bloody Hand. A part of this, and probably the part I'm proudest of, is Even if Love, a series of character studies about evil aligned characters including Durge, Gortash, Orin, Sceleritas Fel, Kressa, a bonus Wisteria Jannath... These are almost universally E rated. Sex, death, references to incest in relation to Orin. It's Bhaalists, they're nasty, do read the content warnings.
You like a rarepair?
Please come ship Halsin and Jaheira with me. The First Leaf on the Tree after Winter is one of my favourite things I've written. Rated M for discussions around grief, and some references to wildshape sex.
Closely followed by my other rarepair, The Dark Urge/Ketheric Thorm. Blood and Bone, Bone and Blood is a recent fic. I'm proud of the writing in this one, if not the themes. Rated E for extreme daddy issues.
I also take requests, prompts, and I love to talk about writing if people ask... let me know what you want to see!
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kaykebitez · 7 months
Phaere Vrinn - Tav Character Sheet
The first of my character directories, since I figured it would be helpful for myself to have character sheets for all my Tavs in one place, and what better place than Tumblr lol. This bio will contain SPOILERS for A Sonnet of Spiders and my fanfiction universe, The Dark Minstrel, so if you're following along and don't want all the lore spoiled pls read at your discretion. <3
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Name: Phaere Vrinn (Formerly: Phaere Melarn) Race: (Formerly) Lolth-Sworn Drow (Currently unaffiliated) Class: Bard (College of Lore in Game; More closely aligns with College of Eloquence) Age: 170 Sex: Female Pronouns: She/Her Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral (ish) Orientation: Pansexual Partners: Astarion & Halsin
Height: 4'11" Build: S m o l. Petite and lightly curvy. Skin: Dusty lavender with tons of FRECKLES Eyes: Pink (Volo eye Grey) Hair: Moonlight White with a bit of a teal-ish tint Tattoos: Amethyst purple Starpoint Glimmer Tat Favored Weapon: Hand Crossbow or Orin's Dagger Instrument: Flute or Spider's Lyre Favorite Spell: Shatter, Otto's Irresistible Dance Base Stats (I think) CHA: 17 WIS: 12 DEX: 15 STR: 8 INT: 10 CON: 13
Likes: Music, dancing, pomegranates, sparkly clothes, witty jokes, sweet wines, vanilla cake Dislikes: Drow Bullshit (TM), injustice, boring speeches, krakens, spiders (the irony), being underestimated Personality: Phaere can be a bit of a wildcard, but most of the time she's a charming, charismatic performer with a good heart. However, she can dish it as well as she can take it, so if you come at her with hostility, malice, or snark, expect to get it back tenfold. If you meet her with warmth or friendliness, she will absolutely bend over backwards to befriend you or at very least treat you with kindness in return. She reflexively helps the helpless and defends the defenseless, but gets easily angered by injustice, prejudice, or unfair treatment.
While she holds little love for her drow heritage, Phaere is not above using others' prejudices to get what she wants if it suits her. She can play a convincing, evil drow matriarch, even if the act turns her stomach every time she does it. She does have a bit of a cruel streak for those she deems 'evil' or 'deserving' of punishment, which is how she gets around the cognitive dissonance of (usually) not wanting to hurt anyone if she can help it. She would much rather entertain than kill, but if the situation calls for it... well... she can be incredibly sadistic. Anger is the emotion that gets the best of her most often, and when her well of patience runs dry... watch out. You don't want a tiny, pissed-off drow coming to mock you to death.
In love, Phaere is kind, attentive, and selfless, almost to a fault. She puts her partners' needs above her own and rarely asks for what she wants, but she's getting better about it with Astarion and Halsin's help. Her previous lover taught her how relationships work on the surface, and now with the help of her boys she's putting it into practice. Sensual but with a 'take it or leave it' attitude to sexual intimacy, Phaere is more interested in building connections of the heart rather than of the body. But well, she is very good at the bodily connection part, when the mood strikes. She is a bard, after all.
Phaere was born in Ched Nasad, a drow city in the Underdark in 1322. The seventh daughter of Halisstra Melarn (or so she was told,) Phaere was ignored often as a child. The smallest of her sisters as well, Phaere was often left in the care of her elder brother, Rylbros, the only male of the family. (As Phaere knew him, he was technically her cousin, an illegitimate child of Halisstra's brother, Q'arlynd, but he was raised as her brother and she considered him as such. Little did she know that SHE was also an illegitimate child of Q'arlynd as well, making her and Rylbros full siblings.) Rylbros, a kind, timid boy with an incredible gift for music, became something of a surrogate parental figure for Phaere, providing her with the affection and care that she never received from her mother or sisters growing up.
Halisstra was tutored in the bardic art of bae'qeshel, and passed on the art to her three eldest daughters, despite none of them being very proficient in the musical arts. Meanwhile, Rylbros and Phaere were gifted in music, and practiced their own music in secret unbeknownst to the rest of the family. Q'arlynd, even though he was forbidden from seeing his son for the most part, even arranged for a private tutor to teach Rylbros the violin as a teenager--the very same bardic tutor that Halisstra had learned from.
Of course, Halisstra had the tutor killed after she insinuated that Phaere, even as a toddler banging on a piano, had more musical talent than all of the Melarn women combined.
Rylbros and Phaere, long since disillusioned with drowic society, made plans to escape Ched Nasad and travel to the surface as a bardic duo when Phaere was around 50 years old. However, during the Silence of Lolth in 1372, Ched Nasad was attacked by Duergar mercenaries, sent by the matron mother of House Melarn's rival house, House Zauvirr. The mercenaries were ordered to kill every last Melarn, and Rylbros and Phaere tried to escape the burning wreckage of their home during the attack.
Rylbros was captured, giving Phaere just enough time to run to freedom. Believing Rylbros to be dead, Phaere ran for days into the wilds of the Underdark, collapsing at the edge of Araumycos, a giant fungal structure located between the ruins of Ched Nasad and Menzoberranzan.
There, she stumbled upon a colony of Myconids. Delirious and dehydrated, Phaere played her flute for the Sovereign, unable to do anything else for fear of being killed. Instead, the Sovereign released rapport spores, and taking pity on the young drow, it decided to take Phaere into its colony. She lived with the Myconid colony through several cycles, working as a dedicated bard and tour guide for travelers and as a caretaker for juvenile myconids. It was through this 60-year experience that Phaere unlearned some of her drow teachings, earning a new appreciation for surface races through meeting travelers and building up a connection with nature thanks to her fungal family.
At the encouragement of the third Sovereign, Phaere left the colony at the age of 110, having grown restless and wanting to travel the surface world to spread her music across the land, as she and Rylbros had dreamed of doing in their youth. She wasn't very successful as a bard, however, until she made it to Neverwinter, where she met a 40-something human bard by the name of Robin.
It was love at first sight.
Robin started as a mentor for Phaere, and then as a confidante and friend, teaching her about the intricacies of life on the surface, as well as cultivating her musical talent with other instruments (piano and the lyre, mainly). Robin, with their infinite patience and kindness, opened Phaere's heart to more experiences as the two traveled across Faerun, performing and dazzling audiences in taverns, city squares, and inns alike. Eventually, the two began a romantic relationship, and Phaere stayed with Robin until their dying breaths at the age of 92. The two never married (Robin was not the marrying type) but were faithfully committed for nearly 45 years, even as Robin encouraged Phaere to seek other experiences outside of their relationship.
Phaere never did. She knew she'd have plenty of time for love later in life.
After Robin's death, Phaere traveled alone for 15 years, leaving behind a string of flings and only casual acquaintances, not quite ready to open her heart to friendship or love until the events of BG3. On her way to Baldur's Gate when she was abducted by the Nautiloid, Phaere received a rude awakening in the form of a tadpole, and thus decided fairly quickly (with some bumps along the way) that life was too short and too unpredictable to wallow in loneliness and misery. Robin wouldn't have wanted her to do that.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 8 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 2,310
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15. ⬇
Chapter 16.
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Chapter 15: For the Future
"Really? Must you eat each other? Right in front of us??" Karlach groaned, which made Gortash laugh in the kiss.
"Now that you say it", he pulled away from Tav, glancing at the other three – feeling utter delight at Gale's devastated expression, "I must have a proper taste of her later tonight~"
Tav hid her face behind her hands. She really underestimated just how evil Gortash could be.
"Please just go", she whined without even looking at her companions.
"Come tomorrow, you'll have a lot to explain", Shadowheart's voice sounded thoroughly entertained as she'd never seen Tav so flustered – and she was very determined to make her squirm in the future.
With little laughs from the girls and a beaten puppy look from Gale, the rest of the team finally left. Gortash couldn't help his wide smirk; he could solidify his relationship with Tav in front of some of her friends, acquired Karlach's forgiveness – to a minimal degree, but she wouldn't want to kill him instantly if they met again, he was sure of that –, and wiped Gale off the table in one swift sweep: he considered it an enormous victory. Glancing at Tav, he saw that she was looking after her friends, peeking through her fingers, still way too red.
"Come, dear", he told her, kissing her temple – accidentally, just when Gale glanced back at the two of them. "We need to find you some nice shoes."
"No", Tav murmured, finally lowering her hands from her face.
Gortash furrowed his brows. Until now, she rarely said no to anything he told her, and he wouldn't like it if she made a habit of it now. Seeing his darkened expression, she tilted her head.
"We're healing you first." He blinked at her, assessing if she really meant it. She smiled up at his confusion, then pecked his cheek. "You take care of me, I take care of you."
He shouldn't feel so... soft... from this response, right?
"I feel fine."
Nevertheless, he let her pull her back inside and also let her lead him back in his workshop. Every breath hurt, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Frankly, he'd been through worse. And the fact that she'd been holding his hand after he pulled that stunt in front of all of her friends, distracted him.
Tav let his hand go and rummaged through her backpack to reveal a healing potion. She handed it to him, and he stared at it for a long minute. Tav tilted her head again, gently raising her hand to touch his with which he was holding the potion.
"Are you alright?" She asked gently, and he shook himself.
"I feel fine", he repeated, but his voice sounded off.
Tav didn't push it, and he uncorked the bottle then sent it's contents down. The effects were instant, the pain was gone, his broken rib – and bruises from hitting the floor – vanished. Now, he took a look at the empty potion bottle in his hand. She bit her lower lip as she was watching him, wishing once again that he had a tadpole so she could connect to his mind and feel what he felt.
But nothing would've prepared her for the hurricane in his mind. There were countless people who fought him. Countless people who cursed him. Countless people who put their lifes on the line to stop him. Even those he worked with, Orin and Ketheric, his own God he followed – all of them would crush him if he gave them a chance and a reason. It felt like the entire world was against him. A lot of people wanted him to fail, ever since he was born.
But not her.
He slowly put the empty bottle down on the nearest desk and looked in her eyes. That in itself was enough to make her shiver with anticipation; that one look was enough to let her know just exactly what he'd do to her as soon as possible.
And they had a lot of time, now. He always made sure he was free in the evenings to spend time with her, and she agreed she'd visit him every night to work on her past traumas. He couldn't bring himself to bring up the past; especially not after how her little act of kindness raised a lot of questions in his own mind.
"I think those shoes can wait", he murmured, making her smile.
"Oh? Slippers, then?"
"Hmm… no."
"But my feet are dirty, Your Grace", she teased softly when he snaked an arm around her waist to pull her against himself.
"I don't care."
"I'll get your posh silk sheets dirty."
"I don't care. We will make them dirty anyway."
A mischievous glint sparked to life in her eyes.
"Will we?"
"Oh, I'm afraid we must."
Tav giggled when he picked her up the same way he picked her up when she burned her feet, and this time, there weren't anyone there to stop him from leaving his workshop with her. His kisses were desperate as he placed her on his bed, his hands were uncharacteristically trembling as he undressed her, but he spared no energy and time to satisfy her thrice before he finished.
The room went slowly dark around them as they were waiting for their hearts to beat in their normal rhythm, still entangled in the bed, holding each other. Tav stared forward at the wall as she was resting her head on the middle of his chest, listening to his heartbeat, deep in thought. She hummed – as if asking if he was still awake, and when he hummed back, she started to murmur in the dimming light.
"What if we do it all? I mean... if Orin is out of the picture and you seize control over the Brain?"
Gortash remained silent for a few seconds as he was moving just slightly to grab the blanket to cover them both with it. She sighed, relieved, as he gently tucked her in, wrapping her with the blanket and his strong arm, making her feel safe and comfortable. She loved it there. Being so close to his warmth, listening to his heartbeat, bare skin against skin. Tav was reluctant to admit it to herself: she didn't want this to end.
"We seize control over the Brain", he corrected her quietly. "Then, we unite all races and we rule over them together."
The answer was whispered with confidence; it was his original plan, and he wouldn't change his mind about it.
"And then?"
Tav's soft question made him chuckle quietly. He gently ran her fingers in her hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He couldn't look at her face to deduce what she was thinking, but he wanted to... tiptoe around a subject which had been on his mind lately, especially after how she made him feel earlier that day.
"Let's say, that, in theory, I'd ask you to marry me." Gortash let the silence stretch for a few seconds to allow this to sink in. He tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating against his ribs again at the idea, but at the same time, he was aware that she could hear it, too. "And in that case... in theory, of course... what would you say?"
Tav's face burned like the surface of the sun. This was what was so different about him. Whenever she compared Gortash to Astarion – and she'd done it a thousand times a day... Astarion never had any plans for the future. He let things unfold as they would with him always just reacting to the events, not forming them himself, which made him pretty much unpredictable. His lack of dedication made the future foggy at best. Tav was always just... blundering in the dark when she was thinking about their future together. Of course, this was different once he'd ascended, but...
Being with Gortash who had a solid view on how he wanted to spend his life with her, taking one step at a time, was a breath of fresh air. There were no doubts, no hesitation, just focusing on the next step of their plans and everything else would fall into place – or they'd make them fall into place.
It gave her a sense of immense comfort and safety.
Being the leader and going through with her impossible adventure has taken a toll on her; she had been toying with the idea that after they've killed Orin and took care of their tadpoles, she'd bestow the party's leadership to someone else. If they wanted to remain together, that is. Tav was surprisingly comfortable with the idea of staying here with Gortash and spending the rest of her days on his side, trying to ease his firm ways. The people needed a strong leader, of course, but they also needed some gentleness, and she would be able to provide that.
And now, she knew he was thinking about marrying her. After just a tenday of even knowing each other. She must've had a great impact on him, if he truly was imagining her as his wife.
Her, who lived in a camp and had nothing to her name.
What could she give him? What did he gain from being with her? If and when he had the Netherstones himself, he'd have the entire world at his fingertips – why would he want her? She didn't feel like she was worth it for him at all. Others would think her mad if she turned this idea down, but she was so aware that compared to him, she had nothing to give. Her heart swelled with happiness – and pain. So, so much pain. Even if she toyed with the idea and came to the conclusion that she wanted him, too.
"Maybe", she whispered back.
Enver's chest swelled with hope instead. A soft and indecisive maybe was so much better than a firm and confident no.
"Where does that maybe lie?" He murmured. "Closer to yes or closer to no?"
Tav giggled quietly, nuzzling to his chest, his hair tickling her face as she did so.
"Closer to yes."
"And why not?"
Tav bit her lower lip as she pulled the blanket up a bit so she could hide her mouth in it. Her voice was muffled when she spoke.
"I'm not entirely sure why would you want to choose me."
"Are you joking?" Gortash's brows lifted up, and he tried to look her in the eyes. With no success. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I can't give you anything, and I have nothing. No wealth, no family, not even a home I can call mine. I don't even have my Oath of Vengeance anymore. I am nothing."
Now that prompted him to move and with himself, move her as well. He manuvered the both of them until they laid on their sides, facing each other, his hands cupping her cheeks.
"It is nearly impossible for me to concentrate on anything when you're not around. I'm constantly worried for your safety. Whenever a day finishes and you're not here with me, I can't sleep."
That made Tav's lashes flutter.
"You can't sleep?"
"No." Gortash's brows furrowed slightly. He hadn't thought about how it sounded like, but it was the truth. "Not when you're not with me."
"Was this the reason you chased me into that condition? That I come here every evening?"
"Well…" Gortash paused for a few seconds. "Maybe." He paused with a little smile when he saw she was rolling her eyes. "You may think you're nothing, but you mean so, so much to me."
Tav remained quiet for a few seconds, then snuggled close to him, nuzzling to his neck.
"Then", Gortash swallowed, "will you marry me?"
She thought of how the news would shake the entire city up. She imagined the Vampire Ascendant, perched up on a throne behind the walls of the Szarr palace, learning the news.
She knew what Orin was capable of, but she was in the dark when it came to Astarion. More importantly, she had absolutely no idea how he would react. Because that was what he always did. Act on impulse. And given the fact how badly he took it when she refused his "gift"... she wished now that she'd kept him on her side for a little longer, to see if he had weaknesses at all. Raphael said a Vampire Ascendant's vampiric powers would get amplified – but nobody knew how much. And remembering how hard it was to defeat Cazador, a 'regular' vampire...
No. Gortash wasn't even aware of the mortal danger he was in. And she didn't want to go into it now. She was too tired.
"Not yet." Tav murmured, trying to ignore the panic that was rising in the pit of her gut. "I still have to hunt down Orin."
The always pre-calculating mastermind who held her in his strong yet tender arms, found it excruciatingly annoying that Tav turned him down. But he fought the feeling. He shouldn't push it too hard, not yet. Still, he couldn't help himself. Something in the back of his mind told him that if she kept rejecting him, he'd only want it more. Whenever he couldn't get something he wanted… he wouldn't rest until he had it.
"Our future plans shouldn't be hindered by her."
Tav sighed tiredly.
"We should rather think about some sort of fool-proof method to sniff her out if she takes on our form."
Tav decided to focus rather on Orin than the vampire. It'd be better that way, for both of them. At least for now; she wasn't sure how much time she had before she'd need to tell Gortash everything. Of her love, her dedication, her failure.
Of the monster she allowed, encouraged Astarion to become.
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musezieren · 5 months
Sirius as companion
Tav=player character
Where do you find Sirius?
Pretty close to where Tav wakes up, he is crouching over a mangled fisher corpse, and deep in thoughts.
What does the tadpole show?
Him lobotomizing US, followed by him waking up in confusion, and finally nothing. a dark black abyss that seems to swallow everything.
He actually approves of many things. He approves helping people, but after some speech checks will also approve of slaughter and violence. The more Tav influences in one way, the more his approval/disapproval adapts. If one goes on the path of evil and then becomes good, he will disapprove. the other way around too. He also disapproves if a Tav or anyone tries to do skill checks alone after Sirius offered to take over, mostly if they fail.
Death of the Dragonborn bard.
A cut scene a bit later in the game than what we get. It is in pride if he is found out, if Tav went an evil path. Or desperation and apologies and utter fear if a righteous path was chosen. Tav can decide if Sirius is sent away, can stay or be attacked.
Tiefling Party
You'll get a talk about how nice it feels to help people. That he did it to fight whatever pulls his strings at first. But seeing all those cheerful faces elates him, truly. He will open up about feeling controlled and without a choice here. If approval is high enough, he'd ask to sneak away, watch the stars together, and possibly a kiss. But he wants to take things slow, especially because he is scared of whatever controls him to take over and ruin a moment.
Goblin Party
Boy is high on violence and murder, and totally open to fuck. No silly love making, no sweet words, mostly dirty, kinky sex. Minthara's sex scene is more romantic.
Romance path moves different paths from there on.
Evil Path: It's dangerous sex, and banter. Only sometimes gentle emotions peak through. He WILL kill Isobel, and Tav will not have a choice here. This is the path he was set on, and it allows him to get the Slayer Form later without hurting the player character. In the end he'll accept Bhaal, and no speech checks will change that. But he'll tell Tav that he'll stay around, until the day it was their turn to die by his hand... but that he hopes they'll be the last, and he'll follow soon after them. he still seems haunted by his choices, sometimes showing that he just gave up. There is a hopelessness in him... and any laughter cannot be as warm as it can be on his other path. He accepted he is a puppet from a higher power, he does not tug on his strings.
Good Path: He doesn't kill Isobel, more struggling in the shadow lands, nightmares opening up about them. Holding each other at night. One night in Act 2 he will ask the player to tie him up, else he'll kill them. If they do, congrats they'll survive. If not... game over, no resurrection. But after that is done, first sex scene, very romantic, and also changing with choices. He'll ask how they want to do it... and it can be kinky, it can be vanilla... top/bottom... just really indulging each other's wants and needs. (he will not fully dom in this scene, and the one where he is submissive is more detailed here) In Act III there will be all the game reveals. Who his father is, what his fate is, Orin being obsessed, Gortash being his ex lover, etc. And finally, the showdown with Bhaal. Here he is for a moment about to surrender. Because he is SCARED, feels weak in front of a God that made him, remembers the way he was broken, scared to suffer that again... but just supporting him, reminding him he isn't alone is enough to make him snap out of it and reject Bhaal. From there on he can be fully dominant, even sadistic if player wants/enjoys that in a romance/sex scene. But either way lots of after care and snuggling. In Game choices and talks influence his Epilogue. Maybe they also took in orphaned kids. Maybe he is going around and studying Bhaalspawn... but he'll usually ask for Tav's hand in marriage, wanting to make it official etc.
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crossdressingdeath · 10 months
for the dark urge asks: 5 + 15 + 1 (because i really need to know why kyvir is a bard of all things for a durge)
x @zoneofsmites
(Durge asks!)
Yeah bard sure is a choice for Durge huh.
1. What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass? I've talked about this a little before, but when Kyvir was eleven or so and mostly living on the streets he got caught murdering someone by a woman who happened to be a not-particularly-scrupulous bard (I'm tentatively saying a tiefling woman named Euphoria, but I'm not entirely settled on that just yet). While the murder child was... a lot, she decided that his skill at sneaking around would come in handy, so she made him a deal: she wouldn't turn him in to the Fist if he stole some notes from a rival bard for her. When that went well, she offered to teach him the bardic arts in exchange for his continued services as a spy and saboteur, an arrangement that worked quite well until she ran out of things to teach him that he couldn't pick up just as well or better on his own and Bhaal got sick of his kid having affection for someone else and made him kill her. (Don't feel too bad for her, she didn't even let Kyvir live with her. This did make it easier for him to indulge his Urges without her noticing, but still!) She also taught him the basics of College of Swords stuff, but he picked up most of it on his own after her death. Also, since I'm seriously considering multiclassing him into assassin rogue next run: that came entirely by instinct, and is why he was a reasonably successful murderer before even hitting his teens.
5. What opinion does your Dark Urge have about the Gods? Keeping in mind I'm not super knowledgeable about Forgotten Realms cosmology (and setting aside Bhaal, since that's a separate question on the list)... The good gods are a bunch of self-righteous bastards and the evil gods mostly just get in the way. Kyvir's not fond of any of them. Well, except for Bane; he has a genuine, deep-seated respect for Bane. Turns out that when you've got divine daddy issues and a bone-deep terror of being out of control, the god of tyranny starts seeming like a pretty compelling option for worship! What no it's not even a little bit a sex thing shut up.
15. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest fear? Losing control of himself permanently. The way Bhaal can take control of him and force him to kill even people he very firmly doesn't want to scares him at the best of times (and plays a part in why he can't fully commit to his relationships with Gortash pre-amnesia and Astarion post-amnesia until after he's tried to kill them and they've managed to stop him), but the thought that one day his father might decide not to give control back? The idea that one day Bhaal might yank his leash tight and leave him nothing but a mindless, obedient puppet moving only at the whim of his god forever? That terrifies him. Orin's fate keeps him up at night longer than his own death does.
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limpfisted · 11 months
Let me preface this by saying mind control bad, enver bad, slavery bad, obviously. But bad people don't just go "im going to be evil on purpose bc I love being wrong." They go "im going to be evil on purpose or on accident bc im right, I deserve this, UR wrong, im justified, it's different when it's me, im entitled to this."
Its interesting that this flaming fist lady who is tadpoled and then turned into a mind flayer in the sharess caress is like. Perfectly capable of having human interactions, and in fact, might even be more free now having sex with a sex worker despite the fact that she doesn't believe that she's beautiful
Even gortashs parents. U have free will to eat and sleep and bathe. Ur still living ur life. Absolute cultists can ever choose not to obey a direct order from ketheric, and get wormed.
So it's like. Whats free will really. How is gortash telling his parents to love him any different than telling a goblin to think of you as a true soul and envoy of God or whatever. And of course u don't have to make that choice. But in many ways it can be less harmful than it seems
Minthara calls it a dream of someone else's life. A dream she feels no responsibility for, except that Orin clearly wronged her. Even then, when was cognizant enough to know kethetic was a good general. To dislike the other ppl who worked for the absolute. She was more violent as an absolute cultist--but she was violent anyway
It is wrong. Freedom always
But also. I can see the appeal, myself, personally, or being in a dream like state like ulder was---and believing so genuinely that my son and I and gortash would bring a golden age to baldurs gate, together
If your tav, or durge. Was genuinely using authority. is THAT really different from a successful deception or intimidation roll. And if they've been using it this whole time
Well. Idk. It would just be interesting to see tavs and durges who thought they were good people, or thought they could change the world for the better. And said. Then let me control the elder brain.
Because you know, you're not just controlling good people. Ur controlling bad people
You can give everyone the life they deserve, and make them happy. You want to fix everyone, change everyone, change the whole world, right every wrong? U can do that.
Enver thought he could rule the world. But ur better than that. U can make people happy. Genuinely happy. A safe bubble around the world, as squishy and pink and soft and big as the elder brain.
I think this would be more tempting than people assume
Idk. Things to think about
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theannoyingurge · 3 months
1 and 6! 1 and 6!
1. What or who inspired your Durges design the most? A particular idea or vibe or perhaps another hottie or baddie?
Lucy (Elfen Lied) + GladOS (Portal) + Jennifer's Body + Jen Yu (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) + Kristin Spitz (Horseman 2009) and Alessa/Heather (Silent Hill)
Her vibe is Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulhu.
She grew into a massive collection of tropes that I wanted to blend and toy with from a story perspective: I started by combining Daddy's Little Villain and Enfant Terrible with Stockholm Syndrome. She begins a lonely Reluctant Monster who is Intrigued by Humanity. She envisions herself as a Terror Hero and Noble Demon to cope with her Warring Natures. Desperate to earn her father's love, she's a Sympathetic Sentient Weapon undergoing a painful transition into a Knight Templar and Apocalypse Maiden. When our Determinator and Dark Magical Girl isn't preoccupied being a One Man Army, she enriches herself as The Collector, obsessively researching her interests, Desperate for a Purpose. She's a Conspiracy Theorist who is Properly Paranoid about Jergal, the former Lord of The End of Everything, and often Right for the Wrong Reasons.
She becomes The Fatalist plagued by a Cosmic Horror Story who knows There Are No Coincidences. She is Above Good and Evil and makes this everyone's problem, particularly her own. She employs Straw Nihilism and Armor-Piercing Questions against victims to Break Them by Talking because therapy doesn't exist in the Cult of Bhaal, at least until she's at the helm - then enter the Psycho Psychologist. Despite this, she is frequently tempted by The Ingenue, a good-aligned behavioral equivalent to the Urge. She is a Stepford Smiler serving as a Love Martyr to Bhaal, Orin, and later Gortash.
Romantically, she suffers from Stalking is Love and Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny, further strained by In Love with the Mark and Forbidden Romance. She and Gortash are Agents Dating with a shared Power Dynamics Kink and Love Ruins the Realm (or saves it, apparently). After waking up on the beach with Amnesiac Dissonance, she becomes a Heroic Comedic Sociopath and Unstable Horror Ally who learns She Is Not a Gun and emerges the Anti-Anti-Christ.
6. Personality or looks, what came to you easier?
...I have not played the game since Patch 4 and honestly have no idea what she looks like until I sort out all the new mods available in September.
I'll probably style her after Zhang Ziyi (who played Jen Yu and Kristin Spitz) or Amelia Tyler (the narrator of bg3).
Bhaal was Netherese, who were described as having dark hair and pale skin, so it works.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
Still cobbling together a guide on dating in Faerûn, but the bit that always gets to me is that morality around sex and marriage and etc varies by faith and is decided by the dogma (and since 99% of Toril isn't henotheistic they shrug, accept that you can't please them all and live and let live).
But and this will shock nobody I was mostly mulling over what the fuck the Dead Three might say about this stuff (past the absolutely awful evil shit).
Ultimately it came down to, 'according to everything I know about Bane, his opinions on love and consent, and how he'd probably determine marriage laws for his faith, Do Not Marry a Banite,' and then debating with myself about whether Bhaal would discourage procreation amongst his followers (because that creates more life to 'mar' perfect death) or whether he encourages it and am disturbed to note it could be the latter.
Aside from getting more sorely needed followers born to worship him as opposed to relying only on converts, Bhaal has his godforsaken murder-monster breeding kink (on display in the novels and the games) where children are fine so long as they're born to inflict murder and bloodshed on the world, and I'm concerned he may actually encourage it in his followers.
You turn to your priest for spiritual guidance and you're told that Bhaal wants you to use your genes to make even better murder machines for him: make results like Orin, part doppelganger giving her brilliant infiltration skills, raised from birth in the murder cult. And bonus points because by the 15th century Bhaalist loyalists have started mixing with the 'monstrous' races of Faerûn. Historically the Gugari people (who are spirit-human hybrids) were also an isolated Bhaalist group. And an incestuous murder-happy empire... Bhaal I am going to neuter you. Bhaal also has a following amongst Sahuagin and I don't know if humans can breed with those but boy would I not be surprised.
Do you get brownie points if you provide Bhaal with a child that's a changeling, dhampir, half-illithid, half-gnoll, cambion, half-chromatic dragon, or something else with shiny new murder skills? (and in a lot of these cases inclined to violence and bloodlust)
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 4 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction - part 3
{find the link to my full fanfiction pinned on my page}
Chapter 7 - *Fanden’s Point of View {Emmy’s evil half-brother who is introduced for the first time}
My name is Fanden, a former human who grew up not having much of a childhood. I had a mother who was an escort and worked at Sharess Caress in Rivington during the week while I stayed with a sitter most of the time, and my father…well, he’s a tyrant who hungers for power, control, and working people to the bone. One night he slept with my mother to ease his mind, which was rampant from stress and his eagerness to get shit done. I saw my mother for only one hour a day as a kid, and the most fun I ever had was when my sitter took me to the playground every day. Occasionally, we went to the beach, but it didn’t feel right not having my mom there. I wonder who she would’ve been today. I wonder if I’d be so corrupted if she was alive.
My father was mostly out of my life, because my mother never told him she was pregnant with me. He didn’t want to have sex with anyone else but her when he went to Sharess Caress, and when he realized she stopped going, he felt the need to search for answers, like where she went and if she was even still alive. She left the city and hid for as long as she could, taking me with her and promised me a new life.
“We won’t live in these sewers for long,” she told me. Her voice was broken, her eyes drenched with salty tears. When I was around ten years old, she was murdered by Orin and her body was given up to the altar of Bhaal, right before Orin became his chosen. Gortash didn’t know of this for a while. I don’t quite remember how he found out or if he even knows Orin was responsible.
I wanted to forget every single horrible instance I’ve endured. I sold my soul to the devil Mephistopheles to replace the horrid sadness I couldn’t escape from. I told the devil that I’d rather feel any other terrible emotion than the painful heartbreak that I just couldn’t handle any longer. He couldn’t promise me happiness, but he could promise me a new life. I accepted and couldn’t wait for the heartache to leave my body. The moment my soul was sold, I became a grey-skinned tiefling with crimson eyes, beyond recognition of who I once was. This happened seventeen years after my mom’s death, and I found a new way to live: bloodthirsty for murder. As a kid, I managed to survive on my own, though it was hard. Hiding in shadows, scrounging off food from the trash, hunting animals…and dealing with the sorrows of my mothers death along with it all. However, recently, after selling my soul to the righteous devil, I’ve felt empowered. Right after Orin got killed by Emmy, who is my half-sister, I became his chosen. I have searched every corner of Baldur’s Gate seeking ways to murder so I can please my angry lord. Yes, the dragonborn used to produce Bhaalspawn is dead, but I’m now Bhaal’s chosen, and it’s only going to get worse from here.
Gortash came to me after becoming resurrected, admitting to me that he’s my father and he found out the entire truth just years later. He resents my mother for never telling him I was his son. He took me in, and I’m free to shelter and eat an endless amount of food as long as I obey his wishes.
“My son, have you gotten any sightings of Miss Emmy yet? I need to find her soon. She will receive the wrath that’s been long-awaited from her,” he mumbles, cracking his knuckles. “Maybe I’ll be merciful. She is my daughter after all.”
“The last I saw, she was eating breakfast at that Inn in Waterdeep where you had made contact with her mind. Her, that Wizard, and their baby were eating with some other tiefling. She was so absorbed into the mind tricks, I really couldn’t get too much info out of her. That was last tenday though.”
“They have a baby? My grandchild? Oh, even better.” The hallways of the palace are rather quiet as his voice echoes through the place. “This will be so much easier without Orin getting in the way.” My brow furrows, confused by what he means by that. Last I understood, she was alive and ready to rip apart the city again. Hells, if she’s dead, that just makes life even easier for me.
“Wait –”
“Yes, she’s dead. Again. Bhaal made his choice, realizing she’s really not as worthy as he thought. He found you, a much better predecessor. We’ll have to get into that later. This is the one instance I guess I could say I’m glad you worship Bhaal, though I hope you can join me in my praise for the almighty Bane. Ahem. Moving on to other matters.” He studies my face, realizing I have so much I need to ask him. “It appears you have questions. Out with it, son.” My claw scratches the flesh of my thigh, but I’m fighting the urge to dig for blood, even though it’s my own. I want to destroy. Obliterate. Annihilate.
“Well, you mentioned the baby before. Why do you want her?” A smirk appears on his stern face as he begins to pace back and forth.
“You’re a paladin. An oathbreaker, like our dear friend Ketheric. I wouldn’t expect you to understand everything, so I’ll let it slide. That baby has a chance to grow up and dominate the brain, helping us control and gain power for ourselves. It’s not too late. I will please Bane and show him I really am worthy of this second chance.” I guess I can’t argue that. However, there is one particular issue getting in the way of the plan.
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, father.” Gortash sighs heavily and crosses his bulky arms against his chest, pouting like a toddler.
“And why not?”
“Emmy, that wizard, and the baby included – they’re all immortal. All of them. That baby won’t age, so she has no chance of falling to your demands.” Ketheric steps in next to my father, holding a serious stare with him.
“That also means Emmy’s memories can’t be affected if she’s immortal. If we chain her with the soul chains…we can take that from her. She’ll be weak like a squirming imp who can’t bother to fly.” Gortash smiles, nodding at Ketheric and impressed with his plan. It seems their goal is to gain immortality for themselves and conquer the world like before, but hopefully with success.
“Fanden, my son, I must say I am rather impressed with your abilities to get all the information I need about her. You’ve been keeping track without even being spotted, and for that, I must say thank you. I underestimated you. Bring Emmy to me at all costs. We will use the soul chains to grant us eternal life and suck out the weakness within her, unless we can somehow manage to get her to comply. We’ll go from there.”
“And if she somehow catches me?”
“Find a way to lure her in.”
“Tell her that little tiefling friend of hers was abducted,” Ketheric grumbles, his voice so deep it brings chills across my flesh. “If she doesn’t comply, he dies.”
I pick up my warhammer and place it behind my back, feeling a powerful urge within me to destroy. I have to fight the temptation to murder her right then and there, no matter what happens. I will become worthy of my father’s love and compassion…if Gortash even has it in his heart.
“And spawn? Try not to get yourself killed.” I nod as I turn around to storm out the doors.
“You underestimate my power, father.” He claps his hands together as he gives me an evil yet appreciative gaze, his smirk expressing hopefulness and determination.
“That’s what I like to hear, son.”
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sybaritick · 8 months
Describe your favorite durgetash dynamic for us? And do you prefer the "Canon" Dark Urge or your own Durge when writing?
oooooh this is a fun question, thank u!
i don't have my own Durge outside of the "canon" one-- I like to write the white dragonborn sorcerer, with no name but The Dark Urge. (I do have a Tav tho.) I definitely enjoy reading about others' Durges, but I feel no need to make one myself.
i love their dynamic having a lot of power struggle to it, especially early on. at first Gortash thinks the Bhaalspawn will be easy enough to manipulate into compliance; at first the Dark Urge thinks Gortash is just another politician, just another Banite, and just another body.
they each come to respect the other for being a more formidable opponent than anticipated, and because they realize they have more in common than either of them would be willing to admit. one fun part of this is that gortash is not quite the perfect lawful-evil a Banite could be-- his human appetites for power and sex and revenge are too obvious. he is not the perfectly emotionless machine he perhaps wishes he could be. in the same vein, the dark urge is not the perfectly chaotic evil creature someone like Orin is; he is too much of a thinker, a planner, for that. he's just a little too smart to be exactly what was expected of him. and he's a more effective killer for it-- not less. even tho gort is still LE and durge is still CE, they both have that taste of ruthlessly-practical self-interested NE to them...
in terms of sex, i like Gortash to dom (even more so if he is trans) but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to top-- i think he usually tops, but he can take dragonborn dick like a fucking champion, he'd hold durge's leash while he does it. :3 i think he's primarily a sadist but definitely also a masochist-- you have to be, to want to fuck a bhaalspawn as badly as he does. the pain sings in him like the pleasure. also, he wouldn't admit it but he likes the talking back from Durge, the disobedience, the challenge. all the more fun to subjugate someone who puts up such a glorious fight. also DEFINITELY going hard on that disgusting, insatiable obsession with truly owning durge, the desire to chip away at his autonomy and independence, to condition him into being a perfect little pet, a lovingly polished weapon, a favorite toy... Gortash won't get what he wants, but Durge always has to be a bit on guard for the ways his favorite Banite tries to coax him into surrendering a bit more of himself every time.
durge i like to write as a switch at heart, and absolutely a lunatic of a sadist. but when he is submissive he's submissive in that he craves the relief of freedom from The Weight Of Decisions/Complexity but he absolutely cannot admit it to himself. he'll struggle to the last because he knows if he gives gortash an inch he'll take and take and take. but see-- holding onto just a shred of control is terrifying. Durge is too fully aware of what he's doing, the ever-present threat of his father, the threat of their alliance. Fully letting go, though-- all of that is gone. Nothing more to worry about but the delicious mindlessness of it all, nothing but formless sensation. Just give in.
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voloslobotomyservice · 9 months
3, 4, 5, & 11 for nsfw oc asks!
Elias seems nice and corruptible so far 😈
Elias’ whole story arc is him being corrupted from oathbreaking but resisting the temptation to do more evil things 😈
Technically 4 was answered here but I think I want to elaborate further on him bc I love him so much
original NSFW asks here
(under cut)
3. Quick vs Planned sex — thoughts?
Both are good for him. There’s something about the adrenaline rush from a quickie, especially if he and his partner are out with the rest of the party and they just HAVE TO do it now so they run off and go at it. Elias is still fixing his trousers when he catches up with everyone.
But planned sex feels much more intimate, it brings him closer with his partner. And he knows they can take their time exploring each others bodies all night.
4. Are they more of a dom, sub, or switch? If applicable, are they a top, bottom, or vers?
It took him a while to realize it, but this man is a dom. When he was in the beginning stages with Leila (his ex), they explored a lot of different positions/techniques in the bedroom. But as the years went on, he definitely learned that he likes being in control, telling his partner what to do. Even if his partner is on top of him, he’ll be domming them from below.
5. Do they have any really out-of-left-field kinks/fantasies? Maybe even something that they wouldn’t necessarily want to act on but still have thought about?
He learned of two that he developed over his time with Leila that he doesn’t really act on but wishes he did:
a. He would never be a cuck, however, he would cuck another man. Like, getting nasty with a married woman while her husband watches. It drives him wild every time he thinks about it.
b. Breeding, 100%. He doesn’t necessarily want children yet, but the idea of filling someone up with his seed really gets him going. He doesn’t want it to drip out, either.
11. Are they attracted to anyone (specific person or just negative qualities) they really shouldn’t be?
He hasn’t met her in-game yet, but I just know Elias is gonna be down bad for Orin when he meets her in Act 3. Like, full blown weak in the knees, drooling, head is fuzzy can’t think. He just really likes women with a bit of trauma and a lot of edge.
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